#lmao ok goodbye now i just. needed to write everything down
jalapenobee · 6 months
kenta kanata and ryu as a shuffle team. yeah
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
The Mistress
Harry Gardner x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: smut (blowjob), cheating, sex in a public bathroom literally while his family is in the other room (who am i) 
Author’s Note: Hi love! Sorry this took so long! I feel like I went with the slightly creepy route straight into a bj lmao so I hope you like it. I don’t know how I feel lmaoo
Requested by anon, Happy to hear you're doing well, hun! I'm so excited to see your upcoming pieces because these most recent two are absolute gems 💗(I'm a big GTA and RE fan what can I saw I was overjoyed to see them 🤭)
Don't mind me with another Harry request (my sincere apologies, I'm obsessed 😌) I had this potentially spicy plot in mind - Harry x fem!reader. When he sees her being flirty with someone but cannot let his jealousy show since his wife is like RIGHT there. But still makes sure to let her know how much she upset him later on 😉 Take your time with this sweetie and if you don't feel like writing it that's totally ok too! 🤗 Thank you for gracing this site with your lovely works and making my day with them as well. Take care and have a wonderful day/night ~ Addie ❤
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Harry’s love for his wife was obligatory. The love he had for her was necessary, to keep their family going. He had created a space where he could comfortably do his job and be seen as successful. He had the wife, the house, and the kid. He had the room to grow and the means to do it. 
But you…you were not a want. You were a need. You were alluring in his worst times, gorgeous in his best. He could watch you move for hours and wonder what it was about you that entranced him. He could picture you from the bed as you slipped your clothes on and the memory filled his entire eyesight. He could see nothing else but you when you were there. 
You were like one of the people he wrote about. You were unreal. He couldn’t live without you now. 
“You’re starring,” your voice broke him from his thoughts. Sometimes he forgot you were actually there. You sat on the side of the bed, arms moving with grace down to your feet. You put your socks on, side eyeing him. “Everything alright?” 
“Uh huh.” He was in a shitty motel with sheets that he knew hadn’t been washed in far too long. 
“H?” You sat up straight. He grabbed your hand, shaking his head. 
“I’m fine,” he promised. You pursed your lips, nodding slowly. 
“You have to get back.” The time schedule he was on was brutal. Sometimes he wondered if the life he had was even worth all this. Couldn’t he just live here with you forever? The misery of his demonic child and his never ending wife seemed like a hell he had trapped himself in. When had he wanted that? “Henry.” 
“I’m here. I swear. I just don’t want to leave you.” Your face read the emotions he was feeling. You didn’t want to leave either but someone had to. If this thing was to be sustainable, you had to go. 
“I never thought I’d be here you know,” you muttered. Even your voice sounded melodic. “In bed with a married man. Jesus. What would my mother say?” He felt a pang of guilt but not for the person who he should’ve. He had put you in this position. You could’ve been living a life with a free man, someone to show you off to the world. Instead you were in shitty hotels by the ocean, the salt coming in through broken window frames. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. You shook your head. 
“It’s alright. We’re in this boat together, hm?” He grabbed your hand and held it. The hand that had just been all over him, the hand that had felt every inch of his body. You must have been thinking about it too because you kissed him gently. A goodbye kiss. He wanted to curse, to beg you to stay. He didn’t. 
“I need to write you into a story,” he said against your lips. 
“Oh yeah? The girl who never got what she wanted?” 
“The girl who could get whatever she desired.” 
“That sounds better than my thing.” You smiled gently. “I’ll see you later?” He nodded, a promise he was sure to keep. He hoped he wouldn’t see you around town before that, for the sake of his life. For the sake of yours! You stood up. “I’m excited to read what you write me into. Hopefully a better situation than this.” 
You thought about the character of you and envied her. You would be her one day, you hoped. 
She was like fire if it never spread. Her silence was dangerous, the presence of her was terrifying. Electrifying was an understatement. She was the lightning that made electricity. She was the origin, the start, the very being that could bring down trees with a touch. She was-
“What’re you writing?” Doris’s voice was like nails on a chalkboard. His initial reaction scared him a bit and he tried to be more caring. 
“Nothing. Nothing, I don’t think anyway.” He shut his computer. 
“Are we still going out to dinner?” 
“Yes. Yeah, sorry, time got away from me.” He got up from the chair. Doris was standing beside Alma who had her coat and shoes on already. She was giving Harry a look of disinterest, similar to her mothers. But Doris at least tried to cover it with a feign emotion, one he couldn’t grasp. “Coming.” 
They piled into the car and were quickly arriving at a small diner. The small diners in Provincetown were stereotypical and uninteresting. There was little local color and little locals. He saw you the second he walked in, like you had attracted his eyes like a magnet. You were sitting at the counter, a milkshake between your hands. Your hair fell in front of your eyes a bit as a smile played on your face. His eyes followed to the waiter you were speaking to. A man about your age, sharing your smile. The jealousy in him was surprising. He didn’t own you. 
But he wanted to. 
You hadn’t seen him yet. Maybe he could convince Doris to leave and go somewhere else. 
“Right here. You’re the newer family right? Big house on the water?” Their waitress said, gesturing to the table. Doris had been speaking and he hadn’t even noticed. 
“Yes ma’am,” Harry responded. 
“We don’t get lots of visitors here, except for the writers.”
“My husbands the writer,” Doris explained. At the mention of the topic, you turned your head ever so slightly. Your eyes locked for just a moment, zero panic in your face. It was like you didn’t even know him. You turned your head back to the waiter behind the counter. 
“What kinds of things do you write?” the waitress asked. 
“Screenplays.” “Anything I’ve seen?” 
“Not yet,” Doris promised. You were too distracting. He couldn’t stay here with you. His phone buzzed and he knew it was you. He checked it obsessively, turning it towards him so that Doris and Alma couldn’t see. 
I’m sorry, you texted. He didn’t answer. 
“Can I get you started with some waters?” 
His eyes flickered to you. Smiling at the waiter, a gentle comradery. It made him sick. 
“Yes please,” Doris said. She watched him and his discomfort but couldn’t find the source of it. The waitress left, leaving them alone, without a buffer between him and you. He opened up his phone again, staring at the message. You should leave. Why weren’t you leaving? “Everything okay?” 
He couldn’t hear what you were saying but he could see your hand brushing the waiters. Closer to your age, likely not married. Attainable. You could have something attainable. He glanced at Doris and nodded curtly. 
“I just need to go to the bathroom.” He got up, loudly. She scoffed, nodding. 
“Okay.” He pushed past you. Your eyes followed him as he turned the corner. You looked back at the waiter. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to use the little girls room.” You slid off the stool with a small smile and left your milkshake. You turned the corner and knocked on the men's bathroom door. It opened quickly. It was the type of bathroom that was private, without stalls. Just two rooms. 
Harry grabbed your hand and dragged you inside. He shut the door and locked it behind you. 
“I didn’t know you would be here,” you argued. He was standing so close to you, practically pining you to the door. 
“Who was that?” 
“Who was who?” 
“Don’t act coy,” he spat. You had never seen him so angry, jealousy practically dripping from his eyes. 
“The waiter? He’s a friend.” 
“That all?” “Harry, we can't do this right now. Your family is outside. Come on, we’ll talk later.” You made no movement. He starred, at you, at your features, the ones he could always find comfort in. He grabbed your wrist. “Harry?”
“Get on your knees.” 
You raised an eyebrow but the look in his eyes was too alluring to argue. He was usually gentle and guiding through sex, always careful with you even when he was rougher. You didn’t mind the demanding tone in his voice. You slinked down the door, onto your knees. You looked up at him. 
He was gazing down at you, his hand cupping your chin. You waited to see what he would do. Was he being so daring because his family was out there? Had you crossed a line neither of you had dared to verbalize? 
You put your hands on his waistband. He nodded, ushering you along. You undid his belt and fought with his jeans to pull them down. It didn’t take long for him to get hard at the adrenaline of the moment and you sitting before him. You pumped with your hand, staring up at him still. 
You wanted to tell him the waiter meant nothing. But actions spoke louder than words. You wrapped your lips around him, eyes locked, a glaze over his. He was staring at you like you were a meal. As you moved up and down, bobbing your head back and forth, he grabbed a fist full of your hair. He started to guide you more forcefully, a jealousy lacing his touch. 
You came up for air as minimally as you could. He lasted too long. His family was going to miss him. They would see your lone milkshake and wonder which of you would leave first. There weren’t enough people in this diner to not connect the dots. 
His precum was drooling down your chin. He wanted to fuck you. He knew he didn’t have time. Instead he let you make him cum, swallowing everything you could, making an erotic gagging noise as you did so. His moans came out muffled but clear, head tilted back in pleasure. 
You wiped your mouth, leaning your head against the door. 
“Feel better?” you asked. He scoffed. He helped you up, catching you as you stumbled. He kissed you, tasting himself among your lips. He could stay here with you forever and starve happily. “You go out first,” you muttered. “I’ve gotta wash up.” 
He nodded. He stared at you for a moment longer, brushing your hair out of your face. You locked eyes and the intimacy filled up the bathroom. You wanted to kiss him again but knew you had no time. You would have to let him go, just this once. 
“Thanks,” he muttered under his breath. 
“Anytime H.” You slithered away from him. “Pull your pants up and go back to your family.”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
if you are interested: animatronic submas; in an abandoned railway-themed amusement park; considered cursed or inhabited by evil spirits; with a series of still unsolved murders. Reader - afab? - possibly a former employee the submas were madly obsessed with; returned to visit it for halloween. if you want to make it really macabre ... maybe with Reader transplanted into the body of an animatronic that the submas have been preparing especially for her for years? if you don't want, that's ok too
Return of evil robot men and some of my horror writing lmao
cw: basically yandere, horror, reader dies, she/her reader, robot au
It had been around two years since you had worked at the theme park.
Your job had begun at the near-end of the park's life, having been dealing with bleeding money from seemingly endless lawsuits which made park repairs harder, which led to more lawsuits. It was not a bad job when you considered it. You had been a ride attendant for a subway themed area which featured animatronic conductors who spoke and took care of the riders. You just took the pay and made sure they met the ride criteria. Occasionally, you would shift to clean the area you monitored or filled in for another ride. The conductors, two identical bots, often followed you around wherever you went. You assumed it was to watch you for management to be assured you were doing your job.
They were a bit creepy then. In their best quality, their silver eyes shined through the darkness, which sparked imagery of light catching an animal's eyes. They lacked an ability to properly express, so one was permanently stuck with a grin and the other with a frown. You shivered at their uncanny effect upon your mind. The job was nice, but the robots were creepy. Perhaps the scenery was also aiding in how ominous the bots appeared. Everything was just past date with a hint of mould, rot, or rust to leave you with a knowledge of age. The office area appeared more familiar to grandparent's home rather than a modern administrative area.
When the place closed, and you were let go, you were still sad to see it go, however. It may have been antiquated, but there was a certain charm to it all. As you packed up your stuff to leave for the last time in the break room, you heard the sound of robotic joints working to move as the twin conductor bots entered. The smiling one, Emmet, and the frowning one, Ingo, gazed at you with empty eyes. Their frozen expressions sent a chill down your spine.
“Oh, yes, I suppose you both deserve a goodbye, huh?” you tried to lighten the mood for yourself. The bots continued to keep eye contact with you without a word. A nervous laugh escaped your throat. Ingo took a careful step toward you.
“… Is the park truly closing?” his generated voice almost sounded human.
“Yep,” you told him, “Today's my last day, so this is likely the last time we'll ever see each other again.” For a moment, you swore Emmet's frozen face fell into a frown. Nothing truly had happened, though. You were simply panicked.
“I see…” he gave something akin to a sigh despite his lack of breathing capabilities, “May we walk you out? We are co-workers, are we not?”
“Ah, no need for that!” you shook your head, “I'm going to miss my ride if I don't go now. Sorry, bye!”
Why had you been so afraid? You knew they were simply just following their programming.
You now stood outside the decrepit park, with the chilled winds blowing your coat in its path. Leaves swirled around you. The nature around seemed as dead as the park. Halloween had arrived, and you felt inspired to visit your old place of employment for a thrill. It had become a popular spot for teenagers who wanted to engage in urban exploration to pop into. Many rumours came from the location now. Stories about missing people never returning after venturing in, ghosts of people who apparently died on the attractions appearing to those who trespass, and two robots who attempted to kill anyone who entered the park without proper authorisation.
The last part stung a bit. You figured they would leave the twin bots behind, but it hurt to have it confirmed. They may have made you uncomfortable, but repurposing them was honestly the best thing to do. Shaking your head at the concern for man-made products, you crawled through the open window with ease. Glass cracked under your feet as you stood in the old office again. You expected a mess, but it seemed orderly. Almost like someone had been taking proper care of it. The desk and its chair were pushed together. The desktop, while absolutely unusable, sat as you remembered it as the owner had it. Some graffiti was on the wall, while others had apparently been attempted to be scrubbed away.
Not really scary, just unsettling.
Your walk began from the office into the central courtyard area. It had been previously alight with neon lights and streetlamps, but now found itself in a seemingly endless darkness. You shuddered at the sight. It was never this dark even after close when it was still open. Clicking on your flashlight, you took in the state of the greenery. Ivy grew wildly over anything and everything it could, weeds popped up between any gap in the concrete, and leaves were left to rot on the ground in a never-ending cycle. Broken glass laid about from where it had been smashed for whatever variety of reasons. It was eerie and depressing to see the park like this.
Wandering around, you attempted to visit all the locations that had been places you worked at previously or enjoyed. The break room was empty, yet the fridge was still running. Its low hum breaking the endless silence of the park for but a moment. You stepped closer to it and swung the door open to reveal what the appliance held. A perfectly normal chocolate cake sat inside. You almost giggled at the icing heart drawn on it and the 'I love you' scrawled inside. Who had done this? What a weird bit to commit to. Looking around, you tried to spy a camera anywhere. None were to be seen, however. Maybe it was for a prank that had yet to be initiated yet. Either way, you shut the fridge.
Next, you visited the fun house area. It was always fun to get lost in there and claim you were helping a lost child. You wandered around the mirror maze in wonder. It turned out it was much harder in the dark. You hated the reflection of your flashlight in the mirrors. Occasionally, it would shine back as what almost appeared to be like eyes peering in. It was irrational. When you managed to get out, you hated to admit how dizzy you felt.
Afterwards you visited your favourite food stand, the teacup ride, and then where the Ferris wheel had been. You felt pretty thoroughly creeped out from everything, but knew there was one last place remaining in the park for you to visit before you left.
You felt a chill as you entered the underground area of the subway attraction. Mildew and stagnant air burned your nostrils as you entered the location. It was not as bad as much of the other places, admittedly. Perhaps no one wanted to enter, but there had been barely any vandalism upon it. The train sat parked at the platform. You giggled as you stepped inside.
Then the door slid shut behind you and the lights flickered on. A few did not work or suffered from dimness, but most shined bright white light directly onto your sensitive eyes. Shocked and horrified, you sat down on the plastic seat in an attempt to steady yourself. Someone had to be here and turned this on. Who? You suddenly felt scared for your life. The PA system clicked on and gave staticky feedback for a moment before a familiar voice spoke over it. “Current route to station three estimated to take around five minutes to arrive,” Ingo's voice was a bit weakened and less clear from lack of maintenance, “Welcome back, dearest. We missed you.”
