#makeup learning
pipsdelhi62 · 6 days
How Do I Become a Makeup Artist After 10th?
If you're passionate about makeup and beauty and want to start a career as a makeup artist right after completing your 10th grade, PIPS Delhi is here to guide you every step of the way. Located on Devli Road, New Delhi, PIPS (Premier Institute for Professional Studies) offers comprehensive makeup learning classes that unlock your potential and help you achieve your dreams. As a newly opened institute, PIPS Delhi is dedicated to converting your bigger dreams into reality with 100% placements in more than 100 organizations. For more information, you can call us at +91-9650200473.
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Steps to Becoming a Makeup Artist After 10th
1. Research the Makeup Industry
Before diving into a career in makeup artistry, it's essential to understand the industry. Research different makeup artist roles, such as bridal makeup artist, fashion makeup artist, celebrity makeup artist, and special effects makeup artist. Understanding these roles will help you decide which path you want to pursue.
2. Enroll in a Professional Makeup Course
PIPS Delhi offers the best makeup artist courses designed for students who have completed their 10th grade. Our courses cover everything from basic makeup techniques to advanced skills, ensuring you receive a well-rounded education. The curriculum includes:
Skin Types and Tones: Learn to identify different skin types and select suitable products.
Color Theory: Understand how to use colors to enhance natural beauty.
Contouring and Highlighting: Master the art of defining facial features.
Bridal and Special Occasion Makeup: Create long-lasting, beautiful looks for special events.
Fashion and Editorial Makeup: Develop skills to work in the fashion industry.
3. Practice Regularly
Practice is crucial in makeup artistry. Use friends and family as models to hone your skills. Experiment with different looks and techniques to gain confidence and improve your proficiency.
4. Build a Portfolio
A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills to potential clients and employers. Take high-quality photos of your work, focusing on before-and-after transformations. Your portfolio should demonstrate your versatility and ability to work with different styles and skin tones.
5. Gain Hands-On Experience
At PIPS Delhi, we emphasize hands-on experience. Our students participate in real-world projects, such as fashion shows, photoshoots, and weddings. This practical experience is invaluable for building your skills and confidence.
6. Network with Industry Professionals
Networking is a critical aspect of building a successful career in makeup artistry. Attend industry events, workshops, and seminars to meet other professionals. PIPS Delhi’s strong connections with leading salons, beauty parlors, and event management companies provide excellent networking opportunities for our students.
7. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with new trends and techniques emerging regularly. Follow industry influencers, read beauty magazines, and participate in advanced training courses to stay updated with the latest trends.
8. Develop Business Skills
Being a successful makeup artist isn't just about technical skills; you also need strong business acumen. Learn how to market your services, manage your finances, and build a client base. PIPS Delhi offers courses that cover these essential business skills, helping you to establish a thriving career.
Why Choose PIPS Delhi?
Accredited and Reputable: PIPS Delhi is a recognized institution with a strong reputation for providing high-quality education and training in makeup artistry.
Experienced Faculty: Our faculty consists of experienced professionals who provide personalized guidance and industry insights.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses cover everything from basic techniques to advanced skills, ensuring you receive a well-rounded education.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: We offer fully-equipped makeup studios and high-quality products for hands-on training.
100% Placement Assistance: We provide 100% placement assistance, helping you secure job opportunities in leading organizations.
Supportive Learning Environment: PIPS Delhi offers a supportive and nurturing learning environment where students can thrive.
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Starting a career as a makeup artist after 10th grade is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for creativity and growth. At PIPS Delhi, we are committed to helping you achieve your dreams and unlock your potential in the beauty industry. For more information about our makeup artist courses, please call us at +91-9650200473. Join us today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in makeup artistry.
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cherrycharai · 5 months
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I lovvvee this little comic from Ryoko Kui 's Daydream Hours ♡. I would read a whole slice of life manga about Falin and Marcille's time together at the magic academy (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
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It's actually really ableist that I have several expensive interests and no money. I should be given 5k a month just autism related spending money
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ryssbelle · 5 months
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Hes dieded
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salted15 · 1 month
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commission for @ace-of-clovers !!!!
(yes this is king dedede as a drag queen fkhgskghksjg)
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 6 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 18/∞
Many artworks, both fanworks and official art, will depict Shen Qingqiu with a red dot or vertical line in the center of his forehead. While this is not something that is mentioned in the novel, it is not something that would necessarily be unlikely.
