#losing my mind rn good luck everyone
ikigaisvt · 9 months
seventeen as tropes – vocal unit
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starring: jeonghan, joshua, jihoon, dokyeom & seungkwan + gn!reader / (mention of mingyu in dk's) words count: 3.5k in total (between 400 - 800 each, expect seungkwan's 1.3k..,,.,..,, dont comment on that pls) content: fluff, non-idol!au warnings: everything is soft tbh? skinship (cheek kiss, kissing, holding hands), teasing, pining, rivalry, shitty team mates/friends, crying, lots of blushing lmao, very very very very sappy note: seventeen as tropes has been sitting in my drafts since 2022 and i'm FINALLY letting it out,, i hope everyone enjoy it! i decided to post it by units or else the post would get Too long (i already went off on this one lmao) don't worry hhu unit and pfu unit is already in the making hehe >.< pls don't come for me if some members have more words than others! inspiration isn't going to be the same for every tropes so i hope everyone can keep that mind! minors can interact with this fic but please don't follow or i'll hard block you. ignore any mistakes pls my brain is Dead rn,,, pls enjoy this piece of mine and don't forget to leave a like/reblog/comment! mwah mwah mwah good reading~
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Jeonghan: Blind date
Jeonghan never loses bets and everyone in his friend group knows that which is why no one ever makes bets with him. He is just an extremely lucky person and he can always get his way out of any situation; expect when the person he made a bet with is Joshua – I taught him too well, he thinks to himself. It’s all because of a lost bet that he finds himself going on a blind date on this Thursday afternoon. That was the bet – to go on a blind date with someone the other picked. To say he was nervous was an understatement. All he’s hoping for is that Joshua didn’t prank him and sent like Seungkwan as his date. That would be awkward, he thinks as he makes his way quicker to the café.
As for you? Well, here you are, waiting for Joshua’s friend in this new café that opened in the neighbor. You don’t really know what went through your mind when you agreed to this blind date; something about Joshua’s words, probably. He can be a bit too convincing at times, something he apparently learned from this special friend – Jeonghan. You’ve never met the guy but oh have you heard countless stories about him. You know he’s one of Joshua’s closest friends so maybe you won’t get a relationship out of this but you will be able to talk about Joshua’s weird antics – in hopes Jeonghan isn’t worse, somehow, than your best friend.
You’re lost in your thoughts when a voice softly calls your name. You look up to see the most beautiful man ever and he quickly introduces himself as Jeonghan, as he sits down in front of you. You don’t really notice how Jeonghan looks at you, like you’re the most beautiful human he has ever seen or how a slight blush creeps up on his ears. And Jeonghan doesn’t notice the blush on your cheeks or how you slightly smile to yourself every time he tells you something. You two talk for hours; complaining about Joshua’s behavior – and you don’t let Jeonghan get away with turning him into a little devil, talking about how cute Sylvanian families are – he even shows you the ones he has, he rants about Legos, too, while he lets you tell him about that last book you read – something about a fae prince and a human falling in love. The staffs at the café breaks you both out of your conversation, letting you know they are closing in 10 minutes – it’s only when she comes around that you realize you are the only customers left. You quickly gather your stuffs, expecting to say goodbye to Jeonghan in front of the café but he naturally walks you back to your place. It’s when you’re leaned on your front door that he asks for your number – I thought he would never make a move, and he promises to see you soon before leaning in to give you a kiss on your cheek. It’s only when Jeonghan leaves you that he realizes luck was, once again, on his side.
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Joshua: Coworkers
You’re very grateful for your coworkers at your new job. It’s only been a few months since you joined the finance team at this new company but everyone treats you like you have been part of the team for a long time. Everyone helps you out in new tasks, especially Joshua. Whenever you have to do something you aren’t used to, Joshua comes running to help you out and he cheers you up every time you have a hard time. You never really questioned how he acts as you always thought he was just being nice – as he is with anyone else. However, as your coworkers have known him longer than you, they know how you always get a special treatment from him; he makes you coffee when you start working and after lunch, he brings you your favorite chocolate, he prints out your folders for you and makes sure you always have your favorite pens working. His crush on you is known to everyone but you.
That all comes to light on a company dinner where Joshua special dots on you even in a restaurant far from work – he gets you food, fills up your plate and your glasses, lends you his jacket when you get cold and even offer to walk you home. All of these little attention gets him teased by your coworkers while you are still as oblivious as before. Joshua wears a profound blush on his ears all night but once again, you still don’t notice the pink tint of his ears (you honestly think it’s a cause of his drinking) and Joshua is entirely too happy about you being so clueless.
A few hours later he walks you home – as he promised. However, you surprise him by asking why everyone was teasing him back there. He stumbles on his words, the blush going to his cheeks until he finally admits it’s because he has a crush on you ever since you walked into the office on your first day. And now you’re the one with the blush, stuttering an answer – I like you too, but Joshua takes you by surprise by kissing you.
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Jihoon: Acquaintances
You have known Jihoon since middle school; he was just always around in your group of friends and yet you didn’t know him at all. All you knew about him is that he liked music and as much as you thought he was nice, you never thought about making friends with him – if you didn’t all this time, why now? But when you’re in your first year of college, walking into your liberal arts class and you see only one familiar face – Jihoon’s, you walk up to him because it’s always good to know someone in every classes – to get notes or for future project.
So, you put on your best smile, sit down next to him – hope to god he remembers you – while starting to rant about how glad you are he’s here. However, all you’re met with is a blushing and stuttering Jihoon; “Sorry, I- uh- I forgot to water my dog- I mean, no- Forgot to give water to my dog! Bye!” before he runs out of the auditorium. It’s an understatement to say you are confused about his behavior, hoping he doesn’t secretly hate you – and is currently at the college’s administration to beg for a transfer. He’s cute, after all.
Next week, you are standing in front of the door of that same auditorium wondering if you’re going to find Jihoon in there. You don’t give yourself time to run away, pushing the door open and promising yourself to try and make a friend in this class today. You sit down, not trying to find Jihoon among the students. You didn’t even finish pulling out your laptop that the chair beside you is pushed back – Someone sat down next to me! – and you look to see who your new best friend is, only to see Jihoon looking at you, smiling. He greets you, asks you how your morning went before apologizing for last week – something about him being stressed. You let him know it’s alright – you can’t just hold grudges against him. And he’s cute today too. That’s how you two become friends after more than 10 years of being in each other’s life – or like background. And so, because Jihoon never feels like he apologizes enough, he does anything you ask of him for weeks: he buys you food, lends you his notes, makes you playlists but most importantly, when you ask to see his studio, he accepts.
On a Friday night, he picks you up and you two walk together to the studio, as you ask him about music – all these years, you always saw him with a guitar or humming songs and yet you never knew how it all started. And so, he answers all your questions, he talks, again and again, he tells you everything because it’s you. When you get to the studio, you walk around, touching every instrument, asking more questions while he sets up his computer. He goes out for a moment – letting you know you can play around on his computer – to pick up dinner at the fast food down the street. Of course, you take his offer, settling down on his chair and you open Youtube, play some songs before trying to make a simple track. It’s when you open his files to add one of his samples that you stumble across a file named after you; you can’t resist the urge to open it, finding songs after songs – Run to you, Darl+ing, Lean On Me, Adore U.
Jihoon comes in a few minutes after, the computer still shining with all these songs. And that’s when he knows – he knows he can’t hide it anymore, he knows all these years he spent at a distance from you can’t happen again, he knows he has to tell you. So, he tells you – he never talked this much in a night – he tells you he always liked you, he never forgot that first day he saw you in middle school, he explains how much he tried to not be in your life but he always felt himself be pulled in. He confesses that’s how he started music – because nothing but this could describe what he feels in his chest when you’re there. And you have tears in your eyes, you feel like your heart is going to implode from the love he gives you and you tell him; someway, somehow, your life has always felt empty when he was missing. When college came around you were scared you were never going to see him again. So, when you saw him, you knew this was destiny. You knew the world pulled strings for you two. (You spend the night at his studio, listening to every song he made for you while you two build a new world together.)
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Dokyeom: Love at first sight/Meet cute
Dokyeom knows it; he’s in love. Okay, he hasn’t been in love before but he is pretty damn sure if love is something then it’s this; your chest tightens, you feel tingles in your stomach and you can’t stop looking at everything they do. That’s what he feels right now, when he sees you reading your book in that coffee shop.
He’s here with his best friend who tries so hard to get his attention but nothing can make him look away. I’m not being a weirdo, he reassures himself. You’re just so pretty, sitting there while reacting to that book – at one point, he saw tears pooling in your eyes – while you sip on your tea, your headphones on. You stay there, reading away while he watches you, then stops looking when he feels like you’ll notice him but he finds himself looking at you soon enough, never being able to really stop.
It's when you get up, making your way to the bathroom that he breaks from his daze – I need to get a grip. So, he focuses on his best friend’s rant, listening, actually answering his questions. But when he misses you, he looks back to your spot only to find it empty, only your book left behind. He gets up immediately and make his way to your spot, not even caring about Mingyu’s complaint. He picks up your book – Me Before You, he reads – and hurriedly makes his way out of the café. As he looks around, trying to find you, he notices you at the end of the street, a few meters away, waiting to cross the road. He runs up to you, not wanting to let you get away and as he gets to your level, he gets weirdly nervous; it’s not like he’s gonna make any move, right? He lightly taps your shoulder to get your attention. You turn around, a natural smile hanging on your lips as an answer. Dokyeom feels his heart beat faster right away and he knows it’s not even the nervousness, it’s you – Hi, uh- I- I was in that café, he starts as he points behind himself, I think that’s yours, he says as he holds out the book between the two of you. Immediately, you react, your face twisting in something between surprise and gratitude as you grab it and you never stop thanking him, again and again, asking him how you can repay him. Nothing, he answers, stars in his eyes knowing he will never be that close to the sun again, just- enjoy that book, okay? he finishes, turning around to go back to his best friend and his cappuccino. He walks slowly, almost as he expects you to catch up to him, almost as he wants you to – and he does. It’s when he pulls the door of the café open that he feels a light touch on his shoulder, his body reacting to you before his eyes can even see you. His lips pull up, his eyes shine again and he turns around, his heart reacting the same way again, before you extend a piece of paper between your bodies, stuttering; You forgot something too, the blush on your ears deepens, my number.
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Seungkwan: Rivals
Seungkwan has always loved badminton; at this point, he talks about it so often, the whole school knows. Which you might be bitter about – only because you don’t like sharing something in common with him – but it’s only normal people do know about it; after all, he’s the captain of the boy’s badminton team. Now, what people of this school don’t know is that there is also a girl’s badminton team in the school – however, they are about to know. You have been leading the team so well, even though it has only been two years since it first got together, that you now get to share the court in your school’s sports hall to practice with your girls. Your coach – which is also the boy’s team, also lets you know that you’ll be meeting the other team every 2 weeks for friendly matches so the girls could improve in their skills.
It's the next day when you walk onto the court, already prepared for practice – you just need to take care of a few things as you are the team captain. Unfortunately, you stumble onto Seungkwan when you least expect it – you thought the team had classes at this time (not that you know his schedule, of course). Seungkwan doesn’t understand what you’re doing on his ground and he asks you to leave or else he will tell the coach – as if he had any kind of weight on her. Go tell the coach I’m here, go, you scoff at him, knowing she will only let him know what’s really going on. A few minutes later he comes back, the coach by his side, as he rolls his eyes at, probably, the thought of sharing anything with you.
And that’s how the rivalry between the two of you gets worse – if that was even possible. Your team meet every other day, practicing side by side and sharing laughter – expect you and Seungkwan. You both make your possible to annoy each other – you take the best spot first, you help the coach, you give advices to his team mates, you even go as far as to use him as something not to do on the field. On his side, he refuses to say your name, he keeps reprimanding your girls, he even says how even a toddler could play better than you and even go as far as to flirt with your team mate. Fortunately, even through all this fight with him, you and your girls train hard and your skills are rapidly improving. Time passes by so fast and it’s already time for your first match against the boys. You gather your team, let them know you believe in them and to not get intimidated by their playing – they are going to play hard and we need to hit back as much as them. It’s when Seungkwan sees you like this, so serious, so sure of yourself and so proud of your team, even when they lose points that he notices you in a different way. The way you burn with passion and yet how your eyes still shine with love when one of your team needs words of encouragement. He didn’t think he would ever feel like this but right now, you are distracting him from the match. And nothing, distract him from badminton.
The match is fierce, the room is burning with pride and want for the win; which the girls get. You cheer again and again, even the boys are congratulating your team – only Seungkwan doesn’t as he gathers his stuff and leaves first – which somehow, stings. You think it’s because his pride is hurt but it’s only because he can’t bear to see you anymore when he feels like this – heart fluttering, lips forming into a smile – at the sight of you.
The training keeps going after that win, the matches too; you keep annoying him and he does too, even though is comments are more helpful than anything; don’t do it like this, you’ll get hurt or even tell them to coordinate their moves, it will make them better – but you don’t notice, you only do the contrary of what he wants you to. The 5th match comes faster than any of you expect and you fight for the win with your team – you haven’t won these past 3 ones and it’s taking a toll on the team spirit – but the luck isn’t on your side when you sprain your ankle. The match stops as soon as you yelp, your team mates too surprised to react right away. Through the pain, you open your eyes when you feel a hand touch at your ankle delicately, trying to evaluate how hurt you are. You expect to see your coach but you meet a pair of brown worried eyes – Seungkwan. Are you hurt somewhere else? he asks softly, before turning around and telling everyone else to give you space, talk to me, please, he pleads, his big brown eyes fixed on your face. The after shock of the fall passes by as you stutter; why do you care? before asking for two of your team members to help to the infirmary – the coach letting everyone know the match is postponed, as you go through the door.
A few hours later you’re sat down on the cold bed, waiting for one of your friends to get out of class so she can drive you home – two weeks without walking and a month with no badminton, at least, the nurse told you earlier, but please go see a doctor, she finished before leaving you alone in the room to rest. You’re lost in your thoughts when you hear a knock on the door, thinking it’s your friend that’s here to bring you back home – finally. You’re more than surprised when you’re met with Seungkwan’s figure at the door as he asks you if he can come in, which you answer with a nod. He walks in and sats down on the chair at the end of the bed; what did she say? he asks, nervous at the thought of talking to you normally – and also, at the thought of not seeing you for practice anymore. 2 weeks with crutches and a month without playing, at best, you whisper, trying to fight back the tears. Oh- I’m so sorry, he says, sounding sincere. It’s not like you have anything to do with that, you sneer, wiping a tear off your cheek, do you? He sits back, now realizing how far your rivalry had gone for you to thin he could hurt you; no, of course not. I would never, he says seriously, as he sits down at the foot of your bed. Yeah, sorry, you apologize, your voice breaking in the middle, I thought that was what we did. Hurt each other. He takes in your pain which is much more than physical right now; your heart is on the verge of breaking and it’s mostly because of him; Not anymore. I don’t want to do that anymore; he starts as you lookconfused by his words. So, he explains; how his aversion for you came to be because you were a better captain, how people compared you two together, how some of his old team mates wished to have you instead of him. How he found himself to be as admirative of you as people are, how he finally understood everyone when he saw you play, how badminton was made for you, the same way you were for him. How these feelings bloomed in a place he thought was burned by the spite of others. How he wishes he could take everything back but since he can’t how he hopes you can give him a chance to do better, in the future. So, you do; you hold his hand as you both stay silent; he starts to come up with way to fix your broken heart and you, coming up with a plan to keep the flowers blooming even in winter. Maybe love is the way to it all.
