#married draco and harry
daydreamingfoxglove · 16 days
Day Seventeen: Worthy
@microficmay, words: 107, ship: drarry, rating: T
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"You're sure?" Draco asked, cold lips against Harry's throat. 
"Yes, for the thousandth time ye -" 
Sharp fangs pierced Harry. He winced. Nothing changed for a moment, only the feel of blood rushing into Draco's waiting mouth. The smell of iron assaulted his nostrils. Draco pressed in harder, gums flush against Harry's fresh wounds. 
Then he felt it, tendrils of pain seeped into throbbing veins, like Devil's Snare coiling around a helpless victim. They clawed at his heart, his lungs, and every inch of his body. He burned from the inside out. It felt like he was dying. 
It was worth it, to have eternal life with Draco.
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A series of microfics telling a nonlinear story. All parts on A03
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zlarirosa · 2 months
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harry likes laying on his husband every morning in hopes of him letting the both of them call a day off for once. it's worked once, so it might work again
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garforprongs · 2 months
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them after a whole day of bickering who can sign the biggest amount of documents
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daddiesdrarryy · 8 months
Draco: Bye, Father! I’m going on my date with Harry now!
Lucius: Just a minute! Which font do you like better, Draco? The left or the right one? Personally, I adore the left one, it really shows the elegance in yours and Potter’s names. However, your mother prefers the right one.
Draco: …is that a wedding invitation?
Lucius: Yes! We should be prepared!
Draco: Father, it’s our first date, Harry’s not going to propose to me!
Lucius: Not going to propose? Then why the hell have I been listening to you talk about Potter on and on for the last 15 years?
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
in the epilogue it's 19 years later and harry potter is STILL staring at draco malfoy. draco is the only one who gets his hair and clothes described in detail. even if we go 100% canon compliant drarry is still a thing - it's just the sad drarry ending.
two people made for each other and meant to be together, but torn apart by the war. their potential never realized and yet still, 19 years later unable to look away from each other.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
"Scared, Potter?"
"You wish."
But it's Drarry at the altar on their wedding day.
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lyrablack1883 · 11 months
It has always been you
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Harry and Draco have been secretly dating since 4th year and they manage to hide it pretty well, so well that not even his friends know they're in a relationship.
By the end of 5th year Harry and Draco have this huge argument, Draco knows that Voldemort will probably want to recruit him to the Death Eaters as a punishment for Lucius' failure so he tells Harry he wants to let that happen so he can be a spy to Harry and Harry, who has just lost Sirius, is not happy about it at all, Harry refuses to let Draco do it, Harry refuses to risk his boyfriend's life for something like this. But Draco manages to convince Harry to let him do it, Draco tells Harry that it's the best if Harry has his own spy so he can get unfiltered information. Harry still isn't happy about it, but after Draco did an unbreakable vow to run straight up to Harry if he felt he was uncovered or if Draco just feels like his life is in way too much danger, Harry ended up agreeing with Draco that it would be nice to have his own spy in the Death Eaters.
6th year comes around and Draco is a bit distraught by the task Voldemort gave him, so he tells Harry everything and shows Harry that Voldemort really did mark him, which he wasn't expecting Voldemort would do. Harry just gently presses a kiss close to the mark, 'cause he's afraid he's gonna accidentally activate the mark if he touches it, and then pulls Draco closer and kisses him and tells Draco he's gonna help him to fix the vanishing cabinet so Draco doesn't have to do it all alone. Harry really couldn't keep his eyes out of his boyfriend, he knew Draco was worried with his mother and with everything so Harry was really watching Draco like a hawk to make sure Draco was eating and sleeping. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Dean, Seamus and basically all of the Gryffindors thought Harry was obsessed with and/or stalking Draco, and Harry was just like "No! I'm not stalking him!" and Hermione was like "So you admit you're obsessed then?" and Harry really didn't deny that he's obsessed, Draco is his boyfriend! Of course he's obsessed with his own boyfriend! But he couldn't tell Hermione that, so he just shrugged and moved on with the conversation. During all of this, Harry also insisted that Draco learns the Patronus, 'cause it's useful.
While Harry is with Hermione and Ron hunting Horcruxes, Draco is between Hogwarts and the Malfoy Manor. Draco sends Harry his patronus with information. Harry just smiles everytime he sees Draco's patronus, even though it usually brings bad news.
