#manakete robin au
ro-botany · 5 months
idk. budget manakete robin au. do u see my vision
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Top left: Prologue/most of arc 1. Assumed to be a manakete. (Actually more similar to an early pre-dragon stage of dragon evolution than a bonafide manakete, due to his family line selectively breeding themselves to be more draconic + pursuing shapeshifting, to be more like Grima.) Dragonstones make him viscerally uneasy so he stays away from them.
Top right: Post-timeskip, pre-Grima-reveal? They found out about the sewn-shut eyes and decided to heal them properly. Also stopped filing down the horns and they grew out. May or may not have used a dragonstone at this point. Increasingly concerned about what these features really mean. (fun shit happens when they figure out who they're a reincarnation of but it's a secret >:])
Bottom two: Grima. >:] He purposely shapeshifts his mouth to be fucked up for the intimidation factor. It might return to normal if he ever decides to be sincere for a second (highly unlikely, he's allergic to sincerity).
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The form that comes naturally/is most comfortable to them if/when they use a dragonstone. Some kind of bug with pterosaur arms and a beak?
Purposely a lot smaller and slightly less grotesque than Giant City-Sized Grima, due to this being an alive reincarnation of Grima, and not a zombified corpse packed full of souls and modified into a death blimp.
Validar also has draconic horns in this AU, but his point upwards, like the points on his headpiece in canon. I haven't decided if he has cheek eyes or not but if he does he doesn't have all six of them.
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emily-mooon · 3 months
Last night the ST fire emblem au brainworms came back so to help feed them, here’s my ideas on what classes I think the characters would be
Mike: Lord (he’s essentially the blue haired lord in my head, can become a paladin later)
Will: Mage or Cleric (going more with mage cause they get pointy hats while clerics don’t)
Lucas: Archer
Dustin: Bard (yes this is a class in this game but only in like two and the older ones)
El: idk either mage or she’s manakete (dragon person)
Max: Pegasus knight
Nancy: Mage (with a proficiency in bows)
Jonathan: Thief (might change later idk)
Steve: Red Cavalier
Barb: Cleric or Mage (I was also thinking Pegasus knight to do the whole Pegasus trio trope in many of the games)
Robin: Green Cavalier
Argyle: Apothecary (like Jonathan, might change later)
Vickie: Pegasus knight
Eddie: Mercenary (the hellfire club is his mercenary group, leaning towards the trickster class as well)
Chrissy: Dancer (it’s the cheerleader class of this game)
Hopper: Knight (don’t know which kind yet)
Joyce: Axe Fighter (might change too but might not cause AXE)
Murray is the hubba tester/rainbow sage character (aka the relationship fortune teller mechanic that’s in awakening and fates respectfully) he can also be playable. Idk what his class is yet
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Kellam x Robin Commission (An AU where Robin has some dragon-like features, that sets her apart and makes her a little more self-conscious when she gets pregnant,,,!!!!)
It was apparent upon first joining the Shepherds that you were more than just a stranger; you might as well have been a different species. You weren’t like Nowi, whose Manakete form was separate from her human body; the only giveaway was her youthful appearance and her long, pricked ears.
No, your condition was a little different. You looked the age you felt, and your ears were smaller, but still had their pricked tips. On top of that, you had patches of scales scattered across your body.
And there was no ignoring your claws and sharper canines you. It was like you were stuck between being a human and a dragon. It was unnerving to realize how strange you were compared to others. But what made you feel welcome was Kellam.
The quiet knight was such a gentle and compassionate soul. His heart was pure and sweet, and it was very clear that he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. He just didn’t know it yet…at least, not for the first few months. But sure enough you grew closer and closer, and by the end of the Plegian War, you were wed.
Kellam was never bothered by your appearance, and reminded you how much he loved you with each passing moment.
If he caught you staring at the scales on your neck, he would wrap his arms around you and kiss each one. If you were fiddling with your hands beneath the council table, he would thread his fingers with yours and give it a soft squeeze. They were the perfect size to hold, after all!
And your teeth? He thought they were adorable; and found it amazing how you could break through a whole coconut in a single chomp. 
He was enamored with you, and you adored him. Not just because he accepted you for who you were…he was so tender and had so much depth, getting to know him and growing a relationship with him felt like a privilege.
You cherished Kellam and every moment you shared, your unique relationship between the half-dragon and the invisible knight was a love for the history books.
At least, for Kellam, it was. In spite of all his efforts to assure you that he loved you more than anyone in the entire world, you still had your doubts. You weren’t going to be the only other person in your lives. There was another member of the family that would be joining in, at least seven months from now.
Nowi had sniffed it out first, and Panne had confirmed it for you; there was a baby growing inside you.
Kellam’s baby. 
You could hardly believe your ears when they told you, but it made sense. You’d been feeling a bit off in the last few weeks, constantly restless and tired, more so than usual.
Kellam had been noting your shift in behavior, worried you might be getting sick. But after your visit with the two women who could literally smell a baby in the womb…well, you weren’t concerned about that.
But more so, you were worried about what Kellam would think. Was he ready to be a father? Did he even want to be one? What was he going to think about you being pregnant in the middle of war with Valm?
What would he think of his baby being half…whatever you were?
The nerves would continue to eat away at you, even though you were able to put up a brave front. And it would not take long for your other half to realize you were stewing on something important.
“Robin? You feeling okay?” His question was soft, contrsated with the strong arms that wrapped around you, drawing your back to his broad chest. “You’ve been quiet, lately.”
“Oh, have I? Sorry.” You said dismissively, pretending to review the document you’d been failing to read for the last ten minutes.
