#me : i'm an adult writer i can write whatever i want
archesa · 9 months
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topazadine · 2 months
Remembering Perspective When Writing Descriptions
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Just a short pet peeve of mine, inspired by a shower thought, where I remembered the most terrifying description I'd ever read.
It wasn't bad, or even horror. It was well written.
However. The POV character described his *sister* in a way akin to this (my recreation, not the actual text):
Braden met his sister at the gate. They'd been apart for several years, and in that time, she had truly become a woman. Her curves had filled out, and her red silk dressed strained across her tight figure. Her long black curly hair shone in the late evening light, while her blue eyes watched him intently.
No, this wasn't a brocon thing. The (male) writer was just horny for his female character and ... kinda forgot that his MC, her brother, would not feel the same way.
Now, of course siblings growing up together are going to notice the other one maturing, but it's not going to be ... that. This is how I describe 17-year-old Uileac looking at his little sister, 13-year-old Cerie, in 9 Years Yearning:
She'd shot up in height this past year - almost as tall as him, to his dismay. Whatever they were feeding her in the meronym was quite good for her metabolism, as she'd put on a bit of healthy weight. Her cheeks were losing their baby roundness, and the autumnal light accentuated the sharp intelligence behind her green eyes.
In this description, you can feel Uileac's paternal attitude toward his little sister. "Oh, she's put on a bit of weight and isn't a total twig anymore! I'm glad they're feeding her well. Her face looks more adult. Fuck, she's almost as tall as me now ... I wish I weren't so goddamn short ...."
This is a much more normal way for siblings to talk about each other, if a bit more "dad mode" than the typical older brother.
Siblings who grew up together are not going to say "holy shit I can really tell my sister has become a woman, wow her dress is tight over her curves." If my brother had said that about me while we were kids, I'd throw up and dump a pot of soup over his head.
This kind of thing is generally accidental and has to do with how *you* feel about a character. But the thing is that even the sexiest femme fatale is just going to be Jennifer, The Stupid Annoying Sister, to their sibling. Our brains are literally wired not to see our siblings as sexy if we grew up with them.
There are many other ways that you must take perspective into consideration when writing descriptions. Here are just a few of them.
Sexual attraction/orientation
You're going to focus on different things if you're sexually attracted to someone; namely, you'll focus in on things like breasts, legs, abs, etc. You'll also likely devote more attention to describing people of your particular sexual orientation than you would one that you are not attracted to, and you will focus on different things.
This is part of why we hate "men writing women:" they describe every woman as if they want to fuck them. (See the first example.) It has to do with the places that their gazes naturally linger on any woman, which is what they consider important and what they focus on.
But the thing that they miss is that just because we are sexually attracted to a specific gender does not mean we would want to bang anyone of that gender. I am a lesbian, but the way I would describe my mom or my therapist is vastly different than how I would describe a woman I am actually attracted to.
Romantic interests should get a more sexualized gaze; not exploitative, just more in-depth, and with more focus on their figure, specific details, etc. Everyone else should get a more basic look at eyes, hair color, height, build, and so on.
Feelings about a particular person
You're going to be more forgiving and complimentary toward someone you care about than someone you hate. Things that would be charming on a friend will be downright annoying on that one asshole at work who always throws projects to you at 5pm on a Friday.
A lover's thick eyebrows might be called "dashing" or "strong," while on an enemy, they'd be "overbearing" and "harsh." Your bestie's lisp is cute, while it seems babyish on your school rival. Your dad's meandering sentences give him a sense of harmless musing, but they make someone else look like an idiot.
If you have a character that is prejudiced toward a given group, they are always going to describe that group more harshly than they would a favored group. If they don't like authority figures, a police officer leaning toward them will seem menacing, when they wouldn't even notice it otherwise.
It can be very fun to give two characters similar traits but describe them differently based on the POV character's perspective of them. Readers might not even realize that it's the exact same physical feature!
Previous experiences at a given place
When describing settings, we're going to give more attention to somewhere we care about, like our home. I imagine you can tell me about every chip in the paint in your bedroom, or that one weird stain in the floorboard that you've tried everything to fix. Many times, this is a good time to add depth to the character's backstory by briefly mentioning previous occurrences there.
Would you notice any of those things about a place you're visiting for the first time? Probably not. You'll give a more global attention to the scene and provide impressions, not specifics.
Depending on how nervous or adventurous you are, you'll look for similarities or differences to things that you're accustomed to. You might compare it to other places you have been, trying to get a frame of reference.
If you're on a vacation and were really looking forward to coming to this specific spot, you will likely hone in on exactly what you came to see, whether that's the scene from a particular hilltop or a cafe, and this will get the most description.
Current Mood
Descriptions change with a character's mood, even if they've been in that place a millions times. People just notice different things depending on their mood; if they're happy, they'll look for things that support that mood, while if they're upset, they're pointing out the negatives.
For example, consider someone walking into a court room when they are on trial versus when they are there as a simple court reporter. The person on trial is probably going to be glancing longingly at the door, picking out the angry faces of observers (or assuming the observers are angry), focusing attention on the security guards, staring at the plaintiff with hate in their eyes.
The court reporter will likely pick out anyone they know in the room before looking at anything else. Then, they'll check out the defendant and plaintiff with idle curiosity. Since they are more familiar with the room, they'll gloss over the boring details that they have already seen a million times, giving them only a cursory once-over to see if anything has changed.
Current Need
Your character's objectives need to taken into consideration as well. As an example, remember the last time that you really needed to pee while you were out. Were you slowly and casually admiring the scenery? No! You were hunting for the bathroom. If literally anything registered for you, it was anything that looked vaguely bathroom-sign-shaped. Everything around that bathroom sign, and on your path toward the bathroom, got more attention and description to you than anything else.
Your character's interests
When describing a scene, you don't need to take time and define every single little thing in a character's path. It's annoying and overwhelming. You need to give us a basic overview (it's a forest, it's a grocery store, it's an abbatoir) and then hone in on the specific details that your character finds interesting in order to fill out the entire scene.
We, as people, focus on things we care about, things that we feel are relevant to us. Different people will notice completely different things when they walk into the same room. An animal trainer will appreciate a big pet bed and an ergonomic food bowl. An artist will admire the artwork on the walls. A computer nerd is going to roll their eyes at the scuffed-up Mac laptop.
This doesn't mean that you can't describe other things, too; it just means that your character's attention is going to be drawn to stuff that they, in particular, like or dislike.
Things like where a character's gaze lands, how they describe things, and how much detail they give to any particular element are an important part of secondary characterization: how we get to know a character beyond what they do or tell us. It helps to create a fuller picture of their relationships, their interests, and their thought process, and it deserves just as much attention as actions and dialogue.
If you enjoyed reading this, perhaps you'll consider purchasing my book, 9 Years Yearning. No weird sibling vibes I prommie
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Tips for younger Bucktommy fic writers who're looking to write an accurate characterization, especially when it comes to Tommy (and this post is also for the people who think everything goes too fast with no build-up between Buck and Tommy):
Dating when you're in your 30s and 40s is very different. When you meet a decent person you're attracted to and with whom things go (very) well the first few times you meet, things can go very fast in a very simple way. You know yourself better and you know others better too. So the dating phase can be very short and things can move on to being a real couple and moving together quite fast (if that's what both want). Also, things go even faster when it comes to queer people. In short: less bullshit, more straight to the point.
Love != passion. Of course, it's a generalization but the "passionate" phase of the relationship doesn't last as long as when you're younger. The passion is still there but it's not burning hot, explosive, in the face of the world, "look at us how we loooooove each other", it's more tender. You can have a passionate relationship but it doesn't show the same way as when you're 20. Passion becomes like a slow cooked dish with rich and deep flavors, instead of the rush of an energy drink and 5 coffees in your 20s. Also, it doesn't mean Buck and Tommy can't fuck nasty.
