#listen if theres any volunteers im down
clearnachopirate · 4 months
Terry and the batfam. Terry and the batfam. their dynamics have so much potential and i would LOVE to see it explored in any way at all
Terry and Dick: older brothers, trade stories of how they embarrass and get back at their younger brother(s), anger issue twins, "oh you were batman too??" "yeah, but its only bc one of my parents was murdered" "omg thats how i became robin no way"
Terry and Jason: the second most destructive duo, second only to terry and steph. not bc they fight or blow things up on patrol (thats tim and jasons thing) but bc anytime there a new gadget to try, terry will volunteer to use it, and jason will volunteer to 'spar' with terry to test it out. okay, maybe its bc they fight and blow stuff up, but its only ever in the batcave under supervision! "the tim from my dimension actually killed the joker" "no shit? did bruce stop me over there too?" "... about that--" sometimes they grab the others leather jacket by accident and both have given up on caring
Terry and Tim: terry "from the technological future" mcginnis and tim "designs loads of bat tech" drake talk shop, "my younger brother was made robin without my consent" club. tim listens to the works elcectro pop music ever and it just so happens to sound exactly like what they play at terrys favorite club. tim introduces him to (kon or bernard, take your pick) and they hit it off so well that they hang out without tim
Terry and Damian: ace the dog. terry invited damian to his AC island. both are bruce's bio kids and mamas boys. damian calling him "Terrance" and terry never recovering from it. terry knows damian from the future, kind of, and uses that knowledge to his advantage EVERY DAY
Terry and Duke: team "everyone thinks we're the normal one, they are wrong" they totally do movie marathons you cant tell me otherwise, their favorite thing to do is make bets abt the rest of the fam w cass. they never win against her. on any given day you can find them whispering about everyone else "duke, why the fuck were damian and tim staring each other down over breakfast" "hes mad dick said he can't poison him again" "what" "i know i thought they were over it by now"
Terry and Cass: cass sees him for the first time and sees that he rivals tim and dick in terms of being a mess and is determined to bond. terry hears about what she was trained for as a child and shrugs bc "i was supposed to be a second bruce, things change" cass will make him give her piggybacks when shes tired and terry has never dropped her
Terry and Stephanie: the most destructive duo. something happens to their braincells when they patrol together, buildings fall, bones break, civilians are crying, theres about ten minutes where everyone else thinks theyre both dead. they both are waiting at the cave for the others, terry is teching her how to make really shitty friendship bracelets (dana taught him, and stephanie is pretending she doesnt know how). they dont know why everyone else is so stressed "i texted you that we were fine, old man. steph and i just ran into black masks trafficing ring and took care of it-- why is dick crying?"
ALL of them have asked about the future before and the ONLY thing he ever reveals is out of context sayings and trends "yeah actually luigi and bowser have so much chemistry, well, i guess that movie isnt out yet huh" "???" (they think luigi and bowser are a cononical couple in the future and wonder where the world went so wrong) and (while interrogating smon) "watch out, you're not acting like the sigma you are, batman, try rizzing 'im up, then he'll talk."
him and bart meet (everyone tried to keep in from happening) and theyre from similar enough futures that when they talk, not a single person around them can follow it, they teach each other the different versions of different tik tok dances and terry goes back to the manor and teches them to steph, cass sees them do it once and has them memorized, duke thought it was funny, dick thought it was adorable (eventually they ALL know them, and it becomes an inside joke) tims prized possession is a video he got of damian doing the most dispassionate renegade the world has ever seen bc jon asked and he cant say no to him)
terry mcginnis interacting w the other bat kids has a lot of potential for chaos and family bonding
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whilomm · 4 months
i think part of the reason why ppl have a kneejerk reaction to others pointing out that marcille is kinda conservative (besides the usual desire to sand down characters edges to make them Less Problematic™) is that theyre thinking "conservative=republican" rather than similar to like, that girl who will swear up and down that she is SO progressive and 100% feminist and everything but when a girl doesnt shave her legs she says "ugh but its just so UNSANITARY" but at the same time if a guy DOES shave their legs she just "thinks its weird!!!", and if you point out the contradiction there ("didnt you say it was UNSANITARY to not shave? doesnt that mean you think ALL guys should shave?") she will BSoD a little bit and uhhhh i mean uhhh its just that–
or you know, someone who if you come out as a trans to her she'll accept it (after a bit of confusion and a few of the usual dumb cis questions) but maybe thinks that the way to ✨validate✨ you is to go all in on gender stereotypes like okay if youre a woman that means MAKEUP and DRESSES and LONG HAIR and ACTING LADYLIKE and PARTICIPATING IN GIRLY ACTIVITIES and NOT BEING TOO LOUD and NOT TAKING UP TOO MUCH SPACE. and if your a man that means dressing MANLY and HAVING SHORT HAIR and ACTING MASCULINE and TOUGH and BEING UNINVITED FROM THE (GIRLY) WEEKLY HANGOUT SESH
or people who like, will never outright say they HATE homeless people, like if you talk about volunteering at the soup kitchen or donating to the food bank shes like yeah!!! but then she also getting weirdly uncomfortable when it comes to actual homeless people who arent like, the model of 'trying but down on my luck', and just thinking the tents are unsightly and worrying about how if you give someone money on the street if they'll just use it for drugs and being anxious about the vague specter of "violence"
(im not necessarily saying "marcille herself would 100% do these things" but just "when people say marcilles a bit conservative they dont mean rightwing republican they mean like this kinda shit which self-proclaimed Progressives do when they dont recognize they still got shit that they picked up from living in a So Sigh Titty to work thru")
like, listen, a big part of marcille's character is that she is very prideful and sure of herself and her opinions. half of marcille's character building parts are "marcille has a preconceived notion! oh, someone challenges the preconceived notion! marcille is RESISTANT to this! oh my GOD this is AWFUL how could you CHALLENGE HER WORLD VIE- oh. oh wait no. okay you might have a point BUT SHE STILL HATES IT!!!".
she changes and she learns things! but shes kicking and screaming the whole way and kinda annoying about it and even after she has one thing challenged shes still got a whole backlog of other things she learned from So Sign Titty shes also gotta work thru even if she doesnt realize it yet. sometimes she gradually realizes these things on her own sometimes someone basically has to hit her over the head with the Very Special Episode about how halffoots arent children and orcs aren't evil and maybe shes treating falin a bit like a dress up doll and infantilizing her and like thats a problem maybe?
like. its an interesting part of her character! let marcille be a bit conservative. she aint perfect. actually theres a lotta little things she kinda sucks about. but its okay bc she can learn and have her tidy little worldview challenged and its interesting to see her go thru it all!
(and i also wonder if part of the resistance to people pointing out how shes a bit conservative in some ways is also like, refusal to admit "hm maybe i also hold some regressive views". like, the general thing of "wanting to believe you are already a perfect progressive and dont hold any shitty views" is extremely realistic, its defo a trap ive fallen into before! most of us probably have! but like, step one is admitting it rather than putting your foot on the ground and saying la la la i cant hear you)
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anthroposeen · 3 months
tmagp 21 relisten notes
happy end of hiatus! beware of tmagp 21 and light tma spoilers below the cut!!
this is a continuation of the night of episode 20! so all of the events occurring in this episode are happening directly after the events of episode 20 with very little skipping forward
- we open with her trying to cheer sam up after their intervention of sorts in ep 20. shes concerned that hes upset over her and alice not wanting to be involved with his investigations and reacting poorly to him bringing up quitting
- she suggests that sam can stay at the OIAR while trying to make change from the inside
- when sam asks her about whats been bothering her, she says she has a "complicated immigration status" and this would stop her from taking jack with her.
- ive taken it as canon that celia is from the tma universe, but this is another clue towards that conclusion. this also implies that shes discovered a way to take her back to her original dimension, or at least knows enough about that process to decide she cant take jack back with her. but staying with him (in this universe) means she has some complicated decisions to make (im assuming this is partially about her struggles with teleporting)
- hes worried that alice is right about the morality of them working for the OIAR -> he can accept that the organization is evil, but he cant let himself go on knowingly administering evil
- his main motivation to stay instead of seeking out a different (less prestigious) job is his desire to not disappoint his parents (i think a lot of sam's motivations will be centered around him meeting expectations, getting attention, and proving people wrong)
- he maintains that he will quit once/if he gets enough information to convince him to leave. this is a pretty interesting thing for him to say, considering hes only been drug deeper into the job the more info he gets.
- sam volunteers to help celia and jack with "anything" -> im willing to bet this will come back to bite him on the ass in the future, and i wonder what favor celia will be asking him to complete. i wonder if shes willing to take him up on the offer even if it puts him in danger
- though the incident is read from sam's desk, alice is the one who found it and started it up. im betting that she was poking around his cases to see if there were any corresponding to TMI or their conversations
- "You bastard. You wanted him to read this, didn’t you? Just slipped it into his caseload, all subtle like and waited for him to hear it. Well not this time [...] Colin was right about you. What do you want? Hmmm? Who’s in there?" this is a huge reveal in terms of what alice believes in. in ep 20, she shoots down sam and colin trying to explain that the computers are listening and communicating with them, but now it sounds like she fully believes in it after all
- i think that she either pretended to not believe in it to encourage sam and colin to drop it, or that she really did think they were crazy and took to investigating sam's workload to see if he was right. either way, she seems fully convinced now, and has gone so far as to attribute this behavior to fully sentient people, seeing as how she asked who was in there.
- she's suspicious of alice using sam's computer, and doesn't believe that theres been more technology issues. according to her, the system has worked better in colin's absence, so he was likely trying to sabotage jmj
- she's worried about gwen being late from her assignment, but pretends to not be concerned around alice
- right as ink5oul traps her, she is compelled to begin a statement (which sounds to be corruption-aligned). she was claimed by error and ink5oul allowed her to run away. we can assume gwen was able to escape them both, but i wonder if her attachment to error will cause problems with future externals (will it stop her from interacting with them or will this provide her with the protection shes been wanting?)
- not only can they tattoo people with ink created by their own skin/blood, they can also manipulate the tattoos of others! very cool character/monster design
- once interrupted by error, they originally try to fight over who is 'claiming' gwen, but they back off and let error take her. the way they interact with error implies that theyve seen other avatars before
- the tape recorder click seems to be an indication of them entering the scene, and of things shifting to follow tma world building conventions
- they compel gwen to begin a statement, and warn ink5oul from touching her, claiming her as theirs
- "they are all mine", i think this is referring to the OIAR as a whole, especially considering alice has already had an encounter with one of error's potential victims
narrated by chester at sam's terminal, about the magnus institute (TMI)
- the incident is in the form of a letter/email sent from the co-treasurer of TMI to other members of the institute.
- TMI was planning on having an exhibit at a dome built to instigate a grand ritual in the year 2000. this ritual was based in the hopes of using the transmutative powers of the dome to harness the power of the turn of the millennium.
- mr. leonardo argues that the date (2000) and location of the dome and ritual are ineffective. he believes that the date shouldn't be decided based on cultural significance, it needs to be decided based on astrological significance. since the concept of the new year and turning of the millennium depends on the calendar used, its subjective and less stable than using a date determined by the movement of the stars, which every culture holds as a constant.
- he also believes that the dome will not be a secure location to bring about this ritual for universal transmutation because it will not have a balance between optimism and fear. he thinks that the dome would sponsor more energy for fear than optimism, due to socio-political changes and public interpretation of the dome.
- on top of the dome not supporting balance, mr. leonardo also proposes that the ground its built on is impure. he found the site to have a horrible smell and the workers to be uninterested, dirty, and ill (much of this part of the incident lends itself to the corruption)
- the foreman of the site said he wasnt sure how long the structure was expected to stay up, that it could stand the test of time or fall apart within a year.
- during his investigation of the site, mr. leonardo also witnessed a man's doppelgänger be pushed from the earth of the construction site. the new man was older (symbolizing the future), and looked sickly. the younger man tried to scream, but was taken into the earth by his copy.
- this case as a whole is interesting because mr. leonardo is not supporting the dome for its power leaning toward fear over optimism. he seems to genuinely want balance between these powers, so the purpose of the TMI ritual was not to pull through one power. the focus is on successfully attainting a universal transmutation
- "yeah/yes" alice, lying about sam consenting to her using his computer
- "ill let him know when he gets back" alice
- "only about your caseload" lena, lying about not being worried about gwen
extra comments:
- im unsure if this is just a personal interpretation or maybe unintentional from the sound editors, but it really did sound like chester was significantly less robotic in tone as that incident ended
- the water sound effects as gwen was chased by ink5oul were really well done, all of the sound design done this episode was just so incredible!! the chase scene was so clear and i loved the added background music/instrumentals
- once gwen drops her phone into the water, our next audio-on is the tape recorder click!
- the tape recorder physically biting ink5oul was very funny, i think its fun to introduce them as kinda sentient/physical beings, but it also rides the line to comedy a bit too much to be scary here
- im unsure of when the police report from episode 18 took place, and that will be a major decider in this theory being relevant, but i think error is the entity that has been influencing corpses to talk. it's victims are compelled to share stories in tma's statement format, and the elements of their stories are pretty aligned with the tma fears as well. it seems to be targeting the OIAR staff, since one of its statements has been in their caseloads, alice met one of the victims, and now its stopped gwen from getting ink5ouled. Im unsure why or how it knows the OIAR is important if its from the tma universe. it could be sensing celia, whos also from its dimension, or maybe it still holds a connection to jmj (who are definitely sentient)
- this incident also explains why the protocol was used against TMI! the fire that destroyed the institute happened right before they would have been able to execute the ritual for transmutation
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deoxygenated · 7 months
had a dream where whoever i was first at the shore, playing in the waves. we were with some kind of group and had to kill a few people to protect the area even if they weren't criminals themselves.
it was ordered we had to kill this 13yr old child and decided the best method to do that and hide ths body would be to drown them in the far ocean. the boss' lackey is to do it at first.
however he can only teleport 50 something so I volunteer bc i can teleport about 200 something. he takes us and the unconscious child into the ocean at first and once we're teleported out it's my turn. i grab them and use my ability.
it feels like we're in the middle of nowhere because it's so vast. the lackey looks at me and then i hold the kid underwater. the child wakes up enough to struggle, theyre drowning, and i suddenly teleport me and the lackey back to the shallows.
the boss is there, the lackey looks disgusted at the sudden teleport and reports in. he seems satisfied and thanks me with a cruel smile.
in the next few days im constantly patrolling the shore. im playing around but also looking for any signs of the kid as they could wash up back here. they were drowning but i didn't finish it so theres a small chance they're alive. whoever i am feels no real guilt other than not completing a job and because of that decides if the kid appears they are to help them.
the next part of the dream segues into a vast fantasy land. it borrows some names from ffxiv but otherwise is nothing alike.
i remember whoever i was here racing with several people to get to the great tree of the forest via gridania by using aqueducts designed also as throughways. they took various exits to get there but i was sure only me and one girl who rode the water to the second to last exit were right.
this dream skips around time wise so while i'm the same person i'm now sitting at a table with a friend. he's new to the city and i'm helping him send a letter out. we recruit a post office lady who helps us write the letter.
i get mad at her bc i passive aggressively indicate i can write but she's sure a country bumpkin from nowhere like me can't do it well of at all. so she refuses to leave us the supplies and instead is doing it for us.
my friend dictates a letter and then asks her to get the address from me since i know it well.
'gridania right?' she asks.
'well yes but you have to put the great tree first, thats important, and more of a landmark.' i tell her.
'ok so the great tree of the forest, gridania--'
'portside, dock 12, #16.'
she looks peeved at me. and tells us we don't have proper addresses. i tell her this will do to locate it asking around, as my country doesn't yet have a proper postal service.
the final dream might be the future of that port. a large ship with vast porthole is among the docks. its where people of the land work in harmony with the dolphin people of the waves.
however someone has taken over and made a of number of improvements. deployable engines through the ports, piercingly bright lights made from these blue petals, and so on.
i try to stop the lamp production but i can't so i go to the leader of the group doing this. its the friend who needed a letter from the last dream. he's dressed fancy in a suit, arms behind his back, weak as ever on his own but strong where people listen to him. whoever i am here doesn't know him as anything but the person single handedly causing bad relations with the dolphin people.
i walk in and get his attention, telling him how his improvements are hurting and isolating our long time allies. he doesn't at all care since it's for advancement and has me kicked out.
theres a timeskip that shows me coming back to a much worse situation. the docks used to be more plant than anything are now cleared down to the gravel and mud. you can see oil spilled and large shipping containers start to be stacked on the shore.
i don't even see the dolphin people any longer. in my fury i topple two of the containers and march toward the ship in charge of it all still. someone follows me protesting the damage but not doing much else to stop me.
arriving at the ship, i take out the rear guards with ease and begin my incursion. all i remember here is a rack of cheap really cheap plushies and passing that on my way in.
i do attack the ship but the feeling here were more like a being only focused as a predator. one goal in mind but taking out everything in my way. a tunnel vision, grey warping, the senses of a beast on the hunt, and no thoughts of the man inside.
its like that until i reach the captains quarters where he stands, waiting for me. the grip of the beast shirks away as i talk about the loss of the dolphin people, the destruction of my home's habitat, and his pollution of the environment.
he turns, lecturing me for destruction and needless death, if everyone was listening to him, who am i as one person to come in and kill everyone to change it?
im almost taken aback by this, knowing there is blood on my hands. but not as much as his. how many people died pursuing his innovation? at least the cost of a whole people.
so i kill him now in cold blood. i throw his corpse to the shipping containers.
the person following me question what i'll do and not even i know. i guess ill haunt this place. stop people from coming here until it can regrow. hold out hope for the dolphin people.
and i wake up just as they are deciding their sad, solemn duty of mourning and revenge.
