#maybe that’s why he has such a disdain for Lucifer too
poly-space-nerds · 5 months
Me and my brother were talking and had a theory about Alastor after ep 5. Right so he’s chained to somebody right? And it happens that his disappearance coincides with Lilith’s right? (i think? correct me if I’m wrong)
SO, what if Lilith has his soul? And the reason he’s so interested in the hotel isn’t because he’s bored, but because she’s making him keep an eye on her daughter and her project.
I don’t quite know her intentions, but I don’t think she’s gonna be a villain or anything. I think she just cares for her daughter and doesn’t want anything to happen to her. Like that scene where she took Charlie away from Lucifer? I believe that she didn’t want Lucifer to show her the things that Charlie would never be able to see and have. She doesn’t want her daughters heart to break like Lucifer’s did.
In the pilot, we saw how Charlie had left multiple voicemails to Lilith asking for advice and help in the past, and then who shows up to help? the All powerful radio demon for nothing more than ‘boredom‘. Even agrees to ‘an order from the Princess’ rather than a deal. which weird right? And who else would have Alastor on a leash than the Queen of Hell.
idk it’s a thing i’m now going to obsess over now
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am-i-interrupting · 2 months
Hi! I love your Hazbin Hotel stuff and I wanted to make a request. If you haven’t done something like this, could you write the Hazbin characters, specifically Vox, Lucifer, Husk, and maybe Lute with an S/O (would prefer fem but G/N is fine) who has bad body dysmorphia? Like, they can never take compliments about their body, always thinking they’re overweight, not eating, etc. If this is too difficult/uncomfortable, totally understand! Would hate to trigger anything. Hope you have a great day/night!
If you like what I’m doing consider tipping me for priority requests & access to characters I don’t usually write for such as Charlie, Valentino, Carmilla, and more.
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Husk will never compliment you in public after figuring out that you hate to be complimented.
That does not mean that he’ll never compliment you.
He will because he truly thinks you’re beautiful.
He simply elects to do it in private so he will be able to explain to you in length why he disagrees.
He wants you to understand why he loves every single thing about you.
Maybe you don’t agree but he will let you know why he thinks it’s all so beautiful.
He doesn’t try to make you love it all like he does but he will at least try to make you accept that he loves it.
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Lucifer can’t understand why you don’t see your own beauty.
At least at first.
Then he realizes how close self loathing is close to depression and how they can often intertwine and how hypocritical it is to be so befuddled by your lack of understanding of his love of you & your body when he can’t understand how giving people free will is a good thing in any capacity and wow— he was too hard on you and himself.
Hello, something new to unpack with a therapist.
He definitely starts being more understanding after that revelation.
Not that he was ever cruel but he was a lot more insistent on how amazing you are not understanding that his insistence may not help but could make it worse.
It could make you think he was lying, covering up some hidden disdain with an over abundance of praise like he does with sinners who thank him for free will.
He’s not.
Make no mistake. He truly does love and adore you and every single part of you is amazing in his eyes but he understands.
He lets up on his pouring compliments and his combativeness over whether or not he means it.
He still compliments you but he no longer fights with you.
He just says what he thinks and then goes on, ignoring any expression of disbelief with a small, “A difference of opinion.”
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You cannot dislike her partner.
Not allowed. No one can dislike her amazing partner.
Will spare with you when you disregard her compliments.
She means what she says.
Why would she waste her breath with words that weren’t true when she doesn’t have to?
Everything she says is said because she means it.
You best learn that.
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No, no, no, no.
You don’t love your body? Unacceptable.
“Velvette! A photo shoot is in order right now!” “I’m busy!” “Well, clear you schedule!”
Velvette actually has a way of making you feel a bit more confident without seeming like she’s trying.
The photo shoot actually goes well even if you refuse to look at the pictures.
Of course, that doesn’t last long because Vox puts them up in his office, just too large and gigantic to ignore.
He has pictures of you everywhere because he loves looking at you.
Will kiss every part of you in front of a mirror while saying why he loves every part and forcing you to look at yourself otherwise he’ll stop. He records the entire thing to watch back later.
If you like what I’m doing consider commissioning me for canon/canon stories AND personalized canon/reader stories.
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Can you do Alastor please 🥺
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: The radio filter on his voice! I'm a sucker for characters with artificial voice filters like that. And his disdain for "frivolous television technology" is amusing.
I recently rewatched the first episode of Hazbin Hotel with my dad, and he liked Alastor's radio filter too. (Yes, my dad watched some of Hazbin Hotel. And he decided it was "a bit too out there" for him.)
Least favourite thing about them: His design, I think. Yes, the creepy smile that never leaves his face is a nice touch, but that bob? It does nothing for me.
Favourite line: It's a close tie between, "Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell!" and, "Well, my dear, I haven't been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show! The proper medium to express oneself! But you insisted on this ... noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it."
brOTP: I like his friendships with Mimzy and Rosie. The fact that he and Mimzy knew each other when they were alive is really interesting. And I can see how he and Rosie would bond over their shared fondness for cannibalism.
Plus, I just think it's funny that Alastor has been building this platonic girl gang around him. He's asexual, but also a chick magnet.
OTP: I don't really have one for Alastor. He's definitely ace, and he might be aro too, and I have yet to see a character that's made me go, "Ooh, I'd love to see what would happen if they were in a romantic relationship with Alastor."
But if I had to pick an OTP ... maybe RadioRose? Two cannibalistic Overlords causing chaos together? That would be pretty neat.
Actually, what about RadioStatic? The fact that the normally cool and collected Vox can be made to completely malfunction because of Alastor has piqued my interest. Maybe they were dating years ago, and then something went wrong. Or maybe they had a business partnership, and Vox wanted it to become something more, and Alastor just wasn't feeling it. Yes, Vox has Valentino now, but maybe there's a part of him that still pines for Alastor - which would be ironic, considering that Alastor has little to no interest in him.
nOTP: Charlastor. I prefer them having a "twisted mentor and innocent mentee" relationship, rather than a romantic one. Given that Alastor has positioned himself as a father figure to Charlie (albeit just to annoy Lucifer), it would be weird to think of them dating.
Random headcanon: Alastor has zero artistic ability. He once tried to paint portraits of the Hazbin Hotel staff and residents as part of an art therapy exercise, but they all look cursed. Or like cats. Or like cursed cats.
Unpopular opinion: Sorry, Alastor stans, I can't get on the hype train with this guy. Not yet, anyway.
I like characters that have a mixture of the known and the mysterious - that is, you know enough about them from the canon material that there are traits you can identify and latch onto, but there are also some things left up to interpretation for you to muse over.
Right now, Alastor's just a bit too mysterious for me. Is he going to be an ally? Is he going to be an enemy? I can't decide whether I like him because I don't know enough about him.
By contrast, I already know lots about Angel Dust, and I like what I've seen so far. And there are still things I don't know about him, such as how he met Valentino, that I can speculate on, which I find fun. That's why Angel is my blorbo and Alastor isn't.
Song I associate with them: "Love ka?" (a.k.a. "Rabuka") by Hiiragi Kirai and Ado. Particularly this Yokune Ruko cover. I see it as a RadioStatic song, because the lyrics are about sharks (Vox likes sharks, doesn't he?) and about bugs (which would fit with Vox glitching out).
The ending lyrics translate as, "These putrid 'love you,' 'love you,' 'love yous' have already fallen to the ground and died out. If you don't like what you found within your reach, maybe you should stop looking." That sounds like something Alastor would say to Vox.
Favourite picture of them:
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drama-glob · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts (Based on what we now know about Lucifer)
Now that we've seen Lucifer and gotten to see how he acts/how bad his depression is and his disgust/disregard for Sinners, it had me thinking about a few things about Hell, the other Deadly Sins and motivations for messing with Earth.
As mentioned by Lute, Lucifer pardoned Charlie and the hellborn from the Extermination when it was being set up, so by the time this happened, Lucifer had already tried to rehabilitate Sinners too but had given up (based on what he said anyway and since it likely took centuries to a thousand years or so for Hell to have enough of a population that Heaven felt threatened by it), so clearly he doesn't want the actual natives to be harmed during the slaughter; this and the fact that Lucifer has the Sinners restricted to Pride indicates to me he does at least care about them and maybe even saw them as less horrible than Sinners since we've seen that they're not wholly evil despite where they're born. (Yes, I know there's a chance Lilith played a big part in the negotiation if he was so disheartened by this point, but Lucifer didn't seem particularly evil or cruel, so him having some compassion for those that are true citizens of Hell that would also be killed without a second thought doesn't seem too hard to believe :/).
But with the fact that Lucifer shows such disdain for Sinners as a whole and even seems to regret them being given free will, it makes me curious as to the fact why would he want Pride to be riddled with more of them by having the Deadly Sins infiltrate Earth more and more? The best I can figure is that since he found himself as the King of Hell and despite his angelic origins, this is his home and kingdom now, so his concern lay with making sure it was as powerful and fortified as possible and just resigned to believing that humans were basically awful and the Deadly Sins' influence wasn't really going to change what was predestined, basically seeing the souls in Heaven as the exception not the rule. :/ I wonder if the Extermination also helps Hell's environment by feeding the planet or whatever with all that energy from the Sinners when they are killed, so there's that potential possible "silver-lining" to having so many die each year. :/ Earth does seem admittedly crucial to some grand plot in the universe, but since Hell only seems to get souls from there, it makes sense so much focus would be spent on it in addition to the stars that affect it.
On a side-note, I'm guessing the more depressed Lucifer got, the less engaged he was with the others and held less and less meetings, maybe even sending Lilith or Charlie in his place. It may have even got to the point after Lilith left that Lucifer was just apathetic about the whole thing and said, "Do what you want. Just keep your rings in order and don't let humanity catch on. I don't care." :/ I also wouldn't be surprised if Charlie even spoke/found comfort with those like Ozzie and Bee more than Lucifer just because they were more open and available to talk. :(
I just don't think he had the Sins and the Goetia focused on Earth out of spite/it being a big middle finger to Heaven, but merely as a recourse to make sure Hell survived since they are after all at Heaven's mercy with how powerful their weapons are. Granted, I'm sure the royals held their own feelings about Heaven and have their own intentions with the whole spreading Hell's influence agenda, (whether they all turn out to be fallen angels or not, which so far they've only mentioned Lucifer is one so that leaves their origins still up in the air), but Lucifer seemed more defeated and scared of Heaven taking what was left from him at this point than needing to prove his ideas were right and that it's purely Heaven that's wrong (even if he did try to defend them in the past mind you). :/
*It's just some things that were rattling around in my brain and I wanted to get them out, especially before we get the season finale that may debunk some or all of this. :)
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trashogram · 29 days
If you need any CharlieDust fic idea. Maybe there on a date and people mock Charlie for dating a whore. Or Charlie comfort Angel after he has nightmare of Valentino.
Hiya! Thank you for the ideas! I kind of did one where ppl mock Angel and Charlie’s relationship, written before the show proper came out. You can read it under the cut if you like! I might re-do it though, if people find that interesting. The nightmare idea sounds like sweet angst. ***
The suit he’s in is way too stiff. 
Angel huffed, bangs fluttering before his mismatched eyes. A demon or two glanced in his direction but he was otherwise left to loiter at the bar. It’s only been a couple of minutes since his partner excused herself, but Angel finds himself missing her presence. 
When did I get so fuckin’ soft? He wonders as a pair of bear-like royals pass by, snuffling and snickering together. It’s anyone’s guess who they are and if they’re a couple or siblings (or both), but whatever they are, they seem to be entirely wrapped up in each other. 
That seems to be the only way to survive this dull as fuck party. 
If he’d had his way, Angel would’ve blown off the ‘invite’ to this thing. Or blown up, if Cherri was game. They could’ve made a night of it, with a  couple glittery explosions, maybe a dildo or two launched at a particularly prissy glitterati. It’d do a hell of a lot to lighten up this hive of seedy royals and their toxic soirée. 
It’s just that…
Angel sighs again, before rolling his eyes at his own melodramatics. He swirled the glass of champagne in his hand and out of the corner of his eye saw a flash of candy apple red. 
Lucifer himself didn’t attend too many parties, even those in his own estate. His presence now was surely some testament to the importance of this shindig, even if Angel Dust couldn’t remember what it was for for the afterlife of him. 
‘Too busy’. Charlie had told him. And damn it if Angel didn’t read way more into the wistful look in his gal’s eyes when she told him. 
Apple Daddy didn’t like him, and didn’t make up any excuses as to why. No one would expect him to, not in the least because he was the ruler of Hell itself but because the disdain for his heir’s chosen partner was obvious. 
It made no difference to Angel Dust (or so he told himself when the doubts started creeping up). Lots of people didn’t like him, and really, who wanted to be liked by the Devil? 
‘Too busy for you, ya mean?’ Angel cut to the chase, wishing he could take it back immediately at the wounded expression on Charlie’s stark face.
Charlie had gotten moody as the night of the party drew closer. She was so introspective and miserable that she hadn’t responded to anything Angel had to offer, be it a snide remark about her Time of The Month or the classic ‘sensual massage’ to de-stress. 
It had left Angel floundering, with no choice but to admit to himself that he was at a loss. The reality was clear, even if he couldn’t completely admit it to himself: if Charlie was upset, then he was upset. 
‘It’s not really that.’ The princess sniffled. She was nestled in Angel’s chest fluff, held close like a doll. ‘I mean it used to make me sad, but I don’t need him around all the time.’
‘It’s just… nothing makes me feel like an outsider more than these parties.’
Just the reminder of that conversation coupled with the visage of Lucifer unperturbed, Queen Lilith at his side, left a sour taste in Angel Dust’s mouth. He sneered at the overly-polished floor before downing his glass of bubbly and stalking off from the safety of the bar. 
Whispers and cackles follow as he navigates his way out of the room. 
“Is that him? Or is it her?”
“Right?” A barely-restrained cackle answers. “How could you tell?”
“Can’t believe the King would allow him in here. It would be bad enough if he was just a common sinner, but -”
“It’s all the Princess’s fault. She’s the one embarrassing us all.” 
Angel can’t help himself. He never does. 
‘I hate the thought of being torn down while they’re right there. A-and of them just watching. Knowing I’m not strong enough.’
A quick, unnatural turn of his head lets him see the same bear pair, openly gawking at him. Angel Dust flashes his teeth and flips them the bird x6. 
He turns his back at their gasps and scoffs of disgust with a cackle of his own. 
The sinner finds his princess leaving the nearest restroom, forehead creased as she thinks. She doesn’t see Angel Dust until he’s wrapped all four of his arms around her from behind.
“Hey babe.” The spider demon lays his head against her shoulder, feeling the woman’s body relax and lean back into him. 
“Angel!” Charlie laughs. “You scared me.”
“Wouldn’t of happened if ya weren’t in your own head.” Angel replied. 
His arms busy themselves with different tasks, as he’s wont to do whenever Charlie’s in his grasp. He keeps them in the dim hallway for a minute, one arm around her waist, another skating along her bare arm, and yet another raised so that he can play with her golden hair idly. 
He turns Charlie around to face him, in time to see her sigh. “Ah, I know. I’m sorry, I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Angel pulls her in and kisses her soundly, feeling giddy deep down as he pulls away and the princess is still standing there with her eyes closed and lips puckered. “You think too much.” 
A hand comes up to caress Charlie’s cheek, and Angel leans forward just to hover some centimeters from the woman’s face. “Let’s get outta here.” 
“Huh?” Charlie breathes. She blinks up at the spider as the daze clears from her gaze. 
“Let’s you ‘n me ditch this joint, go have ourselves a real ‘Fuck You Dad’ party.” 
Charlie pulls away with a gasp. “What? No! We can’t -!”
Angel moans in faux agony over her protests, not allowing her to escape his grasp completely. “Come onnnnn. We came, didn’t we? Wasn’t much of a climax, but we’ll fix it in post.” 
Charlie’s lips tremble until she can’t hold back a snort the longer he holds her gaze.
She rolls her eyes, but a genuine smile, bright enough to light up the palace halls, comes to life amidst her red cheeks. 
Her hesitance disappears. “Where are we going?”
Angel Dust grins.
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inhuman-obey-me · 2 years
Does like Lucifer know most humans hate/dislike him? or he just doesn't care-
Honestly, he probably knows, and definitely doesn't care.
