#mayoi fanfic
seangelfish · 1 year
Hi, could I request romantic fluff of the Reader making and giving Valentine’s chocolate to Mayoi?
His favorite chocolate voice line fills me with so much pure joy.
This was such a cute request. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading!! I did end up using his official Valentines' line from ENGstars too hehe ♡
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Mayoi Ayase x Reader
Genre/s: Fluff, established relationship
Word count: 1,084
Plot/summary: Just some casual fluff with Mayoi, making him chocolates for Valentines because you love him so much!
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You've been together with Mayoi for a while now, but this is the first time you're actually going to spend Valentine’s Day with him, so you wanted to make the day extra special!
And of course, you were planning on making his favourite chocolate! After browsing the internet for a recipe, you clocked out of work to head to the nearest supermarket to buy all the ingredients.
But something felt off when you stepped outside the building to Star Pro. You whipped around, scanning your surroundings. You clutched the strap of your bag before crying out, "Mayoi, are you around here?!"
You could hear the sound of something shuffling towards you. Mayoi made himself seen as he exited from his hiding place from behind the corner. He looked distraught that you noticed his presence.
"What are you doing?" you asked him curiously. There wasn't any annoyance to your voice, but knowing him, he took it as if you were mad at him anyway.
"I promise I wasn't going to do anything bad, (Y/N)!" he quavered. "Please forgive me...!"
You laughed a little bit and approached him, taking his hand in yours to reassure him that you weren't mad at him at all, but was just curious at the fact he needed to hide himself from you. You're his girlfriend after all! He didn't need to take precaution from you.
"I'm sorry..." he murmured. "It's just a habit of mine... it's hard to break out of..."
"I understand," you said. "Are you done with rehearsals? I thought you'd stay awhile."
Mayoi's fingers intertwined with yours. "The others decided to call it a day, so I was about to go back to the dorms... but then I saw you..."
"Well," you began, pulling your hand away from him and then pointing at the other direction. "You should go back to the dorms."
Mayoi was stunned by your change in attitude. First you showed him such compassion and sweetness, and then the next second, you were acting all stern with him. You WERE mad at him after all!
"So you ARE mad at me, (Y/N)!"
"Yep, now go," you joked. "Shoo, shoo!"
He was absolutely dumbfounded. You were trying so hard not to burst out laughing.
You were only playing with him, but you needed to go to the supermarket before closing time. If you were to tell Mayoi that you were going to run some errands, he was for sure going to come with you to help. You didn't want that! This was supposed to be a surprise for him!
"I need to go," you informed him. "I'm quite busy tonight. So, go back home and get some rest, okay?"
"Okay..." he said with a sad little nod. You were glad he didn't ask any questions.
"And don't follow me!" you added which made him wince. You knew him so well...
Later, when you were finished buying all the ingredients you needed, you returned home. You couldn't meet Mayoi at the dorms anyway, it wasn't permitted. So, you took this opportunity to get the chocolates made for Valentines' Day which was just around the corner.
After preparing the chocolate in which Mayoi had such bitter taste in, you poured the mixture into the cute heart-shaped moulds that you bought at the store. Then you placed them into the freezer to cool.
Once removed from the freezer, you started decorating the chocolates with red and white sprinkles, adding a sprinkle of gold power on top too. They looked so cute that you ended up taking a picture of them.
"Hehe, I hope he likes them!" you exclaimed.
You neatly packaged the chocolates in a box, securing it with a red ribbon. You couldn't wait to give this to him the next day.
After your shift with Trickstar, you clocked out and wandered around Star Pro to find out where Mayoi could be. You were sure that he didn't have anything planned after 5pm, so you scanned the agency until there were no other places you could scan.
"Huh..." you muttered. "Where on earth is he–"
You looked up to find Mayoi running towards you.
"Ah, there you are!" you chirped, spreading your arms out wide for a hug. However, he didn't really expect that from you, so he was quite hesitant. Though, he did really want to touch you, so he accepted the invitation and brought you into his embrace.
"Niki's right... you do smell nice..." you murmured to yourself, but he was quick to catch on that statement of yours.
"P-Please don't eat me, (Y/N)!" he wailed.
"Oh, I won't... not yet that is," you said. "But I hope you'll be able to eat this!"
You pulled out the box of chocolates from your bag and handed them over to Mayoi with a sweet smile.
"Happy Valentine’s Day, Mayoi," you said softly.
He was astonished. Did he hear that correctly? Well, of course he did. You're his girlfriend. But sometimes it does feel like he's dreaming, and that he should wake up from this dream because it doesn't feel too real. Though, it was real, and your feelings for him were real too. You liked him so much that you were willing to give him chocolates for Valentine's Day...
"I made them myself, you know? I hope you like them!"
He couldn't help but smile at you, his cheeks burning red. "It's hard to find someone this nice to me..." he began, opening the box and admiring the chocolates you made for him. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to respond... Ughhh, I'm on the verge of tears."
"Aww, come on, Mayoi... you deserve it," you said. "I love you after all."
As if his face couldn't get even more redder, it did. He looked at you desperately and you took the initiative to give him a little peck on the cheek.
You grinned. "Aren't you going to try one?"
He picked one of the chocolates and placed it in his mouth. It seemed like he enjoyed it as he kept smiling at you.
"It's delightful," he commented. "Thank you, my love."
"I'm glad you like it. Now let's go spend the rest of the day together! I was thinking that we could..."
As you voiced your ideas, Mayoi was thinking of what he should do for you for White Day. He needed to make it even more special for you as he loved you too much for it to just be a normal day.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 8 months
Summary: Manfred von Karma finds out about gender and comes out as genderqueer 
Author: @spidermanifested
Note from submitter: This fic is a literary masterpiece like genuinely I love it so much
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chess-writes · 1 year
💜 Warnings: Mayoi's usual self hating speech and thoughts, potentially ooc, not proofread. everyone likes each other but only RinNiki is official, everything else is just pining
💜 Summary: Rinne and Niki bring Mayoi to Build-A-Bear, and Mayoi isn't sure how to understand his emotions that night.
💜 Notes: hi. :). idk if Build-A-Bear is a thing in Japan or not but for the sake of this.. it is. RinNikiMayo is so silly and i am so sad there isn't much content for them. it's tragic. also i really rambled at the end and ended up not sure how to finish, so if the last bit is weird to read, i get it.
Rinne and Niki had been dating for a while, and just about everyone knew. It's not like they tried to hide it. Even if they never kissed, Rinne said he would marry Niki enough for everyone to get the point.
When they were finally interacting with ALKALOID more, Hiiro was a bit surprised by Rinne's behavior, and had even taken advantage of them eventually sharing a dorm room to ask Niki about it.
And, as Crazy:B and ALKALOID spent time together, eventually Mayoi would speak to them more and more.
He struggled with it, and seemed to nearly evaporate from Niki and Rinne's loud and extroverted personalities. But he slowly talked to them more and more, to the point that he would sometimes show up nearby them, his way of silently asking if they were okay with him being around.
The Crazy:B members knew each other well, so they didn't need to have a big conversation about their feelings towards Mayoi as they developed. Of course, they made sure they knew how the other felt and what was and wasn't okay.
They didn't want to scare Mayoi away, so they were taking things very slow. Small hang outs, slowly learning about him, and slowly getting closer.
Rinne wanted to yell to the high heavens about how lovely he found both Niki and Mayoi, but Niki made sure to keep him in check.
Of course, Rinne and Niki went on dates on their own still. It was on one such date they noticed a shop in the mall. One where you made your own stuffed animals.
Well, they knew just the person who may enjoy such a thing.
Mayoi was a bit nervous to go to a mall, such a crowded and loud place gave him the chills, but he wasn't going to turn down such an invitation from the two boys.
So there they were. The three had found a day when they had some time and drove to the mall.
"Build-A-Bear..? I've heard of it... it's popular in the United States." Mayoi said quietly, looking up at the sign.
"Have you been before, Mayo?" Niki asked, snacking on a treat Mayoi had brought from the Sweets Club. (He had called them "donut holes".)
Mayoi shook his head, fiddling with his own hands. "No. It's... loud. And scum like me-"
Rinne cut him off, pushing the other two into the store. "Nope, don't talk all sad! Kyahaha, let's find out how we do this!"
Thankfully, the store was relatively empty. They looked around, and went to the boxes of stuffed animal skins.
"Woah..! This one's so soft!" Niki exclaimed, grabbing what would become a panda.
Rinne looked over his shoulder. "It fits you! Panda's eat a lot too, don't they?" he laughed, grinning at Niki's glare.
Mayoi grabbed what would become a white cat, smiling down at it.
Rinne grabbed a fox, and the three moved along to the next area. They were smiling, enjoying themselves.
It was a very sweet moment, the group doing as the employee said, moving around to "give life" to their little creations. Rinne was very energetic, giving such a silly activity his all.
Eventually the time came to put the fake hearts in their creations and finish sewing them up. Mayoi did his best to put the heart where it would be in an actual animal, but Niki and Rinne just put it in the general area. The three animals got stitched up, and they moved to the rest of the store, seeing if they wanted any accessories.
Mayoi silently pointed at little accessories, specifically little bee wings and headbands for the toys.
"Oh, good eye!~" Rinne grabbed both of their hands and dragged them over, excitedly grabbing the little clothes. "They aren't anywhere near Shu's doll clothing quality, but they're certainly cute!"
Niki sighed, shaking his head. "Rinne, it's a bit unfair to hold things to Shu and Kiryu's quality expectations. They've spent days on costumes before, yeah?"
Mayoi gave a small nod. "Mm... my roommate is part of a circle with them. He's talked about the quality of their crafts before..." he smiled, blushing a bit. "Ah... to dress people up like cute little dolls... how sweet...~" he whispered, before realizing he said it aloud. He covered his face and turned away.
"Oh yeah, your roommate is part of the theater group, right? Tomoya?" Niki asked, not caring he let one of his thoughts slip.
Mayoi turned back and nodded, holding his white cat to his chest.
Rinne grabbed one of the bee costume sets, not passing the opportunity to have something match his theme.
He handed one to Niki as well, who shrugged and took it. Then Rinne handed one to Mayoi, who almost seemed off guard.
"We'll all match!" Niki smiled, holding out his panda toy and the costume.
Mayoi looked at the item in his hand and then back at the excited bees. He smiled sweetly, he sharp teeth shining from behind his lips.
Niki and Rinne felt their hearts explode a bit. He was simply adorable.
"Match...? Aah... you want to be connected to a monster like me, even through something so sweet and innocent..?" Mayoi seemed to almost squirm, his thoughts running wild. Rinne threw his shoulder over Mayoi's, grinning at him.
