#literally can only see the god damn BOTTOM of them in one photo
synthshenanigans · 4 months
You Sound Like Louis Burdett is a banger song I wish it was real 💔 [looking at you spotify]
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skeleton-less & textless versions ✨ wahoo ✨
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queerweewoo · 2 months
tagged by @inell—thanks, lovely! this is from yet another wip i have on the go; this one is about buck stealing an old photo of eddie from eddie's phone, for... nefarious purposes (p0rn. it's for p0rn purposes). however, this part is sfw. my no pressure tags are beneath the cut at the bottom of the excerpt xp
Buck knows it's wrong, okay? He does, he knows it.
Then again, he thought he'd known that he was long past Buck 1.0's chaotic, hedonistic ways (S.S.D's as he calls them only in his own head i.e. his Shamelessly Slutty Days), and that he'd grown into a more respectful, level-headed kind of man. A better man.
Buck really, honestly thought he had finally become a Grown Up.
But there's just something so enticing, and so fucking hot about this photo of Eddie—and it has him handbrake-turning and pedal-to-the-metal reeling straight back to Fuck It Town.
Because he—he seriously wants to fuck the Eddie in this photo.
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The fratboy-looking cap? The way Eddie's pearly whites are sinking into his bitten lip? The almost challenging sneer? God, it's making Buck want to wolf whistle or rev like a motorcycle or sing opera in soprano or hell, some kinda crazy shit. Also, he is sure that the white-hot fire dancing in Eddie's gaze (the one anybody with eyes can see) isn't purely from the reflection of the camera flash, like, there is definitely a juicy story there to tell. And just—the overall effect of... of... of fucking everything; of this particular Eddie that Buck has never seen before. It's all just lighting something wild inside of Buck, me it's a spark that wants to catch on every one of his major organs and blaze through his body like convection flames and shit, the Good Decisions section of his brain has logged off. Gone offline. Shut down.
Error 401
— Unauthorised
Buck knows he is breaking both his own self-preservation rule and his best friend's trust when his thumbs fly across Eddie's phone screen like The Roadrunner, a cartoon explosion that is equal parts shame and excitement going off in his chest as he almost gives himself whiplash checking that Eddie is still busy in the mud room loading the machine with Eddie's, Chris’s and Buck's clothes, before Buck is rapidly getting back to committing his (hopefully) perfect crime.
“We need to buy fabric softener this week, bud,” Eddie shouts through, and Buck is starting to panic.
He's sent the old picture that he accidentally happened upon of this younger, definitely drunk, hot-as-all-fuck Eddie from Eddie's phone to his own phone, and although he can currently still see the curve of Eddie's beautiful bubble butt just peeking out past the door jam—meaning that his best friend is indeed still crouched down in front of the tub—Buck has yet to delete all of the evidence. As he fumbles, be can hear the machine's buttons beeping from being pressed by Eddie (like all of his own buttons with this damn photo) and knows that Eds must be almost done in there. 
“Er, yeah, okay, on it. I'll put it down on the list in a sec,” he’s calling back, desperately hoping he doesn't sound like the freak he thought he wasn't anymore.
But before he's had a proper chance to check he's scrubbed away every bit of evidence of his misdemeanour, like deleting both the sent picture message and the duplicate photo from the WhatsApp gallery in Eddie's phone, Eddie is done with the laundry and is standing up and striding back into his kitchen, those sinfully tight blue jeans of his—and Eddie's crotch, Christ!—now squarely in Buck's eyeline and very understandably putting him off his clandestine game. 
See! This is not your fault!
Buck's brain is trying to convince him of his innocence, but he knows as soon as he thinks it that it's a weak as fuck defence, and if he were to be found out he would definitely be getting jailed by the Stealing Sexy Photos of Your Best Friend For Your Own Sordid Desires police.
Eddie is then walking past him and stretching his fine self across the kitchen counter to reach out and push the window open a little further, and that perfect ass is right. Fucking. There, in all of its impeccable stonewash glory, right fucking next to Buck's fucking face where Buck is is sitting at the Diaz kitchen table and supposedly looking at old baby photos of Christopher that Sofia sent to Eddie this morning (yes, he knows he is a truly awful person for that one), so when Eddie is easing himself backwards and brushing off both his of pretty, big hands on those spectacular denim-clad globes before turning around to face a Guilty Evan Buckley, Buck feels almost justified about his surreptitiously mad, bad behaviour.
I cannot be held entirely responsible for my actions, your Honour!
weewoo taglist, play or nay:
@rosieposiepuddingnpie @sortasirius @angela-feelstoomuch @woodchoc-magnum @eddiegettingshot @veronae-buddie
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moongothic · 6 months
Do you ever start a project, thinking it'd be a fun thing to make, only to realize halfway through you hate and have literally no use for it and then get stuck unsure what the fuck you should do with it
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This is my Bag of Regrets
Okay so around March of 2023 I made my first-ever crochet bag out of the leftover yarn I had from my Blanket of Darkness. I loved how that bag turned out, but even then I realized I could've done a better job had I lined the bag, which I should've done really early into the project.
I ended up with a bunch of this super thin cotton yarn, in a few colors. We're not gonna talk about how I got the yarn, I just ended up with it. And I did not know what to do with it, because the pink and the dark maroon-y color just are not my colors, at all. I do not like them what-so-ever. And so like, I had to figure out something to do with the yarn, didn't wanna waste it. And for some god damn reason I thought I could practise making more crochet bags using this yarn.
Like in theory, this was a fine idea.
But I don't even like pink, what the fuck am I going do with this god damn thing now.
But I was a fucking idiot and did not think about that fact until I was like 80% done with it
Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to try doing a checkerboard pattern on the tiny crochet bag. This was a huge mistake. I don't know what the fuck it was about it, but I had the worst time of my life trying to make sure the squares were even, with the same amount of rows and that the corners met at the right spots- like sometimes I made the right amount of rows but the corners didn't meet at all and sometimes I did the wrong amount of rows but the corners did meet. It was a fucking nightmare to crochet. I had a horrible time. Making the front and back panels took me months and I had to restart it so many times just to get it right. It was bad, I hated it man
Also, by the way. I don't mind working with thin yarn at all, but because this was a thin COTTON yarn, I just. The yarn has no stretch, it is hard. Working with it made me feel like I was going to cut off my left finger as the yarn was rubbing against it as I was crocheting.
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The bottom piece of the bag was done in that dark purple-maroon-y color with... I can't even remember what stitch I did, it was something Alt Knots has a video tutorial for on their YouTube though
But, I made the three crochet panels
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Then I cut out the piece of fabric I would hand-sew the crochet pieces onto. I have a ton of this red-brown fabric that I have no idea wha to do with, and I figured it would work fine for this (since you're not supposed to see this fabric anyways) so I cut the pieces from it
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Pinned the pieces down and then I just sewed the pieces onto the fabric. I decided to use sewing thread so it'd blend into the crochet better (being a fine thread and all), using white for the checker board pieces and a dark red/maroon-y color for the bottom piece
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Forgot to take a photo of the bottom piece but it's fine, you get the idea
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Then I cut out the lining fabric. I didn't really have any fabric that would actually match the checker board crochet at all, and I didn't want to buy anything so I chose to use this black fabric (with itty bitty roses) for lining
Cut the pieces and pinned them down facing each other
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I think I originally wanted to do the sewing by hand for a cleaner look but I wasn't happy with it, so after I did my innitial hand-stitching I went over it with a sewing machine, getting as close to the crochet but without sewing over it. And after checking it was okay, I cut the excess fabric and did some clean up to help keep the fabric from fraying.
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Folded the pieces inside out and they were looking decent!
Now yes, I did still have to hand-sew one side shut for each piece, but it wasn't a big deal, though sadly because I had to make sure the handsewing wasn't visible on the outside of the bag, this was going to be a visible flaw on the lining anyways
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You can see what I mean on the top edge of the bigger piece (with the white thread)
In hindsight I probably could've sewn the edge shut with a mattress stitch or something instead of going through all the fabric, but alas, I was stupid and didn't not realize this at the time
Sidenote I took like 5 month break from this project after finishing the front and back piece but before I did the bottom piece. Because yeah, this was around when I realized I hated what I was making and that I had no idea what the fuck I was gonna do with it once it was done. And I just could not get myself to even look at it, for months. And it HAUNTED me, made me feel bad about not having completed it every dang day. But yeah, finally in March I got back to it after finishing my last crochet blanket. Because I wanted to start another project but I did not want to start anything before finishing this fucking thing so yeah.
(Oh yeah I also I grabbed some metal accessories from my mom's stash that I attached to the bottom piece, so the bag can have a widdle handle)
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With the pieces all done, it was finally time to sew them together. And this I was going to do by hand sewing them with a mattress stitch. I started by just attaching the smaller piece to the bottom, making sure it was centered right, and carefully sewed it together, starting from the middle and making my way up the sides, one at a time.
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I did very specifically do sewing on the red-brown fabric
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And it was looking good, according to plan!
Did the bigger piece the same way, and then all I had to do...
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...Was clean up, by mattress stitching the crochet pieces together. Chose to use white because I figured I'd rather have small amounts of white peeking through on the bottom piece than have the dark red/purple on the front pieces. Though thankfully the white yarn isn't even that noticable, it sinked into the stitches quite nicely
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With that done, I did this one final little touch-up. On checker crochet pieces you could kind of see my starting row, as the row had quite large holes in it. And I wasn't a huge fan of how it looked, so I just took some of the white yarn and wove it into the loops to fill it out
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One final thing I did but didn't bother documenting was the strap. I did considder crocheting it, and even started it, but I did not like the stitch I was trying to use for it, and at this point I was so fucking done with the project I couldn't be bothered. I had some white cotton ribbon with nothing to do with it, so I decided to just grab some of that to make a lil strap. It's... not great, it's just that the ribbon is quite thin so it FEELS really flimsy. But I had reached the "I don't give a fuck anymore" stage and so. Yeah whatever
My shitty little bag of regrets is done. Yay.
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I probably could've done something to clean the edges of the bag better because you can see the red-brown fabric peeking through, but... Like I can't think of what I could do to fix that, and again, I'm at the point where I don't have the energy to even try anymore
It's done, and that's what matters
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Probably throwing it in the trash because what else am I gonna do with it
(Final note; I did have left-over yarn from this, but I used that yarn to make tiny mesh fruit/grocery bags. Ones I will actually use! Yay)
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engagemythrusters · 11 months
omg please talk more about Naboo when you have time!! I love reading people’s headcanons and I never thought about how so many of them cover their hair it’s so cool!!
OH okay !! Thank you for asking!! But also hold your horses bc this is about to get LONG. And rambly.
So it is my full belief that Naboo queens cover their hair. Like this initially came about because... I believe it was @star-burned who once made a post about hijabi queens. And then I was like yeah that's a whole vibe I like that. But then when I started making my own queen OC (Roona!) I started looking into it and I was like. 100% sold on the hair-covering idea. It's not a hijab, as ears aren't necessarily covered, so I have diverged from the original idea. BUT. Still along the same lines.
Sooo here's all the costumes worn by Queen Amidala (both on Padme and Sabe).
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Now, here's the meta analysis:
What has ALWAYS been notable to me (even as someone young) is that like. They're wigs. Clearly they are wigs. She does not have enough hair for some of those. Yes, Padme had some decently long hair! But it was damn well not that thick. Not to mention, if you zoom in on some of the hairstyles (maybe not using these photos, bc they're taken a bit far away), they just... don't look like hair.
If you look at the hair of the retaking-Theed outfit (middle right), you can see that the hair on that is absolutely fake. The sheen of the hair is inconsistent between what wraps the headpiece and what sticks out the back. Not to mention... Where the goddamn hell is that hair even coming from. Literally not attached to her head. And if you look at what's coming out of the back is just... it's so... hard. It's all blocked together. Like maybe it's a shitton of hairproduct. That's possible for the actual actress. But it honest to god just looks like an acryllic wig. The shine and how none of it breaks like normal hair... Yeah no. My bet is Not Real. And if it is, sorry dear Ms Knightley. The hairproduct makes it look fake.
As for the top two left outfits and the center outfit... Well, for the first left and the middle, it has that same issue with those. It has no breakage or frizz. Yes, could be a lot of product! But if you look at any style Padme has in later films, she still has baby hairs and frizz and flyaways... because that's how normal hair acts. That's just how hair is. So yeah I'm not sold on the first one being real hair.
Now the mid-top does have some breakage and frizz near the base AND it is a proven possible hairstyle (that is a Mongolian traditional hairstyle! Like... near exact ripoff of it.) BUT what's in the headpiece is not the only hair. There's also a back part that has... a lot of hair. And that just... doesn't seem consistent with what Natalie Portman has for hair. YES it is likely that it has some sort of hair rat in it. But I'm looking at the pattern of the hair that's up top on the headpiece. I don't think that's real? Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't make sense the way it comes out. Who knows tho. Maybe that's the real hair and the other is fake.
The bottom two are real hair. At least what's attached to the head is real. I can tell you that much.
But that's the META. ANd also conjecture on the meta.
What's in-canon is:
The Queen's hairstyles, which were said to take several hours to perfect, were headpieces with wigs that matched Padmé's natural hair color. Her real hair was tightly-braided, pinned down, and gelled; the gel held the headpieces in place and prevented them from itching. While the Queen's hairstyles were being created, her handmaiden Rabé would provide counsel. (source)
So. Yeah. They're all wigs.
THIS does line up with Padme's Tatooine hairstyle!
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While it's not the style that would be under her wigs, it still holds all the braids.
AND So we know it's not just QUEEN AMIDALA that does this:
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Jamillia's in a wig (meta and canon) and Apailana's hair is fully covered.
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THE HANDMAIDENS ARE LIKE 90% OF THE TIME COVERED TOO. That spans across films. There's like one time we see hair--during the takeover of Naboo. That's literally it. The rest of the time, their hair is covered.
And honourable mentions: A lot of Padme's senator hairstyles... Wigs. Literally she popped her fuckin hair off in TCW. That shit was a wig half the time.
TL;DR? The queens are wearing wigs the times "their hair" is shown. Thus. Queens required to hide their hair--either out of social obligation or out of wish to portray themselves with ornate hairstyles to show their social standing. Either way, no "real hair" shown. All hidden.
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toxooz · 10 months
The canvases aren’t even safe 😭 they used the Boroque era as reference for their search engines. Like I’m losing my shit constantly over ai art so bad. Like this is totally gonna be a rant so forgive me but it’s driving up the WALLS. Ai art being readily available is killing the incentive for people to be creative. I cannot tell you how many times I think I’ve found a really cool fellow artist on tiktok and then see #midjourney. I take psychic damage every time that happens to me. And I’m starting to see it infiltrating business too where they generate ai images instead of hire photographers. I also saw someone selling tshirts with ai art on it at my local farmers market. MOTHERFUCKER THE FARMERS MARKET??? HAVE YOU NO SHAME????
NAW PREACH IT cause its become a nagging issue for me for a while that i simply try to not think about and dwell on but dear FUCKING god is it everywhere and it's painfully obvious too! just about every ad takes me 3 seconds to find damning evidence that its ai and im 99% ready to just delete facebook bc #1 i dont give a fuck abt anyone on there anymore and #2 Literally every other post is the most deplorable ai shit ive ever seen that everyone is carelessly oblivious to i mean total abominations that don't make any sense as an image but ppl share bc its the most bottom of the barrel ''relatable'' shit and that's just the sad reality of it is most people don't even give a shit what they're looking at as long as it looks pretty to their eyes for 3 seconds they don't give a damn
and that's just on basic everyday world shit like u said there's so many mfs i think are decent artists where i legitimately cant tell its ai until i read their fuckshit bio or somethin, like that midjourney i didnt even know it was an ai program i would've just thought it was the name of a video game or some shit! like I feel like I'm kinda turning my back on the whole art community involuntarily bc i just dont trust any image i see most of the time and its fukkin sad i ESPECIALLY feel for the real artists prior to this shitshow who have art styles that now look so much like ai that they basically hijacked to feed the machine like I couldn't imagine spending thousands of dollars on an art college and hours of practice just for your art style to be The Blueprint for empty soulless photos cranked out at inhuman rates by any stupid fucking lazy ass clown like Fuck Man it all sucks so much and the worst part is I just feel like it's one of those things where it will not stop until Something caves and i honestly dont know which one it will be but i just know its only going to get worse idk i try to remember that i can pick up a paintbrush or even whatever the hell i want and make something beautiful while 98% of these ai sacks of shit are just limited to stealing other peoples art on the internet and they couldn't even paint a damn flower if their lives depended on it and if i was stuck on a deserted island I'd probably still find ways to make art with whatever tools and resources i have cause that's an artist baybay but as far as The Internet and its grasp it has on the world and trying to make it as a digital artist and trying to make money from your homemade artwork is very grim man and dont even get me started on art and artists in just about every job field rn my heart goes out to them
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stayxlix · 1 year
Ooh ‘the eighth’ sounds sexy Welcome back to season 3 ( or 2?) of Julian’s play-by-play commentary hehe🤭 Sorry in advance for how long this ask is gonna be.
