#marvel fanficfion
kaelatargaryen · 1 year
I’m curious to know, how many of y’all remember when explicit/smutty fics were called lemons? And why’d we stop cause it was kinda cute 🍋
I’m 31 this year and have these moments of extreme nostalgia for whatever reason and this was this morning’s lmao
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falcqns · 8 months
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Morgan Stark & Tony Stark
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the more Morgan grows, the more she misses her dad.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of endgame, grief, angst, post endgame
✰ 𝐚/𝐧: tagging @natashasera ! i’ll miss you forever, tony 🫶🏼
don't forget to read and reblog, and i do not give permission for my works to be posted anywhere other than tumblr. thank you.
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Never be so kind, you forget to be clever
Never be so clever, you forget to be kind
And if I didn't know better
I'd think you were talking to me now
When her father first died, Morgan didn’t understand. She didn’t understand why everyone was upset, why everyone was wearing black, why her mom slept on the couch or with her instead of in her bed.
More than anything, Morgan didn’t understand why her dad wasn’t with her. Why he wasn’t downstairs in the morning, making her pancakes, and drinking his green smoothie like he did every morning? Why wasn’t he the one comforting her after a nightmare or when she’s sick? She loved her mother, she truly did, but where did her father go?
If I didn't know better
I'd think you were still around
What died didn't stay dead
What died didn't stay dead
You're alive, you're alive in my head
As Morgan grew, she began to understand. She still fully didn’t understand, but she was able to grasp the concept of her father was gone, and he wasn’t coming back. At first, she thought that she did something wrong to make her dad leave, but her mom squashed that immediately.
“Your father didn’t leave because he didn’t love us,” she had said. “He left because he had to. Because it was between his one life, and the life of half of the universe. He died to save us, to make sure you got to live the life he imagined for you.”
And while Morgan understood what her dad did, it didn’t make it any easier. It didn’t make her any less mad when she saw Nick Fury or Sam Wilson, knowing that it could have been them instead, and that she would still have her dad. It didn’t hurt any less when she addressed father’s day cards to Uncle Happy or her big brother Peter, or even to her mom. It didn’t hurt any less, seeing her classmates and friends with their fathers knowing she’ll never have that.
What died didn't stay dead
What died didn't stay dead
You're alive, so alive
Although Morgan struggled with this, with knowing she lost her father at such a young age, she didn’t let it show. No one told her she had to be strong for her mother, but when she came downstairs, on May 29th, 2024, and sees her mother holding a picture of her and her father when she was a baby while crying, she wanted to make sure her mom never had to worry about her.
And so, she started to hide the pain she felt, while telling herself it was better this way, this way her mom didn’t have to worry about her.
Never be so polite, you forget your power
Never wield such power, you forget to be polite
And if I didn't know better
I'd think you were listening to me now
And Morgan thought she was doing a good job. She thought that no one could tell, that everyone assumed she had moved passed it.
And for a while, she was doing a good job. She kept her pain to herself. Only cried in the dead of the night or when home alone, or on the day that her father passed.
That all ended, when her junior prom just so happened to fall on October 17th. And then, just like leaves fall from the trees, all those walls she had built up came crashing down around her in a pile.
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
Morgan was getting ready for homecoming, and everything was fine. She put on her dress, had her makeup, hair and nails done, and felt prettier than she had ever felt in her 16 years of life. She put her shoes on, and made her way down the stairs, where her date Ryan, who had also been her best friend since first grade, was waiting for her.
Her mom complimented her, told her how beautiful she was and how much she loved her. Morgan could see the longing just behind the loving gaze in her mothers eyes. The longing for her father to be there, standing with her as she goes off to her first prom. She smiled warmly at her mother, and hugged her for a little longer than she normally would, trying to tell her that everything would be okay; that she had done a great job without him, and that he’d be as proud as she was for raising her as a single parent.
After a few pictures with her mom, Ryan, her brother Peter and her Uncle Happy, Morgan and Ryan were in the back of her moms car, being driven to the winery where prom was taking place.
Morgan was a little sad that her dad wasn’t here for this, but that was something that she had gotten used to. She had gotten used to seeing the empty chair next to her mom at her baseball games, at her dance recitals, at her gym meets. She had gotten used to the empty, untouched spot on the sofa that seemed to taunt her as she opened presents on Christmas and her birthday; and had gotten used to the muffled cries from her mom on those same days.
What she hadn’t gotten used to was seeing everyone else with their fathers, and her not having one. She knew almost everyone else in her grade had dads in some way, but to be faced with it on what was supposed to be a happy night, was really tough for Morgan to deal with. She wanted nothing more than her dad to be the one embarrassing her with her date who was definitely just a friend and who she definitely has not been in love with since 2nd grade, a year after they met. She wanted to hear her dad tell her she was beautiful, that she had made him proud, that while he hated seeing her grow up, he was loving who she was becoming.
But she couldn’t have that. The other girls in her class had that; but she didn’t.
She made it through the pictures by biting her tongue, and avoiding all the other girls in her class, but wasn’t as lucky after dinner had finished and the slower music began to play.
By the time the song “Candle In The Wind” started playing, Morgan felt like she was a house being held together by still-wet glue; one wrong move and she’d be falling apart, letting the entire world what was wrong on the inside.
Ryan convinced her to go dance, and she bit the inside of her cheek, trying to keep the tears at bay as the song played on. She just had to hold it together until the end of the song, then she could go to the bathroom, cry a little bit, fix her makeup, and everything would be fine.
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
And then, Elton John sang the words “and i would have liked to have known you, but i was just a kid.” and a tear spilled over. Suddenly, she was powerless to stop them coming, despite her earlier strength. She bowed her head, trying to hide the tears from Ryan, but Ryan had always been able to sense when something was wrong with her.
“Hey,” He whispered, pulling her closer. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
She also knew she couldn’t lie to him, so she didn’t. “No,” she whimpered, and Ryan wasted no time in dragging her off the dance floor, and leading her outside. He wrapped her in a hug, and let her cry.
She also knew that Ryan knew what was wrong, which she was grateful for. He always seemed to know exactly what she needed and what she was thinking, which made being his friend 10x easier.
“He’d be proud of you, y’know?” Ryan whispered. “Getting this far, with his last name, and not being expelled.” He joked, and Morgan laughed. “You’re the top of our class in every subject, you have an awesome best friend, and you have a family who supports you no matter what. He’d be so proud.”
Morgan sniffled. “It hurts,” She said. “Seeing our classmates with their dads. Knowing that they have someone they can call dad, someone they can go to for things they can’t go to their moms about. I don’t have that, and I hate it.”
Ryan hugged her tighter. “I know.” He whispered.
“I miss it. I miss it all. All aspects of having a dad. I miss him even though I barely had him.” She continued. “I barely had him, and I barely know him because it hurts to much to learn about him, even though there’s nothing more that I want in this world than to truly know my father.”
Ryan shrugged. “I know. I cant imagine what this feels like, and you have full permission to hit me if this isn’t what is going to help;” he said, prompting a giggle from Morgan. “but maybe, it would help if you did learn about him. If you did talk to your mom, to your brother and uncle, read things about him. It might help you to feel closer to him if you know him.”
