#loki 1940s
judy1926 · 10 months
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Dean Martin's gift to Jerry Lewis
watch 14K gold LeCoultre inscribed:
"Jerry My Buddy , And Pal ,I Love You , Dino."
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taw-k · 5 months
WAIT do you guys think Steve and Loki or Bucky have met before?! Cuz I have this hc that Loki somehow heard of all this commotion surrounding a super soldier on Earth and wanted to see for himself so he took a quick visit to Earth and met steve. Maybe he even got some merch cuz he likes collecting little things from Earth history (that's just cannon)
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trans-marvel-fan · 2 years
Avengers as fake news headlines
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braveclementine · 2 months
Chapter 27
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
"I don't like this." Bucky murmured for the seventeenth time of the car trip as I slowly pulled the car into the neighborhood I had lived in my entire life. 
"Bucky." I said through gritted teeth. My nerves were already shot, especially now that I was feet away from my house. I had told my parents that I was bringing my 'boyfriends' to meet them. Yes, boyfriends with an s at the end, which had led to a slew of questions that I didn't know how to answer. 
My mom, I wasn't to worried about. I already knew her reaction was not going to be a pleasant one. Our family was made up of devout Christians and I was pretty sure that my choice of men wasn't going to be accepted easily, if at all. 
My dad on the other hand. . . I was going to hate disappointing him. 
"Elizabeth. . ." Steve trailed off and then said, "You. . . I mean we can catch a plane back to New York." 
"Damnit you two." I growled as I pulled up in the driveway, parking it angrily. "Give me a little bit of confidence that this is going to go well. That would be a lot better." 
A text pinged on my phone as I sat there in the car. It was from Loki and it read
: ​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​​🇷​​🇾​​🇹​​🇭​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​ ​🇮​​🇸​ ​🇬​​🇴​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇧​​🇪​ ​🇫​​🇮​​🇳​​🇪​ ​🇰​​🇮​​🇹​. ​🇯​​🇺​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇧​​🇷​​🇪​​🇦​​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​
I took a deep breath and then got out of the car. Steve and Bucky got out with me, helping me with the suitcases and we walked up to the door. 
The house was a two story brick house with blue shutters and a matching door. A dead at the moment ornamental Japanese bush sat on one side of the sidewalk. Other dead plants lined the other side. It was definitely more beautiful in the spring and summer. 
It must've snowed, because there were still salt crystals on the pavement, though not an inch of snow could be seen anywhere. The weather was also warmer, with the sun beating down on us. 
I rang the doorbell, noticing the cute Christmas wreath on the front door. 
I could hear the door inside creaking open at someone walked through and my brothers' face appeared in the glass window. He opened the door and said, "Hey." 
"Hey." I replied back with a nervous smile. "Um, Paul, this is Steve and this is James." 
"Hi." Paul nodded to them and then said, "Come on in. Moms' been going ballistic." 
I cringed and then walked over the threshold, Bucky closing the door behind us. We moved into the living room, leaving the bags in the front hallway. My dad was sitting on the couch on the Laptop, looking at the Officer Tatum Report. He glanced over and said, "Hey Pumpkin." 
Well that was a bonus. 
"Hey dad." I said as he got up and came over, wrapping me in a huge hug, kissing the top of my head. Despite this feeling promising, I still waiting for his rebuke. I took the chance to introduce him however and he shook both of their hands silently, sizing them up. 
I could hear footsteps on the stairs now and I tensed, anxiety threatening to eat me up from the inside out. 
"Honey?" My mom called out before coming into view of the living room. 
"Hey mom." I said hesitantly, smiling a little. She gave me a severe look, though she pulled me into a hug. I wondered if she could feel my heart fluttering like a hummingbirds against her breast. 
"So these are your. . ." She drifted off, looking for the right word that would fit her views. "the  men you're dating?" 
"Uh, yes." I said. "Um, this is Steve and this is James." 
"Pleasure to meet you ma'am." Steve said seriously, holding out his hand, and when mom placed her hand in it, he kissed the back of it formally, which actually made her blush a little. I felt myself relax a little. Perhaps they'd charm their way into this. 
"Have you met my sons?" My mom asked, pointing her thumb over at the office door which was open. I could hear the sounds of my brothers using their keyboards furiously as they gamed. 
"We were introduced to Paul." Bucky finally spoke softly. "Although Elizabeth has told us much about both of her brothers." 
"Good." Mom said firmly. "I hope you understand though that you are not staying in my daughters bedroom?" 
Bucky smiled and Steve replied quickly. "Elizabeth already planned to show us to her favorite hotel." He gave me a sideways look, "Uh I think she called it. . . Great Wolf Lodge?" 
Mom rolled her eyes as I grinned. "We already made the cots up for you in the Solarium." 
"Thank you ma'am." Steve said again. 
"I hope you three are hungry, because dinner has already been made." Mom said, walking past us to go into the kitchen. 
"Very much so." Bucky said eagerly. 
"Boys! Set the table!" My dad shouted. And I hurried to help, hoping that everything was going to work out. 
My bedroom hadn't changed from when I'd left it. All of the walls were covered in gymnastics medals and ribbons, along with one or two posters. I smiled as I sat on the bed, which was still made- though the sheets and comforter had been washed- the stuffed animals were piled up on the pillow. 
My mom came into the room a few minutes later, turning the light back on as she sat on the edge of my bed, looking down at me. "Elizabeth, we need to talk about this." 
"Yeah, I know." I murmured, feeling the sick pit in my stomach. 
"I don't like what you're doing." She said flat out. "They are both very nice men, but you need to choose between the two of them. The other will understand and move on with his life and find himself another wife." 
I bit my tongue, not even wanting to bring up their sexuality. "I can't." I whispered. "I love both of them to much. It's. . . unconventional-" 
"It's sinful." My mom said firmly. 
My stomach did flips. Despite all of Lokis' assurances that everything would be okay, the idea of my God looking down at me and seeing this sin made me want to curl up in a ball and let death come for me. Heaven or Hell I didn't want to disappoint anyone, and I had always done my best not to be sinful, to be Christian, to be perfect and good in the eyes of God. 
And now, I'd failed. Big time. I had wrestled with this before, but once I was living with them, once I fell in love with them. . . when I was with them, I didn't worry about it so much. But they weren't here now. They were two floors down and I was in my bedroom, with my mom sitting on my bed like I was still seven years old. 
My body actually felt like hot flashes were going through them, a buzzing noise in my head, my vision blurry. I think I was actually having a panic attack, although I didn't move an inch or let her know. I couldn't let her know. 
I desperately needed them. But I couldn't say that. 
I had to make a choice. 
My phone buzzed again and I looked apologetically at my mom, but snatched the device up, grateful for the interruption. The buzzing noise was gone in my head at least, although something still held my heart in a painful grip. 
: ​🇮​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇳​​🇴​​🇹​ ​🇱​​🇪​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇷​​🇪​​🇱​​🇦​​🇹​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​​🇸​​🇭​​🇮​​🇵​ ​🇬​​🇴​ ​🇧​​🇦​​🇩​​🇱​​🇾​ ​🇮​​🇫​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​ ​🇫​​🇮​​🇬​​🇭​​🇹​ ​🇫​​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇹​. ​🇧​​🇪​​🇱​​🇮​​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​ ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇲​​🇪​ ​🇰​​🇮​​🇹​
I touched the cross that I was wearing around my neck in wonder, my hand shaking. 
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and both me and my mom looked up to see both of the soldiers in the doorway, worry on their faces. I quickly sat up and my mom set her mouth in a firm line. 
"Steve! Bucky! What are-" 
Bucky moved into the room slowly, kneeling beside the bed, completely ignoring my mom. He laced his metal fingers with mine and said softly. "I could feel your distress doll. I had to check on you." 
I let out a shaky breath, squeezing his hand. Steve hesitated, baby blue eyes flickering between my mom and me as he tried to figure out what he should do. I knew he had enormous respect for my parents and didn't want to cross a line. But he also wanted to comfort me, which in and of itself was a comfort to me already. 
And a sudden thought hit me, that hadn't hit me in a long time: Steve and Bucky were also Christian. How did they deal with it? 
"Mom, can I speak to the two of them privately please?" I whispered, swinging my legs around so that I was facing them better. 
Mom got up and said, "Five minutes," before leaving the room with the door wide open. I heard her go into her bedroom and then looked at the two of them. 
"What's wrong Princess?" Steve moved forwards now, sitting down next to me while Bucky continued to kneel before me. 
"How. . . how do you deal with this feeling?" I whispered. "This feeling of betraying God as a Christian? Not just for a polyamorous relationship but also. . . I mean, you know." I looked at them apologetically. "Being gay is a sin." 
Steve squeezed my knee, almost making me laugh as I was ticklish there, but I couldn't laugh when it felt like my heart was now in my throat. "It wasn't easy, the. . . acceptance at first." He said slowly. "And acceptance isn't the right word. We knew that if crossed that line, Heaven was off limits to us. And we both believed so faithfully that we tried not to do anything. We tried so damn hard." 
"We probably should've been stronger, especially for our time period." Bucky admitted. "But like all sinners, we gave in. And once we gave in. . . we never turned from our sin. And as. . . blasphemous as it is to say. . . I'm glad. I don't care. To be honest. . . the way I deal with it is that I just don't believe in him anymore." 
I cringed, half expecting lightning to come through the roof and strike him where he stands. Steve flinched just the tiniest bit as well. Bucky sighed and continued, "I know he exists. Thor even proved it. But I don't. . . look Steve and I can't die anyways. But Thor still asked Odin to set aside a special place for Steve and I so even if we do die. . . we go to a special section of Valhalla. The Norse Gods don't have the same qualms of same sex couples as Allah, as God, as Buddha, as Brahma. . . so I guess if you asked me, I believe in Thor, in Odin, in Frigga, in Heimdall, in Loki." 
Steve looked as shocked as I felt and Bucky looked apologetic. "Sorry Steve." 
Steve shook his head slightly. "I still believe in God, Elizabeth. I believe in him fervently. And if I were to die, and appear before him in Heaven, his judgement is his judgement. And while the thought of Hell frightens me, saddens me, even though I know that eternity is longer than this fleeting- no matter how many hundreds of years we may live- I cannot regret loving Bucky or you at the same time. And that makes me a very selfish, sinful creature." 
I had tears rolling down my face now. 