"Don't say that, Mayoi! You're not a monster..." Niki came over as well, placing his hand on his arm.
He squirmed a bit, unused to physical contact.
The two backed off a bit, deciding to pay. Mayoi pulled out his wallet, but Rinne snatched it away before pulling his own out.
"Nope!~ Kyahaha, we invited you, we'll pay!" Rinne laughed again before handing his wallet back.
"Are you... sure? That... almost makes this feel... uhm. Like a... date." he progressively got quieter and quieter, and more and more red.
Niki and Rinne glanced at each other, unsure of how to react or respond.
They decided to just shrug and continue to pay. Very good communication skills, everyone.
The three walked out, and Rinne was quick to rip open the package containing the costume and dress up his fox, even as they walked.
Mayoi was freaking out.
He sat on his bed, staring at the little white cat plush, little bee wings and antenna decorating it.
He didn't know why this seemed like such a big deal to him. Why just looking at the little thing made a certain two idols pop into his head. Why he would think of their loud personalities, their upbeat singing and performances, the way they felt so warm when touching him...
He shook his head, whining. He couldn't help his thoughts, he's never been able to, but he still hated it. He hated how he couldn't stop thinking about them. Their touchiness, their inclusiveness, their looks, their odd kindness...
No matter how much he shook his head or turned away from the toy, his thoughts came right back to the boys.
He couldn't think about anything else. Just grey and red hair, warm skin and strong arms, the smell of their cologne...
How shameful, a monster like him, thinking about the kindness they gave him. He didn't deserve that, but they gave it anyways. They were so sweet, and he felt nothing but admiration for them. He wanted to be around them, to spend all his time near and with them.
He felt miserable, his thoughts violently swapping between pure joy from their existence, and self hatred.
He tried harder and harder to figure out why he felt so... confused. Why the mere thought of the boys made his chest feel like it was fluttering.
As time passed, Mayoi slowly drifted into a light doze. He grabbed his new cat toy, holding it to his chest.
That night, his usual negative emotions drifted away, letting him rest with images of two other idols filling his mind. He didn't realize how hard he had fallen.
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6yuns · 2 years
*brokes your window* YOU NEED A SMUT REQUEST ? IM HERE ( btw im rn talking about mayoi nsfw hcs with my friend )
HOW DO I REQUEST help UHHH can you do ( amab ) reader fucking mayoi in a place that there's other people ? how do i explain it .
LIKE a mayoi nsfw hc IS that he cant control his volume when hes overstimulated ( me and my friend has hc that mayoi gets overstimulated with 2 rounds . )
and reader just dont cares about mayois volume . reader is jealous bcuz . yeah . reader WANTS to make scream his name ( nahhh reader name is just the name of who's reading )
ignore my shitty english idk how to request smut 😢
TITLE ; scream my name !
characters : mayoi ayase x male reader
warnings/info ; smut, overstimulation , jealous sex, dom reader, Dacryphilia, Public sex, exhibitionism, mentions of cheaating, Degradation, fem tatsumi( this is probably written badly because im doing everything but sticking to one song )
notes ; listen to baby don't stop by nct. now!!! wait imagine if your name is john. LMFAOO, most likely written badly because I lost motivation in between this
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mayoi wasn't expecting to get shoved into a bathroom stall and get fucked. Maybe this was luck?
"ahh... w-wait! I can't, Fuck- Let me! let me cover my mouth please! Ah!" he begged, and begged. and begged, "I want them to hear you. loud and clear, mayoi." You said, speeding your thrusts.. like, by alot. biting onto his neck, he moaned " gonna cum gonna cum gonna cuumm..! " he sobbed as he came. He hasn't once screamed your name. It was all begs and moans, and that ticked you off. You wanted him to SCREAM your name. no more whispers, no more whines. screaming, begging for more. For everyone to hear it. especially tatsumi. " please! yn.. Yn! its too much! " mayoi cried out as you sucked a hickey onto his shoulder. A loud moan of your name came from mayoi as he came all over the stall door, " Yn! fuck.. i- I can't take it anymore! too much... please!. " that was good. One step closer to your goal. He was fighting to suppress his moans. It was funny!
Mayoi was gonna get louder. and louder. and louder. you stopped your thrusts momentarily " I'm gonna let go of your hands, put them on the door and don't move, Okay?" to mayoi. you let go, and he put his hands on the wall. placing your hands on his hips and Moving again. but faster. That sprouted a line of whimpers and moans from mayoi, and a loud yelp of your name and it was too much. " your such a whore... You knew i was gonna get jealous of tatsumi.. why do you hang around her?.. ah fuuck...." you groaned out as you came into mayoi, fucking your cum deep into him. moving a hand to mayois face, you grabbed it and turned it to you. it looked beautiful! Tears, drool, maybe even snot. you looked at him with a smile. "t-too much. I can't cum again.. please!" mayoi whined, but it was futile. You shook your head and let go of his face, placing your hand back onto his hip, Giving his ass a slap. mayoi cried out again. "I'm sorry! I- ah! " You interrupted him with another slap. Not wanting to hear him explain, "I understand she's your unit mate.. but you spend too much time with her, Does she fuck you like I do? does she fuck your face like I do?" mayoi shook his head, whining at how you wouldn't move. he sounded like a bitch in heat, You laughed and continued to fuck him.
"you really just want something inside of you, don't you?. Your so dirty~ " you said as you sped up your thrusts, mayois whines also got louder, still.. none of your name. "cmon... stop being stubborn, Scream. my. name" you said, pairing your last words with hard thrusts and then stopping your hips completely. "I'm sorry... please! I won't do anything with her I swear! f-fuck!" mayoi said, he couldn't think. It was way too much, but he needed more. He wanted more " yn! Yn! Please... g-give me more! wanna... Wanna cum again! " mayoi begged, and all you could do was listen. just hearing him so desperate and tired, just wanting to be fucked and heard.
but what he didn't know was that tatsumi was.. Standing somewhere in this very bathroom. possibly even recording it!
slowly continuing your thrusting, finally speeding up. and mayoi continued to cry. "gonna... cum again, please..!" he groaned out. everything was just too much for him. you stopped your thrusts before he could cum "come on, Scream my name for her to hear. then I'll let you cum" mayois brain didn't register most of it, he just wanted to cum. "Yn! y-yn! please.. gotta cum again- i- please!" his begs were so beautiful, there was no way you could deny him. he looked so messy, So pretty. finally, you got what you wanted. and you'd give back what he wanted. moving your hips, thrusting inside of him slowly. and he came.. untouched. " ah.. I bet that felt so good. right?. such a good puppy. for me and only me. no?" mayois legs shook as more tears and drool ran down his face." I'm yours... fuck.. I can't take anymore- I'm gonna die" his complaints were amusing, you laughed at his Trembling form.
" you look so pathetic. mayoi, I want you to do this more.. just to fuck the whore out of you" all mayoi could do was agree and moan. you fucked him so well. "shit.. im gonna cum." you warned. Not really giving him any time to react before you released a stream of curses and maybe even some whimpers. cum flowed into mayoi at a rapid pace, some even dripped out of his hole and onto the floor. you pulled out of him and tucked yourself back into your pants, and then watched mayoi try to steady himself and eventually fail to fix his appearance. mayoi held on to the door as you pulled up his pants and gave him a light pat on his ass. Eventually leaving the stall together, and spotting tatsumi. um, by the entrance of the bathroom, you glared at her and walked away, not even waiting for mayoi. " i-im sorry. about h-him tatsumi! agh..." he whined, running after you. well, trying to.
after you both made it to the car, you both sat there. mayoi looked absolutely embarrassed and you looked, quite proud.
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I pulled the ending from my ass btw
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mu-defender · 1 year
@girldotpng here ya go
tatsumayos be upon ye
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megaphonegirlk · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma Characters: Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma Additional Tags: Romance, Angst and Romance, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence Series: Part 2 of Ace Attorney Drabbles and Shorts Summary:
Maya Fey assumed she'd be able to slip into the night to follow the call of responsibility and destiny as Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique. She didn't count on a sudden visit from someone she'd come to know very well throwing a wrench in her perfect escape. Now, dancing around Franziska's whip, she struggles to say goodbye.
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justcallmesakira · 8 months
Should I write a kitsune dazai fic where reader was like some war general sth and got injured badly and kitsune zai helps reader and stuff-
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zmzebra-writes · 2 months
ES Rare Pair Week 2024 Day 3: Wedding
Title: Marriage Fever Relationships: Mayoi Ayase/Tatsumi Kazehaya/Kaname Tojou Additional Tags: Future Fic, Post-Idol Career Summary: Three impulsive and impatient idiots go from dating to engaged to married all in one evening. Click here to see how!
Tatsumi always knew in his heart when he agreed to this that he would need to make compromises. His partners certainly were not short of compromises when it came to him. To this day, he was still surprised they agreed to this arrangement. He felt selfish being allowed to date his two favorite people, much less people he had already hurt so badly. Perhaps they would be better off if he left…
“Hah?!?? No way, Tatsumi!” Kaname had very loud thoughts regarding Tatsumi’s late night musings. He must have been talking out loud when preparing the tea in the kitchen. “We all agreed that all of us are important to each other and that we won’t leave because we think the other two will be better off without us!”
Tatsumi smiled at Kaname. His boyfriend was so sweet. “Yes, yes, I remember. I won’t leave you two. You and Mayoi don’t have to worry.”
Mayoi let out an “eep!” from behind the door frame, but still slinked into sight and into the kitchen next to Kaname’s side. Kaname didn’t look convinced. “You shouldn’t lie, Tatsumi. We promised to be honest about our feelings.”
Tatsumi’s smile became a bit more strained. “Ah… You know I don’t mean to lie to either of you, it’s just…”
“It’s just…?” Mayoi followed up.
Tatsumi’s smile finally fell into something more quiet. “... I visited my parents' church a few days ago. It had been years since we’ve talked, but they had taken an unusual interest in my life. Asking questions about if I had found a girlfriend and the like.”
“I remember that…” said Kaname.
“Did they say something about us?” asked Mayoi.
“Not in so many words,” answered Tatsumi, “I didn’t see much point in confirming what I already know. To them, I am still their strange son who has yet to properly follow the flock.”
“... I got to see many of my old peers during my stay back home.” Tatsumi turned his eyes to the brewing teapot. “Everyone I met had already gotten married and many of them had started their own families.”
Tatsumi went quiet. Kaname pushed. “... And?”
