#logan redemption
formulanni · 6 months
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songbird-wings · 1 year
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Hey Fable fandom! I’ve been a huge fan of the Fable franchise for years now, but this is the first time I’ve ever really made content for it. I plan on turning this into a series about Logan and Linette (my Hero of Brightwall) and how they begin to mend their relationship. Read the first part “The Way We Were Before” here on AO3! 
Summary: Logan never imagined that his sister would spare his life. But with this second chance, he vowed to be better. This journey of redemption starts with a conversation. Intro: Three months ago, Logan lost the crown. Three months ago, he expected his sister to execute him for his tyranny. Three months ago, his sister pardoned him, even though he knew he didn’t deserve it. Three months after his trial, his sister was proving herself as the better leader. The people loved her, and she was smart with the treasury. He was still surprised by how much she had grown; from the sheltered princess, he desperately tried to protect, to the powerful Queen who took his throne. Despite everything, Logan was proud of her.
“Why?” he had asked her after the trial. It was the first time in two years they’d been alone and could talk to one another.
“I want to hate you, Logan,” she began. “I have hated you. But you were right, I was a child when I left this castle. I’ve grown up. Now, after I’ve seen what’s coming, I can see some twisted justifications for why you did what you did. I understand you. But I still don’t agree with you.”
“Well, there’s a cruel joke then, sister,” Logan replies. “Sometimes as the ruler, you won’t agree with yourself.”
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mischievous-thunder · 10 days
What does one do when one doesn't get their happy ending? What if one doesn't even get the chance to right the wrong before they're doomed?
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Wade and Logan changed the course of the entire narrative when they became the makers of their own fate.
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Wade took the first step when he was hell-bent on looking for a Logan to help him. But he was destined to find The Logan. The connection both of them felt was immediate. Logan took their relationship to the next level when he sealed the deal by moving in with Wade in the end. Both of them got their well deserved redemption when they saved the universe.
We resort to creating a universe in the form of fics to find a reality where our loved ones are together whereas Wade and Logan travelled the multiverse to find their happy ending and healed their broken hearts.
For them, the red string of fate has some yellow in it.
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bat-gwuck · 2 months
logan (2017) and red dead redemption ii have the same vibe and you CANNOT change my mind
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girl-withnoname · 4 days
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His number one boy.
Dutch Van Der Linden and Arthur Morgan
(parallel with Logan and Kendall Roy in Succession)
“The Incas, in times of terrible crisis would sacrifice a child to the sun. I said to her they were a bunch of fucking savages. Her thing was… what could you possibly kill that you love so much it would make the sun rise again?”
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ramen-flavored · 1 year
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dangerousdan-dan · 2 months
I love you, characters who used to be a weapon but turned themselves into someone who tries to be better and do good instead.
I love you, characters who don't feel like they deserve redemption but look for it anyway.
I love you, characters who are haunted by grief and guilt and use them as fuel to change.
I love you, characters who regret their past but don't let themselves forget it out of fear of making the same mistakes again.
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23fallencomets · 19 days
ao3 is down so here’s a teaser for IGSMTL
Logan sits across the camera, the mirror right behind it showing who he is now, who he was then. He sits taller, his body broader then when he was all those years ago. He has a few tattoos now, the black ink stark agains the now tanned skin.
It’s all very Sebastian Vettel, he tells Rossi when he gets the idea. It’s been four years since he’s mentioned Formula One, four years since he’s interacted with anyone that didn’t associate themselves with him. He was 24 then, he’s turning 28 now. Rossi had rolled his eyes, shoving Logan away and into a giggling Pato.
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formulabulls · 3 months
we just saw logan use the powers of america’s founding fathers and the declaration of independence signed on the 4th of july 248 years ago to put his car p12. i indeed cheered !!!!
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moeitsu · 1 month
Hugh Jackman would make a wonderful live action Arthur Morgan.
I said what I said.
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djarinscardigan · 2 months
Starting to think I might have a type
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rheusia · 25 days
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Lorena and James from my RDO&X-Men crossover au skrrrrr
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parchmentknight · 7 months
why does kierans official bio call him stinky LMAO
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seven-oomen · 29 days
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Bit of a crack ship but I honestly think these 3 would be such a good match for each other and the absolute best girl dads together ❤️.