"And so we come to the crossroads." Steve said softly. "You can stay with us openly, you can pretend to break it off and be with us behind closed doors, you can leave us completely. We'll always love you, and I know you'll always love us. But it is your choice, based on your faith, your beliefs." 
"I love you." I whispered. "Even though I don't believe in this relationship. But. . ." I was going to choke. I was going to hate myself forever for giving in to the sin willingly. I almost wished they would kidnap me, force me to be theirs, that way I was sinning unwillingly. But that wasn't how this worked and I would have to choose a path of sin and love. . . or the other one. 
 '🇮​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇳​​🇴​​🇹​ ​🇱​​🇪​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇷​​🇪​​🇱​​🇦​​🇹​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​​🇸​​🇭​​🇮​​🇵​ ​🇬​​🇴​ ​🇧​​🇦​​🇩​​🇱​​🇾​ ​🇮​​🇫​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​ ​🇫​​🇮​​🇬​​🇭​​🇹​ ​🇫​​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇹​. ​🇧​​🇪​​🇱​​🇮​​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​ ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇲​​🇪​ ​🇰​​🇮​​🇹​' 
"I believe in Loki." I gasped in realization, and with those words, something broke inside of me. A fountain of tears, for my lost religion, for my new realization. I had sinned. 
And when I died, I would go to hell. 
But. . . I had my boys. 
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martiszcz · 2 years
Loki’s Armor - 1940s
Loki first appeared in Venus #6 in 1949, and he looked like that:
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Very devilish, very vampiric - in close-ups he even has fangs.
This looks mostly stays in his second and last appearance in 1940s but the costume became red instead of purple (the color change did not stick):
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sofiadragon · 2 years
I just posted Chapter 6, wherein Loki attacks some Nazis with a spear.
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Maleficent (Disney Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Loki & Odin (Marvel) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Yggdrasil (Marvel), Maleficent (Disney), Diaval (Disney) Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Broken Families, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, World War II, Family Drama, Genderqueer Character, Queer Character, Period Typical Bigotry, Canon-Typical Violence, Period-Typical Racism, 1940s, Fictional Religion & Theology, The Nine Realms, Asgardian Culture (Marvel), Asgardian Magic (Marvel), Politics, Queerplatonic Relationships, Celtic Mythology & Folklore, Sidhe, Holocaust Series: Part 7 of Another Turn of the Wheel Summary:
World War II is kicking into high gear on Midgard. The people of Asgard could not possibly care less what the Midgardians are doing. Then some bleeding heart decides to make them care. [The only part of Love and Thunder I’m keeping is that Zeus and all the rest exist but very few older Gods pay any attention to mortals, that’s something only the younger set bothers with.]
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
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requested by anon 🥀
“No, no! That’s not how it happened!” Thor argued as you spoke of your knowledge to him. “I was triumphant in that battle, this is ridiculous!” Loki scoffed. “What? Have you something to say, Loki?”
“Well, I do if you call that ‘triumphant.’” He snickered and you did your best to cover the smirk forming on your face. Thor looked most displeased by the accusation before Loki went on. “You practically came home dragging that hammer behind you.”
“Slander! I was just tired from defeating an entire army.” Thor defended his tale. “No more of this, let’s change the subject.”
“Wait, no!” You begged. “I want to hear more! You should enlighten me, I’ve only ever learned from these books. How educational it is to learn from those who were really there!” You pried as hard as you could, mostly because you could tell Thor was not having it.
“I would be delighted to enlighten you, y/n.” Loki leaned forward, the perfect storytelling stance as he began, “You see, Thor was—”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @summersimmerus // @prettysbliss // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @beth-gallagher22 // @mymelodymia // @deanzboyfriend // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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kaledya · 4 months
In an alternate timeline, would Constantine and Serenity ever become an official couple?
I love both of their personalities, how different they are, but how well they balance each other out as well. Would Constantine be able to have genuine emotion of love for Serenity, would he ever consider a real future with her?
How would Serenity react if Constantine ever did hint of something more than a close friendship? Would she accept or deny it?
Thanks for reading, I love your work and your characters so much 🥹🫶🏽🫶🏽. Have a fantastic day Kaledya, keep UP the amazing work.
1) in SS AU I have no idea of ​​planning a romance between the two right now, in general I'm really trying to build a good friendship between them right now
//. But even if there's no romance between them There is a part where Constantin creates the illusion of 1940s New orleans to give as a gift to serenity and takes her there. (he wanted to give a gift that no one else could give) And in this way, he took Serenity to a place from which she could never return again, even if only for a short time,And plus he invented such a comprehensive illusion magic himself for this)
I really love this scene and find it sweet because before Constantine casts this spell, he asks Serenity to think about the place where her best memories are located.And when this illusion begins, Serenity appears in human form again, as does Constantine. They are seriously having fun and in the last scene, Serenity even goes to a place where her old house is (The spell is about creating a place with the memories of the targeted user, so the world they are in is Shaped according to Serenity's memories) I want to draw this scene. Serenity's reaction to what she saw in the beginning was very sweet. //.
But in another scenario, if Constantine were looking for a romantic partner, it would probably be Serenity. Currently, even in SSAU, And the only person who can understand what Constantine is going through is Serenity, and Serenity had similar experiences like Constantine when she was still alive. (I was even planning make a animatic with Loser Baby for them with changing the lyrics a bit )
And on the other hand, no matter how different they are, two people can understand each other. In general, I liken their relationship to Sherlock and Watson, or Marvel's Loki and Mobius, these two characters really complement each other.
Extra: And I'm really enjoying the dynamic of the two In fact, these days I am planning a orginal story about Crime(Detective) and adventure, not as an AU, but with Serenity and Constantine as the main characters. Maybe I can do some world building in terms of magic too. Idk
2) Hmmm, that's a really good question.If I were to think of such a scenario.Seriously, after so long of knowing each other(slowest slowburn) If Constantine realizes that what he feels is something more than friendship. He might try talking to Serenity about this. But I can already imagine Constantine seriously failing at the romance thing. (Ask this man the most difficult questions and he will give you the right answers without any hesitation or thinking too much about it. But ask this Man to tell you about his feelings and a knife event won't open his mouth)
Likewise, if there is friendship and trust between them, Serenity accepts the offer. And say something about it
"We were already like an old married couple, you just made it official."
It was my pleasure to answer your question!❤️❤️
And I'm very happy that you like my work.I wish you a fantastic day too🌟
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cha-melodius · 5 months
No Sentences Sunday
Basically I haven't written anything I like in at least a week (I know this isn't that long but I feel very adrift so there you go) and I'm having decision paralysis. So I've decided to get outside input for this Seven Sentence Sunday.
For more intel on these see: pro-pool players, noir au, spy soulmate au, conductor/pianist, Jurassic Park au, stuntman/director rbb fic. (Lokius and Napollya folks: the parole AU and the art thief/gallery owner AU are gonna get sprinkled in here already, so that's why they don't appear, but I do intend on working on them!)
Thanks for the tags today @kiwiana-writes, @orchidscript and @thesleepyskipper, and also for the tags for inspiration weekend plus @welcometololaland. Putting all my tags below the cut because of tumblr shenanigans, but also please take the open tag if you want it!
@clottedcreamfudge, @dumbpeachjuice, @three-drink-amy, @rmd-writes, @tintagel-or-cockleshells
@cricketnationrise, @eusuntgratie, @bigassbowlingballhead, @violetbaudelaire-quagmire, @getmehighonmagic
@magicandarchery, @wordsofhoneydew, @cactusdragon517, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @firenati0n
@sparklepocalypse, @leaves-of-laurelin, @14carrotghoul, @sherryvalli, @inexplicablymine
@indestructibleheart, @oxfordslutphase, @ninzied, @iboatedhere, @nontoxic-writes
@loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @mirilyawrites, @nicijones, @justabigoldnerd, @adreamareads
@pippinoftheshire, @anincompletelist, @onthewaytosomewhere
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judy1926 · 10 months
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Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
Taken by one of the most beautiful women in the world, Sophia Loren
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440mxs-wife · 6 months
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Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader. Other Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson. Mentioned: Loki Laufeyson, Bruce Banner.
Word Count: 10,170 (including lyrics)
Warnings: Friends to lovers, mutual pining, a bit of angst, misunderstanding, self-doubt. Fluffy ending (of course).
Summary: For the past 8 months, Reader has been working as the manager for the Avengers. During that time, she and Bucky develop feelings for one another, though neither one knows about it. One day after his workout, Bucky hears someone singing through the vents in the women's locker room, but he doesn't know who it is. He comes close a couple of times to finding it out, but just barely misses her. Tony somehow convinces Bucky to let him throw a fancy birthday party with a 1940s theme, complete with entertainment from that era. When Bucky finds out that the entertainer is his mystery girl, how will he react?
A/N: Happy Belated Birthday, James Buchanan Barnes. This one's for you.
Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is "La vie en rose"
When you kiss me, heaven sighs And though I close my eyes I see "La vie en rose"
Bucky was gathering his clothes from his locker after his shower, but paused when he thought he heard....singing? He stopped for a moment to see if he could figure out where it was coming from and whose voice it was. He hadn't heard singing like that since the traveling USO shows during WWII. Hearing his type of music being sung by someone so talented brought a smile to his face and had him momentarily rooted to the spot.
With his advanced auditory capabilities, he determined that the voice originated in the women's side of the gym. Thus far, though, its identity eluded him. He quickly shoved everything into his locker, slammed the door shut, and bolted out the door towards the sound. On his way over, he ran into Natasha, who stopped him at the entrance.
"Whoa, Barnes, what do you think you're doing? You can't go in there, this is the women's locker room. Your side is over there," she pointed out, her slender fingers gesturing to the doorway behind him.
"I know, but just listen!" he exclaimed. They both stood still as the last notes of "La Vie en Rose" faded away. Bucky's shoulders slumped in defeat, as he had thoroughly enjoyed the impromptu concert. He strained his enhanced ears to hear if a new song had started, then frowned when he didn't hear anything. He curled his hands around Natasha's biceps. "Will you please go in there and, I don't know, ask around? See if anyone can tell you who was singing? I gotta know, Nat," he begged.
Natasha studied him for a moment or two, then smirked as she eventually gave in to his pleading face. "Oh all right, Barnes, keep your shirt on. Please. I'll go in there and see what I can find out," she agreed. But before she could check out the area, you walked out with a towel draped around your neck and your bag over your shoulder.
