#look at that happy muppet. too bad she eats people
cloudbattrolls · 11 months
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Zeller is thrilled that Nancor thought to ask Gliese to give her a pet, Gliese is feeling slightly ill at having done something nice for Zeller
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psychdelia · 4 years
max hadn’t meant to let it slip. she and robin were talking about crushes - because god knows that girl needs regular girl talk after all the shit she’s been through - about how lucas and dustin both liked max and how steve liked robin. the conversation shifted onto billy, who was still in a coma.
he had gotten a better. he started breathing on his own and was showing signs of brain activity. his fingers have twitched and slightly raised off the bed, but he still hasn’t woken up. steve and robin visit, but mostly because max begged them to after the doctor had told her that having visitors around his own age and hearing about topics more in his scope, like college and music, was probably better for him than hearing the party talk about d&d and arcade games. so they visited a couple times a week.
his hair had gotten longer since july. and curlier. less product alongside the nurses constantly brushing it out made his hair soft. sometimes she caught steve twirling the blonde curls around his finger, other times she found him running his hand from his scalp down to his ends. on rare occasions he was cupping billy’s cheek, thumb running over the scar below his eye before moving down to swipe over his bottom lip. she didn’t interrupt him when she found him like that, instead snuck back out. he looked a lot younger, too. less muscly and angry. without the scowl and constant jaw clench, he looked more at ease. she figured steve liked him better like this. soft and silent. she wasn’t sure if he’d revert back to his old ways when he woke up.
“i think lucas and dustin both liked me before he met suzie. they acted like creeps. always watching me.” she reminisced with a chuckle.
“steve confessed his love to me after puking our guts out in the starcourt bathroom when the russians drugged us.”
“i don’t know which is more romantic.” max joked. robin laughed. max was 100% her favorite little shit.
“steve’s always been a bit of a romantic. he would always spin nancy around in the hall. i hope he finds someone soon.” robin shrugged. “we both can’t be single losers forever.”
“billy was always jealous of nancy.” max snorted. “he would stare at her in the school parking lot and get mad whenever i asked.”
max was smiling fondly but it dropped in a second. she paled, her eyes growing wide when she saw robin’s confused expression. broke eye contact immediately.
“why was billy jealous of nancy wheeler?” robin frowned, confused.
“i-i meant jealous of steve.” max tried pathetically. winced at her forced tone.
“max. why was billy jealous of nancy?” robin tried again, tone soft.
max looked about two seconds away from either screaming out of rage or crying. she’s a lot like her brother, robin noted.
“he likes steve.” max blurted.
robins eyes widened as she stared at the teenager. billy hargrove, school manwhore, lady killer, king of hawkins both in and out of girl’s skirt, is-
“billy’s gay?”
“you can’t tell anyone.” max began to plead. “i wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, he made me promise. i promised i wouldn’t. not after-“ she looked up at robin. “robin please don’t tell anyone. not even steve. he can’t know. no one can.”
“but what about may and holly and-and jessica?” robin asked. “are you sure he’s not bisexual?”
max shook her head. “he just uses girls as a cover. i dont think he’s ever really... been with one.” she shrugged weakly. “i know he’s been with boys back home but his dad found out and went crazy and hurt billy really bad and.” a shaky exhale. “now we’re here.”
everyone knew about billy’s dad. max had a small meltdown when he showed up to the hospital and started screaming, telling him to get out and leave billy alone. everyone knew about neil hurting billy, but no one knew why. except now robin did.
“oh.” robin exhaled. “i won’t tell anyone.” she promised. “this stays between us, okay?” a pause. “i’m, um. i’m like billy, max.” she rubbed the back of her neck. “if anyone knows how to keep a secret, it’s me kid.”
the relief and shock on max’s face was comical.
“you - oh.” she nodded. “is that why you and steve never-“
“yeah.” robin nodded. “billy might’ve been jealous of nancy but. i was jealous of steve. tammy thompson kept staring at the doof.” she rolled her eyes. “he said she sings like a muppet. can you believe that?” max laughed.
steve had gone to billy’s room alone tonight. he felt bad asking robin to eat dinner with him or accompany him to visit billy after they’d visited for the past couple days. but he didn’t feel like being alone and he’ll take a sleeping billy hargrove over being lonely. but when he got to the room he heard a familiar voice. robin. she sounded like she was about to cry. or she already was.
“god, you asshole, just wake up already.” she huffed. “i was talking to max earlier and she kinda let something slip and. if i had just known then maybe you wouldn’t have been so alone.”
steve knew it was wrong to stand by the door and listen in, but he was never exactly one for tight morals. he couldn’t help but wonder what she was talking about.
“i know hawkins fucking sucks for people like us but i’m here now. and so is max and steve and joyce and everyone else. your dad is a piece of shit but you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”
steve frowned. “people like us”? what does she mean by that?
“max misses you. she reminds us of you, just not as mean.” she laughed. “at least to me. she’s a little shit to everyone else and i’m pretty sure she learned that from you but she’s pretty cool. she’d be cooler without always worrying about you, though. she’s quieter now. sometimes she goes silent and it’s like her mind is somewhere else and we all know she’s thinking of you.”
a pause.
“i think steve likes you too. if you would just wake the hell up we could all be friends. we’d be such a badass trio, dude, imagine.” a soft chuckle. “but. maybe you guys could be.. more.” a sigh. “i think he’s like us but he just seems.. confused? i don’t think he knows what he’s feeling. he’s like david bowie, i’m pretty sure. likes both.”
oh. that’s what she meant. like us.
“i know he likes you, though. he’s always touching you. he doesn’t think i see when he plays with your hair or touches your face. sometimes he touches your mouth and, fortunately for you, hargrove, i don’t think that’s straight guy behavior. i wonder if you can feel him. i hope you can.”
a sniffle, then a hushed, “i just want you guys to be happy.” a shaky exhale. “you both deserve to be happy. billy, you deserve better. you deserve more. god, you better be listening to me, dipshit. this is the nicest i’ll ever be to you, even after you wake up. which better be soon, i’m losing my patience with you.” a watery laugh.
then the room goes eerily silent. steve is about a second away from walking in when he hears,
“holy shit, hargrove, are you crying?”
steve peaks inside as quietly as humanly possible, finds a panicking robin standing above a sleeping billy with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“you’re in there.” robin laughs. “holy shit, you’re really in there. stuck inside that head under all that fucking nice and unexpectedly soft hair that you really don’t deserve. jesus, fuck.” shes rubbing at her cheeks before gently wiping his wet ones.
“you just gotta wake up, now, man. chop chop.”
steve’s there when billy wakes up about a week later. robin was sitting with max on one side of the bed and steve beside billy on the other in his usual seat, holding billy’s hand not-so-subtly and watching jeopardy.
billy weakly squeezed steve’s hand, a barely there thing. wide brown found tired blue, softness in steve’s eyes.
robin and max stared at billy, eyes wide in shock.
“hey, asshole,” robin greeted with a smirk. she nodded towards his and steve’s interlinked hands.
“told you so.”
she cackles at the tired and weak yet fierce and deadly glare billy sends her way.
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
it takes a village
hey hey little muppets!! happy wednesday!! this is a request fill for gracerailly on ao3 who requested the poly-stics babysitting cadnis' kids.
cw/tw for depression/depressive episodes
otherwise, enjoy!!
Cady wakes up to chattering coming through the baby monitor.
Which is unusual, because Janis usually wakes her up with their twins. But today, Janis is still in bed next to her and gives a quiet groan when she hears the noise.
“Jay?” Cady asks groggily. “What’s the matter?”
Janis groans again and flops onto her back, bringing her hands up to sign. That’s never good, Janis only uses sign language when things are especially bad for her.
“Can’t move,” she signs. “Feel… heavy. Slow. Dead.”
“Oh, my love,” Cady hums sadly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Do you think you’re having a depressive episode?”
Janis nods slowly. Cady can tell she’s using a great deal of energy to bring her hands up again. “The girls.”
“I’ll get them up for today, don’t worry about it,” Cady says immediately. “You relax. Everything’s okay.”
Janis pouts but nods again, letting her hands drop back to her side. Cady pecks her nose gently before she goes to get their daughters up.
They’re both awake, standing up in their cribs and waiting for someone to come get them ready. Both of them look her way when Cady switches the light on, with their adorable frizzy curls and sleepy blue eyes.
“Good morning, my little loves!” She says happily, going to give them their morning kisses. “Did you have good dreams?” Both twins nod happily. “Good, that makes Mama so happy.”
“Where Mommy?” Layla asks, rubbing her eyes and holding onto her stuffed elephant. Cady pauses for a second. How does she explain this in terms they can understand?
For now, a white lie won’t hurt anything. “Mommy’s still asleep, Mama gets to get you ready today.”
Leo reaches out first, so Cady grabs her and carries her over to be changed before swapping her out with Layla to do the same.
“There we go, all clean! Let’s go have breakfast,” Cady says happily, scooping them both up and carrying them downstairs to the kitchen.
“Mama?” Layla pipes up. Cady smooches her chubby little cheek a few times.
“Yes, Ladybug?”
“We hab f’uit?” Layla asks. “P’ease?”
“Yeah, of course you can have fruit,” Cady says. “Good pleases, too, that’s a good girl. Bumblebee, do you want fruit too?”
Leo just nods. She’s less of a morning person than her twin. Cady sets them both in their high chairs and buckles them in for safety, then washes some blueberries for them to eat.
Leo picks at hers, resting her elbows on her tray and holding her head in her little hands.
“What’s the matter, Lolo?” Cady asks sadly while she gives the pets their own breakfast and prepares some quick cereal for herself.
“Miss Mommy,” Leo says with a precious little pout. “Want cuddle.”
“Aww, sweetheart,” Cady says. “Mommy’s still here, she’s just upstairs. And we can go see if she wants to cuddle after breakfast.”
Leo perks up a little bit at the reminder that her mommy is still there, just not at breakfast, and starts eating her blueberries with a bit more speed. She and Layla chatter away about their plans for the day while they eat. Cady can’t quite understand what they’re saying, but she grins at the interactions regardless.
“All done,” Layla says when her blueberries are finished. Leo shoves her last few in her mouth and chews them with a nod of agreement.
“Good job, girls! Okay, let’s wash our hands and then we can go see Mommy,” Cady says. She grabs each from her chair and helps them wash the berry juice off their tiny hands, then carries them back up to the main bedroom to find Janis. “Jay? You up for a cuddle?”
Janis rolls over and gives a weak grin when she sees her whole family there waiting for her. She nods and gestures them over with a hand, so Cady sets the twins down to run over to her.
“Be gentle, girls,” she says quietly, following after them. She scoops Leo up and helps her get on the bed since she was struggling to make it. Layla sits and cuddles in on top of Janis while Leo nuzzles into her side. They both can clearly tell something’s off.
“Mommy sick?” Layla asks. “Need med’cine?”
Janis chuckles weakly and brushes a hand through Layla’s messy hair. Cady can tell it’s taking nearly all of her energy just to cuddle their babies, but Janis forces herself to keep going.
“Kind of, but medicine won’t fix it this time,” Janis says quietly. “I just need cuddles and sleep.”
“Wha’s wrong?” Leo asks, unfortunately curious. How do you explain depression to some barely two year olds? Cady thinks for a second before she tries to explain.
“You girls know how Aunt Reggie is a doctor? And she talks to people who are sad or scared or mad a lot, to help them feel better?” Cady begins. Both twins look her way and nod. “Some of the people Aunt Reggie talks to have something called depression. That’s a tough word, can you say it?”
Both girls try, sounding closer to ‘press in’ than anything else.
“Yeah, good job! But Mommy has depression too. Sometimes it makes her sad, or sometimes angry, or scared. Today it’s just making her really tired. But she’ll feel better soon, and then she can play with you again.”
“I can fissit?” Layla asks, wanting her mommy to be better now.
“You can’t fix it this time, Ladybug,” Cady says sadly. “But we can help Mommy feel better by giving her cuddles and letting her rest. We love her bunches, huh?”
Both girls nod and cuddle in again, trying to squeeze every ounce of love for their mommy into the snuggles. Layla even leans in to leave a wet, but sweet kiss on her forehead. “Mmmmwah!”
“Thank you, girls,” Janis says with a weak chuckle. “What did you have for breakfast?”
Cady knows that the twins are going to talk for a while, which buys her some time to track down a babysitter. She pulls out her phone and is about to shoot off a text to Damian before she remembers that he’s out of town visiting family. Aaron went with him, so that just leaves the Plastics. Oh boy. It’s worth a shot.
spacecadet: Hey is there any way you guys could take the smalls for the day?? Janis is having a depressive episode and I need to be able to take care of her
georgewashington: Are you sure you want us to? What about Damian?
spacecadet: He’s out of town for the week. I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate, I know you’re still sorta wary of them
georgewashington: I just don’t want to hurt them, or make you guys upset. Janis would never forgive me if something happened to them because of me.
spacecadet: Regina, you don’t have to worry about stuff like that. Unless it was something major we could never be mad. And Janis does trust you, she’s just protective
georgewashington: If you’re sure, we can take them. Gretchen’s working from home today, so we’ll all be here. What should I do?
spacecadet: Oh, thank you so much!! All they’ll really need from you guys is somewhere to nap and someone to play with. I’ll pack them some toys and things they’ll need and I can drop them off
spacecadet: Just maybe hide anything stainable, breakable, or expensive :/ they are toddlers
georgewashington: Okay, I’ll prep what I can. See you soon.
spacecadet: Thank you so much, Regina!!
Cady switches her phone back off and rolls out of the bed. Once she’s changed out of her pajamas, she goes to get her babies. “Okay girls, should we go get dressed?”
Layla crawls over when she reaches out, but Leo doesn’t want to leave Janis.
“Wha’bout Mommy?” She asks sadly.
“We can come see Mommy again for a little bit when you’re done, Mama will go fast,” Cady coaxes. Leo thinks for a second before she also comes to be picked up. “Yeah, there we go.”
Cady carries both babies back down the hall to their bedroom and sticks both in Leo’s crib to keep them contained.
“Do you want to match or dress different today, pumpkins?” She asks, rooting through their dresser for some outfits.
“Mash,” both twins say at the same time. Cady chuckles and pulls out two of everything she needs. Two green shirts, two pairs of soft black jeans, two pairs of socks. Layla reaches for her first this time, so she heads to scoop her out and rests her on the ground in front of her.
Layla giggles when Cady pops her shirt over her head and surprises her with a kiss on the other side. Cady smiles back until they reach the socks, which are always a struggle. Luckily for her, Layla cooperates and is quickly dressed and subbed out for Leo.
Cady repeats the process on her second daughter before she heads to their closet to grab the finishing touches. Two tiny pairs of white high top converse that match her own, and two of the jean jackets Janis painted to match her old ones. These have teddy bears on the back, which are absolutely adorable.
“Mommy painted these for you while you two were still in my tummy,” Cady says, resting them on the rail of Leo’s crib.
“In you tummy?” Leo asks interestedly. Cady nods and carries them both to see the pictures on their bulletin board. That’s a more recent addition to the room, and full of pictures of all the people important to the twins.
Cady points to one of her maternity photos, specifically at her belly. “You two were in here. That’s where you grew for a while.”
They both look curiously at the photo, then down at their own tummies. “How we come out?”
“Um… we can talk about that another day, let’s go do your hair,” Cady says quickly. Before the twins can say anything else she carries them into the bathroom and pops them down on the counter. She gives them each a comb to play with and then sprays them down with some detangling hairspray, brushing their dark curls out to a more manageable state.
She splits Leo’s down the middle and ties hers in space buns on top of her head, then gives Layla one ponytail so the Plastics can tell them apart more easily.
“I have a surprise for you, girls,” Cady says as she roots through the basket for some hair bows, per Leo’s request. They both perk up at the mention of a surprise and look to her interestedly. “You guys get to go to Aunt Reggie’s house today, isn’t that cool?”
“Aunt Weggie house?” Layla asks curiously. They’ve never been to Aunt Reggie’s house, Uncle D is their usual babysitter.
“Yeah! You get to go play with her and Aunt GG and Auntie Karen and Nutmeg,” Cady says, clipping the green bows to their hair ties.
“Wow,” Leo says excitedly. Cady laughs and picks them up again to carry them back to Janis.
“Mommy,” Layla calls happily, running back to Janis’ side of the bed. Janis helps her back up for another round of cuddles. “We go Aunt Weggie house!”
Leo wriggles her way up again as well, and Janis grabs her for snuggles too. Once she has her babies safely back in her hold, she raises a suspicious eyebrow at her wife.
“Just for the day, they’ll be fine,” Cady groans. “Damian’s still out of town and I want to be able to give you my full attention.”
Janis shrugs and brings her daughters up for some kisses, making them both giggle in delight. Cady takes the time to go pack some supplies for the girls while Janis has them occupied.
She packs enough diapers to last them each a week, some extra clothes in case of disaster, a few of their favorite small toys and activities, their pacifiers, and their stuffies. They already have sippy cups and other dishes there, since Damian insisted on buying everyone some just in case there was ever an emergency and they had to babysit. Turns out it was a great idea.
When Cady brings the jackets, backpacks, and shoes back into the bedroom to finish getting her daughters ready, she finds Leo carefully stroking her little hands through Janis’ hair, while Layla sits on Janis’ belly and is thoroughly explaining all the things she wants to do at her aunts’ house.
She chuckles at the precious sight before she enters the room and snatches Layla up for tickles and kisses. Layla shrieks in surprise, but quickly starts laughing and trying to push her away. Cady carefully rests her down and gets her tiny shoes on, and Janis grins when she sees the cute jacket Cady tugs onto Layla’s arms.
Leo goes next, giggling anxiously and curling into Janis for protection as Cady looms ominously overhead. She squeals when she’s snatched up by the mama claw and brought in for her round of kisses and tickles. Once her shoes and jacket are on, it’s time for them to go.
“Okay girls, give Mommy hugs, we gotta go,” she says quietly. Janis grunts slightly as both twins jump on top of her for one last cuddle before they head off.
“Bye girls,” Janis whispers. “I love you.”
“Luh you, Mommy!” Both twins call at the same time. Janis chuckles and kisses them one last time before Cady scoops them up and rests them on the ground.
“Get some rest, love,” Cady murmurs, bending down to kiss her wife. “I’ll be back soon, text me if you need anything.”
Janis nods and curls back into bed. Cady flips the light off on their way out and follows the twins to the car.
“Whoa,” both twins say when they see the apartment building. Cady realizes she probably should have explained that their aunties don’t live in the whole thing.
“Big house,” Leo says slightly anxiously. Cady chuckles and picks them both up to carry them in.
“Your aunties live here with other people,” Cady explains. “There’s a bunch of little houses in the building that other families live in.”
Cady carries them past the main desk and to the elevators. Leo gets to push the button to call it, and then Layla pushes the button to get up to the right floor.
“Can you knock?” Cady asks, since both her hands are full. Both of them helpfully rap their little fists against the door. “Good job. There’s Auntie Karen!”
“Hey!” Karen says happily. “Come in!”
Cady enters and sets the twins down. Layla toddles off immediately, making a beeline for Nutmeg.
“Dog, dog, dog,” she says happily on her way. “Doggy! I pet, p’ease?”
“Yes, you can pet her,” Karen chuckles. “Hi Leo.”
“Hi,” Leo replies quietly, pressing against Cady’s leg with a heartbreaking pout. Leo’s always been her anxious one, and is clearly frightened at the prospect of facing a new environment all alone.
Cady crouches down to comfort her, stroking some stray hairs away from her baby’s face. “You’re gonna be okay, Bee. Aunt Reggie and Aunt GG and Aunt Karen are gonna play with you, Mama put all your toys in your backpack. And you have Georgie in there too, he’ll give you cuddles if you get scared. And then you get to take your nap, and probably have lunch.”
“Wha’ lunch?” Leo asks.
“I don’t know, we’ll have to see what they have for you, but I bet it’ll be so yummy,” Cady says. “But you’re gonna be safe, little love. Your aunties will protect you, and they can call or text me on my phone if you need me. And I’ll be back to get you in a while, okay?”
“Okay Mama,” Leo says.
“That’s my brave girl,” Cady says happily, pecking her forehead and standing up. “Oh, there’s Aunt GG!”
Leo runs over immediately for a hug. She and Gretchen have a special bond, which Cady is always happy to see. Regina pops out of the kitchen too, upon hearing the commotion that the twins bring everywhere they go.
“Aww,” she coos when she sees Leo cuddled up with her girlfriend. She comes over to Cady to urgently ask, “Which one is that?”
“Leo,” Cady chuckles. “She has space buns, Layla has a ponytail.”
“Got it,” Regina says. She looks down when she feels something tug on her pant leg. “Oh, hi Layla.”
“Hi!” Layla says excitedly. Regina just looks at her for a second, not totally sure what to do. Layla reaches to be picked up, so Regina bends down and scoops her off the floor.
“I should get back to Janis soon,” Cady says. “I’ll have my phone, you can text or call if anything comes up.”
“Sounds good,” Gretchen says, still holding Leo. She sets her down for a second and says, “Go say bye to your mama.”
Regina sets Layla down too, and both twins run to give Cady a goodbye hug and kiss.
“Mwah. I love you, girls. Be good, I’ll be back to get you later,” Cady says, kissing both of their foreheads and holding them close before releasing them back. “Have fun!”
Regina notices Leo hunch in on herself a little bit and look around anxiously when Cady leaves. Layla is fine and very occupied trying to play with a lazy Nutmeg. Regina still doesn’t quite know how to handle the twins, but Leo is clearly frightened. She knows how to deal with that.
She heads over and crouches down in front of her, but leaves some distance so Leo doesn’t feel crowded. “Hi, honey. Can you show me what you have in your backpack?”
Leo nods and sits down across from her, removing her little backpack and resting it on the ground in front of her. “Help p’ease?”
“Okay,” Regina says, undoing the zipper for her. “What do you have there?” Leo reaches in and carefully pulls out her stuffed giraffe. “Who’s that?”
“Georgie,” Leo says quietly. “He gi’affe.”
“That’s so cool,” Regina says. “Should we show Georgie around so he knows where everything is?”
Leo nods, so Regina stands and picks up the baby to give her a little tour. Leo holds tightly to her stuffed friend and looks around curiously.
“This is the kitchen,” Regina says. She lets Leo look around at all the things on the walls, giving her time to adjust. When Leo looks back to her, they move on. “And this is the living room.” Leo’s seen this, it’s where the entryway leads to and where Layla is currently playing with Karen and Gretchen. She looks around for a short while before she’s ready to move on. “And this is the office, this is where we do our work, and over there is the bathroom.”
“Where sleep?” Leo asks, so Regina shows her the two bedrooms.
“This is where Aunt GG and Aunt Karen and I sleep, and then this is the bedroom for when we have people come sleep over,” Regina says. Leo looks around curiously before giving a nod. “What do you think?”
“Big,” Leo says. Regina chuckles and nods.
“It is pretty big. Oh, do you want to see something fun?”
Leo nods interestedly, so Regina carries her to see the axolotls in the tank in their bedroom.
“Fishy!” Leo says excitedly, pointing to the tank. “Ooh.”
“They’re called axolotls,” Regina explains. Leo tries to say it, but it just sounds more like ‘blelele’. “Yeah, close enough!”
“Name?” Leo asks, looking curiously at the strange creatures. Regina holds her at a different angle so she can see better and points to each one.
“This one is named Versace, and this is Gucci,” she says. “And then waaaaay back here is Louboutin The Second.”
Leo giggles. “Silly name.”
“They are, just a little,” Regina agrees. “Okay, let’s go find your sister, hm?” Leo nods, so they head back to the living room. Layla has finally been satisfied with the amount of doggy cuddles she’s been given and left the poor creature alone. She’s now busy explaining her toys to Gretchen and Karen.
Gretchen looks up when they come back, and smiles when she sees Leo cuddled into Regina’s shoulder. “Do you wanna come play?”
Leo nods, so Regina sets her down and lets her run over to her twin and their toys. Regina jumps a little when she feels an arm slide gently around her waist to rub that one spot on her lower back, and a sweet peck pressed to her neck.
“You’re really good with her,” Gretchen whispers. “It’s cute.”
Regina shakes her head and pulls her closer. “I’m not. I just know how to calm people down. I don’t even know how to play with them.”