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bobafoe · 8 months
not arguing with a guy with messy blond hair and big blue eyes. whatever you say, gorgeous.
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claws-and-quills · 5 days
Ch. 1: Unspoken Connections
Tag list:
@callsignred @bloody-kissez @takeyour-pants-off @robynanthonystark @aoi-targaryen
Chapter one to Nights of Redemption
Word Count: 4.4k
TW: death of a parent, sibling death, disconnect of family
A/N: Do feel free to change the main characters name of Tessa Harper. It gets a bit tiring for me to type/read (Y/N) in fics.
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Icy cold rain gently drizzled all around you. Your sinuses ached and head throbbed from the amount of tears you had shed over the past week. Nathan, your elder brother, slowly curled his arms around you as the casket that contained your father was slowly lowered into his final resting place. You couldn't believe that he was actually gone.
“I'm here, Tess. I'm here. Ssshhh…I know…” Nate murmured against the crown of your hair. He was all you had left for who you considered family. Sure, your mother was still alive, but your relationship with her wasn't the strongest. He tightens his grip on you as you try to choke back a sob. Your shoulders shook at the violent sobs that came from you, but no tears fell from your eyes.
“Why…why did it have to be dad?” You ask against his chest. Nate hummed quietly, shaking his head as he tried to find any words of comfort for you, but they continued to elude him. Reluctantly, you allow Nate to quietly lead you away from the grave. Even though he didn't show it, he couldn't bear the sight of watching your father be laid to a permanent rest.
“I…I don't know, Tess. Look at me, sis. Hey…we'll get through this. Haven't we always gotten through things together?” Nate leans down to kiss your cheek, pulling you into another tight embrace. “C'mon…us Harper kids can get through anything…” it wasn't a complete lie. Nate had been with you through everything. After your parents divorced and your mother swindled her way into winning custody, Nate was your rock, your best friend. He always tried his damndest to protect you and keep you happy; he'd keep you safe from the abusive tirades of your mother and her questionable taste in men. Deep down, you wished it was her that had died and not your father, but even that thought made you feel sick to your stomach. An icy chill ran down your spine; you could feel the cold eyes boring straight through your body.
“Tessa. Nathan. It was a pleasant surprise to see that you both actually showed up. It's certainly been a while,” Cynthia, your mother, spoke. Her voice was laced with disdain towards both you and Nathan. You could feel Nathan physically grow tense, anger radiating from his body.
“What do you want?” Nathan hissed towards her. A look of disappointment in his eyes as you had turned to face Cynthia.
“Now, is that any way to speak to your mother?” Cynthia chides with a sourly sweet tone that makes you feel sick to your stomach. “Can a mother not come to seek comfort in the arms of her own children?”
“Comfort? Comfort?! You want comfort?! You wouldn't even let us sit with the rest of the family, you spiteful, money hungry, maniacal, bitch!” The words flew from your mouth before you could register what was even happening. All of your emotions, years of turmoil, unresolved anger and pain, it all came out at once.
Your alarm clock blared, bringing your dream to a screeching halt. Opening your eyes, you grab your phone from the bedside table to be met with 15 missed calls from your friend Maria. Then, your eyes focused on the time at the top of your screen. 9:45am.
“Fuck! Oh shit!” You scramble to get out of bed. Last night was a long and rough night at the club you worked at, leaving you exhausted enough to sleep through the 3 alarms you had set. Your legs became entangled in the sheets on the bed, causing you to fall against the wooden floor with a loud thud. There was no sense in trying to shower the night away. It was your first round of exams in college. You could hear your instructor in the back of your mind, lecturing about the importance and professionalism of punctuality.
“Son of a bitch…” You mumbled to yourself, tugging on a pair of jeans that you prayed was clean. Life had gone to shit after the passing of your father. The falling out you had with Cynthia affected everyone in your family. After the paperwork for your father's will was settled, it was decided that you and Nate wanted out from under Cynthia's thumb. So, you both chose to move away on the money you each inherited from your father.
It seemed like the right thing to do at that moment. You knew there was no way in hell that you and Nate could stay around Cynthia. For years, you had always promised your father that you would become something . After his passing, Nate became your cheerleader in life. He had pushed you to pursue your dream of going into nursing due to your gene mutation. You could smell illness, and heal most ailments and injuries. But that victory only lasted two years before Nate was taken from you after being involved in a car crash. Life seemed to have it out for you.