“And I worry that I am the one holding us all back,” Tatsumi settled on saying, “I am the one who is so caught up in rules that I worry I am hurting you both with my choices. If it wasn’t for me, you two could face the world without a deadweight holding you down and keeping you from living as you like.”
Mayoi moved forward to comfort Tatsumi. “That could never be the case, Tatsumi. We are able to live happily because of your presence in our lives.”
Tatsumi smiled at Mayoi’s touch. Kaname wasn’t satisfied though. “Well what kind of rules? We’ve already gotten over the ‘being gay’ thing so is there another rule I’m missing or…? Your parents didn’t convince you that you’re actually straight, right?”
Tatsumi laughed. “No, I think I’ve reached the point that I don’t think even the Lord above could convince me to stop loving you two.”
Kaname felt more confident now knowing that this wasn’t going to end how his brother used to warn him. “Then what is it?”
Tatsumi glanced away as a blush dusted his face. “... It’s silly to admit.”
Mayoi grasped Tatsumi’s hand tightly to reassure him. “If it matters to Tatsumi, then we care as well.”
“Right!” Kaname agreed as he came over to grab Tatsumi’s other hand.
“Ah… Well if you are both going to insist…” Tatsumi felt warm as he shuffled between his two partners. “... I want us to get married.”
Mayoi and Kaname both turned red. “Married?!”
Tatsumi tried his best to hide his face in his shoulder. “It’s selfish, but while I was back home, I got to help officiate a wedding. The couple was so happy and the moment was so beautiful, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to stand there myself with you both at my sides. I just love you two so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you both, no matter what anyone else thinks.”
Tatsumi took a chance to look at his partners. “I’ve overstepped my bounds, haven’t I?”
Mayoi blinked to shake away his shock. “No not at all, Tatsumi! I am so honored that you would want to spend your life with someone like me.”
Tatsumi focused on Mayoi. “You think too lowly of yourself, Mayoi. I don’t want to marry someone like you, I want to marry you.”
Smoke spewed out of Mayoi’s ears as he combusted. Used to this and knowing it was usually a sign Tatsumi needed to step back and let Mayoi calm down, Tatsumi turned to Kaname who had yet to say a word. “What do you think, Kaname? I wouldn’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to.”
Kaname’s grip on Tatsumi’s hand tightened as his eyes began to water. 
Kaname brought their entwined hands up to his eyes as he choked back his tears.
Mayoi snapped back to awareness as both he and Tatsumi began fussing over Kaname, asking him what was wrong and how they could help.
“It’s just…” started Kaname as he tried to speak through his tears, “A part of me never thought I would be able to get married. I’m just… so happy.”
All three of them smiled as they embraced each other. 
“So when should we get married?” asked Mayoi after they had spent a good portion of the evening being sweet to each other. “Do we need to get rings? I think we may have accidentally missed some steps. Will they still let us get married if we don’t have engagement rings?!” 
As Mayoi began doom-spiraling, Tatsumi began thinking more seriously about their plan to wed. Things couldn’t be this simple, could it? There were still the laws and the more important in-laws. Would they even be able to get married at all?
“Why not right now?” asked Kaname, cutting through the worries of both his fiances. “You’re a priest, aren’t you, Tatsumi? I really don’t want to wait to get married.”
Tatsumi smiled and kissed Kaname on the cheek. “You are so smart, my darling.”
Kaname blushed as he instinctively puffed up. “Of course I am! I am the brilliant Kaname Tojou after all.”
“Are you alright with doing this now, Mayoi?” Tatsumi lifted Mayoi’s hand as he looked at him. “We can wait if you want. Despite Kaname’s words, there is no rush.”
Kaname pouted. “Don’t act like you don’t want to get married right now too, Tatsumi.”
Tatsumi continued to look at Mayoi. “Regardless of my own feelings on the subject, you also get a say in what we do together. Neither of us would want to get married if you did not feel ready.”
Mayoi fidgeted under the attention. His emotions were in a twist, anxiety soaring through the roof, but Tatsumi’s grip kept him grounded. His old self never would have made it this far without his two partners helping him. He looked at Tatsumi and Kaname and knew that this was one thing he didn’t have to overthink. 
If they were together, they would make it through somehow.
“I do.” Mayoi said with a smile.
Tatsumi’s grin grew. 
“Don’t go skipping to the end, Mayoi!” said Kaname.
Tatsumi laughed and beckoned Kaname over. “I’ll get right to the good part for us.”
“Kaname Tojou and Mayoi Ayase, have you come here to enter marriage without coercion, freely, and wholeheartedly?”
They nodded. “I have.”
“As have I,” responded Tatsumi, “Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?”
“I am.”
“I am prepared as well. Since it is our intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, we shall join our hands to declare our consent to one another and God.” Tatsumi grabbed Mayoi and Kaname’s hands as they grabbed each other’s to complete the circle.
“I, Tatsumi, take you two, Mayoi and Kaname, to be my spouses. I pledge to honor, cherish, and love you as my partners today and forever. You two were the first people who saw me as the person I am and met me on equal footing. For that I will be eternally grateful.”
Kaname spoke next. “I, Kaname, take you two, Tatsumi and Mayoi, to be my spouses. I promise to love and defend you both through whatever life throws at us. I’ve spent most of my life working to prove myself to be seen, but I don’t have to worry about that with you guys. I love you two and I know you love me back unconditionally.”
Mayoi sensed it was his turn and spoke up. “I, Mayoi, take you two, Kaname and Tatsumi, to be my spouses. I am yours forever and always, as I swear to love you both until the end of time. I’ve spent the majority of childhood alone and afraid, but since meeting Tatsumi and getting to know Kaname and everyone else I am no longer lonely. You both help me come out of my shell and be a better person.”
With wet eyes and a smile, Tatsumi continued the blessings. “May the Lord in his kindness strengthen our vows we have declared to each other and graciously bring his blessings within us. What God has joined, let no one pull asunder.
“Now we may have no rings, but—”
“Wait!” interrupted Kaname, “Let me just…”
Kaname let go of his partners to remove three rings from his hands. “Rings!”
“Are you sure you are alright giving these to us, Kaname?” asked Mayoi, “Your rings are important to you.”
“It’s fine, I have like ten more in my jewelry box,” waved off Kaname, “This is more important.”
Kaname handed the rings to Tatsumi. “Will these work?”
“They are perfect, Kaname.” Tatsumi took the rings in his hands and began to pray. “Bless, O Lord, these rings, so that those who wear them with deep faith and love for one another.”
Tatsumi lifted and tilted Mayoi’s hand. “Mayoi Ayase, I give you this ring as a symbol of our never ending love and our vow to you.”
Mayoi blushed and blinked back tears as Tatsumi slid the ring onto his finger. He took the remaining two rings and turned to Kaname.
He lifted Kaname’s hand. “Kaname Tojou, I give you this ring as a symbol of our never ending love and our vow to you.”
Mayoi slid Kaname’s ring back onto his finger. Kaname didn’t bother blinking back tears as he’d already lost that battle. He took the final ring and turned to Tatsumi.
“Tatsumi Kazehaya… Tatsumi Kazehaya,” Kaname mumbled to himself as he lifted up Tatsumi’s hand, “Tatsumi Kazehaya, I give you this ring as a symbol of our never ending love and our vow to you.”
Kaname slid the ring onto Tatsumi’s finger as they both teared up. Mayoi grabbed their joined hands to share in the crying fest. 
Tatsumi tried his best to shakily get back on track. “Now, with God as our witness, I pronounce all of us spouses. You may now kiss!”
It was as if all of them had not seen the other in decades as they rushed to kiss and banged their heads together in the process. Tatsumi laughed as Kaname and Mayoi rubbed their heads before using the opportunity to kiss each of them on the cheek.
“Unfair! Sneaking in like that while we were recovering,” protested Kaname, “Mayoi, let’s show him what we think about that…”
Mayoi gave a slender smile and a nod before both of them attacked Tatsumi from either side with a kiss. “Don’t think we’ll let you get away that easily, Tatsumi,” he said.
“Oh, I think I can handle this punishment,” said Tatsumi with a grin, “Don’t feel any need to show mercy on my account.”
“Oh, you can bet there won’t be any mercy here,” said Kaname with the face of a cat who caught the canary, “Now that we’re married, you are never getting rid of us.”
Kaname shuffled up to Tatsumi, Mayoi following suit. “Never~!” he sang.
Tatsumi simply hugged his newly-dubbed spouses and laughed. “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
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azuramarigold · 10 months
Day 6 for NaruMaru Week 2023 - "Domestic/Intimacy". Pretty much combined the two prompts. @narumayoweek2023
Day 6: Domestic/Intimacy
The small plastic stick sat on the edge of the counter as Maya paced back and forth, waiting for her phone's timer to beep to signal that it was ready to look at.
            She glanced at her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in less than two minutes. There was still another two minutes on the timer. So, she paced more until a wave of nausea hit her and she threw herself to the toilet and profusely vomited, her body shaking from her retching.
            Her nausea was what had prompted her to take the test in the first place. She was starting to become ill randomly in the mornings, often finding excuses to not go on investigations with Phoenix or even stand in trial next to him. Even thinking about having a nice, juicy burger made her stomach churn, which was almost alarming. It was that morning she made her way to the nearest drug store, overwhelmed by the dozens of different options of test - each sounding more complicated than the last. She had picked a middle ground and headed back to the office quickly, her cheeks flushed as her hands were gripping the small, brown bag.
            As she wiped the back of her hand from her retching, her timer went off. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Hands shaking, she reached for the plastic test, and she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath to calm her pounding heart and slowly opened them. On the test was a pink plus sign.
            Her smile could not have been any bigger. She was ecstatic as her heart began to flutter. To be honest she had thought it would take a few more tries, but it seemed to be true what they said about the Fey bloodline.
            "NICK!" she screamed loudly as she ran out of the small bathroom, the pregnancy test in hand as she went to quickly hide it in her robe. As she went searching for him, her mind couldn't help but go back to that night she knew how it all happened.
♟️ ♟️ ♟️
It was a few nights before their departure from Khura'in back to the states.
            Despite the recent revolution, it was already apparent that Apollo Justice and Nahyuta Sahdmadhi were working on the law reform for the country. The two were always asking questions between Phoenix and Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth for any advice as the two had traveled to multiple countries to study different laws and legal systems in Europe together; this had helped them create the MASON System for a jury that eventually fully committed Kristoph Gavin for multiple murders, attempted murders, and even the reason why Phoenix was disbarred for seven years.
