#literally would not have changed or added anything to it he covered it in a paragraph
daboyau · 1 day
this chapter is kicking my butt so as a thank you for waiting so long here’s about 1000 unedited words of chapter 3 of the Tournament prompt fic! Chapter 3 part 1 i guess?? The rest of the story can be found here.
tag list! Lmk if you want to be added or removed! :)
“You are a blathering ignoramus! A slathering miscreant! Dunderheaded moron! I cannot believe you did this!”
Egghead had been going on like this for the past fifteen minutes, throwing every insult he could think of. A few of them were actually almost impressive in the beginning, but with every passing moment that his words didn’t garner a reaction from Leo, his insults just got more and more repetitive.
“Don,” he heard Big Red sigh. “Can you at least turn the music off?” 
Egghead went quiet. His music didn’t, though. At some point he’d changed it from 80’s jams to the angriest sounding techno music Leo’d ever heard. The little device strapped to his wrist had some impressive speakers.
“Absolutely not,” Egghead scoffed after a second of consideration. Leo could imagine the way he would cross his arms and the affronted expression on his face, though he didn’t turn to look. “A scolding of this degree deserves the proper mood music.”
Big Red and Sunspot both groaned. Leo stayed right where he was, curled up on his side, staring stubbornly at the wall no matter what the three kappa did to try to get his attention. 
“Hey! Answer me, you…you baka!”
“Oooo we’re moving on to the weeaboo insults now,” Sunspot stage whispered. “That’s how you know he’s run out of big fancy words to say dumdum.”
“Shut up Michael, it’s not weeaboo shit if dad’s literally Japanese.” 
“Donnie, Mikey. That’s enough.” Big Red’s voice was a gravely rumble that Leo could feel inside his bones. He shivered, grimacing and tucking his knees closer to his plastron, wishing that his Nexus armor let him go inside his shell. 
“Leo, it’s us. Please say something.” Sunspot sounded almost hopeful, but didn’t say anything more when his plea didn’t get any kind of response. He heard Big Red sigh, and it sounded tired and sad more than anything else. 
“Leo,” Red repeated, and his voice was low and gentle. Dangerously calm. 
Why do they all know his name? Why do they all say it with so much familiarity? No one should know his name! All he can think is that this must be some kind of test. Some sort of trick. Another way for Big Mama to mess with his head and make sure he knows his place. He curls tighter, muscles trembling with fatigue and pain as Big Red continues talking. “I think what Donnie is trying to say, is…what the fuck, man?” 
Someone makes a weird wheezing sound, like all the air has been punched out of their lungs. Something in his tone makes Leo frown, shaking him out of his fear driven stupor. The question doesn’t make any sense to him.
“What are you talking about?” he croaks before he can think better of it, muscles finally beginning to relax as he slowly lets himself uncurl. He doesn’t move to sit up, though, or turn to them. He stays on his side, eyes trained stubbornly on the glimmering wetness dripping slowly down the stone of the dungeon walls. 
“It’s been three years! Have you been here all this time? Just…just playing at being a champion?”
At this, Leo sits up and whirls to face them. There is an indignant fury burning in his belly, momentarily overwhelming the fear of what is to come. He’s glad that the mask still covers his face, hiding the way his cheeks flush with humiliation and anger. He’s weak and easy to read, never able to hide how he feels; no wonder Big Mama insisted he cover his face. 
“Playing? Is that what you think happens in the Nexus? I’ve been fighting for my life! Fighting to make something of myself so I might actually have a future!” 
“What are you talking about?” Egghead demanded, surging forward, hands wrapping briefly around the bars of the cell before he yelped at the shock of pain and withdrew them. He shook them out, nose wrinkling at the smell of burned flesh but eyes never straying from Leo, his face a mask of frustration. 
“Buddy, you don’t have to prove anything,” Big Red said, shuffling as close as the bars would allow him without getting shocked himself. His eyes were big and sad, like he was seeing a hurt kitten when he looked at Leo. Unseen, Leo’s lips pulled back in a furious snarl at the condescending tone.
“Even if you did, why would you just…just disappear?!” Sunspot added, crawling up Red’s shell with an ease that was only further proof of their familiarity. His eyes were wet with unshed tears, but his brow was creased with what could only be anger. Watching their faces, hearing their anger and their concern, something finally clicked inside his head. Leo’s stomach churned and he wondered how he could have been so stupid to not put the pieces together before. He hated his traitor heart for daring to squeeze around the slightest hint of hope. He didn’t need to be disappointed again, but….
“Do you know me?” The words were squeezed from his tightening throat, hitting open air and hanging there like a noose. The other three went all grey faced, horror painted over their features like they were watching him walking towards the edge of the gallows of his own free will. 
“Leo,” Egghead said, voice tight, that single word layered with so many meanings and emotions that he could never hope to parse through before it settled on a cold fury. Something dangerous and horrible, promising retribution for a crime Leo couldn’t remember committing. “What did she do to you?”
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Every day I truly continue to be completely baffled by how my friend and I are literally exactly the same person
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months
I had a dream about this scenario last night and I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this. Aaron’s fiancé is currently in law school but she mostly has done everything online. Recently she’s had to start attending classes and her teacher has been making her extremely uncomfortable. He got access to her phone number and texts her all hours of the night. Leaves notes on her assignments asking her to dinner etc. she doesn’t want to worry Aaron cause he has so much on his plate anyway so she ask Morgan to go have a talk with the teacher to scare him off. But it turns into more of an obsession and Aaron has to get involved.
holy shit you literally had a full on movie going on in that dream and it's literal perfection cw; creepy guy yuck
it starts out with lingering stares. the prof's gaze would remain on you far too long, even after you finished speaking if you were to talk aloud, and another student was adding their input. you brush it off, tell yourself you're probably overreacting, but without fail, there's always that sickening feeling pooling in your stomach.
at first, you're seated in the front - you've always been that kind of student - better access to the board, quick to ask questions, etc., just very involved in class. but as you're seated in the front, you catch him staring at your legs, he moves closer to you during the lecture, not so subtly glancing at your chest, calls on you even if your hand isn't raised.
the more uncomfortable you get, you talk less, rarely participate, you choose to sit in the back, and that's when he starts leaving notes on your assignments - telling you how attractive you are, how you're the most extraordinary student he's had, asking you to coffee or dinner. you try your hardest to ignore it, telling yourself you just need to get through the semester. you even went to your academic advisor to see if you could potentially drop the class, but it's a needed credit. and at this point, you're already a bit into the semester, so you might as well finish it off. not only is it all incredibly disgusting, it's disheartening too. you were so looking forward to attending in-person classes after being strictly online, and now you wish you would've stuck to that.
aaron, of course, is quick to notice a change too. you don't talk about the class over dinner like you used to, ask for his expertise when it comes to difficult assignments. you're quick to change the subject if it's brought up - you honestly avoid the topic altogether. aaron knows something's going on, he provides his support in different ways to show he's there for you - making you your coffee in the morning, packing you a lunch, leaving a note with it. (omg imagine the professor finding aaron's note to you - it accidentally slipped out of your bag and he's just outraged 🫢)
when you go to morgan, shock and disgust covers his face and he starts rattling off questions - how long has this been going on, have you reported him, have you told aaron?!?!?!!? and when you tell him no, tears are just rolling down your cheeks - and it's actually the first you've cried over this whole situation, you've been holding up a strong front until now. :(( derek pulls you into a tight hug, tells you he'll do what he can, and also strongly encourages you to tell aaron. he's all, "he's your man, he'll want to know" 🥺
and ohhh when aaron finds out - furious is an understatement. you tell him the whole story from the beginning, you show him the notes that the prof has left you, and he's immediately in protective mode. and despite how upset he is, he's still so gentle and he feels so bad you've been going through this, alone at that :(((( his voice is all soft as he brushes your tears away, "sweetheart 🥺 you could've told me" and pulls you safely into his arms. you explain how you figured you'd just suck it up, didn't want to bother him, and aaron just gently shushes you, tells you okay, he understands, but please never hesitate to come to him if there's something going on :(
aaron then tells you that he's going to put a stop to this, he'll make sure of it. he calls the school, sends a Very Scary and Very FBI letter. and that prof gets fired yay!!!! and actaully, he does have a criminal record of stalking and being a creep. but with that new free time 🫢 that only means he has more time to look into you ...
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taesanrot · 2 months
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[from the start] taesan x f!reader | 4.0k words college au, classmates to lovers, making out, alc consumption ++ terrible drunk decisions lmao, angst kinda, misunderstanding, mutual pining, fear of physical touch at first, everyone is just a little confused note. sorry this took literally so long to finish, i kept changing my mind on how i wanted it to go. fun fact the original idea for this fic was based on my real life situationship. hope u guys enjoy <3
you shouldn't be here. you should be sleeping off the alcohol flowing through you in your own bed, at your place. you shouldn't be here, pressed against taesan's chest, your mouth molded against his.
up until a few hours ago, han taesan was nothing but a fleeting memory. just someone your friends brought up once in a while to watch the way your cheeks flared up in embarrassment. he was part of the past, an unfortunate moment during your freshman year in university. your friends didn't know about the guilt that ate away at you every time the boy's name crossed your mind.
the two of you had met in english, deskmates who bonded over the frustrations that came with your shitty professor and endless essays. complaining about class turned into hushed whispers while the professor wasn't looking, adding each other on socials and snapping silly pictures back and forth, walking back to the dorms together. because... why not? taesan was cute and you couldn't help but chase the feeling that came with every interaction you two shared.
you never thought it would turn into anything, until your friends pointed out the obvious: he liked you. taesan liked you. the way your hair flowed so prettily, the way you smiled at all of his stupid pictures and the way your eyebrows furrowed at the professors nasally voice.
the two of you had an undeniable connection, and it ended with the two of you sitting on his bed watching a movie together on his roommate, sungho's, tv.
flirty glances and brushing hands turned into his hands running up your arms, breath hot on your neck as you tangled your fingers in his dark hair. having him like this should've felt like heaven, but instead your chest tightened and your body tensed, to the point where taesan pulled away from you, looking into your eyes and softly asking if this was okay, if you were okay.
you should've told him the truth, you were just scared. you hadn't done this before, not with someone who you felt so deeply for. you just wanted to slow down a bit. but instead you faked a smile and just said that you remembered something your friend had asked you to do, ignoring the stab in your chest as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you pulled away uncomfortably quick and left without another word. that was months ago.
the last you'd heard from him was hours after you left; he'd apologized profusely, saying he'd misread things and you tried and tried to reassure him that he did nothing wrong. you wished he could read your mind so you didn't have to face the fact that you were a coward and you'd hurt him in the process.
taesan thought that night would be the last time he'd see you. he could tell something was wrong, and he'd figured that you'd never want to see him again. but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to blame you, hate you, nothing.
"seriously? you're not mad.... at all?" sungho sat up in his bed, staring at his roommate in disbelief. "dude, she literally led you on and ghosted you." jaehyun chimed in, shaking his head at the younger boy. taesan shrugged and went back to tuning his guitar, covering up the sounds of his friends' scoffs with the vibrations of the strings he plucked. they thought he was hopeless, and secretly, he agreed.
after months of radio silence, it was safe to say that taesan was not expecting his phone to ping with a message from you.
you tried to move on from things with the music major, joking away your pain with your friends and going on dates with other guys. it worked for a few months, but eventually thoughts of han taesan caught up to you. they plagued your mind for days on end.
late at night, lying in your bed and staring at the ceiling, you wondered how things could've been different if you'd just told taesan the truth. you thought it was easier to just run away and pretend nothing happened between the two of you, that you'd be at peace if you just went back to before you knew he liked you, before you knew you liked him too. in the end, it just left you feeling empty.
you hadn’t ever met anyone like him, something you hadn’t ever admitted out loud. you couldn't go back to the way things were before, he'd left an imprint on your mind like no one else.
the thoughts you tried to smother finally came up to surface on a breezy saturday night as you were celebrating your friend, yunjin's, 21st birthday party at her apartment. after more than a few shots and the truly you split with yeri, you felt like you were on another planet. you stumbled over to the living room, falling onto the couch and leaning your head back and closing your eyes.
after a few minutes of sitting with your intoxicated state, you lazily unlocked your phone, scrolling through your instagram timeline, attention focusing in and out. that was until you came across a certain set of pictures. you squinted, reading the caption.
tae23san take my tears @psungho @myungj4e
pictured was none other than taesan, sitting on top of a car with his head tilted back to look at the sky.
sitting up slightly, you carefully scrolled through the dump of photos taesan had posted: him posing in the booth of a recording studio, he, sungho, and jaehyun in a photobooth, a candid of him playing the guitar, a mirror selfie with sungho, and a solo shot of him.
the last picture almost took your breath away; he posed with a hand ruffling his own hair as he pouted his lips.
all at once, you felt every emotion you fought so hard to drown explode in your heart. you missed him. so much. your head spun with sadness, guilt, and longing. you wanted to- no, you needed to see him.
it wasn't long before the thoughts popped in your head.
why don't i just text him?
whats the worst that could happen?
it was bad idea, a terrible idea truly. but you couldn't help yourself, you opened your contacts and found your chat with him faster than you could blink. you fumbled with the screen, trying to type out a cohesive message to the boy you so desperately wanted to see.