“Just try,” Gretchen says quietly, kissing her cheek gently and heading back over. Regina watches as Karen and Gretchen play legos with the twins, building masterpieces and then taking them apart to make new ones. Gretchen makes it sound so simple, just try. But Regina wouldn’t even know where to begin.
So she just watches. Leo sits on Karen’s lap and builds her creations, and Layla stands in between the couch and the coffee table in order to make hers. Regina takes a sneaky picture of Leo explaining her tower to Karen.
“Aww,” she coos quietly when she sees how it came out.
“Send that to Janis, she’d like that,” Gretchen chuckles.
Layla looks over at her curiously. “Aunt GG?”
“Who… um… Janis?” Layla asks, lisping the end but managing to get the sound out.
“Janis is your mommy, that’s her name,” Gretchen explains.
“No,” Leo says with a head shake, joining their discussion.
“Mommy name… uhm… love,” Leo explains. The Plastics all fight to contain a coo, looking at each other.
“Mommy’s name is love?” Karen asks. Both twins nod. “And what’s your mama’s name?”
Janis tends to switch between nicknames for Cady more often, so they’re curious to see what her ‘name’ is.
“Baby,” Layla says.
“No,” Leo disagrees. “Mama Bullaf’y.”
“I don’t know.” Layla says eventually.
“That’s okay,” Regina chuckles. “You’ll learn it soon.”
“Hey, Jay, how you feeling?” Cady asks gently as she heads back into her bedroom. Janis groans quietly when she flips the light on. “You know it gets worse if you just sit here in the dark all day. You need light. You’re like a plant.”
Janis pouts at her. Cady kicks off her shoes and crawls back in next to her for a snuggle.
“The girls are fine, the Plastics seemed really excited,” she says quietly. “It’s kind of nice, isn’t it? Just us for a day.”
Janis nods. They both love their daughters more than the world, but it is nice to have a break from time to time. Even if the circumstances surrounding it are less than ideal.
Cady’s phone dings in her pocket, so she fishes it out to see who’s messaging her.
“Speak of the devil. Aww,” she chuckles, holding it so Janis can see.
reginald: Sent a picture: Play time
reginald: Also, just thought we’d let you know, they don’t know your names.
spacecadet: Really?
reginald: They can’t decide if yours is baby or butterfly, and they think Janis’ name is love.
spacecadet: Oh my goodness
reginald: It’s actually really cute. Gretch said to send that picture to Janis and Layla didn’t know who that was.
spacecadet: At least they don’t think our names are mama and mommy anymore. Are you guys still good?
reginald: Yeah, everything’s good. Leo just needed a little tour and now she’s all settled in. And Layla and Nutmeg are best buds.
spacecadet: Haha, poor pooch. She’s always after Daffy and Ellie too
reginald: Oh, Nutmeg loves it. She just gets to lay there and be cuddled, it’s her dream come true.
spacecadet: Well you guys can have the twins anytime so she can get her snuggle seshes in
reginald: Sounds like a plan, I’ll let Nutmeg know. We’ll probably keep sending you stuff, too.
spacecadet: Please do, you guys are so good with them. Thanks again <3
reginald: Of course.
Janis chuckles as she reads over their conversation too. Cady cuddles her closer and pecks her forehead.
“Did you eat?” She asks. Janis shakes her head. “Okay. I’m gonna go get you something, I’ll be right back.”
Janis pouts again, so Cady leans down to kiss her a few times before she leaves. Janis grins contently and settles deeper in under the covers.
Karen continues playing with the twins for a few hours, and Regina stays to watch. Gretchen has some new designs to work on and heads into the office for some quiet.
Regina’s making progress with the twins, eventually even coloring a picture with them once they pull out some crayons and paper. They both eagerly compliment her drawing of a rabbit.
It’s almost relaxing, in a strange way. Karen makes conversation with everyone as she draws a duck, and the twins seem to be warming up even more to the environment.
Relaxing until Layla suddenly snatches the same crayon Leo wanted to add another beautiful scribble to her page. Leo whines a, “Hey!” and scrambles to take it back. Layla shrieks and holds it out of her reach, and suddenly they’re both in tears.
Karen and Regina look to each other in concern at the two little tantrum tornados they now have to deal with, and each gently pick up a twin so they can’t reach each other. Karen looks very anxious as Leo thrashes in her hold and releases a shriek that so loud they can’t quite figure out how such a small person managed it. Apparently quiet little Leo is actually the screamer of the two.
Layla seems to be more physical, wriggling to be put down so she can get back at her sister. Regina refuses to let her down, knowing it’ll only get worse if she does. Time for some desperate measures.
She manages to carry a wiggling and screaming toddler into the kitchen in one arm, doing a strange sort of fireman’s carry. It works well enough. She grabs two of the sippy cups they have and fills them with some cold water.
Karen is now holding Leo as far away as she possibly can, trying desperately to keep her grip as Leo kicks and shrieks like a banshee in her hold.
“Good lord,” Regina murmurs under her breath. “Hey!”
Her tone isn’t mean, or harsh, just loud. Both twins briefly stop their antics to look at her, knowing they might be in some serious trouble here.
She hands Karen one of the cups to give to Leo. “I need both of you to take some big drinks for me, okay? You’re gonna run out of tears to cry, we have to give you more.”
They both take their cups with a very serious look in their eye and drink a good bit of their water. They don’t want to run out of tears, that would be bad.
“Good job,” Regina congratulates when they pull away with a gasp. It’s a trick she was taught in college, that actually regulates their breathing and helps calm people down in intense moments. “Now you’re gonna take a nap. And we can have a talk when you wake up.”
For safety, they decide to keep them apart. Layla gets set up for her nap in the master bedroom, and Leo in the guest room. They make little barriers with pillows so they don’t fall out of bed and give them the best blankets, then leave them with their stuffed animals, pacifiers, and cups of water to rest.
“Fucking hell,” Regina breathes when she shuts the door to where Leo is resting. “Where do they get the energy for that?”
“Revenge is a big deal for toddlers,” Karen shrugs. “They don’t like when things aren’t fair.”
“Christ,” Regina sighs, sitting down and rubbing her temples. Karen sits down as well. “They’re so sweet, usually, what-what happened?”
“I know what you’re thinking, and no it’s not,” Karen responds. Regina looks at her in shock, wondering how she could’ve possibly known. “It’s not your fault, and you’re not a bad aunt. Do you know how impressive what you just did is? You got two toddlers to stop having a tantrum. That’s, like, really special.”
“But they only started getting upset when I started playing with them. All I can do is… stop them crying or whatever,” Regina grumbles. “I don’t know how to interact with them, or-or play with them.”
“They were upset because they were overtired,” Karen hushes, letting Regina lean onto her shoulder. “We just should’ve had them nap sooner, that’s all. But you’re really special, you know.”
“You treat them like people,” Karen says quietly. “That’s, like, super rare. You showed Leo around when she got here instead of just making her go play, and you helped them calm down instead of yelling at them for being too loud or whatever. That’s what’ll help them the most.”
Regina gives a noncommittal hum and accepts the comfort offered by her girlfriend.
“And even if you don’t really play with them that much, they still like you,” Karen continues. “You still talk to them, and give them cool stuff. Playing isn’t the only way to interact with them.”
“I guess,” Regina agrees. “You’re good with them too.”
“They’re easy!” Karen says happily. “But I’m still a kid at heart, I guess. They’re easy for me to relate to, or whatever.”
Regina chuckles. “I can see that. You’ve always been the fun one.”
“Thanks,” Karen laughs back. “You okay now?”
“Yeah. Thank you, honey,” Regina says quietly, leaning in for a quick kiss. “I love you.”
Karen beams, it’s quite rare that Regina says ‘I love you’ first. “I love you too.”
Leo wakes up from her nap first. Gretchen had been hiding in the study throughout the crayon debacle, leaving it to her girlfriends to handle. But the office is closer to the bedrooms, so she decides to be the one to go comfort Leo as she hears her start to cry.
“Hey, Leo lady, good morning,” she says gently. Leo scrambles down off the big bed she’s on and runs in for some comfort. “What happened?”
“Dark,” Leo whimpers, sniffling into Gretchen’s shoulder. “‘N big. Scared.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Gretchen hushes. “You don’t need to be scared, nothing here can hurt you. See?”
Leo nods in relief when she flips the light back on. “T’ank you.”
“Of course, honey. I think Karen is making lunch, are you hungry?” Gretchen asks, shutting the light back off and carrying her back into the kitchen. Leo nods and rubs her eyes blearily. She’s not quite awake yet.
“Hey, Leo,” Regina says quietly. “Good morning.”
“Hi,” Leo yawns. Regina chuckles gently.
“Do you feel better?”
Leo nods again. “Wha’ lunch?”
“I don’t know, we have a lot of things here,” Regina answers. “What would you like?”
Leo shrugs, so Gretchen carries her in to see her lunch options. Karen looks up from her sandwich when she hears them come in. “Hey, kiddo! Did you have a good nap?”
Leo nods with a little smile. “Auntie Kawen lunch?”
“Yeah! I’m having a sandwich, do you want one?” Karen asks. Leo nods. “Okay, what kind?”
Leo wiggles a little bit, so Gretchen sets her down to go look at the options. She and Karen both chuckle as Leo picks a large jar of peanut butter out of the cabinet and hands it to Karen.
“Dis p’ease,” she says. Karen takes it from her and unscrews the lid.
“Okay, do you want jelly in it too?”
“No t’ank you.”
“Okay, good job! I’ll bring it to you in a second,” Karen says. Leo runs back to Gretchen to spend some time together while they wait on lunch.
When they head back to the living room, Regina is gone. Leo looks around in confusion until she comes back with her twin. Regina beckons her over, so Leo lets go of Gretchen’s hand and heads over to her other aunt.
Regina sets Layla down next to her. “Do you two feel better now?” They both nod. “Good. Being angry like that is no fun, huh?” They both shake their heads. “Say sorry for fighting, then we can go play again.”
“Sorry Leo,” Layla says sheepishly.
“Sorry Lala,” Leo replies, wrapping her twin in a hug. Layla hugs her back for a second, popping up on her tippy toes to squeeze her sister.
“Sorry Aunt Weggie,” Layla adds. “Fer sc’eaming.” Leo nods to agree.
“Thank you for your apology, girls. Layla, let’s go pick your lunch and then you can play some more,” Regina says, picking them both back up and carrying them to the kitchen.
“There they are,” Gretchen says when they return. “Leo, your sandwich is ready, do you want something to drink with it?”
Leo nods and heads over to see what they have in the fridge, while Layla goes to Karen to pick her meal. She also just picks a sandwich and is quickly released to go pick her own beverage. Leo chooses apple juice, and Layla picks milk.
Surprisingly, each twin finishes about half of her sandwich. Karen helps them down off their chairs and releases them back to the living room for more playing. Leo dives right in and pulls out a small puzzle she brought, pulling out all the animals and trying to work out where they go again. Layla does her own for a while, but gets bored pretty quickly.
So she decides to go on a short adventure. Her Aunt GG disappeared into a room a while ago, so Layla heads off to find her.
Gretchen turns when she hears noises at the glass door to the office, spinning around in her chair to find Layla on her tippy toes trying to reach the doorknob. It takes a few tries, but she manages to open it and toddles into the room victoriously.
“Hi GG!” She chirps happily. Gretchen laughs and beckons her over.
“Hi Layla. What are you up to?” She chuckles, pulling her into her lap and re-doing Layla’s ponytail since it got messed up during her nap. Layla seems delighted to be sitting at the big desk where her aunties do their work.
“Lolo do puzzle,” Layla explains. “Don’t wan’ to.”
“Aww. That’s okay, do you wanna help me with a few things?” Gretchen replies. Layla nods eagerly, so Gretchen wheels them closer to the desk and pulls over a design she’s working on for a client.
“Ooh,” Layla says. “P’etty.”
“Thank you,” Gretchen chuckles. “I have to draw it first, and then I make it a real dress people can wear later.” Layla looks at her in awe. “I know, right? Here, help me with this. What color should I make these flowers here?”
Layla suddenly feels a massive amount of responsibility weigh on her two year old shoulders. This is very important. “Uhm… uh… lellow.”
“Yellow?” Gretchen asks. “That would be really pretty, actually, good job! Yellow would look nice with the blue here. Good pick!”
Layla gives a happy little wiggle on her lap, and watches eagerly as Gretchen sketches the flowers in with a yellow pencil.
“Aunt GG?” Layla pipes up as Gretchen moves onto another area.
“Me too?” Layla says. “P’ease?”
Gretchen chuckles. “You want a dress?” Layla nods. “Okay, we can try that. Here.”
She sketches out another model, with about the same proportions as Layla.
“Here, stand up, that’ll make this easier. How long should we make the skirt?” Gretchen asks, popping Layla onto her feet and crouching down in front of her. She points to her ankle, just below her knee, and just above her knee. “Which one?”
Layla looks at her legs for a long moment before she points above her knee. Gretchen smiles and nods.
“That’s what I would have picked too. And should it go out big or be closer to your body?” Gretchen asks, demonstrating where each type would fall. Layla picks a big poofy skirt. “Oh, yeah. You got some good style, chica. Now the sleeves, where should they go?”
Layla watches as Gretchen points to her wrist, just above her elbow, and her shoulder. She points to her shoulder when Gretchen takes her hand away and giggles as Gretchen tickles her.
“Okay, come see,” Gretchen says, picking her back up and resting her on her lap again. Layla smiles happily when she sees the form of the dress. “Now we get to pick what colors and patterns it has. What’s your favorite color?”
“Uhm… g’een,” Layla replies, pointing to her t-shirt. Gretchen grabs two different greens that would look good with a dress this shape, one closer to an emerald and the other a lighter fern sort of shade.
“Which green?” She asks, holding them in front of Layla. Layla picks the lighter one. “Ooh, yeah.” Gretchen carefully makes the skirt green, a plan for fabrics already starting to come together in her mind. “Now what should we do with the top bit?”
“Uh…” Layla says. “Sparkledy.”
“Sparkly? I didn’t even think of that,” Gretchen hums. She pencils it in the same color and adds marks to make sure she knows the bodice should be sequined. “You could be a designer too, Lala, look at this cool dress we drew!”
Layla giggles and looks proudly at the drawing. “Now make it?”
“I can’t make it right now, but yeah, soon! All my stuff to make it is at my work,” Gretchen explains. “Here, let’s take a picture to show your moms, they’re gonna be so proud of you.”
Layla smiles when Gretchen holds her phone up for a selfie, and laughs as her auntie kisses her cheek with an exaggerated smooch sound. “Cheeeese.”
Cady reaches an arm out of the bath she’s dragged her wife into taking when her phone pings with a text. She carefully unlocks it to find a few messages from Gretchen.
fetchen: Sent a picture: i have a new assistant!
spacecadet: Aww! She looks so happy <3
fetchen: Sent a picture: no, seriously, she designed this dress basically herself
fetchen: are you open to having the girls as models at some point?? i’m kind of thinking i should start a children’s line
“No,” Janis pipes up quietly, having read through the conversation as well.
“Not even for Gretchen? It’s not like it’s a huge company. And how cute would they be in outfits like that?” Cady pleads. She’s wary of the idea as well, but knows Gretchen would handle everything safely.
Janis considers this aspect, and has to admit her daughters would make excellent models. Maybe she can make an exception for Gretchen. “Fine.”
spacecadet: You should, we’ll buy all your designs
spacecadet: And if they’re into the idea I don’t see why they couldn’t model for you. Layla loves a camera
fetchen: haha i’ll have to get Gina to take some pics of her then! she’s been looking for a way to connect with them anyway
spacecadet: Aww, how sweet. They love all of you
fetchen: that’s what I keep trying to tell her! anyway, I should probably get back to work with Lala. tell Janis I say hi!!
spacecadet: Of course!! Thank you <3
Janis nuzzles into her neck as she flicks the phone back off and sighs, in a mix of exhaustion and contentment.
“Layla must take after you,” Cady murmurs. “Little artist.”
Janis grins gently against her. “We’ll see.”
“There you are,” Regina says as she enters the office to find Layla with Gretchen. “What are you two up to?”
“GG make d’esses!” Layla says happily. “I helpin’.”
“Oh, you’re the best helper,” Regina responds. Layla beams at her. “What did you do?”
Gretchen smiles too as Regina tips her head up and kisses her forehead, then starts gently looking through the designs. Gretchen pulls out the one she designed with Layla’s help and shows it to her.
“She did this pretty much herself,” she says. “And now I kind of want to start a children’s line.”
“You should,” Regina says. “You could make little matching ones of the adult designs you do. Have, like, a mommy and me line. I’d buy that and we don’t even have kids.”
“That’s a good idea,” Gretchen hums. “I’ll think about it more later. We’ve done enough work for today, let’s go play!”
Regina chuckles as Layla runs out of the room when Gretchen sets her down, her little ponytail bouncing behind her.
“You two are cute together,” she murmurs. “You’d make a good mom.”
“So would you,” Gretchen says, wrapping her arms around her waist. Regina shakes her head and tries to move away, but Gretchen refuses to let her go. “No, look at me.” She gently cups Regina’s chin and makes her look into her eyes. “If you wanted to, you would make a wonderful mother. You’re not your dad. You’ve made so much progress, sweetheart.”
Regina flushes at the pet name and buries her face in the crook of Gretchen’s neck. “We’ll talk about it?”
“Yeah,” Gretchen agrees quietly. “Always. Whenever you want, we’ll talk about it. You know you can always talk to us?”
Regina nods. “You know too?”
“Yeah,” Gretchen murmurs. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Regina whispers, unfortunately having to pull away from one of her favorite places, since her spine is beginning to ache at being hunched over to cuddle her smaller girlfriend. “We should probably go save Karen.”
Gretchen laughs and takes her hand, leading her back out to the living room.
A short while later, Regina half-watches Karen giving the twins ‘airplane rides’ around the apartment, weaving around the furniture and in and and out of rooms. She’s also half-watching her Tiktok feed for the day. Hmm.
She brings up her text thread with Cady to ask a very important question.
Cady peeks at her phone when it chimes, picking it up from the bathroom counter to see the message. She laughs when she sees what it is, and heads back to the living room where Janis is lethargically sprawled on the couch.
“Regina wants to know if she can put the babies on Tiktok,” she giggles.
“Absolutely not,” Janis grumbles.
“Oh come on, grumpy pants,” Cady coaxes, turning their show back on and dimming the lights a bit. “Some of them are cute, and Gretchen says she’s having a hard time connecting with them. She said she’d send them to me for us to check before she posts them. Please?”
Janis does kind of want to see how her daughters react to a few of the trends she’s seen, and knows she’s wary of the idea simply because she still has a hard time trusting Regina. So, begrudgingly, “Maybe.”
Cady grins and kisses her hair, and they wait for the videos to come in.
They only have to wait a few minutes before the first one comes through. Cady pauses their show again and waits for Janis to turn onto her back on top of her, then brings up the video so they can both see.
Layla and Leo sit side by side on a very nice couch, their little socked feet not even making it to the end of the cushion. Regina hands each one a little gift bag, and they both tear in to see what present they’ve gotten. Layla gasps excitedly when she pulls out a banana.
“A ‘nana!” She says happily. Leo pulls out one of her own and looks at it in confusion. “Leo, we got ‘nanas! Aunt Weggie, open p’ease?”
Leo’s eyes go wide and and she gives an excited gasp when she realizes she actually has one of her favorite fruits in her hand, and asks for hers to be opened in sign language. Regina laughs and peels both bananas. Each girl takes theirs back and munches happily on it while the video closes. Just before it cuts, they both say a muffled, “T’ank you!” around their bites.
Cady and Janis both laugh, and Cady sends back a message to explain that they usually give them their bananas pre-peeled, so that’s why Leo didn’t recognize it.
The next video comes through a few minutes later. Leo and Layla have finished their bananas and are still on the couch. Regina enters the room filming, rests her phone on the coffee table, and leaves the room.
It takes a second for them to notice, but Layla clocks the phone first. She rolls onto her tummy and slides off the couch before going to pick it up. She sees herself on the screen and pauses for a second to smile at her reflection before she goes running to find her auntie in the kitchen. The background moves wildly as Layla pokes her little tongue out in her concentration, and the rhythmic little thumps of her footsteps can be heard.
“Aunt Weggie!” She calls happily when she finds her. “You left you phone!”
“I left my phone?” Regina says in fake shock. Layla toddles over and gives it back. “Oh, thank you! You’re very responsible.”
The camera flips around to show Layla wrapped around Regina’s legs, giving a wide smile up at her just before it cuts.
“Aww,” Cady coos. “We’ve trained them well.”
“She’s so cute,” Janis chuckles, tapping the video to play it again.
The next one features Leo, sitting on Regina’s lap in the kitchen. Regina explains that Leo had asked for a drink and they’re going to see how well she can pour it herself. A small glass is put in front of the toddler, and she’s offered a bottle of almond milk.
Leo takes the bottle carefully and tips it over the glass, slowly pouring some into the cup. She has the right motions, but quickly gets carried away and fills the cup too much. It spills over onto the counter, and Regina quickly grabs the bottle to stop it. Both Leo and Regina pull the same face, wide eyes and lips pressed into a thin line as they look into the camera.
“Oh no,” Leo says. “Needa towel, p’ease.”
Someone else, most probably Gretchen, hands over some paper towels, and Leo carefully swipes it over the counter to clean up her mess.
“There we go,” she says, sounding more like ‘dairy doe’.
“Good job!” Regina congratulates as Leo ever so carefully picks up her very full cup of milk and takes a sip. Regina helps her get down off her lap, and a ‘T’ank you!’ can be faintly heard. “You’re welcome!”
“Oh goodness,” Cady laughs. “At least she cleaned up after herself. Poor Regina.”
“And she’s polite,” Janis chuckles quietly. “Her sweet little voice.”
“We’re doing a good job,” Cady says quietly. “With them.”
Janis nods in agreement and scrolls back up to the video with the bananas.
It takes a long while for the next video to come through, and Regina explains that they’d taken a break to eat dinner (alfredo pasta) and then to clean said dinner off the twins. Layla had apparently taken a special liking to the meal and managed to get it in her hair, so that took some extra time.
But a video of two clean babies comes through. Regina is sitting on the ground wrapped in a fitted sheet so just her face is visible. Karen seems to be filming this time, and encourages the girls to go get their auntie. Leo seems a little concerned, but they both run over to Regina.
When they just make it, Regina suddenly opens the sheet and snatches both inside like a venus flytrap. They both scream in surprise, but their adorable giggles are quickly heard. The video cuts, and they both run into the trap again, and again, and again.
Another one comes through, and this time Gretchen is the one in the sheet. The twins don’t stop laughing the whole time, their giggles making a precious audio for the video. Just before it cuts, Gretchen is looking exhausted, but Leo calls a delighted “‘Gain!”
So, another one comes through with Karen in the sheet. The twins’ hair is frizzy and their cheeks are pink by this point. Cady is just glad they’re getting some energy out before bedtime.
Janis laughs gently at each video, wondering how she hasn’t thought of this. Apparently her daughters are easily entertained. “I miss them.”
“I miss them too,” Cady sighs. “I’ll need to go get them soon, though, it’s getting late.” An alert suddenly comes through her phone then, letting them know a thunderstorm is approaching. “Uh oh.”
“Maybe not,” Janis chuckles. “You shouldn’t drive in that.”
“But they freak out during storms,” Cady says anxiously. “Especially Leo. But I can’t get there before it hits.”
“She’ll be fine,” Janis comforts. “Regina can handle that.”
“I hope so.”
Regina grins happily as she reads the comments for the videos she’s posted so far, everyone delighting in her precious nieces. She’s reading one that seems nearly distraught at how polite they are when a text comes through from Cady.
spacecadet: Hey, I just saw that a storm is coming. Jay doesn’t want me to drive in it but both of the girls get really scared
Regina checks her weather app and sees that a small but strong storm is rapidly approaching. She peeks out the window to find that the sky is already grey with dark clouds.
reginald: Yeah, you definitely shouldn’t drive. I think we can make it, you come when it stops.
spacecadet: Are you sure?? I know they’ll be fine but you shouldn’t have to deal with both of them screaming
reginald: Oh, it’s fine, we already have. There was a little incident before naptime. And scared babies are easy, we’ll be fine.
spacecadet: Incident?
reginald: Bad word choice. Both had a tantrum, they were tired and wanted the same crayon.
spacecadet: Oh goodness, I’m sorry
reginald: Cady, they’re two, it’s fine. We dealt with it and they’re fine. Is there anything you usually do with them during storms?
spacecadet: If you say so. If we know they’re coming we usually warn them, and if it’s really bad we hide in the basement so the noise is muffled. But you can do whatever you need to
reginald: Sounds like a plan. See you whenever it passes.
spacecadet: Thanks, Regina :)
“Girls!” Regina calls gently as she clicks her phone off. Leo and Layla come barreling down the hallway to her when they hear her call, and Gretchen and Karen quickly follow. Regina crouches down to the smalls’ height to explain the situation. “There’s a thunderstorm coming, but you don’t need to be scared. We can all have a storm party!”
