#man fuck that side profile jesus
rogerrrroger · 2 years
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stop the jayce slander hes not that bad let my man live
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intheorangebedroom · 2 months
The corner deli
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Summary: You take a night trip to the corner deli and meet this handsome guy, but shit turns out weird.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x fem!reader
A/N:  This is what happens when I can't sleep. Happy Frankie Friday, Orange besties 🧡
Word count: 1.8k
The corner deli
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And here you are, another Friday night on your own, reading a book you can barely focus on, scrolling mindlessly in between chapters, slouched in your couch and feeling sorry for yourself. Those stupid, evil thoughts starting to whisper some nasty shit in the back of your mind, and you’re letting it happen. 
It’s on you, though, because some of your coworkers, the younger ones, offered you to go out with them but you said no. You’re too much of an introvert, but not enough that you don’t feel miserable now, sitting here alone while the city’s buoyant life unfolds without you behind your closed windows. What difference does it make, anyway. It goes on, whether you decide to join or not. No one misses you, so there.
Fuck it. Tonight, you’re gonna eat your feelings. You slip on your jeans and your shoes and go out to the deli on the corner, it’s open all night. You’ll get some Pringles or ice cream, whatever comes first. 
You’re walking down an aisle, hesitating between two flavors of Chex Mix, when you catch sight of THE most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your entire life. 
He’s tall. And so fucking broad. His denim shirt is working hard containing the breadth of his solid shoulders, his jeans are tight on his thighs. He’s got a scruffy, patchy beard and strands of brown hair curling at his ears underneath his trucker hat. He’s all sharp profile, solid features, plush lips, oh! his lips are just… generous, and his eyes… god his eyes are dark, deep and soulful. Wait, did you just use the word soulful? Well, he’s that fucking handsome. There’s a stern crease splitting his brow, but it’s tempered by the small wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, the kind you get from laughing often. 
You look down at yourself and… fuck. Your mascara has run off because yeah, maybe you cried a little, earlier. Your hair is dirty, pulled together in a messy bun that looks nothing like those supposedly effortless hairdos thrown at you in Instagram reels. The ones that make you feel unworthy of the air you’re breathing. You're wearing a dirty pair of 501 with your pajama shirt tucked in, there’s no way you're getting anywhere near him, even if you had any self-confidence to boot. 
You walk over to the back of the store. Not that it’s a good hiding spot, it’s just where the fridges are. And of course, they’re out of the one ice cream flavor you like. Wow. It really ain’t your day, is it? Craning your neck to scan the empty top shelf, you spot the very last Netflix and Chill’d all the way to the back. Opening the door, you stand on tiptoes, fingers scrambling over the icy shelf to grab it, but you can’t reach that high. 
That’s when you feel him. His chest barely brushing at your back. You get a whiff of his scent and you swallow a gasp. He smells like leather and warm skin and laundry and you can’t even move anymore, you just stand there like a Roman statue in a museum, with one arm up. Your gaze follows his arm as it extends toward the shelf, reaching it with ease. As his large hand grabs the last tub, the whole sequence of movements completely effortless and well, graceful.  
He takes a step away from you, and your body’s responding again. Your heels meet the ground, and you turn to face him. There’s the promise of a smile curling his lips, fuck he is stupidly handsome, Jesus fucking Christ, are you still breathing? He hands you the tub and all you can think of is how thick his fingers look around it, and how they would feel buried inside you, or wrapped around your throat, and… oh wow. That escalated quickly. 
You swallow hard, blinking the filthy thoughts away. There’s something in the way he looks at you, a glimmer in his eyes. You feel… warm. He flexes his jaw to the side, he’s smiling at you, still holding that goddamn ice cream, you gotta say or do something, but your body has bailed on you, yet again.
Eventually, you take the cold tub, careful not to touch his fingers. But he’s not letting go. Your breathing turns shallow, you can barely hold his gaze. Why does he keep looking at you with those soft brown eyes, why is he smiling like that? He can’t possibly be… what? Interested in you? No one can. No one ever is. That’s why you’re in this deli, alone, in the middle of the night, wearing last week's dirty laundry. 
Oh. Of course. He’s waiting for you to thank him. Jesus you’re stupid.
“Thanks. You. I mean, thank you.” Oh, great, that went well. 
There’s a beat before he releases his grip and lets go of the tub. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, and of course, his voice is velvet. Round and husky and low. 
There’s an easy confidence about him, like quiet assertiveness, is that a thing? Like he knows his worth, but he doesn’t need to step all over people’s toes to show it. 
You’re raking your brain for some smart quip you know will come to you tomorrow morning in the shower, when you hear a commotion at the cashier. Somebody’s shouting orders, a dude holding up something in his hand, pointing it at the employee behind the plexiglass. Holding a fucking handgun, Jesus fuck the place is getting robbed.
Your mouth drops open, but no sound comes out. There’s pressure around your elbow and you’re yanked down onto the dirty tiles. 
The man in the trucker hat is crouching next to you. He holds his index finger pressed to his lips. His face looks different, his jaw tensed, a deep frown darkening his face. His eyes are pitch black, is it even the same man? A minute ago, he looked like the friendly next-door neighbor you’re daydreaming about fucking in the basement laundry room, and now he looks like someone who’s about to shoot you in the face.  
“Be quiet,” he mouthes under the noises coming from the front of the store, “stay here, everything’s gonna be ok.”
You don’t want him to leave you here on your own, no matter how threatening he looks, but he’s already moving toward the front and anyway, it’s not like you can move.  
Shouldn’t you call 911? He told you to be quiet, what the hell are you supposed to do?
It all happens so fast, and you’re so scared. You’ve never been this scared in your entire life. You hear a thud, followed by a gunshot. You clasp your hand to your mouth, you’re sure you’re gonna die. You hear the sounds of a struggle, a loud, piercing yelp, and another, louder thud. There are a few more noises, fabrics rustling, muffled groans and nothing. Deafening silence. 
You can’t feel your legs and your heart is beating in your throat when you finally hear him, the guy in the trucker hat. His voice is firm and his tone commanding as he addresses the deli employee. 
“Hey, hey look at me, you’re ok. Can you call 911? Hey! Call 911. You’re ok.”
Your legs won’t carry you. You have to crawl to the front of the store on your hands and knees, and your eyes grow wide at the scene you find there. A tall, young man with a shaved head is lying on the floor, wrists in a zip tie, he’s passed out, or dead, you’re not sure and you don’t wanna know. And anyway, you don’t have time to see more. He’s here, in front of you, the guy in the trucker hat, blocking the view with his massive silhouette, helping you get up and walking you outside. 
“You ok?” he asks you. 
He’s got one hand in the small of your back, the other one is gripping your arm. They’re warm, and that’s how you register how cold you are. In fact, you’re shivering in the warm city night, teeth chattering and all. 
“It’s over, I got you,” he says, cupping your face and you look up at him, nodding, mumbling, “I’m ok, yeah, I’m ok,” trying to focus on his warmth radiating through your cheeks. 
When they arrive, the cops instruct you to stay to make a deposition. Uncomfortable doesn’t cut it to describe your state of mind throughout the entire process, but he stands near you the whole time, his shoulder against yours, and you don’t think you could stand straight without it. 
Eventually, the place clears up. The perp came to, they handcuffed him and took him away. As he passed near you, you saw a purple bruise blooming on his neck. 
You’re told you’re free to go, and there’s really no reason for you to stay. 
Except there is. 
“So um… you’re a cop, or something?” you ask, looking intently at the fascinating tip of your Van’s, bumping against the curb. 
He shakes his head. 
“No. US Air Force. I’m a pilot.”
Your head shoots up, mouth falling open into a silent oh. 
His smile is so fucking soft you want to kick the curb and break all your toes. 
“Well, thank you, anyway. That was really scary. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Now, there really isn’t any reason for you to linger. But he’s not moving, standing tall and broad and solid before you, hands propped on his hips, with that easy confidence about him. And that thing happens again, that thing where he looks at you with those gentle brown eyes and that promise of a smile, and you feel like you’re the center of the goddamn universe. 
“I’m Frankie, by the way,” he says, offering you his hand. 
From all the scary shits that went down tonight, this one has got to be the scariest, by far, because you know that if you take his hand, you’re not gonna let go. 
You hear your name coming out of your mouth, and it’s too late. You’re done for. Your small hand slides into his larger one, and he gives it a strong squeeze. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to tell you everything you need to know. 
And he’s not letting go. And you’re not letting go. You expect fucking fireworks, at this point, but it’s just… right. Like you don’t have to be scared. Like you don’t have to torture yourself anymore with mean-ass questions about how to behave or what to say next. Like you can simply be you, and it’ll be enough. 
“So,” he starts, and he’s downright grinning now, a dimpled smile that lights up his entire face, “d’you think we can consider this as our first date?”
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bahrtofane · 8 months
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in which jude is your best friend, or well, was. hes much more now
word count - 1.3K
watch it - arguments, yelling. happy ending tho hehe
“Can you grab my purse? I left it in the back seat." 
Jude looks up from his phone at the doorway and gives you a nod, “Yeah gimme a sec, i got it.”
You send him a smile and thanks before taking your shoes off and relaxing on his couch. Today was an impromptu hang out, practice ended early and the personal trainer was out, so this was one of the few days Jude had to relax.
He still wanted to spend it with you, even after you told him he should use the opportunity to nap or just relax in his room. 
'What's the point if I can't bother you at the same time ?' was all he said. 
so you caved and got ready for him to pick you up, soon to raid his fridge or find another movie to watch. (which you always end up talking over but that's okay. It's the thought that counts. you even have your own Netflix profile on his tv !)
Your phone goes off and you're pleasantly surprised to find it's the man you met a few days ago. You caught his eye and he politely approached you while you were on a little coffee run. a treat after a bad few days. 
You smile when you text your date back confirmation. Dinner date this Saturday how exciting !
Jude comes back with your purse in hand, sliding it on the table your way before crashing into your side. 
"Jesus Jude- my god- you're too big to be doing that. you're gonna kill me someday." you sputter.
"no, it's good to keep you on your toes." he giggles while smothering himself into your side
you groan trying to get him off before resorting to kicking him off with your legs. 
he yells before hitting the ground, "Im worth too much for you to be throwing me around what the hell."
"you started it! you're so annoying, oh my god."
he narrows his eyes before getting up and sitting a far distance away from you, for safety. 
he puts on a movie and continues to sulk while you roll your eyes. 
‘Oh by the way I'm gonna have to cancel saturday. “ 
“What, why ? What happened?“ 
“I have a dinner date that day ! isn't that exciting.’
Jude only scowls at you, unimpressed. “You're canceling, over a man. First of all, why is this the first time I'm hearing about this guy. And why didn't you tell him you were busy and just pick a different day.”
“Saturday is his only day off. I don't know why you're so mad.” You frown. 
“Saturday afternoon is my only afternoon off.”
“Jude. Why are you being so childish?”
“I don't know because you're putting some guy you just met before me, your best friend.”
“He's not just some guy I think we could really be something. Why do you have to be so protective of me? I'm not 5 oh my god.”
“It's not just that it's that you're canceling our hangout for him.”
“We always hang out-”
“Exactly so I don't know why you're jumping so quickly to change it over some dick.”
“Im not like that and you fucking know it. You of all people should know that this is a chance I don't want to miss out on just because we order food and stare at a tv for hours on saturdays.”
“Oh so that's all it is to you. Staring at a tv.’ Jude rolls his eyes.
“It's not like that, I love hanging out with you. "
" I just don't understand why you're suddenly so eager to see anyone right now . I can't make any plans with anyone without you storming down here and telling me it's a waste of time. " He sighs 
You stare at him in disbelief. “Because you have a career ?? i don't give two shits who you talk to, but I can't let you make dumb decisions. I will always be your best friend, that's my job and nothing more."
"That's why this is so frustrating,” He waves his hands in the air aimlessly, “Do you even know what you're saying to me?"
"You're not making sense." You shake your head. 
 “I don't want to fight with you, I just don't understand why you're acting so selfish.”
“That's your problem, you act like I'm doing something wrong instead of being happy for me."
“You dont fucking get it do you oh my god I dont know how to be any more clear with you so you can get It.”
You don't say anything, choosing not to read any deeper into his words and instead watch the rest of the movie in silence. You don't have it in you to argue with him anymore. You care for him, truly. He's your best friend and you couldn't be happier or more proud to be able to have him by your side. 
But there's always that prickle of feeling that lays within you. A prickle of yearning, a wanting for more. You're not blind by any means, Jude is a handsome man and he's grown into his features better than you expected. 
You don't know if it's just delusion, but there's always a base layer of tension between you too. Always a second away from something going too far and it leading where it probably shouldn't. 
But you know it's deeper than a what if for you. You've found a good friend in him and somewhere along the way you've drifted to less than only platonic feelings. But you also know the way Jude is, the way he acts and talks is just that. Not meant to be read deeper and you dont let anything get your hopes up anymore. 
It's the reason why you said yes to that guy in the first place, so you can hopefully stop crushing on your best friend and move on.
Your over-thinking soon passes the time and you find yourself in an awkward quiet that neither of you want to break in fear of more arguing. But Jude takes the risk.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles.
"For what Jude? "
"For how I acted, and what I said. It was an asshole move to assume you're only gonna meet him for dick when I know you aren't like that. And for acting like you can only hang out with me. I'm sorry.”
You sit there silently, not saying a word. 
He turns to face you almost desperately, “You're my best friend you really are. I care about you, more than anyone else. And i just- fuck it. You’ve given me some of the most precious moments of my life, but I think I’d be a better boyfriend if you’d let me, friends just doesn’t do justice to what I feel for you anymore.”
You stand up and walk over to him, standing between his legs and placing his hands in yours, gently smiling.
“Please say something.” He whispers. 
“I can't think of anything I want more than for you to be mine Jude.”
He jumps at that, bringing you flush to his chest, “What about the guy on saturday?’ “I'm obviously going to cancel and tell him I'm no longer available.”
“Good.” He smiles. There is a moment where his gaze focuses on your lips and you can feel your face blush at the newfound attention.
“Can I, kiss you ?” He breathes
You give a nod, and no sooner do his hands gently cup your face, his lips meeting yours.
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kissitbttr · 5 months
Okay so like hear me out for Frat!Miguel ideas. Movie night at the frat house, very lowkey setting a few drinks maybe some people had an edible… But muñeca and Gloria being all cuddly, as best friends are. The two of the just in their own worlds watching the movie while cuddling and Miguel and Beck are in the corner just sad and jealous from lack of attention.
i am so happy at the fact that you are realizing that gloria and muñeca are basically each other’s soulmates, they do love each other more than their bfs🤍🤍🤍🤍
“I hear that strawberries are better fruits for your digestive systems”
“No shit, really?! I thought papayas were good!”
“That’s what i thought! But nopes, it’s all the berries babes!”
Miguel and Beck are sitting by the kitchen counter. wearing the same expression of disbelief as they stare at two of their girlfriends cuddled up in the sofa gossiping about —fruits? While others are busy with their own chatters and rolling blunts.
The girls aren’t even paying attention to the two boys who keep on staring at them. It’s like they’re just living in their own little world. Just simply talking about God knows what, fiddling with each other hands and laughing while they get high on edibles,
It’s like watching two women flirting with each other.
“no me gusta esto” Miguel grumbles, arms crossing over his chest as he slumps against the back cushion. Watching how his girl gets all lovey dovey and giggly with Gloria. “This is not how it’s supposed to go”
“Can’t believe that we are right here, yet they chose to get busy with each other!” Beck remarks in disbelief, shaking his head, “how many edibles did they take anyway?”
“Not counting but a lot” Miguel scoffs, eyes burning holes on Gloria’s side profile who’s staring at Muñeca with a hazy look on her eyes,
Beck notices, nudging him on the side. “Are you planning to kill my girl?”
“No. But i will continue to glare at her if she doesn’t take her eyes off my girl!”
“She’s basically doing the same thing! We’re victims here!”
“Holy fuck, you’re right” Miguel exhales a deep breath, leg bobbing up and down out of frustration. “Jesus—Are they eye fucking each other?!”
“Oh god please don’t make me imagine that. I can’t lose Gloria yet”
“So am i! I got fucking boys from class that i had to get off her back and i got to compete with girls too?!”
Never been so frustrated in his life before. Miguel throws a hard glare at the two of them, and it irks him just a little bit more when he sees muñeca running her fingers through Gloria’s hair. Pair of her eyes staring intently into hers,
“I had this huge crush on Kevin Levin on Ben 10, he’s like really hot—Had a shrine of him when i was twelve” she mentions, playing with the ends of Gloria’s dark hair
“Oh god, baby me too!” Gloria gasps excitedly, hands clutching onto muñeca’s as her eyes grow wide. “What about Danny Phantom?!” Muñeca simply squeals at the mention of his name, continuing to be bashful about her second childhood crush,
Beck and Miguel simply could not believe it! Are they actually ignoring their own boyfriends? To talk about weird cartoon crushes they had when they were young?!
