#link however. good luck my boy
somnimagus · 1 year
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feeding the seagulls
[id in alt!]
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whaledenwtf · 9 months
I'm such a sucker for Gale, and I want some fluff about him, maybe like what happened after or during the wedding, what would it look like? Like what would our man do
I'm such a sucker for Gale too, he's just baby. I'm not too familiar with Act 3 and the new epilogues they added but I'll do my baby justice. I'll be writing this with a female reader, so if you'd like GN! Reader I can try rewriting it.
As always, I try to keep Gale in character as much as possible. If you enjoy this fic, consider sharing it! I have requests open, which you can send here: Link I have a Masterlist for Baldur's Gate 3 works I've written, which also has a list of what I will and won't write here: Link
Gale x AFAB!Reader - Wedding Bells
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Warnings: AFAB!Reader, Fluff, Mentions of Anxiety, Self-Deprecation (Poor Gale), Mentions of Mystra (Mystra when I catch you Mystra), Minor Angst if you squint.
Gods he was so nervous. He kept pacing back and forth, subconsciously playing with his hands.
"Are you having regrets Mr. Dekarios?" He is snapped out of his reverie by Tara, who's watching him from a distance.
"Regrets? I could never regret my relationship with (Y/N), Tara. I am just... nervous. I don't want her to change her mind, is all." He tells her honestly. Tara struts closer to him, tail swaying behind her.
"I believe you are overthinking, Mr. Dekarios. After all, don't you think she would have changed her mind before the wedding day?" He ponders that for a moment.
"I suppose you may be right, Tara. However, I've come to realize there is no such luck for a fool like me. She may have changed her mind and is running out now-" To emphasize his point, he looks out the window to see if there is a runaway bride. He exhales in relief when he doesn't see you running off. Tara scoffs.
"Are you sure you won't be the one who runs out? Show some self-respect Mr. Dekarios. You are incredibly talented and a good friend. She loves you, in case you had forgotten." Tara sits, her wings twitching.
He looks away from the window, only seeing the wedding party seated in the rows and rows of seats, alongside your companions who were interacting with one another. The door opens, and Gale's mother walks in.
"Oh thank Mystra! My little boy is getting married- I was starting to get worried." Morena wails out, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. Gale rolls his eyes.
"Have you so little faith in me, mother?" She huffs, squinting at him.
"You were a recluse, Gale. A mother tends to worry when her son is aging without another by their side. I just want you happy." She tells him. He looks down, feeling guilty for worrying his mother.
"I am sorry-" Morena shakes her head.
"All is in the past now-" She claps her hands. She walks closer, giving him a once over, brushing non-existent dust off his shoulders. "I am very proud of you." She tells him quietly. He grips her in a tight hug, like a child would when they were scared. She caresses his back comfortingly, and he is filled with a sense of calmness. All his previous fears and anxieties dissipate. The door opens again. Morena lets go of Gale, giving him some space.
"Just coming in to check in. Am I disturbing something?" Gale hears your voice. Before he can take a glimpse at you, he turns around, eyes screwed shut.
"It is bad luck to see the bride before the aisle!" He shouts out. All the women giggle at him. You begin walking forward, smiling at Morena and Tara.
"We will leave you two alone. Come, Tara." They leave, closing the door behind them.
"Turn around, sweetheart. Who needs luck or gods, when we have each other?" You tell him, standing behind him. He sighs, turning around, eyes still screwed shut. You chuckle, taking his face in your hand.
"Open your eyes, Gale." He opens one eye, and his jaw drops. You were stunning; probably the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes upon.
"Oh-" He opens both eyes, to look you up and down, multiple times.
"You're beautiful." He whispers, eyes watering. It never felt so real until this moment, seeing you devote yourself to him. You wipe the single tear that leaves his misty eyes. He blinks multiple times, willing himself not to cry.
"You don't look too bad yourself." You tease him, grinning.
"I wanted to check on you, see if you had changed your mind?" He looks into your eyes, seeing your honesty.
"Why would I change my mind?" You shrug.
"We don't need fancy ceremonies or gold rings to show our love to one another. All I need is you by my side." He takes your hand, kissing it.
"I can never regret anything I do if it involves you, my love." You giggle at his words.
"How are you feeling?" You ask him sweetly. He bites his lip.
"I am- was very nervous. For a moment I thought you would want to cancel the wedding." You shake your head.
"I love you, Gale. I'm not going anywhere. The tadpole couldn't keep us apart; nor the Netherese Orb; and definitely not some goddess." You end the sentence bitterly. He chuckles, putting his arms around you, kissing your forehead.
"We can do this, together." He says out loud.
"Together." You whisper, leaning into his neck and kissing him there.
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BONUS: You close the door behind you, leaving Gale to his thoughts. You turn to see Astarion and Wyll waiting for you. You jump, holding a hand to your heart as they scared you.
"Gods! Don't sneak up on me like that." They both chuckle.
"Did he cry?" Astarion asks excitedly. You chuckle, nodding.
"HA! Pay up Ravengard." Wyll sighs, handing over a pouch of gold to Astarion.
"I knew that sap would cry. Shouldn't have bet against me." Wyll rolls his eye.
"Alright Astarion." Wyll tells him. You smile at the two, before pulling them away from the door.
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tookthe-405 · 5 months
Chapter 2: Damage gets done ~ hozier (MY LOVE)
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a/n: again, sorry this took so long, life’s been stressful but I hope y’all like it <33 its long af tho
this is honestly just me messing around with happiness and then destroying it soon 😍
c/w: smut in future chaps!!, religious trauma, internalised homophobia, religious manipulation/abuse, implied abuse by parent
summary: you grew up religious without questions and in summer you would get send to vacation bible school. The camp always felt like prison to you, until a very interesting girl appeared.
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7/22/2007 (sunday, week 1)
Readers pov:
10:02 a.m
The faces of the others were frozen as you trudged back to the hostel, which you couldn't blame them for. You don't see two girls with wet clothes here every morning, and the fact that you had to walk past the dining room to get to the stairs didn't exactly help you stay inconspicuous.
You and Ellie lost track of time a bit and were already too late when you noticed that breakfast had already started. The dining room doesn't really have a single door, the room was just completely open with no wall or door that could have protected you from being seen.
Giggles and agitated whispers immediately started as Ellie walked past the large room and down the corridor. Pastor Tobias' eyes pierced into back of your head as you walked past the hall.
Ellie found it all very entertaining and waved to a group of people who greeted her back with a laugh.
You, however, couldn't meet anyone's gaze, not your friends and certainly not Pastor Tobi's.
With your head bowed and your wet hair hitting your red cheek, you quickly fidget past all the spectators.
After 2 days, the events came dry from the lips of the people and you and Ellie could walk through the halls with a little less shame.
Or at least you did.
Ellie didn't think the whole thing was so bad. She said she didn't care and that it was worth it. That you hadn't done anything wrong, and she was right, you hadn't done anything bad.
But guilt was beggingly nibbling at your skin, hoping to be let into your brain where you would make up some fucked up mistake.
The singing of the choir and hazel next to you make it a little harder to think about all this, but not impossible. With your luck, you might dream about it. The whole scene in front of you, is so familiar that it feels like you are timely. The many children of different ages who sing their souls out to be enough.
Some of them are also really good, and some are good and love to sing. But they will probably not get any further than your little congregation, because it was explained to you from an early age that those talents you own are there to serve God and only him.
Acting out of free will would make you feel too guilty.
Your gaze rushes behind a shoulder to Ellie, and even she sings with it. Ellie seems to have made friends with a group of boys and girls a few days ago. She fits in pretty well, everyone looks like they don't feel like being here.
The short-haired girl catches your eyes and winks at you slightly, which makes you grin. She's so inserious, it's to laugh sometimes. With the same grin, she makes a small movement with her fingers and hands that looks as if she is composing something on an invisible piano. You understand that she just wants to tease you and show her a guitar-playing gesture.
"Don't do that!"
The hissing in your ear scares you, and you shake together briefly. After you have stretched your body forward again, and your shoulders feel like wooden boards, you give Hazel an apologetic look.
She unobtrusively holds a finger to her lips instead of telling you to shut up.
But her look is not as angry as she sounded, she admonishes you to stay out of trouble and you have to admit, that has often saved your ass.
When you were smaller, you wanted to try out almost everything, whether it was because of your quick trust in other people or because you just hated yourself too much to have any self respect left, no matter what it was, it almost messe up your life. Or rather your social life in church. And Hazel was like a warning hand that pulled you back again and again, saving yiuin the last moment.
When the piano music ends quietly and slowly, everyone sits down again, and a squeak sounds through the room. The piano that is played on every morning is old, but still sounds quite good. You could play all the hillsong songs and the old ones of your grandparents with your eyes closed if you had to, but Tanja does a good alternative job for you.
Your mother liked it so much, when the piano was played in the service that she thought it would be all the more beautiful if her daughter sat up there.
"Good morning everyone"
The older pastor leans against his narrow pedestal with the large cross on front and looks slowly through the rows.
"Personally, I find that 2 days are enough to get used to a life in nature and among themselves with God" he sighs tired for a short time as if he is already disappointed about something.
"Tomorrow you will go to the city with your assigned room partners and grou leaders and spread God's word”
Groaning resounds around in the room, most of pre teens who would rather do anything else than talk to strangers in the summer heat. Your group also has less desire, but this happens here every year like a kind of tradition, so you've been preparing for it.
"Not only that! The kitchen also prepares candied apples, which you can then all hand out nicely together!"
That was new. However, you understand the purpose behind it, you would also like it more to sit and listen here with a candied apple. In recent years, so many people have slammed the door in front of your nose that a few apples can't be bad.
"Hey girls" Louisa's voice makes you all look over your shoulder.
She kneels in front of you to be able to whisper better and more inconspicuously.
"You have kitchen duty this afternoon, please don't forget it and don't plan anything"
you all nod in Union.
"Kate!" Admonished hazel.
"What? It always takes like what? 2 hours?-"
"2 hours and 46 minutes" you improve her.
The four girls look at you confused.
"I stopped time last year out of boredom"
hazel grins at you, you twist your eyes but there is also a soft smile on your lips. You know exactly what's going through her head.
'That's so weird but just too sweet'
"I can't even remember the last time" murmurs naveah dreamy, her gaze rigidly on the ceiling.
"Probably because it was so traumatic that your brain simply deleted it for you" Kate dramatically her index finger against her head.
"It wasn't so bad, Kate exaggerates."
"I don't"
"my legs hurt all day"
Kate's and Mia's voices roll over and you smile. Hazel looks at you questioningly. You gambled with your shoulders.
"2 hours and 46 minutes Hazel..."
the girl shakes her head and her brown curls fall around her face a few times. "I thought it was okay"
Kate snorts. "Haze you would walk around in underwear in the snow if it happened in the name of the church."
"You wouldn’t?
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11:38 a.m (sunday, week 1)
Three. You got 3 soccer balls shot in your face within 1 hour. You're not surprised that one of them was from Caleb, but the other two were shot by the same pretty black-haired girl, and it didn't look like she was sorry.
"What the…"
You stare at her and Caleb's backs during the water break and hope that it was just a coincidence, even if deep down you know that it wasn´t.
"Does he still not like you?" Naveah, sweating, picks up her water bottle while her eyes wander from time to time between you and Caleb.
You shrug, now more focused on Caleb fooling around with some guys.
The air in the gym was incredibly thick and almost unbearable, but the leaders still talked you into a soccer match. It was more or less Hazel's decision anyway and you guys do everything she does. The high windows let in the warm sun, whose heat wasn't particularly welcome right now.
The teams are mixed, meaning there are boys and girls on the same teams, aged 16 to 18. There weren't many, but enough to at least form 2 fair groups with even a few substitutions on the bench.
Ellie is nowhere to be seen , which doesn't surprise you, you regret ever saying yes to this, but you miss her in the disgusting, sweaty, narrow air. Her presence and her funny jokes would have been the only thing that could have made this a little less shitty.
"What's the deal with him anyway?" Naveah doesn't seem to let this go.
"We just don't like each other, that's just how it is sometimes."
She frowns.
"I don't think you can hate each other so much without a reason."
"I don't hate Caleb, I don't really care about him"
Naveah lets out a snort.
"Damn didn't know you could be a little bitchy too"
Caleb turns briefly in your direction and you take that as a sign to turn away and finally sit down for the next 8 minutes. Naveah does the same.
“I think everyone can be a little bitchy, you can’t like everyone and everything”
“Jesus could”
“Well im not Jesus”
she stretches her legs out next to you and sighs deeply.
"I know, even if this doesn't sound good, I sometimes find the principle of the church really fucked up. I try to love everyone, even people who do bad things to me, but it doesn't always work."
You're very surprised that she comes to you with this, but now that she did, you want to give her the best comfort you can.
"That's okay, naveah. We're neither God nor Jesus, we can do some things and we can't do some other. And we find a lot of things difficult. So Hate who you want"
naveah laughs and then becomes creepily serious again.
"Thanks, since you became friends with Ellie, you seem more relaxed to me."
Thinking, you try to remember your life before Ellie, but you can't. Before that everything was much more colorless, it didn't make as much sense as it does now.
"yes, I guess"
"no matter what Hazel says, you're right, Ellie isn't bad. How can a bad person make someone else this happy?"
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12:24 p.m (sunday, week 1)
You haven't heard from Ellie all morning. It was almost as if she had completely disappeared, and if you're honest, you've had the feeling for a while that one day, she would just run away from here.
You wouldn´t hold it against her, but you would still feel dejected and left behind.
naveah and you talk a lot more after the game, she's more like you than you thought and you think she's good company. She understands your humor and you don't feel stupid or judged after every sentence you say.
It often happens to you that you wish for a world and reality in which it was always so easy to live. Where not every breath you take feels wasted.
You try very hard not to think about Caleb or your siblings back home. Homesickness seemed to catch up with you sooner or later anyway, but you didn't expect it to happen so quickly.
The summer heat was bearable, but it was still uncomfortable, so you spent most of your time indoors. Shortly after 12, Naveah suggested playing a few rounds of Uno with you, and since there was nothing better to do, you agreed.
"My father taught me uno, I can still remember that"
there is a very faint smile in her voice that touches your ears. She sounded a bit sad, as if she´s mourning that time of her life.
"I don't know your father at all"
you put a wish card on top of the pile of other cards. One round probably turned into a few.
"He's not really a christian, sometimes I think that's why he is the way he is"
"What do you mean?"
"He has a lot of emotions, he doesn't know what to do with them."
Christian parents are often very strict, as there are many rules in both parenting and the Bible that you have to follow. But since Naveah is talking about her atheist father, you don't really have a picture of what she really means, both your parents are religious.
"I don't understand exactly what you mean naveah…"
half of your brain is focused on the girl in front of you and the other half on the cards on the floor. Naveah moved around a little to sit down a little more comfortably, but this position didn´t seemed to free her from the emotional discomfort.
"Sometimes he doesn't know where to put all the anger. My mother doesn't help much with that either. Both of them know how to provoke each other, but only one of them knows how to deal with feelings."
"I still don't know what you mean? How does that affect you and your fathers relationship?"
It seems absurd to you how you talk about something like that while you're playing Uno, but if that's what she needs.
"Girls, lunch is ready and then you have to rinse off."
Louisa's voice flashes through the room and everyone moves quickly, but you make a mental note to talk to her about it later. You walk at a slow pace down the hallway and the other girls just rush past you. You remember how easy everything seemed to you at that age.
On the second floor you meet Jonathan.
“Hey you got wash up duity, don’t you?”
A dramatic groan leaves your mouth and you nod.
Joanthan is nice. You know his parents very well and you both grew up together as often as you saw each other at school and he was one of the only boys who wasn't interested in bullying girl for fun.
"Are you in the same room with Samuel?"
“Samuel and Austin, luckily”
You nod in understanding and see your group of girls whizzing past you out of the corner of your eye. Hazel turns to you briefly and gives you that grin and suddenly you know exactly what's going on here. An unpleasant feeling spreads through you and you try hard to ignore it.
"yeah… it's nice that you're still friends"
"I can't believe how long I've been able to put up with these two"
You giggle a little bit uncomfortable and think about the many pranks the three boys have pulled off. Both here in the camp and at school.
“Have you planned any new pranks?”
"hmm I don't know if I can tell you that" Jonathan grins at you.
"Well, if I hear something about a prank, I know who it was."
He shrugs and chuckles softly.
"Do you know what you're planning to do after the summer holidays? Now that we've finished school." you ask him.
He doesn't seem so sure about his answer.
"Not really, I don't know yet whether I want to stay here or go further away. Samuel wants to study in new york, I feel a bit left behind"
left behind. You know the fear of that as well.
"No matter what you decide, you have a future everywhere, time goes by either way"
he smiles at you and combs a few thick curls out of his face. You notice that he's looking at you longer than necessary.
"Hey would you like-" "Jesus where are they?"
You try strenuously to find Hazel's brown curls over the many people's heads, but they are nowhere to be seen.
"Sorry Jonathan, I have to find the others before they can no longer manage to save a seat for me."
you lie coldly to his face.
Without any further words, you quickly march through the many groups. You can feel his confused look burning at your spine, but whatever he wanted wasn't what you wanted.
You notice two things in the dining room.
Luckily Hazel secured a spot for you and Ellie is talking to the girl who shot a fucking ball at you. Twice.
Ellie's face seemed neutral, she was smiling slightly.
Jealousy overcomes you and you´re embarrassed at how quickly and unexpectedly it happens. Your cheeks redden and you feel very immature, like in middle school when you were mad that Hazel had other friends besides you.
You sit down in silence next to Hazel, who has already placed a plate at your place. Some pureed vegetable soup that you have to force down.
"What did Jonathan want?" Kate leans forward eagerly.
Unexpectedly, Jonathan is a good distraction for once.
"You're being so childish"
"Come on, we're just curious"
That's how it was always with the boys. No matter what people say, Christian girls are obsessed with boys, no matter how much the feeling of guilt trys to destroy that. For many, boys even come before God in terms of interest.
Not necessarily boys, but more the romance itself. The acceptance and recognition of being enough for a man.
Your eyes flick to Ellie, who is still talking to her about something seemingly funny. Of course you don't care.
“He didn’t want anything from me and even if he did it i would not care.”
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1:14 p.m (sunday, week 1)
You are just waiting to be let into the kitchen. It's nothing unusual to take on kitchen duty in camp. It's a kind of thank you from the church to the kitchen for cooking warm food every day. Every girl's room gets a turn twice a year. After the girls' rooms have all been through to the second time, there are two more boys' rooms so that it doesn't get unfair. Ironic isn´ it?
Every year it's the same, every year you can hear the boys crying and complaining when they're the ones who have to do it this year. Now was your day where you have to wash 200 dishes. The staff and managers involved.
Ellie isn't here yet. She can't really have forgotten it, Louisa reminded her not to do anything between 1 and 3 p.m. this morning.
"Okay girls, then let's get to work."
Lousia opens the door to the kitchen a little too enthusiastically with her key and everyone follows her limply. It's the same place with the same number of dirty dishes.
Washing the dishes yourself isn't that bad for you, it's the fact that this kitchen is so damn dark.
For some reason there are only 3 windows in the white, old room. The tiles on the floor are already old and a few edges have broken off, the potholes were noticeable on the sole of your slippers. It still smells like soup and detergent and you wonder who would want to spend hours doing something like that.
“Here” Hazel hands you gloves and an apron.
"Sorry I'm late" Ellie stands in the doorway, panting, looking for Lousia's gaze, but it still stays on you.
"Hey" she smiles at you… shyly?
You smile back and pull the apron over your head.
"Ellie… please don't let this happen again."
“I promise it won´t”
Hazel also hands her the things and Ellie doesn’t hesitate for a second. You're a little surprised that she showed up at all, but she seems a bit inergic to you.
"Okay, we'll divide into 3 groups and one will rinse while the other dries and puts thw dishes away," you almost order the others.
You grew up with a very tidy mother and a big sister, you know a lot about tidying up and organization. That's why no one hesitates and does what you said.
"I wanted to talk to you all day"
Ellie's rough voice loops into your right ear and you quickly grab the dishes and a sponge as a distraction and start to rinse.
"I'll rinse you dry"
Ellie seems surprised to have to pick up a plate but does as you say.
"Everything okay?"
What bothers you is how easy it is for her to read you.
“Yes, everything is perfect”
“It doesn’t seem like it?”
"That's your self Ellie?"
"Did anything happen?"
"Did I do something?"
You say her name a little loudly and Mia, who is standing across from you, turns to you briefly and smiles encouragingly at you.
No, that is completely wrong. You shouldn't be mad at Ellie, you should stand by her, she could be in distress or something.
You direct your gaze again, an embarrassing blush on your face.
As strange as it sounds, Ellie really looks beautiful in an apron. Her soft curves, her forearms that show off her fair, freckled skin and the black ink of her tattoo. She always has to pull up her sleeves no matter what she does.
"I just had a bad day okay?"
You take the next plate.
"Her name is Ruth"
Ruth. you imagine how the name would feel on your tongue, how it would taste. How it would taste on Ellie's tongue. Shaking, you banish the thought because the thought of a sentence where both Ellie’s tongue and taste appear, seems too dangerous to you.
"I didn't ask that"
"You didn't have to"
Nobody speaks for 10 minutes, there is complete silence. Your thoughts rush from one corner of your brain to the other. You didn't want to argue with her, you didn't want to be anything other than hers.
soon you realize that you have no right to be angry with Ellie. She can talk to whoever she wants. Strangely enough, it also seemed to make a certain amount of sense for Ellie that you were angry.
You Wonder why.
"I'm sorry," she murmurs next to you, a wet glass in her hand.
"You don't have to be, you didn't do anything, Ellie."
Your anger subsided, and your longing for Ellie's soft, warm voice grew.
"I haven't paid any attention to you all day."
"You don't have to-"
"But I want to. As often as I can."
