#marigold santos
northst-r · 4 months
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shroud pseudomorph (of coral, of nerves, of iron snails), Marigold Santos, 2024
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prairiegoth · 1 year
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Good night to you all, amazing souls! 🖤🌙
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polkadotmotmot · 5 months
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Marigold Santos - Shroud caring for self (alimango / mud crab), 2023 - Acrylic, pigment, gesso on canvas
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Lore of Lex de los Santos,my Pjo s/i
As asked by @comfortabletogether !!
Lex's full name is Alexandria and their chinese name is Xiá,they're blasian because i implemented so many asian aspects into their character it felt right
Specifically they're black-greek because Demeter is one of the many black gods and their godly parent and their mortal parent is Emil 'Xiaoyu' de los Santos,a chinese-dominican man who works at a boba shop chain called 'Bubble Buds'
Lex was born and raised in San Francisco but moved to El Barrio,New York in the beginning of Botl due to Emil's job transfering him and grew up taking guitar lessons
Lex is the same age as Percy,with a December 27th birthday,and got to Camp Half-Blood at 12 too.This is one of the many things they have in common:Lex and Percy also have the same sense of humor,poor social skills,merciless tendencies,emotional regulation issues,self-eestem problems,boundless kindness and uncorruptability.The difference is their attitudes-Lex is soft and shy with a hardcore inside,Percy is tough and mean with a soft inside.Their nicknames for eachother are 'Blue' and 'Bubbles'
Lex's powers are ultra chlorokinesis,geokinesis,built-in botany expertesee and eventual terraportation and they're the strongest mortal Demeter kid.They're as strong as Persephone herself
Lex's special interests are boba,dogs,video games,pastel things,kidcore,swords,the sea,nature and anarchy and they love fucking around with their friends and they're also a mom friend,a rollerblader and a guitarist because they took lessons and their colors are pink and green
Lex got to Camp Half-Blood a month before Percy,during The Gym Incident at Marigold Middle School when earlier that day Zach Matthews got rumors to spread about them by provoking them into punching him hard enough for him to bleed and a basilisk attacked at gym class later so Lex's powers activated to kill it on instinct,their eyes closed tightly as they did.They finally realized they have plant powers and Nona Peters,another bully of their's,started shrieking about how it's proof they were a freak all along so blinded by rage,they choked her with their vines until Coach Wilson snapped them out it and she sobbed in apology as they commanded for her to be released but didn't mean it.Teary eyed,Lex dashed to Principal Gonzalez's office to call Emil to pick them up and ask about their powers since they knew he'd know
Emil drove them to Camp Half-Blood as he exposition dumped about the greek mythos world and his past relathionship with Demeter,who did divine intervetion to get them there in just two hours instead of two days,and the first camper Lex met was Katie as they approached her asking for help.Katie guided them to Chiron then to Cabin 4 to meet their siblings:Konrad 'Kon' Henders,Luke's best friend,Billie Ng,a nonbinary grunge kid and Miranda Gardiner,who came in a bit late due to her hatred of demigodhood.Kon did a little joke about his and Lex's names which flashed them back to the gym and he profusely apologized but they refused to touch upon it again.Lex's things were brought to them in a box the next day in the morning by Hermes as Emil had been in such a rush he forgot to pack for them and Lex learned the daily routine of CHB
With an extra for them:Isolation.Lex was ignored by almost everyone at Camp Half-Blood due to their quiet nature and 'off' looks(read:blasian)so they settled into hanging out by themselves in the forest.It hurt them a lot but it wasn't like there was anything they could do and at least they had their siblings.Percy finally arrived once the month passed and they met at the strawberry fields,just the two of them,where he jokingly asked if the strawberries came in blue and Lex responded they could make them blue if he wanted and he was taken back and asked if they really could so they placed their hand on a large bunch and they slowy changed color.He asked what the difference was and they said they weren't sure as they hadn't eaten one before so they eat their first bluestrawberries together,them being mostly the same as regular strawberries except sweeter and juicier,and Percy asked Lex to hang out and spar with him later and they enthutiastically agreed and once he was out of line of sight as they waved goodbye,they squealed and jumped happily as they reached for their hair to stim,only to feel yellow roses in it that had bloomed-Another Demeter kid trait,symbolic flowers that meaned their strongest emotions.Yellow roses mean 'friendship'
Percy and Lex became official sparring partners and after a week of best friendship,Percy asked about everybody's treatment of them to try to help them show everybody how great they are and Lex melted down and a huge wall of flowers appeared inbetween them to seperate them.Percy managed to talk them down after they revealed the Gym Incident and comparing it to his own problems with bullies did the trick and their feelings turned romantic after that convo.During the week,Lex was also sent a celestial bronze heart shaped hairclip transforming sword called Rhodon and they always wear it or as they got older,have it cuffed to their battle jacket,and they got Miranda to chill out by talking things out with her and it's revealed she's just upset at being away from her stepmom and dad and dosen't want to be a half-blood so they help her get along with their siblings and Miranda in thanks shares an Erika and Annalise from Barbie Princess and The Pauper dolls set with them
