#mentioned star wars fact file
mrfandomwars · 7 months
Fans: True Mandalorians and Death Watch hate the New Mandalorians! It says here in the Death Watch Manifesto!
A Literal Fact File: Actually, they got along reasonably well. They were content to let each other exist in their own spaces, the True Mandalorians going off and being nomad bounty hunters and keeping the warrior traditions alive while the New Mandalorians rebuild the Mandalorian Sector.
Fans: Lalalala! I can't hear you!
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Sources: Jango Fett sold into slavery
Jango Fett: Open Seasons, #3
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Count Dooku: "We were forced to hand him over to the governor of Galidraan. He bacame a slave."
Jango Fett: Open Seasons, #4
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Jango Fett: "After you Jedi turned me over to the governor of Galidraan... he sold me to slavers."
Bounty Hunter (Game Guide)
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"[...] the Mandalorians ran afoul of the Jedi Knights, who wiped out most of the mercenary army and delivered the survivors to the governor of Galidraan. Jango became a slave [...]"
Fact Files v.3 #14 (Jango Fett entry)
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"Sold into slavery by the corrupt governor, a burning desire for vengeance on Tor Vizsla kept Jango Fett alive for long years until the transport he was on was attacked. Fett freed himself, killed his slave master and escaped."
Fact Files #124 (Tor Vizsla entry)
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"Fett was captured and handed over to the Governor of Galidraan. Vizsla toyed with him for a while before selling him into slavery."
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
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"Half of the Jedi task force was killed while the Mandalorians were wiped out - except for Jango Fett, who was turned over to the governor. After years of serving as a slave, Fett escaped and returned to Galidraan to claim the armor of the Mandalorians and enact revenge on Vizsla."
The Clone Wars (Novel)
The snow had melted; the dead were buried. But he couldn't erase Jango Fett's face, the face of a man back from the living death of a slavery that Dooku had delivered him into, etched with all the bitter lines of surviving only to have his moment of justice.
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archeo-starwars · 11 months
You wouldn't happen to have an extensive layout dissection of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant? Or even a list of all notable and obscure sections of the Jedi Temple? OR or even labelled areas that are public and reserved for only temple residents. Both from canon and legends, please and thank you!!!
The best I managed to find comes from Star Wars Complete Locations - you may check out the whole archived version here. The “zoom in” option is pretty good for reading details. Below the pages (I suppose the best is to open them in new tab for better reading):
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As for the list of locations, I recommend wookiepedia's list. Plenty of data, both for Legends and New Canon.
Additional sources worth to check out:
Jedi Temple Locations & Jedi Temple History - both published as official material on star wars.com in regard to prequels and New Canon sources. Pictures and references to various places inside Temple.
Star Wars.com's The Clone Wars episode guide + videoclips from the series, like
A) Jedi Archives Tour (the entrance to one of the most restricted areas of the temple: The Holocron Vault).
B) Layout of Jedi Temple Library (source)
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C) Jedi Temple funeral room + environment illustration by Tara Rueping (source)
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Old Data Bank for Jedi Temple
HoloNews mentioning "a mob of 20 university students attempted to infiltrate the Jedi Temple" and "managing to get as far as the Second Atrium Lobby"
Star Wars Battlefront (2) game wiki provides some map and location description
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and if you have time (and patience) you can watch gameplay from 501st Legion's mission in Jedi Temple for reference, like this one
The wookiepedia's articles should give enough good idea of the rooms, their location and functions, but I'm adding a few source pages:
STAR WARS: FACT FILES #36 provides a lot informations what and where was inside the Temple and some general data about visitors, security, Grand Balcony, Grand Corridor & Towers. Not all is super specific, but worth checking out for sure.
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The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia mentions this:
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and for Jedi Temple entry:
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As for the named locations that are public or reserved for only temple residents, there is definitely a division like that, however I'm not sure if this issue was very well explained. The source gives us some ideas, like for example, Jedi Archives have data accessible only for Jedi with rank of Master or higher (thus most likely separated areas to study). At the same time, Fact Files #25 says that Jedi Archives offers an "excellent resources to researchers, including star-map hologram consoles", but also an access to entire scientific and historical knowledge of the Republic
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so non-Jedi were allowed to use Jedi Library/Archives for their own research and work-related needs. We also must remember that the Jedi Order had various scientific branches, including archaeology, exploring unknown regions, and medicine, so logically thinking Jedi worked with other, non-Jedi specialists of many fields.
We also know from various sources, that politicians and important guests were invited for various occasions. We could see in Republic comics series that Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and senator Ask Aak were allowed to listen to Jedi reporting before High Council about his last battle
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or attending Jedi Funeral like Duchess Satine and Padme Amidala did for the (fake) Obi-Wan's one or just visiting as a friend/comrade-in-arm
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I would need to make more research about this issue as there is plenty tie-in material to Jedi Temple on Coruscant that would take a lot time to study, but at this moment, I think the best is assume how far a non-Jedi may walk into Temple will depend greatly who is that person and what is nature of their business with Jedi.
At the same time, Purge: Seconds to Die has this line "Clone Troopers? This deep in the Temple? Not permitted."
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The Jedi was in Archives herself, so it is worth to take into account that clones could have more limited access to Temple than the average guest before war did. At the same time, clone troopers could make a report before Yoda and Mace Windu/High Council, as was presented by Star Wars Tales (Honor Bound):
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so it is not like they were outright forbidden to enter the temple either.
Hope it will help!
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marzinstarz · 1 month
COUNT -> 100
"Hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
"A good family tree"
His 18 y/o medical report
Ebay page for brass knuckles
Full recording of Dipper singing
News article from after the fact
Wikipedia page for 'triangle'
Church meeting recording
Pig adoption page
"Tri harder"
Google page for 'Confusion Hill'
"Never heard of it"
"rat.gif censored for your protection"
"Never mention that name again"
"Life's goth cousin"
"Life 72% complete. Now loading:  Death"
"The one with the sword! He found you!"
A note from Wendy about warding off evil triangles
Thompson and Robbie's messages about summoning bill
Soos's message about life at the mystery shack
A video of a bill cipher pinata getting beat up
Link to youtube video of "Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe"
Adds stickers to the page until it reads "Lab now fully mabelised"
A note from bill telling Dipper to stare at the sun
An oddly sexual video of bread
A romance novel called "The Love Triangle" with an audio recording of the first chapter
Wikipedia page for "Eye of Providence"
Google page for "Restraining order"
Google page for "Sweat resistant bolo ties"
Any swear word
"Not S&P Approved" notice
"Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one"
"Oh yes oh yes they both"
"Season -1: Antigravity falls"
"Season 1"
 "Season 2"
"For you, kid!"
A faux eye test page filled with codes that someone smarter than me need to decode
"I'm not impressed"
"Time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
"The journal of fun"
"The journal for you"
"The journal for me"
Google page for "Flannel"
Video of an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
"You ask alotl questions"
A video of Weird Al stuck inside the computer
"Hoot. Hoot. Password please!"
A poem about a shepherd
Art labelled "The Bastard Triangle Cuts the Unicorns Hair" 1499
An ultrasound of baby Bill
Dipper's note to ford on anagrams
Downloads a zip file containing fonts of codes and runes
A video of Stan and Ford on the Stan O' War II, with a colour block code
The full image of Ford and Fiddleford at collage
Your webcam is on. We are watching."
"Ducktective stars in 'Love, Quacktually' coming to 'Oi, it's the Cockney Channel innit?' this fall"
A note from Bill about Fords place as a perfect pawn
Image of the oracle with a warning on the back
Images of Bill and his henchmen in the real world, message reading "They found a new home"
Youtube tutorial on how to blanch vegetables
A note from Pacifica about what a loser Bill is
A story of how Bill tried to enlist Pacifica to steal the time rift before turning to Blendin
"Dimension not found"
"Life form not found"
Bill's mug shots
Drawing of Stan catching a mermaid
Youtube link to Jem and the Holograms theme
Urban legend story of the 'Always Garden' a restaurant you cant leave
A video of Matpat tell us were on our own T-T
A hypnosis video with Bill audio convincing you to pledge your soul to him
A Bill Cipher ouija board
"Burned inside"
A snippet of Bill's therapy sessions talking of what ford was to him
"Patient file: Bill Cipher. Greatest love: Himself. Greatest fear: Himself"
"Art therapy notes: All he draws are red and blue triangles"
"Patient's odd phobias: 3D Glasses. Venetian blinds. TV static."
An old game commercial for "Perfection" with a snippet of Bill's [?] voice at the end
A transcript of a fight between Bill and the Time Baby, sheds light on Bill's crime against his home dimension
Downloads a photoshop file full of skin layers
"Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas."
Creepy jump scare video
A novel cover for "Spookemups" with and audio sniper of the story
"Input deleted. AI Antiviral activated"
"Warning: Secondary firewall breached"
"Fatal warning. System under attack"
"Soos! I still love you! We will be together"
"Now downloading girlfriend. (This action cannot be undone)"
Then downloads a zip file full of link to Giffany gifs
A shockingly uplifting poem from Bill with a little image of him as a melting candle
Words that do not trigger the buzzer : BUBBLE, BUTTON, CLEAR, MUSIC
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rochi: there are literally 19 fics for this ship, all but 3 written by the same person, and the characters have never even been mentioned in the same sentence, let alone met. neither of them have any lines, we don't know what one looks like and we only know he exists because of like 2 fact files you can find scattered around the game. but holy shit if the dynamic ive deluded myself into thinking they have isnt DELECTABLE
Kesett: Ok so the ship started as something random @ironhoshi and @fettupwithyou came up with but then more people started to hear about it and it became an actual ship. The whole idea was because people realized Boba and Cal are about the same age and Boba is a bounty hunter and Cal is someone who would probably be wanted by a bunch of people
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cosmicmordecai · 1 year
In the Defense of Saw Gerrera......
