#me @ my dream self: how dare you be funnier than me
eorzeashan · 2 years
Iokath + Traitor Arc Shenanigans
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Eight: [Flirt] We should've teamed up sooner. I could've used a strong warrior like you at my side.
Theron: I'm going to be sick.
Lmaoooo, sorry Theron but it's not like that-- little known fact, but Eight flirts with people whose vibes he doesn't like in an attempt to make them less abrasive to him. It's not true of every situation and he uses it far less than his Nine self, but if he's uncomfortable and can't find footing with someone, that tends to come out.
In this case, the Supreme Commander of the Republic and Jonas Balkar were both people he had zero frame of reference for (not to mention Jonas' "what's up traitor" immediately insulted him) so he flirted with both.
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Eight: Why suffocate them slowly when it's so much more satisfying to crush their windpipe?
Eight, that's your legacy force choke speaking. He doesn't even use the Sith ability right.... maximum killing efficiency instead....
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Lana: Other top suspects include the Shroud, Darth Jadus, a rogue agent inside the Republic's Strategic Information Service...
Theron: Let's not rule out Sith Intelligence.
Has been contacted by the Shroud, works for Darth Jadus as his Hand, is a rogue double-agent for the SIS, was former Intelligence...wait a minute, that's me!
I get they were trying to do a clever nod to the entirety of the Imperial Agent story, but the context for this gets a lot funnier if you consider Eight is also in on Theron's betrayal so they're listing every exact trait he has while not breaking eye contact with one another.
Lana: who could the traitor be...
Theron and Eight:
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Fast forward ahead, and we come face-to-face with Tyth. Eight's first impressions of the giant droid were "huh. it's kind of cute?" which probably sounds insane, but he tends to find weird entities like this endearing.
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Eight: All right, Mister Rage. Can you drop the act and point me in the direction of the superweapon?
Eight: (offended) I didn't come here to be poked and prodded.
I'm guessing the game was going off of his LS 2 gauge, but Eight always gets so mad when someone points that out, even if its true. XD How dare you call me mediocre....and nice to boot! Take that back at once! I am not a Jedi!
(Probably got so offended he woke himself up from the fever droid dream).
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Lana: I know. You've been talking in your sleep.
Theron: I almost had to stuff a sock in your mouth.
Eight wakes up with drool coming out of his mouth, immediately snaps awake at Theron's comment before a shit-eating grin overtakes him. "Theron...I wasn't aware you were into such things!" Props himself up on one elbow and flips onto his stomach, "Want to shut me up, do you? With a gag, even? You naughty boy."
Cue Theron backtracking into nonsensical stuttering, with Lana wishing she had something to drink. There's probably some kind of joke you could make here about flirting with every male Shan he came across, but admin is too stupid right now to think of it.
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Big steppy
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Theron: But the Alliance outgrew you. Now it's rotting from the inside, the galaxy's fighting back, and you've become a symbol of oppression. So much for your dreams of peace.
Yadda yadda generic villain speech and Eight is technically supposed to be on the other side of this forcefield (Jadus moment), but keeping that in mind it kind of felt like Theron was saying this with the underlying meaning being I see exactly how this duty has hurt you so that's why I'm doing this as well.
Because his words do ring true. He was never its leader with the duty itself rotting him from the inside, the galaxy's back to a time of turmoil, and he became someone else's saint of murder for the entirety of this war when he originally struck out in search of the peace Keeper wanted for him. Not to mention the fact that he's the Outlander in this Alliance at all means this galaxy had no heroes to choose from-- absolutely none. It was already doomed.
And then the rest of this plays out as you expect, though in this AU they both ditch Lana here....which, makes me sad to imagine, but I can also see Lana being like "Eight....why? You were our Outlander--we were a team! Whatever he's said to you, don't listen to him: he's lying, I know it."
And he just smiles and says, "I'm sorry. I don't want to do this anymore." leaving her to jump out of that train alone with only her hurt and her vengeance.
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deadpanwalking · 3 years
Last night, I had a dream that I composed an impassioned, excessively sourced text post defending queer readings of Kazuo Ishiguro and titled it “Bury Your Giants”.
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gothamsworst · 4 years
Okay uhhh this one may be specific but this feature of my body makes me kinda self-conscious since I can remember haha awkward okay so: how would dork squad act with a small and very skinny gf (or bf, I think this one may be neutral with gender), basically a person that may seem fragile and weak at the first glance?
Scrawny Bitch Squad, Rise Up!
Jonathan Crane:
He knows what it’s like to be perceived as weak and useless. He grew up that way. What no one ever knew was just how strong Jonathan really was. And he can teach you that same strength, if you’re interested.
That being said, he never treats you with an iota of disrespect. Yes, you might be small, but to quote a Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” And he has the same feelings about you.
Still, it won’t stop him from making the occasional short jokes. As the resident beanpole, it’s kind of his right. Same for placing things just out of your reach, to watch you struggle. Let him have some fun with this.
Edward Nygma:
Whereas Jon at least knows when to chill out with the jokes, Edward will take it to unbearable lengths. Holding things just out of reach, putting stuff on the highest shelf, resting his elbow on your head, etc.
He has so many nicknames for you and none of them are good. Short-stack. Teeny-Tiny. Little Bit. And the worst part? He genuinely thinks they’re hilarious. It’s even funnier when you get mad at him.
Despite the fact that he teases you So Damn Much, Eddie knows just how strong you really are. And his favorite activity is watching you absolutely rip apart any idiot who’s stupid enough to think otherwise.
Jervis Tetch:
Oh, dear, now this just won’t do! It’s his mission in life to help you gain some weight, and considering how good of a baker he is, he does a damn good job of it. Almost every meal has some sort of dessert to go with it.
That being said, he can’t help but baby you a little bit. You’re just so tiny and delicate, like a little doll! He loves picking you up or doing pretty much anything to accentuate the height difference between the two of you.
However, he knows very well that you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, and will happily prove said point to anyone who dares to question that. Others might think you’re weak, but Jervis never would.
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albatris · 5 years
the setting: who the fuck knows
the time period: who the FUCK knows
the premise: amnesiac youth acquires a magically-enhanced sentient truck that runs on stories. because of reasons, she then embarks on a weird cross-country roadtrip, meeting equally weird people and investigating strange phenomena and curious magical goings-on. there is a ragtag gang of misfits and some world-saving involved also. and some dogs. yep
important caveat: this entire story is just my self-indulgent daydream universe. literally the entire thing? just for funsies. it’s my catch-all for ideas that don’t fit elsewhere. it’s my ridiculous worldbuilding melting-pot! it’s an excuse to string whatever wholesome and angsty moments I like together with whatever weird shit I think would be fun
the only motive behind anything I do in Undertow is “why the fuck not?” and that’s totally valid imo
and here we go. long post ahoy 
the bastards:
ASTER (they/she): Conveniently amnesiac protagonist! Aroace and genderqueer! Woke up one day on the side of the road with the keys to a weird truck that runs on stories instead of fuel, and now uses delivery driving work as an excuse to careen all about the country collecting friends and solving magical mysteries. Vaguely clairvoyant and can ~speak~ with the energy-flow of the universe. Dresses like they’ve fallen straight out of a cyberpunk anime. Chatty, over-excited, impulsive. Extremely full of love.
important tunes: “overture” by sleeping at last, “timebomb” by walk the moon (weird choice for an aroace character but bear with me)
KIT (he/him): Not the first random Aster gets into shenanigans with but the first who tags along for further shenanigans and also becomes a protagonist. Pan. Wouldn’t know what a gender was if it punched him in the face. Highly skilled necromancer who straight-up doesn’t believe in magic, currently trying to fulfil the dying wish of his late wife (to reanimate a t-rex). Awkward and standoffish and lonely, tries to pretend he’s cool but just really really isn’t. Would rather set his entire self on fire than admit he considers Aster his best friend. Schizotypal synesthete whose fashion sense can be described as “how many clothes can I layer on top of each other before I physically cannot move?”
important tunes: “body” by mother mother, “hunting season” by fences, “necromancin dancin” by bear ghost
MEG (she/her): Mad scientist mechanic who does tonnes of magical illegal shit to cars for funsies. An expert on bizarre vehicles! This is the person you talk to if you, idk, happen across a strange truck with sentience that eats stories. She hates people and lives completely isolated in the middle of fuck-off nowhere with sixteen dogs. Completely unhinged. Thinks clothes are for losers so wears as few of them as possible and I want NO ONE making this a weird sexual thing. She’s just a feral bastard maniac. She’s living my weird feral bastard in the woods dreams. She has no interest in labelling her sexuality or gender, but both can be accurately summed up with “how dare you fucking look at me”
important tunes: “the machine” by lemon demon, “a mask of my own face” by lemon demon............ there’s just....... lemon demon songs here ok........ I haven’t yet found the songs with the Peak Meg Energies
NOLAN (he/him): Bastard. Chaotic bastard. Is of some relation to Kit, possibly an older brother, possibly just some dude who decided Kit looked like a fun person to annoy for all eternity. Speaks entirely in riddles and cryptic poems, loves needless melodrama. Dresses like he’s going to the beach even when he isn’t. He has zero motives beyond fun and chaos and boredom, which sometimes leads to him working with the protagonists and sometimes leads to him actively sabotaging them. Role in the story ranges from “genuinely terrifying villain” to “weird almost-friend who hangs around with the heroes even though no one invited him and is just a general endearing nuisance”. Literally cannot die, because he has some seriously impressive and terrifying subconscious reality-bending powers and it does not occur to him that he can die. So he doesn’t. Unrelated, he’s the only Undertow character besides Beth who canonically dies.
important tunes: “complicated creation” by cloud cult, “when he died” by lemon demon (peak Nolan chaotic energies)
BAKER (he/him): Meg’s apprentice? Meg’s assistant? Doesn’t really know that much about cars and I think he landed in the role because he misread the job advertisement, but he tries to be helpful anyway. Very small lesbian. Possibly some form of vampire except in reverse? Listen. I don’t know that much about Baker but one key fact is that he’s solar-powered and sometimes he’ll just lie down on the floor unconscious mid-task and you have to haul him over your shoulder and lob him into the sunlight and wait for his energy to recharge. Easily flustered, hardworking, pleasant enough but not super great at Peopling. Also gets possessed at one stage but he gets better so it’s nbd
important tunes: “pink smoke” by the scary jokes, “featherstone” by the paper kites
???????? (??/??): The main villain. The big bad. I have no idea if this is a thing that has a physical form or if it’s just an abstract floaty intangible concept. This is the thing that briefly possesses Baker. This is also the thing that one-shot kills Nolan. Possibly it’s some kind of river-surface reflection monster that steals your face and becomes a fucked up version of you except it accidentally reflected some kind of ancient god and now the whole world is screwed. Possibly it’s the gradual marching of the universe towards death except that marching gained sentience and is incredibly frightened. Who the FUCK knows. Not me.