[1:53 a.m.]
y/n: taesnjsnnnnn
y/n: i miss you
y/n: i'm soryry
y/n: can i swee yuo? please
taesan was hoping to have a peaceful smoke with his friends. he, sungho, and jaehyun had spent the day working on a project for their advanced music production class, and were now sitting on the couch passing a blunt around, some rnb songs floating softly through the air.
taesan breathed in slowly, sucking in the laced smoke and exhaling it softly, humming at the warm feeling in his limbs. he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, laughing at the feeling of the vibrations against his thigh.
"this is done for." jaehyun mumbled before flicking off the ash and placing the end on the side table. taesan watched him with hooded eyes as he stood up to stretch out his limbs, making sungho and taesan giggle.
"i'm going to my room." sungho stood as well, murmuring a similar quip before meandering over to his door. "don't forget to turn off the lights, san."
taesan groaned in acknowledgement, letting his head fall back onto the couch. not really wanting to sleep, he wondered if he should watch a movie or make some food.
the boy sighed in boredom, pulling his phone out of his pocket languidly and swiping through his notifications.
his already blown out pupils grew even bigger at the sight of your name in his notifications. he'd never gotten around to deleting your number -- he figured there was no point.
his eyes focused on the words next to your name. 4 unopened messages. he rubbed his eyes slowly.
was he really that high right now? or did you really message him. taesan's gaze jumped over to the timestamp.
10 minutes ago.
he hurriedly clicked the notification, tapping his thigh with his fingers as the screen expanded to display your texts. you were clearly a bit out of it, taesan smiled at your typos. his vision seemed to laser focus on the one text you didn't misspell.
i miss you.
taesan couldn't say he didn't feel the same way. despite sungho and jaehyun's relentless nags, he thought about you more often than he'd like to admit.
somehow, he knew something was up the fateful night the two of you had hung out. that wasn't you, he just knew it. or so he told himself. he didn't want to be mad at you, he didn't want to hate you. he had hoped for this day so many times. the day you'd tell him you didn't mean it.
taesan's fingers moved across the screen slowly.
[2:08 a.m.]
han taesan: hey
han taesan: where are you?
from the moment you hit send, you had suddenly been more alert, thoughts racing a million miles a minute.
what do i do if he responds? is he even awake? he just posted, he has to be. god, i hope this works.
you'd taken the leap, there wasn't any going back.
you begrudgingly lifted yourself from the couch you were sitting on, looking for your friends so you could take your mind off of the messages you'd just sent.
walking over to the fridge, you grabbed a water bottle to help you sober up a bit.
eunchae and chaewon did a great job at keeping you from checking your phone every thirty seconds. you laughed at their horrific job at playing pictionary against two guys yunjin knew, anton and sohee.
your two friends were losing bad, and you smiled watching anton and chaewon bicker, anton giggled at chaewon's reddened face. you hoped you'd remember to tease her about it later.
your phone buzzed twice in your pocket and you held your breath as you fished it out and tapped the screen. face to face with taesan's messages, nearly shrieking, you quickly typed a response.
you paused for a second, calculating your next move. you really wanted to see him, praying to god that he was free and willing.
[2:09 a.m.]
y/n: yunjins place. in source complex
taesan: oh
taesan: what room
y/n: 204
taesan: im 3 floors up
taesan: in 511
y/n: can i come up
taesan: yeah of course
while you were definitely a little more sober than 15 minutes ago, you still fought to not squeal into your hand. looking around, you searched for yunjin so you could bid her goodbye.
mellow music still floating in the air of the living room, taesan dropped his phone in his lap. he let out a shaky sigh.
whether it was the weed or the fact that he was about to see you after what felt like forever, taesan was suddenly very nervous, wiping his hands on his pants and slowly standing from the couch.
rubbing his arms, he looked around the apartment, unsure of what to do until you got there. he assumed you'd take a bit to leave your friends apartment and make your way up to his. taesan hoped you'd make it okay; he wanted to come get you but was honestly way too fucking high to leave his apartment.
"i guess i'll go brush my teeth or something." the boy mumbled to himself, walking over to the bathroom to fix his hair and make sure he smelled okay.
stepping into the elevator, you looked at your reflection as the doors closed, almost forgetting to hit the button for the fifth floor in the midst of smoothing your hair down and fixing your slightly smeared eyeliner with your thumb.
closing your eyes, you lightly rubbed your temples in a sore attempt to bring yourself back to reality, and to emotionally prepare yourself.
you were seeing taesan again, finally.
you hid your blush from literally no one and smiled slightly into your hand as the elevator doors opened.
standing in front of the boy's door, the weight of the situation at hand truly hit you.
what exactly did you want from this?
what did you want from him?
if you ended up hurting him again you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself. huffing slightly, you brought a hand up to your neck to fiddle with your necklace and think.
your dazed yet racing thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the front door to taesan's apartment, door swinging back to reveal none other than the music major himself.
"hi" you smiled and spoke quietly.
even though he knew you were coming, the boy somehow still couldn't believe the sight in front of him. it was really you.
you looked as breathtaking as ever in his eyes, your hair a bit shorter than the last time he saw you. taesan caught himself and chuckled slightly, moving out of the way to make room for you.
"come in."
you blushed as you stepped into the apartment awkwardly, not sure what to do with yourself. the alcohol was still making your head spin, eyes adjusting slowly to the sight of taesan's living space. you slipped your shoes off quietly and followed the boy as he walked into the kitchen.
"do you want some water? or snacks? we have chips and fruit, unless sungho ate them all. i think we have some juice too...." taesan's high had clearly not worn off in the slightest, and the boy winced after realizing he rambled on about the contents of his pantry for a full 30 seconds.
you couldn't have cared less, eyes focused on how pretty his hair looked brushed down in his face. making eye contact with him, you noticed the red tint to them, giggling quietly.
"we also have -- are you even listening?" taesan smiled at your starry eyes as you shook your head and laughed.
"god y/n- okay let's just go sit down." he watched you eagerly turn around and nearly skip towards his living room couch, settling right in the middle of the sofa.
the couch cushions were soft as they rubbed slightly against the exposed skin of your legs. shivering slightly, you wished you'd worn a bit more than just a crop top and denim shorts.
your gaze traced the lines of the wood on his coffee table, thoughts lost and scattered. you were just as blown away at the sight of him as he was of you. you recalled the sight of his larger hands shoved in the pockets of his zip up, wondering what it would feel like to have them wrapped around your own.
you wriggled your socked toes to a beat only you could hear, trying to take your mind off of the nervousness flowing through your veins.
"here." you looked up quickly to see taesan standing in front of you, about an arms length away. "i brought you some water."
taesan bit his lip to keep himself from smiling at the sight of you on the sofa. he looked around awkwardly for a second, not sure where to sit -- you were in the middle of the couch and choosing either side of the sofa would leave him sitting directly next to you.
"why are you still standing? come sit." you tilted your head at him and patted the spot to your right softly, smiling up at the nervous boy.
sighing out in relief, taesan plopped down next to you and settled into the corner of the sofa. you turned slightly so you could face him as he spoke, glass of water abandoned on the coffee table.
"do you wanna watch a movie?" he asked.
"is it okay to turn on the tv this late?" you shyly responded
taesan's ears turned slightly red in embarrassment. he 100% forgot about his two other roommates sleeping soundly in their own rooms.
while they probably wouldn't mind the noise, taesan didn't want to have to explain why you of all people were in their living room at this very moment.
"if you're okay with it, we can watch something in my room, i can play it on my laptop." taesan spoke.
your cheeks burned slightly at the idea of seeing the boy's room but you hummed in agreement, standing up quickly. the sudden movement caused you to stumble a bit. taesan stood up after you, wrapping a hand around your arm in an attempt to steady you.
"are you okay?" he turned you to face him fully, hands resting lightly on your shoulders as he looked at you worriedly.
your breath hitched at the mere inches of space between the two of you. taesan's gaze left you speechless, and your eyes searched his face before landing on his lips.
for every minute that had passed since you sent that first fateful text message, the anticipation had been eating you alive. deciding you couldn't take it anymore, you pulled yourself up by the collar of the boy's hoodie and pressed your lips against his.
his mouth was plush and unmoving against yours and you let yourself close your eyes and savor the feeling for a moment before lowering yourself back onto your heels.
opening your eyes, you mentally geared yourself for the awkward conversation you feared was about to ensue. taesan, on the other hand, barely gave you a moment to breathe, chasing your lips the second they detached from his. slipping a hand behind your neck, he tilted his face down and sealed his lips over yours once again.
taesan's mind raced as he bit your bottom lip, wondering what this was going to lead to and if he'd regret it. he decided he couldn't care less when he felt you tilt your head to the side and push your tongue in his mouth.
you craned your face upward and grabbed the sides of his sweatshirt tightly, like he might disappear if you let go of him. you needed more of him.
you broke your lips from his for a split second to ask where his room was. taesan mumbled something you couldn't hear before pulling you by your shoulders. the boy's mouth didn't leave yours for a second, only pulling away to push his door open.
you opened your eyes slowly, looking up to meet the taller boy's hooded gaze. you turned around and took in the sight in front of you. taesan's bed was in the corner of the room, posters hung above a small desk. you smiled at the tangles of wires on the floor, leading to a small speaker system and bass guitar.
"gonna go turn off the lights and check the door." taesan's voice rasped. you hummed in acknowledgement and stepped forward into the room slowly.
you walked over and climbed onto the boy's bed, bringing your legs up so you could hug your knees. staring at your socked feet, your mind was completely blank. when taesan came back you were absentmindedly fixing your hair and shirt, not even noticing the boy's return.
"are you okay?" taesan asked softly.
you looked up to see his eyes on you, smiling at the way hands were politely tucked behind his back. he was nervous, hoping he didn't overstep or make you uncomfortable. taesan didn't think he could handle watching you run out his door a second time.
"okay?" you tilted your head in confusion.
"with this... being here with me." your heart panged with sadness, feeling so guilty for how you made him feel before. you wanted to make it up to him.
"i am. i want this. i promise, taesan." you watched taesan slowly process your words though his wavering high, smile forming on his face. his hands came up to push your legs down, and you scooted towards him, giggling and wrapping your legs are his standing figure.
taesan had abandoned his hoodie in the living room, now in a loose t-shirt. your hands scrunched the fabric of the graphic tee as you pulled the boy towards you again. taesan complied without a word, bending down to meet your awaiting lips. you moved your lips against his languidly, savoring each swipe of his tongue against yours.
taesan pushed your body backwards so he could climb on the bed with you. you scooted back until you were pressed against the headboard, only staying there for a second before taesan pulled you onto his lap.
his lips went to your neck, pressing soft kisses and grazing his teeth against the sensitive skin. with each kiss, bite, and swipe of his tongue against you, taesan could feel you practically melting into his lap. eyes screwed shut, your head leaned back to further expose your neck and your fingers tugged at the boy's hair.
you slightly pulled taesan's face away from you, bringing your hands to gingerly cup his face. his eyes were slightly glossed over as you placed a wet kiss on his lips.
the last traces of your sobriety were thrown out the window, both of you drunk off each other. taesan thought you looked like an angel, bringing a hand up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. your eyes formed crescents as you smiled at the boy, and he swore he almost stopped breathing.
your hand came up to rest over his that was still cupping your face, intertwining your fingers. bringing them closer to your face, you opened taesan's and placed a featherlight kiss in the center of his palm.
"what was that for?" taesan mumbled in between giggles as he watched you continue to play with his fingers.
"thank you." your voice wavered slightly, eyes looking up to meet his nervously. you laughed at the puzzled look on his face before continuing.
"for giving me a second chance and letting me come over." you sighed shakily under taesan's gaze. "i missed you, a lot."
"probably not as much as i missed you." taesan replied softly, squeezing your hands and tilting your chin up to meet your wide eyes.
the moment that passed between the two of you was long and drawn out, you savored the feeling of weight being lifted off your chest. trapped in his eyes and tucked in his arms, you couldn't fathom missing the chance to have han taesan like this.
as the thick silence dissolved and taesan's aching lips found yours again, the two of you knew staying away from each other was ill-fated from the start.
[bonus — 10:54 AM]
blinking the sleep from your eyes, you lazily searched taesan's fridge for a water bottle. as you shut the door, a loud crash abruptly pulled you out of your sleepy daze. coming face to face with myung jaehyun, you let out a yelp of surprise.
"no fucking way." he spoke. a bowl of dry cereal lay at his feet, contents now strewn across the kitchen tiles.
ears turning red, you realized how insane you must look: your hair was untied and messily brushed down and you were wearing nothing but an old tshirt and some boxers taesan had given you.
"what happe- oh god." taesan said from behind jaehyun, having rushed over to the kitchen to check on you. it was safe to say the last thing he expected was to see you and his roommate staring open mouthed at each other. flustered, taesan opened his mouth to explain, but jaehyun interrupted him with a loud sigh.