            When Phoenix had arrived back at his room that was given to him to be used at the temple, almost like a small guest room, he was shocked to see that Maya was there. Before he could ask why she was there, she had flung her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. Maya didn't know what to expect after that, she honestly thought he would push her away and state that they were friends.
            But he kissed her back, holding her close to him, almost desperate to keep her from slipping away. It had been a long couple of weeks from crazy trials, murder plots, kidnappings, blackmail, and unveiling secrets that were over twenty-years old. But to them it was the same song and dance - the craziness never stopped.
            It wasn't long before Maya was disrobed, her in just her white bra and underwear, as she assisted the man she had been in love with since she was at least eighteen years old remove his clothing as well. That was what seemed to finally click in his mind when he suddenly broke off from her and held her arm's length away from him.
            "Whoa, whoa, HOLD IT!" Phoenix stressed, his voice hitched in a panic. "W-What the hell are we doing…!?"
            Maya darted her eyes between the two of them, her practically naked and him half undressed. "Um… about to have sex…?" she offered meekly, her voice small.           
            Phoenix's eyes widened. "Wh-What… no… we shouldn't…" he almost murmured.
            "Because we are staying at a sacred temple…?"
            "No!" the attorney squeaked. "Although that does seem unorthodox… But no! Because how can I live with myself if something happens and you leave my life again, especially after that!?" He then held her close to him again, wrapping his arms around her. "Ever since… the Engarde trial… I wanted you so close, but I couldn't ask you of that because of your duties with your training and the village… and then Hazakura happened, and I thought I lost you then… and with my disbarment I just wanted you to have a better life without me, but I was so selfish because I just wanted you to be with me-" He was babbling, a trait that Maya had seen early on that he did when he was very nervous - she found it very endearing.
            "Nick…" Maya interrupted him. She then put her hands on his face to force him to look at her. "I don't want to lose you too…" She then pressed her lips against his again, prompting him by pressing closer to him as she felt Phoenix's hands grip into her hair. "I love you, Phoenix, and I have for a while…" she murmured against his mouth.
            "I love you too…" Phoenix admitted to her. "I have for quite some time too…"
            Maya helped finish undressing him, all that Phoenix was now in was a pair of navy-blue boxers. With a small yelp, she was lifted into his arms and carried bridal-style to the bed. The bed dipped beneath them from their combined weight, him hovering over her as he continued to kiss her.
            Within a few minutes, those kisses turned into loving pecks along her jawline, which in turn trailed down her body. Each kiss caused goosebumps and shivers to roll through her body, causing her to sigh and moan.
            "Nick…" she almost said his name breathlessly.
            "Yeah…?" he replied, his voice slightly hitched.
            "Do… Do you have a condom…?" she asked softly, her face turning crimson.
            Phoenix's face flushed. "I, uh, technically do, yes…" he admitted. "It's a guy thing… we just keep one in our-"
            "Can you not use it?"
            "Wa-Wait… what!?"
            Maya slowly trailed her right forefinger against his chest, which she never realized was so well defined. "Well… as soon as I get back to the village, I will be officially the Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique," she said to him, almost shyly. "And with that…"
            Phoenix responded by giving her a slow, drawn-out kiss. "I mean, if it happens, it happens, right?" he said to her.
            Maya felt her eyes go wide. "Y-You would really want to start over with raising a kid…?" she squeaked in surprise.
            "If it's with you, yeah," he said, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "I don't mind…"
            "So, that means…"
            "If it happens, it happens," he reiterated again, a small smile on his face.
            The rest of that night was filled with whispers of love in her ear, sweet caresses, moans of her name, and the sounds of their small pants. Maya had never had sex before, so she was preparing for the worst, but it never came; instead, she felt herself desperately clinging to Phoenix and calling his name, biting into his shoulder as passion coursed through her body.
            When sunrays crossed her face the next morning, she blinked open her eyes to see that her face was snuggled against Phoenix's chest. When she was younger, she would've blushed in embarrassment, but in that moment the ache between her legs and the satisfaction she felt was enough to tell her that she didn't imagine the night previously.
            When Phoenix blinked open his eyes, seeing how tangled they were in the bed, he didn't hesitate to pull Maya closer to him and kiss her deeply. It didn't take them long to get into a second session of lovemaking, but Maya didn't care, because-
            If it happens, it happens.
♟️ ♟️ ♟️
Maya found Phoenix in his office, separate from the rest of the agency, him working on paperwork and slightly frowning.
            When Maya rushed into his office and shut the door behind her, she saw that Phoenix was looking up from his desk in confusion.
            "Maya…?" he said to her. "Everything okay?"
            Maya practically skipped over to him and perched herself on his lap, earning herself a small peck of a kiss on her head. Her smile never left her face as she had made her way from the apartment to the agency that was below.
            "Niiiick," she drew out his name.
            The edge of his lips twitched, desperately trying not to smile. "And what is it that you want, Anata?" he asked her, thinking she found some other "Steel Samurai" item that she wanted to add to her collection.
            "Remember a month or so ago when we were in Khura'in…?" she pressed him gently, her free hand running through his hair.
            Phoenix's face flushed slightly. "Uh… yeah…? How can I forget that?" he replied, his voice wavering with nerves.
            "Well, it happened," was all Maya said as she took her hand out of her robe, showing her positive pregnancy test.
            Phoenix took it gingerly from her hand, looking at the pink positive sign. Suddenly, he hugged her tightly to him, causing her to gasp in surprise.
            "This is amazing," he whispered in her ear. "This is the best news I've heard in a while…"
            "If it happens, it happens, right?" she said to him. "And boy did it happen…"
            "I love you so much…" Phoenix told her. "We were all already a family before… but the new edition is going to make it even better."
            "Oh, Pearly and Trucy are going to love this news," Maya felt herself saying, her heart fluttering with warmth.
            "They'll make great big sisters, that's for sure," he stated. He then separated from their hug for a moment and looked her seriously in the eyes. "Hey, what if we have a boy?"
            Maya smiled cheekily at him. "Well, if it happens, it happens, right?" she threw his words back at him.
            Phoenix gave a small chuckle, "Well, you got me on that one… that is true… Even so, I would love to try again then after."
            She swatted his arm playfully. "Hey, how about I give birth to this one first before you think about having another one!"
            "I mean, if it happens, it happens…?" he offered with a sheepish smile.
It was the middle of February when her water broke, and she was rushed to the nearest hospital.
            Normally, as the Master of the Kurain, she was supposed to give birth back at the village. However, this was a different circumstance that was agreed with ahead of time between her and the Elders that for the safety of her pregnancy, she was to give birth at the hospital.
            Phoenix of course was in the room with her, him offering his hand as she clutched it for dear life. One of the Elders was also in the room as well, overseeing the spiritual side of things. She was told to give one last hard push, and she did, and when she heard that small cry, she nearly burst into tears.
            "It's a girl!" the doctor announced, her wiping the small crying newborn of the excess blood and fluids. Immediately, the baby was placed on Maya's chest to get that instant connection of skin-to-skin contact, and that was when her dam broke.
            "Oh, she looks like a little alien…!" Maya cried out, her voice thick with happiness.
            Phoenix couldn't help but laugh. "Maya… all newborns look like that…" he assured her.
            "I have a cute alien baby!" she insisted. It seemed she was still a little loopy from her epidural.
            "Yes, we have a cute alien baby," Phoenix chuckled.
            The monitors were still going off as her body was still going through contractions. The small little girl was taken off Maya's chest, just as Phoenix was given the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord. The doctor instructed Maya to begin pushing again, so Maya did. After her final push there was a second, small cry.
            "And here is your little boy!" the doctor announced, again wiping the excess blood and fluid and placed him on Maya's chest.
            "He looks like an alien too!" Maya smiled. "They both have black hair and those spikes… how are we going to tell them apart…!?"
            "One has a penis, Maya…"
            "Oh, yeah…" she laughed lightly, her hand stroking the crying baby's back.
            Shortly, the small baby boy was taken from her as well, Phoenix cutting his umbilical cord as well, and got cleaned up along with his sister. Soon, both babies were placed back in Maya's arms, after a nurse graciously wiped the smudges of blood off her.
            The little girl was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a pink hat that read "BABY GIRL" and the little boy was wrapped in a robin egg blue blanket and similar colored hat that read "BABY BOY". Both babies looked sound but were starting to squirm in their blankets.
            "My babies look like burritos now!" Maya laughed, her holding them tighter to her.
            "Alien burrito babies, that's a new one…" a nurse murmured as she walked away.
            Phoenix hovered next to her, eyeing the two babies fondly. "Are we still in agreement with the names…?" he asked Maya.
            Maya was lovingly rubbing her thumbs over where the legs of each baby was under their blankets. "Yes…" she said coherently, the loopy sensation starting to fade. "I wouldn't change them for anything…"
            In the small hospital room where Maya was put for recovery was when they were officially allowed to sign the birth certificates. Phoenix teared up as he signed his name on both and saw that Maya had of course signed her name as "Maya Fey-Wright", the first Master in the history of her village to have a hyphenated name.
            "And… there we go…" Phoenix announced happily. "It's official - these kiddos are ours."
            "Nick, it was official when I told you I was pregnant…" she deadpanned at him.
            "I'm talking in a legal perspective!"
            Maya rolled her eyes and laughed, "We can take the lawyer out of the courtroom, but the courtroom can't leave you, huh?" She then looked lovingly at her two sleeping babies in her arms. "I hope one of you will be a lawyer like your Daddy and your Aunt Mia."
            "Why not the both of them?" Phoenix smiled.
            "If it happens, it happens."
            "Oh, you love to throw that in my face, don’t you?"
            "You literally said it in your wedding vows Nick… didn't help I was seven months pregnant either and already emotional…"
            Phoenix grimaced at that. "Pearls… she really smacked me hard for making you cry…"
            "Would you like to hold one of your children?" Maya offered, her voice sounding tired.
            Phoenix nearly jumped at the opportunity. He gingerly took the slumbering, baby girl from Maya. "And how my Daddy's Girl, doing…? Hmm? Little Mia Yuki Fey-Wright…" He smiled warmly.
            Maya felt her heart soar at seeing him hold their daughter. She then looked down to their son, the baby's hair spikes poking form underneath the hat. "That must make you my Mama's Boy, huh? Caladrius Ryuji Wright?" The baby boy continued to suck on a green pacifier.
            When they allowed to have visitors, as they wanted to have at least a day with the twins by themselves, Trucy and Pearl practically bulldozed Phoenix to get to Maya in the bed as she held the babies. Both the young women were cooing and talking to the new additions.