The battle of Hogwarts happens. Harry saves Draco from the Fiendfyre and Harry just can't control himself anymore and ends up pulling Draco closer and kissing him when they're out of the fire. Hermione and Ron are shocked when Draco actually just lets Harry kiss him and even kisses back. So when Harry finally kills Voldemort, he keeps ignoring everyone around him and keeps looking for Draco, Hermione pops up on Harry's side and points to a direction and says she saw Draco in there. Harry thanks her and runs to Draco, who he finds all alone outside the castle just staring at it and Harry just wraps his arms around Draco's waist and kisses Draco's cheek, Draco turns around after that and kisses Harry properly in the lips and then blurts out a "Marry me" and Harry is shocked so he doesn't answer immediately so Draco just starts trailing off about how scared he was when he saw Harry in Hagrids arms and how relieved he was when he noticed Harry was alive and how all of this just made him realize how short life can be and how he wants to spend the rest of his with Harry. Harry kissed Draco before he could say something else and said yes.
Harry testified for Draco, saying that Draco was his spy since the beginning, that Draco was never a real Death Eater and it was all part of their plan.
Harry and Draco's wedding happens just a week before they go back to Hogwarts for the "8th" year.
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esbee-01 · 19 days
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Spice Index hitting roof check out my whole work on: https://archiveofourown.org/users/esbee_01/works https://www.fanon.co/user/esbee
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lilbeanz · 2 years
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Wedding photo💐🥂💍
Dedicated to @makeitp1nk who is getting married in October!!!✨️💍🥂 congratulations! I wish you every happiness!
(Also, you might have clocked this in the background of this post😂👌)
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drarryruinedme7 · 1 year
Harry looks sideways at Draco. They’re on their bed, ready to go to sleep.
Draco grabs his usual body cream from the nightstand, the coconut scented one. It’s the one with glitters in it.
You’re fifty, Draco.
So? Is there a law forbidding fifty year old people from using glittery body creams?
Harry would say that yes, there is, just to spite him, but not tonight.
Tonight, Harry shakes his head while he recalls every memory of their thirty years spent together. He smiles as he watches Draco spreading cream all over his legs, still so long, still so soft, still so hot.
“Thirty years,” Harry mutters.
Draco pauses for a second, legs glittering. “What?”
“I said —” Harry reaches out, traces an imaginary path down his husband’s shin. “I said — we’ve been together thirty years. That’s a long time.”
He knows he sounds sappy and he feels that too. His voice breaks and when a wicked smile appears on Draco’s face, Harry knows his mind is quickly filling with images from their shared years as well; of their fights, the first tentative and verymuchsecret dates, their first kiss, the many, many christmases, birthdays, lazy mornings spent in bed cuddling.
Draco covers Harry’s hand with his own. God. Harry knows everything about that hand; the small blue mole on the pinkie, the wrinkles time drew on it, the always, always, always, perfect nails.
“Are you trying to tell me it’s too much?”
“I’m trying to tell you,” Harry says, all too happy he’s now 100% able to discern Draco’s use of sarcasm-cause-I’m-embarrassed, “I still love you. More and more. Everyday. I look at you with your body cream and I just— love you so fucking much.”
Draco blushes. How is it possible to love someone so deeply after all this time?
“So sappy.” He turns back to his nightly routine. Looks at Harry out of the corner of his eye. “I love you too,” he murmurs.
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Day Twenty-Six: Vex
@microficmay, words: 146, ship: drarry, rating: G
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Harry arrived home precisely one hour thirty-four minutes late from his two day conference in Italy. He had to check as soon as he stepped through the floo to assess exactly how vexed his husband would be.
“So, you're alive,” Draco said, brow raised, chin in palm and elbow on the dining table. He sat sideways in his chair.
“Draco, please. I came home as soon as the last meeting ended.”
“Not soon enough.” Draco pouted. “Your treacle tart is cold.” He gestured to a tray of golden-brown pastry.
“I can have it cold.”
The pout intensified. “You hate it cold.”
“How can I hate it, when you made it?” Harry crouched beside Draco. “Look, I brought you something.” He enlarged a bouquet of blue hyacinths and handed them to Draco.
Draco grabbed Harry by the neck and kissed him, flowers abandoned next to untouched pastry.
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Part of mini-series of microfics telling a nonlinear narrative. Other parts on AO3
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zlarirosa · 2 months
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they're official
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azastr · 11 months
Cocooned Affinities
Draco Malfoy
Draco and Scorpius being Momma's boys ✨
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Draco leaned against the kitchen counter, a faint smile playing on his lips as he watched his son, Scorpius, busy himself with Y/n in the living room. The room was bathed in warm sunlight, casting a gentle glow on the elegant furnishings. It was a lazy Sunday morning, a rare day when Draco didn't have to tend to his Ministry duties, and he relished the opportunity to spend quality time with his family.