“Is it something I can help with?”
“Well…” You trailed off, slowly turning around in his arms so that you could look at him, finding that patient, soft smile that you very rarely felt you deserved.
“What’s on your mind?” He prodded, leaning in just a little closer.
You rested your hands on his chest, your expression difficult to read. “Kellam, what would you think about having a baby?”
He blinked, the question seeming to not quite register in his brain. “What?”
“Do you think having a baby with me is a good idea?”
“I…erm, well…I wouldn’t, uh…” He trailed off, a blush slowly creeping up his cheeks. He looked away for a second, trying to consider his response. “I married you because I wanted you to be part of my family, Robin. I knew that having a family of our own would be on the table at some point, you know?”
“I guess so, yes.”
“I wouldn’t mind having a baby with you. Did…did you want to have one?”
He wtched as your mouth drew into a thin line, then curved into a deep frown. His hands tightened around your waist.
“I don’t know.” You finally answered, your eyes focusing on your fingers. “I…never thought about having a family. I just thought it would always be us. But then, the children are coming from the future, and…I thought, what if one comes from the future and they’re ours? And…and what if we have that child now? Would the child even look like us? I mean, I’m not fully human- what if our baby isn’t even a little bit human?”
“Well, I don’t think you’ll lay an egg, if that’s what you’re thinking.” He replied lightly, though you weren’t changed by his mirth.
“I think that having a baby with you would be….a miracle. I think that if I told you I was pregnant, and you were happy…that would mean the world to me. Because that would be real proof that you really…..that we can really be….”
“I do. And we are.” He finished your thoughts, those which you were too nervous to utter out loud for fear of upsetting him.
He shook his head, touching his forehead to yours.
“Robin, I love you. If we have a baby, I don’t think I could ever express the joy I’d feel!”
“What if they look like me? What if they have sharp teeth, and claws, or…or what if they look even more like a dragon? Would you really be able to look at a child like that?”
“Robin,” He cupped your face, “Listen to me, my love. Our baby will be beautiful. They’ll be the culmination of our love for one another. How could they be anything but beautiful?”
“Oh…” You felt the knot in your chest, sending the lump into your throat. He was beaming at you, wiping away the tears that had gathered without even realizing. “Um, well…then…”
“I think we’ll be all right if we have one in the near future. Once everything is calm, and we have some time to prepare, I think it’d be wonderful to start our own family.”
“I’m so happy to hear you say that.” You whispered, finally meeting his gaze fully. You drew yourself up on your toes, giving him a searing kiss that he more than deserved.
Kellam fell into you that night, the two of you lavishing one another in the warmth and unconditional love that you could hardly fathom he had for you.
Everything was going to be okay. Of course it was.
Nothing was okay. Everything was awful.
The Shepherds had received a distress call, and were flung into a  rescue mission for a young man who was fighting Risen alone in a nearby cavern. 
It was a beautiful, myseterious place, corrupted by Risen monsters who were trying to go after the young man. A boy who, upon successfully being rescued, was quick to throw himself at Kellam, flinging his arms around your husband with a happy laugh.
“Father!! Thank goodness you saved me! I would’ve been done for, otherwise! And, wow, you look so much younger-- did you find a hot spring or something nearby? Why, it looks like you’re nearly 20 years younger-”
Kellam was already overwhelmed by having a stranger call him “Father”, but now he was full of questions…as were you. Despite the shock of the sudden shift in circumstance, you noticed that Kellam was happy. Stunned, but happy.
He did have a child in the future, just like the other Shepherds. 
You were on the verge of panic. You were staring at a brown-haired, brown-eyed boy who wore Kellam’s armor and had the same sweet smile. But nowhere did he have fangs, nor scales, nor claws…he looked fully human.
The boy claimed Kellam was his father, recognizing him straight away. But you couldn’t bear the idea. The thought that he was…how could he be?
“Morgan,” He introduced himself cheerfully, “My name is Morgan! And if you’re my father’s wife, then you must be my mother, right?”
“You…you don’t know me?” The words were thick in your throat, impossible to choke out. You were reeling from the bombshell he’d just dropped on you both.
“Well, my memory’s a little hazy. I remember Father hurrying me to a portal, and…and I remember waking up here, but…gosh, anything before or after that is really hard to think of. Urgh, my head hurts just trying to.”
“Don’t push yourself, Morgan.” Chrom stepped in, Lucina at his side. “Let’s focus on returning to camp and getting your wounds treated. Then we can look at next steps.”
“Yes, of course.” Morgan chirped, his cheery disposition returning without skipping a beat. 
“Robin…we have a son!” He whispered joyously, grasping your hand, “Isn’t this wonderful? We have so much to talk about!”
You had yet to piece together the reality. You weren’t sure that you could stomach it. Silently, you followed behind your husband and his son, letting them carry on the entire trek back to the camp.
A conscious hand brushed your stomach, the fear thundering in your chest. 
Was this truly your child…?
When Kellam returned to your tent that night, he was breathless with joy. You were curled up on the bedroll, unlike your usual routine of working until the candlelight went out.
You weren’t asleep, but you didn’t acknowledge him when he came in. You were consumed by your fears.
“Robin, are you still awake?” He asked, your back turned to him. “I’m surprised you’re still here and not spending time with Morgan!”
“I…I’m not feeling well.” You replied, turning over so that you could look up at him. His joy diminished some, kneeling down beside you on the bedding and touching a hand to your forehead.
“You don’t seem to be feverish…are you feeling ill? Is there something I can do for you?”
