#mainly from frowning 24/7
puphoods · 2 years
i know exactly what all three of them look like i can see them in my mind theyre so real. but i cannot draw that good to be able to get it right
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drunk-person · 11 days
Dynasty (The Gossip) P.7
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
Summary: One of the most talked about gossips among the lower class servants in Kings Landing is the fact (or not) that Aemond Targaryen got involved with his cousin Y/n Targaryen when they were both teenagers. Mainly due to the fact that at the age of 17 she was sent to Old Town overnight. Some employees claim that Aemond was caught between her legs. Some say that, like her father, she had had a horrible fight with her uncle and aunt and was sent away. And other than that none of this happened, she just became interested in the course offered at the Old Town conservatory. But now five years later, Y/n Targaryen is back, and rumors haunt those who favor them.
This chapter is a part of a main story The gossip, you can find the previous chapter, summary and general tags by accessing the link.
Summary of the chapter: The return to Kings Landing may not bring everything that Aemond and Y/n expected, since life does not always favor the choices of those born into a dynasty.
Warnings of the chapter: 18+, family fights, dysfunctional family, I don't know what warnings to put up today, no description for reader.
Word count: 9.800 k
A/n: Ok this chapter was a little hard to write and I told myself I would stop editing it or it would never see the light of the Internet hahaha. For those who want to follow the soundtrack in this chapter we have a bit of Two Ghosts by Harry Styles and then Dynasty by MIIA. I hope you like it, and continue to like me after this.
"Hey, hey Kings Landing, apparently Aemond Targaryen was seen on the beach in Lys over the weekend. It was not reported whether he was accompanied or not, but we all know that no one goes to Lys unaccompanied, and everyone who goes there does not intend to be seen. Could this be the reason for Floris Baratheon's disaffection?"
The trip back to Kings Landing was nothing but peaceful. And while still on the plane, Aemond smilingly decided that the cat's name would be Vhagar, just like the ancient Valyrian goddess, which Y/n vehemently approved. The two landed in the early hours of Monday, and with Aemond still excited, they went to a 24-hour veterinary clinic, where Vhagar could be examined and properly vaccinated. When the two returned with her to the car, she was much cleaner, although her fur was still dull. And Aemond had bought special food, a bed and toys for cats.
Vhagar was slightly scared when she arrived at Aemond's apartment, since she had never been in that environment. And as soon as Aemond opened the transport box, she hid under the bookshelf in the living room and refused to leave, which Aemond respected, letting her adapt.
The next morning, Aemond had to use all the willpower he had in him to get out of bed after having slept for about two hours. Y/n's warm body next to his in bed looked so attractive, covered in nothing but a black cotton shirt that she had taken from his closet. And all he wanted was to cling to her and spend the whole morning just breathing deeply against her neck.
Reluctantly, Aemond got up without waking her and took a shower. As he got dressed for the day, her voice called him softly and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up with that sweet sound.
-Are you already going to work? - Her hair was messy and her face was slightly crumpled as she stared at him and Aemond walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, pulling her in for a soft kiss.
-Mmmm. - He murmured positively and almost felt faint when she crossed her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and leaving another kiss.
-If you need to talk to me, just give me a call. - Aemond spoke against her neck after breaking the kiss, pointing to the phone he had brought from the living room and left on the bedside table and Y/n nodded positively with a smile.
-Did you leave your number? - She frowned slightly.
-It's still the same as always. - He shrugged. - I never changed it.
Y/n just smiled and left a soft kiss on his chin before Aemond got up and headed for the door.
-See you later.
Aemond was visibly tired when he arrived at the company that morning, and all he wanted was to have stayed cuddled with Y/n in bed at least until 11. In his slight distraction caused by sleep, he barely noticed the eyes following him as soon as he entered the main hall of the Targaryan, everyone inadvertently noticing the not-so-subtle tan on his always white skin, denouncing the veracity of the speculations pointed out early in the morning in the gossip magazines and blogs.
As soon as he got off the elevator on the floor where his and Aegon's offices were, the secretaries' eyes landed curiously on his skin, and soon after the two quickly looked at each other with slightly anxious eyes.
-Any message for me? - Aemond asked, already heading towards his own office.
-No message, sir, just some late reports from last week that are on your desk. - Lizze replied quickly while nodding her head negatively.
-Mmmm, good… - He then stopped in the middle of the way - When you order my lunch, order the same as you ordered for me, but swap the meat for fish or chicken and have it delivered to my apartment.
-Yes sir. - Lizze quickly wrote down what he said so as not to run the risk of forgetting. And as soon as the door to Aemond's office closed she whispered to Sana.
-Last Friday she made that exact same order for me. - Lizze leaned over the table as she spoke and Sana just drummed her fingers on the table while laughing and waggling her eyebrows at Lizze.
-So we already know where she's spending the day. - Sana whispered back laughing. - Did you see his skin? He looks like a walking shrimp! He must have been frying in the Lys sun all weekend.
-Well we have a good idea of ​​who was keeping him company. - Lizze bit her lip, a little guilty for making such statements, even though she knew they were probably true.
-You mean we're sure, right? - Sana rolled her eyes, laughing.
-What I really know is that she's been back less than a week and in that time my workload has decreased by 50% and I got a raise, I hope she never leaves! - Lizze concluded with a mischievous smile as she answered a call.
Aemond gave an irritated look at his desk as soon as he entered the office, he hated delays with almost every ounce of his being. And after reading to make sure everything was right and finally being able to finish his own reports, he decided to personally deliver the papers to his father in the presidency.
He usually didn't go to Viserys' office very often, only when strictly necessary, but he was in a good mood and it wouldn't cost him anything to go there and deliver such important documents.
-You look happy. - Viserys said, looking at his son with a slight smile as he approached the desk and Aemond frowned in confusion since he had the same serious look as always. - It's good to see you like this.
-Mmmm. - He murmured, lowering his gaze, a little embarrassed as he usually was when interacting with his father.
-The technical data reports for this month. - He placed the first folder on the table. - And sector growth reports.
-Very good. - The older man nodded positively while analyzing the papers. - Good work Aemond.
Aemond just nodded, almost letting out a sideways smile as he left while Viserys stared at his son's back, a little apprehensive about the reason for his apparent happiness. The cloud of melancholy that hovered around him seemed to have dissipated overnight, and the patriarch was slightly worried that his wife was right in her concerns.
The sun was already a little high in the sky when Y/n, even though she was still sleepy, forced herself to get up from Aemond's comfortable bed. She had a lot of things to plan and wanted to find a perfect place to be the studio for the brand in formation. And after taking a shower to feel more awake, wearing a beautiful aqua green sundress that she had brought from Lys and eating some yogurts from the fridge, she turned on the desktop computer in the office to start working.
Y/n hadn't noticed much about Aemond's apartment the day she arrived, but thinking better now that she was looking closely there wasn't much to notice. It was very spacious and there were almost no walls, increasing the feeling of spaciousness. Apart from the main furniture, it didn't have any decorations that drew much attention; the walls were white and the furniture was a mix of black, gray and cream. In fact, when she stopped to think about it, she concluded that even his office at the company had more personality.
The only thing that caught the eye was the large wooden shelf full of books. And she couldn't help but smile at the huge collection he had acquired. Some of them, she was sure, should be in a museum, and not on Aemond's personal bookshelf.
Below the bookcase, Y/n frowned when she noticed a beautiful wooden chest with some flowers carved on the lid, but when she tried to open it, she realized it was locked. She then went back to the computer desk and rolled her eyes deeply when she realized it was asking for a password.
Grumbling softly, she walked back to Aemond's room to get the phone. With a huff, she jumped onto the soft bed, lying on her stomach and reaching for the phone on the table. But then her brow furrowed slightly when she saw the bedside drawer with an open gap. Curiously, she opened it all the way, feeling her face heat up a little as she began to laugh when she found two polaroids of herself at the bottom of the drawer. In one, she was just smiling with her eyes closed, wearing a yellow summer dress, lying amidst the colorful flowers of a meadow that the two of them always went to hide in near Kings Wood, something completely innocent. But the other… It was her lying in the middle of the sheets of Aemond's bed wearing nothing but a smile, Y/n remembered that photo and the moment it was taken, it was the first time he had made her cum three times, and at the height of his own arrogance he took that photo saying he wanted to remember that moment forever. And with a smile she dialed the number that she had known by heart for a long time, waiting for Aemond to answer. When he finally did, her smile grew even wider.
-You know, I found something very interesting in your bedside drawer. - She laughed, turning over and lying on her back on the sheets, looking at the ceiling.
-Very interesting? - She could almost see Aemond roll his eyes and smile wryly if he closed his eyes.
-Yeah, you know, a picture of a girl? - She asked, still thrown between the sheets.
-If it's of a very pretty girl, put it back where you found it and don't crease the edges… I only have one of those. - She smiled against the phone when she heard him speak.
-Can I ask what you did with one of them in specific?
-You can after dinner today. - He murmured on the other end of the line and Y/n pulled her legs against her, laughing.
-I'll contain my curiosity.
-Is everything okay? - His voice sounded worried and Y/n felt her heart warm.
-Yes, but I need the computer's password. - She rolled excitedly onto the bed, lying on her stomach while swinging her legs. - I want to look at the available properties to find one that's good enough.
When Aemond started saying the numbers, Y/n jumped out of bed and walked quickly back to the living room, asking him to repeat it more slowly as she sat down on the chair, barely noticing the fact that the numbers were her birthday. She just smiled when she saw a photo of the mansion's garden at dusk, only the stone bench under the tree empty.
-Did you have breakfast?
-Yup. - She answered, already accessing the browser and crossing her legs in a lotus flower on the chair - Yogurt.
-Yogurt is not breakfast. - His voice was serious and Y/n smiled when she imagined the crease forming on his forehead.
-It was when is my first meal of the day. - She rolled her eyes, still laughing. - Now get back to work!
And without saying anything else, Y/n hung up the phone and threw it on the table, then grabbed some papers and a pencil to start researching.
Aemond hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket, still smiling, but the smile slowly faded when the office door opened and his grandfather and mother entered unannounced, with very serious looks on their faces.
-Hello, Aemond. - Oto's expression would have made anyone tremble at that moment as Alicent closed the door and walked behind her father towards the office desk. - I heard some rumors that may not be good at all.
-Well, the bad tongues of this city have a certain addiction to spreading unfounded gossip. - The youngest disdained, raising his eyebrows slightly. - If we paid attention to all of them, some of us would already be arrested for moral harassment, wouldn't you say, grandfather?
Oto only became even more serious, staring at Aemond with twice the fury.
-I'll ask you just once, Aemond. - Oto's cold and controlled voice seemed to drop the temperature of the room. - Are you having an affair with that little bitch again?
-Don't you dare talk about her like that! - Aemond practically growled with a carefully calculated tone of voice.
-Based on your inconvenience, I can assume so. - Oto placed both hands on the tabletop, staring into his eyes. - And I'm trying to understand Aemond where you're planning to go with this, because Aegon is a stupid idiot and we all know that, but I always expected more from you.
Aemond's eyes burned with anger as he heard his grandfather speak, and he stared back at him without moving a muscle while he felt his hands tremble.
-Do you remember what we talked about the last time I was here? - Oto hissed tightly. - About the unique opportunity that the party chose to offer you? Your candidacy could be launched in the next elections alongside mine, this would make you one of the youngest deputies in our history, it would give more power to our family, it would improve your position within the company and as an heir!
-But do you think the conservative party will maintain the proposal if all this comes to light in the media? - The older man glared at him. - People are not stupid! They see things and go around talking about what they see. Do you think no one is talking about you going to Lys all of a sudden and leaving your fiancée behind?
-She's not my fiancée! - Aemond spoke firmly and slowly, narrowing his eyes at his grandfather.
-But it should be! - Oto slammed his hands on the table. - Do you think that girl is going to wait forever? That her father will be patient forever? He is my ally and supporter within the party, but he expects to receive something in return and this marriage is as beneficial to you as it is to everyone else involved. The shareholders will pressure Viserys about the succession if you are married to Floris and have direct influence over Baratheon industries!
-What if I don't want any of this? - Aemond walked away from his grandfather and headed towards the bookshelves under Alicent's watchful eye. - What if I want to have a different life?
-A different life? - Oto scoffed before Alicent could open her own mouth. - There is no different life for you, Aemond! You were born for this, for business, for politics! You are a Targaryen and a Hightower, you will not give up everything for a girl who is not worth your time. You were born into a dynasty, boy! Luxuries like choices cannot be paid for!
-She is exactly like her father! - Oto growled angrily, approaching his grandson again. - She doesn't think before she acts, she only does what she wants and thinks she deserves to do well for it. Let me tell you where Daemon is now, isolated in Pentos, married to a useless woman, with two daughters and running a branch of the company that is of absolutely no use! He threw away the golden opportunity that was Rhea Royce because he thought he deserved a different life. That's what happened!
-Do you want to follow that same path? End up with nothing, just the failure they expect you to be, just like Aegon is? - Oto almost shouted those words to Aemond as he got closer and closer to him under Alicent's watchful gaze. -That girl will only pull you down like the anchor she is! Putting those stupid dreams in your head.
Aemond's brain seemed to be rattling around in his head at his grandfather's words, he could barely reason. And as if that would help bring his focus back, he brought his hands to his eyes and pressed them tightly, breathing deeply. When he opened them again, he faced the leather sofa ahead where Y/n was lying waiting for him while drawing, talking and smiling two days ago, feeling her heart speed up.
-I'm not going to marry Floris Baratheon! - He stated slowly, looking very seriously at his grandfather. - And I'm not going to continue with this whole farce, this "relationship" with Floris is over! I'm going to end it all with her today.
-You can't do that! - Alicent screeched, walking towards the father and son. - Aemond, you're not thinking straight, I won't allow you to throw everything away for such a sordid sin.
-Sin is what I'm doing to Floris! - His eyes were wide and he looked towards the elders as he gestured. - Involving her in this whole situation just for my own benefit while I'm in love with someone else…
-Aemond! - Alicent reprimanded him firmly the moment he used the term love. - How many times have I told you not to repeat this? Why can't you just forget about it all? Leave this horrible story behind? You were doing so well until she came back here and messed with your head again.
-Nothing was fine, it wasn't even close to being fine! - He looked at the older people with a fierce look. - But I'm not going to live that way anymore, and I can't bring Floris into this either.
Alicent put her hands to her mouth, sobbing as she stared at Aemond. He felt horrible at that moment for making his mother cry. For a moment, he almost apologized and took back what he had said.
-Do you think your actions only affect you, boy? - Oto turned once again towards Aemond with a fulminated look. - Do you think the consequences won't affect me too?
-The elections are at the end of this year and I run the risk of not even having my candidacy launched by the party if you are involved in a scandal of this magnitude!
-I have built my entire career based on family, morals and good customs. - Oto looked at him fixedly. - And now we have Aegon and Daeron destroying my reputation out there. My salvation is you and Helaena. If you do this, Aemond, I will lose my position in the party and probably my political position.
-And what do you expect me to do? - Aemond asked through gritted teeth, feeling like he could collapse at any moment as he looked at his grandfather with his eyes trembling with pain and doubt.
-Wait at least until the elections to break up with Floris Baratheon. - Oto almost smiled saying those words. - Just act as if everything was normal between you two.
-I can't do that. - Aemond shook his head negatively as he remembered the promise he made to Y/n.
He didn't need to say the reason, both Oto and Alicent knew very well what it was. And before Alicent started talking again, the older man silenced her with just a gesture.
-I know your reasons, Aemond. But if she loves you as much as she says, she will understand your situation. - Oto's eyes shone as he said that. - She will wait for all this to be resolved.
-Give me a few days to think about what I'm going to do. - He asked in a morbid voice, staring at his grandfather with a lost look in his eyes.
-Then at least guarantee me that you will go to the charity ball with Floris. - Oto demanded in a harsh voice. - That would be very good for your image after the last few days and consequently for my image as well.
-Mmm. - And without knowing what to say, Aemond just murmured and nodded to his grandfather who smiled sideways at the small victory.
Sana and Lizze practically bit their nails out of curiosity in the entrance hall of the offices. Every now and then they heard shouts and incoherent words coming from inside Aemond's office. The only thing they both knew was that they were discussing Floris Baratheon.
And when the doors finally opened and Oto came out followed by Alicent, both with unfriendly faces, the two pretended to focus on their own tasks, avoiding even looking away to notice them.
-Father, have you lost your mind? - Alicent looked at him furiously, starting to speak as soon as the elevator doors closed. - Why did you back off?
-Because it wouldn't do any point to pressure him to stay away from her. I underestimated Aemond's devotion towards her. - Oto's eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
-I warned you, didn't I? - Alicent hissed, biting the skin of her thumb staring at his father with wide eyes. - You weren't there the night I sent her away, you didn't see what I saw! She's like a parasite stuck to him.
-Well, we already know one thing… the only person who can keep Aemond away from Y/n is Y/n herself. - The oldest looked at her very seriously. - And I'm going to make sure that happens.
-From the little time I've spent with her and from what you've told me, the girl has the same unstable temperament as that her idiot father. - Oto rolled his eyes. - It'll be easy to put her exactly in the position we want.
Y/n was leaning over the office desk eating one of the remaining chocolate bars Aemond had bought for her in Lys the day before while crossing a potential property off the list after realizing it was too close to Flea Bottom.
The soft sound of the doorbell broke through the silence of the apartment and Y/n frowned, heading towards the door without even looking at who it was before opening it, becoming even more confused when she found a food delivery man standing in the doorway.
-I didn't order food. - The girl frowned, staring at the boy.
-This is Mr. Aemond Targaryen's apartment, isn't it? - The boy looked at her confused and Y/n just nodded positively.
-So that's right. - He handed the package into Y/n's hands and left, wishing her a good lunch, making her smile and wish him a good day at work.
She rolled her eyes with a silly smile on her lips as she opened the package and saw the smoked salmon with Caesar salad and some side dishes.
-He knows how to be sweet when he wants to be. - She said to Vhagar who was eating some of the food with her back to the wall while looking at her suspiciously.
Y/n tried to call Aemond to talk about lunch, but he didn't answer her calls and shrugging her shoulders she finished her own meal while feeling Vhagar, who had become less skittish after getting a piece of fish from Y/n's plate, rubbing herself against her calves.
The rest of Aemond's afternoon was an endless torment. He barely touched the food that had been brought and didn't do even a third of the work he was supposed to do for the day. He just kept thinking about how he was going to get out of this situation without causing any more problems, but there seemed to be no answer.
Y/n called once again shortly after his mother and grandfather left his office, but Aemond didn't have the courage to answer. Not after all that, not when he felt unable to draw oxygen into his own lungs.
