#maybe i can look up bird behavior later.. sounds interesting
breadhalfburnt · 5 months
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succumbing to the summer weather out here
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renstears · 1 year
Nightbringer theories (Obey Me; SPOILERS!)
Alrighty so I decided to play Nightbringer after being scared of it for the past few weeks; so far, I have some questions and theories in mind. I’m still on Lesson 8 so I’m not sure if most of my theories here are gonna be right or just straight up wrong.
Questions & Theories:
- Since Solomon came with us to the past (or more like came to the past to come aid for our ass), wouldn’t there be a chance the Solomon from THAT timeline/past meet the present Solomon we know of? Wouldn’t this create a whole time paradox….?
- Lilith’s body got disappeared by Diavolo so that she can get reincarnated as a human; would there be a chance we get to see her reincarnated form at least if we don’t see her angel form? Also, reminder that Lucifer is the only brother who knows she got reincarnated, so most likely the other 6 brothers will have a huge fucking melt down like last time in the previous Obey Me game.
- When the game first started, we hear Solomon narrating a bit about Barbatos and this human Barbatos went to. Solomon used they/them pronouns for the human, at first, I thought it might be us/MC—but then it occurred to me, why would the devs only now reveal our/MC’s appearance and the timeline that Barbatos met this human must’ve been a very very long time. Either 1. They used they/them pronouns for the human to keep their identity hidden until revealed later on 2. The human is either one of our ancestors/related to Lilith’s reincarnated form or 3. This human might be a Biblical figure from the Bible; if you go to the official Obey Me Instagram; they illustrated Barbatos controlling a puppet that looks like a king (some speculated the king is David as he is the father of Solomon).
- In another illustration made by the official Obey Me cast on Instagram, it shows Diavolo gesturing to a red apple. Either this is indicating he was the one that lured Eve to eat the apple and regretted that decision which is the reason why he decided to improve his behaviors later in life.
- Man when I heard Raphael’s voice during Asmo’s arc I thought it was Adam, but nvm, it wasn’t. We may see Adam in the story though, like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Adam was Lilith’s ex husband, so I don’t doubt that the devs would add an element of it to the story.
- There isn’t much information about Barbatos in demonology and from mythologies, but it's ironic that from said mythologies, Barbatos has the ability to reconcile arguments between friends/rulers but he seems to have this heavy dislike towards Solomon and refuses to speak about it. I seriously wonder what Solomon did bc this man fucking forgot what he even did to the butler.
- While I was doing research on Barbatos, I stumbled upon this (credits to Myths and Folklore wiki editors!) according to the The Infernal Dictionary (a book of demonology). This is stated about Barbatos:
"Barbatos, great and powerful demon, count-duke in the underworld, a type of Robin Hood; he is shown in the form of an archer or a hunter; He is found in forests. Four kings sound the horn in front of him. He's acquired the knowledge to divine the speaking of birds, the roar of bulls, dogs barking and screaming various animals. He knows the locations of buried treasures, say magicians. He reconciles quarreled friends. This demon, who was once of the order of Virtues of Heaven or that of dominions, is reduced today to commanding thirty hellish legions. He knows the past and the future."
I personally don't think in the game, Barbatos is an angel (or maybe he is an angel but man's disappeared for so long everyone forgot him and my guy turned into a demon afterwards/hj). It'll be interesting to see his lore and how the devs wrote his backstory. In mythologies, he's illustrated looking like Robin Hood, so maybe Barbatos (in the game) went to the human to give them justice??? Take my theories with a pinch of salt.
And that's all I can think of, I'll make more theories as I continue playing in my free time.
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anarcho-physicist · 1 year
Squishy Stuff, Symmetries, & Why '3 States of Matter' is a Lie [PART 2]
Humans live in a soft universe. Less so than we did a few thousand years ago, as the advent of industrialization has certainly introduced more crystalline solids into our lives (sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse). But even so, most of the phases of matter we interact with don’t fit quite so neatly into the categories of solid, liquid, or gas, and are really better understood as existing on a spectrum. The most relevant (though not the only) property that determines where on that spectrum any given piece of matter should lie is how symmetric that piece of matter is. There are many different types of symmetries that a piece of matter can or can’t have. Here’s a nonexhaustive list of some of them that I can come up with off the top of my head:
Spatial translation
Spatial rotation
Spatial inversion
Time translation
Time reversal 
Charge inversion
Parity inversion
Any combination of these
There isn’t just one way to have or break any of these symmetries, but there is a reasonable way to order symmetry, i.e. to say that one thing is more symmetric than another because it has more symmetries. In the following discussion, I’ll just use the intuitive fact that infinity is bigger than any finite number, so having an uncountably infinite number of symmetry operations (a term I’ll define later) means you’re more symmetric than having a discrete/finite number, and maybe at some point in the future I’ll talk about this more precisely using the language of group theory. So, the spectrum of phases of matter has a low-symmetry end, and a high-symmetry end. We tend to think of liquids as being highly symmetric, while crystalline solids have relatively low symmetry. This might sound counterintuitive at first, so I'll try to explain exactly what I mean by this. But first, a couple of quick digressions. 
I should define what I mean by 'condensed matter'. This very broad term essentially describes any large collection of relatively simple components that are a) close-ish together in space ("condensed") and b) interacting with each other somehow to c) produce some kind of interesting emergent behavior at scales much larger than any individual component. This includes more traditional materials like crystals and liquids made of atoms and molecules, but as I alluded to in part 1, can also include more "exotic" phases that you might not usually think of as materials, like a flock of birds, a school of fish, a layer of cells, or a swarm of robots. Generally in condensed matter physics, the number of components in the system is so large that it's not usually possible to track the dynamics of each individual particle. So instead we use a mathematical tool called a "thermal average", where we essentially compute things about the system by averaging over all of the possible microscopic configurations of the system that are consistent with some macroscopic constraints (e.g. the system is at some constant temperature, pressure, etc.). Or, in cases where you don’t really have a well-defined temperature because the system doesn’t conserve energy (like in the flock of birds), this is referred to as an “ensemble average”. 
Ok, so what do I mean when I say a crystal is less symmetric than a liquid? When a physicist says some system has some specific type of symmetry, we mean that there is some specific operation you can perform on the system which leaves it looking exactly the same as it did before. For example, imagine taking a square and rotating it. If you rotate it by exactly 90 degrees (or any multiple thereof), the square will look the same as before you rotated it. But if you rotate it by any other angle, it looks different. We therefore say the square has discrete rotational symmetry, i.e. it only looks symmetric when rotated by discrete multiples of 90 degrees. By contrast, a circle can be rotated by any continuous angle and will still look the same, so we say it has continuous rotational symmetry. We’d then say the circle is more symmetric than the square, because there are more symmetry operations leaving it looking the same. 
In a perfect crystal, all of the atoms are essentially stuck to points on some kind of (ideally infinite) periodic lattice. There are many different types of lattices; here are a few examples in two spatial dimensions:
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If the crystal is at a high temperature (as most things on Earth are), these atoms are vibrating rapidly around these equilibrium points, but they can't move around each other. So when you perform a thermal average over all of the possible positions of these atoms, these special positions in space (the lattice points) show up in your calculations. When you alter the system in some way, by, say, rotating it by some angle or shifting it by some distance, the system only looks symmetric if the lattice points post-symmetry operation line up with where they were pre-operation. For the square lattice above, one of these symmetry operations is the 90-degree rotations of the square, so the lattice has discrete rotational symmetry. Another operation is to translate the lattice up, down, left, or right by some discrete integer multiple of the side-length of each little square, moving along the vectors a or b in the figure. So the square lattice also has discrete translational symmetry.
The situation in a liquid is very different. Atoms are constantly jostling around and moving past each other, so when you take a thermal average over all of their positions, it looks the same all throughout space (we say the system is 'homogeneous'). There are no special points in space that need to line up with each other when you rotate or translate the liquid, so you can rotate it by any continuous angle or translate it by any continuous distance and it'll still look the same. So liquids have continuous rotational and translational symmetry. Included within these symmetry operations of the liquid phase are the discrete set of symmetry operations associated with the crystal, but also every other possible angle/distance to rotate/translate by. So this is what I mean when I say that a liquid is more symmetric than a solid: there are more operations you can do to a liquid that leave it looking the same than you can do to a solid.
So simple fluids and crystals represent two ends of a spectrum for describing how symmetric a phase of matter is, with the former on the 'high symmetry' end of the spectrum, and the latter closer to the 'low symmetry' end. So where is 'soft matter' exactly?
It's the entire rest of the spectrum.
This includes polymeric matter like the oobleck we talked about in part 1, which is generally fairly translationally symmetric, but breaks local rotational symmetry, because polymers which are close to each other often tend to align with one another, particularly when stretched. It also includes the (many, many) different phases of liquid crystals, which have an intermediate amount of symmetry between a liquid and a crystal. Some of these have continuous translational symmetry but discrete rotational symmetry (nematics, triatics, n-atics). Others have continuous translational symmetry along certain spatial directions, but not along other directions (smectics). Still others have even more complex forms of symmetries (e.g. cholesterics and blue phases). Fun fact: liquid crystal models also sometimes apply to organisms, like the actin networks of little freshwater creatures called hydra. You also have amorphous solids that get lumped into soft matter like plastic and glass (not all soft matter is literally soft, though a lot of it is) that have even less symmetry than crystalline solids. I can't think of any phases which are somehow more symmetric than a simple fluid (they're about as symmetric as you can get), but if somebody managed to come up with one, you'd probably call that person a soft matter physicist.
Soft matter also includes other weird things with different/intermediate symmetries and properties that don't really match those of solids or liquids, things like colloids, gels, foams, bubbles, membranes, cell tissues, bacterial swarms, and the aforementioned flocks/schools/swarms of birds/fish/robots. These last three examples fall into a really interesting subclass of soft matter called active matter, in which the individual components consume energy to move around/exert forces on their own, breaking time-reversal symmetry (among others), conservation of energy, and Newton's third law. My research background is in active matter, so this is something I will definitely talk about more in the future. 
An incredibly diverse array of things fall under the umbrella of soft matter, but there are a number of unifying properties that they all share that make them really interesting:
Strong, generally nonlinear response to weak perturbations (the physicist's definition of “soft/squishy”)
Important structure & dynamics occurring via self-assembly at mesoscopic scales (that is, interesting stuff happens at length & time scales much larger/longer than those of the individual atoms/components, but also much smaller/shorter than the size of the full system itself. This doesn't really happen in crystals or simple fluids)
Disorder, entropy, interactions, thermal fluctuations, topology, and geometry often play important roles in the structure & dynamics (basically the math involved in describing soft matter is really beautiful and interesting and also really hard)
Interesting stuff happens at temperatures much higher than absolute zero, so quantum mechanical effects don't play much of a role (the older, much more established field of hard/quantum condensed matter deals with cold many-body systems where quantum effects are important, which are (almost) always crystalline)
Unlike most other modern areas of physics research which had their foundations and unifying principles laid ~70-100 years ago, soft matter is a much younger and less well-established field. A handful of physicists really only started working on these problems in earnest ~30-40 years ago, and the field didn't really blow up in popularity until a decade or two ago. A major reason for this is that soft matter systems are really complicated, and we literally didn't have the mathematical language or computational tools necessary for understanding these systems until more recently. This relative youth, incredible diversity in subject matter, and lack of unifying principles & methods make soft matter something of a "wild west" for physicists. People are constantly discovering new physics on both the experimental and theoretical frontiers, and there's a ton of close collaboration between theorists and experimentalists (which is not true of all fields of physics). The relative ease with which experiments can be performed (compared to other fields like high energy physics, which require massive particle accelerators, or even atomic physics & quantum condensed matter experiments, which are smaller but still require expensive and delicate cooling/vacuum equipment) mean that theoretical predictions can actually be tested and falsified soon after being proposed, and that experimentalists constantly have new phenomena to show off that us theorists get to work to try to explain. 
My final two reasons for why I love soft matter, and why I think the field desperately needs more communicators, is that soft matter is both accessible and visually beautiful. Most soft matter systems are large enough to scatter optical wavelengths, meaning you can see them with your own eyes. This makes predicting their structure & dynamics feel like a damn superpower, it makes doing physics feel like fortune-telling. It also means that the field produces tons of visually striking and honestly just beautiful images at a rate which is rivaled really only by astrophysics. This post is far too long already so I'll make my next post just a bunch of these images. Soft matter is also everywhere. You are made of soft matter (specifically, biomatter. Biophysics is its own field with its own fascinating open problems and perspectives, but the types of physical systems they study overlap a lot with those of soft matter physics). I am made of soft matter. All of our food is soft matter, as are the materials that make up our clothes, our furniture, our natural environments, much of our artificial environments, our tools (in the form of plastics & rubbers, and basically any bio/med tech), and our technology (ever heard of liquid crystal displays?). 
The past couple centuries of physics have largely focused on the reductionist approach, trying to understand the universe by breaking it down into its smallest pieces: first matter into atoms, atoms into electrons and nucleons, nucleons into quarks. This has been incredibly successful, until somewhat recently. From an experimental point of view, it seems like we’ve pretty much “hit the bottom” for now. We found the Higgs boson over a decade ago, the last missing piece of the standard model of particle physics, and while there are still a few experimental mysteries left (like the muon g-2 result), it seems to me like the time spans between theoretical predictions and experimental discoveries (or experimental discoveries and theoretical explanations) are increasing. This is not to say particle physics is a dead field; there are lots of incredibly smart people who have a lot of very interesting ideas about where to go next. I’ve heard a lot of very excited chatter about a potential muon collider, which seems to me like a logical next step for the field. I’m sure there is still more to discover, and I look forward to hearing about it. But for me, part of the joy of theoretical physics is in the qualitative, intuitive experience of the results of one’s calculations brought into real life via experiment. And studying a system you can literally see makes that experience all the more satisfying. 
I think the (at least near-) future of theoretical physics is not down, but up. If we live in a universe governed by some set of mathematical structures, then I think we’ve done an excellent job of mapping out the structures that govern the very smallest length scales of the universe. But as I described in part 1 (and as told much better by P.W. Anderson (pdf warning)), just knowing the story of the microscopics isn’t enough to predict the behavior at larger scales. “More is different.” If we really want to understand the universe we live in, I think it’s time to focus on understanding the quantitative structure of phenomena occurring on larger scales, with more particles, more interactions, more complexity. Soft matter systems are systems which couldn’t have been studied in the decades past, but thanks to recent advances in physics, mathematics, and computation, can now be understood. And one common, peculiar theme that keeps popping up in soft matter is universal models which describe a wide array of phenomena on entirely different scales. 3-D line topological defects in liquid crystals look exactly the same as magnetic flux vortex lines in superconductors, which look the same as cosmic strings. 2-D point defects look like 2-D charged particles and antiparticles, which look like vortices in 2-D superfluids. These defects also show up in organisms sometimes. Whatever the set of mathematical structures precisely describing the structure and dynamics of the universe actually is, it appears to be repeating itself across scales, at least sometimes. Perhaps working on new structures at larger scales will give us new insight into what’s really going on at smaller scales. Or perhaps not. Either way, soft matter problems are just really fun and you should do them
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Hello! How are you, and I have a request if you wish to do it. So I was thinking of a College AU with Shinsou working there as a part-time employee, then one day fem! reader comes in and at first he is like “Pfft whatever” but then he brings dropping his tsunade behavior and beings growing soft for her while he got to know her and he has seen her rescue a kitten in which he asked to help co-parent their child. He is doing it to get to know her more because he fell for her, but she is a bit oblivious when it comes to ✨feelings✨. I thought this would make a cute HC/ Drabble, however you wish to do it, of how their relationship began to bloom at the local coffee shop.
Happy Birthday to Shinsou Hitoshi!💜
The most adorable, handsome, and overall best purple headed boy on the show (Fuck off Mineta).
To Take Care of a Stray: Shinsou Headcanons
Barista! Shinsou x F! Reader
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As any college student would tell you, cheap caffeinated drinks were a must.
Coffee specifically was a must.
Shinsou was honestly debating if he needed his 3rd cup of coffee that morning or if he could just wing it and go on with an empty tank.
He procrastinated when it came to his assigned project, plus his project partner ditched him, so he was practically all alone figuring his shit out.
And thats how he found himself working at his local coffee shop.
He hated every single customer that would come in at any hour of the day that he work on.
They all demanded his attention and honestly, some days he wished he could just scream in their faces that "No, i don't give a fuck about your pet bird speaking back to you. I'm only here to make you your coffee and take your money."
The cheap coffee was worth it though, so he keeps the complaining to a minimum.
Retail is honestly a "no reward" type of job. The amount of entitlement that some people have baffles him at times.
Around his second year in college he ends up working the late shift to make some extra cash. It also meant less people coming in and demanding an overly complicated drink. Score!
The sound of the rain pouring down helped calm his nerves and allowed him to relax for moment before the door of the shop swung open.
"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to do that." The first time you walked into the shop you accidentally pulled the door with too much force that it ended up slamming into the wall.
Shinsou immediately didn't like you.
Who the fuck was this woman?
You went up the counter and told him your order taking out your money and handing it to him.
Clean and simple. Nothing special.
Then you came back again a few days later. That really fucked with him.
Most customers came in and never bothered to talk to him. He wanted their money while they wanted the shitty coffee they sold. Easy, right?
Nope, not with you apparently. You came in and asked about his day, how his studies were going, and if anything interesting happened in the shop.
He would respond with brief answers and immediately ignored you afterwards.
You were just so annoying.
..Ok, maybe not.
You were funny, the way you fumbled and played it off as you being intentional.
The way your mouth would widen into a smile anytime he spoke back to you.
You weren't overly energetic, nor overly happy. You were just nice, nice to him.
He wasn't use to that.
You fascinated him just because you existed and he wanted to learn more about you.
He got his chance on the 5th time you came in.
You usually came in at a specific time, always when there was barely any customers, but today you didnt' show up at all.
He wont admit it but he got concerned and would keep looking at the clock on the wall and back to the door of the coffee shop.
When you finally came in, you had scratches on your hand and on your cheek.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He leaned onto his hand that was placed on the counter top. His body relaxed and only showed boredom.
In reality he was terrified, you had scratches on your hands and red streaks too. Why?
"Oh, i was just- i fell into a bush." You gave him a smile that made his heart flutter and legs go weak.
He was so happy he was leaning on the counter because he hadn't he would have fallen onto the floor.
Your smile just had that affect on him.
"How stupid can you be? Look were your going next time."
"Aww, thanks sir!"
Good mood was gone. He told you not to treat him like your friend, thats not what you both are.
...But he really hated that you took that very literally and didn't bother to at least call him by his last name.
"Hmm." He gave you your usual and answered the questions you had for him that day.
You started to come in 4 times a week and every time you did he would notice new scratches on you.
The scratches weren't that bad, he thought maybe you were one those "adventures" types, but the red marks were concerning him.
When he would ask you about them you always had a different excuse for them.
"My backpacks straps are bit rough."
"I placed my arm wrong on the table"
It was this or that but never a concrete answer.
It was happening every time you came in so something had to be wrong.
He gathered up the little cuarage he had and decided to ask you what you were doing.
"Why do have so many scratches on you?" You werent expecting him to be so blunt but you happily told him to meet you after his shift at the nearby alleyway.
He was suspicious of you but he was also curious, he desperately needed answers because the concern for your wellbeing was getting to be too much for him.
He followed your instructions and walked towards the alleyway you directed him to.
When he turned the corner he saw the most beautiful scene in the world.
You were surrounded by cats...and you were giving them food.
He could die happily then and there.
"W- this is why you show us with scratches all over you!?" You nodded but got up and walked over to a cardboard box that was tucked under a bigger box.
You told him to follow and when he crouched down to see what was in it he saw two huge eyes staring back at him.
"You've been- this little thing is the reason for your scratches?"
He laughed at you and helped you feed all of the cats.
When the two of you finished up, you picked up the box that the small kitten was tucked in and gave it a pat on the head.
"What are you going to do with the kitten?" Shinsou asked you.
"Well, i wish i could take it with me but i don't think i'd be able to take care of it since i work early in the morning and have classes late at night."
Shinsou's mind started planning.
He really liked you and wanted to be around you more often.
Shit, if he was brutally honest he had a crush on you.
"Well, i have classes early morning while i work at night. So...why don't we co-pa-... i mean co-care for the little guy?" He knows his ears were red, he knows his face was starting to turn red as well.
But he wasn't about to admit that he really wanted you to say "yes".
"Uh, ok. Sure!"
Shinsou was over the moon with this and it was all going so perfectly as well.
The kitten would spend the mornings with you and in the afternoons the two of you would meet up to take care of it together.
You both decided to name the kitten Mieko.
""Beautiful blessing child", thats a cute name! Why do you want to call him that?"
"Because...i want to- y-you idiot. Stop asking so many questions!" You just laughed at him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
Shinsou melts.
Shinsou would bring the kitten with him to work since his boss had a soft spot for animals.
Imagine how exited he was when you first invited him into your own apartment.
"You have your own place? Color me impressed."
"Thanks Shin." Shinsou blushed a little at the nickname. It had been over a month that you both agreed to take care of the kitten together.
The more time he spent with you the more he fell.
"I hope you like the umm...book." This was another thing that started after the two of you began to co-parent the kitten. He would bring you gifts and act like it meant nothing.
Reality is that he was courting you.
He expected you to make a comment on his gifts but you glossed over them like nothing.
It was getting on his nerves.
"Aah, hey. Do you want to take Mieko out for a walk...again."
"Was that a question or a demand?" You laughed at him
You made it look easy with how much you make him blush.
The more time you both spent with each other, the more Shinsou realized he was truly in love with you and wanted you to be by his side.
But he was facing a problem. You.
You wouldn't pick up on the hints he was dropping on you. His interest on you.
So one day he decides to just tell up upfront if you would like to go on a date with him.
"Hey Shin, do you want to go on a date with me?"
Shinsou. exe has stopped operations
"I'm joking buddy! But seriously do you want to go out to eat? I think Mieko would-"
"W-WHaT!? F-fuck no!" That upset you because you thought he might like free lunch.
"You could've just said no." He was losing you, again.
"N-no wait! What i wanted to say was umm, would you like to go out with me? Like a date! N-not like friends."
You both just stared at each other for a moment, the silence only making the situation worse.
Mieko, your child, just blinked at the two of you.
"These two ridiculous humans are my parents, great." At least this lead to Shinsou moving in with you and Mieko having a permanent home now.
Double the pats for the two new people in your home, double the purring sounds, double the angry and grouchy cats begging for your attention.
Who wold trade this? You got to cuddle with the two most adorable people in this world.
"I'm not fucking adorable Y/n!"
"Shush Toshi or you're not getting cuddles and kisses."
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Springing Forward (Helmut Zemo x Reader)
Request: hey there cathy! i’m a new follower and i was wondering if i might request a zemo x reader where it’s maybe pre ultron and reader’s family own a flower shop in sokovia and somehow through that they meet? idk i know it’s super random but i’ve got spring fever 😂 (by @msmarvelsmain), [Marvel-Masterlist]
Summary: Your family owned a little flower shop. You assisted every now & then. One day, your parents had departed for a while, a man entered the store & changed your life forever.
Words: 3,255
Warnings: fluff, soft!Zemo, it is so sweet, I promise, pretty sure I didn't use any pronouns :), no TFATWS spoilers (you’re welcome), (Y/F/F) = your favorite flowers, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Spring was your favorite season of the year. Flowers started blossoming. Nature turned colorful again. Lush hues decorated the outsides. Your family owned a petite shop in the central of downtown in Sokovia. The store was your whole pride & joy. The façade was stacked with uneven, light grey cobblestones. The sign on top of the glass door was illuminated with a warm & congenial light. While you did not have that many guests, your regular customers supported you continuously. Helping out your parents had never bothered you. It was a family business. Your assistance was appreciated & the local citizens enjoyed whenever you served them.
Plants & flowers were your hobby. Somehow, they grew when you tended to them. You managed to flourish almost dead ones. That was one of your skills. Your handling with the people who visited your shop left a good impression. The earnings were not a fortune but you made do. The smiles of your pleased customers were enough to balance that out. Not even once had you been bad-tempered. If something bothered you, then you suppressed that negativity for the sake of your reputation. After all, it never had anything to do with the shop itself.
The mornings were your favorites. When the rest of the town was still fast asleep & the birds slowly awakened with rhythmical chirps. The slight breeze that touched your skin tenderly. The goosebumps erupting where your clothes did not cover you. Yet, you abandoned the thought of pulling over a jacket. As the hours ticked by, the sun would amplify, leaving you content with your tenuous t-shirt. Your parents had left town for relaxation. The shop would be solely yours for the upcoming days. Your little apartment was not far away from your workplace. The short walks back & forth were forever welcomed. During your lunch break, if your job & the weather allowed you that, you wandered through the narrow backstreets. Every corner was familiar but the small details that frequently transformed always fascinated you anew.
Years ago, you loathed leaving the country you were born in to start a new life here in Sokovia. Your parents were incomprehensibly overstrained with your whim that seemed to worsen daily. Friends were abandoned in the process of moving. The beginning in a foreign area was strenuous. Not only did it take a toll on you but on your parents as well. The loan enabled your family’s dream of owning their own shop. Independence was an indescribable feeling. Ever since, your fondness of this place had been increasing steadily. And while you would not exactly say that you had friends here, you definitely made a few acquaintances. Friendships would follow sooner or later. Besides, your work consumed almost all of your time. You lived to work & you worked to live. It was as simple as that. Your lifestyle functioned like that. It was exhausting, sometimes excessive, but you handled it just fine. Still, every now & then, you found yourself craving something. What that particular something was had yet to be discovered.
The delightful ringing of the bell whenever someone entered your shop reached your ears. It was early in the morning. Usually, the first costumers rolled in closer to lunch time. Not that you were complaining. Your body spun around, your apron getting stuck on an infinitesimal bump standing out of your oak wooden counter. Silent curses left your lips, too quiet for the stranger to hear. The struggles were noticeable & a presence approached you. You had yet to glance at the person but your delicate hands were busy with fiddling the fabric.
“May I?” a soft, accented voice spoke up & startled you slightly. Your eyes flickered up & locked with warm, chocolate brown ones. For a few moments, time stopped. Your heartbeat sped up. Something about this simple interaction let sparks burst. And when his lips turned into a gentle smile, you were gone for. Never before had something similar occurred. Especially not that quickly. It was obvious that you were staring a little too intensively. But his eyes did not leave yours, lingering just for a fraction longer. He had asked you a question. As an owner, you completely failed your task. You neither welcomed him in nor did you engage in a conversation. Coughing to hide the embarrassment, you averted your gaze & began.
“Welcome. Um, I’d really appreciate your help, thank you.” your voice wavered but it did not crack. His hands, covered by leather gloves, stretched out & he initiated the process of freeing you. The thick material that hid his fingers was offbeat. Average people tended to avoid gloves during this season. It was warm enough without them. Then again, this stranger did not strike you as average. This brief meeting was proof enough.
“There you go.” he commented after successfully liberating you. “As good as new.” he radiated a feeling that made you believe he was a well-spoken man. You were unsure how exactly you ended up with that conclusion.
“Thank you.” both of your hands reached to the hem of your apron, glancing down at it, checking for possible damages. But, as he alleged, it was perfectly fine. Another moment of silence went by, then you slowly returned to reality. You occupied your according place behind the counter. Back straightened & regained composure. “Apologies for my unprofessional behavior. I will ensure you a discount for your purchase. Right…what did you need?” your rambling was mortifying. Hiding your emotions was not necessarily one of your skilled characteristics.
“Please, do not bother with special treatments.” one of his hands raised in front of his chest, signaling that he was being serious. It did not change that, deep down, you felt poorly. “I was actually looking for…” a chuckle interrupted his speech. “I am uncultured regarding this area, truthfully. If you offer me your assistance now then the two of us are even.” the following wink made you all giddy. What was it about him?
“Okay, well…” your previous painstakingness was pushed down. “What is the occasion?” it was always surprising to gain new customers. His accent betrayed him a little. And what a sweet betrayal it was.
“A decisive meeting with a higher up. An efficient first impression would be convenient.” he enlightened you, choosing his words carefully. Well-spoken he was but that was manifested from the very beginning.
“Any preferred colors, types?” one of your eyebrows perked up. Moving your body around the counter & in the middle of the modest shop, you reacted unwillingly after brushing past his frame. Your shoulder barely grazing but enough to trigger uneven breaths.
“How does a common purchase for such an event look like?” you peered over your shoulder, a bit of amusement written over your features. While he appeared like a literate man, ten times wiser than you, this was a field you surpassed with ease. A quick glimpse on your forearm, where a barely functioning watch swathed your wrist caressingly, confirmed your previous assumption. There was still a load of time left until the shop’s actual occupation. You could bestow him your aggregate attention. The unnamed stranger absorbed your every word of your explanation. Your eyes sparkled with a newly witnessed enthusiasm. The fact that he did not heckle your talk during the entirety of your tour through the shop brought you desired satisfaction. He was the first person to display genuine interest in your employment.
“God, please excuse me trailing off. I did not intend to bore you.” all of a sudden, your energetic self switched to an insecure one.
“I can assure you that you did not bore me. Not for one second.” his affirming smile calmed your incertitude. Together, the two of you picked up various individual flowers. A compiled bouquet would portray him in the best light. Your hands moved on their own. You could still hold a conversation with the man on the other end of the wooden table. It separated the back of the shop from the front, main area. His fascination for you expanded by every further move you performed. Lastly, you wrapped the ends of the stems with a fine, almost sheer paper. To secure everything & hold it in place, you braided a ribbon that matched the color of the textile.
“All done.” you showcased the finished product to him, a small, gratified smile adorning your face. “What do you think?” the question was almost shy, it needed reassurance. Which made him ponder why you were so doubtful of yourself & your abilities. To him, you prepared the most gorgeous bouquet he had ever caught a sight of.
“Plainly astonishing.” his praise warmed you from deep within. “You really do have an unbelievable talent.” you thanked him quietly, eyes flickering down to avoid his intense stare. By no means was it displeasing or inadvertent. It was sweet & thoughtful. You wanted to extend his stay, fearing that this would be a one-time interaction. But you could not remain on this high you were currently experiencing. The sound of the entrance bell fetched you back to the present. Another customer that needed attendance. Your togetherness approached an undesirable end. Controlled fingers punched a well-rehearsed pattern into the cash register. The blue numbers flashed for the man in the coat to see. Gloves & a fur-coat during spring? He was the only living soul you had ever met that made it work.
A wallet was pulled out of his pocket. Fine fingers retrieved the money. A beat went by. Two. Almost like he wanted to savor the little time you two had left. But your duties called. He would not use up any more of your duration. Maybe he had already overstepped & his appearance was no longer welcomed or appropriate. The notes were handed over. Your movements like a slow motion scene in your favorite movie. The scenery grasping your every bit of attentiveness. It was something you wanted to remember. To think back & hope to perceive that same feeling you experienced during the first time. You reached for it. The moment his clothed hand touched your smooth skin stilled the world once again. The gentle brush of his thumb over the back of your hand could have been missed if it was not for your body to be this alerted.
“Thank you for your exceedingly helpful guidance, …?” his eyes looked up at you sheepishly. You knew what he was intending. It was a silent question for your name. And you were more than eager to comply.
