#general Vanrouge x reader
hanafubukki · 20 days
Do you think General Lilia Vanrouge would leave the head of your enemy at your door?? You know, as a courting gift??
He wants to court you but doesn’t know how. So he asked the two that are in a happy marriage (his first mistake) and Baul Zigvolt (his second mistake maybe).
Meleanor and Levan’s response: “The head of your enemy.” (One of them is messing with him and the other is serious.)
Baul Zigvolt: “Anything from the Great Right General will be valued!” (He’s being genuine)
And…he listens to them like a fool.
You wake up to see a box by your door one day. Lo and behold, a head!
[Like a cat, he has brought you a gift. Look! Hasn’t he done well? See how capable he is?? Lolol]
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luxthestrange · 9 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#612 WARRIOR-
Lilia*Head stuck between your thighs*YOU SAY THAT IF I WON'T TAP OUT, YOU'LL SUFFOCATE ME?
Yuu*Looking a down at him with a raised brow*???
Lilia:*Holding your thighs making them squish his face more*TO DIE BY THIGH, IS THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR!?!
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rayroseu · 1 year
happy fathers day to the dads ever !! (2)
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i like the headcanon that lilia was a bitttt 🤏grumpy when first taking care of silver 😌 (kinda like how loid found anya troublesome at first until he studied parenting-)
like lilia "this bundle of sunshine??? you do know i hate the sun right?💢" vanrouge-- with a very cheerful baby in his arms
and YEAH i know,,,,, crowley at human fae war is so NOT TRUE. twst is just dangling that hint that crowley MIGHT BE fae akjdka IDK but that soldier is not really him-- yet i like to delude✨ that "what if maybe" you know😎‼️👍✨ (this will never be canon akdjsj)
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etheries1015 · 1 month
Imagine general Lilia when he's deep inside u, your eyes rolling the back of your head, panting, sweating, and moaning helplessly under his gaze. He grabs your wrists and pulls your arms while he fucks into you relentlessly, And when you cum so hard (or squirt) you're moaning his name loudly with uncontrollable trembling of your legs and he says this to u:
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an1m3bunbun · 1 year
Imagine Lilia having a crush on reader, but hiding it really well.
Then, when they meet his dream version, he still has those feelings for them (and doesn't know why), but is not even half as good at hiding them as his normal self. Cue a very confused Baul and Sebek and a rather embarrassed Silver (who probably has caught on) watching a blushy, stuttering general who has his eyes on reader whenever he can.
Pair all of this with an oblivious reader, that does not notice or just doesn't think it's about them.
When they ask him what's wrong, he can't even answer cause he just has Feelings™ and doesn't know where they are from.
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hyp3rf1xat10ns · 24 days
Your voice was very interesting. You had been born with an extra set of vocal cords which allows you to do many unique things with your voice. In fact, Malleus has been teaching you some phrases in Fae to see if you can pick it up. And to his surprise and yours, you pick it up rather easily! And soon enough you two are having full blown conversations. But never did you think it would come in handy.
Malleus had overblotted. The look of horror on everyones face would never leave your brain. You, Silver, Sebek and Grim currently were sitting around the fire with a much younger version of Lilia and Sebeks Grandfather. Many of the Fae spoke in Fae and in different dialects. It was fun actually understanding everything they were saying without having to rely on Sebek to translate everything. Knowing you could respond to them made it even better...but you decide not to speak as many of them seem put off by your presence as it is. That is...until Baur whispers something in Fae that Sebek didn't quite pick up as he was busy scolding Grim. To which Lilia muttered something back.
The two thought you were all suspicious since the beginning. But you...you were much difference. While everyone in the group had the blessing of a Nocturnal Fae, yours happened to be the strongest. Which made them weary of you. And they made it known. Whether it would be staring you down or keeping their distance or being a little more harsh in their words. You ignored it until Baur had mentioned all four of us were untrustworthy. You had had enough of them talking behind your backs. So you let them know, you can understand.
"I hope you are very much aware that I can understand every word you say crystal clear."
Silence. It was utterly silent. Even Sebek for once kept his mouth shut. Although his jaw gaped so wide it might as well have sunk to the pits of hell. However, the most taken aback seemed to be the General himself. "You know how to speak Fae?? How?? Typically it is impossible for humans to speak our language....So how did you?!-" You sigh softly as you begin to explain the extra vocal cord..
