#merboys <3
blaithnne · 10 months
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Capitulo 2
credit @brekitten @bucketorandomness @hermit-scribe-vibe for help and inspiracion :D
Danny clamped his teeth down on his kill, at last a fish big enough that to feed the both of them, and which hadn't escaped. Ear fins fanned out, he kept wary of approaching hums of boat engines.It could've been only a few minutes, but to Danny it was as if hours had passed. He'd already failed Damian once, and for his distraction he earned a new gash or two from his hunt.
Danny startled when he came back. Damian had not awoken just yet, but the transformation was complete. Dark green scales enveloped every inch of skin on his body, soft from youth. Spots of gold scales like freckles gathered around his cheeks, and at the base of each of his fins and transitioned into full golden membrane with the faintest red along the tips.
And of course, Damian had no legs, none at all, replaced by the thick sinew and muscles of a siren's tail. All of this Danny knew would happen, and expected, but he never thought about how tiny Damian looked at the moment.
From head to tailfin, Damian's new height (or length?) only equalled half of his human height. Siren children were small compared to humans, for sure, but even Youngblood was easily a head or two taller than Damian at this moment.
Before he could ruminate further, Damian's eyes shot open. Faster than Danny could blink, the new siren launched himself at Daniel with a piercing shriek of a war cry.
Damian's talons gripped onto Danny's scales, and his jaw snapped down upon his shoulder like a vice. Danny yelped and fell upon his back and bent his sail.
Damian's tiny hands wrapped around the elder boy's neck. His tiny young face twisted into an honestly shocking amount of anger and agression. His hackles rose and his fins stood at full attention.
"Where am I?! What have you done to me?! Return me to my original form or perish!" Damian spat out in hissed clicks and chirps. Despite the situation, Danny finds himself thinking he had to be really upset if he didn't even notice the change in voice.
"Answer me!" Damian hiss and bared his teeth. Danny gulped, which was difficult considering the tiny hands vice-gripping his neck. Suddenly he realised he'd never had to comfort a newly-turned before.
"H-hey hey hey now, there's no need to get all murderous over here!" That was the wrong thing to say, because suddenly there was a katana straight for his neck. "Where did you get that?!"
"From my clothes, you buffon, the clothes that you violently relieved me off. What other untoward things have you done with my body? Speak!"
"Look I didn't do anything untoward to your body I swear! I was trying to save you!"
"You mutilated me! You kidnapped me and drowned me and now you clain innocence with nothing to prove such a notion!" Damian's grip wavered for a moment, and Danny realised something. This kid was probalby scared out of his life, and his shouting wasn't helping anything. The smaller boy's gills flapped open. His breathing laboured, heavily.
"You need water. You're not gonna survive long.
"I can kill you long before that point." Gently, Danny picked the child up by the waist, his arms far outreaching the boy's tiny limbs. "Unhand my you psychotic murdering wretch!"
Horns blared in the distance. Damian's body seized up, his ear fins curling in on themselves in Danny's peripheral vision. "They've caught up to us."
"Good, now it means you can be put to justice and I reunited with my father."
Danny coiled his tail and pulled Damian against his chest, against the boy's protests. "The only thing they're gonna unite you with is a scalpel."
"I said unhand me!"
"No time!" Danny uncoiled like a spring and shot into the water. GiW agents shouted above the surface. Danny held him tight against his body. Motors roared into action and echoed through the water. Sonars rang in his ears. But they could never catch up to even a teenage siren.
Pain rocked up his arm. Danny loosed his grip, and Damian slipped out. After floundering for just a few seconds, Damian righted himself and bolted for the ships. The speed at which he made for the freaking GiW shocked Danny. This kid was a human less than an hour ago!
Shit. "Where the heck are you going?!" Danny shouted. He wasted precious seconds turning around and doubling back. "They're not gonna help you Damian!"
"You cannot fool me with your temptations, siren!" Daman spat out. Then he did the absolute worst thing. He surfaced.
Danny's heart sank again. No, no, not again. He pushed through as fast as he could. Damian shouted something above the water. An agent in cold sunglasses aimed a gun at him.
Damian seemed to realise his mistake. He tried to evade the attack, but his strange body just left him rolling over in place.
Danny's eyes glowed blue. Seawater froze into ice in his hands, and he tossed the spear over water. The spear landed an inch away from where the agent was standing. In his shock, he lowered his gun. Danny shot forward. He grabbed Damian's hand and pulled him away. Harpoons flew into the water. Danny ducked and weaved through all of them and full speed. Soon they were far behind the horizon.
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skelekins · 1 year
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peye is v concerned about meeting a massive predator
soma belongs to @smokbeast
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the-red-butterfly · 1 year
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A Dip Into The Sea
Slade and Joseph Wilson (DC comics)
<;- Previous page 3/3
And now, we've come to a close 🙏🏼. I hope you enjoyed this little journey with me. I certainly did. Fingers crossed that I draw even more stuff for this AU! ........ someday.
For more of this AU click here -> Sailor Slade Merbaby Joe AU
Regular commissions l Comic Commissions
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blue-eli · 2 years
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Ink October day seven: Beduck
To duck or immerse thoroughly; submerge.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
WWT Mer Edition Doodles PART 2
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3 Lets continue with the other 10 >w<
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This one I'm so proud of hehe Danny looking so cool ;3. THIS STORY IS SOO GOOD- felt like a real pirate's tale. The reveal of Jason's true form. Tim being impulsive. I just mmmm and the imagery >w< This is a good fic. 100% recommend.
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This one is locked to registered users. Its such a cute Danny/Tim story. Danny's a selkie on the run- and then he gets found out and his pelt stolen- so Tim goes to find his bf. uwu very cute.
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A lot of Jason and Danny in this one >w<. I love how Dick just wanted to give them something he couldn't before. Damian so cute at the end- holding Jason's hand. Showing how worth it this was >w<.
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Another one where all the batfamily were mers- and so was Danny >w<. Just so very sweet- ;w; how they all care for each other and enjoy living there at the facility. The baby imagery >w< That's baby danny btw in the pic >w<
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Another Tim and Danny interaction. I love this. Where Danny was itching for a swim. So desperate he takes up in someone's pond- but now might have someone to help look after him. <3 just very cute. Though tragic what happened to Jerry. (Not the turkey)
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One of the few that was dc only. I love this so much. So sad- but you can really see how things unfold. Bruce being bruce- Jason just full of anger. >w< Gorgeous fic.
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Another Tim/Danny and I love this set up. How Tim is just a good boy photographer cleaning up the beaches and helping the local merboy out. I'm so invested to read more. I wonder how this will turn out >w< Also poor Tim being kind- and nothing to show for it- yet ;3
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I related to Jazz in this one. Oof- sexually repulsed Jazz is married to Dick grayson. Jazz wants a child- but isn't able to bring herself to do the act to conceive one. Then they both end up loving Babs the mer ;w; which helps them have a baby. Its just so sweet. Read it. XD
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This is so short and good >w< Jason finally able to seek out the mer that haunts his dreams >w< Jazz/Jason one. >w<
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This one was so unique!!! We follow Bart- who finds a sickly Danielle and goes to get her help. Its just soo good >w< I love Bart in this so much >w<
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thelostgirl21 · 7 days
So, you are telling me that Jaskier used to wear outfits the color of the sea in Season 1...
