#loved how Alice is genuinely worried for him
thematchbox · 4 months
MAGNUS PROTOCOL MENTION!!! Sam's just been hired and is already messing with high up classified info....Sam buddy you're so Beholding screwed
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Simple Moment
I love Jasper Hale more than most things in my life.
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Summary: Just a cute, fluffy moment with Jasper and his human, the reader. Mostly Bella and Alice talking about the two of you.
Word Count: 702
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
“So that’s Jasper’s girlfriend?” Bella asks Alice as they watch a familiar looking girl stride up to said vampire. She waggles her hand in front of the blond’s face, snapping him out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in. A small smile slips onto Bella’s lips as she watches him grin and murmur some greeting.
“Yep, that’s (Y/n),” Alice replies, smiling along fondly, “We met her just a year ago. She’s Jasper’s singer, like you’re Edward’s.”
Bella’s brows shoot up at this, “She’s human?” She knew that Jasper didn’t have complete control of his instincts yet, so the fact that he could be around someone whose blood is so tempting to him seems implausible. Yet there you are, pressing into his side with an adoring smile.
“Crazy huh?” Alice giggles at the gobsmacked look on her friend’s face, “Trust me, it wasn’t pretty at first. Jasper had to stay home for weeks because he couldn’t control himself at school.”
A question hangs on the tip of her tongue, but Bella keeps it to herself. It’s none of her business how they eventually came together, she imagines it might have been something similar to her and Edward’s story. Her curious eyes dart over to Jasper and the girl again. They’re settled down on the roots of a nearby tree, talking and smiling at each other. The softness of the moment strikes her. Had she ever seen the vampire look so carefree? Especially around a human?
“They’re cute, aren’t they?” The ravenette murmurs with a far away look, “She’ll be like us one day too, I’ve seen it, and they look so happy. She’s the one that helps him learn control. He’s even the one who changes her, I think. That part was still a little unclear.”
Bella looks at her with a smile, “It’s so cool that you’ve seen all of that.”
Alice shrugs but her smile betrays the pride she feels for her gift, “It has come to me over the months, not all together, you know. I’m just so happy he has someone now.”
Both look over at the couple again, fondness and genuine joy rolling off of them.
Jasper smiles slightly, eyes darting over to the pair.
“What is it?” You ask, glancing around the blonde to see his sister and the new girl staring at the two of you. A dark blush is quick to cover your face, which you hide in his shoulder.
Jasper chuckles lightly, pressing an adoring kiss to the crown of your head, “No worries, darlin’, they’re happy you’re here.”
You peak up at him with a small, teasing grin, “Really? And how do you feel, huh?”
The blonde raises an eyebrow at you, one of his oh so charming smirks pulling at the corner of his lips, “Why, it’s a pleasure to have you by my side, ma’am.”
Your teasing smile melts into a sigh and you bury your face back into his shoulder. Just his voice alone sets free a flock of butterflies in your chest. You’re probably as red as a tomato again.
“Don’t call me ma’am, makes me feel old,” you grumble to try and hide just how flustered his words made you feel.
“My apologies,” you can hear the grin in his voice, “...ma’am.”
You punch him in the side, knowing all too well that it won’t actually hurt him, but at least the intention is there. Jasper just chuckles again and pulls away to look at your bright face.
“I’m just teasin’ darlin’,” he hums, “You get riled up so easy.”
“You’re so mean.” You pout, scrunching your nose up at him.
The vampire only grins and leans close to press his cold lips against your forehead. Eyes fluttering closed, you take a moment to just savor the feeling. You never want it to go away. You never want him to go away.
“I love you, Jasper,” you mumble as you tuck back into his side.
He pulls you close, enveloped in your scent but so stricken with the genuine emotions rolling off you that it doesn’t even seem to bother him.
“I love you too, darlin’.” The words are soft, spoken so only you will hear him.
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Hi can i get the cullens with a clingy female vampire mate
Pls i love u and ur work
aw thank you, nonny i love you too!
Cullen Clan with a clingy, female mate!Reader
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He'll get you a job as his assistant in the hospital so you can spend more time with him
He knows vampires can't get sick but he's pretty sure you have anxiety
Once you're comfortable with being able to resist human blood in a medical environment, Carlisle will put you on the maternity unit, Forks could always use more midwives
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You're clingy? That's fantastic, so now you can do everything together!
Esme spends most of her time doing charity work, like making cookies for a bake sale, so you can help her with that
You two have the cutest annual lesbian vow renewal ceremonies in the woods outside of casa Cullen, seriously they're so sweet!
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You're gonna be clingy together but in a Romeo and Juliet level of clingy
Edward likes to be 'edgy clingy', so don't be surprised if he makes things more complicated than they need to be
He does love that almost all your thoughts are about how much you love him and want to be with him, he thinks its cute
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In some way or another, I think Rosalie has always been scared of being alone so your clinginess is quite appealing
The fact that you're mates also helps confirm a lot of concerns that she had about immortality
But you can never get hurt or be uncomfortable, she will lose her shit if literally anything happens to you
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Would probably be the most stressful Cullen to be with if you're clingy, Emmett is just all over the place all the time
My boy regularly just forgoes all passenger safety laws in public, and yeah, he's an indestructible vampire, but that's not really the point
Despite how much time you spend together, he'll always find some way of screwing about whenever you take your eyes off him, like where did he get that bag of eggs?
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Genuinely, she would've sought you out herself, like "Hi, my name is Alice, we've never met but we're destined to be immortal life partners!"
She knows that you're clingy and she doesn't care
She will warn you if she has a vision where you have to be apart for whatever reason so it doesn't come as a nasty shock
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Now, Jasper is probably the most nervous about you being clingy
Not that he doesn't like you being clingy, but he's worried that you might fall out of love with him when you learn how quiet and withdrawn he can be
In a way, he sort of likes that you depend on him for almost everything, it helps reinstate his antiquated concept of masculinity
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fookingmuffins · 5 months
it's time to go
James potter x reader
Summary: Angst. You love James, but it's time to go.
Warning: cheating, screaming and James being a dick.
A/n: lmao I really ran after posting like 4 fics, but I'm doing a little better and even though I'm stressed with uni I've been dying to write something, so I hope y'all enjoy. (This actually took me so long to finish and i dont lobe the ending but i needs to move on, oops)
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You sighed as you prepared to open the door to the house you shared with James. Once upon a time, you would've rushed in without a second thought. But lately the war had taken a toll on the two of you. Once happy moments were now filled with fear and dread, making you feel like you were drowning. And no matter how hard you tried to hold on to the love of your life, you could feel him shutting you out. James had always been an open book anyone who ever met him knew that, but lately he had built this wall meant to keep you away, only you. At first, you tried to understand and be patient considering everything you two were going through, but after countless fights of you begging for him to talk to you, you were tired. You squeezed your eyes shut once before pushing the door open and plastering a fake smile in your face, maybe today would be different.
"Jamie, I'm home, I brought your favorite from the bakery by my work!" you shouted into the house buy were greeted with only silence. After checking the house you realized you were alone which immediately sent you into a spiral of worry since James was supposed to be here an hour ago but deciding that maybe he had gotten caught up with something you tried to ignore your panic and start getting ready for your friend's Alice’s engagement party.
You heard the door open and close while you were finishing up with your hair, causing you to get up and genuinely smile when you saw James make his way to the bedroom that the two of you shared.
"I was wondering where you were, I got you some pastries they are in the counter." you tried, but he just gave you a tight-lipped smile with a wave before passing by you to your shared bedroom. You went after him and saw he was getting ready to jump in the shower. Figuring it was going to be another quiet afternoon, you sat at your vanity staring at yourself in the mirror holding back the tears threatening to spill and ruin your makeup and just prayed that at the wedding maybe you two could have fun like you used to. You didn't even realize how long you sat there until you heard James get out of the bathroom and start getting ready, and you decided to just get dressed too and sit by the window with a book while you waited for James to be ready.
"Are you okay?" You were broken out of your train of thought by James’s question.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be. " You answered, giving him a similar smile to the one he gave you when he arrived.
"I don't know, you just keep staring into space, and it's kinda creepy." he tried to joke, but what once would've made you smile and roll your eyes instead caused a knot to form at your throat again, and you felt tears prickling your eyes once again.
"Well what am I supposed to do is not like I can talk to you anymore James you always shut me out, and I don’t know what to do anymore to get you to bring down the walls that keep shutting me out! I don't even know what I did for you to shut me out!" You couldn't help but let out everything for the millionth time, hoping that maybe today would be the last time you two were having this conversation and that he would finally open up and let you two go back to normal.
However, you soon realized that it was only wishful thinking because James immediately lowered his head and mumbled "For fuck's sake y/n not this again"
"Yes, this again, James! Please talk to me! Stop shutting me out, please!" you were a sobbing mess by this point, begging him to let you in, not caring if you ruined your makeup.
But James just shook his head and walked out, "I'll wait for you in the car while you get cleaned up, we can't do this right now, or we’ll be late." just like that, he left you alone frozen with mascara running down your cheeks. You felt numb and just quickly tried to clean up but when you were done and staring at your reflection stare back at you with puffy red eyes you just felt pathetic.
On the way neither one of you talked James kept his eyes on the road while you looked out the window too lost in your thoughts to realize your usual music that would usually be playing while the two of you drove was not playing, James realized, and he felt like he was suffocating in the empty car ride.
The wedding was beautiful and despite your problems you couldn't help but imagine that one day it would maybe be you and James standing in an altar professing your love in front of all your friends and family. You turned to look at him as Alice and Ben were sharing their vows, only to catch him staring at Lily, and she was staring right back at him. You felt something break in you as confusion overtook you. Why is he looking at her?
Was she the reason that you were slowly getting kicked to the curb? Back in Hogwarts everyone knew that James was obsessed with Lily but when she finally gave him a chance things just didn't work out. Then you caught James's attention, and the rest is history.
You tried to focus on the happy couple in the altar as the ceremony came to an end, but you felt someone was stabbing you and twisting the knife.
By some miracle during the reception James asked you to dance which shocked you, but his eyes seemed so sincere and like they were almost begging that you couldn't help but to foolishly be filled with hope once again. As you took his hand, he genuinely smiled at you again the way he used to with that same boyish grin that made you fall for him 5 years ago.
The two of you danced in the center of the dance floor spinning and laughing around, you had not been this happy in so long. After a particularly long fit of giggles, James pulled you closer and looked into your eyes with a spark that the two of you hadn't shared in months. When you two were about to lock lips, someone cleared their throat besides you two and the two of you pulled slightly away.
"James could I have a word with you please?" Lily asked looking at James who immediately pulled away from you and went with her after telling you he'd be right back. Just like that you were brought back to reality the cloud 9 that you had been in for a little bit long gone, and again the sinking feeling invaded you, feeling like you were drowning. You needed a drink.
You went to the bar and after getting your drink you decided it wasn't enough, and you needed air. You walked out of the salon where everybody was and made your way to the garden, and that's when you heard it.
"James! You said you two were over, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it! I can't beli-"
"I know, I know, but I can explain Lily please! I-I-I came here with her because she was embarrassed to come alone, so I promised this would be our last outing together." You felt your heart stop, air getting caught in your throat.
"What? That doesn't-" Lily started as you felt the glass in your hands slip and shatter on the ground.
Both of them froze and looked at where you were standing, you could feel a knot forming in your throat but glared at the pair in front of you with tears forming in your eyes.
"Y/n I can explain!"
" I think both of us want an explanation, James, but she deserves it more. Y/n/n I'm so sorry I had no idea you two were still together." Lily went to walk away and James was about to chase after her when she heard you scoff and as you turned around.
"Say goodbye to Alice and Ben for me, would you? I have to go." you rushed out before basically sprinting to the nearest exit, hearing James chase after you, which wasn't hard considering he was taller than you and an athlete. He grabbed your arm when you two had made it to the parking lot and turned you around.
"So that's why I'm getting the cold shoulder." you blurted out before whatever he was able to utter whatever shit excuse he was going to tell you. You almost wanted to laugh, which made you feel like you were insane, but you thought about all the hours you had spent over the past couple of months looking in the mirror trying to see what was wrong with you, overanalyzing every tiny detail in your face. Laying in bed staring at the ceiling, replaying everything you had done that day that might have set James off.
"No no baby, I swear it's not what it looks like, Lily is just bitter we didn't work out, and she's trying to sabotage us! I've just been so stressed because of it, and I am so sorry I let it out on you."
"Bullshit James! You were literally just talking shit about me before i showed up and ruined your little act." You were seething by this point, and James flinched after your outburst. You had never been one to scream, and he knew that, but right now you honestly felt like nothing was the same and you weren't the same. "A-and you wanted to chase after her and you know what? maybe you should. Maybe you have a better shot at getting her back because we are over James Potter! I-I am so tired... I-" You were crying from all the different emotions you were feeling at that moment. Finally getting some enlightenment about why your relationship was dying gave you some relief of the crushing pain you were feeling being hunted by the "what if's" and "why's" you weren't the problem.
