#maybe this meme will fix me she said
veliseraptor · 2 years
i know i just did one of these but my attempts to focus are not going well and i'd really like to get back in the rhythm of writing so...another round! of the 150 words meme. send me up to 3 numbers and I'll write 150 words in that project, etc., you know how it goes
shorter list this time because I'm trying to Focus and Finish Some Stuff
1. Xue Yang cocked his head a little to one side, swaying back on his heels again. “I don’t know what exactly is going to happen to you,” he said. “Not for sure. But just in case…” His smile vanished, overbright eyes fierce and intent. “Take care of him. Keep him safe and keep him alive. Don’t let him do anything stupid. Got it?” 
Song Lan felt the command settle on him like a net. Xue Yang waited, as though for a response. Song Lan stared at him, unable to give one, his dread and confusion growing. Xue Yang nodded.
“Good,” he said. “Maybe this time around you can be a little less useless.” 
What are you doing, Song Lan would have asked, if he could, if he still possessed his will and his tongue. What are you talking about?
Xue Yang exhaled a slow breath, then reached out and patted Song Lan’s chest twice. “Okay,” he said. “Okay. I think that’s everything, then.” He shifted his shoulders. “See you around, Zichen.” (Life After Death)
2. And eventually, still Pete. Because Pete wanted him, wanted to be with him, wasn’t running for the hills, didn’t look at him with wary disgust. Vegas tried to let him go gracefully and Pete held on, and it wasn’t like Vegas tried very hard to shake him loose.
Vegas didn’t get it. He was trying to be okay with not getting it. Just accept it, Pete said, like it was that easy. Vegas didn’t know that he’d just accepted anything in his life and he wasn’t sure he knew how to start now.
He was going to have to, though, because not being dead meant living with the fucked up new world he woke up in, and he hated a lot of things about it, and there was absolutely fucking nothing he could do. A chorus of helpless, worthless, useless banging around in his skull and he just had to accept it and be grateful.
It was fine. He was fine. 
He was extremely fucking tired. (post canon vegaspete long(er) fic)
3. “What did I do?” he asked.
“Do?” his friend said. He sounded distracted.
“Yes,” Xiao Xingchen said slowly. “I did…something.”
“You’ve done a lot of things,” his friend said. “Bit of a long list. Could you narrow it down for me?”
Xiao Xingchen groped after understanding. His head hurt so badly and kept spinning and he was so confused, knowing things were missing but not knowing what he knew was missing. “I don’t know,” he said, distressed. “I…something wrong. Something…bad?” 
There was a brief, terrifying pause and then a laugh that sounded genuinely amused. “What? You, Daozhang?”
Xiao Xingchen could feel his face warming but he shook his head. “It was something important,” he said. “That I should have…or shouldn’t have…but I can’t remember. Did I…” He took a careful breath and said, “did I hurt you, friend?” 
“Pff,” his friend said. “No. Don’t be stupid. Come on. You won’t let me kill spiders in the house.” A flash of memory at that image, legs tickling his palm and he could feel someone’s amusement even though no one was laughing. It must be his friend. But it seemed like someone else. 
He didn’t know who. (xiao xingchen + concussion)
4. “Hands up,” snapped the ringleader. Vegas raised his hands, the gesture lazy, almost bored. 
“I’m not here for a fight,” he said, apparently unconcerned by the multiple weapons trained on him. Pete, despite the growing suspicion, was very concerned. If somebody shot Vegas, killed him– 
He didn’t actually think there’d be a lot of mourning in the main family. But there would be consequences for a bodyguard who failed to protect his charge, and if Vegas wasn’t exactly his charge he was still…family.
“Then what are you here for,” the ringleader said, still obviously suspicious.
“Negotiation,” Vegas said. (the devil drives)
5. Doing some math in his head and not liking what he was coming up with, Vegas asked, “when did this go down, anyway?” 
“Around noon, little after?” Pete yawned, then frowned. “Are you upset?”
“Not with you,” Vegas said, his temper starting to simmer. At least, not exactly. Not mostly. Or he would be that, later, once he knew more about what exactly had happened that had led to Pete getting shot. It was late afternoon now, which left a gap of at least a few hours between Pete getting hurt and Porsche contacting him. “Any idea why nobody told me about this until a half an hour ago?” 
Pete’s eyebrows furrowed and he looked perplexed, which suggested it hadn’t been his idea. That was good. For Pete. (Undercut)
6. “Aw, Xingchen, don’t be worried about him,” she said. “I bet your boyfriend can murder his way out of some kind of most dangerous game bullshit, no problem.” Xiao Xingchen gave her a tired look, and she said, “no, seriously. And that’s assuming this story isn’t some cover for his real job as a contract killer.”
“As a what?”
“Do you think I could hire your boyfriend to take a hit on my parents?” a-Qing said, like she hadn’t heard him. 
“He’s not an assassin, a-Qing!” Xiao Xingchen exclaimed. She smirked at him, even if it was a little weaker than it usually would be.
“You don’t think,” she said. “It’s not like he’d just tell you. Can’t hurt to ask. Maybe there’s a friends and family discount.” (Redux)
7. “Of course it’ll work,” Xue Yang said, sounding offended. “Long enough, anyway, and then we can come up with some other story. I can.” He eyed Song Lan, expression turning skeptical. “You going to be okay with that?”
“Okay with what?”
“Me bullshitting these people,” Xue Yang said. Song Lan stared at him in disbelief, at first thinking that Xue Yang must mean it sarcastically. It was clear by the wary look in his eye that he didn’t. 
“With everything else you’ve convinced me to do lately,” he said, “what makes you think that I would balk at a single lie?”
“I don’t know,” Xue Yang said. “I have no idea how your brain works, Song-daozhang, I don’t know what you’re going to decide to get pissy about or not so I figured I might as well ask.”
“My standards are hardly so arbitrary!”
Xue Yang started to shrug and, Song Lan noticed, caught the motion halfway through. “Everybody’s standards are arbitrary as far as I can tell.” (Walking Far From Home)
8. His footsteps didn’t take him immediately out of Yi City. He didn’t fully realize where he was going until he was standing in front of the yizhuang beside a familiar coffin. His stomach ached and he reached out to touch it only to draw back before making contact. He had the sudden, strange feeling that all the past weeks had been a dream, and he’d never left this place at all. 
Maybe he couldn’t leave this place. Maybe he would always find himself drawn back, again and again. 
Song Lan shook that thought off, but he didn’t walk away. He sat down instead and waited as the shadows lengthened and the sky darkened. (the poison in your bones)
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barabones · 13 days
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I forget exactly where I saw the initial post asking for volunteers, but on July 10th, I reached out to the listed email. Jane, the organizer, got back to me right away and within an hour I was added in their discord.
Up until this point, I had been maintaining an average 8 ESims myself, so I already had experience checking in on them on a daily basis. The folks there helped me onboard with the spreadsheets for keeping track, and now it's very easy for me to catalog new ones I buy and record daily data usage. The whole process takes me maybe 20-40 minutes a day depending now on how many ESims actually need to be topped off.
Jane has been very up front with lots of the group's information, with frequent announcements about the groups current funds and amounts of daily ESims sent out. She and the others have been super helpful with getting funds to us when needed, and I've almost never had to actually spend any of my own money for any of this.
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In the time that I've been volunteering, they figured out how to run a Business account with the Nomad ESim company. Which means that now and then they can just send 15 or so ESims my way, and I just catalog them and send the QRcodes towards Mirna and the Connecting Gaza folks. No more wasting time with the purchasing process, while getting a bit of a bulk discount on top of that.
We also share updates on whatever brand of ESims are most needed. When folks on the ground tell us that one network doesn't seem reliable, we are able to switch over for a while until either the networking issue is fixed, or we all pressure customer service enough to replace them for us.
There's also lots of complaining about new UI updates an general website bugs. There's surprisingly a lot of them and it's good to know other folks are getting info from customer service when things go wrong.
In August they made a meme channel
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Lets get into some stats for myself. In 2 months (July 10- Sept12) I have:
Send off 171 ESims
Maintained around 60 active ones
Topped up these active ESims 139 times
Spend over $6400 donated dollars
I have multiple power users who have burned through close to 100GB. 2 of them have broken 200GB. These are most likely being used as hot spots.
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Why am I sharing all of this? Mostly to show how easy it has been to make a marginal difference. I have helped at least 60 people stay connected with the outside world in just 2 months. Probably more if we assume some of the power users becoming hotspots for other folks. This is 20-40 minutes of my time a day, and I honestly regret not signing up to do this sooner.
I was specifically limiting myself to this workload because I wanted to test the waters. Those stats was me specifically not wanting to push myself and see what impact a normal person could make with 20 minutes a day. At this point I think I will be taking more advantage of Nomad's Tuesday discounts to really bulk up my numbers. It's pretty easy to buy 15 or so every Tuesday, and then send em over.
If you would like to join us in this endeavor, please reach out to Jane at cripsforesimsforgaza(at)gmail
We are specifically looking for people in European time zones, since a lot of us are in the Americas and that's quite a difference between us and Gaza. If not, that's no problem!
If you can't participate, that's totally fine, but please donate what you can! Folks like you are the ones who keep us going!
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I hope this information has been useful in some way. Like I said, I wish I had heard about this group sooner, with how easy it has been to do. I can track my direct impact of what my daily time is doing for folks, and seeing the data be used up a little bit more day by day gives me hope for everyone in Gaza. Thank you for your time.
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cherriesformatt · 6 months
collab of the year || matt sturniolo
matt x fem!reader
summary: matt invites you to meet some friends
warnings: none I think maybe a little suggestive
word count: 1,2k
a/n: hope you like this one
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I was in my bed scrolling through twitter and all I had on my page was videos and pictures from Tara's party. Which Chris and Nick attended while me and Matt had a little gateway trip for our anniversary. They called him on FaceTime and that ended up in Tara's vlog. Everyone thinks it was hilarious including me. I also loved all of the memes with Matt going to bed while the party was happening.
When we came back boys told us about everyone and that they really had fun. I was really happy about that because they usually don't really go out that much. Especially not to parties.
I stopped scrolling when I felt arms around my body.
"Good morning" I heard Matt's raspy, morning voice.
I smiled when I felt little kisses on the back of my neck sending shivers down my body.
"Morning..." I said and turned around to face him.
I smiled when he opened his eyes.
"I am surprised it's like 9 and you're up" I laughed and fixed his hair from his eyes.
"Well...I have things to do" He said and smiled.
"Like what?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Like...you" He pulled me to himself even more and I was about to kiss him when I heard loud knocks on the door.
"Are you guys up? And dressed? Can I come in?" Chris said from the other side of the door and I looked at Matt and kissed his cheek and moved away a little.
"Yes... come in" I said and Matt growled and covered his head with a pillow.
Chris came into the room and looked at us.
"I have news!" He sat on the bed next to Matt.
"Me too, I actually hate you both right now" Matt said and threw the pillow from his face at Chris.
I rolled my eyes and sat up. I put my hair into the bun and looked at Chris.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Tara invited us for dinner to celebrate 1 mil, she wants us to meet Johnnie. Jake, Larray, Sam and Colby are going to be there too. Nick also said that they can come over here after dinner and we could hang out. y/n you will finally meet Tara!" Chris said.
I looked at him. Pure panic in my eyes. I need to clean up this place.
"Well... Then I should start to clean already" I said. That was kinda my thing. Cleaning when I am stressing out.
I spent half of my day cleaning the house, even if it was already pretty clean. Boys helped me a little, mostly Matt. Chris said he is going to clean his own room. Do I believe him? No.
"So should I like match the energy and go all black?" I asked Matt going through my clothes. I already did my make up and was standing in my underwear trying to find something I like.
"I already told you, wear whatever feels like good for you" He said looking at his PC.
