tia-222 · 2 months
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Credits : Erosvortex💌
As you can see from the above success story of how easily and attainable the void becomes when you do a yoga nidra or a kriya guided meditation, it's so easy loves.
There's some posts on yoga nidra :
❀ yoga nidra to enter the void within minutes
❀ how to get into the void after yoga nidra cr konnie
❀ everything about down about yoga nidra cr Gorgeouslypink
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ Basically, the second meditation she talked about " Kriya yoga " there's not much guided meditations on yt as yet. I think she practices it by herself. Anyways, there's an alternative which Isha kriya, idk if you guys probably heard about it before but there's void success stories from it :-). I'll link the meditation below and the success stories for everyone to read. ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
❀ Isha kriya guided meditation
Success stories from Isha kriya :
Void success 1 , Void success 2 .
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prettypinkpastries · 1 year
You’ve got this! Go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose!
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This is your reminder to KEEP PERSISTING!!!
DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Do not give up. You are so worthy of your desires. Why would you give your power away and ditch your desires all because of the 3D?? You're literally so SO powerful! You can manifest literally anything you want in the blink of an eye. You literally have sooo000 much strength in your mind. Why give up on your desires? You're too good to be doing this to yourself, I swear.
Remember why you started! Why did you start manifesting your desire in the first place? What motivated you to start consciously manifesting it? Pull yourself back up, dust yourself off, and get back on track. Your desires are already yours. Keep up with your mental diet and your self concept and you'll see movement in no time. It's that simple! Just be patient and trust the process, ok?
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
ROE x 3DOL challenge results part 1 @starliet @cleostoohot
sooo basically its only the second day BUT I GOT SO MUCH RESULTS TODAY THAT I WANNA SHAREE so stay tuned for part two ❤️
okay so first i asked dad for 8 dollars for an uber to get home and instead he sent 20 and said the change is just for me to use , which is the amount i affirm for him to give me weekly as allowance
im using a subliminal to be rich, for money, and too be spoiled and i asked my sister to send me 12 dollars to go the movies with my friend for food and she ended up sending 15 and i ended up having 25 dollars since I already had 12 dollars left in my account from buying an uber with the money my dad gave me
i use a “everything works in your favor” subliminal and we ended up not having enough for a large popcorn but the cashier let us buy it and she just paid for the 2 extra dollars LIKE OMG?? i dont even affirm this affirmation i just use the subliminal and im counting that as a result because it ended up working in my favor right?
my mom told me i have long legs and im gonna grow to be really tall , and im affirming to become 5’6 and i use a subliminal for long legs and i sometimes affirm for long legs
my eyelashes and eyebrows have definitely gotten thicker and i look more like my desired face , i kinda always did but im looking more like her everyday
i feel like im gaining my desired body? my butt is definitely getting bigger and i feel taller? and i affirm that nobody questions my changes so for my mom saying I already have long legs??? counting that as a result too
for volleyball and my new phone those are later things and ill def tell u guys my amazing results in part two❤️ i am so happy and i got all this in ONLY 2 DAYS i stopped manifesting for a while and felt like i couldn’t but after realizing truly how easy it is to manifest im literally about to have my dream life
here are the main affs i use🤭
⋆ regardless of everything i have all of my desires
⋆ regardless of everything nothing can ruin my manifestations
⋆ regardless of everything i always manifest within 3 days or less
⋆ regardless of everything all subliminals work instantly for me and give me results within 3 days or less
i affirm for 5 or 3 minutes all my affirmations and then my main ones i say 30 times to saturate my mind , i hope you enjoyed some of my results , if i can do it so can you JUST PERSIST LITERALLY !!
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witchbeezy · 2 years
Pick a Card- Week Ahead Energy Reading (6/13/22-6/20/22)
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This is my first official post on this Tumblr blog. My intention for this reading is to give you insight into the overall energy of your week. As well as to give you insight into what you should focus on, what are your strengths this week, and what you should avoid. 