First off, Lucifer has never been one to care about likability, especially from people who don't matter to him. Mephisto, who he interacts with somewhat regularly, gets little more than an eyeroll for his disdain, and even the Anti-Lucifer League brothers, who are constantly trying to come up with ways to annoy him, don't really bother him too much in that sense. Love him or hate him, whatever humans or his fellow demons think of him, he is who he is. And, who is he?
Well, he can be charming, sweet, charismatic, and all manner of other likable traits -- but that's just him being himself. We know, based on Barbatos describing how cheerful he is during tea times with Diavolo, that he actually honestly just is that way in general. Though, his brothers have a slightly different view...
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While Barbatos is describing one side of him, we also know that with his brothers, he can be strict, harsh, impatient, and even sadistic -- mostly, in his eyes, for their own good. He does what needs to be done, and sometimes that doesn't make him seem very likable, but he prioritizes necessity and his pride over what others think of him.
In season 1, that all culminates in him knowingly playing the villain to Belphie, even though family is unquestionably the most important thing to him. Keeping his family safe and in line is far more important to him than their opinion of him, and so he purposely makes himself into the bad guy in order to try to settle Belphegor's frustrations. Of course, that utterly backfires on him because what he really needed to do was just be honest and open with his brothers, but the point is, he did what he felt needed to be done, regardless of what the damage it would do to his relationships with his brothers.
We see this again and again in later seasons as well, such as in Lesson 45 when he's been shrunken and outright says that his brothers are the ones who most want to do him harm while he's in this form. And while he's of course not particularly happy about that, he considers it as fact -- maybe even a little too much, as other characters, like Diavolo, Beel, and Simeon, have pointed out many times that the brothers do actually all love him!
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Now, if that's how he is when it comes to those he actually deeply loves and cares about, then it's pretty clear he doesn't care all too much about the opinions of random humans by comparison. He is certainly far too proud to take their opinions into consideration. And since demons in general don't have a great reputation amongst humankind, it's not as though he has any reason to take their hatred personally.
Plus, Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride -- particularly for rebelling against his father! As they say, history is written by the victors, and while he doesn't regret his rebellion and the war that resulted, he's certainly aware that they did lose, and that most humans' opinions will have therefore been based on the other side of that story, not his. He, however, knows what really happened, and still believes that the Celestial Realm's way of doing things is not correct. It's a big part of why he believes in Diavolo's goals!
So, yeah, he's probably at least somewhat aware that general human opinion is against him, but it doesn't really matter. He has absolutely no reason to care -- and in fact, may even take advantage of humans' hatred for him when he can. Nothing like a good scare now and then, after all. :)
And, as a final side note -- there are many religions in the world, many of which don't involve Lucifer's existence at all! So while many humans hate him, let's not forget that there also are plenty of people who don't especially care. And then there are the ones who are actually his fans...
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amayadartan · 6 months
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While Olly has been taking care of Amaya, things are not so smooth elsewhere in the Palace for Dartan...
“I want to see her.  I need to make sure she’s alright.” Dartan’s voice was raised as he was arguing with Arioch not far outside of the apartment of rooms he’d been given in an unused wing of the Palace.  He was being guarded, and, as soon as he’d tried to leave, Arioch and Mithos had been alerted.  For the time being, all agreed keeping him segregated from everyone was the best option, given his surly disposition and what had happened to Amaya.
“No one thinks that is best for HER right now.  She needs rest and quiet.  Olly and Arch will be attending to her, along with Abriella and possibly her friend Cassandra, who we have learned has healing abilities as well.  You need not worry about the sweet witch.”  Arioch had to admit he had a soft spot for her.  The previous night she hadn’t reacted when some of their glamour had slipped a couple of times, and she seemed sweet.  What problem Dartan had with her was his own.  She was now stuck there, confused, scared, and didn’t look at the scar down his face with disdain like some had.
“So other men are given the ability to see, touch, and care for my wife, but I cannot.  Do you hear yourself?  How ridiculous is that?!”  Dartan’s voice raised again, and he took a step towards the fallen.  He did not know why he was so angry at being kept away, except he wanted to apologize, to explain that he had not meant for her to be hurt.  If he was bound to her, the least he should be able to do is talk to her.
“You want a divorce, so technically you're her ex-husband as soon as someone figures out how to do it.  Trust me, we’re working hard on that, by the way.  Then we’ll send you home, much to the relief of all of us.”  Arioch was losing his patience.  He was not patient on the best of days, and the Demon of Vengeance wasn’t having the best day with his friend Asher having been tortured by Lucifer’s son, then the hunt for Amaya, and her healing last night.  He was tired and wanted to be done with the spectre in front of him.
“I’ve changed my mind.”  The look on Arioch’s face was one of pure, complete, and unadulterated shock.  Dartan had lost his mind.  The fallen was now sure of it.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”  Arioch blinked twice, sure he had not heard the damned spectre correctly.  “You. Changed. Your. Mind?” He repeated the words back slowly, still staring at Dartan as if the other male had grown a second head.  If he had, that might explain this new development.  NOW he changed his mind?  NOW!  “Could you have maybe done that BEFORE you lost her in a forest full of creatures who think of humans as snacks?  Hmm?  Would that, I don’t know, possibly, have been too inconvenient for you?”  The sarcasm was so thick in Arioch’s voice it was almost palpable in the air between the two males, as they faced off against one another.  
“Don’t even start with me, demon.”  Dartan’s voice held warning.  Not that he knew what he’d do to the other male.  “It’s not like I had a lot of time to think about things.  And she…”
“She what?!” Arioch was completely flummoxed on even what to say at this point, and damn near at his breaking point.  If he didn’t think that snapping the neck of the being in front of him might harm Amaya, he would have.  “She made a mistake?!  You mean like you did abandoning her in the forest of a foreign realm where there are vicious animals?  That kind of mistake?  Or one that just inconveniences your royally egotistical dumbass day?” Now the demon was growling, a slight glow starting around him.  Had Dartan considered who he was speaking to, he would have remembered Arioch was the demon of REVENGE.  As in payback.  So getting payback for an innocent left to die in a forest would be right up his alley. Funneling any of the feelings Amya had towards Dartan regarding her treatment would FEED him.
"I didn't ASK to be married to her, but here we are, and I AM.  SHE. IS. MY. WIFE!" Dartan roared back, still not considering who he was dealing with in the slightest. He took a step towards Arioch, his hand coming in front of him, one at chest level palm down and the other at his waist with palm up. Between them a colored mist started to swirl. Fuck this demon, and fuck anyone else who got in his way.
Arioch was not one to be threatened or to back down.  The spectre wanted to dance?  He'd dance, and they'd see if Dartan could die a second time.  Patience completely gone, Arioch shifted into his full, fallen demonic form in an instant, and his talons were buried in the side of Dartan’s neck; purple blood began flowing down the spectre's chest.
Dartan’s eyes were wide as pain cascaded through his body.  Every nerve was lit up as if chain lightning was traversing through every fibre of his entire body.  It was then he realized he'd made a very grave miscalculation on who held the upper hand betwixt the two of them.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 19
Tag list: @astroseuss @zarakem @brielle043 @missloserqueen
The talk between Lucifer and his son left the pride demon feeling...honestly, he wasn't sure. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions since he was pregnant with his daughter and this man has been dealing with such complex ones.
All the man knew was...he was glad his son opened up to him. The pride demon still worried about the young man considerably, hovering over him almost as much he hovered over Audriana. It annoyed the blonde to no end, but at the same time...it made him feel cared for so he was never all that strong about it when he shooed his father away.
The Avatar of Pride did discuss the talk he had with his son with Diavolo. At first, the prince was amazed at the story his fiancé recounted to the blonde.
For a while, the two laid in bed and reminisced about the past, about the night Satan was born.
"You could have just ignored me..." Lucifer mumbled. "Why did you check on me that night?"
"My Light," Dia gave his fiancé a light squeeze in his embrace. "You had just gone through a great trauma...your sister almost died and...regardless of my help, you still lost her. You wanted the truth hidden from your brothers so you had no one to rely on...so I needed to be that someone for you."
"You didn't truly know me then," The man voiced his son's earlier thoughts. "Yet you were there for me."
"I may not had known you, but I wanted to." The prince explained. "Since the first time I saw you as an angel...I felt something in me stir. I wanted to know this beautiful being, even if he looked at me with such disdain."
Diavolo laughed while his partner blushed in embarrassment.
"I did that a lot back then, didn't I?"
"You most certainly did." Dia smiled. "And why wouldn't you? You were the pride of heaven, this beautiful and dedicated Celestial."
Diavolo leaned in and whispered in the other demon's ear.
"And you are still blindingly beautiful to me, my Light."
Lucifer shook his head at the prince, still blushing.
"I treated you terribly yet you still wanted to know me?" He reiterated. "I feel like that says something about your judgement."
"It says I like beautiful men who aren't intimidated by my title." He chuckled at Lucifer's blush brightening. "You do know you're beautiful, don't you?"
"You never let me forget it..." The pride demon mumbled.
Dia leaned in and kissed him.
"I fell in love with you back then." The prince started to blush as well. "So when everything happened and I could sense that you needed help, of course I saved you and Satan."
Lucifer's eyes went wide.
"You...loved me even when I was an angel?"
"It was love at first sight." The prince's smile beamed.
"I...I only saw you as a nuisance back then, if I am honest..." Luce admitted sheepishly. "But the night you saved me and comforted me through my worries for my son...I fell so deeply in love with you that I didn't know what to do with myself."
In a way, this showed the pride demon just how much time he wasted with his issues. The two them could have dated so long ago; they could have raised Satan together.
Still, if they had done so back then, their daughter probably wouldn't have been born and that fact keeps him from feeling too guilty on the matter.
Things had to happen this way for their daughter to exist and that comforted the father.
The two eventually strayed from the past so Luce could tell his fiancé how Satan felt about him.
Dia frowned.
"He...his condition really makes him see me as the enemy, doesn't it?"
Lucifer kissed his cheek.
"It could still change." He assured the redhead. "With time, maybe he can grow to see you as family."
"I hope so, my Light."
It was the next morning, however, when everything they knew, everything the two men were working towards started to fall apart in the worst way possible.
Diavolo's father had woken up.
Lucifer didn't know it at first. The man woke up at his usual early time just to find that Diavolo wasn't in the bed next to him. This was strange in and of itself because Dia often needed persuasion (usually in the form of kisses) to start his day.
The Avatar of Pride got dressed and left his room as usual and noticed a lot of quick movements from the Little Ds, like they had some scary reason to rush.
Luce had a really bad feeling. The man started searching for his fiancé, but luckily stumbled across Barbatos.
"Oh good." The butler gave his usual smile. "Lord Diavolo needs you in the throne room with young master Satan and Audriana."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"...Why?" He asked carefully. "What is going on?"
Barbatos frowned slightly.
"It seems that King Marik has awoken early and wishes to see the new inhabitants of his castle."
The king? Lucifer only met Diavolo's father once, the day he and his brothers arrived in the Devildom. By mid day, the king had fallen into his long slumber.
"Isn't this a bit early?" The pride demon inquired. "I was told he'd likely be asleep for at least a thousand years."
"It is unclear how this has occured," The butler admitted, still looking none too pleased. "But we will have to handle this in stride. Please have the two siblings dressed nicely and in the throne room within the next couple minutes."
This interaction only furthered the father's anxiety.
Still, he went and woke Satan up, had him start getting ready before heading to his daughter's room and getting her dressed.
The three reconvened in the hallway, both of his children still tired. Audriana was her her daddy's arms, all dressed up in her pretty red dress and hair in braids. The little girl was half asleep in her daddy's arms.
Barbatos opened the throne room doors for them, revealing a rather stern looking man on the throne and a clearly anxious Diavolo.
As they stepped inside, Lucifer could feel the king's eyes boring into him, critiquing his every step. The man held his daughter tighter.
"So the Avatar of Pride stands before me once more." King Marik began. "I allowed you into my kingdom just for you to stick your Celestial claws into my son?"
"Enough." The king said to his son. "This is conversation between me and the former angel."
"I am no longer an angel, your majesty." Lucifer tried to remain calm. "I am here because I love your son--"
"And what does your so-called love do for my family?" The king questioned. "You manipulated my son, you invaded my home, and you stand before me wearing my late wife's ring as you carry your soul-shattered bastard and present it as my grandchild."
"That is my daughter!" Diavolo could stay silent no longer, not as he watched his daughter shake and sob in his fiancé's arms. "Regardless of her birth, that is my child and my fiancé--"
"And your bad judgement." His father retorted. "I taught you better than this. I thought I fell asleep with the knowledge that I had a son with at least some common sense, but apparently I was mistaken."
His words cut like a knife. All Dia ever wanted was to make his father proud; his self-esteem used to depend on how his father saw him while growing up.
There's almost no one who can damage his heart quite as well as his father.
"I will not converse with you, shattered-one, for you will not live long enough for words to matter."
"What is it that you have against them?" Satan spoke out, to his dad's horror. "Surely--"
"That's enough!" Lucifer was seeing red. "You will not speak to my son--"
"I will speak to your brat as I well please--"
"Father," Diavolo stepped between the older man and the rest of his family. "Regardless of the speaker, the question was a sound one; what about my relationship is it that you find so offensive?"
"This man walks into our home with a false heir and no ability to make a true one." His father explained. "If he cannot provide you with a proper heir, he is of no use to our family and therefore I cannot permit this union to continue."
So that's what this man was angry about. He wanted a grandchild linked to him by blood and Lucifer currently did not have the proper anatomy to do so.
But he could...
"So you just want a 'proper' grandchild?" The bitterness in Lucifer's voice was thick. "If I can find a way to provide such to you, will you accept our relationship and leave my children alone?"
The king stared at Lucifer long and hard, eyes still showing disdain, but also now held a glint of something more. Intrigue? Amazement? Confusion? The pride demon did not know the older man enough to be sure, but he clearly had the king's attention.
"If you can make changes to bring me a proper heir, I will honor your engagement and not even think of your pathetic children."
Oh devil, was Lucifer pissed. The man's eyes glowed, signaling a potential form change.
That's when Dia spoke up.
"Thank you, Father; we will do just that."
And like that, the prince ended the conversation, giving the family a quick and polite exit
And leaving the couple with a nearly impossible task: conceiving a child together as two men.
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palaceofimperium · 1 year
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Cassandra had been watching everyone with a slightly disdainful eye, but then she wasn’t the most warm and fuzzy of the group.  While she had grown to have an affection for all the women, watching all the fluffiness going on around her slightly turned her stomach.  She was a practitioner of the darker arts, one who spun spells that called upon the old gods, the dark gods, and the beings who most certainly DID go more than bump in the night.  Fluffy happiness was most certainly NOT her thing and while she wanted no part in it, as Abriella moved towards standing in front of her, she had a feeling that here came the sappiness.  By The Source she wanted to murder something.  Fuck her straight to Caligo.
Abriella could sense Cassandra’s distaste for the atmosphere created around the other women, not that it surprised her. She had never known her friend to be one for happiness in the conventional sense, and it was one of the things that she adored about the sorceress.  So, when she started speaking, Abriella had a devious smirk on her face.  She doubted that her friend had any clue what she had in store for her, and that might have given her a little bit of satisfaction.  One rarely got anything over on the sorceress.
“Cassandra, of everyone here you are probably the one that would feel at home in a realm that has always tilted towards darkness.  But even you have some light in you, though you try to hide it most of the time.  It is why I picked someone to guide you who is much like that.  While historically he has given in only to the darkness, in more recent times, he is finding a balance with the light that was still within him.”  Brie saw Leandre stiffen and hold Yael’s hand a bit tighter, Deacon’s arm going across the back of her chair and felt the protective energy coming off of him.  Both were highly unhappy about her choice, not sure how someone in her position would react. She couldn’t blame them, but she hadn’t had a bad reaction to Thenasus or Leandre, demonic nephilim, or Thinnius, a full demon, so Abriella had hope.
“My grandfather is whom I have chosen to guide you.” Cassandra rolled her eyes, forgetting that Div was not the ONLY grandfather the fair Queen had. This only caused Abriella’s smirk to grow. “Lucifer was lured into darkness by his pride, but even he has seen the ere of his ways had come back towards the light since my rule here.  I feel you two will find much in common and that he will be able to help you find your footing here in Imperium.  And maybe take you on field trips to other realms you might both enjoy.” Cassandra’s face was now a mask of shock at what Abriella had said, and the wink that she got thrown didn’t cause it to change one bit.  
