#looking at myself in the mirror telling myself to be cringe is to be free
lynnbutlertron · 3 months
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i love how the Pizza Tower Ships: Insanity Mode Tier List has so many of the ships i like on it. like im so Fucking cringe that the joke tier lists are more applicable to me im seriously the worst but im embracing it
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cuntinies · 1 month
summary: pregnant! reader gets upset at her rapid weight gain due to the pregnancy so abby wants to kiss it all better
warnings: pregnant female reader, mentions of weight and size, mentions of numbers in weight, slight angst, crying, kissing, slight proofread, abby being sweet. please lmk if i miss any.
you can't help but let out an exaggerated groan. in abbys wife pleaser and her baggy blue gingham boxer briefs, you stare at your pregnant self in the mirror in front of you. you knew you were going to gain weight when you found out that you were pregnant with your little girl, but not so soon. youre 6 months in, and your belly already stretching out your top and bottoms, making your outfits snug to your body. your chest got a bit fuller from last time, and your hips have filled up.
abby looks up from her laptop, the blue screen glowing onto her face. her reading glasses perched right on the tip of her nose and her blonde locks free from her usual braid. the shared bed faces the mirror as she looks at you through it, a confused but cutely painted look on her face.
"what's the matter?" abby asks, taking off the glasses to get a good look as to why you decided to loudly announce whatever was bothering you. she truly couldn't hold in her giggles when your patience has decreased these past weeks. this morning, you got upset while looking at the tulips abby helped plant with you (mostly just her) a couple of weeks ago, weren't growing as fast as you wanted to.
pushing your hair out of your face, you groan again. "the doctor said i gained 8 lbs since i’ve seen her but i think it's more..". your hands travel down to rub your tummy. you avoid eye contact with abby, feeling her eyes staring at your face as you look down at your baby bump. she nibbles the inside of her lip, trying to think of what to say because she doesn't like when you talk about yourself like that. "i think you look, beautiful babe."
"nuh uh. youre saying that because i’m your wife and i’m carrying our baby, so that doesn't count" you raise your voice as it starts cracking, your face feeling hot and tears start welling in your eyes. abby immediately notices the change of tone in your voice. she knew you had a hard time with changes, and the baby was a huge change for both of you. abby would of course try her best to make you feel better but there's so much she could do before you get into your head.
"c'mere," abby says, closing her laptop and setting it aside on the nightstand. you sulk over to the edge of the bed, playing with a loose thread. you feel abby playfully kick your hand. "babe, c'mere. why are you so sad?" she asks, trying to bring your attention back to her but you are just being so stubborn.
"it's just everything is happening so fast and i’m getting huge and it's scaring me and i’m just being a bad wife because all you hear me do is complain about myself," you sniff through choked sobs, finally taking a look up at her. tears slowly fall down your cheeks and some snot trickles down your nose. abby wants to laugh at how cute you look but she holds it in, giving you a little sad smile. she opens her arms invitingly, the way her black t-shirt fits so nicely on her by accentuating her biceps. you can't say no to that. you shuffle closer to her before you lay your whole weight down onto her body. she wraps her arms around you, shifting so that your back is on her chest, leaving room for you to breathe comfortably.
"first of all.." abby starts saying softly in your hair before kissing you on top of your head. "you’re not a bad wife." she places her head on top of yours, reaching her hands down onto your swole belly. you cringe, feeling how she traces the light stretch marks that litter your skin. "second of all.." another kiss but near your ear this time, "you're not huge. you're carrying our sweet girl. i don't like hearing you tell yourself that." her hands find yours, tangling into them as she holds them. you huff, not knowing what to say.
"i’m sorry.." you whisper, taking one of her hands and playing with her fingers. tracing her nail bed to her palm where you trace the lines like a little mase. abby shakes her head a bit before wrapping the same hand up on the side of your head. the way she can just manipulate you however she pleases makes you instantly melt into her palm, looking up at her. she smiles down at you, wiping the bit of mucus that was on your upper lip. she leans her head down, not caring about your tear-stained, booger face, as she places a soft but deep kiss on your lips. abby tilts her head, slightly tightening the grip she has on your head as she slips her tongue inside your mouth. you can't help but let out a soft gasp, allowing abby to take whatever. she places one last peck before licking her lips as she watches your cute disheveled face, lips glossy, softly panting and cheeks blushing.
"i don't want you to apologize for anything, ok baby?" abby says, caressing your cheek with her thumb. all you can do is nod, snuggling your head into her neck and wrapping yourself within her. she smiles, gently reaching over to the nightstand to turn off the bedside lamp. abby caresses your back until she feels your breathing regulates into a soft rhythm.
a/n: tysm for all the love these past days! idk how to end these. lmk if you all like this 🙂‍↕️ inbox is open
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Anonymous Request: James and Regulus meet before Sirius succeeds in setting them upon a blind date.
Chaos ensues.
Jegulus - Rated T - Nonmagic AU
“So…erm…come here often?”
The man behind Regulus in line at the coffee shop jolted him out of his thoughts with the rather awkward and overused line, making him raise his eyebrow in amusement. “Really? That’s what you’re going with?” he asked derisively before he could stop himself.
And he really should have. Stopped himself, that is. The man was beautiful. Tall and fit, with dark hair and golden skin, hazel eyes glittering behind wire-rimmed glasses. But the man didn’t seem put out. He shrugged and smirked, murmuring, “Well, you answered, didn’t you?”
Regulus chuckled. “Fair.”
“Should I have gone more forward? My best mate loves the line, ��Is there a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants,’” the man grinned, cringing just a bit. It was adorable.
Regulus resisted letting out a shout of laughter and wrinkled his nose. “Surely not. Ask me an intelligent question and maybe I’ll pay you some notice,” he advised, trying to keep a straight, unbothered face.
The man nodded, tapping his finger to his chin, pondering that. Then his face lit up. “What's your favorite Taylor Swift song and why?” he asked, as if presenting the most amazingly deep pickup line in the entire planet.
Regulus stared. Who was this man? ”That’s what you’re going with?”
“If you tell me you don’t like her, we really can’t go on a date,” the man shrugged, looking serious for the first time.
Regulus sighed dramatically. If this was how he wanted to play… “Don’t Blame Me.”
“For not liking Taylor? I have to-”
“No,” he interrupted, smirking. “That’s my favorite song.”
The man’s eyes grew as wide as his smile. He looked positively thrilled with Regulus’s answer. “Ah. Beautiful and smart.” Without asking, he plucked Regulus’s phone out of his hand and tapped at it before returning it to him. “Are you free on Saturday?”
Regulus nodded, trying to feel more angry that the man had taken his phone, but unable to feel any sort of negative emotion. Only a bit dazed.
“Brilliant! Pick you up at eight.”
It was only after the man left that Regulus looked down at his phone.
New Message: James: Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? 😀
He was late. 
He’d spent all day thinking far too much about his coffee shop boy, James, and the way his eyes and smile and voice made Regulus’s stomach do funny things. He’d resisted the urge to text back, trying to regain a shred of dignity, finding that he had far more self-control when James’s laughter wasn’t ringing in his ears. But he was daydreaming, and it made him.
So he was the last to arrive for his dinner with Sirius, and when he walked distractedly up to the table, he had to do a double-take. And then a triple-take. Because there he was:
“Reg! This is James!” Sirius called, smiling in a way that said ‘behave or I’ll skin you alive.’
James, of course, looked just as shocked as he did. Which was good, really. To see him taken off-guard. It leveled the playing field.
“I’ve been telling you about him,” Sirius continued obliviously. And he had been. He’d been begging Regulus to go on a blind date with him, actually: James, Sirius’s best mate since school. Who he was convinced was perfect for Regulus.  How had he missed this?
James let out a chuckle, regaining his composure first, and offering Regulus a hand. “Regulus? Nice to meet you,” he grinned.
“And you,” Regulus replied after a moment, shaking James’s much bigger hand in his own. Gods, it was lovely.
“I’m sorry to spring you two on each other like this,” Sirius said, not looking sorry at all. “But you kept avoiding each other. And I really think you need to go on a proper date.” He paused and looked at James beseechingly. “What about Saturday? Aren’t you free?”
James met Regulus’s eyes, and it looked like he was struggling not to laugh. “Actually…I have a date,” he said, smiling. “And I’m very much looking forward to it. No offense, of course, Regulus.”
Regulus caught on quickly and tried to shrug good-naturedly. “I actually have a date, too. He’s a bit presumptuous, though. Don’t think it’ll work out,” he commented, proud of himself.
James threw him a humorously indignant look. 
Sirius let it go for a bit, obviously put out that they already had plans, but still cheerful as ever. He began prattling on about work and recent parties, at first unaware of the way James was blatantly staring at Regulus, grinning like he was seeing a piece of art in a museum.
But after he grew a bit more comfortable, the two began joking back and forth, talking about pickup lines and Taylor Swift, laughing at the way Sirius was clearly confused about how he was missing something, some inside joke they had, but how was it possible when they’d never met?
It took about twenty minutes for Sirius to comment on it. The way James was looking at Regulus. The way they laughed back and forth. 
He huffed and looked at them both with a frown. “Listen, I’m not an expert at this shit, but I think you two should cancel your dates on Saturday. It’s clear I’m a third wheel, here,” he complained lightheartedly.
“D’you think I should?” James asked Regulus, smirking at him playfully.
Regulus nodded and advised sagely, feeling giddy, “Better let him down easy, though.”
James grinned and took out his phone, sending a quick text.
Half a second later, Regulus’s phone dinged. He took it out an read dramatically: “When do you think Sirius will figure out we’re already going on a date,” he recited, eyeing Sirius, who looked thoroughly confused. “Dunno,” he said, turning to James. “We could snog. Maybe then he'll catch the hint.”
It was difficult to decide who was blushing more: Sirius or James.
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thefallennightmare · 9 months
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(gif created by me, the fallen nightmare. feel free to use, simply give credit)
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: I forgot how much I hate slow burns. So we'll see how long it lasts. Tags are open if anyone is interested!
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13
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A yawn fell from my lips as I snuggled deeper into the bed, a blanket wrapped around me like a cacoon to keep in the warmth. It was my first day off in four days and with the constant traveling; I was relishing being able to sleep in an actual bed. The bunks on the tour bus weren't terrible but with Bryan's snoring I was thankful for the quiet night of sleep ahead. The sun was setting, the orange glow painting over the walls of the room, and I only left the bed to go to the bathroom or grab my room service. The entire day was dreading tomorrow because that's when I had to send Lana her first paycheck and I was about three hundred dollars short.
My mom had been doing great, even remembering who I was when we talked on the phone. Something about hearing my voice but not seeing my face must have helped. It warmed my heart that we had conversations about things like we used too before she got sick.
I could explain to Lana the situation. I'm sure she would understand.
Somehow I doubted that which is why I was heavily researching my idea, wondering what the risks were and if the payout was worth it. Everyone online who had a page said they could pay for things they wouldn't have with a regular job. I would have my own rules and wouldn't worry about sharing it with a partner. I could post what I wanted whenever I wanted. The only risky thing would be someone recognizing me and with who I worked for, I wasn't completely sold on the idea yet.
"I don't have to show my face," I told myself as I sat up, deciding pretty hastily.
Desperation made people do drastic things and starting an Only Fans was my last resort; I had no other options.