"Hey, Natasha! Sorry I didn't see you," you remarked as your eyes slid over to the handsome super soldier to her right. "Oh! Hello, Bucky," you murmured with a shy smile.
The corners of Bucky's mouth slowly inched upwards until it was stretched into a wide grin, complete with a display of his perfect pearly teeth. "Hiya, doll," he replied softly.
Natasha rolled her eyes at the two of you. "When you were in there just now, did you hear anyone singing?" she asked.
"Singing?" you parroted. "I heard music of some kind, but I thought someone had their playlist on speaker or something."
Natasha narrowed her eyes as she regarded you with a bit of suspicion. "No, that wasn't a recording, we heard somebody's actual voice. Bucky asked me to go in and take a look around, see if I can figure out who it is, but--"
"No!" you exclaimed, holding up your hands to stop her. "I mean, that's okay, I'll go in and see if I can find out who it is. Be back in a flash!" Before either of them could protest, you had already dropped your bag and ran back into the locker area.
Once inside, you chanced a quick look over your shoulder to see if you were being followed. You paused at the sink and caught your reflection in the mirror. That was a close one, you thought. Gonna have to be more careful next time. 
After glancing at the mirror one last time and taking a deep breath, you counted to ten and walked back to where Natasha and Bucky were standing. "There were a couple of people inside, but nobody knew anything about any singing. Welp, I'm going to head to my room but I'll see you at dinner!" You picked up your bag and waved as you walked away from Nat and Bucky.
Natasha waited until you were out of earshot to ask, "Did that seem weird to you? Like she was hiding something?"
Bucky continued to stare after you with a dream-like smile on his face. Natasha elbowed him in the side, breaking his trance. "Oof! What did you say?" he grumbled.
"I said, did she seem weird to you, like she was hiding something from us," she repeated.
"'Weird'? Nah, I wouldn't say that, I mean we all have our own little quirks, don't we? Besides, hers are kinda cute," he chuckled.
Natasha looked Bucky up and down before throwing up her hands in exasperation and marching into the gym. She turned around just in time to see Bucky look longingly at the women's locker room entrance, then retreat into the men's side to grab his bag.
For the past eight months, you have been the unofficial "manager" for the Avengers. If someone were to write down a list of all of your duties, it would likely span multiple pages. One of your favorite responsibilities involved grocery shopping and general food preparation. That included, but was not limited to, snacks. That meant Thor got his Pop-Tarts, Loki got his tea, and Tony got his energy drinks. You could usually find whatever anyone asked for, no matter how exotic.
Except that Bucky rarely, if ever, asked you to get him anything special. He was a little like you in that way, meaning you didn't want to be a bother. To you, it seemed silly to have someone traipsing all over the city to find that one special thing you really wanted. Too often, you convinced yourself you could live without it. But that didn't stop you from picking up a few boxes of Junior Mints, or the occasional jar of bread-and-butter pickles for Bucky. 
As you'd gotten to know Bucky, you'd developed a crush on the super soldier. He was definitely a good-looking man, especially when he smiled. Your heart fluttered every time you heard him laugh, which wasn't often, thus you would do anything to hear it on repeat. Despite what had been done to him in his past, he didn't let that erase his kindness, his sense of duty, or his willingness to protect those he cared about.
Sometimes he'd wander into your office to see how your day was going, bring you some coffee, or to ask you out to lunch. You always sat next to each other at dinner or on movie nights. At times you could swear there were signs that he considered you as more than a friend. Those thoughts were quickly dismissed, because you were certain that current only ran in one direction. As gorgeous and kindhearted as he was, he had loads of women and even some men falling all over themselves for him. What kind of chance would ordinary you have with someone like him?
Today, you made an extra stop at the Farmers' Market being held in Union Square, where there was something for everyone. You picked up honey for Loki's tea, lots of hearty fruits and vegetables, assorted baked goods, and various cuts of meat from the butcher. To brighten up the Tower, you picked out some fresh-cut bouquets of flowers to put in vases. A wine vendor even persuaded you to add a few bottles of his best wines to your wheeled cart.
Out of all your purchases, the one you looked forward to unpacking the most was a bag of plums. The seller assured you that hers were the best, no blemishes or soft spots to be found. She gave you a few samples and explained which varieties should be used for baking and which ones were for enjoying right away. As you were handing over your cash, she tucked a few recipe cards into your bag with a wink. You thanked her with a smile before moving to the next stall with a spring in your step, eager to show Bucky what you had found for him.
Two hours later, you returned to the Tower and wheeled your cart into the building. As the door was closing, you heard shouting for you to hold the door. Quickly you pressed the button and you tried to maneuver your cart closer to your side to make room for the new passengers. It turned out to be Steve, Bucky, and Sam, who happened to be returning from a run.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen," you greeted them. Bucky stepped on first, but with the cart, it looked like it would be a tight fit if Steve and Sam also tried to get on. "Oh, I'm so sorry, guys, elevator's kinda full with my cart in here," you remarked.
Steve and Sam gave each other a knowing look before grinning at Bucky, who in turn was trying to give them a murderous glare. "That's okay, Cap and I will catch the next one," Sam smirked. He reached in and pushed the one for the appropriate floor. You heard his cackling laughter fade as the doors closed.
Don't stare, don't stare, oh my God, he's so handsome and sweet--wait--don't stare, you chanted to yourself. "Did you have a good run?" you asked, then internally face-palmed yourself for the inane comment.
Bucky gave a brilliant smile before replying, "Yeah, it was good to be able to go outside and for once, it's not raining." Don't stare, don't stare, God, she's so beautiful and kind--wait--don't stare, he repeated to himself. "Looks like you bought out the whole farm, doll," he chuckled, gesturing to your nearly overflowing cart.
You followed his eyes and burst into laughter. "Yes, I guess I did! It's just that everything looked so good today, I couldn't pass it up. There's a little something for everyone in there," you noted. Bucky's face brightened. "Even for you, Bucky," you added, gesturing to the bag of plums in your cart.
His cheeks briefly flashed a dusting of pink. "Aw, thank you, sweets, but you didn't have to do that for me," he replied.
To catch his attention, you took his hand in yours and gazed into his baby blues. "I know, but I wanted to. It's okay to want things, because you deserve them and so much more," you swallowed hard to get your feelings back under control. "If there's ever something specific you want, please let me know. I'll be happy to go wherever I need to in order to find it. I don't mind, especially if it's something that would bring you good memories," you promised.
"That's really thoughtful of you, thank you. I'll try to remember that for your next trip. You going to need a hand with any of this?" he wondered.
"Nah, it's on wheels, so pretty easy. Oh! I'm making a beef stir fry and chicken fried rice later with some of these amazing veggies. You could....um....you could hang out in the kitchen while I cook? I-If you want to, b-but you don't have to. I'm sure you have more important--" your rambling was silenced by his left index finger on your lips.
"Let me take my shower and I'll be right there with you, doll," he grinned as the elevator dinged for your floor.
A warmth settled into your own cheeks despite the feel of cool metal on your lips. "Okay," you agreed, then backed out of the elevator, towing your cart behind you. "Meet you in the kitchen, Sarge," you smirked.
The elevator door started to close, so you didn't hear his reply. But you did see the genuinely surprised look on his face at the nickname, which caused you to laugh. As you turned to walk to the kitchen, you were stopped by Natasha, who stood with her eyes trained on you and her arms crossed over her chest. "Nat! What's up? And why are you looking at me like I'm in trouble?" you asked cautiously.
"No, no trouble," she replied slyly. "What was all that about, telling Bucky to meet you in the kitchen?"
You rolled your eyes. "That? Nothing," you answered with a shrug. When she didn't look convinced, you sighed in exasperation. "Ugh! Okay, I might have told him he could join me in the kitchen and watch while I cooked dinner for you all. We're just friends. No big deal, Tash," you muttered.
She relaxed her stance, but didn't give away any clues as to what she was thinking. Wanda caught up with the two of you and asked what was going on. Natasha explained what she saw when you exited the elevator and about Bucky watching you cook dinner.
Wanda's eyes widened and a huge smile graced her face at this development, and was only seconds away from breaking out into a happy dance. Before she could start, you held up your hand and reminded them that you and Bucky were "just friends" and it was "no big deal". Then you yanked on the handle of your cart, dragged it to the kitchen and grumbled under your breath about having so much to put away all by yourself.
Behind you, Natasha and Wanda were chattering back and forth, no doubt plotting your next move regarding Bucky. You paid them no mind, because you had more important things to worry about. Like how you were going to keep from cutting your fingers off with him watching your every move.
Bucky hastily kicked off his shoes the moment he crossed the threshold into his room. He rushed to the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went and tossing them in the hamper. You had invited him to the kitchen, your sanctuary, to hang out and watch as you prepared the evening meal. He had to hurry because he wanted to spend every available minute he could in your presence.
When you were first brought on board as the team's manager, Bucky instantly thought you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He could tell by the way you carried yourself that you had a kind and compassionate heart, which made him fall even faster. You had a way of making everyone feel as if they were the most important person in the room when talking to them. Not exactly something he was used to having in his life, nor was having someone care about him the way you did.
Over the past eight months, Bucky has been learning about you by being around you as much as he can be. He listens when you talk about your past, your family, and your friends. He knows of your love of reading, because he hardly ever sees you without a book in your hands, even if it's a cookbook. And though you are usually up for a trip into the city with Nat and Wanda, you're much more comfortable staying in and watching movies.
He loves that you choose to sit next to him on the team's Movie Nights, and that you share your popcorn, but only with him. He appreciates that you respect his space and try not to crowd him, but lately, all he's wanted to do is get closer to you. More than a few times, you've fallen asleep on his shoulder, with his arm around you. Whenever that happened, it made his heart race and nearly sent him into the stratosphere from happiness.
But as much as Bucky would give anything to call you his girl, sometimes the doubts creep in and squash those thoughts. He had enough personal baggage to run his own airline, and what woman would want to deal with all of that? There's no way he wanted to drag you down into the deep rabbit hole that was his life, or, worse yet, expose you to any danger. He would be content to have your friendship, and it would have to be enough.
As he dried off after his shower and got dressed again, his thoughts drifted back to the singing he heard in the locker room. It was his type of music, with vocals that were nearly perfect, and it took him back to a happier time. He was going to make it his personal mission to find out who was behind the angelic voice and ask her to be his girl.
Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever When you kiss me Fever when you hold me tight Fever In the mornin' A fever all through the night
The words and melodies from the song flowed from your lips as you chopped the various vegetables for dinner. You set them aside for the moment, along with the chicken and beef that were in a separate bowl, waiting for the wok to heat up. The rice simmered away in one of Tony's fancy, fool-proof rice cookers on the counter.
Sun lights up the day time Moon lights up the night I light up when you call my name And you know I'm gonna treat you right You give me fever When you kiss me Fever when you hold me tight Fever In the mornin' A fever all through the night
"Ah HA!" you hear someone exclaim from behind you. "I knew it was you!" Natasha declared. She had returned from her room, where she'd left her phone.
Clutching your chest at the sudden intrusion, you slowly turned around to face your friend, a panicked look in your eyes. "What?" you gasped.
"It was you, singing in the locker room a few weeks ago," she elaborated. "Barnes wouldn't stop talking about it, said he had to know who it was. I caught him roaming the halls the other day, thinking he'd figure it out by accident. Now I can tell him," she added with glee as she turned to leave.
"No, wait Tash! You can't tell him!" you blurted out. "Nobody knows about this, my singing, and I don't even think I'm that good. But....it's kinda my way of telling him how I feel about him." Your gaze dropped to the floor. "He's my friend, and if he finds out I wish it were more but he doesn't return my feelings, I....I don't know what I'd do."
She pivoted to face you and took hold of one of your hands in hers. "Trust me, you've got talent, my dear. As far as the situation with Bucky goes, I'll do what I can to help you keep your secret. But you should tell him how you feel, because you might be surprised at what happens." She gave your shoulder a pat then took a seat on one of the chairs at the island to keep you company. "Now, will you please keep singing, sweetie?" she grinned.
Bucky had just stepped off of the elevator and was headed for the kitchen when he ran into Steve. "Hey, Buck, where you headed?" he asked.
He explained to Steve that you had asked him to hang out while you cooked dinner, and he had accepted. He tried his best to escape before Cap could ask any more questions, but luck was not on his side. Right before they went their separate ways, Steve held out a hand to stop him and took a sniff of the air. "Wait. Are you wearing....cologne?" he wondered.
Bucky scoffed. "No, I'm not wearing cologne. Well, maybe just a little, but it's only 'cause I don't wanna risk goin' in there, reeking like the gym. I wanted to smell nice for her," he mumbled the last part, but it didn't escape his best friend's super hearing.
Steve had an inkling it was you who Bucky was trying to impress. He'd seen signs of sparks flying between the two of you and decided to dig in a little deeper. "Wait a minute. You like her, don't you?!" Steve exclaimed. He started to laugh but stopped when he saw the faraway look on his best friend's face. "What? What's wrong, Buck?"
"Shh, nothing. Just listen," Bucky whispered, breaking out into a wide grin.
Now you've listened to my story Here's the point that I have made Chicks were born to give you fever Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade
They give you fever When we kiss them Fever, if you live you learn Fever 'Til you sizzle Oh, what a lovely way to burn Oh, what a lovely way to burn What a lovely way to burn And what a lovely way to burn
"It's that voice again," Bucky remarked in awe. "A couple of weeks back, I heard someone singing in the women's locker room. The sound came through the vents--it has to be the same woman!" He was nearly shaking with excitement that today might be the day he finds out who belongs to that enchanting voice he keeps hearing. When he heard the sound of clapping, he bolted away from Steve and around the corner to the kitchen.
"Brava! Bravissima! You were magnificent, darling!" Natasha gushed, still clapping.
When you looked up from your skillet, you saw Bucky standing in the doorway, with Steve peering around him. "Hey, guys! Come on in, have a seat," you gestured to the open chairs around where Nat was sitting.
"I heard it again, that heavenly singing," Bucky noted, his eyes darting around the room, seeing only you and Nat. "Which one of you was it?"
Your eyes locked with Nat's as you silently begged her not to share your secret. "Wasn't us, Barnes. You must be hearing things," she replied, though she didn't look pleased to be lying for you.
"Well, if it wasn't you two, what was the clapping for?" Steve asked. Bucky crossed his arms over his chest, clearly wanting to know as well.
"That was....that was because I was doing my best lip-sync of the song and showing off my best dance moves. Nat was kind enough to applaud my performance, then you guys walked in," you responded. Mentally you were crossing your fingers, hoping they were convinced.
"Oh," Bucky murmured. "Need any help, doll?"
"Um, yeah, this is almost ready. If you and Steve could please set the table, that would be great," you answered, then handed him a stack of plates and utensils.
As soon as they left the room, your shoulders sagged in relief that the matter seemed to be dropped, at least for the moment. "That was a close one," you whispered.
"Yes, it was, and it's the last time I'm going to cover for you. Either figure out a way to tell him, or I will," she warned, then her demeanor softened. "Honey, that man is smitten with whoever belongs to that sweet, sultry voice he keeps hearing. That means you, sweetie. Give him a chance, hmm?" She squeezed your shoulder on her way out of the kitchen with the serving bowls of rice.
On her way back to the kitchen, she spied Tony standing against the wall, scrolling through his phone. "I hear you had a cancellation in the entertainment section for Barnes' birthday party."
Without glancing up from his phone, Tony replied, "I did have a cancellation, what about it?" he inquired.
Natasha checked her surroundings for any eavesdroppers, then sidled up to Tony. "What if I told you, I have the perfect substitution for your entertainment? A hidden talent will be revealed, and you'll get to see the resolution to a certain birthday boy's love life," she remarked cryptically.
Tony's eyes shot up from his phone to give Natasha a sideways and wary glance. "You have my attention," he stated coolly. "What is your plan, and how much is it going to cost me?" 
Nat chuckled. "It'll only cost you a shopping trip for a dress, shoes, hair, etc. Here's what I'm thinking," she added.
"You did WHAT?!?!?" you exclaimed. 
"I found out Tony had a last minute cancellation in the entertainment part of Bucky's birthday party, and I told him you'd fill in for it," Nat replied with a shrug.
"Without asking me first, you told him I'd do this?" you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose as you tried to keep your composure.
Wanda took your hand and guided you to sit on the couch. Tonight was "Girls' Night", where you, Nat, Wanda, Yelena, and even Pepper joined in to decompress and have fun. "Listen, I know you're scared for him to find out how you feel about him. But he's already enamored with your voice. He's just as crazy about the rest of you," she stated.
"We've all seen the way he looks at you and vice versa," Pepper chimed in, loosened up after already being a couple of drinks in. "Believe me, you have nothing to worry about in that regard. Frankly, I'm surprised Tony hasn't done anything more about it before now to push you two together," she added as she finished the rest of her drink. "You know what a meddler he is."
"Besides," Natasha added, "if you don't do it, I'll tell Thor that you forgot his Pop-Tarts that one time and didn't feel like going back out to get them. He still believes that story you told him that they were all sold out in every store. You remember how badly he sulked and pouted, how we had five straight days of thunderstorms?!?"
You gasped sharply in panic and disbelief then narrowed your gaze at her. "Ooh, low blow, Romanoff. C'mon, I was tired that day! If I remember correctly, Tony had me running all over town, picking up parts for some doohickey he was working on. You swore you wouldn't tattle on me to Thor. Huh. Some best friend," you frowned. After a minute or so, you heaved a deep sigh. "Fiiiiinnnne. You win. I'll do it."
"Honey, you have an amazing voice. And when Bucky hears it in-person coming out of the stunning figure you'll be on stage, he'll hardly be able to restrain himself," Wanda grinned.
You fidgeted with your hands in your lap, letting your friends' words sink in. You hazarded a glance at the faces of the women around you, seeing nothing but love and support. Maybe this could work, you thought. It'll have to be just the right song, though. "But what will I wear?" you smiled, then shrieked as they all threw their arms around you.
"Don't worry about that, Tony already agreed to splurge on the best: dress, shoes, hair, makeup, accessories--the works," Nat assured you.
"And trust me, we'll make sure and give Sergeant Barnes a birthday present he'll never forget," Pepper declared, raising her glass. "To Operation: Bombshell!" You and the others repeated the toast and clinked your glasses together. "Now, when are we going shopping??"
True to his word, Tony had pulled out all the stops for Bucky's birthday celebration. The best food, an open bar with the most talented mixologists, and a top-notch serving staff. For the entertainment, he secured a band to accompany you as would have been in the 1940s. 
Preparation for it kept you at work until late at night, more often than not. Because your job didn't always have regular hours, Tony set up an apartment for you in the Tower. That way, you wouldn't have to be concerned about safety on public transportation late at night. Nor would you have to worry about not getting enough sleep before an early morning meeting. You were grateful for the close quarters, because getting in before midnight was becoming a rarity.
On one of your many long shifts, you had forgotten something in your office, which was on the same level as the Avengers' living quarters. To get there, you had to walk past the common room, then head down a couple of hallways. Usually there wasn't anyone around this late, but tonight was the exception.
The elevator dinged to indicate you had reached your desired floor. As you approached the common room, you heard the voices of your favorite super soldier and his best friend. The closer you got, the better you were able to hear their conversation. Curious, you decided to eavesdrop a little, which, in retrospect, may not have been your best idea.
"What's the matter with you lately, Buck? Is it because your birthday is coming up, old man?" Steve teased.
"Old man? May I remind you, you're nearly as old as I am, punk," he muttered. "Anyway, nothin's the matter with me."
Steve rolled his eyes at the obvious untruth. "To put it mildly, you've been a real grump-ass lately, and I wanna know why," he paused. "It's your girl, isn't it?" Steve had confirmation of Bucky's feelings for you and wasted no opportunity to encourage him to confess to you about them.
"Language, Cap," Bucky sneered, then sighed deeply. "Yeah, it's my girl. She hasn't been able to be around very much these past few weeks. I miss her and it's starting to wear on me. I'm so used to seeing her amazing smile every day, hearing her sweet voice wish me good morning, feeling her hand on my shoulder."
You turned away from the two men, still deep in conversation, covering your mouth to muffle the sobs before they could burst out of your throat. Of course Bucky has a girlfriend, you thought. I guess the girls got it wrong this time. Those looks everyone says they see on his face are from those times he's thinking of her, not me. Whoever she is, she's one lucky lady, you noted somberly. With that last thought, you turned the corner and rushed down the hallway to your office.
