#literal fluff
dumbsack · 6 months
Day 4:
I love Rabites.
If Duran and Angela were Rabites...
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Durab would be a Lionhead (yes, he still wears the helmet).
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And Angelbun would be an Angora (A Queen Rabite?)
The others...
I dunno, Rablotte would be some kind of very smol and fluffy Netherland dwarf mix, Bunvin would be a Flemish giant mix, Buniesz... Probably a lop of some kind? Something with very cute floppy ears, I think.
Hawkeye would be a raccoon. And still be called Hawkeye.
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michellemisfit · 1 year
February 8:   grass   |   sunrise   |   fashion
Fabric, Felt, Wood, Cotton Wool
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Accidentally made a @gallacrafts 🤷🏽‍♂️
Hit the Fluffbruary tag to see the other days in the challenge and check out @fluffbruary for MORE FLUFF
This is my RedBubble Shop, for anyone interested.
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 year
Prompt request: "Am I not good enough?" for Hugh Borg/Elnor, please?
Thank you so much, @northstarfan, for this fantastic prompt! 💕 I promise to get to others in my inbox (and please keep ’em coming, folks), but this was just too purr-fect for a little Hughnor fluff (that’s a pun).
For those who prefer AO3:
For those who prefer to read here:
The Ginger Cat
The tile floor is cold under Hugh’s bare feet, his pyjamas soft as he steps into their bedroom from the bathroom.
Elnor is in the same position he’s been in for most of the day — stomach on the floor, head peeking under the bed.
“Elnor,” Hugh moves carefully around his prone love, “cats are shy at first. Give her time. She’ll come out from under the bed when she’s ready.”
“I’m helping her get ready.” Elnor’s gaze doesn’t lift from the circle of ginger-colored fluff they chose that morning. “By talking to her, she can become used to my voice. And I’ve told her many times that she’s a pretty cat and a good cat because Data used to have a cat named Spot and that’s what Data told Spot.”
Gratitude for Elnor fills Hugh’s belly — Elnor’s kindness, Elnor’s deep capacity to love, Elnor’s childhood wish they were able to make come true.
But Hugh is still recovering from the wound Narissa caused, and fatigue is heavy in his arms, his legs, his chest. Hugh eases into bed, clean sheets, and Elnor straightens from the floor, climbs into the other side of the bed.
“How long do you think it will take her to understand that we love her and she’s safe here?” Elnor props himself on an elbow, faces Hugh.
“Different cats are different.” This is true. Hugh had a feeling about this cat, though, a flash of intuition when he suggested the name they chose to honor someone who means so much to him. “You’re doing your best to help her feel welcome, though, and that’s good.”
There’s a kiss goodnight, dreamless sleep, then a gentle weight on Hugh’s chest.
Hugh’s eyes flutter open. He reaches over, nudges Elnor.
Elnor’s gasp is quiet, reverent. “She came out from under the bed to sleep on you. She likes you.”
And Hugh could burst with joy, with love for the sleeping cat curled up on his chest, but he didn’t spend most of yesterday talking to her and Elnor has wanted a cat for so long. “She loves you, too. She just hasn’t shown you yet.”
The cat stays near Hugh for the rest of the day, though. And the next day. And the day after that, her head tilting as she watches him work, his injury recovery complicated by his xB biology, and it’s as Hugh and Elnor settle into bed after the first day Hugh has finally felt fully himself that Elnor stares at the ceiling to ask, "Am I not good enough? Is that why she doesn’t like me the way she likes you?”
Before Hugh can answer, there’s an arc of ginger through the air, as if she sensed Elnor’s hurt feelings — she did, Hugh is sure she did — and the cat, for the first time, settles onto Elnor’s chest and curls into a ball to sleep.
Under the covers, Elnor’s hand reaches for Hugh’s — and Hugh knows Elnor is afraid to speak, afraid to disturb the ball of fluff on his chest, so Hugh whispers the truth they both now know.
