#look I’m not choosing the character and book randomly
regallibellbright · 2 years
So I’m rereading Borders of Infinity now for fic research, this is totally what I’m calling it, I am not just giving a random fictional character an enjoyment of a Vorkosigan book because I like it, I can justify this thematically, ANYWAY.
I am hoping to appreciate Labyrinth more on this reread than I did awkwardly reading the short stories in chronological order rather than all at once before Brothers in Arms the first time, which served the latter two and the books I was reading in between pretty poorly but especially Labyrinth. I love Taura, I look forward to Taura, and of course both “get imprisoned by a Jacksonian crimelord, fall in love with the genetically-enhanced wolf girl he keeps in the basement, and then severely damage his business while you escape with her” and “get sent to a POW camp to find one hero to rally an army against the Cetagandan Empire around, find the old plan won’t work, start a cult and use your own charisma to organize the prisoners so that you can stage a flawless, ordered prison break liberating the ENTIRE CAMP to serve as an army, and do all this after being thrown in there stark naked” are among the most Miles Vorkosigan things the man has ever committed.
I don’t think anything will ever manage to displace The Mountains of Mourning and its comparative calm as my absolute favorite of the three. It’s grounded, it’s sad, the closure is just perfect in what Miles can’t do for justice here and what he can, and the times Miles addresses Raina are just lovely prose. It reminds you exactly why he’s always off on these harebrained schemes with something to prove, and the placement of it in the framing story shows he uses it to remind HIMSELF that as well. I love it. I love it even more on reread knowing its callback in Memory and the way he makes a lasting difference there, and the way Silvy Vale and the Csuriks leave an impact on him. It’s just so good.
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rorysbrainrot · 7 months
Headcanons for Theodore Nott
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• Theodore is a really good student, he’s one of the best in all the classes that he takes.
• He loves giving gifts, buying stuff for everyone he loves.
• Chainsmoker, he does it so much. A lot more than Mattheo.
• He doesn’t really have opinions on Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but the way he grew up around people who weren’t to fond on Gryffindors it wouldn’t be a house he likes.
• He does get crushes here and there, but doesn’t act on it and hopes it goes away.
• Slytherin chaser
• With his father being a death eater and his mother passing when he was young, he would probably have some sort of pure blood supremacy.
• His type is someone who can keep up with him and doesn’t have anything against Slytherins or his family.
• Loves reading, he most definitely had a rebel faze where he read muggle written books.
• Usually isn’t aggressive unless someone said shit about his father or his friends/partner.
• Total cat person.
• Randomly starts speaking in Italian, he’s not even mad or happy, he just randomly switches.
• I kinda see him liking chicken for some reason.
• I feel like his dad in some way cares for him, so he doesn’t force him to become a death eater until he’s ready.
• Favorite color is absolutely blue.
• Likes cherry pie.
Theodore Nott as a boyfriend
• Would be a relentless cuddler, absolutely loves feeling you close to him.
• Kisses you every time he sees you, cheek, lips, nose, neck etc’.
• A really big romantic, once he starts actually truly connecting with you expect random dates or gifts showing up on your bed.
• If you’re not a Slytherin would always ask you to sneak into his dorm to spend the night.
• Teaches you Italian so you two can have secret conversations.
• Calls His partner Amor Mio, Tesoro, sole and Leggera. (Because you’re the light of his life.)
• Would die before he lets someone hurt you.
• Buys you anything you ask for, or he sees you look at.
• Always has to be touching you in some way.
• Gets so turned on when he see you wearing one of his shirts or jackets. (Which he purposely gave you just to see you in.) Literally goes feral.
• I feel like he would let you choose everything, when you ask for his opinion he looks at you with puppy eyes afraid he’ll choose the one you didn’t want.
His Red Flags 🚩
• Won’t open up to you even after confirming he loves you.
• He gets jealous so easily.
• Does view pure bloods as the highest status.
• Honestly drinks so much, and I think he would be sort of an angry drunk due to not letting his anger out all the time when sober.
•Smokes a lot, you’ll smell it on him all the time.
• I can’t think of a lot of red flags, but i’m sure there’s many more.
-I enjoy doing these! Let me know if anyone wants another character! Also for some reason, some of the grammar on this one doesn’t sit right with me. I apologize.-
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troomtroom101 · 5 months
Toon Quest Theory PT.1: Who is Pib and the meaning behind the Book of Life
okay so I know @toontails announced their return (idk your pronouns im sorry!!) but I recently reread thru the Toon Quest story and I’m finally clicking some stuff together that I’ve been wanting to maybe throw out there!! Please guys listen to me i have been thinking of this for weeks, TQ has so many open ends and mystery that it’s not even funny. I’m a person of wanting to understand things so I made this post to share my thoughts with you guys, and yes I did research don’t make fun of me!!!
so, to start off first and simple. I wanted to get down to the point where the Book of Life is first mentioned, AA mentioned that the Book of Life dosen’t randomly select its holders which makes sense because the book is a lingage and it somewhat of a heirloom (ok probs not the best wording but still) it was also mentioned that the Book of Life chooses its holders like I said, generational wise but also because of the attributes that the subject brings to the team. I couldn’t find the screenshot but AA answered an anon ask at one point stating that. Now if we look more into the team we can understand why exactly they make up the team they are now, instead of a group of goofballs we actually do have a pretty well looking team.
Oswald’s attribute would be his luck. Which is seen in the first chapter when he managed to save everhine in the van from the semi truck crashing into them, which follows with him cheering that he still had his luck.
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Bendy’s attribute from what I can assume, would be the fact that he’s a demon, and from what AA has stated/revealed the strongest one on the team (though Bendy himself might not know that) I’m taking it that in this AU, Bendy isn’t created from the ink machine but as it was said from AA he was accidentally taken from his home and placed on the surface (I can’t find the screenshot of the authors confirmation but trust me!!) I say that because Abel is after Bendy, which was also stated. And I’ll also go into why he might be after Bendy in my next post. But bendy’s attribute would be his strength and the fact that he’s basically inhuamne. Not to mention toons are hard to kill as is and since he’s a toon demon, it’ll take a lot to really kill Bendy and I’m sure we’ll see more of that in detail with future chapters.
Donald’s attribute would be his bad luck, which may be bad but is actually a good thing as in one of the chapters his bad luck basically murked the spirit spider that was chasing after them in the cave sequence.
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His attribute clearly comes in handy when it’s needed. Not to mention it weighs out Oswald’s good luck with his bad luck. Creating a balance.
For Cuphead and Mugman, it would have to be because they harness power to shot their peashooters, and because as stated they defeated the Devil some years ago. Though with their character turnaround with tagging along with the TQ gang, this makes them a great advocate with knowing some plans about the opposing team.
And Panchito would have to be for his intellucal integrity as he himself was the one to even put the band together to begin with. Traveling overseas just to find one of them. His morals seems to be very strong and I believe there’s more to his character as he was the first one to recive the book and get any sort of information about it, as he claimed that the thought of the book came to him in a dream that he has had for years. Which would make sense why the book would go to Panchito first out of everyone because his person is uplifting, loyal and fairly responsible (in a way)
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the book clearly harness some spiritual power as AA has stated. It’s not just a book, so I believe the book is what sent Panchito these visions. Also he’s good to and that it’s clear he’s a sharpshooter. Maybe even as good as Bettigan.
And moving onto Y/n. Her attribute, as we all know. Is undetermined because she’s a human. Not a toon. She dosen’t have any cool tricks, she dosen’t entirely have magic as it was said that she was supposed to, but lo and behold. She dosen’t. And she never will, as AA has confirmed. But inside the story it was say MULTIPLE times that the reader was supposed to be given a power to help her.
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it’s refered to as a mark and how it was supposed to be given to Hector, but because of time and how he and his group couldn’t successfully go on with the plan of figuring out what Ruby Falls was (the death of his friends) he came to a witch in the woods to send a message to Y/n about how her having a mark would help her defend herself from darkness and save mankind.
But as we noticed, Y/n has no power and so far has been fighting and defending herself based on her agility and luck. As it’s seems multiple times, she’s not very good in combat unless the other toons are with her to back her up. But by herself on a 1 on 1 combat, she fails exceedingly bad at defending herself, which I won’t bash her too much as she’s just a teenage girl who’s revealed to be a homebody with no friends, fighting against various combative individuals who clearly has more training and knowledge in the ring than she does. You’re not gonna wake up one day and be able to take down Batman. But there is one thing about her that I will point out. That she’s very observant and can very much tell when things are off in certain situations. As stated by AA.
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Reader is indeed a fast learner as when Ruck was teaching her archery, she was able to develop a knowledge on how to properly use a bow and arrow. And I must say. Archery is very much a tactile and difficult field to get in as it takes a lot of body strength and muscle strength, but with little time she had. She was able to adapt very quickly as seen with her being able to successfully get bullseye during the Warrior Falls contestant picking for the finale’s.
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Though that dosen’t mean we’ll run right over the fact that Y/n dosen’t have magic as states as she was suposoed to have. It even concerns her to a point of questioning why she dosen’t have it. Does the book decide not to give her magic? Does it often happen for these quirks to just not show up. It was clear that someone or something is suposoed to give them these quirks as Hector denied wanting to have it as he stated he would save it for Y/n. Which also comes into play that this is probably a one time use.
So where is it? And who has it? Well. Who else is the only one in the series that has magic? Well, we have Bendy. Who’s able to bend liquids (which from what I see it’s preferably ink) and he can also make portals.
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But this can also be because of the fact that Bendy is an actual demon and harness power that not any ordinary toon can. But that also makes me say. Do you know who else has the ability to create rifts and portals?