Hours later, when the sun was already setting on the horizon, he sighed deeply and picked up the phone, dialing the home number, leaning over the table as if a huge weight were on his back.
-Hello you! - Y/n's sweet voice came on the other end of the line and Aemond felt his chest tighten.
-Hey, beautiful. - He practically sighed. - Is everything okay?
-Well, I received some delicious food for lunch and I have ten good real estate options for the studio, so I would say yes. - He could feel the excitement in her voice as she spoke and couldn't help but smile melancholy.
-But what about you… are you okay? - She paused, her voice suddenly worried, he did his best to reassure her.
-Yes, just a stressful meeting earlier.
-Oh, I can give you a back massage when you get home. - Her voice was so soft, so sweet, so concerned for him. Aemond felt his own body tingle.
-That will definitely be well received. - He smiled more genuinely and soon after that he decided he had had enough of that day.
-I'll be there in a few minutes.
-Really? - Her voice sounded excited and he was sure she was biting her lower lip at that very moment. - I thought you were leaving later.
-And I am, but I'm leaving early today.
-Great! I'm going to order something for us to eat! See you later.
Aemond heard two loud kisses that she had probably placed on the phone and shortly afterwards the line went dead. He just rolled his eyes with a tired smile and put away his things and left the office.
-Miss Mayotte, take my messages. I'm going for today. - He announced without even looking at the secretaries as he walked towards the elevator.
-Yes sir. - Lizze nodded positively while, away from her boss's gaze, she raised her eyebrows questioningly at Sana, who just shrugged.
-Someone was obviously not happy with the visit earlier. - Sana whispered as soon as the elevator door closed, but even if he had been next to her, Aemond probably wouldn't have heard with so many thoughts screaming in his head at the same time.
And when he got into the car he made a decision, he would tell Y/n everything that had been said by his grandfather and mother as soon as they both finished dinner.
Not far from there, at the Flavor of Seven Tea House, evil-intentioned tongues gnawed at each other in malicious whispers. As was already common, some of the members of Kings Landing's high society were sharing a table for afternoon tea in one of the most expensive places in the city.
The laughter was contained and the voices low and polite while, more cruelly than the lower class, they made cruel comments about each other's lives. The conversation at the table immediately ceased when the door of the tea house opened and Aemond Targaryen entered with his very serious look and his usual importance.
As soon as he arrived at the main counter, everyone started talking even more intensely and even more quietly so that no one around could hear.
-Look at his skin. - Elyrio Hayford murmured, taking a subtle sip of tea while pretending not to look in Aemond's direction.
The others at the table nodded positively while raising their eyebrows and biting their lips, also looking discreetly in the direction of the counter.
-I just wanted to run into Y/n around to make sure she was in Lys with him. - Elyrio's younger brother, Lion grumbled, taking some cookies from the older brother's plate.
-And how would you do that? - Jane Pyle asked laughingly, biting her lower lip and raising her eyebrows, drinking some of the black coffee in the cup.
-Hello Y/n dear, have you been seeing Lys with your grumpy and hot cousin in the last few days? - Jane spoke in a terrible imitation of Lion's voice and he just threw one of the cookies at her, making her laugh even more.
-And do you think it would be necessary to ask? - Elyrio whispered maliciously. - Just look at him! He's more tan than the surfers at Black Water, he looks like a shrimp. And I bet all my inheritance that she must be the same!
-What's he ordering at the counter? - Pia Rosby, who had her back to Aemond, hissed in curiosity. - As far as I know, Floris always says he doesn't eat sweets.
-I can't see very well. - Lion rolled his eyes. - That huge guy is blocking my field of vision.
-It looks like he's taking a strawberry cake. - And trying to be discreet, Elyrio leaned closer to Jane to try to see.
-Sometimes he'll take the cake to Floris. - Pia shrugged and everyone at the table laughed a little louder without meaning to.
-Floris is allergic to strawberries. - Jane rolled her eyes, still laughing. - That's besides the fact that she told Nia a while ago that he never brought her a single sweet, among other things that a boyfriend is supposed to give his girlfriend when he likes her.
The four of them looked away at the same moment Aemond turned and walked past them all once more without saying a word, leaving the tea house with the package in his hands.
-Everyone's going to the Targaryen charity ball this week, aren't they? - Lion smiled evilly as he stirred his iced tea with a straw.
-I wouldn't miss it for anything! - Jane smiled, biting her lip as she drank the last sip of coffee.
Y/n smiled and hummed the music on the radio as she placed plates, cutlery and glasses on the dining table. The phone was next to the computer, and she had already called five of the places on the list. Unfortunately, none of them had pleased her enough. But she was still absolutely happy. Aemond had called her about an hour ago saying he would be home early from the company. And with a smile, she ordered food from a restaurant they always went to for family dinners.
Setting the table and waiting for Aemond Y/n felt like she was 9 years old again playing house where she and Aemond pretended to be a very happy couple, the only thing missing was the children she thought unconsciously putting her right hand to her stomach feeling a pang of pain in her heart , then shaking her head as if that could drive away the bad thoughts and then smiling at the thought that in a short time she and Aemond could have all of this.
Without warning, the door opened and Aemond entered, leaving the folder on the top of the sideboard where he kept his shoes. And walking towards him with a smile, Y/n could see a package of craft paper with yellow ribbons in his hands and frowned curiously.
-What is this? - She pointed with her chin at the package expectantly while pulling him by the neck and leaving a kiss on his lips, and Aemond shrugged his shoulders in a sign of unimportance.
-Only the best strawberry cake from Flavor of Seven.
-No way. - Y/n said, her eyes shining, going towards him and taking the package to open it as if it were a gift under Aemond's watchful eyes.
An easy smile appeared on his lips when he saw in Y/n that same childish joy that she had when he gave her sweets as a child.
-Do you know the best part of being an adult? - She suddenly looked very serious at Aemond and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he denied it.
-Being able to eat dessert before dinner. - She wiggled her eyebrows laughingly, placing the cake on the table while she went to look for a cake knife, leaving Aemond smiling behind. He looked down, still smiling, and then saw Vhagar sleeping hidden under the couch, with only her tail sticking out.
-Was she okay during the day? - He arched his eyebrows, following Y/n to the kitchen.
-Yup. - She nodded with a smile as she bit the tip of one of the strawberries she had taken from the top of the cake and put the rest in Aemond's mouth. - She spent most of the time hiding, but she ate, drank water, and walked around the apartment a few times.
-Well, the vet said it's normal for this to happen while she adapts to the environment. - He smiled slightly after swallowing the strawberry, staring at Y/n's smiling red lips.
And with his heart still aching from the dark day, he gently pulled her by the waist and kissed her sweetly on the lips, feeling the strawberry flavor of his own lips mixing with hers in a soft caress.
After breaking the kiss, Y/n just buried her head in the crook of Aemond's neck, rubbing herself lovingly against him while sighing when she felt him stroking her hair affectionately. And with a sweet smile she walked back towards the dining room to cut the cake, followed closely by the eldest who stopped when passing by the office itself.
Aemond smiled as he looked over the computer table and found some drawings of how she wanted the front of the studio to look, some sketches of the interior and even some drawings of Vhagar throughout the day. In one of them, the cat was eating, in another just sitting on the chair and in another hidden under the bookshelf with only her long, fluffy, gray tail showing.
-What did you order for dinner? - He observed the practically perfectly organized table with curiosity as the serving bowls were covered.
-That Westerlands restaurant that we always went to in the past. - Y/n cut a slice of cake and placed it on Aemond's plate. - Ravioli with mushrooms and cheese. - She smiled, placing a slice on her own plate while Aemond murmured in approval of the dinner menu.
The two ate dessert before dinner and amidst smiles and conversations Aemond opened the wine that Y/n had ordered with the food and they both laughed when the cork hit the shelf hard, making Vhagar show her teeth in discomfort and hide under Aemond's chair, who was delighted with the fact that she felt safe around him.
In the tranquility of dinner conversations, Y/n told him that of all the places, the one she liked the most already had a proposal and was off the market. And Aemond squeezed her hand, humming and vehemently affirming that she would find an even better place, making her smile and lean towards him.
When they finished dinner, Y/n held his hands and they hugged while dancing to the soft music that played on the radio. Aemond buried his head in her soft hair that smelled of his shampoo and closed his eyes in pleasure, then distributed kisses on her face and neck, still feeling the light taste of the wine they had drunk on his lips while he kissed her.
And lost in the sweetness of that moment, he decided that he would not talk about anything that happened earlier with Y/n, at least not that night.
The next day he did not wake her up, Y/n slept soundly between the covers and before leaving the apartment, Aemond just placed a soft kiss on her forehead, feeling his own heart ache in a strange way when he left her that morning.
Compared to the previous day, the morning was completely monotonous, and when it was close to 11:00, he sighed and headed to the meeting room for something that was finally relevant that day.
Just like the previous day, Y/n got up, took a shower, got dressed and went straight to Aemond's office to continue organizing everything necessary for the opening of the studio. The hours passed while she took note of suppliers of good quality inputs. And feeling tired, she decided to eat a fruit to wait for lunch.
While she ate the peach, the browser's news tab updated and Y/n read some of it, rolling her eyes at all the sensationalism that was being done about the lives of members of high society while smiling, but then a new piece of news appeared in the breaking news carousel and her heart seemed to freeze in her chest the same moment she read it and the smile slowly died on her lips until all that was left was a soft tremor of despair.
Aemond Targaryen announces his engagement to Floris Baratheon.
Y/n felt her hands shaking uncontrollably as she clicked on the news, shaking her head as her eyes burned.
"The son of the magnate Viserys Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen has just announced the engagement with Floris Baratheon. According to him, the two would wait to make the announcement at the annual Targaryen Inc. charity ball, but faced with such happiness, they couldn't wait to make the announcement. Apparently Aemond Targaryen went to Lys to choose an exclusive ring for Floris made in the land of the goddess of love that she will wear at the ball. Happy news, isn't it?"
Y/n wanted to scream, scream until her lungs exploded and she no longer needed to feel that searing pain in her chest. She had barely noticed when the tears began to run down her cheeks, leaving her eyes blurry, and at that moment the only thing she could feel was pain.
Without even dressing appropriately, she opened the door to Aemond's apartment and slammed it behind her as she left the place in tears wearing only a short yellow dress and bare feet, barely seeing the path ahead of her down the hallway to the elevator.
-Miss Targaryen? - The doorman called her as soon as he got off the elevator in the building's lobby, seeing the state she was in, and Y/n felt like his voice was miles away. - Do you need something?
-Just order a taxi for me, please! That's all. - She begged amid sobs, barely able to breathe as she tried to wipe her own tears without success, the only thing Y/n wanted at that moment was to get out of that place.
The man just waved as he looked at her with a curious frown, but Y/n barely noticed, too lost in her own sadness to look around. And when the taxi arrived about three minutes later, she got in and drove away from there, still feeling the hot tears running down her cheeks, and no matter how much she squeezed her eyes, the bright letters announcing Aemond's engagement to another seemed to not disappear from her mind.
-Congratulations, Mr. Targaryen. - Sana said politely as Aemond walked towards his own room, returning from the meeting, and the man frowned in visible confusion.
-For your engagement, of course. - The secretary smiled and Aemond felt his stomach drop.
-Where did you get such nonsense, Mrs. Heyors? - His voice sounded cold and sharp, making Lizze and Sana shrink in their chairs.
-I-It's on all the news sites, sir. - The woman lowered her head, unable to look him in the eye, and Aemond instantly turned the woman's computer screen to him, clicking on the news site in the tab next to it.
Bile rose in his throat instantly when he saw the huge photo of him next to Floris below the headline saying that he had announced an engagement between the two.
-Seven fucking hells. - He hissed in shock and without saying another word to either of them, Aemond turned and practically ran towards the elevator with only one thing on his mind, Y/n.
The secretaries just looked at him with silent judgmental looks and after the elevator door closed, Sana pulled her own chair up to Lizze's desk.
-What is this man planning to do? - She whispered, quickly looking over her shoulder to check if anyone was coming. - Marry the daughter of the Baratheons and have sex with his cousin in free time?
-Sana! - Lizze scolded her immediately, afraid that someone would hear them.
-But it's the truth and you know it. - She rolled her eyes. - Do you think he let us leave early on Friday night out of the pure kindness of his dark heart? I have a slight idea of ​​what the two of them must have been doing alone in that room after we left that day.
-What about this whole story about him going to Lys just to buy a ring for Miss Baratheon? - Lizze hissed, giving up on reprimanding her coworker. - Do me a favor, I've never seen this man even take the time to go with the girl to the corner and out of nowhere he made a 3 hour trip just to buy her a ring?
-It's obvious that he went to Lys with his cousin and now they're trying to cover up the whole thing. - Sana rolled her eyes, but then approached Lizze very seriously. - But I don't think he agreed to this engagement thing, did you see his face? It felt like he had come face to face with a bear in the forest and then I thought it was going to eat us alive.
Aemond got into the car and sped away from Targaryen at high speed, not even stopping at the entrance. His mind was boiling with anxiety as he drove like a madman through the busy streets of Kings Landing. As he tried to call the apartment's landline without success.
-Seven hells. - He practically shouted as he hit the steering wheel hard. - What the fuck.
He had barely stopped the car in the building's parking lot and without even taking the key out of the ignition, he already got out, taking long steps towards the elevator, pressing the button continuously as if that would make the elevator arrive faster, as he pressed his short nails firmly into the palms of his hands.
When he finally reached the apartment, the door was unlocked and he jumped inside, already calling Y/n's name with his wide eyes shining with despair, but getting no response. As he approached the computer, he saw the screen frozen on his own face next to Floris's with the huge news of the engagement.
-Damn. Damn. Damn it. - He walked back towards the door, almost tripping over Vhagar's bowl full of food, who was sleeping under the couch once again.
Aemond ran to the building's reception in search of the only likely person who would have seen her. The doorman.
-She left a few minutes ago, sir. - The older man replied as he nervously played with a pen. - She asked me to call her a taxi, she seemed very upset about something.
-Where did she go? - Aemond demanded with a cutting voice.
-H-hotel Aegon's Fort. - The man stuttered shakily while Aemond barely heard and ran back towards the parking lot, leaving once again at high speed while feeling his hands sweating cold.
As soon as Aemond entered the hotel reception, everyone looked at him curiously, but he didn't care, he just walked to the reception as fast as his legs could carry him.
-I would like to know the room number of my cousin Y/n Targaryen. - He looked at the boy at the reception who swallowed hard, barely able to look him in the eye.
-I-I'm sorry sir, b-but she asked not to be d-disturbed. - The poor boy stuttered shakily looking at the counter as he answered.
-My family owns this hotel! - Aemond hissed softly, placing his hand firmly on the counter, looking at him with wide, threatening eyes. - Everything inside here belongs to me, including your job.
-What's your name, boy? - Aemond's voice sounded weaponous and the boy in front of him felt like he was going to vomit.
-It's-It's Tom sir.
-Very well Tim, I'm asking you something very simple… I think it's best to do it. - Aemond looked at him even harder as he spat the words, and the boy nodded quickly in response while stuttering Y/n's room number.
And without saying anything else Aemond walked with long strides to the elevator, barely able to breathe, feeling as if the air was thin, while his stomach churned with anxiety.
As soon as he reached the room at the end of the corridor on the thirteenth floor, Aemond knocked on the door with wild eyes as he waited for an answer. A few moments later, Y/n opened it and he could see her eyes filled with tears. When she saw him, she tried to close the bedroom door again, but Aemond held it firmly, preventing her from doing so.
-You have to believe me when I say that I didn't authorize any of this. - He said in a very serious voice, staring at her as he held the door.
-You didn't authorize it, but you allowed your mother to authorize it. - She laughed in derision, still trying to close the door without success.
And being careful not to hurt her, Aemond pushed the door with a little more force, entering the room, making Y/n grunt in anger and going in the other direction.
-Y/n, please… - He murmured with his eyes shining, bringing his hands to her face as he always did when he wanted to calm her down.
-Don't touch me! - She hissed in an angry voice full of venom, avoiding his touch while looking at him with wide eyes. - Your fiancée is Floris.
-Y/n, no. - He shook his head in a desperate attempt to explain himself.
-Go away Aemond, leave me alone! - She begged, pointing to the door and turning her back to him, once again feeling the sting of tears behind her eyes.
-You promised me! - Y/n cried, still with her back to him, but unable to contain the tremors in her body even as she hugged herself tightly to try. - You promised me you would solve this! That it would have nothing to do with Floris anymore, and now what? - She spoke with a broken voice, almost a sob turning towards him, and Aemond felt his heart breaking into pieces when he saw the pain so deep in her eyes. - Your face is in all the newspapers announcing an engagement!
-I didn't announce anything. - He whispered, slowly approaching her once again. - My mother and my grandfather…
-That's enough! - Y/n yelled at the mention of Alicent and Oto, her face contorted in anger once again. - I don't want to know! - She laughed in derision. - I really don't! Marry Floris, buy a really beautiful house for both of you and enjoy the woman you chose!
Y/n practically screamed through her tears as Aemond tried to approach her as if she were a wounded animal that would attack him with any false step.
-Y/n, I should have told you, my grandfather asked me yesterday to wait for the elections before ending everything with Floris. Just to not hurt his campaign. That's all. But I didn't agree to announce any engagement! - He shot the words quickly while trying to keep his voice soft before she interrupted him.
-It's not a big deal. - He muttered, getting closer to her who had walked towards the dressing table to get away from him. - I'm still yours.
-It's not a big deal? - She squeaked, looking even more furious, feeling her stomach churn when she heard him say that. - Aemond! How do you think I feel? - She gestured, almost choking on her words and crying. - How would you feel if I went out with someone else, let him touch me and then had a fucking announcement of my engagement in every newspaper in the country?
Aemond felt his blood boil at that thought and could almost taste iron in his mouth just by imagining whoever it was next to his Y/n, and unconsciously his face contorted with anger.
-I thought it wasn't a big deal! - She spoke ironically, glaring at him as she dried her tears with the back of her hands once again.
-Y/n, if I do this, there might be a chance for the two of them to accept us being together! It's not just about being with Floris, I don't even like her! But if we do this, my grandfather might help me convince my mother in some time…
-How long until I become your lover? - Y/n cried in a desperate voice, staring at him.
-How long, Aemond? - She almost screamed, her voice muffled by crying and pain as her lips trembled. - How long until your grandfather decides that you need to marry her, and you accept his decision? And I become your lover, watching you give her everything you promised me! Do you even remember the things you used to say to me? Of everything we planned together?
