#lmk if you have any insight here
unintentional-pride · 5 months
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Unintentionally lesbian, gay, and bear yarns at Walmart today!
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marshmellohi · 2 months
Links Meet AUs List
A lot of AUs get lumped together with Linked Universe, so I wanted to make a list comprising any and all original Links Meet AUs I could find! Please let me know if I’m missing something, you want your AU to be removed, a link is broken, or if you know an AU’s status so it can be moved to the correct dedicated category.
DISCLAIMER: Please pay attention to the content warnings on some of these AUs! I haven’t personally read every AU so I don’t know what some contain, but if an AU has something you don’t vibe with, there are more than plenty of others that you will love on this list! Please be respectful and kind to everyone! This list is both for archival purposes and to appreciate the creativity of the community!
Additional Notes: Some AUs have dedicated Tumblrs, some can be found through original tags, some are only on ff.net or ao3, etc. I have a separate list for AUs limited to Discord/DMs that I have not included here unless I receive permission to do so! Also, if something is separated by ||, that means that theyre 2(+) separate AUs by the same creator in the same tumblr… if that makes sense LOL. This list is Always Updating so be sure to keep an eye out for any new AUs!
• A Link to the Present
• Across the Galaxy
• Ageless Soul
• Bonus Links
• Branching Timelines
• Chain as Cryptids
• Chained Spirits
• Chains of Time
• Courage of Ages
• Culture Shock
• Deuy’s Links Meet
• Dimensional Links
• Dreamverse AU || Identity Fraud AU
• Echoes of Courage
• Exodus
• Fallen Heroes
• Garden of Heroes
• GodLinks
• Hearts Linked Together
• Heroes Spirit
• House of Heroes
• Kings Comic
• Limited Hero
• Link and the Links || Soldier Poet King
• Link Between Links
• Link Rejoin
• Linked Across Dimensions
• Linked Arena
• Linked By Illustrations
• Linked Dreamscape
• Linked End
• Linked History
• Linked Keys
• Linked Maze
• Linked Spirit
• Linked Through the Centuries
• Linked Universe
• Linked World
• Link’s Fun Road Trip
• Little Links
• Magic’s Wake
• Meowmix’s Linked-verse Journey
• Minas Linkverse
• Monstrous Fusion
• Realms of Hylia
• Recalled
• Rifts in Time
• Sister’s Linked Meets
• Suncaster
• Tangled Chains [Lou]
• Team Timeless
• That Broken Promise
• The Hyrulian Valhalla Saga
• The Links We Share
• The Phantom Timeline
• The Sacred Realm
• Too Many Links [Zee]
• Train Whistles and Wedding Bells
• Unchained AU
• Winter Links AU
AUs where the info is limited to Discord, DMs, and/or friends. Not typically published/shared publicly. Permission is asked to acknowledge these AUs here before posting.
• A Linked Week
• Fractured Timelines
Crossovers with Zeldas, Ravios, Ganons… pretty much the exact same thing but with other characters.
• Lots of Ravios
• LU Ravioverse
• Strangers Across Eras
• Voice of Wisdom
• Wielders of Wisdom
Links meet, but it’s not the focus of the story/in the background (example: a world where all the links exist at the same time but the focus is on one specific character/the others dont come up much)
• Father of Time
• Royal Reads
An AU qualifies for the inactive category when: 1.) its been 2+ years since an update and 2.) it’s unfinished; or, 3.) the creator explicitly stated that they were discontinuing it. LMK if one still has a pulse!
• Into the Zeldaverse
• Link and the Links
• Linked By Time
• Linking Together
• Misfortunate Monsters
• Tangled Chains
• Zelda in the Multiverse
AUs where I am unsure of the status and thus need to contact the creator, the creator’s deciding where to go with it, or I can’t locate the original page. This is mostly for me- consider this kind of like a ‘to do’ list. Any insight is welcome!
• Bagel’s AU (N/C)
• Birdo’s AU (U)
• Cotty’s Linkverse (N/C)
• Chain Reaction AU (Nuked)
• Factorial’s AU (N/C)
• Fortu’s AU (N/C)
• Hyrule Bound (N/C ; Iirc there was a fanfiction but I can’t find it anywhere)
• Link Madness’ AU (N/C)
• Minty’s Linkverse (U)
• Missing Links in Time (U)
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zeestie · 6 days
ʚïɞ ⋆。 how I use psych k to reprogram my mind 。⋆ ʚïɞ
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hi everyone! today I am gonna talk about psych k - a combination of techniques I have been using to change any limiting beliefs I had and reprogram my subconscious to know it is limitless.
table of contents:
1. what is psych k & why/how it works
2. techniques to use
3. steps to follow in every psych session
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chapter 1: what is psych k & why/how it works
so psych k is a collection of methods used to reprogram the subconscious mind through releasing old patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, it basically uses specific protocols to get you back to the super learning state you had as a child.
I find it quite great to use for changing beliefs around myself, my life, and my manifestations, also these techniques help you assess how strong (or real) a belief feels to you, which we will talk about later.
these techniques might take time to master as you get to know your body, but really you don't really need to be a pro to do them well. the practice is mostly about getting better at self-assessing your beliefs.
so why exactly does psych k work?
basically, as children until the age of 7, our brains engaged in a full-time mode of super learning. that meant that it was absorbing all kinds of beliefs, ideas, knowledge at such a fast pace, almost like our brain is made out of sponge. this meant that whatever environment we were put in affected our subconscious mind, directly rewiring new beliefs.
now where does psych k fall in all of this?
through psych k techniques, you are able to go back to the super learning mode of the brain we had as children, which in turn allows you to edit your subconscious beliefs directly w/o the conscious mind interfering. instead of going the long way with regular affirmations, you speed up the process with psych k!
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chapter 2: techniques to use
🫧 part 1: questioning/testing techniques
these techniques are used to test the strength of a belief or ask the subconscious mind 'questions' (in the form of affirmative statements, not actual questions).
so let's say I wanna test how strongly I believe, 'I am worthy of happiness,' if I truly believed it, I will get a strong response (depending on the technique used, more on that below) and if I don't believe it, I will receive a weak response. so basically, if you wanna receive insight to how your subconscious mind feels about certain statements, remember this point: strong response = yes and weak response = no.
now let's talk about some methods that you can use for testing, seeking permission, and asking the sub mind:
🦋 technique 1.1: arm lever test
this is my go to technique for testing a belief. you can find videos that demonstrated it in the sources at the end of the post, but here I will explain the steps of using it:
1. stand up, keep your face straight (don't lower your neck), keep your eyes open, and look down by lowering your gaze only
2. hold your arm out: extend one arm straight out in front of you. hold it a little upward
3. test with the other hand: use your other hand to gently press on the extended arm, kinda on the middle/wrist area
4. test statements: bring into your awareness a belief like 'I am worthy of happiness.' if the sub mind thinks the statement is true, your arm should stay strong and resist being pushed down (strong response), but if the statement is false, your arm would weaken and easily be pushed down (weak response).
🦋 technique 1.2: finger o-ring test
(never tried it but ig it is a more descrete and an easier way compared to the arm lever test, so if you decide to try it, lmk how it went!)
1. form a ring or O shape by touching the tips of your thumb and index finder together on one hand
2. test the ring: with the other hand, use your thumb and index finger to gently try to pull apart the O shape while saying specifc statements or affirmations. a strong response is the ring not breaking, a weak response is the ring formation breaking apart.
🫧 part 2: new belief integration techniques
now we will talk about the bulk of the work: reprogramming your subconscious mind. I will start with talking about the main technique I have seen being used and then some other techniques I have heard about, but I haven't really tested, now let's begin!
🦋 technique 2.1: the whole-brain posture (the "balance" position)
1. sit comfortably on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
2. cross your legs and arms over each other:
there are 4 combinations in which u could do that: right ankle over left, right wrist over left / right ankle over left, left wrist over right / left ankle over right, right wrist over left / left ankle over right, left wrist over right.
the way you choose to do it is important since a side of your body holds the belief you wanna change over the other, I usually don't bother knowing which side is weaker (aka needs more reprogramming) & instead I do all of the 4 combination for like 5 minutes each (or until I feel that my mind has accepted the affirmations).
anywho, once you have decided which combination you will use for the next 5 minutes, extend your arms in front of you then interlock your fingers and bring your hands up toward your chest.
3. close your eyes, take in deep breaths to calm yourself down, and focus on affirming or visualising the belief you want to integrate for as long as you need (like I said, I usually do 5 mins).
4. once you're done, uncross your limbs and reposition.
5. save the new belief by placing your fingertips together in front of you (forming a pyramid shape) for a few seconds (if the sub mind is a computer, think of this as a safe command!)
6. if you wanna, rinse and repeat for all combinations.
🦋 other techniques:
2.2: cross-crawl exercise: stand up and march in place, lifting your knees high. as you lift your left knee, touch it with your right hand. then lift your right knee and touch it with your left hand. (this promotes integration of the two sides of the mind). continue for a minute or two, focusing on the positive belief or intention you want to integrate.
2.3: energy yawns: place your fingertips on your cheekbones and gently massage while yawning deeply. this relaxes the brain and enhances focus.
2.4: lazy 8s: trace a large figure 8 in front of you with your hand, moving from left to right. this exercise helps integrate both hemispheres and improve coordination.
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chapter 3: steps to follow in every psych session
next we are going to talk about some sort of procedure I have come up with for whenever I am doing a self-administered psych k session. you don't have to follow it exactly, but I hope it provides w the guidance you need to start immediately!
🦋 step 0: preperations
it is important for you to be in a relaxed, meditative state for the work to be even more effective so here are some extra stuff you can do before starting the session:
1. stay hydrated + keep some water beside you
2. sit in a quiet room all alone
3. use noise-cancelling earphones for more quietness
4. listen to some type of colour noise at all times to stay relaxed + focus inward instead of outward
5. keep some journal with you (or use the notes app) to record, reflect, and take any notes
🦋 step 1: establish the protocol
before starting anything I want you to have an idea of what exactly you wanna get out of this session, so sit down & write down the methodology for this session based on this chapter. so basically, you specify each of the following steps I will discuss in this chapter cos psych k has many approaches
you can also identify your why for carrying out this session and what affirmations/visualisations/etc. you will be using.
write that all down on a piece of paper or an online document, so you could refer back to whenever you need to remember the next step
🦋 step 2: prepare your mind and body
now you need to relax your body and mind, stop overthinking and stay present, for that I recommend breath work, I personally use the wim hof technique!
after you're done regulating your breathing, and with it your mind and body, take a moment to state your intention to connect with your subconscious mind, elevate any symptoms, and change beliefs using X affirmation (or any other technique), you can say this outloud or just in your mind.
🦋 step 2.5: identify what you want to work on
step 2 is built on the assumption that you already know what you wanna program, but if you don't you can use this stage before stage 2. here are some suggestions for how to pick a belief:
1. order beliefs and work on ones that are the most foundational, ones affecting multiple areas of life or your self concept
2. choose a belief that is urgent, that is it is causing you major stress in your life and it is what you mostly think of
3. layer your beliefs. what I mean is you can start with a general belief, such as 'I am capable.' and as you do more sessions, add more details to it, for example 'I am capable of succeeding in my career.'
4. google general limiting beliefs people have. you can even google specfic ones like 'limiting beliefs around love' and see which one resonates
5. journal, sometimes a quick journaling session can immediatly tell u what immediate obstacle there is in your thinking, which will give you a great idea of what belief you need to change
🦋 step 3: use a testing (permission) technique to identify where your beliefs are at, then test and establish baseline responses
like I said, psych k helps you understand how much you believe a belief, refer back to chapter 2 for some testing/permission techniques to use, but basically you will decide what technique you wanna use (I usually go for the arm lever test)
next, you will use the technique to establish what is a weak response for you and what is a strong one. you can use commands, such as 'be strong' & 'be weak,' or basic statements like 'my name is [false name]' & 'my name is [true name]' to understand what a true & false response feels like
🦋 step 4: ask question regarding the belief to test it & maybe revise intentions
so now that you know what a strong belief verses a weak one shows up in your body, it is time to ask some questions! basically you are gonna say your limiting belief (just like you'd say an affirmation and in present tense) and then test to see how strong (real) it seems + you will do the same for your affirmation to measure its strength
you can ask follow up Qs in the form of much specific statements to understand how your body truly feels about it. based on your findings, you can set new intentions if you think there's a better belief to work on rn.
