#maybe i'll join new networks soon....
romaritimeharbor · 3 months
Ngl it's a bit sad when you put effort on something you really wanted to do, planning everything just for it to not go as well as it went in your head. It's one of the saddest things about writing fanfic in my opinion, everything's just so unpredictable TT
But I was hit with the truth brick on the head and well, I discovered that I should be satisfied with what I wrote before anything. Idk if it makes sense but it's just that thing of "write for yourself, the work you would love to read". And that helped a lot because numbers will exist at the end of the day but like...
Just imagine 50 people in front of you reading word by word, getting interested and even starting to think about future possibilities of your work. Numbers will be numbers at the end of the day, but it turns into something else when you start to see them as individuals.
Also, how have you been? I know I don't send as many asks as I did before, but I'm still here!! :'D
(Might go off anon some of these days... I guess I went on anon for too much time haha. And from my experiences sending asks to you over most of 2023, I can say you're my favorite writer ever like ever. Your blog was what motivated and made me lose the fear of writing stuff, so I'm really grateful and kind of owe a lot to you jahsjws. Please take care of yourself!! Also, I've seen you have taken a SAT but I couldn't send a "good luck" ask so... I hope you succeed in whatever career you choose <33)
- 🦢 anon <3
it is. fanfiction is, unfortunately, quite unpredictable and most posts seem to get very few notes (let alone actual engagement), but i also think that's why it's important to have friends within the ff community <3 friends mitigate the negative effects of having no friendly engagement from strangers!!!!!!!!
there is a lot of value in thinking that way!! but i also think we shouldn't be shamed into not acknowledging the fact that sometimes you don't want to read your own work. that's why i'm so sad that the platonic fanfic community is so small. i don't always want to read my work, yknow? i already know what happens in my work. part of the fun of reading is not knowing what will happen!
i personally find it hard to see likes alone as individuals 💔 i thrive on connection with people, like you guys (my lovely anons and friends)!!!!! i love connection!!!!! but there is none with likes. to me, anyway. ultimately people either will or won't engage with my work, and i don't really care that much anymore. it's a minor annoyance more than a genuine frustration. moral injury started because of a request from 🐱 anon, so as long as they're happy, i don't think i mind such little engagement hehe <33 /gen
(STOPPPP YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY AWW you're literally so sweet 🦢 anon... you've been here for so long now, longer than most emoji anons. hell, longer than most of my mutuals, too, i think. i would love to be your moot!!!! but there is never any pressure to reveal yourself, of course. do it whenever you feel ready!! i will, and i hope you will also take care of yourself 🫶🫶 AND THANK YOUUU)
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stacotto · 1 year
*Inhale for four, exhale for four* Alright, let's get into it.
Guess we'll just start at the start, Asticassia is far more wrecked than we could see at the end of episode 20, death count is probably in the scores if not hundreds, and the survivors are basically in a refugee camp. Earth House and Suletta out here doing their best to make everyone comfortable, which automatically makes them the GOAT house. Petra's alive...ish! Mio's President now, for whatever that's worth, Quinharbor is a bombed-out crater, and those slimy Peil crones somehow managed to once again pull the "we didn't know this unethical thing was being done right beneath our noses" card (even if they really didn't know until someone else told them, I wouldn't put it past them to want a piece of that pie). More on them later.
The meeting between Earth House, Guston, and Belmeria is a perfect example of what I like to see in an infodump; nothing is said that characters in the room should already know, everything is news to someone. I really really dig now Suletta handled relaying her nature as a clone, and maybe feeling a little smug that my headcanon that those flashes of Eri's memories of the Vanadis Incident really were a full memory share between the two. And of course, Suletta understanding that there is probably no reasoning with Prospera, but no unnecessary angst beyond that. I like it, it's refreshing. Also hot damn, we've been theorizing about a "Caliban" Gundam for months and this is not what any of us expected but I'm not complaining; it really is thematically appropriate that Prospera's creation would be piloting the machine named after Prospero's servant.
Now to the real spectacle of the episode: The Space Assembly League charging headfirst into something they should know could not possibly end well. To paraphrase what I've been saying about Quiet Zero ever since episode 16; "You may have your guns, but I control all the triggers". You literally cannot fight against it with any conventional weapon. The only way to fight against the QZ Data Storm network is with a Gundam of your own, and Sophie Pulone showed us exactly why even that is a toss-up. The more I think about it, the more I feel we're building up to a reveal that Suletta may have actually inherited her sister's affinity to the Data Storm, it just might need a little push to fully manifest.
Miorine really cannot catch a break here. She may be President, but that pales in comparison to the world falling apart around her. Quinharbor is in ruins. Her father is still in a coma. The League has popular support to dismantle the Group by force. It's really telling that Sarius is the one telling her "Look, I'll take the L on this, you keep the Group together" but she completely refuses to sacrifice anyone else, one of my favorite tropes when done well. It'll be interesting to see what her next move is.
Ah, Elan Ceres Number 5. Curious as to how he went from Ur's cockpit to sneaking around Asticassia but that's neither here nor there; he's finally given up the act (and genuinely apologized to Suletta, that was good) and is joining up with the heroes for the final act, which I appreciate. He says "no Gundam" which does pique my curiosity as to how he's going to contribute - Enhanced Persons are no doubt chosen by the Peil AI for piloting skill, so I doubt that he won't be piloting period - but I do get the distinct feeling that he's going to pay the CEOs and Elan Prime a visit...with bullets.
Welp, guess we know who's piloting the Schwarzette whenever that comes up now; Lauda about to follow in the infamous footsteps of one "Graze" Ein Dalton. I do kinda hope that someone can snap him out of it before it's too late; most likely candidate is probably Petra if she can wake up soon, given that A) He's definitely going to try and kill Miorine, so that knocks her out, B) there's no way he's going to listen to Guel after learning he's the one who killed Vim (even if it was by accident in self-defense), and C) Suletta is still the "Mercurian Wench who ruined everything" in his eyes. If he can't be reasoned with, Guel's probably going to have to kill him, I'll put my chips on that.
We in the endgame now.
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navigating-20s · 6 months
Navigating Your 20s: Hey Besties
Hey, S here.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet—a diary of sorts, or simply a collection of music and photos that encapsulate my vibe of the week when I'm too busy to properly journal.
You might be wondering, why not use Instagram or TikTok to document your mid/late 20’s living in New York City? Well, growing up, Tumblr always stood out as one of the few spaces where one could authentically explore their queerness. Whether that was through flirty, anonymous messages, cheering for the Shannons and Cammies of the world from the sidelines, or catching a glimpse of The L Word through a raunchy GIF—Tumblr always understood the vibe and harbored some of our deepest secrets. With that sentiment in mind, I decided to return to my roots with a fresh page—a secondary blog. Lol. 
Now, who am I, and why should you follow along and give a shit? I'm a blonde, pop culture loving, espresso drinking creative (she/her) who works in the entertainment industry. I’ve had the pleasure of crossing paths with some of your favorite queer influencers and musicians numerous times. Strictly on a professional level though, let's keep our minds out of the gutter.
I share my career not to ~flex, but to convey, that despite my professional network, and despite being from one of the most inclusive cities, I'm still in the process of figuring out my place within the lgbtq+ community. I haven't officially come out, and honestly, I've never felt the need to. However, most people would take one glance at me and say, “Oh, she’s definitely straight," and that's really never bothered me until now. Maybe it's because I'm beginning to date again, and oof, it's brutal out here. But hey, that's a post for a later date.
So, join me on this 2010 inspired odyssey where, perhaps, I'll discover a label for myself and 'come out,' or maybe I'll choose to defy labels altogether and simply embrace doing whatever feels right. I like that—embracing whatever feels right. Cheers to that.
Talk soon, Besties.
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circulars-reasoning · 2 years
I'll go straight to the point. Ever since I saw the anon asking if your server was open to questioning systems I've had a question myself.
Would it be a good idea to join?
The way my life is set up right now I'm alone with more questions than answers. I'm getting therapy once every two months more or less, I'm not getting to know my therapist any time soon. I don't have anyone in my life who shares these experiences, nobody to ask. On the surface it sounds like a good idea to get a perspective from people who have the disorder I'm pretty sure I also have.
On the other hand, if what's going on with me isn't OSDD/DID, I fear that joining might be a one way ticket to confirmation bias town, and I don't want that either. I don't want to disregard myself and my own experiences, but I don't want to make recovery harder for myself either.
In the end the only person who can choose for me is me. I'm not asking you to make the choice for me by any means. I would appreciate some external guidance though, if you're up to it. Absolutely no pressure, as always.
It just feels so damn isolating. There's also the factor of not always knowing which people are safe to talk to about this and never doing it in the end. The times I do skirt around the issue and talk to a friend about some experiences nobody in my circle can relate. There's my therapist sure, but I don't want to overshare too soon. I've had bad experiences with trusting a therapist wholeheartedly (as anyone should be able to do) only for them to be Decidedly Not Safe and cause a lot of problems down the line.
I don't know anymore. I'm just lost.
Any insight if any appreciated. And I hope this ask finds you well.
Hello Aria!
Based on what you’re saying here, I think it could help you in a number of ways to be in a space with systems. I say this for multiple reasons:
You seem to be struggling with loneliness. When I was in the same position, I went absolutely insane trying to cope with it. Alters were pulled out of dormancy and made my life harder, new alters split rapidly to handle the distress I was in. For me, finding others that I could go “what the hell is happening to me” with helped me so much.
You have a very clear desire to avoid confirmation bias. I think that’s an important trait to have when entering these spaces. You have already expressed interest in avoiding bias, meaning that you’ll keep your options open. Yes, you may not have a CDD - but maybe you are, or maybe you could learn you aren’t in this space.
You could benefit from self help resources. I can’t imagine only being able to see my therapist that infrequently. The Survivor’s Network has channels dedicated just to self help and therapy resources. I feel that could absolutely benefit you.
All in all - I suggest finding spaces for yourself that you can find others you relate to. If you find it’s unhealthy, you may always step away and leave, and if you change your mind, you can always rejoin! As you said - it’s your choice and your decision. 💟
Good luck, Aria!! Thank you for lighting up my inbox again :)
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"Hey kiddly winks, we're gonna visit someone soon. Someone new to you." Paradise pushed some pancakes towards the child. They clicked their coffee cups together and took sips.
"Someone new? Are they from across da ocean? I never interfaced with the overseas hive network bro." She asked cheerfully, knocking back half the coffee in one gulp. She could have drank it all and then more with one swallow, but she was trying to drink like regular humans. "It seems to be a f--king head scratcher madam." An actual censor beep came out of her throat. It always caught people off guard.
Para tapped the top of her fingers. "You swore again. Listen I'm fine with the cursing, but you need to use it for a reason."
Opal shrugged. "Deepest apologies, those slip past me on the occasion. This baby is still settling on a style of speaking easy. People are strange with their infinite verbal variations. It's fascinating, isn't it?"
Para smiled. "It sure is Opal. Maybe you can try to push for a dominant one when we visit?"
"I'll try. These pancakes are very good. Claps for you."
"And how is Borangefly?"
Opal pat the plush on the head. "They are enjoying life with the sickest of em." She held out the cup for a refill.
"How on earth do you drink it black? Isn't your tongue screaming?" Paradise asked as she took it over to the coffee pot.
Opal shrugged and hummed a bit of Latte Hatte. "I can't taste liquids. Only solid foods. Liquid just goes down the hatch and into the drink."
"You never told me that."
"You didn't ask."
She sighed. "Please don't use nearly clichéd turns of phrases at the table."
Opal nodded guiltily. "Sorry Paradise. Habits and such. It wasn't as bad as usual."
"You need to start sleeping here more often, you're regressing."
"I like sleeping in the pokey worlds, they have the lullabies of my people."
Gently, Paradise rebuked her and set the cup down by her plate. "No, not your people. Those are Pokey's slaves. They're not your people."
"In a way they are. I know their customs, I was the guide, I understand their world, and their thoughts better than I'll ever understand yours." Opal looked at the plate. "But I understand. I'll try to change my thinking for it. Is that ok?"
"It's fine kid, I just don't want you to get confused."
"I'll never join Him again." She said sadly. "He- ... I don't want to talk about it."
"You don't have to. I'll listen when you're ready."
Pokey was a complicated topic, but one thing was clear. While she had no negative thoughts about the hive itself, the leader of that hive was a very sore subject. She bristled about it often.
Paradise smiled and ruffled her hair. "Are you going out for a tap today?"
She brightened. "Of course! My shoes are shined and ready. I'll drop a f- I mean, an impressive dance on those- on the people."
"Good catch."
"Thank you."
0 notes
threenorth · 1 year
I don't know if you play boardgames, more so "table tops" the geeky, nerdy ones... like Codenames really had taken off, in recent years incase you don't know what I'm talking about....
but I own a few..of these types games, but sadly they don't get played often as my freinds are all moving away from the city but that's a different story.
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You would love betrayal house on on the hill.
It's like cludo and a haunted mansion explorer, you can find videos I know your smart, intelligence is so beautiful... Even if I "mansplain" things 😂 anyway. I also own, exploding kittens (NSFW edition), I think it's probably in under my summer clothes or something because we had mom's freinds daughter come over and might of wanted to play some games, and she's still in high school and mom is so pc, even if she says she's a liberal half the time she's just flexing with her freinds politics, even if we also don't really like the republicans in the states... I keep getting side tracked, here's hoping soon my adhd meds in 25 days may help 😂
Then there's the dull classics like Monopoly, that can be ughhh.... I enjoy risk though good old strategy, but This video got reccomended to me, where they make a communist version and it's hilarious I'm sure you'll laugh hard at all the bull shitary.