“A pawty?” Leo says anxiously. She instinctively reaches for Layla’s hand, nervous at the prospect of a storm. Especially without Mama or Mommy there to comfort them.
“Yeah!” Regina says excitedly. “Come on, let’s get ready.”
Gretchen and Karen seem confused, but follow along with Regina’s plan. They open the curtains on one of the floor-to-ceiling windows so they can see out, and the twins helpfully grab all the couch cushions and pillows they can carry. Regina gets blankets, and they build a little fort in front of the window, held up by a lamp.
Regina, Gretchen, and Karen head inside, and the twins sit in between them to wait.
After a few minutes, the first flash of lightning lights up the dark sky. Both twins let out a whimper of fright and scream when a crack of thunder follows.
“Shh, it’s okay,” Gretchen comforts as they both bury their faces in her chest.
“Loud,” Leo whimpers.
“I know,” Gretchen hushes. “The storm can’t hurt you, it’s just a scary noise.”
“Let’s play a game,” Regina coaxes. Both twins peek their little faces out to see her. “Come here.” Anxiously, they both crawl into her lap and look out the window. “Let’s count.”
“Count?” Layla asks anxiously, jumping and letting out a squeak of fright at the next lightning.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Regina says, coaxing them to look. “One… two… three… four… five… oh, there’s the thunder!”
“Why count?” Leo asks, poking her face out when the booms stop.
“If we can count high that means the storm is far away,” Regina explains. “It’s gonna get closer, and then it’ll move away and be done. And we’re safe in here.”
She smiles as she sees the twins take some deep breaths to calm down and cuddle closer into her. They still jump when the lightning goes by, but this time they count with her.
“One… two… free… four… fibe,” they say anxiously. This time, they giggle when the thunder hits. Layla says, “I did it!”
“Did you make it thunder?” Regina chuckles. Both girls nod. “Good job. Oh, here we go, do it again!”
They only make it to three this time.
“Get close?” Leo asks curiously, looking to her aunties.
“Uhhuh,” Regina confirms. Karen and Gretchen switch to be on either side of her and cuddle in close with everyone. “It’s getting closer and then it’ll go away.”
A few more rounds go by where they get as high as three, and then they start only making it to one or two. Luckily, they don’t seem scared anymore. They look excited to be tracking the storm and making the thunder happen.
“Oh, we can count higher now, the storm is leaving,” Regina says happily. “You’re doing so good!”
Gradually, the rain slows and the storm dissipates. Leo and Layla look curiously out the window the whole time, and make no effort to leave Regina’s lap once the sun gently peeks out from the horizon, beginning to set for the day. Strangely, Regina finds herself not wanting to let them go, either.
Gretchen and Karen gently exit their little tent to get all the twins’ things packed back up, and find their shoes and jackets once again. Gretchen is just tying on the last little shoe when they hear a knock at the door.
“Who could that be, girls?” Karen says excitedly, also trying to stop Nutmeg from barking at it too much. “Go see!”
Both twins eagerly run down the hallway to the front door, and Leo stands on her tippy toes to open it.
“Mama!” They both call happily, wrapping each of their little bodies around one of her legs.
“Hi, sweet girls!” Cady says happily, bending to pick each of them up and kiss all over their little faces. “Oh, I missed you so much! What did you do today?”
Both girls immediately launch into a story, explaining in as much detail as they can the exciting events that happened with their aunties. Cady enters and shuts the door behind her as they rattle off their favorite parts.
“Really? Did you have so much fun?” Cady asks when they finally have explained everything they wanted to. They both nod eagerly. “Good. We have to go home now, can you go say thank you?”
Both twins wiggle to be set down and run back to their aunties, giving hugs and saying thank you for a fun day. Cady follows suit too, and grins as her daughters seem to linger for just a while longer with Regina.
“Thank you so much,” Cady says gratefully. “You guys are so good with them, thank you.”
“Anytime!” Karen says happily. “Bye girls!”
Both girls wave goodbye and call a, “Bye-bye!” over their mama’s shoulder as they’re carried out of the apartment and down to go home. Cady chuckles and kisses each forehead gently as she buckles them into their car seats.
“Mommy, Mommy!” Both girls call happily when Cady unlocks the front door to let them in, toddling full speed down the hall and over to Janis on the couch. Cady stays behind for a second and gives a small grin at the wide smile her wife gets upon seeing their children.
“Hi, girls!” Janis says happily, sounding like she already has a bit of energy back. It usually takes her a minimum of a few days to recover from an episode, but she’s already making good progress through this one. “I missed you.”
“Miss Mommy too,” the twins say at the same time. Janis grins contently as they both worm their way up on top of her for a snuggle.
“Aww, my sweet girls,” Janis coos. “Did you have fun with your aunties?”
Cady rolls her eyes lovingly, knowing Janis just opened a whole can of worms for herself. At least she has enough time to go get the twins’ bedtime things ready for them while they explain their whole day to their mommy.
The twins apparently gave Janis an abridged version of the story, because when Cady comes back she finds them all silent. Both twins are cuddled into Janis’ chest, one little head on each of her shoulders. Janis has a hand resting on each of their backs, holding them close to her. Her eyes are closed contently, and she looks the most at peace Cady thinks she’s ever seen from her. She’s glad to see it.
She sneakily snaps a few pictures of her perfect little family before she does unfortunately have to break up the little cuddle party. “Alright, munchkins, it’s bedtime.”
“I can get them down,” Janis says quietly, opening her eyes when Cady kisses her forehead.
“If you want, of course,” Cady agrees. “I got their jammies ready and everything.”
Janis nods and picks up both of their sleepy girls, standing carefully and carrying them upstairs. Cady flops onto their bed and listens down the hall as Janis gets them into their pajamas, brushes their teeth and hair, and reads them some bedtime stories.
The end of story time is her cue, and she hauls herself up to go to the nursery to kiss their babies goodnight. Janis is hunched over and pressed against Leo’s little face, giving her her goodnight kisses and having their little nightly chat. Cady goes to Layla first.
“Did you have a good day today?” She whispers. Layla nods. “Good! What was your favorite part?”
“Uh… doggy,” Layla responds.
“You liked playing with Nutmeg?” Cady chuckles. “I bet she liked you too. What part did you not like?”
“Fundersto’m,” Layla says.
“I know, that must’ve been scary,” Cady replies. “But you made it through the whole thing even though you were scared! You were so brave, Ladybug.” Layla beams at her, and Cady smiles back. “Are we gonna have our best day tomorrow?” Layla nods again. “Good, get some good sleep so you’re ready for it.”
Cady leans down to kiss her forehead and down her little nose.
“Goodnight, my sweet little pumpkin, have sweet dreams,” Cady whispers. “I love you so much.”
“Luh you, Mama,” Layla says quietly, followed by a yawn.
Cady and Janis switch twins then, repeating their process on the other girl before turning on the white noise machine and nightlight, and leaving them to sleep.
Across town, all three Plastics flop into bed early, exhausted after a very, very long day. It’s Regina’s turn in the middle, her favorite nights. She’d never admit it, but she loves having each of her girlfriends cuddled up on either side of her all night.
“We did good,” Gretchen yawns. Her girlfriends nod in agreement. “We… we should have a chat tomorrow.”
“Stop yawning, you’re making me yawn,” Regina grumbles. Gretchen chuckles and leans in for a kiss. Regina suddenly forgets her complaints and kisses her back.
“Ahem,” Karen coughs. Regina rolls her eyes lovingly, but flips over to give Karen some affection too. “Thank you.”
“I love you,” Regina whispers, kissing both of her girlfriends and cuddling in under the duvet.
“I love you too,” Gretchen murmurs, also kissing both of them before cuddling in on Regina’s right side.
“I love you three,” Karen says, getting her kisses in and settling in on Regina’s left. They say this every night, and still always giggle at ‘I love you three.’
They drift off tangled in each other, completely exhausted but completely content.
It takes a village.
hope you enjoyed!!
i’m still undecided on whether to give the plastics kids, which is why i left the ending sort of intentionally vague in that regard :))) so let me know!! if you guys want i can totally do a kid fic for them, or just give them a kid and not write about it. or not give them a kid!!! up to you guys!
im hoping to have requests re-opened by next week! I'm just finishing up some last little things here and there and then they should FINALLY be reopened bc its been forever omg. anyway!
thank you all so much for reading and have a lovely day!
lots of love,
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woodsteingirl · 3 years
okay here’s the much awaited (at least for me) first chapter of my multi chapter fic, where we go from here! it will be below the cut but i’m also uploading it to ao3 here
It was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill ghoul hunt. They’d be back in a day at most. But it had been more than a day and Jack was getting worried. Normally he wouldn't be this on edge, but Sam was off the grid with Eileen and wouldn't be in range for a few days. Dean and Cas had gone to Tennessee three days ago to deal with a call from a concerned local authority who got their number after another hunter had stopped by the town to deal with a vampire nest. They’d promised Jack they would call him if they really needed him, but they hadn't been picking up his calls or listening to any of his voicemails. So he did the only thing someone with the innermost thoughts of a four-year-old would. He contacted the first person he could think of that Dean and Cas cared about, minus Sam.
Claire was doing the normal thing to be doing at one in the morning on a Tuesday. Sleeping. She was understandably alarmed when someone knocked on the door at that hour. She opened the door, marine-grade knife in hand (a birthday present from Dean), to a kid no older than herself.
“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing at my house at two in the morning,” she questioned.
“Hi! I’m Jack.” He raised his hand and did a little wave.
“Okay, Jack, still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
“I’m sort of your little brother? Did Dean and Cas not tell you?”
Dean and Cas? Huh. They had mentioned a kid, but she had expected a toddler not a teenage boy. “The god kid?”
“Huh. Okay then, so why aren’t you with Dean and Cas right now? They kick you out or something?”
“No, they’ve been on a hunting trip. They haven’t been home or answered any of my calls in a few days,” he shifted his weight from one leg to the other, “I came here to see if you’d help me look for them.”
Claire could see how worried the kid was and if anything she was no stranger to absent parents and she’d stop anyone going through that if she could. Plus it’s not like she had anything better to do these days.
“Okay but you have to let me get the rest of my night’s sleep. I’ll pack a bag and we’ll hit the road tomorrow morning.”
Jack was pretty much beaming at her now, it was evident that he looked up to Claire from what Dean and Cas had told him about her. Kaia, who he regularly talked to, also told him a lot about Claire. She was like the sibling he never had!
Claire already had a bag packed. It was her ‘drop everything, something bad has happened and I need to haul ass’ bag, so far she hadn’t had to use it aside from one time she just didn’t feel like packing a real bag. She didn’t think she ever would have to, but here she was. The stakes of the whole ordeal hadn’t set in her mind until now. If they didn’t find them or get there in time, Dean and Cas could be dead. They could be dead right now. She put those thoughts out of her mind, in favor of the more optimistic outlook of Jack’s probably just paranoid. She still couldn’t sleep very well that night.
Jack was still sitting on the couch in the living room. Claire still lived with Jody and the other girls so he couldn’t do much else without waking someone up. He eventually fell asleep on the couch. He woke up when Claire came into the room.
“You ready to go or what?” She asked.
“Yeah yeah im ready,” he mumbled back, still half asleep.
“Do you want me to drive?” Claire asked.
“I don’t have a car,” Jack said, with a look like it was the most obvious thing in the world that he wouldn’t have a car.
“How the hell did you get here then?”
“I can teleport.”
“I guess I’m driving then.”
Claire put her bag in the back seat and Jack took the passenger seat of Claire’s old Subaru. And they were off.
“So where are we going”
“Dean said they were going to Tennessee for a ghoul hunt. Someone in a small town called them, I’m not sure what town though.”
“Well, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover, then.”
They did have a lot of ground to cover. The seventeen-hour drive from South Dakota to Tennessee was a lot in and of itself, but to try and find Dean and Cas without having a clue where to look was another story.
“Do you want to look in the news for somewhere to start?” Claire asked, not looking away from the road. “Maybe if you found something in our lane we could take care of that and see if they knew anything about Dean and Cas.”
“Good idea.” Jack seemed to be happy just being out of the bunker and having something to do. He pulled out his phone to look at any news, he looked at all the major cities first. There weren’t that many. Nothing in Nashville or Knoxville.
“Heres something! A public works director in Chattanooga ran over the city treasurer with a car.”
“That just sounds like regular murder. Probably for money or something, maybe they wanted the position.”
“Yeah but there have been an increasing number of murder cases there, way more than normal, all in the past two weeks. It’s worth a shot, isn’t it? If it’s not our thing then we can just move on.”
“Chattanooga here we come, I guess,” Claire said. It wasn’t exactly the place she had thought of when thinking of the trip, she’d imagined a lot more action and less investigating a murder in Tennessee. But hey, it’s not for her sake. If it gets Dean and Cas back safe it’s worth it in her eyes.
About another hour passed in relative silence. It was going to get awkward if they were like this for another 12 hours.
“So do you listen to music?” Claire asked, just to break the silence.
“Yeah, I do. Mostly whatever Dean listens to.”
“Well do you want to play something?”
“Sure!” He seemed oddly excited about something as ordinary as picking the music, but he mostly rode in the car with Dean which means other people seldom got their say in what they listened to. Claire’s car had an aux cable which was also more than one could say about Baby. Jack really didn’t listen to much, he would listen to Disney soundtracks on occasion, but those are a sort of ‘listen to it once then it gets annoying’ thing.
“What are your thoughts on lo-fi hip hop beats to chill/study/sleep to,” Jack asked in a way that didn’t really sound like a question.
“There is really nothing else you can think of. In your super powerful angel kid brain, all you can think of is lo-fi beats to chill/study/sleep to.”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Truth be told Claire would rather listen to anything but lo-fi beats at the moment, but when put on the spot like that it’s hard to come up with an idea.
“We could just take turns playing songs for a while.”
It was a flat stretch of land for a good amount of miles up ahead so Claire didn’t need to focus so much energy on watching the road.
They went back and forth, Jack played Rainbow Connection from the Muppets and Claire played Celebrity Skin by Hole, so on and so forth. They went on like this for a while, Jack really liked Abba apparently. They eventually agreed on one of the premade “road trip” playlists on spotify. It was mostly dad rock.
“You still need to eat and stuff, right?”
“Yes, I may be part angel but I still have human DNA and organs.”
“Do you want to stop soon? It might be nice to stay overnight somewhere and just get there in the afternoon.”
“Sure. Saint Lewis isn’t too far away from here.”
They stopped at a shitty fast food restaurant and then went to try and find a motel. Instead of stopping directly in Saint Lewis, they decided to go nearer to Mark Twain National Park, as they figured they would find better luck finding somewhere available without a reservation. And they did. A shabby-looking motel almost directly off the one-lane road. They headed inside and sure enough, there were more than enough rooms. It was by no means the most pleasant place either of them had stayed, but it would do for the night. They’d be out early tomorrow morning. They checked in, the woman working at the desk couldn’t have been more than in her early twenties, which wasn’t what you would think of when you walked in, but they’d seen more suspicious things. Claire dumped her bag at the end of the bed closest to the door.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
R-r-r-rewatch thoughts for The Mandalorian S2 Ep2
(or Chapter 10 as they seem resolved to call it)
- can I just express my joy for a moment that in one episode we get peli, the answer to my pleas for female representation in the ‘sketchy middle aged car mechanic’ niche, and a female alien designed with no consideration towards sexiness. (I mean I’m sure there’s someone. There is always someone somewhere on the Internet, is the bitter truth history has shown to us. but it’s not the intention behind the design haha)  
- they do take great pains to deliberately show you boba’s armour several times both in the recap and in the episode itself, so never despair he is very likely still on his way onto our screens once more
- this dude holding the baby hostage wanting specifically the jetpack in exchange is the one (1) break this whole episode gave din lol 
also the Patented Mando Finger Curl of Stress while he talked softly and calmly to not promp this asshole to make a sudden move... the most endearing character tic, I love my space cowboy dad so much 
- fun continuity detail: din is all out of whistling birds now, and you can see it here!
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I wonder if he could still use the same mechanism with different ‘ammo’, it’s just not as effective? from the way the armorer spoke whistling birds seem quite rare and it would be an inefficient use of beskar if that’s the only thing it can be loaded with
 - I love how after the last episode, a 50 min epic with a bunch of original trilogy significance and impressive technical achievements and exciting character reveals, I was like ‘yeah okay I suppose that is quite interesting’, and this mess/comedy of inconveniences is the thing that fully makes my brain tip into the obsessive ‘BABY AND DAD SHOW!! BABY AND DAD SHOW!!!!!’ mind state lol
- ah the traditional ‘mando trudging slowly but steadily through the desert’ montage we all love to see (I hope this is going to be a Thing for the second episode of every season from now on) 
Also I assume his suit has some sort of temperature regulation built in and that’s how he didn’t, y’know. die under the blazing desert sun
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CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT man I love the jawa. also mando doesn’t even glance over at them, really emphasizing how he’s like. done with this entire day (and it’s all barely even getting started din! i’m sorry)
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 yodito’s look in this scene tho... he’s like ‘we’ve Seen some shit lady’ (actually I think he’s staring at ‘dr mandible’ like O___o. it’s been a long day for a lil boy) 
you get to see dr mandible’s cards a few times, so I assume anyone who knows the rules of... sabacc? probably? could figure out beforehand that he was in a bad spot. (the star wars fanbase is one of those where I KNOW the rules exist somewhere, and I know people who know those rules exist too)  
- that sound the baby keeps making -- the ‘boo-a’, sometimes with a p-sound at the end -- if that’s the precursor to him saying any variation whatsoever of ‘dad’ or ‘papa’ or ‘baba’ or even ‘buir’ or anything, I will die. I will sink to the ground in a heap and never get up (the way he keeps seeking out gaze contact with the helmet and seems perfectly satisfied with it too... fasdhfaskdjhl my FEELINGS)
- it seems confirmed in this ep that the mandos who died on nevarro did so while holding off the enemy so the rest(probably especially the children) could get away; some of them appear to have escaped. which I guess is a small relief
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frog lady stepping out of the shadows and into our hearts
I like that her firm nod after Peli translates ‘her husband has seen them’ lets us know she understands... basic? is that the common tongue thing in star wars there’s just so many to remember across fandoms lol? perfectly well, even if she can’t speak it. 
- mando might be running low on ammo for the pulse rifle, if the fact that he hasn’t replaced the missing cartridge on his... bandolier belt thingy is any indication
ETA: actually ignore me this has been a thing since the literal first episode of the show my brain just had a hiccup lol
- so baby seems to use a little bit of the force to pull the eggs towards him -- I wonder how often he ‘taps into it’ or if it’s always ‘on’ in the background for him. if so I guess there’s no wonder he’s so hungry (but also... kid you can’t end this lady’s entire family line like that one cat who singlehandedly made extinct a whole species of bird! D:)
- din so rarely gets openly angry, he just gets passive aggressive and grumpy. and that’s probably not the healthiest way to deal with things but I love him
- frog lady reacts so strongly to when din sends the ping when nothing else woke her up, I wonder if she can hear more frequencies than a human
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hello darkness my old frieeennnddd
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proof nr 1508 that din does not starve this baby you guys, he even has his own little tray just the right size for him! as it happens the baby simply seems to prefer eating things that are... still alive in some capacity. which, uh. maybe they can invest in some form of non-sentient crickets or something for him to hunt down and.... oh dear
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Look how they massacred my boy
By the way I finally managed to put into words why the Razor Crest -- and particularly the way it keeps getting beaten to hell and back and patched up again --  is so symbolically important and meaningful to me in this show in this post over here! it’s always a great relief to me when I can finally understand what the hell I’ve been going on about all this time and this was one of those lol
-  honestly if it weren’t for frog lady and (more importantly) the baby I think there’s a slight chance din would’ve gone ‘well I had a good-ish run of it for a while there’ and just let the ice claim him haha   
- “Why don’t you come over here and give me a hand. Make yourself useful” This is the one time in the episode I think he crosses the line into just being a dick for a moment (but noticeably the baby isn’t just a little hurt at this reaction, he’s clearly surprised and confused, which means this really does not happen often. after the time mando’s been having recently I guess a moment’s snappishness is understandable haha. he does follow up right after with being much more responsive and attentive when the baby toddles away from him, so it feels like it’s going to be okay)
also the ‘boo-ap’ sound is there again when he’s trying to get din’s attention. just sayin’ 
when din comes over to see the footprints baby makes a declarative little meep like ‘see??? I did tell you!’ haha
- it is very funny that mando is using all his technology meant to track down dangerous bounties in the grungy depths of the criminal underworld... to find a naked lady just chillin’ in a hot spring 
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cue the ‘father is evil?’ memes fsadfda. actually the funniest thing about this moment (apart from the fabulous finger acting) is that din actually snatches a few eggs out of the baby’s reach more subtly right before, and that baby only whines for ALL OF ONE SECOND before he goes to sniff around for other food possibilities fkadfhjkds. from my experience with human children he’s a lot less prone to tantrums. yodito doesn’t get mad, he gets even 
- baby running towards din through the hatching spiderlings like ‘DAD I FUCKED UUUUUUP’, din’s little strangled ‘ngh’ sound as he picks the baby up and watches all the creepy crawlies come out... *chef kiss* impeccable 
(that little ‘ngh’ and the soft shocked ‘ah ah AH!’s from when he goes flying at the beginning of the episode... pedro pascal and his voice work for this character gives me so much life. in some ways din has this sort of dignity and grace and in other ways he uh extremely doesn’t. he gets to be cool but also vulnerable in ways a lot of male main characters don’t and it’s probably why I love him so much) 
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btw here is that moment when din moves to hold the baby tightly against him with both hands as the big spider appears, because it gets me right in the heart... it such an instinctive thing of holding on to the dearest thing you’ve got before something bad is about to happen
fdsafhsdakjlfhsdkjlhfsdajhf oh my god the baby is clutching din’s finger with his little hand during the chase!!!! 😭😭😭
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this FUCKING SHOW has just WEAPONIZED putting in small details everywhere to convey the love and tenderness and attachment felt by a little muppet doll even where only weirdos like me will frame by frame their way through the video to see it I am so MAD
- frog lady going ‘fuck this’ and bounding along is  e v e r y t h i n g 
- din is an amazing shot, though, he doesn’t seem to miss a single one in this whole scene (then again there’s something to shoot at basically everywhere one can take aim so lol)
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baby hiding behind/half hugging din’s boot as he tries to get the doors closed hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can’t breathhhhheeeee 
honestly every single one of the baby’s proximity seeking behaviours in this ep has me on my knees 
- it’s very unfair to play the heroic happy mando music like everything is going to be fine and then have a huge fuck-off spider drop down from the ceiling and break it off mid-tune, the mandalorian, you have trained me in certain ways and now do you betray me??? how can I trust again
- the camera work in the scene with the new republic guys gives such a good sense of the discomfort of being judged from on high by someone or something you can’t really see -- the glare of the lights blocking out everything in the shots from din’s pov makes it feel like a tense interrogation (the new republic dude who is actually dave filoni has such a look of fondness as he watches din tho it’s kind of sweet)
- ...oh no I think baby was actually considering munching on that dismembered spider leg YODITO NO JUST EAT YOUR KRAYT DRAGON BABY
- hngh this is a weird filler episode and it has my entire heart. I suspect we might get some episodes of a more stationary baby between active ones like this -- you can tell a little bit in this episode that especially having him running around fast is quite difficult to have look natural, they likely save that effort up for when it best serves the narrative  
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britishboystm · 4 years
For You- Matt *Blinded By The Light (SMUT)
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Warnings: Smut, Swearing, Ngl there is a bit of cliche cringe in here so beware👀, super fucking long wtf
A/N: Ok, ok. This one is hella long. Thanks to @blueeyedheizer for the inspo, hope you like it love:)
“I’m telling you Y/N, he speaks to our generation. People like us who want to get out of Luton and see the world!”
