#literally keep thinking like oh damn. it’s Done. that’s so wild
howldean · 8 months
hey, don’t cry. top surgery forever, ok?
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sadandyetverysexy · 1 year
Dp x Dc au: Normal is Good
Okay so hear me out— i see lots of “you can’t control Danny he’s a wild child” premises and like, I agree, I love that, but JUST hear me out. Danny who is just entranced by being treated like a NORMAL KID.
I think for best results this should be done with de-aged Danny so he’s a bit younger, but it can def work with regular Danny too.
Danny winds up running around Gotham for one reason or another doing INSANE SHIT to try and help or just survive and his family is out of the way. The explosion, Bad Fentons, etc— and one of the bats picks up Danny. This can be a dad!Jason, or dad!Dick, or classic Bruce Adoption. But they see this little shit running around and are like “no fucking way, not on my watch you little maniac”
Now, a lot of people use the “Jazz practically raised Danny” card, and I love that card and fully support it, but she was also a kid. With no other parents to consult. Who was raised by the Fentons originally and def has no clue what normal parents are like. So she probably didn’t exactly measure up to how a kid is MEANT to be raised. So Danny still had an incredibly strange childhood that just was Not Normal, but I feel like we see Danny with a deep desire to be normal. He doesn’t even really like being a superhero that much, he just wanted to be a kid.
So he gets bat adopted, and Danny is just functioning how he did growing up with the Fentons, which is No Restrictions Do What You Want. And then his bat dad (using Jason for this) is like “No. It’s Bed Time.” And Danny. Danny is ALL for that. He’s bewildered. Mystified. He’s not grumpy about being told what to do at ALL, because he’s just so shocked.
“You’re serious? You’re fucking dead-ass serious? It’s bed time? Oh my god this is so cool. I’ve never had a bed time before! This is great!” Because this is the first time he’s EVER been treated like a normal child by a parental figure. He just got sent to bed. Wow.
Having a parent who is in charge of keeping him healthy and actually enforces Danny taking care of himself is kind of cool.
“Eat your vegetables, they’re good for you.” And they won’t try to eat him back? Fuck yeah, he’ll eat his vegetables!
“No you aren’t allowed to go out at 2 in the morning, go back to bed, you have a doctors appointment for your yearly checkup tomorrow.” oh ancients, Danny has always heard other kids complain about not being allowed out at night, but to have himself told he can’t? This is so weird. And he’s never been to a yearly check up before!
“Brush your teeth before bed” “I can’t get cavities, I’m dead!” “Ya know, for some reason I don’t believe you. When was the last time you went to the dentist? Are you sure you can’t get them?” Danny has 7 cavities.
The first time Danny gets to actually use the “my dad said No” excuse, he is ECSTATIC. Jack and Maddie have LITERALLY never told him he can’t go out somewhere. Ever. He’s in a whole new world where he doesn’t have to fight ghosts, or be a hero, or anything and he loves it. He has a normal kids room without deadly weapons in it and normal kid hobbies and a fridge full of normal food and a parent who enforces a bed time, and it’s weird as hell and it’s great. Normal is pretty damn good, he has no clue what Sam and Tucker were always complaining about. Shits sweet.
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miss-tc-nova · 1 month
Big Kitty and the Ducks - Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Going for a straightforward title today.
Anyway, a couple months ago, when I visited my family, someone brought miniature ducks and hid them everywhere, so my brother and I had fun finding and re-hiding them. It got kinda silly but that's the inspiration for this nonsense.
Premise: Ducks are infesting the school and Leona's not thrilled
Words: 1,314
               Huffing, the lion turns his gaze away from the front of the class to the windowsill. It takes all of a single second to spot the little round body and bright orange beak basking in the sunlight.
               What the fuck?!
               There’s been a wild phenomenon emerging at Night Raven College in the form of water fowls the size of marbles. These miniscule birds have been popping up literally everywhere. Light switch: duck. Commons potted plant: duck. Potion vial: duck. Spelldrive goal: duck. Ceiling: duck. Duck duck duck! Hell, he even found a duck in the soap dispenser in the bathroom.
               And the whole damn school was fascinated.
               It started out with a handful of birds being found around the campus. Students laughed and collected them, but then more appeared the following day and then the next. Soon, it became a whole thing that ducks found were to be documented on magicam and relocated to another, equally ridiculous location.
               Yet while the rest of the school seemed fascinated by their sudden arrival, Leona is getting sick of seeing the little, yellow demons. Even his usually blunt, brutish dorm were enjoying the duck hunt. He can’t even begin to count the number he’s spotted in his dorm alone and it’s annoying.
               “Yo, Leona.”
               As class lets out, Leona finds his gold-digging hyena waiting for him in the cafeteria. The underclassman places a tray on a table, having already obtained the lion’s lunch for him.
               “How’d history go? Get a decent grade on that exam?”
               A fork stabs at the cut of beef. “If yer looking for next year’s answers, forget it. Trein didn’t let us keep the graded copies.”
               “Damn,” he sighs. “I didn’t really expect the exams to be the same, but an old exam would’ve been good study material.”
               “Sounds like more hassle collecting old assignments than just doing the work.”
               “You’d be surprised. Some of your second-year assignments are the exact same as this year’s.” The sophomore’s smug demeanor turns suddenly distracted. “Oh look, a duck!”
               With a toothy grin, Ruggie plucks the trinket from the table center piece. As he does, he apparently notices Leona’s annoyance and offers his finding.
               “What? You wanna take ‘im?”
               “Get that stupid thing away from me,” Leona growls back.
               “Ooo, spicy. Shishishishi.” He earns a glare. “I figured you wouldn’t be into it, but I didn’t think you’d care enough to hate it.”
               There’s a pause. Then another laugh escapes the younger student.
               “Especially for a guy who has one in his hair.”
               Leona’s eyes widen, his mouth pursing to contain the shock and fury. He’s lying—Ruggie must be lying.
               With that devious smirk, the second year gently tugs at one of his housewarden’s braids. There, wrapped into his hair with his hairtie, is one of those stupid, yellow, unassuming, miniature, goddamn ducks.
               Exhaling all his indignant fury, Leona rises. Not another word leaves his clenched jaw as he promptly leaves, ignoring all questions. From the cafeteria the lion stalks, in search of the one single individual who could’ve done this. Other students quickly clock in to the dark aura and provide a wide berth on his path. His rage leads Leona from the main building of the college down to the little rundown dorm tucked neatly in the shadows of the castle. A swift kick slams open the front door but no one is there to greet him. At least not until half of the dorm’s residents come rushing in from the kitchen.
               “Leona? What’s wrong?”
               “C’mere,” he demands, closing the gap himself.
               The Ramshackle prefect goes tense at his quick approach. A hasty hand takes hold of that adorable face, fingers pressing into the soft flesh of the cheeks.
               Low, dark, Leona’s voice rumbles. “It was you, wasn’t it?”
               The response is somewhat muffled. “Huh?”
               “You did this—you started this stupid duck thing, didn’t you.”
               Recognition sparks. “How did you find out?”
               Eyes narrowing, Leona shows the figure wrapped up in his hair. A smile works across warped lips. Despite Leona’s ire, the prefect giggles, thoroughly pleased with the ordeal.
               “Where the hell did you even get that many ducks?” he snaps, not even bothering to ask why
this whole thing even started to begin with.
               Of course it was Sam.
               “You menace.” With a growl, Leona pushes the magicless student back a step. “Now fix it.”
               Eyes roll, smile still intact, while the student motions towards the sofa. The grumpy lion flops onto the couch, his head falling into the lap of the offender, as had occurred some few times before.
               Fingers play with the end of the braid. “I wondered when you would notice.”
               Huffing, Leona elects not to engage in this line of conversation.
               “It’s only been there a week.”
               Eyes snap open, his body goes rigid, lips purse, and ears flatten. There’s no way he went a whole week with this damn bird tied into his hair, mocking his disdain for the frivolity. That giggle burns in his ears for more reasons than one.
               “I found this giant bag of little ducks at Sam’s a couple weeks ago. At first, I was just using them to bug the other first years, but I didn’t expect the whole school to get in on it. You should’ve seen Sebek’s face when he found one stuck to Hornton’s horn. Of course, I asked first and he was happy to be part of the fun, but man was Sebek mad. And Ace freaking biffed it when he spotted the one I stuck to the basketball hoop. That was funny. And—”
               As the prefect prattles on about misadventures, Leona feels all the tension seeping from his muscles. Yes, the ducks were still stupid and, yes, they infested the school like locusts, but it was harmless after all.
               And it made the prefect happy.
               “And oh my gosh, I think it was Jade who managed to put one on Crowley’s hat! It’s been there for like a month and—”
               Leona’s interruption silences the freshman.
               “You done yet?”
               “Oh, one sec.” The end of the braid is tied with the golden tie. “There.”
               Before he can sit up, the prefect reaches down, placing the damned bird on his chest, staring him down with its stupid, unblinking eyes. Sneering, Leona swats the plastic from his shirt and sits up. It clatters across the floor, making its way somewhere beneath the coffee table.
               “Aww. Oh well. Guess Grim will get to find that one.”
               Leona’s nose scrunches at some pungent scent wafting in. “What’re you burning?”
               “THE COOKIES!”
               The prefect could almost apply for the track and field club for the speed used to rush back to the kitchen.
               Now on his own, Leona simply sits in the Ramshackle commons, his thoughts slowly wandering beneath the table. A string of curses slips his lips as he gets to the floor, feeling around under the table until he finds the figure. He scrutinizes the trinket in his fingers before his gaze begins scouring the room. The chandelier finally holds his gaze long enough for a quirk to tug at the corner of his mouth.
               With a steady hand and careful concentration, the flightless bird levitates its way to its new nest on the light fixture. Surely, it’ll be weeks before anyone finds it there.
               The lion’s admiration is snapped by the return of the prefect.
               “Good news! I saved them!”
               “Aren’t you supposed to be having lunch?”
               “Hey, do you want a cookie or not?”
               A brow quirks but Leona accepts a treat from the offered plate. “Might as well. It’s your fault I’m missing lunch.”
               “Nothin’.” Turning on heel, he heads for the door.
               “Wait! What did you say?!”
               His back to the prefect, Leona smirks to himself.
               “That furball’s never gonna find that duck.”
Just some pics of our fun we had
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cator99 · 12 days
The conversation went like this: general pleasantries followed by her being like I'm so relieved you reached out to me because I really just want to have a more positive relationship with all of you guys and I know how annoying it is when a landlord isn't able to deal with things in a timely manner I get it I'm a renter too... i get the sense that, just as i had over-prepared for the conversation, she had over-prepared to apologize for the fact that the basement bathroom has a recurring leak issues that get patched up and then continue to cause issues meanwhile she's literally going through a divorce and has to keep postponing because she wants to be there when the repair dudes come to make sure they're doing their job properly but she has a big trial coming up and had to put it off by another week, it's really no big deal tbh... I assured her that she's been doing a fantastic job at staying on top of things and communicating with us oh my fucking god okay new girl is banging that fugly creepy white boy she keeps bringing over so god damn loud l cant wait for her to gtfo anyways yeah so we basically just spent 10 minutes getting on the same page like we good we good she just wants to make sure that everyone is chill in the house and we had a really good talk about what we all want from this but TLDR once we got down to business it went like this:
Me: Pins Girl is the problem
Her: omg slay I fucking hate her please go on
Me: yaaaas she fucking sucks here's some tea sis....
Her: ok work so I'm not crazy for being like maddd uncomfortable around her like one time this thing happened...
Me: omg lol no seriously she's vile here's another wild example related to your anecdote....
