#massive asteroid passing earth
sportsnewsblogging · 1 year
Ehud Barak: Netanyahu Has Gone off the Rails, Must Be Removed from Office
The political landscape in Israel has been tumultuous, to say the least. In recent news, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has called for the removal of current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, citing concerns about his leadership and actions. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind Barak’s statements, explore the current state of Israeli politics, and discuss…
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mysticstronomy · 5 months
Saturday, April 13th, 2024.
Welcome back,
There used to be a number of theories about how the Moon was made and it was one of the aims of the Apollo program to figure out how we got to have our Moon,' says Sara.
Prior to the Apollo mission research there were three theories about how the Moon formed. The evidence returned from these missions gave us today's most widely accepted theory.
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Capture theory suggests that the Moon was a wandering body (like an asteroid) that formed elsewhere in the solar system and was captured by Earth's gravity as it passed nearby.
The accretion hypothesis proposes that the Moon was created along with Earth at its formation.
The fission theory suggests Earth had been spinning so fast that some material broke away and began to orbit the planet.
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The giant-impact theory is most widely accepted today. This proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet, about the size of the planet Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon.
The Apollo missions brought back over a third of a tonne of rock and soil from the Moon. This provided some clues on how the Moon may have formed.
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'When the Apollo rocks came back, they showed that the Earth and the Moon have some remarkable chemical and isotopic similarities, suggesting that they have a linked history,' says Sara.
'If the Moon had been created elsewhere and was captured by the Earth's gravity we would expect its composition to be very different from the Earth's.
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'If the Moon was created at the same time, or broke off the Earth, then we would expect the type and proportion of minerals on the Moon to be the same as on Earth. But they are slightly different.'
The minerals on the Moon contain less water than similar terrestrial rocks. The Moon is rich in material that forms quickly at a high temperature.
'In the seventies and eighties there was a lot of debate which led to an almost universal acceptance of the giant impact model.'
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Lunar meteorites are also an important source of data for studying the origins of the Moon.
'In some ways meteorites can tell us more about the Moon than Apollo samples because meteorites come from all over the surface of the Moon,' adds Sara, 'while Apollo samples come from just one place near the equator on the near side of the Moon.'
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Before Earth and the Moon, there were proto-Earth and Theia (a roughly Mars-sized planet).
The giant-impact model suggests that at some point in Earth's very early history, these two bodies collided.
During this massive collision, nearly all of Earth and Theia melted and reformed as one body, with a small part of the new mass spinning off to become the Moon as we know it.
Scientists have experimented with modelling the impact, changing the size of Theia to test what happens at different sizes and impact angles, trying to get the nearest possible match.
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'People are now tending to gravitate towards the idea that early Earth and Theia were made of almost exactly the same materials to begin with, as they were within the same neighbourhood as the solar system was forming,' explains Sara.
'If the two bodies had come from the same place and were made of similar stuff to begin with, this would also explain how similar their composition is.'
Originally published on https://www.nhm.ac.uk
(Wednesday, April 17th, 2024)
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Apophis is about 1,100 feet (340 meters) in width. It's expected to safely pass close to Earth – within 19,794 miles (31,860 kilometers) from our planet's surface – on April 13, 2029. This will be the closest approach to Earth by an asteroid of this size that scientists have known about in advance. Some parts of the world like near the western hemisphere you will see it with the naked eye.
What damage could this asteroid cause?
The damage wrought by Apophis would be devastating, but only on a regional scale; it is not massive enough to cause the global extinction of human life
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livingforstars · 6 months
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Comet Hyakutake Passes the Earth - March 25th, 1996.
"This picture of Comet Hyakutake, taken the night of March 21st-22nd, 1996 in Illinois, USA, shows the enormous tail that had already developed. The silhouette on the right is a foreground tree, and the superposed green circle on the left shows the size of the full Moon. On this day all those years ago, Comet Hyakutake would make its closest approach to the Earth. As the comet moved into the inner Solar System, it would pass the Earth at about 40 times the distance of our Moon. This is not the closest a comet has ever come, though. In 1983, Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock came three times closer than Hyakutake, and in 1770 Comet Lexell got yet twice closer than that! Asteroids - usually less massive than comets - frequently whiz by inside the Moon's orbit, with four doing that so far in the 1990s. In the distant past, asteroids have even struck the Earth. Comet Hyakutake was much brighter than Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock ever got, and in fact was the brightest since Comet West in 1976."
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Privateers for Hire: Part 1  ( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)        
The “Shallow” as it was called, was a void station unlike any other in the galaxy.
Its position was on no star chart or map and the only way to find it was by being guided there by someone who already has been there. A rather superstitious notion given the modern age of star cartography, but once captains learned of where the station was they were more than accepting of the guide.
Safely nestled in the heart of a vast asteroid field named “Avalon’s Folly”, the space station was all but unreachable save for the few narrow corridors that only the most experienced knew of. Being such a remote refugee, it had become the unofficial heart of all criminal activity within the borders of the Cosmic Federation of Planets.
Criminal syndicates, mercenaries, petty despots and pirates; The Shallow was home to all so long as they could pay to stay. Entire districts on the station were dedicated to every sin the galaxy saw fit to illegalize ranging from sky scraper sized pleasure houses to factory complexes handling the manufacture of every narcotic from Space Dust to Titan Grass.
From the corner of one intersection Jacob looked up and marveled at the depravity around him. The chamber he was hollowed out from a massive asteroid. Easily the size of a small city, the entire cavern was eliminated by a trio of tall skyscrapers showering the space in a series of violets, reds, purples, and pinks highlighting it for all to see that this area was clearly for pleasure.
A pair of barely clothed aliens bumped into him as he continued staring up at the skyscrapers and broke him from his trance.
The Var’long turned around and eyed him up. “Vish ta goun ra gi?” they spoke as they waved a hand over their body. He couldn’t understand them but the intent didn’t warrant such. Even if he did have time for such activities he would have preferred someone with fewer legs; and female as the Var’long’s genitals fell out like a sack of coconuts.
He shook his head and the Var’long frowned; spitting at his feet and saying something before continuing off into the dark corridors.
Looking down at his watch he realized if he did not hurry he would be late for the meeting and his superiors back on earth would not look kindly on him. The entire affair was already being heavily censured by elements of both the military and government of the Cosmic Federation, but desperate times called for an expanded range of solutions to ending the war with the Hash’tu Conglomerate. A war that was looking more and more likely with each passing day as one that they would lose if something was not done.
Making his way through several crowded streets he found himself at the base of one of the pleasure houses. There were throngs of aliens and humans of all shapes and sizes waiting in lines literally going off into the distance to get into them. The only thing separating them from the numerous floors of perversion was a small army of bouncers and guards maintaining order with an effective use of harsh language and punches from their electro gauntlets.
Making his way to the entrance he earned himself several dozen discouraging remarks as those still waiting took him for a line cutter. One even went so far as to throw a bottle of liquor with something still alive in it at him which missed his head by an inch. A guard came over and discouraged other such actions by grabbing the perpetrator by the throat electrocuting them into unconsciousness; throwing their body out of line and into the street as a warning.
When he finally reached the front he was met by one of the largest Draxic he had ever seen. The reptilian lizard man looked down at him with a mixture of disinterest and annoyance.
“You better have a reservation,” they said through a mouth with far too many sharpened teeth, “because you don’t want to see what happens next if you are wasting my time.”
Jacob said nothing as he reached into his jacket and removed a keycard. He handed it to the Draxic bouncer who in turn loaded it into a data pad. He could see the reflection of data scrolling by on the Draxic’s face before they removed the keycard and entered in several keys on the pad. The doors to the pleasure house opened as they handed him back the keycard.
“Floor thirty two.” They said, stepping aside to allow Jacob in.
“Thank you.” Jacob replied, using as much effort as he could to keep his voice from cracking from nerves. “Which room?”
“Doesn’t matter.” They replied to his surprise. “Your host rented the entire floor.”
With that the Draxic walked away ending the conversation leaving Jacob to enter the building.
The lobby of the pleasure house was as much as he expected. Statues of naked humans and aliens either alone or caught up in the act of sensuality dotted the floor while works of art decorated the walls. A row of elevators lined the opposite wall of the lobby and Jacob made his way through the mingling grows dotting the lobby to them.
It only took a short ride up the elevator, made thankfully easier by the lack music playing. Several guests joined him and got off on separate floors until it was only Jacob left when it reached the thirty second floor. The doors parted open and Jacob was met with a wall of guns pointed at his person.
At least twelve aliens and humans, dressed in a variety of clothing but all bearing the same mark on their sleeve.
“I’m expected.” He said calmly as he slowly reached for the keycard in his pocket and held it out. One of the nearest aliens, a Dist, came forward and grabbed the card out of his hand. Like the bouncer previously had done the Dist pulled out a data pad and scanned the card. When it turned green the aliens lowered their guns.
“Dis way.”
Jacob followed the Dist as they left the confines of the elevator and made their way through a long corridor. All around him Jacob could hear the sounds of passion, depravity, and depravity. A few of the doors were open and as they passed he could see how enthusiastic the patrons were.
So distracted by his surroundings Jacob had failed to notice the Dist had stopped and bumped right into them. They grunted in but otherwise said nothing as they keyed open the door and ushered Jacob inside.
The room’s interior was lavishly decorated with an entire wall dedicated to a window overlooking the rest of the city. There were a pair of couches at the center of the room with one occupied by a pair in a rather passionate embrace.
