#maybe it’s bc I talked abt this with mint but it made me think about shadow and bone
petrichorium · 1 year
Reboots/adaptations that just unapologetically do their own thing instead of being bogged down by imitating what came before will always be better than the alternative imo
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krmzyn · 6 months
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~ Hii!! Welcome to my blog <3
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I’m Salem, but feel free to call me any of my DRselves names!
This blog is mostly for me to focus on shifting, though LOA/manifesting and lucid dreaming have also been pretty high up there for me atm!
I’m completely fine with any questions from anyone (shifters, non-shifters, even antis), just please be respectful. This inculudes questions about my first shift, but I prefer not to talk about it, but I might answer some 💟 (please send asks i love answering questions /lh)
Note: I’m formatting this on mobile and am pretty new to tumblr so. i literally have no clue what im doing 😇
Double note: This is gonna be like. the only formatted post on my page. I absolutely cba and most of my posts r probably just gonna be like. shitposting 😚
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About me!
Again, hi, I’m Salem, but you lot can call me any of my DR names <3
They/Them pronouns, I don’t care too much about them though
I’m chronically British 🧍‍♂️ Also genetically a little Irish 😇 (also bst/gmt timezone 😚)
I crawled here from Tiktok. I use wayyy too much tiktok slang 😚 I also rlly appreciate tone tags being used!
15, Scorpio & audhd!
Genuinely a little stupid. Just a lil bit.
I also do art!! Idk if I’ll really post it here but. yah 💟
I have pretty bad social anxiety and general anxiety issues, so I don’t really socialise online that much <3
Likes & Dislikes!
I LOVE cats with my entire soul <33 Also honestly animals in general.
I hate mint. Its just sososoo eww 😇
I like the sciences 😚 (biology >>> chemistry > physics. fight me /j)
I really don’t like step ladders 😭 I’m stood there wobbling like a dog on a cat tower I just can’t with them
I love candles n incense a lot!! I have this adorable little tea light holder that’s like a little tree with birds and these little cages for the tea lights and I just ADORE it smsmsmm <3
I hate walking around barefoot 😭 Like idm the idea of it but its just like. u never know whats been on those floors >:( Also carpets feel ew
I like rambling about my drs and random stuffs I like 😇
I don’t like bacon. The little fat bits are all stringy and its just sososo bleh
I love a bunch of the ‘cringe’ kid roblox games. Like adopt me (bc collecting just makes me feel mwah) and royale high (mostly for christmas atp bc. I have feelings abt it 😇) and pet sim, also others. I shiny hunt on pokemon ultra moon as well! (I have a grudge against shiny lugia but i love it /lh)
(I was trying to do a like-dislike kinda pattern but iii cant think of anymore dislikes shshh) I like doing legos and oragami occasionally! I just enjoy being able to do stuff with my hands 😚
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My DRs (in order. maybe.)
Note: NONE of my DRs have traumatic or violent events. Any with that stuff as main plot points has either been altered or is some kind of AU. Made that mistake once, not making it again <3
- Altered OR
- Demon Slayer / KNY
- Pokémon
- Rick & Morty
- Backrooms
- MHA (mixed on it atm)
- Supernatural (considering & trynna figure out some kinda au 🧍‍♂️)
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My current manifestations!
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That’s about it!! Ty for reading and I hope you guys enjoy my posts 😚
-Love, Sal <3
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Last shift: ~2021 Shifted 1x
Last ‘minishift’: ? Minishifted ~3x
Last lucid dream: ? Lucid dreamed 1x
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
for the character meme: hewitt and/or twooney
ty for the ask!
hewitt best
favorite thing about them i think it's how caring he is where when he tries and talks to someone they never really feel misunderstood, he has a sense of fairness that he really strives to hold himself to
least favorite thing about them hes in the vault ://///// idk if that counts so i will say the way that he doesnt really get how to assert his boundaries when he's not the face of something or talking for other people. please take care of urself king.
favorite line [blaseball radio 2 voice] hewitt best hits a grand slam!
brOTP while i WOULD talk abt his relationship with pdz, also marco stink and hewitt roommates is genuinely one of the best things we've ever done. imagine you're a pretty normal and decent guy and then your roommate is an incredibly endearing but hyper active and not very smart bug. hes a good guy he will also just embarrass you accidentally at any given moment.
OTP i think he and yeong-ho garcia should date. bring back crowmmunism that shit was so cute
nOTP women. idk really maybe leach but i feel like thats a cop out.
random headcanon no one is allowed to yell at me or be weird about this but he uses grindr so often like marco is the person who made his text tone the grindr sound bc he associates it with him. he deliberately tries to sleep with blaseballs most famous men. its just so so funny bc everyone teases him for it too just lmfao
unpopular opinion reluctant friends with tillman forged in the hall. they went to the vault together after all.
song i associate with them material girl by madonna <3
favorite picture of them so uh. this one hasnt been posted anywhere. but its my pfp on ao3 of hewitt in the pissfaggot jacket from disco elysium.
favorite thing about them she's literally not even a scientist on the breath star she has a PhD in art history and you know what that's really sexy of her to not know anything about science and live in space
least favorite thing about them stop voicemailing to the rotation you are not a good pitcher twooney and are SO much better at stealing
favorite line when we got yo hitter and twooney moved to the lineup like <33 shes so good at stealing
brOTP actually you know what. also marco. i think she would just really enjoy talking at him and he'd respond like he does and she just. engages him fully in the conversation even if all he's saying is What! on that day she just talks to him
OTP truthfully i've never thought about this but wouldnt it be funny if atlas guerra and twooney- jk jk... unless 👀
nOTP idk the moon. she kinda lives there and thats her clones wife. kinda weird.
random headcanon she named the birds after dead breath mints to keep her company in space like... thats not even my hc but i just think its so sweet. shes a big bird person, and even though she didnt KNOW any of those breath mints it makes her feel closer to the team in those early seasons. also shes still a mad scientist she just has absolutely NO reason to be and has no justification for it.
unpopular opinion i think twooney shouldnt be white actually
song i associate with them just a girl by no doubt #girlboss!
favorite picture of them toasts once drew this picture of short haired twooney and i think about it Often
send me a character and i'll answer these things about them!
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constablegoo · 3 years
@astralglam​​​​ filed a report .
mint: does your muse view themself as virtuous & moral? what do these words mean to them?
OHOHO. hey hi ily. this is, of course, one of odo’s deepest ongoing battles, and the moment he stops questioning it is the moment he becomes a founder.
the founders grant themselves god status.  GOD!  status. they just reach out and pluck it. Within their range of power, the founders become unquestionably Just and Virtuous and Moral, their Word becomes Law, it becomes “the way things are” and “fact” and they create their own reality stemming from thousands of years of intense xenophobia. they’re above it all. gods don’t make mistakes, right? sure, maybe changelings were hunted and feared ages ago but they still fear it, and that drive for Order and Control over the galaxy is now encoded into their genes and they place a companion structure into the genes of every other species they control, subjugating them to the founders’ own cozy position as Gods, or-- ‘gods’. the founder (i rly don’t like saying “female” founder so she’s THE Founder. she speaks for the link.) makes it quite clear on many occasions that the founders are not here to negotiate. they fully intend to control EVERYTHING at any cost. it is absolutely  chilling  when she cuts garak down with: “they’re dead. you’re dead. cardassia is dead.” and draws the line between the dominion and everyone else miles deep into the sand.
that same genetic coding is one of the first semi-concrete things odo comes to understand about himself and, horribly, he’s landed into conditions under the occupation that very easily could have taken advantage of a less meticulous or stubborn changeling. no, odo says initially (and incorrectly), i am not bajoran** and i am not cardassian and i stand apart from either side of this conflict and so i am bound to PURE Virtue and Morality because of it. he can’t be bribed or bought or won over, and he won’t allow for anything less than a kind of incorruptibility. this effectively wins him allies (and enemies) on both sides, however -- that’s just not how the universe works. the truth of it is that no matter how much he tells himself he is not a part of their regime, his working with the cardassians makes him a collaborator in that he has then recognized their authority and ultimately upheld their legitimacy, even if he never agreed with the cause, even if he was also on some level a casualty of it. at some point when he moves past ‘contract’ investigation and begins to work permanently, he falls into the trap of thinking Order is the same thing as Justice... huge yikes. in that moment he becomes a true and apathetic villain, but he’s subsequently haunted by the resulting execution of innocents. it shakes something up in him. years pass and he still wonders, what other mistakes has he made? what other less direct consequences of his ‘neutral’ arbitration exist? he (and everyone around him) has to live without really knowing, and it’s a constant reminder to him of the power he holds and it informs his understanding of what Real (and imperfect) Justice Means.
**sidenote but later in s7 he introduces himself as ‘from bajor’ and AAAAAA. its good. very good. yeah, you’re bajoran, odo. he gets it now.
Mirror odo is really the ultimate example of an odo having taken those instincts to extremes in an environment that rewarded him for them -- there is no guilt there, and even a sadistic kind of pleasure in it. i’d argue that gaia!odo is another, less extreme example of an odo who’s been alone too long and lost sight of things when he single-mindedly (and against kira’s wishes) chooses her (one person) over 8000. like holy shit? NOT ok? uhhuhhhhfff. anyway. very fortunately, neither of these are OUR odo, but act as great foils to reflect on the worst (bastard cop) qualities or potential qualities of our goo pushed to highly visible extremes, which star trek just loves to do all the time.
