#marijuana use for medical purposes
unkstaarwysbr · 1 year
Marijuana Legalization: Embracing Benefits and Reform
Within TSDS 278, the hosts El Uno and TraB delve into a thought-provoking discussion on the topic of marijuana legalization. Expressing their support for this movement, they explore the potential benefits of legalizing cannabis, both for personal use and medical purposes. This article, inspired by their compelling arguments, sheds light on the multifaceted aspects of marijuana legalization and…
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afeelgoodblog · 10 months
The Best News of Last Week - 13 November
🦔 - Who knew Attenborough's echidna was just camera-shy?
1. New state law prevents animal abuse offenders from owning pets
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The law bans those convicted of animal cruelty, including those involved with dogfighting, from owning any kind of animal for five years after their first criminal offense.
2. A door at a Swedish library was accidentally left open — 446 people came in, borrowed 245 books. Every single one was returned
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The library was supposed to be closed for All Saints Day — a celebration sometimes also called All Hallows Day, the precursor of Halloween. But the library staff had forgotten to close a door. So people came in, thinking the library was open. Some visitors realized the library was technically closed and went home, but others did not.
3. Ohio votes to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use, becoming 24th state to do so
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Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana on Tuesday, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Passage of Issue 2 makes Ohio the 24th state to allow adult cannabis use for non-medical purposes.
4. First ever images prove 'lost echidna' not extinct
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Scientists have filmed an ancient egg-laying mammal named after Sir David Attenborough for the first time, proving it isn't extinct as was feared.
An expedition to Indonesia led by Oxford University researchers recorded four three-second clips of Attenborough's long-beaked echidna. Spiky, furry and with a beak, echidnas have been called "living fossils".
They are thought to have emerged about 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
5. Dog leads family to missing cat that fell into 30-metre mineshaft
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An incredibly lucky cat has his canine companion to thank for saving his life after the dog led rescuers to a 30 metre-deep mineshaft the cat fell into.
The cat, Mowgli, disappeared on Oct. 20 and had been missing for six days. Owner Michele Rose told the BBC that she had “almost given up hope” of finding her cat.
6. World’s first whole eye and partial face transplant gives Arkansas man new hope
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A surgical team at NYU Langone Health in New York has performed the world’s first successful whole-eye transplant in a living person: Aaron James.
After an accident at work led to the loss of his left eye and part of his face, Aaron was given a new window to his soul, as well as a partial face transplant.
7. Obesity drug Wegovy cut risk of serious heart problems by 20%, study finds
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The popular weight-loss drug Wegovy reduced the risk of serious heart problems by 20% in a large, international study that experts say could change the way doctors treat certain heart patients.
The research is the first to document that an obesity medication can not only pare pounds, but also safely prevent a heart attack, stroke or a heart-related death in people who already have heart disease — but not diabetes.
That's it for this week :)
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writers-potion · 6 months
i was wondering if you could give some points and tips on writing about a character who is suffering from DRUG ABUSE
Writing A Drug Addict Character
Know Your Drugs
Was the drug invented? A scene using insulin set in 1820 is problematic since this treatment wasn’t discovered until the 1900s. Fentanyl shouldn’t be used in a 1930s scene since it wasn’t available for use until the 1960s—opium or morphine would be more accurate choices.
Was the method invented? Since insulin must be given as a shot, that scene is even less authentic as the hypodermic needle wasn’t invented until the mid-1800s. Older historical fiction could involve the use of poultices and mustard packs, while skin drug patches (transdermal patches) are only appropriate in more modern scenes.
The most common drugs abused by gangs are: Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Heroin, Cocaine
Or, it can be prescription drugs
Although many medications can be abused, the following three classes are most commonly abused:
Opioids—usually prescribed to treat pain;
Central nervous system (CNS) depressants—used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders; and
Stimulants—most often prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). (common example? caffeine)
Write In Stages
Stage 1: First Use
Some people use a substance for the first time out of curiosity, while others use substances due to peer pressure. People may also be prescribed medication, such as opioids, by their doctor. Individuals may view their first use as a one-time occurrence, but this opens the door for future use. Some people try a substance one time and never use it again. 
You character will feel:
Angry and/or desperate
Trying to run away from a certain problem
Persuaded into doing drug
Stage 2: Regular Use
If a person uses a substance and enjoys how it makes them feel or believes it will improve their life, they may start to use the substance regularly. They may use drugs or drink alcohol on the weekends while at parties or hanging out with friends. Occasional use may become a regular occurrence. It might become a part of a person’s routine.
Your character:
Will start getting in careless activities while doing drugs
Will probably be violent
Won’t think he has any issue whatsoever and shrug it off
Start associating themselves with harder drug users
Have a false sense of security that they’re able to quit whenever they want.
Stage 3: Risky Use
The next stage after regular use is risky use. A person will continue to use a substance despite the physical, mental, legal or social consequences. Their use likely started as a way to escape or have fun with peers but has now taken priority over other aspects of their life.
Your Character will feel:
uncomfortable around family members/friends who start to notice
Exhibit more reckless behavior
Driving under influence, stealing money to finance substance use, etc.
Underperforming at work or school
Experience tension in personal relationships
Stage 4: Dependence
The next stage is a physical, mental and emotional reliance on the substance. The individual is no longer using the substance for medical or recreational purposes. When a person doesn’t use the substance, their body will exhibit withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, headaches, nausea, anxiety and muscle cramps.
Your Chracter Will:
Develop a sort of rountine/typical place where they abuse
Believe that the substance is essential for survival
Use substance even when it's unnecessary
Stage 5: Substance Use Disorder
While some people use dependency and substance use disorder interchangeably, they’re very different. Once a person develops a substance use disorder, substance misuse becomes a compulsion rather than a conscious choice. They’ll also experience severe physical and mental side effects, depending on the substance they’re using.
Your Character:
Has noe developed a chronic disease with the risk of relapse
Is now incapable of quitting on their own
Feel like life is impossible to deal with without the substance.
Lose their job, fail out of school, become isolated from friends and family or give up their passions or hobbies.
Research the Trends
Medical knowledge changes over time and with it the drugs prescribed. This then impacts the type of prescription drugs available on the streets.
late 1800s: chloral hydrate used for anxiety and insomnia > bromides > 1920s: barbiturates, barbital > benzodiazepines ("benzos") > early 2000s: opiod drugs > opiod drug bans led to growth of black markets: ilicit fentanyl > and so on...
Different countries/locations will have varying trends of drug abuse (depending on laws, availability, costs, etc.)
Research the Slag
look for "[drug name] trip report" on YouTube, etc. to get first-hand accounts of how drug addicts behave.
The main focus should always be to use the words your characters would use in ways that suit the world you have created.
The slang for certain drugs is a difficult vocabulary to maintain as it is ever-changing and varies based on country, region, town, even by streets. Some writers use what they know or have heard locally, others invent their own.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and DEA online databases and drug resources
Social networking groups focusing on related specialty writing topics, such as trauma or emergency medicine
Newspaper articles and medical journals are great places to find real cases.
The US national poison center 
Helpful Vocab:
Addled - sense of confusion + complete lack of mental awareness
Crazed - emotional anguish experienced by the addict
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mariacallous · 4 months
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Thursday formally moved to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, a historic shift in generations of U.S. drug policy.
A proposed rule sent to the federal register recognizes the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledges it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation’s most dangerous drugs. The plan approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use.
The Drug Enforcement Administration will next take public comment on the proposal in a potentially lengthy process. If approved, the rule would move marijuana away from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. Pot would instead be a Schedule III substance, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids.
The move comes after a recommendation from the federal Health and Human Services Department, which launched a review of the drug’s status at the urging of President Joe Biden in 2022.
Biden also has moved to pardon thousands of people convicted federally of simple possession of marijuana and has called on governors and local leaders to take similar steps to erase convictions.