At the sound of quick footsteps, Bucky scanned the area in time to see you dart around the corner to your office. Now's my chance, he grinned to himself. He leaped over the back of the couch and headed in your direction.
You unlocked your door and when the lights kicked on, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Tears had streamed down your face, leaving mascara tracks for anyone to see. You hurried into your executive washroom to clear up the damage.
With a wet washcloth, you began to wipe away the evidence of your heartbreak. Good for him, I guess. I hope whoever she is, she makes him happy. But this changes nothing, you reminded yourself. Bucky is my friend, and it's his birthday. I'm going to get up there and give it everything I've got. He deserves nothing less than the best, and this is the best gift I can give him, you resolved.
When you stepped out of the washroom, Bucky swore his heart skipped a beat with how beautiful you were to him. Though his brow furrowed a bit at your red, puffy eyes, and melancholy expression. Had you been crying? What happened? Who hurt you?? he wondered grimly.
Your eyes landed on your visitor, causing you to let out a gasp of surprise. "Sergeant Barnes! I wasn't expecting to see you here," you mentioned as you crossed the room to your desk.
Bucky moved towards your desk as well, wanting to get a better look at you, to be close to you. "Me and Stevie were hanging out in the common room, talking. Are you all right, doll? You look a little upset."
"Me? No, I'm okay, Bucky," you replied nervously. "Just a little tired, that's all. Tony's got me working on a project that's taking up a lot of my free time. Sorry I haven't been around much," you added with a brief smile.
"Must be an important project if Tony's got you involved. I did kinda notice when I haven't seen you as much as usual," he rubbed the back of his neck to calm his nerves. "Maybe after you're done with whatever you're working on, we can get together and make up for lost time?" he asked tentatively.
The look on his face held so much hope that you didn't dare turn him down. Above all, Bucky was your friend, and friends spent time together, right? "How about I get back to you about that after the project is all over, hmm?" you suggested.
Your response must have been the right one, as his face relaxed and broke out into that smile of his that you loved. "Great! Well, you be sure and let me know when it's all finished, and we'll find something to do together," he promised. You nodded in agreement.
Bucky stepped around your desk to stand at your side. He reached up with his right hand to trace his index finger along your cheek. "Get some rest, doll," he ordered softly. Your eyes closed involuntarily, right before he pressed his lips to your forehead. When your eyes finally opened again, you watched Bucky walking to the door. He paused in your doorway and looked back at you. "Sweet dreams, angel," he murmured.
As soon as he was gone, you dropped into your chair, placing your head in your hands. This was going to be harder than you thought, trying to manage a friendship with Bucky while he has a girlfriend. You decided to focus on your performance for his birthday party and hopefully everything else would fall into place. Once you picked up the file you came for in the first place, you re-locked your door and headed for your apartment for a night of restless sleep.
Two days before the party, Pepper persuaded Tony to give you the day off so she could take you and the rest of the girls out shopping in the city. In your mind, you pictured a long, slinky dress, straight out of a 1940s nightclub. You wanted something a sultry songstress would wear while crooning into a microphone, accompanied by an ensemble band.
You found the dress in the third boutique your group visited. As soon as you tried it on, you knew it was the right choice. It was a sparkly navy blue, A-line gown, floor-length, with spaghetti straps in the front that crisscrossed in the open back. It had a slit on the left that ended halfway up your thigh, revealing more leg than you were normally comfortable with. However, it was for Bucky, so it was added to the day's purchases.
Back at the Tower, Bucky had just finished his shower following a particularly intense sparring session with Steve. Before settling in the common room, he stopped in the kitchen for a plum muffin, which you had recently baked, and a bottle of water. Also in attendance were Tony, Sam, Peter, and even Thor was on Midgard after a long absence. "Lord Stark, I have not seen any of our lady friends around today. What is going on?"
"Well, you see, Asgardian Barbie, this morning, Pepper gathered up the ladies and took them shopping in the city," Tony replied. "Barnes' birthday bash is happening in a couple of days, and they all needed new dresses for the occasion," he explained.
Bucky heard Tony mention the shopping trip and realized he hadn't seen you at all today. He wondered if you had accompanied them, and if you would be at his party. He was walking from the kitchen, but in a moment of distraction, he bumped into Steve. The water bottle flew out of his hands and crashed to the floor, creating a puddle of water. He swiftly grabbed some paper towels, and as he cleaned up his mess, he asked Tony if you would be there.
Tony shrugged. "I don't know, Barnes, why don't you ask her yourself?" he gestured with a tilt of his head. Bucky's eyes followed the sound of giggling and other happy noises from you and the others as you exited the elevators.
In addition to your dress, shoes, and some accessories, you had brought back pizza for dinner. You and the girls had a late lunch, complete with cocktails, which had started to wear off in the car on the way back to the Tower. "Hey, guys! How's everything going? I shopped 'till I dropped, and I really didn't feel like cooking tonight. So, pizza it is, dig in!"
You left the pizzas on a table and headed for the kitchen to get some plates for everyone. Bucky stealthily followed you to see if you needed any help. After removing the right number of plates from the cabinet, you turned to leave, only to run straight into his chest.
"Whoa there, doll, careful. Here, I can help you with that," he chuckled as he took the stack of plates out of your hands.
"Thank you, Bucky. I'll put some drinks on a tray and bring them in," you told him.
Bucky passed out some of the plates to those already eating, then left the rest of them near the pizza boxes. He returned to the kitchen to see you still pulling drinks from the refrigerator. "So, um, my birthday party's in a few days," he started. You hummed and nodded in response. "Was kinda hoping--er--wondering if you were going to be there?" he asked.
He's so cute when he's all flustered and shy. I wonder if he's that way with her, you thought wistfully. You mentally shook off the negative notions and graced him with a smile. "Of course I'll be there, Bucky! I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Great! If you're getting ready here, I can stop by whichever room you're in. And I'd be honored to escort you to the party," he offered.
"That would normally be great, Bucky. It's just that I have a prior commitment that night, so I'll be a little late. However, I promise that I will be there to help you celebrate," you affirmed as you carefully placed the tray on the table. "Think it's time to collect my shopping bags and head to my apartment," you added while trying to stifle a yawn.
He looked around and pointed at the stack, which you nodded to confirm they were yours. "I've got them for you, sweets. Lead the way," Bucky replied. He picked up your bags with one hand, then held out his other elbow for you to take.
"Thank you, Sarge," you giggled as you slipped your arm around his and waved goodbye to everyone with your free hand.
As you walked the halls towards your apartment, you chatted about how you'd spent your day shopping, while he was training with Steve. All too soon, you reached your apartment, thus it was time for you to part ways. You were insistent that you could carry your bags inside, but Bucky would have none of it. He was equally as adamant to fulfill his duties as a gentleman and wouldn't let them go, placing them on your couch.
Bucky realized that he'd never been in your Tower apartment before today. In looking around, he noticed the personal touches you had scattered about the space, which were perfectly you. There was a soft-looking quilt draped over the back of the couch, a pair of fluffy slippers under a chair, and some photos in frames on various flat surfaces.
His eyes soon landed on the stuffed bear he'd won for you at Coney Island, sitting on a small, cushioned chair near your bookcase. He smiled to himself at the black sleeve with the gold thread woven through it that you must've stitched to the bear's left arm. There was no mistaking that the bear was meant to signify him, which warmed his heart. He kept his thoughts about it to himself while he waited for you to return to the living room area.
"So what's in the bags, doll?" he grinned mischievously as he started to peek into one of them.
You reached over and nudged him out of the way so he couldn't snoop in any of the other bags. "Oh, no you don't, mister," you interjected. "This is all 'top secret' girl stuff. You'll have to wait and see it at your birthday party, not a minute before," you added loftily.
Bucky pretended to be shocked at your refusal, then switched to giving you puppy dog eyes as a way to sway you. "Aw, come on, sweets. Please?"
You laughed at his attempts to convince you, but you waved him off. "Does that really work on your girl, the puppy dog eyes?" you asked in what you hoped was a playful tone.
A confused look briefly crossed Bucky's face at your question. "Must need to work on it a little harder, then," he murmured. "If it's okay, I'm going to head back to get some pizza before Steve and Sam eat it all," he chuckled.
Suddenly you realized he'd completely bypassed the food you'd brought in so he could walk you back to your apartment. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Bucky! Of course you don't need to stick around here with me. I've got it from here."
"Not for nothing, but if I wasn't so hungry, I'd stay here with you for a while. Have a good night, and I'll see you around, angel," he remarked.
You walked him to the door and when he had taken one step across the threshold, you called his name. He turned around to face you and in a moment of impulse, you reached up on your tiptoes and pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek. "Good night, Bucky," you whispered, then gently closed the door.
On the other side, Bucky stood and stared at your apartment door. His right hand reached up and touched the spot on his cheek that still tingled a bit from when you kissed him. A smile slowly crept across his face until it stretched from ear to ear. He didn't recall how he got back to the main living area, but he definitely remembered how it felt when you'd kissed him good night.
Bucky's dazed demeanor didn't escape Sam's notice, and he certainly wasn't going to let it go. "Get some sugar tonight, did you, Bucky?" he cackled. When Bucky didn't react, Sam commented further. "Look at him, he's so in love, all he can think about is his girl."
That seemed to snap Bucky out of his trance, because he rolled his eyes at Sam's comments. He grabbed a plate and started piling it high with slices of pizza. "Besides, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," he smirked, which started Sam's laughter again. Bucky rolled his eyes and took a seat next to Steve on the couch.
"So.....?" Steve prompted.
Bucky swallowed his bite of pizza and turned to meet Steve's gaze. His neutral expression gave way to a broad smile. That told him all he needed to know, that something had happened with you to make his best friend happy. Steve was sure that the two of you belonged together, and he was more than content with the notion.
On the night of Bucky's birthday party, your room was a flurry of activity. All the ladies decided to get ready there, except for Pepper. She promised Tony she would arrive at the venue a little early to help him greet people. You agreed that before the end of the night, a picture would be taken of all of you, dressed in your best.
Down the hall, Bucky was putting the finishing touches on his suit. Truth be told, he'd much rather be wearing something a bit more casual for his birthday party. Since you told him you'd be there, he decided to make an effort to dress up, but chose to skip the tie.
The suit was all black, with satin peak lapels on the jacket. He left the first two buttons undone on the shirt to show off his dog tags. He'd swapped out his regular boots in favor of a pair of well-polished dress shoes.