That he constantly complains about his feet hurting, or struggling with keeping his footing while having to wear boots (is the problem his actual boots or a lack of early practice in life?!)...
That he got all excited at the thought that Geralt might catch him a fish to eat...
That a huge part of his identity and the pride he takes in himself is tied to his singing voice and abilities...
That his songs have been described as having the power to sing a king off his clothes...
That helping his best friend in the whole wide world bathe after rubbing soothing chamomile onto his lovely bottom is typical friendship behavior to him...
That he vulnerably asked for Geralt to get away for a while with him, and head to the (west?) coast, in the hopes that he might be able to prove himself a worthy [travel] companion (works whether you interpret the interest as romantic or queerplatonic).
And then he basically implied that (returning home with Geralt?) might be what would please him most.
That the very first thing he did after Geralt returned to him and got him out of his cell in Season 2, is take off his top and jump into the freaking nearest body of water!
That he's hypersensitive to the way people on land start stinking after a while (including himself), and will openly suggest they should bathe (or downright bathe them himself)!
That he talks with animals...
That you had him fall in love with a human prince in Season 3...
... then had him sing a song about a human prince that falls in love with a siren to Ciri right before you had him go meet with said prince, share his first kiss with him, and make love to him in a woodshed!
... only to show a clip from "Sirens of the Deep" revealing that the Netflix version of Jaskier is from
a.k.a. The vassal state of Cidaris and one of the places that goes the furthest west into the sea on the Continent!
Bremervoord, with an economy running primarily on pearls fishing.
Bremervoord, the place where the story of Jaskier's Season 3 song, "A Little Sacrifice" takes place...
A place where a prince (though I think it's a duke in the actual short story) meets a siren, falls in love with her, and willingly leaves his human life behind to follow her at sea.*
*according to the song, at least! And I'm not sure it ends well for the prince of the song, because that part about him sinking to darkest night sounds a bit ominous if you ask me... The book's short story has a different conclusion.
You're basically telling me that Jaskier comes from a place on the coast that goes far into the sea to the west, a place where merpeople and humans occasionally interact, and that he didn't really feel like talking about where he's from, because he felt like the only way for him to ever be able to "become himself" was to leave his home behind...
For example :
What if Jaskier keeps repeating that "he's just a bard" not because he's actually dismissing how good, influential, or powerful he is...
... but because he chose to give up his tail to permanently become a human, and he doesn't like to be reminded that he doesn't quite "fully belong" with humanity, because there's something a bit different and "unique" about his singing.
What if, growing up as a merboy, he'd kept feeling like he was born in the wrong body and with the wrong species given his brethren's attitude about singing as an artform.
What if when merpeople sing, they typically rely on pure melodies without lyrics, and argue that only humans and other species of the land - with their inferior vocal capabilities - must rely on something as primitive as words and lyrics to inspire emotions and make ideas take root into other people's minds.
What if they do have a singing speech pattern, but when it comes to artistic expression, the songs are purely melodic.
But Jaskier, after listening to some of the folk songs that the local bards enjoy singing by the fire at the beach, often accompanied by a lute or other instruments, fell in love with the way the words of those songs flow and sound.
Perhaps he revealed himself to Essi then, and that, instead of being scared of him, she agreed to show him how to play the lute, speak her language, and sing the way humans do.
And when he did fully grasp the beauty and the power of using verbal poetry into songs, he knew he could never look back.
What if Essi was the first person to ever really see him for who he was and treat him as family, hence why he loves her like a little sister.
Maybe "the Lettenhoves" are basically a group of merpeople with no actual blood relation, that lost their own families and were rejected by them when they chose to make the full transition from merperson to human.
By pretending to be blood relatives, they've managed, however, to realistically pass as a large human noble family, acquire a bunch of lands and estates over the years that is passed to each new generation that wants them, and each new member is given a certain amount of money when they become one of the Lettenhoves to begin their new life on land!
They aren't extremely close, because they each have their own lives and personal ventures (very few go into singing careers), but they are still people that understand what being a human born at sea feels like, and that will be there to offer each other help and support if need be!
And so, Jaskier was able to go study at the University of Oxenfurt and learn as much of the human world and its arts as he could!
But, while his voice remains a bit more powerful and influential than most humans that were born on land, that influence comes with a "curse"...
Most people that instinctively fall under the charm of his melodies (note: Jaskier can use his voice to make an audience more susceptible to anger and annoyance when he sings, too. An especially useful skill to have when you're relying on food being thrown at you to eat... Hence why Geralt's lack of emotional response to his singing when they met was so intriguing!) will typically only care about how they make them feel, rather than how Jaskier himself was feeling when he wrote his songs.
Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri are all immune to his siren charms - and dwarves appear to be more resistant as well - but, while his songs inspire people, and hearing him sing them "live" with his actual voice tends to make people become instantly infatuated with him (or immediately hate him, should Jaskier wish to repel rather than attract them)...
... they rarely ever see him or seemingly attempt to connect with him on an intimate, emotional level, like they would with another human being.
And so, every time Jaskier is reminded of how much influence he appears to have over how people see the world when he uses his voice, Jaskier's tendency to remind them that he's "just a bard" is because he wishes people would connect with his humanity, too, rather than what he can do.
Regardless of him being able to pass as someone that was born on land and started his life in a fully human body, he knows that his voice will always carry some remnant of his siren abilities.
And that this difference appears to be preventing him from emotionally and physically connecting with other human beings that weren't born at sea like him, the way he wishes he could.
And so, that's why he was initially hesitant to sing for Radovid, and he kept insisting that he wasn't in a "singing mood" that day.
Because he knew that, the moment Radovid heard his singing voice, he might stop listening to him and trying to connect.
But there was something in the way Radovid insisted - while asking for Jaskier to pick his favorite song and showing a sincere curiosity about listening to what pleased him most - that made Jaskier ultimately choose to risk it.
And, while Radovid was obviously affected by the sound of his voice (to the point where he felt the need to pretend his speechlessness was caused by drunkenness), it was also very clear that he'd been listening.
Not only was his gaze very sharp and his eyes clear and bright while Jaskier was singing - seemingly attempting to analyse every note and word - but, for once, the things Radovid was complimenting him about weren't related to his ability to make people feel and experience things...
For once, what Radovid was claiming made Jaskier so special wasn't the beauty or power of his voice, or how catchy the melodies of the songs he'd sang to him were.
It wasn't even about how Jaskier's lyrics had made him feel.
He'd told Jaskier that what made him so special was his ability to see people for who they really are rather than who they pretend to be.
He'd essentially told him that his ability to truly comprehend those around him was his gift - that he had a unique ability to connect with them at the core... the very thing Jaskier had always felt that he was lacking.
And when Jaskier pushed him for more, all Radovid told him was that he didn't know yet, but was determined to figure it out.
"You connect strongly with others and my desire is to understand and connect with you."
That is what Radovid had taken away from who he was, even after having heard him sing, and Jaskier couldn't help but feel like he'd found a kindred spirit in that human.
Someone stuck in a world and a birth family that simply couldn't understand and accept him as he was - constantly hiding parts of himself to survive.