important tunes: “dead moon” by brick + mortar, “ruler of everything” by tally hall
other bastards who exist. vaguely. probably:
CARDS (xe/xem): Gentle, patient, good at growing herbs and reading tarot cards. Xe’s married to Meg. Literally no one knows this because they hardly ever interact and they don’t live together and when they do interact people are generally like “huh, Meg doesn’t seem to despise Cards quite as much as she despises everyone else” but like. They’re happily married. Also xe’s called Cards because xir last name is “Cardone”. This is a fact that I stole from someone I’ve met in real life, because no one is safe from my terrible thieving writer hands
BETH (she/her): Kit’s late wife. She’s a ghost. She has lots of opinions about things. She’s not here in the story because of any necromancy or raising the dead on Kit’s part. She refuses to die out of pure spite. She’s got shit to do. She likes heavy metal and writing romance novels. These are currently the only facts I know about her. Thank you
FERRIS (she/her): Her last name is Wheel. She is a character I created specifically because I realised that Ferris Wheel is a name that you could actually for real name someone. I can’t decide if it’s funnier if this character’s name is Ferris Wheel in a world where ferris wheels exist but she herself has never been exposed to the concept of one so she doesn’t understand why all the other characters are like “??????” when they first meet her, or if this character’s name is Ferris Wheel in a world that is essentially just Earth But Magic, save for the fact that the exact, specific concept of a ferris wheel was never invented. Also she’s a businesswoman.......... also she can levitate...... also she’s a lesbian
ok that’s it bye thanks love you
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Anon-Correct Quotes: PM Seymour Edition! (Part eight of many)
Egg: Deez nuts! Haha gottem!
*Nerd slams Egg against a wall, and pulls out a knife, and begins crying*
Egg: BUH! Wh-wh-why are you crying?!
Nerd: I weep not for your death, but that I can only kill you once.
Wyre: Okay, here’s how to protect yourself from the virus.
Wyre: Wash your hands. 
Wyre: Beat up neighbors and steal their survival supplies.
Wyre: Repeat for as long as it takes.
Wyre: YEAH!
Myth: Guess who’s ugly!
Myth: Well, not me, and certainly not you.
Myth: Love yourself.
Dream: *having taken Fancy’s hat* Okay, wholesome message hat time! I threw a bunch of random bullshit in a hat and printed out a wholesome message with it. Okay, here we go!
Dream: Because at seven, he was at then, because without it he wasn’t. When you do, make sure to do it up, because you go down.
Dream: *sniffling* You never know when the time is here because there it’s always around. It’s got a circle and leg and that’s because it does. It does because it do. It has to.
Dream: *weeping profusely* And that’s why you do! You make because upside down. You go and never not. It’s always you, you are!
Dream: Fuck, I think I’m having a stroke.
Fusion: Wet Sock, you can’t just cut pieces of toast up, pour butter on it and call it a meal. 
Narrator: But he could.
Narrator: And he did. 
Narrator: And soon after, he would violate the Geneva Conventions.
Egg: Teen horse girl movie where the horse dies an hour in, and the second half is the girl learning occult science in order to reanimate it so she can win the big derby!
Eldritch: Necroprancer.
Fancy: Guess what?
Scar: *sarcastically* Chicken butt?
Myth: One time when I was seven, I went to this big department store and there were giant rugs hanging from the ceiling and you could move them to see more rugs. So I moved one, and there was an employee sitting behind it eating a bag of Doritos, and I screamed and started crying, and the store gave us a free rug.
Janon: I got fired because of you.
Wyre: Fun Christmas idea! Hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is underneath it!
Egg: Call it: Mistlefoe!
Fancy: Head empty, just bees buzzing.
Nerd: Call that a hive mind.
Iris: I name thee: DragonMaster69.
Scar: M'am, this is your newborn child.
Iris: I said what I said.
Wyre: Another day down till the next fun surprise!
Myth: This sounds like a threat.
Wyre: Ugh, not everything I say is a threat!
Wyre: But this is.
Egg: That’s the Egg of Dust. Whoever touches the egg turns to dust.
Purple: …
*Purple touches the egg*
Purple: *turning into dust* EGG, EGG, HELP, I TOUCHED THE EEEEGGGGGGggggggg…!
Egg: *shrugs*
Scar: It is a phase, mom!
Janon: Show me a permanent state of the self, mom!
Dream: Impermanence does not mean insignificance, mom!
Myth: The key to a happier life is being in a constant state of change and acceptance, mom!
Sparkle: Why do people think fog is scary? It’s literally like clouds came down to hug the earth, that’s CUTE!
Nerd: Have you ever played Silent Hill, mate?
So long as Pat makes videos, I will never run out of material to use. - Anon Nerd
That one with just me is incredibly accurate
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass and A Lotta Sass Chapter 28: Cravings, Exhaustion, and a Healthy Dose of RAGE...Or, Hadn't Callie's Pregnancy Been Too Idyllic?
Did my life change once I became Negan’s Mrs? Not really. Not openly. He didn’t force our people to kneel for me, not that he didn’t fucking offer the ‘honor’ to me. I’m not entirely sure what look crossed my face when he gave me the option, but seeing his grin grow, it must have been pretty fucking funny.
Laura found the entire situation funnier than I did. Teasing me with “Mrs. Negan” every now and then to see my glare flash at her. I’d found a friend in my head guard, and she got far more leeway with the teasing than anyone else would have dared to try. Friendships blossom as a woman grows to the size of a barge and she has to ask for help every time she wants to get up from a seated or prone position, I tell ya. And Laura was becoming very skilled at craning my ass up from wherever I’d dare to sit.
As the months continued to flicker past, and our little monster continued to grow inside of me, the anticipation grew. Along with my hormonal mood swings.
I’d given up on the pregnancy book. I’d decided that learning MORE about the horrors that awaited me at the end of this never ending tunnel were better left as a surprise.
Negan had thrown himself into build a nursery mode. He declared the nursery off limits to me. Promising that as soon as he was finished, I’d be welcome to see the majestic room that would be fit for our little demonic offspring.
The problem with that edict was this: the date was looming near and I still hadn’t gotten invited inside. That and the CONSTANT fucking noise. Pounding, growling, cussing, and once I even swore I heard him carrying a full blown screaming match inside. I was worried, not only fearing that our baby was going to have to sleep in a damn drawer in our dresser, but also because I couldn’t fucking rest with all the fucking noise. Not a fucking nap to be had, and there were fucking nights that he’d wear my ass out from multiple shaking orgasms, only to leave our bed and start up again.
I wondered, while he was pounding in the nursery at all hours day and night, who the fuck was running the Sanctuary?
I shouldn't have worried about that. Laura laughingly told me that he was running the whole damn place from the nursery. Using the walkie, hell having meetings, all while working hard to build the furniture for the baby nightmare.
One evening, after we’d had a dinner that I’d fixed in our own kitchen, Negan seemed to realize how damn huge I was, how close to show time. I saw something fight across his features, but as fucking exhausted I was by the tiny bit of rest I was getting, I couldn’t fathom what it was.
“Baby girl,” his voice would always be one of my favorite parts of him, I swear. “Aren’t you supposed to be having weird cravings?” That’s what was flickering inside his mind? The fact that I wasn’t asking for pickles and ice cream?
I shrugged. “Not all women do.” I yawned and stood to collect our empty plates. He rose with me, rubbing that part of my back that was a constant knot. And I leaned into him, the length of me against the front of him. I swear, between the massage he was giving that damn knot, the scent of him, and his heat, I drifted off standing up.
I woke up in our bed and knew that I had fallen asleep standing up. I was curled into his warmth, his arms wrapped around me, and my head on his chest. I was just cuddling deeper when I realized he wasn’t asleep. Propping my chin on his chest, I could see his eyes on me in the dim light from the bathroom light he’d left on.
“What are you staring at?” I asked, my voice dry from sleep. His lips curled in a smile, those damn dimples deepening.
“The mother of my baby.” He answered, his hand coming up to touch my face. “The exhausted mother of my baby.” The pad of his thumb brushed under my eye, touching the dark circles I wore lately. “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t sleeping?”
I chuckled. “Because, Negan,” I dropped my head back to his chest, snuggling into his t-shirt. “I didn’t want to stop whatever progress you were making in the nursery.” I heard him inhale. Oh, now you realize you made enough fucking noise to raise the dead.
And then he chuckled, low and deep, causing something to stir deep inside of me. And I wasn’t talking about our little devil spawn. I felt his lips touch my hair, and I could hear his smile in his voice. “My progress?” Another chuckle. “Sweetheart, I’m not sure progress is the right fucking word.”
I considered what he was saying. Did that fucking mean that NOTHING was built? That our baby was literally going have to sleep in a fucking dresser drawer? Shit. “Not going well?” I was shocked at how unconcerned I managed to sound. Because I was more than fucking concerned, let me assure you.
“Nothing makes sense in the fucking instructions.” He said, building momentum as he went. “So I opened a different box, a different fucking piece of the picture, and those fucking instructions made less fucking sense.” I kept my face down, hiding the shock, and the freak out that I felt building. “Which made me open another box-” Dear fucking God, I could see it, the entire fucking nursery wall to wall with pieces of everything with no discernible fucking rhyme or reason. Fuck. “It’s chaotic there. Fucking chaos.” I could hear that it wasn’t exactly something he was proud of, that he was as irritated with himself as I was freaked out by the thought of Baby Negan sleeping in a fucking drawer. “And I’ve had my best fucking people up here, trying to fucking make sense of it. I fucking swear the instructions aren’t in fucking English, or Spanish, or fucking a language known to man.”
Fuck. We’re screwed, I thought, directing the fear at Satan’s grandkid. You better be fucking small, little one, because that fucking drawer is gonna be a tight fit.
“We could always just borrow some stuff from Alexandria.” I was careful NOT to say ‘from Dad’. Negan’s ego at failing in this ONE task he’d set for himself would fucking go into overload at the mere mention of my dad saving the fucking day.
I felt him to fucking rigid under me. Fuck. “I don’t think that’s necessary, princess.” Sure, it’s not fucking necessary at fucking all. I’m sure the baby will love to lay in a mass of wood and screws. I mean, the pieces are all there, they just aren’t in the right order. It’s the thought that counts, right?