I know you use to play Playstation, I don't own one nor what games you enjoyed playing, I'm currently, taking a small break from my d&d(dungeon and dragons) camapain but but I can't wait to get you into pc games, I think you'll enjoy some of them but depending what you like, or enjoy as I play alot of diffrent things for different reasons when I get a chance, mean in general.
I don't know much about what's new for you, as in hobbies and interests, but I'll wait to find out soon enough I guess whenever I get the message, "hey you reday to be freinds again" and I'll probably answer I was stupid to say no, because I wasn't thinking correctly but always for you.
At lunch while making this I checked the mail for my surprise, at lunch I guess it's still in mail delivery services?
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Ugh, I really wanted it on time... For the 25th but as I don't have a way to know where it is other than just the information provided and the NZ post site says 7-14 days delay so I assume from the 21st so maybe by the 6thof July at the latest with them saying 14 days, excluding Sundays...or with Sundays? Because nz post doesn't operate on a Sunday they don't make the information so... Nerodiverget Accessable?
Speaking of Sundays...
I haven't been to, My cult gatherings constantly every Sunday since 2021. But I do stop in to say hi but most of my friends have married young as they all do being, loyal to their roots? I'd hate to laugh now but I joined because of stupid reasons, pretty sure I told you that it's because I wanted to have a family like my next-door neighbours they weren't perfect but even so it seemed also good for a network activity trying to get a job or something else not knowing my disabilitys... and I'm glad I left,
but if you want to go through that stuff because you enjoyed true crime who knows you probably enjoy a good cult brainwash *laugh* who knows go through the whole secret mason like secrets I don't want to spoil here for the reasons.
Of some information I don't really think is appropriate, I've had a few lurkers,
But before you ask, no I never served a misson.
Now lunch is over back to work and I'll see you soon when I'm at the psychtraist just talking about things.
Forms and more talking next week is some other computer testing of some sort next week.
I'm getting really uncomfortable of these red chairs though in his waiting room... They are so uncomfortable hahahaha, anyway.
He's a swell guy and hopefully I'm gonna see if we can do a circle dna test and put it on my medical insurance as per diagosisic testing pharmacogenomics is a new field of testing dna towards drugs and treatment to what might work best on a DNA level, and as while circle dna also does some other tests I'm interested in given, let's say the older people in my life are getting older and eventually will be my future I suppose I'm just a little, axouis and hope I don't have some of their lifes issues thank God that's another God knows 60 years away, as to what this could mean for me... I don't know umm physically? I'm just not sure.
He also suggested I increase my dosesage of quintinpin if I'm having sleep issues so tonight I'm going to try 2 tablets at 50mg.
I don't say it often but, yknow everyday I think about you at least once, or even God knows and I lost count how much some days as to how often, but it's funny how much I want to tell you about, and it feels so....
Like I wrote to you now three times today, lunch at the psychtraists, dinner and now in my make shift hot pool called a small tub, with Costco Epsom salts.
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Don't ya hate small bath tubs, 😂 then again I miss those American shower bath combos, they also some how can fit a six foot human like shit I'm not that tall right? Or we just have one kind or the other, how they think it's a great use of space having two separate ones? I guess it's just stupid but at least New Zealand has bathroom's half right with a separated from the toilet to a bathroom so you can use a toilet while someone is showering or bathing, typically but some on suites have all together, depending on the size of your house yadada.
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Well, I guess I'll write a little later depending on how much I get knocked down by the sand man with the 50mg of quintinpin (2x25mg) but I also am trying to get away from technology from an hour before sleep, ironic because my writing is hard to read and I prefer to type or voice predict quietly my poems, I guess my scorpio moon is gonna have to wait while I correct all these bad habits...
Glad to also report I guess it might of been the oatmeal or the cocca powder being to much?
Damn it's fun hard trying new things, being autisc and now wkrj a new sense of taste from my nose op but, shit it's tough trying to be healthy 😂
My bannnas are almost reday for eating and smoothies last I checked my weight is coming back given I'm still a skinny shit from 120 almost to I think I'm now 137 but my normal was 145? Lbs I'm trying to gain weight to then gain muscle but shit this is tough 😂 I also am working from home with my reduced hours so here's hoping when I'm back at the office per say I'll workout like Tuesday Thursday Saturday.
0 notes
commander-yinello · 2 years
A Keeper - Part 5
Fandom: Guild Wars 2
Pairing: Zhou Yao x F!Commander (no specific name or race)
Chapter 5 [AO3 Link]
Word count: 1089
Genre: Toothrotting, cliché fluff, awkward silliness and good friends meddling
A/N: The last part! Thank you so much everyone, you've left me such sweet comments and tags that will fuel me for weeks <3 <3 <3 Can't wait for the next in-game patch with hopefully more Yao so I can write more fic 8D
“Aaaand? How did it go?” Taimi bounced straight towards the commander when she entered Joon’s lab the following morning.
The commander stayed completely calm, giving away no hint of emotion while she picked up the holopad. “You know how it went. Your lackeys were there. And you’re not off the hook by a long shot. Romantically stunted, how dare you.”
Taimi’s ears drooped a bit, then perked up. "I told Gorrik to stay quiet! I mean, I only wanted to help. I will take any punishment, but I have to know how it ended with Yao. Commander, tell me please?”
"Hmm, the commander simply responded. She tapped on a few buttons. "How’s the situation with the undead?"
"Noooo commander!" Taimi wailed as she understood that her punishment was happening now. She pulled at the commander’s clothes. "I’m sorry, I’m sorry sorry sorry, tell me pleeeeaaaseeee!"
The commander tried not to let slip a tiny grin as Taimi continued to beg and plead, pacing around her like a puppy desperate for treats.
“I promise I'll never do it again!”
"Do what again?" they heard behind them. It was Joon, with a new type of mech traipsing behind her. In her arms was a big stack of yellowed old documents.
"Oh Joon! Hi," Taimi chuckled nervously and let go of the commander.
“Hey Joon,” the commander greeted her with ease. Joon narrowed her eyes at the two of them with suspicion.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but Taimi, could you help me with these?”
Taimi gave the commander a look and walked away with Joon. The commander giggled to herself and leaned on the nearby counter, pretending to stare at her pad when she was deep inside her thoughts.
She’d tell Taimi soon enough. Yao had made no agreement with her to keep it quiet, though they both didn't feel like yelling about their date from the Kaineng rooftops. Their date, the commander repeated in her head, and it was still unbelievable even though she couldn't deny it. Even the kiss felt fresh. She pushed her face into the holopad to smother the tickly feeling that ran up her spine.
Her ear intercom rang. She held a finger against the device around her ear to activate it.
"Hey commander," she heard through her ear intercom.
“Rama?” she said, surprised. She hadn’t expected to hear from him this soon. “Sup?”
Ever since Rama joined the Best Friends Detective Agency (“Don’t call it that!”), he was part of their private network. Taimi had even set up one on one connections so that not everyone would have to hear every detail that wasn’t relevant for them.
"Hey… I want to apologize. In my head it was all fun and necessary but afterwards I considered that maybe it was a terrible idea. I’ve breached my trust with a good friend as well. Yao hasn’t responded to me all morning."
The commander smiled. Despite his don’t-care-eff-off attitude, Rama had a heart as big as his hat. She decided to cut him some slack.
“I don’t think they’re ignoring you. Probably sleeping off last night.” She knew she had said too much now.
His voice rose an octave from his usual timbre. “Wait, really?” She could hear him mutter congratulations to himself. Then he coughed and steadied his voice. “I mean, I’m really happy for you two.”
The commander rolled her eyes, even if Rama could not see it. “Please keep it to yourself."
"I would not dare spread this around town like a gossipy grandpa. I have standards. Some, that is."
"Good. And you can make it up to us by joining us at a sushi place Yao recommended.”
“Aw what? You know I hate that stuff. Can’t I buy you two a few drinks instead?”
“You’ll have to ask Yao that, not me,” the commander finished, all smug.
A loud sigh and Rama surrendered. The commander ended the call, knowing Yao would follow up and let Rama go on sushi-free. There was just something fun about holding your friends hostage after they pulled a stunt.
Truthfully, not much had happened. They had spent a long time making out and by the time they were able to disconnect from each other, it was really, really late. It was a bit embarrassing to discover how entangled their limbs were. Yao offered to make her more tea in one of their hip flasks so she could drink it and stay awake walking back. But there was no way she could sleep with all the adrenaline in her body.
She thought about how hard it was to leave, and so tempting to stay the night, were it not that both she and Yao needed to do important work in the morning. About how they both had wonky smiles when Yao didn't want to let go of her hand, and the promise to see each other soon.
She didn’t walk, she floated on a cloud of hearts all her way back to her apartment in Kaineng, courtesy of Navan. A trio of Brotherhood cronies interrupted her happy thoughts and they were lucky to live to regret it.
Last evening had been awkward because they were both so stubborn in their own way… but she’d do it all over again. It was worth it.
Like the devil, when Joon and Taimi returned, Yao entered the lab, wearing their usual gear. They hadn’t seen her yet and waved at Joon. Taimi’s ears flew up as she immediately locked her sight on the commander. The commander tried so hard to keep her facial reactions as passive as possible.
But there was no point. The second Yao looked her way, their whole face brightened with a smile and raised eyebrows. The commander could not stop the blood rushing to her cheeks or her eyes from darting away then quickly looking back. Nor could she fight the smile that crept onto her lips.
Taimi gasped, balled her fists and became a tiny siren, excited squealing underneath her breath.
“Taimi, are you okay?” Joon asked.
“Yep! Totally fine!” Taimi almost yelled, then she grabbed Yao’s wrist and forced the poor engineer to hobble along.
“You two are going to tell me everything!” Taimi grabbed the commander’s hand as well. The two of them were dragged by the tiny asura who was stronger when she was determined, leaving poor Joon alone and confused.
The commander made a note to let her know soon. After all, there were no secrets amongst friends, old and new.
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Take Me Home Tonight
Robert De Niro x Reader
Set in the early 70s in L.A., hardly any plot, mostly smut 🤗
TW: verrrrry smutty, some vulgar words
Word Count: 3.8k
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The atmosphere at The Roxy tonight is really buzzing; people are pouring in to see the newest band, and everyone knows that bands have to roll through the clubs in Los Angeles before they'll make it big in the United States.
You had become good friends with some people that worked there, and the owners certainly didn't mind the extra help, especially since it was free. Though, you do get something out of it when you meet all the bands and celebrities and executives that come through here.
You helped greet people as they came in and passed out flyers for upcoming concerts. Sometimes you would help put up posters or get the bands set up on stage before events.
"(Y/N)! Get in here!" Your friend calls from across the room that an audience is beginning to pack into. You leave your stack of flyers on a table for people to take, and join your friends in the dressing rooms. "Hey! I know you like to meet the band, and they have a little bit of time," your friend says. He befriended you a few months ago, and you think he really has a crush on you. You don't have feelings for him, but you are nice to him because he gets you backstage all the time.
He puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you through door of the dressing room. There are of course lots of girls hanging out back there trying to get with some famous guy, not that you were any different. The guys in the band are all sat around with their big hair and lots of eyeliner, surrounded bottles of alcohol, drugs, and girls. Some staff is hanging out back there, making sure things stay tame. There are also some people back there because they're kind of popular; a lot of up-and-coming artists, actors, and models networking with one another.
Your friend takes you around the room introducing you to anyone who will stop long enough to talk to you. Just a few people away, you see a very cute guy who you're hoping you'll be able to introduce yourself to. When the models you're talking to kind of start taking to each other, you take the chance to slip away and find your way over to that cutie.
Just as you're about to speak to him, you feel your friend's hand on your shoulder. You feel yourself cringing a bit on the inside, because you had really hoped to talk to the hot guy alone.
"Oh, (Y/N)!! This is Robert! Robert De Niro! He's an actor from New York!" your friend more or less shouts.
The guy, who is apparently named Robert, turns to face you, giving you a bright smile with a hint of smugness, "Hey, (Y/N), right? It's nice to meet you."
He holds out his hand for you to shake; you put your hand in his, which he gently squeezes.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you, too," is all you can really get out as the man in front of you gently pulls your hand towards him and places a kiss on your knuckles. His eyes stay locked with yours the whole time. After a short pause, you pipe up, "So you're an actor? Theatre or film?"
"Eh, a little bit of both, but more films recently."
"Oooh, any movies I would've seen on the big screen?"
He lets out a little chuckle, clearly not a fan of bragging on himself, "Um, maybe. I was in Mean Streets a couple years ago."
"Oh yeah! I saw that. Were you the main character?"
"No, that was my friend, Harvey; I played his best friend, the guy who blows up the mailbox at the beginning."
"No way! No way that's you! You look totally different now. Your haircut is a lot better now!" You both have a laugh as Robert steps closer to you and slips arm arm around your waist. Your friend had been called over somewhere else.
"Say, that guy that was with you, he's not your boyfriend, is he?" Robert asks, a bit more confident than he had been here.
"Oh, no!! We're just friends, and he gets me into shows here," you rub your hand up and down a spot on Robert's side right above his hip before letting your hand drop back down next to you.
