#me just projecting my desire to be obi-wan’s friend
gffa · 9 months
Realizing that I think I've read probably 80% of the High Republic stories is wild because honestly I thought I was barely halfway, but the stories go faster than I expect them to. There's a lot of good I have to say about the High Republic stories, they're surprisingly fantastic at all the moving parts of the story, that through books and comics and audio dramas and multiple authors writing all of it, it does feel like multiple points of view on a singular created universe, they really got their continuity shit together. They're also very easy to read, I can pick them up at any time, and while I have my issues with the whole thing, I will say that more than half of the books have left me feeling like I want more once I've finished them, that I'm definitely ready to pick up the next one. The issue I have though is that I cannot get over that the whole project feels like a palette swap of the prequels story--the Jedi philosophy is the same, the Jedi abilities are the same, the Jedi's interaction and treatment from the galaxy are the same (put on a pedestal by some, reviled by others, they usually make friends wherever they go, the political entanglements are almost exactly the same), the reasons they're drawn into a large-scale battle are exactly the same, the conversations they have about why they've joined this fight are the same, the technology of the era is almost exactly the same, etc. This works great for me in a lot of ways, because you couldn't have handed me a better example of why the Jedi were doing their best in the prequels and how they were good people, I couldn't have asked for anything more to demonstrate my case except for maybe a silver platter to deliver it all on. But it also keeps me from connecting with the story as uniquely its own, because how am I supposed to care about a character when they're so clearly patterned off Obi-Wan or when half the cool things about them are a nod to Mace? How am I supposed to get invested in a character when the majority of their personality is made up of quirks or that they're the bestest ever ever ever, rather than giving them any kind of bite as a person? I have had zero desire to read fic about any of these characters, which tells me a lot about how much I care about them as characters, instead of plot points. Would I recommend these books and comics? I think so, they're fun, I'm genuinely having a good time, but also at least half the reason I'm reading them is so I can quote them for my Jedi Citations project. They often lack any real bite, but that's an overall Star Wars books problem that's not unique to these ones and, eh, lots of people are super in love with these books and I can see why, it's entirely possible I just am too deep into Prequels Brain so I can't get past that basically half of what's going on in these books is a retread of the prequels' plot points and worldbuilding.
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dark--whisperings · 6 months
✨✨✨✨🫱Care to share🫲✨✨✨✨
The message was sent to you because someone loved your writing and stories. ❤️
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
You are welcome to answer if you have the time and desire, or you can simply respond to the questions that come to mind.
💐Thank you for your work as a writer and as a member of this fandom!💐
OMG anon, what a sweet message! Absolutely made my day! I'm so glad that you liked my fics. ✨💖🥹✨💖🥹✨💖🥹 And wow, these are some great questions!
Extremely long response under the cut because I simply... have no chill LMAO.
What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
It's so daunting to post your first fic for so many reasons, but just... go for it. Write what you want and fuck what anyone else thinks. Writing should be something that you do because it gives you joy, and you shouldn't cater the things you write to align with popular tropes (unless those are things you actually feel inspired to write). Guarantee that somewhere out there, you made someone's day with your fic, even if they didn't comment. Fanfiction and writing are about creativity and giving yourself permission to meet yourself where you are, whether that's being silly, escaping the shittiness of the world for a few hours, exploring something deeper and more vulnerable, revolting against canon, or whatever else.
Also on that vein, leave kudos, comments, and asks for your favourite authors! As much as we like to say that we write for ourselves, it also is immensely helpful to receive positive feedback. It doesn't need to be a hugely detailed comment... keyboard mashing and emoji flailing are just as important. As a writer (and reader!), support your fellow writers! Don't be afraid to interact with people you recognize on your socials... we're just seven monkeys in a trench coat on a good day, and typically love flailing about fandom with others. Being able to chat and create with other creators and fans online has been an incredible experience for me. (I'M STARING AT YOU MY MUTUALS 👀👀👀)
How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
Oooh this is a fun one! I actually prefer to switch POVs in my writing, because I like to play with the concept of an unreliable narrator on both sides, and then switch abruptly give the reader insight into other characters perspective. I think it's a fun experience as a reader.
As far as characterizations, I think about the differences in how they might act, how they speak, their mannerisms, and right down to the differences in their vocabulary. For example, Anakin is more likely to be blunt and say exactly what's on his mind, whereas Obi-Wan is more likely to use more interesting words and gilded speech. Adding these pieces is usually part of my editing process to! I'll typically start by getting the plot and words on the page, and then edit the characterizations in later.
... and then, you know, sprinkle in some of my own head canon for the characters. Because 😇✨creative license✨😇.
What do you do when you have writer's block?
Writing sprints in a fandom server! Honestly, sometimes I'm stuck simply on principal, and sprinting gives me the motivation (because I'm the type of person who works better under pressure). If that doesn't work, I try switching to a different WIP or chatting with a friend about it (you'd be surprised how effective a simple conversation with your beta can be). And barring that... look for a beta project. I actually started out in fandom as a beta, and I find that a brief switch between writing and editing can kickstart the creative juices!
How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
Music. Sometimes lyrics give me ideas for new project. But a lot of the time, it's the feel of certain songs that inspire ideas for new fic. Sometimes, I write from experience, or write about things I'd like to experience. In a lot of cases, writing is a very personal experience for me. I also very much enjoy participating in the fandom prompt festivals. There's just something about being inspired by a random prompt from a stranger and potentially making their day. 💟💟💟
Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
Just that I love you all, adore the obikin fandom, and am incredibly grateful for the experience I've had so far. This has been the best fandom experience I've ever had (and I've been kicking around online for 15 years now). I wouldn't change it for anything, and it wouldn't be possible without the dedicated creators and lovely readers to cheer us on! 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Also if you feel inclined... drop me an anon ask with links to your favourite fics if you would like! Bonus points if it's a fic you wrote and are proud of. I want to read all the things, and maybe have a party in your comments!🫂🫂🫂
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tennessoui · 6 months
✨✨✨✨🫱Care to share🫲✨✨✨✨
The message was sent to you because someone loved your writing and stories. ❤️
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
You are welcome to answer if you have the time and desire, or you can simply respond to the questions that come to mind.
💐Thank you for your work as a writer and as a member of this fandom!💐
hello and thank you!! i can try to answer these questions, but i don't think anything i have to say is particularly revolutionary or interesting so be warned i'm not going to be helpful haha
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
it's really really ok to like your idea more than others!! when i first started writing fic, i would come up with an idea and share it and people would say 'that's great what if it went like this instead?' and that was fun and i think i have a lot of aus that have been influenced by posting on tumblr/talking with people here, but at a certain point i had to just learn for myself that it was ok to say 'yeah that would be fun too but i also really like my idea the way i wrote it, and that's what im going to focus on'. that probably sounds really obvious lol but it also took me like. a solid year to learn and feel comfortable saying.
not that your ideas will necessarily be better than someone else's or that "better" is a good matrix for creativity. but if you're writing fanfic, you're doing it in your free time for no cost. it should be something you absolutely are in love with and it's really ok to fall in love with your idea/your fic and not change it no matter what other people suggest
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
i change my characters up a lot between fics/aus and give them different personalities each time, but i do try to keep some traits recognizable so they still feel like obi-wan and anakin. for obi-wan, for example, i picture him as having some innate qualities that i put on a sliding scale. bitchiness (i.e. sarcasm, irritation at the situation, capacity to insult, anger) and manipulation are my main two for him. then depending on the fic and the characterization, i adjust my bitchiness and manipulation scales: pbatmb obi-wan is both extremely bitchy and extremely manipulative. 10s across the board. stacy's mom au obi-wan is low on the manipulation scale (even though he's trying SO hard) but medium on the bitchiness scale. infinite sadness is probably also one of the scales come to think of it.
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
i go outside!! i go for a walk or a run away from screens where i can just tease out the idea i want to write and work over it with no distractions
also and i cannot overemphasize how much i love these but writing warm ups!!! do writing warm ups!!! i collect prompts that i write out before i start a major project (which i define as something going on ao3) which helps getting the words flowing and helps prevent writer's block for me. if you don't want to do prompts from a list, pick a fic that you already have and just write a scene for it that will not go into the fic. like, the characters going camping or waking up in the morning or discovering there's no more coffee. something short, 500 words, 1k words, whatever. it really, really, really helps me
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
lol two ways. i write about things that happen in my life and tweak them a bit ("fixer-upper" was written after i toured an apartment with my friend and she liked the place but hated the stove/appliances; "tripping over my words trying to give you my name" was written because people always tell me to tie my shoelaces) OR i throw words around like darts at a board until i have a solid idea. usually this involves taking an idea that i feel has been done or feels pretty straightforward and thinking about how i can put a twist on it to make it feel like mine (i.e. sith obi-wan, but what if we make him x, y, and z too)
and tumblr asks help a lot because people really can flush out an au so fast by just asking open-ended questions like 'where's shmi? how does qui-gon react to this? when do they get together?' that make me think more about the story and how i imagine the characters!
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
thank you for reading what i write, that's really amazing and i'm glad you do!! i think i've grown so much in the past few years as a writer and it's because this fandom has become such a safe space for me to experiment with my writing style and story-telling.
and thank you for writing if no one's told you that recently - you deserve to hear it every day! ✨
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merrysithmas · 2 years
What would you say are some of Padmé’s flaws as a person and politician? A lot of what I see of her paints her a being rather “perfect” which isn’t very interesting to me personally.
ahhh, I just typed a huge answer to this and then my phone shut off. UGH. I will try to recall some of it.
Basically, I love Padme as a character because, among other qualities, she is incredibly naive and gullible. Palpatine manipulates her into power as a Senator because he picks her out as he sees her as particularly weak and impressionable.
Padme is riddled with guilt. She has a dual-life where she is an agent of government holding back a horrendous tide of tyranny. But also, she is a lonely woman who grows up from being an exploited child queen. She never once knew peace and lost her girlhood. She desires, deeply, to have a white knight figure "save" her from having so much responsibility and no one to turn to. A part of her doesn't want to have to protect anyone anymore. This is one of the reasons she wants the fighting to end so bad. Because she is so tired.
She wants to run away to the Lakes of Naboo where she sunbathed as a child and never turn back. And she, as we know, unfortunately mistakes this white knight for Anakin. Anakin, the hero who can end the War.
Padme's guilt also comes from the psychological clemency she grants Anakin when he kills the Tuskens. She not only "ignores" this incident in order to keep her Romance Fantasy alive, but shockingly to her, I think she somewhat agrees with his actions. She is surprised to see she understands the emotional motivations behind the eye-for-an-eye justice Anakin enacts when he slaughters the Tusken village. Even if the action is wrong, she gets why it happened. This shakes her worldview. Shows the horrors as more than legislation on a Senate floor. A life she has barely any perspective besides.
Padme is not allowed to enact those kinds of feelings or thoughts on the pulpit where she preaches peace and Galactic harmony. To see Anakin take action, as he said he would during their picnic in AotC, is enlightening to her. Despite the actions being condemnable by the Republic and law she has sworn to uphold and protect, she had learned something. She feels guilt for this too, she feels torn. She turns her back on some of her beliefs - and believes she is compromising herself. But by doing this, she allows Anakin the mental stability to go on to become the hero of the Clone Wars.
She also, of course, ignores Anakin's grappling projecting grief for Shmi so she can marry him. She ignores his deep psychological divide where he wants to so ardently remain a Jedi. She ignores her duties to the Senate and her professional responsibilities and impartiality. She is selfish. Neither Anakin nor Padme think of anything but themselves in their relationship - not each other, not really, but themselves, in this romance-during-a-war fantasy when they hardly ever see one another. They are trying to mentally survive. (Compare this to Satine and Obi-wan, who thought only of their oaths as they walked away from one another).
My favorite Padme scenes were the ones where she acted as the Queen in TPM and also the great scene in RotS where she confronts Anakin, asking him if he ever believes they are fighting for the wrong side. Padme is constantly second-guessing herself and her allegiances, she is desperate to make the right decision. Anakin accuses her of being a separatist. (We, the audience, know that Padme is conspiring with Bail and Mon to form the nascent Rebel Alliance to break off from the burgeoning Empire, with the Separatists at their doorstep).
Another one of my fav Padme scenes is her agency in TCW after Anakin breaks into her apartment and beats her (romantic interest) friend the separatist Clovis. In horror, she tells Anakin that she has often considered their marriage to be a sham, that it doesn't make her happy, and that she doesn't feel safe with him. That she doesn't want to see him anymore.
That, coupled with the knowledge of the OG storyboards (which had concept art and costumes!) where she refuses to let Obi-wan know Anakin's location (Mustafar) because she does not want someone else to kill her children's father... yet she goes there herself with the intent to slit Anakin's throat!!
This tells me she 100% did not intend to stay married to Anakin. She was stuck in a horrible situation because she was pregnant, which is relatable to a lot of people out there. She still believed there was good in Anakin, she did not want him to die (in the OG story she couldn't slit his throat because she loved him too much), but she couldn't save him, SHE DIDN'T WANT TO (finally choosing not to be a Savior), and wanted to leave him. He could save himself or someone else could try. Padme had other things to do.
And she was just starting to really get a hold on who she was.
All of this says to me that if we were lucky enough to get more Padme post RotS (RIP) she would've been an amazing boots-on-the-ground rebel. She was a great negotiator in person (don't know why they call Obi that...). For example, her actions with the Gungans in TPM, when she knelt to them. She was an emotionally effecting and genuine person. But her kindness is balanced by her high naivety and gullibleness. Her guilt and integrity would've made her like a fish in a barrel in the Imperial Senate of Andor. No way Padme could've survived in that government in her role. NO. WAY.
However, she would've been the inspiring and caring figure they were missing on the ground, someone with compassion and experience, to contrast those like monomaniacal Saw and the ruthless Luthen in the field.
Padme was also kind, brave, and clever. But many people are. I find her "bad" qualities, and how they effect her Light Side, much more interesting. I also love how much of her there is in Luke and Leia. Luke and Leia are effective leaders because of the mixture of Padme's genuine compassion with Anakin's relentlessness. Padme wasn't as effective as they are ... because she was missing what attracted her to Anakin in the first place. Luke and Leia are the balanced versions of Padme and Anakin's faults.
I contend Anakin is the least interesting thing about Padme & her legacy, and have always wanted them to make a young Queen Amidala and her handmaiden's show, with the handmaidens being an elite squad of body guards.
Also, I have to say, out of every character in SW (the Jedi being so hellbent on the doctrine of compassion, yet falling short of it frequently) I truly think through her actions in TPM and TCW and RotS Padme proved herself to be the most compassionate SW character of all.
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⛵️ Five Fandoms, Five Ships ⛵
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
I've been tagged by four beloved mutuals (@willameena @kingdomvel @fem-anakin-skywalker @cottonraincoat). Thank you all, and sorry for lagging behind on tag games lately. This year marks the twelfth anniversary of me reading my first slash fic and getting involved in fandom. Doesn't sound like too long, but that's one half of my existence on this planet. So, the answer will be long. It's tough to choose just five out of what feels like dozens (and is probably more). Let's get to it!
Johnlock (John Watson\Sherlock Holmes, both Sherlock BBC and the original ACD stories) Surprised at this first pick? Me too. I haven't really interacted with the Sherlock fandom in the years since season 4. Even longer, really. But this was the first ship I talked to another human being about, the first flame war I participated in, the first fandom I saw grow and flourish (and then crash and burn). Little Hertie's shipping goggles were just growing in at that point, but there was plenty to see through them! That time between seasons 2 and 3 was magical. I remember being oh so excited about how The Adventure of the Empty House would get adapted to screen - and bitterly, horribly disappointed when it was. Nothing compares in my mind to the rabid times of season 4, either. Not that I believed in any conspiracies, but... Hey. My first long-lost tumblr blog existed pretty much exclusively to let me watch that trainwreck. Still, nowadays, every time I get depressed and morose, there's a Johnlock fic or two saved in my library to cheer me up. And of course, there's still a friend or two in my orbit who came into my life through that shipping group.
Obikin (Obi-Wan Kenobi\Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars) I mean, of course. We're in the Obikin Central here) I've loved Star Wars ever since being shown The Phantom Menace at age 10 at a sanatorium for kids with back problems. The back problems persist to this day, but at least I got something out of it)) At some next re-watch, years later, I went to check what people were writing on AO3 - might be the first fandom I braved in English instead of my native language. There was plenty to find, of course, and I went about my usual process of reading lots of fic, saving the best for later and then moving on to the next obsession. How'd I come to be here, then? Simple. Last year, I went for a visit to my hometown, and promptly got sick. And I mean delirious with fever. So the next few days I had plenty of time to re-watch the prequels, and for the first time get acquainted with Clone Wars 2003 and TCW. That burned a hole straight through my heart, of course, and I started drawing fanart for the first time in my life. Maybe it was finally time to let go of the fear that governed my quiet lurker's existence on the internet ever since an unfortunate incident involving a fic translation and boning skeletons? I suppose it was. Ever since I've been filling a newfound personal-life-related insomnia with drawing fanart, and, on occasion, writing. So here I am, and here all of you are. The SW fandom has been the most welcoming space full of the most brilliant people, and I'm honored every day by being allowed into it.
William Carter/Wilson P. Higgsbury (Don't Starve) This is a rarepair of all rarepairs, possibly only with some timey-wimey fic logic and a slither of faith. The reason I'm putting it on the list is simple - this ship was included in the one big fan project I've finished and am still proud of: a translation (from my native language) of a 14-Chapter fic. This one. No story before or since has gripped my imagination quite so strongly, and the desire to share it with the English-speaking world propelled me through sleepless nights and many hours of editing. It follows, in a way, an amnesiac's journey to regaining his memories, as well as a man's journey to madness, all rolled up into one unreliable narration. Oh, and pre-slash of the kind that gets you stealthily and then never lets go. It's here to represent what I think the best parts of shipping are to me: a creative drive that burns like nothing else, and a way to connect to other people's outlook on the world.
Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.C.L.E. - the 2015 movie) Even stranger picks on the list tonight! This movie, let me tell you, it took my breath away. Watched in in cinema with a friend, then dragged another friend to see it again, joined social media groups, went to a shippers' meetup, had a crush on a girl there, turns out she was already dating someone - let's just say, it was the whole nine yards. An emotional rollercoaster. I wake up sometimes having dreamed of a world where things are different - for example, the movie had several sequels, there was no reason to permanently move from my hometown, I'm out there at more shipper's meetups having infatuations, life's beautiful... Well. At least I have re-watches of this movie, and good fics to read about this ship.