Post-Tlt Som Lex is a lot happier than the Lex before and Emil notices it and chalks it up to their demigod experiences,which is very true in a way but not entierly.Kon however is the reverse and is majorly depressed because of Luke's betrayal and private reveal of what he was actually like the whole time i.e His grooming of Silena and brewing plans to destroy everything out of his own selfishness.He refuses to say what happened but turns out he didn't need to as Luke puts Percy on blast and Kon blacks out in emotional distress,Lex screaming out his name in terror for him.Earlier that summer,they'd been helping Percy care for Tyson as the only people at camp who liked him(wtf was Rick thinking with having Percy not like Tyson,it makes zero sense??????)and later,they become Thalia's best friend,giving her a tour around camp with Clarisse's help and approaching her at the Zeus Cabin specifically to befriend her out of hating seeing her so dehumanized by the campers into a paragon instead of a teenage girl
Thalia had instantly assumed Lex was a perfect prissy popular girl because of their aesthetic,Lex always dressing in pinks and greens with feminine hairstyles and tween makeup,but after actually talking to them,knew they were just a weird black girly girl so as a weird black trans tomboy,she decided to open up her time to them and they nicknamed eachother 'Thunder' and 'Petal'.Campers were afraid to be mean to Lex now with her and Percy constantly at their side but did ask them invasive questions about her they informed her about and so they stopped.Lex's egg was cracked by Thalia and they'd been going by they/them for years but never thought to research their gender and as it turns out,they're transmasc genderfluid and bigender and they came out to her and Percy as they hung out by the creek and once to him,Emil hit up Demeter to ask Aphrodite to give Lex their ideal voice for the one thing they wanted for a physical transition with the rest staying intact(Lex's original voice was Stephanie Sheh but now it's Nika Futterman for that rocker girl vibe)
Lex stayed over for winter break in TTC and stayed in touch with Percy and Thalia over the phone,the former also true for inbetween Tlt and Som,but all of them were flip phones because 2000s LMAO(Lex's was a Barbie one,Percy's was blue and seathemed and Thalia's was black and all convered in edgy stickers).Kon wasn't able to properly lead Cabin 4 so Katie took over and this summer is when Drew had arrived so the heads of Cabin 4 and Cabin 10 had a flirtatious pretend hate rivalry going on that flew over the heads of most campers but not Lex,who instantly clocked them upon witnessing extended interactions between them pretty easily.Drew latched onto Lex after finding out they're trans like her and Lex offered to be Nico's new big sister after briefly meeting him and growing some lavenders for him and handing them to him as they sweetly asked him to be nice to Percy and he happily agreed to and finding him sobbing his heart out at the kitchen to comfort him.They also made him strawberry milk tea and they chugged several cups together
Him running away and Thalia joining the Hunters broke their heart and they felt like a failure and unloved and had a hard time enjoying their birthday party but did manage to,it being helped by Thalia sneaking in that night to leave them a gift:A bag of stolen junk they'd said they wanted but couldn't afford and a sticky note that says 'I still love you,Lex.Always will but right now,i need to be away from what could give me power.Please understand and i didn't say it to your face because it hurt too much to - Your girl best friend forever,Thalia'.We finally get to the moving to NY part and Lex arrives a month early to the core plot once again,reuniting with Percy and the de los Santos and Jacksons become close as a whole and Lex helps Percy fight and later save the empousi and befriends Rachel instantly and there's a running gag of Lex and Percy talking on their Barbie flip phone and sea flip phone throught the Labyrinth quest and Lex actually lends a hand on it twice as they also and the rest of the camp help Kon put himself back together.Nico asks 'Is that...blue birthday cake?A-And.....Is Lex here?' in the last Botl chapter so Percy tells him to come in and says it looks like the three of them have a lot to talk about and Lex bolts into a now taller than them Nico's arms the second they saw him again and Nico hugs them back just as fiercely,laughing as they pepper his face all over in big sisterly/motherly kisses
Percy,Lex and Rachel attend Goode High together and it's widely know how close they are so they get dubbed 'The Loser Trio' and they reclaim it for themselves as a friendship name.They do charity events,go to riots/protests,on beach trips both for fun and cleaning,to the skatepark,to Bubble Buds,to the arcade,to thrift stores,to underground parties and shows,on petty crime sprees,on platonic study dates,on aquarium visits,have cartoon/movie marathons and do meme challenges.There's always a romantic edge to Perlex's moments together that dosen't exist with Rachel and she's more than happy with that because she's out there having lesbian adventures and ironically enough Annabeth makes the same mistake she did in canon only Lex is the object of Percy's affections and she's oblivious to Perlex out of her own cisheteronormativity and internalized lesbophobia hence why she dosen't bully Lex ever.Rachel is also how they found out about solarpunk although Thalia was Percy and Lex's introduction to punk culture as a whole but Rachel is who got them to GO punk and The Loser Trio is an afrosolarpunk friends trio too