-It's not going to come to that! - He denied immediately, feeling his heart break when he saw the hurt in her eyes. - I would never let it get to that point, Y/n.
-Your grandfather is one of the most cunning people I've ever met in my life, Aemond. Unlike your mother, he never liked me, not even for a moment. What makes you believe that if you roll over and show him your belly, he will somehow miraculously accept us and convince your mother of that too?
Aemond had no answer for that and with his silence Y/n just laughed humorlessly, bringing her hands to her face and squeezing her own eyes shut, holding back the urge to just scream in frustration and anger.
-I will fix the things. - Aemond murmured, taking her hands between his and holding them tightly, looking into her eyes. - I swear to you that I will.
-I can no longer believe the promises you make me when we are alone. - Y/n sniffed, pulling her hands from his and crossing her arms protectively around her body. - Because when the day dawns and your mother snaps her fingers, you will run to the hem of her skirt like the obedient son that you are. - She sobbed, her face contorted in pain as she clenched more and more tightly into herself. - And maybe I would do the same, but I don't have a mother to take me in.
The older felt broken, he felt as if at any moment he would collapse on the floor of that room because he could not bear to be the reason for her tears. And when he tried to get closer to her once more, Y/n pushed his hand away from her forcefully, wiping her tears angrily and walking in the opposite direction of the room.
-Don't you lay a hand on me! - She hissed in fury with her dilated pupils leaving her eyes completely dark in a frightening way in contrast to the redness caused by crying. - I'm not yours to touch anymore!
-And I want to make one thing very clear to you, Aemond. If you're having to choose between me and this whole farce, you can go ahead and marry Floris to make your grandfather and mother happy. - Pain and anger pulsed in Y/n's eyes as she spat those words about Aemond. - Because if you really loved me, you wouldn't have to be choosing!
-Don't you dare question the intensity of my feelings for you. - Aemond hissed, his eyes burning, holding her by the shoulders and staring at her as he felt his own blood burning in his veins. - Don't you dare minimize the pain I felt in these years without you! How hard it was for me to lose you!
-How hard was it for you? - She mocked, throwing her head back in mockery, freeing herself from Aemond's hands once again but then walking towards him in a theatrical way while spitting out the words. - Poor Aemond Targaryen, he went to the college of his dreams and stayed here in Kings Landing doing whatever he wanted with his life.
-I was stuck in a septum for five years! - She shouted with wide eyes, putting her finger in Aemond's face. - You have no idea what I had to go through alone while you were here living your life as if nothing ever happened. I was left with all the consequences of what we did!
-You don't know half of what happened! - She cried, her face contorted in pain and her lips trembling, tangling her hands in her own hair as she screamed. - Half of what I had to go through alone!
-I asked you more than once if you wanted to talk about it. - Aemond shouted, his face contorted with anger, losing patience for her touching such a sensitive spot. - I asked you if you were okay, and you dodged me as if I were a stranger, someone you couldn't trust!
The words almost sounded jumbled on his tongue as he spoke and he seemed to be three times his size in his fury, but Y/n didn't back down, she just got even closer with so much anger and pain that it seemed like she was being swallowed by them.
-Maybe you're not! - Maybe I shouldn't trust you! Because after everything we've been through, after all the promises, when I come back you're with someone else, and do you know what the problem is? - She hit his chest with her index finger furiously.
- I was an idiot for continuing to love you and thinking that you felt the same way too, that nothing had changed over the years. I was a fool for believing that everything would still be the same, for blindly believing in the promises you made to me. You're a liar! Liar! Coward! - Y/n screamed and cried uncontrollably, hitting his chest while Aemond tried to hold her arms without hurting her in the process.
-You haven't said you love me even once since I came back. - She sobbed against his chest with a broken voice. - Not once.
-I still do. - Guilt chewed and swallowed him for not being able to say the words he wanted to say to Y/n at that moment and he just stroked her disheveled hair, making another wave of fury take over the younger girl's body, who pushed him away when she felt despised by him.
-Then do something about it if you really still feel that way about me! - She challenged him with her eyes flickering with anger. - Go down to the hall and tell everyone what we are to each other!
-You know I can't do that. - He muttered irritated with his patience again on the line when he heard Y/n question his feelings out loud once again.
-Because you don't want to do it! - She practically growled infuriated. - Why don't you care about how I feel!
-Why do you act like you're the only one with feelings? How do you suppose I feel about this? - Aemond shouted loudly, walking towards her with wide eyes.
-I can't just go around doing whatever I want because these things don't just affect me! - He yelled at her, but even Aemond's screams weren't loud and shrill like hers, they were contained and slightly muffled as his face contorted with rage. - It affects our family too! Affect my grandfather! You should know this better than anyone else!
His angry screams almost made her retreat, unable to deal with Aemond's anger directed at her. But then he shouted something that made her heart break even more if that was possible.
-But no, you're just like your father, you don't care about what happens around you as long as you're satisfied! - When Aemond realized what he had done, it was too late to take back the words.
-You didn't say that! - She whispered, frozen in place, looking at him with her face red and slightly swollen from crying.
-Y/n I… - The eldest held his breath, momentarily freezing when he saw the hurt in her eyes, the fury draining from his body as quickly as it had appeared.
-If I'm as selfish and crazy as my dad, then what are you still doing here? - She laughed humorlessly and looked at the floor as she took a deep breath.
-Fuck… - Aemond grunted with his hands on his head, looking at her with teary eyes. - That's not what I meant!
-Do you know what my dad came to Kings Landing for my 16th birthday? - She looked at him very seriously. - He came to get me, to take me to live with him in Pentos. But I didn't go, I chose to stay! I chose you! But I guess you never chose me. - She cried muffledly, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she looked at him.
-That isn't true and you know it! - He hissed, taking firm steps towards her. - In every life, in every choice I would always choose you! - Aemond spoke with conviction, looking at her with teary eyes.
-You're not choosing now. - She mumbled, barely able to look at him.
-I wish I had never set foot in that house. - Y/n whispered in the midst of her tears, feeling like she would collapse at any moment. - Never having met you. I gave myself body and soul to you, I gave you all of me, every part of my being. And you… - She choked on her tears, unable to say another word.
Aemond didn't know what to say, didn't know what to answer. If she had cut him with a knife, it wouldn't have hurt as much as those words. The two stared at each other for what seemed like hours, breathing heavily and their eyes full of tears, without saying a single word. Until Aemond's phone started ringing and anger bit Y/n in the ankle once again.
-It must be your grandpa. - She mocked, squinting her eyes. - Or perhaps your mother. - She curled her lips in false curiosity. - Or better yet, maybe it's your dear fiancée!
-Here you can give this to her to match the beautiful ring that I'm sure your grandfather already bought! - Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs, ripping the sapphire necklace from her neck and throwing it at Aemond with force while his eyes widened, holding the beautiful and delicate silver necklace between his fingers, preventing it from falling to the floor.
-Get out of my room! - She screamed, pushing him away, barely giving him time to react as she held the necklace. - Get out of here! I don't want to see you anymore! Never!
-Please Y/n. - He looked at her in despair. - I'm begging you, let's solve all this!
-Don't come after me anymore! - She squealed between sobs and screams as she pushed him out of the room. - Better yet, forget that I exist!
-I don't think you'll have much trouble doing this again, considering the last time. - The venom in her voice as she said this before slamming the door could have killed Aemond right there.
And with the bang of the door slamming, Y/n collapsed sobbing on the floor, hugging her own legs and feeling the last remaining parts of her heart breaking into more pieces than she thought she could put together.
tag list: @afro-hispwriter @fan-goddess @strangersunghoon @zenka69 @callsignwidow @amanda08319 @alesswift-blog @marialikescherries
Final notes: All must choose... who is right and who is wrong in this fight? I hope you enjoyed the chapter my dear readers! 💕🥺❤️‍🩹
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snippychicke · 9 months
It's Just Business Three
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Look at that face! Look!
Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen so far
Pairing: Sanji/Reader
Warnings: No real warnings, but god, I hope you like pining
Summary: You felt like you had known Sanji forever, considering your family had been the main merchants Zeff used to supply the Baratie. You had a small crush on him, but knew it was hopeless considering you were the one woman he didn't seem to pine over. 
It was fine. Or so you thought until you ended up on the Going Merry as a bookkeeper and supply manager. Being around him 24/7 was a lot more difficult than just a few days a week.  
(Please note 》°《 denotes a scene in the past while -*- will be a regular scene break. Because yeah, I like my non-linear story telling.)
Masterpost | Ao3
You weren’t unfamiliar with fighting. After all, merchant ships attracted pirates like honey attracted flies. 
But damn, the fishman pirates were really of a different breed. You were on the defensive more than anything, blocking blows and only able to land a few potshots in retaliation. You could feel bruises already blooming from where you got hit, the unsettling feeling of blood trickling from various wounds. 
But you didn’t give up. How could you when the others kept bravely fighting? Zoro’s blades danced in the air with unnatural graces against the other pirates, the man barely waivering despite the fact he still had his massive injuries from Mihawk. And Sanji was far more skilled than yourself considering he trained regularly with Zeff, his long legs proving to be far stronger than they looked.  
Except as much as they fought against Arlong's pirates, the two men were bickering heatedly amongst themselves too - which was not helping anyone except the enemy. 
“Will you two stop fighting!” You snarled as you ended up between the green-hair swordsman and the blond chef--both literally and figuratively. “Beat these assholes and then have at it for all I care, but god damn if we lose I am going to murder you both.”  
Zoro shot you a dark look, as if to silently scoff at the fact you could even hope to beat him - you couldn’t, but you would try your best, god damn it - before he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the fishmen that were regrouping. 
Sanji however, frowned as he looked you over and stepped closer to wipe blood from your lip. “I told you that you should have stayed back on the ship, or even the village.” 
You glared at him. “The only orders I take are the ones I get paid for,” You shot back. “Just ‘cause you’re stronger than me doesn’t make you my boss.” 
His frown deepened. "That's not what I meant. I just mean you'd be safer back on the Going Merry."
"We all would, but that's not why we came, is it?" You hated the fact he had been right about Nami, but you hated Arlong and his crew more for what they did to the young woman. You had gripped Sanji’s hand tightly when you heard Nami softly ask Luffy for help, full of rage on her behalf for what the bastards had done. He had squeezed back as he took a drag of his cigarette, as if silently promising that you would get revenge on her behalf. 
"I thought you said something about fighting them, not each other," Zoro yelled out, three swords holding back the pirates while you and Sanji argued.  
"Mind your damn own business!" You and Sanji snarled at the green haired swordsman at the same time. 
You were fairly certain you heard Zoro curse you both, swearing something about waiters and bossy women. You ignored his comment as  Sanji darted for one of the gray-skinned fishmen, and you followed suit. 
It had been a knife in your heart when Sanji greeted Nami so warmly, sounding so elated to see the red-head. 
Yet the fact she passed him and went for Zoro and Usopp made you cackle heartedly despite yourself, going as far as leaning on the dejected man as you tried to calm your laughter. (The mix of the battle high and relief it was over may have made you a bit unusually giggly.)
“It’s not that funny,” He grumbled, though at the same time his arm wrapped around your waist to help steady you. 
“I’m sorry,” You wheezed, pressing your head against his shoulder. “You just… and she didn’t even pause. My poor boy, I don’t think she’s that into you.” 
Sanji was quiet as you calmed yourself, though his arm never left your waist, or even loosened the smallest bit. “Sometimes a woman requires a bit of wooing,” He defended once your laughter died away, making you snort. “Nami’s been through a rough time, so of course she’d run to her friends.” 
You tried to keep the smile on your face despite any trace of humor draining from your heart. He was in deep this time, wasn’t he? 
It was probably a good thing you’d be parting ways, so you didn’t have to watch him try to woo her, as he said. Even if it meant you wouldn’t see him for who knew how long. Or the fact the idiot could die out on the open sea and you would never see him again. Never see the humor in his bright blue eyes, lips twitching in a smile. Never be able to bicker good-naturedly with him, arguing just for the sake of arguing. Or just feel at home with his casual touch--he was one of the very few who you felt safe enough to indulge in that need for physical touch.
Sanji spoke your name softly, drawing you from your thoughts. “You okay?” He asked as you looked up and was able to see worry pinching his eyebrows together. 
You offered a weak smile. “Yeah, just tired all of a sudden. Adrenaline must be wearing off.” 
The concerned expression didn’t leave despite the soft smile on his lips. His thumb rubbed along the curve of your wait reassuringly as he pulled you closer. "Once Luffy's finished, we'll head back and I'll make a big meal, okay? Just hang in there until then. 
Oh, it wasn't the immediate future you were worried about. But you nodded your head nevertheless, and tried to enjoy what short time you had left with your friend before you parted ways. 
Despite your obvious exhaustion, you assisted with preparing the celebratory meal that night, for which Sanji was thankful. You weren’t exactly one of the line cooks of the Baratie, but you knew enough that he didn’t have to worry once he explained his initial idea of a large stir-fry. 
He was looking forward to more of this; the adventure, fulfilling his dream of finding the All Blue, Zeff’s dream. But also sharing it all with you. Seeing you more than just a few times a week, stealing short moments between both your duties and his.  
The two of you had always been close and had shared a few small (and some not so small) adventures through the years. He couldn’t lie to himself, his feelings for you were far from platonic, but the problem was you thought you knew him too well and never believed he was being serious as he tried to flirt. No matter how close he held you, or how many times he pressed kisses to you head and hand while calling you sweetheart, you thought he was just kidding. That it was all platonic. 
He wasn’t sure how you were going to react when --if-- you ever realized the truth.
Zeff frowned as he looked down at you and Sanji, both of you out of breath and covered in sweat as you sat back to back. "You two shrimps are pitiful, really."
You grumbled as you leaned against Sanji, trying to catch your breath. He had been beating your ass fairly, though at least you had given him a work out. 
"We've been doing this all afternoon," Sanji shot back, still full of spit and vinegar in his small body despite everything. "Let her have a break, and I'll fight you instead." 
You moved to look at him, confused. He… was defending you? After the fact you were in this position because you had been fighting in the pantry? 
Zeff laughed, his arms crossed in front of his chest that was probably bigger than both you and Sanji combined. "You think you can take me, little eggplant?"
Even with one just a thin pegleg, you knew to challenge Zeff was a death wish. Your parents had told you stories of Red Leg Zeff of the Cook Pirates, likely in an attempt to make you behave when aboard the Baratie.  
Yet despite knowing how harsh Zeff truly could be, Sanji only glared harder. "I'd rather take you than force her to do any more training."
Zeff smirked, though his expression softened.  "You little shit. How about you go scrounge up some lunch for you both and take a rest. And maybe next time you won't be so prone to starting fights." 
The captain-chef turned and left you and Sanji alone on the deck. You groaned as you tried to flop down on the slatted wood, except Sanji wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kept you sitting up. How he still had any energy or strength was beyond you. You felt boneless. Or maybe more like all your bones had been shattered.
"You heard the old bastard," Sanji said as he pulled you up as if you were just an overly large flour bag. "Let's go get you some food."
"God, how do you have energy?" You whined as he helped you back inside. 
"I train at least twice a day, more if I piss the geezer off,” was his grumbled answer. 
What little energy you could spare was used to have a flash of empathy for him; you couldn't imagine having to do this twice a day. "So, you’re Mr. Fancypants in the kitchen and on the battlefield." 
He shot you a smile that looked a lot like Zeff’s when he was somewhat proud of something. "Heh, guess you could say that." 
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oceanofsinners · 1 year
Mind reader yan x maladaptive day dreamer darling [with a twist:3]
[mdni, or do, i don't care enough to block y'all tbh. tw/cw: thoughts/ideas/daydreams of violence, manipulation, etc. lmk if i have to add smth else too! and uhh, sometimes text with go small to big, it's on purpose!! a bit shorter mainly cause I got tired lmao]
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Ezra Martinez. He was a student council member, and a smart one at that. He never abused his abilities, nor was he cocky.
He was actually pretty, humble, quiet, and only used his abilities when absolutely needed. Ezra didn't speak unless he wanted to or needed to.
Little did anyone know, he had a secret. He could read people's minds. It wasn't 24/7 or he's sure he would've gone insane by now, but he has to be concentrated for it to work.
The first time you and Ezra met, it was due to a group project. You had lower grades while he had perfect grades, so the teacher paired you up.
You seemed distracted from the moment you two met. Or, more like the moment your eyes landed on him.
He was confused, but didn't question it.
“Hey—Hey! Are you even listening to me?” Ezra frowned at you, realizing that, no, you obviously weren't when you tilted your head in confusion.
Ezra sighs, and asks the question once again. “Can I come over to your house for the project? I'd prefer it to my house.”
You seemed to talk even less then Ezra, only responding with a nod, grabbing your backpack and walking off with the council member following you.
He didn't really use his secret ability for no reason, but he really wanted to understand and know what was going on in that pretty head of yours.
The entire way to your house, you had your headphones on and were ignoring him, although he doesn't think it was on purpose.
You even almost got ran over, had he not yanked you back as the car sped past the two of you.
“What are you thinking?! You almost just got yourself killed!” And...there you go again, nodding, before glancing up and walking across the street with that dazed look.
Once at your house, you fiddled with your keys and opened it. Ezra glanced at the driveway, noticing no cars.
Did you live with your parents? Did you live alone? If so, then why? Many questions filled his head, and he decided on one.
“Are your parents home?” Ezra questions with a tilt of his head, you actually glance over at him. You shake your head once again, before pausing, and opening your mouth.
“No. Live alone.” You don't offer any more information up, but you don't need to. Your voice alone sends pleasured chills down his spine, and he nods, glancing away with flushed cheeks.
You seem to watch him as the two of you walk inside, as if observing him closely like he's a newly found animal and your the scientist.
The two set their bags and such down in your room, and pull out what they'll need.
An hour passes, and the entire time, you're either in a daze or observing Ezra. It's slightly unsettling when he glances up and sees you staring at him, but he...doesn't mind. Not if it's you.
Another hour passes. You've written about four words, while Ezra's already finished most of the assignment. He frowns, glancing at the words you had wrote absentmindedly.
“he looks so pretty.”
His eyebrows furrow, and he sucks in a breath, shaking his head as he glances up at you.
Eventually, Ezra stands up, stating that he'll be going home and he'll be back tomorrow. You don't even so much as acknowledge him as he leaves.
The next day at school is like every other day, you're not paying attention, instead glancing outside the window in that hazy state of yours.
Ezra’s nails scratch against his table, and he concentrates on using his ability. The first things he hears makes his blood churn.
“god, I should've killed that blonde bitch who hangs around Ezra all the time. I should've stabbed my pencil into that pretty little throat of hers, forcing her to choke on her own blood. Red is her favorite color, after all.”