“That’s great Javed.” The conversation that was happening while you and Javed walked home from college was less than exciting to you. He seemed super invested however, so you tried your best to let him rave about his new found obsession with Bruce Springsteen, some bloke from America that your dad listens to when fixing the car in the garage. You were more of a Cyndi Lauper and Madonna type.
You felt quite bad for Javed. No one really gave the poor lad the time of day. Not his dad, not the people at the college and most definitely not the community you guys lived in so you were his go to person. You had always been his confidant since you were kids.
Then there was Matt. The third of the trio. He took care of Javed. He was Javed’s protector against bullies in school. He himself was an eccentric personality. Very different from you and Javed. He loved girls, parties and synths. Once school was done, he had no desire to continue through to college. He was out of there.
But he finished the friendship puzzle and you relied on him as much as Javed did and vice versa.
It seemed like hours of him rambling and you tuning him out until you finally reached your neighbourhood. You, Javed and Matt all lived in the same cul de sac. It was where the three of you became best friends, then you were all enrolled into the same primary school down the road not long after. You guys became inseparable after that.
Everything was quite pleasant until you caught a glimpse of Matt. There he was, standing in all of his glory, sucking face with his latest fling, one you had not met yet. The image made your stomach churn and Javed noticed right away.
“Y/N, I really think you should tell him.”
“Tell him what?” Your eyes were glued to the car crash happening in front of you. See, you had developed feelings for Matt back in grade school, keeping it a secret to this day. The only person who knew was Javed.
He sighed and patted your back before walking towards the two love birds. The kissing was finally coming to an end and Matt pried himself off of her to notice the two of you.
“Javed, Y/N you muppets! ” His play thing grabbed onto his arm while he met you two half way.
“Hey Matt, how was Ibiza?” Javed asks reluctantly. Matt chuckles slightly, looking over proudly at his new arm candy. A look you had longed to receive from him one day.
“Met Emma over there, she lives nearby actually. It worked out brilliantly.”
You pretend to look happy.
“That sounds amazing Matt. Um, actually I’m going to have to run. My mum needs me home for dinner soon.”
“Leaving so soon?” Matt asked, soundly legitimately disappointed.
“I’ve been gone for weeks and this is all I get from you?” He pries a little further.
“Well some people actually have lives out of shagging girls and playing bar gigs so yeah I’ve got to go.” You didn’t mean to sound so harsh but seeing this Emma girl had your blood boiling. She seemed lovely and deserved no harsh feelings so you felt it best to walk away from the situation which would probably just get out of hand.
“Y/N what’s all this about?” Matt says, hurt evident in his eyes. You sighed deeply trying to contain yourself.
“Nothing, sorry. I’m just super knackered. I’ll catch up with you guys later okay?” You didn’t wait for a response, hoisting yourself on your bike that you had walked home and rolled over to your front door, not as much as a look back and wave.
You were hoping that the day would come when Matt would bring home a girl and it didn’t bother you. But it was just getting worse. After closing the front door, you leaned against it trying to calm yourself before running up to your room to wallow alone.
Later that night you laid awake staring at your ceiling. The events from the afternoon had you in a frenzy. He really shouldn’t be affecting you like this, and yet here you were lying awake at the wee hours of the morning. It also didn’t help that there was light streaming into your bedroom window from Matt’s room.
You guys lived right next door to one another and your room windows faced each other, so most nights you would stay up and talk for hours on end from the windows edge.  
You stood up, groaning. It was probably the same situation you had faced so many times before. Because Matt was in a band, there were many nights where he would leave his desk lamp on to work on melodies and lyrics. The light would keep you up, which you absolutely hated but you would never say anything. 
Music was his life and you weren’t going to be the one to get in the way of that. With all the anger you were feeling though, tonight seemed easier to call him out on his bullshit. You approached your window and stood in front of it. But nothing could prepare you for what you would just witness. Straight ahead, stood Matt and Emma in very little clothing. Him in nothing but boxers and her in a matching set of red lace undies and bra. His hands were roaming her waist and landed on her perfect butt. 
You couldn't help but feel self conscious. She had such a bangin body, nothing you thought you could compare too. Without hesitation you shut your blinds, not wanting to subject yourself to that anymore. You shakily laid back in bed and just started sobbing. The image of his lips attached to her neck as he loved every inch of her body made you weep. It had probably been all of the pent up emotions you were feeling. This was your first ever heart break.
“Y/N! You need to eat before you head to work.” You tossed the sheets off of your body and huffed. The last thing you needed was a long shift at the mall jewelry store. The required outfit all employees had to wear laid in a heap in the corner of your room which you trudged over to and put on.Once you were ready you headed downstairs where your mom was organizing breakfast and your younger brother devoured his cereal.
“Matt dropped by not that long ago.”
 “Oh yeah? What did he want?” You focused on pouring a cup of coffee for yourself while asking.
“Don’t know. Just said he needed to talk to you.” You turned around to look at your mom and sighed.
“I’m actually not really speaking to him at the moment.” Taking a sip of your liquid energy. 
“Why? What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m going to be late so I’ll see ya” You grabbed an apple and gave your mom a kiss on the cheek before running out the door
“Bye love!” You were already gone.
Your trusty bike always stayed locked up at the side of the house so you walked over to go grab it before heading to work.
Oh god. Whatever was about to happen, you weren’t in the mood. You turned around to see Matt running down his front yard in nothing but an open button up and pants.
She probably stayed the night, you thought.
You gripped onto your bike harder. Hopefully this won’t take long.
“Y/N, wait I have to talk to you.” He tried to catch his breath.
“What Matt?” Your tone was pointed.
“What’s going on with ya? You were acting all strange yesterday. Did I do something?” He stood there defeated. He had no clue what he had done to piss off the most important girl in his life. His best friend.
You groaned and threw your head back.
“Nothing really. I’m sorry I was being a bitch yesterday but I’ve just been under a lot of stress with school.”
Lies. You were at the top of all your classes.
“So are we good?” He asks, eyes hopeful.
“Always Matt.” You gave a smile. But the hurt was still there. His face lights up and he embraces you into a tight hug.
“Ugh Matt, you need to shower mate. You smell like sweat and regret.”
“Aww, you love it. Don’t pretend my manly musk doesn’t turn you on.” He gives you a wink. He of course was playing around. Why wouldn’t he be? You were his best friend. You couldn’t help but have your breath catch in your throat when he winked at you though.
You pretended to be amused.
“Hah hah Matt, very charming. Anyways I’m off to work so…” The laughs being overly sarcastic.
“Oh actually I wanted to ask you one more thing.” You couldn’t help but feel an excitement bubble in your stomach.
“Yeah?” You ask, eyes sparkling
“I need your help with Javed’s birthday.” Tonight Matt was going to throw a surprise party for Javed.
“Oh.” You were slightly disappointed. You didn’t know what you wanted him to say but it definitely wasn’t that.
“You know how I always want him to come to my parties but it’s impossible to get him there?”
“Well his parents trust you more than me by a long shot so I need you to pick him up and tell them your taking him to the library or some stupid shit like that.”
“Javed doesn’t know right?” You ask.
“Yeah, and it has to stay that way okay? Alright thanks love. I appreciate it.”
He comes in for one more hug and a kiss on the head.
“No worries Matt. See you tonight.”
He waves and starts walking back towards his house. Emma is waiting in nothing but one of his shirts (your favourite shirt of his nonetheless) in the doorway, watching the exchange go down.
You sigh and mount your bike, heading to work.
That night you dressed up a tad bit. Of course it would raise suspicion if you showed up to Javed’s front door with what you had on so you snuck into your parents room and grabbed one of your dad’s old trench coats.
You let out a nervous puff of air as you sneaked past the living room where your mom was passed out in front of the tv. East Enders playing loudly on the screen. Your 5 year old brother laid on top of her asleep as well. It was pretty cute but there was no time to waste so you quietly snuck out.
The air was slightly nippy from the April weather. But you knew Javed’s house was just across the road so you didn’t mind.
You knocked on the door, hoping Javed would answer so it would be a quick exchange before getting him out of the house but alas, his father answered.
Shit, new plan.
“Hi Mr Khan. Is Javed around?”
“Why?” Uhhhhhh.
“We planned on going to the library to study.”
“Where are your books?” Fuck.
“I just got off work so I still need to drop by my house first.” Nice save Y/N.
He looked at you suspiciously then called out for Javed.
“Javed, your pretty friend is here.” You couldn’t help but giggle but it was cut short when Javed came down the stairs.
“Dad I told you this morning. Y/N and I are going to the library to study.” He had no clue what he was in for.
“Right well you two be good and get your work done.” He wagged a fatherly finger at you both and you nodded. As much as Javed and his dad has their problems, you could tell he wanted what was best for his son. Javed waved goodbye as the door shut behind him. Three heavy textbooks in his arms
“Where are your books Y/N? And what’s with the coat?”
“Oh Javed. You're so smart and yet so naive. Drop the books.” He gives you a confused look and you smirk, putting a sleeping mask over his eyes.
“What are you doing?” He seemed a little panicked as you grabbed the books from him and placed them behind the bush beside the stairs.
“Just relax.” You chuckle leading him away from the house.
He kept his hands out in front of him, trying to get used to the fact that he couldn’t see. It didn’t take long to approach Matt’s. You knew a bunch of people were already inside hiding, trying to stay quiet but failing miserably, probably already pissed drunk. You opened the door and Javed called out towards you. “Y/N? Where are we? Can I take this thing off?” You gently removed it from his eyes, darkness still filling the room. You quickly turned the light switch on and everyone came jumping out from different objects and doorways.
“Surprise!” Everyone yelled. 
Javed jumped back a little in your arms. The celebration didn’t last long though because after they did what they were instructed to do, they all went back to playing loud music and talking. Most of the people here didn’t even know Javed, but they did know free booze.
“Happy Birthday mate!” Matt approached, slightly tipsy with a drink in his hand.
“Matt, what is all this?” Javed seemed a little upset.
“It’s your surprise party. I thought you would like it.”
“Is it hot in here?” Javed interrupts. 
It seemed as though everything was too overwhelming for him. The smell of weed and beer was heavy and his mind was getting clouded. This was definitely not his scene.
“Shit. Hey, Javed, why don’t we go upstairs for a bit yeah?” You grabbed his arm knowing how to calm him down. Matt looked at you with a sorry look in his eyes.
“It’s okay Matt. Just give us a minute.” You said before pushing Javed upstairs. Matt quickly grabbed your wrist, his eyes looking deep into yours. They were soft and sincere. He felt awful.
 “You going to be okay?” You smile and nod. Out of nowhere Emma shows up, super drunk. She wraps herself around Matt.
“Hey babe? Want to go somewhere a bit more private?” She giggled and nibbled at his ear. He gave you one last look. 
You nodded telling him to go have fun. She giggles again and grabs his face, going straight in for a make out. Matt now seemed a tad bit preoccupied. You turned around trying to block it out, while also trying to get Javed into a quieter space. You open a couple doors, either people making out in them or drunkenly crying about their ex. You huffed and finally opened the door to Matt’s dad's office. Empty since it was off limits but for you and Javed there was an exception.  
Javed let out a big sigh and you rested your head against the wall as you both sat on the carpeted floor.
“You know Matt did all of this for you. He may have missed the mark but it’s his way of showing that he cares.”
Javed looks over and nods.
“No I know, I just get worried about what would happen if I ever got caught up in that type of crowd. What my parents would think.”
“I understand.” You reply. It’s silent for a moment.
“Oh wait. I totally forgot. Happy Birthday mate.” You pull out a couple wrapped gifts from the pocket of the trench coat you had just taken off, handing them off to Javed.
He gives you a wide smile and rips open the wrapping paper to reveal a couple of Bruce Springsteen cassettes.
Writing on the front of one of the cassette said,
To J,
The biggest boss I know
Love, Y/N
He chuckles lightly before awkwardly crawling towards you and giving you a hug.
“I love it Y/N, thank you.” You smile and ruffle his hair.
“No problem at all. I’m always here for you, J you know that.”
“I know. Same here.” He smiles.
Silence filled the room, nothing but Matt’s weird music causing the walls to shake.
“So is tonight the night you are going to tell him?”
You groan and bring your knees into your chest, resting your head between them.
Not this again.
“Javed!” You whine. You really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. It was his party for christ sakes.
You should be celebrating, not venting. And besides, it would be highly inappropriate since he has a girlfriend.
“I know you hate it when I pry but I’m going to be honest with you.” You look up at Javed waiting for him to continue.
“It’s kind of annoying watching you pine over him from afar. I’ve been subjected to it for years. It’s my birthday I think you owe me one.”
You scoff.
“You’re something else you know that?”
He shrugs and smirks.
“You have been head over heels since year 7. Don’t you think you deserve that closure?” You sigh and close your eyes, leaning your head against the wall again.
“I ju-, We are such different people. Yes I may be madly in love with him but… I don’t know. His type is for sure not me. I’ll just have to get used to the fact that he will never feel the same way that I do.”
Tears threaten to spill and Javed is quick to come over and comfort you.
“It’s okay. You never know unless you try.”
“But what if it ruins our friendship. He means too much to me to jeopardize that.”
“I don’t know what to say to you Y/N.”
You sigh and wipe your tears suddenly feeling parched.
“I’ll be right back, just going to go grab a drink. You want anything?”
“I’m good.” His voice laced with sympathy.
You nod and get up, a little wobbly but you find your footing. You turn the nob and open the door only to walk right into someone.
Your eyes meet their chest but you already know who it is. Your eyes slowly look up to meet Matt’s.
He looks as though he has just seen a ghost. You're frozen in place, wondering if it’s worth fleeing or retreating back into the dark office space.
“I was coming to check on you guys. Is it true that you have feelings for me?” He asks suddenly, his face still in shock.
“Are you in love with me?” You bow your head in shame, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“It’s okay Matt just forget it.” You slip past him and start walking away. You wanted to get the hell out of there but you couldn’t leave Javed alone so instead you keep your word and go find the drinks.
Matt follows you down the stairs and over to the kitchen where you were pretending to be busy finding a drink, your mind actually racing after what had just happened.
“Y/N.” He says beside you. You ignore him. He lightly grabs your face so you have no choice but to look into his blue eyes.
“Talk to me.” You push his hand away.
“There’s nothing to talk about Matt.”
He sighs and grabs your hand, pulling you away from the alcohol and into a quiet corner.
“We can’t just pretend I didn’t hear what you said up there. Y/N, do you have feelings for me? Be honest.”
“I might have some feelings for you.” He sighs and rubs his eyes in aggravation.
“I can’t believe you're making me do this.” You frown in confusion.
“Make you do what?” He doesn’t respond but instead walks away from you. Your heart shatters a bit, knowing deep down he wasn’t going to reciprocate and that you would ruin the friendship.
You can’t help but follow him and try to patch up whatever damage you had just caused. But you are stopped in your tracks. You see Emma and Matt talking. She looks upset and suddenly she slaps him across the face, leaving the party in a state. You flinched at the sound but run over to him.
“Matt what did you just do.”
“Was it not obvious?” He looked a little aggravated.
“What are you talking about.” Now you were getting annoyed. He wasn’t being clear with you. The same way you hadn’t been clear with him since year 7.
Once again he grabs your hand and pulls you upstairs. You thought that you guys would go back to the office but he enters the door beside it. His bedroom.
“Matt you're freaking me ou-“ He pushes you against his bedroom door and presses his lips against yours. Your eyes open wide and before it can go any further you push him off of you.
“Bloody hell Matt. You have a girlfriend!” You yell at him as he breathes heavily.
“What do you think I was doing down there? I was breaking up with her… for you.” You laugh in astonishment.
“You broke up with your girlfriend because I said I had feelings for you? Have you gone mad?”
“You don’t understand Y/N. I’ve been in love with you since we first met. I always thought you were beautiful, smart, funny, fun…. Look I may not have realized it then because I was 6 but still, once I understood what love meant I knew I had always loved you. Every girl I have been with has been a distraction to get over you. Now that I know you feel the same way, I’m all yours.”
You looked at him like he was a crazy person.
“You’re fucking insane.” You scoff.
“Insane about you.” You laugh again.
“Oh wow, you find that one on a bubblegum wrapper?” That line was probably the most cringey thing you have ever heard.
He smiles widely. He had always loved to see you laugh. It brightened his day.
“Y/N I’m serious.” He slowly walks back towards you and lightly pushes you back against his door. His left hand leaning against it beside your head.
Your breathing becomes very prominent as he leans down to leave a kiss on your neck.
“Tell me you love me.” He mumbles into your skin. You can’t help but release a small moan.
“Tell me you love me Y/N.” He sounded a bit desperate and honestly you were just as desperate as he was.
“I love you.” You respond in a breathy tone. He groans in pleasure and the kisses along your neck become deeper and they begin moving to different parts of your face. Soon your lips catch his and he holds your face in his hands while he slips his tongue down your throat.
“I’m so sorry it took this long.”
“Me too.” You gasp as he places his hand over your heat.
“Do you want to do this?” He let’s go and stops everything, looking into your eyes.
“Because I am okay with waiting.” He says, his face all blissed out.
You’ve been pent up for too long for this not to happen so you grab his hand and put it back where it was originally.
“I want you to fuck me Matthew.” His dick twitched in his pants when you said that. You had only ever said his full first name when you were really pissed at him.  Now it had a whole new meaning. He liked it.
“Oh baby.” He smirks hoisting you up and swiping all of his lyrics off his desk and placing you down on top of it. You couldn’t help but laugh at the cheesiness as you held onto his neck. It felt like a stupid rom-com. But you didn’t care because you were with him. You kick your white heeled boots off, hating how they squeezed your feet anyways.
He began attacking your neck while between your legs, leaning you back slightly. You shifted your head to give him better access. You couldn’t help but stare out his window, looking into your room.
You were now one of his girls. So many times had there been glances into his bedroom, a new girl wrapped around him.
Jealousy always took over you. But now knowing he only did it because he couldn’t have you turned you on. You smirk slightly as he begins to remove your jean jacket.
“Maybe we should move this over to the bed.” You whisper in his ear. He nods and leaves you, the cold in the room making you shiver. He goes and jumps on his bed, excited like a little kid on Christmas. Trying to spice things up, you walk over to his record player and begin looking through his music library.
“Y/N!” He whines. He’s already taking down his pants and boxers, getting ready for you. You purposely take your time and evilly smirk at him while he begins to pleasure himself, waiting.
“I’m just finding some music.” You simply state trying not to drool over him stroking himself. You finally find a Led Zeppelin record that probably belonged to his dad and place it on the record player.
He groans and throws his head back on the pillow as he speeds up his movements. You crawl over to him, the music playing softly, his other music downstairs overpowering it.
He is quick to grab and pin you down onto his bed. Your arms held in place above your head
“You are so beautiful.” You smile and lift your head slightly to give him a kiss. He shifts a bit down your body and gives you a look, asking for permission. You nod so he starts to gently pull down the straps of your dress, then pulling the top down exposing your bra. It wasn’t as nice as Emma’s but it was uniquely you. A light purple with butterflies. He smiled down at you.
“So beautiful.” He starts to trickle kisses down your neck, then the exposed part of your breasts.
“Just take the bloody thing off Matt.”
“My pleasure.” He smirks. You arch your back slightly so he can work the clasp. It comes off after a couple of attempts and he throws the material to the side. You lay there complety bare from the waist up.
He bites his lip before dipping his head down and taking a nipple into his mouth. You close your eyes in pleasure, tingles moving down your back as you grip his hair.
“Feels so good.” You sputter out as he continues to suck on your chest. Some hickeys included. His tongue swirls around your nipple making you even more sensitive, a build up occurring in your lower stomach.
He lifts his head up and kisses you before pushing himself further down your body, gripping the sides of your dress and pulling it off of you completely, chucking it beside your bra.
His hands graze over your Saturday undies and he’s about to pull them down. You stop him however, bringing him back up so he’s face to face with you.
“Matt. Do you mean everything you are saying? I don’t want to be another number to your body count. This is real to me.” He smiled softly and lays beside you, giving you a peck on the lips.
“I’m serious about this Y/N.” You sigh and look up at the ceiling, in nothing but your underwear. All the times you had laid on his bed while doing homework over the years, you never thought you would end up like this. You weren’t complaining though.
“Let me take over for a bit yeah?” You say looking over at Matt. He smirks and kisses you once more before you jump up and straddle his waist, helping him take off his blue button up, leaving him stark naked other than his bracelets which you always secretly loved.
You lean down and plant kisses on his lips. Then you moved down to his neck, sucking bright purple hickies into his skin. You had a pattern going. Your lips continued down further his body. His chest, stomach that you always have adored when you guys went swimming throughout your school years. You made your way down to his pubic bone ready to take his dick into your mouth.
“Please love, stop teasing and put it in your mouth.” He almost looked like he was in pain. The back of his hand laid on his forehead while he winced, eyes tightly shut and lips pressed into a thin line.
“My pleasure.” You say softly, lightly gripping his throbbing member into your hand.
You slowly began stroking it. A tight enough grip where every once in a while you grazed your thumb over the tip, his thighs clenching every time you did so. You kept a mental note of that.
“Holy fuck! ” He cried out.
You kept going for a bit, pre cum leaking from the head.
Taking this as a signal you wrapped your lips around the tip and licked a couple swirls clockwise.
Matt wasn’t having it though because his hand shot up and gripped your hair, lightly pushing you deeper down his shaft. Surprised you choked a bit, which he caught right away and lifted you up.
“You okay?” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You smiled and nodded.
“I’m fine, just surprised is all.” He sighs in relief, and lays back down, an arm going under his head.
“Sorry I shouldn’t have forced you.”
“I don’t feel forced love” you reply, adoring the sound of calling him love.
Instead of going back to sucking him off you decide to just go for it.
“Um Matt. You have a condom on you?” He shoots up and leans over to his bedside table, you still in his lap.
“I can’t believe we are doing this.” He says all giddy. You snort and wait for him to get the piece of rubber on his member.
It takes him a second but once he does it he flips you over so you are under him. He helps your shimmy out of your underwear then he brings you into a kiss while he uses his other hand to line himself up with your centre. Once he finds it he slowly enters, a guttural moan leaves his lips. Once he is fully inside you, he leans his forehead against yours, breathing heavily through his nose. A tear slips out from your eye from how tight you are and he notices, wiping it away.
“I’ll move in a second. There is no rush.” You nod, silently thanking him for waiting. Once your body is accustomed to his length you give him a tap and he slowly starts coming out. He then enters again, a steady speed developing. You whimper and let out heavy breaths as he slowly pounds into you.
“Go faster. For fuck sake Matt, go faster.” He speeds up leaving your eyes to roll in the back of your head. It felt so right having him inside of you. You were in pure bliss.
Sweat starts forming on his forehead and his tongue sticks out slightly as he pounds into you relentlessly. You weren’t totally there yet so you let him circle your clit with his index and middle finger helping you build up faster. Once you got there you cried out,
“I’m gonna fucking cum Matt!”
“Look down love.”
You followed his orders and watched as his length moved in and out from your dripping core. That was enough to finish you so you nodded.
“Yup I’m there, I’m there. Cum with me baby.” You try to coherently say. He starts to twitch inside of you and you both let out loud moans of release.
He cums into the condom and crashes onto your chest, still inside of you.
The record had stopped but music from downstairs and yelling could still be heard from all corners of the house.
Inside the room was all pants and heavy breathing,
“That. Was. Fucking. Amazing.” He breathed out while you rubbed his back and played with his hair.
I love you Y/N.” He mumbled into your breasts. You laugh slightly at his childishness.
“I love you too bub.”
“We should have done that so much sooner.” He lifts his head up from your bare chest to say.
“What does this mean for us?” you ask, a slight worry in your voice.
“I want nothing more than to be with you Y/N. I would do anything for you.”
You smile, pushing his head back into your chest. He starts to lull off, listening to your heartbeat and breathing.
“Oh my god Javed!” You were brought out of your dreamland, remembering your best friend you left in that room about half an hour ago.
Matt’s eyes went wide and you both shot up from the bed and began to get dressed. Hopefully he was okay and wasn’t in a corner crying.
Once you were both somewhat collected, other then Matt’s badly done buttoning job of his shirt and both or your disheveled hair, you ran out.
You open the office door beside Matt’s room. He wasn’t in there.
“Shit.” You mutter, running downstairs. Matt close behind you. The party on the main floor stayed alive and well, even with the host's absence.
