#lowkey am in so much pain I want to die
thisperfectmonsoon · 10 months
it’s raining and I’m in the middle of two flare ups 🥲
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bunnihearted · 3 months
actually as i was ranting i realized something... it's an interesting concept discussed in parts in the novel 'shantaram' i like. but it's like, humanity's destiny is to excellerate this existence's end. everything moves in cycles, and even if earth is destroyed, the rest of the galaxy will live on. everything has a start. everything has an end. is started with the big bang, a violent thing. earth will not continue on forever. just as we all, humans and animals and flora, are born and die and rot, so will earth. and as dostoevsky portrays in a ridiculous man's dream.. humanity is doomed to repeat everything. or no.. history doesnt repeat. never exactly. it rhymes. everything will come back, it always does. even if society now changes, tears down capitalism, resets everything... centuries will pass, and humans will again revert to capitalism. maybe the entire reason why humans exist is to exacerbate the earth's inevitable end. why else would all this happen? why else would humans not just stop? to me it seems so easy. maybe i am an anomality. humans could never simply exist in harmony and peace. that is nothing but an utopia, and utopias never last. because at its core humanity is greedy. cruel. violent. in our fragile "civilized" societies, we like to pretend otherwise. but it's not true. only a small amount of people who were born different would be satisfied with simply existing without harming eachother or the planet or its creatures. most humans get bored and restless and start the cycle of destruction. humanity as we know it will end. but something new will be born.
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tender-rosiey · 1 month
to be honest, idk how you did it but you truly got me stoked over heian era husband! sukuna. i hate the man with most passion (bcs of what he did in the manga), but i couldn't help but giggling, crying, kicking my feet with butterflies in my stomach every time i read your husband!sukuna stories. your writings are *chef's kiss*, i read all of those more than twice already.
idk if you're currently open for request or not, but i want to ask, are you comfortable writing angst/hurt no comfort stuffs? bcs my mind keeps imagining what and how the husbands (gojo, geto, sukuna, nanami) react to their wife (y/n) got klled right in front of their eyes? perhaps bcs of their enemies or something, the enemies know you are their weakness (imagining sukuna, the king of curses, who's feared by most, or satoru who's known as the strongest — turns out have a weakness that he himself perhaps is not aware of is so mindblowing(?)) anyway, you don't have to write it if you're unable to, no worries and no pressure!!
— when you die in front of gojo, geto, nanami, and sukuna
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a/n: hehe i am so glad that you like my heinaera!sukuna MWUAH 💕 we gotta ignore what he is doing in the manga 🧍‍♀️ also sorry in advance y’all, but I lowkey had a blast writing this; hope you like this anon <333
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satoru stood outside the operations room, anxiously tapping his feet on the floor.
he clutches his hands tightly, and his eyes are trained on the door, fixated on your cursed energy that he can feel through the door.
you were going into labor, after long 9 months of waiting.
the two of you were going to finally meet your baby girl. the same girl that the two of you would talk to at night, whispering and giggling amongst yourselves.
he knew that the pregnancy was hard on you, and that’s part of the reason why he is relieved that this day has come.
the moments are long agonizing, and what kills him on the inside are your screams of pain as you try to push out your daughter.
he wanted, so desperately, to be with you in the room, but the doctor decided against it; they thought that it would be better to free the room as they worried that there might be a risk in the labor.
that worried him, but he had no choice but to abide by what they said. finally, the sun smiles upon him, and he hears the cry of his daughter.
he stands up, grin overtaking his face, and eagerly awaiting being let in.
he waits.
and he waits, but nothing happens, and he stops the first nurse that goes out the room, “what is happening? is my wife okay?”
the nurse splutters and nods, before dashing to another room. he doesn’t believe her for one second, and so, he tries looking into the room through the windows on the door.
he can’t see anything, but he can still feel your cursed energy. that’s the only thing that calms him down.
but, he can’t find it in him to sit back on the chair. he leans on the wall beside the door, and his nails dig into his knuckles, almost making them bleed.
he doesn’t snap out of it, until the doctor walks out, lowering his mask, “mister gojo—”
he walks past the doctor and heads inside.
“y/n!” he calls out, but he is met with the sight of the nurses covering your figure with a white cloth. his eyes widen, and he grips the wrist of one of them, “what are you doing? she is not dead.”
the nurse’s brows furrow, and her expression turns into of one of pity. he snaps his head towards you then at her, “she is not dead. I can feel it.”
he can still feel your cursed energy, so they must be wrong.
he looks down at you and cups your face gently. he moves your face to his direction, and he whispers, “pretty girl, you did so well, but you gotta wake up now.”
your face is limp in his hand, and his eyes grow frantic, “y/n?” he urges, “please say anything, yell or scold me even.”
he rubs his thumb across your cheek as he chuckles nervously, “love, I can feel your cursed energy. the prank you’re playing is a bit too much, no?”
“mister gojo,” one of the nurses calls out, “I think it’s from her.”
he looks up, and he sees your daughter in the nurse’s arms. she is wailing loudly, and—the nurse is right—she is emitting your cursed energy or remnants of it, he realizes now.
“mister gojo, you need to have skin-to-skin contact with your daughter,” she speaks softly, gently handing the little girl to him.
he takes her, wordlessly, and he mindlessly opens his chest to hug his daughter to it.
the nurses exit the room, and satoru is left to stare at you.
he sits on the bed, one arm holding your daughter and the other hand holding your face. he speaks up lowly with a small and quivering smile, “wifey, come on, wake up. our daughter is here.”
said girl lets out a small huff, and satoru finds himself biting his lip as he lays his forehead on your own.
“come on, y/n,” he begs, “she even looks exactly like you,” he pulls you closer, “you cant do this to me—please, not you too.”
the businessman sighs, “I won’t pay more than what I offered. geto. my words are final.”
“and who are you to be making orders? geto asks, resting his elbows on the desk, “I could kill you with the flick of a finger, so either you give me the two million yen—I know you can provide—monthly, or you can say goodbye to this life and empire you built.”
the man taps his palm and sighs, “I assume that we won’t be reaching the outcome I want?”
geto tilts his head with a smile, “come on, you still have the power of choice.”
the man stares at geto for a second before speaking up, “your wife is a lovely woman,” he grins, “too bad she has to depart so early.”
at the moment, for the first time since that incident, geto feels his heart drop to his stomach.
he jolts up, grabbing the man by the collar and slamming him into the nearest wall, “what nonsense are you spouting?”
geto’s grip on the man’s throat quickly tightens.
the man is barely able to choke out his reply, “y—your dear sweetheart has been poisoned, since she went to your ‘usual’ café spot, and my men were there,” he grins manically, “better go and try to get your goodbyes, while you’re at it.”
your husband throws him on the floor and releases his most brutal curses to eat him. the man’s screams are ignored, as geto hurriedly runs to the café.
his heart beats violently against his chest. how did his curses not notice anything? how could he let you be in danger?
he slams the door open and yells out, “y/n?! y/n, do you hear me?!”
the café is empty, and the only person present there is you. the others having long fled.
you look so pained, letting out labored breaths and furrowing your eyebrows in discomfort. he kneels beside you and gathers you in his arms. he rises to his feet, but halts when you let out a pained shriek.
“I am sorry, honey, I know, just hold on,” he comforts. you shake your head and bury your face into his chest. he tightens his embrace on you and quickly starts running out.
“suguru, it hurts—moving hurts,” you cry, and it makes him kiss the top of your head firmly while nodding, trying to comfort both himself and you.
he thanks the heavens that he arrives at the estate, and he gently places you on the bed. he looks back at manami, “call all the healers and doctors, now!”
he looks down at you, and he grips your hand with it and presses it to his lips. he murmurs softly, “you will be okay; don’t worry,” he clutches your shirt.
he repeatedly apologizes and brings you fully into his arms. he watches your breathing slow down, and he feels your skin get colder. your expression starts to relax little by little.
it sends geto into a frenzy. he snaps, “where are the doctors?! why is no here yet?!”
manami runs inside and pants, “a-all the doctors have been k-killed.”
geto stops feeling the tips of his fingers, and he looks down at you. he starts breathing frantically, “then get anyone! anyone who knows about poison!” he cups your face and shakes you lightly, “y/n, please open your eyes.”
“suguru,” you say weakly, and he instantly lowers his head, so he can hear you better. you whisper softly, “I love you.”
he nods repeatedly, “and I love you too, so you have to stay awake, so we can say it again, yeah? come on, y/n.”
he moves your hair away from your face, his hands shaky as he falters, “can you say it again? one more time.”
your body stills in his arms, and he shudders, “just o-one more, y/n…” he closes his eyes, burying his face in your chest. your arms are limp, and he is left hugging your body.
everybody stays silent, and they watch geto not leave or loosen his hold on you.
he looks up slowly at manami and speaks lowly, “round up everyone that had an affiliation to that scum; those filthy monkeys will pay for what they have done.”
nanami heaves a sigh of relief when he spots yuuji, “are you okay?”
the young boy nods frantically, and nanami looks around him then at yuuji again, “is y/n not with you? have you seen her? anywhere?”
yuuji shakes his head, regretfully, but nanami takes a deep breath, “it’s fine; let’s search for her together, okay?” he assures.
yuuji smiles and nods, determined, “yes!”
nanami barely manages a reassured nod of his own, his mind focused on finding you. in fact, he starts running, eyes quickly scanning each street and corner for any sight of you.
he clenches his jaw, remembering what you said before taking this mission.
