isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Knockout68.
So, I really, really like LyLu. Like many of my other Lucy ships, I don't know why I love it. I really like Lyon and I guess I enjoy the ship for the same reasons that I enjoy GraLu. I think that Lyon and Lucy would make a pretty good couple, or at the very least great friends. Too bad they don't really get good moments together. I also grieve the fact that there aren't a lot of LyLu fics. Seriously, there is a surprisingly small amount of fics about them. I have found more MardLu fics than LyLu. If you know of any LyLu fics, then please give me the names or links. 
I hope you enjoy! 
Rescuing Gray (Lyon x Lucy ft. Gray)
Lyon sat at a table with Sherry, Juvia, Natsu, and Erza. He and his guildmate were visiting Fairy Tail. Though Sherry had visited because she wanted to chat with her friends, Lyon had visited for two different reasons. To fight Gray, and to talk to Lucy. Upon arrival, he learned that Gray had taken a solo job, which left him with the other reason he had decided to visit Fairy Tail. 
The Ice-Make mage was now sitting at a table with a few chatting mages, ignoring them as he stared at the celestial wizard who was sitting at the bar while sipping on a strawberry milkshake and reading a book. Lyon furrowed his brow, silently yelling at himself to get the hell up and go talk to her, but his body wouldn't move, a feeling of nervousness coiling around in his gut. 
As he struggled to make himself approach the woman who he had fallen for, Lyon felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He looked at the mage next to him, seeing Sherry giving him a sympathetic smile. She leaned toward him to whisper in his ear, "go ask her what she's reading." 
Lyon looked back at Lucy, a wave of anxiousness washed over him at the mere thought of talking to her. He attempted to gulp down the lump in his throat. He was too frozen to move, no matter how much he wanted to. Before he could react, Sherry grabbed him by his arm and pulled him toward Lucy before stopping halfway and pushing him toward the blonde woman. 
Lyon stumbled a bit before he finally found his footing. He looked back at Sherry, sending the grinning, pink-haired woman a glare that said 'I'm going to make you pay.' He was about launch his vengeance when he heard Lucy ask, "Lyon? Is there something you need?"
The pale blue-haired man tensed before he turned around to look at the woman. He saw that she was looking at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion, a pink blush dusted across her cheeks in an alluring way. He mustered a smile as he responded, hoping that his voice didn't give away his anxiousness, "I-um...just wanted to know...what you were reading?"
Lucy looked down at the book that she was holding in her hands before she looked back up at Lyon with a bright smile, answering, "it's called 'Rescuing Dawn'. It's about a couple of friends named Lee and James who go on a journey to save their other friend Dawn from some demonic creatures. During the journey, they fall in love." 
Lyon hesitantly walked forward, sitting next to her as he questioned, "could you tell me more?" When Lucy smiled at him and nodded, he felt his cheeks warm up and his gut become filled with butterflies. He loved her smile. It was just so beautiful, in his eyes. When Lucy opened the book again to talk more about it, he leaned closer, his blush becoming darker but not able to bring himself to lean away from her. He then glanced at the blonde next to him, noticing almost immediately that her earlier blush had darkened. 
Lyon stared at her face, a blush painted across her cheeks and a smile that appeared to be almost shy evident. He silently questioned if it was possible that she could feel the same way about him, or could it be that she was just reacting this way because of their close proximity? 
He continued to stare down at her, both wondering if she had romantic feelings for him too while also marveling at how beautiful she was. He was then brought out of his thoughts when he felt Lucy's hand resting on his cheek. Lyon tensed once again as he felt his cheeks heat up. Lucy stared up at him with a concerned gaze. The Ice-Make mage leaned away from her and coughed into his fist, his throat suddenly dry. He waved at Mira, requesting a drink for him to hopefully relieve the dryness of his throat. 
When a glass of water was sat down in front of him, the barmaid giving him a knowing smirk, he downed it, the cold water bringing just enough relief for him to speak when Lucy asked him if he was alright, "yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, Lucy, I just zoned out." 