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Miguel mutters harshly, hands going through his hair and groan. “Kingsley! You go in there and get your girl! I need my time alone with mine!”
“I did try! She didn’t want me to! Told me to piss off without even looking at me! How about you get your girl?!”
“And make her mad?! No thanks” Miguel refuses, his scowl only increases when he sees Gloria kisses muñeca’s cheek. Leaving a sheer mark of her lipgloss making both girls giggle. “Oh my god—you know what?!”
And before even Miguel finishes, he marches over the two of them with a pout and an upset frown. Trying his best to not look like a jealous man,
“Miggy! Hi, baby!” Muñeca’s eyes lighting up when she sees her boyfriend standing close, the delt of his muscles flexes a bit when he put his hands on hips. “Me and Gloria were just talking about making pot brownies! Well—she did. I, for one prefer strawberry blondies”
“Nooo, chocolates are better! Tell her, O’hara!” Gloria giggles, poking the dimple on Muñeca’s cheek,
Miguel rolls his eyes, not seeing any humor what’s sitting in front of him. “Not telling her shit—now quit hogging my girlfriend and go to your man”
“What? Jealous?” Gloria wiggles her eyebrows, laughing a little as muñeca snorts. “You have her everyday! I want to cuddle with my baby too”
“She’s not your baby. She’s my baby” Miguel corrects, staring down at Gloria who’s pouting. “You had her for an hour, it’s my turn!”
“Miggy, you can just cuddle with Beck!” His girlfriend suggests with a grin, as if its the most obvious thing. “That way, the girlfriends and boyfriends could be close with each other as well! Am i right?” Muñeca snuggles against Gloria’s neck,
“You’re crazy! I am not cuddling with Beck!” Miguel’s eyes hold a shocking expression, “Why are you suddenly not interested in your own boyfriend?!”
“Because you just want to cuddle with me so you can play with my boobies” Muñeca pouts, face looking like she’s actually heartbroken,
“Of course i do! i love your boobies! Obsessed even! Who doesn’t love your boobies?! Wait—don’t answer that” Miguel backtracks, “Beck doesn’t have boobies. They’re not as comfy as yours!”
“Jeez! Opposed to my chest that much, O’Hara?” Beck chimes in from behind with a smirk
“Cállate, Kingsley!”
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vclvetfleur · 1 year
Obedient Chapter 1
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roman roy x fem! reader
Summary: After college you hadn't been able to land a job. You hadn't even been able to book a single interview. After spending a night with your old college roommate, you see how lavish her life has been after becoming Kendall Roy's assistant. After a long night of helping her move in, she offers to help you out. She unsure of what exactly she might be getting you into with getting you an interview at Waystar Royco. But it was better than being unemployed.
Warnings: Degrading and implied drug abuse
Word Count : 3.6k
Notes: AHHHH I finally wrote a chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 1: The meeting
You laid flat on the new couch your college friend had gotten. “Jess, Jesus fuck, when is this thing coming?” you whined, shooting back up to look her way with a pouty lip. She had been bent under her television to figure out how to exactly plug in her Amazon TV stick. Jess’ new job had afforded her the luxury of not just a new couch, but a new television, new coffee table, new bed and a brand new apartment. If you could even call this place an apartment. It was giant. Jess truly got lucky, at least that’s what you always thought. You had to be lucky if you saw how Jess and you were back in college, stealing and flirting your way just to feed yourselves or feed into your lifestyles. You had even convinced a man to pay for your wardrobe once.
“I don’t know, I’m not the tracker now am I?” she spewed out in annoyed tone. “Can you just help me? Shine a light or something.”
You hopped off the couch and grabbed your phone from the glass top coffee table. You waddled over and turned the flash on. After watching the few attempts of her trying to squeeze her hand into the right angle of the HDMI bit, your anxiousness reached a level of annoyance.
“Just let me.” You huffed before grabbing it and tilting your head to attempt to do what she had, failing just the same.
“I told you! It’s fucking impossible.” She laughed.
“You should’ve done this before hooking up the tv.”
“Oh wow, cause I really thought plugging this in was going to be so hard. Shut up.”
“AHH!” You shouted in excitement. You hopped up and down and revealed your hand from under the tv and clapped your hands together with the phone in-between them as the flash shined on the wall. “I did it! I did it!” You giggled. You pulled the cable down and plugged it into the outlet before rushing back to the couch. You grabbed the remote and turned the television on. You continued to gloat on your achievement.
“Yeah yeah, enough. Let me see when the pizzas almost here.” She grabbed her own phone, swiping through it to find the time estimate.
Ding. Ding. Ding.
Her phone was constantly buzzing. “Is that the pizza? Is the driver lost?” You questioned. Jess’ face had dropped a while ago. Ever since she had picked her phone up. It was her boss. She absolutely despised the job. That wasn’t true. She didn’t despise it. She was just constantly worried. She was constantly worrying about her boss, Kendall Roy. She was his assistance. And he never understood the boundaries of the job.
“No, it’s just work.” Her lip twitched on the side to show some kind of pity. But pity for who? Kendall? Was he in some kind of issue again? Or for you? For ruining the night. “Just ignore it” You shrugged.
“That’s why you’re unemployed” She joked. Your jaw dropped as your hand fell on top of your chest as if you’ve been shot. “Ouch” You said sarcastically.
“No, no I’m sorry. It’s just, I just don’t think you’d understand.” She quickly tried to recover. But she was right. You didn’t understand. You don’t understand what Jess’ job really consisted of. She had a lot to deal with. While you, regardless of being unemployed, you didn’t have to go score drugs for your ex drug addicted billionaire boss. You had just graduated college, same with Jess, but you thought Jess was lucky. She just left college and she was already involved in such a high profile, high paying job. She went from a dorm room to a studio in Brooklyn to a 2 bedroom penthouse in Manhattan because it was a fasted commute to her job. And because her job could afford for her to even pay for it.  While you couldn’t even land an interview. You were just hopping from one job listing to the next. But thankfully you did have a fund to help you pay for your way for just a couple more months.
Jess found this job in the oddest way. You actually met up with her the night after it happened. She had been working for a restaurant when she met the Roy’s. And Kendall had just fired his assistant over the restaurant they were just sitting at for ruining the dinner reservations. Apparently, the place and time really mattered to the investors that much. So, while she waited on their table, Kendall asked her if she would want to work for him. It was ridiculous, sure, but she was the only one trying to not make a scene with him around since everyone working was staring, except her.
It was impulsive, but hey, look at her now.
“Uh, the pizza’s gonna- uh- be here in like 6 minutes.” She felt guilty. She knew it was out of reach, but Kendall would not stop bothering her with text after text. She thinks he might be out drinking again because his texts sound irrational. This was right after the huge blow out with his father, which was very public. And everyone watched as he came to crawl back and basically publicly beg for daddy’s attention back with that pitiful interview he gave. “Hey seriously- I’m sorry- that was super uncool. It’s just- Kendall is not really that well put as he seems.”
“No, It’s fine Jess. Seriously. You have lavish job with a psycho boss.” You tried to joke it off. You weren’t annoyed about the joke, just the constant apologizing. Jess wasn’t usually the one to really apologize so excessively. But her job really changed her. She was so much more nervous and shakier. As if anything she said could be used against her, even if it was a joke.
“I didn’t mean-“ You cut her off.
“Let’s just watch tv. What was the movie you wanted to watch tonight?” You tried to remove the subject from the air. It wasn’t a great feeling knowing your friend pitied you. Despite the awkwardness you tried to keep a grin on. You didn’t get fazed much. It didn’t take a lot to hurt your feelings. You’ve heard worse and meaner things before. You were scattering to move things you’ve just placed on the table for some room for the pizza when it finally gets here. You got up and went to her fridge before turning your head back to Jess quickly.
“My place might be hiring” She blurted out. She didn’t mean to. There weren’t really any other assistant positions. Shiv doesn’t work there. Her husband Tom had his own little assistant, Greg. Logan had way too many to even count. And Kendall wasn’t that trusting despite the restaurant ordeal. Except maybe Roman. “I’ll ask!”
But those words were the 5 words you heard nearly every week for weeks now. It was an exhausting thing to hear.
Your shoulders dropped down as you watched her frantically type on the keyboard. You don’t know exactly what she was saying, but whatever it was, it was a lot.
“Dude, I’ll be fine, don’t ev-“ You started before Jess put a hand up. “No. Don’t.” She persisted. Was this a mistake? Yes. Will she regret it? Possibly. She didn’t want to give you off to the lions, but god the money was so good.Jess was being paid 16k. A month, with a bonus here and there. Just to listen to Kendall whine and ask her to run around. Sure was it a lot of work and stressful? Yes, but she knew you could probably handle it. Plus you’ve met Kendall before from time to time. He seemed normal enough.
She put her phone down and finally paid you attention. “Okay, done. Now let me search the movie up.”
You both spent the rest of the night just drinking and eating pizza throughout the movie. With little jokes being told to each other here and there. But it got late and you decided to go home.
You spent the next couple of days on your laptop as you were doing what you did best, ignoring all your issues. You see a notification pop up on the corner. Jess texted you. You clicked on the text.
‘i got you an interview!!!! tomorrow 1pm.’
‘Kendall said he figured it out for you!’
You went completely pale. You didn’t think it was possible. Finally. You finally got an interview. And you didn’t even have to put in a resume or a super fucking cover letter. You could not express the happiness you felt. You texted Jess back immediately.
The next morning you got up early. You were way too excited to sleep throughout the entire morning. It was just how your brain worked, I guess.
You spent this time to get ready. You wanted to leave an impression. This was a multi-billion dollar company filled with millionaires and billionaires. You couldn’t stand out. Thankfully, you had an outfit saved for an interview. It wasn’t anything lavish, but it looked nice. You set it on your bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. You made sure to scrub down your body as hard as possible. Your mind constantly reminded you of the people there. You made sure you smelt as though you had just run through a field full of every type of flower to ever exist. Or as if you had put yourself in the washing machine a dozen times. Whatever sounded cleaner.
You sat on top of your bathroom counter as you blow dried your hair. You tried to get every single bit of hair to look as perfectly placed as possible.
You went through your make up and then started the rest of your day. You sat at your bed with coffee and a piece of toast with almond butter on top of it as you watched tv before you had to leave. Specifically, you watched ATN. You needed to be in that mindset.
Once you finished your breakfast, you got dressed, sprayed on deodorant and perfume and decided it was time to go. Your nerves were through the roof. You checked the time. 11:30. You undid the caps of your medicine and took them with the last bit of coffee you had in your cup.
Unfortunately for you, childhood trauma left you with a lot of crazy pills you needed to take in the morning and night.
You left your apartment and walked down to the train. The ride was agonizing as you waited for each stop. You left the station once you hit your stop Cortland Street. You walked down a few blocked before hitting the building. You stared up at it as you couldn’t believe this is where you were possibly going to start working. You watched men in nice fitted suits that probably costed two times what you pay monthly for your studio. You shook of your nerves and walked into the lobby and then up to the receptionist.
“Uh- hi, I’m here for an interview.” You tried not to stumble on your words.
“Name.” She sounded unamused. She barely gave you a look. She seemed as though she had no intention to either. You gave her your name as she tried to search you up. She finally looked up from her screen and pointed at the turnstile. “Floor 52”
You nodded and walked through and to the elevators. You stepped in as you hit the button. 60 floors? Seemed excessive.
You watched as the numbers lit up as we passed each floor. Each floor just caused more and more anxiety in you. You didn’t know if you had it in you to even work in a place like this. What if you did bad at in the interview? Oh god, did you forget your resume? You panicked. You opened your bag for the millionth time since leaving the apartment to check for the folder again. You had a constant anxiety about losing things. You probably checked if you lost your phone or key about 10 times while on the walk from your apartment to the subway. And then some more.
The elevator dings and the silver doors open to reveal offices. You stepped out to only see walls and walls of just glass. Seemed redundant for an office if they could hear and see you, but okay. People passed through with papers or phones in their hand as they were trying to keep their heads low enough to get unnoticed. You walked around before seeing Jess with Kendall. She grins big before sending you a wave and then a gesture telling you to come over.
You obliged and headed towards her. “Hi!” you greeted before reaching to give her a hug.
“Kendall. You remember y/n? She’s here for the interview.” Jess grinned.
“Of course. Uh- ya. Uh-so, he’s not really here right now. He’s uh- fucking idiot- he’s late to his own fucking interview for his own assistant.” Kendall seemed to be annoyed as he was looking around. “Fucking idiot. I told that-“ He stopped himself as he tried to breathe through his annoyance. Jess’ head shot from you to him as her face dropped. She was left with the impression that Kendall maybe needed another intern. Logan couldn’t possibly need another one. Tom had Greg and seemed contempt.
“Oh, my interview isn’t with you?” You sounded confused, trying to sound as polite as you should be right now in this moment .
“No-uh you’re interviewing for Roman’s assistant.” He informed you quickly. Jess looked at you with bulged eyes. She seemed to have no clue about this. You had looked at her with a moment of confusion of why she seemed so worried. He said it as if it was not a huge deal. But for Jess, she knew she wouldn’t ever set this up if she knew it was for Roman.
“That’s fine, I can wait for him.”
“No, you shouldn’t. Let me just call him.” Kendall tried to cover up his own brothers mistakes. He walked away before checking his phone and putting it up to his own ear. “Uh-why don’t you just get a coffee or a snack in the break room til he gets here” he whisper spoke as he held her hand over the phone speaker.
Kendall seemed sweet and considerate. I don’t understand why Jess had such an issue dealing with him honestly. He didn’t seem bad. Maybe nicer than what I’ve seen of the other members on the board honestly. Those interviews, gosh. They were absolute messes. Kendall was a mess sure, but at least he shows a bit of remorse.
Before you could expect it, which honestly, unless you had even heard about Roman, no one knew what to expect from him other than utter chaos and dumbass bullshit. The elevators dinged and revealed who your interviewer was.
Wow. What an entrance.
“Alright cock licker, I’m finally here.” He announced to the entire floor. People’s heads barely even moved.
A short man with a stripped, what you can only think of was designer, dress shirt with a navy blue suit and enough gel in his hair to glue back the titanic together waltzed in. He walked through as if he basically owned the company as if he was THE Logan Roy himself.
Kendall power walked towards him. “You’re late to your own interview for your own fucking assistant dipshit.”
“Relax, I was busy paying the homeless people on the subway to fight” He smirked, waiting for a reaction.
“Yeah like you’d ever even been down that filthy rat hole.” Kendall scoffed.
Oh wow. Maybe he was as bad as Jess made him seem. I guess he liked to play Social Justice Warrior whenever he liked to.
“Yeah okay, where are they then? I’m ready for a black coffee.” Roman shoved past Kendall before finally laying his eyes on you. He would way it was cause he didn’t recognize you, but he barely even recognized people within a 20 feet radius of his own office. “Okay yea, come to my office I guess.” He spoke to you. He turned around and put his hand up, motioning you to follow him. Almost like how you would with a dog.
You nodded and followed before looking at jess with a look that could only be described by ‘what the fuck did you get me into?’
“Sit.” He ordered before plopping down on his leather chair in front of his desk. He laid back before finally feeling adjusted and looking up at you.
His eyes met yours before you immediately shifted them away from his. You grabbed a folder out of your duffle bag as you were ready to get your paperwork out before being interrupted.
“What the fuck are you doing? Are you turning in your fucking homework or something? Oh god you were that kinda kid huh? The one to remind the teacher of homework. God. Ew. No I cannot have that. Put that shit away.” He sure was pushy. Was he trying to upset you so you’d leave? What was the point of being a dick?
“Uhh sorry I just thought you wanted to see my resume or something” You shrugged. You tried to keep a calm composure. You needed this. I guess you can handle this kind of abuse for a bit. Maybe just until you had enough. Which you were pretty sure you’d make enough.
“Uhh” he mocked “No I don’t need to see that. You’re an assistant not whatever the fuck these other people do.” He gestured to everyone outside. You looked out and saw Kendall and Jess shooting glances at you. They knew what they had just out you up to. Jess feeling worse about it than Kendall did. You bit the inside of your own cheek to keep yourself from saying whatever you wanted to actually say.
“My bad.” You quicky apologized. “So, what questions are you gonna ask me then?”
“Uhh can you run to get me coffee?” He prompted.
“Now?” You shot him a confused, but annoyed look.
“Yeah. I’m hiring an assistant. Not a hooker. I would like if you dressed like one though. But I can’t hire someone who can’t do something simple like buy fucking medium whole milk latte.” Okay wow he was really annoying.
“Yeah, I can order coffee.” You said blankly.
“Good, go get one for me across the street.” He shooed you with his hand.
“No shit. Ugh I thought having an assistant wasn’t gonna require training. Do I need to keep dog treats in here to reward you? You’re not gonna piss on the floor, right? You don’t need that much training.” He tried to stop himself from giggling at his own jokes. He stood up before pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. He flipped it open and pulled out a $50. He handed it over to you and sat back down.
You stood there with the money, confused. “You really want me to do that? Right now?” You questioned again.