We care less, about a lot of things. Again, it's a generalization and I'm also writing this with what we know about Tommy and Buck. Unless Tommy is hiding his game very well, his personality is pretty clear to me. Look at the date. It was a failure for Tommy, as a gay man who fought his own demons, and others, for years. Yet, he decided to be kind about it. Because in the end, it's not the end of the world. It hurts, sure, but that wouldn't be the first time and he didn't make it only about him. It was also about Buck not being ready. The coffee date was also a good scene. Tommy is almost nonchalant, open. I'm borrowing Ryan's words when he said "whatever happens happens". Tommy went through enough shit to not give this situation the drama that can be easily avoided. And it paid off.
Pouting, sulking, active display of real jealousy, acting like a child (and I insist on the "like a child" because adult can sulk, obviously) = NOT CUTE. AT ALL. I get that the infantilization of adults is very common in fandoms so younger people can relate, and because fic writers often write older characters with younger people in mind as references. But it's not a thing in real life, and when it happens, it's not "normal behavior". Of course they can sulk and pout, but not the same way as a young person would. It's a lot more subtle. Also, in the case of Tommy, he's been shown being very good at communicating what he wants and doesn't want. Buck will dance around the matter more, his frustration would probably show with him being agitated or anxious, being reckless too, because he's just like that, but not Tommy. Make them talk about their issues, even if they go through a period of frustration and miscommunication. Tommy should be the kind of man who will encourage Buck to grow and be better at sorting and understanding his feelings in a mature way but without treating him as a child.
Again, all this could help for an accurate characterization. Anyone is free to write the characters the way they want, go full OOC if you want, it's your fic. This post is just giving some tips!
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skyesdaisys · 7 months
Hi! Love your work, could you write a dick Grayson fanfic abt him and a quiet female reader warming up to each other (set between season 1 and 2)?
yes, of course!!!! god, i've wanted to write for titans on here so bad i just didn't have the inspo so thank you<333
talk to him
titans dick grayson x fem!reader
sunmary: you weren't exactly much of a people person. especially since you were 1 of 2 adults living in a huge tower in san francisco, watching over 3 kids you don't really talk to outside of training. and the only other adult being closed off so who knows what'll happen when he decides to talk to you out of no where
cw: not much, there's just some fluff with a teaspoon of angst because of communication issues (they both suck at small talk and beyond)
a/n: idc what anyone says about this show, it's given me so much comfort and a lot of fun and likable characters. so i'm so glad i can write for them as long as you guys send requests for them. as well as other characters from other shows like yellowjackets and etc. also i love dick grayson, even though he can be a bit annoying in this show (that i can admit) but he's hot so ajsjfndmfmf. also, i'm sorry it took sooooo long, writers block got to me badly these past few months, so i apologize if it's cringey and awkward. but i do give the benefit the doubt here because this story is suppose to be like that (also the fact i'm projecting my "bad at small talk" trait here). two grown adults that can't seem to have a normal conversation, like at all
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after the trigon incident you were dragged in by circumstance, you were the only other adult to volunteer to help dick with... whatever he was doing. you didn't have any life to go back to anyways, and you made a connection to everyone else so why part ways and it be unlikely to see them again. sure, you weren't particularly close with the kids, but, what are you supposed to do in order to bond with them? so that left dick in titans tower, but he wasn't as much of a talker as you outside of training.
everyday for the past few weeks have been, eat, train, sleep, repeat on a loop, no 'how was your day' questions, because the days are always the same so there wasn't any point of asking. and you could tell the kids were getting bored of it, very fast, and you could not blame them. being stuck in a repeating pattern with nothing else happening started getting old after the first couple weeks. so, you didn't really know how long it would take til something changed, it couldn't be like this forever.
during this time, you admired the grayson from afar, he was attractive, what else could you say? you weren't an idiot. and you also were aware of his previous entanglements with kory and you didn't wanna be involved in that. and, well... you felt like a teenage girl having a crush on a guy who was going through some shit, so it was better not to bother him.
and not being much of a talker doesn't make the conversation about feelings be any better. like, maybe this was attraction and nothing more? you were aware of the difference between liking someone physically and liking them emotionally (specifically in a romantic sense). but even as you admired him, you learn things about him, paying attention to the little things. deep down, he cared for other people, if he didn't, he wouldn't have taken rachel in and helped her, and he wouldn't have done the same for gar or jason either. people just have their own way of showing their love and care.
but your admiring wasn't exactly subtle. rachel had noticed it when you were looking at dick from across the room, talking with jason. the roth wasn't sugarcoating anything when it came to this, "you keep staring, you're probably gonna be capable of shooting lazers from your eyes." and you knew she was joking around but she caught you by surprise, making you face the young girl. "why is it any of your business?"
"because it's kind of sad seeing you pine for him like this." she points out, "and also, gar and jason made a bet whether or not you'd confess. we have eyes, you know?" and she lightly bumped your shoulder with hers with a smile on her face, "and i'm sure dick feels the same way, though he's not very good of showing it."
"that is ridiculous." you shake your head, "one, i don't like him. not like that. i just think he's cool."
"are you sure about that?" the roth rose her eyebrow, "talk to him." but you were not moving from where you were so rachel decided to take matters into her own hands, she then gave you a push (a literal one) towards him, and now you couldn't run away. all you could say was, "hey..."
"hey." he responded. jason just stood there awkwardly in between the two of you, "okay, well uh—" he pretends to look at a watch that's not even on his wrist, "look at the time, i must be going." and he had immediately ran out of there before dick tried to stop him. there was an silent pause and you were trying to figure out what to say, but before you could, he asks, "do you want some coffee?" all you did was nod. after that, there was even more silence, you two haven't had a conversation that wasn't training related in like, a while. it just felt like you were both strangers who didn't know each other nor were you fond of one another.
"you're just as bad at small talk as i am, huh?" you finally had spoken up. and dick just shook his head, "i don't know what you're talking about, i know how to make small talk."
"oh really?" you rose up your eyebrow, "okay mr. 'i know how to make small talk', what do you wanna talk about? and please, don't let it be training related. because if i have to hear you talk about that one more time, my head is gonna explode." you tried to look irritated, but he could notice a small smile on your face. then he immediately went into the 'deep, emotional' stuff, "you never told me why you came here. you just did, and i'm surprised you stuck around as long as you have."
you answered it anyway, because why not, "well, it's not like i have anywhere else to go." you set down your drink, making direct eye contact at him, "besides, the second i got here, and realized how big this place is and i have my own room... what, did you expect me to pass it up?" and you ended up making him laugh, which was surprising, "what is so funny, i'm just being honest." you were unsure why he was laughing, so you just took a sip of your coffee. he explained, "your honesty is refreshing, that's all."
"really?" and he nodded as a reply. you just sighed, taking your coffee and leaving. it's not like you had anything else to talk about and just sitting there would make it more awkward, so you just left. does it make it any less weird? absolutely not.
you guys didn't talk much after in the next few days, up until you decided to play hero on solo when you see a woman getting mugged by this guy in a mask. it was like one of the many movie cliches that you see brought into reality.
too bad it didn't turn out like expected, where you got shot in the leg. thankfully, the kids were able to track you down and bring you to the infirmary, gar was trying his best to patch you up and rachel was there for emotional support. as for jason... there wasn't much else he can do than just stand watch, up until dick had walked in with a worried expression, and the three teens immediately rushed out of there as soon as he walked in the room. you could've left if you wanted too but, obviously you couldn't.
"jesus fuck, you could've gotten yourself killed, what were you thinking?" all of his emotions were being let out in that moment, it was the most emotion you've seen him express towards you in like... ever. yet you couldn't help but be a bit sarcastic, "yeah, keep yelling... it's not like i'm literally a few feet away from you or whatever."
dick sat on the edge of the bed and started to explain, "sorry, it's just... when i heard what happened, i didn't know how to feel, or express it correctly." he gently set his hand on your injured leg, softly, "just if anything happened to you, i—"
"i'm tougher than you think, grayson." you reassured him, and you noticed a tiny smile creeping up on his face.