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
“Hi dad.” Morgan said, sitting down in front of her fathers headstone. “I’m sorry that I haven’t visited before now,” She began. “I never really had someone to take me before, and I know it’s too hard for Mom, Peter and Uncle Happy to come here. And, it was just too hard for me too. Knowing that you’re here, but that I can see you, or hold your hand. But, I’ve realized that that was just hurting me more, not knowing who you are and not talking to you.”
Morgan took a deep breath, before telling her father all about her life. About her accomplishments, about what she liked, and about Ryan. About how she had loved him for so long but didn’t know how to tell him, and that she wished he was here so that she could know what Ryan might be thinking. She told him that she missed him, and that even though she only had him for 4, they were the best 4 years.
“You were my best four years, Dad.” She said, letting the tear run down her face. “I miss you more and more everyday.”
She stayed a little bit longer, not wanting to leave. But, when the sun started to touch the horizon, she knew it was time to head home. She touched the headstone once more, promising to herself that she would come back more often.
“I love you 3000, Dad. I’ll see you soon.”
She opened the car door, and Ryan smiled at her.
“How was it?” He asked.
Morgan nodded with a smile. “You were right. It did help.”
“Always the tone of surprise,” he teased, making Morgan laugh as they pulled away from the cemetery, heading back home.
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Morgan looked out her window, seeing all of the parents saying goodbye to their children.
It was her freshman year at MIT, and she had never felt so ready; so at peace. She had been given her fathers old dorm. And although he hadn’t set foot in this room for years, it still felt like him, and it calmed her. She would miss her Mom like crazy, but she felt safe, knowing she was following in her fathers footsteps.
Her eyes fell onto her forearm, where she had the words “i love you 3000, my Maguna” in her dads handwriting were inked into her skin. It had been her moms idea on her 18th birthday. he had written it on her 18th birthday card, which he wrote the night before him and the Avengers won. She got it tattooed that very same day, and that small little tattoo had become her lifeline.
It no longer hurt, seeing fathers with their children. She felt a longing, something she knew she always would, but it didn’t break her in two like it once did.
Her eyes moved to her left hand, and she smiled. She knew that the man who had gave her the beautiful diamond ring that sat on her ring finger had a lot to do with that, and she couldn’t be happier.
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
“Hi Dad,” Morgan said, sitting down, trying to be careful of the newborn in her arms, and the scar on her stomach that was still healing. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here last week, this little one decided to make his arrival sooner than planned.” She said, looking down at her son with a smile.
“We named him after you.” She said. “Theodore Anthony Stark. Theo for short.” She smiled. “And yes, Ryan took your last name, we got the paperwork finalized. He wanted us to share a name, but didn’t want me giving up your name, so he took yours. Hope that’s okay.”
Morgan swallowed the lump in her throat. “Ryan was going to be here, but he somehow got suckered into moving some furniture for Mom, and I know for a fact that you had something to do with that.” She sniffled. “I’m sorry you won’t get to see him grow up, but I know you’ll always be looking out for him. And I promise to talk about you as much as possible, and to make sure he knows that had it not been for you, he wouldn’t have existed. Thank you for your sacrifice, Dad. It brought me Ryan, and then Theo. I miss you,” she said.
“I think I’ll miss you forever,” she continued. “But I know you’ll always be with me.”
“I love you 3000, Dad.”
If I didn't know better
I'd think you were still around
I know better
But I still feel you all around
I know better
But you're still around
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
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To come back from doing university stuff to see this was so heartwarming, thank you all so so so much. There’s so many more fics to come, as you can see from the double digit number of drafts I have 🫣
Thank you for everything, I can’t wait to write more for all you lovelies 🎉
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scarlvtbitch · 3 years
First night you were mine
bucky barnes x fem reader
summary: bucky distances himself from you because he thinks he’s bad for you, fluff snd smut ensues
A/N: for a better experience listen to the song Belong by the Cary Brothers
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Bucky couldn’t understand how could anyone want him. He was an ex murderer, even if he was manipulated and literally controlled to do it, he still did it. He had blood all over his hands, how could anyone want him that way? His therapist once said being alone could be the worst hell possible, yet he was pushing the one person who cared for him away. Why? God, he was so screwed up. 
Y/N came crying to Sam that day, not knowing anyone else she could talk to, who could perhaps comfort. Someone else that wasn’t him. 
“Sam? Sam?” Y/N knocked twice and before she could try a third time, Sam opened the door. He quickly saw the dried tears painted on her cheeks, that were blended with her mascara. Her eyes and nose were red too.
“What happened? Are you okay?” He brought her in and carefully made her sit down on his sofa. 
“Bucky said he never wanted to see me again.”
“Wait, what? That doesn’t make any sense. You two were normal and friendly yesterday.”
“That’s what I thought.” she sniffled “So I asked him if someone was threatening me or him and he said no. I could tell he was telling the truth, Sam. The worst part is that I was about to tell him I-” She let out a quiet sob. “I loved him. He didn’t let me finish because before I knew it he just switched to this cold expression like he was The Winter Soldier again. I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m gonna talk to him. Or beat his ass up.” Y/N took a hold of Sam’s arm. 
“No, wait! I don’t want to pressure him.”
“Y/N, but that wasn’t fair.”
“I know, but he needs time.”
“Okay.” Sam sighed
Sam lied. As soon as Y/N left his place he quickly headed to Bucky’s apartment to talk to him. Or beat his ass up. Or both. 
He knocked harshly on the door until Bucky opened it.
“What the hell, man?” Sam was about to throw a punch when Bucky’s appearance stopped him. His hair was all over the place and his stubble was slightly thicker. Just like Y/N, his eyes and nose were red.
“We need to talk.” Sam walked into the apartment like it was his own home.
“Ok, let yourself in or whatever. What’s your problem?”
“My problem is that I know you love Y/N, man! Why’d you do that to her?” Bucky’s whole face fell.
“I don’t love her.” Liar, his brain yelled.
“Bullshit. She came to my house, a mess, because you told her you never wanted to see her again?”
“I never wanted to hurt her.” 
“Then why the hell did you do it?” Sam spoke a little louder this time.
“Because I love her, alright!” Bucky snapped. “I love her so fucking much that it’s driving me insane. She’s all I think about when I wake up and before I go to sleep.”
“Then why push her away?”
“Because she shouldn’t be with someone like me! She’s too good for me.”
“Shouldn’t she be the one to decide that?”
“Yeah.” A voice spoke and it wasn’t Bucky or Sam. It was Y/N. Bucky and Sam were so wrapped up in their conversation that they didn’t hear Y/N use her key to open the door. She stood there, mouth wide open as she had heard the conversation. Well, the important parts at least.
“Mind giving us a sec, Sam?” Y/N asked.
“I’ll give you more than that. I’ll see you later.” After he left, Y/N and Bucky were silent until Y/N decided to approach him.
