#me: okay i guess it's time for thranduil again
meadowsofmay · 1 year
thanks to julia now i am thinking about thranduil seeing his son grieving his friends after the passing of gimli, the last mortal one, in undying lands. him sitting by his side on the shore, hugging his hunched shoulders, and legolas leaning onto him, hiding his tear-stained face in his chest as he mutters almost illegibly their names. one by one. starting with aragorn and finishing with the hobbits.
i grew accustomed to the thought that i would lose most of them in the battle, he says, clutching his father's bright green gentle robes, but why does it hurt so much more to lose them to the passing of time, father?
thranduil shuts his eyes tightly and kisses the crown of his son's golden hair, as he takes a deep breath to say the truth that he himself barely accepted,
the war is over, my love.
legolas stills in his embrace, only the rapid beating if his heart gives away his inner turmoil. thranduil is all the more aware of it as it is his guidance on how well of a job he does to console his son.
it might be hard to accept, but legolas, don't grieve those who left the world of living content and settled and loved. they won't want that of you. they would want you to remember, his hand softly finds its way on legolas' chest, and i know you will, you will keep them close for they were the most dear to you. so it's okay to cry, it's okay to hurt for goodbye is always the hardest part. but they deserved their peace after all the great deeds they dedicated themselves to. hold onto that because it is time for you to let yourself accept your well-deserved peace, too.
and he is left to only hope that legolas will listen. that he won't torture his gentle but all the more stoic heart with the memories of funerals. thranduil can only hope as his son fell into slumber in his hands to the sound of waves' lulling murmur.
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tathrin · 2 years
No one:
My Brain: okay so the Drinking Game in RotK is sort of funny yet also extremely dumb but consider, instead of what the movie gave us where we’re supposed to believe that Thranduil’s son has never seen alcohol and GImli is just the butt of every joke again, okay, what if we have a situation where Gimli, who is a clever-tongued little bastard who is not at all above getting one over on Éomer whenever he can (he insulted the Lady Galadriel!!!) just because he agreed to put the larger issue on hold until Éomer actually meets her—what if Gimli sets him up, right, by taking advantage of the fact that he knows Mirkwood elves don’t have any interest in ale, which means the odds are good that the pointy-eared princeling who’d never been more than ten yards from home before going to Rivendell has surely never drunk ale before.
But the way Gimli very deliberately phrases things makes Éomer think he’s never drunk at all before, so Éomer agrees to a drinking contest between him and Legolas, who has no idea what’s going on but is participating anyway because hey sometimes mortals are weird and he’s trying to be a good sport and his friend seems really excited for him to try ale, so sure, let’s have a drinking contest with Éomer I guess??? and Éomer gets his ass drunk so hard under the table that they’re going to need shovels to dig him out, and Gimli is chortling to himself the whole time because he knew exactly what was going to happen when Legolas Thranduilion, used to drinking strong Dorwinion wine in elvish quantities and nobody parties like the elves of Mirkwood; they party like they’re going to war because in Mirkwood, being happy basically is a way of waging war against the Shadow, okay, so Gimli figured the odds that Legolas could hold his liquor were pretty damn high, got into a drinking game with a mere mortal, and he completely set Éomer up...
And when it’s done, and they’ve scraped Éomer up off the floor, Legolas just shrugs and is like “so I guess ale’s not bad, but nobody will be offended if I say I still like my dad’s wines more, right?” and Éomer is all. wait. wait. wine? WHAT WINE? You sneaky inhuman FUCKS—! while Gimli asphyxiates himself laughing and Legolas just stands there slightly tipsy and wondering when somebody is going to explain what the fuck just happened.
EDIT: Thank you! I’m glad it made someone more than just me laugh. Here’s the whole scene if you want it.
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naifahsaiyara · 1 year
So some days ago, I decided to read the hobbit and the lord of the rings. And i finished reading the hobbit. And it was fun. There was a meddling wizard, stupid trolls who argue over cooking methods, nasty goblins, wolves, giant spiders, nice elves, a slightly creepy creature living beside an underground lake, an awesome magic ring, ( yes, i thought that a magic ring which can turn you invisible was pretty neat while reading the hobbit, thank you very much, can we please move on), some nice elves and men, a dragon, a mountain full of treasure, 13 dwarves who seemed to share a single brain cell amongst them and a hobbit who by sheer dumb luck made it to the mountain. Okay so dwarves are greedy bastards and doesn't want to share their gold? Poor lake people got their town burned oh please guys give that bard guy some gold he killed a DRAGON for goodness' sake. Where does the army of elves came from? Why do they want gold? It's not theirs, well factor some not nice elves. There's a pretty shiny rock, oohh i guess that's important ( then i also read a book about 3 pretty shiny rocks and the number of people who died or were killed for them, 😐)Ahh, there is a dwarf army too, i guess they'll fight it out. ooh poor hobbit, don't you dare hurt him mr. Dwarf King. What's that in the horizon? An army of the mutual enemy who wants to kill everyone? And everyone united to kill them instead? How are the eagles involved again? Ohh the king and his nephews are dead, his cousin is now king, well at least he apologized before dying. Ohh bilbo returned home. Okay the end. It was good.
Then i watched the movies.
WHAT? Are you telling me THiS Guy here is Thorin Oakenshield? But but, he is going to dieeee. I don't want him to die. Wait, Fili and Kili are so cute, but they are also going to die.
Ahhh, complex dwarf character, they had a home and then the dragon happened and now they don't have a home and they want their home back even if it means there are only 13 of them, (and a hobbit, and a wizard though he might run away at times, who knows, wizards) against a dragon. It is about reclaiming your home and not only about the gold, ahhh someone kill me imma die from the feels.
Wait, why are you making the- are you making the already hot exiled dwarf king even more hot and complex and broody, it is not fair, he is going to die in the end. Where is the dmaned director, i hate you.
No no heart don't you dare fall in love this guy is going to die and break your heart in the end, red flags, red flags, abort mission.
Waiitttt, so there is the hobbit and the dwarf, are you sureee there is nothing going on between them?
So the little dwarf prince fell for a elf, and his uncle hates elves cause they didn't help them when the dragons came, okay then, but i miss the nice elves from the books, but this elvenking is also kinda hot.
Does this elf prince have spider powers? Man he is reminding me of peter parker how is he maintaining balance while fighting like that?
Oooh damn, bard is also hot. *Screams in a pillow*
I feel like the 3rd movie is gonna break my heart.
Okay the dragon's gone, i likey like bard's children, they are cute. Go away Alfred no one wants to hear you. Annddddd Thorin went mad, so did some dwarves to a lesser degree, and bilbo is sad, you can't literally see the heartbreak in his eyes, you can feel it across the screen, i am also sad bilbo. You are not alone.
Ahhh Thorin smiled at Bilbo and gave him mithril shirt, are you absolutely sure they are just friends mr. Director?
Thorin's eyes, i can see how they turn back and forth between blue and black. I feel the struggle. Ahhh come on Thorin you can fight it.
Ahhh, Bofur you are Bilbo's bff, i knew it.
Wait, are you also sure there's nothing going on between Thranduil and Bard? Or the wizard and the badass lady?
Here it comes, here it comes, the battlement scene, Thorin don't hurt bilbo can't you see you are breaking his heart and mine too.
Ahh Dain is funny. The elves fight so pretty.
See, this is what happens when you ignore the wizard, damn you people, he was trying to tell you about the army since foreever, why are you acting so surprised now.
Is legolas into gymnastics? How the hell could he fight like that? I thought elves were nature lovers and star gazers, i didnt know they were into acrobatics.
Oh thank Eru Thorin's fine now. Yee boys go and bash some orc skulls. No, nooo don't go there there is another army ahhh. *Screams into pillow again*
Nooo, FILIII.... *Starts crying 😭😭😭*
KILI not you tooo ... Tauriel is sad, so am i.
Ahhhh THORIN 😭😭😭😭 ahdievxosnwbixjqoevdooqnckcn
He dies, he dies in his Hobbit's arms and you cannot tell me they are just friends, I don't- i won't believe it.
* screams and cries and throws things, there are tissues scattered everywhere, the family members thinking i am mad.*
So mr. director come here let's have a chat, i have cookies. *Creepy smile.*
Why did you make a greedy dwarf king into a three dimensional complex character who is prideful but also wants the best for his people, and casted a damned hot guy as him and made him look at the camera like THAT and smile like THAT when you knew he was goinggg to dieeee? I was not mentally prepared for this shit and now i have trauma and it's your fault and i swear I'm gonna murder you with conkers you-
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windandwater · 2 years
I have to rewrite the entire damn intro of this megafic again for two reasons: 1. it sucks, 2. I need to more explicitly show Thranduil being a shitty dad
I've learned in this process that my playlist for this fic has progressed hilariously. in the beginning it's like:
Counting Crows - If I Could Give All My Love
Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Called It The Blues
Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom
Rod Stewart - Rhythm Of My Heart
Abba - Mama Mia
Keane - On The Road
the two bolded ones are because I absolutely could not have written this fic without them (I don't know! don't ask me! it is what it is!)
then we transition into just a shitload of sea shanties & folk music, like I was not kidding when I said my Legolas character playlist is just sea shanties, featuring these standouts:
Cape Cod Girls (multiple versions)
Santiana (multiple versions)
Here's a Health to the Company (multiple versions)
The Longest Johns - Oak & Ash & Thorn, Bonny Ship the Diamond
The Dreadnoughts - Joli Rouge
Pandas & People - Out to Sea
also around this time we get into the section that carried the romance part of this fic, aka without Orville Peck & The Amazing Devil I would be nothing, here are the two songs that carried the fic:
Orville Peck - Drive Me, Crazy
The Amazing Devil - Inkpot Gods
sorry but these two songs invented romance
sea shanties & these absolute legends carried me through Return of the King / You Shall Come With Me, but now we're in the "it's time to go home" part and I never would have predicted this but the song of the journey home?
you're going to laugh your ass off at me
John Denver - Country Roads
the playlist also looks like this:
The Parting Glass (6 versions) (shut UP)
The Langer's Ball - Fields of Athenry
Peter Hollens - Shenandoah (only one version of this song because I can't listen to it without crying)
John Denver - Wild Montana Skies
if you would've asked me, I would've said my fic doesn't include any of the "Legolas is a redneck" headcanons that I absolutely adore but apparently my subconscious fucking disagrees
anyway if anyone wants me to eventually turn this into the most batshit writing playlist ever, I'll do it, I'll expose myself, I don't care
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First Meet- Legolas Greenleaf x OC
Legolas Greenleaf x Alphine Barrowes
Description: Alphine heals Legolas after the Battle of the Five Armies, and the Prince gets to return her favor just a few days later.
Word Count: 1.9k
The aftermath of the Battle of the Five Armies was a brutal sight to behold indeed. It took all Alphine had not to just stand there in shock when she and the rest of her kingdom arrived to aid Laketown, Erebor/the Iron Hills and Mirkwood after receiving the request from the sorceress Roslyn Stardust. Nevertheless she, along with everyone else, got to work in either healing the injured or ensuring their comfort (plus civilian comfort). 
Alphine ended up being assigned to healing duty. So she went around doing the best she could. That is, until she arrived in the healing tent of a soldier named Othelil. His injuries were gave, too grave for any magic to help him. He’d be dead in minutes, so all she could do was sit with him and ease his passing as much as she could. 
“M-My family…” Othelil stuttered out weakly. “Wh-What will…” Alphine gently shushed him with a patient smile. 
“Do not let yourself be troubled,” she said softly. “In life they loved you dearly, and in death they will still love you. And they will celebrate you. You do not need to worry about them anymore.” The Elf looked comforted by her words, but all he could do was offer her a simple nod. Alphine glanced down, realizing that Othelil was searching for her hand. A small smile appeared on her face as she took his hand in hers, offering it a comforting squeeze. 
“It’s okay. You can let go now,” she whispered, leaning closer to him. Othelil didn’t answer for he didn’t have to. Instead he let out one more breath, and he became still. Though she didn’t know him well, she couldn’t stop herself from tearing up.
“Be at peace, Othelil Lathlaerilion,” she whispered, resting her free hand on his forehead for a moment before standing. After moving his hand to his chest she quietly made her way outside. A small sigh left her lips as she took a moment to collect herself, then she nearly jumped out of her skin when she realized that there was someone standing just a few feet away from her, watching her. He was tall, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She would be right in guessing that he was an Elf, and his ears only further proved that. 
“Oh, hello,” she greeted softly. “How can I help you?” 
“I apologize for the interruption,” the Elf began in a gentle but professional voice. “But King Thranduil requested a count of the deceased. Othelil…” Alphine had to stop herself from tearing up again as she shook his head. 
“He fought bravely, but his injuries were too severe,” she explained, voice cracking.  The elleth nodded with a sad look. 
“Thank you for your help anyway,” he muttered with a small bow before beginning to walk away. It was as he turned away that Alphine noticed something. It was a rather deep looking laceration that cut through the sleeve of his tunic and into his arm starting from his shoulder and ending in the middle of his bicep that he apparently hadn’t noticed yet based on the fact that it was untreated. It wasn’t too bad, but it still needed to at least be cleaned or simply healed by a Fairy.
