#long au explanation
ultramori · 1 year
Hi OFF fans of mine!!!! Uhhh me and my buddy @bludscrewz made a little AU!!!!!! I've already been making concept drawings for it but like lemme explain it a little
It's called the First Strike AU!!!! The idea is where, after flicking OFF the switch, the Batter is still physically there. He feels that he might need to flick the switch on and off again before he is also erased like everything else, but when he does he's sent back to Zone Zero. The entire game restarts, but not everything is exactly the same. For instance, Valerie is your sidekick instead of Pablo because the latter has gone missing. And Zacharie... Well, let's just say his memories of the first playthrough aren't erased. At all. So the Batter just wants to focus on purifying the world, but more thoroughly, because he's so insistent that he must've missed something the first time. That's why it's called the "first strike" AU because it's a baseball terms used when the batter misses the ball, in this case, the Batter missed something that wasn't pure enough. But the longer the second run goes, the less control the [Player] has on him, which lets him make some morally questionable actions that go against the original storyline without consequence. And lemme tell you, he gets REALLY irritable because of all the annoying guardians trying to stop him, so he tends to break "character" often. He just gets really fucking pissed and goes on an even bigger murder spree lmao.
Me and my buddy have been planning on telling the tale through a comic I'm drawing!! We're still discussing it and stuff, so please don't raise too many expectations or anything,,
Yup, that's basically it for now! If you read this much, here's a cookie 🍪
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bluegiragi · 7 months
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holding back (part 2)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DpxDc AU: Tim as a child was never given a lot of information regarding the scribbling messy handwriting that appeared over night all over his arms- naturally he came to his own conclusions.
Tim Drake was home entirely alone at 9 years old and was about to go out for the night to test his brand new long exposure camera lens when he sees the writing on his arm. It’s not English, like he assumed it was at first, but it was using the alphabet to represent… Tim isn’t bad at math but this formula is complex for his little genius brain.
Looking at his camera, he decides he can spare a moment to look it up, solve it, and get back out into old town Gotham in time for Batman and Robin’s final patrol lap. He does just that, finding the problem to relate to some aerospace engineering and then quickly deduces what laws and theorems need to be applied. He finds a pen, writes down his findings in much neater handwriting onto his arm, and goes out. It’s barely a remarkable night at all. He gets a much more memorable photo of Robin roundhouse kicking a hench person.
Things just continued on that way. Tim would find some complex math, physics or chemistry prompt on his arm (surrounded by various question marks or notes or sad faces)- he’d answer it as best he could and move on with his life. Perhaps his parents were manifesting these pop quizzes? Perhaps his subconscious felt guilty about abandoning his studies for more Bat related pursuits? Tim really didn’t care to think much about it once he became Robin- there was too much on his plate and too many peoples problems for him to fix.
Notably, however, after the attack at the Tower, the pop quiz appeared and Tim wrote back that he wouldn’t be able to find an answer to this one. It was the only time Tim questioned the markings appearance and it was because the next thing that appeared was “Hope you feel better soon.”
… his parents wouldn’t include that on a pop quiz. Cursed then. Tim decided it must be a curse, whatever, he’d deal with the implications later in life.
Tim then has the worst year of his life, hes 15, no longer Robin and the questions from his curse are getting less math oriented and more… philosophical. A lot of mentions of death that, in hindsight helped him actually grieve, and a lot of theories about dark matter and souls. Tim answers back as best he can but he’s drained and his answers aren’t very good in his opinion. He gets minimal feedback.
It all comes to a point that he’s at a family dinner, Bruce is at the head of the table, Jason has promised just to stay for dessert, Damian hasn’t thrown a single insult his way and Steph was laughing at him- when a new theoretical model appears on his arm.
“You’re just as bad as Bruce, Timberly. Hiding a soulmate from all of us, how fucking typical.” Jason points out, while watching Tim scribble back some math with a question mark onto his arm.
“A what? No, this is just a curse. I get pop quizzes every now and then.” Tim bats away Steph who rapidly approaches and began to analyze his arm (the rest of the family isn’t far behind).
“Drake. Explain how you came to this conclusion.” Damian seems more curious than anything, if his lack of insults was anything to go off of.
“Since I was young I’ve had at least weekly math check ins, I never had a parent or anyone else around so I assumed my parents had me cursed to ensure I stayed on top of my studies. Sometimes it’s physics or chemistry, for a while there it was a ton of philosophy and behavioral psychology.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Master Tim, I believe the lack of adults in your life has led you towards a false conclusion. That is most certainly a soulmate mark. The individual to whom you are responding is undoubtedly your other half.” Alfred attempts to calm the room before explaining to Tim. Tim isnt sure if he believes the butler, though Alfred only very rarely lied, so he grabs the pen once more. He writes his first question back: “Who am I to you?”
The room waits in anticipation and within moments a brand new line appears on Tim’s arm and he is vindicated: “We do math together???”
The reason Danny is failing English is because his built in homework helper sucks ass at metaphors and has apparently never read any classic literature. The tutor on his arm is great at puzzles and math tho.