"Mmm, so he's not gonna be jealous if I hold onto you for the night?" Everyone in the room starts to shuffle out; the band is about to go on. However, Robert holds you firmly to your spot with his arm that was still on your waist. He even presses his fingers into you when you make a move like you're about to go with everyone else.
"Well, he does have a crush on me, but he knows I don't like him back-"
"(Y/N)! You guys coming? Show starts in 5!" Speak of the Devil. Your friend calls to you, urging you to leave the dressing room and go with him.
"I'll be out soon! I'm just gonna talk to Robert a few more minutes," you say, just to get your friend off your back.
"Alright," he yells out before leaving the room and shutting the door. You and Robert are alone now, and Robert immediately takes advantage of this bybeing much more handsy than he had been before. He pulls you into him and puts a hand on the side of your face, his fingertips tangled up in your hair a bit.
"Woah! What's the rush?" you ask, putring your hands on his chest in an effort to slow him down.
"You said you were only gonna stay a few more minutes," Robert leans in and begins to whisper in your ear, "I just wanna make the most of it, and I certainly wouldn't want to make a liar out of you."
You don't say anything; in fact, you're trying really hard not to lose your cool, because that was kind of hot. You move your hands away from his chest, one landing in his side and the other on the side of his neck, mirroring his hand.
As you lean in and let your chest rest against his, he takes that as a sign and pulls you towards him with the hand tangled in your hair and begins kissing you, gently for just a second but then much more passionately.
You don't know what else to do besides surrender your mouth to him. By now the band was playing very loudly from the main stage, and you felt secluded in your own little world with Robert. He pulls away from the kiss, and gently graces his fingertips over your neck, perhaps testing the waters for if you might be into that kind of thing.
You decide to make a move on him, showing him that you can take charge as well. Your lips latch on to his neck letting your tongue and lips work on him. He leans his head back, letting out a low moan and giving you more access to the skin there. He lets out a small gasp when your teeth nip at him. You can only imagine him blushing over letting out that little gasp, how cute that would look on him.
He puts his hand on the back of your head, urging you to keep going, pressing your face into him. You work your way up to the shell of his ear, and when he lets out a needy moan, you kiss him gently on the earlobe and let out a giggle.
"What's so funny?" he breathes out.
You pull away to get a good look at him. "Nothing," you say, observing the pink flush on his cheeks and neck and the lust blown look in his eyes, "you're just cute. That's all." You step back from him and turn to walk away.
"Hey! Where are you going?" He says, shifting awkwardly.
"Aren't you here for a concert? And I thought you said you didn't wanna make a liar out of me... It's been more than a few minutes." You turn back to him, but at a distance now. You're able to really take in his figure, not to mention the bulge that had formed at the front of his pants.
Robert rushes over to go with you, slipping his hand into yours as you lead the way out into the concert crowd.
The concert is wild; the band really has the crowd raring to party. Robert never strays far from you, keeping his hand in yours or his arms around you while you dance for him. The place is packed, so it gives you a reason to stay extra close to him. You make a point of rubbing up against him often, and he responds by squeezing your hips or nuzzling into your neck leaving quick little kisses.
The evening turns into a bit of a teasing game, as you dance against Robert, and he showers you in affection.
• • •
After the concert, you head back into the dressing room like you normally would, but this time with Robert in tow. He whispers in your ear, "Why don't we just head out of this place, baby? You know I can't wait to get you alone."
"This is what I normally do after the shows, I don't want my friends to think I've ditched them for a guy," you giggle, "and besides, it would be rude to leave without congratulating the band."
"Mmmm..." he whines, "I guess I'm not the one with a reputation to uphold here in LA." You both chuckle as you head back into the dressing rooms.
As an unspoken compromise to Robert, you make it quick saying goodnight to the band. In a matter of a few minutes, you're out on the street hailing a taxi.
"Where ya headed?" the taxi driver asks as Robert pulls you into the backseat. He gives the name of his hotel; you hadn't really discussed where you were going, just that you needed to go somewhere.
The taxi starts rolling, and immediately, Robert's lips are on yours. He wastes no time getting to business, as he grabs your legs and pulls you over to straddle his lap. You felt a little embarrassed about the taxi driver watching, but you kept going anyway. You run your hand over Robert's chest and through his hair as you makeout fiercely. The man beneath you wraps his arms around you, so he can press your chest into his.
The way his tongue explored your mouth... You had never experienced anything like it. He was very good at what he was doing. You let out a moan against his mouth, and you feel his hips move underneath you. He gets a grip on your hair with one hand and puts the other one your hip, pushing you down as he bucks his hips up into you. You let out a loud gasp as you feel his hardness against you.
You cradle your head in the crook of his neck trying to catch your breath as you rub his chest with your hands. "Robert?" It's almost a whisper because you're so close to his ear.
"Hmm?" he questions, clearly worked up.
"Maybe we should slow down a bit, I'd hate for this to reach an end before we even get out the taxi."
"Yeah... You're right," he says through a breathy chuckle. He rubs your head lightly, enjoying you cuddling into him. There's a bit of a lull in conversation and in action. "You know, I think you're really beautiful. I should've told you that earlier."
For the first time that night, you see Robert's sweet, vulnerable side. You can tell that he likes hooking up with girls, but that he likes to hook up with girls that he actually likes, not just anyone random. He cups your cheek in his hand, once again, and strokes his thumb over your chin and lightly presses on your bottom lip. You lightly take the tip of his thumb in your mouth, sucking on it. Robert makes a small noise and pulls his thumb from your mouth, then he gently brings you in for a kiss, much slower and more sensual this time. Between kisses, you stare into each other's eyes with nervous smiles; somehow this seems more intimate than what you had been doing before.
Amidst your comfortable silence, the taxi stops at Robert's hotel. Naturally, he invites you up to his room. He quickly pays the driver and takes you by the hand into the hotel.
Upon reaching his room, he opens the door for you, but before you can go too far, he grabs you by the arm and pins you against the wall with his body. His hand finds your cheek again, and he kisses you gently. As your kissing intensifies, his hand slides down to your neck, giving a gentle squeeze. When you let out a little whimper, he can't help but be a little proud of himself. He likes the idea of you making noises because of him.
His lips move down and find your neck, returning the favor from earlier. When you start letting out little gasps and moans, Robert continues his onslaught by leaving little love bites and sucking on the skin there. You put your fingers in his hair, tugging on it whenever you ball your hand into a first. You seem to both be hitting all the right buttons on the other person.
By this point, the man in front of you is majorly turned on again, and he lets you know this but pressing his hips against yours, letting you feel how hard he is for you. You can tell he is desperate for a little attention, so you slide a have around to the front of his pants, applying some extra pressure where it was needed. He rests his head on your shoulder and groans somewhat loudly, as he rocks his hips into your open palm.
"(Y/N)..." he nearly whines for you, "I want you. I want you so bad." He places some kisses over the small bruises forming on your neck.
You get right next to his ear to whisper, "Then take me..."
With that, he wraps your legs around his waist and carries you the short distance to the bed. He lays you down and within a second is on top of you, kissing you again and again.
You begin unbottuning his shirt, and he quickly pulls it off and throws it on the floor. Your hands travel down to his pants and unlatch his belt, while he starts giving attention to your shoulders and collarbone. As you get his zipper down, he says, "Thank you, honey, those were starting to get uncomfortable," after a short pause for more kissing, he asks, "You look very cute in this dress, but would you mind if I took it off?"
"No, I wouldn't mind, sweet boy," you answer as Robert lays his head on your chest, looking up at you with those pretty eyes.
He stands up beside the bed, and you certainly don't mind the view of him shirtless with his pants undone and his hard length outlined in his underwear.
You turn over and lay on your tummy, giving Robert access to the zipper on the back of your dress. As he unzips it, he leaves a trail of kisses down your back. You get on your hands and knees to let the dress slide off your arms, as Robert slides it over your hips and butt. He kneads one of your cheeks for a moment before you turn over and he slides your dress down your legs and drops it on the floor.
"Mmm, you've got a cute butt," he says. You lean up and pull his pants off, before he crawls back onto the bed. He lies next to you running a hand over your thighs, testing the waters before going further. When he leans in to kiss you, you feel his hand gently start to rub circles on your clit over your panties. You reach over and palm him roughly through his underwear as you continue to make out.
Robert moves your panties to the side and slides a finger into you, which earns a loud moan from you. You start to lose your composure as he curls that finger, hitting a sensitive spot inside you. He continues to massage your clit with his thumb, as he adds fingers to stretch you properly.
"You have such a lovely blush, especially when you're this turned on," he whispers to you. As you start to writhe around, your body practically begging for him, he decides he can't wait any longer. He removes his fingers and gets on top of you, hands working at the back of your bra while he kisses you. Once the article of clothing is gone, he cups at your breasts, squeezing lightly and teasing your nipples. He places a few nips and sucks across your exposed chest before moving down and grabbing at your panties. He gets on his knees at the foot of the bed and slides then down your legs before tossing the cloth aside.
He stays there, looking down at you, while he rubs a hand on one of your legs. "You're so beautiful," he says so quietly.
"You're just saying that because I have my clothes off," you giggle while sitting up in front of him.
"No! I told you earlier in the car you were beautiful! You're just... pretty, gorgeous, sexy, all of it."
You blush a little at the sweet man, before telling him, "Stand up."
He does as he's told by backing off the bed and standing on the floor. You sit on the edge of the bed in front of him, and tease at the hem of his boxer briefs with your fingertips. You look up at him and slowly pull the fabric down off of his hips. His hard length finally freed, you gently take it in your hands and start stroking him up and down. He immediately relaxes into your touch, moaning lightly at the feeling of it.
You lean towards him and press your lips to the side of his cock, working your way up to the tip. Still stroking him between kisses, a ball of precum starts to form, so you spread it around the with your thumb, earning a loud moan from Robert as he bucks his hips. You start placing sloppy kisses on the head of his penis, before you open your mouth, taking a bit of his length. His hand quickly finds your hair, tugging at it as you please him with your tongue.
Suddenly, he tugs your hair, which pulls you off of his length. He looks at you with pleading eyes, and says, "I want you, (Y/N). Now."
"Oh, well yes sir!" You joke and crawl back in the bed. He lays down between your legs, his cock teasing at your entrance. Robert being the romantic that he is, just couldn't help but kiss you some more before doing anything else.
While he kisses you, he gently starts pushing into you, using a hand to guide it. His hips rock back and forth in tiny motions as he slowly works his way deeper inside you. You're both moaning furiously against each other's lips, finally feeling what you'd wanted all evening.
You hook your legs on his hips, and his actions become bigger as he gains better access to you. As he's making love to you, he never stops looking into your eyes, and he always has a hand cradling your head in some way, whether it's behind you head in your hair, stroking your cheek with his knuckles, or stroking your lips with his thumb.
Feeling him push in and out of you while he showers you in his affection really has you on cloud nine. He's an incredible lover, and he feels amazing.
As he shifts his legs slightly to find a different angle inside you, he hits that sweet spot that makes any girl go crazy. He picks up his pace hitting that spot over and over and snakes a hand down to play with your clit. In no time, you're a mess; you don't even think you could form a word if your life depended on it.
You start to become a bit noisy as Robert leads you towards your climax. He really enjoys the sound you're making: your moans and whines and even a little bit of yelling.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so good," he says in a breathy voice, "you gonna cum for me?"
You simply furrow your eyebrows and nod excitedly. His fingers teasing the same spot relentlessly combined with the feeling of his hard length rubbing over that sensitive area inside you, it sends you over the edge. Your hips start bucking and a string of sounds comes out of your mouth as you reach your orgasm.
Robert starts to grunt and moan as you tighten around him. His hand move up to your hair, and he changes position a little bit to be closer to you. You could tell he was close.
He wraps a hand around the back of one of your thighs pushing it up towards you chest, getting a deeper position. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, as he fucks into you quickly. A few seconds later, he gasps and presses his lips to yours, moaning against them. He pumps into you in a few long slow strokes, reaching his climax.
He starts giving you soft, sweet little kisses, while he comes down from his high. He presses his forehead to yours and looks into your eyes for a moment before rolling off of you. Your legs are shaky as you ease them down onto the bed.
You look at the man next to you, who is lying there with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed, and you let out a small laugh.
He cracks an eye open and asks, "What's so funny?" with a smirk.
"Nothing," you say, cuddling in to his side, "it's just been a crazy night."
"Mmm... Yes it has," he answers, putting an arm around you, "god, you're so pretty."
"Pretty enough to make you come back to L.A. sometime?"
"Definitely," he whispers with a kiss to your forehead.
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thewritepages · 3 years
The Diary of the Older Collegiate (#TheFreshman Series) (1)
Synopsis : Annabelle Green is somewhat in a situation no thirty year woman would want to find herself in : (Un) Happily divorced, childless and with a job worth peanuts and migraine. The downward spiral of her life doesn't seem to end anytime soon until her sister reminds her of her most cherished dream.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
MAY 3, 2019
3.30 A.M.
I hate myself.
No, really. I may have called it once or twice in the past due to mild anger or frustration, but this.
This is real.
I mean, I may be the only person who would:
A) Cry over a failed marriage during an interview
B) Scratch that, cry over a failed marriage in midst of the most IMPORTANT interview in my entire career!
C) Go straight to the pub later to drown my sorrows when I know perfectly well what would happen if I do get drunk.