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thank you so much for reading! leave me a like/reblog/comment if you want and you'll have my unconditional love forever 🫶
193 notes · View notes
squoosheez · 10 months
Sweet Relief
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Finnick Odair x Reader
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summary: Yesterday, the reaping took place. Your name was the one picked from thousands—and it was your last year to even be eligible. Being from district four, your mentor is none other than Finnick Odair. Prince of the Capitol. Your relationship is off to a rocky start, but on your second night, he starts to come around.
setting: The 70th Hunger Games. You’re the female tribute from District 4, on your way to the Capitol with your male tribute, Caspian, and your mentor, Finnick Odair.
pairing: Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, mentions of death, implied mentions of forced prostitution but not blatantly mentioned ykwim?
notes: I wrote this in two sittings and it’s not proofread and it’s also my first time posting anything on tumblr soooo…
word count: 5.2k
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socials: ao3 (that’s all I have bcuz my cc isn’t working rn 😭
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Thick, humid air circulates through your enormous room. This was not what you expected when they had called your name for the reaping. You still remember it like it’s happening in the present. You find yourself laying on your memory foam bed with satin sheets—courtesy of the capitol. One thousand thoughts race through your mind as you recall the events of this evening.
To start, you almost punched your mentor in the face. You try to convince yourself he deserved it, but he was just trying to lighten up the situation and try to make you feel better. At dinner, he made a comment about the games. His words rang through your mind. “Even if you don’t win, just try not to be killed first.”
It makes your blood boil just thinking about it. You’re appalled by his insensitivity. You know those people aren’t any less smart or skilled as anyone else in that arena. Just because Finnick was the one to kill them off, doesn’t make them any weaker.
District four. Your home, family, friends, everyone you love is there. You can’t imagine not making it home to them. You also can’t believe this just had to be the last year you’re even eligible for the games. The worst luck ever. You groan as you pull the comforter over your body. One of the perks about being a tribute has got to be how well they treat you before you’re sent off to your death. You finally start to drift off into a semi-deep sleep—since real sleep is impossible—when you hear a soft knocking at your door.
You groan again before allowing the person into your room. You watch intently as the figure makes its way further and further towards your bed. You can only assume it’s an avox coming to give you a spa treatment or something else extravagant. But to your surprise, it’s your fatally charming mentor.
“What are you doing here, Finnick? Wanna piss me off some more?” You immediately bark out, not even giving him a chance to look into your eyes. This obviously makes him angry, you can see it on his face.
He bites his lip in frustration. “Listen here, little girl. You should try showing your mentor some respect for a change. I could be the very difference between life and death for you in that arena. I wouldn’t take that for granted if I were you,” his fake smile pierces through your blanket of security. He really knows how to make your spine shiver.
“Here to tell you that we’ll be arriving at 7am tomorrow morning. I suggest you be up and ready before then,” he continues. You watch as he takes a piece of fruit from your nightstand and bites into it. He gives another fake smile and walks out of your room, the automatic door sliding closed behind him. The sound of his voice makes your face grow hot in anger. It’s like everything he says is made to piss you off, but he had a good point. He’s the one who decides what gets sent out. He can help you live or let you die. Maybe you should try and get on his good side.
A good two hours fly by while you lay helplessly trying to grasp onto an ounce of sleep. It’s no use. You’re far too nervous to even close your eyes. The thought of losing everyone creeps into the back of your mind, but you deem the thought selfish. You’re not losing them, they’re losing you. More than they already have. Your mother and sister sitting at home wondering why it was you. Your best friends pondering what life will be like without you. It was your final year.
The good thing about coming from district four was that most oftenly, they were able to form alliances with the main careers, district one and two. Though, you deemed them to be quite arrogant, stuck up, obnoxious.. the list goes on. You were probably the only one in district four that doesn’t wanna prove they can win The Hunger Games.
The boy two doors down from you has been training his whole life for this moment. Technically, it’s illegal to train, but since when does anyone follow the rules when it comes to the games? The little boy whose name was picked at the reaping was only twelve. You thought that maybe they were related, but he just really wanted a chance to win. Foolish. The boy doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into, you think.
When it comes to Finnick, he seems to favor you—which seems peculiar considering the fact you treat him like shit and the boy is nothing but pleasant towards him. You always assume he just acts that way towards the girls, he does seem to be a charmer. Capitol’s prince, some would call him. That warning he gave you earlier, was probably him genuinely trying to be helpful. You find that very hard to believe.
You turn on your side and click on the bedside lamp. The light brightens up the room more than a lamp probably should. The Capitol needs to stop sucking up to us, you think as you sit up and tread off to your bathroom. The bathroom is huge, a big shower that could fit any toiletries you could imagine. There’s a vanity full of makeup and hair products that you have never even seen before in your life. Red velvet robes that look incredibly soft and inviting. Last but not least, it smells of roses. The whole bathroom smells like you just walked into a florist.
You stretch and look at yourself in the huge wall mirror. You don’t look like yourself. Your features seem distorted and different. You know that you really do look the same, but you don’t feel like yourself. It’s definitely the Capitol. You turn on the water in the shower and wait for it to reach your desired temperature. You discard yourself of your clothes, realizing that you had never changed into your pajamas. When you finish undoing your hair and undressing, you step into the hot water.
Ten minutes pass and you’re rinsing some rose scented conditioner out of the ends of your hair. Everything here seems to be rose scented. Do we smell that bad? You laugh to yourself as you step out of the shower and grab onto a towel. You quickly dry off your body and hair, wrapping the towel around your hair and slipping into one of the velvet robes. Soft doesn’t even begin to describe it.
You open the door to your bedroom and begin to walk into it before you realize there’s a figure sitting on your bed. You assume it’s the boy from your district, probably couldn’t sleep either. Wants to talk strategy with you, pretend to be in love or helpless or siblings, or something even more ridiculous. To your surprise, it’s not the tribute boy at all. Quite the opposite.
You take a few steps closer, examining everything you can in the dark before you come to a conclusion. It’s Finnick. His golden-brown curls falling on his forehead paired with his sea green eyes, it’s obvious.
“What are you doing here?” You snarl, earning a laugh on his end.
“Well, you’re very welcoming,” Finnick says in return. He yawns and stretches before completely spreading himself out on your bed. “I went to check on your friend, Caspian, but he was dead asleep. Just thought I’d make sure you're sleeping.”
I knew he had a name. You roll your eyes and give Finnick an annoyed expression. “It’s impossible to sleep knowing I’m about to be sent off to my inevitable death.”
Finnick smiles. It makes you angry. He sits up to look you in the eyes. “It’s stuff like this that makes me think you really do have a chance. Definitely more than your friend down the hall, hate to say it.” He gives a fake disappointed look and it makes you chuckle to yourself.
“I’m not so sure about that,” you say. You slowly approach the bed and sit down beside Finnick despite how wrong it feels. Finnick rolls his eyes and grabs your hand.
“I think you have the drive. If you really wanted it—which you will in the arena—I definitely think you have a good chance of surviving. We’re district four. Make some allies, I know deep down you can push that cold heart and face of yours out of the way.” He gives your hand a squeeze of encouragement.
It makes you think. Just two hours ago you were sulking about losing everyone and everything, when in reality you don’t have to. You breathe out slowly, taking in everything Finnick said. He’s still there, staring at you with his green eyes. For once, his face doesn’t fill you with rage. His voice doesn’t infuriate you. He looks gentle. Compassionate. Charming. Finnick.
“Thanks,” is the only word you can mutter out. He looks at you with an endearing smile and kind eyes. You didn’t think he was capable of being nice. He looks actually sincere for once. Wow.
Finnick stands up and starts to make his way towards the door when your voice cuts through his action. “Finnick—” He turns around to face you, curiosity plastered on his face. He mumbles a quiet ‘hm?’ and you freeze. It’s like your words aren’t yours anymore.
“Will you stay?”
Finnick’s breath hitches in the back of his throat at your words. Immediately, you regret saying it. You want to hide underneath the comforter and never show your face to him ever again. Your face lights up a bright red, and you hope he doesn’t notice this.
A smirk creeps up on Finnick’s face. He doesn’t even give you a straight answer, he just climbs back into bed with you—which in most circumstances is very inappropriate for a mentor to do with a tribute. It’s fine, he’s only twenty.
Finnick wraps his arm around you, it's only then you remember you haven’t put on pajamas yet. You’re laying there in the robe from your bath, and your towel is still wrapped around your hair. You pull the towel off and let your still somewhat wet hair free to fall onto the sides of your face. Finnick looks over at you and gives your shoulder another squeeze of encouragement. Him and his squeezes of encouragement.
You reach around for the remote before finding it and turning on some show you’ve never seen before. In the districts, you only really get Capitol news. It’s definitely nice for a change. You and Finnick watch whatever drama is unfolding on the screen, holding each other as tightly as possibly.
“What’s it like?” You mutter out against Finnick’s shoulder. His head perks up as he registers what you said. He stays quiet, probably because you weren’t specific enough. “As a victor, I mean.”
He takes a deep breath, his eyes closing as if he doesn’t want to tell you. Like it’s some sort of bad news your parents tell you when you’re ten. “It’s not as great as I make it seem.”
Your eyebrows raise. He always makes it seem like he’s living the dream out here. Money, jewels, fame, glory. He has it all. What could possibly be bad about being a victor?
“I want you to win. I really do, and I think you’re very capable of doing so but..” his words catch in the back of his throat. “I don’t want you to go through what I did.”
His expression is cold. He’s not even looking at you anymore, his gaze is fixated on the screen, but you know he’s not watching. It’s like watching him hold back tears with no tears to hold back. This time you give his shoulder a squeeze of encouragement. This makes him smile softly and return his stare towards you.
“It’s wonderful.. now. I do have money and jewels, fame and glory. But nothing in life is free.” His smile fades, and he brushes a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. He is so good at keeping you oblivious. It’s frustrating.
He pulls you in closer, his grip on your shoulder tightens. Your breathing grows faster. You can hear his heart beating in his chest, and it makes yours beat even faster. His hand starts to move towards your hair. He runs his fingers through your slowly, making sure not to tug too hard. Just three hours ago, you could’ve sworn he hated your guts. What is wrong with him?
All you can do is look over at him. You realize he’s staring at you, but he doesn’t look away. The look in his eyes is something to fear, that’s for sure. He has to be zoning out.. But he’s not. He turns his body to face yours, resting his free hand on your side. You’re dumbfounded. Star struck, even. You open your mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. Finnick smiles and caresses your jaw with his thumb. This seems oddly intimate, and you have zero experience in being intimate.
You want to pull away. You think. You’re frozen, a slave to his touch. You want to move, but you don’t. His fingertips dance across your hips and jaw. You start to believe he’s playing a trick on you. He wants to see how far you’re willing to go. Well, you’re not a quitter. That’s for sure.
Instead of your typical surprised expression, your face morphs into a confident smirk. You bite your lip hard enough to draw blood, in fact it does. Before you can wipe it away, Finnick presses his lips eagerly against your own. His tongue runs over the drop of blood, tasting the metallic substance mixed with your saliva. Jesus Christ.
His hands pull your face even closer, along with your body. Your robe is becoming loose, you feel the knot slipping slowly. Your hands are entangled in his golden hair, your eyes are closed so tightly. All you can focus on is how good he’s making you feel.
This is definitely wrong on some level, but when he’s touching and kissing you in all the right places, it seems to not matter. His lips begin to move downward. He places soft kisses on your jaw and neck. Once he reaches your collarbones, the kisses get more intense. He starts sucking dark purple hickeys and leaving discreet teeth marks on your fragile skin. He’s eager, but careful. As if your body is a porcelain doll and he’s the only one allowed to hold it. He’s so gentle yet abrasive.
Your muscles tense as you feel his hands travel down your waist and resting on your hips. You know his intentions. He’s not just kissing you in your bed while practically laying on top of you for nothing. He looks up at you, his sea green eyes pleading for you.
“Can I take off your robe?” He says softly. His voice seems safe now. Not infuriating. You give him a nod, but it’s not good enough for him. “I need to hear a yes.”
“Yes,” you say. And with that, he unties your robe in one swift motion. The sides of the robe fall off onto each side of your body, completely revealing everything. Obviously, since you just got out of the shower, there was nothing else underneath. Finnick observes every inch of your body before continuing to attack your chest with kisses.
It makes you smile. He’s so eager to make you feel good, and it makes you forget how you hated him moments before this. You feel his tongue trace the shape of your breasts, slowly making its way to your nipples. You’re quickly reminded just how bare you really are when Finnick licks a stripe up your nipple, his teeth catching on the bud. Your body tenses, and a chill runs down your spine. His hands move to your lower back, making you arch for him. You notice his smile at your helplessness.
You squeeze your legs together in a desperate attempt for any sort of relief. Your mouth drapes open as Finnick continues to tease you. Kissing everywhere, touching everywhere except the place you desire it most. Back to frustrating. You pull his head up by his hair to look him in the eyes. You’re pretty much begging with the look you’re giving, but Finnick still doesn’t think it’s enough.
He places another gentle kiss on your upper thigh, leaving his tongue to linger slightly longer. “Is there something you want, honey?” His voice was condescending yet so sweet to hear.
His words make you squirm, but the grip he has on your hips prevents you from going very far. You attempt to speak but all that escapes is a strangled moan you didn’t know was lurking in your throat. Finnick chuckles against your abdomen, causing your muscles to tense up. You realize quickly that he’s not going to resume his work until you give him an answer.
You roll your eyes at him to hide your embarrassment, like usual. He knows exactly what you want him to do. He knows exactly where you want to be touched. He just wants to hear you say it. “I wanna feel you, Finnick.”
Not good enough. He immediately refutes your statement.
“What do you want to feel, baby?” He places another kiss on your inner thigh. You can feel the throbbing sensation between your legs grow even more prominent when he calls you ‘baby.’ You can’t even form words; he just laughs at your struggling attempt.