As I lay with my husband, in our bed, letting my exhaustion win and pull me under, my final thought was of our tiny little devil, horns and all, smiling up at me from my underwear drawer. All those fucking pieces of lace and satin cradling the tiny red body, and the little forked tongue flicked out at me.
 No, I don’t fucking actually think that my little nugget is a demon. I woke up and remembered what I had drifted off to, and wanted to smack myself. Vivid fucking dreams were a really shitty part of this pregnancy, but that one fucking pissed me off. I may tease, internally, Negan’s biological father’s identity, but our baby had just as much me as him, so I was fucking certain that they would come out looking human. Hell, Negan looked like a fucking walking wet dream, so I had good cause to feel confident that we’d made a pretty baby.
It was exhaustion. Coupled with irritation and fear of our lack of completed nursery. And my internal urge to compare my husband to his fallen angel father didn’t help.
When I woke up, Negan wasn’t in bed, and I was tangled up in ALL of the blankets. Which added exponentially to my already unwieldy self. I was groaning, and fighting to get free and up, when he peeked out of the bathroom. I could see his smirk, but I also saw him coming to free me, so I didn’t bite his hand when he started loosening me from the mess I’d created during sleep. Once the blankets and sheets released me, he gave me his hands and pulled me to a sitting position. Ugh. I would need a literal crane soon. I fucking knew it.
Negan sat beside me, pulling me into his side. “Feeling better?” He tipped my chin so he could look into my face. His thumb ran under my eyes again, and I wondered if the circles were less raccoon-like yet.
I nodded, smiling up at him. I could go to bed feeling so fucking irritable at his stubbornness, but wake up and see him and feel far better than I should. My hand went to my huge bump and I felt our baby nudge me. Negan’s hand joined mine, and there it was again. A little push. A nudge to say “yeah, I’m awake too.”
“Active today,” Negan whispered, kissing my temple. “Seems our little one isn’t as opposed to mornings as their mama is.” His eyes, such a gorgeous shade of honey brown today, were sparkling.
I smirked up at him. “Hey, their mama doesn’t complain nearly as much as she used to about waking up early.” I reminded him, and watched his eyes darken at the memories of all the ways he’d taken to convince me. “You know, husband of mine, I think that you and me, and this destroyed bed could take a few minutes to remind me how fucking amazing mornings can be.” I raised an eyebrow, and watched him consider it.
“Shit, what I wouldn’t fucking GIVE to give into you right fucking now, wife.” His smile grew. “BUT,” he stood up and held out his hands for me to take. “You have a previous engagement this morning.”
My nose scrunched up as he pulled me upright. “You’re turning me DOWN? For sex?” I felt a glare form on my face. Damn it, I wanted to, NOW. “And what stupid fucking engagement trumps me, and you, NAKED?”
He laughed, the boisterous one that bubbled around him. “Your face, Callie, is fucking priceless when you’re denied.” He shook his head and tugged me to the bathroom. “Nothing trumps you naked, princess, nothing.” He started to undress me, tugging my tank over my head, shucking my sweats off my legs. “Except,” he stopped me reaching for him. “Your check up with the doctor.” Fuck.
He pushed me toward the shower streaming warm water that he’d set as I woke up. Ugh. I hadn’t paid attention when he’d rescued me from the bed, but he’d already dressed. Which meant, I was going to have a lonely fucking shower. Yuck. He saw my pout and gave another bark of laughter. Asshole.
“Just think, darlin’. The last time we held off, we nearly fucking destroyed a wall.” And with that fucking reminder, he walked out of our bathroom whistling.
 I showered, growling about the indignity of having to do it solo. Of being denied the ONE thing that made mornings fucking bearable. Of the fact that he seemed so fucking unaffected by the loss of it. Of me. Of sex. Of sex WITH me.
When I stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel he’d set out for me, I was still steaming. Seriously? I FINALLY got rest. I was FINALLY fully awake. And he’d fucking say “nope?” Fucker. Asshole. I kept up a steady stream of names and rage as I dried off. As I brushed through my wet hair. As I braided my hair. When I stomped into our bedroom and found it empty, I literally growled. Out loud.
Grabbing a pair of leggings. Throwing on a bra and a loose fitting tank so my bump wouldn’t be restricted. Sliding my feet into the same shoes that I’d worn last because they were easy to reach, I kept up my internal cursing of my husband. The father of my little demon seed. I knew he’d be in the kitchen. After all, it was morning and I had to fucking eat.
And there he was, whistling as he put food on a plate for me. Turning to smile at me, dimples full blown and looking supremely fucking content. Asshole. “Come have your breakfast, sweetheart.”
Fuck you, I thought, but I took a seat when he held out my chair. I picked up my fork and started to eat. Not waiting for him to join me. Screw him. Screw our morning ritual. Screw the fucking birds and the sun and Dr. Carson and his fucking groping hands that he needed to use to make sure baby demon seed was where they were supposed to be. Just fucking screw everything.
Yes, I was being irrational. Of course some tiny part of the rational me, the one not overwhelmed by hormones jacked up by an alien invader knew that. But that part was being smothered by the other part. The irrational hell bitch who wanted her morning orgasm like normal people wanted their morning coffee.
I chewed through my entire breakfast in silence. I didn’t even notice if he joined me. If he tried to make conversation. My entire being was focused on my fucking rage. He’d asked the night before why I didn’t have any weird fucking cravings. Well apparently my fucking weird fucking craving was HIM. Fuck.
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sup steph! can u plz recommend some short johnlock fics? (short as in 1-2 chapters) ik this is incredibly vague but just give me ones that you may like hehe thanks :D
Hi Lovely!
OHHHHH Gosh, I have so many short Johnlock fics… and I know single chapter fics that are 30K words LOL LOL! So I’ll assume you’re looking for a shorter wordcount fics, as opposed to chapter count, LOL.
First of all, you can check out these past “short fic lists” I’ve done!
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018)
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018)
Fics Under 2000 w.
I think I’ll take this opportunity to post up the next set of “Under 2000 w.” fic list, how about that? :) If you want something other than that, let me know, and I’ll look for something else for you :P As a side note, on every one of my personal rec lists, all my shorter fics are always listed first, so if you like the topic but just want a quick read, go ahead and check out the first few fics until you hit a word count too big for ya
FICS UNDER 2,000w. PT. 2
When Morning Comes by Youarethelightoftheworld (T, 423 w. || Christmas Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Lazy Mornings/Morning After, Fluff and Angst, Sleepy Cuddles, Domestic Fluff, Cuddling / Snuggling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort) – “Sherlock,” says John solemnly, “I’m not sure we can go anywhere today.”
The Moment When by drekadair (K, 509 w. || TGG Fic, Friendship, First Person POV Sherlock, Introspection, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock sees John in the pool, and doubts. Set during the end of “The Great Game.”
Do You Love Me? by whitchry9 (K, 641 w. || Friendship, Family, Epic Bromance) – John asks Sherlock perhaps the most important question.
New World, Old Words by thedeafwriter (G, 641 w. || Deaf Sherlock, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Always John) – It was disconcerting to experience. One second, he was laying on the table, breathing in the gas that would make him sleep, the next, he was dragging his eyes open to look around the bright room, trying to wake up.
Promise of Sussex by LittleLongHairedOutlaw (T, 705 w. || First Person POV Sherlock, Sherlock Whump, Angst, Pining, Ambiguous Ending) – John tries to keep Sherlock conscious after he’s been shot on a case.
Promises Kept by grannysknitting (K+, 844 w. || John POV, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Sherlock’s Violin, Worried Sherlock, John Whump, Post-TGG) – When they were in hospital, Sherlock made a promise to himself. Now he’s keeping it. Set after ’Polygamous Marriage’ but before ’Back in the Saddle’
Possessive by Fang323 (T, 850 w. || John Whump, Hospitalization, Possessive / Protective Sherlock, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – His John did not belong. Not here. Not in this blasted hospital. It simply was not logical.
Concussions And Good Old Fashioned Awkwardness by Belldere (K+, 894 w. || Humour, Hospitals, Mild John Whump, Misunderstandings, Platonic Relationship, Concussions, Not-Gay John, Possessive Sherlock) – When John lands himself in hospital… again, all he wants is to just get out of there as soon as possible, too bad his doctor has other ideas about where John may be getting his injuries. Good thing concussions make everything strangely funnier.
Burn Burn by Jenn1984 (K+, 925 w. || Post-TGG, Angst, Worried / Panicked / Possessive Sherlock) – A week after the events of “The Great Game”, Sherlock returns to 221B Baker Street to find it empty.
Devil’s in the Details (Isn’t that what you always say?) by Rae Himura (K, 976 w. || Angst, Sarah POV) – It was the little things Sarah noticed. (Or, some things even the world’s only consulting detective can’t see.)
Sherlock Is Not The One You Should Worry About by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,077 w. || Sally POV, Character Reflection, Praising John) – Sally Donovan’s eyes are opened about a certain Doctor John Watson.
Sherlock’s Mind Palace by Valkyrie Of The Dead (K+, 1,091 w. ||  Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Deaths, Self Reflection) – Sherlock needs to change his mind-palace once again. He had hoped he wouldn’t, he had thought he wouldn’t, because they were invincible, weren’t they?
Idiot by Anesthesiologist (T, 1,229 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Alternate TGG / Explosion, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Inner Monologue, John Saves Sherlock, POV Sherlock) – What the heck happened? He remembered the pool and Moriarty, but then what? Had he been dying?
The Simple Separation Will Not Come Between Us by The Circus (T, 1,278 w. || Hurt/Comfort, MCD, Violence, Heavy Angst, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Prose) – The choice is simple. Real, and No John. Or Not Real, and John. For a prompt that says ‘John dies and Sherlock loses himself in his Mind Palace’
God Save The Queen by Alice Day (K+, 1,398 w. || Humour, Mystery, Friendship) – Sherlock has a new case. John is petrified. The Queen is amused.
I Was Wrong by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,496 w. || TGG AU, Friendship, Hospitalization / Injury, John’s Self Esteem, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sherlock and John have a conversation a few days after the pool face off with Moriarty. And John hears something quite surprising.
Left In The Ashes by zoltargirl (T, 1,497 w. || Angst, MCD, Angry Sherlock, Brutal Violence) – Rage is a unique quality in all human beings. In Sherlock Holmes, it’s terrifying.
Angel by MrsNoggin (T, 1,513 w. || Winglock, Friendship, Chromoesthesia, Drugging) – John is an angel. That can be the only explanation. A response to the challenging request for a realistic wingfic one-shot.