D) Do what would be obvious to a broken-hearted, career destroyed, thirty year old drunk woman: Leave a string of carefully selected profanities on the voice mail of my beloved ex-husband.
E) Waking up several hours later on the side of god-knows-what street staring in horror at the drunken messages I've sent to everyone in my cell's contact list- which would also include my parents.
And to think of it, I managed it all in little less than 12 hours last night.
I think I'll just dig a burrow in my apartment and never come out of it. Wait a minute...
That's it! I'm never leaving my apartment again. It'll be perfect- I'll take up one of those work-at-home jobs they always advertise on the internet, eat ramen noodles for sustenance and stay protected from the world outside throughout my life.
In fact, I'll tip off my doorman to tell my family that I've left to pursue my inner self and I may never come back again. As many years pass by, my family would mourn over my presumed death while I get a plastic surgery done and change my name to something untraceable like Ronal Wallis.
Oh, jolly good! A brilliant idea. Why didn't I ever think of this before?
MAY 3, 2019.
13.30 P.M.
Err; maybe the whole change-my-identity-and-live-happily plan didn't exactly work.
Don't get me wrong, it didn't totally blow up or anything. My doorman, Steve did his job perfectly, informing my sister that I have indeed joined Deepak Chopra on a journey to find myself in a tiny village in the Himalayan Valleys. He narrated the story in such a sober tone that even I found myself believing him for a moment.
But Steve and I didn't realize that in order to leave the country, I would actually need my passport- The passport which is still in my ex-husband's apartment along with the rest of the stuff I was going to pick up this week.
Unfortunately, my sister was very much aware of this piece of information.
"Anna, it's been two months. You've got to get your shit together. You cannot stay dep-" I gave my sister a warning glance.
Not the D-word. Definitely not the D-word.
"I'm completely fine."I mumbled, looking down at the dregs of my empty coffee mug.
"No, you're not completely fine Annabelle Green. You've stopped calling, stop visiting all of us. Hell, nowadays you don't even get your ass out of the bed. Now, I know what Luc-"she stopped short, taking in my pained expression.
Another word I do not want to hear – Luc- Lucas.
Lucas .Lucas. Lucas.
"I'm sorry," Kat, my sister, bowed her head down low. "I shouldn't have brought him up."
"Yeah, you shouldn't have." My eyes closed from exhaustion. "Kat, why are you here?"
"Well, last night you-"
"I KNOW. It was a mistake. And I think I sent an explanatory text earlier this morning."
"That won't stop me from checking up on you, Anna. I'm bloody worried about you."
My eyes descend down to her enormous belly. She shouldn't worry about me right now- I'm not the one who is due for two bouncing baby boys in less than two months.
Did I just say bouncing? Oh, Lord.
"How're the boys kickin'?" I pat her belly gently, forcing myself to smile.
Her face instantly relaxes. "Oh, they're kickin', all right," she smiles at me, "Didn't give me a wink of sleep last week."
Well, that makes the two of us.
"I can't wait for little John and Paul to meet their ol' Aunt Anna." At least this was true. The arrival of my twin nephews is the only thing keeping me up for the past couple of months.
"Anna, we have talked about this. I'm not naming the kids after The Beatles."
"Why not? I recommend you have another set of twin boys so we'll have the entire boy band in our family."
"And have four crazy boys running around the household? No thanks. Phil and I would probably die of insanity."
Sigh. Phil and Kat. Their story is the closest you'd ever get to a fairytale- childhood sweethearts; they were two young teenagers wildly in love but were painfully separated to colleges at the opposite ends of the country. When it looked like it was truly over between them, they reconciled during the summer after college. It was literally The Notebook all over again, leaving out all the letter writing and the crazy house building. I don't think Phil is capable of fixing a broken lock, let alone build an entire house.
Suddenly, I felt someone holding my hand tightly. I look up to see Kat's eyes filled with tears. "Annie, come home. Mum and Dad miss you. I miss you. We want to stay with you in these difficult times. A few days away from Seattle will do you good. "She gets up. "Mum, Dad and Phil are waiting for us in the car downstairs. I'll help you pack up."
My heart softens, but I raise my eyebrows in sarcasm. "So, they sent you to emotionally blackmail me, right? Well, it's working, Mommy –in-waiting."
She tweaks my nose playfully. "It always does, baby sis."
A/N :
Hi there, thank you for taking the time to read my new diary styled new ChickLit series:
"The Diaries of an Older Collegiate"(#TheFreshman).
If this chapter ignited an interest for this series, please let me by reblogging or sending me a message. I'm very new to Tumblr writing so it'll really help me calm my nerves :")
Lastly, I'm tagging a few lovely authors here whose works I've been binge reading and they've really inspired me to put out my work out here. Authors, if you like this chapter, I'd be very grateful if you could share it among your network and let me know :)))))
@go1denjeon, @ladyartemesia,@noteguk,@junghelioseok
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 34
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To the notable few people reading this. I hope you enjoy! Cheers!
High and Dry
MacTavish Residence, Glasgow, Scotland
Alex joined the commotion going on in the living room while he was on his way to get Samantha a cup of coffee before she woke up. The group consisted of Soap, Price, Jack and France facing a laptop.
He peeked for a while and saw Ghost, Roach and Maxine on the other end of the video call. He had no idea why they'd have to do that but proceeded to listen.
"So uh… we didn't find a single body on the ship. It's possible the waves already washed them somewhere. Guess I'll have to check on local news for more information. But what we do have are coordinates to a Site Hotel Bravo?" Ghost asked and the name didn't ring any bells.
Price and Jack's heads turned after hearing it and they slowly speculated before replying.
"I'll see what I can find." Price replied as their feed slowly lagged due to internet failure. Francine looked like she wanted to say anything to Max but the call ended abruptly.
"How could she just leave without telling me?" Francine complained while storming off.
"Maybe she had her reasons?" Soap followed her trying to calm her raging emotion. Alex nodded to Jack and Price who nodded back and went to the office. He felt like words weren't necessary to tell him that they'll be planning on their next move.
With everyone else gone, Alex made his way back to their room where Samantha was already awake and brushing her hair in front of the mirror.
Setting the cup of coffee by the drawer, a smile escaped his lips as their eyes met through the reflection, where she saw Alex slowly approach her and hug her back as they slowly swung sideways.
"Good Morning, Gorgeous." Alex muttered and kissed her on the cheek while Samantha giggled at the ticklish feeling of his moustache.
"Good Morning to you too, Handsome" she replied while her hands looked for him and intertwined them tightly.
"Any plans today?" She mused, tilting her head enough to meet his lips as they kissed intimately. 
"Hmm. Your best friend somehow made it to London today…" he murmured after their kiss, as Samantha's eyes opened wide.
"Hm?" was all she could say as their heads parted farther.
"My best guess is that they went back to the ship. Probably to look for Alexandra… or what remains of her." he continued as Samantha showed a worried look.
"Roach is with her…" he added once more in an attempt to not make her worry.
"I see what you are doing, 3-1." She mused. Alex's eyes widened to the sound of her using his code, he somehow found it… sexy.
"So we're using code names now?" He turned to Samantha who sat on the bed, the worry on her face was still obvious.
"Hey now." Alex called, smiling at the moment their eyes met.
"She'll be alright. She's got two strong soldiers around her. Don't worry." 
"I guess you're right…" she sighed in resignation as Alex leaned in closer for a hug. The said hug meant to assure her that everything will be alright.
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Alex spent most of the day with Samantha, judging on how busy Jack and Price were, he assumed they're going to be back on the field again, and that means that she'd be left all alone and worried.
They caught Soap and France doing the same too, but since they're both soldiers, they won't be separating from each other. 
"I like to believe something's already going on with them." Samantha leaned in to Alex at the sofa, as the two watched Soap and France arguing at each other in the kitchen. It looked like they were seeing who gets to assemble a pistol first, but the bickering was longer than the actual game.
"Yeah? You should've seen them kiss back at the Gulag. That was uhh… a sight to behold?" Alex chuckled.
"Ohh they already did? I knew it. Even back at the infirmary, I could feel the both of them trying to vibe." Samantha mused and laughed and just after that statement. The two competitors already found themselves in a concerning situation. Soap was already on her back, his hands helped guide France's on the pistol, their faces were so close to each other, one slight turn could already be a potential time to kiss.
And that they did, Alex and Samantha saw France ask a question to which Soap answered by slowly tilting his head to her face. What happened next was that their eyes both closed and their lips met slowly at first then progressed into a more intimate session.
Samantha covered Alex's eyes and giggled as Alex did the same, laughing so hard that they were lying on the sofa.
After that, Price and Jack quickly announced that they'll be visiting Shepherd in Afghanistan. The two couples exchanged looks, where Samantha frowned as she realized that Alex would once again be placed in danger.
Alex didn't expect that they're going to visit Shepherd with full gear. It looked like Price and Jack made some negotiations to make this possible considering how the weapons looked expensive. Maybe earning favors was a good thing after all.
The rest of the team easily regrouped in Scotland, where Maxine and Samantha kind of got the whole MacTavish Estate to themselves. It's the safest idea aside from sending her back to her Dad.
Now, the rest of the squad is flying discreetly above Afghan borders on their way to Site Hotel Bravo. Intel suggests it's a hidden cave network which housed Shepherd's Elite troops called the Shadow Company, which the group already acquainted with back in London.
The plan is to stop Shepherd from finishing his EMP Nuke and attempt to destroy any trace of it from being rebuilt again. If possible, they could also use this opportunity to get intel on Nero.
"Da. There it is. The exact location of your coordinates." Nikolai announced over the comms. The rest of the team looked down on a barren canyon, no sign of anything that said "Camp". 
"For a military base, this one looks pretty empty." Roach commented.
"Well, if intel's correct then whatever is below that would be the one we're looking for." Ghost said, putting on his new and improved mask.
"Prepare for dropoff." Price signaled as everyone quickly attached themselves to the hook, as they descended after Price's signal.
"Let's get evil!" He cheered as his foot landed on the ground, dust quickly blowing on the wind.
They all raised their suppressed weapons and hid on the nearest covers.
"Sandstorms brewing up. We'll use them for cover." Price announced as he and Jack crouched forward, hooking to a rappel slid down the ropes, as they stealthily took down two guards by the elevated area.
As soon as the coast was clear, the group now gathered by the entrance of the cave and began to split up.
Alex and Jack were to locate and plant charges on the Nuke, permanently erasing such weaponry off the face of the Earth. Soap, France and Ghost's task was to locate any intel regarding Nero while Price and Roach will try to find Shepherd and beat the truth out of him.
"All-righty, kiddo. Let's get a move on." Jack nodded as Alex followed his former CO inside the cave. The scenery turned darker as the rest of the team split up to cover more ground.
"It's almost pitch black in here…" Jack whispered as he toggled his flashlight.
"You're not using a flashlight? Can you see in the dark, Alex?" He asked with amusement in his voice.
"Not really. But I eat a lot of carrots." He joked, turning on his lights and pushing forward to the dark tunnel. As expected, Jack wouldn't get the joke. Alex knew that some things would never change.
"You hear that?" Alex mumbled as sounds of footsteps echoed on the narrow walls, causing the two to lean close to the wall and turn off their lights. With his eyes beamed on the light at the end of the tunnel. People in lab coats shuffled across the halls, making their path correct.
"This is the right way." Alex affirmed as they slowly pushed their way to the Lab in stealth.
Jack followed, guarding Alex's six, as they reached the main hall of the laboratory. 
"This is Echo Three One, we already made it to the lab. Proceeding to locate the Nuke and plant the charges." Alex informed as they took cover behind corners, eyeing out for possible hostiles.
"Copy that three one, we're still on the lookout for Shepherd." Price reported.
"Uh.. Ghost kinda left us alone. He said he was going to cover our six but he's gone. This place is huge, we're still on the lookout for possible intel rooms." Soap muttered as Alex and Jack maneuvered the Laboratory as stealthily as possible.
When a small group of babbling scientists were heard from the halls, Alex and Jack quickly hid in the nearest room they could find, accidentally stumbling on the blueprints of the nuke.
The whole wall was filled with blue paper depicting an almost scale model of a rocketship. If this was the nuke Shepherd wanted, it was obvious why he desperately needed the money.
Jack's camera shuttered as he took a photo of the thing to report back to Price.
"So, how do we get rid of this?" he asked.
"More importantly, how is our charge going to set off that huge thing?" Alex asked and looked at the blueprints carefully.
"The engine." They both said, as they traced the engine.
"It's their final piece of the puzzle." Jack theorized.
"And we're lucky enough they haven't placed the thing yet." Alex continued.
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The further they traversed into the lab, the more crowded it got. It was expected as they were building a huge EMP rocket nuke, and it was getting harder for Alex and Jack to advance further. Right now, their best option was to lock themselves in a comfort room.
"We need a diversion." Alex planned as Jack leaned by the sink, checking out his greying beard in the mirror.
"We'll wait for the others to alert the whole base." he replied. It was a risky move, but it would work. If they were to create their distraction in the lab, everyone would go here and make it much harder to set the charge.
"This is Echo Three One does anyone copy?" Alex's tone was annoyed.
"I guess they jammed this place up, kid. We're on our own." He said calmly as Alex clicked his tongue. Jack was right, they just have to wait.
But the anticipation of not knowing anything outside was worrying him. What if the nuke was already launched? What if the team already did their plans and they're still inside the damn comfort room?
