#mainly cause I kept getting distracted
freckleslikestars · 1 year
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Mamma Mia! (2008) Soundtrack
(insp. x/x/x)
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akutasoda · 13 days
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hold my hand, lean on me
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synopsis - jiaoqiu adjusting to domestic life with you
includes - jiaoqiu
warnings - gn!reader, spoilers for 2.5, angst w/ some comfort, fluff, maybe ooc, wc - 1.3k
a/n: i actually cannot get this darn foxian out my mind :( shouts to @thelightofmylife for some vv helpful pointers and information ^^ tbh i feel like this is just 1.3k words of word vomit HAHA
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the healers finished informing you of the situation, thanking them you then closed the door to the shared abode. a sigh you didn't know you were holding back escaped alongside a glance down to the papers the healer's handed over. you could read them later, the news followed by the details of it wasn't exactly a pleasant thought, if anything it might be a final push for the tears to start falling.
your thoughts were distracted by the sound of hesitant, shuffling footsteps. turning around, you were met with the sight of jiaoqiu standing idly not too far from you - almost as if he was taking in the surroundings, although now it was more him trying to piece together the memories of what it looked like.
jiaoqiu had arrived back at the yaoqing not too long ago, admittedly rather late, but the luofu's alchemy commission had kept him for a while. he'd been forced immediately to the yaoqing’s alchemy commission as they were now the ones responsible for his treatment plan for the future. a short talk with them had then led to him being escorted back home. to you.
upon arrival, some of the alchemy commission healers explained to you about the entire situation. they kept it short but soon handed you a full document containing everything from “patient’s injuries” to “doctor’s post-charge advice” - each and every sentence pained you more and more, you refused to acknowledge what would've happened if moze hadn't found him, you would have to thank him later.
the healers had asked you to take upon the responsibility of looking after him at home, and in most day to day life scenarios - at least until he adjusted properly. they asked you to keep strict to the “post-charge advice” as otherwise it probably would cause more harm to him, making his healing process longer and maybe even worsening it beyond healing.
“jiao-ge” you called out, to let him know that you were still near. it pained to see the somber look on his face. the last thing jiaoqiu saw wasn't anyone, anywhere or anything he loved. no. it was something he hated, someone he loathed in unfamiliar territory surrounded by no-one he knew.
now he stood in familiar territory, with the person he loved the most. but he couldn't bask in the sights or even see you. all he had was memories to cast images in his mind, to help pretend that nothing was wrong and that he could see what he remembered.
you knew that he wouldn't want you doting on him. jiaoqiu needed to adjust, to learn how to go about his life as usual and you overly fussing over him would only probably annoy him and prolong that.
it had been a long day, any proper conversations could be held tomorrow. to no surprise, jiaoqiu insisted he could get ready and do everything by himself. you granted him that independence. eventually, admittedly with some help, you two were ready for sleep. and even though you were right there beside him, jiaoqiu never felt further from you.
the process was slow. nobody would've said that it was going to be anything other than that. jiaoqiu very clearly wanted independence. he didn't want to seen as a burden, he chose to do this, and knowing that people were constantly doting on him instead of continuing with their lives made him feel awful.
one of the first things you did was help make your shared abode more compatible with his needs. an easy step was making sure that everywhere was clean and free of obstruction, normally moze always
showed up and helped with cleaning as well. another step was helping jiaoqiu become able to navigate the home on his own, mainly he acted on memory but you needed to make sure that where he frequented was always obstruction free.
occasionally you could hear a bump or hurried shuffling from the room over, each and every time you dropped what you were doing and checked up on him. it was never anything major and if anything it always resulted in jiaoqiu silently cursing at the piece of furniture he walked into.
you two always adopted a verbal calling system at home. should you need to leave the room he was in, you would tell him exactly where you were going and what you were doing - that way he knew where you were. jiaoqiu would also inform you of where he planned on going just in case something happened or he got lost.
although, admittedly, for the first couple of weeks jiaoqiu stuck to you like glue. to him, it was a way to quickly adjust and therefore he wouldn't have to be a burden for long. however jiaoqiu subsequently had developed a rather interesting habit, one neither of you addressed - you because you thought it was sweet and didn't want to embarrass him, him because he didn't want to admit it.
and that was him using his tail as a guidance. at home, it was either curled around your waist, wrist or leg. in public, it lingered around your wrist, so much so that it constantly tickled you. it was a way of him making sure you were there with him, you hadn't left him and he was okay.
although most admittedly it was worse at night. he would hold you close, an ironclad grip that usually you would ask for him to let up but you knew he needed this. tail curled around your waist, preventing you from escaping. in his opinion, you helped him sleep easier, much easier than any fragrances he was prescribed.
however, this always came with a risk. due to residual lupitoxin still in his body, jiaoqiu became frequently prone to nightmares which plagued him constantly. everytime his mind was tricked into believing that the borisin were waiting, patiently looking for an opening to get revenge.
he wakes up because of them, drenched in fear and swear, and because he's so fearful the lupitoxin can take hold easier. suddenly he's tricked into believing that the borisin have found him. unbeknownst to the fact that it's you. so you sometimes take the liberty of sleeping away from him, but then he wakes up to an empty bead but he can hear someone in the room over and when he finds out it was you, sleeping away from him, he becomes consumed with guilt.
a major change for him was his inability to cook anymore. jiaoqiu was determined to do so with his impairment but he needed to learn. nowadays you cook with him. instead of being hushed out of the kitchen, you stood closely beside him, handing him the tools he needed, telling him where you put them so he could find them again on his own.
gently reminding him to lay off the spices when he requested more, he was to avoid spicy foods at all costs for the time being. a hard change, one that he absolutely despised but he knew better than to go against a doctor's order. helping him go out and buy ingredients, listening to what he told you and carrying out the tasks diligently.
and that was a shortlist of changes. you were very happy to accommodate anything for him, so long as he felt comfortable and loved. it wasn't uncommon for jiaoqiu to experience major lows, it was only natural and you needed to be there for him.
to listen to him, to show him that the support he needed was always a simple ask away - you didn't want to push to dote on him for many reasons. but that was different to showing genuine care and love to him when he started seeing himself as a useless, dependent person.
life would be different. for a while or maybe even forever, perhaps feixiao would strike lucky in her search for a healer that knew how to help. but for now, you two would have to learn how to adjust. to be there for eachother.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
for anyone wondering where i've been: i got... distracted... by a potential huge project. I was considering running a mcrp project/smp project, inspired by stuff like fan life series servers, with the rest of the sexyman team! but... a different one. a very specific one, even.
now, I'm aware there are probably outstanding questions, so if you're uncertain, please read more event/server details below the cut and see if it interests you!
I don't know anything about Survivor–what would this show even be like?
so if you know nothing about survivor, it's easy to think it's a show about surviving on a deserted island. it is that, but it's not mainly that. survivor, at its heart, is a social deception game, about making close alliances, betraying people, and social dynamics under pressure–hence why i suspect it would be a great fit for mcrp.
the way the show would be structured is this: a certain number of contestants would be placed on a (slightly modified) survival server, set up to be difficult to survive on. they are placed into two "tribes", the teams for the first half of the show. every episode, they would spend time with their tribes bonding, surviving, searching for secrets, and base building. then, they would compete in challenges. the tribe that loses the immunity challenge must go to tribal council, where they vote on which member to send home. this continues with the tribes eventually merging together into one tribe and immunity becoming individual before there are only two contestants left. at that time, they go in front a jury of their former fellow contestants, who will determine who the sole survivor is.
while challenge performance is one key to winning (as it prevents you from being a target in the first place), the other, bigger key, as you can likely see, is forming alliances and voting blocks strategically to get your opponents voted out and yourself kept in. this makes a great vehicle for social emergent storytelling, where narratives emerge about who is honest, who is a liar, who is good at the social game, who is bad at it, and what people will do in order to become sole survivor.
in other words: it's kind of like what current-day mcrp is ALREADY about. except its a gameshow also, and the very construction of the thing is designed to cause tensions by its very nature.
it's great! and you wouldn't be required to know anything about survivor–our host would explain to the audience all of the mechanics as they came up, as would production staff to the players.
You keep calling it "a show"–what do you mean by that?
the result of this project would be an edited youtube series, like survivor, of likely around twelve episodes. each episode would show footage from the game, as well as a lot of "confessionals" shots of the players explaining their opinions, before ending in tribal council! unlike most mcrp series, this would not be a multiple pov affair. it would be one tightly edited project. (this editing, for the record, is the largest overhead; we expect the amount of footage to go through to end up being in the hundreds of hours combined between all the players.)
it's possible that after the show's finale releases we'll release the players to make their own highlights from any footage they take. but the product we're hoping to make is just a single TV show's worth!
what exactly does applying to be a contestant require?
if we get enough interest, once we have enough of the required plugins and builds created and have a better sense of gameplay, we will put out a casting call form. while this will ask a number of questions to help us get to know you as a potential player, you're going to be REQUIRED to have the following things: a tumblr blog that you can link us to, the ability to record an audition tape in minecraft to send to us (so that we can get an idea of what audio we'd be working with, mostly), enough free time for us to be able to schedule recording sessions into, and a willingness to agree to some rules about keeping things secret until the finale airs and about rp etiquette. that's it! there are no other requirements–you don't have to know survivor, you don't have to already do mcyt or stream, you don't have to have friends, none of it, and while we'll ask you for those details, we're going to be looking for a large blend of people from across mcyt! anyone (who can send us mostly clean audio) can be considered!
EDIT: we would ALSO REQUIRE YOU BE AT LEAST 18. sorry i forgot this before! this is for a number of reasons i don't want to get into, but will be prominent on the actual applications.
what exactly would being a production staff member entail?
we're mainly looking for two things in production staff: a willingness to run replaymod for us and act as cameramen by following contestants around getting footage on the actual recording days, and a willingness to work with us on what's likely to be a fairly intense editing and "scripting" period during and after recording, during which we're going to have to scrub through massive amounts of footage and form it into a coherent narrative. we may, depending on how bad we realize we've bitten off more than we can chew, also end up looking for build team members for the production crew. if these things sound fun to you (they sound fun to me god help me), then go ahead and select this option! just know it's mutually exclusive with playing; no one in the production staff will be considered for the contestants. this includes my friends and myself who've already agreed to help me.
these applications would come out before the casting call, since even before casting call we're going to need to do playtests and dry runs and have things mostly ready. so keep an eye out!
will this be run on your blog?
nope we're going to make a new blog (and youtube channel) (and branding!) for this eventually, just want to interest check before we go through all the branding steps. (also, i've even gotten us a specific gmail for this that we will likely end up using for certain communications.)
for now that's all the FAQ i think that is required. let me know if you have more! and i hope you all are interested in this baby of a project that's taken over my mind for the past few weeks!
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juuuulez · 8 months
showing them your party dress, and they judge you (thinking it’s slutty or they get jealous) and won’t come to the deannas party with you. you get drunk and they help u 😝😝😝 (comfort angst)
info: Rick Grimes x Reader, NSFW, sorta drunk sex, Spencer is a creep, unsafe sex/pulling out, p in v.
summary: After pissing you off over a comment about your outfit, Rick tries to prove your worth another way.
omg idk when this escalated into smut but it did, but thanks for the request!!! thought i’d show rick some love because he’s soooo dilf and there isn’t enough rick appreciation on this page
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You wrap your hair around the curling iron, clamping down the hot metal and holding it in place. Tonight, Deanna is having a party for the new residents, and you’d been practically buzzing with excitement all day. Not only was Alexandria a miracle to come across, but they treated life with some semblance of normality.
“That the dress you’re wearin’?” A voice behind you asks, your gaze fluttering up to watch Rick through the mirror. He’s standing behind you, eyes scanning the dress you’d put on.
It was black, form-fitting and short. Paired with some kitten heels, you looked good enough to eat. Except, you’d thought it would illicit a bit more… excitement from your boyfriend.
“Yeah,” You agree, “Rosita found it for me. Said I’d look good in it.”
As if to prove your point, you turn around, giving a little spin in an almost childish manner. Rick stands there, stone faced, not betraying a single emotion.
“You do,” He finally lets up, “But is this the impression we wanna give?”
A response doesn’t come right away, silence filling the space between you as the words stew in your mind. They sound strangely negative, causing your brows to furrow into a little frown.
“C’mon, baby. You know what I mean.” Rick tries again, having sensed that he’s said something wrong.
But you’ve already turned away, continuing to primp your hair in the mirror. “Are you coming tonight?” You ask, completely avoiding his previous misstep for the sake of not becoming upset before the party.
“No, not tonight,” Rick sighs, “Got some shit to sort out.”
This one doesn’t get a reply either, and Rick knows that you aren’t pleased. So far, your relationship has been anything but normal. Back at the prison, he’d kept you at an arms length, finding your alluring nature and sweet smile threatening to his morals. Yet, over time, he’d let you in, and you’d wormed your way into his life.
“You could stay home, too. Wait for me. We’ll watch a movie when I get home.” He ends up suggesting, trying to alleviate your souring mood.
It’s fruitless, for you’re still persisting. “No. I want to party, like every other person in this town.”
“In that dress?” He questions once more.
You turn again, shooting the older man a glare. “Yes. Now leave, I’m getting ready, and you’re distracting me.” You essentially demand, and as not to get bitten, Rick obeys.
Part of you is pissed that he folded so easily, even though it was your bad temper. Regardless, you swore to have fun tonight, Rick or no Rick.
So, you finished doing your hair, even going so far as to put a little makeup on. It felt good, all of it, mainly because it just felt normal. You ventured from your house, trailing down the street to where the commotion was, eager to have a fun night out and remove Rick’s comment from your mind.
Though you claimed to be over it, your actions were saying otherwise.
Alcohol wasn’t commonplace during the apocalypse, at least not for your group. It wasn’t a necessity, and would only worsen the burden of surviving, having to recover from hangovers or be momentarily inebriated.
But tonight? You’d drink as much as you wanted to. Wine had never really been your favourite, but now, it was like liquid gold.
Maybe you were still annoyed at Rick, and you certainly were annoyed at Spencer, who kept talking to you at every possible opportunity. He didn’t like Rick, so in favour, you didn’t like him.
Everything turned into a blur at one point, and you would vaguely remember sitting down on the couch, nursing a cup of water in hand. Who gave you water? It didn’t really matter, for once more, Spencer had sat next to you.
He offered you another glass of wine, and stupidly, you took it.
“Ever get bored of playing with your old man?” He asked, lips upturned into a wicked grin, like the joke was supposed to be amusing. It wasn’t.
There’s a sickly feeling in your stomach, though it doesn’t stem from the alcohol, but guilt. “I need some air.” You end up mumbling, uncoordinatedly stumbling from the couch.
Spencer follows a few steps behind you, his hand on your arm with the feinted intention of helping.
“Without you!” You clarify in a drunken yell, messily yanking both heels from your feet, leaving them in the hallway while you make a break for the door.
Fortunately, Spencer gets the message.
Not that it mattered, for there was another face you didn’t want to see, waiting right outside.
Rick looked so good in the little police uniform they’d given him, with his clean shaven face and trimmed hair. It was a completely different man from the one you’d known, but delicious nonetheless.
“I don’t need your help, asshole.” You snap whilst faltering down the steps, barefoot on the pavement. Right now, he didn’t deserve the satisfaction of helping you, or knowing how good he looked.