"I hate men" I said dramatically and texted Nick to come downstairs.
He walked into the room and looked at me.
"Wow... I bet the other triplet does not get this view. All because I'm gay, how lucky..." He said sarcastically.
"I get more than that..." Matt blinked at him with a smirk on his face.
"Shut the fuck up, my room is above you, I fucking know" He said.
"What do I wear? Help me…He is useless" I looked at Nick pointing at Matt.
"Can't you wear that dress you bought last time we went thrift shopping? And the platform docs with it" He said and went to my jewelry box.
"Those are cool, wear this too" He put a chain and some small hoops on the dresser.
"Thank you Nick" I smiled at him and started to put the outfit together.
"See learn that for the next time" I told Matt when his brother left the room.
"Just to be sure... Did Chris saw you in your underwear?" He asked and I laughed. Can't believe he was still thinking about it.
"Probably? I don't know, who cares...Matt maybe I am just going to stay home" I said and sat on the bed.
"You literally need to stop overthinking that. You know that I also am not a fan of big groups but this people are really cool and chill. It's gonna be okay" He looked at me and smile.
"You look beautiful as always and everyone is going to love you" He stood up from his chair and came up to me.
He put both of his hands on my cheeks and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled and wrinkled my nose.
"Alright..alright.. you will ruin my make up Matthew" I took his hands of my face giving him one more quick kiss.
The dinner went great. They all were really nice. Me and Matt were the only couple there so sometimes they made little jokes about it. I felt very welcome even if I wasn't part of their world. I tried to stay out from the cameras usually. But I didn't want to be rude so when they were filming stories I was on it. I was kinda stressing about people talking shit about me.
When we came to our house and at first we talked and played games together. Then we decided to go to topgolf but before that they wanted to film some TikToks.
"You and Matt are literally a goal couple. He is just so sweet checking on you all the time. Look at him he is scared I'm going to eat you" Tara said to me and I laughed.
"Yes.. he is the best" I looked at Matt with a big smile.
"Do you wanna film TikTok with me? I love your outfit so much" She asked me and i said "fuck it if tara yummy asks you to make a TikTok with her you make a TikTok with her" in my head.
"Okay...I usually only post for my friends but if you want I'm in" I smiled.
We decided to use "Tara Yummy is a mindset" audio since we kinda match with our outfits. She was a real sweetheart and such a funny person. They all were.
"I am really glad you are having fun tonight" Matt said while we were driving to top golf. He put his hand on my knee and smiled.
"It's really fun I'm glad we are doing this. And that you guys are meeting more people" I said and looked at the back at his brothers.
"Girl your and Taras TikTok is so viral" Nick showed me and my eyes went big for the numbers.
"Fuck... that's crazy" I said and Chris laughed.
"Told you that you should start to film as well" He said.
"No thank you..I just couldn't say no to Tara" I laughed.
Topgolf was souper fun. I won with Matt for the first time since forever so I was so happy. Everyone had so much fun and we filmed a lot. Boys were teaching Tara how to play and she looked so cute with the club because she is just so small.
"Matt is sad because his girlfriend is better than him" Jake said while we were on our way to the cars.
"Poor Matty" Chris made a sad face.
I laughed at them and looked at Matt. He just shook his head.
"Well...he is a winner anyways, he has the hottest girl in town, I dare you to show her to the world Matt" Tara said and I blushed.
"Are you flirting with me?" I looked at her and she laughed.
I might have a new best friend.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Going Public || CL16
Another little blurb that was sitting in my drafts... F1 Masterlist
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“We heard your girlfriend is a driver for Ferrari too, can we expect a friendly race anytime soon?”
Charles smiled towards the Ferrari crew that was watching the interview from the side of the stage, knowing you were somewhere among them. “Oh no, she’s way too competitive, and unless it’s in a F1 car she will 100% beat me.”
The interviewer laughed along with the crowd. “Surely not?”
“She’s absolutely fearless!” he said seriously as he sat up straighter. “And she’s not even a racer.”
The woman frowned as she looked at her cue card. “I thought she was a driver?”
You saw the pride on Charles' face when he grinned at Carlos sitting next to him, who was trying to hide his laughter behind his hand. 
“She is, but she doesn’t race.” The interviewer was growing more confused and you could see the fans taking all the information in to try and figure out your identity after nearly a year of dating under the radar.
“She drives the transporter rig,” Carlos clarified with a laugh. “Which is perfect because Charles can’t parallel park to save his life, so he gets his girlfriend to do it for him. She is very good at it.”
The People’s Prince of Monaco is dating a Trucker???
The F1 Gossip pages were going crazy after the interview and you sat scrolling through them with an amused chuckle. 
“Babe, have you seen this one?” you asked as you showed him the latest meme. Some clever person had taken a picture of an overweight middle-aged man in a red plaid shirt over a dirty wife-beater, slapped a Ferrari badge on his truck and trailer and a long blonde wig on his head. The caption: Leclerc’s new girl. “I wish I could pull off that shirt.”
Two weeks later.
The camera crew were waiting out on the track and you caught Charles’ eyes in the mirror as you fixed your hair. 
“Ready, mi amor?” 
“How do I look?” you asked as you gave him a spin to show off your outfit. 
“Gorgeous as always,” he said with a wink. “And a little bit scary if I'm honest.”
You straightened up the collar of the red plaid shirt and brushed your fingers along his jaw. “Is it the wife beater or the wig?”
“Maybe the big dick energy?”
“Gotta play the part, baby,” you teased as you swaggered over to the door with exaggerated steps. “This is what your fans are expecting of me.”
Marketing and Promo were having a field day. They had scoured the internet for ideas to make this video after Charles had given them the heads up that you were going to take your relationship public. You were both more than happy to make it a unique announcement since a sense of humour was something that you both shared.
The final cut was a work of art, and you had watched it at least three times over as your stomach ached from all the laughter. There had been parking challenges, slalom races through cone tracks, and even hot laps around the circuit in Imola. It had been an absolute thrill to shoot, especially with the ridiculous costume, but you were glad to be back in your own clothes.
“Well at least you didn’t lie in that interview,” you pointed out after seeing the final score for the challenges. “You won the F1 race.”
Charles draped a lazy arm over your shoulders and he pulled you closer, his lips brushing your ear as he spoke, “Would you believe if I said I practised reversing and parallel parking with Pierre all week?”
You paused the replay on the tv and shifted onto his lap, cradling his face in your palms. “Oh, my love, Pierre can’t park any better,” you said before your lips twitched with a suppressed smile. “You should have asked Kika.”
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Hi elle! I was wondering if you could do some angst in where reader is tony's daughter but shes the forgotten one and tony shows a lot of affection to peter and one day she just loses it. Its ok if you don't want to.
Stay safe and drink water!
i’ve never felt so motivated to write something–
content warnings (18+) — immense swearing, mentions of insecurity and negative outlook, yelling, author possibly projecting?, maybe too many italicized words/phrases.
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You knew your dad loved you. He had to. He said it to you a million times before, and made it a point to remind you of it once a day. However, there were moments nowadays where you began to question it. You didn’t really question whether he loved you or not, but rather, whether he loved Peter Parker more than you.
Tony had referred to Peter as the son he’d never had. He’d taken Peter on retreats and to expos when he hadn’t taken you out on a trip since you were nine years old. He’d bought things for Peter, and fixed things for Peter, and every meme or video or cat picture you found on the internet to show to your father would automatically get the response: “send that to me, i want to show it to Peter.”
Peter this and Peter that. It sent you into a spiral of insecurity that you’d never known existed. You truly felt like Tony was trying to tell you something subliminally. You tried to drown yourself in coursework, go to engineering camps, and help out with the Avengers just to try and gain a better understanding of their bond. Of what you lacked. Nothing seemed to help. It jabbed at your feelings like a knife to the back, presumably left by Peter Parker himself.
And the worst part? You’d never even met the guy. You’d never been introduced to Peter Parker, despite how many times Tony mentioned the fact that he’d “love for you two to meet,” and “you two would get along great.” Yeah, sure. And he’s probably some gross ass dude with an untamed beard in his mid–twenties that your father took pity on. So much pity, in fact, that he’d invited Peter to stay over for the weekend in your penthouse apartment.
It was such a sudden proposition, and a last second invite, but it happened. And Tony insisted, despite every protest you attempted to give, that you’d both greet him in the lobby.
So when you were face to face with a surprisingly attractive boy your age who had the deepest brown eyes you’d ever seen and barely packed a duffel bag, you were thrown off your rocker. You hardly had the composure to speak. Thus, your father did for you, smiling wider than you’d ever seen him smile before.
He was barely showing teeth, but you hadn’t seen your father this excited about something in a while. “Kid, this is my daughter, Y/N.” He stated proudly, grasping Peter’s shoulder as he started introductions. “And sweetheart,” Tony addressed you, turning his full focus to you as he gave Peter’s introduction. “This is Peter Parker.”
There was something about him that caused for you to detest him. It wasn’t seen on his clothes, or in his eyes. It wasn’t dangling in the tension between you, or whispered through his silent stares, but it was there. Perhaps, it came from the depths of your subconscious, and the land of your imagination. You shoved that proposition deeper into your subconscious, too.
Because you were certain that you had a hatred for Peter Parker, and his little staycation with the Stark’s would prove it.
The first night was fine. Your dad didn’t make you do any activities together, thank God, but he did surprise you with the news that he had to leave the next morning for a last second Avengers emergency. He didn’t know when he’d be back, but Tony assigned you and Peter with the task of rewiring a circuit board in his lab before he returned.
Being the daughter of Tony Stark, you’d taken the initiative to finish the project yourself. It was your house, anyways. It was a request that your father had made to you, so you intended to do it. You just hated the fact that Peter persisted in being with you in the room while you finished it. You hated the silence he left in the room, and the way he kept checking over your shoulder. God, you just hated him. You were sure of it.
You could feel his presence watching over your hands as they worked. You could feel the weight of his judgment, his breath catching in hesitation. You could smell the fumes of his cologne, and the aroma of his hair products. It was infuriating. It was pressuring. It felt mocking, taunting.
He stepped closer, hands reaching over to where yours were tinkering, yet they didn’t dare to touch your project. “A–actually, you should move the circuit focus closer to the–”
The audacity he had to question you. The nerve he struck with his comment, it filled you with rage.
Wrench and wire were thrown to the table, clanking and clamoring as they caved to gravity’s pull. Their sound was the only thing keeping you and Peter from shared silence. The shared silence of your anger. You turned your head to look at him, hoping that you weren’t physically exhaling flames like you imagined you were.
“Can you just.. not?” The question almost came out as a laugh. You nearly laughed, in disbelief that Peter Parker thought he had any say in how you built a robotic contraption. “Can you just fucking not?”
Walls had been building up inside you, livid and rageful feelings clouding your judgment as you glared at him. You couldn’t see just how shocked he was, thrown off at your irritation. You couldn’t see how puzzled he was, or panicked that he’d done something to upset you so much. You just stared into the eyes of what felt like your replacement. You felt empty, worthless, as your figure reflected back at you through the glistening of his eyes.
“Can I not what? Did I– Did I upset you?” Just the sound of his voice crawled beneath your skin. It felt worse than the sleek of humidity, or nails on a chalkboard. It sounded teasing, coy.
It was the final straw.
Nails dug into your palm as your hands formed fists. One fist pressed to your forehead, almost speaking as a warning to tell you to keep composure, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t fucking stand it anymore. “Can you stop being so fucking perfect all the time?” The words slipped out before you could stop them.
There were several things that you’d been wanting to say to Peter Parker. You’d wanted to tell him off for a long time, but you’d never gotten the chance. Now, you’d given yourself the opportunity to let the floodgates open and your tongue run wild.