Radovid had then agreed to help him with the whole situation with Rience - despite the fact that Jaskier hadn't used any song to attempt to suggest he should, just genuinely asked for his help.
And - if that hadn't been enough - that prince had gone one step even further by asking him if Geralt knew how lucky he was to have him, after Jaskier had been singing about his self-worth issues when it came to relationships and his fear of never being good enough - or human enough - for a fellow human (or mutated human) partner.
He'd been listening to him.
He might have been born on land, and he might not have been immune to Jaskier's siren abilities, but Radovid still hadn't lost sight of who he was, nor been tempted to start obsessing about owning him or treating him like a prized possession.
And so, Jaskier tentatively begins to allow himself to hope...
Until Radovid does something truly unexpected that none of his prior human, elven or dwarven suitors or lovers had ever done before...
Learn his song.
Sirens are typically immune to the power that another siren's voices carry... until they fall in love.
One of the ways to know if a fellow merperson is alterously or romantically drawn to you is to sing back one of their own melodies to them, and see how they will respond.
Should they feel that instinctive, near irresistible pull towards the melody, and vice versa, then the two sirens will often start trying to discover and explore different ways they can learn to harmonize and use their voices to complement each other's, and create new shared melodies that will resound through the sea.
And, for the very first time in his life, Jaskier finally understands how people feel when they listen to him sing.
Despite the fact that the "siren's melody" being sung back to him is a human song he wrote, with human lyrics, accompanied by human instruments...
Despite the fact that Radovid himself is most definitely not a siren but very much human - fumbling a bit with Jaskier's lute, visibly nervous, too shy to allow his voice to rise above a whisper...
To Jaskier, it's the most beautifully mesmerizing "siren's melody" he's ever heard in his existence! It's filled with warmth, love, understanding, a promise of unconditional acceptance and safety...
It's absolutely intoxicating, he can barely breathe, feels like he's on the very edge of losing his sanity, and it takes all the power he has to avoid launching himself right at him!
And if a human can make him feel this way singing back to him a song filled with poetry and lyrics - rather than a classic, traditional siren's melody - then maybe there's never been anything wrong with Jaskier or the way he's always preferred to sing!
His people made him feel unwanted, but the sea never did! It probably would have been welcoming to a lute-playing merman singing like a bard, if his people hadn't been such close-minded arses!
Jaskier feels at home on land and has never once regretted his choice, but maybe he still has a right to also be a child of the sea, regardless of him having ultimately chosen a pair of legs over his fins!
And maybe Radovid would love to see parts of his old home some day - even if they can only access the surface of it, rather than go explore everything hidden in the water's depths (unless Yennefer has a spell that would allow Radovid to breathe under water as he does. Because Jaskier would never trust a sea witch with Radovid's life!).
And if Jaskier himself can be mesmerized by Radovid's song and feel like he would let that man lead him anywhere and do whatever he wants with him, without any desire to own and control him; maybe he'd simply been trying to connect with the wrong people.
Radovid is the first person he's ever met that seems to be able to connect with both the human and the siren part of him. And when Jaskier offers to help him work on his lute playing and singing, what he's truly saying is that he wants them to learn to harmonize their voices together and create their own melodies...
It's an intimate need Jaskier still has, and he's finally found himself a mate that appears to fully get him, and be able to fulfil those needs.
Of course, then the whole mess with Cirilla happens, and for a moment there Jaskier loses faith that any of it was ever real!
Who was he kidding!? The Redanian Intelligence kept insisting that they knew everything about everyone! Maybe they'd figured out Jaskier used to be a merman, done their research, noticed that Jaskier "fancied" the prince, and instructed him to surprise him and trick him into lowering his defenses, by courting him the way a fellow merman would!
He really should have known!
But then, when he finds Radovid alone, lost, and hiding, he realizes that Radovid had never meant to trick or hurt him.
Radovid had just been genuinely afraid, and trying to deal with the threat of a looming war as best he could by seeking Ciri's help.
And now, the war he'd attempted preventing from happening had begun, he'd clearly internalized Jaskier's earlier blame, and that spoon of a man was sufficiently bonded to him by now that he might just allow himself to be captured and killed if he doesn't do something about it!
And then, Jaskier himself might end up symbolically 'washing ashore' somewhere and letting himself die of heartbreak, for fuck's sake!
Because merpeople are dramatic as fuck and they feel the loss of friends and family in a way that's devastatingly sharp. Being rejected by a queerplatonic or romantic partner - or having them die on them - is the worst type of injury one could inflict upon them!
When he'd sung about having also survived, no thanks to Geralt, he'd fully meant it! That loss had nearly killed him!
If he wants to survive this, he needs to figure out a way to keep Radovid safe, and then make sure that Geralt and the rest of his family are safe also, because he doesn't know how he'd manage to continue to live in this world if the war ends up taking everything from him in a way where all hope would be lost of ever getting any of them back!
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chimkin-samich · 1 year
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Redesigning the merboys! Heres Sun first!
Based off a lion fish, from head to tail hes about 8’6
Hes the most acrobatic and agile of the 3, as well as longer than Moon but not by much
Also has the venomous spines like a lionfish on his dorsal fin, lower side fins and on his elbows, hes able go control if they eject venom or not but if he gets startled they can still eject a small amount that causes alot of pain and sickness
His old design is going to be under a read more
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moonbaby26 · 5 months
Title: Abduction
(Chapter 9 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader, Doflamingo x Sir Crocodile
Chapter Warnings: language, violence, blood, murder (not main characters), toxic/controlling relationships, reader’s implied past abuse
Chapter Synopsis: You chose to interfere and save the life of someone who had nothing to do with you. But like plucking one strand of a spider’s web to call the predator to its prey, an irreversible chain reaction has now started. Doflamingo is goaded by his own past as well, forcing him to refuse even your temporary release from him this time.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10
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At least you hadn’t had to wonder long on if you’d misjudged the strangers’ intentions with the girl. Though if you hadn’t been so sure, your own body wouldn’t have reacted near as strongly as it had. 
The look in that girl’s eyes was the same fear you’d seen on the faces of girls and boys just like yourself so many times. That last glance before they’d be pulled away into rooms with strange men, or onto ships with chains then around their wrists and ankles.
You’d been a rare survivor of that kind of childhood. And just like in Sabaody with the little merboy, you could never walk away once that realization of another child’s fear hit you.
And of course, all your intent was so clear in your own body language as well. Even in a sleek and beautiful dress you never would have chosen. Even in the mask, the heels, and the expensive jewelry you now wore, you were right back to being a fighter.
So the very moment you’d slid in front of that group to block their path and announced yourself as a marine captain with questions for them, they had also not hesitated in the slightest to deal with you.
But the flash of gunmetal and blades all at once from beneath so many equally expensive clothes also unlocked your last restraints.
Because they weren’t World Government contractors then. Even Cipher Pol agents would have just told you to stand down and mind your own business once knowing you were a marine.
These strangers willingness to kill a marine officer without you so much as laying a hand on them first made the situation more than clear. 
They were either pirates or some kind of mercenaries then, and everything was completely fair game as the ballroom erupted into the echoes of gunfire and screams.
It actually helped you by the way they aimed only for your chest as well. You didn’t have to worry about bystanders being grazed then and could focus your armament as strong as able in that one place to catch those first shots.
