#love getting asks omg
isaaclouisdv · 1 year
Hi! I saw your art and it's fantastic! Your aramisses are extra cute (just like he'd love, cute and ready to kill)! I wanted to ask you what's your favourite three musketeers character and if you have particular opinions on captain Treville and the Cardinal Keep going strong!
Hi!! Sorry for the late reply, currently somewhere in the Indian Ocean right now!
Thank you so much!! Glad you like the Aramisses, they are a joy to draw ❤️ yes he is dangerous yes he is ready to kill yes he is iddy biddy, these are the facts.
My favourite three musketeers character is actually the Comte de Rochefort 😳😳 but not exactly as he is in the original novel, more the way he is characterised in adjacent media, especially animated adaptations of the story (specifically D’Artagnan Et Les Trois Mousquetaires, the 1982 anime where all the characters are dogs or other small critters, and Sous Le Signe Des Mousquetaires, the 1989 anime) This is super niche, I know! But I’m a huge sucker for bad guy character that goes from enemies to rivals to begrudging ally to friend of the main characters, I live for that, and that’s literally Rochefort’s character arc in the books, but all the good enemies to friends action happens off-screen (off-page?) as Dumas just sort of tells us D’Artagnan and Rochefort fought a bunch and then ended up being friends in the epilogue, iirc. The animated media adaptions made for children just make it more obvious! And often more silly 🤭 Also I have a baby brain and I like looking at pretty images. Anyway, Rochefort number 1 ❤️✨
My opinion on Captain Treville is that I love him, he is a Dad. Assigned father of a hundred feral men with swords. A stellar character, absolutely no notes. As for the Cardinal, I mean, who doesn’t love the ‘king’s advisor is clearly duplicitous and self-interested and everyone can see it but the king still employs him’ trope. Who doesn’t love a good ambitious, morally grey, stops at nothing but ostensibly on the ‘good’ side antagonist once in a while. Good stuff, says I. + The two play off each other so well imo. Sorry if that’s not very new or interesting! I don’t usually have very fresh or creative takes on things 😭😭
This is so rambly omg, but thanks again for the kind compliments, much more musketeers art coming soon, I promise!!
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 131
Okay, so first of all Dan would like to say it’s not his fault. Ellie was the one to bring some unknown object into the speeder and Jazz was the one driving. Or had Sam been driving- didn’t matter! It wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t the one shooting at them, he wasn’t the one to break whatever, he was not the one to open a stupid portal, and so it wasn’t his fault! 
So why is he now like, five years old, and why is the speeder crashed in some sort of corn field. Why is everyone- except for Jazz whose now like six- also like three at most?! And- oh fuck the door just opened and… okay that’s a kid. Like, nine at most. 
A kid and an adult, who he hadn’t noticed at first so again, it’s not his fault if he hissed at them and tried to hide his not-siblings behind him. It’s also not fair they’re apparently stuck to ghost speak for who knows how long, but at least they can understand the people. 
“Martha, get some blankets, it’s happened again!” 
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shootingstarrfish · 6 months
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some silly guys!! the silliest guys around!!!!!! :)
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oatbugs · 2 months
last night i got home kind of tipsy and very much in tears and my mother told me the force you exert to keep someone in your life is proportional to the force with which they will leave your life. if you have to fight tooth and claw to keep them, their leaving will be just as hard, just as harsh, and just as definite.
#she said it like a law. its just momentum.#also she told me to get a therapist and start archery ASAP bc i need to get it together#and also she said even granting that this person u were in love w was So Special . as in hot motorcycle-riding iranian masc lesbian in ldn#they arent the only one on earth and that once i start my proper adult life outside of studies etc etc i will probably no longer live in th#UK. she said most non straight iranians u would like have left the country anyway . where do you think they went? theyre out there#and also she asked me to imagine how many hot gay iranians there may be in italy or amsterdam or smth and i was like ok points 😭 maybe#ur right. anyway i was having a feeling of dread bc crying into the arms of ur strict asian mother while buzzed usually results in#death chaos destruction etc in the next few days but actually i think maybe she has genuinely changed as a person and the fear is#unwarranted#anyway i need to eat breakfast and study w the date person i met yesterday#they are so nice ??? genuinely so so sweet i dont feel attracted to them at all omg i genuinely think i have a thing for hot evil ppl 😭#but we could b besties . theyre a lot more romantic than the ex situationship person too like generally . ugh they should be perfect but#alas it appears i am shallow as fuck or potentially a lesbian actually#OH THEY MIGHT ALSO BE POTENTIALLY A LESBIAN BTW#i think i just tend to not date cis ppl entirely by accident#....feel free to rb if u want btw sorry for the rant
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idk-bruh-20 · 11 months
Irondad fic ideas #144
Peter Parker sounds just like Spider-Man. This is something that the students of Midtown find hilarious
Soon, Peter's getting comments in the halls like, "Hey are you that kid who sounds like Spider-Man?" "Uhhh I mean -" "Holy shit it's truuue" and, "Hey Parker, say, 'Hiya Mister Criminal'' "(sigh) Hiya Mister criminal-"
It becomes a daily bit on the school news: they put Peter in the cheapest, most ridiculous Spider-Man mask imaginable and get him to say wild stuff, whatever Midtown students can think of. Like that bit at the end of Honest Trailers.