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Ever since I've rejoined the fandom few years ago, my blog gets notice for a lot of pro-Jedi arguments and sentiments but I don't always get the time to talk about another character in the franchise who gets grossly mishandled by fans: Saw Gerrera.
A lot of fans like to prop up his character as a showcase of "extremism" that makes the Rebels not the quissitessinal good guys and vindicate the Empire, giving them a legitamate reason why they do what they do.
Today, I'm going to call out some things I believe are important to remember about the character.
"Saw's methods hurts the Rebellion more than it helps"
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I've seen this sentiment come up a lot, especially after his appearance in The Bad Batch. In canon, there are certainly people who think that, chiefly Mon Mothma (The Rebel Files, Rebels) but the consensus within the Alliance until it's official formation is that they cannot be picky and that he and his PARTISANS are KNOWN for getting jobs done.
And say what you want about his methods, but the Alliance themselves have more than one time asked for his help and even when they didn't like him whatsoever. And when they didn't, it hurt THEM badly.
In Leia: Princess of Alderaan, Bail is big mad because he killed Moff Panaka, believing he was more sympathetic and didn't like how it almost costed his wife/daughter's life (despite the fact the Partisans had no clue they were meeting). Despite all the hubup and Bail getting bigmad, it actually saved Leia, as he was about to reveal to the Emperor that based on the resemblance, she had to be Padme Amidala's daughter.
In Rebel Rising novel, Saw explicitly talks about how he doesn't like how they prioritize things but remain critical about his methods. One of his former Partisans, Idryssa, went to form her own group in the Rebel Intelligence but found when she wanted to help liberate Tamsye Prime of slavery, the Alliance High Command didn't believe it was worth their time to fight, prioritizing other unnamed dilemmas. She ended up going to Saw in hopes he could do a recon mission that'll give her valuable intellgience. He lambasts her for it, telling her it's ironic she had all the ideas to help the galaxy but could only hope people like him do the dirty work. For context, that part of the story is where Saw gets invited to the Alliance (despite doing the worse thing he's done in canon), which he accepts the mssion for FREE, and it is that mission that created the reason why Jyn was abandoned (ill get to that later).
In the episode "In the Name of the Rebellion" for Star Wars Rebels, the Jaliandi Station the Empire established essentially made it possible for the Empire to quickly respond to any distubances, including a mission Hera was on that was botched unexpetedly. The episode, while grooming over Gerrera's methods, also mentioned that he already warned them about it and they ignored it, paying the price for it. This stems from the fact all their tactics are going to, ultimately, come to a "peaceful resoultion". They also try salvaging this by wanting to plant a tracker so they can also listen into communications and adjust their strategy. Both Ezra and even Hera herself believe it's a damn useless tactic and destroying it was the best option. Plot tiwst: it was. Empire took a L.
Rogue One had a big point that the Rebel leaders were unwilling to act decisively and Rebels had shown that for YEARS, Saw warned them that the Empire were building a superweapon. The reason he wasn't listen to? According to The Rebel Files, Mon Mothma dismissed him entirely on grounds that it was too extreme even for Palpatine and that she doesn't like his line cynicism. It took confirming the Death Star to convince her and High Command to talk to Gerrera and/or take him seriously, who has since cut contact with them altogether.
The Bad Batch is the most recent of these examples as his attempt to kill Tarkin and higher up leaders of the Empire led to a series of events that cumilated to Tech's death and TBB's eventual capture. A lot fans wanna blame Saw despite the fact that they interrupted HIS operation and he was planning to assassinate both Krennic and Tarkin included. Tech has a "counterpoint" but as the audience, we know thsoe two are instrumental to the Death Star and given Rogue One's context, the Empire wouldn't have been able to have a Death Star BECAUSE the research on kyber crystals came from Galen, who was a FRIEND of Krennic (to an extent; Galen wasn't favoring him that had especially later), and after Order 66, a lot of experts on that field were killed or they hid because they knew anybody involved with Jedi was gonna get hunted too. Saw would of killed two importantfigures in the Empire in one fell swoop and lets not forget it was TBB that alerted the Empire in the first place and he was doing it in YEAR 2, when the Empire was still up and coming and had a leadership deficit.
Both the Rebels and TBB show gave counter points with comparing his tactics to instead using it to gather intel. I wanted to address the fact that despite what Tech and one of the guys in High Alliance state that ultimately, they were WRONG: the Jailandi relay being destroyed was a all out positive and Tarkin and Krennic's respecitve connections is what brought to fruition two big parts of the Empire and you couldn't replace the leadership capability Tarkin had. It is literally no surprise in canon, the Empire fell apart in 4 years even if they were close to winning but even in that timeframe, both Sidious and Vader had to be more direct in their approach and the galaxy was quickly against them.
One of the real reasons the Alliance had problems was because of their leadership; it was a known fact that in general and especially after Bail's death, High Command would only act dependent on Mothma or otherwise be indecisive and stall. Her core belief was on searching for a peaceful resolution and she stood on that hill to the point she ERASED Saw contributions while being okay with it if it were her friends that did it, as according to Bloodlines, there have been at LEAST 2 instances prior to the destruction of the Death Star the Rebellion under her leadership engaged in "terrorist tactics", one that involved slaughter.
In fairness, Mothma had a problem with her camp (Rebel Intelligence) using those tactics but at the end of the day, guess what? She endorced Draven, even when he got on his mysoginistic bullshit with Jyn. The Alliance's own propaganda department had to start lying/exageratting because they found out ignorant people will not listen to the truth (shocker). [Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy] And guess what? She signed off the destruction of the Death Star, which totalled to about 1.5 million deaths, the majority being civilians and low-ranking officers dedicated to maintaining it. (Bloodlines) Mothma spent YEARS ignoring, underplaying, and erasing Saw's influence, contributions, and her problem with him was personal, as essentially, she didn't like how Saw both underline the very methods she will have to endorce/support/perform one way or another and that his actions didn't benefit HER, as he was on that "IDGAF about her methods" team. All that and she ended up having to support doing the more morally repugnant things he said she would have to do.
In short? It's complex but Saw doesn't inheretly actually hurt the Rebellion in any special way, despite what the Empire propaganda in universe claims and some opinions of characters (typically Mothma).
"He is a short-sighted fool who just blows stuff up"
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Another big claim I see fans put out here is that Saw lacks forsight and doesn't think things through. It's a hilarious thing because the "short sighted fool" was the only one who saw the the Death Star coming YEARS before anybody suspected otherwise. Characters spent so much time writing him off, trying their hardest to contend with it, and wanted so badly for him to just do things their way even when he told them they were fighting an enemy who plays dirty and didn't care about people.
Funny enough, Leia in canon (by the time she led the Resistance) doesn't actually hold too must amnimosity for Saw because at that point, the New Republic paid the price for playing with Mothma's mindset, the First Order took advantage of her compassionm, the Rebellion/New Republic's still possessed indecisiveness without a clear leader telling them what to do, and the Rebellion/New Republic did not learn their lessons when it comes with dealing with the Empire when they were the leading government. Leia had to create her own militia to fight the First Order and they didn't have no allies for a while. She actually thinks they owe him a lot (The Rebel Files)
Saw said it in Rebel Rising: it'll take a tragedy, the galaxy can't ignore it to get people actually united. And guess what? It happened...3 times over: the 2 Death Stars got people working together after the destruction of Alderaan (Jedha too except in universe, a lot people still bought Jedha being destroyed in a "mining accident") and Palpatine publically announcing himself alive was the only thing that got people to come together against the Empire/First Order/Final Order. The latter happened 35 YEARS AFTER HIS OWN DEATH.
I don't personally agree with his actual methods typically but lack of foresight my ass. Dude had foresight on a level comparable to a Jedi and he has no Force sensitivity. He called out the Death Star and knew what it'll take for the Alliance to get their shit together.
"He's a hot-head, self centered, paranoid leader who hurts his own allies"
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I've seen a combination of things, especially regarding his character youthful appearances in Clone Wars/TBB, that suggest he is a hot-head, that he is paranoid (usually spoken in retrospect to his later appearances), and that he doesn't care for his allies. I've seen people in fanfiction try to say he burns people when they outlive their usefulness or claim he on'y is worried about his own skin.
That's especially not true. There's a reason why he parallels as a non-Force senstiive version of Anakin Skywalker; they are both hot headed, they are both competent leaders, they hate slavery and indentured servitude with a passion, their best trait is the care and compassion they have for others in which they subvert with logic and reasoning and it isn't always easy for them, and they are respectively feared in similar ways. With that said, there are some difference
Saw does possess compassion even with his darkness; he is willing to protect his Partisans and not risk their lives. Even though he loves them, he also KNOWS some of them are on that "Fuck them kids" team (which he is not all okay with) and typically tries doing good things for them, he "abandonded" Jyn (she knows why but she refused the explaination) because his own group were wanting to use her as a extortion tool for Galen, which didn't sit right with Saw. He genuinely likes Ezra and Sabine too. He likes Megyn. He was willing to help refugees displaced by the Empire way back since TBB. There's a reason for his own databank saying "Saw loses much in his decades of combat, but occasional flashes of the charismatic and caring man he once was shine through his calloused exterior". Even in his more morally bankrupt decisions like adopting Jyn as a child soldier, he explains he does it because he recognize that child innocence will not protect her from Stormtroopers and evil who don't care and rather teach her how to survive and fight for herself. And he genuinely teaches her everything he knows. She is a good foil for Leia for a myraidof reasons.