"fuck you tae, now i owe woonhak 20 bucks."
taglist: @iweirdthingsblog @yjwkisser @sulkygyu @enhyven
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puckinghischier · 2 months
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Jack Hughes x fem!reader, smitten!Jack
summary: request for jack and reader on their wedding day
notes: this is my first time writing anything for jack and i literally had so much fun with it. i hope you guys like it 😌
Jack had never been this nervous before. Not during nationals games, not on his draft day, not on the night of his rookie debut, and not in any circumstance that he can remember. Ever. He’s not usually the type to dwell on feelings of nerves, trusting his skill and his ability to focus on the task at hand to get the job done.
Today, though, is the most nerve-wracking day of his life. It’s his wedding day, for crying out loud. The day he gets to marry the girl that has been there for every major event of his life. The girl that has never missed a Devils home game. The girl that he’s pretty sure his family loves more than him. The girl that has stuck by him through every hardship and crazy hockey season so far. His girl. The girl he gets to make his wife.
Hell, he wasn’t even this nervous when he asked you to marry him. He recalls the day as if it happened mere hours ago, not a year and a half earlier.
“Jack, where are we going? I thought you said you had an event with the team tonight? You’re going to be late,” you ask, noticing you’re driving further and further away from the city.
You had been doing laundry, trying to get ahead on some chores you had been neglecting, when Jack had come into the living room and told you to put your shoes on, he wanted to take you somewhere. You had asked him where, and if you needed to change, but he simply shook his head no and told you it was a surprise. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for Jack. You just assumed he found a new ice cream place he thought you would love, or some quaint little coffee shop he knew you’d like.
You didn’t think anything of it until you found yourself watching the city disappear into the distance almost forty-five minutes later, no destination in sight.
“We’re almost there, darling. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours,” is all he said, taking his eyes off the road for only a moment to flash one of his soft smiles in your direction before continuing to drive.
You sit in the comfortable silence, a slow country ballad playing softly on the radio. Jack’s hand resting on your thigh adding a much-needed warmth to your body, not having grabbed a jacket before he dragged you out of your shared apartment. You watch the road around you become surrounded by trees, admiring the greenery that seems so hard to come by in the city.
Before you realize it, too lost in your own thoughts, Jack is turning off of the paved road you were traveling onto a dirt road, clouds of dust billowing behind the car. You lean forward a bit, trying to take in the scenery to find any sort of clue as to where you were. You’re just about to ask where he’s taking you, yet again, when you see the most beautiful scene appear through the windshield.
At the end of the road stood a large red barn, aged in all the right ways. The red was slightly faded, showcasing the years of sun damage and there were pieces of the shingled roof missing, lost in the wind who knows how long ago. Off to the left of the barn was a large area surrounded by a wooden fence, a few horses grazing on the bright green grass. The sun was just beginning to set, causing one side of the barn to be coated in golden sunlight, the other side blanketed in a shadow. As Jack turned the car to enter the field where the barn sat, you noticed the obscene number of lights strung high into the trees covered by the shadow of the barn, giving the effect that little drops of sunlight were dripping from the limbs.
“Jack…what- where are we?” You ask him, disbelief lacing your tone.
“Just a little place I stumbled across with Luke one day. We were out for a drive, just wanting out of the city for a few hours. Found this place and instantly thought of you. Knew I had to bring you here,” he reveals, parking the car and turning off the engine.
Jack opens his door to get out of the car and quickly moves to open yours, taking your hand while leading the two of you over to the forest of lights. You’re so busy looking up at the sight in the trees that you miss the large, wooden arch set up in the middle of the two biggest trees in the mini forest. There were a few hay-bales on each side of the arch, large bouquets of white daisies placed all over the bales, with some even bunched around the top corners of the square arch.
Once you take in the scene in front of you, you turn your head to look at Jack, finding his eyes already on you.
“Jack, you have about three seconds to tell me what’s going on here,” you calmly tell him, even though your stomach felt like it was doing summersaults.
“I told you, I wanted to show this place to you. Thought you’d like it.” His lips curled into an amused smile once he noticed the glare on your face, knowing you were calling his bluff.
“I wanted to show you this place, because I knew you’d like it. Because I know you. How lucky I am to know you,” he begins, slowly moving you forward until you’re standing directly in front of the arch.
“How lucky I am that I’m the person you chose to trust with your heart. How lucky I am to be able to come home to you after a hard day. How lucky I am to be the recipient of your kindness and your love. How lucky I am to bask in your happiness and your spirit day after day. How lucky I am that you put up with the crazy world I live in, and do it without complaint.”
Your hands were starting to shake at this point, eyes watering.
“What I did to deserve all of this, I’ll never know. But I know I’ll never take it for granted. I’ll never take you for granted. And if you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day of the rest of our lives telling you how thankful I am to whatever celestial being lead me to you,” Jack pauses, dropping to his knee and fishing around in his pocket for the velvet box he’s had hidden in a pair of old skates in the closet for months.
“You are pure sunshine, shining light on every single person you meet. Y/N Y/L/N, please, let me live the rest of my life sunburnt. Marry Me.”
That was the easy part. Asking you to marry him was the quickest and easiest decision Jack had ever made in his life. He hadn’t thought twice when he called Luke on a random Thursday afternoon, telling him he needed to help him run some “errands”, driving to the nearest jeweler as soon as Luke sat in his passengers seat. Didn’t even hesitate when he called your best friend, asking if you had ever talked about what your favorite diamond cut was. Not a nerve in sight when he flew out to meet your parents to ask for their blessing two months before proposing, claiming he was just making a quick trip to visit some friends.
So why? Why was he so nervous today? He’s been looking at himself in the mirror for twenty minutes now, worried that his bow tie is crooked, or that his hair looks too messy. He didn’t know why he was so focused on his appearance. You’ve seen him at his worst. You’ve been there to take care of him after far too many drinks on a night out celebrating a win, hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, head buried in the closest toilet. You’ve seen him after a brutal game, face red from exertion and weird imprints all over his body from his gear. You’ve seen him when he broke down after his first loss during his rookie year, putting all the blame on himself, holding him in your arms as he sobbed in your kitchen.
He knew you didn’t care if a few hairs were out of place, or if his tie was a centimeter too far to the left. But he did. He cared, because this was the most important day of his life, and you deserved for him to look his best. You deserved for him to make sure everything was perfect.
Jack is pulled from his thoughts by a knock at the door, Luke and Quinn making their way into the room.
“Ready, Rowdy?” Quinn asks, going to stand behind Jack in the mirror.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Jack responds, turning to look at his two brothers, forcing a smile that’s supposed hide all of his nervous emotions.
“Are you sure? Why do you look like you’re about to vomit, then?”
“I don’t? Do I? Oh god, what if she thinks there’s something wrong when she sees me? How do I make myself look like I’m not gonna hurl all over her dress. Luke, do I really look like I’m gonna blow chunks?” Jack frantically asks, looking between the two brothers, turning back around to look at himself in the mirror once again.
“Jack, breathe, man. You look fine. Luke was just being Luke. He doesn’t look like he’s going to vomit, right, Luke?” Quinn attempts to calm Jack, glaring at Luke.
“Yeah, I didn’t mean it. Sorry, Jack. You look fine. She’s probably gonna want to jump your bones or some shit. You look great.” Luke blurts, trying to not only escape the wrath of his eldest brother, but to keep Jack from actually vomiting.
“Okay, not what I meant but whatever works, I guess.” Quinn sighs, placing his hands on Jack’s shoulders to turn him back around.
“Listen, everything’s going to be fine. We just went to see Y/N, she’s nervous just like you are. I don’t know why, you’re both so painfully obvious with how much you love each other. There’s nothing for you to worry about. She loves you, man. More than I’ve seen someone love another person. As long as you’re standing there waiting on her at the end of the aisle, you could be covered in dog shit for all she cares. She just wants to see you. She just wants to marry you.”
Jack stares at his older brother, letting the words sink in. His thoughts drift to you, only three doors down, standing in your dress looking into the mirror just like he is, freaking out over things that don’t truly matter to him. He thinks about how you could walk down the aisle, hair un-brushed, pajamas still on, slippers on your feet and he would still be ecstatic to see you.
“You’re right, Q. Of course you’re right. I knew I chose you to be my best man for a reason,” Jack chuckles, feeling his nerves settle a bit.
“I know I’m right. I know you. And I know Y/N. As long as the two of you leave here today with the same last name, everything else could go wrong and you would still be the happiest couple I know,” Quinn removes his hands from Jack’s shoulders.
“But, nothing is going to go wrong, because Mom has been out there running around like a madwoman to make sure everything is in place. The only thing left is to make sure you get to the altar. Which is what we were sent here to do,” Luke chimes in, trying to assure his brother one last time.
“Alright. Yeah. I guess it’s time, huh?”
“It’s time, Rowdy. And it’s been a long time coming.” Quinn pats Jack on the back, the three brothers making their way towards the door that was left open.
Jack smiles at his brother’s statement, knowing you’re just as much a part of his brother’s lives as you are his. You watch every single one of Quinn’s hockey games (as long as he’s not playing at the same time as Jack and Luke) and scream loud enough for the neighbors to complain. You were there at Jack’s side for Luke’s draft day, just as proud, if not more, of the youngest Hughes. You always invite Luke over for a post-game dinner, knowing how tired he is after games and wanting to make sure he gets a meal before he goes home and claims he’s too tired to eat. He knows you hold a special place in his mom’s heart, too. Her claim that you’re the daughter she never had proving to be true through this whole process, knowing she’s been involved in every step of this wedding right along side your mom and yourself.
Before Jack knows it, the ceremony is beginning and he’s being given the signal to make his way to the altar, standing next to his groomsmen as he waits for you to walk through those doors.
As he looks out over the crowd, he finds himself growing nervous once again. Did he put on enough cologne? Did he bring the right kind? What if he wasn’t wearing the one you told him was your favorite? Did he brush his teeth? What if he kisses you for the first time as your husband and his breath tastes like the burger he had for lunch? Oh god, what if you don’t want to kiss him because he has burger breath?
Quinn can sense the nervous energy radiating off of his brother once again. He places his hand on Jack’s back, giving him a few pats to let him know he’s right there next to him. That everything’s going to be okay.
Jack looks over at his brother only briefly before he hears the unmistakable tune of “In Case You Didn’t Know” by Brett Young start playing through the speakers. It’s Jack’s song for you. He plays it all the time when you’re in the car together, not even trying to be subtle. He loves to send it to you when he’s on the road, letting you know he’s thinking about you. There was absolutely no question in your mind as to what song you were going to choose when your mom asked what you wanted to walk down the aisle to.
He snaps his attention to the double doors that open at the other end of the large room. His stomach is in knots, really hoping he doesn’t actually look like he’s about to puke, because he sure feels like it right now.
As he watches the first flash of white make an appearance in the doorway, he knows he’s a goner.
You step into his full view, hand wrapped around your father’s arm, looking around at the various guests for only a split second before your eyes meet his. Jack swears, all time stops in that second. He can barely see through the tears that well in his eyes, completely in awe of you. You match his gaze, forcing yourself to keep the tears from dropping, not wanting to have mascara streaks running down your face before you even get to the altar.
The two of you simply stare at one another for what seems like an eternity. An unspoken declaration of love passed between one another in a simple glance. Your father having to tug on your arm slightly, forcing you to step forward, too lost in Jack for you to remember where you were and what was currently taking place.
As you start to walk down the aisle, every step bringing you towards Jack, towards the rest of your life with him, the feeling of calmness washes over his body. You’re here. You’re his. And you’re everything he has ever wanted and more. It’s in this moment, watching the rest of his life walk towards him, smile on her face, a single tear slipping down her cheek, Jack Hughes has never been less nervous in his life.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Tim Drake becomes a mini Hellblazer
Tim is determined to be the best Robin he can be- he has a hero's legacy to live up to. He has a thirst to know as bad as Bruce’s. And... he's a bit morally grey. All this leads up to an encounter that will change his course forever.
While he is off training in Europe (wtf on that Bruce), he runs into Constantine and some demonic trouble. Just so the stubborn kid survives, Constantine teaches him some of the basics. Tim, living up to his name, takes to it like a duck to water. After Tim gets back to the states, books just show up every so often in Drake manor. Sometimes even Constantine.
It's surprisingly easy to keep the secret in that big, empty house.
And then one of Gotham's curses come to play, the dead are around as ghosts, and only Tim has any idea what's going on. Problem is, he'd rather the Bats never knew what he knew. Problem is, he might have to pull a John and sell his soul to win.
He hopes the Ghost King is a good master.
Some added possible bonuses:
Constantine has no clue that his mini Hellblazer Tim is a Bat or he would have never.
Tim has been using his powers this whole time- being able to portal and literally become one with the shadows, but it just works for a Bat Mood™️ so no one catches on.
Tim has tattoos like John for powers, but they're the invisible UV ones so they're not visible when he's getting his check overs as Robin/RR.
Possible scenes:
• A cult shows up in Gotham, of course, and the Bats are doing their investigation and find what they think is the home base and Tim's tracker is there. And he's not answering his comms. He's supposed to be resting, he's sick. All hands on deck panic. The Bats roll up ready for a fight just in time to see Tim, covered in blood and a little glass eyed, walking out of the building. Inside is a bloodbath. They are think Tim is traumatized from the obvious demon summoning that went really really badly. Tim is just so fucking tired from using magic and wants to sleep for a week, but sure, the cover story works, so he leans into it. Really annoying how Dick won't stop hugging him though.