“This is monumental,” Biden said in a video statement, calling it an important move toward reversing longstanding inequities. “Far too many lives have been upended because of a failed approach to marijuana, and I’m committed to righting those wrongs. You have my word on it.”
The election year announcement could help Biden, a Democrat, boost flagging support, particularly among younger voters.
The notice kicks off a 60-day comment period followed by a possible review from an administrative judge, which could be a drawn-out process.
Biden and a growing number of lawmakers from both major political parties have been pushing for the DEA decision as marijuana has become increasingly decriminalized and accepted, particularly by younger people. Some argue that rescheduling doesn’t go far enough and marijuana should instead be treated the way alcohol is.
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York applauded the change and called for additional steps toward legalization.
The U.S. Cannabis Council, a trade group, said the switch would “signal a tectonic shift away from the failed policies of the last 50 years.”
The Justice Department said that available data reviewed by HHS shows that while marijuana “is associated with a high prevalence of abuse,” that potential is more in line with other Schedule III substances, according to the proposed rule.
The HHS recommendations are binding until the draft rule is submitted, and Garland agreed with it for the purposes of starting the process.
Still, the DEA has not yet formed its own determination as to where marijuana should be scheduled, and it expects to learn more during the rulemaking process, the document states.
Some critics argue the DEA shouldn’t change course on marijuana, saying rescheduling isn’t necessary and could lead to harmful side effects.
Dr. Kevin Sabet, a former White House drug policy adviser now with the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, said there isn’t enough data to support moving pot to Schedule III. “As we’ve maintained throughout this process, it’s become undeniable that politics, not science, is driving this decision and has been since the very beginning,” Sabet said.
The immediate effect of rescheduling on the nation’s criminal justice system is expected to be muted. Federal prosecutions for simple possession have been fairly rare in recent years.
Schedule III drugs are still controlled substances and subject to rules and regulations, and people who traffic in them without permission could still face federal criminal prosecution.
Federal drug policy has lagged behind many states in recent years, with 38 states having already legalized medical marijuana and 24 legalizing its recreational use. That’s helped fuel fast growth in the marijuana industry, with an estimated worth of nearly $30 billion.
Easing federal regulations could reduce the tax burden that can be 70% or more for marijuana businesses, according to industry groups. It also could make it easier to research marijuana, since it’s very difficult to conduct authorized clinical studies on Schedule I substances.
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galacticnikki · 1 month
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Entry 13 - Marijuana in Witchcraft
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Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for readers ages 21 and older, or 18 and older with a medical marijuana card. I do not condone the misuse of marijuana by anyone.
My history with marijuana
Back in early 2020, about a few months before June, I started to smoke marijuana for medicinal purposes. I had already been practicing magic for 4 years at this point. I had no idea what I was doing and had no structure for my craft. I started smoking once a night and occasionally would feel compelled to light a candle. Over time I started to notice myself performing magic when I was high. I realized that this really helped me to tap into my higher self and made my intent much stronger. Now that I'm older and wiser I've learned many other uses for marijuana that I had never even considered beforehand.
What are some uses of marijuana in witchcraft?
Connecting with your higher self
Smoke blends
Spell writing
How to use marijuana in witchcraft
1. Cleansing yourself:
Take 3-5, 3 second hits from your cart or bong and visualize the smoke carrying away the negativity. If you're a heavyweight take 5-10, 3 second hits from your cart or bong. If you're a lightweight take 2, 3 second hits from your cart or bong.
2. Cleansing your space:
Start by standing at the entrance of your space, the area you walk through to enter and exit the space, and take a 3 second hit from your cart or bong. Exhale the smoke and visualize it clearing any negative energy. Move in a clockwise manner around the corners of the space, taking a 3 second hit for each corner.
3. Cleansing & charging an item:
Take the item you want to cleanse and charge. Clear the item of any dirt or dust that has collected on it. Take a 5 second hit from your cart or bong and exhale the smoke across the item you want to cleanse. Take a 3 second hit from your cart or bong and exhale over the item again to charge it.
4. Connecting with your higher self and writing spells:
Smoke until you feel a slight tingling sensation, or until you're high but still functional. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and sit in a comfortable position. Allow yourself to meditate on the sensations you feel and all of your senses. Allow yourself to really focus on each one. When the time feels right begin writing down any spells that come to mind.
5. Create a smoke blend and use it for divination
Make a smoke blend that is 2 parts marijuana, 1 part intention herb, and 1/2 part aromatic herb from the list of smokable herbs listed below. Call upon your deity of choice and smoke in their name. Follow the method outlined in method 4 to connect with your higher self. Allow your divine self to commune with your deity of choice. Make sure you thank them when you're done.
Smokeable Herbs:
Lavender* - Good for healing, relaxation, and sleep
Rose Petals* - For love and beauty
Damiana - Increases the calming and relaxing effects of weed, used for lust and passionate love
Mullein - Communication with spirits and protecting oneself from evil spirits
Blue Lotus Petals* - Increases the calming and relaxing effects of weed, used for lunar magic, divination, and connection with deities
Wormwood and Mugwort - Used for divination, protection, and psychic power. (Do not smoke Mugwort if you're on birth control or are pregnant)
Mint* and Peppermint* - Used for good luck, money, energy, love, protection, and clearing negativity
Cloves* - Used to clear negative energy, attract money, stop gossip
Red Raspberry Leaves - Used to ease symptoms of PMS, offers protection, and love
Catnip - Relieves period cramps
Motherwort - Induces astral travel, channeling, increases psychic awareness, and eases anxiety
* - Aromatic Herb
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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Karen Thompson for Abortion, Every Day:
Earlier this year Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed into law SB 276, a first-of-its-kind legislation classifying mifepristone and misoprostol as controlled dangerous substances. The drugs, commonly used to perform medication abortions, are responsible for 63% of abortions in the US. As a result of this new law, mere possession of mifepristone and misoprostol without a prescription in Louisiana can result in fines of up to $5,000 or “imprisonment of no more than five years with or without hard labor.”  We know what happens now: The outcome of this new layer of criminalization is entirely foreseeable. By putting the pills on a drug registry with special access rules, providers are no longer able to easily prescribe the pills and the ability of OB/GYNs to nimbly provide needed—and even emergency—health care if a woman is miscarrying is chilled. In Louisiana’s telling, mife and miso are the new heroin and medication abortion care puts pregnant people’s lives in jeopardy, not their own dangerous law. The lack of situational awareness around the law would be comical if the inevitable devastation of its effects wasn’t so horrifying. 
This is true even for people who are not using the drugs to end their pregnancies, but for the myriad other health issues the drugs treat—from softening the cervix for an endometrial biopsy to the insertion of IUDs. But the massive burden SB 276 places on pregnant people—particularly those seeking to self-manage their own abortions—is disastrous. By reclassifying a safe, effective, regulated drug used for a broad range of healthcare purposes into a dangerous controlled substance whose distribution and use can be entered and tracked in a state database, Louisiana, as one local health care provider noted, would “effectively be creating a database of every woman who is prescribed mifepristone and misoprostol, regardless of the reason, truly monitoring women and their pregnancies. That should be unimaginable in America.”
Such policing is not only very much imaginable in America, but has been the country’s sad truth for decades. Before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, state surveillance and criminalization of women during pregnancy and around their pregnancy outcomes—based on their alleged drug use, in particular—was the daily truth for countless women and other people who can become pregnant. A past truth is simply devolving into a dystopian present.  To be clear, classifying drugs in light of their potential harms is not a new thing. One of the most infamous classification tools, the Controlled Substances Act, has been in place since the 1970s, when President Nixon signed it into law. The CSA became the enforcing mechanism for Nixon’s “War on Drugs,” and gave both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Food and Drug Administration power to determine which substances were fit for medical use. Such regulation can serve a useful purpose; the CSA is itself the legislative grandchild of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, which required food and drug manufacturers to clearly label any product that contained dangerous substances, including morphine and opium, drugs often included in everyday products from soft drinks to teething medicines. 