Together is What we Have, Together Protects Us by Phantom of the Black Pearl (K+, 1,566 w. || Post-TRF, Friendship / Platonic or Slash, Hurt/Comfort, Insecure Sherlock, Worried Sherlock, Slice of Life) – After a case one evening in the flat Sherlock voices a concern that causes the pair to consider why they’ve chosen to stick together after all that’s happened.
A Long Way To Home by PeaceLoveAndCheese (T, 1,568 w. || Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Reunion Fic) – Human emotions are tiring, troublesome things. And Sherlock wants to be known as anything but that. No matter how hard you try though, you’re only human. And it’s been a long year.
Quite Contrary by Hollyesque (T, 1,805 w. || HLV Fic, Sherlock Whump / After Mary Shot Sherlock, Hallucinations / Flashbacks / PTSD, Hospitalization, Hurt/Comfort, Lestrade POV, ) – A short one-shot, alternate scene to Greg’s hospital visit in HLV. Instead of Sherlock disappearing, Greg is faced with an unexpected reaction to a hospitalized Sherlock and winds up figuring out something that he really would have rather not known.
BBCSH 'Poor Mary’ by tigersilver (M, 1,839 w.|| HLV Fic, Canon Compliant, Sherlock Whump / Mary Shot Sherlock, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Missing Scene, Sherlock POV) – As the tin says above, this is a missing scene, set directly after Sherlock awakens in hospital after having been shot by his best mate’s wife. Minor angst, some pining, nothing nasty; please don’t be alarmed unduly.
Like Euphoria and Scotch by FinAmour (M, 1,856 w. || Five and One, Alchohol / Drinking, POV Second Person Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Imagination, Armchair Sex, Fluff, Happy Ending) – 5 different ways it all could have gone + the one way it actually works itself out.
One in Ten Thousand by Blind Author (K+, 1,856 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Discussions of Violence, Worried then Curious Sherlock, Scars/John’s Bullet Wound, Medical Anomolies) – John seems to have unusual mobility for a shoulder wound…
Caught by Salambo06 (E, 1,859 w. || Frottage, First Time / Kiss, Bed Sharing, Wet Dreams, POV John, Masturbation) – A hotel room. They’re here for a case, hadn’t planned to spend the night and ended up sharing a room. No, sharing a bed. Suddenly John is very much aware of his own hand closed around his hard cock and the ragged breathing next to him. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, John dares to turn his head just enough to confirm what he already knows. Sherlock, on his side, watching him.
Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil by PipMer (T, 1,895 w. || Deaf John, Mute Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Romance, Fluff and Angst, Character Study, Morse Code, Love Confessions) – John is deaf. Sherlock is mute. There are no two people more suited for each other.
The Adventure of the Mysterious Appearance of Tissues by Gwen’s Blue Box (K+, 1,910 w. || Fluff, Humour, Sick John, Caring Sherlock, Hurt/Comfort) – In which there is a case, John has caught a cold and is not interested in investigating, Mrs Hudson is away and Sherlock does the shopping.
They’re Taking My Wisdom by whitchry9 (K+, 1,939 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Drugging, Dentists, Friendship, Anxious Sherlock, Humour) – Sherlock goes to the dentist. Of course, being Sherlock, things have to be complicated. Oh and drugs. They’re always fun.
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caroline18mars · 6 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 2
'Beep' Harper sat up straight in bed, what? What? Owww headache, aw aw aw, she grabbed her head and slowly lowered herself into the cushions again, this hangover was gonna be brutal if the hammering in her head was any indication. Think of nothing, in fact let yourself slide into this refreshing and revitalizing little nap, you deserve it! You haven't got a massive amount of work to be done, oh no, little leprechauns are real, believe in their existence and they will do the painting for you, believeeeee! Her eyes shot open again, as a ringtone burst through her attempt at self-hypnosis, ignore it, ignore..it, it'll go away, she mumbled and quite content with her self-fulfilling prophecy, she leaned back as the phone stopped ringing, only to start up again 5 seconds later. “Why did I let him talk me into this?” she groaned as she got up to find the intruder buzzing and twirling around on her table, “Hello” she moaned in agony from her splitting headache. “Hey babe, it's me..Sean!” his quirky voice irritated her already, “Sean, hey, first of all, never call me babe, second, why are you even calling me?“. On the other side of the line there were a few seconds of silence, swallowing his dissapointment he stammered “well, I thought you would like to know that me and the boys just landed at LAX..” hearing him this way, made her cringe, she really didn't mean to rain on his parade, “anyway..how are you?” he barely dared to ask. “I'm ok, just a little hung over..” she said as she looked at her paintings “oh, I wanted to thank you for the webpage, I've got my first e-mail from a possible buyer last night” she quickly added, not wanting to sound like a total bitch. “That's fantastic news” she heard Sean get barely excited on the other side of the country, “It is, I just can't put a price tag on them though, so I was thinking..could you send me a list?” she bit her lip, she hated him having to help her with all this commercial and digital stuff. “Sure..yeah I'll send you the list by e-mail” he answered without too much enthusiasm, this was such a weird conversation “listen, I've gotta go now..guess you'll hear me when you'll hear me” by the end of that sentence, all kindness in his voice had gone, “yeah, ok..well..you have a great time, which I know you all will, just..take good care of yourself, you hear?” she quickly added, she wasn't good at goodbyes, not even when they were done by phone, they just made her feel awkward. “I will..bye” he sighed and disconnected the call, why did he even let himself think that she was actually gonna miss him? Or that she was even remotely interested in this big adventure that was about to start for him? All she could talk about was that damn work of her, nothing or no-one else mattered to her.
Jared opened his eyes, last night's conquest still next to him, what? Oh no no, this wasn't the deal, all those kind of women needed to leave before their scent could penetrate his sheets, he hated having to wake them up and tell them to leave, and with this one he didn't even remember a name, that's how uneventful last night had been. He pushed himself up from the bed and pulled the sheet away, the coolness of morning touching her naked skin woke her up “hey..” she mumbled as she squinted her eyes, “hey yourself, it's time to leave, I've got things to do, so I'm gonna go and have a cup of coffee and you'll be gone when I come back” he threw the sheet on the floor and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. He didn't turn around when he walked out of his bedroom, why would he? He had seen more than enough of her already, his phone vibrated back to life while he hopped down the stairs and into his kitchen, switching on the kettle he scrolled through his e-mails, until his thumb rested on the one of the painter he contacted yesterday, ah, maybe there was a price list that he added. No prices..goddammit, was he trying to stall things? He read the last e-mail again: 'what drew you to my paintings?', well that was easy!
From: BJLCubbins
To: HCDeRobiano
Subject: Re:re Paintings
That's easy, they're refreshing and original, ultraclean lines, depth and a little surreal! So, how about some prices, say I would start with the smallest of the whole collection? Surely you can give me an indication of the price range?
If you're not on social media, are you at least registered with any galleries? Are you based in LA? The reason I'm asking all these questions, is because I can't find you anywhere on the internet, what does HC stand for? Henry? Horatio?
Impatient Regards
Just when she was about to get back to work, that damn phone bleeped again, oh..another e-mail..her fingers nervously clicked and scrolled.
From: HCDeRobiano
To: BJLCubbins
Subject: Re:re:re Paintings
Thanks for the compliments! Am I based in LA? No painter or artists that respects him- or herself is based in LA, that city puts people to sleep, because it has no edge, no challenges, no electricity! That's why I'm living and working in New York, and no I'm not registered yet at any gallery, like I said my assistant is out of town, but if you want a price for N°1 (the smallest 'Baroque') you're looking at 500$.
Funny you should mention Horatio, because that is my Dad's name, and even funnier that you immediately think I'm a man, which I'm not by the way, but I'm guessing you are?
Harper Coco was her real name, but she didn't really like Harper, she used to get bullied because of it at school, Sean somehow always called her Harper..and her Dad, even though she didn't know if he even remembered having a daughter, how long had she not spoken to him? 4 years? Ever since she decided that his aristocratic world was not exactly the one she wanted to live in and so she fled the nest as soon as she graduated from art school. Needing to push those bad memories away, she cranked up the music and crawled up her scaffolding, no external distractions allowed from now on, just the smell of paint in her nose, and some loud rock music in her ears was all she needed to forget about that ugly world outside.
From: BJLCubbins
To: HCDeRobiano
Subject: What?
Hi Coco,
Great name! I totally get your obvious connection to the fine city of New York, I used to live there a long, long time ago, but your prejudice with LA is a bit unsettling, yes it's the capital of fake on the outside, but it's got a vivid art scene as well, it's a lot more laidback in many ways, yes, but that doesn't mean it's got no soul, because it does! For example, the film industry where a new star is born everyday and then there's the music industry, did you know that a lot of the best songs in history were written in LA? this city pushes people to live their dreams, and I think I'm living proof of what this city can do to and for someone!
500$ for that small painting? Deal! I would like to see what you're working on right now, so if you could send me some pics, that'd be great, oh and tell that assistant of yours to get his shit together, artists shouldn't have to sell their own work on top of everything else. Just give me his number and I'll have a word with him if you want!
Gotta run, so send me your financial details and I'll get the money transferred.
Horatio? Really? Now, that's weird because I googled Horatio De Robiano (I take it that is your last name, right?), just to check what kind of people I'm dealing with here, but guess what? Couldn't find anyone by that name either, do you even exist or is all your work done by some bot? Wouldn't surprise me, given how perfect those lines of yours are and how sweet your colours, it's almost too good to be true!
Oh, and since we're on a first name basis already, I'm Joe!
Real life regards
Ok, so he wasn't completely honest, Joseph, Joe, who cared if it was his middle name? At least it was closer to the truth than Bart Cubbins, and besides it gave him a sense of freedom, like he could write whatever he felt, he could be himself in these e-mails, not the actor or the singer everyone expected him to be 24/7. All content with himself he sat down with his cup of coffee while in the corner of his eye last night's failure came walking down the stairs, “I'll go then..bye Jay..” she slowed her step as she walked past the kitchen, hoping for..hoping for what exactly? That he would've changed his mind? That he would offer her coffee or breakfast? Duh! As if! “yeah bye” he mumbled as he kept his eyes on his screen, goodbye and good riddance, note to self: check with Shayla about the non disclosure agreement!