“I…I don’t think so.” You trailed off, your lips pursed. “I don’t know, Kellam. I’m just stressed. It was a long day, today, and I’m still reeling from the fact that there’s a boy who claims that I’m his mother.”
“It really is a whirlwind. The others didn’t tell me what to expect with finding our child. He’s so amazing, Robin!” 
A strong arm came around your waist, drawing your back to his chest. He pressed his nose to the back of your neck.
“I can hardly believe it. To think we were talking about starting our family just days ago, and now…and now we know what happens! We have a son…we’re going to have a son!”
‘You are going to have a son, at least.’ The thought crossed your mind bitterly, and you pulled back from Kellam, sitting up from the blankets.
“It is a surprise,” You managed to eke out, but it didn’t get any further than that. “I’m sorry, Kellam. Can I have some time alone?”
“Oh,” He pulled back some, “Of course you can, are you- are you okay? Is it something you want to talk about, first?”
“N-no. Not yet.” You shook your head, “I’m sorry, it’s just…it’s a lot to process. I’m not sure what to think of this all, yet.” 
You hesitated for a moment, looking back to your husband with a soft smile. You brushed the hair from his forehead, and left a gentle kiss.
“I will be back soon. I just need a little time.”
This seemed to assuage his concerns, and he nodded, giving your arm a soft squeeze. “Hurry back. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
He watched as you left the tent, the worry still lingering in the back of his mind. It wasn’t unlike you to need some time to yourself, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t still concerned, regardless.
But he would trust you first, and settled back into bed. He was sure he’d wake up with you beside him, like he always did.
When the sun rose over the hills, and the camp started waking back up. But Kellam was surprised to find that he was waking up alone, that morning. You had not made it back. Or, perhaps you had retand just woke up before he did. He proceeded with getting dressed for the day, worried about how your spot on the bedding was cold.
He didn’t make it far from the tent before Morgan appeared, smiling brightly and holding two training swords.
“Father, good morning!” He greeted Kellam happily, “I hope you slept well. Have you seen Mother around? I wanted to spend some time with her today, maybe get some sparring in before breakfast.”
“Ah, well…” Kellam trailed off, looking back to his tent. “She went on a walk last night, and I haven’t seen her yet this morning. You haven’t seen her around camp?”
“Hmm, now that I think about it, I don’t think I have. We should ask the others!” He decided, and the pair set off to try and locate the half-dragon woman they were seeking.
Unfortunately, nobody they asked had seen you; and worse yet, when he came to Panne and Nowi, he received a pair of very worried looks.
“You lost Robin?” Panne asked with a low voice, looking deadly serious. He didn’t like the shiver that rolled down his spine, but he didn’t fight it.
“I…I suppose I did. I guess it wasn’t a concern, since we’re in a safe territory and we’re not around any immediate danger. I didn’t think letting her walk alone would be a problem.”
“It’s not her that I’m worried about-” Panne hissed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “How could you let her wander off on her own, especially in her condition? What were you thinking, fool?”
“Her condition?” Kellam echoed, confusion clear in his voice. “What are you talking about?”
“She didn’t tell you?” Nowi piped up, and the two women exchanged a concerned look. Now Kellam was really starting to worry.
“No, she didn’t say anything, she…she just said she needed some time alone!” He insisted, “Can you help me find her? Panne, you can hunt her down, can’t you?”
“Yes, I can. Give me something of hers, quickly.” She strode past him, heading for their tent. Kellam and Nowi weren’t far behind.
“I’ll transform so that we can fly overhead and look for her!”
“Nowi, what’s going on? Is Robin sick??” Kellam pressed, but the dragon did not reply. She only followed silently. 
“I think…she’s going to need to tell you.” Nowi’s cryptic reply was nothing but agitating. However they didn’t have time to think on it. Panne went into the tent, but a giant rabbit burst out of it, sprinting past the pair.
“She’s this way! Hurry!!” Panne shouted back at them, frightening all the men and women she leapt by. Nowi quickly transformed and the trio was rushing after you. 
It wasn’t a long trek, mercifully. Within half an hour, Panne had your location locked down and she was there.
They flew past the camp and across the forest, finding a valley at the edge of it. Panne stopped her rush, signaling to Nowi to fly down. The manakete descended, shrinking down as Kellam dismounted.
“She’s over there, by the pond.” She told them, “But you should go alone, man-spawn. Nowi and I are not needed from this point.”
“Oh…okay. Thank you, for helping me find her. Truly.” He bowed his head to both of them, before running to you. Within a few moments, the trees cleared, and he found his wife sitting at the edge of the water, your back to him.
“Robin!!” He called out, closing the distance and coming to you quickly. You rose to your feet, taking a few steps back. It prompted him to slow down, for fear of scaring you.
“Kellam?” You stared at him, looking just as confused as he was. But he wasn’t certain he had a good reason for it. “How did you find me?”
“Panne and Nowi helped track you down. Morgan was wondering where you went, and nobody has seen you this morning…did you…did you not come back to camp last night?”
You looked away. “No. I did not.”
“Why?” He stepped a little closer, “What’s going on? Panne said…something about your condition. What was she talking about? Are you ill?”
“No, I…I’m not ill. I’m fine. I just…I can’t…I can’t handle this.” You shook your head, looking down at your hands. “I don’t know what to think about Morgan. About you.”
“Me?” He echoed, a spike of fear in his chest. “D-did I do something wrong? Please, tell me, Robin! I swear, I never want to hurt you, so whatever I did, please just-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” You shook your head again, your fingers starting to tremble. “It’s…it’s the future. It’s Morgan. Your son.”
“He’s our son.” Kellam said quieter, but your frown deepened.