Not that it didn’t hurt immensely though. The force from the bullets spread out like miniature shockwaves through your rib cage and organs regardless.
You missed the freedom of movement of your normal skirt and the weight of your usual boots too. But you had to improvise, working as fast as you could with no weapon but your hands and feet as you tried for one or two hit KO’s against them.
The sooner you could down each opponent, the less chance of additional hostages being taken or a stray bullet burying itself into one of those rich socialites.
Tables were crashing over, glassware shattering, and floors cracking as you all chased one another around. Six of them versus one of you.
But you felt like a dog on a short chain, moving in a tight circle to still keep yourself between them and the girl all the while.
Besides their weapons, you were just lucky at how weak they really were. But it did take so much haki to fully stop those bullets every time. A resource that was absolutely not limitless to you, as you still counted the enemies down as they fell one after another to your hardest hits.
By the time only one of the attackers was still standing, it wasn’t a coincidence that he’d been the last one up. He was stronger than the others you realized, and he hadn’t been hiding behind a gun. He had a sword that’d come from within his long coat. 
This entire battle had transpired in just moments though. From the time the first shot rang out to the time it was just you and him as you understood that his mission had changed.
He was going to strike the girl down, call this transport botched, and that be the end of it you were sure. And he would absolutely cut you down to get to her.
You’d been an idiot to leave your rope dart behind with your things at the villa. Weapons had been checked for at the doors here as they weren’t allowed. But obviously those rules could be skirted as he came for you with that long blade.
The first strike you did block anyway. His sword contacting your forearm as the girl trembled in shock behind you. But with the way it still did sting just barely through your armament coating, you already knew how in trouble you really were. That hit had actually kissed your real flesh.
Your coating was quickly thinning. You’d used too much, too fast in the speed of this incident.
And this man actually knew how to use a sword. Or maybe he was a fruit user. Something already felt off in your arm then as you still had no choice but to let the next swing of the weapon come. If you had truly dodged it, the girl would have been struck instead.
As it was, the blade missed your torso by only the thickness of your dress’s fabric that time. Not breaking your skin, but tearing a large swipe into the material as you’d backed into the girl as her shield. 
On the remaining downswing, that falling sword did not miss your leg however.
But that was also the one chance you’d seen for your opening for a counter strike. Even as you felt the searing pain as he did break through your armament over your thigh, you’d still punched as hard as you could while his sword was down. The last bits of your haki diverted into your fist to make it count.
You felt your attacker’s nose break as he went flying backwards. The bloody sword along with him as you immediately fell to one knee while your leg went completely numb.
“No!” The girl was sobbing aloud at last then. You felt her pulling at your dress as if to catch you. But she’d fallen down too of course, and was then crawling to come around you.
She must have thought he’d fully succeeded in amputating your leg. But that leg was still there as you were already trying to put pressure on the massive gash atop your thigh. The blood was flowing out readily, so warm against your hands.
But she would have been killed if you hadn’t done exactly this.
You realized she knew that too as she desperately started to try and tear pieces from her own dress. “Please…I can make a tourniquet. I’m so…I’m so sorry.” Her face was absolutely contorted in fear, grief, and guilt as you watched her in a bit of surprise.
For her age, that girl now doing anything other than just sitting there in continued tears and shock was unusual. She was actually trying to help.
But your heart was racing yourself. You realized you couldn’t feel your arm any longer either even though it had only been nicked. Everywhere that sword had broken the skin had gone fully unresponsive now. It wasn’t normal. But you needed to concentrate on the blood loss first. You didn’t think it’d gotten into any artery, but if you couldn’t close the wound… 
As you were thinking all of this, still trying to slow the bleeding with both your hands and the makeshift bindings from both your dress and the girl’s, you saw her eyes widen again as she looked back up from your wound.
The sound of footsteps crunching over broken glass behind you had you immediately trying to stand and turn in defense. Who had you missed? As if you could even fight one on one now though.
You couldn’t even stand to your own surprise, body so uncooperative as the girl got between you and those footfalls instead.
“Leave her alone! Please! Just take me! Don’t hurt anyone else! I won’t run again!” She was begging as she tried to hold her arms out as if that alone could shield you.
You would have used your still working arm to grab and throw her honestly. She was thin and light enough. You would have yelled at her to go for one of the exits. But as you looked over your shoulder to see what was coming, your resolve wavered.
Every other bystander had fled in the chaos. Doflamingo alone now stalked across that field of broken glass, looming with his hands in his pockets as you first saw the deep scowl across his face.
Your own mind did not react with any relief to that aura which preceded him. You understood the girl’s fear innately. Everything in that man’s body language now spoke of danger, not rescue.
So much so in fact, that you nearly threw her anyway. 
But there wasn’t enough time. You grabbed the girl and pulled her back behind you instead as she yelped. Still at least keeping yourself between her and the warlord before that man’s long legs brought him to stand easily before you again.
The sheer contempt in his expression only felt like the pirate from years before though. The same one you’d once watched from binoculars on Tsuru’s ship as he’d slit the throats of rival pirates with one swipe of his strings before you could reach them. 
You were absolutely at his mercy.
“And what was your plan after all of this?” His cold voice finally asked as you still shielded the girl.
“Doffy…” The word left your mouth before you had even bid it. As if he had physically drawn it out of you while your heart still pounded.
The feeling was indescribable. Fear, but something else too. You knowing full well what the sight of blood did to him, but trying to call him in to you all the same, to wake him up. You had no one else that could help you now. The only one who could save you from him…was him.
You saw that resulting twitch of his mouth at the sound of your plea too. His involuntary response to your own voice.
And suddenly he was crouched down right in front of you even with a then emerging sneer.
The girl gripped to you harder in her surprise, still behind you as Doflamingo roughly pulled the scraps of fabric away that you and she had tried unsuccessfully to put over your wound.
Your blood smeared thick across his hand as his fingers moved across the deep gash. But you could feel none of it, just watching as his strings emerged. 
His movements were so precise, fingers edging in a criss cross pattern to pull the wound slowly back together with those same strings. 
And once it was closed, he used both hands to surprisingly gently reposition your leg. Making the limb extend and raise, circling his hand above and below your thigh as more strings laid down around it. In the same texture as the softest cotton bandaging actually as your good arm moved to touch it lightly with your hand in curiosity once he was done. 
He stared at you afterward and you could still feel that tension radiating from him. But it was gradually changing.
“You’ll really throw your body away for any brat in need won’t you?” He asked, with his face so close to yours again. 
And you felt like he was either going to bite you or kiss you in that next moment as he remained so conflicted, confused even.
But with the way his mouth still shifted as he tried to choose between the two, you saw even one more emotion. Something you hadn’t noticed before.
And you were sure you must be misreading him. 
Because he couldn’t. He didn’t. Not for you at least. Warlords didn’t show weakness that way. Pirates didn’t even care. And a true monster would never feel fear or panic. Not just for watching a nothing like you be cut down right in front of them anyway.  
Was he actually shaken? Even the slightest afraid?
His hand was still so protectively grasped to your leg after making that bandage. Even as you did close that last gap for him on your own instinct, kissing him quickly before that complicated feeling he was trying to understand could be buried with further violence.
And that poor little girl must be so confused herself. Maybe she’d even regret being rescued by such a mess of a human being like you. 