James tried to get close and wrap his arms around you. god he felt like an idiot for hurting you. He honestly doesn't know what he was thinking. He had hoped you never found out and had planned to break up with Lily soon enough, but he just needed to explore a little what it could've been like if he had stayed with her. Plus the thrill of it was something that James had loved for the time being, but he never wanted to hurt you. His heart broke at the sight of you, he couldn't imagine what you were feeling.
"Don't even think about it! Don't ever touch me again don't ever look at me, I hate you so much Potter, I don't want to know anything about you from this day on James! We now mean nothing to me, we are strangers!" You glared at him in a way he had never seen you look at anyone, and felt his heart drop.
He tried to protest, feeling the tears leave his own eyes at the idea of losing you completely forever. But you just turned around and walked away.
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aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
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Summary: Aemond had once doubted his ability to be a good parent, but, as far as you and your daughter are concerned, he excels at it.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Pure fluff. Dad Aemond. Cavity inducing fluff
Word count: 800
The moment you opened the door to your bedchamber, something firm collided against your legs.
Or rather… someone.
You looked down to gaze at your daughter clinging onto you, silver hair all messy and left eye covered.
The black eyepatch resembling the one who belonged to…
But your daughter had an unlimited supply of vivacity within her, and had her arms so tightly wrapped around you, you simply couldn’t move.
“Look, muña! I’m just like keppa,” she grinned widely, making use of High Valyrian just as her father intended. “I look ferocious now!”
A genuine chuckle escaped your lips as she started marching in circles on the floor, conjuring a deep frown and and brushing her long hair off her shoulders.
Your heart was bursting at the seems with adoration. He had been the one to give her that. He had once worried he would not be a suitable father, but the happy little girl running in front of you was the living proof that he had overcome his fears.
“Keppa, keppa!” She cheered once Aemond walked in from the other room.
He lowered himself to pick her up into his arms, and she promptly wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, squishing her face against his.
“Please do not say a word,” he said in defeat, but only to get a reaction from her.
You had to clasp one hand to your mouth to muffle a laugh.
His silky long silver hair had strands twisted in all sorts of odd angles from the velvety laces that ranged from a rose pink to a deep red.
“Iksā gevia,” she said, planting a sloppy kiss on his scar.
“Gevie,” he corrected, welcoming her affection. “And you are the one who’s beautiful.”
She pecked his eyepatch, playing with his hair and tying tiny bows into it. “Now I’m beautiful like you,” she beamed, pointing at her covered eye.
You slowly approached them, and placed your head on his shoulder, realising just how fortunate you were to be blessed with a husband who was an exceptional parent.
“The eyepatch?” you inquired, raising an eyebrow.
He looked adoringly at the child sitting on his arm. “She asked me to get her one.”
Aemond had onced expressed how hesitant he was to show her his sapphire eye, fearing she might be scared of him.
But shouldn’t have feared her reaction. She did gaze at him with eyes wide open, and then said her father’s eye reminded her of the deep blue ocean she had seen from Vhagar’s back one day.
Their bond was so strong one could only wonder how such unconditional love was possible.
The first word your daughter had said was keppa. The moment she was old enough to walk, she would stride around the Red Keep behind Aemond. The first time she stubbed her foot on a table, he had Vhagar burn it to the ground (much to Queen Alicent’s horror as it was a very old and esteemed piece of furniture).
Aemond turned his face to you, placing the softest kiss on your lips.
“Please aid me, my lady,” he feigned suffering , drawing out the most adorable chuckles from your daughter. “This baby dragon is attacking my hair.”
She bared her tiny teeth as fangs and growled. “I am dangerous!”
The love he had for her knew no boundaries. She came first. He’d give her the moon should she ask for it.
Yet, she had celebrated her 7th name day not long ago, and her only wish was to always have her father by her side.
She was far too young to know such thing was impossible and to learn of the heartache of losing someone you loved, but you didn’t tell her. Nor did Aemond.
For now, you’d simply cherish your family, and falling deeper in love with them.
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starogeorgina · 7 months
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𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲
Paring: Aegon II Targaryen x Targaryen OC
Warnings: None
Chapter: 1.01
“Rhaenyra!” You continue to rapidly bang your fist against the door leading into your elder sister's bedroom. "Rhaenyra, open this door right now!”
You hated her.
“You’re a fucking coward to hide from me!” You didn’t care that your language was unfit for a young lady, a princess; Rhaenyra had cut you deeply, and you wanted to make sure she knew it. “Unlock this door at once!”
You hated her.
“I would have never done this to you,” you sob. “I loved you, Rhaenyra, my big sister. We’re supposed to look out for each other, not... I would never do this. Not to you, never.”
You only stop banging on the door when your fist is pulled back by Ser Criston. “You need to stop before you hurt yourself, princess.”
You knew he was right, but it didn’t stop the anger that was radiating through you. Not only has Rhaenyra humiliated you by sleeping with your husband, she has also given birth to his sons. Three of them. Something you were never even given the chance to do. Your brain comes to a heartbreaking realization, one that makes you want to scream as soon as you think about it. Rhaenyra doesn’t care about you and never did. You feel your knees start to weaken, and your stomach drops. The knight whispers, “I know you’re hurting, princess, but they aren’t worthy of your tears.”
You take a deep breath and wipe your fallen tears away, knowing that he was right. “Thank you, Ser Criston.”
“The queen heard about what happened and would like for you to join her in her quarters. She wishes to offer you her comfort.”
You blink away the tears, your vision becoming more clear, and when it does, you see your husband standing down at the opposite end of the hallway. No doubt he was coming to see her. He was staring at you, looking worried. You feel your heart harden, not wanting to give him or her the satisfaction of seeing you hurt. You push back the sob, desperately wanting to escape your throat. “Ser Criston, do you mind escorting me to the queen's chambers?”
“Of course, princess.”
“How could she betray me in such a way?”
Alicent wraps her around your shoulder; she seems genuinely concerned about you. You had managed to maintain a smidgen of your dignity by holding your head high as you walked through the castle, ignoring all the side-eye glances and whispers going on around you. One of Alicent’s ladies-in-waiting brings in a tray of tea that’s supposed to help calm nerves.
“Ivory,” you correct with a weak smile.
Lord Strong nods, “Ivory, I am ashamed to admit that rumors of my brother's betrayal had reached me long ago, but I assumed there was no truth to it. It wasn’t until I learned about the incident in the training yard this morning that I came to realize it was true.”
You had spent the last year defending Rhaenyra and Harwin, insisting that Jacaerys and Lucerys weren’t fathered by your husband before you were married. Because of your age, you had yet to lay with Harwin, and you thought if he was going to stray, it would be in the streets of silk, not with your own flesh and blood.
“She swore to me in our mothers names that they were Ser Lenors true-born sons. How could I have been so foolish?”
“You aren’t foolish, my sweet.” Alicent picks up a cup of tea and hands it to you, giving you a sympathetic look as she notices your hands trembling. “You have been deceived, and I can only imagine what Viserys will have to say when he finds out.”
You shake your head. It was widely known that Rhaenyra was your father's favorite, and learning what she was really like could be the thing that breaks him. “My love for my father is the only thing keeping me quiet. He is sick; finding out the truth about what Rhaenyra has done might be the thing that kills him, and we do not want him to suffer. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what to do.”
“I find that praying helps me find clarity and reassurance. I pray to the mother nightly; you can join me if you wish.”
“Perhaps I should pray to the warrior as well as the mother.” You chuckle lightly. “I could really use the gods' strength and courage."
After visiting the sept the night previously, the queen had arranged for you to stay in a separate bedchamber for the night since your quarter was beside Rhaenyra’s.
In the morning, Ser Criston escorted you back to your quarters; with him by your side, nobody dared approach you. The knight made pleasant small talk and even managed to make you laugh. When you reach your quarters, you thank him before walking into your bedchamber. You sit down at your vanity and begin to unbraid your hair, only stopping when you hear the door opening.
“Flora?” You call out, hoping to see your lady in waiting, who has become a close friend over the years. “Flora, is that you?”
When you turn around, you’re stunned to see Rhaenyra and Harwin. At first, you were afraid that the sight of them would upset you, but now, as you sit in front of them, all you feel is anger.
You say nothing; you turn your back on them and shift your attention to taking the remainder of your braids out. You push down the lump forming in your throat when Rhaenyra kneels down beside you with tears in her eyes. You pretend she isn’t even there and get up to go pick a dress to wear once you are bathed.
“Ivory! Ivory, please,” Rhaenyra begs. “It happened before you were betrothed! I never wanted you to find out like this. Sister, please! Just let me explain!”
You had fully intended to continue giving her the cold shoulder, but hearing the word sister caused you to snap. You can’t believe she had the nerve to call you that. You spin around fast, and your expression pulls into one of anger and hurt as you snap, “Don’t call me that again.”
Rhaenyra steps back as if you’d struck her.
Harwin says, “I am sincerely sorry for betraying your trust.”
You scoff, annoyed that he seems upset when it’s you that should be hurt by his dishonorable actions. “Until such a time that I am of age to perform my duty as princess and your wife, I don’t think we need to speak again.”
“You may leave, Ser Harwin.”
When the knight leaves, you turn to face your sister, whose eyes were bloodshot from crying, which angers you further. “Since the day Jace was born, I have loved him; the same is true of Luke. You’ve watched me play with them and sing to them. I’ve basically grown up with them, and not once did you ever think to tell me they were fathered by Harwin.”
“I tried to spare you the pain of knowing the truth.”
You can’t help the laugh that slips past your lips. “You must really hate me.”
She squeezes her eyes shut as more tears roll down her cheeks. “I love you.”
“No, you don’t. I’ve always looked up to you; I wanted to be just like you. My perfect big sister.” You shake your head, backing away from her slightly when she reaches for you. “Do not touch me.”
"When my father told me about his plans for you and Harwin to wed, I tried to stop the betrothal; I really did.”
“I believe you,” you say, wiping away more fallen tears. You hardly knew Harwin; he would occasionally accompany you on walks around the garden, and nothing more than a kiss on the back of the hand was shared between you, but he was still your husband. “Both Jacaerys and Lucerys were born before the betrothal; I would have easily looked past that and done everything I could to help protect them. But Joffrey, he’s only a few days old. Even after I married Harwin, you continued to have an affair with him.”
You see guilt pass over her features before she drops her gaze to the floor and says, “I’m sorry.”
“I still love my nephews; that will never change, but I can’t be around them right now. Not after knowing what I know, it will just be a constant reminder."
“Of my betrayal.” Rhaenyra takes a deep breath; red patches have appeared across her neck and chest. “I hope one day you can forgive me.”
When Rhaenyra leaves the room, you throw yourself onto your bed, pull your pillow to your face, and sob into it. This was too much pressure for a girl of one and five to bear.
When someone knocks at your door, you groan a little, assuming Harwin or Rhaenyra had come back. “Go away,” you mumble into your pillow. You lift your head to tell them to go away, but change your mind when you see who it is “Aegon, what are you doing here?”
He avoids looking you in the eye and shrugs. “My mother said you were upset.”
“So you came to check on me?”
You weren’t much older than Aegon; before you had even celebrated your first name day, your father had remarried, and Queen Alicent was pregnant. You were surprised to see Aegon, considering he didn’t spend much time with any of your siblings.
He rolls his eyes and says, “No.”
“Oh, then what are you doing here?”
“Wanted to know if you’d like to go dragon riding together.”
You smile and say, “Sure, that sounds like fun.”
Aegon on Sunfyre and you on Ghost were exactly what you needed to take your mind off everything else that was going on.
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redrum-alice · 1 month
ABA x Paracelsus HCs that live in my mind rent-free, even though I haven't played the game--
Some of these HCs include other characters involved in their arcade mode.
ABA is no stranger to stalking people. So when she came across a lookout point, she saw many couples, mostly teenagers, making out and going on romantic dates. She wonders what it would feel like to be young and in love, rather than just declaring someone whom she met first glance as a "husband"
ABA's collection of keys were hidden somewhere in the pocket dimension. She sometimes uses them as accessories to adorn herself, despite the like of knowledge in fashion (the girl wears pants as a top--)
There are many shades of blue that ABA can pick from. Since Paracelsus turned himself blue, the shiny surface reflected more colors than just blue, inspiring her to try and appreciate other colors near the blue gradient.
Added to the color stuff, she eventually tries variation of outfits with other colors, but with blue as the base.
Paracelsus knows when she's feeling fatigued. When she's at her limit, he opens the pocket dimension and lets her rest there until she wakes up. ABA sees this as his love language, but unintentional on his part
Both ABA and Paracelsus have no clue on how homonculi biology works, and Paracelsus hates to admit he feels bad that ABA may be at risk of getting herself hurt without him knowing what to do
Paracelsus wishes he knows more about human anatomy because its the closest one to ABA's physiology.