“You saw him, Kellam. You saw his face, his body- he doesn’t look like me at all!” You finally said, “He wears armor like you, he has your hair, and your kindness, and…and no scales, or fangs, or- what if he’s just your son? What if he doesn’t know me?”
“Robin…” He was at a loss for words. You were overwhelmed with your fears; that much was obvious. You looked up at him, your brows drawing together as though your tears were about to spill over. 
“What if you find someone else? What if you and I cannot continue, we cannot have a family together? What if we have a child, and you’re so repulsed by it…or w-what if something happens to me, and you have to move on?? Morgan remembered you, but he doesn’t know me! He doesn’t recognize me. What am I supposed to think? If I’m destined to lose you, then- w-what do I do?”
His fists clenched, rushing to close the distance. “You won’t lose me. You’ll never lose me. I love you more than anything- don’t you know that?”
“Of course I…I love you too, Kellam, that’s what frightens me!” You exclaimed, “What happens to me? What happens to you?? That boy doesn’t know anything, but it’s obvious that he’s not ours. He can’t be!!”
“He is, Robin! How can you be so sure that he’s not your son, when you haven’t even spent the time to get to know him? I’ve been with him for a day, and it’s clear that he’s our child. Why are you so afraid of this? Why did you run away??”
“Because I-” You froze, a single tear slipping down your cheek. Your hands came to your middle, and with a deep breath, you finally spoke. 
“Because I’m with child.”
The words struck Kellam like lightning. The gasp he took got stuck in his throat, eyes blown wide with the realization of what you just said. You couldn’t brin yourself to look at him, wrapping your arms around your waist and hugging yourself, anxiousness spilling out.
“And I…I was excited, I was reassured when I spoke with you the other night, but…but when I saw Morgan it changed everything. He doesn’t look like me. He doesn’t have anything to do with me, a-and he doesn’t remember me! What if I’m not there? What if this child inside me isn’t Morgan? What if it’s just a child who becomes a monster, or doesn’t even make it? What if…what if you leave us, because this baby isn’t what you want? What if-”
You could not speak anymore, because Kellam pulled you into a fierce embrace in a single breath. He clung to you, burying his face in your hair and holding onto you for all he was worth.
“Robin…Robin, Robin…my wife…my love…!” His voice was a trembling whisper. You could hear how quickly his heart was beating. “We’re going to have a baby now…oh, I can’t believe it!!”
Your hands slowly came around him, resting on his back with tentative joy. He was so happy, he was in tears…? Was he really…
“I don’t care what our baby looks like. I don’t know if it’ll be Morgan, or maybe another child that justhasn’t come back from the future yet. But what matters is that we’re going to have a baby. And I’m going to love them, just as much as I love you. No matter what they look like, o-or if they’re born breathing fire! You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And any baby we have together is going to be perfect. Just like you.”
“Kellam,” You hiccuped, staring up at your husband. You were both just a mess of tears, trying to comfort one another as the gravity of what this meant really was. 
He took your face into his hands, stroking your cheeks tenderly. “Do you trust me, Robin? Do you…do you trust that I’ll take care of you, and our baby?”
“I-I do. I do, I just…I’m scare of the future…of what it could be.”
“We can’t do anything about the future. We can only worry about right now. And right now…right now, I’m the happiest man in all the realms. We’re going to have a family together- A-and nothing will ever change the joy I feel, for you and for our baby.”
“And what about Morgan?”
“Well…he loves you. And he loves me. He’s our son. Even if his circumstances are different, he’s got amnesia. You could very well be his mother, but maybe he just has more human traits because I’m, well…human.” 
He laughed softly, his arms coming around your waist. You settled into his chest, listening to the heavy thump of his heart. It was slowing down and far more steady, relieved that he was able to take in your fears and comfort you.
“I guess that’s…that’s a good point.” You sighed shakily, earning a kiss atop your head. You nuzzled into him, “I should at least try to get to know him a little better, shouldn’t I? And I…I trust you, Kellam. I do. I love you, too. I guess I was so scared, I didn’t want to…I was scared of the possibilities.”
“It’s scary. It’s…it’s a difficult time to be having a child, isn’t it.” Kellam sighed, “We’ll need to speak with Chrom about accommodations for you, given that it’ll be much harder to fight once you’re nine months pregnant.” 
“You think that’s a good idea?” You asked him quietly, and he nodded, stroking your back.
“I think the sooner we let Chrom know, the easier it’ll be to find solutions. It’ll be difficult to hide after a few months, anyway. I’m assuming you’re pretty early into the pregnancy, huh?”
“A few weeks, according to Panne.” You nodded, “But I haven’t checked with a cleric yet.” 
“Then we’ll do that first. Libra might be very helpful in taking care of you while you’re with child.” Kellam decided, a blush dusting his cheeks when he mentioned th ebaby again. You giggled, feeling the worries start to melt away.
There was so much that you couldn’t be certain of, in that moment. The future was ominous, and you didn’t know how you were going to get through the upcoming challenges that were tied to having a child on the way…klate alone during war.
But there was one truth you could remain grounded in, that you took a deep breath and swore to yourelf that you would never doubt from this moment onward.
Kellam was deeply, ridiculouly in love with you. And nothing would change that.
Another truth you would learn only a few hours later was that Moragan was indeed, without a doubt, your son from teh future. His demeanor certainly was telling, but he sneezed during dinner and proceeded to char your meal with a small blast of fire.
Definitely your son.