“What?” you said out loud. His first sentence was his normal dialogue for the train, but the second one made no sense. Your fear spiked even higher as the train moved steadily along to the next station. It would bring you back to the centre of the park and closer to an employee tunnel that held a few storerooms. You readied yourself for whatever waited ahead and made plans to make a run for it if you could. The train slowed down for a stop at the station as you saw them both waiting for you. Their clothes were tattered and shoddily patched. Ominous metallic eyes luminesced as the doors slid open with a screech that hurt your ear.
You carefully stepped out and gazed at the twin bots carefully. Emmet's grin remained bright despite the year, but Ingo's frown was caught in an awkward shape and gave the illusion of a smile. They held out opposite arms and welcome you in unison, “Welcome back!” You gave them a strange look. Maybe… Maybe, they just missed you. It must have been lonely for them here. The bots did contain highly intelligent AI. Some would even say they were sentient.
“Ah, you scared me,” you tried to be slightly honest, “… It's nice to see you both again.” Emmet let out a giggle and took long strides over to you. His arms wrapped around you and pressed your body to his frigid form. Barely any heat came from him due to the cooling needed to keep his systems running. Ingo moved after him.
“Heehee, we have been waiting,” the smiling bot whispered, “We loved you. We knew you would return. You love us, right?” Suddenly, you remembered the situation you were in and tensed up. What did he mean? Ingo had stated it before. Love? Could they even process such a thing? Maybe it was a sense of dedication and worry about you as a co-worker that had been twisted from lack of care to their processes. You tried to escape Emmet's hold.
“Why are you afraid?” Ingo's voice called out, “… Emmet and I have been so lonely… We would do no harm to you. You are not like the other intruders.” You froze. Everything they said made your anxiety get to levels that left your mind reeling and demanding you escape the park. Emmet's embrace only tightened.
“We have a gift,” the bot cooed, “Brother and I worked verrrrry hard on it!”
“Ah, Emmet, it's supposed to be a surprise, you know,” Ingo scolded him and pressed a hand to your shoulder.
Your position was shifted to be wedged in between them as they guided you into the employee tunnel. The sickening air was thick and dusty as they took you deeper and deeper into the pitch-black tunnels. Your flashlight was forced from you and left near the train. Their eyes were the only lights that broke the horrifying darkness. Double metal doors were forced open to reveal a dimly lit room. Inside was a replica of your body in an android form. Worst of all was how it opened.
What were they going to do. Ingo moved away to shut the doors, while Emmet remained glued to your side.
“Tada!” he beamed at you, “Do you like it? We're going to make you like us.” There was no holding back the scream that escaped your lips and the tears that fell from your eyes. No! This was a bad joke! It had to be. These bots were incapable of this. It was simply illogical.
You should not have come here.
This rancid place should have simply remained a location within your memories.
“… Brother, she's afraid,” Emmet's smile fell as he turned to Ingo.
“A perfectly normal reaction, Emmet,” Ingo explained, “Dearest… Please don't be afraid. We will be happy together; we have loved you since we first saw you. When you helped with our ride or messed around… You spoke to us like people.”
You swallowed. It hurt. Thoughts rushed in and out of your mind at horrible speeds. How? Why? People were kind to them before you. Why you? You had not done anything wrong. Both began to lead you to your horrifying replica and soon-to-be tomb if you did not escape. Their grips were too strong, completely inhuman strength from their body. You did not want this! Why would they not listen to you?
“Please,” you cried, “Stop! I don't want this! I don't love you!”
The grip on your arms became like a boa's constriction. Blood flow was narrowly possible, and your fingertips tingled from the loss. Emmet began to giggle while Ingo sighed.
“I understand you're afraid,” Ingo's voice was soft, “Changes like this always are, but we cannot bear separation any longer.”
You were forced into the horrifying contraption.
It closed.
A single shriek echoed out and dribbled into pure silence.
A lighter ending:
You sighed at the bots as they stared at you with pleading eyes. Well… It was your last day working here.
“Fine,” you gave into Ingo's request, “You can walk me out.” Both seemed relieved about it. They each walked at your sides as you headed to the park exit. The sun had already set, and the park had closed for the day. Not its last, but its soon-to-be one. Not much was said, as the bots often proved bad conversers. Well, occasionally Ingo gave you a good one, but getting Emmet to talk was a miracle in and of itself. Soon you arrived at the gates, where you caught the owner heading out himself. He gazed at you and the bots for a moment in distant curiosity.
“Say… You know, I have no idea what to do with those two,” he explained, “Would you like them? I'm sure you've seen, they have a variety of functions and uses.” You pondered his words for a moment. Was he being serious? It was a tempting offer, honestly. No matter how creepy they were, you supposed company was company.  The twin bots stared at you with eyes that held desperation in them.
“If you're being genuine, then yeah,” you nodded, “I'd take them.”
“Go ahead, then,” he motioned to the exit, “I hope you enjoy them. They're pretty outdated, honestly.”
You shrugged.
Free robots were free robots.
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ace-malarky · 6 months
hhh ok hi we're trying this?
I'm gonna start sharing the prompt pieces anyway because I keep talking about all these characters but I don't exactly talk talk so. here.
(just going with the ones I've written this year at least lmao bc some of them sure do be Old as Shit)
Judge these dumbasses for yourself
Kari stood amongst the old support pillars (that no one could convince her weren't gravestones in disguise) and peered into the sky in the hopes of one last look. One last flash of blue and white.
Thornton sighed behind her. "I think we'd best be getting home."
Jen started to whine at her, but cut off in a yawn.
The police officer – Ifernia had invited her? And the nurse? - rubbed at her eyes and sighed and shook her head. "I can give you and the bairns a lift back to the car park."
"That would be perfect. Kari, meet us back there, alright?"
"Sure," Kari replied, not really paying attention. She was still scanning the sky.
"I'll move my bike so you can get out," Ash said, following Cooper back towards the track.
"Always wanted to ride in the back of a police car," Mark said.
“So now you have the opportunity, please don’t do anything to end up in one after this.” Thornton glanced back at Kari, before ushering the younger kids down the track.
“Is that just while I’m in your care…?” Mark laughed, fading out of earshot.
“So she’s actually gone,” Katie murmured, standing beside Kari. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner, but...” She trailed off.
“Looks like it.” Seb turned to lean against one of the pillars. “Kari?”
“Yeah.” Kari squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Yeah, she’s gone.” She thought she would feel something when Ifernia left. Like a jolt, or a wave, or the world setting right. Some bullshit like that.
She didn’t feel anything but cold.
“What did she give you?” Katie asked.
Kari looked down to find herself turning the feather over in her hands. Deep blue like Ifernia’s wings. A memento, she guessed.
“I still can’t believe it’s all real,” Katie murmured. “That she really - really had wings. Really came from another world.”
“Well, there’s your proof.” Kari passed her the feather.
Katie turned it over in her hand. “What happens now?” She handed it back.
“No idea.” Kari snorted. “Don’t look at me.”
“Practice,” Seb said. “There’s always a lot of that.”
“And for those of us who don’t cut a dash on the ice?”
“I never said it was skating practice,” Seb replied, nudging Kari’s shoulder.
“Right, yeah, ‘cause that isn’t everything to you.” Kari shifted away from him. He was trying to repair it, she knew, but-
Seb sighed. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t-” Kari started.
“Let’s not start anything.” Katie interrupted them both. “This was about saying goodbye to Ifernia.”
“Right.” Kari nodded, glancing sideways at Katie. And she’d been late for that, like she’d been thinking of not coming.
“C’mon, kids,” Ash called. “Need to leave about now.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kari glanced back up at the sky, at the clouds. No glimpse of them. The only thing left was the feather in her hand.
“Bye, Ifernia,” she murmured, and turned to follow Seb and Katie down to the path.
“I can still hang out with you. Right?” Katie asked, playing with the fingers of her gloves.
“Course.” Kari nodded. “Yeah, absolutely.”
“Birds of a feather and all that.” Seb grinned.
“Sometimes, Seb, I wonder why we’re friends.” Kari glanced at him, but she was trying not to grin.
“Because you love me,” he replied, then froze. “That is-”
There were two ways this could go, but - Kari was tired. So, so tired. “Yep, that’s gotta be it.” She tapped him in the shoulder with her fist. They could work things over.
Seb smiled at her, nervous. Biting his lip. “So-”
“You’re still a jerk. But I think that bird has flown.” Kari grinned.
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sporeblossom · 1 year
ok so. i might delete this so enjoy it while it's here. i just need to gush about how happy i am lmao.
alright. last summer i went to another town for pride. i was there for a week, and one day i was having a slow day, i didn't have any plans until the evening, and i decided to go down to the canal for a swim. the water was amazing, and i found a good spot to sit and enjoy the sun. and then a very handsome and kind looking young man sat down next to me. his towel and bag was there before i even picked my spot, so when he came back to his spot, i apologized because i thought I was in his spot, and he said that i hadn't been in the way at all. he sat down, and somehow we kept on chatting for a bit. that chatting became actual talking, and eventually we knew each others names, where we were from, etc. we talked about polyamory and really bonded over that topic. at one point he just looks at me and says: "i have a good idea. i think you and i should go to [this other place that's also a nude beach]. i fully prefer to swim naked, and i really liked talking to him, so i agreed. we walked in the sun and just enjoyed getting to know each other the entire way there. when we arrived, we took our clothes off while laughing and smiling shyly at each other. we swam around in the cool water together, and swam out into the middle of the canal. i don't remember what we said, but i remember slowly swimming closer and closer to each other, until we kissed each other. we smiled and tried to stay afloat and smiled again and blinked against the sun and its reflections in the water. we almost got ran over by a tourist boat that passed us by while we where completely entranced by each other. when we got back to shore, he said he had to hang back a bit because he couldn't get out of the water yet, and he winked at me. we spent the whole afternoon together, talking and swimming and kissing. one of his friends came by and hung out with us too.
in the end i had to leave to get to my evening plans, and i just wanted to cancel everything and spend the night with him. but we said goodbye, friended each other on Facebook, and that was it. we would write occasionally, trying to figure out when we could see each other. but i had a bad depressive episode that fall, and didn't have the capacity to travel to see him, and he was too busy with school.
but then last month i came back to town for my cousins bachelorette party. and was finally doing a lot better (and still am). and we finally saw each other again. it was late at night, and we were both tired. we met outside at first, and went for a short walk to sort of acclimate to each other's company again. then we went back to the apartment i was staying at and just cuddled on the couch for a long time, before we even kissed. we just lay there and held one another and looked into each other's eyes until we finally kissed. and the sex was incredible. he shared that he was in a vulnerable place, and therefore currently practiced a form of celibacy where he didn't have penetrative sex or had orgasms. and it resulted in the most present, vulnerable, intimate, connected, honest, and hottest sex I've ever had with a straight man (and i have fucked a lot of straight men). i think we both said goodbye that night feeling a little bit in love.
and now im back in town. we have a date tomorrow, but i didn't have any plans tonight and he got out of uni late and passed near my place anyway, so we met up. we just hung out by the water and had a little wine. talked. kissed. it was cold and we were freezing for way too long, but we just dragged out the time because we enjoyed each others company so much. we talked about relationships, emotions, vulnerability, communication, self-love. i can't wait to see him tomorrow. i really fucking like him. i know we've only met three times but so far he's given me zero red flags. and who cares how it turns out, it won't change the fact that so far our time together has been so unbelievably amazing. and its just insane that us meeting was such an unlikely coincidence, so many things went wrong for him on that day, causing him to go for a swim to clear his head. we weren't drinking or on an app, we have zero friends in common, we were just complete strangers meeting by chance like something out of a movie. like i fully thought shit like this didn't actually happen? like i can't really believe it?? i keep looking for red flags but finding none. its crazy but i feel like I'm in love.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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tw. mentions / descriptions of a panic attack
bokuto was excited — more excited than he’d been in weeks!
he was finally getting the time to spend time with his beloved, his puppy, for the first time in forever thanks to the recent onslaught of drama the house had been embroiled in.
he figured he should thank you for bringing it all on because now, as he stood in front of meiko’s room, he had a chance.
“puppy!” bokuto called out, knocking on her door enthusiastically. after a moment of muttering, shuffling around and a loud curse, the door opened up just a crack to reveal meiko clad in only a thin bedsheet with her thin lips wrapped around a cigarette.
kotarou peered over her head and into her room where he spotted a quick flash of dark brown hair before meiko stepped out and closed the door behind her.
“who was that?” he questioned innocently, assuming that it was one of the other housemates. meiko narrowed her eyes at him and blew out a puff of smoke.
“what do you want bokuto.” her voice was steely and cold, nothing like her usual peppy self. still, bokuto couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was in there who shouldn’t be.
“you know,” kotarou began hesitantly, studying her face for reactions. “iwaizumi doesn’t like anyone in here who hasn’t signed a contract. and also you’re not allowed to smoke.” his nose turned up at the smell, disgust for the cigarette written clear on his face.
meiko rolled her eyes at him before taking another drag and blowing the smoke out straight into his face. bokuto tried to hold his breath for as long as he could but his lung capacity wasn’t so great. i need to work on that, he thought as he heaved and choked on the smoke circling down into his chest.
the love of his life adjusted her sheet covering before dropping the cigarette to the ground and stomping it out with the end of the blanket. “i asked you a question bokuto. what the fuck do you want?”
the harshness in her tone made him pause. was what he was here for actually important? or would it just bother her unnecessarily?
no, he resolved. bokuto missed her and he wanted to spend time with his kinda-but-not-really-girlfriend! especially after he waited all this time!
“i, i wanted to spend time with you...” with every word, his hesitance grew until he was muttering, the look in meiko’s eyes sending chills down his spine.
“no,” she said and turned back to enter her room. “wait!” bokuto’s hand shot out to grab her arm, very gently pulling her closer to him. “please,” he whispered, tears beginning to rim his wide, golden eyes.
meiko stared back up at him with absolute rage in her eyes as she snatched her limb out of his hold. “listen to me right now bokuto, and listen well,” she sneered, taking a step back towards her bedroom. “i have never liked you. you’re so fucking childish and clingy and annoying! i literally cannot understand how anyone cares to hang around you.”
bokuto felt something inside him shatter at her words, a sharp gasp escaping his parted lips. “but-“ “no buts! you are fucking nothing to me! all you were was a warm body to sleep with but you weren’t even good for that,” meiko’s chest heaved as she finished speaking, her dark eyes trained on the tear tracks on bokuto’s cheeks.
gently, he lifted a hand to his face, barely registering the water that covered them, his mind desperately trying to understand what had just occurred. in the back of his head, he briefly noticed the sound of a door closing and muffled giggling but it was covered by the sound of blood rushing in his ears.
how... could she? he loved her and she, she only wanted to fuck him? he poured out his entire heart, his very soul to her and for what? for her to take it and stomp on it until there was nothing left?
bokuto’s chest felt heavy — he wasn’t breathing. quickly, he took one breath, and then another and another and another until he was collapsed on the ground, heaving for air as he sobbed.
why him? what had he done to deserve this? maybe it was karma — he’d let a plastic bag float by him into a stream when he was 7 even though he knew littering was wrong. maybe it was because he didn’t kiss his mother goodbye the last time he saw her. or maybe the universe was punishing him for everything he’d done to you.
oh, you — the person who meiko had tried so hard to convince him to hate, and he had! his beloved had no reason to lie to him, or at least that’s what he believed until this moment. she lied to him about loving and caring about him so why wouldn’t she lie about everything else?
bokuto’s head was pounding as he tried to rationalize where he’d gone wrong, his usually bright eyes, dull and trained on the ceiling as he attempted to regain his breathing.
it felt like his whole world was collapsing on itself like a fallen star, just waiting to implode and destroy everyone and everything until there was nothing left and—
“hey, look at me, you’re ok,” a soft voice rang out over the buzzing in his head, his eyes beginning to focus on... your figure.
what were you doing here? he so desperately wanted to ask but the words were caught in his throat, trapped behind a wall of despair and anguish.