“Yes you do, c’mon.” Rick persists, and when he moves to take your arm, you don’t protest. Maybe you are a little far gone. He gently leads you along, one hand wrapped around your shoulder, the other carefully tugging the bottom of your dress down a little more.
It’s a short walk back home, to the little picket-fenced house you’ve been living in. The instance you’re inside, you collapse on the couch, melting into the fabric and willing to pass out right then and there.
Rick kneels down on the ground, leaning in and removing your jewellery. Necklace, earrings, bracelet. Once they’re all set aside, he sits on the couch, the movement causing you to rise with a little frown.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asks, large hands scooping under your thighs and manoeuvring your body into his lap.
When you only look down, he grips at your chin, forcing the eye contact. The frown deepens, though now out of defiance, still drunk and a little pissed off.
“We’ve spent so long bein’ dirty ‘n muddy ‘n gross..” You begin in a mumble, the words coming out as one long sigh. “I just wanted to feel sexy.”
“You are so sexy,” Rick urges, hand caressing your side. “Always.”
“Then you should’ve come to the party with me.” You retort, that sad look still on your face, and it takes everything in Rick not to kiss it off.
“I know, I know. I should’ve been there,” He agrees, “And I should’ve told you how damn good this dress looks on you.”
Your nose scrunches up in confusion, “I thought you didn’t like it.”
Rick finally releases his grip on your chin, skating both hands down the smooth curve of your sides, all nicely contained in that skimpy dress. It’s like a perfect package, one he wants to unwrap.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, baby. I love it,” He reveals, eyes locked onto yours, “But I wanna be the only one who can love it.”
A grin finally grows on your lips, still all pink and glossy from the makeup. Even in your drunken state, there’s something alluring about the way you lean closer, breath fanning over Rick’s lips.
“Then prove it.” You whisper.
Like a moth to a flame, Rick bites. He closes the gap, savouring your sloppy kisses as you devour his lips, hands fumbling to cup either side of his smooth face. Somehow, kissing him felt even better drunk, like everything else just melted away.
Disconnecting, Rick trailed purposeful kisses down your neck, sucking brief marks into your skin, staking his claim. He peeled the straps of the dress down, pushing the fabric down under the swell of your breasts, until they were completely bare to him.
You gasped as his lips trapped a nipple, fondling at the supple flesh whilst worshipping you with his mouth. But you were already strung tight, not having the patience to deal with a night of teasing.
Fingers hooked into his belt, painted nails scratching at the denim as you failed to muster enough coordination to unzip him. “Please.. please, Rick.” You whined.
“I know, baby. Don’t have’ta beg tonight.” He assures you in that rough, yet soothing tone, taking over and pulling his cock free of its restraints.
Rick pushes the dress up over your hips, the soft fabric now simply a band around your waist. You’re eager to take him, arms wrapping around his broad shoulders whilst you hover over his thighs, allowing Rick to line you up and make the slide easier.
The drunken haze has faded some, replaced by a blanket of arousal as you slowly ride him, fingers gripping at his shirt. You’re saying something, begging probably, but it doesn’t make any sense. Not that it matters.
Though you’re set on riding him, Rick knows you’re probably sore from those heels all night, so he grips tight at your hips to flip you over, drilling you down into the plush couch.
“Fuck..” You gasp, head lolling to the side as Rick bites into the flesh of your neck, body completely surrounding you as his thrusts become powerful and short, angled up right where you need it.
“I know, baby. You can take it.” He grunts, using all his strength to draw you closer to the edge.
By now, he knows your tells. The tightening of your cunt as it squeezes him, the way your legs wrap around his slim waist. Whatever words make it from your mouth, though unintelligible, take on a whiny pitch.
Rick snakes his hand between you, pressing firm, tight circles around your clit that make you gasp and squirm under him. “Quietly, baby. You can do it. Let go for me.”
And that you do, hips bucking upwards as your peak finally hits, muffling your cries into his shoulder. The pulsating around his dick causes Rick to finally falter, managing a few more staggered, sharp thrusts before roughly pulling out and spilling onto your stomach. Spurts of white cum coat the bunched up dress, some even reaching the underside of your tits.
“Fuck,” Rick pants, catching his breath. “Looks like you can’t wear this dress anyway.”
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Pissa Reunion Masterpost: (Literally there’s so much content we got this is gonna be hella long pls help me)
FIRST OFF YA DONTCHA SEE WHY THE PISSA NATION IS LOCO OVER THIS DUO? WE HAVE BEEN STARVING. PHILZA ALWAYS BEEN LOYAL TO ONE WET CAT! And that is Missa. And secondly I got most of the earlier half of stream information from the lovely @pepper-mintzyy. Give your liveblogger some love and care.
First off the scene where Missa comes online and Phil is all “WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!” And Cellbit immediately saying “Oh this your husband?” And Phil immediately saying yes without the platonic. THEN THEY PROCEED TO HAVE A FULL BLOWN BOAT DATE with legit felps being such a third wheel he legit says “Continue on forget I’m here”. Also the fact Cellbit pointed out “OH that’s why you have a skull on your backpack it’s because of your husband” and Phil immediately agreeing and Missa whimpering.
They literally like lowkey forgot they were on a mission and immediately was smitten with each other they high-key forgot the mission and people around them. The fact our wet cat almost dead rushed in to save Mr hardcore himself. The amount of times Phil has to save his husband. The fact Missa bought gifts for Philza IRL.
The fact when catching up Phil was all like “Oh we have another egg” not even thinking twice about accepting his husband as Tallulah second adopted father. The fact Missa was like “You are such a good father” in the down bad voice he is always in.
Literal highkey their cubitos flirting saying smooth shit like “Like the good old days" "nothings changed” and "the one thing that made you stand out". Like full on giggling and laughing and just chilling in each other company. The amount of time they were distracted by the actual major lore by each other just being there after so long is insane. Honestly believe not for others present they would not have reached the objective.
Phil being so sweetly protective of Missa and always making sure he is right next to him. Also the amount of soft showing off he did towards Missa is insane. The fact Phil numero uno priority is Missa and chayanne always. That has never changed despite Missas absence. The fact Missa never left his simpage for Philza and immediately seeing Phil be awesome and is “I c-can see your PECS”. Like bruh he is so down bad.
The fact Philza immediately seeing his husband getting wrecked by mobs decided then and there to give him SO MUCH GEAR LATER. Philza lanuage of love Definitely is Gift Gifting and Acts of service. The fact during Philza introduction to the new players Missa kept saying stuff like “That’s my love! that’s my love!”.
Missa soon had to leave to be a part of a Minecraft event of sorts. But right after he got back online because he wanted to se his husband and son. (Sadly chayanne already went to bed). The amount of miscommunication the death duo went through (With mainly bad being a third wheel and trying to cause problems in their relationship). Landduo was legit preventing poor Missa to go and see his man.
Missa literally only escaped because dapper told him just ask and he will kill LOLOLOL. He went home and forever and him had a whole conversation and apology. That they are friends now. Missa saying stuff Philza is not someone to be won etc. and Philza literally ditched tubbo and Cellbit was like “Your husband needs help? Understandable” and yet again no corrections from Phil.
THEN THE MOST SOFTEST ROMANTIC LATE STREAM STUFF I HAVE EVER SEE HAPPENS. They met again and literally it’s like nothing has changed. Phil immediately showing off the baby skeletons because he knows Missa will enjoy the skeletons. Phil FINALLY giving Missa the slime armor he made for him ages ago.
I won’t lie watching it live gives off major date vibes (obviously about their cubitos in rp). Phil and Missa legit did that trope of someone good at archery teaching their love interest at the exp farm. They legit shared exp as well. The fact they keep giggling so much.
Philza seeing how bad the gear Missa has literally have him 20 upgrades including giving him a full bar of exp on his backpack. Again gift giving and acts of service is clearly Philza love lanuage. LITERALLY MISSA STARED AT THE SKULL AMD NODDED QUICKLY TO HIS CHAT. The amount of avocado toast Phil keeps throwing at Missa and putting in his backpack. Gotta know his husband is eating well I guess. Philza casually saying that the “Wall is ours” to Missa.
The fact Missa immediately wanted to have a hat like Philza on his backpack then a player head of his to match his beloved husband. Earlier he tricked the translator and said “I speak weird so the translator won’t pick it up- I love you”. Casually like that sentence didn’t break all the pissa enjoyers brain for 24 hours.
Dapper casually saying “Glad to see the love birds are on the mend” about them. Literally one of us. Iconic king. THE FACT Philza while talking about Tallulah said she was “Our Daughter” to Missa. Bad trying to cause drama meeting the brick wall of Missa adoration. Aka him screaming “Philza the best!!!!”. The fact they both tried to go offline the same but Missa felt bad and had to said bye to everyone. The fact Missa went offline right next to the house.
WE WERE FEED. PISSA NATION STAYS WINNING! And we are gonna continue to get food. As Missa promised to try to stream four times a week. So maybe maybe….second gay Qsmp wedding-
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mattybsgroupie · 21 days
— open here to read my stories ♡⊹𑄽୧
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hello! my name is maria, i'm 21 and a matt girl for life. i became a fan of the triplets last year, but only had the guts to write again a few months ago and i'm so thankful i've been receiving great feedbacks from you guys and having such a good time here in this community.
i do not talk very often here cause it’s mainly for my stories, but i am online everyday at @bimboparis, my main account! that’s where i’ll be liking and following you guys from! im pretty chill and silly so feel free to dm me whenever you wanna chat! :) i don’t bite (unless you want me to)
i only write smut and the only rule in my blog is that i don’t do drama. i won’t be participating in any of it, so don’t even bother putting my name out there or inboxing me with gossip. if you have any issues with me please reach out and we’ll immediately fix it. my dms are always open so if there’s anything i’ve done that somehow bothered you, please let me know. i’m here to post fanfics and have a good time, that’s all.
 MINE ➳ when matt claims that you’re only his, you show him he’s also gotta be only yours. ♡
LATE NIGHT RIDES 1 ➳ you and matt have some fun in his van while waiting for his brothers at a party.
LATE NIGHT RIDES 2 ➳ you and matt know you shouldn’t be doing this so often, but matt just can’t resist you in that dress.
MISBEHAVE ➳ matt kept calling you “mama” because he wanted your attention, even if that meant being punished later. ♡
PRETTY ➳ matt needs reassurance after reading nasty comments about his looks, and you make sure to show your boy just how pretty he is.
SLEEPOVER ➳ you and matt can’t fall asleep, and him calling you “mommy” definitely didn’t help.
HOMEWORK ➳ matt is the smartest guy in class, and you’ve been needing some help with your homework. ♡
SECRET ➳ matt finds out you have a dildo and wants to see if you can fuck him as good as he fucks you.
MOVIES ➳ you and matt have fun at the same movie theater you started dating as kids. ♡
ASSIGNMENT ➳ matt is a very good tutor, but he’s getting distracted by how short your skirt is.
FIRSTS ➳ after a rough week, matt gives you a massage that leads to your first time. ♡
TAPE ➳ you lost the flashcard where matt kept all of your intimate moments and as your punishment, you're recording a sex tape on a new one. ♡
TRIP ➳ after going to las vegas, matt misses you more than you’d imagined.
CALL ➳ matt can’t keep his mouth shut after seeing your new lingerie set. he needed to see you wearing it, even if it’s through a video call. ♡
MORNINGS ➳ waking up to a needy matt and having slow, sleepy sex with him.
BIRHTDAY ➳ after not celebrating his birthday, matt punishes you, even when you wear his favorite lingerie.
SECRET 2 ➳ matt knows you love his cock, but he also knew you had a good time with your dildo. he wants to fuck you with both.
DRESS ➳ chris gives you a helping hand when your earring gets stuck on your dress.
CAUGHT ➳ matt needed you so much he didn’t mind the risk of getting caught.
ATTITUDE ➳ you and matt never clicked well. this until you guys had to spend a whole night sleeping on the same bed.
if you want to be tagged in my new stories, please leave a 🌸 emoji in the comments down below!
requests are always open — i might take some time to post but i’ll definitely write it, please be patient with me. same goes for my inbox and dms, come talk to me whenever you want!
fics tagged with a ♡ are my favorite works!
asks, requests and chats are under the #ask maria tag!
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poppinspops · 28 days
Hey I was just wondering if you could do a descendants 4 Hades x Maleficent x reader were the reader is the kid of the big bad wolf (or the younger version of the big bad wolf) so shes a werewolf and its close the full moon and she feels psychically sick and achy and shes been unintentionally avoiding them the past few days and they get worried. If you do this thank you so much.
Werewolf season
Paring: Hades x Big bad wolf reader x Maleficent
Genre: hurt/comfort, happy ending ofc & werewolf changing described kinda like growing pains..
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, descriptions of pain, cursing, and Grammer/possible spelling errors that I'll fix later
A/N: I was watching an ever after high edit whilst writing this, so if she reminds you of a certain wolf girl.. anyways I'm so sorry this took a hot minute, schools coming up but I hope u like this still!!!
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God, was it torture to be in class right now
I mean, how could you stay focused in class when the full moon was coming in two days.
You started your werewolf changing process, which was rather slow this year, taking a full week to start, and of course, the changing process was causing you to be more paranoid, mainly more paranoid of hurting others around you because some werewolfs couldn't control themselves when in their werewolf forms, you being one of the unlucky people.
An incident of this being when you fully changed and attacked a student in freshman year, almost getting yourself expelled if it wasn't for your parents arguing with merlin about how horrible and a 'punch to how werewolves are already treated as monsters' so he'd be setting back all werewolves by years back and adding that you couldn't control yourself in that state making it not your fault
And clearly, your parents won that argument as you're still attending merlin Academy.
And so here you where practically laying on your desk in this boring history class with clenched teeth, wanting nothing more than for it to end.
You forget every year how painful the changing process really was as you felt sick, not a cold sick. Your whole body felt like it was growing and stretching from under your skin, and it was.
Bouncing your leg under the table, trying to distract yourself from the pain you were in as you spaced out or tried to space out, it wasn't really working all too well.
Your eyes kept flickering towards the clock, 10 more minutes until this class ended, you rolled your eyes, they now had a weird itchy feeling so did your hands balling them up and closing your eyes waiting out the minutes till you could run to your dorm room away from the prying eyes of your classmates
Honestly, this class wasn’t all that bad. The teacher was lenient to you being as she did, she'd research on werewolves and could hold your attention for long enough.
But a certain fae, your girlfriend that you just so happened to be avoiding, was currently staring holes into your skull with a slight worried expression on her usually blank face
You had almost forgotten you shared this class together and where seatmates... well, you two didn't actually sit together, but the kid she stole the seat from was too scared to get it back, so it was her seat now.
You felt her hand on your shoulder as she stared down at you. "You've been ignoring me and hades." She said, not caring for the teachers annoyed expression. When she interrupted the teachers rant, she was more focused on her girlfriend, who had been ignoring her and their boyfriend almost all week.
She didn't understand or know why
"I dont know what you're talking about. " You mumbled out a blatant lie through your clenched teeth, eyes avoiding hers.
Maleficents eyebrows furrowed at the lie, her mouth opening to say something but was interrupted by the teacher. "maleficent, i will send you to the principles office if you interrupt me again, im teaching you can talk to your girlfriend later." Maleficent rolled her eyes at the teacher but stayed silent, returning to staring at you
The teacher looked at you, shaking her head but continued on with her boring rant about some old witch called 'glinda' and all her good deeds she'd done for some girl from a place called Kansas. Who would name their kid glinda?