They have a shared instagram account they use both for personal posts and activism and The Loser Summer™️ included Percy posting him piggybacking Lex and them grinning and Lex doing a peace sign and a plain pink heart emoji in the caption,them at Dairy Queen sharing food captioned 'at Dairy Queen with my Dairy King' and even a slideshow of them swapping clothes and hugging.There's even more of all three of them together and Nico gueststars sometimes as him,Percy and Lex spent the year between Botl and Tlo reconnecting and some of their fans even think he's their kid because they didn't reveal their ages for online safety and Rachel posts her girlsaga and girlbossing and girlfailures all around.Zach and Nona reappear,now a couple,at a Goode High and their school Lex refuses to remember the name of vs basketball game and apologize to them and they respond they'll never forgive them but can let them go.Tlo had Lex,Katie,Miranda,Billie,Kon,Drew and a-just-quit-the-Hunters-Thalia working as a team against the Titans Army in Manhattan with Lex as the leader and earning the reputation across Camp Half-Blood as Percy's righthand and equal in strength as they worked together too and they near biblically unleashed their Demeter powers,getting to meet their mom face to face at the end too and were given a gift in the form of Demeter blessing Rhodon as they kissed Lex's forehead,calling them 'The Heroine of Olympus' and Luke had been slayed by Percy briefly beforehand as Percy was the actual hero of the prophecy
Lex is bubbling with happiness until they see Percy and Annabeth are together now and it shatters them for a long while as their insecurities spill over.They pretend to be okay for Percy's and their other loved ones sake but they really aren't and are kinda worse than ever in fact and wilted flowers bloom where they step.They try to appreciate what they do have though and that includes Percy himself,still best friends til the end with him.Post-Tlo but pre-Percy dissaperance,Lex and Kon are sent on a quest by Demeter for Persephone's sake and it's to travel to Greece to retrive their Roots i.e Unlock their powers to their full potential and calm their agitated and hurt minds.The quest is succesful and includes all your usual Percyverse quest beats,the humor,the mythos shout outs,the aesthetics,etc and Persephone starts visiting CHB in the summer thanks to developing real siblinghood with the other eldest child of Demeter and the daughter of Demeter most similar to her and this is it's own solo book titled 'Lex de los Santos and the Persephone Times'.Once Percy is kidnapped by Hera,Lex resorts to an Animal Crossing addiction to distract themself at the same time them and Annabeth take over camp as co-leaders
This is when Lex learns the full details of her and Percy's relathionship and realizes she's abusive to him and is shocked to say the least.They don't tell anyone because Percy should be the first to know and make sure to keep their guard up around her and Tlh comes along so Lex forms friendships with The Lost Trio:Piper(onsight click and Lex helps her embrace butchness and Piper admires Lex's self-confidence),Leo(silly4silly weird4weird latino4latino but platonically and Lex is Leo's hypemanwoman while Leo is super appriciative of Lex)and Jason(had a crush on them that was extremely awkward for everyone involved and Lex didn't have to reject him outright because he got over them as he saw how much they love Percy and moved onto Leo).The Second Great Prophecy said 'Eight Half-Bloods Shall Awnser The Call' and those eight half-bloods are Percy,Lex,Annabeth,Jason,Piper,Leo,Frank and Hazel and Lex hops onto the Argo || without anybody knowing who The Eight are officially.Drew got her redemption-healing arc completed in Tlh and the quest for Buford has Buford running into her and Katie on their first date and Clarisse and Thalia lead CHB while Lex and Annabeth are gonna but follow the praetor route iykwim(they end up together at last since they'd been flirting since TTC)
Percy didn't remember anything except Sally at the beginning of Son but Lex slowly came back to them,once they bit into a strawberry at Camp Jupiter and it didn't taste quiet the same,a sadness she didn't yet understand washing over her.Hazel instantly went to talk to Lex when she spotted them in Moa due to Percy's talks of them and brought her over to Camp Jupiter's cat cafe for coffee and kitty playing and chatting.Once the whole gang borded the Argo || was when Percy and Lex reuinited,at night as Percy took care of the stables and Lex went out looking for her because not getting to talk to her all day and she ran up to them,squeezing them up into a hug and they yelped but hugged back in surprise.'Hey Bubbles!!' 'H-Hey Blue!*Laughs*Together again!' 'And not apart again.Wassup?'so they flopped down onto the hay and caught up.Nobody caught them because they woke up before anybody else and Annabeth got mad at Percy and scolded him for not staying the night with her and almost everyone found it funny except Lex,cringing to themself the whole time in silent panic at what she'd do after.Percy is jealous of Jason's attraction to Lex as a turned tables moment for the Lex and Annabeth situation and his insecurities come how he's darkskin and Jason is lightskin and how Percy's always branded a troublemaker to the point of convincement while Jason's a lifelong golden boy
No Hazel love triangles and Sammy and her didn't know eachother so Lex accompanies them on their Echo quest and thinks 'Super Sized Mcshizzle' is peak comedy and actually gave themself a stomach cramp from holding back their laughter.Percy is determinated to save Nico as there were no useless retcons between them and Lex and Hazel feel the same so the three of them sneak off to save him and they succeed and the four of them are an official certified quartet by the end of Boo with how close they are,them being 'The Outcast Godlings'.Lex gets the chance to tell Percy what's going on between her and Annabeth in the pre-climax of Moa and Percy's first reaction is denial until Lex points out in explicit detail how abusive she is to her and he can't deny any of their questions to any of the non-existent improvement in how she treats her and this also leads to Lex confessing their own feelings on pure accident('You don't have to choose someone you DON'T want to!I'm happy you chose me as your best friend though.......That you chose me,even if it's not how i wanted you too')and Percy is shocked beyond words as her brain switches and connects the dots on her own Lex feelings.Hazel and Lex fall into Tartarus right after though so they don't have time to resolve things just yet