“This had better be worth it, Nate. I'm doing this for you and dad.” You muttered to yourself, and snatched your keys from the kitchen counter. Lemmy, your grey tabby, meows at you for breakfast. You cursed silently under your breath, dropping a hearty scoop of kibble into his bowl. “I'm sorry, Lemme! Mama is running late! I'll be back later, buddy!” You call from over your shoulder and rush out the door.
Life has been chaotic over the past several months. Before his untimely death, Nate had become involved in the wrong crowd through unhealthy coping mechanisms. Always finding himself in and out of trouble, always landing himself behind bars. No matter how angry you got with him, no matter the price, you always stood in his corner, always bailing him out. Now, you were alone. Money began to dwindle, and something had to be done to keep you afloat. Bill piled up, and responsibilities never ceased to stop. After odd job, after odd job, and confiding in Maria, she helped you land a job at a strip club. Not the most glamorous job, but it helped make ends meet.
Speeding through the streets, you narrowly make it in time for your class. There were two minutes left before the door would be locked. Once inside of the classroom, you collapse into your seat next to Maria. Your hair was a disheveled mess and your clothes were wrinkled, but at least you made it on time. There were still dried remnants of makeup, glitter, sweat and alcohol on your body, but none of that mattered at this point. The fear of letting down Nate and your father was the only thing that kept you going.
“T, you look like shit. What happened?!” Maria hissed under her breath. Her brown eyes were sympathetic, but she failed to hide the slight amusement at her lips. She had been doing this for far longer than you, so she was used to the long, sleepless nights, unlike you.
“I don't even remember. I slept through everything. Alarms. Phone calls. Texts. If college doesn't kill me, this job will.” You tried to muse to the best of your abilities, but it was to no avail. Who were you kidding? Surely not Maria, and definitely not yourself. You refused to take a semester off after the passing of Nate out of fear of never going back.
“Give it a few more weeks. You'll get used to it. Look at me! I'm just cruising on through. No stress. No worries. Just think of it as partying every night instead of working. Live a little. Let loose. Stop clutching your pearls all the time. We're young, wild, and free! Us against the world-”
A gruff grumble cuts her off. You both look up at Mr. Thomas and the stack of exams he held in his arm. He sets down an exam in front of you and Maria. There's a disapproving scowl at his lips towards you and the way you were dressed. His gaze made you feel so small, insignificant, and helpless. Ever since day one, it felt like he had a vendetta against you. You couldn't quite place a finger on it, but you just had this feeling that he hated you without reason. Sighing, you turn your attention to the stapled packet that sat in front of you on the table. Maria shares one last sympathetic glance your way before diving into the exam. It takes you a few moments, but you finally decompress enough to open the test packet.
An agonizing 45 minutes later, you find yourself to be the one lone student left in the classroom. There was still an extra 30 minutes left, but it was so hard to concentrate. Your mind flitted around aimlessly as you bounced between questions. After staring at the words for God knows how long, the letters began to blend together in a blackened alphabet soup on the papers. The knot in your stomach twisted and churned like a raging hurricane of anxiety and sleep deprivation. The longer you stared at the words, the deeper the splitting migraine dug into your skull like an icepick or a hot poker. Twenty questions remained out of the seventy-five. You could do this.
“Ten minutes Miss Harper. I have a meeting to be at in fifteen minutes.” Mr. Thomas spoke, breaking the tense silence that suffocated the room. You merely nod, panic threatening to settle in at the sudden rush reminder. Cursing under your breath, you try your best to guess at the questions with a level of educated common sense. It was days like this you wished you could just disappear and run from your responsibilities. Once finished, you bring the exam to him without a word and exit from the room.
“You really need some food, maybe a nap, and smelling salts. I have cash for food. C'mon, my treat.” Maria gave you a small smile and gestures for you to follow after her. “Besides, I still owe you one for letting me sleep at your place. Consider it even, okay?”