"i know it's just... i don't wanna lose anyone else."
you lean up a bit to set your hand on his shoulder, "i'm not going anywhere, dick." you then stopped for a second as you come to realize, "and we just had a conversation that didn't involve small talk. maybe i should get myself hurt more often." you were obviously joking at that last part, but dick's reaction to it was priceless, "i'm kidding. you are just... not what i expected."
"the feeling is mutual."
a part of you wanted to kiss him, that it felt right, but another part was saying how the timing of it all wasn't. and maybe these feelings you're having are actually real. because now, there was something in your heart that was growing that wasn't just admiration, and it felt weird, but a good weird.
maybe when the timing is right, they'll get to it, but until then, your growing friendship in the moment is enough for now.
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factsilike · 4 months
I've seen so many takes about this so here's mine;
Stella is an abuser, a horrible wife and an equally horrible mother. That's all she is. She is not complex, she is not meant to be sympathised with, her role in the story is to be an antagonist to the main characters, because that's the way she was written. And it's not bad writing, like people claim it is.
If you don't like that and want that to change, well that's literally what fanfiction is for! Write your own fix it, your own version of her character where she's morally grey or complex or whatever, but don't jump to saying that she is badly written or that Vizie is a bad writer for no reason. Because all that seems to show is that she is not written the way you wanted her to be written, or a story you wanted to see. Write your own, then!
Because you can say that she was forced into this marriage as well or that she was cheated on so she has a right to feel aggrieved about that, and you would be right. Sure, as a child she could be sullen and miserable about this marriage and no one could blame her, but as an adult you become responsible for your actions, and you cannot continue to be bitter and take out your anger out on your partner for no reason. Because that quickly turns into abuse. Her poisonous nature had no base in the early stages of their relationship. Neither are we shown any care from her for her only daughter.
And from what we saw of her childhood picture, she seemed to be deeply unpleasant as a child anyway, so it's probably in her nature. I'd give her a pass as a child, but she didn't shed that behaviour as she grew up, or work on it to become better, so.
And of course Stolas was forced into this marriage as well, yet he, as is shown multiple times in the show, tries to make it work, was never actively malicious to her as she is and endured her abuse silently for so long, at least a decade or two. Honestly I think he does not get enough credit for that, because that takes some strength and resilience. And how utterly depressed he is all the time, because that is the result of those twenty long miserable years. He also clearly adores his daughter, who cannot for some reason see that which really frustrates me, but that is another post.
And as for the cheating-
If you watch carefully you'll notice that Stella wasn't really bothered by Stolas bedding someone else, so much as that someone else was an imp. She was more angered by that fact, that her husband had an affair with an imp, the lowest of the low classes in hell, because clearly she was classist, just like Stolas' father. She felt that it was a huge blow to her ego and reputation that her husband would rather be with an imp than her. So I would say that again, her anger was not really justified on that end.
Sometimes antagonists are meant to be just that. We are not given any reasons to sympathise with them, so we seem to make up reasons, because of course that horrible character must have good reason to be that horrible, right? It makes no sense otherwise!
This post is a result of me being really tired of people going with surface level analysis about villains and antagonists, like "she's Complex!!" or "He's soooo misunderstood and I'm the only one who truly understands him 😤" and "he's sooo tragic 🥺" like please. Look a little deeper and past what you want to see, I beg you.
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askthestans · 4 months
Are any of you older than each other like by 7 minutes or something
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Stanley: Oh boy, here we go. Anon, I'll give ya one piece of advice when it comes to dealin' with my brother Ford: do not - and I repeat - do NOT remind 'im of anything he's either good at or proud of. Your ears will thank me.
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Stanford: I'll translate that for you. He means to say, "I'm the younger twin, and I'm incredibly insecure about it.". There.
Stanley: Pfft, like a few minutes means anything!
All of the sudden, Dipper and Mabel walk into the room, looking quite bored. They see Ford and Stan having an argument and they both get sly smirks.
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Mabel: Grunkle fight?
Dipper: Grunkle fight.
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Stanley: Kids, that's not gonna work. I'm not gettin' into a fight with Sixer here just for your entertainment. Besides, I'm right: a few minutes doesn't matter. And even if it did, me and Ford are past fighting over petty crap now, because we're mature adults.
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Dipper and Mabel give each other a skeptical look.
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Stanford: Stan's right, kids. We might have fought in the past, but no longer. Our bond's been strengthened over a year of traveling together on the Stan-O-War II, and nothing - absolutely nothing - can make Stan and I turn against each other.
Soos walks in the room.
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Soos: Do my eyes deceive me? Is another Grunkle fight upon us, and will it serve as good canon material to inspire more of my Stanfiction? Not gonna lie, the canon material's been kinda lacking these days. It's almost like the writers have forgotten about us!
Stanley: No! No Grunkle fights! And I thought I told ya to quit writin' Stanfiction or whatever about me or my brother! Stanford: Nonsense. He puts his hand on Soos' shoulder. Soos, I encourage you to follow your dreams. Write all the Stanfiction your heart desires. Stanley: You're only sayin' that 'cause Soos always makes you the hero!
Soos: It's okay, Stan. Ford may be the hero of my Stanfiction... His voice turns into a whisper and he tenderly pets Stan's hand. But you're the hero of my heart.
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Stanley: He rips his hand out of Soos'. Yeesh, I take it back! Write about Ford all ya want! Just keep me out of it. He sighs. Anyways, the point is, is me and Ford are not gonna fight. We never fight anymore!
Soos, Dipper, and Mabel look at each other. It's a mix of a knowing skepticism, a smirk, and a glance that almost seems as if an agreement made in secret is being referenced. For some reason, Soos just smiles, then runs off to the kitchen, where the sound of popping popcorn can be heard down the hall for no reason in particular.
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Dipper: Oh, right, right. Of course. We all know you guys are over that fighting stuff. I mean, you're the oldest ones here! Surely neither of you would ever get into a fight so petty that you turn the whole Shack into a warzone over something as dumb as whether or not who was born first matters. He glances over at his sister. Right, Mabel? They're responsible, mature adults, our Grunkles?
Mabel: Totally! Definitely! The most responsible adults the world has ever seen! Although... that argument you and me had the other day... nah! Never mind. I shouldn't bring it up.
Dipper: Oh, the one over... Dipper pauses, as if he's just making something up. Right, the one about whether Ford or Stan is the more fun Grunkle. Yep. A real snoozefest, that argument was. It was obvious what the answer is, anyways.
Stan and Ford glance at each other, suspicious, as if testing the waters to see if the other will start arguing about it.
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Stanford: We're both equally fun, kids. And that's all I'll say about it.
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Stanley: Exactly! Equally fun. His grin widens. Even if Ford's summer fun ideas involve more dangerous explosions and injuries and strange chemical smells than a World War I trench.
Stanford: Yes... His smile fades a bit and shoots Stan a major case of stink-eye. And even if Stan's summer fun ideas are as entertaining as a nursing home activity schedule, yet still somehow end up with us in jail 50% of the time.
Stanley: He pauses, his grin fading as well. Well, we can't all be interdimensional criminals like Ford here! I'm just tryin' to take after my older by only seven pointless minutes brother. Imagine havin' a whole Multiverse hate ya, and not just Earth!
Stanford: Well, for your information, what you call 'explosions and injuries and strange chemical smells' is something you wouldn't grasp in a million years: science. Some of us need to actually contribute to society, you know.
Stanley: Yeah? And some of us need to look up the definition of 'rational' and 'safe' in the dictionary, because apparently you can't tell the difference between a biohazard symbol and a welcome sign! ~
Three hours later, Soos, Mabel, Dipper, and now Wendy are on the front lawn of the Shack, sitting in comfy lawn chairs and inhaling popcorn and Pitt Soda like their lives depend on it. Mabel's knitting another 'Stanwich' sweater, Dipper's got his arms behind his head and is smirking, Wendy is recording, and Soos is writing Stanfiction on a laptop.
Stan and Ford are on the lawn in front of them, wrestling.
Stanford: I'm the more mature adult here!
Stanley: More mature? The only thing more 'mature' about you is seven stupid minutes and your ridiculous fashion sense! AKA, none!