Scorp, with his platinum blond hair and Y/n's striking eyes, was a spitting image of Draco. At the age of six, he possessed the same air of refined mischief that had once made his father infamous during his Hogwarts days. Despite being a carbon copy of Draco, Scorpius had inherited his mother's spirited nature, and he was undeniably a momma's boy.
"Mommy, look!" Scorp exclaimed, tugging at Y/n's hand and pointing excitedly to a colorful drawing he had just completed. "I made this for you!"
Y/n's eyes sparkled with delight as she examined her son's artwork, a vibrant masterpiece depicting a fantastical creature with wings of every hue. She gathered Scorp into her arms, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Oh, my little artist. You've outdone yourself again. This is absolutely beautiful!"
Draco, standing in the doorway, couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for his son's artistic talents. He joined them in the living room, his gray eyes twinkling with affection. "Scorp, you've inherited your mother's artistic flair. I'm afraid I can't draw a stick figure to save my life."
Scorpius grinned mischievously, his gray eyes dancing with amusement. "That's okay, Daddy. You're good at other things."
Draco arched an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Oh, really? And what would those 'other things' be?"
Scorp's voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "You're really good at sneaking snacks when Mommy's not looking. I've seen you!"
Y/n couldn't help but laugh at her son's observation, her eyes meeting Draco's with a fond twinkle. "Your father does have a talent for that, doesn't he, Scorp? But don't you worry, my little one, we'll make sure Daddy shares some with us."
Draco's lips curled into a smug smirk, pleased that his stealthy snack acquisitions hadn't gone unnoticed by his wife. He moved closer, wrapping an arm around Y/n's waist and leaning in to press a gentle kiss against her temple. "Of course, my love. I'm always willing to share with you and our little artist here."
Just then, Narcissa, Draco's mother, entered the room, her presence bringing an air of elegance and grace. She observed the family scene with a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "It seems we're witnessing history repeat itself, my dear. Draco was quite the Momma's boy when he was Scorp's age."
Draco feigned offense, his gray eyes sparkling mischievously. "I'll have you know, Mother, that I was the perfect gentleman even as a child. Scorp here is just lucky to have inherited my impeccable taste."
Y/n chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, Cissa. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's a testament to the love they share with us and the familiarities they have with each other."
Draco's smile widened as he remembered his own childhood, the cherished moments he spent with his mother. He walked over to Narcissa and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, Mother. I never thought I would find a love like ours, but Y/n and Scorp have shown me that there is so much more to life than the prejudices I once held."
Narcissa observed the scene, her eyes brimming with joy. She whispered to Draco, "Look at them, Draco. Look at the family you've built. It's a testament to the person you've become."
Draco nodded, his gaze filled with gratitude. "Yes, Mother. I couldn't ask for anything more."
Scorp, feeling the weight of the conversation turn sentimental, wriggled out of Y/n's embrace and bounded toward his grandmother. "Grandma, come see what I drew! It's got wings and scales and it can breathe fire!"
Narcissa's eyes lit up with delight as she joined her grandson, encouraging him to describe his creation in vivid detail. The room filled with laughter and animated chatter, each member of the Malfoy family reveling in the joy of being together.
As the scene unfolded, Y/n and Narcissa shared a knowing glance, their amusement evident. They both knew that despite Draco's infamous past, his transformation into a loving husband and doting father had been nothing short of remarkable. And in their own unique ways, both Scorpius and Draco had embraced their shared bond as momma's boys, bringing warmth and happiness into their lives.
In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, Draco couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. He had found redemption and happiness with the family he had once thought impossible. And as he looked at his wife and son, his heart swelled with love, knowing that his journey had brought him to this beautiful, cherished place.
just a random thought :)
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daddiesdrarryy · 9 months
Harry: Dad, dad! I kissed Draco!
Regulus: What?
Harry: And I asked him to marry me! And he said yes!
Regulus: He what?
James: Oh! My son is getting married! I’m so proud!
Regulus: James!
James: What? Is it not good? He kissed Draco! He’s loved that boy for ages now! And now they’re getting married!
Regulus: First of all, James, “ages” was just a week ago, and second of all, they’re only eight.
James: …oh
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aiuredsworld · 1 year
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“ I wouldn’t marry me either ”
“ I’d marry you with paper rings ”
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saw this current trend on twitter, feel like it's considered a crime if i don’t do drarry version
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