“Bucky,” God, he was so stupid. He felt to ashamed to look at her, so he glued his gaze to his feet. She reached up and gently cupped his cheek, turning his gaze to her. “did you mean it?”
“Every word, doll.” Her heart swelled at the nickname.
“Can I speak now?” He nodded, she took a step forward and got closer to him. Not too close that it would scare him away, though. His first instinct was to pull away, he still wanted to distance himself from you. The voice in his head screaming, ‘she’s too good for you’. 
“I heard what you said, Buck. And you were wrong. You really think yourself  undeserving of me?” He nodded. “You couldn’t be more wrong James Bucky Barnes. You may see yourself as this monster but do you wanna know what I see? I see a good man. A man who is strong, brave and caring. A man who’s been through so much, and blames himself for it, even if it wasn’t his fault. A man, that I’m so in love with.” His whole expression fell.
“What did you say?”
“I love you, Bucky.” 
“Say it again.” 
“I lo-” The rest of his words were swallowed by his lips. He must have walked so fast to her because he was holding her face in seconds. Y/N’s hand came up to tangle itself in Bucky’s hair, and the other fell against his waist. They tilted their heads and their tongues now danced in sync. Bucky’s hands went to grip her ass as he lifted her up, while also not breaking the kiss. He backed her against the wall, hands palming her bottom while now kissing her neck. He licked and nibbled until she was left panting and moaning above him. 
Bucky now decided it was a good time to take her to bed. She stopped him.
“I want you. Right here.” Bucky just smiled against her mouth before pulling her in for a kiss by pushing the back of her head to the direction of his lips. He groaned before gently setting her across the floor.
“At least I want a hard surface so I can worship you correctly, doll.” Y/N lifted up her shirt and hissed at her back hitting the cold hardwood floor. Bucky took care of her pants and pulled them down. She was now left in just her bra and underwear.
“You’re wearing too many clothes.” She mumbled against him and started undoing his belt and pulled down his pants. He helped her and took them off completely, hitting the floor with a thud. She then pulled his black tee over his head. Bucky’s body never ceased to amaze her. She started kissing his biceps before he stopped her.
“This is about you, my love.” He then went and undid her bra clasp. His nose glided down through the valley of her breasts as he left a trail of wet kisses. Nipping and licking her breasts, her nipples, her belly, her hips until he reached his destination.
He was now face-to-face with her center and he could feel the heat radiating off her, as well as the smell of her arousal. He finally dove in and ate her like a starved man. Y/N was left a mess below him, moaning and whining. When he gave her clit a very strong suck she tugged on his hair so harshly that he almost thought she would rip a strand out. She didn’t.
“Buck, I love you. But if you don’t get inside me in the next thirty seconds I’m gonna kill you before you get a chance to.” He laughed against her folds before he pulled away and she brought his head to hers. She wasted no time to yank him down for a kiss. His body towered over hers and she could feel the cold chain of his dog tags softly hitting the skin of her breasts. This managed to turn her on even more.
Bucky lined himself up with her center, teasing her as he rubbed the red head of his cock with her entrance. She got tired of all his teasing and brought her hands down to cup his ass and pushed him inside her.
They simultaneously moaned at how good it felt to be joined. Bucky stilled as he gave her time to accommodate his higher than average size. He smiled against her lips and so did she. It felt amazing to have Bucky inside her, just as she dreamed once or twice.
He began thrusting in and out at a slow pace but then it turned into a more needy rhythm. They were desperate for release at this point.
“B-bucky I’m almost there.”
“Me too.” He grunted as he quickened his pace. His delicious cock pounding into her in the most perfect way. “Come for me, doll.” He didn’t need to tell her twice. She found her sweet release and tightened around him. She cried out and seconds later Bucky grunted and groaned against her mouth, as he spilled himself inside her. He brought his arms down and put his weight on her, not too much that he would hurt her though. They just stayed there, taking in what just happened. Bucky softly smiled as he caressed her cheek.
“You were amazing, my love.”
“You weren’t too bad, old man.” She joked and he had her pinned again in a second.
“Old man, huh? Would an old man be able to give you five orgasms in one night?”
“What are you talki” Before she could continue, Bucky was lapping at their combined juices. He gave her more than five that night. The Winter Soldier definitely had the best stamina around.
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realhotdweebshit · 3 years
thunderstorms | nsfw
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pairing: Thor x Black Reader
summary: Thunderstorms make Thor...moody. Meg thee Stallion style. While Thor is indeed the god of thunder, thunder (in return) wields a sort of power of him. Particularly his temperament--his emotions are intensified. Be it joy, sadness, anger, or lust (your favorite), his sensitivity to that emotion is multiplied by nearby storms. All the electricity in the air...and it's the summer. Shit.
warnings: teasing, femdom, v light bondage, cheesy writing overall
rating: mature (18+) not graphic but v horny
You absentmindedly swipe through the apps on your home screen, trying to kill time as you wait for the elevator. Your background distracts you for a moment; a photo of Thor Odinson, previously King of Asgard and Ruler of the Nine Realms and currently your boyfriend, asleep on your couch. He's so cute, you think to yourself. A sudden ding yanks your head up. The doors open, revealing an empty car. You and someone in a worn college hoodie enter. You recognize them as your neighbor, living one level below. You exchange nonverbal hellos before resuming your separate reveries.
You unlock your screen once more, reflexively. No notifications in the last 90 seconds? Baffling. Bored, you decide to check the weather.
Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy--Jesus, what a bummer week, you think to yourself until your eyes land on Friday night. 100% chance of thunderstorms.
"Oh fuck yeah!" you say out loud. You panic as you remember your neighbor standing beside you. Thank God, headphones. Like clockwork the elevator doors open. They shoot you a tired smile before exiting.
The moment the doors close, you break into a pelvic thrust heavy celebratory dance.
Thunderstorms make Thor...moody. Meg thee Stallion style. While Thor is indeed the god of thunder, thunder (in return) wields a sort of power of him. Particularly his temperament--his emotions are intensified. Be it joy, sadness, anger, or lust (your favorite), his sensitivity to that emotion is multiplied by nearby storms. All the electricity in the air...and it's the summer. Shit.
If I play my cards right, this one night could lead to a three day dick down. You smirk to yourself as wicked ideas fly through your head. Oh, he's going to hate you this week.
It'll be worth it.
Teasing is one of your favorite pastimes. Thor "hates" it. You add quotes because while he gets visibly vexed once he catches on to what you're doing, he also gets tangibly turned on and encourages you to go further.
The word encourages is being polite. Begs is the exact term. An image of Thor panting flashes before your eyes.
You’re sitting poised at the end of the bed, dragging your fingers in lazy circles on the inside of his thigh. Your eyes zoom in on your favorite silk head scarf, tied in a neat bow around Thor’s wrists at the top of your metal bed frame. Of course he could free himself at any moment, but that was your favorite scarf. If he ripped it, you certainly wouldn’t be in the mood to continue, and he certainly wouldn’t survive being left hanging. Not in this position, I mean he’s completely naked.
