#but also living here is making me insane and i cannot wait to get my own place someday i feel like parts of my brain are melting
silverislander · 7 months
completely unfair that i'm the last person in the house awake, consistently
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wibta if i straight up told my s/o they can’t bring their dog when they move in with me?
i (early 20s ftm) and my partner (late 20s nb) are moving in together next year. we’ve been planning this for a couple of years now, but it’s been taking a while to plan out because we live on different continents and we needed to sort out visas, travel, work situation, and getting an apartment for us for when they arrive.
importantly to this story, my s/o has a dog. this dog is large and VERY loud - barking 24/7 at everything, crashing into furniture, loud whining, pushing people over, and growling at people who get too close to s/o.; this has included me whenever i visit.
the apartment we got has a one pet policy and all of our neighbours are elderly people as the building used to be assisted living (basically housing for the elderly where they have direct lines to nurses and disability accommodations). it’s a pretty small block, it’ll just be us, one guy across the hall, one woman directly below us, and one across the hall from her.
because of this, as soon as we got the apartment we realised we wouldn’t be able to feasibly take s/o’s dog. she’s too big for the apartment, she’s loud enough that all of the neighbours will be hearing her at all hours, and there is nowhere nearby she’ll get enough exercise for her size. on top of that, she’d have to be in quarantine for 6 months once she’s here as is my country’s policy for pets travelling which doesn’t seem fair to her, and this is AFTER a 15 hour long plane ride where she’ll be alone.
i will admit that i have kind of selfish reasons for this as well. i’m autistic and i have both anxiety and c-ptsd on top of that, and all of those things are set off by loud noise, especially loud noise that is constant or repeated. even when i’m on the phone with them, their dog is always barking and hurting my ears and sending me into sensory overload, as is how loud they have to speak over her and when they shout at her to quiet down etc. when i visit i have to make excuses to leave or go somewhere else for a breather because within minutes i’m so drained and overwhelmed and upset just because of the dog’s insanely loud barking. i was also attacked by a large dog when i was very little and ever since then i’ve been wary around Big dogs, so although i want to work on it and i’ve been trying to (i love dogs), having one so big and jumpy be aggressive and growling at me makes me incredibly on edge.
s/o was sad because they really love their dog but ultimately agreed, on the condition we can get a cat instead as they’ve always wanted one but were never allowed. i agreed to that, i’m much more of a dog person and i’m a little sad we won’t be able to get one but a cat seems a fair compromise for them having to leave their dog and i don’t mind cats either, it will be easier to care for and hopefully just as cuddly!
so i thought that was all agreed on and done with
months later i mention looking into cats and they go “but wait! that means i cant bring my dog!” like this was the first time it had occurred to them. i was kind of caught off guard and was just like “…yeah, but we can get you your cat instead!” and the conversation kind of died out and moved on quickly
but ever since then they’ve been making little comments about bringing their dog and what we’ll do with her when we live together and it just… doesn’t seem to be sinking in that they cannot bring their dog.
i feel awful because like. i can’t emphasise enough how much they love this dog. they cuddle up together in bed, they’re always calling for her, always talking about her, always taking pictures of her. when they visit me they talk about missing her.
i know when it comes down to it they’ll choose to move in with me over staying to keep her, but i worry that i’m being selfish by making them choose in the first place. i feel like i need to make it clear once and for all that the dog absolutely cannot come with them and make sure it sticks, but i honestly don’t know how to do it in a way that will make them realise while not hurting their feelings because we’ve already gone over the reasons and they initially agreed.
AITA for making my s/o give up their beloved dog?
What are these acronyms?
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juicywritinghoard · 7 months
a few more prompts
This crime is going almost too well?
Can you play with my hair? 
Of all the people to body swap with. Of all the days. 
This is no time for cute cat pictures and heart emojis!!!
Hey. Honestly? [deep breath] [SCREAMS]
Nothing like yard sale drama and intrigue! 
I did not see your text. Actually I can't read. It's very sad. Sudden onset adult illiteracy is very real-
Do not put it in your mouth! 
I know I got in trouble for buying them a very cool toy last time, but hear me out. 
Bite me. You gotta.
I am not eating this raw, actually. Nope.
How long did it take you to make that for me? NO I am not crying 
You drive me insane. Obviously I would go to hell for you 
What does this button do? I gotta know
Sword fighting is even more charged than I expected and I was not prepared 
I know you grew up in a wet cardboard box all alone but I cannot believe you have not experienced this. I think we have to, right now,  immediately 
We both showed up alone to the couples cake decorating class, so obviously-
Oops! Run
It hurts, but it rules
After a bad day, what we really need is some chocolate and violence.
Meow? Are you kidding me? 
Oh don't even get me STARTED on monsters- 
Pick your battles. As in let go of some of them please I swear you cannot fight it all
You know that object from the thrift store we thought was haunted? Haha so guess what,
Good chances we all die. Counterpoint, everyone who lives gets ice cream with sprinkles, so gear up!
I think I pretty explicitly said not to get it on the carpet.
So your mic wasn't off,
Please dress up with me? Please please please?
It isn't my blood. Don't get it twisted 
Can we kiss behind the mini golf windmill one more time? 
Magic is real, it just looks fake. 
Quick! Propose to me! Also, what's your name? 
We have to get you a new super costume.
You're enchanting. You're resplendent. You're a little bit on fire,
I gotta be honest. I have no idea what's going on and I think I waited too long to say so. Sorry?
Why do they have cat ears? They're supposed to be DEAD
I have normal feelings about this. And regular opinions. And I'm vibrating a reasonable amount.
Help, help, I'm not supposed to be in this universe!! 
I will help you ruin your hair, obviously, but you have to tell me what's going on. 
You wore that to the funeral?? 
Baking is science. Wizardry is science. You know what isn't science? 
Tired, angry, and covered in spaghetti sauce, and here I am at your door. But I can explain?
Bear. Seriously 
gonna destroy you and end your legacy forever xoxo <3
Nothing could possibly make me laugh right now. Don't you dare start doing silly voices at me. 
You know what this giant fancy crystal is good for? Blunt force head trauma 
I know it's super dangerous but when your eyes glow like that I can't focus on the battle at all…
Life finds a way?
Fighting? No, no, we're having a great time arguing about this. 
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bobosbillionsknives · 6 months
i agree with a lot of your points about knives, i do also think he is aroace of some kind (demi imo), but the way he ignores bodily autonomy wasn't a theme that was new to stampede. the way he consumes other plants and forced vash to use his angel arm are examples of it, though less explicitly 'sexual'. either way, his actions weren't born out of sexual attraction, he simply thinks that all plants are an extension of himself and he can use their bodies as he pleases since its for a 'greater purpose'. he is not a predator but he isn't innocent either
Oh no no no no no no no I do NOT wanna give the impression that I am genuinely defending knives is ANY way. 😭
I completely agree with everything you're saying. He is inarguably abusive. Saying he's not would be a wild ass claim to make. 🙏 My only argument here is that it isn't specifically sexual, but I'll get more into that in a bit. 😝 I have SO MUCH to say abt this...so I'm gunna use this as an excuse to word vomit on y'all. Thank you for bringing this to me I am itching.CRAVING to talk about my favorite girls always. 🤗💖
I think your point on Knives seeing the plants as an extension of himself is SPOT ON!!! He does the same thing with Vash too. He's doing it because hes so stuck up his own ass he seriously thinks there is no possible way he could ever be wrong, everyone else is just too blind or stupid to see it his way. That's why he does the whole "eternal suffering for Vash the Stampede" bit. He genuinely cannot comprehend that Vash just fundamentally disagrees with him. He thinks if Vash goes out and sees every horrible thing a human can be he'll finally give up the hippy dippy act and face this false reality Knives made up as a coping mechanism so he never has to actually face any of his problems. Cause stabbing all your problems away is waaaaay easier than actual growth or change. Top ten girls who are trapped by the horrors of their past 😂!
Knives has a blatant misunderstanding of people's worth outside of himself. He disregards the lives of others constantly, he literally murdered 20 mil+ and was genuinely confused when Vash was mad at him for it. He doesn't take anything seriously. He especially doesn’t take physical pain seriously, unless it’s happening to himself. [DID YOU ACTUALLY SHOOT ME!!?] He's said that he knows none of the crazies he sends after Vash can ever kill him. He thinks if they can't kill him, then none of the hurt Vash experiences during these fights really count. Its always a game to him. He knows Vash will be fine because he has faith in his ability to fight. (He's complimented his fighting skills several times lol.) Yet he’s consistently shocked and disgusted when he sees Vashes scars, like he didn’t play a role in that ??? He just never thought of it until it was literally staring him in the face.
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Knives never really wants to force Vash to agree with him either, he's literally waited decades for him to come around to his point. He's definitely lashed out violently before, and has disregarded his safety. But I don't think he actually even likes seeing Vash in pain 😭 (maybe a little in a Itoldyouso brother kinda way lol.) He's completely horrified when he sees his scars. This panel speaks absolute VOLUMES to me. He is angry that Vash would allow people to hurt him this much. (Bro is for sure a victim blamer 🥱 Vash OBVIOUSLY should've known humans are evil and would do this to him. 🙄 HIS FAULT !) Those scars solidify in his mind that his brother is reckless, and clearly doesn't know what's best for himself. That's why he feels the right to "save" him from humans. Knives out of anyone in the world knows how much Vash disregards his own life. He's angry that his own brother would choose the perceived violence of humanity instead of the safety he has worked SO hard to cultivate for over a hundred years. After everything they learned from their childhoods, Vash would have to be deaf and dumb to keep crawling back to them. (From his perspective anyway.)