That man had inhailed Genosisian insecticide from a mission and chemical burns from saving Jyn's life and that man still fought. He apprently lost his leg the same year he died in and he was almost willing to keep fighting even when he was going off his rockers towards the end.
In all, it's again complicated when you get all things but he is not this cold man who abandons his allies at the first sign of trouble. He is one of the first original rebels, the Empire's most wanted person that isn't a Jedi or in the Alliance (tbf, he was dead then), and one of the most deadliest rebels the Alliance had without factoring in Jedi.
The real reason fans don't like him
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Let be for real; a lot of people don't like Saw is because he parallels a lot with Mon Mothma, who is a white privilege woman who emobdies the traits associated with heroes (restraint with enemy, peaceful resolutions, "rising above to be better") though unlike Jedi, she is going to be judged differently because she won't have to worry about the responsibility of the Force and it's relation to a character's mindset. She is on the side of the protagonist whe emobody these similar traits so Saw is always going to be seen as "wrong", even when the good guys run headfirst into his methods like gundarks seeing headlights. That's not to say she doesn't have her own points, reasons, stife, and whatnot but fans in this fandom wanna side with "Mommy Mothma" for a reason.
Another reason is that he is a black character and unlike Mace Windu, he HAS crossed lines and does things morally repugnant and distasteful. That I will never argue. However, people love having black characters like that to vindicate and excuse their racist behavior; there were people on tumblr making actual comments about having a mob and lynching him after bein blamed for Tech's death and tried to pass it off as a joke. I have never seen peole wanna lynch mob Anakin Skywalker for killing younglings but they'll go talk about it for their residental, white-washed favorite boi (he's my favorite too btw) onto Saw and thought they were slick all the while pretend Tarkin isn't there or "Well he's a villain so it's expected". Got people out here making headcanons about how all the Clones hate Saw for what happened to Tech or xyz knows when most likely, they don't know or don't care like the way they think their faves would.
What personally frustrates me about this and why I'm invested in even calling this out is because, in all, this fandom will have people ask for nuance and looking at things beyond the surface but the moment the concept is rooted in ideas outside Western ideals or the character in question is a person of color or at least is "coded" as such, they lose their mind and spread the most surface level of misinformation and Saw is no exception.
Saw doesn't represent the favored protagonist; he does not follow their logic and mindset, isn't conventinally attractive to people in ANY iteration, and he is a BLACK MAN in a story about fighting oppression and tyranny using some of the Empire's curelty against them. It aint no surprise and yall not slick.
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sweetmage · 4 months
Happy DADWC uwu can I get a little "Knowing someone else can hear" off of the smut list for either Celestine/Sebastian or Purple Mage M!Hawke/Anders
HIIII! Thank you so much for the prompt, this one was so fun to write 💖 @dadrunkwriting ---
Words: 2000+
Ships and Characters: Inquisitor!Purple M!Hawke/Anders, The Advisors (mentioned)
Tags: Rough sex, getting caught, banter and humor, purple Hawke, dirty talk, multiple orgasms
Summary: Anders had been driving him mad making eyes at him over the war table all evening. The moment they're alone he gives him just what he's been silently begging for, regardless of who hears.
All day Anders had been giving him those eyes from across the war table, practically begging with his eyes to bent over it and fucked all across Ferelden and Orlais. Hawke would have been more than happy to indulge him were it not for the fact that the two women who flanked him might have had some objection. Probably. One could never tell with Josephine, it might make for thrilling gossip.
He behaved himself, though his trousers grew uncomfortably tighter with each heated look Anders sent his direction. It was a miracle no one caught on, least of all the Commander, who may have erupted into ashes on the spot had he any idea.
Hawke could hardly focus by the end of it, letting them squabble amongst themselves for answers or taking advice from Anders, much to the chagrin of the less revolutionary-minded advisors. But finally, mercifully, Josephine declared an early dismissal, citing business that urgently needed her attention. Hawke tried not to linger on how abrupt and generous that was, opting to thank the stars beyond instead.
Once the crew had filed out and the doors were safely shut behind them, Hawke wasted no time cornering his lover, slamming him against the table and capturing his lips with his own. Anders groaned eagerly against him, hands already busy working loose belts and untying strings, trying to free him from his robes.
"Finally," Hawke growled against his neck, kissing and biting. "Thought I was going to burst."
"Couldn't resist watching you struggle," Anders taunted, hips canting desperately against him. "How badly you wanted to have me."
"I'm going to bend you over this table and fuck you senseless, mark my words." Hawke tugged impatiently at his coat. "Off. Right now."
Anders hastily shed his coat, leaving it discarded in a heap at his feet and fumbling for Hawke's. They shed their clothes piece by piece, desperate as teenagers and rutting against each other, hungry to get their hands on bare flesh.
Pressed flushed to him, Anders whispered softly into his ear. "I've been thinking about you all day. I got myself ready for you before the meeting." Anders punctuated his statement with a sharp roll of his hips. "So let's skip the foreplay, I want you now."
Hawke needed no further incentive. He hooked an arm around his waist, lifting him onto the table and slotting himself between his thighs, grinding their stiff cocks together. "Lay back." Hawke directed and Anders obeyed, splaying himself across the tabletop. Hawke took a moment just to admire him. Lean, freckled legs parted just for him, pink nipples pert and peaked, and his cock, swollen and leaking against his taut stomach, begging for Hawke's touch.
"Don't stare, get in me," Anders demanded, wiggling his hips enticingly.
“When did you become so demanding?" Hawke teased, running his hands along his inner thighs. "Where's my shy apostate, blushing and begging?"
"Oh please Ser Inquisitor, won't you defile me here among your advisors' most important documents?" Anders cooed theatrically, bucking his hips. "Happy?"
"Ecstatic," Hawke snorted and positioned himself at his entrance. He slowly pressed into him, savoring the wet slide and tight heat. He wasn't joking about being ready, already slick and stretched, waiting only to be filled. "You really were ready for me." Hawke remarked as he looked down upon him, not yet moving. "Naughty boy."
"Stop teasing. I told you I'm ready," Anders demanded, taking his cock into his hand, pumping impatiently.
"I should tease you for that," Hawke tutted, hips lazily rolling, sliding in and nearly free. "Making me suffer through a whole meeting." Despite his words, he was far too greedy to deny himself another moment. Hawke drove his hips forward, reveling in the filthy moan torn from his lover's throat as he buried himself fully and set a relentless pace. Maker, he could drown in his noises, so sinful and shameless.
"Fuck," Anders keened, clutching at Hawke’s shoulder with his free hand and wrapping his legs around him, encouraging him deeper. "Just like that. Fuck, don't stop. Oh, fuck." Words were reduced to fragments, babbled praises, and pleading gasps.
The table had looked sturdy enough at a glance, but it knocked and creaked noisily against the stone, rattled by the force Hawke pounded into him. The walls were thick, but not that much. Should someone only enter the corridor they'd no doubt be privy to their frenzied fucking. Maybe that made the rush all the more exhilarating, or maybe he just wanted people to know how he could drive Anders to make those noises for him. Anders seemed none too concerned either way and cried his name aloud for whoever might hear.
Hawke wrapped a hand around Anders's dripping cock and took over, stroking him in rhythm with his thrusts. He made the prettiest face then, long lashes fluttering over dazed amber eyes, mouth hanging slack as he gasped ragged breaths. Too lovely a sight to pass up, Hawke stole his lips as his movements became sloppier and harder.
"Right there," Anders whimpered against his lips, his nails biting into his back. "I'm so close."
"Yeah?" He asked, leaning back just a bit to meet his eyes and take him in hand. He could feel it building from the inside, his walls already tensing up around him. "That's it, sweetheart. Come on, come for me," he encouraged, never slowing his pace nor ceasing his touch. He was quickly rewarded as Anders writhed under him, the muscles of his abdomen jumping and contracting,  his eyes screwed shut as he screamed his pleasure. How gorgeous he was shivering and painting his chest and stomach, breathless and smiling. And to feel his body pulsing around him... Hawke chased the feeling, burying his face against his shoulder and thrusting feverishly as he neared his own peak.
The world, in all its cruelty, had different plans for him however.
He could swear he heard someone bumbling about in the hallway just outside, perhaps even whispers. The door was locked so it wasn't too pressing, but a small voice of alarm in the back of his mind nagged at him to pause his ministrations. From a distance it was fine, they had plausible deniability, but should anyone get closer the racket was sure to catch their ear in a way he feared he couldn't talk his way out of.
He sighed, half considering pulling out and taking it elsewhere, but Anders didn't seem to have registered it and thrusted his hips back against him, his spent body greedy and oversensitive. Maker, why was he so damn tempting?
He leaned in to take his lips again, whispering softly into them. "I think someone's outside." Hawke warned between kisses. "Keep your voice low, yeah?"
Anders nodded hazily, his teeth catching his lower lip and tugging. Hawke fought to muffle a groan, his hips rolling into him slowly now as he waited for the unseen interlopers to move along. It was near agony, this quiet, languid pace, the tension low in his belly tightening into something almost torturous.