Honorable mentions (Couldn't pick just one, sorry) Now, there could be many honorable mentions for ships I've loved and love to this day. - Ones like Aziraphale/Crowley, Merthur and Spirk, that illicit obsession every time I touch upon their respective fandoms (Good Omens, Merlin and Star Trek). Maybe one day I'll have the bravery to put out the snippets I've written about them. All three have made me cry, and burn with fury, and smile like nothing else. - Or ones like Rinch (hello there Person of Interest people! I'm not sure any of you read this far), which were and still are like flame to the heart, but I've been asked for five, and that story is not yet finished for me.
There are yet others I have no time to mention, too rare or too controversial. But maybe there will be time someday. After all, it's been twelve years - here's to twelve more!
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obikinwhore · 2 years
Heyyy to the 5 real people and 69 porn bots following me. I wrote a little piece of garbage <3 its f/f padawans obikin with Anakin's unhealthy obsession with Obi-Wan's tiddies.
Title from Electric Feel by MGMT
Rating: Explicit
Words: 5770
Warning: underage (so hold onto your rosaries for me)
Under the cut is the fic if u don't want to read on ao3
Anakin collapses into Obi-Wan’s arms and nestles her head in the older girl’s chest as she welcomes the older girl back from a week-long trip with her Master. Qui-Gon watches and laughs softly at the encounter, seemingly in good spirits despite having been interrupted from the tense discussion with Obi-Wan where they had been discussing the past mission. Obi-Wan feels a quiet dismay at how easily Qui-Gon has always taken with Anakin. He had always been entranced by the younger girl and proud of her accomplishments since he found her 3 years ago. 
The feeling is quickly overtaken by Anakin’s first words. “Obi-Wan I’m so glad you’re back here safe. It was so boring at the temple without you!” The younger girl finally pulls back just enough that they aren’t touching, but only just. “Come, let’s go talk about your mission.” Anakin grabs Obi-Wan’s hand and yanks her away from her master who clears his throat in response.
Obi-Wan has always been blinded by the intense and powerful personality that is Anakin. Without her master’s interruption, she would have followed Anakin towards the temple. The blonde girl is filled with energy and a pervasive desire to have Obi-Wan’s full attention at all times. 
Anakin turns the strength of her personality on Qui-Gon now. Using all the glitter of her charisma to persuade him to let her friend go. “As long as I am not keeping Obi-Wan from any pressing duties Master?”
Qui-Gon’s eyes crinkle and a contented expression passes his face. “Of course not. Go along padawan, enjoy the time back at the temple.” The ease at which he caves to Anakin’s demands with just a grin, leaves a mournful feeling in her stomach that she should be used to by now. 
“Thank you Master Jinn!” Anakin drags her off toward the inner part of the temple, not giving the elder girl a second to catch her bearings. “Thank you, Master.” Obi-Wan speaks over her shoulder as she’s tugged away by Anakin. 
Once they’ve left the landing pad and are making their way through a more secluded hallway of the temple, Anakin drops the cheerful, childlike demeanor. “It really was boring without you Obi-Wan. Master Windu had me doing reports again because I skipped a diplomatics lesson.  Her change from glib to the sweeter more intense tone she takes on with Obi-Wan is always a bit of a whiplash. 
“How was your mission with your Master?” Obi-Wan’s face shutters for a second recalling the mistakes she made and how bluntly they were pointed out by Qui-Gon. “It was fine for the most part. Honestly I’m not sure how much help I was to him. I didn’t exactly show my best skills out there. I’m still having a hard time grasping hand to hand combat. My skills lie more heavily upon saber work.”
“Oh? Do you want to spar then? I haven’t been able to since you left.” Obi-Wan would have known that without Anakin telling her this. Obi-Wan seems to be the only one Anakin has made much of a connection to, and she never seemed keen on making more friends at all.
“I’m not sure, Anakin. I’m sort of tired from the flight and I really should be catching up on my studies for what I have missed.” Obi-Wan notices they’re still holding hands as they’re walking, but doesn’t say anything to dissuade it. Despite Anakin being a bit overbearing, she has always enjoyed when the girl was more tactile with her.
“Oh, please! Come on, let's spar.” A smug look passes upon Anakin’s face. “Oh… or are you scared to lose? I know you weren’t able to beat me the last time we spared.” The smile that blooms on the blonde’s face is incredibly annoying and does exactly what Anakin set out for it to do.
“Anakin, you're being childish. You almost lost to Quinlan the week before I left. I wouldn’t talk such a big game when just before that, I had beaten him easily.” A few weeks ago Obi-Wan had been sparring with Quinlan who was another good friend of hers. She didn’t get much of a chance to hang out with him lately so the bout was a good way of killing two porgs with one stone.
The smile slips off of Anakin’s face when Obi-Wan finishes speaking. The redhead forgets about the not so friendly rivalry that exists only in Anakin’s mind.  “I definitely didn’t almost lose to him. He was using his retrocognition to touch my lightsaber and see the new katas I wanted to try out on him.” The force around them seems to thicken with Anakin’s change in mood and fine tipped words.
“Anakin, please I would rather not. I honestly need to go to my rooms and meditate on my past mission and mistakes.” Obi-Wan was already trying to shake off Anakin’s hand and head in the direction of the dorm. Anakin just grasps her hand tighter and pulls Obi-Wan towards her in a durasteel grip. “If you just go to your dorm, I’m going to follow and bother you. You know that.”
The tense mood around them from earlier dissipates in the force, but soon electrifies with the idea that falls into Anakin’s head. “Why don’t we do this then? Let’s do a few quick matches, just hand to hand with no sabers so you can practice from your mistakes? You win the best out of three and I’ll leave you alone to meditate or sleep or whatever.”
This was honestly the best outcome that Obi-Wan could hope for, she did have a fair chance at winning with her height. Plus sabers would not be used, so Anakin couldn’t use any of her tricky Vaapad. The younger girl could be irritatingly persistent with getting what she desired. Most of the time it was easier to just go along with it. The other times… well, the other times Anakin usually got her way too, but just used more force to get her way. It was both a bit disturbing and something Obi-Wan admired about her greatly. Whenever the blonde had a goal in mind she usually achieved it, her will was almost a sure thing. 
And when that will was focused on her? It both made her feel unbearably warm with a tinge of guilt and dread. She knew that she would most likely fall prey to the outcome that Anakin wanted, but the craving that Anakin had for Obi-Wan’s person and recognition? It was addicting. Especially to a girl who was so very nearly not chosen for padawanship.
“Alright Anakin. Three matches and if I win, then I’ll leave. What do you get if you win?” Anakin’s hand clenched Obi-Wan’s tighter in excitement. Her face filling up with glee at having gotten the redhead to bow to her whims so easily. “Hmm. I’m not sure yet. Why don’t we decide once you’ve lost?” The younger girl laughs throatily with her head tilted back. “Plus the surprise will make you more inspired to win.”
Obi-Wan shook her head at the younger girl’s tactic but felt herself filling up with anticipation anyway. Sometimes nothing was better than being able to knock Anakin down a peg. “Fine. Lead the way, Skywalker.” Anakin’s smile shows both rows of her pretty white teeth which Obi-Wan mirrors back, as Anakin leads them both toward the training salles.
Obi-Wan’s back hits the training room mats again as Anakin sits straddled upon her belly with her hands holding Obi-Wan’s wrists above her head. Her feet hook around Obi-Wan’s thighs to immobilize her. Anakin has Obi-Wan pinned for a few moments while she struggles, captivating blue eyes taking in the elder padawan’s face then slowly tracking down her body to stare at her torso. 
With the skirmish, Obi-Wan’s robes had loosened slightly and opened in a slight v shape, the top of her sports bra peeking out. Anakin gathers Obi-Wan’s wrists in a single hand and moves the other to open Obi-Wan’s tunic to expose her bra to full view. 
“Anakin… What are you doing? Leave my robes alone, anyone could walk in”, Obi-Wan turns her head to the side to cover her rapidly heating face in her arm. 
Anakin giggles endearingly above her, “Release your worries into the force Obi-Wan, isn’t that what you’re always saying?” Anakin continued to fiddle with her robes and further opened them so the majority of her bra was visible. “Anyway I can sense that no one is out there, it’s just us.”  
Obi-Wan turns her head back to face Anakin and feels her stomach twist in embarrassment and something guiltily pleasant at the way Anakin is unblinkingly eying her chest. Her blonde head slowly moves closer as if she doesn’t already have a good enough angle to see. 
The stark difference between Anakin's heated breath closing in and the cooler room air pebbles Obi-Wan’s nipples and has gooseflesh erupt throughout the redhead’s body. The sight of both drawing out a soft inquisitive noise from Anakin. A thumb appears and brushes over a tight nub through the cloth. Obi-Wan gasps sharply and squeezes her eyes shut. No one has touched her here other than herself and even then, Obi-Wan barely brushes them when she changes in or out of her clothes.  
The teasing touch feels electric, a zing that travels from her chest down her body. Anakin doesn’t let up from rubbing her thumb to and fro. Anakin’s small thumb stuttering as it passes over the peak of her nipple. 
“Obi-Wan, do you know how much you have grown in the last few months?” 
Obi-Wan opens her eyes to see Anakin has raised her head to gauge the redhead’s reaction to her question. Both girls are open mouthed, inches apart and caught in each other’s gravity, exchanging humid breath. Anakin licks her lips as if to savor the taste of it from Obi-Wan’s lungs. 
When no words pass from Obi-Wan’s lips, Anakin’s blue eyes narrow and she harshly pinches the nipple she had been toying with. “Aahh, Anakin!” Anakin leans forward and doubles down with her left hand to bruise and melt Obi-Wan’s wrists into the mats when the elder girl tries to shy away from the pain. 
“Answer me Obi-Wan. How much has your chest grown recently? Your tits are so much bigger, my hand can’t even grab one completely.” To emphasize her statement, Anakin does exactly that. She takes her hand and gropes Obi-Wan’s breast, squeezing and playing with it. Switching  to the other breast at her leisure to give it the same treatment. 
Heat gathers anew up her neck and fills her entire face to the tips of her ears. The embarrassment threatens to overwhelm Obi-Wan with Anakin’s casual reference of her breasts as tits. “I…I don’t know. Anakin, let me go and stop grabbing me like that! Don’t refer to my chest that way either.” 
“You lost, remember Obi-Wan? Now it’s time for my prize.” Anakin already started moving onwards as if that was all the excuse she needed. “Wait! What we decided earlier was not just a blanket statement to just do whatever you please Anakin.”
“Why not? We’re both girls and I just want to see. You promised to help me with any questions or problems I had. Or did you forget that too?” Obi-Wan did recall, but Obi-Wan told her that when she had just been taken as Qui-Gon’s padawan three years ago. Anakin had just been brought to the temple. She had been so new and out of place, having grown up in the outer rim and knowing nothing of the force. A small blonde thing with bright eyes and a loneliness that was palpable to even Obi-Wan who had always had such a hard time harnessing the force for such tactics.
Since then Anakin had been stuck to her like the flexi-paste of the younger girl’s mechanical projects. She has also used this line multiple times to get Obi-Wan to follow along with her childish plans or at times, answer invasive questions such as this one.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan croaked out. She was having difficulty forming a thought with Anakin’s hand continuing to massage and explore her breasts. She chokes back a moan from the treatment and mortified, she feels the beginnings of an unwilling arousal start to pool below her navel. 
The trouble with Anakin is that she is so very tactile. She learns through touch and experimentation. Creates and dismantles droids with ease. Inspecting the parts by hand as her brilliant mind figures out how all the pieces come together. Her exploration of Obi-Wan’s chest is her way of answering her own question. In this aspect, Obi-Wan feels very much like a new toy for Anakin to play with and decipher the inner workings of.
Obi-Wan clenches her thighs together tightly. 
“That was for any trouble you had acclimating to the temple and the ways of the Jedi. Not to pin me down and grasp at me. Let me up and stop fondling me! This isn’t proper.” 
“Well then,” Anakin laughs and is radiant with girlish amusement. “If you want to leave so badly, get out of my hold. I’ll let this topic and you go, but if you can’t?” A predatory smile appears on her face, “Then it looks like you’ll have to stay here and answer me.” 
The nerves twist harder in Obi-Wan’s stomach after hearing this ultimatum while another zing flows down her body in trepidation. Despite Obi-Wan’s four years, four inches on the younger girl and entire childhood having been brought up with learning how to harness the force, Anakin is extraordinarily stronger. Frighteningly stronger actually. 
Rumors had always surrounded Anakin and her mysterious sudden appearance at the temple. The child of the force they called her. The Chosen One. 
With the experience that Obi-Wan has had with her, she knows down to the marrow of her bones that the rumors are true. As true and real as the thrumming, living force that surrounds them here in this room.
“Anakin, this is not some game—“ Anakin darts her other hand to hold Obi-Wan’s wrists once more, bruising and secure. Her tanned face eclipses the lights above them and brings a shadow over both of their faces. The intimate position lets Anakin’s short padawan brain brush Obi-Wan’s cheek. A soft, ticklish caress that is contrasted with Anakin’s next sharp words. 
“If you want out, then prove it Obi-Wan. Otherwise I will find out the answer myself. ”
Obi-Wan began to struggle to get out of the younger girl’s clutch. She tries to strain up and use the force to throw Anakin off, or even push her slightly to try to get an advantage. It was utterly humiliating to see that this 12 year old girl was able to hold her down with ease, as she arched her spine up and ran out of breath. Embarrassing animal noises coming out of her from the effort. 
Anakin moved with her easily, flowing with her movements and manipulating the force to hold Obi-Wan’s extremities down. 
After a sufficient time where even the embarrassment of losing was outweighed by the reality of her weakness, Obi-Wan fell limp and tried to control her breathing. Sweat had gathered at the edges of her hairline and across the bridge of her nose. She focused on Anakin who was watching her with an open mouthed smile showcasing her satisfaction at winning her game. Her pupils dilate and take over the crystalline blue color of her hooded eyes. 
Despite Obi-Wan’s now slack body, Anakin continues to rock her pelvis upon the elder girl’s belly as if Obi-Wan were still in the act of resisting. If she weren’t already breathing hard from the previous exertion, Anakin’s movements would have brought her there all the same. 
Before she could have just explained away Anakin’s actions as her normal inquisitive nature. But her face, the color beginning to bleed into the tops of her cheekbones and her rolling hips can’t be taken for anything else other than what it is. Anakin’s eyes then catch once more on Obi-Wan’s heaving chest. 
Obi-Wan has a bad feeling about this.
“You’re so pretty when you squirm, did you know?. Look how your tits bounce with your breath. You get red from your face all the way down don’t you?” 
The words ionize straight to Obi-Wan’s core, plasma hot. A second heartbeat starts to thrum between her legs. The elder girl lets out a shaky breath and with it feels the fight leave her. “I don’t know.” Obi-Wan chews on her lower lip in trepidation. “I’ve never paid attention to that.” The tension of what Anakin will do next is too much to bear.
“Hmmm, guess we are gonna have to find that out.” Anakin takes a hand from Obi-Wan’s wrists and goes to the bottom of the older girl’s bra. The blonde grabs the edge of the sports bra and yanks the front elastic up and over the curves of the redhead’s breasts. 
Her chest spills out and the elastic of the bra snaps dully at the very top to push her breasts further down. 
“Oh, Obi-Wan.” Her voice has a singsong, entrancing quality to it. “You do get red down here too.” 
Anakin’s bare calloused hand cups her breast and bounces it in her palm. Testing the give like she would when encountering a new mechanical piece. Obi-Wan’s eyes flutter with the sensation and she bites back the whimper that almost jumps out of her throat.
Anakin isn’t incorrect. Obi-Wan’s breasts are tender, sensitive from how much they have been growing in the past year. She’s had to size up in her bras three times and each time she has been so mortified to ask her master for more money to purchase the new clothes. 
“Anakin...” Obi-Wan aches to reprimand her, but her name comes out as a moan. 
“Obi-Wan” Anakin instinctively answers back. The blonde is distracted now with rubbing Obi-Wan’s nipples in maddening circles. “Your nipples are so big and pink. Your tits are the prettiest thing I have ever seen .”
Obi-Wan doesn’t know if she can clench her thighs tighter. The words alone are enough to bring a whine out of her. “Has anyone else ever seen you like this?” 
“I… no Anakin. Who could I have had time for? You’re always with me, who could I have had” Obi-Wan swallows the pooling drool from her mouth and scours her pleasure-addled mind for an appropriate term. “relations with?”
Anakin locks flinty eyes with her and tightens both of her hands to the point of pain. “Quinlan Vos?” The plumpness of her mouth disappears with her venomous look. “Master Qui-Gon?” 
“Master Qui-Gon!?” Obi-Wan wheezes out, mind fracturing from even the thought of her master even wanting to see her in such a state. The living force around them flexes with Anakin’s rising temper. The room turning oppressive, a pot of water just on the edge of boiling. 
“You wanted for him to see you like this didn’t you? Is this why you always parade around with your obi tied so tightly under your tits? Pushing them out? Trying to seduce your master?” The snarl on Anakin distorts her young, beautiful face. The look of a child who will not share her toys. 
“What? You can’t be serious. I’ve been trying to hide them, they’re so embarrassing. I’ve never tried to seduce him…. or anyone.” The ‘I swear’ goes unsaid, but not unheard. The blonde searches the redhead’s eyes searching for any hidden lie. 
She won’t find one. 
Anakin lets the elder girl’s wrists go and splays both hands to cover as much of Obi-Wan’s chest as she is able. She squeezes each almost like a tic, like something that comforts and compels her. Obi-Wan wishes that she could say it wasn’t leaving her slightly wet in her leggings.
“I want you to know Obi-Wan, your tits belong to me.” The blonde girl smiles down a bit manically, eyes far away as she recalls earlier times. “The force brought us together, Obi-Wan. You were the only one that made me feel less alone here. And I’ve been watching you since that day. You used to be flatter like me, but after we met your chest started growing. Growing like your body knew and was making itself ready for me. Filling up for me like a mother’s would.”  
The words awaken a need in Obi-Wan. Ions vibrating and crashing into each other under her skin. 
The blonde’s face tilts back up, so unfairly beautiful. Almost glowing with the surety of her statement, from the invigorating pulse of the force that tells Anakin that its daughter is unmistakably right. “It’s time that I had a taste.”