but regular/prime odo isnt exactly a rule-follower, either. throughout his life, he frequently takes things into his own hands, uses his abilities to his advantage, spies, wiretaps, eavesdrops, and yes, harasses [quark] sometimes -- he develops his own set of values and personal rules and follows them; even starfleet comes in wary of him and how he operates and hes on thin ice. but because of possibly his most redeeming quality, odo is able to adapt those self-ordained values toward something increasingly honest: for how rigid he can be in personality, he is HIGHLY influenced by the world around him,  listens hard  to what his friends and allies have to say and adapts that feedback; this allows him to evolve and grow and take important matters to heart. he becomes more flexible and better able to hold onto what’s really most important after locking into a decision, because above all else, he is passionately committed to doing the Right Thing. he PLEADS with himself in things past, “your job is to find the truth, not obtain convictions.” by his tendency to push back against what is laid down as ‘law’ (something he becomes more and more aware of and effective at doing) as not always being good or right, or necessarily even creating Order (the thing he’s driven genetically to want), he prepares himself to challenge the most deadly voice of authority -- that of his own people.
so... yes and no. odo’s role and persona as ‘your average security chief’ might dictate that he be virtuous and moral, but he so obviously can’t fit the same exact mold as others in his position -- he has these insane abilities and this mind-consuming nature and it requires he tread with extra care, but he also has a potential for more adaptive, more nuanced morality. he has to build up his own definitions to the words, constantly examine and tease and test them, or else he risks straying too far from what he really wants to achieve -- harmony, honest justice. he has to accept that he’s a part of the system he operates in (not, in fact, alone or isolated! something he actually wants), and know that he is not exempt from making the wrong choice, just like anybody else.
carnation: what is your muse’s relationship with their gender? how do they express or not express this relationship?
ODO AND GENDER!!! i love odo and gender. let’s take this one step at a time. he starts out as an amorphous glob -- he has no gender. there’s no basis for assignment, no culture of difference, and all the goos are goo. odo takes on the shape of the first living thing he sees / the thing he sees most frequently: dr mora. he adopts an image of masculinity from mora and he adopts the hair. that’s about it, and it’s pretty much arbitrary. (maybe the hair is simple enough for his skills, too?) the next people odo meets are also these very masculine, military, cardassian leaders, so again -- this is all he knows! this is neutrality. i imagine it takes him some time to work out what the differences in gender are, and sex, and orientation, romantic vs sexual stuff, all of that. it’s all got cultural baggage he knows nothing about and does not experience, and he’s also dealing with multiple, clashing cultures to boot. since he doesnt have any strong inherent leaning, he simply opts out. he/him becomes his default because thats where he started, thats what he’s been able to successfully present and how people know him, and, terrifyingly, under cardassian rule, it probably offered a bit of safety, too, which was obviously something he needed at the time.
way way way way way down the line in season seven, odo asks kira to (paraphrasing) look at me. what do you see? [i see you.] but this is NOT me, this is only a shape ive assumed in order to fit in. she says, yes, i know that. but this is who you have chosen to be. “a man. a good and honest man.” (i knowww shes not really talking abt gender here BUT) its hard as a trans person not to read the metaphor. he’s chosen to express SOMETHING. he’s chosen something other than what he was given (neutrality) and although he doesnt personally buy into what ‘masculinity’ “should be” (ie the ferengi, smh) / would certainly not argue he doesnt feel non-binary, this is how he has presented all his life, its how hes been treated, and it is what he has chosen to adhere to. there’s a choice in that, kira’s right, and now it reflects something about him.
parallel this, i’ll mention the “female” founder again bc of course there is no discernable reason for her to have a gender -- other than to appeal (im not talking sexually here although there’s,, obviously weird shit happening with the link... yike) to odo in the sense that until that point odo has lived with “gendered” individuals and, i think importantly, kira is with them when they first meet. i think its safe to say the founder saw her, figured she was a friend/ally to odo or at least familiar to him, and took her general representation to appeal as a friend/ally.
otherwise... why, honestly? the founder’s got NO love of humanoids lmao why would she bother.
anyway i’d like to see odo experiment a bit. because when hes safe, he can!! aside from his own doubts and insecurities about shapeshifting, at some point he really has no reason not to, at least a little bit. really, it should just be another thing to practice, much like becoming a convincing rock or a leaf, its just that there are other significances in the cultures around him. i’d just like to see him loosen up a little. have fun. grow ur hair out a bit, odo, why are u still looking like ur terrible dad.
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chaoticoconut · 5 years
(and so can you!! alfkvoekfndnej does anyone get that reference anyhoo)
I couldn't NOT post these idk I was showering and then I was hit with a mf tornado of hcs about my favorite gal and I figured I'd share :))))
Barbara and Tim are actually the most potty mouthed members of the batfam, excluding Kate. Jason is close, but only when he's upset (which probably seems trivial bc he's yk always upset but I hc him a pretty chill if not bitter and snarky guy). Tim cusses more when he's tired, but he consciously tries to bite his tongue. Barbara has no remorse and cusses very casually and openly, because she sees no point in abstaining. It releases endorphins guys. Duh. She uses those ridiculous "holy heck Batman!" lines as Batgirl unless she's genuinely thrown off her game. She limits her cussing a lot as Oracle bc she's not one to offend people, and you never know. It's most definitely a civilian thing for her, and anyone who knows Babs knows she's a fucking sailor.
Her favorite food of all time is pizza. Her dream house has a brick pizza oven. She has a food blog with every pizzeria in the greater Gotham area ranked from best to worst. Her favorite of all time is the Gotham Pizza Garden, which is located in Old Gotham near the police station. Technically it's the second best pizza in Gotham, second to Gargoyle Pie Company, which is renowned for being the epitome of Gotham-style pizza and is always busy. She has a lot of memories of GPG though, and loves both pies. GPG also has an incredible Chicago style pizza, which is her second favorite type of pizza. She does however believe Gotham style is superior and thinks less of Dick for disagreeing (@blanddcheadcanons tie-in heyo!!) Very few things make Babs as happy as gourmet pizza.
She grew up watching Teenage Mutant Turtles, Powerpuff Girls, and Star Trek. They all hold a very special place in her heart. There is totally a connection between her love of pizza and TMNT and turtles and mixed martial arts. She once got the boys to go as the turtles for Halloween, with her crushing it as April.
Speaking of turtles, she's had a pet turtle named after icon Nichelle Nichols since high school. Yes, she does call her Shelly. Yes it's cliche. No she does not care. She also has a calico cat named Cornflake that Dick gave her as a birthday present. She doesn't have pet dogs until she and Dick finally settle down. She never had them growing up because her father is allergic and her mother was a devout cat lady. She's not really sure why she never got any on her own, she's just more familiar with cats. After her mom passed away, she did get a bunch of bunnies whom she and JJ named after their favorite horror movie monsters and serial killers.
She loves slasher flicks. It's a family thing. JJ was creepy about it, Jim loves the thrill, Babs loves the mythos, and her mom was never really afraid of anything and found them funny.
She inherited her mother's love for baking. She left her her cookbook, which contains an amazing mixed berry pie recipe. Her pie baking abilities rival Alfred's. She even begins to branch out with her recipes and experiment with all sorts of fillings and even cake-pies (fanfic au tie-in heyo). Everybody loves a Barbara baked good. She knows everyone's faves and literally crushes holiday season. Dick is all about the og mixed berry pie, whereas Jay, who loves lemon everything (hc I saw awhile ago that I just love) prefers either a lemon meringue or a raspberry lemon. Tim is all about strawberry open face while Steph prefers cherry cheesecake or pecan pie. Cass and Bruce both love her cinnamon apple pie. Duke loves just about anything she bakes, but especially her more adventurous, contest winning pies like kiwi-blueberry-black cherry and other originals. Kate will die for Babs' cherry pie. Damian prefers blackberry or mixed like Dick. Alfred is a sweet potato pie kind of guy himself. There's a farmer's market in Blüdhaven her mother went with her to when she was a kid that Barbara still goes to get get all the fresh fruit.
Even better than Barbara or Alfred baking alone is them baking together. Roy Harper is also a pretty good baker. They all trade recipes with Martha Kent. M'gann brings wine to the manor and assembles them all for fun days of baking.
She's also totally the type of gal who made a shit ton of cupcakes when she ran for class prez and stayed I from Batgirl duties to finish them. Just saying.
She picks baking back up as Oracle but several hero emergencies lead her to burn perfectly good desserts.
She and Roy will always have puppy-love crushes on one another and be totally oblivious. They both did ballet as kids, love baking, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, shameless empty flirting, and tech. They're completely platonic and really great lifelong friends. They met at a Wayne gala as kids.
As if she wasn't already talented enough, she's completely ambidextrous. I'm jealous. Dick and Wally are left handed. Bruce is similarly ambi. Selina's a leftie. Maybe Alfred too.
She likes to enter contests and win for fun. She's a monster. Everything from baking to video games to weight lifting, she loves showing people up.
Dick, Babs, and Tim all snore atrociously loud. The batfam hates it. She's the quietest out of them all, but she's also a blanket hog. And a major cuddler.
Her favorite colors are grey and green. Purple does deserve an honorable mention however. Her apartment is a fair mix of green and grey decor and covered in books.
She was a total ballerina growing up, just like her mom wanted. That was until she discovered how kick ass martial arts were, and she got a little too jacked to continue with ballet as a formidable career option. Her next best option is becoming a cop at this point, but her father believes that not only would it be far too dangerous but a waste of her skills (like ballet cough cough). This upsets her so much she goes off and invents Batgirl, complete with a stole grappling gun from evidence.