“Only if you bash my head open with a hammer. This headache is killing me. Ugh…I don't know how you do this, Maria. How the hell do you balance everything? Like…seriously.” You admit to her, earning a soft laugh from Maria. Even though your schedule was relatively easy, you were still dumbfounded by how easy Maria made everything look. Following Maria, she brings you out to the parking lot to her car. It was messy, but you didn't mind too much. The idea of food and Tylenol was your main focus.
“Most I can do is some food, and pills for your head. Now, for food. We have campus food, or we can go to that new café that opened down the street from the Scarlet.” Maria wiggles her hips excitedly in her seat, earning a small chuckle from you. As much as you hated the idea of being so close to work, you were too tired to argue against it. At your silence, she takes it as a yes and starts up the car, speeding out of the parking lot. “Morning Glory, it is! Who knows, we might run into some guys there. I've heard that the entire block is under the care of some gang. Not like the bad type of gang though.”
“Maria! Do I look like I'm in any condition to meet anyone? I look like shit. I didn't even shower…I have glitter in places I didn't know I even had!” You grab onto the ‘oh shit’ handle as she makes a sharp turn around a corner. As much as you adored your friend, she was absolutely reckless compared to you. Where you were more of the shy, introverted, and awkward type, Maria was the polar opposite. She was boisterous, charming, extroverted, and was the life of any party. Sometimes you questioned how you two even became friends.
“Oh it's not that bad. Besides, guys like a girl that can cut loose at night. I really think getting you some dick will do you some good.” She laughs as you smack her on the arm. Her eyes soften a little towards you from the corner of her gaze. “Okay, maybe we won't get you dick today. But maybe we can change that tonight. I've noticed the way some of the guys stare at you when you're working the pole. You're a natural!”
“Maria…I don't need some one night stand to make me feel better. I'm fine. We Harper's can get through anything.” Even you didn't quite fully believe yourself on that. Maybe Maria had a point. The idea of just sleeping with someone made your skin feel clammy. It just wasn't your style.
“I dunno. You need something though.” At the red light, she turns to look at you. Her eyes truly soften this time. She mouths a small ‘oh’ to herself at the realization. “Hey…it's gonna be okay. You're not alone. You have me in your corner. We can call out for tonight, order some takeout, watch some movies. Whatever you want. Whatever you need.”
A single tear rolls down your cheek despite your efforts to keep your tears at bay. As nice as that sounded, you knew you couldn't do that. One bad day didn't mean that life would stop for you. “No, no I'll be okay. Really. Staying out of that apartment might do me some good. Especially tonight. I don't need to be wallowing in self pity. It's not going to bring dad or Nate back. Pretty sure it's mostly cause I'm getting hangry.”
“Bitch, did you not eat today? Did you drink water? Anything?” Maria facepalms at your sheepish expression. She shakes her head in dismay, wailing down on the horn in front of her for not moving when the light turns green. “Move your ass! The light’s green, bitch! Go! We're hungry back here!”
You burst out laughing as some middle aged man hangs out of the window, flipping off Maria. She gladly returns the gesture, followed with a string of obscenities towards him. That was Maria for you. Loud, boisterous, and always getting into some type of trouble. Turning on the street past the light, you barely recognize The Scarlet Oasis during the day. The parking lot was empty, neon lights and signs were shut off; it looked like any other abandoned building. Catty corner across the street was the café that Maria spoke out. Its parking lot appeared to be fairly busy. Several Cars and motorcycles were parked all around the small café.
“Let's at least make your hair look a little less, wild I guess.” Maria teases to which you rolled your eyes. She helps you straighten your hair up a bit along with trying to wipe some of the excess glitter from your cheeks, throat, and chest. She nods, thoroughly pleased with her work and gestures for you to follow her inside. Stepping into that café felt like a step into the past. 60s music played over the speakers, welcoming you almost instantly. Red leather booths lined the walls; matching stools hugged the white marble top bar, matching with the black and white checkered patterned floor. This café was a living time machine. Your first genuine thought was just how much Nate and your dad would have loved this place.
Your eyes scan the entire café. It felt oddly cozy and reminded you of home in a different and better time. Many of the patrons looked to be fairly older than you and Maria, not that it mattered, at least not until your eyes scan over a table nestled in the far off corner of the café. There was a group of several men and three women there. But one in particular caught your attention. Your eyes were immediately drawn to his sun kissed skin, and toned arms. His black hair was swept back, almost resembling a 70s greaser appearance. Maria bumps your arm with her elbow, bringing you back down to reality.