Stanford: Trench coats and turtlenecks are stylish and classy, two words you don't know the definition of! At least I don't spend half the day in boxers!
Stanley: Yeah, that's 'cause I don't need to wear tight pants all day to hide a giant stick up my ass, unlike some people!
Soos: Tapping away at his Stanfiction. The Muses... they sing to me!
Wendy: Um... how long do these Grunkle fights usually last, anyways?
Dipper: Shrugs. Eh, anywhere from two hours to three days, on average.
Mabel brings out a scrapbook, showing a Grunkle fight prior. The pictures seem to indicate a squabble that involved the furniture turned over into cover to hide behind, a Stan and Ford with eyes more sleepless than usual and stubble that looked like it hadn't been shaved in days, a fist fight with oven mitts, and nearly the whole town watching at one point as Stan chased Ford down a street, both in Disney princess dresses, with a spoon and a goat in Stan's hands and Ford flipping a double middle finger behind him at Stan. Mabel: The world record is one week! Too bad you weren't there for Grunklegeddon, Wendy.
Wendy: Her eye twitches upon seeing the photos of Grunklegeddon. And what are the chances this one will turn into something just as bad or worse?
Dipper: Depends. Usually, we know it's gonna be at least four days if Ford brings up the meatloaf argument.
Wendy: Meatloaf?
Just then, Ford and Stan still wrestling on the lawn, Ford brings up said meatloaf argument. Something about their time on the Stan-O-War II, Ford making his favorite meatloaf recipe every Friday night, and a pack of mermaids always following soon after, asking if they had any more 'meat tasties' that the 'old man clone that smelled like cigars and regret' dumped overboard every Friday night right around dinnertime.
Stanford: You could have just told me you didn't like it!
Stanley: Newsflash, Poindexter, no one would like a meatloaf made of eel and gorgon meat!
Stanford: Come on, I spent thirty years in the Multiverse and ate way worse than that, and you couldn't handle a little eel and gorgon!? So what if it had some snake heads in it!? Besides, scientifically, gorgon and eel is much healthier for you than beef, and you did lose some weight, remember?
Stanley: Because I kept dumpin' that freaky slop in the ocean!
Soos, Dipper, and Mabel look at each other, excited. Wendy just looks concerned for a moment as Stan and Ford keep fighting, then shrugs and smiles, leaning back and watching the festivities commence.
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tragedycoded · 2 months
blog 2.0
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Hello, welcome to @fortunatetragedy's post-ADHD meltdown blog.
For those who weren't following me before, I am an almost-40 previously-published author who uses Tumblr to shitpost and connect with other writers.
I write horror. Adult. Mostly Weird Western. I'll be referring a lot to Doom Metal Love Story, which is a Weird Western horror romance. You can read the first of three parts on AO3 (link below). It will be independently published starting in 2025. I am coding it in Twine as an interactive fiction (IF) novel FOR SCIENCE.
The Schedule (ish)
Monday: publish/talk about Doom Metal Love Story Wednesday: annoy the squad with tag games Friday: publish A Living Machine (or forget to publish ALM and scramble to do it over the weekend)
Rest of the time it's vibes.
I'm working on a Weird Western horror romance at the same time as... whatever A Living Machine is. You're going to encounter some things you might not want to encounter on this blog. Blacklist the following hashtags if you're particularly against:
#dmls-spoilers: this will keep most major spoilers for Book 1 as well as all Book 2 & 3 details off your dashboard.
#dmlsposting is usually spoiler-free; it's me rambling about DMLS. If you're trying to avoid any spoilers bc you haven't read Book 1 yet, I would recommend blacklisting this one as well.
#wip: a living machine: this will keep ANYTHING about ALM, to include shitposts about Khalid's Mad Science, mostly contained.
sometimes I reblog #body horror or #horror art; I do not tag pregnancy (to include mpreg) as body horror, so if you don't want to take your chances:
#DMLS core or #ALM core are my aesthetic tags. sometimes intense horror imagery ends up in the first tag and transgressive imagery ends up in the latter. soz.
I do trigger warn against the major ones (death, blood, gore, etc.) and I put spicy content under a cut, but if I'm not being explicit, sometimes pregnancy, sex, and/or violence make it through without a tag. My bad, y'all. Blacklist the WIP tag you don't want to see that shit in and you should be fine.
Fandom Nonsense
You will see me reposting fanart and media from the following most frequently:
Pathologic Classic HD/Pathologic 2
Fear & Hunger/F&H Termina
Slay the Princess
my mutuals' work (I'm a simp, soz.)
What else...
Yes to tag games.
Yes to unsolicited asks.
Yes to WIP exchange requests. I'm more likely to agree if we're genre-adjacent (horror or Weird Western); I am a hard sell on high fantasy, historical fiction, or mystery/thriller.
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dduane · 1 year
Having recently moved i was organizing my books and had to look up the order of your wizards series and found out the book after i stopped reading was Wizard of Mars. Which saddened me a bit because i love space stuff and had missed that and now around 2 decades I'm wondering how hard it would be to get into it. Still, I'm gonna hold on to these books and give them to my niece in a few years when she's around the right age, I'm sure she'll like them
I think I can safely say that no matter how much older you've gotten after finishing Wizards at War, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting into A Wizard of Mars. (Not least because I went to a lot of trouble to make sure the science was current, while also knowing more and better data would be coming along fairly soon, and not wanting what was going on in the book to get dated.)
The YW books are broadly classified by their publisher as "middle-grade", sure... as the lower recommended age to come at them. But I don't think there's an upper one. Don't forget that the writer's an adult in her late middle age, and while (naturally) working to keep the work accessible for younger readers, she writes first and foremost to amuse and engage herself. This position sometimes shocks people when they hear it. But a book that won't keep me interested isn't one I'd inflict on anyone else, no matter how old or young they are.
Whatever age you start reading these books, after (more or less) your young teens, is the "right age." I do hope your niece will enjoy them. But I'm pretty sure the newer ones will have something for you too.
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asston69 · 3 months
I think im gonna TRY and write a small quick fanfic on thomas hewitt. Now before I writs this I was a wattpad fanfic writer and I said some cringe ahh stuff. So you might read some on here😞😞
Warnings: Reader doesn't live, death, violence, a lot of blood talk, gore, cursing, (if I missed anything else just tell me<3)
Your Heart Is Mine
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It was a hot texas morning. You and your family are going on a road trip, even though you're an adult, you were still forced to do this.nyou sat next to your sister, who was one year younger then you.
Your father had the radio up high. "Isn't this good music? Way better then your shit!" He says trying to sound funny but it wasn't. Your mother laughs.
Suddenly your father looks down at the gas thingy (I forgot what it was called.) "Shit!" He says turning off the radio. "What is it?" Your mother says in a southern accent. "Were almost out of gas." He says looking around for a nearby gas station.
He starts to starts to drive around eventually finding a gas station. He pulls up next to it. "You know what, kids." he says looking at you and your sister. "You kids go walk around, we have a long drive when we get out of here" he says smiling softly. "Okay then, what time you want back?" You ask looking at your watch clock. "I thinking maybe 10 to 20 minutes maybe, it depends." Your dad answers.
"Ok then" you say getting out of the car along with your sister. Today she was wearing a long sun dress that flowed softly along the wind while your wore (whatever you want to). "Damn it hot out here" you say to your sister. "No shit! It's texas" she says sarcasticly. "Need to use the restroom?" Your sister asks. "Auctually, yeah, I do." You say. She nods. "I'll be back" you say walking into the gas station. I see a woman at the counter. "Hello mam. How are you today?" You ask with a smile. " Oh I'm just fine. So what you need?" She asks with a smile. "Oh that's good, well where is your bathroom?" You ask.
"Well down that hall Is where the bathroom is" she says with a grin then a smile. "Thank you" you say walking towards that door. Every single step you take makes a creak noise. You were down at the hallway. You sigh softly as you open the door. It was completely darkness. As you step someone grabs you and takes you into the dark. The last vision you see is a man smacking you with a hammer.