The rumbling of her stomach broke her focus, usually she ignored it and just carried on but this time it wasn't just her stomach but her mind too that just wouldn't calm down, ever since that last e-mail where 'stranger' mentioned her father, her mind just kept rehashing those last few weeks and days that led up to her leaving with slamming doors. She leaned back a bit to turn down the blaring radio before she almost jumped down from the scaffolding to have a look, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! Sharp lines, great colours, she grabbed a cigarette and lit it. The more she looked at it, the prouder she was of herself, don't get too euphoric yet though..oh what the hell, this called for a little celebration, besides she could do with some fresh air and with some distance from her work for an hour or two so she grabbed her jacket and her bag and hopped on out the door. The cold New York air hit her as she walked to that cute diner a few blocks down, half of New York was rushing to get out of the cold, while she only enjoyed it as it blew the tiny remains of her hang over away. Suddenly she felt a weird vibration coming from the bag on her arm, oh this was going to be perfect, hot soup, her favorite sandwich and hopefully a new e-mail to read from that mistery buyer, life just couldn't get any sweeter right now and her feet shared the same opinion as they picked up the pace so she could sit down and finally read what 'stranger' had written.
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Our last winter, 23/31
► Our last winter - Human!Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler. ► Written for @doctorroseprompts 31 days of ficmas. Day 23: Love. ► AU Verse, Teen. ► 1,402 words. ► A/N: This is a prequelle to Ghost of you.
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is time for home.” - Edith Sitwell.
Rose helped Maxence up when she was done laughing. He could have been offended if he wasn’t laughing too. It was too expect. By playing games like an idiot, by letting himself slip on ice backwards, there was a high probability of him falling on his bottom. He hadn’t hurt himself in the fall so it was okay. He held a hand out to his wife who pulled him up. Unfortunately, this move gave them some momentum and before he was fully standing, they were sliding the skating rink the other way. People stepped away when they saw the mess they were creating. They weren’t laughing this time as Maxence was trying to get his balance back and to stop them before they had an accident that could have dangerous consequences. Like that, they looked like Jack who was helping Tegan on the ice.
Whether Tegan was doing it on purpose or not, he was falling in Jack’s arms every now and then. He could certainly make an effort and skate better but it was funnier – to watch at least – to see him struggling and losing his balance only to grip Jack’s arms. The rest of their friends seemed to have a nice time watching them. They had totally forgotten about skating. Now they didn’t look who to watch since Rose and Maxence were also struggling on ice. Not for long since they reached the low wall determining the end of the rink. It stopped them and Maxence ended up in Rose’s arms. They were panting from the efforts they had been making. They smiled at each other. The situation was rather funny in all honestly. Usually, she was the one falling in his arms and not him falling in hers.
  “Well, that’s quite new.”
“That you say.”
  He smirked. She was speaking of something very private here. He wouldn’t say out loud what it was because it was their business and the world didn’t deserve to know about this. It was their little secret.
  “I like it, falling in your arms.”
“When it’s not in public.”
  He held the low wall to find his balance again. Once he had it back, he made a little dance. Maxence was always bragging about his skills in every field. He was very clever but there were stuff he wasn’t good at and he wasn’t saying a thing about it. But he was good at ice-skating and he showing off his talent. Rose giggled.
  “What if I’m pushing you, honey?”
“Don’t you dare.”
  He held a hand out to her. She wasn’t as good as he was but she took his hand and entered his dance. He had taught her all those moves. She just had to remember how to do it. She messed up a couple times but quickly managed to follow him. They were making everyone jealous around them. Liv sighed.
  “They are so perfect together.”
“Did you notice it only now?” laughed Clara.
“No, but I keep being amazed by them.”
“We all are.”
  They had seen them being just friends and best friends and lovers until they said yes to each other. A yes to an eternity of love and happiness even in the hard times. How could people not be jealous of them when the whole world was splitting apart for the most insignificant reasons. Rose and Maxence were always finding a way to fix their problems instead of letting them overwhelm them and breaking them apart.
  “If there was a picture next to the love definition in the dictionary, it would be them instead of those fictional couples that were too perfect to be true.”
  Actually, Maxence and Rose were this couple but they were real. Unless they all had the same dream. The two women glanced at Jack and Tegan. Finally the neurologist was managing to stand on his own and skate for a bit but Jack needed to be by his side because it was reassuring him.
  “Those two will end up together one day.”
“Tegan and Jack? No way.”
“Jack wouldn’t say no.”
“Jack never said no to anyone.”
  The two women chuckled and they were joined by Allegro and Zachary. Men weren’t much into gossips but they also wanted to know what was so funny. They were the only ones left on the rink and it was about to close. They would have to leave soon.
  “Are commenting the dance of the lovebirds?”
  They weren’t denying it. There was no reason too. Maxence wasn’t gonna sack them because they were commenting his couple with Rose. He didn’t care about what people thought in general. Except when it came to work. There, he was listening to their opinions and taking them into consideration.
  “I wish my girlfriend and I had such a relationship,” admitted Allegro. “Seeing then makes love easy but it’s really not.”
  Maxence and Rose were ignoring everything around them. Their dance came to an end and Maxence brought her closer to lovingly kiss her. She smiled against his lips.
  “They’re all being jealous,” he murmured.
“Is our love one of the things you’re boasting about?”
  She had never caught it him doing so but she had heard him speak of her when she wasn’t there. Well, when he thought she wasn’t there. His words were always so eulogistic and he had they look in his eyes… no one could ignore how much this man loved his wife. His words, his reactions, the spark in his eyes, how proud he was of her… He was doing everything for the world to see her the way he was seeing her. But herself had troubles adopting this way of thinking. He was the same. Thinking highly of him in public but downgrading himself in private. She wanted him to see how great he was, how perfect he was to her but he wasn’t seeing it.
  “I’m only saying that my wife’s the most beautiful creature on Earth.”
  Rose blushed. This was one of the things she had troubles believing. Jimmy Stone has broken her to the core and it was having consequences. Her low self-esteem was one of them. Maxence was working hard on this to show that she was better than Jimmy had ever thought she was.
  “And the cleverest, and the best person I’ve ever met.”
  Because even in her hard times, Rose was thinking about the others. She was taking care of them before herself. It made her the better person in this world full of selfish and evil people. Her blush became darker and he cupped her cheek with a smile.
  “You’re such a lover, Max.”
“Only with you. No one else has fallen for me before.”
  He didn’t exactly have the looks of a popular boy. He was skinny and tall with big ears and a big nose. He could have a temper. An egghead wasn’t exactly the type of man girls were falling for. But one day, he had become a hero in the eyes of a woman. They had never left each other since then.
  “They were blind.”
“I think they were very wide-opened actually.”
“Your ‘flaws’ are what makes you unique.”
“Unique, that’s the word. You’re the only to have seen through them.”
“Just like you’ve seen through mine.”
“What flaws do you have?”
  She lightly slapped his chest. He knew perfectly what they were but he was being a gentleman again and refusing to tell them out loud. To tell them at all. That was another quality of his that she loved.
  “Is this real then?”
“They said true love was dead.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s very alive and different from those afternoon movies.”
“So you’ll stay forever with me?” she asked him.
“Forever and ever,” he promised.
  He had already told her all of this countless times but she liked hearing it over and over again. Their marriage was like a fairytale. You loved them but you knew it couldn’t be true until it happened to you and Rose was the last person to have imagined this for her future. Life was unpredictable.
  “I promise you to stay forever too.”
  Maxence smiled and bent over to kiss her again. Their friends whistled and applauded which made them quite uncomfortable on the moment. They hadn’t realised they were being observed. When they were lost in their bubble of love, nothing around them existed anymore…
Our last winter © | 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
Buy me a coffee?