But SB 276 is not trying to protect babies. As John Erhlichman, one of Richard Nixon’s Watergate co-conspirators, bluntly stated in 1994: “[w]e knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the [Vietnam] war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could . . . vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”  Once again, government actors are lying about drugs to criminalize women’s access to and control over their own social and bodily autonomy. Louisiana’s law unmasks in broad daylight what so many people and communities living with the consequences of bad drug policy have long known: the “war on drugs” is a political invention to construct fiscal and social power over individuals and communities, not to provide much needed public health services. 
[...] By criminalizing possession of abortion medication, the Venn diagram of overlap between the “war on drugs” and the war on reproductive freedom has, once again, become a perfect circle. The efforts to control reproduction and drugs are rooted in the same forms of bigotry: controlling women’s behavior and liberties rather than providing actionable solutions to satisfy public health needs. 
Karen Thompson writes for Abortion, Every Day the impacts of criminalization of abortion medication as the new era of the War on Drugs takes shape in the post-Roe era.
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militantinremission · 30 days
Democratic Shills: Simping ain't easy
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Like that 'Ole Man River', The 'Ole Black Bootlicks' keep Rolling along! Not to be outdone by DL Hughley, Rickey Smiley & Charlemagne 'The Clod'- Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Roland Martin, Luther Campbell, & Steve Harvey had to add their names to the List of Democratic Shills demanding Blackfolk Vote for Kamala Harris; w/o asking for ANY POLICY in return for Our Vote. This effort to motivate Black Men to 'Vote Blue' By Any Means Necessary appears to be an ALL HANDS ON DECK situation.
Black Alpha Network made a great analysis, when he compared the Democratic Party to a Slave Plantation. He compared the Democratic Shills to the Slave Patrol and the 'Vote Blue, no matter Who' Crowd w/ Happy Slaves... My first 'Slave Hunter' is Michael Eric Dyson, who has gone out of his way to shill for Kamala & the Democratic Party. His actions are more than cringe worthy, the man comes across like a Street Pimp w/ a PhD. Dyson's language is not just pompous, he can be as cheesy as a Storefront Minister. In his effort to shill for Kamala Harris:
He tried to shame Black Men for daring to question Kamala's 'Sistah Credentials'
He apologized [disingenuously] in a 'Love Letter to Black Women'. Dyson says this letter is written on behalf of ALL Black Men for past mistakes, but HE is the one that's guilty of indiscretions against former female Students
He purposely Race Baited a Congresswoman on CNN for mispronouncing Kamala's name. Dyson claimed to be defending a 'Black Woman', but in the process he disrespected the Host, Abby Phillip
Luther Campbell then goes on an Anti Black rant where he calls Blackfolk 'Stupid Negroes' for questioning Kamala Harris' 'Blackness'. In another instance, Luke gives Black Men 'One more chance' to return to the Democratic Party. Luke is of Jamaican descent & I could understand his view if Kamala identified as 'Part Jamaican', but she doesn't. She only touted her Jamaican Lineage when Charlemagne 'The Clod' asked if she smoked marijuana in College. This motivated her father to come out of the shadows to denounce her comments & warn her against playing 'Identity Politics'. In an interview w/ Kamala Harris, Luke certifies her 'Blackness' on the Basis of:
Fried Chicken
Fico Scores
Living an 'Afrikan American Life'(???)
It's ironic to see the Architect of Misogynistic Rap working so hard to legitimize Kamala Harris. Despite his effort to link her w/ Black American Culture, Kamala went out of her way to avoid saying: Yes, i'm Black. Instead, she played semantics by associating her Experience as a 'First Face', w/ being someone outside the 'Box' of Popular Perception. She used the example of The Boy Next Door... This Method of Tricknology is not unique in the Culture of Brownfolk; I imagine THIS is how Mindy Kaling's brother, Vijay Chokalingam navigated Medical School as a 'Black Man'.
Roland Martin, aka 'Baron Von Buttah Biscuit' has been the Poster Child of 'Simping Democratic Shills'. His attitude towards Blackfolk that reject Kamala Harris for whatever reason, is as Anti Black as a White Supremacist. He frequently uses profanity when talking about Us, & never fails to use derogatory terms to describe Us. Despite his Tough Talk, Roland went viral when he was confronted by Chicago Activist, Ja'Mal Green at the Democratic National Convention. Roland insulted Ja'Mal's intelligence on 'X', then devoted a Show to further insults. It's apparent that Roland didn't expect Ja'Mal Green to confront him Face to Face. This follows his embarrassment at the National Association Of Black Journalists Convention.
Refusing to be outdone by the others, Steve Harvey not only responded to Dr. Umar Johnson's accusation of getting paid to shill, he Doubled Down on his Unconditional Support of Kamala Harris. According to Steve- he, DL Hughley, & Rickey Smiley are ALL 'Que Dogs'. He went on to say that Ques RUN the Airwaves of Black Radio. Steve Harvey then stated matter of factly that he not only promotes Kamala Harris, but will FREELY:
Invite Kamala on his Program Again & again & again
Ask her 'Soft Ass Questions'
'Lob the Basketball' to her, so she can Slam Dunk Questions
Agree w/ whatever she says
Steve didn't do Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. any favors by touting himself, DL Hughley, & Rickey Smiley as Members. Ques aren't known for being Crybabies. Say what you will about Jesse Jackson, but he was the Image most of Us associated w/ 'Omega Men'. This is becoming a Real Issue, as Blackfolk question the motivations of 'Divine Nine' Members. These people proudly proclaim being Boule at a Time when it's not very popular among the Black Grassroots. This group was supposed to be the Architects of Black American Society. They were supposed to represent the Entrepreneurs & Professionals that laid the foundation of an Independent Black Economy. Over the last 30Yrs, these 'Black Elites' appear to be more comfortable working in the Social Matrix, than creating a Matrix of their Own.
Statistics still show Black America having a Collective Net Worth of $0 by the Year 2053. Asian Americans & Latinx are expected to leap frog Us in Population & in Assets. For some reason, Black Business Leaders, Celebrities, & Politicians continue to promote a 'Black & Brown' Agenda to the detriment of Our Own Community. The unconditional promotion of Kamala Harris also reveals a Colorism Element among this group. Black Men & Women can generate Millions of Dollars for her Campaign in a matter of hours, but can't raise funds for Black Farmers & Businesses to expand their Operations. I understand that many in the 'Black Intelligentsia' moved to the Suburbs, but what happened to Investing in the Old Neighborhood?
This current group of Boule is playing a very dangerous game. The Black Grassroots are sick & tired of The DNC's disregard of Black Specific Issues. Barack Obama exhausted whatever patience We had left. Black Wealth has nosedived over the last 16Yrs, while White Wealth has increased by over $60T. This All started during Barack Obama's Tenure, but he did nothing to stop the bleeding on Our Side of The Tracks. Instead, Barack gave Us Symbolic Gestures w/ one hand & Cultural Critiques w/ the other. Everyone Else received Policy that protected their respective Communities. Folks like Roland Martin, Steve Harvey, DL Hughley, & Joy Reid came into their Own during this Time; like Obama, they also chose to denigrate Us w/ insults to Our Intelligence.
We must remember that this group has ignored Us Collectively for over 3Yrs, but now they expect Us to blindly Vote for the Democratic Ticket. This is after lauding Black Women as the 'Backbone of the Democratic Party', while casting Black Men as Villains over the last 8Yrs. Their effort to create a Gender War among Us has failed. The Black Celebrities & Democratic Shills trying to shame Us into voting for Kamala Harris can't tell Us what her Platform is, let alone her Black Agenda. Some of these characters look desperate in their attempt to sway Us. Perhaps they realize the damage that they're doing to their Personal Brand & whatever Social Capital they have. Several have posted Videos where they appear to be in an 'Altered State'.