• Constantine, trying to avoid his job trapped in Hell, again, sends his apprentice to meet with the Justice League. To bad he didn't give the apprentice a heads up because suddenly Tim is summoned/portaled into the Watchtower. And ho-shit guess that cat is out of the bag now! Not that he's willing to explain anything.
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echobx · 2 months
not my type - Rafe Cameron x plus size!fem!reader
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summary: you meet Rafe at a bar and he starts flirting with you. little do you know that he's also the reason you are in the obx at all because you are taking care of a business deal for your dad
warnings: swearing, smut (p in v (protected), face sitting, dirty talk)
word count: 3k
author's note: for my wifey @notdxbya <3 also, I'm aware that Rafe is a little ooc here, that's because I pictured him after Ward is dead, and he has gotten clean and is healthy and taking care of business. that's all. this is my first time actually writing Rafe and I'm lowkey scared lol
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You are sitting at a bar and the guy a few seats over keeps looking at you. Usually when guys looked at you, they did it with a kind of disgust, but he looked more intrigued than anything.  “What's your issue, asshat,” you scoff without looking at him, downing your drink.  “Nothing, just looking,” he shrugs his shoulders, a smirk playing on his pink lips.  “You're not my type,” you say, eyeing him carefully. The short light blonde hair, muscles covered by a flimsy linen button down, gold rings bejeweling his long fingers.  “Shame. You aren't mine either,” he replies, but he licks his lips; his eyes darting down to your cleavage. Boobs pressed together in a red corset.  “That why you keep looking?” you laugh and gesture at the bartender to get you another drink. 
“Where are you from?” the guy asks while getting up and walking over to you, taking the seat next to yours. He’s tall, taller than any guy you'd ever been with.  “Not from here,” you smile cheekily and take a sip from your drink.  “I figured,” he laughs, and it sounds genuine. “I'm Rafe, by the way.”  “Y/n,” you reply, taking his hand that he's holding out for you to shake.  “So, what are you doing here?” he asks.  “I don't know if I should share such information with a stranger,” you whisper.  “Stranger? We're on a first name basis already, sugar.”  “Sugar?” you lift an eyebrow, and he rubs his jaw, maybe to show defeat, but you're not sure.  “Guess, I'm too cocky for you.”  “No, I like it when guys know what they want. But as we've already established, we're not each other's type,” you remind him. 
“And what is your type?” he asks, leaning against the bar and looking at you through his blue eyes.  “I'm not into blonde guys,” you say and take another drink. “I know why I'm not your type, not even hard to figure that one out. It's always the same with guys like you.”  “Guys like me?” He seems offended by your assumption, but you elaborate anyway.  “Guys who live off daddy's money, who spent their whole days golfing or fucking; preferably a different skinny bitch every single day. Guys who think they are the epitome of humanity,” you say, not really paying as much attention to his wonder struck face as you should. “Guys like you would never go out with a girl like me, because social standards are the only thing you ever believed in.”  “Interesting. Are you always this shallow or do I have to go dye my hair?” he jokes.  “I speak from experience,” you look at him, and he purses his lips for a moment before emptying his glass.  “Just a year earlier and you might've been spot on there, sugar.” “I'm rarely wrong,” you whisper. “What changed?”  “My dad died.”  “My condolences.”  “It's okay, I'm over it by now,” he shakes his head lightly.  “I see,” you look away and let the uncomfortable silence settle between the two of you. 
“Are you gonna tell me where you're from?” he asks.  “You can guess. Got a free pass on it after my half right assumptions,” you smile, and he reciprocates it, adding a little huff.  “All right. You're on vacation, no boyfriend, and you're just looking for a little fun.”  You laugh loudly. “You just described literally every girl in this bar. Try a little harder, darling.”  “Okay, fine. You're from the city. You know what you want and are not afraid to take it.”  “Warmer, but still not there,” you wink at him.  “Okay, help me out here, sugar,” he sighs defeated.  “Just give me one weirdly specific one, doesn't have to be correct, just try it,” you search his eyes for a second before looking away again.  “You made a completely wrong assumption about a stranger based on your insecurities.” His words hit you hard and raw, but you didn't let it show.  “Enlighten me, then,” you challenge him, and he leans in to whisper in your ear. “You don't think I think you're hot, when the opposite is the case.”  Your heart starts pounding in your chest, and you feel the all too familiar heat rise in your cheeks and stomach.  Clearing your throat, you down your drink, immediately asking for another one.  “Didn't expect that one, did’ya,” he taunts.  “Shame that you're not my type,” you flip your hair to the side, running your fingertips over the edge of the glass in front of you.  “I could change your mind on that,” he suggests.  “I'm not keeping you from trying,” you chuckle, and the next few hours are spent with shameless flirting and drinking. 
The next day you get yourself ready for a meeting. You are supposed to meet with some rich asshole and work out a deal that will benefit both his and your dad's company.  You get to the meeting early, making sure that your suit fits and checking your makeup in the restroom before letting the receptionist lead you to the conference room.  “Mr. Cameron will be with you in a bit,” she tells you, eyeing you wearily before stepping away.  You set up your laptop and the paperwork, but the man is late, something you have always hated. You walk to look out the window and onto the sea when you hear the door open and someone walks in.  “Thank you for taking some time and waiting for me, there was an incident in the office that I needed to take care of,” he says and sits down without looking at you and not seeing the shocked expression on your face. Rafe looks even hotter in the suit than he had the night before, and you hate that you even think of him like that.  “No problem,” you smile and walk behind him to your seat when his head perks up.  “You-” the words seem to be stuck in his throat.  “I'm supposed to take care of this deal since my father has an important appointment in New York that came in just yesterday,” you explain.  “I see. We should get to it then,” he nods and after three hours of extensive discussion you have finally come to a mutual agreement that you know will be to your father's liking. 
“Why didn't you mention any of this last night?” he asks.  “If I had known your last name, I would've. But also, you should update your website. I was prepared to meet with someone else, your dead father, I presume.” “Yes, I should,” he mumbles.  “Good,” you nod and pack your things together, wanting to leave and get back home as quickly as possible.  “Do you like dinner?” he blurts out just as you are about to step out of the room.  “Who doesn't?” you smirk.  “Would you go out with me?” Rafe asks more directly, and you bite your cheek before nodding.  “Good, I'll pick you up later. You're staying at the Country Club, right?” he asks and you nod again.  “Perfect. 8pm, I won't be late,” he smiles, and you laugh a little while stepping out and walking. 
The evening came quicker than you expected, and you found yourself sitting opposite Rafe at a fancy restaurant.  “Are you always trying this hard for a hookup?” you ask bluntly, and he nearly chokes on his steak.  “Excuse me?”  “You heard me pretty well,” you say and take a bite of your food. “I usually don't, no,” he finally answers, nipping on his wine. “You're very direct.”  “That something bad?” you cock an eyebrow and he shakes his head.  “No. It's nice, like a fresh breath even. Dating is rather boring when you've lived in the same spot your whole life.”  “Never had any issues with it to be honest, at least when it comes to the diversity of it.”  “Hardly comparable, New York and Kildare,” he notes.  “So, this is a date?” you question, and he smiles to hide the light blush that creeps on his cheeks.  “Would your dad be okay with you dating a business partner?”  “My dad isn't here, and we don't know if this is a date yet,” you counter, and he puts his hands up in defense.  “I'm not about to ruin a good deal is all I'm saying.”  “Well, you're still not my type, so it's probably better anyway.”  “Right,” he mumbles and gets back to eating. 
After some time you find back to a more easy-going manner, just like you had the night before. But the more he flirts with you, the less you can remember why you had initially not had any interest in him. 
“I just have one question,” you say as you stand next to him in the elevator that leads you down to the garage where he had parked.  “And?”  “Have you ever even been with anyone like me?” you eye him wearily as he's towering next to you.  “No, but there's always a first time round, right?”  In a split second decision you pull him down by his collar and kiss him. His lips are soft and warm and his tongue is dancing with your own, his hands are grabbing your ass harshly.  You would continue to make out with him if the elevator doors didn't open to let in a few more people. It was unnecessary to pretend like nothing had happened because he has your lipstick all over his face, and you put your hand in front of your mouth to hide your wide grin. 
Rafe drives like a maniac, but you don't mind it while his hand is holding onto your thigh, squeezing harshly.  “I don't think that's the right way,” you tell him, but he just smiles at you and keeps driving without saying anything.  You come up to a mansion, and he parks out front and helps you out, like a true gentleman.  “That your place?” you ask and he nods.  “Thought you might want a little more privacy,” he says and leads you inside. 
The marble floors are pretty but nothing compared to the ones in your apartment on the Upper East Side.  “Cute,” you note. “Wanna show me around a little?” You are aware that he wants nothing more than to just drag you upstairs, but you like how desperate he looks, and you'd like to keep looking at it even if just for a few more minutes.  “Uh, sure,” he sighs and leads you around, showing you the kitchen and living room before going upstairs.  “That's the office and over there's the-” “Bedroom?” you interrupt him and he smirks.  “Yes, unless you'd rather see the whole estate and the boats and-” You cut him off with a kiss, feeling him smile against your lips. 
The two of you stumble backwards into the room, helping him take off his shirt before pushing him onto the bed.  “I don't like selfish assholes,” you state firmly, slowly opening the buttons of your blouse.  “Understood.” He props himself up on his elbows and admires you as you strip for him, leaving nothing but your lingerie on your body.  “You still think you can handle this?” You straddle him in his seat and he gulps but nods. His hands rub over your body, over every single curve that you had once been insecure about.  “God you're hot,” he hums and starts kissing your tits, sucking on the nipple while his hand is kneading the other. You start rutting against him, his dick twitching under you. 
“Can I sit on your face, darling?” you ask a little unsure about his answer but the enthusiastic yes he gives you makes you even more aroused than you already were.  You stand, and he pulls your slip down, starting to kiss your stomach and thighs.  “Take your pants off, please,” you order and he does it before lying down. 
You climb on top, and he harshly pulls you up to his face. Your weight rests on your thighs next to his head as you hover over him. “I’m not going to sit down completely if you don't want that. I'm not gonna be responsible for your death, darling.”  “I'm gonna be all right, sugar,” he smirks and starts kissing your wet cunt.  “God, you're wet for me, baby,” he moans desperately and pulls you down, thrusting his tongue into you and eating you out as if his life was dependent on it. With every lap of his tongue your orgasm grew closer, and you fell forward against the headboard, holding yourself up with your arms as you moaned and gasped. He sucks your clit into his mouth, making you scream with pleasure, and instinctively grind your pussy over his face as soon as he lets go again. He grabs your ass, practically forcing you to roll your hips into him and making his nose repeatedly nudge against your clit until you come undone on top of him. He keeps on eating you out until he has licked every last bit of your release from your sensitive cunt. 
“Yeah, you're definitely not into blonde guys,” he laughs as you lie next to him, heavily panting.  “Definitely.”  You watch him grab a condom from the nightstand and a few moments later he's balls deep inside of you, filling you out like no one ever had. 
“Jesus, fuck, you feel so good, sugar,” Rafe praises you.  “Don't you fucking dare,” you moan as he hits your cervix, making you squirm under him.  “Shit, you want me to be mean to you? I can do that,” he laughs and pulls out again, manhandling you onto your stomach and pulling your ass in the air. “That's the best ass in the fucking world, sugar,” he moans while pushing into you again.  “Fuck, Rafe,” you scream because his thrusts hit even deeper in this position and his balls keep slapping against your clit.  “You wanna act like a bitch, you gotta be able to take it,” he grunts, slapping your ass and making you whine.  “More,” you beg, and he leans down to bite your waist.  “Won't be able to wear anything revealing unless you want everyone to know how much of a slut you are being for me,” he growls and wraps your hair around his hand in a makeshift ponytail to pull your back flush to his chest. “What would your daddy say if he knew how we finalized his deal? If he knew that the only reason I went easy was because I wanted to rail his darling daughter. If he knew that I got to defile you.” 
“Rafe,” you have tears in your eyes, but he’s nowhere close to stopping, and you really don't want him to ever stop. You love how full of him you feel.  Rafe takes his hand and starts playing with your tits while the other comes down to rub your clit. “You wanna cum on my dick, sugar? Wanna make daddy proud?”  You whine in response, and he stops touching you, pushing you back down and lying down on top of you. His thrusts are relentless and harsh while your make-up runs down your face.  “Such a good slut for me. Might just keep you here as my personal sex slave. Would you like that, sugar?” His hot breath is on your ear, and you cry out as he goes to slap your thigh. “Answer me.”  “Yes, Rafe. Am your slut. Only yours.”  “Wasn't that hard, was it,” he groans and sits back up, pulling your ass back up with him. 
He's still not stopping, and you don't know where he got that much stamina from because every time you try to crawl away from his dick he keeps pulling you back. "Tststs, don't you dare,” he admonishes and slaps you harsher each time.  You're so close to cumming, but he won't let you, no matter how much you whine and beg.  “I know you can take it. I'm not gonna let you cum until I'm done with you. A deal's a deal,” he laughs and fucks you even faster.