“kento, I have a really bad feeling about this.”
he dismissed your worries and pulled you close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. he hummed softly, “I know, but we have to do it. if things go bad, then we have gojo present anyway.”
gojo is not present. shibuya is slowly turning into a city full of blood and corpses, both non-sorcerers’ and sorcerers’. he regrets not listening to you, but what else could’ve been done?
all he can do right now is find you and make sure you’re okay. that is his first and most important priority.
“nanamin, I found her!” yuuji screams excitedly, pointing at you who was busy thwarting off the myriad of curses charging at you. at the sight of you, nanami’s body relaxes, and he lets out a small smile.
you punch a curse back to a building, so you can finally turn to your husband.
“kento!” you grin and start running towards him. you throw yourself into his arms, and he—as always—catches you. he pulls you close and takes in your presence, burying his face into your hair.
he lets out a small breath.
“I am so glad you’re okay,” he says, but then he feels a strange wetness on his hand. he pulls away slowly and looks down at it. his eyes widen in alarm.
it’s covered in blood.
he looks up at you and mutters, “y/n, are you hurt? where are you hurt?”
“I—I don’t know,” you look up at him, “I can’t feel anything, k—kento; I don’t want to die,” you plead, and he quickly tears off a part of his suit to cover your wound and trying to stop the bleeding.
yuuji quickly goes to try and find shoko.
he hugs you closer, applying pressure to the wound, while pressing gentle kisses to your hair, “you…you won’t; don’t worry.”
you grip his shirt weakly and look up at your husband. you manage a small smile, “have I told you how handsome you are?”
he chuckles weakly, trying to stabilize his voice, “mhm, but I would like to hear you say it again tomorrow; can you do that?”
you nod slowly, “yeah…”
he stays silent for a second and grips you a bit tighter, “do you promise?”
your breathing starts slowing, “promise,” your body relaxes against his, and you feel his hand go to hold your own. he massages your ring finger and raises your hand to his lips.
you close your eyes with a smile, “I love you, ken.”
“I love you more,” he replies instantly. you stay still, and nanami embraces you with the entirety of his body, burying your face into his chest.
he clenches his jaw and whispers, “so much more.”
the king of curses dodges another attack with a full-blown smirk on his face. he swiftly turns and slashes the person till they drop into pieces. his chest heaves with excitement.
that is until he catches the smell of your blood.
he turns behind him, and he is greeted by a sight that he would usually take the time to relish in: a myriad of dead bodies, some piled on top of each other, and blood splattered and spilled everywhere.
he ignores of all that as his feet take him to where he senses your cursed energy.
he sees you standing in the middle of the bodies, and your stance is weak. you’re clutching your side, trying to stop the bleeding. he slowly walks towards to you and teases, “what happened? the queen got hurt?”
you let out a small chuckle, “shut up; it’s a minor injury, nothing worth noting.”
that is until the skin over your chest starts bubbling, and your heart explodes. the blood splashes all over him, and your body drops lifelessly to the floor.
sukuna’s eyes lock with your own blank ones, and he can’t process all the feelings he has.
his chest starts heaving particularly quickly, and his jaw clenches. he bends to his knees—something he never thought he would do—and raises your head towards his, searching for a glimpse of your cursed energy.
his eyes bore into your own as he speaks your name roughly.
“stop playing games, y/n!” he barked, shaking your head in his hand, but you grace him with no response.
“haha! I took out your dear wife; what will you do about it now, you monster?!”
sukuna eyes’ snap to where the voice came from.
he then decides that he will put that man through torture that is not even close to the amount of fury in his chest. sukuna is silent, as he gently lays your head down and walks towards the man.
the sorcerer’s smile starts crumbling, and he quickly falls on his back while trying to move away from sukuna.
“s-stay back, or I will kill you!” he attempts to threaten, but sukuna’s expression is blank. blank being a permanent furrowing of his eyebrows and his lips are pressed into a thin line.
the moment the sorcerer turns his back, trying to flee, sukuna cuts his feet.
sukuna doesn’t give him the chance to scream and wordlessly stomps on his back. little by little, he presses harder on the man under him.
he continues until he hears the cracking of bones and coughs full of blood. sukuna watches as the man tries to claw at his feet, in attempt to escape.
“I will make you suffer ten times over for what you have done.”
and it goes down in history as the biggest carnage sukuna has ever committed.
it didn’t stop at that man.
it extended to all the villages surrounding the vicinity. every sorcerer met a crueller death than the one before him. the single women were eaten, and the married ones were slaughtered.
no man was to enjoy what he was stripped of, and he would let the world remember your name along his through the passage of time, and he would make the temple he erected in your name stand tall forever.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss@pompompurin1028@scul-pted@requiem626k@nameless-shrimp@sonder-paradise@jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412@maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1@sad-darksoul@ko-fi-heart@pumpkindudeishere@suyaaachin@babyqueen17@chaosguy352@murakami-kotone@sukun4ryomen@yumieis@hearts4itoshi@sleepyxxhead@dunixxd@sleepycrybbylaiah @imjustaduckwholikesbread @emilyyyy-08@spacebaby1@arabellatreaty@viscade @washeduphasbeen @janbannan @sugurubabe @enidths @mwtsxri @peppersapro @uranosbaaee
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or I will rat you out to my bestie
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stargirlrchive · 2 years
ocean eyes: chapter two ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ocean eyes masterlist
summary: widow!jake sully x female!reader, 10 year age-gap. jake is lowkey sunshine <3 reader is grumpy! arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, eventual smut + wc - 1,753
comments: part two lovers, i love reader, she's is slay girl boss fr ! idk what to say lmao but tysm for the love on part one, i hope you love this just as much! also omg pls check this out, @saltsacc drew what they think reader looks like and she's gorg! i litch cried ! but okay bye lovers <3 part three should be up on thursday <3
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The morning time had come quickly, the bright sun hitting your features and it disrupted your wonderful slumber. But if the sun hadn't woken you up, your sister's voice certainly would have. “Tsmuke! You need to be ready by now. Oh Great Mother, give me strength!”
You rubbed at your sleepy eyes, throwing her an annoyed glance, “Why are you being so strange? They are just other Na’vi. Or let me guess, Eywa has let you know they are of importance?”
Ronal pinched at her nose, “If you must know, he is Toruk Makto. He was the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya. He is important, more than you know!”
You laughed quietly, “Do not let Tonowari hear you, you sound enamored.”
“Stupid girl!”
You laughed louder, shaking your head as you stretched before getting up. “Make haste!”
You hissed at her lightly, your good-hearted nature wearing thin as she rushed you. You quickly washed your face, Ronal helping you by fixing up your hair. “Oh Eywa, you are preparing me like I am going to marry the man!”
She said nothing, her nervous fingers quickly braiding a few pearls into your hair. “What is so special about him anyway?”
“Did you not hear what I said? He is Toruk Makto.”
You huffed in annoyance, “Of course I heard you sister, but-” Your shoulders shrugged, “How mighty can he be if he left his whole clan behind?”
She smacked your shoulder roughly, “Ow! Ronal-”
“Must you always be so crass? His mate died a few years back.”
“How did she die?”
“Protecting her children, in the battle field. I do not know much else.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, instantly feeling guilty, “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. So be kind to him, to all of them.”
“You may think poorly of me sister, but I am not mean.”
Ronal’s fingers stilled in her movements, face scrunching up as she mulled over what you said, “I do not think poorly of you.”
You didn't say anything else, toying with your fingers as you sat in front of Ronal, “Tsmuke, I do not think poorly of you.”
You grumbled out quietly, “You already said that.”
“I-I just want what is best for you, and at times I do not think you know how to find that for yourself.”
“Ronal, I am happy.”
“You are reckless! You think I do not know why you behave the way you do? You want the attention you lacked as a child, but you are grown now. There are responsibilities and duties you must fulfill.”
Her harsh words caused tears to well to your eyes, pulling away from her, “You do not listen!”
“And you do not obey!”
“Why should I? You are my sister, not my mother! Just because you ended up happy with Tonowari does not mean I will end up happy with whoever you stick me with. I love my freedom far too much to give it up.”
She sighed in exasperation, “Well that is not your decision. It is the Great Mother’s and she has spoken to me.”
It dawned upon you then, what all this was about. The enthusiasm to have you meet the Toruk Makto, dressing you up. “You are planning to mate me with that man?”
There was a glimmer of guilt in her eyes, but it was shaken away as she nodded her head. “He is a good man, with a strong heart. He will be good for you.”
Your words were low, quite with disbelief, “I cannot believe you.”
Ronal said nothing, “I always knew you wanted me out of your life, too much of a burden for you and Tonowari but I did not expect you to push me into the arms of the first man you saw!”
A spike of pain ran through Ronal, this is exactly what she feared. She made her way to you, the apology already starting to fall from her mouth but your shaky finger pointing at her stopped her movements. “Stop! Don’t-do not come near me!”
Your ears flattened against your head, the words getting caught in Ronal’s throat as she watched your eyes pool with tears. “Please get out so I can change.”
Ronal’s fear of hurting you even more had her walking out of the marui, leaving you to wallow in your own pity as you dressed yourself.
Tonowari instantly wrapped Ronal into his arms, rubbing against her back to soothe her, “Wari, she is going to hate me for the rest of her life.”