“What about..” he begins. His fingers trail down the sides of your waist and stop at your hips. His calloused hands move forward to the front of your thighs, giving them a squeeze for good measure. “My tongue? You seem to be enjoying that so far.”
Fuck yes.
You throw your head back at the proposal. You would be laughing like a maniac if it weren’t for your inability to form words, which once again is not going too great for you. Finnick awaits an answer and the only thing coming out of your mouth is drool and moans.
Luckily, he starts to ease up on you. His hands find their way to your knees, spreading your legs apart as far as you’ll allow him. You feel so exposed in the best way possible. Finnick continues to leave sweet kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you on and on. You physically cannot take it anymore.
You grab Finnick by his hair, once again, and yank him forward. “If you don’t eat me out right now, you may never get the chance to. I would make your choice wisely and quickly.”
His eyes widen at your words, clearly surprised, but not unhappy. His sly smile creeps back onto his face as he licks a stripe between your folds. Your back immediately arches against his tongue. He takes the opportunity to grab the back of your thighs, allowing himself full control of your position.
You don’t resist whatsoever. As soon as his tongue is back inside you, tracing circles around your clit, everything fades away. He flicks his tongue over the same spot and a sharp moan echoes through the room. You come to the conclusion that it’s from you. Finnick chuckles softly. The cool air against your wet heat just makes you feel like you’re floating. And if he can’t tell how much you’re enjoying this by your body’s reaction, he can tell by the look on your face.
Finnick’s tongue continues to work its magic as your hands flail around for something to hold onto it. They end up grabbing onto the pillow and you’re surprised the whole train car can’t hear how loud you’re being. You swear no one else could make you feel this way. His tongue knows exactly where to go and what to do. You feel his hand move closer to your heat and it drives you crazy. His thumb moves slowly towards your clit, rubbing soft circles on it. Meanwhile, his tongue is prodding at your entrance. A loud moan escapes your lips as you attempt to focus on one thing at a time.
“Finn..” you whimper out. He pulls away from in between your legs, a mixture of juices dripping down his chin. He looks up at you, his chest heaving. He looks so good. Something about him looking so fucked out just manages to turn you on. “You look so fucking hot.”
A smile creeps up on his face at your words. He licks his lips and climbs up to meet your face. He places a soft kiss on your lips as a ‘thank you.’ You smile back and take the opportunity to give the obvious bulge in his pants a gentle squeeze. A groan leaves Finnick’s mouth and his hand makes its way back down to your pussy. He slips a finger in between your lips, flicking it over your clit again. Now you’re even.
You squeeze your legs together, making the pressure ten times more intense. You let out a soft whimper that seems to just push Finnick over the edge. He immediately pulls down his grey sweats, revealing his erection underneath a pair of black boxer briefs. You don’t even have to look twice to determine that’s gonna hurt.
You sit up and cross your legs to be face to face with him. You watch as he runs his fingers through his hair trying to determine what he wants to do next. His eyes flick back and forth between you and his dick before coming to a consensus.
“On your knees,” he smiles. You quickly scurry off the bed and onto your knees in front of him. You pull your hair into a tight ponytail and wetten your mouth, a smirk plastering your face. You allow him to pull down his boxers, his erection springing up towards his abdomen. The sight makes you ten times wetter.
You take Finnick’s cock into your hand, giving it a few strokes as beads of precum run down your hand. You can feel him throb in your hand and it makes you let out a small chuckle. He laughs too, not really understanding why.
You give the head a small kitten lick and watch as his face scrunches up in pleasure. You take the tip entirely into your mouth and Finnick lets out a loud groan. His hips begin to move slowly into your mouth. He makes sure not to go too fast or deep in case you can’t take it. You take at least two more inches to assure him you can.
You continue to bob your head up and down as his hips fuck the back of your throat. Whatever you can’t fit in your mouth, you stroke eagerly with the hand that’s not grabbing onto Finnick’s thigh.
Tears well up in your eyes and drool drips down your mouth as he fucks deeper into it. His little groans and whimpers are all the encouragement you need. You just sit back and let him have his way with you, every now and then you hum, sending the most pleasurable vibrations through his body.
You can feel his climax near when his hips start to stutter and his movements become faster and more desperate. You move your hands to rest on his chest, rolling his nipples in between your fingers. This throws him completely over the edge, because quickly after, he’s cumming down your throat. You take him out of your mouth and swallow what’s left of his cum before standing up to give him a sweaty, teary, drooly, cummy kiss. His tongue explores your mouth tasting what remains of his cum and you can see a string of your saliva when the kiss is over.
Despite your incredible blowjob skills, he’s still eager to make you feel as amazing as he possibly can. He moves his hands down to cup your ass, giving it a squeeze of encouragement. You giggle and fall back onto the bed. The satin sheets feel so good underneath your hot skin, and Finnick looks so inviting.
You close your eyes and suddenly he’s gone. You search around for a moment until realizing he’s gone to get condoms. Smart man. Not giving me a choice. When he comes back, he slips on the condom with ease and gives his hand a small squirt of lubricant.
“Don’t think I’ll need much,” he says smirking. “You’re already soaking wet for me. Yes?”
You feel yourself throb in between your legs at his words. He is seriously driving you insane. You watch as he coats his cock with the lubricant and gives himself a couple lazy strokes.
You can’t even think of a response, so instead you just pull him down to kiss you. After a few moments you break the kiss. “Finnick..”
“Don’t wear it out,” he speaks slowly. You just can’t take your eyes off of how big he is. “You’ll be screaming it in a minute.”
You smile at his cocky response. You feel him line-up with your entrance. One of your hands is resting on his bicep, the other is tracing circles on your clit. You let out a soft moan as you feel his tip slowly slipping into you. You don’t understand how he could be this slow. He wants this just as bad as you do, why is he being such a tease?
Instead of pushing deeper, Finnick decides to just use the tip for now. You’re squirming and writhing underneath him, desperate for something more. Every time you look at his face, he looks like he’s in heaven. Finally, he slowly slides more into you. You can feel every vein pulsating inside you. It makes you clench around him, which earns a very strong moan from Finnick’s mouth.
Your thoughts are being clouded with Finnick. Every touch he makes, every breath he breathes. Everything is Finnick. He’s murmuring something under his breath, but you have zero clue what. Probably something along the lines of ‘you’re so fucking hot,’ or ‘I’ve been waiting so long for this.’
You watch as beads of sweat drip off his forehead and onto your stomach. You realize very quickly why he wanted to take it slow. As soon as he tries to push completely into you, he bottoms out. You tense up, surprised by the feeling. Finnick looks at you and back down at his dick once again. By the look on his face, you can tell he is not all the way in.
“Fuck, Finnick. I didn’t realize you were that big!” You groan partially in frustration and partially in pleasure as he rolls his hips in a circular motion. He just smirks in response. Despite the little bump in the road, Finnick continues his shallow thrusts. He’s more careful now, he doesn't want to hurt you and now it’s become very easy to do so. You let out a loud whimper at his movements, angled to hit your g-spot with every little movement. Unfortunately for you, he’s still taking his sweet time.
He can sense your neediness. It’s driving him crazy. He starts to move slightly faster, but he’s still trying to savor the moment. Your back arches whenever he hits your sweet spot, which is pretty often. Your legs start to shake from using them to keep yourself up. Finnick notices and immediately pulls out and picks you up. This takes you by surprise and you flush a bright pink color.
“I wanna make sure you’re comfortable, how do you wanna lay?” His voice is soft and sweet. It’s crazy how fast his tone can switch between dominant and demanding to soft and caring.
You bite your lip and wrap your arms around his neck. “Can I ride you?”
That’s not the answer Finnick was expecting. He nods eagerly and flips the two of you around. Now he’s laying on the bed, and you're sitting on top of him. You line him up with your hole and sink down slowly onto him once again. Once he bottoms out, you start to move your hips in a circle. Finnick’s hands fly to your waist, guiding your movement. He watches as you ride him, tits bouncing directly in his face. He is surely the luckiest man alive.
His groans grow louder and more frequent, and your movements become faster and harder. His hands move to cup your ass, giving it a couple slaps as you bounce on his cock. You clench around him every time and it makes him so horny it hurts.
Finnick flips you over once more, wrapping your legs around his neck. His thrusts are much more powerful now. They’re aiming to hit your spot and it’s so good. His hands are fondling with your tits, pinching your nipples as his thrusts grow faster. His other hand is fixated on your clit, rubbing it just hard enough to make your back arch and leave scratch marks on Finnick’s biceps.
You can hear his breath faltering and his thrusts become sloppy. He’s whispering words to you, but you can’t quite comprehend exactly what he’s saying. Loud moans are leaving your mouth, but you can’t hear anything besides the slaps of your ass against Finnick’s hips, and his groans.
You feel his hand get faster, giving your clit just the right amount of attention it needs to feel your climax bubbling up in your lower stomach. You clench around him in response, and that’s what pushes him over the edge.
He pounds into you relentlessly, hitting your g-spot over and over again until you can’t take it. Your moans have become broken cries as tears flow from your eyes. The only words you can form are ‘Finnick’ and ‘faster.’ It doesn’t take much longer for your orgasm to reach its peak. Your body tightens completely, causing Finnick to release with you. He cums with a loud moan, even though your senses are still clouded from seeing stars, you can assume it was probably a drawn out ‘fuck.’
You pull him closer as his body collapses into yours. You give him another kiss before pulling the used condom off of him and tossing it into the trash bin. He gives you a weak smile as he breathes in your scent.
“You were amazing,” he mumbles against the crook of your neck. You pull the comforter over the two of you and close your eyes.
“You were perfect,” you respond smiling. He gives you another kiss on the cheek since he can’t stand not having his lips on you. The reality of your situation sets in very quickly. You’re about to be in the Hunger Games and you’ve just accidentally fucked your mentor. Accidentally may be a stretch.
You look over at Finnick, somehow putting your emotions aside. You give him a sad smile and place a soft kiss directly onto his lips. It confuses him, but he doesn’t question it. You’re clearly in a vulnerable state and he doesn’t want to pry too much.
You look into his eyes for far too long. The beautiful sea-green color that completely encapsulates the beauty of the ocean. You realize far too late how you really feel about Finnick Odair. The worst part is…
The clock just struck seven.
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olivyh · 2 years
Hi hi! I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to request a Jamil x reader fix where Jamil, grabs reader all panic like " there is a dangerous and vile creature in my room and I need your help to kill it!" and you think it would be something really serious but it's not.
It's just a ladybug,
There's a ladybug on his bed, and the poor boy doesn't want to get anywhere near it.
But reader helps get rid of the "vile creature" anyway, they just don't kill it. (Reader:... Vile creature? Jamil: not another word)
Hii!!!! I don't mind at all!!!! I actually have a lot of Jamil requests rn and I'm so happy because I never really get to write for him!!! I also like fluffy requests <<3333333 Also I might start doing notes in italics (Like that) to make the divide easier- is it easy for everyone to read? I know some fonts can be hard for some people, so I was wondering if italics works! Enough ofmy rambles!! On w the story!!
It was a normal day at NRC, with you having taken Jamil back to Scarabia after classes, chatting with him about practice as he smiled down at you warmly, your hands intertwined as you stepped through the mirror. He had dismissed himself to change out of his uniform, leaving you to sit in the common room. 
Now, it was not often that you had seen your lover lose his mind. Sure, you had seen the subtle twitch of his eyebrow or the way his jaw clenched when Kalim or one of his teammates had gotten into trouble, or the way that he had to fight his eyes from rolling when you would make a dumb joke or try to pamper him, stifling the smile that would creep up on his lips as he would turn his head. 
So when you hear an ear-splitting scream from his room, you shot up in your chair, heart racing as your mind turned over anything that could have happened. You race to his room, feeling your face pale as your heartbeat hammers in your ears, a pit forming in your stomach as you twist the knob and throw the door open. 
"Jam?!" You breathe a sigh of relief when you notice that he is unharmed. His hands shake at his sides and you can see the cold sweat forming along his forehead. His hair is slightly disheveled, and he stands in the corner of the room in his tanktop, sweatshirt balled up as a weapon in his hands. His eyes widen as he turns to you, taking a moment to catch his breath as he strides over to you, holding both of your biceps and hiding behind your back, effectively using you as a shield. "What happened?!"
"There is a dangerous, vile creature in here and I need you to kill it!" 
"Dangerous?" You ask, voice quivering. You had known of all the oddities in Twisted Wonderland by now- the plants that could make someone shrink or grow and the roots that would howl when you pulled them from the ground until your ears rang and you had to sit in the infirmary for the rest of the day. Jamil was skilled in self-defense, and he was incredibly knowledgeable about anything that could cause harm. You bit your lip in fear thinking about how horrible this thing must be if even he couldn't bear to be around it. 
A small speck flying across the room snapped you out of your thoughts. You felt Jamil's hands tighten on your arms, and you could swear you could hear his teeth creak from how hard he was clenching his jaw. It lands on the wall and you sigh, stifling a giggle. 
"It's a ladybug."
"Get it out. Now," His voice was low as you wiggled out of his firm grip, holding his face firmly between your palms and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose as he huffed. "Please. Before it moves again!"
"Okay! Okay!" You giggle and climb onto his bed, trying to stabilize yourself as you walk along the comforter and cup your hand on the wall. You feel the ladybug fly toward your hand, its small feet tickling your fingers and you giggle. "You know, in my world, ladybugs are good luck!"
"Not here," He sighs and takes a hesitant step back when you jump off the bed, cupping your hands and giving the small insect some room to crawl around. 
"They're not scary," You walk over to him. 
"Get rid of it!" He holds his arms up and backs himself into the wall as you smile. "It's not funny." His face goes stoic again, aside from the way his eyes blink rapidly from your hand to your face. You slowly raise your cupped hands and watch him press himself further into the wall. "Baby, it's not funny." His voice raises a bit as you watch him gulp. You feel a little bad but also... he teases you much, much worse. 
You drop your hands and chuckle. "It's a little funny!" He pouts and gently flicks your forehead. "Is that any way to treat your generous savior?"
"I'm cooking dinner. That's your treat," He deadpans and backs himself away from the wall, walking with you until you hit the common room. You can hear his footsteps grow distant and you notice that he's trailing behind you. 
"Help me?" You ask, trying to give him your most innocent stare. You notice his eyebrows furrow on his forehead as he sighs, hanging his head slightly as he nods, the bells along his hairline jingling softly. You lift your arms slightly and motion for him to cup your hands in his own, which he does so hesitantly. You can feel him rest his chin against the nape of your neck, as well as the slight flinch when you open your hands and allow the small bug to fly out. You watch it go and smile, smiling when he buries his face in the crook of your neck and his arms move to wrap around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. 
"Are you okay?" He nods and you smile, wiggling in his hold to turn around. "Come on, let's make dinner."
