#lmao i love these morons
almea · 1 year
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"Did we miss anything?"
Bonus: When your gay pining was so obnoxious that even Juniper looks excited about you kissing
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
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In honor of it still totally being Mother’s Day, little doodles for a Kristin and Philza (and Wilbur too I guess ugh) fic I’m never going to finish
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annmariethrush · 2 months
Rooting for characters to be good for good’s sake is boring. I’m real so I have to be good for good’s sake which is okay, but fuck if I need my characters in made up realities that don’t exist to be good even when the world is bad to them or they have the opportunity to be more interesting as monsters or tyrants or just straight up assholes. Ship people who are toxic. Fuck monsters. Kill people. Have fun. It’s fiction, that’s the point. Do what you have to do to be a good person in the real world who doesn’t do shitty things to other people or support people who do shitty things.
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doctorwormcore · 8 months
What i think i love the most about the live action is just how much love there is? Yeah its different from the anime, but honestly....kinda better. I love how kind they all are, the strawhats clearly just love each other already, their own little family
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heyitslapis · 3 months
Watching bits of TLOU2 Remastered Directors Commentary on yt & literally hollering with laughter when Laura Bailey says "You fucking moron!" after Abby scolds Owen for suggesting to cut & cauterize Yara's arm 😭😭🤣🤣🤣
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malyen0retsev · 2 years
i feel like gen z need to be sat down and explicitly told it is ABSOLUTELY OK to say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing sometimes. growing up actually means fucking up, and if you spend your whole life paranoid of being ‘problematic’ then you are legitimately going to drive yourself into an anxiety induced meltdown. watching or reading ‘problematic’ media does not make you a bad person, and tbfh sometimes watching or reading said media (provided you keep your analytical brain switched on) is a good thing to do. because just as we learn by seeing what’s right to do, we also learn by seeing what’s not right to do. 
and without wishing to sound horrendously horrendously ‘i am in my mid twenties’, you don’t need to let the entire world know what you’re watching and reading. you actually don’t need to let the entire world know a damn thing about you, and i feel like a lot of the anxiety i see from gen-z online is this terror of being called problematic precisely because the boundaries for oversharing are next to non-existent. growing and changing and learning are a fundamental part of being a teenager, and you will say and do ‘problematic’ shit which will make you cringe in your twenties, and that’s absolutely ok because you will have learned from it. 
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fluffypotatey · 6 months
Wow that's the opposite reaction I had. You thought they were sweet, I thought they were morons for being together for decades and still not communicating with each other and not even finding out the truth years after literally faking their death (just admit you aren't human! Why fake your death!?) (And how the hell do you not realize your nemesis is also following your descendants and visiting your "grave" and was literally your husband you married!?)
*cough* anyways glad you found sweetness instead of hair pulling and screaming
i like to look on the bright side of life 🥰 (ignore my love for angst it’s not important right now)
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wandeel · 8 months
Tuto "How to annoy a Superman fan":
Step 1: Steal the sugar design from his cake and send him a photo while he's in the bathroom
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Step 2: Send him another photo and say "It's the Doomsday clock"
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Now you can listen to the fan crying in the bathroom
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shima-draws · 1 year
Hyperfixation says it’s time for me to rewatch SAO in its entirety SO!! I’m gonna stream it in a bit :”D We’re starting with the OG Aincrad arc so back to the benninging we go
Come hang out for a bit of nostalgia! I’ll reblog with the link once we’re ready to go, in about an hour and a half (7 PM MST)
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wickedhawtwexler · 5 months
lmao. guess who came back to work today (after being out for 2 days with covid) and was immediately informed she was being let go. lmao. lmao!!!!