“You will come across many soulmates in your current lifetime. But that doesn't mean you will get to keep them.” WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?😃Pls don’t raise my blood pressure from the get-go. Anyways concept photos ate as always. Bottom left one is my favourite. The minsung one is kinda unsettling tho… foreshadowing maybe👀
Btw Minho best not give me a hard time this chapter I literally do NOT have the capacity to deal with his beef rn. Idk why I think mc will win Jeongin over tho. But hey, we’ll see! I’m literally weak with excitement!! Oh and 15k + wordcount is crazy btw I’m so proud of you <3
“Out of all of the memories he had ever made, Felix had pushed most of them away. He buried them so deep that sometimes, he wondered if he would even be able to recall them if he tried.” *takes a long breath* that… hit home.
Wait so Chanlix are all the way from district 2?? Damn. This concerns me so much because the life they have now in district 6 must be lowkey paradise compared to what they probably had before. I’ve been wondering if the rebels have family. But we’ll see.
“…using Jeongin's homemade "thunder bombs" 퉤 퉤 퉤! 소리꾼! (TWE TWE TWE SORRIKUN)
“Not everyone had as much to offer as Minho, who was beyond skilled in his knowledge of healing.” Now I feel bad for going off on him in my reaction vid :((((( Also ngl Hyunjin's perception is impressive. The way he's already figured mc and lix out. Could never be me💀 I'm so blind when it comes to this kind of thing.
Hold on….“Remember what we all agreed on, before you get too attached.”
HOLD ON…. “The same thought that had been replaying over and over again in his head since he saw that damn family crest around your neck.”
I HOPE THEY’RE NOT PLANNING TO KILL ME HELP– I really hope they didn't make a pact to end me💀💀✋
“So what if he wanted to know how you looked with your lips wrapped around his *[dinky-donk]* instead.” I have so many inappropriate things to say…. (This was WILD)
“Felix wasn't like Jisung, who could charm his way into convincing whatever semi-interested human being he stumbled across in god knows where to fuck him.” You sure about that bro? Let’s not forget chapter 1😃
“Terrified for this moment to end because once it did, you would be forced to come to terms with the permanence of the decision you had made tonight, and what it meant for not only your future, but the future of every innocent person that you passed by, sleeping soundly without any idea that a war had just begun.” SO WELL WRITTEN! SAURRR WELL WRITTEN MWUAH
“and then, to your surprise, he left your side without a word.” UHM???? EXCUSE YOU???
“But that wasn't the only reason.” PURRR MC GO GET THAT *[retracted for the sake of modesty]*
“…and sometimes Jisung who just likes to be wherever Minho is.” You’re so real for this BAHAH💀💀
“He took a few steps closer, inviting himself into your personal space once again.” TRYING TO KEEP IT TOGETHER RN BUT I’M SLOWLY LOSING MY SANITY
“Oh, I dont know. The fact that you can't seem to keep your tongue out of my mouth?” I LOVE MC WITH EVERY BONE IN MY BODY UGH JCKVJDNSL
“After all, every time you'd kissed, he had been the one to initiate it.” THAT’S THE THING!! TELL THE MF!
“Felix was the king of sending mixed signals and you had half a mind to call him out for it…” DO. IT.
“Felix brought his hands up to rest against the wall on either side of you, closing you in.” I don’t want to keep reading I cannot keep reading I’ll d!e if I keep reading I-
my sweet Jules🥹💕💕💕 can I first just say that your enthusiasm for this story is so much more appreciated than you will ever know. like words cannot even BEGIN to express how i felt when I saw your asks pop into my inbox yesterday, but i will do my very best. i’m finally sitting down for the evening to answer these (and have been looking forward to it for two whole days) so lets get started..(i'll make sure to comment as much as i can without revealing any spoilers🤭)
"I HOPE THEY’RE NOT PLANNING TO KILL ME HELP– I really hope they didn't make a pact to end me"
and already i'm reminding myself..NO SPOILERS
“...Hyunjin’s perceptive is impressive...”
especially when it comes to lix.🫢 and don’t feel too bad about going off on minho just yet….
“You sure about that bro? Let’s not forget chapter 1”
i’m💀 omg lix doesn’t see himself this way alright.😂😭 (however right you may be)
it means so much to me that you always take the time to mention the concept photos and i will never ever forget when you said that each chapter has a different color that you associate with it. that touched my heart more than you will ever know.🥹🤍 and the word count honestly at the rate I was going I was terrified it was going to be something like 18k lmao but thankfully we were able to condense a bit.😂
THE THUNDEROUS LYRICS.😂 ty for including this lmao i HAD to include a thunderous reference somewhere because it may or may not be my fav skz song of all time and I will fight anyone who tries to tell me it isn’t a masterpiece
(ily lmao) this was a last minute addition like an hour before i posted the chapter🤭 so the fact that you included it here made me giggle. and if i’m being honest our mc really has become very special to me too. i had absolutely no idea when i first started writing this story how attached i was going to become to her but i really have grown to hold a special place for her in my heart so once again thank you for this.💕💕💕
going to head on over to part 2 now....(mostly because i need to cut myself off or i will spend all night on this one ask alone because there is so much to unpack with your commentaries and you know i absolutely love you for that<33)
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Photoshoot Fantasies - Fred Weasley
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Title: Photoshoot Fantasies Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader Warnings: NSFW!!! Dom!Fred, daddy kink, spanking, masturbation (male and female) oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, choking, begging, dirty talk Summary: Fred doesn’t like it when his girlfriend gets naughty without his permission A/N: this is….pure filth. For the anon who wanted some smut with dom!fred. this is literally like 3% plot and 97% smut lmao so I hope you enjoy!! Requests are open and feedback is always welcomed!!
“Oi, lover boy! You’ve got a letter from your girlfriend,” George calls teasingly from the kitchen.
Fred groans as he rolls over in bed, his hands coming up to rub the last bits of sleep from his eyes. He squints as he opens his eyes, due to the bright streaks of sunlight coming in from the break in his curtains. Fred takes a moment to mentally prepare himself for the day before he heaves himself out of bed, and shuffles into the kitchen.
“Good morning dear brother of mine,” George greets far too cheerily for the early hour.
Fred grunts in response and takes a seat across from George, waving his wand so a cup of coffee lands in front of him. He usually isn’t one to need caffeine in the morning, his own natural energy is usually enough to clear the sleep induced fog from his head, but he’s been having trouble sleeping lately since Y/N hasn’t been by his side.
After graduation, Y/N landed her dream job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry. Fred had been so proud of her, and he loved how excited she was each night as she told him about her day over dinner. Unfortunately, her job had one huge drawback: traveling. Every so often Y/N would travel to different parts of the UK and Europe to get updates on the population of certain magical creatures or to help develop and implement conservation plans. A week ago, she left for her longest trip yet, an entire month, and Fred hasn’t been able to sleep well since.
“Where’s this letter then?” Fred asks after he has a few sips of coffee. He can feel the caffeine working its’ magic, and his brain is finally clear enough to string a sentence together.
George rolls his eyes and tosses a thick envelope at Fred. “You two are sickening, you know that? I think she wrote you a bloody novel about how much she loves you and misses you,” George says, pretending to throw up.
Fred flips George off, trying to contain the blush forming on his face. “Don’t act like you didn’t stand in the doorway for 15 minutes last night kissing Angelina goodbye, git.” Fred can feel George’s eyes on him as he fiddles with the envelope. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he bites.
“Someone is feeling feisty,” George retorts with a laugh. “Come on then, open the damn letter. Let’s see how long it takes her to start waxing poetically about your eyes.”
Fred glares at George as his fingers quickly rip open the envelope. Normally he would wait for George to go and busy himself with something else or he’d retreat to his room so he could bask in Y/N’s words by himself, but it’s been far too long since he’s seen her and Fred thinks he might explode if he waits any longer to read her letter. “Oh,” he says softly in surprise, when he only pulls out one piece of parchment. The envelope hadn’t been bulky from the lovely letter she wrote him, but the half a dozen photographs she had included. His eyes scan over the short note, a small smile appearing on his face.
To my dearest Freddie Eddie Spaghetti,
Things are going well up in Scotland, Niffler birth rates are through the roof thanks to the plan we implemented last year. We’ve spent the last few days prepping a large cohort of them to send off to Egypt to assist the rune breakers Gringotts has out there. I’ll be off to France in a day or so to check up on some of the Thestrals we brought to a conservatory outside of Nice a few months ago, hopefully they’ve acclimated well.
I’ve been missing you like crazy, Freddie. You’re all I seem to think about these days, it’s been quite hard to focus on my work. I don’t know how I’m going to manage going three more weeks without seeing your face or being held in your arms. You better rest up, because you won’t be getting any sleep for days once I’m finally back home with you.
I’ve included a few photos that will hopefully keep you company while I’m still away.
Love you lots and lots and lots, Y/N
“That’s it? One stinky piece of parchment?” George asks, clearly annoyed. “There’s my day, ruined. Thought I’d get a nice laugh at least since you’ve been so miserable. What else is in the envelope then?”
Fred’s eyes are still scanning the letter, trying to commit the words to memory and he absentmindedly grabs the stack of photos to show George. “She sent photos,” he responds, finally putting the letter to the side. “Probably of all the baby Nifflers,” he adds with a chuckle.
“Let me see, then,” George says excitedly, reaching his hand out. “Remember when she sent those photos of the baby dragons dressed up in onesies? That was jokes. Bet she put hats on them this time.”
As Fred goes to hand George the stack of photos he gets a glimpse of the one on top. His eyes widen and he quickly pulls his arm back, cradling the photos against his chest. “Nope, sorry. You can’t see them.”
“What? Why not?” George watches as Fred starts to fidget in his seat and a red flush starts to take over his face. “Oh my god!” he says suddenly with a laugh, realization hitting him. “She sent you nudes! What a little minx. You two are far more disgusting than I ever could have imagined.”
Fred clears his throat, choosing to ignore George. “Well I’m going to go back to my room and uh, respond to this letter. See you later.” Fred tries to act as normal as possible as he heads back to his room, desperately trying to ignore George’s cackling. He breathes a sigh of relief as he shuts his door behind him, leaning on it for a moment.
Fred rids himself of his T-shirt and climbs back onto his bed in nothing but his boxers. This isn’t how he planned on spending his morning, but Fred is more than happy to change his plans. He sits up in bed, his back pressed up against his cold wall and his legs splayed out. While Fred would consider himself adventurous in the bedroom, this is the first time Y/N has ever done anything like this, and he can feel himself getting aroused already.
“Merlin,” he groans as he allows himself to look at the first photo. Y/N is laying in the middle of a bed wearing nothing but a lacy red bra and the matching pair of panties, a set Fred is all too familiar with.  Her whole face isn’t visible, just her mouth, and as the photo moves her tongue comes out to lick her bottom lip and her hand lightly trails down her torso to her thigh.
He balances the stack of photos on his lap for a moment, his right hand pushing his boxers down to his thighs. Fred had planned on drawing out the experience, but he’s already rock hard from the first photo. He throws the first photo on the bed beside him as he wraps his hand around himself, and he picks the stack back up.
Fred starts to slowly stroke himself as his eyes rake over the next photograph, his mouth running dry. Y/N is laying in the same position as before, but the bra she was wearing in the first photo has been discarded, and as the photo moves her hands massage her breasts and she bites her lip.
“Oh fuck,” he moans, as he moves onto the next photo. Y/N is now completely naked, and as the photo moves one of her hands trails down her front from her breast to her core while her other hand pinches and toys with one of her nipples.
Fred starts to stroke himself faster and is unable to contain the grunts that fall from his mouth as he moves to the next photo. His thumb rubs the sensitive tip of his cock, spreading around the precum that has started to accumulate, helping his hand glide easier as he strokes. In the next photo, Y/N’s mouth is open, and Fred is sure a breathy moan is leaving her lips, as the movement of the photo shows Y/N starting to slowly rub her clit as her other hand fists in the sheets underneath her.
“Oh, fucking shit,” Fred groans as he looks at the second to last photo, his hand stilling on his cock to stop himself from finishing just yet. Y/N’s feet are now flat against the bed, her knees bent and open wide. As the photo moves Fred can clearly see Y/N sink two fingers into herself as her thumb rubs at her clit. Her other hand tugs at the sheets and her bottom lip is caught between her teeth, a telltale sign that she’s on the brink of her release.
Fred starts to stroke himself again as he reveals the last photo, his orgasm quickly approaching. Y/N’s entire body is flushed red and as the photo moves her back arches, her toes curl, and her whole body trembles as she reaches her orgasm.
Fred’s thumb teases the sensitive head of his cock as his eyes wander over all of the photos. He focuses on the last one, and as Y/N once again reaches her climax Fred does as well. His head tips back and he lets out a low moan as he releases all over his stomach, his cock twitching in his hand. Fred continues to lightly stroke himself as he comes down from his high, his breath coming out in hard pants.
When he gets to be too sensitive he releases himself, letting his cock lay against his stomach. He reaches for his wand so he can clean himself off with a simple spell. But an even better idea pops into his head.
“Accio, camera,” he casts, watching as the top drawer of their dresser opens and his camera starts to fly over to him. He grips the camera and points it at himself, so his body from his torso to the tops of his thighs are in shot. Fred makes sure that his limp cock and the come on his stomach is the center of the photo, and once he’s pleased with the shot he clicks the shutter button.
Fred places the camera on his bed as the photo prints and develops, grabbing his wand and cleaning himself off with a spell. He pulls his boxers back up and gets out of bed, rummaging around for some parchment and a quill. Once he finds what he needs he writes out a quick letter to Y/N.
To my dearest Y/N,
I’m glad to hear everything is going well with work. I’m so proud of you and the things you do. Things at the shop are going well, the new range of whiz-bangs sold out in just a few days. I’m missing you like mad, I can’t wait for you to get home.
Those photos you sent me were very naughty. How dare you pleasure yourself like that without Daddy’s permission. I think Daddy’s going to have to punish you when he finally gets his hands on you. 10 spanks sounds fair, doesn’t it princess? I think you deserve it, after the mess you caused Daddy to make all over himself.
Love you lots and lots and lots and lots, Freddie Eddie Spaghetti
Fred grabs the now developed photo from his bed as he reads over the letter, a satisfied smile on his face. He folds up the letter and tucks it into an envelope along with the photo before he seals it and addresses it to Y/N. As he goes to leave his room he spots a piece of folded up parchment on his floor and he grabs it, opening it up as he heads towards the window in the kitchen.
I’m going to Angelina’s. Use a silencing charm next time you perv.
Fred laughs at George’s note as he sends their owl away with his letter, already thinking about taking advantage of his brother’s absence.
“Someone is in a good mood this morning,” George muses as Fred saunters down into the shop just before opening.
Fred adjusts his tie as he joins his brother at the till, a huge smile on his face. Just like last week, a letter had arrived from Y/N this morning with another filthy set of photos. This time she was in a lingerie set that Fred didn’t recognize, and she brought herself to her climax using one of the toys Fred had purchased for her as a Valentine’s Day present earlier in the year. Fred had just enough time to bring himself to his own orgasm and write her back before he had to get dressed and head down to work.
“And why wouldn’t I be?” Fred asks as he unlocks the door and turns the open sign on with a wave of his wand. “The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. It’s a beautiful day, Georgie.”