He shushed her quietly, having heard everything that happened, “No she will not, Yawne. You know how nervous you were before we actually mated. It is a big step in our lives, we just need to let her be.”
Ronal let herself bask in the warmth Tonowari provided, pulling away just a few seconds before you stepped out. Ronal’s eyes scanned over you, you looked so beautiful. She wanted to compliment you but knew you'd take it as mockery, some sort of jab to make you feel worse. So she said nothing, walking besides Tonowari and you followed quickly behind the two.
You were far more quiet than normal, and it hit Ronal just how much she actually enjoyed your inability to remain quiet. Tonowari called your name, “Did you hear me?”
“No-I did not.”
“I said I think he will be good for you.”
“If you say so.”
The pair shared a look, your tame behavior caused a sense of worry to nestle into Ronal. They entered the marui of Jake Sully, the Na’vi was sharpening his knives but other than that, it was empty. Tonowari cleared his throat, Jake’s head snapped up and was greeted with the three of you. “Tonowari, Ronal-oel ngati kameie.”
His eyes shifted to you, your eyes were already locked on him and Jake felt his ears twitch. Ronal uttered your name out, “This is my Tsmuke.”
“Oel ngati kameie, Jake Sully.”
“Oel ngati kameie.”
He noticed your intricate top, your pretty hair and how your skin glowed beautifully against the sun. He felt his throat instantly dry up the more he took you in. “We spoke briefly yesterday of your stay here.”
“Oh, yes.”
“The Tsahik and I have discussed what we wish for you to be able to stay. We know you have come seeking Uturu, a fresh start but we must also ensure this is safe for the clan. Beneficial to our people. You understand?”
Jake nodded his head, he more than most understood what it was like to make decisions that he did not entirely want for the prosperity of the clan. “Well, we can allow you and your family to stay if you mate with a woman of the Metkayina Clan. More specifically, with her.”
Your ears turned downwards slightly, but still you held his gaze. That was certainly not what he expected. “We understand that it may be hard to just thrust this upon you, so we will give you both time to adjust. She will be the one to train you, help you adjust to life near the water.”
A swift flicker of anger made its way to your eyes, turning towards Tonowari, “I do not have time to train him.”
“Well then you will make time.”
Your eyes rolled back, anger seeping into his family home from you alone. Jake would be lying if he said he did not enjoy seeing you so agitated, especially when it came to him. He fought the smile that was trying to make its way to his face the more he watched you. “What do you say, JakeSully?”
Your eyes jumped back to him, there was a look in your eyes that he could not quite place but it excited him beyond belief, “If that is what you wish. I only hope I can speak to my children about this before the clan is made aware?”
Your mouth dropped slightly in disbelief, confusion webbing its way into your mind as to why he would agree to this so willingly. You thought you'd have time, time to be on your worst behavior around him so he can back out before he even agreed. But no, he had already said yes to you.
Your arms crossed over your chest stubbornly, huffing out a breath of annoyance as you watched the smallest of smiles fall across his features. Ronal was trying her best to contain her excitement, she had always wanted you to mate with someone, and it appeared that the time was soon.
She turned to look at you and was unsurprised to find you glaring at the Toruk Makto, your lip jutting out in an angry pout. “Very well, JakeSully. Make your preparations and we will announce it during a feast a few weeks down the line, yes?”
He only hummed, eyes still locked onto yours. You rolled your eyes at him, he was clearly enjoying himself, “Can I leave now?”
Ronal called your name but you ignored her, walking fast out of the home and towards the beach.
Tonowari’s mouth turned into a thin line as he sent an awkward look towards Jake. “She is very kind, just-strong willed.”
A quiet laugh left Jake’s mouth, “I can see that.”
He walked with the two out of his mauri, his eyes scanning the waters and he locked onto your form, jumping head first into the water as an ilu swam towards you. Ronal tsk’ed quietly, “She is going to ruin her clothes.”
Jake watched you retreat further into the water, your animal easily gliding along as you got smaller and smaller. “Are you sure she will show up to train me?”
Jake’s eyes moved over to Tonowari, “Yes, I will make sure of it.”
Jake’s fingers reached his forehead, signing them goodbye as they walked away. He let out a quiet breath, his thoughts consumed with excitement and wonderment at just how these next few weeks may play out.
Your feelings on the matter were entirely different, anger coursing through your veins as you swam out past the reef.
Ao’nung and Tsireya shared a look, noticing the angry glare on your face when you didn’t even bother to stop and talk to them. “Should we tell Sa’nok and Sempul?”
Ao’nung shook his head at his younger sister, “Ma’ will pluck her eyes out for real this time.”
Tsireya fumbled with her fingers nervously, “Ao’nung, it is going to storm, she didn’t look to be thinking clearly-”
He watched your form retreating farther and farther, heading towards the Three Brothers rocks. “If she does not return in an hour we will call for father.”
Tsireya sighed quietly but listened all the same, returning back to her task at hand. “So, you must learn to breathe from here.” She pointed to her stomach, “Take deep breaths, fill your lungs and slow your heart. It will assist with staying underwater longer.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Three hours had passed by and you were still out past the reef, finding refuge in the mountains as the waters turned violent, your ilu having swam away as it noticed the dangers of the water. You huffed out in frustration, Ronal was truly going to kill you now.
Ao’nung was the first to notice just how late it had become. By the way the sun was hitting just a few moments ago, he could tell that well more than an hour's time had passed, and you were still not back. The water rocked them violently, and Tsireya’s sharp gasp of air at seeing a lone ilu swimming back only furthered his fear for you. His parents were going to kill you.
“We must cut the training short, we will see you all tomorrow.”
Both Ao’nung and Tsireya swam quickly back to shore, leaving behind four confused Omatikaya Na’vi. “Their aunt, she’s-how do I put this nicely-rebellious?”
Rotxo laughed quietly, shaking his head as he watched his two friends swim as fast they could back to the beach. “Lets head back, no point in training with the waters like this.”
The two siblings entered their marui, surprised to find Jake sitting with their parents, they both dipped their heads to the former Olo’eyktan before turning to their parents, “Have you seen Tanhí?”
“That is why we are here, Sa’nok.”
Ronal’s brows raised in question, noticing the tremble of worry in her daughter's voice, “She-she left past the reef a few hours ago.”
Ronal swore she felt her blood pressure go up, feeling woozy at her sister's complete disregard for rules. “But-”
“But what?”
Ao’nung watched his younger sister's ears pin to her head, losing her voice, “But she has not returned, and the ilu she rode on did. She rode in the direction of the Three Brothers.”
Tonowari let out a deep breath, his head throbbed roughly as he looked out to see how violent the waters were. “I will be back shortly.”
“Sempul-the water is dangerous.”
“Yes, but knowing your Aunt the trouble she is in is more volatile than the waters.”
Jake noticed how calm the breeze was despite the rain, it was perfect weather to take flight. “I know where Three Brother’s rocks are. I can fly on my Ikran, it is safer than you riding out on a Tsurak.”
Ronal protested quickly, knowing her sister, “I do not think that is a good idea, JakeSully.”
He felt a bit of disappointment settle into his chest, he couldn’t help it, he was so intrigued by you. And truth be told, maybe it was a stupid part of him, but he liked the idea of saving you. Or at least helping you. From what he had heard, you were more than capable to fend for yourself. “It really is no big deal, I will be back quickly.”
He was hoping his eagerness was not evident in his voice, and with the worried look Ronal shared with Tonowari he was sure it wasn’t. “We should let him? Yes-might ease your sister's resistance if he’s the one to go for her?”
Tonowari was asking, but Ronal knew he had already made up his mind. She sighed quietly, “Fine-sure. Just-I cannot guarantee she will greet you with a warm smile.”
Jake refrained from thumping his tail in excitement, “It’s fine. I will not take it to heart.”
Jake quickly made his way outside, calling for Bob just as his children made their way towards the beach. “Sir?”
Neteyam, his oldest, was looking at him in confusion. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I will be back shortly.”
He sent all of them a smile, instructing his Ikran to take flight. The air got colder the further he was from the beach and it caused a shiver to run down his spine. He was well past the reef, and searching for you within ten minutes. As his Ikran gently flew around he caught the blur of teal blue amongst one of the tall rocks. His head shook, a laugh threatening to fall from his mouth, as even from this far away you looked upset.
He did not know you, but he was curious, beyond interested in knowing you. There was a deep itch in the back of his brain that seemed to only simmer at the thought of you. Call him stupid, he had only caught a few glimpses of you, but he felt the pull. He hoped you felt it too.
With quick glides he was by your side, dismounting Bob with ease as he sent you a smile. Your eyes narrowed in on him, annoyance clear as day on your features. Jake’s lips tugged gently, refraining from cracking you a toothy smile. “Why are you here?”
“Hello to you too.”
You grumbled out angrily, arms crossing along your chest as you looked away from him. “I am here to take you back.”
Your thick tail swayed behind you in annoyance, “I was perfectly fine here. Waiting for the storm to pass.”
“I am sure you were, but I am here now. So let me take you back.”
You did not like the tone he had with you, his accent thick with humor as he watched you. It only caused your irritation to spike up. “I do not know you. Plus I am not used to riding on-those bird things. I rather not.”
Bob huffed at your words, clacking loudly at you. “They’re Ikrans, and very smart.”