Please take a moment to ground and center yourself before choosing a pile down below. Then Scroll until you find your message. Thank you so much for reading. 
For more readings follow me on TikTok @witchbeezy and visit my Youtube channel @WitchBeezy 
Disclaimer: Don’t force a message to resonate if it doesn’t. Only take what resonates and leave behind what doesn’t. The messages shared here shouldn’t be taken over the advice and guidance of medical and legal professionals as well as your own discernment. 
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Pile 1 
Overall Energy- The Offering
The message I’m getting for your overall energy is that this week it’s going to be important for you to make an offering for yourself. In which ways can you show up for yourself this week? I feel looking at this card that you may have a tendency to put others before yourself or you tend to see yourself as not valuable enough to dive deep into yourself to discover what it is that you need. I feel you’ve been putting off self care. You may have also been putting off expressing some emotions. I’m sensing from some of you the need to purge some emotions. But it’s like you believe you don’t have time to do that or you’re like what’s the point of expressing that emotion. I personally believe that our bodies are fully capable of healing themselves. For you, your emotional body needs healing and clearing out, and in order to do so you have to create space for your emotional body to express and purge. Keep in mind that you are the foundation for your life and that is why you should treat yourself as a priority and do what you have to do to take care of yourself. 
What You Should Focus On- Ten of Swords 
With the ten of swords i feel your focus this week should be taking care of the things you’ve been avoiding or putting off. I am hearing from someone you’ve been putting off scheduling a doctor appointment or a therapist appointment. I’m hearing that some of you may have been experiencing some chronic pain either physically, mentally, or emotionally. I feel you know it’s time to get it taken care of, and I’m hearing to stop putting it off. Not because something is terribly wrong with you, but as soon as you start taking care of things the sooner you can start feeling better. This is about not suffering more than you need to. I’m feeling this week it’s important that you focus on things that help you feel well. 
What are Your Strengths - The Hanged Woman
I’m hearing from this card that your strength is your ability to put up with a lot, but there's no need for that. You don’t have to continue to be strong. You don’t need to be in limbo. I feel for some of you that you’ve never really considered what you wanted your future to look like. I’m hearing for some that this is because you felt like you weren't important enough to consider a future. I’m hearing that you have much more influence over your life. But you have to choose. I feel you may have given up and just accepted life for what it was instead of making it what you want. I feel the reason this is being considered a strength is because there are people who do know what they want and they struggle because they can’t seem to get there. This is your strength because you’re not attached to certain outcomes and therefore, your life is a blank canvas. From this point forward you can decide what you want to create, but first you have to condition yourself to believe that you are worthy to create on this canvas. 
What to Avoid- King of Cups and Six of Pentacles 
This week I’m hearing it’s important for you to not give to others more than what you're currently giving to yourself. I feel you have reached a point where you’re beyond depleted and this week you should use your energy taking care of yourself. Start exercising your right to say no. I feel your inner child coming through, and your inner child wants you to say no more. You don’t need to have a reason. Just start saying no like a child would. I also feel this week you may also want to avoid masking your feelings and emotions. Your King of Cups came up in reverse and I got the energy of toxic masculine energy. I feel you may have this belief that if you hold in how you really feel then everything is okay or that means you’re strong. I feel you have the conditioned belief that expressing how you feel disrupts things or expressing emotions makes you weak. This isn’t true at all. Sometimes things need to be disrupted and your ability to express emotion is the strongest thing you could do. It’s also the most healing and restorative. 
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Pile 2 
Overall Energy- The Poet
I received a very similar message for you over here that I got for the messages I shared on my TikTok. With the poet I’m hearing that you have some words that need to be shared. With the poet I’m hearing it’s important not to censor yourself. Allow whatever flows into your mind out, because there are going to be people out there that need to hear or read what you’ve said. I feel you guys have a direct connection with the Divine and that’s why it’s important that you don’t censor yourself. What you say, write, or create is you translating and sharing the messages shared to you by the Divine. I’m hearing it’s important to not worry about the end result of you expressing yourself or sharing your gifts. All that matters is that you express them. 