Sometimes you think that she doesn't even notice what she's actually saying to you. That she's in a trance and doesn't even notice what's falling over her lips. How vulgar her allusions are, and how good they feel.
You turn around briefly, but no one seems to have heard.
"It's okay, don't worry about it now."
"I really am sorry though." Her hand rests gently on your back, but doesn't quite touch you. it is the gesture itself that counts here, but you can't help but think of her soft skin, of her many freckles that are certainly not only on her face.
"I know. Me too, I shouldn't have acted around like that"
her face shows how happy she was with the situation and you smiled too.
"I like your hair. It's really pretty braided" she whispers
her hands sadly turn back to the dishes and your gaze remains stuck to her for a while. But how could you not? who would ever want to look away from her?
"what did you want to tell me?" you ask her.
"how do you know that I want to tell you something?"
"you get really fidgety when you want to talk about something"
you notice so many things about her. how her leg fidgets slightly, how she keeps having to change her position and shifts her hips from left to right, how she bites her cheek, sometimes too hard.
"um... I had an idea"
"Ellie, no-"
"I haven't said anything yet"
the running water covers your voices, luckily, and no one notices.
"We're handing out these apples tomorrow and I thought to myself-"
you give her another glass and look into her soul.
"That's stupid and we're not 10 anymore, Ellie, what makes you think of something like that?"
Ellie takes the glass slowly and carefully, not breaking eye contact with you. Her eyes look hurt.
"Please explain it to me" you try to make your voice softer, more trustworthy.
"I don't want to be here. You don't understand, you're here every year and people love you. There's something wrong with me and I'm reminded of it every fucking day, I just want to show him what it's like to be treated like that"
you could hear the tears in her voice. You noticed early on with your brother that some people just don't cry, or at least don't like to. They express their tears differently, with Ellie it's her voice.
Her voice shows how she's feeling just as clearly as tears would have.
The kitchen is divided into two compartments. One is where they cook and the other is where they put the dirty dishes and clean them.
"How are we even supposed to get into the kitchen? And how do we know that they haven't already put the glaze on the apples? We don't know anything, Ellie-"
"Jesse's mother is volunteering to help in the kitchen. He said that he needs to help his mother to candy the apples this evening. But before that we can make a few changes."
Your mouth is slightly open. She has really thought this through. You hand Ellie another glass and stare at the door at the end of the room. No chance of her just getting in there. Louisa is a very nice manager but even that wouldn't gat an approve of her.
"How are we even supposed to get in there?"
a high, loud noise bounces around in the air and you flinch so much that it hurts.
"oops" Ellie grins at you slightly after she has dropped the glass, you gave her to dry, on the floor.
"I'm so sorry, god I'm so clumsy"
Ellie gives you a whole scene, in which you don't have to do anything but hold back a laugh.
"Louisa, forgive me, it just fell out of my hand"
the other girls have to hold back a giggle too, even Hazel.
Ellie's high, dramatic voice sounded bad like a dying cat, but once again you were impressed by how daring she is.
"Yeah, yeah Ellie, clean that up. The broom is in the storage room"
Louisa presses the many keys into Ellie's hand and doesn't seem at all surprised.
"Thank you very much sister" for a moment you thought she was bowing.
„we’re not catholic Ellie-“
„But Mrs. I don't know where the storage rooms are"
„And I’m not married“ Louisa sighs
"Shit Ellie, I'm kinda enjoying this"
Kate grins at her and Ellie winks as Louisa gives Kate a warning look.
Ellie puts a strong, secure arm around you.
“Please accompany her”
Louisa waves her hands in the air between you two
“Sure” you reply like a robot
Ellie's arm pulls you towards the exit door and almost slams it behind you.
"first we ruin the glaze, then we can get the broom from wherever that was"
"in the storage room"
There are two doors to the kitchen. One that is in the washing up room and connects the two rooms and another that leads directly to the kitchen. The other entrance can be taken through the dining hall, and that's where you headed.
"if the pastor sees us, we're dead, Ellie"
you walk quickly but are still careful when you go around corners.
"I know, I think he wants to hang me on a scarecrow, I had a dream about that recently-"
you grab her arm and shove her back behind a safe corner.
"who the fuck is Phillip"
you press Ellie lightly against the wall because you are sure that sometimes she can't control her body properly. you peek around the corner slightly and see the orange hair.
"He's like the pastor's right-hand man, his best friend is also his roommate and his assistant."
"Pastors can have roommates?"
The orange spot at the end of the hallway slowly disappears like the light of a car on a dark night. This time you go first and Ellie follows you like a dog, she is also much quieter.
You feel 6 years younger and you like doing something you've never dared to do. Otherwise it was always the boys who played pranks and even though you never admitted it, you were always jealous.
Jealous of the freedom to behave like an asshole and not face any consequences. You wanted to have that laugh, that bond of having done something wrong together and to experience the big drama afterwards. To be praised for having done it.
"Shit, you like this, don't you?"
How can she read you so well?
When you get to the door you stare at her knowingly.
"Yes you do, you're not as good as you always act doll. And I mean that in the best way possible"
"You're full of shit Ellie"
you let her pass you and the green eyed girl hastily tries to find the key.
"hey" you calmly touch her quick hands.
"calm down. don't stress Ellie"
her cheeks redden and her hands slow down.
"i really can't find it. fuck do you even have the key to the kitchen as a group leader?"
out of instinct you pull the door handle to use the key and the door opens.
"That was easier than i thought-"
Ellie puts the keys in her back pocket and carefully sticks her head into the kitchen. you keep watch so that no one walks by and tells on you. you quickly scurry after Ellie into the empty, warm room and smell the sweet air of the apples.
"the door has a fucking window" Ellie whispers in your ear and points at the door from where your friends are cleaning dirty dishes, the door that leads to Louisa who Is waiting for her keys.
goosebumps spread across your arms and legs and you are not sure if it is where Ellie is or the chance of being thrown out of the camp.
as you stand in front of the big pot you both breathe in out of reflex.
"It smells good, I even feel a little bad about ruining it"
Ellie watches the bubbling bubbles a little dreamily.
"Isn´t that actually vandalism?"
you ask thoughtfully.
Ellie almost laughs out loud and puts her hand over her mouth. You grab her arm and press even harder against her mouth so that she is really quiet.
"No, that isn't really vandalism oh my god you are innocent"
"Wow thanks Ellie, it was so enlightening"
you spend a while looking in the kitchen for something that might taste good and after a while Ellie finds vinegar that is probably decades old.
"that is so disgusting, remind me not to eat any of it"
Ellie's look confirms that somehow you'll have to eat it anyway.
"it will noticeable if we don't eat anything, just a small bite"
"Ellie what the fuck" you massage your temples with your thumb and watch her open the vinegar.
"not too much, okay?"
"yeah yeah"
In the end she used almost half the bottle to make it really gross. for an "extra reaction" she said. In the end you almost got caught by the pastor's right hand. In the end Ellie held your hand for exactly 4 seconds.
It was impressive how those 4 seconds stayed in your head for hours.
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Please post and repost a lot about Palestine especially right now. The videos shock me to my core and are really disturbing but people live these lives, these are children of someone. Please take your focus on the people in Palestine who are going thru hell. Help where you can
I really hope you liked this chapter, I will upload more after focusing more about palestine so it might take a while! Btw SO SORRY ITS THAT LONG
Taglist: @elliewilliamgfooc @bready101 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @vqxen @hersuniverse @nelzooo @shiimer @bellaramseysgirlfriend @sonthingwithl @vi0lentb3rry @elliewilliamsblunt @be3flow3r @adelaide013 @abbysbraids @mourningdovee
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misty--nights · 4 months
I'm working on another Dead Boy Detectives fic rather than work on my actual college stuff and it's got me thinking bout Niko and luck. Spoilers for the whole show, of course.
I find it fascinating how Niko keeps stumbling upon all these situations that seem like they have nothing to do with anything, only for her to find the key to whatever problem they encounter next in said random situation. It's a pretty consistent, too, that she seems to walk a line between bad and good luck. Like something bad will happen to her, only for that to be immediately offset by something really good that she found by chance. It's honestly kind of wild at times.
So, when we first meet Niko, she's being possessed by parasites that want to explode her, which doesn't seem very lucky. Except, that somehow the girl who moves across the girl just so happens to be with a couple of ghosts who can save her. Just in the nick of time, too. And at first that doesn't seem like that big of a deal. It's what the boys do, right? It makes sense they saved her just in time because that's what they do, and that's the kind of show this is. But this bad luck / good luck thing keeps happening to her until the end of the show.
In episode 4, she goes with the gang to the lighthouse and goes off on her own to talk to the gift shop lady. She doesn't find what it is that is drowning the people, but she does find information about the Washer Woman and about Lilith, which at the time seems to her and the others like just random information. She then goes to find the red sea glass and gifts it to Edwin on a whim, without knowing what it can do for them. She just finds it, like it's nothing, when later we see Tragic Mick spend so much time by the shore looking for one, and we see how hard it is. And I know they say in the show that only those who really need her can find the Washer Woman, but out of all four of them, Niko doesn't seem to be the one who needs the Washer Woman the most, as we see when Crystal is the one who receives a personalized riddle thing. Which, again, is something that will be super important later and Crystal gains that knowledge thanks to Niko just stumbling upon the key to finding the Washer Woman on accident.
Then, in episode 5, she just happens to stumble upon Jenny's secret admirer and manage to set up a date with them. Now, I know. I know Maxine is actually a stalker that ends up trying to kill Jenny, bad luck. Except nothing really happens to her there? @carpediemma has a post where she says that the floor was most likely dirty because she promised Jenny to clean the floors for a month if the date went wrong and Jenny was sort of banking on it being bad. With Niko's track record with luck, I think that is very possible. Again, bad luck / good luck situation. The date she sets up is ruined because Maxine tries to kill Jenny, but because she made the bet and Jenny fully believed the date wouldn't work, Maxine slips and fall.
Episode 6 might be a bit of a stretch. Technically, it's Crystal's decision to go to Tragic Mick's in search for some way to get rid of David, but it's thanks to Niko that she actually gets the heart gem thingy. So, bad luck there, because the gem takes away all of Crystal's powers. However, and this links back to episode 4 again, it's thanks to her finding the sea glass that eventually Crystal has the way to start discovering her real abilities.
In episode 7 she stays with the Night Nurse while Charles goes to hell and Crystal goes to find David. She starts reading the Night Nurse's book as a way to find something about her dad. Nothing she finds there would be useful for contacting, seeing or bringin him back. However, she does manage to stumble upon the exact passage she needed to buy Edwin and Charles some time after they get back from hell. And yes, maybe you could say that she read the whole book during the time Charles was gone, but I doubt it. We don't know how long exactly it takes Charles to find Edwin and return, but we do know it can't be that long, because the Night Nurse keeps insisting she can't keep the doorway open for long. I think at most he would have been gone 40 minutes, and that's me being generous. It's enough time for Crystal to confront David and come back. In any case, I don't think it's enough for her to carefully read the whole book front to back, no matter how good her reading comprehension is, specially if she was looking for something specific, like something about where her dad ended up in. I think it's more likely that she just found the page with the loophole she would need by chance, read it, filed it in her memory for a "just in case" and continued looking for what she wanted.
Finally, in episode 8, we have the whole Lilith thing that was set up in episode 4. She finds about her and files it as an irrelevant detail, until she hears Tragic Mick talk about Esther's deal and tells Crystal how she can contact Lilith, which ends up saving Crystal and the boys at the final confrontation. Besides that, though, there's the whole bear figure that Tragic Mick gives her and the explosion at Jenny's shop. In the explosion, Esther takes Charles and Edwin (bad), but neither her nor Jenny, the two living people in the shop at the time, are really injured in the commotion (good.)
And then the bear thing. In episode 7, she hears his story and tells him how they found the Washer Woman, and he can't find a piece of red sea glass of his own. Even though he is really desperate for a way to find her. (which, again, it's odd Niko is the one to find the Washer Woman when she wasn't that in need for the Washer Woman's assistance. The whole group was, but it was Niko who found her, but anyways). He gifts her the bear figure as a way to thank her for trying to help and they move on from that. And she accepts it and goes to Esther's place with Crystal, convinced of the protection of the bear, and then dies to save Crystal. Except she doesn't really? She's fine at the end, in some sort of frozen land, with Litty and Kingham, and by the way she holds the bear figure, it's implied that's what sort of saved her, even if she is no longer tied to the mortal plane.
I don't know, there was no real point behind this, just something I've been thinking about for a while. I think if someone has a shot at helping Tragic Mick return to sea, it's her, because she just has the luck to find solutions she wasn't even looking for. And I'm convinced if she ever makes it back to Port Townsend, that's just what she would do. On accident, but still. That's just the kind of character she is to me.
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schrodingers-romy · 1 year
Silver-Tongued Devil [Usagiyama Rumi x Reader]
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Pairing: Usagiyama Rumi x AFAB!Reader Word count: ~3,200 [Ao3 Link]
Summary: You somehow end up as the sacrifice for an incompetent cult. The demon they summon is not at all what they nor you expected.
Warnings: Kidnapping. Cults. Reasonably graphic depictions of violence and blood. Reader is injured (not extensively) but healed. AFAB reader; genitals are referred to by fem terms but no other gendered terms are used. Graphic Smut (MDNI). Strength Kink. Cunnilingus. Weird demon tongue. idk.
Notes: 3rd fic for Strange Lovers (my little monster!character x reader series for October)! Please ignore this was a day late i had such writer's block for this and i don't know why. I'm not sure if this is good or not honestly I just want to not have to look at it anymore. Mdni banner template from @/cafekitsune
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I have the absolute worst luck, you thought to yourself.
Perhaps you had broken multiple mirrors in the past. Did breaking multiple mirrors mean the seven years of bad luck was worse, or was the period of bad luck just longer?
You supposed it didn’t really matter, but how else would you end up like this: hogtied and gagged in the middle of a red painted pentagram, surrounded by what sounded to be frat boys in cult getups.
One of the little fuckers had ambushed you on your way home with a handkerchief soaked in chloroform. Next thing you knew, you were tied up in the middle of the woods, surrounded by a bunch of college kids in dark robes chanting Latin.
You had no idea why you specifically were picked. You had a feeling it was just because you were the first person they had been able to grab; you weren’t sure whether that was better or worse than being specifically chosen.
So far, they hadn’t done anything to you other than knock you out and tie you up. Unfortunately, at least one of them must have been really good with rope, because you couldn’t budge an inch. All your screaming amounted to nothing more than a few quiet, unintelligible sounds through the gag. And just because they hadn’t done anything major to hurt you yet, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t. They had no problem with kidnapping you; you doubted your purpose in their demonic ritual summoning or whatever was just sitting there looking distressed.
The chanting had been going on for what felt like hours; yet however boring it was, your anxiety kicked back up drastically when they stopped.
The cultists stopped circling, and turned to face you. One of them, presumably the leader because of his unique blood-red rope belt, stepped forward until he stood right in front of you, close enough to kick if you had the freedom to do so (which unfortunately you didn’t, no matter how much you tried).
In a loud, booming voice, he started up another chant, different from the first. And then he pulled out a wicked looking blade from the shadows of his robes.
You tried to get away; you tried to scream. You could feel your muscles straining against the ropes, but they wouldn’t shift. The gag kept your voice to a mumble even as you tasted iron in your throat from your shrieks.
It was all futile. He crouched down, holding the knife above you; the blade glinted red in the light of the fire. You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing for pain.
The stabbing you expected didn’t happen, but you were not spared from agony. He roughly cut away the fabric of your shirt around your stomach, exposing it to the night air; his canvas.  Slowly, excruciatingly, he began to carve a shape onto your skin; some sort of crescent moon, maybe; you weren’t sure, too busy screaming from the burning pain of it.
When the knife finally paused, you sobbed in relief. It still burned; you could feel the blood flowing and dripping onto the ground, both too-cool and too-warm feeling at once. But at least there were no new wounds made.
You drifted in and out of awareness, missing the cult’s final chants, but you did not miss the culmination of the ritual.
Once the final words were spoken by the robed figures, a violent bolt of lightning lit up the forest blinding white. The thunder followed immediately after, so loud it caused your ears to ring.
Your eyes took a minute to readjust to the dim light of the torches, and then you saw her.
You noticed two things about her right away: one, she was beautiful; two, she was utterly inhuman.
Her general figure was humanoid…if humans were seven feet tall. Her skin was a human shade of brown, yet her eyes were crimson red with slit pupils. Her broad, almost cocky, grin revealed shining white fangs. Her hair was pure white, hanging around her face in long braids. It was interrupted by the curling black horns emerging from her skull, and the rabbit-like white ears springing from the sides of her head.
She only wore draping gold jewelry, which seemed to drip down her body like liquid, covering her most private parts delicately. This allowed you full view of her muscles. She was built like a Greek statue: thick arms, prominent abdominal muscles, and thighs that could probably crush a man’s skull like a grape.
She radiated power. If you weren’t writhing on the ground in pain like a tortured worm, you would be cowering.
The cultists do cower a little, trembling in their robes. Finally, the one with the red belt steps forward.
“O Great Miruko, High Demon of the Moon, please accept this humble offering,” he said, gesturing to where you lay. “As per the summoning, we only request one day of obedience in exchange for the blood of the sacrificed.”
The demon tilted her head, never dropping her wide smile.
“So you losers thought you would have control of me with this ritual?”
Her voice wasn’t quite what you expected; it was human-sounding at first, if loud, but it echoed around the trees in odd ways, making it sound like thousands of whispers repeated her words. It was…unsettling.
The cultists seemed to agree. Their leader flinched visibly when the demon spoke. “Y-Yes. According to the ancient tome—” he said, pulling a beat-up leather book out of seemingly nowhere, “—we started the ritual on the right phase of the moon, we recited the proper chants, evoked the correct name, provided the sacrifice for consumption…everything is correct. As per the ritual’s rules, you are summoned to the mortal plane to do our biding for a full day, then you return to the hell from whence you came!” He was starting to sound frantic by the end of his tirade.
The demon crossed her arms across her chest, emphasizing their definition. “Well, you’re almost right…except for the most important part.” She stepped closer, and bent down dramatically at the waist to look the cult leader in the eyes. He scrambled to step backwards; this caused his hood to flip back, revealing a face that looked both scared and young.
The demon seemed amused by his fear. She smiled, cruelly, baring sharp teeth at him. “The one who gives the blood is not the sacrifice…they’re the one with control over me. Not you.”
She stood up again, stretching to her full height. “I’m not ‘contractually obligated’ to give you shit. All the power resides in the poor person you have trussed up like a ham over there.” She gestured to you, finally making eye contact. You shivered at the glowing red gaze.
“So, hon, want me to take care of these guys for you?” she asked, focus still entirely on you.
You were frozen for a second. Your brain was spinning. You still didn’t fully understand what was going on…but you would like your kidnappers gone. So you gave the smallest nod, all of the movement you could manage.
The demon smirked, returning your nod, and then she was a blur.
Your head span just trying to watch her; it seemed like only a second before all of the cultists were knocked out cold from the force of the demon’s lightning-quick kicks and punches.
Once she had taken care of them, she crouched down over you to run her hands over your bindings. Under the caress of her large hand the ropes and the gag dissolved into puffs of smoke.
You raised your tingling arms up to your mouth and coughed. Your throat still felt terrible, and coughing too deeply flexed your abdomen, causing the cuts to light up with pain again. But your limbs could finally regain blood flow.
You looked up at the demon, who was still staring at you. You had a hard time meeting her gaze; instead you looked out towards the cultists lying on the ground. “…are they dead?” you rasped.
“Naw. Just going to be unconscious for a long time. Didn’t think you would want me to kill them all. I mean. I can if you want me to though.”
“Um… no, that’s fine.” No matter how crazy this weird cult was, even if they wanted to sacrifice you, even if they had no problem kidnapping and hurting you…you wouldn’t want their deaths on your conscious. You couldn’t do that.
The demon shrugged. “Okay then.” She seemed much less intimidating and more casual now, even though she still loomed above you.
You tried to swallow, wincing when your raw throat protested the action. “So…what now?”
“Well, I am at your bidding, for a whole twenty-four hours. Then I can go back to hell…I never introduced myself, by the way. I go by many names, but you can call me Rumi.”
You stammered your own introduction.
Rumi gave you a broad grin, teeth flashing. “I’m guessing the first thing you want from me is for me to heal your wounds?”
Your voice had a hopeful tilt to it. “Can you do that? Please?”
“Aww, sweetheart, how could I say no when you ask so nicely?” she purred.
You could feel heat in your cheeks. You’re honestly surprised you still have enough blood for such a silly reaction to her words.
She chuckled, and moved so she could slip both her hands between your lower back and the ground. She lifted you up as she leaned down, until you could feel her breath on the sting of the cuts.
You weren’t sure what you expected her to do. Maybe whisper some sort of weird Latin chant and then the cuts would just disappear? But you would have never predicted what she actually did.
Rumi opened her mouth…wide. Out came a tongue between the glinting teeth.
Her tongue was long, and flexible, the end almost triangle-shaped with the way it tapered to a point. It dripped saliva onto your stomach, and you flinched.
You let out a shrill noise of surprise as Rumi uses her strange tongue to lick at your wounds.
Her spit almost seemed to leak into your cuts, causing them to close and disappear before your eyes as she lapped across them. Soon, the pain has disappeared from your abdomen, replaced by the wet, warm feeling of the demon’s tongue. She continued to lick long after the cuts were gone, removing every spot of blood from the soft skin of your stomach.
You felt flushed and tingly. You would have liked to attribute that to whatever strange demon magic was in Rumi’s spit, but you couldn’t quite lie to yourself that much. You’re ashamed to admit it, but the feeling of Rumi’s tongue on you is almost…erotic. The wetness on your abdomen was emulated by the slowly growing wetness in your underwear.
You couldn’t help but squeak in embarrassment at the realization. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it) Rumi pulled away, tongue retracting back into her mouth like a snake.
“Feel better?” she asked.