In college she works as a barista and excels at it. Her dream is to open up a cafe/bakery/flower shop with Dinah some day. She wants to call her half Bean Me Up Scotty! (another hc I saw and fell in love with)
Babs is also a pretty good cook being that she became the family chef at a young age (Jim can barbeque and make spaghetti. That's literally it. Maybe some breakfast). Cooking lessons from Alfred certainly helped.
Her personality is so versatile. She can get along with pretty much anyone due to her wide range of interests and skills which is what makes Oracle so bad ass. She's also a Libra so she adapts fairly easily to any group without seeming fake.
She has a podcast where she rants about tech and feminism and politics and plays video games
She SO took Latin in high school and dominated competitions. She loves classical studies and is a dork for Greek and Roman mythology as well as linguistics. She has a pretty good grasp on all of the romance languages, and learns languages fairly quickly.
She always smells like mint and books. She has killer mint shampoo and conditioner, which is a Kean family thing (they just love the scent). She always smells refreshing.
She likes coffee but prefers tea always. She's like Ramona Flowers with tea
Her music taste is total 90s nostalgia (grunge, boybands, air pop, ska, hip hop) meets far too indie 4 u. Yes she's pretentious. Yes she loves chick rock and *NSYNC and Britney and Kurt Cobain and Biggie and deal with it. She also loves shit you've never even heard of. Was totally into the Gotham punk scene as a teen.
She collects vinyl and books and horror flicks ugh hipster queen
She loves spicy food and Dick cannot stand it. They both like sour candy though
If your Barbara Gordon didn't graduate high school at 16 she doesn't have rights
She was all of the Robin's first crush. Duh. Tim will always think she's the gold standard of women. He likes that she usually sticks up for him. He doesn't mind being seen as her male equivalent lmao
At some point Jay and Babs are roommates and it's literally the best I'll talk abt that later
Her type is guys with dark hair or blonde gals.
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luckdies · 4 years
Tagged by @unwiht​ uvu I’ll always answer questions abt me
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
black and fuchsia ... it’s like really old 
2. Name a food you never eat?
mushrooms bc i’m suspicious of them
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
it varies every 30 min tbh
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
ranting to my patient bf
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
hm.... mint kitkat
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Oh yes lots. As a kid my group sang the anthem at hockey games (and chirstmas carols in front of town hall). I’ve been to many baseball games
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
something about the ppl throwing around serious words 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
mint! chocolate! chip!
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
white grape juice nO WAIT pepsi
10. Do you like your wallet?
it’s fine, it’s a big yellow beast with pineapple designs
11. What was the last thing you ate?
a failed chocolate lava cake
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
lol I last bought clothes nearly a year ago
13. The last sporting event you watched?
uhhhhhhmmmmm.... no earthly idea
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
movie theater butter OR local fair kettlecorn if that counts
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
my dad, unfortunately, to yell at him for opening my mail asdkhtjlf
16. Ever go camping?
Oh yeah, took a whole camping road trip from Texas to North Idaho last year
17. Do you take vitamins?
No but I probably should
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
no absolutely not that involves judgmental Catholics in 20yo dresses
19. Do you have a tan?
mm I haven’t had a tan since I got too old for swim team I think
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese food bc variety babyyy
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
uhm not out of a can but if in a cup yes
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
black I think? 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
people don’t?
24. What terrifies you?
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
a blanket pile
26. What chore do you hate?
Dishes - horrible sensory.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
hm uh. Australia?
28. What’s your favorite soda?
vanilla coke mmm
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? 
I actually rather like to sit and chill in a fast food place esp if wifi
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?
currently my housemate and friend, CC
31. Favorite cut of beef?
If it’s beef I’m eating it, no complaints.
32. Last song you listened to?
uhmmm (goes to youtube) .... Dua Lipa - IDGAF
33. Last book you read?
currently Pearls of Lutra (part of the Redwall series by Brain Jacques)
34. Favorite day of the week?
hm time is fake I lost a whole ass Tues and Wed this week so
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Yes but with difficulty.
36. How do you like your coffee?
as ice cream
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
I wear my mint green sneakers everywhere with everything
38. The time you normally go to sleep?
Hahaha god only knows when I will sleep next.
39. The time you normally get up?
*distressed laughing*
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
Sunsets feel so peaceful
41. How many blankets on your bed?
A heated blanket, a purple light fleece, a thick anime merch one, and a king size gray weighted ... so 4
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
White cornell set with dainty tiny little pink flowers on the edges
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
bourbon, preferable with cranberry juice and maybe orange zest 
44. Do you play cards?
Sure. I’m decent at spades
45. What color is your car?
I had a white one... which died a brutal death. She hasn’t been replaced.
46. Can you change a tire?
In theory. Don’t think I have the arm strength anymore
47. Your favorite province?
What is this? Canada?
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?
Face painting at the local race track!! Kids are so funny:)
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
Cosmetic/reconstructive??? surgery on my hand (twice)
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?
mmm I existed in the room w my housemate which they claim counts
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hentaiibb · 4 years
・。◝ ( 20, she/her , female , kim yerim/yeri ) i just saw SUNNY KIM , sorry , **IBIZA leaving the headquarters , listening to OBLIVION by grimes . even though the DRIVER has been working for the crew for two whole years , i still wonder how did they end up here all the way from LOS ANGELES, USA ?? do you also think of petal pink acrylics turning the pages of kimetsu no yaiba, circle lens glares behind heart-shaped glasses, pouty lips sucking on mint juuls, and iridescent stickers when you see them ?? it must be because they're so assertive and energetic , but also kind of ditzy and obnoxious . ( joo , 20 , she/her , gmt-8 . )
owo what's this? hewwo this is ya giww joo bwinging the wowwd's biggest cwackhead n DAB, tanjiwo's futuwe gf : 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝓴𝓲𝓶 >w< >w< you can find me on discowd at suck dick get hit #3474 ow dm me hewe. 
u see, here's the thing abt sunny she's dumb.
 and not just the "maybe they just need a little time" or the "she's faking it, there's no way someone can be that bad" she is DUMB. but that's what happens when you spend your freetime sneaking out of class to watch anime on your phone, trading in boba stamp cards every weekend, flirting with your calculus tutor instead of actually learning.
 so why the fuck would someone that probably believes the earth is flat if an IG post said so be recruited?
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- koreatown is boring because of all these dumb korean christian kids that only live for retreats, you live your fantasies through sexy anime mecha - you spend your days at the commercialized arcade playing rhythm games, racing games, and claw machines. people notice your fast reflexes, maybe you're onto something. - your bitchass gets into cosplay. they're terrible. people make fun of u and they r right. you become a little depressed, but anime's cousin, league, saves you. - high school kinda sucks 'causes you're broke as fuck but you wanna look cute like those dumb kids who think they're gonna be the next kpop star. so you stop shoplifting. haha fuccckkk capitalism - your friends are dumber than you and call you for help. you, who has forgotten everything on your driving test, push the pedal and rescue them.
- wow, you seem to be good at something.
- you become the getaway driver, speeding away in your 2002 honda civic. people are terrified that the car will blow up at die, but you aren't even aware how much damage you're doing. - your makeup skills are improving, your clothes are quality, and you can afford your 9-step k-beauty. word spreads on social media and underground. - people start hiring you for their personal getaway reasons ; your only demands are a nice car, some cash, and controlling the aux. - belle delphine becomes your idol. fuck college, stupid nerdy losers. you're making bank driving nice cars recklessly, streaming LOL, and watching all the anime you want. - you have talent, but you can't manage it, making poor deals that can leave you in danger or screwed. your quick reflexes from years of arcade and league are handy at getting out of situations, and you own so many cosplay wigs & contact lenses that it's hard to decipher what you really look like. - so the professor comes with an offer: work for him, shut down your twitch. in turn, you get to mod your own car, have premium anime accounts, and some money. - you're dumb, but not that dumb; you negotiate. you want a boob job for anime titty physics. - the professor stares at you. - you say that your decision is final. take it or leave it. - ok, boob job it is.  
- when not on major heists, you're busy ranking in league, selling sexy cosplays on patreon, and thinking about tanjiro.