George looks Fred over before he scrunches his face up in disgust. “Y/N sent you another letter today didn’t she?” When Fred sends George a wink he gags. “Bloody disgusting. I hope you washed your hands.”
“And why would Fred need to be washing his hands?” Verity asks as she comes back from the storeroom with some more love potions to be stocked.
Fred’s face flushes red as George start to laugh. “No reason in particular,” he stutters out. Fred turns to George and glares at him. “You’re such an arse.” Fred moves to hit George upside the head, but he ducks his brother’s advance and heads over to help the two customers that have just walked in the door.
“You lot don’t pay me enough to deal with this,” Verity says as she chuckles and shakes her head.
Fred sighs to himself as he sits up in bed, his eyes scanning over some of his notes. He and George are in the early days of developing some new products, and he’s working out some of the initial bugs before they start production next week. At least that’s what he’s supposed to be doing, but his mind is definitely elsewhere. Y/N’s third letter had arrived a few days ago, and he can’t help but let his mind wander to the new photoset sitting in his bedside drawer. It seems that his threats of punishment have fallen on deaf ears, because the photos Y/N has sent have been dirtier each time, and he can’t help but imagine what will be waiting for him in the envelope when her final letter arrives in a few days.
“What do you want?” Fred asks dully when there’s a knock at his door, not bothering to look up at George.
“That’s an awfully rude way to greet your girlfriend after you haven’t seen her for nearly a month,” Y/N says, the smile evident in her voice.
Fred’s head snaps up immediately, a smile taking over his face. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” He immediately climbs off the bed and heads over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/N drops her bag on the ground and wraps her arms around Fred’s neck, pulling him down so she can kiss him sweetly. “We finished everything up a few days early. Figured I’d come home and surprise you.”
Fred presses their lips together again hotly, his hands moving down to Y/N’s thighs. He lifts her up, his hands gripping her tightly and moves her over to the bed. “God I missed you,” he murmurs into their kiss, before he tosses her onto the bed.
“Couldn’t have missed me too much, not with all the photos I sent you,” Y/N giggles as she lays back on the bed.
Fred’s eyes darken and he can’t help but let out a groan as he thinks about those pictures. He can feel himself start to get aroused, and he grabs his wand, waving it so that his door slams shut, and locks and a silencing charm falls around his room.
“Such a naughty girl you were, Y/N. Taking those photos without Daddy’s permission,” he scolds, his voice low and rough.
Y/N squirms on the bed, looking up at Fred as innocent as possible. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I just wanted to make you feel good while I was gone,” she explains sweetly. “And clearly it worked, that photo you sent me made me so wet, Daddy.”
Fred bites his lip as he watches her squirm on the bed, taking pride in the fact that he can see a blush forming on her cheeks. “Oh, you made Daddy feel very good, princess. But you were still being a little brat. And you know what happens to brats? Don’t you?”
Y/N can feel herself getting wet as arousal starts to build in her stomach. She’s been waiting for this moment since Fred mentioned spanking her in his first letter. “They get punished,” she responds airily, fists clenching to keep from touching herself.
“That’s right princess, they get punished.” Fred pauses, letting his eyes roam up and down Y/N’s body. “Daddy think 30 swats is good, 15 on each cheek. Don’t you think, princess?” Fred smirks when Y/N lets out a whine as she nods wildly. “What should I use, hm? My hand? Or should I get the paddle?”
“Your hand, please,” Y/N begs. As much as she loves the paddle, she craves the feeling of Fred’s hand on her ass.
Fred smirks down at her. “Normally brats don’t get what they want. But you asked so nicely, princess.” Fred tears his gaze away from Y/N and takes seat on the end of their bed. “Get naked for Daddy and come stand in front of me.”
Y/N immediately gets off of the bed and rids herself of all of her clothing. Normally when they play this game she loves to drag it out and tease Fred endlessly. But she’s been on the edge for nearly 4 weeks and Fred has already been preparing to punish her, and she doesn’t want to find out what he’ll do if she’s even more naughty now that they’re finally back together. Y/N comes to stand in front of Fred, feeling shy under his intense gaze.
“God you are so gorgeous, princess,” Fred compliments, his hand reaching out to lightly grip her hip. He rubs circles into the bare skin, reassuring her. “Come on then. Get in Daddy’s lap.” Fred helps Y/N get situated across his lap, laying on her front. “Such a good girl,” he whispers, letting his hand run down her back, over her bum and to her thigh. “Do you have anything to say to Daddy? Before he gives you your punishment,” he drawls, his hand pushing in between her legs to rub at her wet folds.
Y/N gasps at his touch, her eyes falling closed. “I’m sorry for being a naughty girl, Daddy,” she moans out as Fred rubs her clit ever so slightly.
“Thank you princess,” he says softly, removing his hand from her core. He places it on her bum instead, lightly massaging one of her cheeks. “Daddy’s not mad at you, princess. But you still have to be punished, do you understand?” When Y/N nods he smiles. “Good girl. I want you to count for me, okay?”
“Yes Daddy,” Y/N responds, getting comfortable in Fred’s lap. A squeak leaves her mouth as Fred lands the first slap to her ass. “One,” she counts breathily. Before she has a chance to recover from the first hit, Fred is landing another hit to her cheek causing her to moan. “Two.”
Fred smirks down at the writhing mess Y/N has turned into after her first 15 spanks. Her right bum cheek is bright red, and Fred resists his urge to lean down to kiss it. “Are you doing alright, Princess? Can you take 15 more?” Fred asks quietly, reaching up to stroke Y/N’s hair. As much as he loves being rough with her, he never wants to hurt her or make her uncomfortable in any way. He’s rock hard in his trousers already, and he wants to make sure she’s getting as much pleasure from this as he is.
“Yes, Daddy. Need more. ‘M a naughty girl, I need to be punished,” she responds desperately. Y/N is soaking wet and her stomach is a pool of arousal. A few tears have snuck out of her eyes from how turned on she is, and she’s basking in the warmth left behind on her bum from Fred’s hand.
“Good girl,” Fred praises, leaning down to press a few kisses to Y/N’s shoulder. “You can use your safe word at any time, you know that right?” When Y/N nods he presses another kiss to her shoulder and starts to massage the bum cheek he hasn’t hit yet. “Count for me again, princess, okay?”
Y/N nods, letting out a moan a Fred lands the first hit to her cheek. “One,” she whines, lifting her hips up to encourage him to spank her again. Fred suddenly lands three hits in a row, causing a few more tears to leak out of her eyes as she moans. “Two, three, four,” she stutters out.
By the time Fred lands the last hit to her ass, Y/N is desperate for release. She’s slowly moving her hips forward, desperate for any kind of friction against her clit. “Daddy please,” she begs.
“Look at my desperate little baby,” he coos, moving Y/N’s hair out of her face so he can see the desperation on it. “Such a good girl you were, princess. Such a good girl for Daddy. C’mere let me kiss you.”
Fred helps Y/N straddle his waist and tucks a few stray hairs behind her ear. He kisses her deeply, his tongue immediately licking into her mouth. Y/N moans into the kiss, rolling her hips against the rough fabric of Fred’s trousers. Fred groans at the contact on his clothed cock, his hips rolling up to meet hers. “God, so fucking desperate for it aren’t you, princess?” he asks as his lips start to trail kisses down her neck.
Y/N nods, tipping her head back to give Fred more room to kiss. “Need you so bad, Daddy. Missed your cock. That’s what I was thinkin’ about in all those photos. Thinkin’ about how much I love your cock and how good it feels inside of me.”
Fred groans into Y/N’s neck and pulls away so he can look at her. “That’s so fucking hot, princess. Imagining you lying in bed, touching yourself and thinking of me.” Fred kisses Y/N again. “Go on and show Daddy how you touch yourself, princess. Get in bed and pleasure yourself for me.”
Y/N crawls off of Fred’s lap and onto the bed, settling down in the middle of it. One of her hands starts to pinch and twist her nipple, while the other runs down her body and settles at her core. She watches as Fred stands up and starts to undress himself, her index finger starting to rub small circles on her clit. “Oh fuck,” she moans, tilting her head back.
Once Fred is fully nude he kneels on the bed next to Y/N’s head and takes himself in his hand. He starts to slowly stroke his cock, his eyes crawling over every inch of Y/N’s body. There’s a flush that creeps up her chest, over her neck and to her cheeks and her hips are slowly rocking as she teases her clit.
“So pretty, princess. You look so pretty touching yourself for Daddy,” Fred praises.
Y/N turns her head to look at Fred as she feels her orgasm approaching. She opens her mouth, silently asking Fred to let her suck him off. When he doesn’t immediately give in, she whines. “Please let me suck your cock, Daddy. Please.”
Fred reaches down with his free hand to cup Y/N’s cheek. “Fucking hell you’re desperate for it princess.” He pushes his hips forward just enough so Y/N can wrap her lips around the head of his cock.
Y/N whines around Fred’s cock, her head starting to move up and down. She lets her tongue wrap around the head on each pull back, wanting Fred to release into her mouth. When he starts to slowly fuck his hips forward she hums around him in encouragement. As her climax builds she starts to rub harder circles on her clit, desperate for release.
“Fuck princess, gonna make Daddy come,” Fred moans, his eyes watching his cock disappear into her mouth.
Y/N’s eyes flutter shut as she reaches her orgasm, her whole body trembling. She moans around Fred’s cock as pleasure flows through her, causing him to suddenly release into her mouth. Her motions on her clit slow down as Fred’s cock twitches in her mouth and she swallows his release. As Fred slowly pulls his cock out of her mouth Y/N stops her movement on her clit, bringing her hand up to clean off her finger.
“Holy fuck,” Fred pants, watching Y/N’s lips wrap around her finger. “You are so fucking amazing,” he says in awe. Fred’s cock which hadn’t even gone fully soft starts to harden again as Y/N looks up at him. “Look at what you do to Daddy, princess. His cock is already hard for you again.”
Y/N smiles as she gets up to her knees. She wraps one hand around his cock and starts to slowly stroke it, while her other goes to his neck so she can pull their lips together. Fred’s mouth immediately overpowers hers, and he forces his tongue into her mouth. Fred is fully hard in Y/N’s hand now, and as they kiss he maneuvers them so he’s sitting with his back up against the wall, and Y/N is sitting in his lap.
“Need your cock Daddy,” Y/N whines, pulling her mouth away from Fred’s. “Fuck me Daddy, please.”
Fred chuckles, his hands falling onto Y/N’s hips. “Go on then, princess. Fuck yourself on my cock since you’re so desperate for it.” Fred suppresses a groan as Y/N grinds down against him. Fred and Y/N have tried nearly every sexual position either of them could think of, and they both know that being on top is low on Y/N’s list of favorites; she much prefers it when Fred holds her down and fucks her into the mattress.
“Daddy,” she pouts, grinding down against him again.
Fred narrows his eyes at her and resists his urge to kiss her. “Princess,” he warns. “If you wanna be a desperate cock slut, then be a desperate cock slut and fuck yourself on Daddy’s cock. Maybe if you’re a good girl and you come on Daddy’s cock he’ll give you what you want.”
Y/N perks up at that, and she leans forward to kiss Fred slowly as she rises to her knees. One of her hands’ rests on his shoulder, while the other reaches back to grasp the base of his cock.
Fred breaks their kiss so he can watch as Y/N lines him up with her entrance. Y/N whines as she sinks down, her eyes fluttering shut at how full she feels. She sinks down until their hips meet and Fred is fully inside of her.
“Fuck you’re tight, princess. Always so tight for Daddy,” he praises. He groans as Y/N starts to roll her hips, his grip on her tightening. “Go on, baby,” he encourages. “Get yourself off on my cock.”
“Oh,” Y/N moans, her hands gripping Fred’s shoulders tightly. She starts to slowly pick herself up, stopping when Fred is only halfway inside her, before she slams herself back down. “So good, Daddy,” she pants.
Y/N fucks herself on Fred’s cock like that for a few minutes, growing frustrated when she fails to hit the spot inside of her that will bring her to her orgasm. “Daddy please,” she whines.
“Come on, princess. You know how to fuck yourself on Daddy’s cock. Come around Daddy’s cock and he’ll give you what you want,” he encourages.
Y/N leans back, placing a hand on each of Fred’s thighs and uses the leverage to lift herself up. “Oh fuck,” she gasps as she sinks back down, the tip of Fred’s cock finally brushing her sweet spot.
“You look so pretty, princess. Getting yourself off on my cock,” Fred praises, helping Y/N to lift her hips off of him. “Such a good girl.”
Y/N moans as she fucks herself on Fred’s cock, already feeling her orgasm approaching. She starts to move her hips desperately, searching for her release. “So close, Daddy. Touch me Daddy please,” she pleads.
Fred smirks before he leans forward to press an open-mouthed kiss to Y/N’s lips. “Come on, Princess, come on Daddy’s cock,” he encourages, one of his hands leaving her hip so he can rub circles on her clit.
With one more downwards movement of her hips Y/N’s walls tighten around Fred as she comes, her body shaking as her orgasm rolls through her. “That’s it, princess. Such a good girl,” Fred coos quietly, his thumb slowing its motion and his hips rocking slightly to help her through her orgasm.
Fred kisses Y/N slowly as her breathing starts to return to normal. She shifts around on his cock as their lips move together and it takes everything in Fred to not come right there. “You’ve been such a good girl for me tonight, princess. Doing so well,” he says, breaking their kiss. “Can you take more, baby? D’you want Daddy to fuck you into the mattress?” Fred pecks Y/N’s lips. “It’s okay if you don’t baby. Daddy just wants to take care of you.”
“Want you to come inside me Daddy,” Y/N tells him, looking into Fred’s eyes. “Want you to pin me down and fuck me into the mattress.”
Fred doesn’t need to be told twice. He kisses Y/N hard and flips them over so her back is on the bed and he’s hovering over her. He throws both of her legs over his shoulders, pinning her to the mattress with his hips. He braces himself with one hand as his other comes up to grip Y/N’s throat and he pulls all the way out before he slams back into her.
“Oh fuck, Daddy,” Y/N moans as Fred starts to fuck into her relentlessly. The tip of his cock is brushing the spot inside of her and she’s already so sensitive from her previous two orgasms, and with the way Fred is gripping the side of her neck she knows she won’t last long.
“God, princess,” Fred grunts as Y/N’s walls clench around him. “Such a good pussy. You always feel go good wrapped around Daddy.” Fred lands a particularly hard slam as Y/N moves to touch herself. “Hands off, princess. Want you to come just from my cock. Can you do that for Daddy?”
Y/N nods, too busy moaning and whining to answer Fred verbally. Her body feels like it’s on fire, her toes curling and her back arching as she reaches her climax. “Daddy,” she moans lowly, as she comes around Fred’s cock, a few stray tears falling from the corners of her eyes.
“Fuck princess,” Fred moans. Y/N’s walls tighten and twitch around him, bringing him to his own release. His hips still as he empties himself inside of her and he crashes their lips together. Fred slows their kiss down as they both recover, unable to stop the smirk that forms on his mouth when Y/N whines as he slowly pulls out of her. Fred collapses on the bed next to Y/N and she immediately cuddles into his side as he wraps his arm around her.
“I love you,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to the side of his mouth.  
Fred turns his head so he can kiss her properly, not pulling away until they both need to breathe. “I love you too, Y/N,” he says softly. “Are you alright? Did I go too far?”
Y/N shakes her head, chuckling at Fred’s concern. “Not at all, love. It was incredible.” She pauses so she can press a kiss to his neck. “I’m glad I have the next few days off, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to walk tomorrow.”
Fred laughs and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Good thing I have you all to myself because I have quite a few plans for us.”
Y/N looks up at him, a gleam of mischief in her eyes. “Oh yeah? What might those be?”
“Let’s just say our cameras are definitely going to need more film when I’m done with you.”
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foreverindreamlandd · 3 years
Bucky wanted to read her fanfictions and she always declined. So he begged and begged and begged... until she finally gives up and let him read one. 'Cause who could really say no to Bucky making puppy eyes?!
Let me know what you think about it
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
WC: 1.5k (I am apparently incapable of writing a drabble)
A/N: Thank you again for another awesome request! I was basically cackling the whole time I wrote it. Want to read about how Bucky and this reader got together? Check out their origin story in my To Be Wanted series! Only warning in this one is the usual swearin’ like a sailor.