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leafcabbage · 1 year
Hi! Question about the hunger games au : what was the main “casts” reaction to the announcement of how the 75th hunger games would be reaped? Were there any specific individual reactions?
hi hi! yes! totally did not have to refer to my previous answers on who was in the 75th nope! i need to write this shit down in a doc or something
generally everyone is just. fucked up over it. the FIRST thing tommy does is track wilbur down and force him to promise not to volunteer if tommy is pulled. tommy cannot handle having wilburs death on his shoulders. he wants to do the same to tubbo but... he knows tubbo wont listen.
ranboo has a breakdown. eight does not have many victors. they know they're going back in the arena. like yes, theres a mild chance they wont. but theyre pretty certain its rigged so they will. (of course i canonized that tributes can volunteer across gender in this to get both the boys in the first games, so sneeg promises himself he will volunteer in ranboos place if they're called. he does but... well im mean and also decided that the names go back in the bowl if theres a volunteer so. ranboo gets picked anyway. a real tragedy!)
of course, you have some people already semi involved in rebellion planning, including but not limited to: phil, puffy, techno, jack, niki, and quackity. but OH jack and niki. the bestest rebellion duo. oh i love those two. they love blowing shit up.
so yeah those guys kind of... they knew something was coming. time to get some plans into action. sneeg gets clued in to. keeps promising ranboo its all gonna end up okay. only for ranboo to get taken by the capitol at the end of the games... talk about some guilt that sneeg is Never going to be able to let go of...
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 9-10
This is actually so traumatizing. Can you imagine being Kai and Nya. Wus life on the line as well as the entire world
Kai has such a strong sense of justice
omfg i cant imagine how pained Kai and Nyas parents must feel. Seeing their kids being forced to retrieve a time blade and their old dear friend Wu aging to death
And they cant do anything about it
Ray: We hid the timeblade in a place that fire and water coexist. The boiling sea.
Holy shit thats cool
Jay: Its just a strategic retreat!
Cole: ‘Strategic retreat’ is just a fancy way of saying giving up 🙄
HFNSJNFND i love Coles sass
Zane: Wait! I cant retreat, im getting a signal.
Jay: Oh yeah? Does it sound anything like this?! ‘MOVE YOUR ASS ZANE!!!!’
Awwww Zane wants to save Cyrus borg
No but fr theyre right, theres too many vermillion warriors for Zane to handle
id like to take this moment in time to remind everyone that when Zane tried to sacrifice himself, Jay tried to run in and stop him while everyone watched in horror. Now at this exact moment, Jay is the first to volunteer in joining Zane to saving Cyrus borg
Technoshipping has been looking especially likable lately 👀
Kai: Gotta give credit to whoever named it the ‘Boiling Sea’ for accuracy…
The time brothers can be so stupid sometimes
Can we talk about how Nya was the first ninja to make a fusion dragon TWICE
Shes the fucking best
Their fusion dragons so cool
Ray: Now listen, this is VERY important. The first obstacle—
Kai: THERES NO TIME! Wus wasting away!
just wait a goddamn second 😭
I love their sibling relationship sm
Kai, who almost fell in a crater: haha… who knew you could be so high up, under water…
Nya: 😐😑😐
Kai: uhhh any idea on how to get down there without breaking our necks.
Nya: well, we could ask our dad… Oh no wait! You were too impatient for that.
Their relationship is everything to me
Cyrus borg after attacking the ninja in vermillion suits: You came, to rescue me?
Jay: Yeah… a decision im coming to regret…
Love how Jay was a huge cyrus borg fanatic and now is just tired of the guy 💀
Cole: Duh, they kidnapped all the builders in ninjago. Pay attention Jay!
5 minutes later
Jay: Duh, its a temporal voyage, temporal meaning ‘time’. PAY ATTENTION COLE.
Love how at the beginning of this season Jay didn’t even know what Temporal meant.
I feel like thats happened before, with Jay not knowing the meaning of a word and then constantly using it when he does.
Kai: You know how moms can get, haha!
Nya: No… because, i never had one.”
Kai: ah.
Kai: Right.
Kai: Because ours got kidnapped when you were only 3.
Kai: Sorry.
what a blunt way to just drop that 😭
Awwww now hes trying to cheer her up 🥹
Hes such a good older brother
Cyrus borg is actually so smart implementing a self destruct code even when the time brothers were watching him like a hawk
(All the ninja secretly taking borg away in their disguises with their faces covered)
Jay: (Showing his whole face) Aye aye captain!
Vermillion general: DID YOU JUST TALK!?!?
Cole: seriously Jay??? We’re NINJA we’re supposed to be stealthy
SAMURAI X!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!
knowing Samurai X is Pixal makes this whole exchange between the two of them adorable
Pixals so badass
Ok but why would their parents create geometric monsters that water and fire cant defeat.
Awwwww the little geometric screams
Kai after they try to use water and fire on the door: Working together, hehe 😎(Breaks his hands and feet fighting it)
Nya: Its the dragon blade! For ONCE take TWO seconds to think a problem through!
Shes not wrong💀
Kai: (picks up the time blade and everything starts crumbling)
Kai: We gotta bolt! Or do you wanna stay and think a problem through?
i love them sm
I keep forgetting they can do airjitzu
Cyrus borg: Uhhh i remember the destruction code was a 13 hundred sequence…
Yeah. I mean, it was pretty obvious the time brother werent gonna let Kai reverse Wu.
they lost :(
okay but why do Kai and Nya need the dragon sword to make a fusion dragon. Jay and Nya didnt need one in skybound???
Zane: 13 hundred? Thats the first line of code-
Pixal as Samurai X: -in Programming a nindroid!
From Jay being the person who uses his element the most, im assuming its the easiest to animate 😭
Zane (literally shaking from how fast he’s typing): JUST A COUPLE MORE HUNDRED DIGITS
Jay: This could not get any worse.
Cole: did you really just say that? You totally jinxed us!
Jay: pft- Thats not how real life work 🙄
Yeah but thats how cartoons work
(Giants flying shop descends)
Jay: Not saying another word.
Pls pls plsssss Nya and Kai come swoop in and save the day
Kai: the dragons not gonna make it in time, we dont have enough speed!
Their mother: good luck kids.
Nya: What are you doing?!?
Mom: Giving you the speed you need! (Fucking jumps off the dragon with her unconscious husband)
Oh ok she landed safely 💀
Kai: Our mom is totally awesome!
Hell yeah she is
Nya and Kais mom: Children…
Jay: Nya!
Cole: Kai!
Just wanted to point that out. Thats for the lavashippers out there
Jay calling out to Kai and Nya 🥹
Jay: Why did they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix 😢
Ray (their father): It was the only way to save Wu….
Jay: Oh, Okay. Im good with that!
Cole: We need to go after them! Cant you build another time machine Cyrus????
Cyrus: I cant :(
Jay: Ohhhhh I get it. ‘I cant’ is business speak means itll cost ya big. Okay business man, i hear you. Uhhhhhh I have a tenner?
Jay: Okaaaay, well samurai 2.0, since we’re waiting why dont you tell us whats really under that mask???
Samurai 2.0:
Samurai 2.0: No.
Jay: …
Jay: Would a tenner change your mind?…
i love Jay sm
Can Ray and Wu just NOT die from aging??? It isnt that hard. Just stop.
Love that Nya and Kai are just hiding right under the time brothers noses
See this is what I meant when i said time travel shit fucks me up.
If Krux and Acronix went back in time shouldnt Wu REMEMBER them coming back????
Jays bio mom: Am I dreaming or are those the guys we just fought?
Time brothers: You stopped us once today, but we now have a legion with us.
Jays bio mom: Awwwwww! And here I thought I was finally gonna go on my honeymoon! Really cute guy too, Cliff is an actor and when I look into his eyes-
i love her sm
Wish we learned more about her
“Change anything, change everything”
God this is giving me so much season 1 time traveling deja vu
Love how the ninja contradict Wus own wisdom with his other same wisdom hfjsbfjsjr
i laughed a little when Kai exaggeratingly deepened his voice terribly like his fathers and then Nya proceeded to give the best impression of her mother ive ever seen 😭
Cant believe the time brothers just killed their snake commanders
Hate that their time machine is called the ‘iron doom’
Jays bio mom: Ughhhh SERIOUSLY!?!? normal snake samurai are hard enough. How do we stop THAT?
Noooo time has been altered :(
wait, no technology?
NO ZANE?!?!?!?!?
I miss Garmadon….
Seeing him and Wu young and somewhat happy makes me wanna cry
Krux: You know what they say, fight fire with time!
Acronix: I hate when you make up sayings.
Wait what is Nya doing
Ik shes doing smth super smart but WHAT
Nya istg u better have a plan bc Krux and Acronix just traveled to the future and are probably gonna destroy the world so you better have SOMETHING
also your brothers absolutely dejected and feels like a failure so maybe talk with him
wait what are they doing with it
i cant do time travel shit i dont understand a thing
Ok ok, so they fixed everything.
That was anti-climatic.
Jay: Kai and Nya did it! (Hugs samurai x) wanna celebrate by telling me who you are?
Samurai 2.0: No.
Oh wait Rays dying.
Krux and Acronix: if we go far enough in time, there will be no one who knows us! Aaaand no Kai and Nya!!!
Kai: Wow! You just keep getting it wrong dont you?
Nya: That must be really, really frustrating.
I absolutely love them
Wu cares for Ray sm 🥺
Wu: (destroys the fucking time machine)
Kai: Why did you do that?????
Wu: Putting off until tomorrow what cannot be done today.
Damn. Twisting around his own analogies now.
They made Rays old death so much more violent and sad then Wus
Cole: Wait, wheres master Wu?????
Kai: Hes gone…
Cole: So, we dont have a master anymore..?
Jay: Yes we do, you Lloyd. It has to be you.
Im so glad im rewatching this show, I legitimately forgot all about this.
Lloyd: We will not rest, until we figure out. where is Wu.
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
I was gonna make a request based on your Eren x Gamer Reader post but then I saw you take poly requests... Erejean x Gamer Reader? (She/her pronouns btw ^_^)
sure thing anon! your brain is huge. i started a one shot which is now sitting in my drafts bc i literally dont know how to finish it. maybe i'll post it later but for now here you go headcanons woohoo
eren and jeans dynamic makes it look like its impossible for them to share a girlfriend but it actually? works surprisingly well?
arguing is kinda their love language in a very strange weird way. if theyre not fighting somethings wrong but their like constant bickering actually is rlly important to you three's relationship lmfaooo a lot of communicating is just eren and jean fighting and then you pick up on something they say and you three talk it out. plus its gets all their energy out at the end of the day... like when puppies run around in circles bc they didnt go on long enough walks
jean is the planner of the couple, always making sure you guys get tickets to see this that and whatever, always figures out how ur gonna get places and when everyone will be picked up, makes sure everyones schedules are free and that theres no big game release that you'll miss and eren doesnt have work and jean isnt volunteering
in terms of nerdiness jean is a decent middle ground between you (who says "ummm actually..." unironically) and eren (who thought dungeons and dragons was a kinky thing) because he lives with connie so he gets roped into playing stuff like rainbow six seige and watching battlestar galactica into late hours of the night. also he's an only child who was prone to boredom as a kid so he played video games like any other only child. that being said he has a more extroverted personality and aptitude for sports so he just never got as absorbed in it as you did
this kind of makes eren jealous tbh because he thinks jean has more to relate with you then him. but jealousy is like a natural feeling and despite his feigned reluctance jean is happy to share his knowledge with him.
plus eren realizes that what he lacks in video game and movie knowledge he makes up in anime bc jean is clueless on that front. once you went on this huge rant about how sailor moon would decimate goku in a fight and jean just goes "gokus the pirate with the fox spirit, right? hes trying to become number one pro hero right?"
speaking of eren eren and jean are on the same volleyball team (i hc they play volleyball bc theyre tall but i think theyd be cute on any sports team because im weak hearted) and you become their fave cheerleader <3 they look for you in the stands before each game and have their own little ritual for good luck. when he spots you jean jumps really high (despite the team captain, levi screams at him to save it for when the game starts) and makes a heart with his arms and blows you a kiss when he gets in the air and its so embarrassing so eren just dogpiles the embarassment but giving you an over exaggerated wink its the worst theyre gross
jean gets you into connie's discord server after you complain that people are really rude to you in online games and eren is quick to demand an invite too even though he literally plays nothing and has no idea how discord works. he will log in and ping you to show you a meme and even though connie's server is really chill with rules (like 10 ppl max, just some friends hanging out) he has always wanted to say "no memes in general" so he does it every time. you have to show eren how to use private messages once connie jokes abt eren being his discord kitten.
cuddle pile while watching movies... jean is a film buff so you three have movie nights rlly often. its usually you sandwiched in between them with jean behind you and eren in front of you so you can play with his hair. jean's movie taste is actually really broad and you and eren both find a ton of new favorites through him.
they both really like listening to you ramble. you can explain soooo much lore abt your fave series and theyre both really invested. eren is more invested in the characters while jean is more focused on what happens next, but theyre both listening rlly well and making sure you know they care. they kinda care in different ways though? while eren is just passionate and because he's so passionate he must know about all things you like, jean is either interested or just likes hearing your voice. of the two jean is more likely to give you short answers and he'll be more dozed off so he's good to go to when you just want to rant. eren is going to ask you more questions and get wayyy more confused so he's good to go to when you want to explain or flesh out your points.
jean finds eren's jealousy of fictional characters sooooo ridiculous. whenever eren is pouting about some new video game guy youre in love with jean is rolling his eyes because of course its eren jaeger he's just looking for things to get angry at. "what are they gonna do idiot, come out of the tv?" but then one day there's a character that looks a lot like eren and suddenly he understands everything. but he realizes you have a thing for guys with long hair. he'll keep the mullet around for a while
they both really like having you sat in their laps and (unbeknownst to you) in order to avoid conflict they created a system. cozy game? eren. reading? jean. watching anime? eren. watching something live action? jean. playing a game on your phone? eren. watching an analysis video for your favorite franchise? jean. just messing around on your computer? rock paper scissors, best of three. eren likes to hug you tight and rest his head on your shoulder while talking to you. when it gets quiet he'll nuzzle his face in your neck and give you small kisses there. while jean likes to put his hands under your shirt and rest it on your stomach while you two chat. he's puts his head on your head or throws it back depending on your height and kinda just likes letting his hands wander, like rubbing up and down your arms or tickling you lightly.
you: i hate this stupid game
eren: yeah babe that game fucking sucks (has never played it in his life)
jean: then stop playing it?
you and eren, at the same time: what? no.
all in all they are good boyfriends 10/10 would recommend.
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tendoki · 4 years
pulling up with a baby with tendou bc of the quarantine and how the team would react pls 🥺 i feel like coach washijo would be happy and would try to convince yall to let the bby go to shiratorizawa 🤣
anon ive been having the worst day but this request made me lose my shit thank u so much GOOD LORD LMFAOO
I did my best to do this request JUSTICE lol. it turned into general baby havin hcs but I hope you like it regardless!! its rlly long so my bad 🥺
Shiratorizawa reacting to Tendou + his s/o leaving lockdown w a mfin BABY
OK. so he was prob at your apartment when the lockdown was announced
so since all his shit was already there, he had clothes and a toothbrush n it was just generally more convenient for him to stay at your place
he did! he messaged his mom to let her know where hed be, she Didnt Mind lol (we dont know much ab tendous family so?? aah)
now. not saying yall spent all ur time fucking. but u 100% did
and since u ran out of birth control and condoms pretty soon into quarentine......... 👀
both of u sorta just went
both of you were pretty in love anyway, and even if things didnt work out, you guys figured that youd always work together to be the best parents for the kid you could possibly be
which led to were ur at now. a measly week out of quarantine. n ur being rushed to the labour ward.
shiratorizawa closed for the rest of the academic year, which meant that as a 3rd year, you guys and a lot of the team wouldnt see eachother in uniform again
but not to worry!! to make up for the missed celebrations theyve organised a prom and a couple days where 3rd years can come in and give proper goodbyes to everyone, including the coaches!!
everyone on the team showed up, because they wanted to say bye to their senpais 🥺🥺
but. that's like 3 months from ur labour
so when u n tendou pull up to the school, with a 3month old CHILD they r. astounded.
they know its u guys' tho
literally theres not even the possibility for a JOKE that u cheated on tendou because the kid has the same fucking hair.
it's only a little tuft (u know what anime babies look like lol) but that nose n that hair? TENDOU SATORIS GENES CAME THRU
the baby has ur eyes. and compared to the rest of its tiny little face?? they're fucking HUGE
you guys let ushijima hold him (I feel like youd have a son?) and ngl ushi cries.
it's a single tear but tendou will INSIST that waka was SOBBING years afterward
everyone is so attached to the kid sorry
the baby is so attached to semi tho!!! the second semi reaches forward to hold the kid and poke at its fat lil cheeks, hes giggling and blubbering up at his uncle semi 🥺
he offers to help you guys go shopping for more baby stuff 🥺🥺 and when his mom finds out ab the kid (team sleepovers were at reons house n u were ALWAYS invited so she LOVES U sorry I make the rules)
she gives u some of reons old baby clothes!!! n ur LOSING ur mind because WDYM THIS TALL MFER WAS ONCE LIKE A FOOT TALL AND WEARING A BLUE BEAR ONESIE???
she doesnt judge u for being a young mother!! I imagine she was too?? Reon is real respectful n I'll be damned if she isnt just as sweet
the coaches are already on your ass about toddler volleyball. they call up a couple friends and have already organized a group for teaching young Young YOUNG kids how to play despite ur son being. 3 months old.
the whole team is Maybe in love with your son
sorry. it's our son now. shiratorizawa owns ur kid :/
when shirabu is holding your boy. the whole team watches as semi get jealous????? over a kid that's NOT his???
hes petty and tells him that hes holding him wrong (hes not)
washijo is obsessed with ur baby. hes so proud of tendou. insisting that ur son being 'the size of a FAT volleyball' is a great sign for his skills in the court
the whole team. is offering money. they know u 2 are JUST out of highschool and with quarentine, are probably pretty low on cash??
