#makes them go crazy and eventually there is no way to survive it
linkedin-offficial · 5 months
For you warrior cats au,,, can we have a fluffy kitty Kaufmo 🥺🥺🥺
im gonna start by saying THANK YOU for sending this bcus i hadnt even thought about kaufmo OR queenie while making those designs .. so heres both of them‼️ just for you, anon ;3
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cantdothis-nomore · 11 months
how would the upper moons react if they found out that muzan wants to eat their partner since they suddenly gained the ability to survive in the sun
Upper Moons finding out that Muzan wants to eat their s/o!
Just a side note i now write for metal family :)
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• Would be horribly alarmed
• wouldn't know what to do because of his loyalty to Muzan but also his loyalty to you as your boyfriend
• he'd be stunned knowing you could walk in the sun amd understand muzans interest in you but after a while of thought he'd hide you somewhere safe
• well he thought was safe
• He'd have to repeatedly find different places for you to hide as Muzan kept finding you so you'd be in a different place every day.
• he'd be suffering aswell at Muzans wrath but also his own inner conflict about where his loyalty actually lies
• Muzan would use threat after threat after threat and even physical things to get Kokushibo to tell him where you were but he wouldn't no matter what
• because his loyaltys lay with you.
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Would make the people of his cult help hide you
He'd straight go to hide you because you are the only person who has shown him proper affection and he doesn't want that to go away
He would admire you and beg you to tell him how you managed to walk in the sun but would remind himself there were bigger matters to handle
No matter the torture he underwent by muzan and the others in the 12 kizuki he wasn't letting go of you
Would always make sure nobody was following him on his way to see you
After finding out that Muzan wants to eat you he would try and be his normal self whilst mentally shitting himself thst someone would find you
He would always have someone to protect you whether it was him or one of his followers
He'd give false locations of where he had 'seen' you last but always in the day knowing that Muzan can't go in daylight just like thr rest of them
He isn't giving up on you anytime soon
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He would refuse to harm you or let anyone else harm you so his first instinct was to go into hiding and not inform anyone at any point of where you two were
Avoiding Muzan like the plague
He'd be wary about going out and only going when you two got really hungry to get a human
He already lost Koyuki, he refuses to lose you to especially to Lord Muzan
You guys would go from one hiding spot to another every week to make sure there was no risk of him or any of the others finding you
This man loves you too much to let you go
Would absolutely fight anyone who tried to get to you at any point
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Literally got nothing to say for him I'm sorry lol
Would turn you in to Muzan no hesitation
His love for you may be strong but his dedication to Muzan and his weird little blood fetish is stronger
Bye bye to you
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She'd be torn between giving you in to Muzan or hiding you
Her dedication to Muzan, like Enmu, is strong but she has to decide whether her love for you is stronger
Her internal debate drives Gyutaro CRAZY
Would be desperate for Muzans praise but also doesn't want to lose the feeling you give her and the affection you show her
She would half hide you half leave you alone whilst she made her decision
If she chose to hide you, she would have to flee the Entertainment district and not tell anyone where she was going
If she chose to turn you in she would probably have that on her conscience for the rest of her days until eventually slain
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First reaction would be to flat down refuse and not turn you in to Muzan
You were the first one apart from Daki who showed him the love he actually deserved, who made him feel worth it when he didn't himself.
Would probably force Daki to hide you for him against her wishes as she is loyal to Muzan
After separated from her, he would constantly be at your side and in the day Daki would force one of the girls from her house to be with you instead
He would make you go into different spots regularly to throw any other demons off of your trail in fear of someone finding you
Would be constantly paranoid about everyone and everything around you
10/10 would make you trail after Daki if for his sanity more than yours
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livwritesstuff · 14 days
this one is in honor of the 2-year anniversary of st4 (literally last week but my life is a whole whirlwind atm)
It occurs to Eddie one night as he’s putting his and Steve’s daughter to bed that it’s been twenty years since everything in Hawkins, Indiana went to shit (for him, anyway).
Not down to the day, obviously, but it’s mid-March of 2006 and, honestly, mid-March is the only calendrical detail he ever really retained (too preoccupied with the whole on the run thing to be paying attention to the date, which he thinks is fair enough).
It’s kinda crazy, when he thinks about it, because he really didn’t see himself coming out of those god-awful days alive to tell the tale. Here he is though, twenty years later, alive and truly well.
Steve beats him to bed that night (probably because he’d called dibs on their youngest, Robbie, that night, leaving Eddie to wrangle Moe – the difficult one of the pair when it came to bedtimes because, frankly, her ability to argue her way into extra stories is getting a little frightening), already sitting under the covers with a magazine by the time Eddie retires to their room.
Their room.
That’s one of those things Eddie wouldn’t have believed if he’d heard about it while he was bleeding out in the Upside Down twenty years ago. 
The Steve of it all really is the most improbable – that’s Eddie’s opinion anyway.
Surviving a swarm of hungry bat demons? No problem.
Bagging (i.e. marrying the fuck out of) Steve Harrington? Totally out of the question.
Here he is though, defying all the odds.
“You know what I realized?” Eddie asks as he climbs into bed beside Steve.
“Hmm,” Steve replies, not looking away from his magazine. His glasses are slipping a little as he reads, and Eddie reaches out to nudge them back up the bridge of his nose. The gesture has Steve raising his head to look at him.
“What’d you realize?” Steve asks.
“It’s been twenty years since all that shit in Hawkins.”
Steve’s gaze slides off somewhere behind Eddie for a moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” he says, “Crazy.”
“That’s what I said,” Eddie grins. Steve isn’t matching his expression though. Rather, he’s looking at him somewhat pensively, dark brown eyes roaming over his face.
“Hey,” Eddie says, because he gets it. They can make all the jokes they want about how wild that time was, but it doesn’t ever take away the horrible things they'd seen, the horrible things they'd been asked to do.
Eddie’s glad he survived and all, but people don’t always talk about how the after of surviving isn’t necessarily a walk in the park either.
He runs a hand through Steve’s hair, grazes the tips of his fingers over the barely-raised scars on his neck left behind from whatever went down at the Creel House in the Upside Down, “I love you, Steve.”
“Love you too,” Steve replies, gripping a hand tight around Eddie's thigh, "So much."
"So fucking much. Sucks we had to go through all that shit to get here, but...I'm glad we're here."
And Steve only nods as he wraps an arm around Eddie's shoulders to pull him in close.
"Yeah," he eventually says, pressing a firm kiss against the side of Eddie's head, "I'm glad we're here too."
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slashers falling for their final person
So I did a post kind of like this as my first request and it was really bad so I thought I would kind of re do it. Idk I'm struggling and I need to take my mind off of stuff.
Includes: Jason Voorhees, Harry Warden, Thomas Hewitt and Brahms Heelshire
Warnings: Murder mentions, violence, strong language, heavily implied kidnapping of reader, no use of y/n or gendered pronouns for reader
Jason Voorhees
It's around midnight and you're running aimlessly in the woods. You were spending time at a friends lake house when a man in a hockey mask attacked your friends, killing them. You realized he's Jason Voorhees, the man that everyone says roams crystal lake, killing anyone who comes near. Your body is crying to stop but you can't. Thank god there's a full moon out tonight.
Up ahead you find a small run down cabin. You glance behind you and you can't see anything. You run into the cabin and lock the door. You grab a fire poker near the door and back up. You hear a noise to your left and watch as Jason busts through a window at the side of the cabin. You let out a throat shredding scream as you back up further.
"Jason," You yell not entirely knowing what you're doing, "Jason I don't want to hurt you," You can see your friend's blood on his clothes, "Jason please listen to me. I don't want to hurt you so please don't hurt me ok?" Your words don't seem to do anything as he's still walking towards you. He's eventually mere inches away from you, but his machete is down, "Ok Jason, I'm not going to hurt you. Now let me just leave and I won't tell anyone about this." You try to move to the left but he grabs your arm and moves you back.
He takes the fire poker from your hands as he grabs your right wrist and pulls you out of the cabin with him.
Harry Warden
You came down to the mines with your boyfriend to have a fun time. He wanted to show you where he worked and get some alone time away from the party going on upstairs. But now you're hiding in a small cave in the mine from a crazy guy in mining gear with a pick ax who killed your boyfriend. You hear footsteps coming behind you. Looking to your left you find a broken pick ax. The pick itself is too heavy to lift so you grab the broken handle and when you hear him right outside the cave you jump out and slam it against his knee. You hear a muffled scream as he falls to the ground.
You run away quickly and up the tracking leading back outside. You're just about up when someone grabs your wrist and pulls you backwards making you fall down the incline and roll to the bottom. You've hit your head pretty hard on the way down and now your vision and hearing is fuzzy as you look up at the man in the coal mining mask.
You groan as he lowers himself down to your level. You turn your head away as he cups a hand on your cheek. His body language changes. Your vision starts to black as you feel yourself being picked up by the man. You can barely put up a fight as he carries you up the mines again, soon blacking out.
Thomas Hewitt
You're stuck in a house from hell. In the basement hiding under a table on the wet floor. Your entire body aches and your eyes are irritated from tears. You hear footsteps coming down the stairs and you put a hand to your mouth. They finally reach the basement and walk towards the table. You're frozen with fear as two large legs stand before you.
Whoever this is, is doing something on top of the table. You look to the open side and you take the chance to crawl away. You get as far as the stairs before you feel someone pull on your ankle making you fall on your stomach and hit your forehead on the steps. You scream and quickly turn on your back. You're met with the sight of a large man wearing a leather mask around the bottom half of his face.
"Don't kill me!" You say not daring to move, "I live on a farm too! I know how to survive on my own! I can help you ok? Just don't kill me! Please I promise I'm not going to leave just don't kill me!" The man above you pauses and sets down his butchers knife. He grabs you and pulls you up by your wrists. He ties your hands together than to a wooden beam by the stairs before leaving. You can only hope that he really isn't going to kill you.
Brahms Heelshire
After watching over a doll for the past two months you're finally face to face with the real Brahms. You're holding a fire poker in both hands while you cry. Brahms just broke through a mirror and killed your abusive ex-boyfriend. Now he's staring at you. Holding a shard of his old doll.
"Brahms," You say trying to keep your composure, "Brahms please drop that," He stands up, "Brahms I'm telling you to drop that shard right now," You slightly raise your voice. This gets him to really drop his weapon. You set yours down too, "Are you going to hurt me Brahms?" You ask him.
"Not unless you leave."
"I'm not going to leave Brahms. I promise."
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carionto · 8 months
What Humans call the "Thousand Yard Stare"
As more and more Humans interact with and integrate within Coalition stations, reports, closer to hushed whispers really, began to circulate of some Humans being... discomforting... to be around.
Initially we thought it was just rudeness or passive aggressive behavior or any number of subtle actions or choice of words, no matter how advanced or civilized there will always be some assholes.
However, when some of these "offenders" were presented to us peacekeepers, we found them to be perfectly polite and reasonable. As our conversation continued and shifted topics, whenever there was a lull or the focus was on another speaker for a longer time, the Human's gaze drifted somewhat.
Sometimes she would look to the side and it was harder to tell what her exact expression was, but every so often she would be looking at one of us, but... not. It was as if she was staring at something behind us, through us even. Beyond the walls of the station, it even felt as though beyond space and time itself.
It was one of the most unnerving and chitin-chilling feelings we've ever felt, but then the Human seemed to notice our change and became that friendly and cheerful person once again:
"Sorry, my mind drifted there for a bit. What were you saying?"
And the conversation continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary for the Human.
Upon our return to our office, one of the Human peacekeepers heard about our impromptu assignment and offered this explanation after we told him what happened:
"Oh yeah, I think that person was a retired firefighter or rescue worker of some kind. Professions like that can be dangerous and you'll eventually encounter something horrible at a disaster site or crime scene. Probably saw someone die, or a person they rescued later didn't make it, or it was a kid... It's the toughest when you're the last one a child sees before..."