“See, this is why I always order Thai food. I can never do it justice.” You frown over your wok, mixing the noodles around with a wooden spoon hoping it will somehow make your creation taste better.
“I’m sure it tastes great, doll.” Bucky walks up next to you and grabs a noodle, tilting his head back as he drops it into his mouth.
His eye twitches almost imperceptibly and you groan.
“It’s good,” he coughs out, trying with all of his strength to regain his composure. “I think you just went a little too hard on the chili paste. I can feel my sinuses clearing up though, which is good, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Can you check the recipe on Pinterest again? I swear I put in the right amount.”
Bucky walks over and picks up your iPad. Right as he’s scrolling to find out if you should have used 2 tablespoons or 2 teaspoons of chili paste, a notification banner pops up and he accidently taps it, opening up your Tumblr app.
Omg! This fic is amazing! The way Bucky is there to support the reader. My heart completely melted! Your Bucky stories are amazing, Y/n! <3
Above the comment is a photo of him. It’s a shot from the news where he’s helping a civilian stand up after one of the attacks made by The Red Hand.
“Uh….love? What’s this?” He holds the iPad up to you and you shift your gaze over to him.
You drop the wooden spoon into the wok as all of the blood drains from your face. You’re frozen in place for a millisecond before you pounce on Bucky to grab the device from him. He’s never seen you move so quickly and it catches him off guard.
“Bucky give me the iPad right now,” you fling your arms toward it and he pulls it away, both amused and a bit concerned by your reaction.
“Wait, what is this? Is it something I should be worried about?”
You see a flicker of panic flash in his eyes and you stop flailing. You close your eyes and let out a deep sigh.
“No, I mean, I should be concerned because if you read that I’m probably going to combust and you’re going to dump me and run for the hills.” He furrows his brows in confusion and you slowly lift up your hand. “Can I please have that back before I have a mild panic attack?”
He stares at you, trying to gauge your emotions. All he can see is panic and sadness and it breaks his heart so he instantly gives in and hands you the iPad.
“Don’t worry about it, love. I trust you.” He leans forward to give you a chaste kiss.
You let out a pained groan against his lips and Bucky is once again confused.
“Ughhhh I hate hiding things from you.” You lock your iPad so the screen goes dark. “Okay, fine, I guess this conversation is happening. Remember when we first started dating and I, uh, mentioned I used to read and write stories about….us being a couple?”
Bucky nods, trying not to reveal any emotion to you that might make you spiral into a panic, and you continue.
“Well, that was one of those stories I wrote. I stopped looking on Tumblr basically as soon as I met you because it got all weird and meta and I got super uncomfy by the idea of reading fanfics - that’s what they’re called - about my new friend/now boyfriend Bucky Barnes. And then we started dating and I was all happy and shit and I totally forgot that those fics were still out there. Obviously I haven’t written any since then because that would be weird for...many, many reasons. Someone must have found an old one and commented on it. I’ll delete it. I’ll delete all of them. I swear. I’m so sorry, Bucky. I should have been more on top of this.”
Bucky stares at you, lips pursed and you grimace, afraid of the next words that are about to come out of his mouth.
This is so weird, Y/n. How could you do this?
No wonder you didn’t date anyone before me.
Obsessed much? (Okay, he probably wouldn’t say it like that but STILL).
No, what Bucky said next was much, much worse than what you could have imagined.
“Can I read one?”
Your mouth drops. Closes. Drops again. You blink rapidly.
“I’m sorry, I just hallucinated. What?”
Bucky points to your iPad, a sly grin forming on his face. “I want to read one of your stories.”
You take a step back from him, horror stricken as you pull the iPad closer to you as if you were protecting your collector’s edition of ‘Throne of Glass.’
“Absolutely not.”
Bucky steps forward and you step back. He chuckles. “Come onnn, doll. I want to know what your fantasies were about me before we got together.” He laughs harder as the look of horror on your face grows more manic.
“Bucky, I know you’re a super soldier and could probably punch me into the sun with your metal arm, but I promise I will fight to the death before I let you read one of these fics.”
You and Bucky continue this dance of him stepping forward and you stepping back until you feel your legs make contact with your couch and you fall back into a sitting position on its arm. Bucky uses this opportunity to tower over you, his arms resting on the couch so that you’re pinned between them.
Then, he pulls out the big guns.
His gaze softens, blue eyes shining into yours. His bottom lip puffs out and he gives you the most adorable, sexiest pout you’ve seen in your whole life.
“Please, love?” He says it with a slightly higher pitch, almost like a whine and it still sounds like honey to your ears. He even nudges your nose with his like a freaking sociopath.
You close your eyes, let out a breath, then open them back up to him. “I hate you.”
His pout turns into a boyish grin and he gives you a quick kiss. “You love me.”
You groan. “Hopefully you still love me after this, Buck. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You stand and open up your iPad, scrolling through your masterlist and finding what used to be one of your favorite fluff pieces. You begrudgingly hand it to Bucky and he sits on the couch.
Unable to sit still during this agonizing experience, you proceed to pace around your apartment like a crazy person and resort to cleaning the inside of your microwave which you haven’t done in a few months so it’s a good thing that Bucky is reading your fic so that you could get that out of the way. You probably won’t have a boyfriend in a few minutes but at least your microwave will be spotless.
You only steal a few glances at Bucky as he reads, mortified each time as you see his eyebrows move in every possible direction. Up, down, knit together, were they criss-crossed at one point?
Finally, after what feels like the longest ten minutes of your life, Bucky lets out a soft grunt, placing the iPad down on his lap. He looks up to you and you give him a weak smile.
“Alright, let me have it, Buck. Give me your worst. Be honest. Also, I love you.”
Bucky glances down at the iPad and then back at you.
“Well, I have a few questions.”
Your right eye twitches. “Hm?”
“Now that you’ve met me, do you still think my eyes are an all-consuming storm of blue?” You groan. He grins. “Or do you think my jawline was cut from marble created by the gods?”
This time, you breathe out a laugh and you walk over to sit on his lap. You take hold of his chin.
“Bucky, I don’t think I could ever come up with the right words to describe you. The real thing is quite literally a million times better than anything I’ve ever written.”
His eyebrows raise. “That is...probably the best compliment I’ve ever gotten in my whole damn life.” He leans forward and kisses you, and you sigh into the feeling of his mouth on yours, relief flooding through you.
You pull away, eyes skeptical. “So, you’re not thinking about how you can escape and never see my crazy ass again?”
“On the contrary, love, I’m thinking about how I can convince you to buy this gorgeous green dress you apparently wore as my wedding date. The one that showed off your cleavage in a way that made Bucky’s brain melt.”
The two of you burst out laughing and you lightly shove his chest. “Sure thing, Bucko. How about I work on the dress situation and you work on ordering us Thai food so that we don’t lose our taste buds from whatever the hell I just made.”
Thank you for reading! Feel free to check out my other stuff here. :)
Taglist: @ceo-of-daichi @biiskuitx @forgetthisbull @eclipses-and-moondust @abcdefxkyou @jackiehollanderr @billionsofbeans @abitgryffindorky @lovelylostminds @mija-just-breathe @semlohkratz @bratty-longbottom-replies @carrotfantasimp @cremedelabrulee @ant1r3al1ty @th-e-mg@laura-moehrchen @emma-the-duck17 @sunnyjane4 @rosaline-black @parodsal000 @vicmc624 @abrunettefangirlnerd @officiallykuute @edityourwishingwell @mymindslabyrinth
***This was the original tag list for the To Be Wanted series. If you would like to be removed from the taglist for any other stories related to this series, feel free to DM me! And let me know if you would like to be *added* to the taglist for any other future stories featuring these two knuckleheads. :)
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honeytae · 3 years
I didn’t know you had a thing for bandanas.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIV! omg how do i even start...you’re not only one of my favorite people on this site but literally one of my favorite souls on this earth. you radiate warmth, wit, and yes...thottery :) so of course i had to write some grammys tae smut for you, right? of course i did. i love you so much, i hope you have a fabulous day and i’m sending you so so many hugs! happiest of birthdays to you @taetaespeaches, my sister wife, my twin flame, the best honey boy min enthusiast, my favorite wholesome thot! i love you i love you i love you <3
genre: smut (ofc)
warnings: GRAMMYS TAEHYUNG, suggestive texting mentions, tae’s a Tease™️, heavy petting and groping, grinding/dry humping, fingering, brief nipple play, there’s a handjob or two, unprotected sex (stay safe!), mild dirty talk and profanity, this is pretty much just filth i do apologize
word count: 2.7k
“Oh my god.” 
Huffing, you tossed your phone back onto the counter, staring back at your reflection in the mirror above the sink, lips parted in disbelief. You could not believe Taehyung, truly. He could be a tease, of course, but tonight he was on another level. 
The number of photos, that could only be described as none other than thirst traps, you’d been sent throughout the night was dizzying.
Spanning from the time he was getting ready for the Grammy’s red carpet to when he was backstage in that goddamn bandana for the Old Town Road performance, you’d already stashed them in a hidden folder, pulling them back up on your screen whenever your brain drifted to them again. Which, admittedly, had been a lot over the past few hours. 
Despite traveling overseas for the award ceremony together, you could not attend the show with him for obvious reasons. Truly, you didn’t mind. You weren’t about the glitz and glamour anyway; but fuck, he really wasn’t making it easy on you. 
In addition to the multiple professionally taken shots of your boyfriend at the show beginning to circulate, your texting conversation with him consisted of only attachment after attachment at this point, eyes practically bulging out of your head with each scroll of your thumb and hooking you in for more in his absence from your hotel room.
And that had been your only activity for the night until you decided to part from the television and get ready for bed. 
Groaning when your phone began buzzing repeatedly on the marble, you set the washcloth you’d been running over your face atop the surface, peeking at the screen and rolling your eyes when you saw your boyfriend’s name across the top of it.
Swiping your thumb across the flashing display, you lifted the phone to your ear, leaning your stomach against the counter as you mumbled a greeting. 
“Hey, why didn’t you respond?” He asked immediately, making you chuckle at his bluntness. 
“I’m still processing the information you’ve provided me with, Tae.” You responded, hearing the man’s deep chuckle reverberate through the device. 
“What information is that, love?” 
You could hear the amused teasing in his voice, smug grin prominent on his face as he awaited your reply. 
“The endless shirtless selfies, Taehyung. That is the information I’m referencing.” You said, thinking back on the several attachments you’d gotten notifications for over the course of the night, each time Taehyung was changing his outfit followed by a photo of him nearly naked in the mirror backstage.
“I thought they were tasteful.” He teased, giggling when you groaned on the other side of the call. 
“Biting your lip while gripping your bulge? Oh yeah, I’m sure Army’s would agree. Very tasteful.” You teased back, the man humming deeply.
“I don’t share those things with Army though, because those are for you only.” He smirked, you mirroring his hummed reply with a slight smile.
“When are you coming back?” You asked, tapping your fingernails against the surface beside the basin of the sink.
“We need to do one more interview, then we can leave.” He answered, a member of the staff speaking in the background followed by Hoseok’s laugh ringing out through the room.
You sighed in response, quiet enough that you thought he wouldn’t hear it. That thought was proven wrong almost immediately as he chuckled, the phone shuffling in his grip as the voices in the background turned to muffled noise. 
“What’s wrong, hm? Miss me?” He lowered his voice to presumably not be heard by others, his husky tone causing you to swallow a harsh gulp, thankful you weren’t video calling so you could play along with his little game.
“Mm, not particularly. I just wanted to play GTA with Kook.” You teased, smirking at Taehyung’s scoff, hairs raising on your arms as he chuckled into the phone and through your speaker.
“Alright. Well, you can expect Kook soon.” He said, tone smug as he heard the breath hitch in your throat. 
“Love you.” He murmured into the phone before abruptly hanging up, leaving you clutching your phone with a racing heart as you anticipated your boyfriends’ arrival. 
Trying to fight the now strengthened desire for your man, you blocked out the images from tonight along with the tone of his deep honeyed voice through the phone the best you could, reaching for your soap pump with a sigh. 
“Unbelievably rude.”
The silence of your room was awfully loud as you drew out the remaining steps of your skincare routine, hoping that if you took long enough then there would be less empty waiting time for your boyfriend. Your incredibly attractive boyfriend who you could not wait to get your hands on.
Your eyes continually darted to the timestamp on your lock screen, sighing each time as only a few minutes had passed since the last time you checked. 
If Taehyung could see how desperate you were acting right now, he’d surely have that god damn smirk on his face, one that would probably have your jeans unbutton themselves beyond your own control. 
Heaving another sigh, you distractedly stretched your neck from side to side, scrunching your face up in a grimace at the resulting snaps.
The closing of your eyes combined with the loud rush of water from the faucet seemed to drown out the sounds you’d eagerly been waiting for, nearly jumping out of your skin at the sudden addition of Taehyung next to you through the reflection of the mirror above the sink. 
His hair was still styled over that black and white patterned bandana, matching with the shirt that exposed just a touch of his bicep and a whole lot of his chest. 
Despite the immediate salivating of your tongue, you kept your shocked expression on your face, breathing out his name as you leaned a hand on the counter beside you. 
“Fuck, you scared me.” You placed your other hand over your heart, Taehyung grinning before reaching his arm out to pull you into his chest, pressing a kiss to each cheek before leaning back to smile at you.
“Sorry, love. Ended up leaving a little earlier.” He explained, smirking as your eyes glued to the bandana still tucked under the hair over his forehead. 
“Hm, I don’t mind.” You said, blowing a breath past your lips at the man’s appearance. 
“What?” Taehyung asked in reference to the action, his eyes blinking back at you as your hand traced over his long hair curled to perfection. 
“You look really fucking good right now. Not that I need to tell you that.” You mumbled distractedly, fixing the strip of fabric laying over the top of his forehead, Taehyung teasingly raising his eyebrows at you with a swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip.
“No, please do.” He said smugly, causing you to snap out of your lust-struck daze as you tapped at his shoulder with a snort.
“What an ass.” 
“That’s what I’m saying.” He responded, smoothly trailing his fingers down a bit lower to rest on your butt and gently grope the globes, pulling you flush to his chest as his darkened eyes held contact with yours. 
“Can you ever get your head out of the gutter?” You tried to say, gasps escaping every few words as he began pushing your hips into his, effectively grinding his erection into you.
“Hm,” he pretended to ponder for a moment, “with you, no.” He said, placing his hand on your jaw to pull you into a long-awaited kiss, soft yet sensual in the way he smoothed his lips over yours. 
Your breath caught in your throat as Taehyung’s hand slipped beneath the hem of your underwear, letting his thumb glide over your clit as his tongue invaded your mouth. 
The action was needy, as was the manner his fingers gathered the slick leaking between your folds to push up to fill your hole. Taehyung swallowed your moans as his fingers played in your pussy, his deep chuckles vibrating against you while his fingers dutifully pumped into your entrance. 
“Like that, baby?” He mumbled against your bottom lip, your mouth hanging open as you whined incoherently in response. He groaned at the spasming of your walls around his appendages, leaning his forehead against yours as he backed you up against the counter to stabilize your increasingly wobbly legs.
“God, you drive me crazy.” He grunted, rutting his hips into your thigh as you moaned his name once again. 
Squealing as he suddenly withdrew his hands from your underwear and lifted you up on the counter by your hips, you watched with raised brows as the man ripped your pajama bottoms and panties down your legs, easily tossing them onto the tile floor and leaving your lower half bare on the cold marble counter beside the sink. 
“Eager, are we?” You murmured, Taehyung smirking as he shuffled out of his pants, his boxers soon to follow as you took the liberty of removing his t-shirt from your torso. 
“And you aren’t?” He posed, taking the shirt from your hands and tossing it somewhere below him in the mess of clothes piling up beside his feet. Tugging you by the thighs, he smiled as you helped him by scooting to the edge of the counter, wrapping your arms around his neck as his own hands landed on your lower back.
“I didn’t say that.” You said, fingers tousling the fluffy hair at the crown of his head as he hummed, playing around with the clasp of your bra until it released with a small sound, the cups immediately releasing your breasts as he pulled the straps down your arms. 
“I consider it a good thing that we can’t keep our hands off each other.” He shrugged, gently prying your arms from around his neck to successfully remove the bra dangling from your wrists, pressing kisses to the pulse points of your wrists before laying them down in your lap as his hands instead landed on your breasts. 