“Goooooood. Yes. This counts for your interview so you know, get to it or whatever the fuck.” He shooed before going onto his phone.
You nodded quietly before leaving the office. I guess you had to go get him what he asked for. God what a major fucking douchebag. I mean you’ve seen how he’s acted over social media and tv, but never did you think he was this bad.
Jess rushed over to you. “Y/n Oh my god, I’m so sorry I didn’t know. I thought Kendall just meant he was gonna get another assistant” She frantically explained.
“Its fine Jess. I guess I gotta get the oily weasel a fucking latte.” You scoffed. You held her arm to reassure her you were okay and not annoyed with her. She couldn’t of known.
“What? That’s what he said?” She tried to rationalize what Roman even asked for. You nodded before getting in the elevator. Jess almost walked in before hearing Roman from his office. “Hey! Come on, this isn’t a two people job now!” You rolled your eyes and hit the L button.
You quickly made your coffee run, making sure to get something for yourself, since you guess he was paying for it. You grabbed your matcha and his latte before heading back to the office. You walked in before setting down the cup and money on his desk.
“Ooooh what’s that? You go through rehab too? My brother drinks that shit.” He continued to try to strike as many nerves as he can. He really had a big mouth. It almost as if he let every intrusive thought that came to mind out.
You sat back down before taking a sip of your own drink. “Nope. So what else are you gonna ask or are you gonna make me do more embarrassing shit for free?” You finally let your annoyance out. You might regret it, but fucking hell, you could not spend the afternoon being someone’s little errand boy with no compensation.
“You’re already hired. Ya just send it whatever the fuck you need. I don’t know, ask Jess how to do all that shit, but ya I guess this latte is fine enough.” He hid his smile before taking a sip from the latte you gotten him.
You sat up a bit straight as you set your drink down. “That’s it?”
He nodded before furrowing his eyebrows at you. “Ya. What?”
“I just expect to-“  Roman quicky cut you off. You never liked being cut off. It was really one of your pet peeves. You couldn’t stand it. But I guess you needed to get use to it with this job now.  
“Just do whatever I ask you to, okay? You seem obedient enough.” He rolled his eyes before putting his feet up on his desk.
Notes: Next chapter is up!
Chapter 2
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
On The Clock
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Gif by pedro-pedrito-pascalito <3
Pairing: bottom Javier Peña x top agent M!Reader, reader is publicly out
Word Count: 4.2k+
Warnings: SMUT! mistaken homophobia (quickly rectified), slutshaming (both the kinky and non-kinky kind), humiliation/degradation kink, crude language, fighting for dominance, work place relationship, semi?public sex, oral sex, fingering, spit as lube, protected anal sex, aftercare
Summary: A few words spoken out of jealousy lead Peña to confront you... "What?" He cuts you off with a growl. "Now you're sorry? You wanna show me how sorry you are?" Javier asks, a soft tilt of his head
A/N: Listen I don't think slutshaming was technically a word in the 80's but you get the vibe. Someone had to put this man in his place!!! This one was alot of fun to write :))
"There he goes again." One of the two male agents before you says with a sigh.
       You look up from your desk, eyes following the two other agents' to see Javier Peña hitting on the newest transfer. He's got her closed in by the water dispenser, an arm propped up on the wall behind her. The opposite hand is tied into the belt loops on his waist as he pops his hip out, doing all to make his small behind seem more prominent. Those stupid sunglasses still perched on his nose despite being indoors. 
"Jesus, does that man ever take a break?" The senior agent to your left remarks, rolling his eyes at the interaction. 
"Wasn't he just seeing the receptionist? The blonde one?" You chime in. 
"Nah, Peña gave her the boot last week. He was taking that CIA girl out last I knew."
The older agent clicks his tongue, “Keeping track of all of his girls is damn near impossible.”
You resign back to your work with a sigh. “Well you know Peña,” you say unoticing of the DEA agent quickly approaching your desk, “he’ll fuck anything that moves.” A sharp nudge to your shoulder pulls your eyes back up from your paperwork. Catching the dark haired agent breaching earshot.
“Hey Agent Peña,” the senior agent says smoothly, silently praying Javier didn’t hear your comment, “What can we do for you?”
“Yeah…actually I was wondering...” He lingers, pulling the pack of cigarettes from his breast pocket and hitting one out into the palm of his hand. The thin cigarette is placed between his plush lips, as his eyes glare up into yours through the amber aviators, “Any of you got a light?”
A collective exhale is let out between you and your colleagues. Thankful that there would be no fights breaking out in the office today.
“I uh think I got one.” The younger agent pats his pockets, finally finding one in his back pocket. “Gotcha.” he says, offering the lit lighter to Peña. 
“Thanks.” the DEA agent mumbles, leaning in close to catch the light on the end of his cigarette. He takes a deep inhale, blowing out the puff of smoke down onto your desk with a sly smile. “Think I dropped mine out in the field, you know how it goes.” Javier drops your gaze to look off to the far side of the room, taking another deep inhale of the cigarette. 
     As annoying as you find him, it’s useless to deny the pure unadulterated sex appeal of the man. It’s easy to understand how he gets so many women in his bed. He even makes smoking look good. Hip popped to his left, hand sitting right above his tight ass. Right hand holding the cigarette to his lips. Broad shoulders squared off facing you. Making it easy to oogle at his physic. His strong chest, practically pulling against the half undone button up shirt. A small waist, cinched in by his tight belt and painted on jeans. His turned neck pulls focus on his strong neck, and mesmorizing side profile. 
“Anyways-” He cuts off your wandering gaze snapping you back to the moment, “I gotta go see what Murphy is up to. See you guys around.” Is all he says, before whisking away to the DEA sector of the floor.
“Whatta weirdo.” The man to your right announces with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t get what all the ladies see in him.”
To that the senior agent laughs, “You’re just jealous!”
“Am not!” he defends. “I bet I could get the new transfer’s number if I wanted.”
“Yeah right!” The agent to your left chuckles, but the conversation is lost on you. Your mind muddled with the tantalizing image of Javier Peña. “Hey!” He snaps, bringing you back to reality. “You there?”
“Y-yeah” you stutter, suddenly aware of the semi you were sporting under your desk. “Sorry guys, I really gotta get going on this paperwork.” Not exactly a lie, but not the real reason for your wandering mind.
They sigh, but get up off your desk. “See ya tomorrow!” They each wave goodbye. 
     The day drags, the pile of paperwork not much smaller than when you’d first began. Your brain appartently fixated on one Javier Peña. Your cock twitching with every intrusive thought about the DEA agent’s tempting figure. Before you know it, the floor is cleared. The office growing darker and darker as the lights go off one by one. The receptionist makes her final round, always staying far later than neccesary. She bounds around the corner, shooting you a kind smile.
“You’re still here?” She asks, with a soft tilt of her head.
You huff out a chuckle, “Paperwork won’t do itself.” you say with a shrug.
The receptionist smiles at you in the dim room, “Well have a goodnight Agent.” She says with a nod of her head, about to turn towards the exit. “Oh and goodnight Peña!” She waves to an unseen figure behind you.
“Night Sweetheart.” He calls back from the shadows, stepping forward and resting a heavy hand on your shoulder.
Fuck. You think to yourself, your breath catching in your throat. Silently hoping the kind receptionist will find a reason to stay. Much to your dismay, she promptly shuts the door behind her. Leaving you alone with the DEA agent.
“You know she likes you?” He says from behind you.
“She’s not really my type...” You bite your tongue to keep from saying anything more. The girl was kind. Pretty. But you only had eyes for a certain one person in this office. The one currently leering over your shoulder. 
“What is your type then?” Peña leans in close to your ear, the huff of his breath blowing over the side of your face. 
“I uhh” you gulp, trying to keep your composure. It wasn’t exactly a secret that you liked men, a small fact that slipped during an undercover job with the Cali cartel, but you far from appreciated the condescending tone in Peña’s voice  “like dark hair…dark eyes.”
Javier chuckles at your side, a smug smile on his face. “Sounds alot like me.” He teases.
“Fuck you Peña!” You get up from your desk, pushing his hand off of you. “I’m not gonna take this shit from yo-” 
He stops you, hands quickly grabbing your waist and pulling you against him. Wordlessly catching you in a heated kiss. Plush lips pressing against yours, a low groan escaping the other man as he grinds his hard cock on your hip. Thick hands find their way into your back pocket, cupping your ass. He pulls back, barely separating himself from your lips. “Didn’t mean it like that, Hermoso.” He whispers, dark brown eyes blown out with lust. 
"Peña you…” Your hands brace themselves on Javi’s chest, as your mind still reeling from the turn of events, “You like men?"
He scoffs at you, offering a half hearted smirk, "As you said. I fuck anything that moves, right?" 
A wave of guilt comes over you, face going hot with embarassment. "Fuck Peña I-" 
"What?" He cuts you off with a growl. "Now you're sorry? You wanna show me how sorry you are?" Javier asks, a soft tilt of his head. Hands freeing themselves from your back pocket; sliding up to your face. His thumb gliding over your bottom lip. "Get on your knees." He commands, hands dropping to pull at his belt. 
     Part of you wants to hit him for having the audacity to fuck with you like this. But all the blood rushing to your cock makes it difficult to care. You drop down onto your knees, looking up at him expectantly. Watching eagerly as he tears those way too tight jeans off his thick bulge. Your eyes go wide as you realize, the motherfucker doesn’t even wear underwear. His beautiful cock springing out proudly, damn near jumping in front of your face. It's long and girthy with a weeping uncut head. A perfect patch of dark brown curls coating the base.
"Too much, Baby?" Javi teases with a cocked smile. Obviously pleased with your assessment of him. 
You shoot a glare up at him, "I can take it."
     With that you down his cock as best you can in one go, pushing the tip down to the back of your throat. Swallowing around the sensitive head. One hand working the bit of him you can't take all the way down. 
Javi hisses as you take him down your throat. "Ohh you're good at that." He exclaims, head thrown back in pleasure. Hands bracing on the desk behind him as his hips thrust up to meet your bobbing head. 
     Precum spills from the uncut head, languishing your tongue in his taste. He tastes salty and just a tad bitter. Taking him down to the base, you catch the scent of his clothes. He smells like cigarettes and gunpowder, but there’s more. A remnant of sweat heavy on him, filling your nose with Peña’s own delicious scent. It’s earthy yet bright. His thick pheromones go straight to your already hard cock, making it throb in your pants. Uncaring of what Peña thinks, you reach down to grind against your hand. Moaning around his cock at the sweet relief of friction.
"Fuck" Javi groans, watching as you touch yourself. "Is this what you wanted, Guapo? My cock? Got jealous of all those pretty girls, hmm?” He asks, snapping his hips down your throat. “I bet you just wanted me all to yourself." The DEA agent says with a self assured smirk. He lets you continue on, enjoying the sight of you on your knees. Before pulling you off, “Don’t wanna cum down your throat, wanna cum in your cute ass.” 
You get up off the floor with a smirk of your own. “No way, Peña.” You push up close against him, grinding your cock against his hip, taking his hard member in your hand. “Who knows where that thing has been.”
Javier winces as your hand squeezes around him. An indisputable throb running up his cock at your cruel words. A warm blush creeping up his cheeks. “D-didn’t mind it in your mouth.” He half-heartedly retorts, obviously affected by your words.
“Keep mouthwash at my desk for a reason, Peña.” You tease, though that was not the reason, you knew that Javi’s lust filled mind wouldn’t be able to reason against it.
His heavy cock jumps in your hand, as he lets out a soft whine. “Y-yeah okay” he says with a groan.
“You want me to fuck you?” you ask with a raised eyebrow, surprised with how quickly he changed his mind.
He nods swiftly, a squirt of precum leaking over your hand. “I want it.”
"Fuck okay. I'll take care of you, Baby." You assure him, moving to rub your hands soothingly along his sides. Hands sliding up his shirt. "You got a condom?" 
Javier nods, sliding one from his pocket into your hand. "H-how do you want me?" He asks shyly, obviously nervous. 
God, he looks so cute like this. All shy and flustered. You deliver a soft kiss to his lips, which he melts into, relaxing in your hands. "Can you bend over for me?" You ask in a hushed voice, needing to walk him through it.
"Y-yeah." He squeaks out, pulling away from you and bending over the desk, elbows resting on the smooth oak. Another soft whine escapes him as you shuck his pants down. Though you'd never be able to tell by the tight pants the DEA agent sports, he is actually just slightly self conscious of his backside. 
"Fuck that's pretty." You moan, hands gliding over the petite globes of his ass. His tight hole flinches at your touch."Peña, have you ever?"
"Once…or twice." The man admits with a hot blush, almost unbelieving he's about to let you fuck him like this.
"I'll go slow." You assure him. You take your thumb in your mouth, wetting it to the best of your ability before slowly pushing it in. "Relax. Let me in." The small digit slowly sinks into him. Earning you a loud moan from him.
"Fucking christ-" He cusses beneath you, leaving a quiet reminder to himself to start keeping some lube on him. 
Your thumb rocks slowly in and out. Opening him up for you. "Doing so good, Peña-"
"Javi." He cuts you off abruptly. "Call me Javi."
You can't help the smile that comes over your face, "Okay…Javi. Can you handle more?"
He nods, head falling between his hands. "Yeah. I can take it."
     With that, you retract your thumb. Bringing your index and middle finger to your mouth to wet them. You lean in close to his hole, and spit on it. Javi's mouth drops at the feeling of your warm spit against his ass. You work your two fingers into him. Sliding them in slowly. You bite your lip as he encompasses your fingers in his warmth; imagining how good he'll feel around your cock. After a few moments, he begins rocking back against you fucking himself open on your fingers. 
"M-more." Peña moans. "Your cock-."
"Shit, Javi are you sure?" He was still so tight around just your two fingers. 
     Peña reaches back, pushing you off of him. He turns around standing up right and grabs you by the back of the neck. Pulling you into a sloppy kiss. His tongue finds solace in the confines of your mouth; the taste of himself still heavy on your tongue. That neat mustache rubs abrasively against your upper lip. You eagerly swallow down every greedy moan he releases into you. Thick hands find your hips and push you down into the desk chair.
"You wanna fuck me, Agent?" Javier leans in, looming over you, breathing hard. "Get to it then." He says, a hand grinding down on your throbbing bulge. 
"Fuck. I got you." You groan, sitting Javier back on the desk. "Needy thing."
     You both work to remove your clothes. Javi pulling off his pants and unbuttoning the remainder of his top. You rip your shirt off, throwing it back behind you. Pulling at your pants, desperate to relieve some tension. Finally, freeing your cock from its constraints. Making quick work of the condom and rushing to roll it down over yourself. A pair of legs wrap themselves up around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Hermoso…" Peña pleads, big puppy dog eyes staring up at you. His cock throbs heavy against his stomach. His pretty body is on perfect display beneath you. Just the edges of his broad shoulders were still covered, that pink shirt he wore barely clinging to him. 
"I know, I know." You say softly. Spitting into your hand, trying to make everything as slick as possible for him. You lean in close, pressing your forehead to his. "Tell me if it hurts, okay?"
A small quiver in his voice comes through at the softness of your words, "Y-yeah I will…" a tinge of red evident on his cheeks.
"Good boy." You say as you slowly push into him, hands on his hips. Sinking deeper and deeper into Javi's tight hole. Enveloping you in his warmth. Every inch of your cock getting squeezed by his insides. He feels like heaven around you.
     Javi is just as enraptured in you. The weight of you pressing against him makes him throb. Your slow breach of him has stars bursting behind his eyes. The stretch stings just slightly, but the pleasure is too overbearing for him to care. He doesn't miss the softness of your words and actions. The sweetness makes his ears go red, and heightens the delinquency of the situation; that is you fucking him on your work desk. A matching moan spilling from both your lips as you bottom out.
"Fuck Javi-" you hiss, rolling your hips out slowly. "You're so tight."
"Mierda." Peña groans out, eyebrows pinched and head thrown back in pleasure. 
      Another tentative roll of your hips has him loosening up around you. His body eagerly accepts the intrusion. His slender hips hesitantly rocking to meet yours. Bottoming out with each long slow thrust. He feels so fucking good, a desperate need to rut into Javier builds in you. And apparently in Javi too.
"More." He grits out between clenched teeth. "I need more." He repeats pulling you in closer by the back of your neck. 
     A small smile pulls at the corners of your mouth. Javier Peña likes it rough and you were happy to oblige. On the next roll of your hips, you slam back into him. The corners of the old metal desk Javi is sat upon creaks. He rewards you with a loud whine, cutting himself off with the bite of his lip. You continue. Fucking into him with quick sharp thrusts. Though slightly looser, his tight hole is still gripping you like a vice. It took a lot of work to move yourself in him, having to carve room for your cock from his insides.
The words escape your lips before you even have time to think. "You really don't bottom a lot, huh?" Though a fact, one he'd shared himself earlier, it comes out much more teasing than intended.
He whines in response, ears going red "N-no…"
You don't miss the way his dick jumps. That's when you realize, he's not just putting up with your teasing, Peña likes being degraded. "Fuck- but you like that dick don't you? Needed some cock, Baby?" 
