#may still use a few of ‘em but eh
howlingday · 2 months
Beast AU.
Ironwood, Ozpin, glynda, and winter in a meeting room discussing rumors of an underground fight club. And rumors of a strange faunus in the arena.
"Thank you again for having us, Professor Ozpin." Winter gave a half-bow to the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. "We will return in a few months with any new information regarding the Vytal Festival."
"Please do." The white-haired gentleman smiled with a nod. "If I may, though, I do have a few questions pertaining to... other matters."
"Other matters such as what?" General Ironwood asked, quirking his non-plated brow.
"Nothing sinister, I should hope." Ozpin waved his hand. "Just a simple... rumor, if you would. Regarding something happening within the Kingdom of Atlas."
"Something like what, Oz?" James gave a huff, already tired of his old friend's bad habit of not being as straight as possible.
"Something like an underground fight ring in Mantle."
"There's no rumor, Oz." The general shook his head. "If anything, it's old news. It was an illegal gambling ring for disgraced huntsmen and drunkards alike."
"Yeah, but there's more to it than that." The group turned to see Qrow Branwen, personal huntsman of Ozpin himself, walking in with a bit of a stumble in his steps.
"Speaking of disgraced drunkards." Winter said under her breath.
"Not disgraced yet, Ice Queen." Qrow smirked. "And definitely not as bad as those guys forcing people to fight for their lives."
"But you're still a drunk." Winter lifted a tissue to her face, looking ill just from speaking to him.
"Eh..." Qrow shrugged. "Can't win 'em all." He opened his flask and lifted it to his lips. "Well, 'cept for that one kid who got away."
"What kid?" Professor Goodwitch asked. Her eyes narrowed on the two from Atlas and Qrow with significant heat in her glare. Glynda was a strict teacher, but what really got under her skin were issues involving children. Hearing 'kid' piqued her interest in this story, if only so she could either help the child or harm the ones who thought it a good idea to bring children into this mess. "James?"
The Headmaster General sighed. "During our investigation, we found one of the... competitors," he emphasized the word as if it were only a loose definition, a slang term, "was a young male with animal traits. Before we could bring him in for questioning, he escaped through a secret entrance we didn't anticipate."
"And you didn't hear him wrong, either. Traitsss." Qrow hissed the letter for further emphasis. "As in more than one. Long bunny ears, bwoop~!" Qrow lifted his hands up over his head, careful not to spill his flask. "Funny bunny fur." He looked at his arms as if the arm hair multiplied like, well, like rabbits. "And a fluffy bunny tail." He turned to shake his rear but was held in place by Glynda.
"How old?" She asked. The room was quiet. Her weapon snapped, shaking the room itself. Her voice came out cold. "I will not ask again."
"It's..." Winter cleared her throat. "It's difficult to give an exact age, but the subject-"
"The child." Glynda corrected.
"The child is old enough to be a Huntsman Beginner School student, if not a graduate."
There was shouting coming from inside the diner. A young man, no older than twenty, trudged out with a heavy bag of garbage. Tossing it into the dumpster, he clapped his hands together before blowing into them. He cursed something about how cold it was outside before returning in.
A short time later, something crawled to the dumpster from the shadows, keeping low to the ground. Lifting the lid to the garbage container, he carefully slid into the foul-smelling receptacle. It was disgusting, and cold, and dark, but it was out of the wind. And with his nose, Jaune could smell what food he could still eat.
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I have the start of a Hazbin fanfic. It's not a reader, one, it's Huskerdust cuz they've had me in a chokehold lately. Here's a little snippet of it.
Knock knock.
Angel knows Lucifer is the king of Hell and all, but could he atleast answer the door? He decided to just wait outside. Recently, Angel has decided to give himself a little task: freeing Husk. The spider and the cat had become very good friends over the past few months, and while Angel was still trying to decipher his real feelings from the ones he thinks are real, Husk and Angel trust eachother. It shouldn't have been a surprise when Husk finally talked about his contract with Alastor. What Angel wasn't expecting was Husk beginning to break down.
Angel didn't see Husk cry, no, Husk locked himself in his room before that, but Angel could tell. He'd been through enough of them to know the signs. That night, Angel decided help Husk out. As a friend, of course. Angel was sure Husk would do the same thing for him if he had the chance. It's just what friends do.
Angel knocked on the door again, and this time actually heard something. Granted that something was the very clear sound of someone yelping and falling out of a chair onto, Angel thought it sounded like rubber ducks but that couldn't be right. Angel stood up straight as who he could only assume was the big man himself scrambled for the door.
"Shit shit shit. Heeeyyyyyy, how's it going, um, Angel right?"
"Right. I'm fine, but I need some help with some-"
"Say no more!"
After Lucifer interrupted Angel, he kicked a rubber ducky that had fallen out of his pocket back into the room before slamming the door.
"So, what is it you need?"
"Well, I was wondering if you could help me with a...project."
"What kind of project?"
"Well, I don't want to talk about it out here. I don't know if he's listening."
"Y'know, the guy you hate."
"The hotelier."
"OH! Yeah, come on in then."
Angel walked into the room after Lucifer opened the door again. Maybe that comment about the sound not being a rubber duck was wrong, as there were hundreds strewn across the room. Lucifer lead Angel over to a desk, where the two demons sat down.
"Right, so what is it you needed?"
"I want to get Husk out of his contract with Alastor. I know I should probably focus on getting mine gone first, but Husk..."
"Ahhh, I see I see. Contracts are usually easier to mess with when you don't have one yourself, so we should probably get you freed first, and then focus on your boyfriend."
"Woah, Husk is not my boyfriend."
"Really? Huh, guess my intuition's a bit rusty, eh? Anyways, I want you to know now that this will be very difficult, and in the end, you both may not even end up truly free. I can try to work my magic, but there's no guarantee. I'm not even sure if I could remove the contract."
"I know, but I have ta try. For Husk."
"Alright. To start off with, I'm going to need your contract. Do you know where your boss keeps it?"
"In his room. I think, anyways. Asshole usually keeps em in his office but I'm his 'special toy.' Problem is that I can't exactly get in there without getting fucked in both senses of the word."
"Yikes. Maybe I could... interrupt?"
"Didn't know you were into that stuff."
"Noooo nononono no. I meant I could come to the tower and request an immediate meeting while you two are...you know, he'll need to leave to see me. I am the king of Hell, after all."
"How would ya even know when to show up?"
"Here, take this."
Lucifer grabbed a bracelet from his desk and handed it over to Angel. A collection of pretty beads with a little duck charm in the middle, all cool to the touch, adorned a black cord.
"A... bracelet?"
"The little ducky charm in the middle will let me know if you tap it. Honestly, probably the most useful duck I've made."
"So I get Val in bed, tap the duck, you distract him, and I get the stuff. Then what?"
"Problem with that is Val would murder me if I ran."
"...Not if he can't."
"Well, if we can get you back to the hotel quick enough and get your contract taken care of, we may be able to stop him. He wouldn't want to stand up to the king and princess of Hell, after all."
"Yeah, he wouldn't. Damn this might actually work."
"Let me know when you're ready, Angel. I'll be there to bail you out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my other projects."
That's all I have for right now wich kinda sucks cuz I wanna show off more, but hey, I'll make sure to post updates when I get the first part finished!
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Hello! Just followed a couple of days before and i love your writings. May i request a Eden from honkai reader in twisted wonderland. For example : She can sing and play instruments and she likes to drink wine? It feels wrong to put them with 2nd and 1st years so some 3rd years like Leona, idia, cater and Vil. If you do take up this request. Thank you!
but of course, friendo! Trey is an Eden main so Trey will def be doing this one-
GOᒪᗪEᑎ ᗪIᐯᗩ
"𝕸𝖞 𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖞 𝖊𝖗𝖆. 𝕸𝖆𝖞 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗."
Female!Eden!Reader. (She / Her pronouns used.)
Tumblr media
ꪶꫀꪮꪀꪖ ᛕ꠸ꪀᧁᦓᥴꫝꪮꪶꪖ᥅
So the herbivore can play instruments, eh? and she drinks wine... instresting, I guess.
He doesn't care much, but he does like it when you play your instruments for him, they help him fall asleep faster because of the soothing melodies you produce for him, and he also tends to enjoy it when you two join together for a drink, (because Leona is of legal drinking age...) and he finds it funny when you're drunk, just so casually letting people take things from you, no matter how expensive they are, you simply give them away as if they were worth nothing to you, not asking for anything in return. There was a time Ruggie took one of your expensive necklaces while you were drunk, Leona tried to stop him, but you just laughed it off and said; "Take it, dear Ruggie! I'm sure it will look wonderful on you!"
Ruggie still has the necklace...
Cater Diamond
Oh em gee! you can play instruments? Slay! oh- and you can drink? How old are you exactly??
He loves listening to you play your instruments, and he sometimes requests covers of his favorite songs, and you always enjoy accepting them and playing them, and singing. The new, modern songs are always fun to play, in your opinion.