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felikatze · 1 year
Fell family dynamic in a Shrek au sounds hilarious
if you've read the shrek fic that exists (dont ask me why it does) you will notice that gangrel is farquaad. he's trying to get married to one up his ex aversa, who dumped him because she figured out she's a lesbian
this AU started because of the sentence "grima would sing i need a hero from shrek 2" and i kept imagining him as the fairy godmother. if you may. imagine. robin and chrom, both half dragons, go to plegia to meet robin's family. validar is king of Far Far Away. aversa is crown princess.
grima is still the fairy godmother. they're all still trying to do the whole "awaken grima" thing, except robin has... already accepted his dragon side? he's married to a manakete? he has wings and everything?
grima is confused. validar is confused. grima only met chrom after his first husband gangrel "mysteriously disappeared" and chrom was in peak depression era by spending too long alone in self imposed exile. it was a messy relationship. chrom died in suspect circumstances he's a zombie now it's fine.
so like. robin already HAS his happily ever after. validar decides one thing. to truly bring about the grima he wishes to see - robin needs to get divorced. aversa is in on it because she is, in fact, mad that he got married before she did.
(PLEASE imagine risen king chrom as prince charming in this i beg of you. morgan is also here because i just cant get rid of em. please imagine the scene where the fairy godmother takes prince charming to mcdonalds with grima rkc and morgan.)
validar and aversa are playing nice with gritted teeth and just preparing the death cult shit in the background trying to kill chrom via looney tunes shenanigans (owain is puss in boots it just works).
it's so weird because. the apocalypse just. averted itself. chrom and robin met BEFORE they both hit their midlife crises and had an incredibly toxic relationship and they're well adjusted and in love and it's healthy and fine. the future children are just kicking around trying to figure out what the FUCK they did for this to just happen
there's so much here it's not like shrek at all outside the very basic framework that spiralled out of control but these wack versions of the characters are just very neat to think about.
robin crucially does NOT know his family runs a death cult about him. he THINKS he has the regular fiona backstory of "i was born a monster so my family sealed me away" but what actually happened is that "his family recognized that he is their god reborn and sealed him away so no one could kill him until he became of age to perform the awakening"
i'm just rambling here. spitballed lore from chats with anakha and salem is also "grima officiates weddings AND is a divorce lawyer" because it's really fucking funny. he will give you a happy ending that slowly crumbles before your eyes until you're divorcing your prince 10 years later and you think its your own fault but grima deliberately picked out the prince charming who will woo you at first but his minor character quirks will slowly grate on you and escalate with your annoyance
grima WOULD sing i need a hero. after the shrek 2 of this au grima starts crying at chrobin's genuine love and he tries to rekindle his relationship with rkc. morgan gets a raise and three months paid vacation.
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iturbide · 2 years
(To be honest I don't know how to fully explain the verse beyond 'oh fuck, here I go again with putting more dragons into stuff.... But on the other hand, AU version of one of my favorite OCs to write, since I don't usually get to work with Awakening and Grima, or work with Manakete aging'. ......SO BASICALLY, I might have taken the concept I have seen floating around of Manakete!Robin AND the thought of Grima aging like a more normal Manakete and just....squished them together. It's complicated and I need to think on it more on how it works, but that isn't why I said Naga takes great offense in the pairing Grim[the Avatar in question] is part of for that verse. ........No that's because that verse/file was the one I decided to s-support the Avatar with adult Tiki; which I also need to figure out the exact details of, but needless to say I don't think Naga approves of that in the slightest just like she does not approve of Robin and Chrom's marriage in this AU. Oops I rambled a bit about Grim's verse anyways.)
Anyways on the AU that is the actual topic of the day: Good that Robin took Lucina away from a very traumatic scene! Bad that Naga punishes him so harshly for it, despite him just wanting to protect a child! And hopefully....hopefully that brand in Lucina's right eye will not light up at a bad time. (I say, knowing that due to how stories work, it likely will end up being noticed eventually and Naga is not going to be happy about it at all.)
.....also I FEAR HOW THINGS ARE GOING TO EXPLODE; it is never good when situations even somewhat explode... [but it will be interesting to read, just also painful and make me hope that things will get better eventually.]
(Chrom will get his hug once he is confirmed to be Naga-free and thus is safe to hug.)
I AM ALWAYS IN FAVOR OF RAMBLING ABOUT THE VERSES also I will admit to having a specific soft spot for Tiki and Grima being together since I do see them as contemporaries in at least a handful of AUs so
yeah, yeah I can definitely see Naga being Less than Pleased about the situation where her daughter's caught up with Fellspawn
As for things exploding...well, put it this way: I think this was my contribution to the AU:
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solibrie · 2 years
it's a little silly to me that no one ever mentions robin's coat in canon akjdkjskjf LIKE I KNOW WHY.
ITS THEIR CHARACTER DESIGN. LOATHE BE I TO PUT LOGIC OVER CHARACTER DESIGN. but also i love (love in the narrative sense) for robin to be under scrutiny because of the coat like its SO OBVIOUSLY grimleal. i know i love it a little for robin to be called a plegian witch at least once (once again, in a way that fits the narrative)
i do think the dynamics between ylisse and plegia are interesting especially from the perspective of ylisse being INVADERS. the grimleal are the religion faction in power, yes, but the majority of the country don't even CARE about grima. that's CANON. the initial invasion was over nothing!!! gangrel's right to hate ylisse, but the war he's waging isnt CONSTRUCTIVE its just destruction and death, no better than the initial war. not that there is a "better" war, but there is a (fictional, anyway) a war rightfully fought and the opposite.
my personal headcanon is actually that pre-amnesia, robin DIDNT have it on, but the hierophant left their original coat with current!robin to hopefully get them kicked out of ylisse and into plegia. but that doesn't work because chrom is a perfect little dummy
i do think that southtown map has the raiders think robin is on their side though because of the coat so robin takes it off Immediately. first big chrobin moment in my manakete!robin fic is chrom gifting robin a really nice custom tailored coat that's designed the same way just without the grimleal markings (probably in between chapters 1 and 2 of the game)
chrom is whipped immediately. i think robin takes until game chapter 4 when chrom fights for regna ferox. in my manakete au i'm thinking flavia intends to make robin her champion because of the transformation at the longfort but robin is apprehensive, chrom catches on, and volunteers himself in her place...