Despite the gruesome words, and despite his best efforts, Ezra feels himself flush at your thoughts, his breath getting heavier.
You avert your gaze from the window, eyes tracing the class, your mind muttering things like “bastard” “liar” “bully” “slut” the entire time, til your eyes land on him.
The first thing that comes to your mind is unnerving, and slightly terrifying.
“I wonder how Ezra’d react if I slammed his pretty little head into his desk. Ezra would look so pretty with blood pouring from his head. Blood is definitely something I want to see on him...”
There's a certain emotion in your eyes that Ezra can't quite place. But he thinks he understands when he hears your next thoughts.
He understands far better then any therapist ever would, he understands the word far better then any assignment. Because he feels the same way.
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Vampires just like werewolves have had conflict with humans for as long as recorded history and were one of the main groups targeted by the monster hunters guild in the past. Though they've seemed to blend in with society seamlessly as they're nocturnal state of being allows many stores to stay open 24/7, because they'll always have employees and clientele. Laws tend to be strict around what blood they can and can't consume to keep them safe from blood borne illness and also those they feed on safe.
Vampires also have a long standing inner not-so-secret society where they hold parties and masquerades, there's even vampires considered royalty within their courts. Though vampires themselves were created by God it is unknown if such a being intended for them to survive. They were created after God cursed all the first to sin to never be able to walk in his light again, this makes them heavily influenced by imagery and symbolism related to that God. Meaning yes: they can be killed by silver and cannot see their reflections in silver mirrors nor do they appear in old photographs just their clothing.
Though vampirism can be cured much like werewolves can, vampires have their own social taboos and cultures preventing clinics to become a vampire from being opened. Not that it stops teenagers from making bad decisions and damning their friends to never being able to walk in sunlight again, but they do their best to keep it regulated.
Vampires come in all shapes and sizes though the more weird they look typically the higher threat they are. They still make the guild nervous just due to their power and influence over humanity, but despite being labeled as threats those are mostly terms that have been grandfathered in and hold a lot of controversy much like the guilds name.
There are no categories for vampires they're just assigned threat levels by the guild to determine how close they have to keep an eye on them.
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Threat one
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Threat 1 vampires are typically newly sired vampires from threat 2 vampires and below and are the weakest of all vampires. At this point it’s purely an inconvenience, you can’t eat normal food without throwing it back up, you’re susceptible to blood born disease, you may be immortal, but you’ll die instantly in the sun. You may be able to turn other humans, but it is highly frowned upon by other vampires and the guild itself as it is susceptible to go wrong.
Every threat 1 vampire is a walking corpse essentially. Either have have no pulse or it’s barely there making it hard to maintain basic functions.
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Threat 2
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The most stereotypical a vampire you can get: These are vampires that are very much alive and immortal, they can last a few seconds in the sun and live. Though despite being alive most can’t have offspring and must turn humans to make other vampires. Their abilities aren’t potent, but can be detrimental to humans just maybe not beings like spiritual and natural born werewolves. They may not be able to eat human food or hide what they are, but it doesn’t really matter to most.
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Threat 3
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Threat 3 is typically the highest threat level you see, these may not be first born vampires, but they are closely related to them. These are the strongest vampires that aren’t the first vampires or those that have consumed other strong vampires to be on that level. The guild closely monitors these vampires to make sure if they know what they're doing and where they live in case something happens. Despite this, these vampires tend to be the high class of vampire society.
Their magic is extremely potent and they can last in the sunlight for a whole minute before dying, they can’t see their reflections and much like werewolves silver being a holy metal is severely damaging to them. 
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Threat 4
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Reserved purely for the strongest vampires mainly being what’s left of the first ones and big names like Dracula or Nosferatu.
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seelestia · 1 year
out of all the versions of scara we've seen in the game which one is your;
The one you actually want to meet and talk to (if given the chance)?
Best lover/partner material?
The one you most likely would get along with?
The one you most likely would want to show our world and all the shit we have goin for us?
Your pick for the best version of Scara (You can't not choose >:P).
You can choose only (The Abandoned Puppet, Kunikuzushi, Kabukimono, Scaramouche, Wanderer) i know that logically, the aboandoned puppet and kunikuzushi could be the same, but since I headcanon that he was just named as the puppet for his first "version" and later on took the moniker "Kunikuzushi", known as the wandering kid with no purpose. So take that as you will, or just change up the choices cuz who am i to stop u lmao :P - Ever so sincerely yours, 👹✨ Jae (aka your random moot that just quizzes u whenever she's bored lol)
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the way you asked this question to me out of boredom, knowing that i'm a wanderer kisser who stays up at night thinking about his lore 24/7.
***NOTE: some major spoilers for wanderer's backstory under the cut! i eat up his lore like it's chicken stew, is this healthy. (/lh)
i'm sorry, but it is necessary that i give it up to wanderer. i think it's mainly because he is technically the 'end product' (or the matured version) of all the painful journeys he trod and that makes me really attached to him <3
The one you actually want to meet and talk to (if given the chance)?
kabukimono, my precious :'( as someone who harbored good will towards humans (at that time <//3), i bet he has lots of questions abt the way they (or, we, in that matter hehe) live. iirc, it is canon that he was taught simple and ordinary tasks by the people of tatarasuna like how to comb his hair, hold a cutlery, cook meals, forge, etc. — AND THAT'S SO CUTE TO ME?? i sure don't know how to forge but heck yeah, i'll teach you abt other silly things we do!! (silly devious giggles /j)
Best lover/partner material?
listen, wanderer and kabukimono. because these two are the most likely to be more open to the thought of forming a connection with someone else. kabukimono is more out of curiosity; what does love feel like? is love for an object the same as love for someone else? what is love? whilst wanderer is more of tolerance; he acknowledges its value, but he doesn't actively try to pursue it... unless he finds someone he really, really comes to trust over a period of time (someone worthy of him and someone he is worthy of).
so, yeah, i chose them because kunikuzushi and scaramouche both have mindsets that make them very or even too hateful towards any type of intimacy at the time <//3
The one you would most likely get along with?
kabukimono for sure!! i have a soft spot for gentle, unknowing people with curiosity. it's probs why i used to have a habit of adopting new students and checking up on them from time to time in my class irl 😭 i mostly get along best with people who can do sassy banter with me, but i can deffo get along with someone like kabukimono too <3
The one you most likely would want to show our world?
scaramouche. just purely because this little guy would frown so hard in disgust at us LMAOOOO "so, supposedly, the technology your world has is meant to make tasks easier for the people. looks like an excuse for you idiots to waste time to me. ...what even is this 'phone' thing, anyway?" he says all that, but he's definitely interested in how everything around here actually works.
Best version?
...personally, wanderer. i've talked about him enough and you don't want me to elaborate more than i already did 🥸 (/j) but i do think all his version are great in their own ways tho because each of them contributes smth to his story. he wouldn't be the person he is now if it weren't for what each of them went through, after all.
oh, jae, about the last part.... are you sure you think that's a headcanon because that's actually right— AYO?? this is like a basic summary of the timeline for the names leading up to wanderer.
500 years ago, upon his creation, ei didn't give him a name and he was a nameless puppet. when the people of tatarasuna found him, they called him kabukimono but that was more of a term than a name — the people there did ask if he wanted a name but at the time, he was content with just being called kabukimono (because the name held precious memories for him) until the 'second betrayal' caused him to abandon that name altogether.
kunikuzushi was the first 'actual' name he chose for himself some time during or before the case of the eccentric. 100 years ago, he slaughtered the raiden gokaden (chosen clans that raiden shogun was passing down her martial arts teachings to) to seek revenge against the "bladesmiths" (his second betrayal) except for one person who was spared after scaramouche found out about said person's connection to the surname, "niwa" (the same one as his friend from the tatarasuna). "tell her this. my name is kunikuzushi," was his last words to the sole survivor laying amongst bodies of corpses before he disappeared. (more info: iirc, he was already a part of the fatui when this occured. so, scaramouche was already one of his monikers but he didn't consider it as his 'true' name.)
also, kunikuzushi means 'country destroyer' in japanese and also happens to be the name of a villain character in japanese popular drama who usurps countries. i assumed that he picked this name when the case of the eccentric happened since he did cause a minor disturbance/loss to the inner workings of inazuma through that case. we can see this reflected in today's in-game history because only the amenoma art and isshin art (2/5 clans of the raiden gokaden) still alive after that event.
ANYWAY YEAH. YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR IT BUT IT AWAKENED SMTH IN ME!! sorry for rambling, but i needed to let it out 🫣 (/lh)
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lcandothisallday · 2 years
heyy babes <3 can you do one where reader is best friends with urb, but jack was always jealous bc he thought she would steal urb from him. anyways jack and reader have hated each other for the longest time then one day, all their friends found jack on top on reader as they were making out. it can be fluff or smutty idc lol :) thankssss
I Hate You or Do I? -  Jack Harlow x f!reader
Ever since your family moved to Louisville junior year and you so happened to sit next to Urban in math class, you two had been inseparable ever since and Jack fucking hated it. He hated how you stole his best friend away from him and he just didn’t understand your appeal.
If you were Urban’s girlfriend he’d understand-at least then he could praise his best friend for getting some ass but you simply weren’t his girlfriend and he just didn’t understand why he was your friend.
The boys were happy they were able to take a break and be in Lousville for a little while. Jack so that he’d see his family, eat some of his mom’s homemade food, and Urban so that he would be able to hang out with you.
“Yo-my mom wants to have you over for dinner tonight,” Jack told Urban as he took a seat on his front porch.
Urban looks at Jack with an apologetic look. “Sorry man-I’m hanging out with Y/N tonight—”
Jack scoffed as he felt the anger rise within him. Of course he’d turn him down for you. “Are you seriously turning my mom down right now? For Y/N?”
“We’ve been here three days already and I still haven’t seen her—c’mon man—”
Jack rolled his eyes as he stood up abruptly. “Whatever,” he muttered, going back into his house which caused Urban to sigh.
It was obvious to Maggie that Jack was fuming on the inside, her concern for her son taking over. “What’s wrong, honey?”
Jack sighed as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Urb can’t come tonight cos he’s hanging out with Y/N,” he mumbled.
Maggie let out a soft chuckle, “you never did like that girl huh? Never understood why when she’s so sweet—”
Jack scoffed, “no she’s a fucking bitch.”
“Watch your language Jackman,” his mom told him sternly. “You’re with Urban 24/7–let him have tonight to hang out with her,” she reasoned.
“You don’t get it—if he’s given the chance then he’s always gonna be ditching me for her. She’s not his girlfriend for him to be hanging out with her that much,” he frowned.
Maggie looked at Jack with a perplexed look. He wasn’t five years old to be saying this stuff. “Have her come over for dinner too,” she suggested. “So both you and Urban win—otherwise, I really recommend you stop acting like a child.”
Jack contemplated it for a moment before he nodded and pulled out his phone to text Urban, inviting the both of you.
When you step out of the car with Urban, you can’t help but bite your lip nervously. It was no secret to you that Jack absolutely hated your guts. You weren’t very fond of him either, mainly because his attitude towards you was always foul for no reason.
“Urb-are you sure I should come? This was definetly a pity invite and you know how Jack can be—”
Urban sighed, “Y/N it’s gonna be fine. Relax,” he reassured. “You’ve got me and his mom is super nice,” he shrugged, grabbing the flowers the both of you had bought from the back seat. You alternatively held a bottle of wine as you both approached the front door and ring the doorbell.
Immediately you are greeted by Maggie’s warm smile, one that was so similar to Jack’s and it instantly made you feel at ease somehow. “Come in you two—oh y’all didn’t have to bring anything,” she scolded, pressing a kiss to Urban’s cheek as she took away the flowers to put in a vase while you set down the wine.
“Thank you for the invite,” you smile and she waves you off with a grin. Jack then emerges and he dabs up Urban. “Didn’t know I’d have to invite her just to get you to eat my mom’s food,” he mumbled lowly.
Urban smirked and shrugged, “thanks for being considerate,” he laughed, pulling you along into the house.
“How you been Y/N?” Jack asked, choosing to be civil as he took a seat on the couch. You nod in response, “good…I um-I really enjoyed nail tech and first class,” you compliment, mentally cringing at how you felt the need to please him-but you were in his home after all. Might as well try to maintain civility.
Jack smirked, “thanks.”
“See! Was that so fucking hard?” Urban asked, looking between the both of you. Jack only rolled his eyes although an amused smile was still evident on his lips.
Unfortunately for you, Jack sat opposite you at the dinner table and he would constantly be glancing at you while you ate and spoke lowly to Urban. When Urban whispered something funny in your ear, you couldn’t help but giggle and shake your head. “You’re actually so dumb,” you whisper back jokingly.
When you accidentally make eye contact with Jack, your cheeks heat up and a small smile leaves your lips before you look away, mixing around the food on your plate.
Something about him seeing your flustered reaction when making eye contact with made his heart flutter. He’d only ever felt that way towards you when you very first moved to Louisville junior year but that quickly turned to hatred.
Once everyone finished with their dinner, you instantly stood up to help Maggie. You took everything into the kitchen with her and even began on the dishes which she was totally against. “Sweetheart you’re our guest!” she exclaimed. “I’ve got the dishes-you go hang out with the boys!” You try again to offer your help but she was practically shoving you out the kitchen by then.
“Your mom is super sweet,” you tell Jack as you awkwardly take a seat next to him. Jack nodded, “yeah-she’s the best…she’s gonna appreciate you offering your help,” he said.
You smile, “it’s no problem.”
Urban looked down at his phone in concern as he received a text from his little sister. “Yo guys—I’ll have to leave real quick,” he mumbled.
“Everything alright?” Jack asks.
“Yeah-my little sister went to the movie theatre with her friends and they got no one to drive them home,” he groaned, already getting up and grabbing his keys. “Big brother duties,” he mumbled sourly before he sighed. “I’ll be back.”
“I’ll come with you—” you quickly say and Urban gives you an apologetic look.
“The car won’t fit…it’s like five of them.”
“Oh,” you mumble, taking in a breath. “That’s fine. We’ll see you in a bit.” Urban nods before he heads out.
You sit in awkward silence next to Jack, biting your lip as you mess around with the rings on your fingers. “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me,” you mumble. “I-If I knew this was gonna happen I wouldn’t have come.”
Jack truly felt bad hearing you say that. Was he really that harsh towards you that you had to apologize after he invited you? “Nah c’mon—let’s kill time,” he said, offering his hand to you. “Let’s go look at our old yearbooks—have something to hold over Urb’s head,” he chuckled.
You can’t help but smile as you take his hand and he leads you up to his childhood bedroom. The moment you step in, it felt like you were invading his privacy, your cheeks warming up.
He pulls out the four yearbooks from highschool and a few from previous years. He opens the one from when they were in seventh grade and he flips over to a hilarious photo of Urban, a giggle escaping his lips. “I don’t know why he always insisted on wearing those god awful pants,” he mumbled. He flips the page a few more times before your hand moves out to stop him, your eyes focusing on the image.
“Is that you?” you ask, a faint smile on your lips. It was a photo of him and Copelan, goofy crooked smiles on their faces with Jack in his big ass chunky glasses. They both had what looked like the Bieber cut but Jack with a bit more curls to it and it was honestly adorably funny.
When Jack saw the photo you stopped at, his eyes widened and his face went red. “Oh God. That’s so embarrassing,” he laughed, trying to flip to the next page.
“No stop! You’re so cute,” you giggled, admiring the photo. Jack scoffed, “I was not cute—I looked like a goblin,” he said self-deprecatingly.
Your eyes widened in his defence. “No you did not. Don’t say that,” you smile. Jack couldn’t help but smile back, having to clear his throat before he reached for another yearbook.
“This one is from senior year. Let’s see if I can find an embarassing photo of you,” Jack retaliated with a wicked grin. You groan playfully before you lean in closer to get a better look. His heart fluttered when you got closer and he swore it felt like all his barriers with you were slowly coming down.
He stopped at a page and grinned seeing the photo of you and your best friend during Halloween. You both had dressed up as nurses. “Ew-why did I think that was a good idea for a costume at school?” you whine, shaking your head and cringing at you and your best friend.
Jack only smirked, “you looked hot as fuck. I remember y’all had like half the guys in our grade bricked up.”
Your eyes widened and you smacked his shoulder before you let out a laugh. “I did NOT have to know that,” you groan. Jack giggled and flipped a few more pages and stopped at a photo of you piggybacking Urban, wide smiles on both your faces.
“I love this photo,” you hum quietly, your fingers tracing over it. You loved Urban and he meant a lot to you but it was very much platonic love on both your ends. Jack of course didn’t know that and he felt jealous. Straight up pure jealousy because he knew he would never get that treatment from you. Not after how he’s acted towards you all these years.
“Do you…do you see yourself marrying Urban?”
Your eyes went so unbelievably wide as your head snapped to Jack. “Marrying Urban? Jack—we’re not even dating,” you breath out. “We’re just best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“So you don’t have feelings for him?” he asked.
“Jack,” you began, putting aside the yearbooks. “I firmly believe that if Urban or I had feelings for each other then we would’ve started dating a while ago. Trust me-we don’t…I love him and all but he’s not my type.”
Jack sucked in a breath as he paused a moment. You observed him with an amused look in your eyes. “Well um...what is your type?” he ended up asking timidly.
You hum as you pretend to contemplate it for a moment. “Apparently men that are assholes to me and think I’m gonna steal their best friend,” you conclude.
Jack’s face heated up hearing you say that. He glanced back at you and he couldn’t take it. Every fibre of his being wanted you so without hesitation, he cupped your cheeks and quite literally smashed his lips into yours. 
You moaned into the kiss as he slowly pushed away the remaining yearbooks from off the bed and gently pushed you to lay against his tiny single bed. Your hands tangled in his curls and you tugged carefully, smiling as you earned the softest moans from his lips. His hand ran down your body and squeezed your hips before his fingers moved to the hem of your sweater and he lifted it up from your body, leaving you in your lace bra. He smirked and dipped his head back down, sucking onto your neck before connecting your lips together once more.
“Jack-- did Y/N leave with Urban...she’s no longer--Jack!” His mother screeched as she pushed open his door. Instantly you and Jack jumped apart from one another, feeling ashamed like prepubescent teens getting caught. 
“Mom! You need to knock!” he yelled, his body covering you as you slipped your sweater back on, your face beyond heated at being caught by his mom of all people.
Maggie gave her son a stern look as she crossed her arms in front of her. “The door was not shut all the way, Jackman--and I know you are 24 but you know the rules of this house,” she scolded. 