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- selfish, dumb, and annoying.  - “whERE’S MY JUUL” - human adderall, may or may not pop one before heists to have a little fun - will not drive "until we are vibing". aux has to be hers. will range from vocaloid, to questionable psychedelic ambient music. - kinda unreliable bc she's too busy binging something to respond - always wearing acrylics, will remind you "most people can't do ____ properly, but i can with claws." - materialistic for the wrong reasons ; will probably not know nor car about the heist goals, but will be excited at the prospect of buying a new wig. - will ask a lot of questions then interrupt you with fake knowledge that she made up. - will tune you out if you talk too long - will call you ahjussi/ahjumma if you're korean and older than 25 - ok she sounds really bad, but she's not terrible - she's a chihuahua ; all talk no bite - will cry if you're too mean to her - will deliver u food if it is convenient - very proud of minor accomplishments, like frying an egg - kind of like an overbearing child - self-conscious of her intelligence - at the end of the day, she just wants some support and praise, after being neglected all of her life - and yeah, she's not the kindest person or the most useful - but she tries her best sometimes, and that's gotta be worth something.
i promise sunny isn’t too overbearing !! but i did want to portray a weeby, attention-starved child who jus wants a little acknowledgement in life. her dynamics are fun to play with, so pls hmu ! ! i lov plotting.
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sanchoyo · 4 years
Do you have any really crack-y ships for TMM? I have a lot but for some reason ships that aren't Ichigo-involved or Purin/Taruto are really rare in this fandom...
I wouldn’t say theres too many ships I dislike (except maybe kisshigo but I can tolerate it at this point since its such a huge one) so I’m sure some of mine..might be considered crack? The thing is, I don’t see any of the girls (minus pudding and ringo bc theyre so young) being shipped together as weird/crack bc they’re all already close friends? So altho I like..ichigo/any of the girls sdkjf I don’t see those as REALLY crack?? idk I’m pretty ok with most ships I guess? 
OK ACTUALLY no one talks about mint/kanna (I dont think anyone..besides me..cares abt kanna. shes a side chara from (1) episode, the one with her/mint feuding and shes trying SO hard to get mints attention??) I LOVE THEM TOGETHER UGH I could talk abt that for a min if anyone cared as much as I do. I’ve made fanart I think altho I can’t remember if I posted it (?? maybe its buried on my art blog??) 
everyone always also is lke pai/zakuro vs lettuce/pai, bc pai Always gets shipped with either of those (2) and i’m like. Hey. what if. zakuro/lettuce. its really good and the colors are good together and I’m very ambivalent about pai anyway as a character 
also I always ALWAYS love kisshu/oc over any kisshu/canon characters?? bc I dislike him/ichigo a lot, and I seriously doubt after seeing him treat ichigo like that any of the canon mews would be for him (at least not immediately). so I adore when ppl make ocs and ship them with him, like esp when its an oc that Will Not Take Shit !! (ideally this is in the future when hes over ichigo too so theres no weird conflicted feelings. I’m not saying I have (2) ocs I ship him with but...yeah. ocs/canon is always good anyway imo)
oh since I mentioned pudding and ringo earlier. theyre the same age. and pudding is outgoing and ringo is shy and I could see them, when they’re older, dating? I feel like pudding would date both her and tart and itd be cute (I’m a fan of polyships tho)
I would love to hear other ppls “”crack”” ships bc I AM a fan of ships like that!! 100% !! 
thank u for asking!!
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jess1820 · 6 years
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ti amo nyc! seeing phoenix 3x with feenix friends (jul 5 - 7 2018)
So! 3 days of phoenix with wonderful people in new york (my first time in nyc!), I don’t even know where to begin x.x (Pictures are on IG, video on YT). The Speciale shows are beautiful and incredible, and the boys put so much thought, detail, and love into it all. It was one of the best experiences in my life and it was so fun seeing everyone at the shows!!
under the cut is pretty much a rambling summary of the shows (amazing and adorably decorated), cute moments, and when we met them (ft. my fav convo with branco abt pokemon and witnessing brotherly tension) 
💘 @andersfel @funkyphoenixfan @thesunwillshineagain
7/5 | Night 1 💗
the show The show was amazing! It had been 7 months since I had last seen them. We were between Deck and Chris, I settled for the second row (I could have squished to the barrier but it was more comfortable to just be behind a little). That day was super humid and hot, so this show was probably the most sweatiest, but so satisfying. It was such a fun time! We got consolation prizes which is always super great! And countdown for Mads aaaaa (it was her 21st birthday, guess who (Chris ofc) sung to her 😭!!!) It was such a beautiful moment. They played Goodbye Soleil first and she was a bit down, but once it finished, COUNTDOWN happened! She was so happy it was the best reaction (what a complete 180 lol). Telefono was such a tune to hear live, I loved it! They were using the telefono booth instead of the red telephone (after the show you could get a polaroid in the booth for $1, such a cute idea whaaaa!!).
I thought for the Speciale they chose to use different guitars (Chris’s mint green, Branco’s array of guitars (black and red) instead of the og guitars (telecaster and cream bullet), but turns out they just didn’t have their regular guitars in time because their gear was still being held by air france until the 4th show lol.   
after the show
thomas After the show, we went outside to wait (we should have wandered the disco afterparty that was happening inside! The boys were hanging out meeting fans). About an hour later, Thomas came outside first wearing a white tee and backpack on. It was a small group outside so he went around to everyone, signing stuff and taking photos, and he hugged everyone too! He was so nice and gentle as usual. He left shortly after because he said it was past his kids bedtime and he had to put them into bed, something sweet like that 😭. Romy was at the show (with we think, Cedric’s daughter?) and they were helping run the merch stand! It was too cute!! They were so sweet. They were also in front of the barrier at some songs on the far right jumping and having such a good time during the show! It was so pure. (And I guess Vee is bffs with Romy now hahaha).   
deck Ok next up, Deck came out and was very chatty and goofy. He didn’t go to the afterparty. Vee said something about him being a charmer and he imitated playing a violin to be romantic, oh, he is so precious. Deck was really examining the Rally single I brought to get signed and he was like oh this is very rare and was looking at it, front and back. He was so nice and so cute 💘.
branco (and chris) Branco came out next and was so pretty wearing a koi fish print shirt. He has the best shirts. B was very friendly. Mads brought up the Coco thing (he signed as Coco on her INBLT booklet from the Manila show) and we got to hear him talk about his nickname again, it was so sweet and precious (his nieces call him Coco if you need a refresher). I love hearing him speak in general aaaa (you know me). Gotta say I also loved hearing him yell “Monsieur Mazzalai” at Chris because he was the last one needed to sign Mad’s awesome jacket. Chris made a face at him 😂. I had a few minutes with B and I am v happy he signed his name with the music note doodle! Sadly I didn't have the time to get to Chris bc he had to leave in a separate car (the rest of the boys got into one van, I remember Branco had a whole foods market bag aha). I did get to watch Chris run to the car with his suitcase which was funny and adorable, I love him. 
7/6 | Night 2 💗
the show They did long distance call!! Aaah! I was finally at the barrier, right between Thomas and Deck (literally the center can you believe it). The show was amazing as usual and they had balloons that would rain down on us in italian flag colors. It was at this show where a lot of balloons were falling onto the stage so Deck was using his bass and hitting the balloons (og it was so precious). He was having so much fun. I got a Deck wink during the show too aaa 💖 . Also, they played Lovelife with Giorgio Poi which was really cool! The boys had told us yesterday that they had a special planned for tonight, and this was that! And, I got to touch Thomas’s hair lol he was in our section a lot! 💘
after the show
so many faces We stayed for the afterparty because the boys had told us last night to stay and meet them here. It was funny because we were all awkward at the party so we followed them around like children while other people were actually partying.
We saw Sofia!!! She was gorgeous, literally radiating. It was unreal to see her in person. Cosima was with her! We also saw Chris’s girlfriend! Ah they were so cute (they were getting sake, dancing by the DJ, it was adorable). Chris was going around everywhere, drinking a lot of sake and beer lol. I flagged him down once to say hi and he said hello and he pat my back and LEFT 😂. So I had to flag him down again to ask for rally to be signed. It was a bit uncomfortable to follow them around and when there’s a moment/you get the guts to say hi they are either with someone else or with family and you’re just standing there so awkwardly lol. It’s easier to talk to them when they’re outside vs inside with music playing and it being a bit dark. I think we all agreed on this.
branco I also spotted Branco too! I found him near the back by the merch and asked for a photo again. My phone was such a failure that it took a while to get a photo so when it was done he asked if it was okay, twice 😭 (it’s still a bit blurry but I think it’s cute). Sweet bb koala you are so precious 🐨. 
7/7 | Night 3 💗
the show We were back at the barrier for the last night (for us), back to the right side between Deck and Chris. We got to hear playground love (waaaaaaah) and tuttifrutti! Playground love was so beautiful og 😭.
Throughout each night during sunskrupt, Branco would take a water break. A massive water break. He would drink water, keep the bottle at his lips and look into the screen, pondering life, then take another long drink of water. It was so long we were laughing and watching him drink water each night 😂 It was such a thing. I was that dork who took photos of this moment hahaha.
After playground love was countdown (when Chris came out, he brought his own guitar instead of picking up the one that was on stage, already tuned I think). Going into countdown, he had to put a capo on the guitar and tune it a bit, which took a very short amount of time but it was still something he had to do, and he was like ah merde! It was really funny and cute to hear him swear on stage since it was dead quiet 😂 
cute speciale things I tried their phoenix sake and took a polaroid in the telefono booth! It’s so cute. I also tried their childhood sandwiches on a “DAMN good baguette” (yeah they advertised it like this) and I gotta say, it sure was tasty. I didn’t get to try the gelato. Everything was so cute, they had ti amo balloons and a disco ball. They had a DJ too (I remember seeing Hedlund and Daniel Glass DJ-ing). The super mercato was so cool but I heard it kept breaking. Luckily I was able to get the pins and patches I wanted! (Though I didn’t notice they had a blue ti amo patch until it was too late!) The merch table also had a lot of cool merch and some old stuff from Bankrupt!. The entire vibe of the place was amazing. Every glass surface was graffitied with phoenix ti amo nyc 💘.  
after the show