🦋 step 4.5: ask for permission to change the belief using a testing/permission technique
for this you can use the same technique you used in the step before to test the belief. you basically set your intentions using something along the lines of, 'I request permission from my subconscious and superconscious mind to proceed with this belief change.' you can get more specific or change the wording to your liking
the reason this is step 4.5 is because I don't see it always being used, though I think it is good practice to ask for permission before trying to do something that might be too traumatic to do at this stage.
basically, a strong response = yes & a weak respone = no
if you get a no, you might wanna reflect (through your journal) on why this happened and how can you change that, maybe this is not the belief to change for today or maybe you gotta approach it from a different angle.
you can continue to test your sub mind through different statements and asking for permission, when you're satistified with the results you may continue!
🦋 step 5: choose a belief integration technique to integrate using the balance position
now for the bulk of the work! you're gonna decide on what technique you're gonna use to reprogram and what supplementary techniques you will use (affirmations, visualisations, aff tapes, etc.),
like I said before, I typically use the whole-brain posture. and ofc, once you're done you will just save it as discussed, and then repeat it if you wanna
🦋 step 6: test the belief again
repeat step 4 & use a testing technique (like the lever test) to identify how your beliefs have changed
🦋 step 7: solidify your belief over time
give yourself a couple of weeks or a month and then, retest the belief again using a testing technique (after relaxing and getting into a meditative state of course).
then you can try to anchor them through visualising. another good way to solidify them is to set goals and actionable steps for yourself to challenge the old belief
& ofc pay attention to how you feel and if it feels like you need another session, go for it!
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andddd that's all!! thank you sm for reading and good luck reminding yourself that you are limitless! these techniques on the newer side for me so let me know your experiences and thoughts on the topic cos I am always open to learning more about it <3
p.s: here are my main source that I reccomend watching as a beginner + if you wanna see live demonstration of the techniques:
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
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starsstuddedsky · 5 months
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Blonde Phase
Renjun x gn reader
summary: spontaneous hair decisions always end in regret. that's what you expect to hear when you tell renjun you're bleaching your hair, but instead you find support, and even his help. you should appreciate his wholehearted support but instead it has you wondering: why doesn't he care?
genre: fluff, minimal angst, technically they're in grad school but that's not particularly relevant, non idol au,
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, spontaneous hair decisions (i do not endorse), lmk if I missed any
wc: 4.4k
a/n: in the immortal words of charles boyle, the most intimate thing you can do with a lover is wash their hair. yknow i made fun of him for that until i wrote this. i see it. also its been so long since ive finishing anything, pls forgive me if this is bad. renjun i love u. as always I'd love to hear what you think <3
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“I’m bleaching my hair.” If you say it fast enough, Renjun won’t be able to talk you out of it. The plastic bag swings around your wrist as you walk across the parking lot. “I’ve already bought the bleach and gloves and stuff, and I’m going to do it, today.”
He’s quiet for so long you check to make sure the call hasn’t dropped. “Okay.”
You almost drop your phone. “Okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, drawing the word out. “Was I supposed to say something else?”
“Um, yeah?” You say. “You have opinions about literally everything. You talked me out of buying those pants two days ago.” You finally get to your car, tossing the bag onto the passenger seat and half-falling behind the wheel.
“That’s because they were made of polyester, and the thrift store was still charging $15,” he says immediately. “That was a scam.”
“Money is temporary, drip is forever.”
“Those pants would have lasted a year max, before they fell apart, and you still haven’t learned how to sew so you wouldn’t even be able to mend them or upcycle them.”
“You know what, I didn’t buy the pants, so this fight is moot,” you say. You set the phone on speaker, turning the engine on to blast the AC.
“Well, not moot. Technically I won,” Renjun says.
“I’d respect you more if you weren’t insufferable.”
“Here I was thinking you appreciated my insight,” he says. “You even asked for it.”
“I did not!”
“You literally asked about bleaching your hair.”
“I said I was surprised you didn’t have an opinion, not that I wanted to hear it,” you say.
“Semantics,” Renjun says. “So what time do you want to come over?”
You frown. “Tonight?”
“The roommates are out of town for the whole weekend, and I have way better ventilation,” he says. “I’d much rather bleach it without passing out.” He pauses. “You do want help, right?”
“Honestly, I was not expecting support. I was fully ready to fight you on this,” you say.
He snorts. “Come over whenever, I'm not doing anything today.”
“See you in twenty minutes.” You hang up, feeling a strange ball of tension roll around in your gut. That was… too easy? Renjun always has something to say about your admittedly impulsive tendencies. But if he’s going to help you’re not going to reject it—knowing Renjun he’s probably already watching Youtube videos and learning more than you will ever know about bleaching hair.
And it’s Renjun. When have you done anything without his help?
Renjun opens the door wearing a wearied expression. He doesn’t bother to greet you or even smile, just unlocks the door and steps to the side.
“Hi to you, too,” you say, trading your shoes for the spare slippers resting by the doormat. You follow Renjun into the space that serves as kitchen, dining room, living room, and Jaemin’s miniature gym, with weights and mats stacked next to the television.
“Who the hell clogs a toilet and then leaves for the weekend,” Renjun says.
You set down your plastic bag full of hair products and frown. “That’s disgusting.”
Renjun leans against the counter. “And you didn’t have to spend the last forty minutes trying to unclog it.”
“So which of the guys are you going to murder?” You try to guess, running through his roommates: you find it hard to believe Jaemin would do such a thing. Jeno maybe, and Donghyuck would certainly think it’s funny. But, in all honesty, it could have been any of them.
“Don’t know,” Renjun says, “but knowing them, they’ll make a pact to protect each other.”
Renjun pauses, gaze sheepish. “It’s what I did when I accidentally killed Jaemin’s little succulent that survived his college dorm.”
You fake a gasp, placing a hand over your chest. “Every day I learn something new about you. That’s devious.”
“I was drunk!” Renjun says, holding up a finger. “And Jeno and Donghyuck pushed me into it, so it was equally their fault.”
“If you say so.” You glance around the apartment. “Where are they all?”
“Jaemin’s visiting family, Jeno has a soccer tournament, and Donghyuck said he’s going camping with Yangyang.” Renjun says, counting off with his fingers.
“Donghyuck and Yangyang are friends?”
“Yeah, according to them they bonded over dealing with me.”
“Those were their exact words?”
“Dealing with my ‘stupid ass,’” Renjun says.
“That’s more on brand.”
Renjun nods.
You think about Yangyang, Renjun’s friend from when he was a kid. You’ve met him a few times now, especially since he’s moved half an hour away from Renjun. He’s fun, always bringing out a chaotic side of Renjun whether it’s dancing on a bar or bringing out angry-Renjun. But Yangyang and Donghyuck?
“That’s a terrible friendship. They’re going to ruin you.”
Renjun nods again, but you see the smile hiding in his eyes. He can rant all he wants, you know he’s excited his friends are getting closer with each other.
You point at the bag. “So where are we doing this?”
You half expect him to lecture you about rash hair decisions but he just gestures to the kitchen. “I figure right here should be fine. The tiles should be pretty easy to clean and probably could use some bleach anyway.”
He drags the chair with a rickety leg from the dining table. You dig through the bag and set everything on the counter. While Renjun cracks a window open, you begin to mix the developer and the bleach, curling your lip at the sharp scent. Renjun joins you, pulling on a pair of gloves.
“Wow that’s strong,” he says, wincing.
“Yeah,” you say. “Definitely a good idea to do it here.”
When the powder is finally combined, you sit on the chair, Renjun following behind you. You section off your hair together, then he grabs the bowl and the brush.
He holds the thick paintbrush brush up against your hair, glancing at you, giving you one last chance to back down. You give him the nod of approval and he shifts back to focusing on your hair, brushing the bleach into it as carefully as he spreads paint on a canvas. He works section by section, carefully drenching your hair with the creamy solution.
“So, are you going to tell me why you decided to do this?”
You can’t resist turning and glancing at him. “I thought you approved.”
“I didn’t try to talk you out of it,” he says, “that doesn’t mean I’m not curious about how you came to this decision.”
You nod until Renjun uses his gloved hand to hold your head straight. “I suppose that’s fair.”
You pause, trying to find the right words. But you find yourself drifting back to Renjun. Why didn’t he ask this before the bleach was in your hair? It’s not like him to keep his opinions to himself. When you first met him, he was yelling at Donghyuck for going to a philosophy seminar just to fight with the notorious bigot of a professor (which Donghyuck did and then got kicked out, and proceeded to get the professor suspended). You only knew Mark back then, a friend from another class who invited you to meet some of his other friends in the dining hall. When Renjun turned to ask what you thought, you said Donghyuck should do what he thinks is right. Renjun didn’t hesitate to call you an idiot then. So why isn’t he calling you an idiot now?
To his credit Renjun doesn’t rush you. He continues to paint the bleach into your hair, content to wait for you to figure out an answer. Except you’re thinking about all the wrong questions. Like, seriously, why do you want him to call you an idiot?
“I want a change,” you finally say. “I’m stuck in a degree that will make me absolutely no money when I graduate, I can’t afford to break my lease, and don’t have any major relationships that need upheaving, so, hair.”
“‘A change?’” Renjun repeats. “Like, you woke up this morning and thought, today I’m going blonde?”
“Like, I have this feeling in my chest, this aching feeling that there’s something I need to do, someone I’m supposed to be, something more than the person I see in the mirror but I’ve made my decisions and I’m happy with my decisions and I genuinely like who I am. So, hair.”
You see Renjun’s hand falter out of the corner of your eye, halfway between the bleach mixture and your hair. He freezes for a heartbeat then continues to move, lifting some hair off your ear, careful not to brush the bleach onto your skin.
“‘So, hair,’” he says.
“Are you really going to repeat everything I say?”
This gets a short laugh from him. “I think the fumes are getting to me already.” He pauses, setting down the brush and stepping in front of you. “For what it’s worth, I like who you are, too. I’m really glad we’re friends.”
You smile at him. “Me too,” you say. “I definitely would have fucked up trying to bleach this on my own.”
“There’s still some bleach left,” Renjun says after he finishes with your roots. “You’re sure you don’t want your eyebrows to match?”
“Why don’t we do your eyebrows,” you say. “Better yet, why don’t we shave them off?”
Renjun sets down the brush. “Okay, no eyebrows.”
You grin at him. “That’s what I thought.”
He helps you get a plastic bag wrapped securely over your head, then sets the timer.
“What do you want to do for the next half hour?” You ask. “Preferably something that requires little to no movement.” You gesture to your head. “We’re not winning any frisbee tournaments tonight.”
“It was one time,” Renjun mutters, shaking his head and stepping around you plop down onto the couch. “We can watch something.”
You follow him, sitting on the other side, a cushion between you. The space feels strangely empty. Though you’ve spent plenty of time alone with Renjun, even alone with him at his apartment, the silence is usually interrupted by one of the guys getting bored of playing League, or coming back because they can’t go out to a bar without someone forgetting their ID, or in desperate need of Renjun’s expert advice (read: Jeno never remembers to ask Renjun to look over his submissions until 12 minutes before they’re due). The cushion between you never stays empty for long but the moments stretch on, only making the distance feel greater.
You wonder, not for the first time, how long it’s been since you’ve thought of Renjun as just a friend. If he was just a friend, you wouldn’t care so much about what he thinks. And if he was just a friend, you wouldn’t care so much that he suddenly doesn’t think.