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Everything Knives does he thinks is to better Vashes life. That's what makes him such a tragic character to me. He genuinely believes he's in the right and doing everything he has to so him and his brother can feel that safety that was never guaranteed to them in childhood. He loves Vash, (PLATONICALLY !!!! 😰) He wants Vash to be happy. He just doesn't understand why, that despite everything, living alongside the humans is what makes him happy. Something he only accepts at the end of trimax when he literally trees himself to assumed death so Vash could have that. Knives is unambiguously in the wrong, but I do think his thought processes are sympathetic. WRONG. But like .I get it girl. Besides, he acts more like a toxic mother than anything. How DARE you be so ungrateful after everything I've ever done for you that you've never even asked for. ✋😒 and EXPLICITLY told me not to do. Ugh. 🙄 you don't even love me…guess im just a terrible brother than huh…🥀 BITCH SHUT UP !!!!
Now about the asexuality, not only...do I think Knives is aroace. I think he's completely sex REPULSED!!!!! Sex is a mark of human degeneracy, animals clinging for power over each other. Hed think hes above it !! It would disgust him, I don't think he's ever had a sexual thought in his life. He’s also a Jesus freak he'd think procreation in general is a sin 🙄‼️ik his interpretation of the bibles gotta be INSANE. Exploring sensuality is like a normal and healthy thing to do no fucking WAY Knives is self aware enough to do all that. If he could experience any kind of libido, his hatred of humans would never allow him to explore it anyway. Since sex is such a huge part of human culture. He probably thinks consensual sex is a myth humans made up to assault each other easier…😭
this is literally him bro I can't see him any other way...🚬 He's literally a pearl clutching mom who refuses to understand anyone else's experiences because he doesn't understand them.
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I can't imagine him being able to feel romantic love either...I actually think it would be pretty out of character ngl. Plus I think it could be an interesting element of why he feels so disconnected from humanity in general. It would be part of why he feels the need to define himself as alien. Knives would rather die than admit this, (and he did) but all he's ever wanted was understanding. The same way Vash does. Knives doesn't understand sexuality/romance, or deep empathy, or most social confinements at all. That's clear by his inappropriate emotional reactions and lack of a filter. He can't feel emotions the same way Vash or Rem can. It makes it very difficult for him to relate to and connect with others. Especially Rem. He feels too wrong, too broken, too alien. But he's convinced himself that this is actually a superiority. So he can sleep at night. But he's far more human than he'll ever be willing to accept. The familial love he feels for Vash is the only thing that makes him feel normal. And it's why he clings to it so desperately. I think that feeling being explicitly familial makes the most sense for the story.
(cut for explicit talk of SA/CSA)
Im never one to dismiss bad actions from a fictional character. If I thought Knives was a sexual abuser, id say it. I even considered it before I watched/read Trigun and kept it in mind the whole time because of how prevalent of a take it is. If anything, I feel like theres more evidence for metaphorical depictions of Knives BEING sexually abused than being the sexual abuser. I mean his literal whole thing is how plants bodies are used and abused against their will. Solely for the humans gain. While it's slowly and painfully killing them. And how afraid he is that they'll do it to him too....😭 He would be absolutely HORRIFIED by SA. I just don't think it's an abuse he'd perpetuate. It goes against literally everything he stands for. I get he’s a hypocrite and all but I could just never see Knives of all people doing anything sexually ever. ESPECIALLY for his own pleasure.
Both Vash and Knives read to me as CSA victims. This would need to be a separate post all together because there is entirely just too much to say. But I feel very strongly about this interpretation and it's why I'm so firm on this. Sexual abuse is a huge theme in trigun OBVIOUSLY!! And Vash and Knives can easily represent different ways people cope with trauma like that. Knives gets angry, and bitter, and lashes out. While Vash shuts himself off, and tries to run away from it all. Two extremes from two brothers. Two sides of the same coin and all that. They've been victimized, I think it's the main reason why Knives would be so angry and distrustful of humans. Now I know Steve was kind of a throw away character from the anime- but I believe long term interpersonal abuse from a human early in life would explain a lot of the deep rooted hatred Knives has for humanity. Along with his hatred for Rem if she failed to protect them, and his deep sense of entitlement to protect Vash if Vash couldn't protect himself. (Tesla was the last straw for Knives bc at least for a while he thought he could trust Conrad till all that happened and he realized the only person he could ever trust was Vash, and that fear never really left him even 100+ years after.) (My interpretation of Conrads role is also a different post gerrrrr TOO MUCH TO SAY.)
Knives' ideology has always been inconsistent, I can easily see him disregarding autonomy in some ways but refusing to in others and never making a mental connection between the two. Plus Knives would think Vashes scars are shameful and disgusting. He probably cant even make himself look at him let alone touch him be so fr. Knives' definitely has an unhealthily attachment to Vash but not in a sexy sex or ROMANCE way 🤦���♂️ ITS JUST HIS BPD YA’LL 😝‼️#favoriteperson #extremefearofabandonment #vashkeepsleavinghim (also another separate insane essay post) there is no argument here that Knives isn’t extremely bad at emotional regulation. Familial/platonic dynamics like that happen literally all the time it’s just not evidence of anything to me. I can't even see Knives directly punching someone let alone be capable of sexual violence against his own BROTHER ? I'd argue he's far more verbally/emotionally abusive than he ever is physically anyway. He doesn't even kill directly, it's always either done without a second thought by his powers, indirectly by starving the population out, or by making other people do it for him. He doesn't seem to actually enjoy seeing people in pain, more the satisfaction of a job well done. I don't see why this wouldn't apply to Vash too? He doesn't even usually initiate their physical fights. Vash does. (He has every right to, for the record. Knives just doesn't comprehend why Vash would be mad so he always tries to talk like everything is normal. Lol.) And when they are fighting he always puts his hand on his face ?? More annoying than a direct indication of violence. He could just punch him or something but he doesn't? Like violence in Trigun isn't a thing known to happen. Idk I think that's interesting and worth exploring a bit yk ???
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Obviously he chopped his arm off I'm not saying he's innocent there either, just that he's more likely to be emotionally manipulative than explicitly interpersonally violent LOOLL. He didn't chop off his brothers arm because he enjoyed it, to him that pain is neutral. It was just a super casual reminder. But SEXUAL violence is completely different, sure it'll leave scars but you can heal from physical pain all day and night I mean commooon it barely even COUNTS as real pain. (Because he rarely has to experience it.) (A certain someone's got a major empathy problem.) And if it kills you it doesn't matter cuz you're already dead 😝!! But SA is different. It's his worst fear and greatest agony. It's something he knows sticks with you your whole life, he doesn't think that's a wound capable of being healed. (So he never tries and chooses to live in constant fear and anger instead.) That's how I see it anyway...🤕 Again it's not like he's a reasonable guy he is known to be a bit unstable idk if u knew...
Actually if anything, I think Vash would be the more interpersonally violent of the two. (Vashes abuse is always reactionary tho he would never act like that if Knives would just be normal lol he is not the aggressor here.) I can't see Knives punching Vash but I could VERY easily see Vash punching Knives ykwim ??? (For trimax anyway, ik kid Knives beats the shit out of him in 98 which I DO think is funny. But I don't accept into my personal canon okay LISTEN we are talking about a lot of conflicting characterizations here. JUST HEAR ME OUT. ✋) Knives never even really blames Vash for BLOWING HIS LEGS OFF in July too, which I always thought was so interesting. It makes me think this is actually a common thing for them to the point that they don't even argue about it outside of "are you actually aiming at me again 🙄?" Which is more bitchy than angry. Like ugh I can't believe you. Typical, typical Vash. 🥱 He'd probably use it as a way of proving to him that they are the same. And despite denying it, Vash would actually agree and feel a deep sense of shame abt it. He's had 150 years of pent up anger after all. He almost killed him with a rock once lol. I'm tired of everyone woobifying Vash as some kind of perpetual uwu victim. Vash is fucking mean sometimes. He is just as capable of violence as Knives is. The same way Knives is just as capable of great kindness. It is known that Vash is in fact physically STRONGER than Knives. (With his plant powers and id assume in general because Vash actually goes outside while Knives reads in his garden all day.) I truly believe that the only reason Knives ever wins the sibling fights is because of Vashes constant hesitance. He's not a battered wife stereotype. All Vash wants is control over his own life, the last thing he'd want to see himself as is a helpless victim. It's why he always pretends nothing is ever wrong with him. It's why he doesn't accept help, and values other people's problems far above his own. His kindness was always an active choice and that's why he's such a powerful character. And Knives would bring out the absolute worst in him LOOL all that work he's done to better himself is instantly thrown out the window the second Knives' very punchable face walks in the room.
He was fighting absolute demons not to run over and beat tf out of Knives in this panel
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This is why I feel so disgusted by stampede and the way they handled their relationship. They've dumbed down these characters to the point that they are unrecognizable. Literally every aspect of stampedes portrayal of them feels like a first conclusion based on a synopsis of their goals and personalities. I get there's only one season but that's a LOT to fuck up in one season bro. 😭. There is absolutely no salvaging Nai as a character for me. I'd cover my drink around that guy I find him genuinely repulsive. At least with trimax, you can read around an initial sussy reading if you wanted. How anyone defends Nai, I don't even know. That whole plant insemination thing is pretty on the nose y'all. Literally doesn't even make sense for him to do that like? Why would he want more independent plants??? It's like they tried to make Knives' motivations make sense when the whole point should be that they don't. He's fighting ghosts out of fear. Stampede wasn't even good enough to justify its own existence by how it looks. Adding peculiar plant pregnancy preggo fetish incest bait is just the turd on the turd cake. They ruined the most compelling part of the story for me. Pfft.... But whatever...🚬 not like I care ....🚬
Not to mention Legato y'all don't even get me started. The guy that HATES humans more than anything in the world taking in a HUMAN -SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIM. The one time he's ever taken pity on a human being and it was someone who was the victim of a violent sex crime. Yeah guys that dude. Total raper. Defo a brother diddler. What the fuck are we talking about right now y'all. I genuinely feel like sexual violence would be the last thing knives would ever do ever. I understand that there are sus scenes in the manga that could be interpreted this way, but considering the many themes in Trigun and his place in the story as a whole, I think it is such a misrepresentation. And it frustrates me to see it as one of the only things talked about in regards of his character. If I could, I'd rewrite every scene in the world so people could understand what I see, but I can't. And I know I can't control how other people see the media I like. Trigun is extremely interpretive, and I understand why this is a common conclusion. But I guess I just can't shake the feeling that it's more complicated than that. I have criticisms with trimax and ESPECIALLY 98. And there's obvi a lot id change to fit what I'd find most interesting. (Also why every headcanon revolves around Knives somehow teehee) BUUUUUT I do think all of my analysis is pretty based in canon. I can't stress how insane I am about this and how much I've thought about it 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕. Believe me, I've considered every obstacle. And I've stayed consistent.
