#malpractice cw
bread-tab · 2 years
going through papers looking for a misplaced piece of paperwork and found a note from after one of my last sessions with my crappy therapist
"[Therapist] not the type to be harsh w/o good reason so I'd better sit up & listen even if it felt mean. It shows faith in me that she would be brutally honest w/ me even though she knows I'm sensitive as hell - She believed I could take it."
actually no, bro! if your therapist makes you feel like this that is a RED FLAG 🚩
seriously if you're in therapy and the vibe gets this bad there needs to be major work done to repair the relationship and if you feel like you can't safely bring it up then get out of there. get a different therapist. this is NOT how therapy is supposed to go. there has to be TRUST before you can get anything actually done
the "harsh" talk was in reference to me being repeatedly late, a problem rooted in my adhd and anxiety, which was interfering with everything in my life including getting to therapy. in some strange coincidence, after i stopped going to my therapy appointments i started slowly getting better about that! almost as if the way she was addressing the problem was making my anxiety worse!
even if you are partially at fault in a situation like this, there are healing ways to address issues and set boundaries. someone you are going to for help should not be tearing you down further. therapists are trained to be actively not shitty about things like this even if they're frustrated
i can't believe i put up with this person for nearly a year 😠
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coeursetcolores · 1 year
Alfyn, the Apothecary: Chapter 2
WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Chapter 2 of Alfyn’s story in Octopath Traveler!
Alright! Time to destroy our hopes of making a difference in the world with the harsh reality of the pharmaceutical business!
I swear, if this story kicks the life out of my sunshine boy...
Well, we made it to Goldshore at the right time! There’s a sickness going through town! And our boy Alfyn’s on it!
His first patient is a little girl! Again. Oh well, he’s on the case!
...Well he would be. Seems another apothecary’s here. One with very suspicious sounding voice clips....
Time to leave little Ellen then. Our sweet boy will continue on his way.
And to Ellen’s mother, ma’am! I was just trying to help! And there’s nothing wrong with being scruffy! Geez!
What a simple chapter! Now onward to...
...No one bought that, right?
Yeah, we got plenty more to cover. Especially about possibly one of the most twisted characters in this game; and frighteningly, one you could see in real life.
Let’s talk about Goldshore first. We’ve made it to the retirement town! Beautiful beaches and a district for the wealthy, you can just see millionaires flocking here to spend their last days. The water blends beautifully with the sand pixels, making use of the 2d-3d presentation. The sand looks great too, great job on the layering. I also like detail of the cliffs cutting into the bricks on the steps, it really sells the coastal vibe. And the sparkles simulating the shimmering reflection of the sun tie it all together. The city itself is simple, even in the fancier district. Just content to let the beach take center stage. This does make the church seem out of place, clashes with the tone. Still nice. Though, you’d think a town this fancy would clean up that boat wreck at the shore...
Alfyn continues to be a sweet boy, nothing new on that front. I am glad I got to see him figure out stuff on his own: he observed Vanessa’s behavior and while he believed her at first like everyone else, once he saw her act in a way contrary to how she was at first, he became suspicious and investigated thoroughly. It’s important to balance his kindness with his intelligence.
I like that this chapter doesn’t just demonize wanting money. Sure, more value is placed on love like the moral goes, but money is acknowledged as something necessary to survive. Love and helping others is great, but you need to support yourself while you’re at it. The problem is when you let your desire for money override your conscience.
Of course we end up having to cure a sick little girl after all. Who is poor. And was sick before this. All to show how depraved someone would have to be to not want to treat her. Hopefully her mom will be more grateful now...
Okay. Did not expect Ellen to say that.
The Caves of Azure were actually kind of pretty, especially the boss room. I really liked how the emphasis on blue worked, and how the lighting hit it.
Vanessa Hyzel...is a scarily realistic villain. Seeming to cure illness, only to give the patient a new one...Hiding behind a facade of charity to build believability so there’s less of a fuss when she overcharges...This could and does happen in real life. Scam artists are everywhere. And we don’t have a lot of Alfyns to stop them.