Danny gets a reply back one night that he wasn’t expecting (Who am I to you?) and he mentions it to Jazz. Who goes insane that Danny didn’t even question it and just went with “meh, probably haunted” as his explanation for the phenomenon for all these years.
Apparently, if Jazz was right, he had a soulmate who was uh, super fucking smart. That was an overwhelming thought.
The next day Danny is in crisis mode and writes back “Wait, WHAT AM I TO YOU??? Can I help on your homework??”
Danny gets vindicated when the writing on his arm presents a shit ton of dates and information for an unsolved Gotham cold case. See, Haunted.
Eventually between Danny becoming the top candidate for astrophysics at Wayne Enterprises and Tim Drake being outed as having contributed tips to the GCPD that solved cold cases- they meet and realize just how dumb they’ve been.
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canisalbus · 4 months
I have a feeling that sooner or later you are going to silly-post your way into giving them a canon child on the modern au. Just watch
*gestures vaguely*
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methoughtsphantom · 4 months
not me thinking about imaginary scenarios of ten year old Tim Drake in the ghost zone (pariah’s castle)
where Tim thinks it’s strangely soothing that despite being the only one whose steps connect to the ground, there’s not that eerie silence that befell drake manor
strange blob creatures chitter softly and nip at his hair and swooshes and wisps of wind betray the presence of an invisible ghost
which after following he realizes it’s almost like he’s trailing after the black dark shadow that is batman again
which gives him the idea that, maybe, just this one time, he can play the part of robin
that in mind Tim makes out a game of sneaking to the side of ghosts that look like they’re brooding and if they can spot him he loses
most just grunt in response (very in character) while others fuss over him and ask questions which Tim uses to infodump
he also politely asks the ghost that always asks him how he’s doing to instead say the word “report”
(the ghost looks at him weirdly but humors him and besides the answer would be the same anyways)
Tim also(!!)
gets on the case of why the walls lack tangibility when he is the one leaning on them (he doesn’t live down the time he wanted to look cool only to fall through the wall)
hyperfixates on how gravity works in the ghost zone because he couldn’t do a skateboard trick he has pulled off many many times and he’s salty about it
tries to figure out where they are getting human food from (cause it’s hot enough to be homemade but also there’s no kitchen —so how could it be) (also he wants coffee)
finds out the dude that often gives him a side eye when he finds that Tim knows how to do something (math homework), is next in line for the throne and yet doesn’t have a single “mingle and talk people up” bone in his body. (despite it his networking is a solid 7/10)
gets a ghost horse to adopt him what
discovers pretty quickly that there are rooms to which he can’t phase through (a.k.a. he’s not allowed entry) to which he begrudgingly backs off even though that stands in his way of doing a very thorough layout™ of the place (robin would)
sulks over the lack of extreme sports in the place
(Danny takes him to the Far Frozen where they go tire sliding in the snow and where tim learns how to use a skateboard skate and also that ghost ice cream is just as good as normal ice cream)
sulks again cuz he caught a common cold
also because there’s no sun or moon poor Timmy’s already screwed sleep schedule gets more messed up to the point no one knows when or where he will fall asleep
(ghosts find him in the most unhinged of places with a signature purple cloak draped over him every. single. time.)
overall, be a menace
see-> the time he threatened to build ghost weapons he’d somehow memorized the blueprints of cause Danny wouldn’t let him visit the radium girls factory but yes the renaissance period
see-> that time he went through the whole ghost energy and how to work with it book section in the library and half an hour later had a prototype of a star wars laser beam made
(note: bribing only works for hot chocolate, not for letting him keep cool-looking guns)
just tim having the time of his life
clockwork being no help at all (the ghost loves being a cryptid)
and danny trying not to get attached while he progressively gets more concerned over this chaos child he emotionally adopted as his little brother
(to fit canon cause i want it to this would just be until Danny finds the dimension little Timmy is from, then they can safely yeet the child back to the moment he first went missing)
anyways before anyone knows it’s been three months
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chaos-potat · 4 months
You c̴̊̆̕h̷͋͋̋̄̽̈́̀o̷̓̐̕s̸̛͗̾̏̽̃͘e̶̢͍͕̗̒͜ w̶̫̋r̶͔̜̝̉́o̷̹̼̭̬̱̪͚̿̆̍́̈́̏ṅ̷̬̠̪̗͍̭̼̙͐̎͐͐͑͘͜͠͝ģ̷͉͕͇͎͔̘̄̂͌̓̂͒̇͊̿̚ͅ
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And that's all for this one! A real shame you guys got the bad ending though……
If enough people want it, I can draw the good ending, it won't be cannon to CD
THAT'S RIGHT, this whole thing is cannon to Childhood Dreams
Good ending (not cannon) Main story Masterpost
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foolsocracy · 1 month
Hi, hello, I’m new to your blog. I’ve made myself at home. Lovely carpet.
Can I please know more about your spider Robbie pie? Can’t seem to find the silverware.
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but of course, kind anon
Spider Robbie is an au in which Robbie Robertson takes up the spider mantle after the death of the one before him. He is the third, following Ben Urich and, most notably, Peter Parker.