Even though you've explained...Lilia is still baffled. He can hardly believe it. But he wasn't suspicious of it. In fact he was interested. Maybe picking you four up in the woods wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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yaemikobbg · 11 months
General Lilia Vanrouge NSFW hc
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He is rough as HELL
He is almost always stressed due to his duties so you are his stress reliever
If you pull his hair he will go faster
He can go MANY and I mean MANY rounds
If you think your getting a break you are wrong
He has stamina for DAYS
He will degrade you so much omg
He will pull you into the forest or into a secluded area if he gets in the mood while he’s working
He gets so jealous so easily so what’s a better punishment than making you scream in the forest?
He bites HARD
One time you thought he tried to rip your arm off because he bit you so hard
He will give you some aftercare but just don’t mention it around anybody because he won’t be happy about it
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koneko-dreams · 4 months
Okay- Listen. Listen to me-
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With general/past Lilia x reader x Lilia(current)
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twstgarden · 11 months
❀ ❝ 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 ❞
━ general! lilia vanrouge x human! gn! reader ━ living as a human in a fae-dominated country during the war probably isn't your best idea, but you love the land of briar so much as you were born and raised in that nation. who knew that your little activity of picking berries in the forest would make you meet the famed fae general? will he think you're a spy and deem you as a threat or will he realize you're just an innocent human living in the forest? (f/n means first name)
requested by: anonymous request type: oneshot requester's message: Can I request a General Lilia and Human Reader one-shot? Something fluffy (wasn't sure if you were up to date with the game so didn't want to get too specific) florist's note: omg a general lilia request. don't worry, i'm up to date w the jp version of the game. thank you for the request, little one.
this work contains spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia's arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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“what are you doing out here, human?”
you flinched in surprise as a voice startled you from behind. you stood up and turned around with your basket on your arm, looking at the person who disturbed your little time. you were about to respond until you noticed the semi-familiar mask and the long dark hair with red highlights peeking out of this person’s hood.
it was the famed fae general.
“i was… just picking berries, sir.”
you responded as soon as you regained your thoughts. you continued to hold your basket as your eyes trailed all over his figure, taking in the details of his clothing and the mask covering his face. the eye holes glowed red, giving you the impression that it could be his eye colour. 
he was silent for a while as you responded, making you stay silent before looking down at your half-filled basket, tilting it a little to show him the contents.
“here… if you don’t believe me…”
the general looked at the basket for a quick second then looked back at you, speaking in a stern tone as he was still a little suspicious of you, “why pick berries all the way to this forest? you might be one of those pesky silver owl spies for all i know.”
silver owl? ah, that must be the human knights wearing iron armour and stealing the resources of the land of briar. 
what a disappointment… your own kind seemed to have never learned not to steal other’s resources. 
“ah… no… i’m not a spy nor am i a part of the silver owls… i’m just a human living in the forest and this spot is the closest area for berry picking to my cottage,” you tried to explain yourself to the general as the red glow in the mask’s eyeholes stared back at you with extreme intensity. 
when he did not respond for a while, you bowed a little to show respect and asked, “am i free to go, general?” 
he let out a short hum and held onto his weapon as he replied, “go. avoid the forest as much as possible, human. it’s not safe here. evacuate while you can.” you gave him a small smile and bowed your head again, “thank you, general, but i’ll be fine in this forest. have a great evening, sir.”
you held onto your basket and smiled for a quick second before turning around and walking away from the general, heading back to your lovely little cottage settled just a few meters away from the berry-picking spot. 
so that was the fae general. you finally had the chance to meet him face-to-face. his aura made him quite intimidating, especially when he holds that magical lithic. still, you didn’t want that to scare you. you knew you did nothing wrong, so there was no reason to fear him coming after you. 
that aside, the berries you picked were to your expectations, and you grabbed enough to bake your pie for dinner. with that in mind, you got to work, prepping the ingredients and baking your pie. the scent of the pie flooded your kitchen and the surrounding area of your cottage.
lucky for you, your little neighbourhood was safe and rarely do you ever find any threatening creatures, just a bunch of adorable woodland creatures. by the time your pie was finished baking, you had dinner by yourself on a picnic bench right outside your cottage, enjoying the greenery despite the darkness of the forest. 