He has witnessed you drunk plently of times before, and he still doesn't understand why, even when you're drunk, you're still so kind. You give away treasures of yours for completely free, and even after you're no longer drunk, you still laugh it off and just continue to let the person keep what you gave them. You always tell Cater; "I like it that way! A gift is a gift, Cay-san."
𝓥𝓲𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓽
Your entire existance thrives with your beauty and elegance, your makeup is always on point, your outfits are elegant and exquisite, and your skill in music is astonishing.
He loves to listen to you play your instruments, he wants to dance to your music so badly...
He has witnessed you drunk so many times, he's tried to cut you off from the wine, but you always end up finding more... there was once a time Epel had tried to take something of yours, he tried to stop him, but you pat his shoulder (while drunk) and said "Come now, Vi-san, don't get so angry..." (while drunk) then you turned to Epel and smiled, "Whatever you tried to take, dear, you can have! I no longer have a use for it." (While still drunk) and went back to drinking your wine like nothing happened, while Vil followed, giving Epel a; "You're lucky..." stare.
𝕀𝕕𝕚𝕒 𝕊𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕕
He likes listening to you play your instruments, you do covers of songs from the soundtracks of his favorite games or animes, and he loves to hear them. You're quite the drunkard though, everytime he sees you on campus whenever he attends, you're drinking wine out of that fancy goblet of yours, and most likely drunk, because a few minutes later he sees some other students carrying you to the nurse's office because you passed out from how much you've drank... are your internal organs okay? he surely doubts they are...
There are also times you give him expensive looking stuff when you're drunk. There was a time you had bought him some anime figurines while drunk, I mean, he's thankful... but you really didn't have to...
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dyrewrites · 7 months
Before Deluca -- a little dance, as a treat
In fact, everyone was there.
But while it elicited more quiet growls from Lucient, the sight of the room we entered delighted me. As did the chandelier lighting everything in colors I did not know artificial light could create. They danced, those lights, and in spite of so many eyes latching onto us as our boots clicked across the hard floors...far more were focused on one another, on hands and feet whirling about the room.
“They’re dancing,” I whispered and the giddy tone of my voice teased Lucient’s eyes up to mine, and I scoffed at them, “What, I like dancing.”
“Do you now,” he cooed, all his irritation melting to something too close to lust for so public a venue—granted, a glance around to those not dancing told me otherwise. Pulling away from me, he bowed, extending a hand and announced—just loud enough to be heard by everyone, “eh bien, monsieur le taureau, may I have this dance?”
“Sì, è possibile, signore gattino,” I answered, bowing in return and accepting his hand.
The question of why use our native tongues to ask if ‘mister bull’ and ‘mister kitty’ wanted to dance was asked, eventually. But neither of us had a reason beyond the flourish of it. Those watching certainly appreciated it, however, as did many others who hadn’t been but began to after.
And what are we dancing, sogno mio? I asked as we walked to the center of the dance floor, where many were gathered—though they allowed us room.
You’re the one that likes to dance, treasure, He winked beneath his mask and laughed when I released his hand and backed away, taking a position better left to bull-fighters than bulls.
“Give ‘em something jaunty, Lop!” A woman in an owl mask shouted, and the conductor—in a rabbit mask—nodded before signaling the band to switch from the dreary tune they had been playing to something jaunty.
I was unaccustomed to full bands as well and it took a moment of obvious staring before Lucient cleared his throat, causing a small wave of giggling through our ‘audience’.
Sighing, I turned back at him, gawking instead at the lithe curve of his pose too far away from my hands, well, my dream, it appears we’re to be the entertainment.
He bowed again before approaching, aren’t we always?
Strings chose our dance for us, though I doubt any in the room expected us to actually perform it—despite the debauchery occurring in the corners, most did not expect such an overt display on the dance floor.
I took his hand and he took mine and we stepped lively little steps side-by-side to the beat of hand drums. Midway across the dance floor, the flute began the melody and I lifted him, turning with him held tight to my chest—his legs swinging—to the sounds of gasps and excited murmurs before returning his feet to the floor only to lift and turn him again in the other direction.
We pranced to the other side of the space cleared for us after another two lifts and turns, bowing to the sounds of all those giggles before doing it again back the other way; prance, lift, turn, prance, and bow. However, we earned a few extra gasps as we switched places on that second go. He lifted me—which was a decidedly more impressive feat to anyone unaware of his strength.
It took a great deal longer than one might expect, the back and forth, for jaunty as the music sang it was still quite slow and we did need to keep to its rhythm.
But on the third go, I earned a gasp from Lucient as well as the crowd, by catching him in my other arm when I lifted him. And, cradling him close while he laughed, I twirled once around, did a simple left-right step and danced back to the entry before bowing to the crowd—his arms tight around my neck.
We exited to the sounds of raucous laughter and a few drunken cheers.
They will be far too busy talking about that to look for you now, I told him, after hiding us behind an especially pale statue that stood far too tall for how naked it was.
Still in my arms, Lucient slipped his mask up and pulled close enough to lift mine before kissing me. Soft that kiss, soft, sweet and painfully quick as footsteps forced our masks back down.
They were stuttered and mixed with slurred giggling.
“Did you see them,” a woman was telling another, “so pretty, and that dance, you think, you think,” she hiccupped and I shuffled to avoid them as they wobbled around the statue, “we could do that?”
“The dance,” the other woman asked, “or the pretty, because you’re already pretty, so pretty.”
Adorable, Lucient’s thoughts all but swooned, young, drunken love...we may want to find another place to hide, treasure, this tends to lead to corsets on the floor.
He was proven right in mere seconds as the second woman’s lips latched to the first while drink-softened fingers attempted to remove the many layers of their gowns.
Swallowing my laughter, I ran with Lucient in my arms back to the room he had so ached to enter. When he noticed, he shook his head, he won’t be in there now, but if you’re willing...I saw one of the others sneak off during our performance.
“Or we could follow suit,” I nodded toward the corridor behind us, the statue beyond, which sang then with the moans of drunken love.
“Later,” he promised, hand teasing my mask, “my warm...perfect treasure.”
Those damnable eyes, shining in the dark holes of that too-innocent mask, eyes he knew I cherished...would follow into anything. Or he should have, but if he did, truly did, there wouldn’t have been a claim on me. It gnawed, that claim, but its teeth were yet dull with his use of it and so I set him down and took his hand, allowing him to lead me to life deserving of my wrath.
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hamofjustice · 4 months
Nemona the Unrivaled
Chapter 3 - A Fresh Start
Info / Chapter Select: here
(This is the last chapter I had lying around before I started working on Ham's League Club Expansion Pack for a while)
“Sigh... alright. How ‘bout we start over. Hi Nemona, my neighbor I’ve never had beef with in my life. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Arven.”
Nemona played along as she rose shakily from the ground to meet his pained smile. “Heh. Hi Arven, nice to meet you too.” She wasn’t really sure if it was normal to be letting him reset their relationship like this, but at this point holding the grudge didn’t feel worth missing out on a connection. She just needed one too badly... and it felt like she’d already made progress on humanizing herself to him, even if it wasn’t in a way she was proud of. It felt like she was just drifting on instinct with no plan now. Hopefully everything didn’t fall apart again...
Once he’d helped her stand, a few awkward moments passed where they were both unsure what to say, or where to look, or what to do with their hands once they’d quickly let go of each other.
Arven eventually decided to just turn to face Miraidon again, with one hand on his hip and the other rubbing his forehead. “So, uh... right then, let’s get to business. What’s that you said about finding this brute crash landed on the beach?”
“Oh, right. Yeah, it just fell right out of the sky like it ran out of fuel or something! I went down to feed it some Berries and fend off a bunch of Houndour that were checking it out, then when it felt better it wanted to come up here to the lighthouse, so we went through that tunnel back there...”
Arven crossed his arms. “Huh. Not sure why it’s here, but I guess it’s probably grateful to you.”
“Agias!” Miraidon affirmed.
Nemona couldn’t help but notice the way Arven seemed to resent this Pokemon for some reason, even after calming down. “So... if I can ask now... what’s your connection to Miraidon, Arven? Why’s it pawing at your door?”
Arven took a deep breath and gazed up at the horizon, toward the Great Crater. “You’re not going to babble about this to, uh... Chairwoman Geeta or whoever, right?”
“I meannn... you’re right, we do talk, but I can keep a secret.”
“You sure? President’s honor?”
“... It used to live here with me. It’s something Dad found in Area Zero, I guess? He just... brought it home one day, didn’t tell me much. Guess it was confidential or what have you. But when it snuck out and people found out about it, he took it with him back into the crater before it caused more of a fuss.” he explained, nodding in the forbidden zone’s direction. “I haven’t seen either of ‘em again until just now, so seeing it with you was a bit much to take in. I used to at least get calls or emails from my old man, trying to convince me how much he still cared and he was totally gonna make it all worth it someday, but... those stopped eventually, too.”