The bell rung signaling classes was over everyone had stared to get up gathering up their stuff to leave but being stopped by your teacher as she spoke loudly "class i will be assigning homework for you to do tomorrow."
Your whole class could be heard groaning and complaining from down the hall as they all packed up their things to leave the classroom. She was the only teacher to assign homework when Castel coming was happening in a week
You had already been out the door the second the teacher finished, heading straight for your dorm
If you had looked back, you would have seen a confused and almost hurt look on your girlfriends face as you practically ran away from her
You'd been lucky enough to get a dorm with a girl that had a boyfriend, so that meant she was never really there, so you had the whole dorm to yourself most of the time
As you rounded the corner, you collided with someone, stumbling back as growling at the person looking up to start yelling at whoever almost made you fall only to see hades your other partner you were avoiding.
Hades looked almost caught off guard by you growling at him. He'd seen you growl at others before, but never him. But that wasn't the only reason for his concerned look
You looked bad. Your hair was messier than normal, your nails looked sharper, almost claw like, and your eyes were blown wide and seemed to have this glow to them, making the normally cocky God concerned
"Are you alright?" He asked, almost uncertain of his words as he stared at his girlfriend who was looking anywhere but at him "I'm fine, I really have to go so..!" You said almost too quickly as you ran past him and towards your dorm you could hear him call out your name but you didn't turn back
Once you got to your dorm, your roommate not being here per usual you flopped onto your bed backpack thrown somewhere across the room as you immediately curled into yourself tail wrapping itself around your front as you just wanted to stay in bed and rot.
Your body ached in places it normally wouldn't it normally shouldnt. your body was growing, changing and it hurt is bad your nails digging into your arms as you held yourself tears brimming in your eyes as you wanted someone to stop it, wanted someone to hug you close without you accidentally hurting them in the process..
As you laid there you heard a knock, not a gentle one, one that makes you jump at how hard it was but it abruptly stops another person is seemingly yelling at someone and soon comes more gentle knocking oh.. you knew both of those knocks maleficent and hades where knocking at your door.
You slowly sat up staring at the door, contemplating if you wanted to open the door knowing your partners that you've been avoiding like the plague the best you could where standing on the other side of the door waiting for you
Begrudgingly, you sit up, sitting on the edge of the bed for a minute or two and getting up your bare feet touching the cold wood floor making you wanna crawl back into bed but you couldn't, not now... sadly.
You slowly walked closer to the door as you hearing the two bicker through the door, making you sigh out loud before twisting the door handle, looking down at your hand and noticing just how long your nails are and how they look a bit dirty before looking away and pulling the door open
The twk stopped arguing when they noticed you standing there, still holding the door handle, turning towards you. maleficent was the first to speak as always
"Why are you ignoring us, and don't say you aren't because you are blatantly." She said, crossing her arms as she spoke, her voice flat like she didn't care but her slightly raised eyebrow, and the way her eye twitched told you otherwise..
hades preferred to stick to snide comments, but he still nodded at what maleficent said, furrowed eyebrows and a frown
You took a breath already regreating your choice of opening the door as now you're being greeted with the consequences of ur actions, actions being not telling your clearly worried partners about being a full werewolf not just the whole werewolf traits and such.
You looked at them a frown of your own now on your face. You stayed quiet for a bit, trying to think of what to say, but your head was empty. There wasn't anything you could say that would be a good excuse, so you kinda shrugged, standing there before you quickly tried to close the door and end this rather tense and awkward silence
But you where stopped by hades boot that was now in between the door keeping you from closing the door, before his hand pushed it back open you looked at the door than him, then maleficent before sighing as you knew they wouldn't leave you alone till they knew why you where ignoring them
"Don't just close the door. We're just worried about you, and we deserve an explanation." Hades said as he looked at you. "You've been avoiding us. Why?" He said as you stayed silent looking away as you realized you couldn't hide this anymore even if you wanted too.
It's not like it was that big if a deal it was just.. you were a bit ashamed for no apparent reason but still
You put a hand on your side that felt a bit like it was streaching, which it was, and it hurt a bit. "I just... I'm sorry, yeah, I've been purposely avoiding you guys it's just.. im a werewolf, and I didn't want you two to think differently about me, so I hide it. " You took a deep breath before speaking awkwardly laughing a bit before continuing."I know it's really not that big of a deal, but it is to me! Being a werewolf is frowned upon, and i was afraid that if you knew, then you wouldn't want to be with me anymore, I guess.."
You took a shaky breath before looking at the two who stayed silent in the doorway. They both had strange looks on their faces that made your heart twist in your chest as the longer they stayed silent, the more you were sure they didn't want to be with you anymore nkt that you'd blame them you did lie to them..
You were one of the monsters people would tell stories to their children about to scare them from going too deep into the woods
Maleficent rolled her eyes as she spoke, "That was the reason you were ignoring us?" Making your eyes snap over to her before shaking your head, yes. "I mean, yeah, it was -"
Maleficent interrupted you as she spoke as if you had said the stupidest thing ever. "Well, that was a stupid reason. We've been together for two years, and I truly couldn't care less what you are. you're our girlfriend either way, beast or not." She stated, shaking her head as hades let out a laugh, making maleficent hit him in the side with her elbow
Now, it was your turn to feel slightly stunned. You felt silly for worrying about what they'd think now that they were here. You really were worrying all for nothing, eyes stinging, and the fatigue finally hitting you
Hades rough hand came to your shoulder lightly pushing you aside so that they could come in instead of standing outside of your room
A softer hand grabbed yours, being careful of the claws that now replaced your nails, leading you over to your bed sitting on the large bed, placing your head on her lap as you almost curled up immediately in her lap, bottom lip wobbling a bit
Hades moved your legs so that they were now resting on top of his lap as the two stayed silent, just listening to your slightly incoherent mumbles, and every now and then groans of pain
Maleficent already figured out that you must be shifting still. That may be why you've been more flightly than normal and more... emotional as the tears in your eyes just from your head in her lap only proved her point
Hades drew patterns on your leg that calmed you down a bit. You'd say it was the hand motions when asked, but truly, it was just his touch
Maleficent silently and skillfully undid your cape strings that were tied securely under your chin, slipping the soft meterial off of your form tossing it onto your floor. You'd complain about that later
With the cape gone now, there could be seen two small ears and a long tail that would most likely get bigger in the next two days when you actually shifted fully.
But no comment was made about it, just a comforting silence from your partners as you drifted off, succumbing to sleep in your lovers embraces.
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foxyaries · 1 month
The Journey Of Manifesting My Fairy Companion
So I think it's about time to talk a little about my fairy companion I've mentioned in my other posts :)
If you've read my previous post, you know my first goal was to shift. It was almost successful, too, until my insecurities got the best of me and I got distracted by other things.
Soon after, I discovered a "Manifest A Fairy" subliminal. (Unfortunately, the sub-maker deleted her channel too. I got to know her too and she wanted to focus on other things). And that's when I saw it as my other solution. I've actually got results with that too. :)
So a little about my fairy:
Name: Lily
Size: 7 inches in her fairy form but also has a human disguise if necessary.
Type: Wish granting fairy, water, forest (overall nature), and animals fairy.
My fairy Lily is mainly going to be my best friend, companion, and advisor when needed.
Lily herself is extremely funny, silly, beautiful, and a little mischievous. Can be protective too. Me and her will be able to communicate telepathically so she won't be around me all the time. She will have her own little life and I will have my own. Unless we hang out of course or I need her help with anything.
My results:
Unfortunately, I've been going through some things these past few years so while I never gave up on her it's been on and off. And I know it's going to happen because my best friend's spiritual companion told her that it all depended on me. If I got Lily in days, weeks, months, or 5 years, any time really. It depended on me. So me and my best friend a really looking forward to seeing her now that I've gotten my motivation and determination back.
It might sound like there is an explanation to some of you but trust me I've asked around and it had to be her. So this happened during the first few days of my manifesting her. Me and my friends got to class (at that time they didn't know about her) and our seats got changed so I sat in the middle at the very front while my friends sat closer to the window a little farther behind me. I was just listening to the subliminal with one earbud while listening to my teacher when all of a sudden I heard this weird loud buzzing behind me and it kept getting closer. At first, I assumed it had to be a bug but when I glanced to each side no one seemed to react and I didn't want to embarrass myself so I tried not to move and ignore it. The buzzing didn't stop. Even the guy sitting beside me had absolutely no reaction so I remember just being confused. And as quickly as it started the buzzing stopped. I tried to hear it anywhere else in class but it was gone. After class I asked my friends if they saw any bug flying around, I mean the buzzing was so loud they had to have seen it right? Guess what, they didn't... not only that.. they didn't even hear the buzzing! So it must have been me. I mean I know my friends looked towards me cause I tried to casually touch my hair behind me to check if there was anything in it and even glanced back at my friends and there was nothing. It was the craziest experience. I see no other explanation other than it had to have been my fairy Lily.
I have not experienced a crazier result than that since but my other best friend who was also manifesting a fairy at that time has. However, that's not for me to talk about it.
That's kinda all about my fairy companion for now:) Next time I talk about her I hope it's going to be when she's finally with me!
Foxy 🦊
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drama-glob · 1 year
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OMG TO ALL THE FLUFF WE GOT IN THIS EPISODE!!! <3<3<3 Literally squealed at how adorable Fizz and Ozzie are (which I already knew ;) ) and the fact that Fizz can't cook. ^_^<3<3<3 I also find it funny that they really weren't doing a good job at keeping their relationship under-wraps and how Fizz himself was not being low-key. XD I do love all his little fly dogs and the fact that one is in a wheelchair is absolutely adorable because he really does care about them as we see. ^_^ <3<3<3
Of course fate would bring Blitzo and Fizz's paths to cross, although I'm still surprised that we got Striker in this episode because I had heard about Crimson's men since it was in Greed after all, but dang, he must be trying to get business outside of royals since the last one didn't pan out. :/ I had a feeling that if it wasn't a hit put out on Fizz, then he'd be ransomed, so it just broke my heart at seeing how distressed he was at almost every turn; at least with talking with Blitzo it served as a distraction for him. It's still awful that he and Blitzo got kidnapped and in a way proved part of the reason for Fizz and Ozzie trying to keep their relationship secret (which admittedly didn't seem too well based on what Crimson said >_< ).
I do love that Blitzo obviously does have feelings for Stolas, and Fizz made some pretty good points about not all royal demons being the same as well as acting superior to others does cast you as snobby rich jerks; I know Fizz's been treated so well by Ozzie for over a decade, but he still came from humble beginnings and probably dealt with the same racist stuff other imps faced. :/
It was nice to see Stolas and Ozzie interact, even if it mainly was to go over the ransom demands, but I love that Stolas was empathetic and helpful in Ozzie's time of need even though Ozzie was withholding the crystal because of Fizz's hatred for Blitzo; I do hope Blitzo and Stolas will have their talk in the "Full Moon Ritual" episode because there is still so much he doesn't know about Blitzo's past. ;_;
I'm so glad that we got the confirmation that Blitzo caused the fire that cost Fizz his limbs and horns, but also the fact that he also lost his mom in the same fire...and it was all an ACCIDENT?! It was truly heartbreaking even if we were fed plenty of clues as to that being the reason why. ;_; It does figure that from there it was a whole misunderstanding that tore Blitzo and Fizz's friendship apart and I wonder who this "They" are that lied and said that Blitzo didn't come and Fizz didn't want to see Blitzo. Maybe Mammon's men if he was pick up by the Deadly Sin at that point? I do wonder why the fire was green while the sky was red like they were still in Pride. Hmmm. More to the mystery perhaps. ;) I'm guessing we'll see how Ozzie and Fizz met in the next episode. So excited!!! ^_^<3<3<3
Fizz's song was definitely VERY distracting and yes, I will look at this. O_O XD It is funny that none of the men seemed to catch on to their plan. XD
It was so beautiful and heartwarming that Blitzo and Fizz hugged and it seems to me like they're making their way back as friends, if they aren't there already. ;) I don't blame Fizz for being mad that he got blown up again, but like Blitzo said, at least he stayed around this time. ;) ^_^ <3<3<3 I'm still worried about Striker coming back though. O_O He just keeps getting more and more unhinged with each loss. >_<
When Ozzie and Fizz reunited those, I went "AWWWW" so hard and I love the way Ozzie said "Fizzy!" ^_^<3<3<3 It was really sweet though that Fizz told Ozzie to give Stolas the crystal for Blitzo as he DEFINITELY earned it today for saving Fizz's life. I wonder if Blitzo will tell Stolas? :/ Either way, seeing the amount of care the Ozzie gave Fizz and didn't blame him for anything that happened and just wanted him to take it easy, seriously kept melting my heart over and over. ^_^<3<3<3 They're so cute together and deserve all the happiness! ^_^<3<3<3
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forever-rogue · 11 months
i’m in real missing peter hours 😔 could we maybe get a tasm!peter/blackcat!reader in the future where he’s starting to get over gwen? hints of angst but he’s mainly just avoiding his real feelings and reader is the distraction. probably smut but you’re the author so you can do whatever your heart desires. hugs and kisses hope you’re well!!
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AN | Blind fools in lust and  love! Enjoy ❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings | Language, Smut [piv] - 18+ only
Word Count | 4.7k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
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“Nope,” you grabbed his arm and pulled him along as best as you could. You managed to at least get him out of harm’s way, “not today. The Spider’s mine!”
The big white eyes of the mask blinked at you a few times and you knew, despite not even seeing his face, that he might have a concussion or at least took a good hit to the head. With a groan, you crouched next to him and put your hand on his cheek, “wha-whas goin’ on?”
“Stay here,” you kept your voice soft but firm, “please listen to me for once in your life, Spidey.”
You left him before he even realized what had happened, hoping that he’d actually wait for you under the little bit of cover you managed to get for him. 
The last thing he remembered was watching you walk away.
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Peter’s eyes fluttered open slowly as he rolled onto his side, hissing at the sharp, shooting pain. He took a moment to study his surroundings and realized he wasn’t in his bedroom. Not unless he’d decided to change it up into pinks and pastels and to be very aesthetic as MJ would say. He sat up and rubbed at his tired eyes, trying to remember what happened.
“Hey,” at the sound of your voice he stiffened, looking up to find sitting at your desk across the room, “take it easy, Parker. You took quite a beating yesterday.”
“You…saved me,” he whispered incredulously as you waved your hand to dismiss his surprise, “why?”
“Because Peter Parker,” you walked over to the bed and sat at the edge of it, keeping a small distance between your bodies, “if anyone’s going to kill you, it’s going to be me. And, well, I guess you could say I’d grown fond of you over the years.”
He leaned back against the headboard and crossed his arms over his chest, “the Black Cat has a heart after all. Funny, especially for a criminal.”
“I’ve always had a heart,” you put your hand on his calf and gave it a gentle squeeze, “and I’m hardly a criminal - I…confiscate things from rich individuals that don't deserve them and redistribute the wealth.”
“According to the law, that's still criminal.”
“We both know you’re never going to do anything about it,” you leaned in closer, keeping your face a few inches from his. He was somehow even prettier up close; golden flecks in his eyes and the faintest of freckles across the bridge of his nose, and very kissable lips, “are you, Spidey?”
He reached for you, hands settling on your waist as he easily maneuvered you into his lap. You made a small sound of surprise but put your hands on his shoulders, eyes locked on his, trying to figure out what was going on in his mind.