“Get distracted did we?”
One of the pair broke off long enough to ask but denied Jacob the chance to enter. With a free hand the pointed the open couch opposite them. Jacob walked over and took a seat while the pair continued with their embrace. When this situation continued Jacob finally spoke up.
“I have traveled a long way for these talks and the people I represent share my sense of urgency.”
The woman groaned frustratingly and pushed the man off of her.
“Leave,” she said as she straightened her clothes, “but don’t go far.”
The man nodded and lazily left the room. No sooner had the door closed did the woman lean back into the couch and finally observe Jacob.
“When the Cosmic Federation-“she began.
“We do not wish that name to be spoken aloud.” Jacob interrupted.
The woman looked at Jacob for a moment, her face awash with mild annoyance, before she reached into her couch and withdrew a laser pistol. She pointed it at Jacob as she said “I am Captain Amelia Starfeld, and the next time you interrupt me will be your last.”
Jacob said nothing and allowed Amelia to continue. She casually flicked the safety for the weapon on and off as if still deciding on if she should kill him or not.
“I know who you work for and I know what the job is you’re offering; what I want to know, is what you’re willing to pay for it?”
If Jacob was afraid of the pistol casually being waved in front of him he gave no sign. Casually he withdrew a piece of paper from a pocket and unfolded it. “Three hundred million credits for merchant ships,” Jacob began, “five hundred million credits for troop supply and transport ships, six hundred million for destroyer and frigate class ships, seven hundred million for cruiser class ships or higher; payment transferred after verification made via recordings and information network or from the production of Hash’tu captain bio chips.”
Amelia whistled at the bounties offered.
Jacob held out the list for Amelia to see for herself. She nudged the top of her brow with the barrel of her weapon as if in deep thought, then brought it down and fired a laser round through the paper. Jacob let it go in surprise as it combusted and fell to the ground in a pile of ash.
“Best we leave these types of dealings under the table.” She remarked dryly. “I imagine you would hate for,” she paused to flash him a mischievous smirk, “your “Employers”, to be seen recruiting a known and highly wanted pirate.”
She leaned forward, resting the weapon on her knee and fixed Jacob with a serious stare.
“I also want pardons for myself and all of my crews.”
Jacob shook his head. “That was not what we agreed upon.”
“We’re taking a big risk going against the Hash’tu.” Amelia countered. “Money’s one thing, but does us no good if you’ll hang us the moment the war’s done.”
Jacob opened his mouth then closed it. He eyed the pirate captain in silence as he ran several complicated equations in his head.
“Pardons would be a tall order, but if you can deliver a 15% drop in Hash’tu activities within the first ninety rotations my employers would be willing to supply them.”
This brought a smile to the pirate captain’s face. “And I believe it goes without saying that anything we, liberate, from our Hash’tu friends belongs to us as well.”
“This is agreeable,” Jacob confirmed, “with the exclusion of my employers personnel and hardware; which we would expect returned to us at your earliest convenience.”
Amelia looked disgruntled at this but then relented and nodded in agreement. “One last thing,” she added as if a forethought, “if we take down a station we’d want a trillion credits as compensation.”
“A station?”
Jacob smiled despite himself at the absurdity of notion. “Are you sure it is not beyond your means?”
“A trillion credits for a station.” She repeated. “Do we have an accord or not?”
Jacob sat in silence once again as he calculated values, but the impossibility of such an outcome blocked him from coming to any solid figures.
“If the station is grade 4 or higher, we would agree to your terms.”
With that Amelia put down the pistol and held out her hand.
“Put’er there lad,” she remarked cheerfully, “you’ve just hired the Starfeld fleet.”
Jacob took her hand and shook it as she turned around and whistled. The door to the room opened and several individuals, many scantily clad with clothing, entered carrying food and drink.
“Tonight we celebrate!” Captain Amelia announced loudly as she stood atop the couch. “For tomorrow we’re off to make a profit!”
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episodeoftv · 9 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 2 of 4
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propaganda is under the cut (359 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Danny Phantom - 3.12/3.13 Phantom Planet
When Plasmius' new ghostbuster team outclasses Danny in the field, the boy decides to remove his powers and retire, unaware of an approaching massive asteroid threatening Earth.
1) *points at Phantom Planet* LOOK AT IT! Okay there is a whole ass Power Point presentation on tumblr about why PP sucks major ass, but I can't find it right now. So my sybopsis: Danny just. Decides to give up on his ghost powers. After 52 fucking episodes. He's out. Vlad won. Bye. Except oh no who would've guessed that was all part of Vlad's plan and Vlad reveals his powers to the whole world and takes ALL OF IT hostage (wow such cunning, much intelligence, very smart villain). And he wants money. Not like Maggie, whom he has been pining for for decades. Like I get that it's a children's show and that'd be a bit too fucked up but money? Really? So Vlad fails in making the anti-ghost-meteor intangible. Danny goes into the Ghost Zone POWERLESS and gets blasted by every ghost ever and I guess those people who think that he died to get his powers are right because HE GETS HIS POWERS BACK??? LIKE THAT??? Vlad's plan of using ghost powers on the anti-ghost-meteor didn't work, but using ghost powers on the entire world as the anti-ghost-meteor is about to crash into it does? I thought that meteor negated all ghost powers??? VALERIE GRAY WOULD NOT CHEER AT THE REVEAL THAT DANNY PHANTOM IS DANNY FENTON. SHE WOULD BE INCREDIBLY ANGRY AND CONFLICTED, PROBABLY PUNCH HIM AND THEN LATER APOLOGIZE WHEN SHE ACTUALLY HAD SOME TIME TO STOMACH THAT REVELATION. HOW *DARE* YOU RUIN THAT REVEAL FOR US?! Also what happened to Dani? Tucker becoming mayor is stupid but considering this entire episode, it's also super funny. I let him have that win lol.
2) So bad the fandom disowned it, AO3 fics regularly tag "Phantom Planet didn't happen"
Roseanne - 9.23/9.24 Into That Good Night
The Conners welcome baby Harris Conner-Healy home. Roseanne is delighted Darlene wants to live at home and work on her parenting skills. The family talks about their lives after winning the lottery and are glad they have all come out of it stronger people. Over a pizza dinner, Roseanne suggests they say grace to thank God that Harris survived and the family is together again.
Family and friends gather at the Conner house to celebrate baby Harris' Homecoming and everyone takes a turn chatting with the new addition to the family. Mark and Becky have some exciting news, as do Leon and his husband Scott. During dinner, Roseanne takes time to reflect on each member of her family and reveals she has been writing a book; everything we see is Roseanne's altered version of actual events. Roseanne reveals the true story and admits she changed whatever details she didn't like about her life and the people in it. In truth, the Conners never won the lottery; it was all a fantasy Roseanne created in order to cope with a devastating reality. In the final moments, Roseanne sits alone in her basement writing room. She goes upstairs, passing through the old kitchen and the old living room. Roseanne sits on the old couch with the classic afghan on the back and silently takes in the warmth and comfort of the family home as the lights slowly fade.
Just focusing on the (at the time) series finale and not all the terrible things Roseanne decided to say and be later. This finale sucked. It was built to retcon the entire (admittedly bad) season that came before it as a bizarre fantasy of the titular character after her Husband died. They quickly and randomly undid different characters' development and swapped around couples just because.
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Three days
(RatedE, Non-con elements, Stucky Fantasy AU, dragons, elves, druids, magic, epic love)
“What do we do now?”
Peter’s whisper was meant to conceal their complete lack of grasp of a plan. By the look of the individual currently stewarding the entrance to the Caverns of Time, they hadn’t fooled anyone.
Bucky shushed Peter. He lifted his chin and threw back his shoulders, hoping that act alone would exude enough confidence. He stepped closer to the formidable-looking elf (who wasn’t an elf at all) and opened his mouth to speak.
“Anachronos is expecting you,” the woman said, as if she herself had been waiting there much longer than she intended. “Come.”
She gestured toward the cave entrance, a collapsed collection of pillars and stone and earth that didn’t seem at all stable. And as she turned, the elf disappeared in an explosion of dust and sand and became —
“A dragon!” Peter hissed, forgetting he was supposed to be keeping silent. He’d told Bucky it was better that way; he tended to get into trouble whenever he opened his mouth.
The golden dragon lifted one clawed foot and looked over her shoulder.
“An escort is required,” she said, directly into his mind. “I will provide transportation.”
Bucky’s head was still spinning around the escape from the temple, the flight through Dragonblight. Discovering Peter had hitched a ride was difficult enough to fathom. Add the haphazard speed of their portal to Tanaris and the fact they were both still in one piece, it was no wonder Bucky was slow to catch on.
The dragon snorted as one might clear one’s throat, and Bucky glanced at Peter. The boy shrugged and shifted into a bird, flapping frantically as he took to the air. Meanwhile, Bucky found himself yet again climbing awkwardly onto a wing joint and feeling a tug in his heart remembering the last time he’d done it.
The moment he had secured enough purchase with a hand on a neck fin, the dragon launched up and into the darkness of the cave.
It was the most peculiar cave he’d ever been inside. Winding and dark, snaking around in a steady downward coil, it served up glimmers of shining purple streaks through cracks in the rocks. At one point, after a rather sharp curve, the fissure widened, and the light filled the tunnel. 
“Holy –”
Bucky was sure he was hallucinating. The rocky surfaces of the walls had opened up to the night sky, to a star-filled galaxy of wide-open space. Complete with moons and asteroids, and a strange red planet.