Bucky gave himself one last look in the mirror and was adjusting the collar of his shirt when Steve popped his head into the room. "Hey, Buck, happy birthday," he grinned. "You about ready to go? Stark's already there, greeting people with Pepper."
A final check of his overall appearance and Bucky declared himself ready to go. He was feeling a little nervous, especially since he normally didn't make such a big deal of celebrating his birthday. But Tony insisted, and Stark's parties were rarely, if ever, boring so he gave in. Besides, he was looking forward to seeing you there and hopefully steal a dance or two with you. "Yep, let's head out, punk," he smirked.
Natasha and the other girls had somehow snuck you out of the Tower and down to where Happy Hogan was waiting with the car. He shuttled you over to the venue where Bucky's birthday party was being held. Once there, he hurried around to your door to help you out of the car and wished you good luck.
Behind the stage curtain, you nervously paced back and forth, waiting for your cue to take your place out front. You ran through the lyrics in your head and practiced some of your dance routine. One by one, the band members arrived and took their places, then worked on tuning their instruments. 
About ten minutes before your performance was to start, Natasha and Wanda found you doing some last-minute rehearsing. Nat informed you that Bucky had arrived and that he was sitting at the far end of the dance floor, with everyone else filled in on either side. Before they left, they each offered some words of wisdom.
"You're going to do great, honey," Wanda assured you. "With that voice of yours, you'll probably knock Thor and Loki all the way back to Asgard." The three of you shared a laugh at the image.
"Nah, there's only one man out there she wants to impress, and he has been checking the doors like a hawk for you every time they open. And Barnes isn't my type, but let me tell you, he is looking like a delicious snack and dressed to kill," Natasha remarked. "Now get out there and use that beautiful voice of yours to tell him how you feel, sweetie," she nudged with a kind smile.
You gave each of them a hug and told them to let Tony know you were ready for everything to start. The band was putting the last minute touches on everything, adjusting their ties, or making sure the music was open to the right page. With a deep breath, you walked to your mark on the stage and waited for Tony to start the show.
"Good evening, good evening, good evening, everyone," he greeted. "We all know why we're here tonight, so let's give a warm birthday greeting to our favorite Tin Man, Bucky Barnes!"
Everyone around Bucky wished him "Happy Birthday" with a handshake, a shout-out, or even just a wave. "To commemorate his 107th trip around the sun, we have some first-class entertainment for everyone. This particular act was chosen specifically with the Birthday Boy in mind." Bucky gave Tony a puzzled look at the remark. "Without further ado, I give you your elusive Songbird."
As Tony took his seat, the house lights dimmed until they finally went out. The curtain drew back to reveal a '40s-type band, with men dressed in black pants and white jackets. There was a horn section, a string section, complete with a stand-up bass, and a percussion section.
You stood in the middle of the stage, with your back turned to the crowd. A deep breath, then the opening verse:
Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
The last line is said while looking over your left shoulder. As soon as you say the last word, the band's horn section kicks up and a spotlight turns on to highlight you and your sparkly dress.
Bucky's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. There you were, his girl, his songbird, standing before him. You were dressed like he would've seen you in a nightclub from the '40s, complete with the red lipstick and the Victory Rolls in your hair. He sat on the edge of his seat, thoroughly hypnotized by your performance.
Fish in the sea You know how I feel River running free You know how I feel Blossom on a tree You know how I feel
With the microphone in one hand and your dress in the other, you sauntered down the steps in the front of the stage. Hips swaying, you first approached Bruce and laid a hand on his cheek. As you walked away from him, you gave him a finger wave. Then you sashayed over to where Thor was sitting on the other side. He reached out, but you stepped away before he could make contact. You wagged your finger and tossed him a wink over your shoulder, bringing a mischievous grin to his face.
By this time, Bucky was having a difficult time sitting still as he watched you flirt with his fellow Avengers. His eyes never left yours, focusing on your every movement as you worked your way across the floor to him. His hands itched to pull you onto his lap and lay claim to any part of your body you would let him explore. He longed to whisper about his feelings for you in your delicate shell of an ear.
Sam and Steve were keeping a close eye on Bucky, enjoying the effect you were having on him. At one point, Sam stood up from his chair and started walking towards you as if he were getting in on the act. Before he could take two steps, Bucky grabbed his jacket and forced him to return to his chair, Bucky's eyes never straying from you. Sam knew his point had been made, and mostly behaved himself for the rest of the number.
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new life For me
And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good
Bucky was perched on the edge of his chair, entirely under your spell. Once you were finally close enough, you draped one arm around his neck and with your first two fingers, you tilted his head up. You gazed deeply into those baby blues you loved so much and noticed that only a thin rim of color was visible. When you leaned over, you put your lips close to his right ear, and whispered, "Happy Birthday, Sarge."
"It was you," he whispered back. You nodded, finally providing him with confirmation that it was your voice he's been hearing in his dreams for the past few weeks. Almost reverently, he grazed the knuckles of his right hand along your cheek. You pressed a lingering kiss to his left cheek, then turned back towards the stage, your hips swaying as you went.
On stage, the band was finishing up with the last few measures of the song while you resumed your mark, keeping your back to the crowd. As the band continued to play, you replaced the microphone in its stand and locked eyes with Bucky over your left shoulder. You gave him an exaggerated wink and blew him a kiss. When the last few notes died, the area thundered with applause, all except Bucky, who was still in his chair, stunned into silence.
As the curtains closed, you quickly exited the stage, thanking the musicians for their fabulous performance. Natasha and Wanda were waiting in the wings, where they watched the entire show and couldn't wait to congratulate you.
"Oh my God, that was amazing!!" Wanda shrieked and enveloped you into a bone-crushing hug. She bounced up and down a couple of times until she finally released you, a beaming smile on her face.
Natasha strolled over to you, gave you a wink and a knowing smirk, then pulled you to her side in a half-hug. "Knew you could do it. Bucky had his eyes on you the entire time, couldn't look at anything or anyone else but you. Still think he considers you two as 'just friends'?"
You sobered a little at her remark, remembering the conversation between him and Steve from that night you stopped at your office. Before you could tell her about it, you heard the sound of a throat being cleared. The curtain was pulled back to reveal Steve, a sheepish grin on his face and his eyes locked on you.
"Um, excuse me, but the guest of honor requests your presence for a private conversation. I have been sent to escort you to the balcony, where he's prepared to wait all night if he has to," Steve explained.
Glancing nervously at your best friends, you were met with nothing but encouragement and assurance from their gazes. Though you were nervous to hear what Bucky had to say, you felt that you owed him a chance to say his piece and let the chips fall where they may. "Okay, Steve. Lead the way, please," you replied.
Steve grinned as you curled your hand around his offered arm. "By the way, you were wonderful up there tonight. Just like the sirens me and Buck used to see on stage in the nightclubs. You know, back when we were young and full of hormones," he joked.
You lightly swatted his arm as you joined in his laughter. "Thank you, Steve. That was probably one of the bravest things I've ever done. So far, anyway. I sure hope Bucky liked it," you added.
He snorted in response. "Oh, trust me dollface, he loved it. Couldn't stop staring at you," he assured you.
On the walk over to the balcony area, many of your friends congratulated you on your singing and performance. You smiled and thanked each of them for their comments. All too soon, you were standing at the doors that led you to Bucky. A flight of butterflies took off in your stomach at full speed as you desperately tried to regain your composure.
Then you remembered what awaited you on the other side, out on the terrace. A man you were grateful to have met and considered to be one of your closest friends. A man who had always been kind to you, despite what life had put him through. Someone that made your world a better place by being in it. You couldn't see your future unfolding without him in it, nor did you ever want to.
"He's waiting for you," Steve gently reminded you. He untucked your hand from his side and kissed the back of it before returning to the party. You pushed down on the handle and swung the door open.
Bucky was standing with his hands clasped behind him, staring out over the ledge at the horizon. The noise volume from the traffic and other sounds of the city wasn't as loud as it was at the lower levels. His face lit up at seeing you, as the echo of your high-heeled shoes on the patio surface caused him to reverse his position.
"Hello, Bucky," you greeted.
"Hiya, doll," he replied, a shy smile gracing his lips. "Probably shoulda known it was you that day I heard the singing in the locker room," he grinned. His hand slowly reached up to brush his knuckles along your jawline. "You were incredible up there, sweetheart."
"Thank you, that's kind of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it," you replied shyly.
"I absolutely, 100%, loved it, doll. Reminds me of those clubs me and Steve used to sneak into so we could go dancing. Where'd you learn to sing like that?" he wondered.
"My grandparents kept a large vinyl collection of music from that time. My brothers and I used to spend summers with them, and it was in all the old movies we used to watch. I guess it kinda grew on me," you giggled with a shrug.
Bucky threw his head back and laughed. "Well, I'm certainly glad it did, because that was one of the best birthday presents I've ever received in my life." His hand brushed back a stray lock of hair and tucked it behind your ear, while his eyes shifted their focus from your eyes to your lips. He slowly leaned closer to you, giving you every chance to resist what he was about to do.
Suddenly your index finger was pressed against his lips, halting his advances. "Bucky, wait. Not that I haven't thought about this, but what about your girl? Isn't she here with you at the party tonight?" you worried.
Bucky gave you a puzzled look. "My girl?" he wondered. "What are you talking about, sweets?"
"I heard you and Steve in the common room. It was late and I had forgotten something in my office. You said you missed your girl and that you were so used to seeing her 'amazing smile every day'. How it was starting to wear on you about not hearing her wish you good morning or feel her hand on your shoulder," you explained.
Bucky saw how your gaze had dropped to the floor and felt you slipping from his grasp. As he racked his brain trying to recall what conversation you were referring to, you continued.
"I mean, until I heard you talking that night, I thought 'maybe....', and the girls all seemed convinced as well. But after what I'd heard...." you trailed off. "All I would ever want is for you to be happy with someone, Bucky. Even if that someone isn't me," you whispered.
You started to feel the burning of tears behind your eyes and started to move towards the door. No way did you want to break down in front of the man you loved, on his birthday, for something that wasn't his fault. You were determined to hold back until you had returned to your room.
But Bucky had other ideas.
He was still holding your hand as your steps took you closer to the exit. He gently squeezed it, which caught your attention and halted your escape. You turned to face him and when your watery eyes caught his, you saw only compassion and a hint of another emotion you couldn't quite name.