-Like Yvette Carnell says: Pressure busts Pipes.
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afrotumble · 4 months
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Lesotho's 🇱🇸 Marijuana Exportation to hit US$3.67m this year.
Kingdom of Lesotho exported estimated 8.5 tones of medicinal marijuana to North Macedonia.
It is the world's largest single legal cannabis export so far.
Lesotho export in Marijuana is expected to see significant growth in its cannabis market. this 2024, revenue in the cannabis market is projected to reach US$3.67m. This is expected to increase at an annual growth rate of 1.48%, resulting in a market volume of US$3.95m by 2029.
It exports Non psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) oil extracts and other medical cannabis products primarily to South Africa and is working on entering markets in Europe and the Middle East, as well as Australia.
It's the country most significant cash-crop. In the 2000s it was estimated that 70% of the cannabis in South Africa originated in Lesotho.
Lesotho made history by becoming the first certified African country to supply the European Union with cannabis for pharmaceutical use.
In 2017 Lesotho became the first African country to allow the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Then Deputy health minister Manthabiseng Phohleli told AFP that the legalization of cannabis presented “a huge opportunity for the country”, which boasts 300 days of sunshine per year
-- African Hub
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spookietrex · 5 months
Story Time with Spookie!
So let me just tell you a kind of infuriating, kind of funny story about mental health hospitalizations. (If you're only here for the funny bits, stick to the last 5 paragraphs!) This is a true story that I experienced. Names have been changed.
Tw: sexual abuse, involuntary mental health hospitalization, stalking
So for context, I am an ambulatory wheelchair user due to hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos, POTS, and fibromyalgia. I have severe PTSD from multiple incidents, borderline personality disorder, autism (but mask almost automatically due to my trauma. I did extremely well in society before my autistic burnout. I am now experiencing severe symptoms), shaking/tremors/possible seizures (current diagnosis is functional neurological disorder but I have severe cognitive decline. Now find simple children's math books complicated (spent 45 minutes on one problem today in a number puzzle workbook for ages 7+), severe depression/anxiety, but most importantly I have severe trust issues with medical professionals because they keep involuntarily hospitalizing me when I, my wife, my therapist have both told them it doesn't help. When I am triggered/scared, I have PNES where I can't walk. Like at all. I will fall and hurt myself. (I also have POTS).
So I go to the hospital got some unrelated reason and they decide that I'm suicidal because I have a history as a kid and I have passive suicidal ideation controlled by a therapist (my exact words). They keep me for 2 days at one facility no AMA (barely feed me anything I'll actually eat. I'm a vegan), only at certain times was I allowed to to have any comfort items (my fuzzy blanket, was brand new, my phone, etc), they make up lies and decide my health even when I am honest (lmao they literally wrote in my medical record that i threw up on purpose, but they focus on the fact that I use marijuana for pain. Even though I have my medical card.) then tell me I'll be moved upstairs to the psych unit to "finish my psych hold, " where my wife will be allowed to visit me for one hour two times per week. So I'm annoyed but whatever. I know the plan. They tell me they're going to move me at midnight; plenty of time for my wife to get back from work. Nope, they suddenly tell me at 9:30pm the ambulance is on its way to take me to the new hospital. I start freaking out but am doing my best to not do things that will make me stay longer. I make them wait for my wife to say goodbye and deny all my sleep meds and request an Ativan so that I do not have a major meltdown at the new hospital. The entire time, I am shaking nonstop. I am barely aware of my surroundings. I am sweating like crazy and the EMT is very concerned. I ask to leave but am denied.
We finally get to the hospital (10:30pm) and they hand me paperwork to sign in and tell me they will not engage with me unless I sign. I ask if that means I can leave. She says no. I am forced to sign the paperwork voluntarily admitting myself despite actively voicing concerns. (1:30am)
The nurse is nice enough but she is distracted because another man is actively detoxing. She asks about trauma history and because I am exhausted and hope it helps, I tell her about my messed up childhood and my story. She validates me and leaves due to another patient (3:00am) tells me she has to take the fuzzy blanket for now but I should be able to get it back. Another lady comes in to take the fuzzy blanket. I am having a meltdown and shaking so badly I can't stand. She tells me to hand it to her. I gently toss it to her because I can't move. She yells at me. I tell her I'm having a seizure andcan'twalk. She says "no you're not" I repeated that I needed a wheelchair. She checked with the nurse and came back with a wheelchair. (4:30am)
Ended up on the psychosis unit because I told my doctor I was seeing color swirls that weren't there. (Kaleidoscope vision before migraine) The nurses on the unit laugh in my face when I ask about the fuzzy blanket. (6am) The bed was uncomfortable and I had no privacy. At this point, I'd been awake 24 hours so I slept. I got in trouble for sleeping 🥴
The worst part and the reason for this story there was this male patient that arrived on like my second or third day. He just walked into my room when I was laying down reading and stared at me for a while. I screamed at him to get tfo of my room. My roommate heard me yelling and came to help. He finally left but muttered something along the lines of, "I can do whatever the f--- I want. It's my f---ing room." This alarmed me so I alerted staff. They rolled their eyes and said, "That's just Billy. He doesn't mean any harm."
The next day, I am in the common room talking to someone, Billy comes up to me multiple times after I tell him to please leave me alone. He writes down his phone number on a piece of paper and tries to give it to me multiple times after he sees me accept my roommate's information. It happens in groups. Staff does nothing. It's not just me he's bothering but he's clearly targeting and following me. Other people notice and report it to staff. He did this for a few more days before I finally snapped. I yelled. I yelled really loudly to get the f--- away from me. I said it multiple times (I wanna say like 10) and staff did nothing before my roommate (again) told them I was yelling and to get him away from me. They gave Billy a shot for that.
That night I couldn't sleep. I was rolling through the hall with my wheelchair around 3am and heard the sound of a male masturbating. I rolled myself up to the counter wanting pain meds because my entire body was in pain and Billy's roommate Lamar was up at the counter asking to use the bathroom because his roommate was masturbating in theirs. (Ew).
The next day was the night before I found out I was leaving. I spent the day talking to group members that I liked and exchanging contact information and coloring. He again tried to offer me his information but I stayed with an easy way out or a barrier between him and I. Billy went out for a cigarette break with the rest of the group around 6pm. I sat inside with Aqua. We noticed that there was some commotion outside. Later, we learned from another group member, Levi, that Billy had gotten close to a dissociative girl, unzipped her jacket, and grabbed her breasts. She tried to push him off of her but didn't have much success. Lamar saw this and punched him off of her. Staff shoved Billy back inside.
Okay for this next part: there were a few people who knew I could walk but most of the group members had no idea. I had a fall risk bracelet (I am). So I'm sitting in the corner with Aqua also blocked in. Billy comes charging in and beeline directly for me. I have had it at this point. I have told him and told him. I scream louder than I have screamed at this facility to get the f--- away from me. This does not work. I get louder and louder until I am filled with adrenaline and no longer give a shit about whether I fall on my face (but am pretty confident I won't). I stand and take a step forward and shout so loud that the smokers could hear me through the glass outside. Staff comes running. Billy is looking shocked and the only thing that comes out of his mouth is, "Hallelujah. It's a miracle. You can stand." I am seething and am ready to tear this man apart just as staff arrives to take him away. I sit down in my wheelchair and stare at Aqua, slow blinking, aghast at what just happened.
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
"In a landmark paper, economists have collected evidence on the societal implications of cannabis legalization and found it lowered the rates of suicide, binge drinking, traffic fatalities, and perhaps ironically, cannabis use in teenagers.