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wanderingmoonmen · 8 months
hiiii my kennderland goddess so ive been catching on to ur series of kennderland sooo much im so hooked to it ITS SO GOOD GODLY DELICIOUS KAWAII DELIGHTFUL GOODNESS i love it so much and like its the reason why im into crackship SO like im not rushing u or anything im just worried if theres anything wrong around u cuz u havent updated since july and i kinda worried ..... if u answer this THANKS SO MUCH for answering and i hope ure always doing well in everything !!!!1!1
Oughhh this is such a sweet ask 😭😭😭 There hasn't been anything "wrong" necessarily - I've been struggling to get through this part of the planned story as I am... way more comfortable writing angst/hurt/comfort/more plot nonsense rather than fluff. I love drawing fluffy stuff! Struggle to write 😅
Between that and just general ~adult life~ fun times (job has been stupid, but now I've committed to finding a new one so that's given a lot of relief, after a couple other med changes for the Mental Illness I'm finally finally feeling better) I haven't been able to progress
However! I do have.......... a lot of other stuff written (both for james/Leon and me falling down the rabbit hole of wesker/Birkin and intertwining everyone between SH and RE) that hopefully once I get through this slump I'll have a little bit of backlog (tbh getting this ask has kinda motivated me to wanting to try and work on this :) )
I also literally have an entire sketchbook full of drawings and have been drawing Entire Group Nonsense that I can hopefully post? I won't promise because it's annoying to scan stuff lol so maybe I'll take some pictures if that's something you'd want to see too (I do have some stuff on here already that went to the drawings on ao3)
It also has passed the one year of drowning into this nonsense where I accidentally drug myself and @fly-rye into this. Seeing these awful unpracticed drawings is so funny and scary 🤣 with me drawing Leon with SUPER emo hair
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I'll also in lude some doodles for the last chapters uploaded for PE
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Also James' big beautiful body in unrelated stupid shirts
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(I've done this on mobile so hopefully the formatting isn't horrendous 😅)
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Gonna be honest: I am halfway through my second playthrough of P5R and I don't get the Akechi love in the fandom. No hate to anyone who loves him ofc, we all have different tastes, but
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I both love and hate the way Sorry it's locked has just completely taken over my brain. I think about it fucking constantly. On the plus side tho, I found another song that reminds me of it: dogbird by Madds Buckley.
Like, I heard it and went, oh this is Jay thinking about himself and Tim, but then like, I thought about it more and it's actually more like Alex's point of view on himself and his relationship with Jay. It's so evil. I love it.
Like, damnit I wanna do a whole thing on each lyric and how it relates to Jaylex hang on 💀 this is probably gonna end up too long.
It has, in fact, ended up pretty long. Also warning for mentions of sex and kink etc, nothing graphic, but just in case you don't know what Sorry It's Locked is
Alex being the dog and Jay being the bird just makes sense honestly. Like, especially from Alex's pov, Jay is fragile, but also free (from the self hatred that is eating Alex alive) like a bird and Alex is scared of breaking him, even though he also knows just how much Jay can actually take. He knows Jay's tough as nails, but he also sort of sees him as fragile, not because he is, but because Alex wants to be able to protect and care for him properly. But Alex is a dog, he has sharp teeth and claws and everything he tries to do just ends up with Jay getting hurt (usually emotionally, because both of them enjoy the physical stuff) so his self hatred gets worse and he hurts Jay more.
Then the events of Marble Hornets happen and Alex can turn it around because now hurting Jay is the right thing to do, because it'll drive Jay away and stop him from dragging himself into this mess, which means Alex won't have to kill him to save him.
Okay, anyway, lyrics:
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Like, with this bit it's Alex talking about how scared he is, because in Sorry It's Locked he's fucking terrified of EVERYTHING. He's scared of the operator, he's scared of losing Jay, he's scared of keeping Jay, he's scared of everything, so he lashes out, digs his claws in to try and drive Jay away, because that'll keep Jay safe from the operator, if he stops investigating etc.
Also "I cry when something shakes the walls" to me is very much Alex being all alone dealing with all the shit from the operator, not knowing when it'll show up again etc. So any noise in his house that he's not expecting is terrifying to him.
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This can go for Alex precanon or during Sorry It's Locked, honestly.