“She’s living up to her namesake, a person who will do her best to help anyone who’s hurt, no matter what.” Hugh squeezes Elnor’s hand, and speaks to the cat. “Isn’t that right, Beverly?”
On Elnor’s chest, the ginger cat purrs in agreement.
Send me an ask with character(s) and a prompt and I’ll do my best to write you a little fluff (or angst or whatever happens that day). ❤️
✨ All prompted Picard ficlets are also available on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43315549/chapters/108880510 ✨
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whump-adjacent · 2 years
Headcanons for comfort
...after watching S6 finale of Clone Wars 😥
- Padmé organises a surprise birthday party for Anakin, inviting his closest friends; Ashoka, Obi Wan, Rex, Fives, etc. It’s a laid back event, but Anakin has never had any party thrown for him before so he becomes quite emotional (in a happy way 🥲).
- Ashoka and Padmé take Anakin on a spa day. They have to drag him along because he thinks it’s a waste of time, but once he gets a taste of the stress release massage he’s completely on board (and even ends up falling asleep during the trigger point acupuncture). 
- Obi Wan gifts Anakin an old podracer - really old and quite rare. He spends hours fiddling around with it, dissecting it and reassembling to restore it back to full function. He’s very proud of his work & shows it off at every possible opportunity.
- A routine medical reveals that Anakin’s constant battle injuries have left him very low in iron. So Padmé, knowing Akanin will probably soldier on like nothing’s wrong, makes it her personal mission to become his dietician. She researches all types of iron rich meals & works with her family chef to create a plan for him. She ends up doing such a good job that a follow up medical reveals Anakin’s actually put weight. He’s slightly embarrassed but Padmé merely takes it as the highest form of compliment for her efforts. Plus he is more fun to cuddle this way 😇
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Art by reese_tano on insta (via pinterest 🫣) 
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Aren't We A Little Old For This Shit?
Ian has seen different Tiktok dates where couples go to Build-A-Bear and the couples make a stuffed animal for one another. He surprises Mickey and takes him to Build-A-Bear, literal fluff ensues.
"C'mon Red, where are we going?" Mickey asks as Ian leads him through the mall, weaving around bunches of teenagers or parents with young kids.
"You'll see, it won't be a surprise if I tell you, I think it's over here." He nods his head in the direction of the store he was taking Mickey to.
"What's a surprise at how fuckin old I feel with all these teeny boppers." Mickey muttered looking around at the mass hoard of loud teenagers, tired parents, and young children.
"You're not old, you're young and cute." Ian replied with a grin pressing a quick kiss to Mickey's temple.
"I'm fuckin thirty three Ian, not exactly a spring chicken." Mickey reminded him.
Ian rolled his eyes, "I'll start calling retirement homes to get you on a waitlist."
Mickey threw up a finger with a slightly faded C on it and Ian laughed wrapping an arm around Mickey's shoulders as they kept walking.
"How much further we gotta go? Can we stop at the Panda Express?" Mickey asked his gaze shifting to the food court.
"After, and we're here!" Ian stopped and flourished a hand out grandly, like he was a duke or vizier announcing a royal guest.
Mickey turned his gaze from the food court and looked at the building his husband had brought him to.
"Build a Bear?" Mickey asked incredulously.
"Yes!" Ian answered, his eyes wild and excited.
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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i dont think the sages are distinctly aware of everything their avatars are doing, but i imagine some things probably bleed through
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astreids · 29 days
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just memorized your coffee order because it was the most basic decent thing to do. not because it gave him an excuse to talk to you, even if it was for two minutes.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just always kept a spare hair tie with him because you once mentioned that you always forget to bring an extra with you during missions. not because he always remembered every little thing you had ever said.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just didn't particularly like gojo, especially when he was making you laugh. not because he wanted you to laugh like that with him.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just felt his heart drop to his stomach when you got injured on a mission because that's what he'll feel for any other colleague. not because he couldn't bear the idea of not seeing you ever again or hearing you call him 'kento, my angel.'