The phone on my camera wouldn't do and I sucked in my bottom lip, wondering if what I was about to do was a good idea. I needed a better camera and set up while also having a credit card with a high enough limit, though it was for emergencies.
Isn't this one? Think of it as an investment.
Agreeing with the voice in my mind, I scrambled out of bed and quickly stepped into a pair of black sweats and hoodie to match. I cringed when I noticed myself in the mirror and made quick work to make myself look somewhat presentable.
The walk to the nearest store was only a few minutes, and I enjoyed the sounds of the hustle bustle of the city as people walked passed me, their own ideas for the night fueling them. I knew little about cameras and thought about asking Bryan some advice but knowing I might have to tell him why I needed one didn't sit well with me
As I was leaving the store, two bags in hand and $500 more in debt, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and when I read the message, I couldn't help but let out a groan.
Davis, yet again, was inviting me out to dinner tonight with him and the crew. I ignored his first two because I really had plans to lie in bed all day. Now, the only thing I wanted to do was get my profile set up and start posting so I could make money as soon as I could. Plus, Noah was avoiding me ever since the night of the first show when Jolly caught us together. Nothing happened but to Noah, it was as if they caught us fucking.
The thought caused a flush to creep to my cheeks as another text came in.
Davis: If money is an issue, it's on the crew tonight. The last few days have been crazy and we want a night out to relax.
It was true; every show this tour is sold out which made for a crazy night. Everyone in the band and crew were exhausted so a night out was something we all needed.
Me: I'm already out, where should I meet you guys?
Davis: there's this Mexican restaurant right around the block from the hotel. Meet in an hour?
Perfect amount of time to set up and record my first video. I never was a modest person, even if I never had a boyfriend. A few hookups here and there gave me some experience, but I also knew what my body liked, hence me bringing a few differnt kinds of toys with me. After the first tour, I realized how lonely I got out on the road.
I refused to prove Noah right I was only here to fuck someone; which was not true. But that didn't mean I couldn't think of a certain tattooed vocalist while I filmed, right?
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An hour and fifteen minutes and red flushed cheeks later, I was practically running out of the hotel to make it in time to the restaurant. As usual, I was running late, but that was because it took me some time to figure out how to edit and post the video to my page. What I filmed wasn't exactly raunchy but just enough to keep people wanting to come back.
I was in a rush to get to the restaurant that I nearly missed the body that I collided in. Strong arms wrap around me to keep me steady as I looked up into those dark eyes that haunted me every second of every day. My heart fell deep into the pits of my stomach as embarrassment filled my veins, knowing that face was the reason for my orgasm less than an hour ago.
Noah gave me a look as slowly removed his arms from me, Jolly and Folio standing on either side of him.
"Where's the fire, angel?" He asked while drinking in the sight of me with a wide grin.
In my pussy.
He was wearing a grey sweater; the hood pulled up over his head and white hat. I cursed my vagina as it throbbed at the sight of him and my pet name.
"Uh, I was meeting Davis and others for dinner," I pointed behind me, stuttering over my words a bit.
Jolly smiled. "We're headed there too. Care if we walk with you?"
Him and Folio, not at all. Noah, yes I minded.
I didn't appreciate him acting different around me when we were alone as opposed to when people were around us.
"Nope," I smiled.
The four of us walked quietly to the restaurant with Folio next to me, Jolly and Noah behind us. Folio bumped his shoulder with me which made me peer up at him.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in a while. Outside of work," he said.
I gave a half shrug. "Just been keeping to myself the last few days."
"Does that have anything to do with," Folio threw a thumb over his shoulder towards Noah.
"No," I said a little too quickly, afraid as if he could see in my mind what I had been doing back in my room. "I forgot how busy life on the road is, that's all."
"What did he do to make you avoid him?" he asked, seeing right through my lie.
This caused Noah to step closer to the two of us, forcing his way between Folio and I.
"I didn't do anything," Noah defended.
My body was still buzzing post orgasm so having him this close to made my stomach flutter and head hazy.
"Right," I muttered under my breath and gave myself some space from him, allowing Jolly to take my spot next to Noah.
"Did we do anything to put you off?" Jolly asked.
I shook my head. "No, not at all. Everyone has been nice. I meant what I said, I've just been tired."
Noah peered over at me past Jolly, something unreadable on his face, but said nothing while we turned the block, the restaurant coming into view. Davis, Byran, Matt, and Nick Ruffilo were already seated at a table outside as we walked up. My phone buzzed in my pocket and as I saw yet another notification from Only Fans, I didn't realize that the only open seat was next to Noah.
Cursing under my breath, I sat tentatively next to him and pocketed my phone, not wanting him to peak over my shoulder and see the notification.
I had a few new subscribers which meant people were paying for my content. Maybe soon things will start picking up and I wouldn't have to worry as much.
The server came over to take our order and I frowned at Matt as he ordered a pitcher of beer for all of us to share.
"Can I have a water and four chicken tacos please?" I asked with a smile.
"You don't want a beer?" Matt asked.
I shook my head. "I don't drink; well much anyway. I do for special occasions but not really feeling like it right now."
Noah muttered something under his breath, and my eyes snapped over to him.
"Care to share what you mumbling under your breath?"
"You seemed pretty into it last tour in Chicago," he didn't bother to look away from his phone.
I stared at him with my jaw slack, upset for him bringing up that night but also amazed that he remembered that. With the way his jaw ticked and his hand gripped around his phone, it was clear he thought of that night often. I got drunk after a show because the guy I'd been talking to all night and flirting with was actually married. His wife was the reason why he was at the show in the first place but decided to hang out at the merch booth instead.
"Is that why you're such a dick to me?" I wondered.
Thankfully, the server had left, so they didn't have to watch us bicker but for the rest of the guys at the table, it didn't save them.
"You guys get drunk all the time. The one night I did, you hold it against me? For what?" I snapped.
I wasn't yelling but the table next to us spared us a few glances of concern.
"We don't need someone to carry us from the venue to the hotel, three blocks," Noah finally met my gaze.
I scoffed, completely baffled this was why he was such an asshole towards me. Because I got drunk last tour and he had to carry me back to the hotel?
"You're fucking unbelievable, Noah." I shook my head and turned away from him.
If I wasn't starving, I would head back to the hotel. But I already ordered and didn't want my food to go to waste.
Folio, who was sitting on my other side, looked at me with sympathetic eyes and gave my knee a squeeze underneath the table. The rest of dinner passed by with Noah and I not speaking another word to each other while the others chatted amongst themselves. I ate my food and sipped at my water in peace, checking my phone every now and then to see if Lana had texted me back. It was almost eight in the evening, and I debated on wondering if it was too late to call to talk to my mom when my phone rang.
Excusing myself from the table, I walked down the block to answer the call. It was a fast phone call, my mom being too exhausted to talk. Instead, I caught up with Lana.
"Alright, well let me know how she is in the morning. I'll be in the bus for half of the day so I can talk with her," I sighed.
"I will, dear. She's so exhausted from today. I looked through some photo albums with her to help her remember but nothing. There was nothing in her eyes."
I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded even though Lana couldn't see.
"Yeah, those vacant eyes. It's been happening a lot lately."
There was a lot of rustling on Lana's end before her soft voice came through. "I promise you. She's in good hands. When she remembers things, we have a lot in common."
That made me smile.
"Good. And I'll send you the first payment tomorrow," I said much to my dismay.
"No rush, dear."
We talked for a few more minutes before I hung up, suddenly exhausted and wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed for the rest of the night. When I returned to the table, I halted seeing that only Noah sat there. He heard me walk up and handed me my to go box of leftover food.
"The bill's been taking care of," he said.
I didn't meet his gaze, still upset with him, as I snatched the box out of his hand.
"Don't worry, I didn't flirt with anyone to get free food."
Noah sighed then pushed himself out of his chair, immediately towering over me.
"Do you always have to talk with such an attitude," he gritted out through clenched teeth.
I stood toe to toe with him. "Only for you, baby."
The pet name was supposed to come out as playful, no meaning behind it. But with the way Noah's eyes flashed and a low noise vibrated from his throat, I knew it had the opposite effect on him. His tongue rolled over his bottom lip and I wanted nothing more that to taste them.
"Can I walk you back to the hotel?" Noah asked.
"Oh, now that no one is around you act like you give a shit?" I snarled.
He raised his hands. "I'm trying to be nice, Y/N."
"Here's a piece of advice," I snatched my purse from the table, "If you want to be nice to me, stop doing it when we're alone. It makes me think you're embarrassed to be seen with me."
Noah's face fell and began shaking his head. "It's not that."
"Oh, right? It was because of that night in Chicago where you had to carry me back to the hotel. News flash, Noah. I didn't fucking ask you too. So do me a favor, unless it deals with work, don't talk to me the rest of the time were on tour."
Not bothering to listen to him come up with another excuse, I turned on my heels and stomped back towards the hotel.
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 months
HEART PIRATES WEEK 2024 - Part 8 of 9
I told myself last year that I was going to participate in Heart Pirates Week this year, and by thunder I'm going to participate in Heart Pirates Week!
Day Eight: Hakugan - Caught
912 words; I struggled with this one until I almost couldn’t stop, let me tell you; the warning for this one is non-sexual nakedness and references to some of the darker things that happen in canon; still not proofread lololol
He had one condition: the mask stayed on. That was all Hakugan asked for as he hesitated before the gangplank, staring at the captain who was standing on the deck.
“Whatever; don’t let it get in the way.”
Nodding, Hakugan stepped onto the Polar Tang and into his new life as a pirate. He was shedding his past, as he knew many others did once they boarded a ship—let alone a pirate ship—and it was freeing beyond all measure. Once he was atop the deck, he followed the captain underneath before being passed off to a surly-looking woman about his age.
“This is what I’ve got to work with?” she scoffed. “You’re killing me, Cap.” The captain simply kept walking, making the woman scowl. “Fine. Whatever. So, what’s your name?”
“…okay. Hakugan.” She seemed to be testing the name out on her lips. “You ever been on a ship before?”
“Yes, but not like this one,” he said. The young man shuffled back and forth on his feet. “I like this one better.”
She raised an eyebrow, her expression somewhat curious. “As long as you remember this is my baby, got it?” She patted the nearest bit of metal wall. “Ever since I got here and liberated her from the morons, she’s been under my care, so what I say goes, got it?”
Hakugan nodded, not wanting to incur someone’s wrath so quickly. “Is there somewhere I can wash up first before I get hazed? It’s been a bit.”
“Yeah; showers are down the corridor, to your right,” she said, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder. “First door should have some clean underwear, socks, and coveralls that’ll fit you. Use those until we can get you some new clothes—those are filthy.”
Shrugging, Hakugan didn’t argue that fact. His clothes were more sweat and dirt than fabric at that point. “I’ll, erm, meet you in the engine room in half an hour…?”
“Sounds fair.” She then turned around and left him alone, allowing him to grab what he needed out of the cupboard before slipping into the shower room. It was very open for the most part, but there were a few stalls in the corner, doors nothing more than a curtain. He grabbed a towel from the stack along the wall and hid himself in a stall, freezing as he stared at himself in the mirror.