You sighed as his thumbs easily circled your nipples, his eyes glued to your chest as he watched the buds twist into peaks with a small grin. 
“So pretty.” He whispered, making you blush as you distractedly reached for his dress shirt, snapping the buttons out of the holes in a haste to see his bare chest. The task proved to be difficult with Taehyung’s increasing pressure on your nipples, a knowing smirk on the man’s face as your pleading eyes desperately darted to his own. 
“Tae, this shirt is really testing my patience.” You sighed, the man chuckling as he reluctantly removed his hands from your chest to assist you in unbuttoning the shirt that had nearly killed you while watching him perform a couple of hours ago. 
As soon as he undid the fifth or sixth button down, your hands were on the revealed skin, feeling him like a madwoman as he lovingly chuckled at your actions. Tossing the loose material to the floor, he finally stood before you completely naked, placing a hand on the back of your head to guide you to his lips in yet another heated kiss.
Taehyung hummed deep in his throat as you reached down to pump his fully erect cock in your hand, taking the hint as you lined him up at your entrance with a push of your other hand on his shoulder. 
“Love you so much.” He mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut as he pushed his hips forward to sink into you, each inch providing you with a delicious burn as you let your head rest on his shoulder, his lips pressing a tender kiss to the side of your head as he finally fit himself snugly inside of you.
Starting off slow, he only slightly moved his cock back before pushing it in again, causing you to mewl as he started teasingly circling his hips inside of you. The grinding was nice, sure, but it gave you no real relief. Which he was perfectly aware of.
“Fuck me harder, Tae.” You whimpered out as he continued sensually grinding into you, taking your bottom lip into your mouth as he stopped his actions completely.
“Hm? What was that, love?” He cockily raised his brows at you, grinning at the look of pure frustration on your face.
“Fuck me harder. Taehyung.” You practically spat out, the man tutting at your tone.
“Where are your manners, love?” 
“Tae,” you whined, “please just fuck me.” You begged, Taehyung simpering as he picked up your calves, resting your legs in the crooks of his elbows to push your knees to your chest and effectively spread you wider for him. 
Picking up the pace of his thrusts, he groaned at the feeling of your walls squeezing around his cock, praising you with a moan of your name as he tilted his head up toward the ceiling. 
With you leaning forward to kiss his jaw, Taehyung broke eye contact with the vent in the ceiling, instead focusing on you as he continued rolling his hips into yours. His eyes held yours with intense force, only faltering with a flutter of his eyelids when your walls began spasming around him.
“Shit, I love your pussy, baby.” He breathed, placing his lips back on yours when you responded with a wanton moan, placing his hands on your hips to glide you along his length in addition to the force he pounded into you with.
You whimpered at the sudden speed in which his hips slapped into yours along with the depths he managed to hit with the angle, clutching onto his shoulders in an attempt to ground yourself as he groaned your name.
“Fuck, oh my god.” You cried as he sped up the pace of his hips, gradually working himself up into an almost inhumane speed as he quite literally attempted to split you open with his cock. His grunts punctuated each thrust, hot breaths fanning out onto your neck as he buried his face in your skin.  
“T-tae.” You stuttered as the tip of his cock repeatedly tapped at your cervix, Taehyung responding with a deep moan as he glanced down between your bodies, eyes glued to where you met over and over again as your walls tightened the hardest they had yet around him.
“Cum, baby.” He panted, lifting his eyes to watch your own squeeze shut with a gasp, the man himself falling over the edge at the sight. Nothing could ever get him off like watching you orgasm.
As he hastily pulled out of you, you whined at the sudden emptiness in your core, leaning your head back against the mirror in exhaustion as your droopy eyes watched him jerk his cock using your slick, only a few moments passing before translucent white liquid shot out from his tip and onto your stomach. 
Sitting up from the mirror, you fell into Taehyung’s arms, the man chuckling a bit as he rubbed his palm over your spine. 
“I love you.” He murmured, breaths finally evening out as he held you in his arms, your own loosely wrapped around his waist with your fingers caressing the skin of his hip.
“I love you too,” you leaned back to look at him, forehead pressing to his as you gave him a lazy smile, “and I’m so proud of you. You were amazing tonight.” You said, swiping his long bangs out of his eyes as he shyly grinned at you, his flustered reaction at your words causing you to giggle fondly. 
“I couldn’t have done any of it without you.” He admitted, misty eyes making you cup his cheeks as you pressed your lips to the plush skin on either side of his nose. 
“Of course you could have. You’re amazing Tae, don’t underestimate that.” You soothed, the man’s lips quirking up slightly as he tipped his chin to place his lips on yours. 
“Okay.” He whispered against your bottom lip, chuckling breathily when you began pressing feather-light kisses to his lips, exaggerating them with loud “muah”s making Taehyung’s eyes shut as he laughed. 
“You good?” You asked, his irises sparkling back at you as he nodded in confirmation.
“I’m great.” He said, reaching up to push his hair back off his forehead, the copious amounts of gel his stylists had put in his hair throughout the night defying the action and making it fall back onto the skin anyway.
“Good. Now clean your cum off my stomach, I wanna go to bed.”
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Alpha and His Mate
Pairing: Cpt. Syverson x F!Reader
Universe: Sand Castle
Words: 1.6k
Warning: Okay folks, I'm really nervous about this one, kinda really second-guessing this... buuuuut... here you go. This is just merely pure smut! Sorry, not sorry! You dirty folks lol! Wasting no time getting to the good stuff! SMUT BELOW THE CUT!
TW: Oh this is the smutty smut smut of the smut | Primal | Oral (Male Receiving) | Anal (Female Receiving) | Vaginal Penetration | Unprotected Sex | Breeding Kink | Daddy Kink | Dominant Syverson | Submissive Reader | BDSM Themes | Some Orgasm denial | Some Fluff | Implied Aftercare
Image Credit: Google
My Masterlist | Taglist | REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN
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It was easy for you to fall for him, it was easy for you to love him, and it was easy for you to be utterly lost in fantasies with him. Everything about Sy had you all befuddled and lost in your own words half the time. The way he touched you, kissed you, caressed your body, sent your body quivering. You would think about him day to day, hour to hour, damn, second by second. There wasn't something this man couldn't do that wouldn't send you into a fury of primal needs.
You were like a wolf in heat, and you needed that alpha, the big, powerful, primal alpha wolf to devour you in any way he desired. Standing in the bedroom looking out the large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city, you bite your lip, thinking a moment. A giggle escapes your lips and you strip down and wearing, literally nothing. You walk over to the closet and look at the black leather box on the floor and smile. Biting your lip you go for the wolf tail buttplug and a set of wolf ears. A collar and leash. With a smile, a small giggle, and grabbing the special lube you prep yourself.
You walk to the floor-length mirror and pull out your phone and send Sy a few NSFW photo messages and a cute video of you wagging your tail with a small howl.
"You best be on that bed when I get home." He replies with a voice message.
"Yes, Alpha." you respond.
Looking at the time you keep let out a small breath and smile, it wasn't long before he got off work. And it wasn't long before he would be home. Your mind bouncing around all these ideas, all these wants and needs and he was always the one to fill them, but this was a little something else that settled in you that you had to fulfill.
Hearing the door you get on the bed all fours and your leash in your teeth and your tail wagging, He walks in and looks at you and growls a bit.
"I want to eat you up."
"I want you to fill me up." You smirk.
"Oh, I'll fill you." He smirks reaching over and slapping your ass. You giggle and you wag your tail again swaying your hips side to side. He turns you around and lifts your tail feeling your pussy feeling the heat he smirks and slaps your ass again. "My mate in heat... you're going to beg for my seed... you'll be howling for it." He smirks.
"Oh yes Alpha, absolutely." You perk up and wag your tail again.
"Keep that up and I'm going to pull that right out and fill that hole first." He smirks.
"My body is yours to do with as you please." You smirk looking over your shoulder.
"You prep that mouth of yours, Daddy's going to go take a shower. Be ready."
Nodding your head you practice stretching your jaw and giggle a bit shaking your head biting your lip you peek through the crack of the bathroom door, watching him, you smile, sitting there, biting your lip. Letting out a slow breath looking at this man made your pussy quiver more so than thinking about him. You feel your muscles retract and you shiver, biting your lip you let out a soft whimper.
When he finishes his shower he looks in your direction, and you open your mouth, prepared for fucking.
"Good girl." He smiles as he wastes no time placing the tip of his cock on your lips.
Licking the tip of him you slowly work your way along the length, your lips caressing the left side, then back up and down the right side. Taking your leash from you he pulls your head forward forcing himself into your mouth and uses the leash as leverage to fuck your mouth. Your tongue flat along the bottom of his thick, hard, throbbing cock.
"Open your mouth wider, Baby." He tells you.
You willingly oblige. Opening your mouth so he can easily slide his cock in and out of your mouth, shoving further and further tickling the back of your throat. He watches as you drool a bit and grunts.
"Fuck." He groans as you slowly close your lips around him taught and swirl your tongue around him as he uses the leash to guide you back and forth.
"Just like that, Baby, you're going to make Daddy cum in that pretty mouth." He growls.
You keep doing what you're doing, not changing a thing. You look up at him as he growls again, shoving himself deeper into your mouth and he cums in your mouth, slowly pulling his cock out filling your mouth. You smile and swallow like the good girl you are and look over his face.
"Did I do good?" You ask him.
"I'll show you how good you did, turn around." He tells you.
Without second-guessing, you turn around and he pulls the tail from you and tosses it to the floor. Smirking he grips your hips and lifts you up a bit and smiles.
"You ready for me baby?" He asks you.
"Yes, Alpha." You state eagerly.
Taking his slick hard throbbing cock he places it against your back hole and slowly pushing. You feel a small pop and you let out a whimper, your breath hitches and you pull your stomach in, your eyes close.
"You're so big Daddy." You whimper.
"You're going to take all of me baby, be ready." he coaxes you as he slowly pushes further into your ass.
You let out a soft moan as you feel him stretch you. Your hips move back and forth as you feel him going further and further into you. You grip the blankets in your fists and your face pressed into the bed as you let out a heavy moan.
"FUCK!" You scream into the bed as he begins to fuck you harder.
"Fuck baby, you're so tight." He praises you as he picks up speed. Your ass feels so good with him in there, hitting a spot only he could hit. You moan out more as he picks up more of a speed. He takes the leash and pulls you up. You're on all fours, your head pulled up-right due to the collar and leash being tight against your neck, but the pleasure is overwhelming. You can't bring yourself to control anymore.
"Fuck Daddy... I'm going to cum, you feel so good." You whine.
"Not yet baby... not till daddy fills that ass." He grunts as he slaps your ass with his large rough hand.
Your hips buckle and you press into him back and forth, back and forth, feeling him slide easily, no issues, you moan louder.
"Daddy! I can't hold it! I'm going to cum... Please Sir! Please let me cum." you beg.
With a chuckle and another grunt. "Not yet. You have to wait." He managed to speak after each thrust.
He didn't want you to cum, not yet and you obeyed that. As he fucked your ass harder from tip to hilt he held you to him and you screeched and whimpered.
"FUCK!" You call out.
"I'm going to cum again baby..."
"Then you can breed me Daddy?" You ask him.
"Like my wolf in heat... I'm going to fill that pussy up." He growls as he cums in your ass, slowly pulling out after his cock finishes its last twitch. But he was far from done.
When he pulled out the cum started to slowly drip down our pussy onto the bed but seeing that made him feel primal all over again.
"God damn girl, you've got me feeling like a beast. I just want to fill you all up." He growls as he shoves his cock into your pussy slamming against you. Making a mess all over you, all over him, all over the bed. Between you dripping wet and his seed coming from you, as he fucked you using his own cum as a lubricant he growled. "You're going to be so full by the end of the night." he growled.
"Yes please, Alpha, give me your pup." you moan softly.
He takes your leash pulling it tight again as he fucks your pussy so hard your hips buckle and his balls slap against your clit. You let out a heavy moan and you can't control your urges. You can't control your wants anymore.
"Beg for my cum baby! Beg for my seed!"
"Please, Please cum in me, fill me up, Sir. I want to carry your baby. Fill my pussy up!" You beg.
"You want my seed girl?" he growls
"YES! FUCK!" you moan out as he grunts a bit more. "Fill me Alpha!" You beg. He growls again and presses his cock deep into you holding you against him as he lets out a snarl and you feel him release for the last time.
"Come on baby, finish for me. You earned it."
With those words, you wasted no time, and you've cum the hardest you've cum in a long time. Your body shakes and quivers, you fall onto the bed, full, messy, and loving every damn minute of this. Your panting as he reaches down and undoes your leash, your collar, and kisses your forehead looking over you as he lays next to you.
"Good girl."
"You gotta take care of yourself now." He smirks rubbing your side as he pulls you closer. "How about a bath after a few moments?" He asked you.
"Yes, please." you say softly kissing his nose.
Syverson Taglist: @1960memories, @artandotherdelights, @angelcavill66
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taones · 4 years
𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
Characters: Tanaka, Oikawa, Hinata, Bokuto
Notes: this request took absolutely ages, it was one of the first asks I ever got on here I’m sorry @scraggylovesanime ily hope you like them mwah <3
Warnings: They get handsy at several points, suggestive, mentions of people hitting on the reader
Part 2 - Coming soon
@prettysetterbaby​ cause you’re a cultured Tanaka simp baby and the only person on my taglist sjdjdjd
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↬ You know the Tom & Jerry heart eyes face? yeah that's him
↬ He’s such a simp for you he can barely hold it all in when he sees you in slightly tight clothes let alone a whole swimsuit, whatever your choice of swim gear is
↬ Verbally says ‘wow’ when he first sees you not even lying, his nose may as well be bleeding because you broke his brain for a solid 5 minutes there
↬You could be wearing a whole wetsuit and his jaw would still drop like you were completely naked
↬ Warning, he becomes a lot more handy like there is no way his hands aren’t sneaking down to squeeze your ass when you come over for a kiss (obvs only if you’re okay with it)
↬ You’re on his lap or touching him pretty much the entire time because he doesn’t want anyone else seeing how gorgeous his s/o is however he’s stuck because he also wants to show everyone how gorgeous you are
↬ Muttering  things like ‘so sexy’ and ‘all mine’ between kisses because he’s a whore but specifically for you <3
↬ If you were nervous about it, you’re definitely not now because he’s quick to become soft Ryu when he notices and kisses under your ear, whispering about how amazing you look
↬ Congrats, you have actually just killed a man
↬ No really, he stops functioning and goes bright red. He’s kinda uses to seeing a lot of people in bikinis and the tightest excuses for swim shorts since his time in brazil but nothing ever affects him like you do
↬ When you giggle at his reaction he’ll snap back into it but be prepared for a whole bunch of word vomiting about ‘oh my god you’re so pretty’ and he is trying so hard not to stare at your chest/ass but he can’t help it
↬ It’s so cruel to tease him like this but it’s also so funny to see the way his ears burn and he has to bite the inside of his cheek whenever you bend over and ask him to put sunscreen on your back
↬ He get’s sick of your teasing eventually and kinda just tugs you into a hug to tell you how pretty he thinks you look, even if he does stutter a little you don’t mention it
↬  Makes sure you put a lot of sunscreen on, not only because he wants to prevent skin issues but also because he wants as much time being able to stare at you as possible
↬ You find yourself going on a lot more beach trips after that, specifically ones that Hinata’s friends ‘just can’t make’
↬ he probably helped choose the swimsuit let’s be honest, or he brought it for you because we stan sugar daddy oikawa
↬ when you come out of the changing room/bedroom etc the first thing he’s gonna do is chuckle and pull you towards him by the waistband/straps of your costume for a kiss
↬ It’s not his fault his hands end up in not so innocent places
↬ For real though, he’s really sweet about it and will hype you up if you’re even the slightest bit uncomfortable in what you’re wearing
↬ ‘what are you talking about y/n? You look  so good I want to keep you all to myself’ what a sweetheart
↬ You end up late to wherever you’re going if you decide to show him while you’re still in the privacy of your home or hotel...but he’s not opposed to a well hidden changing stall either
↬ Whatever you do, you’re getting yelled about to anyone and everyone who will listen. And by that I mean every social media that Tooru has is getting spammed with photos of his ‘stunning s/o’ that he loves a lot
↬ It’s nothing compared to the sweet comments he whispers i your ear when you’re sitting on the beach though
↬ Wholesome, such a sweet man but at the same time he is the opposite
↬ Will totally spin you around and yell about how he’s so lucky and you look amazing in the swimsuit you picked out until his lungs hurt and you’re a giggling mess
↬ And keeps making comments throughout the trip about how you should go to the beach or the pool more often because he likes seeing you in a swimming costume
↬ His probably matches yours on purpose because he wanted it to be like a cute couple thing (please i’m so soft) if yours is black then his is or if you have stars on yours then he does too
↬ Bonus points if you’re a guy or wear swim shorts instead of bikini bottoms/on top of your swimsuit because he will literally buy the same ones as you 
↬ What he doesn’t tell you is that he likes doing this so he can let people know you’re his
↬ Which is where the not-so-wholesome part comes in because the moment he sees someone else staring then He’s gonna be behind you or pulling you onto his lap and kissing you or your neck
↬ He makes a whole show of showing whoever it is, and the whole damn beach, that you’re his even if he keeps his sunny disposition when talking to you
↬ ‘Oh it’s nothing baby, just because you look so cute baby’ he’ll say as if his hands aren’t situated firmly on your ass in full view of the guy that was staring at you
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Remember that reblogging helps content creators my loves <3
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koko-bopp · 4 years
Printing Room
jeong yuno x male!reader
word count - 1.9K
genre - SMUT, minor fluff
contents - semi-public sex? Mild exhibitionism, top-dom!Jaehyun, bottom!reader, fingering, overstimulation, praise and degrading, office sex. NO GENITALIA MENTIONS
synopsis -  working in an office can be really annoying, desk jobs aren't exactly entertaining, But Jaehyun is definitely something you look forward to in your day.