He feels guilty for how he treats Jay, even though he knows they both enjoy the rougher, more kinky sex, but he also has always made sure that they never got too genuinely close and intimate (like kissing or cuddling properly, or Jay staying the night, or them fucking in a bed etc) because it scared Alex that he liked Jay like that, that he wanted to be gentle with him. (Internalised homophobia precanon, and then fear for Jay's safety from the Operator during)
He knew that if Jay stayed the night he'd be quiet and gentle and kind to Alex, and Alex didn't know how he'd ever cope with that. So he just made sure he'd never have to cope with that.
Now during Sorry It's Locked Alex wishes that Jay had never met him because he knows how much he's hurt Jay emotionally. He wants Jay to hurt him back but he knows Jay never will, either because Jay's too much of a nice person (eh) or because he's too scared of Alex, especially given everything he kind of now knows Alex has done.
Alex wishes Jay would leave of his own accord, but he knows Jay never will. He has to drive him away, and the only way he can think to do that is to hurt him so bad that Jay will hate him. Hence the kisses and then Alex lashing out in the kitchen and saying he was pretending it was Amy. (I hate him. I want to give him therapy.)
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More stuff about precanon Sorry It's Locked Jaylex in this one, specifically Alex and his internalised homophobia and fear of coming out to anyone or letting anyone know he and Jay were anything to each other. He'd want to say he wasn't ashamed, but nah he definitely was, not ashamed of liking Jay, or not only that. He was also ashamed of the fact that he didn't stand up to anyone when they made jabs or digs towards him or Jay. Also, homophobic family, because he just seems like the type, and it's my fic so I can say that he had a homophobic family.
BUT, because of said family, Alex knows that his own self hatred will hurt Jay too, so he's apologising to Jay for the fact that he's still unable to sort his shit out, so he's still on the leash and choking on his own homophobia and self hatred and he's trying not to let it get onto Jay, but he can't really. He feels like there's nothing he can do except hurt jay. It's just his nature. His breed. And Alex is scared to try and step outside that. Hence him leaping at the chance to be with Amy.
(Tho he DID love her, a lot, a lot a lot and at the time he didn't even realise he was at least partly so eager to date her as an excuse to get away from his feelings for Jay, he figured that out later on and actually talked to Amy about it. Because I swear to god Alex got at least one healthy relationship in this damn fic. He deserves it, and Amy's perfect for it)
Anyway, Alex was scared to try and push past his own self hatred, even though he kind of knew (and definitely knows now) that not doing so will just leave Jay even more hurt and "crushed at his side"
Then it's the chorus again, with the same meanings as before.
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The whole thing with habits and instincts? The bell ringing and mouth watering? Alex feels like he's been trained to hurt Jay, like no matter what he does he can't help but hurt Jay even though that's the last thing he wants to do. Then the Operator shows up and Alex has no choice, he HAS to hurt Jay to keep him safe, just like he had to hurt and kill so many other people to save them. He wants Jay to hate him. He wants Jay to be afraid of him, anything that'll stop Jay coming back and dragging himself into all the shit that's happening.
But then Jay isn't scared, or he IS, but he's not scared enough, and he's definitely not scared enough of Alex. And Alex can't decide whether he's glad about that or not. Because on the one hand he NEEDS jay to be scared of him, but emotionally he doesn't WANT jay to be scared of him because he likes him and he really wants them to work their shit out, but the time's wrong and it's not safe for Jay to stay.
He feels bad for how he has to treat Jay to try and scare him off, then feels hideously guilty for it afterwards because god what a monster he must be to treat someone he loves like that. Then he feels all sorry for himself and then feels bad for feeling sorry for himself lmao.