BUT !! I 100% hc that tendou draws!! nd hes been doing a shit load of commissions for like. years LOL
n hes always saved that money!! he only spent it on shounen jump, which dont make too much of a dent in the money pile lol
besides he took emergency comms the second you guys found out ab the pregnancy
if you draw/write/do any work from home that's gets you money, then you do that too!!
he forces u to do less work than him tho because hes WORRIED AB U N THE BABY 🥺
but you guys appreciate the offers from your friends!!! Reon and Ushi's mom both volunteer to baby sit when you guys want a date night, thus ur child creating one hell of a friendship between the ex-captain and his vice's mothers 🥺
I'm not gonna go thru ALL the team members reactions
but they're all really happy!! ofc they scold tendou for not using protection and are MAJORLY GROSSED OUT KNOWING THAT THE TWO OF U HAVE INDEED HAD SEX
even tho the fact that satori is a Horny boy should be universal knowledge by now
the team is there for you guys while the baby grows up!! the second the kid can walk ushi is kneeling down and teaching him to spike
tendou is just as bad and insists that his son is a prodigy and should be a pro volleyball player already
ur son is a mamas boy n it breaks tendous heart ngl
u make up for it by having a daughter a year or two down the line 😳 n shes OBSESSED with her dad it's cute but also BABY ur 4 please stop sleeping in mommy n daddies bed 🥺🥺🥺
also ur sons first words
oh boy
u can tell that the whole fuckin team has been teaching ur son volleyball stuff
u came home n ur son is sat in the living room SURROUNDED by ur (other) boys
ur (main) boy starts blubbing and bouncing at the sight of his mama 🥺 (or dada/other parent if ur an afab trans person!!!)
you tell off the team for tryna get ur baby into vball when hes barely 6months at this point
but before the boys all leave 🥺🥺 ur son grabs his favourite uncle semi and just goes
'sehtah!!!' (setter)
ngl tendou n u r kinda pissed that ur babies first words werent mama or dada. but then u see how happy semi is n u both just 🥺
semi is soft for your son and as the kid grows up hes still attached to him
he cant get away with being a brat though, boys got a whole mfing TEAM of dads/uncles PLUS grampy Washijo are ready to scold this boy
your son (and future daughter) are both SO loved though
theyve always got SOMEONE they know they can depend on
the team loves tendou and they love u, so OFC they ADORE any kids u guys have EVER.
they stay in contact with both of you even if you split up later on, they care enough about you guys that the y/n tendou powercouple is something every new generation of shiratorizawa volleyboys are taught about and introduced to
they're guaranteed a spot!! they dont even have to work for it lmfaooo
mostly because coach threatens to leave the school and work with karasuno if they dont confirm them a place
it's an empty threat but it WORKS
the worldwide lockdown of 2020 is something you and tendou remember fondly forever 🥺
even if it was in bad circumstances the two of you made something so positive
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sicksucculentz · 4 years
2.0 Richtofen’s breakdown
Taking place with the 2.0 boys. Discriptions Of mental illness and mental breakdown ahead
Please do not use without permission
I do not own any of the Trayarc charicters
Poor Richtofen can feel himself starting to slip. Hes not slept in days, the room is moving, all he wants to do is sit down and just cry and cry. The constant moan of the zombies, the untrust within the group, his constant paranoia, the hallucinations and struggle to pick out whats real, the weight of the world resting on just one German’s shoulders. He feels haggered and frayed and his actions reflect his decline. Hes started pacing and muttering to himself, his eyes are blood shot and red, and his bags under his eyes have their own bags.
The others are starting to notice Richtofen becoming more and more unwell but its not the first time hes gotten tense in this way, for him it kinda comes in waves so they just mind their own and leave him be to formulate and figure it out. Sitting around the fire just outside a slightly crumbled castle room they shot up from their spots, readying guns and nerves after the sound of Richtofen screaching inside the crumbled castle. He didint sound hurt and he didint sound scared, his scream sounded primal but distressed.
The 3 of them quickly darted inside stumbling over broken bricks in the way to find Richtofen utterly destroying the inside of the crumbled castle. Hes making feral sounding grunts and scream while over turing tables, hurdling chairs, smashing beakers, and tossing books around. The 3 of them stopped in their tracks almost too scared to make a noise like Richtofen would see them and kill all three with his bare hands. He did however catch them out of the corner of his eye and stopped to face them torn book held by one side of the open book his left hand and a broken piece of a poor chair.
The other 2 quickly sort of get behind Dempsey as he looked around at the destruction this awkward skinny German created. Richtofen stood in the middle of it all breathing heavily blood shot eyes held wide open in a mix of shock, worry, fear, and sadness. Tears flowed from his eyes staring straight ahead at his 3 visibly scared team mates. “Edward? Take a minute bud. Just breathe your scaring us” Dempsey spoke holding up one hand open palmed towards Richtofen. Richtofen did not budge or say anything just kept heavily breathing and staring.
Dempsey had his finger on the trigger of his gun just in case Richtofen lost control and came at him, the jagged broken chair leg in his hand and the manic look in his eyes didint scream ‘dont worry’. “Tell me whats going on. Put the wood down and tell me whats wrong” Dempsey spoke again in an easy toned voice hoping he wouldent set Richtofen off. Richtofen didint rage or bust into a fit of crying, his spoke in a breaking wavery voice like he had been been crying for hours “I...i...i-....i want to-..to go home. I dont want to do this...anymore. I...i...i cant take it anymore Dempsey. Its-...its not ok”.
Richtofen dropped the book and the chair leg out of his shaky hands. He slowly brought his hands up to the sides of his head, balled them up and placed them finger side on the sides of his head and began hyperventalting. He started to cry even harder, tears so thick in his eyes that he could hardly see his team mates. “Oh ed…” Dempsey sighed to himself and started stepping over debree to get to Richtofen. Nickolai and Takeo stayed where they were, too scared to come close. Dempsey reluctantly holstered his gun coming closer to Richtofen and holding up his hands to show hes unarmed and means no harm “im gonna hug you ok? Is that ok?”
He gave no indication of a ‘no’ so Dempsey gently wrapped his arms around Richtofen so his hands reached the middle of Richtofen’s back. Richtofen made a whimper and wrapped his own arms around Dempsey shaking like a leaf and whimpering into Dempsey’s shoulder like a little baby. Dempsey rubbed Richtofen’s back with one hand while he reached down to Richtofen’s backside. There tucked in his belt line of his pants is a pistol. Dempsey slowly and carefully removed the pistol from Richtofen’s person and snuck it into the back of his own belt line.
“Why domt we go sit down by the fire and warm up?” Dempsey asked gently urging Richtofen to leave the spot. Richtofen nodded led by Dempsey out of the crumbling castle. Richtofen plopped himself down in front of the fire just staring into the fire saying nothing and just sniffling letting the tears run down from his eyes and drip off his chin. Takeo volunteered a blanket hed been holding onto and draped it over the German’s shoulders. Takeo is not a phycial man so throwing in his cense was the blanket and thats enough to show he cares.
Richtofen feel numb and tired, he feels like theres still more crying and screaming to be had but hes tired from such mental anguish that hed rather just curl up on the ground next to the fire and close his eyes listening to the cracks of the fire. Dempsey sat on the ground next to Richtofen’s head gently rubbing and soothing Richtofen’s shoulder to keep him relaxed and asleep. The touch helped keep Richtofen grounded so he slept calm.
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theflashfics · 6 years
Imagine // Barry Allen
Pairing:  Barry Allen x reader
Summary: Based on Ariana Grande’s hit single ‘imagine’. Barry finds you singing along to your new favourite song and pleasuring yourself, and begins to imagine things of his own.
Warnings: Masturbation (male and female)
Word Count: 1693
Requests: Closed
Step up the two of us, nobody knows us, hop out the car like ‘Skrrt’.  
You hummed along to the song, absently scrolling through your phone. Ariana, the queen herself, had just released a new single and this was possibly your millionth time listening to it. It let you imagine things of your own - about a certain scarlet speedster. Not that you had a chance with the Barry Allen, so you let your fantasies live in your mind only. Nevertheless, you couldn’t get that boy out your head. Everything drew you in; the nice things – his kindness, how he took care of you, how he was easy to speak to - and the not so nice things – how he bit his lip when he concentrated, when he took off his shirt after a training session, how he looked at you darkly when you wear your tight dinner dresses. Your earphones were at the highest possible volume to try and drown out those thoughts, so you mumbled the lyrics under your breath and propped your feet up on your desk in the workshop. You let yourself dive into your mind, closing your eyes, procuring certain unholy scenarios with the Flash himself. As you saw him in your head, you dipped your hand down to the waistband of your shorts. 
Staying up all night, order me pad thai, then we gon’ sleep ‘til noon. 
Barry Allen walked through the concrete halls of STAR Labs, his mind wandering. He’d been sent to find you, to tell you that the others were going out for dinner and you could join if you choose. He’d volunteered in a heartbeat to be the one to offer it; he was rather infatuated by you. The way your eyes crinkled when you smiled, how you bantered easily with Cisco, and other, dirtier things. The way your hips swayed when you walked, how you held your tongue between your teeth when you were teasing, how you left little to the imagination when you turned up to dinner parties in those tight, tight dresses. It was hard for Barry not to imagine things of his own – but he supposed you didn’t like him, so he attempted to fan away the thoughts, like flies, and continue to find you. “Y/N!” He called out, only hearing the echo of his own voice until he reached the workshop entrance. As he began to round the corner, he heard noises and refrained from entering, simply listening. The first thing he heard was muffled music – someone was listening with headphones, but extremely loud – and the next was… someone moaning.
Me with no makeup, you in the bathtub, bubbles and bubbly. 
You had leant back considerably in the office chair, focusing all your thoughts on Barry, and slipped a hand up your shirt, tracing featherlight figure eights on your bare stomach. It helped to imagine that hand was his, and that thought fuelled you to find your bra strap and slipping it off your shoulder. You massaged your breast, occasionally flicking at your nipple and moaning. Finding the bra to get in the way, you twisted it around to you and nimbly unhooked it, discarding it on the workshop floor. Your hand served as an adequate substitute to Barry’s, and you deftly rubbed the tender flesh, then moving to the other breast. Your free hand clutched the edge of the chair to stop it from spinning around, you put a leg down from the table and placed it on the floor, grounding yourself. Eventually, your hand slipped out from under your t-shirt and moved further south, tapping lightly on your stomach and coming to rest on the waistband of your shorts. You stopped momentarily, doubtful, but remembered there was no one there, and you free to do what you wanted.
This is a pleasure, feel like we never act this regular. 
Barry was there, waiting, listening. He decided to slowly peek inside of the workshop and was utterly taken aback by the sight. You, in all your glory, legs spread apart on one of the office chairs, touching yourself, ‘imagine’ by Ariana Grande still projected fuzzily from underneath your earphones. Barry froze and had to remind himself to breathe, but the sight of you so vulnerable was breathtaking for him. Millions of thoughts were clashing in his mind. You should leave! This is a breach of privacy, he thought. But she looks so good, another voice countered, and there’s nothing wrong with watching. She’s too deep in that song that’s looping over and over, she won’t turn around. So, Barry stayed, guiltily, and leaned against the desk at the door. You let out a breathy moan as you began to pull down the waistband of your shorts. Barry watched in anticipation, only to have you let it snap back up again. He felt a familiar tightness in his pants and groaned internally. He couldn’t go back to the others with this problem, so he simply pursed his lips and undid his belt.
Click-click-click and post, drip-drip-dripped in gold, quick-quick-quick let’s go.
Your hand had a mind of its own, tracing your waistband and not letting you get to what really mattered, but it fuelled you further. You could see Barry in your mind, on top of you, teasing you. You almost felt guilty for imagining him like this. A breach of privacy, a voice in your mind said. But he won’t find out, a different voice offered, he will never find out. Easy. Just relax and feel his fingers on your skin. Surreptitiously, you obeyed running your fingers lightly over the crotch of your shorts. Finally, you pushed forward and took control, allowing yourself to slip you hand under the waistband of your shorts and gently palming yourself over your panties. You were already wet, all your nerves buzzing with electricity, and you felt you were going to burst. The friction caused to you to whimper slightly, but you didn’t let yourself go any further. You needed the build-up, and your shorts were getting in the way. You reluctantly took your leg off your table and stood up, shimmying out of your shorts and tossing them next to your bra.
Kiss me and take off your clothes. 
Barry was shocked out of his lust at your sudden movement and sped out of the room, making no noise. You still had your headphones in, but he was still hyperaware of every movement you made. His rush to leave sent a paper flying off a desk and you turned to look, frowning. Barry watched you from the entrance, your pause feeling like hours, and was relieved to see you turn back and sit down, readjusting to get back in your original position. He did the same, moving slowly back to where he stood a few seconds earlier. He moved his hand down to his crotch, gently palming himself through his jeans. He closed his eyes, thinking: This hand isn’t mine. This hand is Y/N’s. And she is so good. That voice pushed him further and he caught his lower lip between his teeth, teasing himself by pleasuring for moments at a time. He quickly became impatient and unzipped his jeans, dropping them just so his tight – now specifically – boxers were in view. Your purrs from your corner of the room sent blood to Barry’s already hard length, and he pulled it out of his boxer, it slapping against his stomach.
Imagine a world like that. 
Your hands pulled your panties aside and teased along your folds, being featherlight so as to tease yourself. Barry’s hands, Barry’s hand, you kept chanting in your head. Swiftly, you pushed your panties down your legs and kicked them off, allowing yourself better access to what needed the most attention. The cold air on your heat caused you to shiver and goosebumps rose on your skin. Your thumb found your clit, and began rubbing the sensitive nub in circles. Your head lolled back gently as you pressed your fingers to yourself, fingers floating deftly over your drenched folds. You spread your legs even further apart and slipped a finger into your core. The cold flesh of your finger made you hiss, but pushed you further to your climax. Not long after, you thrust another finger into you, pumping in and out. You rolled your hips against your fingers, trying to imagine it was Barry filling you up. As you got closer to your high, you were hyper-focused on everything – the music playing on repeat in your ears, your fingers – Barry’s fingers – delving deep inside you, the pad of your thumb busy on your clit.
We go up ‘til I’m asleep on your chest, love how my face fits so good in your neck.
Barry was in a trance. Your moans and whimpers only gave him more reason to fix his problem. His hand found his length, holding it in his hand and feeling it swell to life at your sinful noises. After making sure you couldn’t possibly see or hear him, he began to make slow, long strokes along his length, breathing heavily at the sudden contact. He flicked his thumb over his slit, it already leaking with precum. He gave himself permission to make noises and let out a long drawn out groan he’d been holding in for the majority of that rendezvous. Finally, he wrapped his hands around his cock and moved it up and down, maintaining a pressure balance to make it feel even better. Not my hands, Y/N’s mouth, he told himself. Not being able to take the teasing, Barry began pumping his length with vigour as he saw you were reaching your climax. His threw his head back and clenched his jaw, feeling the beast in his stomach coming to life. He kept thinking of you and had to stifle moaning your name. He was so close, so close to his climax, but you were gonna get to yours before him. He watched as you let out one last cry and heard a single word leaving your lips like a prayer. 
Why can’t you imagine a world like that?
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honeyfreckled · 5 years
we have talked a few times and im sorry for this but you are the most accepting and easiest person to talk to honestly i dont have many people in my life i can tell anything real to. but the thing is ive been thinging about relapsing a lot more since i broke up with my boyfriend and i work with him so it makes work depressing and impossible to get through a day without crying sorry this is anon but i am scared ily dont hate me i am not trying to stress you out
ok wow first lemme just say: I DO NOT HATE U. EVER. 