"Mierda- yes!" He huffs, eyes rolling back as you grind into him particularly deep. 
"Being so good for me. Letting me fuck you on my desk- such a good whore." 
That catches his attention. Ears going red. No one had ever called him that before- least not to his face. Sure, he was known as a womanizer but to be called a whore by the man bottomed out inside him? Felt downright humiliating. Javi loved it. 
"Gave up that pretty ass so fucking easy." You whisper low into his ear. 
Peña's face burns bright with embarrassment. But his cock is throbbing with arousal. A flood of precum running down his throbbing member. A whine coming up from his throat. 
You eat up every second of it. Every word spilling from your lips, turning Javi's usual golden skin, flushed red. Even spreading across his beautiful chest. The usually over confident cock DEA agent reduced down to this shy man beneath you. "What? Dirty slut too cock drunk to say anything?"
Javi bites his lips, struggling to maintain your harsh gaze. "S-shut up an-and fuck me." He manages to get out between clenched teeth. Fighting to stave off his orgasm. 
"Thought I already was. Or do you want more?" Your eyes glide over his body. Down his broad chest, filling the line of his stomach, and finally to his hard cock. The head is purple and throbbing with need. "Want me to touch you?"
"Fuck yes-" he says with an eager grin. Hips rolling up in anticipation. Needing some relief.
"Beg." You demand with a terrible smile. 
"W-what?" He whimpers. Big brown eyes staring up at you, a soft pout on his plush lips. 
"Beg me to touch you." 
Peña bites his lip to stop the words from coming out; not wanting to give you the satisfaction. Javier Peña has never begged for sex in his life. But with the way his cock is practically pleading for you, he supposed now is as good of a time to start as any. "Please…" He begs, his hand wrapping around your bicep. "Please touch me."
"Good slut." You reward him by taking his cock in hand. Which causes him to grow tighter around you. There's sufficient precum to jerk him in time with your thrusts. With the way he throbs in your hand, you can tell he's close.
"G-good…so perfect- fuck" Javi mumbles incoherently. Rocking his hips below you. Moving himself back and forth between your hand on his dick and your cock in his ass. Letting you get even deeper inside him. Pushing the head of your cock against that perfect spot inside him, that has him seeing stars.
"Fuck Javi-" you moan at the way he clenches around you. Tight and hot. "Want you to cum for me." You say, snapping your hips harder into him. Your own body tightening as your orgasm builds. 
     Javier's mouth drops open. Legs closing around your hips, pushing you deep inside him. His cries echoing through the empty office. Fingers digging into your back, pulling you close. Javier cries out your name with a choked moan as his hips jerk beneath you. Cum splatters up over his stomach and chest. Head thrown back in ecstasy.
     The delicious sight below you has you teetering on the edge of your own climax. You can't help but lean in to take a taste. Dipping your head down to Javier's golden chest, lapping at the warm cum splattered upon him. Another breathy moan escaping the DEA agent as he watches you taste him. His warm brown eyes glued to you.
      It's too much. Those eyes on you. His arms and legs wrapped around you. The way his body pulses around you. The salty taste of him on your tongue. And with another half dozen harsh thrusts you finish inside him, filling the condom. 
"Javi- Javi!" You moan against his shoulder. Slumping down against him, arms braced on either side to keep some of your weight off of him. 
"Fuck…" he breathes out between pants, coming down from his orgasmic haze. Nudging his arched nose against your cheek, leaning in for a soft kiss. Uncaring that he can still taste himself on you.
     You happily accept his soft kisses. Enjoying the fuzzy post orgasm feeling. Smiling at the feeling of his fluffy mustache on your lip. Large hands find their way to your face, cupping your cheeks. Reluctantly, you pull off him.
"Javi, I need to slip out, okay?" 
He affirms with a nod. 
"Relax for me." You say softly, leaning back off of him. Taking one last look at the mess you two made; you grip the condom and pull out. Quickly tying off the end and tossing it in the waste bin. 
     You look across your desk for the box of tissues, sighing as you survey the damage done to your work space. Your paperwork was scattered. Folders disorganized. Pen holder tipped over. Not to mention the stench of sweat and sex hanging heavy in the air. But all that could wait.
     Taking a handful of tissues, you begin cleaning up Javi. Running the paper over his exposed body, gathering the remnant of his orgasm. A soft hiss leaving him as you clean up his softening cock. Another as you gently wipe his slightly gaped hole. 
As you turn to clean yourself up you ask, "Are you feeling okay?" 
"Y-yeah." He answered simply, slowly rebuttoning his pink shirt. "I'm good."
"Good…here!" You call, tossing him his pants that he'd thrown to the side. 
"Thanks." He says, finally unseating himself from your desk. 
     In a comfortable silence, you each get dressed. Just the soft sound of fabric filling the air between you two. The rustle of pants. The familiar sound of a zipper being pulled. The clink of a belt. It continues until you're both back in your clothes. If it weren't for the mess around you, and the taste of Javi still on your tongue; you'd almost think you'd imagined the whole thing. When you look over at him, he's already staring back. Lit cigarette in hand. Warm brown eyes on you. He's the first to speak up.
"So uhh …round two?" He asks with a lift of his eyebrow, taking another puff of his cigarette. "My place?"
"Fuck yeah." You answer with a smile. Swiping your jacket from the back of your desk chair. Half heartedly reorganizing your desk. Just enough that it wouldn't be so suspicious come Monday morning. 
Peña is just as eager. Dipping away momentarily to snatch his leather jacket from his desk across the office. He jogs back over to you, "Ready to go, Hermoso?" 
"Yeah, all good." You confirm, letting him guide you out of the shared office building. 
     You can't help but notice the other agent's usual swagger seems impeded. His typically confident strides were replaced with a shuffle. Each step falling short and heavy. He'd definitely be feeling the events of tonight for the next couple days. Peña brings you to his car, holding the door open for you. Quickly sauntering over to his side of the vehicle. 
Once seated, Javier pauses "Listen…that slut shaming shit. Keep it between us? Not on the clock. Deal?"
"Fuck…yeah. I am sorry...really. I was just jealous." 
Javier smirks, taking the final huff off his cigarette. "Guess you don't have to be jealous anymore."
"Guess not…" you return his mischievous smile, plucking the end of his cigarette from his lips. Burying the glowing end into the ashtray. "You know, if you need something to suck on I've got something for you."
Javi scoffs, "Only if I'm topping this time." He responds, shifting the car into drive.
"We'll see about that Peña." You roll your eyes, wondering just how many of his buttons you can press before you arrive at his apartment. 
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finaleourconcert · 25 days
improvise adapt overcome
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Minah took one last puff off her cigarette and stood up, exhaling hard, "Okay, I'm ready."
Sunok nodded, giving her one reassuring smile that she had reserved for her friend, "Go get him, tiger. I'll stay five more minutes. It's too crowded in there."
Minah frowned, "You good?"
"I'm great."
"You sure?"
"One hundred percent. Get in there right now! No more excuses, lady." 
Minah rolled her eyes, muttering a friendly, "I hate you" and crossed the fire exit back to the pub, leaving Sunok sitting on the cold concrete floor of the side street. 
The pub they were in was located in a neighborhood known for its night life. The main street was buzzing with life, neon lights of all colors lightened every corner of it as people stumbled up and down going from one bar to another. Wasn't it a bit early to be that drunk already? 
Sunok sighed tiredly, checking the time on her phone. It was quite obvious that she wasn't made for parties. She hadn't lied to Minah, she was having a great night, but she wasn't used to it and her social battery was running out sooner than she had expected. 
She heard steps coming her way from the left, accompanied by an "Excuse me" from a male voice, and blocked her phone as a pair of feet stopped on their tracks, "Do you have a lighter?"
"I don't, I'm sorry. My friend is the one who smokes." She catered an apologetic smile out of instinct as she looked up to put a face to the owner of the voice. Wait... She titled her head, scanning the man's features. The funny comedian! 
He made a soft nose scrunch, his fingers unconsciously toying with a cigarette, "You're the third person that tells me that in the spam of four minutes, I'll take it as a sign to quit for good." 
Sunok let out a scoffed laugh, shrugging, "Maybe it is. You make a life out of your voice after all, right?"
He made a blank face she couldn't give an interpretation to. Had she overstepped or something? In her head, the comment didn't seem harmful to her. Smoking would fuck up his throat sooner or later, that was a fact. At last, his lips formed a polite smile and a couple of dimples were drawn into his cheeks for half a second. He bowed goodbye and she mirrored him with her head.
As he made his way back into the building, the fire exit burst open. Another man showed up, his wide-open eyes fixed on the comedian's hand that held the cigarette as he stated, "Over my dead body." He then took the cigarette off his hand, smashed it with his right hand and threw what was left of it to the bin.
"Jesus, mom–" Sunok heard the comedian laugh off as the other man dragged him inside the pub.
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author's note: i had to make substantial changes because obviously there was no way i was going to continue writing that animal for a man into my au so i suggest you guys reread the whole thing (profiles included) so that you understand better the changes i made. hope you're having fun and thanks for sticking around! if you want to be tagged just lmk ♡
tags: @nosungluv —☸
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gnrbitch · 2 years
Old Friends
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Warnings: mentions overdosing, profanity
Includes flashbacks
“NURSE!” Dr. Noel called to the girl, who was already rushing to his side. “Get me the narcan” He said as Y/n slammed it into his hand, looking at the doctor slam the needle into his body, he told Y/n to forcefully push down on his stomach, watching his heart rate start up again on the machine, they sighed in relief. Then…
The man on the table sat up as he puked all over his clothes. Y/n quickly grabbed one of the bowls and put it in front of him. “I’ll go get him a gown” Y/n said as she left the room. Walking away, she caught Dr. Noel tell the man “Good to have you back Mr….”
As Y/n walked back to the ER with the gown in her had, she stumbled upon Dr. Noel, “Y/n” he said, “We moved him to room 505, I want you to run an IV on him and keep this low profile, the guys famous” He said as she shook her head, working in a hospital in LA, she certainly has seen some big names come through that door.
“Hello?” She said as she walked into the man’s room, seeing him lay there in his puked covered clothes “I bought you something you can change into” she said handing the man his gown, “I’ll be back to start you on an IV Mr… Hudson” She said as she read the name Saul Hudson on his chart, quickly snapping her eyes back at him…
“Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical for a nurse to be smoking a cigarette” Slash said coming out of their bedroom, rubbing his eyes.
“You try studying the Drug Handbook and tell me how it goes” Y/n rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, walking over to the couch, he gave her a kiss “Yea yea, you know i’m only joking baby” he laughed, “I know” Y/n sighed, “I’m just so stressed” She said putting the book down, gesturing her boyfriend to sit next to her.
“Don’t be, you’re gonna be the best nurse ever.” he said pulling her to him, “You’re super smart, and you’ve got a big heart Y/n, we both know you can do this” Slash said as he looked into Y/n’s eyes, “I love you” she said kissing him.
“I love you more”
“Yea, thanks” he mumbled, taking it from her. Y/n shook her thoughts away “Do you need help?” she asked as the man shook his head, not looking at her. “Okay, i’ll be back in 2 minutes to start you on and IV.” she said as she watched him nod his head.
Walking out the room, Y/n let a deep breath out. Fucken Slash, she thought looking down at her watch. She hoped he wouldn’t recognize her, but at the same time she did.
1988, January
“What do you mean you can’t trust me?” Slash yelled through Y/n’s apartment “You think what? i’m gonna go out fucking other girls?” He said looking Y/n dead in the eye “Jesus fucken christ Slash! It’s not that!” She raised her voice, “I don’t fucken trust the fact that you’re gonna be sober!” She yelled back to him.
“Are we really back on that topic” He rolled his eyes “Yes! Yes we are because i don’t wanna get a fucken call telling me you’re dead!” She yelled
“Gosh you’re such a fucken nag Y/n! Always up my ass about that shit!” He said getting angrier, “How can I not Slash? You’ve overdosed countless fucken times! And i get you’re sober now, but what about when you’re on the road huh? You think you’ll be able to resist being around all of that shit?” She yelled back
“Just stop!” He yelled, loudly “Do you know how many girls i could have replace you?” he said, pointing at her “All those girls that won’t be such a fucken nag about everything!”
Y/n stood there silently, “Thats how you feel?” She said in a quiet, but angry tone. “Every time you’re up my ass yes, that’s exactly how i feel” He said crossing his arms
“Fine then. Go” she said getting angrier, “Go?” he scoffed, “Yes! Go! get the fuck out of here! Go out and get all those fucken girls” she raised her voice, sighing she mutedly said, “Cause at the end of the day Slash, they don’t give one tiny fucken fuck about you, but that’s what you want right? So get the fuck out of my apartment”
Sighing, Y/n checked her watch to find the two minutes up, knocking, she entered the room.
“Hudson?” she said as she walked in to find the man sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
“Can you lay back for me” she said to the man as she grabbed the IV and needle, “I’m going to put in your IV now, is that okay?” she said looking at Slash who nodded his head, laying down and only looking at the wall in front of him
“Okay” she sighed, trying to ignore the tension in the room, grabbing his arms, she could clearly see the small track marks on his arm.
Keeping professional, she ignored it and put in the IV.
“Okay, all done” she said as Slash looked down at his arm and back up at her, she gave him a small smile “It’s going to help with your withdraws, i’ll be back to check on you, alright?” she said looking at him.
About to leave, Slash called out, “Y/n”, she turned around to look at him “Yes?” she said politely, heart racing.
“Y/n im sorry” he said looking at her, voice shaky “Please” he whimpered out
“Slash” she said slowly walking up to him, he grabbed her hand and put it to his face, “Please” was all he said.
“It’s okay, Slash it’s okay.” She said trying to keep her composer
“Please don’t leave me” he said, clutching her hand.
“Okay okay I won’t, i’ll stay” She said, using her other hand to touch his face, “I’ll stay okay?” she sent him a solace smile.
That night, and all the other nights Slash was in the hospital, Y/n was there, whispering sweet words to Slash, running her hand through his hair and coming across all the other members, giving them a small hello.
And then he left.
I’ve had so much writers block it’s crazy omg 😭
I kinda gave up on this towards the end sorry guys, but I hoped you enjoyed!! I’m trying to get back on the writing grind fr 😢
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avvail-whumps · 1 year
‘guns for hire’ — step closer #32
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content warnings: intimate whumper, conditioned whumpee, whumpee referred to as “kid” but they’re an adult, dub-con kissing (the same spiel), stockholm syndrome, injury recovery
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“This is a fucking disaster.”
Detective Sharpe glanced up from his desk, weary eyes narrowing in on his partner with a small scowl. She was pacing the office with thundering footsteps, frantically running a hand through her disheveled hair.
Sharpe huffed, slumping back in his seat. “Stop pacing, would you? Jesus, you’re starting to piss me off.”
She shot him a dark glare, and continued pacing just to spite him. “Our only lead led us to nothing. Fuck, Steven, this kid might as well be on the other side of the world at this rate.”
It was safe to say that the investigation leading into Leo Whitlock’s mysterious disappearance had hit a complete roadblock. Sharpe had vigoursly looked into Leo’s background, life, personal details, as well as the nature of the company he was working for. They’d managed to gain a lead on the man who hired the mercenary, but found he’d been taken care of.
A bullet in the head, taken care of.
“Maybe this goes deeper than a mercenary,” his partner spoke, making Sharpe reach for a cigerette. “Kid could of been trafficked by now. There’s no way we could find him. Besides, whoever took him is clearly being protected by something big. We could be getting into something real dangerous.”
“I’m not giving up on him,” the man snapped angrily, causing his partner to stop pacing with a curt scoff. She looked frustrated for a brief moment, before shaking her head sharply.
“I’m not saying that,” she argued.
“It sounds like you’re ready to give up.”
“I’m not—” She cut herself off, slowly approaching his desk. “Look, Steven. It’s been months. I’m trying to be realistic.”
Sharpe took a long, much needed drag of his cigerette, letting her words flow over him. His jaw tightened in irritation, but he didn’t say anything. There was the possibility Leo had been trafficked, possibly already murdered in a ditch somewhere, and their efforts were pointless. Even so, over the gruelling months looking for this kid, Sharpe wasn’t so eager to abandon him. He was still clinging onto the inevitable hope that he was alive, and he could find him.
“This might be a good thing,” he murmured, staring at all of the unorganised and haphazard papers sprawled out onto his desk. “Could give us something, whoever killed the client. Look into connections. Come on, Summers, it ain’t over.”
The woman bristled. “You’re running on two hours sleep and hard whiskey right now. We all are. We’re not much use to this kid half dead.”
Sharpe grunted, but didn’t say anything.
“Listen,” Summers sighed. “We’ll investigate this murder further. See if we can find anything. You don’t reckon it’s local mafia?”
“Nah,” he waved a hand sharply. “Too big of an operation. We would have found him dead by now. It’s smaller, close knit, probably a tight circle.”
She scoffed.
“A tight circle, yet one of them works as a mercenary? Taking violinists of their own volition? Doesn’t make any sense.”