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missjackil · 8 years
The Not-So-Bitter Sam Girl
Let me first establish that I love Sam Winchester with everything in me. I eat, sleep, drink,and dream Sam Winchester. Often times, like many Sam girls, I feel like he is treated unfairly, and that makes me bitter, but I read a lot of the meta from other Sam girls, but I don’t agree with a lot of what you all are bitter about. Let me also say, that I love Dean too. The brother’s relationship is the only reason I am addicted to this show. I couldn't care less about the monsters and most side characters to be honest, but I definitely favor Sam. I have only been watching the show, via Netflix, for just under a year, but I am a CHRONIC re-watcher. There isn’t an episode or season I havent watched at least 15 times, and some more than 40 times (yes its a sickness) the only episodes I dont watch much are Bitten and Bloodlines.  I will try to explain my view on some of the most common things I see bitter Sam girls write about, and hopefully give a new perspective. WARNING: This is indeed long, you may scroll through and read topics of interest, and feel free to send me an ask or a message about anything you would like to debate or discuss further :)
Dean gets more air time! From my point of view, I will agree this is the case, but not throughout the whole series. A prime example is the S4 episode In The Beginning, when Sam is only in the first 45 seconds of the episode. I dont consider this the show favoring Dean, but the knowledge that it was in a time when no one was sure if Jared could continue do to his mental health. He had a breakdown during the filming of Mystery Spot, and things were rocky for a while. I don’t know what was going on during the time of In The Beginning, but it’s quite possible that Jared needed time off. Granted there are no episodes were Dean is only in 45 seconds of, but they probably don’t like do episodes that the boys dont share time, after all, the show is about them both.  The Panic Room! Yes, definitely the panic room! It might be the first time I felt my bitter Sam girl come out. How DARE they lock him in a room to detox alone??? It tore my heart out! But on one hand, it was an extremely Sam heavy episode. We got to see inside his head through his hallucinations, which up till then, we’d only see glimpses. It was hard for me to piece together what exactly was going on with Sam in S4 until this episode. It was confusing. On one hand he had been his normal, cute, nerdy, sensitive self, but hiding his baddass, sexy, dark side. Up till then i thought he just didn’t want Dean to be angry with him for what he was doing, but then I realized, he was genuinely addicted to the demon blood, and didn’t want Dean to know because he’d want him (make him) stop, and he also feared Dean would hate him like a monster. He felt like he disappointed everyone he loved, even himself, and coming off felt like torture. (hence the Alistair hallucination) So story wise, we needed for him to be alone this time so WE the viewers would see what all he felt, which he may not have, if Dean sat with him to comfort him. And having dealt with addicted people personally, I know that sometimes, an addict will use their addiction for the sole purpose of having someone sit and suffer with them, which sometimes makes the addiction worse. However, the second time Sam was left to suffer alone in the panic room was 100% uncalled for (S5 My Bloody Valentine) If the writers wanted to show how bad Sam’s problem was affecting Dean, which Im sure it was... he could have prayed that prayer while holding Sam through the detox, and it would have been 1000 times more powerful. So this one, I am bitter as well.  Soulless Sam wasn’t that bad!! No, he wasn’t. I actually really enjoyed him! He was definitely hornier than our normal Sam, less inhibited,  snarkier, funnier, but still, not quite Sam. Why would Dean be so freaked out? Well, we’ll overlook Sam allowing him to be turned by the vamps, because Dean felt creeped out before then. So consider the fact that dozens of years, Sam and Dean were glued to each others hips for the most part. Especially when John left them alone as children, and since Sam was back from Stanford, and now, he was back from Hell, no one knew how, and not his normal self at all. Dean, being Sam’s soulmate, knew something was wrong, and at first was scared that maybe it was still Lucifer in Sam’s vessel. That to me, sounds like it could be scary. Think just for a moment, if the person you love the most, that you thought was dead, is suddenly back but not anything like they used to be. This would be terrible, especially if you thought there was a good chance they were actually Satan wearing their body.  Once Dean knew it was actually Sam, but without a soul, he could have lightened up a bit. Yes, I think so too, BUT Sam was still not anything like what Dean loved about his brother. Sam didnt love him back, didnt even care about him, he was Sam otherwise, but i dont blame Dean for wanting to get Sam’s soul back, especially with the knowledge that he could be fine, so long as he doesn’t regain the memories. And even if he did, there’s a good chance he could fix him.  Dean did act irrationally, wont argue, but we know they are both irrationally co dependent on each other, and if the tables were turned, Sam would have done something equally irrational to get Dean back. (As we see in About a Boy when Sam wasnt in favor of Dean being 14 so that the Mark was gone. He’d be willing to take Dean back, Mark included, so long as Dean was the Dean he knew and loved today) The narrative is heavily in Dean’s Favor! No, I dont think so. Occasionally yes, but for the most part no. When bitter Sam girls see Dean scolding or berating Sam for being wrong about something, most of the time Sam isn’t wrong about the thing. We see it, and most people see it, so the narrative makes Dean look like a douche. Yes, there are Dean girls that throw Sam hate all the time, but they’re not the majority. They’re just loud on Tumblr. Honestly, in real life, Dean girls, just like Dean’s looks, or personality better than Sam’s and thats simply taste. Tall, long haired, sweet, intelligent, badass, nerds arent everyone’s favorite flavor (dont know how that’s possible but....) thats fine, but ive yet to come across a real life Sam hater.  Theres some on tumblr and occasionally some might give Jared grief at a conference, but again, thats not the majority. And I see bitter Sam girls also throw the same hate Dean’s way too. But anyway, getting off point. Dean has always been “its not what you do but who you are” and Sam has always been “its not who you are but what you do” from early on. And we all know Sam’s view is better. Sam is always willing to talk, and give people/monsters a chance to choose good. Dean has only recently agreed to go that route too, but will still think “monster” first and then bend Sam’s direction. killing Sam’s friend Amy in S7 just because she was a monster, was a huge douche move on Dean’s part and everyone thought so Im sure. It was also the last time Dean killed someone for just that reason. Sam’s view of situations like that have always been to give the monster the benefit of the doubt if they wanted to be good, from the beginning, so that narrative has always been in Sam’s favor.  Dean was mad that Sam’s happy memories didn’t include him!! Not true. Dean may have been disappointed that Sam’s happy Thanksgiving memory was at someone elses house, but after that, Sam’s best memories were Deans worst. That’s what upset him. Not that Dean wasnt in them, but they were terrible times for him. When Sam was alone in Flagstaff with his dog, Dean was home worried sick that Sam was dead because he ran off while he was watching him. “And when Dad got home....” Dean probably got his ass beat. When Sam went off to Stanford, Dean says it was one of the worst nights of his life. Zachariah was manipulating their memories so it could appear they were happier without each other. Sam didnt get to see the part when he and Dean shot off the fireworks, only the part of Dean’s life when he was happy with Mom. I am sure that if they got to explore more of their heaven, they would have found plenty of memories that were just those two.  The writers feminize Sam and make him the Damsel in Distress!! Lord, I have seen HUGE meta on this and I disagree with so much. The male/female formula when there are two protagonists is a common formula to use. This is true, but it is not the only formula to use and its not always Sam that is feminized. Other formulas are the classic comedic/tragic, the big one/the small one, the smart one/the dumb one, light/dark, good cop/ bad cop and so on. The brother have fallen into all these formulas at different times. Sam has a few feminine qualities, it’s true, he cries sometimes and he’s generally nicer than Dean, he has long hair, compassionate and empathetic, he isnt as “butch” as Dean and is conscious of his diet. Dean also has feminine qualities, he cooks, cleans, and irons their clothes. He is very much a nurturer, not only to Sam but to Kevin, Garth and Charlie as well. Dean is much more physical than Sam is. Dean is usually the one initiating the bro hugs, and its not likely that the “Dean is bisexual” thing, would be a thing, if he initiated as many manhugs as Sam has. He cries more than Sam does, he admitted to have enjoyed wearing women’s underwear, loves chick flicks, and said “All women lie about their age” and Sam said “Wait, you told our waitress you’re 29″ and Dean said “Yes”. Often times Sam and Dean are paralleled with married couples, but not always, sometimes its siblings, sometimes best friends, sometimes Rocky and Bullwinkle LOL... but not always male/female, in fact, in the parallel of John and Mary Winchester, Sam is John and Dean is mom. Sam was named after their grandfather, and Dean after their grandmother.
Also, Sam is NOT a Damsel in Distress! My friend went through S1 thru 11 and counted how many times each saved the other, and Dean only beats Sam by 3 saves. Ahead by 3 out of 240 (some episodes have more than one salvation scene, some have none or they save each other) episodes is well within the margin of error and it means neither one is a damsel in distress. HOWEVER Tumblr makes Sam overly feminine! But that’s a whole other rant.  Season 8 was a horror fest of Sam hate! Omg is so was NOT! i felt there was more love from Dean towards Sam than any season before it. This season was an emotional roller coaster between the boys, its by far one of my favorite seasons (5 and 11 are my other faves) but i think all the meta written about being a Carver catastrophe and trying to explain WHY it wasnt OOC for Sam to not look for Dean, made some of you not watch the season, or at least, not all of the season, or watched it after reading the meta and thus missed the whole point. However I will agree, like even Jared did, that Sam not looking for Dean definitely was OOC for Sam, especially only knowing what we knew in the beginning. Sam went right away to the promise the boys made not to look for each other, even though he knew Dean looked for him when he went to Hell. It was very OOC for Sam to at least try to make sure Dean was dead first, he had no idea where he was, there was no blood or body, just black goo. Take into consideration that 1) It has been said that S8 was going a different route, but the producers decided to change it, so it’s likely there was more to that story than we actually got. 2) it was the beginning of the season and neither we, nor Jared knew that Sam would later say “I lost my brother a few months back, and my world imploded and everything rained down on me, and i ran” None of us knew that before hand, and Dean was never even told. All he was really told was that Sam was alone, and didnt know what to do so he fixed up the Impala, and just drove. Took time to enjoy the good things, and get a dog and a girlfriend and a home in Texas. Will I will agree that Dean didnt have the right to berate Sam, but he had every right to be hurt and feel betrayed. Sam later turned the table and berated Dean for having Benny. Again, Sam had the right to feel hurt and betrayed, but had no right to berate him, but since they both griefed each other about how they spent the last year, Ill call them both even. This fight that was nothing less than watching a married couple fighting over each other cheating, but once Sam decides to stay with Dean, and Dean cuts ties with Benny, the boys relationship is beautiful again. I say there was so much love shown even in their fighting because we learned part of the depth in which they love each other. Not unlike a married couple.” Don’t ever let someone be more important than me” And though I know, at the end of S8 when Sam was reminded of his “failure” by Dean, Sam was ready to die, but in the middle when the trails are about to start, Dean recalls what kind of life Sam wanted, and was ready to die so Sam could have it. Watch Trial and Error, I think its a great place to see where the boy’s heads are at, at that point in the season.  Dean had no right to trick Sam into letting Gadreel possess him! Absolutely true, he had no right to do that, but Dean knew it too. He knew Sam would never agree to such a thing, and he would rather die. But Dean JUST saved his life back at the church, despite that good that would come of if it Sam finished the trials. This didnt matter to Dean anymore if he didn’t have Sam beside him. It wasn’t like Swan Song... now he KNEW what life without Sam was like and didnt want to do it again. Now he sees that Sam is moments from dying, and has an option... a bad option, but an option. He acted in sheer panic. I cant honestly say I wouldnt do that either. But immediately after, Dean had regrets and fears. Did he make the right call? Was this angel gonna take Sam over or tear him apart? Dean wrestled with this every episode till they finally got Gadreel out. He knew Gadreel taking over and killing Kevin was his own fault and whatever backlash was coming from Sam, he deserved. Now after this I fully understand Sam’s hurt 100% and I think he was even hurt that Dean chose to leave afterwards, but his words at the end of The Purge hurt me for Dean’s sake. Not “Same circumstances, I wouldnt” because of course he wouldnt do the same thing. But telling Dean theres no upside to him being alive, and how Dean tells himself that he does more good than bad, but he doesnt, and “Ill hand it you, you;re willing to do the sacrificing, as long as you’re not the one being hurt” was crushing. Dean has always been hurt in his sacrificing, it was like Sam forgot Dean sacrificing his soul for Sam to live and spending 40 years in hell. So, where I will agree Dean says some crappy things, Sam has been guilty of that too. Both have every right to feel what they feel, but that doesnt give them the right to do or say whatever they want.  Dean always gets friends and Sam doesnt! Now this I think is basically their make up, not a narrative bias. Sam learned in S1, Skin that friends are a liability and having them in their line of work, puts them in danger. Sam is kind and compassionate and the one who talks to the victims and witnesses with care so they trust him, but he doesnt try to pull them closer, to be friends, because he knows its dangerous for them, as he explained to Adam in Jump the Shark. Dean knows this too, but he needs people. He makes friends and tried to have a family outside the job... it never works out, but he still tries. I think Jody is more drawn to Sam, and probably even Rowena, it also looks like Mary is more drawn to Sam,  but Sam is still leary of being close to people. I dont think this has anything to do with the writers wanting us to think Dean is more likable, but to see that the boys need different things. Like Dean has a lot of sex, he needs physical, Sam doesn’t he needs verbal. This is why he has conversations with everyone.  Dean has more dialogue than Sam! He does, often times, I guess if its measured, Dean has probably had more onscreen lines than Sam, but I think they make up for that by giving Sam the bigger story arcs. They give Jared the harder roles to act. Dean’s arcs are almost always the same, he is either more violent, or less violent, whereas Sam has been possessed numerous times, went through addiction and withdrawal, Soullessness, fighting against himself, and acting along side his own different personas, insanity, twice, hallucinations,severe physical illness, loss of loved ones,  sexual assault, and torture, torture, and more torture. He’s been as weak as a child and yet the biggest badass on the show ever. Dont think because Dean says more that Sam doesnt impact the show just as much, if not more. If both shared the same character arcs, it would be monotonous, if Dean didnt have more dialogue than Sam, compared to Sam’s story lines, Dean would look like the antagonist. Oh trust me, I wish every episode was Sam centric, but its not, thats not how the show works, and I have accepted that.  I know I missed many more, but I tried to hit all the ones I see the most meta on. i just want all you Sam girls (Bitter or not) to know that not every Sam girl has gotten as negative of a view as many of you have. Feel free to add to this if you want to, I welcome opposing view points too :)
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olga35b7376623-blog · 6 years