“Yes,” you said, before losing yourself to another coughing fit. Your stomach was as good as new, no remnants of the strange carved symbol remaining, but your throat was still raw.
Rumi made a disapproving noise. “Well, it seems like you’re not all fixed up, hon. Something happened to your throat, right? Let me help.” She shifted her arms under you until she was holding you in a seated position, bringing your head closer to hers.
You felt as if your face was radiating heat. She was no less beautiful up close. It was hard to have such a lovely face right by yours, especially after said lovely face was just licking your bare skin.
Rumi removed one hand from your back, to press a single calloused finger against your bottom lip. “Open up, sweetheart.”
You should have protested, but the pet name in Rumi’s soft, low voice made your head feel fuzzy. You opened your jaw.
Your mouth was soon filled with the demon’s tongue. Your eyes closed on instinct, feeling her lips press to yours in a facsimile of a kiss. You had never had a kiss like this, however; her tongue slithered down your throat, filling it and your mouth up to the brim. You would have choked on it, but the soothing feeling of her saliva healing your injured throat made you relax enough for it to slip past your gag reflex.
It almost felt like you were being throat-fucked by Rumi’s tongue; at the mere whisper of that thought, you let out a moan around the slick appendage inside you.
To your disappointment, she immediately pulled back. Once you realized what you had done, you felt like you were going to faint. You reopened your eyes, almost dreading to see Rumi’s expression.
Your breath caught when you finally saw her. She had an almost…endeared expression on her face. It would have been sweet, if not for the sultry darkness of her eyes.
“Aww, honey, you like my tongue?” Her voice was hoarse, and you shuddered, face nearly radiating heat.
She laughed at your flustered expression. “It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. It’s cute.”
You let out a low whine, less of arousal and more out of sheer mortification.
Runi’s smile sharpened. “You know, I can do lots of other things with my tongue, if you’d like. After all, I am at your bidding.”
While the first sentence made you feel like you had been lit on fire, the second one doused your flames a little. “I don’t want you to do something because I’m making you do it…if you don’t want to do anything, you don’t have to. No matter how I feel.” You felt a little sick at the thought that you could force her to do something like that if she didn’t want to.
“You’re so sweet, honey,” Rumi said, chuckling. “But I promise I want to just as much as you do.” Her voice dropped lower at the last part, almost to a growl, and you shuddered in her arms.
“Okay,” you whispered.
Rumi, as her figure suggested, was ridiculously strong.
She ripped your pants and underwear off like it was tissue paper. She hoisted her arms under you, maneuvering you like a ragdoll until you were in her preferred position. Your legs were hooked over her shoulders, your hands gripping her horns in a weak attempt to stabilize yourself as she lifted you until your pussy was level with her mouth.
You could feel Rumi’s smirk against your sensitive inner thigh. You couldn’t make yourself look down, lest you have to acknowledge your position and the way your cunt was dripping.
“Sweetheart.” A quick flick of her tongue against your clit, making you gasp. “Look at me while I eat you out.”
You reluctantly made eye contact with her. “That’s it baby,” she cooed.
You watched as her tongue slipped out of her mouth once more, the thin tip reaching out to lightly caress your clit. Even though the touches were almost nonexistent, each sent a flow of heat up your spine.
Your legs squeezed rhythmically around Rumi’s head every time her tongue teased at your nub. Your arousal kept building, filling your whole body with sticky heat, yet it wasn’t enough to push you towards any type of climax.
You didn’t notice you had begun to whimper, softly, but Rumi did. She finally took pity on you and started to lap at your cunt in earnest.
The first lick went all the way from your hole to your clit, dragging the broad part of her tongue through your wetness. She let out a rumbling moan once she got a proper taste of you, and abandoned her teasing completely.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as she licked and sucked at your pussy without mercy. Rumi was too caught up in eating you out to chastise you for this. Anyway, closed eyes only made the sounds louder; the obscene slurping noises from combination of your slick and her spit, and both of your moans, yours echoing and hers muffled against you.
You let out a shriek as her skilled tongue wormed its way into your dripping hole. You were so wet from your arousal and her saliva that she had no trouble working the appendage deep inside of you, deeper than you thought possible. She pulled you closer to her face, until her lips were pressed against the soft folds of your sex, and you thought you could come right then.
But this wasn’t the height of your arousal. Not yet.
She then started to move her tongue inside of you.
It felt like Rumi was desperate to taste all of you, the way her tongue squirmed inside your pussy. Every sensitive spot was rubbed against the rough parts of her tongue, and then soothed by the slicker parts. She was basically fucking you on her face at that point, powerful arms bringing your body away from her just to pull you back and impale you on her tongue. Every time your cunt met her face again, she would grind the bridge of her nose against your clit, sending another spark of pleasure up your spine.
Your body felt almost unreal. No longer did you have control over yourself; instead, Rumi did. You were like her little doll, a pretty little thing she could pick up and play with effortlessly.
The pleasure was so intense that you struggled to simply open your eyes without slipping back into mindless bliss. You wanted to see her, though, and so you forced them open, squinted and teary as they were.
Bringing your gaze down to her, you could see her eyes were black with arousal as they peered back up at you. Her entire face was soaked, slick and dripping from your cunt’s juices. She looked utterly bebauched.
The view made you come on the spot.
If you weren’t a doll before, you were now; your entire body went numb from your orgasm. It was like a never-ending series of delicious shocks travelling through your nervous system. Rumi hadn’t halted her movements, even as you soaked her face even more with your come. Your pleasure stretched out longer than you thought possible before your nerves started to turn painful. She stopped once your whines started becoming less come-drunk and more overwhelmed.
Almost lovingly, she laid your dazed form back down onto the ground, still cradling your head. It took you a few moments before you were even aware of your surroundings again.
In that time, Rumi had moved to straddle your head, hovering above your face on her knees. One hand was stroking your cheek softly, while the other held up the delicate chains that hung from her waist, revealing her own glistening cunt to you.
“You were so good for me, baby,” she said, voice husky. “D’you wanna return the favor?”
There was no world in which you wouldn’t want more of her.
“Yes please,” you murmured, opening your mouth.
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thecoffeelorian · 5 months
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Hold My Hand (Crosshair x Reader)
Premise: This is the third installment of...what should have been a one-shot, but here we all are a long while later, so it's probably best to just keep on going down this road to see where it leads. Anyway, Part One was Understanding and Part Two was Red Flags, so if you haven't checked those out yet, feel free to do so now.
Story Notes: One small thing about the tagging system, if I didn't say it already: I hope to make a few more updates for this series, so just in case I am, in fact, keeping the folks who want to read and reblog in the loop, please don't hesitate to do so when you are able. If I'm not...you're welcome to ignore this from here on in, and I'll eventually stop tagging you altogether. Thank you, goodnight, and good luck.
Special Notes: As ever, the header was made by @stars-n-spice. Also, little shout-out to @talesfrommedinastation for inspiring me to use a form of sign language between two characters, one that was originally invented for speaking in deep space when the commlinks didn't work, and also mostly inspired by something similar in "The Expanse".
No-Pressure Tags:
@momojedi @moonstrider9904 @calicos-clones @bigboypantstime @youreababboon
@tink1221 @ms-grassi @galaxyglittering @ah-prick24 @littlefeatherr
@donntmindmejustwandering @housepartyfortwo @beatthisbi @urmomsmattress @mysticalgalaxysalad
@groguandthebadbatch @pendustt @weirdest-lights @flyiingsly @courtney0-0
@emmaflame1336 @briefexpertdeer @shadow-rebel-223 @littlemammoth69 @theosb0rnway
@shazkenobi @reader6898 @maxims-multifandom-corner @monster20045 @darkangel4121
@nevadastarrsworld @thatacefr @crosshair-lover @bennieandthejets-5 @jamine-boi-124
@lani03sstuff @ttzamara @beezez-blog @myeternalsin @sublimeclodkidcolor
@nish-xiii @ash04w3 @clonereeses @lllllmm @melymigo and anybody else looking for a tale that doesn't end in disaster.
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🩶 It's my fault.
🩶 This one simple sentence, this confession, jolts through both you and Omega like a blaster bolt. It's more than enough to make the tears start forming in her eyes, and the questions to build up in yours.
🩶 He doesn't seem to be done talking yet, though, because what spills out of him next speaks volumes.
🩶 "I thought they would--protect us, but they lied. They've been lying this whole time."
🩶 By this point, his hand is shaking so much that you don't think about it, that you don't dare to ask any more questions for fear of making an already painful thing several times worse.
🩶 Rather, you're just moving in to take a gentle hold upon it, if only to offer him whatever comfort that you can.
🩶 To your own comfort, though, he doesn't flinch, pull away, or start telling you off in front of Omega even though you would understand perfectly if he did.
🩶 Instead, whatever's causing all of his ills today eases just a little at the moment of contact with you, because the next thing you both know, his panicked breathing is slowing down and his tense posture starts to loosen up.
🩶 This moment can't last very long, though, because as Omega quietly reminds you, she still has to call home and she thought she heard voices calling in the distance. There is literally no time to lose.
🩶 In turn, you don't mind bringing both of your guests to the old spaceport that used to be your family's business during the war, but since then has had to be converted to a ship repair shop like several more wartime industries have done on your planet. However, there are still a few things you can use here, because you haven't exactly let everything go to rust.
🩶 One of these things is the communication console, a somewhat rusted thing, but still able to access encrypted links like the one on board the Marauder. It's here that Omega hears the voices of her surviving brothers for the first time in what feels like forever, and like any other missing child would do, she's able to let a few relieved sobs out of her system.
🩶 She's also composed herself enough to plan her next few steps, for her next move is to go straight to one of Ryloth's moons for a pick-up...or so she tells the two men on the other end of this line.
🩶 You can only hope that this means she wants to surprise them, guaranteeing two returns of lost family members for the price of one flight, as the old sale slogan goes.
🩶 At this same time, though, Crosshair's got a surprise of his own, for as Omega's busy talking, he's busy signaling to you without saying a word. It's the old spacewalk sign language, the one developed by the first workers within the asteroid belt for when their comms stopped working...and right now, he's telling you that he won't be following Omega down the ramp when the time comes.
🩶 How come, you sign back, a look of confusion upon your face. Don't you want to go with her?
🩶 They'll be looking for two clones traveling together, not separately...and besides, I already know I won't be welcome there.
🩶 Oh...? And where do you plan to go, if not with her?
🩶 I'll improvise. Now...act natural.
🩶 Both of you fall awkwardly silent as Omega finishes her comm; then skips back to you with the most heartbreaking of hopeful grins.
🩶 "They're coming to pick us up," she announces, twirling around in place like a happy little service droid. "We get to go home, home, home!"
🩶  "That's--that's great, Omega," Crosshair manages, forcing out the words as though trying not to choke on them. "Just--don't forget not to leave anything behind, all right?"
🩶  That's your cue to signal to them to go back to the house with you--you definitely have to hide the extra used dishes and utensils until further notice, what decent person wouldn't--but before you do, you're careful to make sure that the shop sign stays upon the word "Closed". The last thing anybody needs right now is some pushy customer demanding service.
🩶  Once you take all of the necessary precautions, though...you have to take just one more look around this little home of yours, if only to reassure yourself that you'll return to it soon, if not eventually.
🩶  After all, just like your mother used to say, the galaxy can be a huge, scary place.
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bitbugbites-re · 1 year
𝙳𝙰𝙼𝚂𝙴𝙻 // 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔬𝔰 𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔦𝔯𝔞 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
As summer comes to an end, you’re desperate to get some pool time in while you still can. However, since it’s now October, you’re pretty much out of luck. Luckily for you, there’s an indoor pool at the Y. Not to mention, it comes along with a cute pool boy!
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a03 link
word count: ~8.6k
gender: fem! reader
cw: NSFW, FLUFF // drowning // ktober
a/n: literally supposed to be reading the bible for class rn but god be damned, this lady knows how to write erotic fiction !!!
p.s. -- if you're only interested in the smut, you can scroll down until you reach the thin black bar lololol
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You’re not crazy. You just want to swim.
Frowning, you stared down your phone as you read the most recent messages from your friends. They were replying to the flurry of texts you had just sent.
The first response read: “Girl. Lol.”
The next was: “You didn’t think about this in September???”
And the last response wasn’t even a response. It was a TikTok link leading to a video about things to do while in Vegas. You didn’t even live in Vegas. You’re on the East Coast.
You sighed, placing the phone down for a second before popping a Keurig cup into the proper machine, waiting for it to finish warming the water. When the buttons lit up, you pressed 12oz and leaned over the counter, one of your hands resting on your cheek. With your free hand, you picked your phone back up and re-read your initial texts as you listened to the liquid pour a straight line into your mug.
“u guys”
“I wanted to go swimming at least once this summer but I forgot”
“do u think there are any pools still open??? I don’t even care if its cold im desperate”
Yeah, so maybe you are a little crazy after all. It was October, and there was no way that even one pool would be open. You felt a little defeated, your desperation morphing into disappointment. Suddenly, the whirring of the Keurig slowed before spitting out the last bits of bitterly strong tea, a burning droplet jumping out and landing on your hand. You wondered if that was the Keurig’s way of calling you crazy as well.
Shaking your hand before wiping it with the opposite sleeve of your shirt, you stood up straight and leaned your back against the counter. With your phone in hand, you tapped out a string of shushing emojis in the group chat. Fuck it. You’re crazy and you’re proud.
You then pressed the video on, “Fun Things To Do In Vegas” which was accompanied by three exclamation points and a couple of emojis with their tongues out. The emojis implication almost made you a little scared of what “things” were going to be listed in the TikTok.
Before you could actually watch the video, though, a notification from your group chat popped up. It was from the friend who sent the Vegas video – they likely just now actually read the chat.
“Claire: Wait, what about the YMCA near your house? Doesn’t it have an indoor pool? Probably not the same kind of swimming that u were thinking of, but it’d be swimming lol.”
Oh shit. That’s a good idea. – Is what you both thought and simultaneously typed in response. Not missing a beat, you opened the search engine app on your phone and looked up the YMCA closest to you. Just under the images (which mostly consisted of it’s pool, oddly enough), you noticed that it was open from 5 A.M. to 9 P.M. 
It was only 6:30 P.M. right now. Meaning, it was still open.
You switched back to the group chat’s tab and typed away.
“guess who’s going to the pool tonight”
“(it’s me)”
“anyone wanna come with?”
Surprisingly, the responses flooded in pretty quickly. They said:
“Claire: I wish, but I’ve got a class in an hour. I knew it was a bad decision to pick a class at 7 at night smh. Can’t ever meet up with u guys on weekends anymore :/”
“Ada: Can’t. Lots of work. Maybe next time.”
“Jill: Sorry, I’m at work right now. Had to pick up my coworker’s shift again. How about on the weekend?”
You groaned out a whine, throwing a mini-tantrum. You didn’t really want to go alone, because what fun would that be? Nonetheless, you didn’t want to wait for the weekend either. It was rare you guys ever actually had the same schedule, so you were sure the plans would just end up getting canceled or be pushed back even further. You’d just have to go alone. 
You typed out a message informing your friends of your plan before placing the phone down with a heavy hand. Dragging your way down the narrow hall to your room, you plopped yourself down on your knees, opening up the dresser drawer that stored your bathing suits. You had an idea of which one you were going to wear, as it was a black one-piece with a deep-wired V down the front – It was appealing in the way that it wasn’t too revealing, but not unattractively modest either. Perfect for a venue that was family-friendly and not as free as the beach.
After a couple of minutes of rummaging, you slumped down to a hunch and huffed. You couldn’t seem to find the swimsuit. Not even after pulling out each bathing suit one by one. You searched, and searched, and searched, but it was nowhere to be found. 
You caved to your frustration and picked out a bikini instead. You didn’t have any other swimsuits, so it was either a simplistic bikini or nothing. And after all that hullabaloo in the group chat, you were not choosing nothing.
Changing quickly, you then grabbed your things and headed for the car. It was now already after 6:45 P.M., and you were running out of time before the Y would close.
Soon enough, you were turning your car wheel to pull into the YMCA’s parking lot. You found a spot fairly fast and quickly put the car in park, removing your keys from the hole with a twist and pull of the wrist. As the car’s engine whirred, shutting off, you observed the parking lot. You noticed there weren’t too many cars. Hopefully, most of the people would be in the gym or another section of the Y and not the pool, you thought to yourself.
Stepping out of your car, you held onto the handle as you got dusted in the face by the wind, your hair flinging all over the place. The wind was pretty bad, but the chill alone was enough for you to huddle your arms over your body before running into the building. You were starting to regret coming to the pool so late in the day, especially in October, nonetheless. At least the air smelled nice, though; there must’ve been a place nearby having a bonfire, as there was a heavy waft of burning wood.
You pulled the heavy glass door open, practically swinging it with all your might, and walked in heaving. Maybe you should be going to the gym instead of the pool – how could you be out of breath from only a short jog across the parking lot?
No matter, you walked up to the counter and paid for a day pass. You got to go in free since you’re a first-time visitor, although you felt a little guilty considering it was going to be wasted on a less than two-hour excursion. It was probably fine though – you don’t think you’d need to go to the Y again after this, anyway.
Walking through the building, you admired the decorative furniture and monotone walls contrasted with bright accent walls and signs. It had a clean, modern look and you were pretty impressed by how well-kept it was; it must’ve been hard for the janitors who worked there considering it was a pretty big community establishment. You appreciated how spotless they were able to keep it with this knowledge in mind.
Soon, you found your way to the pool after getting lost and asking a very tired-looking staff member. You almost felt bad interrupting them – their dark undereye mixed with the lighting made them look as if they were ready to be taken out back and put down. Not that you blame them – they must’ve been here for a while now. You were sure you’d look like that too if you had to work until nine at night.
As you pushed the door to the pool open, you were immediately exposed to the hot, humid air. Typical of a pool. You had to admit, though, it felt pretty good as compared to the cold breeze outside. Besides, you probably wouldn’t feel this type of heat again unless you decided to put your heater on full blast in winter. Although that would turn your room into what was practically an oven and not a fun chlorine-smelling paradise – so maybe it wasn’t the same after all.
You observed the area, your eyes immediately landing on the few kids splashing around in the middle of the pool. Great. In situations like these, you tend to sit on the side of the stairs to the pool – but that spot seemed to be occupied by a group of older men and women, so you crossed that option off. You didn’t feel like getting dragged into a conversation about retirement homes, or grandchildren, or…stuff. You weren’t really sure what the elderly chatted about.
Admitting defeat, you decided to just go sit on one of the pool chairs instead. You figured you’d just wait it out, betting that both the kids and the elderly wouldn’t stay for much longer. It was almost pitch-black outside, and seeing both children and old people at night was practically like spotting a leprechaun next to a pot of gold, you thought.
As soon as you sat and plopped your stuff down in the middle-most chair, you took in a breath and looked around. And that’s when you saw him.
You swore your heart stopped beating for a second. He was gorgeous. 
Most of the men you came across on a day-to-day basis looked downright horrendous, dressed in sweats and backward caps with dumb labels like “GymRat,” so to see a fit man with a haircut that suited his looks and facial scruff that looked like it was actively trimmed was like seeing that your younger sibling didn’t pick all of the marshmallows out of your favorite cereal and eat them. A blessing, that’s what this is, you thought.
You figured he was the lifeguard, as he was sitting in the lifeguard’s chair, leaning back with one leg dangling and the other using his heel to support his placement on the seat. He had one arm lazing on the armrest, while the other held his tilted head in place as he watched the kids dash up waves of water at one another. Every once in a while, his lips would curve into an amused smile, and he’d shake his black curls out of his face, eyes not straying from the children at play. Cute, you thought.
Watching him for a while longer, you noticed three things about him:
His eyes stayed trained on the kids in the pool, not the elderly. Every once in a while, if they made a sudden movement, he’d sit up, as if he were ready to leap from the tall chair at a moment's notice.
He seemed to be pretty proud of his body, or at least his looks. His posture was confident in nature and he never covered up any part of his body with his arms. 
He had a charismatic personality, or at the very least, was on good terms with the janitors. Every time they passed by, he’d quickly turn his head, see who it was, and make a comment of some sort. He always had a grin on his face as he did, and never showed a bit of discourtesy nor dislike, even if the janitor didn’t return the energy.
Of course, those weren’t the only things you noticed about him. You also noticed he had a great body. Did you mention he had a great body? He had a great body.
He didn’t even need to be shirtless for you to tell. His arms and thighs were fat with muscle, his calves fit for a marathon runner, and his chest with mounds big enough that you wouldn’t be surprised if he knew how to flex them one at a time, as a kind of party trick.
You also could tell that he was a pretty hairy guy, not that you were complaining. You liked that in a man. You wondered what it would feel like to run your hands down his arm as his legs brushed up against the skin of–
And then he looked in your direction. He saw you. As you were at your apex of wanting to eat him alive.
Your face burned with embarrassment as his eyes met yours, and before you made a fool out of yourself, you looked away. Grabbing your phone which now felt sticky from the humidity, you pulled up the group chat, pretending to be busy. 
“there’s a rly cute lifeguard here and he caught me staring”
“im so embarrassed”
You stared at the screen for a while, waiting for your friends to respond, but none came.
Damn. Why is it that whenever you need a distraction, no one is active?
It didn’t take long after for you to give up, slinking your phone back down. You picked up a book instead, sneakily glancing up at the lifeguard once more to see if he was still looking your way. He wasn’t. His eyes were trained back on the kids, which surprisingly, made you feel a little disappointed.
You read for a while until eventually, you received a notification. 
“Ada: Lol. You have a crush?”
“Ada: You should go up to him.”
The longer you considered Ada’s suggestion, the more your heart raced. You seriously considered it for a moment, but abruptly shut it down after thinking about how weird it actually might be.
“I can’t do that”
“I don’t even know what I’d say”
Ada replied almost immediately.
“Ada: Then make him want to go up to you.”