Alex's mind was clouded with thoughts of failing. He was not used to this way of thinking, but ever since he met Samantha once again, he became more concerned of the safety of the group, more specifically, his safety. Back then, he was fine with sustaining injuries and being reckless, but now he wanted to get home from missions in one piece. Losing his leg was the last line he was willing to draw.
Then, the alarm systems blared, it was requesting every scientist to report to the bunker.
"See? All you need to have is a little faith." Jack smiled and readied his weapon, leaning closely by the door.
"After you kid, I always got your back." He said as Alex slowly flicked the lock open, his hand grabbed the door knob and slowly pushed it open.
Next Chapter : Red
Notification Squad my Beloved
@bumblingbee1 @enderio @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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taeyungie · 3 years
hello!! i love your blog so much ♡ i was wondering if you have any tips on starting a new tumblr blog on bts! i haven't started making gifs yet but i hope i'll get around to that soon!! everyone seems so big and scary 😭😭 i come from a lit blog so i have no idea what im doing lmao 🙂 anyway thank you so much ily!!
hi! omg thank you soooo much, i'm really flattered that you like my blog!! 🥺❤️ i'm sending you all the kisses!!
yes of course! first of all thank you so much for trusting me with this, I'll try my best to help you out. please don't feel scared or discouraged, most of people you'll come across here is really kind and sweet! everyone, even more popular blogs started from zero. i'd recommend you to apply to networks first, you can almost always find some of them at content creators blogs because all networks require to have their blogs to be linked somewhere if you're a member, also most of them don't require from you to make any content, so don't worry if you're not making anything yet! but of course the best way to put your blog out there is to make content, when you'll start making gifs remember to tag networks on your creations so they can reblog it further and also to use relevant tags, esp 5 first tags make people start tracking you stuff because it will show in the search pad (i.e group name, member name etc). i highlighted 'relevant' because it's sometimes weird seeing when tags are unrelated to the work and it might seem off for people, so please remeber about it! I met a lot of people because of joining groupchats that those networks offer or used to offer, i'm not sure if they still do it 🤧 but if not, I'm sure you'll stumble upon different groupchats along the way. I was really chatty and open when I started my first blog so it was easy to find mutuals, i blended in with all other people really fast because i adapted pretty quickly. but if you're not that comfortable talking, you don't have to, at least at the beginning, interacting with other people/their stuff and getting your content reblogged by networks will be just enough. You just gotta make your blog look approachable, pretty and taken care of 😊 it's actually easy but you have to give yourslef time, don't be scared!! all of it is just pure fun. you'll get there, just concentrate on yourslef and making your content, in a blink of an eye you'll be happy with your mutuals you're interacting with and all the worry/anxiety regarding followers and your content goes away. but if you find yourslef in a situation where your anxiety won't let you be happy here, you can always come back to me and I'll try to help you and maybe share some tips about what helped to ease my own ❤️ but first, give it some time! it'll all come to you
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batgirl-87 · 4 years
i'll start in good faith: explain some situations that your MC will deal once graduated(like maybe the summer before joining for her dream job, or a specific situation you imagined to happen related to her job)
You know I believe I mentioned before on here that I had this idea for a Curse Breaker movie about Bill and his Curse Breaker partner (Keira =p) that was like The Mummy/The Mummy Returns with some Indiana Jones... Guess I could describe that idea in some more detail...
It would be set in Egypt before the Weasley family goes to visit Bill there - basically the reason they go to visit him because after all this he receives some medal to reward him at the end of all these events. Originally I had imagined Cate Blanchett as Rakepick being Bill and Keira’s boss, but despite not playing the game lately I do know about some things that occur still in the game so... Doubt she’d be their boss but we all would love to see Cate Blanchett as Rakepick right?!
Anyway, I digress... This is clearly a fantasy movie that unfortunately will never be made. So sad... Also I have clearly never written a screenplay. Imagine as best as you can...
It would start out with whoever their boss is - could still be Cate Blanchett =p Maybe Rakepick has a good twin or sister or something? - talking with a couple... let’s call them diplomats? From another Curse-Breaking organization because with the whole world filled with artefacts and susceptible to curses Gringotts can’t be the only organization, right? I like to think there are a few scattered around the world and take on different regions but sometimes need to work together although there’s some animosity or competition... sort of like frienemies? Like how different nations interact - it’s some Curse-Breaker UN.
So Head Curse-Breaker of Gringotts discussing a work collaboration with a couple diplomats from another organization and I’m feeling...Russians... And is telling them about their Curse-Breaker agents, assuring them to put the best on the case, pulling out Bill and Keira’s files. As they tell these diplomats all of Bill and Keira’s accolades, how much they’ve accomplished since starting as Curse-Breakers, even before joining Gringotts! The camera can pan down to their files and fade to Bill and Keira in an ancient Egyptian tomb completing a mission. With the voiceover of their boss claiming them to be excellent and professional Curse-Breakers, best of the best!
However, the end of this mission doesn’t go so smoothly as they race down the corridors trying to escape the tidal wave of water that is flooding the tomb, running with the artefact they risked their lives for (I also like to think they’re taking back artefacts from wealthier individuals who stole them from less privileged people and cultures - probably why they’re cursed to begin with). They eventually find an exit from this tomb via some secret doorway that leads to a slide that shoots them out of the tomb and into some nearby body of water. After being submerged for a bit they pop back up, Keira holding up the artefact triumphantly and Bill commenting that he wished for once they could finish a mission without nearly dying or ending up soaking wet (probably because he’s concerned about his hair).
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They return to their tent where they receive word that they’ll have an important meeting with their boss tomorrow when they return with the artefact. And she hopes they don’t show up soaking wet this time or with their clothes tattered and burnt =p They’re playing a radio that was a gift for them probably from Penny and Toto’s Africa begins to play with is totally their song and Keira ‘forces’ Bill to sing and dance around with her to it. This is clearly a common occurrence.
Oh and there’s definitely some mercenary ‘curse-breaker/artefact finder for hire’ they have to deal with – one in particular who they have a sort of weird relationship with because they always seem to run into him and have to deal with him so it’s always like a ‘oh you again. Well how are you? How are things?’ He’s also someone who I feel like tries really hard but is clumsy and constantly messes up but tries so hard to be a cool, tough badass but it really cowardly – like Benny from The Mummy =P
Anyway, so they go to meet with their boss, get told they’re doing a mission jointly with these Russians & will be working with his big Russian Curse-Breaker – makes Bill look tiny and like a twig =p – to find some ancient artefact. Ooo maybe from the Romanov Dynasty?! It’s very important to the Russians but the location is suspected after years and years of research to be in Gringott’s territory – hence having to work together. It’s a little awkward and tense at first – can they trust each other? Obviously there’s some distrust because what if Bill and Keira try to take it themselves instead of giving it to the Russians and can you even trust these Russians? And this guy is big and strong and a man of little words so hard to get to know him. But the three set out on this journey which is surely filed with action and adventure and they work well together when dealing with these mercenaries who get in their way and complicate things.
So they find this artefact and as soon as they accomplish their task they get taken by some other large Russians – turns out the leader of this gang is the older brother of their new Russian partner! Was he just using them all along to find this artefact – which is actually a key to a much larger fortune – and luring them to this trap and possibly their doom?! They were bonding! Thought they were friends! Come on man… But his older brother is an arsehole and keeps belittling his younger brother because he was adopted and therefore, worthless because his family didn’t want him so no one would and the only reason he was adopted was because his family just took pity on him, and he wanted a ‘little brother/servant’ so really he saved him so therefore he had to be appreciative and do everything he said/wanted him to do.
Anyway, so Bill and Keira are tied up by these big Russian guys, trying to figure out what to do and coping with the betrayal from their new Russian friend/partner, while the Russian guys discuss what to do with them in their native language. Fortunately Keira knows a little bit of Russian and can pick up a few words about essentially killing them, starting with Bill. So as one approaches them, or Bill specifically, Keira suddenly speaks up in Russian and Bill is like “wtf you speak Russian!?” She does her best to distract them or humanize herself and Bill but really the words she has learned are mainly related to Quidditch… But they got to like Quidditch right? Bill is just freaking flabbergasted because he’s known Keira for like over ten years and had no idea she freaking spoke Russian – what was happening?! Was everyone some secret Russian KGB agent in his life?! Were Fred and George going to start speaking to each other in Russian next?! (Keira now totally has to teach them some to mess with Bill).
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Keira manages to at least distract them enough they drop their guards a bit as she rambles nonsensically about Quidditch =p so she can figure out an escape. Maybe something like kicking a knife or wand out of the one Russian’s hand who was approaching them and that kick also sends her back/down to break the wooden chair she’s tied to so she can get free. And if there wasn’t a knife previously from the guy there’s one on some nearby table because I just need Keira to throw a knife at Bill and tell him to cut himself free and get their wands – because they were clearly taken away from them and stored in this gang leader’s ‘office’ – while she runs off and leads this big Russian brute after her and Bill to be like “wtf?! Freaking almost killed me with this knife and how am I supposed to cut myself free with my hands tied?!” and then him awkwardly trying to figure it out. Cue some fight scene between Keira and a giant Russian which probably has a lot of her trying to bash him over the head with any heavy object she finds and this guy just shaking it off and not going down! She tries punching and kicking him – dude is like a brick freaking wall but she’s a fighter and I feel like this guy at least respects her fighting spirit and finds this pretty fun.
I haven’t exactly figured out a location where all this is taking place and how this is exactly to go down but Keira and giant Russian – evil Colossus – fight leaves a lot of property damage and as they stand facing each other for sort of a final showdown they notice…maybe a small fire they accidentally started closing in on a large propane tank or something… a gas leak… basically an explosion is going to happen so they have to get the hell out of there! They’re staring each other down, they look at the impending explosion, they look back at each other and then they both make a run for it. Maybe some slow motion is called for here?
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Meanwhile, Bill manages to cut himself free but then Russian gang leader comes out from his office, with his adopted little brother/former Curse-Breaking partner of Bill and Keira – dude needs a name… Viktor? Ivan? I can’t handle anymore Alexanders or Nikitas… There’s some Ivan’s in the Romanov family so Ivan it is. Ivan follows his big arsehole of a brother out of his office who is clearly pissed to find both of his captures had escaped their ropes and one along with his henchmen were missing. Poor Bill is unarmed though and when big arsehole brother (I should give him a name but it is fun to call him this) takes out his wand to do away with Bill Ivan stops him and knocks him out – Ivan can be trusted! He feels awful for betraying Keira and Bill when honestly they’re good people and he liked them, they treated him well unlike his brother here, and they did bond and forge a friendship. He’s sorry he got them into this mess. And he helps Bill retrieve his and Keira’s wands as well as the artefact.
As they prepare to leave – either via apparition, portkey, or floo network which I have some interesting thoughts on but honestly all could work and Bill and Keira would definitely have a portkey to set destination – they realize, oh yeah, where’s Keira? Who of course during this perfect timing flies in with evil Colossus (omg I’m so happy I thought of this nickname for this guy) from the explosion propelling them through a large dividing window – I really feel like glass is the best option here. Evil Colossus is knocked out – the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Keira needs a moment, her ears are ringing, she’s blinking to try and get her blurry vision to focus and finally notices Bill and Ivan shouting to her and waving at her to come to them so they can get the hell out of there.
The explosion, while it knocked out evil Colossus, stirs Ivan’s arsehole brother who notices this new destruction before him and his henchmen taken out by some little witch? Wtf!? He reaches for his dropped wand to shoot at Keira who does her best to quickly get up and race to Bill while somehow avoiding Ivan’s arsehole brother’s attacks – probably because he’s still pretty groggy and not coordinated and focused after being knocked out so his shots are off. Plus in another world he’d be a Stormtrooper =p More slow motion of Keira running and avoiding attacks flying past her? Maybe… So she runs right into Bill’s outstretched arm, Ivan wraps his large arms around both of them, and they disappear – again, either via portkey, apparition, or floo powder/network.
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Cut to a quaint little village surrounded by trees/forests and a calming river running through it. Some figures of people walking through the village and one leaving what appears to be a pub, swinging his bag over his shoulder and waving goodbye to his friends as they shout their goodbyes to him. He walks through the village, saying hi to a couple others he passes by, and crosses a bridge over the river to continue down a path towards his cottage-like home. As he opens the door to his quaint dwellings a trio of visitors surprise him by suddenly appearing and collapsing on his living room floor with some painful grunts and groans.
“Bill? Keira?”
If anyone is interested in the rest of my idea for this let me know. This was actually really fun to remember and re-live. I hope you enjoyed it and I would love it if it could be made into a movie one day.
“Hey, Charlie…”
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Thank you for asking!
(This also helped me find a lot of good Keira x Charlie gifs from Outlander so thanks for that 😜)
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thedoctor1002 · 4 years
Idk, I never posted one of my fics here but guess I'll try ~
Also, English is not my first language so feel free to correct me QwQ
Fandom: Psycho-Pass -season 1- (is this still a thing?)
Characters: Kogami Shinya, Sasayama Mitsuru, OC
Prompt (it was in Italian, so I'll translate): write a story using three among these words: cloud, dusk, thunderstorm, storm, hull, bay, shelter, sail, night
Title: Log date: 2110/02/28 (Friday) 22:04
The lights of the bay flicker dynamically before your eyes.