Doflamingo didn’t break the kiss once started either, even as you all heard more people coming. He actually only leaned in further, capturing you by the back of the head to press you in tighter to his mouth as the new voices finally came.
“Princess Vivi!” They shouted. “Oh thank fate, she’s here! Tell the king! She’s alive! Princess!”
Royal guards were running in one after another as you and the pirate finally ended that intimacy to look towards the commotion. But he didn’t let you go fully, with his hand still on your thigh. Nor did he stand.
He was absolutely still looking defensive, staying close as the guards surrounded you all.
But the girl did walk forward, quick to yell back to them. All those fresh tears were still wet on her face, even if they were now those of relief. “Stand down! This marine saved me! It’s alright. Everything is all right!”
And you did see the guards lowering their weapons immediately at her words. But in that distraction, apparently your most recent victim had been playing possum all the while.
You heard the additional sound as a few guards fell, the swordsman that had nearly taken your leg then up and muscling past them. But only with the intent to flee, quickly disappearing through the doors to the outside before any other could stop him.
At that, Doflamingo did growl and immediately stood to follow. Which you were still surprised by that intense of a response from him. They hadn’t done anything to him directly after all. And he certainly didn’t care about any random princess.
But again, you saw that strange moment of hesitation in him. The reflex to chase new prey so strong for him. Yet he glanced back at you, still seated there on the floor with those stains of blood around you. And you visibly saw as he changed his mind, tension shifting in his shoulders as he raised his hand instead.
It was the bloody hand that had tended to your wound.
Strings flew out from those red fingertips as the guards looked to him in renewed concern. But those strings only coiled tightly, falling to the ground. They formed feet, then legs, a torso, and quickly an entire copy of the warlord himself as he unleashed it with an all new scowl and the hiss of the words, “Black knight.”
You had never seen the creation of one of his string clones. Amazed how truly you could not tell the visual difference as the clone took on Doflamingo’s same current expression, leaping right over the stunned guards and disappearing out of the ballroom on the same path as the escaping stranger.
The agent had hidden themselves in a nondescript alleyway. Pleading in the dark to the one on the other end of that transponder snail as blood still ran from his broken nose.
“You were supposed to kill the girl immediately if she could not be transferred to the harbor. But I needed her dead by the end of all of this regardless.” That heartless voice responded coldly once more.
Followed by the sheer desperation from the subordinate, tone both nasally and muffled by his still bleeding face. “We tried, boss! I don’t even understand. The princess wasn’t supposed to have any other bodyguards. It was some bitch, I don’t know. She said she was a marine. But we had the girl. We took out the princess’s attendants just like you said to and took her. I paralyzed them with my power. It was all six of us. That should have been plenty, but-“
“You all couldn’t shoot or cut down even one marine after that?”
“I only got two hits on her with my paralyze cut. She fell, but she wasn’t alone either. Some tall ass guy showed up.”
“Then you should have finished the job. You said your devil fruit never fails.”
“But boss, really…I mean, They shot her so many times. It did nothing! It was like haki or some shit. What was I supposed to do?”
“You keep shooting and cutting, you fool! No marine short of an admiral can keep up armament forever. It would have broken, and she would have died. But now the princess will be under much heavier guard going forward. Your incompetence has cost me dearly today. It won’t be happening again.”
“No! Boss, please!”
“I’ll be sending other agents to clean this up. Run if you wish like those before you. It will be pointless. Consider your contract terminated.”
But a new voice had joined in just as suddenly before the call could disconnect. “Oh, I’ll save you both the time and effort.”
“Boss! It’s the tall guy, the one from-”
The sound of a person being sliced into pieces in mid sentence was certainly a distinct one. Followed by the briefest silence as Sir Crocodile’s contemptuous expression hardly changed.
He merely stared down at his snail, cigar smoke wafting up from his place at his desk within the basement of the Rain Dinners casino in Alabasta.
For a single moment, he’d hoped he hadn’t actually recognized that new voice. But that hope immediately died on the vine like all else in the next words from the uninvited.
“You picked the wrong night, you greasy prick. Take your cheap ass agents elsewhere. I’m working this island right now.” The string clone grumbled, now standing over its handiwork of the fresh kill.
“Doflamingo.” Crocodile bit further into his cigar. Body bristling with that physical abhorrence to just the confirmed sound of the other’s vile tone and everything it still represented to him. “Why are you even there? You goddamned freak. And helping marines no less…”
“Why are you trying to pick up little girls for quick cash? Are you that destitute again already? Do you need another loan from a real businessman, Croc?”
“I owe you nothing anymore. And I won’t ever again.”
The resulting dark laugh at that indignation reverberated low and menacing from the string clone. “Oh, like you didn’t enjoy paying it back to me…and with interest. You miss it don’t you? No one can fill you like I did.”
“You never get any less disgusting.” Came the hateful reply. “And you aren’t half as good as you think you are. But do stay delusional, Heavenly Demon.”
There was no quicker way to get under Doflamingo’s own skin of course. Even through proxy as the clone sneered, that ego prodded as he straightened up immediately. “Your moans for me said different, you sandy bitch. But here’s the thing. You do owe me something again now.”
“For goddamn what?” Crocodile growled. “I haven’t taken a single beri from you in years.”
“Your stooges shot the woman I was there with. You drew blood from something that belongs to me. How are you going to make that up to me?”
And Crocodile scoffed immediately. “Sounds like a mercy killing if some poor woman only had your company to endure. Just go buy another like you always do. Enjoy the complimentary syphilis or chlamydia to go along with it.”
The string clone hissed, even the forehead veins bulging in a realistic way. “You dumb motherfucker…you’re still not understanding. I wasn’t there with some call girl. I’m not talking about a worthless bystander. Your dead idiot already told you. They shot and cut that marine. It didn’t kill her because your men are trash. But you’re on my claim now. And you know I don’t let anyone take what’s mine. If you want me to fix this how I see fit, then that’s fine. Vice Admiral Momonga’s nearby. I can have a nice chat with him tonight about that dance powder you’ve been looking for can’t I? As if you could really buy it from outside of my network. And that Nefertari bitch you thought you could ransom and kill? I’m sure they’d love to know that too. Or were you going to ‘discover’ and defeat her killers yourself to get more on her daddy’s good side? I swear you might as well be fucking him too. You kiss ass, traitor.”
And Crocodile sat there for a moment. Truly awestruck at this mix of idiocy and true madness that had just graced his ears. “…Do you even goddamn hear your own words anymore? If only you’d drown yourself one day like the original Narcissus story.” He grumbled, the sheer audacity of it all seeming overwhelming as well. “So you’re now bedding marines too? As if that won’t blow up right in your face, you pathetic nymphomaniac.”
Crocodile kept on though, just getting louder in his responding anger, “You still think your cock alone can turn anyone into another of your sycophants? Please. You’re no gift from the gods, I assure you. You’re just another pirate who got lucky one too many times. And that over confidence will bite you in the ass someday. You’re going to fall like a house of cards then. And I hope we’re all still alive to see you hit every rung of that ladder on your way back down it.”
“Keep dreaming. Everything you do is only an imitation of what I’ve already accomplished!” Doflamingo spat back. “You should have given in and just become my subordinate ages ago. You’re going to bite off more than you can chew and choke on it without me to bail you out anymore.”