“Got carried away--sorry,” he mumbled. His mom hummed in content from his apology before she smirked. “I will say--I’ve been wondering when you two would get together. Took y’all long enough but Urban owns me some money,” she chuckled, spinning on her heels and walking away.
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iheartmalewives · 2 years
this is the first time i request something so i'm a little nervous ^^" .. but can i ask for jade leech x mushroom! reader fluff hcs?? idk, i sometimes wonder what would happen if mc was a mushroom girl/boy or if mc accidentally transformed into one in alchemy class.. [ love your fics btw 🦋 i read them all in one day and i need MORE ] i hope you have an amazing day!!
Did i research about mushrooms for this fanfic? Yes. Yes indeed. Am i slowly liking mushrooms? Yes.
"Turning into a 🍄"
JADE LEECH x GN!mushroom Reader
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The moment you turned into a mushroom in Alchemy Class was the moment your life crashed into bits. You were staring at your own reflection, processing what had happen to you after you dropped the potion you were supposed to place back to its shelf.
You looked like a mushroom and SMELLED like one. You were thankful you werent an ACTUAL mushroom, you looked more of a mushroom girl/boy.
When Jade leech saw your figure curled up in a ball as Crewel started lecturing you about how clumsy you were, his jaw drops on the floor as he sees your mushroom-like feautures.
He was caught off guard, his smile turning into a slight smirk as he found it quite funny and interesting.
- Head cannons time!
Jade leech would definitely tease you about it after class. Telling you about what you should do to take care of yourself and all sorts of other things.
Def asks you how you're feeling every now and then, mainly because you need to be stored in a dark, cool, and humid place most of the time.
He will let you stay in his room for free so he could take care of you, giving you water to hydrate and helping you out with any of your mushroom problems.
You were starting to cry because of how horrible and embarrassing this was, but fear not, Jade is here to help you.
Jade is probably the type to ask things such as "Can I observe you?", "Can I touch this?", "Do you have toxic spores?"
He feeds you plants and other nutritional things, (def the kind of guy who smiles after you take a bite from the plant filled spoon he offered you)
If he has free time, he'll bring you to a forest to make yourself feel comfortable.
Dont expect him to be there 24/7 though, you have to eventually learn how to take care of yourself.
When you finally returned back to your normal state, jade would frown. He'd def miss the mushroom you.
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whiskehorange · 3 years
Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you but I’ve been feeling down lately and I really enjoy reading ur blog. Is it ok if you do Jason, micheal, bubba Thomas, Brahms ,pyramid head, asa and Harry warden if possible with an S/O who’s usually happy and willing and all of a sudden she breaks down one day bawling on the couch or something and she didn’t know they were there, not wanting to make them upset or sad? Sorry if it’s really sad, I just need a lil love, I love u and ur blog! Thank you! Take your time and drinks lots of water!
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Uhm, excuse me bitch what in the fuck is going on? You gave you the right to scare the shit out of Jason like that?
When he first came home the weeping made him freeze. He was positive it wasn’t you, he had never even seen you frown before so this absolutely cannot be your crying. Yet, as he walked in to see you whip around, tears streaming down your face as you look at him in pure shock you almost send him falling backwards
He doesn’t even care what made you cry of feel this way he’s going to be up your ass the entire day. Coddling, kissing, rubbing, and doing any and all for of comforting that he knows how to do
Jason absolutely hates seeing you cry, especially as hard as you did. You’re more than welcome to talk to him about it for as long as you want whenever you want and all he will do is listen and comfort you
Jason is a very physically affectionate man, even though he is a bit hesitant at first, so when you feel yourself in a time like this, you bess’ believe that he’s going to be around you 24/7. Even a few days after that, he needs to be your therapist (which he’s real good at)
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You won’t be able to see it, but Michael is panicking and sweating bullets underneath that mask. It’s an immediate fight or fight response
Michael, overall, isn’t too good with handling other peoples emotions, so don’t be surprised when he doesn’t come to you right away for any sort of comfort in those "typically ways"
Hugging, coddling, cuddling, and any typeof caressing is going to come later in the day when things have begun to quiet down. Not only is he completely unused to having to comfort you in anyway like this, but he's pretty pissed at whatever made you come to this point
The main thing Michael wants you to do is to talk to him, tell him what's wrong so that he knows just how to handle the situation: either to kill or to... not know what to do
It's very safe to say that he will get better with knowing how to comfort you if this does ever happen again, which he really hopes it won't.
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There is a lot that can make Bubba cry, at this is one of the times he wasn't expecting to. Everyday, no matter how hard it was for him, he knew he could count on your cheery face to great him when he comes running back inside
His first reaction is to panic; he's never been put in this sort of situation before with you and he really doesn't know how to approach you. He sort of just sits awkwardly next to you and whines
Comfort does eventually find your way with pets and hugs, there aren't really any verbal affirmations he can give you, but for what he lacks in communication he can make up with physical affection one way or another
A downside to Bubba, however, is that he almost has an out-of-sight-out-of-mind personality realistically. So don't get too upset if when you have some space from him that same day that he'll sort of forget you've been upset
In that case, be prepared for the exact same meltdown when he figures out how upset you've been for the second time
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Thomas' defense mode in immediately activated. Never would he have thought that he would have to be on the comforting side so you'll have to give him a minute, but it really isn't even that long
He's gentle and patient, he knows what its like to feel such extreme motions and most of all that they are pretty hard to get out, so take your time and he'll be here with you until you're back up on your feet. Literally
To say you scared him would be an understatement, but he pushes that aside to genuinely make sure that you are not physically hurt, because if that was the case whoever did it should be the one scared
Instead, Thomas has somewhere quiet for you to go with him, the least he would want is for Hoyt to complain about such "loud" crying in the house. It's better for him to give out physically comforting, too!
His go to's are hugs and petting/caressing, it's what he would want. It's comforting to say the least, but the fact that you can't even breath right doesn't go down well when he's crushing your spinal cord in a bear hug
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However oblivious, he's oddly able to tell that you're acting different before you even get the chance to melt down. From all of the time spent watching you from within the walls, you can say that he knows you like the back of his hand
Brahms has absolutely no clue how to address you. Of course he's fended for himself for a long time but any sort of emotional help is foreign to him
He'll come around, of course, the moment that you do breakdown he's by your side and he's ready to do just about anything you tell him to do but he's on edge
However, the sort of comfort you will get from him will be physical, it's the best way he can quickly show any form of care for you that he thinks will work. Brahms absolutely hates seeing you this way because he want to be able to fix the problem and he just doesn't know how
He insists that you tell him whats wrong as he holds you, curled up, in his lap. Gently caressing your head and face as he listens to your soft cries and explanation. It's the best he can do for you and he knows that that he'll have to pay close attention to when you baby him next, that way he's prepared for whenever this might happen next
Pyramid Head
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What the fuck even? Pyramid Head isn't going to catch on too soon, but the moment he hears your cries from anywhere he is by your side immediately
He hates it the most out everyone on this list, and I mean that heavily. Not only does he go on rampages because he doesn't know what's wrong, but it pisses him off to no end that he doesn't know how to handle it
Pyramid Head wants so bad to be able to comfort you and understand what's made you this upset that he can come across as a little overbearing, but mainly clingy. He doesn't leave your side well after you've stopped crying and makes sure to keep an eye on you from now on so that he can possibly be there before this happens again
While he isn't able to properly communicate to you, a lot of his body language displays signs of uncomforted alongside you. Just about any emotion you feel he absorbs and feels it right with you, mainly because its his way of showing you that you're not alone and he's here to spend this time with you
Just please don't ever do that again it's so stressful he likes seeing you bubbly not sad omfg-
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Asa is the most unreadable, really. He's able to keep his composure the entire time as you bawl your eyes out before him, but inside he's shaking up a little. He doesn't like seeing you upset whens it's not for play of course, so it comes as a bit of a surprise for even him
He's a little hesitant to comfort you because he is surprised, but is also just one of the most distant when it comes to comfort in this way, While being used to your much brighter personality, eventually he'll get better at it for for the time being, you don't have to deal with much of him
There is some physical reassurance, so you're not completely neglected, but Asa does have other things to do. He gently takes you in his arms and leads you up to the bedroom where he lays you down, caressing your head and covering you up
He'll leave to get you water or a drink and some other small things like your phone or a small snack if you haven't eaten, but mostly your phone so that you can call or text him if you need him. From there he'll shut the lights iff and let you get a bit of sleep
Asa stays in the house and cancels any outside plans for the day and makes sure that his phone's ringer is on at all times. By the time you call him for something he'll be up to your room before the ringtone even ends
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Harry is most definitely clueless and will feel like he's going to cry right alongside you. Harry is not good at handling his own emotions let alone yours
He adored being around your bright and shining face everyday, it was something that could regulate his own and he clung to you like a moth to a lamp. So, you can only image the confusion and terror Harry experiences when he comes home to you the complete opposite
It's a very frantic sort of comfort that he gives you, moving from one thing to another to try to figure out what's wrong and what do to. It's really almost as if Harry feels your emotions stronger than you do, but he wants to do everything in his power to fix you
He comes home extra aware in the future, always prepared to be there by your side in hopes to deal with your feelings better, but he still doesn't like it at all. He goes out of his way to do more things around the house of for you in general to lessen up any stress, even if there was none in the first place
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Crisp Leaves [Aoba Johsai Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Aoba Johsai x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: mentions of abuse and harassment
➜ Notes: Manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall, around 170.5 cm. And this is mainly my own indulgence towards Persona 5 because I’m currently obsessed with Kurusu Akira/Amamiya Ren. He’s such a lovely boy.
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How about having a practice match at a school in Aoyama District which was famous for its dark rumors?
“Man, this feels like a school trip,” Hanamaki commented, eagerly drinking the view of endless stream of people piling in streets of Shibuya. Tokyo is one of the busiest metropolitan cities in the world, a stark contrast from their peaceful home in Miyagi. Everything never stood still, everything looked vibrant, everything made them feel like they’re in another realm.
“It’s been a while since we go for a practice match this far,” Matsukawa hummed. Like Hanamaki, he studied their surroundings although almost too brief. Still, it satisfied his curiosity and adventurous heart.
“Don’t wander off, everyone.” You sternly warned and it wasn’t without any reason. “If you got lost, you will be unsavable.”
Tokyo is an enormous city, Shibuya is a hectic area for 24/7–losing one of your team member in a place where most population of humans gathered would be a disaster. Thankfully, your boys took your words to heart–probably from the frightening image of getting lost in the seas of people.
All of them wanted to return home in one piece rather than stuck in a sleepless city.
“So, what school are we heading to?” Iwaizumi asked, looking over your shoulder. Pulling up a map app, you inserted the place who graciously reaching out for Aoba Johsai’s male volley team for a friendly practice match.
“Shujin Academy,” you replied, without glancing–concentrating on reading the route so all of you wouldn’t get lost. “It’s actually not far from here. We just have to take the train and stop at Aoyama-Itchome Station.”
“Then, what are we waiting for?” Oikawa asked excitedly after stretching his arms to relief some build up fatigue from sitting too long in the bullet train. “Let’s go!”
Not wasting anymore time, it didn’t even need a full 15 minutes for them piling into the train–blending with other passengers (not really, to be precise. Their white and aqua uniform made them stood out). It was a nice choice to not departed from Miyagi so early in the morning–saving them from being packed similar to sardines during morning rush hour. The train is still crowded but not to the point where they need to huddle up from people’s pushing.
“Shujin Academy, huh?” Yahaba muttered thoughtfully, thumb and forefinger on his chin. “Just a while ago, I’ve seen them in the news. Something about their volleyball coach confessed his crimes in abusing his team and harassing female students.”
Watari’s eyes widened in horror from the information. “What? How could he do that!?”
“I heard it’s because he felt superior,” Kunimi frowned in disgust. How could he not? Abuse and harassment are inexcusable and unforgivable act, especially when it’s done by a teacher who’s supposed to be a positive example for their students and made learning environment save and enjoyable. “Apparently, he won a gold medal in the Olympics and because of that, he thought he could do anything he wants and got away with it.”
“Thank goodness that guy is arrested.” Kindaichi sighed in relief. “The volley team must’ve been suffering so much. I’m glad this case’s solved and brought to light.”
“That’s also the main reason Coach Irihata accepted the proposal.” You remarked, smiling slightly.
“There’s no way I would accept a practice match in a horrible condition as that.” The said man stated, his eyes softening. “However, the case is different now. They need support as much as they can and we can try bring the spirit of volley and friendly matches back to them.”
“They lost the joy of volleyball. The least we can do to help is trying to return the joy back to them so they could be back on their feet.” Coach Mizoguchi followed.
“Coaches…!” Kindaichi whispered in awe, clutching the front of his jacket–you could see how he was touched by their words. “What an honorable purpose! I will give my best for this match!”
“Aren’t we always?” you remarked, smiling at your team. They were the best of the best in your school, of course–even so, they still pour everything they have into the match whether it was practice or not. “Well, we have to got off in the next stop, so watch out for your belongings.”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
Just like everything was different between Miyagi and Tokyo, it also included the school’s building and everything in it. Aoba Johsai had a grand and wide front yard with paved ground and even some greenery surrounding the area, meanwhile Shujin Academy didn’t have that kind of luxury. They emphasized on the yard in between buildings, although it wasn’t as big as your beloved school it’s still decent.
Once, you’ve arrived, you were immediately welcomed by the Student Council’s President went by the name Nijima Makoto. She’s an embodiment of a true leader in your opinion, it almost seemed impossible for you to be the same age as her. Although rather stiff and too formal, she graciously led the team towards the gym.
“What do you know about the team, assistant coach?” Hanamaki asked with a hint of tease.
Once you arrived at the gym, the boys instantly worked similar to a gear–placing their bags on the floor and started stretching up.
“It’s manager, Takahiro,” you corrected but still feeling rather flattery from the title. Coach Irihata once mentioned you could replace him and all he would feel is ease because he knew you could handle the team well without his supervision. It’s a high praise for you especially when it came from an experienced coach like him. “To be honest, I know next to none.”
Matsukawa rose an eyebrow. “That’s new from you.”
“Well, they did reach the nationals once, but I can’t find the video for it which is a shame,” you sighed, tapping the end of your pen onto your notes. “I guess we have to start from zero.”
“Experience, observe, and adapt, right?” Oikawa replied, grunting as he tried to reach the tips of his shoe for leg stretching. “It will be interesting!”
“It won’t be if we’re getting pushed back like those times against Karasuno,” Iwaizumi stated, reminiscing the first practice match they had against the crows. Hinata’s agility paired with Kageyama’s pin point toss was terrifying.
“We have to see that during the match then,” you hummed in conclusion. “Do your best, okay?”
“Since when have we ever hold back, senpai?” Watari questioned, giving you a smile. “We’re going to do our best even if it’s just a practice match!”
Snorting playfully, you grinned. “Aren’t you always, though?”
When the whistle rang throughout the gym, you knew it was time to go on full throttle.
Oikawa decided he needed to use the restroom for a moment after Aoba Johsai emerge as victors in two straight sets, officially ended the practice match. Of course, he excused himself after a short team meeting and a few words given from Shujin Academy’s new coach. He also made sure to at least inform someone about his absence.
He initially wanted to be back to the gym immediately, however there’s a slight change in his plan.
“Is this yours?” Oikawa questioned, referring to the cute animal strap on his palm.
“Yeah! Thank you so much! I didn’t even notice it fell.”
The captain found a bright phone strap lying on the monochrome floor of the hallways and not far ahead, a girl with platinum blonde hair in pigtails. He connected all of it together and decided to chase after her, to return the object.
“No problem,” he gave her the practiced smile he usually wore. Still, it’s impossible to notice the attractiveness of the girl standing in front of him. She’s clearly half European and her appearance spoke a lot of it–natural platinum blonde strands and blue eyes.
“Huh? Who are you?” then another student showed up, this time a boy with bright blonde hair. From the scowl he wore, Oikawa knew he didn’t intend to be friendly. “You wanna hit on her?”
As if it was a domino effect, another student (which he just realized stood far away back) with unruly black hair and thick-framed glasses also giving him a slight glare. This was going to a bad direction. Oikawa immediately rose his hands in surrender. “I’m just-“
“Don’t be rude, Ryuji! He’s just helping me!” thankfully, the girl hissed.
“What did I tell you about wandering around?” Now, he just needed to escape death. A vice grip landed on his shoulder sending a cold-sweat trailed down his temple. “And did you make this girl uncomfortable, Tooru?”
It’s nice to know that his manager’s saccharine and chilling tone didn’t only sending shivers down his spine because the three students in front of him paling slowly but surely.
“N-no! This is a misunderstanding! He’s just helping me picking up the phone strap I dropped! He didn’t do anything!” Bless the platinum blonde girl, she just saved his life.
“Really? Thank goodness, then.” The previous chilling aura instantly gone and replaced by a polite tone you used–that’s when Oikawa could release a relief sigh. “You three are Shujin students, right? Nice to meet you.”
“Y-you too!” the girl stuttered before smiling. “The match before was awesome! Your team is so strong! You completely crushed ours, oh by the way, my name is Takamaki Ann!”
“Cheer for our school more, would you?” the blonde sighed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Sakamoto Ryuji, sorry for glaring at you.”
Oikawa was impressed–the boy may look and dressed like a delinquent, but his manners were decent. For image maybe?
“Amamiya Ren,” the last one introduced simply–he’s a quiet one, the captain assessed.
“Thank you, my name is Otohaku [First Name] and I’m the manager,” you introduced yourself with a smile before gesturing towards him (and he certainly noticed the slight blush present on the boys’ cheeks when you introduced yourself). “And this is our volley team’s captain, Oikawa Tooru.”
“Is this what an elite team looks like? None of our sports team even have a manager!” Takamaki commented, blue eyes shining in amazement.
“Probably, they have a well-balanced and organized team,” Amamiya added, pushing his glasses which slid up to his nose.
“You’re right, though!” Sakamoto nodded enthusiastically. “Man, it’s been a while since I saw a match that good. You have a great attack and defense combination and rotation! It feels like watching the preliminaries!”
“I don’t think you should be excited especially when your team’s lost, but I get it,” Oikawa chuckled. “Our coach specifically accepted the practice match here to support you guys. We knew what the team have been through, it’s all over the news, so maybe we could help bring the spirit back up.”
“…Really?” Amamiya muttered, gray eyes slightly widened.
“Definitely,” you replied. “It must’ve been hard for you guys with all the negativity. But everything is okay now, right? Although, it will be a hard time for everything to settle down.”
“W-wow…” Takamaki put a hand over her mouth. “You guys are too nice, seriously.”
“You have our coaches to thank for that.” Oikawa grinned. “Anyway, do you want to meet the team? We still have some time before going back to Miyagi.”