Anakin slides her body down Obi-Wan’s abdomen. Making sure to rub herself all the way until their crotches match up. A small moan comes out of the open wound of the younger girl’s mouth and Obi-Wan feels the sound like the sweetest brush to her clit. 
Anakin has wanted her. Maybe even for years. Paying attention to her in the way little 9-year-old girls shouldn’t have. 
Her plush rose colored lips pucker up child-like and lay a chaste kiss to the peak of Obi-Wan’s left breast. The touch is electrifying and all the nerves in Obi-Wan’s body light up like a constellation in the force. The stillness of the training room provides the perfect auditorium for the echo of Obi-Wan’s throaty grunt.
“See? You can’t hide from me Obi-Wan.” Anakin’s lovely flushed cheeks bubble up around the perfect smile on her face. “You want this as much as I do. I can sense it. Don’t worry I will give us what we both want.” 
The blonde’s tongue lays a kitten lick to the bud of her areola then swirls all around making sure to enclose Obi-Wan’s entire nipple in her spit. “Mmmm… Obi-Wan you taste so good.” 
Obi-Wan’s hands clutch now at the wrists of Anakin’s. Needing to exert some control over where Anakin is. Needing to keep her where she is. “Uughh” Obi-Wan huffs, overwhelmed. Her mind seems to be caught in a feedback loop, body turning hot and cold in turns, hair standing up as if wielded by static. 
Moans become an echoing sound between them in the empty room as Anakin takes her time tasting each breast. The younger girl tests and tries out any pattern she can think of. 
“Anakin” Obi-Wan can’t help but sigh her name. Head tilted back trying to comprehend the pleasure. Anakin bites down upon her nipple in response. 
“Anakin!” The older girl wails out.  The bite feels like a lightning bolt. A discharge of electricity shocking her down to the tips of her toes. 
The blue hot flame of Anakin’s eyes burn into her own. She’s caught in her orbit and sinking towards Anakin’s center, her desires, endlessly. 
“I’m going to make sure you and everyone else know that your tits are mine” Anakin begins to bite and suck blood red marks into the delicate skin of Obi-Wan’s chest. Every suck and nibble mingling pain and pleasure. She rubs her thighs together trying to get any stimulation on her aching cunt. 
Anakin seems to instinctively know her issue and changes her position to force her muscled thigh between the redhead’s own. Obi-Wan grinds up into the younger girl’s thigh and keens from how unbelievably good it feels. 
In her delirium, Obi-Wan clenches her eyes shut and  wonders how this turned so quickly. Here she is getting her tits sucked and bitten while howling like a loth-cat in heat. Rubbing up against a tween girl’s thigh. She hasn’t even ever been kissed yet. 
She glances down her chest at Anakin. Her cheeks are flushed , eyelashes fluttering upon her own cheeks and she’s grinding back against Obi-Wan’s thigh. Making insane sucking sounds and whimpering into Obi-Wan’s skin like she has been starved for years. 
The sight and sound brings Obi-Wan’s pleasure higher and higher. She’s so close to completion that the edges of her vision are fading. She’s light headed and hyper focused. The colors that make up Anakin turn vivid, they become her whole world. 
Obi-Wan grinds up for the last time as Anakin bites down on her right tit with enough force to break her skin.  She’s on fire, lit from the inside out, then split down the middle like a tree in a thunderstorm. 
The last thing Obi-Wan hears before the static takes over her senses is the high strung moan of Anakin as she sucks on the taste of blood from her body. 
Coming down from her orgasm, Obi-Wan slowly realizes her eyes are half lidded. Tears she didn’t know she shed are traveling down the sides of her face and into her hair. Her own hands are holding onto Anakin’s head. Caressing the sweaty tufts that are matted to the younger girl’s scalp.
Anakin is softly kissing her chest, and must have felt in the force that Obi-Wan can’t handle much more stimulation. The young girl is still rubbing herself  on Obi-Wan’s thigh. Small moans choked in the depths of her throat. 
Obi-Wan feels changed. She has seen those who have been struck by lightning. She feels so certain that if she were to look at herself in the mirror, under the suck marks and bruises that Anakin gave her, she would see her nerves stained into her skin. Showcasing the pathway of pleasure that Anakin burned into her. 
Anakin pulled back and looked at her handiwork. The mess that she’s made of Obi-Wan’s chest. “Hmmm I was wrong before. Now your tits are the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Covered in bruises and all mine” 
When her gaze locks again with Obi-Wan’s, the blonde’s eyes are still smoldering along with the desire that the redhead can sense from her in the force. Now that her brain is back in her body, she notices the bit of her own blood tinting Anakin’s mouth like lipstick.   
Anakin slides back up Obi-Wan’s body until their faces are centimeters apart. Obi-Wan is unable to tear her gaze away from the glistening lower half of Anakin’s face and the red lips that call to her like a siren. Anakin moves in and kisses Obi-Wan with her eyes open. The kiss is chaste and wet and only lasts a second. Anakin pulls back and licks her lips. “You taste so good everywhere Obi-Wan. Your spit is as sweet as the blood from your skin.” She then moves her hand to open Obi-Wan’s jaw to slip her tongue inside and taste her there too. Anakin glides her tongue everywhere she can reach and Obi-Wan kisses back, tongue out to meet the blonde’s and share the taste of the blood that clings there. 
Anakin sucks her tongue with a thirst that could only come from a girl who spent her formative years on a desert planet. She moans from the taste as Obi-Wan feels lightheaded, stars clouding her mind. The blonde pulls back from the kiss with Obi-Wan’s lower lip between her teeth. Reluctant to part with her, Anakin slowly lets her mouth go while sits back up. 
“Even though I still want to taste you, there’s something I want to do more. Stay where you are Obi-Wan.” Obi-Wan doesn’t think she could stand back up if she tried right now. Her muscles are still weak from the tension they were put through. 
Anakin stands up quickly and lowers her leggings and panties in the span of a few blinks of Obi-Wan’s eyes. She takes a single leg out of the clothing and is too hurried to do more than that as she kneels back down over Obi-Wan’s chest. Obi-Wan can’t help but stare at Anakin’s pussy in front of her. The girl doesn’t even have much pubic hair and her inner labia sticks out more than Obi-Wan’s own. Anakin is pink and wet and her clit is swollen with need. It’s the loveliest and most arousing sight that Obi-Wan has seen. 
“Obi-Wan push your tits together. I want to rub my cunt on your perfect, tight nipples.” Their labored breaths are the only noise surrounding them while Obi-Wan takes her own hands to squish her tits together for Anakin. She can’t deny that she wants this just as much as Anakin. To be wanted, to be owned by this girl who is just too much. This girl fated to bring balance to them all. 
Anakin spreads her thighs farther and lowers herself down to rest her overheated and wet pussy on Obi-Wan’s tits. She rocks back and forth then tilts her head back to moan high and breathy. Obi-Wan has to moan in response to the wetness of Anakin’s desire touching her where she’s so tender and bruised. “You feel so amazing Obi-Wan. So soft and so smooth, fuck.”
Anakin tilts her head back down to watch herself rub her pussy on Obi-Wan’s tits. She’s holding the tops of her robes up just under her own budding chest. The younger girl is whining and moaning with each rocking motion, her padawan braid swinging with her.
When Anakin changes her angle, her clit rubs up against Obi-Wan’s nipple and her moans get higher, louder. She keeps the position and tries to stay there making sure her clit continues its kiss upon Obi-Wan’s peaked nipple. The sight of her own areola completely enveloped by Anakin’s lower lips is almost too much to take. Obi-Wan feels herself ramping up again, wetness gathering in between her legs once more.
Obi-Wan has to look away, getting close to the edge just from the stimulation on her chest and the display of Anakin’s pretty cunt 
She looks up and becomes taken with watching the bunching of the girl's abdominal muscles and she works herself on top of her. Watching the sweat drip down the bumps and valleys of her torso and fall upon Obi-Wan. 
Obi-Wan’s mind gets stuck on how the sweat is another physical reminder of the younger girl’s hunger for her and how it mixes on her chest with Anakin’s slick. Complementing the pinks and purples of bruising that Anakin has painted onto her chest. 
Obi-Wan wants more, wants to drown in Anakin’s passion. Wants so much to taste the desire that is dripping out of Anakin’s body. “Anakin– ughh… let me taste you.” She feels herself flush again over the wantonness of her own words, but Anakin’s full bodied moan takes away most of the shame.
“Oh Obi-Wan, fuuuck. Look at you being a sweet schutta for me. Force, I want to sit on your unbearably pretty face so bad, but I need your tits more.” Anakin clenches her eyes shut and moans at the fantasy that must take place in her head. Her face pinkens and is so gorgeous that Obi-Wan’s senses leave her and she feels herself begging.
“Please, please Anakin. I need to taste you.” Obi-Wan opens her mouth and sticks her tongue slightly out, hoping and wishing that the sight will get her what she is craving. 
“Shit okay okay. Here, I’ll give you the taste you want.” Anakin lets the arm that was holding her tunics up, go loose and takes her fingers to plunge them into herself. Gathering her wetness from the source and taking her glistening fingers back out. 
Obi-Wan whines with her tongue out and her eyelids flutter when Anakin places her two fingers in her mouth. The flavor explodes within her, tasting musky and tart. She closes her mouth and sucks on Anakin’s fingers, not wanting to miss a single bit of the wetness that clings to them.
“Aaah, w-where are the– fuuuck, manners you always get on my ass about? What do you say?” 
“Thalk yew” Obi-Wan garbles out the words over and over with the fingers in her mouth. “Force, you are so perfect Obi-Wan, perfectly made for me.” Anakin takes her fingers and explores the cavern of Obi-Wan’s mouth. Obi-Wan keeps her cheeks hollow and her tongue slurping around the fingers, not wanting them to leave.
“Unngh, open your eyes and look at me Obi-Wan” Anakin keeps grinding on Obi-Wan’s tits and Obi-Wan opens her eyes, not knowing when she had closed them. When the two pairs of blue eyes meet, Anakin moves her unoccupied hand to hold onto Obi-Wan’s throat and then takes her fingers farther into Obi-Wan’s mouth making the elder girl tear up and gag.
“Fuuuuuck!” Anakin screws her eyes shut and comes on top of her. She continues rocking, but moves her fingers out to stop choking Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan suckles upon her hand until it finally leaves her mouth. 
When Anakin comes down from her orgasm, she scoots off backwards from Obi-Wan’s chest and sits backwards in the open V of Obi-Wan’s thighs. Obi-Wan is still breathing hard and finally lets go of her own tits that she had held together for Anakin. She takes an arm and places it over her eyes, unable to really believe what just happened.
“Look at you, you were soaking in your pants.” She swipes a thumb down Obi-Wan’s slit through her leggings. The touch immediately brings a fresh moan from Obi-Wan who is so close to coming a second time. “Oh you want more, don’t you Obi-Wan? Grinding against your tits and sucking my slick got you hot again huh?” 
“Yesss.. please” Obi-Wan’s voice cracks a bit on the words as Anakin places her palm on Obi-Wan’s mound and her thumb unerringly finds the elder girl’s clit. It only takes some slow, dragging circles from Anakin’s thumb for her to come again. Obi-Wan’s thighs close and trap Anakin’s hand in between, trying to keep her from moving away.
Obi-Wan slowly opens her legs as the tingling shocks start to die down. She lies there on the mat heaving and trying to get the stars out of her eyes. When she moves her arm and looks back down to where Anakin is, she notices the girl bringing her thumb to just under her nose and breathing it in deeply. The blonde’s shoulders dropping and head tilting up like she just can’t get enough. She sticks her thumb in her mouth and sucks off any lingering flavor. “Next time.”
Obi-Wan closes her eyes again and whimpers at the thought. She is not sure she will survive this girl who hungers and wants with all the power of the Force behind her. Obi-Wan lets out a sigh and basks in the feeling of satisfaction and ownership ringing out between them in the Force.
4 notes · View notes
obwjam · 3 years
Ooo how about - 2. “It’s like you’re trying to get hurt at this point.” - maybe with obi wan? xx
“It’s like you’re trying to get hurt at this point.”
oh yes anon this is the STUFF. local sassy man is exhausted, sources say
from this post
“It’s like you’re trying to get hurt at this point.”
“Obi-Wan...” you sighed, looking down at your legs dangling in the air. You weren’t too fond of being grabbed, so Obi-Wan’s solution was to use the Force when you fell — and you fell often. “Do you have to do this every time?”
Obi-Wan didn’t even look up from the book he was reading. “Yes.”
“Please,” you rolled your eyes. “I was totally gonna make that jump!”
“It certainly didn’t look like it.”
“You always say that!” you protested, now crossing your arms as you jerked your body to face your Jedi friend. The light of the Coruscant sunset was bathing you in a pink and orange glow. “And you weren’t even looking this time!”
“Even you’d have to admit your track record is less than stellar,” Obi-Wan ignored your comment and smirked, hand barely outstretched as he kept you hovering a few feet from the ground. “Wasn’t it just last week that you tried to swing from the bookcase to the table and ended up on the ground instead?”
You huffed a breath. “That was a miscalculation.”
“And how many more miscalculations until you seriously injure yourself?”
“Come on, you know as well as I do that borrowers don’t get hurt as easily as humans.”
Obi-Wan finally looked up from his book. His expression wasn’t irked like you thought it might be — it was concerned. “(Y/n). That isn’t an excuse to do dangerous things.”
You shut your eyes as Obi-Wan stood up from his chair and kneeled down in front of you, pulling you from midair into his open palm. In all the time you had known Obi-Wan, you still could barely look up at him. The sheer size difference was something you figured you’d never get used to.
You refused to look up at Obi-Wan as he took a seat.
“Your stunts get more and more wild by the day,” he said quietly. “Is something the matter?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” you grumbled. “Why would something be wrong?”
“You know I can tell when you’re lying,” Obi-Wan chuckled. “You’re not the first one to try getting one’s attention by acting out.”
You grimaced as you wrung your hands together.
“It’s not easy, you know. Being around you all the time.”
Obi-Wan tilted his head, trying to get a read on your expression. “(Y/n), what are you talking about?”
“You know! You’re—you’re this great, powerful Jedi master, who—who can move things with his mind and do incredible things. You think just because I’m small that I’m helpless and can’t do anything!”
“Missions are far too dangerous for you, and you know that!” Obi-Wan said sternly, rolling his eyes. It was another one of these conversations. He didn’t even notice your flinch when he raised his voice.
“But I could help!” you cried, standing up and balling your fists at your side. “I could—I could be a spy, or—or I could crawl into places you normally wouldn’t be able to reach!”
“(Y/n), people die on these missions! All the time! The clones who are bred for battle don’t often make it back. I can’t let you take that risk!”
“You don’t let me do anything! Sure, I’ve gotten hurt before, but you get hurt too! Everybody does!”
Obi-Wan groaned. This had to have been the fifth time this week you begged him to take you on a mission. He wasn’t in the mood to keep rehashing his decision, and guilt-tripping wasn’t going to work. “It’s different for you and you know it.”
“Oh really? How come? Because I’m so small, I can’t be trusted? Because I’m just a pathetic little thing you took pity on?!”
It was like all the air disappeared from the room in an instant. Obi-Wan gasped softly while you covered your mouth, utterly horrified that you has let that slip. In an instant, he had gone from annoyed to embarrassed. In the months that had passed since Obi-Wan found you, he had mostly kept you confined to his quarters. He had left you alone when he went on missions, but he figured that was for the best — the fewer giants you had to encounter, the better. He failed to consider the possibility that sheltering you would just make you more afraid.
“(Y/n),” he started, lifting his hands up to his eye level. He could barely see the makings of a tear track on your cheek. “Is that really how you feel?”
You crossed your arms and turned your head down, giving it a small shake.
“No? Then why would you say that?”
Your stomach felt like there was a lead weight resting inside. “People say things.”
“What people? Other Jedi?” Obi-Wan had to suppress the rage that was bubbling up.
“I dunno!” your quavering voice shouted in defense. It was times like these that you hated being confined to his hand. “I just... I hear it sometimes, okay? When you’re not around.”
“It’s not Anakin, is it?”
“No, not him,” you scoffed. “Though he does seem to look at me like some sort of helpless pet.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “He needs to learn some manners.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Sometimes it just feels like you’d be better off without me here.”
Obi-Wan almost screamed. If he ever found out who was saying those things to you...
“(Y/n), what are you trying to say?”
You finally looked up at Obi-Wan and felt a pang of guilt at his hurt expression. You didn’t think he would be so... offended by your words.
“I’m just... I don’t understand why you keep me around. I just get in your way, don’t I? You’re always worrying about me, even when I don’t need to be worried about. I’ve fallen from treetops to the forest floor. This is the safest place I’ve ever been — you —you won’t even show me around the temple! — but you still feel the need to—”
“—to protect you?” Obi-Wan finished. Embarrassed, you nodded.
“Yeah. To protect me. When I never even leave this room. I can’t be the only person you ever saved from danger. You... you have far more important things to do than save me when I fall.”
Obi-Wan closed his eyes for a moment as he steadied his breathing. It was never lost on him how small and vulnerable you were compared to the environment around you. Even in the safety of his hands, his curled fingers loomed overhead. How could he not worry when even he was an inherent danger to you? You were his responsibility now — just as Anakin and Ahsoka are. When he rescued you from your old planet, you were injured and afraid. The temporary shelter he promised had turned into a permanent solution because he enjoyed having you around. You were a friend.
“It seems I have failed to properly convey my feelings,” Obi-Wan said softly, almost sounding disappointed in himself. You looked at him, confused.
“You matter to me a great deal. I wouldn’t have let you stay if you didn’t. You’re a wonderful companion and an even greater friend. You’re right, you’re not the first person I’ve saved from this horrible war. It’s... not often that Jedi get the opportunity to let themselves care so deeply for someone. I want to protect you because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let you get hurt.”
You gawked up at him, almost not believing what you were hearing.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, or think any lesser of you.” You could have sworn Obi-Wan’a cheeks flushed red for a moment. “Quite the opposite, actually.”
“You... you really mean that?” you blushed, gently resting your hands on his thumb. His hand didn’t seem so imposing anymore.
Obi-Wan didn’t even hesitate. “Yes, I do.”
“It’s just... I dunno,” you frowned. “You travel all across the galaxy. You meet so many amazing and powerful people. Why me? Why do you care about me so much?”