Lex does their best to protect and take care of themself and more importantly Hazel in Tartarus and Hazel is able to unlock her powers to the fullest as The Princess of The Underworld and The Unknown down there.Back on earth,Percy got the Hecate Mist storyline and is stressing out over Lex,over Hazel,over Annabeth,but does her best to lead and the Percabeth breakup comes when Annabeth insults Lex out of jealousy over how important they are to Percy as she realizes they're an actual threat the whole time to their relathionship and Percy is so infuriated she breaks up with her on the spot and stomps away(black and blue demonias gifted to her by Beckendorf pre-death btw).'I'm not letting anybody else tell me what path i should take anymore.I get to choose my own present and my owm future even if it'll never change the past.I was never meant to be restrained and now i know what really means'-Percy Jackson,House of Hades
Hazel and Lex get out of Tartarus and are instantly fussed over by Nico and Percy but also all the other Eight and Reyna except Annabeth,who keeps her distance.Percy and Lex spend Boo as a battle couple who flirt nonstop,subconciously on Lex's end and very intentionally on Percy's end,and after the final fight with Gaea,Lex dyes their bangs forest green as symbolism for their completed self-love arc and it's topped off by Percy asking them out right before lunch time as they sit at a unique table-The Poseidon table but with them,Nico,Hazel,Tyson,Grover,Rachel,Katie,Jason,Leo,Frank,Piper and Clarisse.Everyone can tell his intentions except Lex as they sideeye eachother as they follow him to the forest and they flop down on the grass together to eat the picnic he made and once they finish it all,Percy confesses to Lex and they're too stunned to interrupt him as he turns into a rambling mess of all he loves about them until they snap out of it and flop down on top of him,craddling his face and confessing back just as tenderly so they both grin and he initiates their first as they kiss back.Pink and blue roses bloombed around them
Sally adopted Nico and Hazel and Percy,Lex and Rachel went back to Goode High for their senior year together.A year passes and they manage to graduate but Percy and Lex also decide college isn't for them and Lex and Emil move into La Residencia Jackson due to Sally's eldest son dating Emil's only child and what good friends Emil and Sally already are.Instead of T.oa,we get Tales of Dead Seas aka Tods,a one year later Hoo sequel that's four books and takes place over four years for that og Pjo feel including the return of the chapter titles and has the Outcast Godlings as the mcs and the books are in order called:Elysium on Earth,Petallic,Arcane Rot and Unmythologizable.Nico and Hazel attend a Special ED school,Sally opens up a family bussiness called 'Familia Jackson Beach Shack',Rachel attends college but appears pretty often,Emil is the same as ever but in regular contact with Demeter and Persephone and Lex accidentally cracked Percy's egg as a transfem bigender he/she/they/neos femme and helps her transition.Eoe has it's plot with Percy killing Zeus in a fit of rage and kickstarting a greco-roman mythos world revolution,Petallic focuses on Lex's earthy bringings and self and heritage on both ends,Arcane Rot is central on the Underworld Siblings and exploring them even further,Hazel-Blood is a side bonus book that's a Hazel character study and full on kids horror with an ancient roman coating and Unmythologizable is the grand Percyverse finale and we're told in the future Percy and Lex have a daughter they name after Sally who goes by Sal.The Outcast Godlings' titles are 'Hero and Destroyer of Olympus','Prophecy Breaker','The Ghost King' and 'Princess of The Underworld and The Unknown'
Lex in the official Pjo art!!
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Lex in the Pjo picrew!
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An outfit Lex has canonically worn /srs
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And Lexcore images!!
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the-mortuary-witch · 5 months
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Santa Muerte, "Holy Death" or "Saint Death" in Spanish, is a goddess of death and the Underworld. She is a figure of protection and guidance, helping people navigate through the trials and obstacles of life. She is often venerated as a saint, or even considered to be a Goddess, especially in Latin American and Hispanic cultures. Santa Muerte is a spiritual figure, and she has no direct connection to Christianity or any other mainstream religious tradition.
Appearance: She is usually portrayed as a female skeletal figure in black robe or a woman in black cloak. In some depictions, she is also shown carrying a scythe. She is sometimes depicted as having long black hair and a skull-like face. She is also often shown with skeletons and skulls as decorations and symbolism.
Personality: Santa Muerte's personality is varied and complex. As a deity of death and the underworld, she is often seen as cryptic and mysterious, often holding a playful and humorous side. She is also often seen as powerful, protective, and caring, offering guidance and support to those in need. In some depictions, she is also seen as vengeful and destructive when crossed.
Symbols: scythe, globe, scales of justice, oil lamp, black cloak or robe, skulls, bones, hourglass, and candles
Goddess of: healing, protection, financial wellbeing, and the afterlife
Culture: Mexican
Plants and trees: fresh flowers, rosemary, apples, marigolds, palm trees, rosary pea, cacti, dandelion, and boneset
Crystals: amethyst, black tourmaline, moonstone, tigers eye, smoky quartz, and melanite
Animals: owl, dogs, cats, dove, crows, and snakes
Incense: Santería, copal, dragon’s blood, palo santo, sandalwood, camphor
Colours: red, white, black, blue, and green
Numbers: 7 and 13
Zodiac: Scorpio (not official)
Tarot: Death
Planets: Saturn and Pluto
Days: Saturday, Monday, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), and Halloween
Parents: N/A
Siblings: Magda
Partner: Mictlantecuhtli
Children: Los Negritos aka The Little Black Ones (not confirmed)
• Scythe: one of the most common symbols associated with Santa Muerte, and it represents the final end of life and death itself.
• Crystal ball: used to communicate and make predictions in the presence of Santa Muerte.
• Coins: are often used in offerings to Santa Muerte as a form of payment and gratitude.