It wasn’t bad advice. You thought about it for a bit, staring at the paved concrete below your pool chair. An ant scurried on by, passing your left foot, and once it was out of sight, you snapped out of your daze and returned your head to a forward position.
Once you did, you noticed the lifeguard’s gaze on you. He was looking at you first this time.
As soon as your eyes met, he flung his head to the side, pretending to rub his neck. It was pretty awkward to watch, as his hands moved aimlessly and unpurposeful, as there was really no physical reason for him to need to touch his neck. It was easy to tell that he was only doing it to play off the fact that he was caught staring, too.
His attraction – or at the very least, interest, was mutual, then. You felt a fire of confidence rising in your chest, and you now knew how you’d get him to come up to you first.
You stood up from your chair, keeping him in your peripheral view, pretending to dust yourself off before seeing his head move back in your direction. Good, he was watching you again.
Very slowly, you began to remove the regular clothes that rested atop your bikini. Once fully stripped to your swimsuit, you made sure to fold your clothes neatly. After each article was folded, you would bend over, your behind facing his direction, placing it flatly onto the pool chair. Each time you did this, you couldn’t tell if he was looking, but you were sure that he wouldn’t have been able to resist at minimum, a glance.
Once done, you began to walk towards the water. You felt a little conscious in your stride, your step heavy, but also determined to play it cool. When approaching the stairs of the pool, you grabbed onto the accompanying handlebar, creating a divide in the water as you were further submerged. You passed the elderly group, and once they thought you were out of earshot, one exclaimed, “I wish I still had a young body like that.” The others chuckled, agreeing with the notion. You blushed and continued your journey to an empty spot in the pool.
Wading through the water, you then came up near the area where the kids were playing. You went to the side opposite the lifeguard’s chair and leaned against the wall. It was a little noisy – no, very noisy being near the kids. On top of that, you were occasionally hit with splatters of water every time they tried to mimic professional swimmers, but at least your plan was working. You think. 
You weren’t really sure because you were too scared to look back up at the lifeguard. But that’s OK. All girlbosses have their weak moments.
While lost in thought trying to figure out your next step on alluring the lifeguard (as, for some reason, he wasn’t already proposing marriage and offering a bride-dowry to your parents consisting of 400 sheep, 200 goats, fifty pieces of silver, a years’ worth of unleavened bread, and seven years’ labor), you noticed two children playing roughly, one a bone-thin blonde, and the other a brunette missing one of his front teeth. 
The blonde child was in a small floaty, laughing as his friend tried to swim under the tube and get inside of it with him. Every time he dived under the water, the boy would swerve his donut-shaped float, swimming a few inches away, laughing. This went on for a while, until eventually, the blonde boy switched his tactic and began pushing his friend’s head away from his float while under the water.
You grew concerned as you watched, knowing they were starting to get a little too carried away, and you looked around for their parents. You then spotted a couple of adults on the pool chairs near the towel rack, busy conversing about something you couldn’t hear. You weren’t sure what to do and turned your head back to the kids, and then there was a stifled thump.
Your heart started to race as the blonde boy started to look worried, noticing his friend wasn’t coming up out of the water. You noticed what was happening when the child leaned over his tube, holding his reddened elbow, freezing in place.
The toothless boy was knocked out.
The child with scrawny arms somehow managed to deal a blow hard enough for his friend to lose consciousness. He whipped his head around to get the lifeguard’s attention, desperately screaming, “Help! Help!” 
The lifeguard was already halfway down the chair even before the boy started yelling. It seemed like his gaze had been so focused on the children earlier because he knew something like this was bound to happen.
The child was now sobbing, looking around for his parents, of which the whole group was now running over to see what the commotion was about.
You saw the kid whose body started to sink downwards, your heartbeat stammering in your chest.
You had to do something.
Launching yourself forward, you began to swim to the child nearby. As you did, you heard the lifeguard jump in the pool, a loud splash of water mixing in with the cries of the children’s parents. 
You made it to the boy under the water first, diving straight down. Once you got a hold of him, you yanked his arm up, pulled him to your body, and positioned his behind on your arm, so that his head would immediately be above the water. 
Both of you came up, and you gasped for air, blinking rapidly so that you could see. The lifeguard was right next to you, hurriedly taking the boy from your arms, rushing him toward the edge of the pool, and plopping him down on the concrete. You followed over, as did pretty much everyone at the pool, watching the lifeguard push desperately at his chest.
After a short while, which actually felt like forever, the boy gasped, throwing up the water that was in his lungs. The lifeguard helped the boy sit up a little, rubbing his back as he continued his violent coughs and sobs. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispered. “I got’cha, bud.”
Once the brunette had finally gotten a hold of himself, he ran to his parents, who held him and began petting his head. The other parents, who seemed to all be friends, began thanking the lifeguard profusely on both the boy's and his parent’s behalf.
The lifeguard was crouched, slightly hunched over, breathing heavily, simply shaking his head to assure them it was okay. “Just doin’ my job,” he smiled despite the apparent stress on his face, “Actually, you should be thanking the kind lady over there.” 
His gaze moved from the worry-stricken parents to you. “She’s the one who saved his life.” 
You blushed, your eyes moving from him, then to the parents, not sure what to say. You didn’t think you did that much. 
The parents came up to you and began thanking you as well, telling you how brave it was of you to dive in after the boy. You were only able to stammer out a couple of “it’s no problem’s” and “thank you’s” in return.
Soon, almost everyone left the pool, deciding they had witnessed enough of the pool for the night. Even the group of elderly packed their things and headed towards the changing room. 
You too had figured it was probably time to go, forgetting your entire plan of romancing the man who had just previously given you all the credit when he was the one to bring the boy back from unconsciousness.
However, as you turned and began walking back to your stuff, the lifeguard ran up to your side, trying to get your attention. “Hey, hey.” 
You turned to face him, stopping in place. “Um–yes?” you said, a little taken aback at his greeting, not expecting him to have started a conversation.
“Ah–oh,” he said, tripping on his words. “I just wanted to thank you, for saving the kid.”
You smiled at his words. “Sure,” you said. You then tilted your head, quirking a brow. “I didn’t really do much, though. You did more than me, so–”
He quickly cut you off, a tint of excitement in his voice. “No, no! If you hadn’t gotten him out, he would’ve been under even longer. Every second matters–you saved his life. I only got the water ‘outta his airway.”
You blushed a little at his enthusiasm for your act of heroism. “Well, uh, thank you–”
“You were so cool,” he said, and you swore you felt your heart explode.“Thanks,” you mumbled out, and soon enough, silence grew between the two of you. You were trying to figure out what to say back.
“Well, I should–” the lifeguard started to say, turning his body to leave. You scrambled for a response back, not wanting him to go.
“You were cool, too.” You said, your voice sounding a little wobbly. You felt your face start to grow red, your blood rising in degrees with every millisecond that passed.
The lifeguard seemed shy now, too, raising an arm behind his head, rubbing at his neck like he did earlier. “Oh–really?”
“Y-yeah,” you breathed out.
There was silence once more before the lifeguard laughed a little and held out his hand to you. “I’m Carlos. It’s nice to meet ‘ya, Phelps.”
You took his hand, shaking it gently. He had a good handshake, and his hand felt huge in your own. “Phelps?” you said, not really understanding why he was referring to you as that.
“You know, Michael Phelps? The swimmer guy? Because you dove in to get the kid?”
You let out a long “ooooooh” as soon as you recognized what he was talking about, and laughed in response. “Pretty rude to call a lady Michael Phelps, dont’cha think?”
He laughed back before running his hand through his hair – which, miraculously, was able to stay dry since you were the one to reach the kid underwater. “Sorry, pretty lady. What should I call you then?”
You blushed a little upon hearing him call you “pretty lady,” a cheeky grin growing on your face. “You can call me Y/N. Or pretty lady, too. I don’t mind either.”
He laughed, shaking his head in an amused manner. He placed his hands on his hips, and tilted his head back a little, grinning. “Okay, pretty lady. How old are you? You in college?”
You nodded your head. “Yeah. What about you?”
“Yep. I’m a senior. You?”
You replied, and from there, your conversation began to take off. You talked about things as small as favorite colors, to medium things like what your majors were, to big things like how many dogs were too many dogs for a person to have. You both seemed to click really well, and you had to admit, you had never met someone as easy to talk to before Carlos.
As you both started passionately debating on whether or not the pool slide was white or beige, an announcement sounded over the speakers.
“Attention guests, the YMCA will be closing in five minutes. Please make sure to gather all your things and head to the exit. Those who are still in the building after closing will be escorted outside by staff. Thank you for choosing the YMCA, and we hope to see you again soon!”
You and Carlos looked at one another, not sure what to say. 
You realized then, that all this time, you’d been keeping Carlos from leaving when he probably could’ve packed up early for the night. Embarrassed, you jumped up from where you both had been sitting. At some point during your conversation (before its interruption), you both had sat at the edge of the pool, your legs resting in the water.
“Shit, I’m sorry for keeping you–” you said. “I’ll go get my things so you can leave–I’m so sorry–”
As you turned in a hurry to go get your stuff, you felt Carlos’ hand rest on your shoulder, stopping you. “Hey, hey–you’re fine, you’re fine.”
You jumped a little at the contact, your face turning red, and once you turned to face Carlos, you noticed he had realized what he had done.
You were wearing a swimsuit. You had on practically next to nothing. And he, a stranger, was touching you.
He pulled his hand back, going to rub his neck, but pausing as he began to raise it. It seemed like he didn’t know what to do with himself now. “Uh–”
“Sorry, shit–I didn’t mean to–uh,” he stumbled. “Was that weird?”
You took in a deep breath and averted your gaze. “No. No, you’re fine.”
“Are–are you sure?” he pushed.
“Yes, yes, you’re fine. Don’t worry.”
“Well, I’m worrying. You can tell me if–”
You sighed and looked him in his eyes. “It’s fine. I liked it.”
Upon hearing the words come out of your mouth, you froze. Your frustration with his reluctance to accept your assurance must have gotten to you, as you didn’t mean to say the last part. 
“You liked it?” he said. He seemed a little surprised, with a mix of something else. You weren’t quite sure what.
“Um. Yeah–yeah.” you asserted. And then there was silence again.
Unable to take the awkward tension, you cracked a joke. “I’m flattered by your desperation to keep me from leaving. Very, uh–flattering touch.”
Turns out you weren’t very good at jokes.
Nonetheless, he seemed to like it. He chuckled a little, which made your heartbeat increase in pace. He seemed to have good humor even in cringy situations. You liked that.
“Well, I’m glad you’re flattered, at least. I’d do it again if I needed to.” He smiled.
You blushed, and that’s when your mouth started to move on its own. “Then do it.”
“What?” he said, a little surprised.
“I’m on my way to leave. The building closes in…” You checked the clock on the wall. “...a minute or less. If you don’t want me to leave, then touch me again.” You looked up at him expectantly.
He paused for a minute and it was clear he was debating on what to do. You waited, watching him shift in place – going to rub his neck again, as he had been doing whenever he was nervous.
Suddenly, it was 9 P.M. and the announcement over the loudspeaker played, declaring it was closing time and all the guests who hadn’t left yet needed to begin their way on exiting the building. Your heart dropped a little, taking his lack of response before the loudspeaker’s interjection as a “no.”
You smiled weakly, taking the hint. You turned to grab your things off the pool chair and spoke. “Well, it was nice to–”
In a heartbeat, he grabbed your shoulder with a sense of determination, spinning you towards him. He placed one hand on your hip, pulling you in, before kissing you with wild passion.
You felt the roughness of his stubble first and then the softness of his lips. Slowly, you closed your eyes, kissing him back. 
He was a fast kisser, constantly changing the way he sucked at your lips, alternating between tilting his head to the side so that he could press his mouth into yours, and tilting his head downwards so that he could pull your mouth while you struggled to stay connected. He was constantly desperate for more access as if he wanted to make sure you felt him all over your lips, not one spot untouched.
Your hands rested on his soaking wet shirt that clung to his skin from when he had jumped into the pool to save the kid. It felt a little cold, but you got used to it as your kiss continued.
The only thing the two of you could hear was each other’s heavy breathing, along with the smack of your lips as they collided. That was, until, the sound of the pool door opened.
Both you and Carlos separated immediately, your lips feeling cold at the sudden touch of air, missing the warmth of Carlos’ own warm lips. You did, however, still feel the tingle left from his feverish push-and-pull play.
With about a two-foot distance now between the two of you, you both looked over to see what the noise was exactly.
In walked an older woman, one you would’ve guessed was in her early 60’s. Her hair was completely gray, resting in a shaggy bun with little hairs falling out. She looked rough – and ready to go home for the night.
“H–hey, Mary. You almost done for the night?”
She eyed him suspiciously before replying. “Wouldn’t that be a damn miracle.” 
She continued to go about her business, and you felt awkward watching their conversation. 
Suddenly, Carlos’ head shot towards you and then back towards Mary. “Oh, uh, I was just about to escort this…young, damsel-in-distress out of the building. She didn’t know where the exit was, you see.”
You shot him a dirty look as if saying, “I know where the exit is.”
Mary didn’t seem to care. She simply took the mop out of the water in the cleaning cart and plopped it on the floor. It made an uncomfortably loud squelch sound in an otherwise silent room. “Mmm.”
Carlos grabbed your things for you, and put an arm around your shoulder. “Well, I’ve gotta maintain my status as a gentleman, so…we’ll be on our way! See ‘ya later, Mary!”
It sounded like she mumbled out an “I hope not,” but you weren’t too sure.
The two of you walked quickly to the door, and once it shut behind you, Carlos let go of your arm. 
“Well, that was, uh–something?” He smiled, still holding onto your clothes and other items.
“Yeah,” you said, before looking up at him with an amused smile. “Damsel-in-distress, huh?”
He laughed and shuffled on his feet. “What, you the type that doesn’t like to be saved?”
You smirked. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. You wanna find out?”
He grinned as he looked at you, raising a brow in an amused fashion. “Only because you make it sound so alluring.”
After hearing his reply, you closed in on his body, wrapping your arms around his neck. You stood on your tippy-toes, whispering in his ear as your cheek brushed against his lengthy hair and scratchy stubble. “I’ll show you every part of me that you want, but you need to take me somewhere private first.”
You pulled back, and you saw that he was grinning. It was evident in his eyes alone that he was excited, although, there was a mix of something else, too. The other kind of excitement, perhaps – it was a very lustful look.
He held out his hand, and as you took it, he led you down the hall. You both laughed a little at the situation, adrenaline coursing through your veins. It was cold in the building, probably mostly because you still only had on a bikini, but you weren’t too focused on it. The warmth of Carlos’ hand and the anticipation for what you both were about to do were the main things on your mind right now.
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Soon enough, Carlos pulls you into a room, and you look around, observing it. It was a locker room, although you hadn’t noticed whether it was for men, women, or unisex. You figured it didn’t matter all that much, though – it’s not likely that anyone would walk in.
Carlos twirled you around, pulling you into his chest again. He looked down at you, smiling before leaning down and kissing you. 
This time, his kiss was soft and exploratory. He took his time, not making any wild moves, although still leading the pace like he did the first time he kissed you. Maybe you were a damsel-in-distress after all – it was starting to seem like you were swept up in his game with no escape.
After a while, he broke away from the kiss, looking at you with gentle eyes. 
“I don’t have a key to lock the door. Someone could walk in. Is that okay?”
You laughed a little, smiling. “Let them walk in.”
He chuckled back, speaking in a soft voice as he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re a bold girl, huh?”
Before you could respond, his lips were back on yours. His hands moved down your back before interlacing his fingers, keeping you pressed to him.
The kiss you shared was slow again at first, but it didn’t take long for it to pick up again. At the apex of your kiss, Carlos pulled his lips away, moving them to the corner of your mouth, to your cheek, and finally to your neck. It tickled at first due to his facial hair, and you let out a small laugh, but eventually, it started to feel really good.
He found all of the sweet spots on your neck, sucking and licking, desperate to hear the pleased moans that escaped you every time he touched you the way you liked. Once he seemed to want more, he began to travel further down your body. You smiled when he ventured over your breasts, gasped when he reached your stomach, and paused when he kissed your pelvic area.
Petting his hair, you spoke. “Carlos?”
“Hmm?” He mumbled, looking up at you. He was waiting for you to give the go-ahead.
You felt a little nervous asking, but you knew it was important. “Have you been tested recently?”
He paused, thinking. “I haven’t been sexually active for a while, so I haven’t gone to get a test any time recent. The last time I did, though, there were no concerns.” He then picked up your leg, throwing it over his broad shoulder. He placed a kiss on your inner thigh. “Is that okay?”
You nodded your head and returned to running your fingers through his curls. He smiled up at you and started kissing through the bottom piece of your swimsuit again.
Once he figured he had done enough teasing, he removed your leg off his shoulder, slipping the bottoms down. You stepped out of it, and he picked your leg up again, placing it in its former position on his shoulder. 
“You’ve got a pretty pussy.” he said nonchalantly, placing a kiss on where the slit started. 
You laughed a little, pulling his head back to look up at you. He let you do it. “And you’ve got a pretty face to look at while you eat my pretty pussy.”
He let out a small exhale of a laugh, and you felt his breath brush up against your clit. Your grip on his head shivered, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
Soon enough, he was licking and kissing your soft spot. He took his time, remaining very gentle and attentive. No tremble, no shake, no quiver went unnoticed while he worked. 
As you started to get closer to orgasm, you pulled him by his hair, tilting his head up at you. His eyes were half-lidded, staring up at you, his lapping at your folds unwavering. 
You rubbed yourself a little more forcibly into him, grinding against his face. He seemed to like it, as he placed a hand on your hip, bringing you down even harder onto him every time you pushed up against him. 
You felt yourself getting close, and the moans you had been stifling were getting hard to hold in. “Fucking god, Carlos, I’m close.” you murmured.
Carlos didn’t respond, nor speed up, he simply shut his eyes and kept the pace he had been going at. You stared down at his eyelashes, admiring how long they were as you came.
Your body shook a little, and once the high was over, you were panting, relying on Carlos to hold you up. He slowly pulled away, placing your leg back down, running his hands up your body as he stood up with you. 
He held you for a moment, placing your head against his chest, and rubbing your back as you calmed down. 
Once your breathing was steady, you pulled away from him, grabbing him by the shirt. His eyes widened, and he gave you an amused look.
You clung to him for a moment, before running your hands down his body as you got onto your knees in front of him. 
Panicked, he took your hands off him and held them gently. “Hey, hey– you don’t have to–”
You looked up at him, still panting a little. “I’m paying you back.”
He shook his head, and then let go of one of your hands to caress your face. “Nah. Not this time. You can pay me back another time. After all, if I let you pay me back now, you might just run away and I won’t get to see you again.” 
He smiled down at you as he said it, and you blushed a little when you realized he said not this time. That meant that there would be other times.
He then helped you up to your feet and kissed you again. It was a gentle kiss, but after your last orgasm, you were feeling needy for something faster.
You took the lead from him, kissing him as aggressively as you could to show that you were ready for him to be a little more rough with you. He seemed to get the hint but pulled away from the kiss. 
“I don’t have a condom,” he said, seeming a little downcast at the thought.
You smiled at him, your arms now around his neck. “I do.”
He perked up a little and smirked at you. “You’re a little too prepared for a damsel-in-distress, aren’t you?”
You laughed and replied as you went to get the condom from your purse. “I’d say I’m just the right amount of prepared.”
As you walked back over to him with the condom, he pulled you in and started kissing your neck once more. He moved from up, down, up, down, then up again before whispering in your ear. “Think you’re prepared enough to put it on me?”
You laughed at his smooth words, and you whispered back. “What, you don’t know how to put one on yourself?”
He chuckled, and pulled away, taking the condom as you handed it to him. He tore it open using his teeth, staring down at you as he did it. Once it was open, you made a smart remark. “You know you’re not supposed to use your teeth to get it out, right?”
He chuckled, placing the wrapper and condom in his palm. He made a closed fist and went to remove his clothes. You admired his body as he did – and in regards to your earlier comment about him being a hairy man, you were right. He had just the right amount of chest hair, as well as a happy trail stemming from his trimmed pubic area. “Guess you were right – I don’t know how to put one on, after all.”
You laughed, watching him slide the thin condom onto his shaft. He was pretty big – you were a little worried about being able to fit all of him in. 
Once he was certain the condom was on well, he looked over at you before picking you up in a rush. You giggled, wrapping your legs around his hips and burying your head in his neck. After a couple of seconds, you felt the cold wall against your back, and arched into him a little, trying to escape from the freezing touch.
He made a hmm noise that sounded amused at your squirming and then began pecking little kisses on your neck. You slowly eased back against the wall, getting used to the cold.
Once you did, Carlos began to press his body into you. You could tell Carlos enjoyed getting as much skin-on-skin as he could when intimate because he was always somehow buried in your touch. 
His hips ground his cock into your stomach, humping you slowly as he continued to suck your neck. You were starting to get a little impatient now, wanting him inside you already, and so the next time he ground into you, you ground back.
He didn’t seem to be expecting it, as he let out a throaty, closed-mouth moan. He got the hint, though, as he pulled back a little, and propped himself at your entrance. 
Slowly, he lowered you down onto his cock. He inserted the head first, watching your expression to see if it was okay. You winced a little, and he noticed.
Whispering, he tried to encourage you while he eased into you. “You’re doing good, Y/N. Most damsels-in-distress would’ve given up by now.”
You laughed, feeling him sink into you more. He smiled, watching your face as you adjusted. “Want me to make some noise for you?” he said, lowering his voice.
You nodded your head, interested in what noises he was going to make. 
He placed his head on your shoulder, beginning to make subtle grunts and moans the more his cock delved into you.
You started to get a little more wet from hearing his voice, turned on by the presumable pleasure he was feeling as he moved in deeper and deeper. Eventually, he was fully in, and you were more than ready to get started.
You tapped his shoulder, insinuating that you were good to go. He picked his head up from your collarbone, then pressed his forehead against yours as he began to pull out, then push back in.