it was going well until you felt another presence with you sitting right in front of you on the picnic bench. you glanced at the person and saw a soldier wearing armour with the palace guards’ coat of arms and a mask covering their face looking at you ━ or rather, the pie. it seems they’ve smelt it from wherever they were staying and came over. 
the soldier started screeching and you knew it was speaking to you in their language. unfortunately, being human meant it was hard for you to pick up and understand what they were saying, so you had to rely on the soldier’s body language. 
noticing how they were eyeing the single slice of pie in your hand, you thought the soldier wanted to have some, making you extend your hand a little as you spoke, “you want a pie? wait here.”
you then entered your cottage to grab the remaining slices of pie on your table and went out, placing it on the picnic table right in front of the soldier, “here, have this! you can share it with the rest of the soldiers, there’s plenty left!” 
the soldier stared at the pie for a while before looking up at you as if they were checking for any signs of hesitation or whatnot. you merely smiled to show no ill will, but another screech was heard from behind the soldier and your eyes immediately noticed the general standing right there. 
the soldier turned around and saluted at the general before screeching back, making it evident to you that they are conversing in their own language. moments later, the soldier disappeared into the dark forest, leaving you with the general as you looked at him, “did you tell him to leave?”
“no, i told him not to take food from others even if they try to offer it.”
you sighed as you sat on the picnic bench, “are you still wary of me?” 
oh, how straightforward. very admirable.
“i see… well, i’m not sure what i should say to make you think i’m just a regular forest resident and not a spy, but at least have a pie. there’s plenty left to share. it’s not poisoned if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“i am not interested in eating human food.”
those were the last things he said before disappearing into the night somewhere in the forest, presumably heading back to where his soldiers were camping out. you blinked your eyes for a moment before shrugging your shoulders and mumbling under your breath, “alright, general…” 
days have passed and you’ve occasionally seen the general around the forest as you did your usual activities. he had warned you not to dilly-dally around the forest, while other times, he just ignored you and let you do your thing as well as informing his troops not to harm you. 
soon, it escalated to some of the soldiers even paying you a visit just to check on you. you appreciated their gestures, but at the back of your mind, you wondered if the general grew to accept you as a regular citizen of their country. you even got to meet one of the soldiers called baul zigvolt as he paid your cottage a visit once to see if you were well or not. in return, you gave him one of your pastries or meals that he can share with the rest of his comrades. it certainly has become sort of a routine to you at this point.
one day, none of the soldiers paid you a little visit, which made you wonder if they were alright or if they’d moved their camp somewhere else further away from your cottage. you sat on the picnic bench right outside your cottage as you sipped on some beverage you made yourself, watching the surrounding areas for any signs of life, watching the moon and the stars up in the sky shining down on you, listening to the crickets in the distance, and feeling the cold breeze in the air as it made the trees sway a little. 
you were about to head back inside until you heard a familiar voice a few steps behind you. 
“waiting for something?”
you turned around and smiled as you saw the same old mask as the familiar figure stood there, “well… someone, rather.” 
a chuckle was heard from the general before walking towards you and sitting on the picnic bench before you. your smile was still present on your face as you spoke, “i’m doing alright if you’re here to check on me. i appreciate all your efforts, general.”
it was silent for a bit, but you remained smiling at him. a few seconds later, his hands hovered over his mask before grabbing it, revealing his features as his red eyes looked right at you.
your eyes widened slightly. he was really good-looking. you couldn’t find the right words to say, but you remained smiling as he spoke to you, “...that’s a relief, then. you need to know how dangerous this place is. it isn’t safe for you to stay here, human.”
“my name’s f/n…” 
the general smiled a little and continued to speak, “i see…” you smiled and proceeded to reply to his words earlier, “i’ll be alright here, general. this is my home… i was raised in this cottage by my parents. now that i’m alone, i still wish to stay here.” he nodded a little as you added, “...thank you, general, for looking out and considering me as the land of briar’s citizen…”
he didn’t say anything for a moment as you handed him a little flower from your garden and a few cookies with a sheepish smile, “i didn’t get to cook or bake much today, so… please accept this..”
the general grabbed the cookies and the flower from you as he placed the flower safely by the belt of his armour while grabbing a cookie and taking a bite. a few moments later, you conversed with the general until he had to head back to his camp. 
you stood before him and spoke as you went to see him off, “thank you for visiting, general. be safe out there.” he nodded his head and placed a rose on your hair, already wearing a mask as he did so, “... there… you look beautiful… and you’re the one who needs to be safe out here, f/n. i’ll see you again tomorrow.” he then disappeared into the night, but his words were still in your mind. 
the general thinks you look beautiful. 