Anders seemed no better, already hard again and rocking down against him, whining sweetly and needily against his lips. "Feels good, love," he murmured, arching his back and squeezing around him. "I love it when you take me slow like this."
"Shame the company's no good right no,." Hawke huffed against his cheek, still leisurely rolling his hips, relishing the gasps Anders struggled to stifle.
He couldn't take much more of this. To the Void with them if someone heard. What would they do? Fire him?
"Turn over for me." His voice came low and rough, barely containing himself any longer. "I want to have you hard." It took immense restraint to ease himself from him, already regretting the absence of his warmth. At his instruction Anders slid from the table and flipped around, face and torso flush with the wood and his ass raised invitingly. Hawke moved up close behind him, stroked his hands reverently over his soft skin, then sank back in. This time, Hawke allowed no quarter. He slammed into him fast and rough, the table raking across the ground with each thrust but he could scarcely find it within himself to care. His hand came around the front, roughly grabbing his partner's weeping erection, pumping him furiously while he fucked him from behind. With the table at that awkward height, all Anders could do was grab at it and hang on, whimpering and writhing while Hawke fucked him mindlessly, chasing his end.
"Not gonna last long," Hawke grunted, feeling his release rapidly approaching. "Push back against me." Anders did just that, matching the timing and force of his thrusts and Hawke swore, teetering precariously at the brink. "Oh, good boy. Love it when you do that."
Between the praise and the pounding Anders seemed lost to his bliss, no longer bothering to temper the volume of his moans. "Feels so good. Almost there... almost there again," Anders babbled, tossing a glance back at Hawke from where his head was pressed to the table. "Please don't stop." As if Hawke needed his coaxing, as though he had the self control to slow and pull away, let alone stop.
Hawke took him by the ponytail and tugged, yanking him upright, chest flush with his back. Anders melted against him, letting Hawke pound up into him as his hand jerked him off erratically. "Come again, baby." He purred into his ear, relishing in how he shivered at the command. "Come for me."
It took hardly a handful of strokes before Anders was convulsing against him, whimpering his name and spilling into his fist. Hawke wasn't too far behind. He bit down into the meat of his shoulder, muffling the low, satisfied groan that ripped from him as he finally found his long-awaited release, hips rocking gently as he rode through the waves of euphoria, twitching inside of Anders. Hawke held Anders's shuddering form tightly against him and pressed soft, loving kisses along the curve of his neck, trailed them over the scars on his upper back. It was all he could do to even remain upright, still a bit breathless as they both recovered. Eventually he withdrew, chuckling when he caught Anders trembling and heard him moan weakly as he pulled free.
Now in the silence, he turned his attention back to the door, though heard nothing on the other side. "Serves them right. Eavesdropping bastards."
"Or poor innocent scouts we just ran off," Anders mused, still struggling to collect himself as he leaned forward and draped himself lazily across the table. He stretched as a cat might, luxuriating in his sated stupor.
"Come on, let's go clean up before I have any ideas about taking you again." He trailed his hands over his hips one last time, helped him stand, and straightened his disheveled hair, smoothing it over. They gathered their scattered garments and dressed as quickly as they could manage, Hawke unable to resist pausing for a few playful swats at Anders's rear. "Try to put on a face that doesn't say 'just ravished in the War Room'. You know, that stuffy 'I am a very serious apostate' face. Act confident enough and they'll forget it ever happened."
"Really? I always thought that 'I just got my brains fucked thoroughly into next week' face suited me." Anders fell into step beside him as they left the room, both clearly relieved to find the hallway now empty. What lay beyond that, though, was not as welcome a sight.
The moment they crossed the threshold Josphine, a quill in one hand and the other pointing back towards the war room addressed them without even looking up. "Inquisitor," she cleared her throat, a faint blush tinting her cheeks, "please return the table and all of its pieces to its original position before you leave. Thank you."
Both of their faces burned scarlet, Anders looked like he might melt on the spot from sheer mortification, Hawke doubted his own composure fared much better. "Yes, Lady Ambassador," they managed to croak. They power walked back from the office to the beat of stifled giggles and hurried footsteps.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I have a question? From emsemble stars and twst, which character (as a yandere) do you think is the most possessive? (I'm genuinely curious)
Hi cupid, it´s good to see you :D
Hm, I always have difficulties deciding when it comes to what character is the most *insert thing* but here are what came to mind when I read this ask ^^
For twst, I think Malleus, Leona and Jamil would be some of the most possessive yanderes. All of them actually for kind of similar reasons
Malleus has the "benefit" of being a dragon fae and dragons are known to be possessive creatures when it comes to their treasures so that´s one thing that would point me towards yandere Malleus being possessive. Then there´s also the fact that he´s probably very lonely. Because of who he is and what he looks like, most everyone at NRC is scared of him and that´s why Malleus has a lot of trouble making any friends at all, which probably makes him very sad.
And then you come along and suddenly there is someone that doesn´t fear him and cares about him. It´s no surprise that he wouldn´t be willing to ever let you go after all this time of being alone, right?
Leona for as long as he can remember has always been the second choice, his brother always getting all of the praise simply because he was born earlier. This by no doubt made Leona bitter and caused him to not want to give anything his best efforts, as it would still amount to nothing in his mind.
But then suddenly you come along and somehow manage to worm your way into his heart. And suddenly being second place in your heart is something that doesn´t satisfy Leona anymore. Just this once, he wants to be first. He wants to be the only person that gets to hold and touch you and he´s willing to fight dirty to achieve that. He´s not going to leave things up to chance and risk that someone else might sweep you away
Jamil, similar to Leona actually, always had to stay in the shadows his entire life. He was supposed to serve Kalim and raise him up while making sure that he himself was always inferior.
From book 4 we know how much this hurts Jamil so when his darling finally comes along and cares about him and not Kalim, his possessive side begins to show. He´s never had that kind of attention before and he fears that it isn´t going to last. What if you actually start to like Kalim more than him and leave him behind once more? He can´t let that happen.
Jamil decides that just this once, he wants to have something for himself
As for enstars, hoo boy there are so many characters that I´m probably going to forget someone that is shown to be really possessive in canon but for now some of my picks are:
Ritsu. I think you all saw this coming. Ritsu is the clingiest character I know ( “You know other clingy characters??”) and he´s shown to be very jealous and demanding when it comes to the people he loves. He doesn´t want to be separated from his darling for even a second and gets jealous when they´re spending time with someone else. Absolutely is the type to bite you just so others can see that you have been claimed by him.
This all stems from his abandonment issues that he developed due to Rei and the war so know you know who to thank for having this possessive vampire boy breathing down your neck 24/7
Another one I see as being very possessive as a yandere would be Natsume. I actually don´t really have like a very good reason for this but he just strikes me as the type? He definitely also is the type of boyfriend to get really jealous and agitated if someone else spends too much time with his darling.
Actually remember that time in Wonder Game where he was upset and scared because he thought Tsumugi was going to leave him so he like blackmailed a teacher so they would show him Tsumugi´s files where he wrote down what he wished to do after he was done with school? Normal behaviour
Shu I feel would get possessive once you´ve actually mentioned to break down his barriers and got to know him better. He´s not one to be open about his feelings and his rather.... harsh way of speaking to people that are “bothering” him don´t make it very easy to talk to him in the first place so it would take a lot of effort on your end to get closer to him.
But once you do manage to achieve that somehow? He gets very attached very easily and you probably don´t even notice the subtle changes to the way he treats you. Starts to try and drive off other people with his sharp tongue so they won´t take you away. Demands you to stay around while he sews because he likes your company.
Korka showed a screenshot of this before but literally the type of guy that gets offended when you say you have a life outside of him???
He would have been way worse if we were talking about past Shu and he has gotten way better by now but I still think some of that would remain if he really does love you. It moreso stems from a fear of being left behind than of a need to control you, though they do overlap at times
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Why do you think Kylo hasn’t been called a Mary Sue? I actually see him as a male example of one. He’s also badly written: we never know his motivations, he’s written to be sympathetic even though we firsthand witness him being cruel and remorseless about it, we don’t know why he wants to be evil, every character is forced to be nice to him even after aforementioned cruel acts and a shitty ‘redemption’, etc.
He’s the worst character of the new trilogy. He’s not intriguing, he’s not relatable, he’s not cool, he’s got no charm or pizazz. I know others feel differently but I just can’t stand him at all. What’s your analysis of this?
Thank you!
Hello there! Going to geek out for a bit and share some controversial opinions here.
I think all the flaws in Kylo's writing that you mentioned are 100% valid, though I will also say that I do personally find him to be a better written character than Rey. Why? Because there's an element of narrative tension to Kylo's character that Rey's character lacks.
This isn't a compliment to the writers. It's a byproduct of the fact that they themself didn't know what they were going to do with Kylo, and were waiting to see audience reactions to base their decisions around that.
This is true for a lot of elements of the Star Wars sequel trilogy (and the original trilogy to an extent to, though in lieu of the internet, it all felt a little bit more spontaneous and less...algorithmically generated).
But Rey was always going to stay good, and we, the audience, never doubted that or were given actual reason to suspend disbelief about it (like, yes, the odds of Luke following in Darth Vader's footsteps were also negligible, but the pull of the Dark Side felt way more real and tangible as Vader and Palpatine were tempting him).
I DO think Rey had a lot of potential as a character, and liked her in the first movie especially, but she was just increasingly blandly written. And a lot of that blandness came from a lack of narrative tension. There was no seduction from the Dark Side, no moment where we were really forced to question if we'd give into it in her position.