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just asked to be paired with you because you spoke the least amount of nonsense and you proved to be a good company. not because he was slowly losing interest in talking to anyone else who wasn't you.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just read the books you recommended because they were already on his reading list. not because he wanted to talk to you all the time about everything and anything under the sun.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just brought you your favourite food whenever you seemed in a bad mood because he needed you to focus on the task. not because he didn't like seeing you upset and the thought of you being all sad and teary-eyed made his heart hurt.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just hated the idea of you loving someone else.
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verahella · 7 months
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“i can’t believe i walked in on my wife and my best friends doing such an unspeakable act.”
you and the two boys hugging your sides look up, raising a brow at a pouting gojo leaning against the doorframe, “i doubt cuddling is considered unspeakable, satoru.”
“it is if you’re doing it without me.”
he plops down onto the bed, earning a screech from your toddler when he pushes him to the edge of the mattress.
“that’s not fair! i was here first.” your four year old grumbles, climbing back up as he tries to fight gojo for his spot, though he knows from experience now that there’s no cure for his dad’s dramatic antics.
“you are my seed, kid. i was here way before you.” gojo pulls you close as if to intimidate the toddler, ignoring the smack you give his chest while your kid stares at him confusedly. your husband redirects his attention to the baby chewing on your hair, gently swatting away his lips, “hands off for you too. don’t you know that finders keepers? i found her first so she’s all mine.”
your son, who is practically the miniature (and less annoying) version of his menace of a father, blows him a raspberry. you laugh when satoru gapes at him, acting betrayed but you see the amused tilt to his lips. “oh, you wanna go that way, big guy?”
he flips the baby over, pulling his shirt up and blowing raspberries into his tummy. high pitched giggles spill from your baby’s lips, alerting your elder son who rushes declaring that he’s going to rescue his brother and maul his dad.
you know you should probably ask him where he’s learnt such foul words but you already know the answer and its lying in the white haired man who is now getting attacked by both his beloved children.
and you grin, oblivious to the fact that said man is watching your eyes crinkle from the corner of his, hearing the wonderful harmony of your laughter and wishing nothing more than to see the same sight when he’s eighty.
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inspired by this
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demigods-posts · 3 months
sometimes. i just have to remind myself that percy took annabeth to paris. like, canonically. he forgot their one-month anniversary. and took his girl to paris to make up for it. the standards are in elysium.
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aakeysmash · 3 months
Katsuki just needs you to lay your eyes on him to get hard.
You can be sleepy and looking up at him with your eyes half open and he gets a boner.
Roughed up in the morning, teeth still not brushed and you just peek at him from one eye before snuggling into his open arms? He’s getting a boner.
Maybe you’re moaning with his food in your mouth while complimenting how good of a cook he is with sparkling eyes, and his blood rushes straight to his dick.
And it’s not always because he wants to fuck you, even if he does have a super high sex drive and would bend you over 4 times a day if you’d let him.
Sometimes it’s just because his heart skips a beat while thinking about how softly only you know how to look at his soul, even behind all his rough exterior.
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angellcherry · 4 months
— home.
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» pairing: jungkook x reader
» genre: fwb to lovers, hurt/comfort, nsfw
» synopsis: “show me your thorns, and I'll show you hands ready to bleed.”
» warnings: allusions to depression, brief mentions of self harm (nothing graphic!), a little bit of angst, cuddling, reassurance, jungkook is a big green flag, talks of therapy and healing, confessions, lots of kisses, he's down bad and so in love :( (they both are), pet names, soft!dom jk, slight size kink, missionary bc he needs to look at her and kiss her 😩, praise, dirty talk, choking, creampie, aftercare
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His hand curled around the nape of your neck the moment your lips touched. Warmth trickled down your spine, and he titled his head; tongue prodding at your soft lips, like he wanted you down to the marrow. Like he wanted to dip into your soul, kiss after kiss, until he was completely submerged; until he's explored every nook and crevice, felt every bump and crack.