“don’t try to talk ok? just focus on my breathing, try and match it. i’m going to touch you now.” your soft, small (so much smaller — were you eating enough?) hand wrapped around his own and brought it up to your chest where he could feel the steady rise and fall of your breathing.
bokuto’s breath was shaky and definitely not as smooth as your own, but you didn’t seem to mind, instead holding his hand to your heart until his breathing became level and even.
he must’ve knocked out because by the time he came to, the hall was dark and you were gone, the only memory of you being a box of tissues and a glass of water on the ground next to him.
he reached for the glass first, chugging the whole thing down in only a few seconds. all that crying must have dehydrated him immensely, he realized as he searched for another cup.
standing on shaky legs, bokuto attempted to maneuver to the kitchen, holding onto the walls for stability as he crept through the dark corridors.
he quickly filled up his favorite owl mug (a gift from she-who-will-not-be-named) with water once he made it to the kitchen, extra careful not to make a lot of noise just in case someone was asleep.
bokuto swiftly gulped down his water, placing the cup in the sink where he knew it would not remain because if anything was sure, it was the clean state of the house that meiko kept.
ugh meiko. the whole situation hurt to think about so he didn’t, instead choosing to bury it in the deep recesses of his mind, never to be seen again.
as bokuto trudged upstairs back to his bedroom, he noticed the big black trash bag sat at the end of the hall near daichi’s room. he debated on taking it out himself but was ultimately convinced not to.
it’ll be gone tomorrow, he reasoned as he slipped into his room and bed before quickly falling asleep.
it was not gone the next day. neither was the cup in the sink, or the hair on the floor in the bathroom, or the laundry strewn all over the living room.
the whole house seemed to be in shambles and it remained that way for the entirety of the week. meiko was nowhere to be seen, flitting in and out of the house at random, escaping to only god knows where with god knows who.
bokuto didn’t care anymore. she ruined his life so why should he give a half of a shit where she was? what he did care about, on the other hand, was figuring what to do about you.
he wanted to thank you and apologize but he wasn’t sure how to do so! he knew he said some horrible things to you and was determined to make it right — not just for you but for himself too.
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℗ poker face
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an - ok writing this genuinely made me cry???? bokuto is my comfort character so making him go through this i just </3 i hope it came across ok? it’s literally 1 am so there may v well be typos and massive mistakes but i hope u guys enjoy this miserably sad chapter LMAO don’t forget to feed me <3
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andreil and goodbye kisses (pt. 8) ft. wymack (+ a bonus)
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 || i'm actually feeling kinda sad that this is the last part but also my brain can't come up with more ideas lmao
wymack stands by the fact that he doesn't get paid enough to deal with andrew and neil's shit (both as separate idiots and together)
but he does care for all his foxes, despite all the... difficulties that surround them
and honestly? one of the biggest struggles he faces is how absolutely thick-headed and oblivious the foxes can be regarding andrew and neil's relationship
truly, the heart-eyes neil constantly gave andrew were so obvious, he's not sure how everyone missed them before
but because he's so observant, he doesn't fail to notice how the older foxes keep giving strange looks to neil whenever he leaves andrew's side now
wymack doesn't get in the way of his foxes' personal lives. but if they start causing disturbances on the court, it's his job as coach to get to the bottom of these issues
(okay, maybe he and dan catch up on the so-called "drama" in the team every few weeks but it's for completely exy-related business. ahem. of course)
one day, wymack corners neil and lets him know that he and dan were to meet in his office after practice to talk through some logistics for the winter banquet
neil agrees, and practice goes smoothly (or, as smoothly as it can go with the foxes)
but after practice is... interesting
wymack swears he had no ulterior motives planned with the meeting; it really was supposed to be a genuine discussion
but the outcome of it was certainly unexpected
he and dan both know to wait for neil, that he doesn't like changing in front of anyone
so they wait. and wait. and wait.
it gets to the point where it's nearly 45 minutes after practice and surely neil should be done at this point, no?
wymack gets up, fully prepared to break down the door to make sure neil is okay when suddenly it slams open
neil tumbles out hand-in-hand with andrew, with matching flushed faces and ruffled hair
wymack sighs
dan outright snorts, and neil's head jerks up and his eyes widen when he notices dan and wymack
but before he can say anything, dan stands up and grins at andrew
"fucking neil again, huh?"
neil chokes on a cough and wymack turns to dan with a groan when he notices the mischievous glint in her eye, almost like that was an... inside joke?
with minyard?
wymack is very confused
andrew just scowls at dan. "i will knife you and make it look like an accident"
neil is still recovering from his coughing bout, so wymack turns back to the stabby midget ready to reprimand him
"i'm not scared of you anymore, remember andrew?" dan's eyes are still bright as she tries not to laugh
"shut up, both of you" wymack interrupts their weird jokes conversation whatever gruffly. "neil, do you remember why we're here?"
"huh? OH. oh shit. drew, i'm supposed to be talking with them about some winter banquet stuff"
andrew considers this. "how long?" wymack tells him about an hour, and andrew nods and turns to neil. "i'll stay"
neil just rolls his eyes. "you have a paper due tomorrow that you haven't even started yet. go do that, i'll be fine"
wymack sighs. he's been doing a lot of that lately. "minyard, go finish your homework or i swear to god, i'll make you run three marathons next week"
andrew glares but mutters out a "fine." he goes to leave but neil tugs him back by the wrist
neil then proceeds to kiss andrew on the nose and gives him the most bashful smile wymack has ever seen on the kid's face
neil's happy. it's a christmas miracle! and it's not even christmas yet!
and that kiss... really, it was the last thing he expected out of neil and andrew but he's happy at how comfortable they've grown around each other
and okay, it was a little adorable
(not that he'd ever say that to their faces, of course)
andrew ends up stumbling out of the court with the reddest face wymack's seen as neil turns back to him and dan
"right" he says sheepishly. "banquet?"
abby doesn't believe it when david tells her about the nose kiss
she knows that neil has a heart of gold, she knows that andrew has so much capacity to feel
but a nose kiss? she doesn't think andrew would agree to that
so when her older foxes come over one night after a tiring, but successful, game, she decides she needs to see this for herself
after a hearty dinner, all the kids are sitting in the living room, with andrew and neil talking quietly in the back corner of the room.
"neil!" abby calls, and everyone in the room quiets to look at her. "sweetheart, could you help me bring out the dessert?"
nicky immediately jumps up from beside her, saying how he could help if she needed it
"no no, it's alright, i was hoping to talk to neil, if that's okay? it might take a little while"
neil looks extremely worried at this and abby almost feels guilty.
he glances at andrew and then he leans down so quickly that abby nearly misses it
neil kisses andrew on the nose.
abby barely notices andrew's bright blush, nor does she register neil moving towards her
she just feels so proud of her foxes for coming so far in a world that keeps trying to beat them down
it's a sentimental moment, which is completely ruined by kevin's woop and nicky's yell of glee
"fuck you hemmick. fuck you"
neil looks at them wildly. "you guys were betting on us? i didn't think you would..."
matt sighs and slings an arm around his friend. "oh neil, do you still really think that low of us? we bet on everything"
JSKHKKSJ OK IT'S FINALLY DONE i already miss this series but it has been a fun time :) my asks are always open if y'all have anything specific you want me to write !
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hyunjilicious · 3 years
What about filming with Seb for the avengers? 🥺
This contains mentions of smutty times but I don't think it needs any warnings? Other than shitty writing lmao!!
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Ok, ok, hear me out. You had been on the cast for quite a long while, maybe something like ever since The Winter Soldier or Iron-man 2, so you obviously knew your way around and how everything works. Even though everyone was always a bit on edge when it came to the fate of their character, only a few days were left until wrapping up Infinity War, so you were pretty confident everything would be fine.
One day, when you got to set, a little bit later than usual, the first thing you did was say your hellos and head for the makeup trailer. You had Lizzie on your right, her eyes barely managing to stay open as two pairs of delicate hands worked on styling her hair, and on your left, Sebastian was almost done. The atmosphere was eerie to say the least. Everyone was quiet, none of the usual banter or jokes, but you just rolled with it - putting it on account of the long hours. Boy were you off.
About 9 hours later, those worries had no place left in your mind. You were covered in blood, frantically looking from left to right. 
It was the scene right after Thanos snapped his fingers, and you were thankful your character was supposed to be visibly confused, since you didn't have any idea what was going on either. You just remembered the Rossos saying something along the lines of "Yeah, yeah, just like that. You got this, go" but the problem was that you had never actually given them an idea to agree to. You asked them what you were supposed to do, but they just patted you on the back and left.
So when the camera started rolling, your heart was beating out of your chest, your ears ringing as you knew, deep down, that something big was about to happen. 
Your eyes snapped to the right, seeing Chris, or Steve, fully in character, panting his lungs away as he too looked around, lost. 
Just when you were about to turn around, you caught out of the corner of your eye, some form of movement. 
"What the-" you screamed, completely breaking character and not giving a shit about it, as you saw Sebastian fall to his knees. When he tried to steady himself against his palms, his elbows gave in and he crumbled completely to the ground. This wasn't scripted, and adrenaline washed over you.
In a matter of milliseconds, both you and Chris sprinted in his direction, throwing yourselves on your knees and rushing to turn him around. It all happened so fast, it was mostly a blur, but the fear you felt when you saw him collapse, broke you. And in all that haze, it took you a moment too long to realise that as soon as Sebastian uncovered his face, there were tears running down his cheeks as he laughed his soul out.
"Cut!" Joe called, excitedly standing up and waving his hands in the air. "Perfect! We're keeping this!"
"Seriously!?" Chris exclaimed amused, unable to hide his smile as soon as he realised what had happened. 
"You idiot!" you yelled, looking down at Sebastian who had his arms wrapped around himself, holding his abdomen as his face turned red from laughter.
And maybe, had you not been the one who acted like the world just ended in the middle of a set full of people, you would have found this funny from the beginning too. Literally anyone else could have fallen and you wouldn't have freaked like that. And that was why you were mad at Seb, but proceeded to laugh and make jokes about the situation with everybody else from the cast.
About two hours later, when you were both done for the day, Sebastian couldn't find a way to keep his distance from you. He followed you everywhere, his mouth not shutting for even just one second.
"Come on-" he pleaded, jogging a few steps in front of you so he could see your face as he spoke, "You can't be mad at me, please don't be mad at me-"
"I hate you" you simply said, turning around on your heels and sprinting in the opposite direction.
"No, come on, Y/n" he followed you, arms outstretched as he maintained your pace, "It was funny, and it looked great on camera"
Taking a deep breath, you stopped dead in your tracks and looked into his eyes for the first time ever since it happened. "Seb, you know what? I looked like an idiot, it was a dumb idea, I hate you, goodbye"
Frankly, no matter how dramatic you sometimes got, this was too much, even for you. You were perfectly aware you were exaggerating, and had to struggle to keep yourself from bursting into laughter - but you just needed to see how far this could go.
"No, don't say that.." he argued, stepping in front of you again and grabbing your shoulders, "Don't ever think that. You didn't look like an idiot, you were just worried". As he spoke, his voice softened and his eyes warmed up. "You were just worried about me…"
"Of course I was worried about you!" you rolled your eyes, "And you thought it was funny"
And those words right there, hurt him. "No.." Sebastian mumbled, "No- I'm sorry, I- come here"
Without giving you a chance to object, he gathered you to his chest, his arms tightly wrapping around your body. He genuinely felt bad, and now, you did too.
"Seb," you sighed, pulling away, "I'm sorry too- I'm not really mad. I was just messing with you, wanted to see how far this would go"
He seemed confused - genuinely surprised with the turn of events, but he didn't complain. Instead, he just frowned, and searched for your eyes, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure" you nodded, "I'm not a child, I act like one sometimes but still"
"You really do" Sebastian laughed, as you both mindlessly started to walk towards your trailers. 
"Look who's talking" you mocked.
"If it's any consolation, I didn't know this until like a few hours ago either. I just found out this morning, that's why I've been off. I knew you'd pry the information out of me somehow"
"Yeah!" you giggled, "I definitely would've"
Just when you were about to reach your trailer, you heard Sebastian groan in pain before he abruptly stopped walking. You turned around to see him clutching his right knee, wincing in pain. "Shit!" he cursed under his breath.
"It's too soon" you scoffed, "I'm not gonna fall for that again"
"No-" he waved dismissively, "I'm fine, it's been hurting for some time, don't know what started it now, though"
And despite your brain yelling 'No, no, don't fall for it', that was exactly what you did. Your heart panged when you saw him limp, and you didn't even think twice before rushing to his side to help him walk.
But of course, not even a step was taken before he burst into laughter, causing you to shove him away from you with all your might.
"Can't believe it worked-" Sebastian said in a high pitched tone, laughing as tears threatened to fall down his cheeks.
"I'm never talking to you again. I hate you" you groaned, turning around and storming off.
But he didn't let you get too far. In a matter of seconds he had caught up with you, wrapping his arms around your body from behind, his face right above your shoulder, "No, you really don't hate me"
"Yes, I do!"
"Come on" he chuckled, "Let's go get a beer"
"No, Seb"
"Two beers?"
"Seb-" you threatened, trying to wiggle your way out of his hold, but all he did was follow you around, still holding you in his arms.
"Three beers!?" he asked playfully enraged.
"Let me go, or else-"
"Or else what?" he taunted proudly, leaning over your shoulder to look you in the eye, "What are you gonna do, hm?"
"Don't test me" you threatened, the proximity making you a bit more playful than usual.
"What are you gonna do?" Sebastian grinned, "Spank me?"
And the following words just slipped out of your mouth, your brain having never been involved in any kind of thought process whatsoever. "Only if you spank me first" you said, and then his mouth fell open.
"Deal!" he cheered, letting you go, and moving to stand in front of you, "It's a deal, it's done"
"Yeah" you laughed, "Ok"
"Ok… to the beer and the spanking?" he teased, and you couldn't hide your amusement.
"Just the beer, Seb"
"And what about the spanking?" he pouted.
"Ask me after that beer"
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Genre: smut, romance? Idk?
Summary: The reunion with your childhood best friend took some turns, and instead of hugs and tears all you wanted to do was kill the familiar stranger, that made your day at work worse.
(Ye, I suck at describing lmao)
Word count: 6.7k
Warnings: 18+ (MINORS DNI), unprotected sex, dom!Dabi, creampie, a bit of dacryphilia, a bit of teasing, rough sex, choking, facefucking.