“(Y/N).” it was short, adequate. His smirk held a deeper meaning. What it was exactly, you could not identify.
“Why, thank you, (Y/N).” his emphasis was on your name. The way it rolled from his tongue was mesmerizing. You found yourself craving to hear that sound constantly. But you were not even sure if it was naïve to hope for his return. He would exit any second. Leaving behind a pit only he could fill. Your train of thought converted into utter despair. He was your customer. Nothing more. Nothing less.
“You never told me your name.” you called out when he was almost out of the door. One last time, he glanced over his shoulder. The fur tickling his chin a bit. One last time, you studied the way his lips lifted. One last time, you believed.
“Helmut.” he replied. “It was nice meeting you.” his hand pushed the door open. His body moved through the doorway. As fast as he entered your life, he left just as quickly.
“You too.” you whispered but he was no longer here to listen to your words. Your face fell, the previous spark in your eyes completely gone. The person in front of you waited until you paid all of your attention to them. It took a lot of effort but you managed in the end. The only difference was that they were not him. Nobody would ever be him again. But he vanished. Like dust in the wind, blowing away his remaining scent that had filled your nostrils.
Was it possible to crave a person you barely knew? Your subconscious sprinkled salt in your wound. Brains could be ridiculous. Nonsense. The teasing of your dreams, in the dark of the calm night, was echoing. Ricocheting off the walls that kept your emotions buried inside. Similar to being the main character in a horror film, desperately looking for a way out but being trapped no matter what. Why were you reacting like that? Why did Helmut waltz into your shop without any restrictions, turning your entire life, your entire world, upside down? He was one mysterious man. Uncommon, remarkable. Someone who swept you off your feet by simply being. One charming smile & you were gone for. The first words he directed to you & he gained you wholly. The worst part of it all was that he had no idea what he did to you. He had no idea that your thoughts were solely revolving around him ever since his entrance to the store. His entrance to your heart. What was happening to you? You had to move on, that much was clear. Truth was, you abominated that thought. Your focus had to shift. Back to your work, back to your task.
The following day started off with a bad mood. Certainly, the upcoming hours would be draining. You could not allow the shop’s closure. Not even for a day. Your family’s existence depended on it. Everything was the same. Chirping birds, a cool breeze, a short walk. The peacefulness before customers visited. Yet, everything was not the same at all. Because there was this nagging feeling inside of you & you knew you could not get rid of it. The ringing sound caught you off guard. It was unusual. Only once had someone entered this early in the mornings. And this one time was yesterday. Your shock was visible. Helmut’s presence was unexpected but definitely not unsought.
“Helmut?” your voice was an octave higher. The excitement emitting from you.
“Good morning, (Y/N).” he strutted closer to you. The same gloves, the same coat. The same offbeat & arcane man.
“What brings you here today?” your head tilted, trying to find a possible explanation for his return. “Wait. Was the bouquet improper?” immediately, thousands of dark, negative thoughts were rushing through you. You did your very best with the flower’s arrangement. Never before had you spent this much time & effort.
“No, not at all.” one of his hands raised & rested on your shoulder, squeezing the tiniest bit. You had to take a deep breath in order to stay calm. As calm as it was possible with him around. “The exact opposite. Which is why I am here again. Could you assist me once more?”
“Of course. What were you envisioning? Who are the flowers for?” your elbows propped onto the countertop, gazing lovingly into his orange shining brown eyes.
“I meant to ask for your favorites. You strike me as one with fantastic taste.” Helmut certainly had a way with words. No matter what he said, you found yourself captivated by him. The topic could be dreary but he made it sound fascinating.
“My favorites? It’s tough to choose one when there are so many stunning options.” you quieted down for a few seconds to really contemplate your answer. It was flattering that he asked for your opinion. “If you make me pick then I’d say…hmm, probably (Y/F/F).”
“Perfect. I would like to purchase a bouquet then.” right away, you got to work. Helmut watched your skilled hands. His enthusiasm only died down when he saw the frown forming on your face. “What is it?”
“Huh?” you were in your thoughts. His question was almost missed by you.
“That frown. Where is it coming from?” only Helmut could be so straight forward about such a small detail he had noticed. Would you tell him the truth? You should not. He did not need to know that your mood turned sour because he bought more flowers. This time, he did not let you know about the purpose of them. Another dinner with a higher up? Highly unlikely. But not entirely impossible. You assumed he would gift them to a woman. Hence why you sidestepped his question masterly.
“I believe it happens when I’m focused on my task.” you hoped your smile was reassuring but Helmut saw right through you. In the end, he did not comment on it. There was a building tension between you two. This time around, there were no lingering touches. He left the shop once again & it was clear that this was it. Helmut would not come back again. And maybe it was for the better. Your heart was too fragile to be crushed by his bare hands. It was not fair to blame basically a stranger. He had a life you had no insight on. But the aching could not be ignored.
Just as you wanted to lock the door to your shop for your lunch break, a voice reached your ears, followed by hurried footsteps. Turning around to look for the cause of it, you were shocked for a second time today. It was Helmut. The same bouquet he had purchased earlier clasped in one of his hands. The other one balanced two cups of coffee. As much as you wanted to withhold your smile, it was inevitable to repress.
“(Y/N)!” he was slightly out of breath. “I expected you were gone already.”
“Good that your expectation was wrong.” the warmth that filled your body was endearing.
“Here.” he handed you the flowers & your eyebrows furrowed. “For you.” he explained further when you made no move to reach for them.
“Why?” you inquired but grabbed the bouquet from him anyway. His posture relaxed & the grip on the cups was more secure.
“May I invite you on a walk through the town?” he suggested shyly. “I brought you coffee. I do hope it is after your liking?” the last part was a question. A sign that he doubted himself the slightest.
“I’m sure it’ll be delightful.” you eased his mind immediately. The cup was placed in your other hand. “Could you wait here for a minute? I should put them in a vase.” he motioned for you to go ahead. Your heart was doing backflips. It all fell into place now. You pieced everything together. He asked for your favorite flowers earlier today because he intended to give them to you. His plan was to spend your lunch break together. Helmut really went out of his way for you. His efforts were mellow. Returning outside once again, he patiently stood in the same spot. The softness of his features were rare on a man like him. You had met people similar to him but he was different. Helmut was that type of many who bought you flowers & made time to spend more with you.
You knew the town by heart. So did Helmut. But exploring the beautiful spots together felt like you were espying every corner, every building, for the very first time. Conversation flowed easily. Laughter was shared, loving glances were exchanged. He gave you a feeling of belonging. Like you were supposed to be right here from the very beginning. It felt right. With a man like him on your side, your life quality would finally improve. Helmut would be the one to quench your cravings. And you would not want it any other way.
Published (05/04/2021) by Cathy
✨MY Ko-fi PAGE✨
Tags: @takacsgram, @hiddlestoner-cumberbitch, @bibliophilewednesday, @yallgotkik, @noavengers, @lieutenantn, @birdieofloxley, @aisling1985, @trelaney, @sebastian-stan-d-on-my-throat, @thewinterrbucky, @loveinthemadness, @princess-yuna (thanks for your support <3)
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gyusbambi · 4 years
trapped; chenle
genre: angsty fluff, dark academia, arranged marriage, pianist chenle, literature student y/n
note: hello, everyone. i just wanted to let you know that this is my first writing on tumblr and english is not my first language. therefore i am sorry if there are mistakes. also this might not be that good. still, i hope you will enjoy this and it’d mean a lot to me if you could like or give feedback? my chats are always open if you want to say anything. have fun!
words: 7,6k
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“it’s time for you to get married.”
complete silence dominates in your father‘s old-fashioned work room, where you stand in front of his wooden desk with a confused expression. lines form between your eyebrows as you slightly tilt your head to the side, expecting your dad to continue talking. however, the old man seems rather unbothered as he simply flicks through his folder with documents. anxious about his frightening statement, your glance darts around the dark room. you take a quick look at the portraits of long forgotten people hanging on the walls, as if you could get an answer from them. dark brown wallpapers, a wooden rocking chair in the corner, antique curtains, a huge bookshelf and a beige vintage sofa decorate your father’s work room.
taking a deep breath and letting it out again slowly, you finally are brave enough to look up at him. still, you nervously tap your fist against your right thigh, opening and closing your mouth several times before forming words: “w-what do you mean it’s time for you to get married?”
you scold yourself internally for lightly stuttering. however, the man in front of you pauses before looking up with a look of puzzlement: “what part of it don’t you understand?”
“i’m only 18!”
an exaggerated sigh leaves his mouth while he crosses his arms and leans against his chair, “i thought we’ve already talked about this, y/n.”
“you’re right. we’ve talked about this once.” slowly getting irritated with every second passing by, you can’t help but raise your voice.
rubbing the brow as if to ward off a headache your father replies with a sharpening tone:
“look, young lady. i’m pretty sure you are aware of the importance of business relationships. if we want to grow successfully, we need to take this wonderful opportunity and get closer to the na’s.”
with disappointment you look down, chin almost dipping to your chest. after that you close your eyes for a moment. once again you feel trapped. sadly, you’ve felt so miserably hopeless over the years, as if you were locked in a cage. never have you experienced the feeling of freedom. you almost envy the several birds flying past your window every night. they seemed so carefree, enjoying every bit of freedom. on the contrary, you always have to follow your father‘s orders - from the way you act to the man you have to marry.
“you’ll get married to na jaemin, the son of mister na. he’s a kind gentlemen. it’s the best for you, my daughter.”
finally breaking the silence, your father speaks up while trying to make eye contact with you. whereas you try to avoid his eyes as much as possible in order to hide your teary ones. as much as you want to conceal your discouraged emotions, your hopeless eyes eventually meet the cold ones of the old man and you say one last thing with your shaky voice before finally leaving his room: “when will you ask me what i want?”
the library is the place where you find joy and peace. several bookshelves filled with various literature, beautiful framed windows, beige tones as well as the slight darkness creeping in your academies library cause you to ease up on your terrible thoughts. besides the calming atmosphere, you couldn’t miss out on the smell of books or the sound of raindrops falling outside.
books help you get lost in your own dreams, in your own fantasy. they distract you from your awful reality you so desperately want to avoid. therefore, you once again find yourself sitting at the back of the academy library with a novel placed on the desk. while flipping through the pages, you remember why you‘re there in the first place. obviously you have to confess you‘re a coward. a person shamelessly running away from their problems, while their whole life is falling apart.
after a while you finish the novel are way too excited to start the next book on your literature list. satisfied with the atmosphere in the library you leave your seat to make your way to your favorite section. in fact, that section wasn’t exactly located in the library but in the room right next to it. it was separated from the other sections and even had a piano placed in the middle of it. most of the time that area seemed empty, leaving only you searching for your favorite books.
when you eventually enter the room, you don’t see what you expected. instead of an empty place filled with complete quietness, you find a young man sitting in front of the piano. he plays beautiful tones, his look absolutely focused on the keys. for a moment, you are taken aback. instead of moving forward, you stand there like frozen. curiously, you take a closer look at the person running his fingers lightly over the keys. the young man seems so concentrated, so passionate and calm, he doesn’t even notice you standing right next to the door. he has dark hair, his bangs slightly covering his forehead. his skin seems soft and light. somehow it reminds you of snow, so clear and pure. he wears a black blazer with a white button up underneath.
certainly, you have never seen this man in the academy before. moreover you know that nobody really plays the piano in this neglected part of the library. therefore you are surprised, amazed as well, not only from his piano skills but also from his appearance.
it is only a few seconds later, when the pianist’s dark eyes leave the keys only to meet yours. a beat skips. at first he keeps on playing but soon it comes to an end. therefore a strained silence settles, while you two just stare into each other’s eyes. the eyes you were longing to look up were round and dark like the night. no single sound can be heard. only your heartbeat in your chest which speeds up. everything else stops existing. it’s only the two of you. yet, soon enough you start to worry. why can’t you focus on anything else? why can’t words leave your mouth? with the strained silence still taking over the room you blink a few times and get aware of the strange situation. before the pianist takes the chance to speak, your feet quickly move towards the specific bookshelf which is placed a little further from the piano. with your heart still beating like a drum, your fingers run over the old books on the shelf. at the same time you hide from the young man, who strangely makes you feel nervous.
you expect the pianist to continue playing. however, the room is still filled with quietness. shortly after you hear footsteps. maybe he left?
before you can distract yourself even more, your eyes scan through the books in front of you. when you finally spot the one you were looking for, you instantly reach for it. as you grab the book from the shelf, you spot someone through the gap between the books. there he is, on the other side of the same bookshelf, his fingers running over several novels. instantly your eyes meet and the familiar feeling starts growing in you again. surprised, you pull your book tight against your chest. neither of you say a word, which starts to make you nervous. however, a small smile appears on the pianist’s face as he grabs a certain book from the shelf, his eyes never leaving yours while doing so. as a result, you attempt to avert your gaze in order to hide the sudden shyness, but the rosiness of your cheeks give it away. in the end it’s just you standing there, watching him leave the room with the book in his right hand.
it’s the next day and you can’t deny that you’ve been thinking about the mysterious pianist from the library. the memory of him playing the piano or gazing at you through the bookshelf is enough for you forget about the uncomfortable situation you currently find yourself in.
“...right, y/n?”
your father’s sudden voice brings you back to reality. renjun, your best friend, nudges you from your right side in attempt to draw your attention. unfortunately, you didn’t pay attention to the conversation your father was having with the people sitting in the same room as you. instead you preferred to doze off by replaying the same scenes from yesterday in your head over and over again. several seconds pass, yet you still can’t seem to reply while you push the food around on your plate.
“y/n?” your dad calls your names once again.
with huge embarrassment you finally look up to find him slightly glaring at you with disapproval in his narrowed eyes.
“hm?” first you pretend to have unheard him, yet soon his glaring basically forces you to continue after clearing your throat nervously,
“i-i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention.”
“of course you weren’t.” jaemin scoffs playfully yet so quietly that apparently you are the only one who hears him. completely annoyed with his actions, you can’t help but give him a hateful glare. after that you feel renjun’s hand on yours under the table, trying to calm you down.
renjun, you, both of your fathers and the na’s are currently sitting on the same table for dinner. obviously, they so desperately wanted you and jaemin to get along. however, his annoying behavior and your lack of interest cause the complete opposite.
“that’s understandable, y/n. you must be stressed out from all the exams. our jaemin is going through the same thing.” mister na says with a caring tone and offers you a smile.
“actually, i’m not-”
“i heard you study literature! that sounds quite interesting. in fact, jaemin is into books too. he spends the whole day in the library, you know.” jaemin can’t finish his sentence when his father doesn’t hesitate to interrupt him.
“would you look at that! y/n is exactly the same.” your dad laughs while patting your shoulder which leads you to smile awkwardly. all you want in that moment is to escape.
clearly nobody in this room is actually interested in what you do. only attempting to bring you two closer. involving jaemin in every single matter made it obvious enough. you like reading? jaemin does too! perfect, just marry each other already!
it is true that you see jaemin in the library almost every single day. besides that, you are pretty sure that he helps around there as well. usually you two would simply pass by each other without greeting. sometimes jaemin would sit near your table, eyes shifting towards you once in a while. at the dinner table you eventually glance at him with curiosity, only to find him already looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“i heard family zhong has returned? his youngest is already attending the academy...”
now everyone is engrossed in their own conversations again, enabling renjun to talk to you. your friend leans in, sliding a chair closer. head tilting to the side, eyebrows slightly furrowed, he speaks up with a soft voice:
“what’s wrong with you?”
“nothing. why?” you shrug, attempting to hide your lack of concentration.
“nothing?” renjun repeats your words with a questioning voice,
“tell me one thing you picked up on this conversation.”
with arms crossed in front of his chest he patiently waits for you to answer. resigned, you sigh before facing him eventually,
“yesterday i was in the piano room and there was someone who played the piano.”
“so?” renjun chuckles after the short silence.
“the thing is i have never seen him before. in the academy i mean.”
“he must be a new student then.”
“probably. he-” you trail off suddenly, the scene of his eyes meeting yours for the first time appearing in your mind.
“what? was he attractive?” renjun jokes with amusement while bumping shoulders with you.
however, when you don’t seem to reply, he almost chokes on his food with widen eyes,
“don’t tell me you fell for a stranger.”
shaking your head you look away from renjun with red cheeks.
“no, renjun,” your groan,
“it just felt different when we saw each other.” you remember that moment precisely which causes a fluttering in your stomach.
suddenly, renjun throws his head back in a bray of laughter while grabbing at his ribs like he has a stitch in his side at the same time. everyone turns their head to the laughing boy sitting next to you. soon, he covers his mouth with a hand to hide his amusement before apologizing politely.
“what the hell, renjun, are you out of your mind?” you whisper angrily.
“i couldn’t help it. how can i not when you literally sound like a fourteen-year-old girl crushing on someone for the first time.”
“the only thing i tried to explain you was that he looked- he looked alright but that’s not what i was trying to tell you- stop it!” you stutter while moving your hands in attempt to express yourself but punch your friend’s chest when he can’t keep a straight face.
“what’s so funny, huang?” jaemin asks with a raised eyebrow.
“oh, i just remembered how you call mark lee your oppa.” renjun smirked. you press your lips together to hold your laugh.
finally the family dinner comes to an end which enables you to breathe again. renjun waves at you with a worried smile when you leave with your father. just as much as you, your friend is completely unhappy with you forcefully getting engaged to na jaemin.
at the dinner table he told you about the new student from one of the richest families returning to the academy. apparently that certain person studies music and is known for his incredible voice. jaemin, on the other hand, chose not to talk much, besides leaving a few teasing comments now and then.
like always the neglected area of the library is completely empty. the utter silence is nothing new to you. everything remains the same in that specific room, yet one certain matter seems remarkable. truly speaking, you are a little upset when you don’t spot the particular pianist in front of the old piano. instantly you try to avoid the unfulfilled expectations in your head. they make you feel foolish, silly, delusive. how could you let yourself fall into your peculiar fantasy once again? perhaps your father is right when he claims that the books you read influence your expectations on the real world.
letting out a sigh, your hands brush over your dark green dress while your eyes scan through the rest of the library. instead of leaving that room, you spontaneously decide to try and play the piano yourself. after you take a seat, your fingers run over the cold keys. there happens to be a little dust, which you quickly brush away. at that moment, the memory of you playing the instrument for the first time appears in your head. you remember precisely how your beautiful mother wrapped her arm around your shoulder, the other hand over your small one. she placed your fingers on the right keys and gave you a loving smile before finally pressing them. although she had shown you multiple times, you still preferred to watch her play it herself. unfortunately, you never actually learned how to play it, since after your mother’s death, you haven’t dared to play it ever again. yet here you are, sitting in front of that specific instrument with absolute cluelessness.
a few minutes pass and you still sit in the same spot, pressing random keys on the piano. while doing so, images of your mother appear in your head. right when you are about to give up and leave the abandoned room, suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat catches your attention. startled you snap your head to the sound of a stranger only to find the young man, you were admittedly longing to meet, standing at the entrance. the sight of him causes you to let out a small gasp. when you don’t speak, the pianist becomes uneasy.
“am i interrupting you?” he asks with his finger pointing to the piano, his eyebrows slightly raised while waiting for your answer.
"no! no, i was just playing around.” you nervously chuckle before looking down at the instrument in front of you, unable to meet the eyes of the stranger.
“ah,” he nods understandingly, “do you usually practice here?”
you shake your head, eyes not leaving the piano, “i can’t play. normally i’m here for the books.”
“true.” he mumbles, keeping his head down. you fail to notice the small smile creeping across his face.
chenle remembers perfectly how he spotted you on the other side of the same bookshelf. the small space between the books enabled him to glance at you. the sight of you holding your book tightly against your chest with red cheeks was enough for him to smile with amusement.
“i mean i kinda caught you playing random tones.” he rubs the back of his neck without making eye contact.
you can’t help but let out a quiet laugh, “you can admit that i’m miserable.”
“practice is the key. mind if i join you?”
“sure!” you respond a little to fast.
eventually the young pianist takes a seat next to you and places his hand on the keys. it doesn’t take him long to start playing a beautiful melody, making it look so effortless and easy. you are more than impressed when he finishes the short play and turn his head to face you.
“you’re really good!” you compliment when your eyes leave the piano keys to meet the ones of the stranger. his smile widens when suddenly an idea pops up in his head,
“thank you. do you want me to teach you a little?”
“that would be great.” you nod as you give him a thankful glance.
in a matter of fact, there has always been this desire to play piano deep inside you. with the hope that maybe, just maybe, a connection between you and your beloved mother could develop. when you think about it, it’s almost like the young pianist knows what you have been thinking about. even the simplest melody would make you satisfied. perhaps, the complete stranger could help you build a connection between your mother and you. somehow, he looks into your eyes a little longer, as if he’s trying to read you, before eventually focusing on the piano again.
“alright, so let’s start off with the notes.”
suddenly he slides closer to you in order to wrap his right arm around your shoulder and places his warm hand on your cold, small one. your skin tingles from the sudden contact of his skin with yours.
“now you need to...”
nervously you just stare at your hands on the piano, unable to meet the eyes of the young pianist, who sits way too close to you. you can feel the soft fabric of his blazer on your right arm. his knee touches yours under the piano. you can also feel his breath on your neck when he explains how to play the instrument. however, you can’t focus on what he’s saying. you imagine what would happen if you look up at him.
“... you still here?” the young man chuckles and you feel embarrassment when you realize that he must have noticed your lack of concentration.
when you look up to give him an answer, the closeness of his face makes you forget what you wanted say. again, you feel your face reddening.
the young man himself, is flustered as well when he notices rosiness on your cheeks. he is totally taken back by your long lashes, your beautiful eyes and your cherry tinted lips. besides that he really likes your sweet scent.
“i’m sorry! i zoned out a little.” you admit while you look into his eyes.
“that’s okay. we can try again!”
you take the nice offer and he teaches you one more time.
almost an hour passes, when you find yourself sitting in the library with the mysterious pianist, talking about several topics. for you, it’s great to have someone who communicates about books, music, art or theories, instead of business, money or work.
you both talk about your majors in the academy and you find out that the pianist, surprisingly, studies music. after you mention that you’re a literature student, he gets quite excited. with interest he wants to know more about it and expects you to talk more about it.
it’s when you two laugh about the ridiculous history professor, when suddenly your closest, and only friend, renjun enters the room with a worried expression on his face. however, his face changes to shocked, when he spots you and the stranger sitting on a table near the window.
“y/n, are you here? na jaemin wants to-”, he trails off before raising his eyebrows,
“zhong chenle?! what are you doing here?”
“renjun-ssi! aren’t you excited to see me?” the boy next to me tilts his head slightly with confusion and you notice the playful frown on his face.
“dude, i didn’t know you already arrived.” renjun doesn’t talk much but pulls the other boy in for a hug.
this is zhong chenle? the boy from a rich family who returns to the academy?
“i missed you, man.” chenle pats renjun’s back.
yet, renjun pulls back only to hit his shoulder playfully,
“why didn’t you let me know? since when are you here, huh?”
“i’m sorry, hyung. these days are very stressful for everyone, you know?”
renjun nods understandingly and finally pays attention to you, trying to hide the fact that he forgot that you are here too.
“you are zhong chenle?” you question with a confused voice as you furrow your eyebrows while pointing to him.
chenle sighs before nodding, “yes. that’s me.”
“y/n probably expected you to act like a rich snob.” renjun chuckles before you cough and send him a glare.
“hold on, don’t tell me the mysterious pianist you’ve been tal-”, before your friend can finish his sentence, you abruptly stand up in order to slap your hand on his mouth,
“shut up, renjeon.” you mumble, knowing renjun despises this specific nickname, originally created by na jaemin.
“are you two friends?”
“yes, we happen to be friends.” you answer while renjun gives you an annoyed look, still offended by the way you decided to call him,
“in fact, i’m your only friend.”
you are used to his odd behavior and decide to ask him something that has been in your mind since he came into the library,
“were you looking for me?”
“oh, right.”, renjun remembers and shakes his head to focus, “apparently na jaemin has something to talk about.”
the uncomfortable feeling appears again. soon you decide to leave the two boys and say goodbye before making your way to your fiance, na jaemin.
soon it turns out that na jaemin wants to talk to you about your upcoming marriage. of course, this matter makes you annoyed. for a certain reason jaemin seems to be serious about the whole situation. the young boy never fails to impress everyone by his charm, looks and intelligence. more important than that, he never disappoints his family. always coming up with the best ideas for their company, developing relationships with important people and giving his best in the academy. yet, you are quite confused when you find out that na jaemin wants to marry you. even in a situation like this, he can’t risk disappointing his family?
however, you certainly don’t care about his image and for sure won’t accept to be a part of his family.
“look, y/n, i know you don’t want this. trust me, i don’t want this either but it’s the best for us-”
“i don’t care about what’s best for us, this is my life and i should at least be allowed to decide if i want to marry.”
“would you stop being so selfish for once?” jaemin hissed.
“selfish?” you scoff, “i pity you, na jaemin. all you care about is how others think of you. i will never marry you.”
you once again you find yourself in one of your favorite places. this time it isn’t the peaceful library, but the flower garden. indeed, you adore the lovely smell of several flowers and the view of the scenery while you sit on the fresh grass, enjoying every bit of nature. just like the library, this place radiates peace. with a smile on your face you look around, checking if anyway was watching. when you don’t see anyone, you happily pick up some daisies - they’re your favorite.
from the building in front of the flower garden, chenle spots you through the window. the young pianist pushes the curtains further to the side as he watches you pick up a few flowers. you’re wearing a long sleeved white dress which reaches just above your knees. whenever he observed you, he saw a confused, worried and slightly shy girl. however, now that he looks at you, you seem like the happiest.
chenle doesn’t even notice a smile creeping across face, as he continues staring at you. he even considers walking downstairs just to meet you. as a matter of fact, the previous day keeps popping up in his mind. he enjoyed the moment he shared with you in the library: how his hand was placed on your soft one, how the redness appeared on your cheeks, how you talked about music and literature. desperately wanting the feeling of his rapid heartbeat to appear again, he doesn’t think twice before running towards the flower garden.
instead of greeting you he decides to walk up to you until there was only a few inches left between you. unawarely, you look at the flowers in your hand with keeping your head down. while doing so, you fail to notice chenle lowering his head slowly, almost touching your right shoulder. however, when the young man eventually whispers a hello in your ear, you let out a yelp and jump before turning around.
suddenly you are met with chenle standing right in front of you, your bodies almost touching. shocked by his sudden appearance, your eyes widen and your feet stumble over his. for a moment you close your eyes as you lose your balance and feel yourself fall. yet, before your back hits the ground, chenle is able to wrap his arm around your waist, holding you there, safe from falling. your fists are pressed against his chest, the daisies completely squeezed in your sweaty hand.
once your eyes meet his, a heavy feeling in your stomach appears. at the sudden contact of his body with yours, you feel your skin tingle. soon your pale face turns as red as the roses in the flower garden.
“woah there, did i scare you that much?” chenle chuckles as he looks into your eyes with amusement. you can feel his chest rising slightly while he does so.
for a moment you can’t find the right words as you try to avoid making eye contact as much as possible. after glancing around as if you‘re looking for an exit or escape, you finally look back to the pianist before speaking,
“why did you do that?”
“for fun.” he shrugs with a small smirk,
“what are you doing here anyway?” chenle asks although he already knows the answer.
“i wanted to walk around a little and... i also picked up some daises, i guess.” you mumble the last part, as your eyes leave his to look at the squished flowers in your hand, still in the same position,
“and you?” you ask, eyes moving back to his face,
“what are you doing in the flower garden?”
now it’s chenle’s turn to look for the right words. somehow, he does not want to admit that the only reason he came here was you.
now that he also notices that your bodies are still attached to each other, his arm around your waist while your hands lay on his chest, the situation seems to get difficult for him. with his heartbeat fastening, he clears his throat to answer the question. however, before he can even open his mouth, you take a step back slowly, your hands now swinging by your sides.
it is stupid how you both fail to notice the redness on each other’s cheeks.
“s-sorry.” you stutter as your eyes focus on his chest.
chenle raises his eyebrows, “no! it’s not your fault, i-”
“i mean the flowers,” you interrupt him as you point to the daises sticking to his sweater.
the pianist immediately looks down and can’t help but laugh at the sight of daisies pressed against his chest.
soon you both sit on the grass and talk about this and that. you have no idea how you ended up in this position, but your head rests on chenle’s thigh, his hand playing with your soft hair, while you look up to the sky.
“what do you want to do after academy?” chenle asks and starts playing with the daisies you had pressed against his chest before.
nobody has asked you this question before, not even your own father.
what do you want?
no, it is always you following your dad’s rules. not even once you have had the chance to decide for yourself. in fact, your whole life is entirely planned by other people.
what are you supposed to answer? that you will forcefully get married to a successful man you don’t want, and follow him around everywhere?
“i want to become a journalist.” you reply instead. with chenle, you want to talk about your dreams.
he looks at you with surprised eyes, “that sounds awesome! i can tell you’ll be successful.”
“you think so?” with a small, delighted smile you lean in a little.
“of course! your writing is excellent, you show so much passion and you’re quite ambitious. not to mention you pay attention to detail.” he braids the daisies in your hair but you don’t even realize, completely taken back by his words.
chenle smiles, unable to meet your eyes. he remembers how you couldn’t stop talking about writing and reading with so much excitement in your eyes. how you envy the lives of main characters because they seem to exciting, whereas yours is boring and somber.
“thank you, chenle. this means a lot to me.”
his eyes land on you and he finds you smiling with joy. this makes him happy and he can’t deny the butterfly in his stomach caused by that smile of yours.
little did he know, this was only the beginning.
somehow chenle and you start meeting each other more and more. the both of you keep seeing each other in the library and end up studying together. sometimes you write names of several flowers on his wrist, while he writes song lyrics on yours. you introduce chenle to many novels and he likes to play the piano for you. sadly, you fail to notice him peeking through the book he’s reading only to watch rays of the sun shine on your face.
in the flower garden, you usually lay next to each other, watching the clouds on the bright sky. every so often, you rest your head on his leg while he runs his hand through your hair. both of you pick up different flowers everyday and take them home. chenle even makes flower-crowns and you put daisies in his shirt pocket. yet, once again, you don’t notice him staring at you while you are busy observing the birds flying in the sky.
nevertheless, you catch sight of a rosiness on his cheeks every time you happen to look in his eyes a little longer than usual.
or how he casually holds your hand while you study in the library, his thumb running over yours.
or how he glances at your lips once in a while, thinking you’re too focused on fixing the collar of his jacket.
you are sure of your feelings for the pianist. however, you are unsure about his feelings. perhaps, he only sees you as a friend? what if you embarrass yourself in front of him? because of this, you decide not to say anything and continue hopelessly spending time with the music student, who you adore more than anything. in a matter of fact, it just makes sense falling for him.
unfortunately, it just seems so impossible to be with him, especially because you are engaged to someone else. chenle doesn’t know about your upcoming marriage with na jaemin and you have no clue when you should tell him.
however, that day comes sooner than you thought it would.
it’s when you both walk home from another study session at the library. before you turn around to leave chenle, you wave at him with a bright smile on your face. yet, it doesn’t take him long to call your name which causes you to turn around. with a questioning face you turn to face him and wait for him to continue.