There it is again. That look, but with a tinge of sadness this time. We didn't know he was carrying such memories. The untimely death of anyone is a difficult time for those that survive, especially when it is the young whose life was still just starting. It seems Humans with their heightened senses and sensitivity to the feelings of others these kind of experiences imprint a far stronger memory than for most.
"Anyway, we've got a bunch of names for such things, but typically we call it the thousand yard stare. It's an old measurement unit, don't worry about it. I think the meaning may have changed a bit over the years, but basically some people go through traumatic stuff and they decide, consciously or not, to sort of... detach themselves from reality. It's a coping mechanism.
A few people thrive on horrible things, but they're the exception. Most of us would go crazy or depressed or any other infinite bad possibilities our brains can go in if we don't find a way to separate ourselves from certain realities. It can get real bad otherwise. It's rare, but a few go truly nuts and try to inflict their pain unto others. Most end up suffering alone for a long time. And some can't take it anymore and decide to end it themselves.
Thankfully therapists and support options are widely available, so those kind of scenarios are really rare, like... suicide accounts for about three out of a hundred thousand deaths last time I saw those charts. Plus drones and automation take care of most of the dangerous tasks, leaving the vast majority of cases to be caused by interpersonal relations actually. A broken heart is one of those traumas we'll never get rid of it seems. That's just life, I guess."
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
Joel stares at the ceiling. It’s sure a hospital ceiling alright. Grey tiles, fluorescent lights, a steady beep in the background. Great. He’s in the hospital his first day in town. He’s sure that bodes well for the future of his time in Hermiton, truly. What had he been saying to himself before he arrived? That he just had to survive one more year of high school and then he could go be a hermit in the woods or at least pass his exams to get that architecture degree he used to dream about.
“Oh, you’re awake! You’re the last to wake up. It’s just exhaustion, don’t worry. That always happens the first few times you summon your Persona. Your body gets used to it and stops trying to force you into the ground the moment you enter Real Space again eventually.”
He tries very hard not to groan out loud. If he doesn’t move or make any noise, maybe the weird guy won’t notice he’s awake. Maybe he’ll go away and like, whatever adult in town is currently supposed to be in charge of him will show up and sign some paperwork and Joel can leave.
There’s a long, awkward silence.
“You know, I can tell you’re awake. I already said so,” the stranger says.
“Shut up, I’m trying to make you go away,” Joel says.
The stranger snorts. “What, you don’t want information on your two friends you apparently risked your life to save?”
Joel… would kind of like that information, actually, but he’s not just going to say so.
“It’s not like I know them. I’ve been here five days. Idiot,” Joel says.
“I don’t know. Seems a lot like you know them,” the stranger says. “You’ll probably get to know them even more soon, after we do an assessment to make sure it’s safe for you all to enter Altered Space. It’s just been me and Scar for so long, I didn’t think other Persona users would ever show up!”
“What,” Joel says. “I don’t believe in Personas. They’re stupid. I was lucid dreaming. This is stupid.”
“Can’t you still hear yours? I think I’d go insane if I stopped.”
“Well then, maybe you’re the weak one. A strong Persona user would definitely still hear their Persona,” the stranger says, and look man, Joel doesn’t want to be doing this, but he can’t let ‘maybe you’re the weak one’ stand. It’s a matter of honor. Of pride.
“No, buzz off. I’m the strong one. I didn’t just awaken Pygmalion, I kicked ass using Pygmalion. Stupid Skizz and Impulse passed out immediately. And I was the only one who knew how to get to Skizz so, so, screw you, I’m super strong with your fake brain ghost thing.”
The stranger is quiet for a long moment. “Did you say you knew how to get to Skizz?”
“Yeah you just follow the evil butterflies. You should know, since you’re crazy,” Joel says.
“Oh my god,” the stranger says. “Oh my god. This changes everything.”
Something sinks in Joel’s stomach. “Wait, what does that—”
“I have to go tell Mr. Hills. Meet us when you get out of here, a doctor should let you out once you’re awake! But I have to tell him! Being able to preemptively find entrances to Altered Space! Fighting off a shadow and rescuing people your first time summoning a Persona! Me and Scar won’t have to be alone anymore!”
“No, I, uh, was lying, stop that,” Joel says unconvincingly.
“See you!” the stranger says.
“You forgot to tell me what happened to Skizz,” Joel says, finally sitting up to try to stop the stranger, but it’s too late. He’s already gone. Joel stares blankly after the space where he’d once been.
“You also forgot to tell me your name, you moron,” Joel says weakly.
He buries his head in his hands, breathes, and calls the nurse. If his strange classmate isn’t going to tell him what’s actually happening, then Joel’s going to find out for himself.
(Power throbs beneath a scar on his hand. A voice whispers agreeing remarks in the back of his head. He has way too many aches and pangs for last night—or, well, however many nights ago it was now—to be fake. But for now, he just wants to know Skizz is okay and go back to his stupid apartment and pretend none of this happened. Is that too much to ask?)
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morgana-ren · 10 months
Has your opinion/understanding on Astarion's character changed much as you play through the full game?
Actually, yes! Big spoilers again btw.
So, I will admit, my perception of characters is always slightly biased. It's always tilted in favor of my own predilections and desires, so I tend to see things in a skewed way. The less information I am presented, the more my brain will fill in the gaps thusly.
In the early access, Astarion is presented as a selfish vampire spawn clawing for his own survival from the vicious vampire lord that spawned him and has held him captive for centuries. It should be noted that he is one of the only companions open to the idea of abusing the tadpoles rather than removing them and only seeks to cure them if they cannot be controlled. It becomes apparent that he craves power above all else. He dislikes altruistic speech options, tends to veer directly towards ones that bolster said power, especially at the expense of other people. He seems the closest to a stereotypical 'chaotic' follower that you really get.
However, he isn't evil. He's a very rounded character despite his inherent selfishness. He is manipulative and vicious, but he is also desperate and afraid and slow to trust. Most of what he does, he does for his own survival and comfort rather than active malevolence-- though that isn't always the case.
You get an alright idea of him in the early access, as in enough to know if you're going to want to keep him around and invest time into him as opposed to just dropping him at camp perpetually. You catch glimpses of the man he is behind it all, but mostly he appears flamboyant, resourceful, flirtatious, and of extremely dubious morality. Fun, right?
Very, very wrong, actually.
As you progress through the game, you come to understand him better, and it's... tragic.
The first thing to slip is his explosive temper. He is confused, bitter, and frightened. He expects Cazador around every corner, stalking in every shadow, watching and waiting to sling the collar around his neck and yank once more. Paranoid. He has mystery scars painstakingly carved into his flesh that he cannot see because of his condition, in a language he cannot read, with horrible memories he doesn't want to recall. He is angry, and he isn't in the company of people he trusts even remotely at first and literally cannot remember the last time he was in centuries. He bottles up all those emotions to avoid the devastating vulnerability of showing emotion and shoves them down beneath his posh and nonchalant facade, and eventually, it finds a way out.
Occasionally, he snaps. He becomes enraged and has these moments of intense anger.
And then, there is what you might think to be a moment of connection.
Astarion, once he decides that he approves of you, will make a move to seduce you. Should you accept, you might find that he says something along the lines of "Isn't that why you came? To lose yourself in me?"
It seems like typical seduction dialogue at first, but this is very deliberate. The wording is very deliberate as is everything he does. Like a choreographed waltz that he has danced again and again and again--
Until it comes as natural as breathing.
After your night together, he evades a conversation that would take anything any further. No relationship, no nothing. Just a one off that turns you into the equivalent of ye olde fuckbuddies. He stays by your side, of course, but nothing changes between you other than him acknowledging what happened.
So, you progress a little more.
Eventually, both through necessity and happenstance, he does end up opening up little by little. And you find out bits and pieces about him. But there's one that stands out to me:
The crazy blood bitch in Moonrise dehumanizes him, speaks down to him, and refuses to even acknowledge his personhood. She only speaks to you, and makes you an offer regarding your 'property.' An invaluable potion for a moment with 'your pet vampire spawn.'
And he has a visceral reaction to this.
If you have a fucking heart and you don't make him do this, he comes to speak to you later and confides in you. Cazador had used him essentially as a honeypot, forcing him to use his body to lure unsuspecting citizens back to the vampire's den-- against his will. He was so degraded, so dehumanized, and so looked down on for so many years that he has genuinely come to believe that it's the truth. He thanks you genuinely for considering him and viewing him as a real person with emotions and feelings, but is also... confused. He doesn't understand, because that rotten, stagnant belief is still a truth to him: That he is nothing but a tool and a means to an end; that he doesn't matter. That he is a filthy thing to be used and cast aside when convenient. He doesn't understand why you didn't make him do it when it was only his comfort on the line.
And if you ask him to drink from her, he will. He stiffens his upper lip and drinks despite the fact that something is wrong and he knows it. He does it because you command him to. Because that's what he has done for so long that you don't have to have the lord's control over him anymore for him to follow orders.
There is a moment of stark, dreadful realization that sex and seduction have an entirely different meaning to him but he has still been doing it. That the love and connection that he truly needs might be support and a friend and not a bedfellow. That his agency and personhood have been stripped away for so long that he doesn't even recognize them anymore. He is bitter and mean but vulnerable and confused and terrified and he doesn't know how to seek comfort, so he resorts to what he knows while simultaneously distancing and degrading himself.
He does not believe that he is worth loving or caring for, or anything but being an object to be molded. Used. Discarded. He suffered for so long that this is a fundamental truth to him. He is a monster. A filthy vermin barely a step above the rats he's been fed.
You do what you should do: You give him the power. You try to build him back up. Try to help him understand that he isn't a monster or a tool. He is a man; he is a person, and he deserves a say in his own fate. His wants and desires matter. What he wants matters.
If you've done things right, he will take a gigantic leap of faith. He will be with you-- truly be with you. It's slow and he doesn't understand, but he knows he wants it, and you take it as slow as he needs-- but he's still hurt. He is still scarred.
In the Sharess Caress, there are a pair of Drow twins that will attempt to seduce you into what is essentially a foursome. If Astarion is there and he is a love interest and you attempt this, he will say "I'm really not ready for this." while looking extraordinarily uncomfortable, and almost panicked. The scars are still there, and they're barely healing over, and still so, so tender. Easy to tear right back open. Easy to push back into his shell to never come out again, because he tried vulnerability and it burned him.
He does not think he is worthy of love or happiness. He doesn't get to have a loving partner who adores him. Even slipped free of Cazador's yoke, his claws are still stuck steadfast in his soul. He is taking it slow and barely learning to trust another being again, leave alone put his neck out and care for one. He wears his misery as a shield because it cannot hurt him that way. He is a monster who has done horrible things and deserves to be alone forever. And even if that isn't the truth, then Cazador is still lurking out there, waiting to strike-- to rip away that newfound happiness.
Astarion is, above all things, a truly tragic character, and one that I empathize with. It makes my adoration for him slightly guilty. I'm not all the way through the game quite yet, but what I have seen hurts my heart something dreadful. With my character, he is slowly learning to trust and love again, but it's painfully apparent that he thinks he doesn't deserve this, and he is simply waiting for something to fall apart and send him back into the spiraling black chasm that is his life. He still believes all these miserable things about himself. He was forced into immortality, and he believes he's going to spend it alone, reviled, and wretched - not to mention enslaved.
As fun as it is to have a sexy, dark, controlling Astarion, I don't think it's necessarily true to his character as he is presented if you choose to do things right. He isn't evil - he is a complex, tragic man who desperately needs to be able to see his own reflection in a way that isn't horrifically warped by everyone else's eyes.
Vampire. Monster. Killer. Slave. Pet.
It's been so long he's lost track of himself. Of Astarion the man.
He needs to find himself and find peace. He asks to view himself through your eyes, maybe because he's looking for something-- anything-- within himself to hold onto.
If you ask me again in a few days, I'll probably have a fully fleshed out idea of his character, since I'll probably have completed the game or at the very least gotten a bit further, but this is what I have at the moment. Doesn't mean I'll stop writing Astarion as I adore, but I've always openly admitted that my writings on characters are skewed despite their actual content lmao.