Since ABA is clairvoyant, she often hears the spirits of their victims which she tries to ignore, and probably because she doesnt know the correct response to a wailing dead person wanting justice. When its too much, she asks Paracelsus if what theyre doing was justified and that she begins to regret her rage filled jealousy directed at those that dont even bother them.
Paracelsus keeps telling ABA that she needn't to worry because it was a necessity for the both of them-- something he deeply regrets to say because he knows she has strong principles that she live by despite not being a human
Paracelsus, deep down, is ashamed of himself for tainting ABA for the purpose of tending to his bloodlust. He saw how genuine and pure hearted she is, but it turned into malice because of his demonic origin. He begins to wonder what ABA would be like if she found someone else years ago.
Just like ABA, Paracelsus has an unspoken fear of abandonment, but since he lacks capacity to feel other emotions, he doesnt notice this.
Ever since Elphelt and Testament approached her with good intentions, ABA wanted to make more friends like them, but is scared that others have ill intentions toward her and Paracelsus.
ABA's favorite book would be Alice in Wonderland when she was still in Frasco, specifically the part where Alice was trapped in a room or multiple doors with the smallest door being the exit. ABA admires this because of the concept of escaping, especially that there's a key involved. (Im biased bc my name's Alice and i like this story--)
Besides door keys, she also collects windup key and smaller keys for chests and compartments. She sees this as a symbol for discovering new things, especially music when she came across a music box that needed a key
Speaking of music boxes, she associates this object with Elphelt bc of her musical talent (and that she may as well look like the ballerina spinning on the music box)
Other than doors, music boxes, and compartments, she also came across a small doll that needed a key. After she winds it up, it began walking and talking towards her and freaks her out. But when it said "mama" in a robotic voice, ABA contemplates and wonders if she was ready to become a parent somewhere in the near future when Paracelsus has a body. An impossible thought, but one could never be sure, and it scares her.
Butterfly Pea tea with brown sugar, or sparkling butterfly pea lemonade with honey would probably her favorite drink because of its color. She shares this with her hubby 🥰😋
There comes a time that her bandanges would get uncomfortable and smell bad from blood stains and wounds, so Paracelsus tells her she needs to change them before she gets an infection. He does stop her midway because he realizes she isnt wearing any undergarments and proceeds to take her in the pocket dimension.
Elphelt offers ABA to shop with her to pick clothes suited for her. The first thing she sees at the boutique display was a wedding dress and begins to day dream a wedding with Paracelsus. Without her looking, Elphelt happily buys the wedding dress with matching tuxedo and gives it to ABA, despite Paracelsus' protests (the fact that he hears them chatting about setting up the wedding next day had him ded on the spot :P)
ABA watches home video tapes left in houses unoccupied by their owners (abandoned or they went on vacation; ABA is a home intruder lol). She finds a tape labeled "Happy Day" and it plays a recording of a newly wed couple dancing at their reception. The way the couple moved gracefully tickled an idea in her brain and insisted she and Paracelsus should dance. But since the large key doesnt have any legs, her attempts in waltzing with him went nowhere 😅 (and this gave more reason for ABA to find a body for Paracelsus)
At late nights when ABA is asleep, Paracelsus wonders that if he had a body, would ABA still be shorter or they would be in the same height? Either way, he was impressed that she can keep herself up with that low weight despite her tall stature, more so on how she was able to carry him around without much muscle mass.
When he sleeps beside her, her hair unwittingly falls on his bow and feels how soft it is. A very pleasant feeling he won't admit.
Everyday, Paracelsus keeps reminding ABA that she needed to eat to gather strength. ABA often forgets to eat because its not hard wired in hr system, nor that it was even natural for her to eat in the first place.
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miguel-ohara-lover · 9 months
Miguel ohara x spiderwoman/single mom reader, where she brings her baby to work at the spider society
Ooooh yes yes yes. I thrive on dad!Miguel so this is amazing.
Miguel x Spider-Woman W/ a Baby
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CW: Fluff, dad!Miguel, reader has a baby, Mig is a little tough at first but don’t worry… slight angst cuz of Gabi
I had to ask my mom some stuff cuz… I don’t know shit about babies… also I might have projected a little towards the end don’t mind me…
Part two
It’s not uncommon for spider-people to bring their children to the spider society. Hell, that’s what the day passes are for. Peter B started the trend with Mayday, and after that many spiders wanted to bring their little ones too.
Today you were no different, deciding to bring your baby girl, Alice, to the society. You knew of all places in the multiverse she’d be the safest here. A few folks were surprised to see you with the baby, some cooing and saying she’s adorable, but most kept to themselves.
You headed to the boss’s office, grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria along the way. You needed to make sure you weren’t assigned any missions today. As you walked in, Miguel turned to you to see what you needed, a familiar frown settling on his face when he saw your baby.
He had never liked all the spider people bringing their children. I mean, who would after what he’s been through. Peter seemed to love torturing him with Mayday constantly, but Miguel would never admit it hurt. You noticed the look and chose to keep some distance.
After a few seconds you spoke. “Hey, Miguel, I was just popping in to ask if I have any missions today?”
“Actually…” He turns to one of his screens. “You just got one. In an hour.”
“What? I can’t do a mission today, I have my daughter with me.”
“That’s not my problem.” Miguel doesn’t turn to look at you again. You huff and look around the room while debating what you should do, Alice cooing a little and looking around the unfamiliar room as well.
“Maybe… you could watch her?”
Miguel groaned a little. “Me? Why me?”
“Well I trust you’d keep her safe, boss. And she seems to like you.” You gesture to Alice making the cutest grabby hands at the big scary man. That makes Miguel’s hard outer shell crumble a little, images of his daughter flashing in his mind.
“Hm… how long…?”
“However long the mission is.” You smiled.
Miguel sighed. “Fine… fine… leave her with me…” He lowered his platform more and got down, holding his arms out to take the baby. You carefully handed off the baby to him, and he holds her expertly. He knew what he was doing.
You smiled up at him, a slight blush on your cheeks. “Thank you so much, Miguel.” Alice giggled and cooed at Miguel, waving her little hands at him. All he did was nod to you as a response, his eyes on the baby. You give her a gentle kiss to the forehead before heading off to get ready for your mission.
After the mission
You returned from your surprisingly easy mission, heading straight for Miguel’s office to retrieve your baby. When you walk in you see Miguel on his platform, holding Alice against his shoulder. He’s gently bouncing her and singing in Spanish, lulling her to sleep. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
Miguel notices you and placed a finger to his lips, telling you to stay quiet. Once the baby was asleep he spoke in a very quiet whisper.
“You we’re gone longer than I thought you’d be, y/n. Run into any trouble?”
You shook your head no. “The mission was pretty easy, surprisingly.”
“That’s good. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to Alice’s mami.” His eyes were still on your baby, hand on her back as he continued to gently rock and bounce her as she slept so peacefully.
You look up at Miguel. “You make a lovely dad.” He froze for a moment and looked at you.
“Really…?” Is all he said. Your smile grew and you nodded. The corners of his mouth slowly turned up, and for the first time since you’ve known him, Miguel smiled. A real genuine smile.
You swing up to his platform and place a gentle hand on his free shoulder. He glanced at your hand, a little confused by the gesture. There’s a slight blush on his cheeks, and you could tell you finally cracked through those walls he had put up.
“I’m sure her father wouldn’t enjoy this.” He tried to pull away from you, tried to put his walls back up.
You shook your head again. “Her father isn’t in the picture…”
“Really? What kind of father would abandon his daughter?” His red eyes almost seem to glow as anger fills him. He couldn’t imagine a dad causing harm, mentally or otherwise, to his own child. The thought made him sick, made him want to hunt down your ex and-
“Hey.” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Don’t worry about it. She’ll have you…” You gave him a gentle smile. Miguel was surprised at that, but it made him happy. He loved the idea of being in Alice’s life more, of being a father figure to her.
“Would you… perhaps like to get dinner later?” Miguel looked into your eyes, and you could see the anger dissipating, being replaced with love.
“I’d love that.” You lean up and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
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dreamingofmarauders · 4 months
I'll Always Love You
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Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Summary: In which Y/n feels unloved and isolates herself from the rest, and Sirius wants to know what is going on in his gorgeous girl's mind.
Warnings: Anxiety, feeling low/depressed, isolation, sad, angst, panic attack, points of fluff here and there throughout
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Y/n lay down on the ground, the grass providing a soft yet weak cushion, as she stared up at the sky. Looking up into the outer world, a sense of hopelessness filled y/n. She put a hand out, to reach for the sky. A sky that stretched out wide, out of her reach, just like her happiness and love. Only sadness and dread filled her. Her eyes glossed over.
She was all alone.
It was all fine at first, and her heart ached for the days where she smiled naturally, laughing and enjoying her life so much with friends and family, that she had felt like the luckiest person in the world.
It was the sixth year at Hogwarts and everything was wonderful. Y/n had an amazing group of friends, Lily, Marlene, Alice and on the other side were the Marauders. She would study with Lily and Remus in the library in the evenings, sneaking in laughs in between. Y/n played Quidditch alongside, James, Marlene and Sirius, sparing no effort as she was the best on the team, making James grumble at times but he was proud of her nonetheless. Y/n would listen attentively while Peter explained weird facts no one ever knew. All in all, she was happy.
A soft padding caught her ears and beside Y/n plopped down a figure.
"What are you doing out here, darling?"
Y/n's gaze slowly moved from the blue sky to the striking grey eyes of her beloved.
It was near the spring break and when Y/n thought things couldn't get any better, they did. Sirius and Y/n were out at the astronomy tower, and on their way back, the two were walking peacefully until a pair of footsteps began to echo up ahead. Y/n looked at Sirius with wide eyes, who grazed his eyes over the landscape until they halted upon a wooden door. Sirius grabbed Y/n's hand and ran for the broom closet, ushering her in before closing the door behind. Sirius lit up his wand and felt the breath leave his lungs.
Y/n stared up at him with a sparkle in her eyes, her hands resting upon his chest, the two standing flushed together as the broom closet contained barely any space. Sirius reached down and brushed a strand behind Y/n's hair. Y/n let her eyes shut for a brief second, her heart pounding madly in her chest.
"Y/n," Sirius softly whispered out, "I fancy you." He said straightforwardly. "A lot." He paused awaiting an answer but silence greeted him as y/n processed his statement. "Shit, I genuinely hope I didn't just ruin our friendship-"
Sirius broke off as Y/n pressed her lips to his. It took Sirius a few seconds to process what was happening before he shut his eyes, his hands sliding down to Y/n's waist. It was a slow yet affectionate kiss, and the two slowly pulled apart, foreheads resting together, as they tried to catch their breath.
"I like you too, doofus." Y/n breathed out lovingly.
Sirius softly smiled, "I figured as much, love." Sirius paused, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Sirius felt himself melt entirely when he saw Y/n's face beam with happiness.
"I would love to."
Sirius returned her expression, "Perfect." He said, before pulling her in for a kiss again.
After that day, the two were together and strong as ever. Their friends were exhilarated when they found out, revealing they had even placed bets on the couple. Unfortunately, James and Marlene owed the others, for which they cursed the pair playfully as they were happy for their friends nonetheless.
"Y/n?" Sirius spoke out softly. He was beginning to get worried. He knew something was off. Ever since the start of the seventh year, his Y/n's been off and it's killing him not knowing how to help her. "Are you alright, dove?"
"M'fine." Y/n mumbled, closing her eyes once again.
Sirius frowned before speaking, "How about we head inside? We could work on our homework together."
"I already did mine." Y/n replied.
That was a lie.
Y/n had begun to lose her motivation, her energy. She performed well in school and met deadlines. However, now her grades were slowly dropping. She disliked going to class because she hated seeing people, when no one out of the many at Hogwarts truly cared for her.
"Alright then." Sirius drew out, and placed his jacket on the grass, laying down beside his girlfriend.
The y/h/c haired girl peeked through her eyes. "What are you doing?"
"Spending time with my girl." He instantly replied, flashing a smile down at her. Despite the heaviness she felt, a very tiny warmth flickered in her heart for a second. A small yet brief smile crawled onto her lips, and Y/n reached out to interlock her fingers with Sirius'. At that, Sirius smiled.
His girl was still in there somewhere.
"Miss. L/n, a word please." McGonagall said as the final bell of the day rang, signalling the end of lessons and the start of the weekend.
Y/n heaved a breath, already knowing where this was headed. Sirius slightly frowned, wondering what McGonagall could possibly want with his girlfriend, after all, she was one of the smartest students in the entire year.
Sirius threw a small smile at Y/n, telling her he would meet her back in the common room. Y/n nodded and headed to McGonagall's desk while Sirius left through the door.
"Yes, Professor?"