You sneak a glance at him, fiddling with the remote for a couple seconds before realizing he grabbed the wrong one. He’s certainly always been handsome—that was undeniable from the moment you met him. But more than just being good looking, it’s Renjun himself. Not just those dark eyes, but the way they burn with passion (even when he’s arguing about the proper number of appetizers to order). It’s his perfectly shaped lips, the way they betray how he feels with a slight curve up or down—and his smile. Always, always his smile, beautiful and breathtaking even though you’ve seen it a thousand times.
He turns, a little furrow in his brow. “What?”
“You’re looking at me funny,” he says. “Did I get bleach in my hair or something?”
You turn to face the TV, trying to pay attention to the show Renjun chose. “I wasn’t looking at you funny,” you say. “I wasn’t even looking at you.”
“If you say so,” Renjun says, “but if there’s a blonde spot anywhere in my hair, I’m so making you pay for it.”
You shake your head. Where the hell did those thoughts come from? Renjun, more than a friend? Sure, you’re close with him and sure, he’s objectively attractive, but you’ve never had those thoughts before. Well, at least not sober.
“Um, why are we watching Singles Inferno?”
“Because I asked and you were too busy not staring at me to answer, so I put it on,” Renjun says. “And don’t you dare try to tell me you don’t like it. I saw you rant on your Instagram story the other day.”
“Okay, but you don’t get it,” you say. “This bitch really has the audacity to to—”
“I saw your post,” Renjun says. “Believe me, I get it.”
“If you didn’t want to hear about it you should not have turned it on, because now I can’t stop,” you say. Renjun rolls his eyes but even as you delve into a full on essay about the horrible men particularly common in dating shows, you see the corners of his lips tilt up into a smile.
The timer goes off halfway through an episode.
“Saved by the buzzer,” Renjun says. “I’m putting a ban on anything reality TV related for the next three hours.”
“You’re the one that brought it up,” you mutter without any real annoyance. Despite his banter, Renjun dutifully listened to your rants, and even got mad along with you.
You drag a chair to the sink while Renjun drapes a towel over your shoulders. He puts on gloves and unwraps the bag, letting your hair fall into the empty sink.
“Close your eyes,” Renjun says gently. He tilts your head back, cupping the back of your head for a moment before pulling the head of the sink faucet out. He runs the water, long enough for you to peek your eyes open.
You’ve gotten used to seeing Renjun focused. He gets a little furrow in his brow, always glaring at his work. Before you were friends, you used to think he was actually angry, that his frowns and short tone were real. You’ve learned since then, it’s not his emotions, it’s his passion. The frown only comes out when he’s focused, trying to be perfect. When he cares.
“Unless you want bleach in them, close your eyes,” Renjun mutters, with absolutely no malice behind the words. His eyes shift to meet yours and that’s how you know you’re right. He can glare and bluster all he wants, he can’t hide his eyes, warm and shining. Like when he’s looking at his art, his gaze is a combination of soft and intense, creating something stronger than affection. Except he’s not looking at his art, he’s looking at you.
You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling your heartbeat pick up. Despite every attempt to shut down the thoughts, they race through your head, a stampede grown out of control. Renjun, who you’ve only known a year and a half but who has become one of your closest friends. Renjun, who never fails to share the only opinion you really care about. Renjun, who you can’t imagine life without. Renjun, who you’ve never dared to imagine life with.
He places a hand on your forehead, bringing the faucet closer to rinse your roots while keeping the water from pouring onto your face. You prepare for a cold shock but the water that soaks into your hair is the perfect temperature—not scalding hot, not freezing cold. Some water sprays over his hand, falling onto your eyelids and cheeks.
“Sorry,” Renjun murmurs. He holds the head farther away, running his fingers gently through the roots of your hair. He’s so close you can feel his breath, warm against your temple. You can feel his body, hovering over yours, and maybe it’s just your imagination, but warmth seems to emanate from it.
His friends would laugh at you if you described Renjun as soft to their face, but it’s the only adjective that captures the way he works the water through your hair. Soft and gentle and careful and nothing like the Renjun that has to corral everyone into his car at 3 in the morning. And yet this Renjun doesn’t feel like a stranger to you.
Washing your hair takes a lifetime, but as soon as he steps away and turns off the water, you miss it. You miss him, even though he’s only a couple feet away.
“You can open your eyes now,” he says. As soon as you do, he tosses a towel at you. It hits you in the face before you can get your hands up.
“Sorry,” Renjun says, not sounding sorry at all. He manages to hold back the laugh but still grins at you, unashamed. He steps forward and pats your face dry, with the same gentleness as before, though there’s still a mischievous glint in his eyes. You yank the towel away before he gets any ideas, drying off your face on your down and wrapping it around your hair. You wring it out a couple times before letting go, doing your best to get it to fall evenly around your head.
You raise your eyebrows at Renjun. “Okay, how bad is it?”
“Okay, first of all, I’m insulted that you think there’s any way I’d fuck up you hair,” Renjun says. “And it looks really good. Blonde suits you.”
You take a deep breath and pull out your phone, studying yourself in the mirror and… he’s right. The color is even, somewhere between blonde and orange that is unavoidable when using bleach. Radical hair changes generally end in tears but looking at yourself in the mirror, you don’t feel the usual dissonance. The hair is different but somehow more familiar than the “normal” you that doesn’t feel right anymore.
“I’m right,” Renjun says.
You smile. “Yeah, you are.” You put down your phone, meeting his eyes. “Thank you, Renjun.”
“For what?”
“Doing all of this for me,” you say.
“It’s the least I could do,” he mumbles. “You’re my friend.”
You shake your head. “Thank you anyways.”
Renjun just shrugs and grabs the bowl, rinsing out the bleach in the sink. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he’s avoiding your eyes.
You do your best to clean up the bleach from the floor, busying yourself until Renjun finishes. You wonder if you’re imagining the tiles getting a little bit whiter. Finally, he turns off the water and glances at you.
“You’re really happy with it?” He asks, sounding more like he doubts you rather than changing his opinion.
“Yeah,” you say, standing up. “I think it’s the ‘me’ of right now, you know?”
“Not really.”
“Like, I feel disjointed, and blonde hair is definitely not me, but it's the me that feels kind of all over the place, so even though it doesn’t look like me, it looks like me.” You wring your hands together, fingers tinged red.
“That makes no sense,” Renjun says, “but I think I get what you mean.” He smiles. “And I’m glad. I wouldn’t want you to have any regrets.”
So he did think this was a potential mistake? Why didn’t he say anything?
Renjun turns back to the sink, but before he can turn the water on, your voice calls his name. “Renjun?”
“Hm?” He doesn’t turn around.
“Why didn’t you fight me on this?”
He doesn’t move for a long moment. You wish you could see his face. “I have been told by certain people,” he begins, which is code for Donghyuck and Yangyang certified their position as Renjun’s worst nightmare. He turns to face you, wiping his hands on a towel.
“That I have a tendency to be overly opinionated in a generally negative direction. And I thought about it, and I realized I'm never really fully supportive, whether it’s a big decision, or, like, coffee, and I’ve always been this way, but, apparently, it’s especially… apparent with you.” He frowns. “This is all coming out wrong. I’m trying to say that it’s different when I’m around you. I’m different.”
Your eyes jump between his, trying to decipher what he’s saying. “Different?”
“I care a lot about you,” Renjun says, “more than anyone, actually.”
“Oh.” You blink once, twice. “Wait, you like me?”
Renjun’s eyes shift to the floor. “Yeah.”
You can’t help but let out a short laugh, reeling at the absurdity of it all. Renjun likes you? But he’s Renjun. Even though he’s the most common main character in your daydreams, you never once realistically thought he might be fantasizing about you too. But he likes you.
“I really didn’t want to say anything, I mean, before anything else you’re my friend, and I don’t want to ruin that,” Renjun says rapidly. “We’re good friends, and I really didn’t want to be the guy that pretends to be your friend but just wants to date you the whole time, that’s really not what I was trying to do, it’s just—”
“Renjun.” You put a hand on his shoulder and he freezes mid sentence, mouth still hanging open a little. Before he can move, you lean closer, the type of line you’d only dare to cross in your dreams.
“I’d like to kiss you,” you say softly. He blinks, eyes darting between your eyes and your lips.
“I’d like that,” he finally breathes. So you kiss him.
It starts light, his lips exactly as you imagined—soft and warm. His arm works its way around your waist, pulling you closer. The other works its way into your hair, still wet and sticking to your head. Renjun kisses like he’s been planning this for a long time, and maybe he has. Every movement is slow and careful, until he’s stolen all your air and even then you don’t want to pull away.
Your bravery fades the minute you meet his eyes. You bury your face into his chest, your cheek resting against your own hand. Renjun wraps both of his arms around you, holding you snugly in place.
“I like you, too,” you say into his chest. It’s the cowards route but if you look him in the eyes the words will never come out. “If it wasn’t obvious.”
“It wasn’t actually,” he says softly. “I think I drove all of my friends insane trying to figure out whether I should confess or not.”
“They all know?” You groan. “We’re never going to hear the end of this.”
“Yeah.” When Renjun laughs, it shakes your whole body. You can feel the rumbling, overtaking his heartbeat. “It’s okay though. It’s worth it.”
You turn your head, emerging from the sanctuary of his chest and tucking your head so that you can see his face. He smiles at you with the familiar warmth you’ve come to expect.
“Yeah,” you say, “it really is.”
Renjun grins.
“Your hair on the other hand…” He says.
“I thought you liked it!”
“I like it,” Renjun says, “but when has Donghyuck ever liked a single change to anyone’s hair?”
“Since when do you care what Donghyuck thinks?”
“I’m just saying now that we’re officially dating, my friends are going to be extra annoying,” Renjun says.
“Extra annoying? I didn’t think that was possible.”
“Don’t underestimate them.”
You groan, pressing your face back into his chest. “It’s not too late to get some hair dye.”
“You are not changing your hair because of my dumbass friends,” Renjun says.
“You like it?”
“You like it,” he says. “That’s the only opinion that really matters.” He pauses then adds, “But yeah. I like it.”
You grin, lifting your head to kiss his cheek. “Maybe we should dye your hair too.”
Renjun snorts. “Oh yeah?”
“We could have matching couples hair.”
He laughs out loud this time. “Maybe we should just get some shirts.”
“Three minutes of dating and you already want matching shirts? Huang Renjun, be honest.” You push off of him until you can place your hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes. “Are you obsessed with me?”
“Yes,” he says, layering his voice in sarcasm that still isn’t enough to hide the truth of the admission. “All day every day, all I think about is you.”
“Well, see, that can’t be true because if you were that obsessed and I’m this close, you would already be kissing me because—” You forget whatever you were going to say, but it doesn’t really matter. Not when Renjun is kissing you like this. Your hands at his shoulders slink around his neck, while his wrap around your waist, leaning so close to you, you feel your back begin to dip.
Huang Renjun is poison, the kind that turns into a heart-shaped puff of pink when the bottle is opened. You melt into his kiss and it’s still not enough. You could die, right this instant, and you don’t think you’d notice. Death itself wouldn’t be able to tear you away from this moment.
“Renjun!” Donghyuck’s voice thunders through the kitchen. “How dare you? You bastard, you’re cheating?”
You jump apart, turning to see him looming in the doorway. His glare settles on you, and you see the exact moment he realizes he recognizes you.
“Jesus Christ, you could have knocked or something,” Renjun says.
“I live here too,” Donghyuck says automatically. He squints, then looks at Renjun, then back at you. “YN? Your hair is blonde.”
For some reason, you raise your hand and wave at him. “Hey!”
“Oh my god!” Donghyuck cries. “Yangyang owes me thirty dollars!” He races back out the door, screaming something that’s lost as the door swings shut.
You glance at Renjun. “Cheating?”
He frowns at the door, still a crack open. “Did he… seriously think you were someone else? That I was cheating on my unrequited crush?”