A cocky smirk was planted on Lucifer’s face as finally he got to lay eyes on the female that he was to be “assisting”.  He knew that there were few who thought he deserved to be walking free, but he was and they could just suck a rakshasa’s balls.  The beauty he got to work with was a reward for playing by his granddaughter’s rules, even if his toe was sometimes on the very edge of the line of them, and avoiding being beheaded by his grandson when he got a little too close to the line of his. Cruz was nowhere near as lenient as his sister.  Cassandra was a beauty he planned on having under him and enjoying by nightfall; a sorceress and a seductress he didn’t even need to hear a word from to recognize.  Even if everyone else was just playing guide dog for their guests, he planned on actually ravishing his, and he doubted she’d mind from the way her eyes were taking him in.  Ah, it was good to be him.
The little Nephilim he’d been warned to behave around wasn’t wilting into a puddle in her chair, but Deacon and Leandre were definitely playing the roles of guard dogs well.  Lucifer thought about making a move in her direction, but as tense as Deacon was, he might end up beheaded by a Horseman, and that would certainly put a damper on his day.   He’d have to see how things went around her later, test the waters just a little.  He would never hurt her, but push to get a reaction; that he might do.  Prince of Darkness was one of his titles after all, and one that he had very rightly earned.  
“Behave!”  One clipped word brought Lucifer to a sudden stop as he turned to look at Abriella with one brow raised in question.  “Do not forget who and what I am, or I will be more than happy to remind you. Painfully.”  She gave him a sardonic smile that had him inclining his head with the utmost respect.  Her point was made very clearly.  She had been able to read his energy and from the look on Leandre and Deacon’s faces, her reaction had clued them in to be on alert for his actions in the future.  Awe, his fun would be spoiled somewhat.   While he wouldn’t do anything outright, he did like to put his toe on the line and see what he could accomplish without stepping over.  He’d just have to make sure Cruz wasn’t in Imperium when he did it, he wasn’t going to give his grandson an excuse to cause him pain. “As always, my darling.”  He would not challenge her, after all he did like breathing and being.  She could end both without even breaking a sweat, and would.  It had been made clear to everyone that resided inside the palace that if harm came to any of her friends, her response would be harsh and swift.  Having been on the receiving end of her ire and hanging on the wall of the grand ballroom of the Palace of Imperium for over two years by her enchanted daggers firmly implanted through his shoulders into the wall, he was not inclined to test her too much.  The wounds from her daggers had still not completely healed, and he did not not want to know what powers she held that caused that.  If he were to be completely honest, and he rarely was, she scared him.
Surveying the scene unfolding before her, Cassandra couldn’t help but be amused.  The male before her was certainly a fine thing to look at.  That it was Lucifer himself also did not hurt one single thing.  He was as tall as the others with  auburn hair with a cocky strut that was unlike the other males that Brie had chosen.  Oh, when Dez and Thinnius had come out, they had been cocky, but nothing like Lucifer.  He had a smoothness to him that was like sex personified, and she liked it.  Cassandra studied Lucifer very closely and definitely liked everything that she was seeing.  Hhe was the epitome of a “bad boy” and she aimed to find out just how bad he could be as soon as they were not in a room full of people.  While she had hardly let that stop her in the past, she respected the other women at the table;  moreso, she highly respected Abriella.  Let the other play with their heroes and warriors, she wanted the one who could get down and dirty in every way possible.  Already she could feel her desire for him growing, and not just her sexual one.  Oh yes, this would be fun indeed. 
In her talks with Abriella, Cassandra had expressed more than once her interest in Caligo, the torture pits and what lay in the dark depths of the other realm that was Abriella’s domain.  She had been informed that she would be able to go there, but would have to be escorted due to the fact that sometimes those that were doing the torturing were a little…over eager to find a new victim when their time ended with the current one.  If that escort was Lucifer, well, she had no problem with that at all and would be looking forward to it.  There would be all kinds of fun that could be had.  She was probably the only one of the females at the table that loved the darkness and gave herself over to the evil on occasion;  something she was unashamed of and would never apologize for. She had a feeling with the right impetus, some of the demons could be persuaded to have a little fun her way too.  The more the merrier the saying went, after all.
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achoonihaachu · 2 years
Sun in Her Eyes
A re-imagining of Obey Me.
"What would happen if Lucifer knew from the very beginning of your connection to Lilith?"
tw: toxic behavior (luci!), not proofread hehe, 12 am thoughts penned into angst
!play Glimpse of Us by Joji
(ps: i missed you all so much! pretty sure this whole thing's a little messy but i hope you still like it!)
It has never been about you. 
The way your face just blends in with the rest of the student body so seamlessly like washed out watercolor on damp paper– you were a dime a dozen. You were dispensable, replaceable in his eyes but on stormy nights and under sheets of satin and fine silk, for just a millisecond he can feel her. He can see the unending pools of wonder that she had in her eyes… they shone just as brightly in yours but the second he blinks, it’s gone and you’re unidentifiable again.
Just another one to pass the time with.
Eons. He spent eons living in indulgence, his ego stroked with every girl that hung off his arms- drunk on his charm and his allure. The dutiful dog going through the motions, numb to the idea of feeling yet embodying the emotion most obnoxious and irritating. He found himself chasing that high.
He was never able to grieve properly. He was too frazzled to really understand, perhaps. Seeing her bleed out in his arms, all he could hear was a high pitch ringing reminiscent of a whine as he stared. All he could comprehend in that moment was how two figures loomed over him. The next thing he knew, he was making a deal with the devil and he...
Well, he managed to set her free from Death’s grasp.
On the nights he’s free, he sits with a bottle of expensive liquor and ponders on the possibilities. She had a soul, sure, but where on Earth would she go? The Gates of Heaven were eternally shut to him and his family, that much was obvious but she had the purest of souls.
If only Father wasn’t such a prick.
His smile would sour ever so slightly when he remembers how he wasn’t able to properly say goodbye. Surely she had to be dead at this point if Diavolo made true to his word. When they first fell, he’d spend hours upon hours just sitting by her makeshift grave and just think.
He never grieved, just thought and talked.
As the years went by, he spent less and less time on her and more and more time living the sin he embodied. The once daily visit turned into a weekly drop-by to just a quick sit down whenever he could. He swore, her soul never left him alone.
Maybe it was why he got so comfortable with leaving her be.
His brothers, once loving and concerned, slowly drifted yet for the life of him, he could never truly care how far from shore they went. He was Pride personified, he could reel them back in whenever he pleased. 
He let them be, ensuring they at least had enough food and had money to spare for their own wants and needs. He spent most of his days trapped behind a desk in between four walls that heard and saw every little thing he did. Silence and disdain grew in the household and it was practically crumbling before his very eyes until—
“Lucifer, I will be holding an exchange program.”
Damn this Prince and his never ending quest for peace and unity. He sounded like a deranged politician, really. The avatar forces himself to not roll his eyes as the prince waddles into his messy office one morning with a stack of files that was comically tall.
He was tasked to go through each and every eligible candidate and to dwindle them down slowly. The sun rose as he did and set without him, he stayed glued to his lush leather chair with the intent of appeasing the man he was forever indebted to.
Sleep was a curse that he still had to deal with and as it sweetly called for his name, he flips through a folder and all the lethargy leaves his body as he stiffens like a pole; it was as if he was doused with a bucket of freezing cold water. He drops the file and stares blankly at the photo attached.
It was as though his Father garnered starlight and put them in your eyes... just the way he did with her. His breath hitches in his throat as he sees that mischievous, toothy grin. He rubs his eyes, his mind was definitely pulling tricks and just as he expected-
You were nothing like his dear Lilith.
Your eyes shone like the sun, not the stars. You were much too different from her, no. He would never let himself compare a mere mortal to his beloved sister. You weren’t her and you could never be half of a fraction of the person she was.
So why did he find himself bringing your file to Diavolo’s office, the rest of the candidates trashed and stored somewhere in his home office?
What proof did he have to even assume that he saw her in you?
Without much as a second thought, you get approved and all he has to wait for is your arrival. He felt himself lose his composure as the days went by. He’d walk past a room covered in plastic. Its clean, bright image is the complete contrast to the dark and gloom of the rest of the house. 
He sat on the speckless sofa couch clad in cellophane the day before your arrival. 
You walk into the meeting room like a dream and he fell right into you. He was enamored, completely and wholly and you were none the wiser.
“My name is Lucifer.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name’s...“
He zoned out as he stared down at your frame. You were dangerous.
And you didn’t even know it.
Your first few nights in the Devildom were normal…ish? You got along swell with Beelzebub, the gentle giant was easy to soothe on his rampages. Lucifer noted how skilled you were in the kitchen and he decides that that’s one of the points that got him to pick you. As an avatar of Sin, deceit was his second nature.
Mammon quickly grew attached to you, regardless of your lineage. He loved how wild yet grounding you were. Lucifer decides that you were chosen because you were a good role model for the wild child of the family. 
He didn’t realize that included deceiving himself.
You weren’t able to make a breakthrough with the other brothers and a part of Lucifer, some sick part of his heart was happy. Only he knew this little detail of you, something that made you so indescribably special and important and his brothers were living their lives in the sweet bliss of ignorance.
He had Lilith all to himself.
He kept his distance at first but you were like this magnet that kept pulling him closer and closer. On sleepless nights, drunken secrets are shared between two souls in a room of plastic. The way he stared at your lips. The way his gaze would dart up to meet yours before he turns away.
He left you confused.
Your relationship grew tumultuous as the days passed by. He’d sneak into your room in the wee hours in the morning and wake you with a gentle kiss. His vision was blurry enough that if he didn’t think about it, he'd see her again.
Clothed in all white, in all her innocent glory. He’d stare at you and blink and... she’d be there but before he could reach out to hold her, he’d look down and see you in his arms.
He’d bite his lip till it bled, the rich flavor of his blood a stark contrast to the sweet gloss that you wore on your soft lips. He’d close his eyes and hold you tightly in his arms. He’d forget the stolen kisses and focus on the beating of your heart.
The beating of her heart.
The memories he shared with her blending and combining with whatever little moment you two would share in the privacy of your room.
If he holds onto her memory, it’s like she was never gone. If he tries hard enough, you’d look like her in the light at midday.
He’d look deep into your eyes, eyes swirling with wonder and awe, and he’d see her dancing in flower fields.
He’d smile at you fondly and when you smile back he feels a pang in his chest.
Because you will never be her.
He’d do anything just so he could find a glimpse of her again.
He snapped out of his daydream as quickly as he entered it. You sat across from him, drowning in your adorable turtleneck sweater, with a cup of hot chocolate in your dainty hands. Your brows furrowed in concern as you reached out cautiously.
“Is everything all right?”
His smile was wry. He takes your hand in his, your pretty promise ring shining in the dim light of the patio. Your hair was longer than when you first came. Your face etched with new wrinkles that held memories and adventures that were now in your past.
Every passing day, you looked more and more like her.
“Everything will be alright as long as I have you by my side.”
That same lopsided grin.
The same shine in your eyes.
“I love you.”
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
More undateables with a demigod hades mc???
By request, have yourself a part two!! 
Demigod MC Series: Hades Pt. 2 (Un)Dateables Edition!
I will ask that y’all please don't ask for continuations of other gods unless I say it’s okay to do again. This series already fills my inbox something fierce and this is a one-off that I allowed for during the request window.  If I have to make ideas for new gods while continuing a bunch of old MCs, it'll burn me out fast...
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2
Oh, he has no problem at all hosting a child of the Underworld, hell he even throws them a welcome banquet when he finds out! Hades is a dear friend - and practically a parental figure to him growing up - so he's more than happy to take in one of his children for a year.
Diavolo is actually one of the few people that the MC can talk to about their home with any kind of fondness. Usually when they bring up things like the comforting wailing of the River Coctyus, the brothers will give them weird looks... but Diavolo knows where they're coming from!
He spent numerous summers in the Underworld growing up doing things like pestering Charon on the River Styx or playing games with Cerberus (the other one) in the Asphodel Meadows... His beach house is actually modeled after his childhood summer home in the Isles of Paradise! Really, it can be a lovely place if the gloom doesn't bother you!
So in the spirit of his fond memories, Diavolo really tried to make their time in the Devildom a fun one!... in his maybe trying a little too hard way…  
Poor MC found themselves offered pretty much everything under the moon… Tickets or exclusive passes to different cultural events/festivals, invitations to gala events, and tours of nearly every inch of Hell by the Prince himself - it was… it was a lot for the poor introverted thing…
It didn’t help that Diavolo would have a hard time gauging if they were having any fun due to their naturally melancholic nature, which only pushed him to try harder… He means well, he does. He’s just not the most in touch with what would make an anti-social doom child happy...
It took Barbatos and Lucifer stepping in for the mortal to actually start getting some much needed space and that improved their experience significantly. Sometimes less is more, Dia… Less is more. But they appreciate his efforts anyway.
Also has a pretty amicable relationship with the Ruler of the Underworld, though his is much more professional compared to Diavolo’s. He actually has a good deal of appreciation for the man for taking good care of the Prince during his visits, so he sees this as an opportunity to return the favor.
Like Diavolo, he’s rather focused on making sure the MC is having a good stay in the Devildom, but he’s much more subtle about it. He’ll come by the House often to check up on them and make sure everything is to their liking... 
Even the brothers notice that he treats them like anothering visiting Lord/Lady in that way, which he would argue they very much are and should be respected as one. It’s the least the Devildom can offer their father at this point.
His visits may also be an excuse for keeping an eye on the brothers to make sure they don’t do anything to inconvenience their “young guest…” To be honest, the entire House is a little paranoid about that… Nobody wants to know the punishment for hurting MC if Barbs is the one dishing it out...
Apart from watching out for them, Barbatos tries to encourage the MC to accept the Young Lord’s gifts (while also actively advising Diavolo to go easier on them at the same time). It would be so disheartening to him if his Prince feels like he hasn’t offered them the best experience that he could… He’s sure they understand.
Any time that he invites the MC to tea, they usually end up talking about their father in some way. Barbs knows a surprising amount about the god… He’s been around about as long as Chronos - preceding the birth of Aether and Chaos themselves - so he has some stories to tell.
The MC did once ask him why he doesn’t just run everything if he’s really been around for so long... his answer was: “Kings and their kingdoms will rise and fall… Worlds upon worlds are born, then cease to be. But time is what brings about all changes… So, I think I’m perfectly content with the power I possess. Wouldn’t you be?” 
Annnd they never asked Barbs another question like that again… and people think death is scary… 
He was honestly a little worried for their new companion for quite a while… It’s not like there’s never any sadness in the Celestial Realm or anything, but they seem to have something else entirely…
He’s heard stories about the Underworld. He’s never been himself, that’s usually a job for the Seraphim due to the… dreary nature of the place - but he’s heard it would make the Devildom look downright festive…
If he were being honest, he had half expected the MC to be obsessed with skeletons, ghosts, and other elements of darkness but that wasn’t the case. They certainly knew a lot about those things, but they appeared to have a healthy interest in the afterlife in general, so they asked him a lot of questions about the Celestial Realm, angels, and how the souls of the blessed are treated up there… It was surprising to say the least.
Of course he did the same and, frankly, Simeon found it incredibly wasteful that so many Greek followers find themselves just wasting away in a field of nothing for so long… but that’s neither here nor there.
He was also surprised by how gentle of an influence the MC ended up being on Luke as well. He had always suspected that the little angel just needed a bridge between him and Devildom to start finding appreciation for it, and the MC fit that bill perfectly - nothing he was used to, but still approachable enough to make everything less frightening. He thanks them a great deal for that… but...
It’s just that… Well they’re just so… depressing sometimes…! He doesn’t want to blame them because it hardly seems like their fault! They’re a very kind person, it’s just an atmosphere around them… It brings him to tears if he isn’t careful…
He’s invited the MC to Purgatory Hall on multiple occasions to chat and try to make them smile… When they do, the gloom is dispelled - even just a little - and they’re a truly beautiful creature regardless. It’s just so unfortunate that their life brings so much sadness...
Even so, he actually likes the MC enough to consider basing a character on them if he ever wrote another book. Something about a gloomy but sweet protagonist at home in a world of darkness sounds appealing… doesn’t it?
He didn’t know how to feel about the MC when they met. At first, he actually thought they were just as unhappy as he was to be there due to how depressed they looked but when they told him that wasn't true, he was really confused...
The Devildom is a dark, brutish, and dangerous place. Why would anyone feel at home down here??
But… well… He would spend time with them at RAD between breaks (partially to help scare off their many, many demonic suitors) and it might be weird to say, but they really made the Devildom look beautiful… literally.