‘I’m doing this,’ he marveled silently. ‘I’m really doing this.’ He hung the towel on a peg and the underwear and coveralls on the curtain rod so they were mostly out of the stall. First, he kicked off his boots so the rested outside the stall—new ones were going to become a priority despite they were the best things he had—followed by peeling off his clothes. Soon there was a crumpled lump of clothing in the corner as he stood there naked save his mask…
…the one thing he would stubbornly carry over from his old life.
Carefully, Hakugan took the mask off and hung it up on a hook before looking at himself again in the mirror. There, plain in the yellowed overhead lights, he saw his reflection and cringed. He saw his twin brands: the one over his left eye that took out his vision, leaving the claw parts of the Hoof above and below his eye, while the other one sat on his right cheek, put there after they had secured him from struggling more. If he was lucky, no one would be able to guess his depth perception was due to burgeoning Haki skills for at least a few months…
No, he couldn’t think about that. He looked at the liquid soap dispenser and realized it was a three-in-one—it was better than nothing. The water ran cold for only a few seconds after he turned it on, allowing him a soothing hot spray as he stood there in a daze. A couple moments and he was able to snap himself out of it, dispensing some soap into his hands to work into a lather in his hair and on his body.
‘Oh, I really should get that too,’ he thought as his good eye caught sight of the mask. He lifted it off the peg and got some more soap, carefully rubbing the liquid all around the mask’s interior and exterior, careful to get the ridges where dead skin and oils built up well. Hakugan was so involved in attempting to wash out his mask that he didn’t even notice anyone else was in there until it was too late…
“Hey, uh, Ikkaku said that you probably don’t have anything as far as things to keep clean with, so she wanted me to give you—” A red-haired man in a floppy hat and glasses pulled back the edge of the curtain, making Hakugan jump in surprise. They both stared at one another before the intruder held out the small bag in his hand. “Here. This is yours.”
“I can’t go back,” Hakugan croaked out, his voice barely above a whisper. The other man wrinkled his nose and let out a chuckle.
“Go back…? Nah; if you’re here, you belong with us.” He waited until Hakugan took the bag before replacing the curtain. “Being in the Polar Tang is going to break you of that shyness, by the way.”
Hakugan stayed frozen in place until he felt the water begin to chill against his skin.
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mygloviesme · 8 months
cool about it. || myg
no. 16: met you at the dive bar
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predebut/debut!yoongi x female idol
summary: kanako is an established idol with a growing career and a secret relationship with a producer from her label, haneul. when she’s asked to work with yoongi and rm to create a track for her, she gains unexpected feelings for a certain upcoming rapper. with her increasing fame, her controlling boyfriend, a set of six boys who seem to have grown an attachment to her, and a new boy who’d give her the world, how will she figure out a way to balance it all?
(definitely inspired by boygenius)
word count: 4.4k
genre: ANGST, friends(?) to lovers, slow burn, fluff
chapter warnings: toxic relationship (not w/myg), mentions of mental health, literally half of this is smut holy shit, oral (m receiving & f receiving), bit of dirty talk, whats happening team
inspo song: stay away (its like that) by tv girl just for vibes
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MARCH 30TH, 2012, 12:02AM
I spent a quick ten minutes to throw on whatever In my closet I felt suitest a club best. Everything about it is short and cropped and for some reason I thought that’s what it was meant to be. At eighteen I only knew what I saw in movies, so clearly that’s saying something. 
I take a quick look at myself in my dorm room mirror, analyzing my black skirt and white top. I don’t think I’ve ever shown this much skin, not even on stage. And they have a tendency of putting me in the tightest, tiniest fitting clothes you’ve ever seen. But I feel like a woman with the way the skirt sticks to my hips like a second layer of skin. Or the way my hair hangs down my back so freely, since I have it in a ponytail most of the time. Convenience isn’t a necessity right now though. I just want to feel…sexy?
I cringe at my thoughts and zip up my black boots I don’t remember getting, putting on one more layer of lip gloss as I step outside to the dorm across from me. I take a steep breath before I open the door, seeing a usual sight. 
No one looks at me for a second, not one eye on me. It reassures me that maybe I’m not making as much of a statement as I thought I was. It isn’t until Yoongi exits from the bathroom, a snapback on his head with a loose black shirt that definitely makes me feel things, that someone looks at me. He isn’t one to make many facial expressions, but this time all he does is smile.
 “You look…”
“Holy shit.” Jimin interrupts him. 
I purse my lips in a thin line, “Yeah, yeah okay. I know I look like a girl for the first time and all that.”
“I think we all knew you were a girl.” Namjoon snickers. 
Yoongi gives Namjoon a punch on his shoulder, whispering a ‘what’s wrong with you’ under his breath. The tall boy apologizes but I’m too distracted by the way Yoongi’s shirt outlines his shoulders. There’s something in the air, and with the way this day started it’s a little more than unexpected. Maybe I’m feeling a little too free. 
Seokjin coughs, “Alright guys enough of this, let’s go.”
I look around curiously but quickly, knowing I’ll probably need a jacket. I could always go back to my room but I think Seokjin is about to snap with anger if I keep him here another second. His eyes were just fluttering closed a minute, so that tells me he needs a drink or two in his system.
MARCH 30TH, 2012, 12:49AM
It took us a little longer than it should’ve to end up at the club we were going to be at. There was a lot of sneaking around the building quietly, going to the subway quietly, and finally starting our travels. We finally hit where the club was in a seemingly suspicious area. It had stairs leading down to an entrance where a bouncer was, Hoseok telling him we were with Dae. 
The bouncer looked at a young Jungkook for a second too long and we were sure this night was going to come to an end. Instead, he sighed and let us in. I still don’t know if that was a good thing or not. 
The music is quick to blare into our ears. The muffling became louder and louder until we stood in front of one more door, opening it to reveal a crowded room. A large room. In fact, I was sure everyone in South Korea was here. I turn to yell into Hoseok's ear, trying to fight against the buzzing that’s starting in my ears due to the club noises. “You sure I won’t be recognized?” I ask him, he shakes his head. “You’re alright. Dae said this place was super underground. Only people who don’t want to be seen come here.” Another uncertainty of whether that’s a good thing or not. 
I breathe, in and out. Shutting down whatever feelings I might have in this moment. Because right now it’s just us. This is such a stupid and idiotic idea and I’d only be wanting to do it with them. I turn to Yoongi, smiling ear to ear, “You wanna get a drink?” I shout. He nods, eyeing the bar that’s not too far from where we stood. 
I look at Jimin who looks at me, and I nod to Jungkook. An action that orders him to keep an eye on the young one. Not an ask, an order. He takes Jungkook by the hand to the dance floor energetically until they’re almost out of sight. I leap to grip on Jimin’s arm, “Stay close.” I add. 
He rolls his eyes, “Kanako, I promise.” Finally, they disappear into the crowd of sweaty people. There’s already loads of men who look at me intently, but I take that as a hint to stick as close to Yoongi as possible. Taehyung goes to the dance floor with other young ones while the older boys follow us to the bar. 
I lean onto the bar counter, noticing there’s no menu. I look around to see if I can see anyone else’s drinks that might look appealing, but under these lights they all look the same. Speaking of, all these people look much older than us. These are women and men, with a sprinkle of a few people in their early twenties. They all look like they know what their doing which makes me eager to do so as well. I can’t hide my inexperience with how hard I try, though. 
“Whiskey, neat.” Yoongi says to the female bartender. She looks at me until the eldest with their answers. It gives me time to think on my own but I have yet to come up with anything during the few seconds. 
The bartender laughs as she sees my confused face, “Don’t worry angel, I know what you need.” She says before going off to start on our drinks. It made my stomach flutter for some reason, with embarrassment or flattery I don’t know. All I know is that my chest is bubbling with excitement either way. I want this to be awkward, embarrassing, what have you. I want this to be a night to remember, and I’m sure it will be. I see a young woman walk towards the bar as well, an empty glass in her hand. She has a tight little black dress on and is clearly a little buzzed. She stumbles onto the chair next to me, tilting her head towards me like a cat to a mouse. 
“You’re Kanako, right? Kanako Fujishima.” She asks/shouts. No one has referred to me that way in a long time. The way where they recognize you for your face on TV, or in this case, the girl who exploited herself to the top. I almost turn to Yoongi for help but instead I nod and smile. 
“Yeah, I am.” I say like the famous idol in me would. She’s there, living and breathing underneath my soul. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get her back, but I’ll just pretend for now. 
She hums, looking me up and down. “Real fucked up what happened.” She speaks bluntly. 
My ears do a double-take to check if that’s what she really said, and with the expression on her face I’m sure it is. I’m about to answer until the bartender hands us our drinks, me being last. I can’t tell what color it is but it’s fizzy and waiting for a sip, so I do. 
“Oh, fuck!” I make a sour face. The woman next to me laughs harder than one usually would, “Is that your first sprite vodka?” She asks. 
I swallow while nodding, “I guess so. It’s gross.”
She pats me on the back and the bartender hands her a new drink. She takes it happily, giving it a sip and hopping off the stool. Before leaving she turns to me, her mouth fiddling with the mini black straw in her cup. 
“Next drink is on me, ‘kay?”
MARCH 30TH, 2012, 1:42AM
We’ve all huddled on the dance floor together. We’ve only been dancing for thirty minutes and I’m still sweating like none other. They’re blasting early 2000’s music over and over again, but it’s good to lose yourself in. 
Yoongi’s gotten more comfortable with putting his hands on me, and I think it’s the drinks. His fingers slide down my thighs from behind like he knows what he’s doing, and he’s almost got me convinced if it were for the fact that I know he’s never done this before. I slide my butt around the bulge of his denim jeans, knowing how much he’ll like that. 
Namjoon is a sight to see in the best way possible. He’s dancing with some girl he told me has a ‘piercing in a place she won’t tell me, fuck’ and that’s being repeated verbatim. Clearly the drinks are going to mostly everyone’s head, a hot and messy Seokjin dancing playfully with Hoseok. Then, there’s the three troublemakers who somehow always make a very elaborate dance
despite the music switching every three minutes. Jungkook is having fun too even with being sober. I see his cheeks getting redder by the minute with how hard he’s laughing with every dance move Jimin pulls. Every once in a while I do ward off women who try to dance with him, stopping the grinding me and Yoongi are doing to put them in their place. But besides that, everything is more than amazing. 
And the night is barely starting. 
I focus back on dancing with Yoongi, intoxicated by the vodka that’s still burning my throat and his fingers that’re surely on the prowl. His long, veiny ones that I catch myself staring at for minutes too long on normal days. Whenever he plays piano and he caresses the keys like he’s trying not to hurt them, I think I lose it little by little. 
I flip my body around and wrap my arms around his neck, swaying side to side. He adapts to our new position and fixes his hands so they’re resting on the slope of my hips instead. He bites his lip and I see a glimmer of danger in his almond eyes, making my head dip into his neck to give him a soft kiss. I can hear the echo of a groan from him as I perk my head back up to where it was. “I’m so in love with you.” He closens the space between our faces to say. 
My eyes soften, “I’m so in love with you too,” I pause. “And I think I want to go down on you right now.”
“Right now??”
“Right now, but somewhere else. Obviously.” I respond to him, his mouth widened. 
I take his hand and make a quick trip to Jungkook, leaning into his ear. “We’re gonna be back, don’t go anywhere.” I say to him and he nods. He’s distracted by a flailing Jimin but I trust that he understood me since he was as sober as sober can be. Plus he’s great at following orders most of the time, especially when it comes to me. He knows not to make me upset. Or else. 