“oh dear me, my heart can’t take this…” you whispered as you hovered a hand above your chest, right where your heart was. you smiled to yourself as you entered your cottage and went to your room, laying on your bed as you hugged your pillow.
“i hope i’ll see him again tomorrow…”
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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Self-aware au
Written before the English release!
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Jp-version spoiler(!!!), death, description of war, unhealthy mindset, religion, obsessive themes, unhealthy family dynamics
General! Lilia Vanrouge/(Platonic) Maleanor Draconia/(Platonic) Knight of Dawn-Yandere headcanons
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Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce? Lilia Vanrouge 1.0. The more cold, hard and ready to behead the next human version of the usual Lilia (also known as the Lilia Vanrouge 2.0 model)
Lilia back then was “rough” and I am being nice calling him that
Back then, Lilia was surrounded by loss and a lot of Faes getting everything they ever owned ripped away from them
Of course this impacts him (I mean he is strolling through battlefield after battlefield so of course it does)
Lilia wasn't always such a devoted follower
Yes, he did believe in the Overseer, aka you, but only after witnessing the brutality that came with him being a general did he turn into a follower with such drastic views
After all, if there was no higher meaning to all this violence, to all this loss and despair, what was even the point of it all?
You became his moral, mental and also a bit of a physical crutch for him
Whenever he felt like he was this close to just giving up, he thought about you and that this was part of your greater plan (totally not part of some valley church propaganda)
After witnessing that human hiding behind the Knight of Dawn in all his haughtiness and cruelty, he finally set out on his quest not only to make the humans leave his beloved home but also to make them into loyal believers of the Overseer
But sadly, everything was for nought and Lilia had to go into hiding
The only thing keeping him going was his believe in you having a greater plan
A few hundred years later and Lilia finally found out what that supposed plan of yours was
Laying in that cold, lonely crib was the child of his old, now deceased enemy
Taking the child, now called Silver, in he learned the joy of a family, the boy giving him more joy than anything ever before in his life
Finally, he had found peace. Of course he did. This was your plan all along, right? You must have ordered those three fairies to make his beloved son survive until now, right?
You were, after all, a kind deity. There was no way this was all just a war happening because of greed. Because if this truly was just events happening after events then...
Lilia never finished that thought
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The great ruler of the night fae, mighty and powerful sorceress who could fell an entire nation in one swoop if she wanted to was despite her cruel and aloof outside appearance a pretty devoted follower since the beginning
Despite being a Fae, she was feared just like her unborn son due to her powers (and being more or less being on the same level as a nuclear bomb but hey, I doubt that anyone of us would stand next to one of those, right?)
So it is no surprise that she turned to something, someone, to feel less alone
Especially after her husband disappeared did she wish for some sort of sign that she was not alone
And oh boy, did religious propaganda from the high church take that loneliness away
When her beloved son, although in an egg, was born, she visited your altar daily, thanking you for her child being healthy
(This could also be the reason why Malleus is the way he is but I am just a writer and not some all-knowing God so idk, just a theory)
She definitely has "taken care" *cough*totallynotproblematicforarulertobeinfluencedbyreligion*cough* of Fae that were non-believers
How dare their sinful ways dirty your holy image?
See? Totally not problematic
At first she only tried to protect her subjects after the humans attacked and took over parts of her kingdom
But after a while she started to have another goal
What if she shared your splendor with those little useless invaders?
Humans were most definitely vile but you were able to unite so many different kinds of Fae in your name under the Draconia name
So why not also unite those humans in your name in a peace treaty?
Such a kind God you were! Allowing for peace in your name!
And, well, if violence and destruction was needed to make those beings understand and surrender, then that shall be what they get
Besides, she was only honoring her husbands wish to get closer to the humans so who was she to selfishly aim for another goal?
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The Knight of Dawn (long name, I know) did not always believe in you
Heck, the poor guy probably never heard of you until he fought the Fae
But if the humans from back then didn't really know about you, then how did he find out about and why did he start to see you as his God?