Oftentimes in visual coding in guzhuang (ancient costume) dramas, a cinnabar mark on the forehead, over the location of the third eye (this is different than the huadian I discussed a bit in this post), will represent a person with strong spiritual powers or connection to the spiritual realm, especially when used for male characters. It also denotes a particular wealth and status-- basically, meaning that this person is someone powerful and important in cultivation society. Whether there is actual historical precedence to this, or if it is a purely modern aesthetic phenomenon, I am not entirely certain. If anyone has more details or sources on historical precedence for this depiction, please share those!
Cinnabar/vermillion also has a long history of auspicious significance in Chinese culture, both in regards to wealth and status as well as being used for religious or spiritual purposes in ancient Daoist tradition. To this day, vermillion red is still one of the most auspicious colors in Chinese culture, especially used in weddings and at new year's festivities.
Therefore, while it may or may not be historically accurate, because PIDW and SVSSS are novels written during modern times and with modern visual perceptions, it would not be out of the question for Shen Qingqiu to wear such a mark.
As for the common depiction in fanworks, my hypothesis as to the origin of the use of this visual signifier for Shen Qingqiu specifically is the official Thai cover art, which is one of the main influences of fandom portrayal, and depicts Shen Qingqiu with such a mark on his forehead, though I wouldn't be surprised if it were common before that release as well.
Sometimes in fanworks, the presence of a vermillion mark will be used to show a difference between Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan-- with Shen Jiu wearing the mark, while Shen Yuan does not. Personally, I think that this may be more of a visual distinguisher than anything else, but it also would make sense with symbolic design-- with Shen Jiu's character traits of placing high value on his cultivation and also portraying himself as someone of high status, it would make sense for him to wear such a mark while Shen Yuan, who takes those things for granted, does not. It would also make sense for both of them to wear it, as Shen Yuan does still like to portray himself that way, even if his concern about his image comes from a different source than Shen Jiu's. It would also make sense for neither of them to wear a cinnabar mark, if an artist chooses to simply not use this visual signifier.
The only characters actually mentioned in the novel as having any sort of forehead mark are the heavenly demons. Therefore, while Shen Qingqiu's cinnabar mark may be a solid visual depiction, there is no support for or against it in canon.
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portsandstars · 4 months
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vere cosplay progress:)
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accirax · 1 year
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the costume design was a highlight
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all-lee24 · 2 months
ALSO speaking of Miquella,,I’m trying to cosplay him
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pipsdelhi62 · 6 days
Join the Best Makeup Artist Course in Delhi at PIPS Delhi.
In today's world, where personal appearance and grooming hold significant value, the role of a makeup artist has never been more crucial. Makeup artists are the magicians behind the scenes, transforming looks and enhancing natural beauty for various occasions, from weddings and fashion shows to film productions and corporate events. If you're passionate about makeup and want to turn this passion into a thriving career, PIPS (Premier Institute for Professional Studies) Delhi offers the best makeup artist course in Delhi to help you achieve your dreams. This comprehensive article will guide you through the benefits, curriculum, and unique features of joining the makeup artist course at PIPS Delhi, ensuring you make an informed decision about your future.
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Why Choose a Makeup Artist Course in Delhi?
Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is a hub for fashion, beauty, and entertainment industries. The city's diverse and dynamic environment makes it an ideal place to pursue a career in makeup artistry. Here are some compelling reasons to choose a makeup artist course in Delhi:
1. Exposure to a Diverse Clientele
Delhi's cosmopolitan culture means you'll encounter clients from various backgrounds, each with unique beauty needs and preferences. This exposure will help you develop a versatile skill set and adapt to different styles, making you a more well-rounded makeup artist.
2. Networking Opportunities
Delhi hosts numerous fashion shows, beauty pageants, film productions, and corporate events, providing ample networking opportunities. Building connections with industry professionals, such as photographers, fashion designers, and event planners, can open doors to exciting career opportunities.
3. Access to Top Training Institutes
Delhi is home to some of the best makeup artist training institutes in India, offering comprehensive courses that cover everything from basic techniques to advanced skills. PIPS Delhi stands out with its industry-relevant curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities.