You started to open your eyes, blood was dripping onto of the dried blood layering it. You were tied down to a chair. You look around to see the same woman from earlier, from the gas station. Then you saw a person in an officer uniform.
Suddenly one of then yelled out "Thomas! Get your ass in here!" He yells. Suddenly you hear someone walking in the room. It the same man from earlier.
You were so confused and scared. "W- what's going on..?" You say fearfully. "Oh honey, nothing is gonna happen to you yet" the old woman came close to you and petted your (whatever color) hair. You felt drips of blood on your shoulder. You look up to see your mother hunger up on the wall. You scream put in terror. "What did you do?!" You scream out to the man who was inparently named thomas. You cried as you look down, at the table. "Oh my god.." You cry.
The whole family said grace while you cried knowing that your whole family was dead probably, and your probably next as well.
Then the family sat down and ate. It was filled with silence besides from all the crying. A few minutes later the woman comes over to you and tries to feed you the soup. "Come on, eat it." She says holding the spoon filled with broth and the suspicious meat. You finally gave in. You open your mouth and she feeds it to you. You chew up the meat, it didn't taste good at all.. she hold up the spoon again. "N- no.." You say.
"Please. Eat it." She says glaring at her. "You know.. if you untie me and I can sit here and eat it.. I'll finish it." You say. "Darling, you'll just leave." She says. "I won't. I love it here, I want to stay here for my whole entire life. " You definitely made it sound suspicious but she allowed it. Thomas stood up and standed right behind you chair.
You began to ate it. It tasted horrible but you needed to prove your innocence. You sat there and ate it. Not to long after you were done, you took a swig of your water that was given to you. The old woman smiles. "Take her tommy" she says. You suddenly got lifted up. You scream. "FUCK!" You cry out as you got held downstairs. You were then chain down on the table. "Please dont!" You cry.
He had to do this. Even though he didn't want to he did it for his mama. He couldn't deny her, she was always right no matter what. "Thomas don't do this! I love you so much!" You say to try and not get killed. As he was about to grab his chainsaw he stopped. He was surprised. Instead of the chainsaw, he grabs a knife. He then cuts you open, around your chest. You were screaming crying trying to kick and fight but I was no help. He then cuts out your heart which was covered in blood. And you were dead for sure. You were laying down lifeless. He had your heart in his hand It was as big as his hands. He admired your heart. He sets it down gently and he grabs a glass box and he sets it in there safely.
He looks at your heart, so lovingly and then he looks back at you. In his mind he says to himself "you're heart mine."
Sorry if this was bad lol😭😭
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Daniel Ricciardo x Male reader
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First fic in like a year, damn, sorry for the wait. All my interest has probably changed by now but I will still write for the previous fandoms that I liked (ex. Moon knight). I just gained an interest in F1 recently so I might write more F1 fics for the tome being considering I don't really see many f1 x male reader fics out there. Hope you enjoy!
Dan's Pov
"Uhm yea, me and my husband have this thing, where we ask each other permissions over stupid things that we know the other won't mind us doing"
I told lando as he asked why I wanted to ask my husband permission on whether I can go hang out with them or not.
"YOU HAVE A HUSBAND??" Lando asked surprised with a smile on his face.
"You didn't know? We've been together for like 9 years already and you just found out now? Wow, you never fail to surprise me each day we're together, Lando." I say with a big smile on my face.
"Thanks? Anyway, I wanna hear his reaction now. Come on, call him do your things."
"Fine, fine just relax." I say as I pull out my phone from my pocket, unlocking it and scrolling thru my contacts looking for his name.
"You saved him as 'love of my life' with three hearts? Talk about cheesy." Lando says rolling his eyes.
"Mind ya business, now shush it's ringing." I say as I hear him pick up the phone.
"What do you want?" We hear y/n say as I put him on speaker so Lando can also hear.
"Talk about moody, I just wanted to ask you if I could hangout with the boys this afternoon, we're planning on just chilling in Max's room and just maybe watch so-"
"Mate, I don't a shit, you just disturbed my sleep for that? You know you're an adult and are allowed to do whatever you want, right?"
"But I wanted to ask for your permission fiiiirst." I say drawing out the last word to annoy him further.
"Yes, you can, sometimes I wonder why I even married you in the first place."
"It's cause you loooove me."
"Piss off, I'm going back to sleep, if you call me again when you could just leave a message, you'll sleep on the couch."
"You know you need my cuddles to sleep." I say smiling wider when I see Lando giggling beside me.
"I hate that you're right, anyway, see you tonight love you. Bye Lando." We hear Y/n say the last part after a brief pause before hanging up.
"How'd he know I was with you?" Lando asked perplexed.
"He's my husband, he knows everything." I say with a laugh, while walking out of the motor home and putting my phone back in my pocket and grabbing my cap off the table.
"Wait, how long have you two been out??" I hear Lando shout after me with confusion in his voice.
"Give or take, 6 years." I say as I stopped to look at him and give him a cheeky wink.
"AND I'VE ONLY FOUND OUT TODAY THAT YOU HAD A HUSBAND???" Lando shouts as I laugh while walking away.
"You didn't know about his husband? Everyone knows about them, the whole paddock knows about them." I hear Max say with a laugh before I'm out of ear shot.
That's all for now, I'm still trying to get back into that writer mindset ya kna. Hope you enjoyed, if you didn't idk have a good life ig. Peace ✌️
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damnation-if · 1 year
I just want to say, as a certified monster fucker, I'm already in love with your story hahaaa <3 I'm glad we're getting more adult stories and the themes in this one are so intriguing, can't wait for the rest ! Alsooo, I really liked the way you describe things? I do not know how to explain it haha but I could easily visualize what was happening and the general atmosphere you're going for and I thought that was neat :^)
thank you so much for your kind words!! i truly appreciate them and i'm so glad the descriptions were to your liking! i have at least some level of aphantasia, so i'm always worried that i'm not describing things enough haha... glad that doesn't seem to be the case!
i was actually talking to my friends just yesterday about how there's relatively few Creacher-y ROs around... so for whatever reason, i guess because it's on my mind, i thought i'd take a bit of time/space here to mention all of the Monsterfucker Approved (TM) ROs that i could come up with, in case anyone else might be interested. this list isn't meant to be exhaustive (in case i miss anyone) as sadly i am yet to become all-seeing and all-knowing 😔
Creacher (Alien)
Rhaxa and Imxa from Project Hadea by my beloved @nyehilismwriting. spikey, scaley, bitey, etc. 👌i also love and appreciate the attention to detail put into worldbuilding for the different ways their species communicates and thinks and so on, showing the culture gaps between them and humans. quality buggies!
Creacher (Eldritch)
Roach from The Passenger... the mc is also an eldritch creacher in this one, which may add or subtract to the enjoyment for various different people lol
Sysba from Attollo; i also think this game in general is pretty monster friendly, with a bunch of monstrous side characters and so forth. the cool kind of neo-gothic vibes give it a feeling a bit akin to a cyberpunk Penny Dreadful... it's about as Monsterfucker as cyberpunk gets i think!
Beacon from Stygian: The Abyssal Lighthouse by my good friend @salty-stories. this one is probably the most Lovecraftian of the eldritch creachers i think, heavy Call of Cthulhu vibes. it's still in progress but i'm personally willing to wait haha
Creacher (Parahuman)
Lorelei and The Other from The Golden Harp; pirates and sirens and mermaids, oh my!
Danny and Isla from When It Hungers by the wonderful @roast-ifs ... the game is still on hiatus but it still lives rent-free in my head always... the monster mcs are So *chef's kiss*
Oisein from The Nameless; due to the sheevra mc there's a Lot of really cool exploration of the boundaries of humanity and stuff like that... we love a "nonhumans shouldn't be able to feel/do this" story... we love it a Normal amount for sure.
Creacher (Indefinable)
Trace from Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs; an iconique creacher... the game itself also has excellent kind of Appalachian gothic/supernatural vibes and a dark undercurrent of Lurking Monster Foreboding.