Wishing that little songbird was still mine, basically what happens with Alex after chapter two is him losing his shit over the fact that Jay's gone again, and Alex feeling like absolute dogshit because they went full circle. They fell apart in uni, didn't see each other for ages, saw each other again, picked up where they left off, fucked everything up, and now Alex has lost Jay for good. Because this time he HAS to make sure Jay doesn't come back because it's genuinely soooooooooo unsafe because of the Operator and if Jay comes back Alex will have no choice but to kill him. (He blocks Jay's number etc so that Jay can't contact him and try to arrange a time they can meet up again etc)
ALSO "my love is sick"??? Also very Alex feeling like there's something wrong with how he loves, because in the end he's hurt and/or killed everyone he's loved. Like, damn this poor man would have SO many issues if he survived, maybe I'm gonna be doing him a favour by killing him in the fic I have planned for around entry 80-85 💀
This shit's so messy and it probably makes no sense but I don't care I needed to get it out of my head, and it was gone midnight when I wrote this lmao
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 1 year
Can the clowns for one (1) second stop acting like Aemond only has hatred for Aegon. Christ.
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robotslenderman · 1 year
Finished the first book and I am delighted that the twink is a certified idiot
Armand really got a huge crush on a dude he'd never even met, like the dumbass teenager he is, and got super excited about it to the point he set up said crush's daughter to be murdered so he could have him all to himself, then went "oh shit, turns out murdering someone's loved one traumatises them!"
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"I know, I'll get Louis to bring his pet reporter in so he can get some talk therapy -- what do you mean you want to Embrace the guy god damn it Louis why won't you LOVE ME"
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Now I may be overgeneralizing a bit, but I feel like in certain fics as well as the audiences for those fics, there's a weird tendency for the writers/audience to treat Optimus as if he's some sort of goody two shoes who doesn't care about his own race because of his love/respect for organics and it like...bothers the hell out of me honestly lol.
Like if you would rather focus on Cybertronian politics and ignore/even retcon out the organic destruction caused by the war, I totally get it. People find the Cybertronian politics way more interesting, there's not really as much lore on the aliens of the TF universe besides humans, you're tired of the Decepticons being bad guys, yeah like I get it.
I just find it incredibly off-putting when people (in fics or otherwise) try to frame Optimus prioritizing organics as legitimate criticism of him when it's not?????? Like his stance across multiple continuities is universally "organics are equal beings to us, we brought the war to their planets, they don't deserve to be hurt or exploited by us" and I don't fucking get how people can possibly frame that as a bad thing. HOW are mfs in this fandom treating Optimus as if his empathy/care for organic races makes him annoying or self-righteous or selfish like what.
#squiggposting#like idk i may be thinking of a few specific fics/authors#but it kind of really annoys me#because i see fics where optimus gets told that he cares more about aliens than cybertronians#or things along that line#and instead of OP making the very obvious case of how this is a bigoted and distorted viewpoint#the writer just has OP sputter ineffectually or like admit that he needs to propritize cyberteonians#when this is in the context of like decepticons (or megatron since i read megop)#being openly racist and disdainful towards organics#like youre not actually making an insightful criticism of optimus here lmao#youre just sweeping the whole colonialism thing under the rug#and acting as if optimus is some unrealistic self righteous goody two shoes whos being unfair to decepticons#for the crime of uh (looks at writing on hands) thinking colonialism racism and genocide are bad#there's this one super popular fic where like#the author basically writes optimus as an ineffectual ignorant moron#who cant even defend his own principles against megatron and ends up giving up on the inherent goodness of the universe#and ppl in the comment section were saying how this is an actual good optimus#(while shitting on idw optimus incidentally)#and i'm like. so you claim to love optimus but the depiction of him that you praise#is one where some of his most defining traits (universal love and respect for all beings)#is framed as a foolish delusion#and where optimus himself is too stupid and ineloquent to defend his view against megatron#and you call yourself a fucking optimus fan??? lmao#you just want optimus to be Nice without actually having a cause to stand up for#with a bonus dash of writing megatron like he's right about everything#and optimus just sits and takes his bullshit#sorry this became a rant against one particular interpretation lol#point is a lot of people try to criticize OP and the autobots in fuck-wild stupid ass ways#and it's really annoying lmao
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