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And y’all look at this FUCKING KEY WORD!!! PUDDLE
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I swear this is not a COINCIDENCE!! I make this side by side comparison because at some point it was mentioned that Bendy would be the one prone to betray Y/n. Now I don’t wanna point fingers, but I believe Bendy may be a reason why Y/n is powerful. Or 1 of the many reasons. Because my second reason is going to be Pib. As it was said that Pib plays a big role and sort of a fairly meaningful role to not only Y/n, but to everytbing. Now, I don’t wanna be that guy but I really do want to say that Pib is actually a good guy and Y/n is a bad guy. AA did at one point said that Y/n is morally grey and that she dosen’t really care to be a hero, meaning that Y/n dosen’t wanna put her life in the line for just the sake of it.
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which may seem like a bad thing but, honestly? We’ll probably get more into why the reader may feel this way and why she may essentially reach a point where she feels this isn’t really fit for her. Pib isn’t exactly a bad guy because their only objective to them is to kill Y/n. That’s it. They don’t care for the book. They don’t care for the situation or who has the book, but it’s just to kill Y/n.
and the opposing team also wants Y/n dead as well. And only her. They don’t care for the others but just wanting her dead
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I’ll get into later why I might think why they want Oswald out of everyone. But that’s besides the point, I find it concerning that Y/n has such a large bounty over her head when she hasn’t done anything to anyone or from what we know and have been seeing she’s pretty much innocent. Before I get into Pib, I also want to put on the table why I may think everyone wants Y/n eliminated first.
I’m chapter 5, Argus states that when she kills Y/n, the book will be in her possession.
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She claims that when Y/n’s dead her bloodline will be no more, now I want to say she’s refering to Y/n being the last of her generation to hold the book in her possession, but now that I thought more on it, maybe when Y/n dies, the book just automatically releases its hold on the others making it accessible to anyone. So in some sort of way, Y/n has to be a key, a valuable key and asset to keeping that book locked. Whuch can explain why Ruck is trying him damn hardest to teach Y/n under the time he has to defend herself properly seeing she has no power to properly do it. Because if she dies. Everyone is shit out of luck, anyone in the world can just access the book. Which can explain why the villians want Y/n dead so bad. if break the lock. You have access to the riches. Now that’s if the others will still be there to defend the book from being taken still.
which moves back to Pib. Now we all know. The books signature glow is a yellow/golden light or aurora. It helped them navigate where to find eachother. Certain locations and even a piece to Ruby’s Heart. This book is basically its only navigation. But who else has that certain golden glow to them.
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In the recent sneak peek, Pib was able to tug some hair from their head and use the essence of it to creating a golden line to lead them to where the TQuesters are. The same navigating line that they used many times to help them travel around. And Pib’s glow is yellow and golden. A color that's assossiated with the book. Maybe Pib is also a keeper of the book, and maybe the magic that was supposed to be given to Y/n was handed to Pib somehwere along the line. But who would have given this power to Pib. The only other person I can think of, would be the main villian. The man in the trenchcoat. As he was the sole purpose of all of this happening to begin with. Though he has little screentime. It’s clear that he’s going to be a big problem. Pib’s power was also stated that it’s just about as strong as Bendy and Abel. Abel being a literal arch Angel—which is mentioned that Abel’s sole purpose on earth is to kill dark magic that’s located in the Shadow Realm. A split between physical world and the spiritual world. Which I can assume is where Bendy came from as well as Zip and Zot as they were confirmed to be from the shadow realm. I belive the things from this world are dangerous and cannot be contained. Which is why Abel is even present to begin with. He’s role is to destory anything that’s from that world. Including Bendy. Now why he has such a hatred towards Bendy, I don’t know.
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Not to mention Abel is at the top of the list of things that is very hard to be defeated so it’s safe to say that the book refering to angels being able to banish darkness, Abel is what it’s refering to.
Pib and Abel works hand in hand because they both have the power to do a lot of damage. I’ll make pt2 going over more bc I need you guys to hear me OUUTTTTTTTTTTTT
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lynx-polls · 1 year
Here’s something I’ve been wondering about lately…
Local animal applies to any place you live, you’ve lived in, or spent a significant amount of time in. I’m also extending this option to include animals from your country of origin even if you’ve never been there, and also local animals that you haven’t seen in person.
This applies to any pet you, a family member, or a close friend have owned. This option also applies to any pet you’ve worked with, wether you worked with this animal for your main job, or just babysat it as an odd job.
This one can mean either traits the animal actually has (for example, capybaras being mainly peaceful or antelopes being fast) or traits the animal has been given in popular media or by people (for example, bats being evil or owls being smart)
This one’s basically just an animal you thought just seemed cool, wether you liked it’s looks or think there’s something it can do that’s really cool. This option also applies to animals you think look cute, pretty, or creepy. It just generally is meant to mean you found it appealing looking.
This one’s pretty self explanatory, if you have fun drawing an animal and chose your fursona to be that animal because of it then that’s what this option is.
This one’s a little vague, but what I meant is this is an animal you’re super interested in, not for any of the other reasons. It could be a special internet or hyperfixation, or it could be your longtime favorite animal.
It’s if you’ve ever been compared to another animal by people (could be based on physical appearance, personality, inside jokes, or anything else) and decided to make that your fursona. For example, being called a golden retriever because you have a cheery and excited personality, or being compared to an owl because you have big eyes.
This one is for if you don’t really have any special reason for picking it, but just connect with it regardless, or if you just can’t figure out the reason why you feel a connection to that animal in particular.
This one is for if you made a random character, not for the intent of being a fursona or anything, but you ended up liking it enough or being attached enough to it, to the point where you decided to make it your fursona. This could be any character, from the edgy warrior cats oc you made when you were twelve, or the werewolf chars get your made for a DnD campaign last year, to just a little animal character you consistently doodle everywhere. This option also applies if the character was originally human, but you made it into an animal.
This one is for an animal you wish you were or feel like you should have been. Though this option mainly applies to therians or otherkin/animalkin, anyone else could feel the same thing and choose that option. If you made a fursona because you found yourself wishing you could live in the woods or have fur or something along those lines, this one’s for you.
This one’s for if you just made your fursona a random thing without thinking it out. Like if you just randomly thought “hm I wonder what my fursona should be, I guess I’ll go with this”, or if you spent a lot of time thinking about it, but ultimately ended up picking something random for the hell of it, or something similar to that.
This one’s for if your fursona is inspired by a book, game, movie, comic, show, song, etc. This could mean that you were inspired by a character (for example, making a cat fursona based off of Salem the cat). It could also mean that your fursona started off as a self insert for one of these things (like making an animal character to fit into Avatar). Additionally, it could also mean you made a fursona based off of the vibe of your favorite media (like making a machinelike fursona based off of the song cabinet man). This definition is pretty loose, if your fursona was in some way inspired by any kind of media this one’s for you.
If two or more of these options apply to you, pick the strongest or most prominent reason!
If two or more of these options apply and have equal prominence, or your fursona was inspired by something else, add it in the reblogs or comments!
As always, if you want, please reblog with the option you picked and any other fun details, it’s nice to see everyone’s reasonings and it gives me a larger sample size!
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rudemaidenswrite · 1 year
Crowley!!! Part 2
Part 1       
So I’ve Had this mostly written for quite a while but officially finished for like a month. I just wasn't sure if anyone would want it , but I’m biting the bullet and posting it. I do have more ideas for more chapters let me know if yall want more.
Word Count:1258
Warnings: language is all that I know of
Credit to Gif Owner
Author: @bookchic20
Thanks to my Beta Reader @sylvanasthebansheequeen and @pusantheamazonian
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“Yeah I just got it home I’m sending you a pic now.” You say to your best friend on the phone, as you pull the phone away from your ear and then sending her a picture or your new car. Putting the phone back up to your ear you say, “Alright sent it you should be getting it soon.”
 “Got it” (Y/B/F) answers you. “Oooo I like it, but I am gonna miss taking you to work and getting free food out of it” She jokes laughing.
 “Now you know we will still get food girl, that’s guaranteed.” You say laughing along with her.
“For sure, well have you decided on a name for this one, yet? I always love hearing what your gonna call your cars.” She asks.
 “Well, I think I’m gonna keep with the same trend as the last one.” You start as you put some of your things in the back trunk area.
 “Oh, so sticking with characters from the supernatural books, eh?” She asks. “But which one will you choose this time?”
 “Well, I figure since this is actually like an SUV and so much taller than the cars I’ve driven in the past, I’m thinking Moose, after Sam ya know since he is supposedly so tall.”   You say as you start to pull down the hatchback of the SUV.
 “Really Moose? I thought you had class.” You hear in a Scottish accent from behind you.
 “Ouch shit.” You say as you hit your head on the hatch.
“You okay?” You hear from your phone, as you turn around and see Crowley standing behind you, leaning up against your apartment building.
 “Wha… oh yeah just hit my head uh I gotta get off here I’ll call ya back ok?” You say.
 “Cute guy, gotcha.” She says hearing the specific tone in your voice that she knows.
 “Uhhuh something like that.” You say. “Later.” You hang up your phone putting in in your pocket.  Smiling at Crowley, you put your hands on your hips.
 “Hello, darling.” Crowley says with a grin.
 “Well Hello to you too Crowley, it’s been a while hasn’t it.” You say starting to head towards him, and the door to your apartment.
He nods at you as you open your door and wave him in. “Not as long as you think.” He says, following you into your small apartment.
 “What do you mean?” You ask him. “It’s been like a year.” Grabbing a water out of your fridge you offer him one.
 Shaking his head, he asks. “So why a new vehicle? I thought Crowley was running just fine after I left you that night.” Crowley sits down in your armchair crossing his right leg over the left.
 “Well yeah it was but…wait.” You look at him intently.
“It was you!” You yell pointing at him.
“What was me?” He asks, looking annoyed to be accused of who knows what.