You look around and notice a group laughing in the living room. You walk in to see Javed, holding a blunt telling a funny story to a group of very interested people. He was the life of the party.
“Matt come here, you won’t believe this!” You call out to your now boyfriend.
He joins you and looks at Javed all surprised.
“J?” He asks. Javed stops his fascinating story and walks over to the two of you.
“Hey guys. I’m sorry for earlier. I’m having a great time. Really thank you for the party Matt.”
“No problem J.” Matt looked dumbfound.
“I’m sorry I left you in the office J, I got caught up.” You try to explain yourself. Javed smirks at the likes of the two of you.
“No worries and by the way thank you for the birthday present. “ You look at him confused.
“Now I don’t have to listen to you whine about Matt anymore. Same with you mate.” Your eyes went wide.
“Wait what? You knew all along Matt liked me back and never said anything.” He shrugs
“It was never my place. Anyways, next time just remember that the walls are thin in this place.” He winks before walking off, starting to talk to some girl from college.
You and Matt stand there dumbfounded.
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mindwideopen · 4 years
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Bert.... is mad.
Look at bert’s head! It’s about to explode with fury. He’s soooo mad! Oh no.... Bert, will have..... your.... ass..... No. because Bert would never do that. Bert is a loving guy, but he’s reached his limit, as a lot of us do from time to time. Bert gave Ernie ALL of his power. He allowed ernies antics to affect him negatively. What Ernie did? Who knows. Probably swindled Bert out of the bigger piece of pizza, and more grape drink. He does that a lot...
Or maybe he drank all Bert’s ice cream soda when all he wanted was plain seltzer,
or he probably annoyed Bert by playing tag with him, when he was trying to read.
Ernie is a bit inconsiderate like that, or, Ernie is needy, and wants attention from Bert, and Bert is into his own thing, Either way, Ernie doesn’t mean to act like a mindless, thoughtless Turkey culo. He wants love, like we all do. Unfortunately, it’s coming off really inconsideratly. Sometimes, when it’s not you that’s the one being annoyed, it can be hilarious. But let’s put ourselves in each of their positions for a minute...
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Bert, does NOT look happy. He looks mad, yes, but also, hurt, upset, not appreciated, not understood, not cared for. Bert, is a perpetual victim of Ernie’s naughty business. Bert can also tend to like things the way he likes them. Kinda an immobile, guy. Maybe a guy that takes himself too seriously, too sensitive, with no sense of humor. BUT, regardless, Bert deserves love, and respect, and consideration even though Ernie doesn’t always show it in the way Bert appreciates. Does that mean Ernie doesn’t love Bert? Not sure. Are they in a serious codependent relationship of abuse? Could be. Or are they in a mutual friendship that somehow works for the both of them? It all depends on your perception.
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Let’s take in Ernie for a bit. Ernie, is a purveyor of glad tidings, fun and joy. On the flip side, Ernie has a ton of energy, and doesn’t flow outside of his own desires in the moment very well. Some would say, “Ohhhh... That Ernie... all he cares about is fun, and play, and singing, and dancing, and his rubber ducky, and he’s messy, and carefree, and doesn’t listen to Bert at all. What an Turkey culo!! But Ernie does care about how he, and others like Bert, feel. And he wants to break Bert out of his comfort zone, and have a little fun with his best friend. How you view them, is irrelevant to them, but means everything to you. Because they are not affected by you in the least. They’re muppets. But the energy that they bring up in you, is very very real.
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Ernie and Bert are facets of these 2 men: Jim Henson, who played Ernie, and Frank Oz, who still maybe I dunno, periodically plays Bert. But, they created these characters. And they evolved over time, both the characters, and the men.
I heard an interview where frank oz was discussing the character of Bert. At first, bert was a conundrum. He was boring. But frank oz, in his genius, made boring, fun! Well, Bert may be boring, but he loves it! He is the single most boring guy in the world, and loves what he loves; bottle caps, and pigeons named Bernice, and paper clips, and plain soda water. Bert celebrates his boringness to the hilt! I used to not get Bert at all when I was a kid. Bert?! You’re into boring....everything! But now that I’m older, I finally appreciate Bert, and his love of the mundane, cause he’s so into it. And frank and Jim, got it too, and they shared it with me, and all the other kids my age and beyond. Celebrate people not just for their similarities, but their differences too. And if you don’t celebrate their differences, at the very least accept the person, and love them anyway.
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Ernie gives Bert a serious headache. So he cares for him, and makes sure he has his hot water bottle (still not quite sure what that does...) But no one can say Ernie doesn’t care, or they can, but they’d be wrong to me, because Ernie, in his own selfish jerk way to some, cares a lot. And I sometimes appreciate him for it. Bert resigns himself to it a lot too, cause after all, both of these characters come from a place of love, and devotion to one another.
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But regardless of what I think of either, and much like gayle king of I dunno, and Oprah Winfrey, a Winfrey, they’re best friends. And isn’t it better to be friends, then not? Well, don’t ask me, cause I have none...
George Carlin: Kari, you, are seriously, one of the most ridiculous people I have ever not met personally. You have friends, you just walk away from everyone cause they don’t show up for you the way you’d like. I only know that, because you’re writing me, so I have an insight others don’t, because you cut everyone out. At least with Ernie and Bert, Bert gets pissed, and Ernie knows about it.
Bert in the year 2020: It’s been 50 plus years of ernie’s crazy behavior, and I feel the following: n for numb, b for beaten down, a for aggravated, and n again, for no more...
Ernie in the year 2020: bert, how many times do we have to go through this, Bert? I love you like a brother and friend, and I never want to upset you, ever, Bert. You’re special to me. I’ve learned that over time. You’re my best buddy, Bert! Just like rubber ducky, only you do all the shopping, and cleaning, and the dishes and laundry.
Bert: Er——niiie! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! You are not responsible for anything! We are both 7, 8, 9 or 10 years old! When are you going to chip in and do your share in this friendship?! All you do is give me grief, Ernie! Grief!
Oscar the grouch: sounds like my kind of guy!!!
Bert: um, youve known him for 50 plus years!
Oscar: well, I didn’t know that about him! I love hate it!
Bert: ok, anyway, Ernie, if you keep doing the same things that make me angry over and over again, how is that changing? I don’t trust you, or believe you. Your words do not match your actions. Aaaagh! I don’t know what to think...
Mr. hooper: maybe I can help. You see boys, this is a classic case of the bullshit that I don’t have to deal with anymore because I am dead.
Bert: um, mr. hooper, you’re not allowed to talk like that on Sesame Street. I’m only 10 years old and I live alone with Ernie, unsupervised, which is bad enough. I don’t think we’re supposed to hear such talk.
Mr. hooper: We’re not on Sesame Street right now, we’re in Kari’s blog, so it’s fine, cause she’s the one swearing, not me, as I, am dead, as I/she stated above. Alight, boys, what I’m trying to say is this; can you please, for once and for all, be more considerate of one another’s feelings and maybe just maybe get back to the love? I’m over all this bickering.
Ernie: yeah Bert, I was trying to tell you that...
Bert: yeah Ernie, but at some point you have to back up your words with the proper actions. How many times have I told you that?! And you ignore me!
The count von count: 7 zillion, 345 trillion, 8 million, 32 times Bert has told you, Ernie, about that! Ah ah ahhhhhhh! (Lightening strikes)
Ernie: you’ve got a point there, Bert. Ok, I’ll show you, by giving you, the bigger piece of pizza once and awhile, and leaving your seltzer, plain, and allowing you to read in peace. Cause I support you bert, and I care.
Bert: that’s great Ernie! I do too! And I’ll make time to play tag with you more, and spend time the way we like to do, together.
Mr. hooper: word(s).
George Carlin: Kari, did you her all that?
Kari: yes. Oh man. I’ve been read by Ernie and Bert. Ok, my intention for writing on my blog is not to hurt anyone at all with my POV, but to be honest about my feelings, in love. I try not to be a mean passive aggressive person. I sometimes can be, but I’m trying to clean up my side of the street with that. And I do feel like I am friendless, but it’s because I’m hurt, and don’t feel loved or appreciated sometimes. That’s what it all comes down to, really.
Carlin: ok, clearly you need some time to sort this out. So I’ll leave us with this. I love you. You are a very kind, imaginative woman, who cares about people. I will allow you to sit in hurt as long as you need to. Just know that anytime you’re ready to join the world again, I’ll be there to support you. Some of these people are gone for good, and that’s ok, but some still care, and may want to work it out when the time comes. You’ll see when you’re ready.
Kari: thanks George. I love you too. And I will go and get a piece of almond Kringle now, cause I love O & H kringles (1) a lot, and give you the bigger piece!
Carlin: gee, thanks, as you will be the one ingesting it for the both of us. Better make it a sliver.
Kari: ok.
Carlin: oh, and Kari, one more thing...
Kari: what?
Carlin: friends are better, when shared. And by cutting people out, you’re not sharing you. Just sayin...
Kari: no Kringle for you!
Carlin: fine. I’ll keep our girlish figure in tact...
Kari: fine! The whole Kringle for you!
Carlin: she’s maaaaddd...
Cookie Monster: this has been monster-piece theater... good bye! Me eat all the Kringle now, then all her cookies, cause she upset, and she won’t eat anything, so it no go to waste! I love her, so I help!
Kari: I ate ALL the Kringle!
Cookie Monster: noooooooooooo...... (shakes furry blue paw in the air)
Scene scene scene.
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(1):,credit for my discovery of the o & h bakery and the Kringle itself goes to my friend Bonnie, who i believe now hates my guts. ❤️
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shannaraisles · 5 years
Comfort & Ploy - Chapter 5
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Carver Hawke needs a girlfriend for the festive season. Filipa Trevelyan needs an excuse not to spend Satinalia with her parents. Best friends pretending to be lovers … what could possibly go wrong?
[Read on AO3]
"Auntie Pip?"
Filipa turned toward the curious little voice just in time to get a face full of snow, thrown by the most mischievous child she had ever known. Spluttering, she batted the stuff out of her mouth, eyes narrowing at the giggling Alys.
"Oh, you're for it now, Nuglet!"
She bent to scoop up a handful of snow herself, ducking as Alys tossed another snowball her way. It hit her shoulder, scattering soft crystals everywhere, but Filipa was already straightening up with her own snowball, taking aim as Alys squealed and ran for it over the snow. The ball hit the redhead square in the back, making her shout with laughter again as she grabbed for more herself. Babysitting unexpectedly for an afternoon was turning out to be fun.
"Carver?" she called back toward the house.
There was a pause before the kitchen window opened and the tall man leaned out, tilting his head toward her as another snowball smashed against her hip.
"This might take a while," Filipa informed him with a grin and a wink, chuckling as he laughed and ducked back inside out of the cold.
Alys' own grin faltered a little when she saw the size of the snowball her aunt then started to put together.
"Nooo! Uncle Carver, you havta save me!"
Filipa took off running after the little girl, already breathless with laughter at the squealing that erupted from her sister's little girl in the face of being thoroughly beaten in a snowball fight. It seemed as though Alys wasn't used to people fighting back for real. She certainly screamed loudly enough when her aunt brought the big snowball down on her head, cackling along with Filipa at the ridiculous playtime she had initiated.
"No fair!" Alys complained through her grin. "You've got longer legs than me!"
"You started it!" Filipa countered, scooping more into her gloved hands.
She grunted as Alys barrelled into her, knocking her off her feet and into the snow on her back, her half-made missile disintegrating in the fall. As Alys scuttled off, she sat up, patting the snow out of her hair.
"Who's cheating now?" she demanded, only just getting her hands up in time to fend off another attack aimed straight for her face again.
"It's not cheating when it's me, because I am cute!" was the counter.
Filipa laughed as she rose onto her feet, swiping packed snow off her backside.
"That is not a good enough excuse," she argued in amusement. "I'm at least as cute as you!"
"Betcha my Daddy doesn't think so!"
Alys ducked as Filipa tossed more snow her way, snickering happily. None of them had been expecting Cullen and Mila to be called back to the zoo, but then, no one could accurately predict the birthing habits of Antivan tigers, it seemed. It was a pretty huge compliment to be trusted with Alys and their home, and with Carver busy in the kitchen, no one was going to go hungry. Filipa was well aware that she was a hopeless cook - left to her, Alys would have been eating take-out tonight while her parents hovered over a laboring tigress.
Game over was called, however, when Alys managed to get a handful of snow up and underneath Filipa's coat, leaving droplets of freezing water to trickle down her back and soak into her shirt.
"Fine, you win," she conceded, catching her niece about the waist to swing her around to face the house. "And your lips are going blue, so we're going inside, Nuglet."
"That was fun!" the little redhead exclaimed as they tramped over the porch, kicking the snow from their boots before stepping inside to divest themselves of said boots, coats, hats and gloves. "Daddy says Mama liked to play in the snow, but when him and Mum play, they always let me win. I like winning for real."
"I still maintain that you cheat," Filipa assured her, smiling warmly.
It felt strange when Alys referred to her birth mother, Rory, but it was getting easier to deal with. Rory's death had left a hole in Cullen and Alys' lives that Mila was adamant she would not even attempt to fill, instead making her own space alongside the memory of the woman who had made them both so happy to begin with. Still, it was a good thing that both mothers were so precious to Alys. Filipa could not be happier for her sister to have found so warm and loving a home to be a part of.
"Maker's breath, look at the state of you two," Carver said, peering at them from the kitchen door. "Just as well I made cocoa, isn't it?"
Alys' eyes went round with hopeful excitement.
"Real cocoa?" she asked. "With real chocolate and marshmallows?"
Carver grinned at her.
"What do you take me for?" he replied. "I'll have you know that I refuse to drink cocoa made with powder, thank you so very much."
"Go wash your hands," Filipa told her niece before Alys could pounce on Carver and give him one of those hugs that seemed to completely flummox him. "I'm going to steal one of your mum's tops, since mine is mysteriously soaking wet."
Snickering cheerfully, Alys obediently disappeared upstairs in the direction of the bathroom, leaving Filipa usher Carver back into the kitchen so she could reach the laundry room. Mila was hardly going to begrudge her a spare top after an emergency babysitting afternoon.  
"So cocoa before dinner?" she asked, ducking into the laundry room to grab the first clean top that came to hand.
Carver was already back at the stove, stirring the contents of the saucepan. She had to admit, it smelled delicious. He had almost certainly added spice to it as well as using real chocolate.
"It's going to be at least an hour before dinner's ready," he said absently, glancing over as she came back into the kitchen.
"Oh, I guess that's not so bad, then," she agreed, pulling her shirt off over her head.
She missed the sudden catch of breath in his throat, dropping her wet shirt onto the table so she could pull Mila's dry one on instead. It wasn't as though they hadn't changed clothes in front of each other before; it happened all the time in the firehouse, and she was determined not to act as though anything had changed between them. After all, she was the one with the emotions making themselves known. He didn't deserve to have her feelings sloshed all over him.
Pulling her hair out of the collar of the shirt, she turned back toward Carver, only to find him staring at her. And ... is he blushing? He was. Carver, her best friend who never seemed to have noticed she was female before, was blushing at the sight of her changing her top in front of him. Despite her best intentions, Filipa felt herself grin.
"Enjoying the view there?" she asked innocently.
Carver cleared his throat, jerking his gaze away from her to the cocoa on the stove-top. Even his ears were pink. Blessed Andraste ... he likes me, she realized, feeling happy warmth blossoming in her chest. He actually fancies me! How in the Void did I miss that?
"You don't need to be embarrassed," she added, moving closer to gently nudge her shoulder to his arm. "I generally enjoy the view from here, too."
All right, so maybe it wasn't the best way to broach the subject of mutual pining, but it was worth it to see his mouth drop open in genuine surprise. She had rendered Carver Hawke speechless. If she wasn't so delighted about the actual cause of it, she would definitely have made a show of marking the date in her diary.
"Are you going to smooch?"
Alys' interruption might have been perfectly timed. Filipa was pretty sure neither she nor Carver were quite ready for this conversation, nor was it something they should talk about in her sister's house when Mila and Cullen could walk in at any moment, not to mention be overheard by a nosy little girl. She smiled at Carver, winking at him, and turned to Alys as he reached for the mugs.
"No, Nuglet, we are not going to smooch," she informed her niece, wrapping an arm about the girl's shoulders. "You and me are going to choose a movie for everyone to watch while we have cocoa and wait for dinner to be ready. Sound good?"
Alys nodded, tucking her shorter arm around her aunt's waist easily. Filipa was pretty sure the kid was tired from playing outside in the cold, but was at that age where she would never admit to needing a quick nap to recover from having fun. A movie and a warm drink should sort that right out. Carver seemed to have recovered as well; he turned to follow them, three mugs clasped securely in his large hands.
"Let's get to it then, shall we?" he suggested, gesturing with the mugs for the two ladies to go ahead of him.
Predictably enough, Alys was fairly insistent on watching "A Muppet Satinalia Carol", a movie that Mila also loved and apparently Cullen was very good at appearing to tolerate with good grace. He was subjected to it multiple times every year, after all. Filipa, however, had no objection to the silly movie, settling down onto the couch with Alys curled up under her arm. Carver hesitated only a moment before easing his long frame down onto the couch beside Filipa, comfortably settling his own arm about her shoulders.
She glanced up at him, absolutely certain she was blushing but stubborn enough to smile through it and brazen it out. He smiled back down at her, and turned his attention to the screen, lifting his cup to his lips. Grinning to herself, she turned her own attention to the movie, relaxing into the couch and the nonchalant cuddling on either side of her.
They might have started this as a means to an end, but that end had definitely altered now. Now all she had to do was work out exactly how to break it to Carver that this relationship of theirs was real.
That might take some planning.
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lifeofroos · 5 years
1984 Gift Exchange Entry
Alright, I did something for the 1984-event by @th0ughtcriminal.The prompt was… strange to me, I have to say, being ‘1984 but Winston is Kermit the Frog.’ Yet, I tried my best. Also, sorry if there are weird mistakes in the spelling or the grammar or if I got some names wrong, my native language is Dutch and I read the book in Dutch as well. 
While pretending to look at his typewriter, Kermit scanned the other people in his department. He saw a few of his co-workers doing the same. He felt a little stint of fear whenever he and someone else accidently made eye-contact. Did they know something about him? Did the man in the back of the room know his secret? Did mister Nint know? He swiftly looked back at his typewriter with shaking green hands and whited out a part of the document he was working on. 
A few minutes later, he heard the people around him get up . They were whispering to each other. Oh, was it time for the Two Minutes Hate already? Kermit swiftly stood up and walked to the entrance of the room as quickly as his froggy feet allowed. While walking into the room of hate, he caught a glimpse of Her. His blood immediately started to boil in his veins.There was something about… Her. He quickly looked away. Yet, he could feel Her presence in the room, the way you could feel a threat looming around you. 
Goldstein begun speaking on the screen. One person started yelling. Three more joined in. Soon, the whole room was yelling, and Kermit couldn't help but join in as well. The pressure became too much every single time, no matter how hard he tried to stay quiet. He noticed that the woman next to him gave him a weird look. Kermit quieted down a bit under her gaze. He knew other people found his peculiar voice annoying. Of course, he couldn't do anything about it. Only the ministry could, if they decided croaking was against the party. 
He saw Her again when he walked out of the room. This time, She made eye contact with him. Out of panic, Kermit did not move his head away. She gave him a small wink, before walking down the hallway and disappearing out of sight. Kermit turned around on his heels, and ran back to his desk. He felt the blood rush to his head. He did not care that mister Foor gave him a very suspicious look. Mister Foor gave everyone suspicious looks, it probably meant nothing. 
After a long, exhaustion day of work, Kermit retired to his horrible home, if he could even call it that. It was more like a closet that he just happened to have all of his stuff and himself in. Including his most prized possession. Without even pausing to get something to eat (All the good food was gone anyway), he stepped behind his secret sound proof wall, which was just small enough to not be seen by the screen on the wall. There. There it was. His own, sacred banjo. He picked it up and felt a wave of happiness rising up in his chest. He strummed a few notes. He started to feel a stint of peace. He started playing his favourite melody. It was a melody that you could sing two songs on. One was a simple childrens’ tune, the other one was a protest song against the party. Kermit sometimes sang the children's song for his neighbours’ kids, but right now the lyrics of the patriotic song played in his head (he didn’t sing them out loud. Of course he did not sing them out loud). 
After a few minutes, he slowly put the banjo down. The fear became to much - he was never sure if someone could hear him, even though he knew the screen was almost completely soundproof. Slowly, he walked into his kitchen to eat some very depressing food. There was only three day old chicken and bad noodles left, plus some carrots with suspicious spots on them. Ugh. Gross. Kermit wondered if even dogs would like to eat it. Still, he threw it into a crock pot with some water. Better something than nothing, he concluded. 
While he was cooking his depressing stew, he suddenly thought of Her. She had winked at him. He wildly stirred his soup in order to drive the thoughts away. The smell of the dish hit his… nostrils… (He had never known what to call his frog nose, and now that language got poorer and poorer and thinner and thinner, it did not get easier), and the thoughts of Her disappeared out of his mind while he coughed.
When Kermit woke up the next day, he did not feel any better. All he had to look forward to was yet another depressing day of working in the ministry of truth. Wait, no. What was good for the party was supposed to make him happy, he thought, not depressed. He slowly got out of bed. He ate the leftovers of his so-called meal for breakfast and did some morning gymnastics along with the screen, before stepping outside. 
He was surprised. There was nobody in the hallway. Usually, Mister James was there waiting for him. Well, maybe the party had decided that being a blue muppet was illegal now, or he had said something that he really should not have. It was nothing Kermit had to keep thinking about. Slowly, on his own, he walked out of the apartment building. It was a weirdly freeing feeling. He felt like there was nobody looking over his shoulder. Yet, on the other hand, he knew it was just that - a feeling. Of course there was someone looking over his shoulder. There always was.
Yet, he noticed he wandered off. Instead of walking to the ministry of truth, he walked into town, where the regular folks lived. He looked around. The town was quiet so early in the morning. There were only a few women walking around doing some housework - laundry or grocery shopping. 
It might have made him a little overconfident. He was so amazed by the new place, without other people to keep him in line, he simply forgot that he was being watched. He felt something bubbling in his stomach. He felt like strumming on his banjo for hours, until he could capture this feeling with the music. He remembered that there was a word for that once. It started with an I, he remembered that too. But what exactly the word had been was completely lost to history. 
He took a left turn. He passed a few shops, which sold clothes. They were not very nice clothes, but to Kermit, they looked great (And he didn't even wear any clothes, he did not like the feel on his green skin). It felt like the day was getting better and better. 
He took a right turn. The happy feeling disappeared within seconds. He tried to look down. Too late. He had made eye-contact with Her. Kermit felt the blood rushing through his body. He did not know what it was. Was it… shock? Did that word still exist?
He wished he could turn around and act like nothing had happened. But She would give his name to the thought police, and that would be it. Walking away made no difference. He looked up. If this was going to be it, he wanted to look her in the eye. When he did, however, she did something unexpected. She pointed to the house on the corner, then put up three fingers, before scurrying away. 
Her appearance had broken the magic. Kermit was running through the street as fast as his feet could carry him, towards the ministry of truth. He knew there must be at least one person who saw him - but maybe not in the street with Her. Were there cameras there? Could it be that, just this once, nobody would have noticed that something had happened? 
Oh, no, That was too much to hope for. He reached the door of the ministry of truth just in time - man, he never even noticed how much Mister James talked and slowed them down along the way until he did not walk with him anymore. Kermit walked past his colleagues, until he reached his desk. There were a bunch of articles laying on the desk of which he could swear that he went through them just the day before. He sighed deeply. Well, the word Poor should be scrapped from all of them now, according to the note next to the documents. Kermit felt confused while he sat down on his chair. He felt something rise in his chest, and it was something different then what he had felt while walking through the streets. It felt like his body was refusing to write. Like he was… oh, he did not know. The word was scrapped years ago.
It was 2 O'clock and after the two minutes hate when he remembered what She had signed him. Three O´ clock. The house on the corner. Kermit stood up - his job was done for the day. Slowly, he walked out of the building. He acted like he went towards his home, but instead he took a few odd turns, so that he was back in the town. He did not know if there were many cameras around. If there were, he needed to trick them. So, he walked to a clothing store he had seen before. He randomly pulled something out of a rack and bought it, so that it seemed like he had been thinking about buying it the whole day. That was not illegal. He might even be able to spin it into a lie that he wanted to start wearing clothes now. That would not garner to much suspicion, would it? 