            Both girls got to hold each of the twins, Trucy being the most excited. She was excited as she was no longer "the youngest sibling" - referring to Apollo, Athena, and Pearl being older than her.
            Athena ended up visiting as well, dragging Simon Blackquil behind her. Once they left Detective Gumshoe and Maggey had came in a visited it, tugging along their five-year-old son and three-year-old daughter behind them. Franziska von Karma and Edgeworth came once the Gumshoe's left, Franziska declaring that both the children would learn proper etiquette from her. Edgeworth gave his congratulations and was extremely touched when asked if he would be their godfather; something that he accepted gladly. In order not to be whipped to high Heaven, it was quickly offered to Franziska to be the twins' godmother; she had no objections.
            After all the craziness of people visiting, Maya was leaning back in her pillows, both the twins snuggled in her arms. Her eyes were fluttering shut from the tiredness, her hands beginning to feel lax; Phoenix managed to get both babies into their respective bins so that Maya could properly sleep.
            "Nick…?" she called out tiredly to him.
            "Hmm? Yeah, Maya?" he replied.
            "I'm glad it happened…" she barely whispered, her struggling against her yawn.
            "The twins?" Phoenix smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad too…"
            "Not just that… I'm glad I feel in love with you all those years ago…"
            Phoenix went up to his tired wife, the mother of his children, and kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad too…" he said to her.
            As Maya closed her eyes, her breathing slowed as he fell asleep. Phoenix adjusted her pillows so she would be more comfortable and adjusted her blankets. His phone dinged lightly, and when he looked at the message he smiled that his offer was accepted about buying a small condo that was still in the city, but it was a shorter distance to Kurain Village for Maya and Pearl to travel to; it had a finished basement so that Phoenix and Maya could convert it into a Master Bedroom, all while the main floorplan had three bedrooms.
            He had told Maya about the offer and moving, which she was happy about as there would be more room. She had even suggested as Trucy was going to college locally that she could still stay at the apartment attached to the agency, her friend Jinxie moving in as well for college. Even Athena decided to move in, taking the third bedroom and stated she would pay rent.
            After Maya woke up after a couple of hours, she asked for the twins so she could feed them. As she did so, Phoenix told her that the offer was accepted.
            "Three bedrooms," he had reiterated. "We can probably even have another baby."
            That was when Maya smiled coyly at him.
            "If it happens, it happens."
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pepperspray3020 · 10 months
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The end!! Once again based on my lovely girlfriend’s fanfic, please read it xer writing is lovely I mean amazing I mean beautiful I mean perfect it’s good ok trust me
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seangelfish · 10 months
Hello! Can I ask for peony and forget-me-nots with Mayoi?
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(Peony is done and can be found here!)
Mayoi Ayase
🌼 forget-me-nots: what do they do to get their s/o’s attention?
Mayoi doesn't really beg for attention unless it's his last resort, but he will ask for it albeit through splutters.
"(Y-Y/N)... can you p-please... look at me?"
Sometimes he doesn't say a word at all. He'll just stare at you in hopes that you'll understand what he wants (which you usually do), but when you don't, Mayoi will be honest with you that all he wants is your attention.
Yet there are times when his stuttering words become confident, and this ALWAYS gets your attention.
You were typing away at your keyboard, finishing off a report that was needed this week. You've been at it for days now as if you can't write the words correctly. It was frustrating, but you vowed to get this done soon.
Mayoi had noticed this unusual behaviour from you and suggested that you take a break, but you ignored his suggestion and carried on working.
Mayoi couldn't see you do this to yourself anymore. "(Y/N)," he says sternly.
You turn around, surprised by the tone of your boyfriend's voice.
"You need a break."
His arms were spread out, an invitation calling for you to come in. Usually, it's you who would do this for him, asking him to come into your arms, but being on the receiving end is also nice.
He was right. You did need a break. You approached him and leapt into his arms as he stroked your back soothingly.
"I don't know what's wrong with me today..." you murmur into his chest.
"(Y/N), you're the most amazing and hardworking person I have ever met," he replies. "Sometimes you just need to wind down and rest."
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist ; Enstars Plant Asks masterlist | Request rules
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silvfyre-writings · 1 year
I'm o-fish-ally in love with you (BSD Fanfic)
If you guys couldn't guess, this was inspired by the mayoi ranpoe art we were blessed with (during pride month as well!) and since it is a friends bday soon, I was like "what if I write this date as a gift?" and yeah, the fic was born!
I swear, it was only supposed to be like, 3-4k words, not nearly 6k, but Ranpo and Poe just took the plot and ran away with it!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave a kudos or a comment if you did! :D
Ranpo looks… fantastic. That was the thought that crossed Poe’s mind as he opened his door to see Ranpo standing on the other side, the shorter man having forgone his usual detective garb for once—which was certainly different to witness—and was instead wearing a simple brown jacket with just a plain white shirt underneath, and they were complimented by the pants that hugged Ranpo’s legs quite nicely, and sneakers. It also looked that Ranpo had, for once, brushed his hair instead of just running his fingers through it like he usually did, and—well—Poe couldn’t help but appreciate just how good Ranpo looked, even if it made him feel a bit overdressed in comparison.
He'd picked out a simple white sweater for his own outfit, with a new coat—a nice shade of blue that was easy on the eyes—that he’d purchased just for the occasion, and along with his nicest pair of pants and casual shoes, his outfit was perfected. But… now he wasn’t sure. At first he’d loved the coat, had thought it perfect and comfortable, but then he’d laid his eyes on Ranpo, and suddenly he wasn’t sure about it at all.
“Poe, stop thinking so hard, you look fine!” Ranpo whined, stepping forward to wind his arms around Poe’s waist as he gazed up into the writer’s face. Poe’s cheeks flushed red as Ranpo raised a hand to brush his bangs to the side to reveal one of his eyes to the world. “You need to stop worrying so much, ‘kay? I look great, and you look even better! And we’re going to go to the aquarium and have a good time, so focus on that.”
Poe couldn’t help but smile at Ranpo’s words. The other man knew him so well to be able to just shoot down all his insecurities in a few seconds without even being told what they were in the first place, and well, that was just what Poe loved about the other man. He leaned down to place a kiss on Ranpo’s cheek to show his appreciation, the delight growing within him as pink formed on the detective’s cheeks, and Ranpo’s eyes opened just that little bit wider. “Ranpo knows me so well.”
He got a grin in response, and Ranpo threaded one of his arms through Poe’s before he’s being dragged down the footpath towards the main street. “Well, duh, of course I do. You’re a walking ball of anxiety, but there are only a few things that set you off when you are with me, and me, being the great detective that I am, knows all of them!”
“Oh, I see. And what they might be?” Poe said as he took the lead, guiding Ranpo in the other direction when they’d started heading the wrong way, as he tended to do whenever the two of them did something together. Ranpo was kind, and a genius, but his sense of direction was as poor as ever, no matter what Poe did to try and help him. But aside from the few times they’d genuinely landed in trouble because of it, Poe found it adorable, seeing Ranpo pout when he learnt he’d been going the wrong way. The pout, the puffed cheeks, and the furrowed brow, all adorable because it was Ranpo, and easily dealt with, with a few kisses and reassurances.
Ranpo raised his hand, holding up just a few fingers, and folded one down. “Dressing up for starters. You always worry when we go out and you think you look overdressed—which, you don’t by the way—because you feel like it makes it more obvious that you have money and I do not.” Another finger is folded down. “Being sappy out in public, because you fear judgement, not for yourself, but for me, which I kinda get, but also, it’s stupid. If people are going to judge me for dating another man, then they need to find something better to do.” The final finger goes down. “And, you always worry about Karl because—wait, where is Karl? Wasn’t he coming with us today?”
At those words, Poe stopped dead in his tracks, horror on his face as he realized that because he’d gotten caught up in Ranpo’s beauty, he’d forgotten to grab Karl from the couch where his little friend had been taking an early morning nap. “Oh my god, I forgot Karl! Oh, um, wait right here, Ranpo, I’ll be right back!”
“Huh? Wait—Poe!”
He ignored Ranpo’s call for him as he raced back down the path they’d taken, sprinting back up to his door and unlocking it in record speed. Poe threw open the door, and let out a relieved sigh as he saw that Karl was where he’d left him; asleep, on the couch. “Oh, Karl.” Poe whispered as he brushed his fingers through soft fur. “I didn’t mean to forget you, I’m sorry.”
The raccoon’s eyes blinked open, and he lifted his head to stare at Poe sleepily, unaware that he’d even been forgotten in the first place. Karl chattered in the way he always did while he woke up, stretching underneath Poe’s hand before he shook his body and scaled Poe’s arm, taking residence in his usual spot on his shoulders. Poe smiled, and tipped his head to nudge Karl gently. “Now, let’s get back to Ranpo, huh? I kind of left him behind to come and get you. I hope he’s not too mad…”
Karl blinked once, eye’s brightening as he recognized Ranpo’s name.
“Karl!” Any worry that Poe held about Ranpo being mad at him was forgotten, when Ranpo spotted them coming and scrambled to his feet, arms wide open and a grin on his face. The action wasn’t for him, Poe knew that, and he watched as Karl chattered excitedly before leaping off of Poe’s shoulder and landing into Ranpo’s arms. Poe smiled, watching Ranpo spin Karl around a couple of times before holding the raccoon close.
“He was still asleep when I got back.” Poe explained, coming close enough that he could be close to the two most important parts of his life.
“Aww, Karl, your dad was so caught up in seeing me that he forgot to grab you, how about that?” Ranpo teased, his eyes trained on Poe even though he was talking to Karl. “Poe’s a little silly isn’t he?”
Poe’s cheeks burned, but instead of being shy about the teasing, he felt a burst of confidence, and he leaned over to scratch Karl behind the ears, quietly murmuring into Ranpo’s ear. “Well, when Ranpo looks as good as he does, that’s a little easy to do, right Karl?”
It’s the sappiest thing he could ever say, even though he’s said much sappier since he and Ranpo had started dating in the first place, but it was worth it to see Ranpo’s cheeks turn an impressive shade of red. Poe chuckled as Ranpo opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with some sort of retort, only to blush even harder. He pressed his lips to the side of Ranpo’s head. “I’m just teasing, my dear, but I speak the truth.”
Ranpo stepped away to take a moment, hiding his face in his hands. A couple of minutes pass before he dropped them back to his side, his face still pink, but less noticeable now. Poe is given a look before Ranpo links their arms together once again and begins to drag Poe along—thankfully in the right direction, so Poe doesn’t have to do anything but follow—and the silence between them is unusual, but comfortable. At least, for Poe it is; he can see the way that Ranpo’s brow is still furrowed, no doubt thinking hard like he always is. Poe stays silent as well, patiently waiting for Ranpo to find the words he needed.