Your eyes darted to his heaving chest. His breath was uneven. A thin sheen of sweat blanketed his muscular frame. You glanced at his face and saw more beads forming at his forehead.
“You dare treat a god this way?” He rasped.
“You don’t like how I’m touching you?” You replied with thinly veiled faux concern, withdrawing your fingers. He nearly snarled with frustration.
“You’ve had me bound to your bed for two hours and barely touched me. This is torture,” he spat out. You immediately wrapped your hand around his throbbing third leg, massaging it. The relieved moans that burst through him shocked the both of you, but you kept up your rhythm. His body collapsed into your touch; his head lolled to the side.
“I don’t want to torture you, baby. I just want to make you feel good,” you assured him. He moaned louder, and his hips began to roll with your movements. Out of the window you noticed clouds begin to loom and you grinned.
A tiny tearing sound wiped the smile from your face and halted your hand. Thor’s head shot up and his eyes met yours. You saw genuine fear in his eyes and knew in that moment that you truly were the baddest bitch in the nine realms.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry it was only a tear it was only a tear I won’t do it again,” he said in one breath. He was nearly hyperventilating. You tore your hand off of him and he wailed.
“First you accuse me of torture then you rip my favorite scarf? What am I supposed to wear next time I don't feel like doing my hair? Clearly you're not appreciating my efforts tonight-”
“Please, please don’t stop,” he cut you off. “I beg you please, let me apologize, let me show you how much I appreciate you, please.”
The high that washed over you was almost overwhelming. Your skin was practically buzzing. You were suddenly drunk with power, and power made you greedy.
“I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. For a second, I thought I heard the god of thunder begging. What did you just say?”
He gritted his teeth for a moment, then exhaled.
“I beg you, y/n,” he whispered, eyes pleading. “Release me, and I will make it up to you right away. A thousand times over.”
Your eyes widen with excitement as you stand up to untie him. “A thousand times over? You forget I’m a mere mortal.”
The moment the fabric falls to the floor his arms snake around your waist. Thor tucks you underneath him as he spreads your legs.
“Prepare for divine intervention, my love.”
You snap out of the fond memory almost as quickly as you fell into it. You squirm in discomfort, feeling the effects of your daydreaming soak into your underwear. Thank God you made it back to your apartment before becoming a horny mess.
Thor’s apology touched you so deeply you had to call out of work the next day. And that was without a storm.
With an evil smile, you begin to plan your attack.
ahh! i haven't published fic in a long time. let me know what you think! if you vibe with a Black femme gay who enjoys nerdy fanfic, let's follow each other <3
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marvelstcrk · 6 years
Old Times’ Sake
summary: bucky and reader used to have a child. emphasis on used to.
word count: 1602 whoop
a/n: tbh i actually don’t hate this, other than the name
update a/n: i keep trying to add the read more feature and i can’t see it on my desktop but not on my phone?
warnings: drinking, bad writing, mentions of death, also i didn’t proofread so watch out
prompt: “The hardest thing I have ever done is walk away still madly in love with you.”
written for @bucky-at-bedtime ‘s writing challenge i did start a series for it but it got too far and i didn’t know what i was doing so deleted it and wrote this, i’m going to rewrite the series properly one day
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You stared out of the window into the blank white space filling the street in front of you, contrast to your black clothing. Feeling so isolated from the world you clenched the soft fabric in your hand, a tear falling out of your eye. You heard the door open and close, and you heard him step inside, but you didn’t bother to turn around. Then you felt his palm on your shoulder and you slightly twitched. “Hey.” he whispered, trying not startle you. Still not turning around, you smiled in response hoping he couldn’t see the painful grin in the window reflection.
“What do we do after?” you asked, causing him to block your view by standing in front of you. He wrapped his arms around your figure, and you slowly returned the motion, not letting go of the soft t-shirt in you hand. He was shivering and you instantly noticed. “I don’t know. We’ll figure it out.”
You slightly pulled back to look him in the eyes. “Will we though?”
“We have to.” He smiles weakly, probably doing his best to ease the pain. You smiled in return, tears escaping your eyes, equal to his. Leaning back in, you embraced him as hard as you could. “We should probably get going. We’ll be late.”
“Yeah.” he muttered into your hair. “Just a minute.”
“-and that is why I’m never mountain biking again.” you said, slamming the empty cup on the counter. “Gimme more.”
The man arched an eyebrow and threw the cloth over his shoulder. “I think you’ve had enough.”
“I know I haven’t so do your magic.”
“You have since you just told me a story of how you escaped a polar bear while mountain biking. In Nevada.” He sighed and leaned against the table. “What’s the deal with you?”
Leaning back, you grunted in annoyance. “I’m perfectly fine! Will you hand me that bourbon or do I have to hop over the counter?”
“You know what?” he started, turning around and filling a glass with water, before pushing it in front of you. “How about, you start with that. Then we’ll see about the bourbon. I’ve got other customers.”
You rolled your eyes, now supporting your head with your palm, your elbow placed on the wooden surface. Asshole. Missing out on a perfect opportunity to profit from you. With a sigh, you took the glass imagining it were tequila. Eyes swooping over a clock, you figured it was past midnight. Four hours? I couldn’t have been here for four goddamn hours!
Lips twitching, your mind turned over to the day that had just passed. Of course he cheated on you. Of course he did. How could you have not see it coming? You plucked your lips and tapped your fingers against the cold surface as your vision disappeared in the distance. What was even the point in trying anymore? Should’ve given up ages ago, who needs all this shit? All love has ever brought to you was pain and sadness. It’s good while it lasts, but the end? Hurts like a bitch.
A glass sliding your way caused you to snap out of it. “From that guy over there.”
Furrowing your brows, you turned your head left and right. “What guy?”
“He’s at the back table. Said it was for ‘old time’s sake’.”
You took a few bills out of your back pocket before slamming them in front of the bartender. Then you chugged the drink down and drunkenly turned around to find the man at the back table.
And there he was, drinking his favourite whiskey. Your heart rate quickened, as you become completely oblivious of your surroundings. The music, the loud chatter, clicking glasses, all of it just faded away. Maybe it was seeing him, or just straight up alcohol you’d consumed for the past few hours. Approaching him with uneven steps, you pulled the chair out and sat down facing him. “Smooth, Barnes.”
He choked on his drink and coughed. “Sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You of all people?” You noticed your lips twitching in a slight smile, as you observed the man sitting in front of you. “How’ve you been?”
“Alright I guess. You?”
“Same, all things considering.” Looking into his eyes, brought all the painful emotions two years of therapy and drinking tried to bury. Maybe you had wasted those two years, considering how quick it all came back. You’ve heard those sob stories a million times. How parents just split up after losing a child, but you never thought it’d happen to you. You thought you were stronger than that. And you were almost right. Almost.
It wasn’t that you weren’t in love with him. Of course you were. He was the love of your life. But, Dean’s death caused a rift, which couldn’t be filled. And that rift drew you apart. In the end, you called the shot and decided it would be best for you two to just stop pretending nothing happened and move on. Staying the way you were would just be repeating the past over and over again. You couldn’t do that to yourself nor him. And now, here you were.