• Sugar skull: used in the celebrations of the Day of the Dead in Mexico. They are traditionally created as offerings to Santa Muerte, as well as to the souls of dead ancestors and loved ones.
• Skull: as a Goddess of death, her skull is often another symbol of her.
• Colours: play an important role in many rituals and prayers to Santa Muerte. Red, black, white, and pink are commonly used.
• Rose: often linked to the feminine energy and to love, and they are often used as offerings to Santa Muerte.
• Cross: another of her common symbols is the cross, which represents the bridge between the two worlds: life and death.
• Water: often used in rituals and offerings to Santa Muerte, as it is seen as a medium of communication and a bridge between worlds.
• Candles: also often used in rituals and offerings to Santa Muerte.
• She has no connection to Christianity or any other mainstream religious tradition.
• Santa Muerte has become more popular in recent years due to the rising interest in indigenous cultures and spiritualities.
• She is often venerated by those who seek protection, guidance, and spiritual freedom from societal restrictions.
• Santa Muerte is often given a gender and identity, but she is seen as beyond the realm of gender. Some cultures see her as the embodiment of death, but others see her as the feminine embodiment of life.
• Some believe that Santa Muerte possesses clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, as she is often the subject of paranormal claims and stories.
• Santa Muerte is often depicted as being a protective and benevolent figure, but some also associate her with vengeance and destruction.
• She is often regarded as an intercessor and patron for those who are oppressed or marginalized.
One way to work with Santa Muerte is to devote time and effort to establishing a spiritual connection with her. This can include setting up an altar dedicated to her, lighting candles, offering prayers and songs of devotion, and giving offerings of flowers, food, alcohol, and other items that she may appreciate. It's important to make this altar a safe and welcoming environment where Santa Muerte feels respected and appreciated. Also, it's important to create a clear intent and intention when establishing a connection with Santa Muerte. It could be something like protection or guidance, and to be consistent in that desire.
"I call upon Santa Muerte, the Queen of the Underworld, the protectress of the dead. I ask for your guidance and presence in my life. I commit to building this connection more deeply and sincerely. I offer you these tokens of my devotion and respect. May I feel your presence and influence in my life. Hail Santa Muerte.”
• See her symbols or imagery appearing in unexpected places.
• Have vivid dreams or visions about Santa Muerte.
• Feeling drawn or compelled to worship her.
• You feel an immense sense of peace and protection when praying to her.
• A sense of clarity and direction in life that you did not have before.
• You experience positive feelings and sensations when thinking about or focusing on Santa Muerte.
• A sudden interest in death and the Underworld.
• Experience synchronicities and coincidences relating to Santa Muerte.
• Unexpected signs or omens that point to her presence.
• Feeling a sense of protection or guidance when meditating on her symbols or imagery.
• You feel a deep resonance with her attributes and virtues.
• Cash.
• Bones or skulls.
• Cigars.
• Tequila or other alcoholic beverages.
• Cannabis.
• Fresh water.
• Cakes.
• Flowers: marigolds, roses, chrysanthemums, and other dark-coloured flowers
• Candles.
• Graveyard dirt (collected respectfully).
• Candy.
• Fruit (mainly apples).
• Chocolate truffles.
• Bread.
• Sugar.
• Anything black: black stones, black ribbons, black jewelry, etc.
• Talking to her in the space you created for her.
• Buying flowers weekly for her altar.
• Getting a tattoo.
• Meditating on her energy.
• Carrying around her images or symbols to protect against negativity and harm.
• Reading and researching about her mythology and history.
• Pray and sing for her.
• Clean up graveyards.
• Draw and paint her.
Consuming offerings given to Santa Muerte is not recommended because it may disturb the connection with the deity and cause an imbalance in energy. Santa Muerte is a powerful deity and she is not someone to be underestimated. She is a protector and guide of the dead, and she is often seen as a symbol of justice and vengeance. She is a very prominent figure in Latin American and Hispanic religious practices and rituals, and it is important to show respect and reverence when working with her. Consuming offerings given to her may disrupt the connection with the deity and cause an imbalance of energy.
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galacticnikki · 1 month
A Baby Witch's First Spellbook
Deep Sleep Essential Oil Blend
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We all have those nights where it can be oh so difficult to go to bed. It could be restless thoughts, a stressful day, or a looming deadline. It's not easy to relax sometimes. Whenever it gets hard to fall asleep I find myself making a blend of essential oils to help me sleep.
You'll Need:
5 drops sleep oil
3 drops cleansing oil
2 drops protection oil
Sleep Oils:
Passion Flower
Cleansing Oils:
Lemon Grass
Palo Santo
Protection Oils:
Dragon's Blood
Witch Hazel
Wolf's Bane
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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contenteditor · 5 months
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Tex Santos-Shaw in 'Marigold', photographed by Rory Payne for Primary Paper, October 2018.
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smudgingpumpkins · 4 days
The Autumnal Equinox
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When is Mabon?
It is celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox, or the midway point between the solstices. This falls on either September 21st, 22nd, 23rd, or 24th.
What does Mabon mean?
It is a celebration of the harvest, giving thanks to the natural environment and the community around you. Joy and bountifulness are revered before the upcoming hardships of winter.
Who does Mabon celebrate?
The Celtic god Maponos is closely associated with Mabon, being the god of youth, hunting, and music. The Welsh figure Mabon ap Modron is derived from Maponos, and the god Apollo is the Roman equivalent.