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wolfdude-8 · 1 year
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Yeah, some new additions have arrived since the last time I did the witchsona Fire Emblem AU. Some questions you could potentially ask: Why is Arthur a taguel, I thought he was a wolfskin? - I didn't realize when I made Arthur a wolfskin that Fates takes place WAY before Awakening does (which is the timeline I settled with since it's most familiar to me. Still is). And I thought it wouldn't make sense if Arthur was a wolfskin in that time since we don't really see any other shapeshifters aside from manaketes. Plus, Panne confirmed in a support with Robin that taguel could shift into other things such as birds and cats. So, I didn't think it'd be that much of a stretch to think wolf taguel existed too. But of course, I thought it'd be a neat detail if the wolf taguel were descended from wolfskins and retained some of the traits. Why and how is Victoria's concealment methods different? - I don't think Awakening has illusion magic like that (I mean, c'mon, if they did Ricken would surely use it to make himself look taller). Awakening takes place in medieval times, and contact lenses didn't exist then so, she kinda HAS to wear her glasses to see. But it's confirmed with Severa and Kjelle that makeup exists in that time. So, Victoria just uses makeup to conceal her eyebags and acne. Why does Fabio already have his scars? - Simple. Josh was the only person Fabio was sold to in this AU. Josh's girlfriend thought Fabio was more attractive than him. In revenge, Josh scarred Fabio's face and sent him back to the auction block. Fabio was considered "damaged goods", so he wasn't bought again after that. That didn't stop the sellers from trying though. Will I make stories and supports within this AU? - Absolutely. Actually working on stories and supports as we speak.
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felldragxn · 1 year
((Expanding on a random weird AU idea I had-
Grima dies when Robin sacrifices herself... then wakes up as Corrin. Specifically, post-kidnapping, no memories of Corrin's past. They remember being Grima, but now they are... a different dragon. With a loving family??? their body is weaker than they were before but they can tell they are a manakete... adopted by humans???? they don't really understand overall how any of this has happened
the plot of fates starts and they realize their body has two families? worse, before they shift into their dragon form for the first time, they have a memory of actual Corrin's past. so they have to struggle with their own sense of loyalty, a totally new war... a mother they never really got to know dying before their eyes. and on top of it all, the knowledge they are possessing yet another body against their will, but in this case not knowing at all why or how
........idk if I'll do anything with this it just seems interesting-))
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She did not, in fact, know it. AU where that whole “blood/heart of Grima” thing is very literal, and Robin is, in fact, a manakete. (As would be Validar.) Featuring my Robin and one of her occasional moments of dense brainlessness. I had lineart of her that I’d never posted so I just repurposed that to edit the ears and then color it. I tried out the alternate green hair just for the sake of it, but decided against it because I also figured she’s at least part human. Manaketes aren’t common, after all, and the Grimleal couldn’t have enough of them in their ranks to keep a pure dragon bloodline going. And then I cut out and edited a portrait of my Robin because I was too lazy to draw her and Chrom for the joke, but I still liked the stupid joke too much to not include it. 
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trunswicked · 5 years
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Smash dragons / manaketes! minus Corrin because we already know what they look like ;^)
i also hid some surprises design-wise, if you can catch them all:
Robin: a Plegian Sand-basilisk. Their species is usually gold, brown, or darker variants, to camoflauge in the sand, but Robin is lighter than most specimens. Save for their underbelly, which is smooth like a snake’s, and their rear wings (Grima references!)
Roy: Basically a direct mix of Eliwood (a textbook red european dragon) and Ninian’s dragon form ;^). The left side of his body is mostly blue like Ninian, and he also has her “spikes” on his chest. Total fire and ice symbolism
Marth: RAINBOWWWW. He definitely reminds me of rainbows, because of how he’s basically the mascot of the series and meant to represent everyone. His personality in Smash also seems a bit flamboyant and regal to me, so of course he has to be more beautiful than the rest. Also, those are his pride colors! His species name would be the Altean Skywing.
Lucina: Marth, but darker and more european dragon-like. She has butterfly spots on her wings and little “antenna” like-things, because I couldn’t resist - She would have gotten those markings from her mother (Sumia?). She’s also taller than the three people below her, and you won’t change my mind about that.
Chrom: Lucina but with more muscle, lol. He’s got gold markings to represent his onesie’s design, and his wings are a bit “ripped” like his cape. He’s a big boi too, but is nothing in comparison to Ike. He and Lucina are called Ylissean Drakes.
Ike: THICC, and based on crocodiles and tigers, as a reference to the laguz and the jungle/forest he was born in. His scales are built like the hardest diamonds, and he can also maneuver easily in water and mud.
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arielsrm · 5 years
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I was given the opportunity to collab with this amazing fic! Thanks, again! @aiko-isari and @awakening-arachnea
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ro-botany · 7 months
ok ill bite robin headcanons please. i like giving mine a lil monocle for example (its how you know its my robin) but im curious what you'd do with yours!!!
Robin appearance headcanons yay!!!