This au is very much canon divergence from Eyes Without a Face, where Peter makes it in time to save Robbie from his original fate but dies in the process. Peter is shot while rushing Robbie and the others out. In his panic and elation at finding Robbie physically unharmed, Peter outs himself as the Spider Man to his best friend. Robbie stays with him as he bleeds out and resolves to continue to hide Peter's identity.
Peter is buried and remains that way for... an undetermined amount of time.
Robbie is left with a mask, a jacket, and the question of just who was this other half of his friend. As he learns more of who this... Spider Man was, he gets more and more involved in the spider's cases and conflicts. Robbie gets more sure of his own abilities and makes a bit of a name for the Spider Man within his own community, though the people of Harlem are largely unaware that the appearances of a masked vigilante match the interests of one Robbie Robertson.
It is to be noted that none of these aforementioned abilities are spider-god-induced powers like Peter's. Robbie, especially at the beginning of his spidering career, leans more into Urich's role than Parker's. To me, Robbie has been passionate about the press and journalism in a way that Peter never was. For Pete, his job as a photographer and reporter was a job he took until he could get into college and study science. Robbie has a way with words and communication that Peter frankly lacks. Of course, that isn't to say that Robbie won't be kicking ass, because he will. It will just take him a bit of time to get some of those skills as he's, well, a normal guy. Not everyone can get their biology scrambled like Pete.
And just because Robbie hasn't been scrambled doesn't mean he's completely separate from all things supernatural either!
I think the marvel noir universe is at its best when there's a magical, supernatural undercurrent. This concept isn't super prevalent in the actual comics, but HoplesslyLost on ao3 has done some really cool world building with it.
I think in Robbie's case, where he would be the narrator, "magical realism" would be an interesting avenue to take it. I use this term in particular because I most closely relate it to Toni Morrison in my head, when I first learned about it through her work in high school. For Morrison, the concept was inseparable to blackness and I think for Robbie, where his blackness is so central to his character and his motivations, drawing on that could be more of a service to his character. It feels better to do that than ignore how incredibly racialized his society and story is. It will make his relationship with the spider god, Peter (who I will get to very very shortly), his community, and his own mythos as The Spider Man really interesting and complex.
So it's been established that Robbie doesn't have spider powers. And we all know that Peter did-- or should I say does. One of the spider god's abilities is to bring Peter back to life. She does this in the comics, but not in any of the runs from 2008-2010 (the runs that make up this au). When Peter dies on Ellis Island, he does not think he is coming back from that. Waking up again is a surprise.
Here's where I think the au really takes a left turn. Do I think the Spider God is purely evil and spiteful and has it out for Pete? No, not really. Will I be ramping said traits up to 11 for the au? Yeah, I guess I might. This is because I love a little bit of horror and the came back wrong trope. I will hopefully be fleshing the spider god out in the near future, but I really haven't given her the many hours of thought I have the other characters. For that I'm sorry spider god </3
Peter digs himself out of his grave, more spider than he ever has been. For much of his new, waking life he is more animalistic than not. There is clearly something wrong with him; his joints are too flexible and loose, he's got some eye-shine going on, his skin is pale and his veins are starkly dark beneath it. He's possessed. Someone is puppeteering him, someone who knows a lot-- almost everything about him, but it's clear that the someone isn't him.
And Peter--- the body, it can't be Peter. At least, that's what Robbie thinks when the figure catches his eye the first time. Because Peter is dead and buried, and he has been dead and buried for weeks.
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bonefall · 2 months
So, your Clear Sky post is absolutely horrifying, but it was very needed, so thank you. What are your general thoughts on tackling his abuse for the AU? Like you've said, pretending he's a good guy is not the way to go, but are you planning on toning down *some* of the situations, just to give some of the cats a break? Clear Sky is a very realistic depiction of abusers, but that seems to come across even without victim number 25, yknow? I'm very curious about how you'd like to go about this.
My most recent big change was bringing Slash back into the fold, because I realized that it was actually a disservice to not address where DOTC's themes dip into Colonialism. It's a hard topic, and I'm still trying to work out the details, but I realized it was important.
With how BB!DOTC is such a MASSIVE overhaul, to properly address abuse and the ways it impacts you, ableism and its violence, and xenophobia broadly, a huge reworking of Slash belonged here too. He's one of the greatest examples of how badly WC demonizes non-Clanborn cats. I shouldn't dance around it.
That's what I need to do with Skystar.
MANY of his victims have happier endings than canon, though. Bumble is one of the most famous, bumped up into a major character and directly responsible for the formation of ThunderClan. Bright Storm is taking most of Gray Wing's roles. Birch and Alder are getting examined, with either a father who wants his kids back or Milkweed as the mate of Misty.
A lot of people will die because of him, even more will be hurt, but I see BB!DOTC as a story about victims and survivors.
Others might grab POVs here and there, but as a response to canon which I feel is Clear Sky's story told in many parts, I center this rewrite around Thunder Storm. The path of kindness he marches down, with love and with anger, and the people he helps.
So BB!Star Flower...