“Uh - excuse me sir,” she said quickly, holding out her arm to catch his wrist and making him turn to face her confusedly. 
“Your arm,” she gestured to it, watching as he examined it. “Can I heal it? I promise it won’t take long.” It was common knowledge that Fairy healing took almost no time at all, especially if the injury wasn’t serious. The Elf seemed to know that because after a moment of contemplation he nodded. Alphine shot him a smile then rested her hand on his bicep. Her eyes fell closed as she focused her energy on healing him. She could practically feel the magic flow through her as the cut closed up. Upon pulling her hand away she was satisfied to see that his arm was bare save for a little leftover blood. 
“All done,” she said, which caused him to look at his arm once again. It took all she had not to smile as he all but marveled at the display of magic he’d just witnessed. 
“Amazing,” he muttered before smiling at her. “Thank you.” The girl nodded, though she had no time to say anything before someone called out to her. 
“Alphine! We need you over here!” Her friend called from another healing tent. Both of them looked in the direction of the voice, then the girl in question faced the Elf with a small but polite smile. 
“Excuse me.” With that, she bowed to him before walking off to find her friend, leaving him to watch after her in wonder. 
The next few days were a bit of a blur for Legolas. He was preparing to head for the north where his father told him to find a man called Strider. Unfortunately he just couldn’t stay in Mirkwood knowing that Tauriel’s heart belonged to another (despite the fact that the one she’s in love with actually loves another). 
Until he left he continued his duties with the guard. That included making rounds in the forest to make sure of no trespassers, which was what he was doing. His group was patrolling the northern area of the forest, killing stray Orcs that managed to get in. 
“Caun nin Or sí (My Prince! Over here)!” Feren called. The confusion and worry in his tone is what made Legolas run over to him under the assumption that one of his men was injured. 
Upon reaching the elleth he was surprised to see him crouched beside someone who laid on the ground. From what he could tell it wasn’t an Elf based on their clothes. However he couldn’t see who it was until Feren moved out of the way. Legolas’ eyes widened as he realized that it was the unnamed Fairy he’d encountered just a few days earlier. 
Only… she didn’t look like the Fairy that healed him. She was worryingly pale, almost deathly since her eyes were closed. And she no longer had her beautiful blue wings he’d been entranced by. In fact, all there was on her back were rips in the back of her dress and two long and bloody gashes Almost as if her wings had been ripped out. 
“She’s alive, I could feel a pulse but it was faint,” Feren informed him, tone unsure the more he stared at the girl. “What do we do with her?” 
“Go get a healer and tell them to bring a cot. We cannot carry her with such a severe wound on her back,” he instructed. Feren obviously heard the urgency in the Prince’s tone because he was gone as soon as he was done speaking. Once he was gone Legolas allowed himself to be worried as he crouched down beside her. 
“Can you hear me?” He asked softly, pushing some hair away from her face. It seemed that his touch was enough to rouse the girl because her eyes fluttered open just enough for her to see him. 
“It’s you.” That’s all she could manage to get out before she fell back into unconsciousness. And that was enough for Legolas to have hope for her. 
He kept that hope as he followed the healers back to the palace. Once there he was pulled aside and questioned by Thranduil. Upon learning that she was a Fairy who aided in the healing of their soldiers the King allowed her to stay while she healed, which Legolas was grateful for. 
It took quite a bit of healing, even with Elves healing her, but thankfully they were able to stabilize her condition. Legolas ended up putting his traveling plan on pause as he wanted to be by her side when she woke up. He figured that since he was the last one she’d seen before passing out plus the fact that they’d previously met, she’d be the most comfortable with him. 
It only took two days for her to wake up after her condition had become stable. Legolas, as usual, was by her bedside watching her intently. That meant he noticed the exact moment that she’d regained consciousness. A feeling of immense relief flooded him as the girl’s eyes slowly fluttered open, and it brought a small smile to his face. 
“Hello,” he muttered quietly, not wishing to break up the tranquil environment. The girl’s eyes immediately snapped to him, and they widened a bit in surprise. 
“Hi,” she responded weakly. 
“Do you remember me?” The Prince asked, earning a nod from her. 
“Yes. I healed you after that battle in Dale.” 
“My name is Legolas, captain of the guard of Mirkwood as well as son of the King,” he introduced himself, tone never wavering. “May I know your name?” 
“Alphine Barrowes,” she answered, earning a nods from him. 
“Okay Alphine. Do you remember what happened to you?” It took Alphine a moment to answer. 
“Well, I was on my way here, actually. My colony lies just on the other side of Mirkwood, you see, so we usually fly over it. I was tired though, so I thought I would walk a little bit before catching up to the others. As I reached the river that connected to Laketown I was captured by Fairy poachers looking to make a quick buck after the turmoil. They were going to kill me, and I only just managed to get away. But,” she paused to hold back a quiet sob. “But they were still able to take my wings. Gods it hurt so much. It felt like my entire back was on fire. I lost my powers, so I had to rely on my wits and I figured that Mirkwood was the easiest place to lose them. But when I was a few minutes deep into the woods my fatigue finally hit me, then everything went dark. Next thing I know I’m here.” That’s when Alphine finally broke down crying. Legolas immediately grabbed her hand and offered it a comforting squeeze as he shushed her in an attempt to calm her down. 
“I can’t go back to my colony, for I can no longer fit,” she sniffled, shaking her head afterwards. “Once a fairy loses their wings, they lose their ability to shift in size as well as most of their magic, which is why they go off on their own. I have no idea what to do now.”
Sympathy coursed through the Prince as he listened to her recount. He was also incredibly angry. How anyone could have the heart to do such a terrible thing to such a pure creature, he hadn’t the faintest idea. It was odd that he felt so strongly. But, it seemed that they’d formed a slight connection of sorts in the few interactions that they’d had. That’s what encouraged him to say what he was about to suggest. 
“Come with me.” Alphine looked at him in shock. 
“Wait, what?” 
“I will not be staying in Mirkwood for much longer. Instead I will be going north to find a man called Strider. You are more than welcome to come with me when you are ready.” The girl seemed to consider his words for a moment before speaking. 
“When do you leave?” She asked hesitantly. 
“Whenever you are ready,” he answered patiently. “I will wait for you should you choose to come. If you cannot return to your home you can explore the world before making one somewhere else.” Alphine didn’t need to think about it after that as a smile quickly formed on her face. 
“I would love to.”
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hello. it is i. so! i was wondering if you could do a little ditty abt nail polish with the company and/or the fellowship? basically like modern girl in middle earth type stuff, and she realizes that she has nail polish on her which is something they totally don't have in middle earth. basically headcanons abt like how they would react to painted nails and which one of these mfs would let me paint their nails. cuz like - they dont know its just a "fem" thing here so no toxic masculinity. ty <3
OMFG I'M SO HYPED FOR THIS! I just picked a few random Tolkien characters that seem to have a lot of attention, so I hope you like this!!
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I feel like Frodo would be very skeptical at first
Because, come on, a girl falling into Middle Earth out of nowhere??
However, his interest is certainly peaked, seeing you twist the brush away from it's blue colored bottle as you smile down at it
"What's that, you've got there?"
"Oh, just some nail polish!"
He watches with curiosity as you perfectly decorate your nails with the periwinkle color
"How interesting..."
He may not want to have his nails painted at first, but has this deep fascination with how perfectly you can paint them without screwing up
Soon, he forgets all about the ring as you paint your nails, sitting cross-legged and starting with those huge blue eyes with interest
If he allows you to paint his nails, he would smile the whole time
What a bean 🥺
Tries his best not to chip the color when he leaves for Mordor with Sam
Gollum is actually really interested with his nails
"whAT IS IT prECI0us?!?1!1?"
But Frodo will swat his hands away, because "it's a gift from someone important."
The one thing that keeps him smiling along the way 😊
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Elf prince is so interested!!
He thinks the spring green color looks so pretty in the bottle
He's obviously not used to most thing from your world
Asks politely;
"How do you use this?"
"...can I show you?"
So whenever the Fellowship stops for the night, he watches with amusement as your brows furrow and you stick your tongue out in concentration
Legolas sits very still, so it's easy for you to paint his nails
How does he keep them so clean?!
He's low-key obsessed with how satisfying it is...
Now HE wants to paint YOUR nails?
He's so good at it!
Legolas is so patient and calm
He says it reminded him of making flower crowns I guess?
And he doesn't even mess up once 😳
He gets so happy with how the color matches him!
Forgets that you have to let it dry at first, so it gets a bit smudged when he draws his bow
Upset Legolas :(
But you fix it for him, and he's happy again!
He's amazed!!
And so proud!
Pretty Elf 🥰✨
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Pippin is very confused, to say the least
He though it would be something relatively close to a nail filer
But once he sees the pastel yellow color, on your own fingers, he has to have some!!
While you're trying to paint his hands and feet (by request), he's telling you great tales of the shire, a throwing his limbs around to exaggerate his story
You've to clonked him on the head and scolded him quite a few times
For some reason, he's saying it tickles??
"It does! The brush is like feather!"
Painting his toes it a lot easier, seeing he can't really feel much on his feet
The color goes perfect with his green eyes 🥴
Also, let's not forget that Pip is the definition of "disaster-on-legs"
After the polish dries, it immediately chips, since he's busy causing trouble with merry or practicing his hand with Boromir
He really wants to paint your nails, and you let him do so...
Poor hobbit has zero clue with how this shit works 🤦‍♀️
He feels so bad about getting it all over your fingers, but you assure him it'll be fine and that it will eventually wash off in a few days
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Pink, as cliche as it sounds, suits him so well
He's just amazed!
Also, really likes the smell 🤔🤔
Is grinning like an idiot while you're painting his nails
"Such talent and patience you have!"
"Pfft, it's really nothing. Takes a bit of practice is all."
Afterward, is flashing his bright pink nails at everyone
"Look at Y/N's spectacular skill of hand!"
I think Boromir would have a habit of picking at the polish after it dries
But that's okay, he doesn't mind too much
It gives him more time to spend with you while you repaint them!!
He's afraid he'll screw up your nails if he tries to paint them, so he never offers
That's alright though, since you know he only means well 😊
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Oh he's so regal
You were in Rivendell, digging through your purse, and suddenly
A deep navy blue bottle, probably about half empty was revealed
He was curious, but tried not to let it show, since that would damage his royal ego 🙄
"What is that?"
"Oh, just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Thorin would insist that you show him how it works first
And so, you did
He definitely admires the color
But defied any suggestion of you painting his own nails
That would be "un-kingly" 😤
Okay so maybe he lets you paint his pinky finger when nobody is around
But he smiles (a rare sight) while watching you paint your nails
And does give a somewhat compliment at your articulate handwork
"It looks exceptional as artwork."
"Erm... Thanks?"
He definitely thinks the color matches you beautiful skin tone 😌
Kili ~
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Prince Dumbass LOVES red
It reminds him of Tauriel 🥰
One night, you left your bag opened on the ground as you went off to get some food from Bombur, and Kili couldn't help but notice the glittering ruby bottle inside
He grabbed it, being the nosy prince he was, and examined its glow in the firelight
"What kind of jewel is this?"
"Oh hey, my nail polish!!"
Very confused
"Why does it smell so strange?"
Thankfully, being a dwarf, his fingernails are a bit bigger, so there's more room and it's easier to paint
He, like Pippin, has issues with sitting still and gets you really annoyed
"I swear to all things fluffy, if you don't sit still I will cut off all of that hair in your sleep-"
He immediately smudges them, and then you have to paint them AGAIN
Once they FINALLY dry, he won't let anyone touch them
"Stop it, Fili! You'll damage them!"
He can't stop touching them, since it's so smooth!
The others tease him, but he doesn't mind, as long as they stay nice and clean
Turns into a whiny toddler the MINUTE they chip
"Y/nnn! I need you to repaint them!"
"I just painted them yESTERDAY-"
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A mix of Thorin and Kili when it comes down to it
Definitely prefers gold 😌✨
Sees you painting your nails one night in the library in Erebor
"What have you got there sagh (friend)?"
"Just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Once again, he wants to see what it does like Thorin
And you of course happily oblige
Admires the color greatly
He says it reminds him of the gold floors in his kingdom, and it makes you chuckle
Fili loves to have his nails painted, and especially with such a regal hue 💅😌
DAMN does it bring out those baby blues 🥴
After that, you stare at his hands a lot, proceeded by his flirtatious teasing
Shows up Kili's sparkly red polish with his "more extravagant" color
He is also very protective of his nails and tries his very best to keep them from chipping
You love watching him hold his weapons and spar with his pretty nails 😳
Even with his larger hands, made for forging and wielding huge swords and axes and smelting, he had an incredibly steady and gentle hand when it comes to this subject, so he's AMAZING at painting his and your nails
Fili insists that you have matching nails all the time, and it's a regular thing for you to hang out and talk about your day while you paint each others nails 🥺
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Have you MET this man?!
At first, he's very weirded out
"What do you have in your hand, mellon (friend)?"
"Oh, just some nail polish."
Thranduil watches intently over your shoulder as you carefully decorate your nails with a glossy black polish, sitting directly next to his throne
"Do you want me to paint your nails?"