He's rewarded when, after nearly three minutes, Ranpo speaks. “Thanks though. I… wasn’t sure on my outfit.”
Poe smiled, and moved his hand to link their fingers together instead. “You always look good, Ranpo, but this time, you look amazing.”
The decision to go to the aquarium had been made by Ranpo, who’d busted down his door in his excitement about the new exhibition the aquarium was showing about freshwater fish. Poe had been writing like he usually was on the days that Ranpo wasn’t at his house, when Ranpo had sent him fifty million—okay, not quite fifty million, but close enough—telling Poe that he would be coming around after work to tell him something important.
And apparently, that ‘something important’ was just Ranpo’s way of asking Poe out on a date to the aquarium.
It hadn’t been as simple as that though, for Ranpo had turned up at Poe’s house, remained silent for the first hour before suddenly dropping random fish facts on him—truly, they had been quite random—until Poe had finally caved and asked what it was that Ranpo wanted. Because for some reason, whenever Ranpo wanted something from Poe, he became the most introverted person on earth. Yet with literally anyone else, Ranpo had no problems at all with demanding things, regardless of what they were.
But yes, he had asked, and Ranpo had turned an interesting shade of red as he quietly asked Poe if he would like to go to the aquarium with him on the weekend.
Poe had pretended to muddle over it—even if it was going to be crowded, he was willing to brave the crowds just this once—before agreeing, and that was that; it was a date. Ranpo had gone home smiling the widest of smiles, and Poe had begun to plan what they would do, because he knew that if he didn’t, they would end up zigzagging all over the place and as much as he loved spending time with Ranpo, he wanted it to be enjoyable and not… painful.
So he’d pulled up a map of the aquarium and outlined a simple plan they could follow that would take them from one side of the aquarium to the other, and still allow them to see all the fish and other sea creatures.
It was a plan so perfect, that nothing could possibly go wrong.
“Thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoy your time here.” The young woman at the counter smiled as she handed the two tickets to Poe, who’s heart was pounding after standing in line for twenty minutes with a very impatient Ranpo and disgruntled Karl, who had thankfully, not tried to escape the bag that Poe had shoved him into before they walked through the doors. He’d gotten permission to bring his furry friend, provided that Karl didn’t go wandering off, but still, Poe didn’t want to bring any unwanted attention until they were inside the aquarium.
Ranpo let out a groan and tugged on Poe’s sleeve in an attempt to get him to move faster, even though they still have to wait for the worker at the gate to open it for them anyways—for which they needed the tickets that Poe was currently being handed.
“Ranpo, please be patient.” Poe said, and grabbed the tickets, giving the worker a timid smile and quiet thanks before letting himself be dragged to the gate.
“But, Poe—” Ranpo whined, “—I wanna see the fish already! And so does Karl!”
At the sound of his name, Karl poked his head out of the bag and began to look around, letting off quiet chitters at everything that caught the raccoon’s attention, to which Poe merely rolled his eyes, and grabbed onto Ranpo’s hand to make sure that he didn’t lose sight of the other; the last thing he wanted to do was have to hunt down an excited Ranpo. Poe squeezed Ranpo’s hand, and waited for Ranpo to look at him. “We have all day, Ranpo, so relax a little and take your time. We’ll get a chance to see everything here.”
There was an awed sparkle to Ranpo’s eyes as he opened them, his excitement obvious in the way he bounced on his heels and kept trying to run off despite holding hands with Poe still. “Even the freshwater fish?”
Poe nodded. “Even the freshwater fish.”
Ranpo cheered, throwing his hands into the air, and this time, Poe allowed himself to be dragged, although he allowed their hands to part so that he could go at his own pace. He made sure to keep Ranpo in his sight, which was made easier when Karl finally abandoned the bag he’d been curled up in this entire time, dashing across the floor to scale Ranpo much like a cat would a tree. It was adorable to watch as Karl curled himself around Ranpo’s shoulders, one of Ranpo’s hands coming up to scratch the raccoon between the ears, all while keeping his attention focused on the fish.
He made sure to follow close behind, as Ranpo dashed from one tank to the next, and waited for Poe to come and stand next to him, before telling him a few facts about the fish residing in the tank, and then moving on. For the next few hours, their trip was like that, and honestly, Poe didn’t mind it in the slightest. It was heartwarming to see Ranpo so passionate about the aquarium, and about the fish living there; so much so that he found himself becoming motivated to potentially write a story about fish, one that he was sure that Ranpo would love to read if, and when, it was done.
“Did you know that stingrays belong to the same family as sharks, but despite that, sharks are their biggest predator?” Ranpo suddenly said as he and Poe watched a few stingrays’ glide about the touch tank, their fins gently waving through the water to propel them forwards at quite the impressive speed. Ranpo was leaned against the railing of the tank, staring into the water with wide eyes and a smile on his face.
Poe never wanted to forget that look until the day he died.
“I did not.” He said, coming up to rest his chin on Ranpo’s shoulder as he looked into the tank. Poe didn’t quite know why they were looking into the tank from the top when looking at it from the bottom allowed one to see more, but he wasn’t about to bring it up. Besides, it allowed Karl to sit between their legs and look into the tank himself, the raccoon letting out chirps and chatters as the stingrays and other fish swam by; it really reminded him of those movies he’d once watched, of the parents taking their child to the zoo—or rarely, an aquarium—and just… being a family.
The moment the three of them were sharing was so domestic, that Poe couldn’t stop his cheeks from flushing pink, and he nuzzled the crook of Ranpo’s neck, his breath causing Ranpo to shiver underneath him. “Ranpo should tell me more about the stingrays.”
Ranpo angled his head in a way that green eyes met violet. “Will I get a treat if I tell you more?”
Poe smiled and pressed a kiss to the side of Ranpo’s neck, bringing about another shiver. “Perhaps.”
“Well—” Ranpo turned around in Poe’s arms, bringing his own to wrap around Poe’s neck as he brought his partner closer to eye level. “—did you know that there are over two hundred kinds of stingrays? And that the rarest stingray species is also the largest? It’s called the smalleye stingray, and it grows over two metres wide—well, seven feet for you, Mr American.” There was a pause as Ranpo stood on his toes to rest his forehead against Poe’s. “So, how did I do?”
“Marvelous.” Poe, who normally didn’t engage in affectionate behaviours in public, closed the gap between him and Ranpo, giving a short, but sweet kiss to his partners lips. “I could listen to you talk about fish and other sea creatures all day.”
They shared a few more short kisses with each other, remaining mindful, but also ignorant at the same time to the world and people around them, until Ranpo leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of Poe’s mouth, smiling happily. “That’s good, because the sharks are up next, and I have a lot to say about them.”
As it turned out, Poe didn’t get to listen to whatever shark facts that Ranpo knew about, because when they got to the tank with the sharks, it was at the same time as the presentation that he remembered seeing mentioned at the entrance of the aquarium. Already, there was a large group of people that had Poe grabbing Karl and returning him to his bag, just in case any of the children spotted him and tried to get touchy with the raccoon. And because Ranpo insisted on staying for the presentation despite probably already knowing anything and everything about sharks, Poe had to find somewhere for them to sit, grateful when there were a couple of seats at the back still… well, one seat at least. Still, Poe had dragged Ranpo over to that seat with the intention of just sitting on the floor, when Ranpo had forced him into the chair and then sat on his lap; Poe couldn’t stop the blush that adorned his face, made worse when the people next to them kept glancing at the two of them.
It's fine, just ignore it. If it’s not bothering Ranpo, it’s fine. Poe told himself as he did his best to get comfortable, not that that was hard to do, not when this was something that happened frequently in the privacy of Poe’s home; quite often, Ranpo would plonk himself into Poe’s lap when he was writing and just sit there, quietly watching, and on the odd occasion; nap. So really, Poe was used to having his personal space invaded, but this was the first time it had happened in public, and he was doing his best to ignore that fact as much as possible.
Thankfully, everyone’s attention was soon drawn by the aquarium workers in charge of the presentation when they began to speak, and the room fell silent and still as everyone listened to the two workers talk about the sharks kept at the aquarium; the experience was made all the better by the divers in the tank, lazily swimming about with these sharks, encouraging the underwater creatures to show off for the audience watching them with enraptured eyes.
Even Ranpo, who had so much trouble focusing at times, was transfixed, watching the sharks swim by with childlike wonder—although he was quietly fidgeting with Poe’s fingers as they rested in Ranpo’s lap. Every now and then, Poe would hear Ranpo mutter under his breath, correcting the worker when they left out something important, or said the wrong fact, and Poe was just grateful that for once, Ranpo was keeping his thoughts to himself. He must really like the sharks to do that. Poe let himself think as he listened, intrigued himself about the creatures he’d so often seen in movies portrayed as massive, man-eating monsters.
It certainly was a misconception, for the sharks in these tanks, while small but still deadly, were doing nothing but nudging the divers and swimming around without a care in the world, almost as if they were just… harmless sea puppies. Sea puppies probably wasn’t the right description for such an animal, but it was the one that came to him all the same, and it would be what he used from now on until something more appropriate came along.
The talk went for an hour, although Poe felt it could go for much longer than that if the workers had really wanted to; they’d both sounded so passionate and interested about what they were talking about, excitedly sharing facts and answering questions that the children threw at them—the most shouted one being what their favorite shark was; the whale shark, and the leopard shark they had learnt—and by the time they were saying their farewells, many of the people listening were begging for just a few more minutes.
“I’m sorry, but we really have to get going.” One of the workers said, an apologetic look on their face as they crouched in front of a couple of children. “The sharks need to have some time to themselves as well, otherwise they get a—”
“Are you ready to go, Ranpo?” Poe asked, tuning out the workers as he addressed the man who was still sitting in his lap, despite most of the room having filed out by this point, freeing up plenty of seats.
Ranpo jerked in his lap, like he hadn’t expected Poe to speak to him. “Huh? Oh, yeah, let’s go.”
But he didn’t make an effort to move, other than to shift forward to sit on Poe’s knees rather than his lap. Poe frowned, worried about this sudden change in character, and leaned to the side to get a better look at Ranpo’s face. “Ranpo? Are you alright?
It took a few seconds for Ranpo to answer him. “I’m fine, Poe. See?”