What You Should Focus On- Queen of Swords 
The Queen of Swords showed up in reverse for you and when she shows up in reverse she has a reputation of being cold and harsh, her words are biting, and she basically comes off a bitch. But I feel in your case that energy is needed. I feel it’s important for you this week to focus on saying whatever needs to be said. Some of you have a message that needs to be shared. Will it offend or step on some people’s toes? Yes, but it’s needed. I feel as a society we can’t live in a constant state of fear of whether or not we may unintentionally offend some people. Because I feel that we will eliminate true authenticity. I also feel that by avoiding saying difficult things we can potentially miss out on creating some necessary change or influence. Of course we shouldn’t bully people or intentionally bring harm to people, and I believe there is a way we can express ourselves freely without censoring ourselves and the message the Divine wants you to share. 
What are Your Strengths- The Fool
The message I’m getting for you is that people on the outside may see you as reckless and careless. I feel this is especially true if you are a creative and you’re willing to take huge leaps of faith when it comes to your art or your work. People who don’t have passion for something will never be able to understand those who do. People who lack faith or hold a false sense of faith will never understand those who choose to stand and walk in their faith everyday. Your strengths this week is that you’re able to answer your  calling without fear or despite what it might look like to outsiders. To others it might look like you're stepping into your own downfall, but you’re actually just listening to your spirit. 
What to Avoid- The Magician 
I feel this week it’s going to be important that you avoid listening to the part of yourself that still lives within you that tries to convince you that you don’t have what it takes to manifest your desires. This voice might try to convince you that you’re not skilled enough or have enough experience yet. This voice might try to convince you that you don’t have the resources you need to manifest your desires. Just for an example let’s say you desire to get into film, but you don’t have an expensive camera or whatever else you think you need. I’m hearing don’t let that stop you from creating films. Create anyway. Even if you have to do it on your phone. Even if it’s just researching or drafting a script. I’m hearing it’s important that you don’t allow your lack of resources to put you on pause. Keep taking actions towards your desired manifestation. 
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Pile 3 
Overall Energy- The Eternal Child 
One of the things I keep hearing when sitting with this card is that you have a whole entire world or the ability to create an entire world in your hands. I’m also hearing for someone specific  that if you have a child, I’m hearing that child is very special. I’m hearing that this child may be considered special needs or they are on some spectrum. I’m hearing that this child is very blessed and they’ve basically created their own world within and they are living in the world they created, and that's why they don’t interact in this world in a “typical” fashion. I feel whatever the case may be I feel this week it’s important that you let your eternal child roam free in their world. I feel this actual world is very limiting and by becoming in tune with your eternal child you free yourself from the boundaries of this current world we are living in. 
What You Should Focus On - Four of Pentacles 
The message I’m getting from the Four of Pentacles is that this week it’s important that you step out of the box that you’ve become comfortable in. I feel your world has become so limited and you have this conditioned belief of how the world works. I’m hearing this week it’s going to be important for you to focus on expanding beyond that box. I feel you may be holding on to who you are and you have this set belief on how you fit into this world or the role you play into it. I’m hearing there's something about the way you incarnated in this world physically thats extremely limiting to your soul. For example you may have been born as a minority or as a person in an oppressed group, and so you may have this programmed belief that you are oppressed and that is something that doesn’t resonate with your spirit. This conditioning could be ancestral as well and that's why stepping out of these boundaries feels so foreign to you. It’s like what does freedom truly mean if it’s something you’ve never experienced. This is just an example, but this can be applied in a bunch of different ways. 