Sharpe’s brow furrowed. “No, it doesn’t. But maybe that’s just what we need, eh?” He rose to his feet, hopping over boxes scattered on the ground, before jerking one off the shelf by the door. It was heavy under his arm, and Summers offered him a weary look as he slammed it down on his desk. “We ain’t got many mercenaries round here. Not high profile ones, anyway.”
“What does that matter?” Summers challenged. “They go wherever their client needs them. I don’t think staying local matters to them.”
“No, maybe not,” Sharpe grinned. “Leo hasn’t been taken out of the country though. And something tells me this little sod of ours is staying right under our nose.”
Summers narrowed her eyes.
“Whatever it is you’re thinking, I think you’re reaching,” she grumbled, moving to slip her coat on. She took a sip of her abandoned whiskey, grunting softly. “It’s gonna be hard to single them out, regardless of whoever’s protection they might be under.”
Sharpe popped the lid off the box, setting it down. He began digging through a multitude of papers, lip curved into a subtle smirk. “You go stick your nose in the investigation for the clients murder. Say hi to Barry for me.”
“It’s Harry,” she corrected. “You know it is.”
He waved a hand. “That’s what I said.”
She sighed curtly, buttoning up her coat. The man was focused solely on the wads of paper he was bringing out, narrowed eyes scanning the photos and information thoroughly, cigarette still clamped between his lips. A thin layer of smoke flowed through the room, clearing out slightly once Summers yanked open the door. She turned to face him with a tight smile. 
“Don’t work your ass off too hard,” she reprimanded, before promptly leaving and shutting the door behind her. Sharpe hummed under his breath, a knowing smirk spreading across his lips as he eyed a blurry photo and the paper of information stapled haphazardly behind it. 
“Roy Gatlin” the detective drawled under his breath, tapping the page lightly. “Well, that’s a start.”
. . .
From that moment, weeks must have passed. Well, Leo assumed it had been weeks, anyway. Time wasn’t his strong suit when he didn’t exactly have access to a phone or anything of the sort, and the road to recovery for his injuries was a slow, gruelling process. Still, Leo didn’t really mind. Once he was strong enough to stand on his own two feet, he was more than just eager to get better. 
He wanted to play the violin again. That was his greatest incentive urging him on right now, to feel the bow vibrating through his fingers and filling the air with sorrowful chords. Now that he’d received a simple taste of it, it was like torture having to wait again. 
Roy managed to do a particularly good job at keeping his mind off of things. Although his mind had been somewhat of a warped mess, clinging onto any little scrap of sanity he had, the man was cunning with his words and actions, subtle little things that nudged those deeply rooted seeds in his mind. Depending on the man during his recovery had rubbed off on Leo in a way he didn’t want to admit. The fact that he liked being tended to, cared for, that there was somebody to wipe the sweat off his clammy forehead when he was sick, or help him eat when his hands were of no use to him. 
Even when he could do most things himself, Leo didn’t mind playing his injuries up a little if it meant Roy would keep him close and sooth a comforting hand through his hair. It had been hard to think of home for a long while; whenever he did, he envisioned the conversation he had had with the mercenary, and a swell of pain stabbed at his heart. Leo would shake it off, tell himself to forget about it, and go back to the complacent routine. Now that the other mercenaries were gone, the house felt a little bit more like home. 
It was strange to admit. Part of Leo hated it, but once he thought about it, it was difficult not to believe it. 
The stitches on his side had dissolved after only a couple weeks, and Leo had been nothing but pleased over the fact that he felt like he was going back to normal. The only remnants that remained were the long, rigid scars on his back that Roy still often checked just in case, and the horrible state of his hands. Even though his broken fingers were still in the process of healing, the nails that Rafi had embedded into his palms had made his hands stiff and difficult to even move. Leo had become stricken with constant anxiety at the thought of never being able to use his hands again. The mercenary wasn’t a doctor, and although he seemed to have extensive knowledge on taking care of all of his wounds, he still couldn’t push down that irrevocable fear. 
Sometimes, when he was on his feet for too long, his ankle would throb lightly. Although it had been a while since Roy had first broken his ankle in the basement, he could still feel the effects of the break, even after so much time had passed. The mercenary had been insistent that Leo join him for walks outside, almost daily. He had to admit that when it was warm, he loved being outside. 
There was a small path in the forest at the back of the house that was just lit up by the sun, and it trailed around through the forest, and back to the house. Roy would keep a comforting, snug grip around his waist with his arm, keeping him pressed into his side, and Leo had eventually found the courage to lean his head on his shoulder, just so he could take in the natural sounds and the gentle breeze on his face. He’d once seen the forest as a horrible, daunting obstacle in his escape, but now he looked forward to any time he could take a leisurely walk through them with Roy by his side. 
With his hands the last thing out of commision, the mercenary had indulged him on his idea to help out with the cooking. Somehow, Roy was a lot worse than he’d ever expected him to be. The man had no sense of multitasking, thoroughly burning whatever it was he was told to keep in the oven for ten minutes, subsequently distracting them both from the stove. It was the most fun he’d had in a long while. 
Seeing the man struggling to do something as simple as cook was almost charming. To see Roy keep messing up and making horrendous mistakes; it made him appear so human. Whenever the man ended up with a shirt full of flour, or an egg cracked on his floor, Leo couldn’t stop the giggles from escaping him. The man would look at him with a disgruntled, but amused smile, and it made Leo’s ears flush pink. 
“You need a teaspoon,” he chuckled, motioning to the smaller untensil. “That one there.” 
Roy squinted at the draws. “Which one is the tablespoon? I thought that was the smaller one.” 
The secretary huffed softly, shaking his head. “It’s in the name, Roy. Teaspoon. For tea. You want a small spoon for your tea, don’t you?” 
The man scoffed, taking out the teaspoon. He poured the vanilla extract carefully onto it, before dumping it in the mixing bowl along with all the other ingredients. Leo peered into it, balancing Roy’s phone between his palms as his eyes scanned over the recipe. The mercenary had let him use his phone a multidude of times before, as if the idea wouldn’t have sent Leo into a frenzy when he was first here. The prospect of having access to a phone or technology of any kind would have got his mind racing with all sorts of possibilities. If he was obedient and earned his trust enough, he could call somebody. Call the police. Get himself out of here. 
The first time even a slither of those daunting thoughts crossed his mind, Roy would be there, sweeping him up into short, teasing kisses and telling him “I trust you” against his lips. Leo never thought about it again. 
“Let’s mix them,” Leo beamed, his eyes lighting up as he turned to the cupboards. “We need a mixer.” 
Roy’s brow raised, and although the secretary was more intent on finding where the mixer was, he had his eyes set completely on him. His hand gently eased along his back, tugging him closer. “I don’t think I have one.” 
Leo’s head tilted back, his brows furrowing. “You don’t have a mixer?” 
He felt his back hit the countertop, spine digging into the edge, and his belly suddenly swooped when the man trapped him in. He chuckled under his breath, tilting his head. 
“I don’t think five mercenaries are going to stand around baking cakes, are they, lion?” He drawled under his breath, and Leo winced when he began trailing kisses against his neck. He couldn’t even squirm away, since the man’s hips were flush against his. He could feel his heart pick up a rapid pace. 
“Mixers aren’t just for cake batter, you know,” he frowned, and Roy made a scoffing noise as he grabbed his jaw, like he wasn’t at all bothered about the uses of a mixer right now. He leaned forward and strung him up into a sloppy kiss, which Leo was more than happy to return just as, if not more, eagerly as him. The man quickly returned his attention back to his neck, and Leo tried to bite back the shuddery sigh on his wet lips, head tilting back for him. His eyes fluttered closed for a second, arms coming to wrap around his neck, wary of his hands. 
“Are you sure you don’t have a mixer?” Leo squeaked, his blood thrumming when he felt the mercenary’s kisses turn a little rougher against the column of his neck, littering little red marks. He seemed to pause, and the secretary got the message. “Okay. You’re going to have to use your hands then.” 
Roy finally lifted his head, a cheeky smirk and teasing look in his eyes as his hand slowly eased under his shirt. “Well, if you insist.” 
“For the batter!” Leo squeaked, squirming away from his touch. “You’re going to have to hand mix the batter.” 
He rumbled with amused laughter. “I hope this is worth it, lion.” 
“It will be,” he smiled, leaning forward to kiss him again. “I promise.”
They indulged each other for a little while, melting into the warmth of his lips on his own, before finally peeling away, and continuing with their disaster of a midnight snack. Leo felt a fuzzy giddiness cling to him as they continued to bake the cake, unable to stop his eyes from roaming to the mercenary when he wasn’t looking. He felt ridiculously infatuated, because when was the last time Leo had smiled until his cheeks hurt? Or laughed until his belly was sore? 
It was a strange feeling, and the more times he let the man kiss him and touch him, the harder he was falling into it.
tag list – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10 @professional-idiocy @seaweed-is-cool @theelvishcowgirl @atomicsandwichprince @sunshiline-writes @peasandpotatos @pirefyrelight
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jai-lovely · 3 months
Withered Evelynn
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Warnings: yelling, verbal abuse? Kinda, door slamming, Gil and Eve being the best siblings
This is chapter 3!
Make sure you check out chapter 1 & 2 on my profile
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Flashback chapter
"Jesus Gillian grow up, yer 17, ya can take care
of the little brat yourself" The woman says shoving clothes into a bag.
"Don't ya dare call 'er that" Gillian says as he follows her around the small room. "I can't take care of er alone, mom, I barely make anything from my shit job, and i'm not even legally allowed to take care of 'er!" The boy yells causing the women to turn around, her face scrunched together with anger and her finger pointing at him, "don't fucking yell at me boy" she pauses "leave her with that couch she loves so much, since ya clearly don't want 'er"
"Gil?" Evelynn says walking into the room, with her tinker bell nightgown on, her bare feet smacking against the hard floor. Gillian quickly turns to the door to face his little sister "Go back to yer room Eve" he says he says gently, to not alarm the girl. Evelynn clutches her whale shark stuffed animal while looking in between her mom and brother, her gaze finally lands on the bag resting on her mother's bed.
"Are we goin' somewhere mama?" She says not taking her attention away from the bag.
Before she got an answer, Gillian walked over and picked her up, she felt his rough hands under her armpits, lifting her up into his arms as he holds her "ya need to go back to bed Eve" the boy says walking back to the little girls room.
"But where's mama goin" Evelynn says as she clutches onto her brothers shirt, "Gil?" Her voice speaks again as he sets her down on her bed, "I'll tell ya tomorrow, just go to sleep okay?" He says  putting his hands on the sides of her head, before  placing a soft kiss on her hairline "I promise, now sleep" and with that he stands up, walking out and closing the door.
Evelynn was to stubborn, she couldn't just go to sleep. The young girl walks over to the door and pushes the side of her face to it, hoping to hear something.
There's voices and yelling, but it's all muffled from the closed door. She would open the door but she doesn't want her brother to get upset with her, so she stays where she is.
The front door slams, echoing throughout the whole house, making Evelynns door shake causing her to back up from it. She quickly runs jumping back into her bed, getting under the blanket. The space themed covers resting ontop of her as she lays down, clutching her whale shark.
Soft footsteps make there way to her room, opening the door and peeking their head in.
"Eve?" Gillian calls out quietly, checking if the girl was asleep. Evelynn lays still, facing her wall just staring at it, she didn't want Gil knowing she was still awake, maybe he would figure out she was listening to them, or well, trying too.
With a sigh, Gillian closes the door to let the young girl rest, but she doesn't, she rolls onto her back looking up at the ceiling, counting the glow in the dark stars that covered the popcorn ceiling.
Soft knocks could be heard on the wooden door. "Come in" a voice says. Evelynn pushes open the office door before stepping in and closing the door behind her, "hey Eve, what do you need?" Coach smith asks the girl, a soft smile lays upon his face. "Mrs Abith told me to go on a walk, to wake up " the girl mummers, playing with the bottom of her shirt. Coach smith raises an eyebrow, before nodding, "alrighty than, take a seat" he says as he gestures to the little grey couch infront of his desk.
Evelynn walks over to the couch and sits down, the grey leather sticking to her skin uncomfortably."Now, why are you falling asleep in class, hm?" Evelynn looks up from her lap to the man behind the desk infront of her. "Didn't sleep well last night" the girl shrugs, causing the coach to tilt his head, "didn't sleep well last night?" He repeats to her, Evelynn just nods.
With a sigh the coach stands up walking around the desk and crouches infront of the small girl, "Gil told me you might come see me" he said gently, Evelynn looks to him with wide eyes "he did?"  she says surprised, Coach nods "he also told me what happened with your mom" that causes Evelynn too look down at her lap.
Coach smiths sighs before standing up and sitting beside the small girl.
"Eve" he pauses "shit how do I say this" he says rubbing his chin, Evelynns eyes widen "language", coach looks over to her and chuckles, raising his hands in the air "my bad kid, my bad".
His face quickly changes back to a serious expression, "this is hard to say, but" he pauses again rubbing a hand down his face "your mom, she might not be back for awhile" Evelynns face falls "but you have Gillian and you have me, got it? I want you to know I'll be here if you guys ever need me" coach says looking at the small girl. Evelynn looks to the older man before nodding "for anything?" She asks, "anything" he repeats with a smile.
Evelynn was on the swingset alone after school waiting for her brother.
Two people stared walking towards her, the sun in her eyes making her unable to see who it was. 
As they came closer it turned out to be Gillian, and Coach smith? Evelynn stops swinging as she watches the pair approach. "Eve cmon we're gonna get ice cream" Gillian says with a smile on his face, Evelynn looks confused, ' We can't afford that though' she thought to herself, but none of the less she stood up from the swing and grabbed her backpack, walking over to the pair.
"Why are ya here? No offence" Evelynn says to coach smith as she grabs her brother's hand, Gillain takes the girls backpack putting one arm through the strap so the pink backpack hangs off his back.
Coach smith laughs "taking you guys for ice cream of course" he smiles down at the girl, Evelynn just nods as they begin to walk on the side walk, leaving the school.
"Eve did ya wear sunscreen like I told ya too?"Gillian questions looking down at the small girls face, as it begins to look a little red, "yes" the girl lies licking her ice cream, he lets out a little 'mhm' sound not believing her. Suddenly Evelynns feels a hat on her head but it's way to far down covering her eyes, she pushes the hat up before looking over to the coach, "hey"  she whines causing both Gillian and coach smith to laugh. Their laughing is louder than the music playing on the speakers, you could probably hear them from a mile away.
Evelynn pouts even more as she sees them both laughing at her "I'm sorry-" Gillian wheezes, "no your not" the girl says adjusting the hat on her head, it was Coach smiths baseball hat.
Evelynn squeals as she feels ice cream running down her hand, she quickly licks the ice cream off before it drips everywhere .
Now with her arm all sticky, Evelynn, Gillain, and Coach smith sit at a table outside, all eating their ice cream, telling jokes and laughing.
Boom flashback chapter
Also I've seen edits of Jeffery dean morgan being a baseball coach, so I couldn't help it lol
Sorry if there's mistakes I'm tired lol
Thank you for reading Withered Evelynn!
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faithinhome · 1 year
Neighbor Next Door - Stephen Strange x Female OC
18+ | minors dni
Summary: anna had always thought the doctor next door was attractive. and one interaction left her itching to get more of him.
Tags: age gap (25F & 40M), cheating (but not in the way you’d think), strong language, smut.
Chapter 15: The Same
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anna had possibly the horniest dream she’d ever had in the longest time.
her brain was hooked on stephen even while she was sleeping.
they met. there was tension, so much tension. and then, they pretty much had sex the entirety of the dream until she woke up.
“jesus christ” she mumbled to herself as she awoke, hissing as the sting of the tattoo returned. she looked down “oh right.”
anna finally dragged herself out of the couch and headed to the bathroom, checking out her tattoo in the mirror. “shit, that’s actually really good.”
she bit her lip, grabbing her phone, contemplating.
she eventually gave in, groaning to herself as she headed to her bedroom and closed the door, as if there was anyone else in the apartment. she grabbed her vibrator with a sigh and went to stephen’s profile. “alright brain, i officially hate you.”
there was something about stephen. she could swear he was a part of some sort of an experiment god had going to test out some special pheromones because she was absolute obsessed with this man. not just mentally and emotionally. but physically and sexually too. everytime she was away from him, it was as if her body screamed out to be close to him again. she just wanted his skin on her at all times. she thought about all the times he was on top of her, the way his strong arms gripped her waist. the sounds that would leave his swollen lips as he thrusted into her. the feeling of him filling her up and hitting nerves like they’d been there just for him.
the way the sweat glistened down his skin, and everytime he called her a good girl.