He reluctantly agrees, placing his BEAUTIFUL hand in yours and stares down at your gentle talented work
He loves the color more than he cares to admit, and much like his son sits very still as you lead the brush over his clean nails
The elf king loves seeing your tongue stick out in concentration
You remind him that it'll need time to dry out
And as he says in his notoriously sassy voice;
"I thousand years is a mere blink in the life of an elf... I'm patient... I can wait."
Ofc, you just scoff at this and tell him it'll only take about five to ten minutes
He just nods and stares back down at them with admiration
Thranduil doesn't do much around his kingdom, except maybe get a bit drunk and direct orders to his guards, so it's no worry about him chipping or ruining his nails
I hope you liked this, just as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Have a lovely day, and don't forget that requests are open as always!! ❤❤😊
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
1 and 10 for Aragorn and Legolas?
1. “When I think they became friends”
Once again I have plundered the Appendices for potential information on Aragorn’s early life—but this time, I’ve come back empty-handed! There’s nothing in the book to indicate that Aragorn and Legolas had met before the Council of Elrond. If that's the case, I'm sure their friendship grew quietly and gradually, as it did for most members of the Fellowship (at least, those who didn't know each other already). Clearly Legolas trusts Aragorn as leader by the time they leave the Mines of Moria; when he sees Sam and Frodo lagging behind, Legolas' first thought is to tell Aragorn about it.
But the book also doesn't say anything about them NOT meeting before the Council of Elrond! And if Legolas' outburst from the movies ("tHaT iS nO mErE rAnGeR, he is aRaGoRn sOn of aRaThOrN") is any indication, it seems that Legolas already knows about Aragorn and considers him worthy of respect.
If they met at any time before the Council, I'm gonna hazard a guess that it was somewhere between 2957-2980, when Appendix B tells us that "Aragorn undertakes his great journeys and errantries". During this time he served—in disguise—under both the King of Rohan and the Steward of Gondor (Theoden's dad and Denethor's dad, respectively), so it's not out of the question that he could have served in Thranduil's court for a little while too. Appendix A tells us that he spent some time journeying East and South, "uncovering the plots and devices of the servants of Sauron", and where better to start that search than the nearest friendly kingdom to Dol Guldur, where the "Necromancer" had been hanging out since like the start of the Third Age??
......I put way too much work into this answer. TL;DR: Aragorn and Legolas might have met somewhere around 2980-ish when Aragorn was off doing heckin' Ranger Stuff.
10. “A song that reminds me of them”
Okay, so once again I had to go looking for a new song since I couldn’t think of any off the top of my head, but I think I finally found something: “Mountain Sound” by Of Monsters and Men. Honestly, you could probably listen to any song by that band and it would fit—all of their music is just the right combination of joyful, melancholy, mysterious, and baffling to fit the Sunshine Prince and Emo King—but this song in particular reminded me of the Three Hunters, what with the emphasis on horses and running through the woods, so I’m gonna go with that.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
Dear you know what comes next.
"Go to a weddung with Ori."
Have fun with this 😏
Hallo, mein Schatz @shrimpsthings. Hier ist also deine Geschichte. 🙈
Disclaimer: shrimpsthings is my friend. We know each other and they know that this is meant in good fun. It's purely DIRT, it's smut, it's unapologetic, it's in bad taste (probably)..Please don't read it if you're easily triggered...
Thank you. I do not want to offend anyone. Really.
Taglist for my shameful brainfart: @lathalea @legolasbadass @linasofia @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @middleearthpixie @bitter-sweet-farmgirl
Thanks @linasofia for encouraging me and for cleaning our cell :D
Warning: Explicit SMUT with very nice character
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The banners blew softly in the wind, and I pressed my forehead to the cold rock – overwhelmed with gratitude – upon seeing the guests arrive. Had this ever happened before?
Had Thranduil Oropherion ever attended a dwarrow wedding? The official part was over and King Thorin (but mostly his queen, a most wise and handsome dam) had decided that his old friend Balin deserved a proper party to which the two other regents were invited. It would be glorious, I was sure, and…I was late already.
Hastening my steps to our chambers, I found my husband just getting out of the bathtub, dripping wet and steaming in the cool air surrounding him. “Where have you been, love of loves?” He smiled at me, grasping a towel I whisked away immediately.
“I’ll get you all wet.” He laughed when I slid into his arms and nuzzled my face into his shoulder.
“I was up on the ramparts, Thranduil has arrived and so has Bard.” I mumbled against his fragrant skin. “Hmmm, that is good. I’m glad Thorin invited them, we all can do with some cheer.” He replied, resting his cheek against the crown of my head tenderly. Even though dripping wet, he closed his arms tenderly around me and held me there as if time was of no matter; Ori rarely let his sense of duty be overridden by something else, and it filled me with pride and joy to be the thing that made him forget about his responsibilities easily enough.
“I am so thankful Mahal has spared all of you.” I whimpered, the emotion threatening to drown me. “Hush, darling one, whatever is the matter? Everything is wonderful, don’t worry.” He tried to assuage me, but I could hear the steely ring that had crept into his voice alongside the ghosts of memories he did but seldom share with me.
“I just cannot imagine a life where…” I sighed. A world in which Balin was no more, in which Thorin was not king, in which Ori was not my husband; in short, a desolate existence devoid of that light that turned the darkest night into gold.
“I cannot believe that the old man actually tied the knot.” Ori chuckled against my hair. “Which one? You? Balin? King Thorin?” I mocked gently.
“All of the above, I guess.” He laughed, trying to pry himself loose from me, but I wouldn’t let him.
“Ah, you’re right, life is good. Look at me having a beautiful wife clinging to my naked body.” He grinned, shuffling sideways towards the door leading to our bedchamber, but when I did not release my grip on him, he let himself fall backwards as soon as we reached the bed and pulled me into his arms, encircling me with his legs so I lay snuggled up against him. He’d always know when the darkness within me threatened to snuff out the candles his love lit in my heart, and he’d be diligent in running around in the inky black nothingness to coax them into burning bright once again.
“It’s okay, love, really. It’s been a long time ago.” He spoke softly, his lips caressing my sweat-beaded brow tenderly.
The warmth of his body and of his voice slowly made me relax, the waves of blind panic subsiding gradually.
“It’s just…when those things happen, I always have to think of the alternative.” I confessed, clawing at his shoulders to pull him ever closer, to wrap him around me like a shield or a blanket.
“I know, so do I. For me, it was meeting you. How easily I might have perished and how I would have regretted never getting the chance to do this.” He murmured, brushing a strand of hair out of my face, and lowering his lips tenderly onto mine. He was a calm man, I knew, but I was driven by despair and the lingering shadow of death still nipping at their heels. Did the queen feel like that every time she looked at the king? Afraid that something or someone would part them?
Did others feel the shadow of death grasping for what they held most dear, and did they tremble in their impuissance?
My fingers dove into his hair and pulled him closer while I twisted around to get into a position that allowed me to exert more pressure. “Amrâlimê.” He sighed as I scrambled up, pushing his head back against the solid wooden headboard and biting down on his lower lip the way I had seen him – himself – do a thousand and one times.
Still, his hands were gentle as he undid the laces of my day dress, pulling the fabric apart to pepper tender kisses upon my sun-kissed skin. Already, I could feel his naked body react to my tempestuous ardour and my fingers trailed down his chest – lingering ever so shortly on the freckles surrounding his nipples like a halo of gold – to tease the embers of his desire into a roaring fire.
A quiet moan escaped him as his lips closed around my own nipple, sucking it carefully like he’d wet the nib of his quill early in the morning, without stopping his endeavours to free me of the dress that had grown too tight to contain my heaving, writhing body now.
“We will be late.” Ori panted, sliding into a lying position under me while I was still folded up like a sheet of parchment on top of him. “Do you mind, Ori the rightful?” I teased, wriggling out of the dress, and pressing my own heat against his naked thigh. “Not in the least. Balin shall soon know the devious ways of insatiable wives.” He smirked.
“Insatiable, am I?” I exclaimed, pretending to be shocked by his words. “Hmmmm, I wondered where you had gone. I’ve missed you.” He smiled up at me, his hair spreading out like a rust-coloured gloriole on the white pillow.
“Did you now?” I laughed, tightening my grip on his cock despite keeping my wrist supple. “Yes…I am but half a man when you’re gone, you know?” He smiled tenderly, his voice betraying the depth of his – in my opinion, undeserved – devotion to a head-strong wife who talked too much by far.
“You are a full man whether I am there or not, my love, but I am glad that I might be the only one who knows.” I crooned, diving down to nip at the sensitive skin of his neck. “You might be the only one to think so.” He replied softly.
“I don’t care. Ori…what?” I interrupted myself as my husband seemed to melt underneath me, flowing away like water, until I was staring at an empty pillow. A second later, I felt his mouth, those lips that had read poetry to me and kissed my brow more times than I could count, pressing – featherlight – against my inner thighs.
He had nimble fingers, I knew, but it never ceased to amaze me how dexterous he really was. A grievous undervaluation on my behalf, as I had to recognise once again when that usually so polite and reticent tongue slid between the pages of my most secret tome, so to say. “Did you miss me then, wife of mine, heart of mine, life of mine?” He murmured into a cavern where no echo was to be heard.
“I miss you all the time, husband of mine.” I moaned as his slow, deliberate strokes conjured up waves of blinding light and sizzling heat within my mind and body. “Tell me about it!” He demanded, trailing his ink-stained fingers languidly up and down within me, coaxing me without giving any indication of haste.
Ours was a relationship of words – written and spoken – our wedding vows etched upon our skins and our collective works written in heart blood as much as ink. And yet, sometimes, it was so hard to find the right ones when he touched me like that and my mind went blank with blind, senseless desire.
“I yearn for the way you kiss me and the way you hold me close.” I said, my words hacked to pieces by the ragged breaths tearing themselves from my constricted chest.
He hummed against me, within me, and that was almost enough to push me over the edge.
“Then yearn for me some more.” He grinned, slid out from under me and stood to get dressed.
“ORI???” I was aghast and so close to my release that I was sincerely tempted to finish this myself, but his gaze kept me pinned to the mattress, squirming, desperate, as much as his tender hands would have.
“Not in a playful mood, my love?” He grinned that wicked grin that he shared with his brothers and that was another way to drive me into a frenzy – which he well knew after years of wedlock.
The wool was replaced by sober linen and silks today and he looked to die for as he stuffed the treacherous testament to my own effect on him carelessly into his breeches without breaking eye-contact.
“I will make you beg!” I hissed, stepping up to him under the pretence of righting his collar, only to trace the curve of his neck with my tongue before biting down tenderly on the lobe of his ear. “Beg, do you hear me, scribe? Oh, your quill will be leaking ink all night long.”
“Bring it on, wife.” He groaned, slipping his own hand between my legs, and giving me a gentle, teasing squeeze.
“Ah, Ori!” The king came towards us and clapped his heavy hand onto my husband’s shoulder affectionately.
“My king.” He grinned back and bowed ever so slightly. “I see you and your beautiful wife have another gift for Balin? He will be so happy; he loves you like a father.” The king went on and motioned us towards the old dwarrow, sitting – surrounded by gifts and offerings – rather like a king himself in the middle of the room.
“Master Balin.” I curtsied and giggled when he caught my hand and pulled me close. “How are you, my sweet lass?” He asked, winking, “How is Ori doing as a husband?”
“I am quite nervous, at my age, entering wedlock…but after decades of…friendship, she has asked, and I have agreed.” Balin shrugged. “Remains to be seen what all the fuss is about.” He laughed again.
“Oh, having a wife is…wonderful.” Ori said calmly, standing close behind me as if to hear Balin’s words better; nobody could see his hand sliding down my rear side to give me another affectionate pat that almost made me squirm with yearning. That single, elegant digit drawing a line of fire across the most intimate parts of me…it was almost more than I could take. “You’re mine.” He whispered into my hair as he moved toward Balin and I shivered violently.
“Is it? Oh, I guess it will be nice to have someone to read to in bed.” Balin smiled in quiet beatitude, and I couldn’t bring myself to disillusion him about the things that might potentially happen in bed other than reading…the things I was yearning for so desperately, it made me feel quite embarrassed about my own weakness.
“Oh yes, I quite like to read to my wife in bed. She’s an attentive listener.” Ori stepped closer still, his hand slipping ever further down and by now, I was worried that the fabric he pressed against me would be stained treacherously.
Oh, I listened to him alright, trying to make his voice quaver by teasing him with my mouth until he threw the book across the room and pounced at my exposed, alluring body like a starving beast upon prey.
“Are you not, love of mine?” His face was so close to mine that I might have counted the freckles on his nose. I wanted to bite him, literally, ferociously, sink my teeth into his nose and drag him back to our chambers by the braids.
“I certainly am.” I smiled as sweetly as I could, pressing back against his hand and into his groin, and when I took our gift from my husband’s hands, I made sure to bend down at just the right angle to grind my ass into all the right spots.
The strangled cough coming from my dearest one was music to my ears.
One would have to crawl under my skirts to really get any proof of my advanced state of arousal, but in his case, there were potentially much more easily visible cues that I was aiming for.