Jake was sure his voice was dripping with his amusement, he couldn’t help it. You made him laugh. “I know what they are!” You all but shrieked, “Does not make me trust them anymore so.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head at you. Your eyes narrowed in on him, irritation flowing through you so deeply you refrained from yelling at him. You hissed at him, and it caused a harder laugh to leave his lips.
“If you keep me here for any longer, Tonowari will come searching for us. You are already in trouble with your sister. Do you wish to make it worse?”
“I am not a child!”
“That is very obvious, so why make this harder than it needs to be?”
Jake quickly mounted his Ikran, he was almost positive you would follow after him. You weighed your options, you knew Ronal would be angry with you, should you really test your luck?
You groaned out in frustration, walking towards Jake and his Ikran. This was far scarier than taming a Tsurak, you would have no control on the animal. His five fingered hand extended to you, and you could not help but stare. His fingers were scarred, and calloused, slipping your fingers together as he pulled you up.
You swiftly threw a leg over the Ikran, shifting farther back on the animal as you were pressed too close to him. “Hold on.”
“I am fine as I am.”
He shook his head, creating Tsaheylu with his Ikran and the animal instantly jolted forward. You were thrown back lightly, hands instinctively wrapping around his waist to keep you steady. If you could see Jake’s face he was sure you’d hiss at him once again. The smallest of smirks fell onto his features.
The cool wind caused a shiver to run down your back, admiring how beautiful the island looked even in the darkness of the storm. You peaked your head to look ahead, frowning deeper the closer you arrived to the beach. “I hope you know I could have made my way back without you.”
“And I do not doubt that.”
As you both landed, you could see Ronal’s angry face as she stomped towards you. “Here we go.”
Jake helped you dismount, jumping quickly down after you. “See what I mean! Reckless!”
You rolled your eyes at your sister, walking straight past her and towards your home. Jake could see the exhaustion on Ronal’s face. He would be lying if he said he did not sympathize with her. It was clear that she cared for you deeply, but there were some lines blurred between the two of you. “Thank you, JakeSully.”
Jake only dipped his head down at the Tsahik, watching your figure retreat farther away.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
🏷️; @mashiromochi @midhito @neteyamforlife @adaiasafira @ambria @sillyfreakfanparty​ @fanboyluvr​ @jakescumdump​ @itscheybaby​ @iwanttohitmyself​ @janeety​ @haitanismainhoe @daribakugo @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lemonmoonmochi​ @dazedshoon @amanda-678 @randxmthxughts @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @wekiamo @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @theroyalbrownbarbie @1ntefly @nyylovestowrite @rianapntn @crazy4books1 @jakesullylongjuicyshlong @kikookii @ducks118 @bucky12345 @elegantkidfansoul @bold-writing @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme @graysonmalik2550 @milequaritchsslut @23victoria @kamcrazy123 @annamarieisbae @k----a27s @tojigirl @lynbubble @outspokenmatters​ @amanda-678 @alexandra-001​
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tunatoge · 7 months
OMFG, am I seeing requests open??
Bf gojo satoru. Dressing up gojo, trying makeup on him, putting him pigtails, braids. he's your doll! :D
ahh hehe this is a GREAT idea omg i hope u don’t mind that i did this in a quick headcanon bullet point sorta thing
pairing: g. satoru x reader, fluff
gojo is SUCH a girl’s girl, like he would practically die if you did his makeup. he already owns some small products like concealer and lip gloss and grins sooo big when you ask him what kind of look he’s going for. will do face masks and pore strips, beauty is pain and satoru lives by that shit.
will gossip with you. the two of you are caught up on the drama going down at jujutech, it lowkey scares the students with how much you guys know. the two of you make a whole date out of it, like i’m talking snacks and comfy pjs and a show going on in the background. yall just talk MAD shit too, esp about the higher ups because, “ewww did you see what gakuganji was doing yesterday?” “oh my, god, yeah—and why does he stink so much?”
loves to dress up with you. matches outfits with you whenever you guys go out and loves to carry your bag for you even without you asking. would match outfits with you ANYWHERE, even on the subway. if you just ask, he’ll do it for sure. even makes jokes that you guys are matching at jujutech because, “we’re wearing the same color, we look so cute!”
his hair isn’t the longest ever but he’ll let you do whatever you want with it. he trusts that you’ll fix it after you mess it up. loves it when you put his bangs in a little pony tail at the top of his head because he gets forehead kisses from you.
DEFINITELY trusts you to fix up his undercut. in fact, you’re the ONLY person who gets to fix up his undercut. he is not going near any barber with you around. you nicked him once and you felt so bad and he faked dying just to tease you and you cried. he stopped doing that after.
has asked your if he should grow out his hair because he loves it soo much when you play with it. he tried for a few months and got so annoyed with the awkward phase he had you cut it again. you told him after the entire ordeal you would’ve played with his hair anyway if he’d just asked and he pouted because, “baaaabe… why didn’t you just say that… :(“
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minminyoonjii · 1 year
Hey hun!!!
I first off wanted to ask how you are doing??? People don't check in with the writer enough!
Secondly I wanted to say you are officially my new favorite blog!!! I die for all your skz content
Lastly I had a request if you don't mind. Soft Dom Hyunjin struggling to tame brat reader so he asks for help from hard Dom minho. I feel like that duo isn't used enough!
I was thinking maybe professor skz or at least like a role play situation but it is up to you!!!
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🕯Summary: Mr. Hwang's course has always been a pain in the ass for your GPA so he decides to confront you on it, but you couldn't hold back from snapping at him. Mr. Lee heard the commotion and wanted to lay some advice.
I'm been doing alright, lowkey having Ao3 writer curse from the amount of times the hospital and clinics have seen me but overall A-okay. On sem break at the moment and I'm savouring it as much as possible. Thank you so much for liking my work, I hope you enjoy this one💛💛
Rough Sex|Spitroasting|Oral Sex|Teeth Grazing On Cock|Wet & Messy|Reader Is Fucked Dumb|Degrading Kink|Professor! Hwang Hyunjin/Professor! Lee Minho|Cum Swallowing|Creampie|Glasses Wearing Minho|Bratty Fem! Reader|Punishment Scene|Heavy Praise Degrading Talks|Aftercare
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.6K
"What am I going to do with you, hm?" Hyunjin questioned, rubbing his face between his palms. You grumbled, crossing your arms "I don't see what I'm doing wrong," you said, glaring up at him. Hyunjin dropped the papers on your desk, "I've never had such a badly graded student throughout my career," he said, pointing at your test scores. You rolled your eyes, "Sounds like a you problem," you said, mocking him. 
Hyunjin chuckled, rubbing between his eyebrows, "Is that so? Have you ever tried picking up a book throughout this semester?" he questioned, gripping the sides of your desk. You clenched your jaw, "Of course I have, your course just doesn't make sense," you retorted, pressing your tongue against your back molar. Hyunjin scoffed, "I basically spoon-fed the entire class and you couldn't even grasp a single concept?" he asked, finding it hard to believe.
You smirked, "It's not my fault you suck at projecting information, professor," you said, leaning back into your chair. Hyunjin cracked the joints in his neck, "There's no getting through your stubborn head. Why are you even fighting back on this, don't you need my course to graduate?" he asked, piercing his eyes at you. "I rather fail your class multiple times than admit that you can teach," you hissed, looking away from him. 
Just as Hyunjin was about to question further, a firm knock snapped the both of you out of the high-tension confrontation "What's going on here, Mr. Hwang? I could hear your voice down the hallway, you know how these walls bounce audio," Minho asked, leaning against the door front with his glasses perched on his nose. Hyunjin stood straight, "Mr. Lee, I was just having a discord with one of my students," he explained, showing Minho your results.
Minho looked at the papers, "Seems like it's more than a simple discord," he said, setting the papers down. You gave Minho a side glance, "What's in it for you, you're not even my professor," you pointed out, finding Minho's serene calm attitude unnerving. Minho smiled, "Well, dear. Mr. Hwang seems to be having a hard time putting you in your place and I have no problem reprimanding a brat like you," he said bluntly, shedding off his overcoat, showcasing his toned arms.
Your eyes darted between your professors, "You can't do that," you spluttered, bouncing your legs. Hyunjin loosened his tie, walking over to lock the room door "Under what guideline?" he teased, pressing his tongue against his inner cheek. Your breath hitched when a sudden firm grip wrapped the back of your neck, "You should have done this in the first place Hwang, look how submissive she looks. Like a sweet kitten," he said, licking the rim of your ear.
You squirmed, tilting your head back in the hope of breaking Minho's nose. He laughed at your feeble attempt, pressing your face onto the desk "Feisty like one as well," he purred, keeping you subdued beneath his grip. Hyunjin unbuckled his belt, slacks dropping to his calves "What should we do with her, Lee? You have first dibs," he said, folding his slacks aside. You shifted, trying to nip Minho's palm as they talked about your body like a doll.
Minho chuckled, "This might be sick of me to say, but I would love to thrust down that tight mouth of hers. As long as she watches the teeth," he said, grabbing a fist full of your hair and tugging it back. You choked out a whimper, glaring at the man who started this mess in the first place. Hyunjin cooed, palming his clothed boxer "Then I'll take her pretty hole, I bet it's dripping from how rough you're handling her Lee. A slut like her just loves to be manhandled," he said, watching Minho position himself in front of your mouth.