Crocodile was truly furious then. That implication of still not being responsible for his own success pushing him over that final edge of his composure. “Do not think for one fucking second that I owe anything I’ve achieved to you!”
“You tried to sleep your way to the top with me, Croc. Fucking own it! You got paid well for it, didn’t you!? But you stopped too soon. I could have taken you even higher.”
“I’d sooner gut myself on my own hook than ever come back to you, you degenerate bird!”
“Well, mess with that marine again and I’ll do it for you! I never minded rearranging your guts. But I can tear them out to show them to you just as fucking easily!”
“Go back to hell! If she has a functioning brain at all, that marine will escape you at first opportunity. You’ll be in Impel Down when she inevitably betrays you. In fact, I’ll be rooting for her now. I may even send her sympathy flowers, despite what she’s cost me here! There’s nothing wrong with sharing a common enemy. Because I’m sure she’ll see it my way soon. Your charms are all too fleeting. You’re just a disgusting, clawing, parasite! And once that mask falls for good, no one would even be caught dead with you!”
And the string clone was trembling in its own resulting rage of course. Because it would always come to this. They could never keep from each other’s throats for long. So very different in their personalities, but all too similar as well in that competing pride which had bled into full blown hatred after this long. Neither would ever forgive the other. “You’re wrong as always. And I’m going to prove it. Watch for the news! She’s mine, like you could have been. You ungrateful shit!”
And the connection was broken as the string clone crushed the receiver from off of that snail before the doppelgänger unravelled back to nothing in the alleyway.
All that raw emotion went straight back to the original who’d been aware of every word the entire time. Like the ultimate ventriloquy act through the power of his devil fruit.
Doflamingo’s real hands were still trembling in anger as he dug his fingers into the top of his pants over his thighs, sitting beside you in the ballroom still.
He wasn’t walking away this time, regardless of when the other marines would finally come. You could be as pissed as you wanted to be. He’d had enough of hiding and being told what he could or couldn’t have…and being judged as the kind of man he was or was not.
This was his life, his choices. He’d been pushed too far tonight.
“Sir…I mean your highness, it’s perfectly alright. Really. I’m just waiting for my commanding officer and then we’ll get all these creeps put in his brig for you and be on our way.” You tried again, attempting to fend off King Cobra’s continued insistence on having you checked out by their royal doctor. 
Even after Doflamingo had said cryptically that the last assailant was ‘taken care of’, that dark implication still hadn’t dampened the new mood in the ballroom.
King Cobra couldn’t stop thanking you, and everyone seemed to be worrying over you like some kind of selfless hero in return now that things had settled while waiting for the marines. 
And honestly, it was kind of refreshing to realize that there was a king that could act this grateful in public. He did seem to truly love his daughter and be beside himself with relief that she had nothing more than a few scuffs and scrapes after the whole ordeal.
It’d definitely been a targeted and brazen attack as she hadn’t even been alone when she’d been taken either. Her father had been at a meeting elsewhere on the island when their villa had been raided and her attendants and guards all overcome. 
Apparently the kidnappers had run into more guards responding to those initial distress calls though, and their group had had to detour through the crowded ballroom to try and escape detection. As oblivious as the average noble was, it absolutely would have worked. Only you, as unsophisticated as you were, had noticed the trouble for what it was.
And you had no regrets at all for what you’d done. Vivi too had remained close afterward, fussing over you as well and asking question after question about how you’d learned to do these things. Princess or not, she was still eager and curious now that the danger had finally passed.
“Do you think I could kick like that one day?” She asked with that kind of sincerity that could only come from youth.
“I don’t see why not.” You smiled, picking on her about that blue and green feathered masquerade mask of her own. “Call it the peacock slice or something. I’m terrible with move names though.”
“Ah, hmm. The peacock kick maybe?” And she did raise her leg a little, just laughing as the two of you continued to joke.
Of course you hoped this devil fruit nonsense you’d been hit with would wear off soon so that you’d be kicking again too. After waking in the guards’ restraints, one of the other attackers had confessed how the power set of the one who had cut you worked.
That fruit user had cut you twice, which apparently numbed and paralyzed whatever they cut for at least hours at a time. So you had one useless leg and one useless arm for now. If he’d cut you in the chest though you may have stopped being able to breathe all together.
So it could have definitely been worse. But you still worried about one other thing entirely now.
Even after dealing with that one escapee, Doflamingo had chosen to remain here beside you. And you’d already used one of the guards’ snails to call Momonga who was on his way. 
Of course Vivi, her guards, and even King Cobra had already seen Doflamingo here. Vivi and the first guards to arrive had even seen that kiss you’d given him that he’d also returned. But you weren’t sure they realized who he actually was.
Yet even in the mask instead of his sunglasses, and the dark suit instead of all the hot pink feathers, you had no doubt that the marines would know him when seeing him up close.
Because no one looked like Donquixote Doflamingo…but Donquixote Doflamingo.
And then what were you to say? You didn’t understand what his plan was. He just seemed agitated. Brooding over something still, but tolerating everything in silence as you played with Vivi and repeatedly politely declined Cobra’s offers of assistance.
You felt like you were still being guarded by the warlord right now in front of these others. Which wasn’t fully insulting considering your current state. You wouldn’t even be able to walk on your own right now.
But this current silence from him just left you hoping that that trademark smooth talking bullshit of his would emerge whenever the marines did arrive.
Couldn’t he just say he’d been here on his own and that any sudden fight or violence was always going to pique his interest? That wouldn’t be so far fetched would it? He was already a king in a place for royalty. One who loved fighting so much that he personally oversaw brutal colosseum matches in his home country. So that story might work.
You wished he would have at least said something more to you though after that short word of him taking care of the escaped assailant. When he didn’t, you had just kept on with Vivi.
But kids weren’t stupid. Especially her you were finding as she did lean in and finally whisper in your ear. “I think your boyfriend is still really mad you got hurt maybe? My friend Pell says boys are bad at feelings.”
You felt the heat in your face immediately. But you still laughed at the surprise and innocence of it, making Doflamingo’s head at last turn at the rare sound of your laugh as he looked at you both.
“Your friend Pell sounds smart.” You responded at normal volume, knowing the warlord had not heard what the girl said.
“He is. He didn’t come to Scylla with us. I bet he comes next time after this though! He’s a good fighter too.” Vivi smiled back.
She was helping you relax. But for all your worrying about what to say or do when Momonga and the others would at last walk in, that didn’t end up being what you had to contend with first anyway.
Not at all as new voices erupted as you’d all been awaiting only the marines. 
You were finding that these supposed royal guards weren’t really worth a damn as several more people slipped right past them. Not with guns or swords this time. But in a way, almost something far worse as you saw that first flash bulb go off.
“King Cobra! Princess Vivi! We’re with the World Economic Journal!” The reporters clamored.
Cobra wasn’t far away at that moment, just with his guards again, confirming that all the remaining attackers were remaining properly restrained.
Vivi was right beside you however. Doflamingo on your other side, all three of you sitting on chairs in a row now as the press swarmed in to first get pictures of the scuffed up princess.