It wasn’t one he recognized, however, and the instant he thought about it, an answer filled his head.
“This is the past. A long time before you were even born, whelpling.”
She spoke as if she were much, much older than he, in the way the wise humor the inexperienced. 
Bucky wisely kept his thoughts to himself.
The final chamber was stunning. Galactic objects loomed overhead, so close one could almost touch them. But the cave itself was filled with life-giving air and gravity kept them grounded and it was nothing like he’d ever seen before.
In the center of the space was a massive raised stone platform, rising out of the sand bottom like an altar to the gods. An equally large gold dragon lay on it, apparently slumbering. But this dragon wasn’t exactly there. It undulated between beast and ghost, its giant body becoming transparent and then solid. As if it were crossing over into different dimensions as its great heart beat.
The steward lit down before the dragon, and Bucky slid off as gently as he could. He found his limbs quite unstable, his mind racing as recklessly as his heart. He watched as she retreated into the far reaches of the cave, passing impossibly large underground pine trees and crumbling houses and regal elves dressed in similar gold attire.
Two menacing dragonkin holding staves larger than Bucky approached, flanking him but not attacking. It appeared he was to be escorted on foot, now.
They motioned him closer to the altar, which rose far above his head, marching around the strange sleeping dragon. Bucky heard the flutter of wings, then the gentle prick of tiny talons as they gripped his shoulder. Peter, wearing the visage of a tiny sparrow, gave a tiny chirrup and held tightly to his cloak.
The dragonkin stopped halfway around the circular structure in the middle, setting their staves deep in the sand and standing with their backs to the altar. Bucky looked from one to the other, until a second dragon appeared overhead.
This dragon was old, ancient even, with a graying beard and deep scars over one blind eye. It paused when it reached the edge, claws curling over it. It looked down from its perch with cold, unblinking importance, and Bucky understood he was meeting with royalty.
Fuck. What should he say?
“Uh. Hullo. Your – Grace.” That was always an acceptable term to use, especially with a being as terrifying as this. “My name is James, and I’m here to –”
“Don’t you think I already know who you are? Why you’re here? What you intend to do?”
This voice didn’t ring inside his head. Instead, it boomed in the chamber, shook the ground on which he stood, and caused a curious gust of wind to ruffle his hair. Peter momentarily took flight as if to flee, then changed his mind and transformed into a mouse that climbed quickly into Bucky’s pocket.
Bucky wanted to join him.
Bucky knew this dragon, or rather, knew of him. Not a king, but a guardian. The original Time Keeper. Anachronos the Fury, to whom Steve was sworn to –
Steve. They were wasting time.
“Please, Sir. I have to get to Tarren Mill. I have to help Steve –”
But the great golden drake wasn’t going to let him speak. “Your mate is being assisted by the King of Stormwind with the blessing of the Bronze Dragonflight. How could someone such as yourself possibly aid this cause?”
It was spoken with a sneer, with a challenge hidden under scorn and something else entirely. Bucky could feel the boil of his blood, the rumble of a roar that had been building since he’d refused to imbibe mana and given up the ways of an elf.
“You said it yourself,” he barked, drawing the twist of each guard’s gaze in his direction. Bucky ignored them. “I’m his mate. I’m a dragon. And we’re destined to be together.”
The Fury snorted a warning but didn’t strike. The powerful muscles in his forelegs bulged as he arched his neck and growled.
“Destiny isn’t always kind.”
Bucky blinked, fists clenched at his side. Yet another dragon who spoke in riddles.  “What does that mean?”
The golden drake lifted and stomped one foot on the stone platform, and the entire cave shuddered. “You will aid him. You will thwart the Time War. But you will lose, and you will regret.”
The mouse in his pocket shivered. Bucky’s stomach did a flip. “Is that a warning? Or a threat?”
Anachronos the Fury shook his neck and roared as only someone with his namesake could. Bucky supposed no one had ever spoken to him like that.
“You do not understand the forces at play! You are but a whelp! You cannot change Time!”
The way he stressed every ‘you’ made it sound personal.
Bucky took it as personal. “I’ve already loved and lost and suffered greatly. The only thing worse than the secrets and lies and horrible things that have happened to me,” – Bucky gasped for breath, now shaking from head to foot with his own anger – “would be losing him!”
Something like a laugh bubbled in the golden wyrm’s gullet. A low, unhappy, disparaging thing. “Then go! Make it so! But be forewarned; everything you do is as it has been foretold. Each of your actions has already played out. And when it’s over, you will be alone, and it will hurt!”
Bucky’s throat was suddenly very dry. The certainty with which the drake said ‘alone’ was ominous. 
He swallowed, hard, unclenched his fists and drew several deep breaths. He’d made his decision. “If I’m to die, then so be it. But at least I did the right thing.”
Fury shook his neck again, then tossed his head in a continued low chuckle. “The agony will be in that you both live. Now. Stop speaking. The Vortex will close soon.”
Bucky looked over his shoulder as a spinning, whirling mass of gold sparks appeared behind him. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it earlier.
Bucky looked up into those cold, yellow eyes with defiance. He would prove this creature wrong. “As long as we both live, there will be no agony. Because I’ll be with him ‘til the end of time.”
And he spun, gently patted the pocket where Peter continued to shiver, and stepped through the vortex into the unknown.
It was difficult to see from their vantage point outside the town. The trees were thick and a dense fog hung low, the product of a recent rain and cooling temperatures overnight. Steve readjusted his cloak, the scratchy wool one he’d stolen off a washline before the sun came up. He was tired and sore from keeping watch while Tony slept. And now that they were both awake, he wished his king was still sleeping.
“I say we march in there and announce ourselves. The King of Azeroth must bring with him personal bodyguards all the time. They won’t even notice you.”
Steve sighed with the weight of several worlds on his shoulders. “I told you. Llane is dead. Lothar has taken over, and Varian isn’t quite a young man yet. Unless you can pass for an old, battle-worn soldier or a fresh-faced teenager, it’s best if we remain undercover.”
Tony scratched at his stubble and continued to grumble under his breath. “I could pull off seventeen. Varian and I were – are – both dark and handsome. And intelligent.”
It took all of Steve’s remaining strength not to roll his eyes. “I believe Medivh would disagree.”
Although he wouldn’t say no to laying eyes on the once traitorous and later resurrected prophet, the teacher of their current Kirin Tor Mage Guardian, Khadgar, Steve wasn’t testing the fates any more than he had to.
They waited until the town awoke, until smoke lifted through chimney stacks and the smell of cooking filled the air. Tarren Mill was very different from what Steve had ever seen. He supposed it should be; it had been burned to the ground and relocated inland, then burned again by his time. They’d dropped into the very beginnings of the Third War, and by the looks of things, the scourge had not yet taken hold.
That could change at any minute.
After much deliberation, Stark finally agreed on a diplomat’s disguise, while Steve was to be his protection detail. The Stormwind crest on Tony’s chest, thankfully, hadn’t changed in centuries, and with a little mud rubbed into it, one could almost believe it to be from that era. And with Steve in Tony’s armor, he hopefully would pass for a guard. Even if his stomach churned uncomfortably, and the memory of Bucky’s voice inside his head was becoming louder and louder.
In the distance, set back against the foothills that separated the Dwarven civilization from the human, Durnholde Keep stood proud and tall. Steve could see both watchtowers, the Eastern and the West. It was a little unsettling knowing that all of it, the mill, the castle, the people, would be gone by the end of the War.
A wagon rattled past their hiding place, and Steve recognized their chance. He prodded Tony in the back and signaled they should follow. The groaning and creaking of the wheels on its axle would cover their entrance into the town.
They kept out of sight of the driver until the man, a farmer loaded down with wheat and oats to be crushed, turned his horses toward the mill. Steve caught hold of Tony’s sleeve and pulled him in the direction of the pub.
“But it’s Silver Hand days. Shouldn’t we visit the church first?”
Steve shook his head and pulled harder. “Anyone who wants to be outed at once would do so. But we want to stay hidden until we get more information.”
Again, Stark grumbled. He didn’t like being told what to do, and he was surprisingly non-resistant about it. “Fine. At least I can get a decent drink.”
Decent drinks, however, weren’t to be found.
“Ugh!” Stark groaned, holding his cup at arm’s length and wrinkling his nose. “What in Light’s name is in this?”
Several patrons pivoted in their chairs to stare at them.
Steve lowered his hood over more of his face and hissed. “Blasphemy is a crime nowadays. Uther himself warrants these parts. He’s a hero around here.”
Stark blinked in disbelief. “Uther Lightbringer?”
More stares, this time accompanied by frowns. Steve had to get the king under control.
“That's the one. And if you don’t shut your mouth and drink, we’re going to have serious problems.”
Stark finally looked up and around, smiled cheekily and waved before lifting his cup to pretend to drink.
Into the remaining liquid sloshing about, he said, “As if we don’t have enough of those.”
Steve couldn’t agree more.
It was too late, however, even with Tony’s charismatic smile. The townspeople were already wary of outsiders, and their conversations became hushed, their mouths concealed. Steve could feel the noose tightening, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He fished out a gold coin from his pocket and approached the barkeep.
“Hello there,” Steve tried, keeping it informal as he shifted his hood back and off his head. His hair was a dusty, flyaway mess; he hoped it added to the charade that they had traveled far. “I wonder if you could help me. I’m searching for a friend of mine. He would look out of place, just like us.”