He pulled away from the heat of your mouth slowly, reluctantly, eyes half lidded and dark. Lungs expanding to take in more air, voice coming out hoarse.
"You weren't answering your phone..."
"I know," you whispered, "I'm sorry."
Jungkook shook his head.
"No need to be sorry, baby," he lifted your hand to his lips, leaving a kiss on the soft skin there. "I was just worried."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in closer. You sank into his embrace so easily; like you just came home. In a way, you have. He hasn't seen you in over a week...
It may not have seemed like much, but your absence was tangible. Suffocating. Especially when he didn't know if something was wrong.
"I'm glad you're here," he murmured.
You turned your head to peck his shoulder, fingers entwining, and then you were walking towards his bedroom as though it was second nature. The change in your demeanor had the corners of Jungkook's eyes crinkling from smiling. You practically skipped over to his bed, hopping onto the large mattress.
"Can I get a shirt, please?"
He didn't think you comprehended how fucking cute you were. He turned to open his closet and began rummaging through it.
"At this point, I'm pretty sure I'd kill someone if you asked me," he muttered.
"Nothing, baby."
Flushing, he ignored the curious tilt of your head and threw you his favorite t-shirt.
God, how could someone be so fucking cute?
You were always excited to nap in his bed, share food and wear his clothes. The fact that it brought you comfort made his already lovesick heart swell up and ache. Something so simple, but so domestic — it fucked with his head. He wanted this every day, in every life. You were his comfort, too. Why couldn't you see it?
He leaned against his closet, arms crossed, watching you slip out of your clothes, the heap landing on the floor. It was art. You were so beautiful; inside and out. He couldn't help the way his stomach stirred and heart fluttered, yet instead of acting on his urges, he just walked over to you and bent down to pick up your clothes.
While you got into his shirt, he folded them neatly and placed them on his gaming chair.
"I missed this bed so much," you sighed.
Jungkook glanced over at you, taking a moment to drink in the image of you lying there, the black cotton of his shirt slightly too wide and too long for your body; but fuck, it looked perfect to him. He bit his lip, making his way to climb onto the mattress beside you.
"What about me?" He asked, delighted by how you opened up your arms, instinctively scooting closer to him.
"Hm, what about you?"
Jungkook pouted, eyebrows furrowing. His arms wrapped around your waist.
You giggled, peppering his face with kisses, and he wished he could live in this moment forever, stop all the clocks, kill time. To hell with what that would do to the universe.
"I missed you, too."
Just like that, he melted. Somehow, it hurt so bad; he had you right there, and yet he didn't. Disappearing and reappearing. Out of reach, like a mirage.
He lifted your hand to his lips again, momentarily distracted by how small it was compared to his.
"So tiny."
Amused at the scoff you let out, he turned it to kiss your palm, then paused abruptly.
A raw shade of red caught his attention.
Narrowing his eyes, he examined the wounds around multiple fingers — or at least tried to, before you caught on and pulled your hand away like you got burned.
His heart dropped.
It's been a while. Why were you doing this to yourself again?
Fuck. He felt like a failure of a man.
He swallowed thickly, then pulled you in closer, as if treading on thin ice. Terrified of making a mistake and feeling it crack under his weight. Once he was under, once it all fell apart, he didn't know if you'd let him in again.
"Baby..." he whispered into your hair.
"I'm so tired, Jungkook," mellow, you answered the question he didn't get to ask. "I don't know what's wrong with me..."
"Talk to me," he pleaded. "I can't help you if you shut me down."
You sniffed quietly. There was a loud crack. Not in the ice, but in his chest.
"You can't help me either way."
Jungkook tried to lift his head to look at you, but you gripped his hoodie, bunching up the fabric in your hand.
"Not everyone deserves help," you insisted, a wet sigh following. "What's wrong with me? Why can't I help myself? E-everyone else seems to be doing just fine, a-and I'm just rotting away, filled with these ugly thoughts and feelings, I can't do anything right."
