#meanwhile i have to sit here like 'haha i will just listen to my music im so calm. i bet i could still do a cartwheel tho. just btw'
silverislander · 7 months
completely unfair that i'm the last person in the house awake, consistently
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Power Trip
"Got me up all night," Hobie sang to himself "All I'm singin' is love songs" He fiddle with his guitar remembering the song he listened with Miles. Some rap song from a famous rapper from the young lad's world, apparently Miles enjoys this J. Cole's music.
Meanwhile, he's here lying on his bed playing on his guitar while singing this tune. His body in a bright shade of pink, he felt flustered about what happen earlier today.
-Few hours ago-
The seventeen year old punker casually walking around Spider Society with a lit cigarette in his mouth, his dark eyes seeing all the Spider-heroes going about their day. It's a busy day like always, this time there is a good amount of Spider-heroes frantically passing by the punker trying to get on their missions.
"Pfft, poor blokes." Hobie grunts to himself at the idea these Spider-heroes are so easily brainwashed into the system. It's ridiculous. He's still surprised after everything happen with Miles and Spot, they would open their eyes with the way Miguel is controlling them.
He took his almost finished cigarette tossing it across the floor just because! Fuck the establishment!
It's such a damn how easily fooled these Spider-heroes are. He wonders why he's still- "Da-Da-dadda Da! Hm-mm MmMm," Hearing someone softly singing to themselves.
"What's dis?" He asked himself knowing that voice. He looks below the edge of the floor to find Miles sitting with legs crossed on an empty space. He had wireless earbuds on and drawing on his sketchbook being on his lap.
Hobie couldn't help himself, he uses his web shooter to launch a web to a high ceiling. Then he launch himself to swing up toward his Sunflower. He hears Miles softly singing, "Would you believe me if I said I'm in love?" The punker tilted his head as he landed on his two feet behind his crush singing about love.
Miles confidently sings, "Baby, I want you to want me!" His singing isn't good, but he does love to sing along being in tune with the song.
Hobie couldn't help but chuckle at the way the sixteen year old rocks his upper body side to side. "Haha," He playfully tap Miles' left shoulder, then he jumps from being startled at the touch.
"Ah!" Miles' Spider sense went frizzy which made the punker use his own Spider sense to calm down him. "Oh shit, man! You scared me!" He had his sketch close to his chest, "Damn, I almost threw my sketchbook!"
Hobie smirks widely, "Hah, I never knew you were a scaredy cat, Sunflower." He went to sit next to Miles' right side. "I heard you singing." Miles took one of his earbuds off to listen to his friend.
"Oh god, you didn't!" Miles' face fell into a massive frown being so embarrassed. "Fuck, I thought I was high enough so no one would hear me! Ughh, this is mad embarrassing, man." He bites his bottom plump lip which got the punker to stare very hard on those lips.
"Nah, luv. You do what you love," Hobie casually said then smirks widely, "no matter if you sound like a screeching cat!"
"UGH, you're such a dick, man!" Miles playfully slap Hobie's arm before laughing at his friend's shady comment.
The punker leans back by the soft hit having to laugh out loud, then his mid-tone magazine paper started to turn slightly pink. "Easy, luv. I'm still sore from last mission."
"Oh pfft, you can't be sore! I was the one that got on that damn bull's back!" His crush scoffs by the mention of their last mission.
The Spider Band had to fight off three massive bull anomalies, which caused Miles riding one and landing in a nasty fall. He can still feel the aches on his sides. Hobie was slammed against a wall from one bull's horns. He was luckily those nasty sharp horns didn't stab him.
"Hey, you seem like you know what you were doing, mate. Riding that bull like it wasn't your first time." Hobie flirted having to imply something very dirty that made his Sunflower's face turned bashful.
"What? Pfft, no! I'm-I-I- that was my first time riding a bull." Miles could feel his cheeks burning up. "Stop being gross!"
"What? I didn't say anything... bad." Hobie smirks widely showing off his teeth, his right eyebrow raised high, "Are you implying something else, Sunflower?"
"No!" Miles lean back seeing Hobie getting close to his face. "Stop it, Hobie."
"What? I'm just lookin', luv."
"You're in my personal space." Miles' heart pound against his chest.
Hobie gave a slight nod, "Alright. Alright. Anyway, what were you listening to?" He took Miles' right earbud to put it close to his ear to hear anything, but there was no sound.
Miles went back to sketching in his sketchbook, "Heh, I paused it, dude. I was listening to J. Cole."
"J. Cole! You don't know who is J. Cole?" Miles asked out loud with his doe eyes widen.
"Mate, I know Sex Pistol... that's music." Hobie added
"Oh wait, my bad... you're on a different timeline. Um, in my world there's this famous rapper named J. Cole. His stuff is pretty good." He went on his Spotify to rewind the song he was listening to, "Here." His hand went to touch Hobie's hand making the punker's body turned bright pink. The slight touch of his Sunflower felt so beautifully warm and soft.
Miles's hand lightly took his earbud from Hobie's hand then put it in the punker's right ear. The Punker nuzzle against Miles' warm hand feeling it on his cheek. the two sitting closer now. Miles gently massage the punker's cheek, "Your like a cat."
"Oh yeah?" Hobie nuzzles some more, "Like this?"
"Hahaha, yeah." Miles giggles before scooting closer to Hobie's space. This time he's being bold wanting to feel the punker, to smell that musky, cigarette and cologne on him. Miles never liked the smell of cigarettes, but with Hobie, it smelled so good on him. It comforts the sixteen year old. "Hear this." He plays the song from his Smartphone.
Hobie placed his arm around Miles' narrow shoulders pulling him close. This time he's also being bold. He wanted to smell Miles' sweet mango tropical Shea Butter, and sweet vanilla scent. He always wonder why he smell so good, so sweet and a bit woody spice to it.
"Got me up all night. All I'm singin' is love songs" The song plays making Hobie's eyes focus on Miles, who's bobbing his head at the song. "She got me up all night. Constant drinkin' and love songs..."
Miles snuggle his body close against the punker while swaying himself as he sing along, "She got me up all night..." Hobie admiring lovingly at his Sunflower's soft singing, "Down and out with these love songs..."
"She got me up all night. Drownin' out with these love songs," The song plays while Hobie made his first move to lift Miles' chin up.
"Hmm? What's up?" Miles innocently asked.
Hobie slowly got close enough to Miles' lips, so close that his lower lip gently tap against Miles' bottom lip. Then he quickly pulled away being a coward. No, he can't. Miles is his friend. "Nuthin' luv."
The young Spider-man pouts, "Oh..." He expected a kid, he felt so prepare with his eyes being closed and waiting for the magic. Damn.... Oh well, Miles lay his head on Hobie's chest while drawing.
The two sat in silence while listening to Miles' playlist. Hobie's hand covering his lower mouth still kicking himself for backing out on that kiss.
"Would you believe me if I said I'm in love?" Hobie mentally sang along to the song, he didn't think he would like it so much. Especially when his Sunflower is in his arms, "Baby, I want you to want me!"
Miles glanced up to find his crush lost in his thought, he decided to be bold. He wants that kiss! "Hobie."
"Hmm?" The punker's dark eyes snapped at the teenager Spider-man turning his body to be on his knees.
"Can you closed your eyes for a moment, please?" Miles innocently asked.
The punker did as he's told. The only person who can make him listen and follow instructions. He trusts his Sunflower. In mere darkness, he felt Miles' warm hands cupping his define jawline.
"What are you planning, Sunflower?"
"Just a little surprise... no peaking." Miles' voice rings his ears, his hands made his punker lean his head back to face toward him.
The young Spider-man took another sharp inhale. Alright, here it goes! He lean forward to plant his lips onto Hobie's full black painted lips.
The punker felt soft lips with the taste of honey, and berries. Wait, lips? His eyes snap wide open to find Miles kissing him. His whole body froze, the colors on his body quickly shifts into multiple rainbow colors, then blooming into Sunflowers and hearts images with bright pink colors. Then guitars rocking symbols pop out when he felt Miles deepening his kiss by adding a bit of tongue.
Such a sexy move. It made Hobie shudder with delight. His arms tightly wraps around his Sunflower's waist, then straight his posture to continue their kisses. His own mouth did the work too.
"Mmm!" Miles softly let out a moan.
Ohh, this new. Hobie felt his own body hot, his tongue flap against his Miles' tongue. "Mmm." He let out a low purr.
"Hmphhemph," Miles gave out a throaty chuckle, before his eyes slowly open to find Hobie's eyes meeting him. He slowly pulled away from his mouth. "Hobie, you promise!"
He felt so embarrassed.
Hobie lick his lips knowing his lipstick is a mess by the way Miles' lips were stained. "I wanted to see you, luv."
"Hmph!" Miles huffs.
"Don't be like that, darling. You kiss so beautifully."
"You're just trying to get another from me." Miles pouts at his crush.
Hobie snuggles against his Sunflower, "And? Why would that be bad?" He made Miles look at him, "Hmm?"
"It's not."
"Then? I would like another, luv."
Miles giggles before lifting his crush's face to lean in another kiss, his phone rang out loud. "Oh shit, I... I gotta go. I have to be home before my mom gets back. Maybe next time." He give Hobie a quick peck on the lips before gathering his sketchbook and backpack to rush off.
Hobie's body still pink from the kiss as he watched his Sunflower opening a portal to go back home.
"He got me open all night" Hobie sang out loud as he sat outside on the roof of his boat house, "All I'm singin' is love songs..." He stood daze thinking about that kiss. That delicious, addictive kiss.
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crossover-it-all · 4 months
Summer Party!! (Fandom-cross it all Story)
In the Summer day, some of fandom are make fun in the beach in the summer party with the calm beach song and sound... in there, Afika (Author) are relaxed in beach chairs with the umbrella [yup that me, don't ask why]
Afika (Author): *takes deep breathes and sigh* what a peaaaccceeeefully day in the beach...
Oliver from Fundamental Paper Education (FPE) comes into the Afika (Author) to disturb and tease her, but Afika (Author) is doesn't want to interupt so Afika (Author) ignored him, until Oliver bring go away from there... and run into Afika (Author) to hit her with his bats, but got shooted by Afika (Author) with her gun and makes the bats throwed and hit the button of TNT Traps that Zip and Edward from Fundamental Paper Education (FPE) that they not ready to prepared...
Zip and Edward: *looks each others* uh oh...
BOOM!! The explosion coming out at behind of bushes. knowed what happens and see it, Cuphead and Mugman was laughing as they run from there and Sherrif Toadster from Garten of Banban try to stop the fires with throw the water into there... Meanwhile, Papyrus that going into the rest place... he see his spaghetti gone from the table and see Sam from KinitoPET hides his Spaghetti on his back...
Papyrus: SOMEBODY TOUCH TE MAH SPAGEHTTI!! *Slaps Sam and throw him into the wall of stone then hits him with his Blue Bones*
Bonnie (FNAF): *watching what just happening at other place* Why did everyone being aggressive at this Summer Party? I'm also have feels that Bendy wasn't here despite he was cannot swimming, Especially with the Blue Hedgehog right over there.
Sonic The Hedgehog: oh yeah?!
With angry face, sonic throws the bottle but Bonnie from FNAF and Bonnie's Bakery dodge it and it hit back of the Funtime Freddy as he look back with mad and prepare to shoot but...
Bon bon: uhh... i think... Freddy, this could be the lesson is forgiven and forgiving...
Funtime Freddy: ... *Throws Bon bon from his right hand and shoots them with frustation*
Bon Bon: *get throwed into the Burned Bushes* that little jerk...
Meanwhile, the Dark deception Monster's boy are sit in the beach chairs awhile they talks each others until...
Rockstar Foxy: *comes from his Pirate Ships* ...ur are the pirate!!
Rockstarts Foxy jumps from his pirate ships awhile "You Are The Pirates" song with high pitched began until the Rockstars Foxy accidentally jumped from trampoline and falls into the ocean, however his green parrot bird hits the black button and one of the cannon fire the bullet and...
Golden Boy (Super Wings): Haha!! This time, That Jetty boi won't going- *hitted by Cannon Bullet into the nearest building* ow...
Reaper Nurse (Dark Deception): aww you poor thing... *Summons her giant needle* HERE HAVE A PILLS!!
Meanwhile with Afika (Author), welp... she still relaxed on her own and Kinito from KinitoPET coming to meet Afika (Author)
Kinito: umm... Afika, don't you knowing something? ... *sigh* Afika, Listen... you must know that there alot of people are gone missing from every each of Fandom, you got it? ..... *facepalm* Afika, are you even cares about what happen to each of the people? I know you were need breaks but... could you just please to listening to me-
Afika (Author): i know, i know... but first, can anyone stop the music?
Flower (BFB): ... *throws the radio and the calm beach song stop*
Afika (Author): If you ever says what are you thinking to me, it seems like there still a way to find what happen while this my secondary Account of tumblr rarely posting anything than my first account of tumblr, and finding out who playing with our times...
Teddy (Terror At Oakheart): but that is the fact, However... i don't know it was just only me or just got feeling that we just walks in the same time while we in different place and sky...
Afika (Author): welp... if that was true, i will talking to myself about this problem...
°•●~THE END~●•°
(That all folks, sorry if the story was cringe and absurb, in the fact... all of this cringey and weird story, it will give some of little pieces of story about the truth of theirs problem and... lore? Hope you like it, cya!!)
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momowho34 · 3 years
okay but why do artists title things Like That. 
why is it that every time an old artist titled their paintings it would be something like “the one with the orange cup on the chair in the windowsill with the sunlight filtering in and a little bit of red in there somewhere.” I mean points for clarity and specificity. its so weird like i could be sitting here thinking “hm what’s that one painting of the girl in the pearl earring” and then look it up and its just. it’s literally titled “the girl and the pearl earring” what. no special title? no artistic wordplay? it’s like they finished the painting and were like “all of my creativity has been drained :/” and wrote the description because why not? my favorites are the one with obscenely long and specific titles, even for this trend, like “king john henry mcdowill hubenstuber mijorgindididan the 74th out on a sunny day with his hunting dogs.” Some of them are very simple and its like what! where is your creativity! where is your symbolic language! what the fuck
meanwhile on the other side of the spectrum you’ve got instrumental musicians with zero description or discernment of what the fuck is going on and they just expect you to Get It. everything is titled “concerto 5th string instrument 7th fret” and that’s just. that’s the title of the song???? there are no descriptives??? I know it makes sense to instrumental people that understand that stuff but you can listen to “5th concertio cello A” and its the most boring thing with very little substance but then look at “6th concerto cello A” and its the most banger song you’ve ever listened to in your fucking life. where is the distinction? where is the flavor?? like “oh my favorite beethoven piece was 17th oingo boingo instrument name random selection of letters” you have told me nothing. net zero information. if you hum it for me I will have a better idea of your general taste in music then that jumble of words you just said. all i know is that all of tchaikovsky’s music absolutely boinks but with beethoven its like. girl is this going to be an epic fast paced angry song grrrr or an oh i am the wilting petals of a dying flower song? because the title is literally the same! somebody tell me what the 
and don’t even get me started on literature freaks (of which i am one) that are the most pretentious thing ever. you look at a book and it’s titled “the great battle of 1220″ but its actually about office jobs or whatever and one of the characters references a battle of some kind eventually and that’s it that’s the only connection. oh haha yeah i see the funny silly little connection there author, but you also just made me read 600 pages to get there. edgar allan poe titled things in a pretty boring way but at least he left you with some idea of what the fuck was going on. no. fuck you. this is illegal. i miss being six and opening up a picture book titled “uncle bert and his lovely farm” like yeah does it sound boring? sure. does it give me a general idea of what the fuck is going on? yes. i know these complaints are dumb and i love giving my works obscure titles and i know that’s what the descriptions at the back of the book are for but ugghhh. 
i love art and i love instrumental music (even if i know jack shit about it) and i certainly love literature, but guys we’ve gotta cooardinate more there is a balance to things i promise. literature is like all symbolic and pretentious its all “teehee my title is obscure and symbolic oh im so smart” and art is like “you get whats on the fucking tin leave me alone” and instrumental music is like “i need to have everyhting organized specifically by strings or whatever and if there is a single characteristic in this title im going to cry.”
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Excuse me while I panic
New chapter, yay! Didn't I tell you I'd be faster?
Thanks for all of the lovely comments and interest, it really motivates me to write more.
Word count: 3041 | AO3 | <<Previous
Summary: Roman gets to work. Wooing Virgil will be a piece of cake!
CW: Swearing, anxiety, mild angst, maybe unsympathetic Janus (I don't really think so but it could somehow be interpreted as such because of Virgil and Roman talking about him, so I might as well give a warning). I don't think there's anything else, but, if you spot it, do tell.
Be yourself and let things develop naturally... that's just boring
Once he returned to the main living area, the noises of arguing and Logan’s screams could not be heard anymore. They were instead replaced by the clicking of spoons against teacups and mugs.
The moment the three noticed him they looked upwards at the same time. Patton, Logan and Janus were sitting at the table, drinking hot chocolate, coffee and tea respectively. The lights in the kitchen were on, illuminating them partially.
Logan nodded at him.
“How did it go?” he asked.
Meanwhile, Patton smiled and Janus stared at him inquisitively.
Roman went fully downstairs, hurrying to move a chair back. With his hands still on the backrest, he began to speak.
“Haha… I actually wanted to ask you…”
“Did something happen?” Virgil held his breath. “Is it about me?”
Roman could not stand the tension emanating from every pore of Virgil’s body. Thinking optimistically, he probably had no idea about his real motivations to come there, still, the thought of it eliciting such a reaction made Roman feel even more frozen in place.
“No!” he answered all too fast.
His body language went even stiffer with worry, to the point where he raised a hand to his mouth and began to nibble on the sides of the tip of his thumb.
“Everything is fine, Pierce the Nerves, I promise”.
“Okay… hmm what’s up with the rose?”
“It’s… uh…” Roman looked at it and began to felt ridiculous. “I just picked it up and it’s the same red as my sash!” he laughed as he placed it on the lapel of his suit.
“No comments. What did you want to ask me?”
Janus looked at him with a mix of horror and disbelief as Roman finished his recollection of the events.
“So I panicked and then I said that you had decided to help Patton bake something and now we need to make cookies this instant because Virgil will suspect something if we don’t!”
For a moment there was silence. Then, Janus ran his hands over his face.
“Roman, please take a seat already or put the chair back in place”, said Logan.
“Yeah, right” Roman sat down.
“Brilliant idea, Roman, there’s no way Virgil won’t buy that I’m making cookies and, of all things, invited him to try them. Why would you get me directly involved in it?”
Roman stood up, earning an exasperated eye roll from Logan.
“I drew a blank! I cannot come up with perfect stories on the spot while under pressure!”
“So you thought putting me in it would just magically fix how terrible you are at talking to your crush?”
“He’s not my--” Roman went deadly quiet, rethinking his life in a matter of microseconds. “Look, if I can trust you to do something is lie. So when Virgil comes down those stairs you need to help me fix this! You were the one who insisted I talk to him, so it’s your problem too”.
“Can I trust YOU not to mess up any of my--”
“Aaaah!” Roman and Janus screamed in unison.
One sigh later, Virgil added:
“You invited me to have cookies”.
“Oh, yeah, well… about that…” Roman began saying. “Patton and Janus haven’t started--”
“Kiddo, we already got them ready while you went to call Virgil” Patton interrupted him. “They’re cooling in the kitchen” he pointed.
“If you had paid attention you would have noticed the bowls in the sink” Logan added without bothering to look at him.
“Roman, close your mouth, you’ll catch flies” Janus finished the series of comments directed at him.
Virgil’s chair moved back as he stood up.
“Well, uh…” he said. “Thanks for the cookies. Hmm…”
A frown appeared on Virgil’s face as he was leaving. His feet stopped all of a sudden and he turned around.
“Janus?” it sounded like saying the name itself pained him.
The side in question raised his head, looking openly confused. Or was it an act?
“Hmm… Roman told me you invited me. And that’s… em…” he bought time, wondering what to say. Whether to lie or not. “Suspicious. So, a word?”
Janus raised his eyebrows, not buying it, but he followed him nonetheless.
They left the room, both walking at a distance from each other. For a second, Roman thought he saw worry in Janus’ face.
“What the hell was that?” Roman asked no one in particular.
“He’s trying to be nice” Patton smiled. “I’m so proud of him!” his tone was ecstatic.
“I guess… hey, padre, how did you know I’d ask you for the cookies?”
“Patton anticipated a few outcomes from your confession attempt and decided cookies would serve as a suitable response for either” Logan replied matter-of-factly.
“Yes…” he grimaced apologetically. “I thought that if everything went well we could celebrate, and if it didn’t… well, we’d be there for you, so the cookies might cheer you up”.
A few days after the confession fiasco, Roman decided to try again and woo him a little before pouring his heart out.
He popped into the living room, only to find Virgil and Janus sitting six feet apart. One was listening to music and, presumably, checking out Tumblr, while the other read a thick book.
With the volume of the music, Virgil didn’t notice him, Janus on the other hand…
His face stopped being obscured by the wing of his hat as he looked up at him.
Janus shook his wrist, making Logan’s watch appear on it. The other side wouldn’t be happy about that, but if Janus had survived stealing his crofters, Roman figured he could get away with pretty much anything.
“Well, look at the time!” he said theatrically as he stared at the watch. “I need to take care of other things, pitty to miss out on your company”.
Virgil moved his headphone to the side, managing to listen to the last part of what Janus had said.
“At least he doesn’t make it awkward”.
“What?” Roman asked.
“Yeah, you’re still angry with each other, right? I can ignore him, but having the two of us in the same room with him would be like asking for an argument”.
One short stare later, Virgil spoke again, a bit unsure.
“Do you want me to move so you can sit here too?”
“Oh, okay”
“I mean, I didn’t come here to be on the couch, actually I came to see you”.
“Miss me that much?” he teased.
And it was too good of a bait to just let go without reply.
“Terribly, I’ve been swooning and mopping because I didn’t have someone blasting Paramore around me!” Roman answered draping a hand over his forehead.
“Truly tragic”.
“I know. Anyhow, I was wondering…”
Virgil raised one of his hands to stop him right there.
“If you want me to do something stupid and dangerous in the imagination with you, I’ll pass”.
“Afraid you won’t be able to keep up?”
“No, it’s more like I don’t want to have to drag your ass back here when you get hurt”.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I’m the best swordsman in there”.
“So is it like, empty then?”
Roman gasped.
“Tss. It seems like it is”.
“No it’s not!”
“Well, if you keep inviting me, I guess it isn’t, even if we are the only people in there”.
“Virgil, you have seen my servants”.
“Hmm… yeah” he looked to the ceiling playfully, then back at Roman,
“I don’t seem to remember about it”.
“Okay, well, I guess I won’t ask the royal artisans to frame your painting, since they don’t exist”.
“What painting? Are you also hallucinating art?”
“No. I was about to ask you if I could paint you!”
“Wha-- really? You want to paint ME?” Virgil pointed at himself as if to make it somehow clearer.
“If you’re willing”.
The whole painting idea had gone well. Still, Roman wasn’t able to get the right atmosphere to confess with Virgil constantly teasing them. To be honest, he ended up forgetting about it once they began to get caught up in the conversation.
He had tried other things, of course.
None had gone as planned.
Writing poems would just make Virgil uncomfortable or even correct him, because, apparently, listening to all of those lyrics from obscure indie bands had made him a better poet than him.
Then there was the whole incident with the ukelele.
Roman had been trying to play something to catch his attention, set the tone and just tell him, but the string snapped and hit him in the face. Now he had an ugly cut and some bruising on his cheek.
He felt stuck.
Worse than all of that, Janus kept lurking around Virgil. Pretending to be nice and reformed.
But never mind about everything else. He needed to keep trying.
Eventually, Roman would manage to get it right.
Finally, he had a plan!
The last time Roman had gone to Virgil’s room to confess, he had panicked and let the effect of the room get to him. But, none of that could happen if he didn’t speak.
This would be perfect because Virgil would love it. Roman had recorded a playlist of their favourite songs into a vinyl record, just to make it a bit fancier. He’ll gift it to him and Virgil would understand.