“I thought I was crazy, my friend thought I was crazy!” You exclaim, throwing your hand in the air as you pace back and forth before stopping and looking at him. “You fixed Crowley, well I mean my car Crowley not you Crowley…well not that I can say that I don’t know what’s going on down there fixed or not.” You mutter your eyes briefly going just below his belt line, before continuing to pace again. “You made my car work better and didn’t even let me say thank you and then you vanish for almost a year, and randomly pop up after I get a new car and named it something you aren’t a fan of.”  You rant on. “Why do you even care what the cars name is are you just jealous its not named after you?!”
 Crowley sits up straight in the armchair eyes going wide, staring at you as you rant, he clears his throat. “Ehem.”
 Stopping in your tracks at the noise you look at him. “Sorry…I was ranting wasn’t I?” You ask him with an apologetic look.
 “Its fine Darling, I think we just have a couple things to address from your…rant.” He says.
 “Oh yeah sure like what?”
 “Well for starters you told your friends about me?” He looks at you with raised eyebrows.
 “Well not exactly.” You say and he looks at you unconvinced. “I told my best friend that I had a dream about meeting you and that my car was better after it like it was a coincidence type thing. So, I didn’t really tell her I met the real you…or ya know that you are in fact real in the first place.” You explain.
 “Ok well that’s fair enough now for the other thing.” He says with a smirk.
 “What other thing?” You say with a confused look. “Sorry sometimes I get lost in my rants as you called it and don’t pay attention to what I say. And what’s with the smirk?”
 “Well you said something along the lines of you ‘don’t know what’s going on down there fixed or not’ .”
 “Oh…” Your face goes red. “I didn’t mean… I just get caught up in talking sometimes…I… Wait a minute you’re avoiding my question.”
 “I am not.” He says with a huff before sitting back in the chair.
“You so are, and I think I have my answer you are jealous, aren’t you?”  You smile at him, and he huffs crossing his arms. “You’re jealous of a car! Ha!”
 “Mnot.” Crowley mutters under his breath, barely able to be heard looking away from you.
 “Crowley.” You say his name softly.
He doesn’t respond.
“Crowley.” You say a little louder, as you pat him on the shoulder. Come on Crowley look at me.”
He slowly turns his head. “What?”
“You know you’ll still always be my favorite right?” You ask him. “Just cause my other car got totaled after a wreck and I had to get a new one doesn’t change that.”
 “Wait you had a wreck?!” He asks concerned. “Are you okay?” He asks standing up and looking you over.
 “Hehe..” You chuckle a bit. “I’m fine Crowley, It was like a month ago and I wasn’t even in the car at the time so it’s all good. You don’t have to worry about me.”
 “Wait a month ago.” Crowley thinks back to a month ago, when he was helping the Winchesters with some issues they were having. He hadn’t been able to check in on you like he had been doing every so often over this last year. “This is all the boys’ fault.” He sighs as he turns away from you.
“What are you talking about? It’s nobody’s fault really. I was just in a fender bender and when we got out of the car to exchange info a car that was driving by slammed into it cause their brakes went out on them and so it was totaled. It could have been way worse.”
 “It shouldn’t have happened at all though, but because of those damn Winchesters you could have been hurt.” He says turning back around to face you with a strange look on his face.
 It was a look that you were not expecting to see on him, concern. “Wait a minute I’m confused.”
 “I should have been there to check in on you.” Crowley said, as he starts to reach out to you, right when your phone starts ringing.
 Looking over at your phone you reach to stop the ringing, and by the time you look back Crowley was gone.
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First and foremost: should Seanan read this despite the tag that is intended to warn her eyes away and end up with any ideas or find that I hit something I shouldn’t’ve despite my lack of speculation, I disavow any rights I may have had to the idea. Should she want to print out the art [link]and hang it on the wall/in a window, I will be honored. Should anyone else want to print it out and hang it on their walls/windows, I will still be honored but request some form of payment for my hard work. I put a lot into this. Most of the tutorial/coloring explanations are between the two arrows.
I love stained glass. I always have, and think there should be more of it around, just, in general.
So, when I found a poem I wrote a little while ago, based on how I think the fae society in the October Daye series gossip about the titular character, stained glass quickly worked its way in as the style to emulate. Originally, I was hoping to challenge myself in other ways—drawing messy rooms like the Luideag’s kitchen, practice my shading, work on actual comic panel type deals—but most of those were completely untenable in a stained glass style drawing, at least at my current level of skill. So when I settled on stained glass, the other challenges fell to the wayside.
->You can probably tell that my skill for the line work improved as I worked through these, sketching and inking 14 panels in 14 days, and getting more comfortable with this style. The coloring was done a bit more haphazardly, slapping down bucket fills when I found the right color and jumping between panels to make sure the ones I wanted to match stayed the same. I chose colors a lot more saturated than I’m used to, mostly because at 85% opacity, everything looks a little desaturated already, and the rest because stained glass is supposed to be bright and leave swaths of bright color crossing the room around it.
I needed the opacity to have the texture layered underneath (replicating the inconsistencies in real glass) at least somewhat visible, and for the texture of the brush to have uneven edges, and a somewhat inconsistent shape. I found one that worked—called charcoal, iirc—which I used to randomly place shadows at ~70% opacity beneath the other colors, and very light cyan at ~30% over top. <-
Other than a few examples listed below, the most complex coloring after that was a few gradients, mostly in the background or in hair, but a few on Toby’s coat in “Daye will save you, if she can” that I didn’t feel like trying to redo when I realized I mixed one of her hair colors in, and some painting overtop of the “glass” for Cap’n Pete’s opalescent/oil slick scales and hair
I gotta start with Tobes. I used a pale yellow for the lighter part of her hair, near her scalp as it’s been growing in more and more pale as she’s been shifted more pureblood. I know Seanan says it all changes at once, but I chose to ignore that for fun coloring. I wanted her to be the most desaturated person visible, which more affected choosing other peoples’ colors than hers, but worked out well enough.
May’s hair. I had a filker (fandom-musician) friend, upon her retirement, get pink and blue feathered/chessboard hair. She was delighted by this, but decided that she keeps her hair short enough that it wasn’t worth maintaining. I patterned May’s hair based on my friend’s, but threw in colors at almost random and hoped for the best. May’s skin matches Toby. Her neon green sweater is based on something I remember reading from the books but might not actually exist, and her skirt is a patchwork of bright colors, mostly picked from her hair.
Beloved S. Torquill (as opposed to his twin the disliked S. Torquill):
White shirt for his current fresh start. Long hair for Vibes. Not much else to say about him here. Too many spoilers.
Kitty man! Brown hair, originally was going to have the stripes just be the way the “glass” was set, but after drawing Pete’s hair I painted some darker brown stripes in. Red (probably silk) shirt under brown leather vest. Hair in a bun bc the Toby Discord has had odd fits of being obsessed with man-bun Tybalt. So he can have little a bun. As a treat.
For his hair I went with a yellow intended to be between the dandelion of his introduction and the polished bronze of his more recent appearances. Triangles as the base shape for his hair also just because vibes. Probably broke his nose at least once when he couldn’t get it set pretty and perfect in time to heal.
There is a picture of an Abyssinian cat on the Toby wiki, and I used the main visible color for his hair (by eyeballing it, bc, again, saturation). He has dark skin to go with his south-west asian name. Samson may have been the type of jerk to culturally appropriate names, but I want to think Raj is actually a person of color. None of the descriptions I remember actually include his skin tone. In cat form I airbrushed in some details to look a little more like the cat photo.
the Luideag:
Curly black hair, sometimes held by electrical tape in pigtails, can have shark teeth at will. I like shark teeth. I had fun playing with how curls work in stained glass (let me know how you liked them!), otherwise looks like a teenaged mortal who blends in around San Fran. I used to live just over the hill, and I always picture her as looking Hispanic, like about half of my old neighbors (probable hyperbole), at least in her current guise.
Blind Michael (hand only):
Discord member helped me double check, and his skin was “striped tan and white like ash bark” I decided on green pointed nails to look like leaves. Discolored slightly when looking through the orb holding Karen’s soul.
Karen, butterfly form:
I forgot she was supposed to be a swallowtail until I was done inking. Didn’t want to attempt to erase and try again for proper stripes and wing-tails. I was just thinking “she needs eye spots bc eyes are windows to the soul, and this is her butterfly soul.” Yellow bc tiger swallowtail call-back. Trying to escape away from Blind Micheal’s hand.
Moth lady moth lady moth lady she gets fluffy moth antennae. Skin and cloak colors taken directly from wiki description, hair gradiented in gold-ish yellow and brown to match what I could of the “writhing brown roots and golden hair” of the wiki description. I didn’t dare go check the books and get caught rereading and lose steam by distracting myself.
Cap’n Pete in pirate clothes sounded both more fun and easier to stylize than a fancy living-tides dress. Her hair is described as “oil slick” and she has “matching pale scales” here and there, but I only depicted them on her cheek. I also tried to give her ruffles/a cravat that matched her shirt. Bc why not.
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mzkora · 2 years
Tag game tuesday: The MySpace Survey
Thanks for the tag @gallavich-headcanon
What’s your name: Kora, darling, and don’t forget it 😜
Sun sign: Cancer 🦀
The last song you listened to: “song of the roustabouts” from the animated Dumbo movie because it had randomly gotten stuck in my head.
What are you wearing right now: nothing but granny panties because I’m home alone and not going anywhere
How tall are you? 5’10/5’11 depending on the day
Piercings? Nope. Not my zhuzh.
Tattoos? No. I’ve considered getting them but the pain and aftercare have scared me off.
Glasses or contacts? Glasses. Things going in my eyes? 🗣️NO!!!!
Last drink: water cuz I’m a boring bitch
Last thing you ate: lemon pepper tuna from a packet and gluten free mac and cheese
Favorite color: Red? Purple? Blue? Girl, I can’t choose. I *love* color!