On this part, I would say, he and Lilia were eerily similair
Both were pushed into a war neither liked, so of course he was also in a very unstable situation which made him, like Lilia, search for something to hold on to
The three Fairies had mentioned before when he was still training to become as strong as he was now, mentioning a kind deity who accepted all, who loved unconditionally
Back then he only thought of you as one of the many deities that were prayed to back then
But once the war started and he saw your churches and cathedrals for the first time, his opinion slowly started to shift until he saw you as the highest being possible
I mean, all of us would if we lost all stability over night, having only destroyed buildings and a half-standing church in front of us
He hated the plundering of your sacred placed even before he became a believer, having the opinion that it was just a cultural difference between the two kinds
This led to him kneeling at the cracked altars of many of your churches, asking for forgiveness, hoping that you would understand that he didn't have another choice
What he would do to witness one of your sermons…
And when he was lonely enough, he imagined you watching down on him from up above
Just like a... a parent
You see where I am going with this?
So when he was facing the Queen he only hoped for your forgiveness, hoping that his loving family member would forgive his gravest sin, him killing a mother
And he found salvation, in letting that child and the retainer escape
Perhaps you could forgive him now
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feimier · 1 year
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love is a foreign concept for general lilia. He is far too occupied to mingle with the intensely time consuming matter that is love— would be what he tells you if you happen to chance upon the pleasure of asking him. After all, he is the general of an army at war; he barely has any moments of sense and clarity, much less to consider the idea of love. Sure, he has experienced one or two infatuations or sparks of attraction, but they were always left alone at that. None of the sparks were ever allowed to blossom into fires.
but for lilia— the lilia who does not have his nation’s wellbeing on his shoulders; the lilia that is familiar with familial love— is the lilia that craves the wild imagines of romance the most. But war did not teach him love, and so he is unacquainted. He does not recognise love, does not know how to readily present his affections, does not know how to deal with the passionate emotions. Yet he craves nonetheless.
“…rouge? Twisted wonderland to Lilia Vanrouge?”
He thinks of you in ardent admiration.
“Yes? my camellia”
He draws his attention back to you, and leans his head against his hand. Silence sits for a moment, and he continues to wonder about how you’ve captured his soul entirely. One look from you and his heart spirals as do the fervent waves of the sea; one smile from you and his world is set ablaze into a comet chasing for your attentions. If he didn’t know better he would’ve accused you of hexing him— the constant turbulence of his emotions still incomprehensible for him (he still insists on believing that this kind of love only exists in fiction).
“…’re spacing out again aren’t you. You’ve been doing that a lot lately.. did anything special happen?”
“No.. I’m just alright my dear”
War did teach him that the worst method to resolve a situation is gambling..
But if it’s you, he can only hope that he played his cards right.
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank you for the support ♪
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hanafubukki · 1 month
Imagining YN’s role in the war.
They might not have knight training nor magic but they have dealt with Overblots, and with that came certain skills and expertise.
Such as learning how to bandage and treat wounds, learning advantage of terrains, hiding when needed, helping with supplies, cooking, and at times even tactical input.
Of course, at first, they wouldn’t be trusted just like Silver and Sebek.
Grim’s voracious appetite and attitude another factor, but everyone helped in their own ways.
You included.
What surprised the fae army, to an extent, even your dream companions was the way you handled General Vanrouge.
His surly attitude was different from the Lilia you knew and loved, but his subtle actions gave way to the fae he will become.
Besides, you knew how to handle stubborn men. You spent enough time at NRC to get some handle on it.
The fae army and co watched as you pulled their surly General to the main campfire.
You two bantering at each other all the while. A few of them choked on their meals as you stuffed a spoon laden with a healing potion into his mouth before taking his arm and slowly unclasping the bands of his armor.
You told Silver to get you the needed supplies, who then scrambled to quickly retrieve them.
The soldiers under General Lilia Vanrouge knew him well, knew he was more than capable of breaking free of your hold and running off if he wished to.
You? A measly human? Had no power to one of the strongest in their land.
And yet.
He didn’t.
In fact, it seemed like a part of him enjoyed it.
No one would tell it to his face for fear of repercussion.
But they knew their General, he could be…oblivious at times, especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.
So they watched this game that played out in front of them, it was rather entertaining.
Some even started a betting pool for when he would realize his feelings, even Sir Baul Zigvolt joined.
You might not have magic nor were you a knight, but you were able to handle their General Vanrouge when only a few could before.
That was enough to earn their respect.