,,Girl, just hop into the water’’ Mina screamed, taking all the attention you were giving to your phone. You were already regretting the decision you made to join her and Bakugo. You’ve never liked those public pools, and you never understand people who did. Like seriously, children there pee in the water, some of them even poop, who knows ? And its not that you are some hygiene freak, it’s simply a no go for you.
,, Nah, I’m good over here’’ You screamed back, hoping she heard you, as you hid under the shadow of the tree. Sun was also a big minus for you, since 10 minutes were enough for you to get sunburnt and end up with Yoghurt all over your body trying to pamper the burning stings. Plus your pierced nipples didn’t help in this case either, heating up too fast in the sun, since the only peace of clothing that covered them was your swimming suit.
,, You are no fun’’ she pouted, hoping her puppy face will work on you.
Usually on your days off, you liked to enjoy your time at home, reading a nice book or simply lazing around watching a movie, cooking for yourself, and doing simply anything that didn’t include contact with others. Yeah, you had enough contact with people since you were working at the famous café in the city.
People who saw you working there thought that you loved your job. Always smiling, always having so much patience. Truth to be told, you were exactly the opposite. You hate it wholeheartedly. You couldn’t deal with children screaming around all the time, while their parents ignored them, you couldn’t deal with drunk dudes, cat calling you all the time, and you couldn’t deal with rude costumers always complaining about something. Fuck it, you couldn’t deal with anyone.
You felt more than happy once the day came to an end and once you waved goodbye to your co-workers. Nothing against them of course, you loved Mina and Bakugo, but sun, water and loud crowd of people drained your energy out. At that point you found yourself appreciating your apartment and your bed more then ever before.
The next day you woke up pretty late, since you had late shift. Not that you were complaining, you liked sleeping longer, but the fact that you will be working till fucking 10 PM, if not even longer since it was summer, was driving you insane.
Sure waking up early isn’t amazing, but in the morning there wasn’t that much work, and it was much more quiet then in late shift. And sure, some people would consider calling sick, but you didn’t want to be such an asshole toward your co-workers.
Since you will be the one getting the orders on the counter and maybe, only maybe work with ice cream, you decided to wear your favorite comfy skirt, not too long, but also covering everything up. Once you found your fav comfy shirt, you tucked it inside of your skirt and did your casual make up before you left your apartment.
You didn’t like your work, but you were thankful that you could at least get a free meal there, since it saved a lot of time for you. It wasn’t anything special, but at least you didn’t have to prepare anything or stop to buy something before work.
,, DROP THE BEAT’’ Bakugo yelled once he saw you coming, making some weird noises as you gave your best to give them a Top Model walk.
,, TC, TC, TC’’ you repeated, waving your hips from side to side in the beat with the weird sound you and Bakugo made. You hopped beside them, as you took the small pack of cigarettes out of your bag.
Usually after the end of the morning shift, you and your co-workers sit together, enjoying the last minute of the shift exchange together. Of course if there’s a new costumer, one of you would go to work immediately. But most of the time, the café was almost empty at that time, giving you a chance to catch up a bit.
,, Today was pain in the ass, I swear’’ Shiggy said, taking one cigarette out of your package, while Bakugo told you everything you needed to know, if there was something to do and so on. Nodding your head, you lit a cigarette for yourself, preparing yourself for one hell of annoying day that was waiting for you.
Once Bakugo and Shiggy went home, you made your way toward the small counter, preparing everything you needed for the late shift, as you waited for Mina to arrive. You were glad that there weren’t any new costumers, since it gave you lots of time to prepare everything, from ice cream, to sandwiches and drinks.
,, Hiii girl, sorry for being late’’ Mina greeted you happily, while you placed the new drinks into the fridge. It wasn’t anything new for you, she was always late, but you never minded it at all. Your team had some up’s and down’s, but after all, all of you worked great together.
Around 7PM you wished you never got that fucking job. The café was getting fuller and fuller, and people were getting more and more annoying.
,, Can you please serve that table ?’’ Mina asked, pointing on the table where some boys were sitting down. Nodding your head, you took the small notebook and pen, before you made your way towards the table you had to serve.
,, Heyy, what can I do for you?’’ you asked, acting all happy as you prepared the small notebook to write the order.
,, Well, you can blow me off if you are asking that nicely’’ one of them said, making the rest of the boys laugh loudly. Taking one deep breath, you almost rolled your eyes in annoyance.
,, Can I take your order ?’’ you repeated yourself, ignoring the rude comments they gave you, talking about your skirt and how you looked, like you weren’t standing right in front of them.
,, Five beers. Sorry, they really don’t know how to behave’’ one of them, mature enough, said. Giving you one small and apologetic smile. Nodding your head, you just hurried back, wanting to finish their order fast enough, before you did something you would regret later.
Once you bought them their beer, and once they gave you the money, you almost smacked the bottle against the blondies head, when he started checking you out shamelessly. What pissed you even more was the fact that the line waiting for fucking ice cream was already waiting for you.
The whole day was a complete disaster and you wished more then ever to finish your shift and leave the fucking café. At least you had Mina by your side, as the two of you gave each other encouraging words.
,, What can I get for you?’’ you asked, faking a smile at the woman with a child. You were so done with that fucking job, but you couldn’t let the costumers figure that out.
,, Honey, what do you want?’’ she asked her child, as she prepared her wallet. The fact that she was waiting for you to come, and than ask her child what she wants was lowkey pissing you off. They could literally decide before you arrived, but whatever.
,, I want vanilla… Hmmmm, I want mint and strawberry!’’ the little girl screamed excitedly, as you prepared the cone, already putting the vanilla ice cream in it.
,, I’m sorry, we are out of Strawberry ice cream’’ you said, giving her a small smile, as the child started screaming and crying around how she wants strawberry. You had to give your best and stop yourself from throwing the cone against the child’s face. That little girl was old enough to understand what a no means.
,, Sorry sweetie, do you want anything else?’’ you asked, hoping she’ll stop with the whole theater.
,, Noooo I want strawberry’’ she screamed, crying loudly.
,, Just give her raspberry’’ the woman said, rolling her eyes in annoyance like it was your fault that you were out of the strawberry ice cream. Mina noticed that your blood was already boiling, as she asked you if you need some help. Once she heard you saying how everything’s fine, she continued with her work.
,, What can I get you?’’ you repeated the same question, as a guy approached, holding his phone in his right hand. You looked at him, giving him one fake smile, as you analyzed his face. Black hair, scarred face, few tattoos and lots of piercings. His appearance was pretty much freaking you out, but you had to stay professional and just wait for his order.
,, Hey, strawberry and chocolate’’ he said, casually scrolling the screen of his phone with his thumb. The moment you heard him say strawberry you wanted to quit that fucking job and just move to Poland or whichever country.
,, We are out of strawberry, sorry’’ you breathed out, hoping that the last cell in your brain didn’t die at that moment.
,,Oh ok, then only strawberry is fine’’ he said, giving you a small smile. At that moment you were more then sure that he was making fun of you, even a deaf person was able to catch up that strawberry wasn’t an option anymore after that stupid child made a scene. And that’s when you finally snapped, having enough of everyone’s shit.
,, Which part of we are out of strawberry you didn’t understand?’’ you asked, slamming the cone onto the counter, almost regretting your actions. But once you noticed the way he was trying not to laugh made you snap even more.
,, Are you making fun of me ? Is this funny to you ?’’ your voice was raising with every word you spoke. Once Mina realized that you were having your half mental breakdown, screaming at costumer, she hurried toward you, repeating your name all over again as she tired to catch your attention.
Hearing your name, his eyes widened in surprise, now totally focused on you instead of his cellphone and if Mina wasn’t there, you would probably start a bitch fight with him for even looking at you that way.
,, Woah, what’s going on? ‘’ she asked confused, as you gave the dude death glares.
,,This guy here is going on. He’ll be my 13th reason why’’ you screamed waving your hands in air, not even trying to calm down anymore.
,, Chill out, we only have 30 minutes more till we close’’ she said, patting your back slowly, as she mouthed small sorry to the guy.
,, Oh, 30 minutes ? We’re out of the ice cream’’ you hissed, slamming the glass down, giving him a clear sign that he won’t lick shit tonight. If your boss heard and saw you at that moment, you would be fired in just a second.
After 20 minutes, the two of you happily told the costumers that they have to leave. Before you could leave, you took two corona tests, already working on your own test as Mina went to the toilet to change.
,, OH MY GOD, YOU’RE PREGNANT’’ she screamed, placing one hand over her mouth.
,, Bitch, this is corona test’’ you hissed, loud laugh following your words. ,, And it’s only one line, which means that I’m negative. What the fuck’’ you laughed, placing one test in front of her, thinking about where the fuck did she get all her informations from, since she thought that one line means pregnant. Ignoring the fact that she thought that corona test is fucking pregnancy test.
,, You really overacted today, maybe he didn’t hear’’ she said, as you puffed onto your cigarette.
,, Girl, even my grandma from nursing home could hear that we were out of strawberry, and trust me her hearing aids ain’t worth shit’’ you rolled your eyes, making Mina giggle quietly.
,, But still, he might tell to boss, you don’t know that guy’’ she whispered, as you watched the guy sitting on the bench with his friends. She had a point sadly, he did look like someone who would cause trouble just for fun.
,, You’re right, I’ll go and apologize’’ you said once you saw him wave goodbye to his friends. Taking one deep breath you hugged Mina, before you forced yourself to walk fast enough to catch up with him.
,, Hey’’ you screamed, almost running behind him, hoping he actually heard you. Once he turned around, giving you one hella confusing look, you sighed in relief, placing both of your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath.
,, Wow, such a sporty spirit’’ he joked as he watched you fight for air.
,, Yeah, oh my god. I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier’’ you managed to say somehow, ignoring his comments.
,, Yeah, that wasn’t very nice of you’’ he pointed, taking one cigarette and placing it between his lips. ,,I was ready to write a review on google about the way you treated me’’ he joked once again, but you completely misunderstood it.
,,I KNEW IT, I FUCKING KNEW IT’’ you screamed, pointing your finger in his direction. ,, Look man, I already hate my job, don’t make it any worse’’ you whined loudly, not getting the irony in his voice.
,, Well, let me treat you with dinner, what do you think? And then I’ll think about the review’’ he smiled, using the way you misunderstood his words in his advantage. Once you heard him say that, you definitely regretted the way you acted one hour ago.
,, That won’t work, I have a cat waiting for me home and trust me, he ain’t capable feeding himself on his own’’ you spat, hoping he’ll understand and simply leave you alone, but once you saw him raise his eyebrow at you and giving you one questioning look, you almost rolled your eyes on him.
,, but you can come with me and we can order fucking tacos or whatever’’ you added, surprised that you went that far and disappointed once he accepted your invite.
,,Taquitoooo, I’m home babyyyy’’ you screamed, kicking your shoes as you got inside your apartment. Turning around you found the tall man looking around, analyzing every corner of your apartment.
,, Taquito? You’ve gotta be kidding me’’ he laughed at you. Even tho you just met the guy, it felt like you knew him for ages for some weird reason.
He sat outside on the balcony, as you prepared the two glasses and drinks for the two of you, while he ordered some food.
,, Anyway, what’s your name ?’’ you asked, remembering that you don’t know shit about the man sitting in your apartment.
,,Ah yes, I totally forget that, the name is Dabi’’ he grinned, taking the glass away from you, as he made himself at home.
,, Why the fuck did you call your cat Taquito?’’ he asked, as your cat jumped onto his lap, purring softly, making you just stare at them surprisingly. Taquito didn’t even like your family and friends, yet he was all cuddly with some fucking stranger.
,, Yeah long story short, I was drunk as fuck, found him on the street while I watched the stupid Tiktok about a girl that bought a turtle and called it Taquito’’ you said fast, as you sat there waiting for the food. Once you had a good look of him, something felt off. Nothing weird or scary, but you only felt like you already knew him. Sure, you definitely wouldn’t forget a face like his, but something about his eyes was telling you that you met him somewhere.
,, Anyway, enough about my cat. Did we meet somewhere?’’ you asked, staring at him shamelessly as he played with Taquito.
,, Maybe ?’’ he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
,, Cut it. Your eyes are familiar. I swear, I feel like I know you from somewhere ‘’ you confessed, placing a finger on your lip, as you tried to figure out from where you know him.
,, Yeah, I have such a pretty eyes, don’t I’’ he said, blinking fast as he tried to give some weird effect with it.
,, You can’t be that stupid doll’’ he added, when he realized that you still can’t remember him. Sure he changed, sure he went thru some shit and ended up with scars, and sureee he colored his hair black, but still he felt a bit disappointed when he realized that you have no idea who he is.
,, Does a name Touya tell you anything ?’’ he asked, raising his eyebrow at you playfully, laughing loudly at your confused face.
,, Nah, go fuck with someone else, that can’t be true’’ you hissed, crossing your arms on your chest. If you saw Touya, you would remember him, your childhood best friend.
,, Monday, 2PM, old tree house?’’ he said, almost asked about something only the two of you knew, trying not to laugh at your shocked expression.
,, It can’t be’’ you gasped, eyes wide enough, almost popping out of your skull. ,, YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY DIDN’T YOU CONTACT ME?’’ you screamed jumping suddenly, making Taquito run form his lap, scared from your sudden reaction.
,, Honestly, I forgot what your last name was, so I couldn’t find you anywhere’’ he admitted, happy you finally remembered him. Sure he didn’t recognize you at first either, but once he heard your co worker calling you by your name, he immediately figured everything out, and understood why you seemed so familiar.
,, Are you serious ? And what kind of reunion was that ? I was ready to choke you with a fucking ice cream cone’’ you laughed, still not believing that the stranger sitting in front of you was no one else than fucking Touya Todoroki, the best friend you once had that left you behind and went overseas.
,, Yeah that was one iconic reunion if you ask me’’ he laughed out, thinking about the way you acted few hours ago.
The two of you talked about everything possible, about his life overseas, about the past, your shitty job, your cat and his dislike on every living being. Once it was too late, he wanted to leave, but you simply couldn’t let him go home at such a late hour, since people at the city were pretty weird and the city isn’t the quiet and safe one and after a long time of your insisting he finally agreed.
When you woke up, Touya was nowhere to be found, but he did leave a small piece of paper, with a number and apology written on it. You grinned to yourself, as you hurried to get ready for your work, since you stood up too late.
The day was much better than the last one, only instead of Mina who always managed to calm you down, you had Bakugo who was even more aggressive then you are by your side. You had the same task as last night, but once you saw Touya and his group of friends making themselves comfortable at one of the tables in the corner, you told Bakugo that you’ll take their order.
,, hayyy, alredy know your order ?’’ you asked excitedly placing your hands on Touya’s shoulders from behind, the smile on your face being honest for a change.
,, My girllll, why didn’t you text me ?’’ he whined, as he grabbed your hands and pulled you down, forcing you to hug him.
,, Didn’t the two of you have a huge fight last night because of strawberry ice cream?’’ one of his friends asked, totally confused.
,, We talked it out’’ you laughed, as he placed a small kiss on your cheek, before you finally took their order, almost forgetting you are at work.
If you were being honest, the whole shift was better with him and Bakugo who was cursing every second costumer around. Almost every 15 minutes Touya would end up at the counter, asking for a strawberry ice cream. Every time you would tell him that you are out of it, he would simply ask for the Book of complaints, making you roll your eyes playfully at him.