Work with stones that promote grounding, stability, and spiritual renewal to prepare for the harsh winters, like lapis lazuli, sapphire, smoky quartz, hematite, and labradorite.
Use sweet, earthy flowers and herbs like calendulas, chrysanthemums, myrtle, milkweed, and cinnamon. These species are said to harbor antimicrobial properties and promote pulmonary aid, perfect for maintaining good health before the winter sick season.
Prepare meals that include fresh apples and bread, seasonal pumpkins, a variety of nuts, and meaty mushrooms, all signifiers of the fall season and a successful harvest. Autumn is often the ideal climate for mushroom and apple picking.
Decorate and dress yourself in fall colors, like browns, ochers, yellows, and reds.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., figurines, photographs, drawings, et cetera) of owls, blackbirds, squirrels, wolves, and dogs. These are creatures of hard work, diligence, and faith. Both Apollo and Maponos are said to have an affinity for hunting dogs in particular.
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Enjoy a Mabon tea blend. Infuse the tea with orange, rooibos, cinnamon, and star anise and drink while hot.
Take time to rest. Practice self-care and reset your mind and body.
Take a ritual bath. Add coarse salt, drops of basil essential oil, sage, and calendula/marigold petals for a refreshing, relaxing bath.
Fill a cornucopia. Cornucopias can be made out of anything, from wood to wicker to bread dough (if you want something fully edible). Here is a great video on how to make a bread-based one at home!
Host a grand dinner. Mabon is essentially the "Pagan Thanksgiving," so enjoy baking pies and bread and dining on delicious vegetables with family or friends.
Make a Mabon altar. In the center of the altar, place an icon of Maponos or a god(dess) of your choice, and decorate around it with dried fall leaves, twigs, pinecones, acorns, and earthy-colored gemstones.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magika, has a recipe for warm, sweet stuffed baked apples. Here is the recipe down below!
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ghostboymichael · 1 year
trans+ musicians
a list of trans and/or nonbinary artists!
addison grace
pwr bttm
miss benny
z santos (whatever, dad)
saint josie
leith ross
the reverent marigold
ryan cassata
jazmin bean
ethel cain
the mechanisms
the oozes
destroy boys
feel free to reblog and add more !!!
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mcrigold · 2 years
                       Marigold nem de muito longe tinha uma vida social, na maior parte das vezes as pessoas sequer a conheciam embora estivesse ali já quase dois anos, tinha uma fama de quieta mas certamente era só uma fachada, quem a conhecia minimamente sabia que muita das vezes a loira não conseguia parar de falar nem quando ela queria. enquanto digitava com uma mão no computador da biblioteca, com a outra escrevia no papel em sua frente, por algum motivo desconhecido mordia uma caneta entre os lábios e ouvia natural de imagine dragons em seu ouvido no volume máximo. talvez por ter sua atenção presa em tantas coisas ao mesmo tempo não percebeu quando seus fones de ouvido desconectaram e seu celular passou a tocar a música para todos ao seu redor. perdida entre tudo que fazia e pensava, Goldie não notou nada de errado até dar um pulo da cadeira ao ver muse. “meu santo pé de macaxeira, você quase que me matou do coração e eu nem sou cardíaca! posso te ajudar com alguma coisa?”
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tw: menção de vômito 
                    a verdade era que tyrion nem queria estar naquela academia idiota, em partes já havia desistido de tudo há muito tempo mas enraizado em suas veias era o medo de mais uma vez ou decepcionar quem amava, era algo com qual não podia lidar novamente, mas talvez o fato que ele já havia tentando era bom o suficiente, então não era como se importasse em ser expulso. como se o bafo de vodka já não dissesse o Fernsby se apoiou na lixeira da cafeteira e vomitou o que quer que estivesse em seu estômago quando notou o par de olhos em si. “quê? perdeu o cu na minha cara ou vai seguir com seu dia?” falou impacientemente odiava qualquer atenção sobre si especialmente quando havia feito algo de errado.
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northst-r · 4 months
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shroud (in stratified light) 2, Marigold Santos 2021
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spellbindingnights · 2 years
muses: the Dos Santos Family
tagged by: no one, i just stole this idea from @moonbcings​
tagging: @utterxdesires @midnightsaboteur @dearxeden​ 
alma: magenta
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splattered paint, glitter, childhood friends, neon, pleather, dance floors, crystals. your essence is magenta: you are charming and lead with your heart. you are drawn to people; you adore the thrill, that rush of attention when making an instant connection. even if you are not genuine, you are confident. you are the enchanter. you are the party-goer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of pink, rose, amethyst, and amaranth, who share your magnetism towards others. you are also drawn to the driven noir and umber, who will help you grow and become more introspective. however, you may struggle to get along with the ruminating personalities of forest and marigold who seem to always overthink.
olivia: beige
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lattes, dry fields, footprints, easels, cat fur, pottery, fresh-baked cookies. your essence is beige: you are an even-tempered and comforting presence. you take refuge in your sanctuary and creature comforts; the warmth you exude flees from spontaneity or change. you are consistent and indulgent. you are the sleepy. you are the satiated. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, umber, tawny, and ashen, who share your patient nature. you are also drawn to the expressive souls sky and cream, who will help you grow and teach you to explore new ideas. however, you may struggle to get along with the spontaneous personalities of blush and lilac who seem too frivolous.
marcos: honey
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friendship bracelets, beehives, school busses, children's books, flower petals, honeyed toast, polaroids. your essence is honey: you are devoted and endlessly enthusiastic. your friendships are your security; you shroud yourself with people who make you smile and feel lost at sea without them. often you are quick to dedicate yourself to whatever hand feeds you. you are the companion. you are the confidant. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of peach, marigold, yellow, and orange, who share your love of teamwork. you are also drawn to the streamlined souls terracotta and chiffon, who will help you grow and discover your own confidence. however, you may struggle to get along with the heedless personalities of orchid and chartreuse who seem like fair weather friends.