Jungkook hugged you tighter, like he hoped he could mold you together, give you as much of him as you needed to feel whole again. He'd let you rip him to pieces to fill the void.
"Stop saying that," he breathed, his eyes burning, "fuck, stop saying that."
He stroked your back as you cried into his chest, softly, feeling helpless and furious at the same time.
"When you're always in the dark," he whispered, "you learn to make friends with monsters to survive. It's all you know, so it's what feels most comfortable."
He heard you inhale, felt your head lift with hesitation. Eyes swollen, glossy, lower lip still trembling.
Jungkook cupped your face, wiping at the wet streaks.
"When you're always in the dark, sometimes... it feels like it's all you deserve. But it's not your fault. You're not a bad person," he said softly, his thumb rubbing your lower lip. "Sometimes, it's just the monsters you know talking."
You blinked, small and vulnerable, like a child who just woke up from a nightmare.
"I... I don't know..."
Jungkook squeezed your waist, so close his nose almost touched yours.
"But I know," he promised. "I know."
He stared into your eyes, watched them well up with more tears. He wished he could kiss them all away.
"Let me be there for you—"
You kissed him, and once again, it hurt. Because he wanted you, he wanted you so bad, but not like this — why didn't you want him, too?
Outside of the bedroom, when you weren't tangled in sheets, it seemed like you had no interest in letting your walls down. He's spent so much time trying to climb them, only to end up with broken bones, back down on the ground again.
He couldn't do this anymore.
He pulled away from your lips, denying you the oblivion you craved. He wanted to let you use him, he'd do it every day if it meant he could see you again. But he was afraid that if he didn't speak up now, he'd never find the courage to do it.
"I want to be with you," he breathed out. "Why won't you let me love you?"
There was an instant change in your expression that made his stomach lurch.
"I— I..."
A pause, filled with uncertainty.
Jungkook searched your eyes. The windows to the soul, they said. Broken, and the interior was dark. Nothing good lurked in there.
"I love you," he repeated.
His heart pounded in his chest. He stared right into this endless darkness, crawling with insecurities and fear. As though he was hoping the warm whisper would chase away the frigid, haunted air breaking through, make all the other voices come to a halt.
He was no longer a boy, but a man, and he feared no monsters. He wanted to flood the space with light.
"Move in with me," his palm settled on your cheek, thumb brushing your skin. "I'll help with your classes and therapy. I'll take care of you. You can lean on me until you're strong enough to stand on your own. And even then, when you do — I still wanna be there. I wanna make you happy... Every day."
There it was. His heart, right in the palm of your hand, like an offering. Bleeding through your fingers. Willing to be crushed, if it meant at least he tried.
But you cradled it instead.
Fresh tears, sticking to your eyelashes, and then a rush of warmth in the dark. Your lips pressed into his, tender, and he shut his eyes, tasting a mixture of salt and your sweetness —
"I love you," a shaky exhale, right into his mouth.
It sank into him like sunlight, pulsing, nourishing and bright. And he swallowed it up with a kiss, his teeth clashing with yours.
He shifted to hover above you, finding rest in between your legs, goosebumps erupting when he felt your hand slip under his hoodie, inching it up.
A giggle slipped past his lips, and he disconnected himself from you only to take it off, throwing it aside carelessly before he was kissing you again.
He felt you smile. You went straight to his head like wine. Your taste, your scent — your touch, exploring the muscles of his back, his shoulders.
He was already hard, aching to get lost in you; dizzy on want and love.
Hands groping over clothes, wherever they could reach, hot lips trailing down your neck. He wanted to do so many things to you; kiss every inch of your skin, make you come on his tongue.
But you had the whole night — a whole eternity, really. And the way you squirmed beneath him, arching your back, legs parting, hips raising to feel him, urgent and breathy, wiped his mind clean off anything but the need to be inside you.
Jungkook groaned, his cock twitching, leaking precum into the cotton of his boxers. He remained still, however, letting your hand wander in between your bodies.
His eyes were glued to the way it traveled down his tensing abdomen, pausing to lower his sweats; then dipping inside.