“What do you think?” he brought his hand to your face and brushed his knuckles over your cheek. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. You’d been playing your little cat and mouse (or rather cat and spider) game for so long now that somewhere along you had developed genuine feelings for him. If something were to happen to him, you weren’t sure what you’d do, “hmm?”
You took his face in your hands and kissed him without hesitation. If you had thought about it too much you’d never get the nerve to actually kiss him. And you’d been wanting to do that for a long time now, you’d thought about it a million times probably.
When he didn’t kiss you back for a moment you worried you’d overstepped, but then he pulled you closer to his body, kissing you back just as eagerly. His hands wandered under your shirt, splaying over your ribs, causing you to make a pretty sound into his mouth. You refused to pull away until you were desperate for air, the two of you exchanging almost shy smiles. You pressed your forehead to his as you tried to catch your breath, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m fine,” he promised, tugging on the hem of your shirt in a silent question of whether or not he could remove it. You nodded and held up your arms to make it easier for him to take off, “I heal fast.”
“Promise?” you asked as he marveled at the sight of you in your bra. 
“Promise,” he went back to kissing you, hands roaming all over your bare skin as if he was trying to commit everything to memory, “you’re beautiful.”
The words, whispered soft but loud and clear, made a shiver run up and down your spine. You leaned into his touch as he unclasped the back of your bra, eagerly pulling it down your arms and tossing it to the side. You swore there was a hint of a bubblegum blush spreading across his cheeks as he looked you over with eager eyes. 
“Your turn,” you tugged at the hem of his t-shirt and he practically ripped it off in one fluid motion. You studied the golden skin that was revealed, admiring how broad and strong he looked. There were freckles scattered across his skin…along with a lot of bruising and some lacerations. A frown tugged down the corners of your mouth as you ghosted your fingers along his side, “Pete…”
“It’s okay,” he kissed along your jaw, working his way down your neck, nipping and biting at the skin just enough to some pretty lavender bruises, “they’ll be gone by the morning. You won’t hurt me.”
You took his pretty face in your eyes, looking into his eyes to make sure he was being completely honest with you. When you were satisfied that he was telling the truth, you kissed him slowly and deeply, trying to get as much from him as possible. You could feel that he was already hard as you slowly ground your hips into him, pulling some moans from his lips.
He quickly flipped you so you were under him, caged in by strong arms and overwhelmed with all of him. You practically melted into the bed as he kissed his way down your body, worshiping the soft and hard lines of your frame, even the areas you were insecure about. He stopped at the waistband of your shorts, catching your eye to make sure it was okay to take them off. At your enthusiastic nod, his lithe fingers easily whipped off your shorts and tossed them into the pile with the rest of your clothes. 
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” his gentle praise was enough to make you even more wet, “can I taste you?”
“As much as I want that Parker,” you slowly sat up, leaving him with a disappointed look on his face, “I need to feel you. Want you inside of me.”
You took advantage of his momentary surprise and flipped the script, pinning him under you as you straddled his hips. Those pretty brown eyes were almost black with lust as he looked up at you in wonder.
“Is this okay?” you tugged on the hem of his pants and he started to push them down his strong legs without any ado, “oh. I see it’s very okay.”
“Thought about this a lot, you know?” you most definitely knew. You’ve pictured this very moment more than you’d cared to admit. You watched as he stroked his hard cock, amazed - and mildly worried - about his size. A smirk grew on his face as he reached between your legs and scooped some of your slick onto his fingers before wrapping his hand around himself again, laying back and stroking his hard cock, “you’re going to feel so good, I just know it.”
“For the sake of science, why don’t we find out?” you shoved his hands out of the way, and took his cock in your hand, stroking him a few times before lining him up at our entrance and slowly sinking down on him. You couldn’t help the lewd moan that escaped your lips at the stretch as he filled you up. Peter’s hands were on your hips, fingers digging in tightly, sure to leave bruises, but you didn’t care, “well, Spidey? Everything you dreamed of and more?”
“Fuck,” he hissed quietly under his breath, closing his eyes and biting his lip almost hard enough to break the skin, “you feel so perfect.”
“You feel pretty good too,” you leaned down to kiss him, moving slightly and pulling an almost pathetic whimper from his lips.
“You keep moving like that and I’m not going to last long,” his hands went to your ass, greedily squeezing your soft, plump flesh, “this is ever better anything I ever imagined.”
“Lucky for you, I’m up for multiple rounds,” you started to move up and down his cock, kissing whatever parts of him that you could reach, his skin was soft and delicious. You knew that you weren’t going to last much longer either, but you’d take him however he wanted, “if you are.”
“Yes,” he started to slam up into you, causing you to gasp at the feeling and display of strength, “you’re mine.”
Yeah…he was definitely making you feel some kind of way with his possessiveness. You knew it partly just from the moment, but you didn’t mind. He took back a little bit of the power he’d let you have, thrusting into you over and over, “you can cum in me, you know. I’m on the pill.”
“You’re just a fucking tease,” and he wasn’t having it any longer, flipping you back under him and pounding you in mercilessly. You wrapped your legs around his waist and let him take what he needed, “for years now.”
“Didn’t know you wanted me for that long,” your heart started to race, not just from the pounding he was giving you, but his surprisingly sweet sentiment. You’d thought about him too, but had never thought he’d actually reciprocate those feelings, “you’re such a softy, Peter Parker.”
He laughed at that, a sweet sound that you wanted to bottle up and keep forever, “we’ve all got some soft spots.”
“I’m honored,” your words were swallowed up by a moan as he reached down where your bodies connected and played with your clit. You closed your eyes as you felt the heat bloom in your core, “fuck, yes Peter. Just like that.”
“Good girl,” alrighty, apparently you’d had some sort of praise kink that he’d managed to tap into. He kept one hand on your hip and the other was massaging your breasts, “look at you, so pretty.”
“S’are you,” you managed to choke out as his thrusts started to grow more erratic and sloppy, “gonna fill me up?”
“Shit,” he groaned as he felt your velvety walls start to hug him even more tightly. It was like the sweetest vice grip. Your release came on faster than you’d expected and you felt that rush buzzing through your entire body as you became jelly under him. He managed to thrust into you a few more times before he came, spilling deep within you and almost collapsing on top of you, “holy fuck. Fuck.”
You looped your arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of you, using his warm body as a blanket. You both tried to catch your breath, his head on your chest as he pressed kisses to your shoulder. You ran a hand through his dark hair, trying to process what had just happened, “I’m not going to lie, Pete, having sex with you wasn’t on my bingo card for today…or ever.”
“Oh it was definitely on mine,” he lifted his face and grinned at you, the true dork he was underneath it all was showing through, “you’re beautiful, you know?”
“You might have mentioned that a few times,” you pressed a kiss to his lips, “you’re not so bad yourself.” 
“Hmm,” he reached for your hand and laced your fingers together, “whatever you say, honey. Give me another few minutes and we can go again.”
“Okay,” you agreed through a small yawn, “can we just lay here for a little bit first?”
“Yeah,” he rolled off you and onto his side, pulling you into his body and wrapping an arm around you, “that sounds perfect.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d been seeing Peter - more or less - for almost six months at this point. Usually it involved a late night text from him asking if you were free, the guise of attempting to watch a movie or eat dinner, and then ended in sex. Not that the sex was bad or anything, it was mind-blowing, but that was the problem in and of itself. 
You really liked Peter, and your feelings only seemed to blossom with the more time you spent together. You didn’t just want him for the sex, you wanted to experience everything with him. It was almost scary how easy it was to fall for him, but it happened and now you were left with more emotions and feelings than you’d ever intended on having. The worst part was that you were almost positive that Peter didn’t feel the same way. You’d tried to convince yourself that nights spent together were enough; some nights it worked and other nights it hurt even more to watch him go. 
This was bad; you hadn’t meant to fall for your former arch-nemesis. In an effort to preserve your sanity, you made the decision that it was time to start distancing yourself from Peter. You’d stopped responding to his texts, slowly at first and then pretty much entirely and if you knew that he was going to be in a particular place, you avoided that place as well. 
You had no clue what his current feelings were or if he’d even noticed your lack of communication. Your hope was that maybe he wouldn’t even realize anything was different and things would go back to how they used to be. 
But - and you were well aware of this little fact - Peter Parker was a genius and things rarely went unnoticed. 
It shouldn’t have surprised you at all to find him tapping on your bedroom window. You hadn’t heard him and startled jumped slightly at the rhythmic taps. You looked over and found him waving meekly. Despite your best judgment, you closed your laptop and walked over to the window, unlocking it so he could come in. 
He hopped in, landing on his lithe feet and pulling off his mask. Peter turned to you and leaned in to kiss you, but you stopped him, putting your hand on his chest and gently pushing him back. His brows furrowed as he looked at you with a pouty expression.
“The window was locked,” he mused as you took a step back from him and crossed your arms over your chest, “you’ve been ignoring me. And now you don’t want me to touch you. Oh honey, what’s going on, huh?”
“Pete,” you sighed heavily, “I can’t…I, fuck. I can’t do this anymore.”
“What?” he huffed, almost in amusement as his hands settled on his hips, “what are you talking about?”
“I don’t want to keep hooking up with you,” you groaned as you pushed past him and headed towards the kitchen. This definitely called for a glass of wine, if not something stronger. Peter trailed after you, a string of incomprehensible murmurs escaping his lips. You grabbed the wine and a glass and dumped out a hearty pour before turning to Peter, “do you want some wine?”
“How can you-” he sighed before coming into your space, caging you in between his arms against the counter, “I don’t want wine.”
“Oh,” you brought the glass to your lips and took a dainty sip before he took the glass out of your hand and set it onto the counter, “shame, it’s really good. Nicked it from some millionaire’s stash.”
“What’s going on, huh?” he took your jaw in his hand and turned your face up to his. If you weren’t experiencing a million other emotions, you definitely would have been turned on, “tell me.”
“Peter,” your voice softened as you allowed yourself to meet his soft, dark doe eyes, “I think we should stop whatever you want to call what we’ve been doing.”’
“Why?” his eyes were inquisitive but the harsh edge had started to disappear, “I thought we were having fun.”
“We were,” you wrapped your fingers around his wrist and gently pulled his hand away, “but it’s not enough for me. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I realized that I want…more. I don’t just want to hook up and then have you leave in the middle of the night. I’m sorry, Pete, but that’s the truth.”
“What happened?”
“I think that I realized I have feelings for you,” you looked away, closing your eyes to stop the tears from spilling over, “I didn’t think this would happen but there it is. I really care about you and I want more but I know you don’t want more. And maybe it’s selfish but I’d rather just stop now before I get even more feelings.”
He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, shaking his head, “I thought you said you were okay with this, with how we had things.”
“It was fine at first,” you shrugged lightly, “and then it slowly changed. And now I’m telling you. So…yeah.”
“You know I don’t do relationships,” he took a step back and you felt like you could breathe again. But you could tell that things had definitely and inexplicably shifted between the two of you, “I can’t do relationships.”
“It’s not my place to tell you what you do or don’t want,” you swallowed thickly, “I’m just telling you how I feel and what I want. Nothing is going to change the fact that I care about you, Parker. I hope you know that it's okay to care for people and let them care about you. You’re allowed to be happy. Gwen-”
“Don’t,” he took a big step and held up his hand. You’d touched on a nerve - and you knew you would - but it was the truth. It had been almost ten years since he’d lost her and you knew that he wasn’t over what happened. Not that you expected him to just be over it; he never would be entirely and he’d always love her. You respected the hell out of that, but at the same time you wished he would understand that it was okay to love again, “don’t you dare talk about her.”
“I won’t,” you whispered, “I would never disrespect her and I’d hope you know that by now. And you should know that I respect you and your feelings. And I think I deserve the same from you. And right now I think it’s best if you leave. I don’t know if we’re ever going to see eye to eye on this so we should just stop.”
He closed his eyes before running a hand through his messy hair, “you want me to just leave?”
“Of course I don’t,” you insisted, “but we don’t want the same things. So, let’s just cut our losses and move on.”
“Fine,” he pulled the mask back over his face, wanting anything but to look you directly in the face. You chewed on your lip, something that drove Peter crazy. Today you were driving him crazy in an entirely different way, “fine. I’ll go.”
“I am sorry,” he hated how upset you sounded. He hated that he was the cause of your heart even more, “for what it’s worth.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, already sliding your window open again, “me too.”
Without any further preamble, he jumped back out in the dark night, leaving before you even got the chance to close the window. He didn’t think he could bear looking at you again - not if he wanted to stick with his plan of detachment. He thought he was stronger than he apparently was. 
He was weak-willed and pathetic in his mind, especially because he’d promised himself that he wouldn’t fall in love again. 
You watched his figure swing away until the red and blue of his suit was out of sight before closing the windows with a heavy sigh. You missed him already.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been four weeks - four whole weeks - since Peter had last seen you. 30-days to be exact - not that he was counting or anything. But, to put it lightly, it fucking sucked. He missed you terribly. 
He wasn’t exactly sure where along the line he’d fallen in love with you, but he had been so sure that just ignoring his feelings would work. But he should have known better…after all, when did ignoring a problem ever actually solve it? Never. And this case was no exception. 
“Are you…ever planning on not moping around all the time?” Peter’s eyes snapped to Miles so fast that the younger boy laughed nervously. Here he was, thinking the whole time that he was acting normal. But apparently he had been anything but. 
“I’m not - I am not moping,” Peter hissed, trying to convince himself as much as Miles. When he realized that he definitely wasn’t going to be able to, his shoulders sagged and he let out a slow exhale, “fine. I guess I am. Sorry, I just…it’s fine. I’m fine.”
“That’s exactly what someone very not fine would say,” Miles walked around the table, studying some of the blueprints that Peter had drawn for some new gadgets. He felt his mentor’s eyes glued to him, “‘m just saying.”
“Is it a girl? Are you in love? Is Petey experiencing lots of big feelings?”
“I swear I will take away all of your Spider privileges,” Miles snorted in amusement knowing fulwell that there wasn’t a damn thing that Peter could do, “fine, I’ll do something!”
“You could try to talk about it?” he suggested lightly, toeing the line and leaving just enough room for Peter to make whatever decisions he wanted to, “if you want to. No pressure, but I’m here if you need someone to word vomit to. Spider-Man to Spider-Man.”
“It’s a long story,” but maybe it would feel good to let it all out. Maybe he really just needed to talk it out with someone. It could feel great…it could also feel terrible. 
“I’ve got time,” Miles hopped up and sat on the table, swinging his long legs back and forth, “if you’ve got the time.”
“Yeah,” Peter mirrored his actions and sat down next to the boy, “I do.”
Peter wasn’t sure where he should have started at first, so he started at the beginning, with Gwen. It had been a long time since he’d spoken to anyone about everything that had happened. Maybe he’d just been waiting for the people to come into his life and make him feel safe again; Miles did that, you did that.
And while it was incredibly scary, he knew that it was just a small leap of faith.
But this time around, he wasn’t afraid to jump.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Despite not having heard those familiar taps for weeks, as soon as you heard them, your heart skipped a few beats. With slight trepidation you padded your slippered feet over to your bedroom window. 
Just as expected, there was Spider-Man sitting on your fire escape. He perked up when he realized you were coming over, waiting with bated breath to see if you'd even open the window.
"Spidey," you leaned on the window, resting your chin in your hand as you looked him over, "what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you," if you didn't know any better, you'd have thought he sounded nervous, "can we talk?"