Minho groaned, "Do you mind stripping me down, Hwang? I unfortunately need to keep my hand on this feral kitten," he said, leaning back into Hyunjin's chest. "It's my pleasure, Lee," Hyunjin chuckled and kissed down Minho's neck while his hands unbuckled his belt. Minho hissed, baring his neck further for Hyunjin to kiss. "Throbbing already, Lee?" Hyunjin asked, cupping Minho's growing bulge. "Oh, f-fuck. Can't blame me for being aroused, Hwang," Minho hummed, grinding back on Hyunjin's clothed cock.
You whined, head spinning from Minho's firm grip holding you in place. "Aww, looks like the doll is needy, Lee. Go ahead and feed her," Hyunjin said, tugging down Minho's boxers. Minho grunted, holding the base of his cock with his free hand "You better watch your teeth, dear. If not your punishment will be much worse," he warned, tapping your bottom lip with his precum-silked cockhead. You relaxed your jaw, moaning at the taste of musk hitting your tongue. 
A deep hum rumbled from Minho's chest as he pushed this cock down your throat. Tears dripped down your eyes from the sheer girth of his cock stretching your mouth open. Minho chuckled, rolling his hips at a steady pace, hitting the back of your palate with each thrust. You moaned around his length, letting your teeth graze his cock for a mere second but a sharp sting impacted your cheek. Minho hissed, tugging your hair to his pelvis, making you choke and gag around his cockhead "I said, watch it with the teeth didn't I? " he growled.
You whimpered, drooling dripped down your chin onto the floor below. Hyunjin chuckled, "One punishment isn't enough for a precious girl like her, Lee," he said, lifting your hips and sitting beneath you. Minho moaned at the sudden shift of position "Fuck, Hwang. A warning would be fucking nice," he hissed, using your mouth as like an onahole. Hyunjin tugged your panties aside, pressing his thumb into your soaking warm hole "You should have a go at her pretty cunt once you're done with her mouth, Lee," he said, easing two fingers into your clenching walls.
Minho's hips trembled, "Ah, ah, yeah. Shit, your mouth feels so tight around my cock, dear," he moaned, staring down at you with half-lidded eyes. Your head spun at the lack of oxygen, submitting to the harsh thrusts Minho plunged down your throat. "That's it, kitten. Fuck, fuck, fucking take it, swallow everything," he grunted, sinking his cock to the hilt. You choked a sob, cum squirting down your esophagus, and you tried your hardest to swallow every single drop of cum you were given. 
"Good girl," Minho rasped, pulling out. Hyunjin slicked his cock with your fluids, drenching his inner thighs and testicles "Take a deep breath, princess," he whispered, easing his cock within your gummy ribbed walls, inch by inch. You wailed, face pressed against the desk from how weak your arms wobbled when you tried lifting yourself. "Sir, sir please," you begged, feeling the desk shift beneath you with every thrust Hyunjin pounded. 
Hyunjin kissed the back of your neck, "Hush, princess. Just take it, okay? " he grunted, gripping your hips firmly and starting to roll his hips at a ruthless pace. Broken moans and whimpers echoed within the room. Fluids pooled against your face, may it be Minho's cum, your drool or tears, everything blurred into a sheen of liquids. Hyunjin flicked your swollen clit in tandem with his precise thrusts "Come on, princess. Gush and cream around your professor's cock. Make yourself useful for once, yeah?" he grunted, slurring his words.
Your abdomen clenched, nails weakly clawing the desk "Please, please, sir," you sobbed, feeling your orgasm teether on the edge. Hyunjin quicken his pace, sinking further into your warm tight cunt "Close your eyes and just feel," he growled, pinching your puffy clit. Your jaw dropped into a silent scream, and your body tensed up "Fuck," you keened, clenching hard around Hyunjin's length. Hyunjin's breath lodged within his airway, "Good girl, such a good girl," he groaned, spreading your ass apart to see the creamy foam bubbling around your opening.
Hyunjin moaned loudly, cock pulsing as he came from the sight "Holy fucking shit, you're sexy," he hummed, pumping his cock in and out of your gaping walls just to drive your bodies into the pleasure of oversensitivity. You whimpered weakly, laying there used and ruined. Soft kisses could be felt on Hyunjin's skin "Come back to me, babies," Minho whispered, coaxing the both of you down from your orgasms. Hyunjin groaned, slipping his cock free from your tight grip "Shit, hyung. Look how pretty our darling drips," he rasped.
Minho gulped at the sight, tempted to pump your cunt into another orgasm but he knew your body was reaching its limit "Let's get you cleaned up, kitten," he whispered, carrying you bridal style to the bathroom. Hyunjin cleaned up the fluids, making sure nothing got stained from your little scene. Minho cleaned your body thoroughly "Stay awake a little longer, kitty. I made your favourite for dinner," he said, chuckling when your eyes blinked open. "There's our precious girl," he cooed, carrying you out of the tub. You giggled, nuzzling into his shoulder. Minho smiled, "Take a piss while I prepare your toothbrush," he said, helping you on the seat.
Hyunjin peeked his head in, hair damp from the quick shower he took "Is everything alright here?" he asked, seeing your body covered with a fluffy towel. Minho nodded, "All good. Could you plate up today's dinner, Jagi?" he asked, kissing Hyunjin's cheek. Hyunjin chuckled, kissing back "Of course," he said, moving towards you and cupping your face before placing a kiss on your forehead "I hope you learnt your lesson, brat," he teased, biting your cheek. You whined, "Never," you giggled, kissing Hyunjin's nose. Minho chuckled, "That's our girl," he said, patting your head. 
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 month
Castlevania and Non-Attachment, Part Three: Isaac and His Quest for Revenge
Another one of the larger character arcs we follow is in regards to Isaac and, side note, MY MAN IS SO FUCKING UNDERRATED!!! Y'ALL ARE TELLING ME THIS MAN ISN'T FINE??? THAT HE'S NOT AN INTERESTING, WELL ROUNDED, AMAZING CHARACTER???
Put some respect on his name.
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*cough* anyway-
His character arc, after Dracula is killed, revolves around him essentially learning to love humanity and accept his own, as well as learning that not every human is a terrible person and humanity as a whole shouldn't pay for the sins of the shitty minority.
Another aspect of his character arc and story, however, follows him wanting to get revenge for Dracula's death---blaming Carmilla, who came to Dracula's castle with the intent of killing him, and Hector, who was manipulated by Carmilla into betraying Dracula even though that's not what he wanted.
Isaac's anger is mostly at Hector, however, since Hector was supposed to be loyal to Dracula and---by letting Carmilla go through with her plans and act without Dracula's knowledge---he's essentially the reason that Dracula died, in Isaac's mind. And his betrayal cuts deeper because he swore his loyalty to Dracula, whereas Carmilla had always made her opposition to him clear.
So Isaac goes on a journey to find and then kill Hector, as well as Carmilla.
But once he finally finds Hector and Hector makes it clear that he won't put up a fight, and that he agrees that he should die, Isaac says this:
Isaac: I am not here to kill you. Hector: What? Isaac: You and I, Hector, we have been children. Revenge is for children. It is our duty to grow up, don't you think?
And, in this one sentence, Isaac proves himself better than a good chunk of SW fans and Anakin Skywalker himself. Because, instead of letting hate and anger and pain control him, Isaac lets go of all of that and forgives Hector for what he did---even helping him.
Which, believe it or not, is exactly what the Jedi teach.
They teach that, while the emotions you feel are valid, you cannot let them control you or make your decisions for you.
Which, frankly, is one of the reasons why I love Isaac so much.
Post List <- TBA
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spiritstar477 · 1 month
I’m thinking of writing a fic where Sirius gets amnesia (unknown how as of yet) and such. Modern muggle au. I want it to be a pretty chill, happy story with probably not much plot just vibes.
Wolfstar as the main coupling.
These are my character descriptions for our marauders era peeps. Any ideas on any changes or additions to them?
See below the break ⬇️
Also, Sirius isn’t listed bc he doesn’t know who he is bc of the amnesia.
Remus: gay, five years old was attacked by Greyback and cut up, gets tremors on chronic pain now, uses a cane to walk, nerd (will read anything but mostly loves textbooks/educational books), lowkey autistic (you don’t know til you know), always spouting weird facts when he’s uncomfortable, obvi super pining for sirius
James: pansexual, dating Regulus, plays basketball, does one on one with Marlene and they gossip/vent about their day, works out all the time, super smart but a dumbass, actual sunshine with abandonment issues
Regulus: trans (formerly Lyra), bisexual, dating James, nerd (big into learning like remus, he and remus hang out to learn random shit together) plays badminton singles, autistic af, very quiet until he gets comfy then he never shuts up, likes legos (touch and you’ll die)
Peter: aroace, everyone’s bestie, chill and just living his best life, closest with Mary (both just chill but always judging everyone together)
Barty: gay af, dating Evan obvi, graffiti vandal/lowkey arsonist, besties with Pandora, intentionally does stereotypical ‘quiet kid’ stuff just to fuck with his peers, everyone’s afraid of him just how he likes,
Evan: asexual but will ruin Barty sexually (doesn’t get any sexual gratification but enjoys watching Barty squirm and have the best time), collects animal parts in jars and has a ‘bone room’, is that creepy kid, has definitely been to the psych ward before
Lily: lesbian, poly-ish, dating Mary and Pandora, huge chemistry nerd, in the debate club, very popular/friends with nearly everyone
Mary: bisexual, poly-ish, dating Lily and Pandora, very cottagecore, quiet vibes, besties with Peter, vegan/all about saving the planet (but not in a awful way), forgetful and always has a million alarms and reminders on her phone
Marlene: nonbinary they/them, so lesbian they never had to come out, obsessed with gf Dorcas, plays basketball, them and James often do one on one and vent, loves movies and will watch literally anything
Dorcas: lesbian, dating Marlene, most said words are probably “wtf Marlene”, party girl, cheerleader, legit hates men except Reggie but only because they were close before he transitioned and she’d miss him
Pandora: unknown sexuality (always just shrugs when asked), very manic pixie girl vibes, heavy on the manic, sometimes commits arson with bestie Barty, Evan’s unused dead things’ parts are made into fertilizer for her garden (which is impressive btw, mostly flowers but a hidden section of poisonous plants), always has something creepy or downright unsettling to say
-James is Indian
-Remus is technically white but he does not look it (and it always surprises people), and he’s conveniently unattractive bc I love ugly remus
-Pandora and Evan are black (with naturally white blond hair ofc) and Pandora has vitiligo
-Sirius and Regulus moved from France as children
-Mary is black
-Dorcas is black
It takes place in Canada bc I’m Canadian and I know fuck all about European anything and am too lazy to do research.