The most obvious departures from Default Robin are that I headcanon them to look a lot more like Validar. Brown skin tone's a given, Plegian and all. But they also got a bit of a thin face and wiry body type going on. Probably pretty close to Chrom's height, but they look smaller because they tend to slouch a bit and are a bean pole. People get surprised when they stand up straight and suddenly cross the Intimidating Height Threshold.
I also like imagining that post-game their eyes have just a biiiit of a reddish tint to them, or a reddish ring in the iris, due to the close contact with the other Grima. Debating on whether or not they join the vertical split pupils gang or not lol.
ALSO religiously significant back tattoos!!! ...That I have never bothered designing and may never bother designing. In my head it took a few years after Robin was born for their mom to find a good opportunity to duck and run, and by then little Robin had received a few tattoos designed to help Grima feel more at home in his vessel. They might be magical in some way? I haven't worked out all the details, I just enjoy the vibe.
I keep rotating a Manakete AU in my mind. What if Robin was a fucked up fell manakete-ish kind of person? Maybe not a full one with the massive lifespan, but y'know, give em horns. Give them a line of draconic eyes following the curve of their cheekbones, similar to how the real eyes are positioned in relation to the human-like face plate on Grima's inner jaw. It look cool as hell and the added story flavouring would be so good.
Maybe I'll try writing something that explores that one day... Who knows!
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nammyfanficsblog · 6 years
I came to think about Manakete! Frederick again...and I got these idea...
- Nowi doesn’t know that Frederick is a half manakete at first until she accidentally let him hold her dragonstone...
- Frederick try his best not to let everyone knows his secret and everyone think he’s kinda weird guy but it’s seems he couldn’t hide it from (F!)Robin as she cracks his behavior and ask why he keeps doing like he is hiding something  (ok, I ship them lolololol) and then, Robin will keep asking why he couldn’t use his dragon power in their support conversation. (I can’t think right now ; w ;  but this will made morgan become 1/4 dragon lolololol) 
- I have an idea about another Chrom and Frederick support...
Rank C - Chrom wants to train his sword skill with Frederick which is like normal sparing and then he brought the “Falchion” out and accidentally slash on his loyal knight....
Rank B - Frederick got hurt badly by Chrom’s Falchion although Frederick pretends he is fine til he arrive to his tent and collapse in that place, Luckily Chrom arrived and took care of him.  Chrom say something like “why you didn’t say something about this?”and because there were a brown scale-like around Frederick’s wound which made Chrom said something like  “I had never seen such a badly wound like this before, are you sure it’s fine to you???” Frederick didn’t answer directly, he just keep saying “No need to worried, Milord. My body will recover in just a few days”  and “This... is...just...a...scratch...” but he just talk in really soft voice that almost can’t be heard. Chrom really feels guilty and saying like he will take care of him until he is recovered. and during that time, Chrom tell Frederick about his weird dream about dragon who protecting him during his childhood and said something like “You look like that dragon...” which made Frederick surprised after this Frederick has to think about the decision to make about his secret....
Rank A - Frederick is fully recover in a few days (like he said before) and ask if Chrom wants to spar with him again, Chrom still worried if Frederick is fully recovered and saying like they could have a sparing session the next day.  Frederick then saying like “Thank you for taking care of me” and something like he is a bad knight cause he slow his lord down while Chrom is like “It’s not a problem at all!” and something like “you always taking care of me, it’s just my turn to repay to you”  Frederick really feel thankful but he needs to ask Chrom something about the dream that his lord told him before, “That dream, you said I was looking like a dragon?” Chrom said like “Ah, Yes. A dragon, seeing your wound was remind me of that, A dragon with so many wounds yet he still wants to protect both of me and Lissa”, “I said that because you always protecting me, even you’re full of wounds” , “I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me cause I could protect myself right now and I want to you to fight by my side forever”  After hearing this, Frederick is really thankful and promise he would serve him at the very end and return to do his “job” , Chrom thinks his knight might overdo himself again but he just let him be...
at the end, Frederick still not telling about his secret yet but he would tell about it someday...
that’s all for now....I think...XD
any ideas? please tell me >w< cause I’d LOVE to hear your comment too ^w^ 
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levin-swort · 6 years
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Heres a preview of the next art dump: Circe, Reflet and Robins mom from my manakete au
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felikatze · 1 year
Re: awakening shrek au. Chrom kisses Robin and they turn into a fuck off huge dragon? I’m invested if so
was spitballing with theotherseapancakes and cannibal-lesbian and it has turned into "manakete chrom and lissa" with other notable features such as
gangrel as farquaad (specifically trying to get married to make fun of aversa for getting no bitches)
owain as puss in boots (he's still a time traveler, everything just got solved by accident and now he has nothing to do)
grima as the fairy godmother
lucina as the gingerbread man (many questions to be had here)
lissa as donkey
nowi as dragon
obviously there's a lot of loose ends but it all just started when i said "grima would sing i need a hero from shrek 2".
i'm rotating the worldbuilding for this at the moment. chrom and lissa live in the swamp because Naga's Blood Shenanigans turned them into dragons so they disappeared from ylisse as to not cause trouble for Emmeryn, who would no doubt catch flack if her siblings were suddenly half dragon things. (Lissa is a fe6 divine dragon. She is a chocobo.) Chrom's main drive would then be not to get everyone out of his swamp, but to do so in order to stop his location (and continued existence) from getting leaked to emmeryn.
there are two options for owain, considering the nowi/lissa dynamic
he is a perfectly human boy (half human on his mom's side, half human on his mama's side)
he is also a manakete but appears human because there's been no perfect dramatic moment to whip out the dragonstone yet
it's also very important to me that chrom has feathers in this. he does.
tldr shrek: oops, all manaketes! edition
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A comprehensive list of the fics I’ve written! It’s organized alphabetically for everything! Fics with a specified reader gender in parentheses will have that gender, otherwise they will not have a specific gender.