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“Hey, Jae,” You giggle, giving a greeting upon finding your work-colleauge also at the printing room, “Fancy seeing you here.”
It was close to midnight, and usually, you'd already be out the door by now; it was just Mark from finance, two security guards patrolling the floors and maybe the janitor in the building right now. The floor was dimmed since nobody was really here, it was just a few desk lamps, computer screens and the printing room light that were used for illumination at this time; maybe the city's lights can also be counted as a source.
It wasn't uncommon for Jaehyun to be working late, you'd bought takeaway-dinner a few times because the guy forgot to eat, but you didn't mind; he's hard-working and handsome.
Jae chuckled, "Hey, boss," opening the top of the photo-copying machine then flipping the paper over to get a print of the other side, pressing a few buttons, scanning his employers' card on the machine before allowing it to do its job.
You weren't really Jaehyun's boss, just in this specific workplace you're the leader of the team and Jaehyun just happened to be on it.
He turned to look at you once again, the tool making a few noises in the background as he spoke, "You here to print something?" Jaehyun asked.
You realised that you'd just walked in because Jaehyun was here too, not having any intention to use the room for the reason it was there for. You became nervous, knowing your mistake, "I- yeah."
"Really? I.. don't see any papers with you," he pointed out. You could tell he was fighting back a snicker, but his observations were making you nervous, couldn't you just admire another attractive man without the exposé?
"No, I mean, I just wanted to say hello.. you know, ask about your day and–"
His small chuckle accidentally cut off your frantic desperation to keep your intentions hidden. Jaehyun knew you had a crush on him, or at least admired him beyond platonic desires. You weren't exactly the best at pretending not to be flustered when he'd point things out, calling your bluff. Jaehyun decided to lean his back against the counter where all the stationery is, crossing his arms over his chest, "You're really cute, you know that?"
You were taken back by the statement, blinking once before you averted your gaze to cough once like it would release some tension. "That's not–" you were going to end you'd sentence with 'professional' but Jaehyun beat you to it.
"–Neither is your behaviour but I'm going to be honest, [Y/N]," Jaehyun turned the printer off, you were leaned against the adjacent table where the print-outs that weren't picked up were, so Jaehyun took the opportunity to close the door, a scandalous grin on his lips as the door clicked lock. He motioned his gaze at you; your thighs were not so discreetly closed together, arms crossed over your chest like you didn't care what he was doing but expression read flustered beyond belief.
It was cute, attractive, like you'd thought about this before and you didn't know if you were going to push him away or not.
"Is there a boyfriend I should be taking into consideration?" Jaehyun asks, sleeping with taken men were against his rules, the thought of it makes him feel beyond guilty.
"No... There isn't," you responded.
Jaehyun now fully having you trapped between his body and the timber counter, hands on the edge as he leaned in. You couldn't help but move your head down to avoid the man from touching your lips out of fluster; It would make anyone shy, but you heard him chuckle softly, pressing his hips against yours instead, smirking at the little whimper leaving your lips, moving his head down to place little butterfly kisses going your jaw, "You okay with me fucking you, pretty boy?'
You didn't even realise that your hips thrust up at his words, your hand reflexing up to grab the fabric around his bicep at the familiar feeling of arousal. "I- I'm okay with it.." you choke out a response.
"Even though we're at work?" Jaehyun asks, his hands flat against your hip bones as he leaned down to press his lips against the skin of your neck; they were soft but firm, gentle but rough enough for you to crave more. Your head leaning back to give him the space to touch you, shy breaths erupting from the sensation. Jaehyun whispered against your skin; "Even though someone can walk in at any time?" He asks, reaching one hand up to loosen the tie around your collar, pulling it down and throwing it onto the floor, followed by his fingers moving in a way to unbutton your dress-shirt, "You're a little freak, aren't you?"
If that didn't make you buck up. Oh, to be fucked by Jaehyun, it would be a blatant lie to say that it hadn't crossed your mind; fantasy tends to be different from reality, you'd have sleepless nights about the man in front of you, fantasies that he would have you bent over your bosses desk with your ass in the air, barely being able to keep your composure from how much he teases you, cum sinfully leaking down to the carpet and Jaehyun's hand wrapped around your neck, peppering kisses against your skin like he was a lover.
Footsteps passed the room, both your attention turning to the door, watching the silhouette from underneath the door leave; and just as it did, Jaehyun lifted you up to place you on the timber counter properly, getting rid of the papers beforehand as both your lips connected.
It was desperate, quick and so much passion; God knows how much you two were eyeing each other since the attraction built, making jokes about how 'any man would be lucky to have you' or the sexual tension when you two were discussing a project at meetings. You threw your hands into his brown hair, his hands touching your skin accidentally as he undid all the buttons on the shirt, not yet throwing it off your shoulders.
"Fuck, you're so hot," Jaehyun grunts, admiring your body for a quick moment before throwing off his own shirt, discarding clothes on the floor.
You couldn't help but stare at his toned body, gold skin, an alluring stare, your face felt hot but he leaned back in again, this time more gentle as he captured your lips with his; this time it was more mellow, you weren't complaining, because it was the feeling of his hands wandering around your body that made it arousing.
"You literally don't know..." Jaehyun whispered in between the kiss, pushing himself against you that bit harder to get a moan to escape your lips to the point you can feel his smirk, "...you don't how long I've wanted you like this."
You giggle softly, wrapping your legs around Jaehyun's waist to bring him much closer, "In the printing room?"
Jaehyun laughed, "Touché."
The brunet kisses down your neck, painting stripes with his tongue while his hands gripped your hips. You make soft whines and giggles at the sensation, moaning when he bit down, telling him not to leave marks because you two knew damn well that employees and coworkers will be asking one too many questions if they saw such a thing.
"Don't worry," Jaehyun grins cheekily, pecking a kiss on your nose, "They'll just wish they were in my position. Now turn around."
You did as you were asked. Jaehyun took his time, prepping and lubing since it would be very ungentlemanly of him not to. There was the occasional chuckle he'd let out when you pushed back against his fingers, quivering like your knees were going to give in, laughing at you when you let out a particularly loud moan, using that as an advantage to push in another finger. "Hush, pretty boy, won't want to get caught with my fingers deep in your ass now, would you?" He whispered against your shoulder, his free hand coming up to play with your chest, letting his rough hands wander all over it.
"J-Jae, please," you sighed, closing your eyes and dipping your head down, your arms holding the timber counter.
Jaehyun brushed his lips over your shoulder and up to your neck, letting them butterfly but his hands were heavily contradicting his actions on your neck as he took your beg as his welcome to push his fingers deeper and faster, smirking when you couldn't help your head shoot up and mouth open, your body shook at the sensation, you thighs closing as if it would help with anything. Jaehyun smirked but ran a smile against your neck, “If you cum, you best believe I’ll make you wish I put a gag on you,” he said softly. “Now. Please what, pretty boy?”
You had to put a hand over your mouth, your cheeks felt hot at his words and moans threatened to spill from the gaps between your fingers but you tried your hardest to make coherent words, "I need more, Jae.. please."
Jaehyun hummed, he pushed his fingers hard into you one last time, but the jolt made your legs tremble as he kept his fingers buried. He wasn't happy with the answer, but you cried out in pure sin and he couldn't help but enjoy the sound, "I'm gonna ask you one more– oh, what have we here?"
A mixture of fright and guilt washed over your orgasmic and shaky body, the only thing keeping you on your feet was Jaehyun's body against yours and even then the evidence of your orgasm made Jaehyun chuckle.
"Did you cum without permission, [Y/N]?" Jaehyun asked, keeping his fingers firmly burried as he spoke lowly.
You shook your head, not in attempts to deny the truth but out of guilt and repentance, "I-I didn't mean to I just–!"
"–Shhh, it's okay, I'm glad I made you feel good," Jaehyun began placing little kisses along your back. The sensation mixing emotions in the pit of your stomach, but as soon as you had a moment to collect your thoughts, Jaehyun began thrusting his fingers back into your ass, pushing at the furthest point with overstimulated moans leaving your mouth. Jaehyun leaned forward to whisper in your ear, "But I did warn you, didn't I?"
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dameronology · 4 years
best friend {javier pena x reader}
summary: after finally calling it a day on a bad relationship, you turn to javier for comfort
warnings: mentions of alcohol + smoking, swearing
i was listening to best friend by rex orange county when i was writing this so i guess it’s loosely based on it? it’s definitely where the title came from. i hope you enjoy!
- jazz
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Javier hated pulling all nighters - he especially hated them when it was Friday. Everyone else at the office was either going out to drink or going home to spend the evening with their families. The sounds of music and laughter that surrounded the outside of the DEA offices only acted as a reminder of how lonely he’d become; because, even if Colombia was the source of much of his grief, for others, it was their home. Their happiness and their life. Both of which, these days, seemed to be things he struggled to find
That wasn’t to say that his life completely lacked enrichment. Between the antics of you and Murphy, and the progress you were all making towards capturing Escobar, things weren’t all that bad. Especially you. He didn’t entirely know what your presence in his life meant, but it was a hell of lot. It felt like he’d finally started to see his life in colour when you were assigned the desk beside his. Your energy and your wit enriched everything, even if 99% of your relationship consisted of taking swipes at one another, 
If there was one thing he was grateful on nights like these, it was that the DEA apartment building wasn’t too far from the office. Murphy had clearly gotten home hours ago, because his car was in his spot and the lights to his unit at the front of the complex were dimmed. Your own vehicle was a few spaces over from Javi’s, terribly parked (as per usual) and barely between the white lines. At least he could take comfort in the fact that both his friends had made it home safe.
Or, you’d at least made it the front steps of the building. 
Javier almost did a double take when he saw you, a half-burnt cigarette in one hand and a completely empty bottle of wine in the other. You were slumped against the railings, eyes glued to the floor in front of you. He knew had it been a rough week - there had been a lot of bloodshed and not a lot of progress - but he hadn’t realised it had been that bad. And you would have told him, right? You told him everything. Literally everything. Probably more than you told your own damn boyfriend (who he hated - not that it was important). 
‘Jesus.’ Javi didn’t bother to offer you a greeting. 
You looked up at a him, a hazy smile playing on your face when your eyes met. ‘Agent Pena! How are you doing?’
‘You never call me that. I hate it.’ He muttered, dropping onto the stairs beside you. ‘Please don’t tell me you drove home like this.’
‘God, no.’ You snorted. ‘I drove home then went to a bar with Tom.’
‘How is he?’
‘Him? Yeah, we broke up.’ You casually shrugged. ‘So then I brought some wine and realise I left my keys.’
‘Oh, honey.’ Javi murmured. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t give me that, Jav.’ You elbowed him slightly. ‘I know you hated him.’
‘Guilty as charged.’
Javier stood up, moving the bottle aside and sticking his hand out to you. He didn’t exactly relate to what you were going through. Mostly because he didn’t get into relationships, or that he was always the one to end them. He hadn’t really known heartbreak in the conventional sense. Sure, he’d felt a pang in his chest when you first introduced him to your now ex just over a year ago, but that wasn’t loss. It was just..something he didn’t want to think about. It was a can of worms he’d been pretty good at keeping shut, and he was not going to start sorting through it at 1AM. He was far from drunk (unlike some people) but hours and hours of paperwork and chain smoking had fogged his brain. Right then, you needed a friend, and that was something he could be. Though you hadn’t shared all that much emotion together - mostly just careless banter and harmless teasing - your jobs had bonded you for life. You’d certainly witnessed a lot of twisted things, and it meant that you and Murphy were the only two people in the world who truly understood the kind of thing he dealt with. And, with all due respect to Murphy, you got on Javi’s nerves a fuck ton less. 
You tangled your fingers with his, letting him drag you up off the steps. Stumbling for a moment, you gripped onto his shirt for balance. It felt like somebody had taken a baseball bat to your head and to your stomach. Whether you wanted to chunder or faint first, you didn’t know. The only thing you could think about was the warm arms wrapping around your waist, and the feeling of Javier’s body being flush against yours as he pulled you against his side and guided you into the building. 
‘Where do you think you left your keys?’ He gently asked. He didn’t say anything when you slumped further against him, all your energy staying solely on walking and not falling. 
‘Thabar.’ You murmured.
‘The bar.’ You repeated. ‘I’ll go back in the morning. It’s fine.’
‘I don’t think you’ll be awake before midday.’ Javi chided. 
He held you there for a moment, fumbling about for his own keys, before kicking open the apartment door.
His place wasn’t bad, but it didn’t feel that far off of a show apartment, or the window of an Ikea. It was identical to yours, except you’d actually made yours homier. Javi’s, meanwhile, looked exactly as it had the day he’d moved in. None of the furniture had moved, and the television had probably been turned on a total of twice. Whilst your place was covered in photos and personally belongings, his was filled with bottles of whiskey and strewn leather jackets. He did have one photo hanging on his fridge; it was a Polaroid of him, you and Murphy, chilling out at your favourite bar. You were in the middle of them, practically hanging off their arms with a grin on your face. Javier would never let either of you actually know how much you meant to him. He couldn’t deal with the teasing. 
The next few moments were a blur of you dropping onto his sofa, hitting the leather with a thump. He tossed a warm blanket over you, before helping you kick off your shoes and taking a seat beside you. With the alcohol making you more brazen than usual, you didn’t think twice about curling against his side, and Javier didn’t think twice about letting you. He knew better than anyone that sometimes, a hug was the best medicine - so, he tossed an arm over your shoulders, pulling you towards him in a similar manner to how he had done in the hallway. The smell of his aftershave was gentle, mixed with a faint smell of cigarettes and the mint hand cream he insisted he didn’t use. It was just...Javi. And you loved it. 
‘Do you wanna talk about it?’ Javi gently asked, thumb rubbing circles over the bare skin on your arm.
‘I dunno what there is to say.’ You murmured. ‘I saw it coming. I definitely saw it coming but I just...I thought he was it you know. I mean, you probably don’t know because the one for you is whiskey and cigarettes-’
‘- is this an attack on me or your ex?’ He joked. 
‘Right, sorry.’ You peered up at him through hooded eyes. ‘Just hurts, y’know? Because for all his flaws, he’s probably as good as I’m ever gonna get.’
‘That’s bullshit and you know it.’ He reminded you. ‘That man never deserved you.’
‘He wasn’t that bad, Jav.’