His eyes shift to yours. A heartbeat passes and you burst into laughter. His friends might be annoying, but they’re still endearing. You press a messy, smile-infested kiss to his lips and wonder if you’ll ever get used to the giddy feeling.
There’s plenty messy in your life, plenty to doubt. But watching Yangyang and Donghyuck drag their backpacks in (apparently Donghyuck forgot his power bank and they decided to give up on camping) as they attempt to interrogate Renjun on every detail, you can’t help but feel like it doesn’t really matter. You don’t doubt Renjun. You don’t doubt blonde suits you. And you don’t doubt the power of a last minute hair decision, not anymore.
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thank you for reading!! likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated
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whyse7vn · 10 months
!gc taehyung who is actually a sick little loser who does not know how to genuinely talk to women at all !! like no joke had like 1 genuine girlfriend he thought he was in love with when he was 18 but she broke up with him 3 months later
!gc taehyung whose only real girl LARGE SPACE friend is you
!gc taehyung who openly and horribly flirts with you finding comfort knowing you can’t actually leave him because you work together (kinda sick of you ask me)
!gc taehyung who DID fly all the way to paris for jennie only to be told “this isn’t working out” “you’re just not what i thought you’d be”
!gc taehyung who told himself he wasn’t upset about being broken up with
!gc taehyung who never told anyone about his short lived relationship with jennie and profusely denies it any time it’s brought up
!gc taehyung who despite being broken up with for many months now thinks about the phrase “you’re just not what i thought you’d be” everyday
!gc taehyung who realises when it comes to you everything comes naturally whether it’s flirting talking eating or just being him it is always easier with you
!gc taehyung who doesn’t seem to realise his normal “harmless” flirtatious remarks towards you hold some extra weight to them these days
!gc taehyung who after a unbelievable miracle a free weekend one night with you namjoon and like 6 bottles of soju managed to get you into his bed
!gc taehyung who is genuinely so sacred about where you and him stand now you’re dating jaehyun
!gc taehyung the most bullied man in the gc (justice for him)
!gc taehyung who took the furry bit waaayyyyy too far and now genuinely likes being called a good boy
!gc taehyung who is NOT actually going broke but simply looses his card way more than he would like to admit
!gc taehyung who finds it hard making new friends
!gc taehyung who counts his lucky starts every night for that day with you and joon
!gc taehyung who is extremely surprised you tolerate him after all the crazy shit he’s said to you
!gc taehyung who is definitely NOT a bad influence on jungkook
!gc taehyung who can not physically go a day with out talking all of his members at least once
!gc taehyung who once literally SOBBED to you for hours about the bullying yeontan had received in the gc (he was extremely high) (and they weren’t even talking about yeontan he just saw the word rat and fell to his knees)
hiiii so this is a new concept i’m trying out idk if i like it yet but basically the whole idea of it is to give a bit more insight into every one in the gc and what’s going on??
i think in the future i want to add more structure into these like each post to have a theme maybe idk but i would like it to be less random
like maybe people can ask questions about a certain member and then i can put the answers here like this???
for example someone could ask oh how come jk lives with y/n? and then i’ll answer like this.
i feel like this allows more of a look at each member individually and explains why they act the way they act or why they might of done some of the things they’ve done
anyways lmk of you fucking with it or not or if you have anyways to help me improve this at all luv you all mwah mwah
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie
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Spoilers for DnP Incohearent!!!!
I’m having so much fun trying to solve these that I made a list to keep track! Message if you can help me fill in any I’m missing or if I’ve got any wrong!!!
Also lmk if you see any I’ve missed!! I’m going to keep updating this and have it unrebloggable but you can reblog this post to have a link to it!
These are all gathered from this post and this post so check the notes on those first to try to solve them then look here if you need answers!
Sow march cheer ray = so much cherry
Wee nay urn for uke oye yer tub = we’ve never fucked on youtube?
Ta fold in fig = the golden pig
Feed hay hid eho = vday video
Tat he won ape hit morse him he = daddy want a bit more simmy
Watt ken ice hay = what can I say
North key bus teabag king = naughty busty baking
Fool tie enter nit hobo / fall tie mint her nepo moe / fault aye mint earn are ohm owe/ foul thyme inch hermit hole mold = full time internet homo
Cumin mile aid deed or = come in my ladydoor
Hum hay zinc tan = amazingdan
Elven ower fug sedge own = eleven hour fuck session
An berry moth ribeye adam stir = and every month we buy a hamster
March rest array = Manchester eye
Cyst herding yell = sister daniel
Add a ding teps = editing tips
Cop dubai khaki luna = topped by kakuna
Late eat tore = ladydoor
Half tugger etch two eggs cyst = have the courage to exist
Perish she end wink = Parisian twink
Coal ten big/ goal then pick = golden pig
Cyst ordain yell = sister daniel
Train youth inks = try new things
Gay mean moss/ gain ink mass = gamingmas
Soften need = soft and neat
A wools lied = owl slide
Topper bought them hill = top or bottom Phil
Coat fit firenze = golf with friends???
Few ours pig meow fits = viewers pick my outfits
Read less tar = red lester
Eye eight soup igloo = I ate super glue
Insight youth era too walls = inside you there are two wolves
Mine amy stan = my name is Dan
Clap hella = glabella
Hiss teeth rent = hits different
Eel eyes apron kay kiss = Eliza pancakes
See pram haze ink bra jet = super amazing project
Feels lie yawn = phils lion
Fuel ease snot dawn fair = Phil is not on fire
Jaw shush ear son = josh hutcherson
Ball bull him tour food = bauble in your foot?
Sure eck = shrek
High ate dust = hiatus
Add a dink deps = editing tips
Ga hay shoom air age = gay shoe marriage
Pope eat plate aim = poppy playtime
Eat aches stu = it takes two
Goo gal few ed = google feud
Baze ick lee eye meg ay = basically I’m gay
Ko min yout ti ew = coming out to you
Ender knit subvert grew oop = internet support group
Phylis turn yar a sheen yes = PHIL LESTER YOU’RE A GENIUS
With Audi intern yet wean ed brr wood halve mat = without the internet we never would have met
Gum ban yins drool I’ve = companions through life
Reed sons wide answer flail = reasons why dans a fail
Ewan dam ah some are reed = you and Dan are so married
Denver sis fill/ Denver cis full = Dan vs Phil
Or lawn huffing = all or nothing
Dunk rye core raft = don’t cry craft
Mortal jester roam and thick/ Morph adjust row antic = more than just romantic
So wall how debris poll light = swallow to be polite???
Oar hinge art = orange heart
Foray virgo em = forever home
Chai reel loop/ share real oob = cherry lube
Cad boyd anne = cat boy dan
Far turf ill lip = father philip
Tess lit hen ink = the slittening
Forth house indie rolled or touches = four thousand year old tortoises
Hey moth swish roundup floating = a month without uploading
Jam march let pet tea an farms = Je mange les petit enfants
Day lion howl tour = Dalien Howlter
Ima let all kit = I’m a little kit
Feel pearl lays shell ter = Phil plays shelter
Fewer blue key app ending = viewer spooky happenings
Hell low iam tour reel = hello I am Toriel
Laugh tuh gey mile kuh = left to get milk
Villas eek wreck why vuh = Phil’s secret wife
Footy strain gin said dent = ___ strange incident????
Snow core play sum = snokoplasm
Nope puts cereal sleeping mage innit = no but seriously imagine it
Tear rip pulling flu hence = terrible influence
Jeff why eye aisle hike vague liner = fyi I like vagina
Eggs intense all cry cis = existential crisis
List of contributors
@fletthewreck @dandp @deadandphilgames @manchesterau @thephouseplants @awrfhi @jonsaremembers @rachosaurusrex @dapgolf @dan-whoell @dnphobe @dreamingalto @steveandscraggy @phanbeats @danandfuckingjonlmao @pepper-pastry @yonpote @un-interactive-introvert @spaniel-trowel @sisterdanieldyke @queerdnp @morganadelacour @amid-fandoms @spectral-kitkat @goingpheral @angelzonearth @wdapteo @2009phan @dansevilpianotea
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0rczy · 6 months
For following Fandoms: Varian and the 7 kingdoms, Lego monkie kid, JRWI riptide
Hi there! I tought I would share some of my favourite fanfictions I've read since April last year, as sort of a recap and also recommendations. These are all longer stories btw, ranging from 78K to  236K words. Hope you find something that piques your interest :D
If you have any other recommendations, PLEASE share them, I'd love to read more from these fandoms.
-Varian's Tangled Trials by IFoundYouJustineTime and TheArtistsMuse A complete Vat7k story adapting the original creators' plot points into an amazing, 24 chapters (episodes) long fic that reads like an actual cartoon. If you're new to Vat7k or Tangled The Series, or even if you haven't seen the latter (like me), you WILL enjoy this. If you like a fun adventure with a bunch of nerds as a found family, this is for you.
-What Summer Meant to You -If I Really Hated you (and I really, really do) both by Battybatzgirl First one's a battle of the bands/modern AU, second is an AU where the boys are rival engineers, both focusing on the ship Varigo. The writing style is what made me stay and read these to the end. Incredibly funny and entertaining to read, the way Varian and Hugo are characterised is just. So good. If you like a well written, lighthearted, romantic comedy, this is for you. (Both include some skippable adult scenes, but the story is much more about the romance)
-Making End's Meet by Meltthepoint As the author's name suggest, this is a melting point (Donella x Ulla) story, set in a modern setting. Donella enrolls Hugo into this new school, who then befriends Varian. Ulla and Donella meet again. This is about how two women make up and start anew after their lives went into directions they didn't want. The story is much more character focused, a really fun read. Very insightful about the women's characters. An exception, as I still haven't finished reading it. Definitely not the type of fic I can binge read, but I'm really enjoying it.
At the end of everything by Squirrelflight A Night in the woods AU (haven't played the game, you don't have to, to read it), and unfinished as of yet, but man. Worth checking out! Unlike the stories above, this one's definitely darker and has a really tense aura. Love it. The writing is so good it makes me so thrilled about what will happen next! I also really like, once again, the characterisation.
-You can stay here by KALL A pre canon story about how Pigsy and Tang adopt MK, how MK gets to be in a safe environment and starts figuring himself out. Great writing style, entertaining plot, what more could I ask for? (maybe an update lol) As of yet, unfinished, and hasn't been updated since late 2022. The author actually posted ( https://www.tumblr.com/its-kall-the-clown/735524530668371968/are-you-going-to-be-updating-any-fics-on-your-ao3 ) about wanting to rewrite the story sometime. Which is great! In case you're reading this, take as long as you want!
-A garden across our collarbone by PittedPeaches Spicynoodle soulmate AU where what you write, or in MK's case, draw on your skin, appears on the soulmate's skin as well. Red Son's journey of (very slowly, this is a slowburn) falling in love with MK. A lot of inner monologues, the story plays out more like a retelling of what happened from Red Son's perspective. Kind of like a diary entry and I LOVE IT. I actually didn't understand the pairing before reading this, nor was I that invested in Red Son's character. This fic changed everything. (it also sends you good luck if you read it on the train! I acquired: friends!)
-BREAKING FREE! by earlgray_milktea A fish 'n chips Highschool Musical AU (another thing I haven't seen, you don't need to, to read this). The writing is so undoubtedly Disney, it is at times so over the top dramatic, you can't help but smile at half the interactions. The charm is big on this one. The characters are exagerated but somehow not (completely) out of character. Basically if Riptide was on Disney, this is exactly how they'd act. Also it's just really, really cute.
-Depths of Natarus by goldpines Chip Mermaid AU set in an Undersa/Oversea war, focusing on Fish n Chips as well as Jay Ferin (my girl!). Two reasons why you should read this right now. First: the descriptions are SO detailed and immersive! It made me also kinda have a crush on Gillion Tidestrider. How. Second: it made me care about Jay. And the way she's written here is just so so great. You can tell the author knows what they're doing, the feels just keep coming, I alost teared up multiple times. This story makes you feel a lot of emotions at once, an overall amazing reading experience.