Previously I was playing her as ENTIRELY just manipulating Clear Sky. She was loyal to One Eye and trying to get at Skystar to bleed him dry for 8 lives to sacrifice; but connected to Thunderstar over recognizing him as a victim who deserves her idea of justice. So, she offers Thunderstar the final kill, so her father will be grateful to him and he'll get power AND the death of his abuser.
(When Thunderstar looks upon Skystar, pathetic and neutralized down to one life, he thinks about the collateral damage that will descend upon the forest if he accepts the deal. He decides that he has found the line between Justice and Justification. Of course he wants the power to make his enemies cower, protect his people, and eliminate Clear Sky so he never threatens them again; that's not the problem.
He can still do these things. He wouldn't NEED the power of a war god to do so.
But if One Eye returns, he will be endlessly hungry, ruthlessly dedicated to revenge, and set out to devour the whole forest. Everything would get worse, and even more people he loves would die. It's where his desire to destroy a monster would lead to him BECOMING one.)
Even on its face, it was previously missing an element. There's a step between "Starf decides to bring One Eye back" and "Starf offers Thunderstar the final kill" that was bare. This is the piece that was missing-- That she, herself, is trying to reach out to the only person who's ever really understood her.
But more importantly... I do feel this topic belongs here, in BB!DOTC. Abuse is a MAJOR theme. SKYSTAR is a monster already. He's harmed two wives in BB (Bright Storm and Falling Cry) and played toxic games with all three kits (Thunder Storm, Pale Sky, Tiger Sky).
And I'd avoid Star Flower being abused... why? Because it's uncomfortable to confront the pattern that Clear Sky displays? That in-canon, he tries to cut all his victims into the same ideal shape, from Storm to Thunder to Star Flower? ...it should be uncomfortable. Everything that I described in Clear Sky Is A Monster is rooted in the same desire for control, power, and punishment most abusive people share, he just happens to be a severe example.
Yes. That includes how he treats his child and romantic partners. The parallels that are drawn between Starf and Thunder are there because he wants power in the form of obedience. Starf replaces the son as a narrative award for his "growth" of not killing random people anymore for a while.
A cookie cutter is an effective tool because IT ONLY MAKES ONE SHAPE.
You know what's more uncomfortable? Reading canon!DOTC and seeing someone who hurt you reflected almost perfectly in the character the writers think did nothing wrong. Because of "good intentions" that were not there.
I will say though, just to be clear; I don't see a purpose in being more than PG-13 about serious topics for this project. I promise none of my intentions have changed. Nothing will be more graphic or gorey than canon WC-- just more intentional.
I'm keeping the sacrifice because it's dope. No one is taking this from me. Girl Moment: Killed her awful husband 8 times to count as 8 sacrifices and offered the last life to her buddy as a show of good will. How else do you make friends outside of high school
But I know now that Star Flower NEEDS to keep the canon fact she has very little agency, UNTIL that moment she snaps.
She's sacrificing one abuser to try and bring back a bigger, badder one, because in spite of everything, her father One Eye always made her feel safe. Even though he promised her off to Skystar, and expected her to be willing to die for him. She's followed every command, every order, past the death of his mortal vessel.
The first, and only, selfish choice she's ever made was in reaching out to Thunderstar to offer him the power of her father.
Thunderstar's Justice is a story about a Thunder Storm at the pinnacle of his arc, how the survivors of his Clan are settling into the new normal after the carnage of The First Battle, how Skystar's arrogance brings a violent god to the Forest... and the connection Thunderstar makes with the daughter of a monster.
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dmercer91 · 9 months
the one idea that won’t leave my head is black cat!reader having a horrible day, and not caring who’s around, she’s laser focused on finding luca, and she just clings to him
and maybe there’s tears involved, maybe there’s not, but either way, she (accidentally) let’s a few of the boys see her for her
the team loves!!!! landen
so much
and they all want to comfort her so bad (the only one that tries is mark. no thoughts, head empty)
after the whole ordeal she and luca are at home and she’s like 😟 they saw me emote
i also realized after reading this that i’ve never given any context as to who the fuck lola is so! lola is landen’s ex girlfriend. they’d initially got the apartment that lan is living in with luca this year together and then landen found out that lola was cheating on her and had never really been wlw to begin with.
lola was bicurious and her friend group had told her to use landen as a test. she’d realized after the first night that she wasn’t actually bi, but continued to drag lan on because landen loves really hard and she would’ve done anything for lola
after the breakup- landen shut down and locked lola out of the apartment with bags of most of her stuff at the front door. the bags were taken and lola never got her stuff back.
lan felt really guilty about it but luca and adam have both told her a million times that it wasn’t her fault, she was upset and if anything the bags being taken was karma
when landen started having luca over at the apartment, they ordered food and lola ended up being their delivery driver. she figured this was her chance to get her things back and when luca opened the door lola got extremely jealous and pretty much refused to believe that landen could be with him
landen took that really personally, cause she honestly has a little bit of an insecurity that she’s not the typical hockey gf and that she’s in over her head
she took the food and slammed the door in lola’s face and she absolutely refuses to speak to her.
she often comes up to lan at parties and on campus to try and tell her off and threaten to sue- which only started after she found out about luca
landens offered to pay her off and luca has even told lola and her boyfriend several times that everything was a complete accident, but they think the worst of landen and refuse to believe it
feeling too hard | opposites attract au, lf63
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landen walked into yost with her head down, looking at the shoes she walked by until she saw a pair she knew belonged to someone she’d be comfortable looking at, or talking to
when she saw seamus’, she paused, eventually deciding that if it wasn’t gonna be luca himself, or at least rutger- she was gonna take someone she knew would help.
she looked up, seamus immediately stopping in his tracks at the tears that were welted in her eyes.