Yoongi follows my uncertain lead, pushing through the crowd to find an empty space. The density of the horde of people feels more endless than ever due to my tipsiness. I get quick glances from women I unintentionally pushed to the side but my mission is far more important to care. I need Yoongi right now and it’s almost killing me. We eventually meet the end of the dance floor and I use that to my advantage, walking down a long hallway. 
“Kanako I think I’d be more scared of this hallway if I was sober.” Yoongi confesses. 
I ignore his comment for a moment as my eyes roam the empty passageway until seeing a door with the outline of a woman on it. I let go of Yoongi’s hand to open it, seeing it’s a one-person bathroom. Perfect, I think to myself. I whip my head to him and grab his shirt to drag him inside, quickly locking the door so no one enters. I’m not sure how long this will take but I don’t mind annoying all the woman who’ll probably have to pop a squat outside. 
Yoongi takes my face with both hands, pressing me against the cement wall. His mouth is fast and aggressive but it’s exactly how I wanted it to be. It’s so messy the way his tongue moves around my mouth, causing my breath to shorten by the second. We’re swapping saliva with hunger and I think I can taste the whiskey that lingers on his taste buds. 
His hair is almost screaming at me to be touched so I run my hands through it, revealing the forehead I don’t see enough. His breaths, his hair, even the way his body feels against mine fully clothed, has me feeling something I’ve only known since I met him. Needy. 
I sense the inside of my underwear getting slippery with my own wetness and I’m getting impatient for the warmth to be relieved. A finger swiping my clit would suffice, or even a knee jammed between my legs. I’d take anything. But this moment was supposed to be about him first, so my hands travel down to the zipper of his pants. 
“Kanako,” Yoongi pulls a part from my breathlessly, his lips shiny from us making out, “I’ve never done this before, I just thought you should know that.” He breathes. 
I lick my lips and stare at him deliriously, “Do you want me to be your first?”
“More than anything.” 
I kiss him and smile simultaneously, nipping at his bottom lip before moving down to his jaw. I plant wet pecks around the curvature of his face, feeling his sharp jaw-bone underneath my kisses. I lick down his throat and suck on the space between there and his collarbone, making sure to leave a mark. I’m definitely not in the right headspace to think that one through, but I guess I’ll be the one to introduce him to concealer instead of his future makeup artist. 
I like the idea of being the first to take him in my mouth, the idea that I know me being his first would make a great fantasy for him later. Not to toot my own horn. 
My kisses end where his shirt starts, so I slide my body down the cement wall and sit on my knees below him. He scoots over just a bit to give me enough space, his hands on my head like he’s petting me. Which is way more sexier than it sounds. My fingers roam his thighs before finally unbuttoning his dark-washed jeans, gliding the metal zipper to expose his boxers. 
They’re different from the day before we left for Jeju, they’re tighter. They hug his bulge nicely, creating an image in my head that will soon reveal itself. I climb myself just an inch to kiss down his happy trail. I want to extend this time as much as I possibly can, I want to make his first as pleasurable as possible. Despite it being in this janky bathroom. I know the certain situation is unfortunate. 
I lick down to the band of his boxers, gripping my fingers so they tug on them slowly. I bring them down torturously slow, but I can’t help but make a show of it. He’s gorgeous, skin and all. I reach towards his dick eventually, sliding down until it bounces to the surface. I curl my fingers around the girth of him, flattening my tongue so I graze his dick slowly. I can hear his breath hitch, his body shake. His hands don’t know where to go so I switch my gaze to him, “You can move my head if you want. I like that.” I smile. The sight of me grinning with his dick in my hand only makes him shiver, nodding and closing his eyes as his fingers find their way to my hair. 
He swallows as I go back to licking the head of his cock, swirling my tongue on the underside to encourage him to thrust into my mouth. He follows my que and moves his lower body slowly. When he gets to a comfortable pace I wrap my lips around him, fully enveloping him. I close my eyes and hold onto his thighs to help me inch towards the end of his dick. I intend to take as much of his length in as I can, not knowing if it’ll happen. But honestly I’m so fucked up by his quiet whimpers that I think I’ll do anything to him right now. 
His eyes furrow as he lets out tiny moans, “Y-You look so…pretty..” He whines. I press my thighs together as the intensity of my need grows. Hearing him so lost and dazed with his cock in my mouth makes my saliva increase, dripping down my chin and onto my hand that slides up and down his length. “Pretty Kanako..”
The only way he talks dirty is by praising me, complimenting me. He’s never one to call me degrading names, he wants me to know how good I make him feel. He’s definitely subby in bed. I think I might even make him cry if I go over his breaking point. 
“B-Baby, I’m…” He whispers, only focused on my sloppy tongue that’s sucking him down. 
I hum against his wet dick and feel his hands drag my mouth up and down his length, taking control. He starts to fully mouth-fuck me fast and yet so gently, moving his hips so my nose inches ever so closely to his happy trail. His legs shake and his knees buck, throwing his head back to whimper my name over and over and over again. 
Kanako, fuck, shit, Jesus Christ baby. I’m, I’m…
He continues using my mouth to please himself, the fluids from it foggy and thick due the precum that had been building up. It isn’t long until he pauses and his grip loosens. He’s too close to use me, so I grab his dick and stroke it swiftly. He sucks in his teeth before slamming his hand on the cement wall, pressing his forehead against it. He lets out a long moan and a familiar string of white shoots onto my chest. It doesn’t stop me from running my thumb under the head of his dick to make sure he gets the most from his orgasm. He moans, ‘ah…’ and shuts his eyes closed to feel the pleasure overriding him fully. 
His chest slows down and he holds himself up as I adjust his boxers back in place, knowing he’s too hazy in the head to be able to do anything right now. It makes me smile just a bit and he opens his eyes once again, blinking at me who still sits on my knees. 
“Come here.” He whispers, moving his position. I stand up with shaky knees due to sitting for so long. He holds me in his arms and breathes into my neck, burying his face. This wholesome, warm moment soon turns deadly as he moves his hand underneath my skirt. 
“Yoongi, you don’t have to-”
He’s the one to crouch down this time, caressing my thighs. The tips of fingers meet with the heat between my legs. It’s so obvious that I’m dripping with an immense amount of slick for him. It’s heated and his fingers only get closer. “Your turn.” He whispers. 
He drags my underwear down my legs until they pool around my ankles. He lifts my skirt so it bundles around my stomach, my lower half being on full display for his hungry eyes. He kisses both thighs, his mouth disappearing as it travels to my closed lips. He places pecks on my pussy until using his tongue to spread me open. He licks a line up to my clit, giving it a soft suck. 
“Oh s-shit.”
“My Kanako loves using her dirty words for me, hm?” 
Oh shit. 
I completely fold under his mouth blanketing my sopping cunt, lapping up my slick. His tongue maneuvers around so easily on account of how wet I’d gotten while sucking him off. His head bobs underneath me making my hips move slightly. It’s like the roles were completely reversed, him now being the one used. But it isn’t necessarily like we hadn’t ever done this before, for some reason Yoongi likes me being on top of him. I’ll never know what it is but I like seeing him completely lost in me. 
“I’msofuckingobsessedwithyou.” He hums into my pussy, making me gasp loudly. Whenever he talks it feels like a vibrator is being pressed against my swollen clit, but I think it’d feel like that even if he wasn’t eating me out. I press myself into his mouth further, needing more aggression with his licks. 
He starts sucking on me once again, pulling my clit softly with his lips. All I can see are his pretty brown eyes closed, once in a while opening them to make precious eye contact with me. His hands find their way to my ass and he strokes me gently, giving me a squeeze whenever he hits the same spot that makes me moan. “Yoongi…more…” I cry. We compliment each other so nicely with the way we’re so utterly needy for each other. After tonight I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of him. 
He flattens his tongue and encourages my movements, so I ride his face just like before. I hold his head in place as I move on his tongue feeling every crease, every crevice of that tongue that I can. I lock myself onto a certain spot on my clit that I know will make me release, rapidly grinding my cunt against his tongue. “Y-Yoongi….oh my god-” I whine. This pleasure is unmeasurable to anything I’d experienced before. I didn’t know intimacy could feel this good until him. 
My legs shake and I’m overcome with an overwhelming rush all around my body, pursing my lips in a tight line to hold in my cries. My mouth eventually opens in a big breath to make out a loud whimper, screaming his name like it’s the only word I know. 
He doesn’t stop his tongue until a few seconds after, until I’m flinching with every suck to my sensitive clit that he makes. My eyes flutter and my chest moves up-and-down with every bit of oxygen I’m trying to hold onto. Yoongi does as I did, lifting up my soaked underwear back on me and sliding down my skirt. He places pecks on my exposed stomach that leads to my face, giving me a warm, deep kiss that catches me off guard. 
I hold his face lazily as I’m still trying to gain back consciousness. 
“That was crazy.” I breathe out which makes him laugh rather tenderly.
“It was good?” He asks genuinely. 
I look at him with a bewildered expression, “Are you kidding? It was…the best I’ve ever had.” I say. He gives me one of his signature gummy-smiles in the midst of this hot and thick bathroom. The air is undoubtedly coated with sex but I’ll leave that for the next person to deal with. 
Although Yoongi was never even inside of me, penetrating me, it’s still the most intimate experience I’ve ever had. It was full of love and care, and filth of course. But it was ours, most importantly. Not just his. And that meant the world to me and more. He took the time to make sure my needs were met as much as his. 
And it was his first time receiving oral. I was his first. Me. Me. Me. Me.
“I’m the luckiest girl alive.” I reciprocate his smile, running a hand through his damp hair. 
MARCH 30TH, 2012, 3:01AM
Me and Yoongi gather ourselves to exit the bathroom. I fix my hair quickly as he buttons his pants back up. Something about seeing him so giddy makes my stomach rumble with butterflies. And probably hunger. I’m so excited to go back to our dorm and inhale the rest of that bread. 
I meet Yoongi at the door and as his hand grips onto the handle he turns to me, “Kanako, before we get out there, while we’ve sobered up. I want to ask you something.” He speaks with obvious anxiety. Because of the suddenness of his serious tone, I too get a worrying ping in my chest. He looks down as he asks. 
“Can I be your boyfriend?” He whispers. 
I lean down to where his face is, showing him my confusion. I know our unlabeled status must’ve made him think to himself sometimes, but the face he has right now made me realize I’ve let this uncertainty linger for too long. I never wanted to do this to him, but I also didn’t want to do it to myself. But this feels like the perfect time, the most hopeful time. 
I stare at him, “Yoongi, you’re more than a boyfriend to me-”
“Kanako, please-”
“No, listen.” I insist, “You’re my…soulmate. I love you. Of course you’re my boyfriend, Yoongi. You’ve always been, I think. But I didn’t have the strength to say it at the time. I want you forever.” I assure him softly. His eyes meet with mine in a slow motion, observing me. I need him to feel my sincerity, my honesty. 
Bang. A loud bang hits the door, frightening both of us. I jolt back and look at Yoongi who shares the same muddled visage. One more, two, and three more bangs until Yoongi swings it open angrily. I can only see half of who’s on the other side, and it looks to be the same woman I was sitting with earlier. 