He then turned back to Miraidon. “You really ruined my childhood, y’know.”
“Gia...” it responded, cowering again and looking away.
“Whoof... Well, I don’t know if that’s fair to Miraidon. I mean, Professor Turo could come back for you if he really wanted-”
“Yeah, he sure could’ve!” Arven spat, then stepped back sheepishly when Tauros snorted at him.
Nemona winced. “Sorry. Uh... w-what about your mom? Is she cool at least?”
“... Never really knew her. Took off after I was born for whatever reason. Mother of the year, eh?”
Nemona’s eyes turned to saucers.
”Apparently she used to work with Dad, but they fought so much that she just completely up and left one day. Don’t think they even had the chance to get married. Maybe I reminded her of him so much that she didn’t... wanna look at me. Kinda like how I don’t wanna look at this brute. Who knows. Who cares! She can shove it too. Probably just wanted a little lab assistant instead of a son. So yeah, I may as well be an orphan at this rate.”
“Oh my gosh, Arven... I had no idea...”
“Yeah. So that’s what me being ‘the big shot son of the famous, brilliant Professor Turo’ has gotten me in life. And then... uh...”
Arven seemed to be looking at something over Nemona’s shoulder and stopped talking. Nemona turned to look as well.
Adam was walking down the road as far away from them as possible, but when he noticed them looking at him -- or maybe when he heard Arven say who he was in such an over-the-top snarky tone -- he glared straight at them as he passed by. Nemona felt cold and sick again, but Adam never said anything.
Step by step, the anticipation was tearing Nemona up. But nothing happened. Adam just kept on going and eventually looked away and disappeared down the hill ahead.
Arven slumped forward once the new trainer was out of sight. “...Yeesh, what was that all about? S’like that little guy was possessed by the lingering spirit of my beef with you or something.”
Nemona snorted and smiled, to her own surprise. “Heh. Um... that was Adam, he just moved in next door. I uh, well... We, um... He doesn’t like me, no.”
“What’d you do? Uh I mean, what happened?”
Nemona narrowed her eyes at the implication it was her fault, but she resisted snapping back. “Well, uh... basically I told him I was a Champion who wanted to... start my team and my Gym Challenge over, to be a rival to somebody new, and picked out a new little starter Pokemon along with him. Y’know, I wanted to... take him under my wing, share some of my stuff and my knowledge, watch him grow! Maybe... maybe make a... a friend out of it...” she recounted, tapping her fingertips together.
Arven raised an eyebrow when Nemona got shaky at that last part.
“... But he seemed to think I was just doing it to, I don’t know, stroke my ego, or boss him around, or whatever the heck else people think I do. He...” Nemona had to hug herself while she thought about it. “...He kinda started ranting about it at me, until Director Clavell chewed him out for it. It was like Adam thought he already knew who I was and had enough of me in, like... minutes. It just... ouch, y’know? And, to be honest. I don’t think the Director sticking up for me did anything to help the kid thinking I was some kind of ‘teacher’s pet,’ either...”
“...Oh.” Arven guiltily rubbed the back of his neck. “...How many times did you battle him?“
“I didn’t even ask for one yet!” Nemona responded with an angry pout.
“Huh. So that’s the state you were in when I came along and did the same thing to you, huh...”
She softened. “Yeah. ...Yeah. Y-you didn’t know, it’s okay!”
“Is it, though?”
“We’re talking now, I think it turned out okay. But... but...”
Nemona sighed. She felt an instinctive anxiety that she was telling Arven way too much and she should stop, but it seemed far too late to stop now. He’d already seen her fall apart, he should know why too. Especially when he’d revealed so much to her today.
“... I dunno, it all just left me wondering... If... if a total stranger who just moved here can hate me that much, what hope do I have at... at ever...”
Nope, couldn’t keep it together long enough to finish her sentence. She covered her face as her jaw quivered. The audible sniffle probably told Arven what he needed to know.
“So uh... you don’t have life handed to you on a platter like people might assume either, eh?”
Nemona rapidly shook her head no without uncovering it. “N-no. My family’s basically never home either. Today’s the first time I’ve seen them in ages. They kinda... leave me to fend for myself out here. Not that I don’t like the freedom sometimes, but... I dunno.”
“Fend for yourself, huh...” he repeated quietly, looking down at the ground.
Nemona removed her braced arm from her face and rested it in her other palm. “Well, I mean, not literally -- housekeepers come by here and there -- but they know I don’t really like being taken care of like that.”
“Hmph. Well, still no substitute for family, I s’pose.”
“And then when I get out of there and back to school where I belong, it feels like a lotta kids are jealous of me, and everyone I battle or even talk to about Pokemon just gets mad. I wanna have fun with ‘em, maybe even help ‘em get stronger, but they’re all sour grapes about it. Like I’m making fun of them by just... being here, and they’ve gotta fight back.”
Arven scratched the back of his neck some more and looked away. Nemona also averted her gaze, toward her Tauros.
“... Some days, it feels like all I’ve got is my Pokemon.” she continued as she pet the loyal bull. “Everybody thinks ‘cause I’m a Champion and have a rich family and decent grades and stuff, I’m, just... born different. Like I can do things they never could. Like I’m gifted and special, or cheating, when...”
Nemona showed Arven the red glove on her right hand. He took a step back defensively, but then took a closer look at it as she flexed her fingers.
“...When I have to wear this brace just to be able to throw a Poke Ball even halfway right or get through a day of homework without pain, and I can barely make it up the stairs to school without help, and... everyone looks at me like I’m an alien or a science experiment, or like Pokemon battles are an annoying niche interest if I’m the one talking about them...”
Nemona crossed her arms and looked out at the ocean. When she glanced back at Arven, there was a strange mix of emotions on his face. Mostly like he was sad and unsure what to do, like Clavell was, but there was something else going on there too that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
“Well, no... that's not fair, the new teachers are fine, and little kids like me... and-- S-sorry, sorry, I’m totally unloading on you, I’m sorry, you’ve got it worse. I’m okay, really...” she quickly apologized, rattling her head and turning away again.
“No you’re not.” Arven said firmly.
“Yes I am sorry, you--” Nemona started, falling into her old habits around Arven.
He raised his hands. “Nonono, shush, I mean, you’re not okay.”
“Don’t shush-- Y-yeah, and what about it, huh?”
“And that’s rough, but... pretending you don’t need help isn’t... i-isn’t the way to make it better, is it?”
“Oh.” she responded, deflating. “...Yeah, I guess it really hasn’t been. I just... don’t wanna look needy.”
An awkward pause passed. Both of the teens’ eyes searched the road for nothing in particular as Nemona thought about what Arven said.
“... W-well, I’m as shocked as you are that I ended up being the person you told all this to. And spice adversa, I guess.” he acknowledged as he combed a hand through his fluffy hair.
“... Vice versa?” She quietly corrected.
“Ghk-- Shush, you... nerd.”
Nemona snorted and smiled a bit. “Just making sure you have it right next time.”
“Sure. Anyway... it sounds like you could really use someone in your corner. I could too, I suppose. Maybe we have enough in common to make something work.”
“You... wanna be friends?” Nemona guessed as her face began to light up back to the brightness it belonged at, like the sun rising over the horizon.
“... Yeah. I’ll give it another shot.” Once again, Arven offered her his hand, this time to shake on it, though he was looking away like it was a little embarrassing for him.
Nemona shook his hand eagerly. Somehow, falling apart in front of someone she thought hated her just led to him putting her back together instead of kicking the pieces around. Maybe this morning wouldn’t be so bad. Best not to dwell on how long ago they could’ve been friends if they’d just been a little more open, though...
“Yeah! Sounds good to me, amigo! We should get to school soon, though. Uh... what’re we gonna do with Miraidon?”
“Ugh, right, where are we going to keep that brute now? We can’t put it in a Ball because it’s already registered to my dad, and I’d rather not leave it unsupervised...”
“Oh wait, hold on! I found a Poke Ball in the sand next to this fella.” Nemona remembered, and went to dig through her satchel for it. Being in a different pocket than the others made it stand out. “You never know, this could be it.”
“Well, try it and see, I suppose...”
Nemona attempted to recall Miraidon into the Poke Ball, and sure enough, it succeeded. Whatever this thing was, it was in her hand now... even if it was apparently not in any shape to be used yet.
“Well I’ll be a Mankey’s uncle, that solves that problem! Normally I’d tell you not to go parading it around Paldea, but actually, now that I think about it... I’m honestly all for doing anything that would make my old man steamed, so go ahead. I have to admit Miraidon was pretty clever bringing its own Ball along like that, though. Hmmm... unless Dad sent it back here on purpose for some reason? If it’s supposed to be his messenger, I don’t know what the message is, or how an email wouldn’t have been easier. I don’t suppose there were any sticky notes under its, uh, saddle or anything, were there?”