Fuck. You thought, albeit straightening up in your own seat immediately. You could see Vivi doing the same, but she grabbed your hand just as fast. And you realized she was helping you hide the fact that your arm was so limp for the cameras. Making it look better just that simply with her quick thinking to reposition it and hold your hand in clear solidarity.
She’d been trained as a princess, and you as a marine to both give a certain appearance to the public. Two completely different ends of the spectrum, but evidently complimentary here at least.
And their hunger for a story was as bad as anytime you’d ever been at the mercy of these vultures. Though normally never with such a direct role. After noteworthy or controversial deployments, the press would sometimes be found hounding for a picture or an official marine quote as you’d all be trying to reload Tsuru’s ship in port. The reporters hanging around the gangplank like scavengers, making the crew have to chase them off in order to actually depart.
You’d never spoken to them directly. 
“They said you’re a marine! Was this a planned undercover operation then? Did you rescue the princess alone!? Did a kidnapper escape!?”
And you were about to open your mouth only to say that they could direct all questions to Vice Admiral Momonga once a full investigation had been completed…the standard canned answer you’d been taught when not sanctioned to speak to them.
But the man at your other side finally came back to himself in that moment. At least on the outside as he had shifted in his chair. One of his legs subtly touching against yours when he did so. Against your paralyzed leg that you couldn’t move away from him as his arm then stretched out over the back of your chair as well.
His body language said everything of possession and your one working hand absolutely clenched against your knee in your shocked reaction. Your mind was beginning to panic even if your expression didn’t yet change.
He still wasn’t smiling though. But his voice was easily that charismatic, strong tone you’d hoped for again. The one that made everyone stop and listen as the camera lenses turned to him immediately.
But you hadn’t wanted it like this. He was feeding into them instead of helping to play this down. What was he trying to do?
“Her name is Captain (Y/N).” Doflamingo spoke. “She defeated them all unassisted. One was not properly detained by these guards. I handled him after his escape.”
And you were hearing the camera shutters clicking all the while as he spoke for you. 
You could even see the focused looks in the reporters faces. They were trying to place him. They all knew by now that he was someone important. With that aura again forming, this sway he had over the room as soon as he’d chosen to be present and back outside of his own head again. 
“Your name, sir!?” One reporter finally asked.
And even Vivi was looking past you in curiosity then as you took a breath.
That smug smirk did cut across his face in response. He was letting the drama build.
You felt his fingers grace across your bare shoulder with the style of your dress too, from his arm that was over the back of your chair as it actually moved down. And there wasn’t a goddamn thing you could do about it in that moment.
“Donquixote Doflamingo.” The warlord announced himself.
The gasps went around the room as the camera flashes absolutely went wild again. The reporters were writing furiously in their little notebooks as well.
“King Donquixote!” “Are you here with the marines!?” “Was this a warlord assignment!?” “Has Dressrosa allied with Alabasta Kingdom!?” They all asked in competing shouts for his attention.
And as you stared across the room, you saw Vice Admiral Momonga now standing with his stunned officers beside an equally surprised looking King Cobra. 
Doflamingo’s hand only tightened even further on your bare shoulder at Momonga’s arrival however. That bit of your dried blood still coloring those long fingers.
The pirate was giving you no option, no warning as the fear grew further in your chest. How far was he going to go? You couldn’t stand from the chair, you couldn’t even walk away from him.
He knew that.
“I was here on pleasure, not business.” And he was beginning to smile truly then, fully understanding everything that he was doing to you now. “Dressrosa needs no alliances to prosper. We’re already wealthier and thriving more than we ever have been. But-“
His head turned to look down at you with renewed emphasis.
“This particular marine has impressed me as of late. Saving Princess Nefertari here is just the tip of the iceberg I assure you in what (Y/N) is capable of. So in recognition of this, I’m formally inviting her to Dressrosa. That’s the only alliance I’m interested in right now.”
He hadn’t even called you a captain there. He’d just said your goddamn name like it was already so informal. Which of course it was to him…but not in front of everyone. Not in a fucking press conference as you felt how uneven your breath was becoming. Momonga and his officers were still outright staring now, completely taken aback.
Was this what the beginnings of a panic attack felt like?
And Doflamingo must think that even then his intentions weren’t obvious enough here.
He wanted everyone to know.
Because with that quick dexterity that so few could have managed, his other hand had already grabbed yours. Specifically your paralyzed one, slipping it right from Vivi’s grip as if the girl had never had it at all. 
He was that entirely smooth in that quick movement. You couldn’t pull your arm back away from him if you’d tried.
“Doflamingo.” You finally hissed.
And you saw that dark smile in response. “Too late.” He whispered back.
And the King of Dressrosa brought your hand to his lips as he kissed the top of it in front of the flashes of those cameras. “Dressrosa would be lucky to have you.” He said louder for them to hear again. “What do you say, Captain?” 
You heard Vivi make a noise to your other side. Not a negative one either. It was almost an excited squeak. But the girl was too young to understand. This was not a romantic gesture on his part at all. This was not a fairytale or any proposal of lifelong happiness. 
You could lose everything you had fought for just from this abrupt power play. 
But if you humiliated Doflamingo in such a public forum by fighting back or even verbally rejecting him at all, the outcome would have been as certain as signing your own death certificate and likely those of your friends as well.
You knew that every single click of those cameras could be an image that Big News Morgans might print for the entire world by morning. Anything you did now would be eternal on the printed page. You wouldn’t be able to take it back. 
But for all your own fear and anger for being singled out this way…you still didn’t hate him.
And you couldn’t hurt him.
“Warlord Doflamingo…King Donquixote.” You said so very carefully. Somehow finding your own voice by adrenaline alone, as he still held your hand in that illusion of the interested gentleman suitor before the world.
“You are already my ally by the balance of powers that the marines have made and maintain with the warlords. And as the leader of the World Government nation of Dressrosa as well…of course it is also my duty to support you and your people however requested.”
Your heart felt like it was going to beat its way out of your chest. You were waiting for him to still be angry. You knew the neutrality and almost cowardice you were choosing in your words here. But you were still trying to save yourself without sacrificing his pride.
But that false warmth in his response did not hesitate. Not for even a moment. “Then I’m asking you to head a new marine post that we’re going to establish in Dressrosa, Captain. Actually…I’m asking you to return to Dressrosa with me when my ship leaves port tomorrow. We can scout locations for this new post immediately once we reach my home country.”
He was going to take you anyway. 
And he was telling everyone here in real time, daring a soul to do a thing to stop it.
Vivi’s attempted kidnapping had been accompanied with all the dramatics of fighting and gunfire, and still been thwarted by you alone.