Balin much enjoyed the tome of anecdotes and stories we had compiled; they were memories we shared with him, and they spoke of the deep love and respect we had for our elder, for our teacher, for our friend.
“You’re such good kids. Thank you.” He murmured, touched, and squeezed his wife’s hand. She had come to check what the commotion was about and smiled warmly at us now. “Indeed, a very good gift…kids.” She nodded, but her eyebrow arched ever so slightly up as she saw us standing so close together, my body practically cradled in my husband’s. Clearly, she had a much more realistic understanding of what married life would be like than Balin.
“You have been so good to us.” I spoke, pressing my forehead gently against Balin’s in a wordless expression of reverence and honest affection. “Aye, you’re a good lass. I’m glad you married the boy; he looks much revived by your tender care.”
It was true that there was quite a blush staining the pristine skin of my betrothed, but his hand was steady when he patted my hip gently and smiled: “She’s a true blessing. If you could know half the happiness in your marriage that I have found in mine, you’d be blessed.”
I righted myself slowly, but Ori’s hand did not move from my waist, holding me steady as he knew that I – at times – was plagued by dizzy spells after being bent over for too long. “I love you.” He breathed into my neck, his nose brushing against my ear and his lips connecting for the briefest moment with my skin.
My eyes fluttered shut for a second as that old familiar feeling washed through me: the instinctive fear that had haunted me all my life being quickly drowned and washed away by the warmth of his steadfast devotion.
One would have thought that his warm words and his loving touch would douse the flames of my carnal urges, but that was far from true; the humble confession of his deep-felt affection for me only stoked the fire devouring my insides.
“Aye, you go dance. Make mock of Kíli who is trying to get the Elf maiden to join him in a jig; maybe shove my brother a little, he seems particularly sour-faced today.” Balin chuckled and waved his dismissal affectionately.
I felt not in the least inclined to make mock of our friend or to humour Dwalin who – indeed – looked like someone had laced his ale with vinegar; all I wanted was to get my husband into a quiet corner and ravage his innocent façade.
“I’ve heard he’s lusting after a human.” Ori sniggered beside me as he handed me a drink that was cold and alcoholic, a rarity for us. “Let him be. What do you know about lusting, Ori the virtuous?” I sneered, giving his ass a little pat.
“Have you met my wife?” He replied with a smirk that melted whatever was left of my resolve to be virtuous.
“I have not. You may introduce her to me.” A melodious voice wafted down, and I looked up, confused.
“King Thranduil, my wife. Darling, this is the king of the woodland realm.” Ori introduced me with a small flourish, and I curtsied, feeling for his hand to anchor me. I had never seen an Elf before and the only king I had ever met was our own. It was particularly disagreeable to know that he had watched me fondle my husband and had probably overheard our teasing, playful exchange that had been quite obviously seductive in nature.
“A pleasure to meet you.” He said, even though he didn’t look much pleased. “You were there, were you not? Oh, thank Eru Ilúvatar that all of you made it back. Blessed be your eternal life, mighty king.” I sighed, realising that this was yet another one of the great heroes whose blood had watered the fertile fields of my happiness.
He looked taken aback for a second, the painfully pale and narrow face melting from cold beauty into a warmer, softer expression, and then bowed his head ever so slightly as he said: “I thank you. Yes, we’ve been lucky.”
He looked around slowly. “He turned out to be a good king and a blessing in disguise. Oh, don’t tell him that I’ve said that, don’t tell any of them, but Thorin II and Bard are rulers one can rely on, even though they’re both really smelly.”
It was true that he exuded the sweet smell of wildflowers and green meadows, standing tall and luminous as a candle, but his smile had remained soft, and he even laughed under his breath when he saw that his son was trying to swing a dwarrowdam around who turned out to be too short and too heavy to make an ideal dance-partner for him.
“My happiness rests on that blessed triad.” I admitted quietly, feeling my husband’s hand tighten around mine.
“Do you share your wife’s honest respect, scribe?” Thranduil asked Ori soberly. “I trust my wife to know the truth about all matters and though the trespasses are not forgotten, they seem to be forgiven. The realm is thriving…and we are honoured that you have accepted to attend this wedding. Balin has ever been a dwarrow one could talk to.” My darling husband gave back diplomatically, but his face cracked into a sweet, honest smile.
“I’d not thought one could talk to any of you thick-skulled savages, but here I am, I might – potentially – have been just the slightest bit mistaken. Good night to you, make sure that you write down that I was here and that I found the ale bitter.” Thranduil smirked and walked away after bowing crisply.
“What a funny creature.” I laughed, turning back to my husband, and burying my face in his neck, revelling in the warm, earthy, familiar smell of stone and ink. “He definitely is, yes.” Ori laughed and I could feel the reverberations in my own chest; I loved the way he laughed, I loved the way it felt like the sun was rising warm and gracious on an otherwise barren and desolate field and turned it into a blooming meadow.
We had been consistently moving towards the wall until we found ourselves in a corner, away from the crowds.
“I love you. I’ve taken but two indeniably good decisions in my life: going on that quest and wooing you.” He grinned, only the tiniest bit abashed after all those years. “Is that so, Ori the brave?” I smiled back, pulling on one of his braids playfully which made him chuckle deep within his chest and lean forward to steal a chaste kiss.
“On this wedding night, tell me, do you ever regret not having searched further? Waited longer? Found someone…better?” His eyes were deep and dark, swirling with insecurities. I was not sure I believed in the concept of a “one” as others did, but if such a thing existed, he was surely mine. It was true that I had had very little experience with other dwarrows – for never had I felt the need to bind my body or my heart to any of them – and that I had wed the only one I had ever loved. That had been years ago and still, he did not truly believe he was that lucky.
A part of me was flattered, but mostly, I found it ridiculous.
“On this wedding night, and on any other, I’d rather be dead than without you.” I said earnestly, sweeping my fingers up the nape of his neck and into his hair, scratching my long nails along his scalp, which made him go cross-eyed with pleasure. Dwarrows and their hair, I thought, thinking of the way he pulled mine when in the throes of passion, which drove a slight sheen of sweat onto my brow and made me clench my thighs rhythmically to contain the throbbing need that had overtaken my whole consciousness.
“I love you. I love you in the way parchment drinks up ink, insatiably, constantly, and inevitably. You are utter perfection to me and not a single creature in this room or the rest of Arda could make me second-guess that fact.” I promised, brushing my lips against his as his back was pressed against the cold, unyielding wall behind him.
“You drive me to distraction, love of loves. They all think I am honourable.” He panted against my lips as I pressed my body into his a little more forcefully. “Do they really? After the incident in the broom closet?” I asked, amused.
“I made an excuse. Darling, you are a vixen.” He was high in colour now and I pecked tiny kisses on the golden sprinkles on the sunset-pink canvas that was his sweet, usually so placid, face. “It’s just because you’re so smitten with me…still.” I purred, shifting a bit to feel his arousal press hard into my soft belly.
“I am…very much so.” He sighed, caressing the side of my neck tenderly. Sure of himself, he leaned into another kiss, unprepared for the fire with which I would meet his lips and the quick flick of my tongue lavishing his mistreated lower lip with tenderness.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I spun around, feeling caught.
“The king, my eminent husband, is about to bestow a lovely decorative weapon he has crafted himself upon his friend. There will be a lot of fuss about it, I suggest you sneak away down the corridor to the left, third door on the right.” The queen grinned and pressed a key into my hand with a small wink.
“But…what…” I stammered. “I owe Ori.” She just shrugged with a devious smile and floated away.
“What was that about?” I asked my husband, breathless and visibly kiss-bruised. “I might have drawn out an account or two so Thorin could say he had read it already the night before and excuse himself for…interludes with his own betrothed?” Ori smirked wickedly.
Oh, his acts of naughty defiance were always in service to someone else, I thought, and he thought himself very daring and temerarious, when really, he was just a sweet, old softy who was loyal to a fault. There really was no way anyone could have admired, cherished, or loved another soul more than I venerated this soft creature of gold and bronze.
His hands were gentle as he brushed them down my naked arms; he was ever tender to me, making sure I understood how much I meant to him and that I was safe with him.
“What say you, wife of mine? Should we take the queen up on her offer?” He invited playfully though and I simply nodded, unable to form a coherent thought when he looked at me with that blend of lust and tenderness that made my knees turn to wax.
My insides were on fire, and I had already considered seducing my beloved husband underneath the table on which Balin’s many gifts were heaped or making him take me against the cold wall on the parapets of the balcony if his teasing went on much longer, so the prospect of a room with an actual door – as the key suggested – was a much better and very welcome alternative indeed.
His steps were steady as he led me down the designated corridor and when he unlocked the door, it took a moment for me to get used to the sudden darkness. “So, you love me still, yes?” He said softly, striking a match that I promptly blew out again.
“I love you still.” I murmured, my hands feeling their way down his body, tracing the outlines of his body, and moulding themselves around every single one of the delicious curves that a good life and happiness had drawn upon his scrawny frame.
“I love you always.” I went on, undoing the laces of his fine pants effortlessly in the darkness. This body was as much mine as the one my soul resided in and I knew it by touch, by sound, by heart.
I knew the taste of his kisses and the calluses on his fingers as they slipped inside the outrageous cleavage I was wearing to titillate him. “How did I get that lucky? My beautiful treasure, the most valuable thing I’ve ever held in those clumsy hands.” He sighed.
I retreated a few steps, bumping against a low edge that turned out to be a long, sturdy chest of some sort.
Reclining slowly and pulling him with me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into another passionate kiss while his hands – that were far from blundering – roamed over my over-sensitive breasts.
“Say it!” He demanded, half desperate and half masterful. “I need you, oh, how I need you. I yearn for you. I am burning for you. I have been for decades, and I feel like I shall never stop!” I moaned as his head dipped down to lavish the tender peaks with kisses and careful nips that made my skin break out into gooseflesh.
My dress was bunched up most carelessly, the silk crinkling and shifting noisily over the thrum of my pulse, as his hands wandered up my thighs. “Where are your undergarments, woman?” He moaned when his fingers found the centre of my lust, bare and swollen, ready and slick for him already.
“In the same place my honour and virginity are, Ori the merciless.” I panted as his finger dipped into my heat tentatively. “On the floor of your bedroom.”
“Oh, you wicked woman. We better be quiet.” He chuckled. “I do not know that I can.” I whimpered. “Bite down on that.” He shifted and handed me a piece of cloth. It smelled of soap and of something darker I knew the taste of.
“Are those your undergarments, husband?” I asked, breathless, almost speechless with the naughtiness of it all.
“Hush.” He commanded and disappeared between my thighs and as his tongue took up its torturous ministrations again, I had no choice but to bite down hard on the fabric to keep from crying out.
I had been on the edge of the abyss for hours and it took very little to push me into the void. I shot up, clawing blindly at the chest as my body was wrecked with shivers that set my blood aflame and filled my mind with blinding whiteness.
Oblivion. Perfection.
“MORE!” I panted, pushing, pulling, prodding. My hands scrambled to find him and to pull him as close as he could be.
“Shhhh, love of loves.” I could feel the wetness of his beard – Mahal bless the long beards of peace times – as he came up again, covering my face with kisses and my body with his.
My hand slipped down, spreading the leaking, sticky proof of his own weakness along the shivering, silken heat I held so gingerly. A broken moan broke from his lips and his hips jerked against me.
“Beg!” I grinned, for I had promised that I would make him ask for it. “Oh, love of loves, oh star of my nights and sun of my days, please, welcome me home?” He sighed, spreading loving kisses on whatever he could find in the darkness.
Lifting my hips to meet him, I guided him – none too carefully – to my slick entrance and – with a single motion – old as time and yet always exhilarating, he dove into me. The guttural cry of relief and pleasure we shared was definitely too loud for comfort, but it could not be held back as my whole body quaked with the effect his weight and his purposeful thrust had on me. My back arched up as the delightful sensation of fullness – of being whole and fulfilled in every sense – tore at the seams of my sanity. We found a steady rhythm, punctuated by helpless panting, almost immediately and I felt the current of never-ceasing hunger roar up again ferociously within the tightness of my lower abdomen.
I had no idea where I was or what I was lying on, but I felt perfectly safe for I knew that body on top of mine; I could see my husband in all his glory before my mind’s eye. One of the best things about the long lives and the continued vitality of dwarrows was – I was a tad ashamed to admit – the sheer extent of sex we could have if we so chose.
And I so chose…again…and again, never growing tired or bored with seeing the same beauty burst into stars of amber and gold before my blurry eyes.
“Mahal have mercy.” Ori groaned as I tightened my legs around him, breathing in his scent in a contraction of my whole body while my nails raked teasingly down his back. “What is it, love of mine?” I asked, darkly, knowingly.
“One day, you’ll just kill me. I swear, one day, that soft, little heart of mine will just crumble to ashes in your fire.” He whimpered, pushing to his knees, and pulling me up effortlessly to get a better angle.
“Is that so, Ori the beautiful?” I laughed, a sound that melted into a deep moan when he tilted his hips and started caressing me, exposed as I was, held up only by his hips and his hand supporting my ass.
The answering groan told me all I needed to know.
“I love you.” These were the last words I heard before the storm inside my veins swallowed me whole and flung me into swirling galaxies of bursting stars and pulsating heat.