McGonagall studied Y/n for a moment before beckoning her to sit, the latter doing as instructed. "Miss. L/n, I am concerned about your academic performance. You are one of the best performing students and yet, suddenly, your grades have begun to drop, and not just in my class, but your other professors have expressed the same concern."
Y/n released a breath, "I just..." She trailed off, unsure of how to respond.
McGonagall's expression softened. "Have a biscuit, Miss. L/n."
Y/n politely accepted the one offered to her and nibbled on it as McGonagall spoke once again.
"Miss. L/n, I am not just your Head of House but also someone who cares about you, whom you can talk to whenever in need. How are you actually doing, Y/n?"
Y/n's eyes slowly glossed over, "I am sorry, Professor-"
"There is no need to apologize." McGonagall said, "Just remember to take care of yourself and that I am here for you. Do you want to talk about it?"
Y/n slowly shook her head.
"Very well, you may leave."
Y/n stood up. "Thank you, Professor." She said before rushing out, not noticing a certain grey eyed boy who had been listening in on the conversation. He felt his heart clench.
Y/n was definitely hiding something but he couldn't figure out a way to help her.
"Everyone line up!" The Defence Against the Dark Arts professor yelled out, as all the students in the room scrambled into a single file line, pushing and shoving each other as they awaited their turn with the Boggart.
With the war coming, it was necessary to review and practice all skills, so even though the students had worked with a Boggart before, the professor thought there was no harm in trying again.
Each student went one by one, until it was Sirius' turn followed by Y/n's.
Sirius paled at what stepped out through the cupboard. It was his mother, followed by his father, dragging along his younger brother, Regulus, who looked so small and fragile and broken. Sirius had faltered, his hand beginning to shake but before he could succumb to his fears and insecurities, he flicked his wand while muttering "Riddikulus!" And the horrible sight vanished to be replaced with a black dog trying to chase his own tail, which managed from Sirius and his fellow marauders, shit-eating grins.
As Sirius stepped aside, Y/n stepped up, her hands beginning to sweat, not prepared for what was to come. In the blink of an eye, the black dog warped into what were Y/n's parents, whose usual faces of kindness and love were replaced with anger and disappointment, and Y/n felt all the breath leave her lungs. Sirius watched with concern, realizing something was wrong.
"How can you disappoint us like this?" Y/n's mother spoke. "We've given you nothing but love, and you can't even complete your education like a normal person!?" Her mother suddenly shouted making Y/n flinch as a tear slid down her cheek. Suddenly, another figure appeared, making Y/n whimper.
Looking broken, disappointed and angry.
Y/n began to shake her head.
"I've given you all my attention since day one and you can't even let me in!? How am I not good enough for you!?" Sirius screeched, making Y/n let out a sob as her body began to shake.
"That's enough!"
And the Boggart disappeared as the real Sirius appeared into Y/n's view as he wrapped his arms around Y/n, who was sobbing loudly. The whole classroom was dead silent, astounded by what had just transpired. Lily and the girls exchanged worried looks while James, Remus and Peter looked on with disbelief.
"It's alright, I'm right here." Sirius whispered into her hair as he rubbed comforting circles into Y/n's back.
Y/n hiccuped and broke away from Sirius, leaving the young Black slightly startled.
"I'm sorry." She said before she ran out of the room, wanting to get away from everything. She ran and ran and ran, until she got into the safety of one of the girl's bathroom cubicles.
Y/n slid down to the floor, crying her heart out. Why was everything so hard? She was being so unfair to the people around her and she hated herself.
Y/n felt her chest begin to tighten and she placed a hand on her chest as she felt herself unable to breath. Her body shivered uncontrollably and her heart felt as if it would jump out of her chest any second.
The door opened and rushed in Sirius, who surveyed the situation and realized what was happening. He knelt down, pressing Y/n's hand to his chest.
"Love, look at me, copy my breathing." He instructed, but Y/n could barely comprehend what he was saying, hell she could barely see his mouth moving as she felt her vision begin to blur.
"Dove, tell me five things you can see." Sirius said, and Y/n drew in a excruciatingly painful breath.
"Y-you, the door, your tattoos, the toilet a-and my hand." She uttered out.
"Good, darling. What can you hear?"
Y/n spoke out a bit slower this time, "Your voice, the sound of rain outside, students moving out in the hall." She finished, taking in a shuddering breath as she felt her body very slowly begin to relax.
"That's it baby girl, you're alright, you're safe." Sirius spoke out gently, rubbing comforting circles into Y/n's hand, which he softly held between his hold.
"I'm so sorry." Y/n said as she kept her gaze on the floor, too embarrassed to look at Sirius.
"Hey, Y/n/n, look at me, love." He placed a finger under her chin and moved her head until she was looking into his eyes.
"Y/n, I love you so much, and I really care for you. It's hard to watch you losing yourself. You will have to tell me what's going on if you want me to help you."
Y/n felt her eyes burn and she buried her face in his chest, as Sirius placed his head upon hers whilst murmuring reassuring words.
"I'm so sorry, Sirius. I don't deserve you." You said while crying. "I have been so unfair to you and everyone else and I'm sorry for it."
"Shh. You don't need to apologize. I'm sorry I didn't try harder." He pulled away to cup Y/n's face. "What's going on in that gorgeous mind of yours?'
Y/n let out a small watery laugh as she wiped her tears. "I just don't feel good anymore. I feel so... empty. So hollow and alone, I can't find it in myself to think that there are people in my life that truly do care for me. I can't find the motivation to keep up with school. I don't..." She let out a defeated sigh, "I don't see a point in my life when all I'm doing is hurting and disappointing the ones around me."
Sirius felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He knew something was wrong but he had no idea his beloved Y/n was going through so much. He placed a kiss on her forehead.
"I'm sorry, darling, I wish I had known sooner. But believe me when I say this that we all do love you. Lily's been worried and keeps asking me constantly what's on your mind but I had no answer for her." Sirius sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You matter a lot. You have no clue what would happen to me if I lost you, you're my life, Y/n. I can't bear seeing you unhappy." Sirius took her hands between his. "I promise you, we will work through this together, you and me, alright?"
Y/n nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over her, making her heart feel warm after a long time. For the first time in a while, Y/n felt loved and felt a certain satisfaction that she was in good hands.
She embraced Sirius tightly.
"I love you."
Sirius smiled, pulling Y/n closer.
"I love you too, darling. I'll always love you."
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A/N: I hope you all liked the oneshot. I was going to do a birthday party for the reader and everything but I felt this was the best place to end it off.
For anyone ever feeling they are not enough, you are enough and deserve the whole world. If you ever want to talk, just send me a message. :)
I had begun writing this when I was feeling low. I felt unhappy, I couldn't smile, it was a bad phase. I felt that no one around me actually cared for me, but I know some people will always be there for me and others need to be let go (which I suck at doing). I still do at times feel that I will never be enough and no one wants to be around me, but I am trying. Anyways, I love you all so much and you all deserve the world and beyond! I hope you're all doing well and staying smiling! ❤
P.S. Also, can someone please get me a Sirius, like where can I get one from? He's too precious 😭
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Reader comforting aegon cuz he's just so broken after the treatment he's been through 🤠
A Lovers Comfort
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Character: Aegon Targaryen (HOTD)
Warnings/Notes: mentions of parental neglect/abuse, Viserys slander, mild Alicent slander (i love her tho), soft hubby Aegon, your Rhaenyra's daughter (you can chose adopted or not), war doesnt happen, aemond still looses his eye.
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When you where first told you where to marry Aegon you were worried to say the least. Having heard many stories from your brothers and mother, not to mention the not so fond memories of him when you were all kids. But it had been years now, surely he had matured into a man? Perhaps he hadn't with the outrage you could see of your mother's face, your whole family's faces.
Yes, your mother had long ago proposed Jace marry Helaena, to solidify the bonds between the greens and blacks. But to her this? This was different. You were her baby, her only girl and she couldn't let them take you from her. Make you bare his children. No she had to stop this.
Which led to now, all of you on dragon back heading to kingslanding. Your mother and Daemon leading on Syrax and Caraxes, while you and your brothers followed. Being greeted by the king and queen upon landing you remained silent as you were all led inside.
There you watched as your mother and Daemon enter the council meetings room along with the king and Alicent, Your brothers being sent to the training grounds and Aemond accompanying his wife, Helaena back to their chambers with a soft nod to you. Leaving you alone with a half drunken Aegon.
"You don't want me." he laughs, deeply amused at the scrunch of you face when he slumps in the seat next to you. "You've never liked me, no one does"
Rolling your eyes you take the wine from his hand, pushing him back in his seat. "Your family likes you Aegon, your mother, surely" your voice is short, seemingly bored of his presence already. Not something he's unused to.
"No.. They don't like me" It comes out soft, and barely audible but you hear him. It makes you turn slightly, staring at him unsure of how to proceed. Your heart aches and you find yourself reaching for his hands, the action makes him look up unshed tears filling his eyes.
"Father does not care for me, us. he spent so long wanting sons and dreamers yet now he finds himself with two songs and a dreamer in my sister and he still views your mother as his only child." You wince at that, sure you had seen it growing up you weren't blind to the kings dismissal of his children or fondness of your mother. you had no idea just how little he cared.
"Your mother must love you though, i've seen her with Aemond she seems rather loving?" Your carful with your words not wanting to offend your prince its his laugh that startles you. "I am no son of hers, she made that clear after aemond lost his eye. He and Helaena are all that she cares for. I'm just her drunken, ungrateful son."
You understand him now, understand his anger, his drinking. He's hurt and lost and crying out for help when no ones bothered to listen. You feel yourself move towards him, unsure why, you pull him into a hug.
He nuzzles his head into your neck and releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, letting his eyes close and his body relax in your hold. "I'll marry you." his head shoots up at your words, confused as to why you would give your life to him. "But, reduce the drinking. You don't have to stop, just drink less okay?"
"Okay." He smiles then, a true genuine smile and you lean down to press a soft kiss to his nose laughing when he scrunches up his face in protest. "Good. I'll hold you to that."
Feeling him hum against you, you move to run your hands through his hair. "Ser Christen, please in form my mother and the rest of the council that the meeting need not proceed as Aegon and I are accepting the terms of our betrothal."
"Of course Princess."
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Should this be a series?
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to me the magicians is largely a show about how terrible it is to be 23 both in the sense that it sucks so bad and in the sense that 23-year-olds suck so bad (confidential to 23-year-olds reading this: not you, dear, but also, check back once you've gone through your saturn return), so it's very rare that any of the characters do anything that actually bothers much less upsets me because i'm like, the terribleness is the point and much of the joy for me. but we all have our individual pressure points so for the sake of the historical record here is a complete list of times the characters in the magicians do something i dislike:
julia: in the pilot when she tells quentin "you're good at so many things, just pick one!" to me that is not only the meanest thing julia ever says or does to quentin it is maybe the meanest thing anyone ever does to anyone at any point on the entire show. like julia i love you more than life itself but can we maybe let a bitch live
quentin: there's a specific quality to the all-in earnest dorkiness with which he approaches the quest that i just cannot handle. it makes me want to walk into the screen and place my hands on his shoulders and look him in the eye and say "this is why you had no friends in high school." like at a certain point your inability to read the room becomes my problem and that's the point at which even though i would very literally lay down my life for yours i cannot even look you in the eye
alice: when she's super obnoxious and condescending to harriet about signing/communication/etc. this one gets an asterisk because i actually think that scene is good writing in that it's in character with what we know of alice and her flaws to be super weird about a deaf person and i think she is meant to come across as unpleasantly in the wrong and i like it when a show gives its protagonists such genuine types of behavioral errors. but it does make me viscerally uncomfortable to watch
josh: one of the less sung about hate crimes near the end of season 4 is josh chuckling to himself about how margo thinks she's mad at him but really she's mad at herself because he like superhumanly divines her emotional architecture because they've banged twice or whatever. this one gets an asterisk in the opposite direction because i feel like everything i (a known proponent of Josh Rights) enjoy about josh is down to the joshness of josh and everything i don't enjoy about josh is bad writing fueled by heterosexuality brain poison so it feels like i'm holding it against him unfairly when actually the real josh would not do that and it's just that the writers are bad. but that moment makes me feel like we need to send him to the guillotine immediately so on the list it goes
kady: kady doesn't matter enough to rise to the level of bothering me. sorry kady i love the version of you that exists in the universe written by writers who gave a shit
margo: i feel like i had one for margo at some point but i can't remember what it was. i guess i wish she were a little less anti-democracy once established upon the throne but i also read a lot of that as an outgrowth of her habit of being the tough bitch partly because she's worried about eliot getting his ass killed so.... eh
penny: literally nothing ever not even once not even for a second. i tried to think of one and i couldn't. and like i know that he does things on screen that are morally bad or simply not nice or whatever. but i'm like physically incapable of being upset by penny he brings me too much joy it cannot be cancelled out by ethical qualms or empathy for anyone else i'm a simple woman i see his beautiful face and i am at peace. he deserves to be a huge asshole to everyone all the time for no real reason, as a treat and also because it's soooooo funny. i would not want him to change a thing
eliot: ok like literally mind your business about margo's bush this is not being an ally!!!!!!