Both of you gasped silently, gripping one another as a way to express how good it felt. He continued to move, alternating the way he did it, going from rolling his hips in a continuous rhythm to jerkily bucking into you. Carlos was proving to be a spontaneous lover, and you had to admit, you enjoyed being kept on your toes.
Eventually, things started to pick up, and Carlos was now thrusting into you with a feverish desire. You moaned into his mouth as he kissed you, hearing his heavy breathing every time he pulled away for air. You knew it wouldn’t be much longer until he came, and so you decided that you would start making your way to orgasm as well.
One of your arms reached down to your clit, and you began to rub yourself while Carlos buried himself in you. He pulled away from the kiss with a pop, which actually wasn’t as audible, since it was drowned out by the sound of both of your breathing, moaning, and collision of skin. 
He buried his head into your neck, a slur of whines, grunts, and moans escaping his lips.
You listened to his voice, closing your eyes, and focusing on reaching your climax. It didn’t take long after he caught on that you were right there, and whispered in your ear, “Do it. Cum on me. Cum on my cock.”
As you came down from your high, you trembled in Carlos’ arms. You noticed he was starting to become shaky himself, and you were a little worried as you felt his hands wobble underneath your bottom. It was likely that his arms were getting tired from holding you up for a prolonged amount of time.
You pulled his head in close, whispering in his ear. As you did, you heard his breath hitch, panting as if he were desperate for air. “Carlos,” you said, “Let me help you cum. What do you need?”
He opened his mouth to speak, but only a moan came out at first. “My back…scratch up my back.”
You listened to what he asked, digging your nails into his skin, softly at first, and then a little more rough once you felt him shiver. He seemed to like it a lot.
He continued, which surprised you a little. You thought he would’ve stopped at his one request, but he didn’t. He must’ve been a needy man. “Kiss my neck,” he huffed, “please, Y/N.”
You followed what he asked, kissing on his neck as you clawed up the muscles on his back. It didn’t take much longer after that, and soon enough his entire body was trembling. He thrust a couple more times into you, grunting as he did, and you felt his cock jerk as he spilled his warm seed into the condom. 
As soon as he came, his hands lost most of their grip on holding you, and you unwrapped your legs around his waist, jumping down. You felt him press into you, heaving as if he weren’t getting any air. You smiled and decided to comfort him as he did for you earlier after eating you out.
Pulling him into an embrace, you felt his head rest against the wall, trying to reach your shoulder, but failing as he was too tall. You chuckled and began to rub his back, talking to him in an endearing tone. “You good, Carlos?”
“Yeah–yeah, I’m good.” he huffed, and soon after his response, he pulled back, standing straight as he looked down at you.
“So, was it good? For you, I mean.” He said, running a hand through his hair. 
You laughed, reaching up to caress his cheek. He leaned into your touch. “It was really good. The best I’ve ever had, I’d say.”
He smiled, taking your hand from his cheek and kissing it, “It was good for me, too. Turns out I really like saving damsels-in-distress. Who knew, huh?”
You rolled your eyes at his comment. The two of you then continued your back-and-forth witty remarks, while agreeing on going to wash yourselves off quickly in the showers that were a part of the locker room you just had sex in. As you both bathed in separate stalls, you continued to talk, practically yelling over the bustling of the shower head as the water fell.You hoped no one was nearby outside, because it was likely they would have heard you.
Once finished, the two of you got dressed and grabbed your stuff. Luckily enough, the locker room that you went into was the men’s, so Carlos was able to grab his things from the locker he usually uses when on lifeguard duty.
The two of you then walked out of the building together, acting like a newlywed couple. You teased one another, laughing and joking around as you had the entire night.
Once outside, feeling the chill on your skin, you both paused, not sure where to go from there. You both didn’t really want to go your separate ways.
You desperately wanted to ask for his number, but you weren’t sure how to do so in a witty and playful way. You didn’t want to ask outright, because for some reason, even after all you just did, you worried it would come off as desperate. Even though you were desperate.
You opened your mouth to speak but was cut off by Carlos. “Hey, so, if it’s alright with you–you wouldn’t mind me asking for your number, would you?”
You giggled, happy that he was thinking of the same thing. “No, I wouldn’t mind at all. I was just thinking of asking the same thing.”
Carlos smiled, and the two of you quickly exchanged numbers. “Make sure to give me a cutesy name and contact photo.” He said playfully grinning at you.
And that gave you an idea. “Hey, why don’t we take a picture right now? That way we both get to have a cute contact photo.”
He smiled, ruffling your hair, and then let you hold your phone up, ready to take the picture. 
“Cheese!” you exclaimed, and he laughed as you pressed the camera button. 
After taking the photo, you sent it to him straight away. The two of you then realized it was getting late, and you couldn’t drag your time on with one another any longer. You said your goodbyes, and both went in different directions to get into your cars.
As soon as you got into your car, you started it and began to think about your night. Your cheeks blushed, and you immediately grabbed your phone. You had to tell your friends what happened.
Unsurprisingly, they all freaked out on you, exclaiming how they were wondering where you went. You laughed a little, typing out a quick summary. After hitting send, one of your friends began to ask strange questions.
“Jill: Wait, what does he look like?”
Puzzled, you typed out a relatively simple description. After a couple of minutes, your friend responded.
“Jill: Wtf I think I know him”
“Jill: He’s in my science class???”
“Jill: Dude sucks at science lmao”
You were a little taken aback by the revelation of Jill knowing Carlos, although you were a little more shocked at him sucking at science. He seemed like a science-y kinda guy.
As you continued to chat with your friends, you got a notification from Carlos. Your heartbeat quickened, and you wondered what he had to say so soon.
Upon opening the notification, you saw that what he had sent was a screenshot of your contact name and profile picture in his phone – it was the selfie the two of you took, along with the name “Damsel.”
You reply with your own screenshot, which also used the selfie the two of you took, while his name was set to “Phelps.” It didn’t take long for him to reply,
“Phelps: Hey, hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to call a gentleman Phelps?”
You laughed out loud, and could already tell you’d be spending the rest of your night talking with Carlos.
Oh well. The night was still young.
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For the official and original Kinktober 23 prompts, check here. Credits to @kinktober2023 for the ideas!
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159 notes · View notes
siconetribal · 6 months
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 9
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali
Warning: Threats, Harassment, Discussion of possible links to/interest in criminal activity, and Y/N being a trouble magnet
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, here is a link to the other parts:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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The store was spotless. The last customer had left about half an hour ago. There was nothing else to do, so Y/N took it upon herself to make sure it was pristine and ready for the next night traveler that would grace the establishment. Did she honestly expect anyone to come in? No, but this just meant she had one last thing to do before the shift was through.
“And now, I wait.” She mumbled as hopped up onto the stool behind the counter. It was going to be a boring and hellish shift with so little to do, but that just meant she was getting paid to do nothing. And that is far better than having to deal with some cranky customer. Grabbing her book from under the counter, she dove into the realm that awaited. A place where good, evil, and morally grey collided into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors of adventure, intrigue, and romance. Within these pages, she was not some minimum wager struggling to make ends meet in some crime-ridden city. Within these bound sheets, she was free…until the chime of the front door pulled her back to reality. Of course, someone comes in just when I thought I’d be doing nothing.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” The familiar accented voice made Y/N’s jaw tighten as she slipped her bookmark back into the book and looked up to see none other than Citlalli’s troublesome cousin, Matías, and his posse of trouble. The one who always had some kind of job that would promise big reward, and would definitely get you killed if you were lucky. She could still recall the look on the Penguin's face when he realized he was being had. A look she never wanted to see once in her lifetime, let alone again. 
I’d rather deal with those secret menu drinks and hear the brainless chatter of the overprivileged youth than deal with him. A lobotomy sounds delightful, even. “Welcome, what can I get started for you today?” She plastered on her award-winning customer service smile as she stood from the stool and stepped up to the register.
“C’mon Lindura, don't be like that.” He softly clicked his tongue and reached across the counter to grab her hand. Y/N was quick to pull her arm back to her side.
“I will have to ask you to refrain from reaching across the counter, sir. If you need time for your order, you may do so, but I request you step aside. Anyone who is ready in the group, I am happy to help.”
“Damn, Matty, she’s not playing with you today.” The group snickered.
“Fuck off, that’s just how mi pequeña petardo is.” Matías eyed Y/N and smirked. It made her skin crawl, and she wanted to burn every inch that had the poor luck of being seen by such a leering gaze. “Isn’t that right, Nena? You like playing hard to get, don't worry, I’m not giving up that easy.”
No, please do. Give up, better yet, please walk into a wall however many times it takes for you to completely forget about my existence as a whole. She bit back the retort, reminding herself that she was at work and being recorded. She needed this job to pay off the 4k. “Sir, I'm not "playing ard to get", you're simply impossible to want. I am but a simple café employee working her shift, nothing more. So, what would you like?”
“For you to finally say yes and be mine.” She had to admit it was a smooth answer, but coming from him it was more greasy, like deep fried onion rings fresh out of the fier and still swimming in the oil. Her temple began to throb as the group cheered and encouraged Matías to go on. Emboldened, he leaned over the counter some more and attempted to grab her again. She smacked his hand away and glared.
“Strike two, Matías, keep this up, and I’ll call the cops.” She kept her voice flat as she glared at him. “Now, do you want to order anything or not? If not, get out and leave me alone. I’m not interested in you, your idiotic lackeys, or whatever pitch you're trying to sell.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are talking to us like that, bitch?” The one to Matías’ right snapped, grabbing and tugging her closer by the front of her apron. “Do you know who you’re messing with?” It was obvious from the clothes that he wore and the way he held himself, this guy was a hot headed rich kid trying to be cool.
“Someone with severe halitosis?” She rolled her eyes, trying to tug his hand off of her apron. “Let me go, or you'll regret it.”
“Regret it?” The rich kid scoffed. “How? Gonna call the cops? Then what? Even if we give ya the chance to call them, it’s gonna take time for them to get here. That gives us plenty of time for some fun. Plus my dad knows the commissioner, they can’t do shit” His slimy smug smirk was the last straw. Her free hand gripped the counter edge as she tried to create distance by pulling back as she tugged at his wrist in the opposite direction.
“I’m how.” Everyone turned at the newcomer’s voice, surprised to see that someone else was there at all, since the door had not chimed at someone else coming in.
No way, Wonder Boy?! Y/N’s jaw dropped at the turn of luck of having someone as witness to the harassment.
“And who the fuck are you supposed to be? Piss off and mind your own business.” The tallest of the group stepped forward.
“Guys, settle down.” Matías glared at Jason. There was something unnerving about him, and he knew fighting him as they are now would be a loss on their end. “Joey, let her go.”
“But Matty,” the rich kid turned to their leader to insist, but one look from Matías was all it took for him to back down. “You’re lucky, bitch.” He sneered, shoving her backwards hard enough to send her falling back into the counter behind her. The sharp pain up her spine was hard to ignore, but she refused to give them the satisfaction.
“You’ve misunderstood the situation, my friend! Lindura and I, we go way back. She’s my cousin’s best friend, after all.” He gave Jason a broad smile as he hooked an arm around Joey. “Joey here likes to play rough, we were all just joking around. We were actually in to see our good friend Ryan. He was supposed to be in tonight, which is why we stopped by in the first place. Seeing Lindura was just a big surprise.”
So he was expecting Ryan? Or is he just bluffing and just said the first generic white name he could think of? Y/N eyed Citlalli’s cousin with great suspicion. Her gut was telling her that it was most likely the former, and there was a lot that was not being said. Knowing what she did about him, what was unsaid was usually dangerous, and her expensive knight in shining armor did not need to get involved in all that. Is he trying to get other staff mixed up in his schemes? Don’t tell me he’s trying to pull a fast one on the Penguin again. Or is this him trying to gain turf and get noticed by some other criminal mastermind? Didn’t he idolize the Riddler or Scarecrow? Yeah, I need to be associated with that just as much I need a hundred bullets turning me into human Swiss cheese!
“Lindura?” She snapped out of her thoughts at the call of the annoying pet name she was given by Matías.
“For the hundredth time, quit calling me that.” She snapped. Shit, what did he say? “Also, don't get me or him involved in whatever this is. You’re on private property and our company wants nothing to do with any of it, understand? If you’re not ordering, leave. He wants to order, and you’re holding him up.” She motioned to Jason, purposely avoiding any confirmation of someone named Ryan being employed here. The less she said, the more distance she could keep from whatever was going on. I’ll just let Mr. B know later. I better let Cici know, too, I don’t want her or the rest of her family getting dragged into his nonsense. Matías glared at her response, looking between her and Jason in silence. He was clearly angry with her and her answer, but said nothing more. He turned towards the door, which was behind Jason, and shoved past him. His little group of lackeys followed suit, glaring and sneering at Jason, who barely even flinched at their attempts of intimidation. He turned and watched the group climb into their car and drive off before turning back to face Y/N.
“So, he’s really a friend of yours or,” he trailed off.
“More like a pain in my side. Like he said, he’s my best friend’s annoying cousin.” She sighed, rubbing the sore spot on her back. “Thanks, for stepping in like that. He’s…not the best person to be around and hangs around unsavory people, as you saw. I want as little to do with him as possible, but he just can’t seem to take a hint.”
“Is that what you call hinting? I’d hate to see what you being blunt is,” he chuckled as he walked up to the counter. Does she remember who I am? “So, this would be the second time I save you?”
Ah, so he does know it’s me! “Are you asking? Because I might need to start charging you, again.” He raised his hands up in mock surrender.
Yup, definitely does. “Purely rhetorical, but if you must, you can put it on my tab.” He chuckled. Y/N rolled her eyes at his confidence, she had to. Otherwise, she would have found it cute, and she needed to not find him anymore attractive than she already did. “So, are you closing up shop or can I order?”
“Sadly, I’m stuck here until the next shift comes in at 8. For some reason, we need to be a 24-hour location. So, what’ll it be, Wonder Boy? Order whatever you like, it’ll be on the house. The Least I can do for you since you saved me from that mess.” She straightened her apron and stood in front of the register once more.
“Something tells me your boss won’t like that, and you'll end up paying for it. How about I buy us both something, and you come join me at a table?” Jason offered, looking around at the vacant shop, to point out that she really had nothing to lose if she did. It was a very tempting offer, though she was equally happy with just sitting back here and reading her book, but when would be the next time she would meet him? To get a chance to actually talk to him and sort out this hotel mess?
“Well, if you insist,” she forced a heavy sigh of reluctance. “What’ll you have? The bakery items are either made in house or bought fresh from local shops, by the way. I’d suggest one of the sandwiches if you're looking for something more filling or aren't too big on sweets.” He hummed audibly as he stepped to the right, peering into the display case before glancing up at the menu that was hung up behind her before making his selection and insisting she or more than a drink. As promised, he paid for the entire order, and she quickly got to work making everything.
The second son of Bruce Wayne silently watched as she moved around behind the counter, sometimes disappearing behind the door to what he could only assume was the kitchen. After weeks of searching, he finally had her. He finally found the young woman he landed into a sizable amount of financial hardship, and she was not against spending time with him. Now I just need to figure out a way to bring up the topic. If those assholes didn’t make such a scene, I could've easily brought it up now and insisted on paying. But now she’s going to feel indebted to me for saving her again, and might fight me on it. There's got to be a way to make this work. He frowned, crossing his arms as he watched the back of her head move left and right as she began to make whatever drink she had put in for herself. He knew it could not be his order, he kept it simple with coffee, medium with creamer and sugar. The fact that I broke a coffee machine, and she works at a café, she must really think I’m some sort of imbecile. He ruffled his hair to release some pent-up frustration.
“Here’s your coffee and sandwich. Here’s my drink and pastry,” he heard her mumble to herself as she reviewed the ticket once more before stepping out from behind the counter. “We should be good. If you need anything, just let me know and I’ll grab it for you. Anywhere in particular you want to sit?” He glanced around the room before settling on a window side table that was a half booth on the window with chairs on the opposite.
That looks like it’s the closes to the counter, so she doesn’t have to go running if someone else comes in, and the lot is visible from there too. If those assholes decide to come back, I can handle it. “Over there is fine.” He pointed towards the table, placing everything on his tray and carrying it over. Y/N watched with raised eyebrows at the gentlemanly treatment. She was not one to judge by looks, but he certainly did not look like the type to be so courteous. “Are you coming?” She blinked away her look of surprise as she walked towards him.
“Color me impressed. Is saving damsels your forte?” She grabbed the chair to take a seat when Jason motioned for her to sit in the booth.
“I’ll let you know if you got anyone coming in.” He took the chair from her and sat down. “As for me saving damsels, I guess it depends. Do you make it a business to always be in distress?” He smirked, stirring his coffee a bit before taking a sip.
“I don’t make it my business, if you must know. Trouble likes to court me whenever it gets the chance.” She scowled, plopping onto the cushioned seating. “And it seems like you are around quite often when it’s doing its damnedest. Should I be wary of you?”
Oh, you have no idea. “Is that any way to treat your savior, twice over?” He exaggerated his frown as he leaned back into his seat.
“That depends, are you causing the trouble so you can do the saving, or am I just that lucky to have you around to save me?”
“You’re not ‘just lucky’ if it’s me doing the saving. You could say I’m a bit of a professional,” he thumbed his nose, earning a loud “ha” from Y/N.
“Fancy yourself as some sort of warrior of justice? A lesser known caped crusader?”
“No capes, definitely no capes.” He sternly answered. Y/N stared at him, surprised by the tone of his voice, but ended up laughing it off, just like the last statement. He was clearly playing along with her line of inquiry. Jason, on the other hand, was being honest and was a little annoyed by her lack of believing him. It did not help that he found her laughter melodious and the joy of it so infectious that it placated the momentary irritation of her waving his words off as something humorous.
“Ok, a capeless crusader, got it.” She picked up her drink and took a sip. “Well, thank you, in all seriousness. You really saved me on both counts. I’m pretty sure that drink you took on my behalf was drugged, which would explain why you were so out of it afterwards. And even now, even though he knows me, Matías wasn’t going to stop that Joey guy from causing a ruckus. The last thing I need is something that’ll cost me or Cici’s job.”
“Cici, that’s the girl who took my order last time, right?” He thought back to his first visit here. He recalled reading the name tag of the employee he requested to keep his association with Bruce Wayne hidden.“The one and only,” she nodded her head. “Which, speaking of, I wasn’t, she didn’t-” she let out a heavy sigh and raised a finger signaling that she needed a moment to gather her thoughts. Jason raised an eyebrow in question, but said nothing as he let her take her time while he ate his sandwich. How exactly do I explain this without sounding like I’m blaming him or demanding money?
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cafecourage · 7 months
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Part 3!
Wild, Four and Wind!
- Wild is the type of person that also doesn’t mind hugs or surprise hugs. He really loves it actually. Like Hyrule he makes it into a game. But instead of paying the huge tax he literally will try to sneak up on you and hug you. It’s a hunting game so good luck on winning.
- There isn’t any rule or thought that goes into this other than the first person to catch the other off guard with a hug wins. Meaning that it’s all out war everyday.
- That being said there are moments where you have the advantage to a hug.
Settling down in Hateno was nice, the boys get a break from traveling and a chance to regroup. For you it’s the domestic life you were used to and slightly missed while being on the road for so long. When you got to Wilds home it was by lunch time so Wild went to straight to cooking while the other boys explore or just unpack for a moment. You had took a nap as you were just getting a bit tired. Though because of the battering of the pots and pans you couldn’t exactly fall completely asleep.
Peaking over the railing you watch as your boyfriend moves through the kitchen. A small plot comes to your mind as while yes by the end of it you’re gonna be roped into cooking with him. That doesn’t really deter you from doing it. Slowly and as quiet as possible you roll off the bed and move down the stairs. Ignoring the looks from the other links as they notice you moving towards the cook. You do have to wait for him to put down the knife before you pounce on him.
“Gotcha!” You rest your chin on his shoulder as your arms trapped him.
Wild had stiffed up as he genuinely was spacing out and didn’t hear you coming. But he smiles and tries to hug you back “I am still in the lead!”
“By like 3 points.” You poke his cheek keeping yourself clinging on him. He kissed your cheek and continues on cooking not even phase about the extra weight. Using this to your advantage you nuzzled into his crook of his neck. This was incredible hard for him to move around which was funny to watch as he slightly struggled. “Do you want me to help?” You asked.
“Please?” You think about it for a minute before pulling away from him reluctantly with a dramatic sigh.
- Small spoon. Wait this isn’t cuddle head canons. Four is fine with hugs, honestly give or take really. You gotta remember Vio and Blue probably don’t care or want hugs, while Green and Red actually like hugs and would welcome it!
- In general he wouldn’t want surprise hugs he doesn’t particularly like it as he is probably one of the boys that don’t like PDA in front of others. If you do it in private thats fine. He just wants to not be teased by others tbh the guy is a bit self conscious.
- You do have conditions to surprise hugs as surprise hugs in the foraged is a huge no. He doesn’t want you to get hurt while he is holding hot sharp objects.
Four hasn’t seen you in a while which was normal the two of you aren’t always near each other. However he was suspicious at this point. It was too quiet for you to not be up to something at this point. It’s worrying.
Very worrying.
He heads inside as he goes to find you very much concerned with what was happening. He first checks the living room and kitchen first before going up stairs.
“Huh…” Well Four went upstairs to look in the bedrooms for you and they were empty. He was starting to think he was just going crazy. Walking down stairs he was going to head out again before, he heard small giggling before getting lifted. “ACK.”
“Hello Darling!” You were giggling as you hugged him while lifting him up. “I missed you!”
“So you hide from me?!” Four struggles to get out of your grasp but like a cat he was stuck with getting attack by your love.
“Yes <3”
- My son is an older brother. He is no stranger to hugs and honestly is the person that does it the most out of all the chain. Wind is super family oriented and knows that some of the others don’t exactly know what having family is like. So he is taking the mantle of the annoying little sibling.