While trying to look as normal as he could, he walked to the house She had pointed at. He hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. Slowly, the door opened about a centimetre. An older man looked at him. At that moment, Kermit felt like turning around and running for the hills. ´Eh…´
´Are you looking for Miss Piggy?´
´Um, Her, yeah…´
´Go upstairs.´ The man opened the door just wide enough for Kermit's small frog body to slip through. Kermit did not dare to look the man in the eye, but instead immediately scurried upstairs. 
Miss Piggy was standing by the top of the stairs. ´You actually came. You are even early.´
´…Yes, I came.´
´What were you doing in the street earlier this morning?´
Kermit felt panic rising in his body. How did he not see it? Now he was trapped. Did he not see Her standing next to an higher-up before? Oh, now he would be dragged to  the ministry of love…
´I always walk around in this neighbourhood to get a sense of peace. It was freer, is it not? Much better for a star like me, even if it is dirty…´ Miss Piggy mused. She flipped her blond hair over her shoulder. Kermit did not know what to answer. Who´s side was She on? 
´I… I felt that too. I felt like making music about it.´ Miss Piggy smiled. 
´That sounds so wonderful.´
Kermit slowly began to feel better the longer he talked to Miss Piggy. It felt like everything he had been thinking about the party was finally confirmed for him. After what felt like hours and hours of talking, he jumped up. ‘We must do something about it!’
Miss Piggy gave him an amused look. ‘What do you mean?’
‘We must do something against…’ his words trailed off. He had been hit by a wave of sudden determination, but now he could not say it. Not out loud. Too risky. Yet, miss Piggy understood. 
‘Yes, we need to do something. Yet, what then…’ she leaned a little closer. ‘Say, you were married before, right?’ 
Kermit suddenly felt a little weird. ‘Yes… but she is gone now.’ 
‘Eh, yeah. Yet, the party…’
‘Did you get divorced?’
Kermit fell silent. No, they weren’t divorced, because they could not. He started to feel slightly… uncomfortable. He shrugged.
‘It does not matter.’ He reached for the piece of clothing he had bought. He suddenly saw Miss Piggy’s eyes narrow. ‘You bought a dress?’
For the first time, Kermit looked at the piece of clothing he had bought. Oh. Yes, he had bought a dress. A yellow one with pink flowers. ‘Eh… yeah.’ 
‘So… you are still married, then?’
Her expression changed from happy to thunder within a matter of seconds. ‘Maybe you should leave.’ Kermit picked up his dress. 
‘Yes, erm, maybe I should.’ That did not make Her feel better, he could see it.  She wrapped Her arms in front of Her chest. ‘Alright.’ Kermit quickly ran out of the room, with the dress.
The next day, he saw Her again. For some reason, She winked. Kermit quickly looked back at his typewriter. He felt confused, more than usual, even. He slowly started to dissociate from the situation. Hm… if only he could play something on his banjo now… He should try to capture that amazing feeling he had, the first time he walked through town… Before everything with Her...
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dokidoki-tae · 5 years
thank you for doing the maid ask!! if it's not too much trouble can you also do la squadra'' general reactions about having a maid (she can see stands but doesn't have her own) and risotto dealing with his feelings for her? the maid is clumsy and silly but she cares deeply about each member and tries to make sure they're happy and safe
 This got pretty long haha. But it was fun to write!
Risotto: He left his team to their own devices and didn’t intervene when they were deciding on hiring a maid. He didn’t expect it to last long, and they knew what they had to tell her if she were to work for them. When she started working there, they crossed paths a few times, she always greeted him with cheer and he responded with silence. It never deterred her from greeting him each time. The first time he spoke to her was when Formaggio was bombarding her with questions after questions about her romantic life. He’s a man who values privacy, even for normal citizens, so he stepped in and stopped him. He would notice the little things she would do around the base and greatly admire her attention to detail and thoughtfulness. There has been a higher success rate lately, and he wonders if it has to do with her as a boast of morale. He saw her more frequently when she knocked on his office door for the first time. “Signore Risotto, I made some coffee, would you like some?” He agreed and since then she would always bring him a cup. During these exchanges, they exchange only a few words or two. At some point, he finds it hard to drink another’s coffee as he grew to love the way she made his. The next time, he got to speak more than two words to her was when he heard Ghiaccio berating her in the kitchen. Risotto had not slept in three days and his head was throbbing, so Ghiaccio’s yelling was not helping his mood. He stepped out and ordered him to leave. He couldn’t leave the maid in such a state and lead her back to his office. (Damage control) This is the first time Risotto got to know her and realized why some of his team was slowly growing fond of her. He apologized on Ghiaccio’s behalf but she shook her head, saying Ghiaccio was right because she can be careless. Risotto listened to as she spoke softly about her clumsy performance and how she’s grateful they had given her a chance, the softness of her voice acting as a sleeping agent. She laughs quietly when she notices he had fallen asleep. 
Over time, Risotto spoke more to her, asking her how her day way when they cross paths, a huge change from before. He sometimes pulls himself away from work and sits in the living room to talk to her about how the team is frustrating him. One night, he dreams about her and making love to her. He wakes up in a cold sweat, upset by a very human desire he thought he suppressed long ago. When he gets lost in thought and lets his guard down, he thinks about holding her and how her lips would feel against his and wonders how his name would sound as he makes love to her. Ever thought only causes him to grow more and more angry at himself, and he ends up being cold to her. She deflates when Risotto orders her to leave him be, but she complies. Over time, she goes into his office and apologizes for being so clumsy and careless and nosy (thinking this is the reason Risotto is avoiding her). He can’t stand hearing her voice crack as she tries not to cry and stops her. “I can’t let you continue. I should be apologizing for my childishness. It’s just…I have grown fond of you, and I’m having difficulty understanding what I should do.” He had to put it all out there to clear things up. He watched, slightly amused, as she slowly began to process what he said and turn red. She couldn’t form a proper sentence. Risotto noticed her lips move and sound come out her lips but couldn’t hear what she was saying. “Speak up,” he instructed. “I’m fond of you too,” she said, quiet as a mouse. Risotto knew he had to work these feelings out and ignoring them has only made him grow restless. Knowing she shares similar feelings, he hopes they can talk and see if they could help each other out. 
When Risotto shows her his stand for the first time, she takes them into her palms and coos at them like they’re babies. “They’re so cute, Risotto~ Just like you~” He raises an eyebrow. “Cute?’ She nods confidently. “Super cute.” She brings them closer to her face and watches them reach out to her, and she’s sure she can hear them say her name. She starts to make kissing noises, and Risotto can’t help but chuckle at her behavior.
Prosciutto: At first, he was against the idea of hiring a maid and having some random person snooping around HQ. But Formaggio, Gelato, and Melone went ahead and hired one anyway. He was pretty annoyed by her clumsiness at first, ordering her to not touch anything fragile. He softened up when he saw her go through the efforts of sewing one of Pesci’s jumpsuits despite poking her hands several times. She does help relieve him of some chores around the house despite how clumsy she could be. He is worried she will be a bad influence on Pesci as she encourages his “mammone” behavior. Though, he hopes having a woman around will control his teammates and maybe encourage them to be a little more hygienic. She got to meet his stand and was more in awe than scared. She tried to poke its eye before Prosciutto stopped and scolded her.
Pesci: He enjoys talking to her because she always listens to him with a smile. She doesn’t judge or criticize his timid personality like the other. He sometimes confides in her about things, how he doesn’t feel manly enough. She cheers him on and tells him he’s plenty manly, just in his own way. When she discovers she could see stands, she asks Pesci to see his. He feels embarrassed because it’s not as cool as the others. But she’s still impressed. One time, she brought a toy fishing rod and said, “Pesci, look! I have a stand!” He was flattered and thought it was cute.
Formaggio: Fantasized that she would be wearing one of those frilly maids outfits and was disappointed when she showed up in what were basically scrubs. It wasn’t sexy at all. Nonetheless, he badgered her with questions about her relationship status, and she couldn’t help but laugh at how eager he looked when she said she’s single. Eventually, Risotto came out of his office, saw what was going on, placed his hand on Formaggio’s head, and used his strength to push Formaggio’s head down. “I’m sorry my friend has been bothering you. I’ll send him away so you can do your job.” Formaggio eases up and becomes pretty friendly with her. He complains about all the people who’ve rejected him, and she gives him advice on how to talk to women. Formaggio actually blushes when she gasps in amazement when she sees his stand. He becomes bashful and rubs the back of his head. “Little Feet is pretty cool, huh?” and she nods her head furiously 
Illuso: He spies on her after he finds out the others have hired her. After finding out she’s harmless, he doesn’t make much of an effort to communicate with her unless he’s being harsh and lecturing her for breaking one of their cups. usually he leaves Prosciutto to lecture her, threatening to take it out of her paycheck, but lately, he’s been lenient, so he takes it upon himself. When he does, she looks like a kicked puppy, and the others are glaring at him and that’s the last time she does it. He watches her constantly especially when the others are gone to do other things. He doesn’t mind her, but he doesn’t get why others like her. But he starts to notice the little things she does around the base that are pretty considerate. She arranges things the way Prosciutto prefers and folds clothes the way Ghiaccio prefers, she cleans the mirrors in his room with delicacy even when she’s clumsy. He can’t help but soften up around her. He introduces his stand to her, and she calls it a muppet. He mopes in Mirror World the whole day.
Melone: He’s one of the people responsible for finding and hiring her. Unlike Formaggio, he’s not disappointed despite her plain, modest uniform. He questions her eagerly about her healthy, birthday, favorite position. She stupidly honest but shies away from her favorite position part. Melone is surprised and confused by her because she’s the aggressive and defensive type, which he mostly encounters when he asks invasive questions. Her honesty attracts him and finds himself wanting to be around her. When he encounters her clumsiness, he tells her not to feel bad and to just keep on doing her job. He doesn’t really care if they pay her to just sit around and watch tv or eat dinner with them; he just wants her company. He shows her his stand and watches as her eyes widen and her lips form an “o.” She’s examining it and compliments it. She asks what it can do. “Create life” is all he says. He can’t find it in himself to explain how it all happens. He fears that she will hate him if she knew.
Ghiaccio: He’s indifferent at first about hiring one. “As long as they stay out of my way and doesn’t talk to me, I don’t care.” He does because the first few times she’s there, he evaluates her job performance. She’s pretty good at cleaning but is careless! He yells at her the first time she broke a wine glass which ends with her bursting into tears. Risotto was the only one home and ends up having to come out of his office, visibly annoyed, and orders Ghiaccio to leave the base and cool his head. Ghiaccio storms out as Risotto tries to (awkwardly) comfort the crying maid, leading her into his office. Over time, Ghiaccio grows to tolerate her presence and clumsiness. When she experiences one of his rants for the first time, she stares at him in confusion. He barks, “WHAT?!”  due to her staring. When she asks why he’s so mad, he explains the stupidity of idioms and figures of speech. She listens to him and looks more passionate as he goes on. She validates his feelings, agreeing with him about how figures of speech make no sense. He’s startled by how she embraces his point of view and grows to like her. He’s smug when he activates his stand only for her to ask him to meow like a cat. 
Sorbet: He didn’t want a maid at all. Why do they have to pay someone to clean the base when Prosciutto can do it? When Prosciutto hears this, they nearly get into a fight. Upon meeting her, he tells her he is not paying her. Gelato steps in to reassure her that she will be getting paid. Over time, he appreciates her presence. She’s pretty damn normal compared to anyone else in that damn base, appreciating how grounded she keeps Gelato. He enjoys seeing Gelato animated when he talks to her about random things. The others tend to just roll their eyes when Gelato talks about movies or music he likes, and Sorbet is the only one who’d listen. Now this maid is here and listens and converses with him, and it makes Sorbet happy. 
Gelato: Gelato was one of the ones who found, interviewed, and hired her. He knew she would be great the moment he looked into her eyes. There was so much life and warmth in her eyes, it made him smile ear-to-ear. He thought it would be fun to hire and be around someone who had no ties to the mafia world. He often helped her as she cleaned which ends with her shooing him away and telling him that it’s her job to clean. Gelato has a lot of demons inside of him and ends up using her as a sort of therapy. She never has any advice to give, often ending with her tearing up after hearing about their hardships. Gelato respects that she actually listens and doesn’t simply tell him to drink until he’s numb. He accompanies her to the store to buy groceries for the base, and they end up talking about relationships. He teasingly asks her, “Do you find any of my teammates attractive?” as she turns a deep red and turns her face away from him out of shyness. 
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singledarkshade · 5 years
Settling In
Part Fourteen – Family Christmas “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy.”
Rip blearily opened his eyes to find Jonas bouncing on the bed, wincing when the little boy threw himself at Rip.
“Good morning,” Rip said, a little winded.
“Santa came,” Jonas told him excitedly with wide eyes, “There are presents everywhere.”
Rip smiled, “And you were worried he wouldn’t find us since we’d moved.”
“But Gideon let him know,” Jonas explained with the sincerity only a child could have, “She told me so.”
“I would not allow Santa to go to the wrong house,” Gideon spoke up.
Jonas looked up with a sweet smile, “Thank you, Gideon.”
“You are very welcome, Master Hunter.”
Rip kissed his son’s hair, “Gideon, is anyone else awake?”
“They do not appear to be,” Gideon replied adding in explanation, “I am not watching within the rooms only reading their vitals.”
Rip hugged his son, “It’s still quite early, so how about we make breakfast for everyone, then we can open presents after we eat?”
Jonas nodded.
 Rip made a big stack of pancakes and waffles before setting his son loose to wake the others, chuckling hearing Jonas calling out along with a few groans. After a few minutes Caitlin, Cisco and Lisa appeared, all still in the Christmas pyjamas they’d been given by Rip and Jonas the night before, yawning widely.
“Good morning,” Rip greeted them all with a grin, purposely being bright and cheerful, “Be grateful I gave you all a little extra time to sleep. Jonas bounced on my bed.”
“He’s your kid,” Lisa muttered, before she leaned over and kissed the top of the little boy’s head asking him, “Do you want some milk?”
Jonas nodded.
While Rip served breakfast the others sorted drinks before they sat together at the kitchen table. Jonas was barely contained in his excitement but surprisingly managed to wait for them all to eat their breakfast. Finally they headed into the living room where the floor beneath the Christmas tree was covered with gifts.
Rip was a little worried he’d over-compensated however it was not only his first Christmas with his son but it was the first since Jonas had lost his mother and he wanted it to be filled with good memories.
  Caitlin handed Rip a mug of tea as he sat on the couch just after lunch making him smile.
“Thank you,” he sighed.
“Well, you’ve been busy,” she told him with a smile, “And you’ll be making dinner for us all soon.”
Before Rip could reply a laugh came from upstairs, “Jonas seems to be happy with his presents.”
“I think so,” Caitlin agreed with a chuckle as she took her own seat, “Thank you for including us today. It was wonderful to see Jonas open his presents.”
“Honestly, it was Gideon’s idea,” Rip told her, “I wasn’t sure what to do or what was best for Jonas. If it should have just been the three of us or be with everyone. I’m glad Gideon pushed me to have everyone over.”
Caitlin smiled, “So am I. And Gideon,” she called, “Thank you so much for my locket. It is perfect.”
“I am pleased you like it,” Gideon replied.
Rip checked the time and drank his tea quickly, “I’d better get to work.”
“I’d offer to help but we want the food to be edible,” Caitlin told him.
“You’re also my guest so relax,” he told her, “Read the book Cisco gave you or go join the others playing on Jonas’ new games console.”
  Rip liked to cook, it was something he’d learned from his mother and had been what had bonded him with her when he first arrived at the Refuge. He especially enjoyed doing it for people he cared about. Whenever he was home Miranda would let him cook basically every meal, mostly because he was much better at it than she was but also it let him feel part of their home while he was there.
When they’d decided to share the cooking of Christmas, Joe and Rip sat down to split the tasks between them. Barry and Cisco who had been in the room at the time fell about laughing joking that it was going to be the most regimented dinner there had ever been.
“Mr Allen is at the back door,” Gideon advised just as someone knocked.
Opening the door Rip stared at Barry who was carrying several bags, “Hi?”
“Joe sent me with these,” Barry handed him, “Back in a second.”
He disappeared in a blur reappearing with some more food, “They’re on their way,” stepping inside he grinned, “Merry Christmas.”
A few seconds later Jessie and Wally appeared, carrying food as well. Rip let them in sending them to join the others who were still playing with Jonas. Almost ten minutes later Joe, Iris and Harry arrived.
Making dinner took a backseat for the next round of present swapping. Rip smiled as he watched the group make a fuss of his son. Jonas was a very sweet boy who thanked each gift-giver with a big hug oohing and aahing over everything he was given.
They were all surprised that Gideon had bought each of them gifts but everyone thanked her surprised by how perfect each present was for them. After swapping presents Rip and Joe headed into the kitchen while the games console was moved downstairs so everyone could play.
Rip turned surprised to see Jonas standing in the doorway to the kitchen, “I thought you were playing with Cisco and Barry.”
Jonas shook his head, “I don’t want to play just now.”
Catching the eye of Joe who gave him a quick nod, Rip washed his hands before going to his son. Jonas reached out for a hug and when Rip picked him up the little boy clung to him so he headed upstairs for some quiet time.
“What’s wrong?” Rip asked softly when he sat on his bed with Jonas still wrapped around him.
“I miss Mummy,” Jonas whispered in his ear.
Rip lay them down on the bed hugging his son close, “I know. I know how much she loved Christmas and she always made it so much fun because I wasn’t able to be with you.”
Feeling the tears from the child soak his shoulder Rip gently rocked him, “Gideon, please play some music for us.”
Soft music filled the room as Rip soothed his son. Jonas began to get heavy and was soon fast asleep. Easing away from him Rip slid him under the covers smoothing Jonas’ hair when he cuddled into the pillow.
“Let me know when he wakes up,” Rip said softly to Gideon.
“Of course, Captain,” Gideon assured him.
  Dinner was a huge success.
After his nap Jonas had come back downstairs sitting cuddled up with Caitlin while the others continued to play with his new games console. Despite originally wanting to sit with Lisa and Caitlin during their meal Jonas decided he wanted to sit with Rip and Cisco instead.
They quickly reshuffled and soon were having their first course.
Jonas was quiet for a while making Rip worry that this had been a bad idea before Cisco managed to make the boy laugh and he perked up again.
Gideon played a selection of Christmas music for them, every so often joining in the conversation.
Once they finished eating the group all staggered to the living room, Jonas climbed onto Rip’s lap when Cisco put on one of the new movies Jonas had been given.
“The Muppet Christmas Carol,” Rip read the case with a confused frown, “What...”
“Don’t ask, just watch,” Cisco told him.
Shaking his head Rip simply hugged his son close to him and settled down to watch the movie with everyone else. Jonas just saw the end of the film, his eyes drooping while his head rested against Rip’s shoulder.
“Okay,” Rip said softly, “Bedtime. Say goodnight to everyone.”
Jonas murmured a goodnight barely moving his head as Rip carried him up to his bed. Changing him into pyjamas, just managing to get Jonas to brush his teeth Rip then got the boy into bed.
“Did you have a good day?” Rip asked softly as Jonas cuddled into his pillow.
Jonas nodded, “Uh hu. I love you, Daddy.”
Rip smiled at his son who was almost fast asleep, “I love you too. Sleep well.”
Kissing the boy’s forehead Rip left him to rest.
  Cisco looked round from his conversation with Lisa when Rip reappeared, “I have something else for you.”
Rip paused and gave a slight suspicious frown.
“Trust me,” Cisco said, he turned back to Lisa, “Okay?”
Lisa rolled her eyes at him, “Its fine. I watch him all the time.”
“Watch who?” Rip spoke up.
Cisco held up his hand, “Jonas. We’re heading to the Star Labs.”
Nodding he called, “Barry, Caitlin, come on. This is for you guys too.”
Rip frowned even more confused but before he could ask Iris patted his arm.
“Jonas will be fine,” she assured him, “He’s asleep and we are going to introduce Lisa, Harry and Jessie to ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.”
At this Rip gave in, “Okay.”
Cisco grinned and pulled out his glasses before opening a breach to Star Labs. Walking through Rip wondered what was going on when he saw three beds and a large chair set up.
“Gideon,” Cisco called, “Can you enact the protocol I put in place last week?”
“Done, Mr Ramon,” Gideon replied.
Cisco took a breath and motioned the others to each take a bed. Caitlin and Barry nodded quickly sliding onto a bed while Rip looked at him suspiciously.
“Trust me,” Cisco told him.
With a sigh Rip nodded and took the final bed, Cisco fixed a device onto his head before doing the same with the other two.
“Ready?” Cisco asked.
“For what?” Rip demanded.
Cisco just smiled at him.
  Opening his eyes Rip stared to find himself on the Waverider.
“Captain,” the familiar voice came from behind him and Rip turned to find Gideon standing there. She was wearing a red dress with her long hair was pulled back from her face and Rip moved to hug her instantly.
“I’m a little confused,” he confessed.
“Well,” Cisco’s voice came from behind him, “I thought it was about time we met Gideon face to face.”
Turning Rip saw Barry, Caitlin and Cisco standing there, keeping his arm around Gideon he moved to them.
“Gideon,” Rip grinned, “I’d like you to officially meet Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. Guys, this is Gideon. My dearest friend who has kept me safe since I stepped foot on the Waverider as its Captain.”
Gideon smiled at them all, “Thank you for taking us in, for giving my Captain a place within your home and allowing me to stay with him.”
“You are more than welcome,” Barry told her, “Because we got a good friend, a nephew we all adore and you to watch over us. We’re very grateful to have you here.”
Gideon slipped away from Rip to hug Barry who returned it with a grin. When he let her go Caitlin moved to Gideon and hugged her as well.
“It is so nice to meet you like this,” Caitlin said.
Gideon nodded, “And you Dr Snow. I enjoy our talks. It is nice to be able to speak with you face to face.”
“I enjoy our talks too,” Caitlin told her, “But you don’t need to have a body to be my friend.”
Smiling Gideon held Caitlin’s hand, “Thank you.”
Finally Gideon turned to Cisco, “Mr Ramon,” she said softly, “This is a wonderful gift you have given me. To meet you all like this.”
Cisco shrugged, “I was being kind of selfish. I wanted to meet you from the moment Rip told us he saw you like this.”
Gideon laughed and hugged him tightly whispering in his ear, “He has come to love you like a brother. Thank you for giving him the family he needed.”
“You’re welcome,” Cisco whispered back before turning to the others, “Unfortunately I can’t hold this connection for much longer.”
“Then can I have a few moments alone with Gideon?” Rip asked softly.
Cisco nodded motioning the other two towards the exit he had created. Barry and Caitlin both gave Gideon one final hug before they left. Cisco moved towards the exit leaving Rip and Gideon to speak privately.
  “Come here,” Rip pulled her into his arms hugging her tightly letting out a soft sigh of happiness, “Some days I wish I could do this all the time.”
“As do I, Captain,” Gideon whispered, her head tucked against his neck.
Pulling back Rip took her hands in his, “You look beautiful.”
Gideon smiled, “I thought it was appropriate for Christmas,” she glanced above his head, “As is...”
Rip looked up chuckling to see the sprig of mistletoe above his head, “You know you don’t need that.”
Before Gideon could reply Rip touched his lips to hers, Rip pulled her close and her arms slid around his neck as the kiss deepened.
They parted slowly and Rip rested his forehead against hers, “You know I...”
“I always have,” Gideon replied with a sweet smile, her hand resting on his cheek, “And I do too.”
Rip pressed a final soft kiss to her lips before walking backwards to the exit keeping his gaze on Gideon until he opened his eyes back in Star Labs.
  Cisco watched Rip leave aware of just how intimate a moment he had witnessed between the former time traveller and his best friend. Gideon suddenly turned and saw he was still there.
Her eyes widened realising what he’d seen. Giving her a quick nod and smile he returned to Star Labs.
“Thank you, Cisco,” Rip said softly when he opened his eyes, “That was...a wonderful gift.”
Caitlin moved to Rip’s side and nodded, “It was.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” Cisco said, “Gideon, you can remove the protocol and return to normal.”
“Done, Mr Ramon,” Gideon replied, “I would suggest returning to the house. The film has almost finished.”