Collapsing on top of me with a strangled cry, my husband pressed his lips against the side of my neck on the exact spot that he had claimed that very first time he had ever kissed me. I wondered if, by the time they laid me to rest, the impression of his kisses would have left a visible indent after decades of pressing his lips on the very same patch of skin.
I liked that idea. I liked the idea of waking up when the world was made anew and being recognised immediately as the wife of the great and honourable scribe I was blessed to call my husband.
“I love you too, darling. We better get back.” I chuckled, trying to right my clothes in the darkness, wiping myself clean with my poor Ori’s undergarments that were soaked by my constant biting anyway.
“We’ll have to toss this one into the fire.” I chuckled. “I dare you to do it in the great hall.”
I could feel him blink owlishly; I knew that he was biting down on his lip with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“What do I get if I stroll past Thorin and the boys, throw my soiled small clothes into the fire, and come back?” Ah yes, that wicked note that set ripples of pleasure into motion on the still lake of my soul made me want to kiss him breathless again, right here, in this non-space of stolen moments.
“Whatever you wish for, husband.” I grinned, feeling my way back to the door.
“Oh, I can think of a few things.” In the soft light streaming in, all I could see was his face, slightly flushed still and beautiful as only the visage of true love could be, stretched into a grin that promised endless delights.
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penwieldingdreamer · 3 years
Falling for you
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The second installment of my drabble series. Let me know what you think about it. A big thank you again to @fortheloveoffanfic for being my beta 💗 Happy reading everyone
Also here are the songs played at the pub:
Bean Pháidín , Tell me Ma-Gaelic Storm , Galway Girl - Fiddler's Green
Summary: A few weeks later finds the reader in all kinds of embarrassing situations - mostly tripping over stuff or falling over people - right in front of Lee
Warnings: none, besides fluff, clumsiness and a little tinge of jealousy
Words: 2231
Another day on the set of the second installment of the Hobbit series and already you felt like the clumsiest of all people on set. Either you’d slip, trip or let stuff fall to the ground. But it wasn’t random, it only happened whenever you were around Lee or in his close proximity.
James and Martin had made fun of the fact that it would only happen with the tall actor, but you waved them off and of course Benedict chimed into the scheme.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re falling for the King, luv.” he said one time while the four of you had been granted a break from filming. “You make a fool out of yourself because there’s that one person that makes your heart skip a beat.”
Angrily shuffling your food around the plate, you glared at the British actor. “Well thank you for the vote of confidence. If you hadn’t said it I wouldn’t have known I was such a joke on set.”
“What Ben means to say, dear,” James started, putting his hand on your arm. “is, that when you feel something for another person you get clumsy, do crazy things or fall all over yourself because you can’t concentrate around them. All three of us went through that when we met the women we knew would one day be our wives. It has nothing to do with you being bad at your work, the opposite, actually.”
Reluctantly you nodded your head, feeling like you just made a fool out of yourself again in front of those that were your friends. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve never been like that before and I fear if this happens more Pete will get tired of me messing up. I don’t want to lose this job.”
“You won’t,” Martin said with so much conviction, you couldn’t help but give him a small, teary smile. “Peter isn’t like that. He values your work as part of the crew and how you bring up new ideas or possible changes. Now if you were to set the whole place on fire that would be another case.”
Ben and James laughed softly and you couldn’t help the giggle escaping your lips when you listened to him. You were very lucky to have friends like them or you’d probably would have resigned after the first incident. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed this.” you said sending them a grateful smile. "But now I got to head back to work. The king on his throne is waiting for me."
All three laughed before Martin called after you. "Be careful up there and if you fall, fall in his lap, that's a lot more comfortable than the ground." he joked when you had turned back to the three actors but waved him off with your own middle finger. You knew he had a knack for putting his fingers up for the camera when he shouldn't and you were sure there were some scenes he snuck his middle finger in, just like he always did.
A chorus of laughter followed as you righted your work bag and made your way back to the set with Thranduil's throne.
Orlando stood underneath it, grinning up at Lee dressed up as the Elvenking and waited his turn. "Looking good, dad." he called with a chuckle and you could see the tall actor grin.
"Thank you, son. I feel very good up here." he answered leaning back on the chair, trying to fix his robes and wig as best as he could while a few strands were hanging in the branches of his crown.
Peter saw you emerging from the mass and called you over. "Ah, Y/N, good that you're here. Lee's just had a bit of a stumble up the stairs but we'll be doing a few headshots of him and well, you see the mess."
"Sure, I'll get right on it." you told him, taking a deep breath and steeling yourself so you'd be as relaxed as possible while working on fixing the actor. When he saw you approaching, Lee stood up and made to walk down, but you halted him with a motion of your hand. "Stay, I'm coming up so there's no repeat of that."
He stayed standing, watching you make your way up the stairs. Thank God there were handrails just in case. "If you insist
I could have come down, didn't want you to fall to your doom, dear mortal."
"Charms get you everywhere, huh?" you asked him with a grin as you ascended to the Weta built throne, pointing to the seat so he would sit back down again, keeping his long legs tugged to chair so you could start your work on his hair.
"So far it worked out rather well, I think." He told you, smiling as you gently pulled a strand away from the branch of his crown.
You couldn't help the small smile forming on your face as you listened to his jokes while you freed the last of his hair and righted his crown. A final touch of powder over his nose and you were finished. "Now, you're all done and you're looking regal again." You packed up your bag and turned to descend the stairs when you lost your footing and if it hadn't been for Lee's swift reaction, you would have tumbled down.
Short puffs of breath were leaving your mouth when you held on tightly to his shoulders, his arms circling your waist as you had fallen into his lap with that move. "Hello there." he whispered, watching your shocked face, eyes blown wide with fear. "You okay?"
Biting your lip, you couldn't help but enjoy the feel of his hands on your hip, the warmth spreading through your clothes. "I-I'm sorry, I, the stairs…I guess…missed steps." you brokenly mumbled, apparently having forgotten how to talk when you looked into his blue eyes. The contact lenses only intensified his gaze.
"Yeah, they're dangerous." Lee agreed, his head leaning closer, the rest of the world around you forgotten.
Yet before he could close the gap, Peter interrupted you with a loud whistle. "If you two turtledoves are ready, we'd like to continue." he called out to you with a chuckle. Of course everyone had seen that and you already felt the heat of your blush rising all over your body.
Carefully, yet hastily you scrambled off of Lee's lap and made your way down the stairs and to the back of the set. You would have loved for the ground to swallow you up when Benedict had come over and grinned at you.
"So, I don’t think you will tell me what that up there was.” he said matter of fact, knowing you wouldn’t even be able to describe it.
“Nope,” you said, eyeing the actor and PJ going over the next scenes with a dummy. “I’d rather leave it like it is. This is just too embarrassing."
He put his arm around your shoulders pulling you close. Martin was just walking around the corner having seen the whole thing and he instantly knew you'd be shutting down, only doing your work and nothing more, keeping your distance from Lee. The Brit found the eyes of his friend and co-Sherlock-actor, nodding once, then twice. They were your friends and could see that the sparks between their fellow actor and you were there, now they only needed to kindle the fire.
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"Oh, this is wonderful." you gushed, looking around the Irish pub everyone decided to visit at the eve of their day off. "It's been too long since I had so much fun besides being on set."
Already the ciders and beers and whisky were flowing and everyone was laughing and singing with the band that played that night. James had decided to take a row of tables next to the musicians so the cast and crew that wanted to go there would fit into the seats.
"You all deserve a time off after the amazing work you did." Peter said, raising his pint of Guinness for a toast. You all followed suit, calling out a shout of "Hear, hear."
Laughing and listening to all the stories everyone was telling about their time on set, you enjoyed the feeling of warmth that spread through you. Not because of the alcohol but because of your family away from home.
"Are you enjoying the music?" James asked after a short while, himself listening to the tunes and words from his home country.
Nodding your head, you clapped your hands to the rhythm and smiled as a few people started to dance to the songs you couldn't understand the lyrics to. “What is she singing about?” you asked him, leaning in so he could understand the words with the louder music.
"It’s a really old Irish song, dating back hundreds of years in Ireland. This is one of the funny old Irish songs that is sung by a woman, and she sings about another woman." the Irish actor tried to explain over the loud music. "Back in the day women would get together and sing this song about the woman in town that was married to the man that they all wanted to be married to. ‘It’s a pity that I’m not Phaidin’s wife,’ and this woman who’s married to him, they hate her, and as the verses go on, they talk about what they’d like to do to her, like they want to break her legs and get rid of her and do anything to be this man’s wife. It’s a fun song. Irish music is like that. When you translate the words, sometimes it’s like gruesome and dark, but they’re meant in a lighthearted way."
You were always blown away by the way such a story could be shown in a nice tune. "The music is so lively, you'd never guess it's such a sad and dark story behind it."
"That's just the way the Irish are." James grinned at you before another song was starting.
"For our next song we'd love for you guys to get up, dance some more and just have fun." the female singer announced and waved to all patrons in the pub. The violin, banjo and drum began to play the first chords before the singer joined in. "Tell me ma when I go home, the boys won't leave the girls alone."
Benedict and James smiled at you, holding their hand out and pulled you from your seat and onto the provided dance floor where others had already started twirling around. "Let's dance and have some fun." the Brit said, giving you a twirl.
You couldn't help the smile that found its way on your lips as you danced around with the two actors, unbeknownst of the dark blue eyes following your moves. The dance was exhilarating and both James and Ben led you through the steps, jumping and twirling with other patrons until you were out of breath and another song was over.
When you came back to get something to drink you saw one of the seats being vacant. Lee was missing from the group of merry friends and you leaned over to Orlando, who had been sitting besides him. "Where did your dad disappear to?" you asked him, mirth coloring your words as you took a large sip of your drink.
He turned to you and smiled, patting the seat next to him, so you didn't have to stand. You were grateful for that with your feet aching from all the dancing you did with his fellow actors. "He said he needed to get back to the hotel, his flight back to the States is taking off early." Orlando said and your face must have shown your confusion as you didn't know Lee was needed back in America. "Shooting for Guardians of the Galaxy is starting in a few days and he wanted to get back earlier so he arranged it in the last few days. Peter knew about it, I'm surprised he didn't tell you."
"Oh, no, I really didn't know and Lee hadn't mentioned anything before." the disappointment colored your words and you sank back down in your seat. You couldn't help the feeling that it was something that recently happened and especially something you did or he would have been open enough to talk to you.
The British actor patted your leg and grinned. "Don't worry, he'll be back before you know it. Once he's done with that movie Lee's going to annoy us again with his dad jokes."
Nodding your head, you tried to feel confident, but still you didn't know why he didn't at least wait until you were back at the table to say his goodbyes. No he just left without so much as a word. Of course you were only there doing his make - up and hair but you had hoped that in the time you worked together you at least had become friends. Giving the dark haired actor a small smile you made your way back to your corner seat, staring off into space and trying not to get too drunk on your cider while thinking about why not even Peter had bothered to tell you his Elvenking was leaving the set sooner than planned.
@fortheloveoffanfic @toomanystoriessolittletime @omgkatinka @fuck-yeah-hope @wholelottatiffy @axshadows ​@a-really-bi-girl @madbaddic7ed @maggiemoo1892 @pinkzsugar @agniavateira @mary-ann84 and everyone else who wants to read this.
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7soulstars · 4 years
Is it okay if I request a Thranduil x Reader one shot where the reader is a Selkie? Selkies are from Scottish myth - they have a magical seal fur coat that lets them turn into a seal when they go underwater, but remain human while on land.
Hey babe! Thank you so much for requesting! Of course it’s okay. I had no idea what a selkie was in the beginning but through your explaination and some research I figured it out ! Again, I wanted to make this an angst but poor bby Thranduil has already gone through enough so I made it soft. Anyways, no more spoliers! Enjoy and thank you for being so patient with me ! 
Vespertine/ The Elf and the Selkie
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Pairing: Thranduil x Selkie! Reader
Warnings: Angsty/Sad start, Mentions of death,Use of Scots(language spoken by Selkies), ending might make you go aww
Summary: A father telling his children a story of the legends long forgotten.
 Vespertine; Occurring in the evening.
Lands lost, Kingdoms fell, Middle Earth was saved but no one could tell. The pain, people lost and the children snatched could not be reversed. Especially for the elves who left for the undying lands. 
One remained.
King Thranduil remained. Protests were made, the lords argued and urged. But he wouldn’t budge.
“There is nothing left of me...My duty is over and my family is not returning back to me...I shall stay here.....in Mirkwood”, he had simply stated to Elrond before he dismissed him. Elrond had sighed saying, “This will not end well for you....”,before leaving the former king. 
He sat on his throne listlessly. Not a sound to be heard. No chittering crowds, no parties. Just emptiness. 14 years had passed like this and Thranduil had gotten used to it. Today marking the 14th year that is. 
Time flew by fast for elves. But not for lonely elves. No matter how beautifully maintained all of Mirkwood still was due to unbroken elven magic the gap kept growing wider in the King’s heart. He was left to his own disposition. He grew and foraged his own food, he drew his own water, he entertained himself with his own hobbies. But he never left Mirkwood. He protected the empty abandoned city.