Any pets? My family has had pets (a dog when I was a kid, and a cat when I was in high school/college), but I haven’t personally had one.
Do you have a crush on anyone? IRL, no. Celebrity ones don’t count as far as I’m concerned since I don’t actually know them.
Favorite fictional character: I can’t pick just one. It’s impossible. I love *all* my himbos, brotherfuckers, and dipshits.
A movie you think everyone should watch: I don’t think there’s any movie that everyone should see, but if you wanted to get to know me better I would suggest watching either Sister Act, Fiddler on the Roof, or a Star Trek.
A book you think everyone should read: Again, I don’t think there is just one book for everyone and again if you want to know me better then you should read either The Introvert Advantage by Marti Laney, The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, or The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley*
*Zimmer Bradley was accused of SA and abuse so I don’t endorse her but I also can’t deny the effect her book had on me as a queer/trans teenager raised in a conservative Christian environment.
The last place you traveled: I’ve been a few places around my home state (texas) to see friends and family but nowhere glamorous or exotic.
Something you’re looking forward to: I don’t know that I have anything that I’m looking forward to right now. Not in a bad way, it’s just that a lot of things that I was looking forward to have just recently happened so I’m in something of a lull at the moment.
And I am tagging: @very-sleepy-head , @digitalmeowmix , @malcolm-reeds-pineapple , @clotpolesonly , @sugargoblin , @stanfordsweater , @nevergettingoverwincest
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sleepy-moron · 2 years
I think I’ve actually made a fairly solid connection between byler and one of the most iconic gay couples in marvel history, and I know I’m not the first person to make connections between Will and Billy Kaplan but this is a bit more in depth + some other interesting parallels and a little bit of memes……potential major plot spoilers for s5 if I’m right ahead tho
So I was checking some fan wikis to refresh my knowledge on Billy Kaplan because I am very confident that Will takes at least some inspiration from him (gay nerd with reality warping powers and a heavy association with magic+ it takes a while for people to realize just how fucking powerful he actually is) and the scarlet witch and I randomly had the idea that I should look into Teddy Altman (aka Hulkling aka Billy’s husband) to see if there were any significant parallels between him and Mike because I thought it would be interesting……and while there are a few other parallels that are pretty likely to just be coincidental…..there is a much bigger one that could be plausible as an intentional reference. I need to establish the direction I think Will’s story could go in season five first and then we can talk about the stuff that involves both pairs.
So Will is going to be targeted by Henry in some way, that much is obvious. It’s also a pretty reasonable assumption that Will can control/warp the upside down to some extent (although Will has no idea he can) and that’s why it is still stuck on the day Will vanished as a result of Will being unable to move past what happened to him. I brought up the scarlet witch earlier because she’s Billy’s mom but also because of the House of M storyline (aka literary what wandavision is based off of) from the comics. This involves someone (Wanda) with the ability to warp reality to create a perfect world for themselves to live in as a result of a breakdown and rewrites reality and the memories of everyone else around them to prevent people from destroying this new world.
While I don’t necessarily think Will is going to create a new reality on his own I do think he will be stuck in some version of a perfect world where he is either not responsible for its creation and thus is the only one who knows this illusion is an illusion, or is the one responsible and doesn’t know it which would mean another main character (Mike or El probably) to realize something is wrong and fix it, or Will consciously chooses to stay in the fake world and needs convincing to leave. This ties in with Billy as when it was discovered that his powers could reshape reality there was a conflict where multiple characters were unsure if Teddy was warped into being the ideal boyfriend or was straight up completely fabricated by Billy’s powers. Will’s idea of a perfect world would need to address him being in love with Mike, likely by him and Mike being together or having mutual feelings in the perfect world.
So that’s where I think the story could be going with Will next season, so now we can circle back around and talk about The big parallel: King Arthur and Merlin references. On the comic book side of things we have two boys (both of whom are gay) who are both massive nerds, one of which is secretly an alien prince that is basically destined to one day be king and pulls a special sword out of a stone on the request of a group of alien knights and is deemed by the knights to not be currently able to lead them because he is too loyal to his friends on earth to leave them behind or he wouldn’t be worthy of the sword. The other boy is a magician that unknowingly had reality warping powers (and is also a twin but that’s not super relevant here) a heavy association with wizards and is literally both married to the other boy and was also given the title of court magician a la Merlin by his husband. (Additionally Billy has been turned evil and in that state is referred to as demiurge which is a form of evil god responsible for the creation of the material world and a specific interpretation of this force is basically just what vecna is in canon)
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In stranger things we also have two nerdy boys, one of which is Mike who is heavily compared to a paladin and a leader but is depicted wielding a sword and shield in the painting, and the shield literally has a crown symbol on it and has some other evidence suggesting he gets a sword in s5. He also is way too self sacrificing and protective of his friend to the point he literally would rather throw himself off a cliff then living with the guilt of being the reason his friends got hurt. The other boy is Will who is gay and in love with his best friend, has a load of twin imagery with El, is very likely to have been the reason the upside down is mirroring Hawkins and is frozen in time, and has heavy wizard theming with an emphasis on him and Mike being a team and who has been literally possessed by Vecna.
So given that it’s possible Will and Mike draw inspiration from both Billy and Teddy and also Arthur and Merlin this makes a specific poster very interesting in my opinion:
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So we’ve all lost our minds over this image, and if we look at some comic covers of Billy and Teddy…….
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This is a really fun coincidence but I just think it’s neat and I wanted to share it with you!
Ps: These two also had romantic subtext that fans picked up on way sooner then it was revealed in story as well…..it’s almost like byler might be romantic y’all/s
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wonderlesscomics · 9 months
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Batman/Catwoman (Tom King & Clay Mann)
Issues # 1-12
Read January 2024
Story: 5/10
Respectfully I love Tom King. Of my top 10 favorite comics of all time he has multiple on the list but this is truly not one of them. I love Tom for his unique take on story telling, playing with the readers and trying new things but honestly this book is a fucking nightmare to read. The three different storylines being told 2 1/2 pages at a time with little to no differences between the past and present timeline literally sharing multiple characters and plot points between them makes it a nightmare to try and read and care about. The joker is flat out annoying in this book, he just comes in every issue and yaps about nothing and is used to throw a wrench into the relationship I’m trying to care about after the first 50 issues of his story kind of failed the relationship. This is the epic conclusion to his mixed Batman run and he chooses this story telling device and plot to tell it. Baffling. To his credit I think by themselves a lot of these story elements are awesome. I love the phantasm storyline in this book and the future catwoman/batwoman story is also fascinating. Both of these deserved their own mini series and could have just been this story but instead they are combined and mushed together in the most awkward and unorthodox way. This was a massive disappointment, and I hope it’s just a small hiccup in an otherwise stellar career.
Art: 8/10
Let’s start this the right way; Clay Mann is my favorite comic book artist of all time. No debate. However, The art like everything in this book is just… a confusing choice of squished together elements. When Clay is on the book, the art is flawless. Stunning character design, lighting, colors, and page layout are incomparable to the rest of the industry. His art makes me flip pages in awe. But just like the story randomly we just switch to another piece that confused everything and makes it worse. Respectfully I don’t know him and I don’t know his work too well but Liam Sharps art in this book is not cutting it. They switch to him halfway through for several issues and the art declines so sharply in my opinion especially when book ended by Clay’s art. It might just not be my style and many people may like it but I truly thought it was awful and didn’t fit the book at all. I can’t believe how much I hated the scratchy lines and twisted looking features in a book that had been so clean and tight the whole time.
Special Notes:
- I’ll always support a phantasm storyline and I really appreciate their inclusion into the story
- I’m baffled by the choices in this book and I can’t say it enough
- I wonder if there is a cut of this book that is just told in timeline order and how much better it actually might be
- Helena is actually an awesome character and I would legitimately read that book
Overall Rating: 5.5/10
I’m so, so disappointed in this. I remember in the first couple issues overlooking the weird story telling device and just being in awe at how cool it was. But it just kept going and by the end I felt defeated. I truly didn’t enjoy this read. The story doesn’t justify the awkward telling, and even the art gets hijacked and can’t carry this to a stronger score. I’m immediately going to read another Tom King book to reassure myself that this is just a symptom of a problem plagued Batman story that’s finally concluding in this book.
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heartofspells · 2 years
13, 14, 20, and 22
(Also, fun fact about 14: I loaned a kid a book in Sixth Grade, I’m a junior in college now, and I still remember their name, which book it was, and that I never got it back so I had to buy a new copy. I remember almost nothing else about this kid or middle school, but I will never forget this)
I would also never forget that. The pure evil nerve of withholding such a precious item from you. You have my deepest sympathies.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Oh, okay. We're starting with the hard, juicy ones. I'm here for it.
Truly bad/neglectful/abusive parenting is probably the thing I struggle with the most. If you've ever paid attention to any of my fics where it's brought up, you might notice that while it's there, addressed and made known, I also skirt around it for the most part (especially with Sirius and the Blacks). I think the closest I've ever come if turning Lyall into a disinterested and judgmental father for one specific fic/series where he and Remus had one (1) harsh interaction where words were thrown out. Everything else is always mostly hinted at.
That being said, it's almost too easy to write the bits that come after, once the character is free but still struggling with it, which is a strange thing, I'm aware. Beyond that, almost any other sort of deep angst or dark topic comes pretty easily to me.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I've always been very protective of my books, even when I was young. I always get them back and I only lend to people I know aren't going to disappear. I'm like a library. You get two weeks and after that I'm snapping my fingers, demanding it be returned or you'll suffer the consequences (paying the late fees with your SOUL). My sister is the worst. She borrows books a lot and it's always a struggle getting them back, but I know where she lives, so she can't hide from me.