- It’s honestly nice to get surprised by one of his hugs because even though he literally calls out when approaching you really only have like a millisecond to respond before getting tackled down.
- However there is one person in the timeline that can fully catch him off guard because she loves her brother so much.
Being back at Outset Island was fun. It was a small island yes, so that means not much room for being alone to relax. But thats fine as it was still a time to rest and relax. Wind just wanted to be with his Grandma and Sister. He already leaves often to travel the world with Tetra, he doesn’t need more time away from them. That being said he does have homesickness which this is helping a lot.
He was going around saying his hello’s to everyone on the island but was missing his sister. Which automatically brought about a little anxiety as he continues down the bridge back home. Trying to think of all the places she could be hiding. He did crawl under the house as he had to get somethings down into the basement.
Wind did check the forest too as Hyrule wanted to see a great fairy for reasons. The outlook was also empty. Wind stops when he gets to the beach still trying to figure this out.
“BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!” A weight launches himself at his back. Then another one joins in. Wind manages to wiggle and turn to see both you and Aryll laughing at him. “Welcome back!” His sister said still giggling.
Wind huffs but smiles and reaches up to mess with her hair. Aryll lets out a squeal but couldn’t escape it as Wind brings her to a hug. “To be fair it was her idea.” You said laughing before Wind drags you in the hug too.
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not-neverland06 · 1 year
Broken Machinery
To be read after part five
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
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“Oh, no.”
“Is something wrong, detective?” 
“Yeah, something’s wrong.” You didn’t wait for Connor to open your door, you got out of the car and began heading towards where Hank was sitting. Connor closed the car door behind him and followed after you.
You hesitated behind the Lieutenant, your hand hovering over his shoulder as you stood behind the bench. You stood like that for a minute before you finally dropped your hand and turned around. There was a defeated slope to your shoulders as you sat down on the roundabout, staring out at nothing. 
Connor kept an eye on you while he walked over to the Lieutenant, there was already an empty bottle beside him, and he was starting on a new one. “Nice view, huh? I used to come here a lot before…” He paused, “You remember that, Y/N?”
Your voice was quiet, barely louder than the falling snow. “Yeah, I remember.” Connor looked between the two of you, neither of you were very interested in the idea of ‘opening up.’ However, the Lieutenant had been drinking, perhaps he would be more loose-tongued. 
“Before what?”
“You said, ‘I used to come here a lot before.’ Before what?”
Hank stared down into the bottle, slowly swirling it before taking another sip. “Before… Before nothin’.” Your foot scraped across the ground as you twirled yourself slightly on the roundabout. Your posture was closed off, not defensive, just closed off. He would have no luck with you. 
Connor figured now would be a good time to ask the LIeutenant a question that had been bothering him. While things were obviously tense, there was a tranquility on the bridge that Connor rarely experienced around Hank. 
“Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?”
Hank turned towards Connor, “Do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you?”
Connor didn’t think Hank would appreciate the truth behind his desired answer to that question. Plus, you had warned him recently to keep any thoughts that had been causing conflicts in his software to himself, that it would be safer for him. 
“I saw a photo of the detective and a young child in her bedroom.” Hank turned around and gave you a long look when Connor mentioned that he was in your bedroom. His brows were furrowed when he turned back to Connor. “The boy, it was your son, right?”
“Yeah… His name was Cole.” Connor already knew that, but telling the Lieutenant that wouldn’t do any good. “And the girl in the picture had been my daughter, not anymore.” Connor turned towards you at the sound of a sniffle, but your back was to the both of them as you had spun to the opposite side of where they were standing. He could vaguely make out the shape of your shoulders shaking through the snow. 
Connor needed something else to think about, his humans were too emotional, too complicated. It was in turn making his mission more complicated. “We’re not making any progress on this investigation… The deviants have nothing in common. They’re all different models, produced at different times, in different places.”
Hank didn’t seem truly interested in what Connor had to say, but he entertained his musings nonetheless. “Well, there must be some link.”
Your voice was still quiet, but you spoke up loud enough for both of them to hear, “rA9,” Connor waited a moment to see if you wanted to elaborate on your thoughts. You remained silent. 
“They do share a similar obsession, it’s almost as if it’s a myth. Or a god to them. Like it’s something they invented that wasn’t part of their original program.”
“Androids believing in God… Fuck, what’s this world coming to?”
“You seem preoccupied, Lieutenant… Is it something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club?” Your head perked up slightly in the background and you angled yourself so you could hear their conversation more clearly. It seemed his actions at the club hadn’t confused only him. 
“Those two girls, they just wanted to be together… They really seemed in love,” the idea appeared to distress the Lieutenant. 
“They can simulate human emotions, but they’re machines. And machines don’t feel anything,” perhaps reminding the Lieutenant of that fact would ease his troubles and make him a more agreeable partner. Towards both Connor and you. 
“What about you, Connor?” You had finally made your way over to the bench, keeping a clear distance between yourself and the Lieutenant. 
The Lieutenant finished his drink and stood from the bench, “Yeah, you look human, you sound human, but what are you really?” Both pairs of eyes were boring intently into his. 
Whatever he said next could make or break the trust he had been building back up, he looked towards you. He knew what you wanted to hear, he knew exactly what to say that would make you warm up to him again. But he had promised, he had promised to be honest and not to manipulate your emotions. 
For some reason that meant something to him. 
So, he went with what he felt was the truth. “You know exactly what I am.” Your face dropped and Hank’s got angrier. “In any case, I don’t see how that’s relevant to the investigation.”
“You could have shot those two girls-“
“But you didn’t.” It was a bit unnerving to have you and the Lieutenant finishing each other's thoughts. Perhaps this is a method you used on perps when you interrogated them, corner them and trap them into the truth. 
“Why didn’t you shoot, Connor?” Hank shoved him back and you stepped forward, stopping yourself for a moment and letting everything play out. “Hm? Some scruples suddenly enter into your program?”
He looked towards you again, you had moved a step closer. He could practically see what you were thinking. 
Tell the truth. Please. 
“No… I just decided not to shoot, that’s all…”
“Oh, Connor,” he thought you would be happy, he told the truth. Instead you seemed incredibly sad and he didn’t like that. Your eyes widened and then your eyebrows turned down in anger at the sight of Hank pulling his gun. “Hank, what the hell are you doing?”
He ignored you, seemingly having only enough mental capacity to focus on one thing, Connor. “But, are you afraid to die, Connor?”
“I would certainly find it regrettable to be… interrupted… before I can finish this investigation.”
You were slowly moving closer to the two trying to figure out how to stop Hank. “Put the gun down.”
“What will happen if I pull this trigger? Hm? Nothing? Oblivion? Android Heaven?”
The idea of Android heaven was preposterous, but that wouldn’t get Hank to put the gun down. He needed to do it soon as you seemed ready to jump in between the two of them. “Where does all this anger come from, Lieutenant? Some unresolved trauma in your past?” He knew the answer, it was Cole and whatever had caused the rift between you two. 
“Connor, stop.” You had stopped trying to intervene now, staring at him with hurt swirling in your eyes. 
“You think you’re so fucking smart,” his finger tightened on the trigger. “Always one step ahead, huh? Tell me this, smart ass… How do I know you’re not a deviant? The way you hover around Y/N, your mercy towards those two girls back there…”
“I self-test regularly, I know what I am and what I am not.” 
That wasn't truly an answer but it seemed to work for the Lieutenant. His hand shook before the gun fell back to his side. Hank moved back towards the bench, picking up another bottle. 
You watched him walk away, “Where are you going?”
“To get drunker… I need to think.” Both you and Connor watched him get in his car and drive away. 
You rocked back on your feet and tucked your hands in your pockets. 
“Guess we’re walking home.”
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You couldn’t see.
Why couldn’t you see? 
There was a red film over your eyes and when you went to rub it away, you couldn’t move. There was something digging in your cheek, glass judging from the pile of it next to your face. What was going on?
You don’t remember what happened, the last thing you remember was getting into a fight with Hank about joining the force. He didn’t want you to, he thought it was too dangerous. 
And then there was something loud. 
A scream
You screamed
Because there was a noise, an awful noise, like metal scraping on pavement. 
What the hell happened?
“Cole! Cole, wake up!”
Your hands were pinned under your body, half of you was on asphalt, and when you tilted your head down you saw your legs on the grass. There was a strange warmth running down your face, you could see bone sticking out of your calf and blood pooling beneath it. 
There was a strange calmness as you tried to move your legs and failed. In the back of your mind you knew that wasn’t good, that your life was about to be changed forever. But you couldn’t break through the fog in your mind long enough to freak out.
You lifted your hand and dragged your arms out from underneath you, your skin catching on the pavement. There were two shapes in front of you in the middle of the road. Your vision was still blurry but you could recognize the close cut hair of your dad, and he was holding something small in his arms. 
It wasn’t moving, you felt like it should be. 
There were bright lights and smoky smells surrounding you, hands were tugging at your arms, but all you could see was the stillness in Hank’s arms. The small shape that should be moving, but wasn’t.
Again that small voice in your head was screaming, in pain or in anger, you weren’t sure. 
Nothings ever gonna be the same, is it?
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“Y/N! Y/N!” Your hand lashed out, and connected with something hard.
It was hard to see in the dark, but you could make out the vague shape of Connor standing in front of your bed. “Connor?” Your voice was hoarse from being quiet for so long. 
“You were having a nightmare,” he reached out and turned your lamp back on. Your eyes momentarily closed from the shock of the brightness. “Are you okay, you sounded upset?”
You sat up on your bed, your head in your hands, the dream slowly coming back to you. “It was that night.” Connor’s jacket was gone, his sleeves rolled up. Normally the sight would have made you a little irrational but you were still feeling emotionally wrecked. 
He sat next to you on the bed, “What night?” There was a comforting hand on your shoulder, his thumb moving in slow circles as he worked to calm you down. 
You could barely hear your own voice as you whispered, “The night Cole died.”
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“Why can’t I feel my legs?”
“Please try and remain calm-”
“Where’s my dad? My little brother was with us. Have you found him? Are they okay?!”
The MP600 paramedic stared down at you blankly, it’s human counterpart looked worried as he wrapped the gash on your leg. “Answer me god dammit! Why won’t you look at me?”
The paramedic’s movements stopped for a moment and he looked at you, finally. You immediately wished he hadn’t, you wished he would just go back to pretending you didn’t exist. You knew the answer by the look in his eyes. 
The look that told you he’s had to break this type of news to someone one too many times, there was no hope, no light, nothing there to comfort you as you rode to the hospital, silently sobbing into your hands from both pain and anguish. 
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Words were going in and out of your head, the sound of the heart monitor was background noise to the doctor speaking to you. You still hadn’t seen Dad, or Carla, or Cole.
No one was there to hold your hand as you were told you might never walk again. 
That a nerve had been damaged in your spine that might result in lifelong paralysis. 
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“Y/N? Y/N!” Carla rushed into the room, sweeping you into a hug. You ignored the pain in your ribs and the clear absence of pain in your legs as you returned the embrace ten-fold. “Oh god, I was so worried, no one’s telling me anything. I wasn’t even sure you were alive until an android told me where you were.”
You were crying into her shoulder, so grateful for a familiar face that wasn’t a cold doctor or a frantic nurse. 
“Where’s dad, is he okay? Cole?” Carla pulled back, brushing some stray hairs from your forehead as tears lined her eyes. 
“Your dad’s okay, he’s just getting patched up. Cole,” her voice broke and your heart crumpled. “Cole’s in surgery, they have an android working on him. On my son.”
Disbelief colored your features and you could hear your heartbeat pick up on the machine. “What, why?”
She shook her head and went back to tenderly brushing the hair out of your eyes. 
Carla had came into your life after Hank, she’d cared for you and you loved her but she’d never been your mother. Now her only child was in the hands of something that wasn’t alive, it couldn’t feel empathy. If it failed its mission it wouldn't keep pushing to save Cole like a human might, it would simply give up. 
There was a horrible feeling in your gut, burning and twisting around your insides until you became physically ill. You threw up all over yourself. Carla rubbed your back as the nurses came in and cleaned up. You held each other as you both cried. 
It wasn’t until Hank walked in did you realize just how worried you had been for him. 
“Dad,” his eyes were vacant as he walked into your room. There was no relief like there was with Carla, he stared straight through you. “Dad?”
He shook his head, an empty smile on his face. “Hey, kiddo.” The nickname felt wrong, sounded fake. He just stood in the doorway of your hospital room. 
“Hank, what are you doing?” Carla seemed to pick up on the strange behavior too. He stared at you a moment longer, there was a gash across his eye and a bandage wrapped around his arm. 
It seemed he’d escaped unharmed compared to you and Cole.
The thought came with such a burning amount of rage and hatred it startled you. 
Hank walked out of the room, “Hank!” Carla looked at you, giving your hand a comforting squeeze. “I’ll be right back honey.” You didn’t see either of them for another four hours. 
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“I’ll never forget the sound of her cry, Connor. It echoes around in my mind when everything’s too quiet.” 
His hand squeezed yours as he pulled you into his side.
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There was a strange wailing, the noise woke you up. It ripped through the hospital and shook its foundation. Your entire body stilled at the raw visceral pain in the noise. It was terrifying, like you were being held down by some unknown force as you tried to get up. 
Then you remembered, your legs were the deadweight holding you down. The thought left you choking back a sob.
Why could you still feel an ache in them, an itch you couldn’t scratch?
There was another horrible noise and you finally forced yourself to roll over. There was a wheelchair waiting for you next to the bed, you almost threw up at the thought of having to use it. Something stopped you from completely flopping off the bed. 
You ripped the IV out, “Fuck!” That looks so much less painful in the movies.
You put the guard rail down and finally managed to get into the wheelchair. Your arms were still sore from the impact they took, you pushed through it as you rolled down the hall. 
Your room was close enough to the waiting room that it didn’t take too long to see who had been screaming. The entire time your heart was begging you to turn back around, to just get back in bed and rot there. That, that would be better than whatever you were about to see. 
Some nights, you wished you had listened. 
Carla was on her knees, clutching onto Hank as the doctor spoke in low tones. You barely held back the bile at the sight of their faces.
Hank, you’d never seen him like that before, so lost, so unsure of himself. Like every grain of goodness and light and hope inside him had just been ripped out and run over. 
Carla was a shrieking animal on the floor. You knew what that meant. 
Cole was gone. 
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“My condolences,” you nodded, eyes on your hands so you didn’t have to look into the eyes of whoever was mourning. You couldn’t do it anymore, you couldn’t deal with the pity as they looked at your wheelchair and then at your father who was still sitting in the pews, bottle in hand. 
You felt hands on your shoulders and looked up, Carla’s once kind eyes, now sad, were staring down at you. “It’s time.” You nodded and she started rolling you towards the taxi waiting at the curb. 
Time to bury your baby brother. 
Time to bury your heart. 
TIme for the final nail on the coffin of what used to be a happy family. 
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“He was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Hank’s eyes found yours from where he was giving his speech.
The bottle had been disposed of before he joined you in the taxi. You didn’t know if his eyes were red from the drink or from the tears currently pouring out.
“He was so young, so much potential and it was just ripped away from us! From me.” You looked away, wiping your eyes. “How dare you?” 
Your head shot up, looking for who he was talking to. You would assume God, if it didn’t sound so pointed. “How dare you sit there and fucking cry?” 
No, please no.
He was staring at you, finger pointed at you. “You’re alive and hes dead and you’re fucking crying?!”
“Hank, that’s enough.” He shoved Jeffery off of him, if he wasn’t mourning, the captain probably would have taken his badge. 
“No! He’s gone because of you! And you sit there crying like you have any right too?” There were gasps going around the people surrounding the coffin. You and Carla were the only ones who weren’t surprised. 
You’d heard this drunken rage a hundred times since the night of the accident. 
Hank stumbled towards you, “I wish you had been the one who died.”
Your chest caved in and your heart shattered at your feet. The rest of the funeral was a high-ringing blur of pain.
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Carla didn’t stay long. You didn’t blame her. 
But you didn’t have the luxury of leaving.
Your admittance letter to the academy stared at you every morning as you wheeled yourself into the bathroom. For months you stewed in misery and depression, you didn’t go to PT and you cried yourself to sleep every night as you heard Hank’s drunken raging outside your room. 
Sumo would climb in your bed and snuggle you on the really hard nights. 
The only reason you kept going was because if you died no one else would be there to love him or feed him. 
You wondered sometimes, if it was your fault. Had you really been so distracting when you were arguing with Hank that he had crashed?
Had it not been for you making him pick you up from a friend's house right after Cole’s karate lesson, they wouldn’t have been on that road. 
Maybe things would be better off without you.
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“Get up!” A pillow hit you in the head, you buried your face further into your sheets, now more used to the dead weight beneath your waist. Another pillow, a familiar scent attached to this one. 
“That’s right, get your ass up.” Hank must be gone, he’d gone back to work a little while ago, it meant you had the mornings to yourself. You sat up and stared at her in wonder. 
Carla had helped you for as long as she stayed, picking you up off the floor when you couldn’t make it onto the toilet in time. Bathed you and helped you get fed. After she had left there were a lot of humiliating mornings of sitting in your own filth because you hadn’t been able to get on and off the toilet on your own. 
You’d stopped trying after a while, just held it until it was too painful to keep it in. Stopped eating and drinking. You knew you looked awful, hair unwashed, and barely any meat left on your bones. 
“Ay dios mio,” Carla sat down and clutched you to her chest, embracing you despite the stink and the lack of enthusiasm on your side.
Eventually you managed enough strength to hug her back, the moment a painful reminder of the night your life ended. 
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“Carla took me to physical therapy, helped me find a place on my own and figure out how to navigate my new life.” Your hand was holding Connor’s, you had been tracing shapes on it for a while now as you spoke. 
He was just staring at you, letting you talk it all out. “She helped me find a therapist, a lot of my physical problems were the result of mental blocks. That’s not to say I was magically healed once I realized I was traumatized, it was at least a year before I could stand with support.”
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“Where are you going?” Hank was sober, rare these days. 
You had borrowed Carla’s van, she’d left an hour ago knowing Hank would be home soon. A box was in your lap as you wheeled yourself to the door, Hank was standing there, Sumo’s tail wagging happily beneath him. 
You could feel your face drain of color as you stared up at him. This was your last box and you’d really been hoping you would be able to get Carla’s van out of the driveway before he got home. “Um, I’m leaving.”
Hank closed the door behind him, you cried internally, knowing this would go bad. He threw his jacket on the table, his bag landing next to it. He reached for a glass and you started wheeeling yourself backwards, but he only got some water from the tap. 
“Was that Carla’s car outside?”
Your throat felt like sandpaper while you answered, “Yeah, she took me to physical therapy today, said I could borrow it. Self-driving, so I don’t have to worry about the pedals.” He already knew that, but you needed to say something to fill the silence. 
“How’s that going, the physical therapy?”
This house is no longer a home. 
The thought nearly had you doubled over in grief. You didn’t think it was possible to lose so much in one night, but you should know better. It had already happened to you once. 
Maybe Hank was right, maybe you were a curse, a burden on any family you were involved with. Everyone you loved was doomed to die or leave. 
“I’m getting some feeling in my leg’s back. I can stand for about thirty seconds,” he turned back towards you, arms crossed and staring down at you. He hadn’t shaved in a while and his hair was starting to grow out of its usually cropped style. He was gaining weight too. 
“Thirty seconds?”
You flushed, feeling the need to defend yourself, “It’s a lot for someone who was never supposed to walk again.”
He nodded and the silence suffocated you. He was only twenty feet from you but he felt miles away. Like there was a never ending divide between the two of you. “I’m moving out.” You needed this to be done. You’d survived this heartbreak before, you would do it again. 
His gaze shot back to yours, “What?”
The hurt in his voice made you wish you had delivered the news more gently. “I found a place, it’s only a couple minutes away, rents cheap-”
“You don’t even have a job.” 
“Fowler helped me out, he’s letting me do some filing before I can retake the academy’s exam.” If I can retake the academy’s exam. Recovery wasn’t promised. “It’s enough for food and rent.”
“Were you going to tell me?” Were you? You had been planning on just leaving a note and going. 
“I didn’t think you’d care,” Hank scoffed and this time the glass he filled was with whiskey. By the time he turned around you had already left, the last of your things packed away in the car. You’d seen him running out onto the driveway as the car had taken you to your new home. 
There was a painful chasm in your heart at the sight of him watching you leave.
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“I walked today, on my own, I didn’t have to use the bars or anything.” Your fingers fiddled with the edge of your comforter as you spoke to Carla. “I still feel like it’s not enough.”
“Más vale maña que fuerza, your physical body is not more important than your spirit, Y/N. If you can’t celebrate the small victories you're never going to heal. That’s a lot. I’m proud of you.” 
There were tears in your eyes and a thickness in your throat as you said goodbye and hung up. 
Fowler had been keeping you and Hank as separated as possible, different shifts, different days. But there was still the rare interaction. The both of you in the kitchen at the same time for coffee, Hank having to witness Gavin’s horrible attempts at flirting.
Sometimes when Gavin would give you a particularly bad pick-up line you and Hank would share a look that made your chest ache with a phantom pain of when you could laugh together about things like that. 
He looked pained every time he saw your cane. 
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“On my honor, I will never betray my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of my community, and the agency I serve.”
Carla was waiting for you with flowers after you were sworn in. She took you out to dinner and tried to distract you so you wouldn’t notice who was missing. She’d said goodnight and dropped you back at the station so you could grab your stuff and get your car. 
“You did it.” Hank was waiting at your desk, his coat in his hands.
“I did.”
“I’m,” sorry? Proud of me? You were honestly getting pissed off he was even talking to you. Months of radio silence and now, now, on your big night he wants to talk.
You scoffed, “Thanks, your heartfelt words mean so much to me, dad.” Perhaps it was cruel, perhaps you were being petty. You didn’t care, he was reopening the wound in your heart and it was weeping.