The world just looks better when they’re around! It’s really hard to describe because it’s not something you notice much until they leave, but when the MC is around everything looks more vibrant and inviting! The grass gets greener, flowers grow bigger, and butterflies/birds hover around wherever they are like they have their own gravity - the realm loves them!
It started getting hard for Luke to hang onto his disdain for the place when they made it look so appealing… And then they started talking to him about the Underworld and the creatures they’d befriended there… creatures a lot worse than any demons he’d seen there...
Like. If the MC can be good friends with a bunch of rude walking corpses, then he could probably make friends with a demon right? There’s nice ones… kind of… 
Beel. He can make friends with Beel.
Like Simeon, he does feel bad that they seem so sad all the time… but unlike the older angel, he’s a bit more understanding that this is just how they are and enjoys his time with them regardless. (It helps a lot that just being around this little bean of a boy can lift their spirits anyway).
And you know what’s even better for him? When Lord Diavolo gives the MC tickets to things that they don’t want to go to, sometimes they’ll invite him along or give them to him instead! 
He’s gone to the Devil’s Coast with MC and Simeon sooo many times by now and he loves it!! Maybe the Devildom isn’t so bad after all, I mean, it can be a lot of fun when you go to the right places, anyway.
Oh, he finds them both deeply fascinating and utterly terrifying - so just his sort of test sub-er, person!
He kids (somewhat), Solomon isn’t that dumb/lacking in self-preservation instinct. Experimenting on a child of death in a land of the dead (even if it’s not their “home turf”) would be asking for trouble. They’d have more than enough ammunition to fight him off and if their father found out? Immortality wouldn’t even begin to save him...
That being said, questions aren’t necessarily experiments… and oh boy, does he have a lot of them.
If the MC isn’t being pestered by Diavolo or the brothers, then they’re probably having to put up with Solomon nipping at their heels trying to get them to use their powers or answer all sorts of “innocent” scientific questions…
“MC, reanimation of Greek dead requires a blood offering, correct? Do you have to sacrifice animals for that process or do you allow them to feast on your own?”
“MC, when you’re controlling a skeleton do you move the body as a whole or do you have to animate each individual bone due to their lack of ligaments?”
“Think fast!! Oh look, you just caught the skull of my good friend, Richard! Could you bring him back from that, or should I fetch the rest of him?” 🙂
They put up with it because, believe it or not, he’s not nearly the weirdest person they’ve ever met (a lot of crazy people drift in and out of the land of the dead…) and well… they’re a pretty lonely person too so it’s not like they have a lot of standards when it comes to friendships anyway.
But the second they breathe a word of this to Barbs or Diavolo, this boy is on his way to a royal restraining order… Where does he even get those skulls…?
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galvore · 3 years
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▸ Lucifer x reader ▸ 1.8k ▸ sacrilege, manhandling, fingering, alluded religious trauma on Lucifer's part.
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▸ all the happy birthday wishes to the only person that I care enough to be nice towards, my lovely basement captive beta reader @bakudeath, hope you enjoy it oli. ▸ I finished writing this at 3 am and did not in fact care enough to beta read it.
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In addition to the Academy’s weekly assignments, Lord Diavolo managed to rope you in into writing some reports about your personal life in the human world for archive purposes. You would have refused, considering the amount of stress your homework puts you through already, but you’re weak to the prince’s puppy eyes.
This week, after having already used up all the obvious topics such as school, work and family, you decided to pick religion, also considering how faithful your family is, as it’s the culture back home. After having compiled what you deem to be enough information and having made sure you cited all your sources correctly, you get ready to submit it for review to Lucifer, who took upon himself to help you in this task, hoping to also show himself to be a capable deputy in the eyes of his leader.
Crossing the threshold of Lucifer’s office induces a hum of anxiety beneath your skin every time, no matter what brings you to his door. Whether it is a scheduled appointment or one of Mammon’s mishaps, the icy gaze he directs at you as soon as the handle clicks shut, from behind his wooden desk, anhilliates any speech you might have rehearsed in your head to explain your presence in this room. The oldest brother has always had the effect of rendering you speechless from the day you met him, but paired with the authoritarian aura he manifests sitting in his red padded chair, it becomes almost lethal.
“So, what brings you here today?”
“Oh” you didn’t realise you were standing silently in the doorway, too busy admiring the sight of the demon before you, specifically his blood red nails, quite the unusal sight considering how anal he usually is about his attire. “I think i might be done with this week’s report”
“You think?” he seems slightly amused by your uncertainty, used to the way you don’t hold back any comments to his younger brothers.
“Yeah, well, you still need to review it before I can submit it and be officially done”
You approach the desk, neatly placing the papers in question above the documents already present, before taking a step back and standing with your hands behind your back, waiting for the usual critiques, hoping you can soon be done with this repetitive task and go back to busying yourself with mindless tasks or at least catch up on your sleep.
The silence is almost deafening as you wait for him to read through the report, anxiously shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you try to gauge his opinion from his eyes scanning the pages. It’s almost imperceptible, the sudden hardening of his gaze, but after months of this exact process, you’re used to all his micro expressions. You start mentally preparing for whatever mistake he might highlight in your work, already mourning the time you will lose over rewriting the whole document, as for the set procedure.
“So why did you decide on this particular topic this week?”
The question startles you, as he usually never questions your choices, maybe inquires further about certain topics, but never with such disdain as today. “Uh, religion is quite a common topic? At least where I'm from.”
“Is it now? Didn’t know the church was this far spread around the world” his barely veiled bitterness emphasized by the legs of the chair screeching against the floor as he stands to reach you on the other side of the imposing desk.
“Well my family is quite religious” you swallow back the lump forming in your throat, unused to the attitude he’s manifesting, especially over one of your written reports. “And it’s almost an intrinsic part of our culture at this point, it goes beyond having some faith and going to services”
“And tell me, do you have faith?” He's sitting at the edge of the table now, arms crossed over his broad chest, shoulders squared back in his perfect posture.
“Do I have what now?” the question perplexes you. A demon of his caliber shouldn’t care about such things. Especially considering you never made any reference to having any belief in the first place, your astonishment as you entered the Devildom alone should have been enough.
“Have faith, pray” mindlessly laying the documents aside he stands before you, lowering his face to meet you directly eye to eye, his ruby irises burning through you. “piously go to church to get on your knees on the cold stone floor to direct your poised hands at the cross, the full nine yards”
“I don’t- not really? Not anymore at least” you try to avoid his scrutinizing gaze, suddenly taking interest in the room decor, a weird feeling you can’t quite pinpoint settling in your gut all of a sudden.
“You mean to tell me there was a time you directed your hopes and dreams at the man above?” he grabs your face right under your chin to redirect your attention towards him, dead set on not letting you escape him
“Our heavenly Father?” His tone is sinister, fangs bared at the words grace the tip of his tongue, spitting them out like venom, barely holding back the anger he arbors towards his creator and nemesis.
His back still burns from the fall he and his brothers were subjected to.
“Well as I said it’s- it’s tradition?” you struggle to see what might have upset him so much, scared of what he might do you quickly rack your brain for anything to diffuse the situation you unconsciously dragged yourself into.“It’s what I grew up with, nothing more”
“Nothing more? You mean to tell me you don’t believe in Him? That you’re a lost little sheep with no shepherd?”
“I mean, I might be going back on track on his existence considering this… demons and angels thing I’m experiencing, but I wouldn’t exactly say I believe in him”
“Don’t you think he’d be disappointed in you? Such a good little believer getting lost in temptation along the way.” He gets closer and closer with every syllable, to the point your noses are almost brushing against each other.
“Won’t you pray for your forgiveness now that you’ve seen the error of your ways?”
His words seem too casual to not be allegories at this point, too pointed and too viscous to hide the underline of his loathing.
Holding on to whatever last hope you have you open your mouth to retort once more, wishing this last sentence will make him release you and go back to the review you came here to go through in the first place.
“Why would I-”
A sudden switch of positions cuts you off, you find yourself being pushed face first onto the papers littering the sturdy wooden surface that was once behind him, your body being forced to bend over under the weight of the demon weighing you down further. Your heart is racing at what has just transpired, blood pumping in your ears and adrenaline rushing at the incoming sight of danger.
“I said fucking pray to Him.” He leans down to whisper in your ear with such an authoritative tone you find yourself in shambles at how to proceed.
“Go on, don’t you remember anything from your catholic upbringing? You seemed to be so knowledgeable in it seconds ago” Leaning back to stand above you, one of his gloveless hands still holding you down with a firm grasp at the back of your neck, while he runs his fingertips along the back of your bare legs until he reaches the hem of your uniform skirt.
Finally getting what he’s trying to get at, you squeeze your eyes shut, turning your head to lay your forehead against the paper underneath you trying to hide your shame from his predatory gaze, as you finally recite the holy trinity.
“En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo”
A smirk of self accomplishment graces Lucifer’s face, having finally corrupted you to commit one of the most blasphemous acts in the book, unaware of the fact you’re taking part in a twisted revenge against his creator.
“Padre nuestro”
His hand finally reaches his goal, flipping the fabric up to uncover your underwear, he toys with the slightly damp fabric. Playfully scoffing at your silent eagerness, he runs the pad of his index along your clothed slit, savoring the tremors of anticipation running down your figure.
“que estás en el cielo.”
After toying some time with the fabric, by grabbing it to pull up and down as to tease your slit, he unceremoniously shoves it to your knees, revealing your cunt twitching around nothing searching for any sort of stimulation.
“Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino.”
You squeal as he shoves two of his carefully manicured fingers inside you without any care, having deemed you wet enough not to need any further prep. He wastes no time, immediately picking up the pace by pumping them in and out of you with a brutal rhythm.
“Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.”
It’s getting harder and harder for you to concentrate on the proper enunciation of the prayer, the words coming out more garbled as Lucifer doesn’t seem to show any mercy to your poor hole, stretching your gummy walls out, searching for the spot that will make you lose it.
“Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas,”
His thumb swipes at your clit in tandem, not letting you properly breathe between the words, that get constantly choked in between breathy moans you cannot seem to properly contain, as the tension nestled below your belly grows exponentially.
“como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal.”
You rush out the last verses, almost screaming them as you finally reach your peak, clenching down onto his fingers, your cunt sucking them up inside so tight he almost can’t move them.
After managing to catch some of your breath, you pant out a barely audible “Amén.” punctuating your orgasm, letting the afterglow take over your spent form as you lay there, waiting for the demon above you to finally speak.
“Why did you stop?”
“It’s- it’s done? It’s the only o-” With what little room of movement he left you, you turn towards him, still too caught up in your pleasure to answer him properly.
“The prayer might be but I am not.”
He swiftly flips you onto your back, causing some of the objects sitting around you to clutter to the ground. Holding onto your thighs, he slots himself in between your spread legs, grinding his clothed bulge along your sopping cunt as he looks down at your disheveled form with hungry eyes.
“You’re not getting out of here until you’ve recited an entire rosary.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Can I request a teen mc who is like YUJI from jujutsu kaisen as in they are the vessel of SUKUNA PLSS? Like maybe they can manifest SUKUNA in his curse form as another being as well like megumis dogs? (If you don’t know JJK can you just do a chaotic teen mc? ❤️)
So let me tell you: I started reading the manga but have yet to watch the anime 😭 it’s really good though and I’m probably gonna start it this week, but I’m not sure if I’m 100% confident in writing Sukuna. BUT this request was too good to pass up, so if you don’t like it I will write the other scenario instead just let me know!
So for these headcanons, I made it to where MC is Sukuna’s vessel like Yuji, and that they can manifest him if needed. But, I still kept it to where he’s not exactly a good guy with MC’s best interest at heart. Reader is gender neutral and younger than the Bros, so the dynamic is more family instead of romance just a heads up! Hope you enjoy!
TW: Minor cursing, spoilers for Lesson 16 in Mammon’s, Beel’s, and Belphie’s part
The Brothers with Teen MC who’s Sukuna’s Vessel
Was very irritated with this revelation, but still curious
Still annoyed either way though
He already had to make sure that you stayed alive during your stay and not disappoint Diavolo, but now he had to make sure that you kept this curse at bay too!
He’s very skeptical of you: not only because of you being a young human but also being a human with essentially a demon inside of you
A very troublesome demon if not kept under control at all times
Honestly Sukuna was like an buzzing gnat who wouldn’t just go away, so Lucifer didn’t see him as a threat personally. More of a nuisance that could grow into a threat if remained unchecked
After you explained the whole situation, he still assigned Mammon to you, but he made sure to personally keep an eye on you too
Your presence was seen as a threat at first, but as time passed, he, along with his brothers knew you meant no harm, but the same couldn’t be said for this Sukuna
He wanted to have faith in you, but he couldn’t bring himself to fully believe it. After an incident at RAD with another demon attempting to attack you, your powers (or rather Sukuna’s) came out to play
He saw the markings, the extra eyes, the malice spread on your face, and he then realized just how serious this has become. You were able to gain control back, but the damage was already done. You were so distraught, sobbing before you, trying to apologize and swearing that you didn’t mean for this to happen, all the while Sukuna was laughing, morphing a mouth on your cheek
It was so bizarre to see, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for you. You were such a kind person, always going out of the way to spend time and help wherever you could. You essentially became a part of the family, but he knew that you didn’t feel accepted because of him
After that, your “punishment” was to practice holding control over Sukuna with Lucifer, every day after school (which can just be seen as him checking in on you on a daily basis, and trying out different techniques to make sure repeats of this incident doesn’t happen again). Meaning that you trained on manifesting him at will, instead of him completely taking over
Not gonna lie he’s acting like a proud dad when he sees you making progress and Sukuna just sitting in your head tired of all this positivity lol
Lucifer cares for you, he’s accepted you fully even if you hadn’t for yourself. He wants to protect all of his family (including you), and he doesn’t want to think about what could happen if Sukuna becomes a danger to the Devildom or Diavolo...
Is impressed but also low key nervous
Humans are not suppose to be like this, ya know!
He’s not the smartest demon in Hell, but he definitely knows that you can’t summon demons without a pact, and he knows your baby face doesn’t have one with the King of Curses
You had to break down the whole deal, and it made him even more confused and distressed
Was still acting annoyed being your designated babysitter, I mean seriously, just how annoying can you be?!
Just kidding! You guys are totally partners in crime in no time and you both make Lucifer get 2x the wrinkles now
“MC, let the Great Mammon show you how’s it done!”
“Mammon, you’re going to be the reason why we’ll be strung up again for the third time this week.”
“It’s going to be both of your idiots’ faults. Such a pathetic display.”
He HATES whenever Sukuna makes an appearance, whether you call on him or he makes his own special appearance. He’s like a gritty and more sadistic version of Lucifer, minus the style and uptight personality (and honestly the finesse too), which made him 10x the more aggravating
He honestly hates Sukuna in general. Here you are, his MC, one of the only people to stand up and defend him always, struggling to live a normal life because of him. It was bad enough that you got sent down here with no warning, but now you got sent with him, and from what Mammon could hear with the conversations between you two, he wasn’t exactly your BFF
Denies being excited about seeing you perform your cursed techniques, but only because it brings him out (and he guesses it’s a little cool that you know how to do it). But human, you don’t need that lame curse, you got the great demon himself to protect you!
On a darker note, you made Mammon swear to you that if Sukuna took over and you for some reason couldn’t gain back control, that he would protect himself and his brothers first before worrying about you. He hated this even coming up, you should be worrying about what’s the next scheme you guys could pull off, not some weird sharpie colored entity causing problems. But you were dead serious, and you made him promise that if the worst case scenario ever happened, he would make sure it’s taken care of
Mammon realized you were the missing piece to their family. It felt nice to have someone depend on him, to actually treat him with respect and care for him truly. He refused to accept Sukuna as a part of you (really he just acted like he didn’t exist, which he didn’t in his mind), and he refused to let him or anyone else harm you
You’re family now, and he wasn’t going to lose anyone else ever again
Oh look, another normie
Wow, you’re such a normie that you’re even talking to yourself through a manifested mouth on your palm-wait WHAT
You broke it down to him, and you just...stared at you, with a blank expression on his face. Until-
How ironic lol
He practically had a fanboy overload moment whenever you showed off your cursed techniques to him after he begged asked you countless times
You guys remember that vine with the kid saying, “I have the power of God and anime on my side”? Recreate that while doing your moves and he’ll be in awe and dying laughing at the same time
Will post it to his Devilgram and DevilTube
His envy will start to show at first. How is it that someone boring like you get to have all these cool powers and have an actual king reside in you?? You’re living the Shonen dream and not even grateful for it!