The bartender eyed Steve sideways, and when the coin was placed on the tabletop, he quickly looked left and right to see if anyone was watching. Everyone was, of course.
The man wisely covered the coin and lifted it into his palm. His eyebrows raised as he turned it over, running the pad of his finger onto the raised lion’s head. Stunned, impressed, he lifted his gaze to Steve’s, then raised his chin in Tony’s direction.
“Who’s he, then? Some kind of politician?”
Stark, bless him, offered up a stellar smile and a wink, of all things.
“Yep,” Steve said without hesitation. “And if you give me the information I seek, I’ll take him away from this town, and he can peddle his ideas elsewhere.”
The barman grunted and rubbed the gold coin against his bottom teeth. He considered for a moment before turning over another cup and pouring them both more of the awful spirits.
“What is it you need to know?”
Steve looked over his shoulder and tilted his head at Stark, who frowned but kept his seat. Maybe this wouldn’t be as difficult as they’d supposed.
“My friend. He would be about my height and build, with dark skin and black hair, possibly wearing clothing that seems out of place.” Steve glanced at his sleeves, noticing how differently the cut and fit from the bartender’s. “He’s most likely asking questions, just like I am. Searching for information.”
The bartender threw back a large swallow and wiped his mustache with the back of one hand. “What kind of information?”
Steve scanned the room, noting as each and every patron turned away as he met their eyes. He leaned forward and lowered his voice, then offered another coin. “Information about Neltharion.”
It was to be expected, the choking sound coming from the barman. Steve had opted for the blunt method rather than easing into it; they were literally racing against time.
“That name is forbidden in this kingdom,” the man growled, pocketing the money nonetheless and looking furtively over Steve’s shoulder. “The only people allowed to even think his name are clerics and paladins.”
It made sense; the knights of the Silver Hand played a big part in thwarting Deathwing during the Second War. As far as they were concerned, the dragon was destroyed, his children scattered and his Flight disbanded. Of course the holy leaders would forbid the use of his —
“Either you’re very stupid,” a gruff voice said from behind. “Or you aren’t from Azeroth.”
Steve spun and hand to grip the edge of the table to prevent from being knocked over. Before him stood the Lightbringer himself: Lord Uther.
“Sire!” Steve spat without thinking. He’d seen drawings and statues and heard the stories of the highest-ranked paladin. But he hadn’t imagined he’d meet him in Tarren Mill’s past. He should have been worlds away, investigating the origins of the plague.
Sir Uther was tall, broad-shouldered, and powerful-looking. Even out of his armor, there was a strength about him that would make lesser mortals tremble. Steve, however, gathered his wits about him. And would have pulled off the charade if the knight hadn’t pulled aside his cloak to reveal the shield.
“What is this made of?” he asked after pondering over the surface with a gloved hand. “It’s not like any metal I’ve ever seen.”
Fuck. Of course it wasn’t. Vibranium wasn’t even discovered until 10 years after the man’s death.
“It’s not from this world,” Steve scrambled to explain, scowling at Stark and making him stay in his place with a glare. “I’m a long, long way from home, Sire.”
It wasn’t a lie, not exactly. But Steve wasn’t entirely sure Uther didn’t already know that. Who knew what this powerful wielder of the Light could do.
“Hm.” He allowed the cloak to slide back in place, covering the shield with the rasp of undyed wool. “And what has brought you to Azeroth from worlds away?”
Tony was practically bouncing out of his chair, miming that he was willing to step in and speak for the two of them. Steve beat him to it.
“My friend and I seek refuge.” That would work. The Knights of the Silver Hand had begun the charitable nurse’s organization that based themselves in Stormwind’s very cathedral. They couldn't pass up a fellow human in need. “Our world has come under threat from a formidable enemy. One that is said to already have been defeated.”
The knight glared at Stark, who saluted in the Stormwind way. It garnered more raised eyebrows from Uther.
“Indeed. What threat would that be?”
Steve cleared his throat and used the least derogatory name for his father. “The Earth Warder.”
The Lightbringer gave no reaction to the mention of the black dragon other than to settle his hand across his body on the head of The Hammer. “I see. In what capacity?”
Steve had begun to sweat. “There are rumors that he is being resurrected.”
Uther scoffed. “I doubt that, young fellow. There isn’t the faintest possibility, not with the destruction of the Dragon Soul.”
Steve had hoped he would quote the tale, but it was clear he was finished speaking. Steve took it as a positive sign that they were being laughed at; perhaps they could keep up their disguise and still be allowed to question the cleric.
“They are just rumors,” Steve said, mouthing to Stark to ‘shut up’ as Uther again turned his back to look at the king. “But I must complete the quest I’ve been tasked to do. My people won’t allow me to return without proof.”
Uther huffed a breath. “If you do not find it here, may I suggest you make the trip to Durnholde Keep. Tell the paladin there that you spoke with myself. They’ll take care of you.”
“Very good,” Steve said, smiling and backing away toward Tony. “Your assistance is greatly appreciated, Sire.”
Uther nodded regally as Steve turned away. He ignored Stark’s shocked expression and physically hauled him to the door.
“Hold on,” Uther’s voice boomed a mere seconds before they had made their escape. “You’ve been to Stormwind?”
Steve flushed hot. He squeezed Tony’s elbow and turned back.
Uther was holding one of the coins Steve had given the barman. He had removed one glove and was thumbing the raised lion on the surface of the coin. He didn’t look up.
“Yes,” Steve said quickly, before Tony could shoot off his mouth. “Our families go way back.”
“Waaaay back,” Stark agreed. He smirked in an “I told you so” manner. 
The paladin looked up, gaze piercing as an eagle’s. It wasn’t a lie. Tony was a direct descendant of the House of Wrynn, and part of Steve’s blood ran with the Black dragons who had destroyed it.
“Indeed,” he repeated dismissively. He returned to studying the coin, and Steve yanked Stark out the door before anything else could stop them.
As they marched down the street, heading for the church, Tony spoke. He was insufferable.
“So not only was I right about going to the church, I was right about using our connection to Stormwind, too.”
Steve hushed him as they passed a group of women eyeing them warily. “Pretending to be the king and his consort is punishable by death, Tony. I don’t plan to die here.”
Stark dragged his heels, stirring up the dry ground. “Just because I don’t have a secret Horde lover waiting for me back home doesn’t mean I plan to die here.”
“For Light’s sake!” Steve hissed, slapping a hand over Stark’s enormous mouth. “These people have been through enough wars, and are dangerously close to the brink of another. Will you please keep your voice down!”
Thankfully they’d reached the church steps, and the heavy wooden door muffled the rest of Tony’s grumblings. They entered the chamber of a modest chapel with rough-sawn wooden pews and stained glass windows that featured saints from before the First and Second Wars.
About halfway down the main hall, off to the right-hand side, two men stood, deep in conversation. One wore the traditional robe and appeared to be middle-aged, balding and face moderately wrinkled. The other was a younger man, with long, blonde hair and a royal blue cloak covering his substantial pauldrons.
Another paladin.
The two men noticed Steve and Tony right away, ceasing their conversation and turning to face the entrance. The cleric stuffed his hands into his robe and bowed his head. Steve took that to mean they should approach.
“Excuse me, Sir.” Steve wasn’t sure if the cleric was in charge, or if he was simply assisting the paladin. He opted to address them both at once. “We are travelers seeking rest and refuge for a day –”
“Yeah,” Tony added unhelpfully. “And Lightbringer said you would be able to answer some questions about Deathwing.”
Steve’s whole body cringed, and he stopped mid-step, rooting himself two arm’s lengths away from the men. Stark pulled up beside him, and Steve struggled to find words that would lessen the damage already done. He looked up into the paladin’s face, smiling and hoping to alleviate any worries that they were hostile. After all, he didn’t carry a weapon; just the shield.
The paladin, however, was heavily armed. A sword almost the length of his body glinted from the scabbard at his hip. He scowled and met Steve’s gaze head-on, and that was when Steve realized who he was.
It was Arthas Menethil. The prince of Lordaeron. The man responsible for mobilizing the scourge and spreading the plague as a means of total destruction. The man who would betray his master, Uther Lightbringer, slaying him and trapping a portion of his soul inside his sword. The sword, a runeblade, named Frostmourne. The man who would use that cursed sword to become the Lich King, killing his people and then raising them from the dead to do his bidding.
In short, he was the man who had caused the death of his mother.
“You dare to speak his name?” Arthas barked, laying one hand on the sword’s hilt, eyes glinting with fury. “Blaspheme in a church, no less?”
Steve held up his hands to indicate they meant no harm. In his head, he ran through the story he’d told Uther, considered even mentioning the knight’s name to defuse the situation.
But he didn’t get a chance to. Because the heavy wooden door creaked on its hinges, and another man walked into the church.
This man was tall and graceful, long, flowing cloak covering him from head to foot. The visible skin on his face and hands was pale. He looked upon the four of them, gaze moving from one to the next. And when they landed on Steve, the eyes that peered out of the cloak were so blue it hurt to look at him.
Everything Steve had ever felt, every emotion ranging from happiness to despair, instantly swelled inside his chest. They swirled around and sank into his stomach, and then settled into one thing and one thing only: fear.
Bucky was standing in the church entrance somewhere in Tarren Mill’s past.
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the-gateway-to-madness · 11 months
Akiridion Evolution
I'm back on my bullcrap, here's the next installment of Mad's Akiridion Analyses! Compilation of these posts is linked at the bottom.