and don’t be srry i don’t have a lotta ppl irl i can tell my shit to so i get it. pls know u can always ALWAYS ALWAYS come to me, and u dont gotta be scared to come off anon. i get it and it’s ok if u prefer it that way- but pls know i dont keep it on alot bc i get hate and then i turn it off bc i gotta look out for myself and dont post all the hate bc i dont wanna bring yall down or give them the satisfaction of knowing i have given it a read and response. so u can message me or make a sideblog or idk im just saying this so if it’s off later u dont blame yrself or feel scared to come off anon. ok sorelapse is a real thing and it’s fucked and hard and addiction is fucked up and a real life struggle and we dont treat addicts w the real tenderness, respect, kindness, and acceptance they deserve. but u DO deserve it. and there are hotlines, apps, churches, groups, chatrooms/boards, and sites that are more versed in what are the appropriate things to say to u- i say this bc while i’ve been thru it w loved ones i have not myself struggled w addiction w substances. my addictions were to self harm and victimhood so those are the things i searched for help on. but if it’s alright i’d like to give u some tips or things i used and have heard work for addicts of substances
places like i said like churches, groups, chatrooms, sites, apps, hotlines the apps and hotlines are good if u cant travel or want to talk to ppl who wont share their story bc maybe u cant hear it like its not the kinda help ur looking for. hotlines are sometimes tricky bc some of those folks are not educated they are volunteers so judgment leaks thru and in that case u ask to be redirected and report that volunteer so hopefully they dont repeat that kinda mess to other vulnerable folks looking for help
make a list of things, anything. list of foods u like to order, list of things that make u clench yr teeth, what were yr fave gifts you’ve ever got, style icons of urs, hobbies u tried that annoyed u, movies u can always watch, places on yr skin u hate being touched, any list of anything it doesnt have to be the usual thing of “what to live for” bc when yr depressed those kinds of things arent easy to think of. but if u get a list going of like “best things ive ever touched” “sounds that make me laugh” “trends that were stupid af” “popular things that i didnt like n couldnt figure out why they were popular” “weirdest ppl ive met” well those things might get u on a roll of good memories or laughing or seeing that theres more to yr life than what has been occupying yr thoughts
dancing. dance in yr room in the dark. clear some space. put on some headphones. lock yr door. do it in the shower. just dance. i had to start w closing my eyes and picking songs that i was taken by emotionally. songs that made me jump and slamdance tbh and then it’s just gotten more and more something im not as ashamed w. i spent a date night w james just dancing and then we ya know ya know bc the dancing got so wild. now i make playlists of songs that set moods for diff kinds of dancing
watch shows w ppl who arent doing better than u. they dont live in fancy places, they dont do much w their lives, they dont dress better than u, they struggle, they arent eating good food u dont have access to. iasip. freaks and geeks. letterkenny. undeclared. jake and amir. tpb. the state. youtube. tiktok/vine comps. lots of these kinds of vibes on youtube
podcasts. improv comedy podcasts tbh saved my life. comedy bang! bang! has best of’s those are good ones to start w. improv4humans bc matt besser has great guests of some of the best improvisers out there and he has musical guests and they’ll play a song and the improvisers will use it as inspo for a scene
make things. moodboards. pinterest. playlists. fill a shopping cart and tell yrself “i’ll get it when i win the lotto and move away from anyone who knows me so i can be the me i wanna be w/out judgement” make tea. make a meal if u can. make yr bed. clean one thing. clean the sink. hang some clothes or go thru yr drawers and clean them out. throwing things out feels hard at first but then it’s nice bc u feel less bogged down
find something to throw yr obsession at for a bit. something that wont hurt u as bad, being obsessed in general isnt good. everything in moderation irl. too much of something is bad just as much as too less of it can be bad. but yr looking for something lower risk here and if u gotta be obsessed w a celeb or a song or a food that’s ok. yr focusing the energy on something that isnt a substance so be proud of it
give yrself a break. give yrself some credit. everyday isnt gonna be on the “best of your name here’s days” but sometimes u just live to live bc that’s what u do. u wait it out and get thru it and wait for the sun to come back out. and if u cant get outta bed. or if you hate yr job and wanna scream- that’s normal it’s more normal than always being happy ppl just dont like talking abt bc society kinda trains us to hide our fucked upness idk why but thats how it is. they dont wanna tell us to do preventative care until we’re in the pits
all in all- it comes down to (at least for me) not planning w an endgoal in mind. it’s not over til it’s over and rlly we dont know. it’s all fluctuating and not meant to be a finish line we cross and then suddenly we’re done and we dont suffer anymore and the feeling of shit is gone or the risk of relapse is gone and the depression is cleared away never to be seen again. it’s not realistic. bc it isnt real. on the real- risk is always there and the downs and ups mix and run together and depression is not curable (this isnt something to be miserable over tho) depression isnt curable, yeah ok, but it is manageable. it can be quieted down from time to time and if u keep up w yr healthy routines and coping mechanisms- depression will still find its way to u bc the real world is not something u can manage. death in the family, loss of money or job, car breaking down, sickness outta nowhere, depression grows wild when these very real life stressors come into our lives. but all that too eventually gets easier and easier at least from a “ok i have some distance now” standpoint. and then as those days get more and more btwn it u can then be like “oh wow, ive made it thru X amount of days! ive put up w it this long! whats one more day, whats one more week, hell might as well see how much prouder i can feel once ive got a year under my belt!” plus u will be more capable of handling the bullshit if u know u can still find some safe places in yr coping skills or friends or resources.
ok so this is prob a mess but bottomline know this:
I love  you and i will be here the best i can should u ever wanna come spill or if u need me to just send u pics of my dog or boring pics of knickknacks or selfies or memes or links or anything just tell me what u need and i will try my best to show u my love. i hope u can see that u reaching out is just already a HUGE major step in the right direction, give yrself credit! thats amazing! yr already doing it pumpkin look at u! it’s hard ik. but i also know if u are capable of saying u have this problem going on, u are capable of getting thru this. u are a light in the world. u offer goodness and u offer yrself and that’s enough. even if yr fucked up right now- u are contributing to the world by simply being u. there is literally NO ONE ELSE WHO IS YOU. so u are unique by definition. i hope u get something from this post and if not i hope it strikes an idea or thing u can do that will help. i hope u know im here and i hope u see this.
i am sending u all my light and love and good vibes and i can’t wait to see or hear from u again. u are never bothering me, a burden, or stressing me out. tbh it stresses me more that u might be struggling and not telling me or anyone. i dont ever want u to suffer in silence bc u feel guilt or scared or anything. u deserve to have a place to voice yr shit. im here to listen if u do wanna tell me anymore.
everyone else-if this helped or if u can think of anything that might help anon or anyone else- feel free to reblog and get some good NONJUDGMENTAL advice or tips and tricks going, but please please please remember to not come off as judgey or flood it with your drama. keep ur drama out of this post so anon or anyone else doesn’t get triggered by it. 
and dont ignore my rule and do it anyway and then say some shit like “ik u said not to but i think this will help lol sorry” like we need this post to stay on this vibe that i set in motion and not a struggle contest or dick measuring or all sad personal reminiscing. go make yr own post for that this is NOT the space.
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kimseunghuwun · 6 years
YG Treasure Box Episode 4: Reaction
This episode............ idk how to feel
Okay, starting right in the action
5 people will be chosen to be in team treasure
the people who aren't called have an hour to decide on a song to try again
the others are in team treasure
yedam, haruto, junkyu, yoonbin and junghwan are in treasure
the others have to decide on a song
trying to find a song they all know
(my bby seunghun getting all the screentime he deserves)
theyre having trouble, eventually seunghun (<3) suggests love scenario
problem: they need someone to rap
mashiho volunteers
(seunghun doing the explaining <33)
jyunhao is so cute?????
ji hoon too???
my babys rappiing yeahhhh
theyre so cute
theyre all about the same height and then theres seunghun
mashiho is member #6 of team treasure
(plz be seunghun)
"jihoon who do you think it will be" THATS MEAN
is this the time for a montage?
it is!
im not crying you are
jeongwoo is #7 in team treasure
aww yedam is crying
haruto is crying
everyones crying
bruno mars singing treasure is starting to get on my nerves
lmao jeongwoo imitating junkyu
omg the other 21 have to prepare for 1 on 1 battle with the treasure team
only 5 of them get to compete
this is tight competition
"wah daebak" - hyunsuk
everyones struggling to find something to do for the evaluation
theyre loving hyunsuk lol
lol changing jackets
keito wtf is that
theyre loving this so much
"lisa wrote cute on her paper!"
i'm cringing so much im sorry
hes 181 cm??????
anyways blackpink are swooning
thats it?
i wanted to see what he going to do.........
theyre all so cute
"i don't like him leopard print"
"leopard print is something he can get rid of"
vongole pasta one dish pshshhhsssshhh
so the treasure team picked songs, and the others have to pick
the people who pick the same song have to compete
theyre listening to a song?
ohh its the signal song
its so good??
if there was any more proof needed that yedam needs to debut, this is it??
aw the others are beating themselves up about about not being in the debut group
lol dont the japanese trainees have last names
i dont understand how the competition is going to work but ill figure it out i guess
lol fanboying over blackpink
same boys
"i can't think of anyone besides seunghun" SAME
kim yeongue is the first challenger
hes so cutee
hes so small next to the mc
he chose jeongwoo to battle
aww cutie
yeongue is worried
bby you deserve the world
omg yessss yeongue is goooood
jeongwoo too ofc
what a beautiful duet
theyre rapping!
(can they debut as a duo??)
ugh my heart
voting starts
oh i get it the audience picks and yg votes
and then the trainee picks whose decision wins
jeongwoo picks the audience card
the audience picked the same as yg i think?
yeongue wins the first battle
aww theyre such good friends
bby dont cry
its oVER?
im screaming
if you got all the way down here, thanks for putting up with me lol also im hella whipped for seunghun??? (i mean news flash ive been waiting for this since he came on stray kids.....)
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anthroposeen · 4 months
tmagp 19 relisten notes!
tma/tmagp spoilers under the cut as always, and im so sorry i keep posting these late, ive been a very busy bee!
- she's been collecting evidence about alchemy, with some of the examples including: transference, the spiritual substitution of elements, but an 'incomplete' version (pointed out by sam)
- she almost encourages sam to continue his research into the institute, telling him he was handling it well and teasing him with having information about it. i dont think she means it in any nefarious way, i think its most likely she wants to have another person to confide in and trust her findings to as she goes, and she finds having a second pair of eyes useful for research.
- he knows about alchemy from researching the institute, as they were very interested in the field. i think its important to note that he specifies he started learning about alchemy during his research, not during his time at the study. this doesnt mean alchemy played no part in the study with children, it could be that sam was too young to understand or they didnt involve the kids directly in that process, but the distinction feels important
- sam reveals he wants to try and let go of the magnus institute research (not followed by a glitch) because alice has been warning him
- sam has realized hes receiving incidents related to his conversations and interests, "are the computers listening to us?" he poses the question to alice, though, knowing shes unlikely to take it seriously or agree. i think he'll likely bring it up to celia next, but i do think its important he continues to involve alice in his questions despite her seeming indifference
- as usual, she doesnt believe theres anything supernatural about fr3-d1 and thinks the system is too buggy to do anything that advanced
- shes continuously getting jmj errors throughout her interaction with sam, and seems to be the only one experiencing the issue (no one else is complaining about them or getting them on-screen at least). i think its because she refuses to interact with the bait; the one time she received a targeted incident she chose to ignore it, so it seems that jmj have abandoned trying to reason with her
- this conversation with sam drives her to go visit colin at his house, and she still doesnt believe him ("idiots, idiots all the way down") though i do think she'll notice the connections between her conversations with sam and colin
- shes very angry at lena for not giving her any protection or back up during assignments, clearly still shaken up by her encounter with bonzo (and that was with someone there as well)
- shes aware that starkwall have offered security to the oiar before, assumedly from her family and their connections since this seemed to be very hush/hush when sam and alice were discussing it
- she refuses to give gwen any back up because as she sees it, gwen volunteered for the job, blackmailed her, and is a bit entitled to safety she doesnt grant to others (she demands a body guard on assignments but has no problem with endangering celia)
- she rebuffs the starkwall idea, saying they escalate situations (and are likely not trained to delegate with externals, but to enact the protocol upon them when necessary)
- its revealed she used to be in gwen's position, and has completed many assignments alone before (getting a hint at her journey climbing the corporate ladder)
- she tells gwen to resign if she refuses to do her assignments (an offer she made to colin as well. and we see how distance and unemployment are suiting him and teddy respectively)
- she muses that gwen can have her family find her a new, better position if she does quit
- he's correct in assuming alice's phone is listening in, and refuses to let her enter with it on
- it sounds like hes boarded himself into his house (you can practically see the 4 different locks in the door gap) as he speaks to alice, and he sounds weak and ragged
- "you should be worried for yourselves"
- "what i need is to not be seen. he sees too much already" i dont think this is directed at chester/jon or augustus/jonah, rather i think the man whos been managing colin (the one requesting he make an app) is facilitating the surveillance of the office, but i still dont know the level of sentience jmj may have
- "not that anyone cares as long as it balances out", hes put together that the oiar is trying to establish a balance between the forces relating to alchemy, but wont go so far as to stop all suffering by them. he specifically references mercury and sulfur as elements in the equation
narrated by chester, directed at sam.
- this incident somewhat follows chester's normal themes: mentions of the magnus institute as well as using an incident relating to their recent conversation *(note on this in the extra comments)
- letter to robert boyle, from the bureau of robert hook (speaker), dated 1684 (before the tma!magnus institute was founded)
- the letter calls for help on the matter of isaac newton, who has been working in alchemy and treading upon 'mad scientist' territory, inciting use of "the protocol". its referred to in this way several times, never mentioning magnus in any way, making me suspect that the name could be a monicker claimed by the institute (or tmagp!jonah) as its own interpretation of the protocol. this also goes to show how old the protocol is, drawing into question if it has always remained the same or if it needs to undergo changes
- its revealed that the protocol was enacted over the entirety of london, potentially explaining why the magnus institute is based in manchester instead
- newton is working on the vegetative propagation of metals
- newton kept a mangy dog around the lab, important potentially for a connection to the corruption as we knew it in tma
- within the lab, there was a large, glowing element, the perfected work of wilhelm holmberg, an early chymist (bridge between the disciplines of alchemy and chemistry) who was working on transmutations of metalic elements
- the element was actually a small tree enveloped in a solution unfamiliar to the speaker.
- newton refers to the tree as a living work (a living organism) rather than a mineral
- the tree bore fruit that newton wanted hook to taste -> clear parallels here to the story of adam and eve, the lesson to not eat the forbidden fruit, when newton quotes a latin bible verse directed to adam
- isaac fed the fruit to the dog, which began to transform very similarly to the tree-hybrid man we heard from in episode 3 (flesh falling from the body, as tendrils root into the ground and it sprouts branches) and with an outside perspective, we can see the dog open one eye to look upon hook.
- this also draws another parallel to the bible (though this could be entirely coincidental), but newton feeding the element to his dog makes me think of abraham attempting to sacrifice isaac to god
- hook was horrified by the knowledge and consciousness within the dog's gaze, "it knew me not as a beast knows its master, but as a man knows another" / "it saw me and it knew me"
- newton 'cured' the dog by pouring the glowing solution over the dog, returning it to its normal form
- hook wants to enact the protocol to stop newton from spreading this to a human, fearing what evil a person could accomplish if given omniscience (another theme common to a chester-narration but equally well suited to an augustus one*)
- he specifies that the protocol should be enacted to destroy newton's lab and experiments, but not to harm newton himself, demonstrating that the protocol is a violent method of achieving balance
"just curious", said by celia in response to sam asking why shes looking into alchemy
extra comments:
- *i think that there was a scheduling conflict with the voice actors resulting in a switch between augustus and chester's incidents (since they read incidents back to back that seem to match each other's style and it seems odd that augustus would read a modern incident only for the next episode to match his usual flavor. im unsure if thats been confirmed by ajn or any other member of the crew, but if thats not the case it raises some very interesting questions about the nature of what each voice reads (do they have any control over it? is it driven by preference? by code? by the man colin is referencing?)
- any time gwen's family is brought up (usually as a gotcha) she steps down from the confrontation and deflects. i think she may have a rocky relationship with them, explaining why shes desperate to move up in the oiar, why she doesnt want to quit, and why she seems to cling to fragments of her posh life when she can
- this episode confirms the alchemy theory, and we now have a pretty solid base to start researching from. there seems to be a heavy emphasis placed on transformation between elements (with the trinity of alchemy being the mind, body, and soul) and keeping a balance of all the elements. though, sam observed the model/evidence that celia had wasnt complete. i think that the oiar classification book is a list of potential transformations of the trinity, and documents the different elements used to enact the transformation. i dont know much about alchemy, so ill need to do a deeper dive when i get the chance!
- the dog's transformation struck me as a very clear example of what makes a person a person, the question of tmagp (tma asked what made a person a monster). this poses that people have a level of consciousness that allows for evil and good, for complex recognition and knowledge, and potential. this is also playing on questions of free will (hook is concerned about what choices a person would make if given a higher level of sentience by newton's element. in tma, annabelle cain mused that Tolstoy cpuld be correct in his estimation of free will, that if a person was fully omniscient it would be revealed they have no free will, that by knowing every variable a person's actions predictable and set.)
- it was great to hear colin, even if hes clearly losing it in the physical manifestation of a VPN that he calls a house. i dont believe that the old fears still exist, but that seems to be the only explanation for how hes behaving. hes demonstrating every symptom of a victim of the eye, and i cant think of another element or force that could be triggering this exact reaction
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huangfilms · 6 years
Pet Shop Worker!Kun
summary: i volunteer at different places a lot so i don’t stay in one place for more than a week or so but i started volunteering here and wow you’re kind of cute so i think i’ll stay here for a while
requested by: my sweet baby munchkin @kunuwu thanks for waiting oh-so-patiently for this!! i love you sweetie!
(A/N) here ya go,,, it’s been such a long wait for this i am so sorry sweetheart but! i have finally written it! it took a lot of perseverance for me cause i have no motivation for literally ANYTHING and i didn’t know how to approach this but!!! i hope you liked it I Love You and your random messages about nct in the early morning <3 (also im sorry that hs tutor mark isnt out yet i’ll probably do all these headcannons first HAHA)
let’s say you’re a college student
and you love to volunteer places in your free time cause you live like this
everyone knows that you volunteer places but never stay volunteering at one place for too long
cause you like to explore and see what you like
and this week you decide to volunteer at a pet store near your dorm cause!! you love animals
so when you first go in youre in awe because wow! these animals are super cute fat uwu
you walk up to a worker to ask where you can sign up for volunteer hours
and this worker looked a little surprised cause no one really volunteers
this worker was kind of cute....... just saying
anyone with eyes would agree
but anywho
so he goes into this office thingy and gives you this paper which you could fill out and start volunteering the next day
and you take a look at his name tag and it says ‘kun’
when you’re done filling the paper you’re all like, ‘thanks kun! the name’s y/n! i’ll see you tomorrow!’ :)
he gives you a smile and you melt and then blush 
you hope he didn’t see you blushing cause it was pretty intense
but he did
he found it endearing cause you’re cute too
so anyway it’s the next day
and you come into the shop at around 1 pm so you aren’t really early but you aren’t late either
when you go in you’re greeted by kun who probably saw you walking to the door
he hands you an apron and told you that you could feed the animals, the food is in the back 
while you’re feeding the fish, you sneak a few glances at kun
boy was attractive how could you nOT
and sometimes he would already be looking at you with a shy smile
but then he would turn red because you caught him
and throughout the whole day you guys are just like,,,, smiling at each other and just looking at each other
blease talk to each other or something
it becomes like 5 pm and you wanted to go eat but you still wanted to go there after cause it would be open until like,,, 9
you go and tell kun that you’re just gonna go to the fast food restaurant down the street and ask if he wants anything
you also add in if it’s okay that you go back after eating
and he says that he has dinner packed in the staff room, and that yeah of Course It Is Okay
so you eat or whatever and its like 7 when you walk back
and when you come back in, you see kun talking with someone
you don’t want to disturb them so you check on all the pets quietly
you can faintly hear them talking, and you hear your name so you look up very subtly
‘how’s your new volunteer? do you like them????’
you can hear a slap and you try your best not to giggle so loudly
‘they’re really cute but i just met them yesterday so i don’t really know how they’re like’
‘‘do you plan on getting to know them??? you’re blushing’
and then his friend laughs and you hear another slap
‘in all seriousness though, i think you should, it wouldn’t hurt to try!’ and then when you walk near the birds you can see his friend waving bye and exiting
you clear your throat while looking at all the accessories to make it look like you just weren’t listening to them
‘oh, y/n! you’re back whendidyougetback’
and you look over to see him red in the ears
‘i came back around thirty minutes ago? i didn’t want to bother you since you were talking with someone.’ and then you smile at him
and he just flushes even more ‘did you hear what we were talking about?’