Now, Kylo had SO many narrative flaws, probably more than Rey. But at least we didn't know whether he was going to rejoin the Light Side, because the writers themselves didn't know. He could be REALLY villainous and unlikeable, but there was also a door left open for redemption - because the writers were waiting to see if that's what audiences wanted.
I can't speak for anyone else, but to me that's personally why Kylo ended up being a more interesting character than Rey, albeit not a particularly well-written one.
As to why he's never called a Mary Sue, obviously there's a big gender element to that - the term is almost exclusively applied to female characters, often by people who don't like women very much.
But I'm going to dip my toe into the waters of controversy here: a lot of producers, directors, and writers try and hide behind "strong" female characters to justify bad, shallow writing. A female character being "strong" won't make her interesting, likeable, or iconic.
Granted, people who don't like women will call ANY powerful female character a Mary Sue (or similar terms) but a well-written female character can usually attract enough adoration to drown those complaints out more.
Like, for example, The Bride from Kill Bill. Jackie Brown. Ellen Ripley from Alien. Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games. Clarise Starling from Silence of the Lambs. Agent Scully from X Files. Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. Evelyn and Joy from Everything Everywhere All At Once. Princess Leia!
Yes, misogynists are going to hate, say, the most recent incarnation of She-Hulk (who's AMAZING in the comics, I'm so mad about it), but their hatred doesn't make her a well-written character by default. She's simply badly written in the show (in my opinion. Please don't kill me).
And I really, really want more iconic characters, male and female. That's why I demand better writing for both, and won't accept any cheap cop-outs.
Okay, this has turned into sort of a rant that doesn't have much to do with your original question. Forgive me.
Looping back to your original point, I do actually agree with all of your points about the flaws in Kylo's writing! And I hope you don't mind me using it as an opportunity to vent some of my Opinions.
P.S. Please don't jump me Star Wars people, the reason I'm opinionated about it is because I do really love it, especially the original trilogy (and more controversially, the prequel trilogy). Also, you guys make some beautiful fanworks, and really give a lot of these characters the depth and care that they deserve.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Since posting on the potential for the Sequel Trilogy (especially in regards to Leia and Ben's arcs between TLJ and TROS), @myfairkatiecat has asked me for my thoughts. I apologize in advance. There's so much I don't even know where to start. I suppose the best place to start is my thoughts on TFA and TLJ:
I liked the force awakens. It was the first Star Wars movie I'd ever seen. I wasn't planning on getting into Star Wars, because like most people who didn't grow up with the movies, I still knew all the twists, all the memes, and all the quotes. What was the point in seeing it? I knew it was good, but it was hard for me to feel the magic of seeing it for the first time when I'd seen so much out of context already. But the force awakens was new. I know a lot of fans at the time were like "this is a cheap new hope remake" and sure, it had a similar plot structure, but it also introduced a lot of new ideas, characters, and concepts, and I think it succeeded in it's two goals: 1) Offering the beginning to an excited new story that could go in a number of interesting and cool directions. 2) Capturing what was so good about Star Wars in a way that would bring in new fans. It not only succeeded, but it completely knocked it out of the park, at least for me. I remember sitting in the theater, before the movie was even over, and thinking to myself "Dang it. They did it. I didn't think they'd do it, but they actually did it. This is the start of another hyperfixation. Maybe one of the worst I've ever had." I knew 100% that the moment I had free time that this was going to take over. And it did. I appreciated the other movies so much more after having had the experience of watching a Star Wars movie unspoiled that captures that feeling. This brought me into the fandom. It might not be everyone's favorite movie, but I loved it.
The Last Jedi was actually good, but it made one fatal mistake. Two if you count the fact that they skipped all the Ben and Leia stuff, but I forgive them for that because it's not like they could see the future and knew Carrie Fisher was going to pass away. If they knew that, I think they would have written a different script. But I liked most of it. The force dyad stuff was incredible. I was in that theater completely in awe because I gotta hand it to them: I would never in a million years come up with the force dyad stuff, and it's better than anything I could have thought up with on my own. 1000/10. Amazing. Fantastic. So what then is my problem with TLJ? Finn. Especially because he was right where he needed to be. They could have even done his arc in a lazy way, and I would have still accepted it. All they had to do was have him panic and rescue Rose from Hux, accidently connecting him to the force, and then he could suddenly be like "woah I'm force sensitive." All they had to do was have him find some files on where he came from and info on all the stormtrooper brainwashing so that we could continue to explore the mystery of his past instead of pretending like it doesn't matter. For heaven sakes, he was right there on the ship. We saw a hologram of child Finn in Force Awakens when they were going over his file. Phasma could have offer him information about himself or his past in exchange for his freedom or betraying the rebellion. Not to mention Finn's discovery his force sensitivity would have parallel Rey discovering she's a dyad AND her not receiving any answers about her past, which would that tied the movie together thematically. That plotline was right there on a silver plater, it was the obvious choice, the easy part, it baffles me that they fumbled it, especially when the stuff they did with Kylo and Rey completely knocks it out of the park. I've probably watched the scene of the two of them fighting in the throne room the most of any Star Wars scene. But I don't think I've ever gone back to rewatch one of Finn's scenes from TLJ. But I could have and that frustrates me so much. I left the theater of TFA being like "Dang. They got me. I'm hyperfixated now.", and I left the theater of TLJ feeling kind of conflicted. On the one hand, the force dyad stuff was one of the best things I'd ever seen. But on the other hand, I wanted more out of Finn. The Rose and Finn kiss came out of nowhere for me, and it made me worried they were gonna waste time in the third movie with an unnecessary Rose, Rey, Finn love triangle then ended with Finn and Rey together (turns out I did not need to worry about that. They had plenty of other ways to waste my time. But I'll put my thoughts on the romance plotlines in another post because...romance wasn't the biggest draw for me anyway, and my takes on it are a tad more nuanced than "love it or hate it with everything in my soul" which seem to be the only two options). But my other worry was that they didn't seem to know what they were doing with Finn. They also have a lot of "Main characters" to keep track of now. The OT trilogy had the classic "Leia, Luke, Han". Now we have Rey, Poe, and Finn, but Rey and Poe didn't meet until the end of the second movie, and also we have Rose now, and then we have Kylo/Ben and his whole dyad bond, he's much more of a main character than dark mysterious villain. In the OT trilogy, was Vadar conflicted? Sure, but we as the audience didn't fully know that until the end, we didn't need to spend a ton of screen time following his internal journey. But we did need that for Kylo/Ben because of everything they set up for him. With all of that, plus Carrie Fisher dying (which would likely force them to rework a lot of their plotlines), I did have concerns going into TROS. But, since they blew me away with the force dyad stuff, I held out hope that they wouldn't fumble it. Sure, I saw the negative reviews. But everyone was crying about TFA and TLJ too, and I enjoy those. So I held out that hope until the end.
And...well... I have thoughts on TROS too. But I'll save those for another time. Also: I know things can get heated in the star wars fandom, and while I welcome engagement and it's totally cool if you hated TFA, loved Finn's TLJ arc, and hated the force dyad, (different opinions are fine!) please don't hate on my posts and please be respectful. Thanks! 🥰
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wildflowerteas · 5 months
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hella has officially joined the tsp book club! part 2 of our reactions pending lmao those were some very intense hours
if this was an irl socratic circle i would pay to be a fly on the wall. I FUCKED UP BY ADDING TWO MARGARETS THATS MY BAD. they'll be distinguished in upcoming dialogue. Brown goes by 'Maggie' n_n. Precinct 1 breakroom has seen some things. Also, yes! The DA prosecutes for the state! In a civil dispute, it's person to person going before a judge. But in criminal cases, the government is trying to put you away, not receive money/fair compensation for damages, so the DA does that work.
Your flabbers will be gasted 😭 might need to start using that.
BEAST tag is there for a reason! I only tagged it 'beast skk' so that people wouldn't expect the same dynamics or roles for the other characters ( like akutagawa sibling dynamic ), but of course, if skk is beast-au inspired it would naturally affect a few of the characters closest to them as well. Also, Skk is slowly but surely devolving into the aesthetic of their BEAST counterparts. Dazai hasn't been written in that brown coat for a good while now. The white suit at the New Year's party was also a deliberate choice.
never seen or read All my Sons all the way through, but i've encounted this quote in the wild:
“...he'll come back. We all come back, Kate. These private little revolutions always die. The compromise is always made. In a peculiar way. Frank is right-- every man does have a star. The star of one's honesty. And you spend your life groping for it, but once it's out it never lights again. I don't think he went very far. He probably just wanted to be alone to watch his star go out.”
---and i absolutely loved it and have been influenced by it.
i would be sat for that essay honestly.
. . . yes. it's the same diner. implied only, but i do have art in the drafts of skk on a case-date of milkshakes and files with skk in the same seats to parallel it.
Kouyou's assimilation!!!!! I can't believe Rori noticed that!! yes, she's almost always mentioned in a kimono, tying an obi, or wearing her haori, and even needed Chuuya to translate for her during their first years together. but she's changing. super excited to introduce the Kouyou of the present ( yes, she's alive ).
Agatha Christie was. self indulgent.
Yep! Jouno! 😭 The hunting dogs have been in my notes-app plot web since the very beginning when I decided to write tachihara into this. Since I'm translating the insane post-war politics of canon BSD into this au, they were naturally going to find themselves written into it.