"Peter," you let out a long sigh before shaking your head and moving to close the window again. Peter was quicker and managed to web your hand before you could literally and metaphorically shut him out, "why?"
"Please?" The desperation in his voice was clear now and it made your iced over heart thaw just a little bit. You managed to unstick your hand before stepping back and waiting for him to come in. Peter’s nerves seemed to get the better of him as he almost tripped and stumbled over his own feet. You couldn’t help the small smile that managed to cross your features at the sight of the clumsy boy. He stood back up and ripped his mask off before looking at you nervously, “h-hi.”
“Hello Peter,” despite your best efforts you couldn’t help but touch his face, lightly tracing your fingers over the bruising along his jaw with a deep frown. He stiffened under your touch before wrapping his fingers gently around your wrist, “what’s going on, bub?”
“I’m an idiot,” his admission sounded almost pathetic as you cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow, “and a moron.”
“I’m well aware,” you pulled your hand out of his touch, causing a wicked blush to color his cheeks, “but that doesn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”
“I’m been thinking-”
“Oh dear…”
“And I realized you were right. Well, I talked to Miles, did a lot of thinking and self-reflection or whatever it’s called. And yeah…you were right,” that caused you to stop with your mouth open before blinking at him several times, “about what you’d said.”
“I’m usually right,” why were you suddenly nervous? You waved your hand around dismissively before crossing your arms over your chest, “what - what was I right about?”
“I was - am - scared about being in a relationship again,” the boy swallowed the lump in his throat, finding it hard to put exactly what he was feeling into words, “I’m scared what it could mean if I loved someone again.”
“It’s always going to be a little scary, Pete,” you whispered softly, “loving someone and letting them love you is the most vulnerable thing anyone can do. But that doesn’t mean we should completely stop ourselves from experiencing it.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, eyes still intently trained on your carpet, “I realize that now. I, ummm, I-”
You couldn’t stand it any longer, and grabbed his face, pressing your lips to his. It took Peter a moment to catch onto what was happening, but as soon as clarity hit him, he kissed you right back, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his body. Neither of you wanted to pull apart until you were desperate for a breath of air. 
He pressed his forehead against yours before closing his eyes and sighing softly, “I, ugh, I have feelings for you too.”
“Yeah?” your simple question was so sweet and innocent that he couldn’t help but kiss you again, “but do you…want more?”
“I do,” he confessed, finding the simple revelation both freeing and nerve wracking, “I’m not sure I’ll make the best boyfriend but I’m willing to try. I-if you still want that anyway.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think I’d be the most conventional girlfriend,” this wasn’t exactly how you’d pictured this scenario in your mind - any of the many times you’d imagined. But it was still perfect in its own way because it was you and Peter, “but I’m willing to try.”
“Me too,” he promised; you knew he meant it this time, “sorry for being an idiot and taking so long to realize the obvious.”
“You got there in the end,” you couldn’t help but pull him back to your lips, breaking into laughter as he effortlessly picked you up and started walking over to your bed, “wait - you’re really sure about this, Parker?”
“Yes,” he promised, peppering your face in kisses, “I’m all in. Are you?”
“I am,” you whispered, “all in.”
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
crucify your lover
Rowaelin x f!Reader
Summary: A frown on your face, you trekked back up the castle, taking a different route. Their eyes would be on you, now that they know. Running is probably the smart thing to do. Run while you can, but … you’ve been running your entire life and you're sick of it. Not this time, you swear to yourself, you won’t run this time. 
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, kinda toxic relationships?
A/N: this has been poking at my brain and I had to get it out, not proofread
You’d give anything for them, and you have - for years and years. But, no matter what you do it never seems to be enough. There’s no way for you to compare to them, and they’ve never said it directly but you hear the whispers of others, the whispers of the court. 
Why her? 
There’s nothing special about her. 
If anyone would pay attention, if anyone bothered to ask, they’d realize you keep secrets for a reason. That some powers are better kept buried deep down where no one can touch them. If … if they knew what you could do, mate or not you couldn’t be certain of their reaction. 
Such little magic, what a pity. 
You seethed with each comment, but kept your emotions perfectly under control. Nobody needed to know, nobody would have to, but the cost of keeping secrets bled your soul. If you could get rid of it - purify yourself of it - you would. 
They had … accepted … you, mainly because the bond wouldn’t let them do anything else. Separating the three of you physically would cause pain. But, you kept those barriers up in your mind, kept yourself so damn far away they never guessed. Maybe it’s ridiculous of you to wish they would. Unconditional love, that’s what mates were supposed to be - according to all of the tales and legends you grew up on. Still, watching your people hunted in front of you would change anyone's view of magic. 
You never knew exactly what your magic was, not until you had a chance to scour the library of Orynth. 
The word was so ugly to you, but it fit best. All of the records said it was a magic from ancient witches, but you’re Fae, and it made no damn sense to you. Still, every month under the full moon, you made a trek into the forest. 
The guise was to have peace to connect with your family, and you always made sure you weren’t followed. Your mates respected you enough to let you do that. Instead, you let loose enough of your magic to keep yourself from exploding. You always wondered what it felt like to others, to you it was the whispers of the trees around you, a warm embrace circling you, the thoughts of the dead brought to life in fragments. You let the magic whirl around you, circling you and letting them tell you their secrets, their confessionals. Blessed by the God of Truth. Your mother said once, before her death. You still hadn’t decided if it was a blessing or a curse. 
Something was off with you, Rowan knew that. He’d tried to track you the first few times you left on the full moons, out to hell knows where, but you always slipped his trail. This time, you seemed distracted and something told him to follow, the wind whispered where to find you, where to perch. You didn’t notice a white-tailed hawk in a tree several feet away, and a shield of wind hit his scent. 
He watched as you sat down on the log, stretching your legs out in front of you, and gray whispers of … of magic flowed around you in circles. 
Beautiful, it was absolutely beautiful. Your eyes closed, palms resting face up, your head tilted back with the moonlight casting a clear vision of your face - how your eyelashes fluttered against your cheek, the lines of your jaw, your hair loose and flowing around your shoulders. 
His first emotion was fear - fear that you’d been coming out here every single month alone, and in a vulnerable state. Anyone could get to you like this, and he doesn’t know how your magic works - if it could defend you or if you knew how to use it. 
Second, came disbelief. How the hell had you hid your magic from them both for so long? Over a year. As far as he knew you were only able to shield yourself, albeit weakly - the typical traits of Fae. Then - why had you hidden your magic from them? As he watched, as he sensed the type of power flowing from you, he understood exactly why. Still, he was hurt that you couldn’t trust him or Aelin enough to tell them about it. He wondered if you’ve told anyone, if anyone living knows. Gods, Maeve had him hunt down magic-wielders like you in the past. The secrets of the dead were meant to stay dead. 
Rowan waited long enough to know you were safe, and headed back towards the castle before taking off. He needed to get to Aelin, to tell her as soon as possible. Even if she would bitch at him for interrupting her sleep. 
“You’re kidding. Tell me you’re kidding.” Aelin’s eyes were wide in shock. Rowan glared at her, crossing his arms. “How could she keep it from us, from you?” She couldn’t help the accusatory tone, her mate was known for sniffing out secrets after all. The fact that you’ve been able to keep this from them for so long is impressive and terrifying. 
“I don’t know.” He said through gritted teeth. Aelin felt the rollercoaster of emotions going through him - fear, anger, concern, and disbelief. It hadn’t had a chance to set in for her. 
“What do we do about it?” She sighed, collapsing back on the couch. “You won’t be able to keep it to yourself,” she raised one brow, but he didn’t deny it. 
“We have to tell her we know.” His lips pressed into a tight line. 
“How do you think she’ll react?” Aelin questioned. 
“If I was her,” he hedged, “I’d run as far as possible.�� 
Aelin’s heart broke slightly, and his gaze softened. “Think about it,” he murmured, taking a seat next to her. “Magic wielders like her have been hunted for centuries.” 
“We wouldn’t do that,” Aelin snapped. 
“I know,” he soothed, running one hand down her thigh. 
“What do you think happened to her family?” The thought popped into Aelin’s head. She knew they were dead, and assumed they likely were killed with several other Fae when Adarlan invaded. 
Rowan stiffened next to her, and her gaze snapped to him. His eyes had gone slightly distant, as if he were putting something together. Is it … he said they’ve been hunted for centuries… could Maeve have sent him to do that?
“That’s a question to ask her,” his voice was rough and heavy with emotion. Aelin knew when to push and when to leave it, and for now this is something she would leave alone. For now. Mates are equals, she’s always been told, and if that’s true … that means you’ve been hiding an immense power for a long time. No wonder you disappear every full moon. That or risk yourself exploding. She wants to think she’d take the high and mighty road if she were you, if she had been in your situation, but she’s not certain. The thought makes her uneasy, more than she wants to admit. 
You could tell something was off as soon as you returned. Rowan and Aelin were different, they’d eyed you warily - although they hid their emotions well enough. Anyone who wasn’t bonded as closely to them would never notice the difference. 
By that evening, it filled you with enough dread that you did something risky and potentially stupid. Carefully watching your tail, double and triple checking for anyone following you, you made your way to the lowest levels of the castle.
A tiny bit of magic flowed from you, discreet enough nobody should notice the shift in the air, and just enough to focus communication - communicate with someone who could give you an answer. 
They know. The voice was familiar, but it wasn’t. Vaguely like Aedion, the General’s. 
What will they do? You focused on keeping the connection, nearly pleading with the soul or spirit for help. 
They won’t kill you. That was not comforting, at all. They will want to speak of it, the rest is up to you. 
You thanked them, probably him, for his time, and groaned. Not kill you, speak of it, and the rest is up to you. At least you’ve ruled out your death. A frown on your face, you trekked back up the castle, taking a different route. Their eyes would be on you, now that they know. Running is probably the smart thing to do. Run while you can, but … you’ve been running your entire life and you're sick of it. Not this time, you swear to yourself, you won’t run this time. 
“You know,” you said mildly over dinner, slicing unnecessary harshly through a potato, your knuckles white and clenched around the potential weapon. Rowan blinked in surprise, and Aelin’s eyebrows rose. They hadn’t expected you to say anything about it, then. “What is it, now that you know my dirty secret?” A slightly wicked grin crossed your face and you tilted your head, daring them to reply. 
For once, they both seemed speechless. You saw how they communicated with each other, slightly glazed eyes. Rude, but you wouldn’t comment on it for now. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Aelin finally asked. An absolutely pointless question based on the look on her face. 
“You know why.” You set the knife and fork down, wringing your hands together under the table to try and release some of the tension building in you. 
“You let everyone say horrible things about you.” She said quietly. 
That struck something deep inside you. They know about what others say, and considering the ones who say it still run their mouths and repeat the same rhetoric even a year later … your mother always told you silence is agreement. All of a sudden, you didn’t give a damn about your magic, about what might happen to you because of it, instead you felt a sense of betrayal. The people who should love you, who should protect you - act on the same instincts you did, let that happen. Crucified. A part of your soul died, withered away, and you kept a very tight lid on your magic. 
“You let them.” You responded, unable to keep the slight bit of venom from your voice. Neither of them bothered to reply to that, and your temper flared further. It was taking everything inside of you to keep your cool. 
“You lied about your magic.” Rowan countered instead. 
You scoffed, “of course I did - you know what happens to people like me.” 
This time, Aelin’s knuckles went white where they gripped the table. “Not here.” She said through gritted teeth, and you grimaced. 
“Not in Terrasen,” you acquiesced. Aelin’s grip loosened slightly. Rowan was still stiff as a board, his posture rigid and stoic, not an emotion or thought given away - he doesn’t want to say how he feels about the situation. That told you enough. You wanted to say it shouldn’t change anything, but it does, it changes absolutely every damn thing. 
Aelin threw her head back with a groan. “This is a mess.” 
A laugh bubbled up in your chest, and some of the tension in the room left, as if she’d snapped it with a sharp knife. 
“We’ll,” Rowan cleared his throat. “We’ll keep you safe, whatever it takes.” Your entire body froze, eyes widening. You’d deny it but small tears had pricked at the corner. The sight of those softened Rowan’s gaze, his body loosening slightly. “Did you think we wouldn’t?” He asked quietly. 
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly, “very few alive know.” 
Rowan immediately grilled you for the names of the people who do know, and you answered, albeit a bit reluctantly. The fierce look in his eyes set you on edge enough you probably would confess your deepest secrets to him if he asked. Aelin had pasted an amused look on her face, but you knew she was taking note of every name, of every word exchanged between the two of you. 
“How did you find out?” You asked the question that had been on your mind all night. 
Rowan, at least, had the decency to grimace - but didn’t look apologetic at all. “I followed you.” 
At least there wasn’t a snitch somewhere, only a nosy buzzard. “I’d do the same,” you grumbled, crossing your arms. Rowan’s mouth quirked up at the side. 
Maybe this could be the bridge, a way to start connecting the gap between you and them. That’s if you could figure out how to overcome the hurt dealt to you - how they hadn’t defended you, hadn’t said a word against some of the vultures linking in their courts. You could say you were making assumptions, but you were blessed by the God of truth - it was perfectly clear to you. 
A pessimistic part of your mind, the antagonist, rose to the front. Are you only worthy now that they know of your magic? Now that you can prove yourself as an equal? You clenched your fists together once, twice, three times, and released them. A conversation for another time, something to think through on another date. A day where you would give them a piece of your mind, once you were ready. 
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demonicbaby666 · 2 years
Hi I love your blog :)) could you possibly write about JJ and bau reader being in a secret relationship and everyone on the team finds out and maybe add some smut into it if you can? If it’s not something you’re into then that’s okay, thank you!! :)
They Don’t Know
one shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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gif credit: @sapphicprentiss
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff and smut
Words: 3k+
Warnings: Fingering (r! receiving) 
A/n: I lack the effort to proofread so I do apologise. Also I’m not in love with this cause it’s not as family vibes as I wanted it to be but I tried to add smut so…
When you and JJ exited the elevator to the sixth-floor things seemed quiet, given you were early it made sense. Both of you planned to work the previous evening but got far too distracted with other extracurricular activities, so the two of you agreed it was best to get a head start that morning. When you sat down at your desk JJ lowered her head, so it was level with yours, she quickly looked around and lowered a sweet kiss onto your lips. Adrenalin coursed through your veins; public displays of affection were always risky, but you couldn’t help giving in to the kiss. 
It was brief and you missed her lips as soon as they left yours but left behind was a shy smile as you triple-checked no one had seen. Things were so easy with JJ, so natural and there was no doubt in your mind she felt the same, mainly because she would repeatedly tell you. With the nature of your jobs and the pressure it brought you both made a conscious decision to keep it the relationship a secret. 
Yes, they were profilers and were bound to work things out, it was inevitable. But it didn’t take away from the fact this was how you both wanted things to be, plus it was quite fun keeping it secret and when you realised the team truly had no idea what was happening between the two of you, it only incentivised you further. 
On one case you, JJ, and Reid had been told to check out a crime scene and the drive over had been filled with an inappropriate amount of touching as Reid sat in the back oblivious. JJ unsuspectingly kept her eyes on the road as she pretended her sole intention was on driving and discussing the case with Reid - who had his head buried in a case file - but her hand that moved higher and higher on your thigh told you otherwise. 