‘you just shyly nod at him, and then he groans a little but before you could filter your mouth you say
‘i think you’re cute too’
and now you’re the one who’s blushing
then you two begin to talk to each other and then it becomes 9 pm and suddenly he’s walking you home
walk you home by nct dream? i agree
you find out that he goes to the same college as you but you guys major in two completely different departments so that’s why you’ve never seen him
but you find out that you guys have mutual friends
inch resting that you guys haven’t met until now LMAO
so anyway he just goes in a quiet voice, ‘i’ll see you tomorrow?’
and you grin and say ‘of course! see you!’
and when you turn around you’re grinning so hard your face starts to hurt
fast forward a weeks
you and kun become really close in that small time frame
and one day you get a text from your close friend doyoung, ‘what place are you going to volunteer at now??’
you reply, ‘actually i think i’m going to volunteer at the pet store a bit longer than usual’
he only sends you the eyes emoji cause over the week he visited you like twice but he see you throwing heart eyes at that dude kun you work with
he doesn’t know much about him cause you refuse to say anything
you reply to doyoung saying that you two are just friends 
anyway you’ve been going there everyday at the same time and kun always walks you home
you two are always joking around but he still gets a little shy
i mean it’s understandable you get a little shy sometimes
like when you guys are walking to your home sometimes your hands would brush and you get really shy
but anywho!
fast forward to like a month later
and you don’t have the heart to volunteer any place else cause you like spending time with the animals
and with kun
he’s gotten bolder
he hugs you when you guys say bye at your door
he asks you out to lunch when you don’t volunteer and he’s off of work for the day
he’s just been a little flirty too
during the month you meet some of his friends briefly when they go into the store
and they’re all loud but its all g cause they’re cool people
he meets some of your friends too
like your younger ones who have Very Big Mouths
‘yeah they Never stop talking about how cu-’
‘OKAY chenle you can like,,, go now!! by e sweetie !!!!!!!’
what kun doesn’t know is that you texted chenle saying that you’d buy him ice cream if he never says anything else while hes in there ever again LMAO
and chenle quickly shut his mouth
but anywho
since the pet store was closing a little earlier than usual, you ask kun if he wanted to go somewhere instead of straight home
you two go to the park near by and just talk and play around on the swings and chase each other around when one says something jokingly
when you guys become tired, you sit on a bench under a light and just take a breather
‘so i’ve heard that you don’t really stay in a place to volunteer for more than a week’
you freeze cause WOOPS
‘what made you stay?’ and then he laughs a little but you can see that he’s blushing as well
‘a certain worker was friendly and interesting so i guess you could say i stayed to get to know him better’
you’re looking at the floor when you say this though
and theres so much red on your face its pretty comical
then kun laughs a bit and you look up at him cause he’s so-
and his laugh is literally your favorite sound sigh
it’s like the gates of heaven open up-
just kidding the gates of heaven open up when he smiles
but anywho !
you two call it a night and you guys walk to your house
while walking, you felt kun grab your hand and intertwine your fingers
abby: screaming
your mind: chaos
so you squeeze his hand and then smile up at him
when you arrive at your door, you lean up to kiss his cheek!!!! and then he
he gets flustered !!!!!!! what a cutie :’)
‘i’ll see you tomorrow kun!’ and then he’s just frozen at your doorstep with a big grin and he just waves
cause his mind is in overdrive hes sure he won’t say anything coherent if he opens his mouth
when you shut the door, he leaves with the BIGGEST grin on his face that his cheeks are sore when he gets home
okay so the next day! 
when you arrive at your usual time, it’s quiet in the shop
and that’s unusual cause kun has at least a few of his Loud Friends over so you kinda miss the noise
it just feels,,,,, empty
there are some other workers and they’re looking at you With This Look and its a little weird
cause why??? are you??? looking at me??? like that???
and when you see kun his back is to you
and then you go to tap his shoulder and ur about to say
‘yo what’s going on’
but then he turns around with a cute lil puppy and the puppy is wearing something
he grins and just hands the puppy to you
‘go out with me’
‘kun how am i supposed to go out with a dog isn’t that be-’
he kisses you
on the Mouth
you really don’t know what the Freak Is Going On but hey you kiss him back!!!
it’s a weird angle since you still have the dog in your hands LMAO
he pulls back and he gives you a Cute Lil Smile HNNGNGSKJDFSF
anyway fast forward like a week or something
you tell kun that hey!!! i think it’s time i start volunteering somewhere else!!!
and he has a pout on his lips and hes all like ‘whatever makes you happy bub!’
‘you make me happy’
and he blushes HEHEHHEHE
but when you start volunteering some place else kun visits you all the time
and he gives you sneaky kisses and hugs you Every Where You Go
when both of you guys aren’t working/volunteering, you guys go on cute dates
one time you guys went to a dog cafe and?? the most?? precious??? ever??????
but anyway this is getting Really Long so! 
to end: kun would be just as soft with you as he is with the animals
he will always walk you home if you’re out late
Everything Is So Good and soft and 
one day you guys adopt a pet together! so that means you guys moved in somewhere in that time frame LMAO
but anyway !!! kun with animals is such a soft concept ugh my Heart Is Fragile Don’t Touch Me
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tomhlland · 7 years
heres a list of group plots i wanna do & i need friends to do them with :
scooby doo mystery gang - group of angsty teens solving mysteries in a small town that they live in, we can come up with lil lame stories and such all together. to spice things up a lil we can have each char be based off of someone so there’s like the nerd, the stoner, the prep etc
the office / parks and rec - basically just all of us playing people working shitty boring 9 to 5′s while wishing for a more fulfilling and satisfying life ?? theres office shenanigans constantly going on, people trying to keep their office relationships a secret frm the big bad boss, having enemies in the workplace, we can even organize christmas parties and secret santas for events and such hoW cute ?? to lean more towards parks and rec its a group of people working for their community, we can organize stuff like picnics and them being volunteers for camping trips involving girl/boy scouts UGH i love
school - ok . listen. im passionate about this one. plot where we all get to play “older” fcs ( bc for some reason no one in the rpc is ever trying to play older fcs like listen sebastian stan, chris pine, chris evans, zoe saldana, karen gillan ???? yall missin out ) and they are all teachers at a high school. like imagine how FUN that would be like imagine the plots you could do ... teachers dating and trying to hide it from the rest of the school, sneaking in some booze to the student of the month luncheons, pregaming prom night as chaperones im getting too excited
ghost adventures - guys im just really into ghosts i wanan do it like its a group who gets to travel all around america finding the most haunted spots and they get locked down there overnight and we can just have stuff happen to our characters that leave them SHUK and we can look up places we want our chars to travel to i just luv it ok
i imagined a lot of these as small groups with a max of like 6 ppl
in conclusion if ur interested in being apart of any of these like this post or jus message me ill come thru shawty
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trace395 · 7 years
Symphogear XD Unlimited Kageri Saku Senkō summary from /m/
Prologue: https://pastebin.com/3QXDHaZ9   
First Part: https://pastebin.com/K8LuWF7P
Middle Part: https://pastebin.com/yNhBmx9j
Final Part: https://pastebin.com/yK69e4bG
Our Maria and Chris are helping parallel-Tsubasa fight some noise.
Edgebikki shows up and starts fighting them. Tsubasa doesn't recognize her, asks Maria and Chris who she is. Maria and Chris realize she isn't their Bikki. Meanwhile, Hibiki is at home having nightmares about being alone while Miku watches over her. Miku worries.
>Prologue A few days before, a bunch of them are out fucking about. Everybody notices Hibiki not doing so well and they're told about her bad dreams. Miku worries.
They go to training and Chris beats the shit out of Hibiki too hard and knocks her out. Elfnein does a checkup and says she's fine. Hibiki wakes up Miku continues to worry.
In the morning, Miku confronts Hibiki about her dream-talking, and Hibiki denies that that's what she actually feels (she isn't alone, obviously). Miku's worry approaches criticality.
Everybody else goes back for training, Chris hits Maria too hard and gets chewed out. A Gjallarhorn alert comes up, Chris wants to go alone. Genjuurou says no, Maria volunteers to tag along. They go off, and when they arrive they note that the Lunar Attack hasn't happened in the new world. They immediately locate parallel-Tsubasa and move to assist.
5-3 Part 1 >Chris/Maria arrive in original underground Div2 base >Chris is bad and keeps confusing Genjuurou, so Maria tells her to shut up and let her explain >Gjallarhorn is explained, told about strong noise (Karma Noise) >There apparently was a noise pattern a few days ago in the parallel world >Genjuurou is worried about strong noise appearing >Flashback about Tsubasa deploying to find the noise, but it dissapeared before she arrived >She sees grey bikki on the scene, apparently recognizes her >They think grey bikki defeated the noise on her own, Chris says that it's impossible without EKKUSU DORAIBU >Karma noise explained >Maria asks where grey bikki is, Genjuurou doesn't know because she doesn't work with them >Want to start looking, but Tsubasa wants to train with our OP geahs since there aren't any other geahs to train with Battle >Maria asks Tsubasa if she knows anything about Hibiki >Says she doesn't, but seems like she does >Chris wishes she would just tell them what's up >Maria and Chris find Hibiki at a park, she seems like a different person >Maria confronts her, asks her about the previous night (prologue) and the Karma noise >Hibiki tells her to fuck off, runs away
5-4 Part 1 >Chris and Maria return to home base, Genjuurou asks if they got any information from bikki >They didn't >Chris doesn't want to believe that it's really Hibiki >Genjuurou apologizes >Maria asks if Genjuurou knows anything about what happened, Genjuurou hesitates >Maria presses, Genjuurou spills the beans >Hibiki has had a difficult past, can't trust anyone >They tried to help her but she wouldn't accept it >Hibiki just kept fighting noise alone >Genjuurou explains the Zwei Wing concert, Bikki sole survivor, had nobody outside her family >Bikki had nobody other than her family >Chris stops him, asks about "Nobody other than her family" >Maria asks about Miku >Genjuurou doesn't know her >Chris is surprised that Miku isn't by her side >Maria says that they don't know where she lives, if she's even still alive, or if she ever even existed >Maria says it doesn't matter right now, need to deal with noise >Chris slightly upset by this >Maria says they have to prioritize >Noise alarm >Meet up with Tsubasa in town >See Bikki Battle >Back at div2, the noise have vanished >Genjuurou thankful for reinforcements >another alarm goes off >Big reaction, same as a few days ago (Karma Noise)
5-4 Part 2 >Genjuurou warns them about incoming >Karma noise shows up Battle >Karma noise regenerates >Bikki rushes in >Saved by Maria >Bikki says not to do things that aren't necessary >Chris confused >"Nobody ever comes to help in truly difficult times" >Karma noise vanishes >Back in the main world >Our Bikki in a park with Miku >Hibiki wonders what Chris and Maria are up to, Miku says not to worry about it >Hibiki faints
5-4 Part 3 >Hibiki is in the hospital >Apologizes to Miku for making her worry >Hibiki is in pain for some reason >Elfnein shows up, asks Miku to come to the command center >Everybody shows up, worried about Hibiki >Elfnein doesn't know what's wrong, thinks it's mental, asks about her dreams, Miku explains >Nobody believes that Hibiki would have dreams like that >Noise Alarm, Tsubasa, Kiri, Shirabe go fight, Miku told to go stay with Hibiki Battle >Back in the hospital, Hibiki is awake, heard the alarms >Miku says not to worry >Hibiki wants to help people by fighting, but can't in her condition >Hibiki is falling into despair >Miku won't let her >Miku continues to worry
5-5 Part 1 >Maria and Chris are going to return >Tsubasa is thankful for their help >Maria says they'll be right back after collecting information >Genjuurou gives them a chip, all of the data they have collected thusfar >They return >Chris is glad to be back, Maria asks if she didn't like the other world >Chris just doesn't like edgebikki, wants normal Hibiki >Noise alarm Battle >Everybody welcomes Maria and Chris back >Chris asks about Hibiki, Tsubasa tells them what's going on while they return >Chris arrives at the medical room >Hibiki seems sick, is very depressed >Chris says they managed without her >Hibiki wonders if she is really needed >Chris says she didn't mean it like that >"A time will come when we need your power. Until then, take care of yourself. Understand?"
The following translations are from Dragonmience
EV5-5 Part 2 Elfnein says Hibikis conditions are getting worse quickly. Miku tells them about Hibiki's nightmare sleep talking Im alone, After all, no one helps. Chris realizes that AU Hibiki said the same thing, and says that AU Hibiki has the complete opposite personality of Hibiki Prime. Miku is interested that theres also a Hibiki in the other world, and also asks Chris to tell her about AU Hibiki clearly. Maria and Tsubasa train in the simulation. Theyre both worried about Hibiki. Maria asks what Tsubasa thinks about what Hibiki said in her sleep. Tsubasa says that there has to be some connection between AU Hibiki and Hibikis nightmares. Miku is glad Hibiki hasnt gotten worse, but if it does, it would be bad for Hibikis body. She also believes theres a connection between the two events. But right now, what is it that she can do for Hibiki?
EV5-5 Part 3 Tsubasa, Chris, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika are all at the simulation room. Tsubasa: Everyone is worried about Hibiki, I guess. Chris teases her: Who was here before anyone else? Tsubasa: I I only got here earlier because of my motorcycle. Shirabe: Everyone came from different places, traffic doesnt matter. Kirika: Yeah, but Chris was the second to arrive, right? Chris: I I just live closer. The five train, but theyre absentminded and decide to cut it short. Elfnein calls them to the main room.
EV5-5 Part 4 Everyone arrives really quickly. Tsubasa and Chris hurriedly ask about the situation. Elfnein thinks she knows the reason for Hibikis sickness, but she hasnt confirmed it. She believes the two Hibiki's spirits are resonating. That is, AU Hibikis negative emotions are coming to Hibiki, making her suffer. Chris asks why its only happening with Hibiki. Elfnein: Its because of the natures of their spirits. Hibiki has strong righteous emotions; on the other hand, AU Hibiki has strong negative emotions. Due to resonance, the difference in emotion potential makes it so that if either side moves, it flows into the others emotions. Even though righteous emotions arent bad, they either dont have much influence on AU Hibiki, or she isnt aware of them. However, Hibiki is rapidly taking in negative emotions, and her mind and body arent adjusting well. It doesnt affect anyone else, since their personalities are probably close. Hibikis recent collapse was probably influenced by AU Hibiki being hit by the Karma Noise, since Karma Noise are connected to negative emotions strongly. Miku: What can we do? Elfnein: I'm afraid, Miku is the key. Noise appear. Later, Chris and Miku prepare to go to AU. //<Flashback to after the battle> Elfnein: If everything is correct up to now, if AU Hibiki's emotions are stabilized, that is, righteous rather than negative emotions are strong, the influence on Hibiki will disappear. Miku is the key. To Hibiki, Miku is an existence that can't be lacked. If that world doesn't have a Miku, then Miku should go to that world. Chris: But thats dangerous. Elfnein: Yes, but thats the only way I can think of right now. Tsubasa: Wait, only gear users can travel between worlds. Miku isn't a gear user. Elfnein: I looked at the records. Miku used a gear in the past, right?     Miku: Shenshoujing (She looks sad) Elfnein: Yes. Kirika: But it was disintegrated then? Elfnein: True, for this world. Shirabe: Perhaps. Elfnein: Yes, even if it's not on this world, that world may still have it. //<End of flashback> Chris: Don't worry, well definitely find Shenshoujing. Maria: Maintain your physical condition, since you may have to go at any time. Miku: I understand. Chris and Maria leave for AU. Miku: Please, you two. The power to save Hibiki...
EV5-6 Part 1 World Prime: Tsubasa: How’s Hibiki? Miku: Not very good. She slept most of the day. At Miku’s request, Tsubasa, Shirabe, and Kirika all hold onto Hibiki’s hands. Noise appear.
EV5-6 Part 2 (Continuing the fight from Part 1) Tsubasa: If we’re slow in taking down the noise, we’ll just make Hibiki worry unnecessarily. Battle Hibiki wakes up: Thanks for always staying with me, Miku. Sorry. Miku: Apologies aren’t necessary. Miku: Hey, Hibiki… I want to stay here like this, but, I must go to the other world. Hibiki: What!? Why? Miku: Calm down and listen. The reason Hibiki’s condition has become bad is in the other world. In the other world, another Hibiki’s spirit is flowing into Hibiki and causing pain. So, I… want to go to help you, Hibiki. And also the other Hibiki… Hibiki: Even stopping you… (will be impossible). Miku: Yes. I’ve already decided. Hibiki: It is, isn’t it? Hey, Miku… I have a request. The other Hibiki is probably always in total darkness alone, holding harsh thoughts. Because no one helps, she believes in no one, saying out nothing sad, feeling those kinds of feelings. So, I want to help her. Because when it was the harshest for me, the one who taught me that I’m not alone, was Miku. Because the one who helped me on countless dark nights, was Miku. Miku: But, Hibiki. Hibiki helped me countless times right? Haven’t we always lived together like this? So, once more, it’s my turn. Will you let me help? Hibiki: Sure… thanks, Miku. I’ll be waiting, so don’t do anything rash, okay? Miku: Haha… it’s the opposite of the usual, right? Hibiki: Yep, it really is the opposite. I always make Miku feel this way, right? Miku: Since you understand how I feel, starting next time, hold back your rashness a little, okay? Hibiki: Sure… As much as I can, I’ll see if I can do my best.