He got used to it. He got used to being lonely until that one evening.
Thranduil killed spiders at evening. They were weaker by then and it was easier. He walked across the tangled path and froze on hearing whimpers. They were soft and pained coming from the rocks near the forest riverbank. The blone walked stealthily and carefully with sword in his hands and furrowed brows as he neared the rocks. When his eyes fell on the cause of the noise as he stopped dead in his tracks.
An injured seal.
It’s side was deeply cut into as it barely managed to keep it’s eyes open and tried to move away erratically from the said elf as if it was in danger. “Hey! Stop! I’m not going to hurt you!”, the elf yell-whispered as he struggled to keep the creature in place.Almost as if it understood it stopped still whining due to the pain inflicted by moving around before it fainted. Thranduil sighed. He hadn’t used healing for years he wasn’t sure he could do it now either. But leaving the seal injured was not an option. So he had to do it. 
He did.
Riding his loyal elk that had stayed with him he returned back to the nearest cave where he had healed and left the seal. 
It was empty.
Thranduil had frowned. Thinking it had left he turned only to stop and look back with a sword swinging back as he heard a spash and a soft voice.
“Are ye an elf ?”,voice asked. Thranduil looked down, behind the rock he had seen the seal in, peeped a woman. She was clutching onto a seal coat as she looked visibly scared at the sword drawn at her which the king immediately put back into it’s sheath. At this she came out furthermore as she pointed at the reddish scar on her side. “ye helpit me yesterday ?”, she questioned her eyes gleaming with an undefined innocence. 
He had heard of a Selkie before but merely as myths. His mother sang him the song of the Mistress and The Selkie every night as a young ellon.It was his favourite. Thranduil looked back at the seal coat she held and then back at her. She gasps and immediately hides it behind her back as she attempts to look mad at the other. Thranduil’s heart felt weird. It fluttered at her action. 14 years without any contact with anyone made him forget the stern way of speaking that he had to maintain.
“I will not take it from you. I am here to see if you are felling better. Did you eat?”, he asked as he kneeled in front of her. She looked at him with intent in her eyes. Reaching forward she placed her wet hands on the king’s cheeks catching him off guard. “Wh-”
“Ye savit ma life from the human sailors”, she smiled softly.
Thranduil frowned in distaste he hadn’t heard the word ‘human’ in Valar knows how many years and it still leaves a sour taste in his mouth. He looked at her. Her facial features. Her blown out eyes. Her curiosity.
Her curiosity.
He was cut out of his thoughts of course a shade of pick dusting his face as he stuttered when she had moved to touch his sensitive elf ears. “A like yer ears ye are sae beautiful.” Thranduil had stilled and mentally yelled at himself because he knew she did not know elven customs but he let her do as she pleases.
The sky got darker and he knew he had to leave. But her words replayed in head over and over again
“Will ye come back tomorrow ?”
As if he could hear her speaking right as he sleeps.
Oh. She is alone too....
Thranduil did go back. Again and again and again for 30 years, every day straight. Her name was Y/N and her husband was killed by sailors and their daughter, taken away. She ran into hiding and reached Mirkwood where he saved her. They grew closer. Maybe because Thranduil liked Y/N.
Maybe because she was just like him or maybe he was in love.
He sat by the riverbank with Y/N who wore his spare clothes when she took her human form as they watched the birds and made flower crowns. Thranduil was distracted, constantly looking at the selkie’s expressions as she concentrated on making a flowercrown with water lilies from the river. On finishing she looked at him with the eyes he adored. “Look!”,she exclaimed as she put it on his elks head as it leaned towards her. It was attatched to her just the way it was attatched to Thranduil which was surprising to say the least. A smile plastered onto his face as the words slipped from his mouth. “It’s beautiful. Just like you.” There was a brief silence as Y/N slowly shifted. Her words almost going unnoticed as she stuttered. “Dinnae give me false hope.....” That moment Thranduil realized,
He was absolutely enamored by her.
He didn’t wait for even a minute more of thought before catching Y/N’s lips with his own in a searing kiss. It wasn’t too long or too less. Just right like them. But Y/N drew back and a look of panic spread Thanduil as he saw her eyes full of tears. “Please do not cry! Is it something I did Y/N ?”, he said as he tried wiping her tears frantically.
“A cannot leave the water for a long time A will aye have tae come back thon is a selkie's fate. A cannot stop lovin ye either or A will dee a selkie's fate“ (I cannot leave the sea for a long time i will always have to come back that is a selkie's fate. I cannot stop loving you either or I will die a selkie's fate”
Thranduil knew what that meant now. He had felt it before, Y/N did too and so did Tauriel. The fear that he never wanted anyone to feel again.
“Oh darling you do not need to leave the water for us to be together. I will always be here. You could even spend time with me here”,pointed towards the forest path reaching up towards the palace, “Don’t stop loving me....please....”
For the first time ever Elrond’s prediction was wrong. 
Thranduil did not end up alone. He got a second chance.In life, in family
“Did they meet like that forever Ada?”
Well, yes,until someone with blonde long hair wearing a green tunic and with strikingly similar features as her lover gave Y/N a seal coat from a late Selkie.
“So did grand adar become like the Maiden from the song and went away with grand naneth?”
Mhmm. And the someone who gave the coat looked over them from far until he got the courage to visit for tea. And they all lived happily ever after. It’s almost Vespertine, your grandparents will be back soon.
“Legolas have you been telling her about us again ?”
Well Ada she did want to know the legend of the Elf and the Selkie who loved at Vespertine.
--The End--
I hope this is good I hope this is good please be good. I really worked so hard on this I created an entire novel worthy plot but I couldn’t put it all in a oneshot so I had to settle with this I really really hope you liked this it was soo hard to not make this sad and then I came across this song and everything just fell into thoughts like these😭. I know Thranduil is a bit ooc but pychologicaly speaking he did live alone for 14 years so I guessed it may change his behaviour especially after the battle of 5 armies. Again I really hope you like it. Please like, share and comment if you like my work to support and encourage me! Please do not plagarize my work I literally sell my soul to it.🥺🥺 Requests are always open and I love ya’ll soo much. 
~Love, Hri 🥰🥰
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Thoughts on Tauriel?
ooooooh b o i I’m guess you’re asking because I mentioned I don’t like her in reply to a different ask. Before I lay down my thoughts, I need to give a wee disclaimer. 
If you love Tauriel, then fantastic & please continue to do so!! I totally appreciate that to some people she is amazing and I 100% support you loving on her! What I’m going to express is just MY personal opinion on the character. NOT THE ACTRESS. Evangeline Lilly is a sweetheart and an amazing actress!! My issues are with the character/writing, not the actress.  In expressing my own thoughts I am also NOT encouraging ANY hate on the character. Hate is never welcome and never okay regardless of character opinions and tastes. I completely respect those who adore Tauriel and I encourage the love on her to continue. 
All that said, I do not vibe with Tauriel. For several reasons.  I get far too strong ‘I’m not like other girls’ vibes from her. There is this sense of her needing to assert her authority and power because she is a female elf. And yet, Arwen and Galadriel never give me those vibes. In the case of the latter two, they are extremely powerful and self-defining without any need to prove it or appear ‘strong’ around others. You just know upon first meeting Arwen that she is confident in herself and her place and doesn’t need those around her to reassure her of it - she just simply IS. In contrast to Tauriel, she just comes across rather... insecure? to me. Like, she needs those around her to know that she is powerful and she needs to know that they know. If that sentence makes sense at all.  She also, in my opinion, is selfish. But its framed as a ‘good moral’ thing. (This is just a badly written character, I do not blame anyone but the writers for this) She disobeys her King and then acts shocked when he banishes her? Whilst yeah Thranduil is a questionable moral character, you cannot doubt that he has his people at his heart and was trying to protect Tauriel with them. She paints Thranduil as a dark evil overlord and yeah Thranduil is pretty heckin’ scary - but this guy has single-handedly protected his kind for hundreds of years, he has fought in multiple wars and he VERY CLEARLY still mourns the loss of his wife - to the point he is willing to have an open war with the dwarves just to get some gems that were meant for her. She tries to tell him that he has no love in him, but when you actually look at Thranduil’s actions - underneath the cold exterior everything he does is for love. For his wife, and his people. 
I also kind of find it hard to believe she would fall for Kili so quickly? Now don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the cute romance and thought it was a nice touch. But I question if it was done in the right way. The hate between elves and dwarves goes back CENTURIES. In LOTR Legolas and Gimli hate each other for a long time. It is not until Gimli comes to admire Galadriel and she gives him his blessing that things begin to turn, and even then their elf/dwarf bond was extremely strange. Tauriel is in Thranduil’s Kingdom. THRANDUIL’S KINGDOM. THE GUY WHO HAS BEEF WITH THE DWARVES OF THE MOUNTAIN. She would’ve had a lot of prejudices against dwarves that aren’t just gonna go away after a wee chat about stars. Again, that’s poor writing. By all means have the romance - but it just needed to be built upon a bit more I think.  Shes kind of a Mary Sue (Again - just my opinion!). She has these super cool ‘unusual’ traits of being both a fighter and a healer. Which from what I understand is unusual for Elves. Elrond has both - but hes Elrond and it makes sense. For Tauriel it just seems...? Why..? What is the point? It kinda leads back into that whole ‘I’m not like other girls’ vibe again. I’m sure I read somewhere that her ginger hair is also unusual, I’m not gonna sit here and try pick apart her hair - its more the point that shes ‘special’ and ‘unique’ and ‘not like other girls’ I also don’t understand why there was any need for Legolas to have feelings for her. I kind of like the fact that in LOTR Legolas isn’t involved in any love story - it makes him stand out and allows you to focus on his character. It just didn’t add anything at all, and I wonder what Tolkien would think of someone bringing a love interest into Legolas’s life. 
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lathalea · 4 years
The Hobbit: DOS: The Appendices, Part 10 (4/4)
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Last Friday, we, The Hobbit group (aka the Dwarf Lovers aka The Cult of Saint Bofur) spent yet another evening on rewatching The Hobbit Behind the Scenes. Sorry for the delay with this post, this week has been pretty busy for me.
Here’s what we were up to this time:
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Beorn's house and Edoras were inspired by Old Norse architecture as it was described in Beowulf. So, basically they are saying again that Tolkien was a fanfic writer and was writing fics inspired by Beowulf!
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Thorin and Dwalin are amazed by the breathtaking view at Beorn’s. That, or Dwalin is catching some flies for dinner.
A lot of time passes, they are talking about the process of visual creation, but there are no dwarves in sight. Finally...
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HAVE YOU SEEN THORIN? I saw Thorin's back, I am happy now, thank you.
Beorn lived an alternative lifestyle and was a vegetarian, had beehives you know Bee-orn It turns out chonky bees are cgi PETITION TO MAKE CHONKY BEES!!!
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RA 1. appears on screen; 2. SPEAKS. Everyone: RA THE VOICE the beard! swoon   
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And then guess who shows up again... Everyone: THORIN RA FAINTS THE HAIR ahhhh ❤️ I love how everyone just short circuits every time Thorin comes on  me: calmly points out ra y'all: alskdjf;lasdkjflsdfj;saldkf The true identity of Beorn is revealed! I just realized Beorn likes honey cuz he’s a bear changer I just thought my man had a sweet tooth or he made tons of mead and got drunk like a proper viking Beorn the Pooh
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Tsk-tsk, Martin! 🤣🤣🤣 The dwarves can’t open the door at Beorns. They're all distracted because of the knockers dwarves be like: mine are bigger! Thorin can open the door because he is the chosen one I think Dwalin's head can open it
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A detail for Beorn’s house with Yggdrasil and Huginn and Muninn (or maybe Roäc and Carc?).
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Cuteness! ❤️ Even the carved boar gets his private language coach!
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RA is fascinated by the wood carvings at Beorn's. Everyone squeals and faints OK Thorin approved the Beorn's decorations, the movie can continue!
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It turns out that Old Bilbo has one of Beorn’s chess pieces in his chest. so Bilbo stole a chess piece!!! YOU LITTLE THIEF ... burglar
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Scary tolkien forests but he liked trees! tolkien said "youre gonna read about lots of trees and youre gonna like it!" and we said "okay"
Mirkwood is a hippy hallucinogenic forest and there are shrooms MirkWoodstock 2941!
So the dwarves get lost in Mirkwood because they were stoned. Was Thorin in Bag End stoned too? No, Hobbit town planning is just wacked :D Or he was very, very stoned and that is probably why he got lost TWICE! 🤣
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Time for Mirkwood! Thrandy, the Princess of Mirkwood! One of the Disney Princesses.
But then, in Mirkwood...
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EVERYBODY LOOK! It’s Thorin! faints
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John Howe made lots of concept art with waterfalls in Mirkwood. If I would be there I would be in the bathroom every five minutes with all those waterfalls How did the elves withstand it? They're elves, they don't need to pee like common mortals! Thranduil needs the waterfalls for his L'Oréal commercials Wrong commercial but... Maybe he was born with it... maybe it's Maybelline... The way Smaug says ‘barrel’... B a r r e l Bilbo talking about all his names Smaug: sleeping Bilbo: Barrel rider... Smaug wakes up: Barrels? I like Barrels! 👀 When Smaug was a lil' Smaugy, his momma would take him to play with elven barrels on the river Smaug: Mama! May we go to Thranduil's Barrel Ride at Universal Studios? I would very much like to go!