ALRIIIIIGHT part 3! Boy howdy have I got theories!
First of all, we aren't told how much time passed between when Gaylen created Akiridion and when Seklos defeated him. Given how easy it was to replicate Seklos' cannon with scrounged ET tech and what was available on Earth, we can assume the confrontation happened a long, long time ago- Akiridion ships have been able to reach Earth since the earliest humans were around.
I think that, originally, the first Akiridions actually lived on the moons orbiting the planet. It would explain why they handle the atmosphere on Earth's moon (Luna, I'll be calling her) so well when Akiridion-5 itself apparently has oxygen "in abundance". Given the fact Akiridions have respiratory systems, as mentioned by Stuart (and the fact we can see them breathing), it would be logical to assume they evolved or were created by Gaylen without the planet's atmospheric composition- otherwise, their respiration would take advantage of oxygen.
Additionally, the planet itself appears to be a gas giant, which is backed up by the lack of any semblance of trees on Akiridion as mentioned by Aja (though this can be explained just as easily by "different planets, different life forms"). Their cities seem to float among clouds, which would take a certain level of technological advancement far beyond what a budding species could manage. Also, the royal palace and its surrounding capital city are on the planet itself, indicating that it takes a higher level of power and technology to build there- royalty tend to set up residence where it'll be most impressive and hardest to reach (not hard enough tho, huh? Rip Coranda and Fialkov).
Moving on. The use of a number after the name of a planet usually indicates distance from the sun in science fiction, which would mean Akiridion is the fifth planet from its sun. This makes sense given the fact we never actually see the sun Akiridion is orbiting; it's always what we humans would consider nighttime there, and Aja and Krel mention "Earth's blue sky" as something new and strange, even as they say the color reminds them of home. Maybe it's a pretty spread out solar system. Maybe there's an asteroid belt or dust clouds or other things between Akiridion-5 and its sun that block visible light from reaching them. Heck, maybe it's a binary or blue star system and that's why the planets have to be so far away from the center of the solar system to be habitable (though, blue stars tend to be shorter-lived, as I recall, which doesn't lend to the idea of Akiridion-5 being absolutely, ridiculously ancient). Either way, it would seem logical that Akiridions have a significant resistance to cold as well as radiation, but not so much heat. It would also seem logical that Akiridions don't really have rain, at least not the way Earth does. Fic about the very first time Aja and Krel saw rain when- jkjk (unless?).
Personally, I'd think it's super neat if Akiridion-5's solar system is right on the edge of a massive nebula, leaving the planet shrouded in the gasses and clouds for part of their kelton. The combined darkness and bright colors of Earth's winter and holidays would likely remind Aja and Krel quite strongly of home.
See what I mean? Totally a gas planet.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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1 | Despair on the Horizon
Pairing: Todoroki x Fem!Reader
Until the End Masterlist
You sit at your desk in your small, cozy apartment, engrossed in a programming project for your computer science class. The soft glow of your laptop screen illuminates the room as lines of code dance before your eyes. It's a peaceful evening, the world outside seemingly oblivious to the storm brewing in the cosmos.
Suddenly, your phone vibrates, breaking your concentration. Startled, you pick it up and see a flurry of news alerts flooding the screen. Your heart skips a beat as you read the headline: "Massive Asteroid Threatens Earth."
Panic sets in, and you feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. The room suddenly feels stifling, and you struggle to catch your breath. This can't be happening. Not now. Not when everything seemed so normal just moments ago.
Without thinking, you spring into action. You grab a backpack and fill it with essentials – a change of clothes, a water bottle, some granola bars. The world outside your apartment has transformed into chaos. People are running in every direction, their faces etched with fear and desperation. They've all seen the news, too.
You quickly join the groups of frightened civilians flooding the streets, a sea of humanity seeking refuge from the impending disaster. Sirens blare, mixing with the cacophony of terrified voices and the distant rumble of thunder. Dark clouds gather overhead, mirroring the tempest brewing within you. You have no idea where you're going, but you know your fourth-level apartment was not going to cut it.
As you begin to navigate your way through the busy streets, a stranger catches your attention. A young man, about the same age as you, with a focused and determined gaze stands out amidst the panicked crowd. How can he look so calm right now? You find yourself drawn to him, seeking comfort in his presence.
"Hey! Are you lost?" the man calls out, noticing your bewildered expression. You're the only one who seems to be paying any kind of attention to him. "We need to find shelter. Follow me!"
You hesitate for a moment, unsure if you should trust this stranger. But something in his eyes and the way he carries himself convinces you to take a leap of faith. After all, in this uproarious world, finding strength in numbers might be the key to survival.
So, without a word, you nod and fall into step behind him. As the two of you make your way through the debris-covered streets, the man's determination and strong instincts guide you safely around all sorts of commotion. 
"You're doing great," the man says,  casting a quick glance your way. "Just stay close and keep moving."
"Aren't you going to tell me who you are at least?" you then ask him.
He then explains, rather briefly, that his name is Todoroki. He is a former member of the Special Assault Team in Japan. It all makes sense now, you think, as he navigates with precision, his focused gaze constantly scanning your surroundings for any potential dangers.
You tighten your grip on your backpack straps and match his pace, grateful for his guidance. The two of you exchange brief glances, sharing in a silent understanding in the midst of chaos. There's an unspoken reassurance in Todoroki's presence, a sense that together you can face whatever lies ahead.
As the word begins to crumble around you, you find comfort in the short conversations that pass between you and Todoroki. He shares stories of his time in the Special Assault Team, recounting intense training sessions and missions. His voice carries a tinge of sadness as he speaks of the comrades he so obviously misses.
"We've been trained to handle high-pressure situations," he explains, his voice steady as the two of you weave between a plethora of people. "But nothing could have prepared us for something like this."
You nod in agreement, your mind swirling with questions and uncertainties. The weight of the impending disaster presses down upon you, but Todoroki's resolute demeanor gives you a glimmer of hope.
As you navigate the streets, the sound of crumbling buildings and distant explosions echo through the air. Suddenly, a sharp crack pierces the chaos, followed by a deafening rumble. Without warning, a large section of a nearby building collapses, sending a cascade of debris hurtling toward you.
Instinct takes over as you dive to the side, narrowly avoiding the incoming danger. But before you can catch your breath, more debris comes tumbling down. Without hesitation, Todoroki then leaps towards you, using his body as a shield to push you out of harm's way just in time. 
The impact knocks the air out of both of you as you hit the ground, disoriented and shaken. The dust then settles around you, revealing the destruction left in the wake of the collapse. You look up at Todoroki whose face is smeared with dirt and bruises.
"Are you okay?" he asks first, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You nod, a mix of gratitude and adrenaline coursing through your veins. "Thank you, Todoroki. You saved me."
He offers you a small, reassuring smile, his hand reaching out to help you up. "Let's look out for each other from now on," he says, his voice steady despite the chaos around you. "We're in this together."
"Yeah," you hum, dusting yourself off and catching your breath. 
As you continue your journey through the crumbling city, you encounter several desperate survivors, each with their own stories of struggle and loss. Todoroki's presence instills a sense of calm amidst the chaos, and people gravitate towards him, seeking guidance just as you had.
"We need to find shelter," Todoroki declares, his voice carrying authority. "Somewhere we can regroup and gather our strength."
As if on cue, you come across a dilapidated building that appears relatively intact. The entrance is littered with debris, but Todoroki quickly assesses the situation and leads the way inside.
"Everybody, let's secure the area," Todoroki then instructs, gesturing to a few of the survivors who have joined your group. "Make sure there are no imminent threats!"
He commands the attention of the group, assigning tasks and delegating responsibilities with a cool and collected demeanor. Despite the chaos outside, there's a semblance of order within these walls. You find yourself drawn to Todoroki's leadership, and a newfound sense of purpose washes over you. Together, you and the group work to fortify the shelter, moving debris and creating makeshift barriers. It's a small victory amidst the crumbling world, but it fills you with a sense of accomplishment.
As night falls and exhaustion begins to settle in, the group gathers in a makeshift common area. The air is heavy with uncertainty, but the flickering candles cast a warm glow on the faces surrounding you. Todoroki takes a seat beside you, a weary yet determined expression etched upon his features.
"We did well today," he says, his voice filled with a mixture of weariness and resilience. 
"We?" you grin with a shake of your head. "You did most of the work."
"Well, it wouldn't have happened at all if you hadn't been the first one to stop and see me. Now get some rest, okay?"
You smile softly as Todoroki walks away. As you settle down for the night, you can't help but wonder what lies ahead. The world may be fractured, but amidst the chaos, there's a flicker of resilience, an indomitable spirit that refuses to be extinguished. And with Todoroki by your side, you begin to believe that survival is a challenge you're ready to face head-on.
Until the End Masterlist
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duskforged · 1 year
artblr/writeblr (re)intro
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edit 9/24/23: updated game list
hello, one and all, to my artblr/writeblr, duskforged. my interests are massively widespread and i swear i pick up more hobbies than i care to count, so this will be my catchall art blog.
my name is hesperos wingrove, i am trans + nonbinary (they/them), and i am an artist, writer, and worldbuilder, among other things.
my preferred genre is fantasy but i sometimes dabble in historical fiction and sci-fi. i also write fanfic, draw blorbos, and try my best to not cry while learning how to code python.
i am a security guard for my day job (don't ask), and studied graphic arts at a vocational center.
my links!
more about my WIPs/projects under the cut! this includes: novels, comics, fanfics, and video games. there is quite a few of them.