“SURE!” both Takamaki and Sakamoto exclaimed at the exact same time–Oikawa couldn’t help but feeling the influence of their enthusiasm. They’re nice kids.
“Then, come on!” you added. “We’ll introduce you to everyone!”
“It will be an honor,” Amamiya stated, a simple smile present on his face.
Oikawa smiled–the day went from great to even greater than before, especially when you gained new friends along the way.
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night-market-if · 2 years
Paper Lanterns Part 29
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Paper Lanterns is a community based IF game here on Tumblr.  I need something to fuel the creative fires while I chip away at The Night Market demo, and I want to give you all a little something in the meantime.  Here’s how it will work.
I will post a snipped under the cut every few days.  At the end of the post will be three options.  Comment below or send me an ask if you would rather be anonymous, over which route you would like to see.  I will tally them up and write the majority option and post it in the following days. From there, we repeat the process until we, as a community, have crafted our story.
Please reblog and share this with others.  The more people we have participating, the more fun I think this can be for us.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 under the cut
Winner of last vote: Agree to Hazel's plan (this won't pop up entirely in this one but will within the end game as a whole)
You could see the fear in Malcolm’s eyes, and you felt it swell within you as well. It was Hazel.  Above all else, she was the one that was supposed to be protected. She was the youngest of you three, the one with the kindest heart.  It didn’t often matter what happened to you and Malcolm, as long as she was okay. But, the thing was, you had all grown up. Somewhere along the way, the three of you had stopped being gangly little kids with dirty knees and lantern burnt noses, and you had become adults.  
“I think we should go with Hazel’s plan,” you say, not quite able to meet Malcolm’s eyes. You could feel the way they bore into you, though, the betrayal that one little statement made ringing loud and clear.  Swallowing, you lift your head, turning to face him head on.  His jaw was rigid and his face a mask of apathy.  “It’s a good plan,” you defend. “There’s only one way in and one way out of there, so we’d see the Baron coming.  On top of that, there is an entire army of vengeful spirits outside the apothecary, places still filed with your mother's hexes, entire spots of land just looking for power, ripe for the taking. So, if things get out of hand, let's give them a Baron.”
“Wait,” Hazel said with a frown. “We’re not planning on killing her, are we? I- I don’t want to do that.”
Malcolm quirked a brow at her.  “You think she’s going to be amenable? She wants a second Baron power.  She wants to be able to control the gates for her own gain. I doubt a sit down session is going to entail cups of tea.”
“I know that,” Hazel snapped. You had heard that tone very rarely. The one that was all their mother.  Hazel only brought it out when she was well and truly pissed.  “I’m not a child, Malcolm.  I know a little about how the world works, despite your efforts.” There was a coldness in their gaze with each other.  One that had always been there when a fight between the siblings was about to pursue.  But you remembered the aftermath of those fights. The way Malcolm would storm off and Hazel would cry. How you would find Malcolm later wracked with guilt that left his eyes empty.  Reaching out, you place a hand on his knee, shaking your head when you caught his eyes.
When his shoulders slumped in shame, you felt the brewing emotions shatter. 
 “If we can avoid killing her, I want to try,” Hazel said, the hardness from her voice fading. “Mainly because I do not want a vengeful Baron lingering around my home, Malcolm.” 
He sunk back in his chair. It was obviously something he hadn’t thought of.. “I’m sorry, Hazel. I-”
“You’re being the overprotective brother,” she said. “I get it.  Now stop because when it’s both of your lives on the line, there is no room for that behavior.”
You smile. You hide it well behind your hand, but you smile all the same.  There was a certain joy you always felt upon seeing Malcolm get put in his place.
“Alright,” he agreed. “The Apothecary is where we do this.  We invite the Baron there, and I face her.”
“Wait,” I said. “Why do you have to do that? Why can’t you just give her the key that she wants and…”
“Because my job is to keep the gates safe.”  There was nothing about his tone that was superior or bristling. It was all said with a weariness of a man who did not want the responsibility he held.
“You gave me several keys already,” you protest.  Why couldn’t he just break the rules? This once.
“To inactive worlds,” he said with a small smile. “They weren’t going to do much.  She’s been getting pissed over how ineffective they are, from what I hear.”
You let your head fall to the table, not even wincing as it made loud contact. Malcolm put a hand between your shoulder blades. “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you, Button.” You could hear the grin. Asshole just kept pulling one over on you. He loved being in charge.  When this was all over you were going to tease him endlessly for his job because you were pretty certain that there was no one better for such a role, than Malcolm fucking Albright. Fed right into his ego and padded the chip on his shoulder.
“So what is it you plan to say to her?” Hazel asked.
Malcolm shrugged. “Knock this off. Maybe knowing who the Gatekeeper is will end her game.”
You frown at that. “What do you mean?”
“Think about it. The gatekeeper has always been a job that has had secrecy around it. The monthly Baron meetings they always sent a proxy. I’ve been sending little willow constructs since the first go of it.  Everything about the Gatekeeper is supposed to be shrouded in mystery in order to protect the gates. To make sure people like the Baron of the Mists can’t gain more control. But, maybe it’s time to change things. Go public. I give up autonomy and will have to listen to a hell of a lot more political bullshit but, I don’t know. One person controlling who comes and goes through the Market? Doesn’t seem right.”
“You. A politician.” You mock incredulously.  It stretched a smile across his face.
“Could be,” he said. “And you the politician's consort?”
You rolled your eyes at him and pushed your way up from the table. “Alright, well, no time like the presence. Let’s go fortify the Apothecary for a fight with a bitchy vampire.”
“Wait,” Malcolm grabbed your wrist, his eyes also pinning Hazel’s.  From his pocket, he produced a key. It was small. Barely bigger than your pinky finger. “It’s a door to a world that is still forming.  It’s located beneath the lawn gnome near the basil in Hazel’s garden.”
“Oh,” Hazel cooed. “How cute. Is that why I had all the gnomes move in?”
Malcolm ignored her but you had a suspicion that he was exactly the cause for the gnome invasion of last summer. “If things go sour, get out. Use the key and run.  Don’t let her take your life.”
You frowned, looking between him and Hazel. “But you two can’t leave.”
“We can,” Hazel assured. “It’s just the Market will call us back. Eventually. Born here, you cannot escape.”
“It’ll give you two enough time. To let all this blow over.”  You couldn’t help but notice how Malcolm gripped you, clearly not wishing to let you go.
“Why wouldn’t you come with us?”
“Gatekeeper’s can’t,” he said. “But I’ll find you.”
Cupping your cheek, he leaned in close. You could feel his breath on your lips. And as your eyes raised to his, you saw the tears swimming within them. Malcolm was scared. “You and Hazel are more important to me than anything else in this life,” he whispered.  “I will find you.  You will not be let go.”
There was nothing you could say.  You could only feel your chest choke in terror as the desperate need to cling to him bloomed bright and true.
In the end, she didn’t come that first night. She didn’t even come the second. The Baron was toying with you and the three of you knew it. But there was nothing that could be done.  Leaving the shop felt as if you were walking into a trap, but sitting, was nearly maddening.
You played cards to pass the time. Helped Hazel in the garden.  Malcolm and you reconnected in the rickety old bed of his.  While fear and danger lurked at the edge of your thoughts, you tried to stay present with your friends. The people you loved.
When the door burst open on the dawn of the third day, you still were not prepared for it.
The Baron of the Mists danced her way inside, her lavender eyes cold and calculating as she hopped down the landing steps. Her long blonde hair fell gracefully over one shoulder, brushing against the white bodice of her blood-red dress.  
“Why, hello,” she greeted with a wide grin.  Two sharp teeth glinted in the dim light of the apothecary.  
Hazel stood behind the counter, Malcolm off to the side, while you stood near the back stairs.  
“Do you have my key, dear?” she asked, looking at you.
Swallowing, you shook your head. “No,” you say. “But I do have the Gatekeeper.”
The grin she gave you split across her face, her skin separating into a leer. Hungry. Eager.  Lazily, her eyes trailed towards Malcolm. It was at that moment that your heart dropped. Your suspicions were confirmed. Belladonna had tried to warn you.  The Baron had already known, but for some reason, just needed you to bring Malcolm to her.
“What do you want, Kavitta?” Malcolm asked. 
“You know what I want,” she responded.
“You’re not getting me so what else would you like to do here?” Malcolm stepped forward, standing between Kavitta and Hazel.  “Want me to come to the meetings finally?” That shit eating grin was on his face. He was going to goad her and you nearly jumped between him and her and begged him to stop.
“Malcolm. I could care less what you do.  I could care less what the other Baron’s want to do. All I know is my land, where I am from, is dying. So I’ll be opening a gate to let them in.”
You blink, looking between all of them. “How many are we talking.”
“Oh, millions,” she said innocently. “Overpopulation and all that. There’s no food left. But here, in a world that is full of endless possibilities, endless gates? It’s a buffet,” she giggled.
“Not gonna happen,” Malcolm said.
“It’s cute that you think there is a choice here.”
Part 30
Bargain with her to bring a portion of her people here.
Have Malcolm offer to bring this to the council of Baron’s. Perhaps there was another way.
Step forward between Malcolm and her.  Offer her another land for her people. Someplace where there is food.
If you haven't seen, Chapter Two of the Night Market is now out! It is linked below if you're interested. Reblogs and feedback are also love! Also, there is a Paper Lanterns discord now. Click the link below to join.
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bowieandqueen11 · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg As A Dad Headcanons
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Request: Would you happen to have any wholesome Dad!Heisenberg HCs? 👉🏻👈🏻 Your writing is absolutely wonderful btw! ❤️
Oh my goodness thank you so much my lovely!!! This is such a sweet request <3
If you enjoy, please comment and reblog!
(Gif credit goes to: @robotoco-fanart​, character and Resident Evil do not belong to me, all rights and credit goes to its creator)
At first, the man literally has no idea what to do with a kid. His idea of looking after children is to just to just let them go wild so they can go live in trees or whatever.
So, when his daughter first arrives into his arms at the factory, the first thing that pops into Karl’s head is whether he can ship the poor thing off to go live with Donna and her house of dolls because he thinks a baby would cramp his style too much.
Much deeper down inside though, right down at the fragmented shards that nestled and poked at the bottom of his heart, he was also worried for the kid. He knew he couldn’t give them a proper life. Heck, he could barely look after himself with his crazy family around. How was he supposed to protect a kid from Mother Miranda?
Although everyone was sure the frown on his face when he first saw the kiddo was one of distaste, in reality he was just really sad because he believed he could never be the father this child deserved.
Then one day, he decides to take a break from experimenting on soldats down in the basement levels of his factory to go up and check on the kiddo, mainly just to make sure Donna hasn’t let her crawl out of her crib and eat any important old documents or blueprints he left lying around his bedroom’s cabinet. But when he goes into the room, peering down with those falling glasses on the bridge of his nose into the little cot by the corner window, he finds himself scared.
For the first time in his life, something pains through his chest. But this time it isn’t horror, or arrogance, or repugnance, or fear anger hatred loneliness - no, this thing was warm, running jolts around his stomach until he felt almost queasy with the power of it.
Love. What he felt, for the first time in his life, was love. His little kiddo looked up at him with these big, kind puppy eyes - the same colour as his, and reached up to wrap her little pudgy fingers around his coarse, shaking thumb that leant on the wood.
And boom, that was it. Game over for vengeful Heisenberg. Cue protective dad mode.
(Although he was a little less certain when the little trickster grabbed his sunglasses from off his face, but that’s okay. He can make a new pair of those any time. But her, she was irreplaceable in his heart.)
Okay, but can you just imagine Karl holding his little daughter in like a little knitted blanket, coddled up against his ragged chest as he rocks her with tears in his eyes omg???
As kiddo grows up, there’s a protective ring of Lycans standing guard around the outskirts of the factory’s fields at all times, 24/7. No one from the village is allowed in or out under any business, which is where the rumour of the Lords being like vampires or werewolves begins (although sometimes Karl will pop down into the town and spend some time spreading rumours at the inn just because he likes to see people’s faces when they realise he is THE werewolf Heisenberg their family have told them never to go near.)
Kiddo isn’t allowed to go out anywhere near the village either unless Karl comes with her. When she’s young, he’ll have massive coats on the two of them so they don’t freeze in the snow that dusts the rocky ground with its tendrils, carrying kiddo on his hip. If she’s a bit older, he has an arm tight around her shoulder so she’s tucked just inside the edge of his trench coat, and he growls at any person that dares to look at her for longer than two seconds.
He spends a long time trying to make her first word dad - he sees it as like a source of pride that it should be. Sometimes he’ll sit her down on a workbench and just stare down at her all seriously, until his mouth drops open and he pulls a silly face to make her laugh. Then, when he works, he keeps on just repeating ‘dadda’ or ‘come on kiddo, you can say it’ but ends up being so annoyed when her first word is her trying to say Angie lmao.
For like a week he disappears, and Donna becomes worried about what he’s doing, and why there’s no noise or sound from him except smoky tendrils of steam and licks of fire bellowing out from the belly of the factory every so often. Turns out, as he sneaks in to kiss his daughter on the forehead one late night while she’s sleeping, and takes a moment to hang it over her cot, he was making a little mobile of two wolves chasing the sun and moon.
Since our man ‘works from home’, when kiddo gets to become a bit older he invites her down to learn the tricks of the trade with him. Mostly this just involves her sitting on a stool down in his office room with a bored looking face as he wildly and animatedly throws shards of metal into the pictures of Alcina and Miranda, explaining why she should never go near them.
In the end they’re both kind of knackered, so by the time lunch rolls through they’ve both laid down on a bench and fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders.
Although he’s not the best at showing affection, he is trying, he really is. This usually comes through as him reading bedtime stories to his kiddo, lying down on the duvet next to her and nearly shoving the poor child out of the bed. He totally gets coerced into doing silly voices for all the characters, and although he pretends to groan and roll his eyes he gets way too into it.
Usually, though, he’s the one to fall asleep first. Kiddo usually wakes up to find her dad still asleep against the headboard, with the book collapsed on the floor and Karl’s hat hanging half over his face as he snores.
When she’s younger, and Karl doesn’t want to go to family meetings, he’ll dress her up in his long coat and hat that hangs over her eyes and sends her off, laughing his ass off the whole while at the way the frayed fabric ends trail across the floor as she tries to walk.
He says Alcina is so tall anyway she wouldn’t notice the difference.
Most of the time he just takes her with her though, because despite how gruff and how much of a lone wolf he pretends to be he has pretty bad separation anxiety. She’ll just sit on his knee as he makes her laugh by pretending to mimic Miranda, telling everyone to shut up anytime she starts babbling, giving her his full attention.
He also says the babbling makes more sense than anything Alcina has ever said, which ends up with poor Donna holding the baby while the two of them tussle about the pews.
Also please imagine Donna roping him into doing tea parties.
He’s not a great teacher, so Moreau steps in. Heck, sometimes even Karl will be sitting next to his daughter on the floor in confusion because he has no idea what algebraic fractions are.
His daughter is the most important thing in the world to him, and he will do everything in his power to protect her from the outside world.
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 37. brb x oc
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a/n: AAAAAAAAA FUCK F U C K ( also shoutout to @taytaylala12 who HELPED ME WITH THE WHOLE BABY PROCESS EHE)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi
When his birthday arrives, she wakes up a few minutes after she hears Rooster in the bathroom. She,however,stays in bed looking up at the ceiling, wincing at the little cramp that was now a common occurrence since Nicole got bigger.
She knew it was nothing to worry about, it was very similar to the other cramps she had months before, it was the same sharp yet dull pain in her navel that she decided not to tell Rooster.
Not only because it was his birthday,but mainly because she didn’t want him worrying so much so early in the morning. It was normal, everything was fine, there was nothing more going on. Maybe it was just because Nikki’s due date was coming up and their daughter was just getting restless and it was fine! There was nothing to worry about.
The faucet shut off when Beatrice slowly sat on the bed, heaving out a sigh and looking up to see her husband’s worried face from the door, “I’m okay.” she stretches her arms towards him, “Help me up?” she didn’t have to ask twice, because Rooster immediately stepped closer to her, wrapping his big hands around her smaller ones and giving her a tug to stand up to her feet. “Thank you,Roos.”
“Everything okay?”
“I’m fine.” she smiles, then leans up to kiss his chin, “I promise.”
“Do you want me to do anything?” he questions, following her to the bathroom, eagle eyed at the brunette who opened the faucet to wash her face, “I can draw the bath for you.”
“I’d really like that.” she held back another wince from the cramping, he hadn’t noticed it, thankfully, “Then we can start working on your birthday party.”
Rooster still thought there was no need to start preparing things now, it was a barbecue, the only things they’d have to worry about was putting the meat on the grill and popping some beer bottles open…and of course there was the amazing Belgian chocolate cake in the fridge that he hadn’t noticed until now but still! “Baby they won’t get here until eleven.” he explains, walking around her to fill the bathtub, “There’s no need to hurry.”
But Beatrice, who always wanted to be a good host and often worried if people were having fun or not, pursed her lips into a little frown, “Well…okay,but we are going to add some balloons at least, wait no they’ll deflate by the time they arrive…hm…” he just smiled, he loved her so much but she had other things in her mind she should worry about.
“Alright,gorgeous.” he says once the bath is filled, the water is just warm enough for her and Nicole to be safe inside, “Come on in.” and he tried not to look down at her full breasts when she undresses, offering his hand to her so she could step in without issues, “You know what,” he begins once she’s already inside, “I could join you-”
“It’s my birthday and I think it’d be really welcome.”
Beatrice makes a face, eventually breaking into a smile, “Alright, but no funny business.” she mutters, scooting a bit forward so there’s enough space behind her, “Hop in.” the water ripples when he finally steps inside, his legs on either side of her body and his hands on her shoulders to bring her to his chest, his lips immediately touching her temple.
“Comfortable?” she nods, fluttering her eyes shut as Rooster’s lips remain on her head, Beatrice’s body relaxing as he gently caressed her stomach, “...just a few more days.” he whispered, “We have everything for the hospital bag,right?”
Beatrice,with her eyes closed, just arched her brow, “Do you want to check again?”
“I mean we checked it twice yesterday.” he murmured against her hair, gently lifting her belly and letting it go like he learned in the antenatal classes, his wife easing out a sigh of relief, ‘I don’t think it’d be a bad idea if we did it again.”
The movements he was doing were helping her cramps a lot, that and the warm water surrounding them, she had to hold herself from falling back asleep so she chose to place one of her hands on his arm, caressing the dark hairs, “I don’t mind. It’s always good to check if we really got everything.” he was excited, she knew that was why he was talking about it and it was the cutest thing.