And these were my favs since last April. Specifically the ones that made me go absolutely insane. In a good way. Again, if you have any good recommendations (preferably longer stories, but shorter ones are also fine), please feel free to share them.
Thank you for reading this, if you did :D
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I hate having to say this because I know the importance of what you and everyone else is doing here but sometimes I wonder if always talking about races and defending Louis/Jacob on this aspects isn't doing him a disservice?
Let me explain,sometimes myself included when I find a group of fans so annoying that I end up hating their favs and I know that they find us annoying because we bring what they are refusing to see.
For example yesterday an artist has draw louis 4-5 tones much darker than his real complexion (mind you they had Armand complexion lighter than he is ,so they can do it) rightly a group of fans came upon him demanding accountability, everyone quoting etc...
Then I read another ''artist'' say,that's why she never does fan arts with Louis and I'm wondering how many think that way and that's probably why he is the lead with the least fan arts (non ship fan arts)
*English is not my native language*
hi and thank u for asking this! if u need clarification on anything I answer here bcuz of a language barrier just lmk in my inbox again, it's no problem.
also let me say first that anyone can give feedback on this. I'm not any authority on anything and I'm an anon account. I talk about topics objectively. It's always helpful to have insight from others who feel comfortable sharing more identifying racial info on themselves and giving opinions on this stuff.
ok so to the actual question
"Then I read another ''artist'' say,that's why she never does fan arts with Louis and I'm wondering how many think that way and that's probably why he is the lead with the least fan arts (non ship fan arts)"
the short answer to all of this is that....it's all an excuse.
how many artists of color draw white ppl every day and yet we never hear about a "struggle" from that side? there is one just the same but if ppl were louder about it, nobody would take it seriously. whiteness is "the norm." ppl would laugh anyone out of the room asking how it could be "hard" to depict a white person??
well. it's literally the same for anyone else. there is no excuse to be unable to do something like this. if an artist is unfamiliar with something then they practice to get better at it. I've known plenty of white artists who can draw ppl across racial identities and don't get feedback like this bcuz they work on improving and *listen* when these conversations come up with other artists. saying u can't draw a black man bcuz the "woke mob" might come for u is doubling down on being racist. not only are u saying it's not worth even *trying* to do the art, ur also saying all criticism makes u the victim and that's the most important part of all. "these conversations don't matter bcuz they make me feel bad and that's wrong :(" that's a typical white response to literally *anything* regarding race. that's a lot of why we're still here talking about this in every space. it's not only specific to white ppl either but usually that's the largest group saying stuff like this. white ppl don't have to think about race, so these convos easily get killed in even the most progressive spaces. a lot of times it makes white ppl feel racist to notice race at all and there's usually gonna be some person of color around to back up that "logic" and say it's "right." that's all it takes to shut it all down. that's a lot of what this fandom keeps doing too.
the only way to make progress is to normalize things more. ppl don't know how to draw different facial features, hair textures, skin tones? start practicing. look at art from black artists who draw black ppl and study how that looks. examine ur own antiblackness. learn about colorism. study the racist history of depicting black ppl in art so u don't accidentally recreate that unconsciously. know what the antiblack stereotypes are. the show literally gave us both in 2x7, ppl can even just go study *that.* a lot of ppl don't even know that is there, as blatant as it is.
this is why I said thank u for asking this bcuz it's an important thing to talk about. white fandom (a mindset, not a skin color) will use stuff like this to perpetuate the idea that talking about race *does* cause harm. it doesn't. it never will. it's the only way to make any progress. centering the feelings of an artist who doesn't want to bother drawing louis bcuz drawing black ppl is too hard / anxiety inducing is just straight up racism. idk specifically who this artist is or anything but this is stuff u see and then u stop supporting that artist. u don't coddle them about this either. it's a stupid, harmful thing to say. find artists who don't make those excuses and who can handle having these conversations, support them instead.
ppl should also always be looking for black artists in this fandom to support in the first place. none of the popular artists here are black and that's done intentionally by the fandom. everyone should feel bad about that tbh.
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thethirdromana · 1 year
Suggestions for Tumblr's next book club
With Dracula Daily on the horizon again, I've been pondering what other out-of-copyright novels we might like to consider reading very slowly. Here are my ideas! And if any of them already exist, lmk.
North and South
Author: Elizabeth Gaskell Year of publication: 1854-55 Length: 185,000 words, 52 chapters. So we could have a chapter weekly for a full year. Summary: Margaret Hale is forced to leave the rural south of England and settle in the rough, industrial north. There she clashes with mill-owner John Thornton over his treatment of his workers... Why Tumblr would like it: Enemies to Lovers! Class struggle! Fascinating historical context! Honestly, it's a great read.
Author: Fanny Burney Year of publication: 1778 Length: 157,000 words in 84 letters. That's right, it's epistolary, and the letters are almost all sent March to October of the same year, so we could read this one in true Dracula Daily fashion. Summary: Evelina is the sheltered daughter of an aristocrat trying to make her way in the world of late 18th-century society. Why Tumblr would like it: Evelina is a likeable, relatable character. I think it'd be fun to get emails from her.
The Well of Loneliness
Author: Radclyffe Hall Year of publication: 1928 Length: 158,000 words in 56 chapters. Summary: The story of Stephen Gordon, a girl who realises at an early age that she's a lesbian, and her attempts to find love in the early 20th century. Why Tumblr would like it: It's one of the most iconic lesbian novels of the 20th century!
The War of the Worlds
Author: HG Wells Year of publication: 1897 Length: 63,000 words in 27 chapters. Summary: Alien invaders land from Mars and fuck up the south of England. Why Tumblr would like it: Alien invaders land from Mars and fuck up the south of England, come on, what's not to like?
The Moonstone
Author: Wilkie Collins Year of publication: 1868 Length: 200,000 words (so a bit of a marathon) in 51 chapters. Summary: A young English woman inherits a large Indian diamond of dubious provenance on her 18th birthday. Then it gets stolen! Why Tumblr would like it: One of the first detective novels, and supposed to be one of the best, it's a page turner with lots of suspense, twists and cliffhanger endings.
The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Author: Agatha Christie Year of publication: 1920 Length: 60,000 words in 13 chapters. Summary: The first murder mystery starring Hercule Poirot. Why Tumblr would like it: Look, you liked Glass Onion, right? And if you like this, Agatha Christie's novels are emerging from copyright at the rate of about two per year.
Les Misérables
Author: Victor Hugo Year of publication: 1862 Length: 570,000 words in the English translation (ouch) in 365 chapters. Summary: A vast, sweeping story of poverty, justice and revolution in early 19th century France. Why Tumblr would like it: Well, if you thought Moby Dick didn't have enough digressions...
The Canterbury Tales
Author: Geoffrey Chaucer Year of publication: 1387-1400 Length: 24 stories averaging 700 lines each. Summary: Some pilgrims are heading to Canterbury. They tell one another stories to pass the time. These are their stories. Why Tumblr would like it: I mean, there's a reason we still read these 600 years later. They're a fascinating insight into medieval life, but they're also - for the most part - just good fun.
If you love any of these suggestions and would really like to see it take off, reblog to help make it happen.
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000-pawz · 4 months
I love the Bonedo series sm :(( I'm not really a spiritual person myself but how do you read charts? It looks really fun to analyze! Glad to have a writer like you in the Onedoor fandom <3
hi hi hi! first and foremost, thank you so much for reading!!! ^___^
i only started (seriously) getting into astrology about a year and a half ago after i got the book "introduction to traditional natal astrology" as a gift from my sister, which i recommend as a good starting point for anyone willing to put in the time! (i also get a bunch of extra knowledge and interpretations from her since she's been learning about astrology for wayyy longer than me). i still consider myself to be a baby when it comes to astrology and i'm still learning!
learning to read birth charts is very tedious and i wouldn't say there's one specific way to go about it, but it definitely take a lot of time and commitment, as any path of knowledge does!!! it takes a lot of practice, research research research, applying the research, more practice, and more reasearch <\3 for websites to start from, here is an easily comprehensible one!!! some tips i have are to take written notes for definitions, study individual placements and how they effect each other, and to always look for second opinions/povs :3
i recommend starting off with your own chart and practicing with that! the only site i geuinely recommend is astro-seek, and they also give you a lot of insight on your specific placements and aspects! from there, research research research!!! look up how your placements come to play, are balanced out, areas of weakness and strength, and just get familiar with it.
i hope you have fun if you do decide to get into astrology! it can be really insightful :3 lmk if you have any other questions and i'll try my best to answer them!!! <3 have a great day!
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jflemings · 5 months
my plans for may:
blurb night is happening next week so send anything that’s bouncing around ur lil noggin in. in the mean time, here’s some things about blurb night that you need to know:
when requesting a blrub, don’t just give me the player’s name! give me a prompt or an idea you have so i can expand upon smth
if blurbs are similar, i’ll only respond to one and delete the rest so i’m not repeating myself
don’t be disheartened if i don’t answer yours! sometimes things just don’t spark inspiration or i keep them for future fic reference
the players i mostly write for outside of jessie are the matildas and arsenal! they’re the teams that i follow, which means i have more insight into the players and their personalities
i’m going away for the weekend and i’m not sure how good the internet will be so there’s a chance that for the next three days i’ll be radio silent
my birthday is in two weeks and i’ve decided to hold a birthday bash of sorts. this means that i’ll be posting fics, blurbs and headcanons consistently all week. if you have a fic that you’d like me to consider, lmk!
jessie wip week is coming at the end of the month (i think) so lmk what wips you want done! viral is already on the list as it has been the most requested.
if you’ve got any questions about anything i’ve listed please ask!
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woman-of-balnain · 2 years
You Don't Form in the Wet Sand (I Do) - Part 2/2 (Alpha Rick x Omega Reader)
Prev. Part | Masterlist | AO3 Ver.
Pairing: Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader
Request: You and Rick share your first heat/rut together.
Ok so if anyone reading this hasn’t read my other story ‘the Claim’ (specifically referring to chapter 5) then I don’t do knots in an alpha’s rut. I mean you can always request that, but I have my own version which was requested here (and which I use in my original ideas). Basically Rick stays hard and cums multiple times before he’s sated. At least for a while before he’s ready to go for another round lol. - Because heats and ruts are basically designed for the sole purpose of reproducing, my hc is that the bodies of omegas are biologically equipped to handle it. Still, since this is the reader’s first time with an alpha, she is a bit overstimulated and Rick eventually gives her a bit of a break in the middle. -
Just a reminder that Rick is behind the reader at the start of this chapter (his chest pressed up against her back) -
Let’s just hc that the gun holster is detachable from Rick’s belt… (safety is important lol) -
There’s too many clothes in the beginning of this chapter, hopefully it doesn’t stall things too much. -
I also added a little bit of insight into Rick’s thoughts during the smut. If it’s weird lmk and I won’t include it again in future smut. -
Warnings: Smut, a/b/o dynamic (some non-traditional), established relationship, dominant Rick, possessive Rick, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking (both with hands and belt), multiple male and female orgasms, independent omega Reader, female Reader.
Word Count: 6,387
Divider by: @cafekitsune
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You let out a startled moan as Rick pushed you up against the nearest wall. Your hands automatically lifted up to press against it as his own moved down to your lower stomach. His lips continued to tease your mating gland while his fingers worked to unbutton your jeans and before long, he was tugging them - and your panties - down your legs. Then he was pulling off your boots, letting your jeans be completely tugged off too. Rick was still behind you, as you faced the wall. But you started to turn when he remained stepped back and away from your body.
“Don’t move, ‘mega,” he ordered, stopping you.
“But –”
You were cut off as Rick’s hand slapped down on your ass and your words morphed into another moan. The sound of him unbuckling his belt could be heard and then the tell-tale noise of him unzipping his own jeans followed. You had become hot all over in record time and you knew that his rut had triggered your own heat. The fact that slick was rapidly pooling between your thighs just confirmed it. Then Rick was pressed up behind you again, his bare thighs against yours as one of his hands pushed down on your back.