For color coding: purple is considered priority within the category; red is 'stuck' or 'back burner', i enjoy the idea but am not currently working on it; green is finished (rare); blue is pre-planning/plot bunny stage/not yet posted.
Unto Summer Kings | wip intro | arthurian legend, fantasy, historical (ish)
Arthur lives in a lull period between greater moments in history - the fall of the Roman Empire came before he was born and the future is yet unwritten...
The Vespertine | wip intro | fantasy
Aselhi is one orphan among many on the streets of Kestramore, eking out a living as a servant in a minor household. Unlike other orphans, they're one of the vespertine, an alien people who ate through the cosmic Weft separating Moia from the other realms and setting the Causeways alight....
Lodestar | wip intro | sci-fi, speculative fiction
When Lieve was young, they used to dream of visiting Earth. Now an adult, they know that is but a wish made by a foolish child. Now, they toil on the inner asteroid belt, alongside most of their peers...
Amid Wisteria | wip intro | fantasy
Having grown up on the isolated western coast of Aeros, Arêllan ve Povunra Aelisâm is only 29 years old when their mother, the Lady Matriarch Povunra, declares they will be adopted into the esteemed Llanaere family and live in the distant capital of Maêla...
Sanctuary | wip intro | fantasy
After becoming a war hero in New Ánasezan Movement, Lady Alessámira Nasánza Solsinat is a knight who has retired from fighting. Three years have passed since the old monarchy was overthrown, and Ánaseza has finally returned to something resembling contentment and peace. Unfortunately for Alessa, darkness still lurks underneath the veneer of this new nation...
These Absent Gods (title WIP) | fantasy
Malachi was built for war - all war demons are. But they certainly weren't built for cleaving to a pact, much less one written by an idiot and enforced by the blood of an innocent. But here's what that idiot doesn't know: the one who bleeds is the one who owns the pact. Albae is just unfortunate enough to be that sacrifice.
Cracked Prophecy (title WIP) | fantasy
It was an accident, honestly! Grand Duke Hektor was supposed to be unkillable by any man, and here's Corbin, ruining the prophecy in that final battle. Now he has the enraged chosen one, Nirsaa, on his tail, and as he is lifted to new heights within their society, he realizes something about himself that no one saw coming. (or did they?)
The Hanged Man | Naruto | SI/OC-insert as Hatake Sakumo
Waking up in the body of a man the day before he's supposed to die isn't the greatest thing. Especially when I know what's going to happen to his son.
The Ever-Growing Gloaming | Baldur's Gate 3 | SI/OC-insert
It all started when Vespere tripped inelegantly through the fabric between realities directly into an illithid's vessel as it split the Planes into Baldur's Gate. On one hand, they're lucky enough to survive the experience. On the other… they have a tadpole in their head, a dream visitor they don't trust, and have somehow ended up being the face of a party of absolute fucking weirdos. Oh, and what's worse, they don't even know how to get home from here. Joy.
hope is a weapon / hope is a skill | Star Wars | SI/OC-insert, outsider POV
With the addition of the small planet of Edhen to the Republic, Senator Bryn Laverne is a new player on the field. The Clone Wars have just begun, and no one is quite sure what to make of it. Except the new senator, of course.
the stars that listen | Star Wars | AU, crack-y
Tiring of the Order's treatment of his padawan, Obi-Wan takes Anakin back to Tattooine with every intention of freeing first Shmi, and then the planet as a whole. This snowballs into a desire to free the entire galaxy from slavery and other systemic woes. Obi-Wan just didn't anticipate all but stealing half the Jedi Order doing it.
Winter Wakes The Wolves | Game of Thrones | OC-insert (sorta), crack-y
They don't know how they ended up here, but each one of them knows what will happen at Harrenhal. They're desperate to change the timeline, and clearly the best way to do that... is to bring an industrial revolution to the North. (Four random people get inserted into the bodies of Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna, and Benjen Stark a month before Eddard goes to foster at the Eyrie.) Inspired by Red Pill, Blue Pill (Falling Into Wonderland) by writing_as_tracey
Trickling | MCU/Thor | time-travel, genderbending
Loki dies on the Statesman and awakes in their childhood bedroom on Asgard, centuries before the Avengers would be born. Alas, this timeline is one step to the left, and they're left in the body of a little girl - not a little boy. Inspired by the Song of the Yggdrasill by Valerie_Vancollie.
(more TBD)
You don't know how you ended up here, but you do know that wherever this is, it isn't Earth. You suppose you're lucky you haven't died of some sort of alien disease or exploded into hives from an allergic reaction. But now you have a new cellmate, and they seem hellbent on teaching you a language you've no context for...
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boltslutters · 6 months
and hmmmm can i have more detail on the mins and meds? whatever you'd like to share.
Mins/Meds are a cyborg/machine species created as something of a "last defense" to a massive Dyson Sphere structure. They live on its surface, which has been covered in earth to protect from asteroid strikes, and is orbited by like, three stars.
Mins are the majority between the two, they're like bees and Meds are the queen bees.
So I've mentioned that when a Min's head splits open, it heals and they gain some sort of weird magical ability. This is because they're not fully machine. Their "brains" are made out of a fungi and they have a circulatory system of a fuel-like substance I call blood. The existence of the fungi attract a soul-crystal thing that naturally starts to form and build up inside of them. When the head unit is broken open, the soul crystals rapid cover up the wound, and start fracturing into the "bloodstream", where they become infused into the blood and start causing the magical effects when damaged. Usually, the composition is affected by individual Mins personality, leading to different abilities I conveniently make similar to an individual's personalities.
There's actually a lot of diseases, industries, and additives related to Mins and their blood because they can't make it naturally, they must harvest it from the environment. Most animals and some plants on the planet also rely on some form of blood as like, regular blood, so Mins have their own forms of agriculture to make and harvest blood. I've got some details on this, namely a couple diseases and additives. The fact that their brains are organic and not mechanical mean they're also subject to being impaired by contaminants and sometimes they do it on purpose as they're also driven by emotion like us.
In general Mins don't have any kind of romantic or sexual attraction because they build their own descendants and there is no need for that kind of stuff. They are still a super social species and have their own social customs. For instance, pronouns. While most Mins use he/him as an individual, non-gendered pronoun (this only applies to Mins don't get it twisted with reality), Meds use a formal version of this where you add an s in front of every word (She/Shim/Shis) (It's also okay to use the feminine (She/hers) for Meds if you can't remember this version). These pronouns are more status than they are gender; any Min who does similar work (doctors/mechanics, building your own descendants, or taking up a leadership/political role) usually end up switching pronouns to the formal ones.
Mins are given a serial number when they're built: Their Med's name (usually some type of star) and whatever number came next in their production or a unique code. However, a lot of Mins get nicknames based on what they do (This could be something like 'Blacksmith' or 'Herder'), a notable trait, usually with gunslingers or other performing roles ('Steel Footing' for standing on the back of a horse or 'Ringa Styx' for leaving a 'ring of six' bullets in an opponents head and I could Not pass up the reference to the river of the dead even if they probably wouldn't have something like the Styx) or their crystal given ability as it's similar to their personailty (Something like 'Sticky Shot').
As a final note: Mins aren't invulnerable from weather like most machines. Much in the way that you put a tarp on your car to protect it from weather, Mins usually wear some form of clothing as protection/cultural significance/it just looks cool man leave me alone/etc. It is ungendered (because they dont have gender) and mostly dependent on again, status and occupation.
Most of the time, Mins and Meds live in small, closed societies where Meds don't make more Mins than they need to. These Mins are usually very carefully made, designed to last a really long time, and are made for specific purposes.
Then there's the ones made quickly in emergency situations, such as war (you'd think being able to control and carefully manage your own population and with miles of 90% desert meant that you shouldn't experience war but it really does take one bad egg to ruin a batch), natural disaster, etc etc. They usually don't live very long and are often pretty numerous. A lot of the time when it happens, Meds and their little in-group of specially made Mins (usually called U-mins), usually try to ignore their other Mins (L-Mins) and hope they just die out on their own. But surprise, Meds aren't exclusively capable of repairing and making Mins. The L-Mins started forming their own societies where they made and repair other L-Mins, meaning that they're persisting longer than the Meds and U-Mins wanted them to. L-mins are usually self-governed in little towns and cities and often get into fights with other groups of L-Mins more often as L-Mins are more subject to scarcity than their U-Min counterparts. The Ouruls don't help either.
Ouruls are like demons, but kind of on steroids. They can be summoned from their inverted world dimension and made to do a Min's bidding. Ouruls can't die. They heal and grow into trees, and rot and decay into animals in an infinite cycle. They do split apart, fuse, and loose memories, so they're not constant. Ouruls might have special, magical abilities, but not always. Most of the time, Ouruls are used by L-Mins as they are the ones who need the (free) help the most, and there are dedicated groups for interpreting and using the texts that allow them to summon Ouruls (created by Malxivos). They're pretty organized as far as L-Min groups go; they don't like non-Ouranists (Mins part of Ourul groups) using the Ouruls and they don't allow anyone to use it for personal or financial gain (Ouranists actually get into a lot of scuffles with gunslingers; a lot of gunslingers use Ouruls to get an edge in gunfights and the Ouranists don't like that).
