#mandalorian empire
padawansuggest · 4 months
Mandalorian Empire Integration AU
Obi-Wan: *sits down in a therapist’s office in the medical halls, less worried about being here and more bored*
Therapist: *looks at his file* Wow. Sexual harassment charges on the first day. I figured we’d never have to deal with a Jetii coming in for that, but even our most… excitable of recruits don’t land me before at least a week. Tell me, what was it that did it? The baar’ur wear too low of a shirt? Just annoyed and wanted to hurt someone?
Obi-Wan: *eyebrows going up* What does the file say I did?
Therapist: …insubordination, vulgar behavior and lying about body issues… actually that sounds more like our drug seekers than a sexual harassment case. What happened?
Obi-Wan: They asked me if I had peircings and I said yes. They asked what kind and I said a Prince Albert. So they undid my pants because I was still cuffed and found no peircings.
Therapist: *exhausted sigh* You told them you had genital piercings so they’d have to check?
Obi-Wan: I say it’s their fault. They could have taken my word for it. Actually I’d like to take /them/ up on a sexual harassment case because I never gave permission for them to check.
Therapist: *looks at his file again* I see your an apprentice to a high level Jetii negotiator. I’m going to flag you as a natural liar and we can take things with a grain of salt. Tell your integrator I’ve updated your file and they’d better head my words.
Obi-Wan: *gets up with a languid stretch* Actually I’m considering telling her you touched me in inappropriate places once you had me alone. I’m just a sweet little sixteen year old padawan, Jedi dont know what sex is, clearly I thought it was a game when you put my hand down your pants. *shrugs and walks out*
Therapist: *immediately picks up the comm to call his integrator* this one might be better off given back to the Jetii.
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north-peach · 1 year
the Integration!AU (star wars) that won't leave me alone
i need y'all to understand i have been CONSUMED by Integration!AU Obi-Wan Kenobi to the tune of King by Florence & the Machine, with existential horror for the win.
Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi, a good man because he is a Jedi. Imagine Obi-Wan, captured by the Mandalorian Empire- by a Jango Fett who is cruel and great, who looks and does nothing but want. Obi-Wan who tells them, quietly warning, angrily begging and then finally resigned to the end of this.
Because when is a Jedi not a Jedi?
The Jedi who say we serve the galaxy, we cannot be selfish, give to others what you can, be compassionate, be at peace, war for the innocents to be defended, the Jedi, the light wielding monks in their stately temples.
The Sith who consume and devour, destroy and conquer without a care because enough is never enough, their addiction written into their bodies, into their souls and everyone can see it.
But here Obi-Wan is, in the Heart of the Empire, no where to go, with it's King standing before him, saying, commanding, ordering him-
You are one of us now.
The Mandalorians who are passionate for life and compassionate towards children, who live for family, die for family, give their all for family, for Mandalore, for Mand'alor and nothing will ever be enough, but all of you.
Obi-Wan is beautiful, terrible and on his head is a golden crown of sorrow with his bloody sword to swing held aloof in his hands.
Obi-Wan who is never satisfied, who is never as good as he always wished he was, but who knew how to dress it up.
Obi-Wan who feels the Mandalorians' dazzling pain like diamond rings, the need to go to war to find material to sing, beskar, ade, kote, unending, unceasing, unsatisfied.
What is Sith but philosophy? What is Jedi but a way of life?
What is Manda but the way?
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noodlethoughts · 6 months
A continued thought from my Foxiyo brainworm, and one I haven't really seen a whole lot of content for in the ship just yet:
I've seen plenty of fic where the clones all grow up as Mandalorians, either due to Jango or their own machinations
If I recall correctly, Pantora is located among the Outter Rim territories. I'm not certain of its exact placing on the galactic map but I think it would still lend itself well to the logic of negotiating an alliance with a recovering Mandalor...Or even a growing Mandalorian Empire
There's lots of opportunity here for plot building, from the political intrigue of Pantora joining a different government or even a classic marriage alliance. I don't see myself writing anything myself, but I wanted to put the idea out there for anyone who wants to adopt it
Star Wars is such a fun setting for sandboxing to see what can be discovered. I hope someone gets to enjoy these ideas 😁
If anyone finds or writes this feel free to send it my way!
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your-humble-host · 2 years
Okay crazy theory hear me out.
We all know that mandalorians are a warrior people having held a literal empire for a while. So what if they started a plague because of it.