Her: no way bestie she did that to me too. Just 0 to 100 in an instant I didnt even know what to do just being accused of every -ism under the sun
Me: yeah no that's just kind of how things go with her you cant get so much as an innocent Hello in without her immediately labeling it a hostile attack
Her: yas okay good riddance so what's the deal with this new girl she's her friend should I be concerned
Me: oh girl.......... so, no not really she's a sweetheart and also– thank god– fully employed. Absolutelyyy messy as hell tho so that's one of my biggest concerns. I think it would be best if you didn't add her to the lease no shade but she's really not a great fit since we're all older and chill and clean af
Her: ...and the rest of the concerns? Oh my god do you think [PG] will try to move back in if we decline her friend???
Me: no wayy she wants OUT out she's already got a new place lined up and her shit in boxes at the door waiting to be hauled off forever
Her: omg like. Far? Like is she moving far? Please tell me she's moving sooo far
Me: yes lmao dont even worry I dont know the exacts but it's nowhere even near here
Her: okay slayyyyy thank you for being dope as hell it's such a relief that this crazy person is gone so we can all just chilllll
Me: okay so about that
Her: ohhh no
Me: yes so you already know what we're dealing with. You know how she deemed me unworthy of being on speaking terms with her? I didn't mind that at all and really just kept tf to myself. Then suddenly she moves in this friend of hers and I just assumed this was done with some sort of approval from you, because that would be the normal thing to do.
Her: okay that's kind of wack, do you guys not like get a vote on these sorts of things
Me: I stayed out of it plus like I'm really not gonna start questioning her and risk putting myself in the line of fire and everyone is pretty much in that position as well
Her: omg no fr...
Me: so like I just kept to myself and my work without thinking about it... then I find out she was living here totally off the record when PG sent that email requesting that she be added to the lease. That's when the conversation opened up. And listen this new girl is super young super naive didnt realize that she was even doing anything wrong and then suddenly everyone's totally freaking out and realizing that this goes against the lease agreement and that if you find out, our ability to live here is jeopardized. She got us into hot water and then just... left us to deal with the consequences.
Her: she's still legally bound by the lease until it changes so if anything goes wrong she wont be escaping accountability no matter how many -isms she throws at me. I want this to work for all of us and we got this trust thang between us and I wouldn't evict you guys omg evictions are seriously sooo annoying and *most* of you have been great tenants especially (names everyone except for the unemployed ftm) they're all super chill and mature and we've had great conversations so yeah I'm just glad she's gone
Me: incredible yaas I love honesty. She has been actively impeding our ability to have a productive working relationship with you and each other it's so crazy
Her: literallyyyy😁🥂🔥yipeee
Me: yippee yaaaaay yay 😇☝️💯
Her: okay so my game plan is to interview the new girl irl like no zoom bs I really wanna read her vibes and decide if this is worth it... I'll give her a chance but if that doesn't work out... I mean... tee hee..... the yearly house inspection is coming up...
Me: ok that's so dope. She's gonna be moving upstairs once PG vacates so its gonna be pretty hard to hide the fact someone's right there even just doing a quick walk-through
Her: yeah so if things don't go well and I decide against putting her on the lease and they still don't admit to having her there then at least I can talk to them about it when the inspection happens and be chill about it and pretend like I totally had no idea. We can work something out as long as everything is good you know what I mean... okay if you need anything at all dont even hesitate to give me a call
Me: absolutely and if I have any updates I'll let you know ASAP, lmk if you need anything srsly I dont want to cause you any more stress like from what i understand you've had a stressful enough year
Her: yes good lord i have, thank you for being considerate..... seriously it's been hellish and this conversation has been such a relief
etc etc obviously the conversation was longer and more thorough but you get the gist. She's awesome. We hung up and I skipped my way to the grocery store
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archivist-the-knight · 7 months
hi. xiv analysis. i'm putting some stuff under the cut because that's all things relating to spoilers for the later half of the video jic.
firstly, xiv is a tiefling, but the exact tiefling subrace isn't specified in the video. i'd assume they're a Mephistopheles tiefling, given their appearance in game and the fact that meph tieflings are proficient in arcane magic. they're also known for being in more colder climates. i'll bring this up later.
they're a wild magic sorcerer, which is, in my opinion, super important to know to understand about their character. there's a multitude of ways I can describe it, but I think dnd 5e does a good job as it corresponds with Xiv's story. (link)
[Your innate magic comes from the wild forces of chaos that underlie the order of creation. You might have endured exposure to some form of raw magic, perhaps through a planar portal leading to Limbo, the Elemental Planes, or the mysterious Far Realm. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Or your magic could be a fluke of your birth, with no apparent cause or reason. However it came to be, this chaotic magic churns within you, waiting for any outlet.]
now. the spoilery content ^_^. also because this post is going to be like so long every kid with autism. [also very big warning for in-depth discussion of child abuse, particularly from a father, and the affects that has on said child. if you don't wanna read that part you don't have to]
xiv's father, even with the 13 other arcane batteries, is a very powerful man. he's a meph tiefling, giving him proficiency with arcane magic, and is probably a sorcerer like xiv. so, given that... the most logical explanation of xiv gaining the wild aspect of their magic is through enduring exposure to raw magic. Sure, it could potentially be "marked by a demon" given the fact they're a tiefling, but... Xiv's father isn't the best person.
bringing back the meph tieflings living in cold climates thing!! xiv mentioned they lived in a tower of sorts, far enough away where their father could keep them secluded. judging by the usage of negative space and scene layouts in their background animatic, we can retain the information that besides their father, they basically knew very little about the outside world growing up.
^^ tldr abt that. the animatic noticably gets more detailed as xiv both gets older and starts to doubt their father, and has its most detail when they have the wild magic explosion, and when they're escaping only to be put on the mindflayer ship ^_^.
anyway. with all of this to say, xiv's father is not a good man at all. he's done this 13 other times before getting to xiv, and didn't even give them an actual name. just the roman designation of it. he gave xiv a false, hopeful promise about how if they "honed their power, they could leave the tower", but fully intended to keep them there. it is slightly implied that their father got more abusive, more impatient and violent towards Xiv the more they messed up the more their magic lashed out even though it was wild by nature.
this is not good fatherly behavior!! telling them something that would never come true, especially basing it on their skill, they must have the worst damned imposter syndrome known to man!! second guessing themselves, thinking they're never good enough or having to check with the man who made that rule to see if anything they do is good... that isn't healthy!! that isn't a good thing to teach to your child!!
now back to xiv. that one "sex book" throwaway thing is brief but it says. so much about how xiv's father raised them?? i do not care if im looking too much into it but it literally implies that xiv just. doesn't know a lot about things beyond what their father's told them or what were in the books he probably gave them as a kid. combine that with the fact that they immeadily "push out" the mournful thoughts about rai's death to deal with "more important matters"... oh my god... they call me mx head of the xiv emotional support group... the ceo if you will...
and now... another important stepping stone to understanding xiv... rai's death.
first off xiv shapeshifting in the middle of the fight and going "no, not now, goddamnit-" its said in such a tone thats just so... not only is it because it's during such an important moment while they're fighting someone they consider a friend. it's almost as if they've been conditioned to believe that aspect of them isn't good. even though its what helps distract Rai so Tal can attack him. it's like they view it as something that needs to stop instead of something they can't control. which is. probably what their father saw it as! something that xiv needed to stop doing instead of honing to their abilities!
secondly... xiv is a sorcerer. you might be asking "eden!! weren't we just over this?" yeah but. rai... is also a sorcerer. he has the power to harness the storm. the first thing xiv says to rai during the fight is "you see, this is exactly why sorcerers shouldn't learn how to read! you always acted like you're so much better than me; we never should have trusted you!"
and that line in general. it's so. it's the last thing xiv says before rai dies. how did rai act like he was better than xiv? did they tell him this beforehand? is it something they kept locked up, never expressing until this moment? was it on purpose, or was it accidental? was it xiv, seeing rai do things they never learned how to do, and feeling jealous, angry, that he had a chance and they didn't? that rai got the joy of not knowing his parents, while xiv knew their father all too well?
and the sorcerer part... it's not only a dig at rai but themselves. they should've never learned how to read. they shouldn'tve been forced to spend ages in that library, learning spells and incantations instead of just trying to be a little kid. its so subtle yet it speaks so much about how xiv views themselves.
okay. that is basically it for canon stuff. this next part is headcanons/theories that i think are important for the discussion but aren't canon but. i still wanna yap <3
I think the tower/castle xiv grew up in is like, in a snowy mountain close to baldur's gate. it's quite the hike to get there and back but you can kind of see it through certain higher areas of the city. the tower is either positioned behind or to the side of the mountain. the side would be so evil because xiv seeing only a glimpse of the city...
i have this theory that xiv's father was a general or colonel for a war that tal was involved in, with tal's mother being a general as well. thus, i think xiv's only contact with people is either the other generals of this war, or their potential children that were brought over during the occasional meeting or dinner party. very vauge but regardless. smirks.
finally i think xiv was allowed out only on very slim occasions, usually when they begged their father hands and knees or when they did good on training. they were allowed to go with their father into the town of baldur's gate, but if they strayed from him they would be punished. severely. xiv usually went to bed that night hungry, in pain, but happy^_^
ok thats it for real. love peace and joy have a wonderful day <333
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ananxiousgenz · 6 months
ANOTHA ONE. i am so sorry guys, but the muse has possessed me and i literally cannot stop writing. this is no longer a flash fic. i am now a slave to the au. this time will be a direct continuation of part 3 because honestly i wanted to keep writing that but i also just wanted to post it so consider this a kind of part 2 to part 3 if that makes sense
tpp mutuals come get your juice!!! @smidgen-of-hotboy @ceaseless-watchers-special-girl @urjover @one-joe-spoopy @waters-and-the-wilde
when he said his name, juno heard it.
ringing in the background like the hum of a crystal wine glass.
the song.
when peter nureyev said his name, the song echoed with it.
"your name has the same melody," juno breathed, eye wide and searching for some kind of answers on the face of this strange, beautiful man. how could his name have the song of spring laced through it?
nureyev shot him a sideways look and took a sip of his drink. "so. what do you do for a living, lady who's going to marry me?" he questioned, leaning back in his chair and looking juno over with a gaze he could only describe as skeptical.
"oh! well, I work here at the bar with rita. she's over there. but you've met her already so I don't know why I'm introducing her."
rita gave a friendly wave from her perch behind the bar.
"I also, um. I, uh. I sing. sometimes. not all the time. i'm not bad at it. typically when I do sing, someone will give me a couple bucks. it's nice. oh, and uh, I can play guitar too, but I haven't done it in years, and to be honest, I don't really want to-"
nureyev cut juno off, looking away disinterestedly and downing the rest of his drink. "that's nice. so you're like all the other bar workers in existence. that doesn't exactly sound like something I'd want to marry."
suddenly, the butterflies that had been gradually building in juno's stomach began to unexpectedly drop dead.
"heyyyyyyy, that's not very nice, mista nureyev. mista steel isn't like all the otha ladies you eva met! he's a very supa awesome lady who I love workin' with and-oh oh oh! mista steel! you GOTTA tell him about that song you're workin' on! it's so pretty! and important! I'm sure mista nureyev would LOVE to hear about that!" rita cried, bounding off the bar and hustling over to deliver another drink to the table.
"oh, uh, yeah! I'm working on this song to bring spring back again," juno said, feeling mildly embarrassed that rita brought it up with this man who was still basically a total stranger. "it's not done, honestly, it needs a lot of work. but, when i'm finished with it, it will hopefully fix.....everything."
"wait just a moment." nureyev's brow furrowed and juno's stomach twisted at the sight. even when he was skeptical and defensive and bone-tired, he was still so damn attractive. gods, what juno wouldn't give to just kiss him right now- focus, steel, he's trying to talk to you-
"so you say this song will bring spring back again?"
"yup! at least it should."
"that's...." nureyev placed a finger over his lips in thought. "I haven't seen a proper spring in at least a decade, maybe more. the world has been so wrong in recent years... I shudder to think where it would all end up without the return of warmer weather."