You were surprised when you noticed that he was actually waiting for you, laughing loudly when Bakugo commented how this whole romantic shit is making him sick.
The next few days the two of you spend way too much together, and first time in forever you actually liked having someone around. Every day he would drop by at your work, and wait till you are done and then the two of you would go home and have a late dinner, while he had cuddle season with Taquito.
On Saturday, you were looking for excuses to call sick, and once Mina told you that the only person who would be forced to jump in was no one else than Rumi, you immediately called them, acting all sick and everything.
After you called, you gave yourself one good deserved nap, not feeling bad anymore since Rumi was the co-worker no one liked.
The loud knocks at your door woke you up, grabbing your phone your eyes widened in shock once you realized that you slept almost the whole day. Rubbing your eyes, you rushed to open the damn door.
,, What the fuck?’’ Touya hissed, once he saw you healthy and alive standing there in nothing but oversized shirt.
,, what? I overslept a bit’’ you gave him a weak smile, as you let him in. You were surprised yourself that you slept that long, but you totally deserved it.
,, I swear, once your co worker told me you’re sick, I thought you died or something’’ he added, following you inside.
,, Yeah, I just needed some rest’’ you laughed, hoping he’ll chill the fuck out. Thankfully he calmed down real fast, almost forgetting about all the worry he had once he saw you all healthy, and once he saw Taquito running happily to him.
There was something comforting in having Touya around again. Somehow it made you feel like a child again, and the fact that he’s staying this time, for real, made your heart skip a beat for some weird reason. He was all the time around, at your work waiting for you, giving you a ride back home or walking you back home, dropping by on your days off with your favorite snacks and so on. Usually you wouldn’t like it, but since it was him, you embraced the affection he was giving you wholeheartedly.
You even became a laughing stick at your work, as your co-workers always made jokes about your new lover boy. Especially Mina and Bakugo, turning every conversation into Touya related one.
Making the drinks some costumers ordered, a yawn escaped your lips. Still sleepy as fuck, you somehow managed to put your attention on your work instead of the lack of sleep.
,, So, how was the date last night ? What did you two do ?’’ you asked, remembering that Bakugo met some girl he liked so much last night.
,, See when two people come together, they perform an intimate act called getting fucking railed’’ Bakugo said, trying to sound as romantic as possible.
,, You’re disgusting’’ you gasped, throwing the small sponge at him, as he laughed loudly, making his way to the costumer that just got in.
You were completely focused on your work, until Bakugo told you that your lover boy is there, and he’ll be the one to get his order. Rolling your eyes, you just let him do it, as you continued with the work you already did.
Bakugo was much louder than usually, probably because his little date went good, singing around you and joking around every now and then. Not that it bothered you, in fact, you were so glad that he showed his unusual side that day, since he’s grumpy and mad almost all the time.
,, I swear the headache is killing me today’’ you whined loudly, hopping beside Touya once you got the chance. You took one cigarette from him, and lit it up, enjoying the peace with almost no costumers around.
,, You seem pretty close with that guy’’ Touya said, also taking one cigarette.
,, Huh? You mean Bakugo?’’ you asked and he simply nodded his head, not taking his eyes from the spiky haired guy. ,, Yeah, we are pretty close’’ you added, puffing onto your cigarette.
,, You like him ?’’ Touya’s eyes met yours, making you feel a bit uneasy with his sudden behavior.
,, No, we are literally only friends and he’s much younger, wait, why ?’’ you were too confused, finding it hard to proceed the whole situation. Changing the topic, he simply asked what you wanna do after work, acting as nothing happened at all.
,, So, that Bakugo guy, he has a girlfriend ?’’ Touya asked, as the two of you made your way to the nearest store.
,, At this point I’m not sure if you are interested in me or Bakugo’’ you joked, dragging your feet lazily.
,, In you, obviously’’
After that day Touya was giving his best to show you how he felt, he was giving his best to show everyone to who you belong. Being a little too touchy in front of his friends and your co workers, in a way that seemed innocent to you, yet clear to everyone else. Small kisses he usually placed on your cheeks, were getting closer and closer to your lips. The hand he usually places around your shoulders, was getting lower and lower.
Even when he comes over, he was using every little chance he had to touch you, using everything you liked into his advantage. He knew how much you loved when someone caressed you, and he did it more than gladly for you. Tracing his fingers against your soft skin, starting with your arms, only to end up with his hand under your shirt, caressing your back slowly, until you would end up falling asleep in his arms.
,, What do you want to watch ?’’ you asked, placing the bowl of popcorn onto the table, while Touya waited for you patiently on you couch. The weather was perfect for nothing else than a lazy movie evening.
Hopping next to him, you made yourself comfortable as you listened to the storm outside. The sound of strong wind and thunder was more then relaxing to you, and for some reason you enjoyed weather like that.
Gasping loudly, you jumped a little once your cat tried to climb onto you, destroying your small enjoyable moment.
,,Taquito get the fuck off her, she has a boyfriend’’ Touya pushed the cat away gently, joking around, as you just sat there and watched him, eyes wide in shock.
,, Do I?’’ you asked, not moving at all.
,, Fuck yes, you do’’ he added, wrapping his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him, as he looked for a perfect movie to watch. He took his time searching for anything interesting, mumbling some words of disappointments as he couldn’t find anything on Netlfix. At the end he played Oh, Ramona! , since none of you watched it and it was it was simply in Netflix recommendation list.
Pulling you closer to him, he started tracing his fingers along your arm, both of you concentrated on the weird movie that was playing on the screen of your Television. You always begged your friends to caress your arm, since you loved the ticklish feeling that always made you sleepy, yet they would always refuse it, giving you some lame excuses how they’re tired and so on.
Now that Touya was doing it without you having to ask him, you tried to enjoy every second of it. If you only knew, how much Touya enjoyed it, almost as much as you did. The feeling of your soft skin under his fingertips was driving him crazy, as he traced them down your tattoos, mesmerizing every inch of them.
The air got steamier in one moment, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the overly erotic scenes that were showed in the movie, or because his hand was now under your shirt, slowly moving from your back, to the side of your hips.
Trying to calm yourself down a little, you grabbed your phone, checking out all of the unread messages in the group chat. The way he moved hiss hands from side to side made you almost way to shaky. It took you some time to write a reply to your friends, and you almost dropped your phone once he put a little bit pressure into his touch, making your skin burn under his palm.
,, You should concentrate on the movie doll’’ Touya said, not stopping his movements.
,, Yeah, sorry’’ you mumbled, dropping your phone beside you, as you tried not to close your eyes in pleasure.
Once the movie got too erotic fro your taste, you found yourself with your phone in your hands again, trying to hide the blush that was spreading across your cheeks. Of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by Touya. Annoyed groan left his lips, as he snatched the phone away from you.
,, You really don’t listen’’ he pointed, hiding the phone away from you, as you complained quietly. The hand that was under your shirt was suddenly wrapped around your neck, pushing you slowly into the couch, there was no pressure in it, but the sudden turn of the whole situation made your eyes widen in shock.
,, Are you bored doll? ‘’ he asked, his face only inches away from yours as he locked your body under his own.
,, No, it’s just.. the movie is too much’’ you whispered, gulping on your saliva as he slowly tapped his fingers around your neck. This time you didn’t have to ask yourself, you knew that he was the one turning you on, and not the fucking scenes from the movie.
,, too erotic’’ you mumbled, making him laugh loudly.
,, You should have kept your eyes on me, instead of your phone, if it was getting to much for you’’ he gave you a smile, a dangerous one.
,, That won’t help’’ you confessed, making him smirk widely as you spoke those words. How could it help, when he was laying beside you handsome without even trying, as his hand was caressing your body gently.
,, Oh, am I turning you on?’’ he asked, mocking you shamelessly, as you tried to avoid his eyes.
Touya didn’t need your reply, the way you acted in the moment was enough for him, and God did he want to fuck you senseless in that moment. His hand moved a bit up from your neck, holding your jaw in one place, as he connected his lips with yours.
His hold on your jaw grew stronger, forcing you to open your mouth just enough so he could slip his tongue inside. Not breaking the kiss, he parted your tights apart, as he hovered on top of you, his hips between your legs, slowly grinding against your clothed core.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer into the kiss, not giving a shit about the movie or your phone anymore. The way he was grinding against you, the way you could feel his hard dick rubbing against you, made you insane in that moment and you found yourself wanting more and more.
,, On your knees’’ Toyua commanded, breaking the kiss as he sat onto the couch, spreading his legs enough to give you some space between them. Without thinking twice, you obeyed, positioning yourself down, between his legs, as he pushed his hips just a bit to pull his sweatpants and boxers down.
Touya looked down on you, not hiding the smirk on his face, as he slowly caressed your hair. Kissing the tip gently, you looked up through your long lashes, satisfied with the fact that he was going crazy as much as you do. He cursed something under his breath, as you gave him one lick, taking your time and making sure you licked every inch of it.
,, Don’t tease me doll, you’re not in position for it’’ he hissed, as you placed your lips on the tip of his cock. His hand found its way to your hair, gripping onto it, as he brought your mouth farther down him. You wanted to take your time, to play at your own pace, but Touya didn’t let you, he waited too long for this to happened and teasing wasn’t something he needed in the moment.
,, Open your mouth a bit more’’ he growled, gripping your hair tighter then before. He wanted you to obey him, he wanted you to do everything he wanted in that moment and you did, you gladly did.
It was the first time you had someone’s dick deep down your throat, and the feeling you weren’t used to made your eyes glossy so fast as his tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a little.
Without giving you any time to get used to it, he started moving his hips, as he held your head in place. You could feel his hardness more then clear now, as his hips thrust into your mouth at some lazy, yet strong pace. Focused on his dick, you didn’t even realize that tears were rolling down your cheeks, vision getting blurry as his moves got much faster, not giving you a chance to breath properly.
,, You look so pretty when you cry’’ Touya groaned, getting even more turned on as he watched you get ruined because of his dick. The small amount of mascara you had, was all gone, turning your tears into blurry shade of black. You started gagging, and without even knowing you tried to move away a bit, giving your best to breath through your nose.
Looking up on him, you saw him squeeze his eyes shut, head swung back into the edge of your couch. You could feel your saliva dripping down your chin, and if you weren’t in that position at the moment, you would probably end up blushing. But none of that was possible, since all you could focus on was his dick hitting the same spot of your throat.
Touya stopped his movements, slowly petting your head, as you fought for your breath, coughing loudly, while tears rolled down your cheeks. If it was someone else, you would probably told them to go to hell and throw them out of your apartment, but it was Touya, and all you wanted was to do was make him feel good.
,, My good girl’’ he praised, pulling you up into his lap. You wanted to stay in his lap a bit longer, you wanted to snuggle into his neck and enjoy the moment, but just after he gave you one sloppy kiss, you found yourself under him again.
Touya took your shorts and panties off, throwing them across the living room together with his shirt. In less then a minute, the two of you were all naked, enjoying the feeling of each others skin.
,, Touya, please’’ you begged, feeling his hard erection between your legs, as he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites all over it. Taking one deep breath, he started rubbing the tip of his dick up and down your clit, making you beg for him even more.
,, Needy baby’’ he mocked, placing his tip only a bit into your core, as he continued to tease you, loving every second of the way you were almost breaking down for him.
A loud scream escaped your lips as he entered his full length into you, kissing your jaw and giving you some time to adjust his size. The moment he looked down your body, to see his dick buried deep inside your core, something else grabbed his attention. Cursing loudly, his eyes focused on two shiny pieces of metal, pierced thru both of your nipples.
,, How didn’t I notice this earlier’’ he hissed, lowering his head just enough as he sucked onto your nipple, the contrast of the warm feeling of your skin and the cold metal against his tongue made his curse all over again. His hand found it’s way to your left boob, slowly pinching and twisting your nipple, making you throw your head back, and making it hard for you to concentrate on anything else than his dick that stood still inside you, while his tongue was working wonders on you.
Playing with the small piercing, Touya started moving his hips at a lazy and sloppy pace, making you feel every single inch of him. Touya groaned against your nipple, deciding to waste no time, bringing his cock out and then slamming it back inside almost urgently.
Your hand reached up to his hair, tugging it roughly, as your other hand went up to his back, scratching red lines down helping release some of the pleasure you felt in the moment. Touya rocked his hips quickly, gaining depth with each thrust he made, as you were pulling at his hair lightly, eyes shut strongly as you moaned his name loudly.
He loved how you felt around him, he loved the way you were scratching his back and tugging his hair, yet he wanted more. Placing his hand around your throat, he gave it a small squeeze. It looked like he was asking for a permission, but he wasn’t. In fact it was more like a sign, a little sign for you to prepare yourself for what’s coming.
You didn’t get the little hint he gave you, totally unprepared once his grip around your throat grew stronger, making your breathing stop, as he slammed his hips at ruthless speed. He enjoyed playing with you, giving you only a second to fight for air, before he puts the pressure around your neck again, wrapping his fingers firmly around it.
In one moment you weren’t sure if he forgot about the fact that you couldn’t breath, hand wrapped around your throat for too long making your eyes roll back. You clenched his hair, yanking it tightly, giving him a sign that you need air, only for him to smirk in response as he held it even tighter, thrusting into you with much more force then he did before.
You were more then grateful when he gave you a whole minute to breath properly. But even without his hand around your neck, you had trouble catching your breath since he was hitting your sweet spot all over and over again. Of course, that was your problem and not his.
Feeling your walls getting tighter around his dick, he once again put the not so small pressure onto your throat, forcing the tears out of you as he continued to reach your g spot each time he slammed back inside. Scratching his back, your grabbed his hand that was wrapped around your throat with your own, closing your eyes shut as you found yourself coming undone. You weren’t sure if it was because of the lack of air, or because he didn’t stop his movements, but the orgasm that hit you was the best one you ever had.
In that moment, Touya left your neck alone, smirking to himself as he noticed the marks of his fingertips buried deep in the skin of your neck. Placing his hands onto your hips, he sped up, rocking his hips against your at animalistic speed as he reached his own high.
Groaning loudly he came inside, body collapsing on your own as he slowly fucked his seed into you, as he repeated how much he loves you all over again.
Once the two of you finally calmed down, Touya helped you clean yourself, being extra careful like you were a small piece of glass that was about to break any moment.
Hopping back onto the couch, you rolled your eyes at the view of the ending of the stupid movie Touya found. He wrapped his arm around you, snatching the cigarette that was hanging between your lips and placing it between his own.
,,Oh God’’ you gasped loudly, as your cat jumped on top of you, making you jump a bit in surprise. ,, Fuck off Taquito, I have a boyfriend’’ you pushed your cat lightly away, repeating the words Touya said few hours ago, making him grin widely as he placed a kiss on your cheek.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Meanie (Azul Ashengrotto x Reader) 8
Part 1,
part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 (END)
The final chapter. Congratulations for surviving this long with my bullshit-
“Everyone, please place the flower we have given you in their coffin.”
The sunlight was shining brightly in the early morning of NRC’s campus, 
but no happiness was to be found.
Just yesterday, you have died.
And it took a moment for Azul to realize that you were truly gone.
Everyone in NRC lined up in a single file to pay their final respects to you, one by one placing their flower in your coffin.