Obi-Wan stroked his beard for a moment. He had never thought about it concretely, but it didn’t take long for the words to come to him.
“Well, for starters, you’re far more observant than I am. And quite good at understanding people and their feelings.” He smiled to himself. “And I must admit, you are very agile. If you were my height, you certainly would have no problem holding your own.”
You rubbed your eyes, foolishly hoping you could conceal how red your face was. No such luck.
“Look, I know I can’t do everything I wish I can. Or act like I can. But I spent my entire life living by myself in a forest. I got by just fine until the war came. I’m—I’m not used to just sitting around all day doing nothing. I... I can help. I want to help! I owe it to you. You saved me, and I should be doing more to show my thanks. Nothing crazy, or-or anything, but maybe I could—”
“You’re tenacious, too. I like that about you. It reminds me of...” he trailed off. He didn’t need to say for you to know. “You don’t like to accept the circumstances given to you. You’d rather be the one setting the terms.”
You shrugged. “I guess so.”
“Perhaps I am a bit overbearing at times. But it’s because I care, not because I don’t think you’re capable. But even I can admit when I’m in the wrong.”
You sniffed a laugh. “Can’t imagine that happens all too often.”
Obi-Wan smiled. “No, not really.”
There was a comfortable silence as Obi-Wan thought over what he was about to say. He could only imagine how you felt — ripped away from your home, forced to sit inside all day as you recover from everything you saw and went through. Nobody in their right mind would want to return to the war after being rescued from it, but Obi-Wan supposed he underestimated how you were just his kind of crazy.
“How did you like being in space when I brought you to Coruscant?”
You cocked your head. “Um, I liked it just fine. I was kinda scared, but I thought it went well for my first time on a ship. Why?”
“Well, as you know I’m due to leave for a relief mission to Corvo tomorrow. I don’t suppose you’d like to join me?”
Your eyes lit up. “Really? Yes! I mean—yeah, if—if you’re offering, I’d really — I’d love to.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “Good. The people of Corvo are allies of the Republic, and very kind. If you’re to make Coruscant your new home, it might be nice for you to meet the Corvoian Prime Minister.”
It took a great deal of discipline to contain your excitement, and Obi-Wan knew it. You leaned into his thumb in sort of a makeshift hug, and he flexed his fingers to reciprocate the action as best he could. For a few minutes, neither of you said anything. The moment didn’t need any words.
“Obi-Wan?” you said finally.
“How come you changed your mind so quickly?”
He shrugged. “I know when I make a mistake. And I like to fix it as soon as possible so people don’t realize it happened.”
You laughed. “How very humble of you.”
“Oh, you know me.”
“Yeah,” you said, resting your head on his thumb as Obi-Wan leaned back. The sun had just about set and the hundreds of brilliant lights were beginning to pop up along the horizon. You would never get tired of its beauty.
“I do.”
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding XXIII
Part I - - - - - - - - - Part XX - - - - Part XXI - - - - Part XXII
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
The office was quiet but for the occasional shuffling of flimsi and tapping of datapads.
Bail Organa and Mon Mothma pointedly did not exchange a glance behind Padme’s back.
Senator Mothma set down her pad and broke the silence. “Padme...are you alright?” she asked softly.
“I’m fine Mon, let’s just go over the bill,” Padme responded stiffly.
Mothma hesitated. “That’s not the only reason I asked you here, Padme.”
Padme stood, chair scraping gratingly. “I see; I’ve already had the Chancellor pry me today in an attempt to exploit my ‘connections’ to the Jedi—as though they’re droids and not flesh-and-blood people who any average person could strike a friendship with—but I had thought better of you two; I suppose my faith was—”
“That’s not what I meant—” Mon pleaded.
“We’re concerned about you,” Bail insisted gently. “You don’t have to tell us anything about the Jedi that you don’t feel comfortable doing so.”
Padme paused, then reluctantly sat back down.
“My apologies,” she muttured. “It’s been...a long day. I’ve been asked by the Chancellor for help in breaking some news that...I’d rather not.”
The senators waited patiently for Padme to collect her thoughts. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “General Kenobi has suffered from...force...I really don’t think there’s a way of saying this that doesn’t sound bad.”
“I had heard rumors that he was missing at meetings the last few days...has something serious happened?” Bail asked, concerned.
Padme shuddered. “This office is...”
“It’s clean,” Mothma confirmed quietly. “I have it checked independently anytime I’m gone for more then 15 minutes, with random deep-scans.”
“Would you mind...”
Mon nodded and the three waited in silence until the Chandurllian senator’s pad trilled the all-clear.
“Master Kenobi tried to kill himself earlier this week,” Padme confessed lowly. Mon straightened up in a sudden locking of knees and elbows, face drawn into tight lines. Bail’s hands flew to his mouth, tears forming.
“Knight Skywalker got to him in time, and he was in a coma until this morning when he apparently ‘ranted about ending the one’s responsible for the war’ and then vanished, along with Anakin.”
Mon grew very pale and Bail moved both hands from his mouth to his eyes.
“Fuck,” he said softly. “Just...fuck.”
Padme nodded in agreement and Mon inhaled deeply.
Bail rubbed way tears and straightened up resolutely. “How can we help?” he asked Padme. “How does the Chancellor want to handle releasing the news?”
She smiled weakly. “He’s leaving the exact wording up to me, but wants to make the announcement during the next full Senate gathering.”
“What!” Mon half-shouted, shocked. “There’ll be a riot! Surely a bulletin—even a press conference would be better for encouraging a moderate reaction—people will be shouting before he’s through the first sentence!”
“I know,” Padme agreed with a grimace. “But he wants ‘transparency.’“
“He wants panic,” Bail fumed.
“I’m trying to decide if it would better or worse to include the part about suicide,” Padme said bitterly. “Mental health breakdown and disappearance of the Republic’s highest General doesn’t leave much room for confidence or privacy.”
Mon clutched Padme’s hand in support. “I’ll have a PR team on standby. We can prepare resources for anyone who has questions, avoid conspiracy theories from spinning out. I already had a project on the backburner to put together own set of holoclips of the Jedi working towards peace—a counter to the ‘warmongering’ narrative, so to speak. It should be easy enough to adapt.”
“The Chancellor’s going to turn this into another military spending bill,” Bail predicted grimly. “We’ll make sure there’s a proviso in there to provide actual support for the Jedi in the field; I’ll make sure to get a legal team on viper in the grass duty as soon as the responses start coming out.”
“Thank you,” Padme said, gripping Mon’s hand over-tightly in return. She turned to the Alderannian senator. “I’m sorry Bail, I know you two are close.”
Bail exhaled slowly. “This war...I’ve seen Obi-Wan survive so much, and everytime he pulls off the impossible...”
“He’s rewarded with another burden on his shoulders,” Padme finished sympathetically. “Yes, I’ve been watching the same thing happen to Anakin. It’s—if the separatist movement hadn’t resolved into such a democratic and humanitarian nightmare—”
“You should go home and get some rest, Padme,” Mon urged. “It’s late, and the we’re all going to need to be sharp tomorrow. Who knows, maybe some new information will materialize before the afternoon.”
“Why Mon, that’s almost optimistic of you,” Bail remarked dryly.
Mon flashed him a wry grin, looking at Padme out of the corner of her eye. “Well. She did say Anakin with AWOL—”
“Oh do be quiet,” Padme huffed.
Despite the ever growing desire for sleep, it was another long hour before the Senator from Naboo departed. The pair were just turning to their seats after escorting Padme out when Bail let out a startled yelp; Mon instinctively kicked at the sudden small green blur.
Fortunately, when you’re green and the height of most humanoid’s knees, you become quite experienced at avoiding such reflexive 
“Master Yoda! What are you doing here? How did you even get in?” Senator Mothma staggered backwards, reverting to defensiveness to cover up her embarrassment at attempting to punt the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
“Has his ways, a Jedi does,” Yoda replied mysteriously. Mon Mothma nodded seriously as Bail restrained himself from rolling his eyes. He had spent far too much time around Obi-Wan for deliberate Jedi vagueness to hold much weight. 
“Can I—May I offer you a seat?” Mon asked, quickly recovering her diplomatic grace. “I’m afraid that you’ve just missed Senator Amidala, but I’m sure she would be eager to return; I understand she’s...concerned for Master Kenobi.”
The wizened Master shook his head, ears flopping as he hopped onto Padme’s recently vacated chair, standing on the cusioned seat as the two senators’ settled down. The sight should, perhaps, have been comical. But the weight of his gaze...Bail held his breath. Perhaps Jedi mystique did still have some affect on him.
“Come to speak with the two of you, I did. Missed Mistress Amidala, I have, I know. Deliberate, this was.”
Mon and Bail frowned, exchanging a slow look of pointed disapproval. Bail spoke hesitantly but with touch of reproach. “I’m certain she would prefer to be here, regardless of the news—Padme has suffered for her public defense of the Jedi, I should hope that that friendship is returned, especially in hard times”
Yoda’s ears drooped. “A great Jedi, she would have made, in another life. Vibrant, she is in the Force. Loud to a Jedi, regardless of sensitivity. But needed now, quiet is.” 
Yoda’s gaze pierced Bail and he warmed inexplicably. “Quiet the two of you are. Brilliant, wide but in the Force...” Yoda broke the gaze, growing contemplative.
“Unique in the force, each soul is. That can be read, rare is the mind. More difficult to discern, currents, intentions, manner, it is with some, it is with you. And now, Quiet we need.”
The two settled back, uneasily flattered. “Master Yoda—it’s an honor of course, to be considered an individual worthy of confidence, but why exactly do you have need of quiet minds? Of us?” Senator Mothma asked finally.
The diminutive Master sagged. “By actions you would do, trust you have earned. But always in motion, the future is. A heavy burden, to carry, I must ask you. Without cause, I would not ask. But once tell you this I do—” 
To the politicians shock Master Yoda’s simmed to glisten with unshed tears. “—Guarantee your safety I cannot.”
The air hung warm and heavy for a timeless moment and a chill ran up both their spines. But neither were individuals particularly given to indesicion in the face of looming danger. 
“How can we help?” Mon asked, the words echoing over far more than an hour. 
“We know something is wrong with Obi-Wan,” Bail added softly. “Whatever we can do to right it—Obi-Wan is a friend, the Jedi are our allies, and the Republic is our duty.”
Mon nodded firmly.
Yoda stared at them each in turn, eyes searching and ancient.
“Working with the Separatists, the Chancellor is,” he said bluntly. “Evidence of this, we have, but not proof. Controlling, the Separatists, the Chancellor is. Evidence of this we have also, but not proof. The truth it is.”
“Evidence?” Bail parroted hoarsely, mentally assembling his own grim circumstantial coronation even as his understanding of the conversation’s direction fell apart.
The Jedi Master drew two small glittering objects from his pocket—a datachip and a microslide. 
“In the brain of a trooper, this we found.” he said gravely. “In the brain of all clones, this lies. Orders, it contains. Evil, is it. Free will, it can control. Decode it we have. To the Chancellor, tied these orders are.”
“Force,” Mon murmured in horror, responding automatically. “He already controls the public, and the courts—”
“And over half the senate,” Bail added bitterly.
“A Sith, he is,” Yoda continued with a sigh. “A Sith he has always been. A return to an Empire, he aims.”
There was a long heady pause as the two grappled with the return of the ancient boogeyman of the Republic and the repeated derailing of their night’s direction. 
“Fuck,” Senator Mothma said delicately, thinking wistfully of two hours ago when she had planned on confronting Padme yet again on her relationship with a young Jedi.
“Said the same, did we.”
The Alderannian Senator rubbed his temples, trying to come to terms with consecutive massive shocks from the already unexpected conversation. “Is Obi-Wan alright?” he asked eventually.
The small Elder hummed thoughtfully in reply. Bail tensed.
“No and yes. Suffer much, he has. Broken he is, but not shattered. A plan he has. His idea to include you, it is. The bravest man in the galaxy, he called you.” Yoda said, offering Senator Organa a sad smile.
Bail leaned back, stunned. “Me? But—why me?” he asked bewildered.
“Know not, I do,” the Jedi said with a shrug. “Seen the future, he has. A future where saved his life, you did. Saved my life. Saved something too precious to name, you did. Matters little, it does. A future that must not come to pass, it is, even as learn from it. we do.”
“...I think you’re going to have to explain that somewhat,” Mon replied sternly as Bail’s head spun.
Yoda nodded and the three settled in for a sleepless night of planning treason.
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sushiburritonoms · 3 years
Hello There
I’m a bipoc fan with anxiety that mainly identifies as old and tired. I write really long things sometimes. I'm also slow as fuck. Sorry about that.
Ask Box Status: Open!
Escape the Night/Game Theory
Matthew Patrick's Home for Imaginary Friends and Biblical Abominations (gen, comedy)
Stephanie Patrick has made a lot of adjustments and sacrifices ever since her husband came back from Everlock. After losing her good friend Rosanna and almost losing him, she vowed to ‘yes, and’ her husband in all his projects–including the supernatural ones. But six years later, Matthew and Nikita achieve the impossible and bring Joey Graceffa back from Pandora’s Box. However, Matt also accidentally inherits ALL the evil in the box....including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Basically a fusion of Game Theory lore and ETN, featuring Stephanie, Jason, Tom, Lee, Santi, Amy, Mirror Matt, Ash, and a ton of other Theorist cameos and easter eggs. Its the new channel hosts as the Four Horsemen; this will NOT make sense if you don't follow the Theorist channels.
Status: Complete
Escape the Night
Don't Let Me Down (explicit for sexual violence, attempted non con, Matt/Manny, Matt/Joey, Matt/Manny/Joey and Matt/Lucy (non con))
AU of Season 3, episode 9. What if Matt was the one put into the Collar of Control instead of Nikita? What if Lucy turned all her sexual frustration on her male captive instead of Mortimer? How would Manny and Joey, who are attracted to the poor Detective, react?
And finally, what if there was a way for all four of the final survivors to survive?
Status: Complete!
STAR WARS (OT, Mandalorian)
The Father the Son and the Exile (Mature for violence only, slow burn Din/Luke, canon Han/Leia)
It is my reimagining of the some of the themes and plots from the Sequel trilogy as if they happened to a young post ROTJ Luke Skywalker.  The premise is what if Luke received Force visions of Ben turning to the Dark Side when he was just a baby and what if the First Order/Empire was just a little more competent and forced Luke to isolate himself several decades sooner than in canon. 
Status: Complete! 
Last to Know, First to Judge (Gen, Din/Luke, Han/Leia)
A comedy fic about Han’s reaction to being the last to find out about his brother-in-law’s relationship with a damn Mandalorian.  Totally not canon to anything else I write.
Status: Complete!
Sacred Texts (Modern AU, Mature, Din/Luke, minor Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan)
Luke Skywalker is the beloved Children’s Librarian at Jedha Public. He is overworked, underpaid, underestimated, and utterly adrift in the post military life he’s created in Arizona. The work is important and the children he works with are well meaning chaotic demons, but at night the stars and the empty desert landscape remind him of the former life he misses and the parts of himself he’s still waiting to discover.
But maybe that will change now that there’s a new family in town.
Status: WIP/ probably dead sorry
A Thousand Prayers for the Dead (Explicit for threesome sex, Boba/Din/Luke)
It is Boba and Din’s first Night of the Three Winds, a Tatooine festival meant for honoring one’s dead ancestors, and it’s another day of Luke avoiding Boba and the strange magnetism that exists between them. When Din is around, the three of them are able to exist in some sort of equilibrium, but the moment he’s gone Boba and Luke find themselves caught in a powerful push and pull of desire and abstinence. But maybe on the night when the spirits are said to visit the living, they can come to some sort of agreement.
Status: Complete
Short Tumblr Fics and Drabbles
Are typically posted under #SBFiclets
Responses to an AU Fic List
28. Knocking on the wrong door (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan)
38.cop/person getting a speeding ticket au (Din/Luke)
30: tourist/knowledgeable local au (Din/Luke)
19. parents meeting when they take their kids to class au (Din/Luke)
15: meeting in the E.R/A&E au (Din/Luke/Boba)
40: Soul destroying exes meeting again after not speaking for years au (Din/Luke)
25: Library/Avid Reader AU Part I (Din/Luke)
Library AU part II (Din/Luke, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon)
Permission to Illustrate, Translate or Podfic Works?: YES! Please let me know if you do and I'll promote you!
73 notes · View notes
xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years
Okay... so... apparently my crush for Ewan McGregor characters knows no bounds. A couple of weeks ago, a friend's spouse went out of town, and she invited me over to binge Obi-Wan Kenobi with her (she hadn't seen it yet, because he would make snide comments), and after it was over, we mused about the Ewan McGregor movies we'd watch next. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen came up. I love this movie, but hadn't watched it in years. I'm not embarrassed to admit I watched it 6 times over a week. I just love watching his character slowly transform from someone governed by logic to someone who remembers there's a place in his life for dreaming. So anyway...
Between that final row after he resigned from the Department of Fisheries and Agriculture, and Mary's text pleading with him to stay with her, Fred had come to realize he'd never really loved her. He proposed because she seemed to expect him to, and he didn't quite know how to extricate himself from it all. He never experienced the heat of passion with her that he'd read about, but he hadn't known any better. His mother had died when he was young, and his father never remarried, so Fred's examples of happy marriages were what he saw on the telly or in films, but he dismissed those as the product of someone's fevered imagination. In all fairness to Mary, he hadn't known what he wanted or needed, not then. And even if he had known, he didn't have the vocabulary to express it. And it always seemed easier just to let her have her way. Emotionally, anyway. She always shot down his meekly voiced ideas with barbs so subtle that he didn't realize just how sharp they were until much later when another tiny piece of his soul gradually withered and died. So by the time the initial e-mail from Harriet dropped into his inbox, he didn't know what dreams and desires were his and which were Mary's anymore.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
“He’s holding me back,” Anakin snarled as Obi-Wan carefully paced a cup of steaming tea in front of him. He had come to the older master quite readily after he and Qui-Gon had joined their crew. Getting picked up by a fleet of venator class destroyers could either be incredibly embarrassing or quite impressive. Obi-Wan isn’t entirely sure which Anakin thinks. He had steeped Anakin something sweet and calming; exactly what the young knight needed. It was pretty much what he needed all the time, to be honest. The boy had more than just a bit of a temper.
Being around Qui-Gon Jinn didn’t exactly help.
The man rather indulged him.