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shroomi1e · 2 years
realistic reasons why genshin men are undatable
pt. 2 ft: ayato, scaramouche, dottore, pantalone, heizou, venti (part 1)
cw: light cursing, mild violence
a/n: WOO IM BACK FROM HIATUS🥳 im treating this as a warm up and just kinda throwing it out there, ill start working on more content so stick around for that :)
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he's incredibly overworked, constantly running around trying to carry his clan and the yashiro commission on his shoulders
and him being a powerful person, it's likely that you'd be put in constant danger from those who want his position
he might be overprotective because of that, and would very much like to stick to your side 24/7 but obviously he can't
so try to get used to having bodyguards and the shuumatsuban tailing your ass all the time
but on a lighter(?) note: he probably plays really dumb pranks on you☠️
we already know that he's into seeing people struggle and squirm
so i can imagine he purposely sets things up to make you uncomfy or make it easy for him to tease you
he's still very much a gentleman so he won't push it too far but... that doesn't change the fact that he's a sadist
he's not as bad as diluc or childe, but he definitely needs some getting used to
well for starters, he greatly lacks in emotional capacity, he might not even tell you he has feelings for you
he's definitely bossy, does NOT want to be told what to do, even if it's "kind suggestions", he will not be tolerating anything
because of this, it might be difficult when trying to teach him about romantic relationships, he just kinda does whatever he wants to protect his pride
i feel like he'd also be rly pissy, he probably throws tantrums over the littlest mistakes or inconveniences
not to mention he's possessive, i can definitely see him as a more yandere-ey type
so say your final goodbyes to your friends and family because it's likely you're not ever seeing them again☠️
but before you lose hope! if you manage to get on dottore's good side, he might just help you do a factory reset on him
but then it wouldn't be the little electro gremlin we know and love, so you're better off just trying to change him by yourself (you can't)
i feel like he's similar to albedo, except he's sociopathic and a little more cynical
it's pretty obvious, he's experimented and hurt countless numbers of children and god knows what else
his experiments are on par if not worse than alice's experiments
dottore is most likely desensitized from this and rarely worries about your safety, brushing it off by saying, "I can fix it later"
but if we get past all the dark stuff, he's probably a nerd. a huge nerd.
since he was always an outcast and has been lonely for a while, I can imagine him rambling about his project for hours and hours on end
gets really really excited and happily tells you about how he's successfully chopped someone's limbs off☺️🥰
(I mean it's lowkey cute but like...)
he's always been shamed for what he does, so when you finally accept him he is determined to never let you go. ever.
keeps you around at all times, you're almost like a doll to him
he has some redeemable parts, idek at this point to be honest
as of now, the only information we have on him is the harbinger trailer so this one is a little difficult
since he essentially manages the finances of the fatui, he's rich, even more so than childe
holds money to a very high regard, thinking it can solve and fix any problem
of course money can work in many situations, but rarely does it ever solve relationship issues
will give you gifts and money and other luxuries, but never sacrificing anything else for you
if you complain about him not giving enough affection or time to you, he'll simply state that he is indeed giving his love to you, just in a different form
has a hard time understanding that not everyone thinks about money like he does
he has good intentions and genuinely believes that throwing luxury items at you will convince you that he loves you
but unfortunately he's very set in his ways, i believe it will take some time for him to understand and relate to you
i think he is definitely better than childe, scara, and dottore
as of now it is assumed that he hasn't committed any violent or heinous crimes other than corrupting other nation's economics
he's perfect.
he's the type to just sing anywhere and everywhere, it's tolerable since he's a great singer but itd be lowkey embarrassing
drunk 24/7
an extremely heavy drinker, always reeks of wine/alcohol whenever he walks by
requires assistance for when he blacks out while drinking, sobering him up will be a routine
but on a more serious note, he is an archon, an immortal being, while you're a human
much like zhongli, he might not even consider staying with you
he is the god of freedom, and the last thing he'd want is for you to be chained down to a relationship with someone like him
will respect your wishes if you insist on staying by his side, it just hurts knowing that you'll age and grow while venti never looks any different from the day before
even as an archon, he has his own issues to, such as his trauma from losing his friend
you could work him through it, though it might be difficult since he's lived with it for thousands of years
you might also fix his drinking problem if you work out his dead-friend trauma, you'd have to have his trust though
he is most definitely messier than zhongli, but i can see him being a genuinely kind person minus his chronic alcoholism and messy trauma
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morningstarwrites · 17 days
I have realized that my awkwardness allergy comment the other day may have come off the wrong way, so in an attempt to remedy that I'm gonna list everything that was SO GOOD about the last chapter.
Niffty getting a "disguise". What little description you gave I imagine her twirling in an Alice-style pinafore. Now I wanna draw American McGee Niffty, blue dress and bloody knife. Also the Cherub being so accepting and nice to her? Great.
Emily. Just everything about Emily, I love her. Especially with Lucifer. I adore her being super chill about him fucking up her name and I need more of that in this fandom. EMILY & LUCIFER BONDING!!! And her genuinely calling him beautiful and him not getting it? Ow my fucking heart. Even more when Alastor seems to notice Lucifer doesn't get it and I just imagine him being struck by a hint of jealousy at the compliment, and then immense frustration that Lulu is so clearly oblivious to how lovely he is. Delicious.
Alastor having boosted Lulu's confidence in his wings? Alastor KEEPING THE FEATHER? T^T Also I lose my shit every time you bring something back from previous chapters. Not enough people do that shit in their writing and it is wonderful.
Alastor being absolutely haunted by Angel's little comment lol. All while knowing that Lucifer, while likely aware of the implication, was not at all thinking about it when he did it. This being of Pure Temptation having the most innocent thoughts behind a perceived lewd act is amazing and adorable and I fucking love it.
Them bickering over ice cream because Alastor is a little shit I love how dumb they are.
Angel's FUCKING ACRONYM lmao because he would.
Alastor being comfortable enough overall with Lucifer to be willing to pretend to make out with him in public despite wanting to crawl out of his skin at the concept? iofhihisifoishuoisdh
How goddamn smooth Lucifer is when putting on a performance of seduction. He is THE Original Temptation and I love it. And him still being mindful of Alastor's comfort and not actually kissing him? AAAAAAAAA 1000% better than if he'd actually kissed him this gives me life. Beauty incarnate in words.
Lucifer finding Alastor's anxious-unxperienced-yet-smooth flirtation incredibly hot and then being startled by the thought despite, y'know, everything else that's happened. XD Can't blame him since the number of relationships he's had can be counted on one hand if not one finger, but he's so internally oblivious I cannot.
"Have you been doing this with other people?" Alastor actually being somehow surprised that this millennia-old, gorgeous, adorable eldritch being, known for THE first temptation into sin, fucks? Despite the blatant evidence in Charlie's existence? And being upset about it? And additionally feeling like he needs to know about Lucifer's sexual history for...reasons? Possessive much? XDDDD
And then being stunned silent at the suggestion and likely realization that he is, in fact, jealous, and probably still not knowing why? And Lucifer's oblivious teasing and then absolute confusion and awkwardness when Alastor DOESN'T DENY IT UGH had me kicking and screaming like a teenage girl.
And again, I'm hyper-sensitive to awkward so me being uncomfy isn't unexpected when Lucifer is by nature an awkward little bean. It can be a sign he's being written well! And your writing is so good that I keep coming back and I'm hoping I'm building up a tolerance. That would be good for me. ^^; I look forward to every Friday for this!
Anyway, hope you're having a marvelous day and you know your worth, that worth being AMAZING. okaybai
Aw were you worried? Thank you so much, I appreciate you clarifying your thoughts!
I love Emily, definitely want more of her! And THANK YOU, I have a million references to previous chapters - as I was trying to compile them into my Fun Facts section it just got too long so I couldn't include them all haha.
I'm a romantic so I want their first kiss to be really beautiful and meaningful!! Super thankful for your message. Very sweet of you 🥰
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ewanmitchelll · 5 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (XIII): Look What You Made Me Do.
Imagine you are the one to stand for Aemond Targaryen (before and) during the war.
Warnings: drama, angst, smut…
Warnings 2: long post.
Warnings 3: I do love Baela and Rhaena, but someone had to be the antagonist on the story. Don’t take it personal.
• Bonding under moonlights.
Even though you are an illegitimate Lannister, you are still a lioness nevertheless. Your father thus placed you amidst the royal court where you are raised under the guidance of Queen Alicent next to her children.
These are the circumstances when you meet him. Like Aemond, you are a sort of lonely child. You have succeeded in approaching Lady Helaena, but there are some barriers yet to transport. Others look at you like your surname and looks are nothing but an attempt to be acknowledged as noble, thus creating a resentment that hasn’t healed very well.
Aemond Targaryen hates to be in the shadows of his elder siblings, Aegon and Rhaenyra. Casted aside by his father and at times overlooked by his dearest mother, what else is there for him to do but occupy himself with books and swords?
Going to his tasks, Aemond is distracted of his melancholic thoughts at the sight of you.
“Lady Y/N”, he doesn’t know what draws him to you, but here he is. “What are you doing under the cork tree?”
“I am reading the history of Dorne”, you respond him, barely paying him attention as you don’t remove your eyes off the old parchment you hold in hands.
Aemond folds his arms.
“What could possibly interest you about it?”
Finally he has your attention and when you look up, Aemond finds the color that paints your irises quite mesmerizing to admire.
“Women there played a great deal in their history. But what interests me is not Nymeria, but overshadowed women who are not registered here.”
“And how do you know they are part of the history?”
Aemond sits next to you, captivated by your wit. On your turn, you are pleased that someone has been genuinely listening to what you have to say.
“Because the chronicler mentions damsels using poisons and other weapons few would use to achieve their purposes.” And then you side smirk with confidential air at him. “I do not mean seduction, though, but the use of brain.”
“I like you”, he decides. “You are more interesting than I’d have judged.”
You laugh.
“I am pleased to have found in you a friend. But doesn’t my bastardy status below your judgement?”
“No”, he shrugs his shoulders. “Like I said, I like you.”
“Likewise, my lord.”
This day, you and Aemond Targaryen become inseparable companions.
• I don't like your little games. Don't like your tilted stage. The role you made me play of the fool. No, I don't like you…
As the days pass, turn in weeks, you follow Lord Aemond and his family everywhere. At Dragonstone, this bond you share with the Greens, in particular with the overshadowed prince, is certainly about to deepen…
“I don’t have a dragon”, Aemond confides you once, frustrated.
This afternoon, you two are walking at the beach. It’s a cloudy day and when no one was looking, you’d ran to it, away of boring ceremonies. And no one bothered to notice you two were missing.
“One day you will”, you assure him, smiling gently. “Why are you in such a hurry, Aemond?”
Aemond doesn’t answer at first. When looking at you, he knows you are reliable, but a part of him worries about being seen as feeble and fragile, vices he despises.
You, on the other hand, are now familiar with his long silences to know what is his thinking. Turning at him, you say:
“Do you take me as someone like Aegon?”
Aemond cannot help a chuckle. You are pleased to have made him smile.
“No, of course not”, the absurd of the comparison of such different individuals amuses the prince.
Before he can knock his pride down, however, Baela and Rhaella, the twins, are spotted nearby. It’s the elder of the pair that comes with an expression that doesn’t please you. Aemond can tell there’s an unspoken rivalry between the two of you, since your smile has been wiped out of your face.
Curiously, he is the one to hold your wrist and advice you prudence. Despite enjoying how close he is to you, you say:
“She’s often telling bad things about you, my prince. How can you ask me this?”
Aemond is surprised to find in you a defender, never expecting loyalty from anyone, in fact. This moves him more than. He is awkwardly silent as Baela says:
“Well, well. If it’s not the curb and the green prince who has no dragon to claim his. Has rejection been the reason why you bond with this bastard, Aemond?”
He clenches his jaw whilst your sharp tongue rolls loose.
“Are you this insecure of your father’s affections that you feel the need to tease us? I thought you’d be better than this, Baela.”
She laughs a quiet, but hardly cold laughter. It isn’t difficult to see she’s come prepared for a fight.
“A project of lion thinks to be equal to a dragon? You have nothing to claim yours.”
This is an offense against which you haven’t shielded yourself to, and Aemond stands, aware of how sensitive this topic is to you.
“Leave her alone, Baela. What harm has she done you? You are nothing without your mother. Where has she gone to? Oh, right. She died and is not here to defend you. Fuck off.”
That being said, he breaks the way through the shocked twins and, locking hands with you, pulls you out of their sight.
“Thank you for protecting me”, you whisper, struggling not to tear up in front of your savior prince.
Aemond smiles shyly at you.
“Anything for my lioness.”