But this reality for him would soon shatter after he saw Sukuna for himself, and the way that he behaved towards you. The way that the curse would just look at with disdain in his eyes just made Levi’s skin crawl. He was made well aware that you were in fact not living the anime dream he thought you were. The look in your eyes reminded him of how he would feel whenever he felt like a scummy otaku, and from that point forward he would find ways to cheer you up
You can plan on having anime marathons, game nights, even talking with Henry (I hc that he can talk and understand aquatic animals) when you get into these moods. Anything that helps him get out of his funks he’s hoping it helps you too. You don’t deserve this type of treatment from anyone, especially someone that even he can no doubt eliminate
You were honestly one of the coolest people that he knows, and one of the strongest too! Not just physically, but mentally too. He can’t imagine what could be going on in your head since Sukuna became a part of you, but he knows that you’re strong enough to overcome anything that he throws at you. And if you had moments where you faltered or doubted yourself, that’s okay! Levi would be right beside you the whole way, doing anything he can to keep pushing you forward
Be the teen anime hero that he’s know you can be MC! You wouldn’t be his Henry if he didn’t have any faith in you, you know?
Bonus: you don’t have to worry about your anime nights being ruined after one night when Sukuna somehow found a spoiler to an anime that Levi was really anticipating became a very visual warning for the curse. Levi convinced you to let him take over, and whatever was said resonated with him because you never heard a peep after that, both out loud and in your head
Oh he was BEYOND fascinated
We all know how much Satan loves to read and how smart he is, so while you look at your condition as a curse (no pun intended), he saw it as an opportunity
Could you feel this curse coursing through your body? Did you feel stronger? Could he see through your eyes all the time or only when you let him? He had so many questions it wasn’t even funny
Very understanding of your situation surprisingly (but still called you dumb for eating Sukuna’s finger)
Satan would be one of the only people you could really trust when dealing with Sukuna. Yes, you trusted all of the brothers, but if you were really in a bind you could count on Satan to come up with a solution quickly
The only issue was his anger. Everyone knows just how angry he can get, and to avoid him ASAP if you even think he’s getting frustrated. Sukuna knows this too, and will be more than happy to taunt him to truly bring out his wrath. While he does need you alive (for now), it wouldn’t hurt to have some type of fun around here. Plus, this could cause your bonds with these brothers to weaken, and the weaker the bond, the weaker the will to help you keep him at bay and defeat him
But Satan knew better, and you did your best in keeping Sukuna away. He may be the Avatar of Wrath but that didn’t mean he was stupid. However, he did have one slip up unfortunately
You see, he was just having a bad day and already got into a spat with Lucifer, and you sensed that he certainly needed his space. So while you slowly backtracked to your room and from his path, Sukuna decided to be the evil ass that he is, and proceed to provoke him. What finally made him snap was his comment that, “You would be a formidable opponent if you weren’t in your older brothers’ shadow, but oh well. Can’t help who you come from I see.”
It took Beel, Mammon, and Lucifer to properly restrain him from ripping Sukuna (really you) limb from limb, with him laughing manically and you scrambling back in fear. Which called for a very long, detailed family meeting (of course after Satan fully calmed down) that resulted in mediated meetings between you and him for the next month. You felt guilty, you should have done better containing him, but you couldn’t predict whenever he decided to pop up!
But after a long talk, Satan didn’t blame you. He blamed himself for losing to his anger and especially blamed Sukuna. He decided that it was time to get rid of this pest once and for all. Be ready MC, cause once he puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him
Prepare for your bonding time to be deep into books and practicing new hexes and curses. But don’t worry, it’s not always boring and Satan makes sure that you’re having some type of fun. He’s really doing this to have some sort of protection for you: whether it’s against Sukuna or himself. He wants you to know something besides your cursed techniques just in case they fail for some reason
Will shockingly want you to manifest the curse, one main reason is to obviously collect information on him, the other reason is to test said hexes and curses on him
Can a curse be cursed? Let’s find out
You helped Satan with him realizing that anger isn’t the only emotion that you can feel, and with you being so young, he wanted you to experience life as much as you can. And while you had an extra...passenger with you, he will do his best to make sure that it doesn’t get in the way of you enjoying life. It was nice to see a joyous smile on your face
Also you guys did find a hex that made Sukuna meow for the whole day and it was the best thing to ever happen with him lmao
Honestly wasn’t really bothered with it at first. If anything, he treated it like hot gossip when you told him in the beginning
One thing he will say though: humans can be so revolting at times. I mean you ate a rotten finger, a cursed, aged, sharp, disgusting- you get the point. He did cringe at that, but everything else was pretty normal besides that
Still talked about your daily gossip, painted nails, the works. But recently, Sukuna’s name has been coming up more and more in your recent convos. Asmo, being quite the messy curious demon, wanted to know more about this curse
He really treated Sukuna like he was just your show and tell act and would want you to bring it out to see how he really was. He was amused with your cursed techniques, but he wanted to see more!
He heard you both talking with one another, and he wanted to see him in person! He hasn’t done anything and you’re among the seven strongest in Hell, so what could go wrong?
So much. So much could go wrong
And so much went wrong
After you manifested him, it went downhill from there. The large amount of control you did show caught his attention, but then it moved to the King of Curses himself. He was very delighted to see him up close for more than a couple of seconds, and took his time admiring his physique up close. It was fun for him, but not for you. Sukuna could feel your will slipping since your focus was being divided dealing with Asmo, so he took this as his time to shine
You had an exhausting day, and you were tired, which he used to his advantage. Asmo started to complain when Sukuna suddenly disappeared, but didn’t have a chance to voice it as your arm suddenly gripped the front of his shirt. He felt himself jolt, feeling his heart pumping. He looked into your eyes and realized that this wasn’t you, this was now Sukuna. The black markings that lined your face along with the new eye color (and the extra pair of eyes) came with a grin that stretched across your face
“What’s the matter? You were so eager to be in my presence, is it not to your liking now that the tables have turned? You claim to be one of the strongest, yet I would be able to kill you just being in this form-Ah, the brat is trying to come back, what a shame. Do me a favor, little Asmodeus, don’t insult me like this again. I am a King, and you will remember that. I might have to pay you another visit and take your heart with me next time to make sure you’re aware of that.”
He didn’t give Asmo time to answer, as his grip loosened and you were back. He saw you stumbling, shook out of his own thoughts and reached to catch you. He knew that this curse was an issue, but he didn’t understand just how serious this was, how serious it had gotten so quickly. The thought of Sukuna didn’t scare him, but the promise of him coming back just for him caused some worry. He wasn’t the weakest, but he didn’t want to hurt you! As much as he couldn’t stand his new found scorn of Sukuna, it wasn’t enough for him to take the chance of injuring you
You didn’t strike fear in him, rather the opposite. To see someone he has grown to care about be the one to try and bring his demise was...saddening. He could just feel his heart breaking at the notion. And if this experience taught him one thing is to be more understanding of what you’re going through
You remembered bits and pieces of the incident, and whenever you asked Asmo about it, he would divulge a tad in what happened, but wouldn’t go into too much detail. He didn’t want you blaming yourself, and he didn’t want you to distance yourself from him either. You already proven yourself of formindable you are ever since you gotten down here, and Asmo wasn’t going to let some jealous wannabe demon get in the way of that!
So no more talk of the thing, and whenever it did want to make an unsuspecting visit, Asmo would be ready. The thing was immune to most curses, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be charmed to some extent, right?
Has covered the eye slits up with makeup and other beauty products every morning, becomes both of your favorite bonding activity. Anything to erase any evidence of it existing and to hear your giggles brightens his day everytime!
Is very sympathetic of your ordeal
Has mad respect for you eating that finger though, even he doesn’t think that he would eat that
Maybe with some sauces and some Hellroast he might
Is another brother that tries to keep an eye on you. If this Sukuna really is as dangerous as you make him out to be, then he would make sure to be prepared if things went south
Beel’s motto: stay ready you ain’t gotta get ready
Will want you to practice your moves with him. Beel’s pretty powerful, and on muscles alone is one of the strongest brothers. He wants to make sure that you can recognize your full potential, and to always do your best. Expect to be in the gym or the HoL’s backyard working out and training majority of the week
Is thoroughly impressed with your cursed techniques
Beel doesn’t understand that while yes, you have a whole curse residing in you, doesn’t make you less of a human. He forgets that you still have some limitations, and you have to remind him at least twice a week. You gotten more powerful yes, but you still weren’t at Beel’s level
“You can do it MC! Don’t give up!”
“Beel this is over 500 pounds...are you forgetting that I’m still HUMAN-”
But you can never stay mad at him, he’s just too sweet and he means well. He genuinely wants you safe and prepared if anything happens with Sukuna, and if getting you buffed up makes him feel somewhat at ease, then you’ll deal with it
Shares his food with you sometimes. He makes sure that you eat properly too, so no skipping out on meals!
Great listener! Whether you’re complaining about class, talking about a new restaurant you’re interested in (he’s definitely tuned in), or venting about Sukuna, he’s all ears. Even gives you advice if you ask for it or if you really need it
Has encountered Sukuna while he took over your body once, and let me tell you, he was not happy at all
Beel is one of the brothers that are in touch with his emotions; he doesn’t really fly off the handle into a rage unless someone has done something to his family or if he’s being denied food. But now that you’re family and vulnerable not only to other demons but to this curse inhabiting your body, he wasn’t taking any chances
He made sure to be very clear when talking with Sukuna. He wouldn’t stand for anything happening to you, and he made sure that the curse would wish he stayed scattered if that boundary was crossed
Beel is a very protective big brother that’s constantly looking out for you all the time. Even if you feel like that you need to bare this burden on your own, he makes sure that you never feel alone.
He already lost Lilith, and he doesn’t want to lose you too. He won’t mess up this time
See, he knew that there was something wrong with humans, and you were living proof of that
How can you trust humans not knowing if they have another creature living within them?!
Whatever, he’s too sleepy to even care about it
And you weren’t one of the worst so...he guesses that you’re tolerable, but don’t push it!
In the beginning, he thought it was easy to manipulate you, but he could just sense that something wasn’t right with you (and no, it wasn’t because you were just human). He would hear you talking aloud to yourself, except that you were...responding to yourself too?
He thought you finally cracked up lmao
He brought it up as a joke once, but the way you reacted was tense and...ashamed? Oh, he just hit a gold mine. This could make things much more interesting. You shared a little bit of your story with this so called “King of Curses”, but he was smart enough to make a plan off of the information. Maybe he could take advantage of Sukuna like he is of you. Kill two birds with one stone
Well his plan backfired swiftly. After he was freed from the attic and went straight in for the kill, things went array. His hands were wrapped around your neck, he could-should see the life leaving your eyes, but instead he was met with Sukuna’s gaze. Belphie thought he planned this right, he made sure that he didn’t give you enough time to manifest him or to use your curse techniques, so how was this-
“You think I don’t recognize the look of bloodlust, you spoiled child? You were foolish enough to believe that you could get rid of me this easily like the brat?!”, and he was sent flying across the room. How was this happening, this wasn’t suppose to happen!-
“As much as I would like to see them die, they’re useful to me for the time being. Once they are of no use anymore, the only one who will be relishing in their demise is me. They’ll be dying by my hand, not by some weakened child.”
Those words still resonated with him still to this day. Honestly, the whole incident did. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that you forgiven him and want to build a real bond together, his mind refused to erase that horrid memory, and he deserved it. When Belphie remembers back to that day, he remembers the horrified and heart breaking looks on his brothers’ faces, the way that your eyes show how betrayed and petrified, and how you were gasping out begging him to stop, before he comes out and puts everyone in danger
He felt disgusting, guilty, mortified, regretful, a disappointment. Those feelings only escalated after having them explain the truth to him, both about yourself and being a descendent of his dead sister. He could see how much you touched his family, and you extended that kindness to him too, and he just exploited it
He stayed far away from you for a very long time. He didn’t try to approach you at all, only staying in the planetarium or even the attic, to avoid crossing paths with you. He didn’t deserve to make a connection with you like his older brothers, as much as he wanted to. He was remorseful, it wasn’t because of the whole Lilith revelation, but because you really didn’t deserve that happening to you
You made the first move to make amends, to have a fresh start, and he couldn’t have been more grateful, albeit nervous. He was so terrified of messing things up again, but you were there to help keep him grounded. “I won’t lie to say that what you did was okay, but I’m willing to move on from it. You aren’t completely forgiven, but we can work towards fixing things, together.”
Belphie was shaken by Sukuna’s words, but he wasn’t necessarily scared of him. In fact, he would personally find a way to cast him out of your body and destroy him permanently as the perfect apology and thank you gift; the thank you for reuniting him with his family, and for helping them develop healthy relationships with one another. They weren’t as separate as before, and it made him feel so warm every time he thought about it
Not that he would ever say that to anyone
You both spent time together either napping or plotting for future LYS (Lucifer You Suck) pranks. And since Belphie is pretty good with magic himself, he would be teaching you some new spells or curses that you could use to protect yourself, even against the curse inside you
Belphie will make sure to not make another huge mistake when it comes to you ever again. He’ll have his little slip ups, but you were never put into harms way because of them. He doesn’t want to sabatoge this bond, and he wants you to truly be happy spending time with him. He’s not the greatest role model (obviously) and may be tight lipped about how he feels most of the time, but he really does have your best interests at heart
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waywardsummoner46 · 3 years
Welcome Home, Sister Part Four
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Summary: Gabriel felt it, they all felt it. Castiel has seen it. You have to experience it. Waking up though, you find yourself in an unknown place. Immobile but searching for Cas regardless but when you see him you know… this ain’t Cas.
Word count: 1460
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
As soon as Lucifer’s grace entered (Y/N)’s mouth, every supernatural being felt a rupture in the universe. It was as though their entire way of living was soon to be permanently altered because of this single event.
Gabriel, without a doubt, sensed it. And along with it came the emotional turmoil. Sadness, joy, dread, excitement. But the most prominent one: fear. Because Gabriel knew, he knew, that without him nothing would ever fall into place which clearly prompts an all out celestial search for him.
Ever since he’d killed Loki and assisted the Winchester’s in their quest to find Mary and Jack, he’d had to impersonate some other ancient deity… Seth. The Egyptian God of Confusion and Trickery. Considering the entirety of the Egyptian Gods had died out a couple centuries ago, he needed to find some replacements for the key Gods - Osiris, God of the Underworld, Isis, Goddess of Love, Horus, God of War, Ra, God of the Sun, Anubis, God of Death, Thoth, God of Wisdom and Bastet (Bast), the Cat Goddess.
In true Gabriel fashion however, he didn’t actually recruit any other being for the job. So he took on them all for himself, or continuously came up with lies as to why the requested God hadn’t turned up.
He emigrated to Egypt in hopes of avoiding Heaven’s eye as the angels have a strong disdain for people who worship “false Gods”. They’re just being pathetic honestly. Either way, he’d been desperate for any sort of escape or false sense of security he could find before the inevitable would eventually happen, as he knew only too well that his little mischievous interruption was just that; an interruption
Regardless, he straightened abruptly from the fake meeting he was in (he created multiple illusions of himself and adjusted to suit each and every deity to perfection), made the illusions simmer out into nothing and attempted to contact Castiel through his grace. To no avail it seemed as no matter which tunnel he tried to enter, or which crevice he tried to wedge himself into, all of his efforts were wasted.
Castiel’s grace was gone!
His brows furrowed slightly in worry and stood there perplexed for the better part of a minute. His eyes darted to random places frantically before he halted his movements altogether.
“Lucifer,” he whispered to that dark, realising the extent of how severe the situation was. His grace was off limits because Lucifer had corrupted it.
Twisted it to its very core, manipulated whatever made Castiel more human and erased it with the image of an ideal soldier. Based on how Charlie had described Apocalypse World Castiel, Gabriel decided that a connection was disturbingly accurate.
Granted, this modified version of Cas didn’t have a twitching lip, nor did he have a German accent, but he would be just as lethal and just as effective. Heaven’s perfect little soldier.
Knowing Lucifer though, Gabriel knew he’d also set Castiel on his rear so maybe trying to track his grace wasn’t the best idea… Oh well! Guess he’ll just have to be super sly then?
Still, there was something bothering him.
If Castiel has been exploited as he presumes, then there will be nothing preventing Castiel from protecting (Y/N). Whilst that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, he knows for sure that the youngest Winchester won’t enjoy being under a constant watch and will have especial disdain for how uptight and over-bearing he’ll be.