The Min's planet is absolutely MASSIVE. It's a freaking Dyson sphere that's like, at minimum the size of Mercury's orbit, maybe bigger. There's massive bands of different biomes, and most Mins think the world is flat because of how freaking big it is. Circumnavigating the globe is damn near impossible. The planet also lacks in certain natural resources, like oil, leading to a slower development of technology, leaving them in a steampunk-esc state of technology.
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tiderideraa · 11 months
the way i am so eyes emoji @ the dis galaxy / auradon being a planet and the isle being an asteroid prison. can you tell the public (it's me, i'm the public ;P) some more about this verse?
oh, yes! it's my marvel / dc verse thing. a lot of it's the same concept as d/esc canon except on a larger scale. auradon is a planet with an extremely unique and complex ecosystem of beings similar to earth populace / earth mythos / folklore. rumors circle that many auradon travellers settled on earth at some stage but there's no physiological or scientific evidence to back it up.
many of the " magical " beings and creatures native to auradon cannot survive off - planet, those that can lose their connection to their " magic " unless they are particularly powerful ( auradon does have issues with intergalatic poachers / trafficking and crack down harshly on those found committing such crimes ). the origin of their magic is closely intertwined with the natural magnetic fields, energies, etc of the planet and so going too far essentially cuts them off while beings made entirely of magical energies will cease to exist entirely once they go off - planet. hence why the former rulers imprisoned their criminals on an asteroid just outside the gravitational field of the planet.
some hybrid beings can draw on energies of their own physical bodies when off - planet but their abilities are nowhere near as powerful as they would be on auradon. this is why many magical beings and creatures just doen't leave auradon, they'll die, they have no reason to or they would be significantly weaker because of it.
timeline of events follow typical d/esc canon. ben is crowned, 4 isle prisoners are allowed entry to auradon, maleficent escapes and is defeated yada yada. king gets kidnapped during a visit to the isle, escapes, action is made to improve the living situation on the isle, some isle prisoners escape, auradon is saved, etc etc. things change post - d3, the blip cuts the populations of both auradon and the isle in half, gives ben the opportunity to allow second/third gen isle borns / raised to relocate to auradon, another couple years pass and then everyone is brought back leading to mass destabilization and revived anti - isle sentiment.
the isle gains their independence, the majority of their income comes from intergalactic business / trade / and mining of valuable minerals found only in the atmosphere around auradon ( negotiations were made between isle representatives / auradon to gain " ownership " of these particular minerals ). as the majority of the isle populace are either non - magical or are so used to being without magic that intergalactic travel is pretty easy to adapt to, most intergalactic involvement from the dis region is with isleites ( isle born/raised/imprisoned ), unless travellers are visiting auradon specifically.
auradon itself has a thriving intergalactic tourism industry marketed as being clean, pure, and, magical. this industry has been around for decades before beast became high king, it's only in the last 30-40 years that auradon has seated a high king and ben has only been high king for 7ish years but there's been a massive move to become more involved galactically. similarly, there's lots of export of auradon goods galactically ( though disclaimers are made of magical products not having the same effect off - planet ). it's also insanely difficult to get citizenship or live on auradon if you're not either auradonian or an islelite. visiting's fine, wanting to stay? lmao, not in your lifetime.
harry is a space pirate, leading a bunch of other space pirates. think treasure planet style space ships / travel and the isle is kinda like omega from mass effect. uma is pirate king of the isle, but they do have a stand in for when she wants to go out and be a menace to society.
there's probably more but this is all i can think of right now
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savrenim · 2 years
okay so the writing prompts You have been sentenced to death in a magical court. The court allows all prisoners to pick how they die and they will carry it out immediately. You have it all figured out until the prisoner before you picks old age and is instantly transformed into a dying old man. Your turn approaches. and subsequent story reply passed my dash again and my problem is I have some Real Answers that are living rent-free in my head but I did not want to write several hundred words in tags of clog up the post so guess I’m doing the tumblr thing of ‘make your own post’
but here we go, answers to this question that my brain has thought up and their rankings:
1. ‘Immolated standing right here right now in this timeline and universe by a 12km planet-killer class asteroid traveling at 30km/s as it vaporizes upon contact with the planet, alongside everything else in a ~200km impact crater’  : 3.5/10
So this one gets points for being the classic ‘Taking You Down With Me Syndrome’ in as far as I can come up with in a minute with my fictional life on the line. Also points for: as unavoidable as I think possible to come up? I have specified here and now, so they can’t teleport me to a different planet or time, or similarly to a different multiverse, which really makes no easy escape for anyone else around me. Furthermore, the specification of being a part of the impact crater makes it less likely that it’ll just happen to me in a magical bubble that is killed without it affecting everyone around me; even if it transports everyone else outside of the crater and just kills me in the impact, enough of the planet’s crust will be ejected into the atmosphere from the ‘crater’ part of the request to heat it up upon friction of re-entry enough to bake everything on the planet’s surface, not to mention the superheated rock around that is basically acting like a nuke causing thermal radiation to destroy everything within 1000km, massive shockwave winds, a magnitude 11 earthquake, etc. Explosions like that happen so fast that 1000% this just flat-out Would Not Hurt, I’d be dead before I realized I was dead. All in all, nice generally spiteful way to go, fun wording to deliver, satisfying thing to stare someone in the eyes at their growing horror and describe.
Points taken away for the facts that (a) I do still die, (b) it is possible that the reason that other people have not done this or something like this already is because it’s built into the death curse that it won’t kill other people for you too and I did not word this carefully enough to allow for killing everyone else in the aftermath in which case I’ve just wasted the wish, (c.) this does kill the entire planet and end possible almost every living species and probably every intelligent living species in I’m guessing the known universe unless there are stuff like fae realms that might be safe but destruction on that scale is kind of petty and I’m not totally sure I would want to do it, I do kind of like humanity and all that jazz. seems like a bit of a waste to take everyone down with me in my grand revenge, unfortunately, I’m too flashy to ask for an asteroid just big enough to take out the village, if I’m going to go down it’s going to be in planet-destroying style.
specs for this description are taken from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs on Earth, which has the advantage that depending on what angle the thing actually hits at, potentially leaving the planet habitable in a couple of hundred thousand years again.
2. ‘By our sun going supernova (at the end of its lifespan)’ : 2.5-6.5/10
So this one gets potentially slightly more points than 1. because it’s just....... interesting. in that there are a lot of options and any of the options are really cool? but also less points bc there are so many options that are SO much more unpleasant. (and yes this is somewhat inspired by Dr Who that was a fucking Iconic episode, moisturize me). but so far as I see it, there are four ways this can go:
(a) The sun just magically goes supernova right now, guess it’s the end of its lifespan because a death curse said so. Takes about eight minutes to hit us, everyone gets killed just like the planet-killing asteroid but tbh in a 10000x cooler manner, all of the advantages and disadvantages of 1 working.
(b) I get teleported into the future to watch the sun go supernova, die very quickly because the sun kills me not the vacuum of space or atmosphere being unbreathable again etc etc, but mostly this begets the question of: assuming that the fantasy planet that I’m on is fairly similar to our own, we are around a G-type main sequence star! Those things don’t go supernova! they don’t have enough mass! which means that I get to watch as a magical death curse attempts to somehow figure out how to make the entire fucking sun go supernova at the end of its lifetime think about what cool science that is!!!!!!! I might die but think of how much data future astromagiphysicists are going to get from this!!!!!
(c.) The Magical Death Curse Does Not Have Enough Energy To Make The Sun Go Supernova And Fizzles Out In Trying, which while it sounds good actually is pretty boring bc they’re likely to just, like, stab me with their swords if it happens. rip me.
(d) answer (b), but instead of teleporting me to the future, I am made immortal until the sun reaches the end of its lifespan and proceeds to go supernova which means that I (6.5) get functional immortality for at least a couple of billion years which is more than long enough to do some interesting shit and probably get tired of being alive and then die in the coolest fireworks display the planet will ever see. points taken away tho (2.5) for not specifying that, like, if I’m surviving until then it’s in a fine preserved manner rather than a fate-worse-than-death manner (rotting like a zombie, frozen in time unable to move but watching everything happen around me, etc).
general points for no matter what happens it’ll be REALLY FUCKING COOL to watch, general points taken away for the lack of control and real range of how shitty the possible outcome might be and that I still die in every scenario here no matter what.
3. ‘In a lich-creation ceremony that turns me into an undead immortal lich’ 6.8-8.2/10
Nice, simple, to the point. Points for: surviving the encounter, it being very difficult for the magic to misinterpret it. Points range for: depending on the rules governing liches in this magical world, it might not actually be that fun to be a lich. Points taken away for: if liches are an established element of this world, they probably know how to kill them, so I’m not out of hot water yet. And also there might be elements of lichhood that are not a completely optimal existence that obviously I would experiment to improve over the course of my new immortality but who knows how easy that would be to do.