Two years later, two strangers meeting at a bar.
You sighed, grabbing his bottle and drinking what was left of the liquid. “Woah, are you sure you’re alright?”
Squeezing your eyes, and pressing a hand over your mouth you took a moment to come back to yourself. “Peachy.”
“I can drive you home, if you want to.” he offered.
“I’m fine, alright?”
“Seriously, Y/N, just let me give you a ride. It’s no big deal.”
You sighed, weighing the decision in your head. Finally, you spoke. “Fine, lets get out of here.”
He nodded, and you stood up and somehow made your way to the chair you were sat at at the counter and grabbed your jacket. Lazily throwing her over your shoulders, you paddled over to the door where Bucky was waiting. He showed you to his car, the same SUV you remembered. You chuckled, recalling the memories you’d have spent on the road. Again making drunken steps to the passenger’s seat, you sat down and he closed the door after you. Moments later, he turned the car on and the music he played when the car turned off started playing.
You've been so long
Well it's been so long
And I've been putting out fire with gasoline
Putting out fire with gasoline
You quirked an eyebrow, at the player, before switching your vision over to the man sat next to you. “Is that?”
He slightly blushed, shifting in his seat. “Aha.”
“I can’t believe you kept that playlist.”
“Of course I did.” he smiled, taking a turn out of the parking lot. “It’s got your favourite songs.”
Now it was your turn to blush. Just thinking back to the things you two lived through together made you want to cry.
“Where am I driving?”
“Oak Street.”
You focused on the music, trying not to go back to the old times in your head. But it was incredibly hard, considering the amount of nostalgia piling up.
“So how long have you been in town?”
“Huh?” you snapped out, sniffing with your nose. “Oh yeah, uh, couple months. Came back like three months ago. I did the whole travel thing as long as I could.”
“How was it?”
“Great, great, yeah, it was amazing, great.” you said, breathing heavily. “So what about you! What have you been up to?”
“Nothing much. Working Monday to Friday, Friday nights with Steve, it’s driving Peggy insane. You know how Steve is, she’s constantly worried someone’s going to beat him up.”, he grinned.
Plucking your lips, you asked “How’re they?”
“Great. Yeah, I moved in the same building as them. It’s nice having them around.”
You smiled, focusing on the road. Suddenly, Father Figure started playing, and you felt somewhat sick in your stomach. It was the song you heard the night you met. Five years ago, in a bar in New York. Seems like forever. The drive seemed like forever, and you didn’t even notice when you entered your neighbourhood. He stopped in front of the building you showed, and you were about to get out of the car, when you asked “Bucky?”
“You do know that I didn’t leave because of you right?” you asked, unsure of why you were doing it.
“Of course I do.”, he smiled weakly, placing both his elbows on the steering wheel. “It’s-“
“I mean it.” You quit him off, fighting back the tears building their way up to your eyes. “The hardest thing I have ever done is walk away still madly in love with you. Well, second hardest thing.” you confessed, feeling the weight slowly falling off your shoulders.
“It’s okay, Y/N, I know.” Bucky gave you a reassuring look, and you closed your eyes trying to steady your breathing.
“I’m free tomorrow evening, if you want to catch up.”
“I thought Friday evenings were for Steve?”
A smug made its way to his lips. “I’m sure Steve will understand.”
You giggled, breaking the eye contact you two were holding as you searched for the door handle. “Sounds good.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven.”
You stepped out of the car and held your weight at the door. “Sounds good.”
With one last smile both of you embraced, you closed the door and he eventually drove off. Watching his car disappear in the distance, you turned around on your heel and made your way to the front door.
Yeah. Sounds good.
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mirrorballparkers · 3 years
𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝; 𝐩.𝐩
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summary; you miss peter, peter misses you. some nights are colder, but you help each other make them a little warmer.
   words; 2.1k
  authors note; love u this is PERHAPS the cutest fic i have ever written :)
      peter’s eyes open, sweetly and slowly, the aura of the bright sun hitting the sheer curtains to the lovely sight of Germany in the evening. he stretches his hand out to the middle of the bed, gently grazing over the silk sheets, sighing in defeat as he realizes one thing, and one thing only; you weren’t dreaming next to him. its not that he didn’t want to fall asleep, the hotel bed was quite comfortable and it was a very cozy atmosphere, but you were his person. peter parker was touched starved of you. he was longing, dreaming to be with you, as you were, too. 
   he wanted to hold onto you close, very tender. and wrap his arms around your waist, kiss every petal-like freckle on your button nose and shoulders. tell you how much you means to him, with words and the kisses.
but, what peter really loved, more than you, more than anything -- hearing your angelic, warm, honey-filled voice and talk to you. he loved having conversations with you, you were the easiest person to talk to, conversations flowing like a river on a beautiful spring day; flowers and butterflies filling the enchanting aroma. you were his sweet song, his sweet person who always had something intriguing, sweet, or funny to say. always calmed him down, you were his sweet melody, his fairytale.
peter stretches his arm over to the nightstand, eyes still adjusting to the darkness that endured. he fiddled with the empty wooden stand, finally touching his severely cracked phone screen and grabbing ahold of it. his heart glows, eyes still adjusting to the bright light of his phone, but still he admires his lock screen: a black and white picture of the both of you. it was your favorite picture together, laying in your spot down by a little river area on a quilted blanket. every friday, you and peter would go to this area, you’d make lunch that consisted of peanut butter sandwiches (no crust, and heart shaped. thanks to peter being a hopeless romantic, of course.) strawberries, and peach tea. sometimes, you would bring your ukelele and sing for peter.
that was his favorite thing on fridays, you singing to him. you were shy when it came to singing in front of people, mostly singing alone or not at all, but peter made you feel safe when you did in front of him. you did it because peter was your safe thing; peter was your person, your heart.
he wasn’t sure if you were awake, but he could deal with the simple text saying: ‘really?’ if you were sleeping. he had to hear your voice, more than anything in the world. music would do the trick, unless it was your angelic sounds filling the air.
is it safe to say peter went to heaven the minute he heard your sweet voice on the other end? quite possibly, yes.
“hi, hi,” peter sighs willingly, sitting up, his back leaning against the bed frame, curls framing his heart shaped face ever so perfectly.
germany was 9 hours ahead of queens, so it was only 10ish where you were. lucky for peter, you were waiting ever so patiently for his call, looking out the window up at the stars, wishing peter was with you. these summer nights were cold without him. so cold.
“pete, hey.” you tried to contain your heart from leaping out of your chest, and the excitement in your voice. his voice was so nice to hear after a long day, it always was.
“i-i’m sorry, did i wake you? i can call you later-“
“it’s ten here, silly goose,” you giggle softly, leaning back onto your pillow, fiddling with the necklace peter gave you just before he went onto this mission. it had a ‘p’ on it, a heart in the middle. symbolizing that you, y/n, would always have peters heart. and he would always have yours.
he knew the time, it was peter; he had to keep up with the times so he wouldn’t wake you up ever. little did he know, you couldn’t sleep either.