I walk over to Yoongi who is standing there with nothing to say. He just stares. There’s another person, someone taller than the woman. Someone with the same cologne. That Calvin Klein one that haunts me still. The same hands that I remember holding my waist, my face, everything. 
And just like that, everything comes crashing down. 
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click here to read more of this story!
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seospicybin · 1 year
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And happy Alentine's Ay to to anyone who didn't get any V or D on this special day. Eitherway, I have just the 8 fics to make your heart fluttering. (Also, as an effort to beat the allegations that I only write sad fics!)
I curated a playlist of my favorite love songs here 💘
THINNING. Bangchan x reader. (s,f)
It's a classic friends-to-lovers. I surprised myself because I personally thought Chan wouldn't fit that trope. Why? Because I would catch feelings right away without being his friend first. fyi, this fic is inspired by a Reddit thread.
Fave quote: "But people oftentimes hide behind the 'actions speak louder than words' and that makes them okay with love left unsaid. No one is a mind reader. If you love someone, they want you to verbalize how you feel. This is real life, not a chess game."
PEACH. Lee Know x reader. (s, a whole lot of f)
The idea was born from the fact that Minho likes strange smells (e.g gasoline, concrete, etc) and he likes them because they hold certain memories for him. It's a one-shot with a sprinkle of breeding kink. One of my favorite old works of mine and there's a cameo from Soonie.
Fave quote: “You are one ripe, juicy peach,” he said against your lips, “and everybody wants a taste.”
PIED PIPER. Changbin x reader. (s,f)
I think I created a dangerous Changbin in this fic but do I regret it? Not at all. Think of campus bad boy Changbin who knows how to seduce you just right. Seductive and a little messy, just how I like it.
Fave quote: "One more look in the mirror and he gets the assurance that he doesn't need to be insecure about his body, he knows he'll never fit into everyone's standard but he feels good about himself. That's why girls are crazy for him. He is so sure of himself and it shows."
ONE DANCE. Hyunjin x reader. (s,f)
I never wrote a fic this fast. It's smut with a simple plot and not going to lie, I loved it so much. I'm writing the full fic on this from the mc pov, hope I'll be able to release it soon. And oh I recommend listening to Frank Ocean's Pyramid as you read it.
Fave quote: "His worry replaced with the guilt of ever doubting your feelings for him, but on top of that, he feels the happiest to know that you are his. He's indeed so lucky to have your love for free."
DOTING. Han x reader. (s,f)
It's dorky, awkward, and bizarrely cute (?) I got inspired by an episode of Black Mirror that I come back to from time to time. I promise you it has no grim ending, but you'll learn a lot of new random facts from reading it.
Fave quote: "If humans truly are made of star stuff, he believes you are made from the brightest star in the universe because he refuses to believe that he is made of the same thing. As he stares at your body he changes his mind almost immediately, he believes you are made of outer space and he wants to explore."
GODSPEED. Felix x reader. (s,f,a)
It tells about a relationship that forces one to be out of its comfort zone. I tried to capture every bit of Felix in it and it's my favorite Felix fic second close to Twin Flame. I know there's angst in it but trust me, the pain is worth it in the end.
Fave quote: "You can’t stay stagnant in a relationship just because it feels comfortable. You were too comfortable and that was why the space scared you both."
ONE PROPOSITION. Seungmin x reader. (s,f)
Do you also think that love is just... yuck??? If yes, then let Seungmin change your mind. It's cute but not on the cringe side (or I hope so) it's rom-com worthy and Seungmin is so Seungmin in it with his square shoulders and he's a good kisser and and and...
Fave quote: "Love is some hocus pocus shit, got you completely bewitched."
MILK. I.N x reader. (s,f)
Just like the title itself, a love story that is so simple and sweet. It doesn't have, let's say, 'the happiest of ending' but I like it how it is. A love that asks nothing, it's as pure as milk.
Fave quote: "They remind me that there are still some innocence and purity in this world. And the way they see the world with so much curiosity and full of wonder, I wish I could relive that again,” he said with a sigh.
“To experience everything for the first time all over again,” you added while looking up at the blue sky."
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Remember that the greatest love of all is the love you have for yourself, or that's what the one Celine Dion song taught me. ily 🤟🏻💘
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kvtie444 · 6 months
hey so little rant (sorry) but basically i’m like an extrovert right and i’m kinda that friend who’s always laughing and joking around and stuff so when convos get deep, ppl don’t rlly take me seriously if yk what i mean? like it’s not that i’m immature it’s just that ppl assume that coz i fuck around a lot ppl think i’m like carefree ig? sry idk if this is making sense
also like i used to get complimented on my looks a lot by like girls and stuff but honestly i was super insecure like i would dead ass look in the mirror and like cringe 💀 but at the same time i always had a girl be like ‘aww i wish i looked like u’ ‘ur so pretty i wish i had ur nose’ and it literally made me feel like shit and like coz ppl usually would think someone confident and outgoing wouldn’t be insecure like maybe an introvert but not a loud people person
so when i would express myself to ppl they would literally think i was being attention seeking and compliment fishing and ungrateful when i genuinely just sometimes didn’t like the way i looked and it hurt coz it was ppl close to me
anyway i guess it was a phase probably just some secondary school weird thing but now my issue is different 🥰
like there be girls out there telling me i’m pretty but the GUYS oml
‘she’s bad’ ‘ur leng’ ‘ur hot’
i just wanna be called pretty by a nice guy
he doesn’t have to be chris or matt or even attractive 😭
i genuinely don’t think i’ve ever had guy call me pretty or cute like pls 🤧
anyway rant over sorry for my shit punctuation skills and my complete lack of full stops
feel free to rant as much as u like ml, i used to be extroverted aswel but when no one took me serious when actual deep shit happened to me i became super reserved and held to myself, ts changed me sm.
ik how u feel tho, i had a glow up around 6th form and boys who used to bully me and ignore me (literally got called the ugly bsf) were now tryna chat to me and are in my dms now. it’s so shitty bc it feels like no guy acc wants to know you and just wants to fuck. i’ve litch gave up w boys
and aswell i think a lot of people can be so negative when you feel good about urself/ are actually succeeding if that makes sense - i had a rlly toxic friendship where if i would say smth like “these jeans r flattering” she’d have to criticize it back, like “they look too small for u, blah blah”
but no i could talk about being the “funny friend” for DAYSSSS.
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lyraoctaviawrites · 2 months
Thanks to Solitaire by Alice Oseman, I’ve started really enjoying writing in both first person and present tense, and I wondered what the ITP characters’ voices would be like if they were the narrator of their own book from this same perspective. Into the Phantasm is third person throughout after all.
So I decided to write a quick opening for each one because why the hell not?
If you write a lot in third person, feel free to do this with some of your own characters, it has been genuinely really fun. A simple change of perspective can do wonders.
Another night’s gone by with very little sleep. My eyes sting and my bones feel cold, but my alarm clock says that Sarah Taylor shall sleep no more. I think that’s a Shakespeare quote. I barely remember anything I learned in English. Why did I even quote that? Stop being weird, Sarah, it’s too early for that!
My alarm clock is way too loud. Feels like my ears are gonna fall off. I should really get a different one… I’d use my phone like a normal person would, but whenever I hear a phone vibrate I start to panic. No clue why. I’m weird. You should know this by now.
I switch my stupid clock off and get dressed into my blue hoodie and leggings. As usual, I check my mirror to see if I look okay, and as usual, I absolutely don’t. I’m passable at best and I don’t look my best today. The bags under my eyes are darker than ever and I just look really pale… It’s annoying… But, I put on my best smile anyway. I’m seeing Maya and Lillian today. A smile is the least I can do to brighten their day.
My name is Maya Cadigan. Trans girl, half welsh, full time bitch. I love my friends, hate my mum, hate my life, hate the entire world to be honest. I just hate a lot of things, but that’s not my fault. If those things didn’t want me to hate them, they should stop being so easy to hate.
I realised I was trans a few months ago and to be honest, it’s been rough. Thanks to my mum being a phobic piece of garbage, I knew way less about being trans and queer than I should have. It took a lot of research and a lot of soul searching for me to say, ‘Hey. I’m a girl. I’m trans. And that’s okay.’
I like being a girl.
I wanna tell my friends. I don’t think I’ll be able to go into college if I don’t have them by my side in all this. I met up with them recently and hearing them deadname me made me wanna tear my whole fucking head off. I didn’t want to blame them but I couldn’t help… hating them for it. Of course, that just made me hate myself so I ended up leaving early and now whenever I think about it I cringe. I can be really illogical sometimes.
Sarah will be the easiest to tell. She’s a lesbian so she’s part of the community anyway, she’s literally the sweetest person I’ve ever met in my life and Lillian… I dunno, I guess I care a little more about Lillian’s opinion of me… Sarah first then. Before I have a chance to overthink and ruin it, I grab my phone and start typing.
Welp, here we go. Another day of being alive.
Late summer can be such a boring time, especially so when you’ve barely seen your friends recently and you always have to message first. It’s okay though, they both have busy lives. They both do a lot of stuff… without me… I’m gonna stop thinking about that now!
I contemplate getting dressed but I don’t really feel like going anywhere or even leaving the house. Pyjama day. Why not? Relax a little for once, why don’t ya, Lilly?
Note to self, stop calling yourself Lilly…
I don’t need my friends to have a good time. I can do all the cooking today, maybe bake something (cheesecake sounds heavenly right now, omg), and of course I can marathon some movies. Could watch a bunch of really terrible horror movies. Seems like a really terrible horror movie kinda day.
I’m fine without Sarah and Maya. Plus, when I see them again, it’ll be like they never left. I’ll be fine. It won’t ever be like the nightmares I’ve had about them leaving me. It won’t. It’ll be fine.
I’ll be fine…
Day 272 on the run
What an exciting day this is turning out to be. This parallel dimension I’ve been reading about known as ‘Earth’ was real and I’ve just travelled to it! These magic mirrors really are fascinating. I don’t pretend to know how they work but that’s only because I haven’t finished reading the books I have about them.
I love reading so so much but I can tend to be a little slow because if I don’t give the words a little time to digest then what’s the point of even reading the book? I won’t remember any of it!
I’ve tested the mirror out a few times and it seems that moving only a short distance on Earth and warping again can cause me to appear very far away from where I first used the mirror in the Phantasm. However, when coming back to Earth, it sends me back to around the same place. I have no clue why this happens but there’s got to be an answer. My current theory is that the landmasses are a vastly different size but I have yet to prove it.
I seem to have stumbled upon some kind of training centre called a ‘College.’ Perhaps investigating it will give me some information about this amazing new world. For the sake of research, I must enter!
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sleepless-writes · 1 year
Kitty Gang (Part 3)
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Pairing: Agust D x Reader, Baby J x Reader
Genre: Cyber Punk Au, Unrequited love, f2l
Warnings: Swear Words, Blood, Sexual Themes
Words: 2.088 Words
Note: Hi, I hope you like this part of my first fanfic!
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After the night Jimin and I cuddled and Yoongi being mad about it something changed a little between Yoongi and me. Jimin was touchy with everybody including me since I met him but it was weird for Yoongi. Tiny touches here and there, a hand on my shoulder every time I change his bandages, brushing against me while we prepared dinner, and so on. It left me confused but to be honest with myself, I liked it.