"well, that's the idea with the song. I want to fix it. all of it. when the song is done it should put the world back on track. more sunshine, springs, falls, rain and flowers. you know. all the stuff that's just sort of been missing. maybe you could help me out with it!" juno grinned a bit sheepishly.
"and why would I want to help?" his eyes were cold, almost as cold as the biting wind and frost outside, but juno thought he saw the beginning of a thaw at the edges of his facade.
"because, mista nureyev. he's real good at makin' people feel like life is worth livin' again with that music of his. also, he makes the BEST chocolate cake i've eva had! and frannie agrees with me!" rita chimed in, cleaning the bar top as best she could with her short stature.
juno snorted involuntarily, marveling at rita's ability to constantly be focused on food. "it's true, I won a local competition a few years back for that cake."
nureyev's face had half a smile on it now, and the butterflies in juno's stomach turned into a hurricane.
"so you can make people feel alive again? that's quite a gift, juno. but what else can you offer me?"
"say, for example, if we were to get married. who would pay for the wedding rings? times have been hard, and gold is scarce. how would you do it?"
juno thought for a moment. "the rivers. they've got plenty of gold in them, and if my song works, they'll give it all to us for wedding rings."
nureyev's eyes glinted with something juno suspected was either curiosity or suspicion.
"what about a wedding feast? or a bed? good food and better beds are hard to come by these days. what would you do about that, juno?"
"the trees would take care of the wedding feast, and the birds would take care of the bed."
"with your song." nureyev cocked an eyebrow as though it was a question.
"well, yeah, of course."
"you talk a lot about that song. why don't you sing it for me?"
a wave of panic stuttered through juno's mind. "I can't. I told you it's not finished."
"you said you wanted to take me home and marry me, is that true?
a sly smile crossed nureyev's face, and goddammit it only made juno want him even more. "yes," he breathed.
"then sing the song for me, juno."
juno hesitated, then nodded in spite of himself. he shouldn't be doing this, he knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't help it.
he was in love.
and lovers need the spring like a flower needs sunshine. so he'd sing the sunshine back for peter nureyev.
he stepped back, breathed in, and let the notes flow from him like water from a faucet. the song flooded the room, hitting the walls and rushing back to his ears in perfect harmonies, and for a moment, he was back in that wheat field with benten, strumming guitar as he danced like a pheonix rising from the ashes, spinning around and around and around like he was the center of the universe.
and then the song ended. and juno was back in a shitty roadside bar, holding a perfect dahlia in his left hand, with peter nureyev staring at him now, eyes wide and sparkling.
"that's...... you...... how did you do that?" nureyev asked quietly, standing from the table on unsteady legs and taking the dahlia to examine it with shaking hands.
"i didn't do that, the song did," juno muttered as nureyev gently touched the immaculate petals of the dahlia, still damp with dew. rita beamed at juno from the bar and gave an overenthusiastic thumbs-up. juno just rolled his eyes again.
peter nureyev looked at him then, all of the previous frostiness gone from his eyes and something like amazement and love and hope spilling through them.
juno decided that he liked it when he looked like that. it made him feel like he really could fix the whole damn world with that song of his.
nureyev seemed to come to some sort of conclusion and slipped the dahlia into the buttonhole of his traveling coat. "so, what time does your shift end, my dear juno?"
juno thought for a minute. "uhhhh, the bar closes around 10. why?"
his eyes gleamed like a pair of stars as a smile twinkled on his lips. "didn't you say you were going to marry me?"
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 9
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 9 🥰🐞
A/N: What!!!! The horror!!! Brace yourselves, this one is wild! - Also side note - I've made a Spotify playlist, with all the songs of this series, I'll add the link... Much love, my bugsies 🥰🐞
Warnings: violence, horror, cold, swearing, gore, blood,🙈
Well out with it, you say with irritation in your voice. His eyes cold, when he says well you know your dear Sheriff Winchester, He's dead, laughter filling your ears, I have you all to myself now!
Not fully registering, what he just told you, his words swimming in your mind, trying to make sense, out of it, you stare directly into his cold blue eyes!
What! Do you mean you, your voice stuttering. His smile looks something like a prized winner, his dead!.
Nooooooo, you scream your lying, you bastard! It literally feels like he just took the air out of your lungs, he smiles, tighthing the grip on your jaw, now why, would I lie? he was, a nuisance so I had to remove him out of the equation.
Tears burning in the back of your skull, before you really knew what you were doing, you grabbed ahold of his hand, and with all your strength, you pulled him forward, his head smashing against the steel cage.
You little piece of... before he could finish his sentence, you try grabbing ahold of him again, but he's to fast, and this time he got ahold of you, pulling you closer, to the bars, grabbing the back of your head smashing it against the steel, a couple of times. You can hear him say something but it sounds like his underwater, falling to the cold floor, you feel the wetness of the blood going down your face.
You must've blacked out, you thought while opening your eyes, you feel the stickiness of the dried blood tangled in with strands of hair, moving as still as you can, searching for this man, you don't see him anywhere, you make your way up to a sitting position, head pounding, barely seeing through your right eye, so swollen it is, thinking about what he said, Dean, Dean's dead, you whisper underneath your breath, how am I suppose to live without you babe, frantically sobbing now, the saltiness of the water burns the open gashes on your cheek, not really that you care, nothing can hurt as much as the fact that he's gone.
Darkness filling the skies, you've just been staring out of the the big factory like windows, replaying memories of the two of you together, night's spend all tangled in each others arms, talking, laughing, just being together. You just sit there, the feeling of numbness weighing heavily on you.
In the corner of your eye, you see the cruel bastard walking through the door, not turning your head to acknowledge him, just staring in front of you.
He shoves something through the bars, there you go, you hear him say, some food and water. Your voice sounded distant and unbothered when you said, not hungry!
Now, now, you have to eat to keep up your strength! I'm not done with you yet! Shifting to your knees, in almost a begging position, you look him straight in the eyes, why not just kill me and get it over and done with? He laughs a little, where's the fun in that!
Why drag this out you say, with irritation highly pitched in your voice!
Oh it's been a long time coming, he says with that stupid smirk on his face, but I can't tell you everything right away, it'll spoil the big grand finale! He says walking into the darkness laughing!
You counted the days, since that night, its been 7 , and you've tried everything, to get the will to fight, really, its like you lost your will to survive, since he told you about Dean, it might be wrong, you know your parents and brother, and friends are out there somewhere, maybe searching for you, but honestly its all been so overwhelming!
Every damn time, you think you can maybe find it in yourself, the images of his death, haunts you.
And well for the bastard, that's tormenting the hell out of you, comes early morning, to give you breakfast, and then leaves until the afternoon, when he comes dragging his choice of weapons, ranging from different sized knives to bone saw's, letting you know how he's going to enjoy carving you to pieces, but as for the reason why, you still haven't figured that out.
Looking into the distance, recalling everything, that's been happening these past few days! You feel something crawling up your arm, you look down, what? Little smile tugging at your lips, its a ladybug.
Admiring the little creature, so small yet so resilient, you remember the reason why you got the tattoo in the first place. Remembering the way you survived the ordeal, 10 years ago, the way you went and travelled the world afterwards, the way you learned so many new skills, from ASL to Krav Maga, to publishing your novels, making a career for yourself, creating art, opening a small art gallery, to teaching art to kids, navigating your way, through your psychology and profiling studies, having a loving family and found your one true love.
Your heart starts to beat faster, I didn't have Dean back then, nor did I have my parents. You stand to your feet, I'm a survivor not a victim remember you say, the words echoing off the walls.
Your eyes deepening in its colour, taking in every inch of the building, trying to piece together, how close you are to the town.
You need to figure out where you are so that, if you, no you curse yourself. Its when you get away, so that you can get to the quickest safe place. But first you need to get inside his head, that's the only chance you will get to escape, his a lot taller and stronger than you.
You get interrupted by the opening of the factory door, hello sunshine, you hear him say! You just look at him, not a trace of fear or sadness left on your face!
Oh well look at you! Accepting your fate I see, he laughs.
No, not really, sarcasm visible in your voice, just wondering how a coward like you got to this point, with such a low IQ level.
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Anger flashes in his eyes as he, walks closer towards the cage. A coward! An idiot! You want to throw any more at me, he screams.
Not even flinching at the sight of his anger, just standing there with a taunting smile, saying yes your a coward you kidnap innocent woman and girls.
He bursts into anger, your not innocent, you've killed someone a long time ago.
What, I haven't killed anyone yet! The hardened look on your face, the coldness in your eyes, knowing if you get a chance the threat you made, wil come true.
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He laughs, ooo, feisty, I now know, what Dean saw in you, but you see, I'm smarter than you think, before I got Jack to shoot Dean, his first little task, in order to safe his little sister ,was to get your file, see as a cab driver I hear all sorts of stories, so I had to see if they where true.
And low and behold, in your file, it stood victim of Mike Fisher. And how poor Mikey died, did you know that the family couldn't really fully identify the body, due to the fact that his guts was splatted on the ground!
Not my fault that guy was a creep you say, Interrupting him.
Shut the hell up, he shouts, his eyes getting darker.
Make me, you say with a smirk. He's hands framing the bars, shaking it.
You know what, you little shit! You ruined our lives, my brother weren't perfect, but he was the only one I cared for, the day I got the call, hearing my mom say, Luke your brother has been murdered, that day I , made a promise to avenge his death, after years of searching, and perfecting the art of disfiguring these damn women, hoping one day I'll find the one, who was responsible for me becoming a monster, I found you, that's why I let Jack's sister go, I didn't need her, see I'm not an animal. He laughs. And just in time I might add, see the anniversary of his death is a week away.
You just stand there, listening to him rambling on and on, about how its your fault. Anger boiling inside you, screaming now, why don't you come in and take your revenge.
While he was talking, you started to move your wrists, loosening the rope, it burned like hell, but you were ready for him.
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He smiles, unlocking the steel door, he grabs your arm and pulls you out. You let him. His bare knuckles hits you square in the face, stuttering backwards. You smile at him, revealing the blood in your mouth.
You take your hands out of the bound rope, showing the rope burn and blood seeping through the open skin.
You make your hand flat, flexing it as strong as you can, hitting him against the chest, making him move backwards a little.
He grabs ahold of you, his hands tightly around your throat, you take your hands above, your head, binding them together and smashing down into his wrists, quickly moving to a different stance , you kick him in the face, which brings him to fall.
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This is your chance, you turn around running towards the big steel doors, pushing it open, seeing trees, and the sun burning your eyes, your going to make it.
You smile and starts sprinting again, that's when you heard a loud sound, you felt something round and steel like flying through your upper leg! Falling to the ground, the pain pulsing through the blood streaming down your leg, you feel him grabbing you, dragging you back towards the steel cage, shouting I'm not done with you yet!
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thelastbarricade · 3 months
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Bloodhound Part 2:
pt. 2 of ?
[ read on ao3 ]
"You think that if you burn down you'll be fine
and I'll forget all the times you lied." - 'VACANT' by Echoes
Your words echo in Cooper Howard’s thoughts.
‘Shoulda’ killed me when I was under, Coop’.’
Doesn’t he know it.
word count : 3.3k
tags: the ghoul x you, the ghoul x oc
warnings: violence, swearing, drug usage, emotional abuse, mutual pining, character study, multiple pov's (will add more as the story progresses)
Cooper's POV, more or less!
Say hello to my first fic attempt in...two years? Oh boy. All comments and feedback very much appreciated and feel free to hit me up in my messages and start a convo!
Narration and form may not be entirely polished so please pardon my dust.
xx korine <3
The stint he’s fashioned against his leg is a temporary fix at best. The tattered garb shoved deep into the gash is already swollen with fluids. If he keeps it in any longer it’ll just impart the healing further. Cooper relents.
Mirages danced across the dimming light above the sprawling sands just beyond Cooper Howard’s reach.