Games with Applicably Creacher-esque Vibes
Virtue's End by my beloved friend dani... the ROs might be human, but the mc most certainly is not<3 dark fantasy and sumptuous Monster vibes, what more can you ask?
anything by the extremely talented @thirtybythirty (links to their games in their pinned post). everything they write has a compelling undercurrent of... eldritch existentialism. perhaps the creacher is in fact the Narrative... or maybe the humans were the creachers all along...
the fabulous OFNA: Birds of a Feather - it has the perfect combination of things Not Quite Human and Not Quite Right to create a rich and ominous atmosphere, well-worth playing even though everyone is Technically human lmfao
anyway sorry for rambling on and i'm sure there's a bunch i have missed but. i do feel like it's worth giving praise where it's due for games and writers that we appreciate! thank you again for your kind message (and for giving me a chance to talk about this a bit lol)
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leoneliterary · 1 month
i love how you write SO MUCH, youve inspired me in so many ways, and one of the mcs i made for your game has turned into a personal oc who i love DEARLY. do you have any writing tips, specifically on description? i love how you describe things and show not only emotion and actions, but the WORLD AND HISTORY of hashind itself! its all so amazing and im just RLLY eager to see if u have any tips i could use to improve my own writing
Aww thank you so much! This is so kind, and I don't feel like I'm equipped to give anyone advice, but here goes nothing!!
First, don't focus too much on emulating another writer's style. Some people prefer their descriptions short and punchy, others like them long and flowery. You can like to read all of them, but prefer to write in one specifically.
As for how I write my descriptions of settings, I lead with the sensations. If it's sunny, I think about the warmth that you feel on your skin, how the sun heats the rocks under your feet. Then I try to tie that with mood. The beginning of HAT is dreary and has an air of hopelessness, so the heat needed to feel stifling, dire, and oppressive. When the MC is an adult, Cusmo feels less large and looming and your character has more mastery of it, so I try to describe things as if the character is used to them, with minimal discomfort.
Writing world and history ties into worldbuilding. There are plenty of resources for how to do it online, but nothing beats actually doig it. Draw on real history or geography (always with respect and sensitivity of course) but also rely on your imagination. Some people create a world aound their characters, while others think of what characters and stories would inhabit the world they've created. You have to explore that for yourself.
Ask yourself if your characters are outsiders to the world or actively live in it. The MC in HAT knows Cusmo, but not the palace or outside Hashind. So I describe these places differently based on level of familiarity.
Finally, emotions are difficult. People may say show, but don't tell, and I say that there is a time for both. For a main character's internal thoughts, sometimes I just tell the reader. With characters like the ROs, sometimes I tell, hint, or show through mannerisms. It just depends on the scene.
Do whatever works for the story you want to tell, and learn to love and improve your writing style. Don't be disappointed if it doesn't look or sound like someone else's and take all advice (especially mine lol) with a grain of salt.
Thank you for the ask and I hope this was helpful!
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AI is Theft, plain and simple.
I'm seeing a group of posts circulating with fanfiction authors forbidding folks to feed their WIPs to an AI to get a quick ending. I am both horrified that there's actual readers who would do that and also resigned that some readers will do it anyway.
A lot of us have already been robbed.
1,000,000 words of my writing were consumed by ChatGPT when its trainers took massive amounts of AO3 works and added them to its training dataset. Nearly every word I've written in my adult life was taken without my consent to build that machine.
I'm locking all my existing and future fics to registered AO3 users only for this reason. It's the best precaution to prevent future scraping of works on the website by AI. I don't want to do that. Half my Kudos and some of my comments come from guests. I want to be able to share my stories with those of you who can't get an AO3 account. But I don't want my work stolen by an AI again.
To folks who would rather use AI to generate the ending of someone else's WIP, or to write a whole story for them, know that youre condoning the theft of billions of words.
Some may say that all writing is created thanks to inspiration from other writing, maybe you think it's not a big deal that others work was used to train an AI. But there are differences to how a human mind writes and how a machine generates text. A human being can be inspired by another writer or dozens of writers. But the work they create is their own, crafted from their unique human experiences. Humans select words based on their definition, connotation, linguistic history, and dozens of other unique factors to convey whatever idea they are striving to put onto a page.
ChatGPT selects words based primarily on their function, one of the reasons it has been demonstrated to be unable to tell the difference between falsehood and fact. It selects words based on how often it knows they have been paired with other words. ChatGPT  does not have its own emotions. It does not think. It does not create. It only reuses the turns of phrase created by real people. None of its words are its own. It has no original ideas of its own. It's producing a facimile of creativity - a facimile made possible by my and millions of other writers stolen, unconsented contributions. Its creators are profiting off of our work.
WGA are striking to ensure their professional writers' hard work is never used for AI models. Those of us who are fanfiction authors deserve the same choice. I never agreed to have my work used for anyone else’s profit, certainly not for an AI which, by design, steals other people’s ideas each time it generates a word.
If you're too impatient to wait for one of my WIPs to be finished, and for some reason dont just want to message me and beg me to spoil the ending, then go ahead, give my work to the AI to finish if youre that impatient. It already ate every word thats ever mattered to me. But know that whatever ending it spits out, it will be no more real than a trick of the light and not half as entertaining. The equivalent of eating a pack of red dye number 2 when you wanted a red apple. And it will be theft. Is that really worth your instant gratification?
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tatasoom · 8 months
"I'm still turning the pages"
Promised proper analysis of what happened in ep 12 and what creators wanted to tell us. Many quotes and pics and very real stories included. Enjoy!
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The more I was thinking about the ending and how much disappointment and even hatred it brought, the more I was doubting the decision to make this analysis. However I believe there're people who open enough to look deeper, so you may like what the writers gave us.
It's three years after breaking up. Mhok and Day are hard-working people (as they used to be actually). Mhok is exploring his potential in cooking. Day is diving into his obsession with books.
There's a little hint for understanding how little these years mean for the brightest picture you'll never forget. It's Aon asking Day about writing his own book:
Should we get someone back here to assist you write?
Day's face has changed signaling that feelings are still there. Even after three years.
And then the meeting. And feelings from the perspective of Mhok.
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And when it's almost the saddest scene in the whole world we're back to romantic comedy with P'Aof's one second cameo and pranks from Mhok. It feels like Mhok is silent in this scene only to laugh at Day, but it's a scene where Day is given a moment to think about his own feelings. And to get a little verbal slap at the end.
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Then Mhok has a meeting with Phojai and Night. And if you look at their faces, you'll notice that nobody believes MhokDay story has ended. Some viewers have a question for Mhok acting like there hasn't been three years without the love of his life... Don't you think that all three years he has being told about Day by Phojai? I'm sure she did her best to be in contact!
And for Day blocking Mhok's number I have a personal experience reference. I unblocked my ex only when I was sure I feel nothing for him. I needed to be sure that whatever we'll say to each other my heart wouldn't feel the same way as when we were dating. It took around two or three years to learn this. Now do you understand Day better? After three years Mhok's number is still blocked.
So Mhok came to the Day's bookshop. They're playing this game second time. First it was Mhok's voice, and now it's Mhok's scent.
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Day almost did it. He almost saved his face neutral. The book he chose as an editor betrayed him.
"Many books encourage us to put the past behind us and move forward. But this book raises the question: if the past was so beautiful, can we simply hold onto that beauty?"
Was their story beautiful enough to begin again with the same person?
Then they're again in the house they used to spent so much time together. And if it seems like Mhok again acts like caretaker, he's not. He is a guest now, he can make jokes, he can freely sit with others and he doesn't say another sorry to Mrs. Mhon. He's enjoying cooking for friends and teasing Day.
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Later in another scene (that for sure is a homage to their fitting room scene from the third episode) Mhok said:
You don't have to put up such high walls with me. You know how happy I am when I get to take care of you.
For Day these words raise a question: what taking care of Day means for Mhok now?
And what we need to mention is Day's response to all this flirting:
You're going back in a few days.
That's also a question. For himself. For Mhok. What if going back won't happen? What then?
They continued this walk down memory line with another dining scene. When cake is served Day says something worth quotation.