“luca. i’m getting luca, one sec, lan,” he rushed, spinning in the direction of the dressing room and going right to lucas cubby
by the time the boys had reached her again, she was sat with her legs crossed on the floor and her head hung. luca kneeled in front of her, her body immediately shifting forward so her head was on his shoulder.
he adjusted, taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck as he sat down, pulling her into his lap and kissing her temple
“what’s wrong, pretty? what happened?” he murmured softly, seamus having left the two of them to talk with some semblance of privacy
“i’m so tired, lu. i didn’t sleep last night cause of my presentation, which went horrible, cause she prof kept cutting me off to tell me to talk louder,” she started, slouched against him in complete exhaustion
“n’ then i worked from 10-6 and everyone was so mean today, it was really busy. someone pushed cudo and then knocked over all his food. a lot of people just kept arguing and i was alone today,” luca frowned to himself, knowing that she’d probably not be so upset had she been the only one affected
she could take a lot on herself- but the minute someone she loves is facing the same feelings she shuts down. everything falls and the stuff she’d already gone through only piled onto her frustrations
cudo was one of her favourite things in the world
“lola came to the store at the end of my shift.” she said, and luca froze. his hand stopped gliding up and down her back and his lips parted in shock.
“i just wanted to be left alone and so i just stood there and let her talk and then i walked away mid conversation and went on auto pilot to get here. i just needed to see you and everything is happening all at once and i don’t-“ she took a deep breath, trying to collect herself before the tears trapped on her waterline started to fall
“i haven’t been this overwhelmed in a long time and i’m feeling too many feelings and i want it all to stop,” she breathed out, sniffling into his shoulder and closing her eyes tight.
luca squeezed her closer, heart aching as he felt her finally start to cry, her body shaking in his arms.
“shh, angel. i’ve got you,” he whispered, holding the back of her head and keeping his lips pressed to her nose, kissing in between his sweet nothings.
he pulled the hat off his head, brushing her bangs back out of her face and putting his hat on her, backwards so that the hair would stay out of her face. he tightened it, fixing his hair slightly
“there, pretty. got your hair out of your face. i can get you something to eat? or i can have shea bring you my sweater,” she just nodded, looking up at him from his shoulder with shiny eyes and a sad look.
“alright, come on,” he helped her up, pressing a kiss to her lips before guiding her over to where they kept all the food, some of the guys that had been eating eyeing them a little.
she grabbed a bottle of water, a fruit cup and a granola bar, looking up at luca to confirm that she was ready to go back out to the hallway.
“i gotta get my gear on, pretty. but i’ll bring you my sweater and you can go sit on the bench. know you get hot, and the sound of our skates might drown out that head of yours’ hm?” she nodded, pulling him down to kiss her lips again
once she’d gotten his sweater, she made her way to the ice and sat cross legged on the bench, opening up her granola bar.
mark was the first one to get out onto the ice, taking a lap and then stopping at the bench.
“do i have to fight anyone? i’ll fight someone.” he joked, giving her a dumb grin as she chewed on her snack and eyed him, unsure.
“god?” his smile widened, and he nodded
“and i’d win,” he winked, taking off for another lap as she looked at her lap, fighting a smile.
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zuko-always-lies · 20 days
Earth Kingdom Chief Minister "Kyoshi Warrior" Azula
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Kuei: Well, she met with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion, and since then, she been off with your friends, the Kyoshi Warriors.
Kuei: Look Bosco! The Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us! Aren't you excited? [Bosco yawns.] It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted advisor, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me. Azula: It's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you. Kuei: [Pets Bosco.] But there is good news. As we speak, the Council of Five is meeting to plan an invasion of the Fire Nation this summer, on the day of a solar eclipse .For a second, Azula's eyes slightly widen with shock and worry upon hearing this, but she quickly hides it. Azula: Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan. [Glances off as Mai and Ty Lee look at each other.] Ty Lee: Maybe that's why it was so easy to beat the Kyoshi Warriors and take their clothes. [Punches the air, imitating her chi-blocking.] Mai: How much longer do we have to serve the Earth King? If I have to clean up one more pile of bear poop, I'm going to throw up. Long Feng: I want to make a deal. It's time that I regain control of Ba Sing Se and you have something I need. Azula: Oh? Long Feng: The Earth King's trust.