Daylight’s been on his side since you’d gone down sometime before dawn.
He couldn’t blame you. You didn’t know what whiskey, hell—a proper drink—was. Hadn’t the luxury of it in your short little life. When he’d come across a sealed shelf label bottle somewhere in the wastes trades, he’d jumped on it. Didn’t matter what it’d most likely (definitely) been cut with. The fire and flame coating his throat comforted all the same.
A perfect opportunity. For him or you, Cooper just couldn’t be sure anymore.
You’d enjoyed what taste you’d had. He was sure of it. The carefree curve your lips had softened into as your body began to give in to the pleasures of your drinks domestic pleasures. Pleasures a man like him was not near deserving enough of to bear witness to. But you’d been dropped into his lap like some twisted form of comfort and consequence.
A better man might not have obliged.
Cooper grinds out his complaints in hushed curses and heavy breaths as he climbs. The withering metal structures surrounding the perimeter of the building moan and groan, steps preceded by the low hum of the growing winds at his back. He shimmies his way across a deteriorating overhang leading into the next factory’s building over. The dunes covered his ascent and the mangled scraps of gutted warehouse roofing created a constant cover.
Cooper had only cleared a couple of hundred feet between the both of you.
Was he a fool to stay in such close proximity?
Of course.
Did he have another option?
The once-man-turned-ghoul eyed the wavering silhouettes of the wilds in the distance. If he was still in this wounded of a state when darkness fell—
He’d be a fuckin’ sittin’ duck.
Cooper sneers.
Nope, not an option. Didn’t matter how many bullets he’d have or how many he’d be able to take then. He knew when to make a move and when to wait out the storm. Literally. And mother Mary and all hells that hailed in-between—there would be a fuckin’ storm to be had.
The fiends you’d both encountered two nights ago had damn near carved his entire thigh down to bone with how deep their blade had dug. He’s lucky his flesh was kind enough to cling to him then. Not that he’d managed it alone. Of course you’d been there; calling him ‘grandpa’ and cursing reflexes of his you were convinced were slowing.
‘What would you’ve done without me?’ That sly fuckin’ smirk of yours was always tugging at your lips when you knew you’d had one over on him. It happened more than Cooper was willing to admit, and he’d only be willing to admit it when he was stone cold, turned over in his grave for the final time. At one point he had even toyed with the idea of you being the one to put him there.
But that was nothing more than a farce. A fairytale. Something to keep the loneliness lingering in the hearts of all who inhabited the surface, like Cooper, at bay.
A tale meant for ignorant children and self-righteous Vault dwellers.
Bitter to the bone and stubborn as a mule he was. He knew it, didn’t even try to deny it.
You’d put up with it for this long, hadn’t you?
It was then that he pictured you bound and writhing. Wounded temple still weeping because thick as you were, you’d gone and taken the brunt of a hit or two for him.
He told you to never stick your neck out for him—for anyone—ever.
The look of betrayal in your eyes shouldn’t have even been a cause for pause, but he had. He’d fucking hesitated.
Canon fodder, Cooper’d said. As if words of that caliber were ever so simple. Easy.
It was like putting down a sick dog, in a way. At least that’s how he’d convinced himself of it—a mercy.
He hadn’t the heart to put the bullet in your head then, though. Not from the moment he’d laid eyes on you. Sickly little thing that you were. Starved and beaten, barely fit for exchange. Wrong end of a shit bargain he’d reckon. Not a surprise. He’d seen it before. You either found yourself strength in numbers in the Waste of became strong enough to cull the lot and likes around you.
Cooper had become the latter. Never was much of a team player, that one.
You on the other hand…
A knot twisted in his stomach.
Cooper would be lying to himself if he hadn’t asked himself and the higher powers above for that insight once or twice. Insight into how a sweet little thing, equally full of bark and bite, had landed yourself in Sorrel Bookers’ keeping.
Booker kept in line a gang of incompetents with little more prestige and skill than your average raider. The “Govermint” had considered you one of their assets at one point. Even his former associate Booker couldn’t be bid high enough on to elaborate. Cooper hadn’t pried into what had caused the tables to turn with you at the shit end of that stick. Not that you would have given him a real answer. He’d never been the type of man to give you one either.
All he knew was he had gotten his 200 caps worth. A small price to pay in the way of a break when it came to one of his bounties. You were sold to him like a dog—starting bid barely worth the sorry excuse for clothes on your back.
“This one’s worth more than fifty of her size and build. Only thing is she’s got a fuckin mouth on her. I’ll leave any ‘bodily modifications’ up to you though, Coop. Be warned, she bites.”
Booker had you bound and gagged in some shoddy storage room in one of his Govermint outfit stations. Your skin watercolored in bruises and superficial cuts in several stages of healing. Your eyebrow had been split sometime in the past day, knuckles bloodied and raw—no doubt a matching set to wounds some of Sorrels men now carried. Men Cooper had noticed lapping at their wounds and steeling away prides with swigs hooch on the way in.
Christ Almighty.
Cooper had remembered how precariously you’d eyed him as he’d stepped into view through the splintering door frame. He leaned in, unimpressed leer on his lips like always. You’d barely blinked as your gaze steadied on his. He thinks he remembers your eyes above all else from that day. Wide and dark, analyzing every movement of his. At one point it’d felt like a damned staring contest. Left the Ghoul feeling like he was the one being sized up and on trial. Not the other way around. You didn’t look afraid…didn’t show the faintest concept of repulsion towards him. You were fucking curious. Naive. A lost cause fallen into the very hands that would find themselves around your throat.
He should have put you out of your misery right then and there.
“I ain’t lookin’ for no pack mule, Booker.” Cooper had heard many a bargain in the way of women. Sorry souls caught up in even sorrier Wasteland body and labor exchange. He steered clear from these outfits for a reason. He wasn’t a good man by any means, but he also wasn’t without his own code of conduct.
“I’m in the business of one thing and so happens I’m in the middle of a job already.”
Cooper should have known he was signing onto some bad shit from the grimy grin Sorrel had given him then. He should have kept walking.
Sorrel Booker shoved you to your feet without a second though and puffed his chest out, hot-dogging you around like a god damn show pony.
“This one’s about to make yours a hell of a lot easier.”
Booker had even thrown in a free muzzle, for your troubles.
You had been a grim reminder for him of how dog-eat-dog worked in the Wasteland. Ghouls weren’t excluded from the order, either. Even a ghoul the likes of Cooper. Two centuries had come and gone with him and still he stood. Top of the food chain came with a price. You didn’t pay that price by makin’ friends. And you? Well, you’d been in debt it seemed; layin’ down with the dogs and here Cooper was washing you of your fleas.
That was four months ago now, give or take. You’d far repaid your caps in chems and vices alike in the first few weeks and here he’d left you alone: on an infested warehouse floor with fiends on both your heels.
Four months.
A fuckin’ eternity and a half for the smooth skins who survived it.
Cooper would know, but somehow it hadn’t been long enough for him to escape…this. These emotions.
You weren’t long for this world, darlin’, but Cooper Howard was. That’s just how it had to be. How it’d always been. Would be. Cooper Howard could be a sorry excuse for a man. It’s no wonder why the fates had designed it so that he no longer was one.
After circling the compound for what felt like decades the Ghoul settled own. Deciding to rest backed against a small alcove, right above a stoop of roof tiles obscured by fallen metal sheaths. A seasons worth of solidified sand stood to insulate either side of him from view.
It would have to do.
The suffocating humidity of falling rad-rain on the heated horizon began to kick up sheets of steam in the distance. Cooper lifted his gaze to view the turmoil brewing in the sky above. Dark matter overflowing with hues of vile greens and putrid yellows lurk uncomfortably close.
A tightness curled in his chest and clawed deep in his wretched depths. The Ghoul rummaged about his pack, makeshift atomizer gracing his fingertips. The little bubbled vial that sat atop was dangerously low on its contents. Empty vials clattered like wind chimes against his hip as he shoved them aside. The tepid yellow liquid sloshed and sputtered as Cooper drew in one deep breath.
It would have to do.
It would never be enough.
His lungs filled, expanded. Mind began to blur with days’ highs and lows…numbing them all. If just for a moment.
A moment.
Visions of soft doe-brown eyes and even softer curls crossed his vision.
‘Daddy, give the thumbs up, please! Just one more time.’ Janey’s toothy grin was faded in his memory, no longer near as sharp as the knife the thought alone wielded was.
Just one more time…
Cooper replayed the ghostly nudge of Roosevelt’s nose against his knee over coffee and a crisp morning paper.
The smell of Barb’s gardenia perfume wafting over a fresh cut cigar. Sunlight warms his skin through an open window. His wife’s freshly manicured nails tenderly teasing at his forearm. Lipstick staining his collar as she drew him nearer, arms wrapped around his waist to pull him closer—deeper.
The Ghoul tried his damnedest to remember the sound of their voices.
He bargains with what god cares to hear him.
Just a moment, please, one moment more.
Another voice barrels through the fog of his thoughts. The sands shift in the dunes overhead, metal creaking under a sudden shift in weight above.
“Times up, Coop.”
The heel of your boot slams against his temple, full weight knocking Cooper entirely sideway into the hardened walls of sand. He watches you shrug off your pack before he’s even able to draw on you. Quick little thing that you were.
A knee drives itself into his dominant shoulder, knocking his gun off trajectory and sending a stray bullet into the ground. Radroaches chitter and shriek somewhere in the dark abandon beneath you.
Your wild eyes meet his.
Gods of course you’d make it a fuckin’ ordeal.
You could never just go quietly, could you?
“You son of a—” He watches you lick your lips from above him. It’s picturesque.
Your bare knuckles connect against the sharp curves of his face: bone to flesh and back again. He feels the warmth seeping from your splitting skin and its apparent you’re not in the right mind too stop. Not that he wants you to.
Chems could only numb so much, and a kiss with a fist was better than none.
Cooper hisses when your knee finds itself bearing down on his injured thigh, other knee strewn diagonal to weigh down his shooting arm. You push away his weapon with little effort, hooking it on one of your belt loops as you straddle him roughly. Fingers find their way to his jaw as you observe him in slow like he had you. You slap at the Ghoul’s sunken cheeks, attempting to wake him from whatever daze had given you the element of surprise.
Cooper laughs and rolls his neck to ease the ache in his skull where you’d bludgeoned him.
“Little mutt,” He spits, smile betraying his venom. “They warned me you’d have some bite left in ya’.”
Your eyes dagger at his insult and Cooper notices the smirk about your lips evaporate. Cooper expects you to strike him. In all his months of knowing your true name he still reverted back to pet ones. Insults of ownership.
Instead he’s met with eyes that search his far longer and far deeper than he’d ever be fuckin’ comfortable with. He’s almost sure you catch his facade falter because you cock your head in thought just like he did when he noted something, and well—Cooper’s had just about enough of that.
He meets your weight with the tank that is his own. It was almost an insulting ease. Cooper towered over you in the sum of inches and pounds; muscles that had solidified over the course of two centuries. Nothing about him was soft any longer. Hadn’t been in a very long time. You knew this.
Your supple skin is heaven and hell beneath his hardened grasp. He flips your straddle with ease, shoving your legs between his, even in a wounded state. A gasp escapes your lungs as you orient yourself. He doesn’t even try to block your wrist when you snake it between the both of you; pitiful little pairing blade at his jugular like it’d do a damn thing.
One hand rests against the exposed length of your throat. His elbow buried deep in the soft connective tissue connecting your shoulder and upper arm as he pins it down. That ushers a whine from your lips.
Oh, What a burden it must be made of delicate living flesh, he muses to himself.
To feel like the consequences of your actions with every fiber of your being.
“Gonna’ come make good on yer’ threat there, darlin’?” He trails his free hand down the flare of your ribs, ghosting over your hip like a starved lover and then it settles: just over the barrel of his weapon you’d so kindly pocketed.