chris and branco (ft. the greatest conversation) The afterparty this night felt a bit more natural for us. Maybe because we knew what to expect, but overall it was just more comfortable. At the party, we saw only Chris wandering around. We spoke to him and got to tell him we were all friends online and he was really surprised (it was cute). He was v thankful for us cheering so much! He was so smiley aaah. Mads finally was able to give him the cutest phoenix doodle she made (literal cutest he found himself and kept pointing to it 😭). I also remember a bit where Vee was talking about Deck’s spider pose and Chris was asking how to do it and then he tried to do it 😂 Chris is the best hahaha
After the venue kicked us out/ the party ended, we went outside and found that Branco was already outside talking to other fans. I was being silly on this last night and was speaking (was I loud?) about how cute he was to my friends and saying dumb things like look at those eyebrows and those cheeks (everything abt him is so cute ok i love this koala) and he stared into my soul 3 times (while talking to another group of fans) 🙈 and I didn’t know what to do im sorry for staring at u B 😭 💀 (you’re so pretty god!!)
Ok once it was our turn to talk to B, we talked to him abt…..pokemon 😂 (I don’t want to say too much but supposedly he has pokemon go and I love pokemon so you can imagine why we went down this path). It was a perfect opportunity since Vee also likes pokemon and her backpack featured the eevee evolutions. He was like ahh pokemon…. We asked him to pick a favorite from the backpack and I think he was confused (it was dark) and he pointed to eevee and named it as pikachu. The way he said it was so cute oh my god. He was like that’s pikachu (he said it twice). We were telling him that’s eevee and then he was saying that he is very old from another time, the shakespearean time. I think Vee then said he’s immortal or a vampire and he didn’t deny it. (idk why) I had to bring up the old cringe photoshoot they did where he looks like a vampire and he was watching and listening to me so intently as I was describing it. Mads saved it and just said it was posted on their IG and he was like ahh. (He probably was like these girls are so weird). Then he said that he knew the pokemon names but in french and so he pointed to vaporeon and said that’s aquali. It was SO CUTE. WOW. I can still hear his voice saying aquali. Literally so precious. 
Switching topics, Mads was asking if he saw the super cute doodle she did that she gave to Chris and I think he said he didn’t, but Chris said he showed him? (this part is a little fuzzy for me). Branco said that Chris never lies, called him over and then they were discussing if Chris had shown him/if Branco was present. Chris said that Branco probably forgot, then shortly after they started to speak in french to each other and we felt like shit was going down right in front of us omg (brothers fighting?!). At the end of it Branco opened his mouth without saying anything, then closed it, speechless (or, I thought of a cat showing its teeth lol) it was insane.  
Aaaaaa if you made it here thanks for reading 💗 It was such a cool time seeing phoenix with the feenix gang from online! I hope we all get to do it again in the future ✨ You all made this experience so memorable. 
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pwnyta · 2 years
(Same redesign anon) YES! Lemon looks so lanky and that doesn't do him any justice, I really like him but I wish he stand a bit straight y'know? Whipped cream looks good tho I think the way he stands fits his design and personality. As for the Dino...idk but he looks like a mess to me :( his hair and pants and the way he stands...idk. he's a great character but my god pls give him a nice standing rig.
Also im quite surprised that YOU LIKE PEACH OMGGGG! She is my absolute favorite character and it saddens me that nobody talks abt how cute she is! She reminds me of pucca as well and that reason made me just love her 1000 times more.
Also thank you for loving cotton candy and rye. My respect for you just 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Quite surprised that you like pomegranate. I thought you would hate her bc of what she did to DC (I would never forgive her just bc of that)
I didn't expect you to hate avocados design tho. Is it bc of her face? It's a bit silly yes but it fits her :(
I also agree abt earl grey,eclair and rogueforts design. to me it feels like they made 1 main design and split that into 3 lol they looks so similar
Also I agree everything you said about cocoa bc YES! She has such an adorable and design and for what. being a coca addict? She keeps saying cocoa on all of her lines like...girl I get It you have an addiction lol.dunno how mint choco stands her
ALSO IT FEELS SO GOOD THAT I FOUND SOMEONE WHO HATES ICE JUGGLER , STRAWBERRY CREPE AND ROCKSTAR AS WELL OMG I NEVER FELST SO UNDERSTOOD. when I saw ice juggler it was basically hate at first sight.i thought I would like him through his story but no. He's was an asshole to banana! Annoying ass ability. Garbage ass personality. And ugly ass design.just GTFO my eyesight! Same with SC as well bc HOW CAN U BE AN ASSHOLE TO SOMEBODY LIKE STRAWBERRY! She is an angel who's trying her best D':<no nope no no no no! jail!
Yeah I guess Dinos standing sprite looks pretty awkward, I see what youre saying and maybe his overall design would work better if his pants were torn at the bottom similarlly to Werewolf since hes this little wild man... but they kinda explained away his neatness by giving him an older sister who makes his clothes LOL.
I love Peach! I love a Journey to the West reference and shes clearly Momo(Peach) and Sun Woo Kong which is super cute! Also the way she runs is so funny, her attack animations are great... theres also a loading screen where she says 'I can do this with my eyes closed!' but right before the screen changes she peaks one eye open and its just so fucking cute.
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and god that costume...
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Her beach costume is great too but LOOK AT THAT (Plums matching costumes are also perfect). So fucking good. Peach is a wacky cheeky little monkey and I adore her.
CC is baby and Rye is just cool. Its hard not to like her.
I have a love-hate relationship with Pomegranate, I spent so much time before Kingdom, loving her and then that scene where its shown that she is the one who manipulates Dark Choco just... but shes so gorgeous- the bitch and her loyalty to DE is also something I like... but she does this to my boy.... UGH.... Look I love her but if she died I wouldnt be mad about it (unless it was a lame death). Thats the vibe with her. I love her.... but also I hate her.
Its everything BUT her base, like her body/face are fine theres a lot of character there... its her outfit... or something IDK I LIKE Avocado I just never liked her design. Even alt reality Avo had a slightly better design even though it sorta saps out Avos personality. Avo also has a slide ability... which I hate so much although hers is a bit more fun than most.
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Yeah I mean technically they dont look bad but the fact the three are so similar makes them stand out less and Roguefort is always gonna be the best of the three because they were first.
Mint Choco used to be in my top favs because I liked his vibe and his backstory that he was a street performer that made it. It was interesting but now hes mostly just Cocoas boyfriend... so I like him less because of it.
LMAO YEAH I remember when Juggler was first shown and everyone thought hed be like a precious shy baby but then he just turned out to be a fucking dick which was funny... but not likable.
Crepes design I actually kind of like but again with the shitty personality and nobody fucks with my baby girl.
Similarly Rockstar... except his design is trash but also hes a dick to DJ... and I wont tolerate DJ slander.
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shytiff · 4 years
Small Nov Wins
1 - cant bring myself to study, got out of bed 10:30-ish am. While lazing around i read royal servant and do random internet stuff and watched romee's vlogs. Ate breakfast and i somehow has no appetite?? This is rare. e, cicil kompre began at 15:30 pm (i know, i waste my time a lot). Pengumuman wahana mpi wow yay kalideres makara and budi asih
2 - the weather was pleasantly cloudy. poli anestesi anak, simul. went to what used to be calais, its called flavola now. at this point i quite need some calories because i only ate bubur ayam and its like 2-3 pm ish. Eventually the hunger is gone, arrived home at about 4-ish, drank protein to curb my hunger (nanggung dinner). dad said sumn that annoyed me so after maghrib i just lazed in bed, not feeling like doing anything (even though there’s lots of exams and hw lmao), fell asleep
3 - woke up at 2 am, prated, randomly searched for angel - chancellor and taeyeon’s lyrics and i basically wept at 4 am. i assumed the song was just like,,, a guy talking to a girl, his angel, you know. EXCEPT,,,,,,,,. the 2 MVs was also rly222 beautiful 🥺. Poli geriatri today, didnt even see patient because there was no more at that time (status salin nadia). ate ichiban salad (surprisingly quite good) at dm bcs i rly do be functioning better outdoors, made matcha latte with full cream milk ((powder)), cicil PT
4 - can finally wake up late. finished 1 sitasi pt, made ikk ppt, bujing lina called about diarrhea and nausea meds, laddered the leader for tomorrow’s exam and it,, was,,, me,, group call with shiko. frantically studied for EA
5 - PT (finished in 45 mins), simul as a leader, with STEMI, VF and hypoglycemia case. somehow made it through. i suck at dosages omggg. PP by car with mom (not rly that tired) but i SLEPT after i got home and had no mood to study helpppp
6 - did my first swab test today. i pushed the doctors hand when she’s doing oropharyngeal swab im sorryyyy 😂. slept. matcha. cicil kompre
7 - still havent finished ikk (deadline: today), and still havent studied for geri and ikk AND i still managed to take a nap. why. Read a bit of kompre. Not sleepy after matcha, but insted i reread bj alex and tsubaki chou lonely planet until 2 am the next day #rippriorities
8 - im having matcha latte seven days in a row as of today :))))) woke up at 10:30 am, went to flavola with atikah and got strawberry yakult (tasted like es mony), arrived home at abt 7-ish am and there no dinner, so i drank protein and ate japota honey butter. My breakfast was chicken porridge, so my diet is sooo liquid today. Rip proper nutrition (ate buryam, lumpia, japota for the whole day and drank 3 beverage). Cicil kompre and studied geri
9 - suma geri, slept, cicil kompre, ny head kind of hurts
10 - my head still hurts, suma ikk with dr herqu and dr retno, didnt take swab result by car because the TRAFFIC in soetta so my brother took it. Thankfully negative.
11 - lulus kompre alhamdulillah, the examiner were Prof Saptawati and dr. Dani from THT. Dr dani still remembered me :"") they were very kind. Went to tamel for first wahana: klinik makara UI. Picked up masker first at mahmudas place, and then went to depok. On the way i was interviewed by maba 2020 wtf im so old. Cleaned up my room with the fam, printed sumn in barel (its quite empty there)