12 Facts To Know Yourself After A Blunder Or even Failing.
The My Ideal Blunder" collection is actually a selection of tales told through job managers and also knowledge practitioners in the NASA Neighborhood. The longer you hang around to deal with the blunder and also your part in it, the more opportunity your customer, or your competition, has to make their own story around what took place and just what might occur later on. Many people also shared video clip footage of the instant, accenting the expression that crossed Pharrell's face when Jenna created the error. You say that someone carries out something by mistake or even, in additional official English, at fault. Any person which possesses ever before possessed the guts to head out right into the globe and also carry out something knows there are merely 2 kinds of errors: ones our team can recuperate from and also ones we can easily not recoup from. To discover the most effective remedies to blunders when mounting marble floor tiles mentioned in this particular short article, you may do thus listed below. And without fail, 100% of the time, I made the assessment costs back in renegotiations with the property owner. That is actually always prudent to determine and remedy the errors prior to the last accounts for the year are made. All that has is actually for one error to occur and every thing you've worked thus challenging to achieve may be removed in the blink of an eye. If they could create blunders along the technique, the one thing they all possess in usual is the determination to have a risk even. Off record masking, making use of redaction tool systems and redaction software and legal redaction, right here are a number of the basic mistakes people create. And also we all carry out. Maybe our experts create the very same oversight 3 opportunities, yet hopefully not four or five. The checklist can easily go on and on. However, my knowledge as a card-carrying member from the POP Culture takes me to the conclusion that the essential mistake is the man-made pas. Allow on your own to dream and assume major, dare something worthwhile, make lots of errors along the road-- and also fill up your understanding container to the edge! A lot of individuals fear to also have a handful of sure things due to the fact that they could activate an error." So they don't attempt everything new. The 3rd oversight is actually that when the business experiences a hard time, they cut their advertising and marketing spending plan as well as pull inside their shell like a tortoise. And also if you do possess somebody in your life which is trying to keep you off removaling as well as neglecting on, understand that this is their very own world they are developing which they may appreciate holding those emotions and ideas of previous blunders over you. Oversights that involve violating somebody's depend on may possess enduring consequences and self-reproach is actually important. This frequently features the primary pricey garments and clothing add-ons, additionally as those who are brought in by widely known designers. Don't produce the blunder from concentrating just on sexual activity; afterplay is actually equally significant to your better half. If you have any concerns pertaining to where and how you can utilize yellow pages advertising (visit the up coming post), you could call us at our web site. You could need to have think about the kind of mistake that has taken place and the moment required to discover the solution to these inquiries as well as the attribute of your job. One easy means to steer clear of the popular membership website mistakes is actually to have an appearance as well as go at the different other registration internet sites. Significant Rhode Isle Family members Rule pointer: Many people make use of the phrase full protection" This is actually certainly not a legal term. Fathers may either choose that help to produce little ones which are actually defensive and also that exist to all of them ... or they can choose that help to generate youngsters that can easily profit from their errors and surpass them. It is definitely frightening to think of the terror tales of the targets from identity fraud. Very soon you'll entice on your own that you're always creating mistakes, when the fact is that you're simply experiencing again the same oversights on a continual basis. After that our oversights are actually not blunders in any way, yet become stepping-stones to freedom. While some entertainers might say that this had them a life-time to obtain their search of being actually a professional within this area, a routine Joe could really find this easier learning how to participate in piano with the help of the devices offered today and along with the current technology. As opposed to losing your opportunity considering who created the mistake or that is actually most responsible, look at the condition in its entirety as well as observe how you can alter that for the better. On a normal documentations are helped make in normal styles like Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word after which they are transformeded into the PDF layout for further processing. Given that of the contrasting emotional make-up of men and also females some are actually much more frequent to one than the various other, numerous from the exact same mistakes are created through both hubby and spouse but. This just celebrated its l lth anniversary and also made this with the current slump along with very few missteps. When searching at one-sided error, one must initially differentiate between technical calculations and organisation mistake. Go to - or select the complying with connect to get home owners insurance quotes off top-rated providers and find the amount of you can spare. He was actually having an affair along with a wage earner while his partner was dying of cancer He also distinguisheded this as a mistake. Often succeeding your RI Child Wardship is about the errors that you avoid as opposed to exactly what you do right. Company & Entrepreneurial Students: I've interviewed 163 of the world's greatest organisation minds so you don't should make the same errors they possess. Hence, a defendant can easily not later on assert that they was confused when she or he actually recognized the scenario. Songs Licensing For Movie makes certain that these relatively not known but accomplished musicians acquire noticed as well as they can easily move toward developers who may be able to give an appropriate direction to their job. Acquiring the potential to cease property on your errors will certainly make you much more effective, will boost your self-confidence, as well as will create you healthier. Always keep providing your kids along with discovering adventures, yet all at once structure their atmosphere so they cannot help make too many errors (possessing costly glass wares around the house where kids might break it is actually certainly not their mistake). For more wisdom, be sure to check out Funny Quotes Concerning Lifestyle There our company share several of the funnier factors people have said concerning marriage, life, as well as loved ones. Graphic performers bios is actually definitely a popular concept within the film world. Still, this is not where most identities are actually taken and also this is a huge blunder to believe that simply safeguarding your personal stuff may create a significant variation in your identity theft risk. By that time it was actually essentially impossible for me to discover the identification and area of the pet manager so I needed to decline the scenario (which I felt possessed a settlement deal value from at the very least $50,000 to $75,000). An additional usual error created through those that are actually aiming to improve their appearance is feeling that they must own the easiest. When opening their own business is actually to somehow neglect to place aside a particular budget plan for advertising, the first mistake firms bring in. As a matter of fact, life's finest lessons are actually generally learned at the most awful times as well as coming from the most awful mistakes. This insurance coverage is actually made to safeguard specialists as well as his workers from legal action resulting from personal injury, negligence or residential property damages. My Huge Body fat Classical Wedding ceremony is actually simply some of the most effective films ever created about near families and their customs. Additionally, the accused's dependence on any of these resources should have been reasonable, similar to oversight from truth.
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mac73115115467-blog · 7 years
Relinquish Mistakes And Appear Ahead Along with Reason.
Understand that past encounters can pave a road into your function when you are willing to profit from the blunders then permit all of them go. Even though the components appear to suit, there will certainly be recognizable indicator that an oversight was actually helped make upon driving the auto. You are in for a planet of injured as you attempt to obtain your monetary life back in purchase if you do not record identification fraud issues early. But, it's certainly not the mistakes that our team make that define us; it is actually how we prefer to pick up the parts of our lives after these oversights as well as carry on. We commonly discover just what will definitely carry out by discovering exactly what will definitely not do; and most likely he who never miscalculated never created a breakthrough. David Slepkow is a Rhode Isle Separation Lawyer concentrating in Breakup, Family members Regulation, Restraining Purchases, DCYF, Adoptions, Dna paternity, Post Breakup, Relocation, Child Visiting, wardship and also help. As a result, you need to receive quotes coming from a number of business to guarantee you are actually acquiring the most effective fee. The list can easily go on and on. However, my knowledge as a card-carrying member of the POPULAR CULTURE carries me to the conclusion that the ideal error is actually the fake . Allow yourself to dream and think major, dare something worthy, make loads from oversights along the way-- as well as fill out your understanding carton to the brink! So many folks hesitate to even take a few small risks because they might induce a blunder." So they do not make an effort anything new. When I declined that, I then assumed regarding how I will create that write-up as well as created a few recommendations I might make use of those ideas to compose a post on my own, so that quick repeated write-up generated a suggestion for me however this won't be copying. Mistake # 1) Performing Needy: Among the largest keys from attraction as well as temptation is actually a guy who resembles he carries out NOT need a female. The appropriate technique to an oversight is actually to recognize it, improve this, and learn from this. Oversights should not be utilized as a recommendation aspect that are going to continuously remind you of exactly how traits can easily fail. Producing a. mistake might hurt you for some time, yet you have got to relocate beyond that and gain from these errors, therefore you can avoid all of them in the future. Police detective Merryll Manning gones on vacation on an island in the Florida Keys for a Homicide Secret weekend. Likewise, the blunder has to be one that would seem sensible to a judge or even jury system. Daddies may either choose that help to create children who are actually protective and also which are located to all of them ... or even they may make choices that assist to create children that can easily profit from their errors and also improve upon all of them. This is actually certainly frightening to think about the terror tales from the sufferers of identity theft. Soon you'll convince on your own that you're regularly creating mistakes, when the reality is actually that you are actually merely reliving the very same oversights on an ongoing basis. Then our errors are actually not mistakes in all, yet come to be stepping-stones to liberation. Slip up pertains to a small mistake in speech or even writing, or even to a minor indiscretion: I misspelled his name through a slip from the marker. Over times I made some knowledges along with various evaluates and different kinds of cords that I intend to show to you. There's a lot of I'm OK, you're FINE, oversights are OKAY" discussion on the market in both the business and also self-help globe. Moms and dads that raise their little ones to be scared from slipping up might usually observing criticizing as a response to the mistake. That doesn t mean you should totally transform the tire but you most definitely need to convey an information that you offer something that none of your competitions perform. Take into consideration carrying in a company specialist that specializes in assisting companies cultivate a distinct identification in their industry if you re baffled for concepts. At times customers will definitely attempt to avoid utilizing an AGENT (R) under the mistaken belief that they will certainly save amount of money through representing on their own in a purchase deal. The right approach of correction is performed through passing the publication access in a manner where the correction is made through giving effect to the published access that needs to possess been actually passed. Yet when you carry out, make the effort to look at the analysis procedure so you can easily pick up from it and afterwards let that go, understanding that you could certainly not transform the result or the set of instances where the error was actually produced. Sadly, a lot of girls attempting to obtain their ex lover back produce a variety of mistakes that end up destroying their opportunities. To determine ourselves for our oversights is actually to earn but an additional mistake, accordinged to the very first, and afterwards bolster that. That is this self-condemning process which should be actually deposited so that our team could obtain one of the most gain from our every blunder. BLUNDER 8: Making use of Dark Hat S.E.O Techniques- Improving your online search engine marketing with tricks and also sneaky techniques would certainly certainly not aid you for long. Unilateral oversight (where one gathering is actually mistaken and the other knows or should certainly have understood from the error). Although our experts have all heard the terror accounts from individuals getting made the most of through mechanics that have made ideas for repairs or services that were actually not important, you do not want to jeopardize the chance that your technician is being actually truthful along with you, even if you are being actually economical or untrusting. If you cherished this short article and you would like to get extra info about yellow pages people (www.perugiaclassico.it) kindly visit our own web-page. Our company asked participants of the Youthful Business owner Council exactly how they manage oversights and also exactly how they learn to move past them to accomplish far better in the future. During the course of a treatment, massage therapy counselors could be actually alerted from private health care problems or treatments - these ought to regularly be always kept stringently personal and exclusive. . After that there are actually the private mistakes that some individuals carry all around for a life time; their filthy little tips. However our company carried out not achieve just what we wanted, as well as severe errors were actually made in trying to do so. Our experts will certainly receive to the bottom of this, as well as I am going to have whatever action is asked for A local business owner will actually must function harder because of the absence from a company identity. While Katie felt like she had helped make an enormous oversight, she gained from that. Her calendar from target dates right now likewise features unwritten" ones and also appointments aside from the hard dates provided through funders. There is actually not a lot of factor informing your manager that a blunder was actually brought in without knowing just how or why this occurred. Always keep providing your youngsters with discovering adventures, yet together design their environment so they can not produce excessive blunders (possessing costly glassware around the house where kids may break this is actually certainly not their negligence). For even more wisdom, ensure to go to Funny Quotes Regarding Lifestyle There we discuss a few of the funnier things folks have said concerning family members, marriage, and lifestyle. Aesthetic performers profiles is actually really a well-known motif within the film planet. The blunders that our team make as Foreign exchange investors are actually commonly absolutely nothing much more than a scenario from permitting feeling to creep in to our investing choices. Various other masters permit their priests create their oversights for all of them, however Louis emphasized creating the significant mistakes personally. Those initial thirty seconds from chat with a woman are actually important, and one mistake could wreck your chances of acquiring anywhere with her. She had an unequalled gift, particularly marker in hand, of pressing major mistakes right into small options. Blunder pertains to an incorrect action, idea, or opinion; it may additionally recommend an incorrect understanding, perception, or even analysis: a mistake in calculation; That was actually a blunder to reputable all of them. Blunder 1: Certainly not including strength training in your workout session - All regularly, individuals gravitate toward cardio kind workout including walking, running, biking etc and reject stamina training. A reciprocal mistake happens when the groups to a contract are actually both mistaken regarding the same information simple fact within their deal.