He stared down at the empty glass as he tightened his grip on it, refusing to look at the celestial wizard due to how red he knew his cheeks were. Lucy was silent for a few moments before she responded, "alright..." Her voice trailed off and her tone made her sound as though she was sad or disappointed. Lyon felt his heart twist a little, feeling like he was the reason that she may be sad.
He looked over at her, seeing that she was looking down at her book that was sitting on top of the bar. The pale blue-haired man opened his mouth to ask if she was alright, wanting to comfort her and relieve any sadness that she may have. However, he was stopped before he could speak when Makarov called to the pair from where he stood on the railing of the second floor of the guildhall, "Lucy! Lyon! I have a mission for you both!" 
Lyon and Lucy looked at each other before they hurried up to Makarov's office to see what he needed them to do. 
"Star Shot!" Lucy called as she shot several arrows at the demon-like creature that she and Lyon were fighting. 
The two of them had been called onto by Makarov to travel into the mountains and save Gray. Apparently, he had gone to fight a monster, but was injured in the fight, leaving him unable to continue. Lucy and Lyon quickly accepted the mission and rushed into the mountains. 
If Lucy was being honest, she was thankful for the rescue mission. She had been sitting at Fairy Tail's bar, trying to get her mind off of the fact that the man she loved was sitting at a table near her. She then was approached by said man and dared to be hopeful when he asked about her book and she noticed that he was blushing as he stared at her, seeming to be lost in his thoughts. She was hoping that he would confess to her, but the hope was crushed when he claimed that he had merely zoned out. This rescue mission meant that she could distract herself from her possibly unrequited love for Lyon. 
She heard Lyon yell, "Ice-Make: Snow Tiger!" as she turned to look back at Gray, seeing that he was still unconscious. She furrowed her brow. They had to end this monster before Gray's condition got worse. 
The celestial wizard turned back to the monster and switched to her "Star Dress: Cancer Form." She ran at the beast and began slashing at it with her twin blades. The monster was a giant, black-furred gorilla-like creature. According to the requester, it was possibly a Demon of Zeref. 
Lucy jumped onto the monster's arm and ran up it, aiming to slash at its eyes with the hope that doing so would give her and Lyon an advantage. Just as she went for the attack, she was smacked away and crashed into a large boulder with a cry of pain. She heard Lyon call out to her, "Lucy!" as she managed to pull herself to her feet with a groan of pain. 
She called back to her fighting partner, "I'm alright!" Then, she switched to her "Star Dress: Virgo Form" and rushed back into the fight, only to skid to a stop when she saw that Lyon was struggling to hold up a shield of ice as the monster pounded its massive fists on the shield over and over, causing visible cracks to form in it. Lucy felt panic shoot through her as she ran toward the monster, the urge to save Lyon taking over her entire being. 
She was just about to launch an attack when Lyon yelled at her, "No! Lucy, take Gray into town and call Master Makarov for backup!" 
Lucy stopped in her tracks and yelled back at him, tears welling up in her eyes as the fear of losing him became almost unbearable, "I'm not leaving you!" 
Lyon faltered in holding up his icy shield before he managed to push a foot forward, regaining his footing that he had almost lost. He then yelled back, "go, Lucy! I can't let you get hurt any further! Grab Gray and get to the town!"
Tears rolled down her cheeks as Lucy screamed, screwing her eyes shut, "I love you too much to leave you!" 
Her brown eyes snapped open and she froze, instantly realizing what she had just admitted. She looked at Lyon, seeing that he was staring at her with widened eyes, his mouth slightly agape. Lucy balled her fists and took a deep breath before she turned her attention to the monster. She used "Aqua Metria" to knock it away from Lyon, trapping it in the softened ground. This allowed Lyon to form a dome of ice around the monster. 
As it punched the icy dome and roared, struggling to free itself. Lucy collapsed to her knees as she breathed heavily, her entire body hurting with every breath. She flinched when she felt a gentle hand rest on her shoulder. The blonde woman looked next to her to see Lyon, kneeling beside her and appearing to be just as exhausted as her. 