And Ranpo stood, only to suddenly tilt to the side, Poe’s reflexes kicking into overdrive to just in time to catch and support Ranpo before he hit the floor. Ranpo groaned as Poe lowered him to sit back in the chair, bringing his hands up to rest his head against. Poe crouched in front of Ranpo and studied the way his partners hands shook just enough to be noticeable, how his skin had lost almost all colour in just a few seconds, and the exhaustion that threatened to drag him under.
His worry grew, when Ranpo lowered his head to rest on his shoulders. “Ranpo?”
“Dizzy.” Is all Ranpo managed to say, taking deep breaths, and squeezing his eyes shut. Before Poe can say anything, Ranpo continued, “I may have forgotten to eat today.”
Relief flooded Poe, and he felt that he could relax knowing that he didn’t need to rush to get Ranpo help; low blood sugar was something that the two of them had dealt with before, mostly because when they happened to get involved in their respective jobs, food and water were the last things on their minds. Poe just considered it lucky that Ranpo was only dizzy, and hadn’t passed out like the last time this had happened.
They’d been at a crime scene that day, and it had certainly been fun trying to explain to the officers that they did not in fact, need an ambulance.
“Will you be alright here if I go and get you something to drink?” Poe asked as he stood, although one hand remained on Ranpo’s shoulder as reassurance.
Ranpo nodded. “I’ll be okay.”
With a quiet promise of a quick return, Poe dashed off towards the nearest café the aquarium offered, making sure to leave Karl behind to keep an eye on Ranpo while he was gone. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for him to find a place that sold sugary drinks and snacks, and a few minutes later found him making his way back to where he had left Ranpo; apple juice and jellybeans in hand. Neither were Ranpo’s preferred choice of snack and beverage, but in this case, where it was the difference between remaining conscious or passing out, they would do.
Ranpo was still in the chair, although he’d gone from being hunched over to leaning against the back of the chair, his head tilted back, and eyes still closed. Karl was on Ranpo’s lap, tail flicking idly as the raccoon’s eyes were focused on Ranpo, but the most surprising change was the staff member that was crouched beside Ranpo now, saying something that Poe couldn’t yet hear. He was unable to stop his mind from jumping to the worst possible conclusion, and Poe hurried over, his approach drawing the attention of both Ranpo—a single green eye cracked open to look at him—and the worker, who’s eyes fell towards the purchases in Poe’s arms.
“Ah, you must be the ‘Poe’ he’s been waiting for?”
Poe nodded as he moved to sit in the chair next to Ranpo. “I am. Is everything alright?”
“No, not at all. I had forgotten something here, so I came back to get it and saw your friend looking rather unwell. He told me that he was dizzy, but that someone was helping him, so I decided to sit with him until you came back.” The worker explained and stood, a smile on their face. “Do you need any further assistance?”
“No, we’ll be fine, thanks.” Poe waited for the worker to leave before he nudged Ranpo with his knee, doing so continuously until Ranpo opened his eyes; a weight came to rest against his shoulder as Ranpo slumped against him. “I have some juice for you if you feel up to drinking something.”
Ranpo hummed, and took hold of the juice, drinking a quarter of it in one go before he slowed down to small sips. Poe handed over the jellybeans then, and watched as Ranpo nibbled on a handful of the bright coloured lollies. Slowly, his partner’s face began to regain its colour, and Ranpo looked a little more alive than he had a few minutes ago, although he still continued to rest against Poe’s shoulder.
“Maybe we should go home?” Poe suggested after a few minutes of silence had passed and Ranpo still hadn’t moved.
“No, I’m alright.” Ranpo pushed himself upright. “I’ll be alright. We still haven’t seen everything—we still haven’t seen the freshwater fish and that’s what I want to see the most.”
Poe was hesitant to continue hanging out at the aquarium when Ranpo wasn’t feeling well, but he also couldn’t forcibly prevent Ranpo from continuing if that was what he wanted to do, and Ranpo was looking much better now that he’d eaten and had something to drink. Still… Poe was a natural worrier, especially when it came to those he cared about, and he cared about Ranpo a lot, so excuse him for wanting to prioritise his partner’s health. “I don’t know, Ranpo… I just don’t want you to push yourself too much when you aren’t feeling well.”
Ranpo gave him a look. “If I start to feel unwell again, then we stop, but I won’t, so it’ll be fine.” The detective paused and sighed a few seconds later. “I understand that you are worried, Poe, but you don’t need to be. I’m not sick or anything, I just forgot to eat.”
“Well… alright then.” Poe finally acquiesced and stood from his seat, offering Ranpo a hand that his partner took and a final onceover, they continued on their way, finally leaving the sharks behind them to head for the next section of the aquarium that ironically, was the freshwater one Ranpo had been looking forward to this entire time.
And while his worry diminished the longer Poe watched Ranpo wander around without any further dizzy spells, it never faded completely, and it probably wouldn’t until they were safely back at home. But he did manage to brush it aside in favour of just watching Ranpo as the younger ran around excitedly, hopping from tank to tank to study the fish within them, regardless of how often Poe told him to stop running off. It was no use trying to stop Ranpo when he was like this, all he could really do was try his best to keep the other within his sights while it happened.
Karl had returned to sitting on Poe’s shoulder, attention everywhere at once, and a few children squealed and pointed in his direction when they spotted the raccoon, which set Poe on edge a little bit, but thankfully, the parents of the children were quick to move along and Poe could relax a little. He even managed to find a bench in front of one of the larger tanks that allowed him to still watch Ranpo, but also rest his legs—it was tiring work chasing after Ranpo after all.
Poe didn’t know how long he’d been sitting on that bench, or when exactly he’d dozed off, but the next thing he was aware of was slender fingers touching his cheeks softly, and he raised his head to see green eyes watching him with faint concern.
“You okay?” Ranpo asked.
“Yeah.” Poe stretched out, wincing a little at the way his bones popped and cracked; he must’ve been dozing for at least ten minutes, if not more. “What about you?”
“I’m not the one that fell asleep on a bench.” Ranpo rolled his eyes and dropped his hands to rest by his side. A quiet chatter drew Poe’s attention towards Karl, who at some point, had abandoned him to go to Ranpo. Probably to bring him here now that I think about it. His thoughts were confirmed by Ranpo, “Karl came and chattered at me until I followed him.”
“I suppose I’m just a bit tired is all.”
“Because of me?” It’s faint, but Poe can hear the uncertainty in Ranpo’s voice, and he straightens, determined to squash that anxiety before it even has the chance to form.
“Absolutely not. You may move faster than I can keep up with at times, but that is nothing compared to the joy I feel in watching you enjoy your time here, whether that be seeing all the exhibits several times over, or telling me all the facts about sharks and stingrays that you know.” Poe reached over and gripped Ranpo’s hands gently, using them to pull himself upright so that he can pull Ranpo into a tight hug. He can feel Ranpo relax into the embrace, and doesn’t have to see the others face to know he’s smiling. “But I must admit, that I would like to go home soon.”
Ranpo put on a show of thinking, going as far as to take on the whole thinking pose. But he’s smiling, and that was how Poe knew Ranpo was teasing. “Well, I suppose going home might not be so bad, but not because I’m tired myself, not at all! I’ve simply seen everything I want to see.”
“But?” Poe questioned, sensing that Ranpo has something to ask, but needed a bit of prompting to actually ask.
“But there is the tunnel where they do photos, and… I know you don’t like photos, but, I’d like to take one with you. Only if you want to though!”
Poe smiled and linked hands with Ranpo, tugging the other in the direction of the tunnel he’d been talking about without saying anything. He’d just been thinking about getting a photo himself, since this had been his and Ranpo’s first proper date in a while, and it just seemed right to commemorate it in some way.
And if a photo was that way, then they would get a photo.
“If the two of you want to do something couple-y, then don’t let me stop you!” The worker in charge of the photographs said as they waited for Poe and Ranpo to decide on what it was that they wanted to do for the photo. “I get quite a few same-sex couples asking for photos to commemorate their visit, so you’ll receive no judgement from me. I only ask that you make it cute, because it is cute. And brave.”
“Make it cute?” Poe spluttered, cheeks burning red. While he was grateful that this particular staff member wasn’t judgemental in the slightest, unlike the two families that had glared at them on their way to the tunnel, it was still a little embarrassing to have someone speak so forwardly in regards to displays of affection. But unlike Poe, Ranpo seemed unbothered; hell, he seemed more than enthusiastic towards making their photo romantic now and looked to be thinking hard.
Poe merely rolled his eyes and waited. He didn’t mind what kind of pose they did, really, just so long as it wasn’t awkward.
“We can just do something like this, right Poe?” Ranpo asked as he turned towards Poe, and wrapped his arms around his chest, gazing up into his eyes. Poe nodded and allowed his own arms to rest against Ranpo’s waist as he looked down at Ranpo. This was fine, almost perfect even, and he could hear the sound of the camera go off.
And then Ranpo pulled him down and their lips connected.
It wasn’t a long kiss, not like the ones that Ranpo would share with him after a long day at work, or when they were lying in bed together on a weekend, unwilling to start the day but more than willing to kiss each other senseless. But it wasn’t a short kiss either; those were the kisses that Poe was very familiar with, ones that he or Ranpo snuck to each other at passing moments or in lieu of a greeting. They were also his favorite—not that he was choosing a favorite kind of kiss because kissing Ranpo was one of his favorite things to do in general—only because of how Ranpo would blush whenever it was Poe that one that initiated, and that was always adorable to see.
This kiss though? It was something in between. It only lasted maybe seven seconds, maybe even a little longer, but it was long enough for Poe to be able to feel and understand the love that Ranpo held for him, and as he kissed back, he hoped that Ranpo could feel the same. They broke apart, and Poe smiled when he saw the pink that dusted Ranpo’s cheeks, and knew that that same pink resided on his own as well. Poe couldn’t help himself as Ranpo’s eyes looked at him so softly, and pressed a quick kiss to Ranpo’s forehead. “I love you, Ranpo.”
“I know you do.” Ranpo said, still smiling as he stepped away. “I do too.”
And just when Poe didn’t think the moment between them could be broken, it was. “I hate to butt in, but would you like me to print off the photos or put them on a USB for you?” To their credit, the worker looked apologetic as they spoke.
“Print them please, if that’s alright.” Poe said, his eyes not leaving Ranpo’s, even as they followed the worker back to the kiosk to get the photos. “Time to go home?”
“Yeah. Can we go on another date next week?”
“Of course we can, Ranpo. Just remember to eat next time, will you?” “No promises, Poe.”