That night in the hotel you made sure she learned her lesson as you pushed her through orgasm after orgasm, letting her know if she made a peep of noise the whole team would learn the true nature of their relationship. The next day she’d barely been able to walk, and it took all your willpower not to laugh when you noticed the little waddle to her step. The team mentioned it but she’d said she just slept funny, accusing you of hogging the bed. 
After JJ made her way back to her desk that morning you couldn’t wipe off the schoolgirl grin that was plastered on your face. It was only when Morgan walked over an hour later did you realise your cheek muscles were beginning to ache. 
“What the hell has you smiling so much?” he curiously asked. “I know it’s not paperwork.”
You held back from looking at JJ, who was getting up to grab some coffee. From the corner of your eyes, you could see her walking over, you both had picked up a subconscious habit of keeping each other caffeinated. It was the small things that JJ did that always warmed your heart, she was a natural caretaker and never shied away from it. After years of this job, she’d somehow managed to never lose that spark, that hope, JJ refused to let anything pull her down. It was captivating being with someone who was both so headstrong and kind-hearted. 
“I was thinking about what I had for breakfast.” You said, swiveling your chair around to look up at Morgan challengingly. He always knew when you were lying, but you weren’t exactly lying, breakfast had been divine, it was just that that morning breakfast was served in bed, accompanied by delicious moans bouncing off the walls. 
JJ had reached you and Morgan before giving you a curious look, “What’s going on here?” 
“Well, y/n over here hasn’t stopped smiling for the last hour and refuses to tell me why,” Morgan said watching as you fidgeted a little in your chair. “Would you happen to have any ideas?” 
A devilish smirk grew on JJ’s lips, obviously revelling in just how oblivious he clearly was, “Maybe it’s a guy?” she teased with a wink, that only you saw. 
“Apparently it was breakfast,” as the words fell from Morgan’s lips JJ bit down on her bottom lip holding back a laugh. “Whatever it is, I’m going to find out.” 
It was taking all your willpower not to burst out laughing, “As much as I love my personal life being investigated, it looks like we may have an actual case.” Morgan and JJ looked in the direction you nodded to, Garcia was leaving Hotch’s office and heading towards the briefing room. 
You watched as Morgan began walking to Garcia then turned back to JJ. Just as you opened your mouth to say something she turned your chair back around, so you were facing the computer, leaving you very confused. You tensed when you felt her hot breath on your neck, she pretended to point to something on the screen, “Breakfast was that good?” she husked into your ears sending chills down your spine and you had to squeeze your thighs together to stop the arousal from growing. 
“You need to move away from me right now before I lose all my composure and fuck you on this desk in front of everyone.” Having her so close to you was driving you crazy, her breath continued to tickle your ear. JJ clearly wasn’t taking your threat very seriously as she chuckled directly into your ear. “I swear to god JJ. Back. up.” This time there was more bite to your tone and she finally understood she was pushing buttons in you that would have severe consequences. 
She stood up and leaned back on the divider, sighing softly, “You’re no fun.” 
You finally turned your chair back around and met her gaze, giving her an unassumed expression. It was pointless because, within a few seconds, you both were laughing. She went to refill up your mugs with coffee before meeting you back in the briefing room, where the team was all sat down. 
Morgan clued Emily in on his suspicions and by the time JJ walked in you were drowning in a sea of questions, you were in the hot seat as the rest of the team started joining in. Thankfully with JJ sat down Garcia began going over the case, there wasn’t a lot of time for more questions as Hotch told the team to make their way to the jet. 
Within twenty minutes of being on the jet, the interrogations began again. You were sat next to Emily with Morgan and Rossi sat across from the two of you. JJ and Hotch were sat on the other side of the jet, both on their phones, whilst Reid was sat reading on the couch. 
“She’s not going to tell you.” Emily quipped. “She’s too stubborn for that.” 
“Come on, you can tell me,” Morgan begged. “How is he in the sheets?” 
You gave him a stern look causing him to throw both his hands in the air. It was funny how everyone assumed it was a man you were with, you weren’t exactly a private person, but the subject of your sexuality just hadn’t seemed to come up, so you let it be. 
“Now let’s drop the subject.” You huffed averting your eyes to look out the jet, finding the clouds suddenly very interesting. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Morgan and Rossi smirk at each other. You felt someone looking at you, assuming it was Emily you kept your line of sight out the window, missing the set of green eyes locked onto you and the chocolate brown ones that caught JJ in the act. 
Your phone dinged and when you looked down to see who’d texted you had to control your facial expressions, amusement dangerously surfacing. 
[JJ- You’re pretty cute when you’re angry.]
[Y/n- I hate you.]
[JJ- Meanie!]
No longer able to hide your flushed cheeks and smile you ducked your head into your hands, ignoring the curious look Morgan, Rossi, and Emily were all giving you.
When you landed Hotch told you and JJ to head to the medical examiner’s office, the rest of the team split up and you all made your way to SUVs. Just as you reached for the door handle you felt a pair of hands on your waist turning you around and pushing you back against the side of the car. You let out a small yelp but were silenced by all too familiar soft lips crashing down on yours. 
The kiss was needy at first but eventually, it slowed, and you enjoyed the steady movement of JJ’s lips encapsulating your own. After a solid minute she pulled back to catch her breath, “I’ve been waiting to do that since this morning.” 
The feeling of someone constantly wanting you was something you would never tire of. You felt like JJ’s personal drug that she could never get enough and damn did it feel good. It had only been a couple of hours since you’d last kissed and you relished the feeling of knowing she already missed your lips on hers. 
“We can continue this later but for now I would prefer if she didn’t get caught.” You said placing your hands on JJ’s shoulders, the team were only around the corner, and as tempting as it was to make out with your girlfriend pressing you against the car, it was far too risky. You pecked her lips lightly and delicately pushed her away. “Let’s get moving.” 
You made it successfully to the M.E’s office and back to the station, which was surprising considering JJ didn’t want to keep her hands off you. If you hadn’t stopped her wandering hands, she would have happily fucked you in the front seat. As her hands crept higher and higher up your thigh, your preference for not getting into a car crash won over the heat growing between your legs. 
The moment you got into the station you relayed what you’d discovered to the team. It wasn’t long before JJ practically dragged you to the bathroom, seemingly too worked up to wait any longer. The moment you both stepped over the threshold, the door was slammed shut and locked. You opened your mouth to protest but you were silenced as JJ pushed you hard against the wall and placed her tongue into your mouth. 
A small moan tumbled from you into JJ’s mouth, causing the blonde to groan, your pleasure travelling straight to her core. Unable to control herself, her hands aimlessly travelled all over your body finally settling on your breasts, squeezing them tenderly. 
Within a single minute, JJ had one hand under your top, the other was making its way into your underwear whilst her mouth ferociously attacked your neck. You let her have you whole, taking whatever she needed, it was becoming abundantly clear that now was not the time for tender lovemaking, JJ wanted to fuck you, hard. 
Without any warning, she slipped two fingers inside you, and you had to bite back a whimper. She moaned into your neck, infatuated with how tight you were around her fingers. Hands flew to blonde locks as she picked up her pace and your mouth parted trying to control your rapid breathing. 
“Can you take one more?” She husked into your neck, and you frantically nodded. 
Almost immediately JJ placed a third finger in you, she filled you completely and all you wanted to do was scream out in sheer ecstasy as she kept pumping in and out of you. She took an erect nipple between her fingers, pinching and flicking it repeatedly. 
Your breathing was getting away from you, moans were escaping more often than not, and it was nearing impossible to contain them. When the palm of JJ’s hand brushed your clit, you lost all control, a painstakingly loud moan escaped your mouth causing you to bring your hand to your mouth to muffle it.
JJ removed her hand from your breast and ripped your hand away from your mouth, replacing it with her lips. Her tongue began battling with yours, too preoccupied with the continuous crescendo of pleasure circulating your body, you willingly submitted your control to JJ. You began to grind down on JJ’s persistent fingers knowing your release was going to wash over you any second. Her palm was perfectly placed as it continuously rubbed against your little bundle of nerves. 
When JJ curled her fingers your stomach muscles tightened and your hips bucked forward, but she fought against your body, managing to keep her hand perfectly placed, she used her free hand to keep your hips still. 
“Are you going to cum for me baby?” her seductive words vibrated against your lips and when she bit down on your bottom lip you lost all your composure. 
“Yes, yes, JJ, I’m going to-” Your legs convulsed, and you were quickly coming undone, thankfully JJ once again covered your mouth with her own and swallowed every delicious moan and whimper that escaped your swollen lips. You tried to keep up with the kiss but gave up quickly and focussed on the waves of pleasure that were cascading over each and every nerve in you. 
You felt JJ more than ever as you tightened around her fingers, her palm was now pushed up against your sensitive clit and with one final pump, you cried out as you came all over her fingers. 
The kiss continued, this time it was more tender and loving, and you found yourself pouring all your appreciation into it. You felt so much emotion in the kiss, every kiss was different with JJ, some were lustful, some were needy, some were filled with unconditional love, and some with all three. This was one of those kisses. It was all the aftercare you needed in just one kiss. 
When JJ pulled her fingers out of you, you had to break away for a second to sharply inhale, but quickly enough, you were in the midst of another sensual kiss. 
You flipped the two of you around, so JJ was wedged between the wall and your flushed body. She groaned as you peppered kisses along her jawline, working your way to her neck. It wasn’t a lust-filled groan, it was one filled with frustration and when you looked up to her with a confused, she gave you a sympathetic look. 
“We don’t have time babe.” She said with a pout. As if on cue a knock came from the other side of the door and both of you looked at each other in horror. “Oh fuck.” She mumbled before helping you fix your shirt and look a little more presentable.
When you opened the door and stepped out you knew you were fucked by the look on Emily’s face. 
“I knew something was going on between you two,” Emily said clearly very amused with what she’d just heard, she sported the smuggest smile you’d ever seen. 
“It’s not what it looks like,” JJ said confidently, but you knew her well enough to hear the slight waver in her voice, probably unsure of how to salvage this situation. 
“You are aware I have ears.” Emily raised her eyebrow, her smirk never faltering “So you two weren’t just banging in there?”
“It’s exactly what it sounded like,” you said defeatedly throwing your head against the wall, “look, we just didn’t want the team knowing.” 
“Knowing what?” Reid asked emerging from behind Emily, the rest of the team closely followed behind him causing you and JJ to groan in unison. Now you were really fucked. 
“That you owe me twenty dollars,” Emily said.  
“No way!” Reid gasped looking between you and JJ, rendering both of you confused. That was until JJ huffed from next to you, she’s clearly clocked onto what Emily had meant. You looked to her for an explanation.
“She knew.” JJ said running a hand through her hair, “How long?”  
Emily smiled triumphantly as Reid handed her a crisp twenty-dollar bill from his wallet. When the rest of the team reached into their pockets you gawked at all of them, your jaw slowly dropping open as you registered what was going on.
“I had a hunch a couple of weeks ago, but no one else believed me.” Emily was more than ecstatic as she received bills from the whole team, clearly proud of her profiling skills, “ You guys and your eye contact I swear.” 
Morgan smirks at JJ, “So you were breakfast huh?” 
JJ’s cheeks reddened and she lowered her head before awkwardly laughing. 
Rossi interjected sensing the embarrassment radiating off you both. “How about we celebrate the happy couple at mine this weekend?” He said with a smile.
You laced your hand around JJ’s waist, and a surge of happiness and relief washed over you knowing you could now openly do this in front of the people you held so close to your heart. JJ seemed to internally be feeling the same as you felt her whole body relax. You looked at her and you both shared a brief smile before turning to Rossi and nodding. 
You looked at everyone’s faces and couldn’t help but feel a warmth radiate in your chest, they all looked so happy, a little shocked but happy nonetheless. Your eyes settled on Hotch; it was his approval you sought out the most, though you didn’t often like to admit it. 
“I’m glad you’re happy,” he candidly smiled, before his face contorted and he grimaced “but when we’re back, you two have a lot of paperwork to fill out.”
“Oooo, fun.” Emily teased earning a wack to the arm from JJ. 
When you looked back at the woman in your arms your grin only grew and, in that moment, you truly knew what it was to be happy. 
“There’s that breakfast smile again!” Morgan joked, when everyone shot him a look he slowly backed away, “I ruined the moment did I?”
The team replied with laughter.
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huenation · 1 year
try again / cyj
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word count: 2,172
genre: angst, comfort, friends to exes to friends to lovers
warnings: self deprecative jokes, heavy on the mutual pining, bad household, and that moment when u don’t know who u are XD (happens to us all <3)
synopsis: the line of being friends and in love got messy with your past breakup but in your case, was it ever really there if you’ve both never stopped loving each other? ★ prompt addition
soundtrack: try again by jaehyun, d.ear
“thanks.” yeonjun says looking directly at you though you don’t meet his eyes, too caught in making sure the cup of hot chocolate you give him doesn’t spill. you smile and settle down adjacent to him, missing the way he watches you even if it’s so briefly. he glows just about every time he looks at you but considering it’s been years since you’ve allowed yourselves to be romantic towards one another (since the breakup), you always miss it. that, and you’re also oblivious.
“so, you wanted to talk?” contrary to the casualness of your tone, you’re actually so anxious you could throw up. yeonjun’s wide smile falters, glow in his eyes following, and he sets his drink down beside him he’s also filled with anxiety.
“yeah, i do,” he pauses. “i think we should continue our chat from the other night, and i also know you want to talk, y/n.”
oh yeah. that one.
one would think that after years that a past relationship would not be on the forefront of your mind and your heart but it was. you never really felt like you could move on, always missing closure and never having stopped loving yeonjun. but you kept that part to yourself, feeling like he would be much better off with someone else even if you’re past that hurdle in your life that had brought you two to separate in the first place (among other things).
it was a fun night out at a busy cafe, in a circular booth with your friends. yeonjun had gone to go order a pastry but came back, frantic, asking for advice or what he should say to someone he thought was super and had been in line behind him, unsure of how to go about showing his interest.
in response, like you always do, you joked about he came to the worst people for advice since you and all your friends are currently single. beomgyu just laughed along, the others adding on other reasons that were mainly comedic value.
that is until the next thing you said. well, the other guys giggled, too, since you both only ever referred to your failed relationship with jokes, or rather you did. it was just a thing that you hardly ever took things seriously, so happy go lucky and keeping things lighthearted even if most of your jokes orbited your self deprecation (within reason — you had plenty of other content for your jokes).
you joked about the most confounding evidence as to why he shouldn’t ask you for dating advice; he had dated you and you broke up with him.
in between stirring around some of his foam at the bottom of his drink, kai asked, “oh yeah, why did you guys break up? it’s been so long.” you snorted, shaking the ice of your drink. “guys, be for real, obviously, i’m obviously just the weird detour you take before you find the right person you wanna be with. you could have a real shot with this person.”
“okay but — ” you were giggling still. “when you guys get married, i’ll be able to thank myself for being at my worst then.
yeonjun scowled at that. “why?” all the other’s conversations seemed to happen around the two of you, distracted by something else.
“‘cause. you deserved better then and maybe this’ll be the person you were deserving along. and i can finally tell myself that we broke up for a good reason.”
your voice had been so still and quiet, yeonjun’s heart shattering, while you ripped the lid off your plastic cup. so nonchalant. he stared at you for a moment before pushing off the table and taking a step back.
“that wasn’t helpful, y/n.” he had said quietly to you. you simply rolled your eyes playfully, lighthearted smile to balance, snickering along beomgyu and soobin to whatever they were bantering about. kai and taehyun on the other side had tossed out random tips that obviously didn’t work for them.