“i need to tell you something.”
the nervousness on his face is impossible for you to not notice. the way his hands slightly tremble, his ears turning into a red color and him gulping make you worry.
and that’s when you choose to tell him. the moment just seems perfect and if not now, then when?
“me too,” you say,
“i have to tell you something really important.”
“well, then you go first.” chenle rubs his neck while avoiding your eyes.
you draw your mouth into a tin line and press your lips together before taking a deep breath and finally answer,
“i’m engaged to na jaemin.”
of course, you are so overwhelmed and nervous that you fail to notice chenle’s face fall. his stomach drops as he stares into your eyes so deeply.
why would you say that right when he was about to confess?
but perhaps it was better this way. things between you would be very weird, if he confessed his feelings. still, he feels terrible. the girl he has been loving the whole time is engaged to somebody else.
“it was my father’s decision, not mine.” you try to meet chenle’s eyes but he looks away,
“oh, i see. that’s... great? congratulations.”
“what did you want to tell me?” you try to change the topic since you suddenly feel uncomfortable.
“me? ugh-,” the boy in front of you is slightly panicked, attempting to find a possible response,
“nothing important haha.” chenle tries to laugh it off.
you frown, “are you sure?”
he just nods, not able to form the right words.
“alright but i need to tell you something else. i’m aware that this might not be the right time or place, after what i just said, but i just need to tell you-”
right when you want to reveal your feelings for the young pianist, you hear a voice calling his name. his father is calling him, and he has to leave.
“sorry, y/n. see you at the ball.”
the next day you get ready for the dance, which takes place near your academy. in fact, it’s the most important dance out of all of them. pretty much all families are invited, including yours of course. unfortunately, you are aware that parents tend to play cupid in order to bring their children together. in this case, your father puts effort into his appearance and also gives you an expensive dress.
when you finally arrive at the ball your eyes immediately find the man you so hardly fell for. simply he stands there, a drink in his right hand, eyes shining while talking to your friend huang renjun. chenle is wearing a velvet burgundy suit which makes you feel dizzy.
however, during that night, you notice how chenle avoids you. whenever you try to approach him, he finds someone else to talk. whenever you walk towards his direction, he turns around immediately and walks away. now and then you glance at him from distance and when he finally turns his head to your direction and meets your eyes, he looks away in milliseconds.
even so, renjun eventually meets you and it’s his turn to play cupid. right after he greets you with a huge smile, he grabs your arm and leads you to where chenle is currently standing, thankfully alone.
after you both awkwardly greet each other, renjun decides to check on his other friend lee donghyuck. right when you are ready to talk to chenle, suddenly na jaemin shows up in the same room. apart from that people around you start to dance with their partner. it doesn’t take you long to realize that jaemin, your fiancé, is walking towards you.
he wants to dance with me.
your gaze flits around the room, never settling on a person or object for long as you plan an escape in your head. finally chenle decides to speak to you when the young boy notices your nervous behavior,
“what’s wrong?”
immediately you grab onto him, refusing to let go:
“i have to leave. now.”
“what? why?”, chenle watches you with curious eyes until you eventually make eye contact with him.
there is a tightness in your chest when you play with your fingers nervously,
“na jaemin is coming our way because he wants to dance with me. don’t look.”
although you clearly warned chenle so that he could avoid your narcissistic fiance, he still looks behind you curiously.
“i said don’t look!” you speak through your teeth with forced restraint.
“why don’t you dance with him? he’s your fiancé after all.” the pianist only ignores your words, more interested in your feelings for the young man called na jaemin.
“i don’t want to dance with him because i don’t like him. it’s my dad’s decision, not mine. remember?”, you sigh while looking for a way to escape.
“then dance with me.”
all of the sudden chenle’s right hand grabs your waist, pulling you really close to him. after that his other hand takes yours which makes you let out a small gasp. with confusion your eyes widen, not believing the situation you find yourself in. nervously, you gulp when he looks down to you with a small smirk on his face. instantly your cheeks turn a darker shade of red, eyes not leaving his beautiful dark ones. chenle’s hands on your body make the butterflies appear in your stomach once again, your heart races and you aren’t exactly bothered by the familiar feeling until you notice your surroundings. 
all the guests in the room are focused on you both, whispering to each other with surprised faces. even the couples dancing are shocked by zhong chenle dancing with y/n, who’s already engaged to na jaemin, that they end up stepping on each other’s feet. your fiancé himself is just standing there with an angry expression, eyes not leaving zhong chenle, who dares to dance with you.
“chenle, w-what are you doing?” your tongue gets tangled when you attempt to whisper.
he shrugs, “i want to dance with you.”
your right hand holds into his shoulder while the other one squeezes his hand,
“everyone is watching us. are you sure this is a good idea?”
“they’re just jealous you’re dancing with the most handsome man in the room.”
chenle’s sudden change in behavior makes you frown and step on his foot intentionally. however, he only tightens his grip on your waist and pulls you even closer as you continue to dance with each other,
“oh. is this better?”
the feeling of his soft hands on the fabric of your dress makes your skin tingle. how could he pull you close to him so easily?
the music plays in the background when you are too focused on his face, now only a few inches apart from yours. you have difficulty focusing on your steps due to the sudden lightheadedness which leads you to stumble and step on chenle’s foot once again.
he smirks, playfully shaking his head: “you want me even closer?”
your eyes widen when he bends down to whispers in your ear,
“we’re in public, y/n.”
you think it’s the end for you when you feel his warm breath on your neck which makes your heart nearly explode in your chest but he just looks into your eyes deeply, his lips forming a smile when he notices the rosiness on your cheeks,
“do i make your heart flutter?”,
he only chuckles at your cuteness, completely unaware of your feelings for him.
“you wish.” you manage to say after clearing your throat, your eyes now on the people dancing around you.
after that he spins you around just to catch you in his arms again: “i wish.”
at that exact moment, when you both stare into each other’s eyes deeply with love and attraction, everything and everyone around you seems to disappear. all at once the music in the background, the sound of people laughing and the people themselves stop existing. chenle holds you in his arms, his grip on your waist tightening even more, his face really close to you. there’s a fluttering in his stomach when his gaze falls on your soft, rosy lips. you do the same when you notice his eyes on your lips and none of you dare to say anything. yet, you blink a few times before deciding to express your feelings for the pianist,
“chenle, i-”
out of the blue na jaemin dares to interrupt you and the popular zhong. swiftly he pulls you out of chenle’s grip by grabbing your arm. surprised by his sudden actions, you watch jaemin glare angrily at the boy in front of him, hand not letting go of your arm.
“what do you think you’re doing, zhong?”, jaemin speaks carefully in a controlled tone, trying to remain calm. however, you don’t fail to notice his fist pounding against his thigh lightly.
“who are you to tell me what to do?” chenle laughs annoyed.
“i’m her fiancé, you asshole.”
“then maybe you should ask your fiancée what she thinks of you. i bet you already know, right? things can’t always go your way, jaemin-ssi.”
after snapping at him, chenle pulls you ouf of jaemin’s grip and leads you out of there.
it is your wedding day. although you could never believe that in the end of the day you’ll have to get married to a complete stranger, you now observe yourself in front of the mirror, hair falling down your shoulders perfectly, make-up done, pearls around your neck and the heavy dress on your body. you absolutely hate your reflection, your eyes still puffy from crying the previous night. the soreness in your throat makes you feel even more uncomfortable. nonetheless you have to marry na jaemin in a few minutes.
after chenle left the ball with you, he confessed his feelings for you. therefore, you told him about your feelings as well. that moment was incredibly magical to you, yet also quite stressful. needless to say, you talked about your engagement with the other male and chenle told you to not worry about it. he told you that he would certainly find a way. however, unfortunately, nothing happened till your wedding day. you both met each other secretly now and then, sharing kisses in the neglected library when chenle played the piano but got distracted by you. 
by all means you enjoyed spending time with your lover but had to admit that you got more worried every day. zhong chenle promised you he’d never leave you but now you enter the big room, where people watch you walk towards the other side of the room. you want to cry, run away, scream. how could chenle just leave you like this? 
right when you are about to take jaemin’s hand and give in, the gates suddenly open which catches everyone’s attention. there he is, completely out of breath from the running, eyes looking for yours. soaked from the heavy rain, he runs his hand through his wet hair. your eyes widen when he runs towards you. the guests gasp as he reaches for your hand and stares into your eyes deeply,
“come with me, y/n.”
not knowing what do, you raise your eyebrows and continue looking at the young man in front of you. before your father can burst out in anger, chenle swiftly grabs your arm and starts running. you hear everyone in the room gasp and panic, na jaemin calling your name several times. nevertheless, you run away with your lover, nearing the huge gates which lead to an exit. while rushing towards his horse, your long dress gets dirty from all the rain.
“you came!”, you manage to say with excitement, while running.
“of course i came! i told you i’d never leave you!”
“what are we doing now?”
“we’re running away from here, love. i know i-” chenle trails off for a moment, still breathless from running the whole time,
“i haven’t talked to you about this but you have to trust me. i planned everything. is that okay with you?”
chenle jumped on his horse and offers a hand to you. eventually you nod without thinking twice and get on the horse. 
before you both leave, he turns around to you slightly, his eyes staring into yours with so much love before his hands caress your face. your hurt flutters when his lips touch yours, your eyes closing immediately. breaking the kiss, he tucks your hair behind your ear,
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too, chenle.”
and you both head towards north, where you live happily ever after.
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missskzbiased · 4 years
I Hate That I’m Afraid to Love You (11)
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt /Confort , Suggestive, Fluff, College Au, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Au, REALLY Slow burn, Love Square (?)
Pairing: Hyunjin X Fem!Reader  X Han X OC
WC: ~ 6,6K
[Previous] [Chap] [Next]
Notes: This chapter had been planned since I don’t know... Chap 2 or something LOL. I’m happy it finally came. I’m also happy to say that the next one will be hella suggestive. I hope you guys like it! I’m writing the chap 14 for now, so we’ve been kinda okay with the schedule. Let’s hope I don’t get blocked!
Warnings (general*): Language, Mentions of (Physical abuse, Death/ Loss of Loved One, Child Abandonment/Neglect, Divorce, Toxic Parents, Cancer, Mental disorder, Anxiety Attack, Alcohol, Food), Suggestiveness (?)
Updates: Tuesdays
Tagging: @aliceu @thatrandomoneinthecorner  @channiewoo  @bythesunnotbythemoon
     You wiped all your things in your bag as soon as the bell rang, glancing at Hyunjin and Paris before getting up from your chair.
    “Are you coming with us, Hyunjin?” You asked mindlessly, checking if you had everything inside your bag and hoisting it over your shoulder as you concluded that everything was there. You looked at him, waiting for his answer, and watching as he placed his things inside his bag, taking out your book from there.
   “I won’t eat in the dining hall” He scrunched his nose, making you roll your eyes. Paris looked at you amused before looking at him and gasp, snapping her head back at you with a surprised look. You arched your brow, confused by her sudden behavior, and she darted her eyes back to him before settling them on you.
   “He was the friend you met on Wednesday?!” She asked excitedly, and you frowned. What the hell was she talking about? You looked at him confused, and he sent you a knowing look, a smirk plastered on his face.
   “Talking about me to your friends already, hm?” He teased, and you stared at him blankly before shaking your head slightly, rolling your eyes. Paris took the book in her hands, waving it for you to see it. You frowned, no clue about what she expected you to do.
   “You said you were going to meet your friend to give it to him!” She recalled, and you widened your eyes, remembering your lies. Great, now Paris would be fixed on the idea you were meeting Hyunjin behind her back “So… Are you guys friends now or something?” She grinned, and Hyunjin raised his brow at you, questioningly.
   “Yeah, yeah” You agreed, giving him a warning look that he took silently, keeping his mouth shut, “Something like that” You added, forcing a smile. Paris narrowed her eyes, suspicious, and you began to walk, so they would follow you and drop the subject.
   Paris clearly couldn’t be an actress, because she didn’t follow the script in your head.
   “Something, hm?” She teased, and you looked at Hyunjin for help. He shrugged, not knowing what to do since he didn’t even know what was going on, and you let your shoulders drop in defeat “Should I leave the love birds by themselves?” She grinned, and Hyunjin ─who clearly didn’t understand how to maintain a friendship with you─ grinned along.
   “Should she?” He asked playfully, looking directly at you. You pushed your tongue against your cheek, annoyed. Paris’s grin morphed into a full wide smile, eyes sparkling in excitement as she clasped her hands and looked at you. She was beaming. You could risk saying that you never saw her that happy in your whole life, almost relieved.
   That was how much she wanted you dating someone… Jesus.
   “Hyunjin, fuck off” You asked, voice drained and a pleading expression that made him chuckle. She giggled, happy with your not so gentle interaction, and you let out an exasperated sigh “We’re not dating, Paris” You pointed out, stressing your words. She hummed ─ clearly not buying them ─ and you let out a heavy sigh, wondering what have you done wrong in your life for your friend to believe in whatever she wanted, completely ignoring you.
    “Didn’t you mean fuck me?” Hyunjin goaded, smiling devilishly at you. Paris shot you a keyed up look, holding her breath as you walked, interested in your answer. You almost laughed at her eyes twinkling, like she was a child watching their favorite toy on display.
    “That’s exactly what I meant, thank you” You smiled obnoxiously, letting it hang in the air for a second too long, enough to confuse him “Fuck you” You added, grimacing, and he let out a wholeheartedly laugh, surprised by your retort. You chuckled, fighting back your smile as your eyes roamed around the quad as soon as you got to the stairs.
    “You almost tricked me” He confessed, humming in appreciation “You’re getting better at this”
    “Almost? You totally fell for it” You accused lightly, shooting him a funny look. Paris seemed pleased at your interaction, smiling at herself as she looked around the quad, mimicking your previous action. Unlike you, though, she let out a gasp. You raised your eyes to follow hers, spotting Han and his father walking side by side.
   “I thought Han would be lunching with us today” She mused, observing the other man walking along with them. They were walking fast, talking about something enthusiastically as Han nodded once in a while, a tight smile that conveyed his uncomfortableness from miles away. You frowned, concerned about him. Since Friday’s match, he had been feeling kinda down in general.
   Sometimes he seemed just alright as if he didn’t have anything to worry about.
   Sometimes he looked like he was drowning in regret.
   Just like now.
   The way his shoulders were dropped made it seem like he had to carry the weight of the entire world on them. The way his lips quirked down ─ almost imperceptibly but casting a shadow in the corner of his lips ─ made it seem like his whole face was taken by whatever dark thoughts wandered around his mind. The way his jaw clenched ─ stretching his neck just a little bit ─ made it seem like he had an invisible rope ready to strangle him. The way his eyebrows quivered almost imperceptibly made you realize how much he was trying to hide a clear ocean of emotions behind his worried eyes.
   You knew something was wrong and you couldn’t believe one lost match was the reason why he seemed so down lately.
   So what exactly was his problem?
   You pursed your lips, patting Paris’s shoulder before looking at Hyunjin, waving him goodbye before turning to her, forcing a small smile. You made your way to the dining hall, dismissing Paris’s idea of going their way to greet them but sending some looks over your shoulder. Maybe later you should try to figure it out.
   For now, though, it was lunchtime.
    Later arrived sooner than you expected.
    You bit your hot dog, crossing your legs as you fixed yourself on the stool and leaning against the stand as you watched the P.E building, waiting for Han to come out of his practice. You heard the coach wasn’t pleased about the results, and it seemed like he was taking out his frustrations on the team, tiring them out.
    You distracted yourself for a split of a second, admiring the dark sky that fell upon you. Although work in a library was fun to some extent, it was always strange to get in there with the sun burning your scalp and people wandering around, chatting up, to get out when everything was dark and quiet. The lights shooting from the roof made you trail their path, getting too invested in them to notice someone coming in your way.
   “Waiting for your boyfriend?” Minho’s voice sounded as soon as someone shadowed your view. You focused your gaze on him. Despite his usual teasing, it was clear he was drained, an unusual frown giving him away. You gestured to the stool beside you for him to sit, ignoring his teasing like you often did when you didn’t find it in you the urge to whine at him. He gestured to the employee, asking whatever he called the usual before he sat down.
   The silence was slightly awkward but neither of you tried to say anything at first. You glanced at him, munching your food as you pretended not to be interested in why he looked so edgy today. He tapped his fingers on the stand, eyes fixed on the building behind him; though he probably didn’t intend to show his anxiety, the subtle rocking his body made back and forth was enough for you to sigh in defeat, lowering your food.
   “What is it?” You decided to ask, taking him by surprise. He looked at you astonished; impressed you even noticed something was wrong with him, blinking a few times as he deadpanned. You rolled your eyes, shoulders dropping as you scoffed “Really? You look like shit, Minho! Also, you can’t stop bouncing your leg and drumming your fingers. I mean, either you’re anxious or you really want to be a drummer” He snorted, nodding in defeat.
   “It’s been tiring” He shrugged “Coach is mad at us for losing like that… I fucked everything up” He admitted “I couldn’t even think about missing a serve in a time like this… He’s been on my tail since then” He sighed, clearly overwhelmed “Also, I think Han isn’t feeling much better… “ He eyed you cautiously “Isn’t he distant lately?” You blinked, thinking deeply.
   Well, to tell the truth, he kinda was.
   “I think so? He has been acting weird… I don’t think it’s about the match though” You confessed, resting your hot dog on the stand before continuing “Sometimes it just seems like he’s lost inside his head, I don’t know how to explain” He nodded in agreement, looking at your food as if he craved for it, making you chuckle “You can have it, I’m okay” You pushed it his way, fighting back a chortle as he blushed, embarrassed.
    “No! Sorry! I’m just…” He closed his eyes when his stomach growled, and this time you couldn’t hold back your laughter, pushing your food closer to him “Sorry, I’m starving” He admitted, picking up your hot dog and humming as soon as he had a bite “The damn coach didn’t give us any time to fucking eat!” He muttered, mouth full of food, as he tried to cup it so he wouldn’t spat at you.
    “Han missed the practice? Where is he?” You asked out of nowhere, realizing that if the coach was on their tail, he should be with Minho right now. Minho gulped down his food, sighing.
    “He’s at the gym… He said he needed some alone time” He took another bite, cupping his mouth again “Said he wasn’t hungry… As if” He scoffed. You frowned, looking at the building once more, attention dragged back as Minho’s food was settled in front of him “Do you want some?” He offered, pointing to his brand new hot dog.
    “Actually… Can I have this? I’ll pay for yours” You reassured him, picking up your bag to search for your wallet “I’m going to push it down his throat” You grunted, putting the money right in front of Minho. He laughed, shaking his head and waving his hand dismissively.
   “What a caring girlfriend” He teased, gesturing so he could order another one, pushing your money back to you before you gave him a neck-slap “I owe him one” He shrugged it off, and you wiped your money back into your bag, picking up the hot dog and quickly making your way to the gym, afraid he would just go home unexpectedly.
    You struggled a little bit to find it but as soon as you spotted Han laid down on the floor, arms crossed upon his eyes and fingers buried into his hair ─ the definition of defeat himself ─ you felt all your unsettledness dissolve into pure worry. You cleared your throat, and the sudden echo in the empty gym startled him. He shot his body up, sitting on the floor and moving his hands away so he could see who was sneaking there; shoulders dropping in relief when he spotted you.
   The next second, he tensed up, realizing it was you.
   “What are you doing here?” He asked surprised, way more stiffly than you were used to seeing him. You approached him, handing the hot dog without a word, and he arched his brow in wonder, looking at you as if you were crazy “What is it? You suddenly had the urge to come here with a hot dog?” He scoffed, and this time you rolled your eyes.
   “Just eat the damn thing” You pushed it in the air, and he took it gratefully “I heard you said you weren’t hungry… I immediately realized you needed a friend. I mean, did I ever see you satisfied in your life?” You joked, and he laughed at it for a few seconds before his laughter died slowly, giving way to an awkward silence.
   “I don’t think you did” He muttered under his breath, taking a bite. You gasped, taken aback by the sudden change in the mood. Han wasn’t the one to complain about his life. If you were being honest, you couldn’t recall a time he complained about anything for real ─ well, except for Hyunjin being in your life ─, so you took the hint to sit down next to him, placing your hand on his knee.
    “You know you can talk to me, right?” You offered unsure, eyeing him cautiously “I may not be able to help you but I can hear you out” You gave him a small smile which he returned, sighing right after. He took a bite of his food but didn’t seem to care about the taste, as he didn’t even hum like he used to do when he ate it.
   “I don’t know where to begin with” He stated, eyes unfocused but fixed somewhere over your shoulder “I mean… I don’t know… You know?” He trailed off, which wasn’t really helpful. You furrowed your brows, tilting your head.
  “Could you be more specific?” You asked amused, and he chuckled, gulping down his food.
   “I lost this game… And for what, Y/N? For what?” He sighed heavily “Dad brought a friend to meet me today… He said those things happen, said he knows I’m better than that…” You perked up at that, happy he would have another chance sooner than expected “He watched my other games and said I’m promising” He concluded with another sigh.
  Though his words were all good signs, he said them as if they were a death sentence.
  “I don’t follow you” You admitted, confused “Isn’t it a good thing? I mean… Did he give you a chance? Will you play on a team?” You added, and he looked at your eyes deeply demotivated.
  “I don’t deserve that spot” His tone was hurt, kinda breathy, and you were taken aback by how destroyed he looked. Has he ever been this tired? You couldn’t remember it “I wasn’t supposed to have that spot” He added, laughing humorlessly “What about my team? What about them, Y/N? They missed their chances because I’m a son of a bitch” His hands fisted his hair and he gazed at the floor, embarrassed to raise his eyes and look at you.
   “You deserve it, Han! I watched every game for the last two years… You were incredible in each one of them. One bad day can’t just erase all of your hard work” You took your hand from his knee to rest it on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly “They’ll get another chance! All of you made some mistakes throughout the game… A lost match isn’t the responsibility of a single player, Han. You’re a team”
   “I missed the ball” He blurted out, and you raised your brows surprised.
   “Yeah, I know but it doesn’t mean you’re the one to—“ He interrupted you, voice firm and guilty.
   “No, I missed the ball” He shut his eyes, and you frowned, confused.
   “Yes, I know… What I mean is –“ You tried again, and this time he interrupted you with a peal of incredulous laughter but not a hint of humor in it.
   “No! You don’t understand it!” He whined, voice faltering as if he was about to cry “I missed it, Y/N… I choose not to save it! I missed the damn ball!” He raised his voice, half-yelling on the silent gym; voice echoing over and over again, sinking in your brain slowly.
   “You did what?” You couldn’t believe it. Why would he do something like that? You stood there, staring at him blankly, blinking a few times as you tried to make sense of what he just said. He looked at you with so much hurt in his eyes, that it was impossible not to feel the regret engulfing him right now.
  “I let my team lose… I took away their chances because I’m an egoistic son of a bitch” His voice was thick, heavy even, and yet it broke into a million pieces. You felt your heart sink, not knowing what to say. He covered his eyes, bringing his knees next to his chest to rest his face there, grip tightening on his hair.
  “Why?” You asked slowly, at a loss of words. He raised his head just a little bit, enough for you to get a glimpse of his teary eyes and quivering chin.
  “I don’t want to be a player” He confessed bluntly.
   At first, you gasped, dumbfounded.
   Then everything made sense all at once.
   “You want to be a musician” You blurted out, breathlessly “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before… Han, why are you here? Why aren’t you going after your dreams?” You couldn’t understand him. He was so talented! He did so much in his projects with Paris… What was he afraid of? It didn’t make any sense.
   “It doesn’t matter what I want… What does matter is that I ruined what everyone else wanted” He sighed, cupping his cheek as he tilted his head to the side, looking at you with a face that had failure written all over it “And for what? Just to get into a team… It was useless” You frowned, starting to get upset at him.
  “Do you think you’re some kind of god or something?” You snarled, scoffing and looking away from him before returning your gaze “Were you alone in that damn court, Han? Were you playing all by yourself?” You ranted. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, surprised by your outburst.
  “No, but I could have –“ You sneered, nodding in discontent.
  “And so could them!” You shouted, and he pursed his lips, afraid of speaking up. You sighed, shoulders dropping “Look… The only thing you should be feeling guilty about is to be a dumbass” You snorted, and he seemed to relax a little bit “How can you think that your dream doesn’t matter, Han? It’s all that matters… It’s your life. You just have this one to live” You looked deep into his eyes, and he averted them, flustered.
   “Actually… If you believe in reincarnation and –“ You groaned, interrupting him.
   “Don’t try to change the subject!” You threatened him with your eyes but he seemed to find it amusing, letting out a chuckle “Why aren’t you pursuing your dreams? Why are you here if you could make yourself a hell out of a musician?” You asked curiously, and his amusement faded away.
   “You’re going to laugh at me…” He trailed off. You squeezed his shoulder once more, encouraging him to speak “Dad was a volleyball player” He began awkwardly, and you nodded reassuringly “He got injured real bad and had to retire… He got kinda depressed, you know? It was his dream. He loved to play. It happened when I was a kid… I decided to join my school team, so he could watch my matches and… Well, I wanted to make him feel happy” He shrugged.
   You sighed, knowing damn well how it would end.
   “When I won my first match he was so excited… It was the first time he laughed like that in a long time, so I just… Well, I wanted to allow him to live his dream through me” He sighed “And I loved to play, I really did. Somewhere along the way, it stopped being my dream and it started to be my burden, though” He looked at you, waiting for your reaction, and you looked at him sympathetically.
   “So drop it” You advised, and he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.
   “You don’t understand it! I don’t want to disappoint him… He did nothing but support me my whole life, Y/N… I’m his Champ” He sounded bitter, lips twisting down “How can I take it away from him? How can I carry the burden of letting him down?” He sighed, and you chuckled. He raised his eyes, confused, and your chuckled grew to a giggle until you couldn’t stop laughing. He looked offended, so you rushed to wave your hands eagerly.
   “I’m not laughing at you!” You assured, shaking your head in amusement “It’s just… Han, I don’t think you could ever let him down, really. The man just adores you! He’d accept you as you are, Han. Whoever you are. He loves you, and he does it from the bottom of his heart” You reassured him, pushing his shoulder lightly “He even approved of your imaginary relationship with Paris and Minho” You pointed out, laughing.
   “Don’t even remind me of this!” He cringed “It was embarrassing” He sighed, glancing over at you.
   “No, it wasn’t” You chuckled “I think it’s awesome you have someone who loves you so much… I can’t even imagine how it works” You smiled sadly, shrugging “I mean… I think he would have your back. He asked us to say to you that he was really proud of you, even if you lost it… He was concerned you’d be embarrassed to look at him after your match, that was why he just left earlier” He gasped, and you snorted “You should have known it but you got so drunk…”
   “Do you think he will take it well?” He asked unsurely, and you got up, extending your hand for him to help him out. He took it, standing right in front of you “I mean… Don’t you think it’d be better if I kept playing for him? I even have a team” You opened your arms for a hug, and he stood there staring at you.
    “Han, put it inside your head” You rolled your eyes “Your father loves you so much… Do you think his dream is to see you playing? His dream is to see you happy, Han. He’d be happy if you were happy. That’s all you need to do” You stepped closer to him, hugging him. He leaned his head against your shoulder, inhaling deeply “Just chase your dreams and he’ll support you with all his heart, okay? You’ll be a great musician and He’ll go to every one of your shows with Paris’s foam glove” You chuckled.
    You squeezed him, trying to convey some peace into him, feeling how he melted, hugging you back full of love. It was a warm hug and for a split of a second, you remembered Hyunjin saying Han liked you. You tried to pull away, haunted by the mere thought of taking him away from Paris but he held you tight.
   You inhaled sharply.
   “I never had someone to talk like this…” He muttered against your shoulder, and you hummed, patting his back “No one ever supported me like this… I’m…” He trailed off, and you got it as a hint to break away from him, smiling uncomfortably, rubbing your nape.
   “I mean, you have a lot of supporters! You have me and Par—“ Before you could complete your sentence, he interrupted you, grabbing your shoulders firmly and looking deep in your eyes.
   Oh boy.
   “I like you” He confessed, simply like this, and you shut your eyes tightly, exhaling slowly. You couldn’t get away from this “I have liked you for a while now… I always had a crush on you, and I thought I could just let it go but I can’t” He continued, rubbing circles on your skin with his thumbs. You opened your eyes again, looking at him like you were in pain “If you can just give me a chanc—“ You placed your finger upon his lips, sighing.
   “I can’t, Han… I’d do anything for you, I really like you but… Like a brother or something like this. I never thought about you as more than a friend” You admitted, pursing your lips as he gave you a hurt expression.
   “Maybe we can try to go on a date? Just to see if we may click! Perhaps you can come to like m—“ You sighed again, shaking your head slowly.
  “I really can’t… It wouldn’t be fair to you and it wouldn’t be fair to… Well, it’s just not fair” You shrugged, trying to keep Paris out of your speech. He pursed his lips, twisting them down and lowering his gaze, ashamed to look at you “Don’t be like this, we can still be friends and—“ This time was his time to interrupt you.
  “I can’t do it right now” He admitted “How can I look at you every day knowing you don’t like me back? Knowing you’re going to be my friend out of pity?” He looked deep in your eyes, and you could see how conflicted he was right now. The tears prickled in your eyes, and you could see how his eyes were glossy as well.
   “I don’t pity you… I really want to be your friend!” You assured him eagerly, voice faltering. He snorted, nodding in understanding.
   “But I don’t want to be friends with you… I want to be something more” He sighed, voice faltering as well. It was a vulnerable moment, and he took a deep breath before letting go of your shoulders “It’s not that I don’t want to be friends with you anymore, okay? It’s just that I can’t do it right now… I need some time” He confessed, averting his eyes.
   “You promise you won’t bail on me?” You asked, holding your pinky out in the air, expecting him to lock his with yours.
  “Yeah, of course” He smiled weakly at you, locking your fingers together.
   It was needless to say you looked like shit as soon as you got home.
   The walk to the dorms was quiet and uncomfortable as Han made sure to drop you off, claiming that some rejection didn’t mean he couldn’t make sure you would get home safe. Although it was gentle and thoughtful, the silence sank in a way that made you cringe the whole way in the most awkward walk you ever had in your life.
  You opened the door and something about it ─maybe it was the popcorn smell, maybe it was the soft sound of unknown voices coming from the TV ─ made you realize that you were finally home. It hit you like a truck, and all the tiredness washed over you mercilessly. The weight of your busy day impregnated every fiber of your body, and suddenly you felt too worn out to say anything. You let out a heavy sigh, closing the door behind you before dropping your keys and bag to the counter, walking to the fridge to have some water.
      From morning to night, all your day was filled with worries.
      Paris raised her eyes from the TV ─ pausing whatever she was watching to look at you, which gave you a moment of comfortable silence that made you hum in approval─, studying you silently for a few seconds. She seemed to be puzzled by your nonchalantly self and somehow it pushed her to talk to you, even if it was pretty obvious you didn’t want to say anything right now.