4. Thriving Beauty Industry
The beauty industry in Delhi is thriving, with countless salons, spas, and beauty parlors seeking skilled makeup artists. Additionally, Delhi's bridal makeup, fashion makeup, and editorial makeup scenes provide endless opportunities for specialization and growth.
Why Choose PIPS Delhi for Your Makeup Artist Course?
PIPS Delhi is renowned for offering the best makeup artist course in Delhi. Here are several reasons why PIPS is the ideal choice for aspiring makeup artists:
1. Accreditation and Reputation
PIPS Delhi is an accredited institution with a strong reputation for providing high-quality education and training in makeup artistry. The institute has received positive reviews and testimonials from past students who have successfully launched their careers in the beauty industry.
2. Experienced Faculty
The faculty at PIPS Delhi consists of experienced professionals with extensive knowledge and expertise in makeup artistry. They provide personalized guidance, hands-on training, and valuable industry insights to help you master various makeup techniques.
3. Comprehensive Curriculum
PIPS Delhi offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from basic makeup application to advanced techniques. The curriculum is designed to provide a well-rounded education and prepare you for a successful career in makeup artistry.
4. State-of-the-Art Facilities
PIPS Delhi boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including fully-equipped makeup studios, high-quality products, and tools. Access to the latest technology and products enhances your learning experience and ensures you receive hands-on training with industry-standard equipment.
5. Industry Connections
PIPS Delhi has strong connections with leading salons, beauty parlors, and event management companies. These connections provide internship and job placement opportunities, helping you gain valuable hands-on experience and establish connections in the industry.
6. Flexible Learning Options
PIPS Delhi offers both online and offline learning options, allowing you to choose a learning mode that suits your schedule and preferences. This flexibility ensures you can receive a high-quality education regardless of your location or time constraints.
7. Supportive Learning Environment
PIPS Delhi provides a supportive learning environment where students can thrive and grow. The instructors are dedicated to helping you succeed and provide personalized guidance and feedback to help you reach your full potential.
Curriculum Overview: What You Will Learn
PIPS Delhi's makeup artist course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the beauty industry. Here's a detailed look at what you will learn:
1. Fundamentals of Makeup Application
Understanding the basics is crucial for any makeup artist. You'll start with the fundamentals, including:
Skin Types and Tones: Learn how to identify different skin types and tones and select suitable products for each.
Face Shapes: Understand various face shapes and how to enhance features using makeup techniques.
Color Theory: Master the principles of color theory to create harmonious and flattering makeup looks.
2. Advanced Makeup Techniques
As you progress, you'll delve into advanced makeup techniques that set you apart from the competition:
Contouring and Highlighting: Learn how to sculpt and define facial features using contouring and highlighting techniques.
Smokey Eyes and Cut Crease: Master popular eye makeup styles to create dramatic and captivating looks.
Airbrush Makeup: Get hands-on experience with airbrush makeup, a technique preferred for its flawless and long-lasting finish.
3. Bridal and Special Occasion Makeup
One of the most lucrative areas in makeup artistry is bridal and special occasion makeup. You'll learn how to:
Create Long-Lasting Looks: Ensure makeup stays fresh and flawless throughout the event.
Customize Makeup for Different Styles: Adapt your techniques to suit traditional, contemporary, and theme-based weddings.
Manage Client Expectations: Understand the importance of communication and consultation to deliver satisfactory results.
4. Fashion and Editorial Makeup
Fashion and editorial makeup require a unique skill set. You'll learn how to:
Collaborate with Industry Professionals: Work effectively with photographers, designers, and stylists to create cohesive looks.
Adapt to Different Themes: Create versatile looks that fit various fashion show and photoshoot themes.
Stay Updated with Trends: Keep abreast of the latest trends and techniques in the fashion industry.
5. Hygiene and Skincare
Maintaining high standards of hygiene and skincare is essential for a professional makeup artist. You'll learn about:
Sanitation Practices: Properly clean and sanitize your tools and products to prevent infections and ensure client safety.
Skincare Routines: Educate clients on the importance of skincare and recommend suitable products for different skin types.
6. Business and Marketing Skills
In addition to makeup skills, you'll gain essential business and marketing knowledge to thrive as a freelance makeup artist or salon owner:
Client Management: Develop effective communication and consultation skills to build strong client relationships.
Pricing Strategies: Learn how to price your services competitively while ensuring profitability.
Branding and Marketing: Create a strong personal brand and utilize social media and other marketing channels to promote your services.