Maybe he’d even ask him to dance to it!
Roman crossed the darkness of the entrance almost running.
This could work!
His mood deflated instantly when he emerged into the room.
Virgil was sitting on his bed, knees to his chest, hiding all of his upper body inside his hoodie. He left the vinyl on Virgil’s desk and walked up to the bed, making sure to be a bit noisy so Virgil wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
The other let a long breath out in some kind of acknowledgement.
Eventually, Roman sat next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
Virgil sighed and let his face come out of the cocoon of his hood.
“It’s not that something’s wrong per se. I…”
Without thinking, Roman placed his hand on top of Virgil’s. The contact made him feel like nothing bad could happen to Virgil as long as he held onto him.
Roman got the sudden realisation that he would be willing to protect him from anything. Which wasn’t too groundbreaking of a concept. He’d try to save pretty much everyone if given the chance, but that was his need to be the hero, to be “good”, whatever that eventually entailed. With Virgil, though… he just didn’t know what he’d do without him.
“Whatever it is, I’m here and I’ll make sure you’re okay” Roman promised.
Virgil chuckled. It stung a little.
“You can’t just say those things so seriously when I’m feeling bad, Princey, I never know how to react when you’re being so…”
“Annoying?” Roman tried to complete the sentence.
His head turned to the other side. He still didn’t let go of Virgil’s hand, but he could afford to, at least, not let him see how self-conscious he felt right now.
“Princey, look at me”.
“I’m not sure I want to, Virge”.
“Hey, I’m the one who’s feeling low. Don’t try to steal the spotlight, it’s kind of an asshole move…”
Hearing that only made him feel worse, now adding guilt to the mix.
“Especially since”, Virgil continued, “I was about to say you’re nice”.
“I’m sorry I reacted poorly” Roman finally managed to stare at him, “here you are, feeling like crap and I’m only thinking about myself. I can be very selfish sometimes. I apologise”.
Virgil frowned.
“Okay. Fuck off”.
“Did I--”
“No. Listen to me. Whatever you’re thinking I’m thinking right now is wrong. I know what you’re doing because I do it all the time. I’m not mad. And you’re not selfish. Not one bit. You’re self-centred, very much so, but not selfish”.
“Virge, I’m pretty sure those are the same thing”.
Virgil shook his head.
“You can be annoying when you make everything about yourself and try to be the centre of attention. But you never ignore people when they need you, even if that doesn’t benefit you. You’re willing to give up things you want just to do what you think is right. Hell, Princey, you let go of your pride just to be friends with me. How could anyone think you’re selfish when you’re so stupidly wonderful?”
“Don’t get too smug about it” Virgil cut him.
It got quiet for a second. Roman savoured the moment and squeezed Virgil’s hand. His smile began to return to him a little bit.
“Thank you. It means a lot, you have no idea” Roman muttered.
Virgil visibly relaxed. He slumped a bit more, letting himself fall against Roman’s side. The dark hair tickled his collarbone, but Roman wouldn’t ever dream of complaining about it.
“Yeah I do” Virgil whispered, so quietly Roman could have imagined it.
Having Virgil’s head on his shoulder made sense. Like it was meant to be there all along.
“What were you sulking about?” Roman asked.
“Not sulking”.
“Sure thing, All the time low”.
He felt Virgil muffle a laugh against the shoulder pads of his suit.
The laugher died down soon after a long sigh.
“I’ve been thinking about doing something”.
Roman stayed quiet for once, leaving him room to breathe and let things out at his own pace.
“I… I am considering forgiving Janus”, Virgil paused, twisting his neck to see Roman’s expression. “Maybe be friends again if it comes to it”.
A sigh.
His thumb started to move in circles, caressing the back of Virgil’s hand. Roman swallowed.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” he asked tentatively.
“You’re not mad?”
“I don’t know. Should I be? It’s not like I’ve exactly forgotten about all of the bad blood between us. But… he makes Patton very happy and it seems like he’s trying to help, so I don’t know what to feel about it”.
“Roman, I know he hurt you”.
“Is that what you’re worried about?”
“In part. There’s more to it. But I can’t just go and bury the hatchet with him if that would hurt you again”.
A small part of Roman felt good knowing Virgil would keep on being angry with Janus if he wanted him to. In a way, it showed his willingness to stay by his side.
That’s why Roman couldn’t ask him that.
Besides, Janus had been helping him too. It wouldn’t be right for him either, as much as it stung to admit it.
“If that makes you happy, I will be happy too”.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I’m asking. I don’t want to know if you would ignore your issues with Janus for my sake”.
“I really don’t mind--”
“And I know that. But… fuck, Roman, you shouldn’t be constantly forced to put everyone first just to make things better for everybody else except you”.
That was… a lot to take in. Roman didn’t know very well what to respond. Eventually, Virgil must have interpreted his silence as him doing something wrong.
“You’re my friend. I… I care about you. I won’t do something you’re not okay with. You’re more important”.
“No need. It’s okay. Getting over my stuff with Janus is my own
problem. I also care about you, a lot. If you want to be friends with him I’ll support you, it has nothing to do with my problems. You won’t hurt me. I promise”.
“That’s good to hear. I mean, I’m still struggling with the decision and I don’t think I’ll be making up my mind anytime soon. But knowing that helps a lot”.
“Do you want to talk about it more?”
“Hmm. It’s… it’s so confusing. I thought nothing he did could rub off how angry I’ve been at him, make me want to trust him again. Before… well, no need to get into the specifics, but it made me feel very betrayed” his voice trembled a little. “The problem is, he didn’t exactly betray me, so I guess the doubts about whether or not things could go back to what they were, remained”.
Virgil swallowed, trying to compose himself.
“And it sucks because there’s a part of me that can’t tell if this is all part of a big scheme and he’s just trying so hard to be nice to me because he wants something, or because he actually cares. I’m scared of letting my guard down and have him ruin everything I’ve tried to achieve. What if I go back to how I used to be?”
“I won’t let that happen”.
“How can you be sure? How can we be sure of anything when it comes to him?”
“We can’t. But I have no doubts that, no matter what happens, we’ll figure it out. Even if it gets to the worst, you know me and I know you. Most importantly, I believe in you, Virge. I’m not going to tell you, of all people, that there’s nothing to be afraid of. But if you’re scared, know that you can trust me and you can trust who you’ve become. We’ll be fine”.
For a second, it seemed like Virgil was going to cry, or worse, do something like hug him AND cry.
“To be fair, though”, Roman went back to his usual self. Both would welcome the respite after… well, big conversation to unpack. “I honestly don’t think Janus is planning anything. He’s even trying to get on my good side just to make you happy. I’m not the best side for him to manipulate anymore, not after everything, and he isn’t that stupid. So I’d say the bitch is being sincere. That being clear, it would still be a pleasure to punch him if you asked”.
Virgil shifted a bit.
“Ouch!” Roman shouted after Virgil elbowed him. “What did I do now?”
“You’re dumb”.
“So are you, emo, what’s your excuse?”
“I’m friends with you and I think it might be starting to affect me”.
“Well, it’s about time. I knew even you weren’t impervious to my dashing good looks”.
Oh. Perhaps he had let on too much. Roman tensed up the slightest bit.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever lets you sleep at night, Princey”.
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Taglist: @itsjust-la-me , @bard-in-blue , @simplestoryteller , @winterwynd , @extraintrovertedalien , @some-fander , @the-sad-strawberry
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Please please more sinful sweethearts absolutely blew my mind 🥵🥵 amazing work sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!
Sinfully Sweetheart HC pt.3 // Ushijima and Bokuto  (pt.1 / pt. 2 / pt. 4 / pt.5 /  pt.6 )
nawww thank you so much! ❤️🥺 
masterlist ; smau
I’m so glad you enjoy this haha ; ok let’s do this with Ushijima and Bokuto - sorry this got so long lol 
your always being nice to him, helping him with practice and school work 
you even stay longer after practice to hep him because obvious he's still in there trying out new techniques 
and yes you have to admit you got a slight crush on him - how could you not, besides his looks you can feel that he's really caring? 
after he realised you're always staying in the gym longer than him he always brought 2 protein bars so you can have one too?
he’s always nice to you but that's it?
so you and your best friend came up with a plan to make him show some sort of reaction 
Tendo and Semi dragged Ushijima with them to your best friends party
and of course you're there
and yes you planned on dancing with him 😏
you talked a bit with them and waited until your friend put on the song : Body on Me by Rita Ora and Chris Brown ( for real if you don't know this song - listen to it - just the lyrics should tell him what you want lol ) 
“Omg I love this song! Let’s dance” you scream and take Ushijimas hand, dragging him to the dance floor 
SOOO your back was pressed against his chest hand around his neck and your hips sway to the music 
“no more , no more wasting time, we can - we can go all night “ your sing along ( actually me rn & can't concentrate on writing ) 
his hands are on your hips now pressing you tighter on him 
you’re now kind of grindig on him
you turn around now, his hands wander down to your lower back 🍑and he presses his tickkk thigh between your legs and girl you already getting weak 
still you’re body rolling on him lol and you think you feel something ?? 
BUT GUESS WHAT - His face is as stoic as ever ?? 
the song ends and your heat drops - ‘I guess my masterplan didn't work out’ you thought 
but then he grabs your hand and drags you out of the house to his car 
“What are you doing?” you ask confused af
“ I thought you said we can go all night “ and HE SMIRKS 
meanwhile indoors : 
“Damnnn she digged her own grave” Semi says 
“good luck trying to help with practice tomorrow y/n “ Satori laughs 
we already know this will get extremely hot in a matter of time lol
his hands on your hips, your ass pressed against his crotch, already feeling him getting bigger 
but how did you get here? 
you two kept flirting out of fun 
everyone knew you're the nice manager and ready to help everyone 
Akaashi gave you his “Bokutos in emo mood and that's why” list so you can help him lol
and your always friendly behaviour towards their extremely hot captain made a certain captain mess with you 
it’s cute when  you get flustered because the others are there 
and you always dissed him in revenge and told him that his big ego is big ego is the equivalent to the sport cars some drive to make up for certain things 
Bokuto decided that enough is enough and he will show their innocent manager that he doesn't need to make up for anything 
but what he didn't knew was - that you don't hide your not so innocent side when you drink alcohol 
so he’s dancing with you and the the song switched to : Tambourine by Eve 
and now things get heated 
you’re body rolling 
✨dropping it down✨ 
his hands are wrapped around your waist pulling you as close as possible 
and well his plan worked reverse lol now he's all hot and bothered and your just enjoying dancing lol 
the song switched to non other than Rude Boy - Rihanna 
you turn around and play with him 
“give it to me baby like boom boom boom” you whisper in his ear while rolling your hips against his 
you turn around “If you got it, I needed it and I’ma put it down” and you dropped down 
“is you big enough” you sing along 
and now he presses you against him and whispers in your ear “ Oh I know you can feel that I'm big enough”
the song ends and you answer “no sorry - not big enough for me” and walk away 
Bokuto’s in emo mood now 
you CRASHED his ego lol 
Akaashi now needs to add a new point to his list 
his emo mood continues a few days until you walk up to him after practice 
“do you want to finally show me how much of a rude boy you are?”
the next day they had a game and they need their captain in a good shape?
so you took one for the team 
you couldn’t sit properly during the game but hey they won - and your in for another sleepless night 😏 
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
A Trip to Asgard
Part 6 of the series Vacation.
This is a TICKLE series
PLATONIC Avengers x reader
Warnings: Long read, emotional, some language.
Summary: Thor brings Y/n to Asgard in hopes to teach her a lesson on love and emotions. Y/n continues to struggle with her feelings for Peter. Meanwhile, the Avengers cope with Y/n running away to another realm.
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  Vision’s POV: 
Wanda had just gone back into the cabin to get water for our walk. I stood on the side yard, waiting, admiring the lovely pink flowers and greenery growing along the side of the cabin. Then, I realized I was picking up on something, or should I say, hearing something- voices. It was Thor and sweet Y/n. I made my way around the yard to go visit with them, but I stopped in my steps when I noticed the tone of her voice. Something was wrong. I stayed back a little to listen.
  “-Asgard. I want to go right now.” 
Asgard? I was very surprised to hear that. Why on Earth would she want to leave this place so soon?
 “But what about the others? Wouldn’t you want to tell them?” Thor asked her. 
 “All I need is you, Thor. Please, you promised.” Y/n said, her voice beginning to break
 Y/n not telling the others where she was going wasn’t exactly a new thing for her. She did that just last night, and it got her in some trouble. I wondered why she had started acting like this. She’s never given us a reason not to trust her… I care about her. I thought maybe I will let her go. Maybe, this will be something I keep to myself, just for a while. I heard the sound of them leave, and hoped no one else heard. 
 End of Vision’s POV
  You clenched tightly onto Thor’s chest as your stomach dropped, squeezing your eyes shut. You knew you were moving extremely fast, but you were too terrified to look. It was loud, like a strong gust of wind that wouldn’t stop. Thor’s grip around you was unbreakable. You knew you weren’t going anywhere. 
  “We are in the Bifrost, Y/n! Look around! You don’t have much longer!” He yelled. Thor was happy to bring you to Asgard. He always wanted you to have this experience. He was no longer worried about what the rest of the team thought. He believed you deserved to have this experience. 
  You opened your eyes and saw flashes of shiny, metallic rainbows. You were amazed to say the least. Next thing you knew, Thor was walking, holding you. You were in a golden dome-like building. A man dressed in gold stood in the middle. 
  “Y/n this is Heimdall, who I have told you about.” Thor introduced you, holding you up to him. You were still so shocked from the Bifrost, that you couldn’t let go of Thor, so he just held you. 
 “N-Nice to meet you, Heimdall.” You said, shaking his hand. 
Heimdall chuckled. “How was your journey?” 
  “Um.. amazing.” You giggled. 
  “I hope you enjoy your stay. You are in a different realm, very far away from your home. You can be home in seconds, anytime you want. I will be here.” He reassured. 
  “I think I’ll stay a while.” You smiled. 
Thor chuckled fondly and squeezed you in a hug as he held you. “Can you walk now, Princess?” 
  You nodded and he set you down. You held Thor’s hand and walked alongside him. You limped from your injury still, but it was okay. 
  “Prepare to be stunned.” Thor smirked as you exited the building. 
You clutched your chest in awe. In front of you stood the golden kingdom, and you stepped down onto the rainbow bridge. Tears filled your eyes. 
  “Thor… it’s more beautiful than I ever could’ve imagined. I don’t even deserve to be here.” You awed. 
  “Of course you do! I have always wanted to bring you here. I knew you’d love it.” He beamed. 
  “Love is an understatement.” You whispered in amazement, walking on the bridge towards the kingdom. 
Thor stopped and turned to you. “Love is a strong word, Y/n.” He furrowed his brows. 
You sighed and nodded.  “Thor, the water is so... beautiful.” 
   “It’s called the Sea of Space.” 
   “The sky looks so different here. Are those planets? Look how big they are!” You shouted in excitement. 
  “Yes. You aren’t currently on a planet like Earth right now.” Thor chuckled. 
You couldn’t stop admiring everything and asking question after question, but patient and lovely Thor didn’t mind. He enjoyed your fascination. 
  You and Thor were now sitting out on a balcony off the side of the castle. You both were lounging on a soft, dark purple couch with matching gold pillows, sharing a warm drink out of a fancy golden cup decorated with rubies. 
  “I think we should stay here forever, Thor.” You half-joked. You did not want to face the music when you got home. 
  Thor chuckled. “I think you should visit more regularly, but stay forever? You would miss our family.”
  “I would…not! LOOK AT THIS PLACE.” 
Thor smirked, taking the cup from you and setting it aside. “You play too much, Princess.” He growled, tackling you into the pillows, tickling your tummy. 
You shrieked in surprise before being consumed in uncontrollable laughter. Thor laughed his low, handsome laugh as he tickled you. You blushed as his large hands wrapped almost all the way around your torso, digging his thumbs into the middle of your tummy. 
  “Ticklish Princess! That’s what you are!” He stated casually, looking down at you adoringly. 
  “Now, now, why are you lying? Tell me!” He teased, slipping his hands under your arms. 
Your laughter went up an octave. You tried to thrash around but Thor effortlessly held you in place. You tried to speak, but you couldn’t due to your laughter. Your cheeks and ears burned bright red. Thor couldn’t help but smile at you. He always adored you. You had grown up over the years, but this was something he knew you’d never grow out of. 
   “THOHOHOR! Nohohoho! Not there!” You shrieked as he wiggled his fingertips roughly (but always gently) into your ribs. You tried to turn on your side, but still, you were stuck. 
  “Why are you trying to protest? I know you love tickles!” Thor laughed. 
You swore you turned like 100 shades redder. 
  “No! Thahahahat’s not true!!” You shouted through your laughter, flustered. 
  “Oh, it’s not? Okay, I’ll stop.” Thor said, letting you go and crossing his arms against his chest. 
How dare he stop!
You stared at him with a shocked expression, a smile gracing your lips. He sat back, arms still folded, and a sly smirk on his face. 
  “Hey!” You giggled, scribbling your fingers against his chest.  
  “Haha! I knew you wouldn’t want me to stop.” He laughed, prying your hands away and latching his hands around your sides, squeezing. 
Your bubbly laughter came back and eventually increased when Thor began fluttering his fingers around your neck. You scrunched your shoulders only to trap his fingers. 
  “Okahahhahay! Okahahay! I cahahan’t take ihihit!” You exclaimed, meaning it this time. 
  “But I thought you liked it!” Thor teased, tormenting your sensitive neck and collarbones. 
  “Nohoho!” Your laughter went silent and Thor knew to let up. 
You caught your breath while you and Thor leaned back into the pillows facing each other. 
  Thor’s laughter after his “attack” on you subsided, and his expression gradually turned more serious. You knew what was coming and you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, but you’ve always been able to trust Thor. The two of you have had a special relationship since you first met. Who else would you drop everything and travel across the galaxy with? One other person’s name popped into your mind. 
  “Why did you have me bring you here, Y/n?” Thor asked.
 Bucky had just woken from a nap. He walked down the stairs of the cabin, looking for everyone. He found almost everyone sitting around on the front porch having cold drinks and laughing, enjoying each other’s company. Peter had just jokingly sat in Tony’s lap, but soon regretted it when Tony trapped him there, tickling his sides. Peter squeaked and squirmed until Tony finally had mercy. Natasha laughed at Peter when he got up and playfully kicked his butt. 
  “Hey! Whahahat wahahas that for?” Peter laughed. 
Nat just cackled. 
  “I’m going inside. Anybody need a refill?” Peter offered. 
Nat handed him her almost empty lemonade and Peter rolled his eyes with a smile, taking it to the kitchen.  
  “Anybody know where my kid is?” Bucky asked. 
  “Yeah uh Vision said she went on a hike with Thor.” Tony answered. 
Vision nodded, his expression blank. Wanda picked up on Vision’s odd behavior, but put it in the back of her mind for now. 
Bucky felt a little jealous that Y/n went on a hike with Thor, but he was taking a nap anyway. Plus, they just got ice cream. 
  Peter opened the fridge, pulling out the lemonade. The mention of Y/n had him thinking. He hadn’t talked to her all day. That was very weird. Maybe they were both just busy? No, that’s not it. More happened last night than just the accident. Before the accident they were dancing really close. A few butterflies swarmed in his stomach at the thought, but went away quickly when his crush, MJ, came to his mind for the thousandth time today. Peter leaned on the counter and sighed. 
 “I have to find her and talk to her.” He whispered to himself. 
He took Nat her drink and walked down the steps out to the yard. He turned the corner and started heading for the trail. Next thing he knew, Thor’s signature stamp was spread out of the grass in front of him. 
  “Oh shit.” Peter said to himself. “Uh- guys? GUYS! TONY! STEVE! SAM! BUCKY!” Peter yelled. He was so shocked he just began calling out their names. 
In seconds, everyone came running. 
  "Oh no." Tony sighed. 
  "Oh HELL no. She didn't!" Bucky stressed. 
  "Vision, you said they went on a hike!" Steve yelled.
  "I lied." Vision admitted. 
  "Why?" Bucky asked calmly. 
  "She needed it."
Tears filled Peter's eyes and he swung off into the woods. 
 "I'm gonna kill her." Natasha shook her head. 
  "I can't protect her here. None of us can!" Steve panicked. 
 "That's why she went. She needs your trust." Vision explained. 
 "This isn't how you earn trust?!" Steve spat. 
Bucky looked at the ground, calmly and shrugged. "She doesn't know that."
  "What do you mean?" Sam asked Bucky. 
Steve ran his hands through his hair. 
  "Barnes is right." Tony added. 
  "She hasn't been taught. It's my fault." Bucky said.
  "No. It's all of our fault. Sometimes we're too busy for her. You know how many times she's been left by herself? We put her right back in the position HYDRA put her in." Natasha explained. 
 "I thought I taught her well." Steve fumed. 
  "You have. But you can't do everything by yourself." Wanda said, comforting Steve.
 "Is she going to be in trouble?" Sam asked.
 "Depends on when she comes back." Bucky said, a small smile gracing his lips.
 "She'll be back." Pepper nodded. "She'll be back today."
 "I trust Thor." Steve said, relaxing.
 "This is like last night all over again! Why don't you trust her? That's all she wants!" Tony argued.
 "You think this is how you gain trust?" Steve argued back.
 "She doesn't know that!" Bucky defended. "I'm going to trust her. As hard as it is."
  "She's in another realm, Bucky!" Steve yelled. "She just took off with a god to another realm!" 
 "SHE'S BRAVE. I don't like this either. But I'm going to hear her out." Bucky explained.
 "Oh so she can just take off to another galaxy whenever she wants?!"
 "Trust me, she won't do it again." Bucky stated, going back inside the cabin.
  "Take a walk with me, Steve." Tony said calmly, patting his back. 
 The Avengers knew this was a serious situation, but they also knew Y/n. Her intention wasn't to hurt anybody, or worry anybody. She just grew up alone, and sometimes she struggled with her emotions. She'd act on her emotions in the heat of the moment instead of logic. 
  Peter knew he caused this. He didn't know exactly why or how. But he knew it was something with him.
"I came here because I got upset, and I wasn't thinking. And now I am scared to go back because they might be mad at me. What if they hate me?" 
  "Y/n they could NEVER hate you. They love you so much. They might not be too happy with you coming here without telling them though." 
  "Why did you let me?"
  "Well, I wanted to bring you here, help you with what you need, but also, I thought… you could learn a lesson from it. You need to." Thor said with a small smile.
You nodded. "I guess I do."
  "Well, we better make the most of your trip here." Thor smirked. 
  "So we can have fun? I'm already having fun! I love it here!"
  "Yes we can, AFTER you tell me what made you so upset." Thor said. 
Your face dropped. "I can't figure out why I have such strong feelings towards Peter. I think I might be… in love with him." You admitted.
  "Ohhhh." Thor raised his eyebrows.
 "And then, I heard him talking about a girl he really liked. And I thought he was talking about me."
  "MJ." Thor cut you off.
 "Yeah, her. So I just kinda freaked out. I sometimes don't know how to handle my emotions. It's HYDRA. I have gone to therapy after I was rescued and it helped, but it still happens sometimes."
 "It's a process, sweetheart."
You gave him a sad smile. "But what if I love Peter, and he loves someone else? What will I do?"
 "Y/n, love, you don't force love. You wait. You trust. Love won't fail if it is meant to be. You're getting older, so is Peter. Your lives will begin to fall into place.” Thor assured, tucking hair behind your ear. 
You looked down at your hands. “I don’t know how I love him, Thor. Is he my Jane? Will… he leave me?” Tears began to pool into your eyes. “How do I know how I feel about him?” 
  “You’re not supposed to know now, Princess. But I have a theory.” 
  “Tell me.”
  “Well,” Thor began, furrowing his brows as he thought. “Y/n, you love Peter greatly, but you don’t love him that way. No, not now. When the day comes that you don’t have to question that love you feel for someone, that’s when you will know.” 
Then, something happened. Something so odd, and peaceful. 