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royallydancer · 7 years
Hi, could you explain why you think Daenerys is not a feminist? (Im kind of used to everyone admiring her, so when you said "only people who hate feminism think daenerys is a feminist" I was really surprised? I mean, I understand that she has plenty of flaws, but I didn't think it was that bad?)
Thanks for the question! I’m afraid it took me more words than I initially expected to give an answer though, apologies in advance. 
It’s funny you’re asking because I amused myself with this specific article today, and I think it’s very good in explaining exactly what I mean, when I say only people who do not understand feminism, or hate feminism, think Daenerys is a feminist.
This article is a good example of the first, I think. The writer is saying Dany is one of the best feminists to have ever decorated our tv screen… okay? Aside from the fact that this insults soooo many amazing and inspiring women, it’s mostly just plain bullshit. It’s save to sat the person only saw the show, but even in that case (though I agree the tv version of Dany is white-washed brat), there is literally no sense in it.
They give her character traits to prove their point. Let’s have a look;
1. Strength. They point out that when you ‘lay a hand on Daenerys you will undoubtedly lose it’, they make it seem like Dany is strong because she doesn’t let men push her around. They say her strength commands respect.Yes, yes, yes… heard this before. It makes me wonder, is it her own strength that commands respect?It’s not. It’s her dragons. Daenerys owes everything she has, including her life, to her three dragons. If Viserys had ended up accidentally hatching dragons, people would be following him, and the dragons had ‘commanded respect’ for him. Add to that the simple and plain fact that Daenerys has male advisors only who all desperately try to clean up the mess she makes. Dany is still alive, not because she was smart, capable and clever but because of the men in her life.
2. Understanding. They say Daenerys finds her place in the Dothraki because she’s so 'understanding’. …. *cries* That is why she refuses to join the Dosh Khaleen when Drogo dies and gets real pissed at his blood riders when they leave the moment her 'beloved’ husband dies, because she’s so respectful of Dothraki culture. Now, I won’t deny she adopted well to her surroundings in the first book, before Drogo dies, but ever since… there’s little adapting on Dany’s part. In fact, the moment she takes Mereen, she complains about them eating dogs, about their clothes, about their hobbies… she’s extremely un-adapting. This article also happens to claim that ’she ultimately believes that we are all equal’ and that’s even funnier. Daenerys adopted her brother’s ubermensch mentality that most Targaryens were blessed with… she does not consider anyone her equal, promise.
3. Tenacity. Here they say she’s so inspiring because she’s fearless. Remember when Ned said only men who fear can be brave? I would be fearless too, with three goddamn dragons. Smart people are afraid, you know. Daenerys is an idiot.
4. Inspiration. This one is the worst. “While any man can lead an army with fear and violence, she instead commands admiration, trust and loyalty.” *cries again*… yes, I’ll remind you of her dragons, again… she doesn’t inspire anyone but Jorah Mormont who wants to do her.   When Dany arrives in Westeros, do you think anyone will dare refuse her? They can’t. Look at her army! No one follows Daenerys because they believe in her (except Mormont, yes), they either owe her because she freed them and now they have nowhere else to go, or it’s because they want to revenge their enemies and plan to use her and at the end, again, it’s just all because of the dragons.
5. Self Belief. “As she says to her legions of loyal followers: “I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyeria. I am the dragon’s daughter, and I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming.” How can we not love this woman?“I don’t understand why people always love to repeat this specific line again and again and again. To remind you all… most people Daenerys says this to, have tragically died by now.In any case… someone is promising others that she’ll make their enemies scream when she’ll kill them. Yay feminism? How can I possibly not love this woman indeed? *cries some more*
Let’s look at these reasons and conclude that… aside from them being bullshit, feminism also just happens to not be about self-believe, inspiration, tenacity, understanding and strength. Feminism is not about GIRLLLPOWERr!@(#!!.
Feminism is, literally, the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
When has Daenerys ever done anything ever to better the lives of women? When has she ever attempted to fight for equality? When has she ever openly spoken out about the rights of women? 
Never. Because all Daenerys cares about is her own ass on the Iron Throne. Remember when everyone was saying that Hilary Clinton becoming president wouldn’t do anything for feminism overall? Daenerys on the throne would simply not be a wow-feminism moment either. She is just another conqueror and yes, I do believe that had she been an ugly man, no one would have liked her all that much. Remember Stannis? Stannis believed the throne belonged to him too, Stannis burned people alive as well, Stannis considered himself a savior prince too… Proves my point, I hope. 
Daenerys may understand that men will underestimate her because she’s a woman (hence the ‘Woman? Is that meant to insult me?’ quote) and even uses this to her advantage, but that all becomes so much less impressive when you realize she herself underestimates women too. She mocks Cersei, for example, when she hears Joffrey died and king Tommen is now ruled by his queen-regent mother again. Now, Cersei is not the epitome of great leadership, but we’ve all seen what she’s capable of. And Cersei… doesn’t have/need dragons. Cersei suffers and Cersei fights, Cersei schemes and plots and plays the game. Cersei has some… impressive quotes that actually do indicate that she hates male privilege, unlike… Daenerys. 
Daenerys is on her way (in the show) right now, with a huge Dothraki army. What do the Dothraki do? They rape. Who are the greatest victims of rape? Women.
What kind of feminism icon brings a raping army with her to conquer land that doesn’t want to be conquered?
Just because Daenerys fights for what she wants and happens to have a pussy, doesn’t mean she’s the embodiment of feminism. It’s not cool feminism that Daenerys demands respect, because she simply has not done anything to demand respect. It’s not feminism that Daenerys goes after what she wants, cause what she wants is wrong.
Look at this conversation in the books between Dany and Xaro Xan Doxos, after she conquered Mereen:
Daenerys: Meereen is a free city of free men.
Xaro Xhoan Daxos: A poor city that once was rich. A hungry city that once was fat. A bloody city that once was peaceful.
-Daenerys III A Dance With Dragons
Later Xaro dear also says this:
Xaro Xhoan Daxos: You will not make Meereen rich and fat and peaceful. You will only bring it to destruction, as you did Astapor.
Daenerys III A Dance With Dragons
What I am trying to say is… Xaro Xhoan Daxos is right. Daenerys is not a badass power queen who fights to save the poor, who liberates slaves and goes after what’s ‘hers’. Dany allows the freed slaves to sell themselves back into slavery and keeps part of the money (according to the Human Rights charter and the European Court of Humans Rights, that simply makes her guilty of slavery, yes). She destroys complete civilizations. When prince Quintyn sails past Astapor he says he has never seen such a horrible place. And that’s Dany’s fault. Did she please the women of Mereen and Astapor with her behavior and actions? Do you think she helped their position in society? NO. In fact, when societies suffer, when it’s a time of war, when the men are off fighting, it’s the women who suffer the most. Everyone who has little knowledge of war and war crimes knows this.
She is going to possibly do the same to Westeros… and why? Because she wants to help people? Because she is going to make their lives better? Because she’ll do justice? Because she’s a feminist? Because she’ll liberate them from oppressors and evil?
The smallfolk of Westeros don’t care who sits the Iron Throne. They don’t make secret dragon banners, all they care about is summer and rain. And Daenerys knows this. 
Dany wants Westeros because she took on Viserys’ lifelong dream the moment she allowed her husband to throw molten gold over her brother’s head. She wants Westeros, because in her messed up mind, she was born to rule.Daenerys doesn’t see power for the heavy duty it is, she finds herself entitled and supreme. Someone like that is not an example to me, and she’s definitely not a feminist.
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