“come on, jun, you don’t need to worry. she’s obviously gonna like you.” you muttered nonchalantly, so confident that the distant shatter of your heart was out of sight and ear, even in the face of the man you’ve never stopped loving.
“i doubt it, but i guess, i’ll still try. better than nothing…” he said quietly.
“well, good luck, jun.” you told him dismissively while trying to get the remaining toppings to your iced drink, unseeing of the way yeonjun frowned as he walked away.
you only half remembered what you’d said that day. all that was positive was that you had said too much. yeonjun on the other hand had remembered everything.
“hey, you know what i just remembered? did that girl ever text you? ‘cause you guys did exchange phone numbers, right?” he blinks a few times, carefully watching your face, before he shakes his head. his pretty raven hair comes down almost to his shoulders, so much longer than the boyish trim look he’d had when you two dated. despite that much, you think he hasn’t changed one bit.
“well yeah, we did, but i never actually texted her.”
“oh.” an unsettled moment of silence falls between you two. you’re focused on a certain stain on the table below you guys.
“listen, y/n — ” he starts and you wince, already trying to dismiss him from initiating, even if it is rude to interrupt. “no, yeonjun, i think, no, i know we never really talked about why i ended things between us. and look, i know you… you respected my decision and understood me even if it was so sudden and over a reason i didn’t disclose entirely, but, oh god — “ he notices your eyes are welling with tears, a bitter but annoyed smile on your face because of it. he knows how much you hate showing your weakness, let alone being vulnerable.
his heart pounds in his chest. he would give anything so that you could stay smiling and happy, anything but this. this hurts. “i’m a different person now than i was then, and-and you deserve to know what happened.”
your voice breaks. yeonjun’s gripping on his (your) mug so tightly his knuckles are white, the cute little bow of his mouth shaking, eyes watering so enough to sting, his throat burns with the urge to bawl as you tell him.
because of everything going on in your house those few years ago, fragments of your family that got under your skin and poisoned you, the tortuous process of trying to leave, battling the old you and the new you, and the weight of everything else, including your new boyfriend (yours truly) and insecurities for being good for him, it’s easy to say you weren’t at a place to be in love, certainly with the people around you who made sure you felt like you didn’t deserve it either.
even though you were all friends for much longer before you got together, god knows you and yeonjun had been pining for one another for years, it became too much, knowing that things were getting too real.
you were at your lowest. yeonjun was always as sweet and caring to you as ever, but instead, his actions made you feel worse. you could hardly give him an ounce of what he deserved in return. if you had the energy to talk to him, it’d end in arguments that you walked away from, too tired to continue.
it seemed like it was time to close that chapter instead of prolonging the pain. you didn’t know who you were then. and you knew yeonjun deserved better than what you were giving him, even if you weren’t exactly be transparent.
years went on. neither of you ever really settled down, just little flings here and there that you’d support each other on, but none of those ever stayed. (he and you made no effort to make them stay…) you always joke about your relationship, since it was so long ago, about how failed it was and naive you were then. at first, yeonjun did joke about your failed relationship, but he couldn’t bring himself to — not when he had known that you really did love him and he certainly has never stopped loving you.
you disclose certain details but hide other specific ones, trying not to give away too much of the fact that you’re really a vulnerable thing who still hasn’t grown up after all these years. it’s a hard thing to keep up a facade that conceals the truth.
when the dust of it all settles, silence falling in the mix, he hears it first before he sees it: your tear drops on the table near your wringing hands. and like clockwork, they come to swipe them off like they were never there in the first place, but yeonjun stops you, speed before your very eyes register it, carding your face in his hand from his side on the table. he leans over his corner of your furniture like it’s nothing.
your eyes give you away.
the relief but tide of emotions feels second to letting yourself be hit by a wave, feelings that have been locked away for such a long time. at least a moment reveals so.
with a soft laugh, you drop your gaze with a sniffle and try to shrug him off, an attempt to pretend that didn’t happen. it’s all you can do not to cave in and admit the mess that you clearly are in front of him, especially when you feel his touch. but he doesn’t budge.
“i wish you wouldn’t do that.” his own voice betrays him, so unstable and choking up on him. you blink through the muddle of tears growing. “what?”
“think of yourself so lowly. you have so much importance and you mean so much to the people in your life. it has never and it will never matter which point you are in life, whether at you’re worst or best or in between, you will always be capable of being loved. you have never deserved anything less.”
he wishes he could add, ‘and i wanna make sure you know that’. in due time, he hopes. in due time.
you’re wetting his hand with your tears. your stomach is curling and curling, chest buzzing, lips fumbling as your body wrestles with the tide of wanting to bawl like a child.
yeonjun gently swipes the wetness on your cheeks, smiling sweetly, patiently, and so full of love. it breaks your heart a thousand times over than it did the first time when you’d broken up with him.
not once have you ever really stopped loving him.
“i wish you knew that… you didn’t have to prove that you’re worthy enough to be loved. you being you was enough for me. you being you is more than enough,” you let out a sound between a cry and yelp, one that shows exactly how crooked and darling your smile is even if tears stain your cheeks. “i‘m sorry i never said it enough, but i’ve been in love with you for so stupidly long.”
his thumb dares to brush so gently over the corner of your lips, just the way he used to do. his eyes skin across your face so carefully. his stomach twists once his mouth opens,
“so, cards out on the table, y/n, i wanna try again. i know it’s not my place to demand something like this from you, but… it’s how i feel,” you don’t say anything, blinking eyes meeting his, in beats of silence broken by shaky breaths and sniffles. he smiles again despite his nervousness. “and you don’t have to agree or anything. again, it’s just how i feel. i’d only want to try but if you do, too, for you to say yes when you’re ready.”
he fumbles with shutting down a ghost of ‘my love’ as an ending to his statement, like he always would say in the past. he can’t help it.
you give him a genuine smile, one that reaches your eyes, and one that he misses every single moment you spend not smiling. such proximity and joy trickles distant memories in colorful explosions behind your eyes in a kaleidoscope of nostalgia. a knowing look is exchanged between you, no words.
it speaks more than none that you understand him and are infinitely thankful. you say so through mouthed words. he nods slowly in acknowledgement. you can feel it down to the marrow of your bones…
oh, how you’ve missed him.
“okay, i’ll let you know when i’m ready, yeonjun. it won’t be that long, just so you know,” you say wetly, sniffling and clearing your thin voice. yeonjun smiles, too, for a change. remember when he didn’t used to smile so much? “i’ve been waiting my whole life to try again with you and even longer to let you know better that i love you, too.”
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦  
note: i loveddddd this idea that was an addition on to my silly little prompt so badly you don’t even know 😭😭😭😭😭 it’s probably obvious but this was heavily inspired by certain plot details in ‘new girl’ shoutout to nick miller <3 (not sure if i should stick with this lowercase format or not… either way ~) tysm for reading!
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madam-monarch · 6 months
[ Alright, here’s the second post to my Deep Sea AU! ]
[ this one is separately just about the Kinito Crew, just some basic info about em! PS: this post is gonna be RLLY long, and before I rlly get to them, I just wanna talk about some basic stuff! ]
I recommend to read this post before diving into those there’s some important base info about this AU in it: LINK
/// like before, slight mention of violence and Manipulation, nothing major, but just incase! :)
Now for this crew, what are they, they are a type of Mermaid/Siren species, mixed in whit other types of Sea/Water based life, they are around double as big as a normal human [let’s say average human being 5 feet tall].
They are very prone to attack humans, most of the time they would attack small ships to boats that would just be out at sea, they aren’t much afraid to come close to humans, so even small boats on the shore aren’t safe, this was one of the reasons why the company had to capture them.
They have siren like powers, where they can potentially manipulate humans to do what they tell them to, it can either be done over the eye‘s or voice!
Voice manipulation: based around the „singing“ I rather want to use something based on the idea of „Binarual Beats“ which a normal human can’t hear, but can have an impact on the brain.
Here they have sertain soundwaves in their voices, that when telling someone to do something for them, they have an incredible strong impact, not rlly like hypnosis cause the person is still awake and aware, but feels more like „if I don’t do this my heads gonna explode“.
For this, the company has developed special ear buds, which allows the wearer to hear, but it kills and Sound waves which could have a negative impact on the brain.
Eye manipulation: this one rarely gets used by them, for this, let’s use kinito as an example, needs to keep full eye contact for a while, which then can put the affected in a type of trance, or if done shortly, can again have affect on the brain. [which can causea panic like feeling]
Just like before, the company came up which glasses/contact lenses, which keeps someone from being put into a trace.
Workers are required to wear both at all times when handling anyone from the crew, so sayd worker is aware of his surroundings at all times and doesn’t get distracted!
Now let’s get a bit more into these three!
But before I start, I wanna say I had to ignore real biology a bit, mainly because I’m making mermaids here, and this plays in the Sea, if I would make kinito fully and axolotl, he would not sieving in such salty waters, so while all of them still have parts of their original species, they are still mainly mermaid like creatures! Okay let’s go!
Species: Part Axolotl Sea creature
Size: 11 feet tall
Specific ability: extremely quick, glows under fluorescent light.
Kinito is a good in between Sam and Jade, Thinks before he act‘s, but still has quite the short temper when he doesn’t get what he wants, but will put up an act to have a better chance to get his way!
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Species: Part Jellyfish Sea Creature
Size: 9 feet tall
Specific ability: can glow in the dark, tentacle can stink and paralyze victim.
Jade is the calmest of the group, thinks before she act‘s which even in her scared up state kept her out of a lot of trouble, she‘s more quiet, and in captivity only attacks when she feel threatened, that doesn’t mean she’s gonna be nice…
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Species: part Anemone Sea creature
Size: 10 feet tall
Specific ability: tentacles can sting and paralyze victim, strongest of the three.
While naturally being more layed back, Sam is VERY aggressive towards humans, and will straight up just attack out of the blue, mostly being kept back my Jade.
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[ okay that’s it for now, hopefully get to have some time to work on this AU a bit more! ]
[ See ya!^^ ]
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
As Long As You Love Me - Theo Raeken x Reader
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Pairing: Theo x Reader
Prompt: As long as you love me by Justin Bieber (requested by Steph)
Warning: Just fluff cos I’ve gone soft
Thank you to my amazing Beta who always makes herself available to edit for me! Thanks @lets-imagine-fanfics
You stared from the car you were hiding behind, at Theo’s truck, with a frown. The cops were about to knock on his window once again for sleeping in his truck but this time you couldn’t stand by and watch it. You strolled over to the car raising an eyebrow at the annoyed looking cop.  
“Is there a problem officer?” You asked calmly, your voice quiet as not to wake Theo up.  
“He can’t sleep here.” He stated with a frown.  
“He was waiting for me.” You retaliated, cheekily which seemed to have pissed him off.  
“Shouldn’t you be at home? It's 1 am, kid” He huffed angrily.  
“I’m 19 and FYI my parents are dead.” You snapped, crossing your arms across your chest.  
The officer huffed before he walked back to his car. You quickly got into the truck with a scowl set in place. Theo shot up and stared at you with tired eyes, you rolled your eyes and started the car up before driving off.  
“Y/N what are you doing here?” Theo questioned, his confused voice sounding adorable.  
“I’m taking you to my house.” You muttered casually as you kept driving. He sat up straighter, his eyes widening quickly as he looked out his truck as if trying to find any way to escape this fate.  
“You m-mean the house you share with your brother, Derek, and your uncle Peter who are members of Scott McCall’s pack, who hate me?” He questioned though you knew he didn’t need an answer because he knew the answer was yes.  
“Uncle Peter isn’t really a part of Scott’s pack, it’s more like he helps for Malia’s sake.” You stated, trying to distract him from what he probably assumed was his impending doom.  
You arrive at the house Derek and Peter had bought recently. It was a big house with about 7 rooms and a double garage but that was mainly because sometimes the pack stayed over when they weren’t away for college.  
You pulled up into the garage before getting out of the car, knowing this house would soon be a war zone. You grabbed Theo and walked out of the garage into the house but as soon as you did Derek had Theo pinned to the wall.  
“Derek, let him go!” You yelled as you tried to pull your older brother off of him.  
“Why is this sociopath in my house!?” He growled angrily, his forearm pushing against Theo’s throat.  
“Because I brought him here, now if you don’t let him go I’m going to scream so loud the neighbours will call the cops!” You demanded childishly.  
“You’re not 5 anymore that won’t wo-” Before he could finish you took a deep breath and began screaming. Derek quickly let Theo go and covered your mouth. He let go when he felt you smile under his palm.  
“He’s staying with us for a while. He’s been sleeping in his truck and it’s not safe. Werewolf or not.” You stated before standing in front of Theo.  
“Why is that our problem!?” Derek screamed causing you to flinch.  
“Because no one deserves to live like that and he’s no worse than Uncle Peter!”  You yelled angrily, however that was when Peter decided to make an appearance.  
“I resent that statement.” He chuckled softly as he approached Theo with a glare.  
“However if the kid needs a place to stay and he’s a friend of my favourite niece, then let him stay.” He added with a sickeningly sweet smile.  
“Thanks, Uncle Peter, Love you!” You giggled whilst dragging Theo off before Derek could protest. Theo was quiet as you dragged him to the spare room across from your bedroom.  
“Why are you doing this?” Theo asked quietly as you dropped his sports bag on the floor.  
“Because I believe everyone can find redemption.” You stated softly and you spun around to face him.  
“Even me? Who killed his own sister?” Theo grunted, his eyes cast down in shame.  
“Yes.” You replied gently.  
“Why?” He huffed anxiously, his eyes looking up to you.  
“Because I’m looking at your face right now and all I see is guilt. You want to start again and try to be a better man. I’m willing to help you.” You whispered, a sad smile working its way to your face.  
Theo didn’t say anything else just kept his eyes to the ground as you explained there were towels in the cupboard in his en-suite bathroom. You told him to wash up and come to the kitchen, after explaining where the kitchen was.  
You walked out the room without another word, before walking downstairs to get started on food. You knew it was late but you wanted to make sure he ate properly before he slept so you heated up some homemade tomato soup you made then fried up some grilled cheese.  
By the time Theo wandered it to the kitchen, food was being plated up. He was wearing a pair of dark grey skinny joggers and a black tank top. You nodded to the breakfast bar stool before cutting the two grilled cheese sandwiches in half.  
You placed the bowl of soup and grilled cheese in front of him with a caring smile on your face. Stroking the back of his head before moving away to make yourself a cup of fruit tea. He stared at the food with wide eyes before he looked up at you. You nodded letting him know you’d made it for him and it was okay to eat.  
He began eating, slowly at first but it seemed when he’d realised how hungry he was, his pace sped up. You stared at him with a smile whilst sipping your tea. You were a year older than Theo and for some reason, it felt like you had to look after him. He was broken and currently trying to earn trust from the pack. He’s earned, Mason's, Corey’s and Liam’s but the rest of the pack was a little more difficult, hence the reason he didn’t tell the pack he was homeless because he didn’t want sympathy. He wanted trust.  
You’d learned he was asleep in his truck about a week ago when you’d followed him after he’d attended a pack meeting. You had wanted to ask him if he wanted to get coffee with you and Lydia to try and get Lydia to warm up to him but when you’d seen the sleeping bag you’d stayed there all night to see if he moved, which he didn’t. That was until the cops told him to leave. This kept happening every night for a week, but tonight you couldn’t bear to see it anymore.  