"Now, darlin', there's only one girl I can think of that I want to call mine. She's smart, funny, a bit sassy, but sweet. She's thoughtful, always thinking about others before she thinks of herself. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and has the voice of an angel. I have missed her these past few weeks, but I'm guessing it's because she wanted this to be my best birthday ever. And that's made me fall even more in love with her," he declared.
As Bucky was giving his speech, he inched closer to you, step by step, until there was barely any space between you. His right hand drifted upwards to curl around your neck, his thumb brushing gently along your cheek. "You love me?" you whispered.
Bucky nodded, a tender smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Oh baby, ever since I met you, I've wanted to call you mine, but never thought you'd feel the same. Nor did I think I deserved to be with someone as wonderful as you."
Now it was your turn. "Bucky, you deserve all that this world has to offer and more. I've had feelings of more than friendship for you for a long time, probably since we met. Thought you were way out of my league, though. Parts of this world haven't been kind to you, but you haven't let it destroy the best parts of you. Past and present, all of it makes you the man I've fallen in love with. I love you, James Buchanan Barnes," you affirmed.
Bucky surged forward, crashing his mouth into yours with a groan of satisfaction. At first, the kiss was dominant, his lips moving almost feverishly against yours. Then he slowed it down, wanting to convey every ounce of passion he felt for you. He draped your arms around his neck, then pulled you closer into his embrace until you were flush with his body. Your fingers played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder. You smiled against his lips, which created an opening for Bucky's tongue to slip in and deepen the kiss, taking you by surprise.
The need for oxygen finally broke the kiss, leaving both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he remarked. "Definitely worth the wait."
You giggled in response. "You don't know how many times I've imagined or dreamed about kissing you. Reality is so much better," you replied.
The two of you stood, perfectly comfortable holding each other, until the balcony door opened to reveal Steve on the other side. He cleared his throat to get your attention, averting his eyes but not before you noticed a teasing smirk on his face. "Uh, Tony wanted me to let you know that it's time for cake and for you to open your gifts. Although...." he trailed off with a grin.
"Hey, punk, show some respect for me and my girl," Bucky playfully growled. Then he turned his attention to you. "You ready to go back out there and show 'em who you belong to?" he asked in a seductive voice.
"Only if you're okay with showing 'em who you belong to," you countered through half-lidded eyes and a sultry smile.
"Absolutely," he agreed. After one more searing kiss designed to make Steve a little uncomfortable, you separated. Bucky took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers and led you both back to the party. When everyone saw your joined hands, cheers arose throughout the crowd in celebration of your happiness. You both laughed when you saw money change hands between a few of your friends, Tony with Natasha and Sam with Steve.
You turned to face Bucky, resting your palm on his cheek and sighing when you felt him lean into your touch. "Happy Birthday, Bucky," you whispered.
Bucky tilted his head to kiss your palm. "Best birthday ever, doll," he remarked.
@katelyn--renee @lassie-bird @emoryhemsworth @hintsofhoney @wayward-dreamer @never--doubt @akshi8278 @rooweighton @phoenixisred @krazykelly @imherefordeanandbones @missvelvetsstuff
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callalillywrites · 7 days
Steve and the Ghost (Fic Idea)
So thanks to Spooky Season and all the wonderful inspiration I've been seeing from some amazing writers here as they gear up, is it any wonder that my mind has been inspired?
This is a little spacey, but bear with me as I get it out.
The idea goes like this:
Steve's apartment, prior to joining the war efforts, ends up being leased to a young lady who works in the war efforts on the home front. She adores her tiny, if a little rundown space as it's something she can call her own.
While Steve cleaned out the apartment fairly well, he leaves behind a sentimental trinket without realizing it (possibly something relating to his mother).
Well, the young woman now living there comes across it one day while deep cleaning the space. She doesn't know why she's drawn to it really, but she ends up giving the trinket a place of honor in her new home.
When said young woman tragically meets with an accident, the apartment goes on to become the home of several other tenants from the 1940s to present day.
Okay, so that's the setup, here's where it goes from there...
Steve is pulled out of the ice and thawed. When he gets a chance to reacquaint himself with NYC and his old neighborhood in Brooklyn, he finds himself back in his old apartment. It's a building that's actually being torn down.
Well, as he walks the old place, he finds the same trinket he left behind. Past tenants have also come across it but it's never been able to be removed. No matter what they try to do, it just stays in place as though someone or something is keeping it there.
Steve is actually able to pick up the trinket and brings it back to his new place that SHIELD helped him get (so prior to Avengers at this point and all the events with Loki). Their shared love for the trinket is the key to getting it to leave the now-condemned building.
He's not even sure how the object survived through all these years, but he can't say he's not happy that it did.
What he doesn't count on is the ghost that comes with the trinket. It's the same young woman who took over his place after he left for the war and became Captain America.
So, not only is he dealing with being a man out of time, he now has a ghost to contend with. A pretty ghost if he's being honest with himself.
The two actually have a lot in common, and he soon finds himself wanting to help her in some way. Maybe give her a chance to 'move on' even though that's not what he really wants or give her a second chance of some sort.
Anyway, he starts seeking out 'experts' in the field of ghosts which aren't many, but he does find a few promising leads.
Eventually, they figure it out and set our ghost lady free.
You decide which path she goes from there if it's to enjoy her afterlife or if it's a second chance with her new love, Steve.
So, that's all I've got at this point. Maybe I'll turn this into fic one day, but I've got so many others to write right now that I'm not sure when I'd even get to this one.
What do you think? Should I consider writing this or not?
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fromasgardandback · 1 year
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One Shots and Headcanons
My one shots and asks of Marvel, Stranger Things, & Star Wars
Marvel’s 25 Days of Christmas stories ♥️ 2021 Eddie Munson’s 25 Days of Christmas drabbles ♥️ 2022 Stranger Things Summer ♥️ 2024  🌴
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Bucky Barnes
✩ 1940′s
✩ Let Me Help You
Sam Wilson
✩ No Regrets, No Regrets [II]
Tony Stark
✩ Please Don’t Leave Me [Father!Stark x Daughter!Reader]
Loki Laufeyson
✩ Goddess Divine
✩ Beloved
✩ My Saving Grace
Marc Spector / Steven Grant / Jake Lockley
✩ Khonshu’s Next Victim [M]
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Eddie Munson
✩ Two Punks In Love
✩ My Brother’s Best Friend
✩ The Dungeon Master and the Theater Nerd
✩ Romeo & Juliet  
✩ Amoureuse Means Sweetheart  
✩ The Hidden Wheeler 
✩ Automotive Plant’s Secretary
✩ Rocker Mayfield - Part I
Steve Harrington
✩ Let Me Show You
✩ Home Remedy
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Anakin Skywalker
✩ My Promise To You 
✩ My Promise To You II
Obi-Wan Kenobi
✩ Our Routine on Tatooine
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ONE CHICAGO (closed)
✩ Detective Halstead’s Girl
✩ My Other Half 
✩ The Other Ruzek Kid [1], The Other Ruzek Kid [2]
✩ Welcome Back, Peter Mills
✩ Donor 1128 [Daughter]
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ieatadoptmepets · 7 months
Soundtrack and timeline to my fic And It All Leads Back To You, with explanations, 1-10. Check out my other posts for more info!
You Are My Sunshine (1940)- You discover this song again in the mid 40s when steve and bucky die. This song reminds you of them because for a long time they were your only family. You cry to it many nights. It's given a new meaning when you discover that howard, jarvis, and peggy are your family as well
When you wish upon a star (1940)- two meanings. A) you are grieving for steve and bucky. You wish them to be back so long, or that it'd stop hurting. B) you're on earth and have been for almost 150 years. You love Loki. You wish to see your best friend again
Dream a little dream of me (ella fitzgerald) (1950)- you've been dating howard for a while now, and you've accepted that you can love someone new and still hold your love for Loki. Howard reminds you of everything good in the world and shows you a life you never thought you could have
Fly me to the moon (1954)- a romantic song howard plays for you to express his love, and you love it, but you can't help but take the lyrics literally and dream about taking howard above the stars and to asgard. This became your wedding song with howard
Great balls of fire (1957)- one of the sillier songs you know but a testament to time. Always gets you dancing and having a good time
Johnny b goode (1958)- if you go out somewhere upbeat dancing, this song always plays somehow. howard has his ways, and knows you like this song
Put your head on my shoulder (1959)- stands as one of your favorite old love songs. Who knows how many times this plays on a vinyl in your and howards home?
At last (1961)- a beautiful song that reminds you that after all that time of searching you've finally found the love you were looking for
Sway (dean martin) (1961)- howard loves to play this song and dance to it with you, either early morning or late at night- you never could agree on what time it was when you pulled at-home all-nighter dates together
The lion sleeps tonight (1961)- not particularly a love song like the rest but it still is one of "your songs"
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queen-of-the-avengers · 7 months
The Avengers: Part One
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You're here. You finally did it. You finally got off that god-forsaken planet. It took months to achieve, especially since Loki's hidden crevasses were super hard to find and navigate. Still, you're back on Earth and ready to help with Phil's Tesseract problem.
You look around the area to assess your surroundings when you notice the Bifrost marking on the ground. The same marking you stood next to after the battle with the Destroyer. You're in New Mexico and you can only assume Fury and Phil are in New York with the Tesseract. After nearly twenty years away from the thing that gave you powers, you have the opportunity to be face-to-face with it again.
The thing that has been the bane of your existence. The Tesseract is the cause of all your problems. If Markus didn't know about it, you might not have been an Avatar. If you're not an Avatar, you might not have found your way to Earth. If you hadn't come to Earth, you would have never met Ikaris, Bucky, Steve, Carol, Fury, Tony, and so many other people who are important to you.
You both hate and love what the Tesseract has done for you. It's time to finally face it.
It takes a normal commercial airplane six hours to get from New Mexico to New York, but you do it in three. Fury hasn't changed his office since acquiring it back in 1995 so it's easy to spot amid all the new stores. It's been a few years since you've been back in this state, and it seems like everything and nothing has changed. There are new stores that weren't here before but the same crowds bustle up and down the streets.
If you close your eyes, you can picture what New York was like in the 1940s. All the modern screens you see weren't there back then. It was crowded with short buildings and billboards that people changed out every week by hand. There weren't the designer-brand stores you see now but mom-and-pop stores that did quite well for their time. Each restaurant had a small space on the strip, but that didn't mean their food wasn't delicious.