   “You’re late” She stated, glancing over the clock before turning her gaze back at you “Were you with Hyunjin?” She smiled mischievously, tone knowing and teasing, and you looked at her far too done to play along “You look exhausted, the night must have been really nic—“ You shot her a look, deciding you weren’t up to this kind of bullshit right now.
  “I was with Han” You interrupted, and her face fell. She averted her eyes before biting her lip, turning her gaze back at you, unsure if she should say something. You kept looking at her, waiting for some kind of reaction but she was settled in look eager to know though too afraid to ask.
  As if it wasn’t enough, your head started to pound.
  “He confessed to me” You decided to come clean, studying her reaction. She raised her eyebrows slightly, not as surprised as you thought she would be. If you must describe it, she looked resigned, as if she knew it would happen all along. You frowned, narrowing your eyes to her “You knew?” You sounded accusatory, and she didn’t miss the tone.
   “I think you’re the only one who couldn’t see it” She admitted, “How did it go?” She couldn’t even look at your eyes, fixing her gaze on the floor. You took another gulp, roaming your eyes up and down at her. She fisted her hands, head dropped and body all stiff as if she was really afraid of your answer; her voice sounded weak enough for you to know she was fighting the urge to cry, and it made you sigh once more.
   “How could I do this to you?” You gave her a small smile, which she saw because her head snapped back at you, eyes widen as she took your smile in “You love him, don’t you?”
  “You knew?!” She was taken aback. It seemed like the mere thought of you knowing about her feelings didn’t even cross her head. She stood up from the couch, and for a moment you thought she would beam and hug you, maybe even thank you for letting him go. Not that you needed it. You widened your smile but she didn’t offer you one back.
   Paris looked offended.
   Not like her usual mock offended self, or her joking and kind self. She looked as if you just slapped her in her face. She was angry, to say the least, face red and brows furrowed, jaw clenched and you could see her swallowing dry. Her eyes held a storm inside them that you never saw before, and for a moment you wondered if you misunderstood her feelings.
  “Why didn’t you tell me?” She spat, and you blinked twice, surprised, head tilting back slightly as if her words had impacted you like a punch “Did you… I can’t… What the fuck were you thinking?!” She yelled, stumbling over her words. You couldn’t understand her train of thoughts, so you just stood there speechless.
  What the fuck was going on?
  “Answer me!” She demanded, tears prickling her eyes “God… You’re… Why are you like this?! Why can’t you… Argh!” She groaned, fisting her hair and pulling it slightly, throwing her head back. She let go of her hair, shooting you a glare “Why?! Just tell me why!” She uttered, and you decided to rest your glass on the counter, confused.
  “I don’t follow you… Are you mad because I said no to him?” You asked just to be sure, and she laughed like a maniac. Out of nowhere. You glanced at your sides, startled, wondering if maybe it was all a joke and tons of cameras would take pictures of your flabbergasted self. She stopped laughing to clasp her hands, the sharp sound making you yelp.
  “How did you know I liked him?” She asked, trying to organize her questions, inhaling deeply so she could control herself.
  “You told me and Hyunjin when you got drunk at the party before our deadline” You answered simply, choosing to be the most straightforward as possible. She nodded, looking displeased with herself, scrunching her nose before turning her gaze back to you.
  “Why did you say no to him?” She asked, voice lower, and you scoffed amusedly.
  “What is it? Am I obliged to return his feelings now?” You chuckled but she didn’t seem to find it funny. She glared at you, and your laugh died inside your throat, making you gulp down. She approached you, getting right at the other side of the counter, looking dead serious to something as harmless as this.
   “He loves you!” She uttered, pissed off, and you clapped your hands, starting to get annoyed at her constant yelling. Your head throbbed and your thought flickered around the fact that you were too tired for it, too eager to go to your bed and lay down. Suddenly, all of your turbulent feelings seemed to find their way out of you, turning into anger and displeasure.
   “What do you want me to do?!” You fumed “I just fucking got out of your way! Why the hell you’re so fucking mad?!” You inquired, smacking the counter, startling her for a second. She recovered fast though, mimicking you the next second.
  “Out of my way?!” She grunted “Do you ever think about anyone at all?! How did you think I’d feel when you refused him out of pity?!” She raised her voice, looking at you full of disgust “So I should thank your holy ass because you got out of my way?” She laughed humorlessly “Maybe I didn’t want you to get out! Maybe I wanted you in!”
  What the fuck now?
  “Take your head out of your butt once in your life! How do you think I felt seeing him liking you all this time?! Hm?! Did you think it was fun to watch me liking him when he liked you?!” You watched as the first tear rolled down her face “Did you think I’d be glad because you’re pitying me?!” She spat, looking away, trying to hide her tears streaming down her face.
  It was enough for you to calm down a little bit.
  “I don’t pity you” You said softly, and she scoffed, shaking her head in contempt.
  “Yeah? But you should!” She said bitterly “Did you know I liked him for two years?! Did you know how much I wanted to confess to him?! Do you know why I didn’t?!” It was hard to understand what she was saying; her voice sounding thick as she tried to hold back her tears, choking and sobbing as she tried to yell at you, all at the same time.
  “Paris, calm down” You asked, concerned, and she groaned once more, pressing her palms against her eyes before punching the counter.
  “Calm down?! I stepped away because I love you, Y/N! Because I love him!” her face was twisted in pain and regret, and you wanted to reach out for her but you didn’t, afraid of her reaction “You’re my best friend! I’d do anything for you! Anything!” She cried, hiccupping as she tried to recompose herself “You know how much it took for me to let him go so you could be with him? You shouldn’t reject him because of me! I can’t have gone through all this for nothing!” She yelled, devasted.
  “Why would you do that, Paris?” You were so confused right now, so lost in everything she was saying… She laughed, choking on her saliva before continuing, and you pondered about giving her your glass of water but the thought of a pissed Paris having a glass to throw at you demotivated you immediately.
   “Because you’re lonely!” She howled, whimpering, and trying to recompose herself once more.
   The silence was deafening.  
  “I… You… What?” You floundered, and she shut her eyes, sighing.
  “Because you’re lonely, Y/N… Because I know you need love in your life… Because I know Han can make you happy…” She dragged each sentence out of her chest, in a serious tone, crying toning down a bit, sounding utterly worn out “If what I have to do to make sure you end up happy is to step away and give up on him… Then I’d do it gladly” She concluded, and suddenly you could relate to her pained expression, scoffing in disbelief before breaking into a fit of laughter.
   You were fully aware you sounded crazy as you cackled up, smacking the counter over and over again as if she had just told you a hilarious joke. The laughter didn’t last for long, though, dying into your throat as your smacking turned harder each time until you were punching the counter, tears pouring out of your eyes uncontrollably. You shut your eyes closed, keeping hitting it nonstop until the pain you felt in your hand could cloud any other thought.
   “You call this friendship?” You gestured between both of you, voice trembling and breaking “You said I don’t think about anyone but what about you, Paris?” You asked bitterly, and when she averted her eyes, rage engulfed you “What about you, Paris?!” You yelled, smacking the counter once again “So you’re saying you did it all for me?! Out of pity?! Because I need love?!” You laughed humorlessly, shooting your head back to breathe deeply “I need a therapist, Paris! That’s what I need”
   You picked up your bag, glaring at her.
   “And you know what?! That’s what you need too!” You dropped your bag again, fuming “Giving up on someone you love because you think I need it more than you?! Don’t blame me for being a coward!” You scoffed, rolling your eyes “Do you want to be canonized or something? Do you think it makes you more worthy of love than me?” She gasped, trying to shake her head to deny it but you snorted and raised your hand for her to stop “Are you so desperate you’d do anything to be worthy of love? Am I so unworthy that you thought nobody but he could love me?” Your voice calmed down, the anger left behind to give way to an unwavering cold tone.
   “No, Y/N, that’s not what I mea—“ You picked up your bag, walking to the door “Where are you going?” She asked worried, trying to get closer to you.
   “Did you think that I might not love him back? Do you think I’m so desperate for love that I wouldn’t even think about my feelings? That I’d accept anything? Did you really think about my feelings at all?” You sighed, opening the door, ignoring her question “I don’t love him, Paris… I’m sorry you had to hold back your feelings all this time. I’m sorry it was so hard on you. I’m sorry for not coming up to your expectations…”
   You looked at her, deep in her eyes, and both of you held your urge to cry, looking at each other as if only hurt could dwell in your soul right now. Neither of you said anything, holding each other’s stare for a while, taking in the entire situation.
   “But all that…?” You gestured at her, hand fumbling in the air “It’s all on you” You stated seriously “Don’t blame me for things you decided by yourself… I have enough of this with my father, thank you very much” You snickered “If you were really glad to give up on him, you wouldn’t beam thinking I had something with Hyunjin, would you?” She bit her lips, averting her eyes embarrassed “Maybe you should think about why you’re so riled up about this… I didn’t reject him because I pity you, Paris…”
   You held up your breath before exhaling heavily, positioning yourself to get out. You hesitated for a second on the doorframe, facing the hall, back turned at her before voicing your thoughts once more,“But if you really wanna know, I think now I do” And with this being said, you closed the door, making sure to not look behind.
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chibienvychan03 · 4 years
A MC Surprise
Since you’ve been taking care of his plants while he’s away on missions, he’s given you a key to his place. Not even Minor or Eli have that privilege. He trusts you to be in his sanctuary. Trusts you to not be too curious and go through his stuff unlike a certain person who shall be nameless but somehow they’re still friends… No, it’s not Eli.
 Thanks to having a friendship with Eli, you have an ally willing to help you within reason. He has informed you they’ve been working on a case, and that is why Gavin hasn’t been at his home or contacting you lately. It’s an urgent and confidential mission so you understand when Eli can’t give you the specifics of it though he tells you the hardest and most dangerous part has been finished. They’re wrapping things up.
 Since Gavin has been working hard, you decide to put your culinary lessons to good use and make him a home made meal… using his own kitchen. Considering the last time you visited, you stop by the grocery store before you head over to his place. You thank whatever deity there’s a market close to his place as you don’t think you can carry it the entire way there, and you want to keep this a surprise. Eli will warn you when he can’t stop Gavin from heading back to his place.
 Seeing as he trusts you, you ensure you don’t lose the keys by having it hang on a necklace around your neck. You use it to unlock the door. Inside two birds greet you from their respective cages. After you close and lock the door, you head over to their cages to pet each of them. Pearly coos at you while Zappy, being the little imp they are, insists on being scritches. You decide to humor them and give them a few scritches, however, Pearly is feeling left out so you give him some too.
 Once you decide they’ve had enough, you head into the kitchen and start emptying your bags. You sort them according to the dishes. Anything that needs to be kept chilled is placed in the fridge until you’re ready to use them. However, something catches your attention.
 “Zappy!” You sigh as they’re poking their head into the bag, being very curious. “How did you get out of your cage?” Is Pearly still in his cage? You take a risk and check. At least you only have to worry about one escaped bird.
 “Let’s get you back.”
 Zappy gives you those incredibly cute birdy eyes which melts your heart. “Fine. You can stay, but you better be on good behavior.”
 It seems Zappy understands you, making you wonder how much they understand. That’s for another time when you have time. Better start cooking before he comes home. You want him to come home to a fully cooked home-made dinner.
 With everything organized, you start preparing the vegetable starting with carrots. You move onto the next vegetable. As you’re chopping it, you notice Zappy entertaining themselves by playing with the carrot peels. “You silly bird.” When you pick up a new vegetable, they become interested in it and then goes back to playing with the peels when their curiosity has been satisfied.
 Soup, curry, duck, rice, and a dessert. While you’re standing behind the stove stirring the soup, Zappy uses your shoulder as a perch to get a better view. They snuggle against your neck to which you pet them.  At least they aren’t making a mess and just want to watch what you’re doing.
 Time flies by. Soon Zappy is chirping up a storm. You wonder what has their feathers ruffled before remembering Eli promised to text you when Gavin leaves work. You race over to your phone, which is charging. There are over half a dozen texts. It hits you. You have left it on vibrate as earlier you’ve been on scene doing a shoot.
 With Zappy being this chirpy, it must mean Gavin has arrived. You peek out the window to find him parking Sparky. Hurrying over to your cooking, you attempt to finish it and hopefully you can get it on the table before he opens the door. In your haste, you don’t notice Zappy jumping off your shoulder to assist you by somehow dragging out the necessary silverware and plates.
 After triple checking to make sure they’re done, you’re ready to set the table. That is when you noticed the table already set. You glance over to Zappy who appears to have that smug look… if birds can have one. “I’ll give your reward later on.” They don’t give you any trouble when you put them back into their cage.
 Soon enough, you hear the key being inserted and the lock being unlocked. You race back into the kitchen to pretend you’re not there, however, the smell of dinner is a dead giveaway. Not to mention, you’re wearing the ginkgo bracelet.
 “Something smells good,” Gavin comments as he enters. He’s wearing a huge smile, knowing you’re already there and have prepared him a dinner that he never saw coming. “What’s the occasion?”
 You leave his kitchen. “It’s your reward for all your hard work.”
 Gavin hangs up his coat before embracing you. “Thank you. But I don’t want to trouble you.”
 “How many times must I tell you, you’re no trouble at all, and I wanted to do this,” you mumble against his broad, muscular chest. “You give so selflessly. Why can’t I give you something in return?” You puff your cheeks and pout.
 Gavin chuckles. “You can, and I appreciate everything you do.”
 “Now go wash up.” You shoo him away so you can finish by doing the final touches.
 Humoring you, Gavin heads to his bedroom to get some casual clothes. A couple minutes later, a shower can be heard.
 You squash any naughty thoughts especially ones where water runs down those muscles. Oh great. Better busy yourself before your mind heads in that direction. You place your creations on the table, making sure to give yourself the less spicy curry. When you’re cooking, you make two, one for yourself and one for him. You don’t know how he can withstand such spicy food.
 “Maybe it’s because he’s hot.”
 “Who’s hot?”
 Gavin’s sudden appearance startles you almost causing you to drop the soup. He manages to catch both you and the soup you’ve worked hard to cook. “Sorry.”
 As soon as you calm yourself, you give him a playful slap on his upper arm. “Are you part ninja? I didn’t hear you coming.”
 “Um… no, I can make more noise if you like.” You assure him you’re fine either way. Then Gavin goes back to his original question. “Who is hot?” The way he says it sounds like he wants to give a beating to whoever you think is hot.
 You decide to tease him a little for nearly giving you a heart attack. “Someone we both know. He’s kind and gentle. Helps me and everyone else. Often neglecting himself.”
 Gavin’s frown becomes more and more prominent as you gush over this person who he doesn’t know as himself. “…. As long as he treats you well.”
 “Yes, he treats me well, and I hope one day he will have the courage to ask me on a date.” You bat your eyes at him.
 “If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t know what’s he’s missing out. You’re a good catch.” Gavin pauses. “I’ll beat him up if makes you cry.”
 You press yourself against him. “Does that mean you’ll beat yourself up?”
 “Yes, I will…” It dawns on him who you’re referring to. “Ahem, would you… Um… Can I? Crap, this sounds a lot better in my head.”
 “Yes, I’d love to go on a date with you.” You answer his unasked question.
 The brightest smile graces his face as he lovingly looks at you. “Thank you.” It seems he can stare at you for a long time without being bored.
 Your stomach has other things in mind. You blush. “Before dinner gets cold.”
 “Of course, can’t let your efforts go to waste. I bet it tastes great,” Gavin comments you on your cooking before he even has a bite.
 Typical of him. You usher him to his usual seat. “Let me know if it’s not spicy enough.”
 “You didn’t try it?”
 You give him that look. “You know I can’t handle spicy.”
 Gavin blushes big time as he recalls your lack of tolerance for spicy. He’s about to tell you to not to make it spicy for him when you cut him off.
 Pointing the serving spoon at him, you prepare to give him a piece of your mind. “You’ve always made sure I enjoy my meals. Why can’t I do the same for you?”
 “Ahem… okay.” Gavin holds up his hands in surrender. He wants to make you happy, but if making him happy makes you happy, then so be it. “Let’s dig in.”
 The two of you enjoy the meal you’ve painstakingly cooked. Thanks to your friend, your knife skills have improved to the point of you not cutting yourself at all. You talk about what you’ve been up to lately, the latest movies, songs, and whatever crosses either of your minds.
 Then you bring out desserts. “I hope you’ve made space for this.” You made sure to make it not too sweet.
 “Of course.” Gavin thoroughly enjoys the piece you’ve given him. “It’s the best fruit tart I’ve tasted.”
 Your blush will make a tomato green with envy. “I just followed the recipe. Nothing special about it.”
 “It’s special because you made it,” Gavin says in between bites.
 “Just finish your dessert.” Could you get any redder? You have a feeling the answer is yes, and Gavin isn’t even trying. He’s being his honest and genuine self.
 “As you wish.” Gavin finishes his dessert according to your wishes. When you eat yours, he picks up the used plates. Before you can object, he refuses to let you do any of the washing. “Since you cooked dinner, I’ll wash the dishes. You can play with the birds.”
 Okay. It’s been awhile since you’ve really played with them. You head over to where their cages are only to find Zappy has escaped his cage again… “You little escape artist.” You open Pearly’s cage, allowing him to fly out and onto your shoulder. Soon Zappy is on your other shoulder. The two snuggle against you, chirping in content. You sit down before you give them scritches. They love the attention you’re showering on them.
 Minutes later, Gavin joins you and the birds. Did he just take a picture of you? You stare at his cell phone which is in his hands. “This picture is for my eyes only… and yours.”
 Phew. You hope you look good in it given his photography skills. “Do you know you have a little escape artist here?”
 “Zappy broke out again? I swore I put a better lock on his cage.” Gavin turns his attention to the cage. You both look at this bird, wondering how they escape no matter what Gavin tries.
 “Apparently you need to do better,” you chuckle as you pat the empty space next to you on the sofa.
 He complies with your wishes and sits next to you. However, neither birds budge from their perches on your shoulder. Gavin isn’t annoyed as he knows the birds love you too, just not that way. He doesn’t blame them. After all, you’re kind and generous. It helps you sometimes spoil the two whenever you’re there or take care of them.
 “Indeed. You want to watch a movie?”
 You shake your head. “It’s been a long time since we’ve chatted. I want to catch up.”
 “Didn’t we do that over dinner?” Gavin appears to be confused. When you puff up your cheeks, he realizes his mistake and profusely apologizes.
 “I want to get to know you better,” you say as you lean on him, being mindful of Zappy who’s on your right shoulder.
 “What would you like to know?”
 You giggle. “Part of the fun is finding out without asking directly.” He gives you that confused look. “Find out through conversation. Let it happen naturally.”
 “Oh okay. It’s about the journey, not the destination.” Gavin is now on board. You’re on the same page. “So what shall we start with?”
 You start off with a random subject.
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talpup · 3 years
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Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud.  He knew there would be trails.  He knew trouble would come his way.  Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant.  What he didn’t know.  Didn’t expect.  Was that literal Chaos would come his way.  That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble.  Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealousy of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, sexual behavior, and other possible triggers. For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
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Chapter 101
Teris sat down at a table with her friends.  Excited for their much needed girls day, Venice and Teris had decided to leave early and have breakfast at a restaurant in Raque.  Since Abril and Bran weren’t meeting Ricte till later in the afternoon, the two had joined them.
With the restaurant crowded, they took the first available table.  At first Abril had complained about sitting out on the balcony, muttering about the salty sea breeze.  Then she made Teris move, saying she wanted the seat with a view of the water.
Having seen the view from higher balcony’s at much fancier restaurants, Teris let Abril have the seat without a fuss.  Hopefully giving Abril the seat would better her mood and allow Teris and Venice to finally get Abril to open up about what was going on with her, Gendry, and Ricte.
But apparently Venice had other ideas since as soon as the waitress took their order and left, she looked at Teris and demanded to know. “What’s going on?”
Teris blinked in surprise.  “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb.  Spill.”  Abril ordered.
“About Yami?”  Teris’ eyes darted to Bran.  She wasn’t adverse to girl talk; but there was no way she was doing so with Bran there.
“No, silly.  How are you holding up?  First Bran and I bring in that guy from those Crazies, only to have him die five days later.  And the day after Bran and I bring that guy in, you and Yami are abducted. Never mind Nozel and Fuegoleon getting taken the night before that and ending up in Healers Hall.”  Venice frowned, worried about her friend.  “It’s no wonder Jax gave you and Yami the day off.  You two have been through a lot.”
Teris huffed.  “When aren’t we going through a lot?  I have a feeling that’s what they’re going to put on my headstone.  Here lies Teris Nova, she went through a lot.”
“Hey! Don’t talk like that!  Your name’s gonna be Teris Sukehiro by the time there’s need for any headstone.”  Teasing as she was, Venice was also deadly serious.  There was no way her friend was dying anytime soon.  Not if she had something to say about it.
“I know you can’t say much.  But at least tell us you all learned something useful before that guy died.”  Abril said, hopeful tone filled with disgust for Flic and the Agents of Chaos.
Teris glanced a Bran once again, knowing he knew the sad truth that they had learned little to nothing of use from Flic.  Looking between Venice and Abril, she sighed wondering what she could tell her friends that would give them hope but wouldn’t be a lie.
Yami hadn’t needed his sense of Ki to be able to tell Bran had been disappointed he wouldn’t be spending the day off with the guys. Bran’s guilt over his boyhood friend sweetening up to Abril, when Gendry had been the first Black Bull to befriend him, likely hadn’t helped.  At least Gendry wasn’t the kind of person who took his hurt and jealousy out on others.  Yami doubted he would’ve been so dispassionate if in Gendry’s place.  In fact he had taken his fair share of anger and jealousy over Nozel out on Bran by kicking the younger man out of his room so he could sit at Bran’s window and wait for Teris to return.
Teris… Yami smiled at the thought of her.  He had teased her early this morning, feigning hurt feelings and saying she couldn’t wait to be away from him.  Teris had laughed at his toying act and silenced him with a kiss, promising to make it up to him later.  That promise made Yami eager for the days end so he could return to her.  But first, he had some mana to expend in the hopes that it would ease the building force inside him and help with the constant undercurrent that made him want to destroy somebody just for breathing in his direction.
Seated on the ground along the perimeter of the Green Mantis’ training yard, Yami drank from a water skin and watched Jack and Tobin start their fight.
“This should be interesting.  Jack’s slash magic can cut through anything given enough time to adjust but against Tobin’s giant magic it won’t make much of a difference.”  Yami turned to Gendry thinking of the battle they just had.  “You’ve progressed further since last time we fought.  Who have you been training with?”
Gendry shrugged, eyes on the match.  “Who ever I can.  Mostly Bran.”
Yami nodded.  Bran and Gendry were both Third Class Intermediate Magic Knights.  Though his and Teris’ influence might've encouraged the rest of the Black Bulls to be a little more engaged and proactive about their duties.  It had been Gendry's friendship with Bran that had prompted Gendry into wanting to become a better Magic Knight. Sadly, Abril hadn’t been all that enthused about Gendry’s newfound interest.  Instead of seeing it as something they could do together, Abril complained about the time Gendry’s new focus took away from their usual activities.
Yami pushed the cork back in the stopper and tossed the water skin aside. “We should schedule a regular sparring session.  Nothing too frequent.  Every other week or once a month maybe.”
“I would've thought you had enough going on with being Vice Captain and dealing with the Agents of Chaos mess.”  Gendry said.
“If you don’t want to just say so.”  Yami said, eyes on Jack and Tobin.
“That’s not it at all.  I’d like to have a set sparring session with you. I could use the practice.”
“Then?” Yami questioned.
“It’s exactly as I said.  I thought you’d be bogged down and busy.  I don’t want to add to the pile of things pulling at you and become a nuisance.”  Gendry said.
Yami huffed, eyes following the fight.  “Don’t think you’re capable of being a nuisance.”
“Tell that to Abril.”  Gendry muttered.
Yami raised an eyebrow.  He was no closer to understanding Gendry and Abril’s relationship then he had been during his first year as a Magic Knight.  Not that he had bothered trying to understand it. Still, Gendry was a friend and friends had to occasionally show they had an interest in the others hopes and lives.
“Still wanna marry her?”  Yami asked.
“I said I think I might want to marry her.  And yeah.  I still think I might.” Gendry said.
“Then fix things with her and see that she’s happy.  If that’s too much trouble then let it go and be glad you have your answer on that ‘might want to marry her’ thing.”  Yami told.
“You and Teris make it look so easy.”  Gendry sighed, his complaint both envious and amazed.
Yami’s hearty laugh bounced off the surrounding trees.  It echoed so loudly through the sparring field that it gave Tobin pause.  Jack took advantage of the distraction, sending out a slash that knocked Tobin on his ass.
Gaining control of his laughter, Yami asked.  “Which part looks easy? Dealing with a group of crazies?  Or being unable to go out and do anything together because Bird Braid’s father might send more people to try and kill me?  Or maybe it’s the likely future fight I’ll have with her brother to free her from her family that looks easy to you.”
“I don’t mean any of that.”  Gendry said.  “I know none of that can be easy.  But that’s all outward stuff you have to deal with. I’m talking about the two of you.  As a couple.”
Yami’s humored grin turned dopey as he thought of Teris.  “Yeah.  I really lucked out.  Teris is an easy woman to get along with.  Pig headed, prideful, overly curious, too caring brat that she is; she’s perfect.”
“Abril’s great too.  I just wish she thought I wasn’t so inconsequential.” Gendry said.
“If she thinks that then she stupider than I thought.”  Yami said, seeing that Jack was leading Tobin to make the kind of strike he wanted in order to serve up a good return.
Gendry scowled at Yami.
Sensing the change in his friend, Yami said by way of apology. “Fine. No bad talking the Inch Worm.  So what’s the problem between you two anyway?”
Gendry ran a hand through his hair.  Other than Abril’s complaints about the time his training took away from them, there was the matter of Ricte.  But Ricte was a secondary problem.  A causal result of an underlying problem he had been unable to name.  “I don’t know.”
“Then find out.  If it’s something you think is worth working on, work on it.”  Yami said.
“What if it’s me?  What if there’s something about me that she doesn’t like?”  Gendry asked.
“She wouldn’t be your constant shadow and complaining that your training was taking time away from her if she wasn’t interested in you.” Yami told.
Gendry nodded at that, feeling better.  “So what do you say to every other Monday morning?”
Yami’s brows pulled together.  “For?”
“Our sparing sessions.”  Gendry said.
Yami shook his head.  “I got way too much going on.  You’d only become a nuisance.”
“Every other Monday it is.”  Gendry grinned.
Breakfast long since finished Teris, Venice, Abril, and Bran still sat at the balcony table.
“Betrothed?” Teris blinked at Venice.  “When?  How?  Kess and Jon haven’t been dating that long.  Have they?  It’s not like they had long held feelings for each another the way Tobin did for you.  Did they?”
Venice shrugged her shoulders.  “Don’t know.  I didn’t think he liked anyone else while we were dating.  I only heard about the engagement yesterday afternoon.  From the sound if it, they had some big fancy dinner between their families the day before that.  I don’t know anything more.  But since you know how all that stuff works.  I was hoping you could tell me if this was Jon or his parents doing.”
Teris shook her head in disbelief.  For it to be official and celebrated with a dinner, Jon and Kess’ parents would've had to have agreed to the match.  But was it their parents who had made the match?  Or Jon and Kess seeking one, and gaining approval?  Jon might've been a bastard son of Lord Denwulf.  But the Denwulf’s were quite a ways up the noble ladder from Kess’ family.  And with Kess being the youngest of three daughters, it wasn’t too far fetched for Lord Yates to look to wed Kess to Jon.
“What’s it matter anyway?  You’re with Tobin.”  Abril said.
“I just think it’s a bit sudden and am worried for Jon’s sake.” Venice snapped.  “I mean, he and Kess just started dating what? Back near the Star Awards?”
“Far as we know.”  Teris nodded.
Abril shrugged.  “Well, when you know.  You know.”
Teris and Venice turned to her.
“What?” Abril demanded, shoulders stiffening under their gaze.
Bran’s eyes darted around the three women.  He had been quiet for so long, he wondered if they had forgotten he was there.  Having been the first son, Bran was use to being forgotten while his seven older sisters talked.  In his experience, being forgotten was far better than being remembered.
“What do you know of it?”  Venice scoffed.
Abril crossed her arms, scowling.  “Apparently nothing.”  Before talk of Jon and Kess could continue, Abril exhaled loudly.  Resting her elbows on the table, she whined.  “How does one know?”
“How does one know what?”  Teris asked.
“That someone’s the one.  How do you know?”  Abril asked.
“I thought Gendry was your one.”  Venice teased.
“So did I.”  Abril mumbled.
Sharing a look with Venice, Teris prompted.  “But?”
“I don’t know!  He never talks of the future.  How can I know Gendry’s the one if I don’t know if I’m his one?”  Abril asked.
“Because the only other person Gendry regularly talks to is Yami and Bran, and I don’t think he wants to end up with either of them.”  Venice played.
“It doesn’t really matter how Gendry feels.  I mean, it does in the end.  But it doesn’t change the way you feel at the start.  Think about how torn up I was during that time Yami refused to speak to me before we got together.  Him being an idiot ass didn’t change how I felt about him.  Or how Tobin felt about Venice.”  Teris gestured to her friend.
“The man was persistent.”  Venice nodded of Tobin.
“I finally told him how I feel.”  Abril muttered about Gendry.
“In words?  With your voice?”  Venice questioned, in disbelief.
Abril nodded.
“What did he say?”  Teris asked.
“What he always says.  Nothing.”  Abril answered, exasperated.
Venice huffed.  “Sounds about right.  Guys are stupid.  They either won’t shut up when you want them to be quiet.  Or they refuse to talk when you want them to speak.”
“They’re not some pet that obeys.”  Teris chuckled.
“I know!  They’re incapable of obeying.  Though it’d be nice if they at least tried to listen.”  Venice complained.
Teris shook her head smiling.
“Ricte proposed.”  Abril said.
“What!” The two girls and Bran exclaimed.
“Why?” Bran demanded in guilty horror.
“When?” Teris asked.
“How?” Venice questioned.
“In his last letter.”  Abril answered.
“He proposed in a letter?”  Venice asked, incredulous.
Teris stared, dumbfounded.
Bran frowned, unhappy with his friend.
“That’s her there.”  Someone said, pointing to their table.
For a second Teris thought their waitress had complained to the restaurants manager about them lingering at the table till noon and was pointing them out.  She had a moment to think that they should leave a hefty tip for taking up the spot and the waitress’ chance of further customers when a magical burst of air exploded at their table knocking them back.
“When you insisted I take some time off, I didn’t expect you to pay call and ask for this.”  Nozel murmured, uncomfortably.
Walking beside her Vice Captain, Kess glanced out over the sea shore.  While not blatantly obvious, it was clear Nozel had been struggling with some inner turmoil since his release from Healer’s Hall after his abduction by the Agents of Chaos.  It was why Kess had given Nozel three days leave as soon as his debriefing about those events was done.
“Neither did I.”  Kess tucked her hair behind an ear, betrothal ring glittering in the sunlight.  “And I’m sorry to take you away from your family on your last day off, but I could use some help.  And, well… I thought this might be a way for us to bond outside of work.”