Your throat has gone sore from all the screaming and moaning when he finally starts playing with your clit again.  “C’mon now, baby. Let go for me,” he hums and kisses your back softly and the band inside you snaps. You can't remember ever having had an orgasm like the one he had just given you and as soon as it was over you craved more.  “God, you're tight, sugar,” Rafe groans, his hips stutter as he tried to keep fucking you through it but the grip your pussy has on him is too much, and he lets go too. His head falling to your back while he groans and cums. 
“Solid 8.5,” you say just to tease him once he's lying next to you, the sheets pulled over his sweaty body.  “Guess I'll have to try even better next time,” he smirks.  “I'm not gonna be your sex slave, just to be clear on that.”  “Shit, and I've already let the help prepare the dungeon,” he fakes a gasp.  “Stop making me like you,” you laugh, and he looks at you, almost dreamy.  “What?” you ask slowly, furrowing your brows.  “Nothing, just- No, nothing at all,” he shakes his head.  “Okay, weirdo,” you roll your eyes and go to stand up. searching for your slip and putting it back on.  “What are you doing?” Rafe asks, watching you meticulously; how you pull your skirt up and tug your blouse into it after buttoning it up.  You run your hand through your hair while pulling your heels back on. “I'm leaving. Have to catch my flight tomorrow morning and my shit is still at the hotel,” you remind him.  “So, that's it? One night to remember?”  “Yeah, wasn't that the plan all along?” you laugh, and he mirrors it slightly uncomfortable.  “Yeah. Definitely.”  “Besides, I'm responsible for this deal, and I'm not gonna let it go to shits, not even for a good fuck.”  “A real businesswoman,” he mumbles.  “Maybe you find your way to New York one day,” you smile at him before stepping out of the door, just to lean back and look back at him. “Oh, and you’re still not my type.” 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @drwstarkeyy
part 2
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
here to request more daniel !! literally just anything with his partner being pregnant x
Cw: reader's pregnant, mentions possibility of body insecurities
"Daddy", Sophia called Daniel as he straightened the blanket at the end of her bed, "yes, honey?", he called back. "Mummy is asking for you", she said as she walked back to your bedroom with him, letting him in first as she sat on the bed.
"What's wrong, love? Do you need anything?", Daniel asked before he even looked at you, "Oh, Y/N", he giggled as he saw you struggle to take out the shirt you had on, "let me help you", he added.
Pulling the fabric away from you and only stretching a few stitches, the three of you giggled as you were left in your bra, "I wanted to help mummy, but for that I'd have to get on the bed and she didn't want me to fall off", she explained.
"It fit well when I put it on this morning! I don't know why it was so hard to take off", you blushed, kissing Daniel's jaw as a thank you before walking to your drawer of bikinis, grabbing the one you would be the most likely to fit in ao you could join your family outside, "your parents, your sister and the kids should be arriving soon, so I'm going to get dressed - I think I can do it on my own now - and then I can help downstairs, too", you smiled, "I'm going to put mine on, too!", Sophia said as she walked to her bedroom.
Daniel took the opportunity to hug you as you tied the straps on your hips by the mirror, "you're so gorgeous", he whispered on your ear as his hands rubbed your baby bump, "I'm in awe of you, every single day", he kissed your neck.
"What's with you? Don't get me wrong, I love all of this, and you do it quite often", you reasoned, "I don't ever want you to doubt about your beauty and your worth", he looked straight into your eyes.
"It's not the first time, you know? This time is different. I know how things work, I know how it is. I'm also aware my body is incredible because, for the second time, it's growing and keeping our baby girl safe and healthy", you smiled. "That's what I like to hear", he smiled back, kissing you a couple of times before he changed into his shorts.
"You look very, very handsome, mister", you complimented, kissing his chest as he didn't bother to put on a shirt, walking into the hallway as Sophia followed you to the garden, leaving her towell by the pool as you heard cars arriving.
"Hello everyone, come on in, come on in!", you said as they greeted you, the bump getting a few consented touches from the kids and your mother in-law, "you're glowing, Y/N", Grace said as she left her things by the sun loungers.
Taking off the cover up you were wearing and folding it in your lounger, everyone's eyes travelled to your uncovered bump as you walked to the pool steps, carefully getting in so your body could get used to the water temperature, Daniel following you inside too.
"Help me float, please", you held your husband's hand, getting ready to let yourself fall on your back and taking his support to do so while you heard Sophia play with her cousins on the grass, not missing your sister in-law telling them to wait a little to get tin the pool ao you could relax, remembering to thank her later.
After a few moments of finding your balance, your bump and chest rose up, poking out of the water while you floated, "does that feel nice, love?", Daniel asked as he made sure you were fine and comfortable.
"She's kicking", you mumbled, Daniel's hands coming right up to feel the movements, "she loves swimming, too! If she's anything life Sophia, she's going to be a little fish, always wanting to spend her time swimming", you said, looking up at him as he made sure you didn't hit the walls, "still feels so surreal", he whispered, "and soon enough she'll join us", you added, "little Alice is going to join us soon".
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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55sturn · 3 months
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series masterlist!
pairings: matt sturniolo x fem!reader [eventually, in this chapter, they are not friends]
synopsis: in which y/n receives the news of her life and she feels on top of the world, as if nothing could bring her down, until she meets her dorm mate, rather, until she re-meets him.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, cigarettes, drug usage [weed], alcohol consumption, cocky!matt, flirting, bitchy!reader.
important notes: i’ve been so excited to post this! this is going to be slow burn, and updates will be slow as well while i’m in the process of deciding what i want done with back to december, povs will change regularly between reader’s pov, matt’s pov, and third person pov, each pov is vital to the story and each character’s internal battles throughout the series.
playlist for this series! song below for this chapter below!
my hands shook as i held the letter that determined whether or not i’d have a chance at landing a job in screenwriting or directing, or literally anything the film industry would give me. landing a spot in this course, was extremely tough. it was only open to twenty five students, and there were thousands of applicants to rifle through each semester. it was a prestigious course, and if you excelled in it, the professor would consider sending out a letter of recommendation to any companies he knew were offering an internship. it was such high demand because the professor had a lot of sway when it came to massive filming and production companies, and would often land one of his students their big break.
but in order to apply, at least three years of training under some sort of local theatre was mandatory, the applicants needed to prove that they understood how screenwriting, production, and set or stage management worked, and there was still more that we needed to cover but those were top three areas of experience this course looked at. each applicant needed to prove that they were completely fit for this course and that they genuinely wanted to pursue a career in this field, and if you didn’t show it well enough, you weren’t even added to the consideration list.
it was a tough spot to land, and i would give anything to land a spot in this course. i had fought tooth and nail throughout all of high school to get grades that proved determination and hard work, the only university i ever had in mind was harvard, and if i didn’t get in, i wouldn’t know what to do with my life.
so here i was, freshly twenty-one, and finally holding the letter that led to the rest of my life, good or bad.
“come on you pussy, open it already.” jocelyn groans, she had been my rock throughout the entire application process. she’s been my best friend since we were six and bonded over having the same pencil case when she moved to boston in first grade. however, she’s been a bit callous to the idea of me being nervous about reading this letter. she was the type that barely scraped in high school, and she had decided pretty early that she didn’t want to go to any college or university. she excelled online and had amounted a huge following.
“joce, i love you but please shut up. this is the most important letter i’ve held in my entire life. i’m scared, what if i don’t get in?”
“please bitch, you’ve worked harder than anyone i know, i’m sure you’re going to get in.”
“thanks joce, but i genuinely don’t trust your judgement after the last guy you hooked up with. so i am going to take a shot and then open it.” i laugh, walking over to the cupboard above the fridge, grabbing the bottle of tequila we had bought in preparation for this very moment. i also grabbed two shot glasses from the mini bar-cart we had beside the fridge of our shared apartment, and began pouring a shot for the both of us.
“oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god!” she gasps from behind me, making quickly turn around, only to see that she held the open letter in her hands.
“you fucking got in!” she exclaims, causing goosebumps to rise along my skin as i stand and watch her eyes dart back and forth along the page, reading the words aloud.
“dear miss l/n, i am pleased to inform you that the committee on Film and Visual Studies has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard class of 2025. dude you did it!” she beams, her voice full of pride and excitement, causing tears to well along my waterline as i stare at her.
“oh my fucking god, i did it.” i sob, feeling genuinely accomplished for the first time in my life.
“however it does say that the only available dorm situation is co-ed, since you had applied for on-campus living.”
“that’s fine with me honestly.” i shrug, wiping the tears, unable to rid my face of the smile that resides on it.
“alright, let’s take some shots and then start packing the rest of your shit. i can’t believe i’ll be living without for so long, i can finally walk around naked.” she hums, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as i sigh, my arms winding tightly around her waist.
i let out a loud laugh as i grab the bottle of tequila, followed by the two full shot glasses, sliding jocelyn hers as i stare at her.
“you’re acting as if you don’t already do that.”
“touché, however, here’s to my bitch starting her dream career.”
the next few days blew by in a blur as jocelyn and i finished packing everything i wanted to take. she was going to help take my stuff from boston to cambridge. the eight hour drive was going to be brutal, but it was completely doable, especially know that she’d be along the way. instead of driving sixteen hours total, she was going to spend the first night with me, she also wanted to scope out my dorm mate to make sure they’re not a total freak.
“i can’t believe i leave tomorrow.” i sigh, resting my head on jocelyn’s shoulder, the two of sitting on our balcony while she puffed her joint. jocelyn stifles a laugh before straightening out her expression, and turning to me.
“your mom would be so proud of you.” she says, her face blank as the absurd comment leaves her mouth.
“as fucking if.” i snort, rolling my eyes, taking the joint from her fingers, taking a small hit as she laughs.
“she’d probably ask why it took so long to get a response and then tell you that you didn’t try hard enough and that your acceptance letter was a pity letter.”
“probably.” i whisper, handing the joint back to her as i watch the setting sun, feeling a strong tinge of hurt swelling in my chest at the mention of my mom.
her and i never really had a steady relationship, when i was younger she was never really around, she was a big part of the film industry, quite the requested screenwriter, and was always in high demand which meant she didn’t take time to nurture me.
when she was alive and around more during my high school days after she was forced to retire from the spotlight due to her cancer, she was constantly berating me, the high ninety grades and constant participation in local theatre was never good enough. she always said i wasn’t shooting high enough. but she fell deathly ill my senior year, and that was a rough patch for us. i had snapped and told her that i hope she regrets the way she’s treated my entire life, and that i won’t be found at her deathbed. but when that time came, i was the first one to hold her hand and tell her i love her, but the reply never came from her, she just stared at the wall blankly until her boyfriend showed up and then suddenly she was lively as she could be while dying.
but i’ve moved on from that year, and it took a long time and shit ton of therapy to realize that i was never going to be the daughter she wanted, but my dad and my step-mother, melissa, have been as supportive as they could. they’ve been with melissa’s mom in maine for the last two months, helping her with everything after her husband’s passing.
i sigh again as i look at jocelyn, leaning my head back on her shoulder.
“we should probably head back to bed, we’ve got a long ass drive tomorrow.”
“yeah, wanna eat some ice cream first?”
after our ice cream, we finally crashed, both of us only getting about four hours of sleep after having to wake up at nearly six in the morning. we quickly got dressed, and grabbing the last few bags and boxes that needed to be packed into the car before leaving to grab food and drinks. after that, we finally started on our way to cambridge.
the drive was full of numerous stops, causing to get at the dorms around four in the afternoon.
“alright you stay with the cars while i go to the admissions centre and grab my key and i’ll go unlock the door and then we can start.” i hum in joce’s direction through her open window, grabbing my bag off the front passenger’s seat while jocelyn nods, climbing out, and stretching.
“i hope you get a hot roommate, you need a boyfriend.” she calls out, rolling my eyes, and flipping her off.
“i’m walking away i cant hear you!” i call back, following the signs that direct me toward to admissions office, as i enter i nervously approach the lady at the front.
“hi i’m here to pick up my dorm keys, room 496, y/n l/n.”
“here you go! so you’ll want to turn right, then take two lefts and follow the numbered plaques on the wall to the co-ed section of the dorms! and lastly, welcome to harvard!” the older woman chirps, flashing a warm smile that eases my nerves just the tiniest bit as i begin following the directions that she had called out.
as i reach my door, i fish the key from my pocket, quickly shoving it into the keyhole, wanting to get into my dorm as quick as possible. as i’m about to turn the knob, someone clear their throat from behind me, causing me to turn around. and once i meet the eyes of the person standing behind me, i immediately wish that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.
“what the fuck are you doing here?”
“this is my dorm?” he coughs, making my skin crawl at the idea of sharing a dorm for a year with the one person that i genuinely wish didn’t exist in my life.
“there’s no way in hell i’m sharing a dorm with you, matt.”