When it came to Azul’s turn, he had to hold himself from crying. He felt as if you were watching him. If he cried, you’ll cry too, and he doesn’t want you to fully leave this world with sadness and guilt.
He looked at you. Even if you’re dead, you looked as beautiful as ever.
He grabbed your cold hands, and placed the flower in the middle of your chest, before he gently used your hands to cover the flower, as if you are holding it.
“I love you,” he whispered, “I hope you go to a safe place.” And he walked away.
Azul walked back to Octavinelle with Jade and Floyd. They were silent. Yes, even Floyd stayed quiet.
The atmosphere was solemn.
Azul was solemn.
Never in his life have he came across death, let alone, someone he hold close to.
He used to love before.
He went back to his office alone and tilted his head up. Jade and Floyd went back to their rooms.
He’s not crying. He won’t cry for you.
Read it.
He heard something whisper.
The notebook.
He glanced to his right, the notebook labelled “ To Azul Ashengrotto”.
“Read it after they die,” Trey’s words echoed in his head as he recalls.
He grabbed the book.
To Azul Ashengrotto.
He stared at it, hesitantly flipping to the first page.
“I’m rewriting this from the accounts of Y/n, Azul. She asked for it. I hope you’re reading this.
- Trey Clover”
So Trey wrote this book for you to him.
“Azul and I were chilling at Monstro Lounge in the VIP room.
Lmao, he was soooo unlucky with his pulls, and had to answer all my questions and stuff. Apparently he thinks Idia is more handsome than Jade. Ooh~ 
I really loved the fact he wanted to spend time with me although he looks so done. I really appreciate it!”
He snorted. That was so you.
“Azul and I hanged out at the Rose Kingdom. I’m so glad Headmaster allowed me to hang out with him! Sometimes I feel like Headmaster is a dad. 
I had so much fun! Though, it’s kinda embarrassing that Azul spoilt me with so many gifts, and all I did was drag him around. I love the octopus plushie he won for me. It’s so chubby, soft and cute, just like him! 
He also bought me food from Trey’s awesome family bakery, and a really expensive pendent. I feel guilty, but I love it! It’s so pretty!”
He sighed. Really? Chubby?
“Headmaster told me I’m going to die in five months time. I’m really scared. I know I’ve joked about I feel like dying cuz of Professor Crewel’s homework, now facing with death, it feels really scary.
I have to tell everyone right? Headmaster told me he’ll tell my friends, that includes Azul. How would he feel? I don’t want him to feel sad..”
He flipped to the next page.
“Azul, Jade and Floyd came to visit me. Actually EVERYONE did! Even Leona and Idia! Can you believe it?? But I was so happy that Azul and the tweels came.
I rubbed my eyes so hard because I didn’t want them to see me cry. I was just so happy to see them!”
“Trey told me something. Well, an offered to do something for me. 
He knew I had a superrrr big crush on Azul, and he said I should tell him. I was so embarrassed at first, but I’m going to die soon, so I have to confess sooner or later right? 
He told me he’ll write a whole record of me of what I want to tell him, and then I can give it for him to read after I die.
Sounds like a good idea, but also kind of cruel. After I die????
What should I do?”
So that’s what you were talking about with him.
“I got to be discharged!
Azul brought me around the entire campus, and to Octavinelle! And we played UNO! Although I lost a lot... But I’m happy I got to spend time with him and see everyone outside of the infirmary! ^^”
“I went to NRC’s Halloween Celebration!
There were like flying decorations and good food,
I got to see NRC become so lively and colorful! It was amazing!
Also I got to hang out with Azul and the tweels, and of course, everyone else!
I even got to be part of all the scaring and stuff at the Octavinelle’s scare house! heheheh~ 
I love the big finale, I wish it could last forever.”
“I made up my mind. 
I’m gonna ask Trey to help me write that book. I want Azul to have a piece of me even when I’m gone. I won’t leave him alone, and I’ll do everything in my power to do so.
If Trey is giving me the opportunity to do so, I’ll take it! Though, I should’ve done it from the beginning..”
“Azul kissed me. 
Oh my shit-
But... I’m happy.. I got the courage to confess to him! On top of that, he said yes! I’m so happy I could cry..”
“I’m going to be giving the notebook to Trey. He’s gonna record it all down for me today. 
Azul, I hope you’re reading this. I want you to flip to the back. I asked Trey to attached something really important I want to share with you.”
He flipped to the back. There was a slip of paper folded, stapled to the page. It also held the pendent he bought for you. He grabbed it, and unfolded the paper.
I’m writing this to you 5 months before I die. Crowley told me to tell everyone about my condition, but I wrote this for you specially.
Remember I told you in that truth or dare game?
“If I told you I was scared to die, what would you do?”
To tell you now, I’m still kind of scared. But I won’t show it! Pretending not being scared isn’t like lying.
Okay, but a practical thing, you could do anything you want with this book.
You can tear it up, throw it away, hide it or even show to everyone! Totally up to you!
I’m gonna be honest with you, I was and still jealous of you.
You were and are the picture perfect honor student of NRC. I haven’t been in NRC as long as you, but I’m just so jealous you manage to be so cool and flawless in everything you do! Well, maybe except for flying..
But still! You were and still are my role model! You always manage to amaze me! But not only that, you treated me like your best friend no matter what position you are! Maybe that’s why I fell for you, you didn’t show biasness towards me to become my friend. I hope you were genuine about our friendship!
But, I like the fact you actually sometimes don’t need other people to reflect about yourself, unlike me. I can’t reflect about me all by myself. If I were like you, maybe I could’ve been able to live entirely by myself, with my own unique worth and responsibilities. Of course, while still being friends with others!
But when it comes to self reflection, you are down to earth with yourself, you speak to yourself, and that’s very independent of you. Ever since you were little you were like that too, and that’s what made you hardworking and diligent!
I’ll end it right here, to tell you I love you. Ehehe~ Sorry it’s so sudden.
I love you, meanie.”
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.
Slowly, Azul felt tears rolling down his face.
He broke. Except... that wasn’t true.
He’d been broken when he first heard you were about to die. He just kept strong for you, as you did for him.
He was so glad, he had spent his time with you.
You needed him. You felt like he’d done everything for you.
But now, you’re gone.
It was thanks to you, he never felt insecure about his past anymore. For the first time he met you, his really lived for the first time. He existed in this world.
“Thank you, y/n..” he choked, smiling meekly at your final goodbye letter to him, as he clutched the pendent he gave you.
“I love you so much...”
From Ramshackle dorm, your slightly dusty octopus plushie rest on the side of your pillow.
From far away, he sensed you hugging it, whispering so close to him although so far,
“I love you too, meanie..”
Ok I’m joking
thank you for surviving and following with the story. 
Azul loves you. Bye, have a good day!
@magicpumpkin3 don’t kill me pls-
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deiitaelric · 3 years
bkdk split up fic - part 2 ig
like some people liked this highly self indulgent idea, I’m writing more. I hope you enjoy :)
*unedited, don’t shame my English*
Not much later All Might entered the room and five pairs of eyes looked at him.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
“All Might! Kacchan got hit by a quirk and split up in four” Izuku said, approaching him. The little boy between his arms looked at him, then at All Might, and back at Izuku when he spoke. 
“What are you talking about? Why did you call him All Might?” 
“Hmmm, well…” Izuku turned back and looked at the Kacchans there. “Should I tell him or not?” 
“The fuck is going on?!” Teen Kacchan yelled.
“Well, young- younger Bakugou, the thing is, this is my body when I’m not on duty” The old man told the little kid.
“The fuck?!” Yelled the same teen. 
“I don’t believe you” The child enunciated, crossing his arms. He looked out of the corner of the eye at Izuku. Then he looked away. And then back at Izuku. “Is that true?” 
“Yeah, well… Yeah, he’s telling the truth” 
“You wouldn’t lie to me, right? Because I’ll kick your ass, Izuku, I don’t care you’re older now”
“I know, I know. I wouldn’t lie to you, Kacchan”
The child looked satisfied and glared back at All Might, still with his little arms crossed.
“Prove it, anyway” 
“Kacchan, that’s…” 
“Of course!” All Might said, entering his buffed shape. “I’m here!” 
“Wooooo” The kid’s eyes went wide and shiny, his mouth smiling wide. He patted Izuku’s back with one hand and pointed at the hero with the other. “It’s him!” 
“I know. He’s so cool, right?” Those big red eyes looked at him and Izuku felt his heart full of joy.
“Wow!” Was all what the kid responded. 
All Might came back to his form in a cloud and smiled at them. The teenager was shocked in place, the seventeen years old was just frowning looking at Deku, and the oldest was smiling lightly, with his arms crossed over his chest. The original Katsuki looked at the older and tilted his head just one second, thinking about how his future-self looked so fucking cool, just as expected. But when he looked at the teen, he frowned. To handle that bitch was gonna be difficult. But he knew himself better now, so maybe he might be able to handle him for the amount of time he had to be split up.
All Might asked Mini Kacchan to grab him and two seconds later the old man had the kid between his skinny arms, holding him with such care. The little thing has sparkles on his big eyes. The other blondes and Izuku revised the records All Might had brought to confirm that knowing the future wouldn’t affect Katsuki or the world. This was because once he returned to normality, all the experience would return to the original Katsuki, maybe with the exception of the future one. Will the future Kacchan remember the travel when he came back to his time? Probably, but it wouldn’t affect so much. How long does it take to come back to normal? It depends on how much exposure he had with the quirk, so doing math, they think it may only  last a couple of days.  Should they tell Katsuki’s parents? He himself, all of them, agreed in a firm no. Would they have to share Original-Katsuki’s room? Yes. Except for the child, who didn’t want to leave Izuku’s side.
“Hah? You’re not going to stay with this nerd” The teenager complained. 
“Shut up, I’ll do whatever I want” replied mini Kacchan, already back in Izuku’s arms. 
“Kacchan, it’s oka-” 
“You just shut up, Deku! I don’t care you have a fucking quirk now! I bet it’s a lame one, just to fit you!” 
“That’s enough, Kacchan. You don’t have to be that way” Izuku put the child down and looked at him with a serious expression.
“Hah? Where all this confidence came from, fucking nerd?”
“I know you well enough. We already had this fight, I’m up for having it again” Izuku raised his hand in fist in response to Katsuki's raising palms cracking little explosions.
“The fuck, Deku?” the original said, letting his body between them. “Are you fucking serious?” 
“I know the way to make him stop doing this!” 
“If you know, just stop!” Katsuki looked Izuku right in the eye. “You know how he feels”
“And that’s just why! I want to let him know I never looked down at him!” 
“But don’t follow my ways, stupid! Right now, you're just agreeing with him” 
“Kacchan… You know I’m not doing that… And having that fight changed everything between us” 
“Shut up! He’s not me” Katsuki made a face. “Well, he is! But you know what I meant” 
“Allright, fine. But mini Kacchan can do whatever he wants, you listen?” He knelt beside the kid and softened like nothing had happened. “You can stay with me if you want, okay?” He said sweetly, brushing his spiky head. 
“Okay! But don’t treat me like a child, ok?!”
“I won’t, I promise” Izuku smiled at him.
After the little dispute, they sat on the couches, saying goodbye to All Might and waiting for Aizawa to come back with instructions. Mini Kacchan climbed Izuku’s lap and sat there. The young adult was on the couch arm, looking at them piercingly. The original was sitting on another couch, looking at them, and the teen leaning against the couch’s arm, arms crossed, an angry pout on his face. 
“And what now?” Izuki said, helping the kid to sit comfortably on his lap. The little boy was looking at the oldest blonde with a suspicious look and when Izuku followed his gaze, found those crimson eyes on him. “Wh-what?”
The young adult Kacchan smiled. Izuku caught his breath. Then Older Kacchan lowered his view at the kid. The two blondes looked intensely one in another eyes, and an electric tension passed between them. The kid turned to face Izuku and hugged him, resting his little head over his shoulder, and putting his tongue out at the older blonde, who frowned a little with a smirk.
“What are you two doing?” The original said. They kept looking at each other, not answering. Then Izuku looked at Original Kacchan and smiled weakly. 
“I don’t know what is happening. Are they having a staring competition?” 
“He wants to steal you from me” The kid whispered in his ear. Izuku gasped and his face reddened.
“What’s happening, nerd?” Original Kacchan barked, starting to get annoyed.
“Uh, no- Hmm, nothing” his voice turned out high pitched and he moved his hands in front of him. Mini Kacchan hugged him tight and Izuku hugged him again. The kid then loosened the grip. “Um?” 
“Okay, I’m done with this shit. I’m leaving” Teen Kacchan said, already leading to the door. 
“And where are you planning to go, huh?” Original Kacchan said, rolling his eyes.
“Shut it!” Teen barked, opening the door only to find Aizawa there. 
“Go back in there, Bakugou”
“Are you fucking doing anything this time, or are you gonna waste my time?” 
Aizawa kept looking at him for a moment, blinking slowly. Then he pointed at Teen Kacchan, turning his head to look at Original.
“And I thought you were something, wow” The older man looked back at the teen with a bored expression. “I’m a teacher, so I’m the authority here. Do you have a problem with that?” 
“As long as you do something” 
“Okay, look, I don’t have the energy for this” He focused his attention on the other boys present and pointed at them while talking. “Bakugou, you will need to attend your classes either way” he said to Original Kacchan. “You will have to take care of the child,” he said to Older Kacchan. “And you,” he turned to point at Teen. “What are we gonna do with you?”
“He can attend the classes, too. Take the wind out of him” Older Kacchan said, smirking.
“Whose side are you on?” Original asked, angrily. 
“Deku’s” He said, lowering his eyes at him again. Izuku looked at him out of the corner of the eye and looked away, flustered.
ok idk what am i doing lmao
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
4 | Crosses
Tumblr media
pairing: tom holland x reader
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing descritive and nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut!! but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 2.5 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, Sorry for any mistakes! If you want to be tag on the next chapters, please let me know
Summary: Y/n, Harrison and Tom has always been best friends. Since childhood they’ve always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom
PART 4! If you want to read the other parts click here
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I woke up the other day feeling a little better, which was good. I washed my face thoroughly, put on a pair of jeans, a Beatles T-shirt along with a jacket and left my room, ready for another week of torture.
- Good morning mom... - I was saying going down the stairs, but I remembered that she had already left for work. Which was good, because that way I didn't have to talk about the party.
I had my coffee, in the silenc  and soon after opened my phone, until I got on Instagram and saw that Tom had posted pictures of the party. The caption said: Thank you all! you guys are awesome! The photos from the party were great 😂
I was scrolling the photos, the first ones were all of us at the table, some were blurry of the people dancing... until I saw one of him with other people from school: Meghan was hugged him from the side making the peace sign with her fingers and he was kissing the top of her head. I sighed feeling my eyes fill with tears again. Okay, maybe I wasn't as ok as I thought.
I blocked my phone and put it in my pocket, taking my backpack and leaving the house, otherwise I would going to be late. I had to focus on school, not crying for silly things, I had to pay attention in my tests, that was more important than anything.
I went down the street and found Haz already waiting for me in the same place, I approached him and when he looked at my face, he made a pitying one.
- You saw the photos didn't you? - he asked and I nodded as he hugged me.