“You’re always making shit competitive and iT’S NOT OKAY. It’s not my fault that my own father loves yOU MORE THAN ME! Doesn’t mean you have to fucking rub it in my face every gODDAMN FUCKING HOUR!!” God, this felt good. “You can just do my job for me!! Fucking move into my rOOM at this point, Tony won’t know the difference!!” You scoffed, “In fact, he’d probably be tHRILLED that you FINALLY REPLACED ME!!”
Peter Parker blinked a few times at you. His mouth hung agape, too scared to say anything and interrupt what looked like things you had been needing to say. The look infuriated you.
“Build the circuit board by your goddamn fucking self and leave me the fuck alone!!” And as you made the final statement, you turned to make your leave. The subtle breeze caught your face, and you felt the air hit your cheeks cold; you hadn’t noticed that you’d started crying.
You also hadn’t noticed the fact that your dad entered the room. You froze dead in your tracks at the sight of him, tears brimming your eyes again when you saw how upset he looked.
It wasn’t your intention for him to hear all of that, but you couldn’t take back the truth once it’d gotten out. You took a staggered breath, choking back a sob as you rushed out. You didn’t know which hurt more: to hear your father’s footsteps tread further from you, or to hear him ask Peter about what was happening rather than you directly.
Either way, it was an added punch right to the gut.
It felt like ten minutes of sobbing in your room went by before a knock was placed on your door. You were about to answer, but you weren’t given the chance; your father opened the door as soon as he’d placed the knock, a solemn look coating his face as he looked at you from the doorframe. It was a solemn look that resembled disappointment.
He was disappointed in you.
Your dad was disappointed that you’d blown a fuse in front of your house guest. Disappointed that you’d ruined your chance at a good first impression. Disappointed that you’d shown such weakness. He was disappointed that you didn’t meet his expectations. He was disappointed in you for not making his honorary son feel more welcomed. Your father was disappointed in you for fucking it all up. You could tell.
Tony took careful steps towards your bed, sitting next to you as you stifled your sobs down a bit. “Do.. You want to talk about what happened back there?” His tone was softer than you’d anticipated for someone who was disappointed in you. It almost sounded apologetic, sympathetic; you were certain that your mind was reaching for a false reality.
A sniffle caught your breath as you looked at him, fresh tears framing your face. “How much of that did you hear?” You were almost too scared to ask, but you needed to know. You had to know which bit of air to clear first.
“All of it.” Tony started, “From the part where you asked Peter not to be so fucking perfect all the time..” His tone got a little sharper, almost witty. It sounded like he was trying to make humor of your meltdown. As though he were trying to find a way to cheer you up, or tell you to grow up and get over yourself. You couldn’t tell.
You averted eye contact for a moment, trying not to blow up again. Luckily, most of the anger in your system was boiling down to melancholia. Your tears ran rivers down your face as you tried to find the words to say. “I just don’t understand..” You started, keeping your voice from breaking.
Every speck of humor fled from his face at how upset you were getting. Tony’s brows pressed together, graveness and concern bleeding through his tone of voice. “Don’t understand what, honey?” The gentleness of his tone reminded you of when he’d comfort you in childhood. It took you back to when he’d snapped at you and wanted to apologize, or when you’d scraped your knee and he rushed to patch you up. It started to ease the narrative in your head that Tony was angry with you for your little tantrum.
“I, uh.. I don’t—” A shaky breath cut you off. You weren’t sure how to communicate this feeling lightly. It’d been bottled up and growing inside you for a couple months now. You knew you’d have to tell him at some point, you just despised how raw it was. It was pure vulnerability. “I don’t understand what I did to not be good enough–” You couldn’t even get through the sentence before your lip quivered.
That was when Tony looked at you like the entire world shattered. His entire world shattered. The disappointment flooded his expression once again, but it hit you that it was never directed at you — Tony was disappointed in himself. His eyes held the weight of failing as a father, of making you feel this rejected. He failed by making you feel rejected in the first place. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a suffocating hug; you weren’t sure if he’d ever actually be able to let go of it, yet it was the kind of hug you didn’t want to part from. A hug that shielded you from the entire world.
His lips pressed to your temple, along with a few stray tears he couldn’t catch beforehand. It was rare to catch your father tearful, yet you seemed to lower that guard when you started the conversation. He held you close, letting you cry out the feelings you’d locked away for so long.
“Y/N, you’re more than enough..” He lulled, voice breaking ever so slightly, “It’s my fault you ever felt like you weren’t..” His words were everything you’d hoped to hear. You’d began to believe the possibility that actually hearing them wasn’t actuality. This insecurity had driven you beyond wild, to the point where you believed that your father’s intentions were pinned against you.
They never were.
Tony held you in his arms for the next hour, letting you talk out your growing anxiety. You talked about everything from your fomo towards their retreats and trips, to how thrown off you were that Peter was your age.
“I actually think you two would make a cute couple.” Tony started, laughing at how quick you were to throw a punch at his bicep. The melancholy had worn off both of you, and the room started to fill with laughter. “I’m serious!” Tony threw his arms up to mock defeat before changing the topic a little. “But really, I think he wants to apologize to you for what happened.”
Your face drew a blank, mixing shock and confusion as you blinked at your father a few times. “Parker wants to apologize to me? For my meltdown?”
A shrug caught in your father’s posture. “You two are more similar than you think, hon.” His tone was light and sincere as he chuckled, quietly, “You both put the weight of other people’s mistakes on your shoulders.” His words draped a blanket of guilt over your body. Your own words from said meltdown began to replay through your brain like a broken record; the blame you’d thrown at Peter was wrongfully served.
You knew you needed to apologize.
After rebuilding trust with your father, and mentally rehearsing how to apologize to Peter, you made your way across the apartment to the guest room.
The door was already open, and gave you the perfect view of Peter seated on the edge of the bed. He was reading, fidgeting fingers at the edge of his pages, and chocolate curls shadowing his focused expression.
Now that you’d been able to release the steam of your self–consciousness, you realized that hatred wasn’t the actual feeling you had towards Peter; it was envy. And once you had talked things out with your father, the clouds of your judgment cleared from your vision and you could finally see Peter Parker for who he really was: a boy. A boy your age who needed a place to crash for the weekend.
You felt guilty for interrupting his reading, but at this point, the feeling was a tiny speck to add to your growing pile of culpability. The knock was gentle, and immediately pulled his eyes to meet yours.
“Mind if I come in for a minute?” You had to croak the words out, but still managed to keep a softness to your tone. You didn’t want to yell at him again, or come across like you were about to.
The look he gave you wasn’t one you weren’t expecting; he eyed you like he’d committed an unforgivable crime, or like you’d break if he didn’t hold you together. It gave you reassurance that this apology definitely needed to come out sooner than later.
Peter book–marked his place without looking, keeping his stare fixed on you while he nodded. “Please,” He gestured to the foot of the bed beside him, “Sit. I– uh, I was planning to find you and see if you were alright, but I didn’t want to interrupt your space.”
As you sat down beside him, a smile touched your lips at how thoughtful he was. “I appreciate that, but I–I owe you an apology, Peter..” You never broke your eye contact, but the look in your eyes grew more urgent, pleading. “I am so sorry for speaking to you that way, and–”
You cut yourself off at the sight of Peter waving his hands in dismissal. He mirrored the look in your eyes, “No, Y/N, I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. I don’t want you to feel like I’m here to replace you.” His words held a direness that yours should have. Your dad was right, Peter really was putting the gravity of this into his hands.
To stop his spiral, you touched his arm for a minute, “Peter, that wasn’t your fault. It was mine for assuming and unloading all of that shit onto you. And I’m sorry for that.”
His eyes alone begged you to let him win the argument. “I still could have–”
You cut him off, “Peter, it’s not your fault.” You tried to emphasize your point, noticing the way he read your expression. His eyes scanned every inch of your face, searching for what looked like a sign of your uncertainty. His lips parted to contribute his side of the argument, but one look from you shut his trap pretty quickly.
Peter’s shoulder’s eased, but his eyes still glistened with ambition. He wanted you to understand his perspective a little. “Did your dad tell you how nervous I was to meet you?”
That wasn’t what you were expecting. Your eyes widened a little, shaking your head in response. Peter Parker? Nervous to meet you? The way your dad talked about him didn’t set him up to be that way. Of course, seeing him in front of you changed your perception a little. “No, he didn’t.” You were honest.
He wet his lips, parting them with the warmest smile you’d ever set your eyes on. The laugh that spilt from them was melodic, laced with a bit of nerves. He rubbed a muscle on the back of his neck, suddenly choking up. “Yeah, I was pretty nervous.” His brow arched slightly, complimenting his grin photogenically. “I was nervous ‘cause Mister Stark’s always talking the world to me about his amazing daughter.” Peter’s smile grew in your direction, stirring a hurricane of butterflies through your stomach.
It felt like the two of you were in the midst of a staring contest; though, instead of the intense anticipation glistening in each other’s eyes, you mutually stared at each other in security. You’d both had the immense pressure of making good impressions toward the other on your shoulders.
Peter repositioned himself on the bed, now seated facing you. His legs were crossed beneath him, his knee a hair from touching yours. “You, Y/N, are not only his greatest accomplishment, but you’re his best friend.” His words spread like butter over every worry you’d had, melting away that crippling insecurity with it. “I think he wants to be you when he grows up.”
The laughs that bubbled up your throat brought attention to the tears brimming your eyes. You blinked them away, mirroring Peter’s earnest expression. “I can tell why my dad’s always talking about you.” You told him, “And here I was thinking you’d be some old ass dude living in his mother’s basement, but here we are.”
“And here I was thinking you wouldn’t be drop–dead gorgeous.” His cheeks were ablaze with crimson, sending a pink glow of your own to your complexion. “But, here we are.”
Your smile grew, rolling your eyes playfully at him. “Alright, casanova. Save it for the love letters.” It felt nice to share laughter like this with Peter. You were glad that you gave him a second chance. Not breaking eye contact, you slid off the bed and rose to your feet. “I’ll let you get back to your reading”
Peter watched you get up to go, looking a little disappointed. You were almost surprised, but likewise, both you and Peter hid the honesty of your feelings behind the curtains of a smile.
“You don’t have to. You could stay if you want.” He started, but a look flashed behind his eyes that was rather telling; he seemed to panic over his eagerness for your company. “Unless you don’t want to–”
Biting the inside of your cheek hurt, but it was the only way to hide how wide your smile grew. “I’d love to, but I need to finish that circuit board.” And thus, the idea struck you. “You doing anything later though?”
His brows pressed together in a curious way. “Not really. You planning something?”
“Yeah. My dad and I usually have movie nights tonight.” You took paces backwards towards the door, but stalled from the moment you’d have to part ways. “You should join us! It’s my turn to pick.”
The sight of his dimples made you realize just how much you’d grown fond of his smile. It was already getting difficult to leave his presence; you knew if you didn’t leave now, you probably never would.
“Well, then you better pick a good one, just for me.” He challenged. You’d make it your goal to satisfy his request.
If even possible, it felt like your grin grew. “I plan to.”
And that said, the three of you met in the home–theater and watched Jurassic Park together. You had Tony on your left geeking out over the CGI technology from the 80s, and Peter on his left geeking out about how accurate the movie was from the book. It made your film decision that much better. It also was the best movie night you’d had in a long while.
Perhaps your dad was right: you and Peter Parker really would get along great.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
JADE: "i call him a bitch and he went away!"
ROSE: I think you should just keep asking the Hat Man to fix shit for you. Maybe he's like a husky. He's tearing up your metaphorical couch within your dreamscape because he doesn't have enough enrichment. Give him tasks.
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the0maski · 8 months
Not necessarily LU based, but in the overall “canon” -verse the Hero of Time doesn’t exist in two timelines, right? He died in the Downfall Timeline and never came to be a hero in the Child Timeline.