Theo finished his food quickly then glanced at you with a shy smile on his face. He picked up his dishes and dragged them to the sink before turning on the tap and picking up the sponge on the side. You grabbed his hand to stop him and nodded to the dishwasher in the corner, he loaded them up with a blush evident on his face.  
“Come on let's go to my room and blow dry your hair you can’t sleep like that.” You chuckled before grabbing his hand and dragging him to your room. You sit him on the floor in front of your vanity table chair, before sitting behind him.  
“I can do it…” Theo muttered quietly and had you not been a werewolf you most likely wouldn’t have heard it.  
“Let me.” Is all you said before you began drying his hair slowly, taking your time for reasons unknown to you but somehow doing this felt almost natural.  
You finished drying his hair, brushing through it so it didn’t get knotted, then stood up making your way to stand in front of him. He looked up at you, his longish hair falling into his eyes slightly. You gave him a smile before turning around but before you could you felt Theo grab your hand slowly.  
You turned to face him and as you did he rested his head on your stomach, wrapping his muscled arms around your waist.  You should have found it strange that Theo Raeken was hugging you but all you could think about was how sweet and endearing it was.  
You thread your fingers through his now dry hair as your other hand cupped his jaw and stroked his cheek. Suddenly you felt a wetness soaking into your shirt, shocking you to the core. Theo hugging you was one thing, but to have this poor man crying into your shirt was heartbreaking.  
You took his arms off you causing him to look up with a broken frown, clearing thinking you weren’t going to comfort him but you put those thoughts to a stop when you held out your hand and pulled him up. You pulled him over to your bed and laid down motioning him to do the same.  
When he laid next to you, you pulled him over and wrapped your arms around him. His head resting on your chest as he continued sniffling and crying. You ran your fingers through his hair, never speaking a word just holding him.  
When he finally stopped crying and you heard his breathing even out, you figured he was sleeping so you somehow pulled the covers over you both and you fell asleep soon after with Theo Raeken wrapped tightly around your body.  
When morning came Theo was somehow still laid on your chest, which caused you to chuckle silently. Someone opened your bedroom door and in walked Scott McCall whose eyes widened at the sight. You motion for him to be quiet as you detangled yourself from Theo who thankfully stayed asleep. You dragged Scott to the kitchen before he started yelling.  
“ARE YOU CRAZY!? HAVING HIM STAY HERE IS ONE THING HAVING HIM SLEEP IN YOUR BED IS ANOTHER!” Thankfully you knew Derek would be out by now and Peter would be spending time with Malia since it was a Saturday.  
“He was crying and I comforted him he fell asleep hugging me so I let him! Unlike you, I believe people deserve a second chance!” You yelled back causing Scott to growl.  
“He could’ve hurt you.” He sighed angrily, his yelling ceasing for the time being.  
“He wouldn’t hurt me.” You retaliated equally as angry.  
“How would you know?” He growled moodily.  
“Because I trust him.” You huffed before turning the coffee machine on.  
“You trust him?” Scott asked seriously his anger fading slowly.  
“Yes. I just wish you would too.” You muttered gently, as you thought back to all the time he’d proved himself recently.  
“You like him.” Scott sighed like it was the worst scenario he’d even thought of.  
“That’s none of your business.” You snorted as the coffee machine beeped.  
“If he makes one wrong move you’d tell me?” Scott asked softly, you sent him a nod before pouring and him a cup of coffee.  
You both chatted for a little longer about pack things before Theo wandered into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and looking like a lost little puppy. He didn’t seem to notice Scott as you held out your coffee cup for him. He took it and drank the rest before pouring another one and drinking a little then passing it back to you.  
“What are there no other cups in this house?” Scott snorted, startling Theo who accidentally caught his head on the corner of the cupboard he’d just opened.  
“Oh my god! Honey are you okay!?” You exclaimed worriedly as you shot out your chair to check on him.  
“I’m okay…” He muttered shyly as he rubbed his head and glanced at Scott.  
“Good morning Scott…” He added, nodding his head at Scott in greeting.  
“Good morning Theo.” Scott responded with a deadpan face. You picked up an apple and threw it at his head, totally taking him off guard and hitting him in the head.  
“I’m gonna make some omelettes. What do you want in yours, Scott?” You asked cheerfully as he rubbed his head from where the apple had just hit him.  
“Bacon, cheese and mushrooms.” He huffed as he put the apple back into the fruits basket. You glanced at Theo who answered quietly.  
“Bacon, cheese, and onion…Please.” His manners earned his a very vibrant smile from you as you began getting ingredients from the fridge.  
You were cutting up the mushrooms as Theo sat down next to Scott, not daring to look at him. You flicked glances between the two boys before letting out a wince. You accidentally sliced your finger while you hadn’t been paying attention but suddenly Theo was out his seat and cupping your cheek. You glanced down to see black veins appearing on his arm.  
“Theo, you don’t need to take my pain. I’m fine. See already healed.” You chuckled softly as you showed him the healed cut. He nodded softly before going to sit back down, however, they hadn’t realised Scott was watching the little display of affection with a frown.  
He now realised you might be right to a degree but what he’d also figured out, that was clear as day, Theo’s humanity laid in your hands. Scott smiled at the look Theo gave you as he watched you work on cutting the vegetables again. That was the look Scott always gave Allison if she’d ever hurt herself.  
You served up the omelettes and placed sauces in front of the boys so they could choose. You dug into your breakfast barely registering that Derek or Stiles walked into the kitchen until Stiles spoke.  
“Why are you having breakfast with an enemy?” Stiles whined childishly.  
“Shut up Stiles before I rip your throat out…with my teeth.” You growled as you chewed on a piece of omelette.  
“God, you can tell you two are siblings.” Stiles sighed dramatically. Theo looked like he was about to leave when you pulled him to sit back down. You ran your hands through his hair softly before tucking a stray piece behind his ear.  
“Eat your food and ignore him.” You muttered gently, as you shot him a caring smile. He gave you a nod before he began eating his food silently.  
“Did you just tuck a piece of hair behind Theo Raeken ear…and he didn’t maul your hand off?” Stiles muttered sarcastically and before anyone could blink you had Stiles pinned to the nearest wall.  
“Y/N, let him go!” Derek shouted angrily as he tried to pry you off him.  
“NO! I get you don’t like him! I get you don’t trust him! But right now you’re in my home and he is a guest who is doing nothing but eating his breakfast! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” You roared your eyes glowing golden.  
“Scott do something!” Derek snapped as he tried to yank you off of Stiles again.  
“She’s right.” Was all Scott had to say for you to let Stiles go and walk off to check on Theo.  
“WHAT!?” Derek growled, confusion taking over his face.  
“I think Theo has changed and I don’t trust him but I’m willing to try.” Scott stated as he passed Theo a cup of coffee earning a thank you and a head duck from the other man.  
“You’re serious?” Derek’s eyebrows went from furrowed to his hairline in seconds.  
“Earlier Y/N cut her finger with a knife while cutting veg up…Theo ran to her so fast to take the pain.” Scott smirked as both you and Theo blushed.  
“She’s a werewolf…a born one at that?” Stiles’ eyes widened at this new information.  
“Exactly.” Scott snorted as you and Theo ducked your head down awkwardly.  
“Maybe he did it to impress you?” Stiles supplied like it was the only thing that made sense.  
“He looked at her…Like how I looked at Allison and how you look at Lydia...” Scott muttered awkwardly as your head shot up and Theo looked like he wished the ground would swallow him…again. Stiles eyes almost bugged out his head, glancing at Derek who looked like he wanted to kill Theo.  
“He’s no worse than your uncle and I forgave him. Though I tried to trust him however the Deadpool happened so now I tolerate him instead.” Scott snorted sarcastically, earning a hi-five from Stiles.  
“Fine! But one wrong move and I’ll make you wish you were back in hell.” Derek growled before sipping his coffee casually.  
Theo nodded and started to clean up everyone plates, scraping them and loading them in the dishwasher. Stiles’ eye was twitching like he was trying to control a sarcastic remark which made you cover your hand to hide the giggle that came out.  
You grabbed Theo’s hand as Scott was leaving and waved goodbye as you walked up the stairs with Theo being tugged along. You got into your bedroom and turned to him with a smile which he returned. You grabbed a hairbrush and pulled down to your vanity table chair. You brushed through his hair before styling it quickly. He glanced at you in the mirror and began talking.  
“C-Can I do your hair?” He asked softly causing your eyes to widen in shock. You gave him a nod before he stood up and placed you on the chair.  
His hand played with your S/L  Y/H/C hair for a while, causing you to smile before he started running the hairbrush through your hair gently. His small smile as he stared at your hair stirred butterflies in your stomach.  
Once he’d brushed it, he grabbed a clip from the side and pinned up two-thirds of your hair, before grabbing your straighteners, at this point you were internally freaking out. He grinned at you through the mirror before he began straightening your hair gently.  
After a few minutes, he hadn’t burnt you or your hair so you deemed it safe to relax. He continued working until he’d finished all your hair, brushing through it to make sure it wasn’t knotted. You smiled at his work before standing up and hugging him.  
The last hug you had was about comfort and you’d held Theo however, this hug was purely because you wanted to and this time it was Theo’s strong arms that engulfed you. You took in his scent and the emotion radiating the room. Happiness and content covered the room from both parties.  
You pulled back and stared into his eyes. But your eyes soon widened when you realised Scott was right. There stood Theo Raeken staring down at you like you were the most beautiful thing and person in the world.  
One of Theo’s hands let go of your waist whilst the other hung on for dear life. His hand cupped your cheek slowly, giving you every chance to escape but all you could do was stare at him in shock and amazement.  
You clutched his tank top material that covered his chest as he drew closer to you. His eyes flicking down to your lips before looking into your eyes. As he drew closer, you closed your eyes and then suddenly felt it. His warm soft lips were on yours.  
It was a soft and innocent kiss which was okay with you because you needed baby steps. So you kissed back just as softly pouring all the good feeling he’s ever given you into the kiss. After a few open-mouthed kisses, he pulled back with the biggest happiest grin you’d ever seen on Theo.  
“I like you.” He announced his smile still in place.  
“I should hope so. You just kissed me.” You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek. 
“I like you too.” You added as you pulled away from his cheek.  
“Oh well if that’s the case…We should totally go out on a date.” He exclaimed cockily causing you to burst out laughing.  
“There’s my overconfident Theo. I wondered where he’d gone since you’ve been so subdued.” You laughed, patting his cheek affectionately.  
“A date sounds good.” You added as you cupped his cheek.  
“Perfect.” He whispered before leaning in for another kiss.  
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quinn-joseph · 1 year
"A Place In My Heart" - Bucky Barnes x f! Reader, Part 1
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Here I am again! I've had this scene playing over my head for a hot minute so I decided to give it a shot. Fluff Bucky and broken Bucky is what I'm writing about, but let's see how this one works. This is the first chapter, but you can check out the prologue here.
Word count: 1.1k
I ended up consuming a lot more alcohol than I expected, and although I barely felt the effects of the booze every time I drank it, something seemed to have changed at that moment. She gave me a ride home from work and we went to a bar near my apartment. I already knew the place, I knew which people went there, which guaranteed my safety - mainly because of her. We were talking a mix of stories about her past and how I lived as a super soldier, and I noticed how quickly time passed when I was distracted.
(Y/N) was a company I never expected to get to have, and despite the differences between us - she is a successful journalist and I am a broken man trying to save the world - things seemed to work out. Doctor Christina would be proud if she saw me interacting with anyone other than Sam. At one point during my reverie, I felt her hand discreetly grab my wrist as a warning that something was wrong. With a subtle movement, I turned to look around the establishment, looking for any hint of danger. Her touch, however, for some reason caused a strange vibration and involuntary spasms in my right arm, something I could hardly feel with a touch.
I'm normally not one of touching other people, something I've been trying to change since I started psychiatric treatment, but it wasn't like I could - or even wanted - to get involved with anyone else. Perhaps the response had something to do with the alcohol. Among so many people there, I couldn't find anything unusual, despite noticing brute figures like tall, muscular men exchanging words in louder tones on account of the drink. I used my metallic hand and rested it on her hand, as if to say that everything was fine and she understood, nodding, soon breaking the contact between the two of us. I knew that hardly anything could happen there, I knew the owner and some regulars. My mind was always on the lookout, so I was always analyzing every single person who walked in and out the door.
That is the little bubble of comfort that I hoped (Y/N) could enjoy when she was with me, or even around Sam. The TV announced the appearance of John Walker in another public safety debate and I felt my eyes roll. Damn Wilson, not accepting that shield from Steve still killed me inside.
"That guy again," I growled, staring to the man's face. Next to me, the journalist wrote down a few words on her cell phone. Everything she said about the new "Captain America" ​​she kept with her in case of any trouble. And I was sure one day it would come. I felt her icy hand - which was previously holding a bottle of beer - grabbing my chin roughly, making me look at her. I got the message.
"If you don't stop looking at that TV, I'm going to break that bottle over your head", (Y/N) snapped. There, we were trying to distract ourselves from anything involving my missions and Walker. I laughed at the way she tried to sound scary, even in a joking tone. I felt the alcohol rise up my cheeks as it coursed through my bloodstream. I already knew I was going to have a problem with a hangover the next day, but I didn't want to think about it now.
"Sorry, tell me about your childhood. What did you use to do?", I questioned, seeing her eyes shine when starting the conversation back about how she liked to play all day in the street at home. I also had a flash of memories from that time, but at the same time, the memory of the moment I fell off that train washed over me and I tried not to let her know my mind wasn't there for a few long seconds.
When she dropped me off at home, I began to feel the weight of all the whiskey and beer I shouldn't have mixed, but insisted on drinking, imagining myself resistant to it all. My body heaved as soon as I changed my clothes and lay down on the couch, while I watched (Y/N) turn on the television, looking for a glass of water in the kitchen. It wouldn't take me all the water in the gallon to wash out whatever was still stuck in my head at that moment, but it would help me get rid of at least some of the alcohol in my blood. She sat next to me, looking at her phone for a while, while I shook off the drunk feeling.
"Thanks, (Y/N)," I said, getting her attention. She looked at me, putting her cell phone in her purse. "You know, for today. For agreeing with Sam and the doc to make me more social." She smiled and gave a light laugh at the same time.
"Sociable isn't quite the word I would use. But now at least you've become a less grumpy, and a more talkative Bucky."
I nodded, it wasn't so easy to be able to express myself the way I'd like to, but over time and with psychiatric treatment I managed to be more me, more James Barnes, more Bucky Barnes and less The Winter Soldier. When I took her hand to shake it as a thank you, I felt the same vibe as before and when I looked into her eyes, I could see compassion. Having a friend there, even though I had already met other women (and not kept in touch as I should have), brought me a thread of hope that I would still be able to change myself.
I came closer to greet her with a kiss on the cheek - which I learned to be a custom - smelled the mixture of floral perfume and the bitterness of beer through her light breath and my head made a noise as if my neurons had done a backflip. When I changed the course of her face, I realized why I avoided approaching any female person in this way so much. My lips stuck like a magnet to her pink mouth in a long peck and, intoxicated, I felt I hadn't done the right thing. I'd be trapped there, and, even worse, I would be automatically putting her in danger by simply being with me. But the feeling was better than anything I had experienced before.
"Guess I should've knocked before", the sound of Sam's voice brought me back to reality and I felt (Y/N) stiffen in front of me. It scared both of us, and it made us break the kiss immediately.
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