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luxthestrange · 3 months
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ANGY CROCO-BABY ALERT....Sebby is angy that he cant fly like his big brothers ...either by magic or broom-
Lilia sending you pictures of sebby
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poppurini · 1 year
general lilia with an affectionate lover who just couldn’t resist giving him sweet kisses and hugs even when he’s with his subordinates!! you’re gasping and running to him with eagerness when you see him and his crew come back, throwing yourself onto the man while squealing and peppering his face with your love for him. he’s chuckling a little awkwardly with the slightest tint of blush because everyone’s watching the fearsome general of briar valley getting all smooched like this?!?! but he doesn’t push you away and instead hugs you tightly while sighing in contentment into your shoulder with a small chuckle— patting your head lightly as a way to calm his excited darling down. he always give you a small lecture about pda but you never listen because you know it doesn’t really bother him anyway and he secretly looves how publicly affectionate you are with him!!!
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etheries1015 · 8 months
Endless amount of marriage proposals. From your first meeting, to your very last. You couldn't help it, even being human and he a fae, General Lilia was the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes upon.
Since your first meeting with him, despite being under threat of his weapon and nearing the end of the war, you had uttered with stars in your eyes your first proposal.
"Please marry me!" Your hands gripped the weapon with anticipation of his answer, Lilias eyes widening as he was taken back from the request. THIS was who he was meant to work with for the next however long? This was the human who stragitized and turned their back on the humans to aid the fae? How pathetic, he thought. He could never see himself remotely getting along with someone as air headed and brash as you.
You had a lot of perseverance, Lilia would give you that much. Yet no matter the amount of times you would pop the question "Will you marry me yet?" he ignored your advances and continued to brush you off, yet each time his resolve had lessen more and more. He could feel your words begin to affect him, and he was not liking it. He had to do something, and fast.
Thus, your simple words of affection drove him to blowing up at you, saying words he would soon come to regret and know deep down in his heart simply was not true. It would never happen! You're nothing but a feeble human in his eyes, and he would never love you. He wanted that much to be clear, that there was a line between you two. At least, to convince himself as much.
The final meeting was much sooner than he thought it would be. He could have sworn he had more time, you were so young, you were supposed to have a life ahead of you. You were supposed to continue to pursue him and break his walls down, to finally free him of his lonely life. He could feel his resolve fading, you were supposed to ask again that evening, yet there you were, bleeding out against the forest floor from an ambush that was unanticipated. You were caught unawares as you gathered herbs in the forest, Lilia now regretting his rejection to your extended invitation out of petty anger from the argument that ensued just the night prior.
Lilia was the first to find you. Hovering over your body with his long strands of hair cupping your frail body. He held your dying body as you moved your hand to his cheeks, cold fingers hesitantly pressing them against his soft pale skin suprised to witness wet tears staining them. You had never seen the general cry before, surely they were tears of happiness that you would stop pestering him with the question of marriage? Or perhaps on the flip side, you wondered. "Have I stolen your heart yet?" You breathed out with your same teasing smile, Lilia gripping your hand tighter as a tear slipped out of his glossed over ruby eyes and onto your muddied cheek.
"You have. A long time ago."
Alternative ending here
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twisted-dork · 7 months
Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse Incorrect Quotes #18 (Almost) Everyone is Dead
*Somewhat Spoilers for Book 7 and for demon slayer*
General Lilia and Giyuu!Yuu are arguing
General Lilia: SHUT UP!!
General Lilia: What makes you think you know anything about it.
General Lilia: It’s easy for a mere human to talk. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!
Giyuu!Yuu: Easy just try to calm down
*Lilia holds a blade to Giyuu!Yuu neck*
General Lilia: Maybe if I was to kill the most important people in your life.
General Lilia: Everyone who’s ever meant anything maybe then I’d listen to you.
General Lilia: Because maybe then you’d have some idea how I feel.
*Giyuu!Yuu takes the hand that has the blade Lilia’s holding*
Giyuu!Yuu: Hmm
Giyuu!Yuu: It’s an interesting theory but I’m afraid you’re a little late to put it to the test.
*Lilia looks at Giyuu!Yuu in shock*
Giyuu!Yuu: Everyone you’re talking about has already been killed
In the distance
Silver: Do you think they forgot about us or is not mentioning us for our own protection.
Tanjiro!Yuu: I mean I technically was killed soooo….
Nezuko!Yuu: Hmm hmm mhm hmm mhm hmm (I also technically died twice so probably your protection Silver)
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