They dance hypnotically, of the same cyan colour of your office’s walls, but with a whole different beat. They drink the red and white trails from the traffic, they shatter and multiply in the tears of an inclement rain. I know how much you hate it, you just can’t stand going on recon with an umbrella. On the other hand, I love it.
Rain brings us close together under the waterproof cloth and I manage to observe details that neon lights often hide from me: the precise way you part your hair, the last few drops of the jasmine perfume on your jacket, your long lashes. Shion thinks they’re fake. We always fight over it, can you believe me?
After all, you’ve never been the kind of woman to wear such frills. 
A notification arrives, the acid light of your impalpable PC breaks through the sacred dark from where you pretend you don’t see me. It digs your silhouette and paints you like a ghost on the huge windows of the Public Safety Bureau.
Your jet-black hair lay on your back like varnish pouring over the white silk of your blouse.
“Pulling an all-nighter, Inspector Matou?” I ask casually, exposed. With you, after all, I always am: you’re the only one that can shush my shitty jokes.
But this time you laugh slightly: nothing more than a spike, a trembling breath that shakes your ribs and lips.
“The forecasts say that the storm won’t stop until tomorrow morning,” you tell me, sitting at your desk, “also, I’ve been delaying this paperwork through all week, it's about time I get it done. Might as well do some overtime and get rid of it, don’t you think?”
“You’re such a workaholic.” I label you, realizing how lucky I am being allowed to do it: Ginoza, that prude, would have never let it slide “You should leave some for the rest of the precinct: make 'em earn their wages.”
A tired smile crosses your face as you tap your fingers on the keyboard. It’s so clear you’re trying to avoid my glance.
You used to look for it.
You looked for my eyes at briefings, in that discrete way that eventually shocked everyone. You looked for them among alleys, as soon as you heard a gunshot or the chocked sound of a fight.
And when you found me, it felt like a 7 miles free fall.
“How are the legs going?” I dare to ask. I see the hollow structure of your new shins below the hem of your pencil skirt. They swing a bit underneath the glass of your desk. You didn’t lose your damn tic, your right heel shakes like the needle of a sewing machine even when you seem calm.
You shrug and drink the bottom of an already empty glass of water.
I shouldn’t have asked. It breaks my heart, to see you like this.
You don’t give me an answer and massage the back of your knee with a sigh. Lately, I feel like you’re avoiding me.
You’re turning back into the one you were before: uncompromising, cold and distant. I wonder if the bunch of ingrates downstairs have been calling you Dobermann again. I wonder if you’re still as relentless.
You worry me: your stress level is getting darker and darker. You don’t want old Kasei to take issues with you, not again.
I can imagine how you must have felt, the night when this mess happened.
You most likely got pissed, if I do know you.
I mean, did they really think I got away on my own? I bet you never doubted me: no one knows an Enforcer better than its Inspector.
“Runaway?! Have you lost your minds?” Sasayama?!”
Those were the first words you said when they rescued you. You spoke them way before cleansing your lungs from the rotten water of the river, way before asking Masaoka if you’d have ever got back to feeling your lower legs. They hurt like hell and you had to pull them around like sandbags.
“They got him” you panted, holding tight on your mentor’s coat “They took him away, I tell you!” The one that kidnapped him wasn’t a latent criminal. The Dominator didn’t activate, not even when they shot me. Please, believe me. Check on the log files, please.”
Crime coefficient: 0.
I know that bug still haunts you.
Cause, after all, it’s can’t be anything else: who on earth is that Makishima to fly under the Sibyl Sistem’s radar? Who can fool a network that knows your crimes before you do? And how is it possible that the silhouette that kneecapped you and threw you into a river could possibly be innocent?
You haven’t lost your mind, Inspector: the Dominator betrayed me, too.
Don’t think I don’t know how pitiful must have been, the next three days.
Makishima isn’t real. Forget it, it was just a delirium. You were in shock.
It was the trauma, dear. It was a breakdown. It was burnout syndrome.
You’d use some holiday, darling. Take a week. Take two. Go somewhere far, no, better: just stay at home. Go to therapy. Keep yourself busy, don’t think about it. Work. Also, don’t work: it wears you out!
They put you back on your feet in less than six hours, but nobody allowed you to join search parties. Heaven forbid your stress level getting any darker. Heaven forbid that yet another good Inspector gets demoted among those damn Enforcers. But, still, in the whole IT section, there wasn’t a single nerd that could get that night's logs. That's one funny thing, ain't it?
Woman, sometimes I wish your damn head wasn't that hard. I wish you didn't follow the Forensics to get a lift, so soon after the deed.
At least, you could have listened to Kogami. Shit, didn't you see how pale he was? You didn't even need the Dominator to read him, his stress level was mindblowing!
You should have believed him when he told you you didn't want to enter that alley. First off, it was already full of other detectives and analysts. I have no idea what kind of business you had to do in there. Second thing second, Kogami has an eye for certain matters. Do you think he didn't notice I’ve always been all over you? Not gonna lie, maybe I told him about you, once or twice.
But no, of course, you had to get in.
The software that taught you how to walk on those carbon stilts made you stand your ground and bark a "For fuck's sake, Shinya, move!" worthy of the Dobermann’s reputation. Even those who hadn't been called out made way.
But your new legs didn't hold you, when you saw what they had made of my corpse.
I'm sorry, Katsumi, I never wanted to upset you like that. 
You know how much I would have rather have a more heroic death. I don't know, like, in the middle of a shooting, saving the day. It would have been much classier, less tacky, less trash. I think I deserved it, that's all.
You stop typing and rub your temples. You shelter what’s left of your lipstick behind your hand. I wish I could kiss it off, instead of watching you consume it in a ruby red halo in the notch between your thumb and your index.
You lift your eyes only for Kogami, who’s passing by your office like a nurse in its night shift.
“So?” he asks in a whisper, putting more care in that question than I could have ever done. More than anybody could have ever done, because he’s the only one that gets you, right now. You two seem like the only ones who lost something.
You shake your head slowly, staring at the monitor and the dangerously high Crime Coefficient on the display.
“It's not working” you wail softly, misty-eyed. I can’t believe it, is it still you?
“They’re gonna kick me out anyway, if it doesn’t lower quickly” you continue, with that realism of yours. I used to call you a jinx for that but, at the end of the day, you always got our backs. “It’s for the best if I just resign. I’m gonna keep what's left of my dignity, at least.” 
The dark profile of my best friend looks through me, as he sits on the armchair next to mine. He would like to say something, a word of encouragement maybe, we all know it in this damn room, but numbers shut our mouths. 
“You could become an Enforcer” he proposes.
Goddammit, Shinya, did we work with the same person? Katsumi as an Enforcer?
And there you go, shaking your head. You hold your face in your hands and let your raven hair hide your visage. 
“Can you imagine me, following orders? I do know how to work, I can do it better than three-quarters of our colleagues and I’ve never had problems remarking it. They’d eat me alive if they had the chance. Dogs celebrate on the corpses of lions.”
“But lions remain lions and dogs stay dogs.” Kogami finishes, stealing my lines. 
I notice the slight trembling of your finger, as you tap your touchpad to send that last confirm.
In a few moments, the system will have your resignation registered. Your profile won’t unlock your Dominator anymore and in a few days time, just enough for you to collect your belongings, you won’t even manage to enter the office.
Who’s gonna explain to old Kasei that there's more of your stuff here than in your apartment?
I’d ask you what do you plan on doing with your life, but tonight’s decision seems definitely brave enough to call it a day.
I look at the tabs you open in your browser, they mirror in the windows behind you.
Air travel.
Argentina, Cuba, States, New Zealand, Germany, Kenya. You go around the world in 80 seconds flat, you multiply your chances and spread them all through the air in front of you, in a complex diagram that doesn’t lead anywhere.
I never wanted to take you away from your home, you don’t deserve this. 
You cover your eyes with a hand and use the other one to pick a random selection from your atlas.
“Well, at least it’s on the sea.” you wrap up, condensing in a handful of words the only satisfaction you can find in starting a brand new life.
You two stare at the transparent screenshot of your flight, the countdown on the web page seems way too joyful.
“It’s so exciting, Katsumi Matou! Check-in your luggage. Your journey will begin in: 06 days: 17 hours: 34 minutes: 21 seconds”
Seconds pass by, in complete silence.
“Do you think it would be a burden to him?” you ask Shinya, “Do you think he’d understand?”
Who would have guessed that a cynic one like yourself could believe in the afterlife? I wish I were here to ask you. I wish we could have spoken about life, death, sex, about things long gone and things yet to be.
His hand squeezes yours gently, as he looks at you in the eye, hoping to stop the train to Paranoidland from setting off.
“It’s not your fault” he reassures you as he can: the both of you wouldn’t make the average person’s empathy.
But he’s right, though, it really isn’t: I know you’ve done anything you could. It’s always been like that.
“Maybe I owe him” you draft “Even if they don’t believe in Makishima, maybe one day I could have proved he exists.”
The teal of your Psycho-Pass would suit you wonderfully, if it wasn’t a description of your mental health.
What could you possibly do in these conditions? You’d have ended up in a cubicle, filing loss and theft reports. You would have never made it to the dossiers, surely not to those of such a controversial case. Making you end up in a study room would have been my final bullshit. I’m happy with your choice, really. I would have loved visiting Europe someday.
“Don’t talk nonsense.” Kogami rebukes you, externalizing what I’ve been thinking all along: “I’m going to look out for your man: your team has already given way too much. I’m gonna find him, Matou, cold case or not.”
You nod, but it’s clear you don’t believe him. I can read through you, you’re a terrible liar.
I don’t think you don’t trust him, most likely you’ve done the math and figured that working on an independent case is far too difficult for an Inspector, let alone for an Enforcer.
And there it is, my fall. After an exhausting chase, you finally look into my eyes, even though -according to Shinya- you’re most likely staring at the void.
Despite being used to such races, believe me, I’ve missed you.
“I’m just so sorry.” you finally whisper, giving me a bitter smile. 
Try and stop me, Ginoza, tell me once again how inappropriate it is: I don’t mind anymore. I get up and I don’t hesitate while holding you and leaving a kiss on your hair, shamelessly.
“I’m going to grab some coffee” I announce, walking backwards to the door like a shrimp, just to look at my dearest friends a bit longer. “I’d get you one, but I’m short on coins. Maybe next time.”
“See you, Inspector.”, Kogami greets you, leaving alongside me.
“Be good.” you wave back, as we were all to meet again tomorrow.
Walking through the dark alley, I can hear an excerpt from our last conversation through the opaque glass of your office.
“You’re jerk, Sasayama!”
I can hear you laughing out loud, through the crackly recording. You laughed at my gall, with that warm, strong, sweet voice of yours, mocking me. Admit it: mine, after all, were the only compliments that could make you blush.
It’s incredible how we managed to joke even inside a car that was taking us on a crime scene. To an external eye, we might have looked disrespectful. Truth is I’ve always feared death so much I just had to laugh at the reaper.
“Oh, come on, what would it take? Come with me to the Precinct’s New Year’s dinner, the 17th is around the corner!” I kept annoying you, as you were too busy driving to mind my dumb flirt attempts. I still can’t get how we never had an accident. “Be good, Katsumi, give me a joy to live for!”
“You could always ask Shion, you know? You always give her more attention, after all.”
I hear the subtle sound of the wheels stopping, the parking brake cracking and it’s like Ogishima’s outskirts appear before my eyes, in that same January night. That place gave me goosebumps, but I would have hated if you understood it.
“Here we are” you announced, with still a bit of resentment in your voice. You unlocked the passenger’s door and I remember I left your Dominator in the car’s trunk: I didn’t want you to follow me. Not that time.
“You scare me when you pay so much attention” you commented, noticing how serious I got “will you tell me why are you insisting so much to keep on searching? Kogami got the guy. Tomorrow we go, we arrest him and it's thank you, next.”
My answer has been recorded as a distant and muffled noise, but I still can trace it: “He’s not the one, I tell you. I have another suspect, but I need a more solid base. And you’re staying, Inspector.”
“Staying?! You’ve gone crazy!” you laughed, locking the corporate sedan behind you “If something were to happen to you, or worse if you didn’t come back, Kasei would…”
“I said you’re staying: it’s dangerous.”
“Sasayama, our work is dangerous,” you replied, contemptuous, understanding that clearly among the gear I brought I didn’t count yours and going back to the car to get it “One more risk won’t make a difference: if I have to drop dead, it can either be here, at home or god knows where.”
“Will you join me for the precinct’s dinner, though?”
And here is a sequence that the voice recorder surely can’t have grasped, but that I could remember even in a thousand years. You cast an outraged glance over me from above the trunk’s door, panting through a half-smile. You shook your head, tucking your hair behind your ear. And finally, after refusing my invitations since 17th November, during lunch break, you smiled shrugging.
“Deal, come on, just make way” you sighed, as your heels echoed on the wet concrete “Still, you’re a jerk.”
“I recorded it: you have no excu-”
The audio file interrupts.
End of recording.
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Bohemian Rhapsody - Ben Hardy/ Roger Taylor fic [Chapter 2]
A/N: I did not go writing this referencing by the years but mostly the events that had happened in Queen and the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody not in a particular order. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it.
INTRODUCTION: Roger Taylor, the famous drummer of Queen won a lot of hearts as he performed several gigs along with his bandmates, Freddie, Brian and John. His playboy self slowly vanishing as he meets the girl of his dreams but what happens when their dreams after marriage takes a toll with fame and publicity?