- It's alright Haz, I'll be fine- I said releasing him after a few seconds and he looked at me raising an eyebrow doubtingly - It's no big deal! By the way, I won't talk about it anymore, if we don't go now, we'll be late for school. - I said pulling him and we started walking.
- Okay... But just to close this subject, Tom sent me a message yesterday asking if you were okay and if there was anything wrong because you left early without saying goodbye.
- Hmm, and you didn't say anything right?
- Of course not! I just said that you weren't very used to drinking and that was all, and he believed... - Haz said and I breathed a sigh of relief.
- Good... He also texted me yesterday, he even wanted me to go to his house to tell me about Meghan.
- Well, whether way, he still thinks he's your best friend, nothing more than that...- Haz said, and I hated that he was right.
- It's true, and he's just my best friend, nothing more... - I emphasized the JUST- Did he tell you anything else about Meghan? - I asked and when Haz was going to answer I cut him - Never mind, It’s better if i don’t know. - I said waving my hand in the air.
- If you want it that way... - he replied. - Oh god you two have the same class today right? - he asked and I put my hand in my forehead. I had forgotten that I had English today for the first two classes and Tom would be sitting right next to me.
- I had even forgotten about that. But you know what? I'm going to stay there like a champ and ignore everything. - I said determined and Haz laughed feeling a little sad for me.
- Okay, I support that, but...- he was talking and I cut him again saying: shhh.
- No buts, and now enough of this subject, because we're already arriving. - I said and he rolled his eyes in agreement.
We arrived at the corner and Tom was already waiting for us as usual. He wore a blue sweatshirt and a backwards cap, black jeans and white sneakers. Obviously he was gorgeous as usual, which was ridiculous, but no sign of Meghan, which was good for now...
I tightened my grip on Haz's arm that I was hooked on and he smiled encouragingly. We got closer and Tom looked up from his phone, hanging up and putting it in his pocket.
- Hey strangers! - He said putting the backpack on his back, shaking hands with Haz and me with the usual kiss on the forehead. I lowered my eyes, smelling his scent and smirked. - You better y/n?
- I am, staying in bed all day yesterday did me good. - I said as we headed towards the stairs.
- That's good! And even better that now you have two classes with me- he said winking and Haz looked at me apprehensively.
- HA-HA, very funny. Too bad I'll have to pay attention in class and I won't be able to talk to you. - I said shrugging and Tom looked at me with an ironic face.
- Wow shortie, I felt rejected now. - He said pouting and I rolled my eyes. Of rejection I knew well.
- Well, I have to go because I have a presentation about geography, so, see you guys later? - Haz said when we arrived in the hallway, waving and looking at me discreetly as if he was saying: good luck.
- Let's go, grumpy face? - Tom said pointed for me to go ahead. I rolled my eyes looking at him, which he laughed and we went to the class.
I sat a little further back in my usual seat and Tom sat behind me. I was feeling claustrophobic, but it was only two classes, I could survive this. But when Mr. Ribbs came into the room and started talking, I lost all courage i had.
- Good morning students! Today the two classes will be more dynamic. As I know you had a difficult week, with so many papers and tests, I decided to leave these classes for you to go to the library and pick up any book to read and then give me a summary about it. - he was talking and I was excited, because I loved reading and I could still get my book and be quiet without having to talk to Tom, right? - But... I want you to do this in pairs. - wrong - Happy reading! - He said and everyone stood up forming their pairs and leaving the room one by one.
I felt someone nudge my shoulder and tooking a deep breath I turned around, seeing a smiling Tom.
- Good, reading... At least you like to read, because I with my dyslexia... - he laughed.
- Yeah good... it fit like a glove... Shall we go? - I said and we got up going towards the library. If Tom thought my way of talking was a little dry, he didn't react, which was good.
We arrived at the library and I was looking among the shelves for something easy and good for us to read.
- Y/n, darling... I have to tell you about yesterday - Tom started talking excitedly as he followed me through the halls. - After you and Haz left, a lot things happened...
- Hmm, I'm glad you had fun Tom. - I said a little disinterested picking up some books and looking at the synopsis.
- Yea! I had a lot of fun, but what happened was...
- Hey, how about we read Pride and Prejudice? It's one of my favorites, I think it's a good one, because we just need to read the main parts to refresh our memory. - I said, interrupting him.
-Yeah... Sure, I think it's a good one. - he said as I grabbed Jane Austen's book off the shelf and headed toward one of the tables.
- Shortie, how about if we read this outside? I think it's better than staying here, besides, we can talk better. - Tom said and I stopped turning around. Damn it, I was counting on staying there in the library anyway, so he wouldn't be able to say anything about the night before, because they were going to tell him to be quiet.
- Okay, good idea... - I said, giving up on to try to inventing another excuse.
We left the library and headed towards some tables outside. They were empty, except for a couple of couples scattered around the yard who had the same idea. I sat down and Tom sat next to me putting the book on the table and pulling out his notebook so we could write something down.
- So, as I was saying... We were on the dance floor, right, and Meghan and I were talking about the theater and other things, until... Guess what? - He started talking and I raised my eyebrow, while trying to distract myself with the book. - She said she thought I was cute and that I had a cute, sexy look. - He continued and I laughed ironically.
- So far so good, right... Until she just kissed me in the middle of the dance floor! - He said as if it were the most extraordinary thing in the world. Yeah, I thought with myself, I was there and saw everything, that's why I'm feeling bad and I can't even look at your face right now... I wanted to say it, but I just looked at him pretending to be interested.
- And mate, it was the best kiss of my life! We stayed together practically all night... Damn, I've dreamed about this so much since childhood...
- Good Tom, it must have been a really good birthday gift, right? - I said, looking at the book again.
- Yea! It was perfect...- he said and I could feel him staring at me. - Hey, you don't seem very excited about my little conquest... - he nudged me pouting and I looked at him.
- Nah, it's just that you guys are always hooking up lately, so I'm just not surprised...- I replied shrugging.
- Y/n Meghan is not just a hook up, she is an old passion, she is special - he said and I felt my heart ache a little while looking away. - You dont like her?
- It's not that I don't like her... I don't even know her, I just... I think she did it after you started getting more popular with the theater, because before that she didn't even look at you...
- That's not true, besides, people can change right? Maybe she realized that I'm not as bad as she thought before... I don't know... But as you said, you don't even know her, so I didn't understand you being mad like that. -he said scribbling in his notebook.
- It's not that I'm mad, I just... I didn't wake up very well today, that's all... 
- Yeah... But you don't need to project that to others around you, I thought you'd be happy for me.- Tom said and I looked at him ironically.
- Yeah, but there are days when we're not okay Thomas and not in the mood to be throwing confetti at every girl your friend kiss at some party. - I said and regretted it right away, it wasn't fair to him.
Tom looked at me in surprise, as I had never talk with him like that. Even as kids we didn't fight, why was I being such a bitch now? He took his things in silence and walked away leaving me with tears in my eyes.
I shook my head trying to get rid of what had just happened. I picked up the book and tried to read it, but I couldn't even get past the first line. Damn, why did I have to have those feelings? It wasn't fair.
I thought about going after Tom and apologizing, but I don't think he wanted to see me right now. A few minutes passed and the class was almost finishing when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I turned in hopes of seeing Tom, but was surprised to see Steven standing up in front of me.
- Are you okay? I heard you fighting with Tom earlier, I never saw you guys fight like that, so I was worried. - he asked.
- I'm fine Stev, it was just a silly disagreement, nothing to worry about. Are you okay? - I asked trying to change the subject.
- Yeah, just studying a lot, you know, I have to go to business school. - he said and I agreed. Steven always wanted to work at his father's company, but for that he had to go to business school in Japan, because there was one of the company's units there and that's where his father wanted him to live. A lot of his family was Japanese, so he had an advantage with the language and culture. But that was one of the reasons we broke up, after fighting a lot about who was going to live where. - And you still focused on journalism?
- Of course, forever and always. - I said and we laughed, hearing the bell saying the class are over.
- Well, I have to go, I have to meet Elle, good luck with your essay. - He said pointing to the book.
- For you too. - I said smiling and he left towards the building.
I got up to get my things, scanning the yard with my eyes, but there was no sign of Tom. I sighed and put my headphones on, heading towards our tree. As I was already out there I ended up arriving first, so I sat down and played the song Crosses by José González.
I waited a few minutes and saw Haz approaching and I took off my headphones as I watched him sit beside me.
- So..How everything went? Where is Tom?-  he asked looking around.
- A disaster... - I said, rubbing my hands over my face. - We ended up arguing, I said some things without thinking and he left without saying anything.
- Oh y/n... I don't even know what to say, but did you confess something to him? he asked and I widened my eyes.
- No! Are you crazy? I told him I didn't trust Meghan, but in a rude way... - I said and Haz took a deep breath hugging me sideways.
- Well, you can't control your feelings...
- But I can control my tongue. - I said and we laughed a little. - How was it with Gracie? Did you guys talked today? - I said changing the subject.
- I talked to her a lot by text during class, I even asked her if she wanted to spend some time with us now, but she said she had to hang with her friends...
- Hmm. - I said putting my hand on my chin losing myself in thoughts as I watched the patio to see if I could see Tom. And after a lot of looking I found him. And there he was sitting on one of the benches near the building with Meghan hugging him, she with his cap on her head and the two of them were laughing and talking excitedly to each other. Until he gave her a kiss and she reciprocated.
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xxskycrystalxx · 3 years
My Thoughts on Lucifer Season 6 [SPOILERS AHEAD]
In order to organize my thoughts better, I decided to break it up into parts (things I loved, disliked, etc.)
Things I Loved:
Deckerstar || We have been on a journey with Lucifer and Chloe since the very beginning. I am so thankful and overjoyed to see how they both developed as characters and as people who love each other. They’ve had so many hurdles/hardships/obstacles in their relationship that it took them until the fifth season to finally get together, after five whole years. To say that I’m proud to see what Deckerstar has become is an understatement, they give me life. There were sooooo many Deckerstar moments in this season that I absolutely loved, from exchanging “I love you’s,” to “partners til’ the end.” (+ flying together and radiating bde as they should) They are literally the epitome of “freaking soulmates,” the amount of love and sacrifices they had for each other just makes me tear up just thinking about them. Also them being actual parents this season was honestly a dream come true. I loved seeing them work and grow together as parents. (Rory calling Luci dad and his face just.. UGH MY HEART)  And their kiss(es) at Lux before Lucifer left, that has got to be my favorite above all. They both have come a long way and they deserved every bit of happiness they got. 
Maze & Eve’s wedding was absolutely beautiful. 
Dan finally getting the closure he needed and going to heaven + giving comfort to Trixie.
Amenadiel || I don’t know if I’ve said this much, but Amenadiel really is one of my most favorite characters on the show besides Lucifer and Chloe. I knew he would've become God sooner or later in the season and I’m glad he did, because we know that that’s his calling, and he’s doing amazingly. I also really liked him being in the LAPD. He got to really understand and see from a different perspective while being an officer there and learning from Officer Harris (which btw I love their camaraderie). I also really loved that Amenadiel and Maze’s friendship was shown more this season. 
The cartoon theme they had in “Yabba Dabba Do Me” was one of my favorite things on the show, and it reminded me just how much I had loved cartoons when I was a kid. And also seeing Lucifer and Chloe being cartoonized was the literal best.
I think we established the fact that Chloe is the best mom ever and she’s powerful af with or without Amenadiel’s rod. 
Lucifer has come a very longgggg way from where we last saw him in season one. The development was hard earned and he deserved it. “Because if the devil can be redeemed, then anyone can.”
“My socks are missing.”
Carol & Ella are C U T E
Linda writing a book about Lucifer and her first draft is essentially about 60% canon and the rest of it is like some really hilarious fanfiction LMAO || Ok jokes aside about the book though, it did help Rory see the other side of the story that she’s missed her whole life, she now knows how much Lucifer loves Chloe, how much he sacrificed her, and how he wouldn’t abandon her unless he had no choice. The flashbacks made me cry so much, it just makes me remember how much Lucifer and Chloe went through together. Linda Martin is the best therapist and the best friend the Devil could ask for. 
Even though the ‘goodbye’s’ Lucifer had to do before he thought he would disappear was sad and made me cry a lot, I really loved how he could finally tell his family, the people he loved, what he felt about them truly. “You’re my favorite brother, brother.” UGH MY HEART; ok but Lucifer and Chloe being in that panic room together and just trying to be with each other just... chef’s kiss. 
Everyone essentially got a happy ending. 
Things I Disliked/Wasn’t a Fan Of:
Time Travel || Look, don’t get me wrong. I love time travel. It’s great, it’s fun and it’s interesting. Was it the right choice to include it in the last season, when there was enough going on as it is with the supernatural? Idk, you tell me.
Lack of Trixie. Can a girl dream? The way I really thought we’d get some important or nice moments with Trixie (besides her and Dan) and Chloe + Lucifer......Mazeve’s wedding didn’t really count since they only really had like a few lines together. It would’ve been nice to see Trixie and Lucifer bond more, even comfort her when she’s feeling sad about her dad again. We didn’t even get her in the beach scene where Lucifer, Chloe, and Rory went as a FAMILY. Like I know she had her scene with Dan and helping him ascend to heaven, but was it really that hard to get her in a scene/moment with all four of them doing something as a family? And we didn’t even get a goodbye between her and Lucifer like what happened? 
What Amenadiel had, Lucifer should’ve gotten as well. Amenadiel as God, he still visited Earth many times, he was there for his son’s birthday’s and Christmas’s. Lucifer? Nope. He was down in hell the whole time. I know he made a promise to Rory to not change anything but I thought it was a torture for him not to be with Chloe like he had always wanted and had a family and spending time with his friends. More like a torture for me in frank. Seeing Chloe give birth without him, raise Rory without him, and even die without him literally broke my heart into a million pieces. He doesn’t even get the chance to see his daughter. Which is why I can understand why so many fans are disappointed with how Lucifer ended, how Deckerstar ended. But I did make my peace with it, sort of... since Lucifer and Chloe can spend an eternity together. 
I liked Rory, but she technically was the reason her parents were separated for so long, idk I’m a bit bitter about that. 
To wrap this up....
Thank you Lucifer, for being a show that will be forever treasured in the fans’ hearts. Thank you for making such an impact on me. I’ve been with this show for many years, I went on an amazing journey with the characters that I love, thank you for giving us Lucifer and Chloe, Linda, Maze, Amenadiel, Ella, Dan, Trixie, and more. The show just means so much to me and I’m honored to have watched the show grow and be renewed, every step of the way. I’m proud to be a Lucifan. And I want to really thank the amazing amazing cast for bringing the show to life. Thank you to Tom Ellis and Lauren German for having the absolute best chemistry ever, for the absolute spectacular and awards deserving acting, and the best real life friendship ever. I will miss you two muffin bffs so much. I love this show, it’s cast, it’s characters, to the bottom of my heart. Goodbye, Lucifer, and thank you for everything. 
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go-ldy · 3 years
Riverdale 5x03
Man, I found this episode hard. There were some poignant moments, but there were also a lot of moments that were frustrating as hell. My emotions are mixed. But mainly sad. Hold me.