I spend almost the whole day in Yoongis room. After waking up I tried desperately not to move because he still looked so tired. His face was relaxed, a view I didn't see often. He seemed angry a lot. Angry about society, capitalism, the city, the list goes on. He is angry about a lot of things and I caught myself thinking about bringing him to my hometown where he could be happy and free. While laying on his chest I thought about it a little. It felt peaceful. More time flew by and when Yoongi woke up his voice was raspy and deep. A shiver ran down my spine. His eyes searched mine and his words cut deep. “You are staying right?”
I didn't have to think about it. I wanted more of this cozy atmosphere, I never wanted to leave this room. But the reality is a bitch. “Sure I just grab my laptop.” He let go of me and when I came back he was already sound asleep again. I crawled under the sheets and looked for two train tickets home. Sure, my family wanted me to make a lot of money and have a better life than themselves but some people aren't cut out to live big lives. I began to think that a little life is more satisfying. Maybe Yoongi thinks the same.
Yoongi and I spend the days leading to the job together. He couldn't go out to sell drugs, which made him pissed but his wounds had to be cleaned regularly and because I was at home most of the time we talked a lot with some music in the background. Yoongi insisted on cooking for us because I took care of him. Turns out he is a pretty good cook and I ate a nice dinner for once.
It was calming to have him around but now it was Jimins turn to be mad. He didn't like to share the attention. After two days he had enough. Nobody asked him how his day was and I kind of forgot to tell him how good he looked in his work outfit. So after his shift in the club, he stayed and he fell in love with at least five different strangers again. He just loved people. All these beautiful creatures. All for him. So he brought someone home. A nameless pretty body to have sex with for hours. And while he had fun, Yoongi and I lay next to each other, hearing every moan. I cringed but I also felt really hot. Was it always that warm in here or was Yoongi also burning up? He didn't dare to touch me tonight. But I imagined him to do it anyway. Yoongi coughed. “Do you want to come smoke one with me?” “Yes, absolutely.”
We went to the roof. Yoongi said he opened the door months ago and nobody cared to lock it again. Yoongi stuck his cigarette in his mouth after he gave me the little box and his lighter. But when he wanted to light the cigarette, the lighter didn't work anymore. He tried it again and again but only the clicking sound was heard. “Stay still.” He said after a while. I had my cigarette in my mouth and Yoongi came closer with his. When our cigarettes touched he inhaled while looking into my eyes intensely. We breathed in the dirty air but we felt free for a bit. “Y/N I want you to have something.” He gave me his beloved knife. He has it always on him. “It saved me in a lot of situations but I want you to have it.” He scratched behind his ear in a shy manner. “I don't know. I just want you to be safe tomorrow.” I thanked him and gifted him a bright smile. He mirrored my smile and for the first time, I saw his gummy smile. All the noise coming from the streets underneath us, the job, the stress, Jimin fuckig someone else, nothing of this mattered at this moment.
Back at the apartment, Jimin said bye to his plaything. He appeared satisfied. Everybody in this building knew that he exited again. Then the day of the job dawned.
“Okay, everybody like we planned! Agust D, JK we get the money, V and RM you stay on the dance floor and watch the stairs. Y/N and Jin you take care of the signals, the cameras and the security system, alright?” Baby J was aware that his gang members rolled their eyes and sighed, they heard it a million times, but if they make a mistake it was all over. I wasn't ready, I couldn't be sassy, and I was terrified. I never was out at a job, always hidden behind a screen. Now I'm here with my members, my friends. “Hey Y/N, don't be nervous okay, It's an easy job. It should be done in an hour, we can go eat some fries after, what do you say?” Jin always takes good care of everybody. He deserves a shitload of fries. A loud “peep” could be heard from my laptop. The first signal and it was green.
Everything was according to the plan. The boys got in, went up the stairs and JK knocked the security guy in front of the office out. Another green signal. I saw the events on the shitty cameras Jin hacked and I finally could breathe easier.
“Agust how much longer do you need?” Baby J wasn't a patient guy. If he is stressed, I would be too but we are still in time. “Just a second, don't stress.” “JK, I'm sure you could kick that door open.” “Fuck Baby J. We don't do that. Stop tripping and send the signal, I'm in.” Baby J smirked. “You are so hot when you're angry.” Agust was always so serious. The door opened with a klick and Agust was quick to put his tools away. The three stepped inside the room. It didn't look that interesting. Chairs, a desk and a big ass safe. Jackpot. The next green signal.
V was in the crowd. He danced but his eyes never left the front door. RM watched the stairs next to the bar. They both sent their signals.
“Look Y/N everything is as we planned. Do you want some candy?” I shook my head and glared back at the screen. All signals are green, no danger in sight, and the bouncer is still out. But suddenly a man appeared on the camera downstairs. He looked familiar and then I recognized him: the brother of the owner. His right hand. A killer. “Jin, he is trouble!” “It's fine, RM and V saw him already.” “but they can't shut him off.” I got nervous. I know we talked about stuff like that but I hoped we wouldn't have to deal with that. V was the first who noticed the man. He knew who he was. He read my research at least. Yellow signal. The men whispered to the bartender. RM saw him too. Another yellow signal. The men behind the bar gave him some money and then he went on. Up the stairs. V came into action. “Hey, cutie.” V gave him his biggest smile and he stopped mid-stairs. The man came back down. “What do you want.” “Mabe your number, maybe a little fun?” Another big smile. I didn't know V could flirt like that. No wonder he and Baby J ended up in bed before. A loud sound came from the office room upstairs. The men ignored V and hurried up the stairs. Red signal. I couldn't breathe. Agust still struggled with the safe. “Jin!” He wasn't that chilled anymore. His face was tense and his big glasses were pushed up his head. He gave the warning signal to Baby J. “We can't do anything.”
Next up came Baby J. He stumbled out of the office and ran the men directly in the arms. “What the hell did you do in there?” The men shouted. Now he saw the bouncer on the floor as well. “I'm sorry, my date had a little too much to drink and I was looking for the toilette. But this idiot passed out on the floor.” “You are fucking with me. Tell me what's going on or I fuck you up.” He was ready to fight. He took another step and I ran.
I ran up to the back door, up the stairs, I took Agusts knife and stuck it into the man's back. He groaned and turned around. In this second JK punched his head and he fell to the ground next to the bouncer. I looked at my hands. The blood was everywhere. The knife was now dark red and the smell of iron lingered in the air. Baby J and JK stared at me with shocked expressions. At that moment Agust D came out of the office with the full bag in his hands. He saw the knife and the blood, he blinked once and collected himself then he took my hand. Followed by Baby J, JK, V and RM we left the building quickly.
Jin started the car and the atmosphere was tense. Only Yoongi whispered encouraging words into my ear while he cleaned my hands and his knife with some tissues. “You saved Jimin so don't think about it too much. “Well Y/N” I heard Jimin begin in the back of the car. “That was kind of sexy.” “You have a lot of problems Jimin.” JK smacked Jimins head playfully. That cleared the air a little and some chuckles could be heard. “Next stop is Hope World. Our lovely bosses tower.” “And after that, I need a drink.” Yoongi said. Nobody answered but I was sure everybody agreed.
We drove through Nightlife City and the faces of those who were looking for money and a little luck, just like us passed by. All of these people, all of us looked worn out. This world is cruel.
Twenty minutes later we stood in Hope's office. I was here before but the huge windows amazed me yet again. The room was almost as big as Jimin, Yoongi and my apartment, and with the glass desk and the white lights, it looked like a spaceship. I watched out of the window. I could stand here for hours. The world was quiet up here. Jimin came a little later with Hope into the office. Like most of the time, Hope had a smile on his lips. He squinted at me briefly while sitting in his chair. Namjoon and Seokjin sat on a couch further back in the room. Jin was quiet since the job ended. Namjoon had his arm around his shoulder. I didn't know them for a long time but I always wondered how it would feel to be loved like that. All the stress gone if you are in the arms of your soulmate. I would never admit it out loud but I crave that too.
“Well, the job is done. Not like expected but I have the money and nobody is dead.” Hope was calm and I relaxed instantly. “Here is your money.” He gave Jimin the bag with our money. We all felt a sprinkle of dopamine. “Oh and Y/N, please try to stay a little calmer next time.” “Yes, I'm so sorry Hope.” “Nothing to worry about. The first time is always out of a good reason.” His gaze went to Jimin. “Y/N is a good member. The Kitty Gang should be happy to have her.” With these words he stood up and left the room. “Woah I almost pissed myself. Hope is so chilled but I heard he is fucking scary if you make a mistake.” Jk said when we left the building. “Yeah, do you remember the one time Yoongi stabbed that guy with chopsticks?” Taehyung replied. “Stop bringing that up, kid.” Agust kicked him mildly. “Let's go, I know a dope party.”
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alex-the-otherkin · 9 months
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Name: Fluxuates depending on what prounouns I'm currently using. Alexandra on more feminine days, Alexander on more masculine days, and Alex on more neutral days.
Nicknames: Anything works but I love space, nature, or special intrest themed nicknames. If your going to use gendered nicknames please ask my prounouns first.
Age: I don't fell safe saying my age on here, but I will say that I am over 16.
Special Intrests: Anything to do with the positive side of LGBTQIA+, Nature, witchy things, Psychology, Maximum Ride, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, what real life monsters would look like, stuffed animals.
Random Fact: I would really really love it for someone to nicknames me somthing along the lines if glitch or glitchy. Why you ask? Well, when thinking about my phantom limbs I realized that I felt that one of my eyes was red and the other bright blue. I don't know if the red cam from the vampire or demon kins and if the blue came from the werewolf or angel. It reminded me of a glitch colors, and since then I've just kinda wanted to use red and blue for all my oc's eyes.
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How I learned I was a otherkin: Well. I had always felt odd, almost non-human my entire life. I often Imagined myself as diffrent animals, some from fantasy and some from real life. Most of everyone thought I was pretending and that I would grow out of it. I did not however grow out of it. To this day I still will feel wings on my back and am able to see them so clearly in my mind. Not only that but many more things alike. Apart from this I often feel intune to most animals, even making freinds with snakes and wasps. I have been a animal person since I was younger. I would be able to speak to the animals without any words. Some animals naturally flocked to me, well others took more time. However I was always ready to give all the love they deserve, no matter how long they needed. They also never scared me or harmed me like humans had. I was safe and at peace with animals. Eventually I started to wonder, Why don't I feel human? It was a tricky question. I often called people humans instead of people, as I didn't like being associated with Them. My parent didn't understand this but eventually let it go. I thought about it for a long time before I thought, maybe, just maybe I wasn't a human. I took to the internet when I stumbled across alterhumans, specifically otherkin. It instantly felt right. Like I finally found the last peice of a puzzle. Well, I'm still new to this I now understand myself A little bit better. (Sorry this was so long, this is actually a shortened version).
My Kin types: Angelkin, Demonkin, Vampirekin, and Werewolfkin.
Do I exsperience Phantom Limbs: Yes I do. I have phantom wings, phantom tail, phantom claws, phantom fangs, and phantom werewolf ears. Sometimes my wings will dissappear or feel smaller but the rest is almost always there!
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Gender: Genderfluid
Prounouns: Switches between She/Her, She/ They, They/Them, He/They, He/Him, She/They/ He, She/Her, It/it's, and mirror prounouns.