(Peter may or may not go slightly viral saying some Stuff about the Rogue Avengers in his "Spider-Man voice." Tony may or may not nearly piss himself laughing about it when he finds out.
Spider-Man himself has yet to comment.)
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stood-onthecliffside · 2 months
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swiftie gift exchange for @catastrxblues
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sugarpasteltmnt · 27 days
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Recently finished these cards for The Neon Void so here are the bois :D
I heard that spades generally represent rebirth/death and just ran with it, not sure if it's at all accurate but they turned out pretty decent so it's fineeeeee. Also made them into stickers so I get to slpa that onto anything I want and have TNV merch B) currently Mickey extists on my computer I would so buy merch if you were to ever make it, I friggen love this fic >:DDD (no pressure to do so tho, I'll just pump out sickers to slap on everything I own)
I don't think I've drawn anyone exept Leo yet so I hope I did them justice :D
Keep doing what you're doing cuz your doing great, and have an amazing rest of your day! :)
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love love love each of them and how Leo is crawling out of his card SO COOL 😭💗💘🩵‼️
and omg that's so sweet you'd want merch, but i don't think i'd ever go that far haha
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impish-ivy · 10 months
Solomon constantly asking for your reassurance whenever he engages in anything romantic is due to his insecurity that he isn’t as important to you as the brothers. He needs to know you want to do this, he needs to know you love him.
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If you say no he immediately backs off. You have to go out of your way to kiss him. There’s never a dialogue option that leads to a kiss without you explicitly asking for one, unlike some characters.
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lemongogo · 4 months
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rwby-confess · 1 month
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Confession #89
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lunearobservatory · 9 months
Florida- D1 + cheers
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original expression and color palette pages by abisalli :)
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about this a lot and basically Danny is Beelzebub from Hellva boss with his own casino performs and the entrance defies reality and all his ghost rouges come in and go as they please and some humans and or mortals stumble in and think it’s just some place where metas party their fucking asses off which wouldn’t be that bad if this wasn’t FUCKING GOTHAM. Danny doesn’t know how they got in Gotham but they just want to party but unfortunately for him the bats hear a rumor some meta trafficking ring has been planning a big raid on a certain casino that’s new ish and they have to stop it so they go in disguise and they get to witness Danny and his rouges beat the every loving snot out of some traffickers
maybe Danny is a clone, maybes he’s reincarnated, maybe he lost a bet, maybe he moved to Gotham for fun, maybe he got tossed across the universe into Gotham
who knows certainly not Danny
but to add even more maybe he travels around the casino on trapezes and circus rings that he just flips around it and has a pole it the middle that reaches the ceiling and at the top there’s this disco ball thing that he can activate to make a small nebula or stars surround the casino and make it pretty
oh oh and maybe with him having the title of beelzebub is like gotten after he beat them as in right of conquest, or maybe beelzebub is kinda like a shared name so Danny fuels them and they go around getting mortal action without having to do work, or maybe it was given to him as a present with a bow on top idk
I have no words for this and just had to draw because the idea of a casino or whatever with like, everywhere looking like galaxies and auroras that shift to the music was such an amazing visualization lol
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crystallizsch · 27 days
Ian! Ian! Idk if you saw it but
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Chibi Jamil , he looks so cute
HES SO cUTEEjdhsnjjs
IM ----
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peppermintmochafem · 5 months
From one femdom to another: tips on domming folks who like to feel objectified? Love your work 💋
yes!! I will try to list from more to less objectifing
I think the main thing is remembering and reminding them that they are there for you. They exist in that moment for your needs and desires not their own. They are an object for you to use. Use them!! Focus on what you want. As long as you are focused on yourself and getting what you want from them, as you deserve, they will be naturally objectified
♡ literally using them as an object (footrest, table, etc)
♡ giving them tasks to do for you. Especially ones that you could easily do yourself! There is no reason for you to do menial tasks when they are there to use.
♡ making them ask permission for basic nonsexual things. Objects don't think for themselves. You know their needs more than them.
♡ making them show off their body for you. Inspect them like you would a ripe piece of fruit. Openly ogle at them
♡ loudly complain and call them useless when they aren't doing things for you. Make them thank you for giving them a use or even a purpose.
♡ remind them they are a toy for you. Tell them how good they are to use. Tell them they were made to used, that it is all they are good.
♡ make them work to be used. Have them show off their skills. Have them touch themselves in front of you. Touch yourself in front of them and tell them you don't even need them. Make them thank you for letting them be used.
♡ Ignore them when they aren't serving you.
♡ remember to praise them for being able to do basic things!
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brujeriahizobrujeriaa · 2 months
Rewatching Haikyuu (2)
i lOVE i just love how akaashi's like "nah bokuto is the worse, his spiking practice never stops" or something and he's like... right there. like always, all the time, bokuto will ask for more tosses and akaashi will be there all. the. time. like honey you are just humiliating yourself i love how he's the one who puts up with his bullshit more often and he doesn't seem aware of it at all. honestly so sweet
akaashi: you're joking dude we've been at this for fucking hours
bokuto: please o...
akaashi: jESUS FINE. one more and i'm out
*stays there. permanently *
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
Greetings from the Speakeasy! :D
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[Leo, trying to remember how math works after having been trapped in the Prison Dimension for 5 years and losing most of his sanity to check if he's old enough to drink now]:
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(he ends up ordering three drinks that remind him of his brothers and just stares at them with a stupid, pleased grin on his face)
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