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Screw love, I want my story finished to perfection with gorgeous little details added into the pages and artwork projected straight from my mind so that people can see exactly what I see, no typos in existence, every sentence structured divinely, with all the emotions that cripple a person and leave them nothing but puddles of themselves. Gimme.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Ahaha! The way I laughed at this. Look, there are certain aspects of my life where I am insanely organized and put together. Writing isn't one of those areas. I have an external hard drive, two flash drives, and three separate, chaotic document folders on my laptop all containing different bits of writing. Some of my stuff is stored on Google Docs (hate that), there are things in Dropbox (do people still use that anymore??), notes also stored in all these places along with on my phone in an app, bits of writing lost forever in the terror that is tumblr, randomly jotted things on scrap pieces of paper, old notebooks and a Filofax from years ago floating around in boxes and inside drawers that haven't seen the light of day in years...Those WIP games that go around sometimes are a nightmare because I'm a mess. I'll never find it all.
Send me weird questions if you'd like!
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noworneverphantom · 2 years
133, 109, 60 and 39 for the book recs thing. Feed me your book recsssssssssss
Also, any other books you just want to rec
oooh interesting numbers…
39. A book featuring your favorite character
you’re making me choose a favorite character?? You should know this is an impossible choice for me…
60. A book you think about at 3am
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callendar. Essentially, this book makes me question myself so fucking much lol, but it’s such a good book that’s left a profound mark on me, and I carry that with me and remeber it randomly.
109. A book featuring a teacher/professor
Matilda by Roald Dahl! The character Ms. Honey is such a precious character for me, especially me feeling like I’m in Matilda’s shoes with my parents not understanding me, and Ms. Honey bring that beacon of light into Matilda’s life.
133. A book you came across randomly and fell in love with
I don’t randomly stumble across many fantastic books anymore to be honest. Mostly, I get recommendations from friends, or look at book lists online. A book that I stumbled across online and a person had recommended to me as well would have to be One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston. I fell in love with this book and read it in two sittings, it’s amazing.
thanks for the asks!! I love recommending books, but without specifics I’ll recommend every book I’ve ever read lol
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verena-amell · 2 years
30 Day Grey Warden Challenge: Verena Amell (Day 1)
(reposting here since I’m cleaning up my main tumblr)
Day One. Let’s start off with a basic profile of your character.
What is their full name? [Why did you choose that name for them? Name meaning?] Her full name is Verena Amell though many at the Circle like Jowan and Anders (along with Alistair, Leliana, Oghren, and Wynne) call her by her nickname “Vera.” The name kind of just popped into my head randomly and stuck (found out later it was because of emegustart’s Verena Trevelyan oops ndjskadba) and when I looked it up I found out it means “protector” in German and “defending friend” in Teutonic? Dunno about the last one but protector was perfect for the image I was going for, even if she initially doesn’t seem like it. I’ve also seen it mean “shy” which also fits her, especially in the beginning.
For Vera, apparently it has origins in Latin meaning “true” and also has a Slavic origin meaning “faith” /o/
Age? 19 (a few months shy of 20) when she takes the Joining, 20 by endgame, and 21 when Awakening begins
Birthday? 14 Cloudreach, 9:10 Dragon
Gender? Female
Race? Human! Technically from the Free Marches considering she’s an Amell but she definitely considers herself Ferelden through and through
Class? Vera’s a mage, focusing on Ice/Lightning in the Primal tree (though ice is one of her two specialties) and everything in the Spirit tree aside from the Walking Bomb branch which she won’t touch with a ten-foot pole because it skeeves her out too much. Incidentally though, she actually learns it closer to the Inquisition period. Her specialty, however, is healing. She’s almost as good as Anders and practices with Wynne regularly during their travels.
Her specializations are Spirit Healer, Arcane Warrior, and Battlemage (which I’ll go into detail later)
Background? TL;DR TIME Vera was taken away from her mother Revka and her home in Kirkwall when she was barely five years old. While normally children don’t show magical signs until closer to puberty, Vera was reading a storybook with her mother when Revka gave herself a papercut. Wanting to help her mother the way she always did with her whenever she bumped or scraped herself, little Vera took her mother’s hand and pretended to rub and soothe the cut only this time, it disappeared entirely in a soft blue glow. This was not the first time this had happened to one of Revka’s children (but the first time it had happened so early) so the very next day her father shipped her off to the Circle and she was taken to Ferelden.
Needless to say, she did not have a very warm welcome from the Templars to the Ferelden Circle and though Irving took pity on her for being so young, the Templars quickly quashed the rebelliousness out of her. However, it was only by a stroke of luck that one such Templar decided to be kind and give her back the book her mother had given her as a keepsake (which had then been subsequently confiscated) and, along with Irving, introduce her to another abnormally young apprentice, Jowan. Jowan, nearly two years older than Vera and who had been at the Circle for over a year already, was at first reluctant to have anything to do with her but when she soon went missing, he was the first to go looking for her, frantic and hoping to find her before the Templars became suspicious (and before he was blamed for it). He found her in the very back of the apprentice quarters behind a bed and trying (and failing) to read her treasured book, more specifically a long letter her mother had written in the back for her to read when she was older. When Jowan finally told her that her mother must have loved her very much, it was then that Vera finally burst into tears for the first time since she had left home and clung to him for dear life, surprising him. The two were almost inseparable ever since.
Anders played a pretty big role in her life in the Circle as well; she met him not long (2 months) after she was brought to Kinloch Hold, just a few days after he himself was brought to the Circle. Like with all the others, he refused to talk to her, let alone give her his name, but since it was close to dinnertime Vera took it upon herself to escort him from the apprentice quarters to the dining hall. (The reality of it though was that Jowan ended up staying late because he fell asleep during his lessons and was escorted to the dining hall without her) It was only five months after that however that Anders made his first escape attempt and when he was brought back just a few days later, she stuck to him like glue, asking him endless questions about his brief time outside. He warmed up to her more after that and Vera was happy to see a familiar face when she was later placed into the more specialized healing lessons for apprentices.
One amusing thing to note is that after the Lake Calenhad stunt that Finn mentions in Witch Hunt (about Anders jumping off the docks and into the lake to swim to freedom during an outdoor exercise session) Vera refused to talk to him for over a week.
Through Anders she also became acquainted with Karl, though she never grew especially close with him like she did with Anders and Jowan. Mostly she knew him as Anders’ friend (later boyfriend though she knew better than to say that aloud) and that Anders was the happiest she’d ever seen him when they were together. She too was extremely worried when Karl was sent to Kirkwall but knew better than to say anything while he grieved. Instead she stood by him quietly and prayed that the Templars would still show him mercy the next time he escaped. When Anders was put into solitary confinement for a year, it was the first time she took advantage of her relatively good standing in the Circle and used every advantage she had as Irving’s favorite student to give him what little company she could.
Jowan’s betrayal hit her the hardest. After talking to Irving and heatedly arguing with him for the first time, Vera found herself about to directly confront Jowan with the question about him practicing blood magic. However, she dropped the question at the last second, feeling horribly guilty for doubting him, and decided to help him. Anders had escaped again just a few weeks past and she didn’t want to lose her best friend, the boy she grew up with. Though a tiny part of her resented Lily for essentially taking Jowan from her, she knew that she would lose him either way and she was glad he found happiness. Bottom line was that she absolutely would not let Irving and Greagoir turn him Tranquil for something he didn’t do. While she at first tried to settle things peacefully (quietly telling Jowan not to make things worse when he yelled at Irving), when Greagoir sentenced Jowan to death, Vera immediately stepped forward and defended him loudly and vehemently. However, when he used blood magic to defend Lily, she found herself rooted to the spot, shell-shocked even after his escape, and only spoke up to defend Lily. Even when Greagoir continued to shout at her, she remained silent and immediately gave back the Rod of Fire that she had taken when Irving asked.  The only time she spoke up was to speak a few words when Duncan recruited her and to give a quick farewell to Cullen near the entrance, asking him to keep the book her mother gave her safe since she knew she wouldn’t be allowed back to retrieve it.
(she later finds out that he gives it to Owain for safekeeping shortly afterwards, strictly instructing him to not let anyone take it but himself and it’s given back to her after the events at Kinloch Hold)
ETA: realized belatedly I probably should write a little blurb about her and Cullen; basically nothing really happens. She crushed massively on him and he on her but she never did anything about it, never made him run for the hills during THAT conversation. It was basically the Circle’s worst kept secret though and everyone knew but them two so it was a shock when that one apprentice finally told her outright that he was in love with her, though she didn’t believe it (and didn’t have the courage to ask him about it) until the events of Broken Circle.
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lil’ bab in her shiny new mage robes though she’s a little sad because she liked the color of the apprentice robes better
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she actually changes into these (Vestments of the Seer) on the way to Ostagar until she gets her Warden armor
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after Broken Circle she uses Irving’s staff (Staff of the First Enchanter) all the way until near the end of the Blight; she switches to the staff that Varathorn makes for her in gratitude (Keeper’s Staff seen below) even though she insisted he use the ironbark for the elves instead. However, she’s enternally grateful for his generosity and continues to use it for years, even into Inquisition.