EV5-6 Part 3 In the AU, Chris and Maria have explained things to Genjuuro. Genjuuro: I see, to help Hibikis, Shenshoujing is necessary no matter what, right? Maria: Yes, do you know its location? Genjuuro: I do. It’s already been made into a pendant. Chris: Really!? Then… Genjuuro: No, but, we couldn’t find a user for it. There was also a forced activation experiment, and it was unfortunately damaged. It was disposed of. Chris: In that case, it’s now gone? Genjuuro: No, even though it was disposed of, you can’t throw away a Relic, so it’s now kept under strict custody. Chris: I don’t care about that. If there’s the possibility you can get it, that would be enough! Genjuuro: I see… you really care about your Hibiki, right? Chris: That, that has nothing to do with it. Genjuuro: … I understand, I’ll prepare. Even here, under current circumstances, there are no objections on increasing the fighting ability of the gear users. Tsubasa: Really? Without the permission of the higher-ups, how are you going to transfer a relic, even it’s been disposed. Genjuuro: Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of all the responsibilities. Noise appear, so does Hibiki.
EV5-6 Part 4 During the battle, Maria: Hey, remember what Elfnein said as we left? Chris: Of course! //<Flashback> Elfnein: If you come into contact with the other Hibiki, there’s one thing I want to try. From what I can tell, the other Hibiki has a strong sense of loneliness. So, please teach her that she’s not alone. To the other Hibiki, flowing from our Hibiki’s feelings, those words will surely reach her. //<End of flashback> Chris: Haha, now that I think about it, we were saved by her, right? Maria: That’s right…That means we might not be qualified for this, right? Haha. Chris: Hahaha. That’s why, your (Hibiki’s) back! Maria: We’ll protect it! Battle Chris: Hey, you… Hibiki: What is it? Chris: I’m Chris Yukine. 17 years old. My birthday is December 28, and my blood type is A. The thing I like is… Anpan! Hibiki: What, all of a sudden? Chris: Remember it! Maria: I’m Maria Cadenzavna Eve. 22 years old. Hibiki: Even you…what in the world? Maria: Haha, just a self-introduction. Just remembering the old days a little, right? Hibiki: I’m leaving. Chris: Unfortunately, she left… Maria: Yeah, but, from now on… Chris: (You saved us. This time, we’ll definitely save you.)
5-7 Part 1 >Chris and Maria arrive back in our world, welcomed by Genjuurou and Elf9 >"Were you waiting for us?" >Gen: "No, we just happened to be here" >Elf9: "Yes, we've been eagerly awaiting your return" >Gen: "...Anyway, how did it go?" >They hand over the broken SSJ pendant >Elf9 thinks she can fix it >Miku handed new SSJ by Elf9 >She needs LiNKER >Miku is a little scared, relies on her feelings of wanting to save Hibiki >Successfully activates SSJ >Kirika thinks it makes them look bad that she can do it so easily >Shirabe says it's just the power of Miku's feelings >Start training Battle
5-7 Part 2 >Miku thinks she can do well against normal noise >Chris says she's doing well for her first time >Reminds her that they are fighting Karma noise as well, so she has to obtain more power >Training continues Battle >Chris "loses" to Miku >Miku accuses her of holding back >Chris says she can't go all out on someone who hasn't even worn a gear before >Genjuurou registers Miku as a temporary adaptor >Gen wants her to promise that she won't to anything reckless, for Hibiki's sake >Miku says she will save Hibiki
5-7 Part 3 >Miku, Chris, and Maria arrive in the parallel world >Miku says that she can't even tell >Chris says that if you look hard enough you'll be able to see the differences >People who should be there but aren't, things that should be somewhere but aren't >Chris: I am senpai please rely on me >Maria tells them to stop wasting time and go to Div2 >Chris is upset that Miku addresses her as "Chris" but Maria as "Maria-san" >Meanwhile at parallel Div2, incoming phonecall from Nagata (Japanese political center) >It's about a complete relic >Due to all of the recent noise reactions, they asked a specialist >Gen tells them to hold off on doing anything for a bit >Maria and friends arrive >Introductions >Div2 still hasn't bothered to stick a tracker on Hibiki or have Ogawa (where is he?) tail her, so they don't know where she is >Noise alarm, dispatch Battle
5-7 Part 4 >In battle, Miku sees edgebikki >Miku tries to introduce herself but Hibiki just runs away Battle
5-7 Part 5 >Fight is almost over >Karma noise appears Battle >Miku is too close, Chris yells at her to back off >Edgebikki shoes up at pushes her out of the way >Karma noise vanishes, couldn't kill it due to regeneration >Tsubasa asks how they were able to defeat it before >Maria says she will explain later >Miku tries to confront Hibiki >Wonders if saving her was a coincidence
5-8 Part 1 >Miku is in town, worrying about Hibiki >Flashback to being saved >Concludes that it was intentional, that edgebikki is really Hibiki, wants to talk to her more >At Div2, strategy meeting about Karma noise >Miku isn't present because she had "something very important" to attend to >Maria explains everything they know about Karma noise again (redacted) >There aren't many ways of dealing with Karma noise in the parallel world >Just coordination and saturation attacks >Tsubasa asks how what other ways there are that can't be used in the parallel world >S2CA and Ignite >Tsubasa asks what they are and why they can't use them >S2CA is a superb song, Ignite is berserker strength >S2CA requires Hibiki, who can't fight >Chris says it would be nice if they could just use edgebikki but it's probably too reckless >Maria says that edgebikki's characteristic isn't necessarily even the same >Chris and Maria explain Ignite/Dainsleif, can't use it because of the Karma noise's 「curse」 >Therefore, we have to use coordinated attacks >Gen says that we had 3 people, now Miku makes 4 >Chris says that isn't enough >Maria says they need edgebikki's cooperation >Tsubasa asks for help in raising their coordination Simulator Battle >Tsubasa wonders if they will really be able to work with egebikki, worried that they're polar opposites >Tsubasa says that she's met Hibiki on the battlefield many times and tried to persuade her to join Div2 >Hibiki always says that she's uninterested >She can't tell what Hibiki is thinking at all >Chris says that she's too direct because she's an idiot >Maria says that's basically Hibiki >Tsubasa says that both Hibikis are not necessarily the same >Maria says that they aren't necessarily different >Gjallarhorn ties together branches of a larger river, but they all flow in the same way as the original >Therefore an individual's character and taste should be mostly the same >Whether someone has a Gear or not, whether someone exists or not, and other small differences are ok (Someone not existing is totally a smaller change than them having a different personality, right?) >Maria is surprised by the gap between edgebikki and the original Hibiki, but doesn't think that they're fundamentally different >Chris feels the same >Tsubasa still wonders how they're going to persuade her >Maria: "Leave that to the specialist"
5-8 Part 2 >Edgebikki is in the forest (seems like she's training or exercising) >Miku shows up, edgebikki asks why she's so over-familiar >Miku thinks that Gjallarhorn should be a secret, but decides that lying will cause edgebikki not to trust her Explanation >Miku says it's fine if she doesn't believe her immediately >Edgebikki says she doesn't care, tells Miku to go away because she's distracting >Miku says she wants to talk to edgebikki longer >Edgebikki doesn't want to talk >Miku asks about how edgebikki saved her in the Karma noise fight >Edgebikki is surprised >Miku says that she did, and so she wants to thank her >Edgebikki says that it wasn't her intention and is merely Miku's misunderstanding >Miku doubles down and says that edgebikki protected her >Edgebikki reiterates that it was merely a coincidence, and therefore no thanks is needed >Miku says that it was certainly thanks to edgebikki >Hibiki tells Miku to go home and not follow her >Edgebikki wonders what Miku's deal is >Continues to deny to herself that she saved Miku >Edgebikki's heart hurts >Realizes it isn't pain, she wouldn't feel pain from something like that anymore >Convinces herself that she doesn't need anyone, being alone is fine >Noise alarm, edgebikki says she has to go defeat them Battle >Maria and Chris in an apartment >Apparently it was nothing but normal noise this time >Chris wants to just hurry up and kill the karma noise >Miku shows up, asks about Hibiki protecting her >She thinks that edgebikki has been preventing the noise from destroying the town and has been drawing their attention >Even if unconsciously, edgebikki has been protecting everybody >Chris thinks Miku is over thinking it >Miku is convinced because it's Hibiki >Maria says that she can't say that just because it's Hibiki >But Miku is the one who knows Hibiki the best and has the deepest bonds with her, so she trusts her judgment >Chris agrees
5-8 Part 3 >Genjuurou put the Karma noise data into the simulator so that they could train >Chris is surprised that he could do that >Maria says that their Gen is a martial arts specialist >Gen says he knows basic self defense, but has no further knowledge of martial arts >Rather, he likes to handle machines and watches sci-fi instead of action movies >Maria remembers hearing that Kanade's Genjuurou liked to watch mysteries >They train with Gen's new simulator upgrade Battle >Simulator is weaker than the real thing, needs some adjustment >Chris says that they are lacking decisive factor or trump card >Miku apologizes for being weak >Tsubasa says that it isn't her fault, she also lacks power >Miku says that she's the most inexperienced >Tsubasa says that she has the lowest power output >Maria says that everyone is equally weak >Chris says that they have to find a way to work with edgebikki >Tsubasa wants to continue training, but Miku runs off to go talk to edgebikki
5-8 Part 4 >Now that it's just the three of them, there's no point in coordination training >Tsubasa wants to know more about ignite >Maria says they can't use it against Karma noise anyway >Tsubasa doesn't care, feels as though she has not yet mastered Ame-no-Habakiri >Wants to know the true power hidden in the symphogears >Maria says that ignite is due to a different relic, so it would be meaningless in showing the symphogear's potential >Chris says that the berserk is part of the symphogear itself, so it counts >Chris is bored so she ignites >Maria has to copy everbody else so she ignites too Battle
5-8 Part 5 >Tsubasa thinks ignite is very cool >Maria explains how Dainsleif interacts with the Karma noise, making it useless >Chris says that if they could use it freely then any number of Karma noise would be no big deal >Maria says that she wouldn't say that much, but it makes fighting very easy >Tsubasa wants them to fight her ignited >It's too dangerous >I don't care, I'm Div2's sword Battle >Miku in the forest again with edgebikki >Miku asks if edgebikki likes the forest >No response >Miku says she wants to fight with edgebikki to defeat the Karma noise from before >They need to join forces or else they won't be able to defeat it >Therefore they need edgebikki's help >Edgebikki is shocked by the proposal and wants none of it >Says that Miku will have to drag her kicking and screaming >Transforms >"I won't work with anybody. If you want me to cooperate, use your power to force me to submit"
5-9 Part 1 >"It's no problem if we go all out here. If you want me to listen, then show me your strength. If I end up hurting you with my fist, I'm sorry." >"No. Your fists aren't meant to hurt anybody. Don't say such a terrible thing." >Hibiki drops her transformation >"If you won't listen to me and fight, then just let me do as I please." >"Hibiki..." >Back at Div2, noise alarm >Karma noise pattern >Another, stronger energy pattern from somewhere else >2 Karma noise >One is in the city, Tsubasa, Maria, Chris are already nearby >Gen tells them not to worry about the other one, it's on the outskirts and therefore the city takes priority >But Chris remembers that they only appear where PHONIC GAIN is high >Maria just assumes that it isn't necessarily the case >The other Karma noise actually appeared on top of edgebikki and Miku >Edgebikki gets mad and transforms >Miku tells her not to try to fight alone and to run away >Edgebikki tells her to leave alone and that she won't run away >Miku transforms >Miku won't let Hibiki fight alone Battle >Miku tells edgebikki not to be reckless >Edgebikki gets hit >Miku notices that edgebikki's movements are slow, realizes that it's part of the Karma noise's 「curse」 >Edgebikki charges the noise >A little girl shows up looking for her mother >Edgebikki is protecting the little girl from the Karma noise >Miku grabs the girl, delivers her to her mother, and returns to the fight >Both of them attack the Karma noise >Edgebikki asks Miku how she managed to match her movements >They turn to deal with the noise
5-9 Part 2 >Back in the city, the other three are dealing with the other Karma noise >They get word from HQ that edgebikki and Miku are fighting the other noise >They want to finish where they're at fast so they can go help Battle >They are having trouble against the Karma noise >Tsubasa wants them to leave it to her and buy some time >"Listen. This is the song of a sentinel." >Tsubasa jams, as she does when she feels threatened >Maria and Chris shout at her for being dumb >Tsubasa apologizes in her thoughts, continues to jam anyway >Karma noise is dead but Tsubasa faints >The ground starts shaking, as if there was an earthquake
5-9 Part 3 >Edgebikki is having an easier time fighting >It's because Miku is there, and she knows what edgebikki is going to do next and can match her >It's the first time edgebikki has ever fought with somebody else >Edgebikki calls Miku by name >Miku calls her out on it, but edgebikki denies it >Miku tells her that the little girl from earlier thanked her >Edgebikki wonders why she saved her >Miku tells her not to get distracted >(Oh yeah, I remember now. My old childhood friend who was always by my side like this.) >(Kohinata Miku.... I've forgotten that name for a long time.) Battle >Miku is predicting Hibiki's attacks and coordinating with her >They think they'll be able to beat the Karma noise together >Miku says that she's going to help Hibiki >Edgebikki stops dead >"Help... me?"
5-9 Part 4 >Noise alarm >Large energy pattern from underground "Ruins of Memory" >Gen: "What? Impossible! This energy pattern is...! Why now?!" >Gejuurou tells the geahs in the city to evac, says there's no time to explain >Kaiju from EX2 shows up >It's an autonomous complete relic called Goliath that was stored in the Ruins of Memory Battle
5-9 Part 5 Battle >Kaiju smacks Maria and Chris around >"If only we hadn't just fought a Karma noise" >It's more powerful than a Karma noise >Chris and Maria wondering why something so dangerous was being stored >Maria is running out of stamina because she's useless >It dissappears or collapses or something, the day is saved by doing nothing >Back in the forest >Miku is worried about edgebikki >"Save... You're going to save me?" >"Even though when I really wanted to be saved, nobody was there to save me?!" >"You're just the same as everybody else after all! You're still lying to me!" >Karma noise hits edgebikki >She goes berserkki >Berserkki absorbs the Karma noise >Miku shouts at her to return her to her senses
5-10 Part 1 >Back in our world >DMJii are at the medical room with Tsubasa watching Hibiki sleep >Hibiki suddenly starts screaming >The three hold her down >Back in parallel world >Berserkki is attacking Miku Battle >Miku wonders if she'll be able to properly deal with berserkki >She's too fast, can't hit her >Berserkki hesitates, Miku punches her >Berserkki turns into edgebikki >faints >Back in the medical room, Hibiki calms down >Everybody is worried, Tsubasa wonders what the hell is going on in the other world
5-10 Part 2 >Parallel Div2 >Maria is worried about the other Tsubasa >She's sustained a lot of damage from the superb song, but finished off the Karma noise >Maria asks what the fuck the Kaiju was >It's an autonomous complete relic called Goliath that was stored in the Ruins of Memory >From 1 Samuel, the Giant that was defeated by David >Received from America for research >Activated by the large amounts of PHONIC GAIN from Tsubasa jamming >So what should we do >I dunno >I guess we should deal with the Kaiju >By the way you should help us with that >We were going to do that anyway >According to legend, Goliath appears from morning to night to trample the Jewish army >With the arrival of night, that power becomes weaker >So we should aim to fight at night >The problem being that our opponent probably won't allow that >Yeah he'll probably just run away like before >By the way, how's edgebikki? >She seemed mostly fine, but escaped before a detailed examination was carried out >So now that the Karma noise are dealt with, let's deal with the Goliath problem >Genjuurou has a report about parallel Miku >"Is she alive?" >"Yes, she is in good health." >"After hearing from you that she was related to Hibiki-kun, we looked into Hibiki's past and found her name." >"Kohinata Miku-kun..... Hibiki-kun's classmate and childhood friend from before the Live Incident and before she entered Lydian." >"Before she entered Lyidan?" >"The Kohinata Miku-kun of this world did not enroll in Lydian." >"Immediately after the Live Incident, due to circumstances of both her parents, she transferred." >"So she isn't by her side, that's the way it is?" >"Yes. We have no reason to expect that she knows that Hibiki enrolled at Lydian or became an adaptor." >"It is also possible that she has no idea of the hell of undeserved bullying caused by the incident that became her daily life." >"Hibiki.... So that's why she was saying things like "Nobody ever saved me"..." >"So do you know where she is?" >"Yeah, we were able to find her somehow, but we haven't contacted her yet." >"Why not, you can't tell her about Hibiki?" >"They were childhood friends... A long time has passed since they were separated. I don't know if we should get her caught up in this." >"It's been so long there's the possibility that she may not even remember Hibiki-kun." >"No, there isn't." >"Miku-kun....?" >"I would never forget about Hibiki." >"Is that so? I apologize." >"For now, we'll have her put under surveillance. Let's think about it again when revisiting Hibiki-kun's situation." >"...Understood." >Out in the hallway, Chris asks Maria what to do during standby >Maria suggests training, because that's the only way she can look good fighting strong opponents >Miku wants to practice more with SSJ so that she can stop another berserkki attack and to protect her >Miku says she won't be reckless, just like she promised Hibiki >They head off to training Battle >They take a break >Chris brings up Miku's parallel self >Miku is troubled that she isn't by Hibiki's side >Maria says that if it's due to her parents' work, then it can't be helped >Miku is sure that she would still want to be able to see Hibiki >she wants Hibiki to understand that she isn't alone
5-10 Part 3 >Miku is out in town while on standby >She sees edgebikki >Edgebikki suddenly turns and starts talking to an old woman >She wants to go somewhere but doesn't know the way >Miku takes note that she started a conversation with an old lady >Edgebikki shows her the way >Old lady asks if she's a student, says that she's about the same age as her grandchild >(She's carrying the old lady's bags and walking alongside her... She's helping people.) >Yappari, Edgebikki is Hibiki >Old lady thanks Hibiki >Hibiki waves it off and tells her to be careful >Miku hands her a drink and Hibiki asks her how long she's been there >Hibiki says it was just because she was annoyed by her loitering >Suddenly the old lady starts screaming about a monster >Genjuurou calls about a nearby noise pattern >Hibiki and Miku rush in to fight Battle
5-10 Part 4 >Hibiki and Miku see a piece of cloth belonging to the old lady >Hibiki gets mad, Miku tells her to calm down >Hibiki tells her not to tell her what to do >Maria and Chris show up >They follow Hibiki into battle Battle >Battle is over >Hibiki is looking at/holding/doing something to/with old lady's cloth >Old lady shows up and says hi >Hibiki shocked >She is okay, says that she was saved >Hibiki gives her back her stuff >Hibiki is glad she's okay >(That old lady was helped, and there was a person who helped her. But why..!) >"Why... Why does nobody..." >"....I hate it" >"What is it... This annoying feeling in my chest..." >Miku: (When Hibiki gave the old lady's things back to her... she smiled just a little.) >(After all, Hibiki is...)