Knives is a raper feels like the easy answer to me. To be completely blunt, it's just not as compelling. Vash and Knives would both have very complicated relationships with their bodies and sensualities and gender and their relation to their plantself and their humanself and blah blah blah whatever. I'd much rather explore that as a separate result of the same abuse than default to supercestsimulator69. Knives is already an abuser. Making him a sexual aggressor too doesn't really add anything to the story besides diminish and dumb down his very complex motivations. Vash and Knives should be very good friends who know each other better than anyone. (They are trauma bonded like CRAAAZZY, very codependent like y'all get it.) I think that would make their conflict SO much more interesting. While providing some great context to why Vash is so willing to give every horrible person he meets a second chance at life. If I saw my brother, who I love, and is my best friend in the whole wide world, slowly deteriorate under the pressure of the abuse we we're BOTH experiencing; go fucking crazy and kill everyone. And I KNEWW. He genuinely believed he was doing what he had to do to protect the both of us...I'd probably also give everyone the benefit of the doubt idk. Vash understanding Knives' motivations but still holding on to that (justified) resentment and anger is ESSENTIAAAL to their dynamic and also literally all of Trigun. Sexual abuse throws a rock in all of this. If anything I think Knives would tell Vash "I'm the only one who WOULDN'T assault you. They're human, they'll only see you for how useful you are. It's what they do. It's what you know they do. You're choosing them over me the same way Rem chose Steve over us." Knives' abuse is complicated and multifaceted, not just some gross display of power. He's not even the most power hungry character in the world. He's got a whole cult dedicated to him that he canonically IGNORES.
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And he sure as shit doesn't respect people who are desperate for power over others!! He'd think he's above that too. Just more evidence of human deviance. (Like the scene in 98 where kid Vash and Knives are watching the humans fight over water. Animals who think one is more deserving of resources than the other.) He's narcissistic in the literal diagnosable sense but definitely not some kinda megalomaniac. I think that's a huge mischaracterization. He doesn't want to rule the world, he wants to destroy it. And he wants Vash to be his equal in this, he respects Vash. (as far as someone like Knives can respect anybody at all) He doesn't understand why Vash would choose to be so "dumb" because he's never allowed himself to feel the vulnerability of potential harm that Vash wants him to understand is worth it. It's why he locks himself away from the world, he's afraid of being victimized again. Knives' morals are all over the place, he genuinely doesn't think murder is bad but would consider sexual violence to be the worst thing anyone could ever do EVER. It's not like we're talking about the beacon of reason and consistency here y'all, Knives is cray cray sauce.
Anyway that's my thoughts, sorry this took forever to answer. 😿 And ended up being SOOO long.. I've on and off mauled over this writing and rewriting again trying to make any of my garbled thoughts make any sense. Hope it resonates with anybody at least bc I genuinely feel like I've been taking crazy pills lately LOOL. Take care of yourselves everyone. 💖 Never an easy subject to talk about.
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foiledbyvoile · 8 months
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The last two episodes really got me over here pondering and shit. Didn't think my 2019 Alastor phase would make a comeback, but here we fuckin' are. Seriously though, what is his deal? I love that you can't quite make sense of him, but also I NEED to make sense of him.
Clearly he's somewhat emotionally invested in all this, that little (cute as fuck) scene with nifty the night before the battle showed us a sentimental softness in him, but he's also definitely cozying up to Charlie to use her powers for something big.
Something like breaking a deal he'd made, and I've got money on Lilith. That bad bitch seaside moment was too iconic, she's pulling strings and catching rays, living her best life.
But I need DETAILS, man. I wanna know what the stipulations of the contract are, I wanna know why it was made, what was gained and what was lost, if this deal gave him the power he wields in the first place. What does Alastor need to do to fulfill his end of the deal? I want the nitty gritty of it, man.
Speaking of deals, Alastor and Charlie??? I know we're probably meant to sweep it under the rug, Alastor says not to worry about it, it's not for Charlie's soul, the whole scene was just brushed aside...but what about the desperation he fucking reeked of?? He was beyond eager to make that deal.
Alastor held onto that information for months, waited for the perfect moment, when Charlie was backed into a corner and desperate, and he used that groundbreaking leverage for a favor. That could be anything! Like breaking a deal only someone with her power could, or, since he clearly likes playing the long game, it could be something far less definitive, easier for Charlie to get behind. Something like helping him make his next move.
(Then the next, and the next, and the manipulation continues--ideally, I'm sure. Narrative folly and character development will almost definitely nip that evil scheme in the bud.)
You gotta love that classic Alastor guile when he tells her it's not for her soul. What it really is is a foot in the door for him, and a show of good faith for Charlie. It's a chess move, and if Alastor is as conniving and methodical as I hope he is, it's the equivalence of moving a pawn.
But then he backs up that dubious display of altruism by introducing Charlie to Rosie and the cannibals. Would Alastor really implicate a close friend and her community for something he wasn't truly invested in? That's a genuine question at this point. It's pretty much confirmed in the song that Alastor is choosing to help Charlie, that he sees the potential in her, but again, for his own benefit.
Which brings us to the radio tower, post fight. The vibes I picked up were immaculate. He's incredulous, desperate, shaken and very clearly trapped in circumstances that drive him absolutely insane.
Alastor's all about control. I think back on his spiel to Charlie about maintaining that control with a smile, but even now, when Alastor is cracking under the realization that he doesn't have that, he continues to smile.
I'm really under the impression that Alastor literally cannot stop smiling. (I'm not counting the single-frame-debacle.) It's either that, or he's forcing himself to smile, desperately vying for some semblance of control in a moment where he well and truly has none.
Then there's the line, "Great Alastor Altruist died for his friends". It feels sardonic. Bitter, like he regrets putting himself in that position, but was it really a choice to begin with? Because he let himself get too involved, too comfortable, and realized that that sentimentality he'd developed has become a weakness?
I think he really was forced to protect Charlie and the hotel (it would explain the seven year coincidence, and Alastor appearing at Charlie's doorstep so serendipitously). This is almost cemented by the following line, "I'm hungry for freedom like never before, the constraints of my deal, surely you have a back door."
He almost died (again), for the sake of Charlie and her hotel. That's a helluva fucking thing for a being who's toppled overlords and held power like he has. No amount of entertainment is worth his own life, there's just no way he willingly pits himself against Adam for anyone's sake.
Assuming that the source of his power is also the source of his subjugation, and considering how Alastor openly strives for control--yeah, he's having a bit of a moment™.  
I do hope that there's some genuine conflict in him in regards to his relationship with Charlie and the gang. That everything he's doing isn't inherently selfish anymore, but he veils that 'weakness' under his perpetual guise of deviant mirth. Bonus points if he's tormented by the good Charlie brings out in him. He deserves the angst, the fuzzy-fucker (/affectionate).
Couple of side notes here:
Thoughts on the way Alastor's mouth is sewn up when he strikes the deal with Charlie? Was he made to smile all the time, is it just a design choice? Personally, I'm hoping there's some angsty lore there, like maybe it's part of his contract as some twisted joke, idk.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Alastor vs Adam smackdown extravaganza. Yes, it was rad as fuck. Yes, of course Alastor was going to lose. But the way it was handled felt like a bit of a disservice, Alastor's reaction felt ooc. But then again that could just be me projecting my perspective of Alastor unto the character.
ALSO, having a character who is well known for not swearing dropping some casual, outta pocket f-bombs was a bit trite. it's supposed to feel like a reward, y'know?
ANWAYS. Yeah. Good shit. I'm losing my goddamn mind.
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ad-astrah · 23 days
Cinderella's Castle Digital Ticket Reactions (Part III)
"GOOD. Good. Good. good. goo--*sobs.*"
Starkid does one little concert in London and suddenly EVERYBODY'S got a British accent. lol I'm just joking. They work here with the setting of the show and as a way to differentiate characters. And I think it was smart of them to only use the accents for minor characters that only briefly appear.
"because your labor pained me and I swore that I'd get you back and...well, that time has come." Honestly, she's a real one for that. Also that line delivery was so perfect. Angela's comedic timing is so good.
I was actually rooting for Rancilda, though. The blowjob jokes that she and the prince could've shared...
"fits like a glove." "It's a shoe, stupid!" "IT'S AN EXPRESSION, DUMBASS."
Again, I just love how stupid and wildly different and fun Mariah's character is in this show! Love seeing her range.
Tadius gettin' the fuq outta there. He knows shit's goin' down.
Tadius' face during these vows. Gives me Chris Pine sitting through an interview with Harry Styles vibes.
When Ella came back I was like: WELCOME BACK, QUEEN. SLAY.
THE HAIR. THE ROBES. THE LONG SLEEVES. This is so fuckin' dope.
How did the outfit get MORE. DOPE. YASSSSS ELLA. WERK BITCH. This chainmail-like look literally and figuratively KILLS.
And thus Winnifred Sanderson the Stepmother dies.
Tadius just casually admitting to regicide.
"Who knows! I wasn't there." Biiiitch.
Queen Putrice. lol gurl was queen for like 5 minutes.
I thought he was proposing for a hot sec there. And as good of a power couple I think they'd make, they ain't ready for that yet. They got boatlads of fuckin' trauma to unpack and I'm pretty sure neither of them have ever been in a relationship before lol. They gotta take that ish slow.
Wasn't quite expecting an 80s gospel ballad but it makes sense and it works. Especially with Bryce's powerful, soulful voice. Gimme that power ballad gilrboss vibe.
Yo, listen to how GOOD Jon Matteson sounds! And whilst using a character voice, too! Proud of you, boo. He's come such a long way since GWDLM.