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thranduel · 2 years
i am once again thinking about this and i’m going crazy
the only person that started the awkwardness and tension in season 4 was mike. some people have said “oh they BOTH became awkward because of the distance, probably because they lost contact and didn’t send letters to each other”, but that’s not true. will literally painted something just for mike and you can see in the airport clip how happy and excited he was to see him again. if things were so different and awkward for both of them, will would’ve looked awkward as well and he certainly wouldn’t have felt comfortable enough to bring a gift for him. but it was only mike who started the awkwardness which just makes it more obvious that he’s struggling with repressed feelings for will, because there’s literally no other explanation for him to be like that. you don’t just suddenly become THAT awkward with your best friend that you’ve known since kindergarten just because you weren’t in contact for a while. in fact, not being in contact for so long means they should’ve been even MORE excited to see each other (like how will looked when he was waiting for him!). they should’ve ran up and hugged each other and caught up on everything since they clearly didn’t communicate through letters, but instead, mike could barely hug him and there was an expression on his face that looked like he was in pain and holding something back? nah, that’s not how mike and will usually are. mike should’ve walked beside will at the airport and asked him how he was and what he’s been up to and they should’ve caught up properly, but instead he immediately went to eleven and ignored will even though he’s been in contact with her the entire time which just feels so wrong and unfair. he did the same at the roller rink. he ignored will and only focused on el. it’s like he was purposefully trying to avoid him for a specific reason, and that reason has to be because mike has repressed feelings for will and he doesn’t know what to do about it so he chooses to push him away and distance himself. if mike randomly decided to become awkward with his best friend and exclude him for nothing while he continues being consumed with his girlfriend (which he’s been confronted about and called out for several times by dustin, lucas and will), what are the writers doing to mike’s character????? seriously, that would just make him an asshole for no reason and that makes no sense. it’s not like him at all and i refuse to believe he’s that type of person
also mike and will left on good terms at the end of season 3 and hugged tightly back then. they’ve literally known each other for the longest out of all the friends and they have the strongest and most genuine relationship. both of them are most comfortable when they’re together and they can actually be themselves when no one else is around. so why would mike suddenly be awkward with will at the airport and roller rink whenever eleven is around? and why do you think mike didn’t send letters to him in the first place either? what exactly is the reason they lost contact at all? with will, we already know that he likes mike and he’s sure of it. maybe he felt a bit awkward initiating things and sending letters all the time, especially since it seems like they both associate letters as something romantic couples do (when will said he only got a couple of phone calls from mike while el has a book of letters and mike got defensive and said “that’s because she’s my girlfriend, will”, as though letters is something for partners rather than friends). so will probably didn’t want to overstep any boundaries or constantly be the one to initiate it. but if mike is so confident in his relationship, then what’s the issue with him sending letters to will and reaching out to him? it’s just his best friend, right? and mike has no idea will likes him, finn already confirmed that, so it’s not like he didn’t want to give will the “wrong idea”, because mike doesn’t even think will likes him. so why couldn’t he send letters to his best friend to communicate with him? why did they lose contact at all? there’s only one explanation for all of this and it’s that they both have feelings for each other. mike didn’t want to call or send letters because he sees it as something romantic and he’s trying to distance himself and push those feelings away because he’s clearly struggling with his feelings and his current relationship and doesn’t know what to do. he’s trying to fit in with “the norm” and be someone he’s not. the moment he sends those letters to will, it’s like he’s admitting to himself that he has feelings for him, and that scares him because he doesn’t know what to do about it. at the same time, he probably feels guilty for not being able to give el the love that she wants and he feels bad for all the lying that’s going on. then there’s will who knows he likes mike, but mike is in a relationship and will isn’t the type of person to constantly initiate contact through letters or phone calls. he was probably afraid to reach out and thought he was doing too much, especially because mike wasn’t giving him any attention back, so he just stopped and hoped that his best friend would try harder to talk to him, but he didn’t. even with phone calls, mike only called a couple of times, which makes no sense for two best friends that have known each other for most of their lives. if you’re so confident in your relationship with your girlfriend and you’re not questioning the feelings you have for your best friend, then you should be able to stay in contact with both of them with no problem. there’s no way this is just some meaningless “best friends that randomly lost contact” drama. that would be ridiculous and lazy writing
mike has known will much longer than he’s known eleven and they’ve been best friends since kindergarten. they’ve experienced so much struggles together and they know what it feels like to be outcasts, excluded and bullied. mike literally knocked a bully down on the floor when he insulted will and used homophobic insults. we’ve also seen how mike cares for will and how he’s completely different when he’s with him alone (they’re both so comfortable, open, honest, vulnerable and caring when they’re together). so why would mike randomly lose contact with his best friend that he’s known for most of his life, become awkward and distant for no reason, and then ignore him and exclude him while he’s standing all alone as he only pays attention to his girlfriend like he did most of last season? mike and will literally got into a fight because of that in season 3. will called him out for only paying attention to her, and then mike felt bad and tried to apologise after. why would mike repeat his mistakes again and why would he do something so selfish and cruel to will unless there was some other reason that actually made sense? mike just isn’t the type of person to do that to his best friend for nothing. it goes against all the meaningful scenes we’ve seen of him when he’s alone with will and it would also take away the entire point of will having a crush on mike and the heart-to-heart scene in ep 5. like i’ve said so many times, there’s only one reason for mike to be acting this way, and it’s because he’s struggling with his feelings for will and feels like he needs to push him away and distance himself because he’s afraid to confront those feelings. it would be extremely difficult and confusing for both of them, and it makes sense for mike to be scared and put on this act and pretend to be someone he’s not. this season has also been focusing on “forced conforming” and i’m pretty sure finn even said mike is discovering a lot about himself and his relationships. what else could that mean? why would they focus on how beautiful and special mike and will’s relationship is and build it up from the start just to turn it into something awkward? why would they make a young gay character who has already suffered enough have a crush on his best friend just for it to be unrequited? why would they make such a beautiful friendship become awkward and distant and never go back to how it was by making one of them like the other just to end up getting rejected? there’s no way they’d do something so unfair and stupid
in conclusion mike and will do love each other and i know they do and no one can convince me otherwise. there is NO other explanation for any of this, absolutely none
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usertala · 3 years
Catch Me!
MC randomly jumping from a window below the boys
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon
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Scrolling through your phone liking whatever Levi posted in his blog not even bothering to read it. You sigh as you throw your phone across the bed. Standing up, you head to your desk to at least have some studying done so you won’t upset Lucifer again.
Reading the book Satan recommended so you can do better at hex and spells, you write things down. Hearing a hearty laugh from outside, you peer from the window to see Lucifer talking to Diavolo with Barbatos on his side.
Barely containing your excitement, you started climbing out the window. “Diavolo! Look up!” jumping from the window, knowing he’d catch you.
And he did. Laughing at your antics, Diavolo refuses to let you go, arms wrapped tightly around your waist and behind your knees. “I must say, I’ve never been greeted like this before, much less by a human.” You grin at him. “There’s always a first for everything, right?”
Hearing a cough in front of you made you fully aware of a pissed-looking Lucifer and Barbatos who was holding back a chuckle. Knowing his friend would lecture you, he had already beaten him to it. “It’s fine, Lucifer. It’s not like I was hurt, they’re very light,” Diavolo chuckles again, although Lucifer doesn’t look impressed.
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You were on the second floor of rad by the stairs talking to some classmates when you notice him talking to Diavolo outside, waiting for the Prince to leave. You tell your classmates you’ll meet them in the classroom.
Seeing as most of the students were in their respective classrooms, you climb out the window, “Barbatos!” you yell from above. He barely looks up but catches you successfully. He gives you a small smile. “I knew you were going to do that, but please don’t do it again. I can catch you, but what if other people can’t?”
You pouted, wanting to catch him off guard but failing. “Who said something about me doing that to anyone? I can trust the others at catching me but I want you to be the only one to do that.” Almost dropping you, you squeaked, “Whoa, Barb, I’m gonna fall!”
He coughed. There was a light pink tint on his cheeks, “Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen.”
Guess you caught him off guard.
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Seriously, MC? You’re gonna give him a heart attack! He’ll catch, but just barely. Catching him off guard maybe wasn’t the best idea... But who cares.
You were in Simeon’s room at purgatory hall, scrolling through your phone, Solomon giving you the idea to jump from the window when Simeon’s arrives. You were reluctant at first, but Solomon made you choose to either do this or you’d be eating a week of his cooking. Of course, you choose to do the former.
Simeon walking towards purgatory hall, holding what seems like a Madam Scream’s paper bag. Another one of Michael’s request, maybe.
Climbing the window, you scream, “Hey, Simeon! Catch me!” before jumping out the window. Simeon, who was carrying a bag of desserts and was already panicking, changed to his angel form.
Flying towards you and meeting in the middle, “MC, what has gotten into you?! That was so dangerous! What if I wasn’t there?!” flying through the window, he sets you down, walking towards the kitchen to put the desserts in the fridge, just as you were about to explain you see Solomon walk in.
You point an accusing finger at him, “Solomon told me to do it or else I’ll have to eat his cooking for a week and you know how dreadful that is!” you hear Solomon’s offended gasp, “Hey, my cooking tastes great!”
“Solomon.” Solomon seemed to freeze as he looked at Simeon who was wearing a tight smile. “Uh, look MC seems to be dizzy from falling. Bye!” you laugh as Simeon runs after him, taking over him with taking care of the desserts.
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It was actually his idea; he had been practicing a spell that temporarily gives you a pair of wings and wanted to test it out. Frowning, you take the potion from his hands, gagging from the smell. Solomon flicks your forehead. “Don’t smell it, Idiot. Just drink it and you’ll feel the effects in a few seconds.”
Drinking the potion, almost throwing up from the taste. Solomon leads you to the rooftop of purgatory hall telling you to jump, you hit him on the head, “Are you out of your mind? Hell, no!”
He groans, “Don’t you trust me?” rolling your eyes, you respond, “No.” laughing he slightly pushes you towards the edge, “Fuck! Solomon, don’t do that!” raising his hands, you thought he was about to give up, “I’ll catch you from below,” showing you his pinky, “I promise.”
You roll your eyes, “If I die, I’m going to kill you.” positioning yourself towards the edge, you wait for Solomon to appear, testing out the wings your slightly unstable but you think it’s alright if you're just going to fall.
“MC, try jumping!” hearing Solomon from below, you take a deep breath and fall.