"Everybody is created for development"
That's when Mhok is saying thank you for breaking up with him. And says something that truly correlates with them having adult's conversation:
I thought you couldn't live without me.
THIS is what tells us that Mhok has grown up due to their separation. When you're young you think that love is about someone you can't live without, but the truth is you can. You have yourself no matter what. And the mature love is about choosing to live this life with someone you can live without, but just don't want to. "Pity" is just a word, but Mhok is apologizing for more complicated thing, for treating Day as someone who can't understand mature things.
Btw, do you have any ideas about this close up of glass? For me it's the representation of something cold starting to warm up. Day?..
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Then the wedding is happening and that's where I started crying for this big family becoming happy again. I think this whole ceremony deserves an award for melting hearts. The way Mrs.Mhon welcomed Phojai. The way Night gave a chance to speak up to his father. The way Day assured Night once again that the accident and the blindness have no effect on a strong bonding between them.
"... everyone should get a second chance. Especially a second chance to make themselves happy"
And then they're dancing. Even without flashbacks we can remember that day when they were dancing for the first time.
You were tense. Your palms were all sweaty.
And another try from Mhok:
If you could see, you would know that from then to now, my feelings for you remain.
And another question-not-question from Day:
... no matter what, you will need to fly back to work anyway.
I didn't see anyone mention this, but for me Day's repeating answers almost scream "tell me you have no reason to go back". Day is trying his best to be mature and he doesn't feel he has any rights to tell Mhok to stay. But he wants it, he wants it so damn much and he's afraid of it.
What you felt then should just stay in that moment.
Are these words for Mhok or Day is actually talking to himself?..
It's not like I wasn't happy with him. But how do I know if I give him a second chance, he won't repeat what he did? I can't live with this feeling for the rest of my life.
Some of you may say: "Won't repeat what? Won't go to Hawaii because of you?". Well, three years later things are different. Back then Mhok wanted to take that chance to start a career, we saw his face when rejecting an offer. Now he's experienced enough to find job anywhere. What Mhok shouldn't repeat is to stay just because he's afraid to leave Day alone. And all that words about repeating Day is also addressing to himself: is he now independent and confident enough to be with Mhok without feeling guilty?
This is love that normal people have. We don't know if it's head or tale but we choose to take a risk in order to step forward.
Some of us find love from the first try. Some of us have to try many times. For some of us it's always different people and sometimes it's the same person. As you growing older you realize that your heart is bigger than you could ever imagine and stronger than you could ever feel.
All of this leads to the one of the most hilarious scene in BL history. That whole airport scene also deserves an award for bringing back that 2000s romantic comedy vibes! Pure art, bravo!
Even though this airport scene didn't result in finding Mhok, they meet each other anyway. And dance. And Day says words that must tell us that he wants to see this world again! And he ask Mhok to be his boyfriend again. Not Mhok is apologizing and pleading as some viewers keep mentioning, but Day is asking for a second chance.
Then we have a glance at Day three years later. He can see again and he's helping a person who can't see.
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At first I didn't get what the writers want to tell us with such a short scene. But later I remembered my cousin's story and now everything makes sense.
A couple years ago my cousin was diagnosed with a cancer. She was living in a small town where there's no doctor even to take all needed tests. She moved to the capital city, she found a doctor. Her family helped with money, and I know that the price for that medical treatment was extremely high for them. She had a surgery... at it didn't work. A cancer was still there, after months of suffering, after all money spent.
She didn't give up. She tried another treatment. She made a doctor to do more check ups. Finally she had another surgery. And it worked. Months later she's in remission, she's clear. She's struggling with having to take pills for the rest of her life. She also gained 20 kg and also started dieting and lost most of that weight.
My uncle, her father, told me all of this and mentioned the most impressive detail. Now she keeps in touch with different people who have cancer via chats to provide psychological support and to give practical recommendations. This story wasn't written by some novelist and wasn't directed by anybody, but could you believe it if I didn't tell you it's about my cousin?
"I have read Last Twilight countless times. I always wondered how Me would live if she had a normal life. I couldn't think of the answer then. Life amidst the dilemma caused me to forget what it was like to live a normal life or how happy I could be. When I finished Last Twilight for the first time, it was like my heart was shattered to pieces. I had always imagined myself as Me. If she disappeared, I must also disappear. But eventually, I realized that everyone had their unique tale to tell. We were made to discover our own preferred version of the novel's final. I consider myself lucky to have gone past the worst page in my novel. But I don't believe that this is the end. I'm still turning the pages"
As you could realize through these quotations, the story of Last Twilight is mostly about Day. And at the same time it belongs to every person around him, like in his favorite The little prince there're many characters that surround the main one.
In the end we see Mhok visiting his parents and Rung with Day. We see close up of Rung's car and there's no band aid on it, but the little scar is still there. What does it mean? I think it means that Mhok also is not covering his scars anymore. Somewhere behind the story we were shown he can finally talk about everything.
- You completely changed my life,Day.
- You completely changed my life too.
- I love you, Day.
- I love you, Phi Mhok.
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As for the main question for the last episode, the mood of it... P'Aof and the writers wanted to show what the storm feels like. If you experienced the hardest part of your life and managed to survive the thought of losing any hope, you will not be the same. You will be funny, you will be ridiculous, you will be spontaneous, you will live your life like it's a damn hard to believe movie.
Btw, we were told a story of a boy who likes sunflowers - the flowers that refuse to stay in the dark🌻
And that's it. That's all, dear readers. If you're here, you should know that it means a lot to me. As much as Mhok and Day I guess. As much as Last Twilight. The story of hope. While writing this analysis I had to omit some details, so I think I will make small posts with different favorite moments. It was a nice journey and I already miss all metas and gifs and memes about Last Twilight every Friday and not only Friday. Let's stay here for other beautiful stories and of course for new stories from Jimmy and Sea and P'Aof!
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babybluebex · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on 13k that’s insane!! I have an angsty Eddie idea. I know people tend to headcanon that is Mother is dead. But what if she just left when he was little? Could we please please pleaseee see what would happen if adult Eddie had to find out that she was happy with another family?
UNLUCKY 13 ANGST NIGHT omg yes this is gonna be good
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When you walked into the trailer that afternoon, loaded down with the required groceries to make dinner, you didn't expect to see Eddie sitting on the couch, head in his hands, sobbing heavily. Eddie was pretty open with his emotions and he cried every so often (most recently, watching an old VHS of Dumbo), but he never sobbed.
"Eddie!" you gasped, dropping the plastic shopping bags and going to him, dropping to your knees in front of him and grabbing his hands. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
Eddie sniffled, and he pulled his hands away from his face to expose his red cheeks and watery eyes. His lips were pouted out as he sobbed again, and he wordlessly grabbed a bit of crumpled paper next to him and shoved it into your hands. "Baby, what is this?" you asked, slowly unraveling the paper, and you saw a pit of printer paper with neat pen scrawl on it. Some of the ink was smudged from Eddie's tears, and you took a moment to read the contents of it.
The letter detailed a recent trip to New York City that the writer had taken, talking about everything they did and saw, and they spent a lot of time discussing what "Jim and David" did. The end of the letter implored Eddie to write back before signing off "I love you, baby, Loretta".
"Eddie, who is this?" you asked slowly. "Who's Loretta?"
"My mom," Eddie said, his voice watery. "She— She left when I was little, left me alone with my dad, and... And look! She's so happy!"
"Oh, Eds," you mumbled. "Baby, who's Jim and David?"
"My stepdad," Eddie said. "Her new husband. And Dave is my brother— half brother. He's 13. She found someone new, she replaced us, she replaced me. And she's so much happier with them than she ever was with us."
"Babe," you whispered. Eddie's voice was full of a venom that you had never heard from him before; he never spoke about his mother, and you assumed that maybe she had passed away with the infrequent amount he talked about her, but this proved that she was alive and well. "I'm so sorry."
"Whatever," Eddie mumbled, wiping his face with his hand. "Fuck her, I'm perfectly happy without her. I have you and Wayne and Hellfire, I have everything I need."