What Are Your Strengths- Princess of Wands 
With the princess of swords I’m hearing you are the way maker in your family. Before you the people in your family or even past life versions of yourself had become accustomed to going down the same path. I feel you are the way maker because you’re not afraid to question “why are we following this path to begin with?” Your strengths are your ableness to look beyond the path already set out for you. You may not know what goes on outside of the path already layed out, but you’re okay with not knowing. I’m hearing you’re a pioneer that’s not afraid of stepping out of the boundaries surrounding you, you’re not afraid to set into uncharted territories, and you’re not afraid to create and grow something from you exploring whats outside of the boundaries you’ve been set in. 
What to Avoid- The Tower
Usually when I see the tower, I see the Divine intervening on our behalf to tear down systems we’ve become accustomed to. However, in this case I feel you are the destructive force. I’m hearing that you are meant to be the destructive force. I’m hearing it’s important for you to avoid getting in your own way of deconstructing the systems you’ve been so accustomed to. I’m hearing just because a structure was built before you don’t mean you have to take up residence in that structure forever. You are meant to tear down what was previously built before you. There may be some residual guilt over tearing down these structures, but I feel it’s important to keep in mind that you can only tear down what was never stable to begin with. 
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janedroid · 1 month
Dancing with a family of shadows
One of the best tools the Universe has brought across my path in recent years is Internal Family Systems. I discovered this listening to Rich Roll’s podcast with Richard Schwartz. Dr Schwartz has worked as a therapist for many years and IFS grew out of what he first thought might be multiple personalities. Those of you who are sensitive to dissociation, shadow people and voices, like me, might…
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starnightlover · 11 months
Manifestation is instant
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You’ve probably heard bloggers say this a million times, but I will say it a million times more. Manifestation is instant. The moment you desire something you have it that instant.
The 4d and 3d have zero separation this as soon as you imagine your desire you have it! All of this, every single thing in front of you is from your imagination. In this world it is just imagination protection imagination. It's all one, and that one is you. It is God. There is no seperation, not even if you think their is.
"So why do my desires not show up instantly?"
Well, here's the answer. You're not accepting that it is!! You are either "trying" to manifest something or you are assuming that there is this imaginary time lag that doesn't exist!! You are creating one.
Do you see your desires as something separate from you instead of being part of you? If so there is one of your problems!! You're desperately trying to get something instead of knowing it is done already.
"Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continue feeling that it is fulfilled until that which you feel objectifies itself. If a physical fact can produce a psychological state, a psychological state can produce a physical fact. If the effect (a) can be produced by the cause (b), then inversely, the effect (b) can be produced by the cause (a). Therefore I say unto you, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them" - Neville Goddard
You seriously only need to accept that your desires are yours right now and persist in that notion! It instantly is done because it is in your imagination, and imagination is all there is.
"So how can I fix this problem?"
I believe people can work on this type of issue by working on self-concept, I know so many people think that self-concept is just how we perceive ourselves but it's so much more than that. Everything is SELF so we should work on how we perceive everything through self-concept, like removing our limiting beliefs, improving our self-belief, and fully transcending the ego through becoming aware of our self-concept. SELF is all there is, it is your physical body, your surrounding, the people around you, even the universe you're in. It is all imagination and that is SELF. That is consciousness, and when we rewire how we perceive that we will overcome all limitations.
“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. By this law-first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious-all things evolve out of consciousness;” - Neville Goddard
This is why everything and anything you could ever want is yours. It is in your imagination, and being that consciousness is the only reality it is done! Your failure to just accept that is the reason you are not seeing it right now! Manifestaion is always instant.
So be it now. Assume it now. Nothing is separate from you. BE it now!!!