“See something you like? Oh damn, get it girl.” Maria follows your gaze. Her words make your cheeks burn with a deep blush. Grabbing her hand, you tug her over to a booth, hopefully out of sight of the group you had been brainlessly staring at.
“Shut up! Oh my god…I can't go over there! Are you crazy?!” You hissed under your breath at her. Your breath catches in your throat, catching a brief glimpse of the man again. Even from this distance, his eyes felt intense on you. You quickly hide your face behind a menu in hopes of hiding your embarrassment. Maria's snickering makes you kick her shin from under the table with a glare. “Be quiet…!”
“Can I get you ladies started with something to drink? Perhaps an appetizer or two?” A warm voice asks from the other side of the menu. You lift your eyes to see the waiter. He was young, but had a charming smile. Pietro was printed on the name tag he wore.
“Yes. I'll take lemon water, and my friend here will have the same. Also, can we get a blooming onion for our app?” Maria bats her eyelashes at Pietro. He nods his head, scribbling away on his notepad.
“Sure thing. Coming right up, ladies.” He smiles warmly before disappearing behind the bar. You exhale heavily, rubbing your temples. Your cheeks heat up again at the sly smirk that Maria gives you.
“Don't. No. Don't talk.” You hiss lowly under your breath at her. She holds her hands up in mock innocence, grinning from ear to ear. Within minutes, Pietro is back at your booth with drinks and a steaming hot blooming onion.
“You ladies ready to order? We have a special today on our club sandwiches. Buy two and you get a complimentary sundae. We also have a special on our brunch platter. Big enough to fill two.” Pietro mentions warmly.
“Oohh, let's do the brunch platter, T. It'll be good leftovers for tonight after work!” Maria looks up to Pietro with a nod to seal the order. You chuckle quietly, shrugging in submission and agreement to her.
“An excellent choice. I will be back shortly with that platter for you ladies.” He gives you both a wink before disappearing again after taking your menus away. You exhale again, trying to keep your eyes from wandering over to the man at the table on the other side of the café.
“So, little miss goodie two-shoes likes her men older.” Maria shimmies her shoulders at you, earning a scoff from you. “I mean, you know what they say…men do it better. More experienced. More mature.” Each word she mutters makes your blush return to your cheeks. You kick her leg again from under the table with a glare to your eyes. She rubs her shin, laughing quietly to herself. “Relax, it's not like he can hear you. But….he's really not that bad lookin’ if I must say so myself.”
“Stop staring. Stop staring…Maria! Stop staring! Oh god, he's looking this way again…” You panic, hiding your eyes behind your glass of water as you eagerly drink. Maria snorts out a laugh at your panicking, rolling her eyes with a quiet tsk towards you. Of your months of friendship, never had she ever seen you like this before. Taking another glance over your cup, you nearly choke on your water. “Maria…Maria…! Look at me! I think I've seen him in the Scarlet before. Oh crap…”
Maria arches a brow at you, wiggling her hips with a wide grin. “You have to try to get a private dance with him then. No questions asked. You have to do it now. Who knows, you might actually get lucky. Ow! That one hurt!” She kicks you back in the leg with a scowl. “I'm buying you food.” By this time, Pietro returns to your table, setting down plates of food for each of you. There was more than enough food to feed you and Maria. There would be leftovers for days, not that you minded it. Maria nods gratefully to him with a wide smile of thanks.
Stabbing your fork into a piece of waffle, you chew thoughtfully, allowing yourself to actually enjoy food for once. It gave you a reason and something else to focus on as silence fell between you and Maria. Each of you enjoying the fresh, hot food and catchy music. It was refreshing, this little impromptu brunch date. You allowed the good food and good music to distract you from the stress of the day. For the first time in four years, you were actually smiling on the anniversary of laying your father to rest. You look at Maria and give her a grateful smile. The sound of heavy boots against the tile floor breaks the silence, capturing the attention of you and Maria.
You trail your eyes up the figure of the dark haired male as he walks to the register at the bar. You couldn't help but admire the way the white beater he wore hugged his broad chest and showed off his chiseled arms. His jeans flaunted the curvature of muscular legs and a very toned ass. Maria gives you a knowing look, hiding her grin behind her glass, but you shake your head vigorously. There was no way in hell that you were going to try to make conversation with this man. You can hear his gravely and bassy voice as he spoke with Pietro.