Cisco nodded and slid his glasses on to open the breach one more. They returned to the house finding Joe with one arm wrapped around Iris and the other around Lisa as they both wiped their eyes. Heading up to the room he was using to put away his glasses Cisco sat on the bed.
“Mr Ramon,” Gideon stated, “About what you saw...”
“Two friends who care about each other having a moment,” Cisco shrugged, “None of my business, Gideon and something I will not tell anyone. Even Rip.”
There was a moment of silence before she said, “Captain Hunter is making hot chocolate for everyone. You should rejoin them.”
“Thanks Gideon,” Cisco smiled as he headed out.
“And thank you for my gift,” Gideon said to the empty room.
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Coaching Your Dog Humanely: Part One
Welcome the Dog into the Human World
Have You watched The Dog Whisperer and thought,'Wow, that guy is amazing! What a great way to train a dog!" I know I have many occasions. Cesar Milan instructs one fundamental principle about puppies - that a dog is a pack animal by instinct. In accordance with Cesar, your work is to become the pack leader, a dominant Alpha male/female with'balance'. I figure by'balance' he means you ought to deal with the animal fairly, since they'd expect to get treated at a wild bunch. He has really nice and quick results with this technique. I will not say it is a poor method, but it is not how I decide to train my dogs and that is why.
There is 1 thing quite Incorrect with the'you're the pack leader' notion - it presumes that the dog occupies a puppy's world, and also for one to restrain it, you need to behave as a puppy could, the Alpha male or female of the bunch. For nearly all dogs that are household pets that this usually means the operator will deal with the creature as though it'd just instinctual processes happening in its mind, no logical thought processes. To refute that believing go and watch both of these brief videos of Lucy's behaviour: Lucy Remembers Her Ball along with Lucy and The Vacuum Cleaner (links look in bottom). A puppy doesn't occupy a puppy's world unless it is in a bunch of dogs, roaming the wilderness like a wolf, bringing prey down and sharing its own kill. This isn't your dog. Your puppy would not pursue its dinner when it went starving for a week! It would no longer kill a raccoon and tear its own flesh apart than will your six year-old kid! Should you have this kind of animal it is a sure bet that it is a dangerous dog, one which causes individuals in your area to cross the road to avoid.
Should you become the pack leader, you have Descended to the puppy's world. Having done thus, the puppy will integrate nicely with other dogs, reside in a bunch thankfully, understand its location in the human package, and usually behave nicely, but it will not achieve its entire potential. When you embraced the dog in your loved ones, you did not make a decision to turn into a primeval growler, (that can work when you've got the cahones to back up the dangers ), you made a decision to present a creature to the human world. Since the 2 movies reveal, Lucy is a creature with human-like trends developed to the complete potential of her younger dog mind. She, like 99% of puppies now, belongs to a household, was introduced into human theories, and resides in a human universe. It is better for you to train your puppy to live well on earth, as opposed to you in its own, for the interest of your dog as well as yourself. You'll have a far better companion, so will the puppy. The puppy will learn how to love people above dogs.
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Lucy is a dog. Lucy will place herself The prepared based on where a individual puts their foot supporting a chunk. She properly expects how the ball is going to be propelled from the positioning of the foot. She cheats quite badly, coming at the destination of a pitched toy until it gets there. Her mind has calculated where you are most likely to throw or kick an item. Lucy knows how you'll kick a ball by simply shifting your weight from 1 hip to another, without so much as moving your toes! Greater than a goalie in soccer (soccer).
Lucy understands several hundred theories and controls, from Jump In The Boat, to Don't Go In The Street. She plays today but when she had been younger I would toss her ball to the road (a rural highway) and if she recognized that the ball had gone out of reach, rolling into forbidden territory, she'd wear the brakes and stop before crossing an imaginary line. That line was a bit of yellow rope lying round the driveway about 20 ft in the road. After she discovered the concept that the rope was removed, she had been permitted to venture out to pee on her I could expect her to not move beyond the imaginary line. This notion, Don't Go In The Street, is fundamental to a puppy being able to live happily in the world. It is the distinction between a deer or even a raccoon crossing the street along with your furry friend's thinking. It's heard that highways (an individual build not appearing from the puppy pack language ) are extremely bad.
Dogs Have logical thought processes. Dogs possess feelings. Dogs have a conscience. Dogs learn how to love. Dogs possess language abilities and may comprehend about five hundred individual theories with words. Not one of those things have a pup when you buy them, they're learned behaviours.
A Puppy can't do differential calculus, that is clear, but it can reason out how to control a person into giving food. Lucy has been given a treat each time she requested me to go pee out. If she gets somewhat thirsty, she's learned to ask to go out, and wait for thirty minutes and then return at the house to receive her reward. She will do so every hour or so until I've clued in and observe her. If she does not urine, the rewards quit, and thus does the manipulative behaviour as it is currently a waste of time. But this shows you a puppy can control people. It is not surprising actually; a puppy manipulates its owner several times over the course of the day. Should you wrap its leash, it is going to waken from a dead sleep and ring, pant and bark in the idea of going for a stroll. This is doggy manipulation. The dog is stating how happy they'd be if they went for a stroll, and you are feeling guilty if this was not your strategy.
So Higher justification aside, what could a dog do? It may learn. A puppy could learn so many things which you'd be amazed. If you merely instruct it what it must learn to operate well in a human universe, it might knock off your socks. Daily that Lucy and I wake upwe inform each other with hugs and kisses happy we are that we've got each other. Lucy loves people, so much so that she virtually ignores dogs. Can they create her meals for her? Can they throw her ball? Her stick? Her small teddy bears?
There is A Border Collie in Germany that may remember any of two hundred and fifty toys. Alan Alda of Mash fame visited this puppy for Nova on PBS. The puppy has all of her toys in a huge heap in 1 room. In a different room she's shown a tiny sample of the desirable toy (roughly one fifth scale). The puppy leaves, enters the area with the huge heap of various frogs, teddy bears, squirrels, puppets, dolls, devils, Muppets, rummaging round and returning immediately, and astonishingly, with the right toy. She does so perfectly, even if it is a brand new toy which she has never noticed before.
But once you've educated that puppy human theories, it is no Longer a puppy - it is a Canine Sapiens, a hybrid between puppy and Homo Sapiens (that is Latin for Thinking Man). It can't happily return to the package. Without needing to run this experiment, I moved to England for a couple of weeks and Lucy went into the kennel. The kennel is a member of a respectable breeder and Lucy had her very own'penalty box' (cage) placed in just a three by six foot . There were other dogs so that you'd think she would be OK, but those were'Pack Dogs'dogs the breeder retains solely for breeding. One traces, all of them bark. One runs round the yard, all of them run across the lawn. Lucy was having none of it, and their crude antics had her worried out. When I returned to pick up her she went crazy with joy! She ran across the truck around ten occasions barking, crying, tail wagging, face licking, and all manner of expressions of love. I started to talk with the breeder around England however Lucy jumped to the truck through an open doorway and barked off her head so loudly she couldn't be discounted. "I guess I'm being summoned," I told the breeder. Man, was happy to escape there!
This is Why many universities at the U.S. have ceased instructing gorillas and other primates American Sign Language in doctoral theses. After the research are over the creatures are returned into cages in the uterus. No longer riding around in automobiles for you! No more ice cream cones for you! The critters, capable of reasoning into a level, are back in cages languishing for the fantastic old times with their friends, not able to relate to another primates round them. The universities have determined that it is unethical behaviour to leave them when they have formed attachments for their coaches. You require a PHD in behavioural psychology to figure that out?
It may be frustrating to try teaching a puppy an Innovative idea. If you end up crying or becoming frustrated with all the dog back off. Stop. The issue is too complicated for her current state of comprehension and she does not understand exactly what you would like. The remedy is to split the issue into smaller measures. You did not learn algebra until you learned to count, add, subtract, multiply and divide. You did not learn to multiply till you learned to bring the exact same amount three times to itself. Dogs possess similar minds to individuals, except that they are somewhat limited in possible. But if you provide your dog credit for having the ability to think together with the capability of a 3 year-old kid, you are going to be amazed at what they could learn.
Your pet has a conscience. How do I know that? Your puppy dreams, and it is a certain sign of a bifurcated head using a conscious and a subconscious mind. The dog fantasies after a fantastic day, or even a bad moment. When they have had a fantastic daythey fall asleep and over five minutes go into the REM period of the sleep routine. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, and it occurs almost right off in puppies. In people it takes about one hour and half an hour. During REM sleep that the dog could be whining, barking, chasing, wagging its tail, chewing, eating gum, swimming. You will recognize a puppy who's dreaming when you see it, trust me, however, what that fantasy indicates is that it's a subconscious mind that is free to relive the adventures of this day. When it's a subconscious mind then it should have a conscious mind, since you can not have one without the other, unless it is in a coma.
The conscious mind Comprises the principles build - What I'm permitted to do, in addition to what I'm not permitted, but wish to perform. The subconscious mind includes the whole spectrum, memories, emotions, cognitive capabilities, but it is missing one important thing - that the principles build. It is ungoverned. Should you take that, then you take a dog's mind is built similarly to ours and is effective at a number of the very same things our mind can do. To love, to feel guilty, to believe, to want, to cause, to control, to anticipate, to comply, not to violate certain rules. A puppy learns over four weeks old to not pee in the home. Amazing once you consider it spent the first 10 months during its mother's breast. How then, in case it didn't have a conscious mind with a principles build? By instinct? By package mentality? No, from studying , which you'll be liable for.
So That is where it begins: simply by giving the dog some credit for having the ability to think. If you do not you will be treating her like The Keller parents handled her blind and deaf daughter Helen. Helen Keller became a successful writer and public speaker but only after a wonder worker, Anne Sullivan, made a decision to charge her with a mind that worked. Her parents had written off as peacefully. That is your job, to be the wonder worker for the four legged Helen. Do not charge your dog with thinking capability and it will not find anything helpful.
Your pet is Handicapped in lots of ways. The first is the fact that it devotes ten times more of its mind to scents than we do. It frees one tenth of its own mind to visual data than we do. A dog may have a cookie directly in the front of it, however if it is looking for it with odor, it can not see it. A puppy appears to close off its memory in favor of olfactory memory. When they're sniffing you can listen to the nose whoot, whoot, whoot, since they sample fast to get a hint. Additionally they move their minds when sampling in order that they know which path to proceed. You will learn how to divert the dog's mind to develop into a listener and a watcher whilst giving your own lessons. They will learn quicker when they understand they are being taught something. Having a verbal and visual hint, your puppy will listen,"Aha, the Master is trying to show me something important."
Your First Lesson: The Binary Method
I Have always had it simple training my puppy - I live alone. When you've got a household, all of whom are doggy pros from visiting the Whisperer, tell them to take a hike. If they will not go, then take the puppy outside for a walk in a personal setting. Be alone with the dog, span. No distractions. No dogs or people. You're the only sensory inputs which the dog might need to take care of. This makes the task much easier. When you have educated the dog one thing, be certain all family members and friends use the identical technique of communicating. The puppy has a limited capability, which can be large enough, but it's going to be wasted when it must find three ways to sitsix approaches to come here, etc. When it's your pet, take responsibility and get different folks to tackle the puppy on your way or leave the animal alone.
Your dog learns really Fast and easily with the binary procedure. Together with the binary procedure, the puppy learns quite a lot and very quickly. In addition they learn by institution. The binary procedure is the way we start a puppy's instruction and it works wonders for dogs or dogs that are new. The institution system is for afterwards, as soon as your puppy has learned the fundamentals and is ready for more. We are going to discuss the binary process first, and institution in later sections of the report.
What Is the binary procedure? Binary signals two. There are just two things your dog must learn from you. That is all, two. Everything else follows from there. Once they have discovered those 2 items, you have got it made in the shade. Your puppy will grow to be the very obedient, happy small fur monster on the road. And she will be prepared to find out more. After a dog has picked the binary procedure, there is no going back, she thinks like a person.
In my walks with my puppy, I show off her to individuals And let them know about the binary procedure. "There are two things your dog must learn and once it has, she can learn everything else. Do you know what those two things are?" I inquire. I am amazed at the answers I receive, and have yet to listen to the right reaction. "Patience and humility," one man says. I have not taught my puppies humility however, so I need to refrain from laughing at a few of those stabs at a really straightforward idea. Does he think I'm prepping her Divinity College?
What are Those 2 items you have to first educate your four legged Helen Keller? Here we go - Yes No. Yes, you're permitted to perform something. No, you aren't permitted to do something. That is the first lesson to teach your puppy. Once he/she has discovered these 2 theories, everything else you are trying to have it to perform is very much simpler to achieve. Two things, thus the binary procedure.
How Can I instruct the dog both of these Seemingly simple theories? First, substitute the term Yes using the term Okay. The term No stays No. So that is exactly what you wish to educate the dog. Alright, and No.
If You've Got a dog that does not like food, then take it Back, for a refund, it is likely not a puppy. If your puppy does enjoy food and is drawn to a specific deal then have a purse of these treats at exactly the same time. The smaller the cure, the better. Little treats allow you lots of repetitions of this lesson before the dog catches on. It may take many repetitions of a lesson prior to the puppy accomplishes, but it is going to surprise you how couple times each puppy has to be revealed something to find out it entirely. Ordinarily, a very simple notion is learned in below ten repetitions.
Inform The puppy the next,"Lucy! Watch!' And point to your eye with your finger touching your face below the eye. Do this each time you start a lesson. Repeat it a couple of times and then start the lesson. In the beginning, it is meaningless to the puppy, but it is going to pay off because the puppy will have heard YOU ARE TEACHING SOMETHING.
Now Put the dog at the Sitting place on the ground or floor. Say'Lucy, Sit' clearly and clearly because you get it done. The easier the control the greater. 1 syllable, how much easier can it be. After the puppy is sitting and just when the puppy is sitting, place a minumum of one little treat on the ground around one foot in front of her. Give her a treat for sitting. Leave another food in sight near by.
Always, always preface an action control Together with the puppy's name. "Lucy, Sit", "Lucy, Come Here." There is a really good reason behind this. The puppy learns its title , but more importantly, she discovers she is being treated at the instant. Whenever you're using a bunch of individuals and do not use her name here's exactly what the dog perceives:"... bla bla bla bla bla bla bla - sit - bla bla bla bla bla." The'Sit' got lost in all of the bla bla. The puppy has tuned out you as you are all speaking gibberish and boring her to death. Give the puppy a warning that something is forthcoming. First pause your speaking and state'Lucy!" Pause until you see her respond, then give her the control -"Sit!" , making the hands gesture as you can.
All dog training will be to Be accomplished with'theatre'. I feel the dog reacts to signs initially, and because they are accompanied by voice commandsthey will react to this latter on it's own at a later date. Always, always offer a control with hand signs or other sorts of visual cues to get started. I call it 'theatre'. I've a'Come Here' sign that my puppy can see and reacts to when she is too far off to listen: I flap up one arm and down from my side.
So going back on the ground already covered, inform your Puppy to'Sit' by putting her firmly but softly in the sitting posture. Give her a treat when she sits. If you say'Lucy, Sit', create a hand gesture by placing your entire hand. Any puppy that's worth its salt won't immediately comply with the command, he/she will lunge to the meals onto the ground. That is instinctual behaviour, to consume. Dogs, particularly Labs, can write the book on'There is food, therefore I eat'. That is exactly what you are expecting for the puppy to perform. There are just a few things that inspire a puppy more than meals, particularly a puppy.
Wait a minute. When the Dog pliers in the sitting position to make it to the food, this is where you leap in. Put your hands, palms and hands outstretched securely, right in the front of her face and say in a loud, unmistakably officious tone'NO!" Just like a traffic cop. No, means no, you twit, and if you proceed that automobile one inch I'm hauling your idiot supporting to jail. That is exactly what I mean by theater. The hand is throw aggressively, the tone of voice is intense and stentorian, and the appearance in your otherwise nice face is mean and nasty. You might also preface the entire charade using a'Psssshhhht!" Which distracts the puppy and gets its own focus on the origin of the odd sound.
As Soon as You've given her this quite Theatrical admonition, sit back down, and say"Wait until I say OKAY," highlighting the term OKAY by pointing into your lips. The puppy at this time is simply confused. After three or four tries to lunge for the meals she will sit down and wait patiently. She will not go for the meals. Ensure that she does not get food before she does exactly what you desire. This is essential. It is not unkind. You are using positive stimulation to find a desirable outcome. Your boss does it to you every week using a paycheck.
The Puppy has learned by institution to take a seat. It is from pleasurable stimulation. Each time I sit gives me a deal. The ideal thing to do would be to sit he'll give me a puppy treat. I really don't understand what the hell he wants but I do understand to sit. I really don't understand why he is preventing me from getting that food on the market, but he is nice enough once I sit , so I'll sit down.
After The puppy has learned to sit down and remain silent without lunging to your meals, then you'll allow her to receive it. You may say in a gentle and mild tone,'Lucy, Okay get it," and point to the meals.
Here Is What the Dog is believing. If I choose that food he is going to shout at me and place me back and say"Sit' again. I am not going for this. I am sitting here. If I sit gives me treats. If you have waited until your puppy is unsure of things to do at this stage, you've done the ideal thing. Your pet is afraid to choose the food and will not budge at it. It'll ask consent with head motions toward the meals. At this time it has not a clue what OKAY means.
So today you will show your puppy what acceptable Means, and softly lift off its buttocks the ground and permit it to approach the snacks, all of the while saying'Okay, Lucy, get it' in sweet tones and pointing into the meals. You might even transfer the food nearer until it is within reach for your first couple of iterations.
When he states OKAY and Pushes me toward the meals, he appears to be saying it is quite okay when I go get it. So that is what OKAY means. Eureka, I do it!
With Roughly five repetitions of the exercise that your puppy will have learned the distinction between Okay, I'm enabled and No, I'm prohibited. It really learned the 2 theories employing the institution strategy, but it has an instrument, known as the binary procedure, where all other behavioral theories are learned. Everything, from Come Here, to Heel, to Don't Go In The Street will probably be much easier to teach. A lot of things have to be heard by means of a dog. No pooping or peeing in the home. No jumping on people or other dogs. No downtime when not known for. Come Here, Sit, Inside, Outside, Go to Sleep, Get Up, Get , Stop That, Be Quiet, Get In, Get Out, Heel, Lie Down, Stay Here, Wait... the list is very long.
All Learning has to be bolstered. When you begin to learn multiplication in mathematics, your instructor will review inclusion . She'll also teach the innovative notion of multiplication using the inclusion classes as a stepping stone. "Add ten plus ten. How much is that? Twenty. Right. How many times did we add ten? Twice. We added ten two times to get twenty. How much, therefore, is Two times Ten?" Educate furry Helen, the Okay and No controls every lesson prior to instructing her Come Here, or to Wait Until I Say Okay (Stay). Furry Helen will be quick to learn that this concept in the three months old for a kid of eight may find out the times tables.
A puppy is very similar to a person in Intellectual developmental skills. In this 1 lesson, your four Legged Helen Keller has heard quite many vital things. One, you're In control of everything. Food, most significantly. Two, collaboration means Positive stimuli like food and love, defiance means damaging Stimuli, for example disapproval and refusal of meals. A puppy, as a part of a Family seeks acceptance and positive reinforcements and avoids unwanted stimuli. If it prefers negative stimulation you have got a neurotic in your hands. Neurotic dogs, like individuals, are created, not born, and Now's that the Time for Cesar to perform his magical since this is where his strategy Outshines others, rehabilitating a tired dog. Thirdly, your pet Has learned when you are attempting to teach it some thing to allow it to fit into A family of people. Finally but above All, the puppy will have Heard the binary process and may even learn how to ask permission like Lucy does when she wants to sleep on the sofa. She stops and waits for An OKAY before leaping up.
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vio1315 · 6 years
Copy and pasting what I sent to my friend this morning about a dream I had
(Took me 50 minutes to write apparently ha)
” I had a dream with you, oh myy goodness. It was so stupid detailed So I got a call from the job who fired me and they were willing to rehire me, and you decided to ?? Come with me ?? or something (I don't remember what you wanted to do) But you could drive so we were going separate, and I was right behind you all the wway sown [road near my home]. We had a lot of times where we could have separated or passed, but chose not to and had a good time. [It was summer?? There were palm trees??] (Your car could jump like in Mario Kart despite being a real car, and you kept doing it and I got upset cuz I didn't want you to get pulled over) We stopped at a mall and watched a movie in the theater. I don't remember tons about that, but we used a vending machine afterwards, and there was something important about it. So we continue down [That road], but it's entirely wooded and not at all developed, except for this one building. (Irl it's a little past Taco Bell) And we stop there. I check my phone and see that it's 3PM and I was supposed to be there at 8am. You feel bad but I'm like 'nah, I'll tell them I thought they told me to come in tomorrow?' Even though they didn't even text/call. (At one point I say 'I'll say I thought they meant Renaissance, not medival' to express this
so I ask you if you want to go to the gas station because it has a Taco Bell in it (this was vivid. I had my arm propped up on the pole to the overhang, and was resting my forehead in the crook of it while thinking) And you felt bad for me and were just 'No...' You mentioned that the gas station didn't used to be there like even a month ago, let alone a Subway, it was all woods. And I was like 'weird, I ate at this Subway a bit ago' (and I actually did earlier in the dream, but that's all I remember) (Yeah the dream only called it a Taco Bell once, but it was Subway the rest of the time. Not just in name onl either) And you went to your job interview inside. At this point in time, idk who interviewed you, but it was an?? Animal? But pokemon ish Def legendary vibes (And it cut away to Doug an Scott Walker and us eating at a Subwaay and it was the best thing we'd ever experienced? And it was the Taco Bell gas station, but Subway now and in the middle of a beautiful town. My mom mentioned that there was no Subway there, but she was in our living room, and I don't know if it was even a phonecall or not)
Anyways, so they tell you they wanna hire you like right then and there, and so you start training. There's one other girl with you in the gas station in the Subway segment. It has a few desks and chairs, and the legendary has a teachers pointer while a video plays on an old TV which is mounted above where the Subway and gas station connect. (The Subway has Nothing, no signs/decoration/food, and the gas station does have shelves but they are all empty. Nobody is at eiither but you three. But it's so glossed over I didn't nnotice in dream. Though "I" was still outside.) And you're shown an overhead map of the gas station with surounding woods on  the TV, and its pointed to, and explained that long ago there was a ?? fire or something which destroyed the front of the store (I forget this part exactly) but then not long after a nuke was dropped on it, so the whole building was wiped out, and the surrounding forest took over again before they rebuilt. (The map kept up to date with all this ye) 
WHile this was being explained, irl me/narrator me vaguely wondered at the importance of this kind of training, ultimately deciding it was useful to know the place you work fors history, in case a customer has questions.So you have the job and the legendary just ?? Adopts you. I don't remember how it was decided, or if you had a choice, but you were happy about it. Outside I was stressing about commission stuff and how to balance it with the new-old job, assuming I kept it after such a day 1 blunder. 
Your new mom starts showing you around the house which has replaced the Subway, but also hasn't. Because at one point we're like 'when did this gas station get stain glass windows?' and the two slowly morphed, or grew from each other. It is still refered to as a Subway after this, and /sometimes/ the inside is still the empty Subway. But you follow your new mom outside and around the now cathedral-y building and up some new stairs which lead to a deck and back inside. I'm reflecting on how I even ate at this Subway when it didn't exist a month ago. (I think this happened during training but I forget. They let you and the girl (and I was there for this bit) decide on a logo for the Subway, since they are renting it and so can decide their own details)
And so we're all discussing it, but legendary-mom is like 'no you're right, we have to go in a new direction' and I predicted th one she'd pick, because I swore I saw it at the Subway I ate at back when it wasn't supposed to exist, and I was right, she picked that logo. Dream me is very suspicous. 
 Anyways so you go up the stairs and are shown around. You meet the dad and two other ??? people??? who will be your siblings. Everyone's really cool. You come tell me goodbye, and I'm happy for you, and we discuss life plans and our next meetup a bit. I seem to realize that lying is a sin, so I can't tell my employer I got the day wrong, and I decide to pray about what to do, thinking I'll be fired again. So I leave conflicted. 
You go back with your new family and take pictures of the outside of the place at your new brothers request. You notice the lights turn on inside as it gets darker, and this spooks you for some reason. It's all stain glass though so it looks cool. You see your sibs walking in the hall, casting shadows. The mom says something that you hear. Eventually you decide it's too dark to keep taking pictures and go inside. 