TV girl .. . save me TV girl.... taking what's not yours is tsp skk i will be adding this to my on-loop writing roster.
Unlike canon, TSP fyodor would, in fact die if you shot him. Not that I'm planning on writing that . . .
Jouno and Chuuya was lovely to write. They will be interacting again, unfortunately, so expect some introductions to the other members of the hunting dogs as well.
Dazai in the spotlight for once! Now he knows what it's like to be under the stagelight with Chuuya in the audience.
Kousano! Yeah that ship is preparing to set sail. Whether it's still afloat is the question. A question that hasn't been answered by Miss Medical Examiner's presence in the 1978 timeline. Yet.
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chaos-monkeyy · 11 months
20 Questions for fanfic writers
Tagged by @trainofcommand and @cordeliaperry , thank you 😁
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
969,232 !
(I had a soft goal of trying to break a million this year, but I probably won't quite make it. Ah well, next year!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Literally anything I see or read that happens to hit squirrel-brain in the right spot: Stargate, Star Wars, Cosmere / Stormlight Archive / Sanderson's books generally, Loki series & other MCU media, OFMD, Good Omens, Dresden Files, Star Trek (and one-offs for random-ass shows like the Mentalist, 1899, tLoVM, Echoes, etc). Honorable mentions to past beloved fandoms that I'm not super likely to really get back to again include Midsomer Murders, the Witcher, Assassin's Creed, and the Expanse 💕
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Top spot is A wonderful thing (OFMD); the next four in order are all Witcher - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Keep it up, and Undignified.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love seeing people's reactions, and letting them know how much I appreciate that they took the time and energy to comment (because fuck knows, I don't always have the spoons to comment on stuff myself). And it's so nice to get that connection with people and get excited about stuff together!
(I have missed some replies here and there just because of over-stressing about what to respond, and subsequently feeling guilty that I left them unanswered so long 🙈 ahh, anxiety-brain, you sure are special)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is one is easy, it's definitely Zombie / what's in your head. One of only two times I've written Major Character Death, and the only time I've used the Angst and Tragedy tag.
It's fucking brutal, honestly. Damn good, but ouch. Dark. Sometimes I reread it when I just want to cry hopelessly for awhile. It's like an... emotional reset or something.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings in the happy-sexy-sated vein, but most of my fics are also happy-sexy-oneshots so there isn't any real conflict or worry to come back from that makes the happy ending something that wasn't a given, if that makes sense. My first thought for something more involved was Inflection Point, but it's not exactly a happy ending for everyone. So I think I'll go with Curious Creatures, because even though I know how it ends and I wrote the damn thing, I still somehow get worried it will have a sad ending every time I go back and reread it, and then I'm relieved all over again at the end.
(Honorable mention to the Adventures of Admiral Prawn and Yee-Claw, because how can we not be happy that he found his lost hat with the help of a new friend 😂)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly nowhere near as much as I'd kind of expect to? 😆
I had some rando dickhead giving me grief in comments on a couple Assassin's Creed fics, and I've seen people griping in fandom social media spaces about a couple of my works and the fact they (gasp) existed in the tags at all, but mostly people have been decent and kept it to themselves when they don't like me or my writing 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. All of it. All the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! Never published one to AO3. Closest I've got is that Witcher-Assassins Creed WIP languishing in my google docs, and a silly fun little SGA-Original SW thing on tumblr from probably a couple years ago now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Pretty sure, yeah. Not to the point of really being able to do anything about it but it kinda sucked. Shit happens.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A couple of them that I know of 😁
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Oh hell yeah. Many times 💕
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I have two published WIPs that fall into that category exactly, Ill-advised encounters and The skills of Assassins. They were really fun, I'd have really liked to finish them, annnd I probably never will 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty damn good at pacing a story, whether it's a oneshot or a longer fic, and at getting ~feelings~ across (whether it's horny feelings, smushy soft feelings, angsty feelings, whatever). And I've been told that I'm good at like... developing a setting and characters in a way that flows or unfolds naturally with the story while you read? Or something like that? (they said it better and it made me very happy)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
That would be not getting things actually started and just keeping the ideas in my head because What If this time I can't make the words do the thing good enough. Especially whenever I have ideas for something potentially longer or more involved, I do tend to kinda shoot myself in the foot by going "eehhhhh that would be a LOT of work though.... I don't want that kind of commitment....... Maybe I'll write down the idea later............"
Also being constantly distracted by shiny new things. But that part's fun 😆
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I use italics, try to limit it to single words or short phrases, and where possible I make the meaning clear or translated somehow within the fic itself. Last resort, I'll add a little glossary to the start or end notes if it's important to the story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 💖
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I genuinely don't have a favourite! There's a few I'm extra proud of myself for accomplishing, but I really like most of what I've ever written for one reason or another.
Or another answer would be, my current favourite changes like every week and is usually one of my recent fics 😂 Right now it's probably The Taste of My Blade; it'll be something else in a month.
No pressure tags: @dewdropreader , @mirilyawrites , @starport-seven-five , @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , @dedkake , @wantonwhale , and I won't spam tag all the same people as I did in yesterday's tag game in case you're not feeling it right now, but as always - if you see this and want to be tagged, you are! ��
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gemini-care-barr · 7 months
For Barry and Hal-
What fandoms or franchises do you think they are in or follow? Could be podcast related, Reddit forums they are a part of, movie sequels or trilogies or novels!
Definitely something that should be mentioned more in canon comics so let’s use this as a manifesting moment by detailing it out 🤭
Right off the bat, I have to make it clear to absolutely everyone that Barry is 100% a Trekkie and Hal is most likely a Star Wars fan. And while we’re on the most heated sci-fi debate, I’ll add that once Hal and Barry became friends and Barry learned more about the Green Lantern Corps he undoubtedly introduced Hal to Star Trek and successfully convinced him that it was the superior sci-fi franchise, we stan two Trekkies 😜
Now then, I don’t think Hal would be very into book series or fantasy in general but he’d definitely have a particular interest in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think he’d try Game of Thrones and The Witcher because of everyone’s recommendations but would probably not like it very much. He’s the noble-type though and would be pretty easily convinced to read the Lord of the Rings books (including the Hobbit and Silmarillion) because of the nobility of the characters and story. Same reasoning goes for Donita K. Paul’s DragonSpell series. He’d also probably be into the writings of Henry David Thoreau, Ernest Hemingway, and Raymond Carver, not hugely into them necessarily but if he was super bored and he had access to their stuff he’d dig it haha. His favorite poem would also probably be Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H.. I don’t see him being too into podcasts, but he’d definitely like rock bands like Foreigner and AC/DC. He’s also definitely into movies more so than tv shows and would love movies like The Right Stuff, Top Gun, Braveheart, The Patriot, John Wick, most blockbusters classics really, and probably anything with Bruce Lee haha. He’d probably think anime/manga was for nerds until someone pointed out that Dragon Ball Z was, in fact, an anime then he’d realize they can be pretty cool hahaha. And with video games, I’d say he absolutely doesn’t have the patience for long form RPGs but can probably be convinced to play some FPSs with friends like Call of Duty and Halo lol. Basically, this was a long way of saying that Hal is probably more sporty, not in an obsessive fan of sports way, mind you, just that he participated in mostly sports growing up and even as an adult probably prefers hanging out playing baseball with kids (Adams’ GL run has an adorable scene of just that) rather than watching/reading/listening to anything so essentially he’s just not very media-obsessed; he’s a doer! He also probably wouldn’t participate in the fandoms of any of the media he does consume because he cares more about engaging with the media itself rather than about others’ thoughts and feelings on it haha.
Onto Barry, honestly, Barry is kind of tougher for me to figure out purely because I feel like he and I are very similar so I’m inclined to list basically all my favorite things and my thought processes haha, but I’ll try to avoid doing that 😝. So, like I said, Barry is definitely a Trekkie, the Federation’s belief in preserving alien lives and lifestyles plus its dedication to exploration and science all appeals to his inner nerd. He probably loves the shows For All Mankind, The X-Files, and Bones because of their science-y natures (he definitely introduced Hal to For All Mankind and it’s one of the shows they watch together haha). We all know he’s a huge comic book fan (shout-out to Pre-Crisis that had him reading Golden Age Flash comics 😜), but I’ll also add that I think this love of Golden Age Flash, thanks to his mom, would have led to his own love of Greek and Roman mythology once he realized where the idea for Jay Garrick’s helmet and shoes came from! A love of mythology would eventually lead to a love of ancient western philosophy and writings then to Medieval romances like the Arthurian legends and the works of Chaucer. Old English stuff would’ve crept in there too starting with Beowulf. He was an old soul from a young age so all these things would’ve caught his eye on trips to the library and the old-fashioned romantic notions and chivalry has definitely stayed with him. All this appreciation for much older works would then slingshot back around to him loving and appreciating more modern works that took heavy inspiration from all this older literature like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, the Percy Jackson series, the Harry Potter series, the Codex Alera, and the Dresden Files, oh and all the detective novels, just all, from Doyle, Christie, Poe, Hammett, etc. then when he found foreign detective fiction he’d go mental and just read them all haha. He’d also probably read the Remo Williams and Jack Reacher book series and convince Hal to do the same! I’d say he’s also into old movies and classic tv shows because they all make him feel good with their sweet morals and happy endings. He’s probably not much of a gamer except for the ones with good stories, he’s too interested in learning new things to just watch someone else play though, if a game’s story interests him then he’s definitely playing it himself. Mass Effect is probably one of his secret favorites. He’s super into podcasts, anything informational and/or scientific, probably conspiratorial and/or true crime stuff, too, if for nothing else than to help him get inspiration on how to approach his own cases, he may even try and solve some cold cases that he hears about (he’d probably stumble across Black Box Down then convince Hal to listen with him haha). He definitely grew up with both the Pokémon TCG and show and was actually aware that it was an anime so is likewise somewhat into other very popular anime/manga like Naruto. Music would be jazz (he’d try and fail to get Hal into it, too, see: New 52 Flash’s Annual #2), 60s rock like the Beatles and the Monkees, and probably 80s pop like the Culture Club, oh and Air Supply (which is also Hal’s guilty pleasure band hehe). He likes sports a lot, both playing and watching, but was still more likely to be found reading/watching/listening to something rather than playing; still, the same way Hal can be convinced to play a video game in order to hangout with friends, Barry can be easily convinced to join in some sporty endeavors if it’ll mean bonding with a friend or loved one. Finally, like Hal, I don’t see him engaging too much with fandoms, he’d probably try when he was younger but wouldn’t find too many people who were into the same things then when he did find people things would devolve into arguments instead of just joy for whatever the thing was so he eventually would resign himself to just enjoying the thing itself, our Barry is a soft boy 🥹. He likes discussion though so once he found people who were his safe space they wouldn’t be able to get him to shut up hahaha.