Jeff working the crowd like the attention whore he is and we love him for that.
Jeff's falsetto is insane!
I'm wondering if Ella's wardrobe was all green as a reference to her mother's dancing and praying in the forest in front of that tree and to the Fairy Queen herself? I feel like it's symbolic and not just a "Bryce looks good in green, so let's make her entire wardrobe green" thing. Although she DOES look good in green.
Another brilliant, hilarious, incredible show from Team Starkid. I cannot WAIT until the Youtube edition comes out and all Starkid fans can watch it over and over as much as we want and soak up every little detail and joke and make all the memes. I know they'll never see a post from lil ole me, but THANK YOU, TEAM STARKID, for making my days brighter, my heart lighter, my laughter louder, and my smile wider.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 year
Aight here’s a few of my favorite SP fics that no one asked for
I’m generally more of a one shot kinda lad but since getting into South Park I’ve read SO MANY GREAT longer ones so here’s just some highlights: (all on ao3)
Ship In A Bottle FayOfTheForest. One of the first sp AU’s I read, we got PIRATES. HOMOEROTIC SWORD FIGHTING. WLW CREEK. SLOW BURN STYLE. (Injured stan my beloved) KENNY. BUNNY. The parents SUCK. Literally such a kickass story!
This House of Mine by OrcaTimes. VIOLENCE. GANG ACTIVITY. CREEK. I really love the characterization of everyone in this fic, especially Craig. Seriously man. Also THE K2 IN THIS SLAYS (we got some PRIME Kyle injury too god I love him) THE ENDING IS SO SATISFYING TOO!!!
Peppermint by boxwinebaddie. Bro. Literally my all time favorite style fic. I’m so serious. The writing and story are BEAUTIFUL LIKE SO FUCKING AMAZING The PINING. THE HEADCANONS. I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS. Pls if you check out any of my Recs READ THIS ONE.
Maybe For Real This Time & The Kids Are Alright by WeirdBBQDad. Dude. I have no words other than KENNY FUCKIN MCCORMICK. Also Style. Also families. Just- just check it out.
Hang ‘Em High by littledeathsinmusicalbeds. Cowboy au. Creek. Established Style. Bounty hunter Kenny. Massive slay.
The Thief Trilogy by wintergrew. WHEN I SAY IT LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE. The world building is PHENOMENAL literally my favorite SOT AU OF ALL. Long as hell, but SO worth the read holy fuck. I adore Stick Of Truth.
You’re The Prettiest Boy I’ve Ever Seen by burnt_pancakes. CREEK. STYLE. MISCOMMUNICATION. BUNNY. KENNY IN GENERAL. the friendships in this are PERFECT.
Your name written upon mine by sooduhnim. SOT STYLE. Soulmate au that’s INCREDIBLE seriously I love this one and can’t wait for an update.
How We Began by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Ok yes I’m cringy as shit for the self promo but this is my favorite long fic that I’ve written. Slow burn SOT STYLE, no war just fantasy gays falling in love, injury, sickfic, all my favorite bullshit and I loved writing it ok.
N1SM by kiritila. A classic in the fandom. Style. A masterpiece.
Between the Sinners and the Saints by KaiterTot. Oh. My. God. When I say this one altered my brain chemistry… THE ENDING DUDE HOLY-
A Few Last Wolves by Jwink85. Yes, I am a resident of the State Of Style by way of Creek Nation but this is Cryle. And it’s a slay. If y’all liked Frank and Bills episode in TLOU, it’s kind of an au of that. It works man.
Winter Butterfly ALSO by Jwink85 and ALSO Cryle. What can I say it’s incredible. The Style in the beginning is CUTE until shit hits the fan, too, and I thought this fic was a really interesting take on all the characters and relationships. I adore Tweek in this one too.
Something Sweet Like Honey by bluebryy. Ok this one is unsettling and creepy Craig makes me feel icky but I cannot WAIT for an update on that fic, I got my fingers crossed for Style endgame. Also CHECK OUT THEIR ART ON HERE they converted me to a short king Kyle truther and it’s a slay tbh.
Ladies and Gentleman We Are Floating In Space by gremlinteeth. A classic. The first sp multi chapter I read. THE LORE BRO. CREEK. STYLE. STANS CHARACTERIZATION GOES SO HARD HES MY BOIIIII
Ok. That’s all my recs for now. Sry for being insane.
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celestie0 · 7 months
Idk if this is weird to ask but can you tell more about your situationship?😭 I’m curious since it inspired the story idkkk
nooo not weird at all haha, i had plans to share more ab it once i was done w kickoff but i dont really mind sharing a bit now (will literally always take up any chance to talk ab it it’s an impulse i cannot resist)
basically i met this guy like halfway through my freshman year of college at a frat event, it was a bit different from kickoff dynamic in that we started hooking up pretty soon after that, just a casual thing, but then the pandemic hit and so he went back home to live w his grandpa/family in new york (i live in cali) once campus shut down and stuff. obviously we couldn’t hook up anymore LMFAO but we still talked a lot and i think it was during this time of just talking to one another that i really started to catch massive feelings for him :”)
i went through some bad anxiety during covid, struggling a lot w my career and if i still wanted to pursue the things i thought i wanted (i think a lot of college students went through this w the pandooski) but he would always be there for me and would stay on facetime calls w me if i was struggling to study, he’d cheer me up w pics of his tibetan dogs lol, just reallyyy sweet ugh when we were long distance i rly saw a side of him i didn’t before and i think that’s what made me fall for him
i confessed to him first, similar to reader in kickoff, n told him we could do long distance until he moved back here. but then he hit me with the “i’m sorry, i can’t date you, i’ve got commitment issues”. in his case, he had a long-term girlfriend in high school for four years who he also was dating into college (before he met me), but he found out she had been cheating on him for a long time w not just one but multiple of his friends 😭 so..he said he has really bad trust issues, and that he really wanted to try to date me, but he just felt like he couldn’t
i was really hurt, obviously, but i think in hindsight maybe it was a responsible decision on his part to not throw me into a mess of a relationship w him, one he knew he wasn’t ready for. but at the time, i just thought that it was bc i wasn’t good enough to change his mind. anyways, he asked if we could still talk and be friends, and i said sure bc i didn’t really want to lose him. i figured i could just wait for him (and i told him that i would)
yeahhh well the waiting was way more fucking painful than i thought. he flew to cali once to visit me when flights were sort of resuming, which is just fucking insane because you’ll fly to see me but you won’t date me 😭, and i told him that it’d be the last time he ever sees me! and it was :”) maybe it was an impulsive decision by me, but idk. yknow when you get stuck in a limbo for what feels like forever that you make a decision just for the sake of making one (it was such a short amt of time in reality, but it felt like forever) he made a comment to me in our last conversation about how he really wished he didn’t have to be someone i had to wait on to change, and that really fuckin stuck w me lmao i cried so hard the drive home from the airport. i think all the “what-ifs” kinda sunk in at that moment
ch7 of kickoff was basically me trying to get inside the head of the guy from my situationship, and see what it’s like to have fears hold you back from wanting to experience something for yourself, something that could be beautiful if you would just give it a chance. i felt like if i wrote it from that angle, i’d have more understanding of my situationship (i dont have commitment issues myself, tbh i’ve never rlly understood the concept. like, i’ve been fucked over by ppl in my life too but i’m never one to punish the next person for it. dealing w my situationship was really hard because of this, i would get really frustrated, but writing ch7 from gojo’s character’s perspective made situationship guy’s feelings make more sense to me, i think, there was a sense of closure in that)
but anyways, i was in love w him for sure. like, possibly infatuated. there was a time where we got into a big argument about something and i think i legit i cried myself into a fever 💀 it was all so crazy and powerful, the feelings, i’ve been involved w n dated other guys since but of course none of it really compares. idk, i guess there are just some people that can make you feel that way, there’s really no use in understanding why.
this sounds so sappy, lmaoo i swear i truly am “over” him in that i hardly think of him that much anymore, n tbh i don’t think of him specifically all that much while i’m writing kickoff, but there are moments where i can’t help but bring those feelings into the story.
there’s a line in ch8, near the end of the bed scene, where reader has a thought like
“You feel so safe with him, and yet you also feel scared, because you like him so much that you would let him ruin you if he wanted to.”
yeah. that’s basically how i felt about him.
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
Ok so I’m rotating ideas about elves and mythology and decided to drop some ramblings in your ask box because of all the wonderful theatre-related thoughts you’ve been sharing!! The thing is that the silm is a mythology right. Like it’s written in that style, and the heroes of LoTR and the later Ages in general are always explicitly looking back to the stories of the First Age (see: Aragorn wanting to cosplay Beren and Lúthien with Arwen). But what were the myths, the cultural stories, of the Elves of the First Age? In Tirion what were the stories that Maglor might write a play retelling or subverting, that Elemmírë might make a new song about, that Míriel might have woven into a tapestry? All cultures have ancient myths – but these characters are a) living at the very dawn of the world, and b) are all going to become mythological figures themselves! It makes me a bit insane. My thoughts are that they told a lot of stories about the war the Valar made on Melkor, and also about Cuivienen and the awakening of the elves, but honestly I don’t KNOW. What do you think? (No pressure to answer this is very random I realise) ❤️❤️
NO I love these thoughts!!! My thoughts generally go along the same vein as yours in terms of the general themes of elven myths. Here are some possibilities I imagine:
Whichever continent the elves in question are not seeing is often the center of the stories. The Sindar and Avari in middle-earth myth-make a lot about the lands in the west; the Eldar in Valinor myth-make about middle-earth. Since we're talking about Elemmírë, Míriel, and Maglor I'll stick to the latter.
I imagine there's aways the pervasive idea of secret Ainur no one has discovered yet. No matter how many times the Valar go "no we promise we're all here in Valinor, there's no other Valar left" there's 100% an elf somewhere going "have you heard about the Vala of bogs? yeah they live in middle earth and they're in charge of all the bogs there and if you aren't careful you'll be stuck serving in their bog court"
Not to mention elves who know Aulë and have heard that his people sleep under the earth, waiting for their time to awake. I'm sure for some elves tell it as simply that, but over time another pervasive myth develops -- stories of great dwarven kingdoms under the earth, kingdoms they're barred from seeing, stories of seven great dwarven kings, each much like Aule in face, each possessing a specific sort of magic.