Obi-Wan shrugged as he sat down on the opposite side of the thin table, shifting the cup towards Anakin and pulling his own closer. He made direct eye contact as he took a sip. Usually, it would prompt Anakin to do the same. In the company of certain people, Anakin sometimes mirrored others’ actions. Obi-Wan was one of those people. “Perhaps. But you are no longer a padawan. A knight in your own right,” he assured gently. He honestly doubted that Qui-Gon was actually holding Anakin back; Obi-Wan was fairly certain no one could really hold him back.
Sometimes however, he could be convinced to step back once in a while. It was a rare occurrence, but it had happened before.
“He’s jealous of my power,” Anakin snapped, nearly cracking the mug his fingers were laced around. Obi-Wan gently put a hand over his to stop it and pull it away. Anakin’s fingers were trembling in the jedi’s own and Obi-Wan gave a gentle, assuring squeeze before he pushed the mug a little further into Anakin’s purview.
In the end, Obi-Wan had actually snorted. The concept was rather ridiculous, his master being anything of the sort. Anakin was thinking things, perhaps even told things like this, but it couldn’t be the truth. “Doubtfully,” he muttered, something low but able for the younger man to hear rather clearly. He cleared his voice to continue. “Qui-Gon Jinn isn’t jealous of anyone, least of all you, Anakin. Take a sip, you will feel better.”
He hesitated but Anakin did so, mirroring Obi-Wan. They drank in silence, but the air was turning more comfortable. Tension bled from his shoulders as they released, and he slumped down a little bit. Anakin’s temper always seemed to be running high these days and Obi-Wan wasn’t sure if he could help in a way that Anakin really needed. He only, currently, had momentarily solutions to a bigger issue.
“A bit better?” he asked. He knew the answer.
“Yeah,” Anakin admitted begrudgingly with a sigh, shaking his head. He glanced over down below the balcony and then back at Obi-Wan, something sad but fiery in his eyes. It was a rather strange combination, Obi-Wan had to admit. “I should be out here, with you. In the war. Fighting.”
“It is not as glamorous as you are thinking it is,” the older jedi just hummed, taking a sip of his own tea and once again, Anakin took his own sip. He wondered if the younger man realized what he did.
“I know that.”
“You don’t,” Obi-Wan refuted but it was kind and patient, shooting a look to project that when Anakin stared at him, a bit angry at his counter. He didn’t like people contradicting him or telling him what he knew. Usually he wouldn’t, but Obi-Wan knew that Anakin had no idea what war was actually like. Not like this. Obi-Wan just tried to keep himself as serene and enduring as ever, to deal with Anakin’s irritated and frustrated disagreements. “I would not expect you too, either. Master Jinn is right about one thing, we shouldn’t be fighting a war.”
“You agree with him?” Anakin sputtered, surprised. The concept was befuddling to him and Obi-Wan wondered what exactly he knew about the war. Master Jinn was certainly not favorable; he couldn’t imagine the older master saying anything nice about it. Perhaps he even spun falsehoods. “Then why do you?” Anakin asked.
Obi-Wan looked over the ledge that sat about the rest of the mess hall, off to the side. Down below them was the rest of the mess hall and cafeteria, littered and crawling with troopers. Obi-Wan could feel them, he could always feel them. They filled him with such warmth and care, it made it just a bit easier to get up each morning and fight in a war that he could not stand being in. Yes, it was to protect innocents, but he reminded himself everyday that he could do what he had to protect as many as them as well. “Reach out and tell me what you feel,” he added. It was more of a suggestion than a demand but rarely did Anakin see that kind of difference.
Anakin sighed and rolled his eyes, staring at him intently. “You are not my master, Obi-Wan.” This much was true. Anakin was a knight, he no longer needed – or wanted for that matter – a master telling him what to do, but Obi-Wan had a point. At his core, he always knew he would be a bit of a teacher. He always had a point.
“Humor me,” Obi-Wan glanced at him with a kind smile.
The younger man just sighed again, loud and dramatic, and eventually complied. He looked over, beyond the railing, down in the large room that harbored so many soldiers. Some of them were in their amor uniform, usually sans helmet and others in blacks. Officers had their own uniforms that they were hardly out of, whether they were clone or not. A minute passed. Two.
Obi-Wan just waited patiently.
But then. “What do you feel?”
“They are warm,” Anakin acknowledged, his voice starting to soften, just as Obi-Wan spotted his eyes doing the same. “Brighter than I expected them to be. “They are strong, loyal, determined. Doing their best and being their best. They care about one another such certainty and persistence.” His smile was gentle and kind, lacking the fiery passion that usually inhabited him.
He could make friends here, Obi-Wan thought.
But Obi-Wan just nodded and Anakin looked back at him. He was still in a bit of a daze, probably from seeing and feeling all that warmth and light, but he was still listening, probably expecting Obi-Wan to tell him his point for the exercise. Whether or not Obi-Wan would say anything, he knew that Anakin didn’t quite regret what the older master had asked of him. “They are living and breathing beings. Sentients with hopes and dreams, whether they admit it or not. Whether they consciously know it or not,” he started. Many times, had he heard that the soldiers only dreamed of the survival of themselves and their brothers from one day to the next and didn’t think of the future that they may have afterwards. Although Obi-Wan believed them, when they said such things, he also thought they had subconscious desires and dreams for that future. Hopes for it. Even if they hadn’t been able to quite realize them yet. He truly hoped he could help them get to that point.
“I know they are,” Anakin added quietly, staring down at his tea before taking a small sip, unprompted. Obi-Wan counted it as a win. It was hard enough for Anakin to drink tea, even when he knew it helped him.
“They are a large reason why I do this. Why I must,” Obi-Wan responded, just as soft, staring down at the gently swirling liquid in his cup.
Anakin glanced up at him, his head turning a bit. “What do you mean?”
Obi-Wan pointed to the corner of the mess hall, a small table inhabited by non-clones and non-jedi. There weren’t many of them, but Anakin had a thought that it was rather on purpose. They packed together, rather tightly and did not move away from their specific table, keeping together and not milling with anyone else around. “What do you feel from them?” he asked, a bit abruptly.
Anakin groaned again but it was light and only half-hearted, but did so, taking a breath before letting his eyes sweep over the room and then settle on the table in the corner. He closed his eyes briefly and reached. With a frown, he started to speak, to explain what he felt. It didn’t appear that he liked what he was feeling, what he found in them. “They…aren’t happy. But…not in the sense of war, not in grief or sadness but like, they are dim, displeased, annoyed. They feel…disgust? Indifference?”
Obi-Wan nodded. He had felt it.
“Do they…are their feelings because of the clones?” Anakin asked, startled at the thought and pending realization.
“Sometimes, yes. Those few right there think of the troopers much like the rest of the galaxy sees them. As though they are droids encased in flesh; worthy only to be cannon fodder,” Obi-Wan explain, only sparing those men a quick glance. He looked back at the troopers that made up most of the room and Anakin could feel him softening again.
Anakin’s lip curled as a snarl escaped out. The thought made him angry.
“They do not care so much for casualties, only absolute victory, no matter the cost,” Obi-Wan continued. “If they jedi were not here to use tactics and ideas that wouldn’t decimate the numbers…I imagine it would be much worse,” he sighed, shaking his head with a deepening frown. “The clones are so willing, so eager, so loyal. I do not quite understand how anyone can meet them and not love them.”
“You are trying to save them,” Anakin said and felt pushed around by the appreciation and care for the troopers. It was interesting to feel. Jedi were known for their compassion and kindness, their wiliness to help others, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives, but it felt a bit different with the troopers. Anakin was beginning to understand why the jedi may have chosen to enter the war; if only to try and help in any way they could. There was something different about these beings. Like they were somehow intertwined with the jedi. Made to be friends, to work together, made for one another in a way that was profound, and one Anakin couldn’t quite understand or comprehend in words. He wondered if others had noticed this.
“I am not so naïve to think I can do so,” Obi-Wan replied, breaking through Anakin’s thoughts. “But I want to get at least as many as I can through this war. They…care about us in a way we don’t generally see associated with the jedi. The least we can do is try to get them through this and return the favor the best we can.”
“Do other jedi feel this way?” Anakin hadn’t even realized he had spoke for a moment, verbally saying what he had been thinking just seconds prior. Sometimes he felt so different than others, like he was the only one who could connect on the level that he did. Like he was an exception.
Master Qui-Gon thought he was an exception.
Obi-Wan nodded and there was absolutely no hesitation to it. “Not everyone of course, but most, at the very least. Even if we hadn’t been drafted into the war, I think the Council would have done the same.”
“Drafted?” Anakin blinked.
“Wait. So, the Order was forced to join the war?” Anakin asked incredulously because…that was not what he had heard. Over a year in and this was the first he had heard of such a thing.
Obi-Wan hesitated, like he wasn’t sure if he should be the one giving this information, like he wasn’t sure if he should be the one having this conversation, but his brows furrowed, and he nodded. “Yes, Anakin,” he replied slowly. He had to be careful with how he spoke. Anakin’s friendship with the leader of the Republic was not exactly a secret and everyone knew how protective Anakin was of his friends. “The Chancellor made it…very clear we did not have much of a choice.”
“Master Qui-Gon said you chose it,” Anakin responded, and he sounded numb, his voice just kind of dropping off in surprise.
You, Obi-Wan mused with darkening thoughts. Had Qui-Gon meant Obi-Wanspecifically chose this or was Qui-Gon distancing himself from the jedi already? Had his old master turned Anakin against the jedi; made him see himself an exception for everything? Chosen one or not, Anakin was a jedi. That was not to change unless Anakin chose to change it. But one could not continue to truly be a jedi if they thought of themselves as exceptions to the rules, to the guidelines, to the faith of their culture.
“No, Anakin,” his voice came out nearly as a croak. “The Order was drafted.”
“But Master Jinn…” Anakin drifted off, staring down at his tea. There was barely any of it left. “If the Jedi were drafted, not everyone is involved. Master Jinn, he…he’s not a part of it.”
“We found a loophole for him,” Obi-Wan confessed and it felt a bit different when he spoke it. He found a loophole for his former master; to ease the mess. He couldn’t imagine what Qui-Gon would have done or said if they hadn’t kept him out of it. Whether or not it was the right choice, Obi-Wan knew, even if they could get Qui-Gon to work within the confines of the war, he would almost certainly have become Obi-Wan’s problem. And Obi-Wan dealt with his old master enough as it was. “He was rather vehement in his stance on the war, so we claimed his injury and ability would make quote useless on the battle field,” he explained.
“His injury?” Anakin echoed.
“From Naboo.”
Anakin nodded in sudden understanding but his gaze was far off, nearly vacant, like there was something happening in his mind, wheels turning that not even Obi-Wan could fathom or comprehend. “I guess that is smart. He wouldn’t have listened anyways,” he confessed. It sounded rather fond, which wasn’t surprising. Anakin’s soft and often blind spot when it came to Master Jinn was always apparent. He loved Master Jinn’s blatant disregard for rules, to follow what he thought and believed was the will of the Force. Whether or not it actually was the Will of the Force, it hardly mattered. It was the will of Qui-Gon Jinn.
Qui-Gon often seemed to believe that he was the only one who really understood the will of the Force.
At this point, everyone was too tired and too busy to even try to argue with him. Not that anyone wanted to argue with him because it never did anything, never got anywhere. One could not change Jinn’s mind, could not shift his perspective or make him think in any other ways.
“Quite,” Obi-Wan agreed.
“I wasn’t forced,” Anakin realized quietly after a long moment of the two sitting in silence, sipping what was left of their tea, not lukewarm. “I wasn’t even asked,” he added.
“That is partially my doing,” Obi-Wan confessed. He knew he would have to have this conversation at some point, and he had been dreading it ever since it had been done.
Anakin surged in anger and Obi-Wan could feel it. It was fairly certain everyone could feel it. The troopers in particular seemed rather sensitive and knowing of a jedi’s moods and projections. “Why?” Anakin demanded. “Did you not think I’d be good enough for-?”
“Anakin, calm down,” Obi-Wan said, quickly slipping in his own before things could get any worse and his projections stronger. “Take a sip of your tea.”
There was not much left but there was enough. Scowling, he complied.
“Qui-Gon was already going to disown me, and I knew how you feel about him, and you were still a padawan at the time…I didn’t want the same to happen to you,” Obi-Wan started. He wasn’t sure how to explain this but he would do his best with what he had on hand.
“I’m not you.”
Ouch, that stung. It was true, of course, in many more ways than Anakin knew, but that hardly made it hurt any less.
“That came out wrong,” Anakin nearly winced.
“You aren’t wrong. You aren’t me,” Obi-Wan said, which, of course, was always true. Lucky him, the master thought. He didn’t say that Qui-Gon loved Anakin in a way that he was still incapable of caring for Obi-Wan. It wasn’t either of their faults and Obi-Wan knew a lot of the blame could be found on Xanatos and the Chosen One prophecy, but that hardly made it any easier to live and deal with. It could very much be exhausting. Anakin didn’t see it, not yet, and Obi-Wan still isn’t entirely sure if he ever would. “But that does not mean he would be happy with it. You know how he feels about the war, about my part in it. About the jedi’s part in it. I didn’t want you to have to go through that. Something even remotely like that. My apologies, I wanted to keep you out of the war best I could. You are so young.”
“I am an adult! A knight!” Anakin’s voice rose into a near screech. So ready, so adamant to prove that he is mature and capable and an adult. Of course, he was capable, but his maturity wasn’t nearly as rounded as he liked to believe, and he often just did not think. He reminded Obi-Wan of Master Jinn this way. It was his way or no way at all. But unlike Master Jinn, at least in the present some of the times, Anakin was also just a bit more inclined to listen to Obi-Wan. Not all the time, of course, because Anakin always thought he was right, but with the right care and nudging and so much patience, Obi-Wan, on occasion, could get through to him on certain subjects.
“Anakin,” he said his name with as much fondness and softness and patience as he could muster. Which, when it came to this boy, was quite a bit. “War is….it is not like any mission you have been on. It is constant and it does not end. There is a goal, but it does not finish there. There is always something else, something so time sensitive. You don’t get to go home after one mission is done, there is always another, linked swinging from one to another. There is so much more violence and death, and it chips off pieces of yourself every moment. It stays with you, long, long after the conflict may be resolved,” he said, and Anakin seemed rather enraptured in what Obi-Wan was saying. He couldn’t understand all of what Obi-Wan was referencing and he wouldn’t understand how this would stay with those who fought in it. Conflict like this, although not to scale, was something Obi-Wan knew, at times, rather intimately. “It is an experience, a pain, a dirt you can never be clean of,” he insisted, swallowing hard. “War is messy, and nothing is so clean cut as people often make it out to be. You keep giving things up; your ability, your mind, your emotions, your morals, your soul, loyalty, trust…. until there is nothing left of you to give. It becomes written in your bones until it is hard to imagine you were anything else. It takes the best things of life, of ourselves, and only gives back the worst and most destructive for us to figure out how to live with.”
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Evil Unmasked AU Part 3 - Lord Vader (aka Ahsoka learns the truth)
If anyone had, by sheer luck, missed the news or the announcement - every single broadcast via the holo networks made sure to either remind or inform people of the event. “Revered war hero and former Jedi Knight revealed as the Emperor’s right hand man”. Every single one left out the man’s birth name, the name by which he had been celebrated by Republic forces and maligned by the Separatists mere months before the revelation. The Hero with no Fear, he had been dubbed by the media. It was easy to see, in hindsight, that this too may have been a ploy constructed by the then chancellor, Palpatine.
Anakin Skywalker had been built up, like a fictional hero bestowed with charm, intellect and skill. His appearance had never detracted from the positive spin on his tale, his handsome features inviting people to buy into and accept the public image created for him. It was this man, this living legend, that had been retooled to masterly.
The man who had been cherished, with his wit and his cocky half smiles masking a perceived shy insecurity, was nowhere to be seen now. Once or twice, in the wake of major events during The Clone Wars, Skywalker had been projected on holo networks. The interviews had been brief, the young man seemingly uncomfortable by the attention, as if he struggled to live up to the public image tied to his name. For the past month, since he had been renamed, none of that persisted. While it was evident that the man cared even less for making public appearances or statements, he had been forced into giving a slew of them.
Every broadcasting network wanted a tout-a-tout with this reinvented icon. Little of the boyish charm remained, and all that persisted of Skywalker seemed to be his dry sarcasm and his inherent desire to act out in favour of his political and personal beliefs. As he had explained, with little interest, his “loyalty has always lied with Emperor Palpatine, and it will remain to do so.”
To those who had known Skywalker closely beforehand - those who remained alive to tell the tale, that was - were shook by the altered man, and the confusion this change left behind. His new persona was so vastly different, he might as well have been a new person altogether. Some would say that Skywalker had always been a snake in the grass, had always maintained a charade - acting out a falsehood to lull former friends and allies into trusting him. On the other hand, some were convinced something tragic must have happened to Skywalker, or that he had been bribed or manipulated by the Emperor into giving up on his morals.
Ahsoka reacted accordingly.
She had been lucky to miss out on the initial, official inauguration of her former master. She had come back from Mandalore, no longer a child but a woman. Forced to grow up at the age of 17, her and Rex had been the only survivors. And Maul, of course, who’d made his escape and remained cleverly hidden ever since. The fall of the Republic had been enough of a shock, in the wake of Order 66 and the death of Jesse and the entire 212th battalion. On top of that, the Senate’s power had been reduced to virtually nothing, restrictions and documentation of every single Galactic citizen had become mandatory; every ship was to be licensed and catalogued.
A long list of names had been released to the public with large bounties on their heads; names of those considered dangerous foes to the newly formed Empire. Most of them were former politicians, military deserters and Separatists; few were Jedi. Ahsoka didn’t take that as a good omen, seeing as the omission so many Jedi names probably came from the fact that Order 66 had already eviscerated the order. Ahsoka herself had been absent from the list, as had Rex, and as such they were presumed dead to the new government.
While Ahsoka had let out a sigh of relief to see master Yoda and Obi-Wan were noted as dangerous Jedi fugitives still considered to be alive; her stomach sank when master Plo and Anakin’s names remained absent.