Nozel’s father wasn’t even here.  And after three days with his siblings, Nozel wasn’t all that sorry to be called away from them.  He usually avoided Noelle at all costs anyway, and Nebra wanted to do nothing more than lounge out on the family’s private beach; where all Solid had done the entire time was complain about everything. Funnily enough the one thing Solid hadn’t complained about was Nozel leaving them to help his Captain in her ask.  Instead Solid had taken advantage of it, saying if Nozel could go off without them then he and their cousin Kirsch could leave Nebra, Noelle, and Mimosa at the Silva’s beach estate and come into town for the day.
That’s where Nozel was now, walking the bustling boardwalk of Raque with Captain Kess.  A part of him wondered why he and his Captain needed anything more than a working relationship; an all business approach had seemed to work well enough for Captain Pyter.  But since becoming Vice Captain, Nozel had discovered that, though not necessary, some kind of acquaintance outside of work was of helpful use for the productive betterment of work.  That’s not to say he was going to turn into Captain Kess and seek to be warm and inviting, encouraging his subordinates to come to him with their personal problems.  But he didn’t want to be like Captain Pyter had been either, completely distant and uninterested in his squad members troubles.
Yet even after coming to the conclusion that developing some kind of friendly acquaintance outside of work was of benefit, Nozel thought his Captain's request was too much.  More than that, he didn’t think he was anywhere near qualified to help her.  Personally, Nozel wouldn’t have even asked his closest friend to help choose a betrothal gift; though Fuegoleon likely would’ve invited himself. Yet here Nozel was, at Kess’ request, helping her pick out a betrothal gift for Jon when he barely knew Kess or the Azure Deers Vice Captain outside of them being capable Magic Knights.
Nozel cleared his throat to say as much for the second time when a small explosion from a balcony down the way had them rushing to see what happened.
Coughing, Teris blinked through the dust and tried to focus her blurred vision. Though the ringing in her ears muffled most everything out, she managed to hear someone talking.
The voice said.  “We only need the light magic user.”
Hearing the same, Venice shouted.  “Teris!  Get out of here!”
Teris was loathed to leave her friends.  But if all they wanted was her, chances were it would be safer for her friends and trapped civilians if she left.  Heart hammering, she thought of Yami.  If they wanted her, did that mean there were others looking for him?
Her friends were close enough that she could light travel them all. Hoping she didn’t burn them too badly, Teris attempted to light travel them all to the Green Mantis sparring field where she knew Yami to be.
A cold prickle ran down her spine when she wasn’t able to.  It was different from the negating effects of Calen’s magic.  This felt more like a constraining barrier.
She looked up and saw herself crouching twenty paces away.  Surreal as the sight was, Teris instantly realized Abril had used her transformation magic to take her form.  So whatever was stopping her from light traveling wasn’t blocking all magic.  That was good to know.
Teris shook her head at Abril trusting she would understand the message that they were stuck here.  Never did she expect Abril to answer Venice in her stead.
“I can’t.  They must have some sort of blocking thingy.”  Abril hollered.
Knowing Teris would never refer to a magical block as a blocking thingy, Venice's face scrunched up.  She turned, the two Teris’ giving her pause for a fraction of a second.  Seeing Bran near the real Teris, she gave a tight smile and nodded.
Eyes on Abril, Venice said.  “Guess we’ll have to make a run for it, Vice Captain.  On your order.”
Abril blinked.  As accustomed as she was to yelling about how she wanted things done, no one ever listened.  She finally understood Gendry’s reasoning for wanting to become a better Magic Knight.  It wasn’t because he had sold out to the system and wanted to move up the ranks.  It was because he wanted to be of help to his friends.
“Now!” Another female voice commanded.
The four Black Bulls turned to see Kess and Nozel.  Teris’ eyes widened, realizing what the newly arrived Silver Eagles were about to do.
“Move!” Teris ordered Venice and Abril as she grabbed a hold of Bran.
Thankfully Bran was already cloaked in mana skin.  It made Teris feel less guilty for shoving him over the broken balcony railing.  Without a moments pause, she jumped after him.
Nozel’s mercury rain could be made dense or sparse.  The one thing he could not yet do was direct it so as not to strike comrades who were in the field of the silver drops.  Kess used her shadow magic to form long arms that pulled and pushed citizens out of danger.  The Silver Eagles Captain created a shield that blocked one of Nozel’s liquid metal drops from hitting Venice.
“Nozel. Cover the other one.  Venice and I got Teris.”  Kess ordered, moving to Abril.
Nozel wasn’t sure if his Captain realized that wasn’t the real Teris, but he did.  Abril might be able to make herself look like Teris; but she moved nothing like Teris.
A magical eagle of mercury waiting to catch him, the Silver Eagle’s Vice Captain leapt over the balcony’s edge.  He saw Teris battling someone a couple blocks away and flew over to assist.  Knocking the man out from behind, Nozel made sure to cut the assailant with his mercury.  If the man managed to regain consciousness before things calmed and he was arrested, mercury poisoning would slow him down.
Pulling Teris onto the mercury eagle with him, Nozel took back to the air. “Where’s Bran?”
“I sent him to the nearest Sentries station to contact Headquarters for back-up.”  Teris answered.
Nozel shook his head.  “Doubt they’ll have better luck.  Captain Kess already tried to use her communication crystal to call for reinforcements.”
Teris cursed, having feared as much; but Bran was clever.  He would know a communications block when faced with one and order whatever Sentries had magic capable of flight or other swift travel to get outside of the block and contact Headquarters.  Till then--
Teris frowned.  “Where are you taking us?”
Eyes scanning for attackers, Nozel told.  “Outside of whatever block they have in place.  I’m guessing that’s why you haven’t light traveled to safety; because whatever they’re doing to block communications is also blocking transportation spells.”
“No?” Nozel glanced at her, brow furrowed.
Teris shook her head.  “I mean, yes, they’re probably blocking transportation spells; I can’t light travel.  But you can’t take us away!  My friends--”
“You’re the one they want.”  Nozel cut in.
“And Abril was left behind looking exactly like me!  Nozel, we can’t run.  I’m their Vice Captain.”
Ignoring her, Nozel kept flying.  Did Teris think he wanted to leave the others behind?  It was his duty as a Magic Knight to protect the Clover Kingdom and its people, yet he had left injured civilians in need back there.
“Your Captain's back there.”  Teris tried.
“Captain Kess ordered me to look after you.”
“My Captain's on the scene therefore my orders superseded yours.” Nozel snapped.
In that second of distraction, Nozel didn’t see the whirlwind that knocked his magical eagle off course.  Crouching lower, Nozel widened his stance to keep his balance and fought to right their ride.
Unsteady from the tumbling eagle, there was nothing Teris could to when a lance of condensed air struck her.  The world spiraled at a dizzying speed as she was sent flying off the eagle and through the air. Barely cloaking herself in mana in time, Teris landed on a tiled rooftop and rolled.
Bran was desperate and torn.  He had to help his comrades.  He had to help Teris.  But his Vice Captain had given him clear instructions.  After realizing a communication block was in place, Bran had ordered the Sentries capable of quick magical travel to get out of the communications block and inform Headquarters of the attacks; while commanding the rest of the Sentries to help the citizenry to safety.
Riding with a Sentry atop a large magically created lizard, Bran looked over his shoulder at the battling team of Sentries he had left behind among the sand dunes just outside of Raque.  Guilt weighed heavy on his shoulders.  He had now left not just his friend's and comrades, but two fights.
“If we come across more hostiles, you need to keep on going, sir.  I’ll do my best to distract and hold them off.”  The Sentry told Bran, sweating as he urged his magic to make the green glowing lizard move faster.
Though Bran understood it was because he was the only one who could give Headquarters more information about the attack; the thought of having to leave someone else behind made him feel even more like a failure.
Clutching the communication crystal the Captain of the area Sentries station had given him, Bran tried to think.  This wasn’t like the Wild Fire and battle with Sorcery Lances from a couple months ago.  Bran couldn’t assist his friends by battling these people with a deer. Even if a large sand cat or mid-sized sea fox had been near enough for his magic to seek out and control, it wouldn’t do much good. Not when the fight was in a large town.
Other than insects, Bran couldn’t control multiple creatures.  He needed something more; but he had nothing more.  All he could do was leave his friends and allies to fight, and hope he was able to fetch real help in time.
Yami had been wrong to show any interest and trust in him.  He was weak. Even with all his training and all he had done.  He was useless.
Tears stung Bran’s eyes at his own hated inadequacy.  Some Magic Knight he was, left riding with a Sentry for help.  With all the large fleet footed animals scared off further than his magics reach, he couldn’t even quickly get out of the communications block without assistance. He was undeserving of the promotion he got for his efforts a couple months back during the Wild Fire outbreak.  He didn’t deserve to be a Third Class Intermediate Magic Knight.  He didn’t even deserve to be a Magic Knight.
His grimoire, glowing and hovering beside him, suddenly brightened.  The pages flipped of their own accord.  A blank page came into being, added to the tome.  Writing sparked into existence as a new spell appeared.
Breath knocked out of her, Teris coughed.  Her rolled landing stopped at the feet of a scruffy faced, red haired man.  Sucking in a gulp of air, she squinted up at him.
“Teris Nova.”  The man said.
“If you think I’m Teris Nova you’re in for a disappointment”  Teris said, noting the sword of swirling air he held.
“We’ll sort out which of you is the real one later.  For now surrender and come with me, and I’ll see no one else gets harmed.”
“And who might you be?”  Teris asked.
“Commander Fanzell.”  Fanzell said.
It was then that Teris noticed the diamond on his grimoire.  Chastising herself for not catching it immediately, she said.  “You’re a Magic Warrior.”
“I am.”  Fanzell inclined his head.
Wondering how a team of Magic Warriors had gotten this deep into the Clover Kingdom, Teris said conversationally.  “You’re a long way from home.  Lost?  You know you could’ve simply asked for directions.”
Fanzell’s blue eyes narrowed.  He opened his mouth to tell her to stop wasting time when Teris shot out a beam of light.  The hit knocked Fanzell back to the next roof over.
Teris turned and sprinted in the direction of Nozel.  She had wondered at his delay and now saw why.  The Silver Eagle was still flying threw the air, only he was fighting a man on a cloud of smoke.  Teris lept to the next buildings roof.  As soon as she landed she was sent flying by a condensed burst of air.
Shaking his head clear, Fanzell rode a whirlwind after Teris.  It was a chaotic way to travel, the wind tunnel difficult to control.  As soon as he reached the roof she had landed on he hopped off the mini tornado and let it fade.
Pointing a magically created sword of wind down at her, Fanzell told.  “I have no wish to harm you.”
Teris rolled over with a groan.  Even cloaked in mana the hit had hurt. Fanzell watched her carefully, mindful of where Teris pointed her hands.
Acting as if she was still battling the pain and an unclear head, Teris quickly glanced at his stance.  A large undulating shadow crossed overhead.  It was a massive flock of seagulls, and they were descending.
Teris’ legs swung out just as Yami had taught her.  She cloaked her legs in mana at the last moment, least the cloak alert Fanzell to what she was doing.
As Fanzell fell, Teris jumped to her feet.
Stunned, Fanzell looked up expecting Teris to have made a run for it again. Instead he saw Teris’ fist right before it met his face.  Fanzell heard a crack.  Nose broken, his hands cupped his bloody face.  He cursed the pain and spotted vision, loosing sight of Teris.
Teris backed up as the mass of birds swooped and attacked Fanzell with claw and beak.  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered at the sight.  The birds were surely being controlled by Bran; but he was only able to control a single, what he called, higher mind creature at a time.  Not having the time to ponder it, Teris hoped this meant Bran was safe and would soon get passed the block to contact Headquarters.
She spun around and looked for Nozel.  She caught sight of him moments before he was knocked off his mercury eagle by the Smoke Mage.  The eagle swooped and struck the side of a manor house in an attempt to catch him.  Nozel, the eagle, and the Smoke Mage disappeared behind a canopy of trees growing on the hillside.
“Nozel!” Teris shouted and cursed when she tried and failed to light travel to him.  Leaving Fanzell to Bran and the attacking seagulls, she took off running and leaping from roof to roof.
Venice glanced to the door where Abril and two Magic Warriors had disappeared, cursing that she and Kess hadn’t been able to hold all of them back.
Kess used her shadow magic to shield Venice from a magical attack.
“Thanks.” Venice called, eyes darting back to the enemy.  She created a mirror that deflected an attack and directed it at one of the Magic Warriors.  “Congratulations, by the way.”
Kess scowled as she sent a shadowy mass of arrows at their attackers. “For what?”
“Your betrothal.”  Venice said.
“I don’t think now's the time for that.”  Kess snapped.
“Well.” Venice shrugged, trapping a Magic Warrior in a mirror, “seeing as we may die.  I didn’t want go to my grave having you think I was upset and not happy for you and Jon.  You are happy about it, right? This isn’t something your parents are forcing you to do?”
“Will you shut up!”  Kess shouted.
Running away from two Magic Warriors, Abril lept off a second floor landing. Her calculated drop was disturbed by two young boys.  She landed on them, the three of them falling to the ground.
Abril got up only to trip and fall when her foot caught on some billowy fabric.
“Ow! How dare you!  Let go!”  A silver haired boy snapped when Abril tried to use him to steady herself.
“Get off!”  Abril barked.  She kicked the billowy, over-sized sleeve that belong to the shirt the red haired boy was wearing.  The fine fabric tore as she ripped her trapped foot free.
“Will you—Teris?”
Abril blinked.  Precious seconds wasted as she stared at the red haired boy before remembering the form she wore.  “Yes?”  She said, uncertainly.
“It is I.  Kirsch.”  The red haired boy placed a manicured hand gently to his chest.
Moment broken, Abril shook off the torn piece of silk.  “Good for you. Now get off.”
“There she is!”  One of Abril’s pursuers pointed down at her.
Abril’s head darted up.  She rolled to her knees and pushed to her feet. “Nice to see you, Kirsch.  Bye.”
Only she didn’t get very far.  Feet tripping over the other boys legs, Abril fell again.  Looking up at boy, she recognized a familiar familial stare of cold blue eyes and distinctive silver hair.
“Silva.” Abril growled.
“You’re not Teris.”  Solid accused.
The echoing sound of footfalls descending the stairs rang loud in her ears.  Abril planted a hand on the silver haired boys shoulder and pushed to her feet.  “Don’t tell them that.  Stay outta their way and get somewhere safe.  Nozel’s orders.”
Solid blinked at the fake Teris who took off at a run.
Kirsch looked after her and declared.  “How utterly unbeautiful!”
Neither young man noticed one of the Magic Warriors break off from the others and stalk toward them.
Teris slid between Nozel and Lotus.  Nozel barely created a shield of mercury before a spatial attack hit, taking a large swath of mercury.
Lotus balked at the attack and turned.  Seeing Galleo, he put his hands on his hips.  “The order was to take her into custody.  Not wipe her from existence.”
“She’s still alive.  Isn’t she?”  Galleo said.
Lotus looked down at Teris.  “Sorry about that.  Care to surrender?”
Teris kicked out trying to trip the Smoke Mage the same way she had done with Fanzell.  Ready for either a physical or magical attack, Lotus saw the strike coming and hopped over her swinging leg.
“Figured that burly mate of yours would've taught you some--”  Lotus’ voice cut out.  He stumbled, Teris having kicked his left knee, hyper-extending it.
Nozel pulled Teris to her feet.  His knees trembled under his own weight, much of his mana having been drained during his fight with Lotus.
“You alright?”  Teris panted.
“Fine. You?”  Nozel asked.
“Not dead yet.”  Teris answered.
“Not funny.”  Nozel grumbled.  “That one has smoke magic.”
“Mine can spatial attack.”  Teris said.
“I noticed.”  Nozel replied.
“Care to switch?”  Teris asked, figuring Nozel could block a few strikes till help came, or his mana recovered enough for him to do something other than defense.  In any case he wasn’t going to last much longer if he continued fighting the Smoke Mage.  “Or, I could take them both on--”
“No.” Nozel said, sounding as fatigued as he felt.  Though he didn’t like the idea of not finishing a fight he started, Teris, though out of breath, seemed far from tired.  If anything she seemed excited by the challenge; that had to be Yami’s and the Black Bulls influence he though in disgust.  It was the fact that he had already lost so much mana in his fight with the Smoke Mage that decided it for Nozel. “I got the Spatial Mage.  Just—don’t get too close to the Smoke Mage.  He’ll siphon off your mana.”
Lotus smiled at Teris as Nozel stepped to the one called Galleo.
“I was beginning to wonder if I would ever meet the other half of the famous duo.”  Lotus said.  “Not much about work gets me excited. It’s more of a necessary hassle in order to keep the family housed and fed.  But when the order came for this…  I must admit to having some interest.”
“You’re the one Yami faced during the Battle at the Border.”  Teris surmised.  She wished Yami was here, and that they could still feed off each others mana the way they had back then.  “He said you talked too much.  Is that the only play you have?  Disarm and delay with mindless chatter till your magic renders your opponent useless?”
Lotus shrugged lazily.  “It’s worked for me thus far.  Why change what isn’t broken?”
Teris released bit of her mana, magically heating up the air around her to the point that it burned off Lotus’ smoke.  The man’s smoke had been so sparse and thin that she hadn’t been able to see it.  But she sensed it as her mana made contact with it and it burned it away.
His siphoning smoke burned off, Lotus gave a weak smile his brow beading with sweat at the heat radiating from Teris’ magic.  “My wife is pregnant with our second child.”  He told.
“I’ll see you have a quill and paper so you can write to them from your cell.”  Teris said.
“That would be appreciated.”  Lotus said, readying his attack.
“Stand down or these two die.”  Came a proud booming voice.
Teris turned, eyes widening.
“Solid!” Nozel blinked.  His magical shield lowered, spears of mercury dissolving.
Still wearing Teris’ form, Abril struggled against magical bindings. “You leave Kirsch and my Intended’s brother alone!”
“That’s not the real one.”  Galleo told his comrades.
The one holding Abril shoved her to the ground in disappointed disgust.
Fanzell dropped onto the scene, the whirlwind that brought him dissipating. Knowing the one he faced had been the real Teris by the light magic she had used, Fanzell ignored the bound woman his subordinate had pushed away, and took in the two other hostages.  He didn’t like that innocent children had been brought into the mix and threatened. But now that it was done he had little choice other than to use it.
Ignoring the stinging cuts and gashes the flock of attacking birds had left, Fanzell gave the Spatial Mage a directive look through eyes made red and swollen from his broken nose.  “Galleo.”
The man opened up a portal.
Fanzell turned to the real Teris.  “Step through and I promise these two will be left unharmed.”
“Your promise means nothing to me.”  Teris sneered.
“Brother!” Solid called, frantic eyes full of fear.
“It’s alright.  Stay calm and quiet.”  Nozel soothed.  He looked at Teris.  There was no way he was going to ask her to submit to the Magic Warriors commands; but these people had his younger brother and were threatening his life.
Teris glanced at Kirsch and Solid.  Even if Kirsch wasn’t an extremely distant cousin or Solid Nozel’s brother, she would have submitted to protect them.  She was a Magic Knight.  The lives and well being of the Clover Kingdoms citizenry went before her own.
The tension in Fanzell’s shoulders eased when he saw Teris’ shoulders sag in defeat.
“Fine. But you and the rest of your squad of Magic Warriors have to leave the Clover Kingdom without harming another person.”  Teris relented.
“No! I’m Teris Nova.”  Abril shouted.
“Enough.” Teris ordered.
Abril fell silent, wide eyes stinging with tears at her worry and failure.
Teris turned to Fanzell.
“You have my word.”   Fanzell swore.
Teris sighed.  She didn’t know what the Commander’s word was good for; but it was all she had.  Giving one last look at Abril, she ordered. “Don’t struggle or fight unless they break their promise.”
“Step through the portal.”  Fanzell told Teris, eager to see his mission complete and his squad safely out of the Clover Kingdom.
Teris moved as slowly as she dared, hoping that someone had gotten through the communications block and assistance would appear.
The mage holding Solid by the throat squeezed causing the young royal to gurgle.
“Solid!” Nozel took a step toward his brother.
Fanzell made a noise of warning halting Nozel in his tracks.  He scowled at his fellow Magic Warrior for choking the young innocent but turned the expression on Teris and instructed.  “Hurry it up.”
Nozel glanced at the open portal and Teris, gauging the distance.  Turning back to his brother, he told.  “It’ll be alright, Solid.  Just stay put.  Don’t do anything.  Listen to Abril until they leave and help arrives.”
Finding Nozel’s words curious, Fanzell turned to him.  But he was too slow. Teris had just stepped through the portal and Galleo had begun to close it.  Fanzell’s muscles tensed as the Silver Eagle rushed toward him.  But the Magic Knight had no interest in him.  Instead, Nozel sprinted passed him and dived through the closing portal.
Fanzell blinked at the portion of the mans royal blue cloak that laid on the ground where the portal had been.  If Nozel had acted a split second latter he would have been cut in half.
“Brother!” Solid yelled, hand outstretched.
“Damn it!  I’m sorry, Commander.  Shall I open it back up and pull him out?”  Galleo asked Fanzell.
Jaw tense, Fanzell tore his eyes away from the blue fabric.  So much for a seamless mission.  Not wanting to stay longer than necessary and chance facing further hostility, he told Galleo.  “No.  Inform the other teams we have our prey and get us out of here.”
“Sir.” Galleo nodded.
Fanzell looked back at the sliced off strip of fabric thinking that the Magic Knights were a loyal and amazing group.  It made him wistfully envious.  He doubted there was a single Magic Warrior that would take such a risk for one of their fellows.
“The teams are falling back and headed to the meeting point.”  Galleo informed his superior.
“Good.” Fanzell bent and picked up the blue fabric, wrapping it around his hand.
“What of these three?”  The Mage holding Solid and Kirsch asked.
“Bind the boys.  We’ll leave them and the Magic Knight to be found.” Fanzell said.
The Mage gripped Solid and Kirsch tighter.  “But, Sir--”
Voice dangerous, Fanzell looked at the man.  “I gave my word.  You’re not suggesting I go back on it out of sheer malice, are you?”
The Mage straightened.  “No, sir.”  He shared a look with Galleo the two thinking that the rumors were true.  Their Commander had begun to weaken.
Fanzell stepped in front of Abril.  “I need you to listen and relay a message to your superiors.”
“You give her back!”  Abril yelled.
Fanzell used his magic to take just enough air out of Abril’s lungs so she couldn’t speak but was still cognizant.  “Tell your superiors not to come for Teris Nova unless they want another war.  You will have your Magic Knight—s,”  He drew out the added ‘s’ of the amended plural, “back by the morning of the twelfth.  If you cross the border into our kingdom, King Morris will not broker a peace as he did last time.  He will not stop until your kingdom is purged of life and left in nothing but rubble and ash.”  He saw the fearful turn in the her eyes, and felt the same at such a prospect. “Remember.  The morning of the twelfth.  My King just wants some time with Teris Nova to understand how she works.  It is up to your kingdom to decide whether that is worthy of war or if you will keep the peace and wait four days.”
“Are you really that tired, Yami?” Jack taunted sending out a slash that sent the Black Bulls Vice Captain skidding backwards several meters.
“Hardly.” Yami grunted.
“He’s toying with you, Jack.”  Tobin called, from the sidelines.
“More like letting you get a couple shots in as apology for the beat down you’re gonna get.”  Yami corrected.
“Quit pretending your doing me any favors Bull Brains.”  Jack cawed sending out two more strikes.  “You’re faltering and trying to cover.”
“If I were faltering would I be able to do this?”  Both hands gripping the hilt of his katana, Yami sent down a slash of darkness that had the Green Mantis leaping out of the way.
Rolling on the ground, Jack squinted at the kicked up dirt.  He looked back to see downed trees and branches for more than six hundred meters.
Tobin stepped forward, worried Yami had lost himself to the Darkness.
Gendry’s head jerked back, eyes wide.  Was that what he would be facing every other Monday?  He knew Yami was powerful, but to send an attack like that during a simple sparring session…
Yami half lept, half rushed to his opponent and pointed his dark cloaked katana at Jack’s chest.  “You were saying?”
Jack looked up at the Black Bull and cackled.  “You’re insane!”
Yami lifted and sheathed the katana in its scabbard.  “Thought your bony butt would appreciate that move.”
Jack pushed to his feet.  “Let’s try it again!”
“No.” Yami shook his head.
Jack lifted his forearm, the magical scythe-like blade pointing at Yami’s neck.  “Try it again or I slice you up.”
“You’re both insane!”  Tobin declared, making his way onto the field. “Jack.  Stand down.”
Sounding bored despite the magical weapon at his throat, Yami waved Tobin off. “Let him be.  Beanstalk’s just embarrassed he lost.”  He met Jack’s eye, all but daring the man to make a move and prove him wrong.
Jack cackled again and lowered his arm.  “You act all tough, but one day I’ll slice you up, Yami.  Only I want you to be at your best when I do.”
Yami made a derisive noise.  “Yeah, yeah.  Keep saying that—Jack.” Yami’s tone changed as he said the name.  His right hand reached, gripping the hilt of his katana.  “Don’t stand down.”
Jack’s eyes turned to Yami’s right hand, thinking the Black Bull decided to continue the fight.  “What?  You--”
Yami pulled the katana free.  “A large group just appeared.”
“It’s probably some fellow Green Mantis’.  En and Nix are expected back from a mission.”  Jack said.
“No.” Yami said.
The Ki Yami suddenly sensed was far too near.  These people hadn’t walked or flown closer; but simply appeared as if portaled.  Never mind the fact that one of the mana sources coming from the group was massively powerful.  There was no way the person was a member of the Green Mantis, not even the squads Captain.
“It’s Alowishus.”  Yami cloaked his blade in darkness.
Alowishus Spade rose up out of the ground.  Yami sent out several consecutive slashes which were blocked by a swirling mass of earth.
“Quick on the attack.”  Alowishus praised, noting how fast Yami’s movements had become.  “Not exactly the act of a hero though.”
“I’m no hero.  I’m a Magic Knight Vice Captain and you’re a threat to this kingdom.  Jack, with me.  You two.  Give the others a harsh welcome.”  Yami told Tobin and Gendry.
“The others?”  Tobin echoed.  His face hardened at the sight of five others appearing through the overgrown tree line.  “Right.”  His size doubled as he stepped in the Agents of Chaos’ direction. “Gendry.  Let’s go.”
“They want Yami.  We should focus on getting him out of here.”  Gendry said, glancing at his Vice Captain as Yami and Jack charged and attacked Alowishus.
“And how do you suggest we do that without taking out some of their number?”  Tobin snapped.  “Don’t question the Vice Captain's orders!  He’s not Bronn.  Yami will do more than have words or a well placed fist if you disobey.”
Yami and Jack tag teamed.  One getting in close while the other made an opening.  Still it wasn’t enough.  Alowishus was just too strong. Yami shot a quick glance seeing Tobin and Gendry struggling and cursed.  He should have known better than to think the four of them had a chance.  The Negation Mage, Calen, was nowhere in sight meaning that Alowishus was secure in his victory and merely toying with them. That only served to make Yami angrier, his grip tightening on his katana’s hilt.  Exhaling, Yami forced his hands to loosen letting the rage filled emotion flow through him.  Acknowledging his anger while not focusing on it cleared his mind and centered his thoughts, emboldening his movements with decisive determination.
“Your getting your way, Jack!”  Yami lept back, trading places with the Green Mantis.  He planted his feet, gripping the katana’s hilt in both hands and raising it over his head.  “Let’s try it again!” He repeated Jack’s earlier words right before he brought the dark cloaked blade down.
Jack, who had been in front of Alowishus, between him and Yami, lept to the side at the last moment.  Despite being cloaked in mana the Green Mantis was dragged back a bit by the gravitational pull of the dark slash.  Then blown out and away as Yami’s attack hit.  Jack tucked his arms and tumbled, rolling up to his knees and skidding to a halt.
Seeing the devastation and power of the attack, Jack silently cursed; Yami must’ve just been funning with him in that first dark slash.  Wait for me, you over muscled idiot, Jack thought.  Don’t leave me in your shadow.  I’ll rip you to shreds if you do.
“Master!” The Agents of Chaos yelled.
Yami didn’t even pause to take in the damage he might have caused Alowishus.  He spun around to Tobin and Gendry, and commanded. “Tobin, go get back up.  Gendry, to me.”
Tobin turned and sprinted away before Yami had even begun to say Gendry's name.
“Oh, no you don’t.”  Misandre roared.  She created a portal, hands reaching through the open gateway.
Tobin didn’t slow, trusting his comrades to protect his back.
Snarling, Yami sent out a slice of darkness that cut Misandre’s hands off so fast and clean it took the woman  several heartbeats to realize what had happened.  The hands, once belonging to Bronn, dropped to the ground, never reaching Tobin.
Glaring at the Spatial Mage, Yami growled.  “Told you I would have those off you.  Now, I can be done with that bastard and he can rest in peace.”
“Yami...” Gendry breathed, face losing color.
Yami turned in the direction Gendry was staring, his own eyes widening. Now that just wasn’t fair, Yami silently complained.
Jack moved closer to the two Black Bulls.  “What is he?  An earth mage or something.”
Or something, Yami thought watching the earth swirl and condense to form an arm, replacing the one Yami’s massive dark strike had taken from Alowishus.
“Ash to ash.  Dirt to dirt.”  Alowishus intoned, stepping out of the spiraling earth as it dissipated and fell.  “The moral form is nothing but earth, and to the earth our weary husks eventually return.”
The solid ground the three Magic Knights were standing on became sinkhole.  Before they could do anything, they were trapped up to their mid-thighs and stuck.
“You have your late Vice Captain's hands back, Yami.  Now further prove your honor and come with me so your friends may be spared.” Alowishus stopped several paces in front of him.  “You need my help, my boy.  You won’t make it to the Ritual of Darkness without it.”
“I’m not your anything.”  Yami sneered.  He sent out three quick, successive dark cloaked strikes.
Alowishus held up a hand.  The dark slashes stopped and hovered.  Frozen still for a moment before they broke apart crumbling and fading to nothing.
Alowishus shook his head and sighed.  “Difficult child.  Come with me or your friends die.”
“Why not just take me by force?  You’ve done it before.  Could it be you’re afraid to awaken what’s inside me?”  Yami asked, feeling the Dark force begin to stir.
“You may not be the cleverest, Yami.  But you are a smart one.  Do you truly think I fear you?”  Alowishus asked, well aware Tobin had almost reached the Green Mantis’ base.
“Probably not, but you should.”  Yami said.
“Master.” Clint called.  “Misandre is losing a lot of blood despite Slade’s bindings.  If she’s to be able to get us out of here, we must leave.”
“Then leave.”  Alowishus snapped.
“Master! We can’t leave you!”  Clint expressed, face full of concern.
“Return to Sanctuary and await my arrival as you were told.  I will tend to Misandre after my return.  Till then she will simply have to endure.” Alowishus looked at his followers.  “Now.”
Reluctantly, Misandre opened a portal.  The gateway took a couple seconds to form and was slow to expand large enough for a person to fit through.
Yami couldn’t help a perverse smirk of achievement at seeing the Spatial Mages difficulty in creating something that should have been as easy as taking a step or any other function that occurred by mere will.
“You enjoyed that.”  Alowishus commented, watching Yami.  “My followers hardship.”