The flicker of a shadow dances in his peripheral, just behind the cover of a mound of sand.
Just a little closer.
Cooper scoffs as his gaze flickers down to yours.
“Or,” He cocks the gun against the warm sand. “you gonna’ make go through with mine?”
Cooper leans into the blade at his throat, drawing your chests closer together as he closes the distance between your beating hearts. He knows he’s won when your eyes linger on his lips for even a fraction of a second. The Ghoul smiles in his triumph, steadying the grip on his gun as the shadow teasing his vision shifts.
You tense.
He draws.
He feels you scream beneath him and it is of the things that shatter dreams.
If I’d been a better man…
The blade at his throat sinks in instinctively and the Ghoul couldn’t have blamed you even if he wanted to.
I’d be afraid of me too.
He grits his teeth and his free hand releases your throat.
Your breath heaves beneath him and you scramble out from under his weight when you realize the bullet not been meant for you.
The body of the fiend not more than five feet from the both of you slumps to the ground into a pile of its own brain matter.
You’re shaking. He sees it. Adrenaline pumping and confusion beginning to settle in—
What Cooper was not expecting, however, was the elbow that connected with his jaw just then.
Your elbow.
He lets out the smallest of surprised scoffs and licks at his lips.
Yeah, he’d deserved that too.
He’s almost proud of you.
“COOPER?!?!” The Ghoul watches as you scream your demand of him. Bewildered and shaken you stand. Doubled over—weighing your hands on your thighs to keep upright as the fight or flight leaves your body through bleary eyes.
Cooper takes its all.
Your hesitance, your rage—your indignance and your pain.
Turns and faces you like its nothing to him at all.
There’s a hint of desperation on your tongue.
‘Just tell me, please.’ Cooper can almost hear you begging, but you won’t. Not here. Not like this.
He pulls the small blade from his throat, wincing with a flick of his chin as he throws it to the sands before you both. You pause and Cooper grimaces. He motions to the blade, signaling he wants you to pick it up. To Cooper’s surprise and utter fucking dismay, you do. Almost without a second thought.
He watches you tuck it into your pants pocket, diverting those ever watching eyes back to him. Like you saw something he couldn’t.
Why are you like this?
“Grab your shit.” He growls out. “We’re moving.”
You don’t move, though. You just stare. Doe-eyed like the fraudulent fawn you were.
“Git’!” He clicks his tongue in annoyance. Not at you, not entirely.
That lone fiend Cooper had shot down had been a scout and it was clear to him now that the others wouldn’t be far behind. Fiends usually never tracked their prey through the dunes for half near this long. Just both of your’s fuckin’ luck.
But you wouldn’t know that would you? How could you? Cooper protected you from far too much. Even things that would kill you.
Cooper could smell trouble brewing on the horizon closer than he’d been prepared for. Something wasn’t right and it was his job to figure out what. Even if it meant you resenting him for the time being. He’d been more comfortable with contempt anyway. It fit him like an old glove and embraced him like a familiar lover, no strings attached.
“I hate you.” There’s a resound defeat in your voice.
Cooper nods in slow, jaw clenched. He knows your tired. Sees it in your face and hears it in your voice. He’d spent all these months dragging you through the dessert with promises that never came and made you compromise on every value you held dear that he could. With no end in sight.
He’d just been selfish to let you go.
And you? You’d been too scared to leave.
Scared of what?, he constantly wondered.
What lay out there between the dunes and ruin that could possibly chase you back into the likes of the man like him…time and time again?
Your words echo in Cooper Howard’s thoughts.
‘Shoulda’ killed me when I was under, Coop’.’
Doesn’t he know it.
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deansmom · 5 months
listen it’s 2021, nobody can yell at me for my Hot Takes on the w*nchester bros and specifically sam because none of you care about me anymore lmao
and no, I will not be responding to defenses of these things, I just want to yell about this because I can’t stop thinking about it now
I don’t think anything demon!dean said to sam was out of line, not really, because like yeah, it was mean whatever, but sam has said WAY crueler things to and about dean when he was just a normal human person. but dean gets crucified for being a demon and fully expressing himself and his trauma and his feelings? nah fuck that lmao
I’m up to s8 in my rewatch and it’s absolutely wild to me how sam STILL thinks he’s better than dean. not only does he still somehow think he’s smarter, but he also thinks he’s BETTER than dean. that dean’s like, a bad person or whatever - as if both of them aren’t mass murderers ffs
this mans really said “I don’t know if my brother is alive or dead...... hm sucks for him I guess lol.” like yeah, sure, trauma, whatever. everybody handles and processes trauma differently, I know, but seriously sam??? sure, take a couple months if you need it, but just - no effort? didn’t even try? didn’t even do a quick google search? 
just fucking ditched kevin, a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD KID, and then got mad at dean when dean was like “dude wtf is the matter with you this kid was our responsibility” 
fandom ALWAYS wants to talk about how dean’s the more toxic one but damn, dean gets one friend - his first friend who isn’t cas!!! - and sam’s like “lmao this dude has to die” LITERALLY ONLY BECAUSE DEAN KILLED AMY, WHO WAS KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE (for a good reason, sure, but like, she was still killing innocent people and benny’s out here just minding his own business, stealing AB- negative blood because they can get blood transfusions from any negative blood type!! his old ass wasn’t hurting anybody) and the episode before sam finds out about benny they let kate go be a werewolf and then when dean mentions that to sam about benny he’s like “so?! she was a victim!” and he’s like “and benny hasn’t done anything wrong!” and sam just doesn’t give a shit lmao
he ALWAYS bitches about how dean doesn’t trust him and I’m just sitting here like??? damn bro I WONDER FUCKING WHY. sam only takes responsibility for his actions when it’s convenient for him, generally when he’s being portrayed as the victim, and it!!!!!! [screams into a pillow]
dean’s like “he’s never given me a reason to doubt him” (about benny) and sam immediately goes “well it must be nice to find that” and dean takes a second to figure out what sam’s talking about and it’s just like WOW, didn’t fucking mean it like that, but yeah IT IS NICE SAM TO HAVE A FRIEND THAT THUS FAR HASN’T BETRAYED ME, IT’S A GOOD FEELING like tf is the matter with you dude come on
OH OH OH and when dean came back from hell in s4 sam’s going around like “dean’s weak he can’t handle it” but doesn’t try to help his brother?????? doesn’t offer him emotional support or validation or anything that you should offer someone who’s just been through something profoundly traumatic and is ~*~struggling~*~ to keep themselves afloat. 
listen dean certainly isn’t an unproblematic saint in this relationship specifically, but sam is SO MEAN??? ALL THE TIME??? and I know it’s because especially in the early seasons he associates dean with his dad and him and john never got along because they were too much alike, blah blah blah, whatever,  it’s still not cool to project your trauma onto other people and take it out on them. 
will I ever be over 9.13? no. no I will not, because that was the cruelest thing that could have maybe ever been said to dean, and yeah again, trauma, whatever, but like......... if you’ve been traumatized and your response is to purposefully emotionally devastate someone that you know 1) had no malicious intentions and 2) is emotionally unstable and perpetually suicidal, I’m allowed to hate you wtf??? 
sam knows NOTHING about his brother. 
like ok in the fic that I’ve been writing somebody was like “it’s very in character but edgier but dean didn’t hate john” and listen, I TRULY think that dean hated him in canon. yeah, even in s1. watch 2.01 again, watch the episode where john is possessed by azazel, the dream root episode, I think it’s 12.22 that speech with mary, but like, especially on my rewatch, I cannot read their relationship as anything other than at that point neither one of them liked each other. something happened in between sam leaving and dean coming to get him, and dean went searching for john out of obligation and an excuse to see sam. 
you can’t convince me that john liked dean. of course he loved him, a familial obligation was deeply ingrained in that man, but I don’t think he liked dean at all. I think dean reminded him of mary, I think he thought dean was too soft, and to be completely honest, I don’t think he liked that dean listened to him so easily. john wanted to be in charge, obviously, but he’s such an antagonistic fuck always looking for a fight with somebody, that it probably bothered him that dean didn’t really push back. john didn’t think he was assertive enough, dean just didn’t want to be used as a punching bag, and I’ve always figured there was some sort of blowout after sam left between the two of them and they didn’t really talk much after that. “it was the worst night of my life” is what dean called the night sam left for stanford, and while his little brother leaving would’ve been devastating, I don’t think that alone would qualify it (in season 5, mind you, after hell and the hellhounds and everything) as the worst night of his life. I also think that’s why john was such a POS in s1 when they found him, giving dean shit for the impala, y’know. god, I really fucking hate him lmao
nobody seems to agree with me on this, but sam is very much his father’s son, and that’s why they never got along. the two of them were so much alike (and so self-centered) that they couldn’t help but butt heads together because they both wanted to be the center of attention, and also just enjoy picking fights. and like, I think this is a big reason why dean has a harder time being honest with sam than sam has with being honest with dean. because dean sees john when he looks at sam, and sam just sees dean. and sam’s like “why don’t you talk to me dean” and dean probably just hears his dad making fun of him for being honest or talking about his feelings or yelling at him. 
familial/generational trauma genuinely makes it hard to interact in meaningful and productive ways, I get it, believe me I do, but sam is just so... cruel sometimes? and I think dean really worked his way through a solid portion of that trauma by the end of the show, and I don’t think sam ever really did.
Dean: All right, you want to be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you'd do the same thing.
SAM [very softly]: No, Dean. I wouldn't. Same circumstances...I wouldn't. I'm gonna get to bed.
see, when I say sam is cruel, this is the shit I’m talking about because that is a bald faced lie and sam knows it. he said it specifically to hurt dean. he didn’t mean it, and he fucking knows that, but he knows that it will devastate dean to hear that, so he says it. 
anyways, sam fights dirty all the time. it’s 2024 now and I have no notes for past me, she was right. 
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dinitride-art · 2 years
Possessiongate and Will in S2- or Why Mike is Completely Fucked
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- OKAY so, I had the great idea to go into season two and try and see if there was anything similar about Will’s possession in relation to what we might be seeing with Mike- And oh my fucking god- you guys aren’t gonna believe this shit
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First of fucking all, we’ve got ‘Loch Nora’. Y’know with the purple and yellow flowers there and just a few red ones (reocurring imagery for season 2 but I don’t have TIME for that in this post- it’ll be in the next one when I get to it I swear). Really similar to ‘Lenora’ and Mike’s flowers that he gave to El. This is also where Will has his second episode. 
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Look at his left eye.
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Look at this absolutely horrifying level of forethought. And subtle visual storytelling. And, no, it doesn’t even stop with just this.
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Like even just in this one we see Will’s left eye get scary dark. Like, this was put in here before we even knew about Vecna or before the show introduced his lore into the canon. Like??????
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Now, I’m putting Mike in here because how Mike is being lit in season two is exactly how Will is being lit in season four. It is literally so wild. They’ve literally traded places. AND it makes sense for them to be lit this way because they are each others ‘light’. In season four Max’s whole plan was to hide in the light and maybe the reason that Mike and Will are being lit like this
Is because they’re trying to hide in the light to fight off Vecna (/the mind flayer)- by looking to each other
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And here to, it’s more subtle- but in their backgrounds are very different. Mike’s in front of the light while Will’s in front of the dark (and in front of a blue light so that’s a point for blue lights meaning possession). I’ve done nearly a 30 part analysis of lighting in season four so I’m not gonna include any more examples of Will being in the light but trust me. He is. Exactly like Mike is here.
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In the car with Bob, while talking about standing up to whatever’s bothering Will- Will’s left eye is dark. Like, this is a consistent thing that’s happening whenever the Mind Flayer comes into play. It’s also seems to be a thing for Mike too in season four- which is where I FIRST noticed the possibility that a darkened left eye could indicate possession by Vecna. And now I’m checking season 2 and ohhh it’s breaking my brain. Snapping it like a little twig- like how Jonathan snapped steve’s face in that alley in season 1. 