“You’re gonna listen for once,” his tone was dark and heated. “Bend over for me, omega.”
“And if I don’t?” You challenged again, as a deep and previously undiscovered part of you was secretly loving this new side of him.
You moaned shamelessly, even louder now, as he spanked down on your ass again. Only this time, he used his belt and the sting on your skin was more prominent. Your heat made everything feel different though, so the contact felt good more than it did painful.
“That’s it,” Rick used his fingers to gently soothe away any last remnants of the slight ache. “That’s the only thing I wanna hear from you, baby. How much you love being good for me. You know what’ll happen if you keep talkin’ back, right?”
His accent, that southern twang you loved so much, only seemed to become more noticeable as his desire grew – as well as his impatience. Part of you wanted to bite back some more, but the need for him to just fuck you was greater, so you nodded eagerly.
“Good girl,” he praised you, voice husky and addled with lust. “Now bend over for me, sweetheart, and spread your legs.”
You let out a sound that was between a whimper and a sigh of need as you shifted, doing as he’d commanded you to. Your hands were pressed hard against the wall, since it was the only thing you could use for support. As you bent over, legs spread wide and presenting yourself to him, you felt your slick trickle down your thighs as your body yearned for him needily.  
“Fuck, baby,” Rick moaned, his fingers falling between your thighs and spreading your folds. “Your pussy’s so wet. You’re ready for me, huh?”
“Mmm,” you moaned.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised you.
He seemed to take your moan as all the confirmation he needed, because then he was thrusting into you, deep and hard. He let out his own sound of deep gratification as he pushed himself in to the hilt.
“You’re so tight, ‘mega,” Rick grit out, taking a moment to just enjoy the way you were wrapped snugly around him. “Baby, you’ve been wasted on betas. I can tell I’m your first alpha.”
You had told him as much; he was just getting cocky about the fact that you’d never taken anything so big before.
“And I’m gonna be the last,” he continued, promising that after this you’d never want anyone but him. “Ain’t I?”
You didn’t answer, too wrapped up in the way he filled you so perfectly. All you wanted was for him to start moving again and stimulate you further. But he kept himself torturously still, teasing you until your mind was frazzled with an aching sense of need.
“Answer me, omega,” Rick grit out, his voice more demanding now.
“Maybe…” you replied, intending to tease him just as much as he was you.
But then you felt the force of his belt on your ass again and all that left you was another sound of blatant desire.
“You’re mine,” Rick reminded you. “And I’m the only alpha you’re ever gonna need or want.”
He spanked you once more, as if to prove his point because it was like he just knew how you’d respond. Your back arched and your pussy spasmed in reaction, showing that he was right, even if you didn’t verbally confirm it. Your body was already desperate for him and only him. But Rick still wasn’t satisfied, and he began to pull out of you.
“I’m yours,” you told him hurriedly, feeling like the worst thing imaginable in that moment would be if he refused to fuck you.
“You’re only mine, omega,” Rick reminded you.  
“Yes,” you breathed out in agreement and then he slammed back into you. “Oh god…”
You felt his long and thick cock stretching you out and suddenly all you could do was moan helplessly and wantonly, as he began to set a ruthless pace moving in and out of you. His hands were holding onto your hips tightly and if it wasn’t for that, you likely wouldn’t still be standing. He made your mind dizzy with lust and your entire body responded to him.
Rick’s scent was wrapped around you, and you realized that the slight difference you’d picked up on before signified his rising desire and the fiery escalation of his rut. All you could think of or feel was him, and as the symptoms of your heat increased rapidly, the only thing you wanted was the sweet and blissful sense of release.
You could feel every inch of his cock as your walls wrapped tightly around him. The velvety skin that covered the steel hardness underneath, the veins which protruded and provided further stimulation, the precum spilling out and deep into you. It was as though you were hyperaware of every single aspect, as his hips smacked against yours and you felt him going in and out, in and out, over and over and over again.
That familiar sense of rising warmth and desire, low and deep in your belly began to form and you knew that you were getting closer to where you so desperately wanted to be. Apparently, Rick sensed it too. He pulled you back against his chest, changing the angle of his thrusts and you felt his cock press against the bundle of nerves inside you, driving you crazy.
When one of his hands moved to trail down towards your pussy, you clamped down around him, and he groaned out but didn’t stop his torturous descent. When his fingers spread your folds and his thumb came into contact with your clit, you let out a strangled sound of pleasure.
“Need you to cum for me, ‘mega,” Rick murmured, his tone betraying how close he was too. “Need to feel you cumming around my cock.”
You had never heard him sound so open and desperate; it turned you on completely, because he had never seemed sexier to you.
“Will you cum inside me?” You begged.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned. “You want that?”
You just nodded eagerly, and he continued to rub his thumb against your clit as his head tilted to tease your mating gland again. Your pussy spasmed around him, stimulating him even more and Rick let out a sound that was filled with unrestrained lust. Then his lips were sucking down hard, on the spot where you ached to feel his teeth sinking into you. If he hadn’t already left a mark before, he would now, and you relished in the possessiveness of the action.
You tightened even more around him, desperate to cross that threshold which was only just out of reach. The action caused Rick to bite you – still not in the way you wanted, but enough to drive you over the edge. The way his teeth teased your sensitive spot caused your entire body to feel like it was in a state of complete euphoria. As your orgasm washed over you and your pussy squeezed down, milking him with everything it was worth, you felt him push in even deeper before he let out the sexiest sound you’d ever heard.
Rick was completely caught up in how you were stimulating him and the iron tight grip your pussy had on his cock. He came hard, deep inside of you, his cum spurting against your cervix and filling you up with its warmth.
“Oh my god!” You moaned out, the sensation only prolonging your own orgasm.
It was like nothing you had ever felt before and when he began to thrust slowly into you again, you realized that he was still fully hard and not even close to being sated. He fucked his cum deeper into you, his cock still throbbing, and you remembered what you’d always heard about alphas and the stamina they had during their ruts. But that was nothing compared to experiencing the way he continued to tease your sensitive pussy, not even giving you time to recover from your first orgasm before he was ready to go again.
You already knew he was right. There was no going back after this. A beta would never be able to satisfy you again and the only alpha you would ever want was Rick.
“Feel how full you are of me, baby?” He groaned.
Your mind was a lust addled mess, but if there was anything you were aware of, it was how completely fullyou were, just as he had pointed out. It wasn’t only his cock stuffing and filling you now, but his cum too.
“Rick…” you breathed out. “I can’t – I need…”
He didn’t seem to mind how incoherent your words were. It was like he already knew what you wanted, and he moved back to gently pull out of you. The action caused further friction to your already sensitive walls, and you made a sound that conveyed your slight discomfort. But then his cock slid completely out, and Rick stepped away from you, leaving you to hold yourself up on wobbly legs.
Your hands were still pressed against the wall and that was the only thing keeping you upright. You turned around slowly, letting your back be supported by it instead and you looked at him through half-opened eyes, already feeling spent. But Rick just smirked, his own gaze intense and fiery as he took in how it was obvious that you’d just been thoroughly fucked. He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt, eager to get rid of it as his rut continued to get worse and the material scratched at his skin.
“Baby, I ain’t even close to being done,” he told you like it was a promise. “You sure you can handle it?”
Your only response was to pull your own shirt up and over your head, before throwing it off to the side, followed by your bra. When you were both completely naked, Rick moved closer to you again, caging your body under his and trapping you against the wall. He lifted up one of your legs and wrapped it around him before pushing himself slowly back into you.
Your pussy still felt almost hypersensitive, but it also gave you a strange sense of completion to feel him deep inside you again. Your eyes fluttered shut and your head fell back to rest against the wall as he gradually picked up the pace again, still feeling mostly pleasure but also like it was all too much. Then you felt Rick move closer until his chest was touching yours and his lips pressed an affectionate kiss to your cheek.
“You’re okay, ‘mega,” he murmured. “I’ve got you, just let go.”
You turned your head until his lips met your own and Rick reacted instantly, molding his mouth to yours and kissing you deeply. His lips were always so soft and yet also passionate whenever he kissed you, and this time was no different, there was just the added addition of him thrusting into you at the same time. You tried to do as he said, allowing yourself to just open up and forget about your reservations, but with the way his movements were now a lot gentler, your fears came crawling back in.
Your inner omega wanted nothing more than to just be vulnerable and take comfort in how he was soothing the burning ache of your heat. While your mind was still stubborn and afraid to show any kind of sensitivity around him. Rick must have picked up on it, because he slowly pulled his lips from yours and your eyes fluttered back open, only to find him intently looking at you.
“Y/N,” he murmured. “What’re you so scared of?”
You looked away, down at his shoulder, but then Rick’s fingers were on your chin and coaxing you to meet his gaze again.
“I don’t want you to see me as weak,” you admitted softly.
“Baby, I know you’re not,” he assured you.
“I want to be your equal,” you continued.
“You are,” Rick promised, a small smile curving up on his lips. “But it’s okay to let go. I’m gonna take care of you, give you what you need.”
He gave another deep thrust into you and your eyes rolled back from the force of it and how it caused a wave of euphoria to roll over you. Then Rick was pressing kisses along your neck, and it was almost like they were a soothing balm, washing away the discomfort from what had happened earlier.
“You don’t have to be in control all the time,” he spoke against your skin. “Let me help you feel good, ‘mega.”
As his teeth nipped down playfully against your skin, your body seemed to make the decision for you. Your back arched again, pressing your chest right against Rick’s and your mind seemed to finally release all the doubts and reservations you had, allowing you to just feel.
You felt the way his cum and your slick mixed together, coating both his cock and your walls as he pushed it deeper and deeper into you with each smack of his hips against yours. You experienced the way his scent mixed together perfectly with yours, the fiery elements of his rut and your heat entwining within them. You reveled in the way his skin soothed the burning sensation of yours as it touched you and how his lips and tongue lavished your mating gland with attention.
Rick was calmer now, with his initial anger and frustration being vented out after he came for the first time. But something about his gentle and affectionate touch still brought you towards that peak of pleasure you craved and when he bit down a little harder on your scent gland, all reason started to leave your mind, becoming replaced only with a deep sense of want and need.
“You’re mine,” Rick murmured, fingers digging into the skin of your thigh as he continued holding it up and thrusting into you. “Mine, ‘mega.”
“Am I?”
You couldn’t help but question his declaration, as frustration overcame you. If you were his, then you wanted him to just bite down properly into your mating gland already. Your retort had the desired effect to a certain degree though, as he bit down harder and sucked around the skin in retaliation. But then he was pulling back and looking at you with so much heat in his gaze, that you became transfixed.
“You know you are, baby. Don’t deny it.”
Rick moved his free hand to the back of your head, letting his fingers tangle into your hair and tugging it back slightly. The last of your resolve faded and all you cared about now was making it undeniably true.
“Prove it,” you challenged him.
Rick hesitated for only a few seconds, before he saw that you were serious and then he was pulling your head back even further and tilting it to the side so that your neck was offered up to him. Your eyes fluttered shut again, right before he bent his head and sunk his teeth deep into your skin, causing a deep and guttural moan of satisfaction to escape you.
You had never felt anything so intense and primal as him possessively staking his claim on you. The sensuous feeling it elicited spread out from where he was leaving his mark on you and extended throughout your entire body. You squeezed down around him as he thrust into you again, feeling another orgasm wash over you from the intensity of it all. Rick’s hips stuttered against yours in reaction to the way your pussy spasmed around his cock, attempting to milk him dry again of everything he had to give you.
He groaned with rampant desire, the sound vibrating against the tender and sensitive skin on your neck that he had just bitten into. Rick held himself still for a moment, his cock pushed to the hilt inside you and his teeth buried into your mating gland. But then he was cumming once more, filling you up again and moaning out sounds which conveyed his immeasurable pleasure. He released his tight grip on your hair, running his hand down your back and pulling you as close as he could possibly manage.