Now that recreational cannabis is available in 18 states, and medically authorized in 36 states, concerns over the effects of widespread societal access are appearing as the motivation behind scientific research.
Much of that scientific research has now been collected in a meta-analysis of 36 different papers published between 2013 to 2021. It shows that the societal impact of cannabis legalization has led to some significant positive outcomes.
One criticism from concerned parents or conservative politicians was that increased legalization would lead to increased teenage consumption of cannabis...
It seems logical to say that if cannabis were legal it would be more commonly consumed—but that wasn’t the case. In fact, the meta-analysis, published in the Journal of Economic Literature, found that teenage access to cannabis decreased by 8%, and frequent use decreased by 9%.
The reason was believed to be that once drug dealers were replaced by dispensaries with a legal obligation to check ID, far fewer teens were able to access it.
In another study, cannabis legalization was found, during the period 1999–2010, to be inversely associated with opioid overdose deaths, although once the years 2011-2017 were added into the analysis, the effect waned.
This was believed to be representative of the evolution of the opioid epidemic, reasoning that “perhaps marijuana and prescription pain medications are substitutes, but marijuana and heroin are not.”
However that wasn’t the only study which linked cannabis legalization to reduced opioid deaths. Two others published in 2019 and 2020 found the same; the second of which determined it to be 16-21%.
Another finding significant for individual health concerns was “strong evidence that legalizing marijuana discourages the use of alcohol, especially binge drinking.”
Perhaps as a result of this decrease in alcohol consumption, there were significant reductions in annual numbers of traffic fatalities.
“Anderson, Hansen, and Rees (2013) were the first researchers to estimate the effects of [medical marijuana law] adoption on traffic fatality rates,” the authors write.
“These authors found that legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes was associated with a 9–10% reduction in traffic fatalities… with larger negative effects on traffic fatalities involving alcohol, traffic fatalities on the weekends, and traffic fatalities at night.”
In yet more good news, cannabis legalization was linked with reduced state-wide rates of suicide in males, with an 11% reduction in 20–29-year-olds, and a 9% reduction among 30–39-year-olds."
-via Good News Network, 3/15/23
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carriesthewind · 1 year
American "criminal justice" in action:
"Moses Lake police nearly beat Joseph Zamora to death. Then he was charged with and convicted of assaulting an officer. He served a full prison term. Then Grant County prosecutors asked for the case to be dismissed. Then the state Supreme Court threw out Zamora’s convictions, because the prosecutor used racial bias during the trial.
It’s been more than six years since the beating that left Zamora in a medically induced coma in the ICU for a month, but Grant County prosecutors are reprosecuting him for the same alleged crimes. Even though Zamora already served a full prison sentence. Even though the same prosecutors previously asked to have the case dismissed."
"Zamora’s confrontation with then-Moses Lake police Officer Kevin Hake happened in 2017. Hake stopped Zamora, who was walking to his niece’s home, after a neighbor called about a suspected car prowler. (It was later determined there was no car prowler.)
He tried to walk away, but Hake blocked him. A struggle ensued. Hake pulled his gun and placed it against Zamora’s ear and temple, and in his mouth.
Six officers eventually responded. Zamora was pepper-sprayed, tased, kicked, beaten and hog-tied. He had no pulse and was not breathing when paramedics arrived. A blood test later found amphetamine, methamphetamine and marijuana in his system.
In 2019, he was convicted of two counts of assaulting an officer."
And finally, a note on prosecutorial discretion:
"McCrae argued he’d done nothing wrong, that he was recharging Zamora because circumstances had changed and was acting within the powers granted to prosecutors to make charging decisions.
The Bar Association sided with him, dismissing the grievance."
And this is the person that is granted that discretion:
"The Supreme Court was wrong, McCrae wrote, when it said the neighbor’s report of a car prowler was mistaken. The Supreme Court “ignores the fact” that Zamora had a knife in his pocket and refused to remove his hand from his pocket. And it “ignores the fact that Hake had the ability to shoot Mr. Zamora and did not.”
“Ms. Trombley and the Supreme Court have managed, based on a poor decision by the prosecutor, to turn the case into an indictment of law enforcement, when the purpose of a criminal case is to hold an offender accountable,” McCrae wrote."
Because people should be grateful when the police only beat them into a coma, instead of shooting them, for attempting to walk away from an officer.
Because, as the prosecutor says, "the purpose of a criminal case is to hold an offender accountable."
Who is an offender?
Someone who the police don't like the look off. Someone who dares to be high (or mentally ill, or disabled, or black, or queer, or just poor) in public. Someone who doesn't sufficiently "comply" with law enforcement. Someone whose head injures an officer's hand, when the officer punches it multiple times.
(Also. A jury found him guilty. A jury of his peers agreed. Remember, should you every be called for jury duty. Remember your duty to your fellow citizens. Each member of that jury is responsible for this injustice as well.)
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
I Still Believe: Part 1
Eddie Munson x Reader (Angst)
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| Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: The world has been dimmer since Eddie Munson has been gone. Even your old spot out at Skull Rock has lost its charm, but you still go out there to feel close to him. Will a trip out there after dark finally help you grieve through your loss...or will it be your undoing?
Rating: Mature
Author Note: Gender neutral Reader, they/them pronouns used, if any. Part 1 of 3. Happy Spooky Season! We're gonna throw some horror into the mix with this one! Enjoy!
CW: Horror elements (being stalked, chased, grabbed, attacked by a vampire); vampire elements (stalking prey, hunting, attacking prey, non-con feeding); marijuana use for medical purposes (anxiety, grief); Jason harassing people; Eddie being protective (and slightly Dommy if you squint).
Word Count: 3,135
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One thing you and Eddie Munson always enjoyed doing together was taking walks in the woods.
At least twice a week you two would head out on foot from the trailer park to Skull Rock, smoke a joint or three, and then make out until you both had come down enough to walk back.
It was something you kept doing after he was gone, even now six months later. You didn’t get as high when you went out there by yourself, thus didn’t stay as long as a result, but you always looked forward to this little bit of time. It felt like a big part of Eddie was still there, like this is where his spirit chose to come to rest. Since there was no grave for you to mourn over, this would have to do.
“Hey sweetie,” you said, as you settled down in you and Eddie’s spot under the large rock. “Sorry I’m so late tonight, I got stuck reorganizing the western paperbacks by myself. Dave was supposed to help, but you know what trying to get help from him is like.”
You scoffed at your own words as you took your rolling supplies from your jacket pocket.
“And then, get this, the douche really had the nerve later to come over and ask me if I’d ever gotten around to-“
And on you went as you got your jointed rolled, filling Eddie in on your day as if he were sitting there with you instead of off in the next life.
While Eddie’s death hit everyone in different ways, it hit you especially hard.
Friends since fourth grade, lovers since Sophomore year and out publicly as a couple since senior year, you two were supposed to be together forever.
That was the plan, anyway.
After Eddie graduated this year, your plan had been to Sadie Hawkins the fuck out of him and ask him to marry you. You hadn’t decided how yet, but you had the ring already. It was a simple vampire skull with red stones for eyes. Nothing fancy, but it was so very Eddie.
Initially, it was supposed to be a graduation present. You’d been holding onto it for two years ever since he was supposed to walk the stage with you. But, as the months went on after graduation and now all of your time spent together was outside of school, the place where you both had to censor your relationship, the feelings between you deepened. You got closer, which you didn’t even know was possible. You were together every day after school, and you spent weekends with him and Wayne since your mom was never home. So long as you were helping Eddie study and his grades were improving (and you two were being safe together), Wayne didn’t mind. Despite being held back two more years, his grades had steadily gotten better until it was just one class holding him back.
While you two had discussed the idea of marriage at some point, both of you were in full agreement that was for way later when the two of you were old. You were still going back and forth on the idea of college but were working full time at the library in the meantime. Eddie wanted to devote his attention to the band after graduation and see where that took them. Neither of you even knew if you wanted kids ever.