5-10 Part 5 >Maria and Chris have been on standby for several days >Normal noise has appeared, but no Karma noise >Neither has Goliath >Maria wonders if there is a Goliath in their world >Maybe they can find a way to capture it by investigating their inactive version >Maria wonders why there's still a Gjallarhorn Alert, and if Goliath is causing it >All of the Karma noise should have been defeated >While there's still an alert, they can't just ignore it >Also worrying about Hibiki >Miku is sure that Hibiki is okay, because she's Hibiki >Back in our world, Tsubasa fighting noise with DMJii >Tsubasa says that Elf9 said that the alert has gotten stronger >Tsubasa wonders if that means the threat has increased Battle >They're struggling >Have to ganbare for away team and Hibiki
5-11 Part 1 >Edgebikki is in her apartment, complaining about her chest >(...My chest hurts, it's hot...) >(It hurts.... somebody....) >(....No, there isn't anybody.... No matter how close they are, they will all leave....) >Edgebikki has dream of normal Bikki >Miku is trying to wake Hibiki, who is sleeping while trying to eat breakfast >"School? Lydian? Why are you wearing a uniform..." >"Are you still half asleep? We enrolled together, so it should be obvious." >"Here's your bag. I got everything ready for you. Finish eating that and we can run to Lydian, alright?" >"Are you done eating? Alright, let's go." >Edgebikki wonders why the dream keeps occurring, wonders if it's because she met Miku >Stone/metal fragments have been falling from her chest with increasing regularity and causing her chest pain >Back in our world, the home team is still fighting noise >Wonder if there's too many for the three of them to handle >Let's ganbarou >Wouldn't X-Drive be really nice right about now >We don't have X-Drive Battle
5-11 Part 2 >At SONG, there's a new energy pattern >More noise >Adaptor's vitals falling >Genjuurou orders withdrawal >Tsubasa says no >Worried about what would happen if they withdraw >Is their duty to defend while Maria is busy and Hibiki is in the hospital >Maria is working hard so they have to as well >Genjuurou: Don't be reckless Battle >Noise eliminated >DMJii are sleepy, so they faint >Tsubasa notes that there was such a large number, almost as if Solomon's Cane has been activated >Tsubasa faints too
5-11 Part 3 >Away team returns to SONG >Hear about how home team got their asses kicked by noise >They're going to be okay >Miku asks about Hibiki >Hibiki is having frequent fits, when it gets bad Elf9 administers a sedative to restrain her >Miku runs off to see her >Maria asks about the Gjallarhorn Alert >It hasn't gotten better >It's gotten worse >Chris complains that they've already defeated two Karma noise >Maria says that something worse than the Karma noise must have shown up >Chris thinks it's related to the Kaiju >What Kaiju >Maria explains about Goliath to Genjuurou >Miku arrives in the medical room, Hibiki is sleeping >Miku holds Hibiki's hand >"I will save you, I'm sure of it. So please, hold on just a little bit longer." >Goliath explanation finished >Chris is kind of mad, tells Genjuurou to tell them about it >Genjuurou claims ignorance >Maria says that the parallel world got it from America >Wonders if the American government is hiding it >Genjuurou says that the chance isn't zero, but even if they are then there's slim chance they'll offer information >Elf9 has a plan >Wonders how the Goliath determines "night" >Chris says when the sun goes down, obviously >Elf9 says the sun going down is determined by the eyes >Maria asks if it could be brightness, since it may not have sensory organs that could intuitively be considered "eyes" >Elf9 says that that could be the case, and that it enters a temporary rest period as part of a cycle >If day or night is determined by brightness, then they may be able to fool it >It's worth a shot >So how do we do it? >Go ask them >Okay let's go >Wait, Maria needs to worry about Tsubasa and what will happen with no defense >Tsubasa should wake up in a day >Tsubasa shows up >Chris asks if she's okay >Elf9 says she can't possibly be okay after such a long battle and short recovery period >"This is nothing compared to Tachibana's fight" >"I will absolutely keep my vow to protect while my comrades are away" >DMJii are already awake, but moving is too hard >Everybody is worried about Hibiki >Maria asks if Hibiki's condition is really that bad >It's so bad Tsubasa says she can't look >Hibiki's fits have been getting more frequent and more violent >At this rate, it may put her life in danger >Away team heads off >In parallel world, edgebikki is fighting some noise >There's an "earthquake," Kaiju shows up >Edgebikki wants to defeat it Battle >Parallel Div2 gets the Goliath appearance reaction >Edgebikki is fighting it alone >Tsubasa still hasn't recovered from jamming >Div2 to support edgebikki however they can >Difference in power is too large, edgebikki can't go at it from the front or else she'll get oneshot >(If only I had more strength...) >Relic cancer heating up, power is coming forth >"Like this, I can fight. Even if I'm alone, I can defeat it!" >Suddenly a guy shouts out for help >(Somebody late getting away!? At a time like this-) >(...I have to save/kill them...) >"-Eh? What..." >(They're a person, so I have to save them. They're a person, so I have to kill them.) >"What... is this? What's this feeling inside me?" >"This feeling.... It's like a hazy swirl going around and around... It's unpleasant..." >"Run away! If you don't want to die then run!" >(No... I never wanted to kill anyone... What the hell-) >(...That black noise... from that time...) >"Oh shi-" >Kaiju punches Hibiki >(I can't move... the damage...) >(...Is this how it all ends?) >Night arrives >"It left... Why...?"
5-12 Part 1 >Edgebikki has dream of Hibiki helping the cat in S1 and some other stuff with her friends >(...Is that... me....? No.... this is... this is all-!) >(This is... me...? I don't know... this...) >Edgebikki wakes up in a fit >Wonders why our Hibiki is so different, why she is able to smile >Another rock from her chest >Doesn't understand what it means >Ever since the Kaiju fight, she hasn't cooled down >She doesn't feel the black noise's influence anymore, but feels like it's still there >"Even though it's my own body I have no idea what's going on" >"Somebody, tell me... Somebody... help me...." >"I'm scared... of being alone..." >(There's nobody... to help me...) >(That's the way it's always been... Why, suddenly...) >"Anyway, everybody is gone. But I..." >Away team arrives back at parallel Div2 >Maria tells Genjuurou about Hibiki and the home team >Genjuurou tells Maria about edgebikki fighting Goliath >Time ran out for the Kaiju and edgebikki is fine >Maria tells Genjuurou about Elf9's plan >He says he can do it >Noise pattern, large number >Away team about to head out >Tomosato says that they're suddenly rapidly decreasing in numbers >It's edgebikki Battle >Miku in SSJ catches up to edgebikki >Maria and Chris surprised that edgebikki already killed them all >Miku approaches her to make sure she isn't hurt, notices the heat >Everybody realizes that it's relic cancer >Miku tells edgebikki to come with her to Div2 and get properly examined >Edgebikki tells her to leave her alone and runs away >Miku knows she has to do something >Edgebikki alone in the forest >Wonders if the fusion is why she's heating up >Wonders what would happen if it continues >She's scared of not knowing, but she's more scared of knowing that there's nothing she can do >Miku shows up out of nowhere >"Who!?" >"I'm right here." >"Oh, it's you again..." >(Why am I relieved?) >"What are you doing?" >"Nothing... Just looking at the stars." >(I wonder if this Hibiki also likes to look at the stars?) >"Then I know of a good place to go stargazing. Let's go together sometime." >"I guess I want to see just a little bit..." >"Then it's a promise. We'll go together." >"....." >("Promise?" "Together?" I wonder if it would be okay....) >Edgebikki starts screaming and heating up, a black fog swirls around her >(I have to kill...) >"Black... fog....? That's-" >(I saw it when we fought that Karma noise-) >(I have to kill...) >"Hibiki! Get ahold of yourself, Hibiki!" >"---Shut up---!" >"Hi-Hibiki...?" >"Ah.... It's nothing. Anyways, I'm going now." >"Wait, Hibiki!" >"Leave me alone!" >"If you keep using your Gungnir your live will be in danger. So please, will you let me look at it? Besides that, now-" >"Go away!" >"Hibiki..."
5-12 Part 2 >Away team is at an apartment, discussing edgebikki's relic fusion >Miku wonders what she should do to save Hibiki >Chris says that they can't allow her to fight >Maria suggests vaporizing it with SSJ, like in the original world >Miku thinks it might be a different ailment than the original world >Explains the Karma noise and black fog >If edgebikki fused with a Karma noise, then they can't just blast her with SSJ as it may erase her body as well >Need to have her undergo a medical examination, but it's easier said than done >If she stops using her power, her rate of progression will slow >Have to persuade edgebikki to come along for an exam >Have to rely on Miku >Next problem: Alert cause >Previously thought that defeating Goliath would resolve the alert >Maria thinks to herself that it could actually be due to edgebikki's Karma noise absorption >In the worst case scenario, "resolve would be needed" >Instead of letting everybody know this, she decides to keep it to herself and say that there may be other Karma noise around or some other cause >Chris wants to focus on the Kaiju and worry about the alert later >Genjuurou calls, noise >About to start fighting >Genjuurou calls, more noise >Edgebikki is already at the other location >Miku goes to the second location to find edgebikki Battle
5-12 Part 3 >Miku finds edgebikki >"Why are you being so reckless!?" >"It doesn't concern you. This is my fight." >"No, Hibiki! If you use Gungnir anymore, the fusion will-" >"Get out of my way!" >"Hibiki!" Battle
5-12 Part 4 >Noise fight finished >Edgebikki collapses >Miku sees a fragment of Gungnir fall off edgebikki's body >"Please, don't use your gear anymore, I will-" >"I don't want your lies about helping me! Nobody ever helped me!" >"The Hibiki of your world is what's important to you, and I'm just a secondary concern. Am I wrong!?" >(That's right, the scene I saw in my dream-- No matter how much I desire or wish for it, that life will never be my own!) >"Don't ever bother me again!" >(Even though I don't have it, even though I understand... I can't let myself have hope!) >"I can't just leave you alone!" >"I am not your Hibiki." >(I can't smile like that, I can't live like that. -Because I don't have anyone!) >"I don't care! Hibiki is Hibiki!" >"Then I'll prove that I'm not your Hibiki." >(Yes, if I can't have it, then-) >Black cloud surrounds hibiki >"Hibiki..." >(I can see that black fog.... Is it responding to Hibiki's emotions? If that's the case-) >"If that's the case, I'll stop you!" Battle
5-12 Part 5 >"Don't get carried away just because you have an armed gear!" >"Haven't you thought about why you don't have an armed gear!?" >"What about it!? Even without an armed gear, my hands can break anything apart.... destroy anything!" >"You're wrong, you're hands are-" >"Yeah, just like this! To break anything and everything that stands in my way!" >(Yes, destroy! This girl right in front of me!) >Flying noise appears >"Wha-!?" >"Noise!?" >"Hibiki, watch out!" >Miku is hit >(--Now! Now's my chance to kill-!?) >Hibiki: "No! STOOOOOOOOOOOP" >"No, no.... I don't want to do something like this...." >"Hibi..ki, are you, okay?" >"This isn't the time to be worrying about other people!" >"I'm glad... that you're not hurt...." >Miku collapses >(No, why did I-) >(I didn't want to do something like this, why did I do such a terrible thing-) >"Sorry.... Miku, I'm so sorry" >"It keeps welling up..." >"I won't let you lay a finger on Miku... I will pulverize you all with this fist!" Battle >"Miku!" >"Get a hold of yourself, Miku!" >"Hibiki.... You finally called me by name..." >"More than that, are you hurt?" >"I'm alright... But more than that, I'm worried about you." >"What?" >"Gungnir's fusion... the more you use it, the faster it progresses." >"Why do you know..." >"There was another Hibiki who was just the same. I know it very well." >"That time, no matter how much Hibiki was troubled.... and now, no matter how much you are suffering..." >"So please, get a proper medical examination. I don't want you to push yourself anymore." >"..." >"Please, will you listen to what I have to say?" >"...It's not fair. If you say it like that, I can't refuse..."
5-13 Part 1 >"Is the inspection done now?" >"Yes, it looks like it. We'll get the results in a few days." >"Even though it wasn't really needed..." >"No, you have to do it properly" >"Or I'll end up like your world's Hibiki?" >"I hope you won't. Anyway, the inspection is over, what should we do now?" >"Go home?" >"You can go home later. If it's no problem, would you go out with me?" >"Ah, wait- Fine." >"Hmm? It looks like there's someone in the training room." >"..." >They meet Tsubasa in the training room >She's rehabilitating, but not ready for combat yet >Maria is there, complains about sword never listening to anybody >Tsubasa is finally able to welcome edgebikki to Div2 >Miku says they're going to go >Maria asks where they're going >Going to town for a date >Tsubasa is shocked >Maria just tells them to be careful, notes how "the snow is melting." >Tsubasa is surprised that they're getting along so well >Maria asks Tsubasa out on a date >Tsubasa spaghettis and says that her concern isn't needed >Yappari, this sword is too cute >Maria just asks her to go shopping some time >Tusbasa reiterates that her concern isn't needed >Maria says that she wants to go, and wants Tsubasa to guide her since she isn't familiar with this world >Tsubasa hesitantly accepts >"We'll go after you calm down" >Maria is thankful that edgebikki accepted Miku >Tsubasa can't believe that edgebikki would hold hands with someone like that >She wants to make friends too >She says she knows the pain of Tachibana's loneliness >Maria complains to herself about how sword should just be more honest and direct, but is willing to meet her half way >Maria decides to accompany Tsubasa for more rehab training Battle >Edgebikki and Miku went to Flower >"The okonomiyaki here is delicious." >"Here, eat some." >"O.. okay" >"It's fine.. I guess.." >"Would you just be honest and say that it was good? Yappari, Obachan's okonomiyaki is the best." >Obachan: "Oh? Have you been here before?" >"Oh... uh... I used to come here before." >"Is that so? I usually remember my customer's faces, so forgive me." >(I guess that's true. This world's me hasn't ever been here before, since she isn't enrolled in Lydian...) >"I look forward to your continued patronage." >"Yes, of course. Now, lets cook up and eat a bunch. Obachan, please add the seafood mix and tomato cheese." >"Sure, wait just a moment." >(....It's good)
5-13 Part 2 >Edgebikki and Miku back in town >Talking about how they ordered too much >Edgebikki tells her to stop confusing her with the other Hibiki >Miku says that the Hibiki in front of her is another, entire separate Hibiki. >"If you understand... then it's fine I guess." >"...Hey, the other me, what kind of person is she?" >"..What kind of person... Ummm... A person who likes to eat delicious meals, I guess?" >"What? That's it?" >"Well, she likes to oversleep and then nap in class, let her homework accumulate and then cry for help..." >"Isn't that just a failure of a person?" >(But after all... it's just like what I saw in my dream...) >"Haha... I guess if that was all there was to it. But she has a lot of charm points." >"She can't help reaching out a hand to those in need... Ah, but, that's just like you." >"I'm not like that... I help people, they rely on me, and I betray them..." >"No, you don't do anything like that. At least, the Hibiki I know would never think of anything like that." >"Hibiki is... Even if she hurts herself, even if she suffers, she will never give up, and she will never give in." >"Even if you say it's fine, even if you say that you give up, she absolutely won't allow it." >"And even when she's in pain, she will always be laughing. 'Heiki, hecchara,' she'll say." >"Where have I heard that before..." >"'The magic words to help you get through any tough any tough spot'" >"Of course not... There's no magic words..." >"That may be so, but if Hibiki believes them I believe them." >"Even when she's suffering, she never loses faith, never gives up, and never hangs her head." >"That way, she continues to shine brightly on me and everyone else" >(...I just look away from suffering...) >"She calls me her sunshine, but to me she is really the sun. Without the sun, sunshine isn't... I'm not needed." >"...She's my best friend in the entire world." >"...Best... friend..." >(I'm envious... I'm jealous... This person... I want to destroy her...) >(No! I won't think about something like that--!) >"What's wrong, Hibiki-" >"It's nothing, I'm fine." >Ring ring >"Hello yes this is Kohinata." >Noise has appeared within the city, have to go deal with them >"I'm sorry, Hibiki. I'll be right back. >"I'm going too." >"No. The results of your medical examination still haven't come in yet. I'll take care of it this time, please wait here and don't fight." >"But..." >"Please. Leave it to us. Okay?" >"...Fine." Battle >"Thanks for waiting for me, Hibiki." >"It isn't like that. I thought there might be a situation where I have to fight, so just to be sure I stayed behind." >"Really? So you were worried about me. Thanks." >"Don't think of it that way. I just can't forgive the noise..." >"That's fine. Then, let's go part of the way home together." >"Together? Why?" >"Because we're in the middle of a date." >"Do what you want." >"I will." >"Well then, Chris, Maria-san, I'll see you later" >Maria and Chris show up out of nowhere >Chris: "We're close to Div2 so we're going home." >Maria: "Be careful." >Chris and Maria are surprised that edgebikki is being obedient, isn't fighting, and underwent her medical examination >Surely, Miku is getting through to her >If edgebikki's negative emotions are going away, then maybe our Hibiki will get better >Edgebikki is alone at her apartment >"I...." >(Holding hands with that girl... It was just so warm, but now...) >"Now it's freezing, it's cold..." >"No. She isn't helping me." >(I'm just secondary. That warmth, it's not for me.) >"The warmth will soon be completely gone from my hand..." >"This is just... painful..."