  Y/n’s Memories
“Hi, I’m Peter… Parker. You must be who Tony has been telling me about.” The curly brown-haired brown-eyed boy introduced himself, squatting down to your height. 
He took your small hand in his red gloved hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
 “H-Hello. How old are you?” You asked. You had always felt shy around others, but with this boy, you felt at home. 
 “I’m 14 about to be 15.” He answered, giving you a warm smile, almost as warm as his eyes. 
 “Me too!” You gasped.
 “Haha! That’s awesome. We’re gonna be good friends. I know it.” He assured you. 
  “It was nice to meet you today Y/n. May I have a hug before I go? If you're comfortable of course.” Peter asked. 
 You nodded with a smile, and soon found yourself wrapped in the warmest, squishiest hug you’d ever had. 
 “Peter? Will you come back?” You asked, you face squished against his sweater. 
He pulled away to look at you, his hands on your shoulders. “I promise.”
  “Can I go back to that park tomorrow? Not to spy, but to be with the kids? To be friends?” You asked your Maestru.
 “You will never have friends! You will always work! Never ask me something so stupid again!” He yelled, shoving you back into your room, locking the door. 
You quieted your sobs into your pillow, hoping he wouldn’t hear you. You wished for freedom as you stared at the stone wall, before drifting off to sleep.
 “FRIDAY! We need everyone ready on the medbay! Now! Peter has been in an accident!” Tony shouted, rushing through the doors.
 “TONY! Is-Is he okay?” You asked, frozen in absolute fear.
 “I don’t know, Y/n.” He answered rushing to the elevator. 
 “I promised you I’d come back.” Peter smiled as he laid awake in his hospital bed. 
You couldn’t say anything. You just hugged him. 
You heard the elevator ding, signaling that Peter and Tony were here. They then walked in and you launched into your best friend Peter’s arms.
“Oh! Hi! I m-missed you, y/n! And also, thank you. I need your warm hug, b-because I’m freezing!” Peter was shivering and there were snowflakes in his curls. 
“I missed you too, Peter. Come here, by the fire!” You pulled Peter over to the couch and wrapped a blanket around him.
“You can come stay with May and I!”
You didn’t say anything. You just ran and hugged Peter so tight. 
You pulled the mask up to your forehead to see Peter towering above you where you sat on the rug. He had a threatening look on his face. You smiled slightly. 
  “I’m sorry.” 
Peter chuckled and went to take the mask off your head but you pulled it down.
  “Y/n, give me my mask!”
  “It’s my mask now!” 
You were pushing Peter’s buttons in hopes of some playful retaliation, but what he did next, you were not expecting to happen so quickly. You thought you were going to have to try much harder to get Peter to do this.
He gave your tummy a poke and you squeaked in surprise. 
  “Oh? What’s this?” Peter grinned as he gave you a few more pokes.
You turned cherry red as you scooted back and threw the mask at Peter. 
  “Here you go.” You mumbled
Peter hadn’t discovered that you were ticklish up until this point. You always wanted him to, but now that it was actually happening you were a flustered mess and didn’t know how to act. Peter sensed your embarrassment and was definitely ready to have some fun. He tossed his mask to the side and leaned over you. 
 “Are you ticklish, y/n/n?” He teased, crossing his arms.
  “Thank you for letting me stay with you, Peter. I know I may not be your best friend, but you are mine.” You said. 
Peter’s heart sank. “What? You’re my best friend too! I have Ned, but I also have you.” He snuggled you to his side and saw you smile to yourself, before you drifted off to sleep. 
   He meant what he said. 
Happy made Peter drive back, so you sat snuggled up in the backseat behind Peter in your warm coat and pink blanket. You hadn’t learned to drive yet, but seeing Peter drive made you really want to learn. You wanted to be just like Peter, but not in the way you were jealous of him. You just really looked up to him, so now that he had found out your little secret, you were getting butterflies every time you played the events back in your head.
Peter was just silent. You smiled to yourself, waiting to hear his response. Instead of speaking, Peter just leaned his seat all the way back onto you, and flipped over to where he was basically laying on you, with the seat between you both. You giggled at him, confused as to why he was doing that. 
  “You really are just asking for trouble, huh?” Peter said, before launching his fingers under your arms, much to your surprise. He dug in, making you squeal with laughter. You were barely able to move anywhere. He vibrated his fingertips in the hollows under your arms and all down your ribs and all you could do was laugh and squirm. 
 “What was that tickle spot of yours again? You know, the one that really makes you giggle?”
You smiled at Peter. You loved his curly hair. It was so endearing. Peter noticed you staring at him and gave you a questioning look.
  “Why are you staring, Y/n?” Peter asked, raising an eyebrow. 
  “Y-Your curls! I had no idea your hair could do that! It's so cute!” You gushed. You jumped out of the chair and began trying to reach up to ruffle his hair. 
Peter laughed sweetly and bent down to let you play with his hair.
“I’m gonna tickle you WAY more than you tickled me!” He playfully growled, tapping his nose to yours. You blushed profusely. Then, he began squeezing your thighs as you belly-laughed. 
You both ran down the stairs, and when you turned the corner, you nearly knocked into Peter. Thankfully, his spidey-sense warned him and he scooped you up. 
  “Woooah there! Haha someone’s excited!” Peter giggled. 
  “Sorry Pete! I didn’t mean to!” You said smiling up at him. 
“How are your ears ticklish?” You asked with a giggle. 
  “Oh? I bet yours are too!” Peter said, as he began reaching for you, but was held back by Tony. 
  “Stay still! I’m not done!” Tony ordered. 
You backed away with a smile, waiting your turn for the sunscreen. 
  “Finished!” Tony announced. 
Peter rushed toward you, grabbing your wrists with one hand, and began fluttering his fingers on your left ear with the other. You immediately began giggling and your knees buckled. 
  “It tickles, doesn’t it?” Peter teased, now tickling your other ear, occasionally spidering around your neck. 
  “YEHEEHES! I’m sohohorry!” You laughed. 
Peter let up, smiling at you.
 “It’s okay. I know that it’s true and I can be annoying.” You said, quietly looking at the ground. “But I can work on it and I can be better.” 
 Peter furrowed his eyebrows. “What? What are you talking about? You’re not annoying!” 
  “No, it’s okay. It’s just, you know, with HYDRA, I never… had anyone to cling to, so I do it too much now.” You explained. 
  “Y/n, you don’t annoy anyone! Affection from you is not annoying. It’s precious.” Peter said with a small blush. 
You looked up at him and smiled. 
 “Everyone loves it… Everyone loves you.” Peter reassured. 
  “Thank you, Peter. I’m sorry I got upset. It’s just one of my insecuri-” 
Peter cut you off, shaking his head. He looked you in the eyes, and from the look he gave you, you knew to stop apologizing. 
“Yeeeah it was!” Peter joined, wiggling his fingers into your tummy, before slipping past you to the back table to make his s’more. He really tickled you and you nearly dropped your plate as you cackled. 
You both finally got out of the pool after a minute or so and were drying off, wrapped in your towels, when something caught Peter’s eye. 
  “Y/n, look on the trail, in the woods.” He said, pointing toward little blinking lights. They were lightning bugs, and you got really excited. 
  “Let’s follow them!” You said. You both slipped on your flip flops and went to the trail. It was twilight and very beautiful out. The lightning bugs were everywhere and it was probably one of the most stunning moments of your life. You and Peter had made it pretty far up the trail, following the lightning bugs. One even landed in Peter’s hand and he held it out for you both to observe up close. The little bug blinked it’s yellowish green light and you both gasped. It flew away into the woods and you and Peter watched it join the others.
You’d never been checked out before. Peter stepped in front of you a bit to block Max’s view. You saw Peter’s jaw clench. He became a bit protective over you and butterflies began to swarm in your stomach.  “Do you wanna go back to the cabin, or stay? Peter asked, leaning down to you a bit, after pulling you aside. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE! Y/N! I’m soohohorry!” Peter screamed through his laughter as you tickled all over his tummy and sides for sticking an ice cube down the back of your swimsuit top. “IHIHIHI CAHAHAN’T BREHEHEHATHE!” He cried as you cackled at him.  “Serves you right, doesn’t it? Huh?” You teased as you tickled his upper ribs, and he rolled all over the grass in ticklish agony. 
Peter turned around and the expression on his face was pure worry. He pulled you out of the water onto the grass and observed your leg. It was red, swollen, and bleeding quite a bit in a few spots.   “I landed on a rock.” You said.  “Do you think it’s broken?” He asked. “I can’t tell.” Peter scooped you up in his arms, and took off towards the cabin as fast and carefully as he could.   Peter stumbled in the back door with you in his arms. He had a guilty expression gracing his face.
All you knew is that you loved Peter specifically and unconditionally, but romantically? That’s one thing you don’t know. What a trip. 
You straddled Peter and began tickling his tummy, causing him to scream and thrash, and he turned into a puddle of laughter under your fingertips. He nearly bucked you off, but he tried his best not to. You were laughing along with him at his adorable reactions, but made a mistake. You tried to tickle his armpits- his worst spot.  
 “AHAHAHAAA NOOOHOHO! Nooo way!” Peter shouted, using his strength to fight past the tickles and tackle you to the carpet.  
 “NO PETER! NO FAIR! You can’t do that!” You cried.   
“Oh yeah? Watch me.” Peter sassed, before scritching under your arms, making you squeak with laughter. 
…. “I’m sorry I made you cry...” Peter said softly, looking into your eyes. 
You both sat a moment.  “I love you, Peter.” You whispered, tackling him in a hug.
 He laughed and hugged you back.  
 “Are you still my best friend?” He asked.   
End of Memories 
You gasped and looked at Thor. He gave you a knowing smile.    
“Are you still confused, Y/n?” Thor asked, still grinning.   
“No… What was that?” You stared in shock.    
“That cup may have a bit of magic.” Thor whispered.  
  “We have to go back. I need to get back to Peter. I need to tell him the truth. That… he is the best friend that I never could have ever dreamed of. He’s more.” You cried tears of joy.   
“Okay, okay, but how about something to take home with you first.” Thor said with a smirk.  
 “Having a heart-to-heart are we?” Loki teased, leaning in the doorway. 
Your eyes went wide and you looked at Thor. 
  “It’s alright Y/n. Don't mention this to anyone on earth, okay?” Thor chuckled, taking your hand. 
You nodded and walked with Loki and Thor. Loki made you nervous, but you tried to hide it. You soon warmed up to him though as he was kind to you.   
“I think I know just the color for you.” Loki said, as the three of you stood in front of a large mirror in a bedroom. 
You did feel super underdressed for Asgard. Loki swung open a beautiful wardrobe and began shuffling through dresses. Thor began playing with your hair. 
“We always wanted a little sister.” Thor admitted. 
You smiled at yourself as you watched Thor braid your hair.   
“This is the one.” Loki announced, holding up a dress that you couldn’t help but gasp at.   
“For me?!” You asked.
Thor and Loki nodded. They left so you could put it on. 
  You twirled in front of the mirror in your floor length, long sleeved, lavender Asgardian dress. You felt like a princess.  
 “You look lovely!” Loki said with a clap.  
 “Thank you, Loki.” You smiled.  
 “I’m glad you like it, because it’s yours, Princess.” Thor said.  
 “Oh… It’s- oh my goodness! Thank you!” You exclaimed, hugging both of them.   
“Wear it home. Maybe they will go easy on you.” Loki winked. 
A twinge of fear rushed to your stomach at the thought of being in trouble when you got home, but it went away when you thought of Peter. You had to get home.
“I didn’t know what was going on.” Bucky said to Tony. 
Tony had just explained to Steve, and now Bucky what you talked to him about this morning. 
  “We need to make sure she knows she can come to us.” Steve said. 
Bucky agreed.  “I know I haven’t been around long, but I know my daughter. She’s not in love with him.” Bucky smiled.
The three of them sat in silence for a few seconds.  
“THAHAHANK GAHAHAD!” Steve burst out laughing, soon to be joined by Bucky and Tony.
When their laughter subsided, Tony spoke. “I just want her to come home already.”  
“I have a feeling she’s on her way.” Bucky mused. 
“Yeah… She can’t stand to be away from me for more than-” Steve looked at his watch. “More than two hours.” Steve giggled, referencing your “soft spot” for him.
“Heimdall, can we land close to Peter Par-” You were cut off by him nodding. 
You shook his hand. “Thank you, sir.” You held onto Thor and you were sent home.
 You kept your eyes open this time. 
You and Thor landed in the middle of the woods.   
 “What’s Peter doing here?” You asked.   
 “I’m not sure, but we aren’t far from the cabin. I’m going to walk back. You talk to him.” Thor said, pointing down a trail.  
You looked down the trail and you could see the edge of the lake. You followed it, and found Peter sitting in the grass next to the shimmering water. It was sunset. A nice breeze blew through your hair. You were happy to be back here. You were happy to see Peter.  
 “Peter?” You asked, standing behind him. 
  “Y/N!” Peter exclaimed, jumping to his feet and wrapping you in a hug.
 “Where have you been?” He asked, gripping your upper arms, looking into your eyes. 
They were red, as if he’d been crying.  
“Have you been crying?” You asked sadly. 
  “A little. I was worried about you! Wow, you look beautiful.” Peter said.   
“Thank you… I went to Asgard for a few hours.” You said, casually. 
  “Before I ask you a billion questions about the other realm you just traveled to, I have a more important one- Why?”
You took a deep breath, and sat down in the grass, he did the same.  
“I thought I was in love with you.” You said, then slowly looked into his sorrowful eyes. 
“When you mentioned MJ, I got lost in my emotions, and made Thor take me away from here. It was stupid, but- I was scared.”   
“Have you returned with an answer?” Peter asked hesitantly.  
 “Yes… wait here.” You ordered, and stood up to limp off into the woods. 
Peter looked at you confused when you returned with the golden cup.  
 “Woah! This is so cool! Is this from Asgar-” 
 “Drink from it.” You smiled.  
“Uhh.. it’s not a love potion, is it?” Peter asked, his eyes wide.  
“No! This isn’t Harry Potter!” You laughed, smacking his arm. 
“Drink. It’s my memories.”  
 “Okay.” Peter sighed, trusting you, and sipped from the cup. 
Peter looked at you with tears in his eyes. 
 “Now you know how I feel about you… You can see why I might have been confused- the strength of my love for you. You're the best friend I waited my entire life for. You’re so special to me and I’m going to love you forever.” You smiled, tears in your eyes as well. 
 Peter took your hands in his.  
 “Y/n I can’t even live without you now. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you. That’s why I was so worried today. When you got hurt last night, I was so scared… You mean so much to me too. You changed my life by showing how you overcame your past and grew so much. How strong it made you. It helped me be better.” Peter cried. 
You tackled him to the grass in a hug and you both cried.  
Peter sat up, bringing you with him, and wiped your tears. His face was tear stained, his nose red along with yours.  
 “I can’t stop crying!” You laughed.  
 “Well, good thing I always know how to make you.” He said, snuggling you to his chest. 
 “Oh this does help.” You smiled.  
 “You know what else helps?” Peter asked, playfulness very evident in his voice. 
  “Oh no- let me guess.” You said sarcastically.   
“Yo! What’s with the attitude huh?” Peter teased, pinning you down in the grass, and digging into your hips. 
You went straight into belly laughter and started trying to thrash around. “NOHOHO NOT THERE! ANYWHERE BUT THERE!” 
 “Wow! I don’t tickle you here nearly enough! I’ll make sure to remember.” He smirked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
You blushed and tried to give him an evil look, but it didn’t work. He just laughed and kept tickling your hips for minutes. 
“Haha okahahay.” He said after a while. He tapped his chin as if he was thinking very hard about something. “Oh I know! Tummy tickles time!” He announced. 
“Ohohoho no! NOHAHAHAT THERE!” You shouted repeating yourself. 
“Not there! Not there! Not there!” Peter mocked, darting his fingers around your torso with each “not there.”  
You laughed so hard that you couldn’t breathe and had to force yourself to gasp for air even though the only thing you wanted to do was laugh.   
“I love my Y/n so much I just gotta tickle her!” Peter growled through gritted teeth, digging harshly into your ribs. 
Laughter wasn’t enough for that one. Nope. That made you scream.  
“HAHAHA! THAT’S BAD ISN’T IT!” Peter laughed evilly, continuing to tickle that way. 
You nodded your head as you silent-laughed.  
“I know you love the tickle monster!” Peter said in such a ruthlessly teasing way, as he wiggled his fingers in your super ticklish armpits. “Everyone knows it!”  
 “NO!” You managed to lie through your laughter. You thought you would’ve learned that this was never a good idea by now, but you just couldn’t help it.   
“Oh yeah? Well I’m gonna make you tell the truth!” Peter giggled, before pinning your arms above your head. 
You expected him to blow a raspberry, but he just nuzzled the left crook of your neck. You were a giggling mess. The next thing he did was new. You’d never had this happen before. It was new and unexpected. And it tickled. BAD. Peter blew a raspberry, not on either side of your neck, but the front of your neck.  Both you and Peter were shocked. 
 “Oh I can’t imagine how bad that tickles.” Peter said, shaking his head. 
 “I swear I’m gonna show you one day.” You said trying to sound angry, but of course, you loved it. 
 “Bet.” Peter blew another one in the same spot and you belly laughed so hard. “Now, say you love the tickle monster!” Peter warned, leaning back down towards your neck.  
 “Awww come on, Peter!” You whined. 
He didn’t hesitate to blow another one. You laughed so hard your abs ached.  
 “Peheheheterrrr!”He went back to scratching under your arms. “You better say it! Or I’m gonna do it again!” 
Butterflies swarmed in your belly. Peter pinned your arms above your head again and you tensed. He nuzzled into your neck and snuck his way to the front blowing the biggest, sloppy, ticklish raspberry. The buzz sent chills up your spine and laughter poured out of your lips. 
 “I LOVE THE TICKLE MONSTER! STOP!” You yelled and Peter let you go. You rolled over catching your breath. 
 “I love you, Y/n.” Peter said, some seriousness returning to his tone.
You sat up. “I know… I love you, Peter.” 
 “I know… Ready to go back to the cabin?” 
 “I am. I’m scared I’m going to be in trouble, but I don’t care. I’ve been away from Steve for like… hours.” You joked. You were kind of serious though.  
  Something changed in you and Peter’s relationship that day. It was made stronger. You were happy you had your answer, and so was Peter. After this, he knew he would always be there for you, no matter how old you two got, no matter where life took you. In the meantime, he made sure to snuggle you more, hug you more, and, of course, tickle you more. 
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bluesylveon2 · 4 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
Author’s Note: I’m glad you guys are liking this series. Tbh I was ready for it to sink the moment haha. Anyways, I am uploading another side story because...Feb 22 is MY BDAY!! 🎉 I hope you guys like it!
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Ch 3: Money, Money, Money
Levi stood on a different part of the yacht watching the waves go by as it headed to Kalokairi. He originally sat next to Erwin until the other man, Mike, started sniffing him randomly. Levi did not like how close Mike was to him, so he decided to sit in a different part of the yacht. Levi and Eren had already helped Mike and Gelgar fix the sails. Now the three men were sitting around and watching the waves pass by while Gelgar was busy sailing the ship. 
(Mike claims Levi smells like detergent)
Erwin was staring at the invitation he received months ago. Mike, who was curious, took a small peek and recognized the invite anywhere.
“Bride or groom?” Mike asks
“Bride” Erwin answers and puts the invitation away. He slightly turns his head towards Mike  “although I actually never met her.” This interests Levi. 
Erwin turns to fully face Mike “I know who you are, you’re Mike Zacharias, aren’t you” Erwin recognized the man from 21 years ago when he saw Mike with Hange. Of course, he did not mention that part out loud. Who knew one of Erwin’s favorite authors would be him? It must be a small world after all.
“Uh-huh,” Mike looked at Erwin and agreed. Mike sniffs Erwin discretely. 
(Erwin smells like cologne) 
“You know,” Erwin began “your books have really helped me get through the dull business trips. I may look like I am living out my life in some fantasy. In reality, I am surveying across some corner of the planet’ 
“You should try it for real sometime” Mike suggests
Erwin chuckles “Certainly. I’ll never be the spontaneous adventurer. Not with my current job at the firm. 
Levi, overhearing the conversation, turns to Erwin and Mike “You’re a close friend of Hange?” It’s a good thing Levi wore shades or else the men would see the glare he was giving them. Levi wanted to know how she knew these men and what their relationship is to her. 
Mike shook his head and looked up at Levi “No, I haven’t heard from her in 20 years-”
This raised Levi’s suspicion “Really?" It's a good thing the two men didn't see the shock in Levi's eyes. 
Mike continued on “-then she sends this invite out of the blue.”
Now it was Erwin’s turn to be confused. He assumed Mike was still close to Hange. “You know, that’s a coincidence. Neither have I.” 
“Going about!” Gelgar yells at them from the front of the boat. 
Levi leaves his spot to help out “You got it?” he asks Erwin
“Right,” Erwin says and stands up. He unties the rope from the side of the boat (AN: I don’t know anything about boats), but it manages to pull him; almost making Erwin fall in the water. Luckily, he kept his balance and saved himself from falling.
“You ok?” Mike asks and looks at Erwin worriedly
“I’m fine” Erwin calls back and pulls the rope
The sails move, and the yacht begins heading towards Kalokairi island. 
Hange was driving to the port in her light blue Land Rover. She is going to meet her best friends Nanaba and Rico. Nanaba Foster is Hange’s English friend and a fun-loving author. Rico Brzenska is Hange’s Polish friend who is a three-time divorcee. 
Hange met the two in New College in Oxford when Hange was studying Biological Sciences. Nanaba was studying English, and Rico was studying Music. The three were an unlikely group since they were in different parts of the college. Hange met Nanaba first in the library when Nanaba asked Hange for feedback for a story she was writing. Hange loved listening to Nanaba’s stories, and she (and Rico) were her number one supporters on her journey to become an author. Hange and Nanaba met Rico while walking through the Garden Quad on campus. Rico was surrounded by many admirers who would not leave her alone. Hange and Nanaba saved Rico from her admirers and were confused when they saw how annoyed Rico was. Rico was not annoyed by the two saving her; the issue was that none of the guys were up to her high standards. Rico was looking for a man who was going to make a lot of money. It was like a 6th sense for her, but Rico could tell who is/is not compatible with her with one look. 
Nanaba and Rico have been with Hange through her highs and lows. They were present when they performed as a band in Kalokairi, comforted her after Hange’s crazy love life, and were present at Sasha’s christening. Hange cares for the two dearly. She saw them as part of her family (other than Pieck) when she felt like had no one (except for Pieck, but she has her own life to live. Hange didn’t want Pieck to worry about her too much ).
Hange parked her car just in time to see Nanaba and Rico get off the ferry. Hange runs to the edge of the dock but doesn't run to meet her friends just yet. 
"Well will you look at what the tide brought it" Hange yells
Nanaba turns and places her back towards Rico "For one night-" Nanaba yells back and holds a pretend microphone up in the air. 
"-and one night only" Rico copies Nanaba's pose except she Rico is facing the opposite direction. Rico and Nanaba stand back to back. 
"Hange and the Survey Corps!" they all yell at the same time. Hange runs up to her friends and meets them in the middle of the dock to hug them. It's been many years since they last visited, and Sasha was only 9!
Hange came up with the band name to illustrate her personality. Hange loves to discover and learn about new places. It's the main reason why she now lives in Kalokairi after hearing so much about it from Pieck. 
(Rico's suggestion was Hange and the Garrison, but it didn't have the same ring as Survey Corps). 
“Look at you,” Hange says to her friends. They look more beautiful since the last time she saw them.
“Look at you” Rico reflects back to Hange.
“You look fantastic,” Hange tells Rico as she poses and shows off her latest designer clothes.
Rico laughs and points at Hange “You look like an old hippie.” Hange has dressed in her signature outfit after all (overalls with a white shirt. She was also wearing a hat this time)
Hange put her hands in her pockets and slightly leaned back. She poses by raising her left foot up in its toes and puts her weight on her right leg. 
“She looks fabulous” Nanaba compliments Hange.
Hange noticed Rico’s new outfit. It’s different from when she last saw her, and it looks more expensive. Hange wants an outfit like that for herself.