“just checking.” peter shuts his eyes, flowers surrounding, along with you. he never wanted to open them. because, if he did, you wouldn’t be there.
you proceed to fiddle with your necklace, “how’s germany? forgotten about me yet?” you say, teasing him. you hear his warm giggle on the other end, something you loved more than anything.
“y-you’re all i can think about, actually,” peter stutters, he says it in a very soft tone, but also wanting you to hear it; because it’s true, you’re all he could ever think about, and dream about.
“oh, haha,” you twirl the ends of your hair, looking at that same star in the sky, one that stood out the most. that was peter. he was your star. “are you not able to sleep?”
“i never can without you, haha.” peter runs his hands through his chestnut locks, the only way to ease the pang in his chest from missing your warm skin against his; he wanted you to be the one to run your hands through his curls, telling him how much you love them. poking his little freckles, saying how they reminded you of little flowers, blooming. the infinitesimal amounts of baby flowers on his nose and cheeks, also on his arms.
“me either,” you sigh, head turing to your left, eyes landing on the picture set on your nightstand. it was a silly photo booth picture of the two of you, but it was who you were. you and peter, best friends; soulmates.
“i just...”
peter lays back down on his cloud-like pillow, chin rested in his hand, voice muffled.
“i just want you beside me. i want you.” his voice breaks, his senses made it even harder, because he could almost feel you near him. he could feel you without even having to be right beside you. but it wasn’t enough.
“i know, petey,” you agreed. “but hey, you’re only going to be gone for one more day and we can have another sleepover.”
peter cracks a smile, and you could sense that. and that made you smile. “can’t wait, cutie.”
“me either.”
silence. one of you asking if the other was there, one murmuring that they love you more than anything. that was mostly peter, he had to say it at least 100 times a day. sometimes 101 was the lucky number for him.
then, there was silence for a while. but you both knew you were still awake. peter could hear your heartbeat; that sweet symphony of a heartbeat. yours. his.
“are you holding onto the locket i gave you for our three months?” peter asks, hopefully.
you blush, it’s like he knew, “maybe..”
“aw,” he giggles, “that’s sweet. i’m glad you still wear that.”
"always will."
it kept you safe when peter wasn’t there. so, of course you still wore it. one more inch of silence, peter could very well hear your heartbeat. it was his favorite song.
it was quiet, not too quiet, nor was it uncomfortably quiet — it was the kind that made you feel at peace.
after a moment, peter presses his lips together, soft but hopeful he whispers, "it's friday, will you sing for me?"
"my voice is so raspy, i'll sound horrible." you giggle, rubbing your eyes as you switch to another side. peter scrunches his nose, if he was there he'd simply cup your face and tell you that you were the most perfect person in the world and had the best singing voice.
"i think either way, it'll calm me down." peter admits, closing his eyes, feeling you near. it was close enough.
you smile, eyes feeling heavy and warm as you also close your eyes, imagining peter was holding your hand to ensure you that he was right there to protect you. and he was.
you and peter had multiple songs for each other, there were goofy songs, there were romantic songs, and there were the songs that just made you feel like you were right there with each other despite being far away. the minute you started to softly sing the melody of one of his favorite songs, he felt safer, he felt like everything was going to be okay and that he was right there.
he wasn't sure how you always knew how to make him feel okay, how to talk him down when he needs it the most. nobody else could do it. not even his aunt or his uncle when he was alive. peter figured that's just what someone does when they find the one for them and love them so much, they will go all the way to the moon and back for them, and that's what you both did for each other. it's almost like you were his sun, and he was your moon. you always had each other.
the next morning. it was a little colder than usual, as your eyes flutter open slowly. you cover yourself more in the blanket peter bought your for your 1 month anniversary, a spider man blanket, as you notice there was a sound coming from your phone. peter snoring. you giggle to yourself as you feel yourself loving him more that very moment. shamelessly, you kiss his contact photo on your phone and try to go back to sleep.
"night, prince charming."
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webtrinsic1122 · 3 years
I don’t want to be the one to write it cause like I got so much other things but man do I wanna see a vampire Drukkari au
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write-ur-wrongs · 3 years
Please send me prompts for blurbs! I want to practice writing less than 2500 words per story lmao I’ll write for Bucky, Geralt, Jaskier, mayybe Henry Cavill!!!
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shiningloki · 4 years
i’m looking for a very specific loki smut, can you help, it’s the one where loki gets to be the god of sex after the goddess of sex dies and he answers a mortals prayers
You came to the right place! The fic you’re looking for is my fic “Get On Your Knees And Pray To Me”. It started as a one shot but has now become a chaptered work. Chapter 2 is already up! Let me know if you need help finding anything else!
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multifics-canary · 5 years
Heccin hecc
How in the world did I manage to write AND finish part 3 of the supergirl/avenegrs crossover fic if I haven't even the fighting scenes yet. Like I wrte the ending so it's not sad, and i finished it already, but i can't finish part 2(spoiler for those who have read it)????
Brain explain
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blissfulbluenights · 5 years
Marvel fanfics! Regarding Space in my Head and 3 Dangers fanfics
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I have decided that one of my characters will be dying. I have many new characters I have written. I will be writing a new fanfic about the new character I replace the dead one with. The love interest for this character will be Peter Parker. Message me for details on the characters so I can have help on deciding who the new member of 3 Dangers is! Here’s a list of the characters + my main character Avalon in Space in my Head.
Lydia Darcy:
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Penelope Lannister-Strange:
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ackermancurse · 5 years
New Year, New Series
I will be posting the first part of the series tomorrow (1/1/19) I’m writing hehe. It’s set in the Greaser era (mid 50s) and we will be seeing Greaser Tom, HELLO!!! I cannot wait to share my first ever series! Thank you for giving me 300+ people that love my work! I appreciate each of you. Happy New Years babes :)
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scarlvtbitch · 3 years
bucky barnes x female reader
summary: bucky enjoys his favorite meal of the day in bed
warning: smutty goodness
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The morning light awoke Bucky from his deep slumber, and when he looked at the figure sleeping next to him, he found that she was still sleeping. Y/N was never really a morning person. She despised waking up early. The only reason she woke up before eight a.m. was when she worked. Bucky on the other hand, always was up before the sun even came out.
Although his nightmares had settled down ever since he had Y/N, he still had one or two. When he was woken up by them it was difficult to go back to sleep. So he just lied down next to Y/N and admired her for hours until she woke.
Today was an off day for both of them. Bucky decided to let her sleep in, but wanted to have a little fun of his own. 
His hand slid under her shirt, well really it was his shirt, and roamed around her stomach, ribs until he reached her breast. He palmed her flesh and in seconds her nipples were as hard as rocks. He chuckled to no one in particular. It was amazing to know the effect he had on her even while she was asleep. He slid under the covers until he was leaning over her stretched out legs. 
His fingers immediately found her wet. 
“Dreaming of me, doll?” He said against her, but he got no reply. She was still in dreamland. He smirked before he got to work, there was no way she could sleep through this.