‘Remember all the times you were in a bad mood because he was late, or because he didn’t turn up to a date?’ His brown eyes flickered, staring at the blank wall ahead. He didn’t mean to overstep, or to be protective, but it was just that it you. And that was reason enough. 
‘He was trying his best.’
‘If that’s his best, then he’s in trouble.’ He snorted. 
You groaned, flopping further down into his chest. ‘It’s hopeless. I’m hopeless. I don’t need a man to survive but maybe thats why I get through them so quickly.’
‘You’re not the problem.’ Javi said. 
‘My mum always said I was too much to handle-’
‘-  you’re not.’ He cut you off. ‘If they think you’re too much, then they’re not worth your time.’
‘There’s seven billion people on the planet. There must be someone, right?’
‘You don’t need to find somebody. You’re more than enough on your own.’ He said. (What he meant to say was: you don’t need to find somebody, but it’s okay if you want me). 
‘I know.’ You murmured. 
A silence fell over you. Javier wasn’t entirely sure what to say, because every time he tried to go over the possibilities, it kept ending with him declaring that he was the one you should be with. It made sense logistically. 
You didn’t like to be looked after, but you always let him. You both had the same job, so you both understood the struggle. The spark between you two was fucking immense and there was always something to talk about. It was hard to find a single reason not to be together - except for timing. And timing was kind of everything, especially when there was so much at stake. How much of it you needed, he didn’t know. That wasn’t even calculating in the fact that it would take Javier at least thirty more cycles of convincing himself to tell you before he finally took the plunge. 
‘Thank you for helping me tonight.’ You sleepily mumbled. 
‘Always.’ Javier replied. 
‘I’m trying not to fall asleep on you-’
‘- go ahead.’ He cut you off with a soft chuckle. 
‘I appreciate you.’ 
That was the last thing you managed, before sleep completely overtook you. This was new ground for your friendship - physical touch, deep conversations, Javi teetering dangerously close on the precipice of enlightening you with his feelings. The bottom could even have the best landing ever, or the worst. Was it worth the risk? 
Javi peered down at you, completely enamoured at the sight of you quietly snoozy, hand splayed out on his chest and eyes screwed shut. This could be an everyday thing. Domesticity and closeness and you. He could feel his chest physically hurting at the feeling; at the prospect of having you. Like, actually having you. 
He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, brown eyes flickering up to the ceiling. That was when he knew in his very soul, the answer to that question.
You were worth every risk.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Doll Me Up (P.1)
Title: Doll Me Up (Part One) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 2,322 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior
Introduction || Part Two ||  Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
There were three voicemails when you turned your phone back on in the airport terminal.
Voicemail, 12:22am
“Y/N, I swear to GOD if you don’t answer your fucking phone the second you land, I’m going to make sure you don’t walk right for a fucking week when I get you back in my hands!”
Voicemail, 12:57am
“I am tempted to leave you stranded without any fucking money! How the fuck would you like that? Having to call me to come bail you the fuck out? I’ll make you get on your goddamn knees and beg. Call. Me.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” you snickered.
Tony would never though; you found it impossible. He could not stand the thought of you not having money to shield yourself from the world if he was not there. You needed to be inside, pampered.
You snorted before listening to the next message.
Voicemail, 1:27am
“When I find out where you’ve gone, you bet your ass I’m going to be right on the plane there and you’re not going to like it when I find you! Do you understand me! So, make this easier on yourself and call me back!”
You took the opportunity to text him back.
Y/N, 3:29am
Don’t waste your time or jet fuel. Just leave me alone for a bit. God.
You dialed your friend Xavier, it going to voicemail the first time. Annoyed, you called him again, taking note it was after 3:30am. On the fourth attempt, he answered.
“What the hell do you want, Y/N? If you’re drunk and woke me up—”
Brightly, you told him, “Come get me.”
There was a moment’s pause, before he asked perplexed, “What?”
“I’m at SeaTac.”
“The hell do you mean you’re at SeaTac?”
“I flew here,” you told him nonchalantly as you could. “On a whim. And I don’t want to take an Uber alone. I’ll give you gas money! Promise.”
“Where… what?” He was groggy still.
“I’ll stay at your place for a couple nights?”
He was quiet again for a few moments before asking, “You don’t wanna get a hotel room…?”
“Of course you want to do that.”
“Bitch, I live in a studio. Why would I not want to take advantage of some more space?”
“Point taken. But ugh, hurry!” You whined, leaning against the wall. “I’m in really tall heels and I don’t have a coat. I’m cold.”
“Are you outside?”
“No, in the aiport. The dress is just really short.”
Xavier snorted at this. “Of course it is. Where’s Tony?”
“At home. We got into a fight,” you told him shortly.
“So, you flew here…?”
“Yeah, I didn’t wanna go home and see his stupid face. So, I came here. Straight from the party really. Hold on, let me check hotels in the area.” You pulled your phone down to google and scroll through options. “Ugh, I don’t wanna be downtown though. But that’s where all the nice hotels are at… Oh, this place has a renaissance Brad Pitt photo on a pillow.”
“Please. Get that. Just on principal.”
“Okay but this other place has a better bathroom set up.”
“Is that really important?”
“Yes, I want a relaxing bath. And it has a great view of the sound. There’s two-bedroom suites that don’t require extended stays. But, love, I don’t want to sleep alone… and I trust you for that.”
Xavier chortled, “Scout’s honor. Your pussy does not interest me in the slightest. What’s the name then?”
“Thompson. Get here!”
“I’m moving, I’m moving,” Xavier told you and you heard shuffling in the background of the call.
You added before he could hang up, “And bring your phone charger. And some sweats and a shirt. I meant it when I said I left directly from the party. All I’ve got is my purse.”
“You are ridiculous,” Xavier laughed. “It’s going to take me at least a half hour. Don’t let your phone die!”
Tony was calling again, and you sighed annoyed, sending him to voicemail. By now he would know your phone as at least back on and know you sent him to voicemail yet again.
Y/N, 3:41am
My phone is getting low and I need it to contact a hotel so I’m not going to answer.
Your anger was beginning to subside, but you were not ready to give in just yet.
Dialing the hotel, you waited for the front desk to answer. “Yes, I would like to set up a two-bedroom suite if there are any available? There are? Perfect. Oh, right now, please. I’ve just landed at the airport. Yes, yes of course. My card number is….”
Tony would not even have to call the credit card company at this rate with this new charge showing up.
Two years ago…
“Are you sure that’s what you want me to do, Y/N? I could really mark you up that way,” Tony purred.
You peered over your shoulder, giving him a pleading look. You had just asked him to hit you again, wanting him to get your ass good and red before he fucked you unbridled. The clincher was that he had a nine tails he was spanking you with. He had dipped into spanking the first time he had taken you and you would be lying if you said you did not like it. You had been interested in the powerful man and had seen him take girls from the service before. When he had shown up last time, you had made sure to be in his sights and he had taken the bite. Figuratively and literally. He had left some nice little marks along your shoulder and atop your breasts that had eventually faded. You wanted more and it seemed he did too.
“Yes, please,” you said coyly.
“If you keep sounding that cute, I am not going to be able to help myself.”
You stuck out your bottom lip and he gave a throat chuckle before swinging his arm back and landing another blow across your cheeks. You made a strangled noise, jolting forward with the hit. Tony’s fingers came to your ass, dipping between your thighs.
“You like me marking you up?” he asked, his fingers playing. You nodded again. “Bite marks and all?” Another nod and he had had enough foreplay.
Tony groaned salaciously, his fingers leaving your sex and coming to tear your dress down off your breasts. The bra was gone next, your breasts bouncing free. Your dress was stuck around your middle, leaving your bottom and top half exposed.
You whimpered, feeling empty.
“Aww, princess,” Tony mockingly cooed. “Do you want me to fix it?”
You breathed, “Yes, sir.”
His cock pressed against your entrance. “I have such a desire for you… to inhale every part of you.”
“I want you to, sir.”
Tony chuckled against your neck before nipping, causing you to whimper at the pinch. “I know, princess. And that’s what I crave. I’m just simply obsessed with you, kitten.”
You woke up to tapping on your face.
Xavier chortled when you startled awake. “Hello, darling,” he crooned.
You slapped his hand away, “Jesus, you creep. Couldn’t you have just gotten out of bed quietly and ordered breakfast?”
“Oh, I did that,” Xavier told you and you scowled, grabbing the blanket to try to yank it over your head. “But I also ordered you some blueberry pancakes!”
At the mention of them, you stilled. Muttering angrily, you threw the blanket back and grabbed your phone, checking the time. It was only 9:30am. You had only been asleep for a few hours at best. When Xavier had picked you up, you had turned your phone back on airplane mode to prevent seeing whatever texts Tony was going to be sending and any calls. You switched it off and surprisingly saw there was only one text from him. He had tried to call a couple of times but he had not left any more voicemails. He was probably testing to see if your phone was back on or not.
Tony, 4:42am
I don’t know what you’re hoping to accomplish from this other than pissing me off.
You sighed as you got out of bed, padding to the bathroom, taking your phone with you.
Xavier called from the bed, “They said less than a half hour!”
“Noted,” you returned coming to the tub and turning it on. You placed your phone on the counter and began getting undressed.
Kicking your feet up, you relaxed back into the tub. It was so warm, and you settled back in further, a smile coming across your face. There was nothing a hot bath could not soothe. You had been bruised up on your ass too many times to not know that.
Your phone rang and you groaned, knowing who it was. You sunk beneath the water, holding your breath. You could not even have one damn bath…
Footsteps echoed into the bathroom and you opened your eyes seeing Xavier peering at your phone on the counter.
You were out of the water in a second, telling him before your ears had even cleared, “Xavier, don’t—”
He had already pressed answer and held the phone up to his ear much to your horror. You could only hear his side of the conversation.
“Hello? Who’s this? Oh, you must be Tony. A friend.”
“Xavier!” you hissed. “Hang the fuck up!”
“Hmm, no. I don’t think you can talk to her. She’s busy.” Xavier paused and then shrugged as if Tony could see him. “I don’t know. She handed me the phone and she left when she saw it was you calling.”
You mouthed, “Too much!”
Xavier ignored you. “I told you she left. She doesn’t want to talk to you. Are you deaf? I already told you that.”
You were leaning halfway out of the tub damn near at this point, your hands gripping the side of the tub. “Too. Much!” you hissed at him.
“Again, I told you. She left. Don’t know where. She was wearing something pretty skimpy though.”
You were crawling out of the bath by this point and Xavier took a few steps back, a playful smile on his face. He had no idea what he was doing. And it was your damn fault by not explaining anything about who Tony was to him before this. All he knew of Tony was that he was a billionaire and your husband. He did not know his mafia ties or the nature of your relationship with him.
“Hmm, apparently I’ve overstayed my welcome. Anyways, if you want to have this convo again, let me know!” Xavier said into the phone, speaking louder with every word practically. As if Tony was trying to yell over him and Xavier was ignoring him. “Bye now!”
A pet peeve of Tony’s was being spoken over. Another was having someone else play with his toy, which was no doubt the thought going through his mind right now because he had no idea who Xavier was. Great.
“Xavier!” you exploded, standing in front of him naked, water dripping onto the floor.
“Yes? And can you put a towel on?” he asked as he placed your phone down on the counter.
You exclaimed, “That was too much! Why didn’t you listen to me and hang up the phone?” You really were worried.
He was unperturbed by your outburst though, shrugging as you snatched a towel and wrapped it around yourself. “As you told me multiple times! And cause it was funny.”
“Do you know what he would do to you if he knew who you were? No one talks to him like that!” You added for good measure. “Especially when it comes to me.”
“Well, he hasn’t let you see me in over a year!” Xavier pouted. You exhaled sharply. It was true… you only traveled when Tony permitted it. You had not been back home in such a long time. “He deprived me of you. He deserved being left behind. Didn’t you say so?”
“That I did. But next time, let me answer,” you poked him roughly on the nose. To give some insight into your relationship, you told him, “Daddy likes hearing my voice, especially when he’s in the state he’s in. Do you understand me?”
“’Daddy’?” Xavier asked, looking put off.
“Yes, he’s quite good at keeping me in line.” Xavier cocked an eyebrow and then burst out laughing. You shrugged, “Most of the time. I’m usually well behaved for him. He just made me mad.”
“I’m getting some very… dom/sub vibes here.”
“Hmm, that does shed some light on why you’re so mad about that call then.”
“Yeah, you fuck!” you told him, slapping his arm.
“Well, you’ll just get some spankings.”
“I hope that’s the only thing that happens, you dick,” you snapped, seriously.
“Maybe some orgasm denial for his little… babygirl? Princess?” Xavier grinned broadly when he saw your eyes widen at the name. You slapped his arm again, harder this time, and he laughed, pulling away from you. “Is that what he calls you?”
You huffed as you got back into the tub and admitted, “Maybe.” You leveled him with a glare and said, “I’m serious though. Don’t answer the phone again. He’s already mad at me.”
Tony had cracked his phone protector with how hard he had slammed it down on the counter after that little prick – whoever he was – had hung up on him. A million, jealous thoughts were running through his mind. Y/N was off with some other man up in Seattle – he had seen the hotel pending charge this morning when he had woken up from his short sleeping stint. She was pregnant with his goddamn kid for fucks sake, and she had the audacity to sleep with someone else.
That was something he could not abide. This was too far.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
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kennyomegasweave · 2 years
I watched episodes 7-12 of TharnType in one go. I love this show. I will hear no criticisms. It was straight up soap opera trash and I got my entire life.
Type needs so much therapy. Just so much. Baby. He just needs so much help. Out here whole ass dating a man and being homophobic af. My dear sweet child.
Champ wearing a shirt that says I Am Basic when he's turning Mai down. Damn the women just could not catch a break in this show. Just catching strays left and right.
"Do you seriously think I'd tell him we're together?" Oh baby. I get you have issues but that's just not a nice thing to say to your boyfriend. But also like this whole conflict, like Tharn baby you're right and valid but also you're dating a man so deep he's in Narnia, what did you think would happen?
Tharn baby. Just tell him you don't like raw food. Oh love.
Why the HELL is Thorn still hanging out with this guy that is like "I miss the 14 year old you I fucked at school." Thorn, you are not passing the literal bro code.
I would die for Techno. The boy just does not know how to be silent. Just out here saying everything in his mind. No situational awareness.
Not Type out here scalping his friends for dragging Tharn for being rich. That is His Boyfriend okay. Also not Type out here being so emotionally constipated he can't even say happy birthday to his boyfriend but he can get mad at his friends for indirectly dragging his man. Oh baby boy.
Not Type's present to Tharn being an entire gift box of condoms. Type really had sex with Tharn once and then straight up stayed gagging for it for the rest of his life. I like that about him.
Techno just be out here blabbing everyone's secrets. He is THE main character okay.
Tharn must really want to die though cause he knows Type is like a jealous ball of rage and he's like oh hey here's my ex let's let them meet. I know he didn't want to see San but still. Baby even calling like oh hey I can't go out anymore sorry would be better than that.
NOT TECHNO INVITING SAN ALONG. He really has no situation awareness at all. How does the boy even survive the day. Oh my GOD. No situational awareness whatsoever. He's so dumb. I would die for him.
Oh this man. I want to scalp him. I already wanted to scalp him for being 17 and fucking a 14 year old so badly he never bottoms again. But now I'm like oh you bitch. Why the hell do faulty ass people stay surrounding Tharn.
I'm sorry Type calling Tharn a shitty boyfriend cause he's like finally mad at Type's shitty behavior. The audacity of this boy. He is such a brat. I see why Tharn loves him.
Thorn really is like a bad brother I'm sorry. "You let me punch you so it's fine you fucked my 14 year old brother in a classroom." Thorn. No. Absolutely not.
Type baby. Kneeing Tharn in the dick is a self own. Now you're both not getting any. It hurt itself in it's confusion.
Type looking at Thanya like he's never seen a child before. Now he has to have dinner with the family. The poor boy is the having the most awkward dinner. I am dying.
Techno's shirt says "I'm a boy not a toy" and Techno is THE main character okay. Every time he's on my screen I am just so thrilled.
Oh the trife one has shown up. "Remember when your photo was posted all online calling you a homophobe." I see you villain!
I mean, y'all. Techno is right there! Y'all. But I get it. If my musician man said I was his most cherished instrument I'd jump his bones too. Also like Type baby you fucked your boyfriend in the same room as Techno. Of course he heard you. I love one horny dumbass.