…I …I can’t believe I wrote this much ahahah 😅. I swear I wasn’t going to get this involved! I was just going to name a few popular franchises that each would be into, but then I started thinking about mediums and how they’d appreciate different ones and then… all this came out lmao 😅😂. I apologize for the long walls of text! Just remember: this is your fault 😜
(Note: forgot to say, Barry would 100% be into Jurassic Park (books and movies) and would convince Hal to read the books (he definitely already watched and loved the movies)!
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oneweirdbookaddict · 11 months
Whumptober day eighteen!
Wars gets taken by some people who are upset about the war.
2255 words
Warnings- Lots of talk about death, deserving to die, survivors guilt, injuries, flashbacks. Really really mild torture. (Like just slapping a few times.) Mentions of kids (a teenager) dying, war, battles. Let me know if there’s anything I should add to this list. Stay safe y’all!
An itchy blindfold covers his eyes.
That’s the first thing he notices.
Then- wait, I’m tied to a chair and blindfolded. That’s a problem.
He’s got to have a concussion, considering his slow, stupid mind right now and the fact that he has no memory whatsoever of what happened.
Don’t draw attention to the fact that you’re awake… check if you still have the knife in your sleeve…
He mentally runs through his checklist, keeping his chin at his chest.
His arms are tied to the arms of the chair, ankles tied to the legs of the chair, and tied at the waist.
Carefully, he shifts his wrist and presses the trigger to his knife, carefully wiggling the blade into his grasp so he can cut at the binds-
He’s slapped across the face hard enough to make him see stars, someone tearing the knife from his hand.
“Good catch, almost lost him.” A voice chuckles.
“Don’t underestimate him.” A different voice says coldly.
The blindfold is yanked from his face.
He squints in the harsh, unexpected light, a headache pounding into the base of his skull immediately.
“Not so pretty now, is he?” The first voice, coming from a man with a long, filthy beard laughs softly.
“Enough.” The cold voice says, and that one comes from a woman in front of him.
A mask covers her face, so all he can see is brown eyes. Icy and glaring at him.
“Make your demands and let’s get this over with.” He mutters, sighing deeply.
“I have no demands you’ll be able to meet, Hero of Warriors.” The woman says, her ice cold voice even colder.
He leans back, chin tilting up. “I’m good at surprises. Let’s hear it.”
“Colyx Dullac.” The woman says, her icy voice shaking slightly.
The name slices through him like a knife, making him falter.
“Ah, you know him? I expected less, to be honest.”
“From the seventh artillery.” He says, the unwelcome memory slamming into him.
He’s in a tent, well into the night, and there’s a rustling at the entrance.
“Captain, Sir?”
He looks up from his map, meeting the eyes of a kid, a mere kid-
“What can I do for you?” He asks, pushing the thought away.
He doesn’t bother correcting the titles- it doesn’t matter.
“My name is Colyx, Captain, Sir. Colyx Dullac.”
When there's an awkward pause, he nods. “Nice to meet you, Sir Dullac.”
“Ah- well, see, Captain, Sir-”
“Link, Colyx.” He suggests gently. This kid… isn’t much younger than he is. Being called Captain has always made him uncomfortable.
The kid’s eyes widen, but nods. “Link, Captain, Sir, I was wondering if I could serve with you.”
He pauses. “I fail to understand. Serve with me?”
“Yes, Link, Captain, Sir! I’m currently stationed with the seventh artillery, but I was wondering if I could transfer and serve under your command.”
He can’t help but to frown. “The seventh artillery is in training.”
“Yes, Link, Captain, Sir, but we’re almost graduated, and I’m at the top of my class. With special permission… I’d be able to serve with you. I’m excellent with a sword, and a bow, and I-”
He holds up a hand, and Colyx stops immediately.
“I’ll look into your file, I’ll have someone get back to you shortly.” He promises.
The kid looks like he’d offered him a thousand rupees and the door to a different country- one not torn apart by war.
“Thank you Link, Captain, Sir!”
“Yeah.” He says, turning back to his map. Takes a slow breath, looking at where they have troops.
Mostly to himself, mutters, “Ganon’s forces outnumber us three to one here… avoid direct conflict if possible… we have an advantage here, but need more troops before trying an offensive… it’ll take at least a week for that to happen… in the meantime-”
“Keep your troops hidden while watching the enemy. Keep eyes on their movements, see if any of your soldiers can get an idea of their plans.” Colyx says, and he turns to the kid and raises an eyebrow.
“Go on.” He offers.
The kid hesitates, then- “We have an advantage here due to the landscape- they’re working against the hills, but we’re working with them. We can make an attack here. The town is over defended right now- we can evacuate and plan a huge offensive there or send troops to needed areas. To avoid needless casualties I’d suggest-”
The kid cuts off again, looking hesitantly at him.
He nods, smiling for the first time in days. “Suggest sending the troops out? Excellent… you’ve done your reading, haven’t you? You went to academy.”
“Yes, Sir.” Colyx says breathlessly.
He puts a hand on Colyx’s shoulder, offering a smile. “You start training with me tomorrow morning. Sunrise, be only a few minutes late.”
The look the kid gives him makes this whole damn war seem less shitty, the burning world seem less on fire.
There really is something good still- things he can do that aren’t killing people.
Two hours later, the kid is bleeding out in his arms.
“Keep your eyes on me, Soldier.” He orders, but his voice is shaking. He’s seen death before- too much of it- but this kid- this kid- something about it destroys him from the inside.
Colyx’s eyes flicker to him.
“It’s going to be hard, Sir. But you’re going to make it. Don’t let them get you, Sir. Don’t let them win.”
And the kid is gone. Limp, eyes lifeless, chest still.
“I knew him.” He manages. “I remember.”
“My son fought in your pointless war. And he paid his price- his life. He thought you to be a hero- to be the savior of Hyrule as so many did. And he died.”
The woman’s voice trembles.
“He wasn’t seventeen, was he?” He whispers, eyes closing.
A small sob is his answer.
“I was fifteen when I enlisted. Looked older than I was, and I’d been on the streets my whole life… it was my way out.”
He’s punched across the face.
The man in the corner laughs. “Yeah! Hit him harder!”
The woman complies. He makes himself continue.
“Your son was like me. I saw myself in him. I offered to train him to be a captain the night he was killed.”
At that, the woman falters. Looks at him with teary eyes, hand pausing.
“He asked to serve under me and graduate early. I tested him a little bit, pretending like I was confused about a strategy to do… and he made a suggestion. A really good one. I offered to train him myself. Was walking him back to his quarters as the enemy ambushed us…”
His words falter, throat and eyes burning. But he makes himself swallow, takes a shaky breath.
“I held him as he died. He was brave until the end- even when I wasn’t. He’s much more of a hero than I am.”
The woman is crying now, hand still held over his face. “My boy… my brave little boy… he was always so brave… he wanted to enlist so badly, I thought he’d be safe… it was supposed to just be school, so I faked his age, signed his papers…”
The woman sobs, and he takes a shuddering breath.
“He’s dead because of me.” She bawls, knees hitting the ground.
“No,” he says quietly. “He’s dead because of Ganon. Because of the enemies that killed him. It wouldn’t have happened had Ganon not attacked. There’s no fault on you, nor anyone besides Ganon.”
Zelda’s words come back to him, her soft voice helping him through waves and waves of sickening guilt, panic, too many emotions to keep track of.
He’s crying, he’s screaming, he’s breaking anything he can get his hands on, that kids blood is still all over him-
“Link. Link, enough. Look at me, that is an order from your princess.”
He looks up at her, tears dripping down his face.
And she pulls him into a hug.
He completely breaks down, then, sobbing into her shoulder. He’s watched kids die, he’s sent kids to their death, he’s watched people die in much worse ways than Colyx, so why is this one hitting him so hard?
Because he could see himself in that kid. That confidence yet hesitation at the same time, the way he was a prodigy and didn’t know how to handle it, the way he wanted to do good.
Zelda’s arms hold him gently, shushing him softly, rubbing his back until he can’t cry anymore and she gets him to bed and stays with him until he falls asleep.
And they move on. They always move on. There’s no time in war- you move on or you die. Don’t let them get you, Colyx had told him. And he’d be damned if he does.