Chapter Two:
“How long did you say you have been getting sick for?” Mary asks placing a glass of water at the coffee table. “Like for um, about a week.” I say. “And you went to the doctors today?” She asks. “Uh, I thought about it.” I say pausing. Not really wanting to tell her what happened. “So you are pregnant?” She asks. I sigh reaching towards the coffee table to grab the glass of water. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She says with a smile. Clearly excited. I had picked up the telephone to call to make an appointment in the morning but Roger’s sleepy voice calling to me made me change my mind. A pregnancy test was taken and it had shown as positive. Two tests to be exact.
“Are we talking about a baby here?” I hear Freddie’s voice come through as his whole body came into view. “Freddie?! What are you doing here. The boys are out.” I say with a frown. “I live here. They went to the pub. Who goes to the pub at 2 in the afternoon.” He says filling himself a glass of wine as me and Mary look at each other. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.” I say. “Sure, darling but you really have to tell Rog.” He says. “I can’t. Not now.” I say with tears in my eyes. “Why not?” Mary asks. “This baby would be too much on him. The band. With the tours and everything and I can’t take care of a baby on my own.” I say crying. Mary hugs me to calm me down. Freddie nods his head understanding.
The sudden noise coming from the swing of the door turn our heads around to see the boys barge in. I quickly wipe away my tears with a tissue Freddie has passed quick enough for anyone to notice. “Oh, c’mon in. Make yourselves at home.” Freddie says placing his glass on the small tray. “Oh Y/n, you are here too. Good.” Roger says hovering down to my level leaving a soft kiss on my forehead before walking to the glasses. “Hello Mary. How’s your dad?” Brian asks taking a seat with John by the sofa near the window as he tries to open up a wine bottle. “What’s going on, Brian?” Freddie asks taking a seat next to me. “If you’d have answered your phone you’d have known already.” Brian says looking towards us. “This really isn’t a good time guys.” Freddie says as I lower my head to wipe away a tear. “Love, are you crying?” Roger asks. “No, something fell in my eye. It’s fine now.” I lie. “What were you saying, Brian?” I ask changing the topic. “John Reid called today. He has a little tour in his mind for us.” “It’s not little, Brian. He has booked us a tour of America. The album hit the charts in the US!” Roger says excited as he held several wine glasses in both hands.
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“Oh yes!!” Freddie says getting up as they all jumped in a group hug.
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I slowly sink down deeper into the sofa trying to hold back the tears. America? That’s so far away. I think. Freddie’s smile faded after seeing me. “Let’s go out to celebrate!” He says turning towards the boys. “We got a fine bottle of wine here.” Brian says pouring down to the glasses as Roger places them on the coffee table. “Uh, no. I actually had a glass earlier.” I lie as Brian held the glass towards me. “Actually we were just about to leave to go shopping.” Mary says looking at me. I nod my head looking towards the boys. “I was supposed to join them too.” Freddie says with the sound of his glass hitting the coffee table. The boys looking at him. “No you weren’t.” Mary and I both say closing the door behind us.
It’s been a month and a half since the boys left to America. “Let’s hope they don’t put that in the front page.” Mary says as we sat at a small cafe having lunch. She had accompanied me to the doctors as I was scared to go alone. “The wind had to blow away my hat.” I say with a frown. Mary chuckled. She has been there taking care of me and the baby. Constantly updating Freddie about me and him watching over Roger to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid.
“They are going to be back in three weeks. You are 3 months already and very noticeable. You have to tell Roger, dear.” Mary says. I bite my lip with the thought of it. “What if he gets mad and leaves?” I ask. “Stupid of you to think that. Freddie will be there to talk to him.” She says assuring me everything would be okay.
It's been two months since the boys went on their very first tour in America but now, that long wait is over and they are coming back home soon. Freddie had called me earlier saying they had to drop by the studio first before coming home and had asked if I could come over to join them for drinks. A mini celebration with the end of their tour. That's the life being married to a band member. Touring all year long and joining them on their celebrations until they leave again within the next few months. “That’s a terrible idea.” I said but he insisted that I go.
With much hesitation he had forced me to go but I had a good reason but knowing that I could never hide it scared me even more. What could be going on in his head. Like usual, Taylor did not send a text as he was coming back making me get negative thoughts.
Pacing around the living room panicking I tried to see if I can access to any social networks. Two days ago the press had taken pictures of me leaving the hospital and all thanks to the wind blowing off my disguised hat the press had to crowd around me. Before leaving for tour, Roger had blocked all social media access for me knowing how it could put me down terribly. Is he not calling me because he is mad and doesn't want to see me anymore after seeing the pictures maybe?
The sudden noise from my phone made me jump. "Hello?" I answer. "Y/n, um, could you come over now? I'll send Mary to get you." I hear Freddie say. "No. It's okay. I can go." I say. "Are you okay. You sound panicked." He says with worry. "Um, yeah. Freddie, could you maybe meet me on the hallway first?" I ask knowing that I have to tell Roger about his baby and my visible small baby bump of 3 months. "Yeah sure. I'll see you in an hour then?" He asks. "Yeah." I say hanging up.
Finding out about the unplanned pregnancy just a few days before their tour was not the plan. They all were really excited about the tour and this wasn't news that was to be said over a phone call over an ocean apart. I frown at all the clothes I had put on that showed up the baby bump forming. Deciding to go with a black dress with my messy hair in a bun accessorised with one of Roger's bandanas, I smile at the outfit I put on but it soon turned into a frown.
After about an hour I reach their studio and walk the quiet hallways to their hanging out room. I spot John walking towards the room in front of me. I whisper shout his name. "Freddie!!" With my soft voice echoing through he turned around with excitement in his eyes walking towards me but soon it got glued to my belly with his mouth open. "Y/n you- you-" he stutters. Not being able to cope with his reaction I begin to cry. "Hey hey. Why you crying? I didn't say it to scare you. What's the matter?" He asks wiping off the tears after a quick hug.
"Roger still doesn't know." I manage to say. "Why not?” He asks. "I didn't want to put any pressure on him or the band." I say feeling so disappointed in myself. "He won't be mad at you." Freddie says assuring me. A sudden loud bang from inside the room made us look towards the slightly open door. Another crash followed by a screaming Roger.
-Roger's P.O.V-
I get up from my seat furiously throwing away my drumsticks towards the door. "Roger. Calm down." John says. "What's going on?" Brian asks. "Have you seen these?" I ask handing the newspaper towards them with pictures of the press crowding around Y/n. "She looks different." Brian comments. "What do you mean different? She is all panicked." I say clenching my fists. "No. I mean, she looks pregnant." Brian says again making me take another look at the black and white pictures. He was right. Y/n do look pregnant. "I'm gonna go get some air." I say getting up.
-Y/n's P.O.V-
Freddie kept on trying to calm me down but the small hallway was making me all claustrophobic.
"Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice say my name. Looking up with my teary eyes and tear soaked face, I see Roger standing just a few feet from us. His eyes fell on my belly before he storms off in the other direction towards another exit. I burst out crying telling Freddie to send me home. "Just stay here with us till you calm down and settle things with Roger. It's going to be okay. Just breath." He says.
"What's going on out here?" We hear John say followed by Brian's voice, "See, she really is pregnant." He says. With everything happening so fast I begin to feel lightheaded and soft voices of my name being called as my vision turned black.
"Love?" I hear someone's voice as a wet cloth touched my forehead. Slowly opening my eyes I see Roger sitting next to me. The rest of the members were nowhere to be seen. "Where are the others?" I ask making myself sit on the sofa. "They all went for drinks." He says. "Why didn't you go?" I ask. "I wanted to stay." He says making me teary. "Hey, sshh. I'm sorry about earlier." He says hugging me. "I was just mad at the press for doing that to you and I got mad at myself for not being there to protect you." He says kissing my forehead. I left soft sobs over his shoulder as he caressed by back. "I thought you were mad at me. You didn't even call me to tell me you were coming home." I say in between sobs. "I thought of just appearing at the door step and surprising you. I'm sorry dear." He says kissing my forehead.
Chapter 3
[TAG LIST: @rogerbuttersmyeggroll @hayley8089 ]
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tamakirishima · 6 years
How about a scenario where Eisuke and mc are at a business party where all the directors and executives of prestigious companies had to attend. One of Eisuke's rivals intends to kill him with poison in his food. Hearing the plan, mc switch the poisoned food with hers at the last minute. I'll leave it to you for you to decide whether mc survive or not
Ooooohhh interesting! Coming right up! Hint: It’s not gonna be a rip-out-your-heart story, but I’ll write an angsty one next! ^^ 
“Is this too much boob?” You were squeezed into a dark blue evening gown that cinched your waist a bit too tightly, pushing up your breasts to the point where it was basically spilling out of the top. Eisuke looked you up and down and grinned slyly.
“Baby, you look perfect. But I’m not sure if I would be able to control myself.” He said, grabbing your waist and pulling him towards you for an intense and hungry kiss. 
“If we keep going at this rate, we won’t make it to the party.” You whispered in between kisses.”
Eisuke sighed and kissed you one more time before letting you go. You two were going to an elite party held by the Ichinomiya Group, who invited the top CEOs from international companies to join and network. The party was in less than an hour and the panic of not finding a good enough dress was setting in. While you were still debating whether or not to stick with the too-much-boob-but-damn-I-look-good dress, you saw Eisuke bringing a beautiful red dress towards you. 
“What’s this?” you asked. 
“Wear this tonight.” Eisuke said, pushing you into the dressing room with the dress in your hands. 
When you looked at yourself in the mirror, you could barely recognize yourself. You looked incredibly classy with your beautiful aspects of your body highlighted. The best part? Your boobs weren’t spilling out the front! 
“We gotta-” Eisuke said, poking his head in before seeing you. “You look amazing.” 
You twirled in your dress and giggled a little before grabbing your clutch and taking Eisuke’s arm. 
“Shall we?” 
The party was in full swing when you and Eisuke walked in, with countless greetings thrown across one another in the large banquet hall. Eisuke was gone within minutes, meeting with all different guests who came to Japan just to visit him, while you made your way to the bar. 
“Gin and Tonic, please.” You ordered, before you saw an odd man near the bar.The only word you could describe him was “shady.” You kept a close eye on him, but his eyes were focused on one person: Eisuke. 
The man shoved his hands into his pocket, reaching for a small glass bottle, which sat, in his breast pocket. Maybe he brought his own booze? 
Eisuke’s seat was at the head of the table, with you on his right hand side. The food was already served, but some businessmen were holding up Eisuke, discussing a new plan for their companies to join together or something like that. 
You stopped listening when you saw the shady man reach into his breast pocket and sprinkle a strange liquid onto Eisuke’s roast chicken. 
This bastard was going to poison Eisuke? At a party Eisuke invited him to?!
“Not on my watch…” you muttered to no one, before switching Eisuke’s plate with yours. 
The dinner commenced not even 2 seconds after and everyone, including Eisuke, started to eat. You hesitated. 
“What’s wrong? Do you not like the menu?” Eisuke asked, noticing that you haven’t even touched your plate. 
“No, no. It’s fine.” You replied, realizing that the man and Eisuke were both observing you.
With a long sigh, you took a bite of the chicken and smiled to reassure Eisuke. But that reassurance wouldn’t last long. Your throat slowly closed up first, your head spinning, and a sudden desire to throw up hit you like a brick. You felt like you could’t breathe and you were quickly suffocating. It was as if you were in outer space and you took your space suit off. 
Within minutes, you were on the floor. 
As your eyes closed, you saw Eisuke scream out your name, holding you up with one of his arms and punching in 911 with his other hand. 
“Get here right now! Tres Spades Hotel! My wife collapsed!” Eisuke screamed into the phone before throwing it aside. 
With all the strength you had left, you lifted your hand and pointed at the man who attempted to poison Eisuke. 
“He…did….this…” you whispered, while Eisuke followed your finger and glared daggers in his direction. 
“Naka… Detain Mr. Nakamura!” Eisuke yelled, making 4 security guards run after and tackle him. 
“________? Don’t close your eyes! You have to hang on!” Eisuke had a look of panic and his eyes were watering, begging you to hang onto life. 
You smiled and wiped the tears off Eisuke’s cheeks. 
“I’ll be okay, Eisuke…I’ll be-” 
Your limp hand fell to your side, causing Eisuke to start begging you to wake up. 
“Wake up… Wake up goddamnit! ________! Please don’t…. No!!!” Eisuke cried out. 
No matter how much Eisuke tried to wake you, nothing worked. The witnesses were dumbfounded, useless, and pacing around with worry. 
“No…Don’t leave me.” Eisuke whispered, resting his forehead on yours, letting the tears drip onto your now pale face. 
Eisuke never felt this amount of panic and uncertainty before in his life, he ALWAYS knew what to do in a given situation, but he was lost now without you. What was he going to do? You changed him to the man that he was, and he wasn’t letting you go anytime soon. 
You were on the tightrope between life and death, right as the paramedics stormed through the door. 
Eisuke waited day and night before you woke up. 
It took 4 days and 3 long nights. 
You felt like shit. 
“Ugh…” you moaned, struggling to open your eyes against the bright sunlight.
“_______? Baby?” 
You felt a warm embrace, a bit too tight for your current condition, but you didn’t mind. Eisuke peered into your eyes and cupped your face, looking at you with nothing but love and relief. 