All the sudden I have an odd attraction to an AU where the Dangerous Ladies are just so done with the Fire Nation's bullshit, so when they infiltrate Ba Sing Se as the "Kyoshi Warriors" and find that the (incompetent) King Kuei trusts them and treats them as his chief advisors, they just kind of roll with it and Azula basically becomes his prime minister without him ever knowing who she really is. Her first order of business is neutralizing the Dai Li, and then she has to deal with administrative bullshit and reorganize the war effort. All a lot of work. But hey, it beats dealing with Ozai!
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maudiemoods · 1 year
QUICK QUESTION regarding your beings made of stardust au, and I have no idea if we've been told this before BUT we know that sun, moon, eclipse and some others (lost to mukbang 20k special 💔) went on a space ship as a crew. But how common is it for these crews to exist? Do they serve some kind of cooperation or company or do they just fuck around independently for the shits and giggles until eclipse decided hmmm do you ever wonder what you taste like?
Eclipse and his crew work for the medical industry with a corporation that funds them! They gather resources that can be used as medicine! Most stardust! It's considered dangerous work so it's not too common (which means they get paid pretty handsomely) but there are other jobs that involve space travel that are a lot safer so space ship crews are very common. It's the work that's not so common. There are independent crews that are self employed but it's a lot of work! Have to find yourself, find your own employees, advertise yourself blah blah blah eclipse wanted to be self employed but because he's under watch he has to go through systems and all that. Idk if I explained that well djsjjs
I don't think I ever posted this info for sun and moon? They finished pilot school (they met there) then went their separate ways! They worked for a few years before either being laid off or fired! Eclipse and his crew started making a lot of money and wanted to upgrade to a bigger ship! The ship needed two pilots and since eclipse was their original pilot, he planned on only hiring one more. But he interviewed sun and moon (separately. They didn't know they were both going for the same job) and saw how much they could bring to the team so he hired both to be the pilots! He also chose them because he could tell they would get along really well! (He can evaluate people very well! It's one of his abilities!)
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Ok, let me explain why eclipse is under watch djskjdjs when he was younger, he showed signs of being different. He was extremely intelligent but had an interest in a lot of morbid stuff. He was also very withdrawn from society and lacked the sentimentality that their species normally have. No big deal though! Their society has systems to make those like him comfortable! He was taught empathy and communication skills. He was told what was socially acceptable and what wasn't. For a long time, up until a few months before the incident with his crew, he was fine living the way he was. "under watch" really just means that he goes to therapy and checks in every so often. Eventually, he stops going and stops checking in. He lets his mind wander and he begins to let himself live by his own standards. Eventually, this leads to insecurities and paranoia. He loves his crew very much. They are his family. Soon, he starts to believe that the only way to keep them safe is to cannibalize them. He sees it as containing them within himself, so by keeping himself safe, he keeps his crew safe.
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Also, wanted to go ahead and make this clear, they are not brothers in this au fjjwjdkaksisj definitely not in this au fjjsndjajsjs
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 9 months
u can never have too many au ideas (aka the cursed-sun/moon au)
(im copy n pasting this from discord bc im lazy sorry y'all fsjhf)
other au idea: Sun is a ruler or lord in a fantasy world or smthn and Moon is the form he's been Cursed into turning into each night. Reader is a low-tier magic-weilder (who has a secret past that involves smthn rlly Bad and they used to have a reasonable amount of respectability in th community but now theyre shunned and cant get a job anywhere and also has a big scar and/or only one eye lol) who's one remaining ability is the ability to lift minor curses or plagues. Sun has been searching for someone who can 'bless' the curse of Moon (or whatever is making Moon be nasty murderous bloodthirsty man) for ages but mages r rare and most of them spend maybe one night trying to cure Moon before either getting got or being scared into getting tf outta there
so eventually word reaches Sun of a mage who's been looking for work, with the only catch being that they arent very powerful and no one has much to say abt them, and Sun, who has burnt every single thread he has trying to find a mage, is like GOOD ENOUGH CALL THEM HERE
and reader is like 'oh shit this is potentially a rlly good job, the only catch is that i have to deal w a demon possessed guy thats like twice my height and three times as strong,,' and like. bc they have Zero Options and also feel like their life has run itself into th ground and there is little left for them/no way to get themselves out of their Issues, they r like 'yeah sure its gonna take a while bc i can only perform minor magic but i'll do whatever i can to see that this curse is delt with'
and instead of trying to face Moon head on, they start with just kinda,, getting to know him. he's kept chained/locked away in a chamber every night to keep ppl safe, but every night reader goes into the chambers, sits at a tea table just out of his reach, and just. talks with him
they dont entertain his trying to mess w them, taunting, cruelty, etc, but they talk when there's the chance for standard conversation. at first it's hell bc Moon is a little shit and he never cooperates. he never answers questions, he spends the entire night threatening to tear them apart and savor their insides, etc. they bring him a cup of tea every night, and every time he smashes the cup and throws the pieces at them