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This is just to add to the ‘Mike’s definitely being lit different in season 2′. This is consistently happening/it’s very intentional. And it’s paralleling season four so god damn hard.
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Okay, so when Will stood up to the Mind Flayer- it didn’t go very well. Like, at all. But I wanted to note that this Upside Down is blue and in episode nine of season four the two colour themes are red and blue. This is just adding to the season 2 and 4 parallel list- because I think that they’re meant to parallel each other/relflect each other. I don’t for sure know why, but I’ve known that this has been happening with the plot for a few months. I have a hunch it’s got something to do with time and or the Upside Down just as like general themes-
BUT ENOUGH OF THAT. BAck to why Mike’s definitely (most likely-probably- I’m pretty sure on this one. But keeping a healthy margin of error) being possessed in season 4. Kids head is not full of rocks, just an evil man trying to steal his brain. It’s a much more forgivable offence.
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There is a focus on Will’s eyes at the start of episode four. And we might be able to kinda start to see even here Will’s left eye darken/be in shadow.
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This right here- look at his eye- look at it. I have been staring at it and I am on the floor. Who does this??? Who puts this much shit into the god damn foreshadowing?? The Duffers apparently, mad lads.
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It’s a lot subtler here but you can still see the difference between Will’s right and left eye. His left eye bag is just slightly darker than the right. Well, not slightly, but it’s not really noticeable unless you’re looking for it.
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This is episode five and there’s a few things that are scaring me here. First of all, that jaws poster in Will’s room. It was also there when Mike and Will were having their ‘best friends’ heart to heart- and honestly? A lot of the heart to hearts in season four are Will trying to comfort Mike. And by doing that they’re paralleling a lot of what happens with Mike and Will in season two. They’ve just traded spots. But that poster is in a different position in relation to Mike in season four. It’s directly behind him- like how it’s in line with Will if that makes sense? Who we’re meant to notice who it’s about has changed.
Also Will’s eye gets SCARY here. Like creepy af
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It’s getting a lot clearer here what they’re doing with Will’s left eye but in a way that we wouldn’t of had the slightest chance of even knowing to look at it without season four. Without Vecna being introduced, there would be very little reason to look at Will’s (and Mike’s- fucking Mike. Jesus. I can’t.) left eye. 
A few other thing that season 2 Will and season 4 Mike have in common;
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Black shoes with white laces.
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Being really fucking out of it and confused.
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Blue god damn lights. There’s a lot more of these that are probably better examples, like Mike from the Monologue and Will in the Upside Down during episodes where all the lights are blue- but I just didn’t want to go searching for them.
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Believing the person they love about somethin that fucks them both over/doesn’t work or go as planned
So, Michael, your head is not filled with rocks. You’ve just been trying to fend off the evil man who is trying to take over your mind. Welp.
Babygirl you’re possessed.
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ticklefits · 1 year
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voltron: legendary defender | klance (rom) | words: 1,958 | commission from @feathergil​ ♥.
“twenty minutes.”
“twenty minutes, lance.”
and? and keith was beginning to lose his patience. and their food was beginning to get cold, which doesn’t sit right with the warrior in the slightest because the egg rolls from the old mom-and-pop shop down the street tasted the best when they were piping hot. unfortunately for keith, they were, in fact, growing colder by each second that his boyfriend usurped from dinner in order to continue slathering his face with… whatever that stuff is. it smells good, at the very least, but that doesn’t account for the hunger that plagues him. 
“and i’m starving. you always get fussy if i start eating our food without you, but then you take a million years to do something as simple as washing your face.” 
lance huffs, annoyance clouding his expression ( which keith is almost surprised he can detect considering the new mask that lance pasted on ) as he switches his attention to the oil and lotion combination he utilizes for his body. 
“it takes time to look and feel this good! don’t be dramatic just because you can’t appreciate proper skin and self care, babe.” lance lifts one of his legs to stroke the concoction along his skin, making certain to get every inch before he shifts to the other leg. keith observes him for all of thirty seconds, features painted with slight apathy as one of his hands reaches out to slowly grab an eggroll, because if he has to wait any longer for his boyfriend to finish this ridiculously religious routine he has, keith’s obviously going to waste away into nothing. 
lance catches him in the act however and swats at his shoulder in protest. a resounding groan seeps from the swordsman, but an angry lance is a lance he doesn’t want to deal with, so he sets the now lukewarm eggroll back into its spot with the others. he almost pouts truly, thinking about how they’re going to have to microwave the food now, and it just never tastes the same when you do that. 
“are you done now?” keith inquires at the next five minute mark, his stomach growling its ravenous wrath as lance washes off the clay on his face & neck. 
“your stomach sounds like a wild animal.” is the brunet’s response, a little chuckle in his tone, patting his face dry with a small towel. 
“damn, i wonder why that could be.” the sarcasm drips from his words like a leaky faucet, amethyst eyes rolling so hard he nearly gets a headache from it. 
“oh, hush, i’m done already, alright? let’s just warm up the food so we can eat.” lance takes it upon himself to perform that action, considering he’s the reason why their dinner became cold in the first place. 
keith can appreciate that, watching as lance walks away to the open kitchen, donned in nothing but his robe and pajama pants underneath, food in hand. curiosity settles in the forefront of his mind, because lance always makes such a big deal about his skin care routine, and keith can’t help but ponder if the results of it are that good. now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t ever pay much attention to the difference between lance before the act and lance after it. 
his thoughts are interrupted by the smell of renewed food, and even though its not going to taste as fresh as it would have had they eaten it earlier, keith’s hunger is strong enough that anything designated as a human grade consumable would have been good enough for him. once their dinner is set back on the table in front of them, lance turns on a bluetooth speaker he keeps on the counter for background music, to play songs from a playlist that he’s so appropriately named “dinner time.” 
“ya’ have a playlist for literally everything you do, is that normal?” keith quips with a small, half-cocked smile, already having devoured two out of his four egg rolls. 
“yes, it’s normal. people have background music going for all sorts of activities. you’re just a weirdo who likes to sit in silence. i’m showing you the beauty of dual stimulation.”
keith’s brow raises, his smile sharpening into a bit of smirk. “dual stimulation? did’ja learn those words from pidge?”
lance’s own brow twitches, pointing his fork towards his boyfriend and accidentally flinging some rice in his direction. “first of all, i KNOW big words, alright? pidge doesn’t know everything! i know things. i know tons of things!”
keith nearly chokes on his rice when a laugh breaches his throat. “okay, okay, relax babe. look, you’re wasting food, throwing rice around like that.” 
“oh yeah? how’s this for wasting food?” on that cue, lance tosses a piece of orange chicken right at keith, who just barely moves out of the way with a mouth full of sushi. the chicken flies unceremoniously to the floor behind the warrior, and once keith gets the sushi down, his sights train back on lance, who’s looking a little more sheepish. 
“⎯⎯ maybe if you hadn’t dodged it, it wouldn’t have ended up on the floor.” 
“maybe if you hadn’t thrown it, it wouldn’t have ended up on the floor.” 
lance scoffs, but rises from his seat to walk past keith and pick up the poor piece of food. keith, however, decides lance needs a bit more punishment and quickly shoots out a hand to pinch his thigh, hard enough to startle him but not hard enough to seriously hurt. lance squeaks and almost jumps five feet into the air, swatting at his boyfriend once again before he grabs the chicken and tosses it into the trash. 
he tries to walk past keith for the second time, but has to expertly dodge another pinch attack, his lips wavering as the gunner tries to fight off a budding grin. keith, meanwhile, grins openly, a playfulness shimmering in his eyes as lance makes his way back to his seat. they finish the rest of their food with the occasional banter back and forth, until keith takes it upon himself to clear the table and toss empty trays into the trash.
“you’re insufferable, y’know that?”
“you like it.”
“like being pinched? absolutely not, that crap hurts. like a papercut.”
“didn’t know you were that sensitive.” 
“i’m not sensitive, i’m soft. i’m soft and smooth thanks to that unbearable skin routine you can’t stand.”
“soft and smooth huh?” 
“yeah, duh. that’s what skin care happens to do. i’m super soft, actually. can’t believe it’s taken me telling you that for you to realize it.” lance tsks, shaking his head as though he were disappointed in his boyfriend. 
“but not sensitive?” keith slowly brings his body up from the chair, taking just as slow strides closer to lance on the other side of the table. 
there’s a sudden shiver that dances up lance’s spine. he’s prey with a predator nearby, locked onto him and ready to pounce. 
“no — not at all.” lance settles his vision on keith, watching him closely as he stops moving to stare back at lance. it’s silence between them, until something clicks, and then
lance bolts.
lance bolts, in his fluffy robe and even fluffier slippers, bounding towards the stairs where the sanctity of their bedroom lay in waiting. 
keith chases after him, wondering when lance got this fast in his reaction time. he makes certain that lance doesn’t trip on the stairs ( even if he’s the reason why lance is scrambling away in the first place ), and follows him all of the way into the bedroom. unfortunately, the gunslinger doesn’t stand a chance against keith when it comes to raw strength, so when keith tackles lance onto the bed, there isn’t much he can do to fight back against him. 
not that he honestly wants to. 
because the space between keith’s arms is right where he fits perfectly. so perfectly, in fact, that if he didn’t know exactly what his love’s sinister plans were, he would’ve just melted right into his embrace without any hesitation. 
“what’s the problem, lance? i’m just holding you.” keith’s sneaky arms dive to coil around lance’s waist, equally sneaky hands settling right over his stomach. even though he has yet to really move any of his fingers, lance is already having difficulty fighting off the toothy grin that wobbles onto his lips. 
“k - keith, wait, wahahait, hold on ⎯⎯”
“what’re you laughing for, lance? i’m not even doing anything.”
he doesn’t have to say the word, but lance can hear it within his mind. he doesn’t have to move his fingers, but lance can sense those ticklish sensations beginning to surge across the surface of his skin, even from on top of his robe. it only grows worse once keith slithers those hands inside of the garment ⎯⎯ the only thing keeping him at least somewhat safe ⎯⎯ and lance has a visceral reaction that forces him to bite down on his bottom lip. 
“keheith! your hands are cohohold! stoppit!” lance attempts to pull his love’s hands off of his chest and belly, but the action is half-hearted, not enough strength behind it to really mean it.
“oh ⎯? oh, holy shit lance, you really are soft.” keith’s eyes widen and his jaw slacks some, as though he’s transcended to a new level above mortal knowledge. 
“i ⎯⎯ i tohold you! it’s called personal hygiene!” lance bites back without any venom, but anything else he might have said gets swallowed up by the full-on giggles that flutter from his lips as keith’s fingers finally begin to explore. 
he skitters those trained digits all over the expanse of lance’s stomach, gently squeezing the softer parts of lance’s lower waist with a bright grin that he couldn’t dare to hide. 
“dude, what in the hell goes on when you shower? it’s fuckin’ insane how soft you feel.” one of keith’s hands leaves lance’s stomach in favor of continuing his exploration, fingers smoothing down one of his hips to scritch lightly at his boyfriend’s thighs, which earns him a proper squeal. 
“keith ⎯⎯! st - stop, it tickles too muhuhuch!” 
“too much? i’m barely touching you, what happened to not bein’ sensitive?” 
every swipe and stroke and squeeze sends ticklish electricity all over the gunman’s body, squirming underneath keith with another weak push in an attempt to make him stop. his giggling evolves into belly laughter when keith leans down to plant gentle kisses on any exposed skin he can find, relishing in the warmth of each spot where his lips touch down. lance feels so damn delicate, keith swears every touch feels like he’s caressing the petals of rose. 
a shriek rips from the hollows of lance’s throat when keith bends down to nuzzle and kiss at the spaces between neck and collarbone. a dusting of cherry paints over lance’s cheeks as his laughter heightens in octave and volume, leaving keith absolutely charmed. he can be so fucking cute, how could keith justify stopping when his boyfriend looks like this? flustered, and gleeful, and enjoying every bit of this, even if he tries to protest otherwise. 