Ahsoka had, thankfully, been left in the dark when her former master’s fate was concerned. She had assumed him dead, at first. Two months had gone by, she and Rex parting ways soon after they had buried their fallen soldiers and friends on the unrecorded moon where their Jedi cruiser had crashed. It was too dangerous to stay together, and while Rex had returned to Coruscant for supplies and to hopefully seek out further clones who may have avoided or resisted the command of Order 66 and the inhibitor chip’s programming - Ahsoka had lingered in the outer rim. A brief meet and greet - albeit unfortunate - with Hondo Ohnaka had granted her a false new identity as Ashla, before relocating to the mostly peaceful Thabeska. In the blink of an eye, two additional months had passed. Then another, and another. Settling into mundane life, building a new future; she had honed her knack for mechanics and turned it into a profession - making just enough credits to scrape by. Five months had passed since the end of the war, when the news finally reached her.
Ahsoka had been scouring one of the few off-planet affiliated trading shops for supplies and tools. She was in desperate need of spare parts for her comlink which had been dead since she arrived. She had promised Rex they would stay in touch somewhat regularly, and figured it was finally safe to reach out and catch up. Rex, Ahsoka presumed, was still located on or near Coruscant in hiding. She would have by-passed the slim offering of flimsiplast and data-tape prints, had a preview the issue of the day not been screened on the beat up, flickering holo screen poised on the wall above the aisle as advertisement to draw her attention. A reporter seemed to be enthusiastically interviewing one of the freshly promoted Imperial figureheads. The sound was muffled, the image grainy - but it was the voice that caught Ahsoka off guard.
“It has been just short of six months since the Republic was officially denounced, and the new Galactic Empire firmly installed. How do you feel this transition has affected you?” asked the reporter, eyes wide with awe and admiration as his face filled the holo-screen.
“Very little,” said a gruff, monotone voice - so void of emotion or excitement, that it came off as nearly synthetic. “I believe my position is quite similar to that of my pre-Empire self. While I am no longer, by profession, a knight or a general - I still carry out similar services. It is, naturally, expected of me to hunt down detractors and traitors. There is little difference in leading a war effort where casualties are a constant, and leading a judicial effort of assimilation.”
The words were big, foreign, and unnerving. Words Ahsoka had never heard uttered by that particular voice before. The voice itself seemed unrecognizable; twisted, and warped. But still, a familiar note to it remained - one that urged Ahsoka to keep watching, one that beckoned her, and compelled her naive curiosity. Her stomach sank before she even had laid eyes upon the screen, before the image that came with the distorted voice could confirm her greatest fears. As she focused on the screening, the reporter had come back into frame and Ahsoka’s heart pounded nigh painfully hard against her ribcage as she waited for the man that was the focal point of the interview to answer the next query.
“Do you struggle with any guilt, in regards to your unfortunate responsibilities? I understand it must have been difficult to carry out the order of persecution towards the Jedi order. Indeed, you were raised within those walls, were you not? Indoctrinated with their religious beliefs, did you ever doubt their teachings beforehand? Were you ever disillusioned by their cult before the assassination attempt upon the Emperor came to light? I am aware that you wish to distance yourself from the order, but I’m certain you understand the importance of your shift.”
“My own former master lied to me. That was the moment at which I was first privy to the mastery of manipulation that ran deep within the sect, as he had been required to carry out their dishonest schemes. I was not raised within the order, but I was offered training under the false pretense that I might free someone close to me from slavery once knighted. This was another malignant lie, as I was restrained from realizing these wishes.”
Ahsoka didn’t notice the screwdriver slipping from her hand, nor did she pick up on the clatter as it hit the durasteel floor once the man’s face came back into view; at once painfully reassuring, and horrendously frightening.
“I feel no guilt in the wake of my actions. I pity the Jedi order for their misinformed notion of the Force as a sacred yet passive entity. True power and understanding of its whims has thus evaded them. I pity their hunger for control, and their warmongering. I pity their attempts at kidnapping and brainwashing young children into following their flawed dogma, and any child present at the temple during the march is indeed better off becoming one with the Force, than continuing to serve a false doctrine. I was not raised entirely within the temple, and as for my morals, no person within the order served as a model or mentor me through true honesty,” said a begrudging Anakin Skywalker - and there was a prominent anger flickering beneath the drawled monotone.
Outwardly, Anakin appeared nearly the same as he had the day Ahsoka had said goodbye to him before she set off to capture Maul, and he went to rescue the kidnapped then Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin had offered a forlorn yet gentle smile as they parted ways. His wavy hair had been long and unruly, but his eyes were bright, and blue, and warm. Full of hope. On the holo screen, despite the inevitable blue tang to the recorded session, his face seemed pale and gaunt; fine lines were traced around his eyes, at the corners of his lips, and dug into his forehead.
His sockets seemed dark and sunken, as if sleep had evaded him for weeks. His expression was a perpetual scowl, his arms folded across his chest as he stood nonchalantly beside the armchair that had no doubt been offered for him to settle into. He was taller than Ahsoka recalled - even with the limited props of the room the conversation was being held in, he towered over every single piece of furniture.
The reporter, Ahsoka recognized him as Mas Aqui - he’d been present at her trial, waiting with bated breath to record her conviction - had been tall and lanky then, but seemed almost frail and miniscule while standing next to the former Jedi he was now bothering.
“It is my belief that the order had a singularly negative effect on my character, and it is impossible for me to harbour any remorse towards a sect that so thoroughly stunted my growth. In the wake of Order 66, and the subsequent termination of the Jedi sect, I have had sufficient time to consider the events. I believe the Jedi were inherently incapable of showing humanity. It is for this reason, first and foremost, that I am determined to distance myself from any remaining ties I may have to the order. I consider myself enlightened, and do not wish to be associated with the negative connotations of the cilt that so maliciously affected the Galaxy.”
Ahsoka couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. The words coming out of Anakin’s mouth seemed pre-scripted in their delivery, but still genuinely professed. They sounded nothing like the man who had nurtured her, and cared for her as an older brother - but the conviction behind them was similar to the one that had backed every lesson he had taught and passed onto her. She felt cold and numb, hands trembling and eyes wide as she stared at the unsettling display.
Anakin’s dark blonde hair was trimmed and combed back, a few fresh battle scars lining his brow and his left side cheekbone. His robes seemed a mixture of de facto Imperial garb, armour, and sacred Jedi robes twisted to mock the order's very existence. But his eyes were the biggest detractor. Their colour could not be discerned, but their iridescent, glowing quality carried through. The blood vessels were visible, lining the irises like an intricate work of haphazard artistry. Cruel, calculating, animalistic. Ahsoka had seen those same eyes too many times, and had been confronted with their unhinged quality in the Sith Lord Darth Maul’s every expression. In Maul, they conveyed a deep seated insanity - in her former master; they spoke of a fury so overt, it seemed to reach right through the screen with their oppressive glare.
“I see. As to sum up our brief rendezvous, Lord Vader, I am obliged to aim a few final questionnaires at this past connection of yours - I aware that this is to be the last time, as of now, that you speak out on the matter - and am thus mandated to collect a few loosely affiliated tidbits,” Aqui cautiously pointed out.
“Make it a quick affair,” was Anakin’s only reply; gleaming eyes narrowed in a disgruntled surrender that matched his threatening cadence.
“Very well. There have been some questions frequently asked by our dedicated viewers. As such, I’ve picked out the topmost three. They may be a bit personal of nature, so feel free to dodge them if you are uncomfortable with their direction,” the reporter reassured.
Anakin’s dramatic eye roll at the implication was grand and demeaning, but served as the only, silent reply. Aqui shrunk back, no doubt feeling embarrassed by the disregard of his patience and attempt at pandering.
“Do you miss any of your connections within the fallen Jedi order, and if so, whom?”
“No,” was Anakin’s direct response, a sharp warning of a hiss. “Every single one of them was a traitor and a liar. I pity their ignorance, but I do not mourn them. I rejoice in their fall, and I would aid the Imperial efforts to eradicate their kind all over again if need be.”
Ahsoka swallowed back the lump forming at the base of her throat; her eyes burning as they watered against her will. The Jedi had cared deeply for Anakin. Master Yoda, Master Plo, Obi-Wan. How could Anakin not have seen their love? They may have practiced a no attachment policy, but Obi-Wan had clearly contradicted the rule to his own detriment. So had Ahsoka, one of the reasons behind her decision to sever her ties with the order - something she knew that Anakin too had longed for.
“Is there any hope for a Jedi on the run to reform and thus evade persecution?”
“No. Some have attempted to reform, but it is in the grand scheme of things, useless. The Jedi are the sole reason behind the detriment of the Galaxy, and their hubris is the foundation upon which the war was built. No man or woman raised within the temple walls is unaffected by their harmful teachings. As such, few if any may break the vicious cycle. I have yet to meet a truly dedicated Jedi who would admit their fallacy and turn away from the sect. The few reinvented Force wielders I have come across, have all doubted the order before its inevitable fall, and were thus given the tools necessary to break away,” Anakin simply stated, still as arrogant in his stance; his tone premeditated but with a sincerity that made Ahsoka feel sick to the stomach as a lone tear escape and trailed lazily down her cheek.
“Alright. Finally, what is behind your change of persona?”
Anakin’s expression shifted for a brief moment, the rage behind his eyes laid bare and unveiled. His eyes burned, their glow predatory and unadulterated. He seemed to heave a sigh, his mouth drawn into a repulsed sneer. When he spoke, his voice was calm and calculated, but his eyes were dangerous and intimidating.
“Anakin Skywalker is dead. I do not associate myself with this man, whom the Jedi were attempting to shape me into. I reiterate, and hope to never need state again, that I denounce my past as an act forced upon me. In severing my ties to the order, I have found freedom with the true facets of the Force. As such, the Emperor has bestowed upon me the title of Darth Vader. Lord Vader is the only title befitting of my stance within the Empire. Lord Vader is the name by which all Galactic citizens are expected to address me, as is my right. There is no Anakin Skywalker, and there never was. The Jedi order destroyed the weak child bearing that name. I am Darth Vader, and that is all that there is.”
Another tear followed the first, and Ahsoka bit back a choked sob as she covered her mouth. The Anakin Skywalker she had known was no more. Barely a trace of him remained. In his place, stood Sith Lord Darth Vader.
Vader, who would stop at nothing to keep his promise and reaffirm his loyalty towards his Emperor and master.
Because I was inspired by the commenters of the second chapter to explore how Vader may be used for propaganda, I wanted Ahsoka to find out about Anakin's turn through one of the many media Palpatine would no doubt promote Vader through. Vader could be used as a tool to strengthen the notion of the evil Jedi, and his breaking free from their brainwashing. I figured this was a fun spin on it, and included it! There will be more coming!
Ao3 link below:
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I've been reading your posts on characters and they made me think: are there any characters you like that are good/great people? ('Great' not in olivander sense, more 'aspirational' and not morally corrupt)
I’m going to assume you don’t mean solely from the world of Harry Potter, because Harry Potter is such a garbage pit that I can really only list a few characters and the best I can offer is “from what we see of them” and even then the one I strongly stand by I’ll admit I made up pretty much all the evidence I’d use (we just don’t see enough of them otherwise).
I think like truly evil villainous characters, truly noble and good characters are few and far between. You get a lot who are presented as such, but they rarely manage to prove it. More, there are other characters I would consider good, but have to take very difficult and questionable paths in life for a variety of reasons.
These are the best of the best. Those who are so blinding in their innate nobility that you go “MY EYES, I’M BLIND” when you stare at them. People who are so profoundly good, that even the other characters have no idea what to make of them.
So, with that, my list:
Shuzo Matsutani from “Now and Then, Here and There”
This is one of my favorite animes of all time but I will warn that it is some dark shit. It’s thirteen episodes and it is fast and furious on the emotional sledgehammer it throws down upon you. Anything I say would essentially be a spoiler but I will say that Shu proves the nobility of his spirit by not only enduring unimaginable circumstances but holding true to his beliefs in pacifism and friendship in spite of them.
Utena Tenjou from “The Revolutionary Girl Utena”
Utena is young and does have some flaws, in the beginning she is noble for the sake of being noble (she likes the idea of herself representing this archetype). Similarly, she sometimes projects the way she feels people should be onto them. But despite that she is deeply loyal, going above and beyond for her friends and even her enemies, and just has this glow of pure goodness about her.
Oscar Francois de Jarjayes from “The Rose of Versailles”
Oscar is at times hot-headed but always approaches her actions with an inherent nobility and goodness to her that her enemies can find no reproach with. She bears the discrimination against her often silently, despite her struggles in the world, and stands by her beliefs for the good of the people no matter the internal crisis it causes both her and her world.
Madoka Kaname from “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”
Madoka, while a relatively ordinary girl, is inherently kind to everyone around her and ends up sacrificing not only her life but her entire existence for a world that everyone can believe in and is capable of miracles.
Duck from “Princess Tutu”
Duck struggles with her sense of self, what she herself wants from life and the world, and so on but always does the right thing and more does it with such an ease you’d think it was the only choice she could ever have in the world even though you know it’s tearing her to peaces.
Carlisle Cullen from “Twilight”
Carlisle Cullen is a pacifist the likes of which the Twilight world has never seen nor heard of. The entire world thinks he’s crazy, even his own coven never quite gets him or his ideals, and he has such a deep respect for life in general that he has chosen to suffer for centuries rather than consume human blood despite everyone giving him a moral go ahead to do so.
Lily Evans from “Harry Potter”
To be fair, this is the one I’ve mostly made up. We really don’t see enough of Lily from canon to be able to tell. BUT GODDAMMIT I’M GOING WITH IT. We do know that Lily is often viewed as this Madonna style figure and one who sacrificed her own life to save her son. I choose to extrapolate that to put her in the ranks of these fine people.
Akane Tsunemori from “Psycho-Pass”
Akane’s belief in the law and optimism in mankind is such that within the show and the many horrifying trials she goes through she is incorruptable. As it is, SYBIL becomes so impressed with her that it both desires to assimilate her as well as treat her as an outside human consultant. Something that previously was unthinkable for the entity.
Dr. Elizabeth Shaw from “Prometheus”
Elizabeth is one of those characters who’s so unnervingly good that she convinces people that aliens actually exist, can be found, and inspires an expedition to find them. More, despite the many horrifying things that happen to her, she takes an action of exceeding forgiveness and mercy and embarks on a journey based solely on faith and optimism in mankind. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi from “Star Wars”
I know, you say, this guy? The truth from a certain point of view guy? Yes, well, I stand by it. Obi-Wan has a very difficult life but he chooses to defy everything he’s ever known in order to take Anakin as a padawan. This is when he knew Anakin was to be his own replacement, that Qui-Gon was all but ready to throw him out, and when he had no experience as anything other than a Jedi Padawan himself.
His and Anakin’s relationship is strained and complicated, but I believe Obi-Wan truly does love him and tries to do the best he can by him. Which, in the strangest of ways, makes Obi-Wan one of the most Jedi of all Jedi.
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years
kiss me (for you’re all i ever wanted) | obi-wan
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back by popular demand (seriously the amount of screaming you all did on the first part to this fic had me yelling) here’s part two of this fic - touch starved obi-wan - this got away from me i’m sorry (i’m really not)
anything in italics is either a. thoughts or b. talking across the bond (telepathically)
tag: @obiorbenkenobi​ // @dressed-up-heartbreak​ // @robertdownyjrs​
Force, what the kriff were you supposed to do now?! It wasn’t like you could just... walk into the quarters of another Jedi General and say, “Shall we continue what was going to be the hottest kiss of your life that was so rudely interrupted?” 
You silently pace the small length of your quarters, completely unaware of the fact that Ahsoka Tano is standing outside of your door and projecting the calm you seem to be unable to control at the moment. She’s extremely perceptive - one of the brightest of her class of apprentices - and has quite an eye for things that most people would be ignorant of. 
Case in point: Your very obvious attraction for Master Obi-Wan who had tried and failed spectacularly to hide how desperately he wanted to be with you. Here she’d been led to believe her grandmaster was the epitome of the perfect Jedi. 
Turns out he was just another hopeless fool in love. 
  “Force, Ahsoka- You can’t just sneak up on people like that!” 
Ahsoka frowns and motions to the door. “But.. oh, kriff it.” She jabbed her thumb back out into the hallway where you could just barely see the forms of clones rushing through The Negotiator. “You are aware of what just happened, right? It didn’t just slip from your mind?” 
  “Maker, you adults are thick.” She mutters. “Look.. the clones are retreating to their night duties which means this portion of the ship is mostly abandoned. Rex and Cody are keeping their vod occupied, Anakin is in the gym where I’m supposed to be meeting him, and Master Kenobi..” Your eyes snap back over to the young Togruta who beams the moment she realizes she caught your attention. “He’s in his quarters down the hall. Seems pretty wired. Would you-” 
  “I’ll check on him.” You reply and swiftly leave your quarters without so much as another glance back at the padawan. You do, however, see her little victory dance. 
True to her word, the clones are vacant from this part of the ship which leaves you lingering outside the door to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s quarter and wondering what on Earth you’re supposed to say when and if he opens the door. 
Your fingers hover over the keypad with the code on the forefront of your mind; That’s when you realize you might be the only person outside of Skywalker who knows the code into these quarters. 
The durasteel slides open with ease. On the floor sits a Jedi Master, hands poised against his knees and body set into the familiar meditation position. The sight of him so tranquil makes your blood boil. Is this what he does when he wants to forget how he asked you to kiss him? 
No response. 
Pressing your lips together in a firm line, you shed your own robes by the hook next to the door and kneel down in front of him. Give his obvious ignorance to your presence you assume that he’s deep enough in meditation to notice you aren’t there. You can work with that. 
  “Obi-Wan..” Your voice echoes across your bond as your hands slide up his chest and smooth across his shoulders to remove the robes that hide his figure from your view. Warmth floods your cheeks as you catch the hitch in his breath, his body struggling to continue in his meditative state with the fire your hands ignite when they touch bare skin. “Kenobi... we have something to finish.” 
  “Force-” Blue eyes snap open and are blown wide when he realizes what you’re doing, and his hands very swiftly catch yours before you can continue. “What-What are you doing? You know better then to disrupt meditation when it’s in such a deep state!” 
  “It’s not like Skywalker hasn’t been interrupting you since he was nine.” You shoot back. “Anyway, why are you meditating? We just got back. Less then three hours ago. Meditation should be the last thing on your mind.” 
Unknown to you, you are the only thing on Obi-Wan’s mind. 
  “I was trying to calm myself. My actions on the ship were inappropriate-” 
  “No.” You snap. Your voice holds more anger then either of you realized you were feeling, and the sharpness of it makes him wince. “That might work with Anakin and Ahsoka. It might’ve worked with Satine. It does not work with me. You’re an open book. I know when the infamous Negotiator is lying to me. 