Yami eyes snapped back to Alowishus.  “With the amount of hardship she and the rest of you have put us through, it’s about time you got some in return.  I’m not going with you, by the way.  So you can crumble to dust and die.”
Alowishus frowned.  “Why must you make things so difficult, my boy?”
“I already told you.  I’m not your anythi—oui!”  Yami snapped, Jack and Gendry's muffled gags stealing his attention.
Dirt gathered and rose up from the ground, entering Jack and Gendry's mouths and nostrils.  The two coughed and gagged.  But it was no use, the invading earth was choking the life out of them.
“Stop it!”  Yami barked.  He tried to pull his legs free but the ground held firm.  He swiped at the swirling mass as it entered Jack, but the mass only reformed and continued to obey Alowishus’ will.
“Can’t you see that I am only trying to help you?”  Alowishus asked, tone wounded and sympathetic.  “If you go on like this, you will lose yourself to the Darkness inside.”
Yami glared murderously at Alowishus.  “Isn’t that what you want?”
“Eventually.” Alowishus admitted.  “Right now, we both want the same thing.  For you to fight this force off and remain yourself.”
Yami’s eyes flicked black.  Gritting his teeth he battle down the Darkness about to boil over.  “Let them go.”
“Will you come?”  Alowishus asked.
Yami saw Gendry's eyes roll and begin to glaze.  “Fine!”  He yelled. “You have my word.  Now let them go!”
With a victorious grin, Alowishus lifted his hand, palm up.  His fingers curled one after the other in a beckoning motion.
Yami watched the earth change its course and fly out of his friends lungs. Jack and Gendry sagged, gasping and coughing.
“Let’s go.”  Alowishus smiled.
Before Yami could say or do anything, he was swallowed up by the ground.
In the quietness after Nozel and Teris’ argument the Silver Eagle had difficulty meeting Teris’ hard, angry glare.
Once they had figured out they had been portaled to a mana blocked cell with no means of escape, Teris had chewed Nozel out.  In her fear for Nozel, Teris had called out his stupidity in following her through a closing portal.  Her concern for her friends, and worry over Fanzell keeping his word had her chastising Nozel for his lack of care in his duty to protect the citizens of the kingdom.
Nozel naturally snapped back.  No one questioned his dedication to his duty.  His brooding emotions over what he had walked in on three days ago, the image of Yami and Teris still haunting his mind, had Nozel responding harsher than intended.
Surprised by his vehemence but not one to back down, Teris had snapped back at him.  A heated argument had devolved from there.  When Nozel called out her hypocrisy, saying she would’ve done the same in his place, Teris had changed tactics.
Teris had been glaring daggers at him for what felt like forever, though realistically Nozel knew it couldn’t have been more than a couple minutes.  Much as Nozel hated being scolded like some child, Teris’ silent treatment was so much worse; leading him to ask.  “What would you have had me do?  Let you to come here alone?”
“Yes! That’s exactly what I would have had you do!”  Teris expressed. Her eyes drifted to the missing part of Nozel’s squad cloak for the thousandth time, her fear and anger at his foolishness reigniting.
“It’s always the same with you, isn’t it?”  Nozel complained.
“What’s that suppose to mean?”  Teris questioned, heatedly.
“You’re always judging me more harshly than anyone else.  As if I’m suppose to be some perfect person.”
“You’re the one who constantly presents yourself as a perfect person.” Teris accused.
Nozel sighed, this was getting them nowhere.  He looked about the cell, unable to look at Teris any longer.  “So what do we do now?”
“Why ask me?  What was it you said?  Your Captain's on the scene therefore your orders superseded mine.”
Nozel glowered and muttered under his breath.  “Ill tempered, hot headed brat.”
“What’s that?”  Teris asked, not having heard.
“I said you’re an ill tempered, hot headed brat!”  Nozel snapped.
“If that’s how you feel then why did you follow?”  Fanzell questioned, from the other side of the cell door.
Teris and Nozel turned to the Magic Warrior, neither having noticed his appearance in the heat of their argument.
“It sure would have saved us some trouble if you had stayed behind.” Fanzell went on, thinking of the discipline he would endure for letting the Silva Prince throw himself into custody; as if he had known at the time that the young man was heir to the Clover Kingdoms second royal House.
“If you’re looking for an apology for your troubles look elsewhere. You’re not getting one from us.”  Teris told.
“Figured as much.  Ill tempered, hot headed brat that you are.”  Fanzell teased.
“Only he gets to call me that.”  Teris said, head tilting toward Nozel.
“Who? Your Prince?”  Seeing the Magic Knights expressions, Fanzell nodded.  “Yeah.  I know who you are...  I do now.”  He mumbled.
“Then you know they will come for me.”  Nozel said.
“For both our kingdoms sake's, I hope not.  I hope those two kids and the Magic Knight that was trying to pass as you,” Fanzell inclined his head toward Teris, “relayed the message I gave, and your superiors believe and heed and my words.”
“What words were those?”  Teris asked.
“That you will be released and returned on the twelfth.”  Fanzell answered.
“You lie.”  Nozel challenged.
Fanzell’s eyes hardened.  “My King, unlike yours, doesn’t posture and lie.”
Teris wanted to ask about Yami but was afraid to.  As if bringing him up would remind their captors of his existence and endanger him.  She couldn’t sense Yami’s mana and hoped it was an effect of the spell put on the mana blocked cell.
“What is it you want?”  Teris asked.
“That I don’t know.”  Fanzell said, thinking he didn’t want to know either.
There were things going on in the Diamond Kingdom.  Rumors.  Whispers like the barest of breaths and breezes.  Things that hinted at augmented magic and mutilated grimoires.  Of groups of kids taken from the training grounds and never seen or heard of again.  To all this Fanzell turned a blind eye and deaf ear, not wanting to know even a hint of what might be going on.  His soul was tormented enough as it was.
“It doesn’t matter what threats you gave.  They will come.”  Nozel said.
“That’s what King Morris believes as well.”  Another voice said from down the hall.
Fanzell stepped back from the cell door and turned.  “Lotus.  What is this?”
“Sorry, Commander.”  Lotus apologized, expression truly sorrowful. “We’ve been told that His Majesty has decided to send the Prince back.”
Fanzell looked from Lotus to Galleo who walked behind the Smoke Mage.  “Why wasn’t I informed of this?”
“Why indeed?”  Galleo responded with a disapproving stare of accusation at Fanzell.
Fanzell swallowed, throat bobbing. There was only one reason why his superiors would skip informing him when he had just come from their offices.  The open display of lack in faith was chilling.
Fanzell cleared his throat.  “If you have orders, I suggest you carry them out.”
“I’m not leaving her.”  Nozel told, voice commanding in its volume and timber.
“You don’t have a choice, little Prince.”  Galleo smirked, clearly enjoying carrying out his commands.
“Morris doesn’t want a war.  He merely wants the girl.”  Lotus said.
It was difficult for Fanzell to tell, but it appeared as though Lotus didn’t care for this any more than he did.  Then again it could simply be Lotus’ usual tired lack of interest in anything.  It was hard to say.
“You can’t have her.”  Nozel told, positioning himself in front of Teris.
Fanzell noticed the way Teris merely stood by, appearing to have already accepted her fate.
“We already do have her.”  Galleo taunted.  “It’s you we no longer want.  Didn’t and shouldn’t have had you in the first place.” Though it had been his portal the young royal had jumped through, he cast an accusatory glance at Fanzell.
“Morris has been told that with just one of you taken, your King Agustus and Wizard King will wait until the twelfth to act, in hopes of staving off a war.” Lotus said.
“Told by who?”  Nozel questioned.
“Especially if we give back the heir to House Silva.”  Galleo put in.
“I want to know who told King Morris that.”  Nozel demanded.
“You will be portaled back to the gates of your Castle City.  Unharmed.” Lotus said, turning to Galleo at the final word as if to remind the man.
Seeing Lotus step near the cell door, Nozel readied his stance.  “Good luck with that.  The moment you open that door the mana block on this cell breaks and your--”
Teris placed a hand on Nozel’s shoulder causing him to fall silent.  He glanced back at her.
At her sad expression, Nozel questioned.  “Why are you looking at me like that?  We’re getting out of here.  Just don’t kill or knock out the Spatial Mage.  We need him to get us home.”
Teris hugged him, tightly.
Nozel was so shocked that he remained still and speechless.
“Tell Yami, Julius, and the Bulls not to do anything stupid.”  Teris breathed against his ear.
Nozel felt her give a humorless smile.
“At least not until they’ve clearly broken their word about returning me.”  Teris pulled away and meet his eyes.  “Then, if you want, you can do all the stupid things you wish to get me out of here.”
Nozel stared at her in confusion.  “Teris.  I’m not leaving yo--”
“It’s not your fault.”  Teris said over his words.  “You did all you could.  Going so far as to jump through a closing portal.  Stupid as it was.  Thank you.”
“Teris. It’s not over--”
Teris placed her fingers to Nozel’s lips, silencing him.  “I don’t want to be the cause of a war.  If you stay and get injured or killed while we’re trying to break free, there will be one.  House Silva’s pride will demand it.” Nozel gripped her wrist, tearing her tender fingers from his lips.  “I’m not doing this with you right now!  Get ready to fight!  That’s an order.”
He turned around to face the three Magic Warriors.  It was then that he remembered a magic blocked cell didn’t necessarily block outside magic from entering.
Teris stepped back.
Nozel’s head snapped back around to her, hand outstretched.  “Teris!”
Nozel disappeared, swallowed by Galleo’s portal. Teris’ eyes squeezed shut, willing herself not to cry.  Her trembling lips pressed together.  As fearfully angry as she had been at Nozel for his thoughtless action in following her; she had been selfishly grateful not to be alone.
“You’re a brave one.”  Lotus remarked.  “I wonder how I might’ve fared at the Battle at the Boarder if faced against you and not your counterpart.”
Thinking she was anything but brave, Teris asked.  “You’re not after him. Are you?”
“Yami?” Lotus questioned.  “Our only orders were to capture you, little miss.  Now, if you don’t mind.”  He dangled a spelled cuff that blocked magical transport.  “Put your hand through the bars.”
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I’ll be recovering from my monthly infusion of “poison juice” this week, so if you wanna make a blah week brighter and bring a smile to my face I’d appreciate some feedback.  Thanks!
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently commented or re-blogged. It really means a lot.  Also, I’ll be taking a week off.
Next chapter snippet:
Tears prickled Teris’ eyes. Her entire body felt as if it were engulfed in Wild Fire.  The palm of her hand so hot and seared that it was incapable of feeling anything.  Anything other than constant dull burning pain with the occasional sharp, gut wrenching stab that kept her mind from being able to tune it out.
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grahammasurian · 3 years
Dumping Your Responsibility.
The dumpster outside my apartment building was completely overflowed. The truck missed a couple weeks for some reason and people just kept piling their shit on top regardless.
“My sin will be forgiven, the next sinner will go to hell!”
This came into my head whenever I thought of the garbage situation. I considered myself 99% innocent since I didn’t use the dumpster during these couple weeks. Unfortunately when disaster happens it doesn’t care how much you were involved, all it sees is your darkness.
What I could have done was call up our landlord. Maybe I didn’t add directly to the trash pile but I still could have brought attention to it. Unfortunately my mind gave me a great reason for not calling him, a wonderful why even bother type of belief. These curses will kill you but they provide immense relief.
He lives someplace nicer and keeps his back turned on this building, so if I don’t tell him anything he’ll keep believing whatever fantasy he’s living. Whenever I bring up something for him to look at he puts it off or conveniently forgets about it, can’t say I blame him. I'd love to do the same sometimes and then feel guilty about it for the rest of my life. It’s hard to convince myself that a life of eternal guilt is worse than a life of hard work. Maybe the simple solution is to just disregard the guilt and make everyone despise me, though I can’t say that seems like a good long term strategy.
I guess everyone likes to avoid responsibility too, don’t get me wrong I get it, because man it sure feels good to not take anything seriously, just sit back and relax through life, I’ll lay down in my bed and fold into a quarter circle. Pull my knees up to my chest and gently hold myself, like swinging in the breeze floating along to somewhere better.
Eventually some birds had a war over the trash that was at this point spilling everywhere, old food, old clothes, plastic shit, maybe real shit. It was a disaster but seemed to be an appropriate punishment for us. I watched a seagull pull apart a bag for 30 minutes, something about the completely boring and ordinary scene held a power over me. I imagined this feeling of our civilizations being consumed again by nature, it’s easy to forget that nature is constantly trying to integrate us more effectively. Integration with an ocean with a mysterious intention.
We could have salvaged things there, rescued some of our dignity and just accepted responsibility for what we did by not doing. I sat some nights debating whether or not I should just go out there and clean up everything alone. I didn’t mind the day, but at night I just loved how things seemed to come to life inside me. There was a power that I didn’t have access to during the day.
I decided it wasn’t worth cleaning up, after all I don’t really care what these people think of me, unless they express it to me. Plus I felt like I fit in better with my environment as a lazy drifter. When I run into the people that live here occasionally there is enough willpower on all our parts to say “Hi” and then move on our way. The two people that live under me, man and wife, maybe around late 50’s early 60’s always give me a glimpse into a possible future. The guy looks like his soul has been sucked out and not in a good way. It scares me for a moment and I tell myself I’ll keep it in mind but my actions don’t change.
The next week after the missed pickup and our experiment with apathy, something happened.
It was 12:33 AM, I was laying down in my bed with the window open, listening to the wind and feeling the slight breeze on my skin. Sometimes I’d lay there for hours listening to music or in silence, using drugs of course. The sounds of the night combined with distant sounds of the city created the backdrop for the worlds I explored in my mind. I break away from the atmosphere and write some ideas down in some form then go back to my mind.
I heard a familiar sound, the mother of this girl screaming in that resentful kind of way. Whenever someone talks that way to me my stomach gets sick, I see this person is using me to escape from something. You know instantly that this isn’t about you anymore, it's about them.
I hated the way this mother yelled at her daughter, I didn’t have kids of my own but I didn’t mind them, I generally see children as innocent beings until they gain awareness. When they become aware they turn into wood, hopefully they make it through and become real but many don’t. Some play as the twisted craftsmen, shaping the world with design. Night after night I’d hear this poor girl being molded into something that will make her unhappy for the rest of her life.
Even though it’s hard to feel connected with darkness, you still elicit feelings for things of the night. You react more on principle and not bigger picture at night, this mother was injecting venom deep into the mind of her daughter. Like a jackass I sat there each night it happened and listened to it like music.
 Being man enough to walk down there one day and call her out on her shitty behavior was always in the back of my mind, but then I would think some more and figure what difference would it make? Sometimes I snap out of my delusions and wake up, I see who I am from up here.
Just look for the right words.
It didn’t happen every time but sometimes this warped girl would dash outside, slamming doors and shouting behind her. Most times I’d hear her small steps pace around or walk down out of earshot then eventually I’d hear her again coming from the other side of the building, maybe doing two or three laps like that before cooling off and gaining enough strength to go back. She feels like she just wants to give up but chooses to continue to face that fate which shows just how much courage she had.
This night the young girl made her usual escape, something about the scene caught my attention. Normally I just ignored it for the most part, but tonight I felt worried for her and listened to see if she was okay.
The shriek of her screaming scared me sober. That kind of pitch that you can only get when you feel real terror.
Confusion at night amplifies fear to a level that can go beyond anything you’ve ever felt. Sometimes hearing a loud noise randomly in the middle of the night only to realize it was something conspicuous is an interesting moment of tension and release of tension. When you listen to death it creates tension that doesn’t go away unless you force it to release.
I couldn’t see much but the sounds made up for the rest, I looked on in horror as this poor unfortunate girl came running towards the front door to come back inside. She must have forgotten to prop it open a little this time like she usually did. The door was shut, she couldn’t escape through there and it was the only chance she had time to try.
This whole thing happened so fast it was as if my mind refused to think about what I was seeing, this bear that must have smelled some food nearby came across her instead.
Hearing someone produce screams that come from a dangerous place, sends a painful shock through you. It would have been nice if I was one of those people that got off on that kind of thing but unfortunately I had to deal with the feelings of misery, dread, sadness, fear, anger, all at once.  
A little bit slower than what should have been immediate there was incredible energy from all around, people coming out and making noise, not too many but enough for me to be impressed.
The general sentiment at the time was:
“Oh My God!” A big fat lady wearing a shaggy blue sweater screeched out. There were many other intense shouts, deflated yelps, sobbing murmurs, all mixing together slowly creating the atmosphere for a tremendously horrific scene.
All these half awake people, semi-disconnected souls felt something deep down within them for once. For the first time in decades some of these hopeless people felt alive, they acted without thought calling back to our primate ancestors. They witnessed a driving force, without realizing the lesson unfortunately.
Some of the people approached the girl to try and attempt some kind of help and others stayed away, accepting the situation or too afraid to know how bad it really was.
Some sobs were heard throughout the night as people came and went, voices that sounded defeated, voices that sounded ready to give up and heavy with guilt.
“Emily! No!” The mother cried. Obviously still drunk. Obviously deluded into thinking her daughter is anywhere close to alive.
“Please baby I’m so sorry! Please wake up baby!”
I had great disdain for this mother, but at that moment I felt bad for her. This woman made mistakes and in the end all it causes is suffering.
They came for her daughter, whisked her away into the abyss forever. Black cloaks riding into the stars on their skeletal horses. I wasn’t sure whether or not the constant beating I was hearing was a drum or my heart. We summoned these demons with our ritual, the choices we made were acts of incantation that brought forth monsters with the power to possess mortals, the possession was the final step in ensuring resurrection lest one of us snap out of the hypnosis and rescue the rest from the gaze of Medusa.
Then some downcast EMT workers took away her body, from the low looks and words after immediately coming upon the scene it was clear that hope didn’t exist anymore. I never saw the aftermath personally, where the actual attack happened was obscured to me by the awning over the door. Sometimes imagination makes things worse.
The mother followed her daughter into the darkness 3 weeks later.
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
Shapeshifter AU - 7
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 6 | Part 8 >>
Summary: Y/n goes to the park with Iwaizumi and finds a shapeshifter friend. Mizuki wants to know about this guy Y/n has been spending time with.
Word count: 1.8k
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Warnings: none
Genre: sfw (18+ regardless), shapeshifter au, strangers to lovers
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Part 7: We Could Be Friends
Y/n and Iwaizumi made plans to go to one of the forest parks nearly a week ago. But due to busy schedules, they didn't have any free days line up until now. This was the first time in awhile Y/n had been to a park in the forest in a long time. Which meant she wasn’t exactly the best guide. Luckily the park had marked paths through the area versus her usual running wild anywhere between the trees. Seeing sunshine through the trees may have been even prettier than the moonlight at night, tucked behind the treetops.
Used to the quietness of nocturnal animals and lack of any people, this area felt like another world even though they weren’t too far off from one of her frequented nighttime spots. Walking alongside Iwaizumi, she found herself almost constantly catching the sounds and movements of birds and small critters that she wouldn’t normally get to experience. She tried not to get distracted too much anytime Iwaizumi started talking. But with the new sounds and different scents through the trees, she couldn’t help but get distracted some.
“I thought you said you’ve been out here before,” Iwaizumi questioned, breaking her trance of the world around her.
“Huh? Oh.” She realized she had really slowed down her pace but quickly sped up again. “Yeah, but it's been a minute. It’s so.. alive here.”
“Alive? Isn’t fall kind of the opposite,” he said, crossing his arms. “And I mean, it's nice out here, but the way you keep looking around.. It’s like you’ve never seen such a place before.”
She laughed nervously. “Well, the last time I was out here I didn’t notice so many animals.”
He looked around, trying to spot something in the trees or fallen leaves, but other than a squirrel and a couple of birds he couldn’t find anything that could possibly be so interesting. But he decided not to argue. “Right,” fingers tapping his left bicep.
Soon they came across a stream off to the side of the designated path; likely the same stream that ran through where she sat with Sakusa a couple of weeks ago. Y/n took it upon herself to lead them off the path towards it. As she sat down in the leaves, Iwaizumi stood next to her, eyes narrowing. “Aren’t we supposed to stay on the paths?”
She looked up to him and smirked before bringing her attention to the water. “So? What, we might get yelled at? It’ll be fine.”
He watched her for a moment, then sat beside her. “I really don’t want to get kicked out of a park.”
She snickered. “Do you think this is any worse than showin’ up after dark? It’s fine! Just sit here and listen.”
He followed her command. “..The birds?”
“Hmm. Yes, but not just those. You can hear the water move, the breeze shuffling leaves, and there’s either squirrels or chipmunks running around the trees and ground.. Just sit here and relax, listening and being in nature.” She looked around to where she heard each sound as she spoke.
But he can’t hear every sound that she can. “Yeah, I guess I can do that..”
She took the chance to stubbly take in the new sights and sounds, getting better attuned with her lively-to-her surroundings. They stayed like that for a few minutes, before she looked over to him and realized he had been staring at her. Her eyes widened for a split second. “Come on.” She shoved his shoulder with a playfully grin before standing and dusting off her pants. “We’re like what, half around this trail?” She grabbed his arm and dragged him back towards the path with her.
They walked along the path for a while. Watching squirrels run about and climb trees, listening to everything Y/n had pointed out.
Her phone started buzzing repeatedly, so she slipped it out of her pocket to check what’s going on.
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “r u out on that date yet?”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “u said that’s today right?”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “when am i going to meet him”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “not a date. i told you that”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “i barely know anything about him n dont even know what he looks like >:(“
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “come onnnnn i wanna see this guy that managed to get ur attention”
She chuckled. “It’s Mizuki.”
“How’s she?”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “as if you and sakusa didnt get my attention”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “what’s wrong with me having a new friend?”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “yeah but sakusa was all but forced into our friendship and i forced my way into your heart so whooo forced this lil friendship-thing? Who do i have to thank for helping socialize our Y/n”
She gave an exasperated sigh. “Apparently dying to meet you.”
He raised his eyebrows and slid his hands in his pockets. “You talk about me to your friends?”
“Mmm.. Well, it's hard to keep things from her. It seems like she always finds a way.” She crinkled her nose as they passed a plant that had a strong odor to her, though Iwaizumi didn't seem phased. “That and she saw me texting ya the other day and had to ask questions.” She shook her head. “The ever curious, Mizu’.”
He laughed. “She sounds.. interesting to have around.”
She giggled. “She’s high energy, but she means well. She’s just curious.”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “wow”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “i am capable of making friends on my own you know”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “uh huh and i’ll get to see him when?”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “why are you hiding him ;P is he that hot that you want to hide him away lol”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “love u”
“Maybe you should introduce us.” He bumped into her, grinning.
“If I do that she might drag you on last minute adventures. Which could range from running around downtown or staying in. But mostly out.” She gave a half shrug.
“That almost sounds like a complaint,” he said.
She waved a hand defensively. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the city and coming out here, but I prefer staying in more than she does.”
“Maybe we should have stayed in then.” He looked her over, noticing she was no longer looking around constantly. “Though you seem.. Not so overwhelmed now.”
She blushed in embarrassment. “Ah- Hmm, I’d say more like.. Deeply enjoying.. This place.”
He looked unimpressed by her poor explanation. “Uh huh.”
She cleared her throat and their conversation paused as they made their way to the end of the path. Enjoying the sights and sounds around them in the process.
“But really, I do love her and love having her around.” She giggled quietly to herself. “There’s not a dull moment with her. I may have to raise her spirits from time to time, but she can do the same for me.”
He smiled softly. “Sounds like you’re good friends.”
She hummed an agreement. “Maybe I will introduce you sometime.”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “love you”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “You became friends in college, right?” He tilted his head towards her.
She shook her head. “Yeah. We were both business majors and had a couple of classes together.. my second year, I think. And well, she has a way of befriending anyone. So next thing ya know, we were friends.”
Approaching the parking lot, they stopped to chat. Not having plans for if their little outing stopped here or not.
“Do you ever do anything other than go for walks or to bars in your free time?”
“I go out to eat,” she said matter-of-factly, then looked around the lot in front of them until she spotted her car. She found Iwaizumi’s green Tacoma several cars down from hers in the process.
He nodded slowly. “Okay.. but if those three things suddenly didn’t exist what would you do?”
She shrugs nonchalantly. “Guess I’d die.” She smirked.
He rolled his eyes and pointed to his truck. “So you don’t want to go to grab a bite then?”
“You have found my one true weakness,” she says dramatically with a hand on her chest and a sarcastic grin.
He shook his head. “Come on, follow me. There’s a little cafe not far from here, if that’s your thing. I can give you the address.”
She happily agrees at the promise of food and they head for her Civic. She drops into the driver’s seat and leaves the door wide open while Iwaizumi gives her the address. Once she has the GPS ready to go, he walks around the car to head for his truck. Kicking one leg outside the car, she texts Mizuki, deciding to entertain her with a selfie of the two from the beginning of their walk.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “here”
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “Attachment.jpg”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “ooohh!! owo”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “he is HOT! no wonder you’re keeping him around”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “you met at that bar?? damn maybe i should have joined you lmao”
Hopefully that’ll keep her happy for a bit.
“Hmm?” Blur of orange to her right catching her interest. A gorgeous red fox had appeared while she was preoccupied, walking around the open driver’s door. Her eyes widened at the sight. Foxes typically stayed away from her, but she was almost only ever out here as a wolf, so that’s only to be expected. The fox sat on the pavement, giving her a cheerful tail wag. She cooed, “Hey there lil’ fella.”
Immediately the fox’s ears pulled back, and she swears its face scrunched. Not a minute later the fox swiftly hopped into her car and onto her lap, completely catching her off guard.
“Ho?” She squinted. How strange. She would have never imagined such behavior from a wild fox; though there is a shifter that looks oddly similar that probably would crawl in her lap if given the opportunity. He does have the same set of face markings..
The realization of the situation hit her. “Oh! No no, hey! I’m not alone here!” She quietly scolded the shifter in her lap, looking over to where Iwaizumi had parked but she couldn’t spot his truck passed the other cars from here. “Ah shit, do you need a ride home?” She asked the fox shifter just before he hopped into the backseat.
“Okay, uh, hold on.” She quickly dialed Iwaizumi, “Hey, uh, sorry, um.. No, no.. A friend just got a hold of me and needs me to take them home.. Ah, no! He’s fine, just- ..Actually, can we just change locations? ..Yeah, no, he's remotely close to where you live, kinda, so if you want to go anywhere around there, I can meet you when I’m done or something.. Yeah, yeah! I think I know that place..” She peered into the backseat at the fox. Cupping the microphone and sighing, she whispers to the fox, “You’re lucky I love you.”
Back to the phone, “Okay! I’ll see you there! Sorry, again!” Hanging up, she started the car. “Stay down until we hit the highway. Don’t shift yet either.”
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Part 8 >>
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Mail Jeevas
Let me know if you want alphabet for Near as well. You can check tosikowrites tag for more! Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
For Matt, being affectionate is as natural as breathing. You can’t call him over-the-top, his love is immature like he just got first teenage crush, and therefore it is difficult to predict his thoughts. In the beginning, awkwardness can slip through accidental hands touch or misplaced kisses. He giggles a lot to cover insecurities and it kinda works.
At the same time he tends to hesitate when things are about to get intimate. New experiences overwhelm him. If relationship seems to develop too quickly, Matt will subtly slow them down without making a fuss.
Won’t ever let his loved one go to bed in tears. It cuts him deeply as a friend and a partner to see his favorite person suffering. Of course, Matt lacks a bachelor degree in psychology, but he knows how to use active listening skills: he actually gives them space to speak their mind, makes pauses when necessary, and asks questions to hear the answers and not to simply imitate a concern.
One of the ways to show affection is to introduce loved one to his friends. We are talking not about a casual “this is name1, this is name2” but a special bond establishing, where everybody is treated with the same respect, trust, each person plays a specific role. Matt basically builds small “family” of closest people, ride-or-die gang from photos on which you see comments like “I wish I had friends like that”.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Matt is the type of friend you never knew you needed in your life. It is easy to overlook his quiet persona so you the only way you can meet him is through mutual friends during DnD session, night out in the arcade, etc.
He speaks the language of memes and irony and ironic memes, which he will send the second he sees something you would be interested in. Sharing is caring, so Matt will introduce you to anything he finds even a little bit entertaining. Friendship with this guy involves a lot of inside jokes that are completely incomprehensible to unenlightened people around.
Chill aura follows Matt everywhere he goes and you will experience its miraculous effects as well. Problems do not exist in his plan of reality, any extreme negative emotions do not either. It may be strange at first but later you crave his presence and stability that comes with it. In short, wholesome person in a grungy shell.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
The miserable situation in which person is truly snuggble (is it even a word?) but has to be in specific mood for it. Matt turns into panda, wrapping his limbs around the partner’s body, today but keeps it modest with only his head lying on their lap next day. He has a bad habit of nestling to the loved one after smoking weed so a sickly sweet smell imprints on their clothes, hair, and whatever he touches.
Without ongoing conversation, Matt starts dozing in a few minutes. His embrace turns into a bear trap, and poor soul, who was (un)lucky enough to get caught, has low chances to escape.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I mean, mentally he is already settled down with his console and Mello? Yes, that sound like him, there’s a good chance Matt would want to have nice comfy life with the loved one. He can’t cook for shit and is an incorrigible slob but, boi, he will try to make their home the coziest nest out here. He will try really hard to be better cook and keep house clean when domesticity hits him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Matt is a mess. His heart drops when a thought of break-up arises in the mind. He even starts to think that ghosting isn’t that cruel and there’s nothing craven in breaking-up through message. This would deprive him from the sight of them crying at least. After much hesitation, Matt will meet with them close to their house to explain what was on his mind lately. Despite how it goes, he’s filled with unpleasant feeling of betrayal.
A week later Matt will try to get in touch just to see how they’re doing. Are they okay? Are they mad at him? Do they want to talk? What if they want to stay friends? Because Matt wants to stay friends, he planned to stay close to them after breaking-up. Even if some things do not work out, Matt still wants to support them and share all the best in their life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Seems to look for someone like a best friend to marry and won’t plan anything before he’s fully convinced in a person’s fit. It takes, maybe, two or three years for him to start thinking about proposing, though Matt doesn’t make a big of a deal of this event. His approach is very unpretentious: no restaurant date with small red box, no witnesses with cameras and whatsoever, Matt fondly asks a question while cuddling or eating ice cream out of bucket in silly pajamas. A smile never leaves his lips after they say “yes”. He probably cries on the wedding day too.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Matt is pretty inconsistent when it comes to gentleness. His laid-back nature doesn’t negate his soft side but doesn’t add up to it either, giving his behavior a touch of indifference. His comprehension of physical aspect is better than emotional because it doesn’t have such blurry undertones and can be controlled more precisely. Therefore Matt needs a bit of time to find the correct love language for a new partner and give them clear answer which one works the best for him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Surprisingly, not so fond of hugs? He won’t ever reject them but it seems like he tries to keep small distance at the same time. You may have experienced it, defective hug when a person does not hug you in full force but also doesn’t let go. In this case, you don’t really understand the reason since person hugged you, right, they must like you to do it but ehhh. Matt takes initiative half of the times, but remember about the quality of dollar store kush.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He says “I love you” every so often. For Matt It’s a phase used not only in romantic way but also as an expression of appreciation for your friends and family. In the beginning Matt will also say “I love you” (like he does to Mello) to make person acknowledge how much they mean to him but later its meaning shifts to more serious one and is accompanied with long tirade about his feelings. So yeah, as fast as they become good friends which may take month or two.  