You’d worked so hard and for so long to heal yourself, you wouldn’t have him ruining that progress for you simply because he was, what? Bored? Trying to ease some guilt? 
“Hey, I’m trying, okay?” Fuck that and fuck him.
“Damage is done Hank, too little too late. I’m done with you. You turned into the person you saved me from.” Maybe that was too much, comparing him to the abusive shitbag that was your foster father. You told yourself you didn’t care, but the tears in your eyes at the sight of his distraught expression betrayed you. 
He walked away and while you were weak and in pain Gavin had appeared, asking if you were okay. 
You weren’t proud of what you did that night with him, of what you gave to him.
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“Hank? Hello?” 
You’d made detective today, and Fowler, in his limited wisdom, thought Hank would be a good partner.
You know it hurt for him to see his best friend change so much, but seriously? 
“You used to call me dad, you know that?”
Drunk. Again. Why’d he call you?
Why did you come?
“Come on, up you go.” You helped him to his feet and managed to get him to the couch before you collapsed under his weight. 
“When’d you stop being my little girl?”
Your heart clenched, but it was a distant pain, not as bad as it used to be. “When you stopped being my dad.”
Hank swung out in a dramatic gesture, just barely missing you, “That’s ridiculous. I never stopped, you, you’re not the same anymore.” You could say the same, but there’s no point in arguing with him when he’s like this. He leaned in close, examining your features. “You’re not her. You’re not my daughter, she died. She’s gone. This person, this you, I hate. I hate you because of what you took from me.”
There were tears clawing their way up your throat. Yet you still untied his shoes and grabbed him a blanket.
You still took care of him. 
“Get out! Get out of my house! It’s your fault they’re gone, I don’t want you around!” He threw his bottle, it just barely missed your head. Sumo started barking and he started grabbing more things to throw. You ran out the door, his drunken screams still following you. 
You ran and you kept running. 
At least you could do that. 
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“I’m sorry.”
“Forget it.”
A/N: Is she talking to Connor, or to Hank?
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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ebonysplendor · 2 months
Infatuation 💰🏞️
TL;DR: What's worse than running away from one psychopath? Running away from six psychopaths. Even worse than that? They're rich psychopaths, with shmonies. Also, can we make a damn plan and stick to it please?!
Game Link: https://aspenglen.itch.io/infatuation
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Notable Features: Self-Insert, Customizable (somewhat), Multiple Endings, Multiple LIs, Yandere LIs, 4+ hours of gameplay Spiciness: 2/5 -- It can get a little flirty and a little spicy here and there, but the main "spice" is when there's an unwanted advance from some of the LIs LI(s) Red Flags: 3.8/5 -- Kidnapping, drugging, nonconsensual sexual advances, tied up, branded, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical force
Wanna know more? Meh...I say not unless you're at least 16. There's not an age restriction, buuuuuuuuuut I don't feel like anyone's 12-year-old sibling should be playing this. That being said, I can't do much from behind a screen, so let's get into it!
Just a heads up, the game was long as shit, so this review is going to be long as shit;;
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Oh hey. Didn't see ya there. Oh this? This is just my first post in about a month. Thought I'd just...sliiiiide on in here, get thangs swangin' again. Lol but no seriously. It has been a pretty crazy month, but I've finally got enough time and rest at the same time to finally make this review, and aha...
Respectfully...I understand that all good things must come to an end, but damn, I really miss that phase where I was running into all the really good visual novels...
That being said, I know what I said, but hear me out! The game isn't...awful...but I didn't really vibe with it. Like, I know why I didn't vibe with it, but I'd rather wait and get into all of that during the review portion. Hopefully, based on the summary I give you, the review and criticism I have will make sense.
Anyways, this game, interestingly enough, is actually a rendition -- am I using that word right? I believe I am...? -- of a story that was written on Wattpad, and don't act all brand new like you don't know what Wattpad is! You know damn well what Wattpad is because here you are playing and reading visual novels and reviews of visual novels about toxic ass men being a (forced) love interest. Don't try to play me. I'm getting distracted though!
So the name of the story on Wattpad, like the game, is Infatuation, and it's about...well actually, I'm gonna give you a summary of what it's about because this visual novel is based off of it! I was going to give the actual story a read after I finished the visual novel but, uh...
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Almost a 24 hour read???? Yeah, no thanks, and you'll hopefully understand why I didn't have much motivation to give it a read after my review.
I'm pretty over yapping in the intro, though, so let's head into the actual game, yeah? As per the usual, I'm going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself. Without a better transition sentence, let's get into it!
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So boom.
We're on our way to school, and we meet up with our -- quite frankly -- thirsty ass friends. They're pretty much raving about this new group of boys that had just transferred to our school, because, not only are they super rich, they are, apparently, extremely attractive.
We pretty much brush this off, though, because we're not looking for anything romantic. Honestly, we're barely looking for anything platonic; however, we agreed to be their wingman since we're essentially God-tier at picking up men that we don't want.
That being said, by some weird stroke of luck -- or misfortune, considering we know that this is all going to go very left as the story progresses -- we proceed to run into every single one of them. And I mean
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Well, kinda? The blond one had a class with the blue-haired guy, us, and the bestie. The purple haired one -- even though it's more of a burgundy? -- was in the vicinity after we had pretty much asked the other boys about him because this was the one that the besties were simping over the most. But the rest? Pretty much had a one-on-one moment with all of them, even if one was extremely douchey.
Anyways, we're kind've going about our days and the besties are still thirstin', and, admittedly, we're getting closer to these guys -- too close. One of our other friends -- his name is Hiroko -- pretty much warns us about them because something just seems real sketchy to him about these guys. That being said, we just kind've brush him off, because it's, like, sir? Who are you to talk about someone being sketchy? Like, lmao mans is a full on delinquent with a whole ass gang and a criminal history with the police, and they can't stand his ass.
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He's a good sport about it, though, because even though he's like "You're a full blown dumbass for that", he's like "True, true..." and just warns us to be careful around them. Now mind you, his concern is totally fair, because it's discovered later on that they pretty much fucked up this one kid's world -- you'll have to discover how during your own playthrough, though. I ain't tellin' you all that lmao.
Now, fast forwarding a lot here, shit lowkey starts hitting the fan because the bae comes back in town -- not official bae, but still bae -- and conveniently enough, he is the brother of our two besties
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Everyone. This is Kenzen; the man that we're pretty sure is gonna be our husband and baby daddy one day, maybe not even in that order, but those things exactly.
Now, the reason why shit starts hitting the fan is because all of a sudden, the school boys are starting to realize that we already have our future husband picked out. Shit proceeds to get super tense once this knowledge it learned, and the boys are start to slowly but slowly lose their shit. Allow me to show you
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Exhibit A: A most vicious side-eye competition
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Exhibit B: The OG death grip and growl
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and Exhibit C: The comply or choose death, but drunken
Oh, and let's just throw this one in for some added flair.
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And definitely this one.
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And why would we not add this one?
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Yep, the fan was pretty much hit with shit so...yeah lmao. Go ahead and give it a go so you can see how we ended up with the most romantic gift of a necklace and a finger.
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Lmao I wasn't joking about the finger by the way.
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And now to air all of my grievances...
Lol nah, I'm joking, but also...there's a lot to unpack here.
First off, let's talk about the good!
So...our psychopathic LIs. Can we just acknowledge the diversity? Like, you had your pale guy, your dark guy, your tan guy, your fair skin guy, like...? I seriously appreciate that time was taken out to actually make all the LIs look different from each other and not some copy-paste, change the eye color and hair thing. I absolutely LOVED the diversity of the LIs.
Not to mention, the MC is diverse a well! Granted, like typical, we can't really SEE it except in the occasional CG, but it was just dope that there was even an option, ya know?
Also! The concept of the story was actually pretty solid! Some of the things that happened were interesting, and I definitely had a "...Well, damn ._." moment here and there.
Now for the...not so good.
This flowed like a stereotypical Wattpad story. That's obviously no fault of the dev, but, for me, the point of renditions is to take something and make it a little better or give it some extra flair without ruining what the OG creator intended -- that didn't really happen, and that was honestly what bugged me the most out of everything.
I didn't really care that there'd be strings and strings and strings of dialogue before the next choice finally came up nor did I care that, while it appeared to be choice heavy, it was actually just an illusion on choice where it didn't really matter how you responded to certain things; it just was. But yeah, the pacing was...well, let me expose myself a little (don't come after me. I'm a tiny and cozy blog lol)
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If you make posts on tumblr, then you know what this is. For those that don't know and/or can't guess what it is, this shows the interaction that my blog gets or my "activity" more accurately. The reason why I brought this out was because...this was how the story's pacing was.
First, it'd be on a steady progression, and then it'd drone on and on and on into a plateau, but then -- out of no where -- shit will randomly escalate and just take off into this fit of drama...but then it'd quickly drop. There was no real flow, and when there was, it'd be super inconsistent. Not to mention, the wishy-washiness of the MC and the unpredictability of the LIs (which duh, right?), the pacing would just take off and then would come to a dead stop. It's like there was no balance between the narration, the drama, and the transitions to the next scene. Like, yeah, you've gotta story tell, obvi, but don't drone on for-- actually I can show you that as well.
Did you notice how long that clip was? Imagine how long it took to read...
That was just straight up narration, and there was multiple times where this happened. Nothing really happening, no choices to make, just straight up narration. Well, no, I lied a little. Things did happen, but once again, it'd come out of no where. It, quite literally, will go from having a normal conversation, and then the yandere side just comes out totally unprovoked. Like? It's honestly more for shock factor than for story, and it got to a point where I was honestly just tired of the game itself and was wanting it to end...but it ended up being 3 hours longer, and I'm not even joking about that. Once again, I can show you.
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This was the point I started getting ill with the game but felt that I was towards the end and pushed on to finish it out
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This was when I realized that I was clearly wrong about that being "almost the end" and took pretty much another 3 hours to get through.
And yes, for the most part, I played it in one sitting with the exception of when I got me a little snacky snack and went to pee. Oh? You're curious about what time I started playing?
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Around 5 hours beforehand...
Notice that that all says 19 June 2024. I have never been so glad to see the ending screen...
It wasn't even because it was bad! It was just. so. extremely. long. And for, what felt like, no reason to be that long. Granted, I could've stopped and saved and came back, but it always felt like I was either getting to the end or to a good part, and it just never came -- not that there wasn't any good parts, but...never mind, I feel like I make it worse the more I try to explain...
Anyways, the game wasn't awful by any means, but it definitely could use some improvement. The whole thing had good potential, the pacing of it really just killed it for me, and had that been better executed? This would've been a great game, but it's honestly just...decent. It had multiple endings, but outside of each of the yandere LIs' ending? I didn't bother trying to get the others.
Even still, while I don't recommend the game, I think it's still worth giving it a casual playthrough! There's plenty of material to read, and there are some interesting parts! Like I said, it's just a pacing issue. Not to mention the MC was pissing me off with that wishy-washy bullshit. Like, bro, survival is at the top of the list. Why are you making a plan and doing the exact opposite of what you were gonna do? Like, what the fuck is you doin'?!
You'll understand it when you play it yourself so...give it a fair try? Here, I'll even put the link here! Heck, and give the dev some encouraging words and, even though I didn't see it, some monetary support! The game itself was honestly fine! It was just the storytelling needed some work, which lowkey isn't even their fault because it was based off of a Wattpad story (I'll link that again here, by the by).
Okay, this review is about to be the same length as the game. I'm going to go ahead and head out of here. Just to reiterate, the game is free! Giving it a casual playthrough never hurts! I mean, what've you got to lose except about 4 - 6 hours?
Okay, really, I'm out of here now! Remember! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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robthegoodfellow · 1 year
No Romeo, But He’s My Loving One-Man Show
Mirror Sex, Roleplaying for Days 9/10 of @harringrovekinktober additional incidental praise kink, edging, fledgling D/s dynamic, cum play, slight feminization
(roommates, kink experimentation, billy is a femme fatale but really just a very good boy, nsfw)
Handy Links to Previous Chapters: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Steve had expected Robin to have some pointed feedback after coming over for dinner and a horror movie—a longstanding tradition Billy had inducted himself into a couple days post move-in by rescuing the pizza from a crispy demise because someone forgot to set a timer—but when Steve met her for coffee later that week, all she talked about was the mirrors.
Why are there so many? Why are there more every time I visit? Do you know how many years of bad luck you’re risking? That old one with the fancy frame is definitely cursed—I saw something moving in it. No, it wasn’t us—something else. Like, out of the corner of my eye. It’s haunted, Steve—you should get rid of it. Don’t break it, though, whatever you do.
Finally, after much redirection and pointed questioning, she’d given her assessment on the Billy situation, specifically how Billy seemed to feel about Steve, from an outside perspective. 
Mostly you both seemed normal, aside from sneaking looks at each other constantly. But even that’s normal, in a way. Her eyes narrowed. Is that why so many mirrors? More opportunity for sneaky looks?
Which—what? No. That wasn’t why—though he’d be lying if he said he’d never… But what did she even mean, that even that’s normal?
Well, like when we watch movies and something funny happens, you always look at Billy to see his reaction. And when the special effects are corny, he always looks at you and rolls his eyes. And when we’re all three hanging out, half the time it’s you and me trading knowing looks from inside jokes, and half the time it’s you and him. So, like—the looking isn’t new, I just caught you guys doing it without the other realizing it. Like a bunch of times.
Rather than deny it, Steve found himself asking, pathetically, how Billy looked. When Billy looked at him.
Like this, Robin said, and made the biggest, dopiest cow eyes, complete with dreamy sigh, reverent tilt of the chin. 
Steve told her to fuck off, but couldn’t repress the grin splitting his idiot face, and Robin cackled.
Ask the haunted mirror, if you don’t believe me! It’ll totally back me up.
It’s not like they’d planned to make the apartment a fun-house mirror maze, but after the divorce, Steve’s mom went a little nuts selling off stuff from the Hawkins place, all of which was apparently unsuitable for her townhouse in Chicago, and when his dad made a stink about her disposing of hideous heirlooms intended for Steve, she’d promised to forward their son the remainder.
Which was how he ended up with the couch, complete with decorative throw pillows, and… about six ornate mirrors of varying unreasonable size. And sure, he could’ve sold them himself, because his dad didn’t actually give a shit, but then he’d sorta grown used to them, and Billy had never complained, so… yeah. Made the place feel bigger, or whatever.
Over time, the arrangement had shifted here and there—except for the one in Steve’s room over the dresser, the one in the bathroom over the sink—anyway, however it happened, Steve had noticed, one day, that he’d subconsciously mastered where to position himself throughout the sitting room to see a reflection of the kitchen, the bathroom corridor, and… Billy’s room, if the door was open—and, these days, it usually was.
Did he feel like a creep? Well, yes and no. Yes in that he was aware he should feel like a creep, and therefore did, and no in that he was almost certain Billy knew he was watching and didn’t care. Not only didn’t care, but… liked it. 
After his conversation with Robin, though, he threw all subtly to the wind, staring fixedly at Billy’s reflection as he puttered around in the kitchen, as he left the bathroom, as he lounged in bed reading a book… silently daring Billy to call him out on it, until Billy did.
“Feel like a bug under glass,” he called, turning a page. “You gonna pin me down?”
Humming, Steve resettled against the arm of the couch, didn’t bother turning—just kept admiring him in the mirror leaning against the wall, almost floor to ceiling. The bedside lamp cast warm shadows, limning his hair in gold. Steve wondered if Billy got tired, holding the book above his face like that. 
“I was thinking more like a spy tailing a mark.”
Billy laughed—a short bark of sound. One of Steve’s favorites. “Be dead so fast—made in seconds.”
“You saying I’m more Get Smart than Napoleon Solo?”
“Dunno,” Billy mused, thoughtful. Rolling, he made a pillow of his arms, crossed over the closed book. Leveled Steve a filthy smirk. “If you were 007, I could be your Bond Girl.”
That got Steve to turn around, meet his gaze direct, then cooed, all sympathy: “You wanna be tied up, babe, just ask.”
Billy bit the inside of his cheek, unwillingly amused, so Steve dialed up the cheesy charm.
“C’mon, that was good—Bond Girl? Like bond—”
“I got it,” Billy drawled, levering himself up only to flop against his piled pillows in supposed disgust, book cast aside. “Just call me Pussy Galore.”
“Dick Galore.”
Billy frowned. “Randy Galore?”
“A Bond Boy would have to be Randy Something,” Steve acknowledged. “Or… Something Hancock.”
They paused, then, in unison: “Randy Hancock.”
“And I, James Bondage, am tailing you,” Steve went on, as Billy snickered. “And haven’t been made, because I’m an experienced, accomplished spy—”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” With a final snort, Billy folded his arms behind his head, semi-reclined, and pondered the ceiling, unfocused. “What next?”
Steve mimicked him, only on the couch, back to watching Billy’s reflection. “I use my handy spy-glass to peer around corners, and I catch you unawares—getting ready for bed.” Billy hummed, polite interest, and waited for more. So Steve gave him more, mind whirring, pulse already on the rise. “I watch you take off your shirt.”
Absently, only shifting enough to complete the action, Billy peeled his shirt off. Dropped it on the floor.
“Then your jeans.”
Those required a more aggressive shimmy, but soon they joined the discarded shirt.
“And then I can’t stop—can’t look away. Like I’m glued to the sight.” Steve’s throat clicked as he swallowed, trailing his palm down his stomach—indulged in a firm rub. “So pretty, spread out on the bed.”
On cue, Billy spread, thighs parting to reveal white briefs, the cotton worn thin, pink showing through where his bulge stretched the fabric. Sighing, a lazy hand skated south, fingers brushing the waistband. Slipped under, but no further. The fingers seemed to press—stalling the hips, an aborted twitch.
“Shit.” Steve wagged his head, corralling what remained of his wits. “I—uh, I figure…” He chuckled, let one heel drop off the couch to rest on the floor, his hand working a steady rhythm. “Figure I’ll learn what you like, use it to seduce you later. Learn how you like to touch yourself—”
Billy grunted, lashes stuttering as he shoved past the elastic, made a fist around the handful. Spoke soft, musing: “Haven’t, you know.”
“Haven’t been—touching myself.” Eyes still on the ceiling, Billy’s lips quirked, just as soft. “Not without permission.”
That landed like a punch, loosing a long, meandering moan: “Baby.”
And the baby blues drifted down, met a reverent stare in the mirror. “Yeah?” So innocent, solicitous.
Steve rolled his hips into his palm, arching clear off the cushion. “I like that.” 
Billy’s head lolled sideways, downcast—bashful as he squirmed, bulky knuckles straining the front of his briefs. 
“My good boy,” Steve murmured. And he meant it with every fiber of his being: “Show me what feels good.”
His eyes fluttered closed. The hand slowed. “You.”
Simultaneous hits—to the heart and the heat low in his gut. A vicious press brought himself back under control.
“God—killing me.” Could barely huff it, all of him locked on the hand that had tugged free of clinging briefs to caress the red weeping cock, featherlight, through damp cotton. Steve’s pulse pounded so loud in his ears he more saw it than heard it—pink lips shaping You. You. You.
As though hypnotized, clumsy because he was so hard it fucking hurt, even sweatpants chafing awful against skin throbbing tender, Steve stumbled to the bedroom door—caught himself on the frame, panting, light-headed from the sudden vertical, essential bloodflow coursing elsewhere.
Billy choked off a whine, fisted the coverlet to either side, legs splayed as his spine bowed, sank back. “Please.”
In a blink, Steve was at the foot of the bed, crawling to him, over him, hips forcing Billy’s legs wide. “I got you.” Long, dragging grind, the rub exquisite. “I got you.”
The moan vibrated through Billy’s flushed chest. He hadn’t let go of the bedding—wouldn’t, Steve realized, winded anew. He wouldn’t let go unless Steve told him to.
“How long?” Steve panted, reaching down to rub Billy with the flat of his palm through the briefs, this jerking, gentle pressure that worked him piecemeal to the peak, a maddening build. “How long you been waiting for permission, baby?”
“Luh—” Billy coughed, swallowing spit. “Long.”
“So good,” Steve crooned. “I think you’ve earned a reward, don’t you?”
The flush had spread up his neck to his cheeks, temples pulsing red. He was nodding, mindless.  “‘Kay.”
“All right.” Steve brushed the bulbous crown with a teasing thumb. “Tummy or panties?”
Muffled throaty sound—like he’d been stabbed. Delivered on a whimper: “Panties.”
Steve resumed his kneading rub, coaxing, fine tremors wracking the body at his mercy. “One day I’m gonna get you a nice pair. Maybe something with lace?”
Billy gulped, trembling nod.
“Lace for your pretty cock, a thong for that pretty ass?”
Half-lidded, head craned back, lip bitten raw between his teeth, Billy shivered.
“Make a mess in your panties,” Steve whispered, bending low. “And I’ll make a mess in them, too.”
A burst of guttural gasps, almost hiccups, borderline sob, and he convulsed beneath Steve’s hand, sticky wet seeping through the fabric.
Steve dropped a good boy with every kiss—on cheek, neck, sternum. Lifting up on his knees, he brought out his own cock, stripping it with a loose fist.
Half-boneless, Billy hooked lazy fingers in the back of his briefs, tugging them past the curve of his butt, the front pulled snug against his spent dick, and rolled onto his stomach. Arched, presenting himself, bare ass exposed, and Steve found his groove between plush cheeks, rutting with enough force that he could feel his cockhead rub against that tight hole.
It didn’t take long—short pumps, short of breath—brutish grunt as he finished, coating the pert cheeks in ropes of slick, deploying one hand to catch runaway drips, pet the clenching hole with wet fingertips, tease the entrance.
Billy cut off a whine, squirming, grinding into his own mess, pushing into the pressure behind.
“Soon,” Steve promised. “I’ll give it to you soon.”
An unspooling sigh, and Billy went limp, face turned away.