Imin, Tata, Enel, etc! Not only do we canonically get them as a counting story, I imagine their fates are also something that ends up being talked about? They do not seem like they ever ended up in Valinor -- what happened to them? I feel like elven stories can tend to go along the lines of "and then he turned into a tree" or "he still dwells by the sea where he was born" or "he fell into the cracks of the mountains during the war and became one with the earth."
Myth as a way to explore cultural taboos! Elves coming to Valinor, a land with no pain or crime, with the shadows of war and suffering behind them -- I imagine they must explore taboo and pain through storytelling. What happens to an elf that leaves his wife for another? What happens to an elf who poisons her sister? I imagine there's some gruesome/creepy stories that come out there, but are told with a naïveté to the actual truth of what violence looks like. Something along the lines of "and then the servants of Melkor hacked the elven king into bits, so his wife had to go looking for each piece of him in every corner of the world and sew them back together"
The sea!! Must I say more. The elves emerged from the sea, and they long for it -- yet they cannot go too far into the waves without drowning, and they do not know what lurks under the waves. I imagine myths centering around sea-creatures, around the souls of the drowned, around elves (mer-elves?) who never left the sea and make their kingdoms underneath the waters, etc.
Just some ideas!! If anyone else wants to contribute headcanons for early elf myths to his post, please do!
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freckliedan · 4 months
jam do you think we're getting BIG 2 (Basically I'm Gender)?
hi teo this is a: really good question. here's the thing. i can have an answer for you but first i have to explain that it's not a prediction up to my usual standards and why?
because. my usual standards are very high. in 2017/18 it was easy? there was no break in data for us to pattern recognize them based off of. and i took them for their word on things + was able to refine my thoughts in conversations with @freckliephil to the point it was somewhat uncanny what we were right about.
we fully called that dan and phil would come out in separate videos with something longer & more serious from dan + shorter and less intense from phil a year to a year and a half before they came out. we'd discussed that the bullying dan experienced included a physical aspect and that that was the reason having his neck touched by people was triggering before ii toured. the list of detailed things we were right about goes on for a stupid length of time.
and it's just not possible to predict what they're doing next in the same way in this era! in 2018/19 they had been in the public eye for their entire adult lives and we have an excess of information from those 10 years! but now it's been five years—a third of their relationship—without that kind of data.
they didn't vanish completely but dan spent that time as out of the public eye as possible, phil has always been better with keeping his walls up, and we had absolute minimal joint content.
they were able to change massively AND AUTHENTICALLY when free from public scrutiny. especially dan! and we just don't have the fucking data to use for accurate pattern recognition in making predictions anymore.
there's still aspects of who dan and phil are as people that haven't changed and never will, and we have the era of complete data on them to compare the present to. so like. it's not fully impossible to predict things. there's definitely areas in which it's possible to make accurate predictions. but in no world will i claim my thoughts on dan addressing gender is one of them!
that said. even if i cannot confidently predict the details of what's coming with dan gender, it's as clear to me that dan has gender going on as it is that he is gay. that's a fact to me because i am in the practice of taking dan for her word.
when it comes to predictions here's where i'm at. i'm completely confident gender mentions will continue to escalate. i also think that at some point dan's going to comment directly on their gender. but i go back and forth on whether a dan gender video essay will ever exist? and so do @freckliephil and @phulge when we discuss this.
i think dan always puts a lot of thought into things, enough so to make a video essay on gender viable for him. if she waits like a year i could see that being what happens?
but on the other hand. i do not think that gender exploration is as charged and significant in dan's life as their gayness. he experienced so much trauma around how people percieved his sexuality from childhood onwards!
gender is difficult to navigate in a cisnormative society and almost always impossible to separate from sexuality but i don't think it's something that she would be inclined to make into as big of a moment & conversation as basically i'm gay.
it could be something as simple as pronouns in bio i suppose? but if so i think it would be commented on at the start of the next gaming channel video too. the biggest thing i can picture is phil starting to quite clearly use different pronouns for dan in different gaming channel videos in a way that's just. very normal about it. a "this is an everyday occurence" way. + this being consistant with the way dan genders themself too.
i do see this happening sooner than a year from now, but i don't know for sure when? pride is a convenient time for it. i think there's a 100% chance they're doing something insane this month, in part because they fucking LOVE dramatic timing and big gestures.
i don't think dan gender will be the main focus of what happens this month, but i'm open to being pleasantly surprised.
i think they're hard launching this year, this month or in october. i think wedding photos being shared is one of the more likely hard launch options. and i think if they're wedding launching that dan would say something about gender beforehand or in conjunction with it?
if in conjunction, it could be as simple as the title spouse being used for dan in an instagram caption? but the reason i think it's possible as something that happens beforehand is because marriage is such a major (and gendered) experience that it makes sense to want to be known and seen accurately as your whole self when it happens in your life.
again. the only thing i'm completely certain on here is that dan has some kind of gender going on and that it feels LIKELY that it'll be addressed some time in the next year. the rest is just probabilities. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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blacclotusss · 2 months
And That's the End of It. There's Nothing Else
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The End of an Era
And that's the end of it...literally. It's bittersweet to see this show, or should I say book, come to the end of its rope. Firstly, this show has become one of my favorites in the past year and a half and I wish I could shout from the rooftops about how much it has changed the way I view a number of things in life. Also, despite the annoyance of this fandom space, I have met so many beautiful spirits who are just as insane about the show as I am and I'd like to say that I have made some lasting connections. Now, onto discussing everything about this finale. 
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I just want to go on record and say that my love for Louis has never gone away. Everything about him from the way he dresses to the way he loves those around him has embedded him in my mind as an all-time favorite character, and of course its thanks to Jacob for breathing a new life into the character. With all that being said, it should come as no surprise that Louis was my favorite part of the finale. The many ways in which Louis shows his rage (and any emotion, really) are astounding, and it's interesting to see the similarities and differences of it in New Orleans and in Paris. In Paris, it's more severe because of the location and the reasoning. Paris was slightly more inviting and welcoming than New Orleans so we hadn't seen him as on edge and pissed off with those he's had to interact with as much. Again I sawy slightly because we can still see the racism in certain comments and those plays. But, his anger and rage is fully ablaze when it comes to Claudia and the way she's being handled. He was able to set ablaze an entire beloved theatre (and its vampires) without the guilt he felt to that at the end of episode three in season one.  
I do, however, think it's also a combination of the fact that Louis is always a step behind and a bit too late and this is how his emotions are come out similarly in both seasons (in regards to Claudia). He'll wait it out until it reaches the tipping point to then do something and that did make me frustrated with him in this episode. Like yeah, let's burn it to the ground, but baby you should have been on this when Claudia came to you about Armand and that coven earlier in the season.  
With all of that being said, I am proud of Louis for finally getting away from everyone else and focusing on himself. I absolutely loved him going back home and seeing how much the city changed since he was there. That little interaction with the Uber driver was the cutest thing ever and something that I had missed in the previous eight episodes. What I mean is that this was such a Black moment from the comfortability between the two and the subject matter of the conversation. Someone tweeted that they missed how unapologetically Black season one was and I hadn't realized what was missing until I read it, so it was nice to have this little moment here. And, in my opinion, Louis looked his best here at home where he now has a better understanding of himself and has lived. Now, I do think another setting other than Dubai could have been good for him, but I love that he's being watched over by his family (Claudia and Paul) and can have a bit of peace now; and that's all I could ever ask for with Louis. 
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Louis & Lestat
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Two words: Fan service. You can curse me out all you'd like, but you cannot convince me that this little "reunion", even the moments Lestat were present in Louis' mind were purely for the book fans. We all knew Louis was not going to be able to let Lestat go quick, but it's weird and questionable to have Louis in a new space claiming that he's finding himself and getting into this new relationship with that man still floating around. What is his reason for being there other than to appease to the masses? Back to the reunion, nothing about it moved me. This man claims that he cannot get Claudia out of his head and I hope she continues to haunt him for the rest of his days. I don't believe that "daughter" crap for one second because he still listened to that bat signal and skipped on over to Paris to watch her die. When he had the opportunity to save somebody, he let her die. I don't buy it and I wish they didn't have Louis buy it either because yeah, he saved you, but he still let y'all daughter die when he has that ancient blood in him. I'm sure deep down Louis wanted her to live a happy life and yet he's hugging one of the people responsible for it. He still chose you over her, Louis. Come on! I'm just glad Louis ended up by himself and not back with that man. Oh! And the little redemption arc they're trying to give him with saving Louis and the season one revisits...it's not working! 
Louis & Armand
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...I'm confused. This relationship has had me on the edge of my seat the entire season, all for it to come crumbling down like that. I just want to know what the purpose on this relationship was? Their sweet moments, both in Dubai and Paris, where adorable. It was like watching high school sweethearts grow older together. But, when you get behind the curtain you begin to question what it really was beyond sex. The sweet moments we see in the beginning of the season has Louis with his mind clouded with Lestat, so was he really into Armand for who he was? Or was he just a placeholder (I hate the idea of this)? And then once Louis washes him away, those moments are limited and it goes downhill from there. In Paris, it just seems like their relationship was out of convenience. And then in this episode it's revealed that the whole "we've been together 77 years" thing was basically a revenge plot...*head scratch*. So I ask again...what was this relationship for? To move the plot along? And it's clear from interviews that no one talked about this as a collective as everyone's answers are different. Even if there are differing opinions, there's usually one cohesive answer. But, I guess I'll just have to take what the creatives have given. 