Hear me out. The black death can be traced back to the fleas that hitched a ride on rats. But it is also incredibly common in the deserts of Mongolia. When the mongolians were heading out and conquering they carried sand and dust carrying the plague with them but because of the natural immunity built up by children playing in the sand they wouldn't have gotten sick. But the number one way that a population will die is get hit by an illness they have not encountered before. We've seen it with native Americans and the conquistadors and we saw it just 3 years ago with covid.
So as these Mando's are hitching across the galaxy and the dust gets everywhere therefore carrying the virus or bacteria everywhere and couple that with the general poor living conditions of an area under war and you have the perfect mixture for an absolutely devastating illness to spread.
So Mando's are space Mongols
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kingoffantasy516 · 26 days
Ok you know what, let's spread some positivity. Reblog this if you actually like Star Wars
And I am refering to all of star wars and not just select parts of it. Even if you have issues with parts of it, you still enjoy it.
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milfjinart · 1 year
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
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"One does not speak unless one knows." Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) // The Mandalorian (2019 - )
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calkestis · 1 year
am i the only one who thought it made sense for din to be an asshole to the super battle droids since that’s the exact kind that killed his family? 
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skywalkerrtno · 7 months
THIS. This is my Roman Empire.
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Rex breaking up in front of Ahsoka.
A person that he hasn't seen in months.
His commander. The only person he fully trusts at the moment. He shows his transparent self for the first time.
Not only to her, but to us, the people watching the show.
Clones are bred with a sole purpose, told they are expendable, and if they die fighting, most wouldn't care.
They are human, but they aren't treated as such.
Hidden beneath their masks there's people. That's what we see when she removes his helmet. She's telling him its okay to feel how he is doing at the moment.
And this is the breaking point for many. Rex is hurting, he's mourning, His brothers, the other soldiers, even himself have been used for all this time. Manipulated into fighting a war that was lost from the start.
All the deaths, all the used soldiers, brainwashed... It hurts him as it hurts everyone else. Even more as they are his family.
He was saved, but his brothers can't be.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Listen. You guys know how lately (mostly in an attempt to get back to writing and writing things that genuinely feel self indulgent and soothing) I’ve been writing for old posts I made on here a lot lately?
Yeah okay so often times my ideas evolve so don’t take this too intensely. But. AU where Obi-Wan left the order to be a ballerina with a professional troop when she was around 18. She’s been going to a mega fancy school on Coruscant that only gets the best dancers since she was 13 and was invited in after she became Qui-Gon’s Padawan. Just imagine Qui-Gon waiting for her to get out of class with other nannies and parents waiting for their kids that’s SO funny to me.
Now, the change happens that they knew there was unrest in the senate and Obi-Wan said ‘okay this is actually the perfect chance to get spying on the right people’ so her and her new troop (which slowly become battle partners over the years like Padme’s handmaidens) leave and search people out. She ‘cuts ties’ with the Jedi under the guise of leaving the order. She doesn’t actually but Qui-Gon (also female along with Anakin being a girl too) becomes her only contact other than Feemor (best big sister ever) because Obi-Wan puts up a front of leaving to pursue being a dancer, not leaving as a separation from the Jedi, and Qui-Gon legally adopted her to keep close to her. They see each other often and after she gets Ani she becomes baby sister af.
Anyways. Fast forward around 15 years later (at least maybe a few more) and the Empire has officially been installed for about 7 years now (Obi was right and that’s why the Jedi knew to get out of the republic before it fell, so they are safely ensconced on the edge of Mandalorian space) and Obi-Wan’s cover has been blown and she’s gotta get back to the Jedi’s official new temple. Unfortunately she gets separated from her troop along the way and is pretty fucking traumatized and beat to hell by the time she makes it to Keldabe, one of the places she was able to get closest to Jedi space.
Anyways. She gets there and Jango (not-so-young prince of Mandalore, father to like 17 kids by cloners by now, absolutely big brother af because Jaster adopted Satine and Bo-Katan -and Arla when they found her- after Adonai died) finds her in absolutely torn clothes and looking fairly lost in the universe. First of all, the fact that she managed to make it about 6 blocks away from the loading docks is impressive cause any Mando worth their armor would have seen her and tried to drag her off to the medics by now, but she’s very traumatized and keeps running off.