Her husband, who was over six feet and built like a brick wall, always got soft spoken whenever talking about their child and the things they’d have to do. He fixed Nicole’s room months ago, he was also the one that often cleaned it - because again he didn’t want her to be overworked even if she did assure him she was completely fine doing so - and made sure it was perfect for Nicole when she was able to use it.
It was adorable, it was perfect and it was such a Rooster thing to do. Beatrice smiles up at him, he’s talking about how they should bring more change of clothes for her and he had to check if the car seat they bought - because the one she used for Bianca was already well, claimed for - was safe enough for the baby. She was so in love with him she just placed her cheek on his chest, watching him speak until he finally noticed her eyes staring adoringly at him, “What?”
She shrugs, “You are just too sweet,Roos.” she whispers, “I’m very lucky.”
“You know I should be the one saying that.”
“Are we going to go back and forth on who's the luckiest of the two?” she asks just as he leans his head closer to her, lips curling into a smirk.
“Yep.” he mutters against her mouth, “It’ll be a long argument that we’ll never take either answer as true.” he pecks her lips softly, “Then let’s just say we are both lucky enough to have each other, how’s that?”
Beatrice giggles against his lips, cupping the underside of his jaw before breaking the kiss, sighing happily with her eyes closing once more as she snuggled up against him, “I like that idea.”
“Me too.” he kisses the top of her head again,”Do you want me to give you a massage?”
“Hmmm…I’m good.” she says, “You can just be here with me, that’s already pretty relaxing.”
He chuckles against her scalp, inhaling the delicious lavender from her hair as her hands land on top of his still covering her stomach. “I’m going to miss this.” Beatrice makes a confused noise, furrowing her brows, “I don’t know, touching you like this, it’s really nice.”
“You know what I mean.”
“You mean my huge pregnant stomach?” she asks with a little grin, “That’s so cute,Brad.”
“Well, you said I was cute.” he smirks, propping his chin on the curve of her shoulder, the water no longer warm as before, signaling they’ve been in there for quite a while already and they hadn’t even bathed yet…but they were both so comfortable, “I guess it’s just because it’s so new,huh?Anyway,we better clean up because soon enough the water is going to turn cold as fuck and you can’t stay here with cold water all around you.”
Beatrice giggles, “Fair. I’d hate to become a giant popsicle because of it.”
“All pruned up too.” he smirks, kissing her head one last time, “But I’d love you no matter what. Now come on, get yourself ready,I’ll wash your hair.”
Beatrice’s cramps remained but they weren’t bad, they never got worse than normal - and she had some bad ones these past months - it was just a very annoying discomfort and she didn’t want to bring all the attention to her on Rooster’s birthday. Plus, seeing everyone there, from the Dagger Squad to her family was more than a good distraction from the cramping.
“Okay now- oh.” she stops walking when she feels a giant head pressing up to her stomach, Eleanor’s big brown eyes looked up at her with caution, gently sniffing the brunette’s covered belly, “Hey Ellie,I’m okay girl.” she coos, petting the dog gently as she holds a few clean plates one handed, “I’m okay, go outside with your mama and brother,okay? You are going to get some bones!”
Eleanor stops, considers it, then leaves the kitchen towards the backyard where the laughter and music could be heard. Beatrice closed her eyes with relief thanking whatever deity was responsible for allowing them to have his birthday there, at home, crazy to think that one year ago he proposed to her on this very day.
Wow, time was going by so fast.
From them dating, to marriage and now Nicole was literally days away from being born. 
“What are you doing?” the voice snaps her out of her thoughts, turning towards the glass doors to where she sees Shells with her hands on her hips, looking absolutely annoyed.
“We needed more plates-” but her friend marches up to her, grabs the colorful plates from her hands before Beatrice could complete her sentence, “Well-”
“I’m sorry, who’s the one almost popping a baby out? Surely isn’t me, why aren’t you sitting?!”
Beatrice frowns,looking down at her stomach, “It’s…well,I just–”
“Beatrice just wanted to be a good host, Shells.”Evelyn’s voice adds in, stepping between the two to grab the plates from the blonde this time, “Even though it was better if she didn’t, it’s okay to be useful. Are you okay tho?”
Beatrice nods after a subtle cramp inside, this one a bit more intense but again she said nothing, “I’m fine.I just,well, everyone is outside-”
“Including your husband whose only reason for not following you inside is because he’s flipping stuff on the grill.” Shells comments, crossing her arms over her chest with her brows furrowed, “You really are okay? Because if you are you have to, you know, go back outside and enjoy the time you got with everyone, it’s already six in the afternoon and you are still moving about.”
Time was really going by fast.
“I promise I’ll sit down and relax.” she smiles, holding both of her hands up in defense, “I promise guys, I won’t be walking around too much.”
“Good, now go back outside,Rooster is already itching to get you.”Evelyn smirks, nodding her head towards the backyard. Beatrice thanks Evelyn and Shells,the blonde almost pushing her out of the kitchen to the door only being prevented by their taller friend who held her by the inner elbow.
Beatrice cautiously walks out of the kitchen to the backyard, Eleanor glued to her side like a magnet to a fridge. She thanks the white dog, before lifting her eyes to meet Rooster’s. He was relaxed, leaning back against the chair with his shirt unbuttoned to the middle of his chest, exposing the chest hair and some of the sun kissed skin, his legs were crossed - the one on top was his tattooed leg - and he was wearing flip flops. 
He smiles up at her when she waddles closer, immediately standing to his feet so he could help her sit down herself, “Hey gorgeous.” he says, kissing her cheek, “The girls kicked you out?”
“In a way.” she places one hand on top of her stomach then the other on the chair’s arm, slowly sitting down with Rooster’s own hands supporting her lower back, “I’m okay though, they just didn’t want me to move around too much.”
He made a face that clearly meant he understood their concerns, waiting until she was settled enough to sit down next to her, “I don’t blame them.” he says with a gentle chuckle, before he lifts his gaze to where their friends and family were, all talking amongst each other, laughing, having fun…it was a great way to celebrate his birthday. “Thank you,by the way.” he holds her hand under the table, rubbing her knuckles. “If I hadn’t listened to you we wouldn’t have such a good time.”
There was Queen playing in the background, their friends were having a wonderful time and Beatrice - while her Braxton-Hicks were annoying - was just as happy to see him smiling like that “I told you it was a good idea, Roos.” she whispers, leaning closer to kiss his cheek, but he turns just in time for their lips to meet. They laugh against each other’s mouths, then pull back because they both knew if they remained like that their friends would have absolutely no mercy.
Not that they wouldn’t normally, they always liked teasing them.
They kept their hands together as they talk to everyone else, his thumb rubbing her knuckles while her hand squeezes his every now and again. She’s currently drinking water after eating some of the things they had planned for the party - including the cake - and was now enjoying the conversation, sometimes chiming in whenever it came her way.
Jolene,Eleanor and Jack surrounded her chair, curled up close to Beatrice. She wished she could say the Braxton-Hicks were getting lighter, but they weren’t, sometimes she’d squeeze his hand way too tight only to say that Nicole was just pressing up her bladder and that she was fine. He lets go of her hand to grab another beer from the cooler they had outside, Beatrice’s jaw clenching at a strong one that made her toes curl and grit her teeth.
Rooster was leaning against the wall with one of his hands inside his shorts’ pocket, laughing with Payback and Coyote, his head turned away from her -which she was thankful for, again there was nothing to worry about-
Something wet.
She feels something wet sliding down her leg.
Beatrice widens her eyes, no one seems to notice how she suddenly paled then looked down at her long flowery dress to check. The dogs immediately stood up, snouts directed to the small puddle forming between her feet, “...oh…shit…” she breathes in slowly, then looks up at Rooster only for another cramp to hit her, stronger than before, it almost punched the air out of her lungs.
She couldn’t be in labor. No, she had everything written down, Nicole was coming on the thirtieth! Beatrice clenches the table cloth, almost ripping the light blue colored fabric, “Roos.” She calls, but because of the music and talking he can’t hear her…she doesn’t want to call too much attention or stop the party, shit, but she had no choice. “Roos,” again, “Rooster,” louder this time, when she gets no response she inhales before letting out a “Bradley!”
He immediately stops the conversation, in fact everyone does to look towards her, “...Roos,I don’t want you to freak out.” she begins, “B-But I think we might have to go to the hospital.”
There’s complete silence, the type that you’d only hear if someone suddenly died. The beer that was in Mav’s mouth was immediately spat out and he had to cover his mouth before it flew on Halo’s face. The beer bottle that Bradley was holding however,slipped from his grasp, his smile faltering and eyes widening, not hearing the sharp crash of the bottle hitting the ground, “...wait, now? Now?”
“Roos,yes!” she groans in pain, “My water broke!”
Everyone stands up quickly, chairs fall, the dogs start barking, Beatrice’s brothers are freaking out and her parents are surrounding her while Shells is shouting - much like Michael Scott- “Everybody calm the fuck down it’s happening!” 
Beatrice understood the commotion but she was in too much pain to actually voice it out, “Okay,shit,fuck!” Rooster almost trips over himself as he runs up the stairs to where the hospital bag was. Beatrice remembers to breathe, clenching her eyes,her teeth, her hand that was holding her body up against the table, all the while she could feel the uncomfortable wetness between her thighs.
Rooster’s loud footsteps could be heard above everyone’s panicked talking, he had the hospital bag on his shoulder and the car seat on his hand…only to remember he couldn’t help Bea if he had all of that on him, “Shit,” he looks around quickly, meeting Rafael’s eyes who walked away from Beatrice’s side to take everything from his son-in-law’s panicked grip.
“i got it ragazzo, go help Beatrice.”
He didn’t have to be told twice.
“Alright gorgeous,” he looks down at her face, red and pained, before he licks his lips and leans down to pick her up bridal style.
“No, no!” she waves her hand, swatting his own, “I’m too heavy, there’s no time,Roos!”
Normally he’d disagree, but considering the situation he nodded and grabbed her hand, “Come on,gorgeous, to the car.” shit there were the steps to the garage still. Everyone was running about, opening doors,holding dogs - Bianca was explaining to Éwoyn that they were going to have a little cousin!- grabbing towels for Bea as they walked towards the Bronco.
Rooster pulls the seat back once they reach the garage with her mother hovering behind in case she needed help, her daughter was just trying her best to not succumb to the sudden amount of pain darting all over her body, “Okay, gorgeous.” he whispers, helping her inside, kissing her forehead, “We’ll be there super quick okay?”
Beatrice could only nod with a little smile, closing her eyes when her mother kissed her forehead this time before Rooster closed the door. Holy shit his daughter was coming, she was going to be born on his birthday…possibly that is. Claudia looks up from her daughter to Bradley who stood to the side with his fists clenched and eyes unfocused, “Bambino, go on, we’ll clean the house, yes?”
“...right, right okay.I’ll let you guys know?” she nods, cupping his cheeks and pecking his own forehead, patting his face before she gives a step back, enough for him to walk around the car and get on the driver’s seat, “How’s it?”
Beatrice grunts, leaning her head back against the seat as he reverses the car, “It’s…it’s not great,Roos.” she laughs humorlessly.
“You said you were fine!” he sounds surprised, maybe a tiny bit annoyed, “Why didn’t you tell me about the contractions?”
“I-I thought-” another wince “I thought it was just Braxton-Hicks! Or-Or Nikki kicking my bladder, I-I didn’t think my water was going to break today! And I didn’t want t-to ruin your birthday.”
If Rooster wasn’t focused on the road he’d give his wife a stupefied stare, “You didn’t want to- Jesus,Bea.” he rubs his forehead with his fingertips, “Baby, no, no no, there’s nothing–” he turns to look at her and noticed how her eyes glossed then decides that this wasn’t the right time for it, she didn’t need the extra stress, “It’s okay, is it getting worse?”
“A-A little.”
“Okay,” he licks his lips, looking around the street for another way to the hospital, turning the car before it gets stuck in traffic, “It’s okay, you’ll be okay.” he drops one of his hands from the wheel to grab hers, bringing it up to his lips to press several little kisses against her skin, “We’ll be okay. Just a few minutes okay?”
Beatrice nods, chewing her lower lip hard as she breathes in and out like she was taught to, mentally thinking that if Nikki wanted to be born today she was going to be born today.
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robinrequiems · 3 years
damian has insomnia, but he also has a really good boyfriend hcs:
• b4 dating jon, damian survived on the bare minimum of sleep, he had already worn makeup previously to hide bruises & cuts, so he also used it to hide the bags under his eyes from prying eyes ( jon )
• damian did try to sleep, he did, but between his vigilante work and other stuff, he just couldn’t, when he laid down, he felt up, or when he did sleep, the nightmares happens
• but whenever damian did sleep, it was always random, but his family members knew not to wake him up
• but the people in school didn’t. more specifically. jon
• “d? cmon get up, we gotta get to study hall.”
• all jon got was a whine. Damian whined at him as he slowly stood up. jon could see Damian’s droopy eyes
• “are you okay? you aren’t one to sleep during class”
• “‘m sleepy”
• jon frowned as that, during their study hall, they ( mainly jon ) ended up asking to go the library to study, and after finding a secluded corner, they sat down
• “did you not sleep or something last night? are you okay?”
• “not that much, im fine” damians words lacked bite, even though he intended for it to be harsher, hell, jon should’ve known something was up when Damian LET him carry his bag
• “if you want, you can go back to sleep, I’ll wake you for your next class”
• damian pondered that for a moment before he accepted it. he was just gonna sleep sitting up, but jon, in his glory, just threw an arm around him to hold him as damian snuggled up and fell asleep
• jon didn’t bring it up when it happened again, but he began taking notes on damian and his mannerisms, at least every two weeks, damian would have a day where he was sluggish or where he didn’t answer his phone ( damian was on his phone 24/7 or at least had it on him 24/7 )
• look, jon is not a complete himbo, he knows things
• but a month later, damian came in tired again, basically clinging to jon. jon had to take him to his classes and pick him up until after 3 periods where jon texted Tim ( only batfam member he knew would probably answer ) to pick him up
• TO TIM: “can u pick d up”
• TO JON: “y?”
• TO TIM: “he needp sleep he keeps nearly passing out”
• TO JON: “ok b there soon”
• jon ended up visiting damian after school, damian was now awake in his room, cuddled up in blankets and makeup wiped off
• “holy shit you look bad”
• “wow. hello to you too”
• “how— what the hell d?”
• damian could feel the disappointment rolling off jon
• oops
• but soon enough, jon realized a pattern, he knew damian would get defensive if he brought it up, so he didn’t
• instead he was just there for Damian
• when they became boyfriends, jon would just pull damian into his lap when they were alone and Damian would end up asleep. jons lap was comfy
• jon realized damian slept better with someone next to him, jon was a somewhat heavy sleeper, but whenever he heard damian shifting around in bed, he was up since it normally meant that damian was leaving ( to go sneak back into the manor ) or a nightmare
• when they weren’t with each other, jon would call damian and talk until damian stopped responding
• damian still had circles under his eyes, but it wasn’t as bad as before
• jon would lie awake with damian, just telling him stories or softly singing to him while damian fondly rolled his eyes
• jon realized damian fell asleep easier after socializing for a period of time, he gets socially drained and drowsy, there were times where damian just got on his back and fell asleep while jon continued socializing
• when Damian didn’t fall asleep, they’d normally just binge movies
• jon has caught damian lying about if he slept or not, damian may have trained both himself and his heart beat, but jon knows his best friend, but jon doesn’t bring it up, he knows it would only set his friend back
• when damians out in the sun all day, he gets tired, there was a time where he fell asleep at the beach and jon picked him up and threw him in the water / prior to jon finding out abt damians sleeping issues /
• jon nearly died that day
• jon realized that damian easily functions with little sleep, it’s sorta scary, but he just assumes it was his training from the league
• whenever damians asleep, he tries to not bother him, he makes sure to not bug him or to not move, he knows damian needs sleep
• jon got dames a stuffed animal that damian absolutely cherishes, it helps him sleep at night or keeps him calm after nightmares if jon isn’t there
• it took a while for jon to figure out how to help damian when’ a nightmare happens, but he figured it out eventually, he just had to be patient
• damian normally called him after a nightmare now, he realized jon was there, he didn’t have to hide himself away. jon talked him through it and didn’t care that he just woke up and was tired
• Damian’s his best friend
• damian confessed his feelings when he was sleep deprived + socially exhausted and then passed out
• jon didn’t bring it up until the next week
• “I was wondering when you would say something”
• “I didn’t want to embarrass you!”
• “you? Embarrass me? in your dreams”
• jon actusllt dealt with his own sleeping problems, not as bad as damians, but he had trouble falling asleep or dealt with nightmares
• but listening to damians heartbeat helped focus him, so that’s cool, plus sometimes jon can just roll over and holding damian ( if he wasn’t already ) and that makes him feel better. ( his nightmares revolve those who he could not save, whether that be civilians or his family/friends )
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Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 172: What a Lovely Way To Burn, or,  Killian Learns the Upsides of a Storybrooke Heat Wave
Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 172: What a Lovely Way To Burn, or,  Killian Learns the Upsides of a Storybrooke Heat Wave
Pairing:  Captain Swan
Summary:   A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and  Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain  both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses  and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale  angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156)  (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (170) (171) (173) (174) 
(ao3) (ff.net)
Genre: Season 3b canon divergence–I realize it was winter during 3b, but for this story’s purposes, I needed a very not-winterlike heat wave.
Killian frowned fiercely as he felt a bead of sweat make its way down his back beneath his thin, cotton shirt.  He’d long since shed his leather duster and even the vest beneath. Damn this infernal heat!
Had Swan brought him back to Storybrooke in that yellow vessel of hers, or to the pits of hell? Being a seaside burg, he’d been under the impression he was in for a temperate climate.
He had most assuredly been under the wrong impression.
This morning, when he’d ventured from his room into the common area of Granny's establishment, one of the other guests had turned on the moving picture box (the TV, he believed he’d heard someone call it), and a man stood before a map of the area and detailed the weather they could expect for the day.
“Well folks, we’re in for a hot one,” he said. “A heat wave of epic proportions is set to hit the Storybrooke metropolitan area today. Temperatures are expected to hit the high nineties. We might even hit triple digits!  We haven’t seen weather like this since the curse broke–the first curse, that is.  I have no idea what the weather was like during the missing year, mainly because I have no idea about anything during the missing year.”
Killian shook his head as he sipped at his morning coffee. First wicked witches, then flying monstrosities, and now a heat wave.  Why had he ever come back from the Enchanted Forest?
Emma walked from the back room into the diner, her arm slung around her lad and a lovely smile on her face. Ah yes. This was why.