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RA speaks in his Thorin voice. Everyone: AAAH THE VOICE! V. O. I. C. E faints THE VOICE There’s a lot of ice floating around in the fishing town of Laketown.
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i bet if we were there, we  would do the same 🤣🤣🤣 Bard disapproved He thought the dick jokes were a bit... Fishy he was the one who made it! Bard voice: excuse i have children He sees something like that and just covers Tilda's eyes with his hand
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Aaaand Fili is there too! DEAN DEAN DEAN The actor playing Bain says he’d love to do some paintball at the Laketown set. "Paintball in Laketown" now available at Universal Studios
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Thorin's back appears. AHHHH faints discreetly Peter Jackson says:
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we were supposed to have a separate Thorin/ heirs of Durin theme.... but we were ROBBED! howard shore give us the forbidden heirs of durin theme!!! NOW!
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Thorin’s hair Mirkwood Edition. Thorin's hair is fab even in the muddy, spider infested, rotting Mirkwood... Maybe he was born with it... maybe it's Maybelline...
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At least we got a decent Erebor theme.
Stupid Smaug escapes from the liquid gold bath. Don’t you know it’s good for your skin?!
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Smaug: weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i’m spinning!  i'm spinniiiiiing!
We had a great time, as always! Thank you all for coming 💙💙💙
@deathlikessodaandpizza​ @estethell​ @fizzyxcustard​ @something-witty-and-sarcastic​ @guardianofrivendell​ @bigsmallworld​ @misfit-with-a-pen​ @mountains-under-the-moon​ @oreo-cookies-fan​ @bananzer​ @thewarriorandtheking​ @avaria-revallier​ @jentaculargums​ --- Missed The Appendices part 7, 8, 9 & 10? Here they are: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 Want to see how silly we were when watching The Hobbit? See here.
Thank you everyone for tonight, that was fun :D
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Mirkwood - Thorin x reader
Hi!! Can I request a Thorin x female reader with prompt 56? I don’t have a plot in mind, just wanna see where you take it! Thanks!!
sure thing, anon!
56. “You can hurt me, kill me, enslave me, but don’t touch Y/N.”
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Type: Imagine Pairing: Thorin x reader Summary: when the Company of Thorin is captured in Mirkwood, Thorin realises just how much he is willing to do for Y/N Warnings: none omg Word Count: 918 words
All words not in English are in Khuzdul.
Y/N struggled against the annoyingly tall Elf holding her, but she couldn’t get free. Being a Dwarf did occasionally come with some disadvantages.
Mirkwood wasn’t a place she wanted to be - not with its infuriating Elves and their judgmental opinions. She glanced to her long-time friend, Thorin Oakenshield, for leadership, but he was helpless to do anything. The Elvenking smiled from his throne - a cold, sarcastic, grin practically asked for a punch in the face.
With some signal Y/N didn’t see, the Dwarves were dragged away, kicking and cursing, but the Elvenking was smart. He saw the worried looks their leader, Thorin Oakenshield, gave them, and knew that threatening the stubborn Dwarf himself would not prove very effective. 
He needed another method.
The Elf pulling Y/N suddenly stopped, and she glared at the inhabitant of the  throne he pulled her before.
“Thranduil,” she growled, having heard tales of the cold-hearted King. Thorin looked to her, surprised - he had not expected Thranduil to keep her here.
“How did you come to trespass upon my realm?” the King said finally, ignoring Y/N and sweeping past her dramatically to Thorin.
The Dwarf spat at his feet. “I owe you no information, abrâfu shaikmashâz! (you descendant of rats!)”
“Is that so?” Thranduil nodded to the guard holding Y/N, and he twisted her arm sharply behind her. She cried out, but bit it back before it turned into a full scream, though the effort brought her to tears.
“Stop it!” Thorin roared. “You can hurt me, kill me, enslave me, but don’t touch Y/N.”
She shook her head at him. “Don’t. Don’t tell him anything!”
Thranduil cut his hand through the air in an aggressive swipe. Y/N felt a sword bite into her neck, drawing two fat droplets of blood that rolled down her chest.
“I will only ask you one more time, Oakenshield,” he hissed. “Why are you here?”
“Thorin,” Y/N choked when he looked to her again. “Thorin, don’t. Please, don’t.”
He saw her panicked e/c eyes begging him not to worry about her, though she was staring Death in the face. He turned back to the Elf, glaring.
“You have no control over me.”
The Guard pushed his sword deeper into Y/N’s neck, and tears joined the fresh blood falling from the cut. 
“Halt,” Thranduil said suddenly. Y/N gasped as the pressure was released, though she couldn’t stop the blood flow. “Perhaps you will be more malleable in a week or so, when she has bled out. I am patient - I can wait for your information.”
Y/N hit the floor of the cell with a tiny whimper, as Thorin was shoved in after her. He roared a curse at the Guard, who just ignored him with a sneer.
Thorin immediately pulled Y/N to a bench, gently brushing her hair away from her face with a large hand to look at her wound.
It didn’t look good - it was deeper than the Dwarven King had initially thought, and blood rapidly soaked the strip of cloth he pulled from his coat.
“H-hey,” Y/N chuckled weakly, as he tied it to catch all the blood, not hard enough to choke her, not loose enough to let the blood fall. “It’s like a n-necklace! You could be a fashion d-designer Oakenshield.”
Thorin let a shocked laugh slip from his lips - it never ceased to amaze him how she was so easy  to laugh and joke. Y/N never ceased to amaze him. 
“Are you alright, Y/N?” he asked, wincing even as he said the stupid words. “I mean, of course you’re not - I’m sorry, I-”
“Thorin, Thorin, Thorin,” she interrupted as kindly as she could. “It’s okay. This wasn’t your fault - and I’d rather I get caught than that filthy Elf gets his greedy fingers on Erebor.”
“I’m still sorry.”
“Well, I suppose you could make it up to me,” Y/N said, immediately turning red at how suggestive the words were. Thankfully, the Dwarf before her hadn’t really seemed to notice.
“And how’s that?”
That was her chance to take it back, but she didn’t want to. Thorin had looked after her always, putting her above himself, always caring for her and laughing with her, and she always felt so beautiful when he glanced her way.
“Like this, I guess.”
Y/N leaned forwards, placing both her hands on his chest and kissing him softly. She felt his lips pull upwards in a smile as he gently curled his hands around the back of her neck, returning her affection.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N gasped, pulling back abruptly.
“For what?” Thorin asked, looking hurt. “Do you harbour no affection for me?”
“No, I- argh, that’s not what I meant!” she stuttered. “I’m sorry for kissing you without warning. And I’m sorry for giving you hope.”
“Giving me hope?”  Thorin’s eyebrows crinkled together and his startling blue eyes darted from side to side in confusion.
“That we’ll get out of here, and I’ll actually live to see it.”
He could see the complete hopelessness in her eyes as her hands crept to  the bandage around her neck. He moved towards her slowly ,wrapping his arms around her waist and letting her rest his head on her shoulder.
“I swear to you that we’ll get out of here,” he promised. “And that you’ll live to see it, Amralime (my love).”
He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, and for that moment, Y/N allowed herself to believe everything would be okay.
A/N - to commerate 100 FOLLOWERS you guys can ask me ANY QUESTION (from my favourite colour to some deep shit) until january! so please do!
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A/n:  in this imagine the reader and Legolas start out absolutely hating each other.  Eventually they get used to one another, and then that turns into something more. This is set in The Hobbit, when the dwarves arrive in Mirkwood with their arachnid buddies.   Enjoy!!
Also, Pe-channas means idiot in elvish.
Word Count: 2053
Y/n's P.O.V:
"No, Tauriel you don't get it! You're friends with him! I don't know how, but you are."  You say angrily, while beating up a hanging sack filled with hay.  Not to mention, imagining that stupid prince's face on it.  
"Y/n, he's not so bad if you just give him a chance." Tauriel answers you pointedly, from her place sitting criss-cross on the floor.
"How does he not make your blood boil? Irk you to the core?" You ask, loose strands of your h/c hair going in your face as the door to the room you are training in opens, and the face you were just imagining pummeling appears from behind it.
"Oh hey princy! We were just talking about you!" You exclaim, false happiness dripping from your words.  Legolas ignores your comment, and speaks only to Tauriel.
"It's our guard shift, take your friend and get ready." He says, and leaves, shutting the door softly behind him.  
"Well, you heard him.  We should go. " Tauriel says, standing up off the floor.  You simply nod, and pull your once loose hair into a quick braid.  
The two of you leave the room and meet Legolas and the other guards at the front gate.  
Some time later~
Fighting brought you adrenaline.  You absolutely love adrenaline.  Therefore you love fighting.  The only problem is, you hate when people do it better than you.  Such as Legolas.  The stupid prince, always had to be able to do something better.  No matter what you did, for everything you could do better than him, he had three more he could do better than you.  Fortunately, you are a better archer.  
"Legolas! Duck!" You yell, and shoot an arrow just barely to the left of his head, narrowly missing his ear, and blowing a few strands of his hair around.  You hit your mark, a spider's eye.  
The blond haired prince glares at you, and continues killing spiders around him, more aggressively now. 
By the time the spiders are all dead, Tauriel has already hurt the pride of a young, black-haired dwarf, who was pouting currently.  
You approached a light-haired dwarf, with a braided mustache.  He has pale green eyes.  His hair is thick and chaotic, similar to a lion's mane.  It also  has several braids in different locations.  
"Weapons, please." You say, a harsh tone taking over your voice.  This tone is strange for the people who know you, but it's perfectly normal to people who don't, given your threatening atmosphere.  
He hands over two large swords,  pulls about 4 smaller daggers from inside his jacket, and then one dagger from each boot.  He stops handing you weapons, and you give him a knowing look.  He hands over six more blades and you know he has more.  You aren't sure where.  "Any more?" You ask, and he pulls one more out of the back of his jacket.  
After being handed all of his weapons you direct him, forcefully, towards where the rest of the dwarves and elves are.
Some time later~
You're now standing in front of King Thranduil with the company of dwarves and the other guards.  King Thranduil is talking about something, you're not really listening though. Instead, you wait impatiently. 
Before you know it, he's giving the order to lock the dwarves up.  The leader, whom you hadn't caught the name of, stayed while you and the guards took the rest of the dwarves to put them in cells.  
As you're about to shove the golden-haired dwarf into a cell, you find another blade under the collar of his coat and take it out.  He gives you an innocent look and you push him into the cell, shutting it after him.  
You leave after pushing him into the cell, and turn a corner only to run into a certain blond haired prince.  "Watch where you're going, pe-channas!"  You say, and dust yourself off as if he has cooties.  For some reason, unbeknownst to you, your face turns red, which you don't notice.  When he doesn't respond, and just looks at you quizzically, you roll your eyes and walk away.  
You're not sure where you're going, and end up in your sleeping quarters.  Of course, your blush had faded by now.  Not that you even knew it was there.  You flopped on your bed and fell asleep almost immediately.  Your dreams confused you a lot, they were snippets of different things, there were flashes of a war, you saw mounds of gold, and what confused you the most was seeing Legolas.  For once, seeing his face didn't bother you.  
You're awoken suddenly when you hear a knock on your door.  "Yes...?" You say, rubbing your face groggily.   You hear Tauriel's voice from the other side.  "Y/n? Are you alright? You've been in there for hours." She asks and you can hear concern coating her words.
"Yes, I'm alright.  Do you need something?" You completely forget your manners in your weary state, so she just opens the door without being invited in.  "Have you been asleep?" She shuts the door gently behind her.
You nod, entirely puzzled as to why she is in your room.  You half wish she would go away so you can go back to sleep, back to your dreams.  Unfortunately for you she does not.  
"I've been looking for you everywhere! Legolas tells me he ran into you earlier and you..." She stops, and scans your face inquisitively.  
"I what?" You question, still half awake and hardly understanding what she was on about.  But you did know she said Legolas's name.  For some reason that caught your attention.
"You blushed!!" She exclaims in surprise that you didn't know.  You laugh.
"Tauriel, I don't blush.  Especially not because of that irritating twat.  He probably made it up."  You say, and Tauriel sighs.
"I had a feeling you'd say that, so I brought you this!" She hands you a mirror, and you look into it.  To your surprise, you were blushing! You drop the mirror on the bed.  
"What? I can't be blushing.  Why am I blushing?" You stare at the mirror in horror, it's just not possible.  That infuriating little prick could not make you blush.  
Tauriel smiles, amused.  "You like him!!" She squeals, nearly falling off your bed in excitement. "I knew it would happen eventually! I knew you couldn't hate each other forever!"
You shake your head.  "No.  There's no way.  It's not possible.  I hate that stupid, blond-haired, pretty boy prince! How could I like him? He may have a nice face, wait- no, he's uglier than a orc! I'm going to stop talking now..." You say, and rub your temples with your forefingers and middle fingers.  This time you feel your face heating up and groan.  