He nods and lifts his face from your neck, smiling until his eyes wander to right above your head, eyes widening. You follow his gaze and you both silently watch the small ladybug drift back into the dorm and bumble cheerfully down the hall. 
"Did it just...?"
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ham1lton · 2 months
hey pookie, i just thought you should know you absolutely GAGGED me in 'good luck, babe!' it was actually so so good, and im losing my mind. im trying to do my hw but i cant side note, would it be okay if i was <3 anon 🤭
the response has been so overwhelmingly positive im deadass so happy rn. it was definitely something new and i’m glad that everyone enjoyed it!! yn is a bit of a complicated character so i’m glad she was well received.
also i need to do MY work you’ve just reminded me 😭 and ofc u can!
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neptune-lover · 2 months
LOVE!?!? Pt1
Nathan Frazer x reader
AN: hi everyone sorry for being on and off recently just life has NOT been good to me just a lot mentally I'm trying to work on stuff but my motivation comes and goes but I wanted to start another series on top of the one I have rn until I can think of a story more so going forward for that one but recently I've been loving Nathan Frazer and there is BARELY any fan fics of him so I wanna change that this will be a reader x nathan Frazer this is pure indulgence for me but this will be a series and I have at least a first few chapters planned out and I will also in the beginning of the story use the fact that nathan and Thea are dating irl in this story line but I hope you guys enjoy it (ALSO IMPORTANT ive always liked Ali so I'm writing this as if he was still in WWE)
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Y/n had recently been let go from her job as a makeup person on AEW. But lucky for her NXT was looking for a new makeup person for the girls and some of the guys for when special effects were needed. That was a few months ago now it had been a few months and she had made tons if new friends including Thea, Gigi, Roxanne and even RHEA BLOODY RIPLEY. And over time y/n have gotten to know a lot of the boys like Dominik, Wes, Ali and..... Nathan. See the thing is it's not like y/n DIDN'T like Nathan it was actually quite the opposite y/n LIKED him like had a crush on him. One problem though.... He was currently dating her best friend thea. They have been together for about 2 years now(I guessed) . She started to realise she liked him over the last few weeks are so and was to nervous to say anything for 2 reasons. 1. She didn't want to seem like a bad best friend for liking her bff's boyfriend if she told Thea and 2. She didn't want to tell anyone IN CASE it some how got around to thea. She didn't want to lose her best friend over a stupid crush of a stupid British boy(sorry but I'm allowed that comment I'm British myself). So she kept it a secret and made sure NO ONE would find out. The thing is being BFFs with your crushes girlfriend means you are around said crush All. THE. TIME. whenever there wasn't a backstage segment or a fight the 2 were always together. But luckily Nathan had been a lot busier recently due to being one half of the NXT men's tag team champions. But usually whenever he was around he would not have axiom his tag partner with him. Which was good because it kept your mind off of Nathan and helped you not feel like a third wheel as much. Now tonight you had a huge match you were facing Kalani Jordan for the NXT women's north American championship. You were nervous but also excited so you, thea, Sol, Nathan and axiom were all hanging out and you were warming up while talking with the others. "So do you feel ready for your match?" Axiom asked. "Yeah I'm nervous but I know kalani won't play dirty and I can trust she will be fair" she replied back "yeah you're gonna kill it I know you can do it!! " Thea said enthusiastically. "Thanks Thea I really hope I win because not only will this mean I get my first ever title but that means that I'm ready to actually BE a champion." As she finished her sentence her music her "wish me luck guys!" She said as he went out to the ring for her match.
SO that was part 1 to my new series if you guys have any requests please feel free to look at my request list if things I will write and again I'm so sorry for not posting my mental health has been really bad until recently and I finally have motivation to write again!!
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peachfuzz-nygma · 6 months
as per anon's request: my dnd character
this is my first campaign and my first character so i've grown very fond of him but in the worst way possible. the campaign we're playing rn is curse of strahd so def some spoilers ahead. and yapping warning also
elidyr (he/him) is a half-elf warlock. since curse of strahd is a gothic horror vampire campaign he is a vampire hunter. his charisma is Extremely high and it shows. alignmentwise he's lawful evil or neutral evil. he's very egotistical. flirts with anything that moves. doesn't think before speaking. no morals really. just a general asshole. the thing is i didn't mean it to go this far. i knew i wanted to start off with a little ego but after the first few sessions i was having too much fun playing the asshole. it's so fun seeing the player's/character's and dm's reaction to his chaos. especially since one of the characters is a paladin so his morals are high. i love seeing his reaction when i do something wild. (ofc good to note that you can play an asshole without them being an actual bigot). but i've grown very fond of him. not love or hate but a third secret thing. there's been so many times where he has been tooooo close to death (like the time i got stabbed so bad that now my guts are fully fucked and i can't do actions in battle without throwing a 12 or higher) and i get sad because he's such a fun character to play and i don't want to lose him
one of my favorite parts about him is his luck in battles WHICH SUCKS. but we always laugh about it afterwards. I KEEP HAVING MY HP AT NEGATIVE?? but characterwise it makes it so fucking funny. having this big ego and then keeps getting beat up. honestly he deserves it (but don't die pls)
our dm mentioned that elidyr's luck reminds her of gotham penguin (honestly her mind. i didn't even know she'd even seen gotham. my brain was so happy about this comment). and i totally agree. elidyr keeps failing but somehow keeps ending up more powerful and more egotistical. also the way pengi jumps on board with anything and everything that benefits him personally even if it went against his other connections is so elidyr
okay lastly i just want to list some of my favorite things about elidyr that has happened in this campaign so far
as a joke we all rolled a d20 for dicksize and ofc i rolled the lowest and it checks out. big ego, small dick
started off by having my eldritch blast come from a hip thrust but now i just forget to do it so i just use my hands
in one battle there was this energy orb type thingy with a baby in the middle. i/elidyr said that we should just kill it. during this we had no idea i was right and we were actually supposed to do that. but everyone was so in shock that he would even suggest that. but characterwise he was the only one in the group who had the guts to do it. so he did kill a baby (but it was like an evil energy)
lady from a tavern telling a rumor about the town having a basement somewhere where you could hear screams from. then she asks is there something she can do for us and i flirtingly answered "do you have a basement where you can scream?"
elidyr eats drugged up pie and sees dreams about kids praising him and wanting to be him and women loving him
my personal want to smash the vampires keeps coming in the way of my character who hates them and wants to kill them
rebels taking over the town and executing the mayor and his family. elidyr was so hyped about this. i wrote in my notes: "they had to pull elidyr away from watching the execution. he was just so hyped. he isn't even pro-revolution, he just likes seeing people die. imagine a fratboy watching the superbowl"
willing to drug a possessed child without letting others know
lasty a picture of this fucker. i really wish i had a pc so i could download the free dragon's dogma character maker. but picrews work really well for dnd characters
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 13th of September here, which means...
Happy birthday, Yeonjun 🥳
Please, have the collage I made for him 🥹
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Uhm, yeah, I have heart eyes rn for this boy. And the collage came P E R F E C T L Y probably one of the best I ever made.
I don't know if I should thank him because he's really very pretty or because I did a good selection. I hope you can see every shade of this pwecious boy, really.
And now, time for the letter.
Oh Yeonjun, Yeonjun, what should I say about you right now? I remember that when I was searching for some TxT pictures, he always looked like the coolest member. And by coolest I mean the most badass one. I remember how he always reminded me of Levi from AOT every time I saw the pictures. Strange association, I know, especially because, well, Levi is a completely different character and yet, Yeonjun always reminded me of him somehow. Maybe it was the haircut.
When I started watching interviews of the group, two things came immediately to my eyes: he gave some funny answers and his English was...fascinating. I don't know you but I love how he talks in English. I don't know which accent uses but the nasal tone, that nasal tone. Sigh, it's fascinating to me. Speaking on the funny side, well, I don't think I need to write an entire paragraph about it. Watching any To Do episode would be enough. This poor boy is so unlucky every time they do a mission or he plays a game that even when he wins something he loses anyway. Believe me when I say that seeing him win actually something actually good made me so happy that it looked like he won the Grammys, the Oscars and the Nobel Prize. This boy deserves much more luck. And of course, I don't think I need to mention all the times the other members "torture" him for the sake of competition. He got so much that he even said that he's an old man now. This makes me go "PLS, you're older than me just for one year 😭".
But besides all of this, I should write at least some little words about his performer side. This boy, this boy drives me insane every time he performs. To be fair, TxT performs very well in my eyes, there's a lot of teamwork and coordination on it. But Yeonjun always has that sign, that more input, that move that gives the choreography the reason why it's so memorable. Calling a beast stage is not enough for me. He was born to be a performer.
Speaking of performance...I think everyone will agree that he's giving us the best moments ever as an MC. Not only for his outfits mind you, I know everyone is thinking about those right now. Those are iconics too. But I'm talking about how he acts with the hosts too( especially if they're my faves you have no idea how much I lost my mind hehe). He's always so lovely and friendly, so respectful and charismatic, it seems that becoming a MC was written in destiny for him.
My dear Yeonjun, I just want to tell you that you're amazing. I know that you always promise to us that you'll be a better singer, dancer, member and idol in general and that you always aspire to be perfect. But I want to remind you that it's ok to take a step back too. You deserve to take a break sometimes. I know you don't want to because you struggled so much for becoming an idol. I'll always remember how teary you were after you filmed the first video for your debut.
But I also want to tell you that you found four wonderful members who love you and look up to you every time. I know, I know, some of them are VEEEEERY annoying to you sometimes but remember that they love you dearly. And don't forget about us MOAs too. We are and we'll always be your biggest fans.
I think what I wrote here might be your birthday wish for you today. You need a little reminder sometimes.
Hope you'll celebrate this day happily with the members and MOAs too. I'm pretty sure the members will give you wonderful gifts for sure.
Happy birthday, my cool fox 🦊
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lqfiles · 8 months
everyone being in exam season is freaking me out (good luck to all u pookies !! i SALUTE YOU🫡) ,, my classes start on the 29th nd im losing my mind bc i took this past semester off for a little mental health/work break and its not even making sense in my head that im going back, even tho i chose online classes…… WHAT THE HELL IS APPLIED STATISTICS 😹⁉️ WHAT THAT GOTTA DO W GETTING A PSYCH DEGREE 🙅‍♀️❗️
anyways all of u in school rn or going back or taking exams WHATEVER!! good luck lovelies 💗💗u 🫵 got this ☝️
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 you should mentally prepare yourself for your classes, make sure you’re ready for the REAL world again loll but THATS FUNNY THEY GOT YOU DOING APPLIED STATISTICS IN A PSYCH COURSE IJBOLLL they dont even correlate 😭
good luck to everyone and good luck to your frennn <3333 new school semester new YOU 🫶🍾
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aisclosed · 1 year
aiyaaa <3 i’ve missed you sm and was about to come leave a message when i saw your teaser for missed the mark and it already sounds so good!! >< im kinda in love with angst rn. how are you doing though? ◡̈
ALSO have you heard the album preview 😀 all the songs are so so good, do u have a fav? n e ways gotta go give a presentation in abit, HAVE A GOOD NIGHT <33
hi bae!!!
I missed u too :( tysm! it's a bit diff from match found so I was worried abt the reactions but I'm glad u like it so far hehe <3. I am also in an extremely angsty mood and I rlly cant wait to put everyone through it.
yes I've heard the album preview!!!! they all sound so good omg dark blood AOTY. I love love love how the title sounds but also BILLS!!!! she sounds amazing I need her now!!! (not just bc it's jungwon's pick I swear)
I cant believe the MV teaser comes out in less than 12 hours I am going to lose my mind?!/?/! I will be svreaming my head off on Twitter. what was your fav from the album preview??
good luck on ur presentation!! (Or hope it went well)
ily mwah <3
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leigh-kay · 2 years
okay tiny rant bc tumblr is my safe space but i truly pity his new girl...
EVERYONE knew about us. the girls fawned over how he looked at me. the man got hard just seeing me in a dress. he called me princess and his heart would speed up when i touched him. he blushed everytime i called him pretty. he hated being in the same room as me and not touching me.
i was his first kiss and prior to it he was so nervous he'd be bad or awkward that he'd lightly bite at my shoulder/neck (dont laugh at me it was cute)... he did that every freaking day.
he wore my bra strap as a freaking good luck charm at all of his games. he always looked me in the eye, would tug me from my friends to hug him again (in a joking way not a toxic way pls)
he literally knew the color of my eyes that day before i did (my eyes frequently shift between brown and green)
like me PERSONALLY? id always feel weird about that. and i really hope she does because me and her were friends WHILE ME AND HIM were together and she swears we still are.....
and yet i found out from him, when he readded me and flirted with me and then told me about her lolsie
sorry im just- UGHSHSOWWA
losing my mind
sorry i havent been writing, im just like- fighting for my life rn😭
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racingliners · 2 years
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 5 - Miami
Okay so this was one of the races where I didn’t watch C4 highlights, so the only thing I remember from this weekend was everyone roasting the fake marina, Underwear-gate, and Mick and Seb crashing at the very end of the race (😭)
So, let’s just dive in and hope I land in the water and not the plywood marina
*bops to the F1 theme*
I am a bit apprehensive for this one bc I’m terrified I’ll hate the track sdvghaerghe
I want to be open minded but, it’s v hard to get enthusiastic over what was once a carpark
Seb starting from the pits???? oof
and Lance???? Aston Martin what were you doing in Miami???
hmm. Ferrari front row. This does not give me optimism.
(sorry Charles fans, but lad did not have any luck from pole last year 😭)
Love Lewis’ neon helmet though
(should I add helmet watch to livery watch??? idk I probably will)
okay credit where credit is due the setting with all the palm trees is quite pretty
But I’m sorry the fake marina really isn’t it my dudes
So AM started from the pits bc their fuel was too cold and they had to change it???? That’s extremely wack
[Start/Lap 1]: Everyone clean into turn 1????
lol Charles said au revoir at the start
oof this is a long lap
A clean first lap???? I’m astounded.
[Lap 2]: Or maybe not Lewis was on the radio saying Fernando hit him
(what is this, 2012???)
[Lap 3]: The whiplash I got from hearing that Russell was under pressure from Alex. How tf did he start in P15?!
ew no I don’t want to hear from Horner
[Lap 6]: Can’t say the track is going anything for me rn. I feel like I’m watching parade laps
“It would be nice to see him [Mick] get a few points this afternoon” and then he didn’t 😭
[Lap 7]: Zhou out with a mechanical failure.
[Lap 9]: Aaaaaand Verstappen passes Charles with DRS.
(Yeah Mattia you should look dead inside that was embarrassing)
[Lap 11]: “It’s a four horse race out front” Is it though???
[Lap 15]: One quarter race distance. I’m a bit bored lads ngl.
also YIKES that on-board with Charles porpoising. 0/10 would not recommend to a friend.