“Don’t think so. Um... you think something bad happened to the professor?”
“... It’s possible. Last time I went-- Uh, last time I heard it was a really dangerous place. Really earned that restricted access.”
“Dangerous? Like, full of super-strong Pokemon? I could probably handle those!”
Arven rolled his eyes. “... Well, yeah, but also the thousand foot drops, and I doubt all the radiation from those crystal things has been healthy for Dad’s brain in the long term... Anyway, right, school. I was just gonna walk, maybe train up this Skwovet I caught earlier, but now I’m pretty behind schedule. Err, uhh, not that this little chat wasn’t worth it, ‘course.”
“You wanna ride on my Cyclizar?” Nemona offered eagerly. “I think it’s strong enough for two. Can't go skipping class if I bring you there myself!”
Arven pinched his brow like this was the hardest decision of his life. “...Fine.”
“Heh heh! Alright! Get on and let’s vamos!”
And with that, the ornery outdoorsman clung tightly to Nemona’s back as they zipped through the rest of Poco Path, the nearby village of Los Platos, and the hills beyond on her galloping Cyclizar. The entrance gates to Mesagoza were soon just a few minutes away despite the interruptions.
Nemona hadn’t even considered that Arven would have to do such an overly familiar thing when she brought up the idea to hitch a ride, but he eventually gave up his pride after falling off for trying to be hands-off. She had to admit -- at least to herself -- that a hug from a peer felt pretty nice even if it was for purely practical reasons.
“Soooo, that Skwovet you mentioned! Are you starting over with a new Pokemon too, then? Or did you just finally decide to start training something besides that Mabosstiff?” she asked loudly enough to be heard while they were moving.
“Mmm. Uh. You remember him, huh?”
“Of course! You two seemed as inseparable as it gets -- a real inspiration for how close a Trainer and Pokemon can be!”
Arven took a deep breath for some reason. “...Thanks. Yeah, I guess I am... s-starting over. Sorta. I’ll put Mabosstiff back on my team when everyone else, uh, catches up to him, ‘course...”
“Hey, alright! Maybe we can get some battles in with your Skwovet and my Sprigatito then! You ‘n’ me could even do that idea I had with...” No, no need to say that kid’s name anymore. Forget him. “...Uh, that idea to start new teams and do the Gyms over and stuff!” Calm down, don’t ask for too much. “......If you want. No pressure.”
“Yeah, maybe I could use the help.”
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inkandpaintleopard · 5 months
Look at that, an Introduction Post!
Good morning! And in case you’re staying up like I am, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
I am ████████, I draw so much I have a wrist brace now.
As anyone could tell from one quick look at my blog, I love Spooky Month. It being my main fandom on here was not the plan, but I’d be surprised to see something change that now. However, any piece of media, be it shows, movies, games, books, or anything else, that I even so much as mention, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT IT. If I bring it up at all that indicates that I am willing to talk about it, bordering on desperate to, please I’ve been alone for so long-
Old Things
Anything I have ever done, anything I have ever drawn, any idea I have ever had is totally up for grabs as long as I’m credited. You can go into my old archives, please go into my archives, please reblog my age old posts, PLEASE build on my ancient ideas. I give my thoughts specifically to be built upon, to spark new concepts, to one day be turned into drawings, and if you can do any of that, DO IT. It’s not like once it’s old it’s gone, that’s what an archive is for. It’s still there, use it.
I’m gonna say that you can use my stuff for anything. Again, as long as I’m credited; but even if I’m not, what’s mostly important to me is that something I made is out there being enjoyed by someone. Also, please put my posts on Pinterest if you want because I didn’t even know it was its own social media until like a few months ago and I sure as hell won’t be doing it myself.
As for a DNI list, I don’t really have one. If you do identify with anything on a standard list (proshippers, looking at you mostly), let’s just agree to exist around each other as Minecraft wolves, ok? As long as neither of us attack each other for no reason, everything should be fine. This is a blog run by a child and is mostly about children and children’s media, keep that in mind. Honestly even if you are problematic, I likely won’t care unless you do something bad to me personally.
Don’t betray me or you’ll be integrated into all my stories through allegory characters and when you die I’ll search your grave for cool stuff.
I try to remain as neutral as I can on most touchy subjects and am generally pretty sympathetic, which may or may not be my downfall one day, but for now you can rely on me to just be your funny little art poster and AU flesher-outer.
Asks N’ Stuff
I look at every single notification/ask I get and I love receiving them. If you send an ask and I don’t answer it, chances are:
I just can’t think of a response (may be answered when I do, could be insanely old by then but eh)
It sprouted an idea in my mind that made me go “Ooo, I should draw that!” and then I never did
I am specifically keeping it in my inbox for quick access
I did have a response and I just. Forgot. I think about it constantly but only when I can’t actually post anything
I may have legitimately just missed it. Trust that I’ll eventually look in my inbox, go “Oh BRUH I NEVER SAW THAT ONE,” and then one of the above will occur
Sometimes I also just look at ‘em and smile cause they’re nice
So Uh, Yeah
Interested in characters, interested in people, interested in the future, and interested in the past. Too much is on my mind at any given time. You need fandom stuff? I got it. Something drawn? I got it. Someone to talk to? Sure, I’ll try. But for now, I’m going to bed man.
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grjarchive · 1 year
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Fool For Love (1989)
The next day was hanging day, the sky was overcast and black Big Jim lay covered up, killed by a penknife in the back And Rosemary on the gallows, she didn't even blink The hanging judge was sober, he hadn't had a drink The only person on the scene missing was the Jack of Hearts — Bob Dylan, "Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts"
Seems like the cover artist was a bit nostalgic for the Lonesome Dreams era with that art, eh? In fairness, so was GRJ; those of us who look into such things have noted that Fool For Love is probably the biggest throwback of the Strange Trails novels, and the most "western" of this more modern (well, at the very least, firmly twentieth-century-set, if a couple decades back) series. Not too surprising, then, that we get the most extravagant depiction of George's Place as a "western" bar, and Either Buck Vernon or Remy Fusil (more likely, given the etymology of his name) with a pistol that doesn't actually figure into the story.
Ironically, this is one of the few Strange Trails stories that isn't a throwback in some sense, in that it's not a story in flashback. No, this one takes place on the very night that all the previous novels have been told as stories, and it marks the point where the night really goes off the rails.
... Or maybe it doesn't, because maybe it's not connected to the canon at all. Right at the beginning of this one, Buck Vernon, our narrator once more, admits to the reader that "sometimes, I see things that others say they cain't. I don't think that makes 'em unreal, but may well be I'm watching like through the window in the dark at the bottom of a broken bottle, seeing my other lives." That's as close to a fourth wall break as you'll get directly from GRJ in any story, here disguised as a fifth or sixth wall break, shattering layers of reality beyond the simple biniverse of story-truth that we all pass through without thinking on when we pick up a musty paperback. This before he tells a whole story using names that weren't in the bar up until then, and a lover named Lily who sounds almost, but not quite, like lovely Lee, whose story was just told. Li-Lee? Objectively, before we really get going, we do know that Buck came out to spin some tunes for the crowd at George's, that the set's done now and he's sitting back having a few too many while Dylan plays on the jukebox - that very tune in the epigraph is the one described, and it's notable that in the story Buck narrates in real-time, names of characters come into play.
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The WBUB special based on this book didn't help with the character confusion either. Don't judge the book by the adaptation, obviously. That's always the rule.
A young fool (Buck himself, thinking he'll play the victorious Jack of Hearts in Dylan's tale?) psyches himself up and picks a fight with Big Jim (Remy Fusil?), lover of Lily. The World Enders, who are still hanging around, and the Tumbleweeds, who we're just meeting now but may be the descendants of Sri Tumbleweed's thugs from Time To Run, get caught up in things. The brawl spreads, chapter by chapter, to bring everyone in, even crashing into the Cambodian opium den behind George's which we only heard referenced in Love Like Ghosts. But things don't go well for our hopeless romantic Buck of Hearts. After a seeming escape from the chaos, Buck finds himself in a back alley where, well, spoilers, but there's a reason that the rest of the Strange Trails stories, especially Buck's, run evermore fantastically through that deep dark wooded valley between the ridges of death and life.
Keep following this blog for more insight into Johnson's work through the years.
May you live until you die!
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Could you tell us more about the Pokegirls Roommates AU? Why did each of the girls choose the majors they did? What's their life gonna be like after graduation?
Sure! So for like half the girls, what they choose as majors are legit careers and passions they want to look into, the other half choose just whatever just to have a degree in something
Leaf: (Music) So the reason why Leaf choose music was cause she's the defacto party gal. She's like to have fun and just go wild with her friends. She wants something just to have so that as a way just to "Flex" on people, but if she doesnt end up with a degree, she'd most likely flip off the teachers and still just preform small gigs on her own
Kris: (Health) For Kris, this was influenced by her depiction in the Adventures Manga were she was very atheltic out of the protags, so I made it so she's just someone who likes to be in her best shape. She's another example of, If she gets a degree she gets a degree but if she doesnt eh no harm no foul. She can prob still be a personal trainer on her own or just get a job at a gym to still keep fit.