Of course she’s a summon boss. Well, at least she explains why they’re there!
Dang. That was cold, Alfyn. I underestimated you. I knew we couldn’t let her get away, but I didn’t think he’d drug her. Okay, he’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
Yeah, I deserve an apology! Not all scruffy drifters are bad guys, ma’am!
The ending was sweet. It’s nice to have your efforts appreciated, even if you only get seashells from some little girls. But, okay! Getting money in this game is not easy, but I’m not poor! And grown-ups can cry! Everyone has feelings! And you’ll get there Alfyn. You’ll be just like your hero.
Maybe even better.
As for the other’s thoughts on observing a pandemic:
H’aanit: It’s nice she appreciates how good he is with kids. It’s good for work! But she will smile when she feels like it, thank you.
Olberic: It’s nice to see someone whose work is fighting praise someone who works in healing. And I’m glad Alfyn doesn’t criticize Olberic for being someone who’s caused a lot of injuries. They both respect each other and share a determination to hone their crafts. It’s nice.
Cyrus: Dang it, Alfyn! Have some more faith in yourself! You’ll get there! And you’re already doing a good job! ACCEPT THE PRAISE!
Tressa: Way to get our hopes up, Tress. Don’t come at me with that sentimental stuff, we got a party to feed! Okay, I kinda like the mushy, value can’t always be measured in money.
Therion: ...Alfyn, you’re scaring me. How does a conscience get pricked? What does he need to be careful about, Theri? I think he has more of that stuff!
Primrose: You just defended crying, Alfyn. Now you’re trying to look tough in front of Prim. Make up your mind. But yeah, he’d be a great father. One day.
Ophilia: ...’Kay. TMI, don’t need to know about your nervous itching, or where it is, but okay. We’ll keep the praise to a minimum. Even if it’s well-deserved.
Now we go to Saintsbridge!
...I don’t trust that name. Kind of ominous.
But maybe that’s why they need an apothecary?
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wilson-apologist · 23 days
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The collection so far. If anyone has any other ones, pleaseeee I need them
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vi-138 · 8 months
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popsicle-stick · 3 months
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pov the corpse you are doing an ill advised post mortem on just gets up and looks at you like this wyd
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socialc1imb · 3 months
I won't go preaching sermons to the choir.
What’s it for?
I won't go through the motions anymore.
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(Simon from @starryhologram’s SCP au)
Do NOT repost my art without asking/without credit.
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simmyfrobby · 4 months
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“Autopsy,” from A Cruelty Special to Our Species: Poems, Emily Jungmin Yoon
hockey poetry post nr ?
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oldworldghost · 8 days
Sex with Jonathan Crane but you're both under the influence and by under the influence I mean of his fear toxin but only just enough. Enough to get you both on edge - far too aware of every noise and touch and feeling, just drugged up enough that the mix of adrenaline and fear has you both more desperate than usual because if you don't finish soon someone will see you or hurt you or one of you will leave or something. Desperate and scared enough that you both cling to each other.
Bonus points if Jonathan has his mask on during it too. You can't see his face but you can see how his pupils dilate, hear how ragged his breathing is - how it hitches at the slightest noise outside or whenever your nails scrape down his back. In this essay I will-
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spro-o · 2 months
CW: blood!!
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‘Top Secret’, season 3
love this episode,,, especially his weird-ass, catheter-induced fever dream ❤️
my comms are open!!
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arowitharrows · 9 months
God how I wish there'd been articles like this years ago when people were tripping over themselves to deny any and all struggles asexual people face. The amount of times people demanded "proof" when we talked about our experiences. Well, there's certainly more research being published nowadays, if that counts as "proof". I hope they read it.