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maceincognito · 2 months
All my main OC’s for my story
Mason “Mace” McMillan(🪓)
Joise Nevermore(🪶)
Damian Crowder(🦈)
Alex Menendez(👾)
Ruby Savanna(🐉)
Aleister Crowder(👻)
Alinnah “Ali” Belle(🦅)
Julio Quinn(🪄)
Isaiah Thorne(⚡️)
Sophia Rose(🩸🦇)
Justin Holland(🕶️)
Aaliyah Jimenéz(🐍)
Seth Logan(🐺)
Maria Abigail(🗡️)
Issac Martin(🎭)
Violet Addison(🌹)
Amaros Bloodthorne(🕷️)
Dionte “Deon” Westbrook(🚬)
Embla Revna(🐅)
Natalie Brooke(🐈‍⬛)
Wyatt Nash(🦂)
William “Zelter” Edwards(☠️)
Xanthus Vanidestine(🪨)
Ramona Amherst(🪦)
Santana Crimson(🎸)
Javíer Thomás(🎼)
Sadie Hutton(🐰)
Chris Thompson(🦊)
Ashley Larissa(🩺)
Leo Claxton(🌘)
Zane Pearce(☣️)
Stella Thatcher(🏹)
Kai Aoki(💮)
Isabella De Los Santos(🌺)
Atticus Verlice(⚜️)
Arebella Elsher(🛡️)
Aiden Crassus(✨)
Austin Hayes(🦾)
Daisuke Isuma(🥷☄️)
Sakura Suzuki(🦠)
Esmeralda Cassidy(❤️‍🔥)
Itsuki Noaki(🔥)
Saleyah “Sally” McMillan(⚰️)
Archie “Snow” Walker(❄️)
Alice Scarlet(🎮)
Michael Burton(🃏)
Clara Carmichael(🔮)
Colt Jameson(📡)
Enríque Nūnez(🦁)
Aiko Sora(🦋)
Ethan James(🔪)
Alexandra Belov(💧)
Clyde McIntyre(🦡)
Noah Author(🪳)
Estrella Peralta(🐆)
Ember Levine(🏜️)
Draco Bateman(🏮)
Bellatrix Bateman(🐀🎀)
Adrenaline Myskia(🦴🌒
Talon Corbin(🐐🦉)
Blossom Emerson(🐝)
Desmond Langston(🦥)
Skylar Zali(👽)
Dryden Ryker(🔯)
Syrena Isola(🦜🏴‍☠️)
Neptune Cutler(🦑🏴‍☠️)
Elizabeth Mallory(🦌🎪)
Alexa Justice(💞)
LeMarcus Jackson(🐾)
Mae Mintz(🖼️)
Jason Lamb(🛹)
Daichi Yoshida(🪲)
Alejandra López(💐)
Conner Riley(🐇🧨)
Akihito Tanaka(⛩)
Faith Marigold(🪽🐕‍🦺)
Daniela “the cougar” García(💥)
Trey “T-Hill” Hill(⛓️)
Axel Maverick(🧟‍♂️)
Mia Jordan(🕯️)
Katio D’Angelo(⚔️)
Valkyrie Ripley(🐱)
Jalen O’Neal(☢️)
Amaya Burna(🪰)
Zaiden “hacker” Mitchell(🔌)
Mordre Keller(🕸)
Devin Lockwood(🔫)
Fuyuko Honoka(🪭)
Roberto Perdomo-Reyes(🎰)
Delilah Cora(🛍)
Henry Ellis(🧪)
Ava Harper(💀🧁)
Jae Brunson(⚓️)
Katie Holly(🧸)
Jrue Brunson(🪝)
Maybelle Banks(💸)
Carlos De La Curz(🏁)
Adele Harmony(🎻)
Tyrese “Ty” Davis(🧊)
Kayla Lauren(💖)
Nayla Nura(🔅)
Hanzo Matsuki(🀄️)
Nia Sky(🎟️)
Cain Bloodthorne(🌕)
Cassie Cash(📷)
Adonis Ortiz(❗️)
Autumn Ashford(🩻)
Rosaline Thornhill(📖)
Spencer Springer(💦)
Raven Ebony(🐦‍⬛)
Gunner Hawk(🌩️)
Iyo Akria(🌨️)
Juan Escobar(🔔)
Cecilia Ricci(🎷🕊️)
Cherry Desma(🤡)
Olivia Audrey(🩰)
Blake Carter (🌊)
Marcus Simmons(🎤)
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polkadotmotmot · 5 months
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Marigold Santos - Shroud caring for self (ibid / sailfin lizard), 2023 - Acrylic, pigment, gesso on canvas
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ramandeepblogs · 9 months
Welcome Baby Boy Decorations at Home | An Ultimate Guide to Exceptional Celebration
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Welcome Baby Boy Decorations at Home | An Ultimate Guide to Exceptional Celebration
Igniting the Joy with Perfect Welcome Baby Boy Decorations at Home
Most Indian families celebrate the arrival of a baby boy with great fanfare, and home decorations play a vital role in this joyous occasion. When decorating your home for the arrival of a newborn boy, it is essential to create a warm, inviting atmosphere that celebrates new life. Starting with a palette of soft blues to symbolize the baby boy, incorporate balloons to fill the space with festive cheer. Balloons can be fashioned into arches, columns, or scattered loosely for a whimsical effect.