“Seems like you got yourself quite the fan base growing,” Pietro teases the older man. You could feel the color drain from your face as you strain to hear.
“Ah, can it, kid. I've got bigger problems to worry about. Is there anything new that we should be worried about? Or have you been too busy fraternizing?” The darker male hushed with annoyance. The sound of his voice almost gave you chills.
“There's gonna be a meet tonight. Down past Fisk Tower. Old warehouse by the docks. They're looking for good sports.” Pietro glances around before continuing. “Should be late tonight. Supposed to be a nice coin purse on it.”
“Stop talking like an idiot. So it's a big payout? Or is it just big to you, bub?” The dark haired man grumbles under his breath. Your breath catches in your throat, accidentally meeting his intense gaze. He gives you a brief once over before returning his attention to Pietro.
“I've heard it's around three thousand. You'd slaughter them, though. I mean, you're The Wolverine after all.” Pietro playfully punches the older man in the arm, earning himself a disapproving glare. The name piqued your interest immediately. The Wolverine. You silently pondered the name to yourself. Was that some street name? Was this man one of those gangsters that Maria had mentioned before? Regardless, something about his energy and aura practically sucked you into him with interest.
“Ah, that's hardly worth my time. Too much energy for such a small payout.” The darker haired man grumbles. He could feel your eyes on him, a small smirk tugging the corner of his lips. “Put whatever they got on my tab, bub. Can't spend the whole day hanging out here. But, you call me if you see any of those Brotherhood assholes over here.”
Your heart practically leaped into your throat as this man known as The Wolverine turned away from the register, settling his eyes on you for a brief moment. He takes a few steps towards your table, but before he can get a word out, his presumed friends call out to him, distracting him away from you. He tilts his head to the side just slightly before following after the group he had been sitting with. A gasping breath finally escapes you that you hadn't realized you had been holding during that brief moment. Your heart pounded deep within your chest. Maria stares at you with wide eyes before a toothy grin breaks across her lips.
“Oh. My. God. Bitch! He's totally into you! Holy shit. Tess…you have to meet him somehow tonight.” Maria stares at you with wide and excited eyes. She was beaming at you with such unbridled excitement that you were expecting her to implode there on the spot.
“No. Absolutely not. Maria…we don't know a single thing about him. No way. No, ma'am.” You shake your head vigorously towards her. There was no way in hell you would entertain her crazy ideas. Even with him gone, though, you could still feel his intense eyes on you.
“Oh please, he was basically undressing you with his eyes. If you don't act on this, I will,” she smirked cheekily at you, signaling to Pietro that she was ready for the check. He brings over the receipt for the already paid check, offering a cheeky smile to her. Your cheeks burned a dark red at the mere thought, making you fold your arms across your chest in an attempt to cover yourself. Was he really, though?
“Already taken care of. Can I bring you ladies some to-go boxes?” Pietro asks, glancing between you and Maria both and then the remaining food on the plates. There was definitely enough for leftovers to last you and Maria both. After gathering up the remnants of brunch, you exit the cafe next to Maria. You still couldn't shake the feeling that burned through your body. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Even after sitting in the car with Maria, that feeling still churned in the pits of your gut.
“Maybe we should frequent that little café more. Who knows, maybe next time he'll actually talk to you,” Maria snickers, laughing heartily at the smack you give her on the leg. “Oh come on! You're totally into him!”
“Maria! I saw the man one time! Don't be stupid. I mean…let's be real here. Not even in my wildest of fantasies would I have a chance with someone like that,” you scoff to yourself. That you truly believed. Between you and Maria, you were the more innocent one in the friendship. Even with your night job, there were levels of you that were still innocent. Sure, you showed off your body, but it was just a part of your job. “Besides…I'm pretty sure I've seen him in the Scarlet. No way in hell would he want to get involved with me.”
“Uhm? Hello?! Free lap dances?! You're fucking gorgeous. Limber as hell. And let's face it, you can work a pole. Stop being a Debbie-downer. I'm trying to get you laid.” You rolled your eyes at her remark. She was never going to let you live this one out. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.
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