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
On a scale of jealousy Matt scores lower than average and it takes a lot of time for him to realize someone is seriously hitting on his loved one even if another person acts pretty straightforward. After realizing what’s going on Matt will act needy. He won’t stop following his loved one and holding their hand, placing small pecks on their cheeks and giving his rival dirty look.
If he witnesses his lover acting too flirty, he won’t say a word. Only after they are alone, Matt reluctantly will try to set record straight. Relationship takes two to work, and he won’t force them to stay just for the sake of staying.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
You’ll never get bored with this goofy kisser: he is sloppy, but also gentle and sweet. Well, not that sweet since you can taste the tobacco bitterness on the tip of his tongue 99% of the time. Sometimes, Matt gets so carried away that he will kiss his loved one right in the middle of the sentence. Prefers classical lips kisses and kisses on the forehead for both kissing and being kissed.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Man, Matt can connect to little ones on the spiritual level. He talks to them like they are his equal in every way possible and from the outside it looks adorable. Teenagers need space? Good, here you go! Kids want a piggyback ride? Jump on it, he got you! Baby-toddler screams the lugs out? Mail prepared ear plugs, pacifier, and a collection of toys! Even when they are causing troubles, this guy remains very understanding.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Night work puts both Matt’s laptop and himself into sleeping mode at 5-6 in the morning. If you are the early bird, you have high chance to find him at the dawn, with his heavy head resting on his hands. The best option is to wake him up gently and send him to the bed before those muscles get stone-stiff.
On rare occasions he goes to bed right after you just to have a major sleep-in. Nothing can disturb his sleep, not a blasting cannons, nor a nightmare, since his mind goes off and shuts down like a corrupted program.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Let’s not talk about work days, we already know how it goes. On his free time Matt likes to stay at home and have a quiet evening with his loved one or by himself. After pizza is ordered, he jumps on the couch and lies down for a bit. If his loved one is here as well Matt asks what they want to do. His suggestion would be build a pillow fort and wait inside, chatting about stupid things. Trite, but playing video games is second option on the list. They can play together or take turns, Matt is down for anything and will definitely let them beat him in Mario kart.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Reveals facts about himself slowly, but tends to have deep conversations about things like fears, dreams, emotional experiences, even traumas. Seeing the sincere intentions of a person, he will reciprocate the effort to get to know them better. Also, when Matt is in playful mood he will play that “well, try to guess it” or “well, that’s true… or is it?” card making conversation even easier. He may have few topics like life in orphanage he is not comfortable with so he will politely refuse to talk about them or cover them with jokes.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Tibetan monks called, asked if they can book a private lesson in tranquility for their unexperienced young apprentices. This man is the embodiment of appeasement, he is good-naturedly calm and his peaceful mood easily transfers to this around him. He perceives the anger of others and unpleasant incidents as short-term events that do not deserve much of attention. When someone is mad at him he just smiles lightly, explains himself and, oh god, actually tries to get another person’s point of view.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
While his mind is always occupied with unnecessary stuff, Matt manages to remember about half of what you told him. Most of his knowledge comes from endless online chats, jokes, and memes, common interests, and (who thought!) numbers. He is especially good at remembering anniversaries and it flatters his vanity a lot.
To maintain a never-forgetting-boyfriend reputation Matt keeps in touch with your mutual friends and acquaintances. When he needs to clarify something he’ll reach to the most suitable candidate who will answer the questions but also won’t ruin surprise with their long tongue.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The night he broke down and cried. Just sent his ps-controller flying across the room and covered his eyes, and tears started to roll down his cheeks. Soothing words of the loved one made him shake even more vigorous because the connection between them never felt so strong. Matt didn’t have to hide anything from them. There was no need to keep on a happy face 24/7. He squeezed them in his arms like there was no tomorrow and never ever forgot this moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite the wild life that was supposed to teach Matt to adequately assess the danger of outside world, he remains as laid-back as always. He assures loved one that no matter what happens he will be all right. And they will be all right too. He believes they both can just slip away from any unpleasant situation and there is no reason to be overprotective. Yes, for someone associated with Mafia, Matt feels way too frivolous.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
The exact opposite of Mello. The more time passes, the more confident he grows in his feelings and it shows in the way he expresses it. When it comes to presents Matt chooses hand-made mess over expensive shiny but lifeless gifts. His fingers are glued together and sequins on the nose emphasize bags under the eyes but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters, actually, because Matt finally wrote their name in cursive just the way he wanted to. For the anniversary there is huge box waiting for them, filled with candies, candles, discs, photos, short notes, and every little bauble he could think of. No doubt he stands right beside the person with puppy eyes, evaluating their reaction.
Dates aren’t big of a deal. He leaves date plans up to them since he doesn’t care what to do while it is with them. If they specifically ask for Matt’s ideas he will think about it for 5-10 minutes and then suggest first thing Google search gives him. Pray to God it’s not a DIY in 5 minutes because he will try it too.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Matt has a strong tendency to justify people when they obviously do not deserve it. Maybe this is not entirely conscious, but he ignores red flags until everything falls apart. He doesn’t see a pattern here and how all these people are alike so cycle repeats again and again.
Sometimes you have to worry. Sometimes circumstances oblige you to stop brushing off your problems. That’s not a case with Matt tho. To solve problems with a sober head, cool mind, yes, this is amazing, but the keyword is to s o l v e which he may completely ignore. Being laid-back dude is a talent but it shouldn’t be taken to the point of “if I close my eyes, maybe, it will go away”.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Well, let’s say his style leaves much to be desired. I can see his closet being full of the same type of clothes in approximately similar faded colors. No patterns, no game of textures, it’s just plain. Those goggles with amber-tinted lenses are one of two pairs Matt owns. The other one is similar to famous Kurt Cobain glasses and he keeps them for ironic purpose.
Matt never used any creams even when his skin resembled tree bark. Tobacco smoke can cause dryness of lips so you can expect his being chopped and covered in small cracks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You cannot tell it from his face but deep down he is devastated. People notice his silent thoughtfulness, lingering daydreaming. Hours spent in games grow an alarming rate as well as his expenses on cigarettes. A lot of time has to pass by before he goes back to his old self.
If they left for any reason Matt accepts it and tries to remain their friend. He knows there should be a pause in their relationship to establish new boundaries and stop perceive each other as… lovers. But he can’t stay away.
If they died both related and unrelated to Kira case, Matt seems to disengage from everything except helping Mello and videogames. His brain freezes in white noise and repetitive actions keeping him going like a programmed robot. Months later, he promises to get well because this is exactly what they would want for him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Matt likes to smoke devil lettuce once in a while to clear his head or fog it completely. However, he doesn’t like to drink at all. His organism reacts poorly to alcohol and nausea rises to the throat before he can feel any kaif. Once Matt made a huge mistake (read – decided to get drunk with Mello): it ended up with Mello roaming around the city aimlessly for two days while Matt was almost chained to the bathroom because… well, he didn’t feel very well. In the end of the day they suffered a small loss: Mello lost his golden chain he never really liked and Matt lost the urge to drink forever.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
There is excess of negativity in this world already so if the only thing person is going to do is to complain, he will slowly push them out of his life. Cancelling plans, ignoring massages, hanging up early in the calls and, finally, he will disappear from their life like he was never there.
Boring people. It doesn’t mean person has to be into craziest stuff, you can be interested at knitting and present your hobby as the most interesting thing in the whole universe. Problem arises when person fails to show their passion.
Arrogance makes Matt yawn. It usually comes with qualities such as duplicity, hypocrisy, and he is not buying it. He is simple guy and feels uncomfortable around those who put on a brass face.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
His sleeping hours vary from 45 minutes to 14 hours per day and you never know what tomorrow will bring. It depends on many factors, but mostly on whether he has any work next day and if there are any upcoming games that he was waiting for so patiently.
Matt knows how to sleep anywhere and anyhow, even in standing position with hands crossed. His ability to fall asleep in 0.5 second is something Mello is envious of. Also, he can sleep with loud TV on the background, dogs barking, and Mello yelling at someone at the same time. It’s honestly a superpower.
The mere fact that somebody is sleeping next to him (it doesn’t have to be a loved one) gives him a feeling of serenity. If they sleep under the same blanket, he without a doubt will steal it.
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Conductor x Oblivious!Reader Oneshot: Is it Still Called a Ship if it Involves a Train?
My muse is all over the place and I have tons of ideas, my mind cannot contain them all and I don’t know how I wrote this. Also as a heads up I’ve been thinking about backing up my other reader oneshots on Tumblr on AO3 just in case something happens, so if you see them there don’t be surprised. 
Wordcount: 2791
Summary: The Conductor loved his train and wanted it in peak condition, that was why he visited the repair shop so much, and of course you were always the technician who checked everything, you specialized in trains after all! It only made sense!
Now, what didn’t make sense was how oblivious you were to his feelings. 
“The Conductor’s back?! Again?! I thought we just checked out the train last week! Everything was fine!” 
“Maybe he blew some of it up again? Like in that one movie?”
“I doubt it! He’s just train crazy!”
You let out a chuckle at the banter between your coworkers as you clicked away your computer, scanning through the active tickets and what needed to be done after. You worked in a repair shop for all sorts of vehicles. Most of the customers had cars that needed to be checked out, but some had more unusual modes of transportation. 
Like the Conductor and his train. 
He was one of the more… interesting customers you had interacted with. He was loud, very loud, and self-centered. 
Not that he was ever rude to any of your coworkers, or your boss, but you assumed this was because you were the ones responsible for keeping his train in tip top shape. 
Granted, the pool of people responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of his train had slowly dwindled until you were practically the only one checking it out. This was mainly due to the fact that you were the one on site who was the most knowledgeable about trains, they had been your passion since you were a child, and… 
Well, for some reason the Conductor always wanted you to be the one doing the work. 
You assumed this was for consistency’s sake, and the fact that it would make it far easier for him to get to know you as it was generally a good idea for a mechanic and their long term customer to have a good relationship, but he was surprisingly insistent about it even if there were long wait times. 
Fortunately he was never rude to your coworkers while he waited, nor did he insist on rushing anything. He just waited patiently for his turn and occasionally spoke to some other customers about his movies, being surprisingly polite when one of them mentioned not having seen them. 
Which was very out of character according to some of your coworkers, and speaking of them-
“Hey! You got Conductor’s ticket again?” The coworker nearest to you asked, their overalls stained with oil and grime, as were their feathers. “Since he’s just gonna bug us until we ask you to…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll cover it!” You quickly nodded while walking over to them. “Do you know what he’s coming in about?” “I dunno, something about his train sounding weird earlier.” They shrugged. “According to the boss he didn’t sound super worried or anything, but he insisted on coming in later today.”
“CAW!” You both jumped at the sudden noise and spun around, facing the newest arrival of the slowly forming group. Towering above the both of you was yet another coworker.
Or, perhaps croworker would be a more accurate title to call her by. 
She crossed her wings and glared down at you. “Are you the reason why he’s back, again?! I thought you fixed everything the last time he was here!”
“I did!” You insisted, taking a step back and raising your hands defensively. “Everything was fine when he left, and I didn’t see any problems other than cosmetic damage in the first place!”
The occasional bump and scrap was much better than the broken up and busted train that had been brought in one day, the Conductor sheepishly scratching the back of his head as he briefly mentioned something about a filming incident. 
You had cried true, honest tears upon seeing all that damage. That poor, poor train. 
The Crow stared at you for a moment longer before leaning down and asking a rather strange question. “Did you say yes or no then?”
“... To what?” You countered, extremely confused. Your confusion grew when she threw her wings up into the air and stomped off, yelling something about dense bird brains.
“I wonder what’s up with her?” Your other coworker mused, and you offered them a weak shrug before getting back to work. 
Hours passed and eventually the train engine belonging to the Conductor appeared in the front of the shop. Already, you could hear the mumblings and grumbling of the train being immaculate, and it was fine before, followed by a why is he here?
Even your boss seemed to be a bit annoyed at the Conductor’s insistence on getting the train looked over, and probably would have scolded the bird if it were not for how much money the shop made off of him. 
It was a lot of money. 
You were snapped out of your musings when you heard that accented voice grow louder, indicating that he was getting closer. You quickly dusted off your overalls, smiled that signature, customer service smile, and made your way towards the source of the shop’s annoyance. 
And then there he was. 
The Conductor. 
There was no mistaking his short stature and the brightness of his feathers. Although, something that was quite unusual was the bag he was carrying with him, the plastic giving away nothing about what item might be contained inside. He was looking around the shop, trying to find something from the look of it, but the moment his gaze landed on you-
“There yer are!” He called out, waving eagerly as he practically ran over to see you. You instinctively smiled and waved back. 
It was good to be polite to customers, especially someone who spent as much money as the Conductor, but you also enjoyed your talks with him. Watching him ramble about his train and his experiences driving it were always fun, and you had learned that he was a magnificent storyteller. 
You missed the way one of your coworkers elbowed the other while quietly whispering something to get, getting a laugh out of the one they had spoken to. 
“Hello, Conductor!” You cheerfully greeted, smile immediately growing more genuine at the thought of being able to chat with him once again. “So, what’s going on with the train?”
“Well, erm… me train started soundin’ a bit… off.” He explained, sounding strangely nervous as he discussed what the problem was. “Can yer check the engine?”
“So you think the sounds were coming from the engine? Not the wheels?” You pressed, leaning forward as your eyes narrowed in concern. “Did you do anything to the train? Any… intense activities?”
Did you blow up your train again?
“N-Nae!” He quickly objected, quickly shaking his head. “Nothin’ like that! Just strange sounds. Can... can yer help?”
“I can take a look and tell you what I find.” You said, getting a toothy grin out of the Conductor. 
“Yer an angel.” The bird sighed, sounding quite relieved at your offer. “If yer’d like ta know more-”
“Of course I would!” You immediately replied as you made your way over to the train. “You and I need to have a long chat about what you’re worried about, and I’ll keep you updated on the status of the train. I’m assuming you’ll be waiting here?”
“Aye!” The Conductor was quick to nod, secretly happy to be able to spend more time with you.
You were definitely the best part about visiting this shop. Your personality was so bubbly and warm, but you also were not afraid to put rude customers in their place as he had seen you do on multiple occasions. You were smart and confident, yet you were also very humble and compassionate. 
Far more compassionate than he was, and he knew this. He knew how rude he could be at times, the Receptionist had scolded him on multiple occasions about his behavior, but… 
Every reason that caused him to act the way he did, his inner insecurities and worries and fears that bubbled up and filled his mind to the brim with their screaming seemed to fade whenever he was around you. 
You and your questions about his movies and his train, about the stories that he had memorized to tell his grandchildren over and over again. He knew he would get mocked if he ever voiced such feelings, so he always kept them hidden and to himself. 
Although, his feelings were not quite as hidden as he had hoped for since it seemed as though most of the workers in the repair shop had figured out why he was so insistent on you being the one to look over his train. That, and the smug looks some of them sent his way.
Especially that one Crow…
He was shaken out of his thoughts when he noticed you making your way over to the train, and he quickly rushed over to join you, the bag on his arm swaying. That’s right, he still needed to give you that, too. 
But first, train inspection. 
Together, you both climbed up the side of the train, with you taking a moment to make sure the Conductor was still following you, before making your way inside. You were unable to stop the impressed noise from escaping you as you took in the interior of the train engine, all the high tech glowing buttons and levers covering the main console. It was so easy to imagine how amazing it must feel to drive this train, the sheer amount of power and speed.
It left you breathless. 
… But, the interior was as spotless as it had been the last time you had seen it. Granted, you had not thoroughly checked anything yet, but the sheer amount of light reflecting off of the metallic surfaces, and the general lack of dirt and grime led you to believe that the problem was not here. 
And your hypothesis was proven soon enough as, after spending nearly an hour looking over all the intricate mechanisms, and chatting with the Conductor, you did not find anything that was damaged or showed signs of potentially causing problems. 
You let out a concerned hum and looked at the Conductor, not really registering how some of his feathers took on a more reddish hue, nor how he seemed to anxiously mess with his suit. Without a word, you made your way out of the train and moved to inspect the massive wheels, assuming that the problem might be there.
“There… there isn’t anything I can see wrong.” You slowly concluded as you backed away from the train. “No breaks, no other forms of damage, no malfunctioning parts, nothing.”
“Aye? Erm, well, perhaps yer should take yer time? Try not to rush and give yerself a break-” The Conductor rambled as you practically glared at the train, as if trying to force it to give up all its secrets. 
Where, where could that problem be?
You crossed your arms as you contemplated how to best solve this problem. The engine was… fine. Nothing seemed to be out of place or broken, nor were there any leaks or other signs of potential sources of problems. It was downright immaculate, what you had come to expect from the Conductor, but you knew you would not rest until you figured out what the problem was. 
It was a source of pride for you, how thorough your work was, and it helped that your boss rewarded you for your efforts. Not knowing whether the train was actually fine or not would… nag at you. 
Although, given the fact that the train was stationary and the Conductor claimed to have heard those strange noises when he had been driving it, it was possible that the problem would not show itself unless the train was moving. Something that might be caused by stress, or even a poorly connected section of the tracks. 
You clapped your hands together as you came up with an idea. Yes! That would work perfectly! Excitement filling you at the prospect of your plan, you turned to the Conductor and spoke. 
“Can you give me a ride?”
The reactions to your question were… varied, to say the least. 
You heard one of your coworkers break down laughing hard enough to the point where they started coughing, you heard what sounded like someone facepalming hard enough to leave a mark, and as for the Conductor-
He squawked, loudly. 
The feathers on his face took on a more reddish hue, especially around his cheeks and forehead, and his maw hung open in what you assumed to be surprise. The feathers on the side of his head also seemed to have fluffed up at some point. It made him look…
“I might be able to find the problem if I’m with you when the train is moving.” You explained, watching as the red flush faded from the Conductor’s feathers. “So, would it be okay if I joined you on your next train ride?”
“Erm-course!” The Conductor quickly replied, still strangely flustered. “When… when should I pick yer up, then?”
Obviously you needed to conform to his schedule since you had a feeling his days were pretty busy between running his train and filming movies, plus you were certain you could haggle your boss into covering how many hours you were there for.
“How about I spend the day with you?” You suggested. “That way I have plenty of time to check out the train without interrupting your schedule. Does that sound good?”
“Yer… yer be wantin’ ta spend the whole day…?” The feathers around the Conductor’s face started taking on that reddish hue once again. “From sunrise ta sunset?” 
“For as long as you’ll have me!” You answered with a nod. “And you can tell me to leave if I start bothering you.”
“Nae! Nae! That won’t be a problem!” The Conductor quickly objected as he flailed his feathery hands. “Yer can spend as long as yer want on… me train-”
Wow, I wonder why his voice cracked like that…
“Alright, it’s a date, then!” Once again you were oblivious to how his face flushed as he replied with his own, eager nod. Instead all you could think of was how wonderful it would be to ride a train across the tracks, see the sights and feel that wonderful breeze. 
“Ah, and I got yer somethin’ as thanks fer keepin’ me train in top shape.” The Conductor added as he reached into the plastic bag from earlier and pulled out a small cactus. 
“I remember yer mentionin’ that yer liked deserts, so-” He started to explain before he was cut off by you quickly picking up the cactus to inspect it. 
“I love it, and that’s so sweet!” The cactus was so tiny and round and just… looked adorable! You smiled brightly at the Conductor and instinctively reached out to hug him. “Thank you!” 
His suit felt surprisingly soft and warm as you wrapped an arm around him for the hug, careful to keep the cactus away so neither of you got accidentally pricked. His feathers were pretty soft, too, and you just barely managed to restrain yourself from impulsively running a hand through them. 
“Yer… yer welcome.” He mumbled, still blushing furiously. 
“I need to find somewhere safe to put this so it doesn’t break. Oh! I also need to find a good spot to put it when I get home, or maybe I can keep it here and it can be our little mascot!” You rambled as you made your way over to the staff room, too distracted to remember to say goodbye to the flustered bird. 
The Conductor just stood there, maw open in surprise at the fact that you had hugged him.
Oh god, you hugged him. You actually hugged him. 
He was dazed, stunned, and frozen on the spot as the memory of you hugging him replayed itself over and over in his mind. How warm you were, how bright your smile was. 
It was nice to see you smile, see you so cheerful and happy. 
He wanted to see that smile again. 
As the Conductor stood in place, too surprised to move, the operations of the repair shop slowly resumed. Technicians and mechanics got back to their assigned vehicles, and even the music that had been quietly playing in the background increased in volume. Of course, this also meant that conversations resumed, including ones focused on the interaction that had just taken place. 
“So,” The Crow began, leaning down towards one of her coworkers and whispering to them. “Are we shipping them, or do we call it something else since there’s a train?”
The resulting laughter could easily be heard by you in the staff room, leaving you confused as to what they were laughing at, and somewhat concerned as to what might have happened. 
Oh well, you had to get ready for your date tomorrow with the Conductor anyways.                                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Maybe I'll write a follow up to this, maybe not~
I hope you all enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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caffeinetheory · 5 years
Congrats on 200!! Fake dating au Daminette please?
Thank you so much :>
I hope this came out well, I wasn’t sure where to go with this... without further Adieu 
Why damian was picked to go to Paris to asses the situation he wouldn’t know, and no Grayson he doesn’t need more human interaction he’s perfectly happy with what he has. ‘This Marientte girl better be worth his time’ was all he could think as he entered the bakery he was told he could find his contact. Why a simple civilian would baffle him but he didn’t make those kinds of choices.
 He was greeted by a short woman with grey eyes, not his contact, and a warm smile. “How may I help you today monsieur?” thank god Damian had brushed up on his French before walking into the bakery, “Earl Grey and a chocolate croissant?” he asked, the crash in the back taking most of his attention. “Of course monsieur,” he just placed some money on the counter and sat down at a small table to wait for his order. ‘This was the right place right?’ he checked the address Dick had sent him, it was… now where was she?
 A cup of tea was placed in front of him, bringing him out of his thoughts, “I believe this is yours,” the girl around his age said in near perfect English, though accented it was clear. She handed him a small slip of paper with the code word he was told to look out for and winked as she went back to the back to help in the back. It also had a number Damain assumed was hers and a place to meet later. ‘At least she knows subtly,’ he finished his food and left to get ready and to tell Dick he had made contact.
 Damian was early, but there he stood at the base of the Eiffel Tower, she should be there soon. And as luck would have it there she was walking up in a different outfit. Light blue overalls with a baby pink crop top underneath and simple vans, casual attire that wouldn't look out of place, so she was smart. His black jeans, a t-shirt and high tops didn't feel under dressed anymore. 
 “So I assume you’re the ‘little bird’ Nightwing was so happy to talk about,” there was amusement in her tone as she spoke in English. ‘Didn’t she know I know French perfectly fine’ “Perhaps, are you the one I’m supposed to be spending my time with?” “Oh god don’t tell me he was serious about fake dating, I swear to god…” she was starting to ramble ‘So that was Dick’s idea who was he kidding of course it was, human interaction my ass’ “I’ll be in your class by next week,” Damian cut her off on whatever she was rambling about, “We should get our story straight.” “True true,” she lead him to a small secluded area off of the Seine so they could talk more freely. 
 The story they came up with was they met at a gala and had hit it off despite the odds. Believable because Mari was the kind of person to make friends with almost anyone, she also told him to use English around her if he wanted a minimal chance for people to follow what they were saying. He came to do the exchange program to broaden his horizons and the fact his new girlfriend was there was a plus, believable knowing his family. She also warned him about her class and a liar, ‘lovely’ was all he could think, more social climbers. 
 The weekend before Damian joined the class he couldn't figure out how this petite girl one had contacted the League and two why she was trusted by the heroes of this city, she looked like hard a breeze would hurt her. Okay that might be an exaggeration but still! She didn’t look like she could hold her own against anything, so why her? That was something he’d get his answer in due time, walking in on something he wasn’t meant to know.
 Damian insisted on taking her to school on Monday, as a way to show that she was his and so he didn’t need to ask where the class was. Not that he would admit the second part. Damian took her hand as they left the bakery, and they made idle small talk on the short walk to the school. When a black limo pulled up Mari seemed to perk up, something to keep of note. A blonde boy with light green eyes walked out and instantly lit up upon seeing Mari. she was quick to let go of Damian and whisper something into the blonde’s ear and hug him nodding her head slightly back to Damian’s direction, interesting.
 Damain had spent the rest of the day close to Mari but otherwise not paying attention, he already knew everything that they were teaching, this was a waste of his time. Sitting in the back with his ‘girlfriend’ at least let him avoid the looks of the class and watch their behavior. Only three people of note in the whole class. Mari by his side (she also seemed to pay little attention but had well done notes that seemed ahead of the class), the blonde boy for earlier who he learned rather quickly was Adrien Agreste (seemed to also be way too ahead for this class and to share something secret with Mari, he’d need to look into that later) and lastly the Rossi girl. She was not the good interesting though, lies were constantly coming from her mouth to the point he found it hard to believe anyone could take what she was saying seriously. Damain assumed Mari was over exaggeration when she warned him.
 That was routine for about a month: go to class with Mari, be bored out of his mind, hide from the Akumas of the week, then go to her place to get more info. The occasional “date” to a coffee shop or walk in the park. Nothing out there but so it was clear they were dating, constantly holding hands, conversations in English and small gifts. Most of the class had left him alone after it was clear he was with Mari, “If he’s willing to date a jealous girl like Mari he wasn’t worth their time” was the general consensus of the class, he’d gladly take it. 
 It wasn’t until he had wandered from the library to what he assumed was an empty training room on the school grounds. The sounds of rapid fire French and fighting made him curious, it wasn’t an Akuma, there hadn’t been an alert so what could it be? 
 To say being Agreste and his fake girlfriend locked in an instance spar, one that seemed evenly matched. He could expect Agreste to be able to fight, the boy was in fencing after all, but not to this level and Mari… well that was unexpected. 
 To say he didn’t find their banter and technique interesting would be a gross understatement. He was starting to understand why Ladybug trusted Mari, that was until he heard “M’lady” and “Kitty” leave their lips. Things were clicking into place, it all made sense now. Damian felt like an idiot for not seeing it earlier, of course! 
 To say he was seeing both the heroes in a new respect for all they had to deal with in their regular lives and that not affecting their Hero lives would be putting it lightly. For Mari to be capable and cunning but also be able to hide her strength like it was second nature was something Damian wouldn’t admit but he  found really attractive. 
 He found himself actually making an effort to be closer and nicer to her, and slightly to Adrien. He did this in his own Damian way, starting off small by calling them both by  their first names and then slight nicknames, for example Marienette was now Mari. he learned more about their dynamic both in the mask and out, they were like siblings attached at the hip. Ready to throw down at the drop of a hat to help their counterpart.
 To say Damian wasn’t prepared when Adrien invited him to spar with him and Mari was more true then Damian was willing to admit, they knew he knew didn’t they? “Wouldn’t want to leave out her boyfriend would we?” Adrien said with a wink leading him to the same room he had first spied on their spars. 
Her swing to his head was barely dodged and he ducked out of the way just in time, “So when were you planning to tell me you knew?” Adrien stood off to the side making sure no one walked in like he had. It was just the two of them on the mat talking in English and sparing. “Well to be fair I didn’t know you knew,” his smirk didn’t last long as he had to do a backflip to dodge another kick coming his way.
 They went back and forth for about 20 minutes before they were both tired out, Adrien only chiming in to encourage his “Lady”. So here they were both breathing heavily laid on their backs on the mat. 
 “You know you could be cute if you were more open, Sparing shouldn’t be how I get you to open up,” Mari was playful as she turned to look at the ten boy beside her. 
 “Oh just kiss already,” Adrien shouted from the side lines, this was something he had been waiting for since he saw the two togther. If Mari can get the Ice Princess Kagami to open up and be more herself Damian was a goner. Almost everyone eventually fell for the personification of sunshine that was Mari at some point, at least this one might actually have a chance. 
 “How ‘bout a real date first?” the gentle squeeze on his hand and content sound from the girl next to him brought a genuine smile to his face… maybe Grayson did have a point. 
Please send more Asks in !!
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maple-writes · 4 years
WHG 14: Boat 2
tagging @concealeddarkness13 (thanks for all Zenith’s team) @ratracechronicler and @pen-of-roses
Almost as soon as we were one the ship and guilted into sharing one room between the all of us, we were split again. I hadn’t seen where most people had gone, disappearing off to different parts of the ship. Somehow I found myself smack in the middle of the party hall.
I stuck myself right next to one of the tables filled with fancy foods and drinks, trying to look busy and interested in the platters instead of desperately trying to catch my breath and steady my heartbeat. Although… I leaned over the table. Some of these actually looked pretty good, though I had no idea what half of them were supposed to be. Tasting one after another they were good. Tasty. I guess if this stuff was supposed to cost this much it made sense for it to be this good. Would it be weird to take some for later, maybe—
Magic. It crawled up my back as someone passed behind me, the same as whatever Zenith took back with him that day. The same he’d said was laid on him by someone from his old team. I glanced over my shoulder as the person passed by. Dark skin, long braid, capitol regalia. Shit. What was he doing here? Were they all here? If he’d all but cursed Zenith, what would they all do once they realized he was here? I swallowed, the dessert suddenly dry and tasteless in my mouth. This wasn’t good.
He didn’t seem to be going anywhere in particular, walking through the party with a watchful security eye. I followed him, keeping him where I could see him as anger started to build. This was someone who’d gone and hurt Zenith. I grit my teeth. He was going to pay for that.
He slipped into a quiet hallway and I followed, scurrying around a table to stop from loosing him. Almost as soon as I was out of the party hall, the music and the chatter was gone, replaced by my own footsteps against the metal. I quickened my pace, hurrying to catch up with him before he turned somewhere else, somewhere where someone would notice.
Footsteps echoed behind me, stepping out from some unseen crevice.
“Could I see your ticket, sir?”
I froze, heart skipping against my ribs as I whirled, facing the two who’d snuck up one me. One of them, probably the one who spoke, watched me with his arms crossed and a smirk across his freckled face, looking down at me like a cornered prey. The other stood by his side, watching me closely. Dragon-like scales covered her skin, hard and impenetrable. No doubt they were Zenith’s other teammates. No doubt the capitol hired them here. Shit.
“I,” my voice shook. Damn it. “May I ask why?” This was it. This was it.
“You were tailing my friend there. That is suspicious behavior.” He held out his hand, gesturing for me to comply. “Please, your ticket.”
My legs trembled. I couldn’t face all of them. I couldn’t take all of them, not at once, not here, not now. How could I be so stupid, so stupid to run off on my own in a place crawling with peacekeepers and enemies and, and…
I forced my arm to move, finding my ticket and handing it over. “I, I swear I wasn’t.” They weren’t going to believe me. “I thought he was someone else.” No way they were going to believe me.
The one with the freckles, his eyes wandered over the ticket before looked back at me. “Ah. One of Alastair’s special guests. Do you know Zenith?”