He tried to stay quiet, though his chest was heaving, the sight and the feeling of your hand wrapping around his girth making it twitch again.
He watched you pull your panties aside, wet and ruined, revealing your pretty, glistening folds and the small entrance below.
So fucking small.
It looked almost obscene compared to his cock, long and thick and pulsating in your hand. But you fit him perfectly, like you were made just for him.
The moment you guided him forward, and the wet tip touched the heat of your cunt, he lifted his eyes to yours.
He felt so fucked out, but he was gentle as he pushed inside. The tight, wet muscle welcomed him eagerly, inch by inch, until his hips touched yours and he couldn't breathe.
For a moment, time stood still.
His head fell into the crook of your neck, inked hand squeezing your thigh.
"I missed you so much."
He sounded broken, but he's never felt so whole before.
"I missed you too..."
You clenched around him, prompting his hips to move off their own accord, coaxing the most beautiful sounds out of your body. The wetness, the smack of his skin against yours; the soft whines that fueled the heat boiling deep in his gut.
"Mmm," he moaned, raspy, "doing so well, baby."
He tried to stretch you out slowly, preoccupy himself with biting and sucking at your neck; anything not to focus on how you clenched around him.
But he was doomed, and he understood that the second you moved your hips, fucking him back.
"Oh shit," he gasped, "baby..."
He stifled another moan into your cheek, picking up his pace, so deep inside you he wondered if you could feel him in your tummy. The thought alone made his cock throb, every vein and ridge.
Long, ringed fingers wrapped around your throat, the pressure soft, but definitely there. In return, you grasped his shoulders, nails digging in, and Jungkook knew he wasn't going to last long.
"Good?" He breathed, slamming into you a little faster, stuck on your shining eyes and eager nods. "Yeah?"
The mattress began to protest under the force of his thrusts, but the sound was drowned out by everything else. Jungkook felt your cunt tightening, so warm and so fucking sloppy, his own little personal heaven.
"Almost there? Hm? Gonna make a mess for me?"
He groaned, his tummy twisting, the moans spilling past your lips making his head spin.
You merely nodded again, as though you couldn't speak. It made the corner of his lips quirk upwards.
"Yeah?" He tightened his hold on your neck, staking his claim with a coo. "My girl's gonna make a mess on my cock? Pretty angel's gonna cream all over it?"
Your breath hitched, thighs beginning to quiver around him.
"Y-yeah," you uttered, breathless, "yours—"
Jungkook's tongue slid into your mouth, his rutting becoming desperate. He wanted to mark you and brand you and oh god — he was about to see stars.
"Yeah, fuck— mine, my good girl," he stuttered out, "oh, baby, mhmm, I'm gonna come—"
His hips bucked as your pussy spasmed around him, sucking his cock in deeper, restricting his movements. Still, he fucked you through your orgasm, letting himself go with a loud groan. A burst of stars, the tension snapping; and he spilled inside you, white ropes of hot cum that filled you up to the brim.
He slumped against you after a drawn out moment, his body thrumming with bliss. Careful not to crush you, however, he rolled over to the side, his arms automatically enveloping your frame.
With his nose in your neck, he waited for his breathing to even out, lazily rubbing your hands.
"So good," he mumbled, "fuck... Are you okay, baby?"
You hummed, snuggling into him.
"More than okay."
Jungkook smiled, opening his eyes and pressing a kiss into your cheek.
"I'll wash you up in a sec."
"In a bit... Stay with me."
"I'm staying with you forever. Good luck getting rid of me now."
Your laughter sent a pang through his chest. He wanted to keep hearing it.
He brought your hand up to his lips, gently kissed each wounded finger, muttering his I love yous and praises until you both drifted off. Sated and warm under the sheets, tangled up in each other; with a single promise echoing through his head.
Never again would he let you hurt like this.
And whatever was happening outside of these four walls hardly mattered.
This was all that mattered.
This was home.