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lullaebies · 1 year
Helaegon prompt. Aegon tries to comfort Helaena post B&C.
Oh anon, you just gave me way too much freedom with angst and pain. Thank you - and also, ahead of time, I'm sorry. 😂 [half way through writing rn: I am REALLY REALLY sorry] TW's: mentioned body gore, child's death, lowkey mental breakdown
Aegon steps into room, his dread woven into his heavy stomps. The sounds of whimpers and sobs are heard all throughout the Keep, already a resounding dirge for what he knows expects him within. He doesn't want to believe it. He can't believe it, not unless he sees. It was our time. All was going well; all was finally changing.
Why? Why their son?
The room is so dark. The curtains were drawn, and only the last ember of their fireplace remained alight. His servants told him; Helaena is nearby catatonic, and refuses to let go of the body, nor let anyone beside it. But when he sees her, she's so still. The blood stains the floor beside her, flowing on the carpet and at the hem of her dress. She's weeping bitterly, he hears. She is holding him, Aegon realizes, as he sees little feet laying limp against her arm. "Helaena," his voice trembles. His fear is so loud, and her weeps grow quiet as she hears him. He swallows it down, but tears still pool in his eyes as he approaches. It's just half a turn on his heel, when he sees the cut-off of a neck. As if a headsman himself has come to execute his boy, for a horrible crime.
He was just my son; that was his crime. Aegon's knees grow weak, and he falls to them as it all crashes on him. He can't breathe, but he must. He reaches for the boy's lifeless hand. Helaena clutches the body closer, hyperventilating. "No." His tears cascade almost freely. Guilt ran down his being; Jaehaerys died for his crown. He wasn't even here to see, but his entire being is on fire; and Helaena, who has been ice, seems to be melting into their boy, like a mother hen trying to revive a broken egg. "We need to take him to Silent Sisters," Aegon says, ashamed, afraid, in pain. Need to send him away; even though he says as much, he doesn't want to, either. He just got him back. I just got him at all. "No," Helaena says again, as he touches the side of him. "Helaena, please!" "No!" She screams at him. "They already took his head! They took him away from me," she weeps. "No more. Please, no more.." she cries bitterly and folds over their son. Aegon has been so afraid to face her, for so many years. So scared of hurt of resentment, of hurt of rejection from the children. What wouldn't he do, to turn the wheel back, to face them in any way, but this. "No more," he says, trying to reach for her. "There'll be no more," as he affirms she cries louder, and tries to push him away, but he catches her by the shoulders. "They forced me to pick," she says. "I didn't want them dead. They forced me to pick," she trembles as she recounts. "Or they'll rape Jaehaera, or they'll-" she nearly collapses. "It didn't even matter." He brings his hands around her. "It was my fault, I couldn't protect them," Helaena finally says, and Aegon is enraged.
"No," he says, and brings his forehead against hers. It was my fault, he thinks, as their tears mesh on their cheeks. "Not you," he tells her again. "Never you." She sobs loudly when the tears fall bitterly on their son's body. "Those responsible will pay their debts," he says in his wroth. They'll die; his sister, his uncle, and their brood. He too, if need be. He too, if this be his karma. "But those will never be you." Helaena's head drops onto his shoulder, her body wracked with sobs. Holding her tight, the embers of the fire die out; and all is dead. In the realm of the Stranger, all that is known is pain and grief. And if that is the realm that is left to him, he'll take his reaper's scythe and reap what has been sowed.
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Headcanons: Toxic Traits
Also I'm thinking of 2003/2007/bayverse when I'm typing these LMAO
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lowkey a control freak
since he's used to being in charge, he tries that in the relationship. Like, if you both want to hang out in the lair or anywhere in the city together, he makes it to where you sort of don't have a say where you go if that makes sense?
Loves his alone time a little too much
Like he won't answer a text or call because he's doing his own thing
This one is justified since he's always doing something with the team, but he sometimes gets so caught up and a whole day will go by without a word from him
Does not sugarcoat SHIT. He forgets to be gentle in times that you may be weak- he's more of a "well, do it then," kind of guy. If you come upset at him because you lost your job or got yelled at at work, expect him to say "then leave, it's not good for you to stay at a job like that." He'll say this, OFTEN. Especially if you come to him with the same issue, OFTEN.
Also that, don't complain about the same shit to him, he's gonna tell you straight up to do something about it instead of constantly complaining about it (IF it's something you can fix, this doesn't apply to really personal sensitive topics you can't control, i mean things you CAN control, like, your friends, job, clothes, etc,)
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even though raph is like my favorite attractive wise, I'd rather be friends with him LMFAO, why you may ask?
Raph is the PETTY KING.
Will intentionally ignore you if you do something to annoy him
He's so fucking petty bro, it's painful
holds grudges, it goes hand and hand with the pettiness, because in an argument he'll bring up shit that happened like
weeks ago.
I also hc he's an aries, and as an aries, we take everything to heart. We'll take what you say a bunch of different ways
We're also VERY hard headed, and don't care about anyone's opinions but our own, since we're really independent.
So, avoid giving him advice unless he ASKS.
He's independent, so, he likes his space. not that it's a bad thing, but if you're super clingy, yeah, he's gonna break up with you real fast LMAO
Cannot apologize for shit
Like, don't expect him to flat out say he's sorry? maybe a small "my fault," but really, don't expect him to say those two simple words
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This mf cannot admit when he's wrong. When you're dealing with someone as smart as Donnie, he often thinks that his answers are always right.
He'd rather die than admit he's wrong lowkey, because his genius and IQ is something that's unmatched, and to actually be wrong for once? yeah, no
sometimes you have to step up and check Donnie, because there will literally be times he's wrong and doesn't see it
Donnie hates hates HATES arguing. Any statement you make about him or the relationship that appears argumentative, he'll turn down immediately just to not argue, even if you weren't trying to and it was a harmless statement.
Don't ask this man to repeat anything for you more than once, he will not do it. He just doesn't have the strength to waste his breath when he was loud enough the first time
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Remember when I was talking about clinginess? Mikey is clingy as fuck
It's because he wants to be around you all the time, wants to be with you 24/7, that stuff.
It's sweet at first, but if you don't ask for space, he's seriously going to be following you like a dog everywhere i swear bro
Jealous of you, like the life you have. He wishes he could be human all the time, I don't know, he's jealous of the opportunities you have
Doesn't know when to be serious
Like yes his jokes are funny, but when you come upset seeking for an understanding boyfriend, he tries to make it funny, it comes from a good place, but it doesn't help
Doesn't know when to be serious but then gets pressed when you seek for advice from his brothers? like bro? just try not to make a joke while Y/n's talking about their problems?
Out of all toxic traits, Mikey's pisses me of the most- I'm kind of like Raph, I hate clingy ass people or guys, it kills the mood and makes me not want them anymore it sounds bad but like
oops? sorrynotsorry?
@bee-1n-space Masterlist
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3milesup · 5 months
My BoB ships ranking
(as encouraged by @sleepy-hyperfixations - thanks!)
i have thought about this from all sides to find a criteria and then i decided it probably comes down to which ships make me feel a particular way about them or spark thoughts, curiosity, creativity, and i found a compromise between the two things^^
so, here's what i come up with:
1. winnix - aka the pinnacle of ships, the Relationship Goals™ that i can't even bring myself to read much for because it stirs some deep deep nostalgia for what i've never had... but they've been for me the stamp of true love ever since i saw the show...
1. webgott - a ship that to me is almost too emotional to think about because either way you turn it around, it is always so painful (but so meant to be as well). but also: sizzling, fiery dynamics, so much depth to dive into, ahh they're everything...
3. now, here i am, shamelessly putting on the pedestal what i believe is a figment of my imagination, as i have never seen it anywhere (if anyone has, pretty please let me know^^) but it owns a chunk of my heart, and it is smokey gordon/alton more (what would that make them? smore? idek anymore... what even is my life…) i could write an essay but i'll keep it lowkey and say (affectionately): how have you people not seen it? they sooo had a thing, and a tad complicated, repressed, emotionally constipated but passionate one for that matter…
on shared 3th, because *shielding my eyes from the first two places* i will however die on rarepair hill, is speirsroe - it makes so much sense if you stop to look for a while and i love to do so. many feelings abt those two.