Legend and Hyrule probably only heard about the title Fallen Hero, never his true title. Same goes for Twilight, only knowing Time as the Hero’s Shade or Cursed Swordsman. Which means, only Wind knows about Time, and he is the only one with a legend about him.
Funny detail, if Hyrule Warriors would fall under the Child Timeline that would mean that Time was present during the whole timeline, it gets better if Mask was only dragged into the war, because the goddesses pulled a: You broke it, you fix it! Making it more fun, Time becomes just history’s biggest mystery and meme under historians. To the point where there are huge debates about him, because some records say that he lived after the Hyrulean civil war, but at the same time he is mention being at the War of Ages which was two whole Eras later! Was he ever a hero? Why are they no family records about him? Was he really just a forest spirit, was he even hylian?
Flora would absolutely have a field day, if the chain ever stepped only a foot in Wild’s Hyrule. Seeing how she is extremely interested in history.
For real: there is to little mention, in the fandom, that the Hero of Time is only known to one person (Or two if Mask had been in the war). Everyone else had never heard of him, less knew that there was a hero that came after Four. How had they all found each other? I know that, there is a fanfic troupe of the chain slowly forming, while hopping through portals ending in a new Link’s Hyrule. But in comic, the first time they all walked through a portal together, was after visiting Malon. Meaning they all met in Time’s Hyrule, in the Timeline were he is no “hero”. How did they find Time, since asking for a hero would not worked? What makes me also believe, that Time is only leader of the group, because he is the oldest and apparently has a high rank among Hyrule’s military. Maybe he showed the Triforce mark on his hand? But less likely since he hides it most times.
My money goes to Wind or Twilight. Wind talking randomly to this soldier, about the legend of his time, not knowing he is speaking directly to said person of the legend. The rancher only because, he got flashbacks of Shade, and he needed to find out more. Bonus would be Warriors lost at words, because that one deity that sometimes possessed his little brother, became the Milkman!
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kaylorstree · 3 months
TTPD Gaylor Lyric Analysis
Because there are so many songs, I’m only analysing the gayest ones.
But Daddy I Love Him
Possibly Taylor’s gayest song EVER.
‘These people only raise you to cage you’
A lot of this is about her team, handlers and parents wanting her to stay closeted.
‘These people try to save you because they hate you’
This references judgemental religious people, to whom if she ever came out would want to save her, and pray for her, out of faux concern.
‘Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best’
Again, religious Bible names, but also could reference American conservatives.
‘Told my parents and they came around’
This has to be about being gay. I really doubt her parents wouldn’t have a HUGE problem or be able to influence her that much in terms of problematic men, since she has dated many previously, such as John Mayer and Jake Gylenhall.
‘Tell him to floor it through the fences’
This references Getaway Car, but I also think it references the YNTCD fences, and the other fence meme.
‘I’d rather burn my whole life down’ Dating a man would never ‘burn down’ her entire life.
Down Bad
‘Crying at the gym’
Taylor and Karlie went to the gym all the time. There is so much photographic evidence of this.
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Side note (which I think I have previously posted about): I’ve always found it odd how they would be so dressed up for the gym, particularly Taylor. It makes me think they were having lunch or hanging out in secret, for some privacy from the paparazzi maybe?
‘Like I just lost my twin’
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Do I really need to elaborate this line?
‘Fuck it if I can’t have him’
I genuinely see no way Taylor couldn’t date any man she really wanted. The only way she REALLY couldn’t have someone would have to be a HUGE reason.
‘Did you take all my old clothes, just to leave me here naked and alone?’
A man wouldn’t take a woman’s clothes, Also, Taylor and Karlie shared a load of clothes back in the day.
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Guilty As Sin?
The religious undertones continue, along with the references to heaven and angels.
‘Written mine on my upper thigh, only in my mind’
‘What if the way you hold me, is the thing that’s holy’
‘Without touching his skin, how can I be guilty as sin’
Surely it isn’t a sin by any standards to THINK about having sex with a man? But a woman, YES.
‘I keep my longest locked, in lower case inside a vault’.
This was suggest she has repressed longings she needs to hide, but also suggests ‘loml’ and ‘iwannagetyouback’ are important to listen to and decipher.
Fresh Out The Slammer
‘Fresh out the slammer, I’m running back home to you’
This suggests being imprisoned or trapped. To consider a 6 year relationship as being a prison would be offensive to Joe, but would make sense if this was just another fake relationship she’s trapped in until she can finally be with the person she has been waiting for.
Clara Bow
‘You look like Stevie Nicks, in ‘75, the hair and lips’
At first I didn’t understand why this reference jumped out at me- I then realised that there was this tweet comparing Karlie to Steve Nicks’ ex, Linsday Buckingham.
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‘You look like Clara Bow in this life, remarkable’
She sings about women and their features throughout this song.
‘Half moonshine, full eclipse’
Karlie is always referred to the sunshine, hiding the sun would be an eclipse.
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‘In closets like cedar, preserved from when we were just kids’
‘You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me’
This suggests waiting for someone when they can finally be together.
‘As the men masqueraded, I hope you’d return’
Men masquerading suggests acting or pretending, just as her beards have been until she can be in a real relationship with the person she actually wants to be with.
‘Wait til you fix your face’
Only a girl would need to fix their face. This also aligns with The 1975 song ‘Girls’, the one that was playing when Taylor and Karlie famously kissed.
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‘Curse you out, or pull you into the closet’
I mean, again, when does someone ever literally pull some into a closet? Only figuratively.
Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus
The premise of the song is talking about someone bisexual. It’s impossible to decipher it any other way.
So, she’s outing and implicating one of her previous boyfriends which would be EXTREMELY problematic.
On the other hand, if she was singing about a bisexual woman, that would make sense. There is less stigma surrounding bisexual women compared to men, by some extent.
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The Prophecy
‘Don’t want money, just someone who really loves me’
Again, this doesn’t make sense to attribute to a man. Why would she lose money by being in a relationship? Only if it was incredibly controversial, like a queer one.
Also, ‘The Prophecy’ suggests that this is the way things have to be, have been and will be. However, if she changes this it will not be expected for others in the future.
‘I got cursed like Eve got bitten’
‘Was it punishment?’
This alludes once again to sin and religious imagery, but also about how being LGBT can feel like a curse or something unwanted.
‘Looked to the sky’
This suggests God is responsible for the prophecy itself.
‘Pat around when I get home’ alludes to crime and accusations. Perhaps growing up her family were maybe onto her concerning where she’s been and who she’s been with.
Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
‘You don’t get to tell me about sad’
‘You wouldn’t last a year in the asylum where they raised me’
As discussed online, Taylor didn’t grow up with any particular trauma or a bad childhood by any stretch of the imagination. However, the concept of her being closeted on a global scale, to constantly having to lie in order to keep her livelihood is pretty traumatic in my opinion.
A lot of people wouldn’t be able to survive that.
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Please tell me what your interpretations are! 🌼🌈
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azurlily · 4 months
Hey there hope you’re doing well I don’t know if you’re still taking your requests at the moment. But if you are here’s one I would like Some head canon for Azula shocking, I know and Mai Tylee and Suki With an OC who likes to sleep topless If you’re comfortable with that or interested
I'm so sorry! I thought I posted this 3 days ago and I check my account and notice it isn't there. I checked my drafts and saw it🤦🏽‍♀️. The gif of Suki I'm using is the only one with just her(no other characters in the picture), if anyone could find more with just her I'd be so thankful!!
Also does anyone know why when I press my stuff(my posts) tumblr says it doesn't exist. Yet I'll scroll down in my acc and find it. It's confusing and I'm going to have to fix a bunch of stuff because of it.
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Ozai's Angel's + Suki
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When fem!reader sleeps topless.
Y'all ever sent hat shocked pikachu meme? Yeah that's Azula the first time she sees you sleep topless.
I imagine it was your first night sleeping in the same bed, and you just threw your shirt off. No hesitation. Azula turned and just stared are your bare back. You still had pants/shorts on so she assumed you were going to change. Although in front of her? Really? So bold...
Instead when you turn towards the bed to lay down, you hear the loudest little squeak! It's probably one of the only times Azula will ever act like that. It's just so surprising that you'd frivolously in front of her.
"What do you think you're doing?"
You would look over ins surprise and Azula would immediately turn around.
"Something wrong, zula?"
Azula will stomp her foot and turn back towards you, her eyes cast downwards. You didn't see anything wrong with your clothing choice seeing as you distinctly remember mentioning this to Azula multiple times before.
"You have no shirt and nothing to conceal your chest! Just what are you trying to do on our first night...disgusting!"
Of course Azula didn't mean that last part, but she said it anyway.
You just stared at her for a few moments and then laughed, if you're this far in the relationship(and it wasn't forced) you've learned Azula a lot better than most.
"I'm going to lay down, when you're comfortable: come join me?"
Just wait it out and within a few minutes you'll feel shuffling in the bed. Azula wont touch you in anyway, even to wake you up. The next few days will be her getting comfortable with sleeping next to you like this. Within a month(maybe longer if this is something that truly surprised her about you) she'll be spooning you and refusing to explain why. Don't ask either or she will stop.
The most calm about the entire situation. That doesn't mean Mai isn't surprised, she's the complete opposite in fact. Mai just doesn't show her emotions like others.
As you two were getting in bed after a long day of doing everything Azula wanted...and complaining about it when she wasn't listening. You and Mai just wanted to relax together.
It doesn't matter if it was the first time you slept together or if you simply always wore a shirt to make her comfortable. Either way Mai has to ensure she's in the right reality when you- in front of her and with no shame -begin to undress.
Mai is(despite popular belief) very awkward. Especially around the girl she's oh so in love with. Mai has, on multiple occasions, not said a single word to you for an entire day. Simply because you made her too 'flustered' to function and she was afraid that she might say something less than appropriate for the situation.
So Mai doesn't say anything. She stares, though. Her eyes don't leave you body the moment she notices what you're doing. It's already hard for her to look away when you have clothes on, but this?! You must be trying to kill her.
"Mai? Are you okay? I'm sorry should I put my shirt back on?"
That's about the only thing that will get her attention. Mai looks up at your face instead of your chest. It takes her a second to recognize your words. They turn her a slight pink, which she looks away as to not show you.
"No. It's fine. Warn me next time. . .please."
Mai has a tendency to make herself seem cold and distant for fear of hurting you. Unknowingly though, that's what ends up hurting you in the end.
You lay in the bed, turned away from Mai. You hear a slight rustle in the bed before a small voice speaks up. Not something you'd expect from her normally.
"I think you look pretty; I-I love you."
Your heart melts.
Ty Lee
A lil' NSFW
Ty Lee is the one who reacts the sweetest. I fully believe that Ty lee has seen some things from being in the circus and all. She doesn't react coldly like Mai nor is she embarrassed like Azula. Ty lee is simply happy her partner trusts her so much as to be naked around her.
You two had been sore from a long day and after bathing(separately) you headed to your room together. Ty lee sleeps in a loose shirt and shorts, she's very open with her body as long as it's her partner.
Truly, she flirts with others but you're her sun. The only person she would truly share her body with.
You take off your shirt with your back turned to Ty lee. Sometimes she wishes you would look at her when she undresses. It makes her feel better about her body, knowing her partner likes it.
Ty lee turns and sees you with no shirt. She just stares for a moment before turning back around, she assumed you were still changing and just waited a little longer.
"Uhm, are you done changing yet?"
You told her yes and she turned around. Nearly tripping over herself.
"Are you going to sleep without a shirt?!"
Ty lee barks out a bit of laughter with her words. She realized you were as soon as she said it. You smiled and simply nodded while Ty lee got a little closer to you. She enjoys your body, it's the most beautiful thing in the world to her. So it is incredibly hard for her to look away.
"You know I think you should sleep like this every night. You look. . .cute."