May: (Drama) May is depicted as, while very ditzy and an airhead, is the most romantic of the group, is very emotional and is suppose to be a reference to Anime May who enjoys performing in Pokemon Contests. So May is one of the few actively does have a passion for her major and when after graduation, while most likely not a big hollywood star, would be doing lots of local plays and musicals.
Dawn: (Business) This Dawn is taking major points from Platinum of the Adventures Manga. Here, Dawn is the daughter of a large jewelry conglomerate so she's taking Business as a focus so that she may be able to take up the company her family has been maintaining. And this isn't like those kinds of having to live up to expectations, Dawn legit enjoys what she does and does find the value of maintaining a business. For the moment til she does become the next CEO, she'll most likely be a manager at a smaller side business or have a high level job in the company.
Lyra: (Teaching) Lyra is the most gentle of the group and the most patient with kids, so she wants to be able to be someone that kids can look up to so for her she wants to be become either a kindergarten or elementary teacher. That would be what she'd want to once she graduates.
Hilda: (Mechanics) Mechanics was the one I choose for Hilda because I wanted to enforce more on the "New Yorker" aspect of her since she is from Unova. She's a bike rider so she decided on something that gives her an excuse to just work on her bike and give it the maintenance she needs. If she graduates, she'd most likely go work at an auto shop and if she doesn't get a degree, she can still ride her bike and prob become like a courier rider.
Rosa: (Sociology) Rosa's always been an empathetic person and always a person willing to listen to people's problems and wants to be able to help. So she's pursuing sociology to become a counselor for people, help them out with any mental issues or are troubled.
Serena: (Fashion) Massive fashionista she is. Always have to be the most glamour gal in the room. Looking your best is her top priority. So she wants to be someone who makes outstanding dresses and clothes and have them up on the walkways. Though she prefers her designs to be on HER instead of just some random model.
Selene: (Art) Selene just has an extremely overactive imagination and growing up from Alola has many beautiful scenic shots that she loves recreating them. And she's also the person that if she gets a degree, cool, if not eh not gonna bother her, she's still just gonna draw and paint what she likes. Maybe some will like em and buy it from her, some wont and she's cool with that.
Gloria: (History) Literally chose it cause she knows Sonia was able to get her degree in it no time at all. So she thinks its easy and you just have to remember dates. She actually despises it alot and has no way to get out of it without having to spend alot of money and more time at school changing majors so she has to put up with it. Very unlikely she gets a degree but if she does, she's doing nothing with it. Probably go work a retail job or go work an intern with Sonia and Hop just to do something.
Juliana: (Library Science) Juliana is the very studious type and loves to learn about many types of trivia and cultures from anything. She chose this major so that she can become a librarian and always have many books to read and to help educate others on knowledge.
Hope this helps out answering your question!
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
[ Transmission… start? ]
🖤 Ohh, umm… it’s nice! A bit disorienting, with all the, um… spa treatments? But nobody’s ever treated me like this before, I can certainly say that!
🖤 My creator thought that you’d have, um, valuable knowledge for me when it comes to managing an audience… what are these weird limes for?
🖤 Umm… you could consider me a guide for a specific audience. Though I’m not really part of your ratings system, haha.
🖤 Sorry, I have very specific obligations. I’m glad you find me so marketable, though! That’s very important!
📺 …
🖤 I prefer to think of it as more of an exaggeration, really. Isn’t that what an audience likes? Someone who reacts cutely to every push and pull?
🖤 ...
🖤 …I’m still not too good at it. The, um… the persona thing. Putting on the face for the audience. I keep messing up. They can smell it, you know? A drop of blood and they want to pry you open for the rest. Being genuinely hurt is one thing. But being someone less soft underneath it… that can get dangerous.
📺 …
🖤 Haha. And what’ll it cost for you to teach me? Or should I assume my creator’s already paid the price here?
🖤 Haha. Well, I’ll keep my eyes out for whatever strings you have attached to those wires, then.
🖤 ...Um. Thanks, though. It’ll be useful.
🖤 Wait, we were being taped-?!
[ End transmission…? ]
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duckapus · 10 months
Koopa Concert Reunion Tour: Part 1
As the Airship approaches the Barrier between Muppetopia and Bowser's Zone, the first thing Tari notices is the music.
"Um, we're still pretty far away, aren't we? Just how loud is this place?"
"The entire Zone is a giant, nonstop rock concert." Kamek groans, "It couldn't have latched onto his chicken nugget addiction, noooo. It just had to be his musical tastes."
Eggman chimes in from nearby, where he's working with some sort of tablet, "Made worse by the fact that everyone who's been converted there has special adaptations that allow them to withstand far greater volumes than normal. I've taken the liberty of installing sound dampeners throughout the ship so our eardrums don't get blown out during our approach. They'll activate when we change Zones."
Sure enough, after a few minutes they cross the barrier and the noise briefly gets FAR worse before abruptly dropping down to a distant rhythmic pulse that's more felt than heard. As they continue towards where Bowser is, Mario looks over the side at the inexplicably bright green lava flows that cut through the area.
"Look Meggy, they've got rivers of jello!"
"I'm pretty sure that's lava, Red. Or...it used to be?" she thinks it over for a moment before shaking her head, "Anyway, we probably can't eat it."
Predictably, this leads to him pouting, "Take all the fun out of it..."
Eventually, they reach what looks like a colossal city/concert hall hybrid that presumably used to be one of Bowser's fortresses. Thankfully the airship docks still exist and there's plenty of spaces for them to park. As they do, Kamek turns to address the group (so all the named characters but not the assorted random Mario enemies and Badniks).
"Alright everyone, this may be friendly territory, but it still carries the risk of conversion, plus it's a giant concert. Don't go anywhere alone, don't get caught up in the festivities," that he clearly directs at Bob and Toad as the musicians and known impulsive troublemakers of the group, "and remember where we parked. SMG4, Mario, you're coming with me to see Lord Bowser. Everyone else, either come with us or do whatever else you want and be back here in three hours. If you're not here on time you will be assumed to be converted and left behind."
As everyone confirms they understand the terms (or in Sig's case just goes belowdecks so nobody expects him to leave the ship. no way he's dealing with all the noise and crowds in this Zone), he gets ready to lead them down the gangplank, pausing to address the ship's captain, "look after the place while we're gone, Bomberto."
"Oye sir, she'll be restocked an' ready ta go when you get back."
He nods and keeps going, only for the group to pause again on the docking station's stainless steel walkway when they hear a familiar laugh, "Mwee-hee-hee-hee! Looks like these guys came late to the party!"
Another young voice chimes in, also familiar, but far less so due to the tone, "How're you supposed to be late to a party that don't stop, BJ?"
"Eh, true. Wadd'ya say we give 'em a warm welcome?"
"You read my mind!"
In drops a pair of small, mostly blue black and green figures. One is clearly Bowser Junior in his canonical Wonder form, complete with mask-turned-space-defying-beartrap-maw and ponytail made of neon green flames, while the other appears to be a floating preteen girl with messy hair the same so-dark-it's-almost-black shade of purple as Junior's head and bangs covering her right eye (both of which have purple sclera and acid-green irises), what appears to be purple lipstick, eyeshadow and nail polish but given how conversion and her own physical form work is probably recolored skin, sharklike teeth, an oversized black tee-shirt with a green Bowser logo half-tucked into jeans with ripped knees and frayed rolled-up legs, black-and-red fingerless gloves with orange Eggman logos on the backs, shoes designed to resemble the boot portions of Eggman's jumpsuit, and what would look like the sleeves of a black and green pixel pattern undershirt if it weren't for the fact that the green parts are moving and the same pattern is visible in the rips on her jeans and a thick streak through her bangs.
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While most of the group has trouble figuring out who exactly she is, Eggman, Cubot, Root and Lil Coding's eyes are practically popping out of their skulls seeing her like THAT.
Whatever sort of introduction the two had planned is thoroughly derailed as Sage hears that, actually takes a good look at the group they're supposed to be greeting, and smiles even wider than she already was before hurling herself at Eggman and wrapping her arms as far around his body as they'll go, "DAD! You're okay! Oh chaos, I was so worried when I saw what happened to Metal!"
Well, even as awkward and...unnerving as it is to see her look and act so out-of-character, he immediately melts and returns the hug, "It's good to see you too, sweetheart."
Bob, of course, takes this moment to be Bob, "Huh. Didn't figure she'd have a grunge phase." Meggy promptly smacks him to the other side of the docking bay, "Ow, my ovaries!"