Sexuality: omnisexual, Panromantic, Demirose, Polyamorous
Dating Status: Current not dating anyone
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Asks: Everone is welcome to send asks as long as you don't go against my DNI or my boundaries. So feel free to send me anything ranging from a picture of your cat to a deep poem of your choice.
DM: Ummmm, this one is a bit tricky. It all really depends on the circumstances. Like your lonely and think I'd make a good freind? Absaloutly you can message me. You want to tell me something but are really scared to put it in a ask? Of course you can, as long as It doesn't go against my bounderies.
Touching: Only If we are really close. I am autistic and even the though of someone I'm not close with touching me makes my entire body cringe
Flirting: Absaloutly not. I am Demi-aroace (meaning I need a strong emotional connection to be romantically or sexually attracted to anyone) so I don't feel very comfortable with flirting. I am also under 18 soooo yeah, Absaloutly no flirting.
DNI: Basic DNI criteria (Homophobic, completely NSFW, Racist, cringe culture, ect). I don't have a super detailed DNI but I do block freely. The only thing I have to say is DNI if you are anti-otherkin.
Warnings: I have a tendency to cuss a lot, if your not comfortable with that than I recommend blocking the tag #TW cussing
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perilus · 3 months
You remind me of The Lady of Shallot, I recently did an analysis for class on both the lyric and painting. I thought it was very you 🫶 (in the best way possible)
I am so shocked and flattered by this, wizardsausage33. Excellent username btw, pls keep it forever.
Seriously though, The Lady of Shalott is one of my favorite poems. And the painting is beautiful and dramatic. Thank you very much :')
This is pasted from one of my journal entries I wrote in January of 2023 (please don't mind how cringe it is; I didn't think I would show anyone this, but I feel compelled to now):
"...so I am the Lady of Shalott. She lives isolated in four grey walls up in her tower. No one sees her. Some hear her singing carried by the wind. She can't look out her window (metaphorically), in other words, she can't allow herself to want, because expectation is the cause of her suffering. So she keeps to her mirror, telling herself she is satisfied with her reality, satisfied with attempting to invent her art from the nothingness of her isolation. OG rot girl. Looking at shadows of the world, imitations of reality...anyway that's my phone. Hehe just kidding but no seriously. Anyway, if I stay I will suffer, if I break free I might fail, and therefore suffer. AGHHHH.
But I have no interest in a Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot? More like Sir smellsalot. Hah! Don't DM me. I am wounded. Okay, I am choosing to interpret Sir Lancelot as a metaphor for freedom. The anthropomorphism of freedom. That's better.
Socializing (being with men) took the me out of me. Took the artist out of me. I am ashamed to admit I made a shell of myself for those who didn't understand me. Made myself agreeable, less weird, more palatable. I am relieved to say I grew out of that. And them. I am content in my own skin now. I will not Lady of Shalott myself (die for a man, kill my large personality) ever again. Maybe I strayed too far on that tangent. The poem isn't about men, it's about socializing lol. Ah well. Hehe haha."
Cringe aside, thanks again. I'm interested in reading your interpretation if you ever decide to post it somewhere & send me a link :)
Ta ta,
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
hi! a bit of a weird question, i hope you don't mind! i saw in a different ask that you didn't always write for kpop or things regarding real people - how was that shift for you? i'm only just now starting to write for kpop but i feel weirdly. shamed or embarrassed to openly slap that label on, say, an anime blog or something, but at the same time i also feel like i should not care? weird cross roads! i am cringe but free(? lol)
this is such a great question and not weird at all! to be honest with you..... i totally used to be one of those people who rolled my eyes at kpop. i feel shitty about that now because honestly.... why in the world should any hobby or thing that brings people joy be shamed - but i won't lie. i used to be a bit of a stuffy academic, reading only capital "L" literature and listening to only "meaningful" music and watching arthouse films but honestly none of that shit made me that happy, it just made me feel self important.
i would read and write fanfic completely privately, and i had packed away a lot of shame about even that. so you can imagine how shifting into kpop was a weird change for me. i had a friend in the kpop space for months that i just didn't tell about aurora until finally i was like "haha by the way..........." and being honest about that was a huge shift. i made so many other friends after that, and i'm glad i was just 100% myself and honest for that one second.
i explain all of this to say, i completely get the feelings of internalized shame and embarrassment. for decades we've been watching content making fun of women and young girls who get excited over boy bands or fandom experience, and there's no way that type of internalized misogyny doesn't seep into your mind. i don't know if you identify as a woman, i'm just speaking from my own experience here, but i think maybe you can see what i mean regardless.
at the end of the day..... the way i decided to stop caring was to make friends in the space that brought me joy. i talk about kpop in "real life" but not as much, and that feels like a good safe middle for me personally. when people side eye the hobby or say something out of pocket, my reply is typically "i just don't believe in yucking other peoples yums". it's a quick way to push a bit of that shame back on the person. what are they judging for? they should probably take a look in the mirror and stop commenting on other people's lives.
hopefully this helps, but at the end of the day, live your life, no one else is going to live it for you. if other people don't vibe with your choices, that's really on them.
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itsjustelian · 11 months
Re-designing a character right now because suddenly I'm writing her story and the design I gave her at first is making less and less sense. (No I will not be showing the old design. It's cringe and I can't look at it anymore.)
Now, I did two designs for them since they change kinda drastically in personality between the beginning and the end and I wanted to show that in her design.
Past- pink dress
Future- blue outfit
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Okay, I've decided to throw random facts about the character here, mainly for myself but feel free to do what you will with this information. I will be throwing other characters of mine in here with no explanation so if you're curious feel free to ask!
Name: Pyra
Pronouns: She/They (It when referring to the gatekeeper)
Pyra's body isn't actually a biological body. They lack the organs on the inside that normal people have. So, when she cut her hair it never grew back.
They 'bleed' fire as a defence mechanism. Also took "a good defence is the best offence" too seriously and just stabs herself to fight off enemies.
They dislike seeing their own reflection. No matter how long passes she just can't get used to seeing a person in the mirror.
Of all their friends the only one they feel truly secure with is Illith. Though the other has no idea why.
Absolutely has no sense of fashion and is dependent on Calias to design outfits for them.
Lives in a graveyard.
Can see and speak to ghosts (even making a select few corporeal if she chooses.
Has a strange guilt complex that they have to help people because it's what they were designed to do.
-I love doing these so here's what other characters have to say about her (keep in mind these are things they'd say out loud and may not be their actual feelings). Also, these are all about the future (or present depending on how you look at it) Pyra, not everyone here knew her before.-
Illith - "I'd prefer not to think about the executive of communications, thank you. They never come into the office and on the off chance they do, they never get any work done. Ugh, I just don't see why people like her so much."
Calias - "She's very fun to hang out with on a good day. On a bad day though... ah, it's not my place to say."
Rowan - "Not even Purkinje can stand them and you expect me to have anything positive to say?"
Rahmila: "I have them to thank for everything I am today. Though I worry sometimes that she doesn't take care of herself as well as she takes care of us."
Ray: "I don't have any strong feelings about her. She practically brought me back from the dead... but maybe the cost for that was too high."
Arabella: "Pyra? She's nice. I think Eofor knows her better than I do."
Eofor: "They're a blast to hang out with! Just don't tell Rowan I said that."
Eris: "If she feels up to it, sometimes they'll walk with me to work. On other days Illith has to go make sure they'll get out of bed in the next week. I never even have to tell Illith that Pyra needs her help, she always seems to just know. It's really strange now that I think about it."
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fartquen12 · 1 year
can i have a zhongli x reader where he makes a tea out of his gf's caca to show his gf he loves her pls and tanks <3333333
Valentines dokie dookie tea ft. john stamos
TRIGGER WARNINGS: dookie, Fart, Nonconsenstual stealing poop, tea, dookie tea, zhongli being my version of zhongli, y/n, bl00d, cringe, she her prns (y/n), valentines day. (will defenitly offend you if you are a mini ravi/kyle)
*RING RING* "oh fuc- OWWAA" I screeched as I fell out of bed. *RING RING* I slammed my hand down on the alarm to shut it off. "goddamn." I said almost silently. I got up off the floor and made my bed. Thats when I realised it was valentines day! I have a date with zhongli and I look like a poop riden child! I ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower. It was so cold I literally sharted. After that I went to my closet to look for some nice clothes since our date was in 1 hour. I saw this brown and black and white box print dress in my closet. I wore it because I wanted to loook like i havent changed since the easter event. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. Brown lipgloss. pink and red eyeshadow with a bit of brown and purple to make it look like i have a disease and pink eye (dookie in eye dont be an asspiker). I did some mascara and lots of hot pink blush so i can look dead. highliter on my nose eye corner cheeks eyes and a lil on my buhol.I ran to the front door and put on my ninja turdl socks and my paw patrol shoes. I opened my front door and locked up after i left. I got into my adorbs car. My car is a red car it is 4 ft tall and 3 ft in legnth. It has orange flames on the side and black stripes. I got in and started blasting... "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" and I have a billy fartgrove funkpop in my window aswell as vecnas bumhole printed on my lisence plate. My windows are fully tinted so no one can see me and I have a student driver sticker on the back of my car!
I buckled myself into my booster seat bc even though I am 18 I am 3'4 uWu. I looked at myself in the mirror and winked. I quickly backed out of my driveway. As i drove out of my trailer park I saw eddie munson twerking at me. I thought that was nasty. I worridly drived because my date starts in 15 minutes and it takes 1 hour to drive to the resturant he said to go to. Its called "dilucs tavern" anyways I drove at 200 miles per hour on the free way and i do not know why everyone honks at me. I rolled down my window and said "FUK U". I mean it is the "free" way right? anyway i drove and drove and after about 45 minutes i arrived. I saw the man from tinder crying through the window at an empty table. I quickly got out of my car and locked it. The sound to make sure I locked isssss..... *fart* Perfect. I walked into dilucs tavern and i was greeted by the man. "OH! Y/n so good to see you!" The man said. "Yeah! I'm so sorry I was late I um..... uh. I got stuck in.. traffic yeah." I said hoping he wouldnt realise my fatass actually slept through the 50 alarms i set. He smiled at me and handed me a menu. As I read through the menu I decided on "fart lard and turkey" from the menu. The waiter then asked me what I would like to drink "Hmmm. I will take a finger lickin poopy ass dookie as potatoe ass green dookie fart penis poop salad beer!" I replied. "Good choice!" the waiter said smiling. It was silent for about 3 minutes. Best 3 minutes of my life. "So uh. What do you do for work?" The man across me asked. "oh! uhm. uh.... well i- um i-." i didnt exactly know what to say. "Its okay if you cant tell me." he said looking quite sad. "No! Its fine! I'm a..... well um.... i clean poop out of old peoples butts at scaramouchers nursing home..." I said. I tried to scan his expression for any thoughts of strangeness but the man didnt say anything. He smiled. "I wish I had your job!" the man said. I laughed assuming he was joking. it was silent for a while till i decided to speak up. "you have any kids? and pets?" I said awkwardly. "Oh no! You know me I hate kids haha." the man said. I stared at him agressivly for a second because I have 10 p named children at home. I just laughed. he looked at me weird but then the waiter gave us our food and drinks.