“keeeith! no more!” the brunet chokes out, gasping when kisses shift into mischievous nips and fingers spider up from his thighs to his sides. lance’s breath hitches before another squeal pops out of his lips, attempting to curl over and deter keith’s fingers from their onslaught on his sides. 
truthfully, keith has no intention on stopping and every intention to not only continue tickle his love until he’s a pliant, jelly-like, laughed-out mess, but to also kiss, nibble, and mark every inch of his body for the rest of the night. and lance has very little (honest) complaints about it. 
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blackjackkent · 7 months
House of Grief Boss Battle Report!
Initial state of play: THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM OH MY GOD
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Yikes on bikes.
As pictured, Viconia immediately starts out by turning several of her followers into wolves, which is really pretty mean because Shadowheart has a crippling fear of them due to the memory that was implanted in her head.
Intriguingly, the source of this is a series of connected abilities she has:
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Wild. I'm assuming that if we came down here without Shadowheart and Hector had gone through the Mapping of the Heart himself, this attack would be keyed to him and to something he said during the conversation.
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Atta girl.
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Looking at Viconia's other features:
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That's going to make Shadowheart's abilities as a damage dealer pretty much moot unfortunately.
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Holy tankiness batman.
I'm not entirely sure if she's meant to be a paladin or a cleric here.
She has 124 hit points, which compared to some of the bosses we've fought is really not much; this is very much a mob battle rather than a single target battle. The various other Sharrans around the room range from 30 at the low end to 150 at the max. Including her, we're looking at 20 enemies.
Hector and Karlach are such battering rams that I'm not overly worried about this, but let's see how it goes.
Round 1:
Given the debuff Shadowheart has against Viconia, getting the two of them apart as soon as possible seems like it should be a top priority. With this in mind, Hector comes in with Flurry of Blows for two pushes in a row.
Given the massive number of enemies on the field, I think Jaheira's conjuring abilities are (tragically) more relevant for this fight than her owlbear form is. Conjure Woodland Being puts a dryad on the field who can themselves summon a wood woad which puts two new ally combatants on our side for the price of one. I don't expect them to last very long but they are not intended to. XD
Of course, once again, despite the two extra fighters we just brought on the field and all the other more threatening members of our party, everyone goes STRAIGHT FOR JAHEIRA and starts beating up on her.
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Shadowheart lands a clutch Hold Person to take one of the Justiciars out of the fight temporarily and gets her spiritual weapon on the field for another ally.
It's really disheartening watching the like ten enemies in a row go in the middle of the initiative order.
And of course Jaheira goes down again before I can do literally anything about it. Maybe I should have owlbeared her after all. (Legitimately I don't know why this keeps happening. Normally I would blame my bad combat skills but I hadn't even done anything yet.)
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Speaking of bad combat skills, I decide to send the wood woad over to try and draw enemies away from her, and forget it's next to a bunch of enemies already, which all AOO and obliterate it immediately.
This is not off to a good start. None of these enemies are strong in and of themselves but they're making a lot of progress through sheer numbers. Top priority instantly becomes getting the squishy enemies out of the fight immediately.
Round 2:
Hector puts this new plan into action immediately by one-shotting two of the squishies because he is a fucking wrecking ball of a man now.
Jaheira has biffed two death saving throws in a row.
Karlach wrecks one of the wolves; turns out it's a polymorph variant and reveals the person underneath when the wolf form runs out of health. Karlach wrecks that too. XD
Shadowheart is also in VERY rough shape due to Viconia focus firing her and auto-critting everything. I have her disengage and back away from combat and then cast Mass Healing Word. Tragically, everyone is bone chilled and apparently that persists through downstate, so literally nothing happens. Fuck.
This is actually going quite badly. The Sharrans spend their turns casting Darkness on a large portion of the battlefield (which they are immune to) and surrounding Hector in a big deathball. Between Bone Chill, Darkness, and the fact that our party is almost completely optimized for single target damage (except for Jaheira, who is unconscious), things are really not looking good.
Round 3:
Jaheira dies. Shadowheart gets downed on another crit from Viconia. I reload and reconsider the situation.
Attempt 2. I have Jaheira drop all her healing spells for now since we have Shadowheart. Instead, I have her load up everything she can do that does AOE damage or CC, and cast Stoneskin on herself before the fight.
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It's called fashion, look it up.
This time we're going to do our best to keep her and Shadowheart to the BACK line and just topping up Hector and Karlach as much as possible and casting AOEs. I've also loaded her up with Daylight again in the hope that it might counteract the Darkness spells.
Let's see if this goes better.
Round 1:
We kick off with Jaheira dropping an ice storm on half the field and then running back towards the door. Only one of the bad guys eats shit on the ice, but it does considerable opening damage to a number of the squishies at once.
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I also have her drop a grasping vine in the very center of the arena where hopefully it can mess up Viconia's day. It's a real Dr. Seuss ass lookin' thing.
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Hector one-shots one of the squishies on the opposite side of the map and makes a good start on a second.
Viconia spends her whole action obliterating the grasping vine in one go, which is much better than her obliterating Jaheira so I'll take it.
Shadowheart flamestrikes two more enemies almost off the field entirely.
While Hector runs around the arena, this time we keep Karlach on squishy defense duty for now, beating up the Justiciar who is trying to get at Jaheira and Shadowheart.
The long string of enemy turns is still disheartening but not quite as disheartening as it was last time, so that's promising. Darkness on the field again. Two of the enemies eat shit in the ice field at last. Several of them get distracted by how shiny Shadowheart's spiritual weapon is.
Round 2:
Bone chill is really quite a problem but we made it through the first round without anyone taking a dreadful amount of damage.
Jaheira casts Daylight and it does indeed remove the darkness effect!
Hector kills THREE separate people on his turn.
Viconia goes after Shadowheart again at once but this unfortunately moves her into Karlaching range.
At this point I realize two critical things: Shadowheart's Spirit Guardians can do necrotic as well as radiant damage, and (to my surprise) the Sharrans aren't resistant to necrotic damage.
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Let's fucking go.
During the enemy turns Jaheira's health starts getting dire again. We also discover that Daylight only removes EXISTING darkness and doens't prevent new ones from being cast, which is annoying.
Round 3:
Hector kills Viconia and one of the Justiciars. The quest completes, but the additional bad guys definitely did not get the memo.
I had a brilliant idea about sending Shadowheart to grab Jaheira and teleport them both out of danger with Dimension Door. This fails for several reasons - Jaheira is in the midst of darkness and thus Shadowheart can't target her for the spell, and Jaheira raised a wall of Entangling Vines which do damage to Shadowheart on the way in. So they're both kind of just standing in the midst of a lot of enemies while very injured and Jaheira is bonechilled. Rawr. Shadowheart just sighs and casts Cure Wounds on herself instead. Her spirit guardians still do mega work though.
We're starting to gain the upper hand, though. Karlach manages to knock several more enemies out on her turn. This has not been a clean or professional fight but we're getting it done. XD
In a moment of unusual generosity, the enemies decide not to go after Shadowheart and Karlach, both of whom they could easily kill, and instead take potshots at Hector and Karlach who are almost full health.
LOL jk [sigh]
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Shadowheart mysteriously obtains a second bonus action from somewhere and I'm legitimately not sure where.
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Oh, it's from her helmet - she gets an extra bonus action when below 50% health. Nice!
Down to three enemies remaining, which is feeling rather more manageable, even if Jaheira dies. (*spongebob arms outstretched meme* TEMPORARILY)
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VICTORY! And we didn't quite lose Jaheira. XD
I'm so good at this.
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
God same about Jensen!
He clearly had some insight into Dean that came out intermittently I just thought it was Instincts he had because he'd internalised Dean so much but didn't actually understand what he was saying, stuck in ol' "oh haha Dean is a stupid repressed child who only likes guns" mindset
Turns out WE'RE the fools and Jensen's been playing us ALL
when do you think he took up plans to take over SPN himself? I honestly think it's when they decided to end SPN at S15 and talks about how they should end the story were going on and they had to send him to KRIPKE of all people
Yeah its wild. I would love for him (with Misha's help) to write a tell all book one day.
I feel like jackles has been a far better actor than we all gave him credit for. He has always been very switched on to fandom, he knew about the warring sides, the hate and the bullshit, and I reckon he was being told for years by his bosses to always keep all sides of fandom happy and to play his damn role at all times (ironically just like how Chuck ordered Dean to play his role - life imitates art too often in this fucking show its almost scary). Hence why he's insights into Dean often came across contradictory and odd. Sometimes he had beautiful accurate insights which make total sense, and other times (usually in j2 panels) he'd regress back to the "haha dean just likes guns and girls like a macho man should".
We will never truly know what went on behind the scenes following the moment j2m announced s15 was the end (unless jackles writes that book) so its hard to truly speculate when jackles decided to take things into his own hands, but I also believe it was around about the time they planned the finale and everyone was kissing jarpiss's asshole and jackles was left in the cold to stare down a shitty death scene he didnt agree with. Going to kripke was prob the final straw for him.
He was gaslit into thinking that ending was okay, and whenever he tried to question it he was told to sit down shut up and do what he was told, all the while watching his manchild tantrum throwing drama queen of a costar get his dick sucked by the entire production team for coughing a few times and puffing out his chest and singing the praises of a finale that pushed the spotlight firmly on him and his cop propaganda show.
So yeah, jackles was done dirty, and so he became That Bitch and started making plans. He had the production company set up only days after the finale aired, turned off his social media and refused to be involved in any spn finale celebratory CW PR (absolute King Shit)
I think he started making calls before they even finished filming. Dean wasnt even cold on the ground before The Winchesters had been dreamed up as a way to bring him back. Jackles rare few post finale SM posts all alluded to Dean returning again. He knew what he was doing.
At the same time he was ghosting the manchild, and planning to move his family to Colorado to get away from him. After SPN finally wrapped in mid 2020, him and Jarpiss went their separate ways. They barely spoke after that. Jackles was setting in motion all his plans to fix everything that he considered a personal afront to him (because he is absolutely deranged and literally possessed by the ghost of Dean Winchester) and those plans certainly involve fixing the ending somehow - in a way that isnt obvious no doubt, because he still has to be careful and at least pretend like he respects the ending and his egotistical douchebag of a costar (though he hasn't been doing a very good job of either tbh!)
Thats all my speculation anyway. Holding out for that tell all book jackles!
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leynaeithnea · 2 months
Oh yeah good call doing this song by song becase our essays are getting so long it's illegal at this point haha
Before we get into it, one of the chorus is "kill for love"? DAMN , that's totally not gonna ruin me at all, nu-uh I'll be super fine for sure
Okay let's go
This song is literally my fave of the saga, stuck in my head on repeat because of the melody and the beautiful vocals but also the story?? She is actually a siren trying to trick him but he pulls out a uno reverse card and tricks her even harder ??? Once again LYING CUNNING CHARACTERS FOR THE WIN AJSKSNBSB
Also I'm so jealousy of you bc I did not have it in me to wake up in the middle of the night for the stream but I wanted to see it so baaad, I would have been even more confused than you at 5am don't worry your wild theories are valid
Their little banter is impeccable "answer some questions for me please ?🥺" " Of course babe 🤭🙃" let's say I was on the run from Poseidon that big meanie 😔" " Oh nOo pookie poor you 🥺" They are so unserious !!! And then the vocals in her reply keep me up at night " sailing where he's scared to roam" is done so majestically akdmndns
Can't fight you on this , Ody saying he's shy and terrified is so fuckin funny and random hahahah
Oh good gods don't let me think about it because I know ,I KNOW HE'S PRETENDING A LITTLE BIT THIS IS REALLY HIS PENELOPE AND IT HURTS SO BAD the way he says he'd die for her and he misses her so much , "more than you know "because the siren actually doesn't know , she has no idea how much he misses his wife asakkksnns free my boy he deserves some smooches from his wifeee
( I love how you keep slipping Neil in the conversation and I do not fault you for it bc liars= Neil-Josten-hiding-his-whole-ass-murderer-father-with-ties-to-the-japanese-mafia-like-it's-nothing )
ALRIGHT I have a bit energy again
I agree with everything u said moving to the next song now!