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taglist: @dylsdunbar @verosivy @florcult @33sturniolo @greatooglymooglyyy @sugrhigh @rootbeerworshiper @soursturniolo @spencerstits @meanttomeet @bluesturniolo333 @graciereid @abbie13sworld @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @bethsturn @ifilwtmfc @themattgirl @lovingmattysposts @lacysturniolo @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @lustfulslxt @sturnifyed @teapartyprincess4two @mangosrar @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chris @evie-sturns @nicksmainbitch @gnxosblog @sturniolopepsi @wronqness99 @sturniolossss @hesvoid3434 @mattsfavwh3re @inlovewithmattstur @melanch0lybby @whatrulookingat11
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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daisyblog · 7 months
We Made It
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN and Harry's unexpected suprise.
For a week or so, Harry had noticed some changes with YN. She was crying at pretty much everything, like the other night tears were streaming down her face because they’d ran out of her favourite chocolate. 
In the last few days Harry had noticed that YN was saying she was tired a lot, almost sleeping the minute her head hit the pillow. She was complaining of having headaches and feeling nauseas. 
At first they thought it may have been a bug or something and her body needing a break. But something no one else would have noticed, but Harry knew YN’s body better than he knew his own, was that her breasts looked bigger. And that’s when the thoughts started swirling around in his head. 
At first he thought he may have been over reacting, but as the days passed and the symptoms had only gotten worse, he had a feeling he was right. 
Harry and YN had just finished packing for their weekend trip up North to watch Louis’ shows in Sheffield and Manchester. YN practically collapsed on the bed, complaining how tired she was, despite the fact that they hadn’t done much knowing how busy their weekend was about to be. 
Harry was in the en suite, and as he finished washing his hands at the sink he quickly looked to see if YN still had the tests in the cupboard. He was hesitant to say anything but it had been on his mind for a while, and he needed to know. 
“Hey babe!” Harry walked into their bedroom, with the test in his hand. “I think you need to take this.”
Harry held the test out towards her, but YN froze at the sight of a  pregnancy test. “What..why-why do-“.
“Babe, you’re feelings sick, you’re struggling to stay awake” Harry began to list the few symptoms, before adding another with a cheeky grin “And…those” he gestured towards her chest “are fucking massive”.
Even in this situation, YN couldn’t help but laugh at Harry’s cheeky comment, a loud giggle leaving her lips. “Do you really think I could be?”.
Harry shrugged his shoulders, “There’s only one way to find out”.
After peeing on the two sticks, YN sat them on the counter in front of them both. Taking YN into his arms, Harry left a soft loving peck to her temple. He had deja vu from when they had been in this situation before, waiting for the results of their future.
Breaking the silence, Harry’s timer on his phoned buzzed, letting them know that the three minutes was up. Not being able to wait any longer, they both reached for a stick each.
Both not believing what they were looking at, their eyes found each others. Eyes wide, mixed with excitement and nerves. “I’m pregnant”.
“We’re having a baby!” Harry pulled YN into his arms, holding her tight and covering her face with kisses, giggles leaving her lips as he did.
Almost like all the emotions had hit her at once, tears threatened to spill from her eyes. “I feel so overwhelmed.” YN admitted as she wiped the tear that slipped down her cheek.
“Hey, it’s okay…it’s normal to feel all these emotions.” Harry reached to wipe her cheek as another tear appeared. “I am so so happy…but I am absolutely fucking terrified”.
“You don’t need to be, you’re going to be the best Dad to this little one” YN complimented, his dimples appearing at her words. 
“And you’re going to be the best Mum.” Harry spoke, moving a loose piece of hair from her face. “Because you literally had the best.”
At his words, the tears poured. YN always knew how hard it would be if she were ever to become a Mum without her own by her side, but the reality of it had it her suddenly. She remembers Lottie feeling the same way and Phoebe, who too was currently pregnant. But now she see’s how Lottie’s light is back on and that’s all down to Lucky. 
For the rest of the night, Harry and YN laid together under the sheet, talking, crying and wondering who the little life was hiding away in her tummy. 
They had discussed wanting to keep it a secret until they had been for their scan and knew their little one was healthy and how far along YN was. But they had agreed on telling one person each about their news. It hadn’t taken them long to decide on who their person was going to be.
YN would have loved nothing more but to run to her Mum and share the news because again, her Mum would have been the best Nana. She had seen first hand how much she loved Freddie but sadly she accepted that would never be able to have that moment. She knew her Mum was by her side everyday, she could feel her and she knew she had sent her this little baby. 
So who else would YN turn to? Louis of course. Louis was not only YN’s brother, but her best friend too. They were one of a kind for siblings, growing up they bickered like any brother and sister would but as they got older they realised how important they were to each other. Louis protected her and YN worshiped the ground he walked on. Louis was the person YN looked to for advice, or to share an achievement with and the person who she wanted to go to when times were good and not so good. 
They had decided to share their news with Louis at his Sheffield show. They had travelled up the morning of the show and stopping at her grandparents house because that’s where they were staying that evening. YN found it hard not to let their little secret slip to her Nan, especially after she hugged her and the older woman said “There’s something different about you…you’re extra happy.”.
To be able to see Louis before everyone arrived, Harry and YN headed to the arena before the rest of her family as they were still waiting for Lottie, Lewis and Lucky to arrive. 
They had found Louis in his dressing room enjoying a few moments of silence, before the busy night ahead. The sound of the door opening caused Louis head to turn and his smile immediately showed.
“Oh here they are, c’mere” Louis stood from his place and motioned for YN to him. Wrapping his arms around her, swaying slightly, telling her how much he’d missed her. “Well someone’s chirpy today.”
“Fook off Lou” YN laughed as she sat down in the seat that Louis was just using. Louis and Harry sitting down on the sofa opposite.
“Excited for tonight?” Harry asked Louis, knowing exactly how he was feeling. But it was a nice feeling knowing Harry got to be apart of the crowd tonight and a fan, instead of the one entertaining. 
“I’m fookin’ buzzin’ man…just can’t wait to get out there.” Louis spoke quickly, the excitement surrounding him and evident in his tone.
“I have the best idea!” YN announced, emphasising the word best. Both boys turning their heads with unimpressed expressions, wondering what she was going to suggest. “You should both sing a One Direction so-“.
Louis interrupted her idea before she could finish. “And this is the reason why I kicked you out of the group chat you made for us”.
“Yeh that was fookin’ rude.” YN bit back, Harry shaking his head knowing that this could go back and forth all day. Instead picking up the gift bag that they had brought with them. “Babe, why don’t you give this to Louis?” He suggested, trying to change the topic. 
Taking the bag from Harry, she passed it to Louis with no further explanation. Louis looked between the pair, a frown written all over his face because he didn’t understand why they were giving him a gift. “Whot’s this for?”.
“Just open it!” YN smiled, encouraging her brother to open the box. She was excited for Louis’ reaction, but at the same time nervous because his opinion meant the most to her.
Louis reached in the bag and lifted out a plain white box, still looking at his sister and Harry with a frown. As he opened the box, he was met with a card and what he knew was a plain beige baby grow. Louis stared at the words, YN and Harry eager for his reaction. 
“No fookin’ way!” Louis eyes found YN. “You’re not!”. 
YN nodded softly, “I am”.
“I can’t believe it…fookin’ ‘ell Nan and Grandad need a bigger house for Christmas’ don’t they?” Louis joked at the realisation that their house was already full, and now two of his sisters were pregnant. 
“Are you happy?” YN asked, a spot of nervousness in her voice. Something Harry or Louis didn’t see often. 
“Happy…I’m fookin’ buzzin’ Tiny!” Louis was quick to wrap his arms around his sister once more. “You’re gonna be the best Mum and you deserve this more than anyone!”.
At his words, YN hugged Louis tighter as the tears ran down her cheeks. Those words meant the most coming from Louis because she knew it was from the heart. 
“And you c’mere man.” Louis gestures towards Harry, both pulling each other in for a brotherly hug. “Congratulations man…it’s the best feeling in the world and you’re gonna be the best Dad”.
“Thanks mate” Harry squeezed Louis and tapped his hand on his back, again appreciating the kind words.
It was no secret that Harry was a mama’s boy. Anne absolutely adored her children and vice versa. She always showed so much love, thought and kindness to everyone around her. Anne was the person that Harry turned to for everything, from happy times to sad times, she was his go to person. Since the passing of her Mum, she had taken YN under her arms like she was one of her own, giving her the motherly love she dearly missed. So obviously Harry wanted to tell his Mum the exciting news.
After watching Louis show last night, they had all hung out backstage eating pizza and very much enjoying some family time. But the next morning, Harry and YN travelled to Anne’s to spend the day with her, and to tell her the news, before they headed to Manchester to Louis’ show, Anne included. 
Anne greeted them both with a warm cuddle, as she opened the front door, welcoming them in. Like every time Harry came home, he went straight to the fridge to see what he could find. Anne made them all a cup of tea whilst they chatted. 
As they all sat in the cosy living room, the fire burning in the background. Anne looked at YN with a soft smile. “Are you alright my love, you look exhausted?” Noticing the dark circles that sat beneath her eyes.
YN glanced at Harry, knowing that this would probably the best time to tell her the news. Harry coughed into his hand, clearing his throat as a smile threatened to appear. “Uh, Mum, we’re…we have some news”.
Anne looked worried, especially because for once she couldn’t read Harry or YN’s expressions. “You’re scaring me”.
Harry and YN smiled at each other, knowing that once the words are spoken, Anne was going to be ecstatic. “Well… you know how Gemma’s pregnant?” Harry spoke the words casually, a smile threatening to show.
“Yes?” Anne’s eyes flicked between Harry and YN. “Wait…are you?”. At the realisation, her hands covered her mouth, hiding her shocked expression. YN and Harry laughing and smiling at her reaction, already knowing how much love Anne was going to give to their baby. “Are you…you’re pregnant?”.
With a smile on her lips, her cheeks hurting from the action, YN nodded. Anne got up from her seat and pulled YN into her arms, as tears ran down both their cheeks at the special moment. After hugging Harry and getting emotional again at the thought of her own baby with his own baby, Anne sat down in her seat as she rubbed underneath her eyes. 
“Oh I’m so happy, I can’t believe it” Anne repeated throughout the day, still in shock that she was not only going to be a Grandmother, but a Grandma to two little babies. Although she had agreed to keep the news to herself, she knew it was going to be difficult not to shout it from the roof tops.
Harry had always been protective over YN since they began dating, especially when it came to being out in public. But Anne doesn’t miss the way he’s right behind her on her every move, as they walk through the back entrance of the arena. The way he hold her hand a little tighter or how tense his shoulders get when someone hugs YN a light too tight. Anne can only put that down to the precious cargo YN is currently carrying. 
But what brought a tear to Anne’s eye was when she saw Harry’s hand discreetly on YN’s tummy, as he hugged her from behind whilst Louis sang “‘cause we made it”. 
They really had made it, and now it was their turn for a little happiness. It was a bittersweet time for Anne because she wished a special person was standing by her side to share this special moment with. 
Tag List: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream
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mykoreanlove · 3 months
Can you write the reaction of skz to reader being sexually harassed (only if you are comfortable)?
BTW, I love your stories babies 😘
Hi sunshine, thank you for your request. I don't know the background and I don't need to but I'm hoping you are safe and feeling loved. <3 Also, thank you so much!!
I gave it a try, hope you like it :)
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Chan would do his best to hide his overwhelm but it would get to him eventually. He’s an empathetic man – making sure you’re taken care of (physically and mentally) are his priorities, so he would be there for you. He’d listen to you and wipe away your tears, never pressuring you to tell him more than you’re ready for. He would love you even more and admire your strength but at night when you’re lightly snoring on his chest? He’d be lying wide awake trying to understand how something like this could happen. Pondering on existential questions like why would a man do that? Why did this happen to you? How badly are you scarred from that experience and is there anything he could do to help you heal? He’d be pondering on those questions for a while, silently, trying to figure out a way to shield you from all the scum that is waiting on the outside.
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Changbin would be cool about it – listening and consoling you, reassuring you that you are the love of his life, and nothing would ever change that. But internally he’d be cooking. He’d be filled with anger at everyone and everything, hating the world tremendously for hurting you. He’d move into the gym, working out even more to grow stronger for you. He’d accompany you to every appointment, holding your hand and providing safety for you. He’d be checking up on you constantly, getting possessive and controlling in concerning ways. He’d turn into your Siamese twin so you would never have to be in that situation again, not under his watch.
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Minho would have a lot of trouble being there for you at first because his emotions would get the best of him. He can be very vindicative, evil even and he wouldn’t hesitate to demolish the motherfucker that did this to you. Minho would even go as far as beating him to mush, you would be the one stopping him from committing murder. To him, it’s more of a thing of revenge and anguish. Minho would drop his emotional turmoil instantly when he’d see the terrified look in your glassy eyes. He’d curse himself for making you fearful, adding to the already existing anxiety you felt all the time. He’d hold you close to his heart, shielding you from everything. But ever since you told him he would analyze everyone, especially men, shooting daggers at them if they’re coming too close to you.
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Hyunjin wouldn’t make a big deal out of it, in fact he would drop the topic altogether. Did he drop it from his mind though? Absolutely not. Weeks after you told him about the assault, you found various canvas filled with the darkest colors, depicting the most disturbing sceneries and patterns. Hyunjin would have nightmares ever since you told him, but he wouldn’t know how to express his feelings to you. Instead of sleeping, he’d start painting – giving the nightmares a stage, hoping to get rid of them that way. After a while, he’d start drawing lighter colors and more hopeful styles, portraying the heroic epos you had underwent. He’d be embarrassed when you’d find them; what kind of boyfriend communicates via paintings instead of words? Yet for you, that was more than enough.