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blades-edge · 12 days
False God | Chapter 1
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Chapter Summary: Cooper tries to fill the hole in his heart by drowning himself in you.
Pairing: Pre-War!Cooper Howard x f!escort!reader
Chapter warnings: mentions of depression, angst, joking about cowboys in a sexy way ig??, thigh touching, alcohol consumption, brief allusions to masturbation (m)
Words: 3k
A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of my Cooper fic! I am so excited I was finally able to finish it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this <3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3 Link
Cooper had grown used to the emptiness of his apartment. It was significantly smaller than his mansion in Los Angeles. He missed his garden and being able to spend hot summer days in the sun, enjoying a drink while he watched Janey play with Roosevelt. 
The divorce wasn’t kind to him. When the entire process had first started, he had been trying to play it cool. Keep his composure, go on with his life as if nothing had happened – but that just didn’t work for him. His job used to be his anchor, but even that was a thing of the past now, considering that barely any studio wanted to affiliate themselves with a Vault-Tec sympathiser. None of them knew what he did after all. He didn’t even want to know what would happen if he brought the things he knew – or at least assumed about Vault-Tec – to the press and therefore to the public. Maybe everyone would call him crazy on top of it all.  
But he couldn’t really risk his own life and more importantly Barb and Janey’s just to maybe have a chance at bringing an evil company down. If anything Barb had told him about the Vaults were true then he hoped that she and Janey would be safe when the bombs will fall. It wasn’t a question of ‘What iff’ for him anymore. He knew it would happen sooner or later. Somehow, he seemed to know it in his bones. And the political situation wasn’t really making him feel more positive about the whole ordeal.
In all the sitcoms and movies, they never seemed to talk about the emptiness one could feel after a divorce. His new apartment seemed empty despite the new furniture. The only beacon of hope he had was Roosevelt, but even the food from his fridge didn’t seem to taste the same. Cooper hadn’t been heartbroken since he finished High School. He never had the time for it and his marriage had eventually been just as he had always dreamed as a child. Barb and him rarely argued. Until it all slowly came to an end. Coop didn’t know how to live on his own anymore. 
He was surviving off a few small gigs at parties, always donning his iconic cowboy outfit. Of course, he wasn’t oblivious to the whispers behind his back. 
‘Look what he has to resort to now..’
‘That is Cooper Howard?’
Cooper tried to shut all their voices out of his head. He had enough to worry about already. Paying his aliments to Barb, paying his rent, trying to stay afloat – somehow. 
If his days were lonely, all of his nights spent alone seemed to be even worse. That’s where he had time to think and he didn’t want to think about everything that was going on around him. His cigarettes and the whiskey stored in his fridge quickly became his best friends during all those lonely nights. But they still didn’t fill the gaping hole he seemed to carry in his chest. Everything felt meaningless. Life was only a combination of small moments anymore. 
All the good moments he had were the days with his daughter, but there was nothing else that could really make Cooper feel happy or fulfilled. 
He craved the feeling of waking up next to a woman again. To feel her kiss him in the morning and to touch her body. This almost reminded him of how he felt as a green teenager, when he had only dreamed about having someone at his side. 
It wasn’t really a surprise to him that his hand didn’t feel the same as a woman’s touch did. Gosh, he even rummaged through a few boxes to pull up old pornographic holo-tapes, but even those didn’t really do it for him anymore. At least now how they used to in the past. 
His next decision was really a manifestation of his desperation. 
Coop stared at the newspaper on his kitchen counter. There were several ads on the page and one of them was able to offer just what he wanted. He took a deep breath, staring at the phone on his wall and then turning his gaze back to the number on the paper. 
His last gig had paid rather well and he thought that calling a sex worker might fill the hole in his chest for just a few hours. A few years ago, he could have never imagined going this far, but… he was lonely – and desperate in a way. Sex would take his mind off things and give him enough of an illusion for one night. More than the whiskey could. 
“It’s worth a try...” He mumbled to himself and then started to type the number into his phone. 
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Business had been quiet the last few days. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint why that might be, but you were glad when a call came in eventually. Sex work wasn’t really something society seemed to be proud of, but you knew the numbers of lonely men that called your and other women’s numbers were significantly higher than most people would expect. 
It wasn’t just you working here. Multiple women operated under the “Sweet Nights” brand. You were just a small part in the great scheme of things. 
Your work certainly paid enough for you to entertain a decent, but not overly luxurious life in Los Angeles. Your small apartment was nothing compared to the big mansions up in Beverly Hills. Yet it was enough. 
The red lipstick stood in contrast to your black dress, correcting its straps around your shoulders as soon as Jimmy, the manager of “Sweet Nights”, informed you of your next client. This would be the first and the last for your day, considering that it had been a pretty quiet week night for everyone. On the weekend, calls were more much frequent and you could sometimes do three clients in one day. 
Every girl here had different prices. You were somewhere in the middle. Most middle-class men were able to book you, but sometimes, a man wanted to take you out for more than just sex for which you were able to demand a higher price. If you were honest, you preferred that to the simple act of offering sex and then leaving again. You certainly didn’t want to turn down a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant which was probably the best part your job had to offer. 
“Is Alan going to drive me?” You asked. Alan was the driver you had worked with the most so far. He was always in a good mood and often enough, he even lifted yours as well. You would share a cigarette or two before or after a client and he’d sometimes even drive you bring some food for you to enjoy after work. Alan was probably your best friend in this business, if you thought about all the people you’ve encountered so far. You got along well with some other women in here as well, but you couldn’t call those intimate friendships. 
Sustaining a relationship was also not an easy task given the nature of your job. So far, you hadn’t really been that lucky to find a man accepting of your situation, but you were of the firm belief that you could never know what was going to happen in the future. 
“I think so. You still have half an hour, so take it slow.” Jimmy was always kind to you as well, but he did have the attitude of a businessman. Nothing made him more happy than seeing the cash flow in and while you were always on time and working hard, you had seen him treat other women differently – especially the ones that weren’t on time and not bringing in a lot of money. 
You had been working at the “Sweet Nights” establishment for multiple years, so you had generated a few regular clients with time. For a man like Jimmy, there was rarely anything better. It meant a steady cash flow and for you, it meant being able to spend time with people you already knew in a way and they usually didn’t make you uncomfortable at all. However, getting attached was strictly forbidden. You didn’t want to breach the border between your professional life and your private one. 
Jimmy took his leave rather quickly then, leaving you to your preparations. You made sure to take your birth control before you were heading out, not wanting to risk forgetting it on accident if you were to stay the night at the client’s. 
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Alan was already waiting for you at the door when you made your way to the car. “Hello, beautiful,” he greeted you, placing a small kiss on the back of your hand before he helped you into the passenger seat of the black car. 
Soft jazz music was playing through the radio as you drove to the client’s apartment. It wasn’t too far away from the “Sweet Nights” establishment as you were able to arrive there in under ten minutes. The apartment block in front of you looked simple and it made you quite certain that your client was probably part of the middle class. You had been to fancier homes, but it felt good to be able to ring a bell without going through two security checks on your way inside. 
Alan always took his time to wait until you were safely inside. There had been a few times where a client didn’t open the door and your friend drove you home instead. 
But this wouldn’t be one of those nights. 
When you pushed against the door, it opened for you. You turned around briefly to wave goodbye at your driver, before heading up the stairs to the apartment on the second floor. The sound of your high heels echoed off the beige walls and as you looked up the staircase, you could already see a man waiting by the apartment door. 
You always tried to meet your clients without any specific expectations towards them, but when the man came fully into view, you could feel your heart skip a beat. This wasn’t just any man. This was Cooper Howard. 
Ex-Movie Star and a new favourite topic in every local gossip magazine. You had read about his divorce as it was almost impossible to avoid the matter these days. Additionally, you were pretty sure you had seen just about every movie he had ever starred in. 
“Good evening,” you greeted him, the smile coming to you quite easily as you thought of the fond memories you had from watching his movies. Cooper extended his hand to you almost immediately, shaking it in a gentle manner. “Good evening to you too. Feel free to come inside.” His smile was a polite one as he stepped to the side and let you in. 
His apartment clearly wasn’t anything you expected from America’s most famous cowboy, but you knew times were probably a bit rougher for him now. There were a few paintings along the hallway wall, but the interior was nothing fancy. It wasn’t cheap either, but your job had brought you to many Hollywood mansions before and this apartment didn’t have even the slightest resemblance to any of them. 
Cooper walked past you slowly. After so many years of working as an escort, you could tell that this was his first time. He looked a little lost, shy even. You were not here to judge about it though, you were here to make him feel good. 
“Would you like something to drink? Wine perhaps?” You followed him into the kitchen, watching him as he let his hands restlessly move over the edge of the kitchen island. His face was still displaying the same smile he had greeted you with, but there was clearly a nervousness to his eyes. They were frantically moving from the counter to you and back again. 
“Wine is good. I don’t really have a preference,” you assured him with a smile, leaning against the other side of the counter. He gave you a quick nod before he looked for two wine glasses and searched through a small cupboard to retrieve a new bottle for you both. 
When the two glasses were filled, you leaned forward a little, supporting yourself against the counter as you looked at the man with a smirk. Cooper pushed your glass over to you, pointing at the living room next door then. “How about you… join me on the couch?”
His voice sounded strained and his hold around the glass seemed a little concerning for its fragility, but you didn’t hesitate to give the movie star an approving nod. “I would love to, Mr Howard.”
You could tell he tensed up a little at the mention of his name, so you quietly took note of that. 
“Call me Cooper,” he offered, leading you into the small living room. While he sat down on the far left end of the couch, you didn’t bother to sit down on the opposite end. Instead, you got comfortable right next to him, a quick invitation that he could touch you if he wanted. 
And Cooper did want to. But his mind was clouded with many things. This experience was completely new to him, but you were absolutely gorgeous in that black dress and he was very curious to see what was underneath it. He was only a man too after all, but–
You clinked your wine glass against his and he was pulled back into the reality of things. His eyes drifted over your body, a hint of longing appearing in them and you could feel yourself smile a little more at that. Cooper wasn’t showing you disinterest, but you could feel the insecurity inside him. 
This job brought you close to many different people and you would be a fool to assume that Cooper wasn’t struggling with the divorce. This wasn’t a rare scenario at all – many men were asking for your services when they wanted to fill the hole left behind by their beloved wives.  
While you took the first sip from your wine, you made sure to keep eye contact up with Cooper. It was enough to send a cold shiver down his spine and let his free hand claw at the arm rest of the couch. 
He took a sip from his drink as well, before placing the glass down on the small table in front of him. 
His lips parted for a moment, ready to form words, but you were quick to place a hand on his arm. Just a gentle touch. Not too much if he didn’t want it yet. “I know this is your first time. I can tell. And… we can do it all in whatever pace you’d prefer.” 
For a moment, the man seemed a little surprised by your words, but his expression quickly changed to a softer one. “Thank you. I appreciate it. I’m–”
What was he even trying to say? Cooper didn’t want to come across as an inexperienced teenager or the like, but he also didn’t want to seem too desperate. Even though he was. His body was clearly desperate. 
“It’s alright.” Maybe a little bit of light conversation might help him, so you took the time to let your eyes wander over his appearance. His brown hair was brushed back neatly and it definitely looked like he had shaved this morning. There was a simple, but beautiful ring adorning his finger, but you were sure it was not his former wedding band. His beige pants and the dark blue sweater were a lot more casual than your own outfit, but you had always been sure that Cooper Howard would look good in anything. 
Would his movies be a good topic to start with? Tell him that you were a fan? 
“I’ve loved your movies for years, you know?”
The look in his eyes changed. His curiosity seemed to give way to disappointment and hurt. Probably the wrong topic. Too sensitive or too personal. 
Your throat seemed to tighten and you were ready to apologise when Cooper interrupted you. 