(also, because I got attached to the random background oc and am making him slightly important way later on (because of course I did) here's Boberto)
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nostalgiachan · 7 months
Seventh Prompt: Shopping in Baldur's Gate
Act Three Spoilers
Summary: Vier needs fireworks, and there's only one shop she knows of that sells them. But are they on the up-and-up, or have they fallen back into bad habits? (1403 words)
Felogyr’s Fireworks: Now Under New Management!
Vier eyeballed the sign above the door warily. The last time she’d been there, the place had been stuffed to the gills with Banites who’d attempted to taint donations to the refugees with explosives, and clearing out the lot of them had been no easy feat. It still stuck in her craw a bit that she hadn’t been able to resolve the situation more peacefully; the last proprietor of this place, one Avery Sonshal, seemed to have been quite the lovely fellow before he became another of the infected. But with most of the Flaming Fist also being thralls to Enver Gortash, there was nothing else to be done - not without putting the refugees’ lives even further at risk. But who was this “new management,” she wondered. Had remnants of the Banites swooped in, this being one of the few of their hideouts that Vier and her compatriots hadn’t completely wiped from the face of Faerûn? Or had this place turned over a new leaf, some unrelated third party seeing some prime real estate with a legacy name and deciding to give its image a bit of rehabilitation?
Well, one way or another, Vier was heading in. After all, this was the only place she knew of that sold the sorts of fireworks she needed, and she hadn’t traveled a tenday-and-a-half from Dawnshire to Baldur’s Gate just to back out now. Karlach’s birthday party demanded no less.
The shop door jauntily jingled as it opened, and a chipper voice greeted Vier as she passed through. “Welcome to Felogyr’s!” the woman behind the counter chirped - a Deep Gnome, from the looks of her. “Makers of the finest fireworks in all Faerûn; if I’m lying, I’m dying! What’re you in the market for, Miss–?” As the shopkeeper gave Vier a once-over, her eyes went wide. “Oh, oh, I think I know you! Hero of Baldur’s Gate, yeah? Cor, who’da thought you’d show up in my shop, eh?”
Vier honestly hadn’t expected anyone would’ve remembered what she’d looked like, as many months as it had been since the whole crisis had calmed down, and especially not someone of whom she had no recollection. She hitched for a moment, not entirely certain what the woman’s angle was. “Yes, I suppose that’s me,” she finally managed to reply.
“Iffin I may, might I shake your hand?” the shopkeep asked, extending a calloused mitt to Vier, who somewhat hesitantly gripped it. “I’ve heard so much about you from ol’ Barcus - you’re the reason I even got this shop at all!”
“Barcus? As in ‘Wroot’?” Vier asked, and the shopkeep nodded enthusiastically.
“The very same! See, ever since the end of that whole kerfuffle with the squid wotsits, things have turned around quite mightily for the ol’ Ironhands. After we helped out with all that nasty fighting, Barcus had a little chat with Duke Ravengard, and he managed to get us un-exiled from the city! Things are still a smidge strained with the Gondians, but you know…least we ain’t trying to kill ‘em no more, yeah? Anyway, once we were allowed to set up shop in the city proper, I happened to find this little building just lying around - in pretty good shape, too, even after all the hubbub. Place was absolutely full o’ corpses, mind, which a little birdy told me might’ve been your doing. Sad business, that, but it is what it is. Which, now that I think on it, did nobody check in on this place ever? Anyway, anyway, I moved right in, gave it a good scrubbin’, and now I get to spend my days making whizbangs what’d make Gaerdal Ironhand herself crack a smile!”
Vier nearly jumped as the shopkeep slammed her hands gleefully down on the table. “But enough about me! Oh, by the way, name’s Jeminy Swill, lovely to meet’cha. But no, enough about me, I said! I reckon you’re in the market for things what go BOOM in the night, yeah?”
While Vier certainly appreciated Jeminy’s exuberant salesmanship, and she was more than glad to hear that Barcus and his cohort were thriving since she’d left the city, she was beginning to feel a bit exhausted just listening to all of that. “Ah, yes, I am,” she answered. “I’m looking to supply a birthday celebration, and I’ve got about…couple hundred gold or so to do it? What’s going to give me the most quality and quantity, you think?”
Jeminy playfully wagged a finger in Vier’s direction. “Oh-ho-ho, I think I know just the box o’ fun that I can put together for you,” she said with a throaty chuckle. “Gimme a moment, and I’ll be back with some proper goodies!” She hustled around the counter and up the stairs - no doubt the upper floors were still dedicated to the blackpowder craft. For a moment, Vier wondered why they didn’t use the basement as their manufactory instead; she’d quite handily proven months ago that working with highly flammable material high up in a largely wooden building was incredibly dangerous for all involved. Was the basement not aerated enough?
As she idly mused, the shop door jingled once more, and a hooded figure quickly scurried inside, right on time.
“Oh, good, you’re alright,” Vier spoke quietly as she turned to face her companion. “Find anything?”
“Fireworks, fireworks, and more fireworks,” the voice of Astarion poured out from beneath the hood, sounding almost disappointed. “Nothing incriminating in the basement, and no conveniently placed documents suggesting Banite connections upstairs. So far as I can tell, this place is back to being a perfectly innocent haven for pyromaniacs.”
Vier breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly snuck in a kiss when she had the chance. “Thank you for the help, dear. Are you sure you’ll be alright to get the drinks? You aren’t going to get stuck in a brightly lit lane out there?”
“How quickly we forget how long I’ve prowled these streets,” Astarion tutted. “I may be living the country life now, but the alleys and sewers of Baldur’s Gate are practically engraved on the backs of my eyelids. I’ll be there and back before you know it.”
With a second quick kiss, Astarion was off on his next quest, leaving Vier to wait for Jeminy’s return. It wasn’t long before the Deep Gnome was bounding back down the stairs, two solidly built dwarves in tow with a hefty crate carried between them. They deposited their payload before Vier.
“Behold, Felogyr’s Fabulous Festive-box,” Jeminy cheered as she removed the lid of the crate with a showman’s flair. “Not sure I’ll stick with that name, but it’s a work in progress. Anyway, this here is a mixture of just about every sort of whizbang we’ve got, from tiny crackers to giant firewheels, handhelds to massive rockets. Every color, every size, explosions, no explosions, it’s all right here! Let me give you a tour of some of my favorites here.” Patiently, Vier listened as Jeminy detailed a selection of fireworks - what color explosion they’d produce, how big and what shape the explosion would be, how loud they screamed as they soared through the sky. Normally, Vier might have been a bit impatient, but now that her concerns about the management had been thoroughly put to rest, she supposed she had nothing on her hands but time. 
With each new, incredibly thorough description, she pictured the night of Karlach’s party. As soon as that portal to the First Layer opened, and Karlach and Wyll stepped foot on Faerûn once more, a feast of Dawnshire’s finest fare would await them, mugs and goblets overflowing with the best booze she could afford. There’d be music, merriment, and overtop of it all, the sky would glitter with rainbow fire. Any day that those two got to return to the mortal world was cause for celebration, but Vier wanted to make sure with this party that Karlach knew she was loved; that Vier, Astarion (though you’d have to put him in thumbscrews before he’d say it to her directly), and the rest of their compatriots were happy that she was born; and that one day soon, she’d be back on Toril for good and they’d all party even harder.
Vier snapped back to attention just as Jeminy had finished her patter. “So, what do you say? Sound enticing?”
“Absolutely,” Vier replied, “I’ll take the whole lot.”
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lighteez · 2 years
How would the straw hats act in the club?
★ disclaimer !! im still at ep. 265 , so i haven't met all the members of the straw hats. not all of them will be here !!
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the straw hats arrived at the club, and the first song they hear blasting through the speakers is "Swalla" by Mr. Derulo. Immediately, Nami and Robin run to the dance floor and start shaking ass on each other, meanwhile the others are still examining the club
raging lights flashing to the beat of the song as they all stared in awe, not franky though, he's in the dance floor drinking already.
luffy, ussop, and chopper are walking through the dancing bodies and they immediately get excited from all the lights and people having fun screaming the lyrics.
zoro and sanji on the other hand are getting dragged by different women to the dance floor, but zoro being zoro, he politely declined and went to the bar to get his booze like always and sanji was just getting nosebleeds left and right with all the pretty women.