You can tell yourself until you believe it that you don’t want love. That you don’t want touch and you don’t want to be held. Here’s the truth of the matter, Obi-Wan. Despite The Code you seem to adhere to more then the majority of The Order, despite every instinct that fabricates the very essence of your being.. you’re a man. A man with a heart and who wants things. You said it yourself. You want me to touch you. So give into it.” 
You lean forward just enough to brush your lips against the shell of his ear, and you’re rewarded with a delightfully low groan that reverberates in the back of his throat as his hands find purchase against your hips. 
  “Give into your desires.” 
Cradling his face in your hands, you allow your legs to loosely wrap around his waist as he moves you right into his lap. The friction that creates alone is enough to make you blush. “Maker, please-” He breathes, low and hoarse against your mouth, as you hover only mere inches in front of him. “The temptation alone-” 
  “Obi-Wan.. what do you want?” You ask. 
  “You.” He says it so quickly that you know without a doubt it’s true. 
  “Then you have me.” 
There’s no one around to interrupt you now. 
Your hands make quick work of the tunic he often wears underneath his robes, deftly unlacing the knots that come together at the dip in his chest as he watches you through petrified blue eyes. It’s not hard to forget he’s never done this before. 
Fingertips trace over burn marks that are kept just out of sight beneath his neck line. You dip your head down just low enough to skim their ridges, and Obi-Wan goes slack in your embrace. 
  “Hero. Savior. Friend.” 
The Force is practically taunting him at this point. Here you sit in the darkness of his quarters, snugly pressed against his lap, your hands tracing his torso and your lips branding his skin. He’s pretty sure he’s entered the Cosmic Force. 
  “The Zygerians. My f-failure-” 
You shake your head. “Never.” You whisper. Your attention drifts back up to his eyes which remain blown despite the darkness that envelops you. “Not to me. Never to me.” Your eyes flicker between his own and his mouth as you move closer and closer and closer until you receive your prize, and The Force sings with praise at the motion. 
All the stars have aligned. Its chosen have come home to each other. 
You lightly rake your fingers through the beard that burns your hands as you move slowly, timidly, waiting for him to learn how to reciprocate before daring to go deeper. This isn’t about you. It’s about him. 
That’s when you feel it. His hands travel up your arms until they meet your nape and then his fingers thread into the knots of your hair, and you’re so awed by how easy he falls into you that you open your mouth wide to him, and Obi-Wan deepens the kiss. 
You forget how to breathe for a moment. 
Sh.. darling. I think I’ve taken you by surprise. His voice teases across your Bond as you pull away just enough to ease the heaving of your chest from the lack of breath. 
You did. 
Your fingertips trace the shape of his face. The sharpness of his cheeks that are hidden by thick auburn hair (let’s face it, he’s hotter with the beard), the outline of his nose, the shape of his eyes that flutter as he absorbs every touch you’ll give him. Your other hand is still spread out over his heart. It hasn’t moved. 
He wonders why. 
  “You overwork yourself.” You whisper. You almost sound sad about the fact he works himself to the bone and has for the entire war. “You take on more responsibilities then you should, you don’t sleep, I can barely get you to eat most of the time because your nose is buried in a data pad. Your vod are worried about you. I am worried about you. Let someone take care of you once, Obi-Wan.” 
His shoulders fall in defeat. 
  “Okay.” He whispers in reply. “Okay. Okay.” 
You hum beneath your breath and stand to your feet, extending your hand out to pull him with you. Obi-Wan complies without complaint and listens to the lull of your voice and how it feels like there’s a hidden Force suggestion in it. Just the sound alone is making his eyes heavy. 
  “Oh no. Not yet.” You lightly flick his shoulder as he sits on the cot and allows you to take his boots off. “You’re not going to sleep yet.” 
  “Didn’t you just say-” 
  “Oh no. That kiss you gave me was exquisite. Unfortunately, it means I now have to further test the waters.” You muse softly. He’s clearly confused and equally stunned by his own gasp when you flick your hand and the upper part of his torso is left bare to you. “Good. Now sit still, and keep quiet. You don’t want the boys to hear.” 
Hear what?
You part his legs just enough to settle yourself in his lap again. He’s leaning against the wall now, eyes narrowed as you bend your head to the column of his neck. His pulse is steady beneath your hand - amplified by his obvious fear - and you send a wave of calm across the Bond that makes his heartbeat slower. 
Your lips skim feverish skin until you find your mark - the one that makes his breath hitch when you touch it - and very, very slowly begin sucking on it. 
The way your core ignites at the groan he emits makes you dizzy. 
  “Force-Force-” He rasps through gritted teeth as his hands tighten on your hips so much you’re sure his fingers will leave imprints in your skin. “Maker-I-I-can’t-” 
Then your teeth drag across the mark, and he sees stars. 
 “Hm.” You somehow manage to start sucking harder and Obi-Wan is cursing in every language he’s fluent in to keep himself quiet. If you’d known that this was what it would take to get him to use that fabulous tongue of his- “The waters have been tested. You like hickies.” 
You pull away to examine your work. It stands out proudly against his skin. A mark that tells the people who see it that he belongs to someone. Sure.. you could theoretically use The Force to heal it.. but you don’t want to. You’re too smug about the sounds he made when you did. 
  “You know-” He rasps as you slip away before he can do anything, and Obi-Wan curses at how his limbs feel like they won’t sustain him. Kriff. “When-When I learn to do that, you will be the one getting tortured.” 
  “Oh, sure.” You retort as he lays on his side and opens his arms for you to lay in them. “How do you plan on doing that?” 
You’re so prideful that you don’t expect his next words,
  “Because I’ll mark you everywhere.” 
The next morning, Anakin and Ahsoka are standing at the end of the hall that hold the Generals Quarters. They both had a rather restful night sleep after practicing their hand to hand with the clones and their katas in the gym. You and Obi-Wan, however, did not. 
  “Okay Snips.” Anakin muses. “I’ll bet you fifty.” 
  “Fifty? Did you miss the part where I said I convinced her to go to his quarters?” 
The Jedi Knight laughs as his blue eyes flicker back down the hall where Obi-Wan exits his quarters and about two minutes later, your head pops out and you look up and down the hall to ensure no one saw you leave just after he did. 
  “No-” Ahsoka rasps, eyes bright with tears as she bends over in hysterical laughter. “You owe me a hundred credits and a dinner at Dex’s!” 
  “What the kark are you-” His eyes snap over to his former Master who is the definition of composed until Anakin sees the bright purple mark that’s just barely hidden underneath the fabric of his Jedi Robes. “Obi-Wan!” 
Rex, Cody and yourself stand by Ahsoka Tano as she once again lifts her data pad to record the altercation for future reference while following on the heels of her Master as The Hero With No Fear chases one of the most respectable Jedi in the Order all the way through The Negotiator. That is until Obi-Wan has the good sense to lock himself in a room where Anakin has no access. 
  “Kenobi, when I get this door open-”
  “Tell you what, ‘Soka.” You lightly bump hips with the Togruta and hold up your credit chit as Rex goes to calm his General. “When we get home, I’ll buy you dinner.” 
You buy her six. She likes to hear the gossip you have about her grandmaster. When you come home to The Temple and find Obi-Wan waiting for you in your quarters, he follows through on his promise of torture. 
He’s particularly skilled with his mouth, remember? 
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sarcastic-bubble · 5 years
Sharing is Caring
Paring: Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader, Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Word count: 5.5K
Warnings: All of them? This is just pure filth okay. Like lets see what we’ve got here; Threesome, oral sex (male and female receiving), some good old penetrative sex. Dom/Sub dynamics and a lot of sexual tension. 
Request: My entire blog has been a mess of people wanting a threesome between Anakin, Obi-wan and reader. That’s it. That’s the plot.
A/N: it’s like three in the morning. I just want to go to bed. I edited like half of this. I hope this is at least half as good as you expected. Like I know I nailed that sexual tension but the actual sex, not so sure. Also, I’m actually afraid to tag anyone in this. I think I’ll make a special tag list for the smutty shit. Let me know if you want to be on it! 
Masterlist Ko-Fi (I feel like I’m allowed to shamelessly plug this in here after all the other stuff I just wrote while feeling no shame... well maybe a little shame. But seriously ya girl is broke and anything would help.) 
When you were assigned to accompany two Jedi knights on a lengthy diplomatic mission you had expected a pair of crusty old men. After all, it was a diplomatic mission. Assuming the planet didn’t spontaneously combust there wouldn’t really be any danger, so there was no need for skilled warriors.
When you stepped through the airlock of the hanger where you were to meet the Jedi, you were quite surprised when you found the exact opposite waiting for you. It was putting it lightly to say the two men were attractive. Your eyes were drawn to what had to be the younger of the two; his boyish grin and the way his hand combed through his hair far too charming for their own good.
It was the other Jedi that noticed your presence first. He motioned towards you redirecting his companion’s attention. When the dark-haired Jedi’s eye’s met yours you realized you had been staring. You took a moment to settle the blush you felt rising at being caught and then finished your approach.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Senator.” The bearded man’s smile was pleasant as spoke. “Allow me to introduce ourselves. I’m Obi-wan Kenobi and this,” he took a moment to gesture to the other Jedi, “is Anakin Skywalker. We’re the Jedi assigned to accompany you.”
You made a mental note of both the names praying you wouldn’t forget them later. “Well, I look forward to working with you Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker.”
Anakin chuckled softly before crossing his arms. “I wouldn’t worry about formalities, Senator. Just Anakin and Obi-wan are fine.”
“Then you might as well stop calling me Senator,” you replied, “this will be a long trip after all. I imagine it’ll go a lot smoother if we can all just be friends.”
“Oh, I doubt that’ll be a problem,” chuckled out Obi-wan, “now, while I’d love to stand here chatting; I’m afraid we’ll have to do all our getting to know each other on the ship. We do have people waiting for us after all.” He offered his arm for you to take. You had heard rumours about this specific Jedi. Many of the female Senators were quite fond of him and liked to gossip about the times he had flirted with them. You had never paid much attention to them but it was becoming increasingly easy to understand their obsession.
You slipped your arm through his, it would be rude for you to deny his gesture. He was just trying to be a gentleman after all. You spared Anakin a quick glance and were met once again with that boyish smile of his. It was going to be the death of you; you knew that much. And so was Obi-wan if the way your heart sped up upon his touch was any indication of how the next month would go. This assignment was already far more interesting than you had originally expected.
Becoming friends with the two Jedi wasn’t difficult. Their personalities were easily just as attractive as they were. You found out quite quickly that the rumours of Obi-wan being a flirt were true and, as inappropriate as it was, you craved the attention he gave you. And Anakin. He had a teasing yet kind personality that you couldn’t get enough of.
You grew close to the men; finding yourself seeking them out during your free time. So, it was no surprise to anyone when you and Obi-wan found yourselves up late together. Anakin had excused himself earlier in the evening leaving the two of you alone in the living area of their shared quarters.
Obi-wan took a sip of the dark drink in his hand before setting it down on a small table next to the couch. He was quick to snatch the glass from your hand as well. “I think you’ve had enough of that,” he said, placing your glass next to his.
“What, no! Give that back!” You leaned across his lap desperately reaching for the glass.
His gently pushed you back laughing. “None of that Senator. We have to work to do early tomorrow and as cute as you are drunk I don’t think the politicians will share my sentiment.”
“I’m not drunk,” your protest. One of his eyebrows cocked as a smirk formed on his lips; lips you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little drunk, but it’s not anything I can’t sleep off.”
“And that’s why I’m stopping you now,” he replied. He relaxed back on the couch, his legs spread and one arm propped up on the back cushion.
You also repositioned yourself on the piece of furniture; your body facing his and your legs tucked underneath you. “Well then, Master Kenobi, since you won’t let me indulge in my drink; would you care to indulge my curiosity for just a moment?” You could feel yourself shifting close as you spoke, leaving less and less space between your bodies.
“Of course.”
“Then tell me, does the Jedi code have anything to say against physical relations?” you asked, the alcohol making you bold; removing any pretense of how wrong what you’re asking might be.
“Not explicitly, no.”
You hadn’t noticed him leaning closer until you felt his breath brush across your face, it smelt of Alcohol. Up close you noticed more about him than you had before; the way his smirk grew and the slight shake to his head as he spoke only served to full the fire you felt burning in your chest.
Your noses were nearly brushing when you finally answered. “I see,” your voice was hardly more than a whisper. You raised your hand slowly and only stopped when you could feel the very ends of his beard tickled your fingers. There was an electricity that filled the small space that separated you. It made you desperate to close it. To finally give in to the pull you felt whenever you were near the man.
You never had the chance.
The sound of a door opening caused you to jump back in surprise. Anakin stood sleepily in the doorway running a hand through his messy hair. “You two talk so loud, you know that? Some of us are trying to sleep.”
“Sorry Anakin,” apologized Obi-wan.
Anakin had already turned around and waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah, whatever. I’m going to back bed.”  
Obi-wan stood and then offered you a hand, which you gladly took. “It’s getting late, you should get to bed as well,” he said while helping you up.
“I suppose I should,” you sigh. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Despite the earlier intrusion the need to kiss him was still there yet instead of giving in to your desires, you turned and left; retiring to your rooms for the rest of the evening.
After that night you never had a moment with Obi-wan where you were both alone. You were accompanied by various politicians or Anakin and any given moment.
Anakin was his own problem. More specifically the effect he had on you. Where his old master was more subtle in his actions and compliments Anakin was more forthright. Not a day went by where he didn’t take a moment to compliment you on your appearance. And he never missed a chance to tease you while that gorgeous smirk played at his lips. Every time you saw it you had to resist the urge to kiss him. You didn’t know if it was intentional but the way he looked at you didn’t help. There were times your eyes would meet his. On the surface his expression was pleasant, but hidden not-so-well in his gaze was a desire to take you where you stood.
You always rationalized these occurrences as being just your imagination or you projecting your own desire for the man onto him. Of course, the fact that you had any sort of feelings for the Jedi was a problem, but as long as you could tell yourself it wasn’t reciprocated you’d be content keeping it to yourself.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and admired yourself in the vanity mirror before you. Your gracious hosts had decided to throw a banquet in honour of the aid you and your companions had provided. Seeing as it was a formal event you had taken the opportunity to dress up a little more than usual.
Your makeup had been applied delicately to accentuate your features and your hair tied up in intricate yet delicate knots. The dress you had picked out was a deep red and lay waiting for you on your bed.
Standing up from the plush bench of the vanity you walk over to your dress. You take a moment to smooth your hands over the silky fabric; removing all the creases. You were going to love great in it, you could already tell.
Lifting the dress from the bed you carefully stepped into it. Reaching for the small zipper located in the back of the dress you were met with a problem. You couldn’t reach. Realizing you were going to have to call for a servant to help you opened your door just enough to peek your head out. Instead of finding a member of the palace staff as you had hoped you Anakin was standing there hand raised as if to knock on your door.
“Oh, Anakin! Can I help you with something?” you greeted with a sweet yet surprised smile.
“I was just coming to see if you were almost ready,” he said and then gestured at the door, “can I come in?”
You had to think for just a moment. There was the small problem of your unzipped dress and the sheer amount of ass that visible while it was in that state but he could also be the solution to the problem. With no one else in sight, you opened the door enough for him to come in.
“I actually need your help with something,” you say closing the door behind Anakin.
He looked at you, a small amount of concern swirling around in his blue eyes. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yes. Everything is fine,” you were quick to reassure him. “I just need you to zip up my dress.”  When you turned around Anakin’s breath hitched and you mentally cursed yourself for choosing to wear such lacy bottoms. You worried it made it seem like you had wanted him to see you like this. But maybe you had.
He was gentle as he worked the zipper up the dress. Every time his fingers brushed against the ridge of your spine you breathe caught in your through and a shiver shot through your body. You only hoped Anakin hadn’t noticed
Anakin laughed behind you once finished and his fingers ghosted over your bare shoulder. “Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
“Possibly, but what are you going to do about it?” You continued to face forward not trusting yourself to look back at him.
He stepped closer, you could feel the heat radiating off his body. His fingers lazily continued to brush against your skin; this time daring to dip over your should and trace the line of your collar bone.
“I could help you ease some of the tension,” his voice was low as he spoke and you could feel his breath hitting the back of your ear, “I’ve been feeling it too, you know.”
Your attention was pulled away from the heat pooling in your stomach by a knock at your door. “(Y/N), are you still in there? I sent Anakin to get you but he obviously hasn’t come back yet.” There was no mistaking the voice outside the door for anyone but Obi-wan.
You stepped away from Anakin and opened the door. “Sorry for keeping you waiting Obi. He was helping me with my dress,” you quickly apologize.
You watched his eyes wander over your body, taking everything you were offering. He brought your hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. Throughout the gesture, his eyes never left yours. “You look absolutely stunning tonight,” he said the moment your hand had left his mouth, “I doubt there will be a person there that can keep their eyes off you.” You knew what he was really saying was that he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off you.  
Anakin, obviously annoyed at being interrupted early, walked up behind you and leaned against the doorframe; his body brushing against yours. “Well if we’re in a big enough hurry from you to come find us we should get going.”
“Of course,” Obi-wan was quick to offer you his arm, “M’lady?” He was being as charming as always and you couldn’t resist the chance to slip your arm through his.
The banquet ending up being rather disappointing. There was plenty to eat and drink and overall it had been rather good. The disappointing part was how much work you ended up doing. You had been hoping to send the evening in the company of your Jedi companions but the other politicians had started seeking out your attention the moment you walked in. You were a senator after all, which meant that you had far more power than the local politicians. They all wanted to be on your good side and they did seem to realize that the best way to do that at the moment was to leave you alone.
You were slightly flushed from drinking when a warm hand on your shoulder grabbed your attention. “Obi-wan and I are heading back to our rooms for the evening.” It was Anakin, “I was wondering if you’d like to join us?” You couldn’t be more thankful that he had decided then to come and save you. The man in front of you was incredibly borning and you were worried if you listened to him any longer you’d fall asleep.
You turned and slipped his hand from your shoulder and into your hand and into yours. “I’d love that,” you turned your head to face the man you had been talking to, “I’m sorry for leaving so soon but I promise to get back to on your proposal as soon as I have the time.”
“Of course, Senator,” replied the man, “I look forward to your response.”