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bwct · 9 days
forget the outcome
this is something I realised quite recently. forget the outcome and live in the wish fulfilled. I never understood what it meant but I finally do now.
dont put your desires/manifestaions on a pedestal, put yourself on that pedestal and basically forget about it. once during the day recite your desires and what you want so the universe knows how much you want it and then forget about it for 24 hours. during this time that youve "forgot" about it, your in the wish fulfilled state. you can still do whatever you want but for me I realised that forgetting about it and carrying on with my day is what actually made it easier. I spend about 30 mins-hour just reciting my desires and basically doing a rampage with them. then I forget and do what I need to get done in the day.
your desire is yours once you claim it.
once you speak it into existence, its yours.
the universe knows because you affirmed it.
the 3d will conform because it has to.
this is what really helped me and although I only realised it like a day ago, I was so attached to my desires more than myself. dont do that. make yourself 1 because your already living in your desired state because you declared it and the law is a law, it will be followed.
side note: if you want to obsess or keep affirming that is totally fine, I just realised that for me and maybe some others that detaching and not having my manifestations on a pedestal is what helps me the most. basically detaching from the outcome because I trust the universe will serve me and bring my desires exactly how I want.
xoxo bwct
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yourlifesgodisyou · 5 months
I saw a trick about how to understand that my manifestaion is became real or it is soon. I really wanted to share with you guys. I tried it and in the same day, it worked! But still need the right place and person to truly see it hahahaha. At least it helps with understand that it is became real.
Decide a word. Univers will use this word as a sign to you. For example I chose "orange". So if my manifestation is real or soon I need to see the word "orange" somewhere. I saw it once and heard it once.
But you shouldn't look for it. It has to show itself to you. So decide your own sign word and let it universe does its jobs.
That is fun to try but never forget that you already have it and it always works because you wanted it and unvierse is wirh you. Don't be sad or broken if you don't see your sign word. Everything has a rgiht time and place❤️🙏🏼
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tia-222 · 10 months
What affirmations should we use to wake up in the void
Hey angel . You can use , add and adjust to your liking , love.
♡ I have totally mastered waking up in the void state ♡
♡ Tonight I wake up in the void state aware ♡
♡ I always wake up in the void state aware ♡
♡ Why does sleeping take me straight to the void? ♡
♡ Why do I always wake up aware in the void state? ♡
♡ Waking up in the void state is so easy ♡
♡ My subconscious knows to wake up me in the void state tonight ♡
♡ It's easy for me to wake up in the void state ♡
♡ It is natural for me to wake up in the void state ♡
♡ I know for a fact that I wake up in the void state every night aware ♡
♡ Regardless of everything I always wake up in the void state ♡
♡ Subconscious I command you to wake me up in the void state ♡
♡ I can not believe how it's so easy for to wake up in the void ♡
You can lull yourself with the word " void state" or " I am " to sleep .
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
so! im gonna be revising my life to me always having my desires! because I’m ready to to get me entire dream life :)
things I’m gonna be manifesting
my mom being 35, being a rich photographer, model, and fashion designer
my dad being 37, a rich computer engineer, and a part time fitness teacher
having an iphone 13 in pink
living in a big house with my own room and bathroom and my desired room
being 5’6 with long legs/desired body
my desired face
being rich and wealthy
having 1 million dollars on my debit card
a belly button piercing ( i do not want to go through the pain)
my desired hair texture and length
playing volleyball since i was 3 years old
i will be using affirmations, subliminals (maybe) and doing the SAT method everynight before bed <3 i am gonna use @starliet self concept guide and work on my self concept for aswell
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POV Manifestaion: Dream Home >>> Imagine the feeling of buying your dream home and keep feeling that until it happens. Feel gratitude for it now. Want to speed up your manifestation? See link with free training
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vibestillax · 6 months
Tags:@r0ckstardr3amgal @haunted-headset @vopix @haunted-headset @a-radio-d3mon @justalittlebitofchaos @witheredroseanon
Mendi mostly talked about how her brother,Spencer drives at 18 years old.yes,hes an year older than me and Mendi...but im okay with it,he is quite the gentlemen,his personality is still similar to Wilbur Soot.
He swears when he is out of context more because he gets us.and we always laugh,and he loves it when Me and Mendi laugh.But like...Spencer is so sweet,he always gives me a perfume that Mendi never wore and she never will,They both love my taste in artists and twitch streamers. About that,we love everything about my two best friends that are siblings.Yes im talking abot Mendi and Spencer <3
“well this would be fun if we listen to Los Campesinos! While running away from this gossiping town!”