Despite the circumstances, he scoffed fondly for his soon-to-be sister. Sobering up and out of his momentary goof, his eyes gained a new look.
The look of the old Gabriel, Heaven’s youngest archangel and God’s messenger was back and ready to roll, baby.
(But not before a quick lollipop obviously.)
He didn’t know what happened. All that mattered now was his new found devotion and his clarity of life ahead.
(Y/N) - his superior - and he had been trying to flee the Bunker because he’d had orders from the archangel Gabriel to evacuate Earth and enter a specific reality he’d created, but he’d had to take her with him. As protection.
Against Lucifer and Michael, previously he’d blindly followed the order because it was in his best interest to do so and because of how much he cared for the archangel. Free will was what Michael called it, what an interesting concept?
Anyway, they’d been climbing the stairs up to the upper floor before he’d paused. His entire body froze but his grace did the complete opposite. He’d known that Lucifer was attempting to worm his way into the chinks of his damaged grace, known he should’ve fought more fiercely, more dangerously, more like an angel of the Lord should.
But the grace, Lucifer and Michael’s conjoined grace was the most mesmerising thing he’d ever gazed upon. His physical body remained fixed into place, but his celestial self was overwrought with a need to interact with this divine essence.
He could only describe his surroundings as white, plain and blank. Nothing special to note or take into consideration. But the distracting pull of this everlasting, angelic core consumed his entire being. His grace was wrenched towards it, as though a magnet was tugging at his roots.
The closer he got, the more he could see. A future, the promise of a future so great, his grace began pulsing with raw and uncontained euphoria. It was a future where archangels and angels alike thrived and basked in God’s creations, where they lived life so peacefully, lived it to its fullest!
Distantly, he couldn’t deny that there was a slight intrusion to his grace. Something that was prodding and roaming wherever it could, distantly he recognised it as the enemy.
Eme, ene, eme…
Blinding. It was like a hot knife was being rammed into his chest, causing the wound and instantly healing it. No time to consider it, he was instantly engulfed with (false) memories of when he was a fledgling. How happy (he’d never had a chance to experience it) he was with his older brothers. With Michael and Lucifer.
And soon, (Y/N). But Lucifer says he can’t reveal anything yet. He said think of it as Chinese whispers, where only he and Lucifer and Michael knew the secret. Oops, no good being a cheater, so he’ll keep his mouth shut.
His mouth shut, but his eyes opened anew with the promise of angelic salvation for him and all of his siblings.
“You alright, Cas?” she asked. His eyes widened but he remembered his promise. So, he merely beamed and announced merrily:
“I’m alright, thank you. Better than alright actually”. And he meant it.
Everything was not alright. You woke up and instantly registered how you were immobile. You couldn’t move anything. Your eyes and mouth seemed to be the only exception but that did nothing to soothe your panic.
“There, there, little sister. Don’t panic, we’re here,” Michael alleviated you. You couldn’t even have the vindication of saying it didn’t work, because for some bizarre reason, it did. Your eyelids fluttered shut once more, and your lips moved sluggishly.
“Where-” you croaked, so you poked out your tongue to wet your lips. “W-where am I? Where’s Cas?” you repeated slightly clearer than last time.
Michael huffed, raised a brow and mocked you with a contemplative look. He left you in the dark for a few moments, before inhaling sharply and gestured blindly for something behind his back.
Footsteps started clacking on the floor and approached you. Suddenly, you grasped that you had you had no knowledge of your surroundings. Your breathing turned fast, and your eyes watered slightly but it all stopped when a familiar face appeared above you.
It was undoubtedly Cas, but the stern and almost distasteful look on his face seemed permanently engraved into it. This was an unfamiliar face, same features maybe, but they were twisted into something ambiguous.
For the most part, your breathing stabilized itself but that was mostly due to your mutual studying of each other’s face. “Cas?” you tried.
He almost flinched, it was barely noticeable, but you did anyway.
“My name is Castiel, but if you wish to address me as such, then I will not resist,” his voice was as robotic as when you’d first met him all those years ago. “I hope you are well, sister.” You detected slight apprehension in his tone, but elected to ignore it until you became more level-headed.
Averting your head from Castiel, you instead addressed Michael. “Where the hell have you taken me?”
Lucifer came into view and dominated your vision along with his older brother. What he said next shook you to your core, “Welcome home, sister.” Then, you screamed.
A/N: Well oops. I’ve been away obviously but I hope this chapter makes up for it. It’ll stay kicking off next chapter so I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think (by the way I’m looking for a beta to read it over so if you’re interested let me know). Hope you’re all okay :)
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Three’s Company - Obey Me! Lucifer x Satan x Reader (NSFW)
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Summary: When Lucifer and Satan accidentally switch bodies, they decide to stay in your room. A little unhealthy competition leads to the demons battling over who can fuck you better while they occupy the other demon's body...who's going to win? Rating: Explicit! 18+ NSFW Relationship: Lucifer x Reader, Satan x Reader, Lucifer x Satan x Reader Tags: threesome, oral sex, face-sitting, rough sex, vaginal sex, choking, spanking, hair pulling, vaginal fingering, rimming, fluff and smut, shameless smut, dialogue heavy Word Count: 6,919
PLEASE READ: Lucifer and Satan have switched bodies. After the jump when they're all at dinner and everything after that point, when Lucifer speaks/does something, he is doing so from inside of Satan's body, and vice versa.
I originally was going to label them as Satan (Lucifer) and Lucifer (Satan), but a friend brought up a good point: regardless of which body they currently possess, Lucifer is Lucifer and Satan is Satan. Therefore, I kept their names associated to whatever action/dialogue they're doing.
I tried to sprinkle reminders throughout via physical descriptions and some of the dialogue. I hope it's not too confusing!
Special shout out to @pridecomesbeforethefall​ and @shirothequeen​ for encouraging me when I first posted the idea to write this in the Obey Me! tags. I hope you enjoy!
An hour earlier…
“No, I’m not going to make a pact with you,” you declare firmly, eyes holding steady in Satan’s skewering gaze. The tension visibly escalates, and books are starting to hover in the air, like weapons aiming to strike.
“Excuse me?” thunders Satan, fury etched in his voice. “You’re just a lowly human. How dare you reject me when I  offer  to make a pact with you? I’ll hurt you-”
“That’s enough, Satan.” Lucifer’s voice booms from behind you. “You will do no harm to Diavolo’s exchange student.”
The hostility escalates even further with Lucifer’s arrival. Books are now flying across the room. You duck, barely avoiding getting smacked in the face by a particularly heavy one.
“Stay out of this, Lucifer,” Satan explodes.
“You’re better than this,” Lucifer chides his younger brother, shaking his head. “Don’t give in to your wrath.”
Satan clearly doesn’t like that, as the books begin to fly even  faster  all around. You cover your head with your arms, but you can’t help except to watch the two brothers in the middle of their explosive altercation.
One book in particular flies past Lucifer, and he studies it with a curious look on his face. Satan notices the book at the same time, and they both reach out to grab it. As they place their hands on its cover simultaneously, a white light suddenly bursts through the room.
You yelp, the force knocking me onto the floor, but thankfully you’re not hurt. You sit up on the heels of your hands, and your jaw drops as you take in what just happened.
About an hour later, in the dining room at dinnertime...
“We’re going to be staying in Y/N’s room for the time being, until the spell wears off,” Lucifer declares, glaring directly at his former body, which is now being possessed by his younger brother Satan. 
It was almost laughable, if not for how absurd it was. The two demons who hate each other the most, the avatars of pride and wrath, are currently possessing the other’s body temporarily.
And, thus, we all ended up affected by the situation.
“Why my room?” you ask, incredulous. “Can’t you two share one of your rooms?”
“Absolutely not,” both Satan and Lucifer answer at the same time, shooting daggers at one another.
“We decided we’re forbidden from entering into the other person’s room at all,” Lucifer answers me.
“They can’t stay in my room. If anything happened to my precious figures, I’d be heated!” exclaims Levi. “Although, I wouldn’t mind watching the drama unfold! I’d have my popcorn ready!”
“Beel doesn’t want anybody sleeping in Belphie’s bed, I refuse to stay with Mammon, and as for Asmo...well, I’d rather not know what he does in that room,” Lucifer continues. Asmo only laughs at that, not denying anything. “So, therefore, your room is the only option, Y/N.”
“Wait, what?!” Mammon exclaims. “Only I should be allowed-”
“This is not up for discussion,” Lucifer interjects. His caustic stare instantly silences Mammon.
Even when he’s in someone else’s body, Lucifer is still terrifying.
Satan glances over in disdain. “That stupid glare and tone of voice don’t suit me at all. Maybe you should loosen up a bit while you’re in my body.”
Lucifer crosses his arms, unamused by Satan’s commentary.
“Let’s leave. We still have much to discuss...now.”
Satan rolls his eyes, a deep sigh escaping his lips. “Fine.”
The dining room settles into a heavy silence, everyone watching as both demons stand from the table and move towards the exit. They begin fighting in the hall, the muted argument unable to conceal the annoyance in their voices.
Once they’re finally out of earshot, Mammon, Beel, Asmo and Levi swing their heads to look at you. Levi begins typing furiously on his phone, no doubt already making a post about it.
“Can we go back to eating now?” Beel asks, already stuffing his face with roasted bat. His voice is muffled by his full mouth.
You stare down at your plate, your food hardly touched. You push it towards Beel, knowing he’ll gladly eat the leftovers. You stand up and push your chair in, everyone’s eyes darting towards you.
“Goodnight, everyone,” you declare, moving towards the exit.
“You’re leavin’ already, Y/N?” Mammon asks, grabbing your arm. “Okay, I’ll walk ya to your room.”
“Wait for me! I’ll come too.” Asmo pushes his chair in and rushes to follow you out of the room.
You square your shoulders, fighting to hide your visible annoyance. It’s been nothing but insane circumstance after circumstance since you’ve been summoned to the Devildom, and you wonder when you’ll ever be able to get a break.
Well, at least it’s not boring, you muse.
You walk through the House of Lamentation towards your bedroom, Asmo and Mammon trailing you and chattering happily. Your cheerful trio - well, let’s be honest, only two of you are actually feeling cheerful - finally reaches the door, and you brace yourself for what you might find inside as you place your hand on the knob, turning it slowly.
The door creaks open and you step inside cautiously, feeling relieved to find everything in its proper place, untouched by Satan’s wrath. The only things inside the room that are certainly out of place are Lucifer and Satan themselves. Satan’s body, currently occupied by Lucifer, sits at your desk, studying a book so intensely, like it’s the most interesting book in the entire Devildom. Lucifer’s body, occupied by Satan, is perched on your bed, glowering at the floor.
You actually can’t help but giggle, unable to control yourself. The absurdity of the situation actually  is  pretty funny.
Mammon laughs with you, clapping a hand on your arm. “I’ve never seen Lucifer so reserved before...this is freakin’ awesome!” he exclaims, walking towards the desk where Lucifer is sitting.
Asmo sits down next to Satan on the bed, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling.
Lucifer turns around, finally moving his eyes from the book. His fierce stare lands on Mammon, studying him as he moves closer to where he’s sitting.
“I just realized something,” Mammon continues, completely oblivious to the tension in the room. “Since Lucifer’s in Satan’s body and all...you’re not nearly as strong as you are in your own body. I’m the stronger one. How’s that feel? Ha!”
“I understand why Y/N is here, as this is her bedroom,” the Avatar of Pride says cooly, ignoring Mammon, “but why are Mammon and Asmodeus  also here?”
“I, uh, well, I...I wanted to make sure Y/N got back to her room safely and everything,” stammers Mammon, blushing.
“Out. Now.”
Mammon holds his hands up, backing away. “Okay, okay. You got it.”
Lucifer follows Asmo and Mammon to the door. Mammon stands in the doorway, casting a quick glance at you before Lucifer shuts it, pointing in your direction.
“Oi! You two better not hurt Y/N, or think that you can get all snuggly with her just cause you’re in her room! If I see you moved one tiny hair on her body I’m gonna-”
Mammon’s voice is cut off by the door slamming loudly in his face, followed by a yelp and a curse.
Lucifer turns around slowly. He crosses the room to where you’re standing on the other side. He places his arm on his chest, bowing his head slightly.
“Y/N, I apologize for the inconvenience. The spell should be reversed within a few days. Rest assured that I am hugely indebted to you, and will pay you back tenfold,” Lucifer tells you. “Satan, as well.”
“You’re the one that got us into this mess,” retorts Satan. “Paying her back is all your responsibility.”
“Maybe, if you were able to properly control yourself and not give in to your  wrath -”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have had to unleash my wrath if you didn’t interrupt!”
“Satan, you were-”
For fuck’s sake.
“Okay, I’m going to take a shower and get changed in the bathroom. When I come out, I’d like some peace and quiet,” you declare over the din of their argument. 
Neither demon acknowledges you. You roll your eyes, sigh, and retreat into the bathroom, relishing the sound of the shower turning on that drowns out everything else.
You step into the shower, letting the scalding water pour over you. You lather your favorite lavender-scented shampoo into your hair, breathing in the relaxing scent. You know this will be a scarce moment of peace, so you try to enjoy it as long as possible...because as soon as you step back out into the room, you’ll no doubt have to mediate.
Throwing on your comfy t-shirt and sleeping shorts, you dry your hair with a towel. It hangs in loose, dark waves down your back. You put some product in it and, with a heavy sigh, open the bathroom door and step out into the room.
The scene in front of you nearly knocks you onto the floor again. You clap your hand over your mouth and grab the bathroom door frame to hold yourself up, trying to prevent your jaw from falling to the ground.
“Please!” Lucifer laughs, pointing at the younger demon currently possessing his former body. “I am  exceptionally  better-looking, and more muscular too. Maybe if you put more care into your appearance-”
“You must be on something if you think that way, Luci,” Satan bites back. “Look at me. The succubi  love  my beautiful blonde hair and green eyes. And my body is just as nice as yours, actually...I’m  much more attractive.”
Both demons are half-naked, shirts and jackets discarded onto your floor. The two of them are standing around your room, inspecting each other’s appearance. You can’t help your eyes from dropping down to gaze at the well-defined, taut muscles of their chests and abdomens. Each one sports an impressively long torso and six-pack. Their pants hang  dangerously  low on their hips, the tantalizing v-lines drawing your eyes lower, lower…
With impeccable timing, the two demons turn towards the bathroom, finally noticing you nearly hyperventilating in the doorway.
“Y/N!” Satan and Lucifer shout at the same time.
“Perfect timing!” muses Lucifer. “You can decide for us.”
“Who’s the more attractive demon? Obviously it’s me...in my usual body, not in  Lucifer’s of course,” Satan chimes in.
You remove your hand from your mouth and lean against the doorway, trying to steady your breathing.
Do they really have to ask me that right now?
“U-um, well...I-I...you’re both very attractive,” you stammer. 
Your face can’t hide your embarrassment any longer, and suddenly you feel like it’s on fire. You can feel the furious crimson blush blazing across.
Lucifer laughs. “Ha! Surely you would favor one of us over the other. There’s no need to be so kind. Tell us the truth.”
“W-well, it's hard to make an objective decision when you’re both shirtless and assaulting my senses all at the same time.”
“Shall we put our clothes back on then, hm?” Lucifer asks you, raising an eyebrow.
“No!” you exclaim. “I-I mean...you can if you want to…”
“You’re too intimidating, Lucifer,” Satan chimes in, sitting back on the bed. “She clearly thinks it’s me, but is too scared of your reaction if she said so.”
“Right now, I’m mostly thinking about how I’m going to be able to sleep peacefully with two constantly fighting demon brothers who accidentally switched bodies,” you quip, gaining some of your composure back.
Again, neither demon acknowledges you, instead continuing to bicker endlessly. You sigh in defeat, reaching for the water bottle on your desk. You sip the cool liquid and watch the demons continue their ridiculous arguments, exasperated.
“I’ll do you one better, Luci.” Satan spits the nickname, as though it’s a disgusting taste in his mouth. “I can  totally  outperform you in bed, even in your own body.”
You splutter and cough furiously upon hearing that, choking on the water. The liquid spills out onto your shirt as you struggle. Satan and Lucifer don’t even turn their heads in your direction.
“How naive,” retorts Lucifer, shaking his head. “Lest you forget, I’m the oldest. I have the most experience.”