Ty lee pulls herself closer to you, your bodies press together. Your chests more specifically. Ty lee presses her lips to yours and you slowly lead eachother to the bed. Before you two find yourselves under the covers you hear her whisper.
"Your body's so beautiful; I'd like to see all of it."
I'm sorry if this isn't as accurate to Suki's character as you'd like!(I'm also sorry Suki's is shorter than the others)
Suki is definitely the most bashful, but in a way the least surprised. I'm more than sure she's seen her fair share of female bodies from the Kyoshi Warriors. The only difference is you're her partner, her one and only.
Suki is a very devoted lover, but(and were going off assumption) you're the first woman she's been with. So she feels safer than she would even wirh her closest friends.
As you two were heading in and getting the first bit of proper rest in a while. You didn't think about your sleeping conditions, you were just tired and uncomfortable in your own skin. As you take your shirt off you hear a loud, strangled cough behind you.
"Oh, I didn't realize you were going to change in front of me."
You laid down in the bed and turn towards Suki who looked away. She wasn't wearing her makeup, but she was still in her uniform.
"You should probably take that off. It'll be uncomfortable to sleep in."
Suki just stares at you dumbfounded, some days she wonders where her love for this idiot came from. Suki undresses, not fully knowing if you're watching or not. Her face reddening.
"Do you feel safe like that with me?"
Suki has been emotionally stunted due to her past. Many days, after meeting you, she felt like you'd find someone more devoted and leave.
That because she was a Kyoshi Warrior she wouldn't be able to fully love you.
You hum quietly, you're too tired to answer. Instead you slowly open your arms up from the bed. Suki gets in bed and snuggles into you. Her head pressing against your neck as she peppers kisses.
"I love you, you surprise me everyday."
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No one in their right mind can tell me all of those girls don't have trauma. So I tried to sprinkle a little bit of that in there.
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starry-907 · 24 days
(LEGAL DISCLAIMER: this is all in good faith, i have permission from the mods to make this, and this is all light hearted)
i've come to make an announcement @kinglazrus is a tyrant of a mod, she put me in the ib prison SO I WILL EXPOSE THE TYRANT-NESS OF ALL INVISOBANG MODS BY CHRONICLING ALL OF THE CRIMES THEY GAVE ME OVER THE COURSE OF INVISOBANG (featuring my poor organizational skills while counting)
(under the cut cuz this is gonna get long)
CRIME 1: posted stickroll in chat (granted this was an intentional bid for jail so this one isn't very tyrant-y)
CRIME 2: got released for threatening to fight Laz, but then was put back into jail for threatening to fight Laz (somewhat tyrant-y, also shows evidence of mod-infighting /j)
CRIME 3: mentioned that i had avoided getting put in jail for a third time, i also got solitary confinement cuz i think i tried to join a riot (LAZ DID THIS SO THIS IS EVIDENCE OF TYRANCY)
CRIME 4: called out a mod's typo (said amound instead of around) (this one is very tyranty)
CRIME 5: said y'all all (ok this one's fair)
CRIME 6: stated i was going to make this post detailing all the reasons i got jailed (YOU CANNOT SILENCE THE TRUTH, VIVA LA REVOLUTION)
CRIME 7-3003: called out another mod typo (lebvends instead of legends) (very much so a tyrant move, i skyrocketed in my number of crimes for a very minor thing)
CRIME 3004: didn't remember reading the info doc (in my defense i had read the rules channel though, so this was unwarranted)
CRIME 3005: saying i had receipts that implied Laz was a tyrant (AGAIN, YOU WILL NOT SILENCE ME)
somewhere along the line kad ate 3 of my crimes, idk where or how but they got eaten (proof below)
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LOST 1K CRIMES, DOWN TO 2002: i made a snapcube reference (specifically the "woah he's bisexual, I didn't know that" meme) (slight redemption from the mods)
GOT PUT IN SOLITARY AGAIN: called out a mod for breaking the emoji chain we had going in one of the gen chat channels (THE PEAK OF TYRANCY, I WAS ATTEMPTING TO BE A GOOD CITIZEN AND I WAS IMPRISONED FOR IT)
GOT PUT IN SOLITARY AGAIN AGAIN: pointed out that i had written more than Laz in a sprint when she'd previously had the most words in earlier sprints, truly a moment akin to the myth of athena and arachne (truly a mark of a tyrant mod)
2 CRIMES REMOVED, DOWN TO 2000: this is where we honor a glorious sacrifice. @duchi-nesten bravely offered to take two of my crimes upon herself (after the 3 of mine that they ate), so that my crimes number could match my birth year. we will have a moment of silence for this.
ok moment of silence over cuz she lost her crimes as punishment so i got three crimes back so i went to 2003 crimes.
3 CRIMES REMOVED, BACK TO 2000 AGAIN: again we must honor a sacrifice. @brekitten agreed to take 3 of my crimes to add to her own count and we must honor that as well.
THEN THERE WAS A MESS GOING ON WITH THE EMOJI CHAIN THAT I WAS TRYING TO FIX (people breaking the chain), I WAS IN THE TRENCHES but i did go from 2000 crimes to 1987 crimes for my good behavior in trying to hold the line, so that was very non-tyranty of the mods. the chain was indeed fully broken but Laz broke it so it's gonna stay that way (i had to go to sleep)
so the tl;dr is laz is a tyrant, go look at what people made for ib, and maybe join @ecto-implosion because kad immediately put me in jail upon joining and said i have a lifetime sentence because of nepotism /light-hearted
also i full well might've missed something, i definitely think i missed a solitary confinement or two but w/e
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darnell-la · 1 month
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pairing: dark!logan howlett x bartender!reader
warnings: bar fight, breaking in, kidnapping, rough sex (slight cnc), dominating, hair pulling, etc.
note: we love him. we really do. this was a quick story. it’s late at night!
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits and memes of the people we write about!
Having to lock up because the Wolverine got into a fight at the bar, was one of the craziest things y/n had to do in a while. No one got hurt, but he did slice a couple chairs.
Y/n had to kick everyone out so she could clean up and close early for the night. Tonight was a long night anyway, so people didn’t complain.
Well, one did, and of course it had to be Logan. He told her he could stay and clean up, maybe have a drink after, but she denied and told him to leave.
He got snarky with her, stepping towards her and telling her she was too pretty to close up alone. That’s when she had to threaten to call the cops.
She’s now in the bar alone wiping down the last table. Tonight was a long annoying night, but at least she was tipped well.
Y/n sang as she put the towels up before walking to the front door. She noticed in her way, that a man was standing at the front with his back towards her.
She was confused for a second until the man turned around. It was Logan. How long has he been standing there? Did he ever leave?
Y/n went to speak behind the thick glass until she saw a smile grow on his face. She instantly knew he meant no good.
She lunged at the door too, hoping she could lick it but he pushed it open, causing y/n to slide across the floor.
“Should’ve taken me up on that offer,” Logan said as he stalked towards her. She backed up on the door until her back to the bar counter. He now stood over her, eyes fully dark. “Told ya it was unsafe for a pretty girl like you,”
Logan grabbed y/n’s arm, pulling her up then slamming her upper body on the counter. “No, get off!” Y/n yelled, trying to wiggle from under him, but his body was heavy.
“Can’t tell me that when I smell your pussy from here,” Logan said, shocking y/n. What was he talking about? “I always smell you. You love dressin’ like this around men? That gets you off?” The man asked as he traced his hand up her body, pulling her dress along.
“P-Please, Logan. You’re drunk. I-I won’t tell anyone if you leave now. I promise!” She said as his lips kissed on the back of her neck. She smelled amazing. She always does.
“Ian leavin, sweet cheeks — I’m too close to you to stop now,” he said, pulling her panties to the side, wasting no time to stick his middle finger in her cunt, curling as soon as he could.
Y/n whined low as Logan breathed down her neck. “Imagine who else would’ve been on you if I wasn’t here. Had to scare off a few people tonight, like any other night. You should thank me,”
“Thank me, princess,” Logan said again, pushing two fingers into her. “L-Logan, stop!” She cried out, trying to lean up, but he pushed her back down harshly with a huff.
“Hard to get — I’ll fix that,” he said, now tugging on his Jean, pulling them down until his cock fell out. She couldn’t see, but she felt him in between her thighs. He was fucking huge.
“Please, no — Logan, I can’t do this. N-Not at work,” she said, remembering these cameras could be only. Some days, the boss turns them on while others he turns them off to save money.
“Don’t worry, princess. Ima take you back to my place after this. Already moved around the apartment to your liking,” he said, confusing y/n.
She didn’t know, but he knew where she kept her spare key. Sneaking into her home and sometimes sleeping next to her for a little while was a nightly routine.
Y/n’s thoughts were cut off once Logan’s tip pushed through her slick. She cried out, feeling him stretch her in an instant. He was too big for her. He loved it.
“Fuuuckin’ hell, y/n. You’re a tight one,” Logan grunted on the back of her neck. “So fuckin’ tight — God, Ian gonna get enough of this,” his hips began to move at a faster pace, taking her hard on the bar counter.
Y/n gripped the ends, trying to brace herself, but he was fucking her too rough. “C-Can’t,” y/n barely got out as her cunt clenched around him. “Yes, baby — Yes,” he tugged at her hair as she came undone around his cock.
“So fuckin’ dirty, Bub. You just cleaned,” Logan chuckled as y/n cried onto the counter. She didn’t know what to do until she remembered one of the panic buttons was right under the counter.
Y/n tried not to make it obvious she reached under the counter, trying to find the button she usually never misses.
This time is a different thought. She’s being pounded into by the Wolverine.
“Whatcha doin, girl?” Logan asked, looking over her shoulder until he realized. Before he could pull her hands back, she pressed the button. Alarms went off and the bar lights turned red.
“Goddamnit, y/n,” he growled as he pinned both of her wrists behind her back, hurting her shoulders. “You just can’t listen, can you? So fuckin’ bad,” Logan used his free hand to push her face into the countertop.
“Fuckin’ bitch can’t even let me fuck her at work. When I’m done with you, you’re fucked,” the man spat, snapping his hips harder to get closer to his orgasm. He wanted to ruin y/n back at his place. Back at her new place.
Y/n cried into the counter, feeling mixed emotions about this all. He broke into the bar to use her, but why her? Aren’t there other women? Is she special to him?
“Cry all you want, y/n. You’re not getting out of any punishment tonight,” the man groaned in her ear as his hips stuttered. Her mouth parted, knowing what was happening.
Logan eventually spilled in her, still thrusting as y/n shook. She tried her best, but she ended up cumming again, but this time with a moan he knew was different from the others. They sounded needy.
Logan smirked, quickly pulling out of y/n and throwing her over his shoulder. He didn’t bother emptying every drop into her. He slipped his leaky cock back into his pants before walking out of the bar.
She kicked and screamed, but not loud enough to make them look out of their windows to help. Logan chuckled at the frisk act, knowing she was going to be a cute and fun toy for him.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
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sad-leon · 7 months
Doe + Change
Doe expected things to change, but not this much.
She'd always felt more feminine than her brothers, but didn't really have a name for it until Donnie confirmed that she was, in fact, female. Her genius brother had helped her search it up. Transgender. There was a whole community out there like her.
Except, they weren't really like her. She was lucky enough to be born in the right body, just raised differently. She didn't have to worry about hormones or surgery or other surface issues like jobs or school. She has her lovely supportive family.
So, fine. Maybe she didn't have a community, but she had her brothers and that was fine!
Until wrestling matches disappeared. And she was given first choice on movie nights even when she lost the arm wrestles or whatever silly little game they decided to play. And when she lost a game and was met with compassion instead of teasing.
It was starting to get annoying.
She already had a rough night, but the thought of Dad letting them go up to the surfact to patrol gave her hope. She could run with her brothers again! They could race! And things would finally be normal again when they realized that nothing actually changed.