You weren’t quiet either, your voice becoming hoarse from how you couldn’t stop moaning and you wondered briefly if the way your nails dug into his skin hurt him. But Rick didn’t make any protests, seeming like he was too absorbed in the way you were wrapped around each other, and how your scents seemed to collide and become one.
Eventually, his teeth loosened their grip on your flesh, and he lapped his tongue around the wound to soothe it further. Your body had become weaker though, from both the force of your orgasm and the new sensations running through you from being claimed by him – your alpha.
“Rick…” you breathed out. “It’s too much…”
He pulled away from your neck, leaning his head back to look at you and his gaze softened as he regarded how utterly ravished you were.
“It’s okay,” Rick calmed you.
He carefully pulled out of you again, before setting your leg back down gently. You felt the mix of your slick and his cum trailing down your thighs, but barely paid it any mind. After giving you a moment to recover, he led you over to the bed and let you lie down. Your mind was in a bit of a daze as he climbed on top of you, and you wondered if he was just as desperate to keep you close as you were feeling about him.
Rick’s fingertips moved to trace soft patterns around your claiming bite, his gaze transfixed on the spot like he couldn’t believe he had actually done it. But you were more focused on the way your body grew uncomfortably hot again, still unbelievably desperate for more. Now that you were lying down and no longer working to hold yourself up, your inner omega demanded for you to continue.
Your legs were spread, and Rick was settled between them, so when your hips thrust up and your dripping wet pussy brushed against him, he turned his gaze back to yours with clear amusement.
“Omega…” he murmured, tenderly brushing his fingers along your cheek. “You sure you’re ready for more?”
“Yes,” you breathed out. “I mean… no… I don’t know, but I need something.”
“Okay, darlin’. Just relax.”
Rick seemed to understand what you couldn’t put into words, and he pressed himself closer to you, lowering his head to kiss along your neck again. His lips didn’t linger there for long though, and he kissed a path down to your collarbone as his hands moved up your sides. Then, simultaneously, one of his hands squeezed your breast as his lips enclosed over your nipple on the other.
His lips were gentle at first, lightly sucking on the sensitive peak as it hardened from his attentive touch. His fingers teased the other, gently pulling, tugging and then caressing so softly that it felt like sweet torture. You squirmed underneath him, conflicted between so desperately wanting more and yet also feeling like you wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Rick sucked down harder on your nipple, letting his tongue flick out and stimulate the tip of the delicate and hardened nub. Your back arched yet again and you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling so hypersensitive everywhere and all at once. Then, Rick let his free hand move down your stomach, until it fell to that eager place right between your thighs, running tantalizingly over your clit.
You didn’t think you could take more of his cock for the moment, but your clit was aching for more attention and from the enthusiastic sound you let out as he made contact, Rick seemed to realize exactly what you needed. You felt his lips curve up into a smile against your breast, as he continued to spoil them both with attention. His teeth playfully, but ever so gently nipped at your nipple and you squirmed beneath him again.
So, then Rick lifted his body slightly, so that he could continue rubbing his fingers over your clit, back and forth. The movements were languid at first, gradually working to increase your desire. His long fingers just kept gliding over you and stimulating your sensitive nub repeatedly. But then he picked up his rhythm, little by little until your hips were bucking wildly and the sound of his skin moving against your wetness reverberated all around you.
He was relentless, moving his mouth to your other nipple, bringing it between his teeth and then licking at it fervently. The mix of the pinch from his teeth and the sweet licks of his tongue drove you wild. And as his hand rubbed against your clit enthusiastically, you felt another orgasm approaching. You were moaning constantly, your wanton cries echoing through the building, but you didn’t care. All you wanted – needed – was to cum again.
Rick must have sensed it, because he pulled his hand away briefly, before bringing your clit between his thumb and forefinger, pinching down slightly on the sensitive nub.
“Fuck!” You practically screamed out.
A sense of ecstatic release finally washed over you and you swore that you could see stars. Your entire body seemed to spasm and tense as it crashed over you like a tidal wave. Your legs shook and your fingers found their way to his thick hair, gripping onto him desperately. Rick never let up, continuing to tease your nipples and gently running his thumb over your clit.
You didn’t even get a chance to fully recover, as he then began kissing further down your body, and continued to stimulate your sensitive skin. As his lips descended further and fell to your lower stomach, your hips seemed to buck up of their own accord and Rick let out a light, amused laugh. You opened your eyes again when you felt his mouth leave you and saw him looking up at you affectionately.
“You’re so impatient, baby,” he teased you.
“It’s your fault,” you practically whined out in response.
You were so caught up in the unrelenting sense of lust and desire your body was subjecting you to, that you didn’t care anymore if you were being vulnerable. You trusted Rick and you knew that he wouldn’t treat you any differently because of it.
More than anything, the bond you now had with him after he’d claimed you, made you certain of that fact because you could feel the way he was so unrestrained and open in how he felt about you. But that new bond also told you that your words had unintentionally made him cocky again, and the smirk that crept up on his lips only confirmed it.
“Tell me what you want, ‘mega,” he requested.
“You know what I want,” you moaned out with desperate need.
“No, baby,” Rick denied. “I need you to tell me.”
You threw your head back in frustration, but you could tell that he wouldn’t give up until you gave him what he wanted.
“I… I want…”
“Go on,” he coaxed you, fingers now gently caressing your inner thighs.
“I need your lips, your tongue…”
You trailed off, feeling embarrassed, but Rick didn’t mind. He loved the way you had come undone and seeing this new side of you.
“Where?” He spurred you on. “On my pussy…” you finished telling him, raising a hand to cover your face self-consciously.
He didn’t torture you any further because you felt his tongue give a light lick to your clit and then your hand lowered down to cover your mouth, curling into a fist and slightly stifling your desperate moan. Rick acted like he was testing out what your reactions would be, now giving another, firmer lick from the bottom and then directly over the sensitive nub until he reached the top.
“Rick…” you were definitely whining now. “Oh god, I can’t…”
He buried his head between your thighs then, his lips sucking down while his tongue gave fervent and relentless licks to your clit. Your fingers found their way into his hair again, holding him there, like he actually would have tried to pull away. But Rick was too lost in the sweet taste of you and the swell of pride he felt within him over the fact that he was making you react like this.
Rick didn’t have any plans to stop until you were cumming again. Within the fog of his rut and the way his cock throbbed and pulsed, aching to be inside of you again, he never wanted to stop. In that moment, he felt like he could have fucked you endlessly, brought you over the edge over and over without ever getting tired.
His fingers moved up your thigh, gently testing how sensitive you were as he carefully pushed two inside of you. Your only response was another moan, and he felt the way you clamped down around him, giving him the answer he needed. Rick began to thrust them into you at a steady pace, curling his fingers up occasionally to stimulate the bundle of nerves within.
You bit down slightly on your curled fist, as your hips moved wildly, thrusting upwards in desperation because your body still wanted more. Rick’s free hand moved to steady them, and he continued his torturous licking, sucking and the thrusting of his fingers. You were getting closer and closer to the edge again and he knew it, so Rick refused to let up. When his fingers curled inside you again and he rubbed them sensually against that spot, your legs spasmed once more, and so did your pussy.
“Fuck!” You cried out, like you couldn’t comprehend much else than that word. “Rick!”
And his name of course…
He gave a playful but gentle tug to your clit before he pulled his head back. You were breathing heavily as the euphoric feeling of release continued to rush through you and then you looked down at him. His lips – especially that bottom, more prominent one – were slightly moist with your slick and you felt yourself already aching for him again.
“I love the way you moan out my name baby,” he grinned, tongue darting out to lick his lower lip.
Your eyes were transfixed to the movement, and he just got even more smug.
“That good, huh?” Rick asked, the grin forming into a satisfied smirk.
“Shut it, cowboy,” you quipped, and he just huffed out an amused laugh.
“Move over a little,” he requested then.
He wanted to lay down beside you, and you shifted over so that he could. But you also saw that he was still hard and while his stamina left you both shocked and amazed, you’d known what you were getting yourself into. Besides, your own body was still desperate for more, so you sat up.
“Where’re you goin’?” He asked, reaching out to take hold of your arm.
You turned your head to look at him with a devious smile.
“Just relax,” you repeated his earlier words to you.
Rick frowned in confusion but relinquished his hold on you. Lifting yourself up to rest on your knees, you turned and swung one of your legs over him until you were straddling his thighs. You looked down at Rick – your alpha – and loved the way his hands seemed to automatically come to rest on your thighs.
“Baby, I know you’re tired,” he acknowledged. “You don’t have t– oh, fuck…”
You cut him off by rubbing your pussy along his still hardened length, teasing you both. His eyes drifted shut and his fingers dug into you, telling you how much he wanted it, despite his attempt to give you more of a break.
“Alpha,” you murmured.
Rick’s eyes snapped open, because it was the first time you’d ever called him that and he loved the way it sounded coming from your lips.
“I need it too,” you continued, reassuring him.
That was all the confirmation he needed, and Rick was quick to move his hold to your hips, lifting you high enough so that he could thrust right into you. You both let out eager moans and when his hips settled back onto the bed, you placed your hands lightly on his lower stomach to support yourself.
You could feel his muscles flexing under your hands and the way his cock throbbed inside your pussy. He was so god damned sexy, stretched out beneath you, with his body on full display. You loved how toned he was, the rise and fall of his chest as his breathing quickened with lust, the strength of his arms as they held onto you tightly.
Then there was the light but coarse hair covering his chest and below his stomach, trailing down to the place where your bodies met. The curls on his head stuck to his brow, meeting with his sweat slicked skin and his lips were slightly red and swollen from both kissing you and teasing the most sensitive parts of your body. Everything about him drove you crazy, but in the best possible way.
You began to grind your hips, slowly at first, as you enjoyed being the one in control. He let you fuck yourself onto him, only slightly guiding you where his hands still held your hips. You gradually picked up the pace, now letting your pussy slide up and down his cock as your hips continued to move in circular motions. But as your movements became more rapid and desperate, you felt the need to be closer to him again.
So, you leaned forward letting your hands come to rest beside him on the bed and the new angle caused more friction inside you. Your head bent down to kiss him and Rick was just as eager, meeting your lips enthusiastically with his own. They were still slightly swollen, so it felt different, but no less good. And when his tongue met your own, sensually pressing against it, the motion reminded you of what he had just been doing to your clit and your pussy clamped down on him at the memory.
Rick moaned into your mouth, one of his hands sliding up your back to pull you even closer. Now he was the one in control again, raising his hips to thrust into you wildly and you were forced to pull your lips from his as a cry of desperation left them.
“Oh god,” you moaned.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as all you could feel was the way he was stretching and teasing and pleasuring you again. He fit inside you so perfectly, like his cock was meant for your pussy. The only thing you could hear was the slapping sound of your skin smacking together. The only thing you could smell was his scent, perfectly entwined with yours. The only thing you could feel was Rick – all of him.
Your head fell against his shoulder as he continued his ruthless but no less perfect pace. Then, you tilted it until your face was pressed against his neck and your lips were right against his scent gland. You kissed against it tentatively at first, before becoming more passionate, licking and sucking as well.
“You’re driving me crazy, ‘mega,” Rick breathed out, never letting up with his quick and enthusiastic thrusts.
“Please, Rick,” you moaned against his neck. “Please let me…”
You didn’t have to elaborate. He knew what you were asking.
“Look at me, omega,” he gently asked of you.
You reluctantly pulled your head back to meet his gaze and found it filled with unrestrained desire, but also affection.
“You sure?” Rick asked.
“Yes,” you replied without hesitation. “Can I?”
“’Course you can, baby,” he assured you. “I’m yours too.”
The affirmation only made you want him more, so you didn’t waste time and brought your head back down, briefly scenting him one last time before you sunk your teeth into his skin. Rick groaned from the intensity of it, likely feeling what you had when he’d done the same to you. A feeling of warmth and completion overcame you and your teeth continued to press into him possessively.