“You’re too uptight. And your head is so far up Diavolo’s ass, you’ve probably forgotten how to fuck. Unless you do it with-”
“That’s enough,” booms Lucifer. “I can charm anyone I choose. I just have more important things to focus on lately,” he adds, with a pointed look.
“Ha! I’d like to see that,” laughs Satan
Instead of dignifying his brother with a response, Lucifer turns his eyes towards you, studying you carefully. You feel yourself shrink a bit in the burn of his gaze. The intensity is so severe, it feels as though he’s a predator, and you’re the prey he’s ready to ambush.
“Y/N.” He says your name gently, the tender note in his voice bizarrely mismatched with the fire in his eyes.
You swallow, nervous to answer.
“Come here.”
You walk over slowly, unsure of what he wants. Satan watches you carefully from his perch on the bed, equally as curious.
You approach Lucifer, standing directly in front of him. He is handsome, equally as handsome as Satan, but their majesty is different. 
Whereas Lucifer is more of dominating beauty, with searing red eyes, Satan’s emerald green eyes, flecked with gold and turquoise, shine beautifully. You stare into them, mesmerized. His blonde hair falls messily into his eyes, tempting you to reach up and brush the strands away so you can fall in deeper. It’s easy to forget that Lucifer is actually inside Satan’s body right now.
Suddenly, Lucifer reaches a hand out, lightly touching your face. His hand slowly trails down over your jaw, down the curve of your neck. His velvety touch traces the dainty skin of your collarbone, dancing ever lower, lower...stopping right above your breast. You feel your breath hitch. Goosebumps dart across your skin, betraying your calm demeanor. Your heart flutters in your chest.
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you, Y/N?” Lucifer murmurs, his voice dripping with honey. He moves his hand back up to your face, repeating the gentle strokes over and over again.
You don’t answer. Your mouth feels glued shut, and your feet are anchored to the floor. Giving in to the desire, you feel an insatiable need stirring within. The blood buzzes loudly in your ears, and the room suddenly feels as though it just got ten degrees warmer.
“Okay, I take it back. I guess you are kind of charming,” Satan chuckles. “Then again, you’re in my body, so it’s pretty much effortless.”
His voice slams you back to reality. You suddenly realized that sexy maneuver was just a performance, to prove a point to his brother. You shake your head, completely embarrassed at yourself for being so naive. 
But I wanted it...I wanted it so badly.
“Oh? Disappointed, are you? Thinking it’s just for show?” you hear Lucifer coo, placing his hand under your chin. He tilts your head gently, forcing your eyes to meet with the beautiful emerald gaze of his own. 
The arousal coursing through your veins nearly leaves you breathless. You can feel your legs shaking a bit, and you steady, trying to compose yourself.
“It doesn’t have to be, darling,” Lucifer continues, leaning in closer. Your heart races, as though he’s behind the wheel and revving the engine.
This time, his hand reaches out to touch your face. He caresses your lips with his thumb, gentle strokes over the soft skin. You’re helpless to stop the pleasure igniting between your legs, completely turned on. Your nipples harden, barely covered beneath the thin material of your sleeping shirt. You silently curse yourself at how easily you let yourself fall into this.
You step back, refusing to let him see you sweat. Your legs feel like jelly. You’re frustrated that he wants to play this game with you just to prove a point to the real Satan.
Lucifer chuckles, looking you up and down. “You’re only hurting yourself by denying it, my love,” he says. His gaze settles on your chest. 
“You can fool yourself, but your body betrays you. This turns you on.”
You look down at your breasts. Sure enough, your nipples are practically poking through the flimsy material of your t-shirt.
Lucifer steps towards you again. At the same time, you feel Satan at your back, running his hands up and down your arms. You shiver as more goosebumps flare across your skin.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Lucifer asks, visibly annoyed.
“I’m going to prove my point to you. I can fuck better than you can in your own body,” Satan replies matter-of-factly.
Lucifer laughs out loud, hand on his chest. “You really believe that, do you? I accept your challenge. We shall let Y/N be the one who determines.”
Wait, what? 
You open your mouth to protest, but close it just as quickly. A shiver of pleasure shudders through you at the thought of being fucked by not only one, but two attractive demons. The dark desire you feel causes you to grow ever wetter with the anticipation, your arousal soaking into the fabric of your shorts.
Noting your silent approval, Lucifer chuckles softly. He presses himself into you.
“Don’t be afraid, my love,” he coos, drawing ever closer. 
Before you can react, he crushes his mouth against yours. You bite his lip, and he takes your cue to open his mouth slightly. You meet your tongue with his, rolling them over each other.
Satan places a hand just under the hem of your shirt, fingers lightly grazing the bare skin. He leans in from behind, lips brushing your ear. He nips at the lobe gently, pushing your hair to the side. Your neck bare, he moves his lips down the curve of it, kissing it and sucking the skin into his mouth.
Satan’s lips leave you as he slips his other hand under your shirt. His fingers delicately trace the curves of your hips, then dance up your waist. Each touch ignites a spark on your skin, your nerve endings on high sensitivity. His hands slowly move to your front, coming together on your abdomen.
They glide farther up, sliding gracefully over your bare breasts. He’s delighted to find you’re not wearing a bra, cupping the soft mounds. He rolls the delicate buds of your nipples between his thumb and index finger. The pleasure shoots straight down between your legs. Your clit is throbbing as you feel the hardened bulge at the front of his pants pressed into your ass.
You moan into Lucifer’s mouth, unable to control yourself. He bites your lip one last time before pulling away, a cocky grin forming on his handsome face. You can feel his cock straining against the constricting fabric of his slacks in front.
“Mm, why is Satan getting all the spotlight?” Lucifer murmurs.
While Satan continues to massage your breasts, Lucifer moves his hand to your inner thigh. You inhale sharply as his fingers dance up and down the delicate skin, caressing it, moving closer and closer to where you want him to be. His fingers hook underneath your shorts, and you gasp.
Burying his face into your neck, kissing and nipping at the skin as Satan had not long before, Lucifer slides his fingers between your drenched folds. They glide up and down with ease, your arousal practically dripping down your legs.
You whimper as your clit continues to throb, aching to be touched. Relishing in your clear desperation, Lucifer pulls his fingers away, and the sudden absence of them feels like a hunger pang growing with intensity. After some torturous seconds, he finally obliges, slipping his fingers back in. His middle finger massages the swollen bud. This time, the sound that escapes you is so lewd, you surprise even yourself.
“Ahhh...Lucifer…” you mewl, “please don’t stop…”
The assault on your most sensitive nerve endings is almost too much. Your legs begin to shake. You lean back into Satan and raise an arm up, hooking it around his neck and pulling his head down to meet yours. Your tongues dance together as both demons continue their tortuous, yet delicious, onslaught of your senses.
As though in sync, both demons pull away at the same time. Lucifer steps back, studying you again with his burning stare raking up and down your body. His eyes are glassy, desire flooding his gaze. His lips part, as though to say something, but suddenly they close, taking in the sight of you. Satan does the same. Their stares are predatory, but you welcome the feeling. 
You stand between them, chest rising and falling rapidly. Your hair is mussed, falling over one shoulder and spilling across your back; your eyes are half-closed, glazed over with lust.
Lucifer meets your eyes, then issues you a command.
“Take off your clothes.”
You nod obediently. You lift your shirt over your head, your bare breasts spilling out. You roll your shorts down your hips, discarding the clothes on the floor. Feeling suddenly vulnerable at your now fully-exposed state, you falter, reaching your hands up to cover your breasts.
“Don’t be bashful now,” murmurs Lucifer, running his tongue over his lips. “You were begging me to touch you not that long ago.”
“We’ll take care of you,” Satan purrs in response, running his hands up and down the curves of your waist.
“I want you on your bed,” Lucifer directs you, pointing towards it.
Again, you obey without hesitation. You lay on your back, turning your head to the side as both demons approach you, the same hungered look in their eyes.
“Now, now,” chides Lucifer. “We can’t see your pretty sight with your legs stuck together like that, can we?” 
Satan nods in agreement, a grin creeping onto his face. 
“Let’s get her on all fours,” he suggests, his smile wicked with sadistic desire.
You roll onto your stomach, positioning yourself as he says. Your back is straight, rigid. You keep your legs pressed together, feeling hesitant.
“Good girl. Arch your back,” he continues. “Let us see how turned on you are.”
Bending your arms at the elbows, you arch your back, your body moving in a fluid motion. Your hands fold together under your pillow, and you rest your head on the soft cushion. There’s no hiding anything in this position, and you know it well. The delicate pink skin of your pussy is in full view for Satan and Lucifer, lips shiny and coated in your abundant fluid arousal.
The bed creaks softly as Lucifer climbs behind you, placing his hands on the supple skin of your ass and squeezing it.
“What a beautiful sight you are like this...isn’t she, Satan?” Lucifer murmurs from behind you. Satan inhales sharply as he watches you hungrily, silently agreeing with his brother. 
Lucifer squeezes your ass again. “I want to see every inch of you,” he murmurs. Suddenly, his hands still grabbing either cheek, he spreads you open even further. His breath hitches. 
You whimper, your confidence wavering at the fact that he’s exposing your most private areas. Simultaneously, you feel so turned on, you almost can’t take it anymore.
You’ll do just about anything at this point to feel the stretch of a cock between your walls, and your pussy clenches in the anticipation.
Lucifer leans forward, teeth sinking into the flesh of your left cheek. Suddenly, his tongue grazes you between your folds from behind. He relishes the sweet taste of your juices generously coating his tongue as he moves it from front to back. He travels back further, further...your eyes widen in surprise as his tongue flicks up and down the sensitive space between your ass cheeks. You gasp, then moan, your arousal skyrocketing.
Satan’s voice sharply cuts through your bliss, causing Lucifer to move back in surprise. 
“How come you get to have all the fun, Lucifer?” he complains. He strides over to the bed, grabbing one of your arms. “I got her into that position. It’s my turn now.”
Bemused, you turn your head to the side, glancing at him. His piercing crimson gaze of the face he now wears bores into you, a stark contrast to his usual calming, beautiful jewel-toned eyes. Still holding your arm, Satan tugs at it gently. 
“Sit up, Y/N,” he orders. 
You lift yourself up steadily and sit up with your legs still spread, resting your back against Lucifer. As you do so, Satan climbs onto the bed. He lays down, head resting on the pillow, bending his legs underneath yours. Lucifer rises, giving the younger demon more room. He cocks an eyebrow, an amused expression tugging at his features. 
Just when you’re trying to figure out what Satan wants from you, he grabs your hips, propelling you forward. You yelp in surprise. You’re seated on his bare chest, your womanhood mere inches from his own face. As he tugs at your hips, silently guiding you closer to him, you realize that’s exactly what he wants. You gently move forward on your knees until his head is between your thighs, spreading them further until his mouth reaches you.
His tongue slides between your sensitive folds, and you reach out, hands gripping the wooden headboard for support. Satan’s hands rest against your inner thighs, caressing the skin gently. He laps up your wetness, tasting the sweet nectar of your juices that coat the fleshy pink skin of your pussy. You move your hips up and down, grinding them against his tongue as you alternate the levels of your sensation. His tongue flicks at your swollen nub, eliciting another lewd moan to tear from your throat.
“A-Ah!” you cry out. You’ve never been eaten out like this before. You’re so turned on, you can feel the pressure building as the fire begins to pool low in your belly.
“Ride my face until you’re dripping, Y/N,” Satan murmurs. 
He lightly nibbles the soft flesh of your thigh, peppering gentle kisses as his lips make their way back between your legs, his tongue rightfully resuming its cadence of getting you off.
Behind you, Lucifer chuckles. “Actually, that’s my face you’re riding, my love.”
He presses up against your back, his still-clothed erection poking at your ass. His lips find purchase on your neck, kissing it. He places his hands on the soft mounds of your breasts, drawing out a whimper from your lips as you shiver in delight.
Lifting your arm, Lucifer ducks his head underneath. Your arm now resting across his shoulders, his head is level with your bosom. He tongues your nipple, nipping and sucking it gently into his mouth. Yet again, the onslaught of all the different stimulation is almost too much to handle. A few seconds later, you feel your climax ignite, blazing a trail of fire through your veins.
You mutter a string of curses as your head rolls back in ecstasy, riding out the luscious waves of electricity pulsating from between your hips all the way up into your chest. Your heart pumps faster, faster, sending sparks all over your body. Satan continues to flick your clit with his tongue as you come undone on top of him, prolonging your bliss several beautiful seconds longer. 
Your orgasm now reduced to a waning ember, you move back, legs straddling Satan’s thighs. His erection prods at you between your legs, though his black slacks still remain on. A carnal desire for the length of his cock to fill you flows through you as you unbutton them. He watches you carefully, raw lust blazing through his crimson eyes. His lips are shiny, covered in a sheen of the fluid evidence of your release. A few seconds later, Satan’s fully-erect cock springs out. You run your tongue over your lips at the sight of it. 
“Well, Lucifer,” Satan breathes, his voice low. “Looks like I’ve already outperformed you. You might as well give up now, and just watch me fuck her until she falls apart.”
Desperate for the much-needed stretch of his length sheathed inside you, you barely pay any mind to Satan’s assertion. Your hand reaches out to grasp his cock, hunger and lust burning ever brighter…
Just as abruptly, you’re pulled backwards into Lucifer’s tight embrace, pinning your arms to your chest. You whimper, visibly annoyed that he’s preventing you from getting what you so desperately want...no, need...right now.
“Don’t be so naive, Satan. I let you get her off first, so that when I fuck her, she can feel the difference between you and I when she cums,” Lucifer laughs.
“Look at her. She wants my cock so badly she practically ripped my pants off to get to it. You’re holding her back.”
Still unable to move, Lucifer runs a hand tenderly along your waist. 
“You took her from me to have your fun. Y/N is a good girl and knows she needs to be shared equally between us...right, my darling?”
“Y-yes,” you respond obediently. 
Lucifer kisses the top of your head, then lets go of you. You fall slightly forward. Satan reaches his hands up to your shoulders and pulls you down gently towards him, lips meeting yours in a fervent kiss as you taste your own arousal.
Behind you, the sound of Lucifer’s zipper coming undone makes your eyes widen with excitement. With his ample length pressing against you, you arch your back and grind your hips onto him. He moans, massaging your ass. The head of his cock presses against your entrance, and you ready yourself to push back into him. Your fingers grip the sheets…
All of a sudden Satan, noticing what’s about to happen, tugs your hips forward. You break off the kiss, biting back a scream of exasperation. Your frustration at the two demons constantly vying for dominance irritates the hell out of you when all you want is the much-needed pleasure of a cock stuffed inside of you.
“I’m the oldest, so I get to fuck her first,” Satan declares.
“Wrong,” Lucifer counters, aggravation creeping into his voice. “I’m Lucifer, not you. You happen to be temporarily occupying my body. Therefore, I’ll be fucking Y/N first.”
“Technically, your body is older, yes? Then I win,” Satan laughs.
Before you can even react, Satan pulls your hips upward, angling his cock underneath you so that it rests against your entrance. Wet and extraordinarily frantic for either one of their cocks at this point, you find yourself unable to resist any longer. Your hips roll over him, crying out in ecstasy as his generous length and girth fill you completely. The glorious stretch of his cock between your walls overrides all your other senses.
“A-Ah! Mmmm...”
You lean back, hands resting on his thighs to help you balance. Lifting your hips, you maneuver your body up and down in a hypnotic rhythm. Satan thrusts harder into you, matching your tempo as the lewd sound of skin clashing against skin permeates the room. The way you’re leaned back allows him to see everything, and the sight of his cock disappearing within your walls alone is almost enough to make him come undone.
In your elation, it’s easy to forget that Lucifer is still behind you, furious that the younger demon defied him. Refusing to let himself be outwitted any longer, his right hand reaches out to grip your breast, drawing out a surprised, ragged breath. His other hand reaches down between your legs. 
As you continue to ride Satan’s cock in an intoxicating harmony, Lucifer’s middle finger finds your pink, swollen clit with ease. Still recovering from your release not so long ago, the bud is hypersensitive, and the slightest touch from Satan evokes a loud, mewling cry from your lips. 
Almost instantaneously, you shatter, reaching your peak. The orgasm shudders through you, your back arching as you ride out the delectable waves of pleasure. Your nails dig scarlet crescent-shaped moons into Satan’s thighs.
Satan continues slamming into you, your walls clenching around his cock even more as he watches you cum. He hisses, knowing he can’t take much more of this, the tightened grip of your pussy threatening to do him in sooner than he’d like.