7. Portfolio Development
A strong portfolio is crucial for showcasing your skills and attracting clients. Throughout the course, you'll:
Work on Real-World Projects: Gain practical experience by participating in photoshoots, fashion shows, and events.
Receive Feedback and Guidance: Get constructive feedback from your instructors to refine your techniques and improve your portfolio.
8. Internship and Job Placement Opportunities
PIPS Delhi offers internship and job placement opportunities with leading salons, beauty parlors, and event management companies. These opportunities provide valuable hands-on experience and help you establish connections in the industry. Many students have secured jobs through PIPS Delhi's extensive network of industry contacts.
The Journey to Becoming a Professional Makeup Artist
Becoming a professional makeup artist involves dedication, continuous learning, and hands-on experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you on your journey:
Step 1: Enroll in a Makeup Artist Course
The first step is to enroll in a reputable makeup artist course. Choose a course that offers a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and hands-on training. PIPS Delhi provides the best makeup artist courses in Delhi, ensuring you receive top-notch education and training.
Step 2: Master the Basics
Start with the basics of makeup application, including understanding different skin types, face shapes, and color theory. Mastering the fundamentals is crucial for building a strong foundation in makeup artistry.
Step 3: Practice Regularly
Practice is key to becoming a skilled makeup artist. Practice different makeup techniques on yourself, friends, and family. Take before-and-after photos to track your progress and refine your skills.
Step 4: Build Your Portfolio
As you gain experience, start building a portfolio of your work. Include high-quality photos of various makeup looks you’ve created. A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills to potential clients and employers.
Step 5: Gain Hands-On Experience
Look for internship and job placement opportunities to gain hands-on experience. PIPS Delhi offers internship and job placement opportunities with leading salons, beauty parlors, and event management companies.
Step 6: Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with new trends and techniques emerging regularly. Stay updated with the latest trends by attending workshops, following industry influencers, and participating in beauty events.
Step 7: Market Yourself
Develop a strong personal brand and market yourself through social media, a professional website, and networking. Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to showcase your work and connect with potential clients and industry professionals.
Step 8: Continue Learning
Continuing education is essential for staying competitive in the beauty industry. Attend advanced makeup classes, workshops, and seminars to keep your skills up-to-date and expand your knowledge.
The Role of Event Management Companies in Makeup Artistry
Event management companies play a significant role in the makeup artistry industry, as they often require professional makeup artists for various events, including weddings, corporate events, fashion shows, and more. Here’s how makeup artistry and event management companies intersect:
1. Weddings
Event management companies frequently hire makeup artists to provide bridal and bridal party makeup services. Makeup artists must collaborate with wedding planners to ensure the makeup aligns with the overall theme and vision of the wedding.
2. Corporate Events
Corporate events, such as product launches, conferences, and gala dinners, often require professional makeup artists for guest speakers, presenters, and performers. Event management companies rely on skilled makeup artists to create polished and professional looks.
3. Fashion Shows
Fashion shows are a significant part of the makeup artistry industry. Makeup artists work with event management companies, fashion designers, and stylists to create cohesive and striking looks.
4. Photoshoots and Commercials
Photoshoots and commercials often require professional makeup artists to create specific looks that align with the project’s creative direction. Event management companies coordinate these projects and hire makeup artists to execute the desired aesthetics.
5. Special Events and Parties
Special events and parties, such as award ceremonies, red carpet events, and themed parties, often require professional makeup services. Event management companies hire makeup artists to ensure guests look their best for these high-profile occasions.
Success Stories: Alumni of PIPS Delhi
PIPS Delhi has a track record of producing successful makeup artists who have made their mark in the beauty industry. Here are a few success stories from PIPS Delhi alumni:
1. Meera Kapoor: Celebrity Makeup Artist
Meera Kapoor, a graduate of PIPS Delhi, is now a renowned celebrity makeup artist. She has worked with several Bollywood stars and is known for her expertise in creating glamorous and red carpet-worthy looks. Meera credits her success to the comprehensive training and industry connections she gained at PIPS Delhi.
2. Rahul Sharma: Bridal Makeup Specialist
Rahul Sharma specialized in bridal makeup during his course at PIPS Delhi. Today, he runs a successful bridal makeup studio in Delhi and is highly sought after for his ability to create stunning and long-lasting bridal looks. Rahul's portfolio and reputation have grown significantly thanks to the hands-on experience and mentorship he received at PIPS.