He turns at you and wipes a stubborn tear out of your right eye. You swallow a sob before holding him tight.
“You are my favorite dragon in the world.”
The prince laughs quietly, but because he’s rocking you in his arms, you miss the pink that creeps on his cheeks.
“I doubt that, but I appreciate it, Y/Nickname.”
It’s when he spots the largest dragon he’s ever seen. In this friendly silence where one provides company to the other, Aemond Targaryen feels brand new when deciding that Vhagar is the dragon he’s about to reclaim. And he knows how’s he going to do that.
You should be sleeping but something keeps you restless. Moved by a bad feeling, you leave your bed and quickly change gowns without the need of awaking a lady for helping you thus.
It’s when you spot him. This is the same corridor that links different privy chambers on the same floor, therefore it shouldn’t be surprising that you and Aemond meet.
What is shocking is that one has no knowledge of the other’s purpose in this late night.
“Y/N”, he whispers, wide eyed. “What on seven hells are you doing?”
“I couldn’t sleep”, you whisper back. “What about you? Where do you think you’re going?”
“How convenient that you are restless”, he mocks you. “Really, go back to sleep.”
You fold your arms, narrowing your eyes.
“Now what are you thinking about doing?”
Aemond hisses, impatient. Fearful of getting caught and thus have his plans ruined, the prince sees there’s little option other than telling you about his intentions. Or rather show you.
“Come with me”, he holds your wrist, and you, surprised, just follow his steps.
Quietly, Aemond and you leave the comfort of the castle to venture into the unknown. It’s been like this with this prince, always following in his mad plans, somewhat his partner when he’s not around Aegon.
Usually, you are not frightened. However, when seeing where he’s taking you, you dare to break the tension by saying:
“Aemond… is it wise to reclaim Vhagar?” Only recently has the lady Laena Velaryon died and even though dragon is no one’s property or inheritance, it’s been expected that Rhaena was to become the next rider.
The obstinacy in the prince’s eyes promptly answers your question.
“Stay here. No harm will fall upon us.”
So suddenly you feel like a little girl, not a young damsel ready to blossom into a woman.
“Aemond. I’m scared.”
The silver haired young male turns at you and, holding your hands with his, he says:
“Have I ever failed you, my lady?”
“No. Never.”
“Then trust in me.”
You nod, watching him go. Your eyes are set on the bravest man you’ve ever known, your only friend of the world who now you fear to lose. There he is, with only you and the moonlight as witnesses, boldly moving towards the ancient beast who lived days that are only recorded in dust pages.
The companion of Meraxes and Balerion who witnessed the twilight of Valyria and helped subduing Seven Kingdoms under the authority of Aegon and his sisters, watches Aemond with suspicious eyes.
The boy is careful, but trembles. Even you can spot his vulnerability. You hold your breath when seeing the fire coming from the old dragon’s throat, as if the creature looks down on Aemond with disdain.
You wish you could defend him, stand for your friend like he did to you. But this is his moment, so you oblige yourself to stay still.
“By the Gods…”, you whisper.
You don’t capture his words, but you are bracing yourself in close to excitement when Vhagar bows her head to Aemond.
“Aemond…”, you watch, baffled. “You are the great Vhagar’s rider.”
But he doesn’t fly it. Not yet. Aemond waves at you and, in spite of your fears, you follow him like always.
Soon, both of you fly the highest skies and you have to be careful not to awake Dragonstone with your screams.
• Bad Blood
I don't like your perfect crime. How you laugh when you lie. You said the gun was mine.Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)
“There’ll be consequences”, you tell him the next morning as soon as you two meet for the breakfast.
“Aemond”, the panic in your voice gets his attention. “Do not be silly.”
“I won’t. But if you ask me to give up…”
You put your index over his lips, surprising him for this bold move.
“Don’t you dare to twist my words. I’d die for you if needed. I only worry over you, is all.”
Aemond blushes, his heart racing at the proximity of you. He wishes to hold your hand and say more, but you are interrupted as the Queen’s lady of bedchambers requires your presence at the dining room.
The main problem comes, however, later. You and Aemond have just left Vhagar, laughing quietly to yourselves, when Baela, followed by her twin sister and the Velaryon boys, comes at you.
“How dare you to reclaim Vhagar?!”
“Leave him alone!”, you stand in front of him and push her away.
“This contend is with him, bastard, not you”, she retorts.
It’s a mess that has consequences for a near future. There are mutual provocations, but all goes to a point where words give space to action.
To defend your friend, your forget your manners and push Baela to the floor all the whilst Lucerys hits Aemond. A whole mess that ends with the prince losing an eye.
“Aemond!”, you cry out. “Look what you did to him!”
You show your teeth like a lioness preparing to defend her cubs. But even Baela could tell that this has gone too far.
The prince, though hurting, doesn’t shed a tear. What he does, however, is a lot more meaningful. He finds comfort in you, hugging you tight.
The bad blood is done. And the lioness roars.
• The Wheel Of (Mis)Fortune.
The world moves on, another day another drama, drama. But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma. And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure. Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours
Years have gone by since Queen Alicent confronted Lady Rhaenyra for the wrongs her son suffered by her own son. The tensions between the two parts of the king’s family have never overcome, and the only end to it, some say, is by force.
Whilst no one publicly acknowledges it, Aemond stills finds comfort in your company, far more attached to you than ever.
As you are sewing quietly at Helaena’s bedchambers, you miss how your favorite prince slides in it silently.
“I thought you had better ears”, he teases you. “I came in and greeted my sister, but you didn’t come up to greet me.”
When you lift your gaze, Aemond’s lips twist in a wide smile. Your face brightens completely at him, followed by a crimson that paints your cheeks. You stand and forgetting your place, promptly hold him in your arms.
“Oh Aemond!”, and he chuckles at it, appreciating your fondness more than reason conceives it. “I was just minding my own business. I’m glad to seeing you again. When shall we ride Vhagar?”
Aemond contemplates you before forming an answer to your inquiry. You’ve grown to a fine woman over the last six years with a very long y/c hair that falls in a cascade of curls over your back when you don’t tie them in a braid according to fashion. Your y/c eyes remain vivid and your full lips display a very charming smile whenever he’s around you.
The gowns you wear, usually yellow gold to honor your house or green on behalf of his, reinforce your curves, awakening in him unknown desires that he, however, transferred—momentarily, to his frustration—to certain damsels that can never replace you.
At times he pursuits that kind of household where he can have a lady who resembles you, but even that… is pictured imperfectly. When seeing you right here, right now, all else is forgotten.
Though he wishes to rise you as more than a long time friend, he doesn’t know how—and in truth he’s fearful of doing it because of his parents. Sweeping away the great impact family has over him, lord Aemond puts his hands behind his back and says:
“Is it prudent to carry you with me, Y/N? We are no longer children.”
“Aemond… That is unfair”, you pout. “Vhagar likes me, don’t deny it.”
He throws his head back and laughs. How can someone like you have this effect over him so easily?
“I wish you stopped making difficult for me to refuse you anything.”
You giggle happily. At times Aemond believes there’s a spark in your eyes that almost makes him think you two are in the same boat.
“Nothing gladdens me more than this!”
Queen Alicent, who’s been pretending to occupy herself with Helaena, decides to break the thread carefully.
“My dearest Y/N, we should speak for a moment. I do not think wise to fly with my son this day. Lord Boromund has an interest in courting you”, she says nonchalantly.
“She is what?”, Aemond’s quiet anger surprises you both.
Then Helaena whispers:
“In blood and fire, lights desire; before inevitability, lies such tragedy wherefore swords will be drawn by those once judged to be fool pawns.”
No one, except perhaps Aemond who gives her a puzzle look, pays her attention.
“If my queen wishes, I am here to be mindful of my duties as usually.”
“No”, Aemond looks angrily at you. “I forbid you to marry this man.”
Alicent sighs, impatiently so.
“Aemond, she is not a toy for you to play with. This is the destiny of every noblewoman, whether you consent or not.”
To your disappointment, Aemond says nothing and retires, leaving you there, masking wishful thinkings you never thought you had…
In the midst of particular dramas, another comes. You are present when the king gathers all his family. To Aemond’s discontentment, Lord Jacaerys asks you for a dance.
You blush violently at this unexpected request, not taken seriously by all, and one exchange of glances with Aemond is enough to make clear of your thoughts. But before he could interfere, it’s Helaena, your sweet dispositioned friend, who encourages your dancing. And how can you deny her anything?
“If it pleases my lady”, you say and you accept the lord’s hand.
As you two dance, however, you come to find that his request has not only displeased your dearest Aemond, but Lady Baela as well.
“I did not know”, she mentions in a tone that you can hear, “that we are welcoming bastards amongst the line.”
“Some of them are Strong enough to inherits great deals of properties”, muses Aemond on your behalf.
It is the spark that no one needed. Like when it happened in your early girlhood, a fight starts amidst the family and despite being frightened, you try to pull Aemond apart.
“Aemond, please”, you plead him, and only when seeing the look on your face he’s prevented punching his nephew on his nose.
He grumbles something inaudible, but acquiesces to you. Later, you go after him and take him to the gardens so you can have some privacy.
“My lady, you should not meddle in businesses that are not yours”, says Aemond in his typical husky voice the moment you are walking near the fountain that is set at the center of the gardens.
“Well, excuse my bad temper, lord, but lions do not fret anyone”, you scoff at him. “I shall always stand for you, is this so hard for your pride to accept?”
“Yes, it is!”
“How so?”, you put your hands at your waist, looking offended.
“Because it should be the other way around. I must defend your honor as it is”, Aemond speaks vehemently, turning at you so close that you hold your breath. “You are the most precious thing that could have happened to me, my lady.”
…and I do not want to lose you. Words that die in his throat, but you see them behind his purple eye. Very gently, you put your hand over his face, delicately lifting your fingers to cross his good and bad eyes.
“I lament most deeply I was not able to protect you the way you should”, you whisper.
“You protected me more than my own relatives ever did”, Aemond whispers taking your face in his. “Marry me, Y/N. I cannot not live without you.”
As you caress his cheeks, Aemond sees sadness rising behind your eyes.
“I am a bastard, my lord. However noble I may be, my illegitimate status makes me unsuitable for you.”
“No”, he clenches his jaw. “This is not acceptable. I vow before the Gods, who stand as witnesses before us, that we will be lawfully married whether they like it or not.”
Saying so, he finally presses his lips against yours, and you kiss him with no protest, easily giving all you have to him. This rogue prince takes it thus, loving you the same.
But the wheel’s fortune has a price that must be paid. It all begins when Aemond’s taste for vengeance, risen in the form of resentment, leads him break the Baratheon’s hospitality. The result of it? Lucerys is dead.
By the time news start to spread, you are eventually involved in this confused web. The Velaryons hold a dislike of you, particularly the twins, and during Aemond’s absence, you are Baela’s target.
You are just going back from the gardens, carrying with you a letter written by your father, who, concerned about the Greyjoy’s attacks against Lannisport, asks you to find solace amidst the Green Party—and since they are all aligned together, it’s better to stay where you are.
You wait for Aemond’s arrival, daydreaming when bad news reach you.
“Here you are… The cub who wants to be a lion, but fails to be in every single attempt”, her familiar voice gets you chills. “Who are you without your kinslayer? Nothing but a curb.”
“What offense have I given you to bring so freely this contend, my lady?”, you have heard whispers, but you know your prince wouldn’t do it… or would he? Regardless, you remain a shadow of your father: a proud lioness. Lady Johanna had long taken you as hers, but this never changed the fact your mother was your father’s mistress before their union.
“Your association inspires me nothing but loath”, she speaks with rage. “Your prince took everything from me! Therefore I shall take what he holds most dear!”
You do not cry out, aware how exposed you are now.
“What would you know of duty and sacrifice? Always following your pride, always being the shadow of others that are not you!”, she spits poisonous words that threat your self stability. “You fail to see that you are not Targaryen. You are nothing!”
Perhaps if you were prompted to rage like Baela is, you’d throw your claws right to her face. You’d throw her down, missing the secret dagger she possesses, and probably die as a result of self defense.
Perhaps if you were as passionate as Aemond, you’d be a victim of yourself—and a lamb trapped in this dragon’s cave.
But you take the offenses coldly.
“You will not bring me down, Lady Baela”, though your voice is embargoed, you show no tears. “You will hear me roar.”
And just like that you straighten your skirts and leave your enemy behind. The war has begun, you know, as you shake to the core.
However, later that day, you find some excuse not to supper with the new queen and king. Therefore you hide at your favorite spot: the library. Omitted by shadows, you allow your tears roll down.
Oh, the price you pay for loving a star that is too high to grasp!
• War
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time (nick of time). Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time (I do it all the time). I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined. I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
As soon as he doesn’t see you at the table with the queen and her remaining ladies, Aemond knows where you are. Ignoring his mother’s scowling, he has little time to deal with his dysfunctional family.