22. Different Beast
the arrow followed by this ear piercing screaming (good think they all had beeswax in their ears fr)
ODY IS SO MAD "lets cut the charade you are no wife of mine" I almost feel like he hates the Siren even more for DARING to pretend to be Penelope, and making him yearn for her even more
the music in that one is also soooo sinister and creepy
and how his voice changes with "i know underwater theres packs of you hiding, yeah i know exactly what you are, a siren" its so vicious and cunning iTS soo good
Then the siren hiss seigsegj
AND THEN THE DRUMs when he starts singing "my real wife knows im not scared of the water, and my real wife knows i dont have a daughter" like the drums rise when he speaks and between the lines and when the strings or whatever they are come up again, the drum gets quieter again for a moment only to rise up again when he speaks...its so cool, i love this drum beat, which continues while he tells his whole big-brain plan (love how we see Odys hubris in this one, he gets so smug about his plans with the sirens that he spends a whole song explaining it to us, on one hand its exposition and him just recalling what happened for story purposes but also it fits the character for his pride - which in the myth is also his fatal flaw - takes over)
also "we are a different beast now" chorus: basically is just "we are the monsters rawr rawr rawr"
"we've been away from home for ABOUT 12 YeARS OR SO" JORGE; JORGE WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID HERE
I've also been wondering, i kind of feel like the ryhtm of the music doesnt fully-align with the lyrics bc theyre shifting between singing and sing-talking, and ive been wondering if thats maybe like a suble sign that acutally Ody and the crew dont hear a thing rn? kinda? idk, i dont have enoguh knowledge about music theory to actually explain the sort of dissonance i feel is happening, it could also just be done like this to showcase how theyre the different beasts now
Sirens singing "spare us" is eery and pretty
Odys embracing the lesson people have been trying to teach him throughout act 1 finially "why, so you can kill the next group of sailirs in this part of the sea, nah you wouldve spared me"
"cut of their tails we're ending this now, throw their bodies back int he water let them drown" HE IS THE MONSTER RAWR RAWR RAWR
AND THen the CHOIR LYRIcs shift to "HE is a different beast now, he is the one to feast now" (i lowkey imagine him just snacking on some Siren tail in that line ngl, the only way the lyrics "the ones to feast now" makes sense is if they literally feasted on these tails, it would also explain why Ody specifically wanted to cut of their tails)
also Ody plss "Kill them all"...ow, but fair i suppose, but you couldve just slit their throats
ADN THEN The last lyrics being "Odysseus" omg gsiejgisejg love it
Also i dont know when this shifted from "my favorite lines in the musical" to "my reaction and analysis to every song" but by now im just vibing with it
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
🔥 wild card: dealer’s choice of quote from a wip :)
☀️ asker’s choice of published work: request a quote from a published work (a certain work or series? a certain character? a certain emotion or trope if it’s there? up to you!) You got any mythology stuff on you? (I have apparently missed a lot, since I only joined the fandom in February)
Always a joy to see your work, by the way!!!!
hmm i almost did one of many tower variations but here have an extremely sick nicholas instead
He feels cold and shaky, and Milligan is warm. He closes his eyes, and the pounding in his head fades a little as he soaks in the heat.
It takes him a full second to register what he’s done—mostly because he can feel with unfortunate clarity the sharp breath of surprise Milligan takes—but he can’t force himself to pull away. He’s so tired and cold, and leaning against Milligan is slowly but surely draining some of the pain.
“S’ry,” he mumbles into his shirt, taking in a quiet, rattling breath. He has to get up. He has to push himself up, shaking arms and weak muscles be damned, and stop literally burdening Milligan.
But as he weakly stirs, a low, barely audible whine catching in his throat at how it hurts, Milligan’s arm comes up to almost wrap around him. One large, calloused hand goes to the nape of his neck, palm almost hot against his cold skin and the small, damp curls there.
Nicholas shivered, lashes fluttering a little as whatever resolve he had to force himself away evaporated; and he sagged back into Milligan’s side limply. Oh. Oh, that was nice.
ooooooh..... well, you're always welcome to go back through my works on ao3 (there's a lot, but keep in mind a LOT of them are fairly short oneshots) but i can see if i can remember any other mythology references besides minotaur. (although that's certainly the one with the most overt/heavy mythological references/themes.)
all i could think of off the top of my head was from "the color suits you" which is not about mythological themes but does contain this...
“—not that the Hellenistic gods are exactly known for their common sense,” Mr. Benedict was saying with some scorn, although his excitement kept shining through, “but it’s—it’s silly, it’s stupid! Aphrodite—she’s the goddess of beauty—” he waves his hands aggressively with every word as if to accentuate his annoyance, “—of course she’d win a beauty contest, what did they expect? Just let her have this, it’s literally her whole—her whole—” he struggles to find a word for a moment, hands pinwheeling, then finally triumphantly exclaims, “thing! Her whole thing!”
“Mm,” Milligan hums, wisely agreeing without interrupting.
“Not that Paris was reasonable either,” he says, head falling back and pressing against Milligan’s thigh. “Being the king of everything sounds stressful, but wisdom from Athena herself seems like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it? Not that them offering is really much of a beauty contest, anyway, but—he really went with a married woman. Because she’s attractive, I guess? He doesn’t even know her! I don’t understand people sometimes. And—well, obviously, it doesn’t turn out well, and anyone could have seen it was a bad idea—” he tilts his head, “—well, to be fair, it's unclear how much he actually knew, but—still. Just the most beautiful woman. You don’t even know her!” He shakes his head.
“You do know Paris is a fictional character,” Milligan says, with some amusement.
“Ah! Yes! Yes, yes,” Mr. Benedict says, “A mythical one, at that, a—a representation, a, a, a sort of. vessel for—for ideals, and stories, it’s really less—the more psychological, ah, ideas of characters, with, with interiority, that’s really—really a later development, but—”
He seems to be winding up to another topic—which Milligan is listening to with seeming genuine interest—but as fascinating as this is, Dipika did actually come for a reason.
important to know he's in the world's ugliest hawaiian shirt for this whole infodump
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chaoticabstractism · 1 year
Reading ✨The cage i call home✨ by @minjoon-love and dropping live comments here :
I’m already through first chep and they both seem in love lol but I’m guessing the angst is coming.
The smut was fabulous. Jiminie’s description is so pretty.
Lol taehyung is sucha tattle mouth.
So he has a limp, sour cunt, drunk brain and great friends! Life is good
They were FwBs before but they act like exes! People who know each others body in great detail and since they don’t talk much really all they’ve got is body language. But they care and long about each other too.
Mimi is sucha goner for yoongi! Sigh. I’m only little worried for him.
Yoongi knows taekook???????? So they’re in this secret business too????? Shit Jiminie shit
Oh okay they don’t. Then is Yoongi cooking something????
His entire body misses Yoongi :’)
The whole selling his soul to devil to monster - part 💀💀💀
Jimins headspace with praise kink and desire to be used and feeling guilty when he thinks he hasn’t deserved it, is really worrying. But really fascinating to read.
Kissing an asshole, literally and metaphorically.
The whole sequence of tracing the scar on Yoongi and silently asking for a scar back like a mating mark or something or something of yoongi to have with him when he isn’t close to the man!!!FUCK
JIMINNNNN oh god you traumatised baby
The choking scene was FUCK I MAY NEVER RECOVER especially with the undertones of their headspace shit
Alright chep 3 :
Oh would you look at that? It’s none other than Jiminie’s suga daddy !!!
Jimin is very good at making him feel needed. Well that’s kinda true for both of them. Sigh
What is yoongi Tryna do here really? See how much Jimin can take ? Break him? Push him so much that he’ll finally bite him back! ?
Hey hey hey hey hey what is happening in that bathroom I’m scared
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK WHY IS THAT SO HOT! stuffing his three holes FUCK FUCK FUCK oh god I’m ruined
Kimchi is their safe word!!! How romantic
For a couple who’s so messy in their sex life with derogatory tones and problematic kinks, they’re to domestic and lovey dovey other than sex.
And we are done with this chep too.
Let’s go chep 4 :
Taehyung fumbling and rambling describing Mimi’s hair and makeup style!!! I GET IT MAN I GET IT! I would too, he is just beautiful ✨
As soon as you admit the existence of happiness you’ve to face the reality that you could lose it - damn ! That hit way too close to the home.
OH GOD THREESOME! Get yourself a man like min yoongi who gets you another man to fill all your holes at once! Amen
Shit I can feel the humiliation seeping into my skin shit ! And I’m so turned on it’s embarrassing!! Fuxk you godddddddddd
Fuck yoongi fuck!!! THIS IS SO PERFECT feel bad for Seokjin tho! Yoongi used him as a literal boy toy to add pleasure into their dynamic.
“He tilts his head, opens his mouth and swirls the cum inside showing him” HE DID WHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT
Not Seokjin validated him like a baby showing his new cum-gurgling trick! HELPPPPP WHAT 😭😭😭😭
No disgust and no romantic feelings = best outcome in casual sex!!! Couldn’t agree anymore
The bathroom scene ???????? They’re so disgustingly in love and domestic and wild! And i love them so much
Oh my god the threesome was your block??!!!! I’m sorry I wasn’t there before or else I would have drowned you in praises because holy fuck!! That was so! I’ve thought a lot about such scene before but it’s just random dialogues and images and I’ve never been able to put it into words or paper but THIS WAS MINDFUCKING I love you for writing this
Okay chep 5 now whoooosh :
Theyre so cute in bed 😭😭😭😭
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲whatever happened
“Hurt me” 😩😩😩
I kind of knew yoongi would be the one using safe word the way Jimins masochistic tendencies keep flowing up at the surface but it still didn’t lessen the hurt that that it left :’)
He really left huh :’) I wished he would have stayed and talked and gathered some courage , can’t he see yoongi’s all ready to give him more than he could anyway!
I haven’t read anything else by you so idk if you’re into open endings or just endings where they aren’t together like a fairy tale, or not. Which is okay by me, I just , it’s nice to have had known but there’s no turning back now shit, im so nervous
Plus he’s coming to terms with the depth of his feeling, on top of it he already sorta felt that Jimin had it too. And he was trying to heal from it , in ways he knew. But now he’s ran away again and that would be so confusing. Was it just him? Was it the yesterday nights event ? Does it still feel suffocated ? Poor baby
Oh fuck he came back OH FUCK OH FUCK shit! Okay wow this is anticlimactic because I was ready to bawl my eyes out phewwww (sorry my damaged brain thinks it deserves pain even in stories and it’s too dreamy to hope for happy endings everywhere) shit but he really came back oh my god! Thank god one of them is better at this! Very Ross and Rachel like huh tho
Bye I need to cry
Okay I’m back , they’re at the sauna and having fun waaaaa it soothes my heart, this is nice
are you really yoongi’s partner if you don’t enjoy making him a blushing mess !!!!!
Kinda want Jimin to pull the yoongi marry me act and watch him be a puddle
Okay I’m done ,i thank you so much for leaving me a crying babbling utter mess 😔😔😔 no but really, it’s been a while since I’ve read an intense story like this and I guess slice of life even with mafia tones is something I really like, even more when there’s delicious angst! But I don’t read angst without smut and oh boy oh did you deliver!!! THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS! I love it! The flow, the pain, the sex, the writing everything about it!
I’ll read more of your stuff now @minjoon-love 🫂
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