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Girl...what are we going to do with you? I haven't read the books so I will just have to judge the character as he is on the show, but I have talked to some people who have read and some of the things they've noticed are the same that I have noticed. But, it seems like Armand has little to no characterization throughout this entire season once you really look at it. Yes, he and Louis were able to explore things in their relationship (especially in a sexual nature) but that's really it. He's still the same menacing coward that we meet in episode two in Paris. Did I think that Armand was going to turn his back on that coven? No. But, I also think that unnecessarily explodes beyond fixing. Him being apprehensive about leaving the coven after centuries is on brand. However, that mixed in with directing the death of his lover and his sister, deleting memories from his lover's mind, omitting information in multiple decades, etc. doesn't seem crazy to anyone but me? It smells like the big R, but I'll just keep my mouth shut on that for right now. Maybe we'll see more of this character in future seasons (don't know if I'll be there), but yeah his characterization was just...eh. It seems like he was just there to wreak havoc and I know he's more than that. It's okay to have a villain, but make them make sense.  
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Finale Thoughts
I am quite grateful to be alive in a time where there are three lead actors of color in the fantasy genre as well as playing queer characters. I don't know when I'll see it again, so this show and season will be in my heart forever. And, I'm hoping to see Jacob, Delainey, and Assad in more things as the time goes on because this cannot be the end. I won't give for it! And I want them as the leads with their faces plastered everywhere. The show has breathed a new life into me and now I'm excited to watch good television again. The writing, acting, the directing, etc. has been phenomenal so far and I'm sure it will continue to be. However, certain things besides what I talked about above seem like they were there for plot. I will simply blame it on the fact that there wasn't enough time to flesh things out the way they should be so it falls flat in some areas. Now, it seems like season three will be focused on Lestat and right now I don't have anything really keeping me to continue the show. Maybe as the season approaches there will be something to interest me enough to watch. It was a great time with you all (especially the ones I've become close with)! I'll still be around reblogging posts about the show and writing, but this is my last meta post. See ya'll around!
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redxixi · 1 year
𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
-werewolf!dabi x female reader | wc:-3k
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Disclaimer: all characters are of are. Characters are not mine and belong to horikoshi. This is a work of fanfiction and should not be taken seriously. Minors DNI.
-`warnings:yandere kinda theme, dirty talk, toys, dubcon kinda, names (angel, baby ect), dumbfication, fingering , dom!dabi, sub!reader
☆A/N : this is a continuation of this link. I randomly decided to write it again. Sorry if there is any grammer mistakes or mistakes in general. Bear in mine english is not my first language.
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It has been 3 days since the incident, since then you have been living in the cabin locked in your room by him.
A wolf. A werewolf. He was a werewolf.
Those stories about the monsters were real. And that same monster held you captive here, he fed you yes but you were not allowed outside.
"I can't have my doll running off now can i"
He'd say that whenever i pleaded him to let me go.
I was allowed to roam the house and running would be pointless as he would just catch up to me with his inhuman speed. At times i would catch him cooking something and he would invite me, after we would watch a movie, i could never focus on it. Not with him being here.
At night He'd come in the room looking tired, beat up and his fangs would show.
At the time i would pretend to be asleep so he would gently come into bed and wrap his surprisingly warm hands around me waist, bury his head in the crook of my neck and fall asleep. I never resisted him.
I had known this monster for a short while but he never did anything bad to me or even hurt me. He would often ask me what i wanted to eat or if i had cravings, he would cook them for me and sit and talk to me at dinner as if we were a married couple. I never talked back tho, i never answered his questions or even look at him. Part of me felt guilty for him. I could see he was hurt by my actions, but there was also something else bothering him, i could see it in his eyes.
Outside you could hear the birds singing their moring song waking everyone up. I opened my eyes and found myself snuggled up against his chest with his hands around me. I couldn't move, i didn't want to move. No one has ever held me with such care, no one has ever held me as if there were afraid to let me go. I wanted to cry, scream at him but i couldnt.
"Moring doll" his deep moring voice whispered into my ear.
He pulled back and now we were face to face.
"Sleep well?" He said while caressing me cheek.
God please give me the strength to endure his sinful ways
i didn't reply just shook my head slighty and snuggled closer to him.
"stay here im going to make us breakfast and dont forget to take your medicine. that ankle of yours is not going to heal on its own"
he stood up gently and left closing the door behind him. after i fell that day in the forest i hurt my ankle bad. but he has been taking care of it. he even got me medicine, i still cannot walk properly but i mangage.
after 10 minutes he came back into the room with breakfast in his hands. bacon,eggs,toast and some tea. it felt as if we were truly wed.
"here angel eat up you gotta get your strenght up" after he put down the breakfast he turned around to leave. i grabbed his hands.
"w..wait please" this was the first time i spoke to him or said anything since i was here. he knelt down next to were i am sitting on the bed as if he was about to propose to me. he looked into my eyes as if i was the only thing keeping him for going insane and that broke me. i started sobbing and put my hands on my face to hide the ugly crying face i was making. dabi stood up and sat on the bed, he wrapped his hands around me letting me cry into his neck.
"shhh it's okay angel it's okay im here...i know this is tough for you but i can't let you go. i love you too much for that"
"y..you love me" i said pulling back from him and looked him in the eyes while holding onto him as if i was afraid he would let me go.
"oh angel you were the reason i was coming to class everyday and dont think i didn't notice you staring at my hands everyday. angel look at me i love you so much and i dont care if i sound selfish but i don't want to let you go. "
never in my whole life would i have thought that someone as dabi would say those words to me but he did and it was heaven. with that i took the opportunity and finally after what felt like enternity our lips collided. it was soft, sweet and gentle everything like how i imagined it to be. i whimpered into the kiss and dabi took that as an opportunity to push his tounge into my mouth. the sweet, gentle kiss turned into a hot battle. i could feel him putting his hands on the back of my head deepening the kiss even more.
he broke the kiss and a string of saliva was conneting our lips.
"well would you look at that my little angel has a slutty side" he said grinning.
out of shame i hid my face in the crook of his neck.
"oh come on don't get all shy on me now angel we still have the whole day ahead of us"
he leaned in right by my ear and whispered
"and i promise you i will have you pregnant by the end of the day"
pregnant...PREGNANT?! what did he mean by that?! you can't get pregnant now, your still in college and you got stuff to do and your family and-
"i think by now you know that im not normal angel. i'm a werewolf not just any werewolf im an alpha. and the reason why i couldn't come to school for two weeks is because my initiation is coming up. my father used to be the leader of the pack but now that responsibility has fallen on my shoulders. and i also have another responsibility"
he looks in your eyes and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
"my other responsibility is to make sure that i have a mate and i wanted to choose you angel. i also had to make sure that my mate was going to birth my childeren as soon as they can. as future leader of the pack and alpha i have to make sure to birth as many children as i can. it is a tradition i cannot break"
mate? children? birth? leader? what?
"you...want..me to be your mate...and birth your children...uhm isn't it normal to go on a date or know more about eachother before i birth your children."
"sure it is normal for humans but now for werewolfs oh and my heat is coming up so you better prepare yourself for tonight angel and saying no is not an option. you will be my mate and you will birth my childeren angel. from now on your mine and dont expect to go back to college anytime soon."
with that he stood up and left closing the door. sealing my..no our fates togethor. tears stream down your face. for once you had hope he would be kind enough to let you go and maybe you two could still be togethor.
It was night now 8 pm to be exact and you sat in your room on your bed next to a beautiful robe dabi picked out for you. You could't cry anymore hell you couldnt even think straight at this point. dabi came in 20 minutes ago and layed down the robe on the bed along with some roses.
"get ready in 20 minutes and come to my room angel. tonight is the night i make you truly mine"
it had been 20 minutes and all you could do is stare at the dress. Is this it? what would happen after tonight? would you not see your parents anymore? what about uraraka? what about school, your dreams, your life. will it all be in his control now? there was a knock on the door that broke you of your thoughts and a voice on the other side spoke.
"hurry up angel dont keep me waiting. i am not a patient man"
"i...im coming..soon"
you said soflty but loud enough for him to hear. you started to strip and put on the dress. you walked to the desk an sat down looking at yourself in the mirror. your eyes were all puffy from crying but alteast the robe looked amazing....
after 10 minutes the door to dabi's room opened. he was standing looking out the window, shirtless. he turned around and he thought his heart was about to explode. there you were in all your glory. the dress was a perfect fit and the red colour was definitely a right choice.
he walked over to were you were standing and closed the door to the room.
"you look like an angel.
he took your hands and kissed you softly on the lips. a single tear slipped from your eyes and he kissed them away.
"shhhh it will be okay im here. no need to worry your little dumb head okay. from now on you dont need to worry about assigments or lame boys trying to fuck you cause the only one fucking you now is going to be me."
he took your hands and led you to the bed.
"go ahead present yourself for me doll"
you looked at him with pleading eyes hoping that it was a joke but his blue eyes did not lie. trembeling you lied down on the bed on your back. you turned your head as to not wanting to see his face. then you felt it ,his hands on your feet. he kissed your legs slowly working his way up. soon he reached your thighs and he bit the inner part of them. you winched in pain but that pain would soon be forgotten. he took both legs and spread them not giving you room to fight back. he looked down seeing your cute red underwear he also chose for you.
"cute" he thought.
He put his nose to your underwear taking in your scent. You were breathing heavy now, suddenly he plunged his middle finger in your cunt without warning. you put your hands over your mouth as to not let out the sinful sound you were making.
"aww come on i wanna hear every sound you make. if you dont take off your hands i will tie you up and i dont think you want that do you"
scared moved you hands away.
"good girl you deserve a reward for that"
he plunged another finger in your cunt and trusted them in and out curling them along your walls.
"i can feel you sucking them in. aren't you a naughty girl"
it was too much. you tried not making any sounds but god was he good with his hands. suddenly he poked against your g-spot and you let out a yelp.
"aah so here it is"
"n...no i-"
you looked at him with fear but he did not care he kept thrusting his fingers against that spot violently and you could feel yourself getting close. The pleasure was building up quick but suddenly he stopped and pulled out his fingers.
"The only place you get to cum is on my cock okay angel"
He litterly almost ripped out the beautiful robe you were wearing leaving you naked. You quickly hid your body with your hands. This was too much. You were on the verge of tears.