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Jisung would cry, he would literally bawl his eyes out. He would not mean to, but he couldn’t handle the torture you had to go through and are still suffering from today. He wished he was the brave boyfriend that you could rely on, instead you were the one consoling him. He’d reminded you of you shortly after it had happened – filled with anger and ambush. Why was life so unfair? Jisung would flee under the covers with you, holding your hand while calming himself down by breathing. He’d trace your knuckles with your fingers and listen to the sounds of the rain against your windows.
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Felix would give you the tightest hug known to mankind. Those kinds of hugs that make you gasp for air, so tight that you will see stars after a while. You’d feel his tears on the top of your head, even though he’d try to hide them. Felix would be eternally grateful for you sharing this with him, displaying your vulnerabilities is like a love language to him. He’d kiss you sweetly and whisper the most loving compliments into your ear. He’d be complimenting you on your strength and the way you handled things so gracefully, especially after enduring those horrors. He’d be talking to you about it like a friend would – compassionate and kind. He wouldn’t want you to hide those things or worse, feel small because of them. If any, you were even greater to him.
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Seungmin would laugh in your face, thinking that you’d be bullshitting him. You know how sometimes both of you take it too far? Yeah, not this time. His face would turn white from shock, eyes as big as the moon as realization hit him that you were indeed sexually assaulted. He’d be tongue-tied for the next minutes, not knowing how to react the right way. You’d see his brain ratter, thinking of ways to be there for you. Finally, he’d blurt out the truth: “I don’t know how to react to this, y/n.” You’d only ask him one question, the only one that mattered to you. “Do you think less of me? Do you think I’m disgusting?” Seungmin would body slam you on the bed, taking your head in between his hands and pledging his undying love for you. “Nothing would make me love you less, baby. Nothing.”
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I.N would look at you for a while before saying anything. You couldn’t analyze the weird look in his eyes as you told him about your past though. Was it disgust? Confusion? Anger? Turns out I.N would know exactly how you felt, because he had gone through the same thing. He’d be big spooning you for hours, his chin on your shoulder as he’d listen to you recalling your experience. You’d switch positions when it would be his turn, knowing that it’d be easier admitting the shame without facing another. After both of you would be done, you’d be facing each other while holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes. “I know this sounds strange, but I somehow feel closer to you now, y/n.” Admitting your past to I.N would turn into a very peculiar bonding experience, one that would strengthen your relationship even more.
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love-lilly02 · 2 months
The Challenge- Ch. 7
An- hey. (drops random half edited chapter that’s probably the shortest one i’ve ever written) see ya🚶🏾‍♀️
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A total of two months, three and a half weeks and six days. 
That was how long you had been MIA. Each time another day was added to that count, you grew more restless than before. You wanted to go home, to sleep in your bed, eat american food, damnit just to have a different color shirt to wear. 
And yet you were still stuck here. 
Each day started off the same. You would wake up at the ass crack of dawn, eat something akin to breakfast with Nikolai and wait to see if today was the day you were going back. Instead, he would silently place a knife on the table— some days it was different— and walk out of the room. The same routine, every day. for the past two months.
It was enough to drive any normal person insane. and it had almost driven you insane, definitely would have if you weren’t in the military. 
You had managed to work up the courage to ask why he didn’t immediately send you back one day, why he tolerated you staying with him for this long. 
“If i send you back they do things different. Look at you oddly, treat you weirder. Here you can rest, regain your skills.” He had said, not pausing to spare you a glance. 
“I take you back when you ready.”
according to him, you had not been ready in a long time. 
you never really gave up hope. Not actually, you knew logically at some point he had to bring you back to them. And going back on your own was a suicide mission, one even worse than the thing that had gotten you into this mess. So you waited. 
If it took five months or seven years, you would wait. 
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Kate Laswell was a woman of action. 
She knew this for a fact, it had been thrown back into her face so many times she lost body parts to count it. Which is why your disappearance bothered her so much. You were a person of action as well, it’s what prompted her to introduce you to the 141. So then why had you been MIA for the past three months? The thought sat there constantly, turning even the best days sour. 
That, and what you were doing to the team.
It didn’t take a genius to figure it out, although you did have to look a bit harder to see the changes. Especially in people like Ghost and Price, whereas Kyle and Soap might as well have worn their emotions on their sleeves. She wished she could do something to help, to find where exactly you were. Or if you were alive, even. 
All given evidence suggested otherwise. 
She had replayed the shitty camera footage of your disappearance, watched it frame by frame, pixel by pixel. Mutiple times, and she couldn’t figure out how there could be a way for you to get out of there. It just wouldn’t have added up. 
But she didn’t give up there, of course she wouldn’t.
She kept searching, looking for any sign of you. As a civilian, one of the russian’s captives, anyone. anything could come into play, you were a smart girl and everyone knew it. 
Unfortunately, that also meant you could cover up your tracks well. 
It took another month for anything good to come up. And that something good came as salvation always does.
In the form of a call. 
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John had made an attempt to push the situation out of his mind, to allow you to handle your own business. His thoughts screamed at him to be more active, to do something more, but there was literally nothing for it. 
Or so he thought. 
The call came in while he was walking out of a meeting, silently dreading the mound of paperwork he would now have to do. When he saw the caller ID he had to do a double take, and he rushed to answer the call. 
“Captain. It’s been a while, no?”
“Damn right it has. Makes me scared.”
His old friend laughed, and Price could imagine the way he was shaking his head.
“Yes, yes. But i have gift—what? okay, okay sheesh. I have… surprise… for you.”
Price just stared. “Is there someone else there? What’s goin on Nik?” 
There was silence on the other end of the line, then a lot of rusting. 
“Um. Hey.” 
Price almost dropped the phone. 
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The process of getting you back wasn’t as hard as they thought it would be, but it certainly took a very long time. 
In reality it took two weeks. But to them each day felt like a decade.  
The entire flight took 11 hours, and they weren’t allowed to meet you halfway (something about using military vehicles for non military purposes. all four boys thought that was absolute bull shit but they couldn’t do anything about it) So they did the next best thing. 
And they waited. and waited. Each time a chopper landed on the helipad they were rushing to the window, seeing if it was you. It got to the point that they had someone constantly surveying that area of the base, just so they could be immediately notified. 
And finally, finally you were back. 
It was a whole ordeal, theatrics that even soap had to roll his eyes at. The moment you got off the plane you were swamped with people asking questions, doctors trying to assess how you were alive and unharmed, people just staring in awe. 
But you ignored them all, scanning the crowd with a panicked expression. It didn’t disappear till you saw the four of them, standing far, far away from the mob of people surrounding you. 
Nik walked out behind you, placing a steadying hand on your shoulder. The two of you made your way down the ramp to the group, and Price smiled for the first time in a long time when he saw you. 
“Welcome back, kid.”
this was gona be an akward chapter anyways, i had NO idea how to write the reader's return. I'll make it up to you guys next time, pinkie promise
My Masterist
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from-m-izzy · 5 months
[22:58] | tbz lee juyeon
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee juyeon x fem!reader » TROPE/AU​: established relationship au, non-idol au » GENRE​: smut 18+ (mdni!!) 🔞 just a tinge of fluff cause juyeon is momentarily shy after (...hehe) » WORD COUNT: 1764​ » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~7 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): food play (ice cream), temperature play (cold), fingering (reader receiving), literally a second of anal fingering, soft dom!juyeon, momentary mean dom!juyeon, cum eating, dirty talk, slight size kink (juyeon is bigger than the reader), unprotected sex (be safe everyone!!)
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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thanks for helping with the reading @sohnric, @winterchimez !!
head empty...no thoughts...
happy birthday, lee juyeon!!
head empty...no thoughts...
i'm so shy right now bye—
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This was not how you thought the Neapolitan ice cream cake would be used.
There's no sweet taste in the valley that splits your breasts. Nothing but the taste of sweat and Juyeon’s fragrant exhales, the remnants of his birthday treat from his mouth, as he buries his face between your freed chest. He kisses your skin softly, roughly contrasting to the movements of his trailing hands from your stomach, down to your covered core.
He wastes no time, hooking the crotch area of your panties aside with his middle finger, plunging his pointer inside of you, and trudging the inside of your walls. The touch that his skin gave lingers on your dripping cunt and the top of your head meets the marbled countertop once again.
Your hands fly to the side of your body, trying to grab something from the pleasure building as Juyeon unhooks the middle finger to follow the motions of his pointer.
Pulling out slowly, pushing it back in even slower but deeper each Juyeone.
“Oh my God.” Finding nothing to grab so you mess up his still product-filled hair. Your hardworking boyfriend didn’t even bother changing out of his work clothes, opting to work on your body as soon as you greeted him. In fact, you’re surprised that he at least threw his collared button out, his black everyday tie on top of the puddle of clothing.
It sucks that he did that because maybe then if any of the ice cream colours stain his white shirt, maybe he could explain the backstory to his workmates.
Your closed eyes allow your senses to be directed to the warmth that his body gave yours: Juyeon’s tongue that leaves wet, messy suctioned kisses from your chest all the way to your navel, his one free hand that grips the side of your thigh, the other hand bringing you closer to the end as the pad of this thumb presses and circles on your sensitive clit. His pinky is what drove you feral, frozen halfway in your other hole and the other three fingers pushed you closer to your climax.
“Oh, you're so fucking…” Juyeon groans at your mewls, feeling the painful grip that his pants held onto his growing cock. “You’re drenched, bubs.”
“J-Juyeon.” You gasp his name, begging for more of his touch.
Your boyfriend shakes his head, still smiling at you sweetly. He detaches his face from your abdomen and makes eye contact with you. If it wasn't for the way you're laid tiredly but still very much horny, for the way that both your chests are exposed to each other, for the way that Juyeon snakes an arm behind you to get you to sit prettily at the edge of the counter, then his twenty-sixth birthday would have been so innocent.
But here he is, kneeling on the floor, a spoonful of the dessert in his hand as he trails the metal edge on the inside of your thighs. It trails from your midthigh, his tongue following closely behind the ombre colours, reflexively making your legs close. 
The temperature makes you squirm, an added unexpected stimulation that you are enjoying. 
“I see.” Juyeon takes a mental note of the added list of things that leave you breathless.
Finally, the back of the curved utensil hovers above your aching clit. Juyeon looks up, giving the most bright yet lust-filled gaze at you. His thumb stops his abuse for a second, replacing it with the cold instead—thank God the edge of the table is within reach, or else you would have melted already.
If it wasn't enough seeing you all ruined, Juyeon straightens his legs, his mind already wanting to see something else coated in the dessert—coat your hardened nipples the same way that he did just before. For a second, he steps back to admire his work, admiring your half-lidded eyes and rapid breathing.
“Oh.” He coos, his hand below going faster on you. “Ohh,” he says once more, feasting on the chocolate, strawberry and vanilla on your nipples.
A palm presses onto your back, plunging you to the crevices of his face. “Shit!” It's when you realise that he suspends your buds between his teeth along with the aggressive sucking that alternates between. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Not another warning is given as your insides give up, the liquid squirting to make a cloudy pink and brown mess on his hand. Juyeon grunts at the sight, now finished with his appetiser.
“Baby.” He warns, and you see the darkness in his eyes. “Did I tell you to let go?”
“I-I’m—” Your back hits the surface again. “J-Ju—” A hand presses on your collarbone, keeping you in place as your hands fly to wrap around his veiny, muscular arms.
You're greeted with the sight of Juyeon’s bangs covering his hungry desire and when your eyes lower past his defined abs, you salivate at the way he pulls his cock out from his half-down trousers and the way it is immediately enwrapped in his fist. 
“I haven't even gotten a taste of you yet and you're already making a mess.” It's frustrating to him as it's something that he's been wanting for so long. “You're not such a good girl, after all.”
The precum leaks from the slit of his penis, the foreskin coming up and down to coat the natural lube on the rest of his length. He forces you to look at him, the fact of the mess that you've created.
“Do something, please.”
“You bet I will.” 
Juyeon's fingers dig into your skin, and you scream at how he matches the force with his hips. He rams into you, not caring about adjusting your small size to his humongous one.
Marking you on your neck and jawline, going past his unfinished dessert on your nipple—on an urgent mission to make it bright purple and blue to the point where you'll have to sit for hours in front of your makeup to cover them up.
It makes you scream each time he degrades you, calling you his “favourite slut” as if he had another woman to fuck. He whispers seductively to your ear, grunting each time his balls hit your ass. “Enjoying this a little bit too much?”
“N-No.” You lie, biting your bottom lip with the top row of your teeth. “Juyeon! Oh my fucking God!”
“You're so pretty.” Ramming into your body harder and faster. “You're so small that I can see my body inside you.” To prove his point, he pushes on your stomach and you whine at the press, feeling his girth deep inside even more.
“Fuck!” Your legs ran out of strength and Juyeon menacingly smiled, throwing your limbs to rest on his shoulder. “You fucking---”
He presses his lips to yours, stopping your dirty mouth from finishing. “It's not nice to curse the birthday boy on his day, bubs.”