12 - first day at klinik makara ui. i WALKED. such wow. fixed my shoes in kutek. had breakfast in barel and bahari for lunch-dinner. somehow i felt very drained. bought Dapur Alya (nutella and regal) and 2 salads from Salad Point since there was 11.11 promo. Put all of them in the fridge. Read Fools and its sooo good omg
13 - had salad and left over bahari rice for brekkie. went to clinic by grabbike :)))), had my first teleconsultation experience today, a chemical trauma case. suma ea with the help of shiko
14 - woke up at 5:20 ish and i jogged a bit at ui lmaoo. fisip - ft - fisip. By 6:30 im already back at my room. 1 hour can be spent a lot of different ways, it turns out. Washed my clothes. Ate monstercheese pizza. Slept a bit. Went to blok m with ara (she was late as always, surprised her with koi milk tea), ate futago ya (greasy cheesy milky goodness, enak tapi eneg afterwards), bought red bean bread at la mouette, bought discounted onigiri bento box at papaya. We went to m bloc space, looked around, ate gelato at kebunide (blueberry: yum, fresh, kiiinda feels artificial, salted caramel: delicious but makes me thirsty) and did photobox at connectoon. Walked to mrt asean but turns out!! for weekends mrt is closed at 8pm. Took grabbike to sudirman, seeing the pretty city and people just hanging out, playing skateboards on the wide sidewalks.
15 - planned to go jogging with salemba frens but i woke up late (06:45), so i just lazed around. Ate onigiri bento (super worth it for 25k for the proteins), fell asleep again 10ish to 14:30 lmaoo. The doms from yesterday was present even on the right side of my lower back 🙂 the red bean bread made me feel full, and the red bean was not too sweet, which i love. Reviewed some meshwork materials i missed. Fianti called and we talked abt her and hari
16 - had mujigae for sahur and fish bite for iftar. The fish was not as soft as fish streat, but the flour was definitely better and crunchy. But it doesnt have the seasoning micin like fish streat do. The pasta was quite a lot im in food coma afterwards. Fell asleep, and my stomach was so gassy that i woke up in the middle with a headache that does not play around. Fortunately it dissapeared in the morning
17 - breakfast is rice kimchi and abon lmaoo just pretend it makes sense. The scrubs i ordered finally arrived. I fell asleep AGAIN, WHYYYY. Lost my streak in DL, i guess i can stop using it for now.
18 - finished reading blood link, girlll i thought the human died at the end. Did not buy food today wow. Took a nap and cicil kompre.
19 - brekkie at barel. Helped measuring antropometry today at clinic, and also measured my own. The fucked up thing was that i THOUGHT my body fat is still at 28% compared to the past (dr rina's research). So i looked at the old paper AND. I USED TO HAVE. 35% FAT 🙂 even my memories are in denial and are fooling me. All this time i thought i was at 28 🙂 did swab at rsui. The one swabbing was from fkui 2012 and we had small talk. It hurted more than lmk :( now this does feel like drowning in water (cause before i said "nah its not like water in nose"). Took angkot back to tamel, bought piscok lumer pocin and its soooo gooood ugh
20 - i feel like if i have breakfast with leftover rice and abon and sozzis i get hungry faster lmaoo. Ordered ken karaage from kukusan, yaa okela for 25k with ongkir. Did online posbindu education through wa. BTS BE COMEBACK 🥺 i maximized my wifi time (no wifi at tamel) so i listened to the whole album. My mobile data is at 200MB lol. Read a good longreads from the atlantic, about down synd and genetic screening. The writing is so so good im just blown away. And teary eyed.
21 - ran a bit, solid class (gastro, rheum, infection), embryo, webinar about sleep by dr Gita Anindyajati, SpKJ, bought ayam geprek gold chick (lotsss of oil since i ordered tempe, jamur, egg, bought pop cookies. matcha cheese was actually better than i expected (the combination somehow fits), dark chocolate and marshmallow is very chocolatey like mom’s brownies, and vegan strawberry cookie with a hint of mint. i wonder how they replace the egg. I wonder why after i run i dont feel hungry for a moment. bloating just gooes away
22 - joined kris' healthy weekly event (lmao) in tamsur. They went to epiwalk first. Its difficult for me to run w mask, ngl. Went back to tamel, embryo, ate leftover meal from gold and chick, felt somehow drained to the bone so i just laid in bed and lazed and lazed. Theres no soreness, but the weakness was generalized lmao. Ordered bbq chicken almond salad from salad point, it was actually quite fulfilling and delishhh (added chili sauce to the dressing). Literally laid in bed from 7 until i fell asleep and woke up at 6 the next day. Finished readin shame application lmao
23 - i still feel tired ckckck. No doms, but i feel like i just want to lay down. got DV patient today at clinic, its most likely derm numularis??? Ate salad and dark choco marshmallow cookies in the evening and that cookie. Is so damn sweet im just thinking about the increase in my blood sugar. And i like sweets so!!! Never thought id find sumn too sweet. Washed my clothes and cicil ukmppd (i put things about studying ukmppd in habitica now)
24 - ate tanoshi sushi and ufo ramen for bfast, ate the sushi again for lunch and after waking up from my sleep i tried kokku ramen (so so, but the egg yolk's good)
25 - bfast: superbubur, protein shake and cookies. (did not make me feel full long enough). Ordered burger from EATG (so so, burger bener is better) for lunch. Last day at makara ui. Ara arrived coz shes staying here in tamel. Waiting for mom to arrive from cibubur, she arrived at about 20:30. I passed out at home
26 - first day in pkm kalideres, i volunteered to be pj to avoid RSUD. my room is a mess, i feel tired after i go back. maybe its the physical withdrawal (?) because i dont walk like when im on klinik makara. came to pkm thinking i wont do anything (orientation only) but the 6 of us ended up going. i was at igd. i saw nail extraction and injected ats for another patient 
27 - talked for almost an hour with the doctor at poli lansia. went home, felt sooo tired, i slept and actually showered after maghrib. originally planned to go to sbux but i was just tired af. my mood was horrible at home. 
28 - turns out i started my period today. i havent studied at all during pkm kalideres era. embryo. slept again. read some manga by nishin something with the psychological and BL genre. 
29 - embryo. cut my hair, showered, and felt better. fell asleep on dr gita's lecture. Drank cimory banana milk with a bit of matcha powder. I dont know if its the sleep, or a bit of caffeine, but my mood feels better and im more awake. Cicil ukmppd with a slow pace. Read itasaku ff. Slept at about 2 am
30 - surprisingly, i dont feel sleepy when i wake up. poli anak today, surprisingly i got perinatology case (jaundice). presented it on pleno. for bfast i ate 3 slice of bread (2 with meat and cheese, 1 choco and cheese) and protein shake, lunch: a slice of choco cheese bread and a banana, fell asleep, dinner: 1 bakwan, a banana and nextar. i can feel that the calories i got today is even less than what i usually got (and usually i already try to limit calories that i am counting the intake amout and made sure im not too far from my bmr lmaoo (~1100)
0 notes
yuris--angel · 7 years
0 to 44
thanks for keeping me busy, anon! im sorry this is late ya girl was taking a nap. also, sorry its so long.  
0: Height5′1 or 1.54m 1: Age - 17 but 18 next month! Nov 23! mark it down! 2: Shoe size - my last pair of heels is 6.5 US size but my sneakers can be 7 or 7.5 US size it depends on the shoe 3: Do you smoke? - no. 4: Do you drink? -no. Well sometimes, its cultura, you know 5: Do you take drugs? - I have better things to spend money on6: Age you get mistaken for - the last time my age was mistaken,,,,one of my favorite actresses she thought i was in my twenties. 7: Have tattoos? - Nope8: Want any tattoos? - Yeah something eventually dont know what9: Got any piercings? - No 10: Want any piercings? - No thanks :(11: Best friend? - JENNY. mY WHOLe HeArT12: Relationship status - single :( im ugly lol 13: Biggest turn ons - MANNERS :’) being NICE!!!! 14: Biggest turn offs - rude people. mean people. People with superiority complexes 15: Favorite movie - WONDER WOMAN 2017 16: I’ll love you if…- overall a nice person. you’re sweet, funny, watch Versailles or Naruto. Thats all it takes fam 17: Someone you miss - i miss jenny i havent seen her since august :(( 18: Most traumatic experience - i dont wanna do this one :( im sorry i love u pls understand 19: A fact about your personality - i don’t know what to say here because i don’t like talking so highly about myself but i also don’t have anything bad to say. i think I’m really nice. And if i’m not its for a reason. 20: What I hate most about myself - my weight :/ my face. i think everything else is good! I don’t like to talk about myself..highly?? I feel bad when I do..but I  don’t think i have to change anything abt the way I am. Maybe i should be a little more..I don’t know how to word it..i’m a bit too…passive? I don’t stick up for myself as often as I should because I don’t like confrontation. 21: What I love most about myself - In a physical aspect, I get a lot of compliments on my smile! I don’t even have perfectly straight teeth I could use braces for a year but, I always get « your teeth are so white » «  you have such a bright smile » 22: What I want to be when I get older - Not so sure just yet 😶23: My relationship with my sibling(s) - good! I love them all so much! Even though they can be annoying. My baby sister is my life. 24: My relationship with my parent(s) - :|||| not how I wish it was..its not so great.25: My idea of a perfect date - i mean we can go out, i’ll go anywhere! Here’s a lame ass answer but a museum?? Yeah. Staying home and cuddling though that’s really good too ☺️26: My biggest pet peeves - when i send a detailed message i expect an answer a long that line. I HATE vague replies. It makes me feel like you dont wanna talk so i start thinking im wasting my time. 27: A description of the girl/boy I like - i don’t really like anyone right now :( not because its hard for me to like people but just bc ive really only been talking to people ive been friends with for a while, recently?? I dunno if that makes sense?? Nothing’s come up is what i mean. 28: A description of the person I dislike the most - rude. thinks they know everything. talks when im not talking to them. is always trying to control things. 29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend - i didn’t wanna facetime lmao other than that i don’t lie to my friends. 30: What I hate the most about work/school - my school starts at 7 on the dot. I literally get to school at 6:30. I get up at 5am. It sucks so much. SO MUCH. 31: What my last text message says - sara whats up you haven’t replied so much recently? :( (my friends have a gc but i was busy with school stuff so i haven’t replied so much.) He misses me what a cutie 32: What words upset me the most - ahh something that someone said to me? i don’t have a specific word that makes me upset but the last thing someone told me that bothered me was them straight up telling me they used me. felt like shit for a while.33: What words make me feel the best about myself - like words people tell me?? I don’t have a specific word? When people compliment my manners, the way i present myself, that always makes me happy. (I like getting called beautiful too but who doesnt haha) 34: What I find attractive in women - hair! Eyes! Smile! Laugh!35: What I find attractive in men- same things i find attractive in women. I like to play with hair so, nice hair. i love people’s eyes! Smiles! LAUGHS?? So cute ;-;36: Where I would like to live - Ahhh so many places.37: One of my insecurities - my voice. Its terrible. 38: My childhood career choice - teacher39: My favorite ice cream flavor - carvel has mint soft serve. mmm yeah. Love it. 40: Who I wish I could be - Gal Galdot. The most beautiful woman on the earth. 41: Where I want to be right now - in Seoul 42: The last thing I ate - halo top birthday cake icecream!! 43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - kim yugyeom 😩💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 44: A random fact about anything - i like making new friends and i made one today!