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mikazuki1709 · 6 months
The one my heart loves | Tatsumayo Fic
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Ship: Tatsumi Kazehaya/Mayoi Ayase, Tatsumayo
Rating: G
Words: 1.909 (ongoing, chapter 1/8)
Tags: Shiratori Aira, Amagi Hiiro, Slow Burn, Coming of Age, Coming Out, Feelings Realization, Internalized Homophobia, Christian Character, Forehead Kisses, POV Alternating, Panic Attacks, Other additional tags to be added
Summary: Mayoi falls sick during a job and Tatsumi takes advantage of the situation to steal a kiss. It sends not only him but both boys into an emotional chaos.
With a hammering heart Tatsumi closed the door of the toilet cabin behind him before he leaned his back against the wall and hid his face behind the palms of his hands. 
What had just happened was bad. Truly bad, and not just for one single reason, and it was entirely his fault. 
Slowly, he allowed his body to slide down along the small space's wall until he ended up in a slumped sitting position on the ground. There was a tumult inside of him and he desperately needed some time for himself, and the bathroom was the first place in the ES building that had come to his mind. It felt very befitting for someone as filthy as him.
"Oh Lord help me." he mumbled in shock. "Make me forget what I just did. Make it undone. Make this feeling that wants to repeat it go away. And please make that he has not noticed it…"
This 'he' Tatsumi was talking about was his unitmate Mayoi who was at that moment lying in the sickbay just down the floor, feverish and hopefully sound asleep. And the misdeed he had committed against said boy was stealing a kiss from him in his weakened and defenceless state.
It had just been a kiss upon his forehead, but still, everything about it was just wrong - horribly wrong. Nevertheless, Tatsumi was intelligent enough to understand that it had just been the probably inevitable culmination of the feelings which had built up within him during the last couple of months and which he had tried to suppress so hard because they had made him feel torn between two worlds - maybe even three. 
As an idol, falling in love was something his contract tried to prevent. Even if it was of course just a beautiful lie, idols were there for their fans, not for a single selected person.
As a modern human being and a healthy young man, falling in love freely felt just natural and was something that should be appreciated.
However, as a firmly believing Christian, falling in love too freely - or in other words falling in love with another man - was fatal.
And unfortunately, that was just what had happened: Tatsumi had fallen in love with Mayoi.
Read the full fic on ao3
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Hello I saw your riddle afab squirt fic your mind doing mayoi ayase?
Hey hey, I don't mind at all. Thank you for requesting!
First time squirting (ft.mayoi)
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Character: Mayoi Ayase
Genre: Smut
Warnings: sub!afab!Mayoi, dom!gn!reader, squirting, vibrator, overstimulation, degradation (mayoi calls himself disgusting), praise kink
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Mayoi squirms under your touch, a spreader bar opening his legs. A vibe taped to his clit buzzed quietly in the room. You sat on the chair in front of the bed, watching him struggle.
Mayoi came three times by now, but to him it felt like it was at least ten orgasms in a row. You clicked on the controller, and the vibe buzzed more intensely. Mayoi's legs trembled, hips stuttering, he tried to close them, but couldn't.
"Pah– Please! I can't anymore!" You shake your head, sitting still. Your goal was to make Mayoi cum so much, he'd pass out. He was being harsh to himself, and you wanted to prove him otherwise.
He came once again, his whole body shook violently. You didn't turn the toy off, keeping it on the same setting, which made Mayoi trash his head on the pillow. His voice cracked, eyes rolled to the back of his sculp, the sheets under him were soaked in his cum.
"Hah, w-wait! Mm, please, turn it off!" You ignore his pleas, setting the vibe to the max. Mayoi's mouth opens in silent cry, hips jumping, as he felt the knot of arousal explode in an unfamiliar feeling. You watched as you boyfriend had his first squirting orgasm, which clearly was a surprise for him, too.
"N-no! Don't look! Don't— Ah, I'm so disgusting! S-sorry, 'm so sorry," Ayase closed his eyes as if you were going to hit him, but you turned the toy off and made your way to the bed. You fingers brushed purple locks out of his eyes, wiping tears away. "It's okay, baby. I'm proud of you, you've done a good job receiving all of this. Let's have some snacks, okay?"
"And a movie?" He looked at you hopefully. You giggled at his adorable expression.
"And a movie."
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chess-writes · 1 year
My Beloved
Tw: Cannibalism, descriptions of cannibalism, multiple descriptions of gore, unhealthy mindsets, slight possessiveness, obsession, murder, blood, neither of them are mentally okay in this, probably ooc.
Note: uhhhhh uh uh also written late at night so possibly bad writing 💀. neither of them are mentally okay and i don't think cannibalism is okay i just wanted to write smth more horror-ish. feedback is appreciated! also the timeline may be messy because they're in school still but also in the dorms and i don't feel like doing research to check if that's right. i'm tired 💔
Summary: Mayoi has shown Niki one of the many secret rooms so he could try new recipes without using up space in his dorm or his workplace. As Mayoi was "checking in" on him, he saw one of the new "recipes" he was making.
The story below has potentially upsetting and disturbing descriptions of cannibalism, stalking, and gore.
Mayoi had heard the rumors that surrounded Niki's family. He had never really cared for such things, as he didn't believe a monster such as himself could judge anyone.
But here he was, in the vents, silently watching the man he had found himself unable to stop thinking about. He had been confused by Niki's behavior towards him, how someone so adorable could somehow be kind towards a monster like him.
So here he was. watching the man that had taken over his thoughts.
And he was eating another human.
Mayoi had shown Niki one of the many hidden rooms in the buildings. Niki had wanted a place to try cooking new foods outside of his workplace and dorm so he wouldn't bother anyone, and Mayoi couldn't help but want to get close in any way to the man he had become obsessed with.
Ah, such a disgusting monster such as him had dared to get close to someone so sweet and precious...
He had felt guilty for weeks for disturbing his precious Shiina-san, even if he had happily thanked him and even promised to cook for him.
He watched Niki pull flesh off of the recently deceased students wrist with his teeth. He hated how such a display didn't disturb him.
In fact... he felt even closer to Niki than ever.
He was filth, but witnessing someone so pure do something so unholy made him feel like perhaps his Shiina-san wasn't so unreachable after all.
Niki seemed happy to keep eating, blood covering his face and hands, and even splattering not just on his clothes, but pooling under the corpse.
Mayoi had seen the student around before. He wasn't anyone important. He wasn't part of a unit, and he was in his first year at the school.
But, even if he wasn't all that well known, everyone would notice if he went missing. And Niki wasn't a very secretive person.
Mayoi felt a horrible chill as he pictured the grey-haired boy getting taken to jail, never to be seen again.
He simply couldn't let someone who was so needlessly kind to a disgusting creature like him face such a thing...! And was it truly that bad for him to eat him?
Shiina-san was always hungry, and his father was also an alleged cannibal... he must not know that it's frowned upon.
Plus, there's overpopulation issues anyways.
Mayoi watched as he continued to devour the body for a few more seconds before finally getting the guts to pop the cover of the vent off and climbing out.
Niki turned towards the noise and was visibly panicking, desperately trying to wipe blood off of his face, but he just smeared it more and more.
"Ah- Mayo-chan! I- I promise! I can explain-! Well... no. I really can't! But-" Niki rambled, looking like he might cry.
Mayoi raised his hands and waved them while shaking his head. "Nngh.., Shiina-san, I'm sorry that filth like me approached you! I promise, I wont snitch...! I'm... I'm here to help!"
Niki went quiet, looking at him. He looked relieved, but still a bit suspicious. "You... you what?"
Mayoi couldn't help but think that Niki looked delightful like that, covered in blood with his attention on him...! Ah, he was so disgusting, liking such a thing...
"Shiina-san... you've been kind to me... I can never repay such a thing in all my life, but i'll do what I can anyways...!" he whimpered, afraid that... afraid of what? That Niki would eat him, too? He had no right to fear such a thing, He should feel honored if someone so sweet wished to consume his disgusting flesh.
"I can help clean up... or even get rid of what you don't eat...!" he looked away from Niki, blushing as his imagination went wild. If Shiina-san agreed, then the two would be permanently bound side by side by a secret that they could never tell...!~
"Mayo-chan..." Niki sounded like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Mayoi was caught off guard when Niki tackled him into a hug, getting blood on him as well. "Uwahh... you're such a nice person, Mayo-chan!"
Mayoi wasn't sure what to do. He was a horrible person, disgusting, an accomplice to murder, and-
He was snapped out of his thoughts by Niki holding his hands and pulling him over to the body and sitting down, tapping the spot next to him, urging Mayoi to do the same. He did so.
Niki happily kept eating, and even handed Mayoi the other arm so they could eat together.
Mayoi felt like he blacked out, because when he was aware of himself again, the student's body was cut up and placed into bags in the fridge, with bones, fat, and any organs that couldn't be prepared were put in a large trash bag.
"Okay... so you'll go get wet rags, cleaner, and new clothes for us both, and then we'll clean up in here, and throw that away?" Niki recited their plan.
Mayoi nodded. He knew how to sneak around, and he could barely feel bad about the serious crime when Shiina-san looked so happy and was holding his hand like that..!~
Mayoi returned with the supplies in another bag. the two of them cleaned up and used hydrogen peroxide so that even a blacklight couldn't reveal the blood. Then they stripped and used the cloths to wipe off any blood before adding those, as well as the bloody clothing, to the trash bag. Then they got dressed in what Mayoi had brought.
The room was spotless, and the two of them looked as innocent as they could.
Mayoi grabbed the bag and double wrapped it in case it ripped and started to walk out, Niki joining him.
Mayoi nearly jumped out of his skin when Niki slipped his hand into Mayoi's empty one. He said nothing, and neither did Mayoi. He could certainly feel his face getting warmer, though.
The two were barely given a second glance, more people being caught off guard by Mayoi being visible or the two holding hands. But, thankfully, the two were left alone.
They didn't go to the dumpster. They looked up any places that had an incinerator and went there. Mayoi was sneaky, it wasn't that hard for him to get in unnoticed.
The two walked back, Mayoi staying quiet, and Niki happily holding his hand and rambling about food.
The student was declared missing, but Mayoi made sure it was never traced back to his precious Shiina-san.
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uravitationalpull · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey & Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey Characters: Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey Additional Tags: CGRE - Caregiver/Age Regressor, Age Regression/De-Aging, Regressing!Maya, Caregiver!Mia, Ghosts, Dead Mia Fey, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Grief/Mourning Series: Part 12 of Ageretober 2023 Summary:
ageretober 2023, day 12: ghost
While Maya had gotten her wish of seeing Mia one last time, and while she finally had the skill to summon her, her death didn’t affect Maya any less.
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