4. luztoye  - i wanted to put them higher, actually, bcs i am biased, bcs they are my flagship (that currently is like, adrift and half sunken but i'll pull it back afloat just like i will do myself) but alas, they're here. yes, i acknowledge that it is a ship standing on pillars of quite dry sand of two (2) interactions in the whole show lol, but the possibilities it offers to explore the personalities are vast and interesting...
5. speirton, bull/martin - are here in the ranking because i totally get the appeal and the dynamic and they are sort of "comfort ships" to me? like, an... angst-proofish certainty but just... never say never, but for the moment not quite on top of my list^^
6. quite the same for baberoe, placed here because it's an integral part of the fandom and i have all the respect but i'm sorry, i just can't see it, no matter how hard i squint...
ALSO, there is speirs/nix out there somewhere, but i can't for the life of me rank it, it just exists in my subconscious, intriguing and sadly underdeveloped, and i just wanted the world to know, because i think they are a gem full of potential^^
...'aight, i can't seem to think of other ships, so... i guess this is it^^ if you have any thoughts or your own rankings i'd love to know <3
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi again bro may I request another angst about reader being Jing yuan's kid and got striken with mara. Bonus points if Yanqing was the one who put them down too
A/N: Hello again, legendary Anon... The wording of "Put them down" made me lowkey laugh, because damn... Who hurt you? But sure thing, thank you for the request! :')
Content: TW!POTENTIAL GORE(?), Heavy angst, Hurt/absolutely no comfort, Reader dies, mentions of executions??, Yanqing being traumatised as usual, Reader being striken with mara, mentions of blood, yeah... just pain lol
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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You were just curious and hungry, not thinking much about what eating the mysterious fruit in your hands could turn you into. You had found it coincidentally hanging off a branch, whilst you were waiting for your boyfriend Yanqing to arrive from training and spend the day with you after. You were known to be the generals pride and joy, an intelligent young teen, that took after the man. But today, you feel for the fruits simple trap, just like many before you had.
Just a single bite, is what you told yourself, when you finally gave into the temptation. You had been waiting for so long here... and Yanqing was a little late. So a bite wouldn't hurt. How could it any way? It's just a harmless peach, right...? Right? You quickly learned that you were wrong, when the sweet taste turned foul, ripping through your throat like blades, as you coughed painfully.
You covered your mouth with your hand, dropping the peach in the process and only realised your mistake, when you shakily removed your hand saw the blood dripping from your fingers. Your blood. You then knew what this meant. You then remembered the teachings, the tales, the warnings. And you fell for it. Despite knowing everything and being praised for it, you fell for such a simple trap.
"(Y/N)... What did you do?"
Your boyfriend's voice took you off guard, as you looked up at him. He stood there in front of you, his eyes trained on the false fruit, as blood pooled around it, clearly indicating what it was all along. The silence between you two was deafening. You felt the blood on your lips, it's irony taste making you suddenly step back in realisation. The mistake became so real. And your poor lover had to witness it.
You stumbled backwards, your legs giving out, as you fell onto your back, hands clutching onto your pained throat. You felt yourself turning into one of them already. The veins and leaves sprouting out of your body at a quick rate. It was a punishment for your foolishness.
Yanqing snapped out of it then, scrambling to your side, as he held you close, his body shaking with fear and helplessness. He didn't know what to do. No... he knew there was nothing he could do. He had to watch the love of his life die in his arms, knowing their father would be devastated and heartbroken, just like he was now.
"Yanqing... end me, before I turn into one of them. Do it. I want to die by your hands and nothing elses-" "What?"
Yanqing thought that he had heard you wrong. That he had maybe misheard your words due to your pained coughing and sobs. But he had heard you well and knew it. His eyes glanced at his blade, his hand instinctively grabbing onto it, as his knuckles turned white from his grip.
What was he doing? He couldn't possibly be considering it? Surely there was a way to save you. Surely there was a way to cure you before it was too late. His head turned to the bag he had dropped. His phone was in there. If he could just alert Jing Yuan about this. Tell your father what happened. But the blood that was oozing from the fruit and drenching the fabric of his bag was taunting him. There was nothing he could do.
"I... I can't do that. I can't kill you. I love you, I can't, I-" "Yanqing... don't let me suffer any longer. I'm sorry, I really am, I shouldn't have been so foolish-"
Yanqing closed his eyes, as he grit his teeth and felt the tears burn his eyes and wet his cheeks. Your words hurt him. But if it brought you peace to due by his hand... then he'd do as you wished. He was never able to say no to you. Not even now. He leaned down for a last kiss, not caring about the blood that tainted his lips red. Your blood.
He then laid you down gently, standing with a shadow over his eyes as he drew his sword. You looked up at him with wide, shining eyes, tears of agony clear in them. And yet you smiled, a last thankful gift to him, whilst you anticipated the final end to your pain. This should've been a good day. And yet... in some way it was. You got to die seeing him and that's enough for you.
"I'm sorry... I'll find you in another life, Yanqing..." "And I'll wait for you."
You closed your eyes, your smile still so bright, hearing as he raised his shaking arms and pointed the blade down at your near unrecognisable form. You didn't want to see him cry. You didn't want to see the heartbreak on his face. You hoped, that your father and Yanqing would forgive you for your foolishness, as your life flashed before your eyes.
And then everything came to an end and you were finally at peace.
A/N: So uhh... I hope this was angsty enough lol! And thank you again for the painful request, anon!
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months
I’m sure everyone says this, but I’m a book series writer by women, you’d think they’d write there female characters better.
I’m not huge on wren rn, but I’m sure she’ll grow on me. You know me and my background cats. I was oddly enough never huge on bristleroot, but I don’t want root just to move on cause he’s a man and he should have wife. I want it to take time.
I feel like the only way I’d want bristle to come back is Ivy to hear her voice say like “ I’m always with you in your heart, I love you. But pls help your fellows and do this prophecy “ or whatever the prophecy will be about. But I also don’t want that to happen, Ivy needs to accept bristle is gone and she needs to come to terms her clan needs her. And she has family with her clan.
Also lowkey loved the scene of Ivy kinda snapping at dove like “ you atleast get to see your kid when you die, I’ll never see mine “ cause lowkey yeah. Dove might feel bad a kinda miss bristle, but atleast she gets to see her family. She dosent get ivys pain.
I’m very excited for the upcoming book.
I think how much I like Wren will entirely depend on whether she’s given a personality beyond being in love with Rootspring or not lol
I hope Bristlefrost is gone for good too, I really wouldn’t want a story about dealing with grief to end with the dead person coming back. Given how very real and present StarClan is, Warrior Cats doesn’t have an opportunity to do this kind of story often where the person who is dead will never come back.
I am so excited too, I hope it doesn’t disappoint but it’s a very strong start so far imo
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missroro · 2 years
Avatar (2009)
Original Character
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“a demon? learning our ways? That is interesting.”
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“you will learn our way in time. For now, you suffer.”
⚘ ⚘ ⚘
Name: Tenawri te Tshaka Mo’at’ite
Alias: Tenawri, ‘Nawri
Gender: Female
Born: 2135
Age: 18
Mate: None
- Warrior/Hunter
- Occasional Healer
- Mo’at [Mother, Alive]
- Eytukan [Father, Deceased]
- Slywanin [Older Sister, Deceased{
- Neytiri [Twin Sister, Alive]
- Metkayina Clan
- Omatikaya Clan [Fomerly]
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rather boring but
Neytiri and Tenawri is fraternal twin. Neytiri being the oldest by like 5 minutes?
Tenawri is more carefree and laid back than her sister but not less lethal.
One of the best warrior in Omatikaya Clan and also a a very talented tracker. She can literally hunt anything if she wanted.
Tenawri is blessed with a beautiful voice and it’s a rarity for her to sing. Only a few people who got to hear her sing. Her family + Tsu’tey.
Remember when Grace say that a Na’vi would probably already watching them. That is true, it was Tenawri, watching from the trees.
When Jake got chased by the Thanator, she follows until he jumps off a cliff. Then she went home thinking that He’s dead. But no. He is very much alive.
“Eh? I thought he was dead.”
“I found him by the river, he was attacked by a pack of Nantangs.”
“And why he isn’t dead yet?”
“I helped him.”
“There is a sign from Eywa.”
Tenawri is generally a friendly person but she still cautious and kept her distance from Jake.
“Hello, JakeSully. I am Tenawri te Tshaka Mo’at’ite. You can call me Tenawri, it is nice to meet you.”
“Hello, Tewnari. It is nice to meet you too.”
One of Tsu’tey closest friend.
“Kehe, Tsu’tey. I don’t want to hear you whine today. You make my ears itch. Ka.”
Tewnari is actually in love with Tsu’tey. And got her heartbroken twice.
The first when he tells her that he is in love with Slywanin and the second one is, when she heard the news of the Neytiri and Tsu’tey arrangements.
She keep it hidden. VERY well.
Not only Tsu’tey but Neytiri also whine about Jake to her.
“You do not know the pain that I suffered and you don’t even help me!”
“Ma Tsmuke, I’m sure sooner or later you will eventually find him interesting.”
“I rather die.”
When Neytiri can’t teach Jake on certain days, Tenawri would be the one who will take the wheel, .
They’re doing the jump and glide scene.
“Now, JakeSully. Im sure my sister have teach you this, right?”