You sighed softly, and you touched his knee, setting the letter aside. "It's okay for you to want a mom, though," you told him. "To want a mom who's there for you."
"Yeah," Eddie said. "It just hurts because... She was my mom first and I feel like she forgets about me until it's convenient. Like I'm nothing but a mistake but, the moment she can brag about something and show off how good things are, I'm the first one she tells."
"That's cruel," you said. "Why do you still talk to her if she treats you like this?"
"I don't," Eddie said. "I haven't answered her letters in years but she keeps sending them. And I'm stupid and I keep reading them, even though I know it'll hurt. Last month, it was 'Oh, Jim got a promotion' and before that 'Dave was top of his class'. They're everything that my dad and I weren't, everything that Wayne and I aren't, and I just... She's a bitch. Plain and simple."
You got up on the couch and sat close to Eddie, and you cradled his head to your chest and let him cry into you. "It'll be okay, baby," you told him. "Listen, we can, like, burn this or whatever you want, okay? Fuck her; she doesn't deserve to know someone as wonderful as you anyway."
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tamayakii · 1 year
Simonrileyscockring aka Maxim is a liar and claims frogchiro stole their ideas. Here's proof he lied.
@simonrileyscockring Now since you dont wanna acknowledge me or my post calling you out, i decided to make it its own post so more people can see it. I don't like liars. i don't like virtue signalers "dni proshippers" we interacted tons of times, i sent you asks, my own art, we talked in dms, i even checked on you when i worried about you and now you're worried about "proshippers" and realize the term i identify with, which means "anti-harassment, respecting peoples fictional preferences" and not whatever tiktok-brained bullshit you think it is? So convenient you say that AFTER i send you an ask asking if you were gonna acknowledge what the hell you did. edits: the only edits i did was "@/" Konigsblog cause they said they apologized and acknowledged what they did, whether or not the apology is accepted is not up to me.
original call out below: you absolute dunce. i LOVED your writing before but the drama on your page, responding to hate anons rather than just deleting their asks drove me off. I have so many words for you
EVERYONE can see your personal posts, they just don't LIKE them cause who the fuck wants to like a post that's a vent post? it feels wrong, people see it and choose not to react, people see you vagueing about someone stealing "your" concepts (which theyve written BEFORE cod fandom erupted on tumblr and aka before YOUR popularity) they'll want to know  cause stealing writing is very serious!! but oh wait!!! they didn't steal shit!!! They never wrote about a teenager, which btw when you say all this shit and show no proof it fucking sucks!! cause people are so tiktok-brained that they will believe anything!
Because you decided to pull a fuckin mean girl move with @/konigsblog you ruined someone's love for writing and this fandom. "no one got harmed" my fucking ass. You as a writer should know that motivation comes and goes, and that hyperfixtations can be the closest thing to people. So rather than acting like a fucking man, you vague and claim they wrote about a minor as well, btw heres the teenager you claim is well, a teenager
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Scaramouche is a puppet made by Raiden Ei, over 500 years ago to the current time in genshin impact. When Raiden Ei's sister had passed and she wanted to make a puppet to be the archon but she left him in a slumbering state, free from her own control cause he came to life crying which puppets aren't supposed to do. He woke up and thought she abandoned him, then OVER 5 HUNDRED YEARS AND THREE BETRYALS LATER. The fandom baby-fies him admittedly, but he's not obsessed with his mother nor does he have a teenager mentality. He's a bitter and aloof character, only getting mad when his creation or betrayals are brought up,

"a teenager physqiue" Okay lets challenge that, In the game this model is called Short_Male, it been used for Cyno, Tighnari, Kazuha, Xiao, Albedo, Mika, Chongyun, Bennet, Xingqiu, Heizou, Gorou, Venti, Razor, and even the male traveller.(I'm gonna use basic terms since you obviously never played the game if you think he's child like) Cyno is basically an officer in the game for the Akademiya, aka an adult. Tighnari is basically like a forest ranger, an adult. Kazuha sails around the sea while being a poet AND a sword expert because of his family line, becoming an expert swordsman takes YEARS even in real life, he's an adult. Xiao is over 5,000 years old and a "deputy" for an Archon. Albedo is a synthetic experiment human made 500 years ago from the current timeline in the game. Heizou is also a cop, an adult. Gorou is a fucking ADMIRAL, an adult. VENTI is literally over 2k years old. an adult. The traveller is AT LEAST over a thousand years old, cause the traveller that you choose slumbers for 500 years.
The rest are hinted to be late teenagers or early twenties depending on who you ask.
I even took pictures of these models in-game compared to a Tall_Male model!
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Here's scaramouche, compared to Diluc and Tighnari! who aren't children! Now let's see an actual model of CONFIRMED children, why don't we?
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here we have klee, who despite being something like 50 or 75 years old, is still mentally a child!! So she has the child model since she is still physically growing up, unlike Scaramouche AND Albedo.
Scaramouche isn't a child. he doesn't have child-like features. He's not obsessed with his mother, cause he does not have one cause motherfucker is a 500-year-old puppet, he's mentally an adult, physically an adult that was prepared for archon duties.
Sorry, i droned on about this for so long but i just fuckkking hate it when people are wrong. So blindly like you are,
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here's proof that you said that, incase you go on a deleting frenzy.
Now let's talk about the point system, point systems are so widespread in real life and in fiction, even i used a point system once before. So to see it, in a COMPETITION(cause they are in the pervy AU) between men isn't weird to see. If you genuinely had a problem with this, Kin would've LOVED to talk it out with you as they're lovely and understanding human being.
the stray cat au? i even remember reading about it on both of your blogs but heres the thing.... the last time they wrote about it was in October.. of last year.
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i had to search your blog just in case i was wrong in thinking they wrote it before you did.
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as you can see, this is march of this YEAR. checking your archive, you made your blog back in February of this year. To claim they stole your concept of stray cat is beyond fucking insane, as well as bringing up the post with scaramouche in it cause.. that was over at least 10 months ago, cause Kin had went on a hiatus when December came around and came back with a COD hyperfixtation.
Onto the stealing the hubull concept! Searching their blog I can't find any evidence of them even writing a bull-like idea, at all. So you seemed to pull that one straight out of your ass.
So let's go over this real quick! one more time for the people in the back!!!
@simonrileyscockring made a post vagueing that someone stole their concepts and ideas, @/konigsblog replies below asking, hey who is it? maxim responds saying its @frogchiro and claiming that they wrote about a teenager and stole their point system for an au. Publicly. Instead of going to Frogchiro and trying to work it out, like a 23-year-old should. You keep drilling on about it, claiming that people trying to defend them are being your entertainment now
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sure some people shouldn't have come in attacking you, i won't defend people who throw cruel words at you. You can claim this to be an attack but all i'm doing is calling you out, cause as you claim "it doesn't affect the way you live your life" you let it go and ruin someone else's way of life, destroying their love for fandom and writing. As a writer yourself that ive SEEN struggle with motivation AND hate anons, you of ALL people should fucking understand that getting your love for writing ruined is a terrible thing to happen especially when its an outlet for stress.
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"i wanna talk shit in peace, not have my shit gossiped about." .. that is noooot how the internet works OR how shit-talking works, as the biggest shit-talker in MY family, i understand that when i talk shit, there's another person behind me talking shit. When YOU post vagueing about someone, and then continue talking about them, people will gossip about you. End of story. You should've blocked them in the first place, you also should've messaged Kongisblog PRIVATELY if you really wanted to avoid all of them. The only screenshots that i know that kin was sent, were you confirming that they "stole" your ideas and that they wrote about a teenager. How can they refute your claims without knowing what your claims are. They had to defend themselves from people in their inbox.
So, really in the end here, you fucked up. As a previous fan of your im highly disappointed in you but seeing how you act i doubt that will affect you, i make this post-DEFENDING frogchiro from pointless claims, AND in hopes that anyone who wants to follow you. Will find this post cause you are a fucking asshole to the core. Step back and realize that while it may not affect you, your actions affect others.
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