“Isn’t it a strange thought that… I’m now asking you to have sex with me in a way?” His eyebrows were pushed together in confusion and you didn’t know how to answer at first. 
Of course, it wasn’t what you had expected, but saying you were displeased with the idea would be a lie. 
“No. It’s exciting, actually. Maybe cowboys have always been my thing.”
Cooper’s laugh was quite infectious. He had a big smile, a beautiful one too. His shoulders seemed to relax a little and he eventually put an his arm on the couch behind you. 
“What’s the saying? Save a horse, ride a cowboy?” His voice had grown a little deeper and while you were still able to watch his right hand hold tightly onto the arm rest next to him, a little bit of doubt had probably left him. 
You decided to weigh in on that. 
“I would never say no to a man like you, of course. Definitely worth saving that horse.” 
Another laugh. 
For the first time in a while, the harmless banter seemed to clear his mind off a few worries. Yes, it was a sensitive topic, but you approached it with enough ease that it didn’t seem all that awful anymore to Cooper. 
His left hand eventually moved down to your thigh, gently holding onto it as he searched for your eyes again. 
And before you could really think a lot about it, you kissed the former movie star, maybe a little too eager. 
Yet he was all for it. Your lips felt like a relief he hadn’t experienced in a long time and as he leaned in for more, he was certain that if nothing else could drown out the worries in his mind, your lips would surely be able to quiet his thoughts – even if it was just temporary. 
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savannahsdeath · 7 months
Is there a chance you can toxic Ellie x reader. Where Reader was leaving Ellie for good and she never came back.
just a drabble since im still really busy but i had to write it because we all deserve something better than toxic!ellie!! i know i know we love ellie just, please, not the toxic one🩷
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: ̗̀➛ the scene was going on for hours. you kept packing your things, she kept taking them and placing back on the shelves. your shirt had wet stains in places where your tears dropped and soaked into it.
"you're so dramatic." she smirked, taking a step forwards.
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: ̗̀➛ you shook your head and wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand. "no, i am not. i won't let you ruin me. not anymore."
"who told you i ruin you?" her amused smile faded as she put her arms on her hips. "can't you see that this person, whoever it was, is manipulating you? they know you're nothing without me so they're trying to separate us. they're praying on your downfall and you? you're just helping them."
"why would my own best friend do something like that? no, ellie, you're just— insane, crazy, a fucking psycho, whatever!" you zipped up your backpack and picked it up.
: ̗̀➛ she watched as you carefully walked over the stairs. "you haven't even packed like... half of your things."
"oh well!" you sarcastically laughed. "you'll have a souvenir."
"so you don't plan on coming back for them?" she frowned, finally realising that, this time, you're serious.
: ̗̀➛ you didn't answer, putting your jacket on. she walked over to you and tried to kiss you, but you dodged her with a hiss.
"come on, babe" she sighed. "y'know how i can make it up to you..."
"just leave me alone" you begged and took a few steps backwards, until your back hit the door.
"don't make a scene" she bit her lip as she watched you make your way through the doorstep. "come back inside and we'll figure something out."
: ̗̀➛ you shook your head and finally turned around.
"okay" she nodded. "have a day off. but i'll find you. you know i will."
: ̗̀➛ you chuckled through your tears. "good luck"
⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
: ̗̀➛ two days later you were in a train to a different state. this decision was spontaneous and you could as well end up being homeless but you were sure you'll survive, somehow. your friend - luccy called you, waking you up from a nap.
"she paid me a visit, to put it politely."
"god" you fully sat up and straightened up, immediately waking up. "how bad was it?"
"i expected worse" luccy chuckled. "it was kinda hilarious, actually. i didn't want to let her in but she, of course, made her way inside anyway. she quickly realised it's too late."
"but she didn't..." you paused, thinking of all the possibilities. your girlfriend, now ex, was capable of a lot of crazy things. "...uh— hurt you or anything?"
"oh, she was mad" luccy laughed again. "but no, she didn't do anything. i'd say we're safe, for now."
: ̗̀➛ you hummed. your plan wasn't too brilliant, but you did everything you could to not leave any clues. she won't find you, you knew she won't. and eventually, she'll completely give up and stop trying. maybe she'll even move on and find someone else? maybe even a healthy relationship?
let's hope so.
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weird-is-life · 4 months
Hello loves! I really enjoy your writing and perhaps if it’s make sense could you please wrote about Aaron x Ex!Reader requited love? If you can’t it’s fine, have a nice day!<3
Hi lovely, ty for the request💕! I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but hopefully it's at least a little good, warnings: fluff, angsty, use of pet name, like one swear word (0.8k)
It was a complete coincidence, that you bumped into Aaron. You literally bumped into him, your face colliding with his chest and by some miracle you didn't spill the tea, you'd just bought all over his expensive suit.
Aaron was just as surprised to see you as you were. And he couldn't understand the weird feeling in his chest at the sight of you.
You had a similar feeling too, a breath catching at your throat as you were looking up at his handsome, slightly older than you could remember, face.
And you don't even know why, maybe it was the shock of the whole situation or maybe it was something else in you, that made you do it, but somehow you invited him out for a coffee.
And that one coffee turns into two, then three, then four, until you loose count of them and until you're spiraling back into those old, forgotten feelings.
The realisation of it takes you by a huge surprise. You weren't expecting it. It scares you, that you're feeling this way again.
You like Aaron, but you know that Jack is his priority and he probably isn't looking for a relationship, he has enough on his shoulders already.
So with every friendly coffee date your feelings grow stronger and you can't help but to worry about it. You like having Aaron back in your life, a lot actually, but you don't think you could survive being just his friend, it feels impossible.
So in your worried state, you stop responding to Aaron's texts. Yes, you know, it's not the best way to cut contact with somebody, but you don't think you'd have the strength to explain the why to him.
Aaron goes completely crazy with worry over you. You suddenly just stop responding and he doesn't know if it's because of something he did or because something's happened to you.
He hopes, it's neither.
He tries not to fret over it, but eventually the feelings get the best of him and he finds himself standing in front of your door. He stands there longer than he should, before he finally knocks.
You appear at the door just a moment later and noticing, that it's Aaron at your door, your eyes widen.
"Aaron? What are you doing here?" you debate whether you should just close the door on him and pretend to not exist.
"I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but....I had to make sure, you were okay. You weren't responding to any of my texts." Aaron explains, his relief, at seeing that you're okay, is huge.
You don't look as happy as he does, you look like you'd rather be anywhere else, but there.
"I'm sorry," you mumble, you don't know what more to say to him, so you keep quiet and look everywhere but him.
"I'm just glad, that you're okay," he says and you almost wince, you didn't think of how much you must have scared him with the no responding, poor Aaron.
"But what's wrong?" he asks, trying to catch your gaze.
"I-I-I....I just can't do this anymore," you whisper with sorrow.
"Can't do what, huh?" Aaron asks softly, even if he's loosing his mind.
"This. Us. I-I just can't, I'm sorry," you take one look at Aaron's crushed and confused face, before your gaze is back on the ground.
Aaron baffles, he's thought, that you had a good thing going on," Did-Did I do something wrong?"
"No, it's just....," you can't find the courage to tell him the reason why.
"What's wrong?" Aaron takes a small step towards you without thinking, he's desperate to fix whatever it is going on. He likes you and he's finally let himself to feel something like this again with you, so he is super anxious about this whole situation right now.
You sigh and irrationally, you just blurt it out, "I like you, a lot, like too much, Aaron. And-and I'd love for us to be friends again. But I don't think I could survive being just your friend. I know, you're definitely not looking for a relationship right now. And I understand, but I can't just be your friend. I'm sorry."
Aaron lets you say all of your thoughts before he reacts. Halfway through your speech his confused frown turns into a smile. Because he realises, that it's just a huge misunderstanding.
"Good," Aaron's says with a smile and now you're the one being confused. What the hell does Aaron mean 'good'? You start to almost get upset before he continues.
"Good, because I don't think I could be just your friend either," he actually grins at you.
You immediately look up at him,"what?"
"I like you too, honey. And I'm definitely looking for a relationship, if it means I get to be with you," Aaron couldn't be looking at you with more heart eyes and you think, you might melt.
"Really?" you ask shyly, too scared that you're imagining this whole thing.
"Yes, really," Aaron chuckles and reaches out for your hand," so what do you say, will you give me, us a second chance after all these years?"
Aaron doesn't have to wait for an answer for too long, because your lips are on his in a matter of seconds, answering his question clearly.
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Trolls - Branch and Keith Brothers AU
HI!!! I'm back! With more Trolls plot bunnies. This one does not take place in the Prince Char Au, or the Veneer re-carnation one. It's completely separate and closer to canon.
Keith is the little trolling who likes to watch his parents sleep, and it's clear by the reactions from his classmates that he's not the most popular kid. A bit of a odd outsider, that finds happiness in things that others don't. There's another troll in Pop village who's a bit of an outsider, our favorite grump, Branch.
Branch would be in the village market one winter day, making some rare purchases rather then getting them from the wilds, when he first comes across Keith. The trolling would've been lost, left behind by his classmates. Branch would be a little confused by the kids blankness, but he isn't going to leave a kid lost in the snow, and helps Keith get back home to his dad. One the way he asks if this, keith getting left behind, happened often. Keith would blankly gripe about it, and how he thought his friends didn't actually like him, and he didn't think he liked them. Branch says that friends should like each other.
Couple of weeks later, Branch is working on gathering supplies, and Keith appears out of no where, then continues to follow the grey troll. When Branch asks what Keith is doing. Keith says, "You said befriend people I like." "Yeah so?" "I like you."
It throws Branch off, no one liked him.
Keith would continue to find and follow Branch for the next few days, it's only after a chance run in with a predator, that the grey troll realizes this kid isn't going away, and he starts training Keith in the ways of survival. Even more shockingly Keith listens to him when he's teaching. Everyone in the village always called Branch crazy with his survival bunker and apocalypse prep, but Keith listens intently. Even if it doesn't appear like it. Branch teaches Keith about, the forest, which fruits were safe to eat and where/when they grew. How to defend yourself from different type dangerous predators. And even about some of the extra traps and defenses Branch made for the village.
Branch gets used to his new little protégée, and honestly likes being able to pass on his knowledge to someone. He eventually learns to read the subtle differences in Keith's expressionless expressions to know how the kid's mood is, whether it's happy or upset. One day, Keith comes to visit Branch upset. Seeing the kid angry makes something in Branch's stomach turn, and he has this need to fix it. He doesn't know how, he hasn't comforted someone in years. So, pulling from vague memories of Floyd helping him when Branch was upset, he asks Keith what's wrong. Keith's upset about the other kids calling his school project weird. They were supposed to make a short presentation on people, they care about and Keith chose Branch. None of the kids would listen to him and said, that Branch was weirdo, and Keith was weirdo and they deserved each other. It made Keith Mad, because, he doesn't think Branch is weird, he thinks the Grey troll is cool and he doesn't want people to be mean to him. Branch does his best to console, Keith saying that sometimes people just don't agree with you no matter how hard you try to convince them, sometimes people just can't hear you.
K: Some times it feels like no one hears me
B: Yeah, I get that. it sucks, Makes you think their something wrong with you. But there isn't. Different doesn't mean bad, it just means you see things other don't.
Keith hugs Branch, and he can't turn the kid away. It's the first person the grey troll hugs in nearly twenty years.
K: Thank you, Branch
B: No problem kid, I'm always here.
K: I've always wanted a brother.
After this, Branch fully is attached. He goes all out for Keith any chance he gets. He's always there if Keith is upset, or to help with home work. Keith is one of the few people Branch allows in the Bunker. Branch makes sure, that he'd be the brother to Keith that his own were never to him. Always there.
Especially when Keith suddenly loses his dad. Branch fights and fights hard to keep Keith, knowing just how much the grief of losing a caretaker is crushing the kid. Unsurprisingly, the Pop trolls foster system fails Keith and eventually Branch gains his custody. "Let the outsider raise an outsider." Keith moves into the bunker, and Branch is with the trolling no matter what, making sure that this kid never goes Grey like he did. Though, waking up to Keith just staring at him is a little startling at first, but branch gets over it, anything to make the kid more comfortable.