Jango manages to get a hold of her by simply siding up to her like nothings wrong and offering her arm and ‘would you like to see the palace, verd’e?’ And Obi-Wan is sorta shocked but not only Jedi training, but also her time as a high class dancer for imps (like I know Visions just put this basic plot out but I had it years ago so it’s more inspirational than copying okay) and royals for the past decade and a half, kicks in and she lets Jango drag her back home like a cat who keeps collecting kittens. He just finds girls and brings them home to drop on Jaster’s lap like ‘here I heard ur bitch ass got baby fever, take this’ and giving himself new baby sisters. He loves it.
A million sons and baby sisters in droves. That’s all he needs.
Anyways. They get back, Obi is subjected to very annoying medical attention, Jango is horrified at she wounds and such, but then they hit another wall. Obi won’t get into the new clothes they keep trying to give her!!! Plz ur dress is torn and you barely have a thin robe covering you!
They gently corral her into a room with four suits of pure Beskar armor sitting in each corner so it blocks out the sound, while Jango is ranting at Jaster and Arla about how to get her calmed down. She’s already stolen two blasters! Admittedly, she also has her own sabers, so the call to Qui-Gon (who she gave the comm number for and didn’t give a name, just said that’s Mama) sort of just confirmed that it wasn’t so much protection as a safety blanket layover from Melida|Daan that she gets when she starts to panic.
So Qui-Gon is coming out with a team to come get her and informed her troop where their wayward idiot has gotten off to, and Jango is now faced with a new concern. Where is the toddler??? His three year old baby boy Kote??? Where’s the baby??
So. Obviously. Cody wandered off to go see the pretty lady with sad eyes and nice hair. Jango finds him curled up in Obi-Wan’s lap while she rocks him a little, helping him with his preschool learners book. She’s very patient with him, and more relaxed than she’s been in months. Jango lights up like a lightbulb and runs off, getting Boba and Omega’s bassinet to bring into the room and politely asks Obi-Wan to watch over them. She happily does so, calming down and giving many gentle kisses.
She’s still ignoring the new clothes they keep trying to get on her.
Finally, Satine and Bo get home, and ask what’s up. Satine thinks the girl is very pretty and nice looking. Cody might have to fight her cause he saw her first and that’s his future wife! Satine also thinks the same.
Satine goes off to her room and pulls out the most SCANDALOUS outfit possible. A short tee shirt and waist high exercise shorts! What the fuck Satine, who said you could dress like that??? Satine has never rolled her eyes so hard as when she explains she wears the shorts on top of her tights while exercising cause they have pockets and stuff. Okay, that’s more okay. Mandos don’t just!!! Show skin like that!!!!
Obi-Wan is given the clothes, and then further scandalizes the whole fam by stripping down right then and there in front of everyone and god and the fucking Mandalore to put on the new clothes. She’s much happier and goes back to cuddling Omega, while Cody quietly (loudly) asks Jango where Obi’s peepee is. Amazing.
Anyways. By the time Qui-Gon gets there, she’s willing to give partial custody of her baby to the Mandos for getting her cleaned up and soothed and handing her babies (Qui-Gon always sorta thought her girl might have ended up a nursery worker if not a ballerina lol) and getting her comfy and stuff. They took very good care of her traumatized girl but now she’s panicking when she’s asked if Obi is always that quiet. No. She in fact, is not a quiet girl! Oh shit!
She finally calms down the most and starts talking again when her dance troop gets there to coddle her a little, her dance troop who all have weaponry and protective armor and the Mandos respect that much more than Obi’s scandalous little dresses and stuff. Offensive.
But. I wrote this entire post to say. Mandos don’t show much skin, if any. And Jedi, will easily strip down in front of crowds. Cause it means nothing to them tbh. And Cody is wondering where her peepee is.
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masterjedilenawrites · 5 months
List in approximate chronological order:
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Episode I)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Episode II)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (movie)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (series)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Episode III)
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Star Wars Rebels
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI)
The Mandalorian
The Book of Boba Fett
Star Wars Resistance
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX)
For the shows, it can count if you've seen more than half of the seasons/episodes.
Visions and the LEGO shorts are not canon, though I may do a separate poll for LEGO because those are great 😆
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dyingroses · 1 month
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Star Wars + text posts and stuff
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girlrandomstuff · 1 year
Star “She’s royalty, I'm just a boy” Wars
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xplore-the-unknwn · 1 year
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Graham Hamilton as Luke Skywalker BTS Shots of The Book of Boba Fett
He's so adoraaable. He's giving "Padme's favorite child" energy 👑✨ Post ROTJ Luke would work so well on him.
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or-4 · 1 month
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Star Wars
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papanowo · 1 year
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but what if they were horses
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