Also okay wait Tharn was like "I wanna tell Lhong we're together but only if you're okay with it" but he invited him to their place with one bed. My dude. My guy. There's one bed.
Lhong really needs to be gone. This evil villainous music. You can tell this is a trife ass bitch.
Oh no baby, you don't go through your man's phone. That's never a good thing. Just ask baby.
I know this baby has trauma but I'm really like about to throw hands with a 13 year old. OH NO TYPE. You can pinpoint the exact minute his heart breaks. You can also pinpoint the moment he decides to make a bad decision out of anger. Oh this is gonna hurt.
I'm sorry it just hit me that Tharn was really fucking his bandmate's baby brother. Like way to go off code like a motherfucker dude. My god. Like that was a child and your bandmate's baby brother! A whole mess. Why is Tharn's life so messy. I know he's a gay slut by my god man.
Techno really is absolutely terrible at keeping a secret.
Type is now also on the "nearly threw hands with a 13 year old" train and I can't be mad at him for that one.
I do feel really bad for Tharn but I also like feel so bad for Type. Like he's homophobic af cause his trauma but then falls in love with a dude and now he is being played by a Master Manipulator in this trifling ass bitch.
Not shitfaced Type being furious about Tharn but still cuddling his face. And doing all that in front of Lhong's bitch ass. Seethe hoe.
"You're awful." I love you. As I said in my first 6 episodes thoughts. they are a Ludo song.
Oh I wanna punch Lhong in the face so badly. I AM ALSO GOING TO THROW HANDS WITH A 13 YEAR OLD. Okay I no longer want to punch the baby because logically I know he's a victim of the master scammer herself, but I still want to punch Lhong in the face. I CANNOT wait for him to get wrecked.
"But I didn't do anything." Oh Tharn baby. My baby boy. This whole scene. Damn. I know how it ends up but like my baby is begging on his knees and my other baby is ugly crying. I'm glad I know what happens because I would have been PISSED if I had no knowledge. Straight up pissed. He is just crying oh the ground. Like goddamn.
Lhong just went on his villainous monologue. Sis is crazy crazy. Which we already knew but that train has gone off the rails. Oh damn we had a whole breakdown of Tar and Tum and now we've cut back to Lhong still delusional monologuing to no one. I love this show. I love this show so much.
Okay at least Thorn is there for Tharn. I still side eye the shit out of him for staying friends with San, but I'll allow it.
Lhong can't even stop his talking aloud when he's in Tharn's house. This crazy train has gone fully off the rails baby. I can't decide if Thorn is picking up on the BATSHIT INSANE vibes Lhong is giving off and is like "let me be nice to this insane man before he kills us all" or if he's genuinely like "wow such a good friend." Because, let's be real, it's not like he knows about good friends.
Lhong really has gone and lost his damn mind. Punch him Tae! Kick his ass! Song baby you should have let him catch that fade.
Lhong has LOST HIS DAMN MIND. How can you be dickmatized if you never even got the dick? How sad.
Aww, Type really loves the hell out of Tharn cause he's like "he might not take me back, but then he'll go be happy with Tar" and that's love baby.
I absolutely adore the random piece of concrete just right there in the road. The drama of it all. This young man playing Lhong is kinda amazing though cause he is GIVING IT. He is straight up batshit insane delusional.
I'm sorry Type's face during Lhong's complete break with reality is like just amazing. He is just straight up disgusted.
Techno once again saving the day and getting everyone to leave while holding on to both Tharn and Type. That's the realest of the reals right there. That's my boy. Champ, you get a gold friendship card as well. Those are some real ass friends.
Like okay this is a nice scene with Lhong and his sister but like he had a 16 year old gang raped. I'm for letting him die. Straight up. I'm Pro Lhong Death.
They've been together for like a semester and a half and are like we will be together the rest of our lives. And I mean. They end up married so they were right. I love dramatic gays.
Lhong didn't need to show up for this I'm sorry no one heard or cared about. Sorry I'm not sorry, he deserved to get wrecked way more. I didn't need his emotional catharsis.
Tharn singing a whole ass love song about how he wants Type to be his last first kiss in a bar of their friends, so I'm guessing everyone knows now? I still go back to my initial "what was their thought process of getting a studio with one bed if they were a secret couple?" But I know I will never get answers.
Overall, I really liked it. Like. So much. Was it "problematic?" Yes. But I don't watch things for perfect fluff, I'd go to hallmark for that. I will hear nothing bad about this show and I can't wait until I have time for s2 even though everyone says it sucked. I know Type becomes a monk at some point??? What the fuck is this show even. I'd die for it.
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otterskin · 4 years
Dumb Details From the Loki Trailer I noticed but then got too serious about
First - apparently it’s not a trailer, so I guess we’ll get ‘Trailer 1′ later? ‘Exclusive Clip’ hardly seems accurate, but hey, I’m not Disney’s marketing division. I wouldn’t live in a shoebox if I was.
Dumb detail no. 1:
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Owen Wilson’s jacket is...weird. Look closely.
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And another shot:
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Yeah...his jacket has a ‘reversed collar’. It’s a cut-out rather than cloth folding on top. Huh. What a strange design choice. What could it mean?
I’ve no idea, but that I watched the trailer enough times to notice this should concern you.
Detail No. 2
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In this scene, we see what we can presume to be President Loki’s ‘Throne’. Notice the candy-canes. This is a Santa Claus throne, presumably from some mall Santa. This whole place might be in a mall, judging by the stuff in it.
But the Loki in this shot is not President Loki. Notice that he’s wearing brown pants, a thin brown tie, and the beige shirt he’s seen wearing in other parts of the trailer after he's apparently joined the TVA. President Loki wears black pants, a green vest and a wide green tie with a golden clip that resembles Loki’s little chevron he always has (more on that later).
So it would seem that Loki might meet President Loki here. President Loki might even be addressing him at the end of the trailer. It’s possible that his minions turn on him because there’s two Lokis and they don’t know which is the ‘imposter’. 
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Speaking of, there’s a minion with bicycle handlebars grafted to a football helmet here, likely meant to resemble Loki. I dig it. There’s also cans of food scattered among the rubbish here. Makes sense that food production is non-existent since everyone has resorted to wearing license plates and spoons. Love how tattered the whole aesthetic is.
This reminds me of the opening Michael Waldron’s script ‘Worst Guy of All Time’, which featured a similar post-apocalyptic setting after the ‘worst guy’ ruins everything and makes himself king of the ashes. That’s likely what’s happened here, but I hope that Loki isn’t anything like Logan Paul, who was the inspiration for that title character.
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Ah, the mysterious female character watching a meteor shower WAY TOO CLOSE UP. But my eyes are drawn to one thing...
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What is that oblong object with a shiny handle? Could it be...
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A sword? I do love swords. Did you know there’s a bunch of pictures of me in the stock photos for ‘Fencing?’ That’s my cred for loving swords.
I suspect that this female character will be an amalgamation of Amora (shudder) and Sylvie and an alternate Loki of some kind. This sword is currently in her possession, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it or another timeline version of it becomes the Loki Show’s Loki′s weapon. 
Loki has lacked a ‘weapon of his own’ in the MCU for quite some time. I mean, yes, he has his little knives, but they are many and disposable and something he chose for himself, rather than the two legendary weapons wielded by Odin and Thor, Gungnir and Mjolnir. In fact, throughout his appearances, Loki has seemed to want such a thing of his own - he briefly had Gungnir, and then the Gungnir-like scepter, and even tried to lift Mjolnir.
One might ask why Odin would’ve overlooked such an obvious show of favouritism. Why give Thor a storied weapon and leave Loki empty-handed? Heck, even Hela had the Necroblade.
In Thor 1, we might’ve assumed that the Casket of Ancient Winters was perhaps intended one day to be given to Loki, as it is shown with Mjolnir in the Vault and thus connected to it and the children who would inherit it.  But in the comics, Odin did have another weapon of storied history put away for his second son: Gram the Sword.
It was locked for eons by Odin in a special vault which required five keys to be opened, and it was meant to be for Loki if he be worthy.[2] The five keys were infused by Odin with the powers of "journeys", "endurance", "secrets", "new beginnings", and "brotherhood", respectively.[3]
The sword, like everything else in comics, has a complicated history full of take-backs and twists, but let’s just leave it at ‘it’s a representation of Loki’s worthiness and belonging in the trifecta with Odin and Thor as a King of Asgard’. It gives him ‘equality’.
In the original mythology, it’s wielded by Sigurd to kill the dragon Fafnir, and the only relation it has to Loki is that Loki is partially responsible for Fafnir existing in the first place (my username is nod to this myth by the by. Sorry Ottär.) But hey, maybe that means we’re getting a dragon? The Fafnir would be very cool.
Or it could just be a bit of rebar in this mining quarry.
Then again...it appears somewhere else...
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It’s easier to see in motion, but that’s a sword swinging on this person’s back.
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So the hooded figure is this lady...shall we call her Amylkie? Does that mean she’s the antagonist of this show? Well...maybe, but I suspect the true antagonist is foreshadowed here  -
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So, what’s going on here? A young girl (Young Amylkie? Some other TVA prisoner that the guard is watching over? An oracle, A Norn, or a kid who wandered off from the tour group in a basilica somewhere?) She’s giving Mobius M. Mobius a...piece of chocolate. Maybe he saw a Dementor, I dunno. I suspect it’ll be a MacGuffin of some kind later. He looks pretty concerned here, which contrasts with his ‘another day at the office’ blaséness when dealing with Loki. But of course this is the eye-catcher:
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So, Norse Mythology. It’s been Christiannized. You can thank Snorri Sturluson for that, but you can google all about him later. Let’s just say that he made many Norse figures into equivalents for Christian ones. Baldur is Jesus, pure and a sacrificial lamb who dies for a greater good. And the devil is...Loki. Something the Marvel comics and the MCU have continued.
Here we have a devil, dressed in green and with a distinct shape on his chest:
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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Ah. I’d say that cinches it. This is meant to be Loki. If you look at the devil’s hair, it also resembles Loki’s, being shoulder-length and black.
So, what’s devil-Loki doing? Laying an egg? Trying out a foot massager? For a second I thought it was a moon, but we see the moon over his left shoulder, amongst the stars. Which means this is - probably the Earth.
...Dammit; I live there.
So Earth is barren and being devoured by flames, likely caused by this Loki sitting atop of it (in a throne, no less). Aw gee, things look pretty bad, don’t they?
But wait - what’s that? Under the Earth (and, possibly, under the earth)?
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It’s a plant. A shoot, to be exact.
Back to Ragnarok for a second. Ragnarok isn’t the apocalypse (something we see a lot of in this trailer - all of it seems to be exploring the end of days). Ragnarok is the fire meant to wipe out the old and fertilize the ground for the new. And after the gods have died, what happens? Well, Baldur emerges from Hel, one of the only surviving gods (hmm, seems him dying worked out, didn’t it?). He’s joined by Líf and Lífþrasir, who are the new first man and woman, who’s names mean ‘Life’ and who are pictured, usually, with plants and new life. It is they who are tasked who growing a new Yggdrasil after the destruction of the old. The previous first man and woman are Ask and Embla, meaning Ash Tree and Vine/Elm tree, so there’s a theme there. 
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So a new sprout, possibly a tree, growing out of the destruction of the old.
This fits with Loki’s role as understood in mythology. He checks the arrogance of the gods, including when they tried to achieve immortality (sorry, Baldur, nothing personal), and that keeps the gods at their best. After Loki is imprisoned, the gods become weak, unhelpful and foolish, and Yggdrasil starts to rot. Eventually Loki escapes and returns along with Surtur (who also resembles this figure) to burn it all to the ground. This is also referenced in Thor:Ragnarok, with Loki releasing Surtur in the Vault, a place of thematic importance to Loki and one that represents the hidden secrets and sins of Asgard). You could say Ragnarok continued into Infinity War, where Loki played an important part in aiding Thanos’ destruction, giving up the stone to protect his brother and essentially dooming the rest of the universe - but also ultimately leading to its salvation, even if, like Myth Loki, he wasn’t around to see it.
So, we see Amylkie literally start a fire in the trailer -
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- in fact, this whole trailer is awash in flame -
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It’s fire, fire everywhere and she’s setting them!
It’s possible Amylkie’s our big bad, but I think there’s a chance she’s either a red herring, or, much like how Loki ‘worked’ with Thanos in The Avengers, she is the pawn of a greater foe -
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  - a Loki bent on destruction, for some reason or other. The TVA is obviously aware that this is the case, and it seems like they might be trying to ‘fight fire with fire’ by enlisting one Loki to combat another. The villain could be President Loki, since there's evidence of 2 Lokis in that scene - or maybe that's one of many Lokis, and the Big Bad Loki is being played by Hugh Grant as Old Loki. In any case, it would appear that Loki will be coming face-to-face with the worst versions of himself, and many of them. And, if I’m right about this scene:
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...Loki will likely eventually discover that even his ‘good’ timeline ended in the destruction of his people and home, plus his own gruesome and torturous death. Although I think the TVA will keep that from him, and just show him the happy parts in an effort to inspire ‘good behaviour’. Until Loki inevitably discovers the rest of how that timeline played out and realize he’s been lied to. I don’t imagine he’ll take that very well...
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Damn, even our ‘hero’ Loki is burning stuff down! Does this mean that Loki is doomed, always meant to be an avatar of death and toasty destruction?
Well...let’s go back to that stained glass.
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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And there’s something else...the bottom of the Earth is being lit up, and not by fire. Light appears to be coming off this little plant.
What colour is this plant again? That’s right, green. Green is the colour of new life and growth and change and...hang on, I’ve heard that before, too...
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Hang on hang on HANG ON... let me have a look at the shape again.
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That’s...a letter. An L? For Loki? Like in the title sequence?
Wait...no, a different letter. An older letter. After all, Loki is old Norse. How do you spell his name in that again?
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ᛚ��ᚲ ᛁ -
And ENHANCE on that third letter!
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This, my friends, is a Kenaz/Kaunaz, or what would become 'K' in our alphabet. It is also known as the 'Loki Rune' (and the Ulcer Rune, for some reason. I suspect Odin understands why). It’s used to spell his name, but is also used on his own to represent him. Heck, it's even his Superman 'S' in the comics:
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Runes are more than letters - they are symbols for concepts. So what else does it mean?
Primarly, it means ‘torch’.
And also ‘knowledge’ (ken). As well as ‘growth, change, the search for truth, decay, arrogance, elitism, feminine, kinship and creativity.’
...Okay, that’s a lot, but you have to admit it fits.
More specifically, it means ‘Mastery of the Fire’. As in, someone who has learned to tame fire so that it is helpful, not harmful. To bring light and, symbolically, knowledge.
There’s another way Loki’s been associated with fire - in the Wagner Ring Cycle, Das Rheingold, the opera that inspired much the Thor films’ aesthetic and certainly their helmets, Loki is called ‘Loge’, which means ‘Fire’. He’s usually dressed to match, too -
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Many trickster figures are associated with fire. They are usually called ‘Fire-bringers’ - See: Raven, Lucifer, Prometheus, etc. They are often complex figures with a foot in different worlds, but who nonetheless help mankind with the gift of ‘fire’ - although they usually pay for it, and tend to be self-destructive.
(Side note. Lucifer means light-bringer, which is what luciferase is named after. Because it glows. Which is helpful in labs. In case someone needed to know that.)
Moving from a destructive fire-starter to a fire-bringer seems like a great character arc for Loki to take, especially given his rehabilitation in pop culture, the comics, and even wider culture. Loki has gone from being seen as an evil, deviant, destructive character to one who’s seen as a patron of the arts and creativity, of stories rather than lies. Heck, some scholars of Norse Mythology even posit that he’s the closet thing to a protagonist Norse Mythology has, so I guess that backfired, Snorri!). Being dressed in green and with the sprout clearly also being stylized after his Kaunaz, there’s foreshadowing that he’ll be capable of growing good things even out of ashes.
So, to sum up: Being ‘Satan’ sounds pretty bad, but with a little letter re-arranging like we see in the title sequence, you can be...
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...practically a saint. Maybe even a saviour.
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Merry Christmas, everybody.
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