[Lap 16]: Anyway Seb’s made his way up to P16 woo!
aw yeah that battle with Latifi was pretty good!
passing on the inside. v sexy.
[Lap 18]: Yikes 3.5 sec gap between Verstappen and Leclerc. 
(insert “It’s a Ferrari” “It’s a shitbox” scene from Rush)
[Lap 20]: Oop Seb v Kevin? 
“I’m losing power” “No you’re not” “I’m losing power!” oof Perez is not having a fun time
Livery watch: very bored of all the matte liveries 😭 Give me shiny
[Lap 24]: “The car is so difficult to drive” Yup. Shitbox.
“Let’s go on board with Sebastian Vettel” About bloody time Crofty.
[Lap 28]: Over a five second pit stop for Sainz. Clowneria Ferrari strikes again.
[Lap 30] Don’t let Horner talk over Bono. Rude.
also thank fuck I’m past half distance. How did C4 make a highlights package from this?!
[Lap 31]: Hell yeah Seb into P13!!!
The Seb onboards are what’s making this race bearable ngl. Even if he just went down to P15.
[Lap 39]: aggressively waves blue flag
[Lap 40]: oop Nando on Gasly violence
well, it wasn’t really violence. more a heated exchange of words.
Thankfully he’s okay but yikes wheels shouldn’t just come off the car like that.
“And it’s the soft tyres. Ooh la la” Is Ted okay?? Did he remember to drink during the race??
[Lap 42]: Seb with a 3.4 stop 😔
Ferrari didn’t stop Charles or Sainz. Zero braincells on the pit wall. Disappointed but not surprised.
oh god not a shot of the boats on the fake marina it’s so bad
[Lap 45]: Comms getting hyped over Mick 🥺
You’re crying. Comms think Charles has a chance to get past Verstappen on his old hards and you’re crying.
[Lap 47] YO SEB INTO P12!!!
ohhhh there was Kevin on Lance violence.
[Lap 50]: Merc on Merc fisticuffs??? 👀
oh damn maybe Charles did have a better chance than I thought.
[Lap 52]: oop Perez on Sainz violence.
[Lap 54]: Seb into P9 for all of three seconds before I assume he went into Mick 😭
“You can’t be mates in Formula 1 you just can’t” idk about you Martin, maybe they were able to have a grown up convo about it.
ugh. pain.
[Lap 57/Finish]: Well I’m glad that was over.
The best part of the race was by far the post-safety car period. Not even the midfield could save how dull it had been up to that point. So... yeah. 4.5 front wings out of 10. Next up: Spain!
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vigilvntes · 3 years
Negotiations - Adrian Chase x Reader
Tumblr media
A/N: fr doing anything but writing requests rn yass slay go me i am so cool for that. idk where this came from i just lose my mind abt adrian being a slut™️ for praise like fr call him pretty or tell him he's a good man and he's DOWN to do literally anything so. here we are. i might do a part 2 to this bc i kinda like the A.R.G.U.S.!reader x adrian dynamic so uh. let me know <3
Warnings: sex references, language (i think that's all)
Summary: recruiting adrian chase into A.R.G.U.S. was never going to be a breaze, but it becomes less of a task once you figure out his weakness.
Word count: 3.8k
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
"I'm not telling you anything, motherfucker!"
You screwed your eyes closed when you felt him slam a gloved fist against the rickety old desk for the seventh time in ten minutes. It didn't scare you, or intimidate you, but it was doing nothing for the pounding in your head.
You understood now why no one wanted to negotiate with the dumbass in a mask sat lounging across from you, known as Vigilante. Or Adrian Chase. The first hint that it'd be hard work should have been when a whole room of A.R.G.U.S. agents fell deadly silent when Amanda Waller asked for someone to volunteer themselves to deal with him. You couldn't cope with the awkward silence, with her eyes scanning across the room, burning holes into everyone's skulls as you all desperately tried to avoid eye contact, so you did a stupid thing. Something that you'd come to regret within the hour. You raised your hand, mumbling a quiet 'I'll do it'.
The second hint should have been the various 'good luck's' you received from your coworkers as you waited outside of the small interrogation room, a folder in your hands. You were sure he couldn't be that bad. Sure they were just exaggerating, and that you'd be in and out within ten minutes. How wrong you were.
You sighed, rubbing your face with your palms. You'd been dealing with him for over an hour now, bickering and arguing and watching him flail his arms around or hit the desk. Exhaustion and confusion were the emotions currently ruling your mind, intertwining with one another to create the perfect headache. All he did was talk. You hadn't been granted a moment of silence since you stepped into the room. He was just talking and talking, but not once did he say anything useful. You'd heard all about how desperate he was for a pet parrot, how his father left his mother for another man (but it's okay because they're in love), and you seemed to know every piece of Fennel Fields gossip there was to know. You were tired now, though, and you wanted to bring things to a close as soon as possible.
"For the last time, I'm not asking you to tell me anything. I'm asking you to sign these forms. I— Did it never occur to you that we already know everything that went down with you, the task force and project butterfly?"
"No..." He mumbled. The thought of being watched had truly never crossed his mind.
"We had cameras everywhere, with our people watching at all times. We had Adebayo on the inside for the most part. A tracker literally inside Peacemaker's skull. A tracker in everyone else's phones. Oh, and we managed to track yours, too. You should really get a secure phone, and I'm being serious. It was so easy to trace you. I actually have no idea how you've gotten away with literal murder for so long."
"Fuck. I told Chris not to call Harcourt from my phone. I told him there'd be fuckin' agents snooping through my stuff. Looking at my selfies and fucking with my Angry Birds progress. Do you know how many hours I put into Bad Piggies?" He clenched his fists, rocking in his seat in anger at the thought of someone deleting his saved data.
"I mean... I think your Angry Birds data is fine, dude. That's not really something we're particularly interested in." You reassured.
He seemed to relax at that, unclenching his fists and allowing his shoulders to sink. "So... what do you know about me? Do you guys like, know my name?"
"Yeah, Adrian. We know your name. And we also know what you look like." You picked the brown folder up from the desk, flipping through it until you came across his mugshot, if you could even call it that. Eyes closed, a smirk on his lips and his hair pushed back. He looked way too content (and pretty) for someone who'd just been arrested. Though you figured you'd probably look that happy if you were about to kill Auggie Smith, too, so you couldn't exactly blame him. You dropped the folder down in front of him. "Look familiar to you?"
He shuffled forwards in his seat, leaning across the desk to get a look at the photo. It was the longest he'd managed to stay quiet, probably weighing up in his head whether lying to you was worth it. His gaze (hidden behind the red visor of his mask) flicked between you and the photo for a moment, before he sat back once again, folding his arms and staring down at the desk. "I have no idea who that is. I've never seen that man in my life. In fact, I couldn't even begin to guess at who that could be, because I've never seen anyone that looks like him."
He was a bad liar. But he'd given you something to work with, unbeknownst to him. You thought back to Leota, and how all it took for her to convince Adrian to kill Peacemaker's father was a little praise. You could definitely make that work to your advantage.
You allowed your shoulders to sink, your lips pulling down into a frown, before breathing out an, "Oh." It was laced with disappointment, and you knew by the way he lifted his head that you'd gotten his attention. "Well, that's a real shame."
"It— It is?"
You stared down at the photo, "Yeah, I mean... He's really cute. A pretty boy, for sure. I'm really into the curly hair. I'd love to know what it feels like. To grab on to it, tug on it while he—..." You sighed wistfully. "And his neck. I'd love to bite on it. I think he'd look so pretty covered in marks and bites. God. The things I'd do to him." You looked up, then, meeting his eyes (visor). He had been staring at you the whole time, but his intense gaze did nothing to deter you. You breathed out a laugh, shaking your head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I— I just haven't been able to get him out of my head, y'know? I mean, the way he fought off those fucking white supremacist assholes in prison... It just— Really gets me going. The other night—"
Before you could finish your sentence, he'd reached up and ripped the mask off of his face, slamming it down on the table. Now, instead of a blue mask and a red visor, you were met with wide, sparkly eyes, bright red flustered cheeks and a slack jaw. He was looking at you with such lust and excitement, like you'd just offered to go down on him under the table, then and there.
You scoffed, sitting back and folding your arms, "You're really that easy?"
"Yes." He answered simply. "Can we fuck now?"
"What?! Why not?!" He whined, giving you the cutest little frown you'd ever seen. "You just said all of those really fucking hot things about how you wanna bite my neck and—"
"I didn't say those things about you. I said those things about the guy in the picture. You told me you have no idea who he is." You were having way too much fun winding him up, getting your own back for the hour you had spent listening to him ramble on and on about Peacemaker, being subjected to dick joke upon dick joke.
"But that's me! The guy in the photo is me! Look at the hair!" He pointed to the photo, then to his own head. "That's my hair! My neck! My face! That's me!" He yelled, gesturing wildly.
"Oh, so you lied to me, Adrian?"
"No! I— No... It wasn't lying. I was just... withholding the truth from you. It's different. It's not—" He sighed, his shoulders dropping as he leant back in his seat. "Look, I'm gonna be straight with you. I'm really fucking horny right now, and you're really fucking hot. So I was thinking, you and I should fuck. Right here, right now."
"What the fuck? Are you—" You stopped yourself from asking if he was being serious. There was no need to ask stupid questions. "No! I'm not gonna fuck you here!"
He raised his hands, "Okay, jeez! No need to get all shouty." A pause. "Would you fuck me somewhere else?"
"I—..." You had to take a moment to think carefully about your answer. He was pretty, and he did have a neck you'd like to latch your lips on to. He was funny and cute and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't watched the video footage from the prison more than once. Maybe Amanda Waller's terrifying stare wasn't the only reason you'd volunteered yourself into dealing with Vigilante. Fuck. You sighed, "I don't... I don't know. Maybe."
"So that's a hard maybe?"
"No, it's—... it's not a hard maybe. It's like... It's a soft maybe? Or just a... regular maybe? I— Look, will you just sign the damn forms?" You flipped through the folder until you came across the papers, pulling them out and placing them on the desk, slamming a pen down on top of them.
"Oh! So that's what this whole thing is about? The forms?" He scoffed, shaking his head.
You stared at him incredulously. You had not been sat in a stuffy interrogation room with the prettiest, most annoying man you had ever encountered in your life for him to have ignored everything you'd said to him. "Yes! This is about the forms! What the fuck did you think this was about?"
"I don't know! I just thought you wanted to fuck me!" He was giving you that frown again, looking genuinely and utterly disappointed that you hadn't brought him into an interrogation room alone to fuck his brains out.
"What?! I'm sorry, what part of 'Please shut the fuck up and sign these forms' screamed to you that I brought you in here to fuck you?"
"You were giving me the eyes the whole time!" He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.
"What eyes?!"
"I don't know! The eyes you make when you wanna fuck someone! I swear, at one point you were undressing me in your head. Literally eye fucking me, and I'm not gonna lie to you, I felt totally objectified!" He folded his arms across his chest in a huff, looking away from you with a scowl on his features.
"Oh, I'm sure you would feel that way if anything you just said was true. You're—..." You screwed your eyes closed for a moment, sighing deeply when you opened them again. You'd sighed one too many fucking times now. Sure, he was cute, but right now he was frustrating the fuck out of you, and you wanted out. "Look, you have two options here. You can sign these forms and come work for us. You'll leave here a free man, but you'll be required to be on call as and when we need you. Maybe one day you'll get to live a life away from all of this shit. Or, you don't sign these forms and you leave this room under armed guard and straight into a pre-dug grave in the woods. Your call." You raised your eyebrows at him, awaiting his response.
You were just bluffing, at least you hoped you were. To be honest, you weren't sure what would happen to Adrian if he completely refused to sign the forms, if he refused to co-operate with Amanda Waller. She was ruthless, she had proved that when she was more than willing to allow an alien starfish to destroy a whole island nation. She even put her own daughter in danger. Whatever it was that'd happen to him if he left without signing (if he left at all), you knew it wouldn't bode well for him.
He seemed to be considering his options, from what you could tell. He was sat up straight now, eyes downcast and his eyebrows furrowed. You were just grateful for a moment of calm amidst the storm that had taken place over the last hour. He couldn't let you have that for too long, though. You watched as he looked up at you, a grin crawling across his lips, "You have pre-dug graves? That's cool as fuck."
Fucking really? That was his response to you mildly threatening him with death?
"Maybe we do, maybe we don't. You wanna fuck around and find out?" You were losing all patience for him, now. Not that you had much patience left, anyway. It was such a mindfuck, talking to Adrian Chase. You felt like you were constantly bouncing between wanting to punch him, thinking he was cute, finding him funny and wanting to the leave the room and never look at his face ever again.
His shoulders shook with silent laughter, "You're really fucking hot when you get angry."
You pressed your lips together, feeling your cheeks heat up. You were blushing. He'd called you hot and you were blushing. Your body had betrayed you. All this time, you hadn't let him get to you. You'd kept your cool. You'd flirted with him, told him that he was pretty and that you'd love to bite his fucking neck and now you were blushing? Not. Fucking. Cool. "If you think I'm hot now I'm gonna be on fucking fire, soon." You mumbled.
"Looks like you already are." He commented. His grin had turned into a smug smirk, and you wanted nothing more than to lunge across the table and wipe it right off.
"Can you just sign the fucking papers?" You asked, sliding them over to him, but he slid them right back.
"I'm not signing anything. I don't wanna work for you guys. It's nothing personal, I just don't wanna be under government watch any longer than I have to be."
"But if you don't—"
"I'm not signing. Final answer."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. It was totally understandable. You could empathise with him not wanting to feel monitored by fucking Amanda Waller on the daily. Hell, some days it even made you feel squeamish. You had no idea if and when she was listening in. You always felt like you were treading on thin ice. You could understand why he wouldn't want to sign the forms, to sign his life away to A.R.G.U.S. and to Waller, but you dread to think what would happen if he didn't. Sure, you were just bluffing about armed guards and pre-dug graves, but the more you thought about it, the more it became an actual possibility.
You had to give it one last shot.
You glanced up at the camera in the corner of the room, making a point to stare at it for a few moments. He noticed, following your gaze. Then, you looked back at him, raising one finger and gesturing for him to come closer. He furrowed his eyebrows, yet shuffled his chair forwards, the metal legs scraping against the hard flooring.
He leant in first, and you had to physically bite back a smile at how easy it was to capture his curiosity. You leant towards him, resting your chin in your hand, leaning on your elbow. "Look..." You started. "Just between you and I, this whole A.R.G.U.S. thing, the task forces it's— It's going to shit, to be frank."
"Okay...?" He mumbled.
"We lost Colonel Flag. Bloodsport, Harley... They're off the grid. We have next to nothing left. Right now, we're weak." You shrugged, tilting your body momentarily to look at the door behind him before directing your attention back to him. "We could really use someone like you."