Hange walks up to Rico and grasps her white jacket “Where did you get these?” she asks with a gleam in her eyes.
“Husband number three!” Rico laughs along with Nanaba and Hange
‘Well, I’m sure you must be excited to see Sasha again.” Hange laughs as they pull apart, and starts walking towards Hange’s car. Nanaba and Rico put their stuff in the back and hop in.
“So any men at this wedding?-” Rico asks Hange as they leave the pier and head to the hotel. 
Hange couldn't help but laugh. She had a good feeling where this might be going.
“Gorgeous Greeks of independent means?” Rico inquires and waves a hand around
“Here we go again! Husband number four!” Nanaba yells. She also had a feeling of the direction of Rico’s question was going. 
Rico laughs at Nanaba’s statement “Not for me. For her.” She gestures to Nanaba. 
Rico knows how successful Nanaba has been since becoming an author. She thinks Nanaba needed a handsome (and rich. It’s a plus) to marry. She knows about Nanaba’s previous crush on Mike from 21 years ago. Sure he is caring, a flirt, and owns a boat, but Rico knows Nanaba can find a man who is 20x better for her. The last time she heard of Mike was from Hange, and it was from their nightly boat trips. Rico and Nanaba left a few days after meeting Mike. Nowadays, Hange does not talk much about him anymore.
“He’s coming!” Nanaba yells while ignoring Rico. She knows she does not need a man right now)))
Rico continues to go on anyway “Now that Nanaba’s book is a bestseller and she has the whole world stuffing-”
“Stuffing of what? Vegetables? Meat?” Nanaba laughs
“Don’t give Sasha any ideas, Nanaba.” Hange teases
“I just think it’s time to find Mr. Right,” Rico tells Nanaba with a lace of concern in her voice. 
Nanaba dismisses Rico’s suggestion instead “Oh please! Boring!”
“You two are great role models for Sasha. A serial bride and lone wolf.” Hange laughs 
“That’s me!” Nanaba points to herself with her thumb and grins “I’m a lone wolf”
Nanaba begins howling like a wolf as Hange drives up towards the hotel. Hange laughs. That’s the Nanaba she knows and loves. Meanwhile, Rico looks dejected after another failed attempt at getting Nanaba a husband.
Nanaba stops howling and looks over at Hange “So when are the two love birds flying the nest?” She is aware of Sasha’s friends leaving the island, except for Sasha herself. Good thing Niccolo is financially stable and is ok with staying in Kalokairi to be with her. 
“Oh, God! Who knows?” Hange exclaims as she parks her land rover  “I don’t know what is going on in Sasha’s head sometimes. She wants a big, white wedding-” Hange throws her hands up in the air to emphasize how big Sasha wanted her wedding to be. “-and she and Niccolo are making big plans for the hotel. Sometimes I don’t know if she will ever leave!” 
“Yeah, but do you really want her to leave?” Nanaba asks questioningly. Hange could see it in Nanaba’s eyes despite Nanaba wearing shades. 
“Well, I just want what is best for her'' Hange says and looks out to the distance. She then turns to her friends. “Of course not!” The three women laugh and exit the car. 
Hange looks up to find Niccolo and all of Sasha’s guy friends heading in her direction.
“Niccolo! Come meet my backup girls. Guys, come catch up with Rico and Nanaba!” she yells.
“Backup girls, my ass!” Nanaba and Rico yell at the same time. They weren’t going to let Hange have all of the spotlight.
“He’s the leading man for tomorrow’s shindig,” Hange says as Niccolo walks over to Nanaba.
“The lucky man” Niccolo laughs. He extends his arms out towards Nanaba but does not hug her yet.
“You must be-” he pauses a bit to think about the names of Hange’s friends Sasha mentioned to him before their arrival.
Nanaba nods in approval. “I am” Nanaba smiles. 
“How are you?” Niccolo asks as he leans forward to hug Nanaba
“Very well” Nanaba laughs. She likes this man already.
Niccolo lets go of Nanaba so she can catch up with Sasha’s friends. Niccolo heads over to Rico as she leaves the car.
“And you must be Rico. I’ve heard so much about you” Now it’s Rico’s turn to hug Niccolo.
“All bad, I hope” Rico laughs.
Niccolo smiles. He’s heard a lot about her from Hange “Yes” he nods.
“And all true!” Hange yells from the trunk. Niccolo noticed the big suitcase Hange tries to pull out from the trunk. He quickly walks over to Hange to help.
“Hange. Let me get them for you.” Niccolo says and grabs the suitcase for her. Nanaba and Rico look over after talking to the rest of Sasha’s friends. They watch the interaction with a smile on their faces. They definitely like Niccolo. 
“Why did I wear stilettos?” Rico complains as she climbs up the steps to the hotel.
“Oxygen. Sweet oxygen” Nanaba gasps after finally finding a place to sit. Niccolo and the other guys bring Nanaba and Rico’s luggage to their hotel room. 
Hange was amused by her friends reactions. It’s been many years since they last visited. Meanwhile, Hange was unfazed with climbing up all those steps. Heck, she could most likely run up a flight of stairs and sing a musical number at the same time! 
Sasha hears the sounds of her aunt’s voice and runs out to her balcony. It seems like they aren’t used to climbing up so many stairs after all. Sasha laughs. It’s been years since she’s last seen them. 
“Aunt Nanaba!” She yells and smiles gleefully before running down to meet her aunts
“Heeeyyy,” Nanaba calls back. She is still exhausted from the climb up.
Rico turns to Hange “Look at Sasha. She is so beautiful!” 
“I know” Hange replies gleefully. She is proud of how her little girl grew up to be a beautiful woman.
Sasha pauses briefly when she makes it to the door. Nanaba notices Sasha nearby and the big smile on her face. She can’t believe how much Sasha has grown.
“Come here, Sasha!” Nanaba says and opens her arms for a hug. Sasha runs over to her with excitement in her body.
Nanaba pulls away from Sasha to see how much she has grown in person.
“Sasha Zoe, you are more gorgeous-” Nanaba places her palms on Sasha’s cheeks and lightly shakes her head “-every time I see you. You really do.” She compliments her. Sasha couldn’t hide her happiness after Nanaba complimented her.
Rico looks over to Sasha from her spot next to Hange “I bet you don’t remember me.”
“Not with all that makeup and plastic surgery” Nanaba teases with a smirk and Hange laughs.
Sasha runs up to Rico to hug her. “Of course I do, Auntie Rico. You haven’t changed at all.” 
“I’m so happy for you,” Rico tells Sasha during their hug.
“Look at my baby,” Hange says proudly and gently pulls Sasha away from Rico to hug her herself.
“Her whole life ahead of her” Hange coos and leans towards her daughter
Sasha laughs at her mother’s antics “Oh please, I’m getting married, Mom. I’m not joining a convent!” she says while wriggling away from her mother’s grasp. Sasha starts heading towards the hotel.
“She’s feisty. I like that” Rico compliments. 
Nanaba walks up to Hange and puts an arm around her shoulder “She’s a chip off the old block” she laughs.
Hange dismisses the thought as she and her friends climbed up the steps to the hotel. “If she were like me, then she wouldn’t get married at 20”
“Or married at all” Rico chimes in. Hange laughs
Hange keeps walking and realizes something. She forgot to put the laundry down! Hange groans internally and turns back towards her best friends
“Sorry! I meant to take the laundry down before you came. I would have asked Moblit, but he was busy fixing some things.” Hange pushes some of the sheets off to the side to make space to walk through
“You think with all this new technology, they would make one make the beds” Hange grabs the nearest sheet in front of her and rolls it up as she walks. Sasha notches her mom carrying the sheet and begins walking towards her. 
“If only you had majored in Engineering instead of Biology” Rico jokes
“If they did, you’d be going along behind it making them again. I know you, Mom” Sasha laughs as she grabs the sheet off of Hange’s hands and kisses her on the cheek. Meanwhile, Niccolo walks up to Rico and Nanaba with glasses of water. They were exhausted from the climb up.
“But I am gonna modern it!” Hange calls back. She turns around and notices Niccolo.
“Tell them about your idea” Hange walks off to do a few errands while Niccolo presents his plan.
“The guys and I are designing a website. I think this place has so much potential, and no one knows we’re here. The only way you could know is from locals. I was one of the lucky few who got to experience the island for myself.-” Sasha walks towards Niccolo and stands by his side. 
“-All of Sasha’s friends want to pitch in their specialties too. If we market it really well, then people would come flooding in.”
Rico and Nanaba couldn’t stop smiling after hearing the idea. They too got to experience Kalokairi’s beauty. It is a shame very few people got to see it after they first visited. 
“We just want this to be the ultimate romantic destination” Sasha pipes in “This was once the site of Aphrodite's Fountain. You know, the goddess of love. If you drank the water-” she turns and faces Niccolo with a loving smile on her face.
“-You’re supposed to find true love and perfect happiness” Niccolo couldn’t stop smiling at his fiancee. He goes in to kiss her.  
Hange is already walking back by the time Sasha finishes explaining her plan for the island. 
“I’ll take a glass of that” Rico tells Hange and wraps an arm around her shoulder.
“I’ll take a whole bucket,” Nanaba says and drinks some of her water.
“Aphrodite's Spa?” Rico questions Hange as they head inside the hotel. They didn’t need to stand there while Sasha and Niccolo were spending some quality time together. That would be awkward for all of them.
“I thought you didn’t want a boatload of tourists?” Nanaba adds
Hange turns her head to face them while she walks ‘Oh no. Not boatloads. No.” She says firmly
“But you know, a few more would be nice” Hange playfully rolls her eyes and laughs. 
Hange walks into the bathroom and remembers the toilet situation. She turns back to her friends and becomes serious.
“Now, the thing about the toilet. If it does not flush, then go get Moblit. If he is unavailable, then go-” Hange moves her hands in a go motion “-and just walk away. Come back after a while and it should..” Hange trails off 
She puts her hand near her ear nervously before walking off. “Nothing works around here except for me and Moblit.” 
Rico and Nanaba look at Hange worryingly as Hange walks towards the main room.
Hange stops near the window. The glass pans were open, but the shutters were closed. Hange turns to her friends “I’ve been running this hotel for 15 years, and I never had a day off. I constantly work though I have an assistant!”
Rico and Nanaba look at each other nervously. Hange sounds like she was ready to blow with her “I’m fine, but I’m not really fine” tone in her voice. Hange noticed their exchange.
“But it’s fine. I’m fine” Hange tries to reassure them and leans on the window shutter causing it to fall to the ground nearly hitting Moblit and a few other workers.
Hange grabs the window sill and looks down at who she possibly hit. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry Moblit!”
“I’m ok Ms. Hange. I didn’t get hurt!” He calls back hoping to ease the situation. He leans down to pick up the broken shutter. Looks like another thing to add to the list. 
Hange sighs before complaining to her friends “I work hard every day to pay the bills, and there’s not enough left for me.”
Nanaba saw a nearby chair and was sitting down to be comfortable while listening to Hange’s story. She knew the moment Hange starts talking then there is no stopping her. 
“Don’t sit down there. It’s broken” Hange says before walking off. Luckily, Nanaba caught herself on time.
Hange walks over to the balcony and looks out to the sea. Rico and Nanba follow behind her.
“You know, I have plans, and it would work if I married a wealthy man. Think about all the things I can do!” Hange exclaims 
The trio heads towards the surprisingly empty kitchen. Hange leans back on a counter. Rico stands on her right, and Nanaba stands on her left
“Wealthy men are hard to find” Rico states.
“I can’t get him off my mind. Even if he were free, he wouldn’t want me!” Hange exclaims and walks to another part of the hotel.
Nanaba and Rico share a look before following. They knew someone who did fit the criteria. Too bad he broke Hange’s heart to marry someone else. 
“Might as well go to Las Vegas or Monaco!” Hange complains by the time Rico and Nanaba catch up to her in the hotel plaza
Hange could see it already. The boat rides, the places she could visit, discover flora and fauna. The possibilities are endless! Sadly for her, it’s a rich man’s world. 
Hange was not paying much attention when a sudden crack appeared in the plaza. She and the others moved away on time to avoid stepping on it
“What happened here?” Rico gasps 
“The earth moved! We’re falling apart!” Hange says while fascinated by the sudden shift in the ground 
“Really?” Nanaba asks skeptically. Hange waves it off with one hand.
“Don’t think much about it” She laughs and grabs her friend’s arms. “Come on. Let’s go have fun!” 
It’s time to drink wine and have some girl time! 
Meanwhile, on another part of the island, Levi, Erwin, and Mike had arrived in Kalokairi. All three men were heading towards the hotel. 
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
Author’s notes:
I was going to use another name for Hange’s band, but Survey Corps has the same number of syllables as Dynamos.
Nanaba does not have a last name, so I picked Foster like banana foster haha (a dessert made from bananas and vanilla ice cream, with a sauce made from butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum, and banana liqueur.) It was better than Pudding or Bread
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paintedlight · 4 years
Supernatural Season 15 & Sufjan Stevens' “The Ascension”
Teaser: there’s a song on this album called "Die Happy” where the lyrics are just “I want to die happy” for 5 minutes and 45 seconds. yeah. yeah.
Disclaimer: yes it’s all a stretch and I’m overthinking it but also… am I? (yes) 
long post time! know that reading ahead may hurt you and yes it does get worse the further down the track list you get 💕 have fun kids
So just to start off, I think it’s funny that something Sufjan’s discography & Supernatural have in common is the 15+ years of the internet arguing if it’s gay or not, and the answer ending up being yes. PLUS there’s the obvious connection of American mythos + mythology + calvinist themes (I am hissing) + religious trauma prevalent in both. 
If you’re a fan of both like I am, it’s easy to connect them— notable connections being songs like “John My Beloved” and “The Owl and the Tanager” or even “John Wayne Gacy Jr.”, but I’m going to focus on Sufjan's 2020 album, “The Ascension” since even the arc itself seems so connected to season 15 of Supernatural, specifically. 
At least in my head it does <3 enjoy 
When interviewed about the meaning of this track, Sufjan explains that this song is about asking God, “what do you have to say for humanity?” That it’s about desperation, creation, and devastation. It’s about frustration with divinity. Also the vibes are 10/10. Need I say more 
This song is beautiful, it makes me want to sit in some grass and stare at the sky. 
Some lines that make me Dean/Cas crazy are the two lines in verse 1 and verse 2 that mirror each other by being in the same place melodically:
Verse 1: they will terrorize us / with new confusion / with the fear of life that seeks to bring despair within
Verse 2: I will bring you life / a new communion / with a paradise that brings the truth to light within
Yeahhh so the words “Despair” and “The Truth” were mirrored in this song yes it was coincidental yes I’m clinging to it. It fascinates me 
But this song is about begging someone to stay with you.
sweet falling remedy / come run away with me / you’re all I ever need
My first thought when I heard this song was about how it was such a song for enneagram 4s. If you don’t know what that means, I think Dean is a 4 and wrote a post about it here. 
AND @trapperjohnmcintyre also made the connection between these lyrics and Dean in this post, and honestly I don’t need to say much more than that??
The song is about feeling paranoid and angry that God is controlling your every move and you can’t escape it (aka hating the doctrine of predestination). Of course it’s also about not wanting to follow societal scripts. 
You just want to have an easier life instead of the weight of good and evil resting on your back!!!
I don’t want to put the devil on a pedestal / I don’t want put the saints in chains / I just want to make my life a little easier / I don’t want to play your video game
Also these painful lines, as a treat: 
I don’t want to love you if you don’t receive it / I don’t want to save the world that way
Oh, I almost forgot, also. At the end, the narrator gives up. He’s like well I guess I can’t escape. Gotta follow the procedure. Gotta be a puppet.
I don’t want it to go down that way / but in a way you gotta follow the procedure / so go ahead and play your video game
I don’t have much to say about this one but this line always makes my heart ache idk:
I was only thinking of human kindness
Here we gooooooo. Y’all aren’t ready.
Thesis: Tell me you love me despite the primordial darkness about to overtake me. And even if you don’t, I’m going to love you. 
15x18 Despair anyone?? 
I want to just paste the whole song but, here—
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Yep, "Die Happy" immediately follows "Tell Me You Love Me." Yes, the lyrics are just “I want to die happy” over and over for almost 6 minutes. 
First of all, the repetition mirrors the end of the song Fourth of July, from Sufjan’s previous album Carrie & Lowell, where Sufjan sings “we’re all gonna die” over and over.
Parallels, baby.
But I noticed something else about this recently though— in Die Happy, if you are listening to it in your headphones, there’s this weird sound that sounds like a wasp flying around your head (it made me uncomfortable which is why I noticed it, haha). After I felt unnerved for a moment, I had a realization— that this could be referencing one of Sufjan’s most beloved songs, “The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out To Get Us!!” (yes that’s a real song title lol)
The Predatory Wasp is about how Sufjan fell in love with his best friend at the Bible Camp he went to as a teenager. The wasp is a metaphor for internalized homophobia and also his love and how he fears his love will hurt the boy he’s in love with. 
So, Die Happy references an iconic song from Illinois (2005) with these notable lines:
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I want to die happy vs. I can’t explain the state that I’m in / the state of my heart / he was my best friend
Here’s an Despair photoset with Predatory Wasp lyrics via @toneelspeelster. 
So your best friend has just died happy by being in love with you. You feel like the primordial darkness is on YOU now:
I woke up in stereo—I spent the day in vertigo / I could not get the spirit off my back
You’re once again tossed in the waves of thinking that God is fucking with you. But either way you just want to be tranquilized at this point. 
Is it all for something? Is it all part of a plan / tranquilize me, sanitize me, Ativan
Is it all for nothing? Is it all part of a plan? / make my death wish, mind my business / do the best I can with what I am
Ativan asks, was the true leading woman all this time… substance abuse?? 
Ativan / my leading woman
Long story short, you’re drunk on communion wine, asking the shadows to come back.
fill me with the blood of Jesus / clean my plate 'til he receives us / separate the colors from the black / ... / tell the shadows near us to come back
Not a lot to say about this (even though I love these songs) so I’m gonna skip mostly, but the narrator has decided he wants to love you, he can’t help it <3 
Oh boy. 
I mean you kinda know what’s coming because of the title. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the world’s oldest piece of epic world literature, and Gilgamesh was “the first hero of human history.” 
In the world’s oldest story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are “very close friends” (their relationship is very homoerotic and this is barely disputed). Gilgamesh calls Enkidu his brother, and they are mutually selfless towards each other but when Enkidu dies, indirectly because of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh has a breakdown and mourns him like that of a spouse and then has to come to terms with his own mortality. 
The meta level of this is so obvious I’m not even going to go into it. Anyways… here are lyrics that make me want to scream! 
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the repetition of “my heart”... the concept of singing a eulogy.... saying your heart is chained to Your Angel............ it hurts
Star Wars reference my beloved. Like many of these songs this has Fuck You God energy.
what you call the human race / expedite the judgement day / it’s your own damn head on that plate
vandalize what you create / ... / witness me resist your fate / it’s your own damn head on that plate
This song is a bop honestly 
When the lyrics were released a bunch of Sufjan fans contrasted Goodbye To All That’s here I am alone in my car / hopelessly infatuted / and I’m driving to wherever you are to Sufjan & Moses Sumney’s song, “Make Out in My Car”.
Yeah, I know, we’re all thinking of this:
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Make Out in My Car is basically where Moses gave Sufjan a horny car guy chorus and told him to write the verses, and Sufjan proceeded to write the most liturgical shit ever (and we love him for it). ANYWAYS… Goodbye To All That also reminds me of Dean’s depression and the weirdness that started in 15x19 and goes into 15x20. For some reason he makes it seem more upbeat and happy than it is...
Despite this song being a bop, the lyrics are depressing. He’s alone in his car. He’s hopeless. He realizes it’s too late to have died a young man. 
He’s going to try to move on, even though nothing is left of him, he’s begging someone to turn around and show me his shadow.
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He also references substance abuse again—
love me / and leave me / intoxicated
The music video? Iconic. The mom of a family is making a pie, or she’s trying to. She ends up rubbing the filling all over her face, crushing the fruits, the oven catches on fire. 
But she does it! She makes the pie. 
Meanwhile the other family members are in their rooms, overindulging in sugar in all its forms. And then as she and her family eat around a dining table, occassionally being seemingly marrioetted by some unseen force, she looks angrily over her family, they all seem to kind of lose it, then the house starts to come apart until the chandelier falls on the dinner table. 
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It’s the making pie + overindulgence in sugar + marionetted family metaphors for me ❤️ 
Ultimately, the song is about begging for affection, being desperate for domesticity, but you feel doomed, you feel like your defeat is predestined, that you can’t escape it.
You just don’t want to be heartbroken & you don’t want to be angry anymore!!!!
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So you may be asking… does this guy get the domesticity he’s longing for?? Does he get his love back?? 
No. He dies. :/
The Ascension begins with just that. He’s dying.
THEN Sufjan decides to rhyme “confess” with “confess”, in two lines that mean almost opposite things:
When I am dead / and the light leaves my breast / nothing to be told / nothing to confess / let the record show / what I couldn’t quite confess
So does this guy have something to confess or not??? 👀
Moving on… 
He goes back to thinking about how his life was predestined all along, and now after all that, he’s dying. So he thinks about all the times he was kind of like this Mythological Icon. That he always had to be the one to show what was right, to lead by example. That that had been his entire identity. 
And he realizes he needs to answer for himself. 
Then he is frightened— realizing he was always asking what everything meant, what it all was for, but that all along he was just angry and depressed.
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But even though he feels a like he should have just resigned himself to meaninglessness, that he only thought he could change the world for the better… it strengthened him to know the truth.
And even through the absolute shit of it all, and even though God & others did things from a place of so-called holiness and hopelessness...
He did everything out of love ❤️
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So then he dies 🙃
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So, as the end of The Ascension asked, what now? 
The album ends on this long track, which Sufjan describes as a protest against all that America has been and has become. 
It’s a protest against capitalism, of destroying humanity for the sake of some cold machinery. 
I have worshipped / I believed / I have broke your bread / for a splendor of machinery
And in true Sufjan fashion, he makes this song about protesting somehow both horny and religious, god bless
I have loved you / like a dream / I have kissed your lips / like a Judas in heat
I have worshipped / I have cried / I have put my hands in the wounds on your side / I have tasted of your blood / I have choked on the waters / I abated the flood / I am broken / I am beat / but I will find my way / like a Judas in heat
I am fortune / I am free / I’m like a fever of light / in the land of opportunity / don’t do to me / what you did to America / don’t do to me / what you do to yourself
  to finish out, here’s a DeanCas post by @eggcessive with lyrics from America ❤️ I HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY WEBWEAVING :)
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smolboiseavey · 4 years
“Hey, that’s my song!” // Daniel x Reader
word count: 1k
warnings: cheesy, kind of gross, wrote it in literally like 45 minutes, also inspired by tiktok
soulmate au where you can hear what your soulmate is listening to and vice versa. really fluffy and there's like no plot at all lol
hello I'm back from the dead
call me Taylor swift (Bri added this in)
Okay so 
Basically this doesn't make any sense logically but its a tiktok thing and i wanted to write about it
Here we go
One day, you’re just chillin
And all of a sudden, you hear quiet music in the back of your mind 
Like it wasn’t playing out loud like you originally thought, but rather playing inside your head
Confused, you turn to the internet for answers
A quick google search later, you find out its a type of soulmate link
The link allows you to hear what song they’re listening to
And whoever they were, definitely had good taste
It didn’t sound familiar, but it slapped
You couldn’t hear it well, but you did pick up a few lyrics
So you wrote them down immediately, determined to find said song
Because it slapped 
THAT hard
Like she was a banger
You were jamming along, when it suddenly stopped
With a shrug, you decide to go along with the rest of your day
The song, beyond any doubt, has stuck in your head since then
Meanwhile over at Daniel’s…
He was working on a song in the studio, but what's new
Absolutely nothing
N e way
Humming along to the beat he was creating, you could say he was really in his divine state
Slowly but surely, he heard a melody in his noggin
A familiar tune filled his earsIt was a song by lauv, who happened to be his friend
He didn’t really remember the name of the song, but he was definitely familiar with it
“Good choice, soulmate.” he mumbled to himself
“What was that?” Jonah asked, “Did you say something?”