His father has just recently passed away, but he’s been a ghost for remainder of his life. Therefore what’s to grieve? Where Lucerys is concerned, however, here’s where remorse cannot find its grave.
But worse than all is the fear of losing you. If his mistake has reached you…
“Y/N”, his voice comes softer and you are startled for not expecting his presence. “What happened? You are not dining with my family. Is it because of…?”
Something in your eyes and in the form of how you grip tight on him leads the prince to think this is more than just about him.
“Before I explain myself, I must know. Who brought you to tears like this?”, he lifts your chin and strokes your cheek with his long fingers. “My sweet lioness, who hurt you? Was it Aegon? That son…”
“No”, you sob. “I’m sorry. This is not how you should see me. I… I should better look after…”
“Y/N Hill”, he speaks sternly. “Tell me what happened.”
And you eventually do. Aemond growls low once he is reported of what succeeded whilst he was gone.
“This is outrageous!”, the prince exclaims, furious. “They cannot… they cannot!”
“I am unworthy of being at your presence, lord. If you excuse me…”
“No. I do not!”, Aemond looks offended at your suggestion. “My sweet Y/N, by offending your honor, these Velaryons offend mine. I know I should not have done any harm that befell my nephew, but what they are doing… it has no excuse.”
Wiping away your tears, he whispers now, calmly so:
“Remember when I vowed I’d always protect you? I intend to keep this oath.” Brushing his lips against yours, the prince whispers. “You will be my lady wife, Y/N.”
“There is no need to do out of pity, Aemond”, you lean onto him, detesting the fragility that is open with your vulnerability.
In other circumstances, Aemond would get mad at you for such nonsense. However, he knows what’s behind this insecurity. Patiently, the prince takes your hand and presses a kiss on each finger before pursuing your lips.
It’s a delicate and slow pairing of tongues dancing in the same rhythm. With his hands cupping your face, your fears are soon fought away, and you feel at ease again.
“I love you”, you mumble against his ear. “With every breath of my being, I will always be yours.”
“I am a murderer, Y/N”, it is his time to open up about his own wounds. “How can you love a monster like me? Unloved by those who make me, you must surely not considering giving your heart to me.”
“I take you as you are: a hurt prince, whose pride was bent to the will of others. You are who you are, and though bad actions are not excused, they do not define you. I know the real you, lord, and this is suffice to say.”
That night, a broken shelf is buried. But one mended rises from the ashes…
Before the silver prince wages wars on behalf of his brother, who takes the name of Aegon, the second of his name, he makes you Lady Y/N of House Targaryen.
A secret ceremony that has two siblings present, one of which is his favored sister, the Queen Helaena.
“I’ve always seen this day would come. What a shame is that sad circumstances brought us tied. I wish merrier were those instead”, and she engulfs you in her sweet embrace, one of the kind she rarely gives anyone at all. “Difficult days lay ahead, hold firm to your faith stead. Be ready to roar, or there’ll be an uproar.”
Ambiguous words are heard, making you uneasy. But there is more to consider than what truly lies behind it. All you want now is your husband.
“I cannot believe we are here together”, you smile at him, contemplating his full handsomeness at its length.
There is no bedding ceremony, but consummation ought to happen nonetheless. Here you two are in a secret bedchamber, provided by the queen after her trusted High-Sparrow blessed your union with lord Aemond.
“We are”, he removes his eye patch, exposing the sapphire that occupies the globe removed thanks to the fatidic events of almost a decade ago. “Do you think I’d let go of you?”
In saying so, he looks at you up and down, pleased to see you blush. The prince’s hands leave your oval face and slide to your neck and shoulders, gently turning you on your back so he starts to untie your hair and unlace your gown.
“You have always been so beautiful”, he leans into your ear, whispering hotly as his hands play with your y/c curls before removing your heavy gown. “My lady, object of my deepest affections, I could never tolerate that you were not mine.”
You throw your head back, eyes closed as you enjoy his caressing, his kisses, his loving gestures to you.
His words awake unholy thoughts and desires in you, sentiments such that have been repressed on behalf of duty throughout these years.
And when you turn at him, you clash your lips onto his, working hard to toss away the weight of his robes.
“Let me taste the fire of dragon, husband”, you beg him.
Aemond doesn’t need much before he complies to your desires. He lies you down, careful in tending your newly found needs before his mouth moves hungrily against your hardened nipples. As you whimper in response, he parts your legs and there places his fingers to treat your womanhood kindly.
“My wife”, he moans against your lips, shivering at your touch, as you bury your nails against his back.
Sounds soon echo in the chambers and there is nothing but divine pleasure that binds one body to the other.
“Husband!”, you lift your legs, wrapping them around this handsome and devilish prince who now moves within you painfully slowly, locking hands with you.
As his eyes hold yours, his long and messy hair fall over his body, you could not have a better vision. Aemond side smirks in turn, aware of how positively he effects you, merging in the waters of your soul and there getting lost when kissing your lips passionately.
• Dragons & Lions
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me. I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams… I'm sorry, but the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead! Ooh, look what you made me do…
Court has become the household of distrust and paranoia. Hence why Aemond and you flew to Harrenhal, a rumored haunted castle dated before Aegon I’s conquest.
It’s there you and your husband, with no fear of being seen as lawfully married now, make it your new home.
Despite being your new home, it doesn’t mean it’s safe. There had been spotted different dragons, some of which are associated with Rhaenyra’s party. It’s when a strange idea comes at you.
“Lord husband”, you are dressed today in a dark green velvet gown with two long loose braids as you slide discreetly into his meeting salon. “May we have a word?”
As much as you have contended yourself with the daily tasks of looking after a household, that willful side of yours has never really been tamed.
He quickly lifts his face out of the geographical map of the Seven Kingdoms brought to him by a local maesters. Today, your silver prince has a few buttons open in his white shirt, wearing black leather pants all the whilst exhibiting a green silk cape. His messy hair is tied in a poorly made braid.
When your gazes meet, fire threatens to spark.
“Lady wife”, he greets you formally before dismissing his councillors. “To what do I owe you the honor?”
“I heard news about the Velaryons dragons”, you go straight to the point, ignoring the lust that is dancing behind his purple eye. This favorite gown of yours has been unusually tied, therefore pressing your boobs and making them look bigger. “I want to ride one myself.”
Aemond is promptly distracted of his desires before this suggestion. He throws his head back and then looks at you, baffled.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“There are wild dragons here in Westeros. If being proper trained, I can ride one.”
“My beloved wife”, Aemond chuckles. “Do you hear yourself? Only a Targaryen by blood may ride a dragon.”
This small detail hits you hard. But before disappointment takes the best of you, Aemond takes you by your waist and says:
“I know how well you meant. No one sees better than me the efforts you’ve been paying to help the cause of my brother, which is mine by extension”, he kisses your neck. “I’m sure there’ll be other utilities… I remember the day you told me that not only seduction is a feminine weapon.”
In reference to the day you were reading the Dornish stories of war, where damsels were excellent archers during the conflicts waged by Nymeria, you soon begin to work your brain out.
“I have a solution indeed, husband.” But the moment your lips slowly begin to spread in a smile, is when his disappears.
“Please tell me you are not doing any nonsense, Y/N…”
As you gently rub his manhood with your hands, you whisper in his ear:
“Do not think of such matters, husband.”
When his eyes barely close, you are distracted by the erection you helped causing him. When sliding to your knees, your mind goes instantly blank. There is no space for war to be thought when you and him need a moment to… relax.
You are brushing your hair when Aemond atores in the privy chambers, getting yourself startled.
“What’s wrong, Aemond?”
“Lord Daemon Targaryen is flying over and destiny impels me to face him”, he says, trying not to look so nervous at such prospect. “Y/N, if any casualty results of this meeting, you better ride discreetly back to Casterly Rock.”
“What are you saying? Nay, husband! I shall not forsake you…”
But one finger over your lips is enough to silent your protests. Despite the sadness in his semblance, this rogue prince carries on:
“Please, my love. Leave aside your stubbornness at least this time.”
He can read a frantic protest in your eyes that never make to your tongue because he shushes you with a fervent kiss. Unbeknownst to both, this evening is promising to be wild…
“At least may I have you with me…”, you cannot fathom saying “one last time”. You do not wish to feed your storming thoughts with more fuel to crackle inside before the idea of losing him.
“I wish I could”, he holds your face with his hands. “Stay safe, my lady.”
“Do not leave me alone in this world”, you kiss his lips passionately.
Barely the rogue prince leaves you to wage a war where future ahead lies uncertain, you start to feel sick. Attended by your own ladies, you seem to think it’s this bloody circumstance that leaves you in such an unwell state.
However, a maid of your trust named Daella says:
“My lady, when was the last time your rules broke?”
The realization of it suddenly makes you faint.
“More dragons are coming”, you hear the castle lord charged to be responsible for you during the absence of your husband, say. “This confirms the castle is cursed.”
“No”, moved by a strange inspiration, you leave aside the comfort of your bed. In these past days you’ve been feeling sick due to the absence of your cherished rebellious prince, but also because of your newly discovered pregnancy. Nonetheless you cannot remain restless. “Dragons have been defeated before.”
The said lord looks at you as if you’ve gone mad.
“What are you suggesting, my lady?”
“That we reproduce the weapons the Dornish used to knock Meraxes out”, and then you lift your head. “I may be a bastard, lord, but I am still a lioness. And these dragons will hear me roar.”
Dressed in the colors of your husband and your house, plus bearing a silver coat underneath your silk gown, and with your long locks tied in a braid, you mount your white mare.
Today, you are defending this cursed castle. Checking the men placed in secret spots everywhere, you ask your page to fetch the beast. Whilst he does, you turn to your men and deliver them a speech:
“Archers, prepare yourselves! By unfortunate circumstances we are brought to this war so disgraced through the eyes of Gods. A sister who should respect the natural order of the things brings us chaos! A daughter who fights her father, a wife turned against her husband! Is this the world we want to live in?”
You pause, bearing in mind the example of your stepmother. You wisely ignore that she has switched sides to the Black party.
“This is not only my home but yours! This is not a fight for me and my own, the husband I am devoted to, but for your relatives, your wives and children, your elderly!”
Wind seems to blow your words away and behind the archers there are men carrying swords and holding their shields. No matter the preoccupation of your ladies and the noblemen there set to protect you, you insisted in putting your plan to work.
A dragon howls through the electric air. Dark clouds rumble against the other, announcing storm. But neither you nor your men tremble before it.
“This is the moment! Cavalry, prepare yourselves! Archers, it’s time!”
You spot your enemy flying high. Flames are set closer, but not enough. Your page tries to dissuade you of your plan, but you stand still.
“On my counting!”, you yell.
Your ladies watch above the castle, fearful for you. But you are not afraid. For the first time in a lifetime, you feel who you really are.
A lioness set to defend her adopted family.
Arrows are set in between two fingers, bows are raised to a certain direction whilst Baela and her dragon fly to you.
A lioness prepared to wage her war not only for herself, but for her husband, the man the world loathes but you love with all he has within—you see his vices and virtues, taking as who he really is—and nothing you’d do differently to keep him.
You wage this war for your unborn child, the fruit of the long lasting love you and Aemond have.
But you are also wounded—and there’s nothing worse than a wounded lion. It’s said they attack fiercest when hurt.
A rain of arrows flies high above. Baela tries to dissociate from it, but at what cost?
Out of the grand iron door, a partial army prepares to break in. You instruct your men to stand for it. But in the meanwhile, arrows are aimed against the flying beast which is, thankfully, not as big as Caraxes or Vhagar.
Part of you doesn’t realize how dangerous it is what you are doing, but another doesn’t conceive to do otherwise.
“Look what you made me do, Baela”, you whisper to yourself as you aim the beast as she prepares to burn you alive. “We could have been friends, but no one tames a lioness.”
And here your roar is set to echo not only through the air, but times.
The said cursed castle again stands. And a bastard may be a bastard, but you are a lioness nonetheless.
Difficult days lay ahead, hold firm to your faith stead. Be ready to roar, or there’ll be an uproar…
Aemond’s whereabouts remains a mystery. To your consternation, seven days go by since you two parted days.
You send messengers to chase after him and the news that start to arrive are not good.
“Vhagar was seen falling down the ocean”, you are told.
“Bloody hell!”, you cry out. “Prepare the horse! I will find out myself!”
You are injured—you got yourself some hurt when fighting the men outside the gates of Harrenhal after defeating your sworn enemy, or at least defending yourself of some who tried to take you away—but proud. Disregarding others preoccupation, you are decided to look for him.
It’s when he comes for you.
Iron doors are open and a very harmed prince, partially burnt and in open wounds, comes in.
“Wife. I was defeated.”
That being said, he loses his conscience and falls out.
Lord Daemon managed to perforate Aemond’s lungs and ribs through sword before dropping the man out of Vhagar after Caraxes overcame Vhagar. He doesn’t remember what happened next, except that a priest of this Red God has rescued him.