"Wh— S— Someone like me?" Adrian asked slowly, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Uh-huh. Someone like you. I mean you're—... Just look at you. You're exactly what we need. You're so strong and brave, so... talented and smart." You reached out and grabbed his hand, playing with his fingers. He let out a shaky breath, and that was all the motivation you need to keep going. Slowly but surely, you were breaking him down. "Y'know, things are crazy now. We're up against threats we never could have imagined. A giant alien starfish, a fucking alien cow... We need someone like you to lead us. To really take charge when we need you the most."
"But... But you already have Peacemaker." He argued, albeit weakly.
"Hmph." You smiled at him. "You're cute. You really think Peacemaker has anything on you?"
He shrugged, dropping his gaze to your intertwined fingers, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "I... I don't know. I guess— I mean, he's really strong. And he's... He's good at leading teams. I don't— I don't think you'd need me..." He trailed off.
You weren't sure if it was genuine insecurity, or if he just wanted to hear more praises leave your lips. Either way, you were happy to oblige. You sighed softly, "Hey, don't say those things. We do need you. We're desperate for someone like you. Peacemaker is physically strong, yes, but he can be weak. You saw the way he crumbled when it came to killing Goff and his family. You did the job for him. You're so strong, mind and body. We need— I need you on our side."
He straightened up at that, pushing his shoulders back, tilting his head up to meet your eyes now. "You— You need me...?"
"Yeah. We have a real nice thing going here, right? I think we'd make a great team." You slipped your pinky finger between your lips, biting down on the tip gently.
"Fuck yeah, we would." He breathed out. He was so flustered, every word winding him up in the best way possible. Every praise pushing him closer to saying 'fuck it', to picking up the pen and signing his name on every page. He'd even sign the table, just to make sure.
"Call me crazy—"
"Never." He grabbed your fingers gently.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks for the second time. The whole situation was so... intense. In a really strange way. You were straight up manipulating him into signing the forms, using his weakness to your advantage. But part of you meant every word. You wanted him to stay, for his own safety and because you maybe, sort of, kind of wanted to keep him around. Possibly. Definitely. He was the most infuriating person you'd ever met, but he was cute and you wanted to know him. Outside of the interrogation room, outside of the suit, outside of the snark and bickering and the talk of fucking. You'd like to get to know him.
"I know we've only just met, and we've spent the last hour or so yelling at each other, but... I actually think you're really fucking cool. Funny. Pretty, too. And I can tell that you're a good man. That you'll do the right thing when the time comes." You let out a sigh, "You could be so much more, here with us. With me."
He blinked at you a few times, lips parted, his breath shaky. Then, he let go of your fingers, scrambling to pick up the pen. "I need to—... Need to fuckin' sigh these papers." He mumbled under his breath, pulling them towards him and signing the first page with no hesitations.
You sat back and watched him sign each and every page, a small smile on your lips. He didn't read any of it, it was like he was on autopilot as he flipped through the thin booklet. It was a good job you had read the terms of the agreement beforehand. There was nothing in there that you wouldn't agree to, and you weren't lying when you said he could walk away a free man, only contacted when he's needed.
He dropped the pen when he signed the last page and pushed the papers towards you.
"All done?" You asked. When he nodded his head, you picked them up from the desk and slipped them back into the folder. "Thank you, Adrian. For your cooperation. I'll send someone down here to escort you out while I get these papers back to the boss." You stood up, folder in hand.
"Wait, what?" He asked, so quietly. "You're leaving? I thought—..."
You walked around the desk, coming to a stop next to his chair. He was looking up at you with wide, doe eyes. He looked so fucking adorable. "You thought what?"
"Well— You just— You said all those things and now you're leaving. I kinda... I don't know. I kinda figured that we'd— Y'know. I thought we'd have some romantic moment where I bend you over this desk and fuck you senseless." He said it so innocently, like he had just suggested dinner and a trip to the movies rather.
You had to chuckle, though. It didn't surprise you that his idea of romance was fucking you over a desk. "Adrian, there's cameras in here, and audio recording."
"I don't care. That doesn't phase me. Not one bit. Actually, that turns me on even more. Let's fucking do it right here, right now." He slapped his hand down on the desk. "Get on."
You raised your eyebrows, "Dude, for the last time, I'm not fucking you in here, okay? I have to go drop these papers off." You bent down and pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth, running a hand through his messy curls (which felt fucking fantastic, you'd been resisting the urge to reach over and touch his hair the whole time). "I'll call you, okay?" You stood up straight and made your way to the door.
"But how are you gonna call me when you don't have my number?" He paused. "Wait... Is this one of those things where you say nice things to me and tell me that you'll call me but really you just wanted to manipulate me into doing whatever you want me to do? Because if it is then I'm cool with it because you're really fucking hot. Like, smoking hot. I've never met anyone like you. But I'd appreciate if you just told me."
You furrowed your brows, staring at him for a moment, "I... No, I meant everything I said. I'm gonna call you when I've finished work. We... we hacked into your phone so we have your phone number on record."
He broke out into a grin almost immediately, nodding his head, "Pulling it from the records. Fuck yeah. That's so hot. Okay, if you're gonna call me could it be in the next two to four hours? No pressure, but I've had a hard on for the last half hour and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait before I—"
You pulled the door open and slipped through it, pushing it shut before you before you could even hear the end of that sentence. You couldn't help but grin, eventually breaking out into quiet laughter as you made your way down the hallway.
Looks like you'd be sneaking out of work early. Definitely within the next two to four hours.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Vigilante taglist <3
@neptuneswritingwork @vlkyriesgf @juniebugg @bvcksmurdock @cressida-clearwood @withahappyrefrain @all-the-captains @chaseadrian @tinalbion @ladamari68 @flower-slut00 @milfodyssey @madmax2191 @myguiltypleasures21 @andromacher @osnapitzandi @flutterskies @emmachase17 @trash--blog @jlclvsjpm @papitas-con-sal @thedamchii @abbynx @skateb0red @fenderenderender @possessedxparrot @transias @aprilfire18 @the-a-word-2214 @violetrainbow412-blog @partr1dge @aunty-venom @bbwithaknife @uwiuwi @thunderingbats @goblynnrockz @shigaaraaki @diouysns @sxfik @dallasvakarian
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Gentle Touches
A/N: Hello everyone! This is a gift trade(words???) For @evabellasworld ! It was an event that is based around the events of summer and oh boy, I had a blast with it! I finally got to write for Blyla so I am very happy rn LMAO I hope you enjoy your gift!
Character ship: Commander Bly x General Aayla Secura
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Words: 2.2k
Tags: no tags today since this isn't my normal stuff and it was for a gift exchange!
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The first time they touch is far from romantic, Aayla had grabbed Bly to pull him out of the arms of danger. Preventing the trooper from harm, while also saving herself. It was a heroic action, something that baffled Bly. 
"Why save me?" Was all he could ask. Brows were furrowed. Mind racing with thoughts as to 'why would a Jedi such as herself save a clone like me? Something that can be so easily replaced?' 
"You're my second in command, Bly. I don't leave friends behind." Her smile was so warming, genuine. The way she looked at him made his chest heat up. Was he having a heart attack? Why did he feel this way? So warm and bubbly. The sheepish smile that grew under his bucket at the mention of being 'friends.' It was a new word, something no one had ever called him. Something he hardly imagined anyone would ever call him. 
"Well, thank you, General." 
The second time they touched was more meaningful. A touch that they both enjoyed a lot, actually. Aayla lightly punched the commander's shoulder out of pure joy and excitement. Winning a mission they were sure they were going to lose. Quickly pulling her commander in for a rather large embrace. 
He stood still at first. The punch was one thing. He and his brothers shared playful swats with one another as signs of affection all the time. 
But a hug? Oh boy, now this was new. Sure, he's shared brotherly hugs, but from his general? Never. 
His hands were reluctant. Hovering over her back, then came down to press lightly on it. He wished his armor and gloves were off. So he could feel the heat of her body against his form, and the feel of her skin under his hands. 
The thought made him smile a bit more than he was before. Aching for more touches after the brief hug was gone. 
After the hug, came a kiss on the cheek. Something that had his whole body in flames. He was absolutely positive that if his skin was as light as General Kenobis, he would look identical to the twin suns of Tatooine. 
"For good luck," she told him. Before leaving the Commander wide eyed and at a loss for words. 
"She kissed you?" Fox asked, and Bly lowered his head. A glass of alcohol in hand. The commanders, and Rex, were all at 79s sharing a drink. Conversing, bullshiting, ranting about their crazy generals or stupid brothers(in a loving way, of course.) But Bly rambled a bit too, much. 
"It was only on the cheek," he claimed. Rubbing the side of his neck with a sigh. 
"Only? Only on the cheek? Vod, that's a sign of affection, has she done anything like that to the other vod?" Wolffe asked, taking a swig of the drink in his hand. 
Bly had to think about that one. Well, not really, he just didn't want to seem weird for saying 'no, I always have my eyes on her, anytime she's near.' 
"No, I don't think so," they all smiled and shook their head at Bly, how oblivious he was, but they couldn't say much. Fox was just as oblivious to Senator Chuchis late night comms and words of endearment towards the clone commander. But that's a story for another time. 
"What?" Rex chuckled at Blys panicked words. Confusion and embarrassment practically radiating off their brother. 
"I think General Secura likes you, Bly," Rex's words made the clone choke. Barely able to take the swig of booze and continue to push it down his throat without spitting it out or choking himself. 
"What?!" He exclaimed, eyes wide, sure that this had to be some prank. 
"But, Jedi and Clones? That's against regulation. We could both get in trouble, I-"
"My advice to you, vod, is try getting her alone, say something sweet to her. It's not often us clones have people that like us," Cody spoke, interrupting his brother. He was the stricter of the group, in a sense. So Bly knew if Cody was for it, then it had to be okay, right? 
So, as advised, the next time he had a chance to be alone with Aayla, he took it. Which unfortunately had to be during a stake out, but it was now or never. 
"Commander," "Please, call me Bly," he smiled warmly at the Twi'lek. Heart pounding in his chest cavity at the bashful smile she gave him. 
"Okay, Bly, then it's Aayla to you," he smiled back, nodding. "Of course, Aayla." 
They stood there for a moment. Sharing smiles and just one another's presence. Until his men interrupted him. "You two alright? Been staring at each other for a bit there," his one brother teased with a knowing smirk
"Yes, we're fine, isn't it your turn to watch guard?" And with that his brother was walking off in a fit of giggles. Everyone knew he liked her, Bly wasn't the best at hiding feelings, really. 
Later that evening is when he took action. Shuffling over to Aayla who was sitting near the fire of their camp. 
"Nice night, isn't it, Bly?" She asked. Not even looking up from the fire until he was sat next to her. 
"Yes, it's a beautiful one, too." She smiled at his words. Looking back to the flames. 
"Like you," he muttered. Hoping she wouldn't hear him. Yet, at the same time he hoped she did. 
She turned her head. Eyes giving him a questioning look. "Like me?" She did hear him, he knew couldn't back out now. No, not when he was this close to whatever this was. 
"Yes, beautiful like you," he cleared his throat. Running his hands on the thighs of his armor. 
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting with me, Bly." She told him, lips ticking up into a smirk. Eyes flicking down, then back up to his eyes. 
"What if I was?" He asked. Hope lingering in his voice. "What would you do?" 
Aayla scooted closer to the Commander. Licking her lips as she let out a small hum. 
"I might play along," he smiled, chuckling a bit. 
"Only play?" She pondered for a moment. Hands resting in her lap while her eyes darted back to the flames that danced in front of the two. 
"I might try a thing or two, as well." Bly was intrigued. Raising a quizzical brow. 
"What sort of things?" Her eyes met his again. Pupils staring into his, with the same look of curiosity. A look that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand in anticipation. 
"A kiss or two?" He bit his lower lip. Thinking about what she said. Shifting a bit in his seat. Was this really happening? That feeling in his chest was amplified by a thousand. His whole body felt warm and fuzzy. A zoo of butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Attempting to break free of their confinement. 
"What would you try?" Aayla asked him, breaking his running mind. 
"Well," he started, but he didn't know what to say. What was there to say? Bly was unfamiliar with terms of endearment and affection. How would he know what to do? 
"A kiss, maybe. I think more hugs, hand holding, and time alone with you would be nice." They were simple thoughts. Partially requested. 
"Well, since we both want a kiss, we could try one?" Her words made his skin heat up, a giddy smile spreading to his lips. "Really?" He was astounded that she even offered. Hoping this wasn't a dream or a joke. 
"Yeah," and then she leant in. Her head tilted up to meet his, their noses brushing against one another. Then their lips brushed. Bly felt like he was vibrating from the thrill. Such a new feeling he got to experience, but oh, it got even better. Her hands moved to his hair. A feeling he quite enjoyed.  A comforting touch that assured him that yes, Bly, this was really happening. Aayla pulling the commander closer to her lips. Deepening the kiss with a smile. His hands stayed in his lap. Uncertain if he was allowed to touch her. Plus he was too busy focusing on the kiss to even think about moving. 
Aayla pulled back with a small grin. Bly pressing his forehead against hers. 
"You're a pretty good Kisser, Bly." He smiled. Chuckling softly as he glanced back into her eyes. The warm glow of the fire perfectly reflecting off her orbs. 
"Yeah?" She hummed, dropping her hands to his lap to hold his hands with hers. "Very, might have to try again sometime." He grinned. Teeth slightly bearing. "I'd like that." 
That was the fourth touch that he remembered most. There had been other touches after the hug, but that was the most memorable. A kiss that lasted forever. A memory engraved into his mind. 
He loved her, he always had. Everything she did was perfect in his eyes. Even when she was upset or mad, he still looked at her as if she hung the moon and the stars. 
Each time they got alone, especially when they camped out. That was their time alone. When the two of them hold hands, lean against each other, and maybe even share a gentle kiss here or there. 
It was like camping with your lover, something he only ever heard stories of. Sure, camping was a lot more fun than their type of camping. They didn't have good food, or tents with cozy blankets, or time to spare. They had rations, and sleeping areas with only each other to keep warm. 
But even without all the extras and the fine events, this was good enough for Commander Bly. As long as he has Aayla Secura by his side, that's all that he could ask for. 
Months passed and these little moments continued when they were alone. Call it a relationship if you must. Bly didn't really care what it was or what they had established, he was just glad to have the Twi'lek by his side. 
"Bly," her voice was so gentle, so soothing. He swore it could put him to sleep if he listened to it long enough. 
"Yes, ner serad," 
'My flower', Bly knew Aayla wasn't familiar with Mando'a, hell, he only knew simple endearments and curses himself. Being that he learnt most from his brothers that actually looked into their 'heritage.' It wasn't necessary, but it made them feel like individuals. Made him feel safe using the words on his one and only, his flower. 