Centuries before that in the 1700s, New York was completely a whole different world. The roads weren't paved, everyone rode horses everywhere, and there was no Central Park to hang out in. It's weird how different one city can look every couple hundred years. What will the world look like in 2200?
You walk through the bustling city to get to Nick's office, and you stroll right in as if you belong there. His assistant is baffled when you walk right past him, and you pay no mind to him.
"Ma'am, you can't just walk right in there!" he says and chases after you. You knock once and enter his office, and Fury looks up from his desk. "Ma'am, you need an appointment!"
"It's alright, George. I can handle this."
George mumbles a few curse words before walking away. You close the door behind him and turn to Fury with crossed arms.
"Where the hell have you been?"
"Stuck on another planet with no way out. I know it's only been a few months but I'm here now."
"A few months? Try a couple of years."
"What are you talking about?"
"You've been MIA for two years. I thought you were dead."
You fall back into a chair across from his desk in shock.
"No, you're messing with me."
"I wish I was."
"I got a message from Phil four months ago saying you found the Tesseract."
"He sent that two years ago. It's 2012."
You look down and try to wrap your head around the fact that time works differently on Asgard than it does on Earth. Two years. Wow, you can't believe it.
"O-Okay, um, do you still have the Tesseract?"
"We've been permitted to study it a year ago. It's been docile for the most part. We're still trying to see what it is and what its power is.
"I can tell you that. It's not just a cube. It's an Infinity Stone which is very powerful. If you're tampering with it, you won't like what comes out of it."
"See, this is why we needed you here months ago. I just got reports that something is happening at the lab. Care to join me?"
"Yeah. Let's go."
You're a bit eager to see the cube that gave you your powers. It's been calling to you since arriving on Earth, and you can't ignore it anymore.
You and Fury head to the parking garage and meet with his right-hand woman, Maria Hill. You two pile into the backseat while Fury gets hold of the wheel. Without even knowing her, she's a bit apprehensive that you're here on such a sensitive project.
"How do you know Nick?" she asks.
"I'm sure you've heard about what happened to him in 1995."
"You mean the year he lost sight of his eye?" she chuckles.
"Yeah, exactly." Fury gives you a look in the rear-view mirror but you wave him off. "I was there. Carol and I are the reason Nick came up with the Avengers Initiative. The Tesseract is what gave me half my powers. The Tesseract is like a door, a portal that can transport anyone anywhere in the universe. I spent a lot of time studying it."
"Where were you a couple of months ago?"
"Stranded on another planet, but I'm here now."
Fury drives to a helicopter pad that will transport you to the facility they have in the middle of nowhere. Fury must have been building this facility for a while now because it's huge. After all, he had two years to put something like this together. Man, two years. You still can't believe it. This is the place where you can test something like the Tesseract. When you step off the helicopter, you're greeted by Phil Coulson who has taken point for the entire facility. Men in suits run around the place, soldiers jump into Humvees, and a voice bellows from the loudspeakers.
"So much for a device to use if I need you," Phil says when he sees you.
"I am so sorry. I thought it was only four months. I tried so hard to get back here as fast as I could. Time passes differently on Asgard."
"How bad is it?" Fury asks, interrupting your apology.
"That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil leads you, Fury, and Maria through the radiation section of the facility. There are tons of signs around warning about the dangers of radiation exposure. Hundreds of technicians and other staff run around, taking only the essentials. It must be pretty bad if everyone is evacuating. "Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago."
"Erik is here?" you ask but receive no answer.
"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase."
"He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement."
"It turned itself on?" Maria asks, surprised.
"Not surprising. It is an energy source," you say.
"What are the energy levels now?"
"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac."
"How long to get everyone out?"
"Campus should be clear in the next half hour."
"Do better."
Phil immediately turns and leaves to help with the evacuation.
"Sir, evacuation may be futile."
"You're suggesting we should tell them to go back to sleep?" Fury asks Maria.
"If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance."
"I might be able to help with that. I have its power. I can try and control it."
"This is why I brought you along," Fury says to you before turning to Maria. "I need you to make sure that Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out."
"Sir, is that really a priority right now?"
"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Put every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone."
"Yes, sir."
"What's Phase 2?" you ask when you continue alone with Fury.
"Need-to-know, and you don't need to know." Man, two years being gone has done a number on him. You two walk into the lab facility holding the Tesseract. "Talk to me, doctor."
Erik looks up at Fury when he looks at you.
"Y/N? I thought you were on Asgard."
"I was. I got out. Are you the only one here? Where's Jane?"
"Nowhere here, thankfully."
You look at the bright cube across the other end of the room and feel a magnetic pull trying to get you to come closer. The longer you stare at it, the more you're mesmerized by it. Your hands glow a soft orange without your permission. Fury does a double take at you and places his hand on your shoulder. It's enough to snap you out of your trance.
"What? Sorry," you shake your head.
"What can you tell us, Doctor?"
"The Tesseract is... misbehaving."
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's... misbehaving. She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..."
"We've prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space."
"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference and radiation. Nothing harmful, just low levels of gamma radiation."
"That can be harmful. Where's Barton?"
"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual."
You look up to see one of the first agents Fury recruited for his Avenger team. You have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him, but you are now.
"Agent Barton, report."
As Clint is making his way down, you look at Fury in concern.
"Erik is right. You can't harness energy from space. Humans aren't that advanced."
"This facility is." Clint approaches Fury from behind, and the older agent turns to the younger one. "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."
"I see better from a distance."
"Hi, I'm Y/N."
"Yeah, I saw you two years ago trying to get that hammer."
Why are you feeling like you don't belong here? The only thing you have in common with everyone else is the fact that you have the same power as the Tesseract.
"Are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?"
"No one's come or gone. There hasn't been any contact from it. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."
"At this end?"
"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The door's open from both sides."
The Tesseract has flares coming out the sides of it. Energy is pouring into the room rapidly, so much so that it shakes the entire facility. It's big enough that Phil and Maria can feel it from where they are on the other end of the facility.
The flaring rings and glow of the cube spout out brighter and louder, like a boiling pot of water. The Tesseract's energy builds up into a beam much like the Bifrost Bridge, which hits at the end of a platform that is wired to the device the cube sits on. The beam forms a vortex which opens a portal much like what you can do on your own.
Everyone is on alert now that the door has been opened. Everything is still for five minutes. No one is breathing, moving, or doing anything that might disrupt the Tesseract's power. Suddenly someone steps through the portal with his head down. He is heavily breathing as if he had just run a marathon. He is holding a staff in his hands that looks like Gungnir but has a glowing gem on the sharp end of the staff.
He looks up to address the room and your heart stops. It's Loki. He died. You watched him fall to his death. He looks around the room at everyone before locking eyes with you. He seems to go rigid at the thought of facing you once again. After two years of not seeing him, memories come rushing to the surface of your mind.
He's coming. Someone tipped him off and he's on his way to get you. Asgard is preparing for another fight not knowing if Markus is coming for more than just you. It's been a year of peace away from the horrors of Markus. You've fallen in love with Loki; you can't bear the thought of leaving him.
You and Loki are in his room. There are sounds of battle happening in the castle. You can hear Markus yelling for you.
"I don't want to leave here," you cry in Loki's arms. "Please don't let him take me. I want to stay with you."
Loki pulls you close and kisses you passionately as if it's going to be the last time. Your tears mix in with his kiss but he doesn't seem to mind. You were meant to be in his arms. He fits so perfectly around you. His lips were made to kiss yours. He pulls away from you and rests his forehead on yours.
"I love you, Loki. I am in love with you."
Loki's tears fall down his cheeks as if what you said pains him. He kisses you once more before cupping your cheeks in his large hands.
"I am so sorry," he whispers.
"For what?"
He doesn't answer. His magic glimmers around you and seeps into your head, and your eyes shine green to match what he's doing to you. The next thing you remember, you're back on Xenia with Markus.
The bastard really did take your life from you. You were so much in love with Loki that you begged him to save you. He turned you in instead.
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Follow my library blog @aqueensibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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✩Week 1: June 1st - June 7th | “What should I wear?” | [Lingerie | Collars | Claiming Mark] 
➳ don’t fall for your mark [1] - WS!Bucky x Max Burnett, Max Burnett x Nick Fowler
✩Week 2: June 8th - June 14th | “What should I call you?” | [Daddy | Alpha | Sir] 
➳ it isn’t love - 1940s!Bucky x Lee Bodecker
✩Week 3: June 15th - June 21st | “Where do you want me?” | [Kneeling | Bent Over | In My Lap] 
➳ the (pineapple) contract (chapter 1) - Avenger!Bucky x Escort!Reader
✩Week 4: June 22nd - June 28th | FREE WEEK
➳ so don’t go (wasting all our feelings) - CEO!Bucky x Steve Rogers
✩Week 5: June 29th - July 5th | “When I first met you?” | [Fireworks | Electricity | Knees Buckling]
➳ bulletproof - Bodyguard!Bucky x Sebastian Stan
✩Week 6: July 6th to July 12th | “How do you want me?” | [Tied Down | Gagged | Spread Open]
➳ the (pineapple contract) (chapter 2) -  Avenger!Bucky x Escort!Reader
✩Week 7: July 13th to 19th | “Who’s this?” |  [My Pet | My Lover | My Slave]
➳ the (pineapple contract) (chapter 3) -  Avenger!Bucky x Escort!Reader
✩Week 8: July 20th - July 26th | “How did you meet?” | [Undercover Mission | High Stakes Op | Stakeout]
➳ if you can take all of my faults, one day I’ll repay the costs - Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Steve Rogers
✩Week 9: July 27th - August 2nd | FREE WEEK
➳ found love in a hopeless place - Bucky Barnes x Mickey Henry
✩Week 10: August 3rd - August 9th | “Long day at work?” | [Superior | Massages/Back Rubs | Bath]
➳ hey now, you're an all-star (Chapter 22) - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
✩Week 11: August 10th - August 16th | “Give me a colour.” | [Red | Yellow | Green]
➳ every shade of grey has left us colourblind - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
✩Week 12: August 17th - August 23rd | “Who’s my ____?” | [Good Boy/Girl | Perfect Fuckhole | Little Slut]
➳ a fire growing between my head and my heart - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
✩Week 13: August 24th - August 30th | FREE WEEK
➳ the way you touch, the way you taste - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Loki
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