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he's 19 now, so ofc they all go to a 18+ club.
at first ussop, chopper and him are all mesmerized by the flashing lights, but after a while he gets so excited and orders all the sprite there is.
he's hispanic, so ofc when he hears the song "La vaca" or "El teke teke" playing, he's out there screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs like
he's busting out his dance moves while his hat plays as a prop. when i tell u this man knows how to moves his hips to "la vaca" , he got the hips like shakira frfr
he wears glasses in the club, be fr, this mans swag is outta the world. the crowd gathers around him when dancing to any spanish song
at some point he started making it rain on sanji, he got them dollar bills out and ready to throw.
ussop and chopper are his partners in crime at the club ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
★ ZORO :
his fave song to sing along to? "Shots" by lmfao.
you heard me... he's out here singing his pretty little heart out screaming,
he always fights with sanji, but this song- they get along so well when this song comes on that they dance and sing into the mic screaming,
(peep luffy, ussop, franky and chopper yelling, "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS" or "IF YOU AIN'T GETTING DRUNK, GET THE F*CK OUT THE CLUB!")
all the girls are swarming to get a taste of zoro, but he's respectful and declines, but he joins his crew members on a few dances
drinking like a drunk tio in a kids party (Zoro is Hispanic too, my cute beaner 🥺🫶)
he also falls asleep like a kid in a hispanic party bro... asleep on a chair, near the loud ass speakers with only his coat as a blankey LMFAOAO
this man will bust out his moves to Jennifer Lopez and you can't tell me otherwise, or to Shakira ehe
he may be Italian, but he knows how to dance zapatiado with luffy and zoro fr fr
HIS FAVE SONG? "Talk dirty" by Derulo bro... he out here trying to seduce women to make em fall for him
but before he could even get any girl to look at him, he was too weak... he didn't except many gorgeous women all around him, so ofc he got nose bleeds (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)
after the nose bleeds, he's dancing and drinking, he drank so much that he was singing with zoro bro (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
he eventually got to dance with Nami... shockingly
sanji would eventually get too drunk to the point where he's shaking ass and luffy and ussop are throwing cash at him LMFOAOAOA
drunk sanji is- truly something, shaking ass and then passing out on the bathroom floor is crazzzyyyy
but dw, good thing zoro is tipsy enough to help sanji, cause if zoro was sober he would've left his ass to sleep there LMFAOAO
don't get me started, at first he's terrified, but after seeing how the girls and franky are enjoying themselves , he starts dancing too
look, he gets girls too bro
and from then on, his confidence sky rockets
after the shy awkward phase, he takes control of the dance floor
he loves attention, so he starts rapping with chopper and luffy to any song !!
the three of them think they are in a music video, medium sized speakers in their shoulders (idk where they got it from tbh), glasses, hats, a "cigarette" in their mouths (its just a plastic straw), etc. you name it and they out here vibing
they out here rapping, and owning that sht fr 🤩
his favorite song? "Party rock anthem" AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME NO!!
(im currently listening to a specific list of songs where they would go crazy for)
all eyes on party captain ussop 😎💅✨🧚‍♀️💃🏻
somehow he would explode confetti bombs and everyone getting more hyped
another song he likes? "Sexy and I know it"
he's SCREAMING the lyric
*cue the cheerleading from luffy, chopper, sanji and franky
does he go crazy to this song to the point he takes off his shirt? hell yeah, is everyone cheering? FCK YES. does he get on a table and dance? FCK IT UP USSOPPPP!!
he also takes pictures when he's not rapping or dancing of all the strawhats, including himself LMAO
★ NAMI :
u can't tell me she won't shake ass to nicki minaj , pitbull, rhianna, etc.
her song to go crazy? "Culo" by pitbull 😎
she's shaking ass to robin
who's the cheer team for her? EVERYONE!
yeah... to those who don't know what culo means then uh... good luck on google ehe
this woman is creating a choreography with all the women atp
she finds out that luffy ussop and chopper is making rain on sanji, with real money 🕴️
ofc shes chasing them around the club cause now they lost money
(dw she gets the money back bc sanji collected the money again)
i can def see her doing some "seducing" movements and all the girls follow her
made all the guys have nose bleeds 😎🤘
at some point, she ends up with zoro after passing out on a random chair and ofc zoro taking care of her and sanji
tho, she hears "Anaconda" by the queen minaj and immediately she wakes up to rap the entire song while smacking womens ass
after this song she passed out again LMFAOOO
he's still young so he doesn't understand what half the lyrics of the songs are saying
he somehow starts a conga line... don't ask how or why
imagine a reindeer spinning tunes at a club, now THAT is exciting
he literally vibes to any song, hell he curses his little tiny heart out frfr
tho at first he's scared, but seeing the others enjoy he lets loose and goes crazy with ussop and luffy
the trio are always at a crime scene...
for example, chopper accidentally bumped into someone and the person spilled the drink, so now everyone was tripping and slipping
or they helping sanji to not puke, but failed and he ends up puking on them LMFAO
he enjoys the Macarena a lot, you can't tell me otherwise
his fave song? "Livin la vida loca"
yep yep... you heard that right, he starts another conga line to this song
everyone loves chopper, so he somehow ends up with so many things, like hats, glasses, chains, rings, hell- he ends up getting free drinks too
he ends up returning everything at the end tho , and he pays for half the drinks (not all cause we all know nami will get pissed)
loves the queen Rhianna
she ends up having a dancing cue to "S&M"
sanji and franky are her cheerleaders fr 💃🏻
she follows namis choreography
she's out here crowd surfing with Franky
another song she likes? "Maneater"
ik she has a good singing voice, so she ends up singing in the mic as well 💅💃🏻
atp she has a "Robin fanclub" at every club she goes to
she does get tipsy, but at the end of the day, she's more sober than anyone
ofc she's shaking ass as well, this is the only time she will let loose
oh btw, if any dude decides to be disrespectful, nami and her are kicking ass 😎
(franky gets pissed af and fights all the men outside, no one touches his crewmates)
ofc he knows everyone at the club, he gets the vip room without getting charged
each time he goes to any club around the world, he gets free shit bc when he comes, the clubs sells out
sht is packed bc they all wanna party with franky
yknow he got women left and right bro
gets turned up for the song "Turn down for what" by dj snake
hes the one that got luffy , ussop , and chopper in trouble after putting the idea out to throw money to sanji 💃🏻
does he take responsibility? hell no, hes taking shots with zoro before going back to the dance floor
ik his ass would also dance to the song "Bailar" by Derror ft. pitbull, elvis crespo
his cheerleaders are- well everyone ofc eheheh
ngl i would love to hang out with franky at a club, he's so fun to hang out with
in the end he ends up talking to a drunk person and he cries when he hears the persons life story
(he makes a whole song for them too)
he sees a guy trying to get with a girl or vice versa, next thing you know franky is there getting them together
plays cupid most of the time towards the end of the party too ehehe
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before the strawhats leave the building, they get an encore from the crowd telling em to come back soon
the straw hats aren't only wanted in jail, but in night clubs too 😎 they all fun to hang with
and yes, since chopper is young, they smuggled him in LMFAOAOOO
"we better come back here to party" luffy exclaims as he's happily singing and dancing with ussop and chopper, going back to their ship
"don't worry, next island there's more clubs, i know a few guys who can get chopper a fake ID" franky howls in excitement, he didn't know that they would enjoy the party, especially robin and zoro
p.s. zoro got stuck with carrying nami and sanji back to the ship since they got too drunk LMFAOOO, poor zoro (not rlly, he smuggled out a few bottles from the bar)
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refried-ghost · 1 year
Skoodge kicked his legs as he looked through the binoculars. Purple huffed, hands on his face. The smaller's antenna shot up and he glanced at him.
"I can get off if you're uncomfortable."
Purple looked him between his arms with a quirked brow. "And get up? Yeah, no. Not happening."
"Oookay," he glanced down to his lap. "I cooould give you the binoculars." Purple let out an offended gasp, tenting his fingers on his chest.
"How dare you even suggest that!" He flopped back tipping the chair. Skoodge placed a hand on the taller's chest so he wouldn't fall. Purple wobbled it back and forth by the foot on the ledge of the look out. His head was dropped back. "Can't believe we got put on guard duty."
"Eh. Shouldn't have gotten caught then," Skoodge shrugged bringing the binoculars back up.
"But it's Zim's fault," he whined. "We woulda had those snacks if he'd just stay put, but no! 'You obviously don't know what you're doing nyeh nyeh nyeh.' Stinky little gremlin." He blowed a raspberry.
Skoodge frowns.
"He doesn't sound like that."
"Pfft," Purple waves him off. "He may as well have!"
Skoodge looked back to him, "It was your idea, Purple."
"And it was a damn good one!" He jabbed Skoodge's cheek. The Irken pouted and rubbed it.
"Gosh, why's everyone do that?" He mumbled.
"Oh?" Purple crossed his arms. "And who is everyone?"
"Are you just going around squishing you cheeks together for everyone to oog-" Purple looked horrified. The green of his skin rapidly darkened. He took a deep breath, "Phrasing, phrasing, phrasing Purple. Everything's about how you say it," he spit out quickly, covering his face and tipping the chair further in his direction. "Why would you say it like that? UuuugggGGGHH."
Skoodge blinked him. Looked down and pinched his cheek with a humm. A few more seconds and something clicked. "Oh!" He blushed a bit. "Buttcheeks?" he whispered to himself.
Purple shot up grabbing Skoodge by the PAK and the thighs, spinning on his toes and dumping him in the chair.
"Get taller. So you don't have to use the only damn chair!" And he stomped off as it clattering of it's legs died down.