She smiled, oh so sweetly. Taking a seat next to her commander with a soft sigh. "I think we should go somewhere, swimming, anything, just you and I." 
Swimming? He had never really swam before, and he was sure she knew that. 
"Mesh'la, you know I can't leave my brothers," she hummed, nodding softly while resting her cheek on his shoulder. The act making his chest bubble with warmth. 
"I know, but we can always do it on our leave, we don't have to abandon the war to relax, Bly." The way she smiled at him when she glanced up made him practically putty in her hands. 
"Well, what are we waiting for then?" 
"Bly!" She shouted through giggles and laughter as one of his brothers lifted her to toss her back into the pool. Bly was the one to suggest bringing the whole group to their "vacation." General Secura was reluctant, but she knew it would raise suspicions if it was only the two of them. 
"This was your idea," he teased with a chuckle. Swimming over to where she was currently resurfacing. 
"You're not very nice, I could have drowned, you know?" She quipped. Splashing water at him, which had the commander shielding his face with his calloused hands. 
"Oh, but I know you wouldn't, I wouldn't allow it, either." His voice lowered towards the end. Smiling softly. Eyes softening, face heating up with a chuckle. 
"Oh, you wouldn't?" She added with a smirk, and he shook his head. 
"Nope, who else would put up with myself?" She only rolled her eyes. 
"Plus, I know you're too talented and strong to let water defeat you, not when you've saved my life in the most extreme of situations." She darted her eyes to the side. Bly was losing himself at that moment. A hand resting on the side of her face with a small grin. 
"Plus, you're a Jedi, cyare," "And?" He chuckled, leaning a bit closer. Forehead pressing against hers. A simple meaning of affection. An action that had everyone staring, stopping their roughhousing to watch their brother and General. 
"And I hope as a Jedi you were taught how to swim." 
It was a few moments before his brothers started chattering, hooting, and hollering. 
"I knew it!" "Wait, who made the first move?" "Am I seriously out 20 credits?" 
The sudden words around them had the two in a flustered panic. Forgetting the Legion was there and watching. Too busy thinking about each other to remember them all when they fell silent. 
"You bid on this?" Bly was flustered, 
"well yeah, we aren't stupid, Commander. You look at her with heart eyes anytime she passes by." One retorted.
Dear maker.. No, no they weren't stupid, but some days? Bly truly wished they were. 
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bittersweetmorality · 4 years
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— chuuya boyfriend headcannons (sfw & nsfw)+ drabble
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☾ genre: SFW and NSFW Headcannons (NSFW section is marked-- 18+)
☾ pairing: Nakahara Chuuya x GN!reader (reader is given the name ‘mommy’ in the drabble)
☾ warnings: none for the SFW– general smut for the NSFW ??
☾ w/c: 1,978 words
☾ a/n: hey lol :D as a certified chuuya fucker, i just had to.  i literally have like three other chuuya drafts that i’m currently working on.  hopefully they turn out like i want and i can post them bc :| the chuuya tag is starving.  anyway i hope i can populate it just a tad.  thanks for reading bugs !
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— SFW 
lemme start off by saying that he will treat yo ass RIGHT.  ON MY MOMMA.
not to bring his trauma into this already but :| my man has major abandonment issues.  he will not do anything to jeopardize your relationship, and he honestly just values your happiness above anything else
you just know how much he cares about the fellow members of the mafia– even though they don’t requite the same amount of love that he gives them, he still loves them wholeheartedly
even dazai
little shit
his love language is definitely touch and gift-giving.  no i don’t accept criticism because i’m right
you’re telling me he wouldn’t absolutely spoil you with expensive gifts ?? mans is a mafia executive– he’s making hella bank, and he is spending it all on you
he’s also definitely a pretty clingy significant other, but good luck trying to get him to admit that :|
his life is… well… yaknow
there’s always a lot going on there..... he’s stresst
he wants nothing more than to just hold you in his arms after a long day-- especially if he just came back from a hard day at work
times like this are when he’s most clingy-- he feels like he almost lost you, and now he never wants to let you go
many, many times he’s fallen asleep like this; you’re basically suffocating in his grip as his eyelids flutter closed, either on the couch or your bed
but of course you’re not going to complain
and he’s so glad you don’t
he’s also the type to almost never explicitly say that he loves you at first, it’s simply not something that comes naturally to him
instead he indulges in his love languages profusely, and he just hopes you get the message
he’s also afraid that you’ll leave him if he says something like that, so for a long time he doesn’t :(
so when you come home to a bottle of expensive wine wrapped in an exquisite red ribbon, you know he just wants to tell you how much he loves you
eventually, of course he’s comfortable with you enough to say it, and it comes completely natural
and since he’s such a romantic, he says it every morning when you wake up, and before you go to bed without fail
he’s definitely the type to show you off too
like, as he’s having a conversation with someone, he’ll suddenly get really loud when talking about you so everyone within a three-mile radius can hear
“well, you see i would go out drinking with you tonight, but i actually have a date.  with my partner.  you know them, right?  here’s a picture i took of them a few days ago, just look a-”
also: biggest hype man
you could open a jar of jam and he’d be like “holy shit, you go babe”
nakahara chuuya kiss me rn challenge
anyway, basically he’ll love and support you no matter what
like truly you’re like a walking ray of sunshine to him
anyway !!!! DATES !!!!!!!
dates with chuuya are planned.  always.
like i SAID he’s a hopeless ROMANTIC MY GOD
he absolutely loves picking you up at your doorstep and taking you for a ride around town on his motorcycle
speaking of which, your arms wrapping around his middle and squeezing him tight as he drives the bike is literally his favorite thing in the world.  oh my god you’re going to make him melt
and i know for a fact your first kiss with him was after he dropped you off at your door when your first date was at its end
it was almost completely perfect honestly, except when your faces were just mere inches from one another, his hat bumped into your forehead and fell to the ground
baby was so embarrassed-- he went bright red and picked up his hat, basically shielding his face
he just wanted the date to be completely perfect– and it was!! until that happened
but obviously you just let out a light giggle and pulled him against you, and he quickly closed the gap between your lips
also, chuuya sleeps in
he sleeps a lot <33
that being said he loves lazy mornings
it’s well past 11, but you’re still laying in his arms– who is he to get up?? and disturb the peace??????
he will not.
i can’t even emphasize this enough, but please comb your fingers through his hair
there’s a chance he might melt into a puddle on the spot and never recover but still
on the rare occasion where he’s the little spoon--
(which, speaking of which, @dazai-centric​ has a headcannon that chuuya always insists on being the big spoon no matter what, but on rare occasions he lets himself be wrapped up in your arms and THEY’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.)
anyway, so on this rare occasion
where his head is basically buried in the junction between your shoulder and your neck, and you just rake your fingers through his hair softly
he dead.  dead as hell.
and ERRRRM.  kisses with him are just……… wow…………
naturally, he always wants to be the best at everything-- it’s just his personality
and kisses are no exception
he has to be the BEST
and he is
so, kisses are always so passionate and rough
okay hold on maybe this should go under the NSFW category 😐
ANYWAY!!!! 19472946/10 boyfriend
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so rough sex is very common for y’all 😁
he likes to take his frustrations out from the day like this, and honestly you don’t complain
he definitely has a high sex drive so 😁
obviously you have an established safe-word and talk about everything before anything transpires because the LAST thing he wants is to hurt you in any way
but if you ask him to spank you he is definitely not gunna say no <3 chuuya said spanking kink
speaking of kinks
bondage xoxo
this goes both ways— he likes to tie your wrists to the headboard with rope and tie your legs down if you’re okay with it
for him, he likes his wrists cuffed to the bed
but he definitely doesn’t like all of his power stripped away by having him completely tied up
also he loves eye contact
that’s why missionary and mating press are his favorite positions <3
he likes to grab you by the jaw and make you look at him when he’s fucking you
“hey, hey, princess what did we say? if you want to cum, look me in the eyes when i fuck you, yeah?”
he loves praise and degradation equally
but if you’re degrading him don’t go too far :((
degrade slightly him while he’s on the bottom and he’s putty in your hands
now, if you praise him while he’s on top, get ready to not be able to walk for the next 3-5 business days because that’ll feed his ego a LOOOT
and he’ll just get lost in the moment because he loves you....... so much
he degrades you slightly, but only during foreplay
he calls you his little slut, or his whore
“aw, so wet for me and we’re barely getting started, doll.  such a little whore, aren’t you?”
when you actually get into it, it’s all praise from him
he wants you to know how important you are to him, how good you feel and just everything on his mind
he loses his filter in the moment awn god
“so fucking perfect, i only want you.  you’re mine.  god, you feel so fucking good.”
he loves to hear you too-- it really feeds his ego
but sometimes if he’s really had a rough day, he’ll make you gag on his finger or wrap his hand around your neck
he doesn’t squeeze too hard nor genuinely make you gag, he just likes the way your eyes are barely able to meet his because he’s making you feel so good
but ANYWAY pet names are a MUST with him
he calls you doll, sweetheart, princess, baby, dove, doll
basically every sweet name under the sun during sex
he likes you to call him sir 😁
this man has no shame when it comes to noise
like absolutely none
since he’s possessive, he wants people to know he’s fucking you, and how good he feels because of you
no one else can make him feel that way and he wants everyone to know
so he’s LOOOUUUDD,,,, especially in your ear
he likes leaning down and moaning in your ear, just to get a reaction out of you
he makes fun of you for it later on, and you have his full permission to smack that smug little smirk off his face
but the amount of times you had to stop mid-way because y’all got knocks on your door from your neighbours 😐 they’re so sick of y’all
on average, you have sex at least 4 times a week
that’s not including quickies tho
did i mention that chuuya loves quickies <3
especially when it’s in his office and he fucks you on his desk
and because he doesn’t care who hears him-- you bet your ass the entire Port Mafia has heard you
he likes to go down on you for quickies more than actual sex, and he will respectfully never decline a blowjob
because he’s a gentleman
sorry to any of y’all who have a breeding kink,,, but chuuya definitely does not
he’s so afraid of having kids
moving on
onto sub!chuuya
did somebody say SWITCH 🤨☝️
chuuya did <3
now for a long time he doesn’t really let his submissive side out because,,, it’s a really vulnerable part of him yaknow?
but after a while, and after he’s completely trusted you to take care of him like that
oh boy
bottom bitch <3
still loud as HELL
except it’s less of moaning and more of whining
he’s such a whiner
and a brat
mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink mo
also i don’t really know how else to describe it but-- if you force him to look you in the eyes and use a stern tone
..........dead.  dead as hell.
now take this drabble as a tribute to sub!chuuya
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“and why should i listen to you?  what are you gunna do?” chuuya furrowed his brows at you, as if he was challenging you.
“aw, baby,” you leaned down from your position of straddling him, caging his head between your arms.  “you still have so much to say even though your hands are handcuffed to the bed.  so bold, aren’t you?” you stroked his lower lip gently, and he whimpered lowly in response.
suddenly, you sat up, getting into a position to prepare to get up off of him completely, “but, you’re right.  what am i going to do?  i guess i’ll just leave you here for the rest of the night.  go-”
“WAIT!! NO- I-” he bit his lip to stop any more words from escaping him.
“’wait’?  is there something you wanna say, baby?” your legs trapped his once again.
“... please.”
he averted your gaze, and you reached down to grip his jaw sternly, moving his head to face you completely.
“please what?”
no answer.
“you know i can’t read your mind, baby.  you’re going to have to use your w-”
“please fuck me.” the words tumbled out of his mouth, almost too quickly to even be audible, still, your lips shifted into a gentle smile.
but you weren’t completely content with him yet.
“and what’s my name?”
“and you want mommy to fuck you, is that right?”
“...yes.  please...”
you planted a passionate kiss onto his lips, and upon breaking it, you shifted closer to his ear.
“well, i can’t say no since you asked so nicely, now can i?”
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How The Obey Me Brothers Would Do in a “The Forest” AU
Fandom: Obey me
Pairings: None
Warnings: Swearing, idiocy, mild gore
The Forest was just released for the new Oculus headset, and Levi could NOT pass up this opportunity. However, it’s just his luck he got his hands on a cursed copy of the game, and ended up sucking the House of Lamentation into the game! Here’s how our favorite boys faired in the universe of “The Forest”
Is pissed.
Bitches about it heavily
Is irritated that he has to find and wrangle a digital son now as well as his siblings. 
Would definitely help everyone else build a little shelter before nightfall, but would be grumbling about how much work he has to do at home and how far behind this would put him. 
Doesn’t let MC lift a finger and is 100% a mother hen the whole time. 
Seems inconvenienced by the whole cannibal thing, until he realizes magic doesn’t exist here and he has to use his melee fighting skills to kill them. Skills that are a little rusty...
Teams up with Beel to be the camp dads and take care of everyone
Super paranoid about the stability of the walls and the house at the beginning
Dies from eating a poisonous berry. He didn’t know he could be affected by poison in this game.
Over all, does his best to keep everyone alive, and feels really bad when someone dies. 
No longer feels bad when he learns that the worst thing that happens is you lose all your stuff and you respawn. 
A solid 7/10 job. Probably dies a few times due to someone else being an idiot, but is a pretty good survivalist when push comes to shove. 
Is also pissed
He was in the middle of counting the grimm from his latest modeling gig when he was sucked into the game.
Bitches and moans with/at Lucifer, but tries to build and maintain a shelter.
Who’s Timmy?
I don’t think crows exist in the game, but seagulls do and they all land on his fingers and he makes friends with them.
Is very upset when one of his brothers kills a bird for food or to simply carry around its head as a trophy. 
Sees cannibals and tries to trade with them with the grimm he has in his pockets.
Dies on sight.
Now when he sees or hears cannibals he screams and cowers behind MC 
When they go away or the screaming stops, he stands up straight and dusts off his jacket “Psh, I wasn’t afraid! I was trying to comfort you from behind! YOU were the one afraid”
After a while in the game, he gets his shit together and honestly kinda kills it. 
This is the avatar of greed, you know he is going to gather and horde so many valuable resources and then guard them with his life. 
“Mammon I’m hurt please stop hissing at me and let me have the medicine bottle”
*hiss* “You can have ONE pill and ONE pill only”
Over all, the definition of “They had us in the first half ngl”
8/10 for managing the group’s food and resource stores so well and only dying a fuck ton of times. 
Feels quite guilty, but is also secretly pumped to immerse himself in the game.
Was extremely skilled at this game IRL and tries to explain how it works to everyone else, but they’re all so pissed and no one’s listening.
“That’s fine, who would want to listen to a yucky otaku like me anyway!” 
Magic doesn’t exist here, but that doesn’t stop Levi from yeeting himself into the ocean and turning into a giant sea monster while his brothers complete the game. 