It really says a lot about this show that despite setting aside a whole episode dedicated mostly to character building and relationships rather than plot, it still felt like the show bit off more than it could chew. So much felt rushed including Bughead’s breakup.
anyway, the positives first:
Varchie were beautiful in this episode, and I am so happy for my Varchie mutuals for the care put into developing them and giving them this kind of send off (esp. considering the mess of 4x17 and 4x18). I loved how Archie’s flashback of his life over the last three years was just 90% about Veronica and how much she means to him. It especially contrasts to the BA “flashbacks” from 4x17 l o l. 
Archie spontaneously deciding to join the army and shipping out on an actual bus 24 hours later was so Archie and so Riverdale.  “Archie, there’s a war going on!” made me laugh out loud, IDK. 
Veronica, Betty, and Jughead chasing Archie down in the jalopy to say goodbye was a sheer delight.
Betty Cooper: FBI trainee, default law enforcement officer, yearbook editor, serial killer genes, daughter of the black hood, sister of notorious killer Charles Smith - ALSO class Valedictorian! (Can u still be class Valedictorian if you were once suspended for cheating on a Quiz Show? Riverdale High says ‘yes.’) Good for u, B. Coop.
yessssss at Hiram Lodge being forced to put Sheriff Keller back into a job to arrest those kids hiding out at Archie’s boxing studio (and Archie didn’t notice that these youth were squatting there for months ?????? lmao). I KNEW RIVERDALE DID NOT HAVE A SHERIFF THESE LAST FEW EPISODES. Truly the lawless hellhole we have come to know and love.
Jughead staying in the Andrews’ home while it was put on the market to be sold was hilarious to me. I know it was supposed to be sad - and it was - but ALSO, can you imagine perspective buyers coming into the house only to find that there is a homeless person camping out in there without furniture or electricity or heat? “Why is there a rolled up sleeping bag in the corner?” “Is that a typewriter on the floor?” “Did I just step into an old can of soup?” JUGHEAD, MAN. They probably had to turn off the electricity and heat to save money because he was single-handedly keeping the house from selling.
It was very sad that Jughead was the only one who showed up at Pop’s a year later (and then sees a blonde girl come in and immediately his eyes light up because Betty before the disappointment o m g, murder me), but also a surprisingly relatable moment? I barely remember my own high school graduation, but I do remember that my high school friends felt like everything to me at the time, and I have since fallen out of touch with, uh, all of them. Life happens.
The stuff that was meh:
In theory, I am not opposed to the idea that Jellybean became the auteur/voyeur because she felt neglected and wanted attention, but it still feels like Jellybean is only about 25% of a character. Like, we heard a lot of other people (mostly FP and Jughead) tell us about JB’s motivations, but did JB have a single speaking line in this episode where she actually got to express to anyone what she was thinking and feeling? ugh. 
I don’t care about Falice, but ????? @ FP’s solution to fix JB. So... taking her back... to her drug dealing mother who did not even show up for her own son’s funeral.... is better than a child therapist? Fine. 
Nobody seemed to have any lingering reactions or trauma to Charles being a serial killer?? Like what. Is he even in jail? Or did Betty just let him go? This is actually quite inconvenient for me from a fic-writing perspective. Nobody is a better deux ex machina when Betty or Jughead need something in fic - just call their brother Charles who works for the FBI! I guess that’s done now.
I did feel for Alice, and Alice is not a character I usually feel for because she is the worst. But her husband and eldest son ended up being serial killers, Polly is in an insane asylum, the twins have disappeared from planet earth, and now FP is leaving her. Damn. That is a lot.
So did Choni breakup? It literally happened so fast with so little emotional fallout. Whatever, I don’t care about Choni.
The Beronica and Jarchie scenes were so rushed and forced. I just don’t get this storyline, y’all. What was the point of doing what they did with Betty and Archie in 4x17 and 4x18? Was it simply to break up our two main couples? Veronica and Jughead should have each had the time and space to be angry with their BFFs over what happened (because as crazy as this town is, it is still a massive betrayal) but instead they were both like: “NAH IT’S COOL SHIT HAPPENS LET’S HUG IT OUT.” It didn’t feel earned. I feel like RAS & Co. wanted the immediate drama of the ~kiss but also wanted to have this touching, Core 4 friendship moment before scattering them. What was the point. (I KNOW, I KNOW, ‘IT’S RIVERDALE’ but these characters matter to me ok and I want to understand where they are coming from.)
This episode was... very hard. There were some cute moments, but the breakup felt so rushed and... empty? For the most part, we still have no idea where Betty’s head has been since 4x18. Presumably, she has been wracked by guilt, but terrified of telling Jughead the truth in case she ended up losing him (which, it turned out, was exactly what happened).
The scene in their bedroom where she tells him and they kiss desperately was a beautiful scene and the acting from both was oof. But I feel cheated that we did not actually get to see them talk about “us” as Jughead suggested. So did that conversation happen or not? And then to be told in a voiceover and montage that they grew apart in the space of about 45 seconds.... it was all very empty, and painful. I just.... :( :( :( 
I guess we are supposed to assume that Betty and Archie’s kiss created this chasm between them that they were unable to talk about or address head on. But it was so rushed, very “tell not show.”
anyway, this stupid show has made me sad. I AM SAD. My heart is :( @ the unspoken hurt between them that they won’t talk about for seven years. And this show is never going to address the hurt between them in a realistic or satisfying way because it is Riverdale. Usually I would immediately reach to fic to get out my feelings, but in this case, I feel more like hiding in my zombie AU then dealing with how sad this all is lol. Is that insane? That’s what Riverdale does to us. I take heart in the fact that I am not alone in my madness.
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babylion · 2 years
Take your time but….. when the time comes I can’t wait to hear your opinion on the album
HEY! im just writing my thoughts down as we go
why does fire alarm instrumental sound like smth 2nd gen gg would do 0_0 love what the vocalists are doing in the prechorus!! WHO MADE THAT HOO noise its so funky lol renjun his voice ugh everything until cl sounds good everything after is …. a choice
glitch mode so basically marks verses went to the other……….rappers……..or whatever theyre called…….. anyway the song is alright the dance makes it really fun also the mmm mmms are nice haech's there was no you there was no me is the best part are we surprised .will be anticipating repack <3
arcade i had my eyes on her since the medley. yessss haech to mark pipeline in the beginning that’s a good indicator 2 me mark suits this song so well the production 4 this song is a lil tew good relax
its yours the chorus is a miss its not even cute its annoying actually the verses are mediocre too HAECHAN IN 2:33 ?? thank you our saviour LHC mk adlibbing near the end i giggled
teddy bear lol 0:32 the whole vibe broke off uh some voices are just not meant to be im so serious anyway hearing haech angel voice so were good love when i can mainly hear haech in chorus 🥺 second verse when mks part ended 😁🪓🪓🪓🪓 3:29 that was a nice touch anyway yessssss nct dream (mark haechan chenle)
ok replay HELP haech in the beginning reminded me of that edit of him singing boyfriend by btr sighhhhhhhhh SIGHHHHHHH mark step the hell up why are you just AWing and OHing me 😭 the 2nd chorus is hitting bridge to last chorus build up. that ot7 moment nice 👍
saturday drip thank you mark i love how jm sounds like he doesn’t want to be there . why is he there. (dont answer me.) the contrast is so….ugly lmao js in chorus sounds solid and mark 2:14 u tire me out god anyway happy for u 3j rapper enthusiasts. otherwise skipping after mk intro
better than gold now ahhh i love haech starting off songs what an interesting prechorus im not even mad at it vocal line in the last chorus I HEAR MARK IN THE BACK !! shes quite cute >3<
drive love the chorus it reminds me of those charity tv ads esp the 2nd half of the chorus anyway moving on Mark Vocalist a hit moment oh aw mark im happy when i hear u… its literally like im digging for gold rn bro </////3
nvr goodbye blease cl made me have high expectations but this song is making me snooze the beginning was cute i think the chorus sounds kind of gimmicky(?) but i will be making a trip 2 mkhc_mp3 i need their service
rewind is a good way to end the album! well i thought the instrumental in the beginning was good maybe i spoke too fast… i like everyones delivery in this song (kind of) the climbs in the song were rly nice wow but hm. idk how 2 feel abt the song as a whole
overall, none of the songs quite stick out to me tbh also um real question just bc you can. should you??????? teddy bear & arcade top 2 & ill be keeping arcade teddy bear replay better than gold drive and nvr goodbye
tldr mark n haechan thank U i love U did U know?
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mega-bastard · 3 years
i was kidnapped by shiratorizawa ?!?!?!?!
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this was painful to write, but like a masochist I did it anyway. this is my part of the the first Whorehouse Collab, located here. Finally getting back into writing fanfics since like 2015, this was oddly therapeutic.
I wrote this under the influence of magic grass after binging several wattpad fics, enjoy at your own risk-- by which I mean laugh alongside me LMAO
The ending is sososo rushed, in true wattpad fashion <3 this was 1.3K words of nonsense
When I woke up today, I didn’t think I’d end up in such a bind— bindings to be more specific. I’m just your average little miss no one, another everyday student easily lost in the in the crowd. Wearing glasses and being like super shy does that to u, yknow?
Now, blindfolded and tied up, I can’t help but wonder just how someone so unnoticeable had gotten snatched up so suddenly— perhaps that was had why you were taken (insert Liam neeson voice: I will find you, and I will kill you hehe >:3). Now, with the full throb in my head beginning to subside— I started to recount what had bringed me into such s predicament
~ rewind to earlier in the day ~
I’d only just waked up when I received a text from my best friend mina (bnha wink wonk) gushing about or schools volleyball match— to say she was crazy in love aoba Joshuas volleyball team would be selling it crazily underwhelmed. Especially their captain, oikawa tooru ! Most of our school did, but I was really observant of the people around me— he gives me weird vibes, like he puts on an act or something. But still, I keep that thoght to myself so no one comes for me. Seriously, he’s got fans like a Kpop star (a/n haha stan bts for clear skin uwu)
Either way, her dragging me to a volleyball game is nothing new— and as she’s blowing my messages up like the world is ending I know  what to expect this coming afternoon. What a pain, I had planned on watching naruto when I got home today :(
There was no telling Mina no, so when we enviably met to walk to school I was well aware I’d be attending the volleyball match today. Boring, but I’d manage— I don’t care much for sports but sweaty and muscley men are finer than fine, I’d at least have spank bank material hehe (a/n not to whore on main buuuuuut ;3).
The day flew by and suddenly I found my self seated on the stands, waiting for the game to begin. Mina was chatting away, so when the urge to go to the bathroom came I simply got up and left— I wouldn’t get a word in edgewise, everyone always runs at the mouth and I can never get a word in as a result.
Not paying attention on my way to the bathroom, I suddenly shivered— feeling watched. I looked up from staring at the floor and was brought face to face with...the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Team ?!?! At the head was the tank of a captain, japans number one ace Ushijima Wakayoshi (a/n a whole snack yumyum) was indomitable and a scary man to be faced with. Ushijima was still as fierce as ever; I say that because we’d gone to middle school together— we never spoke or anything like that but we’d been in the same classes. He scrutinized my small form with impassive olive eyes, I felt rooted in place at such a state.
I shook myself from my little reverie and quickly scurried off, heart beating a mile a minute. “ just find the bathroom and head back to Mina “ I murmured to myself, finally finding the bathroom after rounding a corner. The feeling of being watched finally lifting.
After using the bathroom and began to head back, I could hear someone...singing something? I began to head towards it out of curiosity, peeking around a corner to see a tall red haired guy and a grey haired guy— they were wearing the same uniform so they must also be a part of the team as well! Lost in my thoughts, I was only briefly able to dick away before the red haired guy turned around to where I was peeking.
Ok seriously, let’s head back ‘ I thought before scurrying back to Mina— who grilled me on my absence before becoming entranced in the starting game. I stayed on my phone for the most part, reading one direction fanfic— with the phone screen down waaay low (a/n who else has done this before ???). Id peek every now and again to watch, at one point catching the eye of the tall red head— a chill ran down my spin at his impish smile that I looked away immediately.
He was...cute. In a scary way.
A sudden hush flew across the crowd and I looked up in time to see oikawas serve hit clean across the net, received by some guy with brown hair before being set by some twat with shitty hair (a/n shirabus a twat, their I said it >:/) before the ball was spiked back with a force unmatched.
That was Match point. Shiratorizawa wins.
The air is oppressive, oikawas fan girls— mina included, are wailing. That’s my cue to exit, bidding a mina goodbye I began my way down the hail, the rush of the court fading into background.
Then suddenly, rushing feet and the crack of something hard against my skull.
Darkness consumed me.
~ back to the present ~
Now back to the hear and now, I hear murmerings-- voices I don’t recognize. I try to listen, try to focus in on their voices but I can’t as the throbbing in my skull takes my focus away. A whimper escapes me, and a silence sweeps across wherever I am like a breeze-- it’s scary.
“haha, is she awake?” it’s the sing=songy voice from before-- the red head probably then? I know I needed to say something, anything, but I was still to disoriented. The sound of shoes nearing me immeadiatly set me off, beginning to wiggle and move before I was held still vision suddenly assaulted with brightness as my blindfold is redmoved.
Standing before, me in all their glory, is the Shiratorizawa volleyball team??
It looks like I’m being held in...an empty dorm room? I’m trying to gather my bearings and cannot figure what to possibly ay before being yanked up harshly from a laying position. It’s the red head holding me up, wicked smile and everything as he crouches in front of me before opening his mouth.
“ You belong to us now, got it~” his voice is too cheery given the words he’s just said to me (a/n tendou owns my heart and soul <3333 ), and only now does my voice find me. “ B-but w-why m-m-me ? You c-can’t j-just do t-that, please just let me g-g-g-g-g-g-go !” by the time I finish blubbering, theres tears streaming down my cheeks like rushing rivers. Through my lashes, I look pitifully around at everyone-- landing on an umcomfortble looking kid with a bowl cut, but he looks away as soon as i stare up at him.
no, no ,no nononono no ones going to help me. the tears fall puddle on the floor, only growing in speed when ushijima speaks. “ You’ll be transfering here, become our manager, and be staying in this dorm room-- it’s already been settled” (a/n idk I’d be p happy to be shiratorizawa’s manager uwu) his voice is deep and leaves no room for any back talk, but my stomach drops at his next sentence “Semi, put it on her’ my head whips up, starring doe eyed at the grey haired guy from before as he approaches with...IS THAT A COLLAR AND LEASH??? (a/n insert debby ryan face)
my face heats up, embarrassed and ashamed at the idea of being collared like an animal. I try to wiggle away, annoying Semi, “Tendou hold her still damnit!” at that Tendou-- the red head, grips my face with one hand to keep me still, gripping it hard enough that hes smushing my cheeks (a/n tendou, t e n d o u, loml, how I cherish thee) . He mutters a quiet cute, so faint I think I’m hearing things, before the tightening of the collar breaks me from that train of thought. With that done, I’m released, falling to my hands and knees staring up at the entire team now gathered before me.
A tug on the leash tugs me forward without much effort, and the tears spring up once more at the humiliation. 
“This is gonna be fun~”
ok so I hoped you guys loved it <3 I’ll try my best to get out weekly updates, next chap I’m thinking I either focus on how ushijima and reader-chan actually do know eachother, shirabu and semi fiighting of reader-chans attention, or maybe tendou and reader-chan getting into trouble while draggin goshiki into it! SOund off in the comments and let me know what you think ?? anyway love you guys sm <33333
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