Rick pushed into you again, holding himself deep inside you as he let out those sounds of complete and utter pleasure, which you were quickly realizing meant he was about to cum. His cock twitched and pulsed inside you, bringing you closer to the edge as well. When he came again, that familiar and delicious warmth filling you up once more, you finally felt the fire within you burst and your walls contracted around him.
You relaxed your jaw and pressed kisses to the new claiming mark you had left on him as you both reveled in the ecstasy of another shared orgasm. Rick finally seemed to be getting to the point where he would be sated, but you weren’t done yet. You lifted yourself back up, his cock still spurting the last of his cum inside you, and you leaned back. Then, you began to thrust above him again, teasing his cock even more.
“Baby…” Rick groaned. “I can’t stop…”
You just smiled, glad that he was just as desperate for more as you were. You continued your movements, slowly getting faster and slamming down on him harder. It felt so good; you’d barely felt that incessant inferno that was always present during your heats. The constant stimulation and multiple orgasms were keeping your body satisfied. You almost felt like the rest of the world faded away, and the only thing left was your body and his and the way they joined so perfectly together.
You were bouncing up and down on his cock now, still unsated, still needing to cum just one more time. Rick was reaching the end of his limits for now, so it didn’t take long before you felt him cumming again. But you still needed more, like you had become addicted to the feeling – addicted to him. So, you didn’t stop and just leaned back further, resting your hands on his thighs.
The new position caused his still throbbing cock to hit that bundle of nerves inside of you and you cried out in ecstasy, feeling your own release washing over you again. You became mindless amongst it all, like your body was reacting out of a sense of pure, primal instinct. Because you just kept fucking yourself onto him and thankfully, Rick didn’t seem to mind.
“Y/N…” he groaned out. “Fuck baby, I can’t–”
“Please don’t make me stop,” you begged, desperate for just a little more.
“No ‘mega,” he managed to say, encouraging you to keep going.
He held on tightly to your hips, grinding you down against him and you both let out a simultaneous moan. His cum was leaking out of your pussy again, covering his cock as you were completely stuffed full. You continued to grind down against him, your walls squeezing around him and coaxing him towards another orgasm.
It didn’t take long, but it was less intense this time as your pussy drained Rick greedily of the last of his cum. You threw your head back, enjoying the mixed sensation of the warm liquid and the way his cock pulsed deep inside you. It felt like your mind was separate from your body, just briefly, as your own orgasm washed over you, just as intensely as the last few times.
Your body seemed almost stiff as it contracted with unmatched pleasure. Your breaths came out in heavy pants and your entire body was covered in droplets of sweat. You kept your eyes squeezed shut as your legs quivered and your pussy continued to spasm, while your hips just kept grinding against him, albeit less frantically. Slowly, the sensation died down though and you felt blissfully complete, in a strange way.
It took a while for both your mind and body to completely settle, but when you came back to yourself, you realized that he had finally begun to soften inside of you. Lifting your hips up, you let him slip out of you and then carefully moved to lay beside him. Rick turned onto his side, looking thoroughly spent and satisfied. Yet, when his gaze met yours, it became filled with adoration, and you smiled tiredly at him.
“Get some rest, ‘mega,” he told you gently, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him.
You just nodded and let your head rest against his chest as you let out a content sigh. The insatiable lust and desire you had felt just moments ago began to melt away and your eyes drooped sleepily. Rest sounded good and being wrapped up in Rick’s arms felt even better. So, you let yourself begin to drift off, now finally feeling utterly sated.
A/N: Sorry that the end is kinda abrupt lol but these rut/heat smut chapters take A LOT out of me lmao and I’ll be doing it again for my next Rick request haha but that one is very different (involving a sheltered virgin omega reader) so hopefully it will feel new and different too. Anyway, I hope this wasn’t repetitive or too much like the Claim.
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rainbowninja00 · 11 days
title pending!
so there's this idea that's been bonking around my mind for... years? I'm not sure how many but it's been a while. so, it started with the idea of characters based on the 7 deadly sins (original I know) and grew into a whole false tv show in my brain. first off, LONG POST WARNING!!!!!!! just letting yall know. second, there is some inspiration from Ready Player One here, if you haven't seen it, dw you dont need the context of the story, just the idea of a VR kinda thing for the internet, EXCEPT your body ceases to exist outside of it when you arent in the internet (tm) so no bullshit someone's gonna get you while you're in there! I can and will go into the intricusies of how the internet (tm) works but there are other things I wanna expand on. mainly, our main characters!!! there are 8 main characters: one for every sin and the protagonist. (some images included to show off the general vibe/colour palette of the characters all from pinterest) starting with our main character, she doesn't really have a name cause i cant think of a good one, but she's 14-16, new to high school and experiencing the internet (tm) for the first time, she's been online, but never in the actual world before. I like to think she wears mainly black and white with hints of red or other colours in the beginning and gains more colours as time goes on and she learns more about herself and the world around her. she is heavily inspired by moon girl from marvel's moon girl and devil dinosaur
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next, Pride! she is the general leader of the group since she's the most commanding and takes no shit. she tries to keep the kid safe and out of trouble, she has her own in securities and such that I can go over in a stand alone post about the specific characters. she is kinda inspired by garnet from steven universe but only in a design way.
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then we have the most developed and a literal self insert: lust! he's the resident "heart throb" of the group and is probably the silliest of the group, also the one the protag meets first. he is the insighting incident in many a misadventure cause its easy to use him for that. I will go into this more later, but he's lust cause he lusts for a relationship, he's a sad boy (like me) inspiration is angel dust from hazbin but only in personality.
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envy and greed are twins, identical within the internet (tm) and fraternal outside of it cause oh yeah, the 7 are all real people too. they work together very well and put on a show of wanting what the other has to outside observers. the only inspo I can think of is the general aesthetic of grossology and mammon from helluva from a design stand point.
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(pretend there's an image of a big ol oversized hoodie here, almost all those photos have people in them and I dont feel comfortable with that) wrath was one of the hardest for me to pinpoint initially, his thing isn't being angry, he makes others angry by being goofy and messing with them. Like kel from omori, also his design SOMEHOW ended up being cowboy esque in my head??? so like clover from undertale yellow.
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sloth is actually my favourite, she loves hyperpop, all things pink and pastel, loves performing songs with lust, but she's sloth because she doesn't do anything unless it interests her, no chores, no responsibilities, she leaves the internet(tm) the least out of them all. I saw an artist on twitter once and was like YEAH THATS THE VIBE but I forgot who they are TwT. she is also based on moon girl design wise. BEE AND PUPPYCAT AESTHETIC MY GOAT!!!
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(idk if this is fan art, if it is and someone knows who made it lmk)
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last and sadly least is gluttony, I don't really have them super developed, and if anyone has any ideas for them I would love to hear it!
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If anyone wants to see or hear more I will happily yap about it for hours, PLEASE I AM BEGGING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES FOR PEOPLE TO REBLOG THIS I just wanna know if anyone would be interested on hearing more so I know if I should bother typing up more posts on these guys! (also id appriciate help w/ the title)
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I know I’ve been away and it’s because Saturn return babes. I’ve really been considering making a tarot or oracle deck, putting my spirituality out there in a more forward way. But I’ve been really scared about it, fear of being seen and what not. If you want, I can share a video I saw recently about that that I really liked. I feel like people I’ve met here have been so wonderful. What do you guys think?
Like should I compile this blog into a book and add stuff? I really want to figure out how to explain some of my more in depth ideas around looping and the inversion we exist in.
Should I make a TikTok? I could do readings online like some people and use my own deck which would be dope.
My deck idea, I kinda want to do a deck based on the journey of the wounded healer and use some of my life insights and maybe poetry to get the message across. An oracle deck is more free form and a tarot deck is more formal, I don’t have to follow RW so I could do it however I want. I’d love to work with an artist on this deck so if any of you are artists and want to work with me, lmk :)
You guys are my first group I’ve found and connected to in this way as like someone sharing my authentic self from a place of confidence and being someone people look to for guidance and it was so healing for me. I’m not sure this blog is the best space for my spirituality any more but let’s talk about it.
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Been wanting to do this for a bit. A list of the best episodes to watch if you're a huge Summer fan. I'm recommending these for the moments and character insights, here are the top 6
The Rickshank Rickdemption
This is a no-brainer. This is basically her episode and her season.
I'm cheating a bit because I reccomend watching Wedding Squanchers into this episode, then Rickmancing the Stone just to see how her personality changes. Just pay close attention. Overall great episode and she is the star alongside Rick - arguably even more so because she saves him
This is an episode to watch if you're curious to see Summer's character changing and seeing her be a total badass
GoTron Jerrysis Rickvangelion
I know this one is hard to sit through for so many people but I'm always focused on Sum-Sum 😋
You get to see why she tends to enable Rick's habits alongside how lonely she feels despite everything. It also managed to make Naruto seem like a...somewhat decent addition. I don't support it but they used it a bit well with Summer
Rixty Minutes
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. What an episode. Nothing hits as hard as when Summer realizes she was not only going to be aborted, conceived when her parents were high schoolers, but that she's likely holding them back. It's also interesting to see that Morty's famous speech also cements their relationship as siblings because even if Morty isn't from this universe, he has so much love for any version of his sister. This also comforts Summer and makes her feel loved and seen
Obviously a classic but for Summer this is a sad but emotional episode
Something Ricked This Way Comes
Unforgettable classic. Seeing how Summer looks up to others, her relationship with Rick, and the final sequence of her getting 'roided is the cherry on top. For an early season episode it was and still is interesting to see Summer gravitate towards someone who she doesn't intend to have as a partner or friend, wish more episodes had that conflict
It's so weird as an episode. Imagine an episode that has Summer being awesome and everyone else talks about how awesome she is. It's hard to explain, but it's so sweet to see her get love from those around her. Getting multiple perspectives from basically everyone about how they view Summer makes this an interesting episode to watch!
Night Family
No words. No explanation needed. Summer is the absolute goat.
Any episodes you guys recommend that are as great as these? LMK! I always go with this batch!
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piplupod · 7 months
okay hang on i am dissecting this in my head still and also a little bit with a friend on discord lol. but I think where i'm getting tripped up is that I'm not understanding the harm in any of this. who is it hurting exactly?
if it's hurting lesbians by muddying the definition of lesbian, WHY is that hurting lesbians?
(im going to put this under a cut because idk if anyone actually cares about all of this LMAO but i'm just trying to figure it out and if someone wants to chime in then they can read this and get back to me fdsjkl)
,,, okay we have to take a step back here to look at the big picture, stay with me fdsjkl. so. the queer community, as a whole, to my understanding (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong), exists so that anyone who is not strictly cishet+perisex+allosexual/alloromantic can have a community where they are safe and accepted and loved for who they are, even when the wider world does not accept us. we are all fags and freaks to the queerphobes who want to see us dead, etc etc.
so... why is there an issue with a label being muddied a bit? why is this hurting people? are we really that different that we need to keep our individual labels pristine like that? <- genuine questions (also this only applies to the queer community, do not try to draw comparisons to other communities because I am not talking about those and I do not think comparisons work here, but I suppose if you have something then let 'er rip and I'll let you know if I think its comparative at all)
the people identifying as mspec lesbians or lesboys or whatever else are obviously not cishet - I feel like if they were they'd just... not be labelling themselves this way - so why is it such an issue that they find community here? why are we trying to tell them they are wrong to make the labels fit their individual internal experience (that nobody other than themselves can fully see and understand)?
also i'm only speaking on this one label right now, I don't know what to think about other labels because those have other considerations to take into account (but maybe i'm missing some for this topic, lmk if i am lol)
again! all these questions i am asking are genuine questions, i'm not just putting question marks at the end to try to sound all hoity toity or anything LMAO I am genuinely puzzling this out right now and will gladly hear people out if they have insight or thoughts or anything !!! i am only one person (well. technically speaking anyways LMFAOOO) with this one brain with its one set of life experiences, so I could easily be missing something or not thinking of something!!
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