By the events of the first movie, Keith has fully moved in with Branch and stays with him during the Chef's attack. And after the whole village is hidden in the bunker by Poppy, Keith pushes Branch to go after her. Peppy stepping up to watch over Keith while Branch is gone. All through out the mission Branch is thinking about Keith, worried how he's fair one his own, because while he can trust Peppy to make sure Keith doesn't die, he doesn't' trust the king to take care of Keith's mental health. They're reunion in the bergan pot is a hard one. On one hand, Branch is happy to have Keith back in sight, but on the other he feels like a failure for not being able to protect Keith from getting eaten. And When Keith goes grey in his arms...let's just say Branch isn't going down with out a fight.
I have no plans for World Tour, other then the possibility of Keith ending up captured with Poppy, and Barb mistaking Keith as her and Branch's son.
Its in Band together that things get a little more interesting...
Keith is Gristle and Bridget's ring bearer, though the rings are to big for him to hold, so he just stands inside of them to keep them from rolling away, with a very flat smile. Poppy and Branch end up dating in this two, and she does put in effort to get to know Keith, understanding that the trolling would be in branch's care for years to come. She's not as good at reading him, but she's getting better at it. And she finds Branch's caregiver side, adorable.
"Stop the Wedding!"
When John Dory shows up, Keith leaves his post, and runs to Branch after the elder troll was finished being man handled, bY JD. John is thrown off by the sight of a tiny Trolling in Branch's Arms. Seriously, when did his baby brother get a baby? Or a girlfriend? Was the kid theirs? Oh crap he missed a lot....
Keith is angry, through out the course of the third movie. Branch had already told him about their (yes, their, Keith is branch's brother now, which sadly makes him also related to these idiots) brothers, and how they all walked out on him. Keith has seen how much this hurt Branch, and how much they are hurting Branch now, he's clinging to his older brother all through out the mission.
Bruce is also shocked, and kind of feels bad, because Keith would be in Branch's hair when Bruce tossed him jostling the trolling. But he likes kids, so quickly warms up to the idea of Keith being a new baby brother. Even if he creeps Bruce out. And Keith is constantly creeping him out on purpose...thought Bruce doesn't realize it.
Keith doesn't like the hustle button.
Clay is scared of Keith. Because thanks to living with Branch the trolling can point out all of his safety measures and traps, understand how the work, and how to out smart them.
While practicing, John tries to get Keith toe join in but the trolling will only sing the words in the same flat stale note. Branch knows he's messing with john (Keith naturally sings flat but he's not that tone deaf) but doesn't say anything. Keith is hugging Branch all through out the fight, and along with poppy promises to not leave.
Floyd's too tired to really notice Keith until after he's rescued, however he's curious about the trolling. He feels proud watching Branch take care of trolling, but it also makes his stomach churn. Watching Branch with Poppy and Keith it feels like he's looking in on a family that Branch built and he missed it. Floyd would move into the bunker continuing his recovery, and during that is where he really interacting with Keith. He finds the kid adorable, not in the sparkly eyes way that Branch was but utterly adorable none the less. Keith becomes family to him too.
The fic would conclude with All the brother's accepting the fact that Branch and Keith are a package deal, and apologizing to branch for abandoning him (Keith and Poppy don't let them get away with shit). There's no long five brothers in Brozone, but six....and at least three sister-in-law...
This now has a fic of the beginning
link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/55380961/chapters/140510860
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lunarbuck · 1 year
In Our Element (College!Stucky x f!reader)
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pairing: college!stucky x f!reader (any race)
wc: 3.4k
summary: A camping trip with your friends leads to more than you bargained for
warnings: friends to lovers, oral (f and m receiving), smut (p in v, p in a), threesome, polyamory, MMF relationship
a/n: thank you @flordeamatista for hyping this fic up and for daydreaming with me <3 i hope you guys enjoy!!
my masterlist
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You practically moan as you toss your backpack to the ground at the top of the bluff. Bucky laughs, following your lead. The camping trip was Steve’s idea, so of course, he didn’t have any trouble with the hike up the bluff or with the heavy backpack. He practically skipped the whole way here.
He gives you a bright smile as he unclips the tent from the bottom of his pack. “You two gonna help me or am I on my own here?” He asks, spreading out the tarp. Bucky rolls his eyes but helps out his friend.
In an effort to be somewhat helpful, you decide to start gathering wood for the fire. Even though your legs feel noodly and it’s way hotter than you thought it would be, you’re still happy to be here. The three of you will start your 4th and final year of college in just a few weeks; it feels surreal. 
You’ve known Steve and Bucky since freshman year and it’s crazy to think that at the end of this school year, the three of you won’t necessarily be in the same place anymore. Both the boys will probably get shipped out after graduation and you haven’t quite decided what’s next for you. 
It’s not very easy to force yourself to stop thinking about it, but when you haul back your arm full of firewood and see Bucky and Steve bickering about the tent, it all seems to fade away. You dump the wood and dig out a fire pit, trying to remember your firemaking skills from girl scouts.
It takes you a few tries and way more matches than Troupe Leader Nicols would have approved of, but eventually, you have a fire. The boys manage to get the tent up without killing each other, and this place is starting to come together. 
 “Look at you go, angel.” Bucky starts pulling the food out of his pack, laying it out so he can start cooking. Even though you’ve known him for three years, you haven’t quite gotten used to how tall Bucky is. Steve too, honestly. They’re both built like goddamned brick walls and even when Bucky is sitting beside you, he isn’t even eye level.
Now you won’t beat around the bush. Bucky is incredibly easy on the eyes. Especially with the firelight flickering in his deep blue eyes. His brown hair is swept up off his forehead in a carelessly sexy way that makes you want to scream, but you keep it contained. It’s never been like that between the two of you. He’s always kept his conquests out of your friendship, opting to give you bare-bone details about his casual hookups. 
It’s the same with Steve. You watch him as he walks toward the fire, a soft smile on his lips. He’s beautiful, you’ve thought so since the moment you laid eyes on him. He’s always watching out for you, making sure you’re doing okay, checking in. He makes butterflies burst in your heart every time he comes around.
“Thanks for doing this,” Steve says, sitting beside you. Bucky arranges the little tin foil packets on the hot stones, a pleasant smile on his face. “I’m happy the three of us could finally get out here. We’ve been wanting to show you this place for a while.” 
Your heart warms at his words. Steve and Bucky are your best friends, they’ve been there for you through all the ups and down college has thrown at you. You’re not sure you would’ve survived without them. Part of you feels guilty for developing feelings for them, for the fact that you want more when they’ve already given you everything.
“I’m glad you invited me,” you reply, nudging Steve with your shoulder. “This is perfect.” The glow from the fire softens his usual sharp, classically charming features, and you feel yourself melt at the sight of them. Behind him, the sun is setting, painting the sky with bright oranges and pinks, and everything feels so… right. 
Once the food is warmed up, Bucky passes everything out and you all dig in. Conversation flows easily between the three of you, reminiscing and laughing about the past, and before you know it, the stars are shining in the sky. 
“It’s so clear up here,” Bucky mumbles, tilting his chin to stare at the constellations. “Can never see this many stars in the city.” You follow his line of sight and find his eyes tracing the outline of Hercules. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many,” you whisper. “It’s beautiful.” Bucky turns, grinning down at you. Suddenly, it feels like there’s no air. The way he’s looking at you sends shivers down your spine.
“You’re beautiful, angel.” Your lips part on a gasp, mind spinning.
“Bucky.” You can barely hear your voice when you speak. He just smirks and flicks his eyes behind you to where Steve is watching silently. You quickly turn to him, heat flooding your body.
“S’mores?” He asks, not appearing fazed by the moment between you and Bucky. You watch him arrange the s’mores materials and hand out sticks to roast marshmallows as if nothing happened.
“Steve, I–” He just smiles and shakes his head a little as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. You shake it off, taking the stick from Steve and roasting a marshmallow. You stare at the flames, feeling off-kilter from the heated moment with Bucky. You don’t want to hurt Steve, you care so much about him. You couldn’t ever pick between the two of them, your feelings equally strong for both men. You don’t want him to feel like you’ve chosen Bucky over him.
Before your marshmallow has a chance to light on fire, you pull it away from the flames and make your s’more. The chocolate melts in your mouth and you grin; s’mores could probably solve all your problems. 
You feel fingers turning your chin and suddenly you’re back face-to-face with Bucky. “You’ve got a little somethin’ here, angel,” he whispers. His thumb gently rubs against the corner of your mouth as he slowly leans toward you. When he’s just inches away, his lips tip up into his signature smirk, before closing the distance and pressing a kiss to your lips. He’s kissing you softly, but there’s so much passion in it. Bucky’s hand cups your face while his metal fingers rest on your waist, holding you steady. 
You lean into his kiss, head buzzing. You’ve wanted this for years, since the first time you met him, and now it’s happening. But you can’t forget that Steve is beside you, watching. Watching his best friend kiss you right in front of him. That’s what makes you pull away.
“So fuckin’ sweet,” Bucky says, thumb tracing over your lips. 
“Language.” Steve’s scolding tone is also a teasing one, and you turn to find him watching you and Bucky with hooded eyes. He reaches out, placing a hand on your leg. His palm is warm against your skin but you still shiver at that contact.
“Stevie,” you whisper. He nods, shifting closer until he can lean his forehead against yours. 
“You’re beautiful, angel.” When he kisses you, he tastes sweet like the s’more and smells smokey from the fire. His hand rests on your hip opposite from where Bucky’s is, and the feeling of both of them touching you at the same time sends you spinning. Never, in any of the scenarios you’d thought up did they both want you, let alone at the same time. Sure, you’ve fantasized about it, dreamed about it, but you didn’t think it’d ever happen. 
Bucky’s hands find your shoulders, grazing your neck. You feel him lean down and press his lips to the sensitive spot beneath your jaw and you groan into Steve’s kiss. Heat builds between the three of you, a sense of urgency you’ve never felt before.
“You’re perfect,” Bucky says into your skin, sucking gentle marks in places that make you see stars. “Our perfect little angel.” Steve pulls away, placing a gentle kiss on your nose, and you look between the two men, stunned.
“I never thought…” your voice fades as you lose yourself in both of them. 
“Never thought what?” Steve prompts, trailing across your face.
“Never thought that you two would feel this way for me.” Bucky chuckles, still pouring his attention into your neck.
“We’ve never met a girl like you, angel,” Bucky tells you, and you truly believe it. “You’ve been ours since you met us, we’ve just been waiting for you to realize it.” Your heart slams in your chest so hard you swear it’s going to burst right out.
“How do you feel?” Steve asks, holding your face in his big, warm hands. “Is this okay?” You nod quickly, earning you a laugh from both men.
“I feel like I’m floating,” you reply. Four hands move over your body, feeling every inch of you. Two sets of lips kiss you, taste you, and unravel you. Bucky adjusts you so you’re able to lean back against him and Steve moves with you, not letting you go for even a moment. Sandwiched between the two mountain-like men, you’ve never felt safer, never felt better.
When they pull away, both men help you stand. You have to crane your neck to keep eye contact, but it’s worth it to see them both smiling happily at you.
“Angel,” Bucky says, turning your head with two fingers. You love that nickname. You don’t remember where it came from, you used to roll your eyes at it, but you’ve always loved it. Especially when Bucky says it like that. “We can stop if you want to, we don’t want you to feel pressure to do anything you don’t want to. Okay?”
“What if I want it all?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Then we’ll give it to you,” Steve answers. He guides you toward him, hooking his fingers in the hem of your shirt before tugging it off you. You shiver in the night air, but Bucky is quick to warm you up, his lips finding your shoulder. 