“Yeah,” he replied, “my soulmate is listening to a song right now.” 
“Oh cool, i didn’t know you had that link but it's very fitting for a very musical mans like you.”
“Yeah man.” Daniel says with a small smile, “she has nice flavor.” 
Okay back to you
A week has gone by, and youre on your way to a cafe
Fast, right? Well I'm lazy
We zoomin
Also pretend we aren't in a pandemic and they can actually go outside and go to cafes and interact with people without dying
After hearing the song, you tried looking it up
But to no prevail, you came out empty handed
Maybe the song wasn’t out yet?
Was your soulmate a musician???T
hat would be pretty sweet, if you ask me
You know what’s super funny? 
Daniel is also there
Crazy!!! Its totally not like i’m writing this to make it work
You walk up to the cashier 
Humming the tune you originally heard
Because she do be stuck
Get some goo be gone
Because she's sticky
Daniel happens to be right in front of you, but since you happen to have no clue who they are for some reason
you don’t notice theres a lowkey famous person right under your nose
As you’re humming away, attention on the menu in front of you
He notices something…
He hears a melody, which sounds new but also very familiar
When suddenly it hits him
Its his song!!!! 
But the one that isn’t out yet
How would they know??? What is this?? What am I???? 
He turns
And he’s faced with you
You, who by now has spaced out, does not notice
Come on man, why 
I guess thats on me tho
He taps your shoulder
“Hey.” he says
“Hi.” you reply, “Can i help you?”
“Yeah, actually. What is that you’re humming?”
You look down at your feet with a sheepish smile. 
“I actually dont know.”
He gives you a weird look, but shrugs.“It’s a good melody, I like it.”
“Same here! I think my soulmate played it, thats the only reason why i know. Do you happen to know the song???”
He grins at you
And breaks out into a laugh
“Actually, that's my song you’re humming! Its not out yet tho.”
And then you go :000000
“No way! That’s crazy man.”
“Yeah,” he says, “i have no idea how you know it. Maybe your soulmate is like one of my producers or something.” 
You frown a little to yourself
The man before was pretty good looking
A swell looking fellow if you do say so yourself
You definitely would not mind if HE was your soulmate
he probably isn't tho, he’s way too hot
“I can take who’s next!” the barista at the cashier yells.
“Oop, i guess that’s me.” mystery man says, before turning away.
After that you get your drink and sit down, and realize mystery mans is sitting across the room
Putting your headphones in, you decide to get to work and stop thinking about the boy
Humming along with the song playing, you type away at your assignment or whatever you’re working on
That's up to you, its your work not mine
Daniel, sitting there also happens to think the same thing as you
What if YOU were his soulmate? That would explain why you knew the melody to his song when it wasn't scheduled to come out for another like month
All of a sudden, a song cuts into his thoughts
He looks up at you, and sees that you are also listening to a song
Happen to be humming along to the exact song he hears right now
Thats crazy
Totally didn’t see it coming
Right??? Sure
Immediately, he jumps up from his chair
I’m pretty sure it like fell and made a loud sound
But he’ll worry about that later
He BOLTS over to you
You, on the other hand, do not realize anything that’s going on because you have airpods in (or whatever headphone you use idk)
A song by your FAVORITE ALL TIME BAND who definitely is NOT why dont we…
Is blasting as you work away
So loud you don’t even realize daniel slide into the seat in front of you
When he gets there, he realizes it’s definitely you
Your music is so loud, he can hear it from where he’s sitting
He taps your laptop, and you pause your music, taking an earbud out
“WHy are you here? Can i help you?” you ask the stranger from before
“Hi, my name is daniel. Daniel seavey, to be exact. I think i’m your soulmate.”
That's it the end cliffhanger
And then kiss kiss fall in love 
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YESYESYES (I tried something a little different today, so I hope you enjoy it!)
Jumin had recently bought this island, that was famous because of their cats. Yes. Cat island. And so because Jumin is such a sweetheart he got everyone some plane tickets so they would head out for the island the next day!
At first, everyone except Saeyoung and V weren’t really up to the idea. But then, when you got so excited and said that it would be so fun to have a beach trip, they changed their minds pretty quickly!
And so, all of you woke up at about 4am, Jumin sent some cars to pick you all up and soon you were all in his private jet. V and Jumin were listening to some classical music and drinking some wine, Yoosung at first was looking around everywhere, since he had never been on a private jet before, but a few minutes later he fell asleep on his seat, next to Zen, who was complaining loudly to Jumin, about how waking up at this hour was stupid, and that he only agreed to go because you were going.
Jaehee was watching some of Zen´s DVD in the background, Saeyoung was loudly singing to some music (you joined him lmao) which made Saeran groan and put on his headphones at full volume, trying to ignore his way too energetic twin.
You smiled as you looked at everyone in the RFA. This would be so exciting!
After you all checked in in the hotel -the fanciest hotel you had ever been in- you all changed into your swimsuits and decided to meet up in a bit.
You all set up on the fancy beach, Jumin and V sitting on some chairs under a really big umbrella, meanwhile Jaehee was wearing a hat and walking around the beach, looking at Zen, who was teasing Yoosung into getting in the water. Saeyoung was building some sand cats, yes, sand cats and Saeran was standing awkwardly on the side, not really knowing what to do.
This was going to be awesome!
After traumatizing Yoosung for a bit, Zen called you over to get into the ocean with him. You smiled and grabbed his hand, as the both of you walked along the water, happily chatting. “I have to admit, even though I can’t stand that jerk, this beach trip was pretty nice. We haven’t all gone out like this in a while.” He said, while looking at all the RFA members, a big smile in his face. But then he turned around and pulled you closer to him, running his hands up your sides. “Although it is making me a bit jealous that they all got to see you in your swimwear like this. You look amazing.” A seductive smirk appeared on his face and Zen kissed you, and you both stood there, holding each other.
Until a big fucking wave got you guys and everyone laughed at the both of you. “THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING ALL LOVEY DOVEY!” Yoosung yelled, and Zen glared at him. Apart from that the beach trip was awesome, and you enjoyed spending time with Zen!
So, he wasn’t really a big fan of the ocean, but he liked the swimming pool! Yoosung and you had a swimming contest! And you ended up winning by a lot lmao. Afterwards you both made your way around the beach resort, admiring how fancy everything was.
Until you got lost. Yeah that wasn't good at all.
You both walked along for hours trying to find everyone else. And you didn’t succeed. At one point it had become night, and you were both back at the beach, holding each other’s hands. “I’m sorry Y/N. If I had just stayed with everyone we wouldn’t be in this predicament.” You shook your head and caressed Yoosung’s cheek. “It’s alright Yoosung. I had fun, to be honest! I love spending time with you.”
As Yoosung became red in the face, you saw a bright light and a loud bang followed right after. Fireworks!!! The two of you screamed happily and ran over to get a better view, and Yoosung wrapped his arm around you, giving you a forehead kiss.
It was absolutely adorable, and even though Saeyoung later teased the crap out of you two, you really enjoyed it!
“Y/N? Are you alright? Why are you so red in the face, oh! Don’t tell me you have a fever! Let me check!”
You blushed even more as Jaehee placed the back of her hand in your forehead, and you nervously chuckled, gently pulling it away. “Uh. It’s alright Jaehee. I-I just got distracted for a bit haha, anyway! Look at those seashells!” You quickly made your way to the shore, trying to hide your flushed face. When you saw Jaehee in a very cute two piece swimsuit you felt as if you were about to die. How could she look so freaking hot yet adorable at the same time?! You were just speechless.
Jaehee slowly followed you and helped you picking up shells. You both laughed as Seven tackled Yoosung in the water, while Zen was screaming loudly at the both of them for getting his beautiful face wet!
Soon enough you and Jaehee had picked up enough shells, and you placed them in a little bucket. Then, Jaehee grabbed your hand and led you to the water, where you were both looking at the beautiful sunset. Everything was perfect.
Until you felt a splash of water hit your face. You dramatically gasped as Jaehee giggled, and splashed some more water in your face. Before you knew it, it had become a water battle between the two of you, and you enjoyed it greatly! Jaehee kept running around and giggling the whole time, even when you grabbed her by the waist and carried her up, spinning her around.
When you came home from the beach, you both took the seashells and made them into a frame, and you put your favorite picture of the two of you together.
She really enjoyed spending the whole time with you, and she would love to do it again!
When you came to the beach, you made your way to Jumin and sat beside him, while talking to him and V, who had a huge smile on his face.
“Thank you for the trip, Jumin. It’s been a while since all of us travelled like this, together. I never thought we’d go out again ever since Rika passed away. But now, thanks yo Y/N, we’re able to do this again.” You blushed and shyly smiled at V.
Jumin didn’t really like to go and swim in the ocean, but you two decided to build some sand castles, since apparently he had never done that before. It all started as an innocent competition, until Jumin literally started making blueprints and measured everything so his sandcastle could be perfect!
And it was :D
Afterwards, you both went to your room and you changed into some clothes that Jumin had bought you. He escorted you to a really fancy restaurant in the place, and he got seats near a balcony so you could look at the sea while you ate. It was absolutely beautiful, the wind rustling his hair a bit, and everytime he looked at you and smiled, god, was he trying to kill you?
At one point Jumin grabbed your hand and kissed it, looking at you with eyes full of love. 
¨Thanks to you we're able to go out like this now...you've done so much for us, and you don't understand how lucky I feel to be here with you, right now. I love you, Y/N.¨
You both had an amazing dinner, and after the trip Jumin would sometimes take some days off so you could go there again.
He was so thrilled to go to the beach with you and his brother!
Honestly, he had never felt so happy in his life!
Then you saw that there was a place where you could rent surfing boards! And holy crap you both had never ran so fast to a place before.
The two of you tried (and failed miserably) to surf. Saeyoung had actually gotten the hang of it pretty quickly, but you kept getting distracted!
He just looked so handsome with his hair all wet, and pulled back a bit so it wouldn’t get in his way. And when he surfed he looked so fucking good.
At one point you bit your lip, and when Saeyoung saw the way you were looking at him he led you to a nearby bathroom.
After the both of you and back, and played some pranks on Yoosung, you decided to go and....LOOK FOR THE CATS! That was honestly one of the only reasons why he agreed to wake up that early and everything!
You both made your way around the little town that was near Jumin’s resort, and you soon found cats everywhere. They were so fucking cute holy shit.
The rest of the trip you took a bunch of pictures, sometimes with the cats and sometimes with Saeran (who was acting as if he didn’t want to be here but he was having a hella good time.)
One night Saeyoung led you to the roof of the resort and kissed you.
¨I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for everything.¨
When you come back Saeyoung promised you that you will go on trips more often now, and he just can’t help but smile remembering the good things that happened.
“How many times did we tell you to NOT DO IT?!” Zen screamed.
“This is not how I thought I’d spend my time. I’m leaving to see how Elizabeth the third is doing.”
“No you don’t, you jerk! You have to stay here with the rest of us.”
“Lololol Yoosung I never thought you’d actually do it!”
“Luciel this is partially your fault too, you were the one who urged him to do it, so you’re to blame too. If you hadn’t thrown your food it wouldn’t have been this bad.” Jaehee glared at Luciel, and he quickly hid behind you.
“AGHHHH Y/N SAVE ME!! That gaze almost turned me to stone, brrr so scary!”
“It’s your fault you idiot. You should’ve realized by now that Yoosung is dumb enough to fall for those stupid tricks of yours. Besides you didn’t even tried to help him, you made things worse!”
“Aghhh! Not you too Saeran! My own brother!! Everyone is against me right now, hey V, help meeee!!!”
“Well Luciel....if you hadn’t even dared him to jump in there, we wouldn’t be here right now...so I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with Jaehee on this one.” V laughed nervously.
You may be wondering, what the hell happened?
Seven did.
Let me explain.
You were all eating lunch, when Seven dared Yoosung to go and jump into this little pond (that was made because of some rocks) to grab some crabs. It was going fine, until a whole bunch of them decided to go against Yoosung, and they started pinching him everywhere, so Yoosung quickly got out and started screaming.
Zen was about to help him, when Seven threw his sandwich at Yoosung while yelling YEET and NATURAL SELECTION DO YOUR THING, making some seagulls who were passing by, go and attack Yoosung.
Then Yoosung fell in a sand hole that you and Seven had made before near the shore, it was really deep, and when the crabs and seagull were finally off him, a fucking little octopus appeared and decided to latch onto Yoosung’s head.
Seven just laughed while Zen and Jaehee tried to get the octopus off, Jumin was sighing like a disappointed parent, and Saeran was actually smirking.
Meanwhile V had tried to go and help, but he went to the wrong place because...well he can’t see, so he was touching a palm tree while yelling for Yoosung.
And that’s how Yoosung became traumatized for life!
But it was honestly so funny lmao
Later when you’re all in the restaurant Seven orders some octopus on purpose to traumatize Yoosung even more.
And that’s why, kids, you should never go and pick up crabs because Seven dared you to.
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samshogwarts · 4 years
The Reunion
Ok guys ... I do. I publish a fan fiction of myself. And it's even a shipping story between Samantha and Charlie.
To be honest, I thought for a long, really long time whether I should do that. On the one hand because I think that I am not particularly talented when it comes to writing and on the other hand because I want to be careful with the subject itself.
I know Charlie's sexuality is sometimes a sensitive issue and there are also a lot of people who ship their MC with Charlie. Therefore, I would like to make it clear again that I do not see my shipping as the ultimate and, for example, like to read stories from other shippers myself. This is also how I understand when people say that Charlie is Asexual or Aromantic. Everyone can decide for themselves.
Well, since it's my first fanfiction, I'm really looking forward to your opinion and I hope you like it! So here we go.
(oh and before I forget: thank you @annabelle-tanaka-official and @mollydarling-hphm to encourage me to post it!!! 💙❤️💚💛 You are great)
The reunion light
Almost 7 years have passed since the Khana Circle graduated and went their own way. It's been that long since Charlie Weasley and Samantha O’Connell split up. At this time they promised to remain best friends. But the reality was different. The two never spoke a word to each other again. Since then, Samantha has never visited the Weasley family again too. It reminded her too much of the man she actually loves. And now the wizarding world was about to throw itself into another wizarding war. Two Years ago the Ministry finally realized that the Dark Lord Voldemort had returned. Harry Potter, his friends and members of the Order of the Phoenix fought against him. And last year Death Eaters broke into Hogwarts and killed Albus Dumbledore. And despite the difficult time, or rather because of it, Samantha was all the more surprised when she got the invitation from Bill Weasley. Bill is getting married! Samantha heard that Bill found someone and that made her very happy for him. He deserves it.
Arthur Weasley spoke to Samantha at the Ministry and Samantha promised to show up a few days in advance at the Burrow to help with the preparations. And so it was. Samantha arrived at the Burrow and met Ron Weasley's friends. Samantha had known the entire Weasley family for years and Ron was like a little brother to her. He proudly introduced his friends Hermione Granger and the legendary Harry Potter. Samantha liked them both, and it wasn't even a day before she noticed that Hermione was making certain preparations that had nothing to do with the wedding. Samantha only knew fragments of what was going on, as Tonks had told her a lot. Maybe it would have been her job to prevent the three of them from doing whatever they were up to, but Samantha felt she had to do the opposite. So she gave Hermione hints during the days that she would help her. Indeed, Hermione took advantage of her help.
Now it was only one day before the wedding. Meanwhile, Samantha got along well with Fleur Delacour, Bill's fiancé. She and Tonks even talked Samantha into going out and buying a beautiful dress with the wedding. Samantha was standing in the kitchen with Molly helping her prepare food for the wedding. Bill stood in the doorway and watched the two of them: "Does it just seem like that to me, or have you learned to cook better?" "Haha very funny. But yeah you are right. Dad found some old cookbooks from Mum. " “Samantha, darling. Bill is right. You really learned something. " Samantha smiled wryly. "There is nothing that she cannot learn." Samantha stopped instantly in position. It wasn't the voice of Bill or Molly or anyone from the Burrow. While Samantha turned around, she heard Molly: “CHARLIE! Sweetheart, you're finally here! " Molly hugged her second oldest son and he returned the greeting with a hug. There he was - Charlie Weasley. Samantha had completely forgotten that he was going to be Bill's best man. The last time she had seen him 7 years ago. His skin was tanned from the sun in Romania. Working with the dragons  made his arms and body more muscular, his long hair was tied in a ponytail and he wore a three-day beard. Samantha swallowed imperceptibly. God he looked good! 
Charlie and Samantha's eyes met briefly and immediately both looked in a different direction. Bill greeted his younger brother right after Molly and then patted him on the shoulder: “I'll bring your things to the room. After all, you've had a long journey behind you! " With one look at Samantha, Bill walked out of the kitchen: "Damn Bill." Samantha thought to herself and turned back to deal with the cake batter. “Charlie, darling. If you want you can rest in the living room. " “Thank you, but actually I would really like to move. I had to sit the whole trip. Where are the others? Maybe I can help build it up? " “Oh, they left some time ago and will probably be finished soon. Wash your hands and help me and Samantha help with meal preparation. " Damn Molly! Samantha began to knead the dough faster than she heard footsteps beside her.
Charlie stood next to Samantha without saying anything. What an absurd situation! But Samantha tried to concentrate on the dough: "Will you give me the spoon, please?" After 7 years of silence and so their first conversation began. "Yes of course." The eyes of the two met and this time they don't look away immediately. Samantha looked into Charlie's eyes and she immediately felt like she was sinking. Charlie looked at her too. What was going on in his head at that moment? Samantha had no idea. And so they set about preparing the meal. Molly asked Charlie about his work in Romania and Samantha listened in silence. Occasionally she couldn't help but also asked questions: "And you really tried to solder horn from the Romanian longhorn on?" "But the wing of the Norwegian spiked hump has healed again, right?" That was something Samantha had so much in common with Charlie. Their mutual love for dragons. After a while the two were even able to talk to each other normally and so the day passed.
The next day the time had come. The day of the wedding had come and if nothing has always been chaotic in the Burrow, that was definitely the case today! The whole family and all friends and guests whirled around and Samantha couldn't escape it either. Ultimately, however, she fell into the clutches of Tonks and Elaiza. The two had set it in their heads to fix Samantha's look for the Day. Charlie seemed to feel the same way with his mother. He's always wanted his hair to grow as long as Bill's, but Molly decided to cut it radically short. In the late afternoon the time had come and the celebrations began in the Weasley's garden. Everything was festively decorated and music could be heard through the whole tent. Everyone laughed and danced and it was almost as if the horror in the world did not exist for a while.
Samantha sat at a table and watched the people while she sipped a glass of wine. She had just danced with Fred and George. She was lucky that the two jokers finally gave her a break. Charlie sat down next to her: "Do you have a Glass for me too?" With a smile, Samantha pushed her glass over to Charlie's. Imperceptibly, she bit her lip lightly. God, that man in the suit looked so good! Samantha quickly tried to think of something else: “Nice party, right? It seems almost surreal when you consider what is currently happening. " Charlie leaned forward and leaned against the table: "You're right. Bill said that's why they should be celebrated. By the way ... do you want ... to dance? " Charlie looked back and forth between Samantha and the dance floor: “You? And dance? Voluntary?" Samantha crossed her arms and smiled wryly. Charlie was really what you would call a dance grouch: ”Well. I don't know when the last time my head was so light. Maybe I just want to take advantage of that. " Charlie turned his head back and forth to show his head of hair: “And with you I at least know that you can do it. So you will have to take the lead. But don't expect me to do this turn-around thing! " Samantha had to laugh: “Haha. OK. You got me. Fine Let us dance." Charlie and Samantha smiled at each other, got up and went to the dance floor. What they didn't know was that their friends were watching them.
Arriving on the dance floor, the two stood there and looked shyly at each other. There was one thing the two of them hadn't considered. Samantha put her hand on his shoulder and Charlie put his hand on her waist. Samantha held her breath and her heart was beating so wildly that she thought Charlie must hear it. But then the two began to move and dance to the music. It was a strange feeling. Suddenly everything around them seemed to disappear and Samantha looked Charlie in the eye and he looked into hers. He too seemed to be holding his breath too: "It was 7 years ago, wasn't it?" "Yes ..." "Time goes by really fast." "Yes…." Charlie didn't know what he was talking about at this point: “Listen, Sam ... If you don't want to talk, that's okay. I mean .. ” “I know what you want to say. But that's not it. It's complicated and, to be honest, I don't know what to think myself. " Charlie lifted his head briefly and looked into the distance with a crooked smile: "Yeah, it's definitely not easy to dance with the guy you dumped years ago." Samantha paused. What is that bitter undertone in his voice? And even if he did, what did he say? “I dumped you? Charlie, you were the one who went to Romania without asking. You didn't hesitate for a second." Now Charlie stopped and looked at Samantha confused: “Sam. I got an offer for my dream job. I thought if someone understands then you… ” 
Samantha shook her head:“ Of course I understood. Do you really think that's what this was about? Never, really never could I stand between you and your dream. But do you think I would have followed you and sat at home all day? Do you think I would let you carry the burden alone? I wanted to do an apprenticeship here in England and then I would have followed you to the end of the world!" Now Charlie seemed to lose all color in his face and Samantha could hear his heart beating. Hers too seemed to be pounding wildly on her chest. What was it that made her bring up all of this now? Even if so, Charlie must have been over their relationship for years. But why did it seem to excite him? He took a deep breath and put his hand on Samantha's shoulder: "Does that mean ...that you never wanted to break up?" The words struck Samantha like a knife in her heart. He thought she wanted to end the relationship then? But instead of an answer, Samantha managed just a slow shake of her head. All these years she thought he didn't want a relationship with her anymore. Charlie seemed to shake inwardly and his hand on Samantha's shoulder was trembling: "And what about ..." But before Charlie could finish the sentence, a white and blue ball of light shot through the tent roof and turned into a lux. It was the Patronus of Kingsley Shacklebolt. The whole tent fell silent and Kingsley's voice rang out:" The minister is dead. The ministry has fallen ... they're coming!" And with a soft hiss the Patronus disappeared. Instantly panic broke out among the guests. The first disappeared or ran wild. But there wasn't much time. Samantha and Charlie looked at each other briefly and in the next moment black clouds of smoke appeared in the tent and red flares flew through the area. The Death Eaters were there!
Samantha and Charlie just managed to avoid a curse by jumping backwards. Well, then it might be time to stress out a bit. Samantha's face turned rock hard and her eyes red as fire. Over the years she had learned to use and control her vampire skills. Immediately she heard the heartbeat and the flowing blood of everyone in the tent. She counted 18, no 20 opponents. But all just ordinary magicians. One was standing right behind her, raising his wand. But before he could even begin to cast a curse, Samantha turned and gave her opponent a targeted kick in the head. The Death Eater fell to the ground, unconscious. Very few wizards expected the enemy to attack physically in combat. And that's what Samantha had gotten really good at over the years. Still, she wanted to get her wand. It was lying in her handbag on the table where she was drinking wine with Charlie a few moments ago. Arrived at the table, Samantha could barely avoid an explosion spell and returned the attack by hitting the opponent with a chair. Using the table as cover, Samantha tried to get an overview of the situation. For a brief moment she saw Ron standing with Hermione and Harry Potter in disguise. Hermione and Samantha's eyes met briefly and Samantha nodded to her. With a fixed look Hermione returned the look and in the next moment all 3 had disappeared. There was no time to breathe, because Samantha had to avoid the next curses and Samantha saw Charlie running towards her. She ran towards him out of instinct, even if she didn't know what he was up to: "HOLD ON!" he just called and Samantha understood: "Charlie no wait!" Too late, Charlie had already wrapped his arms around her and disappeared with her to another place. The many lights blurred and it got darker, colder ... and wetter.