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augstd-blog · 7 years
92 statements tag !!
Rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
thank u so much @f1owerseokie !!! ilu :D
The Last:
1. Drink - iced tea that had a lil mint in it
2. Phone call - uhhhh i think my grandpa? i never call Anyone
3. Text message - “can ur mom give me money” to kel kfgjkdfjg
4. Song you listened to - sexuality by taemin bc relatable rn
5. Time you cried - last night 
Have You Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - ive never kissed a Single Human
8. Been cheated on - i hope not ?
9. Lost someone special - yes :(
10. Been depressed - ofc jgkdfjgf
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - im holy ive never drunken alcohol
List 3 Favorite Colors:
12-14. pink, green, beige
In The Last Year Have You:
15. Made new friends - a lottle
16. Fallen out of love - never been in lov kjkjgfd
17. Laughed until you cried - mhmm
18. Found out someone was talking about you - did u mean: every day
19. Met someone who changed you - yes
20. Found out who your friends are - YES
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list - ew no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them except one (1)
23. Do you have any pets: a doggo n two grumpy cats
24. Do you want to change your name: uhh not my first name but my last
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i ate red velvet cake and playing board games w my family
26. What time did you wake up: 7:30am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talking abt being gay 2 nadia KJKFJG
28. Name something you can’t wait for: a new phone oh my God
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like. 30 mins ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: the fact that my father is my father oops
31. What are you listening to right now: the sound of silence (not the song, literally just silence)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: uh. no?
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: how hot it is
34. Most visited website: probably youtube
38. Hair color: medium brown i guess kjgkfdjg
39. Long or short hair: i hav short but i wish it was long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes no maybe idk
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes :D
42. Piercings: i used to hav ear piercings but then they closed up rip
43. Blood type: i honestly hav no clue
44. Nickname: mug and muggo and megaphone r my most used ones
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: libra drag me
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: i dont hav the attention span for tv shows dfjgkdfjg
49. Tattoos: zero (0)
50. Right or left handed: rightttt
51. Surgery: no but soon possibly
52. Piercings: yall think ur slick adding another piercings q ?
53. Sport: i played soccer and a little volleyball
55. Vacation: anywhere LITERALLY
56. Pairs on trainers: im american idk what that means
More General:
57. Eating - i do it ?????
58. Drinking - liquid
59. I’m about to - watch yt or look for more dramas 2 watch later (or both)
61. Waiting for - the sweet release of Death™
62. Want - a smoothie hnnngggg
63. Get married - no
64. Career - whomst is she
65. Hugs or kisses - hugs i guess
66. Lips or eyes - eyes 
67. Shorter or taller - taller bc i, a short bitch, need me a tol
68. Older or younger - irrelevant
70. Nice arms or nice stomach - arms ??
71. Sensitive or loud - loud
72. Troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant ????????
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a stranger: nope
75. Drank hard liquor: im holy as previously stated
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost my Sister’s does that count
77. Turned someone down: multiple times rip
78. Sex on the first date: im 11
79. Broken someone’s heart: i hope not 
80. Had your heart broken: romantically no but platonically yes
81. Been arrested: nO
82. Cried when someone died: mhm
83. Fallen for a friend: a little bit yea
Do You Believe In:
84. Yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
85. Miracles: nope
86. Love at first sight: no its fake
87. Santa claus: yea i love my boy
88. Kiss on the first date: if u liked them beforehand yea maybe
89. Angels: uh. kel n maya ?
90. Current best friend’s name: oukel
91. Eye color: green
92. Favorite movie: uhh nothing
im tagging @yoohkook - @2minari - @sharkbait-rin (u hav 2) - @y8n-gi - @se1fcare - @sleepy-sugakookie - @agustcd - @taeqyung - @17tae - @iloveyoojung - @cypherpart420 - @iloveredvelvet - @ilysmyoongi - @813jm - @wiinnie - @yunkigguk - @1kth - @4hyyh - @btslesbian - @hobisluvr
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hypokeimena · 7 years
rules: answer these 85 things and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @iijeezlouiseii!! im tag @girlronanlynch @hauntestly @smallestcitrus @sladkogorky @rat-tarot @ghostzzy @junosteeled and whoever else wants to... @stealsmokedfish i feel like youre mostly on mobile but if u wanna work it out i believe in u
1. drink: mint ice tea
2. phone call: rescheduling a psych appointment
3. text message: “SORRY”
4. song you listened to: the 50s / house of wolves
5. time you cried: yesterday about 6 times lmao
6. dated someone twice: yeah
7. kissed someone and regretted it: lmao
8. been cheated on: yep
9. lost someone special: yeah
10. been depressed: dskafjoadji lmao
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: tbh? only once or maybe twice in my LIFE which is pretty impressive imo
rest under the cut
12. yellow!!
13. peachy oranges
14. really vivid reds
15. made new friends: :)
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yeah
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah i guess
19. met someone who changed you: yeah.
20. found out who your friends are: nah. i mean kind of? but mostly yeah
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: idr if i’ve kissed anyone in the last year bc my memory is for fuckin. shit. but probably yeah
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: probably like a good 70-80%
23. do you have any pets: a dog who lives with my parents
24. do you want to change your name: LAFFS
25. what did you do for your last birthday: pretty sure i got drunk alone?
26. what time do you wake up: 11 or so
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: talking to jj probably? maybe listening to music
28. name something you can’t wait for: stimulants
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 7/20 for a ballgame
31. what are you listening to right now: i was listening to a mix from 2011 or something but rn i’m listening to mcr
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: pip’s uncle..
33. something that is getting on your nerves: being sick n trans
34. most visited website: tumblr gmail & gdocs
35. hair color: dishwater blonde currently half-dyed
36. long or short hair: short... i need a haircut
37. do you have a crush on someone: death itself, both in the sense of the grim reaper and also in that ive got bad crush[es]
38. what do you like about yourself: that im still alive
39. piercings: ears... considering some others but ought 2 consider Overall Health around surgery
40. blood type: no clue
41. nickname: alf, alfus, alfenard
42. relationship status: single [peace sign emoji]
43. zodiac: DOUBLE GEMINI
45. favourite tv show: whom tf knows i dont really do “favorites” but i guess if we’re talking “happy place”-est it’d be b99 or tww
46. tattoos: i want like 4 but i wanna think abt them a little more than i have and i wanna find a good artist n get more okay with my body before i commit... i want a bee n an arrow n FLORALS
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: ive had some endoscopies w anaesthetic but ive never been UNDER THE KNIFE
50. sport: little league baseball n fencing before i got sick n the doctor made me quit about which im STILL pissed... baseball is the sport i watch tho
51. vacation: ????? VACATION WHAT... anyway i miss my girlfriend munich
52. pair of trainers: litearlly what the fuck is this 1. they’re sneakers 2. what the fuck does this mean
53. eating: i had 2 lamejuns for breakfast and i’m gonna reheat some curry for lunch in a bit
54. drinking: tea
55. I’m about to: finish this damn post and write fic
56. waiting for: ??? idk me and jj to pick a chatfic topic... for it to stop raining
57. want: ????
58. get married: blease
59. career: middle or high school latin teacher
60. hugs or kisses: hugs... smother me
61. lips or eyes: lips i guess? both good tho
62. shorter or taller: either way i want to be carried away.. i guess taller in an Ideal sense but im really not that picky when it comes to real people
63. older or younger: o l d e r
64. nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS
65. hook up or relationship: oh my god. please fall in love with me BUT ALSO right now i just... want to get... hand gesture...d. hand gesture  me.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
67. kissed a stranger: uh, many times
68. drank hard liquor: almost exlusively
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i dont lose them but i do forget them all the time bc i only need them to see far away and MOST of the time that’s like... i dont need them to drive even but i do need them for class n shit so like
70. turned someone down: yes lmao
71. sex on the first date: uhhhh tbh not really but sex before or instead of the first date ... yeah
72. broken someone’s heart: uh. yeah
73. had your heart broken: mm.
74. been arrested: nope
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: Every Friend
77. yourself: tbh? ykw yeah i do
78. miracles: oui
79. love at first sight: no... i mean maybe but idt for me which is what matters, other people can believe what they like about their own relationships
80. santa claus: no this is christian normativity
81. kiss on the first date: please
82. angels: photosynthesis is an angel
83. current best friend’s name: jj 
84. eye color: blu
85. favorite movie: sky high (2005)
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kagedyams · 7 years
Tag thing
uh so I got tagged by @nikiviki so i guess????
The last