He freed her core from her panties and pressed his tongue flat against her clit. She moaned in her sleep and shifted just a bit. He started with slow strokes of his tongue before pushing two fingers inside. Y/N’s eyes shot up as she let out a loud gasp. Her hands went to tightly grasp his hair.
Bucky smirked against her when she finally decided to wake up, her moans becoming higher, signaling that she was already close.
He gave her clit a strong suck and Y/N came all over his mouth. He lapped her release up like a starved kitten. Once he cleaned her up, she tugged on his short hair and he crawled over to her, his strong body towering over her small figure.
He leaned down, dog tags tickling her neck as he softly kissed her. She moaned at the taste of herself.
He pulled away and looked into her eyes, blue locking gaze with y/e/c.
“I love your eyes.” She said as he stared at her beautiful face.
“Hmm, I love yours.” He leaned down and placed a kiss against her cheek.
She took the covers off from them, flipped them over so she was now straddling him. She slid to the end of the bed and returned the favor.
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moonprincessusagii · 6 years
A Cinderella story
A/N: just something i had been working on !! Hope you like it.
Also the gif is not mine.
Chris Evans x Reader
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All fairy tales start off with a Once Upon a Time, and always end with a happily ever after. I know most people don't believe in the happy endings, but for some reason I do. Have you ever wondered what it was like to be swept off of your feet just like the princesses you see in all of those Disney movies, or read in a fairytale. The girl will be singing in a forest somewhere with her furry animal friends and the prince would hear her sing and loving the sound of that beautiful voice and then he'd follow it, finding out who the voice belongs to. He introduces himself, they talk for a while, they fall in love the moment they meet until it is time for her to go, so she rushes away, and the prince doesn't even know her name yet. He makes it a mission to find her all through out the whole kingdom and will not rest until he marries her. The girl then finds out about this, worried that if the prince found out who she really was he may not like her anymore, but when she reveals who she really is he still intends to marry her. Then they live happily ever after in their kingdom as husband and wife. Oh yes these are just stories, but they are stories of wonder, stories of hope, magic, kindness, and love. These stories are a place where we can escape from reality and enter a world of imagination. Just like this one I'm about to tell you. A story about a girl, a girl who believed in love, who believed in magic. And it all starts like this.
Once upon a time there lived a girl by the name of Y/N, she lived in a house in California in a city known as L.A. there she worked as a barista, with one of her closest friends Y/B/F. She lived with her Aunt and cousins who had owned the coffee shop after her grandma had passed away. She had inherited this coffee shop, but she did not know this just yet. She was always busy, but she was the best barista in all of the city, her cousins hated her so much that they would get jealous and make messes on purpose for her, this didn't just happen in the shop, this also happened at home, they treated her as if she were a house maid, but Y/N did not complain, she would do the work without a word. "Mop the floors" they would shout, "Clean the gutter!" they would scream, "Make the food!" they demanded and every day she would obey. She knew that if she obeyed every command they threw at her, that her aunt would not kick her out, and as of right now she needed a place to stay.
Once morning she woke up, ready for another day at the coffee shop but first she had to make breakfast for her two cousins she dreaded seeing each day. "Y/N!!!" they had shouted out her name repeatedly. She had groaned and got dressed, she looked into the mirror and inhaled deeply letting all of that air out "I can do this. Just relax." She told herself and she walked out of her room and went downstairs seeing her cousins already at the dinner table. "I would like an omelet" one of her cousins had said, "Right, I'll get on that." She said rushing to the kitchen and preparing everything she needed for an omelet, the other cousin shouted "I'll just have a fruit." Y/N took out all of the fruit and cut it up and also made the omelet all at the same time. When everything was done she placed the plates in front of her cousins, and set an extra plate for her aunt knowing she would be downstairs any minute.
"THIS FRUIT TASTE NASTY!" her cousin said as she spit out the strawberry. "I'm sorry, I guess the strawberries I picked up weren't as good as I thought." Her cousin got up shoving her out of the way "Wait till my mother hears about this!" she headed up stairs, and Y/N sighed knowing she would get into trouble. She untied her apron and hung it up on the rack. "Y/N!" her aunt had called, and Y/N went upstairs. She seen the smirk on her cousins face, as she walked past her. When she came into her aunts room, she seen her aunt laying clothes onto the bed. "So, you're trying to give my daughter bad fruit." She said as she stared at the blouses she had on her bed. "It...was an honest mistake I didn't." but her aunt didn't want to hear her. "That's enough, when you get home I want you to scrub the floors as punishment, not a sound or a word from you or I'll have you also do the front porch." Y/N swallowed hard and left her room.
Y/N arrived at the coffee shop moments later, she greeted her co-workers and put on her apron getting the day started. "You don't look so good." her friend said. she stared at her friend and sighed "Yeah I had a rough morning." her friend frowned "What happened?" Y/N shook her head thinking about the events that happened. "My cousin told her mother on me for giving her bad fruit, which I am positive it wasn't bad since I did buy those fresh" she sighed "I don't know if I can do this". Her friend placed her hand on Y'N's shoulder "Everything will be okay soon, I promise." she smiled and hugged her tightly. Y/n hugged her friend back and for a moment she felt a bit more happier. "Ahem.." she heard someone from the counter interrupt. "I'd like to order a drink please?" she pulled away from her friend and fixed her apron going to the register "Oh! I'm sorry sir, how can I help.." she paused for a moment as she stared up at him the only thing she saw were his blue eyes. "you?" He smiled for a moment and she watched as his eyes gazed up at the menu, while biting his bottom lip not knowing what he wanted to order "Well...lets see......everything sounds all too good, I think maybe I'll have to order just a black coffee to go" she took his order down but had forgot to charge him. She was so mesmerized by his smile and his eyes  that she forgot where her brain had gone. After she was done making the coffee she had called him up handing him the cup and at that very moment their fingertips touched. Her breath hitched as she felt a spark she had never felt before in her life. What was this? she thought to herself, but she was not the only one who had felt this spark. Oh he had felt it too, he did not know what it was, but he was curious. He stared at Y/N for a moment and smiled at her as he gazed in to Y/N's Y/E/C eyes and that is when everything changed for the both of them, this was the beginning of their love story, from the very moment the man had introduced himself to her. "I'm Chris...Chris Evans."
to be continued.....
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marvelstcrk · 6 years
Bailing Out
CHAPTER I: Under Arrest
pairing: tony stark x daughter!reader
summary: you’ve lived with your aunt and her family after your mother died. one day, you got arrested and your father whom you have never met came to bail you out.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i literally wrote this in half an hour time, i was just super motivated! i’ll turn it into a mini series, maybe two or three parts :)
also im sorry if something here isn’t accurate i have no clue how arresting works
masterlist || bailing out masterlist
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“You are under arrest for obstruction of justice.” You heard the words coming out of the man’s mouth, as he slammed you against the car’s door, wrapping your wrists with handcuffs. You rolled your eyes, taking a seat in the rusty police car.