"Aww baby come here. Its okay hmm i got you, i will make you feel really good okay"
He kissed me slowly and passionately while taking my hands away from my body and locking out fingers together. It felt good. Too good and you secretly loved it. You were not supposed to love it. He was about to get you possibly pregnant and end everything...so why are you enjoying it.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad
"Fucking gorgeous"
He stood up and got rid of this pants and his underwear and there it was, in all its glory. His cock was a big and pretty. It had veins and a pretty pink tip that you wanted to suck on.
"I...never....no one ever did this to me...."
Slowly he started to stalk you on the bed as if once again you were his prey.
"Even better i get to be the only one to ever touch you"
he grabbed both of your legs and yanked them open , revealing your naked cunt. he took your legs and pulled them towards him, bending you so that your legs were now on his shoulder and you were looking him in his eyes. you close your eyes out of embarresment and turn your head. right then you felt his hands on your cheek.
"angel please look at me. i want this moments to be special. please."
he pleaded with a voice that would even make the greatest come to their knees. slowly you opend your eyes and turned your head to look at him. it was as if time had stopped.
"it will hurt for a bit okay but i promise it will feel good after"
you could feel his cock teasing your hole, slowly and painfully. slowly he entered you and it stung causing you to let out a loud whine, your hands held onto his forearm for dear life.
you pleaded with tears falling from your eyes. god why'd his dick have to be so fucking big. after what felt like forever his cock was nesteld deep inside, almost hitting your crevix.
"w..why aren't you OH-"
he started to move his cock violently in and out of your cunt without warning.
"w..wait...please it hurts fuckk"
you couldnt hold in your moans anymore, the pain was slowly becoming into sinful pleasure and he was enjoying everypart of this. your moans were becoming louder and you almost could't breath.
"such a good girl for me taking me so well fuckkkk i could feel you tighting on me aww dont tell me my little angel likes dirty talk."
you couldn't focus anymore everything started to become blurry the only thing you felt and thought of was his cock. this is wrong so wrong, he was defiling you and your body wasn't listening to you anymore.
"tell me you want me to breed you. tell me how much you love this"
you couldn't and didn't reply. the pressure was getting too much, you could feel something happening inside, something wanting to come out, you wanted to let go so much but then it went away. he stopped.
"w..what why would you-"
"you did not listen to me so that makes you a bad girl angel and bad girls dont get to cum. but if you tell me what i want to hear then i will gladly do so"
how could he expect you to ever say such vulgular words to him. you could feel him still thrusting in and out but very slowly. it was not enough you needed no wanted more. did it really matter. so what if you wouldn't see your family or friends, so what if you could't go to school, you'd still have dabi and soon he would get you pregnant. it doesn't sound too bad. he would come home to you everyday, pamper you, love you and fuck you. did it really matter. no.
"please fuck me, breed me, use me, just do anything. please please i want it please"
and that was it. he fucked you like some starved animal that hadn't been fed for months. you couldnt think straight, your eyes rolled back to your head when he started to play with your clit.
"thats it my baby, my girl, my angel, mine mine mine all mine. gonna bread you so good so fucking good"
he was close, so were you. at this point you were chanting his name like a prayer, your eyes formed litterl hearts. it looked like something straight from those hentai you used to watch. never would you have thought you would be in one.
"im close angel. gonna give you all my pups dont worry."
you let out a sinful moan chanting yes yes yes over and over again. he kept thrusting in and out until he hit that sweet spot inside you and thats all it took. you screamed out his name and he fucked you throught it not stopping at all.
"w..wait im sensetiveeeee~"
your plea fell on deaf ears as he kept thrusting on and on. his thrusts were becoming faster and he could feel his high there. all it took was a couple more thrusts and he came hard while inside you.
"s..so much cum"
and it was allot, it never seemed to stop. he was about to collapse on you but he caught himself. the sight was something to see. he kept your legs open and watched as his cum slipped out of it. he took his fingers and pushed them back in.
"you full princess"
you felt as if you were on cloud nine.
"uh huh"
you nodded weakly with a smile.
he leaned over and opened the drawer by his bed and took a piece of metal? plastic? you couldn't tell. suddenly you felt something cold against your cunt.
"w..what are you..what is that"
he thursted the metal object into your sore cunt. the sudden intrusion caushing you to whine, you tried to reach to get it out but he stopped you.
"nuh uh uh that little toy in you will help keep my cum there and you have to walk around with it all day long and it also does this"
he took a little remote and pressed a button. the toy inside you was vibrating and with the cum inside you it felt as if your insides were being moved. your hands clenched the bedsheats and tears were falling from your eyes. but it still felt good.
"don't worry angel this is just the start"
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I'm mostly just gonna copy paste my real time conversation with @hotasfahrenheit here, with a free added bits of thoughts:
My Stand In episode 2 thoughts
I wish they translated the title song, because it's tonally confusing
I love when the makeup team adds hickeys
I definitely watched some of this second episode, but I do but remember how far I got, so I'm just rewatching all the crazy
I really need this orgasm-sneeze to be the thing that tips Ming off
I need it
Joe, baby, you've known this man for five seconds, please do not tell him where your spare key is
Ming stop being so fucking awkward challenge
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Ugh, Tong is such a dick
Why does anyone hire him? He's always late, he complains about having to do his job and threatens to need weeks off if he has to do one (1) thing....
Ming: "I'm feeling jealous, so I'm gonna be petty about it and hurt Joe's feelings"
Joe: "yeah, I should've expected this"
Ming: are you bisexual (accusatory) or banging the makeup guy?
Joe: I have friends???
(Mia: Listen Ming doesn't have friends so he doesn't understand what those are
Me: oh, that's very clear. Gee, I wonder why that is 🤣)
I love that Ming dresses exclusively in $500 shirts 🤣
Wait, is this girl supposed to be set up with Ming 🤣 He's such a bitch 😆 I love him (forgot to tell with Mia about his slutty little rich asshole silk robe, but bless him and the slutty little rich asshole robe)
(Mia: Ming doesn't know how to function as a person but he does know how to look like a rich bitch)
Joe translating his anger at Ming by being hard on his trainees... Oh baby, no
He's really just "I'm asking for a friend"ed 🤣🤣🤣
Oh, I love this girl actually
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Joe with the sex puns, lmao
Ming smiling and then immediately suppressing it is so sad actually
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Get therapy, my dude
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Also, the work bathroom hook up cut with the training session was *chefs kiss* (the way this built tension and also narrative, and like, showed Joe's inner thoughts? Incredible.)
(Mia: Pepzi, our queen) FOR REALZ
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He knows Joe's coffee prep
This is so domestic? (This makes me feel crazy, actually. And Joe's genuine awe at being seen in this small way breaks my fucking hearrrt)
Joe. Baby. Again, it has been five minutes and three orgasms, you cannot invite him to move in
He's being so nice to the stunt men today 😂
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The way he said Joe's name while staring at Sol like "okay bitch, watch this" killed me
He knew Joe would go to him and he wanted Sol to know real bad
Sol is ready to Fite
Listen, I knew he made him sleep on the floor OF HIS OWN HOUSE, bit it's still deeply funny to me
And then, he's just staring at him while he sleeps waiting for him to wake up so he can give him the bitchiest look known to man
Ming: *is jealous AF*
Joe: you jealous bro?
Ming: No, who would even like you?
Joe: *is the world's saddest puppy*
"sit ups break my back, live breaks my heart". Baby, no.
Lovesick Joe= drill Sergeant
Post orgasm Joe = kindergarten teacher
Sad Joe = bad poet who can't do a sit up
(Mia and I had a conversation about how sometimes, very drunk people want to be on the floor in a blanket, and she is very correct)
Did Ming go home and make himself the same ramen Joe made for him? (Because he was jealous and bitchy and ran away after making the boy he likes Dad on purpose)
Okay, considering Ming is in love with his sister's boyfriend, they actually have a really sweet sibling dynamic, and she is actually The Best.
Why can't we go to a movie and eat fondue? Why did Thailand get movies so much better than we do? Let me watch a movie in a bed or eat fondue while I watch my favorite blorbos.
But also, he clearly just needs like, so much therapy
Like, his thought process is "I love him, no one else can have him, I'm gonna kidnap him". Which is .. Not Normal People Thoughts
"even if I could be happy, I shouldn't be"
Sol: " I will flirt by kicking his ass and hoping he kicks mine back"
Oh shit, Joe really just fucking knocked him out 🤣
Ming having a crisis hearing Joe talk about what love is, and then that little smile when Joe said he wanted then to be a couple... (Joe's like, pathological inability to let himself experience emotions is... Several Problems)
This man is insane
Listen, if I'm supposed to hate Ming, they shouldn't have had Up play him
Rip curry
It's the ramen of suppressed feelings again
Look, is Ming:
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They're so cute that it's actually a crime that I know Ming is a whole red flag parade
The way Joe did the cutest little "please, tell me, please please please, I wanna hear you say the things we both know (you jealous baby)" and Ming was like "yeah okay, I will hum a quiet affirmative and we will never speak of it again" was so fucking cute. I am prepared to cry and scream and have my feelings hurt, but gosh do they do this well.
Okay, I have like, real actual thoughts about this, but also I do not. I am obsessed and too deep in it right now to words, but AAAHHHHHHH
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
My thoughts on Treason but just the funny bits. I'll do a more serious review but here's some crack for now (CONTAINS SPOILERS BEWARE):
Pik and Waffle, lovable evil jocks with the silliest little names. No, I will not elaborate.
Savit is the embodiment of the 'he's out of line but he's right' meme. He was literally right. No actually he was wrong, he gave Stardust a few years when in reality it only lasted a day (Fs in the chat but also lmao, get rekt).
I'm still not supposed to root for the Empire like this but here we are.
Someone give Ronan a 'Krennic's top simp' shirt that he can wear with his goofy little cape. Which I'm happy to say the book read to filth, as it should.