“He told me I could go back safe and sound under this strange deity’s protection. All I’d have to do was advocating for his cause in case we won.”
No one knows Lord Daemon’s whereabouts in turn. Some say he died with the kinslayer, his nephew, others that the man flew with Caraxes to the East… especially after the death of Rhaenyra.
You don’t want to know your husband’s enemy’s fate either, nor show interest in their offspring. What matters is to know Aemond’s here and well, so are Aegon and Helaena, as well as Daeron and their mother.
The Greens have won.
“You are here”, you cuddle onto him. “This is more important. I also have some news to tell…”
But you are interrupted when Aemond spots some wounds in your arms. He soon regains his old energy and demands to know what on earth has caused scars that he’d never seen before.
You sigh, aware that he’s about to blow when being told of your… imprudence.
“Y/N!”, and like you predicted, he is baffled by your daring moves. “I told you to stay inside!”
“And you would have found me dead and burnt, my sweet husband”, you snap back. “I had to defend us, to stand for our unborn child like a lioness does.”
This changes everything. Aemond stares at you, in between awe and perplexity.
“You said…”
“Had you not been stubborn, this is what I would have told you first. We are expecting”, you beam delightedly.
He carefully rolls over you, planting kisses all over your face.
“I love you, my lioness. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, my defender.”
Aemond smiles like a puppy dragon and you melt in his arms. Nose against nose, you rest your forehead against his as your hands are locked.
“We are victors, my darling.”
“We are”, you purr under his touch, eyes closing as you feel his strong arms around you. “We are…”
As you fall asleep you miss the contentment displayed in Aemond’s eyes when gazing at you. He strokes your face and hair, unwilling to share that he’d died, in fact, but was brought back to life.
He doesn’t wish to worry you, guilty at times for leaving you behind and opening the way for your recklessness. However, he’s proud of you all the same. He’d always known of your staunch loyalty towards him, how you truly turned into a fiery lioness to stand for him.
“My wife”, he hums in your ear, pressing a gentle kiss over your temple. “My savior.”
A tear rolls down his cheek. He will never leave you like this again…
• Epilogue
Not every battle came to an end. You’d still have yours to go through. Worse is for Aemond to be left waiting whilst you are going through your confinement.
“Have some faith, brother”, says Daeron. “It doesn’t usually go beyond six hours.”
“It’s been three hours!”, scowls Aemond. “Not to mention I was forbidden for seeing her for about a month!”
“This is a feminine procedure. Speak to mother about it.”
“Why did she have to meddle? We were doing great at Harrenhal.”
Daeron laughs quietly at his tantrum before reclining against the wall and saying:
“I’ve heard about the battle of Harrenhal, by the way. She is every inch a Lannister.”
���She is”, Aemond agrees, a proud glint seen behind his purple gaze. “Headstrong and proud, but a lioness like Lady Johanna.”
No one speaks any further when silence suddenly hangs in between the brothers. It is possible to hear cries from inside and it’s when door opens. Helaena, gleefully in her usual self, shows up and announces:
“Another pair of twins to match mine! Aegon shall espouse sweet Jaehaera! Mark my words!”
Aemond isn’t sure whether he laughs or scoffs at this provision. He smiles when being engulfed in an embrace by his sister.
“Thank you for giving me these news! Twins too? By the Seven!”, he chuckles.
Before he can ask for further information, Helaena pushes him inside. Aemond finds you in a puddle of sweat, long hair messed as you insist breast feeding your babies, much to Alicent’s consternation.
“Mother”, Aemond greets the former queen first, amused when seeing the reason why his beloved women are disagreeing. “Must you always meddle?”
“I was only trying to do what’s best for your wife”, she smiles weakly. “These are beautiful children, Aemond. Another pair of twins.”
The prince presses a kiss over his mother’s temple, holding back his own emotion. Then he takes a seat by your side, admiring you and the children you hold.
“I named our boy Aegon after the Conqueror and your brother”, you explain with a lazy smile. “However, I took the liberty on naming the princess after my stepmother, Johanna.”
“Those are good names”, Aemond smirks at you, kissing your forehead. “We are a family now, aren’t we? Who’d have thought we came to this, my princess?”
As he looks down on you, you feel your face burn. One exchange of glances is enough.
“Look what you made me do”, you giggle quietly. “A lioness who roars in fire and blood.”
He chuckles.
“That is the woman I married to.”
Sealing vows, you kiss in perfect harmony.
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wishcamper · 5 months
Don't Worry Feyre, Darling: the relationship anxiety to coersive control pipeline
CW: emotional abuse, reproductive abuse
Creds: licensed counselor with focus in addiction, trauma, and gay stuff; experience in group and family counseling, mandated DV clients, and abuse victim support.
Before the mob comes: I am not pro or anti Rhys, and I think his contradictions say much more about SJM than anything. I also believe it’s possible for a fandom to reclaim/rewrite a character who has been massacred by an author.
We’re going to begin at Rhys helping Feyre during an extremely dark place in both their lives. We’re going to end at him withholding vital medical information from her for the sake of “protecting her”. But first, some context.
Inside all of the (amazing) drama around the 2022 movie Don’t Worry, Darling , was a story that is pretty well worn at this point: men deciding they know what’s best for women and giving it to them whether they like it or not. In the movie, Florence Pugh’s Alice lives inside a computer simulation where she is the modern equivalent of a 50s housewife: dresses, calisthenics, martinis, “making a roast”. (She also gets eaten out by Harry Styles but that doesn’t seem to be an explicit part of the world’s design.) The problem? She doesn’t know she’s in the simulation. Harry Styles, in between all the cunnilingus, drugged her and put her in the program against her will. Yikes! Why!
The movie explains that he believed their life in the real world was miserable, and that he was saving her from that by giving her this perfect life. She should be grateful, if anything! What he doesn’t tell her, but that we see, is that Harry Styles also seems to struggle with a sense of inadequacy for not being able to provide. He is failing to live up to personal and cultural standards of manhood but, instead of dismantling those standards, he makes it his wife’s problem by kidnapping and brainwashing her consciousness. Hm. Interesting strategy. Let’s see how it works out for him.
With Rhysand, his motives in the beginning are more understandable - he initiates rescuing Feyre from the very real danger of Tamlin and her own mental decline. He feels justified breaking whatever magic law because of his own experiences being trapped and believing people should have a choice about where they go and who they are. He emphasizes over and over that these choices are Feyre’s and that she has freedom with him. We see through ACOMAF that helping her gives him a sense of purpose after the trauma UTM. His friends remark on how Feyre brought him back to life, never questioning and even encouraging this pattern.
But Rhys clearly has a lot of anxiety about his relationships and closeness in general. He mentions on several occasions that people around him tend to suffer because of him, and how afraid he is of doing that to Feyre. She is very receptive to this and puts effort into proving him wrong. He finds safety in the bubble of their relationship that probably feels pretty fucking good. The unfortunate side effect of this is that instead of processing and resolving his own anxiety, he directs it through Feyre and his love for her. Meanwhile, he keeps his anxious maneuvers behind the scenes, like not telling her about the bond, taking her to the Weaver, encouraging her to learn to read, to train. It may be genuinely helping her, but there’s also this sense of ‘I know what you need better than you do’. And again, nobody questions this.
We flirt with this tension at the beginning of ACOMAF when Rhys enforces their bargain from UTM. As the reader, at that point, we are supposed to believe this is cruel of him. He interrupts her wedding for fucks sake, throw your shoe at him girl! But over time we start to feel like it’s okay because Feyre secretly wanted it, it’s ultimately for her own good. Rhys is the most powerful High Lord in history, I’m sure he could’ve figured out a way to break the bargain, but he didn’t. In fact he engineered a situation where she'd be at his mercy. Why? Because Rhys was worried about Feyre, felt her deteriorating through the bond. Because of that, he felt justified in coming to collect. Personally, I have no opinion about whether crashing the wedding was the right or wrong thing to do. But it does set up, at least in the world of the book, that removing someone’s autonomy is okay if it’s for their own good, if the ends justify the means. In fact, that overstep ends up being the road to Feyre’s life in the NC and her love with Rhysand, a love that is so great she willingly tethers her very life to it. Even in ACOWAR we see how their relationship is a way he regulates his anxiety *cough*battlefield blowjob*cough*. He gets used to Feyre’s health and happiness being his source comfort and can continue to avoid dealing with his own shit internally.
In his seminal work Why Does He Do That?, Lundy Bancroft, a specialist in treatment of abuse perpetrators, debunks the various myths about what causes abuse and why it happens. His thesis is disarmingly simple: people abuse because they believe it’s justified. He says one of the signs of abuse escalation is “a growing attitude that he knows what is good for her better than she does”. Bancroft also notes that abuse is so hard to spot because “most abusive men don’t seem like abusers” (emphasis his) and that abusive men have periods of being charming, funny, even kind. Abusive men often don’t see themselves as such, because the strategy works for them - they feel good when they displace their emotional problems onto someone else.(1)
And then Feyre gets pregnant with a baby that could kill her. Besides the fact they really should have talked about this before trying for a baby given Rhys is mixed race (Cassian and Nesta too, but that’s a whole other post), Rhys claims a sense of ownership over his wife and child almost immediately. He’s constantly being described as smug and glowing with male pride. Even when he’s not smarmy, he’s consumed with his own ideas about protecting them and can’t hear the protests of others. We see his anxiety morph into more overt control in attempt to handle the situation. He believes he’s justified in keeping the danger from Feyre because he doesn’t want to stress her out. But that is not about Feyre, that’s about Rhys. HE is scared, HE is lost, and so he makes a decision on her behalf to lessen the burden he’s already carrying, whether he’s aware of it or not. He must keep her in a happy bubble else how is he supposed to go on.
Don’t Worry, Darling is at least critical of this ‘I know better’ motive even if the movie is stupid, and Harry Styles gets some frontier justice in the form of a whiskey glass to the back of the dome. But ACOSF condones Rhys’ actions and even insinuates our main character is deserving of death for calling him out. Bancroft writes that “part of how the abuser escapes confronting himself is by convincing you that you are the cause of his behavior”. He wouldn’t HAVE to do this if you just TRUSTED HIM.
But here’s what I think. I think Rhys has walked down a path of using his relationship to balance his internal conflict. Anxiety is a force in every relationship, but with Feyre he must maintain her beautiful life where she never worries in order to feel safe himself. I can have empathy for this, kind of - he’s suffered significant losses and it’s understandable he feels protective of those he loves. I think about celebrities with non-famous spouses, and how they avoid talking about them because they don’t want the scrutiny. I believe Rhys thinks he’s genuinely doing right by Feyre. But Rhys is so averse to his own anxiety that he can’t let himself trust anyone else to resolve it. He can’t let go of Feyre as his safe space and almost condemns her to die because of it.
And this is how, ultimately, Rhys traps himself. He tries to create a bubble where Feyre can never leave him, and ends up signing both their death warrants. I hope the world of fan fiction can redeem him, because I really don’t think Sarah can.
And yes, I know it’s faerie porn and it’s not that deep. But this is a series marketed toward an audience at risk of abuse and intimate partner violence. Bancroft lays out key points at the end of the book that feel particularly relevant to the larger conversation:
“Once we tear the cover of excuses, distortions, and manipulations off abusers, they suddenly find abuse much harder to get away with.
If Mothers Against Drunk Driving can change culture’s indifference to alcohol-related automotive deaths, we can change culture’s attitude toward partner abuse.
Everyone has a role to play in ending abuse.
If you are trying to assist an abused woman, get help and support yourself as well
All forms of chronic mistreatment in the world are interwoven. When we take one apart, all the rest start to unravel as well.”
Why Does He Do That? , Lundy Bancroft. https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf
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fearthhereaper · 2 months
Hi!Sorry to bother but thoughts on the new Alicole scripts?
Have a good day!
Not a bother at all don't worry.
They made me CRAZY and genuinely hopeful (delusional) about possible canon Alicole.
I don't think we'll get anything concrete, probably not even as something as small as a kiss, but I do think that they will tease it a lot and that there will be a lot of longing going on in s2.
Like this,
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actually insane. I hope we see more of this quiet tension between them. They're both so duty bound that they would have never dared to do anything while Viserys was alive...but now, now with the possibility of all of them dying, on the brink of the war...UGH
Two scripts saying that there is an electricity between them I mean... c'mon, they want each other so bad.
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JEALOUS CRISTON!!!! Criston who spent years watching this beautiful, kind woman, practically helping her raise her children. He loves her and respects her and to even see a man unworthy of her attention look at her fills him with such disgust.
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How many times has Criston subtly complimented her and how many times has she blushed because it's been so long since someone just appreciated her for who she is.
I'm a firm Alicent had a crush on Criston when she was younger believer. I don't think she was upset that Rhaenyra slept with Criston but she definitely had a crush.
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