He pushes the painful thoughts away when they come, distracting himself with battles and troops and letters until he passes out at his desk.
Now he looks at Colyx’s mother, the same way Zelda must’ve looked at him when she’d found him on the floor.
“Tell me.” The woman whispers. “Tell me what happened.”
He takes a steadying breath, looking away. “Don’t.”
Then she’s angry again. “He’s my son. He was my son. I deserve an explanation- especially when the man who said he held him while he died is sitting right in front of me!”
The pain still stabs in his chest- old wounds he’d never really allowed to heal. “Don’t make me tell you.” He says weakly.
He doesn’t want to think about it, he’s already-
And he’s slapped across the face. “He is my son!” The woman screams, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. “My son is dead! I want an explanation! That’s all I’ve wanted for two years!”
He tastes the metallic taste of blood in his mouth- she must’ve gotten his lip.
“It won’t make it hurt less. It’ll give you nightmares and flashbacks and you’ll hurt worse.” He tells her softly.
She’s crying again, tears on her face. “Please. Tell me what happened. It can’t be worse than what I’ve been imagining for two years.”
His heart hurts for this woman- the guilt that he walked away from the war when so many people didn’t.
So he takes a shuddering breath. “It wasn’t even on the battlefield. We were set up for the night, and he’d come to see me to ask about serving under me. Like I said earlier… I offered to train him as a captain myself. He was thrilled, wouldn’t stop thanking me. I offered to walk him back to his quarters… and we were on the edge of camp. Something flew by- a bomb, though we didn’t know that at the time. We both ducked, I grabbed his arm and yanked him away… then he tackled me. Took the full force of the blast, meaning… his hollow organs ruptured, he had third degree burns all over… and all I could do was hold him.” He manages.
Two years later, the memory still haunts him.
“He bled out in my arms. We weren’t even on the battlefield.” He chokes, a tear slipping down his face to his surprise. Two years… he supposes he never really let himself think about it.
They didn’t have time to grieve back then- there were battles going on, future battles to plan, soldiers to train and feed and instruct. After the war… well, he’d just shoved everything away.
He takes a shaking breath, looking at the woman.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sorry I survived and Colyx didn’t. He should have. Not me. I never was supposed to survive.”
The woman sobs again, but takes his hand.
Slowly unties his wrist, then his other one, his legs, then his waist.
“I’m sorry.” She chokes, stepping away from him. “I never imagined… how hard it could've been for you, too. How hard… you didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry. It was his birthday yesterday… he would’ve been eighteen.” She sobs again, sinking to the floor.
He sits there for a moment, too stunned to speak, much less move. But then he slowly kneels next to the woman, Colyx’s mother, putting a hesitant hand on her shoulder.
“You’re not much older than him. I can tell.” She says shakily, wiping her eyes.
If he’d be eighteen, then no, he really isn’t.
“No,” he says quietly. “I’m not. I’d… love to learn more about him, if you’re willing to tell me.”
And it’s the truth- he wants to know the kid that died for him. The kid that looked up to him, had had one conversation with him before dying for him.
Colyx’s mother looks up at him, offering a weak smile.
If Colyx’s birthday is today… that means his is coming up soon, he realizes.
He’d read all of Colyx’s files, any work the military had put into this kid, the essays the kid wrote in school… he feels like he knows the kid pretty well. But there’s always more. There’s always more to do to learn about someone, to get to know more about a person.
“I… I think I’d like that.” She says softly, taking his hand when he offers and getting to her feet.
He has no idea where he is, he realizes stupidly. Glances around, but the woman touches his arm hesitantly. “This way,” she says quietly, leading the way out of the room.
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magnuficent76 · 1 year
I don't know the exact deets but I do like how we basically have opposite views of Earth existing in the Borderlands universe.
You seem to view it as "the old world", where ancient relics of it can be found across the Borderlands.
I view the Six Galaxies as a Star Wars-esque setting where it takes place in a time and space far away from our own.
Granted my view might change when I get my hands on the lore book but alas.
To be honest my headcanon that Borderlands is set in the future kinda came out of nowhere aha. The way I reasoned it was mostly because of The Autism but let me try to explain !
1) A lot of what is established in the Borderlands lore is that the eridians were the only ones on the planet for the longest time, creating the vaults and all that cool shit, which is understandable seeing as the hostile enviroment in Pandora would make it pretty difficult for anything not already native there to thrive, yet they've all seem to have been wiped out. The vaults persist, there are guardians and stuff locked inside, but not even a shred of info for what happened to the eridians themselves, even if their influence over the system still lingers.
2) Humans are not only the main species in the planet, but the only sentient ones. That, and the fact they're just regular people who die A LOT because of the circumstances of the planet, tells me that the human race didn't just come to be on the planet– they were brought there somehow, and have had just barely enough time to be properly adapted (I mean, there's like 3 moons on this planet, the gravity must be INSANE. That without mentioning the notable lack of actual water). Aside from that though... They're normal guys. They're stronger and have slightly weird proportions (but my money goes on that its just the art style), but those are undoubtedly human beings, whom also have very normal if genre appropriate clothing, language, culture— And most of all, guns. They're so popular in fact that the Companies' main products are guns. You could argue that they're just banking on Pandorans being more violent, but what about the other planets ? For eden-6, there's even lore about how their guns are made and valued ! There's cultural shifts for how guns are manufactured in different planets !! If these people just naturally came to be on these planets, they would not need that much fire power... unless they didn't, and they were already preparing themselves in case of a threat !
2.5) That, and the fact there's so many references to Earth stuff in this universe [The names of the planets and magic being after greek myths, the company cultures, how some characters' names almost sound misspelled due a mistranslation, the references to just regular ass animals but Fucked Up, etc]
3) Ergo, there was a mass colonization of Pandora by humans, which subsequently lead them to get to all the other planets but also wiped out the Eridians in the process. The old world's history was slowly forgotten due to a lack of records ("I mean really, who's going to forget about the human empire? Don't even bother backing up those files!"), and its tech was either swallowed by the planet's ever changing surface (Like Pandora or Nekratafayo, both planets which are incredibly unpredictable and have fucked up structures in them), improved upon so much that there was no NEED to keep using them (Like Promethea), or just rejected overall once the population was established (Like Eden-6, which I headcanon to have the old timey aesthetic BECAUSE people wanted to reject those news technologies). All of these planets used to have aliens in them like the eridians, and the system was all interconnected with the building of the vaults, but when humans arrived they all just gradually either died off or went into hiding in planetoids and moons.
But thats just a theory... a GAY theory
Anyway yeah my headcanons are basically surrounding that haha. Hopefully this is coherent ! I LIKE the idea of Pandora and the other planets being more like star wars, but I'm Also Insane about the idea of using interstellar stuff as a grander space adventure typa thing <3
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
This weekend (July 6-7) probably the biggest pop culture event in Bulgaria took place. Over 25,000 fans of cosplay, manga, anime, gaming, comics, cinema and graffiti gathered to have fun in the company of popular actors, artists and talents from around the world. Two days, 4 halls and thousands of emotions! The diverse program allowed everyone to immerse themselves in their world and be themselves among like-minded people. Dozens of zones with games and surprises, panels with movie stars, gaming tournaments, meetings with celebrities from the small screen, workshops, contests and a show program are just a part of everything that Aniventure Comic Con will leave a mark on the hearts of the audience. After the fantastic end of this year's edition, the organizers have also announced the dates for next year, namely July 5 and 6, 2025!
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As part of Aniventure Comic Con 2024, fans had the opportunity to meet live with actors Ross Marquand, Dan Fogler, Anna Shaffer, Vincent Regan and Maria Bakalova, who with a smile and a very warm attitude welcomed their fans for photos and autographs. In addition to these close encounters, the actors talked about themselves and shared interesting moments from their lives and careers during special interviews from the stage of Hall 1.
They were joined by Julian Kostov and Josh Wichard, who took us to another dimension and explained what it's like to be a video game actor. The topic excited dozens of guests who crowded the gaming area of ​​A1 and Lenovo, where tournaments and challenges were held on the most popular and current games such as Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, League of Legends Challenge, FC24, FORTNITE with 4a1a.
Visitors had the opportunity to meet live the artists of comics such as "Tony Pateto", Neda Malcheva, Christian Duce, as well as the author of the series of books from the universe of "Dune", "Star Wars" and "The X-Files" - Kevin J. Anderson, who revealed more details and little-known facts about his work on the super hits.
One of the hot spots during the event was the Meet&Greet area, which met us with the most popular influencers and YouTubers such as Slavi from The Clashers, Aide BG, The World of Vankata, Mirela Ilieva and Teodora Mudeva from "Games of Will", Hyperkong and Elizabeth Kravets, Philip Bukov, Krisia, Atanas Mishev-Nasi Svej, Maggie Tomova, Ekaterina Todorova, Valeria Dakova. For the first time, all the "Bachelors" of Bulgaria gathered in one place - Viktor Stoyanov, Evgeni Genchev, Alek Mladenov.
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Of course, we can't help but mention the extremely exciting cosplay, manga and anime contests, which peppered the event with incredible images and favorite characters that came to life on the main stage. There were also numerous workshops, panels, lectures and screenings dedicated to Asian culture, which filled Hall 2 with fans.
These and many more emotions captured Inter Expo Center, and what awaits us next year, we have to find out on July 5 and 6, 2025. Tickets at a promotional price are now on sale in the Eventim network!
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