The fact that Eli is still so genuine and likeable that even barbed-stick-up-my-ass Ronan felt bad for leaving him down at the space port... only for Eli to then get back to his shuttle with literal thoughts of slaughter on his mind. Like damn it takes some skill to make Eli this mad.
In recent news, Thrawn is still an absolute riot.
My heart goes out to Faro, every time she thinks she's catching up to Thrawn he just comes up with an even more insane plan and she ages ten years on the spot. Like 'we're going to fight Savit now but I'm not even gonna be here, also I left you some instructions on your Ipad :)' '???? Sir????'
My sympathies to the poor stormtroopers who had to watch Thrawn and literally thought he was joking when he said he was going to the bridge. They literally went 'yeah sure you will buddy- wait where did he go?!?'
Cue Savit having an aneurism when he finds him there. (You cannot tell me this man isn't having the time of his life in that moment. Huge 'little shit' energy right there. And I respect that.)
Imagine the Firedrake crew just minding their own business and Grand Fucking Admiral Thrawn walks by without any escort whatsoever like 'Hello :)' '???? Can I help you, sir????' 'No, I know my way around :)) Thank you :)'
TIE Defender supremacy. Stardust sucks.
Half of this book was big ships yeeting smaller ships at other big ships. No, I will not elaborate.
The other half was Thrawn and Ar'alani going back and forth like 'Thrawn no!! >:((' 'Thrawn yes! :))' 'sigh... fine.'
Also, can we talk about how hilariously petty the Chiss are?? ...I am so on board with that.
Knowing how bad Thrawn is at these political games, it's no wonder he's cool chilling with the Empire for now. I mean, the Empire is bad but the Chiss sound even worse. My man just wants to solve space mysteries, let him be.
Savit having another aneurysm while waiting for Ronan to catch up to him and Thrawn in the beginning of the book. Meanwhile Ronan living his best life walking down the runway with his stupid little cape
Chiss are genetically predisposed to being little shits, I'm not joking that's just facts.
"Have you found the target? If not, I suggest you put thoughts of entertainment out of your mind and concentrate on the task at hand." "Yes, sir." Tanik straightened in his chair. "Oh, wait, sir," he said with exaggerated brightness. "I stand corrected. Admiral, we have them." (SEE? SEE WHAT I MEAN??)
Tanik literally smiling at his station because he's gonna spill the tea about Khresh having a little tantrum to all his besties at home, what a legend.
Eli: Man, I want some one-on-one time with Thrawn. Also Eli when he gets some one-on-one time with Thrawn: Oh fuck, am I in trouble-
"Perhaps. But I believe you were suggesting a shift to turbolaser fire?" "A shift to-? Oh. No, actually, I was being facetious." "Ah." PFFFFFT
Okay I'm done. For now.
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thegreymoon · 8 months
The Story of Minglan
I am so upset about Buwei's death but very curious about what is coming next. Since this is a c-drama and they can't have an immoral Emperor on the throne as an endgame, I suppose that the Yong family is going down one way or another. Let's hope they take the Qi household with them, especially Princess Pingning.
Team Prince Yan!
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My lack of sympathy for this woman and her whole family cannot be overstated.
Did any of you care whether other people lived or died?
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Fuck you both.
And the best part is that his stupid ass thought that if he was to whine in front of the Emperor about Minglan, this useless man would grant him the marriage 🤣🤣
He has already forgotten that she beat Buwei to death because of him, smh, and they are back to business as usual.
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Human lives literally mean nothing to either of them. I wouldn't be able to forgive her if she murdered a pet hamster to hurt me, let alone a whole human being 😡😡
Hopefully, he will be lucky enough not to meet you in his next life.
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Oh, boo-hoo.
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How terrible for your mother and you that your delusions of grandeur are just that. Delusions. Classism is hell of a drug.
I hope you get squashed.
Do it!! Please! Make my day!!
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You have literally had people raped and kidnapped, and very likely murdered. And here you are, threatening to murder more. The cognitive dissonance, I cannot 🤣🤣
Oh, yes, your daughter is going to be so happy in this marriage 🙄
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Sooooooo happy!! Everything a loving parent would want for their child 🙄🙄
They are all literally insane. Unlimited power and wealth have rotted their brains.
That this needs to be spelled out for him is just 🤯🤯
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And, like, we don't even go as far as Consort Yong. His own shitty mother could and would do this if he was to somehow elope with Minglan. This is also why there is absolutely no chance the Sheng family would allow this marriage to happen without the Duke and Duchess of Qi fully onboard and Minglan would never do anything that would jeopardise her entire family, such as run off with him without their permission.
MTE, Qi Heng, I fully agree with you on this.
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Why anyone would bother to even cross the street for your worthless ass, let alone bloody their hands to get you, is very much beyond me.
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He is not a "thing", he is a whole human and you are talking about marriage here, an entwining of lives. How happy is she going to be, married to a man who resents her? Who married her only because you threatened to kill his parents and the woman he loves? Are you serious? OK, I can buy that an endlessly indulged princess will have the brain power and impulse control of a toddler and may not be able to see the full consequences of this, but what is your excuse? Moreover, what is your husband's excuse? All of you have worms for brains.
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Why must you make me agree with Qi Heng, smh?
Anyway, I can't wait to watch Zhu Yilong in something else. No love for this particular character but he's really fantastic, very subtle and very expressive.
Oh, thank god.
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Hopefully, now Minglan can let him go and go back to being her usual intelligent self. This doomed side ship has been getting on my last nerve.
What the absolute fuck are you talking about, Gu Tingye? I thought you were supposed to be smart and looking out for Minglan!
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Yes, please kidnap a fucking Imperial princess and see how well that works out both for the House of Qi and Sheng!
Why is everyone stupid all of a sudden?
How is Yuanruo the one speaking common sense all of a sudden?
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Gu Tingye, what the fuck is wrong with you?
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My [ongoing] CodyWan Fic Masterlist
Hello! Sorry that this post is a little late, as I said in another post, I've been busy and it kinda got sidetracked--but it's here now!
This rec list isn't gonna be as long as the other one, since I haven't really had time to get into new fics (life stuff + the work of writing my own fic), but there a still a good chunk of them + a couple are series.
They're gonna be separated into "Ongoing" and "Abandoned" so that way you know what you're getting into and I'll put more info in the description--and yes, I'm recommending a couple abandoned works because I think they're still good and maybe with enough support the authors will decide to continue. Either way, they're good fics.
shoulder the sky by @shootingstarpilot
Have I already recced this series? Yes. Am I still reccing it again? Also yes.
I seriously cannot rave enough about how awesome and well done this fic is, and no amount of me harping on it will ever do it thejustice it deserves. This fic has made me laugh, cry, get really pissed at the characters, and it has me waiting (im)patiently for every update--like, every single day I check Ao3 and it's just to check if this fic has updated.
It handles Jedi and Clone culture beautifully and adds in so much interesting world building, it perfectly balances out the fluff with the angst, it handles grief and PTSD very well, and so many other things! The author is also honestly just very sweet and even takes time out of his day to reply to as many comments as possible (which is insane, because there are always like 70+ comments on every chapter).
The Emperor and His Mandalorian by wanderingjedihistorian (RangerJedi67)
Technically I think this would be considered finished, but the author has added a new work to the series every couple months since I found it, so I'm adding it here just in case.
It's a Sith!Obi-Wan AU where Obi-Wan kicks Palpatine's ass and becomes Emperor and marries Cody, son of Manda'lor Jango Fett, as an agreement when Mandalore surrenders to him. I honestly really like how this fic handles Obi-Wan as a Sith and how that affects his actions and relationships with others, as well as Cody being a sort of "balance" for Obi-Wan's dark tendencies.
I'm not even a big fan of Sith!Obi-Wan fics, but this series is the one that got me to start reading some of them--so it definitely comes recommended!
no one left to sing to by slotmachines_fearofgod
This fic is a really interesting take on what would happen in TCW if Cody took more of an active role in the story. I love the author's take on Cody's character and how both his duty to his brothers and all the Kamino bullshit effects how Cody handles Obi-Wan and his feelings towards him.
Also the ending of the most recent update had me screaming and crying at my computer.
The art of living anyway by Itstwointhemorningwhyamiawake
A "Rex is Force-sensitive" fic that follows Cody and Obi-Wan's relationship as well. This fic is pretty new, so I don't really know where it's going, but the first two chapters have been amazing so far!
the sun is just a star by clementines_and_colorful_things
It's hard to give this fic a description that does it justice, but it's honestly really really good. It's basically a slow burn that follows Obi-Wan and Cody through TCW and, according to the tags, would eventually lead to Order 66 happening differently than in RotS.
More Than Blood by generalekenobi
Where Order 66 happens a bit differently and Cody and Obi-Wan end up on the run with baby Luke and Leia, having to masquerade as a Mandalorian couple to do so (uh-huh, yep, totally fake--them have feelings for each other? never).
I really love how this fic gives Cody agency and lets him go "no, we're not doing that, try again" and actually effect the story's outcome. It makes the story a lot more interesting and adds to the dynamic between Cody and Obi-Wan--both relationship-wise and in their newfound mission in taking care of the twins.
I Can Barely Recall (but it's all coming back to me now) by Shortcuts_make_long_delays
Ok, so I don't know if this fic is abandoned or just taking a while to update, so I just put it here--just be aware of that.
This is a Modern!AU where Cody and Obi-Wan used to date, but broke up due to something that keeps being hinted at but not overtly stated (and fuck, I just wanna know what happened! It's killing me!), and now Cody meets his ex "Ben" again when he turns out to be Obi-Wan, Anakin's older brother.
This fic is really interesting and well written and, like I said before, I really just want to know wtf the accident is--the suspense is killing me! Ahhhhhh!
Honorable Mention
An honorable mention for Not This Crude Matter by thebitterbeast
This fic was gonna be apart of the "ongoing" section, but the final part was posted like right after I posted my finished CodyWan rec list.
This series isn't just centered around Cody and Obi-Wan, but I still think it handles their relationship--and other relationships--beautifully. It centers mainly around Jedi culture and it's honestly one of my favorite takes on it. I can't recommend this series enough!
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