A gentle knock on the wall caught her attention. "Hey, Doe? You up?" Mikey asked. Doe frowned. Usually her little brother wouldn't hesitate to barge into her room.
Taking a breath, she plastered a smile on her face and sat up. "Yup! We're going to the surface, right?"
Mikey lit up. He nodded aggressively. "Yup! Yup! Raphie told me to come get you while he gets Donnie!"
Standing up, Doe grabbed her jacket, tugging it loosely over her shoulders. "Was he in his lab late again?"
Shrugging, Mikey stepped to the sided, gesturing for Doe to leave the room while he closed the curtain behind her. "Raphie just said that he'd going to 'drag donnie out of that lab and barricade the door' if he keeps ignoring Raphie's knocks." Mikey lowered his voice to immitate the cadence of their oldest brother.
Trying to ignore the flare of annoyance at not even being allowed to close her own curtain, she chuckled. "Donnie will get back into his lab if it's the last thing he does."
The two youngest turtles made their way into the common area where Raph was tugging a beanie onto a very disgruntled Donnie.
Doe sidled up to the side of her twin and elbowed his side. "Someone wasn't sleeping, huh?"
Donnie just gave her a huff. "Scoff. I was just trying to finish up my newest battle shell."
Raph grumbled and pulled the beanie down over the softshell's eyes. "You went to bed two hours ago. I told you to stop doing that. You need to sleep!"
Fixing his beanie, Donnie glared at Doe. "Well atleast I slept."
Raph gawked and turned to Doe. "You didn't sleep? Why? Are you feeling okay?"
Doe rolled her eyes at the gentle tone her oldest brother adopted. "I slept fine."
"You were sending me memes until about an hour ago," Donnie grumbed. "I have the timestamps."
Trying to lunge at Donnie proved futile when Raph gentley intercepted Doe, setting her down a few feet away from her smug twin. His face was nothing but concern and he gently put a beanie on her head as well. No teasing. No pulling the beanie down. Just concern and gentleness.
Doe just huffed, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets and pouting.
Raph looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped and turned around, leading the way to the entrance of the lair. "Okay, you all know the rules. Stay close to me and don't run off. Again. Or Raph will be very upset. Again."
"Yes Raph," the three younger turtles agreed and followed Raph out the door and through the tunnels.
The surface was much colder than Doe had though. Her jacket was not thick enough at all, and she had also worn her thinest pair of sweats. Repressing her shivering, she pushed forward. It was fine, she'd be able to warm up once they got moving.
The beginning of the patrol was normal. They bantered. They raced. They jumped around. Then Doe slipped.
She was running to make a leap, slipped on a puddle near the edge of the roof and totally missed the next roof. She grabbed onto a windowsill and hauled herself up, climbing onto the next roof.
"Doe!" Raph had yelled. And even when she pulled herself up, he was looking at her with nothing but concern. He stepped back, getting some momentum to leap onto the rooftop next to Doe. "Are you okay?"
Doe shrugged away from his hands, fixing her coat and beanie herself. The annoyance was turning into irritation. It made her blood itch. "I'm fine Raph."
"Are you sure?"
Mikey and Donnie landed onto the rooftop next to them only a moment later.
Expecting some sort of jab or tease, she turned toward her twin only to be met with concern. "Are your shoulders sore? Do you feel any tension when you move them?"
They were a little sore, but Doe wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of having an actual cause for concern. "What are you, Don? The medic?"
"No. But that looked like it could have potentially hurt."
Doe just rolled her eyes and turned away, planning to continue the patrol.
Raph put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "I think we should go home."
"What?" Doe hissed. The itching was become unbearable. Her hands twitched, as did her tail.
"You're tired and you're also probably sore, even if you don't feel it."
"I'm fine!"
Raph just groaned and starting to walk back the way they had just come. "Let's go."
Doe fumed. "No! We just go out here. Yeah, sure, fine. I slipped, but I'm fine!" She turned to Mikey and Donnie for support, but they were both angled toward Raph, frowning at her. "Really? Really?! I make one little mistake and suddenly we have to go home?!"
"You got hurt-" Mikey started.
"I'm not hurt! I'm fine! I slipped, I biffed it, took an L -- whatever you wanna call it -- and I'm flattered you guys are concerned about lil ol' me, but really? No teasing? No nothing?" Venom was starting to lace Doe's tone but she couldn't care less. "Gah! Ever since I came out you guys have changed! I just want what we used to have back!"
Raph looked stunned, but took a breath and said in the most annoying calm voice, "I know you're tired, but we're just concerned."
"Gahh!" Doe yelled, throwing her hands in the air. "Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up! I'm sick of this!" She sent a glare at her oldest brother before turning around and running.
Threw this one up on Ao3 :D
it was much longer than i meant it to be... oops
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flightyalrighty · 25 days
Hi! I was the anon who sent you that message about the movie (idk why I put anon last night I goofed fr!) but THANK YOU AAAA you're absolutely reading my mind.
Sonic has almost always been the victim of weird critics. I think it's totally fine for people to enjoy the filmverse for what it is (I know I'm def hyped for Shadow, simply because he looks great!), but we can 100% enjoy what the franchise puts out while also being critical where it needs to be. ESPECIALLY in a movie that is inspired by the game that introduced us to concepts of propaganda, "authority as cruelty", etc. as children. So many younger people now could have gotten a taste of that from the movies, but... they just didn't do it. Maybe the third movie can fix some of that cracked foundation, but what came before is just... ugh. (The thing in the Knuckles show is a meme in my friend group because what the actual hell LMFAO)
Also the "enjoy the boys and stop complaining about the girls" is diabolical. Have we forgotten how much the women in Shadow's life have influenced him? Of course Maria is in the movie, as she will inspire him forever. But Amy? Who reminded him of Maria's wish? Rouge? Who has seen Shadow at his worst and will continue to be at his side no matter what? Like maybe I've just overanalyzed Shadow too much, but it's always felt so endearing to me how moved he's been by the positive lady-influences in his life. This isn't even going into what Rouge and Amy bring to the table on their own, like... gosh. It's not SA2 without them, and again I KNOW the movies are their own thing, but... what's the point? Ugh. UGH.
I'm so sorry to fill your inbox with a ramble again, but seriously it's refreshing to see someone who just gets it. Just... thank you! ❤️Drink lots of water and take breaks ❤️
👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 To the people who insist this is all fine and try shutting down criticism by saying stuff like "Well the movies are different!" how different can the Sonic movies become until it's not a Sonic movie anymore? What can Paramount do that's finally the line crossed where people can say "okay that's not Sonic anymore."
Is there a line?
If Sonic's genre suddenly shifted into, like, The West Wing, all about the president (with a few minutes of Sonic) are people gonna say it's still a Sonic movie?
Anyway! I like what you've said here! I think there's a lot of muck with these movies and it only benefits us to actually point that stuff out! Ugh indeed!
Also I'm currently on my break to answer this! Not drinking water atm but I am drinking shasta tiki punch (zero sugar), and it's very nice :)
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by-seven · 2 years
Pretty please I was thinking Xavier Thorpe x Reader sort of based off ‘You Belong With Me’ By Taylor Swift and it’s basically just Xavier’s best friend pinning to him their entire lives and has to suffer in the side lines of him and Bianca’s relationship while their friendship slowly dies only to be reignited after Xay and Bianca break up and maybe ‘prom’ could be the Rave’N dance?
think i know it's with me (oneshot)
resp : this trope be hitting like a brick. idk if i can write it as good as it's supposed to feel but here's my take on it!!
word count: 3, 169 (what the actual fuck)
angst, fluff, Bianca is only mentioned
(i forgot about the prom thing oh my god)
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
"Oh please, it wasn't even that bad. Your humor's not that great, Principal Weems could probably make me laugh faster than you ever could." you say in between bites of the pizza you were sharing with Xavier in the quad.
"I don't know, man. Principal Weems can't do the griddy as good as I can." he supplied, trying to sound present but you know from the slight scrunch of his eyebrows that he's thinking of something else.
Xavier Thorpe has been your friend ever since you were both still in your diapers. You could say best friend and it wouldn't be wrong but he'd probably disagree and call you his glorified armrest (given the fact that he could very easily rest his arm on the top of your head) to annoy you.
Right as you were about to do another dig at his (not-really-dry) sense of humor, his phone started ringing.
You rolled your eyes and looked away after Xavier gave you a look that spelled out i'm sorry i have to take this call and also help me i think i'm fucked.
He was right, he was incredibly fucked. That one annoying ringtone has served as an omen of an impending argument with his oh so perfect siren goddess girlfriend, Bianca Barclay.
Looking back at him and finding him still looking at you, you raise your brows in question, "Go ahead, Xavier. Answer the call of the hell-bringer."
Breathing in and doing a heavy sigh, Xavier answered the call. The phone wasn't even on speaker but Bianca's voice sounded like it came out of a megaphone.
"That was way out of line, Xavier! You may be my boyfriend but it doesn't give you the right to make fun of my appearance."
"Bianca, I literally only said that your eyes looked like that one Miley Cyrus meme. It's not that deep." You had to hold in a laugh as you heard the incredibly shallow reason that sparked the argument.
"But if it made you feel bad, then I'm sorry. I..." you turn to him with a look of confusion, after all why is he apologizing when he did nothing wrong? But Xavier just met your gaze and then looked away. "I apologize."
"This is the second time this week that you've made me feel bad, Xavier."
Getting frustrated you stand up and fix your uniform, getting ready to leave your best friend to talk with Bianca. Xavier notices, looks up at you and grabs you by the wrist. He mouths, 'please stay.'
Taken back by the sudden touch of his hand on yours, you froze where you stood.
"I know, I'm really sorry. Let's meet at the Weathervane tomorrow? Grab some coffee and talk about it."
You harshly forced your hand out of his and walk away, heading to your room. Upon reaching the doors to the dormitories, you hear footsteps behind you. Turning around, you were faced with Xavier.
Panting and standing right in front of you closely (too fucking close), he opens his mouth to speak. Before he could, though, you turned back around and made your way up the stairs.
"Hey, hey." He calls after you but you just continued to go up the stairs.
He calls your name and grabs your hand, and that made you stop. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? What's wrong is you forgetting about our plans for tomorrow, Xavier. We were gonna celebrate my debate win, remember?" You wince, realizing how bad your words sound. They sound so desperate, so trivial.
"I promise I'll make it up to you. I just.. I really need to fix this stuff with Bianca."
You hummed in response, but nodded anyway. After all, you didn't have the right to be mad.
Xavier lets you go, sensing that you need some time alone to process your emotions. You make your way to your room, thankful that Yoko wasn't there to witness the emotions you let out.
The friend can't compete with the lover after all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do
The day after, Xavier got back from the Weathervane exhausted. The remnants of his date making their presence known with the way he speaks during your phone call.
Not wanting to tire him further, you settled for a Spotify session instead. You two take turns showing each other songs that the other might like and adding them to a collab playlist. It's become a habit of yours to sketch while on Spotify sessions with Xavier, so along with the music came the faint scratching of your pencil on paper.
You had to listen with your headphones though, as Yoko was also doing something on her side of the room and you don't want to disturb her.
"Okay, okay but listen to this one by Matt Maltese." You say as you changed the song from Fallen Star by The NBHD to Everyone Adores You.
Everybody thinks of you when they sleep at night
When I say 'everybody', I'm actually referring to me
As you hum along, a faint echo of the song plays from the room in front of yours. Across your window, Xavier was listening along.
"That was another good one. I have one that I think you'll like up next but don't look at the queue."
"Hmm? Okay, if you say so."
The song you played comes to an end and a song by Cigarettes After Sex starts to play. Your sketching stopped, seemingly in sync with the increase of your heartbeat.
Opera House was playing as you placed you pencil down and closed you eyes.
"So, do you like it or...?" Xavier asks after the obnoxious loss of your rambling.