"Thank you!" I said to the waiter. He looked.... fimiliar. wait. I stood up and got in his face. I pulled his face mask off as he said "MAAM PLEASE DUE TO COVID STAY SIX FEET AND DONT TOUCH ME!!!!" i paused.... "Y/n????!!!" The waiter said angrily! "XIAO????" I said even more angrily "OH FUK YOU" The xiao said to me. "YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW BITCH!!! I SCREAMED! "WTF!!!!" zhomgli said standing up now recording this.. "YEAH TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!!" some random man said from across the bar. I locked myself in the bathroom. I came out covered in blood. "WHERES THAT MAN!!" said zhongli. "I juST KiLled mY eX." i said zhongli threw something in my face it was a brown liquid "TF IS THAT!!!!" i screamed. "I STOLE POOP FROM YOUR SHOWER AND MADE IT INTO TEA BC IM LITERALLY YANDERE FOR YOU DADDDY!" ZHONGLI SHOUTED. "THA FUCCCCC!!!" I yelled "ALSO I KNOW YOUR A BIG FATASS I PUT A CAM IN YOUR BEDRROM AND SAW YOU SLEEP THROUGH 50 ALARMS!" He shouted again. I ran out the bar so fast got in my car locked it and started blasting "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" while driving out of the parking lot i saw eddie munson twerking at me again. "FUK YOU!" I shouted at him. Then he ran faster than the speed of light and jumped on my car denting my ceiling cuz hes so fat and he broke a window and got in with me "BOY WTF!!!!!" I screamed "PULL OVER!!" Eddie yelled. I did as he said. and thats when john stamos himself got in my car and started blastinf Taco farts! I laughed so hard ive never laughed harder in my life. Me and these guyes quirky lil guyes drove off into the sunset and I hope to never see zhongli ever again.
Also guys tysm for 50 likes! You guys are the best! Make sure to request!
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multifandomfanficss · 2 years
We’re All Afraid Of Something
Chris Smith/Peacemaker x Reader x Adrian Chase/Vigilante
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Although you’re terrified, Chris and Adrian talk you into going to a haunted house with them. You try to hide that you’re scared for fear that they will make fun of you.
Warnings: Fear, Claustrophobia, Mirrors
A/N: Hi guys! This fic was written with a gender neutral reader with no specific relationship to the guys so you can imagine anything you want! Platonic? Go for it. Poly? Sure! Feel free to imagine things to your preferences. I won’t lie some of the fears are a little niche because I based them off of myself and real haunted houses I’ve been forced to go to. I know it’s nowhere near Halloween, but I was in a spooky mood. This is my first time writing for Chris so I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️🧜‍♂️❤️
You stand in line as you try to hide the shaking in your body. You can’t believe you let Chris and Adrian talk you into this. You tried to tell them it was a stupid idea, but suddenly you were being pushed towards the Sebring and you didn’t know how to tell them you didn’t want to go because you were scared. You knew it was just people in costumes and a little bit of fake smoke, but you still weren’t a fan of haunted houses and this was supposedly one of the scariest ones in the state. Despite being part of the black ops team as a tech person and having seen some gore, you didn’t enjoy things that were meant to scare you on purpose. You didn’t understand why people enjoyed being scared. You watched Adrian’s mouth move as he spoke to Chris, but you weren’t listening. You were zoned out in your own world, trying to pretend like you weren’t scared. You didn’t come back to until you heard your name.
“Earth to (Y/N)?” Chris tries to grab your attention. You turn to him.
“Come on. Let’s go.” He motions for you to get in the truck bed. First you would ride on a haunted hayride and that would take you to the different houses. You slowly climbed the steps and took your place to sit between Chris and Adrian. The truck starts and you hold your hands together tightly in your lap. You mostly stare at your hands until you hear a chuckle from Adrian.
“That is so not what real brains look like.” He comments. You cringe, but you look up at the fake body and you have to agree. As some scarier music approaches, you fight to close your eyes.
“Only a pussy would be afraid this!” Laughs Chris. You don’t take his words to heart, but you push down the fear. The last thing you need is Chris making fun of you all night. When some buildings come into view the truck stops. You’re let off in front of the haunted houses. You grab hold of Adrian’s arm to jump from the truck bed and you let your touch linger a little too long.
“Are you okay? You’re shaking.” Adrian questions you.
“Yeah! I’m just…excited!” You lie. You quickly let go of his arm.
“Me too.” He smiles at you. As you walk through the first house, you try to be void of all emotion. If you let on that you’re scared, you know the performers will single you out.
“What’s wrong?” Adrian asks you after the first couple jump scares.
“Nothing’s wrong. What do you mean?” You ask.
“You’re just being quiet. Are you not having fun?” He asks.
“They’re just scared, V.” Chris chimes in.
“Am not!” You argue.
“Do you want to take the lead then?” He asks. He motions for you to step in front of him.
“I would, but I can’t because my vision is already bad enough and it’s too dark in here.” You quickly make up the lie.
“Sure.” He says with a smirk. You can’t actually see his smirk, you just assume he’s smirking.
“It’s okay if you’re scared.” Adrian whispers to you. You turn to him and smile, the red light shining from the ceiling, barley illuminating your faces.
“I almost punched that girl who popped out at us when we turned the corner.” He confesses. You had to stifle a laugh. The thought of Vigilante accidentally punching some poor underpaid actor in the face was a little funny. At every scare Adrian started using his best defense mechanism, his humor, to make you laugh. You made it through the house and you were on the verge of tears from laughing so hard. Even Chris had started to join in on the jokes. You were all having a great time. That was until you got to the next house. The next house was a bit different from the rest. It heightened all of your other senses while keeping the inside pitch black to take away your sight.
“After you.” Chris smiles at you.
“No, I insist.” You stay behind him. You try to make sure you’re behind Chris at all times. He’s a big guy. You were hoping it would be enough to keep people from messing with you guys too much. Chris rolls his eyes and walks in and you stay stand frozen for a minute. Adrian places his hand lightly on your back and guides you inside. You hold your breath. You hate the dark. You no longer feel a hand on your back. You can’t see Chris or Adrian and you feel like you’re completely alone. You feel around and put your hand on a wall. It’s wet and you immediately retract your hand. You frantically wipe it on your pants. What the fuck was that? The first jump scare approaches when you hear a chainsaw rip next to your ear.
“Aw man! Everybody just has to rub it in! Don’t they?” Adrian exclaims. You think back to the time Harcourt wouldn’t let Adrian take a chainsaw on the mission and if it weren’t for the intense fear you were feeling, you would be smiling. The chainsaw gets closer and you try to speed walk away. If you run you’ll most likely hit a wall. You feel…something…coming from the ceiling. It’s all over you. You’re surrounded by the stuff and you can’t get out.
“I think I found the exit.” You hear Chris’ voice. You quickly move to get out of the stuff and you trip and fall. You begin to panic. You hear footsteps coming towards you and you begin to cry. You feel so stupid, but you just can’t help yourself. You’re too overwhelmed. Then you feel something touch your shoulder and you quickly jerk away.
“It’s just me.” You hear Adrian’s comforting voice. You take a deep breath.
“Adrian, this isn’t funny anymore. I want to go home.” You decide to stop lying.
“Chris found an exit. We’re gonna get you out of here.” He promises, taking your hand and leading you to Chris. You grip Adrian’s arm tightly. You exit, back into the moonlight.
“Are you okay?” Chris asks, sympathizing with you for the first time on this trip. You nod and he takes the lead to the final house. You want to object, but you know that going through the final house is the only way you can get to the exit. At this point you’re done pretending like you’re not afraid. You stand in line, fingers interlaced with Adrian’s. Chris puts a hand on your shoulder.
“If you didn’t want to come you should have said something.” Chris speaks. Adrian nods.
“You guys were just so excited and I didn’t want to disappoint you. I also didn’t want you to make fun of me.” You say honestly.
“We’re all afraid of something.” He says sincerely. The guard at the front of the house asks how many are in your party and then let’s the three of you in. Chris leads the way while Adrian holds your hand. You decide everything is going well until you stumble upon a room that is covered head to toe in old mirrors. You grip Adrian’s hand tighter as you try to catch your breath. As the spooky music gets louder, you hear a cracking noise as if one of the mirrors is breaking. You know what this room is based off of and you don’t know if you’ll be able to face her. You wrap yourself around Adrian’s middle. A little shocked at first, he eventually wraps an arm protectively around you. You shut your eyes tightly as you hear a door open. You open your eyes when you start to walk again only to see a woman with blood pooling out of her eyes lunge at you. You let out a scream and grip Adrian tighter. She laughs at you and approaches closer. Chris takes notice.
“Come on, man. Fuck off. Can’t you see they’re struggling?” He sticks up for you. Chris puts himself between you and the woman, pushing you and Adrian into the next room. The next room is a lot calmer. It’s still gross, but not as terrifying. You stand in a kitchen where a man eats some very fake looking ‘human’ meat. You take the moment to catch your breath before you see the exit. It’s a tunnel of sorts. The walls are inflatable, pressing together to cause claustrophobia when you walk through them. You separate from Adrian as it becomes clear you need to walk through in a single file line. He squeezes your hand. You look at him and he gives you a smile. Before entering the tunnel Chris and Adrian make jokes about how the tunnel looks like a vagina or a fleshlight and you guys are just giant dicks. Chris goes first, testing the waters. Now it’s your turn. When you enter, you immediately feel like you can’t breathe. You never pinned yourself as claustrophobic, but with actual walls closing in on you, you started to panic. Your body begins to shut down until you see a hand protruding through the middle of the walls. You gladly take it and Chris pulls you through to the other side and into his arms. You stay there for a minute, trying to catch your breath.
“You okay?” He asks. You nod. You stand on some sort of immobile bridge as colors and shapes move around you on an endless spinning tunnel, meant to give you vertigo. Once Adrian comes through the three of you stumble towards the exit. Still dizzy, Chris and Adrian lead you towards the bench near the exit of the property. Chris sits with you while Adrian insists on going to get you a snack and some water. You watch him run up to the snack counter.
“I’m sorry I made fun of you earlier.” Chris started apologizing. You were shocked. You never thought he would say he was sorry. You didn’t think he felt bad.
“It’s okay. My stupid fears are kinda irrational.” You say as he lets out a laugh.
“Yeah, I get the dark and claustrophobia, but mirrors?” He asks.
“I’ve been afraid of them since I was a kid. That whole story just freaks me out.” You confess.
“What? Bloody Mary?” He questions. Your eyes go wide.
“Stop it! You’re not supposed to say it!” You hit his arm.
“Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary-“
“I’m gonna go check on Adrian!” You say sprinting off in his direction before Chris can finish the chant. You hear his laughter in the background. You catch up to Adrian as he’s paying for the snacks and drinks. He hands you an apple cider donut.
“It’s a crime that they only sell these in the fall.” You smile, taking a bite.
“Should I shoot them for it?” Adrian asks.
“Then who would make us donuts?” You question him. He shrugs before taking a bite of his own. You walk back to Chris and the three of you make your way back to the Sebring.
On the way home on old rock station blasts through the speakers. You don’t talk much on the way home. When you get back you all linger in the car for a minute even after it’s shut off. Chris breaks the silence.
“Fake ghosts or real aliens, no matter what you’ll always have Peacemaker and Vigilante to protect you, (Y/N).” Chris promises.
“Hell yeah!” Adrian chimes in. You smile. You love having your own personal superheroes to look after you.
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