Neither you or Anakin said anything until you were out of the banquet hall. “Thank you so much, Ani. I don’t know how much longer I could have listened to him,” you said, letting go of his hand.
His hand followed yours, trying to catch it again. It was a small movement that you almost missed. “You looked like you were about to fall asleep,” he laughed, “Obi-wan’s waiting for us back in our room.”
“Waiting for us? It almost sounds like the two of you have something planned.”
“Something like that,” replied Anakin with a small shrug.
A small laugh slipped past your lips, “well I can’t wait to find out what it is then.”
When you arrived at your destination Anakin wasted no time ushering you through the door. On the other side, you were greeted by Obi-wan. His fingers still lingering in his beard as if he had been deep in thought before you walked in.
“It took you long enough,” stated Obi-wan.
“I’m sorry Master,” replied Anakin. You watched a smirk curl at the edge of his lip, “you wouldn’t believe how many people wanted to talk to our sweet Senator.” Obi-wan approached you slowly a smirk forming on his lips as well, “I can only imagine. Did you say anything to her?”
“I thought I’d leave that to you.”
You could feel their eyes on you, watching every little move you made while listening to their interaction. Their gaze was hungry and full of an intensity you hadn’t seen from either of them before. A shiver raced down your spine, from fear or anticipation. You couldn’t tell.
Obi-wan slowly circled you as he spoke, his body nearly touching yours. “You see, Anakin and I are tired. Tired of what, you might ask?”
You shuddered away from the spark you felt from his fingers grazing over your check.
“You’ve been such a little minx lately. Teasing us with something we can’t have.” He nodded his head signalling for Anakin to take his place behind you. You could feel his fingers already playing with the zipper of your dress.
Anakin’s calloused fingers trace the ridge of your spine and stopped when he hit the top of your dress, “ After all that teasing, we figured it would only be fair if we got to do some teasing of our own. And ultimately give you what you want, if you’re good.”  
You shivered once again, there was doubt that it was from anticipation this time.
Obi-wan’s thumb gently brushed over your bottom lip, “if this is what you want?”
“Yes.” Your response was breathy and quiet. In a moment of boldness, you leaned forward to catch his lips with your own but were stopped by a strong hand holding your jaw in place.
He chuckled, his face impossibly close to your own. “Someone’s eager. Patients is a virtue, Senator.”  His piercing blue eyes held your gaze and you could only manage a small nod in response. “Anakin.”
“Yes, Master?” Anakin’s fingers were toying with the top hem of your dress as if he was trying to resist the urge to just tear it off you.
“How do you think she would look without the dress?” His eyes never left yours as he spoke.
Anakin chuckled lowly, “I know for a fact what she’s wearing underneath is much prettier. Want me to take it off, Master?”
“Yes, I think I do,” replied Obi-wan. He tilted your face closer to his and ran his thumb over your lip once more before pulling you into a needy kiss. His lips were rough against your soft ones and he was quick to add his tongue to the mix. You let out a small and satisfied moan at the feeling.
Meanwhile, Anakin got work unzipping your dress; moving painfully slow. He took his time, lips brushing over every new inch of skin as it was revealed to him. Between the after-effects of the alcohol and your rising arousal, your mind began to swirl. Trying so hard to pick a sensation to focus on but ultimately failing.
When your dress fell from your shoulder you shivered from the coolness of the room and then from the feeling of Obi-wan’s large hands gently caressing the tops of your breasts. His eyes had left yours and had moved down to focus on the lacy bottoms you still wore.
“You’re right Anakin. This is much prettier.” You watched the lust completely cloud his eyes. “What I’m wondering is why you wear something like this, my sweet? Were you hoping this would happen?”
“I- uh,” you tried to answer but you just couldn’t find the words. Part of you had wanted something like this to happen since you had met the two Jedi. But that was the part of you that held your fantasies, things you never expected to happen.
Yet here you were; their hands wandering aimlessly across your body. And there was an undeniable heat forming between your legs and a strong need for more. More of what? You weren’t sure, but you needed more.
You opened your mouth to whine when Anakin’s lips brushed against your neck. He was gentle at first but slowly increased the pressure of his lips. He took the liberty of littering your neck with a few light nips. Earning another moan from you that was only drawn out when Obi-wan’s delicately ran over your nipples. You didn’t miss the pleased smile that flashed on his face as they perked up under his touch. But it still wasn’t enough. In a weak attempt to quell the ache at your core, you rubbed your thighs together.
Your actions only earned you a chuckle from the ruddy haired Jedi. One of his hands dipped below the curve of your breast and down the rest of your body to gently stroke your sex. It was enough to make your breath catch and your bottom lip find a home between your teeth. Even through your bottoms, Obi-wan could feel the wetness that was beginning to pool there. “Someones feeling needy. Anakin, I think she could use your help, don’t you?”
“Yes, Master,” replied Anakin, ready to take Obi-wan’s plan before you.
You felt his bread brush your neck as he leaned towards you, his lips mere centimetres away from your ear. His fingers slipped just beneath the waistband of your bottoms and lightly tugged. “Take these off for me, darling.”
“Yes,” you breathed out. Your wrist was caught in a tight grip before you had the chance to remove the article of clothing.
“Sir,” Obi-wan’s voice was firm as he spoke.
“What?” you couldn’t stop a small edge of confusion creeping into your voice.
“Call me sir,” his grip loosened up on your wrist, but only slightly.
“Yes sir,” those words leaving your lips were music to Obi-wan’s ears.
He placed a kiss directly underneath your ear, “good girl.” It was almost sinful the way the words flowed effortlessly from his lips. You needed him; you needed both of them, now.
When his hand released yours you were quick to remove the undergarment. And Anakin was even quicker when it came to filling the place left vacant by Obi-wan. “What would you like me to do to her, Master?”
Obi-wan’s fingers came to toy with his beard as he thought. You personally didn’t care what he did, as long as he did it soon. “You really should feel how wet our sweet Senator is before doing anything else.”
“Of course, Master.” One of Anakin’s fingers slipped between your folds pulling out a hiss of pleasure from you. He circled your clit for a moment before removing his finger. You whimpered from loss of contact but it ultimately went ignored. “You’re right about how needy she is, we really should do something about that.”
“Yes, we should.” Turning your head you saw him slipping out of the majority of his robes, leaving himself in only his trousers. After debating for a moment he picked up the cloak and slipped it back over his bare torso. “I have a feeling,” he mused, “that this may be easier on a bed.”
Wordlessly you followed the two men into one of their bedrooms, you weren’t sure who it belonged too. Obi-wan was the first to climb onto the bed. He looked rather relaxed with his legs spread out and his back resting against the headboard. He motioned for you to come to him and you were quick to obey. When you straddled him he shook his head, “more like this, darling.” He repositioned you so your head rested on his chest and your upper-half met your spread legs at a gentle angle.
Anakin was hurridly throwing off the last of his clothes. You couldn’t stop your eyes from hungrily roaming up and down his body. You stopped when you reached his cock, breath hitching at the thought of how it would feel inside you.
Obi-wan’s chest vibrated in a quiet chuckle, obviously finding some amusement in your reaction. “You really are a little slut, aren’t you.” the absent way he said it made it sound if he was thinking aloud but none the less the name brought a flush to your cheeks and a fresh surge of desire.
“Are you almost ready Anakin?” the man behind you asked; his fingers tracing the curve of your neck over and over again.
“I’m waiting for you, Master,” replied Anakin.
“Why don’t we start with your fingers then,” said Obi-wan, “she seems to like that.” As if to prove his point his fingers came to gently rub your clit; just long enough for a moan to leave your lips. He lifted his fingers to your mouth. “Open,” the word was quiet but commanding none the less. As soon as your lips parted two of his fingers found a space between them. You could feel a hum reverberate through his chest as your tongue ran over him. It was becoming increasingly difficult for you to ignore the sign of Obi-wan’s arousal agaisnt your back.
Anakin’s only response to the scene before him was a mischevious smirk. He eventually settled between your legs, his face level with your sex. His first touch was painfully slow; moving up one thigh and then down the other. He loved watching you shiver under his touch.
He continued like this for a while, you weren’t quite sure just how long. When his thumb finally brushed against your sensitive numb your moan was one of relief as much as pleasure. Even then he was still slow, taking the chance to savour how you felt underneath his fingers. When you started to squirm a pressure held your hips in place.
Obi-wan must have been able to sense your concern over the sourceless restraint. “It’s just the force, darling.”
You were focused on Obi-wan and his words when curled a finger inside you. You gasped from the suddenness of it.
Obi-wan’s fingers found your hair, tangling themselves in the soft locks. “You look so beautiful like this. And you’ve been such a good girl so far. Should I tell Anakin to use his mouth? Would you like that my sweet?”
“Yes sir,” you whimpered, Anakin now lazily thrusting two fingers into your soaking cunt.
“Well, you heard her Anakin. Use your mouth.”
“Of course Master,” he eagerly placed a kiss on each of your thighs, taking the opportunity to suck small marks into your skin. You had expected him to remove his fingers when his tongue began to work on your sensitive nub yet they continued to thrust in and out. Always curling to hit that perfect spot inside you.
Your moans grew in volume and frequency and you felt your release building inside you. You were so close when you felt Anakin’s hand and mouth leave you abruptly.
“You’re being too loud, darling. We can’t have anyone hearing us now, can we? Let’s find something to preoccupy that pretty little mouth of yours.” Obi-wan gently eased you up and motioned for Anakin to relax on the bed.
Obi-wan leaned forward, his bread tickling the shell of your ear as he spoke, “I imagine you’d look absolutely lovely with Anakin’s cock in your mouth. Don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
You could feel his smirk, “then I suggest you don’t keep him waiting. He can be so impatient.” He nudged you gently in Anakin’s direction.
You crawled over to him quickly coming to rest between his legs. You took a moment to just watch him.
Anakin saw it as hesitation and in an attempt to spur you on he propped himself up; his hand playing with a lock of your hair, “Don’t be nervous, I promise to be gentle with you.”
“I’m not nervous,” you start, “I was just admiring the view.”
You place you a light kiss on the head before licking up the beads of precum that had gathered there. His deep groan only made you want more. You slipped as much of his length into your mouth, your hand circling around what was left. You wanted to move slowly, force him to endure what you had. But when his hands tangled into your hair and his hips bucked into your mouth, no matter how gentle, you knew he was setting the pace and there was nothing you could do to change that.  
Obi-wan’s large hand ran up the arch of your back once again splitting your attention between the two men. “Hmmm, I was right. You really go look gorgeous like that, and you take him so well. Maybe I should properly reward you this time.” He moved around until he was positioned directly underneath your raised sex.
He patted your thigh just hard enough to get attention, “sit.”
You couldn’t help but squirm once seated on his face, his beard tickled far more that you had anticipated. But his hands took hold of your hips and held you in place. The warmth of his tongue licking a slow line up your slit had you moaning against Anakin’s cock. The added stimulation pulling a stream of curses from the young man.  
Obi-wan couldn’t help but chuckle, the feeling sending shivers through your entire body and once again causing you to moan.
Anakin was getting sloppy. His thrusts speeding up and the grip on your hair tightening almost the point of pain. His release was coming, and you were more than happy to help speed up the process.
You were prepared when you felt his hips stutter and cock quiver in between your lips. You eagerly swallowed as much of him as you could, relishing in the way he watched you with hooded eyes.
You gasped as your mouth left him, your lungs trying to fill with air. Your attempt was foiled when Obi-wan’s tongue began to focus on a particularly sensitive part of your sex. His name slipped past your lips like a prayer and continued to do so until Anakin caught you in a heated kiss.
You could feel it coming again, that release you needed so badly. With every passing second knot in your stomach tightened, and then it broke all at once. You clung to Anakin, your fingers digging in his back and your desperate moans muffled by his lips.
Obi-wan did bother moving until you had finished riding out your orgasm. But when he did he was sitting up and pulling you around to face him. You weren’t sure when he had taken off his pants but he was as bare as you and Anakin now.
You dipped your head to take his cock in your mouth when he stopped you, “not tonight, darling. I need to be inside you. Now.”
You straddled him, the feeling of him pushing into you slowly had your lower lip between your teeth as you tried to hold back the loud moan that threatened to escape. He stifled his own moan by burning his face into your neck. “You feel incredible, darling,” he groaned against your sweat-covered skin.
Obi-wan’s hips moved up to meet yours in deep langued strokes; his lips kissing every inch of skin he could reach.
You felt the bed shift behind you as Anakin sat behind you. His lips were soft as they moved across your shoulder blades, but this was contrasted by the hand that had reached around you and worked mercilessly at your clit and the other that pulled at your nipple.
You could feel another orgasm sneaking up on you, the two men working wonders on your body. When it hit your vision flashed white for a moment and a mess of the two names mixed together left your lips in a loud moan. The way your walls flutter around Obi-wan only served to spur him on until he found his own orgasm only moments later. He was quick to pull out and cover your thighs in his sticky seed.
You were both covered in a thin sheen of sweat and breathed heavily. You were still recovering when Anakin scooped you up and set you down on your back. “My turn,” he mumbled as he kissed you, his lips frantic and needy.
He eased himself into you slowly, aware of just how sensitive you were at the moment. His pace was quicker than the one Obi-wan had set and rougher. You nails dragged down his back as the kiss became a mess a teeth and tongue.
Once again Anakin felt himself getting dangerously close to the edge. He hips sped up, chasing his orgasm. “On your, stomach? Can I,” he groaned out. It was hardly coherent yet you understood him perfectly.
“Yes,” you moaned.
Moments later he was slipping out of you and covering your stomach with ropes of his warm seed. He continued to hove above you, his breath coming out in shallow pants. He leaned his head down to rest against yours and you giggled when his hair tickled your cheek.
Later, after you had all managed to get cleaned up, you lay between the two men. Your eyes were dropping from the exhaustion of your previous activities. “We really should do that again,” you mumbled.
“If we do, I get to be in charge next time,” stated Anakin, his fingers running through your hair.
Obi-wan gave him a quizzical look, “No, I don’t think so. I had far too much fun.”
“Sharing is caring Obi-wan,” replied Anakin.
“Out of all the things I’ve ever said to you, that’s what you choose to remember?” scoffed Obi-wan
Anakin shrugged, “only when it gets me what I want.”
You giggled and fell asleep before hearing the end of their childish argument.
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revenge-of-the-shit · 4 years
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There’s so much Darkness swirling around this sector of the planet. The roar of lava rushes around her, making it hard to hear anything at all, and the heat is near-unbearable, soaking her skin in sweat and making her cough from the thick ash that coats the air. She stumbles through the rocks, her mind driven towards a single goal.
What she feels from him nearly makes her collapse. 
His Force-presence, once so strong and assured and calm, is in turmoil, fractured into a million tiny pieces that are only haphazardly held together through the sheer desire to survive, and even then, it’s frail. Beside Obi-Wan is a presence - a Dark one - filled with so much rage and hatred and disgust she nearly vomits there and then. But there’s something else. Something that she can tell that she’s missing that will come crashing down on her. 
She stumbles over the rocks as she runs, the Force slippery between her fingers, made slick from the sickening Darkness that permeates this place, her mind latching onto Obi-Wan’s presence. He doesn’t seem to be able to sense her in his broken state. Master, she thinks. Master. Father. Friend. Someone close to her, at least one person, who had survived the purge, she needs to save him, she needs to-
The rocks give way, and she sees him, his face twisted in so much anguish and pain she thinks he’s been stabbed. 
“Master!” She shouts, and he whips around, his hand on his lightsaber and a wild terror in his eyes. When he sees her, he stares, and she holds out her hands. “It’s me,” she says, and she tries to project calm in the Force through her bond with him. “It’s Ahsoka.” 
He stares, and stares, and then his face and his presence twists a pain so deep she leaps to his side because he could only be in such pain if the Sith had wounded him. She lands on the bank beside Obi-Wan, her lightsabers in hand, and-
Oh, Force. 
Gods of Shili.
Obi-Wan had been wounded by the Sith, she knows that now. 
What she didn’t know was that she would be wounded too, and that neither of those injuries would be physical.
She stares into the golden-red eyes of the man that used to be Anakin Skywalker.
He stares back at her, an unhinged rage rolling off of him in waves, and she reaches clumsily for their bond, trying to confirm that this isn’t him, surely this isn’t Anakin, this can’t be-
A wave of cold slams into her consciousness, and the monster wearing her Master’s body howls at her. “Traitor!” he snarls, and his voice is guttural and hate-filled and wrong, she doesn’t recognize it at all, she doesn’t recognize the voice or the mutilated body that lies on the burnt banks of Mustafar before her. 
Her feet move before she can register them, taking one step back, then another, then another before she falls to the ground. Obi-Wan doesn’t catch her.
He can’t. 
If she had had the strength to reach out to him, she would have realized that her presence here had broken him, the straw that broke the bantha’s back. 
“What have you done?” she whispers, and she doesn’t know who she’s talking to. 
Then something horrible happens. 
The fabrics at the edge of the monster’s stumps catch fire, and he starts to burn.
She feels numb. 
She wants to help.
She wants to run.
She wants to-
Oh, Sith hells. 
She didn’t know he could scream like that. 
Obi-Wan is frozen behind her, unable to move, unable to look away, unable to do anything, and the burning form of the body that used to be Anakin reaches out. 
And her bond with Anakin crackles alight.
Help me. 
She doesn’t realize that she’s moving until she suddenly finds herself already at the edge of the slope, hauling Anakin back up the hill, the Force pulsing around her as she uses it to push away the flames. There’s no saving what’s left of his legs - it’ll be truly a miracle if he can walk the same way he used to again - but he’s alive. He’s alive. 
“Ahsoka,” Anakin croaks, his entire presence vibrating with rage and hatred and agony, but she doesn’t care, she can’t leave him, she can’t just stand there, she has it in herself to at least try and help, so she does. 
“Master,” she murmurs back, and she turns to Obi-Wan. “Can you-”
She can’t finish the sentence. The moment she looks at his face, she knows that Anakin Skywalker is not the only person who died in spirit today. Obi-Wan looks and feels like but a shell of the man he used to be, shattered to pieces by betrayal and loss, and yet he still finds the strength to nod and step forward. 
And they head back together, the three of them, like it always was, but in a manner that never should have been.
A couple of quick sketches, but i didn’t have it in me to sketch Obi-Wan. 
This wouldn’t leave my mind until I did something about it. Enjoy the angst. 
(For DC readers, I’m working on it, I promise)
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