He calls your name out again, and you notice how it sounds so different coming from him. How it sounded so divine, like it was a sound made just for him to speak.
"Ah, um. Yeah, I love it, actually. I didn't know you listened to Cigarettes After Sex?" you ask, trying to fill in the silence on your part.
"I've just started listening to them. Noticed you liked them a lot so I decided to give them a try."
You hum in response, unable to focus as you process the lyrics of the song.
I was meant to love you and always keep you in my life I was meant to love you, I knew I loved you at first sight
Did he listen to the lyrics before? Or did he just send you this because he liked the way it sounds? So many questions popping up, one after another. You snapped out of it when you heard him calling your name again.
"Bianca's calling me.." He says reluctantly, waiting for your reply.
"Oh, okay. Um, it's fine. It's getting late anyway. Have a good talk. Good night, Xavier."
"Thanks for tonight. Bye." The end-tone plays momentarily. You take off your headphones and tidy up your table.
"Are you sure you two are not dating?" "HOLY FUCK!" "Cause like, that's definitely not just-friends behavior." Yoko blurted out of nowhere, startling you.
"NO! No, definitely not. He's dating Bianca." You say as you make your way to your bed.
"Oh, shame. You two would've made a better couple."
We would've. We could've. But I just didn't have the guts to tell him how I feel.
"Hmm." You hummed in reply. "Good night, Yoko."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself Hey, isn't this easy?
"Anyways, I just feel like Miss Thornhill's too stressed about the RaveN. She's been dropping things a lot during class right?" You say as you kick the poor lonesome pebble you found on the pavement along with you as you walk on the campus paths.
"Dude, I got startled when she dropped that pot with the black dahlia. Heard she was taking good care of it too." Xavier replies, to which you chuckled because to say he was startled is an understatement.
"Startled? You literally kissed the table when it happened, that's what you get for dozing off."
"The table was lucky that day then."
"Oh please, you think too highly of yourself."
"The truth is the truth."
"And all you've been saying are lies. Anyway, we're here. Let's sit down before we miss it!" You say as you approach the bench facing away from the main building. The sky was clear and there were no obstructions blocking your view of it. You both sat on the bench and looked up, waiting for the meteor shower.
You take your earphones and plug it in your phone. You look to your side and see Xavier holding out his hand, asking for the other earbud.
"Oh my fucking god. The Xavier Thorpe asking to share earphones with a girl that's not his girlfriend? I can imagine Sinclair's face if she finds out. And Bianca's too." You exclaim jokingly as you hand him an earbud.
"Everyone knows we're close friends, so it doesn't really matter."
friends. doesn't really matter.
"Oh, yeah." You hope you didn't sound disappointed. " Of course."
You put your playlist on shuffle and look up at the sky as Affection by Cigarettes After Sex plays.
It's affection always, You're gonna see it someday My attention's on you Even if it's not what you need
I think of you, I want you too, I'd fall for you
The universe is cruel, you concluded. Why would this song play, out of all the songs in your playlist, right now? At this very moment, when you're alone with your best friend whom you've liked for years now. it's like a forceful confession brewed by the universe.
"Look! It's so pretty." You exclaim, pointing to the first glimmer of light from the sky.
"I know, it really is pretty."
You look at Xavier, finding him not looking up at the sky but at you. He quickly looks up though, but you still caught the way his eyes lingered just a bit too long on yours.
Maybe the universe isn't that cruel after all.
"By the way..." "Hmm?" "I know I promised you that we'd go to the RaveN together this year, but.."
And there it is, but. You didn't have to guess to know why.
"Bianca wanted to be my date for this year. I hope you understand."
You look away, trying to make the sting from your eyes go away. It was expected, how could you be so dumb to even think that he'd go with you?
"Yeah, it's fine. I figured you'd go with her. Have fun at the party then." You looked back at him after wiping your eyes, hoping that the tears weren't obvious.
"Tha- wait. What do you mean 'have fun at the party'? Your'e not going?" He asks, his face and voice laced with confusion (and disappointment, but maybe you'd imagined it).
"No, I'd look so miserable going alone. Plus, I have to finish my book." You give him a smile, hoping that it looks genuine.
"Are you sure? I can ask Ajax to take you-"
"God no, Enid would claw my eyes out." You laugh, but it sounded dry. "I promise, it's fine."
"Nothing I can do to change your mind? I can ask Bianca if I can go with you."
"No, Xavier. You have to go with her, she's your girlfriend after all. I'm just your friend, you should go together."
You tried not to take notice of the way your own words stung. (And how it seems to have hurt Xavier too, the way his brow scrunched when you said just friends was not exactly subtle)
"Oh, okay. Yeah, you're probably right." He sighs and looks up at the sky. You look up too.
"Fuck, clouds covered our view."
"We should probably get inside, it's 3am. And it's starting to drizzle." You say, standing up. The drizzle was staring to get heavier and your clothes were getting wet. you were pretty sure you were gonna get a cold.
You noticed Xavier taking off his coat and before you could protest, he's already put it over your head to shield you form the rain.
"But what about you?" You ask him, worried.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." He assured you. You then made your way back to the dormitories.
Xavier insisted on dropping you off right at your door, so that's what he ended up doing.
"Thanks for the botched meteor shower observation, idiot. And thanks for letting me borrow your coat."
"Wow, some actual kind words from you? The world must be in trouble." He says sarcastically.
"Oh, shut up Thorpe. You should get going now, we have a 7am period tomorrow."
"Oh fuck you're right! Bye."
"Night." You say as he turns to leave. You close the door gently, so as not to wake Yoko.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
And you've got a smile That can light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while Since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?
"Hey, you okay?" You ask Xavier. You're getting worried, he' s been in a sour mood all day. Not even bothering to talk to you, or to anyone at all. You knew it had something to do with Bianca, as you heard them screaming at each other in his room.
"Yeah, 'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Like, really sure?"
"Damn it, I said I'm fine okay?! Why can't you understand that? You're getting so annoying, it's so infuriating. Why can't you understand that not everyone wants your sunshine personality all the time? You are so irritating."
Frozen in your seat, you look at him with wide eyes. Xavier has never lashed out on anyone, especially at you. So this caught you by surprise.
You didn't even notice you were crying until he looked at you. His face was a mixture of shock and disbelief (you hope it was aimed at himself).
He says your name, but it didn't sound nice anymore. It sounded like a bad omen, like a dark cloud that promises a storm and you were a girl with a body made of paper.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"I didn't mean to annoy you. I'm sorry, I'll leave." You say, frantically walking to your own room. You were walking too fast, your eyes blurred by your tears that you tripped on the stairs. You had a cut on your forehead, but the physical pain couldn't combat the pain you felt inside you.
As you curled up in your bed, missing your classes for the rest of the day, you hoped that Xavier would show up at your door. Knowing him, he'd probably apologize a thousand times.
You waited hours, the mid-afternoon light fading into the bluish glow that 6pm brings but Xavier still hasn't knocked.
Maybe you never really knew him after all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You were looking at the sky from the rooftop of the academy, watching the sunset paint the sky with different shades of love.
Purple. Blue. Red. Orange. Pink
You feel the presence of another coming up from behind you, making you turn around and whip your arm out as a defense mechanism.
Xavier catches your hand, lowers it but never letting you go. His hold loosening but his touch never leaving.
You look at him properly, his eyes heavy with tiredness. It's been a week after he lashed out on you. A week of no contact. A week of pure torture. Within a week, the cut on your forehead has now turned from red to a dark brown. The cut on your heart hasn't healed as fast the the one on your forehead.
"Let go." You ask him but he doesn't budge.
"Xavier, let go. Please." And then he did. Your arms now hung uselessly beside your body, and you hate the way they crave the warmth of his hands.
He says your name, it feels like a trigger as been pulled and the gun was pointed at your chest.
"I heard about what happened. If you're here to blame me for your breakup with Bianca, then leave. She's already done that, I don't need you to repeat the shit she said."
"Listen, I'm sorry. Yes, we broke up but this is not about that."
"Then what is this about?"
"Us. About me and you. I'm sorry I said all those hurtful things to you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I wouldn't dare to hurt you. I was just so stressed, with Bianca and the truth."
"What do you mean, Xavier? Stop speaking in riddles."
"Bianca. I think she used her abilities on me. I saw her siren song one of her friends to do what she wants and I realized that what if she did it to me? It all makes sense, when I'm with her it's like my body is on autopilot. Like, I can't control the things I do. But when I'm with you it's like I'm myself, you know? I was so fucking confused, but now I see the truth."
You couldn't speak. Couldn't even utter a single word. To say you were speechless is an understatement.
Xavier steps closer to you, the tips of your shoes touching. He holds your arm with one hand gently and tips your head up to meet his gaze with the other.
"It's you. It's always been you. Whenever I wanted to draw or paint, I'd find myself making portraits of you. I started listening to the songs you liked. I turn around when I hear your name. God, it was so fucking obvious. It's you."
His hand slides down from your arm to your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"I think I know where I belong, now." He says, smiling. The most genuine smile you've even seen him give. And as you stare into his eyes, they seemed to pull you in.
You never learned how to swim but you wouldn't mind drowning in his eyes. You never liked to drink but you wouldn't mind getting intoxicated by his presence.
Xavier Thorpe, the man you've pined for. The man you've watched from the sidelines. The man you love, now finally yours.
You stared at his eyes, then at his lips. Before you could move, his lips meet yours and it's like an explosion of colors and all things nice. You bring your hands up to his hair, burying your fingers in the softness of them.
Breathless and lovesick, you break away from him and smile. Blissfully, you say:
"Think I know it's with me."
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yatorihell · 9 months
Noragami Chapter 109 Thoughts and Reaction
First off a massive thank you to @fast-moon for years of dedicated service to the fandom and answering our questions. You have been the pillar of the community from the moment you picked up the series.
Now onto my (second) read reaction and thoughts
Seeing Yuka and she's aged more and she's looking at the sakura tree thinking of her brother just like Yato told Yukine she would I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
WHO LEFT THE FLOWERS could it have been Yato? Could it have been Yuka unwittingly placing them to remember her brother not knowing it's actually Haruki's grave? I'm so sad
Oh when it said another new year and we're at the hospital I'm so sad and then it turns out it's been many years!!!!!
The Capyper and star sticker as an earring? Remnants of attachment to Yato? Earring like Kazuma? Thank you Doctor Iki? Killing myself
Oh I really expected her diary to show up and then it does but Nora has it I'm so sad
The fact Hiyori's whole memory of that year is fuzzy so she doesn't remember Capyperland, and probably her grandma's death and the hospital arc and so many other bits
Oh she's touching her lips as she wonders who saved her I'm so fucking miserable Adachitoka you make me so sad are you happy
Jumpscared by hot Fujisaki I forgive you <3
Fujisaki gained control of his body and immediately fixed those bangs hejdjj
Remnants of Father's yearning to see Kaya again sorry babe she wasn't your girl maybe you'll find one that looks like her
Coo phone attack jdjdjnd that was so funny I can't believe he actually came back I was reaching with that prediction
My god I know it's not Father and he's cute now but I still hurled when he asked her out
Rip Masaomi's hairline, they say unproblematic men age better, so what crimes did you commit
Also rip Mr Iki you've aged so much it's probably the stress, but he's still got his medical license!!!!!!