When you do there's a giant glowy portal which looks like a Halloweentown effect kind of. Red is the dominant color though. A giant creature comes out which looks mildly like the X legendary [Xerneas], but real, plain horns and more realistic legs. (But it's blue and glowy and impressive feeling. The horns especially /feel/ glowy. As the lighting gets more intense, they especially look red) Honestly the visuals get crazy weird and reminds me of Thumper a bit.
I think this startles you and you think you're being chased or ?? Anyways you get spooked and skedaddle. I forget how, but you realize there were 3 possible ways to get to that scene, and somehow you're able to play another, where instead of going throgh the front to an interview, you go to the back door where you get adopted faster and so get to bond more with your siblings before this. I forget the bonding scenes but they were really good and you ended up liking them a lot by the time you were done. 
So you're back at the scene where this creature jumps out at you, but this time you notice something off, and see your adoptive mom hanging out, who by now looks veery like this new creature. And you're a little confused, but then you see the creature coming again, but this time it has subtitles, and you realize you're lookin at a TV screen, and you keep trying to look at your new family who is by you, trying to convince you it's Really Real despite how they don't know how to turn off the subtitles. (This all has a playful mood now, like a 7 year old failing at a prank) 
You realize your dad looks a lot like the creature but smaller, and so figure out it's just been them basically. It then cuts to you going to sleep at this new house, and despite its size, you're laying on the ground by the bedroom door (there is a bed right next to you. This whole room, bed included is pink. It has some bows on it) Your new brother is laying by you, and in between you is a tiny doll cradle. In the cradle is an egg the size of your head, pink, and with an actual face. This is your mom. Dream decided this is just who she is now.
You guys discuss stuff but I forget what. You deecide you like being adopted though and are happy. You leave the room, and it plays the scene with the giant creature even though you're not over there, but you notice puppet strings now, and soon it's a photorealistic muppet show (none of my dreams have a realistic aethstetic, they usually appear at least a little bit drawn, so this is especially weird looking. All the muppets are giant) You watch, kind of acting in on it by now, like you get what this is. You figured it out. 
It cuts to a sun mascot who laughs at a groaning audience, as this audience also figured it out. He laughs a really dumb kids show laugh and is like 'don't be mad at us! Now you can rewatch and look for clues!' [I swear to you it’s the Raisin Bran mascot]
Then it cuts to me, Doug and Scott Walker outside of the town-Subway we were in earlier. We're walking around the back. We were discussing how amazing that Subway was, and how it was the best food we'd had in our lives, but now we see the whole town was a computer 3D model (shown by seeing it unrendered on a computer. [a really oldschool computer too] Forget if it appeared that way irl or not while we were walking around it) 
Scott is kindaa laughing but goes 'DANG IT! That was all from my mind! That's why it was so good!' And we all have a good laugh. And that's about where the dream ends
There was the stuff that came before which is majorly blurry. Basically I was following my dad around at a party, and I'd see some woman who was gonna try to stab someone, and I would jump in to stop them way before they could do any harm, and my dad never noticed, though I sometimes needed help 
A lot of times I was a cat at these times, and thinking back to these human memories, in order to help me know how to take down evil cats for my clan (very warrior cats)
Oh yeah, the dream ended with my sitting by a car repair, studying the logo (which I thought sucked) and stressing about going back to the job
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heroesofcrash · 6 years
10/27/18 - Halloween 2018
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Happy Halloween from TheHeroesOfCRASH.com! Remember to Vote Blue, or Gritty will EAT YOUR SOUL.
Usually, my Halloween fillers will include some nostalgic costumes, but there were too many cases of "I Couldn't Resist" with more recent stuff...!
I absolutely loved Shuri in Black Panther; with her brains, wisecracks, and cool hand-blasters, she was easily my favorite character. Plus, she's canonically smarter than Tony Stark, who I think needs to be brought down a peg (Admittedly, that's largely because I still have a somewhat petty grudge against Robert Downy Jr. for his not-terribly-Sherlock-y portrayal of Sherlock Holmes). She's a VERY close second to Deadpool for my favorite Marvel movie characters. There was no way I was missing a chance to dress Enticia up as such an awesome character, even if her design was tricky to figure out, simplify, and draw.
Titanium Maiden always goes as redheaded characters for Halloween, and I FINALLY saw the movie Brave this summer (and liked it). TM's Merida-styled hair was a bit less tricky than I was afraid it would be; I found myself blocking out the general shape first, and then doing the outermost strands.
Cannon always modifies his helmet for Halloween costumes, and this isn't his first time dressing as a Mega Man character (He dressed up as Protoman for the very first Halloween filler!). Cannon and Acid Man (from the new Mega Man 11) share a similar color scheme, have bulky armor above a skinny torso, and wield a barrel-shaped arm cannon on their right arm. The resemblance is unCannony- er, uncanny!
Every year, Belt Boy dresses as a superhero, and every year it's NEVER someone from either DC or Marvel! While the Big Two have come up with some great characters, a lot of my favorite superheroes are from outside their universes. Nearly all of Belt Boy's previous costumes have been characters with only one canon universe (making them easy characters to follow and understand), they tend to explore some inventive worldbuilding, and most of them have strong elements of humor. I haven't seen much of One Punch Man, but I would like to see more. I probably would have had BB dress as him last year if I hadn't chosen All Might. One more note: Belt Boy is intentionally trying to maintain his character's half-lidded gaze and small anime mouth. He takes his costumes seriously.
Gritty is TERRIFYING. He looks like a Muppet with the dead eyes of a Five Nights at Freddies animatronic. As a Pennsylvanian with Philadelphian parents, I'm a little embarrassed for my own home team. But Gritty has a few things going for him. For one, the concept drawings of him look MUCH less terrifying than the actual mascot costume. And for another, Philadelphia's citizens have kinda adopted him as an anti-Trump mascot. I guess sometimes you have to fight fire WITH fire... or perhaps fight a nightmare-inducing orange monster with bad hair WITH a nightmare-inducing orange monster with bad hair. Being big and orange, I knew Unk was the perfect character to pull him off (And yes, those creepy eyes are glued to Unk's signature sunglasses).
And finally, there's Miss Sunflower. This is only her second appearance in a Halloween costume (The first being Gozer the Gozerian). Everyone's been drawing Bowsette lately, and it was only a matter of time until I got into the action. People have been drawing her different ways, combining different degrees of Peach and Bowser's designs. Some make her look mostly like Peach (blonde, waifish, and almost entirely humanoid), while others mix a bit more Bowser into her design (giving her red hair, a bulky physique, and/or a more reptilian design). While I briefly considered drawing Titanium Maiden as a bulky, redheaded Bowsette, it didn't take me long to realize that Miss Sunflower - as a villain with actual horns like most Bowsettes - was a WAY better choice. Outside of her red hair, and her signature makeup, Sunflower's design is mostly like that found in the original Bowsette comic that started this meme (By the way, if Toadette becomes "Peachette", shouldn't Bowser become "Peachser"? I'm just saying...).
One last note; I was originally going to draw a different Halloween filler based on the idea of there being unwanted attention at a Halloween party. In honor of The Heroes Of C.R.A.S.H. joining the Collective of Heroes, I was going to promote it by having some other CoH characters show up, with Cannon unsuccessfully hitting on the superheroines and making a less-than-stellar first impression. However, since it was pretty late in the game for me to ask permission to use characters, and I already signed up to do a Halloween art trade for the CoH, I decided it would be best not to start things off by biting off more than I could chew. You should still totally read the other Collective of Heroes comics. The ones I've been reading have been pretty great. And their Featured Comic for the week is- GASP! It's The Heroes Of C.R.A.S.H.! :-D
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
The Muppet Christmas Carol
thebestdecepticonleader Hi 😃 Me Hello there! thenightetc Hello! thebestdecepticonleader Ah, the Christmascarolman Me Hello, night human! thenightetc "Santa Buddy" Me Singing about how desperately he wants Santa inside him. As one does. thenightetc Ha! thebestdecepticonleader hm thebestdecepticonleader I think someone misunderstood what this song was about when they made this version Me Yes, yes, Christmascarolman. Your "chimney" is oiled and ready to go. We get it. thenightetc Very possibly.
Me And speaking of sexual tension! Me Stop that, youtube. thenightetc Boy oh boy. thebestdecepticonleader um thenightetc Good thing their parents walked in just then thebestdecepticonleader okay then Me "The kids are fragging again."
"Who cares? I smell coffee." Me Named Christmas. thenightetc Lots of blank pages in that book thebestdecepticonleader Why do the humans look like That thebestdecepticonleader The mayor just hands over sacks of money thenightetc Oh, that's just how humans looked back in, uh, 1991 Me It was a dark time. thebestdecepticonleader Wow, if she loses every hand she's really bad at poker thenightetc Right? thebestdecepticonleader You'd think you'd give up after, I don't know, ten hands Me I admire her persistence. thenightetc It's like she specifically likes losing money Me "Goodbye, children, or whatever." thebestdecepticonleader Like she could use the money on other wasteful things Like clothes for herself and stuff like that Me Better shades of lipstick. thebestdecepticonleader better tan she and Donald Trump must get their spray tan from the same bottle Me That's a cruel dig on Mrs. Mavelda. thenightetc Yeah, let's not go TOO far here thebestdecepticonleader It is pretty terrible though thenightetc Surround her with the corpses of her fellows thebestdecepticonleader She's wearing her friend Me Friends AND family! thenightetc That slide would be so splintery, though thebestdecepticonleader yep thenightetc You know, in a way, what with her losing all the money every time, it's like she's paying them to hang out with her thebestdecepticonleader Even I don't sink that low Me You can't pick your friends, but you can bribe them. Santa is everyone's grandpa and uncle. thebestdecepticonleader at the same time? Me Yes. thenightetc You'd think one of them would be saying, "I wish for parents" Which would be kind of awkward for her Me Her massive pillow looks comfortable. thenightetc gah thenightetc These closeups are not doing the animation any favors Me They just highlight her cataracts. Me FireWOOD. thenightetc "because you're not weakened from years of malnutrition" thenightetc This is such a great plan, really Me This won't end with two frozen child corpses. thenightetc ...So did Santa cause that crash? Me Those drivers will be eating their Christmas dinner through a straw, but THE TREE. thenightetc That tree will outlive them all thenightetc Especially Happy. Me Every single year, I forget that happens. thenightetc Well, *I* forgot that Santa is actually real here and shows up at the end, so Me I think our memories are fighting to keep this movie from sticking. thenightetc well, it IS your fault Me She doesn't seem too concerned that Lilly and Potty are missing. thenightetc Best. Christmas. Ever. Me Better get out your most festive Corpse Handling Gloves, everyone. thenightetc The ones with the fur trim. Me Naturally! thenightetc Oh wow, is the whole town here now? Me They've got nothing better to do. Me It's a nice change from small town gossip and opioids. thenightetc It's a christmas miracle! Me Never. Gets. Old. thenightetc Right? thenightetc Santa in a conspicuously different drawing style Wait. If he's real, where the fuck was he all those years before?? Did he somehow not know there were miserable children there? thenightetc "But Ray, I'm not even pregnant" Me "Come to think of it, I never was! Our children just showed up one day!" Me She had to relearn how to walk and talk and swallow. thenightetc Why do they want her around children though Me Not much success. thenightetc You know, I'm not sure I've actually seen this one. Me It's surprisingly faithful. Me Hold on, the sound's a little awkward. Let me see if I can find one where it isn't. thenightetc ...man. Me Much better. thenightetc me: "gosh, this is nice animat--wait, it's a muppet movie, those are models" Me Shhh. thenightetc "wow, it's really photorealistic!" thenightetc Wait Wait, those melon things are alive?! Are they alive and going to be eaten! Me Three and a half minutes in and the implications are already horrifying! thenightetc Pfffff. Me He knows how to make an entrance. thenightetc Yes thenightetc "there go the townfolk, singing a mean song about me again" Me No wonder he's awful to them. I would be too. thenightetc I admit, it's a bop, though Me So is Little Starbot, but we don't sing about him. Isn't it though? thenightetc "Uh nothing, we weren't singing about you again" ..... thenightetc Ha! I mean, it's awful, but thenightetc Yeesh Me Indeed. thenightetc Haha thenightetc he has no eyes! Zephra85 I'm here! Me Zephra human! Hello! thenightetc Hello! Zephra85 Hi everyone!
Ugh I'm not getting any video on my end? thenightetc It's fine over here Zephra85 Yeah I'm trying to figure it out thenightetc Why was he even carolling there, though I mean, the entire town knows what Scrooge is like Me Why is anyone bothering him? thenightetc They've all memorized a song about how terrible he is! Zephra85 BLAH I can't figure out what's wrong, I'm going to try refreshing the page Me That might help. thenightetc Uh thenightetc Oh my god Me They're chipper about this. thenightetc hahahha thenightetc Ah, so they ARE visiting from hell. Me Oh, that line was creepy. thenightetc Yesss. Me This is all gloriously creepy. thenightetc It is! thenightetc Oh my gosh Hahhaha Me Minicon privilege. thenightetc Any better, Zephra? Zephra85 Well, refreshing only got my keyboard stuck in shortcut mode the whole time so I had to restart my computer, and video STILL isn't working on my end. thenightetc Well, ouch. Me That's odd! thenightetc Have you tried a different browser? It wouldn't work for me in Firefox.... Zephra85 I'm in Chrome, but I'll give Firefox a shot thenightetc No, Firefox was the one it WOULDNT' work in I have to use Opera for it Zephra85 Yeah but I think for me it has to do with my bf's adblockers and stuff? thenightetc Ahhh Zephra85 Which are different from chrome vs firefox alright giving it a shot thenightetc Good luck! She is... eerie Me At the end of the night, she takes his eyes. thenightetc Hey hey hey
Zephra85 WHELP that didn't work. Me The Pit? thenightetc Awwwww. Zephra85 Now Rabbit won't even let me connect to the stream just the chat Me It *sounds* like an adblocker issue. Zephra85 Yeah that's what I'm thinking, my bf's adblockers are a mess and I don't know how to deal with them. (google searching is proving fruitless. ) Me If you'd like to follow along on another tab, I can pause and give you a timestamp. Zephra85 Nah it's alright, I technically didn't really have time to be here anyway? There's a bunch of chores and errands I'm trying to take care of but I decided to try popping in for a stream since I haven't been to one in forever. So I think I'm just gonna jet thenightetc Awwww! Well, good luck Me Well, it's always good to see you, muppets or no muppets! Zephra85 Thanks guys, and thanks for the offer Knock Out! Enjoy the movie, everybody! Zephra85 Say to Breakdown and Impact for me, Knock Out! Me Will do! thenightetc GAH Me Seconded! Me They cut out the song! Not on my watch, you don't! thenightetc They're going to sing? Me And how! thenightetc Man. Me Ouch. thenightetc If the food starts singing........ Me It will be worse than the haunted baby doll ghost. Me Gah! thenightetc Did he just... die? Me That's been happening a lot in this movie. Me I mean, it's not as though it said "Here lies Ebeneezer Scrooge -- He was a great big spike choke." thenightetc Shhhh. Dear Unicron, his dancing. thenightetc It's probably hard to dance in a puppet costume Me Oh, his puppet dance is fine. It's Scrooge's I was talking about. thenightetc Ohhhh thenightetc Is it Scrooge Hahhahaha thenightetc Harsh, but fair. Me This wouldn't make me want to socialize with them. thenightetc Well thenightetc Well. Me Ouch again. Me "Please don't hurt me." thenightetc Right? Me Scrooge, you know exactly where this is going. thenightetc You'd think? thenightetc Ouch. "Might be" thenightetc :< Me Spirit's not dignifying that with a response. Me "Tell me I'll never die!" thenightetc Pfffff Me I mean, it's not as though it said "Here lies Ebeneezer Scrooge -- He was a great big spike choke." thenightetc Shhhh. Me It would be funny if they couldn't do it all in one night and he wakes up on the floor of his house a week later. Covered in filth. thenightetc Haha! Me That needed to start cooking four hours ago. thenightetc Well, it might be morning. Me True. thenightetc ...it's coal thenightetc I mean, I know that's what they asked for, and yet Me He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit. thenightetc ...Really, Scrooge Me This isn't the kind of joke that makes anyone feel better, Scrooge. thenightetc Right? Me "It's funny, because I made you think you were about to be starving and unable to feed your dying son!" thenightetc The punchline is relief! Me Either none of these other people have homes and Christmas plans or they heard that Scrooge is high on the opium and feeling generous. thenightetc I can't argue with that. Me Why is there a snappy pop cover of this? thenightetc He could have just said, "Here's a turkey, and I'm giving you a raise" thenightetc Instead of making it a "prank" Me Got to squeeze in that one last little reminder that Scrooge owns his entire life. Me And that's that! thenightetc Still--overall, good movie! Me Glad you enjoyed it! Me Let me just grab our usual high note, and... thenightetc Pfffff thenightetc Ha! Me Humans are fun. thenightetc WELL but hey at least the top of the tree is reachable now thenightetc Hahahaha Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc ...... Me And that's the note we're going out on, for better or worse. thenightetc Well! I mean, vine compilations tend to be both Me You know, they really do. thenightetc Thank you for the stream, as always : ) Me Thank you for coming, as always! thenightetc And goodnight! Me Good night, night human!
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: I spent most of my childhood with my cousins. Or with my Barbies, since I’d play for hours. Did people consider you an odd child?: I wouldn’t say odd, no. I was just a quiet, shy kid. Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: Wow, no. It’s crazy to me how some people believe they remember being born. I’m like what? Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: No, not really. I have some memories from my childhood.
Were they intricate or simple thoughts?: Probably simple. I just wanted to play Barbies and watch cartoons.
If you answered “intricate”, give an example of one of those thoughts: Were you dreams very vivid as a child?: I have no idea. Kids are pretty imaginative, so possibly. What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: I can’t think of anything strange. Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: No. I mean I was able to read when I was 3, and reading and spelling has always been my thing, but I am no child prodigy. What was the most “grown-up” thing you ever said as a child?: I have no idea. What were your favourite TV shows in early childhood?: When I was really little I was obsessed with Barney. I also enjoyed Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Were you afraid of monsters?: I don’t think so, actually. Like I don’t remember being afraid of monsters under my bed or something. Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: No, I don’t believe so. Maybe I never really thought about it like that. Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical? I was definitely quiet, but not artistic. Issues and stuff Do you eat meat?: Yes, but I’m not like a big meat eater. I’m also very picky about it. If you do, what is your justification for it?: I don’t need to justify it. If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: I’d say marijuana, but we’re already on the way with that. Do you believe in the death penalty?: I’m on the fence. Did Mumia do it?: Did who do what? If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into?: I’m very thankful to have been born in Sweden, obviously. <<< How cool! I want to visit Sweden someday. As for me, I’m an American and I am happy with that. What are your opinions of Michael Moore?: Eh. Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: I think it should be. Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: No. What television news coverage do you detest the most?: I don’t watch a lot of news. I prefer to read the news online. What will you do if Bush is re-elected? Well, that can’t happen since he already served two terms. Wow, this is old. Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: *shrug* Who do you consider “American Heros”? There’s so many, for various reasons for their contributions. Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? I wouldn’t be able to put it back together, ha. Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Reason?: Not yell, but I comment aloud on stuff I watch sometimes. Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: Not me, personally, but my mom asked me to order a few things for her that she wanted to get my brother for Christmas. Are the Muppetes sinister? Think about it.: I never thought of it that way. Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: No, I never do. Ever gotten into an “in person” argument with a total stranger? Discuss: No. Sugar or Honey?: Sugar. What’s on your desk right now?: I don’t have a desk. How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: Maybe like 10 or 15. I keep up with them and clean our mailbox regularly, so it’s never too bad. Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: No, but how cool would that be. Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: Now what would give you that idea? San Francisco or New York City?: I’ve been to San Francisco several times and love it, but I’d love to visit New York City. What are your favorite color combinations?: I love pastel combos. Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: Giraffes. Do you enjoy night or day better?: Blah. Favorite animal: Dogs and giraffes. Have you ever been to a protest?: Nope. Aggravated a cop on purpose?: No. Ever gone train hopping/ridden the rails?: No. If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: I’m fine with this one, but I’d love to be able to travel back to other periods. Ever put your hand through a window?: Yeah? List a few words you hate the sound of: The P word and the C word. I absolutely despise them. You won’t hear me say either one of them. And a few you like the sound of: Hmm. I don’t know. Are you sick of this survey yet? It’s fine. Emotions And Such Have you attempted suicide more than once?: No. Cutting?: Yes. Do you get violent when you are angry?: No. Which emotion are you most consumed by?: Sadness. Are you highly emotive?: Yeah. Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself?: I tend to keep to myself a lot, or down play things if I do decide to talk about it. Except for on here. Do you fall in love easily?: I fall easily. What age/year was the most difficult for you?: I feel like I’ve been going through it the past few years, and I thought things were hard before. It doesn’t compare to now. How do you channel your anger/sadness?: I cry. Ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs?: No. Ever been homeless?: No. List a few simple things that make you happy: Coffee. When were you most recently your happiest?: Uhhhh. Do you consider yourself empathetic?: Yes. Friends Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: My best friend is my mom and she’s just awesome. Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: Yeah. List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: They’re smart and driven, unlike me. Do you keep in touch with friends from high school?: I have a few on Facebook. Have you lost touch with many of your friends?: Yes. Are they mostly local or long distance?: Local. When you go out with friends, what kinds of things do you do?: I haven’t been out with friends in so long, but usually it’s out to eat or grab some coffee. Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: Yes. If yes, are you still friends with that person?: No. Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: My age and a year younger. Do you have a hard time making friends because most people bore you?: Ha, I’m the boring one. Do you like to hang out with friends one-on-one or in groups?: Groups. Small groups. Which of you online friends do you have the most in common with?: I don’t have any online friends. Family Are you close to your family?: Yes. What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: My mom’s sense of humor and love of reading. I wish I inherited her work ethic, her determination, her ambition, her drive, her ability to keep going when the going gets tough and push through...  What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: None. Does your family live locally or far away?: Most live locally. Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: No. We don’t see some family members much, but not because we stopped talking to them. It just happens cause life. Have either of your parents died?: No. Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: A bit of both. How many siblings do you have?: Two. Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: No. Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy?: I love the holidays. Do you look like your parents?: I’ve been told I look like my mom. List one interesting fact about your family: Hmm. I don’t know. Lovers Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: Straight. Married/partnered?: Single. Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with?: Wow, no. That would be mean. Ever broken someones heart?: Yes. Not like to be spiteful, it just didn’t work out. I felt awful. How many serious relationships have you had?: None. Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn’t have?: I wouldn’t say that, but I had really serious feelings for someone who I wanted to be with, and thought they wanted to be with me, too, but I was wrong. Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: I don’t know. Ever cheated?: No. Been cheated on?: No. Thrown someones stuff out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Nope. Had your stuff thrown out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: No. Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: I would like a caring, kind, patient, understanding, genuine person. Most important physical qualities?: That’s less important. Food & Drink Non-alcoholic beverage of choice: Coffee and Coke. Alcoholic beverage of choice: None. Foods you crave on a regular basis: Chicken tenders.
Salsa and Chips or Pita and Hummus?: Salsa and chips. I think hummus is disgusting. Meat or Tofu?: Meat. Never had tofu, but it doesn’t look or sound appealing to me. Soup or Salad?: Salad. Soda or Juice?: Soda. Can I get you anything else?: You didn’t get me anything. Favorite candy:: Reese’s and white chocolate. Mmm, white chocolate Reese’s. ha. Favorite food to make: Top Ramen?
Food brand that you hate?: Uhh I don’t know. Do you try to buy all organic?: No. Favorite quick food?: Chicken tenders. Final Questions Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: No. Ever yelled at an SUV?: No? A Hummer?: Nope? Ever faked being sick to get out of going somewhere?: Yes. I rarely had to because I usually really do feel crappy. If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: Oh so many things. Bambi or Nemo?: Nemo. List 3 things that are worrying you right now: Health, health, and health. It’s too fucking long, right?: It’s fine. Well, I’m just trying to help you pass the time.: Thanks. Do you think you’ll ever have children if you don’t already?: I honestly can’t see that happening. Do you think there is life on other planets?: I don’t knowww. Have you ever broken a leg or arm?: My leg. Would you rather stay in the house or do things outside: I’m a homebody, but I do venture out now and then ha. David Letterman or Jay Leno?: I liked Jay Leno when he was on. Last words?: Bye.
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