The Ice-Make mage questioned, hope swimming in his black eyes, eyes that Lucy spent many nights dreaming of staring into, "you love me?" His voice was low, like a fragile whisper. 
Lucy looked down at the ground. She couldn't back out now. She got herself into this, and now she had to see it through. She heaved a sigh before she admitted, "yes...I love you, Lyon." 
She tensed her body, preparing herself for rejection. However, that didn't happen. Instead, Lyon hooked a finger under her chin and titled her head up, pressing a kiss to her lips. Lucy's eyes widened in shock before she closed them and returned the kiss. 
When they pulled away, they were about to go back in for another kiss, but were stopped when Gray yelled at them, "I'm happy for you two and all, but I need medical attention now!" 
Lucy and Lyon chuckled as the blonde stood and made her way over to her friend. She hoisted him to his feet, Gray's arm draped over her shoulder while her arm was wrapped around his waist to support him. 
Lyon walked toward them, instructing, "take Gray into town and call Fairy Tail for backup. I'll stay here and make sure this thing doesn't go anywhere." 
Lucy nodded, this time sure that he would be alright by himself. As she helped a hobbling Gray in the direction of the town, she heard Lyon call her name, causing her too turn and look back at him. Lyon smiled at her as he said, "I love you."
Lucy smiled back, responding, "I love you too." She then turned back, making her way to the town with Gray. 
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xarliclub · 10 months
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¡Detengan todo! #GodzillaMinusOne es una de las mejores películas del año.
#XarliClub #movies #films #cinema #review #pelis #peliculas #cine #blog #bloggers #bloggerstribe #Godzilla
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@/icryink’s 2023 Cringetober!!
Day 1!!!!!
I didn’t want to make another account just for this sooooo…
Character: Lylu
Type: Shared Oc
Made: 2015~2017
Lylu is a ship child of @/rainbowspinch and I.
She was created with no story or origin but since 2020 she’s a lab creation that was made because Spinch left her hair lying around.
Unaware of her child Spinch flew off to somewhere (another country I think) and never got the child support papers. I also ended up leaving and Lylu gained for test tube ship children friends.
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weonbullshit · 1 year
Biblically accurate Seojun (looking way sadder than I had planned 😅) And another Lylu test for Vashti. I think I might stick with this one.
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Okay okay so I found leon and Lucy very interesting so I am wondering how would peppy and the starfox team and starwolf team react when they found out that Leon and Lucy are dating
Ah, I see someone became curious about the Leon and Lucy. You see, someone had suggested it at random to me, and I just decided to sketch them. I was curious to see what kind of dynamic those two would have if they had ever met in such circumstances that would allow a proper conversation. And it is a tragic couple, psychologically.
And you see, Peppy Hare would never approve of it. May Lylus smite him where he stands, but he would never see his baby bun succumb to someone like Leon. Whatever honeyed venom words the lizard slithered into her head, it didn't matter. The creature was always proud of the pain and torture caused. So why should he accept someone that could easily want to get back at the team?
And the same goes to Fox's reaction, not accepting it. That's, technically, a sibling of his. Whereas Slippy is worried, but more... respecting and understanding that this might be something Lucy will want to be free of. Falco is much more... callous instead. It's not his business. It's not his circus. It shouldn't be. But he also knows Leon in a certain way and something tells him this wasn't a one sided manipulation.
Oh no, you see...
Lucy is in on it. The amount of bitterness she has over how fate ended up for her... Maybe she wants to see her father upset for all the times he was not there for her. For not seeing Vivian pass away, be next to them when they all needed that unity the most. For not permitting her to be part of the Star Fox team out of fear of losing her, like Peppy lost James. And by leaving an empty space there beside her twice as large.
There is a masochism Lucy became addicted to. And it's possibly something Leon can provide to her. A sense of understanding of what jealousy, neglect and suffering needs. A harder bite and scar that needs the comfort of soft words and healing. Trauma and fears never go away, but can be made a shield in the long run if nutured properly.
Panther is slightly more optimistic about the couple. Romantic at heart and the compass of the Star Wolf team. And of course, for Wolf, Lucy is nothing but a perfect ticket to use when they need to.