The two appeared on a street. By now it was getting late and dark and where Charlie had brought them it was pouring rain. Samantha didn't have to look around. She recognized the counter immediately. They were 2 blocks from her home in Ireland. “What are you doing there Charlie? We have to go back and help the others!" Still with red vampire eyes she gave Charlie an angry look. But without saying a word, Charlie took Samantha's hand and pulled her down the streets, "Charlie!" But he just stopped in front of Samantha's front door, turned around and took her handbag to look for the key while he said: “Listen. I think you are now so strong that you could have taken on the enemies alone. But if what Kingsley said is true, then you-know-who will hear of that and will send more. And if they don't defeat you, they will look for ways to weaken you. " Samantha exhaled heavily: "And then they will start to attack my friends and everyone close to me." Samantha looked at the floor with sagging shoulders. Her eyes returned to the color of the emerald green. She felt stupid because she couldn't think of it immediately. But when it came to her loved ones, Samantha quickly lost her strategic thinking. 
Charlie finally found the key and opened the door. Both entered and were already soaking wet from the rain. Charlie locked the door behind him and turned to Samantha: “Believe me ... I feel the same way. It ... it's my family after all. " Samantha looked into Charlie's eyes and could see his struggle inside. Then why did he stay here with her when he would rather be with his family? "Charlie ... if you'd rather go ... I mean, I'm safe here .." "No. I don't think either of us should be alone now. And I don't think they're hurting my family ... I mean, I think Ron and the others escaped. I ... at least I haven't seen her anymore and ... ” “Charlie. Ron and his friends escaped. I saw them disappear. And this Hermione ... I know she was prepared. She asked me to give her some books and potions." Samantha gently put her hand on Charlie's face: “And I gave it to her. And taught her a few protection spells. " Charlie's face seemed to relax a bit and he looked directly at Samantha: "Thank you." And so the two stopped. Charlie put his hand on Samantha's and began to stroke it lightly with his thumb. How good his skin felt on hers. Like an animal blinded by the light, Samantha could not escape it and seemed to forget everything around her. But a raindrop that ran down her neck brought her back and she also withdrew her hand: “I'll go get us towels. It’s enough that a war might break out soon. We don't have to catch a cold then. Charlie agreed with a smile and Samantha went to the guest bathroom.
No! She was not allowed to. She mustn't give in to her feelings. Secretly she was a ghost agent and she was forbidden to have feelings for a wizard! It was only putting Charlie in danger. Samantha came back with two towels in her arms. Charlie had now taken off his shoes and socks and Samantha threw the towel at him: “As soon as we're halfway dry, I'll get something else to wear. I should have some of Jack's clothes upstairs. " “Was your brother here? Your father allows him to enter the house? " Surprised and with a smile, Charlie looked at Samantha while he dried his head: "Gritting his teeth, yes. Jack was even allowed to stay a couple of times. We have been working on our relationship for the past few years. I think you can say that we made up again."
After the two of them dried themselves off and Samantha looked for new clothes for them, both changed (Samantha in her bedroom and Charlie in the bathroom). In the living room, Charlie made a fire in the fireplace and Samantha brought tea. They sat down next to each other on the sofa, but avoided eye contact. There they were now. Two grown people who acted like teenagers and didn't know what to say. Samantha sipped her tea nervously. Charlie was the first to find the courage to speak: “Listen, Sam. Because of the thing from before ... You mean you never wanted to end our relationship. And ... I didn't want that either. Then why did we do that?" With this question Charlie turned to Samantha and seemed to fix her with his gaze. "Honestly, I do not know. All these years I thought you didn't want me with you in Romania. That it would be too much for you." “And I thought all these years that it was getting too much for you. That you didn't want to be with me anymore But that wasn't true." Without realizing it, both turned to each other and looked directly at each other. Samantha's heart seemed to almost explode, almost aching in her chest. She hoped Charlie wouldn't complete his question from before, but it was as if he could read her mind:"How do you feel about me today?" Samantha took a deep breath and held it. That seemed like enough of an answer to Charlie. With his fingertips he first gently stroked her cheek, over her neck and finally he ran his fingers into her hair. God how good that felt. Their faces got closer and closer and when Charlie's fingers started to play with her hair, Samantha closed her eyes.
The next thing she felt Charlie's lips on her own. His warm and soft lips hugged hers tightly and Samantha kissed him back. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. Charlie accepted this invitation immediately, put his free hand around her waist and pulled Samantha even closer. While Samantha ran her fingers through his hair and stroked his neck, Charlie briefly broke away from the kiss by a few millimeters. Samantha could feel his breath on her lips. Both opened their eyes briefly and all Samantha could see were Charlie's beautiful eyes. Eyes in which a fire burned as she had never seen it in any other person. Eyes so full of passion for life. Eyes that belonged to the man Samantha loved dearly. She could never stop loving him. Quietly, barely audible, Charlie breathed: "Sam ..." Then he kissed her again. More passionate, stronger and also wilder. However, as Charlie pronounced her name, it set off 1,000 fireworks in Samantha. Her whole body shook and tingled like she had never seen it before. Slowly her tongue penetrated his mouth and Charlie returned the game with his. With his left hand he held her head and buried his fingers more and more in her hair, which slowly opened further, with his right hand he ran along her back. She, however, continued to stroke his hair and with the other hand she stroked his chest. She could feel his muscles and his heartbeat under his shirt and she cursed every inch that was between them.
Through the movement Samantha's shirt had slipped a little and when Charlie ran his hand along her back, he ran it over her shirt and his hand now touched her bare skin. Now Samantha's mind is completely lost and this must also have triggered something for Charlie. They both paused for a moment and loosened their tongues. They both looked at each other again, but this time it was harder to breathe. Samantha lightly brushed Charlie's lips and cheek with one finger. The fireworks in her body just didn't stop. Charlie pulled his hand out of her hair. Her hairstyle was now completely messed up and her hair was hanging loose. Charlie took hers with his free hand and kissed first the fingers and then the inside. Samantha caught her breath. Then he ran his hand down the other side of her body until he was under her shirt with both hands. Again both paused briefly in their movement and looked at each other. There would be no step back now. 
Shortly afterwards both of them gave themselves up completely and seemed to forget everything around them. For a brief moment there was no return of the Dark Lord, no wedding that was blown up, no 7 years of solitude. No matter what was happening in the world, it was only important for them that they still loved each other and that they had finally realized their mistake from back then.  They would never repeat this mistake.  From now on the two belonged together.  And they prove it to themselves. In the end, both of them were still wrapped in a blanket on the sofa. Charlie was lying on top of Samantha and playing with her hair.
After a few seconds Samantha began to scratch Charlie's back until he finally lifted his head slightly to look at her. His cheeks were fiery red, and Samantha must have looked the same. It was even cute to see him with those cheeks, his eyes bright with joy. "I never stopped ..." Samantha finally said. "Never stopped what?" Charlie asked curiously with a slight smile. "Loving You. Charlie Weasley, I never stopped loving you. And I don't think I will either…” Charlie stiffened for a moment and seemed to be holding his breath. So many emotions flickered briefly in his eyes that Samantha couldn't see them all. Did Charlie suddenly have tears in his eyes? With watery eyes he kissed Samantha gently but intensely and then said: “And I never stopped loving you. And I never will stop.  From now on, we will never part again." A single tear landed on Samantha's cheek and mingled with her own. All the years of their separation have been pointless. No one had ever ceased to love the other. Neither of them ever wanted to part. It was all because of a misunderstanding! If only they had said earlier what they felt! But what has been seen is seen and Samantha's chest overflowed with happiness because she was finally reunited with Charlie. She had never felt more happiness in her life until then. Charlie gently ran his finger over Samantha's face.
"Hey, are you hungry?" “Mmh .. food sounds good. Come on, I'll do something in the kitchen. " They both got up, dressed and went into the kitchen. It was as if the two were in another world where there was no evil. Samantha made a couple of sandwiches for the two of them in the kitchen and while they ate they told each other what they'd been up to for the past few years. Charlie mainly talked about his work and the dragons. And the Quidditch championship from 3 years ago of course. He wasn't surprised to hear that Samantha was there too. After all, Ireland played. But they did not run into each other. As Samantha started talking it got more serious. She didn't want any secrets from Charlie, so she decided to tell him about the ghost agents. For a moment, Samantha thought Charlie was going to break into the Ministry and blow up her superiors, but he managed to calm himself down. They decided it was a long day and they should go to bed. However, Charlie insisted on wrapping and holding Samantha in bed like a burrito. Which Samantha found very cute.
The next morning they both woke up arm in arm and it was one of the few times that Samantha wasn't in a bad mood in the morning. They were having breakfast together when Samantha started to get back to reality. They couldn't hide forever in their dream world: “When the ministry has been taken over by you-know-who, they will start enforcing their regime. That means all non-purebloods will be persecuted ... and those ... like me. " Charlie's eyes hardened. Even if Samantha's mother's family was pure blood, there w as still her vampiric family:“ Ok. And where do we hide best? Here and with my family they will look first." “Not us Charlie. I." Immediately Charlie understood what Samantha was saying and he got angry: “Oh no Sam. It is out of the question. After 7 years I finally have you back. I won't let you disappear in the  underground the next day and who knows how long won't see you again!" 
“Charlie, now think about it. If we both go it will only be suspicious! Then they will know that you have something to do with me after last night. And in the worst case, it falls back on Bill and the others. We can't risk that." Samantha was absolutely right about what she said. And Charlie knew that. Still, he clenched a fist on the table and looked anything but satisfied. But to his surprise Samantha smiled: “Do you think something I have no plan? Did you know that there are a lot of crows in Romania?" “What does that have to do with it now? Oooohhhh…” Suddenly a light came on Charlie and he understood:“ But Sam, you are a registered Animagus. They will know that you can turn into a crow." 
Samantha looked over her toast and raised her eyebrows:“ And you really think the dark lord and his arms will hunt all crows and ravens all over Europe? Just because of a runaway half-vampire?" “Who could potentially defeat half of all Death Eaters after what you told me yesterday. But well, point for you. And how does it continue?" Samantha and Charlie both folded their arms and Samantha took a deep breath:" I'm going to have to make preparations with my colleagues. I assume they will have similar plans. But I still have connections with witches and wizards which could be dangerous for them. I have to make the Death Eaters think I have no connection with the wizarding world. That's why it's so important to be seen in public without me for you. You have to tell people that I ran away yesterday evening." Charlie nodded briefly:“ That makes sense to me. And then? I will have to go back to Romania as soon as I know that my family is fine." "Yeah! That makes sense. Well and when you are back in Romania ... " 
Samantha leaned forward slightly and smiled playfully at her boyfriend: "Then keep one of your windows open. They say that when a crow flies through a window, it brings good luck." Charlie leaned forward with a smile too and kissed Samantha. When it came off he bit her lip lightly: "I can hardly wait."
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Who knew
THIS STORY WAS WRITTEN A LONG TIME AGO AND I WANTED TO POST SOMTHING FOR CALUMS BIRTHDAY. I know its not good grammar and all that but if I'm being honest I didn't want to edit it. Spacing it correctly was enough for me haha.
“Babe ready for tonight?” Cal said as I tied my shoes. I decided to go pretty casual. Black jeans, white tee, black converse. Hair tied back in a low ponytail.
'Yeah just about.' We head outside to the car over to Ashton's for the long awaited house par-tay. About 20minutes later, Cal and I reach Ash's place. And get inside quickly because it was beginning to rain.
“HEY EVERYBODY!” Michael yells with a drink in his hand. 'Well someone is already shit faced' I say  causing Calum to laugh. I look around to see Luke talking to Miranda and Casey as well as  newbies, who I haven't gotten to know yet. Ash and Sasha were fetching more drinks from the 'beer fridge' Nia and Rena giggling at something one of them said and of course, already drunk, Michael (lol).
“Here guys” Casey says while handing us a drink, 'now let's get this house party started!' He shouts and we all laugh.
(Couple hours into party)
The music was blasting; so loud I could feel every beat in it. Luke, Casey and Miranda were "dancing" I think (lol) Michael passed out a while ago. No one wanted to move him so we left him in the middle of the floor. I was sitting next to Ash who was sitting next to Sasha who passed out on the couch. Rena was across from us and passed out as well. As I turn to see what calums doing I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. With his drunken gaze and smile he stood flirting and giggling like a fucking school girl with Nia. I'll just say it. I don't like Nia, she doesn't like me either. So I normally wouldn't waste my time on her but she was too close to my boyfriend and I wasn't having it. I jumped off the couch,and I walked over to Calum and Nia.
'What the fuck are you doing?'.
'Fuck off Alyssa, can't you see he's busy with someone he actually likes?' Nia says.
'Aha Nia you're so full of shit' I fake laugh to finish off my sentence.
'The fuck is that suppose to mean?
' 'You're a fake ass bitch who no one likes, if you were actually respectful, you'd have real friends. 'Removing herself from cal she pushes me. 'Excuse me bitch,' I go to push her back but am hit in the face with a big, strong hand. Calum's hand. I turn to him, a hurt expression on my face.
'Fuck off' he simply said. I turned back to Nia who was smiling like the bitch she is. That's when I went to her. With a fist full of her hair I began bashing her head and face with my other fist again and again and again. I was so engulfed with rage and didn't care how much my hands were hurting. Her hand managed to grab hold of my hair too. She started punching me as well faster; harder. I closed my eyes as we moved around trying to throw her to the ground. But suddenly I was the one thrown down. She had kicked the side of my knee causing my knees to buckle backwards. As she sat on top of me punching and scratching. All I could do was try to cover my face and head. I don't understand why I wasn't winning this, I could easily take her. But I realized it was because of Calum. He wounded me mentally and emotionally. He's such an asshole when he drinks. I tried to look over at him to see if he was seeing this. And he was.  I feel the blood oozing from my face. I feel where the bruises will be tomorrow. I started to see little black dots. I was blacking out.
'That's right bitch, I'm gonna take your ma-.'
'NIA WHAT THE FUCK!?' Casey yelled. Ashton, being closest to us got here first.
'Nia... Get... The fuck... Off her!!!' Ash said as he literally threw Nia off, with Miranda and Casey catching and holding her back. Ash came over and I felt my body being lifted up; hearing Sasha repeating my name as well as Ashton yelling.
'What the fuck is wrong with you mate?! You're just gonna watch as your girlfriend gets beat up?! That's a dick move man. You don't even deserve Liss, I can't fucking believe you!' Then I hear a smack and something that sounds like a body hit the floor. Then it went completely black.
(Couple hours later)
As I come to, my body aches everywhere; my head is killing me; and I can barely open my eyes. I  sit up very slowly taking in my surroundings.
'Liss, honey don't sit up, you need to rest.'  Grandma's voice  boomed like thunder in the room. I grimaced. 'Sorry' she said.
'How did I get here?'
'That Ashton boy came, I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the door but he told me what happened.'
'Oh' I said simply. Over the course of the next few days I stayed with grandma till my body wasn't as achey.  I was moving around and doing minimal tasks around the house. Grandma left for the weekend with her boyfriend, so I got to play music softly in the house. Just as I was going to make myself some food, there's a knock on the door. I go over to open it and it's Ashton. I smile spread over my face, as painful as it was. 'Here come in.' He comes in and immediately gives me a hug. Not that tight though. The embrace was so warm and loving I didn't want to let go of him. When I did, he was in tears. 'Ashy? What's wrong?'
'Nothing I'm glad to see you up and moving. But I'm here to take care of you.'
'Take care of me?, Hun I'm okay.'
'Please, it will give me peace of mind?' I looked at him; his eyes so glossy, I couldn't say no.
'Okay ash.'  As the weeks pass, I've been with Ashton 24/7. Meanwhile Calum hasn't made any effort to text or talk to me. And normally I'd be depressed but for some reason, I'm not. Ashton has made me feel so good and so warm and so loved that I'm not sure about Calum.
(Couple days later)
'Yay movie time!!!' Ashton yells running down the stairs.
'Ahaha, what movie tonight ashy?'
'The best of me.'
'The best of me? Aha.'
'Yeah, I'm feeling romantic today. Aha.'
We pop in the movie with our blanket and popcorn and my dots gummies. Something about tonight felt different. I noticed Ashton was wearing cologne; he was just extra hot tonight. As the movie played on, I couldn't really focus, and neither could ash. At least in the movie.
'Yeah a-' before I could finish his lips were on mine. So soft and warm and I couldn't help but kiss him back. There was a spark bigger than any I've ever felt, even with Calum. His hands felt all over my back, arms and legs. I felt so safe in his arms. Next thing I know, we are making love on his couch. Gentle and passionate love till we reached our highs and fell asleep in each other's arms.
(Couple months later)
Mikey's birthday is coming up and I wanted to get him something he'd like so I went with Sash. We went into the shop and looked around.
'Liss, are you okay? You look a little pale.' Sasha says with concern on her face.
'I'm a fine girl, it's good.' I smile. But actually I don't feel fine. I've been like this for a while. And right now I felt even worse. 'Sa.. Sash, I don't...,' the room started spinning and my legs felt weak.
'Liss? LISS!' She said it when dark.  
When I came to, I was in the hospital, and Sasha was rocking back and forth in the chair next to me holding my hand. 'Sash, what's happening?'
'You fainted Liss, I freaked and called an ambulance and they did some tests. I'm er... We're waiting for the results.' Just as she finished, the doctor came in.
'Miss Perkins, how are you feeling?'
I'm feeling better.'
'Good, we gave you some fluids to help nourish your body. We did some blood work and noticed you're not nourished enough due to your pregnancy, an-'
'WHAT!?' Sasha said.
'Wait, I'm pregnant?' The doctor nodded her head.
'Yes Miss Perkins, the tests show that the fetus was conceived about three and a half months ago.'
'THREE AND A HALF MONTHS!?' Sasha said and turned to look at me. '
I see you need a minute ladies, I'll leave you be.' She left and closed the curtain.
'Three and a half months Liss?' I stared into space thinking.
' three and a half months ago I had sex with Calum but at the end of that month, after all that, I slept with Ashton to-.' Sash sat with her jaw dropped. 'I don't know, whose it is.'
'You have to let them know Liss.'
'Can you go with me?'
'Course Liss.'
(The next day eh... Night)
I asked Ashton to come over and without hesitation he came. And with the help of Sash, Calum came to. I'm nervous, I haven't seen or talked to him in months. How would he react to this news, how would both of them react? But they're both here. And I need to get this out.  I walk to the living ash and cal are sitting on opposite sides of the room. I clear my throat as I enter.
'Hey guys.'
'Hey liss.' They say, one quieter than the other.
'I...uh.... I....uhh..' I look to Sasha for help.  And she came.
'Listen guys with everything that has happen, Liss need you to put it behind you and listen the fuck up, Liss is...
“I’m Pregnant and either one of you can be the dad. I'm not sure but I wanted you both to know.' Calum's eyes went wide. Ashton's hands went to his chin
As the months come and go. Each appointment was just a reminder that the baby was coming soon. Sasha went with me for every one. I told the doctor I didn't want to know the gender of the baby. All I care about is that it's healthy. Ashton was there helping every step of the way. Making sure I was relaxed and calm and that there was no stress around the baby. When I needed a back rub, Ashton was there to give it. If there was no ice cream in the house, he was on it. Calum on the other hand helped more in a financial way. He had stopped by two days ago, which I was shocked by, just to talk.
(Flash back)
'Uh.. Come in.'
'I'm not staying long princess.' Princess? I just looked at him more confused than ever.
'I haven't been around or contacted you because I don't know how to forgive myself from that night. I lost myself after that. I...' He started rubbing his arms.
'Cal, no. Please tell me you didn't.' As he looked at me a tear left his eye.
'I'm sorry princess, I.... I didn't know what to do. I went to rehab  and... I do-.' I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him. Stopping his words in their tracks. He squeezed me, getting as close to me as he could due to my belly.
'Liss, I love you, I've never stopped loving you. You're my one and only. I'll do whatever it is for you to forgive and take me back. Please. Baby please.'
End of flashback)
Since that talk, he's been around the house more and the tension between him and Ashton was very uncomfortable. The dirty glances they give each other. The shoving into each other. At least that's what Sash tells me. They behave themselves in front of me and the baby. I was lying in bed continuously tossing and turning. I don't know why I couldn't sleep. Then all of a fucking sudden, Sasha burst through my door. 'SASHA!?'
'What the hell I almost peed on my-.'
'Shhh, listen.' I didn't understand what she was talking about till I heard voices.
'Cal and Ash?' I mouthed to her. And she nodded her head.
(Whisper yelling)
'Listen, I don't give a fuck that you like her Ashton, she's my girl, so you need to back up off her.'
'Me? Are you fucking kidding me! I've been here for her all this time you stupid fuck, she wants me. I don't care what you two used to be, but I know she cares for me. I'm here all day every day taking care of her and when I'm not I-.'
'When you're not blah blah blah, I'm the father of that child, Ashton. Not you. Get over it. Whatever you thought you had with her is not there anymore.' It went quiet. They must have been angrily staring at one another. Till Ash spoke.
'As much as I want that baby to be mine, as much as I want to stand here and brag about how my dick got her pregnant,  we won't know whose it is till its born, and till then let's act like men and cut the crap Calum, we've caused enough drama in this house.' Two pairs of footsteps walked in opposite directions and two doors slammed. Sasha looks at me with her mouth partly opened.
'I don't know what to say or think about that.'
'Me neither Sash, me neither.
With the baby coming in less than a three weeks, sasha is busy getting everything ready for the baby shower being that we don't know the sex yet. The color theme is light grey and soft green. Everything looks so cute. I look around the living room to see Ashton putting up streamers and Calum putting up the giant pacifier piñata. Calum and I are better and by that I mean back to being couple-like. Ashton has gotten a bit distant. After that night when Sasha and I heard them talking, they act like neither one is there. They don't talk to each other and it makes me sad. They were really good friends always joking and playing around. And now, nothing. They're just strangers who know each other really well. But they're okay for right now.
(Later that day)
It was time for the shower to start. Sasha made me a special seat covered. The guests arrived and everyone came. Everyone except Nia. Everyone got situated with food and drinks and we socialize for a while.
'Okay everyone it's time for a game!!' Sasha shouted. She was more excited than anybody. 'So in this game you will pick up a diaper. All the diapers have a number on the-.'
'Why do they have numbers?' Mike butted in.
'Michael shut up let me have my moment!' Everyone laughed. 'As I was saying, all the diapers have a number because inside all the diapers is a little mess. Don't worry it's all candy, the point of the game is to guess the candy!'
'Why does it look like shit?' Michael says as we laugh again.
'What the fuck do you think babies do in diaper's Michael.' Everyone laughs harder.
'Babe I'm just messing with you, you're doing really good at this.'
'Well thanks butthead.' We ended up not really finishing the game. We just kinda are all eating the chocolate in the diapers. Mine was a snickers, there was also the Milky Way, Twix, and... Well just a lot of chocolate. 'PRESENT TIME!!!' Sash yelled. And everyone went to grab their gifts.
'Hey Liss.' Miranda said.
 'This is from Nia. She handed me an envelope. Everyone got kinda quiet as I opened it.
'It's a card.' I said aloud.
'What does it say?' Ashton and Calum say in unison. I open the card and starts scanning with my eyes
"Congrats on the pregnancy Alyssa, hope all goes well. I'm sorry for giving you hell. I realize I can never have what you have and I'm sorry for trying to take it from you. You're his dream girl and I can't compete with that. You're more a woman than I ever will be and I hope one day we can get passed this. You deserve great things. But anyways, congrats."
'What does it say Lissachu?' Sasha says to me.
'She said congrats on the baby.' I say feeling a weight lift off of me, not knowing I even had one.  The rest of the baby shower went well. I just sat and ate everything Saha handed me (lol). These cravings were getting the best of me.
(Night time) Today was actually really good. There were a few spills at the shower, and after the shower that was mainly Michaels fault but got cleaned by 'mother Sasha'. And surprisingly Ashton and Calum, after a couple drinks, started talking again. (I know what you're thinking, alcohol at a baby shower? Blame Mike). It was as if there was no bad blood between them. It filled my heart with warmth and happiness. As I lay down and get comfy I close my eyes and give a big, calming sigh and begin to drift off the sleep. Then  I get a tickle in my nose and... 'ACHOO!' I sneeze. 'Aw shit, did I? Fuck I peed on myself.' I get up slowly and grab a change of clothes and go to the bathroom. When I finish changing. I go to change my sheets. Pulling on the corner closest to me, I start to feel pain, a really sharp pain. As I hunch over my bed, breathing heavy and choppy, my door opens and I feel arms around me.