The ride to the police station was long and annoying. Growing up in a small town, you knew almost everyone who lived there and everyone knew you. At least they thought they did. “I can’t believe this, Y/N!” Your gaze moved from the car window to the review mirror, your eyes locking with the ones of the man driving the car. “I understand you’re going through stuff. But come on, ever since Lucy died, you’ve been acting like you just left the jungle. It’s time for you to start acting a bit more mature!”
You rolled your eyes, tired of your mother popping up in every other conversation you led. Ever since she died, it felt like everyone was pitying you. You didn’t know why though, it’s not like their pity would change anything.
After her death, you started living with your aunt, since your mother never bothered to tell anyone who your father was. You didn’t mind, though. You could get by on your own, but apparently, you had to be older than 18 to do so.
Entering the small cell, you turned around letting the policeman take your handkerchiefs off. “Thanks, Tim.” you said, turning towards the little wooden bench before taking a seat there. After a while, you got real bored and lost track of time, tempted to find a sharp item to carve something stupid like “Y/N WAS HERE.” on the walls or the floor. Or both. Maybe even the ugly bench you were sat on. On the second thought, the whole place smelled like Dave, the local drunk who got arrested every night for almost cracking someone’s skull open when things escalate at the bar. You sighed, leaning your head against the cold wall behind you.
Maybe you fell asleep, because the next thing you heard was Tim’s voice. “Y/N, don’t freak out.” You arched an eyebrow at him, suppressing a yawn. “Your father will be the one to bail you out.” Eyebrows furrowing closer together, you started laughing hysterically. “I’m serious.” he continued, trying to be louder than your outburst. “He’ll be here any minute now.” You stopped laughing. “How the hell did you find him now? Where the fuck was he for the past 16 years?”
“I don’t know. You can ask him yourself. I just found a letter from a social worker, saying your mother left a note with his information around the time you were born, in case something happens.”
“I don’t need some drunk with no self respect, who missed out on my whole life, to just march in and rescue me from Dave’s second home.” you scoffed. “Just call my aunt to pick me up and I’ll be on my way.”
“No can do, Y/N. Give the man a chance.” He left, leaving you alone to roll your eyes at the thought of the incoming encounter. You didn’t need him to wander in here and save you like a damsel in distress. What happened with the past 16 years? This isn’t the first time you got in trouble.
You heard the door open and Tim talk to someone. Raising an eyebrow in their direction, you tried to eavesdrop but failed. Next thing you know, the cell door is opening and Tim is standing there staring at you. “He signed the release forms.”
“After all this time, you’re just gonna let some stranger take me? What if he’s like a serial killer? What if I never get to tell you I told you so after he kills me?”
He rolled his eyes holding the door open for you. You entered the room and saw the last person you expected sitting by the desk. “Oh this is some kind of a joke.”, you scoffed.
Tony froze, his heart beating so fast like it was trying to escape his chest. First impressions matter after all “You must be Y/N. Hi, I’m Tony.”
Tim took a plastic bag and emptied the containing items on the table. “And here’s your stuff Y/N, you are free to go.”
You shot a sharpe glance in the direction of the man behind the table. “Don’t think I don’t know you’re only doing things because you’re sick of me.”
You unexpectedly strolled out the place, causing Tony to slightly run beside you. “Hey, Y/N!” he called, causing you to turn around.
“What?” you asked frowning.
“C-can you come with me please?”
“You’ll see.” he said, holding his car door open. Your rolled your eyes, and entered the vehicle slamming the door shut. Tony frowned, but still felt a huge weight fall off his shoulders. He ran around the car and quickly entered his side.
Another boring drive from your boring home town to wherever the hell he was leading you. You kept your eyes on the road the whole time, not allowing yourself to look in his direction. Catching glimpse of a watch, you realised the two of you were driving for almost three hours. Finally, you broke the heavy silence. “So you’re not even close as talkative as you are on TV.”
He shook his head, feeling the tension build up in his shoulders. He didn’t want to mess this up. When he got the call few hours ago, he thought it was a prank or something. Now, you looked at him with a dead stare, bored out of your mind.
He couldn’t mess this up.
“I just don’t know what to say.”
“Gee, I don’t know, maybe something like Hey, Y/N! Long time, no see man, how’ve you been?”
He laughed at this. “Tom called your-“
“Right. Sorry. Tim called your aunt to let her know that you’ll be staying with me.”
“How do you even know my mother was telling the truth? Maybe she just decided to wing it and slam your name on the papers.”
“One way to find out.” he said, hitting the breaks. You hadn’t even noticed the car had entered a garage. You released your seatbelt. “Where are we?”
“You’ll see.” You looked around, following him as he entered an elevator. A voice spoke and took you by surprise. “Welcome back Mr Stark. Captain Rogers asked me to alert you about your meeting tomorrow.”
“Tell him to bugger off.” he muttered and turned to face you, feeling your confused gaze on him. “It’s Friday. H-her name is Friday, she’s my computer.”
You tapped him on the shoulder, strolling in through the door. Looking around you, you found yourself in a lab filled with all sorts of buttons you were tempted to push. Looking out the big window, you realised it was already morning. Must’ve fallen asleep in the car, you thought. Catching a glimpse of a short man with glasses and a lab coat heading your way, you turned around. “Tony, I gotta talk to you about these calculations for the project alpha. How do you read your own handwriting?” he looked up from the paper, only to see you. “You’re not Tony.”
You stretched your lips as far as you could. “I’m not Tony.”
“Where is he?”
“He was just in the elevator.”
“I’m here!” Tony called, carrying something in his hands. “I see you’ve met Y/N.” You chuckled, waving your hand in the man’s direction. “There’s a possibility she could be my daughter, so...” he took out a little plastic bag and quickly pulled out a strand of your hair before you could object, handing it to the man in the lab coat. “...do your magic.”
Bruce’s jaw flew open as took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes before taking the bag. He handed the papers in his hand to Tony. “Decipher this. I’ll let you know once I’m done.”
You raised yourself on your toes, peeking to the papers over Tony’s arm. “Dear lord, how do you read your own handwriting?”
“Hilarious.” he commented, throwing them away in the trash can. “Wanna eat something?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you replied “Wouldn’t mind.”
The kitchen was a large room, obviously built for the whole team to fit in. You made yourself cereal and sat down on one of the bar stools at the counter, Tony leaning against the fridge across from you.
“What?” you asked, your mouth full.
He snapped out of his little chain of thought. He shook his head and went over to the couch.
It’s not that he was afraid of talking to you, he was afraid that you didn’t like him already. He had missed out on your entire life, and even if he is your biological father he’s still a stranger. He couldn’t live with himself if he had harmed you more than his absence already has, so he decided to keep his distance.
You two were in the middle of a movie in the common room, which you had suggested to avoid breaking the ice, when the elevator arrived, followed by Bruce’s footsteps over the room. “Tones, I got the results.” He handed an envelope to him, before gently patting him on the shoulder and leaving. “Thanks buddy.” Tony muttered. “Should I have the honours?”
“Just open it.” you said, clenching the remote control as hard as you could. He did as you said, his eyes rapidly flying over the papers. His eyes widened, and he swallowed a thick nothing. “It’s positive.”
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