Several thrusts later, Satan bites back a moan, finally releasing and filling you with his seed. Breathless, you lift yourself off of him, nearly collapsing onto Satan behind you.
“Fuck, Lucifer,” rasps Satan, breathing heavily as he lifts himself off the bed. “You had to interrupt, didn’t you?”
“Don’t defy me, and I wouldn’t have to,” Lucifer chides, his voice brimming with venom.
“I’m shocked you didn’t cream your pants when you did that, seeing as you love getting off on punishing us-”
“That’s enough.”
You stand, though your legs are shaking. You can feel your own arousal fluid, mixed with Satan’s seed, leaking out onto your thigh.
Shit, and you’re still not done yet . You’re not sure how much more of this you can take.
Lucifer turns to you. Your eyes are glazed over with lust, the swell of your ample breasts bouncing with every movement, your hair messy and falling over one shoulder in shiny, dark rivulets. Your body is peppered with tiny red love bites.
A grin creeps onto his face.  It’s his turn now . He stands next to you, fingers splaying across your back possessively.
“My darling, Y/N,” Lucifer coos, reaching up to stroke your hair. “I know you were too obedient to tell Satan no when he fucked you. You’re a good girl. You know I was supposed to fuck you first...right?”
“Y-yes, of course,” you answer.
“Good…” Lucifer continues stroking your hair. “Now, be a  very  good girl and get back on the bed on all fours. Just like before. Let me see every inch of that beautiful pussy that I’m going to make my own…”
Satan chortles, watching the older demon command you in his previous body with morbid curiosity. 
“This should be good,” he murmurs to himself, perching himself on your desk to watch from afar.
You follow Lucifer’s command, positioning yourself just as you had earlier, back arched to the Celestial Realm. His breath hitches as he takes in the sight of your fucked-out pussy, now a slightly deepened pink from all the pounding. Satan’s cum, mixed with your own fluids, drips out of your hole.
“That’s my girl,” Lucifer praises you, languidly running his fingers along the curve of your spine. The sensation elicits a shudder from your body. You feel him climbing onto the bed, positioning himself behind you.
“I’m sorry, my darling...I have to punish you for the way you moaned and looked like a happy little slut riding his cock when you were supposed to be getting fucked by mine,” Lucifer purrs.
Without warning, Lucifer’s hand comes down on your ass, the  smack  reverberating throughout the room. You hiss, the pain stinging your cheek. His hand cracks down on you again. You hold back a cry, burying your head into the pillow. The ache is uncomfortable, though not completely unbearable...nor is it unwanted.
“I’m sorry, Lucifer,” you mewl, hoping he’ll punish you further. He obliges with one final smack on your other cheek. Your cry is carnal, wanton; the sinful pleasure of the pain mixing with arousal fanning the flames of your desire.
He spreads you, eyeing his blazing red handprints etched onto your skin with delight, and leans forward. His cock prods your entrance. Without warning, he thrusts into you, and you whine at the sudden intrusion. His length fully sheathed in the wet heat of your pussy, he groans, balancing himself on your hips. You attempt to match his chaotic thrusting rhythm, pushing yourself back onto him, but he moves so fast and so hard, it’s difficult.
One hand resting on your ass, Lucifer reaches his other hand out, grasping the length of your hair and twisting it, weaving it between his fingers. He suddenly tugs on the long tresses, yanking your head back. You gasp in shock as you make direct eye contact with Satan, still perched on your desk, a smirk forming on his face.
“Don’t break her neck, Luci,” Satan quips, still bitter that his fuck got cut short.
Ignoring him, Lucifer leans forward, hot breath tickling your ear. 
“You’re such a good girl, Y/N...such a good, obedient girl,” he coos. “I now know why Diavolo picked you. You’re so docile, so compliant...my darling.”
Fingers tightly woven into your hair, Lucifer continues his almost frenzied strokes. His cock slams into your g-spot, and he can feel your pussy tightening around him in anticipation of another sweet release. He curses, pulling his cock out, releasing his fingers from your hair. Your head drops forward and you whine, the decrescendo of your orgasm ebbing slowly.
“Lay on your back,” Lucifer instructs.
You comply, lying supine as your eyes flit up towards the ceiling.
“Look at me.”
You look down to meet his gaze, the beautiful emerald orbs flecked with pools of gold staring directly into yours. His hands on your knees, he pushes them apart, spreading your legs. You drop your gaze down, breaking eye contact to watch him.
“Keep your eyes on me,” he commands. There’s a heavy implication in his words, one that screams don’t disobey me. 
You nod slowly, eyes holding steady in his fervent gaze. He thrusts into you again, relishing your cry of ecstasy. He bites his lip, watching your breasts bounce with his fevered movements, the light sheen of sweat on your skin glimmering in the hazy lights of the room.
Lucifer leans forward, your ankles resting by his shoulders, fingers gripping the sheets as he slams into you, this time at a slower cadence. He continues his incline, your knees practically pressed to your chest. The heightened angle allows him to slam into you deeper, magnifying both his and your pleasure exponentially.
Eyebrows knit tightly, his own release drawing near, Lucifer pulls back a bit, pausing his rhythm. His hand reaches out, tracing delicate lines across your breast, dancing upwards until it reaches your neck.
His fingers lightly grip your throat, and your eyes widen in shock. You’ve never been choked while fucked before, but are certainly intrigued.
“Relax, my darling...I won’t hurt you,” Lucifer says, trying to control his breathing. He continues his stroke, cock plunging in and out of your pussy, completely lubricated with your arousal.
The feeling of his fingers wrapped around your neck as he fucks your tight pussy sends a shudder of pleasure through him. He swallows, on the verge of losing control; but, for your sake, he regains his composure, not wanting to hurt you  too badly the first time he chokes you while he dominates you.
After all, he knows he’s clearly won this competition. He wants to do this to you again...in his own body, of course.
Your release follows quickly after, shattering you through your core. You can barely handle all the stimulation, having had cum twice before already. Your skull slams backwards into the pillow, your vision briefly fading to black. Your body jerks forward, then goes still, your breathing labored as your chest rises and falls rapidly.
Hand still grasping your throat, Lucifer slams into you one final time, filling you with his bitter seed as he groans in ecstasy. He removes himself from you as Satan crosses the room, both demons examining your exhausted form sprawled out on the bed. Your legs are still spread, the abundant white fluid of both demons’ releases dribbling out of you and pooling onto the silk sheets.
“I have to admit, I look pretty damn good when I’m fucking...thanks, Luci,” Satan laughs. Lucifer shakes his head, though a smile plays on his lips.
The two demons help you up off the bed. You stumble, your legs quivering as you recover from the incessant pounding you just took, starting to feel sore between your legs. Lucifer and Satan stroke your hair gently, holding you up as you put your sleeping clothes back on.
“Well, Y/N...what’s the verdict?” Satan challenges you. “Not that I need to ask, since it’s obviously me…”
“Both. It’s both of you,” you answer with a sigh. “Now...can we please go to bed? I’m exhausted.”
Walking back into your bathroom, you glance at your mirror in the reflection. It is not kind to you, showing every puckered red love bite peppered across your skin and wild, mussed hair. Wincing, you turn towards the demon brothers responsible for all the damage and collapse onto your bed, exhaustion overtaking all other emotion.
“I don’t think I have enough concealer to cover all this. You guys are going to have a lot of explaining to do,” you say as your voice tapers off, drifting into the dark abyss of slumber.
“Don’t worry, my darling, we’ll take care of it,” Lucifer laughs, stroking your hair until you fall asleep, chest rising and falling gently.
“I totally won, just so you know,” Satan quips.
“Ha! Still so ignorant,” retorts Lucifer. “You forgot? I made her cum twice-”
“Because you interrupted me-”
You’re pretty sure you can hear their never-ending argument in your dreams, unable to escape even in your own sleep.
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simplyotometrash · 3 years
Headcanons with Obey Me! Oc, Alex
Alex’s relationships to each of the characters
Have you heard of love at first sight? You have? 
Yeah this is not that whatsoever. 
Alex hated Lucifer from the moment they met. His attitude, the way he talked to them, the way he talked to Mammon. All of it. 
So they made it their mission to get on his nerves as much as physically possible.
They really wanted to see how far they could push him.
Lucifer knew their game and put up with the annoying human and their antics despite the headache it caused him.
They finally talked to one another properly without a fight one night. It was late and Lucifer was, unsurprisingly, still awake and working.
Alex quietly shuffled into his office and immediately was called out on it. Lucifer rightfully suspected a prank. But the truth was that Alex had a bad dream and didn’t know who else to talk to.
Lucifer turned and saw this tired, helpless, upset human and gestured them closer. He listened to their nightmare and did his best to provide them comfort. 
Suddenly they weren’t the nuisance they usually were. They reminded of him younger brothers when they were much younger and new to the Devildom. Scared and feeling isolated. 
Did their relationship get any better?
Well, yeah it did. 
Lucifer grew to see the petite human as another sibling he somehow gained. 
Their relationship became sibling-like and the torment only continued, though less hate-filled.
Did they like him? Not at first. He didn’t really care much for them either.
They came to their first major breakthrough early on, though, when Alex witnessed firsthand the treatment Mammon received from his brothers.
Oh they hated it.
Alex is the youngest of 9 and knows what Mammon’s experience is.
From that moment on they took it upon themselves to become Mammon’s designated protector.
If anyone tried to fuck with Mammon they had to deal with Alex and vice versa.
They also are touch starved, so there were many movie nights where they just cuddled up together because they both needed physical affection.
Mammon is one of their best friends in the Devildom and they would not trade him for anything in the three worlds.
Mammon isn’t sure if he is in love with them or wants to just be their best friend, but he protects them just like they protect him.
They also always get into trouble together.
Mammon always ended up going into their room at night when he was having trouble sleeping, sometimes they were awake and sometimes not. 
They had an agreement, though, that if the other needed comfort at night they could always go to one another. 
He quietly would crawl into their bed and it was as if Alex knew he was there without waking up. They would shift so he could cuddle into them and they’d sleep like that the rest of the night.
There’s something inherently comfortable about being around one another when it’s just the two of them, something Mammon does not want to risk losing. He is very protective over them and will do harm to those who try to hurt them.
Anime fan? Video game lover? Alex is the epitome of heart-eyes.
Yes, Levi comes off a bit weird but they do not care.
They wanna become his friend as fast as fucking possible because anime nerds need to stick together. They need someone to show them good Devildom anime.
Levi was very hesitant to let the human in. He was a gross otaku, why would they want to be his friend?
He was terrified that it might be some super elaborate prank.
It was seeing them playing a game from the human world that made him begin to open up.
They were playing a video game that they loved and he merely caught a glimpse over their shoulder. That was all it took. He stood there, hovering behind them, watching their gameplay intently.
The rest is, as they say, history. 
The pair became the best of friends and bonded over their mutual hobbies. 
Levi is also one of the potential love interests for Alex so the feelings can run even deeper depending on how I am feeling.
Overall, though, they are just as attached at the hip as Mammon and Alex. Levi is fiercely protective over Alex and their friendship, often fighting his brothers to claim best friendship. They are his Henry.
They’re able to get through to him when he draws in on himself. When he is so plagued by negative thoughts and anxiety that nothing can reach him, Alex is able to crack through the negativity to shine light back on him.
They give him so much positive reinforcement and affection.
While they are touch starved, they never force physical affection without consent. They know Levi has issues with being touched and would never want to push it.
They’re the only one he is okay with hugging him out of the blue, though it makes him blush, it also makes him feel special. 
They did not get along at first.
Alex did not hate him on sight like they did Lucifer, but they did not take to him very quickly either.
They pretty much ignored each other for the first couple of weeks.
they could cohabitate in the House of Lamentation in peace without ever acknowledging one another.
It was Alex’s dislike of Lucifer that piqued Satan’s interest in them.
A fellow hater of Lucifer? Someone to plan pranks and piss off the eldest in the house? Maybe they were alright then.
They became friends over their disdain of Lucifer and truly bonded over a love of books.
Alex is a big reader, not only of manga, but of all literature. So they were able to find common ground in that they had some similar interests.
There was never the potential for romance between them and that’s okay.
Their relationship, similar to Lucifer and Alex’s, evolved into a very sibling-like relationship.
They became a younger sibling to him and he enjoyed their company. They proved good to prank with as well. 
It was nice to have someone else who liked reading, someone who was calm, and also loved cats. Alex’s love for cats was just as strong as Satan’s. 
I personally headcanon that Alex’s cat got to come with them to the Devildom so Satan really had to decide whether or not he was going to kidnap (catnap) their cat or not until they told him he could visit anytime for some kitty cat cuddles. 
Asmo was a very fast friend to Alex.
The moment they met he was enamored. What drew him in specifically? Alex’s hair. They came to the Devildom with pastel blue hair with an undercut that needed to be maintained.
Asmo saw they were a lover of fashion and had nice hair and he wanted in on that. He volunteered himself to be their personal hair stylist. 
They began bonding over these sessions where he would touch up their hair color and cut followed by painting their nails and telling them anything and everything he could think of.
But they did not hesitate to call his seemingly narcissistic personality a fraud. They didn’t buy that he was only a self-absorbed and shallow person who only cared for his looks.
This moment is what makes Asmo the second contender as a love interest for Alex.
They saw right through him and suddenly he felt...free. Free to express himself in more ways then he thought possible. He also began to view them as more than a doll to play with and a sounding board to talk to.
Suddenly they were so much more alive as a person. He wanted to truly know them. 
He fights Mammon and Levi for the role of best friend but he also wants to be so much more than that.
He makes a point to spend time with them and never mentions his previous encounters or relationships. He doesn’t want to even risk upsetting them in case they love him back (which they do depending on what I’m writing oops-).
Asmo, though he struggles to admit it out loud, views them as even more important than himself. Their beauty inside and out is blinding. He wants the world to see it and their outfits to reflect it.
He doesn’t hesitate to drop just as much Grimm shopping for them as he does himself.
These two cohabitated quite peacefully. They didn’t need to talk or really do much of anything. They simply existed together.
Alex didn’t think much of the large demon at first. They were impressed by the sheer size of his appetite and thought he looked kinda cool.
Beel thought they looked so small and was afraid just breathing too hard might break them.
Their first bonding moment was when he came into the kitchen for a midnight fridge raid and found Alex, in their pajama shirt, cooking. He quietly sat down next to where they were standing and asked what they were making.
Comfort food was their answer. They were homesick. Their favorite thing when they were homesick was potato soup, their mother’s recipe.
Beel knew the feeling all too well and did not press the subject. There was comfortable silence before he asked questions about the human world. Before long, they were offering him a large bowl of soup. 
They ate together, sitting there on the kitchen floor, and the hours flew by. 
They did get in trouble together for not even cleaning up the mess in the kitchen where they inevitably fell asleep together, but Lucifer was lenient. 
Beel became their confidant. The one person they could talk to without feeling judged. And they became someone he could also tell anything too.
Someone he needed for those bad nights plagued by nightmares or when he felt homesick, too. 
Their relationship stays this way. There’s not romance that may blossom and neither of them are interested in that. 
They knew he wasn’t human from the moment they found him in the attic. These two had very little relationship prior to the incidents of chapter 16.
We all know how Belphie was about humans and what happened to the MC in that chapter. 
Scooting past that, their relationship afterwards was exceptionally tense.
At least on Belphie’s side. He wanted to make up for what he had done but also felt uncomfortable with Alex. He wasn’t sure how to approach them.
Alex, on the other hand, took it as a personal mission to annoy the ever living shit out of him as revenge. 
Did they hate him for what he had done? No. They did not hate him. What they felt was not hatred nor resentment, rather they felt irritated and rightfully pissed off.
They sought revenge in the form of annoying him.
But that only lasted a little while. These two actually get along very well once they have a proper talk about what happened and Belphie wanting to make up for what he had done. 
Belphie is contender number 3 for Alex’s love and affection in a romantic sense (I’m soft for him, I can’t help it).
They bond over the stars and the fact that they can be in the same room together without even having to talk. 
Alex is a high-energy kind of person but even they need breaks. They don’t like feeling as if they have to be like that all the time. And they don’t have to with him. They can be quiet and calm. 
They nap together all the time. Belphie is actually the one they go to when they have migraines because his very presence is so soothing that they’re able to relax and sleep through it despite the pain.
Belphie knows they love pillows and buys a new one every time he goes out, whether with them or not, just to add to their bed so they have their own massive pillow collection.
I will do a part 2 for the rest of the characters! Let me know what you think!!
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