4. ‘In a super-special custom lich-creation ceremony powered by my soul and my death that will create a whirlpool of necrotic energy gathering up the life force and magic of everything in its path to power the creation of an indestructible magical object that houses a magical projection of my consciousness that contains continuity of consciousness, memory, personality, the ability to grow and change, allows it to project itself outside of its container as a simulacrum to affect the world, and the ability to gather magic around itself and use said magic, that can sustain itself through any form of energy manipulation either with respect to mundane or magical thermodynamics-slash-entropy-theory, and--’ 10/10
This is the supervillain origin story shit that I’m talking about. Survive the encounter? check. Using a word that the magic recognizes so you have a base for what you’re turned into but customizing for what you actually want? check. Revenge on everyone? check. Easy ability to murder everyone who knows what happened so that it’s that much harder to hunt you down and kill you? check. Avoiding the potential of there being a built-in rule about no directly stating that your death will kill other people here too? check, I never state the whirlpool of magic kills everyone I just make it I can use it to kill them after and tie up all the loose ends to further my own power growth immediately. Ability to watch the sun go supernova? also check; I’m an immortal magical lich now babey I 1000% will use the several billion years that I have to develop our planet’s magical spaceprogram, colonize some other exoplanets, set up a galactic civilization, and then when our sun is dying yeet it into another star so that I get to enjoy the cool fireworks show.
5. ‘By giving up my mortal form and ascending to godhood, bitches’ 115/10
I’m torn bc on the one hand 3-4 are basically just doing this in a more and more specific manner, but on the other hand, oh my god the STYLE, the SNAPPINESS, -100pts for being So Much More Likely To Kill Me but +216 for Okay But Imagine If If It Doesn’t It’s Way Less Stupidly Nerdy Than Very Carefully Describing My Brand New Phylactery As I Try To Come Up With All Of My Ideal Circumstances Of Lichhood
like. I’d probably go for 4. bc I’m careful and want to survive this thing. but I think in my supervillain origin story I will tell everyone that I said 5. better to not give away my weaknesses that way too.
6. ‘By teleporting me 1ft to the left in a completely standard teleportation, retroactively establishing that teleportation in this setting does not in fact move you but actually kills you via disassembling your atoms and creates a perfect copy of you with continuity of consciousness where you ‘appear’’ 7.5/10
Points for: I basically survive the at least implementation of the spell, and I enact abso-fucking-lutely hilarious revenge on everyone but especially all the wizards who have ever teleported by establishing the Existential Beam Me Up Crisis as canon, and probably cause immense socioeconomic damage as suddenly teleportation can no longer be used for people as a quick means of transportation and there are probably a lot of stuffy rich people who will no longer want it used on their goods. Points off for: I am 1 ft to the left and there are soldiers with swords here, while I will get to see the looks on everyone’s faces as this sinks in I will probably still be stabbed and die.
7. ‘By teleporting me to an unknown untrackable safe friendly location outside of the country in a completely standard teleportation, retroactively establishing that teleportation in this setting does not in fact move you but actually kills you via disassembling your atoms and creates a perfect copy of you with continuity of consciousness where you ‘appear’’ 9.5/10
Points for doing everything 6 does while actually saving my life. Points off for not getting to see their faces. Also points off for not giving me free immortal lichhood from it, but not too many points off as I am now free to research and do a lichhood ceremony myself without worrying about a death curse misinterpreting what I want.
bonus: my mutual-slash-housemate’s answer: ‘in the same time, place, and manner that you do’ 6.3/10
sorry it’s good and snappy and points for: combination of either revenge or actually surviving the thing at least for a while, and sheer delivery impact, but points off for not turning a death curse into immortality, zero destruction of planets or stars involved, zero rewriting of the rules of magic, possible body count for your revenge is only one other person, forces you to encounter this person again and die with them which really is something quite intimate for a random imperial sorcerer that you ought to hate the guts of, potentially traps you into an enemy-to-lovers fanfic in which rip now this sorcerer insists on keeping you alive so that they can achieve immortality but that might just be unpleasant locking you in a pocket dimension and not fun tragic star-crossed lovers narrative that you deserve out of it but will lock you in tragic star-crossed lovers narrative otherwise, gives you zero control over time, place, and painfulness of death, and all in all not nearly as flashy or evil as it could have been. and did I mention no immortal lichhood. like come on, if you’re not getting immortal lichhood out of this what are you even doing it for.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Not!propaganda for Vast Round 2 (except a few I want to address in separate posts):
SCP-3000/Anantashesha (SCP Foundation): SCP-3000 is a massive, aquatic, serpentine entity strongly resembling a giant moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus). The full length of SCP-3000 is impossible to determine, but is hypothesized to be between 600 and 900 kilometers. The head of SCP-3000 measures roughly 2.5m in diameter, and sections of the body proper are as large as 10m in diameter. SCP-3000 is carnivorous, and despite its sedentary nature is capable of moving quickly to dispatch prey. SCP-3000 is a Class VIII cognitohazardous entity; direct observation of SCP-3000 may cause severe mental alterations in viewers. Individuals who directly observe SCP-3000, as well as any individuals within an uncertain distance of SCP-3000, experience inexplicable head pain, paranoia, general fear and panic, and memory loss or alteration. It's implied that looking at the eel makes one realize how insignificant their life is, and that they will return to inert matter and be forgotten in the span of the eternity, in which the eel will continue to live on forever. While it will readily snap up the humans offered to it, it does not digest them. Scans indicate that its insides are full of intact human bodies. Given what it does to peoples' minds, it is entirely possible every human it's eaten are trapped in some And I Must Scream phenomenon, still aware but otherwise with their minds destroyed entirely.
SCP 2669/Khevtuul 1 (SCP Foundation): SCP-2669 is a spacefaring probe created by the Foundation containing the mind of one of their researchers for the purpose of finding alien life. After traveling thousands of light-years away from Earth with no communication back or success in finding life, she eventually went mad and decided to go back to get her body. At 5.3 times the speed of light. Turns out being alone in space and finding nothing but dead, lifeless rocks isn't good for one's sanity.
Bubby (HLVRAI): He’s terrified of heights and open spaces but goes to space at the soonest available opportunity, citing it as a lifelong dream. However, here’s not actually any space to go to; presumably he hits a wall of stars and clips into infinite void. Despite this, when he returns safe and sound he wants to go back within minutes. He goes back to “space” by JUST GOING UP; no jump, no rocket, just UP.
Erodius (Kid Cosmic): A mysterious and indescribably gigantic alien entity that created the cosmic stones of power by destroying the homeworlds of aliens whose natural abilities match the powers bestowed by each stone. Once a sentient planet that healed people with its restorative crystals, it was destroyed by an asteroid, but its consciousness lingered and set out to reform itself; unfortunately, this meant ripping apart anything in its path in search of its last remaining piece. It consumes planets by generating a powerful gravity well around itself that rips them to pieces as it passes close by. This field also makes it difficult to approach as it disrupts any attempt at a controlled descent to the surface, making it unlikely to survive the resulting crash. It destroyed at least five planets to create the cosmic stones and the first season finale reveals there are thirteen stones in total implying his number is much higher than what's been seen and may be increasing with his return. As befitting an entity known as "The Planet Killer", Erodius is feared by all who know of it.
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bloodlessbhaalbabe · 10 months
Raemis Emberheart
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OC's as obscure references
I got tagged by @tatterings to talk about Raemis Emberheart.
He has twin sister, but he's older by 5 minutes.
ANIMAL: Anything larger than him. Big cats, bears, moose, etc.
COLORS: Periwinkle and River Moss Green
SONGS: Spiracle by Flower Face
PLANTS: The Watchful Tree - Birches or Aspens
SMELLS: The smell of the earth after it rains and the sun is shining.
TIME OF DAY: Sunset, specifically when the sky looks like a watercolor painting of purples and reds and blues.
SEASON: Summer.
PLACES: The cliffs that overlook the forest of his home. Most of his strength in his hands and body came from climbing up and down rocky crevices to get high enough to sit and watch the wind go through the trees while the clouds passed overhead.
FOOD: Loves something rich, fatty, and salty. Like a good Pho.
DRINKS: If energy drinks existed in this world, he'd absolutely crush one of those 300mg energy drinks.
He's a spearmint tea drinker with a hint of vanilla added to it. Refreshing both cold and warm.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Libra (Very much so)
SEASONINGS: Loves garlic (sorry Astarion), or any seasoning that is spicy. He likes a good kick.
SKY: At sunset like a watercolor painting of purples and reds and blues or the sky JUST after a heavy rainstorm with fluffy clouds.
WEATHER: He loves a hot day. He could spend the whole day by the water eating, drinking, playing, sweaty fucking.
WEAPONS: He's quite gifted with his hands (He's a lover, not a fighter, except that he is a monk and fights a lot). But he uses anything available. Once knocked someone out with a massive salami and that's not an innuendo.
SOCIAL MEDIA: If it existed he'd likely be on Instagram the most posting about all of his adventures and not-so-subtle thirst traps.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: Chapstick (priority) and a little bit of a smoky eye, he loves his fingernails painted, but since he uses his hands so much it's usually chipped.
CANDY: Rich, dark chocolate with caramel and a bit of sea salt.
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: He loves a good jaunt through the woods and making his own paths, but wouldn't mind reaching his destination a little faster and not getting lost.
ART STYLE: Art Nouveau (just like Rylmyr)
FEAR: Letting people down and being a disappointment.
PIECE OF STATIONARY: A very expensive, hand crafted feather quill.
CELESTIAL BODY: An Asteroid Belt
Tagging @sunserenade and @tavdraws for their OCs if they have one they would like to share!!
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taaza-khabar · 24 days
NASA is cautioning about three massive asteroids on a collision course with Earth today
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) reports that these space rocks are set to make their closest passes on September 1. Asteroid coming towards Earth (Representative Image – Canva) On September 1, sky enthusiasts and astronomers will have their gaze fixed on an exciting celestial event. Three sizable asteroids are expected to zip past Earth at impressive speeds. According to NASA’s Jet…
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