“GREAT IDEA,MENDI!!!!” I yell with Spencer,we were such a team! And most importantly is that we hoped this plan worked,we all wore this necklace with three numbers,My angel number is 777 that means Luck,Mendi haves the angel number was 444 that means Protection,and Spencer haves the angel number 222 that means alignment. We were wearing a necklace with our angel numbers,all three of us,and just a little reminder that...The angel number 777 is considered a Powerful,Spiritual message...and the power behind this angel number is Peace of mind and contentment.
“I hope people wont see what we actually attract,is halloween and I wanna try a spell with you all.To kill Fenno,he had been bullying Glenn for too long.” Says Mendi in a cold tone.
“I agree...wanna join,Miss Villey?” asks Spencer. The rope is being being severed,I know my time to move on,and I had been waiting for this moment for so long.
I nod,then we all planned to manifest now. While we were manifesting Fenno to die,we heard a boy screaming.we all smile,and as we were all three saying the affirmations while listening to a manifestation playlist that Mendi did. It all worked well.as the lights of the candles fades,it meant something good,and as the light bulb flickered.we felt the power.
As we stopped manifesting,we heard a bullet and we all jumped from fear and then we smiled.
“IT WORKED!!” I yell,proudly,Mendi and Spencer smirked mischievously.
“Her wish since 6 years came true!” Mendi says,proudly.
“im so proud of myself and you too,Glenn,we finally made it!” Spencer says,softly,then we started all yelling
“YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OUR WISH CAME TRUE!!” we all yell while as we throwed our manifestaion journals,as a sign of we made it,and it worked.
By the way,I love you all <3
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cleostoohot · 2 years
Hi, so I've decided to restart my manifestaion journey. And currently I'm a setting up some new rules for myself:
➡️ I manifest in an hour or less
➡️ Just affirming once is enough to manifest my desires.
So now I've been persisting in this new rules for a day, but now I'm starting to overthink.
1. How will I know when it has become an assumption and I can now affirm for my desires?
2. Do I have to keep repeating these rules to myself until I start to see it manifest? ( And that could indicate I can now affirm for my desires)
3. How do I live in the end of knowing these rules are true while still affirming for it?
congratulations on starting your new journey!
1. i personally can’t tell you how long it’ll take for your rules to manifest because it’s based on your assumption.
2. just spend time affirming “i always manifest in an hour or less” and “i only have to say my affirmations once”.
persist in those and it won’t take long for your rules to stick.
3. it’s not like when you know something is true, you never think about it. i’m black but I still definitely have moments where I’m like … “I’m black” ykwim lol or moments where i’m just happy about who i am so it’s not gonna mess anything up by repeating your affirmations. you’re still living in the end.
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amarisxyaa · 1 year
about me!
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Name: Amaris
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/her
Nationality: Indian
Socials: working on them;)
Zodiac Placements: sun in sag, moon in cap, taurus rising, mercury in scorpio, venus in sag, mars in scorpio, jupiter in scorpio, saturn in leo, uranus in pisces, neptune in aquarius, pluto in sag.
I absolutely love the moon. I've always been crazily drawn towards it. It really feels like I have a connection with the moon. So I'm definently a moon child<3
i 101 percent believes in soulmates. Maybe because my noona always told me about them ever since I was a baby lmao. But I genuinely believe in them<3
about my practices
Misc: moon and spirit lover. I absolutely adore IU<3
I love researching mythologies and magic related to my nationality and other than that. I come from a really spiritual family.
Beliefs: Occultism, Subliminals, Manifestaion, law of assumption, Magic, witchcraft, Spirituality, Dalnim, Goddess Parvati.
I will definently putting up a tons of different types of content related to: magic, rituals, manifestations, sub results,
Honestly, I want to be very clear with my boundaries. DNI if racists, sexists, closed minded people.
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