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kanatanabramovic · 1 year
☑ 161. Sacred hill. by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2023 08 04 Blog...~ le soleil ~ See the blog for more details ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ [ - Outfit - ] ☑ Happy Weekend 60L (June 18th Round) Dress: CURELESS[+] Clotho Dress ☑ FaMESHed ( June round ) Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Narine hair-Exclusive Head Accessory: *LODE* Head Accessory - Lylu [Full Pack] Neckpiece: - PENDULUM - ELENGI . NECKPIECE - Gold Claws: - PENDULUM - ELENGI . Claws Ear Cuffs: - PENDULUM - CHANTIEL . EarCuffs - MASTERPACK Rings: Vibing -- Leah Rings -- Gold Sleeves: Moon Elixir x MUSE - Queen of Everything - Sleeves [ - Makeup - ] ☑ Group Gift Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Delilah skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Olive - Delilah Lip: (Enfer Sombre*) Aimee Lipstick {LeL HD} Eyes: {S0NG} Blinded Eyes - V2 [ - Decoration - ] Fox: +Half-Deer+ Fennec Fox - Erigeron: box)-Garden- by anc "Erigeron" (white) Shrub: HPMD* Shrub03 - summer Tree: HPMD* Garden Tree11 - fatpack Steps: dust bunny . petal steps . dark Gazebo: CONVAIR Paris Gazebo
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xgetxlostx · 2 years
Takie zasady mam
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My work for Rare Pairs Week 2022 event, hosted by @ftguildevents !
Day 5: Wish - Lucy/Lyon
If you like what you saw here, please consider commissions me!
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kaatseye · 5 years
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small gift for @vasutia, featuring her crack otp !!
- - - - - do not repost w/o credit. art: @kaatseye.  ♡
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dragonshost · 6 years
Fimbulvetr has been posted
Check it out, folks
But keep in mind that it's a horror for a reason
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mad-sakhalin · 7 years
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by AspenWood.
This is a reincarnation AU and takes place in the modern world.
I hope you enjoy!
Want to Have Coffee with Me? (Lyon x Lucy)
It is a phenomenon in which someone is reborn into a new life. The belief in this is ranged among the people of the world. Some believe in it, but others don't. It's a topic of debate, fueled by stories of children remembering events that they couldn't possibly have experienced personally.
The boy who remembered having been a firefighter. The girl who had memories of being a wife and mother. The twins who could recall being twins at another point in time. Deja vu, when you have an experience that feels familiar despite having never actually been through it, is often times attributed to reincarnation.
Have you ever had a line of dialogue that was stuck in your head despite having never actually heard it? Well, Lucy has, and it's been roaming through her mind during all of her lifetimes. A simple question. Six short words. She's heard a voice that wasn't hers say it in her head at the most random of times, and this had been happening since she was a child. 
"Want to have coffee with me?" 
Centuries in the past, when this cycle of reincarnation first began, a young heiress walked through her hometown, her hands holding up the front of her gown's skirts to allow for easier walking. She was making her way back home from visiting a close friend. She sighed, dreading the moment she would step foot into her father's mansion. She knew that she shouldn't have left without any bodyguards or a chariot, but she just wanted to walk through Magnolia, not ride in a loud chariot and without being flanked by men who were being paid by her father to scare off any person who would even attempt to talk to her. 
She looked at the cobblestoned road, watching as men and women passed by, middle-class people going for evening walks, judging by their clothes. Lucy looked back ahead. She looked to her other side and noticed that she was walking by a coffeehouse. She stopped and peered inside at the people who were sitting around and sipping on hot coffee.
As she watched, a voice broke her our of her thoughts, "what are you doing out here?" 
Lucy turned to see an attractive, young man approached her. His hair was a pale-blue color while his tailcoat and vest were dark blue, his pants were black, and his shirt was white. The man stopped right next to her and raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer. 
Lucy responded after she turned her full body to face him, "passing by." 
"Why not? Is this area dangerous?" 
"No, it's just not proper for a lady to be out for a walk alone. I'm sure your father wouldn't like this." 
"How do you know what my father would and wouldn't like?"