Steve works your shorts off next, helping you step out of them. In just your panties and bra, you should feel exposed, but you don’t. Steve and Bucky make you feel beautiful, they make you feel strong. Steve admires you for a moment, bright blue eyes trailing over your body appreciatively. Then, he turns you to face Bucky.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this, angel,” he whispers, leaning in and kissing you. His metal fingers are cold against your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. 
Behind you, Steve steps in close, tracing his fingers along your back. The shapes he draws are followed by his lips. It takes you a moment, but you realize he’s drawing the constellations on your back, kissing the stars into your skin. 
Both of the men kneel and Steve unclasps your bra. Bucky instantly wraps his lips around one of your nipples, taking your other breast into his hand. Steve watches from over your shoulder, breathing heavily as he takes in the sight of Bucky worshiping you. His hands trace down your torso, finding the waistband of your panties and dragging them down your legs. You gasp, one hand burying itself in Bucky’s hair, the other reaching back to hold onto Steve.
Steve’s fingers slide up your legs before his right hand reaches the crux of your thighs. His other hand anchors in Bucky’s hair, tugging it lightly. You’re desperate for him; for them, and you know he can feel it. His fingers slide against you, knocking your clit with each pass. “You’re so wet,” he tells you, sliding a finger inside of you. “So wet for us, angel.”
Bucky groans against your nipple before pulling away to watch Steve finger you. “Fuck, Steve,” he grumbles, resing his forehead against your sternum. “I know, language.” Steve chuckles by your ear, adding a second finger. He picks up his pace, hitting a spot inside of you that makes your head go fuzzy. Your knees wobble, and Bucky holds them, not letting you fall.
“Why don’t we take this to the tent, Buck,” Steve suggests. The other man nods, and a second later, he scoops you into his arms. Steve helps the two of you settle the tent after putting out the fire, and once you’re laying down between the two of them, they’re back on you.
Bucky slides down between your legs, tongue running over your pussy like he’s starving, while Steve’s tongue laves your breasts. Bucky works you back to the point Steve had gotten you to, the band in your belly ready to snap. Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging him to where you want him, and as he works tight circles over your clit, you come apart, shaking in his and Steve’s arms. 
“So perfect, angel, so perfect,” Bucky whispers against your clit. “Gimme another one, come on.” He slides two fingers inside of you, stretching you while he tastes you. You’re sensitive since you just came, but Bucky is quick to soothe any ache you feel. Steve sucks marks across your breasts and neck, ones that you’re so happy to wear, and you come again just thinking about it.
“Please, please,” you moan, gently guiding Bucky’s face away from your pussy. 
“Tell us what you want,” Steve tells you, kissing your cheek. You glance between him and Bucky, who is still resting between your thighs, and feel a renewed heat in your belly.
“I want both of you.” Bucky raises an eyebrow, urging you to continue. “I want both of you at the same time.” Steve and Bucky exchange a glance, and for a moment, you worry you’ve suggested the wrong thing. “Or, or not, I’m sorry I didn’t mean–”
“Angel,” Bucky says, nipping at your inner thigh. “That was the perfect suggestion.”
“Really?” You look at Steve for confirmation, unable to wipe the grin from your face.
“Really,” he replies. “We’ve been wanting that since we both realized we had feelings for you. We talk about it all the time, what we’d do to you, what you’d sound like.” Your mind floods with downright pornographic images of those conversations until Steve and Bucky pull you back to the real world.
“If you’re gonna take us we’re gonna have to get you ready,” Bucky says, shifting onto his knees. He slides his hands over your legs, but his eyes are on Steve. “You just gonna stare, Stevie? Or are you gonna do something?” Steve does his best to maneuver over to Bucky, and when he’s between your legs too, he strips Bucky out of his shirt and works his pants down too. Bucky strips Steve next, and before you know it, they’re both naked. You can’t take your eyes off of them, off of their perfectly sculpted bodies.
Bucky tugs Steve into a bruising kiss, both men melting into each other. They fit perfectly together, feeding off one another in a way you’ve never seen before. It’s beautiful. When they pull apart, they’re both panting. They turn to you next, lust filling their eyes. 
Steve sinks lower and Bucky slides two fingers inside of you. Bucky moans as Steve takes his dick into his mouth. You prop yourself up on your elbows so you can watch. You’ve never had voyeuristic tendencies before, but these men bring out a new side of you. 
Bucky smirks, one hand working you, the other hand cupping Steve’s head. He looks completely in his element. Bucky’s fingers scissor inside of you, stretching you out, but seeing how big he and Steve are, you aren’t sure any amount of preparation will be enough. 
When Bucky decides you’re ready, he moves, pulling Steve off of him. Steve’s face is flushed, but he grins as he positions himself between your legs. He lines himself up with your pussy and notches the head of his dick at your entrance. You press your lips to his, moaning into the kiss as he presses inside of you. He’s stretching you more than Bucky’s fingers, but it feels so incredible.
“Oh my god, angel,” he moans, wrapping his arms around you. ”You’re so tight, squeezing me so good.” Bucky lays down beside you, hand sliding down to where Steve is fucking you. He circles your clit slowly in contrast to the pace Steve is setting. 
“Doesn’t he feel good?” Bucky whispers into your ear, sliding his fingers lower, slipping one inside of you with Steve’s dick. You jolt at the feeling, but Steve kisses you sweetly, nipping at your lower lip. “His cock is perfect, isn’t it, angel? Hitting all the right spots, huh?”
“Shit, yes,” you moan, your head lolling back as Steve fucks you. “It feels so good.” Steve and Bucky seem to be communicating telepathically, because they keep moving in sync. Steve will shift, Bucky will move with him. They play your body like a fiddle, like they know you better than you know yourself. 
Eventually, they manage to get Steve below you with you on top, riding him. He’s even deeper this way, hitting spots inside of you that you didn’t know existed. Bucky sits behind you, sliding his hands all over you, kissing you everywhere. 
“You ready for the next step?” Bucky asks, sinking his teeth into your shoulder. 
“Yes, yes, please,” you whimper. You’ve been on edge for a while, everytime you get close to coming Steve slows down, not letting you finish. Bucky rustles through a bag and you hear a click before you feel one of his fingers, slick and warm, pass over your ass. You shiver at the feeling but keep grinding against Steve. 
Bucky works his finger inside of you, and even just the feeling of his finger in your ass coupled with Steve’s dick makes the band in your belly snap. You come on a groan, leaning back against Bucky’s chest. Once you’re relaxed, he adds a second finger. You feel like you’re going to explode. Bucky keeps working you, keeps stretching you, all the while whispering in your ear.
“So perfect for us, angel, so good. You squeezin’ my fingers so tight, squeezing Stevie so good.” After he feels you’re ready, you feel him pull away. Next, his lubed cock presses against your ass and you stifle a groan. Bucky runs his hands over you soothingly before he presses inside of you.
Steve moans loudly from below you, gripping your hips tightly. “Oh my god, Bucky, she’s so much tighter now.” You whimper as they start to move in tandem, stretching you to your limit. 
“Come on, Stevie, show her how much you want her,” Bucky goads as he tweaks your nipples. Steve bucks below you, fucking into you faster. Your eyes roll back, your head falls onto Bucky’s shoulder, and all you can do is take it. Bucky presses in deeper, fucking you at an agonizing pace. 
“God, angel, you feel so good. You’re perfect, so beautiful.” He whimpers the words, and you can tell he’s getting close. You run your hands along his chest, scraping him lightly with your nails, and he comes on a loud moan. Bucky keeps thrusting into you, making a sensitive Steve whine, but he comes soon after, filling you.
The three of you lay in an exhausted, sexed-out heap, breathing heavily. You’re blissed out between the two of them, loving how even though they’re about to pass out, they’re still caressing you; still holding you. 
“I should go get something to clean us up,” Steve says, moving to sit up, but you grab him and pull him back down, tugging him into your chest. 
“Not yet,” you whisper. Bucky joins your cuddle heap despite the heat coming off everyone’s bodies. “Just stay here with me.”
When setting up the tent, Bucky and Steve had opted to keep the rain fly off since it’s not supposed to rain, so you can see the stars through the mesh top of the tent. After a few moments of sated silence, you speak again. “Is this real?”
“Of course it’s real, angel,” Bucky replies, squeezing one of your hands. “Our feelings for you are real. This is real.”
“Your feelings for us are real, right?” Steve asks, lacing his fingers with your other hand.
“Of course.”
“Then it’s real,” Steve says. “We care about you so much, angel, and we want this to work out. Real.”
Eventually, you let Steve get you cleaned up. The three of you fall asleep in a tangled mess, but you couldn’t be happier. Tonight was perfect, this trip, these men, everything. Absolutely perfect.
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emerald-cobracat · 7 months
Has anyone considered how none of the winners in the life series actually get to survive past the games.
Grian killed himself immediately after killing Scar. Scott is killed by a command after winning. Pearl dies at most a second after Scott kills himself. Martin is the only one who survives after winning and even he runs out of time.
The games aren’t meant to be survived, even the winners fall victim to the death that plagues the server.
None of the victors go against this. Except Scott and Martin.
Scott is killed almost immediately afterwords. He’s killed by Grian (I think). Grian is a watcher. Wether he left or betrayed them doesn’t matter. He still has the power and knows the power of the watchers. He knew that Scott wouldn’t die after his victory. He knew Scott would move forward and try to save them.
The watchers don’t like Scott.
This would cause them to hate him. To despise him. To make is so that the games would never be kind to him again. But then Grian kills Scott. He uses the power he once abandoned to save Scott from the watchers wrath.
So maybe the watchers don’t like Scott but they approve of him. He got one of their own to use his power again. They would favor him but they’d let him be. It’s why Scott and Pearl survived as long as they did even if they didn’t team up. The watchers left them alone because Scott was part of the pair. In limited life Scott was doing the best he could and very little went wrong for him. He managed a crazy bucket clutch with the entire server trying to kill him. The only thing that went wrong is him being boogeyman first and even then it just meant he had more time.
It’s also why Scott couldn’t win double life. That would get rid of any good will the watchers have for him.
The watchers want Grian back in their ranks. And so far Scott is the only one that got Grian to use his power.
However Martin doesn’t play the game as he’s supposed to. He betrays everyone and in the end doesn’t play fair. He wins but in the cruelest and most desperate way he could.
Martin also dares to live after he’s won. He dares to not abide by the rules and die. Yes he does die eventually but he had an hour left on his timer. An hour, no winner has lasted that long. What if Martin is doing so badly right now because in that hour he did something. He challenged the watchers or maybe used that time to find something on the server in an attempt to free himself and his friends.
What if he did something so that the watchers couldn’t kill him. They’d have to wait until his time ran out.
They’d hate that.
It could explain why he’s doing so badly now too. Yes Martin might share the canary curse because of him attacking Jimmy but what if it’s more than that. What if the watchers are getting directly involved with everyone because of Martin. What if Martin found something in that hour in limited life? What if he’s so close yet so far to ending the games?
The watchers would hate that. They’d try to stop him.
And what better way then to further control everyone then by putting them against each other with a secret.
I also like the idea that Scott is using his good will with the watchers to learn more about them and try to stop them. During limited life the watchers began to notice so Martin who may or may not have known what’s happening gets involved.
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 years
- Sweet Anniversary -
Pairing: Milf! Natasha Romanoff x Milf! Fem! Reader
Genre: smut
Summary: your only intent for your anniversary night is to endlessly tease your wife. Request: “For the blurb request, what about reader teasing Nat during dinner date!”
Word count: 2190
Warnings: bottom! Reader, top! Natasha Romanoff, kissing, SMUT, nipple stimulation (r receiving), oral on strap on (Nat receiving), strap on penetration (r receiving), riding, squirting (from r), a lot of teasing!
A/N: this story contains smut so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. So, it was obviously supposed to be a blurb but I got very much carried away sooo here you go! As always, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy <3
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It’s your anniversary and you can finally treat your beautiful wife to the night of her life after her long day at work. You made sure to get everything ready, the kids are out to their friends’ houses, dinner is ready to be served, Natasha is sitting with a glass of her favourite wine in front of her and you’re wearing a dress revealing enough to show off your assets but still modest enough to cover the surprise, well, surprises, that are waiting for her underneath it.