Eisuke’s dark circles were drooping 
“What happened…?” you asked. 
“You had your stomach pumped.” You winced. “Twice.” Another wince. 
“And Mr. Nakamura?” you questioned. 
Eisuke’s eyes turned dark and he growled that he already confessed and was waiting for his court date. 
“_________, don’t ever do that ever again. Got it?” Eisuke hissed in a cold voice, but you knew he was just doing it out of worry. 
You remained quiet and shrugged. “I wanted to protect you.” 
“You’re not protecting me if you’re putting yourself in danger. Got it?” 
You nodded. 
“But where can I get my Gin and Tonic? I didn’t finish it from the other night.” You said, half jokingly. 
Eisuke smiled a bit and kissed you hard on the mouth. 
“God, I missed you.”
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militantinremission · 6 years
Conflicted By Cosby Narrative
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I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the whole story behind Bill Cosby's behavior, or all of the details behind Andrea Constand's accusations. I personally think that Dr. Cosby is guilty of adultery, but i'm not sure of any of the other accusations. I don't mean to come off as insensitive to the [dozens of] Women that came forward against him. For me, there are too many conflicting stories to be sure what is accurate.
I feel the need to say that Black America has developed a [substantiated] group paranoia over the Centuries. Out of this paranoia, come Our Urban Legends. Among the most popular, is the belief that a White Woman's word can get a Black Man killed- no questions asked. Carolyn Bryant Donham's accusation of Emmit Till is the classic example. The current trend of White Women calling in false reports, opens the door to more tragedies like the 'Scottsboro Boys' & the 'Central Park 5'
Another popular Urban Legend, is the assumption that Bill Cosby is being targeted, because he wanted to buy the NBC Network. The N.Y. Times broke the Story in 1992, but buzz about Cosby's intentions go back to the Late 80's. Then NBC Owner, General Electric downplayed Dr. Cosby's intentions, & said the network wasn't for sale. It didn't matter, because a New Age was dawning.
At the time, Reginald Lewis acquired Beatrice Foods Inc, becoming the first Black Billionaire in America. Ron Brown, was named Bill Clinton's Secretary of Commerce; the first Black American to hold the position, Post Reconstruction. Across the board, Black Men & Women were beginning to make their presence known in their respective Industry.
Sadly, Ron Brown died [mysteriously] in a plane crash, in Eastern Europe; en route to a European Economic Summit in Croatia. Reginald Lewis fell ill & died from Cancer, not too long after making history. They were taken in the Prime of their lives, but both became role models for the Next Generation of Black Entrepreneurs.
I never heard a formal announcement, but again, rumors about Cosby's intentions go back to the 1980s. A Wilhelmina Model reported in 2014 that back in 1982, her Photographer set up an appointment for her to meet w/ a Casting Agent about a film project. She says two Men- an Asian Man in his 50s, & a White Man in his 30s met w/ her, & offered first $5K, then $10K Cash to work w/ Bill Cosby.
She requested a meeting w/ Dr. Cosby, to go over the script, but was told it wasn't necessary. This was a Spontaneous Casting Call... According to the 'script', she was suppose to meet Dr. Cosby, & try to seduce him. She was supposed to record the 'audition', to determine her success & credibility. If she could deliver seductive photos of Dr. Cosby, along w/ some of his sperm(?), she would get an additional $5K.
She says that she was uneasy about the 'Project', so she excused herself, & never returned. In her FYM Article, she goes on to say that she believed the two men were paying her to discredit Bill Cosby, & is "100% convinced that all of the women coming foward have been paid off to discredit Bill Cosby as well". The implication was that Dr. Cosby was getting too big (for his britches); he was grasping beyond his reach. He was empowering People of Color!
Black America took the (Russian Mob related) murder of Ennis Cosby as a message for Bill to back up... Along that vein, it was assumed that Michael Jackson was targeted for his interest in Sony Music; as well as acquiring the Publishing Rights of Rock & Roll Hall of Famers like Little Richard, & The Beatles. Prince was similarly targeted for winning Ownership of His Song Masters from Warner Music.
The Criminal Case of Andrea Constand against Bill Cosby is one of legal precedence. Ms. Constand alleges that Dr. Cosby raped her in January, 2004, but she didn't come forward until 2005. The D.A. admitted there wasn't enough evidence to bring criminal charges against Cosby, so Constand took him to Civil Court. In that Civil Trial, Dr. Cosby agreed to a ($3.4M) settlement, but was required to give a sworn deposition.
He was assured by the Montgomery County D.A.'s Office that his statement would be sealed, to protect him from possible self incrimination @ a future date. Oddly, Cosby's Defense did not request Immunity; maybe They thought it was implied, when the D.A.'s Office sealed the deposition. In the end, Dr. Cosby complied, & Ms. Constand was paid.
The precedent set in this last Cosby Trial, centers on the fact that the current Montgomery County D.A. overturned the decision made by that same Office to seal Dr. Cosby's Civil Trial Deposition. Did the D.A. know that Cosby did not have a formal Grant of Immunity; just an assurance from the D.A.'s Office, under the previous D.A.?
This D.A. ran on the promise that he would put Dr. Cosby back on Trial. A Jury already declared a Mistrial on these Charges last Year, but the D.A. says Constand deserves a verdict. This is on top of the Civil Trial that ended more than 10yrs earlier. On top of everything else, Cosby accusers forget that Andrea Constand already settled her Case & collected her money.
The more one looks @ this 'Criminal Case', the more one may ask: Why are We here? The D.A. was successful in painting Dr. Cosby as someone w/ a proclivity for adultery- a serial adulterer. Labelling an Octogenarian a 'Violent Sexual Predator', is overkill. The label is obviously meant to smash the 'America's Dad' image. Cosby's deposition says that he acquired drugs to give to women he sought for sex, but is accused of slipping Women drugs; quaaludes in particular.
Problem is, none of the accusations can be substantiated. There is only one account, & then, the young lady requested it. Beverly Johnson's account was spotlighted by Media. She says her incident w/ Cosby occurred while they were rehearsing lines. For some unknown reason, Beverly not only returned to the Set; she finished rehearsal, then shot the episode, all after her alleged violation.
In an interview following David Bowie's death, Iman said she couldn't believe Beverly Johnson's account. She went on to say back then, news like that would've spread through the Modelling World like wildfire. Bill would be untouchable. The implication was that he was a serial dater, not someone slipping Women quaaludes. If Beverly's account were true, no one would want to be left alone w/ him. In the Case of Andrea Constand, she was given a benadryl for an allergic reaction. Hardly a date rape drug. According to Dr. Cosby's (sealed) deposition, they were drinking cognac; perhaps that is the culprit.
In any case, Ms. Constand made contact w/ Dr. Cosby on 19 different occasions, following the alleged rape. In her written statement, Camille Cosby accused the D.A. of ethics violations, including producing a witness (Andrea Constand) that perjured herself. She continues, "Moreover, Bill Cosby's Defense team introduced the testimony of a witness [Margot Jackson] who confirmed that the district attorney's witness admitted that she had not been sexually assaulted, but that she could say she was and get money... which is exactly what she did."
Others point to a Kinder Morgan connection to Dr. Cosby, in Shelburne Falls, Ma. Kinder Morgan, is The 3rd largest Energy Company in North America, worth approximately $125B. They are the largest Energy Infrastructure Company in North America; responsible for 80,000 miles of pipeline & 180 Terminals. The Energy Company's Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company wants to construct a $341M Natural Gas Pipeline through Shelbourne Falls, as part of a $3.75B Northeast Pipeline Extension Project. The Cosbys have been against the Project; since being notified in 2013, of The Company's intention to survey their land.
The Cosbys own hundreds of acres of Protected Land in Shelbourne Falls. They were concerned that the proposed Project "shows disrespect for humans, flora, & fauna." They were also "astounded" that all six New England Governors support the Project. Camille Cosby wrote an op- ed, in March 2014 that questions the motives of a Company beholden to shareholders, more than Nature. She & Dr. Cosby later joined protesters against the Pipeline in July, 2014. Conspiracy Theorists believe that the Cosby Family angered people @ Kinder Morgan; to the point that They wanted to assassinate his Character & his Legacy.
Fast forward to Oct. 17, 2014- Comedian Hannibal Burress accuses Bill Cosby of Rape during his Stand up routine. The floodgates opened! By mid November, Women like Janice Dickenson were accusing Cosby of [graphic] past Rape acts. Around this time, The Washington Post was asking: If Bill Cosby was accused of rape 8yrs ago, why is the story going viral now? A rumor circulates soon after, that P.R. Man Rick Berman, aka, "Dr. Evil" was contracted by Kinder Morgan to take down Dr. Cosby. A tape later surfaces, where Berman brags how he can take down Celebrities for Clients w/o having actions traced back to him.
All things being said & done, i'm conflicted by Cosby. No question he is more than just a very gifted Writer & Actor. But he clearly has another side. Black America was hard pressed for Role Models on TV; Cosby, like O.J. fit a model that appealed to Both Americas. In the end, Cosby believed his own hype. He mistook The 'Cos' for 'Heathcliff Huxtable'. I guess it must be something like Undercover Cops staying 'Under' too long(?). He played a straight shooter so long, that he forgot he wasn't squeaky clean. Now Cosby has to deal w/ a new image & label- Violent Sexual Predator.
Talking Heads let it roll off their tongues w/a frightening ease. It's like 'The Powers That Be' couldn't wait to push that narrative of Cosby. Sen. Lindsey Graham, on @ least two occasions, used Cosby as a reference for 'The' Sexual Predator, in his defense of Brett Kavanaugh... That opens the door to an interesting comparison- Bill Cosby & Brett Kavanaugh measure up pretty well. Kavanaugh was quick to tout his Academic Standing & Community Service- his pedigree, when pressed on his demeanor @ Social Events.
Cosby could have done the same. He could have touted his academic proficiency, Humanitarian Awards, or the Tens of Millions of dollars donated to Charity; particularly, Historical Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) over the years. There is also the number of Jobs that he created for his TV Shows & Concerts...
Ironically, a 'Gang' of Old Conservative White Men stepped in to rescue Kavanaugh, when he faltered. They employed [coded] wordplay in their language, to assure him that all of the brouhaha was moot; he WILL be confirmed. Meanwhile, the same 'Gang' that once lauded Cosby, abandoned him; almost from the beginning.
Phylicia Rashad appears correct in saying this whole thing is about Legacy. The Cosby Show was an inspiration to Black America. The Black 'Professional Class' flourished during the time that the Show aired. Young Men & Women were attending College & Post Grad Programs in larger numbers. Taking the Show off the air was detrimental, not just to Dr. Cosby, but to the overall Image Hollywood portrays of the Black Community.
Actor Geoffrey Owens, is a causality of the conspiracy to discredit Bill Cosby. He admitted that taking 'The Cosby Show' out of syndication, was a factor in his decision to work @ Trader Joes. Dr. Cosby shared syndication royalties w/ his Cast & Crew, so Geoffrey may not be alone. Meanwhile, admitted child molester, Stephen Collins can enjoy collecting syndication royalties, from Networks that still air '7th Heaven'.
Dwelling on America's double standard Culture can be mind boggling. 81Yr Old Bill Cosby is led out of court in leg chains, facing a 3yr- 10yr Prison Term. He is expected to serve @ least 3yrs, but taking his age & health into account, i'm not very confident that he will survive the Experience. Meanwhile, GOP Conservatives- male & female, are arguing on behalf of Brett Kavanaugh; that speaking up after 30+ Yrs is not fair, unless the account can be substantiated. Dr. Ford comes across as credible, but...
When Autumn Jackson appeared in the mid 90s, claiming to be Cosby's daughter, she referred to a tryst that Cosby had w/ her mother in 1974- Why didn't these Women speak up then? From recent interviews, I understand that many were intimidated by his image & stature, but Cosby's fidelity was being questioned. Dozens of Women coming forward would have gained momentum.
Why is Autumn's mother, Shawn Thompson- Upshaw among the Women accusing Cosby of drugging & raping them? That wasn't her story 20yrs ago. Autumn & her partners in Crime (Jose Medina, Boris [Schmulevich] Sabas) were Tried & Sentenced for Extortion ($40M) in 1997. In that Trial, Cosby was a Witness for the Prosecution. In his testimony, Dr. Cosby revealed that he & Ms. Thompson did in fact have a brief affair.
He also admitted that he gave Ms. Thompson $100,000 over the years as 'hush money,' plus he gave her money for Autumn's Education & well being. Does Ms. Thompson- Upshaw think she has a legitimate argument 20yrs later? It's interesting how We are expected to forgive the 'trespasses' of America's Historical figures, but Bill Cosby is tossed out w/ the trash. How does this work? The 'Cos' was part of Hugh Hefner's Playboy crowd. He was a regular @ the Playboy Mansion, & talked about it in his Stand Up routine.
America celebrated Hef's polyamorous lifestyle, even after getting married. Charlie Sheen can be the irreverent Bad Boy, to the point of becoming HIV Positive. Cosby is basically the prototype of Tiger Woods, but he gets singled out for punishment. Meanwhile, Tiger (I'm not Black) Woods gets a second chance. He is currently being toasted by the same people that criticized him 5yrs earlier. R. Kelly is free to do Lord only knows what (w/ Young Black Women), but Society is satisfied w/ locking up a Legally Blind 81yr old in failing health, & calling him a Violent Sexual Predator... But it's not about Legacy though.
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