He’d endure far more than a hot day in order to be with her.
“Hey, Killian!” Henry said, hurrying over to his booth and taking a seat. “You guys making any progress on the skip you’re chasing?”
Killian hurriedly moved his left arm under the table so as to hide his hook from the lad. He knew Swan wished to keep up the ruse, as Henry’s memories had yet to return, but he wondered how much longer they could keep him in the dark. There were, after all, flying monkeys about, and Henry was a perceptive lad.  He was bound to figure out something was amiss sooner or later.
Emma reached the table, face reddening. “Henry! You can’t just intrude on someone’s breakfast!”
Killian waved to the other side of the booth where Henry had already taken up residence. “It’s no intrusion, love. You both are more than welcome to join me.”
She smiled gratefully at him, before sliding into the booth.  “Looks like it’s gonna be a hot one today,” she said, glancing up at the TV. 
“Aye,” Killian said with a grimace. “So it would seem.”
“Hey Mom! Are you gonna be busy with your case all day?” Henry asked excitedly. “Maybe if you guys have a little extra time, we could go swim at the beach!”
Emma shrugged. “I mean, we’re kind of at a standstill right now. No sign of the Wick–uh, I mean the skip. I don’t see why we couldn’t get some beach time in. What do you think, Killian? Wanna join us?”
Killian’s smile lit up his entire face. “I’d be delighted.”
By the time their beach excursion began, Killian was rethinking his state of mind.  She was trying to kill him.  There was no doubt about it.  She was trying to burn him alive with desire–in a way that was most certainly not appropriate with her lad about.
It all started about an hour after breakfast ended and Killian, Emma,, and Henry went their separate ways.  Swan had knocked on his door and presented him with the strangest article of clothing he had ever seen.  They appeared to be short pants of some sort, but never had he seen pants like these.  They were a deep, royal purple, and throughout were drawings of songbirds.  Across the arse was emblazoned the single word “Charming”.
“So, I figured you probably didn’t have any swimming trunks,” she said, her tone a touch self-conscious.  “I asked David if he had any spares, and he gave me these.  Apparently Mary Margaret had them custom made to reflect who he is or something, and when I told him they were for you, he thought it would be hilarious.  Told me to take pictures.”
“I’m…I’m meant to wear this to go bathing in your realm?” he asked, holding the abomination of an article of clothing between two fingers and pouring over it.
“I mean…you can’t exactly swim in your leathers,” she said.
He grinned saucily at her, playfully wiggling his eyebrows.  “I could always not wear my leathers.”
She rolled her eyes, grinning and shoving him playfully.  “Yeah, let’s try not to traumatize my son any more than we have to.  Plus public nudity’s a crime.  I’d rather not have to arrest you on my day off.”
He chuckled.  How he’d missed this–the flirting, the playful teasing.  He’d missed everything about her, but he’d especially missed how buoyant she made his spirits.
“Very well,” he conceded. “In the interest of not corrupting your son–and not seeing the inside of your brig–I shall wear these–what did you call them?--swim trunks.  But what manner of shirt am I meant to wear?”
She looked flustered at that, averting her eyes. “Uh…well, most guys just wear the trunks and no shirt.”
He grinned again.  “Why Swan, I’m shocked.  If you wished me to get half-naked for you, all you had to do was ask.”
She rolled her eyes again.
Suddenly it occurred to Killian that he had one more difficulty that most men of this realm did not.  He reached up to scratch behind his ear.  “But what am I meant to do about this?”
He waved his hooked arm before her.
“Well, I mean, you can leave the brace and cuff on if you want,” Emma said, “but Killian, you can also take it off.”
“I rather doubt you wish to be subjected to the sight of my stump, love,” he said in a small voice, eyes looking at the carpeting. “The wound had to be cauterized and stitched quickly, and I’m afraid it is rather unsightly.”
She was silent for a moment, and then she reached up, turning his face toward her.  “You don’t have to be ashamed of your missing hand, Hook.  You know that, right?  Neither Henry, nor I care about your stump.  It’s just a part of you.”
He felt warmth suffuse him.  Though he didn’t have Swan’s superpower for detecting lies, there was no doubt that she spoke with absolute sincerity and conviction.  “Thank you for that.”
“Welcome,” she said breezily, “although I can’t guarantee Henry won’t ask you awkward questions about amputation.  He is a twelve-year-old, after all.  I’ll talk to him about appropriate topics of conversation.”
Killian chuckled.  “I’m well aware of the inquisitiveness of the pre-teen lad.  Not to worry, Swan.”
They stood smiling at each other for a moment, and if Killian didn’t know better, he’d have believed Emma wished for his company–perhaps even wished for a repeat of the kiss he’d tried at her apartment door (preferably without the knee to his nether regions this time).  But after a moment, she seemed to think better of it, shaking her head slightly and taking a step back.
“Yeah, so I’m going to get Granny to put together a picnic for all of us.  Meet out in front of the diner in, say, half an hour?  We can take the bug down to the docks.”
“Sounds good, love.”
Seeing the blatant look of interest–maybe even want–in Swan’s eyes when he emerged from the diner and headed toward her vehicle almost made it worth his while to wear these absolute travesties of “swim trunks”.
“Like what you see, love?” he purred as he reached her, standing tall so his chest–bare of all but a generous peppering of hair–showed to full display.
Her cheeks reddened, and she stammered, “Just get in the car, Hook.  Henry’s waiting.”
Apparently the lass was so flustered she couldn’t even come up with her normal witty repartee.
He grinned as he obeyed and got into her vehicle, but his grin turned to a groan when she reached over to help him with the buckle of the car’s restraint and her hand brushed his chest.  Had the temperature suddenly risen even higher?
But it wasn’t until they reached the beach that Killian realized he was in serious danger of spontaneous combustion before this day was at an end.  
While the lad ran toward the water, ready to frolic, Killian helped Swan spread colorful towels along the sand, and then she reached for the hem of the short, rather formless bathing dress she wore, and before he could divine what she was about, she pulled it up over her head, displaying far more creamy white skin than he had ever expected to see outside of his lurid daydreams.  Indeed, she was clad only in two tiny swaths of fabric which left very little to his imagination.
Killian felt his jaw drop.
“Like what you see, Hook?” she asked, turning his own question back upon him.
For a moment he merely swallowed hard, unable to speak, sure his desire for this woman would consume him whole.
“It’s…” he began, voice squeaking like an inexperienced lad.  He cleared his throat. “It’s rather…daring, isn’t it?”
She laughed, before sitting gracefully on her towel and rummaging in the bag she’d brought with her.  “It’s called a bikini,” she said, “and I had my suspicions you may like it.”
“Is this the customary attire for women of this realm when bathing?”
She shrugged.  “For some.  Others like a one-piece suit, or some combination of the two.  Have I shocked you, Hook?  I never would have taken Captain Hook for a prude.”
He scoffed, before looking her slowly up and down in a way that brought the heat to her cheeks. “A prude I am not.  I’m just not accustomed to seeing a woman in this state of undress outside of the bedchamber.”
“So my question remains,” she said, leaning toward him.  “Like what you see?”
He groaned again.  “Gods, yes.”
Henry took that moment to reappear.  Probably for the best.  The thoughts Killian was having were hardly conducive to a public place.  “Hey guys, hurry up!  The water’s perfect!”
“Hold on just a second before you go running off again,” Emma chided, reaching once again into her bag and pulling out a plastic bottle.  “Don’t forget the sunscreen.”
Killian watched curiously as Swan opened the bottle and squirted a generous dollop of white, coconut scented cream onto her hand and then began applying it to the lad’s skin.
“What precisely is sunscreen?” he asked curiously.
“You don’t know what sunscreen is?” Henry asked with a raised eyebrow.  “It keeps you from getting a sunburn.”
Killian felt his face reddening yet again.  “I’ve lived a rather sheltered life, I suppose.”
Swan snorted.  “A swashbuckling pirate leading a sheltered life?  That’ll be the day.”
“A pirate?” Henry asked, turning to him with eager eyes.  “You were a pirate?”
“Er…” he said, looking at Swan, unsure how he was meant to answer that.
“Uh–yeah,” Emma said.  “Didn’t I tell you, Henry?  Killian, um, well, he does this pirate reenactment show thing on a ship.  That’s why he was dressed like that.”
For a woman with the ability to spot lies, she was hopeless herself at prevarication.  The lad, however, did not seem to notice her falsehood.  Instead, he looked eagerly back at Killian.
“A pirate?  Like Captain Hook?”
Killian shot a startled look at Emma, but she just shrugged.  “Aye, I suppose so.”
Henry narrowed his eyes.  “You don’t look like Captain Hook.  No curls or mustache or anything.”
“Perhaps,” Killian said, “the problem is that your Captain Hook doesn’t look like me.”
Henry shrugged.  “Can I go back to the water now?”
Emma nodded and the lad scampered off.
“Nice save,” she murmured as soon as Henry was out of ear shot.  “I need to be more careful what I say around him.”
“No harm done I suppose,” Killian said.  “I find myself quite curious, though, to see a rendering of what your world believes to be Captain Hook.”
She laughed.  “We have got to watch Peter Pan sometime.  The look on your face when you see your Disney counterpart is going to be priceless.”
Killian raised one skeptical eyebrow.  “Something tells me I’ll rather dislike what I see.”
She laughed again.
“The lad is perceptive, though,” Killian continued, going back to the main topic of conversation at hand. “He’s bound to–”
He stopped abruptly as he watched Emma squirt another generous dollop of the sunscreen onto her hand and then begin applying it to her arms, her legs, her chest, her stomach.
Was the woman trying to kill him?
“Bound to what?” she asked.
Killian cleared his throat.  “Bound to notice things are amiss at some point or another.”
“Yeah,” she answered, sounding utterly unaware of what she was doing to him with her ministrations.  “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.  Hey, can you do my back?”
His eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline.  “Do…your back?”
“Yeah,” she said, holding out the bottle to him.  “I can’t reach it on my own, and I don’t want to burn.”
She…she wished him to rub lotion onto her back?  She truly was trying to murder him, burn him alive with the want of her.
He must have taken too long to answer, because she turned toward him with questioning eyes–that slowly widened as she saw the look in his own eyes.  “I…um…I can have Henry do it if you don’t want to.”
Killian closed his eyes and groaned.  He was on fire, but what a lovely way to burn.  “The wanting is not the problem,” he muttered.  “But no matter.  I’m fully capable of completing the task you’ve assigned me.”
As he applied the lotion, caressing her silky soft skin, moving steadily from the nape of her neck down toward her delectable arse, he began to wonder if he’d spoken the truth.  The thoughts he was having were most assuredly NOT fit to be engaged in in public or in the company of a child.
He was in need of a cold and bracing shower.
“Come on guys!  Aren’t you ever going to be ready?” Henry asked, running back to them once again.
Saved by the lad again!
“As it happens,” Killian said, getting to his feet, “I’m ready right now.  Lead on my boy.”
What followed were several of the most enjoyable hours Killian had spent in years.  He was reminded of the days of his boyhood before his mother had passed.  She’d often take Liam and him down to the beach, where they’d frolic and play until the sun went down.
Killian helped Henry build a sand castle–complete with moat and drawbridge built of twigs they’d found along the shore.  They swam, all three playfully splashing each other.  They dined on sandwiches prepared by Granny, and they combed the beach for interesting rocks and seashells.
Finally, as afternoon turned to dusk and then night fell, it was time to return to the inn.  They gathered their things and headed back to the car while Henry chattered a mile a minute about all they’d done that day.
Later, back at their rooms, Emma closed the door behind Henry and then turned back toward Killian.  “Hey, thanks for joining us today,” she said, smiling happily up at him.  “I think we all needed a little break from the stress of Wicked Witch hunting.”
He reached up and brushed a flyaway lock of hair behind her ear, returning her smile with a tender one of his own.  “You’ve no need to thank me, love.  It was my very great pleasure.”
She smiled again, looking at his eyes, and then focusing on his lips, her hands flexing at her sides.  He wanted nothing in the world more at this moment than to pull her toward him and kiss her breathless–and from the way she was looking at him, it would seem she wanted the same–but Killian was determined to let her set the pace.  And so he waited for her to make up her mind.
After a moment where the tension between them sizzled as hot as the pavement that day, she took a deep breath, and then stepped back.  For a moment Killian felt an intense stab of disappointment, but then he schooled his features.  Swan may not be ready to give herself over to her feelings for him yet, but they were there.  If there was anything this day at the beach told him it was that.
He was a patient man.  He could wait until she was ready to move forward.
“Well…” Emma said awkwardly after another moment.  “Guess I better hit the sack.  No doubt it’s only a matter of time before the next crisis hits.  Need to get rested up.”
“Goodnight love.”
He watched as she disappeared into her room and then shut the door before turning to his own room across the hall.  No, Killian had never been a fan of hot, summer weather, but if it was to afford him days like this, he may need to reassess his opinion.
–Like many places in the U.S. right now, my little corner of the country is experiencing a significant heat wave right now.  Some of the ladies on my OUAT Discord decided we should use that fact to our advantage–keeping in mind the fact that literally EVERYTHING can be made into a CS fic if you try hard enough.  And when I think of heat waves, what comes to mind?  Swimming–it may be the only outdoor activity that feels even remotely tolerable in weather like this.  And with swimming involved, I could not resist introducing Killian to the modern wonder that is the bikini.  I suspect Emma’s right.  He’d rather like the article of attire when it’s being worn by a certain blonde savior-princess!
–But lest this fic venture into territory far more explicit than a T rated fic should, I decided to add Henry into their swimming excursion.  And after all, who doesn’t love Captain Cobra and Captain Cobra Swan?
–Shout out once again to the ladies of the OUAT discord for helping me design the swim trunks David lent Killian.
                                                                            NEXT CHAPTER -->
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briar-craft · 2 years
Another day, another case to work through. It’s been a while since that case and since Apollo and Klavier decided to become a couple. Apollo was there to help be a soundboard for how Klavier wanted to address the press about disbanding the band at least for now and how to become a better prosecutor, while Klavier sat and listened to Apollo ramble and think through cases he’s gotten as Trucy was now working more on her magician trade and Phoenix was working to earn his attorney’s badge back.
As such, it wasn’t that much of a surprise to see the defense attorney walk into the prosecutor’s building and up to Klavier’s office every few days. Apollo felt a bit out of place still but it was getting better especially if he had a case file to look over to distract himself from onlookers. There were a couple of the secretaries and other female workers in the building that gave him the cold shoulder or a glare but he never told Klavier about it since it wasn’t an issue. The defense attorney thought today would be no different, until he got to the office doors and cracked it open a bit. He expected to hear Klavier’s usual rock music to come from the door, though thankfully since he’s been coming more he was able to convince him to turn down the music at least a bit. But what came out was the melody of classical music which made Apollo pause. It was the same kind of music that used to fill the air of the Gavin Law Offices while he was working there. Frowning a bit at the change, Apollo slowly and silently opened the door only to see Klavier sitting in his chair, his back turned to the door as he was basking in the sun, leaning back slightly as Apollo guessed that he had his eyes closed. He wondered if he should go and talk to him or not when he felt something at his shoulder and he just barely kept himself from yelling out as he looked to see what or who it was. Standing there was Miles Edgeworth, Chief Prosecutor. Of course they had met briefly at a couple of points in the building, but other than introductions they hadn’t had the chance to really talk. He was always looking professional, his gaze cold and calculating as he looked over files or was talking to people. But right now his grey eyes were filled with silent worry as he motioned for Apollo to close the door again. Once he did, Edgeworth let out a soft sigh, “I’m sorry to have caught you by surprise Mr. Justice, I was coming to check on him when I overheard some workers talking about how he was listening to classical music,” he explained to him. “It’s fine, Mr. Edgeworth. But I don’t really understand why you would worry about this? I mean sure he mainly listens to his rock music, but I doubt he listens to it 24/7,” he questioned, trying to figure out why this of all things would cause concern for the older prosecutor. Edgeworth folded his arms, one finger tapping a few times on his coat, “Well yes, that is true that his love for his own music probably doesn’t last all of the time, you must realize what music he is listening to now is. Even if my main adversary in the courts was Wright, I have been to the Gavin Law offices a couple of times before. I find that when Klavier listens to this music, he is thinking of him,” he told him, “You and I both know that it can be more harmful than good, considering all he has had to bare on his shoulders after everything came to light, both his own brother and one of his band members turning out to be murderers,” he said softly with a frown, glaring at the floor like it was the floor’s fault for existing. Apollo frowned along with him, but nodded in understanding, “I think it’s the same reason he crashes at my place more often than not. Considering both of them would use the guest rooms at his place and personalized them slightly,” he admitted, thinking of the few times they did stay at Klavier’s house again that he would avoid those rooms unless he absolutely needed something from them or would ask Apollo to go in to them. The older man nodded, knowing that was probably inevitable, when they heard footsteps running, “I got the food, sir, oh, hey there pal good timing,” Detective Gumshoe said as he came up to them, holding up a couple bags of food containers, “It’s probably a good thing you came, Prosecutor Gavin has been kind of down this morning, and Mr. Edgeworth had me go get lunch. He knew you’d be in too, so come join us,” he said happily. “Yes, thank you detective, what say you, Mr. Justice?” Edgeworth asked, his stance relaxing as he unfolded his arms. Apollo admitted that he was very glad that Klavier had such a good support group at the offices since he couldn’t be there all of the time and nodded, “Yeah, I think that’s what he needs right now, good friends and some food,” he hummed. With that, Edgeworth smiled slightly at seeing Apollo so willing to help bring Klavier out of his funk, soon knocking on the door to signal they were going to go in, opening the door just as Klavier was turning off the stereo to make it seem like he wasn’t listening to classical music. He looked to the group and smiled, “Ah, good afternoon Herr Edgeworth, Detective Gumshoe, mein liebling, it’s a surprise to see you all come at the same time,” he said, relaxing. “I just had a couple of things to look over with you during lunch, and met with Justice here in the hallway,” Edgeworth explained, Apollo chuckling silently to himself as he tried feigning that he wasn’t worried about him as to not appear too soft. “Ah, right, well make yourselves at home, let us eat first then we can talk business ja?” Klavier smiled, moving to sit with Apollo in the love seat at the table while Edgeworth and Gumshoe sat on the chairs opposite of them, Gumshoe setting out the food so everyone could take what they wanted. Even while they talked, mostly the three of them as Edgeworth, as usual, didn’t want to be dragged into banter, Apollo could see Klavier slowly forgetting about his little episode of sadness though some still held in his eyes. He knew Klavier had a long way ahead of him, and he was determined to be by his side as much as he could.
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