Having a peaceful feeling and a sense of freedom knowing you’d be safe - is what you thought you’d feel. Mid-fall the wings vanished. Now you’re screaming your head off, cursing Solomon.
Solomon curses, quickly casting a floating spell. “Don’t worry, I got you... You’re safe. I’m sorry, MC. You must’ve been so scared...” slowly setting you down, you fall to the ground, not having the strength to stand up, you sniffle, you can hear Solomon talking as much as you wanted to listen the ringing in your ears were preventing you from doing so.
You can feel his arms around you, “When the wings vanished all the other specialties were gone.” You were starting to cry, your body felt like it was being crushed, “MC, hey, it’s okay. It’s okay now. Everything’s okay now.” Casting a healing spell on you, he tightens his hug.
“I was wrong. I’m sorry. You did well. Everything’s okay now... I’m sorry I was wrong.” Feeling you slowly lose consciousness, he carried you towards his room.
He tells the brothers you’d be staying with him for quite a while.
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Obey Me Masterlist
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kodzukyan · 3 years
better with you (until it kills me)
notes: it's always missing baji hours here </3 fluff, angst; alternative ending: always, always you
summary: four times you think you are in love with baji keisuke, and the one time you tell him.
wc: 3.7k
You're reasonably sure the only reason he chooses you to pair up with for the Japanese literature project is that you sit next to him, but it surprises you all the same. You don't think you have much of a presence in class, but you don't think you can say the same about your new partner, Baji Keisuke.
His slicked-back ponytail and thick frames make his presence seem like a poindexter, but there's something about his bruised knuckles and his fierce aura that makes him feel ferocious. You've noticed him hang out with the school delinquent on multiple occasions. You also think you've seen him laugh wildly as he beats up some of the local thugs who crowded around the said delinquent he's friends with.
He isn't who you expect him to be at first glance, and that intrigues you more than you like to admit. You're too nervous to openly ask, so you settle for stealing glances at him from the corner of your eyes.
So, when he really decides on you and submits the partner form, you don't know what to think.
In the time that you two are partners, you've discovered a couple of things about him. First, his handwriting and kanji absolutely suck. Despite that, he writes a letter addressed to someone named Kazutora every week without fail. As if that isn't endearing enough, it gets even more so when he pouts at the complex characters that he often gets wrong and the inevitable smile that breaks out whenever you show him how to write them correctly.
("Oh, thanks! I would probably fail my kanji tests without you and Chifuyu. Kazutora probably can't even understand what I'm saying," he laughs rambunctiously.)
Second, he's genuinely an unexpectedly good partner in terms of being punctual about meeting up. However, despite being on time, there is little progress on the project. Your work times often end up in discussions about random life topics rather than the project itself.
(“Do you like cats?” he asks out of the blue one day, head on the table and books already forgotten.
“Uh, yeah, I guess so,” you humor him because you’re also tired of researching Japanese literature.
“Wanna see my cats? They’re all strays,” he sits up suddenly, eyes lit and smile bright.
You nod, and he proceeds to take out his phone to show you pictures of his cats. You note his lock-screen is a picture of all his cats, and his camera roll is just full of his friends and mom, motorcycles, and the said cats. With shining eyes full of excitement, he tells you their names and their personalities in detail.
"Do you think cats recognize their names but choose to ignore us whenever we call them?" he resumes the conversation after he finishes showing you his gallery. He leans back as he balances his pencil on top of his pursed lips.
"Maybe. Depends on the cat? Maybe they just hate you?" you mimic his pose. You suppose thirty minutes of work is enough progress for the day.
"Ouch," he grimaces as if it shatters him directly in the heart.)
Third, sometimes he comes with his hair down and without his glances, with stains on his clothes that he claims are ketchup, despite it not smelling like that at all.
("Uh, hey, sorry I'm late today," he offers sheepishly as he runs a hand through his unbound hair.
"Oh, it's okay," you finally say after you take in his shaggy appearance. You try not to think about how handsome he is despite the bruises forming on his face. "Are you… okay?"
"All good! The ketchup bottle just randomly exploded," he laughs nervously and awkwardly. "Anyways!! The project!!"
You stare at him dubiously but nod anyway. "Okay, if you say so…")
Fourth, he has an extremely charming smile, especially when his fangs are in full display. To some, it may look fierce and menacing; to you, it looks cute, especially when his eyes are always brimming with life and his laugh is full of vitality.
More often than not you catch yourself staring at him because he's just so intriguing.
You try to ignore your racing heart when your stolen glances become shared ones, and he flashes you a grin softer than the smiles you've seen.
“Uh, hi.” You say shyly as you enter through Baji’s window. It’s not frequently you seek out Baji at his own home, especially through the window he keeps open almost exclusively for stray cats to seek shelter.
“What the fuck?” Baji drops the stray cat he's cuddling as you give a slight wave, causing the cat to meow loudly at the sudden change in demeanor.
“Sorry to drop by unannounced. I, uh, just wanted some company.”
You feel vanishingly small as you awkwardly laugh and piece together some words that make sense. Home is supposed to be full of warmth, but your home is more of a house with people than a home with love. It’s a truth you’ve long accepted, but some days, it feels a little extra cold.
Therefore, you run, and somehow you end up here, in the comforts of Baji’s room.
Maybe you are currently a stray cat, feeling a little more lost than found. Maybe you find that he’s the sort of comfort that warms you a little when your heart feels heavy. Maybe you are just a little bit in like with him, and he is the first person you want to see whenever you’re feeling down.
The room is silent aside from the soft paps of cats moving around and the periodic meow. Then, he pats the spot next to him, and you make your way there. As soon as you sit down, he hands you a cat.
“Here, hold her. She’s nice,” he comments as he places the calico cat he dropped earlier in your lap, petting her as she adjusts to her new position on you.
She narrows her eyes and softly purrs in your lap as Baji pets her, and this makes you feel more in the moment than in your head like you’ve been. Your initial baffle turns into a smile as she purrs louder when you pet her, and just like that, you feel a little more found than lost.
You lean on his shoulder as you continue petting the calico cat in your lap. You keep your eyes on her as she climbs onto his lap and nuzzles him in an attempt to hide your burning cheeks and your drumming heart from your proximity.
“Thanks for giving me a home when I don’t want to be in my own,” you tell him softly, airly, almost as if you’re letting him in on a secret.
He stops playing with the cats for a moment and pauses. Feeling his intense stare, you peek through your lashes up at him. His broad grin and sharp canines are in full display, and his smile looks a little more boyish than wild. He tousles your hair as he laughs aloud boisterously before he props his head on top of yours.
“You’ll always have a home here.”
It all started when a group of thugs looked at you inappropriately and made some comments that made you uncomfortable. You grip the ends of his sleeve just a little harder and press yourself behind him, trying to make yourself impossibly small. Baji, seeing your small form and downcast eyes, removes your hand from his sleeve and places it in his hand. Knowing Baji and him knowing you and your every mood, he does not stand for it. He simply flashes you a reassuring grin before he squeezes your hand and runs straight at them.
He throws the first punch, and you could just stand there in shock as he pummels through them and beats them up. He has cuts and bruises everywhere, and you’re certain he’s taken on a few nasty hits on his ribs. Though you’re equally confident that these thugs are absolutely 100% in worse shape than he is.
“Oh my god,” you sob frantically as Baji wobbles back to you, ferocious smile on his face softens as he sees you. He pats your head when he notes your teary eyes. You’re not even sure when you start crying, but the tears just don’t seem to stop. “Are you okay? Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you -”
He clutches your tear-stained face in his hands, “Look at me.”
Your eyes meet his, but you can barely see him over your tears as you continue your incoherent rambling.
“Hey,” he tries once more, voice more frantic as he struggles to find words. He finally just squishes your cheeks and yells, “Do you think I care about anything else but you right now?”
Your eyes widen, and the tears forming fall freely onto his hands. Oh, oh, oh, you think to yourself as your beating heart rapidly thumps at an exponential speed, maybe he’s also falling. When you meet his steady gray eyes, the shocking realization that maybe you’re not the only one dumb and possibly in love stops your tears.
He sighs in relief when your tears gradually stop, and as if all the tiredness accumulated in his body hit him all at once, he falls down onto the ground.
You try to catch him as best as you can, and with the combined effort of mostly himself and partially you, he breaks his fall. He lays sprawled out on the ground. After you check for wounds and find none too serious, you sit with your knees tucked under you by where he lays and moves his head onto your lap.
All around you are the battered bodies of the thugs you’ve encountered, but all you can see at the moment is him and his gray eyes that disappear into crescent moons as he flashes you a grin. He’s too tired to move, but he raises a fist up into the air in victory anyway.
“I got you.”
"Wanna go on a ride?" he texts you.
It’s almost midnight when he texts you, and it’s probably way past when you should stay up. But your heart flutters at the thought of adventure, at the thought of him, so you quickly respond, “Okay, but be quiet! Don't wake my parents up again, stinky!!!”
You can already imagine his sheepish smile when he sends you a "that was once!!! my bad" back.
After sending him a quick ":p", you silently put on some clothes more fitting to go out than your pajamas. The sound of his motorcycle announces his greater-than-life presence long before his text does. Grabbing two scrunchies, you sneak out your window.
He only greets you with a goofy smile and a wave, hair free-flowing in the wind. Under the moonlight, his gray eyes twinkle with vigor and youth. It knocks the air out of your lungs as you glance at him because he's beautiful, ethereal, and alive. He smiles smugly when he catches your stare, but he holds his hand out for you to take.
"Hi," you whisper under the twinkling stars as you put your hand in his.
"Hey," he whispers back as he curls his fingers around your hand before adjusting to interlace your fingers together.
The quietness and intimacy of this moment drown out the world - the sound of cars driving by, of cicadas flying, of the world standing still. The only thing keeping you from floating is his hand and the sound of your heartbeat.