ok well point is eventually Moon starts to mellow out around them, will actually sit and have conversation with them, one day is like 'you think i dont know what youre doing?? youre just trying to bore me into falling for ur trap so u can kill me. i like ur style but its not gonna work >:3'
and reader is like 'i literally do not have enough magic to kill a toad let alone a whole entire possessed person' and moon is like ',, huh. so what IS ur goal here??' and reader is like 'i want to lift ur curse for both u and Sun's sakes. i gave u my word, and i will follow through, at the very least to clear my own conscience of a past sin'
and so eventually Moon, out of curiosity, and later bc he likes spending time with reader, starts letting them cast the healing magic on him, breaking the curse little by little every night
and at the same time all this is happening, reader is spending mornings and evenings with Sun and keeping him up to date on how the process is going and, eventually, becoming the person he turns to when he's stressed or tired or rlly just wants company
and idk smthn smthn eventually both of them rlly want Reader and they dont know how to act so they just b making fools of themselves but reader is a dumbass so theyre just confused
(Moon absolutely tells Reader abt every 'oh man i rlly wanna kiss kiss snuggle smooch the mage rn' thought Sun has during the day but Reader is so used to Moon being a little shit n making shit up to mess with them that they r just like ._. )
the plot twist part,,
(the secret dark past that reader is hiding is that they used to be a local mage for a nearby town who was known and respected for giving 'blessings' to ppl for small fees but one day for Reasons, they cast a curse upon someone and one of the biggest no-no's a mage can do is Curse someone so the town practically rioted, tore them down from their pedestal, called upon another mage to strip reader of their magic, and then cast them out)
(rn im considering the idea that the person reader Cursed is Vanny, who, because of her own curse, eventually went on to be the one who cursed Sun and Moon)
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tennessoui · 6 months
“This time, he makes himself linger in the touch, newly terrified at what it could mean if he pulls away before Anakin is ready—where his padawan could go for what Obi-Wan has always tried so hard to be strong enough not to offer him.” am i just sleepy at 6:25am in the morning or i don't understand it 😭😭😭
-> i wrote this in my comment after rereading the counseling au again. and it has been two hours and i've also finished the "fake marriage" au's second chapter but i'm still stuck on this scene. can you please explain what's the meanng of it? /gen 🥺🥺🥺 pls help me sleep peacefully
ahh hello i am always willing to try to explain!:
(this is from couples counseling au, chapter 4)
so this line is obi-wan wrestling with himself, trying to relax into the affection, because he’s afraid that if he pulls away too soon from anakin’s casual touch, anakin will leave him to go to his wife who will give him as many casual touches as anakin needs. Like, if he pulls away too soon, when obi-wan is ready for the touch to end but not when anakin is, Anakin will then go to his wife to complete his physical needs when obi-wan should be able to give anakin whatever he needs
and the part about 'tried so hard to be strong enough not to offer him' is mostly just obi-wan's self-denial kicking in and probably his weird issues with touch and anakin and touching anakin
but so basically the 'where' is padmé, the 'what' is touch/physical comfort, and the last part just implies that obi-wan has a long history of struggling with trying to give anakin the touch he needs without going overboard and giving in and touching him more---maybe as much as obi-wan wants
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emoreooo · 4 months
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doomed valentines 🥀
aka what if kel and aubrey took over sweetheart’s castle ?
this is an au where if you interact with the keeper of sweethearts castle as anyone but omori, it unlocks a whole new optional level. you wake up in the picnic area with hero but no kel or aubrey. sweethearts castle is different and basil joins you for this level
the castle's main towers seem to have split into two, but the main building remains one, and smaller from the outside. but it turns out to be unnaturally spacious at times, as if the building was a psychological maze trying to separate... certain people apart
you find aubrey. she looks different, but happier. “it's like a princess' dream come true. it’s everything i could ever want and more.” she says, smiling at you. “now... all i need left is my lovely prince charming—”
“hey, guys !!”
enter kel.
kel also looks different, if not for the fact hes wearing an obnoxious shade of pink, head to toe. he is happy to see you all. “everyone here LOVES me ! they respect me and trust me and all that kinda stuff. man, i feel so powerful ! im never leaving this place !”
that didnt seem to sit right, so hero intervened. “but.. if you stayed here, wouldn’t you miss everyone else ? omori, basil, me... mari ?”
“well, duh ! that’s why you guys will be staying with me too !”
that broke a new fight between kel and aubrey, but for the wrong reasons
it ends with aubrey dragging basil along with her, hero with kel, and you alone on the bridge connecting the two towers. you have a choice to follow one of them first. lets say, kel.
you head for kels tower and find hero talking with kel, trying to convince his brother.
“didja know ?? the sprout moles here love me so much they made me offerings, like, im a god or something ! pretty cool huh ?”
“..offerings ?”
“yeah ! oh man.. hero, youre not jealous, right ?”
“wh— no. its just.. a bit ridiculous.”
“...ridiculous ?” kels confused expression contorts into a smile, that of understanding. “i see whats going on. its okay, hero, i know its gotta be tough to be put to the side. and overlooked. bet its weird not being in the spotlight for once.”
you caught a quick flash of horror written on heros face. “kel.. are you saying this because—”
“but its ok ! as long as were here, neither of us will ever have to feel that way !”
remaining determined, hero put his foot down. “thats enough, kel. you cant stay here.”