'Princess what's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?' Calum says. His voice rang with panic.
'I..uh.... I think...my water broke.'
Calum's eyes went wide. 'Okay, come on. Let's get you in the car.' He walked with me letting me stop whenever there was a contraction.
'GUYS!?? GUYS WAKE UP, THE BABYS COMING!!' Sasha ran out of her room and straight for the bag she made me put together for this very moment. Ash moved at a slower pace but we got out of the house pretty fast. With Ashton at the wheel, driving beyond the speed limit, everything was kind of a blur. Sasha to my left; Calum to my right. Both letting me squeeze the fuck out their hands as Sasha does breathing technics with me. We finally get to the hospital and Calum picked me up bridal style and ran through the emergency room doors.
'SHE'S IN LABOUR!!!' As soon as the sentence left his mouth, nurses came around so fast. I was put in a wheelchair and rolled away; In the distance I hear Calum yelling. 'NO I HAVE TO GO WITH HER!'
'Sir please calm down you're frightening other patients.'
'NO, GET OFF ME! ALYSSA!! I LOVE YOU!' Pain. Excruciating pain. I feel as if these are the absolute worst cramps in my life. I feel like Satan is shoving a small trident dagger in my uterus and turning it around in circles
. 'It's okay ma'am, just breathe an-'
'I AM BREATHING!' After moving me from the wheelchair to the bed with wheels, I'm rolled into a room. They change me into a gown and I'm left there by doctors checking in from time to time.
'ALYSSA! Oh god princess are you okay?!'  His voice rang with worry.
'I'm okay cal, did they finally let you in here?' I joke. Then Ashton walks in with Sasha.
'How ya feeling Liss?' Ashton says.
'Like I'm gonna have a baby.' Then another contraction happens. FFFUUUCCCKKK!' I grabbed Calum's hand and squeezed till its blue and purple. He says nothing.
'Guys? The doctor is gonna ask if the "father" wants to be in the room and cut the umbilical cord.' Sasha says. 'Which of you want to do it?' Calum and Ashton look everywhere but at each other. Then to me.
'Princess it's up to you.'  Just then the doctor walks in.
'Okay Ms. Perkins, time for another look see. May I ask you three to step outside please.
'C'mon guys,' Sasha grabs both of their shirts. ' it's not like you haven't seen it before. It's the same. I giggle. The doctor chuckles to himself.
'Well Ms.Perkins, if you're ready, the bed is set up and down here, looks good. So who do you want in the room with you?'
'Doc, I don't know who the father is.'
'Doesn't  have to be the father, no aha. The young lady, is your friend right?'
'If I was in your situation, I'd pick her. She was there for you. Besides, we'll find out who the father is later.'  He walks out. And Cal, Ash and Sash come back in.
'Sash I want you in the room with me.'
'Am I godmother?'
'Yes.' She claps her hands.
'Well okay, let's go deliver a baby!' I'm already in the delivery room. Sweat dripping on my face. The doctor gave me the epidural when I first got here. It hurts but no where near the contraction pain. More like I'm really constipated. The pushing is exhausting my whole body.Sasha to my right letting me squeeze her hand.
You're doing good Liss, couple more pushes then it's coming out.' I nod, my eyebrows furrowed
. 'Alright Ms.Perkins, push!'
'Aaaahhhh!' I pushed with as much force as I could. Then I hear crying.
'Okay Ms. Perkins one more push like that and it's out. Ready. Set. Go.' I take a deep breath and push letting out a massive fart (Lol jk yell).
'AAHHHHHHH!' Then the crying got louder. And louder.
'Liss! You did it! It's a, it's a...'
'Congratulations Ms.Perkins, you have a girl.' The doc smiles and wipes the baby enough for me to hold.
'She's beautiful.' I let out the tears. Streaming down my face in joy.
'She's beautiful Liss.' Sasha says. 'Hi little one, I'm sashie. Your god mom.' She was crying too
'Alright Ms.Perkins, we'll get her all cleaned up while you sign the birth papers. And then she's all yours.' The nurse took her to get cleaned and I handed her papers. '
Liss...' '
Congratulations, I'm so happy and proud to be here and experience this, even though I can't feel my hand anymore. Thank you.'
'No thank you, for actually being her all the way.' We hug.
'But Liss, she looks like..... Calum.'
'I know, and I'm happy that she's his.'
'And yours Liss, don't forget that.' As I put pen to paper to full in the name part of the certificate, I pause. Then write. How the nurse comes back with her and I give her the papers.
'What's her name?' A voice says. Ashton and Calum walk in the room ( you were moved back to the other room to recover). I look at them.
‘She looks a lot like you Calum, aha. She has your nose.' Calum sits in the chair next to your bed, across Sasha; Ashton at the foot of the bed.
'Congrats, you two.' Ash says with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
'Come here.' I say as I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
'Thank you for helping as much as you did.' He smiles and backs out the door
. 'I take it you guys are gonna be here a while so I'll leave and come get you later.'
'Wait!' Sasha buts in. 'Don't you wanna know her name?'
'Yeah, what's our daughters name?' I look from Ash to Sash. Sash to Cal. Then Cal to her.
'Schyler. Schyler Joy.'
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New Beginnings
Part Five: Courting?
Part 4
Chiyo enjoyed her time with the pack. It took a bit of time on her behalf to come out of her shell but, she eventually was able to start hanging out with her packmates (although, she didn’t like Mineta as much as the others). She was still somewhat reserved, opting to spend time with Aizawa if given the chance. And, no one knew about her past or where she came from.
She still hasn’t starting her quirk training but, no one pushes her to do it. They know that she’ll do it when she feels comfortable with herself. Part of her wants to show them what she can do but, she’s afraid of showing them how much of a monster she can be.
Mirio has taken to coming to get the omega as soon as lunch begins, her pack staring at him weirdly as he waits for her at the door (one person in particular doesn’t like how close he is to her). They have lunch on the rooftop, laugh at each other’s cheesy jokes, sit so close to each other that they can feel their body heat. As much as she’d hate to admit it, she likes being so close to him.
He’s not the only person that she doesn’t entirely hate. Despite the jarring way they had first met, Shinsou and Chiyo are surprisingly close. Shinsou finds her presence to be calming, her scent of peaches and pine driving him near insanity. But, he’s also found that’s she’s clever, always having something to say or some inquisitive look on her face. She’s kind in her own way; giving offhanded compliments while she looking away from the person as to hide her flustered face.
“We’re matching,” Shinsou grins, twirling a piece of her purple hair between his fingers. “Aren’t we the perfect pair?”
“Get you grumby hands off my hair. My hair is nothing like yours,” although this may sound like an insult, she means to say she likes his hair more than her own. She fiddles with the fabric of her shirt (something her pack had come to know as her being nervous).
“You’re right...yours is clearly nicer,” blossoms of red on her skin.
“Whatever, you’re ugly anyway,” she stalks off to go be with the girls. Aizawa was off patrolling and that meant she’d have to conversate. “Stupid boy thinking he can touch me. So fucking weird. JIROUUU, HE TOUCHED ME.”
Jirou and the girls were in the kitchen, no doubt watching her stomp over with puffed out cheeks. Out of all the girls, she’d bonded with Jirou over music and art, leaving her to be closer to the outspoken omega.
“He’s been being weirder than usual lately,” Chiyo snatched a piece of candy away from Momo. “The other day, he gave me a fucking blanket.”
“Did you not like the blanket?” cue the offward stare at the candy wrapper.
“I-I it wasn’t entirely shitty. Had fluff n smelled like him.”
“Did he say why he gave it to you?”
“No. The bastard just came to my door and pushed it in my arms with a weird ass grin then walked down the hall with his hands in his pockets,” a piece of her hair fell in her face.
Meanwhile, Shinsou was outside with the boys working up the courage to go inside and talk to Chiyo. So far, she had accepted the blanket which was a good sign. But, he had no idea how she’d respond to him asking her out for food.
“Baggy eyes, just ask her. It’s not fucking hard,” Bakugou was getting tired of the alpha’s sour scent and pacing. A few more minutes of this and he knew he’d go crazy and go ask her out for his friend.
“Shut the fuck up,” Shinsou was antsy. Sure, Chiyo was doing good at fitting in and talking more but, was this too soon? She’s only been with the for a month.
“Just go in there and ask her. You’re the only guy she talks to on a regular basis,” Kirishima did have a point. It’s not that Chiyo didn’t like the boys but, for reasons she’d sworn never to revisit, she just didn’t like being around them longer than what was necessary.
“She probably doesn’t even know what a date is,” he’s trying to talk himself out of this, even though all the boys know he’ll have to ask her out eventually. “The only time she leaves the campus is with Aizawa.”
“Then, this would be good for her. Give her some exposure to the outside world. Then,” Kaminari wiggles his eyebrows to leave the suggestion in the air. Sero slaps him upside the head.
“This is why you shouldn’t be allowed to have hands,” Kaminari pouts.
Shinsou just shakes his head and decides to do it before he loses his nerve. He walks through the dorm door, confronted with Chiyo smiling. It makes his heart beat even faster than what it was before, the erratic beat sousing against his chest. He wanted to keep that smile on her face no matter what happened.
“Omega, are you busy today?” Chiyo looked at him with furrowed brows.
“Uhhh, I don’t think so. I was gonna paint some of my room,” Shinsou smirks. Ofcourse the cutie would try to seclude herself after daily dose of interaction. “Stop smiling, it’s ugly.”
“You hungry?”
“When am I not hungry?” Chiyo’s known for being a big eater.
“Then, get ready and I’ll take you out for ramen,” Chiyo tilts get head.
“We’re going alone?”
“Yeah,” Shinsou walks off before Chiyo can rethink her decision. He walks off, jumping up and clicking his heels once he’s around the corner.
“What the fuck just happened?”
“Looks like you’re going on your first date,” Chiyo turns slowly to Jirou, still not believing this happened. “Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t tell him to do it.”
“I gotta go,” Chiyo runs off to the elevators and up to her room. She’s tapping her foot in hurried beats, her body trying to suppress upcoming shudders.
‘Need Aizawa. Need alpha. Gotta get alone. Gonna lose it,’ she runs to her room and locks herself in. These are the moments she wishes she was still alone. There was no worrying over trivial things or fears of losing her cool.
“AIZAWAAAAA, I need help,” She screeched into the phone the moment he picked up. His breath sounded labored but that was probably due to him running home from his nightly patrol. “Shinsou. Me, Ramen. UNSHITTY BLANKET.”
“Kitten, you know I can’t understand you with how fucked up that sentence was,” Chiyo took a few deep breaths. “Good, just breathe. Now, tell me what happened.”
“Shinsou gave me a blanket last week which wasn’t really that bad but that’s beside the point and then today he asked me to get ramen which is unfair because he knows how much I like to eat and now I don’t know what to do and,” she took another breath when she heard some chuckles. “Aizawa, why are you laughing? This isn’t a laughing matter. This is life and death and you’re laughing like candy man.”
“For one, I don’t know who that is. For two, you’re overreacting Kitty. It’s not like he’s asking you to marry him. Just get dressed, go out, and enjoy yourself. This is a good moment to bond with him,” he clears his throat. “Well, not that much bonding.”
“I don’t even know what to wear,” she got up and starting rummaging through her closet. While Aizawa had taken her to go shopping for more casual clothes, she hadn’t picked anything really flashy because she didn’t think she’d ever have to wear the clothes on anything like this. Now she wishes she listed to the older alpha when he told her to pick something nice.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen,” she scoff.
“Just shut the fuck up and help me,” he laughs.
“As much as I’d like to help my kitten, I have patrolling to do. Get the girls to help you. I’ll be home by the time you get home with lovvvvvverboy.”
She doesn’t even dignify him with a response and hangs up on him as she moves things in her closet at a more aggressive pace. She can’t just go downstairs and ask the girls for help; it’ll make her look innocent and naive (even though she really is and they all know it but she doesn’t want to put the final nails in her coffin).
She starts to settle on a pair of light wash blue jeans and a baggy long sleeve when she hears a knock on her door. She already knows it’s the girls because she knows that Aizawa called them due to her stubborn inability to ask for help.
“I need help picking out what to wear,” she says, not even looking to see who it is, and walking back to the pile of clothes that were in the middle of her floor.
“Okay, what the hell happened in here? It looks like a hurricane came in here,” Uraka’s eyes are wide.
“Haha, really original,” Chiyo sneers.
“Hey, no being mean just because you’re nervous,” Jirou and Mina both chop her on the head. “But, seriously, you’re room is fucked up.”
“Are you guys just gonna judge me or are you gonna help me?” Chiyo clenches her fist around her shirt.
“We never judge you,” Mina rubbed the top of her head which made the omega elicit a small purr. “Aizawa was right to name you kitten. So touch starved.”
“Stawwwwp and help,” Chiyo pushes her hands away, missing the petting but she’d never admit that. Growing up, she didn’t experience the same physical contact that most did. And, when she was touched, it was with malice intent. So, it felt weird when she first starting getting close to the pack and they would randomly touch her.
“Hmmmmm leave it to us,” she didn’t realize that Hagakure was there before she spoke. She feels bad for the girl that’s literally invisible; it must be lonely to never be acknowledged unless people notice the floating clothes.
And, that’s how Chiyo ended up where she was now. Her and Shinsou were currently walking down the street to a nearby ramen restaurant, Chiyo fighting the wind that was pushing her skirt up. The girls chose a pastel purple skater skirt that had suspenders and a long-sleeve white shirt that tucked into the dress. Her hair was pulled up into two side ponytails, making her look even more adorable than normal.
They walked in a silence that gnawled at both of them. Both of them were nervous but, Shinsou knew he’d have to be the one to say something.
“I can’t believe you wore a skirt all for me,” Chiyo sputtered and turned to the boy, hands clenched at her side as she snarled.
“It’s not for you, asswipe. The girls thought it would look nice,” he laughs.
“Ofcourse they did. Either way, it looks nice on you,” she blushed and turned to the side.
“You don’t look disgusting either,” she sped walked forward so she didn’t have to keep looking at him. He looked handsome in his black jeans and purple bottom down. She figured the girls had picked out her purple skirt on purpose. “C’mon I’m hungry and you’re sitting there like a dick.”
“Dicks only stand up where they’re hard,” She puncher his arm before she dragged him the rest of the way.
They arrived at the ramen restaurant a few minutes later with Chiyo only having to hit her companion a few times. It was a quaint building with a two floors, red brick exterior, and a few windows scattered around. The around smelled just like ramen, which was a good thing in Chiyo’s mind. They were seated in a booth tucked away in a corner of the restaurant.
“Ohh, look at the two of you on a date. So kawaii,” Chiyo wanted to yell at the little woman that seated them that it wasn’t a date and that she only agreed at the prospect for free food but, Shinsou just threw his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.
“She’s the kawaii one,” and she was silent. She was seated across from Shinsou, looking everywhere but him. It’s bad enough that he looks so good but he keeps staring at her and it makes her heart feel weird. “You’ll have to look at me eventually, omega.”
“I hope they put poison in your ramen,” she bites her lip when hey make eye contact. She doesn’t know why him calling her by her second gender makes her want to croon for him.
“Such strong words from such a cinnamon bun,” she quirks her head.
“I’m not a cinnamon bun. You can’t even eat me, dumbass,” she looks up and nods her head in appreciation as a server comes and drops her bowl of ramen in front of her. “This, however, seems promising.”
He doesn’t say anything as he watches her practically inhale a noodle. She looks so cute while she eats, swaying side to side as she dances happily, the corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. She looks carefree with half a noodle hanging out her mouth and that makes him all the more happy he decided to court her. If only he knew she didn’t know what courting was.
“Are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna eat?” He digs into his meal, happy with the comfortable silence that lands over them. They eat in the silence, playing footsies under the table.
“What’s your favorite color?” Shinsou asks her randomly. She stops with her noodle halfway in her mouth, wondering to herself if she even had a favorite color.
“I don’t think I have one,” she shrugs.
“Everyone has one,” she just shrugs again. “You have to pick one. Anything. “
She thinks for a moment. It’s not like she has a preference in anything so she doesn’t understand why this is so important to him but, she still comes up with something.
“Just one?”
“Mmm, you can have more than one.”
“Black, purple, and blue.”
“Why those colors?” She blushes. She didn’t want to tell him that she chose those colors because they’re the colors of her three favorite people’s eyes. “Well I like purple too.”
“Why do you like purple?”
“It’s our color,” Chiyo stuffs her face in her bowl, not looking up to catch the dreamy gaze on Shinsou’a face. “I see that makes you blush.”
“Shut it, bags for eyes,” he smiles. He brings his index finger under her chin and forces her to meet his eyes, his fingers giving her a scorching feeling.
They sit there staring at each other, both of them ruffled in their own ways.
“You’re eyes are beautiful; it’s a shame I never get to see them since you’ll never look me in the eye,” she gulps. “Do you think you could work on that for me?”
“I’ll do whatever I want,” she doesn’t look away even when Shinsou removes his fingers from her chin. “We should get back to the dorms before Aizawa tries to skin me alive.”
Heading back to the dorms was calling, both their hands intertwined. Every time she tried to pull her hand away, Shinsou would chide her and hold her hand closer. It was even more embarrassing when they got back and everyone saw them holding hands.
“Awwwww,” they were all sitting on the couches waiting for the two of them.
“FUCK ALL OF YOU,” she ran to her room to escape the heat from her cheeks.
“YOU’RE CUTE WHENEVER YOU GET EMBARRASSED,” Shinsou yelled to her, smiling harder when Chiyo retaliated with her middle finger.
“Fuck you especially, old man.”
“You should save that for Shinsou,” and that sent her to her room. She stayed in her room to keep away from the teasing from her packmates. It’s not that she was ashamed but, she wasn’t used to these new emotions. Emotions like fear, happiness, and attraction (most definitely attraction) were foreign and its hard for her to deal with that.
Her pack mates did feel bad for the teasing; they often lost sight of the fact that she’s not used to handling things like they can. Aizawa assured them that she wasn’t mad at them but moreso just freaked up with herself and her newfound emotional freedom.
“We’re sorry, Chiyo. We feel happy that you’re coming out of your shell for Shinsou. We don’t want to make you feel weird or anything,” Jirou would come to talk to her everyday (along with Shinsou).
She wasn’t mad at them at all. If anything, she was mad at herself for being difficult and troubled. This was supposed to be primal instincts for her yet, it feels like learning to be someone new all over again. Years of suppressing herself has led to this and it’s overwhelming to start over again.
“Chiyo, Class is over,” Aizawa was tapping on her desk as she stared outside. She jumped to attention, noticing that it was lunch time. Although, her pack was still in the classroom looking at her. “Are you good?”
“Oh, yeah, I was just thinking and stuff,” she grew red. “It still feels different being here.” She purred as Mina rubbed her head. Mina has noticed the particular spot and hasn’t stopped rubbing it since, noting that it makes the omega release happy pheromones.
“Bambiiii, you’re late to lunch,” Chiyo looked to the door to see Mirio holding both of their lunches. Chiyo can’t deny how gorgeous his blue eyes look as the light reflect off of them, his muscular frame leaving the the opening.
“Who’s Bambi?”
“That’s me,” it’s one of the few times Chiyo says it. “He calls me that all the time.”
“That’s cause she’s cute like Bambi. And those eyes are big like em too,” Chiyo giggles and marches up to the blonde alpha. She grabs her lunch from him and looks back to wave at her pack.
“And he’s Smiles. I think his name is pretty explanatory. We’re gonna go have lunch,” and they’re off to the roof. Shinsou stands there, his scent filled with jealousy. How dare this alpha come on the steal her smiles? She doesn’t even smile like that for Aizawa! And, she fucking giggled. And, he’s fucking feeding her. He’s trying to steal his girl.
Meanwhile upstairs on the roof, Chiyo sat with Mirio as she ate the pork cutlet he had cooked for her.
“It’s sooo good,” she fakes a few tears as she chews on the pork. It’s salty on her tongue and that’s exactly how she likes her food. Plus, he even packed her some cucumbers and melon that he cut into little stars!!!
“You think everything is good,” he hands her some of the cucumber from his bento box when he notices she ate all of hers. “And, I swear, you’re the cutest thing when you eat.”
“I’m cute either way. Or, at least, that’s what you all tell me,” she gladly takes the cucumber. The air felt good on her skin as she scarfed down the rest of her lunch.
“I wanted to ask you something,” he looks down at her, a smile gracing his face as normal. But, this smile was nervous. “Can I take you to karaoke after school? We can go right after school and I’ll pay for the food and we’ll have a lot of fun.”
“Sure. I like spending time with you. You always make me smile,” and that’s true. Chiyo never feels pressured to feel anything other than happiness and humor with him and it’s a nice change from her pack mates. It’s just pure, organic fun. “But, I don’t really know that many songs.”
“That’s okay. They have private rooms. Plus, I don’t sound the best.”
“That’s an under exaggeration. Remember when you tried to sing last week? That poor bird took a nose dive down a tree,” she points at the supposed tree below them. “Yep, poor bird had to end it right then and ohhhhh fuck stop it Mirio. Stawppppp,” Mirio pulled her into his lap as he tickled her sides. She threw her head back and tried to squirm away from the torture.
“Take it back, Bambi,” he kept going, watching the girl with tears in her eyes.
“Never you sadistic, oh shit alright, you sound like Beyoncé,” he laughs at her goofiness. “She ain’t got shit on you Mirio.”
“You’re such a goofy bug. But, alas, we have to get back to class,” she pouts. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ll come get you as soon as the bell rings.”
He walked her back to class, catching the looks her packmates gave him. He just brushed them off and picked her up to give her a hug. Much to their displeasure, she didn’t wiggle away from his touch like she does them. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his neck, unknowingly scenting him.
“Alright Bambi, remember that we’re going right after school. Get those vocals ready. And those ears better be ready to be blessed.”
“More like tortured.”
“What’d you say?” he showed her his fingers to remind her what would happen if she didn’t agree to his voice.
“Such an angel,” she formed a halo on top of her head with his fingers. He shook his head at her teasing. Class went by antagonizingly slow, seeming to be longer than what it ever was before.
When class ended, true to his word, Mirio was there to pick her up. She just didn’t think he would permeate his body through the floors and land right in front of her desk.
“Well, Smiles fell from the sky,” he laughs at Chiyo’s poor excuse of a joke. It makes him feel good that she tries to make him laugh.
“I’ll always fall for you,” Chiyo goes to say something smart. “I know it was cheesy. Good for me, you like cheese.”
“You’re lucky that I really do like cheese,” they walk out holding hands, a normal behavior between them but, to her pack, felt painful. She never holds their hands. Hell, she still tenses when they touch her.
The two of them walked down the sidewalk, holding hands and talking. Well, it was more like Mirio bringing up topics and Chiyo putting in her opinion every now and again. But, that’s how they liked their relationship. She doesn’t feel pressured int conversation which makes her want to talk to Mirio and Mirio doesn’t feel that she doesn’t like his presence which makes her want to be around her even more. Hell, not that many people can handle him smiling constantly but, she handles it like she’s been with him for years.
“So, there I am, blood on my titties,” Chiyo hutches over as she laughs. Mirio (along with Kaminari) has been teaching her meme culture. “C’mon, omega, I haven’t even finished the joke. “
“I can’t h-help it,” she looks up at him with a blinding smile. These smiles are reserved for him and him alone. “You don’t even have titties.”
“Hey, I have titties,” their conversation is cut at that once they get to the karaoke place. They’re pulled into their own room, a couch to each wall of the room and a microphone stan in the center. A large t.v. is plastered to the wall, reading for the lyrics to come.
“Woahhh, this...is...awesome,” Chiyo throws her stuff onto the closest couch to the door.
“I’ll have to thank Nejire,” Mirio sits down beside her, despite the abundance of seats around them. But, she doesn’t mind it. She’s touch starved so, she’s not the type to pull away from his touches. It’s weird how close they’ve gotten but, Chiyo can only attribute that to the fact he gives her the same vibes Aizawa does. “They even have snacks.”