“oh fuck” anna whimpered softly to herself, feeling her legs shake as she arched back slightly, gripping her bed sheets. “fuck stephen. fuck fuck fuck.”
anna lay there panting once she came down from her orgasm, looking back over at his picture, sighing. she eventually drifted right back to sleep, her muscles relaxed and eye lids heavy from the orgasm.
anna stirred later at noon, whining as she felt a headache coming on. alcohol may not impact her too much but sleeping in too late surely did.
she woke up and looked at her phone, tapping on it. it opened to a picture of stephen and she blushed, swiping away from his profile. maybe she missed him a bit too much.
she felt filthy and decided to get up and take a shower.
after her shower, she put on a tube top to make sure the tattoo didn’t rub against anything and healed properly. she also pulled on a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen.
her damp hair fell down her shoulders as she started to make breakfast.
as the door bell rang, anna ran to it, seeing that it was stephen waiting on the other side.
she probably shouldn’t be so excited, she was still mad at him, but she couldn’t help the giddiness.
anna opened the door, trying her best to show no emotion.
“anna, i- oh.. h-hi” stephen fell short of words as his eyes landed on her. she looked absolutely ethereal. he swore she was the only person that could look good with wet hair.
“hey” anna blushed a little. she could feel and, clearly see the way stephen’s gaze was glued to her.
“i… i thought i’d come in person to explain” stephen mumbled softly, looking away so he’d be able to form words. “i just need you to know nothing really happened.”
anna shook her head. “and what does that mean? nothing really happened implies something else did happen.”
“okay, i” stephen sighed. he had to fess up and it didn’t seem like he was going to be invited in. “christine had been bugging me for a few days and i just uh. i guess i was lonely that night when she texted me again. and i did ask her to come over. and we um,”
fuck, he hated this.
“we did make out but that was it” he mumbled, still unable to meet anna’s eyes. “it just… it didn’t feel right. i realized i didn’t want to do it. it didn’t feel… good. so we just ordered take out and ended up talking, trying to see if we could patch things up but it led to a dead end. all we really did was that she insisted to stay the night and wear my shirt. and it honestly felt like she deliberately went out to answer the door and offer no explanation when she saw it was you that was outside.”
anna wanted to protest but wondered if it was fair for her to keep being mad. after all, they weren’t exclusive and he technically didn’t owe her anything.
“okay” anna’s voice was quiet. it still hurt to know that he would so easily crawl back to christine. she knew she was no competition for her. “i… i just. i don’t know. i know it wasn’t my place to say anything but i can’t help the way i feel. i can’t stop the… jealousy. it’s so stupid but i feel it.”
“no anna” stephen shook his head and met anna’s eyes. she’d always been honest about her emotions up front and maybe it was time that stephen did the same. “i feel the same. i should’ve told you this before. i feel exactly the same. i’ll be honest. the reason i left early was because i couldn’t stand seeing you with marc. and when you told him you wished that they could be more as well i thought i’d lost you. and that was the end of it. i felt so pathetically lonely and fucked up anna. the only reason i asked christine over was because i just i felt so pathetic. so i did the pathetic thing. she wanted me and i gave into that constant need i seem to have for validation. all to forget the pain gnawing at my chest. it’s so, so wrong but that’s the truth.”
anna let the words sink in as she watched stephen talk, he appeared so…small. she almost felt bad for him. she had a feeling being vulnerable like this was probably very hard for stephen. he couldn’t even hold her gaze anymore. she could tell he felt powerless.
“that’s what i did too” anna whispered. “when i went out with marc yesterday. but uh, nothing happened there either. and i… i, okay.”
she sighed loudly. “i said that to make you…jealous? i just… i’m sorry too. i didn’t think it would work. it just seemed like i was always the jealous one and i just wanted it to seem like well, not so pathetic. ”
stephen finally met her gaze. “it’s okay. i haven’t made any of this easy for you.”
anna looked down. “you- were you really that afraid of losing me? you know i’ll always be your friend.”
stephen stepped closer, aching to reach out but he felt like he’d lost the right to. “i know. but it scares me to think that that’s all you’ll ever be.”
anna bit down on her lip. “what do you mean?”
her voice was so small, it made stephen’s heart melt. “i can’t stop thinking about you, anna. and not just when it comes to hooking up. when i’m alone, i find myself wanting to be with you. to listen to you talk, to hear your laugh. you have one of the brightest most creative minds ever. i love listening to your ideas, your jokes. any time spent with you feels like quality time. i like you a little more than a friend might.”
anna looked up to meet his gaze. “i just… i’m sorry, it’s a little hard for me to believe.”
“why is that so?”
“it was just so easy for you to have christine over yesterday and it just… doesn’t make sense.”
stephen stepped back, feeling immense guilt. “i know. i’m sorry i screwed this up.”
“well thanks for coming over to explain” anna spoke softly. she so badly wanted to wrap her arms around him and call him hers. she wished christine never happened. she wished none of this was ever an issue. part of her just wanted to say fuck it and take him back.
but her ego held her back. she felt like she had to do this just to preserve her self respect.
“yeah… yeah no problem” stephen’s heart dropped. he figured there was no mending this. “um, i should go. thanks for hearing me out.”
“of course” anna smiled. “always. and stephen? we’re still friends, okay? i just need some time.”
“of course” stephen smiled sadly. “thank you.”
they said goodbye and anna closed the door, watching him leave through the peep hole.
she turned and leant her back against the door, sighing to herself.
“why does this have to be so complicated?”
a thought nagged at her, questioning if she should even believe him about christine? but she found it easier to believe stephen. she felt he’d always been honest, even if it meant hurting her. so that wasn’t necessarily something that she thought was worth pondering over. she went back to making her breakfast, and all she could think of was the sad look on stephen’s face when she turned him away.
stephen decided to reach out to sam.
usually, this would be nearly impossible for him to do. he felt like he’d progressed as a person ever since he’d been around anna. he was more open to expressing himself and letting people in.
asking sam for help had still felt really hard but after the way he’d poured his heart out today, he knew this wasn’t as intense.
and it really helped that sam seemed more than keen. he offered to come over.
stephen felt like anna had given him so much unknowingly. she didn’t deserve to hurt because of him.
to his surprise, sam brought over some snacks and gave stephen a hug as soon as he came over. “i’m so glad you reached out. let’s talk, buddy.”
they sat down on the couch, snacking on chips as stephen opened up to him.
“i get how tough this is” sam mumbled. “i don’t think she’ll be upset for long. she doesn’t let go of people and friends that easy.”
stephen nodded. “yeah but it’s more than that. i don’t know if she’ll ever trust me again.”
sam thought about it for a moment and spoke up. “stephen, can i ask you something?”
“go ahead.”
“do you wanna be with anna, like really be with her in an exclusive relationship?”
stephen found the courage to meet sam’s eyes. there was no use hiding from the truth. he’d already admitted it to himself and he’d practically admitted it to anna as well. “i- i do, sam. i really do.”
sam smiled. “sorry.” he grinned. “i just. i can’t hold it in. i’m trying to be unbiased and professional here but. oh fuck, you guys would be so cute together.”
stephen chuckled at sam’s enthusiasm. “i doubt she’ll ever trust me again.”
“it might take some time to build trust. but i should really tell you this. i think she wants to be with you too. but she’s confused, just like you were. this isn’t a conventional situation at all. but the more i talk to her, the more it seems like she…she really seems to like you, stephen.”
stephen’s eyes lit up. “you think so?”
“i’m trying not to give too much away about her feelings but” sam smiled. “i know so, stephen. i think you should pursue this. try and win her trust over again. okay, how about this? i’ll see what she has to say about this and i’ll give you the green light. but i’m pretty sure she wants to continue pursuing this. or well, you’ll have to pursue it a bit more because you gotta win her over.”
“i was planning on taking the lead, anyway.”
“oh yes!” sam clapped his hands excitedly. “okay buddy i know this feels like absolute shit right now. give yourself time to feel it, but when you feel a little light, try and see this as an opportunity to be even more romantic. swoon her. to be her knight in shining armor.” sam sighed dramatically. “oh, i love love.”
stephen laughed softly at that. “you’re making a lot of sense, actually. i’m already feeling better.”
“i’m glad i could help, buddy.”
“and i’m glad you’re my friend” stephen smiled, feeling extremely thankful for sam’s companionship.
“me too” sam smiled, winking at stephen. “gotta thank anna for being a total slut, or this wouldn’t have been possible.”
stephen’s brows shot up, he didn’t really know how to respond. “oh?”
“it’s cool” sam laughed. “she doesn’t mind. it’s a thing. but don’t you ever call her that. unless… she wants you too” he elbowed him suggestively.
stephen blushed and shook his head, laughing. “please for the love of god, stop talking.”
the two burst out into laughter.
stephen had received the “green light” as sam put it. he wondered what anna had said to sam precisely but sam hadn’t specified. he’d just said stephen was “free to pursue anna without coming off as a creepy weirdo.”
sam was totally right about seeing this as an opportunity. stephen was always a bit traditional, despite how he’d been behaving for a while with anna. he loved being a romantic. he loved being the one to ask someone out, to spoil them, to romance them.
he got to thinking. what should he start with? he didn’t know if he could ask her out yet. buying her something would just give the wrong impression.
it was probably better to give her some space to start with. some time to cool off and then he could try to get them to hang out again. he really hoped anna would forgive him soon. everything he’d told her was absolutely true. he always missed her company and was already starting to feel her absence.
stephen kept himself busy for a week or so. he wondered if it would be best to get together with sam and have anna be there? this way it wouldn’t be too overwhelming for her. and he could prove through his actions and the way he treated her how much he truly cared for her.
he would check her account regularly, his heart pounding as he anticipated any more posts with marc. thankfully, nothing popped up. but that didn’t mean nothing was happening behind the scenes. stephen was hoping nothing was going on. he didn’t want that son of a bitch getting to anna before he did.
on thursday night, after work, stephen made himself a bowl of cereal because he couldn’t be bothered with anything else. he was sat in front of his tv as he texted sam if they could hang out so he could be around anna.
sam’s response was quick. ‘i’ll think of something.’
stephen bit down on his lip as he contemplated his next question. would it be pushing a boundary to ask?
stephen: i know it’s really not my place to ask but is anna seeing marc?
the 5 minutes it took sam to reply felt like forever.
sam: sorry buddy. they’ve been hanging out a lot. but it doesn’t seem like they’re dating or anything.
stephen wished sam had added some extra detail, assuring him that they hadn’t… hooked up.
but he’d lost the privelege to ask.
that is, if he even had it in the first place.
sam: don’t worry armani suit. she still has the hots for you. i walked in on her scrolling through your profile yesterday. don’t tell her i ratted her out.
stephen laughed as he read sam’s text. was that how sam referred to stephen behind his back, too? stephen was a tad bit relieved to find out anna did exactly what stephen did as well. he just wished marc would go far far away from them.
stephen: thanks, man. take care of her. and yourself, too.
sam: you too. i’ll let you know if i hear something about marc.
stephen thanked sam once again, returning his attention to the TV, but the exchange was still running in the back of his head.
after some incessant rumination, stephen decided there was no use overthinking this. he would only find out anything once he got there.
stephen suggested that he take everyone to a nice place to eat and sam relayed the information that marc was probably going to tag along as well.
stephen hated the idea but he was willing to do whatever it took to make it up to anna.
he made a reservation at a nice italian place and also offered to pick everyone up on the way to the restaurant. however, sam told him that anna was probably going to arrive with marc.
now stephen didn’t know if this was happening because anna wanted to get back at stephen, if they were hooking up or if they were just back to being friends.
he just hoped what sam said was true and that he still had a chance.
this time, he wasn’t going to fuck this up. he was going to put his ego and self pitying aside and do whatever it took to get anna back.
her absence made him realize just what he was missing when she wasn’t around.
he always felt so … happy with her around. she was caring, and sweet. she was the best company he’d ever had in a while.
being around her always felt incredible. she had a way of making you feel really good about yourself and just happy to be there.
she was smart, funny and adorable. he loved her wit and the things she said. he could listen to her and gaze into her eyes all day.
he wanted to know so much about her and her deepest thoughts.
it was odd. being around her was comforting and yet he always felt this incredible rush. she was so beautiful he could never look away. her skin was so smooth, her smile so pretty, and her curves…
stephen snapped himself out of his thoughts. it was friday night and stephen had to get dressed to go pick everyone up. so as much as wanted to, he didn’t have the time to think about how hot anna was.
and then he thought about marc.
lucky fucking bastard.
stephen began to get dressed. he settled on a black button up and a pair of slim fit black pants. he unbuttoned the top button and rolled up his sleeves, checking himself out in the mirror.
he’d heard that women loved rolled up sleeves and anything black and he hoped anna would feel the same way.
he fixed his hair and left to get to his car, heart thumping in his chest. he was so excited yet anxious to see anna. he’d missed her and he knew she’d look fantastic tonight.
stephen swung by wanda’s place to pick her and sam up, since she was the closest to him. he recalled the time wanda had snooped in on him and told anna. he knew they were best friends but he’d found that kind of behaviour quite disrespectful. but he’d decided to let it pass this one time and address it if something like that happened again.
“stephen, hey!” sam flashed a smile at him as he opened the door before getting inside the passenger seat. wanda got in at the back and greeted stephen, thanking him for picking her up.
“you guys look great” stephen beamed before making sure everyone was seated and comfortable and driving to the restaurant.
they arrived at the place and saw that anna and marc were already waiting. he admired her as they walked toward the front door, quickly checking her out before they approached.
she had a beautiful pink dress on. it hugged her waist and then flowed down to her knees. the dress was low cut, exposing the tattoo she’d gotten a week ago. it was so hot.
stephen smiled as he approached the two. and all he could say was “hi.”
anna looked breathtaking. her hair flowed down to her shoulders and the red tinted gloss on her lips had stephen feeling all sorts of ways. he then noticed marc’s hand around her waist and it made his blood boil, but he kept his composure.
anna responded with a simple hi before walking over to hug sam and wanda. she seemed a lot happier to see them than she was to see him.
what he didn’t know was that anna was absolutely floored by how handsome stephen looked. the all-black look, the rolled up sleeves and the little peek of his chest, it was all way hotter than anna could handle.
it literally hurt to know she couldn’t reach out to touch him. but she had to seem a bit offstandish.
stephen tried his best but he couldn’t keep his eyes off anna. he kept stealing glances in her direction. when he ordered food, while eating, while he poured everyone water. anna had caught him a couple times, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t help but look in her direction once a while even though she wasn’t even engaging in conversation with him or looking in his direction.
it bothered him that she was ignoring him and paying so much attention to marc.
at one point, he watched them talk and noticed how in the middle of anna talking, marc got distracted by a woman that passed by, completely ignoring her. he noticed anna’s smile falter a little and looked away.
maybe now he knew why her and marc were never exclusive.
poor anna. it made him even angrier with marc.
what was he even hanging around her for if he couldn’t even pay attention to her when she talked?
was it not worthwhile to listen to a woman when she talked and give her your full attention? he didn’t understand why guys did so many not too subtle things that were actually really disrespectful. maybe it was because they always got away with it.
knowing that, he couldn’t stop himself from what he did next.
“marc i think anna’s trying to tell you something” stephen cleared his throat. anna glanced over at stephen and then back at marc, her cheeks warming.
“what? oh yeah yeah” marc turned and looked at anna. “he was listening to… what was it? an old album?”
“i said he was reading- never mind.”
“oh come on, tell me. don’t do that.”
stephen rolled his eyes and looked away, catching sam looking at him.
sam raised a brow at him and gave him a thumbs up, mouthing, “daddy.”
stephen smiled and shook his head, trying to hold back a laugh.
anna was still blushing from the way stephen swooped in and demanded attention from marc. he was such a man.
she looked over at stephen, quickly looking away when their eyes met.
stephen gazed down at his food when anna looked away, upset that she refused to even hold his gaze for more than a second.
“so stephen, how long have you been working as a doctor?” wanda spoke up.
stephen was a little surprised because wanda hardly ever spoke to him.
“oh, uh…for like a decade?” stephen murmured. “i’ve been doing it for a while now.”
“oh that’s cool. what made you want to be a surgeon?”
“oh um” stephen put down his spoon, his demeanour changing. “i just wanted to… help people.”
he didn’t think he could talk about his sister here in front of everyone.
“that’s so honourable” wanda smiled and stephen looked up, returning her smile. “i’m just curious, what’s the process for the kind of cases you get? because from what i know, you’re one of the best doctors around.”
“usually i get extreme cases” stephen responded thoughtfully. “or even cases deemed impossible. but i also do basic surgeries. really depends on our schedules.”
wanda nodded. “you ever… refused a case?”
stephen’s heart dropped at the question. it reminded him of a time he was even more arrogant than he was now. he would refuse cases that were too “simple” for him only because they brought him no glory. he would also refuse cases that were too risky so he wouldn’t mess up his perfect record. he’d lost his way down the line, forget the real reason he was in this profession to begin with.
he’d been too swayed by external attention and media validation. but he finally found his way back to himself, and worked on becoming a better person.
now that he was reminded of this, a disturbing thought occurred to him.
he wondered if anna would even want him if she knew?
“i uh… yes” stephen said. “again, sometimes there are… schedule conflicts. or sometimes i’m not the best fit for that particular situation.”