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sandinthepipes · 2 years
I just love when a fanfic is so very soft that I have to stop reading every three rows and walk around my room for a bit with a hand on my heart while whispering "oh my god they glanced at eachother", because I get too overwhelmed with love and sweetness.
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ghost-recs · 2 months
Sakusa Timeskip Recs
this is for you lovely @dontmindtheevie. thank you for your support and patience pookie!
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the video call incident by @reverie-starlight
synopsis: you and sakusa enjoyed the secrecy of your relationship. after all, you both didn't want to imagine what would happen if the terrible three ever found out.
oneshot filled with humor, insults, and fluff. it made me unattractively cackle a couple times.
no secretes here by bunnytime [ao3]
synopsis: sakusa's teammates like to think they all know each other pretty well. how could they not know that sakusa was in a relationship? let alone married??
this mini series is so cute! pure fluff and msby chaos!
mine by @taeyamayang
synopsis: you always loved watching sakusa's games and supporting him. however, you didn't love what sakusa had set up for you.
oneshot, maybe a little ooc? but so adorable.
untitled oneshot by @chosobaby
synopsis: there's just one aspect of volleyball that sakusa does not enjoy...
lil "what if" scenario that i just love to think about!
specially made by @luvring
synopsis: you swear sakusa does not understand the point of a surprise. but you're not complaining.
dating pro-player sakusa scenario. just pure fluff
another untitled oneshot by @omi-boshi
synopsis: sakusa does not like answering his phone when he's on break. however, when it's you calling, curiosity gets the better of him.
reader just being a thorn in sakusa's side, but he's too down bad for you to complain.
Fresh Linens by emilyisfictional [ao3]
synopsis: your boyfriend is gone way too often, the only option is to steal his hoodies and sweaters. you hate that he washes them so often.
agh just more fluff and sakusa boyfriend scenarios that leave me melting
Drawing Our Moments by EdenxWrites [ao3]
synopsis: sakusa recalls the days he fell in love with you.
not entirely post-timeskip. has some flashbacks to high school but present day is set after high school. this oneshot caught me off guard.
hello, neighbor by @demxnscous
synopsis: you gain a new neighbor and he seems...interesting enough. well, his friend is definitely a character.
a meet-ugly oneshot that i wish had more parts...but ig that's what my imagination is for.
i also want to bring some attention to this fic: change of heart by heartcondemned [ao3]
i haven't finished reading it yet, but i'm really enjoying it. i also hesitate to rec it because it is unfinished and doesn't look like it will be... but give it a try if you're cool with that!
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Okay so we all saw Alloplush's animatic of Alastor and Lucifer singing the Masochism Tango, right?
I have to say that this is my favorite part of this animatic!
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Look how fucking ecstatic Alastor looks being with Lucifer as he brings them back into a dance...
And Lucifer's very soft smile and slight blush at Alastor, they look so damn HAPPY being in each other's presence like I- 🫠
Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention Alastor's EAAAARRRSS 😭
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luxthestrange · 3 months
TWST!Memes #88
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Yuu*Taking pictures of Leona and Grim*...Father and Son bonding...
Leona and grim look at You both tilting their head at your giggling
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books-and-catears · 2 months
I am once again filled with sadness and I might implode in this cold office cubicle if I don't let it out immediately.
Solomon x MC and this quote. That's it.
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Solomon who will go to unnecessary and ridiculous lengths to have you close to him, to show his affection, to have just a minute of your time even though it's probably wasted on him and you have better people to be with.
In a world which has labelled him as a demon, you are the sole reminder of his humanity. A reminder that he's not alone.
You are his favourite apprentice because you remind him of everything that is good about humans and why he spent his whole life protecting them. You make his purpose worth it.
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And MC who acts as the best friend he never had, who tends to his inner child so desperately in need of healing, who holds him on his worst nights to show him he's no longer alone.
MC who was the catalyst that showed him that the demons he regarded as contracts could be potential friends too. MC who looks after him and willingly agrees to help him protect the world.
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