"What's the problem with buttcheeks?" Skoodge tilted his head. Purple took a deep breath with his hands together infront of his mouth. He searched Skoodge's face. Then let out a very uncomfortable noise.
"How do you not know?" Purple squirmed.
"Know what? That we got to keep em covered?" He scratched his temple.
"NO!" The taller threw the door open. "Nope nope nope," as he quickly made his exit. "I'm not having this conversation!"
Skoodge let out a laugh. "Buttcheeks!" he called after him.
Purple tried to rub away the blush, but he could still feel it. Then a thought hit him and he stopped mid step.
"Is- is it a taller thing?" He held his head. "Or is it considered a privilege only tallers are taught about?"
And now that thought was there. In his head. And in his PAK. With all the possible implications that it may have. Fuck the heightarchy sometimes. Seriously.
"Fuck!" he barked, kicking a pebbled. "I need to talk to Red," he says weakly.
Purple scratched his head wildly, "I can't believe I fumbled my words like that." He threw up his hands, "All my life I've been trying to as aware of what I'm saying as possible! And then I do that!" He lets out a long sigh covering his face again. "I'm a stupid dookie head."
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skorchinq · 2 years
Bows Only: Another 5-star?
[IDs in alt text]
I... really need to update more often, huh...
Since the last update, DavidBowie’s outrider crew has been through a lot. Including thrilling combat, captivating adventures, and even pulling another 5* character...
well! Let’s just get right into it! First up, 3.1′s Hyakunin Ikki event!
I figured I’d show what teams I used:
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Something I discovered is that Kujou Sara is really good with aggravate teams, and with Tighnari specifically. He can fit his skill, three charged shots and burst within the duration of Sara’s buff, and at least in this case he was getting enough energy to repeat the cycle after another buff from Sara. Seriously, that duo was destroying.
Of course, maybe it’s unfair to compare them to what was mostly soloists, but... eh.
Anyway! I finally finished Kaeya’s story quest!
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You know, I somehow didn’t realize the difficulty of the domain would scale with world level. I’m not sure why. Most story quests do that. But for some reason I was surprised by this.
Back to Hyakunin Ikki!
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So, these were my final scores. Bronze is enough for all the primos, so I didn’t bother reattempting to try and get anything higher. I was actually surprised that I’d managed to get a few silvers...
And then, I finally hit AR 45.
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Which means I can finally farm 5* artifacts! Ooh boy, artifact farming!
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pspspsps Yelan when is your rerun. Come home I have something you’ll love
With all the primos I’d saved up in 3.1, the start of 3.2 meant another chance at Yoimiya, the character I had failed to get when this account was still new. I wasn’t going to let what happened before happen again, getting up to 70 pity and never seeing gold. I knew, I had to get a five star.
The wish turns gold. Was it finally happening? Would I get Yoimiya this time around?
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I hate this game
On the bright side, I did get a weapon either Yoimiya or Tartaglia would appreciate:
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unfortunately, it seems it will have to be Tartaglia’s, for as much as I kept pulling on her banner Yoimiya simply would not come home.
I... guess we’ll just have to get her on her next rerun, then... Yoimiya, the one who got away...
While my wishing hasn’t been too lucky, my artifact farming’s been going okay! Venti’s got a full VV EM set now, which is more than I can say for my main account
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Venti is absolutely destroying everything in the world now, but I still don’t want to do the ascension quest until all my characters are at A4, and Gorou’s still only A3, so... still need a bit more time. At this rate I fear my AR will shoot straight up to 50...
Yoimiya season may be over, but that just means it’s Tartaglia season now! He’ll be great for this account, being our first hydro character and only melee fighter! He’s basically a must-pull. I’m sure we’ll get him. Just look at my savings!
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...Yeah. We’ll get him.
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mostly-comfort · 11 months
hello again!
i've been able to dm sideblogs in the past/people have been able to dm mine, but maybe that changed, weird and sad lmao oh well :')
i'm happy to continue in asks then ^-^
pete's hair is indeed streaky in some art! they're trauma streaks, pete got caught by hunters (shifting phases' premise), and he survived and escaped with the help of his friends, but not before having his whole life destroyed :)
pre trauma, pete's hair is solid auburn and kept short, he still has the jaw scar
post trauma, he's covered in scars and his hair is streaky, it also grows out because he cant cut it and wont let anyone cut it because he has big issues about the sight of blades and their proximity to him :) (in terms of scars, 95% (i say that coz i havent written out the Torture yet so i might do some fun unexpected unforseeable things ehe) of the ones that are relevant to bust-shots are already mapped out on the ref sheet :) )
and! indeed he has lil teefs! they're not big or long or anything, but they're definitely there and definitely pointier and sharper than a human's canines :) i drew them a few months back, im a stranger to teeth so everything may look right on the surface, but there may be technical issues 8) his teeth appear normal aside from the canines, and then he's got those standard, surprisingly pointy human pre(?)molars, but the canines just make em look extra sharp lmao
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oh! and claws, pete has claws, i have 0 idea if you or i mentioned, or if it's on his profile (i cant save an ask as a draft unfortunately and i cant open tabs on the mobile so im really living ip to my name lmao), but he has claws! they are very fun :) they look and grow like regular human nails except that they're very much in the shape of sharp claws with a sharp edge. what he used to do, again, when he could stand the sight of blades was, very literally carve them into the shape of human nails. he can't do that after his trauma :)))))
i'm writing this out on mobile so im not entirely sure if i missed anything, so, if you have more questions or need some more specific deets, feel free to hit me up any time ^-^
also ty ^-^ it's pretty detailed because i may or may not obsess exclusively over this universe, boi, and cluster of concepts haha.... 8)
oh and btw, your boi looks *very* scrummy, poor thing suffering those functional cognitive issues, not a fun time :') thoughts.exe got uninstalled and he's having a hard time, but at least plants have his back <3 i bet he'd have a whole HEAP of emotion tho >:)
that's everything i can think of, good-timezone ^-^
aaaa thank you for all the info!! i found out that u can't dm with sideblogs if they're shared by 2 or more accounts, which is what i did in an attempt to move everything to a new account LOL
i'm very interested in drawing him post-trauma especially, i love how there's so many things, both internal and external, affected by his capture!
he wants to do his best 😭 he's the goodest boy idc what those mean humans said otherwise
ty again!!
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Fic Preview
A sneak peek of my draft WIP OFMD/36 Questions AU.
May 1, 2015
Hey Stede – Jeff – oh Jesus fucking Christ who cares any more. You're never going to listen to this anyway. Might as well address it to myself, I'm the only one who ever has a listen back. Nevermind, anyway, Jack and I didn't work out. Turns out he really hadn't changed at all, and I'm just too fucking old to put up with his shit anymore.
I'm not in the lower mainland anymore. I'm not even in Canada anymore. Anne and Mary finally got hitched, they moved out to Vermont a few years back, and after Jack and I called it quits for the final time I decided I needed a change of scenery. Spice things up again, have a bit of adventure. Plus I sort of owed ‘em both a boon. So I left Izzy in charge of the marina for a while – oh, I bought the marina from Hornigold, by the way. Made sure my mum was set up on her own, and I've been crashing their love nest ever since. Been helping out at their woodshop and on the farm, giving Mary a break from home repairs, have dinner on the table every night – I'm basically their trophy husband. 
Oh! And they had a kid! Sweet little dude, his name is Cooper. I help with him a lot – kids are fucking fascinating, eh? Every day he's learning something new, expanding his entire world each time he wakes up. He turns five next week. I'm kind of obsessed with him, actually. Never really thought that I'd ever do the whole parenting thing, not like I had a great role model for fatherhood or anything. And obviously he's not my kid, like, for real. I'm not his dad. But also, like, he's my kid. My fucking kid, ya’ know? I've been here for basically his entire life, well, the important bits, the bits he remembers. I feel like my world revolves around him.
You always said that I'd make a good dad. I never really believed you, just assumed the easiest way to prevent fucking up a kid was to just not have one. But Cooper? He's the best. And I feel like…I feel like when I'm with him, he makes me my best. 
He asks all sorts of questions, like, every other thing outta his mouth is a question, and oof, some of them are doozies. Like, a couple months back, Anne and Mary had an argument about something dumb, but they had raised their voices, and afterwards Coop asked me if they were still in love. That one was easier to answer, because duh, those two are fucking disgustingly into each other. Do you…" he huffed a watery laugh. "Do you remember when we were that gross? Lucius used to be a little shit about it.
Anyway, they made up like 20 minutes later. But then a week after that he asked me where air comes from. Fuck if I know that one! Kids are wild, man. 
Were your – uh, are your – fuck, mate, I don't even know any more. Did your kids ever go through that phase? I can't remember how old they were when you, ya know, abandoned them? Sorry, that was harsh, maybe. I mean, you definitely abandoned your kids, but maybe it was for the better? God knows I would've been better off if my dad had just fucked off instead of torturing my mum.
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