The endearing name would've been great if you were not literally folding against him right now.
“But yes, I will make sure I fuck you,” Your grip his shoulder knowing what's next.
“and I'll fuck you,” Juyeon’s hands cage your waist, pulling you to the edge of the furniture for easier access to your womb.
“so hard,” a thrust, one that makes you drool.
“and so fast,” your boobs move and jiggle faster as he picks up his pace, following the pulls and pushes that he exerts on your half-ruined body.
“to the point that you'll pass out faster than the ice cream cake.” 
Juyeon does work on your body, squirming at your tight grip, listening to your screaming for a certain Holy figure and a bunch of affirmative words spilling out of you as he finally finishes licking your chest clean.
“I'm so close.” You manage to announce between your pants. The sweat trickles down from your back, the arch of your posture cooking you. “Let me cum, Juyeon. Please, please, please.”
“If you cum now, I’m cumming inside of you,” A smirk plays on his lips as you roll your eyes, your legs trembling. Juyeon dips his chest down to yours, allowing him to bury himself into your tight body each he’s fully in. “Though it seems like something you want.”
And then…
“Cum for me, you destroyed slut.” 
Juyeon physically feels the way your body loosens, mixing your release with his inside your pussy. The feeling is serene and peaceful, perfect after the seemingly long marathon that always leaves you craving more of him every time. He hums and smiles on your skin with satisfaction when you smile at him after you've fully come down.
With the last few energy in him, he attaches your lips with his, muffling and swallowing your moans as his softened member slowly pulls out while his hand closes on your hole to contain the remnants of his love for you.
“Juyeon?” You ask through your fluttering eyelashes.
He hums, pressing a quick kiss once more before dropping his knees to the ground, worshipping the beautiful mess he created. His opened mouth encircles the opening of your vagina, and his throat sucks you clean.
“Oh.” You gasp out pleasurably, the loose strings being cleaned with just enough pressure. It satisfies you even more when his nose nudges on your overstimulated clit, his tongue swiping across fastly right after to clean the small bit of ice cream that still hung on for him to lick.
Juyeon stands before your tired body, his palms resting on the table next to your waist to support his body and though he broke your body in the best way possible, your elbows successfully bring you closer to him. It amuses you when the redness of his cheeks makes its way onto his face, and you giggle before resting your forehead on his.
“Don't be shy.” You reassure him, arms making their way around his neck. “That was amazing.”
His eyes shape into crescent moons, glad that you enjoyed the moment as much as he did. Juyeon pressed his lips against yours, inviting your own to automatically separate. But just when you could relish the passionate but innocent kiss at what you thought was to be the end of the lust-filled day, Juyeon pushes the mixed juice of your lower bodies into you. His tongue swipes where he can reach and he keeps emptying the load inside his throat into yours, pushing the sweet taste down with the help of gravity when he tilts your head up.
“Happy Birthday to me.” 
Before his hand picks up his straightening cock once more.
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu @snowflakewhispers
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writinghotchner · 5 months
I know this is a weird request so please don't feel like you have to fill it lol. Hotch x Reader fic where Reader has a type of disability? Whether its like crippling depression/anxiety or something else, your choise! Something cute and fluffy preferably but that's also up to you!
no such thing as a "weird request" to me, i'm insane <3 and thank you for requesting!!
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fandom: criminal minds pairing: hotch x fem!reader rating: E tags: depression, mentions of anxiety
you're on the couch wrapped in the thickest blanket you could find when you hear the front door open and close.
usually, you'd greet your boyfriend at the door, kiss him, ask him about his day, discuss dinner plans and all the usual adult things an adult couple does.
but today you can't make yourself move. that usual spark of joy that lightening strikes its way through your spine when you know he's home isn't there. the excitement to run to the front door to kiss him stupid like you would normally do isn't there. what's there, though, is the soul numbing feeling of absolutely nothingness. you don't feel sad, you don't feel happy, you quite literally feel numb- nothing. so you don't move.
if aaron notices, he doesn't say anything. instead, he makes his way over to you and leans over the back of the couch to kiss your blanket covered head. he doesn't say anything, and you surely don't say anything. you hear him shuffle by, assuming he's going to the bedroom to change out of his suit like he normally does.
a few minutes later, he reappears in black sweatpants and a basic plain white t-shirt. he sits at the end of the couch and lifts you feet onto his lap and gives them a little squeeze.
you've been together long enough for him to know that this is just something that happens. nothing necessarily triggers it, and he knows he didn't do anything wrong so he's not quick to jump on you and ask questions and plead to know how to "fix it". you're beyond thankful for that. you discussed how bad your depression can get when you first got together a few years ago and he completely understood. of course he did, after finding out everything this man had been through, of course he knows a thing or two about being depressed.
"have you eaten today?" you hear him ask, the blanket covering your entire head making it sound like he's underwater.
you want to answer him. you want him to know you aren't ignoring him and that it's not his fault, even if he knows and understands, the anxiety of it all makes it all crush your insides a little bit more.
one day he's going to get sick of this and leave.
after a beat, you unwrap the top half of yourself from your cocoon and stare up at the ceiling and then eventually look over at him. he flicks you a comforting smile as he presses his thumbs into the arches of your socked feet.
you shake your head 'no' at him and he nods his head. "are you hungry?"
you shrug, barely, but he sees it.
"okay," he says softly leaning up, resting his elbows on his thighs. "if i make us something, will you try to eat?"
you stare at him. he waits a second before adding, "you don't have to eat if you don't want to, but i'm going to make you a plate anyway, okay?"
you blink at him, and nod slightly. he gives your foot one last squeeze and gets up to head to the kitchen.
you turn your eyes back to the tv that's been playing in the living room this entire time. you aren't watching it, you truly have no idea what's even on, your eyes not focusing enough to process or care what it is. you barely even register that there's sound coming from it.
you're not sure how long it's been, but hotch comes back with two plates in his hands and sets them down on the coffee table. he sits down on the floor and scoots your plate over towards you. there's not much food on it. a couple pieces of steamed broccoli, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a pathetic excuse of a piece of meat. you stare at it, willing your brain to just let you move and want to eat it.
"it's not much, but it was the quickest thing i could throw together in the air fryer," he tells you. "well, the broccoli was steamed in the microwave...i cheated a little." he shoots you a cheesy grin that you barely catch out of the corner of your eye. "and the mashed potatoes are instant. don't tell anyone though."
it's funny how moments like this make you fall more in love with him. he knows you're hurting, would stop the world and do whatever it took to get the pain to stop, but he acts normal around you, keeping light conversation with you and not trying to get you to "cheer up" like most people would try to do.
you're still staring at the plate, an internal screaming match taking place inside the entirety of your brain when you realize he's still talking. you have no idea what he just said, but he's still got that goofy grin on his face as he shoves a piece of broccoli in his mouth.
something inside of you loosens, the vice grip lets go of your soul for a moment and you huff a small laugh at him.
"are you laughing at me or the fact that jj accidentally broke reid's nose?"
okay, wait a second. what?
"what?" you ask, your voice a little hoarse but full of complete amusement.
he laughs, a full toothy laugh that always makes your heart swell. "yeah," he finishes chewing and swallowing his food and turns to look more at you. "reid was trying to show her some new magic trick he'd just learned and, i'm not entirely sure how it happened, but it startled jj enough to where she accidentally elbowed his face. right in the nose."
you blink incredulously at him before you shift yourself up on your elbow. "is he okay?"
hotch nods. "yeah, he's fine. after the initial shock of it, they all started laughing."
the conversation tapers off and your eyes go back to the plate thats slowly getting cold. hotch is nearly done with his. he pats the floor next to him, "join me?"
and so you do. you really have to make your limbs work and it's such an energy draining task that just makes you angry because why in the world do you have to keep fighting with yourself to literally just...live. but, you shake that thought out of your head and melt yourself off the couch and land on the floor next to him; it makes him laugh again and that seems to help dissipate even more of the darkness leaching to your spine.
"want me to feed you?" you know he's joking, he wiggles his eyebrows at you as he says it, making airplane noises with his own fork as he wiggles it around the air to your mouth.
you actually laugh at that and the smile he gives you is so beautiful you nearly, actually cry.
"i love you." is all you say. you rest your head against his shoulder and slide your plate over in front of you and take a bite of the mashed potatoes. the first bite always kick starts your brain, making you realize just how hungry you are so you quickly scoop up another forkful and nearly shovel it in your mouth.
"i love you too, honey." he tells you and you turn a little to kiss his sleeved shoulder.
"it's because of the steamed broccoli, isn't it? that always gets the girls all wild for me."
the rest of whatever evil lurking inside you breaks and you snort laugh at him, throwing your head back onto the couch cushion.
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glamfellens · 2 months
todd hates that everyone thinks fallout 1, 2 & NV are better than his fallout games so much that he just had to go and retcon everything. ass.
ok to be honest normally im kind of like.. Hmm about when people say todd howard hates the original fallout games, or that bethesda deliberately sabotaged obsidian, etc etc etc, because im like thats a grown ass man he has to have some level of professionalism right, and from all reports from obsidian they had a good working relationship with bethesda during the development of new vegas. but like, to be honest, everything with the fallout show (to me) feels very . um well. thoughtless at best, spiteful/malicious at worst. they could have set it literally anywhere in america, in any time period. yet they chose the NCR, post fnv/fo4, and clearly bethesda/todd made no directions about sticking to fo1/2/NV lore, because well first of all they didnt lmfao, and secondly, i know it was mentioned that bethesda/todd vetoed any storylines or plots that they would want to cover in a future fallout 5. soooo im just kind of confused as to why bethesda will draw the line when it comes to what they want to do, but said no, go fucking crazy with the lore that interplay/black isle/obsidian established. it feels especially shitty when previous interviews with the writers of the show insisted that they were 'adding' to the fallout lore and not changing anything. so tldr i agree with u. fuck todd howard. fuck bethesda. i think its beyond disgusting that they have treated the work of other developers and creators in this way. idc if it sounds dramatic, because they do this, all the while are perfectly happy to sell new vegas merch on the bethesda store. lol!!!!!!!!
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cosmicck · 1 year
Mmm back again for another event request for my snookums Jing Yuan🤤, can I get 19, thigh riding and 26, nipple play. I'm a little slow and dont know if we can request more than once with the same character so if you want you can change Jing Yuan to someone else or something, anyways have a good day.
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★jing yuan x male reader(nsfw)
★genre: smut
★warning(s): domtop jing yuan, subbottom reader, nipple play, thigh riding, added some teasing, pretty short
★prompt(s): 19, 26
★a/n: i love him sm bro😍 also imma just say the door is literally wide open🧍🏾
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did the door really have to be open? no, it didn't there was no reason for it to be open, jing just loved the idea of someone seeing you so vaunerable.
you were fully nude sitting on jing yuan's lap, his clothes actually staying on as his fingers and palms traced lightly around your body. yet despite this 'calming' feeling of his hands around your body, you could only focus on the door being as wide as it could be,
exposing the both of you. you knew he didn't care he could've done anything just for the thrill of it. "(m/n), what's the matter?" he noticed you glancing at the door,
his tone wasn't even generous it was teasing and patronizing. "you seem so tense," his fingers slowly got closer to your chest, "you don't need to be, even if someone saw i'll make sure they don't utter a word."
yes they wouldn't be able to speak of it but it would be that they saw, you weren't ashamed of you and jing yuan's relationship but to have someone other than him seeing you like this? hell no.
but you couldn't lie, the reason you didn't say for him to stop was because it was quite thrilling as well butyou still couldn't help but glance over everytime to the point jing yuan was getting pissed off,
"dear." you felt his voice closer to your ear, his hair grazing past your shoulders his fingers doing the same but to your nipples, "your focus is on the wrong thing my love,"
his fingers start to pinch and tweak at your nipples, pulling them and flicking the buds in his fingers. your moans and whimpers being like a reward to him, "focus on me." like hell you could, how could someone focus like this?
you tried, you really did but you swear every shuffle you heard, you thought it was someone walking by. "but what if- ah—!" his fingers hardly pinched at the erect bud, failing horribly at covering it up, your hips jutting foward on his thigh.
"i want you to look me in the eyes, understand?" hesitant, you look sideways being met with his mesmerizing golden eyes you could just get lost in forever,
if he were to tell you to jump off a building while looking at you with those eyes you might just do it. not that he would actually ask you to do it but no one ever really knows what this bastard wants.
"that's a good boy.." the praise made your hips grind back onto his thigh as his fingers continued to play with your chest it was to fucking much,
the constant grinding you did on his clothed thigh to get friction was such a sight to see he loved it so much.
the more you grinded and pushed onto his thigh the more you felt yourself slowly getting closer and closer to your orgasm and jing could tell,
but he didn't want it to happen, not just yet. he gave a few smacks the side of your torso lightly as not to hurt you.
"ah-ah," a whine left your lips as he told you to stop. "not just yet, im not done playing with you."
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i did not proof-read this at all and i just know there are so many typos bro @gaybitchfx @esthxio @vyloy @reallyromealone / @rome-alone @secretivemessenger @bloodyfennec @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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