Today “asexuality is widely accepted as a sexual orientation in the literature,” Hille says, but cultural awareness remains in its infancy, especially compared with other orientations under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. Saying you don't experience sexual attraction is still like saying you don't eat, Hille explains, and “if you don't eat, there's something wrong with you, and you're hurting yourself.” Asexual people sometimes get this message not just from family and acquaintances but from their health-care providers. Shelby Wren, a health equity researcher at the University of Minnesota, published a study in 2020 in which 30 to 50 percent of respondents who had disclosed their asexuality in a medical setting said a therapist or doctor had attributed their asexuality to a health condition. The proposed diagnoses included anxiety, depression and, in one case, a personality disorder. “You don't know what's going to happen when you disclose your sexual orientation,” Wren says. “And for a lot of people, that stops them from talking about things that could be relevant to their health care.”
Refraining from disclosing one's asexuality to a mental health provider is often a “very rational decision,” Chasin says. “It's always much worse to be actively rejected and misunderstood.” For instance, asexual people are sometimes subjected to conversion therapy, a practice aimed at changing someone's sexuality or gender identity. It is banned for minors in 22 U.S. states because of its well-documented and extensive harms, including increased rates of suicide. A 2018 U.K. government survey of LGBTQIA+ people found that asexual respondents were the most likely to be offered conversion therapy and as likely as gay and lesbian people to receive it. A recent survey by the Trevor Project found that 4 percent of asexual youths in the U.S. were subjected to conversion therapy, on par with bisexual respondents. On the legislative level, bans on conversion therapy should explicitly reference asexuality, Benoit says. So, too, should professional associations of health-care practitioners, says Samantha Guz, a social work researcher at the University of Chicago. “Asexual people are made to be so invisible in our society that I don't think just having a broad call against conversion therapy is specific enough,” Guz says.
Even well-meaning doctors might unwittingly harm their patients. To a clinician, a patient who is worried that they should feel more sexual desire—and who does not know they are simply asexual—might initially look similar to patients who want sexual intimacy and could benefit from treatments aimed at increasing or restoring desire. Treatments for certain types of sexual dysfunction do help some people whose level of sexual desire leaves them distressed and unsatisfied, Brotto says. For some people, though, this distress may be coming not from an intrinsic desire to want sex but from external pressures such as partners or society as a whole. “I have worked with folks where it's taken us many, many months for the person to really understand how well asexuality fits with their identity,” as opposed to having an issue that is rooted in a health problem or a situational condition, Brotto says. Most doctors, though, don't know that such a distinction exists or is necessary, she adds.
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jabberwockypie · 3 months
Doctors, Maybe Be Less Predictably Shitty?
A friend of mine is newly chronically ill since getting COVID last fall, and I've been trying to help coach her on medical self-advocacy because that's a whole new skillset.
Friend: So I have [Textbook Symptoms] of [Problems Disorder] and I'd like a referral to be tested for it, because it's really fucking up my life. Doctor: Eh, I don't know what you'd even get out of that, really, so I don't see the point. Also you need to lose weight. Friend: Well unfortunately the [Symptoms] have stopped me from being able to exercise. :( :( :( Doctor: Oh, we should get you a referral right away! Here you go!
Like. I'm sorry, I would think that having a resting heartrate of 120 BPM when you're trying to sleep is, you know, A PROBLEM.
But I'm not a doctor! What do I know? (: (: (:
Incidentally, a different doctor she was trying to see about the fatigue suggested, of all things, HYPNOTHERAPY. For weight loss.
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can-of-woerms · 7 days
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i don't think this is normal behavior.,,, (close ups under the cut)
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kurtdotkelly · 29 days
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I SAW THIS AND KNEW I HAD TO. sketch under the cut
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candygriff · 4 months
me, dying in a hospital bed: omg this is just like house md
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syscultureis · 1 month
tw medical malpractice i think?
Self-dx'ed sys culture is feeling invalid because you're self-dx'ed :( but you HAD to because your old psychiatrist was gaslighting you and your family doesn't believe in plurality unless you're a serial killer
Self diagnosis is valid
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yoinkschief · 6 months
I'm in a real autistic mood lately,,,
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