"I got you a hair tie." You offer softly with an equally soft smile, eyes pointing to the scrunchies on your wrist.
"I got you a hoodie," he responds as he nods to his motorcycle. "Because I knew your dumb ass would, once again, forget to dress for the winds."
"I'm dressed decently enough. You, though… please tie your hair… It hurts like hell when it whips in my face," you laugh lightly.
He rolls his eyes. "That's also what you said last time before you ended up stealing my hoodie, and I ended up being cold!" he complains, but there's a certain fondness in his voice.
You only stick your tongue out childishly at him. You would rather bite your tongue than admit that you are always slightly underdressed for the occasion so he would keep giving you his hoodies.
He tugs your interlaced hand and pulls you closer, and as you stand so close to him, you think close isn't quite close enough. The two of you linger in that position for longer than what should be appropriate for friends, but you think you have been tiptoeing around that line for a while now. Your heart races, and you're sure your erratic heart is beating fast enough to generate heat to keep you warm against the cold winds.
He pulls away first, moving to grab his hoodie before he roughly puts it on you. He laughs when you complain about your ruffled hair, but as his hoodie and scent engulf you, you could only shyly smile. He takes a scrunchie despite complaining about how poofy it is. As he settles in his bike and you settle in behind him, arms tight around his waist, you think this is probably what holding the universe in your arms feels like.
He rives his bike loudly despite your warning, but you find that you could care less right now as he takes off. You are young and dumb, but the wind is running through your hair as the two of you are chasing the moon, and it makes you feel so alive. Neon lights and starlit skies blur together as he speeds through familiar roads, and the brisk winds drown out your loud laughter. It feels like you're feeling everything at once, but your head is so clear.
You think you can understand why he loves riding so much because the only thing that you can hear is your loud heartbeat, and the only thing that matters is you're living.
He finally stops at a local 24-hour diner. The moonlight shines through the window by your table. You are still feeling the wild wind in your hair, cold air on your face, and the warmth of Baji’s back on your arms. It's way past midnight now, and the yellow lights of the diner feel a little more homey than dingy. He’s munching on some fries, occasionally waving one in your face whenever he’s trying to make a point about something. As you watch the various expressions on his face, a smile makes its way to your face.
“Hey Keisuke,” you grab a fry and jab it at him in the middle of his sentence. He stops his mid-word as he stares at you, head tilting slightly and mouth still gaping. There is a particular word that you keep thinking of whenever you think of Baji, a feeling that lingers and fills your heart up. You know what it is. You think you know at least, and in moments like these when you’re just watching his goofy self munching on fries while boisterously laughing at something dumb, all you can think of is those four letters.
“You’re my best friend,” you whisper before you eat your fry. Best friend, you think, encompasses a lot of things and feelings as you stare at his childlike grin, heart fluttering and mind blanking because all you see is him. You hope he knows, hope he gets that best friend is a loose term because he is so much more.
When he meets your eyes and his gray eyes crinkle in mirth and laughter rolls off his lips, you think he does.
“I know,” he smugly nods before he drops another fry into his mouth. “I guess you’re pretty cool too.”
You stick your tongue out at him and feel a warmth in your heart that matches the pinks of his cheeks. Maybe it’s adrenaline still in your blood, maybe it’s the moment, but it makes you devious, brave even, as you lean over and chomp down on the fry he's holding.
He stares at you with his mouth wide open, looking absolutely flabbergasted and offended. “Hello? That was my last fry!”
“Sorry,” you giggle, not feeling all that sorry at all. You know he’s not truly that offended because he has that stupid grin on his face, because he’s always soft with you. A part of you does feel a little sorry when you see the small pout that arises on his face. “I’ll treat you to yakisoba later?”
He turns away from you, face still slightly sulky as he huffs silently.
“No? You don’t want yakisoba?” you ask. You still find it amusing that Baji Keisuke, the first division captain of the Toman Gang who would punch someone on the streets for no reason other than just because he feels like it, is pouting because you stole his last fry. If anyone from any rival gangs sees Baji Keisuke now, they probably wouldn’t believe this is the same person.
“Fine,” he huffs softly, “But don’t think one yakisoba is enough.”
“Then,” you begin, your heart pounding loudly in your chest as you work up the courage, “What about this?”
He turns to you in confusion, and before your courage runs out on you, you crash your lips onto his before you pull away.
“Repayment,” you mutter meekly, eyes avoiding his because you’re sure he can feel the heat radiating off your cheeks from where he’s sitting.
“Hey,” he tugs on your hand under the table. When you finally look at him, he continues, “Just one isn’t enough.”
He kisses you again.
Home is supposed to be the place you come from, but you think it's more like a place you find, pieced together from scattered bits of feelings, emotions, people along the way. Somewhere along the lines, home becomes less of a place and more of a person. Your home becomes the boy with the sharp canines and long hair that gets tangled by the stray cats he keeps, the "I love you" declared loudly with kisses and the longing looks in between, the comfortable warmth of his body next to yours as you chase sunsets and live in your own infinity. Your home is Baji Keisuke and the constant image of him in your mind and the infinite pieces of him in your heart.
Infinity, though, is awfully short, you think, as you see him lay surrounded by bouquets, eyes closed in eternal slumber. He's always looked good in white, but when his tan complexion is nearly as pale as the white roses surrounding him, you think white is an awful color on him. His eyes always shine with possibilities and promises, and while you've always joked that his sleeping face is cute because he always looks so innocent, adorable even, all you want now is to see him awake.
His heroism and love for his friends are always something that you love about him, but in turn, it feels so incredibly cruel to you now. For as short as he has been in your life, he becomes pieces embedded so deeply in it that it makes you whole. You cannot imagine a world where there is no Baij, where he isn’t there to punch a hooligan on the streets or feed stray cats at night or hold you when your world is crashing. You cannot imagine a life where he isn’t here to shine a bright light in your life without his laughter and goofy personality. Suddenly the world blurs around you, and you can't breathe as droplets of water hit your clenched hands on your lap.
You hold his hands. Cold, cold, cold, when they used to be warm enough to light a fire in you. There are so many things you want to tell him, say to him, but the speech you prepare in your head drowns in silence as your voice gives out on you. All the words in your head just come out as broken sobs. You feel the sympathetic and equally broken glance of his mom as she embraces you, but all you can think about is that he won’t open his eyes.
Baji Keisuke has always been bigger than life, you think, because he becomes a part of everything in your life. There are traces of him everywhere - him with his cats on your lock-screen, the random memes he sends you at night, the little notes he leaves you written in his ugly penmanship with love. When you think of these things, you feel like your heart is breaking all over again.
People tell you to be strong, and while you want to retort because how can you when he’s gone?, you find that you cannot say a word without crying. You’re tired of crying too because your eyes are already so, so raw, but it seems like all you can do is cry. When you think you've finally run out of tears and your tears finally stop, a new batch takes over even at the slightest things that remind you of him. You feel so pathetic because you can't do anything without water leaking from your eyes, and you hate yourself for being so weak.
You tune out the somber tone of his friends and the broken tone of his mom because you don't want to accept a reality where he isn't here. But luck is never on your side because he never opens his eyes again, and you never get to tell him how much you love him. All you get are flashbacks and memories of him and emptiness in your heart and soul. You tell yourself you have to be strong and smile and live for the both of you, but you can't. Not when he isn't here, not when he isn't with you anymore. Every time you think about that fact, your heart breaks again.
"Hey, stupid," your broken sobs ring loudly in the deafening silence, "I love you."
The words you’ve wanted to tell him for so long are finally in the open, but there is no answer.
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Thank you for 1700 !!
To celbrate this milestone, I've decided to run another event. This time, you can choose amongst a list of smutty, fluffy or random prompts. You can pick a character of your choice in the three fandoms I'm writing for at the moment: One Piece, Attack on Titan and Fairy Tail.
17 slots available !
Each piece will be approximatively 100 words. I'll post them randomly depending on the inspiration I have at the moment. You're free to participate, just send me an ask and I'll put your entry on the list!
| Prompts |
Smut Prompts
"You know, you always look so much better when I mark you up."
"You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat."
"You look good all soaking wet."
"If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat."
"I don't care how good it feels you'd better not cum until I tell you to."
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
"Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me."
"You deserve a reward for being so good today, what would you like it to be?"
"Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you."
"I'm gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading your legs for me."
In a car
In the shower
At the office
Kink of your choice
Fluff Prompts
“Can I hold your hand?”
“I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest.”
"Why are you so cold?"
"Thank you for being in my life"
“I’m never leaving...I promise.”
Sharing an umbrella Hugs that last a little longer than they should
Cozied up by the fireplace, telling each other about their days
Building a blanket fort
Random Prompts
"How don’t you know the difference between your left and right?"
"Why won't you let me braid your hair?"
"I can't smile at you, I'm mad."
"Just five more minutes."
"You're so easily distracted."
Pulling them to their chest and squeezing them tight in a hug
The taller one helping the smaller one to pick a book on the top shelf of the library
Doing chores that the other dislikes doing
Pulling all nighters when the other doesn't want to be alone
| Characters |
One Piece
Roronoa Zoro, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Robin, Portgas D. Ace, Smoker, Monkey D. Garp, Sakazuki|Akainu, Borsalino|Kizaru, Issho|Fujitora, Benn Beckma,n Shanks, Edward Newgate, Silvers Rayleigh, Charlotte Katakuri, Kaido, King, Black Maria, Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote Rosinante, Crocodile, Eustass Kid, Killer
Attack on Titan
Kenny Ackerman, Zeke Yeager, Erwin Smith, Theo Magath, Reiner Braun, Pieck Finger, Mikasa Ackerman
Fairy Tail
Laxus Dreyar, Gildartz Clive, Bickslow, Gajeel Redfox, Mirajane Strauss, Cana Alberona, Loke
Thank you again for your support!!
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