“hm funny” wanda nodded. “i just know you as the best of the best.”
stephen smiled, nodding. “you’re very kind. i’ve gotten a lot better, but i wasn’t always this way. it took a lot of practice.”
“i’m sure” wanda nodded.
anna was listening as well, trying to hold back a smile.
he really was the best of the best, huh?
was there any flaw that this man had? he seemed so… competent at everything.
everything except maybe keeping it in his pants.
and then it occurred to her.
all men were the same, weren’t they? no matter how “perfect” and accomplished they were.
the thought saddened her. she just didn’t want to be here anymore. she couldn’t believe she thought she had any chance with stephen even though now that she looked at it, he never gave her any signs that he wanted to be with her up until a week ago.
stephen noticed anna’s energy change. he wished he wasn’t sitting so far from her. she was on the opposite side, a seat to the left.
okay, maybe not too far but far enough.
he wanted to text her and ask if she was okay but he was still blocked and he didn’t know if texting her on her social media would be too much.
he decided eventually to try and engage her in conversation.
“how’ve you been, anna?” stephen asked her softly, gazing at her with adoration. he hoped she was okay.
anna looked up, surprised that stephen was talking to her.
she wanted to have an attitude with him but she also didn’t want to embarass him in front of everyone. “i’m okay.”
“how’s work coming along?”
“it’s good” anna smiled and nodded and stephen could tell it was fake. how had he let this get so out of hand?
“actually i think i’m gonna head out early.”
stephen blinked, his eyes widening. “oh? are you okay?”
“nooo stay!” sam protested with a pout.
anna laughed.
“my tummy’s a little upset” anna lied. “i’m just gonna head out. i’ll just pay my half-“
“don’t worry about it” stephen spoke up. “tonight was my treat.”
“i can pay for myself” anna stated, a little more firmly than she should’ve.
stephen was pretty embarassed. “i just wanted to give you all a treat.”
“okay yeah s-sorry.” anna spoke shakily. “thanks stephen. i’ll see you guys later.” she smiled at everyone and got up.
the vibe at the table had turned extremely awkward really fast. no one seemed to know what to say.
except for maybe sam.
“c’mere, give me hugs” sam extended his arms and stood up, hugging anna and wanda followed after, telling her to feel better.
marc just waved at her and said goodbye.
“that was weird” marc raised a brow.
stephen nodded and looked down.
marc glanced at him. “did you guys have a fight or something?”
“uh” stephen hesitated, letting out a soft chuckle to make it seem less serious. “a little argument. nothing too bad.”
“oh i’m sorry. i’ll try and calm her down when i speak to her again.”
oh because you know her so well.
“thanks” stephen faked a smile.
he couldn’t stop feeling bitter toward marc and the guy was nice to him.
sam tried to engage everyone in a conversation and all stephen could do was think about anna. he’d obviously blown this.
everyone seemed happy enough as the dinner came to an end and stephen dropped everyone off, including marc because he’d had some drinks.
at the very end, it was just him and wanda and the silence got really awkward.
“how’ve you been, wanda?” he decided to make some light conversation. he didn’t know too much about her. “how’s work coming along?”
it turned out he only had 2 questions up his sleeve to break uncomfortable silence. how are you, and how’s work?
“good and good” wanda smiled. “i mean work does get hectic sometimes but it’s been good. i enjoy it.”
“that’s good to know.”
“can i ask you something?”
“sure” stephen murmured, not sure what was coming next.
“how were you so okay with me and anna hanging out… despite the fact that you know, we hooked up?”
stephen blushed. “i’ll admit i felt jealous for sure. but i knew how important your friendship is. and i decided to deal with appropriately.”
“you’ve changed a lot, hm?”
stephen raised a brow. “what do you mean?”
“something tells me you weren’t always this…mature.”
“oh?” stephen‘s brows shot up. he didn’t know where this was heading.
“let’s be honest, why did christine cheat on you in the first place?”
stephen was taken aback and the question cut through his heart like a knife. “what do you mean?”
“i mean, women don’t just cheat for no reason.”
“are you implying it was because of something i did?” stephen was shocked at how insensitive wanda was being.
“i’m not implying anything, just curious.”
stephen stayed quiet, his jaw clenching. it seemed more and more as if wanda had it out for him. “i don’t want to talk about this.”
“why? what are you hiding?”
stephen was growing frustrated. what was with this interrogation? what was he hiding? what the fuck did that mean? he breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled up to her house, “good night, wanda.”
he didn’t look at wanda and didn’t see her smirk as she undid her seat belt. “goodnight, doctor.”
stephen finally looked at her as she walked away, his heart racing. what was with the tone?
what the fuck had just happened?
a/n: a little bit of stephen pov for you all :) i hope you all enjoyed the chapter. at least anna didn’t get drunk this time! please let me know what you think. i’ve been super sick this week and completely out of it but i did my best !! :) see you all next week!
index for the fic: Neighbor Next Door
@kentucky-criedfricken @sherlux @evelynrosestuff @thewinterpoet2 @lokiego @cemak @chocokitty @whore4sherlockholmes @thegardenerofeden @partiallyinfluencial @do-double-g @vi0letdaze @justobsessedwithyou @kezstarzz @444errorr @aphroditesdilemma
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morriguwrites · 1 month
written for prompt: the cops have brought me in for bloodwork for a DWI and oh no my ER nurse is really hot and I'm a fuckup
(cross-posted from my main blog before i created this one. sometimes i write a little dry humor when i'm sick of writing angst or romance)
written for @xenascribbles because it wanted a little humor in its day, and this is the best i can come up with
I just would like to point out that there's no real sane reason to keep a hospital this frigid when it's already 15 degrees outside. I know it's something about keeping germs at a minimum, but rationalizing isn't exactly my forte when I'm busy trying to come off as not-drunk when I’m oh-so-very drunk.
The deputy who has me in cuffs is barely older than I and not convinced. We stood outside for nearly an hour waiting on the warrant to obtain my bloodwork; I'm just happy it's saved me from the holding tank a little bit longer. At least here I can try to catnap some of this booze out of my system.
I still can't figure out how they knew to pull me over. I wasn't speeding, and my constant drunken mantra of "Mustard. Mayo. Stay in the middle" ensured the fact that I was not swerving or drifting in and out of lanes. Hell, I drive better drunk than I do sober.
All I can figure is that they were tailing me as I pulled out of the bar's parking lot. Profiling bastards! This is my first DWI offense and definite overkill on their part. Besides an absolute fuckton of Patron, there is nothing else swimming in my bloodstream.
Speaking of swimming, I must lay my head against the gurney to keep the room from going all topsy-turvy. I wonder if doctors and nurses operate on some kind of backwards fantasy time where two hours really feels like ten minutes to them because besides the triage nurse at the front desk, we haven't seen a living soul since being showed to the room. No skin off my back: the cop gets to get out of the cold, and I'm not sitting pretty behind bars yet. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s against some policy to haul in someone the opposite gender of you. He’s a six foot two giant beanpole of a man, and I’m just a little five foot barely two inches off the ground lesbian woman. What the hell kinda intimidation am I gonna pull on him?
I'm barely drifting off when a feminine voice announces the presence of my nurse. I crack open my eyes with much effort. And whoaaa nelly, this is my nurse. I don't want to diminish her beauty by telling you I was peering through some mighty hefty beer goggles, but Christ, was she radiant.
One side of her short, blonde hair was tucked behind an ear, freckles dusted over a cute button nose, and a bright smile to kill for. Talent truly wasted in the dungeon that is this emergency room, that's for sure. She wraps a blood pressure cuff around my upper arm, and surprisingly her hands are not ice-cold despite the cliché that all medical worker's hands stay sterile and freezing.
"Frann---Frances," I slur from her name badge. "I only know of old men and bulldogs named Frances." The thought leaves my mouth before I can stop it and leaves me nearly biting my tongue in two. Fuck. Why am I the way that I am? Thankfully, she smirks in response and cuts her eyes in my direction. Brown eyes. Beautiful.
"It's a family name. After my grandmother."
"Is your grandmother as pretty as you?"
"Jesus." The deputy beside me mutters the oath under his breath as if he also can't fathom the inner workings of my debauched mind. Trust me, my dude, I can’t either.
Thankfully, she takes this in stride and chuckles. “I think she probably was back in her day.” The blood pressure cuff inflates tightly on my arm for a few moments before giving her back a reading she seems satisfied with.
“So, what brings you in tonight?” She knows, and she knows that I know she knows, but I imagine it must be some hospital protocol to ask the patient why they’re there when we clearly told the triage nurse at the front desk the same thing.
“Deputy High-and-Tight here wants some of my blood,” I slur and jab a thumb over my shoulder to the uniform. “Cop by day. Vampire by night. His delicate policeman sensibilities keep him from feeding directly on his victims. So, he drags them in to the ER to get it “legally””. I heavily air-quote the legally portion. Fucking cops.
My narrative does not phase him one bit. “Go on. Tell her how you got here.”
I roll my head on my shoulders and smirk like the little piss-ant that I am. The rolling of the head bit also makes the room spin a little. “Hey, I might be the drunk one, but I’m pretty sure we got HERE in YOUR car. I could be wrong. Could have been a magic carpet ride.”
My mind instantly goes back to other carpet rides I’ve experienced, and I swing my head back towards the pretty lady in the room. She’s still smiling. That’s good. She’s either laughing with me or laughing at me. Either way, if I have her attention I’m golden.
“I think I blew a point ohhh…what was it again, dude…point oh twelvish. That sounds about right. So on the scale of legality, I was nearly able to drive.” I try to stick up for myself on this one. I really was almost at the legal limit. If I had just spent the few extra minutes fishing out my keys from where they dropped under the seat, I might not be in this predicament.
Speaking of dicks, my friend speaks up again. “Nearly able and able are not the same thing. You were drifting into the median.”
“Bullllllshit, dude. I’m a great driver.” I say this emphatically to my nurse, who nods all very serious-like. I hadn’t noticed before, but she was prepping a sterile butterfly needle and specimen tube and already coming at my arm with an alcohol swab.
“Woah, woah, woah. Can you at least take me out to dinner first?!” I try to hold my arm still to the best of my ability, but it keeps drunkenly fish-tailing itself off my leg to flop beside me on the gurney. She finally laughs out loud at this and holds it deftly with her forearm while her hand stabilizes the spot she’s about to poke at.
“Sure. I’m not a fan of Italian or Chinese buffet food. I like burgers, hibachi, and Mexican, though.”
Wait…what? Did that actually work? I was so not expecting that shit to work.
“As long as you don’t get this plastered during our dinner, yeah, it worked.”
Ho-lee crap. I said that out loud. For the first time during this encounter, I feel a flush of embarrassment ride up my neck. Shit. She said yes. What do I do now? I look to Deputy Bust-my-Balls for moral support, and even he looks super surprised that my plan worked. However, he offers no other encouragement on my front.
“Well, sweet. Here, write your number on my arm since I’m pretty sure my phone is in his pocket. Next week sound good? I’ll probably be downtown for a few days, but don’t let that be an opportunity for you to back out, okay? I’ll be a free woman before you know it.” I rush to get all this out coherently before I lose my train of thought.
She finishes getting the vial of blood she needed, and deftly scribbles out her name and cell on the inside of my arm. I stare dumbly at it as if it were going to grow a pair of legs and walk off. 
“It was nice to meet you. Stay out of trouble!” she states, standing up. Before her cute little tush leaves the room, she jerks her head at the cop. “Don’t give him such a hard time, okay? He’s just doing his job.”
I glare at him once she’s left and laugh to see that he’s also blushing. Feeling real proud of myself, I kick my legs up on the gurney and get comfortable. “You work all weekend, Moustache?”
“Un-fucking-fortunately.” He sighs heavily. If I were him and had to deal with me, I’d sigh too.
“Nah, it’s going to be a good weekend.”
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a gender neutral reader x Zipco one shot. Maybe something like them both being sweet on each other but both thinking the other isn't interested. Ending with a first kiss or more or whatever you feel! Thanks for considering!!
A/n: this got steamier than I thought it would when I started. What can I say, I love a broody biker man <3 Thanks for the request anon!!
Long Time Coming - Zipco X GN!Reader
WC: 2142 Warnings: mention of past domestic violence relationship; alcohol use; steam
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**K i know this gif isn't from the movie but i could literally not find any on tumblr so dont hate me
You leaned back in your chair in the bar, taking in the motley crew of bikers that had become something like a family over the last few months. Johnny was standing over by the pool tables, one arm slung over Benny’s shoulder to keep himself upright, the other clutching the neck of a beer bottle and conducting a very off-tune rendition of Elvis’ All Shook Up, vocals provided by the very drunk duo of Wahoo and Corky. Kathy had kicked off her heels and was doing a rather uncoordinated jumble of the monster mash, trying to adjust to the sloppy cadence of the drunk chorus that kept falling behind the beat of the jukebox. Your cousin Cal was laughing so hard at the antics he almost had tears in his eyes. Cockroach was off in a corner whispering something naughty in his wife’s ear, judging by her giggle and the bright pink flush on her cheeks, as he played with the ends of her hair. Funny Sonny was smoking a joint near the front door at a table with a fast-asleep Fat Jack across from him. Every few minutes, Funny Sonny would try to flick a pretzel crumb into Fat Jack’s open mouth between his snores. Most of the crumbs fell short of their target, dotting Jack’s beard and his chest.
And then there was Zipco, seated solemnly at the bar studying the bottom of the whiskey and coke in his hand as if he were reading tea leaves. He was the one somber face in the tavern, and judging by the furrow in his brows his emotions were churning like a storm. You chewed on the inside of your lip as you watched him from across the smoky bar, wondering what it was - or who - that was causing him such grief. Of all the bikers, you knew him the least and thought about him the most. 
Zipco shifted on the barstool, and you could see the muscles in his back tense and move against the black of his t-shirt. Enjoying your unobstructed vantage point from the relative anonymity of the dimly lit bar, you greedily drank in the sight of his side profile, his face partially obscured by his perpetually mussed hair and shaggy beard. He lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sip, his forearm and bicep flexing appealingly as he did so. The sight made you feel thirsty suddenly as your mind fed you imaginings of his thick arms wrapped around your waist, his big hands spread open and roaming across your skin. You wondered how he’d taste - probably like whiskey and cigarettes, you thought, with a small squirm - and how that scruffy beard would feel against your lips.
“Jesus Christ, y/n, take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Cal slid into the chair next to you, jarring you out of the daydream that had your toes curling in their shoes. Embarrassed, you ducked your eyes and scolded your cousin.
“Shut the fuck up, Cal.”
“I’m tired of watchin’ you makin’ eyes at each other,” he continued, ignoring your protestations with a confident swig of his beer.
“‘Ey, Zip! Get over here!”
“Christ on a fuckin’ cracker, Cal, what the hell are you doin’?” You jabbed your elbow as hard as you could muster at his ribs. He dodged, protecting his beer with one hand and batting away your arm with the other. Zipco turned on his stool, one eyebrow raised in annoyance or curiosity, you couldn’t tell. 
“The fuck you want?” he shouted at Cal. His eyes landed on you momentarily, and your heart pirouetted in your chest. Your imagination picked up right where it’d left off, feeding you intrusive pictures of Zipco’s body hovering over yours, the heat from his skin warm against you as his lips devoured your moans.
“Come over ‘ere! You and y/n are both drinkin’ alone, nothin’ sadder than a solo drunk.” You felt yourself dissolve into embarrassment at Cal’s words. Panic set in as you saw Zipco actually stand up from his stool and begin making his way across the bar towards you. What the fuck were you going to say? 
“Cal, I’ll fuckin’ kill you,” you growled murderously, which only made Cal’s smug smirk widen. 
“You’re welcome,” he replied smartly as he stood up from the chair and offered it to Zipco, who settled with an unintelligible grunt. As Cal left, snaking through the crowd towards the pool tables, he looked back at you and winked. 
“Your cousin’s a shithead,” Zipco commented gruffly, his bluntness shocking a laugh out of you. “Sorry, I know he’s kin to you. But he’s a shit.” 
You smiled, feeling a millimeter more comfortable now that Zipco had broken the ice.
“No argument here,” you agreed with a queasy, nervous-sounding laugh. 
“How’d you end up in Chicago, anyway?” Zip asked stiffly. He was searching for something to say, just like you. It was a safe question, and it should have had an easy answer. But you found yourself chewing on the inside of your cheek, wondering just how much of your backstory you should tell him. Should you tell him the truth - that you wound up here after Cal found you half beaten to death by your boyfriend - or just offer something vague and mysterious, like ‘oh, I blew in on the wind’? You felt very self conscious as the silence between you stretched longer and longer.  
“Long story,” you finally managed glumly, dark memories pressing in on the edges of your mind. Zipco was visibly fidgeting next to you, acutely aware that he’d inadvertently stepped on a sensitive subject. When he finally spoke, his voice was laced with embarrassment and pain. 
“Didn’t mean to pry. Cal never said much ‘bout how you ended up here. And I’m… curious.” Something about the way he muttered the last word plucked a string in you. You fought to suppress a small smile at the confession that Zipco was curious about you.