1. drink: Vanilla Coke (i hate it but i bought it by accident and im not a quitter)
2. phone call: My cousin FaceTimed me like a week ago?
3. text message: “I want to ride Lightning McQueen”
4. song you listened to: Rainbow by Kesha !!!!

5. time you cried: I was watching Kyoukai no Kanata last night so that 

6. dated someone twice: Haha i have a bad habit of getting together with exes. So yeah, I went on a date with a creepy ex I broke up with about a year ago last month!
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Maybe? Not that I remembered really
8. been cheated on: Naaaahh

9. lost someone special: I lost a close friend to drugs in 2014.
10. been depressed: Ongoing crisis m’dude
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: like a week ago right outside my house which was a trip
3 favourite colours
12. Light blue
13. Crimson

14. Minty pastel green
In the last year have you
15. made new friends: When I went on a summer college program I did! and some weirdass mysme cult thing???

16. fallen out of love: I guess? Still on the edge abt my feelings for someone?
17. laughed until you cried: Nicole said smth funny when we were rabbiting and I died??

18. found out someone was talking about you: Pfft ohhhh yeah
19. met someone who changed you: I guess people have made me saltier in general?

20. found out who your friends are: i mean they’re friends???? they gon stay my friends homeslice
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: pfft whats a facebook
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: bruh
23. do you have any pets: My two baby westies!! Comet and Shasta (after the drink they serve in hospitals lolol)
24. do you want to change your name: Maybe to Quinn or smth??
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I don’t really celebrate, so i kinda just sat at home and slept.
26. what time did you wake up: 4pm :P

27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Binging Kyoukai no Kanata
28. name something you can’t wait for: Death

29. when was the last time you saw your mom: idk I saw her passed out on the couch snoring like 5 hrs ago so then?
31. what are you listening to right now: It’s been Rainbow since it came out man
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I’m sure I have but my memory is literal crap
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Small children and mom pressuring abt college. ALSO PEOPLE WHO MOW LAWNS WHO TF DOES THAT ESPECAILLY AT NOON THAT IS SO ANNOYING LET ME SLEEP
34. most visited website: Youtube??
35. hair colour: Dark brown
36. long or short hair: It’s pretty long, like titty height?
37. do you have a crush on someone: Idk feelings are complicated. I think I’ve had this crush but literally who knows so??
38. what do you like about yourself: Oh man its gotta be the tiddies. Papaya juice has healing powers.
39. piercings: I got some on the ears. I always wanted a second hole or a naval piercing.
40. blood type: O positive!!
41. nickname: i mean I jokingly get called Paybae. Used to get called Paytron the Sex Machine a lot??
42. relationship status: Single but willing to cuddle almost anyone?????
43. zodiac: Taurus
44. pronouns: She/her

45. favourite TV show: Mekakucity Actors! Avatar: the Last Airbender and Noragami are p close seconds.

46. tattoos: Damn can some people pull them off. I’m probs too wuss to get one, but i’d like a small thing on my wrist or thigh or neck or smth.
47. right or left handed: Right handed
48. surgery: Never!
50. sport: Tennis but I succ
51. vacation: I’ve always wanted to leave the country! 
52. pair of trainers: Never catch me without these damn fake converse got for $10.
53. eating: Like my fav food or do I like eating?? Bc I like to eat yes but I love mint ice cream.
54. drinking: Umm man I like Coke and Dr. Pepper.
55. I’m about to: finish writing this list and play Fire Emblem: Heroes
56. waiting for: V’s ROUTE HOLY DANG

57. want: to enter the void and also maybe get more than 16 hours of sleep?
58. get married: Would like to one day but lack the emotional conviction hahahaha.
59. career: Bish I’m like 12 but probably something to do with International Studies and Service
60. hugs or kisses: I crave affection, so both. But kissing can be weird, I’d much prefer a big hug and cuddle.
61. lips or eyes: Eyes! Everyone has pretty eyes, I love seeing them!!
62. shorter or taller: I’m a fuckn shrimp at 5′2. I like tall people tho!
63. older or younger: I usually attract younger people, but I’ve only dated people who are my age? If i had to pick, older, but not by much right now!
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Ooh, I’d really like a nice stomach. But Michelle Obama can crush me with her arms.
65. hook up or relationship: Depends on the mood. I prefer relationships, but hookups aint bad.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant af
67. kissed a stranger: I mean, is it a stranger if u know their name?
68. drank hard liquor: I stole my friends strawberry svedka last week. It makes my ears feel warm?
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I’ve had the same pair of glasses for 3 years. Never lost them.
70. turned someone down: I have such a problem with saying no to people. 
71. sex on the first date: Sex has cooties

72. broken someone’s heart: I’m sure I did somewhere along the way

73. had your heart broken: In a relationship? Not really, but other things have.
74. been arrested: Kinda? I mean I was escorted to a police station but it was bc i was a baddie 12 y/o
75. cried when someone died: I mean who doesn’t cry when someone dies? Yeah, my dad and my friend
76. fallen for a friend: Hooooooooo boy yes
77. yourself: Only as far as I can throw myself.
78. miracles: no way Jose
79. love at first sight: I mean basic attraction ye? but the rest is strictly for my klance loving ass
80. santa claus: bish who else coming down my chimney ; ))))
81. kiss on the first date: Pfft I’d cuddle the shit outta someone on a first date yeehaw
82. angels: Anna is the purest angel so yes.
84. eye colour: like some greenish-blue color
85. favourite movies: 10 Things I Hate About You and Mulan!
so i guess i’ll tag @ttimemachines @hkqs @sleepybot-risianna and anyone else whos up for it
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pickledmickles · 7 years
@dasdeath tagged me and their robot fuckin posts reminded me to do this
Rules: Answer some stuff and Tag Others If Ya Want
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: idk abt on the phone but my last call in general was w my bf 3. Text message: “sounds lovely” from a coworker 4. Song you listened to: Hold it in by Jukebox The Ghost 5. Time you cried: like last week. it was my monthly cry
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: ye 7. Kissed someone and regretted it:  yea h 8. Been cheated on: Mhm 9. Lost someone special: not really 10. Been depressed: for like the past decade 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: like........... last week
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Pale pink but with a reddish hue, aqua, mint green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends:  yes!  16. Fallen out of love: nah man 17. Laughed until you cried: yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yep 19. Met someone who changed you: yessss 20. Found out who your friends are: who are they....................... 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nnno-- wait yes. my bf. HA
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: pretty much all of them. Thats the only thing i use fb for 23. Do you have any pets: I have a dog and shes sleeping on my feet rn as we speak 24. Do you want to change your name: yes and no 26. What time did you wake up: 10am sharp 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trynna plan a trip i think. not successfully 28. Name something you can’t wait for: movin out 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 30 minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? just have someone magically make a car purchase for me 31. What are you listening right now: polygon vids 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes. weird guy. didnt like him. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: i have been getting motion sickness from everything i play, even fucking animal crossing. 34. Most visited Website: tungle
35. Mole/s: i dont have moles 37. Childhood dream: zoologist 38. Hair color: Black DARK BROWN my bf made a fuss 39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: love my boy 41. What do you like about yourself: my curls 42. Piercings: just me ears 43. Bloodtype: shrug emoji 44. Nickname: Queenie, mikaykay????, micky 45. Relationship status: LOVE MY BF 46. Zodiac: cancer 47. Pronouns: yes 48. Favorite TV Show: bobs burgers, most things by bbc earth, b99, and fresh off the boat 49. Tattoos: im allergic to red dye so idk if i should put any dye in my skin 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: wisdom teeth 52. Hair dyed in different color: nope 55. Vacation: in may w my boy, out in the mountains with no neighbors and a jacuzzi 56. Pair of trainers: i get a new pair of no slips from walmart every few months bc mine get so nasty so fast
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i like food sometimes 58. Drinking: water........ 59. I’m about to: write some replies 61. Waiting for: replies lmao 62. Want: this tummy ache to go away, my feet to stop being so cold, this headache to stop 63. Get married: who knows 64. Career: maybe a marine biologist........... or like.......... underwater photographer........... ,i just fuckign love the ocean and the things in it so much
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: smooches 66. Lips or eyes: lipsss 67. Shorter or taller: i like em all 68. Older or younger: older bc younger than me is like.... babbies 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i LOVE tummies 71. Sensitive or loud: squints .72. Hook up or relationship: relationshops 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: im a weenie
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: Ye 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost my fuckin sunglasses in the ocean but that was my fault. and i dont wear anything prescription so,,,,,,, 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: nnnno? 79. Broken someone’s heart: shrugs 80. Had your heart broken: ye 81. Been arrested: almost 82. Cried when someone died: yyyes 83. Fallen for a friend: my bf was my friend and still is so??
84. Yourself: sssure. yes. 85. Miracles: sure? 86. Love at first sight: i guess but also........... idk more like. interest in a person and getting to know them at first sight. so. 87. Santa Claus: i was never rlly raised to believe that like... ever 88. Kiss in the first date: follow ur fuckin dreams. i love smooches.  89. Angels: nah
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: SAV SLEEPS MARY AND LUKE. theyre the ppl i talk to most. lov them sm. 91. Eye color: Blue or smth 92. Favorite movie: fuck idk. song of the sea. yeah. I tag a bunch of ppl that wont do it but i need to make it look like i have friends ok @wifeylittleboy @reptilixns @currentlysleepwalking @dapper-banana
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