5-13 Part 3 >Miku and friends are at parallel Div2 >They got the results of the medical examination >"I thought it would be a good idea to tell you in advance before Hibiki-kun." >It's cancer >Edgebikki wandering Div2 >(-I wonder if Miku's here.) >(It's nothing but painful, but, I don't want to be apart from her...) >(...I don't want to be alone anymore...) >Overhears a conversation >"Hibiki-kun's condition is..." >(They're talking about me?) >"If this continues, she will die soon. That is the conclusion of our medical staff." >(---!? Then, after all...) >Miku: "No, it isn't like that." >"I understand how you feel but..." >Maria and Chris explain how it's already happened to our Hibiki >Genjuurou is shocked >Explain how SSJ can be used to vaporize relics >(Am I... saved? Will Miku save me?) >Genjuurou didn't even know SSJ could do that >It worked before, let's try again >Maria: "But before that, I want to hear a little bit more about the results of the medical examination." >"...Meaning?" >"I wanted to keep this a secret from her, but there's a possibility that there's something other than the Gungnir fusion affecting her." >"Another influence?" >Chris: "It seems like she absorbed a black one, that time she went berserk." >"Black one... A Karma noise!?" >(--So it really was that noise's--) >Miku: "Yes, so we can't use Shenshoujing carelessly-" >"Wait... I see. The truth is, we found many mysterious readings during the medical examination." >"We suspected that it was due to equipment breakdown or malfunction, but if it's like that then it seems we were wrong." >"...Inside her body, there was a mysterious energy reading. It was a different type than Gungnir." >(...) >"It fluctuated, becoming weaker or stronger. But, it was the same type as noise." >"It's unthinkable that something like that would be inside her body. To a person, that energy is a deadly poison." >"But if that's the case, then it is likely that the Gungnir's fusion is in opposition of the Karma noise's energy." >"So the Gungnir's fusion is saving her?" >"We can't be certain, but if it's not the case then I can't explain it." >"Hey wait! So if we erase her gear--!" >"It would be impossible for a normal human body to withstand that energy. Perhaps, as soon as you erase her gear..." >"Thats--" >Edgebikki stops eavesdropping, enters room >"Haha... Nothing ever changes after all. After all, nobody will save me." >"Hibiki... how long where you there?" >"After all, I'm--" >Edgebikki runs away >"Hibiki! Wait I want to talk-" >Egebikki in the woods >"So that's the way it was..." >(The chest pain, the abnormally high body temperature... I always thought it was strange...) >(The strange stones falling off of me... I don't think I'm a normal human being anymore...) >"I see... So, I'm going to die.... alone... why..." >"If I'm just going to die here, then why--" >"Why did I survive that time? If only I hadn't survived, then I wouldn't have to feel this way." >"I always suffered, it was harsh, I was lonely. Even so, nobody came to my rescue...." >"My friends, my family, everybody vanished from in front of me..." >"On top of that, I'm going to become a monster and die. I hate it.... What did I do to deserve this?" >Edgebikki gets a call from Div2 >More noise >(Thats right. If I'm going to die anyway...) >"Then I'll fight. The noise that destroyed my world, I'll take them with me!" >Karma noise appears >Egebikki starts to get mad >"It's your fault... that I became this way, everything, all of it!" >"I'll kill you!" Battle
5-13 Part 4 >Edgebikki is overpowering the Karma noise alone >She is heating up >Tells Chris to leave her be as she's going to die anyway, may as well take the noise with her >Chris tells her not to be dumb >Miku says that she will save her >Edgebikki complains that it's just words >Miku says she can save her with her gear >Edgebikki says she's lying, if she erases the gear then she'll die >Miku won't let edgebikki die >"I became an adaptor to save you, Hibiki!" >(I want to believe her... I want to... but...) >Edgebikki is running out of time >Maria wants to bring her to the medical room >Chris wants to knock down the Karma noise, it's already wounded >Edgebikki agrees >They shoot at it a bit, it disappears >Nope >Edgebikki absorbed it >Turns into berserkki >Berserkki's phonic gain is increasing into the danger zone >At the worst possible timing, Goliath shows up >(I won't give up either, Hibiki. No matter how hard it is or how much it hurts. I won't give up.....) >"Heiki hecchara, right Hibiki...." >"So... I'll absolutely save you!" Battle
5-13 Part 5 >After the battle >"Hibiki! Wake up, Hibiki!" >Chris: "Shit, we aren't getting to her. Isn't there anything we can do old man!?" >Absorbing the Karma noise's curse has, in combination with her relic cancer, has provoked her berserk state and placed strain on her body >"That's not what I was asking! I was asking for a way to help her!" >Maria: "Now that it's come to this, there's nothing we can do except for to fully purge her with Shenshoujing." >Chris: "If you do that now, then she'll die of the curse!" >Inside edgebikki's mind >"Ah... after all... this pitch blackness, is where I belong." >"In the end, I'm alone and nobody rescued me." >"So... I'll destroy... it all!" >Resume berserkki >Attacks Maria and Chris, heads downtown >Miku asks if they're okay, Chris says to chase the idiot >Leave the Kaiju to Chris and Maria, Miku is the only one who can help edgebikki >Tsubasa shows up >Miku goes to save edgebikki, leaving Tsubasa, Chris, and Maria to deal with Goliath >Chris says Tsubasa is being too reckless >I am sakimori sword >Sun is about to set, preparations are almost done, need hold out until then >Night falls >They implement the plan, flash, Goliath stops moving >Fooled it into thinking the sun was still up using artificial light, its energy levels are dropping >Chris and Maria ignite Battle >Goliath is defeated >No time to rest here, gotta catch edgebikki >Genjuurou calls, things not going will for edgebikki >Lots of energy due to the synergy of relic cancer and karma curse >If a normal human were to approach, they'd probably die >If edgebikki gets to downtown, there could be a lot of casualties >It will be difficult to capture her in berserkki state >"If Miku-kun can't destroy her gear, then there will be no other way to stop her than to defeat her." >Chris: "And will she be saved by that!?" >"That's..." >Tsubasa: "At that time... I'll.. do it. I will cut her down." >Maria: "Tsubasa..." >Tsubasa: "That is the duty of an adaptor in this world." >Maria: "Wait! She is desperately trying to help her, even now!" >"As long as she doesn't give up, we shouldn't give up either!"
>"Hibiki, this incredible heat... Even from this far away, I can tell..." >"If I can't stop her and she gets to town, it'll be bad..." >"I won't let Hibiki hurt anyone! Hibiki! Please stop!" >"Shut up.... shutupshutup! Nobody saves me... nobody!" >"Killing... Destruction... That's what this fist is for--!" >(HAYAI!) >(If she won't let me focus Shenshoujing's power, then I can't disintegrate her gear...) >(I have to find a way to stop her from moving...) >(But, what should I do....?) >(If I can force Hibiki to regain her will, her memories, just for a moment....) >Flashback to earlier in the event >"Then I know of a good place to go stargazing. Let's go together sometime." >"I guess I want to see just a little bit..." >"Then it's a promise. We'll go together." >End flashback >(This Hibiki doesn't know that place... But, if their spirits are in sync--) >"Over here, Hibiki!" >Miku leads Hibiki to a clearing in the forest >(Hibiki's movements have stopped....?) >"The other day, I promised you. That we'd go to a place where you can see the stars clearly." >"This place is... for me, a very sentimental place." >(Promise.... sentimental...?) >"Please, Hibiki! Come home! You can't be in such a dark place!" >"I am not in your memories. A promise..." >"Hibiki.... Can you hear my voice?" >"...is good for nothing. Watching the stars, in a place like this, means nothing." >"That's not true! We promised, you aren't alone!" >"A promise.... I don't understand..." >"You can't make a promise by yourself you know." >"When small promises pile up, you can create precious memories." >"Even in difficult times, they continue to shine in your heart, becoming stars." >"So... Hibiki. Understand. You aren't alone anymore." >"Tsubasa-san, Genjuurou-san, everyone is worrying about you. Your feelings, your anxiety, people who care about you are close to you." >"Do not turn away from the promises you've made and the connections you've formed." >"Do not give up on anything. Stop grasping things as if you are going to destroy them." >"Your fist is not for that..." >"...Shut up! Do not impose your selfish feelings on me! I, my fist, is to destroy, destroy everything--!" >"No! Hibiki always is, a good girl who can't go without helping people..." >"Be honest with yourself! Don't deceive your true heart!" >"How could you understand anything about my feelings!? You never helped me! You abandoned me! How-" >"Hibiki, show me your hands." >"Your hands without weapons, they're proof that you really want to hold hands with people more than anyone else..." >"Those hands... Are Tachibana Hibiki's armed gear!" >"These hands... are my... armed gear...?" >"And another thing, that you're wrong about..." >Flashback >"But if that's the case, then it is likely that the Gungnir's fusion is in opposition of the Karma noise's energy." >"So the Gungnir's fusion is saving her?" >"We can't be certain, but if it's not the case then I can't explain it." >"Hey wait! So if we erase her gear--!" >"It would be impossible for a normal human body to withstand that energy. Perhaps, as soon as you erase her gear..." >End flashback >(It's okay. I believe. Shenshoujing, my song, will certainly save Hibiki) >(So, no matter what happens-) >"Kohinata Miku will never abandon Hibiki! Never!" >(Hibiki.... Lend me, your strength...) >Miku sings her superb song >"Thats her... superb song..." >(Don't sing that! If you sing that then...!) >(...Why, for someone like me... Nobody saved me anyway... Everyone else was together, and no one with me... but...) >(--No. Kohinata Miku was always concerned for me, always by my side, and was the one to help me. And so, I loved Miku.) >(Why did I forget, something so obvious...) >(I have to save...) >(I HAVE TO SAVE MIKU!) >Edgebikki sings her superb song >Tsubasa, Chris, and Maria show up >Tsubasa: "Where did those two go? >Maria: "Surely they should be around here... We have to hurry!" >Tsubasa: "Wait! This is, Kohinata and Tachibana's song.... It can't be, their superb song!?" >S2CA tornado appears >Tsubasa: "What was that light just now? What's going on--!?" >Chris: "That was, it can't be, S2CA!" >"How?! Without that idiot, why is S2CA!?" >Maria: "Perhaps, Tachibana Hibiki finally grabbed her outstretched hand." >"The Tachibana Hibiki we know and the Tachibana Hibiki here are fundamentally the same." >"A girl who wants to hold hands more than anybody else." >Chris: "You don't think, that this light, is because..." >X-Drive Miku appears >Miku: "This... This power..." >(I can feel it... The warmth and the strength... This is the power... of my feelings for Hibiki...) >Hibiki: "Stop.... Don't shine that light one me!" >Miku: "Hibiki... Tell me.... What is it you truly hope for? What is it you truly wish for!?" >"For your sake I can do anything.... I will grant you anything!" >Hibiki: "I don't have any hopes! Leave me alone..." >(No! I'm sick of being alone! I hate being alone in this dark place!) >"I was never helped anyway. So I being alone from the start was fine..." >(...Hope is useless, even if I wish for it, nobody will save me...) >(I understand that! But... If it's this person, I feel like she can save me.) >(So please, just one more time...) >"Please.... save me...." >Miku: "Hibiki.... you finally answered. I've finally heard it. Your true voice." >"Okay. I'll save you. I promise." >Berserkki attacks, Eiai Promise starts playing >"Hibiki... I won't let go of your hand! NEVER EVER!" Battle >Miku: "My thoughs... Everyone's thoughts... How much we treasure you, everybody's feelings--- will reach you!!" >"I will shake off the darkness that gnaws at her heart---!" >Very poorly pre-rendered version of X-Drive Miku's laser beam >Hibiki: "AAAAAAA!? It doesn't... hurt...? What is this... light..." >(Aahh... it's warm... almost like...) >Miku drops her transformation >Miku: "HIBIKI----!" >Hibiki: (Miku is... reaching her hand out, to me--) >"MIKU....MIKU----!" >(...I finally understand what the other me said. That's right... To me, Miku is-) >"Mi,ku.... I'm.. sorry..." >Miku: "Heiki, hecchara, isn't it?" >Hibiki: "Yeah... thanks..." >Miku: "Welcome home, Hibiki..."
>Chris and Maria at the Gjallarhorn gate >Chris: "So it's finally over?" >Maria: "Yeah it seems like it. We've defeated the bosses and saved the girl." >Miku: "Uhm, I'm going to go check on Hibiki-" >Elf9: "Welcome back, everyone." >Gen: "Good job, I'm glad you made it back safely." >Chris: "What's with you two? Were you waiting for us to come back again?" >Elf9: "No, the Gjallarhorn Alert stopped, so we thought you would return soon." >Maria: "Really? Well, I'm glad the alert finally stopped." >Chris: "If that wasn't enough to stop it, then we would have to give up" >Gen: "It seems like this time was a tough fight, too. Good work you three, you've earned a good rest." >Miku: "Um, before that, how's Hibiki's condition?" >Gen: "I think it would be faster to hear it from her directly." >Miku: "Eh?" >Hibiki: "WELCOME HOME, MIKU!" >Miku: "Hibiki..." >"HIBIKI----!!" >Hibiki: "Miku, I'm so glad you made it back safely~." >Miku: "Well I'm so glad that you got better..." >Elf9: "The alert was resolved and at roughly the same time she regained consciousness" >"As if there wasn't anything wrong in the first place, she suddenly recovered." >Miku: "Hibiki, does it still hurt anywhere?" >Hibiki: "Nope, I'm fine now-owowow" >Miku: "Hibiki... Are you..." >Hibiki: "It- hurts-" >Chris: "H-hey! What's going on? Didn't you say that it was all better!?" >Elf9: "Please calm down. It is likely that it is simply a stomach ache due to over-eating." >Maria: "Over-eating...?" >Gen: "Honestly, even if her physical condition has improved, I can't believe she can eat that much." >Hibiki: "But, I was really hungry... It was almost like my stomach and back were stuck together 100 times." >"Uu, I'm going to throw up..." >Chris: "You idiot! Don't mislead us like that!" >Chris assaults Hibiki >Hibiki: "Ow! I'm still sick, so you should pity me more~." >Miku: "Hibiki please." >Maria: "As surprising as always I suppose. It doesn't even seem like she went through any hardship." >Gen: "If she's like this, then it means you managed to safely help the other world's Hibiki." >Miku: "Yes. It's already fine." >"Not just the matter of her fusion, but her heart too..." >"I was able to get through to her that she wasn't alone... Besides--" >In the other world >Gen: "It's incredible that only the corroded portions were removed so cleanly.... I'm nothing but impressed." >Tsubasa: "That's the results of Tachibana's medical check?" >Gen: "Yes. In their Miku's light, the tissue that began to fuse was completely erased." >"Of course, this includes the energy thought to be from the Karma noise was also erased. Everything has vanished completely." >Fujitaka: "But, since that includes the Gungnir fragment, she can no longer wear a gear." >Gen: "Yes, but, compared to her life, it's rather trivial. Well, I suppose it is unfortunate that our combat capacity has decreased." >"That reminds me. Ryouko-kun should be returning soon." >Tomosato: "Yes, the Shenshoujing pendant that Ryouko-san made, she'll surely be surprised that we found a suitable adaptor for it." >Fujitaka: "She also missed the X-Drive Mode activation. She's going to be pretty frustrated." >Gen: "Haha. No doubt about it. She'll just have to make due with the observation data." >Tomosato: "But... it really was a miracle to be able to save Hibiki from that state." >Gen: "Well, that's not the real miracle here." >"The power to save the heart of a girl, alone in despair, who rejected herself and everything else in the world, now that is worthy of being called a miracle." >Tsubasa: "...Yes, I suppose that is true." >Gen: "Well, anyway... We don't have to worry about Hibiki anymore. She has regained the courage to take other's hands and to connect hearts." >Tsubasa: "Anyhow, where is she now? I heard that the examination was completed but..." >Fujitaka: "It seems that after the examination finished she went home..." >Tsubasa: "Honestly. Even if she isn't an adaptor anymore, I wanted to do some things with her..." >"I had hoped that we would be able to work cooperatively, just a little...." >Gen: "What, isn't that unexpectedly early?" >Elsewhere >Hibiki: (These hands...) >"These hands aren't for destroying anything... Right, Miku..." >(Joining hands with someone... This hand, can join with someone...) >"I'm not alone... Once I joined hands, even after letting go we are still connected..." >(So, it's okay. I'm heiki, hecchara.) >"....Speaking of which, she's gone now. I wonder if I'll be able to meet her again...." >(I guess... it's impossible. Since she lives in the other world.) >(But I'm sure, one day I'll meet her again-) >???: "Hibiki..." >Hibiki: "Eh...?" >"Miku...?" >Memoria scene >"Why are you still here?" >Miku: "Hibiki... Hibiki! I always wanted to see you again..." >Hibiki: "We just separated, why are you acting that way..." >(Huh? Something's... different? >Miku: "I'm sorry... After that, I left you without saying goodbye." >Hibiki: "Eh? Are you-" >Miku: "I wrote you letters, but you never replied... No matter how many times I came to see you, you were never there..." >Hibiki: (This girl... No, this Miku is--) >"Miku, why are you....?" >Miku: "Some people from the Disaster Relief Squad came..." >Hibiki: "Those people did..." >Miku: "I'm sorry. I wasn't by your side in your darkest hour-- But... I'm glad I finally got to see you... Hibiki..." >Hibiki: (Miku..., she's warm... oh.. that's right. At that time, I remembered. Miku was always my sunshine.) >"That's right. I finally found you. The place where I belong is right here." >Hidamari Memoria Finish
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