“yea, thats a good one, bro.”
“im... serious. were leaving, kel.”
the younger boy stops laughing. ”...oh. youre— why ?”
“i dont think this place is anything like it seems. i think its a sham.”
kel barks with laughter.
“oh so when it benefits ME is it a sham. man, how selfish can you be ?”
“...what ?”
“you really cant stand it when its not all about you, huh ? but what about me ? what about kel ?”
“i-i think this place is affecting you. please, kel, listen to me.”
“no. if you wanna leave so bad, fine ! the sprout moles can send you out. but im not leaving. im happy here anyway, and you wont get it.”
with that, kel leaves you two in his tower. hero seems distracted, before suggesting you both go find basil
you head for aubreys tower, only to find a scared basil locked in a cell. upon freeing him, he stares over your shoulder.
“o-omori.” he whispers. “...behind you.”
“well, well.. well !”
enter aubrey.
“aubrey! why was basil locked in?” hero asks, perplexed.
“hm? well, he kept trying to leave! i couldnt let that happen, not when i was sharing my happiness with him.” aubrey frowns. “i thought he was my friend.”
basil looks terrified. “aubrey.. i am your friend.”
“hmhm, of course you are. friends dont leave each other behind, right omori?”
hero once again steps in. “aubrey, i think youre taking this too far. of course we want you to be happy, but kidnapping your friends isnt the way. this place is messing with your heads, so we should leave before it gets worse.”
but your path is blocked by kel in the doorway.
“that wont do.” aubrey hums behind you, brandishing her shiny pink bat. “no.. not at all. what do you think, kel ?”
“i think its rude to leave in the middle of a party. right, hero? you taught me that one!”
he then takes a bow as aubrey joins him. “so, friends, may we have this dance?”
“let us sweep the floor !”
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boss battle mechanics !
you can not change aubrey or kels emotions even at the start of the battle. the only ones who can change their emotions are each other, so the best strategy is to adapt with your own party’s emotion play
there are 4 phases to this battle. a neutral state, tier one emotion, tier two, and lastly tier three, much like most emotion based bosses. between each phases, aubrey will make kel happier, while kel makes aubrey angrier. they are not made to have the sad emotion, however,
if you end third phase with an attack from hero, kel will start fourth phase with a depressed emotion instead of manic, giving your team good advantage on winning since he relies on speed. aubrey will still be furious, but its still one enemy disadvantaged
once you defeat them they will go snork mimi in your arms and you must carry them out of the castle and back to mari.
“aww, i guess its past their royal nap time !”
#added choppy explanations under the cut i copy and pasted them from my twitter so pls excuse the writing. LMAO#i swear i write better than this im just laying down what the au is all about#also i didnt put it in there but when i said the castle was weirdly big inside like its trying to separate some ppl ? i was talking abt#kel and aubrey. i meant to show that the castle serves to give the prince and princess their biggest desires#like aubrey living in luxury and happiness in romantic pink while kel lives the fantasy of being the beloved golden child#but the thing is. those are kinda surface level wishes. or ones they Think wld make them happy#like aubrey and kel finding each other annoying. so its obvious for them to want to be away from each other right ?#and thats exactly what the castle acts upon. it gives them all those surface level wants#but despite being separated by space manipulation itself. kel and aubrey seem to Always find their way towards each other#which both will scoff and groan at. not realizing that their heart longs for the others presence !#something something your love for each other beats the labyrinth of psychological horror trying to keep u apart. and you Hate It#i think their dynamic is rly funny#omori kel#omori aubrey#omori hero#omori basil#omori (character)#kel omori#aubrey omori#hero omori#basil omori#omori#kelbrey#omori baseball bat#omori fanart#fanart#my art#omori sweetheart#kind of ?? the theme is based around her#ALSO I REDREW THE UI MYSELF BC I COULDNT FIND A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF IT GRRR
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cuubism · 1 year
stupid memes from me and @magnusbae's various aus where death got to hob first :)
there's at least two different aus mashed together here. sorry
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weaverofink · 1 year
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AU where Tim's family is connected to the Court of Owls rather than Dick's, and Tim decides to go undercover as a member of the Court
alt version and explanation under the cut
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(Disclaimer: I know the court of owls storyline happens in the n52 continuity, but for my own sake (as i don't really like tim's whole deal in it lol) this AU is using pre-n52 backstories and characterizations)
In this AU, Janet Drake was a member of the Court of Owls, unbeknownst to Jack and Tim. Bruce eventually finds this out, but chooses to keep it from Tim to protect him. Tim, of course, finds out that Bruce is keeping this from him, and, feeling betrayed both by Bruce and his own mother, decides to infiltrate the Court on his own. The court has been sending him cryptic invitations ever since Bruce announced his initiative to improve Gotham, looking for a way into both the Wayne family and WE. As a member of the Court, Tim is able to gather information to help stop them, but in order to maintain his cover, he is forced into many situations where he is forced to choose between compromising his morals or compromising his position in the Court.
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