Planting a kiss at the base of a shoulder blade, Steve drew up the back of Billy’s briefs, smoothing a hand over the sodden fabric—with a wave of heat, imagined the trail of his come oozing toward the taint.
Shifting, Steve curled up along Billy’s side, nose to nose, arm looped around his sloping back.
Billy blinked, placid, as Steve drew a lock of hair away from his eyes.
“Ruined it,” he mumbled, mouth quirked. “The spy scene.” 
“Nah,” Steve said. “A good spy knows when to change plans on the fly—switch it up.”
“Yeah.” Warming to the idea: “What happened was—I realized I could offer you what you needed. In exchange for what I needed.”
Billy’s gaze was lulling as a lake in moonlight. “What did I need?”
Steve let a smile twitch, nerves singing. “Me.”
An echoing twitch. Lids lowered, a hitch in his tone: “And… what did you need?”
Steve dipped near, heart in his throat. “You.”
Billy hummed, a short burst trapped behind teeth. He nudged close, and Steve’s eyes slid shut.
Press of lips, lingering soft, on the edge of his chin.
They’d been drifting awhile, lying flush, occasional brush of roving hands, warm gusts of breath. Belatedly, Steve hummed, enquiring.
He snorted, stretching like a lazy dog. Shower didn’t sound half bad, but there was something else he’d been wanting to try.
“How about a bath?”
Brows raised, pensive duck lips. Steve called his bluff—bowled him over, rough nuzzle, and hauled him upright.
Now with added next chapter: What He Does, He Does So Well
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demonslayedher · 5 months
do you have any headcanons for the reincarnations/chapter 205? :D
First off, when I read that chapter I was like... "I can't believe it's over... what a ride... BUT WHAT DID I JUST READ????"
Also, since canon only describes them as "descendants" and "a person who..." and never says "reincarnation" I don't technically think of them that way... although that is hard to do after the Obamitsu promise. My main issue with this is looking backwards; it's simply a matter of preference that I don't like thinking of Tanjiro and Nezuko as reincarnations of Sumiyoshi and Suyako (and I especially prefer to keep Yoriichi and Tanjuro as separate people), because I like the straightforward interpretation of inherited memories as something unique to this world.
So that being said!!
The modern day kids have really grown on me. : D Touko is my favorite. I have written some headcanons for them which I have tucked into fanworks that I'll link below.
--The Kamado family house was given to the Hashibira family, so Aoba still has ties there (although he doesn't live there). This is also why the Kamado boys live in the city. Theory expanded on here.
--If they are indeed reincarnations, then Kotoha was reincarnated as Aoba's mom, but she's a divorcee. Aoba's canonical younger brother has a wilder personality. I had a really nice time playing with Aoba interacting with his mom in this short fic, which also refers to the above theory and has interactions with other characters in the fallout of the blue spider lily failure.
--The Kamado family is so removed from their old charcoal past that they just FORGOT to give the oldest son a charcoal related name
--Touko inherited Zenitsu's wide range of strong emotions and expression. Although the women in their family are known for being nice and sweet, there is always what is called the "Agatsuma Demon Gene." However, it's unclear which great-grandparent this came from. There is no mention of Nezuko as a demon in any of "The Legend of Zenitsu" so Yoshiteru is convinced she was a demure girl who needed to stay out of the sunlight for health reasons. These are referred to in this collection of fanart/doodles of the Chapter 205 cast, as well as in this comic that was drawn before Volume 23 came out, so we were still under the impression that Kanata considered Touko his girlfriend (canonically, he does not, that evil flirt).
--More fun doodles of Touko with Zenitsu's expressions and Yoshiteru with Nezuko's expressions here
--Yoshiteru has Marfan Syndrome.
--This isn't so much a headcanon as an observation, but I love what Iguro being a chef and having a good luck snake emblem says about how he's been freed some his past. So I said that all at the end of this post about snake analysis as it relates to Iguro.
--I just kind love that Kiriya and Yushiro are friends???
--I don't know how I feel about the "they get together every year to do Kagura in the Breath styles" thing that was added later. It just doesn't seem to fit well with everything. First, the need for Breath technique is gone, so if Tanjiro decided to simply not teach the next generation, that would have been a fine statement. After all, they just keep the earrings in a framed box now. Second, it would imply that they all might recognize each other from having met every year. Touko would happily anticipate meeting her favorite gymnast every year, and she and Yoshiteru would both already have met Aoba plenty of times, as would Sumiyoshi, who supposedly only meets him when they are both sulking about being in trouble. Maybe they wouldn't recognize each other out of the context of being in the shrine for Kagura once a year, but those kinds of events usually take all day to set up, conduct, and then have a party afterward with lots of interaction. Plus, who was even around to pass on some of those Breaths??? And what kind of move is Thunderclap and Flash for a full Kagura dance???????? So my headcanon is that Touko has stayed home from it for the last few years, Yoshiteru has mostly just hung out with his distant cousins, Aoba's little brother is the one who has been doing it lately while Aoba has been busy as a student and then career botanist, and the dances are staged throughout the day at different times, so Flower Breath and Insect Breath are never around the same time as Thunder Breath so Yoshiteru never even encountered the girls. Also, the Corp had other survivors!! Maybe they're the ones who have been retaining most of these traditions in place of characters who did not survive to leave descendants!
Well that one turned into a rant. Anywayyyy.
--Reincarnated!?Shinobu is Giichi's babysitter and she finds him overly talkative, because irony is fun. (Also in fanart)
--Reincarnated!?Makomo is Reincarnated!?Urokodaki's granddaughter (also in the same fanart collection)
--Toujurou's dad has trouble keeping students in the kendo dojo, because bringing in KimeGaku elements is fun
--The cops take their coffee really, really sweet; it's totally loaded with sugar
Enjoy the things I linked!! They have more of my thoughts and fun with them!! : D
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vigilskeep · 10 months
festivals of thedas!!
five major holidays are celebrated all across thedas "from tevinter to ferelden", tied to the transition of seasons. (they are generally in the andrastian tradition, and have links to tevinter culture considering its widespread imperialism and influence.) i'm going to talk about what we know from the lore and also what i think the real world inspirations are, but i'm not the most knowledgeable person on that specifically, so if anyone has extra contributions especially for the latter, or thoughts of what their own cultural background might bring to some of these, i would love that!!
first day is celebrated, naturally, on the first day of the year! in the january equivalent month of wintermarch/verimensis. on this holiday, you visit family and neighbours, which in remote areas was once literally just an annual check that everyone was alive. there's a town gathering to commemorate the past year, with drinking and merriment, of course. celebrating the start of a new year is one of the oldest traditional holidays in the world. i might compare the tradition of making visits to scotland's 'first-footing' on hogmanay (new year's eve), where the first person who enters a home is a bringer of fortune (and gifts!). in scotland it should specifically be a dark-haired man to ensure good luck, but there are similar practises in other places with different standards
wintersend is a festival for the end of winter, celebrated at the end of the february equivalent, guardian/pluitanis. originally called "urthalis" and dedicated to urthemiel, old god of beauty and the archdemon from dao, it now celebrates the maker. i would imagine for both it stood to thank them as the bounty and plenty of creation returned to the world. we have some information on how it varies between regions. in the south, it is a day to gather, trade, arrange marriages, and attend theatre. in tevinter, it marks great tourneys and contests at the proving grounds in minrathous. nevarra, too, has "particularly grand" wintersend tournaments.
summerday (you begin to see how creative these names are) honours, you guessed it, the beginning of summer, celebrated at the beginning of may, or bloomingtide/molioris. apparently universally celebrated as a time for joy and marriage, which may explain why it was once called andoralis and sacred to andoral, old god of unity. time for those marriages the southerners arranged at wintersend to be celebrated! but most specifically, it's the day for coming of age. there's no details on at what age this occurs, and it may vary across thedas, but on summerday boys and girls wear white tunics and gowns in a grand procession to the local chantry to be taught the responsibilities of adulthood there. so most characters raised andrastian probably went through this! lots of cultures have coming of age celebrations but i'm not super familiar with them personally as my own is lacking, so i would love to have other people's takes on what else this might involve and if you see any similarities!!
funalis is now much better known in thedas as all soul's day, since after the first blight its original associations with dumat, the old god of silence, became rather unpopular. it's now spent in sombre remembrance of the dead. in some northern lands (i would expect this to be mainly acceptable in tevinter), there are parades after midnight where the people dress as spirits, which sounds so fucking cool, by the way, WHAT does that look like in the cultural imagination. in the south, it memorialises the death of andraste, with public bonfires to mark her death on the pyre, and religious plays depicting the events. all of this is obviously influenced by the real world all souls' day, a christian commemoration of the departed on 2 november, and i suspect visuals of the mexican day of the dead are being called up for the parades. however, funalis is actually celebrated at the start of august/matrinalis, which is equivalent to... you know... august. thedas gets an early start on spooky season i guess? for the southern andrastian stuff i would look at the history of miracle plays and catholic festivals
lastly, satinalia is a holiday accompanied by wild celebration, the wearing of masks, and naming the town fool as ruler for a day. it was once dedicated to zazikel, the old goddess of freedom, but is now more attributed to satina, thedas' second moon. this is very obviously linked to the ancient roman festival of saturnalia, which involved a similar switching of roles for the day, with slaves having the banquets and freedom of speech their masters would normally enjoy, and the rules changing for the day on how dress indicated rank, potentially including mask-wearing. you can see why the goddess of freedom was relevant. it's also been connected to later traditions like the british 'lord of misrule', which could be an influence too! there are many other festivals of masks to look to, as well. satinalia is celebrated at the beginning of firstfall/umbralis, which is november. in antiva, it last for a week or more, while a week of fasting follows. in others, it's marked by large feasts and the giving of gifts.
these are the festival days celebrated in all of thedas (in andrastian culture, at least), and there are likely many more regionally. for example, there's a delightful page in world of thedas vol 2 outlining all nevarra city's entertainments throughout the year, including ancestral pageants of the dead in the autumn, and winter styles of dance that mimic dragon hunting featuring armoured dress and fluttering red cloth, likely inspired by the pasodoble's mimicry of bull and matador. every place and culture in thedas surely has their own, and their own variations on the shared festivals above
i would loveeee if people included these more in their thoughts and fics and hcs. let your beloved characters get engaged at wintersend and remember their coming of age on summerday and dress up for parades!! pls. for my health.
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noforkingclue · 6 months
Bestieeeee! I want to answer your call for nsfw requests and you just told me some of the prompts on the lists you shared had given you River Cartwright Thots 🤭
So, I’m not here to request a prompt of my choice, I want you to pick your favourite and just give yourself permission to go nuts with it. I cannot wait to read what you create for our boy!
My only request would be that you lean into that car scene dom energy cos daaaamn 🥵
Have fun! xx
Mate, giving me free reign was a very bad idea and I had to limit myself to a max of two prompts even though more were calling to me!
I had way too much fun with this and I hope you like it :D
Title: Beg
Slow Horses tag list: @cillmequick
Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.
I told you, you would eventually start begging.
Warnings: NSFW
Prompt list: link
You drummed your fingers against the bar and looked down at your empty glass. You tried to get the bartender's attention but he was occupied elsewhere. You gritted your teeth in annoyance and you took a deep breath to try and calm down. It had been a rough week and all you wanted was some strong drinks and to relax.
“Long time no see.”
You stiffened at the familiar voice. Your hand clenched around your glass and you looked around for a way to escape but the bar was too crowded. River pressed his body against yours, trapping you against the bar. With how busy it was it could easily be seen as a harmless action. Too many people in too small of a space, people were bound to end up squeezed together. However, you knew River better than that.
“What do you want?” You asked
“You’ve been avoiding me,” River said quietly, leaning down to brush his lips against your ear
“Can you blame me?”
“You left in the middle of the night.”
“You’ve done that before. Besides, I had an early start.”
“You also left The Service.”
“How did you find that out?”
“I have my ways. I just want you to confirm it.”
“That’s… correct.”
“Where are you working now?”
“You don’t have clearance for that.”
“Ah,” you could hear the smile in River’s voice, “Six.”
Luckily you were distracted by the bartender finally coming over to you and taking your order. You took a large swig of your drink, hoping that it would distract you from River. You had no such luck.
“And here I thought you’d be buying me a drink.” Said River
“Would it get rid of you?”
“Then what’s the point?”
“You weren’t always so… hostile to my attention.”
“Things change.”
“Not that much. You going home with anyone?”
“Is that any of your business?”
Rivers lips trailed against your neck. You swallowed thickly at the sensation, resisting the urge to lean back against him. You could feel River smirk against your neck.
“I’ll be outside,” he said, “ten minutes. Don’t make me come in and find you.”
You didn’t know you had been holding your breath until River had left. You glared at the door before turning your attention back to your drink. You aren’t going to let him win. Not this time. No. You are going to savour this drink and then the next and then the next one after that.
Fuck River Cartwright.
But not literally.
You didn’t know what time it was when you finally left the bar. You were pleasantly buzzed but not as drunk as you would’ve liked to have been. You still wanted to keep your wits about you after running into River. You glanced around but could see River or his car. Then again things aren’t always what they seemed. River, the bastard, had genuinely been good at tracking people.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and you finally began your walk home. You kept mainly to the shadows, glancing over your shoulder every so often. Your keys were held firmly between your fingers. It wasn’t a long walk back to your flat but you were still expecting River to pop out at any moment. You let out a sigh of relief when you finally saw your building. When you were finally in the safety of your flat you rested your head against the door.
Now you could get some well deserved sleep and forget about your run in with Cartwright.
A creak behind you had your eyes fly open. You tried to turn around but your intruder was quicker. You were pressed, chest first, against your door. Strong hands gripped your wrists and pushed them beside your head.
“I thought I told you ten minutes.” Said River
“And I thought I made it perfectly clear that wasn’t going to happen.”
You let out a yelp as you were suddenly turned around. River pinned your body against the door with his, his grip still firmly around your wrists. You glared up at him, determined not to let him win this battle. River’s expression was giving nothing away but you could tell from his body that he was just as turned on as you.
“Been awhile then, Cartwright?” You asked teasingly
River didn’t take the bait. His lips grazed against your and you tried to pull away. However, you weren’t able to get anywhere with the door blocking your escape. You let out a whine of frustration and River let out a breathy laugh at the sound. He moved both of your wrists to one hand and the other trailing up your thigh. You cursed yourself for wearing a short dress as his fingers skimmed against your underwear.
“Very fucking funny,” he said, “but from what it feels like it seems that you’re the one desperate for me.”
You let out a choked gasp as two fingers roughly entered you. Your head fell against his chest and River let go out your wrists. Your arms fell limply over his shoulders and you said weakly,
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Why not.”
“Because,” you bit your lip to stifle a loan, “if Lamb found out-“
“Y/n,” River interrupted, “right now Lamb is the last person I want to think about.”
Your hips bucked against his hand as his thumb swirled against your clit. River's other hand grasped your chin and forced you to look up at him.
“You want this.” He said
“Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Why? Because I’m a slow horse and you’re now Six?”
Another moan cut you off. Your hands curled against River’s shirt and you tried to glare up at him. You hated how vulnerable he made you feel. River just raised his eyebrows.
“Tell me you need this,” he said, “tell me.”
His fingers stopped moving and you let out a frustrated moan. You tried to move your hips but any movement you made just made River pull out his fingers.
“No,” he said, “I need to hear you say it y/n. Tell me to continue. Tell me you need me.”
“River,” you bucked your hips once more, “continue.”
“Then beg.”
“Wh… what?”
“Beg,” River nipped at your neck, “I want to hear you beg.”
“Going deaf, Cartwright.”
“Hmm,” River looked you up and down, “that’ll change.”
You let out a yelp as River lifted you into his arms. You flung your arms around his neck, uncertain about if he’d drop you or not (he had done so in the past and you hadn’t let him forget about it). River just looked down at you before pressing his lips against yours. You tangled your fingers in his hair as you kicked off your heels. You heard them clatter away but you didn’t care. When River finally broke the kiss the two of you were panting for air.
“Just like old times.” Said river
“I’ve missed you.”
“I can tell.”
River carried you to your bedroom, depositing you in your bed. You had just propped yourself up in your elbows when River pinned you down. He looked down at you and said,
“One last chance.”
“I’m not going to beg.”
“I won’t go easy on you. Beg and I will.”
River gave you one last almost pitying look (that you had the sudden urge to smack off his face) before pressing his lips roughly against yours. Your moans were swallowed by his lips and tried to pull your wrists free. However, River gave them a warning squeeze.
“I warned you,” he said against your lips, “unless you want to give in.”
“Not fucking likely.”
Finally River let go of your wrists. You wrapped them around his shoulders and tried to pull him down for another kiss but he just gave you a warning look. He trailed feather light touches up your thighs before he finally reached your underwear. He sat back and pulled them off, tossing them over his shoulder.
“Still so beautiful,” he said kneeling down and pressing his cheek against your thigh, “so fucking beautiful and all for me.”
He blew on you and you gasped, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He bit the inside of your thigh and inserted his index and middle finger. He looked and winked at you as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out. Achingly slow and not enough friction to give you the release you so desperately needed.
“Love,” that damned name that turned your insides to fucking jelly, “you know what you need to do.”
“River…” your voice had a pleading edge that you hated and River was the only one able to pull from you
“Say it,” River’s fingers stopped moving, “I need to hear you say it.”
“Please fuck me. I…”
“Yes.” River’s voice was quiet, barely above a whisper
“I need it. I need you.”
River let out a groan and he removed his fingers. You cried out at the loss of feeling full and narrowed your eyes and River who just licked his fingers. Fuck, that shouldn’t have been so hot. He sat back and hurriedly pulled off his shirt. You sat up and practically yanked off your dress, tossing it to the side, not caring where it landed. You laid back down, wishing that River would hurry the fuck up. There was a rustling of clothes and you groaned as you felt him press against you.
“Everything still ok?” he muttered against your lips
“You still want this?”
“Fuck yes.”
“Good,” he pressed his forehead against yours, “good.”
You gasped when River finally entered you. You wrapped your arms around him, digging your nails into his back. River moaned at the sensation, his thrusts briefly stopping for a moment.
“Fuck,” he gasped, “y/n…”
You buried your face against his shoulder.
“I lo-”
You quickly bite his shoulder, stopping yourself from finishing that most dangerous sentence. You didn’t notice River’s expression at the sentence that almost was. He felt himself getting close and reached down between your thighs about rubbed circles against your clit. You gasped and River felt you clench around him.
“I’m close.” he muttered softly
“Come for me.”
You let out a final groan, wrapped your legs around him and you came. River didn’t last much longer, spilling inside of you. The two of you stayed entwined for a moment before you unwrapped your legs and River rolled off of you. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against his chest. A heavy silence settled around you and you pressed your face in his chest.
“So,” he said at last, “what you were going to say earlier-”
“No,” you interrupted, “don’t ruin the moment.”
“I didn’t know we were having one.”
“This,” you raised your head slightly,, “was just another fuck.. Nothing’s changed from before.”
“Besides the fact that you now work at Six.”
“Service is Service. Doesn’t matter if it’s Five or Six.”
You lowered your head back down and closed your eyes. River rubbed circles against your shoulder and you felt your slowly drifting off to sleep. It had been too long since you had slept with anyone. You hadn’t shared your bed with anyone since you had left Five. It didn’t seem right. It wasn’t as though you and River were anything official. It was just a casual thing. A quick fuck to relieve tension. You weren’t meant to develop feelings, especially since River clearly didn’t feel the same.
“Hey y/n?”
You grunted as River’s voice dragged you out of your blissful slumber.
“What now Cartwright?”
River leant down, his lips grazing against your cheek.
“I told you,” he said teasing, “you would eventually start begging.”
Your eyes shot open and you sat up glaring at him. River looked down at you, rubbing circles against your shoulder, and you jabbed him on the chest.
“Fuck you.” you said
“I think I just did that.”
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thecoffeelorian · 5 months
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May 10, 2024
Hello again, everyone...
Firstly, I'd just like to offer a little friendly reminder that the Bad Batch section of this fandom is not dead, just done with its main source material. There are, however, a million directions we can take our derivative works, as I expect this fandom overall is just getting started with the material from "Tales of the Empire" and I, personally, am kind of excited with where we all might go next.
Secondly, thank you to everyone who took the time to like and reblog my past entries, as I know for a fact I wouldn’t have gotten very far without your consideration.
Thirdly, though, I would like to state the purpose of this weekly entry, because it can and should double as a mission statement of sorts:
As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I do this list every Friday to bring more visibility to art and stories that might otherwise go unnoticed on the Tumblr timeline, as well as to help the creators of such fanworks achieve more followers in the process.
This means that I will look for the entries with the lowest amounts of likes and reblogs and then add them to my weekly list, as well as liking and reblogging them to my own Tumblr page.
And so, while we’re all on the subject, here are my picks of the week::
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The Clone Wars Fanart--From @foxyaran:
The Clone Wars Fanart--From @angela-art13:
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--From @ireadwithmyears:
The Clone Wars: Tukk Tales Fanfiction--From @gun-roswell:
The Bad Batch Fanart--From @nocturius8015ficore:
The Bad Batch Fanart--From @s-pirth-lemonade:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--From @groguandthebadbatch:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--From @jedi-princess-kestis:
Tales Of The Empire Fanart--From @robinthephoenix:
Rey Skywalker Moodboard--From @skyofnostars:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists and writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists and writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget...thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good morning, and good luck.
No Pressure Tags:
@maxims-multifandom-corner @skellymom @melymigo @ankossss @sharpasanaro
@ilovemedia @snap-my-kneecaps @algo-o-nada @somethingsaladsomething @rott1ngbra1n
@brownielocks69 @ratcatchinggirl @yeehawgeek @ilcuoreardendo-fic @chefobiwankenobi
@lilithastar @wondermadeleine @theosb0rnway @here-comes-the-moose @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod 
@trixie2023 @callsign-denmark @smw-on-kamino @ray-rook @saphiranishimurashan
@serinzatravel-blog and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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