“Yes. But-“
“Alright then let us see-“
*proceed to kick Jake of the ledge and wincing while watch him miserably drop to the ground*
“Ma Eywa!. Are… are you dead JakeSully?!”
She lowkey admired Jake determination on learning their ways.
Tenawri name her banshee Tirea it means spirit.
Tenawri can not weave for the life of her, even Mo’at gives up teaching her.
Tenawri likes water and sunbathing, she often enjoyed the rain or take a swim at the stream or just laying on a flat rock enjoying the sun.
She is a beast when it comes to hunting party. Always doing dangerous thing.
She is a very beautiful Na’vi, well known amongs the men by not only for her beauty but also her skill as a huntress. She still doesn’t have a mate yet because her heart only belong to one person.
When she heard that Neytiri is mated with Jake, she kinda felt responsible for it… oops.
“I know what i said back then but I didn’t think that you actually found him THAT interesti-“
The night before the war, Tenawri confessed to Tsu’tey
“I see you. Tsu’tey.”
When Jake was held hostage by the people and the kelutral began to fall, instead of Mo’at, Tenawri was the one who freed him.
“Fix this, JakeSully. Fix. This. Die if you have to.”
Tenawri loves her sister very much, so when Jake came back as Toruk Makto, Tenawri didn’t give a damn and just slapped him across the face.
“You made my sister cry you skxawng!”
Tenawri and Tsu’tey actually got close with each other but they didn’t have enough time.
Tenawri is very close off with her emotions only letting people see what she want them too see.
“Ma tsmuke… are you alright?”
“I already got my heart broken twice.. what’s one more?”
Tenawri take a few of Tsu’teys beads so she can have a part of him with you.
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Tenawri te Tshaka Mo’at’ite 2.0
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childotkw · 2 years
Hi! I don't know what your au did with me (honey, u must be a wizard), cuz I just read your ruination au and I was like:
Oh, shit. Here we go again.
I'm gonna die for this au
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I am speechless! Holy shit! I love everything about this - and Lucerys braiding the lock of silver hair? G O R G E O U S! Thank you so much - I honestly gasped when I saw this for the first time. It’s so good! 🥰🥰🥰
Lucerys keeping that bit slightly longer than the rest of his hair, making it just stand out even more than it already does…It’s almost like a statement - a proclamation and a warning of his heritage all in one. A reminder that for all he might not look it, he is a dragon. Just like his mother. Just like his stepfather.
Now I’m also imagining Rhaenyra reaching out to touch his face, but first skimming her fingers over the braid with such soft affection, tinged only with slight sorrow - because whether that hair changed colour from the stress and pain he endured, the torture of his bond with Arrax snapping so abruptly, or because the gods themselves wanted to leave their mark on him - it meant that her sweet boy had gone through something she hadn’t been able to shield him from.
(I’m also lowkey imagining - once I let them get to this point - Aemond being drawn to touch it as well. Because it might not be an eye, but that lock of silver hair was borne from his actions. It’s his mark that his nephew carries for the world to see, and a small part of him revels in that.)
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echobx · 5 months
I love JJ but how do we know he didn't treat girls like that last post says? A lot of ppl write him like that anyway(no hate)
I agree we should look at this more closely and see why I and op of that post agree with the statement they made
to address what you said, (and I'm never gonna assume hate bc this let's me write a lowkey think piece or wtv it's called lol) because deep in my heart I have always felt that those ways of writing him is very ooc imo, but I'm not gonna police ppl on what they write (especially considering that I know that every Rafe thing I write is just ooc when we look at canon very strictly)
so to answer the question, why would it be ooc of JJ to treat girls the way Kiara treated the boys, there's a quick and a not so quick answer.
the quick one, we (definitively) don't know how he acts around random girls, but this are his friends and if roles were reversed he's still loyal af and wouldn't hurt his friends in such a way. full stop. he's not the person to do that.
now, let's look at it in a little more detail.
1. Loyalty
season 1: he went to jail for Pope. he helped his best friend get away from the cops by stealing from his father, who we know is abusive. do you know how much guts it takes to actually stand up to your abuser in that way? and we know even though he started to act up, there's still an inate fear that Luke will hurt him way worse again. he put himself in front of barry to save his friends from being shot.
season 2: he was ready to have a shoot of with the cops to protect John B from going to jail. he was ready to die for him! he tried to bust him out of jail, and if no one had interfered and the other guy hadn't also needed to go to the hospital, the plan would've worked (I'm so sure of that) then he tried his best to protect Pope from Limbry and her brother.
season 3: even though they butchered him, he was still somewhat loyal, I just refuse to acknowledge that he saved Kie bc he was in love with her and not because she's also his best friend. again, no one told him to, he just did it because he can't imagine a life where his friends (his family) aren't all with him when shit goes down. which is also why he was so distraught when Sarah told him to go instead of wait and search for John B when they left Barbados.
there's a clear line of loyalty and he's not crossing it. he's always got their back and if he can't because they don't let him, it causes him mental distress (1. he looked in pain when Sarah made him drive off. 2. he went back home after taking Barry's money and having the fight with his friends although he knew jis dad was there, although he knew of the risk)
2. Girls
we have little to no information on how JJ treats random girls. the only real info we have is coming from the Pilot episode and one timy line in season 2
pilot: his introduction shows him bent over a girl in an attempt to make out with her, it's like 2 seconds max before John B closes the door and moves on. then later we get JB commenting on JJ's behavior by basically saying he can't keep away from any girl because he always wants to fuck them. which tbh, is a common thing for a teenage boy.
season 2: when they are back at school, John B gets the note from the girl to go to the bonfire. JJ takes the note and remarks "she meant to give that to me" in a clear attempt to make it seem like girls are simply fawning over him and it's impossible for anyone to find John B more attractive than him (I'm not gonna comment on the truth of this bc Chase is just not my type at all, so for me to say he's right would be immensely more biased than I already am)
HOWEVER these are the only views we have into his whole dating life. there's no other mention of it ever.
so let's look at the girls in the group.
3. Sarah
JJ is from the start on friendly to her. he's supportive of John B and Sarah and their whole relationship from the get go. and as the story progresses, we can see that he clearly cares a lot about her. he values her opinion on a lot of things. he didn't directly judge her for her cheating (which idk if he did because he gives her the benefit of the doubt or because he thinks it's 100% Topper's fault)
he's even somewhat protective of her, especially in season 2 when everything with her dad goes down, and then at the end of season 3 when he was ready machete a guy with a gun (very dumb idea, but he's impulsive enough to might've actually done that if Ward hadn't stepped in)
he's got respect for her and acts like a true friend towards her, even though they technically only know each other for a few months at that point.
4. Cleo
there's not much to say because we didn't get to see them interact much, but I believe there's a strong mutual respect between the two especially with JJ saying "glad you're part of my team" on the airstrip in season 3
he sees her independence and doesn't try to dismiss it or tell her to do anything she doesn't want to (he never does that with any of the girls tbh which is part of the point I'm trying to make)
5. Kiara
season 1: in the pilot episode he says tp John B "I've tried that door already and it's locked" meaning he tried to get with her, Kie shut him down and he let it go. that's what should happen when a friend approaches you and you don't reciprocate the feelings. it shouldn't destroy a friendship.
then we get to see them interact more, and you can clearly see that he see her as an equal, even though they disagree on some things especially when it comes to money but in the end they'll always stick together.
season 2: we see him be supportive of Kie and Pope's relationship, he has no interest in being with her, if he had he wouldn't give Pope advice on how to win her over. he talks to her about him, maybe in a way of connecting to her and try and help from both sides. again he's being respectful in a rather clumsy way, but he's tentative to not cross a line and doesn't pressure her to answer any of his weird questions.
what we don't get to see is his reaction to Kie doing what she did to Pope, bc we only know that Kie told Sarah and Pope told John B, we can't know if JJ knows exactly what happened pr how he reacted. although it would give a little more insight.
season 3: (let's assume jiara makes sense without butchering character development)
he feels true remorse when it comes to his shown feelings towards her and knowing it's gonna hurt Pope. he doesn't want to cross a line she isn't read to cross yet.
he pushes her away from him because he doesn't see himself good enough to be with a rich girl like Kiara, because all he can see himself as is the person everyone thinks he is. the fuck up. just "Luke's kid". and not the person he really is.
he saves her from the camp because first of all she's his friend and second of all he knows she will be miserable there and that she deserves better.
Kiara initiated the kiss. she initiated the "i love you"s. he didn't want to cross the line without being sure that she wanted it too.
6. his mom
we know nothing about his mom. but from context clues we can assume that she left him when he was a baby, or toddler.
from context clues we can assume that Luke was just as much abusive to her as he is towards JJ. knowing that it's very clear that JJ would never actively hurt someone, especially a woman, in a way like that. if it's physically or mentally
7. other older women
Mrs. Heyward: he's got the utmost respect for her, probably sees her like a mother he wish he had.
Mrs. Carrera: even when she was mean to him, he stayed respectful. not even saying a mean thing behind her back.
Rose: we know he flirted with her in the og script to get better tips, but the scene was cut. I still think it's important to add tho because it adds a layer to his infamous player attitude
Mrs. Limbry: again, even though she was the enemy that point in the story, he still didn't say a bad word about her unlike some of the men they went against.
what it comes down to here is that he has too much respect for the women in his life, to treat even just random girls, in the way that would hurt them.
when it comes to what Kie did and if JJ would do it too? never, because he puts his friends above all else. he would never.
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