Corpse Party
Yoshiki Kishinuma
Soft Reader (Headcanons) (Male Reader)
S/o Comes Out as NB (NB Reader)
Yuuya Kizami
Letter to Reader
Yandere Reader (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Trigger Happy Havoc
Byakuya Togami
S/o Comes Out as Bi (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Impregnating Reader (NSFW)
Super Danganronpa 2
Nagito Komaeda
Trans Guy S/o (Headcanons)
Twogami/Ultimate Imposter
S/o Comes Out as Bi (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Gonta Gokuhara
S/o Comes Out as Bi (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Kaito Momota
Kaito Loses His Clothes
Korekiyo Shinguji
Genderfluid S/o (Headcanons)
S/o Comes Out as Bi (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Fire Emblem
Love Letter
Valentine’s Day Baking
Valentine’s Day Baking - Part 2 (NSFW)
Nightmare Comfort, Protection in Battle (NSFW ending)
Stress Relief (NSFW)
Partner Who Loves Fashion/Cute Things (Fem Reader)
Letter to Long-Distance Lover
Valentine’s Day Date (Male Reader)
Binding Blade
Manakete S/o (Headcanons)
With Fearful Adopted Child (Headcanons)
With Fearful Adopted Child (Headcanons)
Shy and Anxious S/o (Headcanons)
Shy and Anxious S/o (Headcanons)
Relationship Headcanons
With Fearful Adopted Child (Headcanons)
Shy and Anxious S/o (Headcanons)
With an S/o Who Predicts the Future
With Fearful Adopted Child (Headcanons)
With Fearful Adopted Child (Headcanons)
Shy and Anxious S/o (Headcanons)
No Reader
Nina and Niles Familial Headcanons
Niles Caring for Nina (Familial)
Nina and Forrest Relationship Headcanons
Nina and Siegbert on a Date
Sakura and Azura Ice Skating
Bunny Day Outfit Teasing (Male Reader)
Nightmare Hurt/Comfort [Book Four Spoilers]
Teaching Summoner to Ride a Horse (Platonic) (Male Reader)
Loving Sex (NSFW)
Bonding Under the Stars (Platonic) (Male Reader)
No Reader
Lissa, Elise, Sharena Pranking Their Brothers
No Love Interest
Summoner Learning to Use a Whip (Male Reader)
Beating Freyja (Male Reader)
Sacred Stones
Shy and Anxious S/o (Headcanons)
Love Letter
With a Protector (Male Reader)
Protector Part Two (Male Reader)
Three Houses
Claude von Riegan
Aftercare (Headcanons)
Falling for a Foot Soldier (Headcanons)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Aftercare (Headcanons)
Breeding Kink (NSFW) (Fem Reader)
Falling for a Foot Soldier (Headcanons)
Overworked Healer Crush (Headcanons)
Valentine’s Day Confession (Headcanons)
Edelgard von Hresvelg
Bisexual S/o Comfort (TW Biphobia) (Headcanons)
Depressed S/o (Headcanons)
Falling for a Foot Soldier (Headcanons)
Felix Hugo Fraldarius
Aftercare (Headcanons)
Infirmary Hurt/Comfort
Threesome with Sylvain (NSFW) (Headcanons)
Hilda Valentine Goneril
Shy Reader Confession
Hubert von Vestra
Bisexual S/o Comfort (TW Biphobia) (Headcanons)
Love Confession
Pushed to Confess
Valentine’s Confession
Lady Rhea
Falling for a Foot Soldier (Headcanons)
Valentine’s Day Gift (Headcanons) (Male Reader)
Sylvain Jose Gautier
Aftercare (Headcanons)
Threesome with Felix (NSFW) (Headcanons)
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Fnaf 1
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
Golden Freddy
NSFW Headcanons
Security Breach
Glamrock Freddy
Coming Out Comfort (Platonic) (Headcanons)
Relationship Headcanons (NSFW Ending) (Headcanons) (Male Reader)
Montgomery Gator
Coming Out Comfort (Platonic) (Headcanons)
Roxanne Wolf
Coming Out Comfort (Platonic) (Headcanons)
Legend of Zelda
Breath of the Wild
Relationship Headcanons (Male Reader)
Marble Hornets
Jam (+ Bralex) High School AU
Monster Prom
Damien LaVey
Cosplayer S/o (Headcanons)
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Writer S/o (Headcanons)
Yandere Valentine (Male Reader)
Miranda Vanderbilt
Writer S/o (Headcanons)
Scott Howl
Coming Home to a Cosplayer S/o in Costume
Wolf Pack
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
My Hero Academia
Denki Kaminari
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
Eijiro Kirishima
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
Izuku Midoriya
Pro Deku x Civilian Wife
Katsuki Bakugo
USJ Attack Confession (Hearing Aid AU)
Valentine Confession (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
Momo Yaoyorozu
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
Shouto Todoroki
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
No Reader
Trans Bakugo + Kiribaku (Headcanons)
Octopath Traveler
Alfyn Greengrass
Party Members Together (Platonic)
Cyrus Albright
Party Members Together (Platonic)
Party Members Together (Platonic)
Tressa Colzione
Party Members Together (Platonic)
Soul Eater
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons)
Soul Eater Evans
Valentine’s Day (Headcanons) (Fem Reader)
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