“My ex was a piece of shit,” you offered quietly. “When I ran out of escape plans, I called Cal. He brought me here.” There was a lot more to say about that long story, but you let those sparse details suffice. Zipco looked at you, bashfulness replaced by something hotter and more dangerous.
“He give you this scar?” Electricity leapt through your veins when Zipco’s fingertips connected with the jagged line of scarred skin that snaked down your forearm - courtesy of a broken bottle in your ex’s hand. You jumped reflexively at the contact. The scar wasn’t sensitive anymore, but you were surprised that anyone had noticed. You took great care to cover it most of the time, eager to avoid prying questions. Somehow though, the question in Zipco’s voice felt inviting. There was a protective streak stitched in between his words that beckoned you closer. Mouth gone dry, you nodded wide-eyed at him. 
“I didn’t think anyone had noticed…” 
His eyes captured yours, the anger bubbling in his gaze softening at the sight of you drinking him in. An unexpected intimacy tangled together in the space between you, tightening like the laces on a corset. Your head was spinning, heart pounding, palms sweating slightly. Your lungs seemed to forget how to breathe, spasming futilely in your chest. Unable to bear it anymore, simultaneously you both dropped your eyes to the table. 
Feeling warm and overwhelmed, you took a healthy swig from your beer, followed by another, hoping for a dose of liquid courage. So far, all the booze had done was whet your appetite for other vices. You swallowed thickly as you snuck a glance in Zipco’s direction. He looked deliciously casual in his jeans, riding boots and black t-shirt, the signature leather jacket long discarded in the hot, summertime air of the smoky bar. Suddenly, an idea struck you.
“It’s a little hot in here, don’t you think?” 
He nodded. “Always is. No fuckin’ ventilation in this shithole.”
“I’m gonna get some air,” you said, letting your words hang in the space between you two like an offering. You wondered if he heard the invitation. It took a moment, but when you saw comprehension dawn on his face, the sparkle in his eyes and the quick smirk told you everything you needed to know about his eagerness.
“I could use a fresh cigarette myself.” You rose first, Zipco trailing you like a shadow. You wondered if anyone noticed, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on anything but the prickling awareness of Zipco close behind you, so close you swore you could feel the tease of his breath on your neck. 
When you stepped outside, the quiet of the dark, sleeping street and the cool of the air was welcome. Your body turned without needing input from your brain towards a particularly shadowy alleyway next to Junker’s. You could hear Zicpo’s heavy steps close behind you. 
The quiet of the August night helped you think more clearly, ratcheting up both your commitment to the moment and your nervousness. You reached a wall, turning to face Zipco. The streetlight glinting in his gaze looked like starlight. He was close enough for you to smell the mint of his aftershave and the grassy, woodsmoke tang of whiskey on his breath. Your heart surged up into your throat at his closeness.
“I’ll take a cigarette, too, if you’re having one.” Your voice was a half-note higher pitched than usual, fluttering at the edges. 
He smiled gently, moving a half-step closer to you.
“Now that I’m out here, I’m not sure I need a smoke after all,” he murmured. His eyes flicked back and forth between yours, the questions hanging in the air beginning to vanish one by one as your body language answered each one. You felt your back come into contact with the bricks of the wall behind you just as his lips found yours. The feel of his mouth against yours unleashed the restraint you’d been fighting to maintain. You kissed him back with a needy pressure that you could tell surprised him by the small gasp he let out. He barely let a moment pass before he was matching you, a strong hand coming to cradle the back of your neck. His skin was calloused and warm, just like you’d imagined. You felt your bones melt as you relaxed into his embrace, letting his arms and the wall behind you hold you upright.
The kiss morphed from needy to excited to probing, each of you happily responding to the other as you found your rhythm. Zipco was utterly silent against you. The almost ferocious focus with which he moved and held you was intoxicating, and pretty soon you were gasping and sighing and moaning enough for the both of you. Your hands had found their way up into his hair, raking across his scalp and trailing down the side of his neck, dancing underneath the collar of his t-shirt. He shuddered slightly against you, his lips curling into a smile against yours. Hot summer night and barely-private alleyway be damned, you were too far gone to care as your fingers began sliding downwards, looking for the hem of his shirt.
The front door of the bar opened, letting the sound inside pour out into the street. You broke away from each other’s lips as Cal stumbled out with a bleary-eyed Fat Jack and Johnny close behind. Zipco rolled his eyes, bracing for what he knew was about to come as he placed a hand on the wall next to your temple, granting you a measure of privacy and obscuring your face from the bar-goers.
“‘Ey, you two, tonsil-lickin’ session is over! Pack it up and get a room!” You barely stifled a giggle at Cal’s quip, leaning your head against Zipco’s arm and smiling up at him. His face was flushed as he matched your relieved smile. 
“Been wantin’ to do that for a long time,” he admitted with a devilish smirk. 
“Rude to keep me waitin’ then,” you shot back. He ducked down, catching your lips again, this time softer and more tender. 
“Seriously, guys, get outta here. As annoyin’ as it was to watch you two pine after each other for weeks, somehow this is worse.” 
Cal was so close he was practically making it a threesome. Despite the self-congratulatory grin he wore, the note of sincerity in his voice kept you from hitting him. You and Zip broke into matching laughs at Cal’s invitation, and before you knew it, you were settling in on the back of Zipco’s bike, its engine purring underneath you and your cheek pressed against the leather of his jacket. You smiled at Cal, knowing you’d never hear the end of it, as he winked at you before Zipco drove off into the night.
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“Thanks again Joey.” Dani said as she grabbed the brown paper bag 
off the countertop and waved to the older gentlemen. 
“Alright Dani, be safe out there!” The older gentleman said, not bothering to look up from the dough he was kneading.
Making their way out of the corner store pizza shop, Dani and her partner, Clark, made their way to the unmarked car just outside. 
“Did your dad say what this big meeting is about?” Clark asked, opening up the passenger’s side door.
Dani shook her head as she stuffed the last of the meatball sub she’d been eating into her mouth. 
Clark chuckled, shaking his head.
“Wow, so lady-like, love it.” He said, earning him a finger.
The partners ducked down into the car and with one turn of the key, the engine was alive. 
“He doesn’t tell me anything.” Dani finally said after swallowing her mouth full of food.
Clark huffed dramatically.
“What’s the point of having dinner with him if he’s not gonna spill the beans?” Clark joked.
“Sometimes mom’s there, and she makes my favorite, meatloaf,” Dani said with a serious face.
Dani and Clark looked at one another for a moment before breaking out into a fit of laughter. Making their way thru the streets of Queens, they headed to the police station. On the way, they swung by the little street vendor where her father normally got his coffee and picked up his usual. 
“Jesus, how isn’t that man shitting all day?” Clark asked as Dani handed him the massive cup.
“He does most of his shitting in the afternoon. What do you think all the bullshit ‘meetings’ are for?” She said, causing Clark to laugh. 
The duo made it back to the office with five minutes to spare.
“Bullshit! If you’ve really got pictures, let me see.” Dani heard her father say.
Stepping into his office, she found him sitting on the corner of his desk, arms crossed over his chest.
“Marty this isn’t a fucking crotch shot of some fucking supermodel getting out of a car. This is Vinny fucking LaVine we're talking about.” Jackson said, his arms crossed over his chest. 
Dani held up his cup, causing Jackson to smile brightly before holding a hand out. Closing the door, she handed him the cup before rounding his desk and sitting in his seat.
Taking a sip of his piping hot coffee, Jackson hummed contently. He liked his coffee simple. Four sugars and a single drop of creamer. According to Jackson, Big Mikes, the liquor store around the corner from the station was the only place worth going.
Once, as a joke, one of the boys in blue decided to get Jackson Coffee from Starbucks, thinking he wouldn’t notice. Jackson took one sip and chucked the rest of it back at the asshole. After sending him home, he called Dani and requested she get him ‘some real coffee’.
“You know what Marty, I got a city to protect, so do me a favor and stop calling me with this TMZ bullshit.” Jackson said before hanging up his phone.
“Unfucking believable.” Jackson said ripping his AirPods out and dropping them onto the desk.
“Easy now big guy. These were expensive. Why don’t we put them back in the case before you lose them.” Dani said, speaking as though she were talking to a small child.
Jackson dropped his head, his shoulders bouncing a little as he chuckled.
“Fuck you Dani.” He said with a laugh. 
“Can you believe that fucking prick? Claiming he’s got a photo of The Faceless Man.” Jackson said, shaking his head.
Dani laughed. Erin McCain was the definition of insane. The journalist reject had a habit of calling the station and claiming that he had information about high-profile criminals almost once a week. The guys wanted to bring him in and book him for making false police reports but Jackson knew he wasn’t alright in the head. The man had been through a lot; war, the death of his entire family, and then some, so Jackson liked to cut him some slack. But that didn’t mean that Jackson wasn’t pissed when Erin would call him constantly day and night. Jackson tried to encourage him to use the tipline, but nope, Erin preferred to call him direct. How he even got Jackson’s cell was still a mystery, even to the FBI. 
“I don’t know dad, maybe those tips are worth looking into. It would be a shame if some wack job man cracked the big case of The Faceless Man instead of you.” Dani joked.
Jackson shook his head before motioning for her to get up. Trading places, he sat in his seat while she took a seat on his desk.
“How much do you love me Dani?” He asked suddenly.
Dani laughed, he always did this when he needed something.
“I don’t know, it depends on the ask.” She said.
Pulling open the top drawer to his left, Jackson grabbed a manila-colored folder and handed it to her. 
“Can’t you just email this to us?” She asked waving the folder back and forth.
“I mean yeah, but the pre-shift huddle is a tradition. It keeps us together and solid.” He said, causing her to roll her eyes.
Sighing, she slid off his desk, making her way to the door with her father close behind. 
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dimeurz · 2 years
for the lyric thing on twitter
“"Do not enter" is written on the doorway
Why can't everyone just go away?
Except you, you can stay”
hiiiiiiiiiiiii (with rizz)
Head low, worn-out thrifted baseball cap tipped down, long sleeves and gloves to hide the titanium attached on his left side despite any weather.
Bucky tries so hard to stay incognito, and though Bucharest is a long way from Washington, he knows that his profile is plastered all over the internet ever since the HYDRA files were leaked by Romanoff.
He doesn’t mind it, really. Good for her, good for the so-called Avengers. But, every so often, he gets the stares from people thinking they might’ve recognized him from the news.
The Winter Soldier is no longer a ghost story, after all.
More like a nightmare.
Bucky tucks the bag of groceries into his chest as he takes the stairs up to his apartment. A tenant who he isn’t familiar with passes by and stops, making him walk faster to avoid any confrontation.
“Hey!” The old man yells two flights below, “Where have I seen you before?”
Bucky pauses and turns his face away. They talk to you in their language, you answer in their language. That way, you can pretend to be a local much easier. “I’ve been living here for eight months now.”
The old man reconsiders, then opens the door to his apartment. Bucky exhales deeply and continues to jog up the stairs, hoping to get there without anyone else bothering him.
See, this morning, the landlord was already up in his ass about his apartment’s conditions. She didn’t like the newspapers taped on the windows, but Bucky reasoned out that he didn’t have enough money to get some good curtains or blinds for privacy. He couldn’t possibly tell her that he didn’t like the lingering feeling of somebody looking at him through a scope, taking him out in his sleep because he broke HYDRA protocols.
Arriving at his door, Bucky notices the damage on tape he put at the bottom. He stares at it and clenches both his jaws and fists. Someone broke in. He doesn’t have anything with him to make-shift as a weapon, unless he throws this dollar store chocolate bar as strong as he can. He thinks about the arm, but he decides against it. He hasn’t used it as a weapon in a while, not even towards the men who attempted to mug him while walking home from his part-time construction site job.
He was begging for a peaceful day. But then again, when did God ever take mercy on him?
With a quiet attempt, Bucky twists the door knob and enters his apartment. He’s fully prepared for an ambush but there’s a man cooking in the kitchen, humming a familiar tune he must’ve heard from the radio once. He’s wearing a costume — no, must be a uniform — and some sort of a jetpack on his back. Bucky feels like he recognizes him, but he doesn’t know how and where.
The man turns around, jumping at the sight of Bucky that he almost burned himself on the stove. “Jesus fuck! You scared me!”
“How did you find me?” Bucky asks with a frown, not moving an inch from where he’s standing. He remembers. He is the Falcon. He’s Steve’s friend. “Are you going to kill me?”
The Falcon’s shoulders droop at the question. “No. No, I’m not here to kill you. I’m just... cooking some pancakes. See?” He turns around to flip the pancake. There’s a whole stack ready on the kitchen island already. Bucky didn’t have the ingredients for this, so Falcon must’ve brought them in.
“Why?” Bucky asks once more. There’s no reason for somebody to be nice to him, especially if they’ve fought before. Especially after ripping his wings off. Did he get new wings? Is he allowed to ask? It’s not like they’re friends.
The Falcon turns the stove off and settles the last pancake on the plate. He brings it over to the dining table, swiping the journal and the banded newspapers to the side. “I’m tasked to bring you over. Steve, your friend, he’s been looking for you.”
“I’m not coming with you.” Bucky says firmly.
“I know.” The Falcon says. He picks apart a pancake piece and tosses it in his mouth. “I won’t force you. I’m not gonna get myself into a pointless fight with a super soldier. That’s why I’m proposing a deal.”
Bucky stares at the Avenger. This man barged into his apartment and cooked for himself. He doesn’t know what to feel. He’s not scared, not because the Avenger isn’t powerful enough to take him down. He looks well-equipped, way better than when they first fought. The Falcon just has this aura... Bucky feels lighthearted around him.
The Falcon continues after getting no response from Bucky. “Stop running away. Just stay here and I’ll visit you from time to time. Don’t worry, it won’t be too often. At least bi-weekly. And then when you’re ready, I’ll take you with me, back to Steve.”
“Sorry about your wings.” Bucky says randomly, finding his posture more relaxed now. When did he relax? “I’d give you a new one if I could.”
The Falcon chuckles — wow, his smile is really pretty — and shakes his head. “All good, man. I got new ones. And don’t worry, I won’t carry you all the back to America. We have a Quinjet.” He stands up and walks up to Bucky, holding a hand out. “So, do we have a deal, Barnes?”
Bucky stares at Falcon’s gloved hand and gulps. He shifts his groceries to his left arm and shakes the hero’s hand with his real hand.
“Great. Now eat up, the pancakes are yours. I’ll see you in a few weeks.” The Falcon grins and opens the door to the balcony, activating his famous carbon wings.
“Wait.” Bucky calls out, placing his groceries down on the table. He gathers his thoughts for a second. “What’s your name?”
The Falcon beams. “It’s Sam. Sam Wilson.” He then nods his head at Bucky one last time and soars to the sky.
Bucky watches Sam until he’s too small to see.
Somehow, Bucky wishes that Sam had stayed longer, and he hasn’t felt that about someone for a while now.
send me a lyric prompt and i’ll write a sambucky fic!
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Squidbillies #34: “Gimmicky Magazine Show Spoof Parody About Dan Halen” | April 28, 2008 - 12:15AM | S03E14
A journalistic profile on Dan Halen. Basically just a series of gags about how obscenely rich he is, and how obscenely evil he is. He owns an in-ground pool built in the middle of a lake that’s contained in a huge above ground pool. He bought Mecca just to spite Muslims who are praying in the wrong direction. He also owns the Sphinx and the moon. Also: gags about his line of "Tanman Body Stencils," a part where he’s mean to a fish, and a camp for underprivileged children described as a “volcano fun camp for winners”. Basically it’s just him dumping handicapped children into a volcano. 
The squids eventually do pop up. Lil is featured first; she’s a worker at his hair dryery, a huge factory that just produces a high-powered warm-air blast that Dan uses to dry his voluminous mane. It’s staffed by nude children (and Lil), who stuff styrofoam into an incinerator all day. Early shows up but he does a bad job being interviewed. Eventually we find out that Dan has been alive since the dawn of man, and we find out he whipped Egyptian slaves, hung out with Hitler, and was rude to Jesus (by nailing him to the cross). He is basically the living embodiment of evil. 
This one’s decent as far as Squidbillies goes, I guess. But nothing too special. Stupid people doing evil things is basically the one joke that gets told on this show all the time. The most notable thing I could think to say about this is that the copy on HBOMax is fucked up! It’s in 4:3 and letterboxed instead of 16:9, so there’s black bars on all four sides. Pretty FUCKING RUDE if you ask me.
Assy McGee is shaping up to be a Top 5 adult swim show for you. I don't really get it. Even ignoring the premise I never found it particularly funny, but I'm glad someone likes it. Maybe H. Jon will go to heaven after all.
I just really like appreciating things that nobody else does. Assy McGee has a lot of redeeming qualities, is all. Not every episode is great, and I don't know if it would rank in my top ten. But everyone owes it to themselves to at least watch "The Flirty Black Man" episode and then never watch the show again for the rest of their lives.
Also H. Jon will not be going to heaven. He does not believe in the divinity of G-D
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