3. Anjali Verma: Fashion Makeup Artist
Anjali Verma, another PIPS Delhi alumna, has carved a niche for herself in the fashion industry. She regularly works with top fashion designers and models, creating bold and avant-garde looks for runway shows and editorial shoots. Anjali's success story is a testament to the advanced training and portfolio development opportunities provided by PIPS Delhi.
4. Rajesh Kumar: Freelance Makeup Artist
Rajesh Kumar took the freelance route after completing his course at PIPS Delhi. He has built a diverse clientele and works on various projects, including weddings, corporate events, and photoshoots. Rajesh attributes his versatility and business acumen to the comprehensive curriculum and business skills training he received at PIPS.
How to Enroll in PIPS Delhi’s Makeup Artist Course
Enrolling in PIPS Delhi's makeup artist course is a straightforward process. Here's how you can get started:
1. Visit the PIPS Delhi Website
Go to the official PIPS Delhi website to explore the makeup artist course offerings, curriculum, and admission requirements.
2. Fill Out the Application Form
Complete the online application form with your personal details, educational background, and any relevant experience. Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
3. Submit Supporting Documents
Submit the required supporting documents, such as your educational certificates, identification proof, and a recent photograph. Check the website for a complete list of required documents.
4. Pay the Application Fee
Pay the non-refundable application fee as specified on the website. The fee can usually be paid online through a secure payment gateway.
5. Attend the Interview
If your application is shortlisted, you may be invited for an interview with the admissions committee. The interview is an opportunity to discuss your passion for makeup artistry, career goals, and why you chose PIPS Delhi.
6. Receive Admission Decision
Once the interview process is complete, you will receive an admission decision from PIPS Delhi. If accepted, you will be provided with further instructions on how to complete the enrollment process.
7. Start Your Journey
After completing the enrollment process, you can begin your journey at PIPS Delhi. Attend the orientation session to familiarize yourself with the campus, faculty, and fellow students. Prepare to embark on an exciting and rewarding journey toward becoming a professional makeup artist.
Joining the best makeup artist course in Delhi at PIPS Delhi is a transformative experience that equips you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in the beauty industry. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong industry connections, PIPS Delhi is the ideal choice for aspiring makeup artists. Whether you dream of working with celebrities, specializing in bridal makeup, or making a mark in the fashion industry, PIPS Delhi provides the education and support to help you achieve your goals. Embark on this exciting journey and unlock your potential as a professional makeup artist at PIPS Delhi.
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sofiaruelle · 4 months
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I almost forgot about Study Sunday!!
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thefishdeath · 3 months
Never feel more masc then the times I try to look fem
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star-forg · 1 year
okay, don’t get me wrong, I love the part-scam part-demon not-at-all-human design for Hermie.. but before the new episode comes out and we (hopefully) learn more about this scammer, I needed to get out this concept of just,, complete background-character Hermie. 
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Something something Herman not knowing who he is so he adopts characters so he can be more interesting and note’worthy’ something something wanting to be seen because he’s always felt invisible something something. idk
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jamiethebeeart · 4 months
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Lineart by @marzfartz . When I saw this I knew at some point I'd be coloring it... I just didn't expect it to be this early in @green-with-envy-phandom-event
Details under readmore
Considering I put a dragon in the gem, and you can't make out half of the details I put in at full size, here:
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even with a closeup you can hardly see that I did make the corset tie cording and a velvet texture for the corset panels... (anyway I love the look of contrasting boning channels and I have far too much knowledge on corset making to be normal about it)
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thresholdbb · 4 months
Here's the plan:
Friday as Evil Holo-Janeway
Saturday as Bell Riot Jadzia
Sunday as (nebula jacket) Janeway
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zombieplaguedoc · 2 months
imagine your f/o(s) helping you put on makeup, pick out outfits, do your hair, decide jewelry to wear! anything!
the cautious and gentle touch they have, using the brushes to put on the eyeshadow, blush, eyeliner on you
the comforting compliments they give you when they take a step back to look at you
a huge smile appearing on their face when they see how much euphoria your getting by finally being able to dress how you'd want
they know anything that isn't masculine doesnt make you any less of who you are and they will proudly show you it <3
Antis dni, you do not belong on this post
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