You know she’s been intently watching you from the moment you opened the front door to greet her with a deep kiss, which left her too dumbfounded to move when you took the flowers from her hand, gave her one last kiss to thank her and left her at the door to go back to the kitchen. The slight sway of your hips as you walked down the corridor was what partially got her back to reality as she followed you further inside your house, where you are now.
You can hear her sighing a bit more loudly each time you bend down to check the pantries for stuff you don't need or lean over the table to pour more wine in her glass while giving her a sweet smile and, despite how fun it is for you to make your wife go crazy, it is starting to become equally frustrating for you to meet her darkened gaze and see the way she keeps wetting her lips as she ranks her eyes all over your body.
Eventually, you are able to finally serve the food and sit down in front of her, giving you the opportunity to cross your legs and try to relieve some of the ache that’s been killing you, something that of course doesn’t go unnoticed by her, who slightly parts her mouth at the staring contest you’re having in the meantime, which you stop when you sit still and smile, before telling her to try the food, as if nothing had happened.
Dinner is filled with lustful gazes, lingering touches and your subtle moans every time you taste a different dish, and you don’t let her relax even when she talks, as you keep moving your foot up and down her calf, occasionally teasingly going higher but never high enough, all while feigning innocence. By the time you’re ready to move to dessert, the panties of your expensive lingerie set are completely ruined and it’s probably the same for Nat, who looks more and more on edge by the minute. You know she’s finally had enough when, as you’re standing by the kitchen counter to get dessert, she stands behind you and kisses your shoulder while moving her hands up and down your waist, subtly rolling her hips into your ass and taking your breath away with her next words
“I should bend you over this counter right now for the stunt you’re pulling tonight”
The calmness in her raspy voice gets you concerned for how you’ll survive the night and makes it impossible for you to contain a small whimper. You try your best to get yourself together just for a little bit more and be able to fully savour the look on her face as she sees your last surprise, so you take her hands and move them up your body and under the fabric of your dress to make her feel your bare chest and hard nipples while moving your hips and pushing them backwards, lowly moaning at the feeling of her packing against your ass.
“Sit on the couch and I’ll bring you your dessert, Nat”
She struggles to hold back but lightly pinches your nipples as a warning, chuckles at your yelp and leaves to go to the living room, where she waits for you. The moment you see her sitting, with her gaze even darker than before, her legs spread and the bulge in her pants more visible than ever, you feel yourself getting even wetter, making it almost impossible for you to keep going with the teasing, so you try to get through with it as quick as possible.
You immediately go to straddle her lap and press yourself on her strap, moving your hips back and forth to get it to rub her just the right way, feeling successful when you hear her lowly moan. While you keep rolling your hips over her crotch, you lean down to leave hungrier and hungrier kisses and love bites on her neck, making sure to mark her just a bit, in order to leave her a memory of the night for a bit. With your movements getting more erratic, her hands go to your hips to grasp them so hard you know bruises will be clearly visible for days, so you move your lips from her neck to her jaw and finally to her sweet lips, kissing her with insatiable hunger and moaning at the immediate feeling of her tongue invading your mouth. You are both left breathless by the kiss and the disheveled look on her face is impossible not to die for. You suddenly find yourself admiring her beautiful face adorned with lines here and there and framed by graying strands of hair, testimony of the time that you’ve spent together, and even now, after all these years, she’s the most beautiful person in the world to you, the only one you could ever choose. You both stay silent but you know what’s going on in each other’s mind and for just a second you exchange some of the sweetest kisses to express your love for each other, but soon everything changes once again and your hunger gets the best of you. You can feel her moving her hands under you and gripping the hem of your dress so you stop her, smiling at the pout and frown on her face, and stand back up in front of her, teasingly running your hands over your body before grabbing your own tits over your dress, rolling your nipples and throwing your head back with a loud moan of her name. She loses control for a second and sits on the edge of the couch to be able to wrap her arms around your body, pushing you towards her and leaving kisses on your belly and hip bones over the fabric of your dress, showing how in need to feel you she is, just as much as you are, so you push her back where she was on the couch and finally pull your dress up and off of you, leaving you only in matching panties, garter belt and stockings. Being well aware of how much she likes your tits, you sadly left the bra in the drawer for another time, only looking forward to pleasing your wife for tonight, and she definitely does look pleased with the sight before her eyes, ready to jump at you any second now, but despite how happy that would make you, you keep going with the undressing, this time of her, but not before having a much needed taste. She suddenly finds you kneeling on the floor in front of her working on opening her belt and pants, before lowering them and her underwear just enough for the strap to get free from the confinement of her clothes. You look up at her for a moment and almost salivate at the sight of her looking so hot, sitting there, ready to be pleased and moving your hair away from your face before lightly running her thumb over your mouth, giving you a clue of what she wants you to do. So you waste no more time and take a good hold of her cock, pumping it a few times before kissing it from the base up to the tip, which you slowly start to suck, moaning loudly while keeping your eyes fixed on hers, but not for long, because soon enough you’re bobbing your head on her cock while her hands guide you to take it deeper and deeper, relishing in the sound of you gagging on her length. The carnality and need of it all do nothing but make you even more turned on and you can now feel your arousal spreading all over the inside of your thighs every time you rub them together to relieve the painful ache you’re feeling.
She suddenly lifts you off her cock, almost shivering at your slightly smudged mascara and reddened lips, to kiss you deeply and tell you to go back on her lap, which you gladly do. The moment you’re once again straddling her hips her hands immediately leave a loud smack on your ass cheeks that echoes through the whole house, making your initial yelp turn into a small giggle at the way she smiles while biting her lip as she kneads your skin. You can’t believe how beautiful she looks today and once again you find yourself admiring her before leaning down to kiss her luscious lips while her hands slowly shift to your thighs and then your waist, squeezing it tightly to move you over her strap. You gladly comply but soon feel her hand sneaking between your legs, making you rub yourself over her fingers. You'd gladly make yourself cum at least once over her hand but the desperation is truly starting to take a toll on both of you, so you go to lift yourself from her to take off her pants but are restrained to do so by her strong hands gripping you even more tightly.
"Stay fucking here, you’re not going anywhere until you cum on my cock”
The way she practically growls her words is a clear sign of the frustration that’s boiling inside of her and next thing you know she’s frantically moving your underwear to the side and rubbing the head of her cock over your slit, regularly bumping on your clit and panting at the clear sound of your extremely wet core. She’s patient enough to guide you down her length rather slowly, not wanting to cause you too much discomfort, and, to be honest, your constant mewling is music to her ears. She feels even bigger than usual and the pain of your walls being stretched is easily bearable when it means that you can finally have her inside of you. By the time your hips meet hers and your core is flush against hers you both are panting messes and the only sounds that can be heard in the house are your ragged breaths and your occasional moaning at the extreme fullness you’re feeling even just by sitting still on her cock. She lets you take your time and take the lead of the pace at first. The initially slow roll of your hips changes pretty soon and you take a hold of her shoulders as you start hopping with more and more might, intently looking into her eyes as she moves her hands to grasp your waist, helping you out. At this point you don’t even care about teasing her anymore and you both solely focus on getting each other off as quickly as possible.
In order to have more leverage and quicken your pace even more, you take a hold of the back of the couch on each side of Nat’s head, leaning even closer to her and giving her easy access to your tits, which she gladly tastes as she fully wraps her arms around your waist as if to never let you go. Your desperate moans blend in with each other’s and the pure ecstasy your feel gets painfully unbearable when she firmly plants her feet on the floor to move her hips and meet your thrusts halfway, tightening the knot in your belly even more and getting you right on the edge in a matter of seconds. Her closeness can be easily sensed as well, as her thrusts get sloppier and her groans louder, while her arms squeeze you more and more tightly.
When you feel like you’re right on the edge you desperately kiss her and lean your forehead on hers, before your strong climax washes over you and almost completely takes your breath away, barely giving you the chance to savour the moment she reaches her own peak.
You stay in each other’s embrace while you both try to get your breathing back to normal and you pull back to fully look at her only when you hear her breathlessly chuckle.
“You soaked my pants”
You immediately look down and you notice the wet patch on the fabric and the small drops of liquid still lingering on the skin of your own thighs, making you sigh and hide your face in the crook of her neck, but she immediately stops you to grab your face and look you dead in the eyes as she tells you how hot it all was before deeply kissing you and breaking it only to whisper right against your lips
“I hope you’re ready because now you’re in for a long night”
Tags: @natashasilverfox @fxckmiup
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luveline · 10 months
Zombie!au- would love to see more grump Steve in the earlier days. And r just trying to lighten things up a bit!
thank you for requesting ♡ steve zombie!au —your attempt to cheer steve up backfires, but he's not so oblivious to your feelings as you think. fem!reader, 1k
Water drips down the length of Steve's arm. It follows a path to his elbow, shining honey-orange in the last dregs of sunlight that haunt the room. The stone wall at your back is cooling, the baking heat of the day abating with the setting sun. 
Your shirt is still damp but clean. Steve scrubbed it until the fabric turned fuzzy, the faint smell of sweat lingering despite all his efforts and dawn dish soap. He sits close enough to rest his leg atop yours, touching you without apology. It's hard to care about personal space when you spend time with someone like this, isolated. Your survival is tied to his like shared veins. 
Water sloshes over the edge of the bucket onto a towel he placed beneath it. You clear your throat, drawing his gaze. 
"Kinda weird how many towels people leave behind." 
His constant frown doesn't so much as twitch. "Why's that?" 
"We all need towels. Makes you wonder if they thought there'd be towels somewhere else… We loot all these houses and half the time there isn't a can of peaches, but there's always a couple of towels." 
"You only need one towel," Steve says. 
"Not the way we use them." 
Steve's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. You can guess what he's thinking —you're making small talk about towels. Maybe he'd rather sit in silence than listen, but if you stay silent in the wake of his bad mood any longer, you'll disintegrate. 
"I'm just saying it's weird to take soap but not the towel." 
"They probably weren't thinking about it. Not the way it happened, I mean." Steve's brows pinch together. He pulls his shirt from the soapy water filled bucket between his legs and squeezes the excess water from it. 
"Were you going to say something else?" you ask cautiously. 
Steve wrings his shirt, the muscles in his arms singing as he twists it tighter and tighter. You can't choose what to look at, his arms, the coiled definition of his upper chest, or the strange expression that plays on his fine features. Eventually he drops his sodden shirt on the towel and wipes his hands dry, not looking at you as he asks, "What did you think was gonna happen?" 
You shift your foot under his weight. He doesn't move it still, and you're glad. You need touch. You need his touch, even if he doesn't need yours. 
"I thought everybody was going to be fine." Your stomach aches remembering. "For a week, the news didn't bother me. The radio hosts were pandering and CNN were fearmongers. But then… one day I woke up and I knew it was the end." 
"When they started saying–" 
"Don't try to hide." You swallow a lump of past hurt where it swells. 
"That's why people didn't bother with towels," Steve says. "That's what I think. They knew they wouldn't make it past the week, deep down, even if they didn't know." 
You cross your arm over the other and hold your elbow. The sun sinks like a stone, dark eating the corners of the room. It feels colder now. 
It's scarier, in the dark. You worry about what you can't see. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Steve says, speaking more gently than he had been as he pulls his leg away. "I know you were trying to make me feel better. I didn't mean to kill the mood like an asshole."
"That makes a difference," you tease. 
Steve stands and grabs the bucket of dirty water, pouring it out of the open window. You can hear the loud slosh of it slapping overgrown bluegrass below. 
"I'm sorry for being a dick," he says, turned from you still, bucket braced in two rigid hands. 
"Steve, I don't care if you're in a bad mood. I just worry it's my fault." 
He tosses the bucket aside, the thin metal handle rattling as it lands. Brushing the hair from his face, Steve turns back to you and, silhouetted by the last light, gives you a tentative smile. 