But then, sometime while Eddie was on holiday break during his last senior year, you realized, why wait? You two could still do all those things married. He already supported you no matter what you wanted to do and vice versa.
Then Spring Break happened. And Eddie was gone.
You started wearing the ring you were going to give to Eddie on a chain around your neck. A few months later, you added a smaller ring to the chain when Wayne found a ring box in Eddie’s desk. Eddie had the same idea you did as it was clearly an engagement ring. The skull’s mate was a small silver ring that had a band of tiny clear stones running through the middle.
“Robin called yesterday,” you said, finally switching topics from work after you got your joint lit. “Steve’s having everyone out to his parents cabin next weekend. I might go. I don’t know though.” “It feels like everyone just keeps me around because they feel sorry for me.”
You knew that wasn’t true and regretted saying it as soon as it left your lips, even though no one was around to hear you.
You may have only met everyone after Eddie was already a wanted man, but they’d all made a big effort to become a part of your life. You counted them as some of your best friends since you all shared in a similar traumatic experience.
It was by pure chance you even stumbled onto what was really going on. You had been looking for Eddie yourself after the news broke, which ended up leading to an altercation with Jason in the parking lot of your job. They had tracked you down to question you about Eddie and you told them where they could stick their questions. It turned slightly violent when they tried to restrain you, and you had to pull the switchblade Eddie had given you in order to get away. After that, you decided you could protect your boyfriend better by keeping an eye on that asshole instead of looking for Eddie.
Tailing Jason led you to the War Zone, which led to you helping Nancy. At the time, you didn’t know who she was. You had graduated the original year Eddie should’ve and didn’t know any of them. You just saw Jason harassing some poor girl.
After you helped run Jason off, you apologized to Nancy, explaining he was gunning for your boyfriend and had jumped you too to find out where he was.
“Oh?” Nancy asked warily, her nerves still on edge. “Who’s your boyfriend?”
“Eddie Munson,” you said, and upon seeing Nancy’s eyes go wide, you took that as an expression of horror and held up a hand. “Look, I know what you’re about to say, but he did NOT kill Chrissy. He wouldn’t. We were all friends. Yeah, we weren’t close anymore, but, for fucks sake, that boy can’t even kill a spider, okay?!? I have to catch them and take them outside or else he gets sad- whoa! Hey!”
At that point, Nancy had finished paying for her weapons. She grabbed you by the wrist in a grip made of iron and started dragging you towards the front entrance and out into the parking lot. The others were coming out of the store just in time to see her shoving you, a total stranger, into the RV.
The RV where their friend, who was currently wanted for murder, was hiding.
Dustin started to yell in alarm, but Steve shushed him so he wouldn’t draw attention. While the whole thing was extremely unexpected, Steve knew Nancy wouldn’t just involve a stranger like that on a whim. He led the group in a fast walk to the RV, where he yanked the door open and barreled inside, tense, and ready for anything.
He walked in and was greeted by the sight of you and Eddie standing in the middle of the RV, arms wrapped tightly around each other and sobbing into each other’s necks. After a few minutes, you pulled back from him slightly to take his face in your hands, wiping his tears away and kissing all over his face before ending at his lips. Eddie held you to him, clinging to you for dear life as he kissed you.
There was a quick round of introductions, and Dustin was able to finally put a face to your name. Eddie had mentioned you a few times at Hellfire, but you hadn’t met any of them yet. Since they were on a time crunch, you were given a very abbreviated overview of what was going on. You were eager and ready to help…then Eddie told you no, saying he wouldn’t let you go with them.
Since RVs don’t have fans, the shit simply hit the ceiling instead.
A fight ensued that everyone else was forced to awkwardly watch. It your first ever fight as a couple. Sure, you’d argued as all couples do, especially with as long as you’d been best friends, but you had never truly fought.
Finally, with tears flowing again from both of you, Eddie gently pulled you to him and took your face in his hands. He looked into your eyes, and you could see how terrified he truly was.
“Please, baby,” he begged you, pressing his forehead to yours. “I couldn’t save her. Let me go knowing I at least saved you.”
How do you say no to that?
You don’t, that’s how.
A few minutes later, you quietly watched the RV drive away with the love of your life inside. When the RV was out of sight, you headed back to your car and went home, abandoning your tail of Jason since you promised Eddie you would.
You have regretted listening to him every day since.
Presently, it was full dark by the time you told Eddie you loved him and started heading back. It way, way later than you would normally leave. Being out in the woods by yourself wasn’t a clever idea after dark since it was easy to get lost. Coming out when it was so close to sunset hadn’t been a good idea anyway, but you weren’t about to miss the one part of your routine that kept you sane.
Right as you were about to enter the cover of the trees, you suddenly felt like you were being watched.
You turned back to look at Skull Rock. While you hadn’t heard anyone approaching, you had been lost in your thoughts and could have easily missed it. The wind picked up suddenly and whooshed through the small clearing, making it hard to hear anything else but the drying leaves rattling around. You didn’t see anyone though. You passed the whole thing off to your imagination and continued on. The feeling stopped as soon as you passed into the tree line, which seemed to confirm that it was all in your head.
However, you only gotten a handful of feet when the feeling was back.
You swallowed heavily and your heart started to pound. While earlier it hadn’t been much of a feeling, as if you had been given a once over, this time you could almost feel a pair of eyes boring into you.
And every one of your self-preservation instincts were going off.
Your guts were screaming. The hair on your body was at attention, goosebumps raised all over your skin. Your brain was sending frantic impulses to run away down into your legs, which you were fighting off. Danger or no, running blindly through the dark in the woods wasn’t a clever idea. You picked up your pace though and were soon at the edge of the trees.
As you emerged from the trees, you sped up more, not jogging, but walking very fast. You could see the trailer you shared with your mom just over a hundred feet away or so, the front door facing the woods rather than the driveway. It had been put in backwards and was never fixed, so the front door was the back door and vice versa. The only problem with this was, the improper installation had caused the rear of the trailer to settle oddly, which had caused the floor to warp. Depending on the time of year, sometimes you couldn’t get that door to open at all.
You were debating which door to go to first when a branch snapping behind you made the last of your resolve snap along with it.
The logical portion of your brain tried to reason with you for a second. It told you that there was actually nothing behind you, that you were just being paranoid. For one, you were alone at night in the woods, which your overactive imagination was having a field day with. For two, you were trying out a new strain of marijuana, which was probably causing most of this. While you normally didn’t get paranoid when you smoked your normal stuff, there was always the chance that any new strain might do that to you and your dealer had insisted you try this one, swearing it would help your anxiety better.
But try telling that to panic when it hits.
You took off for the trailer. There was no stopping your legs now.
The distance from where you were just a little beyond the tree line to the front door suddenly seemed five times as long. It was normally an easy run. You’d done it plenty of times before with Eddie chasing behind you, with him occasionally putting on a burst of speed so he could pinch you on the ass and make you go faster. But it wasn’t Eddie behind you now.
There was no doubt in your mind now that you were being chased. With each running step, you became increasingly sure of it. As your path seemed to stretch out ahead of you and time seemed to go in slow motion, you could feel a presence there. You couldn’t hear anything over your own heart pounding in your ears, your gasping breaths, and your own running feet, but there was no mistaking something was there now. All you could feel behind you was danger, and you could feel it getting closer, but you didn’t turn around to look. You didn’t dare. You focused on nothing but getting to that door in front of you.
You didn’t even try to stop running when you reached the trailer. You crashed into the door and frantically grabbed for the knob. No one was home since your mom worked nights, but the front door was never locked since the deadbolt didn’t line up with the warped doorframe anymore. Leaning away from the door, you pulled with all your strength.
It jerked opened a few inches, then wedged against a raised floorboard and wouldn’t budge.
“Fuck!” you screamed.