They don’t want his help? They don’t want to know that the cannibals can’t swim and that they’ll be safer if they build a boat and live in a boathouse on the water? Fine. Then Perish <3
That goes for Timmy too, fuck that kid. 
Doesn’t want MC to suffer tho, so he’ll kill a few sharks and throw them up over the wall with his tail. (I’m assuming that if the game is released for Oculus Rift that they will get their shit together and also make sharks edible)
Is having a grand time taking over the ocean. 
Will sometimes go to shore to visit MC. Everyone is confused as to where he has been and how he is thriving. He just smiles and jumps back in the water.
10/10 strats. Never once dies. Tells everyone what they were doing wrong and how they could have had it easier when they beat the game and are back IRL out of spite.
Is throwing things in their spots while building the shelter, but is still helping
Spawns in with the book he was reading in his hand.
That book is eventually stolen from his grasp in the night and used as kindling for the fire.
Lucifer explains that if he didn’t steal his book they all would have died. 
Satan does not give a fuck
“Use the kid’s stupid fucking drawings you dipshit!”
“I can’t they’re story items!”
Goes on a rampage and kills so many deer, effectively feeding the group for a week.  
Sees the cannibals for the first time and thinks “same” 
Pretty good fighter and pretty resourceful when it comes to making armor and weapons. 
Outfits MC with the all of his prototypes and tells them to go run at a tree
“How do you feel, MC?”
“Like I ran at a tree with a deer skin on my chest”
Very upset at the whole no magic thing, but will work with it.
Over all, 7/10 job. Dies a couple times from cannibals and the other monsters, but makes it to the end.
Oh dear. 
Oh dear this sweet summer child. 
“Why are we looking for this child when he’s so ugly?”
Is distraught and so very upset this is happening to him. Cries variations of “woe is me” for the first five hours of game play
Does not help build a shelter
Does not help gather food and resources
Does not help period. Only whines. 
Sees cannibals sprinting and jumping towards the shelter and pushes Lucifer in front of him
“Take him! I’m too pretty to die!”
What follows after the first three days is a slow decent into madness. 
Ends up butt ass naked for the majority of the game because the clothes he spawned in with were ripped to shreds and “No animal skin clothing in this world is good enough to adorn my perfect body”
Starts speaking to the animals and becomes friends with all of them like a Disney Princess. 
The animals come to his aid when he lets out a specific shriek that calls them to his side.
Spends his time weaving flower crowns for MC, his brothers, and his animal friends. 
Everyone knows he’s snapped when Beel brings back the dead body of a cannibal and Asmo dips his dirty little finger into an open wound and wipes the blood on his lips. 
“I just love this shade! Don’t you?” 
5/10 job. Dies multiple times from trying to befriend hostile animals, but also has an army of woodland creatures at his disposal by the end of the game.
Bro you know this mans is about to make this game his bitch
Spawns in with a cheeseburger.
Eats the cheeseburger.
“I have a son?”
“Where is my son?”
Honestly the thought of Beel in this game is so sexy like I’m simping so hard rn 
Grab your water skins and buckle up bc it’s about to get thirsty up in here y’all
A shirt? Beel doesn’t know what those are anymore
He crafts one of those shoulder harnesses out of hide and bone and sticks a bone shiv thing on the forearm 
Don’t mess with this demon when his dinner and his family is on the line.
Is not afraid of anything except the death of his loved ones.
Cannibals? Nah, dinner.
Other monsters? Nah, dinner. 
Full shirtless lumberjack mode with Lucifer, and later Mammon, when cutting down trees in the forest. MC is drooling. 
Definitely makes a game out of how many trees they can all chop down before giving up.
Plays knuckle bones with Belphie and MC using real knuckle bones. 
Doesn’t want to share his food with the others but will if they didn’t get anything to eat that day. 
Chef Beel. That’s it that’s the post. 
10/10 job. Only dies once throwing his body over Belphie’s sleeping one to save him. 
Get’s annoyed when he finds out Belphie was fake sleeping
Very sexy. Would watch. 
Nah dude no thanks 
Alexa play “Wake Me Up When September Ends”
Alexa play “Billie Jean”
“And the kid is not my son”
Get’s so fucking pissed when he finds out he can’t sleep without everyone else deciding to sleep too so he just lays down with his eyes closed and hopes for the best.
Doesn’t help with anything unless someone asks him to
Even then he’ll roll his eyes like brat and slowly do it
An actual sloth
No like he clings to MC and Beel like a sleepy sloth 100% of the time
He can’t find any cows and is sad so he settles for the local deer instead. 
Fake sleeps through most of the whole thing, paying monster and cannibals alike absolutely no mind. Beel will take care of it.
Freaks the fuck out when Beel dies on top of him and goes into a rage and kills everything in sight. 
Very sweet reunion when he realizes that they just respawn.
No longer pays death any mind and continues fake sleeping. 
0/10. Virtually useless. 
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks - hq pt 4
a/n: first and foremost, please don’t attack me for the twins’ accent. i know i didn’t even try but i also don’t have the brain capacity to do it rn. second, i know i did karasuno but i was requested to do asahi after posting it and i wasn’t gonna make a separate post for just him so i slapped his ass onto this one (: pairings: kita x reader, atsumu x reader, osamu x reader, suna x reader, sakusa x reader, asahi x reader warnings: language, some spoilers for post time skip taglist: @babydabi​, @suckersuki​, @bakugoustanaccount​, @animoozies​ part 3
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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⇾ omg this boy is gonna talk about how proud he his of his teammates ⇾ like full on proud dad moment (i imagine him like that one panel from the last chapter, just so proud) ⇾ he’s such a soft man, he would talk about how he wants to start a family with you ⇾ what do you mean the sheep aren’t our kids??? ⇾ so would wear a soft smile listening to you ramble on about something ⇾ he would love to hear whatever was going on inside your mind, would never tell you to stop talking or cut you off. Ever.
You climbed into bed after waking up to pee in the middle of the night. Kita had been up for a while and you were unsure as to why he was still up. Before you fell asleep, the two of you had been watching his old teammates play a match on tv and he had been praising them the entire time. “What are you doing up still?” “I was texting in the group chat after you fell asleep and I just can’t sleep now.” You sat cross legged next to him. “What’s on your mind now?” “How I want to start a family with you in the future.” That came out of the blue. Neither of you really talked about that far in the future. “The twins started arguing again and Aran started yelling at me to get them to stop. I asked him why he was telling me to stop them and everyone replied that it was because I’m the only one they still listen to. And then everyone started talking about how I was like the team dad even after all this time and I started thinking about how I would be if I was a father and if I would still act the same. I looked down at you sleeping and the thought just came to me.” You were speechless. “I mean, not that I have any problems with having kids with you, but I wouldn’t classify the twins as test subjects on your parental qualifications. I don’t think they compare to toddlers because the twins actually listen.” “Well, that’s why we have chicken. And sheep.” Kita gave you a warm smile. “Honey, I love you, but please don’t tell me that you just compared animals to human children. Possibly ours.” “It’s okay. It’s good practice.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ for as much as i shit on him, i do love atsumu (osamu is the superior twin, sorry lei) ⇾ but this poor baby would always be in such a negative head space after losing a match ⇾ literally thinks his entire team hates him, his coach wants to replace him, his brother and ex teammates would look down on him, wondering what was so great about him ⇾ he would just need to get his feelings out without judgement - just hold him while he word vomits but sometimes he does need to hear some motivation to get him out of his funk ⇾ this kind of feeds into the other things he would talk about if he didn’t have a match ⇾ just a lot of talk about his insecurities and how he feels inferior to other people his cocky persona is fake ⇾ just wrap him in a blanket and feed him comfort food as he lets out everything weighing down on his heart
“If I didn’t fuck up five serves, we coulda won.” Atsumu was laying on his stomach with his head on your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair. “You weren’t the only person who messed up today. You can’t blame yourself for losing the game when everyone made a mistake at some point.” “But mine were so easy to prevent.” He wrapped his arms around your waist tighter. “I know when I go into practice next week, coach is gonna bench me. I’m not even mad, I deserve it.” “Tsumu, don’t say that.” “It’s true. Samu even called me out on it after. And I know the entire team wants me out.” At this point, you didn’t know what else to say because no matter what, Atsumu was going to believe that he was the worst player on the team. “I’m just holding everyone back.” Your hand stilled in his hair. “Tsumu, the only other setter who’s managed to pull off that crazy quick with Hinata is Kageyama. Plus you got Bokuto on your team too! Both of those players are so high energy and hard to manage, yet you make it look so easy. So you had an off day, everyone does. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days -” He got up and glared at you before you had a chance to finish what you were saying. “Hannah Montana is not the right person to bring into this motivational speech.” “But you sing Hoedown Throwdown and True Friend on a weekly basis.” “And you better take that sentence with you to the grave.” You grinned at him. “But imagine how much money I could get for selling those twelve little words to the press.” Yes. He tackled you and made you swear on your life that you wouldn’t tell a soul.
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ it depends on his mood: either he’s doing all the talking or he’s strictly listening, there’s no in between ⇾ when he’s talking, it could be about a n y t h i n g ⇾ from atsumu to food to you to work to a new show he’s watching to kita to meeting up with friends ⇾ literally anything ⇾ he doesn’t necessarily need to know you for a long time, but he does need to feel close to you if he ever talks about how he feels about you ⇾ he’s not the type to be soft of the regular, so when he is being soft, he’ll be even quieter, maybe even hide his face in your neck or your stomach depending on the position the two of you are cuddling in ⇾ when you’re the one doing the talking, his hands are always busy doing something - most of the time playing with your hair, but it could also be playing with your hands, massaging your hips, etc
“- so Kita blocked our numbers.” “I mean, you did cuss out Atsumu while his phone was on speaker and he was with his grandmother.” “How was I supposed to know that?” he asked quietly into your neck. You laughed. “Let him talk next time. You and your brother you are adults now, so stop arguing like children.” “I can’t help it, he pisses me off sometimes.” You hummed. “Give Kita a fruit basket or take him out to lunch and apologize.” He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles before pulling you closer into his chest. “Yeah I’ll do that.” “Ooo! What if you have him test out that new recipe you were telling -” “No. I always have you test new dishes and that won’t change,” he mumbled. “Samu?” He nuzzled his face further, his breath warm on your neck. His hand moved to your hip and alternated from massaging you to rubbing his hand up and down. “You’ve gotten me this far and everything worked fine. I don’t wanna change anything.” You reached back and lightly scratched the nape of his neck. You turned over and found his face closer to yours that you expected. His arm went back to resting on your hips with his hand on your butt, pulling you closer. He gave you a light kiss on the tip of your nose. “Are you saying I’m your good luck charm?” you asked teasingly. “Nothing’s gone wrong since you’ve come into my life. I’m gonna fucking marry you one day.” You smiled. “Yeah, you also said that when you got your wisdom teeth removed. I’m still waiting on the ring.” He pulled you into a hug, your head in his chest, his lips placing another kiss on your forehead. “Don’t rush me or your not getting anything.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ he wouldn’t talk at 3 am ⇾ would literally tell you to shut up and go to sleep ⇾ and if you didn’t stop talking, he would get up and either go to someone else’s place or tell you to leave ⇾ this man does not care about what you’re thinking or what you have to say when he’s trying to sleep ⇾ so don’t expect him to be all soft and listen to you - better yet, talk
“So I was thinking -” Suna grumbled. “Yeah? You better stop thinking.” “But I’ll forget in the morning.” “Then it wasn’t necessary to talk about.” “I’m gonna say it.” “You’re gonna shut the fuck up if you wanna sleep here tonight.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ a listener ⇾ would literally tell you to shut up and go to bed jk, not really ⇾ if he’s up at 3 am with you, he’s listening to music ⇾ for sure he won’t be talking and doesn’t really want to have to pay attention to whatever you’re saying ⇾ not in a rude way but like, it’s late and he doesn’t feel like using brain cells at the time ⇾ if you are talking and he loves you, he won’t tell you to shut up or stop, but don’t expect a reply from him ⇾ depending on his mood, he’ll choose to listen or not, and when he’s listening, he’ll make sure you know that he is
“Did you make this lofi playlist?” You were scrolling through your shared Spotify account on your phone, trying to find something to listen to since neither of you could sleep. “Yes.” You played it, both of you enjoying the soothing music that filled the quiet of the room. “Do you have a fanclub?” Sakusa hummed. “Is that a yes or a no?” It took him a minute, but he replied. “Not sure. Why?” “I don’t know how I feel about a group of girls drooling over you.” Were you proud? Jealous? Indifferent? You couldn’t figure it out. But the fact that he asked made you happy that he cared enough to bother listening to you. “Why should you care?” You looked over at him. “Well, what if they’re the crazy type of fans who try to break in here. Or don’t like that we’re dating and try to kill me?” He laid there in silence with his eyes closed as you spoke about all the extreme types of fans that you had heard about. Once you finished, he remained quiet. You felt bad, thinking that you bored him to sleep. “Love, I think you’ve been listening to too many true crime podcasts.” “But still, those types of people exist.” Sakusa shifted with his eyes closed, pulling you so you were resting on his chest. “Stop thinking about that. It’s stupid. Now go to sleep.” “But -” “Go to sleep.” “I can’t.” He shushed you. “Sleep. We can talk in the morning.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ jesus would talk about his insecurities ⇾ would catch you up with his friends aka the other third years ⇾ but also i feel like his anxiety traveled with him into adulthood so like, lots of stress talks about releasing new designs on time and not wanting to let people down/be a failure ⇾ he would talk about his travels too, the different things he enjoyed from each country he visited with noya ⇾ would make plans to go somewhere with you when both of you had the time to drop off the face of the earth for a little bit
“So where else did you want to visit?” you asked. “Maybe Switzerland?” You nodded. “That’s a good choice. Want to do anything specific?” “Not really. When I was with Noya, we kind of just winged everything. It was more exciting and memorable that way.” “I do remember you being more free.” Whenever he called you or sent you pictures and videos, he seemed more happy. “Really?” “Uh huh.” “I do remember feeling less stressed. I have a deadline coming up soon and the pressure is intense.” “Does it feel like volleyball stress?” He gave you a little shrug. “A bit? I have a team - a different type of team - and I don’t want to let them down, but in this case, I’m the captain without anyone to rely on. Everyone else needs me to have everything together, so I don’t have the time to freak out or be stressed.” “Yet, you’re still a ball of anxiety.” “Am I?” He grimaced. You nodded. “I’m trying to get better. It’s really hard when there’s a voice in the back of your mind telling you that if you mess up, everyone will be let down and disappointed in you. On top of that, the media and public are so harsh with everything. There’s just a lot of pressure.” “But you’ve done so well. Sure things were a little shaky when you first started, but you’re well known now and well loved.” “You have a point. I’ll do better for you.” You smiled. “I’m already proud of you, don’t worry about that.”
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