“SNACKS,” she jumps up and grabs a mochi bun that’s sitting on a stool in front of them. The red bean flavor makes her moan out in food ecstasy, making Mirio have to adjust himself. “You want some?”
“You’re sharing? You must be in a really good mood,” Mirio pens his mouth for her to shove the bun in. He agrees that it was moan worthy when he grabs another one. “Should I be the one to sing first?”
Mirio ends up singing first, gracing her ears with his “angelic” voice. She follows his suit, stumbling on the words but still having a pretty good time. He walks her back to her dorm, him giving her a piggyback ride since she was “too full of snacks to move.” It feels good to finally have her in his arms.
“You wanna know something?” Chiyo says as she plays with the collar of his shirt. She’s nervous to say this but, she wants to.
“Tell me, Bambi.”
“You make me smile, Smiles,” she nuzzles her face into his neck, a way for him to know just how much it took for her to tell him that.”
“I love making you smile,” they walk in silence for the rest of the way. They come to the front of her dorm, walking up to Shinsou waiting on the steps with the rest of her packmates peaking through the windows.
‘What did I do this time?’ Chiyo thinks as she slides down from Mirio’s back.
“Go inside, I have to talk to Mirio,” Chiyo wants to protest with Shinsou but complies as Mirio gently nudges her to go inside, his comforting smile telling her that he’ll be okay.
“What the fuck was today? We’re not good enough fr you? Huh? Shitty girl thinks she’s too good for our pack,” of course Bakugou is the one losing his mind first. His carmine eyes bore into her eyes, making her turn her head. It’s too much to stare at his anger when she doesn’t know what exactly she did. “You fucked up with Shinsou. Are you just being a whore?”
The word makes her visibly tense, arms wrapping around herself to keep from attacking. Aizawa taught her this coping mechanism. “What did I do to make you all so angry with me?”
“You don’t even touch us like you touch him. You don’t talk to us. You don’t play around with us. It’s like you don’t even care to be in this pack,” Jirou walks to be in front of her. “And, how could you do that to Shinsou?”
“What did I do to Shinsou?”
“Are you kidding me? You’re courting with him! What makes you-”
“What’s courting?” and that quells the anger of her pack. Aizawa told them she was behind in their world but, they didn’t think she was this far behind. They just sit their staring at her, making her feel even more uncomfortable than before. “Could you all stop looking at me like this?”
She chirps to let them know how she’s feeling, causing two overprotective alphas to burst through the entrance, their soothing scents makes her shoulders slouch in a pleased manner.
“WHAT DID YOU ALL DO?” Mirio pulls her to his chest, Shinsou coming to her front to rub the nape of her neck which makes her mewl embarrassingly. She hides her face in Shinsou’s neck, Mirio rubbing her nape as well. She’s essentially sandwiched between them; it’s more comforting than what she thought it could be.
“SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT COURTING IS! YU BOTH CAN’T KEEP THIS UP! SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THIS IS,” Jirou tries to snatch her from the arms only to be snapped at and pushed roughly. “SHE DOESN’T KNOW.”
“Then, we’ll teach her.”
@sinclairsamess @sakurashortstack
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si-nging-ren · 4 years
okay. ive decided im going to discontinue the jirou x reader fanfic "wrong number, my bad" for a number of reasons that i will get into in a bit. i have also, however, decided to create an smau for hawks (probably not, but who ive decided on for now) x reader, based on something more personal about me. the goal of the story being more personal is to give me a better layout for how it should continue on and the feelings can be more genuine than me making up stories on a whim and hoping they work. i will give out the plan for wnmb, however, so that anybody interested can still understand how the story wouldve ended.
now as for why im abandoning wnmb.
1. i dont feel the energy to write it anymore. i dont like where the story is going, and with my current mental state and status at school, i dont have the ability to start over or try again. i font have the ideas for the story and just dont vibe with it.
2. mental reasons. i can't stick to the schedule i made for the story as well as i used to be able to, and also personal mental health reasons that sort of keep me from doing so.
3. there are personal life reasons that cause this, but jirou has slowly evolved into somewhat of a discomfort character. i dont want to get into the reasons as to why, but i dont like her that much and bad memories come up whenever i try to sit with her in my head for too long.
thats really all for why i dont want to continue wnmb, but for anybody interested, here was the plan as to how the story was planned out (via notes):
- [x] yn and mina and ochaco do be talking doe
- [x] basically introductions
- [x] same with jirou baku toko yaomomo and denks
- [x] but THEN
- [x] yn and jirou talk :DDD
- [x] jirou basically says that theyre not annoying
- [x] yn says their typical clown shit
- [x] "aidjskjdh thanks you daddy 🥺"
- [x] jirou doesnt answer for a wholeass hour
- [x] "sorry had to go to church and clense from that sin"
- [x] "o-oh okay 😔 daddy doesnt love me"
- [x] "there are so many things wrong with that"
- [x] "😳😳😳"
- [x] "im starting to wish that i blocked you"
- [x] "nyways what did you wanna talk about d-"
- [x] "......."
- [x] "arling :)))"
- [x] poor jirou just wanted to know about who they are
- [x] "name, hobby, talent, interests, whatever i just wanna know about you"
- [x] yn hops over to twitter all "omg theyre so sweet 🥺🥺🥺"
- [x] naturally ochaco and mina are all "fake bestie wtf are u talking about"
- [x] yn is laughing awkwardly and is just,,, "oh nothing 😳😳"
- [x] (nobody believes them)
- [x] then they ask about jirou but she has to give false info
- [x] except for her gender its fine if she says that
- [x] she hops over to the squad
- [x] panicking
- [x] "guys wtf i think i just committed a crime"
- [x] "nono youre fine what happened"
- [x] "i made a fake identity so the person who contacted me wouldnt know it was me"
- [x] "do they even know you???"
- [x] "YES they said they really liked our music and im PANICKING"
- [x] "okok calm down its not illegal or anything"
- [x] "i think"
- [x] "YOU T H I N K ? "
- [x] "yeah sorry :// but like you did this to yourself lmaooo"
- [x] jirou awkwardly hops back to yn
- [x] "yeah i think that band is pretty cool too im actually friends with some of them"
- [x] i mean its not false
- [x] ":ooo omg rlly?????? theyre so cool aaa 🥺🥺 maybe we can meet one day at one of their concerts 👉👈 jkjk...... unless 😳"
- [x] little did they know
- [x] LMAOO jk
- [x] kinda
- [ ] they end up talking for hoursss and mina and ochaco ask one day if they wanna hang out
- [ ] theyre all "hell yesss 🥴 where we goin??"
- [ ] a bar. they go to a fucking bar. (btw its to celebrate minas new job thingyyy)
- [ ] drink responsible kiddosss
- [ ] nyways afterwards she ends up talking to jirou bout how shes super nice and would love to be friends with her more
- [ ] jirou has gay panic tm
- [ ] like actually theyre rlly cute fuck
- [ ] yn asks if they can call since theyve never heard her voice or seen her
- [ ] jirous all ".....theyre drunk they wont recognize my voice"
- [ ] also shes rlly groggy since its TWO IN THE DAMN MORNING
- [ ] jirou calls her and yn asks if she wants to meet someday bby doesnt understand okay
- [ ] jirou panics and asks if they can get to know each other more first
- [ ] yn is hurt but understands and agrees
- [ ] yn asks to play 20 questions
- [ ] jirou asks if theyre a preteen jokingly
- [ ] yn whines and says its either that or a drinking game
- [ ] not wanting yn to drink anymore, she sighs and agrees
- [ ] she ends up finding out:
1. yn has a cat
3. thats it, yn passed out
- [ ] jirou fell asleep on call later nd they didnt hang up until jirou woke up later and realized that awake yn would recognize her
- [ ] she quickly hung up and then sent them a good morning text
- [ ] bitches be playin
- [ ] but yn doesnt mind theyre a gay, dumb clown
- [ ] yn asks what minas job was since they never found out- god their dumb
- [ ] mina says its the typical teaching thing but its for ome of yns favorite bands
- [ ] "ooh, who are they?"
- [ ] "they said their name was blackbear! pretty sure youve talked about them some times before"
- [ ] "omygod mina you dont understnad if you could somehow find a way for me to find them i would literally marry u"
- [ ] "please dont. but ill try boo dw"
- [ ] she ends up doing it
- [ ] but inbetween then they end up getting rlly close like numerous calls and texts and learning more about each other until they realize they like her
- [ ] yn is super happy all "bro u guys are so awesome"
- [ ] bby girl is vibrating.
- [ ] yn blinks and realizes she should probably confess or smth
- [ ] "uhm, jirou?"
- [ ] "yeah whats up?"
- [ ] later in a call they say it
- [ ] jirou is rlly smart and all but her first thought was "its cause of who i am. this happened immediately after."
- [ ] some part of her is screaming that its feelings and that she likes them back but she ignores it.
- [ ] like this has to be bad right???
- [ ] nyways jirou ghosts her like a clown and rants to the band b-wordssss gc
- [ ] yn cries to the babiest of the babies 🥺🥺🥺 gc
- [ ] yn asks if she just doesnt care about them now that shes seen them
- [ ] jirou realizes "wait fuck maybe im wrong"
- [ ] spoiler alert: she is
- [ ] she sort of goes "i didnt rlly think that you actually liked me actually
- [ ] yn starts crying
- [ ] (this is over call btw)
- [ ] "why tf wouldnt i?!"
- [ ] "bc you confessed right after you knew who i was"
- [ ] "istfg so our conversations just dont matter ig"
- [ ] jirou is confused
- [ ] like??? she gets that theyre mad but she does understand why so much
- [ ] "listen i just need to know if you like me back or not please. before i start crying again."
- [ ] she decided to not comment on how they were already crying
- [ ] "yes i like you okay"
- [ ] "do you actually?"
- [ ] "yes. istag that i actually like you and im not shitting u. if you want ill go there rn"
- [ ] ".....yes pls"
- [ ] "i need your address though"
- [ ] "oh yeah– its *address*"
- [ ] jirou arrives all nervous and shit
i didn't have anything planned out after that, but it was probably gonna be a kiss scene or something idk
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hiii my bbs, I hope you are well. Get ready for a longgg post.
Some opening thoughts:
Brigid and I will be buying new chains for our boys. Esp for Quinner because he doesn’t have one and I want to start seeing this 🥵 look. Kesh care to join us?
- a baby that looks like Jamie and has his cute freckles. Brigid knows what I’m taking about.
Also brigid would like like Jamie’s beanie vv much so now we both are in that club because I have quinners and Brigid has Jamie’s.
- Mykonos is gorgeous. That is that.
- I am loving Brigid tracing Jamie’s freckles while he sleeps🥺 and I find it adorable that Brigid can only sleep with Jamie :)this would so be insta worthy photos.
- hehe yes to getting beeped by machines!! Okkk I’m glad, so Lexi is busy with Quinner means that we are just getting coffeeee. We aren’t like you and Jamie who make out in arenas.
- hehe Jamie would just be glaring at cozzy when he sits down, and cozzy becomes slightly terrified so he gives up the seat but still wants $50 because he wants to buy himself something on the flight. He goes to sit w his sleeping buddy devon. Kesh and Kirby are just to cool to deal with our crazy shit in the morning.
-no sore neck for Dylan. Thank you brigid. Yes to all of these soft moments. Playing with each other’s hair, the freckle tracing and the slightly heated make out that you would be having while Dylan is sleeping because I don’t think he could handle that lol. Another thought jamie just helping you fidget less because you keep hitting the back of Bowen’s seat and he’s sleeping.
- Kesh and Kirby are like the star couple, they are just perfect with each other. I understand why you wouldn’t want to know us esp when quinton Braden and Peyton start to throw snacks over the seats.
-honestly if I had that much coffee I would probably throw up, but kudos to Quinner for passing out after consuming all of that. I want freckles kisses but also I would play with jacks rope bracelets and w his hair 🥺. You would probably get really annoyed because of my leg tapping so Quinner also needs to calm that down as well.
- me slapping Ryan to wake up is just vv funny to me. Yess to them admiring our hair . Whenever I travel to warm places my skin always clears uppp so it’s nice.
-yay we are all sharing rooms w our bbs. hey hey
hey I’m not that dirty minded but like how can you resist? I don’t wanna hear to much from the two of you I mean it 😏. Omg I just had an idea imagine everybody just running into each other’s rooms and chasing each other. I hope we don’t walk in on you two lol. And we all settle in one room and have a slumber party lol. Face masks w the boys ‘I’m sorry why is it green’ ‘calm down, it’s a cucumber face mask it’ll hydrate your skin’ and then when they take them off the boys are glowing heheh.
- ok so I’ve bought an entire new wardrobe for this trip lol l. Ooo shopping would be vv fun. In this reality we have money hehe. Jamie carrying you into the water is 🤌 and I love it. Me and Quinner still need to be chaotic so we push each other into waves and then Brigid and jamie join. Meanwhile Kesh and Kirby are just chilling. Yesss with the hair slicked back and just wrapping your legs around their waists and maybeeeee kissing.
-finally me and Brigid are on the same team. Like Ryan you hit me in the face brigid will hit you 2x harder. Yess to all of us having moments on the beach at night.
- apparently we had some eventful nights😏 ehich I love even some of the boys because they want to have summer flings so no early morning for us. I love hotel breakfast as well esp if they have a buffet because you can eat as much as you want.
- cliff diving: ofc Brigid and Dylan go first because they are literally not scared of anything. aww you grabbing Jamie’s hand while he’s terrified. While that’s happening me and Ryan are hyping each other up, we slap each other on the backs etc. And we start to run and I get Quinner to come even if he’s terrified. I’d probably yell ‘let’s fucking goooo’ Brigid I’m making you the person that yells Marco the entire time lol cuz you are the swimmer of the group. Hehe us blaming Kesh and Kirby because they couldn’t figure out how to get out of the water. just a thought, wouldn’t it be better if you stay with the boys just in case they have trouble swimming and you can help them. And maybe I can go with Dylan and bond with him a bit. Any way works tho :). Hehe once everybody gets to the beach we are just crawling because we are tired from swimming and we just sleep on the beach lol.
- I’m good with dong half and half- snorkelling and scuba. Awww you holding Jamie’s hand and pulling him along. Same with me and Quinner and kesh and Kirby. I was terrified lol . Oo that’s so cool that you got to swim with turtles. That’s great for 8 year old Brigid:)).
Ooo a catamaran is so fun as well. Anyways dylan is just talented at everything. So he plays guitar and maybe he can help me reawaken my guitar skills. So I just watch him lol. Finally somebody who doesn’t make fun of me listening to the mamma Mia sound track. I love it sm and it just gives off the biggest Greece vibes. Aww and all of us just singing softly. And then just cuddling with the boys in the sun and me taking a bunch of photos! Aloe Vera it is😏😏.
Side story: so brigid you are playing music on the speakers while we are on the boat and Jamie goes to change the song and sees that there is an adorable photo of you and him as your wallpaper and he asks ‘you have me as your lock screen’ and you blush and say yes and he gives you the biggest kiss and then the rest of the boys are like awwww and all compare lock screens. And then Quinner looks at mine and smiles same w Kirby.
Yayyy us dressing cute all of hair is in natural waves/curls and getting dinner at a cute restaurant. and then exploring the nightlife in Mykonos. Ooo the drinks are a plus to us being chaotic at night. Like we would laugh so much at night. Awww kisses under the moon and then backkkk to the hotel for spicy evening pt 2
Side note: so imagine we already had dinner and we just start exploring Mykonos and we come across a live band playing outside and Jamie sees people dancing and then asks you to dance:) and you ofc agree and you just have the most intimate slow dance 🥺 and you just stare into his eyes and then tuck your face into his neck. Kirby also sees and asks kesh to dance and they are just admiring each other. And then Quinner sees me pouting and crying over you two and asks me to dance as well and we also slow dance. The rest of boys also find some ladies to dance with.
Next day: we decide to explore Mykonos like going to see the ruins and historical sights. So we all set off in the morning. Since Greece has a lot of alleys and stairs everyone some of us ( me and Ryan I fall down the stairs sm ) accidentally fall down the stairs ‘oh for fucks sake why do I always have to fall’ ‘what about me Lexi?’ ‘ you’re a hockey player you fall all the time anyway’ so we just bicker and you guys laugh and Quinner helps me up. ‘Hey Brigid we heard you and Jamie last night’ ‘shut up Cole we saw that girl sneak out of your room lol’ so everyone is just chirping each other the entire time. We get to the historic sights and we are all in awe and take a bunch of photos. Then we go get lunch and just chill. After that we all return to the hotel in the evening and we all get dinner. All in all I am loving this trip. It’s just so great.
Also I realized that pro tennis players go there during off season and so if I see one of them I will totally ask for a photo and go play tennis with them one afternoon. ‘Omg guys Serena William is hereeee’ and I just run off lol.
- another part might be happening but I might start with our Europe tripppppppp.
Ly thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy 🥺.
omgggg all of this is fucking amazing!! i love all of it, and ofc you guys lexi and kesh💕 anyways longggg post ahead
ok so first some random thoughts
ok so first of all new chains for the boyssss. quinner needs to start wearing one for lexi asap, and kesh and i are getting new ones for kirby and jamie. tbh they’re just as much gifts for us as for them lol
omg yessss i want a bb jamie. and his freckles 🥺🥺 i’m sorry this child is going to be so pale tho
hehe all of us out here stealing beanies. jamie’s beanie just looks so soft and i want to wear and then i can play with his hair better when he’s not wearing it too lol. and ofc lexi gets credit for starting this trend with quinner 
ok moving on to the flight lol
pleaseee i just want to trace jamie’s freckles and play with his hair while he sleeps. and us only being able to sleep with each other 🥰🥺 hehe please someone take pics for us
lmaooo yes lexi is busy GETTING COFFEE with quinner. and no need to bring jamie and i into this lexi, please and thank you
hehe cozzy making jamie give him $50 to switch seats so he can buy food on the flight. it’s ok cozzy isn’t really mad bc he can sleep better by devon anyways, he doesn’t have to deal with dyl and i’s crazy shit. lmaooo love kesh and kirby ignoring us
lol you’re welcome dyl for keeping you comfy, you better be getting me food to pay me back later. and then me and jamie just being soft 🥺🥺 tracing freckles and playing with each others hair. awww just peppering each others faces with kisses and then it somehow turns into a makeout. good thing dyl is asleep so he doesn’t slap one of us lmao. omg yessss jamie holding my hand or putting a hand on my leg so i’ll stop fidgeting the whole time so bo can sleep lol
awww yes kesh and kirby are adorable together, we love that for them. haha honestly same, i can see why they don’t wanna sit by us
 hehe quinner just has insanely high coffee tolerance, so he’s passed out on the plane lmao. but that gives lexi the perfect opportunity to play with his hair and rope bracelet. hehe he might pretend to still be asleep for a while after he wakes up bc it feels good. and then once he wakes up he kisses your freckles and he just puts a hand on your leg so you’ll stop kicking my chair (ty quinner)
lmaoooo i want to see you slapping ryan awake. and then us looking cute with our curly/wavy hair and our clear skin
ok so first day in greece
all of us get to share rooms with our bbs:) also i said we would try to keep quiet, i don’t know what more you want from jamie and i. i don’t think you and quinner are exactly silent either at night lmao. omg yesss running into each other’s rooms playing hotel tag! hehe i advise if you see a singular piece of clothing on our floor then you leave, bc i keep my room freakishly neat. but anywayssss i would dominate hotel tag, i love that game and i have a lot of practice lol
omg yes slumber party!! we can watch movies and stuff together and make the guys do face masks lmao. ‘why is it green’ ‘wait mine’s grey’ ‘i don’t want this shit on my skin’ ‘guys just put them on, it’ll be good for you’ omg yessss when we take them off they’re just glowing, love that for them
hehe all of us girls going shopping together to get cute new clothes bc guess what? we have moneyyyyy. and all the guys are just like where did they go
hehe yes jamie carrying me and then quinner and lexi pushing each other in behind us lol. but then ofc jamie and i join bc we’re (read: i’m) overly competitive. and kesh and kirby just chilling on the beach lol. and then i loveeee moments in the water, just like the slicked back hair and wrapping legs around waists and definitely maybe kissing
hehe yes lexi and i are the dream team. ryan i will beat you tf up if i have to lol. awww and cute moments on the beach at night 🥰
next dayyyy
hehe late breakfast bc we had eventful nights and don’t wanna get up early. and then i’m eating sm at the buffet lol and the guys are just like how? bc i’m just a very hungry person in general lol
hehe ok cliff diving: obvi me and dyl first bc we’re the daredevils, but i also pull jamie with us bc i don’t want to leave my bb behind. and then you and ryan hype each other up and you guys come next but then you pull quinner with you too, bc you don’t want to leave him behind. hehe i’m not being marco the whole time sorry, whoever gets tagged becomes marco. hehe and then once we’re ready to get out we blame kesh and kirby that we don’t know how lol ‘wow thanks mom and dad, how helpful’ jk we still love you kesh!! honestly i’m down to either, stay with the guys in the water or climb up, i did do rock climbing for a couple years tho so idk if that makes a difference. but then also they probably need help swimming and you want to bond with dyl, so honestly up to you:) 
snorkeling and scuba diving - all of us holding hands with our bfs and swimming with them🥺 hehe yes little brigid was really just living a wild life lol. anywaysss then we’re back on the catamaran and dyl’s just playing music and then we give lexi a turn and she’s surprisingly good for having not played in so long. and then singing mama mia is so fun! and just hanging out on the boat in general and having fun and cuddling with our boys. and then ofc we have to use aloe vera lol
hehe yess i have aux on the boat, but at some point i just ask jamie to go change the song and he knows my password, but i forgot he doesn’t know i changed my wallpaper. so then he’s sees the pic of us cuddling together in the airport and he’s just like ‘i’m your wallpaper’ and i just blush and go ‘well, yeah’ and he just comes over and hugs me and gives me a kiss. so then everyone’s comparing wallpapers lol, and so quinner and kirby are vv happy when they see lexi and kesh’s
yesss all of us looking cute and exploring mykonos nightlife. haha everyone’s at least a little tipsy bc it’s super easy to get drinks there. hehe all of us super loud and laughing and stuff, love that. and then moonlight kisses🥰 
awww yes, we’re exploring and we see a live band so jamie asks me to dance. and i blush but ofc i say yes, so we’re just having the softest most intimate slow dance🥺 staring into each other’s eyes at first, but then i tuck my face into his chest bc i get nervous with eye contact. and then ofc kirby has to ask kesh bc they’re #couplegoals and they’re just admiring each other while they dance. and quinner isn’t the best with social cues so he doesn’t pick up on it right away, but then he sees you’re sad and asks you to dance with him and then you two are adorable together. and the other guys ask some girls to dance, and guess who ends up coming back to the hotel with us that night lmao
next dayyyyy
oooh yes going to see the greek ruins, and there are a tonnn of alleys and stairs and stuff. so ofc you and ryan fall down them (and i by some miracle don’t). hehe you: ‘why tf am i always falling?’ him: ‘what about me tho lexi?’ you: ‘you’re a hockey player, it’s kind of in your job description’ and you guys keep fighting lmao, but ofc quinner helps you up 😍
and the chirpssss that would be going on all day lmaoooo ‘hey brigid, we heard you and jamie last night’ ‘oh fuck off, i saw a different girl come out of your room this morning cole. what are you doing, trying to go through every girl in mykonos by the time we leave?’
and then ofc sightseeing and taking lots of insta photos, and then we all go to get lunch together. imagine the people who have to serve our table, i feel sorry for them lol. and then we could just go back to the beach or smtg before dinner and then back to the hotel 😏
final thoughts
at some point lexi sees a really good tennis player and goes to get her picture taken and see if she can practice with them, and kesh and i being the good friends that we are chase after her to take the pictures lol. hehe and then lexi abandons us to go play tennis with them for the afternoon
ugggh this was amazing and i love it, i’m excited for another part of europe, i’m down with either bc both would be amazing
ly too 🥰 it was amazing, i was so happy to read it
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