"You drive me crazy sometimes, but if I'm pissed, that's my problem. Not your fault." 
You sit up, a muscle twinging between your sore shoulders. "Oh. Cool."
Steve nods to the left. "Come over here. We'll sleep where it's dry." 
You do as told, achy and worn from another day at the end of the world. You could sleep in a queen size bed every night and it'd make no difference to this kind of exhaustion, the burden of perpetual hyper vigilance like slow releasing venom. You kick the shitty single mattress you've been sleeping on for the last few days across the room and Steve spreads out a blanket for you to lay on. 
You can't sleep. Most of the time, you lay down for a few hours feigning rest while Steve sits soldier, nothing to do, nothing to darn nor sharpen nor tend to. You're in a strange limbo of having no urgent needs and no strength between you to move on yet. With a stache of protein bars you found in the desk in the den, you and Steve can stay here for a few more days. 
You sit down regardless of the sleepless tossing and turning that awaits, surprised when Steve wastes little time sitting beside you. Shirtless. He leans against the jacket you've been using as a pillow and puts his arm behind your back with the familiarity of a lover, hand on your waist. 
Your breath pulls in funny. 
"Thanks for trying," he says. 
You risk looking up at him. He looks down, a little bit of King Steve charm in the quirk of his mouth. 
"But towels?" he asks. 
"It was the first thing I could think of." 
He nods like this makes sense and pulls you into his side, rubbing yours with enough affection to floor you if you weren't already on it. "I didn't pack a towel, and neither did you. We're all the same." 
"Then how come we're here?" you ask, quiet with the embarrassment of asking such a vulnerable question. How come we lived and no one else did?
"I don't know."
You put your face in the curve of his neck hesitantly. Steve rests his cheek on top of your head.
"I'm glad we are, though," he murmurs. 
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nockfellblues · 1 year
For the second ask- can I have a story of Junpei Yoshino being saved by the reader? Context: Reader is also a sorcerer and was with Itadori at the time of the encounter with Mahito.
Ngl it took me a bit to work out a good concept for this one- idk if its just cuz i never really toyed with making a jjk oc or if i was just having a brain fart lmao and then I started writing and it just kept going??? Either way, here it is! GN reader and can be read as platonic or as a crush if you squint. Again, thanks so much for requesting! I hope you like it! 💕
Warnings: Usual canon compliant violence, mentions of blood.
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“Should we really be doing this?”
Yuji just shrugged with a smile, looking blissfully unaware as you both lounged about in none other than Junpei Yoshino’s house, waiting to start a film while the aforementioned boy grabbed some snacks from his kitchen. Behind you both his mother was blissfully unawares as she slept soundly at the kitchen table with a smile on her face. This was supposed to be an investigation into the troubled boy and the strange circumstances he’d found himself in the middle of, but had quickly turned into the three of you becoming fast friends. Before either you or Yuji knew it, you were sat at the dinner table in the Yoshino residence like you always belonged there.
You couldn’t deny how much you genuinely liked Junpei- he was quiet and reserved with a stalwart sense of justice, but listening to him talk about his favorite films seemed to bring out the absolute best in him and make his smile look so much more alive. It was like a little part of his soul bloomed into a bright glow of happiness and contentment. Something about someone talking about their passions always made them shine in a way that was so beautiful, and you couldn’t deny that his bloom was so very enticing. Of course it helped that you shared taste in movies and in music and that he was seemingly such a sweet boy…
Truly, becoming friends with him like this had been such a breath of fresh air in all of the insanity lately. You were so thankful to have met him, even if the circumstances were.. crazy.
When Nanami had brought you onto this particular investigation you were terrified. Being just a student, and just a first-year at that, you had zero concept of how your curse techniques would be even remotely useful. Especially when Nanami and Shoko showed you the horrific amalgamates this new curse was able to produce. After all, all you could do was alter the physical form of objects, not people; Changing a rock into a knife and imbuing it with cursed energy was a vast difference to changing the shape of a body part, or a whole person, much less their soul. But Gojo had put the idea into Shoko’s head that it was worth a shot to see if you could reach something tangible in the form of a human soul, and so you tried.
Touching the soul was… exhilarating. Being able to see the physical manifestation of a soul was so, so beautiful. But it was also terrifying- being the only hope for these.. people that the patchwork curse left behind. It was like falling into a litany of swirling emotions, memories, passions, and colours, everything that made a person who they are, and trying desperately to wrangle them into a shape that they remembered and holding them there until they understood that this was their true shape and began to.. ‘heal.’ So far the best result was separating their physical forms and returning them to ‘normal’- but, so far, not a single person had survived. They returned to ‘normal’ only to be completely comatose for varying periods of time before slowly fading and, eventually, passing.
“Think any harder and your brain will melt,” Yuji laughed, nudging you with an elbow. You returned his easy smile as Junpei came back with an overflowing bowl of popcorn and some drinks.
“Yum! Alright, let’s get this movie party started!”
You could barely breathe, running as fast as your legs could take you towards the ominous shadowed dome of the veil that had opened over Satozakura High School- Junpei’s school. You had happened to be in the area doing some light shopping when it started- the wrong place at the right time, you supposed. Reaching your senses out you desperately searched for any anomalous energies, until Yuji’s burst of cursed energy lit up like a homing beacon.
“Please don’t let Junpei be here- Please.”
“People don’t have hearts.” You could hear the tears in Junpei’s voice and you raced around the corner of the corridor. You found him kneeling amongst broken glass in the darkened hallway, Yuji standing before him looking angry and distraught.
“You’re still just trying-“
“Junpei, please-“
“They don’t!” Junpei’s voice was absolutely wrecked with what could only be grief as he cut you both off.
“Other wise…” Tears streamed down his face, his entire body shaking as you reached to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Otherwise- Then that could only mean that people cursed me and my mom with those hearts! That would just be.. Too much,” he sobbed and shook you hand off to stand.
You backed away as cursed energy gathered within him and made the outline of his soul shimmer a brilliant melancholy blue- when in the world had he come into being able to produce cursed energy?
“I wouldn’t even know what is right and what’s wrong any more!” In a flurry of iridescent blue, a billowing jellyfish shikigami appeared behind him, quickly taking aim and stabbing Yuji with its sharpened tentacles.
“Y-Yuji!” You covered your mouth in shock as he took slow steps towards Junpei leaving a dripping trail of blood behind.
“Why-why didn’t you dodge it?”
“I’m sorry. I said a lot of arrogant stuff without really understanding anything. So, tell me what happened to you.. and I swear to you, if you do, then I wont curse you anymore. Please.” Yuji kneeled before Junpei, his voice soft, and you approached again to return a hand to Junpei’s shoulder.
“We’re your friends, Junpei. So, please, let us help?” You gave his houlder a gentle squeeze as he met your gaze with wide tearful eyes- and the dam broke.
Junpei crumbled before you both, body wracked with heaving sobs as he told you about his mother- the horrifying discovery of her mutilated body and another of those damn fingers of Sukuna’s just left there out in the open. Yuji took his hands in his own and you wrapped your arms over Junpei’s shoulders, letting him cry as you both fought back our own emotions at the news.
“I’m so sorry Junpei..” You gently rubbed his back as Yuji took a moment to process what you’d learned.
“Junpei… join Jujutsu high- You’d like it! There are lots of crazy strong teachers and good, reliable friends there. If we all work together, I guarantee you, we can find whoever it was that cursed your mom… then you can make them pay for what they did!” Yuji’s determination had Junpei’s tears start anew, and you nodded along with him.
“It’s true, Junpei. You’d never be alone, and we’d all do our very best to help you!” Yuji nodded in turn and you moved to hold his shoulders to properly look into his eyes. “Trust us again, Junpei. I swear, we’ll do whatever we can to make this right.”
“That’s a big promise coming from such a weak sorcerer.” At the top of the stair stood a man with silver hair and…a patchwork face. His body seemed to radiate the same shimmer you now equated with the visual manifestation of a soul, but so, so much brighter than you’d ever seen one. It seemed to ripple and move, like it was made of water, as though it didnt know enough to stay in one shape. What is he?
“Who are you?”
“It’s nice to meet you, vessel of Sukuna.”
The three of you stood and you deepened your stance to something more solid and defensive as it all clicked, “Yuji that’s him-!”
“Mahito, don’t do it!”
The Patchwork curse’s arm and shoulder alike began to curn like bubbling water, rapidly morphing as it shot out to slam Yuji into the adjacent wall- a second appendage morphed out of the side and swing too fast, swiping you away and tossing you down the hall like you weighed nothing. You flew until you hit the wall at the the end with a sickening crack. Groaning as you slid to the floor you were distantly aware of Yuji yelling, or saying something, but everything was violently tilting and fading into grey, your ears ringing like crazy and you could feel warm blood drip down your forehead and over your brow. Get up, they need you now!
There was a pulse of that same too-bright glimmer as the patchwork curse did something you couldn’t see and Yuji was yelling again, the tone now distinctly distraught as he yelled for you, then for Junpei. Blinking slowly, you’re positive you blacked out for a moment. You woke again to Yuji begging Sukuna for help while that awful patchwork curse giggled like a child. Dammit, get up! Get up!
Struggling to your feet the world swayed dangerously for a moment before snapping into focus on distinct blue shimmer of Junpei’s soul- now distorted and morphed into.. some.. thing that was collapsed at Yuji’s feet. The curse continued to laugh wildly and Yuji’s soul bloomed into a wild cacophony of bright white noise that was nearly blinding- and then he swung.
Fist meeting the patchwork thing’s face, you could see their souls touch in a way you’d never seen before- and the patchwork curse’s soul seemed to… crack? It was so small and barely there, but it had cracked! Had Yuji really hurt it?
You stumbled towards the thing that was somehow still Junpei, his soul twisted and tangled into some little blue monster that was nearly unrecognizable. The curse was goading Yuji into more of a fight and you could feel their souls and cursed energy bloom yet again as they moved their fight up the flight of stair behind them. Good, that gave you time.
“J-Junpei!” You dropped to his side, the wavering glimmer of his soul now so dim it was almost faded to grey in places. If you were going to help him, it needed to be now. But… You’d never touched a soul so newly wrecked- would it make a difference? Would it hurt him to try when he was so weak? There was no do-over with this, and if you fucked up he would die.
“I… I can do this. Please Junpei, please don’t die on me!” Placing your hands over the center of his mass, where is soul seemed strongest, you pulled at your own cursed energy. Reaching into him you were submerged in a vast, cold ocean of darkness. All you could feel was desolation- the frigid grasp of grief and sorrow as you tried to pull as much of his soul together that you could reach. It was like trying to grab bubbles of shimmering water, Junpei’s soul trying its best to separate and float away.
“Not today- You’re coming back with me, dammit! I’m not giving up on you, so don’t you give up on me, Junpei!”
Pushing the last drifting bubble of his soul in with the rest you could feel your own soul stretch thin trying to compress the pieces into the familiar form of your friend and holding it there-
This has to work. Please! The dark around you seemed to grow brighter and brighter until it was a blindingly bright sky blue as the pressure on your soul seemed to pulse- then something within your souls seemed to snap and everything went black.
“Stop fidgeting, you look great!”
“S-sorry!” Junpei’s face was flushed in embarrassment at your praise as he tugged at the collar to his freshly finished Jujutsu High uniform.
Today was the day you finally got to introduce him to the other first year students and he was a bit of a nervous wreck. You gently swatted his hands away and adjusted the buttons on his collar one final time, returning his nervous look with a reassuring smile.
“You’re sure everyone will be.. cool with this?”
“Absolutely, silly. The others are super cool, and they’re all total weirdos, just like us! That’s why we all fit in so well!”
In hindsight that might have been a little rude to say about your friends but it made Junpei laugh, the first real laugh you’d gotten out of him since everything went to hell.
So it was totally worth it.
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Ahhh okay this was so much longer than I intended it idk i kinda Ike it! Junpei deserved better 😤
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