Letting go of the knob, you grabbed the edge of the door and tried to pull it open that way, which got you another inch of movement before it got stuck again. You slammed your fist against it and made a break for it to run around the trailer to the back door.
Right after you rounded the corner, something large slammed into you at speed from the side. It was so dark and happened so fast you didn’t have the chance to see what it was. Your body hit the side of the trailer with enough force you felt the tin wall shake behind you. All the wind was knocked from you on impact and your shoulder exploded with pain. A strong appendage quickly wrapped around your torso, pinning both of your arms to your sides. Before you could scream, a hand clapped firmly over your mouth. Long fingers gripped into your cheeks, bits of cold metal digging into your skin as your head was yanked to the side. You tried to struggle, tried to put up a fight, but whatever had a hold of you was so strong you barely managed to wiggle in its grasp.
Suddenly, pain sliced into side of your neck. You felt long, sharp teeth puncturing through your skin, sliding through the soft tissue easily. A scream rose out of your throat, blocked by the hand still covering your mouth. You squeezed your eyes closed, using one last burst of energy to struggle against your attacker. But it was no use. You were pinned against this monster. It had to be something from that place Dustin and the others told you about. The Upside Down, was it? Had to be…but you were sure now that you’d never find out.
The pain lessened slightly as you felt the teeth pull away, replaced by a mouth clamping down on your torn flesh, sending a fresh bolt of burning pain through you.
But then…you were gone.
The pain quickly shifted to a pleasurable sensation, rendering you limp in your assailants’ arms. It was beyond description, an almost euphoric relaxation that was like a combination of the high from really good weed and the high from a really good orgasm, but beyond either. All you could do was whimper as you felt the will to the fight off your attacker leave you and be replaced by wanting. That in itself should have been terrifying. The part of your brain still focused on self-preservation screamed at you in horror to do something, anything, to try to save yourself…
Then you realized you didn’t want too anymore. All of your will to fight was gone. You were well and truly fucked, and you knew it.
Tears ran down your face as your blood was drained from you. You felt yourself growing weaker by the moment.
The monster shifted its grip then, releasing your neck very quickly in order to turn you towards it, then slammed your back against the trailer. It dove right back into, squashing you against the wall as you felt the painful teeth once again in your flesh. It was quick and soon replaced by the same pleasurable relaxation.
With it holding you from the front now, your face was closer now and you could smell it. Your senses were overwhelmed with the smell of blood, sweat, dirt and something acrid, almost sour smelling that you couldn’t identify.
Your knees buckled. Your vision started fading. The only thing keeping you upright was being pinned between the weight of the monster and the side of the trailer.
As your consciousness was fading and your head fell forward onto the monster, you became aware of some very old, very vague smells hidden under the unpleasant ones. There was a hint of leather, a slight whiff of tobacco, a kiss of marijuana. And, finally, fainter than anything else, the trace of an inexpensive cologne you’d know anywhere.
Your heart skipped a beat in that old familiar way as memories of your lover rushed to the forefront of your mind. A slight smile came to your lips, the last of your inner panic dissolving into acceptance.
Eddie had come to you in your final moments, and you’d be with him again soon.
“Eddie,” you whispered without realizing it.
Before your vision completely faded away, the last thing you saw was a pair of glowing orange-brown eyes that seemed to widen as they looked into yours.
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perezhilton · 20 days
Maybe she was using this for medical purposes? Still not legal in TN, but…
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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“If cannabis were discovered in the Amazon rainforest today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could of all of the potential benefits of the plant. Unfortunately, it carries with it a long history of being a persecuted plant.” ~ Dr. Donald Abrams, Chief of Hematology Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital
Approximately 106,000 Americans die yearly from prescribed medications, according to the American Medical Association. Even more frightening, preventable medical errors account for a staggering 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year — and is considered the 3rd leading cause of death. “It’s equivalent to 2,000 commercial jets taking off each year knowing that they don’t have enough fuel to complete their journeys,” notes Peter Edelstein M.D. “Would you allow your spouse to board one of those planes? Your friend? A stranger?”
Good question. Increasingly, people in the West are seeking out treatments that work harmoniously with the body, instead of against it — in other words, they’re walking away from the medical establishment and all its mishaps, mistakes and pharmaceutical drugs. A case in point is cannabis, especially in its raw form.
A Rich History
Marijuana is one of those plants that, to many, conjures visions of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raids and hippies in a drugged-out daze. But it wasn’t always this way.
“The ancient Chinese knew of marijuana’s pain-relieving and mind-altering effects, yet it was not widely employed for its psychoactive properties; instead it was cultivated as hemp for the manufacture of rope and fabric. Likewise, the ancient Greeks and Romans used hemp to make rope and sails. In some other places, however, marijuana’s intoxicating properties became important. In India, for example, the plant was incorporated into religious rituals. During the Middle Ages, its use was common in Arab lands; in 15th-century Iraq it was used to treat epilepsy; in Egypt it was primarily consumed as an inebriant. After Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt, Europeans began using the drug as an intoxicant. During the slave trade, it was transported from Africa to Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. Marijuana gained a following in the U.S. only relatively recently. During the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, cannabis was freely available without a prescription for a wide range of ailments, including migraine and ulcers,” Roger A. Nicoll and Bradley N. Alger remind us in Scientific American.
Even American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson declared: “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”
So what happened?
In 1937, the United States Congress decided — against the recommendation of the American Medical Association — to pass the Marijuana Tax Act. The legislation essentially banned the use of marijuana by making it excessively expensive and difficult to secure. It has been downhill ever since. That is, until the last few years where legalization of marijuana has exploded in the U.S., for both recreational and medicinal uses. For our purposes here, we’re going to look at the health benefits of the plant — which are quite impressive.
An Essential Vegetable
“It [cannabis] has captured these molecules that help our bodies regulatory system be more effective. The bottom line is it’s a dietary essential that helps all 210 cell types function more effectively. I don’t even refer to it as medicine anymore, strictly as a dietary essential.”
~ Dr. William L. Courtney
It may be a stretch for some to recognize rawcannabis as the next in-demand superfood, but Dr. Courtney, a physician with extensive medical training who specializes in the dietary uses of cannabis, presents a provocative case.
When you heat or age cannabis, Dr. Courtney believes that you lose 99% of the benefit cannabis provides. In contrast, if you consume it raw, you’ll reap the full value of the plant. Plus, raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, so you won’t experience a high — an important point for those who would like to utilize the healing aspects of cannabis without feeling drugged or off-center. This means you can also consume a much higher amount of health-promoting compounds with raw cannabis juice compared to if it was smoked or extracted as an oil, according to Dr. Courtney.
Terpenes, essential oils found in cannabis which give the plant its unique aroma, are particularly compelling.A study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology states that terpenoids are “pharmacologically versatile: they are lipophilic, interact with cell membranes, neuronal and muscle ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors, G-protein coupled (odorant) receptors, second messenger systems and enzymes.”
The researchers explored the powerful effect terpenes exert in animal tests. Limonene was found to increase serotonin in the prefrontal cortex and dopamine in the hippocampus region of the brain — both of which help fend-offdepression and feelings of stress. Moreover, limonene induces apoptosis (cell death) of breast cancer cells and demonstrated exceptional radical scavenging properties. It’s also remarkably bioavailable, rapidly metabolized and is highly non-toxic and non-sensitizing.
Myrcene is anti-inflammatory and an effective sleep aid, while pinene acts as a bronchodilator and broad spectrum antibiotic — including the destruction of lethal MRSA bacteria. Pinene also curbs inflammation. Linalool is a sedative and anticonvulsant. Caryophyllene is antimalarial, anti-inflammatory and useful in treating duodenal ulcers. Nerolidol inhibits fungal growth and protozoal parasites. Phytol increases GABA expression, resulting in a calming effect. These are just a handful of the 200 varieties of terpenes found in cannabis.