Also I've been told it's been 8/9 years since that day with her being an intern now, it makes you wonder if Masaomi started a family
I actually couldn't believe how many of the bingo card predictions were coming true when I got to the sakura party jsjdnjf we truly manifested this ending
Little Ebisu growing up you will live forever you <3
Takemika and Kiun showing up like two dads with their children and pet bird jdjbdjfk
Takemika reassuring Shinatsuhiko that no one's laughing about their reincarnation vs Takemika bullying Ebisu in Heaven about killing him I hate growth I hate it (affectionate)
Followed by Takemika owning the fact that he himself has reincarnated when it was kept secret for so long I'm so sad
Oh Adachitoka you're so sick faking us out with a toast to Yato like he's dead followed by Bishamon once again beating the shit out of Yato at a sakura party
It's so funny Yato wouldn't release Kazuma but tbf it's handy if he ever needs to use him again
I wonder if Kazuma is treated differently now that he's a stray, or if he could suppress the name physically (it would only show if he got called like Nora did)
This Houki shinki that's a pegleg gun???? Rendered us bamboozled double checking Bishamon didn't lose a leg
Yato please find Yukine some clothes that fit????? Or maybe they're loose so they don't tear when he transforms and they can go back for them idk I don't like this look
Yato disappearing into the ground and becoming known as Teke-Teke he is the living meme hejdjb
I'm so sad Yukine has nightmares and turns into ayakashi form every night and Yato's wearing a Capyper jumper and he's hugging him
I did wonder if Hiyori's diary was on the shelf with the shrine, which begs the question when did Yato go to retrieve the shrine???? I'm so sad he would've seen that she fixed it and maybe it's a but scuffed from where it was dropped but it's his
Yato following Hiyori to keep her safe and he didn't want to cut ties I'm so sad the cord problem was enough to divorce her from the far shore without severing them altogether
Nora comforted by the fact Hiyori believes she had a name when she was in the womb? Devastated how did we never think of that
Interesting that the Yuuki name remains even after the word was destroyed, but it means that Yukine can't sting Yato so silver linings
Yato still doing his regular job of slaying and answering small prayers
Cherry blossoms being like snow I'm so fucking emo
Oh I'm so fucking miserable I'm so fucking sad I hate this manga she remembered him all on her own after all this time and she's a doctor and everyone's safe I'm so depressed we're gunna celebrate April 2nd we need to work out what year it will be when she remembers
The final art????? Of all of them happy???? Hiyori is a doctor???????? Nora is with them??? Smiling??????? I'm ending it
It's been such a ride for these last 9 years since I picked up the anime and then demolished the manga right in time for season two. I've made friends and I've enjoyed building this blog into something that people used for their Noragami content. In the words of the rats this truly was my noragami
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octaviasdread · 5 months
I hereby conduct this tortured poets society album meeting in all of its mania and sorrowful blues as I move from unhinged impressions to unhinged first-listen analysis because I am incapable of saying less.
(and to all the Aimees i’m so sorry but that’s on Kim)
This Anthology is taking me so long to process, but nothing feels like the first jarring moments of I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - the cacophony and flashes of a birthday breakdown bopping to 80s arcade game synth. It's crumbled cake and mascara streaks when Bejewelled is actually a delusional Mirrorball,
and The Secret Garden reference in I Hate It Here, oh god, she’s so me:
I hate it here so I will go to / secret gardens in my mind / people need a key to get to / the only one is mine / i read about it in a book when I was a precocious child
I need to come back to that. But the whirlwind of Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? Plans cancelled. IM THE ONE barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine, actually. It's me chained-up in that poor things victorian mourning dress shrieking elegies in my tortured nightingale screams.
She's Grammys Taylor looking at the crowd of her peers rolling their eyes, she's the litany of snide jokes diminishing her success, and the children, sisters, friends, and girlfriends of those who wronged her loudly singing her songs.
so i leap from the gallows and i levitate down your street / crash the party like a record scratch as I scream / who’s afraid of little old me
i was tame i was gentle til the circus made me mean / don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth
ohhh, the throwback to Speak Now and the significance of MEAN. The song and its titular word show how childish language encapsulates that pointless spite and the bone deep hurt mean behaviour breeds - but now she’s a phoenix risen, and they hurl her youth and her downfall back in her face - word for word, surprised face - its the dark side the The Lucky One, of not escaping the cage of fame games.
you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me / you caged me and then you called me crazy
i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me / you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me / so all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs / i’m always drunk on my own tears isn’t that what they all said?
PUT NARCOTICS IN MY SONG took me out. This album is funny in the most sardonic and absurdly humorous ways,
like the classic cowboy western guitar strings in her crime songs (I Can Fix Him, No Really I Can - pistols drawn), but especially the ones leading into Fresh Out The Slammer. Fucking genius, and to follow on with static sounds at 2:26ish to the house where you still wait up, is exactly the kinda detail I adore.
Naively, I thought Florence was done with me after Florida!!! It's a lyrical meme for single 20 & 30 somethings who moved away from home,
my friends all smell of like weed or little babies / and the city reeks of driving myself crazy / little did you know your home’s really only / a town you’re just a guest in
and the haunting morphs from the ghost of your girlhood into the catalogue of decisions and delusions which get you through adulthood. Yet it feels almost like an interlude within the song when
me and my ghosts we’ve had a hell of a time / yes i’m haunted but i’m feeling fine / all my girls got their lace and their crimes / and your cheating husband disappeared/ well no one asks questions here
appears like an alternative pov for No Body, No Crime with the girls and their ghosts and their pacts made over wine. Every Action has an Equal Reaction. Run away to Florida, or Texas, and lose yourself to lose the heartbreak. Its self-destruction, it's trauma-healing, bonding, and its breaking.
(what a song for an angsty girl collab, problematic girl in hand with problematic girl, lyrically and thematically, maybe the real love story is the friends we make along the way.)
And that wasn't even the last of it. It's Florence 2.0 with B side Cassandra, but instead of Dance Fever, its Taylor’s glorious mythology with all the allusions, parallels, intertextual and lyrical ruining of my mind:
when the first stone’s thrown they’re screaming / when its burn the bitch they’re shrieking / when the truth comes out its quiet
so they killed cassandra first cus she feared the worst / and tried to tell the town / so they filled my cell with snakes i regret to say / do you believe me now?
No apologies anymore. A girl given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, the GOD OF POETRY, is cursed with her prophecy never being believed: Burning all the witches even if you aren't one, indeed. She saw the truth of the Trojan horse, and the Trojans insulted her. Rep snake branding and the current cultural view of KK and Ye. I don't need to say anything else.
i was in the tower weaving nightmares / twisting all my smiles into snarls
the family the pure greed the christian chrous line / bloods thick but nothing like a payroll / bet they never spared a prayer for my soul
I literally played that THREE times before I got over it enough to finish my first listen,
and i’m still thinking about Clara Bow and that Stevie Nicks tambourine we collectively freaked over from the Spotify installation, and all the silent movie speculation from the track title release.
you look like Clara Bow in this light - you look like Stevie Nicks in '75 - you look like Taylor Swift
Three women whose public profession became entangled with their pain. Silver Springs. Boyfriend songs. The jokes. Clara Bow.
Clara feared being left behind by 'talkies.' Miss Americana. The fear of 30 bringing death to a woman's Hollywood/Musical career,
beauty is a beast that roars down on all fours demanding more / only when your girlish glow flickers just so / do they let you know?
Three women who beat the odds - three women whose talent, craft, and popularity carried them through.
But there's something more to unpack here with cycles and patterns - of the past endlessly repeating. It's the transient nature of fame and our fleeting view of beauty mapped out in the untouchable, ever-changing, and culturally worshiped moon.
It's a body of physical craters, a natural body we call discovered, and fight to claim. We project emotions and create rituals of worship - you're the new god we're worshipping. Endless stories are told about her, but we can never fully see the moon with human eyes. Eclipses, shadows, - 'half moonshinе, a full eclipse' - half-truths and half-moons:
this town is fake but you're the real thing / breath of fresh air through smoke rings / take the glory, give everything / promise to be dazzling
There's a play on light and a play on words in the repetition of Dazzling, shining so bright so blindingly bright. Who is dazzled? Who is doing the dazzling? There's an instability between Director - Public - Star. It's Hollywood lights, No one in my small town thought I'd see the lights of Manhattan / No one in my small town thought I'd meet these suits in LA.
She beat the 'War Big Machine' - but for me, there's ambivalence and illusion on all sides of the final lyrics, you've got edge, she never did / the future's bright, dazzling.
(and ‘Edge’ is particularly ironic when you consider the songs on this album…)
Moving again into the B Side, it's Taylor's departure from Invisible string, red strings of fate, and golden threads à la the golden chain of fate in Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities that strikes me.
First, I thought her writing was a complete departure from the themes of destiny and fate, but then, The Prophecy:
cards on thе table / Mine play out like fools in a fablе
it isn't an absent symbol; it transformed. It's the evermore forest amped to the max. Witches, folklore, fairy-tale and fable - a homeric epic. Its the hero's journey distilled as she opens the song with a move from 'full throttle' adventure, to slowing down 'Hand on the Throttle' to appeal for Supernatural aid at the hero's transformative fall.
and it was written / I got cursed like eve got bitten / a greater woman wouldn't beg / but I looked at the sky and said / please I've been on my knees / change the prophecy
Lover asking Traffic Lights becomes spending my last coin so someone will tell me, and this might be the most slept-on heartbreaking line. Her search for reassurance can't be framed as an arbitrary musing anymore. It can't be dismissed as a mere thought on her drive home, or something triggered throughout the day - its intent. It's a quest for answers, a plea, a last-ditch hope difficult to deny.
and I sound like an infant / feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen/ a greater woman stays cool/ but I howl like a wolf at the moon / and I look unstable /
gathered with a coven 'round a sorceress' table / a greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait / i'm so afraid I sealed my fate / no sign of soulmates
She's asking for a gift from the Gods, and when the God's won't answer, she plunges straight down from heaven or Olympus into the self seizure of power in witchcraft. And when it fails, she descends further - Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it'll be okay - paying mortal fortune tellers, even if they lie.
The song leans on figures without redemption, on the Eve's, on the women cursed and punished, and those who scream like infants rather than enduring burdens and pain in silence. She's poisoned, infected like Aurora from the wound of the pricked hand with dreams of him. Is this a punishment?
She's infected, cursed like Eve got bitten, [lyric of all time!!!!] but does a monster always do monstrous things? Who is the monster? Who is the folkloric, the literary Mad Woman? Perhaps she's written from the desperate, the scarred, and the wronged.
and the transition into another tale with Peter? As in Peter losing Wendy? Is it an epilogue to the Betty trilogy? or a different use of the metaphor?
and I didn't wanna hang around / we said it was just goodbye for now /said you were gonna grow up / then you were gonna come find me / words from the mouths of babes / promises oceans deep / but never to keep
The triangle is echoed in love's never lost when perspective is earned, reflecting the different povs of Betty, August, and James, and placing Peter as the new conclusion - the shelf life of those fantasies has expired / lost to the lost boys chapter of your life/ the woman who sits by the window/ has turned out the (porch?) light.
Promises wear out. Wendy's window closes, and so does this chapter in her life.
my lost fearless leader / in closets like cedar / preserved from when we were just kids / is it something I did? / the goddess of timing / once found us beguiling
is also - intentionally or not - Narnia coded. Is the storybook collecting dust in her closet? Or is the closet still holding a portal to another fairytale land accessible only in youth, another home you can't return to (and another folklore parallel with mtr, anywhere I want just not home).
Side B is so harmonious with ttpd being the end of a chapter as the anthology moves through all the seven stages (or Taylor playlists) of grief.
The Manuscript, the signing of the autopsy, is the Death of the Author. It's the Roland Barthes realisation of All Too Well reborn in joy and fan culture, the story isn't mine anymore, of the Eras - 'I hope you hear these songs and think of this night' - Tour. She knew what the agony had been for - art. connection. - and its these things that create the hope lost in ttpd's journey through mania, disorientation, loss and despair. It all leads to healing, nothing left but a manuscript.
So many thoughts from listen no.1 and they’ll probably change, but i’m so exhausted from this 31 song rollercoaster that I'm just gonna let this sit. death of the author, I guess.
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