Shit. Shit Shit. “Zenith?” I swallowed. Think. Think. Think. “I might have hard that name once or twice.” Weak, what kind, what kind of excuse was that?
The woman with the scales punched him on the arm and rolled her eyes, turning to me. “I promise we’re not working with the Capitol anymore. I don’t know how to prove that, but we’re trying to help. I’m sorry my teammate decided to be all dramatic.”
“Hey!” He rubbed his arm with an injured frown.
“Oh?” I blinked, glancing back and forth between the two of them. They weren’t? “You, you aren’t? But what about what you did to Zenith?” I turned back, facing the one with the magic that Zenith had taken back with him. He’d hurt him. “It was your magic, wasn’t it?”
His eyes grew dark. “Yes. And I don’t regret that. But we figured out how shitty the Capitol is. So, I’ll only punch Zenith in the face once he’s escaped completely from the Capitol.”
The dragon shot him a glare. “That’s not a good way to convince him.” She sighed, and she was right. I wasn’t so sure I should be standing so close to him myself. “But yes, we’ve figured it out. Probably way too late, but we can at least try to help. We had heard whispers of the Capitol worrying about the captured tributes trying to escape, so we had been thinking about trying to help them escape, but now you’re here.”
My shoulders slumped I took a free breath. “Really?” This was better than I thought. They seemed honest enough. “So you can help us?”
The freckled man nodded. “Yes, we’ll graciously help you—” He flinched under the dragon’s glare. ”I mean, yes, we can help.”
The dragon frowned. “Actually, we’ve heard some other whispers from other Peacekeepers. It seems the Capitol is anticipating your interference. We’ve heard they have security measures in place against you, but we don’t know what they are. I’m sorry.”
“Makes sense.” I sighed. Of course they would at least prepare a little for something like that. For us to try something. If our plan were to still work, we might need a bit more confusion on our side. Maybe…  A grin spread across my face. “Do you think you can do us a favor then?”
The dragon nodded. “Sure, what do you need?”
Perfect. I smiled wider, sharper. “There’s life rings on this boat right? The ones on the right side of the boat, could you make those disappear?” Time would be critical if someone were to fall off, and if more seconds could pass before safety…
The freckled one matched my smile. “Absolutely. Completely off the boat, or to a certain location?”
“Far enough for someone to be hard to find in the water by the time anyone finds one.”
“It will be done.” He gave a salute and signaled for the others to follow.
I thanked them as they left, then quickly turned and hurried to rejoin the rest of the party before anyone would have noticed I was gone. I had to find Triel, or Elvira, one of them. They’d have to know to send Snow off the right railing. Who knows, maybe by the time they found the rings he’d be long gone, vanished somewhere in the lake. Wouldn’t that be nice?
The hours went on, and if we weren’t here to sabotage an official event it might have been fun. But even with a faked smile on my face and what I hoped sounded like genuine laughter at uncomfortable jokes, I could still feel the nerves around my throat, tight enough my head started to spin. It only got worse, being passed from partner to partner on the dance floor. Each one felt the same, lighthearted joy and drunken excitement passing through my skin, through my hands and up my arms and down my trembling legs. I should have asked Triel for gloves.
Finally a song ended and I had the chance to slip away before someone else asked to dance, skirting the other partygoers as I scurried out one of the doors.
As soon as the door swung shut behind me it was quiet on the outer deck. Quiet and crisp with cool lake air. I took a deep breath, then another, as I strolled along the edge of the walkway. Spare clouds dotted the sky and smaller boats bobbed at their distance like ducks in a pond. Birds flew, flapping just above the glassy water’s surface, soaring high up in the air. Somewhere up in that air Triel’s airship was supposed to be waiting.
I glanced behind me, thankful when I didn’t see anyone else out here. At least, no close enough to pay any kind of attention. I leaned against the railing, sighing and letting my head fall forward. As nice as it was to have Zenith’s team on our side now, how long would it be until we could get out of here? Already I could feel the fatigue starting to pull at my eyes, starting to drag at my legs. I wasn’t used to this kind of life, taking in so much all the time from people all around me. Maybe I would end up actually using our overcrowded room if this went on much longer into the evening…
Wing flaps and the clicking of little feet against the metal railing beside me made me raise my head as two birds came in for a landing barely a couple feet from my elbow. One looked like some kind of loon, sitting and preening the feathers under it’s wing, but the other one… I frowned. It settled down beside the loon, watching me with curious little eyes. Mottled black and white feathers covered it’s little body, smooth and streamline and familiar.
It looked like a murrelet, but what was it doing here?
The murrelet shook out it’s blunt wings, tucking them snug against it’s body. It blinked and raised it’s little pointed beak.
“Are you Cirrus’ friend?”
I stared, dead to the world around me, at the little bird with the words falling unpracticed off it’s tongue. It waited with an expectant tilt of it’s head and I nodded. I, yeah, I was Cirrus’ friend.
The bird stretched it’s neck up tall, peering over the loon and around the near-empty deck. Satisfied at something, she bunched back up. “I am his sister.” Her intonation wavered, as if not sure where inflections should fall on a bird’s voice. “What are you still doing here? Why escape just to return?”
His sister? Right, he’d told me he had sisters before. “We, well,” I took a breath. “Some of our friends, they didn’t make it out with us. It didn’t feel right to just leave them here, so we’re trying to take them with us.”
She tilted her head the other way. “And what did Cirrus think of this whole ordeal? Going back to rescue these captives?”
“I don’t know,” what was she asking for? “He’s here though.”
The murrelet’s eyes closed with contentment, feathers fluffing up across her chest. “Good to hear. You have been a good influence on him I think.” She hopped forward, fluttering up to sit lightly on my shoulder. “My sisters and I are not allowed to contact him, but we have been checking on him where we can. My husband and I will offer our assistance.”
The loon on the railing raised his head in a nod. “The winds will favor you in your flight from here.”
I smiled. “Really? Thank you.” If there were dragons on our side, surely nothing would go wrong, right? We’d be able to get away at the very least, no matter what the capitol sent out after us. “Thank you.”
The murrelet nodded. “Of course. If I may ask however, Cirrus cannot be told about this.”
I sighed, but what could I do. “Okay. I won’t tell him.”
“Good.” The murrelet stretched forward, testing her wings and twitching her tail. “Good luck.”
She leapt from my shoulder, wings whirring as she and her loon husband flew away over the water. I watched them go, squinting until they disappeared in the distance against the lake. Then a smile crept across my face. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad. All we had to do was get off this boat and then, between her help and Shine’s engineering, we’d be safe. We’d be safe.
I pushed off the railing, spinning back to get back to the party inside. Pushing the president, finding our friends, that was all we had to do. Easy enough. Doable. Perfect. I pulled open the door and slipped back inside, into the music, into the clamour. This was going to be a fun night after all.
An hour later and I’d collapsed on one of the beds in our room. There’s been too much, too many people, too much to take in from accidentally brushing by strangers and people snatching my arm to pull me into some kind of dance and having to mitigate the constant stream of emotions passing through my skin and into my blood like static fuzz. The magic too, it drifted through the air like stray smoke that no one else seemed to notice. Not just from Zenith’s ex friends. There were others, looking no different from anyone else besides the jolt that ran through my bones at their touch and all but made the hairs across my body stand on end. And, and the drinks. Why hadn’t I known there would have been alcohol? Masked by whatever syrups and fruits mixed in I hadn’t noticed until the boat rocked too much under my feet and everything seemed to be moving so much faster around me and everything felt too soft. Too fuzzy.
It felt good to finally lay down. Lay down, curl up under a blanket and close my eyes.
The light outside had dimmed when the sound of the door opening woke me up. Cirrus slipped in, moving quietly as if trying not to disturb me even if it was too late. He didn’t seem to notice though, ignoring me as he went to lean against the window frame and look out at the lake. The toe of one of his boots tapped against the floor, soft in the quiet. He sighed, dropping his head and rounding his shoulders to stare down at the floor between his feet.
I frowned, sitting up slowly. “Hey, everything okay?”
Cirrus’ head snapped back up and he turned. “I thought you were asleep.” He paused, glancing out the window again. “I’m just, you know.” His shoulders fell. “There’s a lot going on tonight.”
I nodded, swinging my legs around to dangle off the edge of the bed. “I saw you dancing with Nesri earlier.” A cheeky grin spread across my face. “Looked like you had fun.”
“Oh shut up.” He flopped down on the bed beside me. It creaked with his weight, gentle and comforting. “The other guests weren’t going to let us leave without it.”
Sure looked like he had a good time. I slumped over, leaning against his shoulder. “I saw the way you were blushing.”
He huffed. “Maybe.” But then he softened. “Okay, it was nice.”
I smiled, letting my eyes close again for a moment. It was nice to see him starting to meet new people. “You like her?”
He blinked. “What do you mean?”
“You know,” I shrugged. “She’s been following you around like a stray dog all week, you may as well keep her.”
His face fell, and for a second stiff worry drifted from him to me. Then he sighed, shaking it off. “Yeah, maybe. How are you holding up?”
“Tired.” I failed to stifle a yawn, sinking deeper into his shoulder. “I didn’t realize there was so much alcohol in those drinks.” I didn’t usually drink at home, and everything still felt just a little off. A little slowed, dampened.
Cirrus snorted. “It’s a capitol yacht party, what did you expect? I’m not going to have to babysit you am I?” He smiled, golden makeup around his eyes glinting as he looked down at me. “There’s still some  time before the others get back here to rest.”
I yawned again. Cirrus shrugged me off his shoulder and laid me back down and draped the blanket back over me. He stayed on the bed though, shuffling back to the foot and leaning against the wall. I shifted, curling up on my side and watching him a moment longer. If only I could tell him about his sister, about how they still cared enough to check on him, how they hadn’t forgotten about him. How they were going to help us because of him. Maybe he’d find out someday. Hopefully he would. We’d just have to get out of here first.
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kpophours · 5 years
A Piece of Heaven (M)
➵ SF9: Jaeyoon x fem. reader / one shot, college AU / fluff, smut / REQUESTED
➵ warnings: explicit mentions of sex, slight cursing
➵ word count: 4.4k
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When Jaeyoon sees you for the first time, your hair looks like a birds nest, your face is blotchy and your eyes are glistening with unshed tears.
You're on the edge of a nervous breakdown, Inseong says, when your eyes focus on Jaeyoon with alarming force. “You can help me, right?”, you sound as if you're about to kill someone - that someone being Inseong, who has somehow managed to delete your entire research paper with just one click.
Jaeyoon smiles at you, trying to look more confident than he actually feels right now. He’s by no means a tech pro, but he knows his way around. “Let me see.”, he simply states, claiming the space beside you and taking the laptop from you. He notices your nervousness, hands fluttering around, fingers clenching and unclenching, grasping for something to hold onto.
“Another coffee, maybe?”, Inseong asks, voice tiny. You ignore him, biting your lips until you draw blood.
“Relax.”, Jaeyoon murmurs, shooting you a wink, “I can fix this.” Probably. But he doesn’t say the last part out loud.
You take in a deep breath and shake your head. “It… It’s just… This was so much work.” Your voice sounds tearful and Inseong’s face contorts into a guilty expression. “Jaeyoon is a pro. He’ll have it fixed in no time, don’t worry.”, he says soothingly, looking at his best friend with pleading eyes. But Jaeyoon is already deeply focused, trying to get into the backup system and save your thesis.
It takes him an hour and even then, not everything can be salvaged – only an earlier version with some mistakes still in it, but you're over the moon nevertheless. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou”, you repeat over and over again, making him flush.
“It was nothing.”
“You’re my lifesaver!”
“Really, it was-“
“Don’t you dare say nothing again! You saved my whole paper!”
“Well, not all of it-“
He grins at you, dimples flashing. Now you're the one to blush. “Okay, okay. I am your lifesaver.“
„So I guess I was the hitman or what...”, Inseong murmurs, arms crossed over his chest, pouting.
You shoot him a dark look. “No, you’re just clumsy, old man.”
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As a real thank you, you invite Jaeyoon over to the apartment you share with a friend to cook dinner for him and serve him drinks. That evening marks the beginning of a fast blossoming friendship, the both of you finding the other easy to talk to, sharing the same sense of humor and a lot of interests.
It doesn't take long for Jaeyoon to be unable to ignore the way his stomach flutters whenever he sets eyes on you. But he doesn’t know what to do about it – he talks to Inseong, but the slightly older man simply shrugs. “Just go for it. I don’t think she would be appalled by the idea of going out with you. Only shows what bad taste she possesses, but I’ve been telling you that for weeks now.”
Obviously, that isn't helpful at all.
Another friend, Youngbin, thinks about his advice for longer and definitely takes it more serious: “If you don’t want to tell her about your feelings, you should probably begin to feel her out a bit. Get more flirty, tease her a bit, see how she reacts. Depending on her reaction, you can ask her out.”
That proves to be more helpful and something Jaeyoon directly begins to put into practice, hoping you will notice his different behavior towards you. 
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Two weeks later, Jaeyoon stands in front of the cinema, almost freezing his toes off - winter has come earlier than expected this year. You aren't late (you never are), but he’s way too early this time.
Must be the nerves, he thinks.
Inseong had just laughed at him when he left way too early this evening. “Have fun waiting in the cold.”, his best friend had said, lazily waving at Jaeyoon who was already halfway out the door of their shared apartment.
“I thought being early is kind of my thing.”
Jaeyoon whirls around upon hearing the sound of his beloved sarcastic voice behind him. You are huddled into a long black coat and a thick scarf covering half of your face. On top your locks sits a knitted bobble hat and your cheeks are slightly red from the cold.
You look absolutely adorable.
“Sorry, I thought I’d give you a run for it.”, Jaeyoon teases, flashing his dimples at you and pulling you into his arms. You sigh and snuggle closer, pressing your nose into his jacket and inhale deeply. He’s more than glad he’s wearing such a thick jacket so you can’t feel his way too fast beating heart.
“What movie are we watching again?”, you ask, finally freeing yourself from the hug again, cheeks even redder now.
“Uh, it’s an arthouse movie.”
You raise both eyebrows. „You’re kidding.“
„I sure am.“ He laughs at your slightly disappointed expression - for some weird reason, you love arthouse movies - and boops your nose. “It’s a horror movie.”
At this, you light up again – you also love horror movies, something Jaeyoon will never understand, he simply hates those jump scares. “Ohh, is it the new one with the haunted mansion?”, you ask excitedly, dragging him with you into the warmth of the cinema, almost bouncing with joy at the prospect of two hours filled with horror.
“That’s the one.”
You grin up at him, bright eyes sparkling. „Nice! And don’t worry, I’ll protect you.“ At this, you pat his arm affectionately, the corners of your mouth curling into a slightly sarcastic smile. “Phew, thanks. I was worried already.”, Jaeyoon murmurs, rolling his eyes at you.
A few months ago - when you two had met up for your weekly movie night - you had finally managed to talk him into watching a horror movie with you. He had screamed at a particularly scary scene, something you didn’t let him hear the end of for weeks afterwards. You actually didn’t stop until he threatened to never watch any movie with you ever again – but still, even now, you seem unable to stop teasing him about it.
“I think I’ll take someone else to see the movie with me.”, Jaeyoon jokes, making you pout. You look way too cute when pouting, he thinks to himself, heart beating frantically in his chest.
“Nooo, I take it back. And I’ll buy the snacks!”, you quickly say, batting your lashes at him. He grins and slides one arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Deal.”
If only he knew how frantically your own heart beats inside your chest. You don’t know how to behave around him anymore, your crush getting more and more out of hand every time you see him.
How could you not fall for him? He's not only ridiculously handsome with those dark locks falling into his deep eyes, the cute dimples and one of the brightest smiles you've ever seen, but he's also kind, funny and intelligent. And lately he’s been way more touchy than before – something you haven’t been able to ignore. But what does it mean? Is it only wishful thinking on your part? Or does it mean more than friendship? You might go crazy if this uncertainty continues.
Restlessly, you chew on the mint gum in your mouth, the familiar taste calming you. Jaeyoon looks at you in a funny way, one eyebrow raised. His arm is still around you, making you more nervous than ever.
“What?”, you ask, almost defensively.
“What has that poor gum done to you?”, he asks jokingly and you laugh. “Oh, shut up, you idiot.” He grins, pulling you even closer and with him towards the snack bar. “What about the tickets?”, you inquire.
“Already got them.”
“Oh. Thanks? Well, then the snacks are definitely on me.“
“You’re the only snack I need.”, Jaeyoon deadpans, making your head whip around at him, your eyes getting rounder and even bigger with surprise. “I- what?” Your heart beats even faster now and you're beginning to feel slightly dizzy and light-headed.… And that bastard really has the audacity to wink at you, leaving you speechless.
Half an hour later, you are seated inside the dimly lit theatre and you're almost vibrating with anticipation in your seat while Jaeyoon beside you is almost (most definitely) regretting his decision to watch a horror movie. Nevertheless, he still manages to softly smile at your excitement - you're just too cute. “You really want to see that movie, huh?”, he asks in a hushed voice and you nod, not even looking at him but at the big screen in front of you. When the (unnecessarily scary) opening music begins to blare through the movie theatre, you finally sit back, quickly gazing at Jaeyoon, eyes soft. “Thank you.”
“What for?” One of his eyebrows is lifted in a questioning manner.
“For coming with me, even though you hate horror movies.”
He rolls his eyes, biting back a smile. “I don’t hate them, I’m just not as enthusiastic about them as you are.”
“Well, and you're a scaredy cat.”, you murmur almost inaudible, shushing him when he tries to argue against it – the movie is about to begin.
… It isn’t too horrible, the jump scares only get to Jaeyoon twice - you laugh at him both times, but offer your hand halfway through the movie. Maybe it isn’t too bad to be kind of a scaredy cat, he thinks to himself. He doesn’t let go of your hand, not even when the credits roll over the screen and you have to leave. He simply drags you with him, hand still securely held in his. He notices your blush though and thinks he might already have his answer: he doesn’t seem to be the only one with more-than-friendly-feelings.
“I’ll walk you home.”, he insists when you’re outside the cinema again.
“Walk? Are you crazy? It’s freezing! I’m going to order an Uber.“, you contradict him, already shivering thanks to the cold night air. Jaeyoon pouts at your words. “Don’t you want to spent more time with me?”, he asks playfully and you roll your eyes. “Of course I do. You’re obviously coming with me.” With that, you pull out your phone - all without letting go of his hand, he notices joyfully -, quickly ordering said Uber. It arrives about five minutes later and to get inside, you have to abandon your hand-holding, much to Jaeyoon’s distaste - and yours, too, but he obviously doesn’t know that.
Ten minutes later, you have arrived at your shared apartment. “Mina is out tonight. Something about babysitting her cousin’s children.”, you explain while opening the front door, hurrying Jaeyoon inside. You both sigh after being greeted by the warmth of your cozy apartment. “That’s much better.”, you murmur, getting rid of your boots, coat, scarf and hat. The black jeans and dark grey jumper are tight enough for him so see every curve of you, making him feel hot and needy.
God, he’s got it bad for you.
“Do you want something to drink? A hot cocoa maybe?”, you ask, looking at him with round, innocent eyes.
If only you knew what he was thinking about right now… You’d definitely be looking at him in an entirely different way.
“Uh, yeah, sounds great.”
Thankfully, you don’t notice his strange tone and simply retreat into the kitchen. The apartment you share with your close friend is cozy and big enough for two people living together. You both have your own room, a small shared living area and while the bathroom is pretty small and has no window, the kitchen is bright and quite big. You love the flat above anything, love having friends over for small dinner parties or movie nights. It’s your own little piece of Heaven.
But right now, with Jaeyoon following you into the kitchen, the apartment feels way too small and crowded - and more like a piece of Hell, you definitely feel way too hot right now. You try to busy yourself with making the promised hot cocoa, pointedly not looking at the handsome man standing in the doorway, following your every move with his dark eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that.”, you finally demand, turning around and glaring at him in a playful manner. He simply cocks one eyebrow. “Like what?”
“I don’t know… Just like that!“ The eloquence on your part is shocking. Jaeyoon only grins and takes a few steps towards you, so you have to look up at him. “I don’t think I can stop looking at you… like that.” He’s testing the waters now and it feels dangerous and exciting and he thinks he just has to kiss you, when-
“Oh no, the milk!”, you yell, turning around and just barely managing to save the splashing, almost boiling liquid from spilling all over the kitchen stove. “Ah fuck.”, you hiss, snatching back your hand – but too late, you have already burned yourself. “Fuckfuckfuck.”, you mutter, whining slightly and quickly holding the burned skin under some cold water.
“Are you okay?”, Jaeyoon asks worriedly, standing close behind you and peering over your shoulder.
“Yup. Just a small burn.” But your thick voice betrays you.
„Oh, love, you can be as clumsy as Inseong sometimes.“, he murmurs, and wraps one arm around your waist to pull you back against his broad chest. He feels your heart pound fast against his chest, mirroring his own racing heartbeat. Your pain seems forgotten all of the sudden and you feel lightheaded thanks to the close proximity to him.
“Hold it under for a bit longer.”, Jaeyoon murmurs into your ear, his honey voice making you shiver. He smiles, loving the reaction you‘re having. He props his chin on your shoulder, looking at the burn. “I think it’s better now.”, you finally say, voice a bit gruff. You‘re trembling slightly, quickly drying your hand with the kitchen towel and when you turn around - still in Jaeyoon’s arms -, you finally fully look at him.
God, you could get lost in those deep eyes.
“Do you know what would make me feel even better?”, you ask, raising one eyebrow, the corner of your mouth curving into a small smile. “Hm?”, Jaeyoon makes, his gaze dropping to your lips without being able to stop it.
“This.” And with that, you gather all your courage - even though you‘re by now pretty sure Jaeyoon is as into you as you are into him -, stand on your tiptoes, lock your hands behind his neck and press your lips against his.
Jaeyoon swears his heart just stops - it simply stops beating. And time stops as well.
Or at least it seems like it.
Before you can take a step back and break the kiss, both his arms lock securely behind your back, pulling your body even closer towards his own. What begins as a sweet, almost innocent kiss, quickly turns into something else - Jaeyoon sucks at your lower lip, tongue pressing against it and you finally let it slip into your mouth, softly moaning at the sensation of his tongue caressing your own.
He's an amazing kisser, you notice, already feeling lightheaded thanks to the lack of oxygen - but neither he nor you wants to break the kiss. Not yet, not after weeks of waiting. But finally, you do have to take a break and breathe, looking at each other with lust filled, slightly surprised eyes.
"I've been wanting to do that for weeks.", Jaeyoon finally blurts out, lips curling into your favorite smile, the one where his dimples are the deepest. You return it immediately. "Me too."
"Why have we wasted so much time, then?"
"I have no clue. But I think we have some catching up to do." Your eyes glimmer wickedly, before you press your lips to his again - not that he's complaining, quite the contrary. In between kisses, you murmur "Let's take this to my room.", walking out of the kitchen and through the hallway without breaking the kiss, bumping into the walls and your doorframe, but neither of you really notices.
Half an hour later, you’re laying on top of your already messy sheets, Jaeyoon hovering above you, sucking on your neck and slowly making his way down. "Jae.", you moan, when he sucks on a particularly sweet spot, "Pleeease." He grins at your pleading, hands roaming your sides under the jumper, dragging it upwards. "I want you out of this, now.", he demands, eyes dark. Your breath hitches at his tone, heat shooting through your whole body. Oh fuck.
You quickly manage to get out of your jumper, laying underneath him in your white lace bra and dark jeans. He licks his lips, breathing hard. He doesn't think he's ever seen anything or anyone more beautiful. "God, you're breathtaking.", he groans, feeling himself grow harder with every second.
"I think this should be fair and square.", you say in a hushed voice, looking up at him through your lashes, "Would you take off your shirt too, please?"
He groans again and you grin to herself, pleased with his response. "Who am I to say no to such a plea, my love?", Jaeyoon murmurs darkly, eyes continuing to roam your body while he lifts his shirt over his head, throwing it towards a corner of your dimly lit room.
"Fuck.", you stutter when you see his broad chest, the nicely defined abs and his toned arms. He grins wickedly at you, flexing his muscles a bit. "Oh, do you like what you see?", he almost purrs at your attention and you wet your lips, nodding quickly. "Kiss me.", you say, making him cock one eyebrow. "Please.", you quickly add, lashes fluttering.
Almost immediately, he dives back into kissing you, his hands sliding over your body, finally meeting behind your back to unclasp your bra. One of his hands brushes over one nipple, teasing you and you feel yourself grow slicker with every second. You can’t help but moan, hips bucking upwards to get at least some friction. Jaeyoon immediately draws back, lips curling into a smirk. “Someone is impatient.”
You groan at his teasing voice. “Yes, it’s me, I’m someone, I knooow.”, you whine, lips forming a slight pout. He really has the audacity to snort. “You’re cute when you’re pouting.”, he murmurs, gently tracing your lower lip with one finger. You use the chance to take the long digit into your mouth and suck, tongue swirling around it. His breath stutters and he locks eyes with you, pupils blown wide, gaze dark and hazy. He groans and before you know it, he has flipped you over, making you yelp in surprise, face being pressed into your pillow. He gently traces your back, goosebumps rising on your whole body. When his hands ghost over the outline of your ass, you suck in a deep breath, your whole body alert, sensitive to the smallest of his touches.
“How about we get rid of those jeans, mh?”, Jaeyoon asks in a dark voice and you nod, quickly wiggling free of them with his help. Left in nothing but your panties, you feel strangely vulnerable in front of him, especially because you’re unable to see his face thanks to your current position. His hands ghost over your calves, slowly working their way up and then, he parts your legs to give his hands access to more. You feel almost embarrassed when he feels the wetness covering the inside of your thighs, but when you feel him pause, breath hitching, followed by a dark groan, you immediately forget all about being embarrassed.
“Already so wet… and all for me.”, he murmurs, pressing a kiss against your shoulder, hot breath tickling your neck, making you squirm even more under his gentle touches. “Please.”, you whine, voice muffled thanks to pressing your face into one of your too many pillows.
“Patience, my love.” His fingers continue to draw patterns on the insides of your thighs, already so close to where you want them, but never quite there yet. Then, finally, he relents, pulling your panties aside, one long finger pushing deep inside you. You can’t help but moan at the sensation, the angle from behind feeling too good, too tight, too hot. You already feel like you’re about to tumble over the edge and he hasn’t even done anything to you, not really. He adds a second finger and your hands fist into the sheets, your breath becoming even more ragged. Slowly, with an almost torturous pace, he pumps his digits into you, making you clench around them. Then, he presses his thumb to your clit, gently circling the swollen bud until you’re a moaning mess, incoherent curses and prayers spilling from your lips. You’re so close now, whole body tightening, head spinning - you close your eyes, face contorting in pleasure when you finally shatter around Jaeyoon’s fingers, his name leaving your lips with a breathy moan. You almost don’t notice him gently flipping you over again so he can face you and press soft kisses on your cheeks, nose, forehead and lips, too blissed out to say or do anything. He grins when he sees your fucked out expression, taking his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean while watching you with an almost predatory expression.
“That was… wow.”, you finally stutter, face flushing. You quickly pull him on top of you to hide your speechlessness, kissing him and tasting yourself on his tongue. He grins into the kiss, rocking his hips into yours and when you feel his bulge pressing into your core, you moan into his mouth.
“Is it my turn now?”, you ask breathlessly, tugging at Jaeyoon’s belt and beginning to palm his hard on over his jeans. He groans, letting his forehead rest against yours, dark eyes closing, losing himself to your touch. Then, suddenly, he snaps out of it and leans back. “No. I have waited too long for this and I have zero patience left.”, he answers, voice commanding all of the sudden and you immediately straighten at his tone. He stands up, beginning to open his belt before he halts, locking eyes with you again. He grins when he sees your expectant expression, tongue licking your lips to wet them again. Slowly, one after another - just to tease you -, he opens the buttons of his jeans, before tugging them down and stepping out of them. The front of his boxer briefs stretches thanks to his hard on pressing against it and you suck in a deep breath, clenching around nothing and unable to look away from his bulge. When he rids himself of the last piece of clothing, you groan.
He is just… perfect, his whole body is a masterpiece.
You stretch out your arms to pull Jaeyoon’s body on top of yours and he obliges, kissing you almost feverishly, his flushed body pressing into yours at all the right places like you were made for each other.
“Condom?” he finally murmurs against you lips and you simply gesture towards your night stand. A few seconds later, he positions himself in front of you, hovering above you and locking eyes with you. “You’re sure?”
You roll your eyes at him, smiling to yourself - it’s sweet that he asks, of course it is, but shouldn’t he have gathered that you more than definitely want this by now?!
When he sees your almost condescending expression, his eyes narrow and his jaw ticks. With one powerful thrust, he fills you and you gasp, reflexively grabbing his strong arms to hold onto. He lets you adjust for a few seconds, nestled deep inside you and you can’t help but clench around his thick length. He brushes your lips with his, gently biting down on your lower one. “You’re okay?” Now he’s the one sounding and looking quite condescending. You finally have the feeling to be able to breathe again and nod, giving him your okay to move inside you.
He looks pleased, kissing you feverishly, pulling almost all the way out before slamming his hips back into yours again. Setting an almost bruising pace, you quickly become a complete mess under him, gasping fuck and faster and - of course - Jaeyoon over and over again, Jaeyoon. His dark hair clings to his forehead, sweat beading at his temples, but he doesn’t seem to tire at all. When his thumb finally begins to circle your clit again, it doesn’t take long for you to shatter for the second time this night. He stifles your loud moan by sealing your mouth with his, his hips finally stuttering and after a few last thrusts, he groans as well, spilling into the condom and coming to a halt, almost squishing you when his body collapses on top of yours.
He presses feverish kisses on your naked shoulder and neck, before slipping his tongue into your mouth again. You pull him even closer, trying to express all your emotions through the kiss. When you break apart again, breathing heavily, he smiles at you, both dimples showing. You poke the left one and he laughs, catching your hand in his and softly kissing your knuckles. Then, he pulls out of you, gets rid of the condom and disappears down the hallway and into the bathroom. He comes back with a warm, wet washcloth and helps to clean you, before sliding between the bed sheets again, pulling you close to his body.
Your eyes are getting heavier with every second, your hair fanning out over the white pillows. Jaeyoon's fingers are dancing over your skin like butterflies, making you even sleepier. His dark eyes observe you, taking in your long lashes, the light shadows under your eyes, your slightly parted lips and the hickeys he left on your neck and further down on your body.
"Stop staring, it’s rude.", you finally murmur, humor lacing your words. Jaeyoon chuckles, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your temple."I can't, you're too beautiful for that."
You snort, opening one eye, sparkling with humor. "You're such a flirt.", you tease softly, stretching both arms above your head and yawn. "Please don't leave tonight.", you finally whisper after snuggling closer again, "Please stay."
Jaeyoon smiles at that, dark eyes soft and warm. "Of course.", he murmurs against your lips, kissing you sweetly and stroking your bare back. You bury your head into his chest, sighing contently. He hums softly, kissing your temple again and sighs. "Your bed is truly a piece of Heaven.”, he says quietly and you giggle. “As are your arms.” He chuckles, wrapping his arms even more tightly around you.
Then, silence and darkness wash over the room - just seconds later, you're both out like a light.
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