How to Enjoy More Raw Cannabis in Your Life
For a daily dose, Dr. Courtney advises juicing fifteen cannabis leaves and two buds, which is then added to a small amount of fruit or vegetable juice that is consumed throughout the day. If you would like to learn more about juicing cannabis, this article offers tips and suggestions. Keep in mind that juicing improperly may create heat, which will cause THC to form. Jeffrey C. Raber, Ph.D. also recommends having the strain of marijuana you’re using tested at a reliable and accurate lab so you know exactly what you are getting.
Article sources:
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acropolisdevelopments · 4 months
High on Health: The Medical Benefits of Cannabis and CBD
In recent years, cannabis and its derivatives have been at the forefront of medical discussions, captivating researchers, patients, and enthusiasts alike. While often associated with recreational use, cannabis harbors a treasure trove of therapeutic properties, with CBD (cannabidiol) emerging as a promising component for medicinal purposes. Let's delve into the myriad ways in which cannabis, weed, ganja, joints, hash, and more are revolutionizing the landscape of modern medicine.
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Exploring the Cannabis Spectrum:
Cannabis is a complex plant comprising hundreds of chemical compounds, known as cannabinoids, each with its unique effects on the body. Among these, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD are the most studied and well-known. THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana, while CBD offers therapeutic benefits without inducing a high.
Cannabis and Pain Relief:
One of the most renowned medicinal properties of cannabis is its ability to alleviate pain. Whether it's chronic pain, neuropathic discomfort, or pain associated with conditions like arthritis or multiple sclerosis, cannabis has shown remarkable efficacy in providing relief. From smoking weed to consuming CBD-infused products, patients have found various methods to manage their pain symptoms effectively.
Ganja: A Gateway to Anxiety Relief:
Anxiety disorders affect millions worldwide, leading to debilitating symptoms that disrupt daily life. Fortunately, cannabis, particularly strains with high CBD content, has demonstrated anxiolytic properties, offering a natural remedy for those struggling with anxiety. Whether it's through vaping ganja or incorporating CBD oils into their wellness routine, individuals are finding solace in the calming embrace of cannabis.
Joint Support: Cannabis for Arthritis Management:
Arthritis, characterized by inflammation of the joints, can cause immense pain and stiffness, severely impacting mobility and quality of life. Enter cannabis, with its anti-inflammatory properties that hold promise in alleviating arthritis symptoms. Whether applied topically as a hash-infused balm or consumed orally, cannabis and CBD offer a holistic approach to managing arthritis discomfort, providing patients with newfound freedom of movement.
Hash: A Healing Balm for Epilepsy:
For individuals living with epilepsy, Hash treatments may offer limited relief and come with a host of side effects. However, emerging research suggests that cannabis-derived compounds, particularly CBD, could offer a beacon of hope. Studies have shown that CBD can reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in epilepsy patients, paving the way for a more natural and well-tolerated treatment option.
In Conclusion:
From weed and ganja to joints and hash, the realm of cannabis offers a diverse array of therapeutic possibilities, transforming the landscape of modern medicine. Whether it's pain relief, anxiety management, or epilepsy treatment, cannabis and CBD continue to break barriers and challenge stigmas, ushering in a new era of holistic healthcare. As research advances and societal perceptions evolve, the medicinal marvels of cannabis are poised to shine brighter than ever, offering healing and hope to countless individuals worldwide.
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Marijuana Legality: The Quick(er) Version
A few days ago, I started writing a very long, very detailed post about marijuana legality state by state... and it got eaten by tumblr's drafts features.
This post is going to be the Cliff Notes version of that post.
First off, Wikipedia's Legality of cannabis by U.S. jurisdiction page is an excellent resource for this. It doesn't capture everything, but it captures a lot, and you can always go to linked pages for individual states and/or check the linked sources for more information.
The short(ish) version:
Under federal law, specifically the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is a Schedule I drug and cannot be prescribed or possessed legally aside from a very tightly-controlled quota for scientific research purposes. This scheduling includes language stating that marijuana "has no currently accepted medical use" and "[t]here is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision", which is... arguable.
There is a process for changing drugs, including marijuana, to a less restrictive schedule under the Controlled Substances Act or removing them as a controlled substance altogether. But that process hasn't happened for marijuana so far.
Technically, this supersedes state and local law on the subject; state law can be more restrictive than federal law, but not less restrictive, or else the whole idea of federal law governing the whole country is moot. Theoretically, that means that federal police could arrest anyone, anywhere, for marijuana possession under the Controlled Substances Act, regardless of what local authorities say on the matter.
Realistically, that's highly unlikely. Any case where someone gets arrested for marijuana in a state that says it's okay is practically asking for a Supreme Court case on the matter, and said Supreme Court ruling would inevitable be controversial and divisive, and right now everybody's content to just... pretend the federal law doesn't exist when the state says otherwise. Probably some years down the line such a Supreme Court case will indeed happen and cause a shift to the current murky and unstable status quo, but it's highly unlikely that said Supreme Court case will star you, random marijuana user. (And if it does, well, upside is there's bound to be a bunch of folks willing to represent you for free just to get in on the action!)
Also, the federal police are busy, and hey, if they don't have to worry about marijuana use in a large chunk of the country, that just gives them more time to go after other kinds of federal criminals.
So, if state law's what matters, what do the states say?
Again, I point you to the Wikipedia page outlining exactly this. (It's most of what I'm using for a resource here myself.)
Recreational use of marijuana is legal in 24 states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington state), three U.S. territories (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands), and Washington D.C. Note that Ohio's measure here is newly passed and doesn't actually take effect until December 7, 2023, three days from now.
Commercial distribution is legal everywhere that recreational use is legal except Virginia and Washington D.C.
Personal cultivation for recreational use is legal everywhere that recreational use is legal except Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, and Washington state.
Recreational use is decriminalized in Hawaii, Louisiana, New Hampshire, and North Dakota.
Medicinal use of marijuana is legal in 38 states (the recreational use ones, plus Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, and West Virginia), four U.S. territories (the recreational use ones plus Puerto Rico), and Washington D.C.
Medicinal use is decriminalized in Nebraska and North Carolina.
Iowa gets a special shout-out here for allowing medicinal marijuana, but not allowing any actual distributors of said medicinal marijuana in the state; medicinal marijuana patients need to go out-of-state to get their marijuana supplies, but those supplies remain legal upon bringing them back to Iowa.
Personal cultivation for medicinal use is legal everywhere that recreational cultivation is legal plus Illinois, Washington state, Hawaii, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.
Marijuana remains illegal for both medicinal and recreational use in ten states: Georgia (though several cities/counties in Georgia have decriminalized it), Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, and also the territory of American Samoa. Everywhere but American Samoa has some exception for CBD oil, though, with limits on the percentage of THC present.
A number of Native American reservations have also legalized marijuana use, either recreational or medicinal.
Most of these laws have restrictions beyond just "it's legal". You might have to be 18 to purchase marijuana, or 19, or 21; there's generally a maximum amount you're allowed to possess, or grow, at one time; medicinal use might be restricted to specific symptoms or conditions outlined in the original law; details may vary about having it in a public place, or about the specific forms allowed.
Also, some laws specifically address potential effects of marijuana use within the state beyond simple criminality. Can marijuana use be considered in a child welfare case, and held against you as a parent? Can use of medicinal marijuana get you fired if you fail a drug test your employer gave you, or just because your employer doesn't like it? Does being fired for using marijuana count as being fired "for cause" for unemployment purposes? Can marijuana use disqualify you from accessing needed health care like organ transplants? Excellent questions! The answers will vary. Or they might not be specified in the original statute at all, which leaves it open for the courts to decide.
If you're going to purchase and/or consume marijuana, please, look up all the details of your local laws on the matter beforehand.
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