Add custom banners with heartfelt messages or the baby's name to make the event more personal and touching. These can be strung across the main room or the entrance to greet guests with your joyous announcement. Themed cut-outs are another excellent way to enhance the decor. You might opt for storks, baby bottles, or any other baby-related figures to sprinkle around the home, adding charm and detail to the welcome celebration.
Blue Balloons
Symbolize joy and happiness.
Can be used creatively throughout the venue.
Custom Banners
Personalize the event with names or messages.
Serve as a backdrop for photos.
Themed Cut-outs
Add depth to the decoration.
Can be thematic and playful.
Upscale Home Decor Items that Fit Right In
While traditional decorations are wonderful, incorporating upscale home decor items can elevate the ambiance of the celebration. Elegantly crafted Moolwan decor pieces seamlessly blend tradition with contemporary luxury, bringing an extra layer of sophistication to your event. Imagine the serene glow of candles flickering in exquisite holders, casting a warm light during the festivities, or artful hand-made terracotta vases filled with fresh flowers as centerpieces.
Palo Santo Stick Holders
Create a calming fragrance.
Double as elegant decor.
Handmade Terracotta Vases
Add an artisanal touch.
Can be repurposed for future use.
Metal Sculptures
Serve as eye-catching accent pieces.
Leave a lasting impression on guests.
Bringing Tradition to the Front with Ethnic Indian Decor
Indian decor is renowned for its vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and the warmth it brings into any space. To infuse your welcome celebrations with ethnic elegance, consider incorporating marigold garlands. Their bright orange and yellow hues add festivity and are synonymous with Indian celebrations. Creating a rangoli at the entrance using natural colours and flower petals can welcome guests with beauty and traditional symbolism.
Traditional Diyas light up the space with their soft glow and create a perfect blend of tradition and celebratory brightness. They can be placed around the rangoli, on tables, or in corners to add to the overall warmth and festive ambiance.
Marigold Garlands
Signify vitality and joy.
Easy to string and hang for festive appeal.
Rangoli using natural elements
Reflect creativity and hospitality.
Engage guests in the beauty of Indian art.
Traditional Diyas
Bring a traditional glow to the venue.
Can be decorated to match the theme.
Exciting Games for the Memorable Day
Games are a fantastic way to involve guests and add laughter to the celebration. Here are a couple of game ideas along with simple explanations:
Guess The Baby Photo
Guests bring their own baby photo, and everyone tries to match photos with attendees.
Diaper Change Race
Participants compete to be the fastest at changing a doll's diaper, adding a touch of humor and fun.
Celebrating the Arrival with a Delicious Feast
An Indian celebration is incomplete without an indulgent spread of food. Begin with an assortment of desserts to satiate the sweet cravings. The main course should offer a variety of options to cater to different dietary preferences, ensuring that every guest finds something to their liking. To conclude the feast on a refreshing note, consider serving Paan shots, an innovative and enjoyable way to end the meal.
Offer an array of sweets to delight guests.
Main Course
Include diverse options to satisfy various palates.
Paan Shots
An interesting twist on traditional mouth fresheners.
Decorating According to the Theme
Choosing a theme creates a cohesive aesthetic and makes planning the decor easier. For a nautical theme, incorporate shades of blue and white with anchors and ships. A superhero theme ignites excitement with character cut-outs and vibrant colors. An animal theme can be adorable with stuffed animals, jungle motifs, and animal prints.
Nautical Theme
Creates a calm and serene ambiance.
Superhero Theme
Adds a pop of color and excitement.
Animal Theme
Makes for a cute and cuddly setting.
Significance of Naming Ceremony in India
The naming ceremony in India, known as 'Namkaran', is a significant event as it marks the formal naming of the newborn. This auspicious occasion often begins by selecting a suitable time based on astrological charts, ensuring it aligns well with the family's beliefs. Preparing a guest list is next, and it typically includes close family and friends who come together to bless the child.
Select An Auspicious Time
Consult a priest or astrologer.
Prepare a Guest List
Invite family and friends for a close-knit celebration.
Newborn Photography – Capturing the Moment
Hiring a professional photographer allows capturing precious moments with artistry and skill. Props associated with the chosen theme can add an adorable touch to the images, and the decor itself lends a beautiful backdrop to these timeless keepsakes, ensuring the memories of this special day are beautifully preserved.
Budgeting for the Grand Event
Organizing a budget aids in tracking expenses and helps in making informed decisions. The following table outlines various potential expenses to consider:
Thank Your Guests: Creative Giveaways Idea
Personalized giveaways are a loving way to express gratitude to your guests. Consider plant saplings for an eco-friendly option, handmade soaps for a touch of indulgence, or customized magnets as a keepsake of the special day.
Plant Saplings
Eco-friendly and lasting.
Handmade Soaps
Personal care with a personal touch.
Customized Magnets
A magnetic memento of your gratefulness.
By incorporating these elements, you're sure to set the stage for a beautifully memorable homecoming for your baby boy.
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