"I am only blushing because you embarrassed me!" You exclaim, trying to convince both her and yourself.  "Not because I like the dumb guy." You say, softer.  
"You do! Just admit it! I know you're thinking it! I'll tickle you if you don't admit it." You gasp, knowing damn well she will do it.  "No, Tauriel no-!" Before you can say anything else she starts tickling you, and all you can do is giggle and try to squirm away.  
"O-okay fine!" You try to gasp out, in between giggles.  
"Fine what?" She asks, knowing exactly what you mean.
"F-fine, I l-l-l-ike him!!" She stops tickling you, and you try to catch your breath.  
"That's better.  Now you have to tell him."
"There's no way in all Middle Earth I will ever do that.  You seem to forget the fact that the feeling of hate was mutual."  She gives you a knowing look.
"Don't make me tickle you again." She threatens. You sigh,  
"Fine, but when nothing happens don't come crying to me."  You say.  "Now can I go back to my nap?" She shakes her head and gets up off your bed.  
"You have to tell him now!!" She grabs your hand and pulls you off your bed.  "Well, not looking like that...." She frowns.  
"Then I guess I can't do it!" You say, about to flop back on your bed, but Tauriel doesn't allow you to.  
"No! We just have to fix you up some.  Starting with your hair!" She gestures to what once was your braid, but now is a complete mess from sleeping.  
"Fine... do with it what you will..." You say, although you wouldn't mind someone playing with your hair.  She makes you sit down on your bed and locates your hairbrush.  She sits behind you and runs the brush through your hair until it's smooth.  She braids it neatly down your back and over your left shoulder.  
"Perfect." She says.   "Now at least straighten your clothes.  Then you can go."  
"Yay." You grumble under your breath as you step out the door, without doing anything to your clothes, out of spite.  Tauriel smiles.  
You wander around, not really looking for Legolas but if you happen to run into each other then you'll tell him.  But you weren't about to intentionally look for him.  
As luck would have it you did run into each other.  Literally.  Again.  Except this time you fell.  You also didn't have a snarky remark.  
"Y/n, are you alright?" Legolas asks and leans down to help you up.  
"Absolutely fine, dear prince.  The floor is quite comfortable." You say, half sarcastically and take his hand to be pulled up.   "Were you just.... nice to me?" You ask, astonished.  He nods, confused.
"I thought Tauriel talked to you."  He says, running a hand through his long blond hair. 
"She did... what do you mean by that?  She just told me to come find you."  You say, and Legolas frowns. 
"I should've known she was going to make me do it..." He mumbles.  
"Make you do wha- oh..." You start, in realization.  Your face starts heating up.  "Well I guess that's what she sent me for, so... I- I really like you, and I thought I just hated you but I guess I just didn’t know how to handle the feelings I had for you." 
Legolas's eyes light up in both surprise and joy.  "You- you do? I thought you actually hated me."He says.  
"Well I thought so too, but I guess I've never felt that way before, so I didn't know what it meant, so I thought I hated you and went with it." You reply, looking down at your shoes.  
He chuckles softly, and puts his hand under your chin, and you look up at him.  You can see the colors of his eyes, the pale blue and the soft, sea green swirling together to make a beautiful aegean blue.  He also has gold flecks scattered like freckles in his irises.  
While you were zoned out on his eyes, he was slowly leaning in closer.  He captures your lips with his, and the hand that was under your chin moves to the back of your head, and his free arm wraps around your waist.  
Your eyes flutter shut, and you wrap your arms around his neck, and since he's not so much taller than you, you don't have to stand on your toes or anything.
You have to pull away for air, and he rests his forehead against yours.  
"So, I guess that means you don't hate me anymore, huh?" He says, making you laugh.  
"Leave it to you to ruin a moment."
A/N: I just felt like writing something silly, I promise I’ll write a more serious one. 
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idjitlili · 4 years
Hi its me! Could you write something for the cinnamon roll known as Lindir?
I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
Lindir x elf!reader
Summary:growing up as Gandalf's adopted daughter ,being apart of the company only to pass through Rivendell,only to joke about doing your best friend,Lindir.
Word count:1200+
It was no secret that Gandalf wasnt your real father, you both looked nothing a like. However this didnt stop him loving you like you were his actual child,you werent sure if wizard could have children. You wondered if he ever got horny,it disturbed you but you did wonder. Anyways you didnt know your parents ,they were killed by orcs ,Gandalf found you crying as babe ,and thats all you know. You were an elf ,mostly Thorin didnt like that very much when he found out.
So how you ended up in the company of Thorin Oakenshield was; simply because Gandalf didnt want to leave you with the elves again ,or leave you at home where you could be in more danger.
You were more than capable of defending yourself,due to your many vists with Elrond they had trained you very well. You also became best friends with Lindir since he was responsible for most of your training ,plus being your tutor. Lindir was also abandoned as a child but was taken in by Elrond. He grew to become a marchwaden.
Lindir was a kind soul,nothing like the elf which lived in greenwood ,suck up assbutt's in your opinion. Don't get me started on Thranduil with those slug eyebrows,his son looks older than him,he has a stick shoved right up his anus.
Lindir didnt really like having to talk to strangers or infront of large crowds,he was shy,but he wouldn't let anyone know thing. However you did know,you felt exactly the same. Lindir was pretty much your only friend growning up,you weren't social compared to the other elves.
Oh god the first time you had gotten a little drunk with Lindir was at feast wherethey were handing out wine ,keep in mind Gandalf was out of town ,and you had stolen a bottle ans dragged Lindir to your balcony to drink it. Of course the elvish stuff it doesnt take alot for you to get drunk.
 After that you had both snuck out to a river and with that Lindir just wanted to splash his feet in the side. However you had a different idea,whilst he wasnt looking you had stripped yourself from dress  before jumping in.  He was too busy looking at his bare feet ,when he had looked up and seen you swimming about in just your underclothes.
"y/n! Get out now,thats dangerous." he had scolded you ,pulling his shoes back on.
"ppft. g-gonna put some dirt in your eye." you sassed the ellon,swimming closer to him only for him to pull you out with ease,onto your feet.
"damn ,you are so strong,I would like to see whatelse you can do..be the scissors to my dwayne johnson..lin I-" You began to admit some feelings only to fall dizzy in Lindir's arms ,not surprising though,before hand you had jumped on your bed ,parkour. Parkour! you must have been shattered, with that he had carried your wet body in his coat to your room. Setting the fireplace a light,placing you in bed with like a million blankets because you were soaking but he didnt want to undress you. In hopes you would warm up.
Aways he was gentleman,and the bestfriend you could ever ask for. Back to now you were in Rivendell with the company of thorin oakenshield.You had been greeted  by Lindir ,who simply sent a nod your way not wanting to anger the dwarves ,if they knew of your close friendship,and soon enough elrond arrived and was like who's hungry.
In which ended up with you sat next to kili ,who sat next to Bofur ,Kili seemed to admire the elves. You picked at the salad ,wheres the lembas bread or chips ,you could do with some potatoes right about now.
"Cant say I fancy myself an elf too thin,high cheekbones not enough facial hair." he spoken up to avoid Dwalins and Thorin killer gazes. "Though that one isnt bad." he gestured to Feren an male ellon,you had giggled ,Bofur nudged him "that is not an elf maiden." Dwalin smirked ,causing the company to burst out with laughter. Kili's cheeks boomed red from embarassment,you patted his back as the laughter died down.
"if it helps ,I know which ellon ,I would rough," you spoke smirking eyeing Lindir who looked back at you confused,you know he heard , you just hope Gandalf didn't ,you look at him and hes still in deep conversation with Elrond ,thank valar. "and who is that miss y/n?" fili had piped up from down the table.
 "the brunette elf next to elrond," you had faced away when you finished ,blushing a little pretending to look at the trees.
Yes it was no lie that you had deep feels for the ellon for many ,many years,but you did not know he felt exactly the same. The whole company had turned to lindir ,some in disgust mostly thorin ,dwalin,others smirking,some blank. Lindir had just smirked knowing you were up to something seeing your posture and gesture  when avoiding his gaze.
"I bet you five coins lass,you wont do anything about it," Bofur had suggested ,the dwarves knew you were shy,and soon enough kili,fili,ori many others had bet on this too,bilbo just watched the scene unfold like that star trek meme ,you know the shocked face. Thorin didnt bet ,not wanting incourage you.
"okay,I accepted." and with that you smirked at the company then looking at Lindir who looked back you with farrowed brows ,as you stood from your seat. Slowly you made your way over to your bestfriend.
"w-what a-" before he could finish you had cupped his cheeks pressing your lips to his soft ones. His face and yours red,knowing your ada had just watched that. "I've wanted to do that for so long." the dwarves look on in shock,not really bilbo or balinbut most of them.
"as have I" he spoke ,you just sent him a wide grin before returning to your seat. "pay up lads." you held your hands out gesturing your pay. "you knew him before this,right?" bilbo questioned you cheekily. "yeah,he was my only friend growning up,i guess he's more now..." your face still red ,your legs shaking you couldnt believe you had just done that. "well lads pay up ,shes got more balls than you gave her credit for." Th0rin commanded ,it was no lie that you had made him hate elves that little bit less.
IN which finally confessing your feelings ,got you a pay check. Yeah you are so bodaciously epic you say Thorin and kili and fili and have a date. You are totally excellent. You meet up with Lindir not very long after the battle of the five armies,and not that many years later you get married in which the whole company come,Bilbo is your maid of honour. Of course Gandalf excepts Lindir as his son in law ,seeing you both grow up together plus he's an angel.
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stormxpadme · 3 years
fic writer interview!
I got tagged by @effervescentdragon and @melkors-4th-silmaril! Thank you guys!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
As usual, I will include the stats from the biggest German archive here where I’ve been publishing since 2005.
AO3: 61
fanfiktion.de: 125
What’s your total AO3 word count?
AO3: 853,977
fanfiktion.de: 4,351,546
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
This is going to be long again, isn’t it ... In 30 years of writing, you collect a lot.
- Batman Forever and Batman & Robin - Bravestarr (Filmation series) - Elisabeth das Musical - Fantastic Four (Movieverse 1) - Firefly/Serenity - He-Man - Masters of the Universe & She-Ra: Princess of Power (OG Filmation verse) - Marvel Cinematic Universe - Meine neue große Schwester (German book) - Pirates of the Caribbean - Real Life Person Fiction (misc The Lord of the Rings celebs, misc skijumpers, misc Cast of German American Idol, misc Star Wars celebs, misc German Dancing with the Stars celebs) - S.W.A.T (1970's series) - Sense8 - Spider-Man (Movieverse 1) - Star Trek: The Next Generation - Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline - Star Wars (original 6 movies) - The Island (2005 movie) - The Lord of The Rings/The Silmarillion - Tomb Raider (2001) and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life - Verliebt in Berlin (German series) - X-Men (Movieverse)
And probably still forgot a bunch ...
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- What was right here all along (Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline, ABO fic) - Nothing casual about us (misc Glorestor smut oneshots) - Naked thrills (misc Silm smut oneshots) - Shorten the reigns (Aragorn/Éomer/Legolas smut oneshot) - Two steps behind (Legolas & Thranduil oneshot)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Of course. If people take their time to read, that’s the least I can do.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably the original ending of my Star Wars (original 6 movies) hexalogy in which I gave Obi-Wan a girlfriend and a kid ... After the Jedi Purge, the Jedi girlfriend went into hiding and gave the child away so that it would be safe from the Empire, and Obi-Wan and the girlfriend never met again before his death. Fun times.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really though, though I do like to connect different verses of the same franchises that usually have nothing to do with each other. Having Barbara Gordon and movie Barbara Batgirl meet was a lot of fun.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really as a comment but there was lot of slandering in chats and boars in the old fandom days if you didn’t write exactly what people thought was the only legit theme and pairing.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Have you met me? Since I’m a RL BDSM lover, sub and advocate, I naturally write a lot of kink.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Boy, have I ever. About a fifth of the fics I have on were co-written with a now ex-friend who sadly does not want to have anything to do with fandom anymore. She also wanted her name removed from all of our stuff since she has a quite public job and doesn’t want people possibly finding her involvement in things. So people don’t know on first sight.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Huh, hard to tell. MCU has kinda ruined Clintasha for me which I once lived and breathed, and ever since then I think I kinda turned away from too intense canon shipping a little. Russingon is my current canon obsession, I guess. And Anakin/Padmé, maybe? Other than that, the shipping I could always get into most were always my canon/OC pairings.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Far too many fics on my pc that will never see the online light of day. But that’s okay. I like reading old stuff, even if it’s unfinished.
What are your writing strengths?
Hm, dialogue, I think? And smut, obviously, since this is kind of the only thing people really go for on my ao3 account.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Other than a few movie elvish phrases, I don’t really use that.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
S.W.A.T. (1970′s series) when I was like 9 years old. The first I published in online was She-Ra: Princess of power (original Filmation).
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m obviously very deeply attached to my LOTR longfic series “Tales Untold”. I’m also kind of proud of my long X-Men-movie series “Weathered” which worked many of the Dark Phoenix-saga elments from the comics and the cartoons into the movieverse and ended up to be incredibly epic, including los of wedding, sex, drama, death and the end of the world.
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