The man crossed his arms over his chest as he answered simply, "you're Lady Lucy Heartfilia, are you not?" 
Lucy's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. How did this man know who she was when she didn't know who he was? She questioned, "how do you-" 
The man interupted her, saying, "I'm Lyon Vastia. I saw you at last month's ball." 
Lucy stared at him in surprise. The Vastia family was below her own in terms of power and wealth, but not by much. She had expected to meet another member of the upper-class were middle-class families resided and lower-class men and women worked. 
She quickly recovered, smiling back at him and responding, "I'm surprised to see you hear. What have you been up to? I hope it's not mischief." 
Lyon chuckled, "no, not at all. I was merely visiting a friend. And you?" 
"Visiting a friend." 
Lyon gave a short hummed and looked into the coffeehouse that they were standing next to. He then looked back at Lucy, asking, "have you ever tried coffee?" When Lucy shook her head, the pale-blue-haired man offered his arm to her and inquired, "want to have coffee with me?" Lucy smiled as she hooked her arm with his and allowed him to lead her into the coffeehouse. 
Ever since that lifetime, Lucy and Lyon had been destined to meet and fall in love in every one of their lives. And each time, the romance would begin with that one question.
"Want to have coffee with me?" 
In the modern day, Lucy spent several days in a row at her college library, either researching for an essay, or studying for quizzes. She was exhausted and at the point where she was thinking that maybe dropping out of college wasn't that bad of an idea. 
She groaned as her head dropped onto the open book in front of her. She let go of her pencil and let her hand rest on top of her not-even-half-written essay. Her hand was aching, her brain was hurting, and she was tired. 
Several minutes passed by before the blonde lifted her body back up to sit semi-straight in her seat. She looked down at the table in front of her, eyeing the several open books and few handwritten essays that littered the surface of the table. She sighed, wondering if she really did need this literature degree. 
She was muling it over when she heard a man's laughter. She looked up to find a man standing by her table and staring down at her in amusement. Her lips pouted slightly as she questioned, "what?" 
She looked him up and down as he moved around to sit on the chair that was across the table from her. He was dressed in black pants, dark blue hoodie, and his hair was a pale-blue color. He leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. 
After a few moments of silence, the man spoke, "you look like you need a pick-me-up." 
Lucy raised an eyebrow, asking, "a what?" 
"A pick-me-up, somehting that'll give you some energy, like coffee." 
Lucy sighed, "coffee would be great right now." 
"Want to go get some?"
"...we don't even know each other." 
The man chuckled before he responded, "right. I'm Lyon." 
Lucy gave him a scrutinizing look before she returned, "I'm Lucy." 
Lyon stood up and walked around the table, holding out his hand toward her. "Want to have coffee with me?" 
Lucy looked between him and his hand, thinking over going to a coffee shop with him. Deciding that she did really need some coffee and she would be fine as long as they remained in public, she took his hand and let him lead her out of the library, leaving her things on the table behind.
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xarliclub · 1 year
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De vez en cuando llegan una películas que mueve el status quo del cine #Carretera15 es una de esas. Estreno el 5 de oct.
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gravitymikanheart · 7 years
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weonbullshit · 1 year
Concept art for a Lylu form using my oc Vashti.
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It's okay, but I don't care for it that much. Something about it just feels lackluster to me, and I don't know why.
She's based a bit off of mega Diance and this art I saw of a jellyfish girl once. 🤷🏾
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lostintheirshadows · 4 years
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@livinglifefulloffear​ @alskling-i-amor-you​ @danielle-ifer-blog​ @suicidalnikki​ @consumedintheshadow​ @tatianasnow​ @chloechloe554-blog​ @hurtinginsideme​ @lylue​ @jaraamsiie​ @h0rr0rbabe​ @full-of-self-hate-blog​ @empty-3yes​ @this-time-im-a-little-run-d-blog​ @bring-your-own-sunshine-love​ @imsorrywhatwerewetalkingabout​ @just-another-socialcasualty​ @fxck-ya-chicken-strips​ @how-stuburn-are-these-scars​
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