Yet your own abduction was now happening with only hollow words and camera flashes in front of an entire crowd who had every eye on you and this pirate. And no one moved to help you at all. No one even tried.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
108 notes · View notes
merakiui · 1 year
Mer eggs anon here and Mera-
I just had to bring the idea to you that one fool proof way to excite the merboys is pulling their ties/scarves
Be it flustering them unexpectedly, pulling them to your height for a threat or whatever They would simply melt for it
I can practically hear Floyd going "Oooo do that more~" if you pull him down and angrily scold him (I feel like depending on his mood but also it feels like a 9 times out of 10 he would perk up from a bad mood cause its interesting)
And I feel like Jade would enjoy it too- just smug boy teasing back
Every version of Azul would fucking melt like butter if you pulled him down like that and I refuse to believe differently
Also hiding your faces behind a hat for a kiss? I EAT THAT SHIT UP
Fun fact about your beloved egg man
I am a sucker for people in suits- Women, Men, NBs and the ones who are neither
Signing off
Mer Eggs Anon
OMG YES AAAAAAAAA I'm also so weak for tugging on the ties/scarves!!!! Imagine if it's in omegaverse as well... orz small omega darling who drags the alpha tweels down to their height and they let you do it because ooooo you're so cute when you're demanding and taking control!!! >0< omg and Azul becoming flustered... yes yes!!! He absolutely tries to remain composed, but then you're hiding him and yourself behind his fedora while you kiss him and it's over for Azul!!! He explodes. <3
I like to think Jade does this the most because he likes being coy and teasing you. Floyd will just kiss you outright; he's huge on PDA. Azul's somewhere in between. He wants everyone to know you're his, but he also has a classy image to uphold and he doesn't want to overdo it. If he's feeling it, he definitely takes you aside and kisses you behind his hat hehe. Although it's a different story if he's jealous. He's far more bold then.
And suits!!!!! Aaaaa suits my beloved!!! You have wonderful taste, mer eggs!! Suits are so pretty and handsome! Have you seen the beautiful suits the twst cast wear for the Disney 100 Years merchandise!!!! >v< it's very lovely hehe!!
90 notes · View notes
pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku Fic Recs MerMay 2023
archive of our own
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW … still check tags.
Art not mine … by @fihella
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Disaster is My Love Language by @mjbunnyluv
Summary: Izuku, a marine biologist, rescues a struggling merman caught in a net. Once pulled out of the water and brought to the wildlife rehabilitation center where he works, it appears the mer's injuries are worse than he thought. While aggressive and furious that he has been forced into captivity, Katsuki slowly comes around to the idea that being taken care of isn't so bad.
Mer!Baku x Human!Deku
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Against the Course by bundie
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki is an expert on mer and he's sworn to protect them from pirates and poachers. He joins a pirate crew to sabotage their hunt and comes across the most beautiful mer he'd ever seen. He's forced to drastic measures to protect Deku, even at the cost of his own life.
Mer!Deku x Human!Baku
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Sharks and ocean predators by @silverynight
Summary: He's ready to dive in, when he sees a very weird black and dark orange fin, it looks like a shark's. He knows sharks are not usually aggressive, but he doesn't want to upset it, so he decides to stay on the boat for a while, hoping it doesn't see anything interesting and decides to go away.
However, the shark doesn't go, instead it bumps into Izuku's small boat a couple of times until the green haired boy falls into the water.
Izuku closes his mouth and opens his eyes to see the creature and realizes that's not a shark but a merman; he's never seen one like him before. Uraraka's fin is completely different from his; from the waist down he looks like a black shark and the rest of him looks like a blond boy with red eyes, sharp teeth and well built body.
Mer!Baku x Human!Deku
Complete | 2 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
to the Touch by meteormind
Summary: With those huge green eyes beading with pearly tears, he looked about as threatening as a limpet with its shell torn off. Katsuki squinted at the waving tentacles, wondering how they tasted, remembering the crunching chew he'd had the chance to appreciate the rare times he'd cornered a few of those shy creatures.
Then he remembered that he couldn't eat mer. It was frowned upon. Katsuki glared down at the merboy, his excitement fading into disappointment when he realized he probably wouldn't even get to punch something. "The hell are you lookin’ at?"
"S-sorry! It’s not-I wasn't trying to spy on you or a-a-anything!" the boy said at last, throwing his many squiggly appendages about his face. "I-I-I—"
Oh. It was a loser!
🦐 pistol shrimp katsuki x dumbo octopus izuku 🐙
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Wild on the Beach by EpicKiya722
Summary: Rumi and Izuku, a pair of merpeople raised by caring couple Inko and Hisashi, find themselves interested into some new humans that arrived on the beach. The interest is very mutual.
Mer!Deku x Human!Baku
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
𓇼Collectors Item𓇼 by BeanQueen_29
Summary: Mer!Izuku X Human!Katsuki
It was by chance that Katsuki had caught wind of the markets having collected a creature they coded as a "Sea Naiad" or “Son of Nereid”.
He was just closing in on a deal of his new purchase of one of the rarest fish found in Japan waters; The Elusive Oarfish, otherwise known as ‘Ryugu no tsukai’.
Originally, he only heard the name "Ryugin Decedent" getting thrown around, but after making his investigation of this new rarity of the sea the markets seem fond of keeping hidden, the more intrigued he became. Especially when the names started to become eerily specific.
A Sea Naiad.
They caught merfolk.
And as a collector of Legend-Becoming (going extinct), it would be unwise to not let such an absolute specimen slip through his fingers and into the hands of another greedy buyer.
— — —
Or Katsuki, a man with unbelievably deep pockets, is a collector and a mermaid he later names Izuku is up for purchase. A lot of unexpected developments come between them, and it's more than just simple curiosity and admiration of each-other’s mind. But of the body too.
Incomplete | 3/? Chapters
Rated - Explicit
A completely irresponsible conservation effort by McAlli
Summary: Izuku fucks Mer Katsuki.
That's it. You saw the tags. You know what's in here.
Mer Baku x Human Deku
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
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tinygryphon-58570 · 1 year
What does Ash think of tarne?
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The baby of her two favourite merboys? She absolutely adores them <3
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violetduchess · 1 year
Thanks for the headcanon about obey me in mermaid au but what about Luke, Simeon, Solomon, Raphael, thirteen and metamorphosis role in mermaid au
I'm so very glad you asked anon. 😏 (I'm not familiar with the new members, but I'll try my best.) Continuation of <this>
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In this AU, the characters from Obey Me! are all mermaids living in an underwater world filled with magic and wonder.
1. Simeon is a graceful and elegant mermaid, known for his kind and gentle nature. He spends his days tending to his garden of seaweed and sea flowers, and he often shares his harvest with his friends and neighbors.
2. Solomon is a powerful sorcerer and merman, feared and respected by many. He uses his magic to protect his home and those he cares about, but he also enjoys experimenting with new spells and potions in his underwater laboratory.
3. Luke is a curious and adventurous merboy, always eager to explore new parts of the ocean and discover new creatures. He has a special bond with the sea turtles and often swims with them, marveling at their grace and wisdom.
4. Mephistopheles is a mischievous and playful merman, known for his love of pranks and practical jokes. He is often seen riding on the backs of dolphins and sea lions, laughing and causing mayhem wherever he goes.
5. Thirteen is a beautiful and mysterious mermaid, with long flowing hair and a mesmerizing voice. She spends much of her time singing and playing her harp, enchanting all who hear her music.
Together, the mermaids and mermen of the Devildom create a vibrant and diverse underwater community, filled with magic, wonder, and adventure.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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the-red-butterfly · 1 year
Ok i am so so intrigued by ur au. How did joey come to exist. Is addi a beautiful mermaid that happened to catch slades eye one day? Is slade a sailor or a lighthouse keeper? Does joey have any lil siblings. How does he live with slade if he does. If you have any more info/hcs on this au i would love to hear them!
Because you're the first to ask me about this AU, I will admit I went a little crazy and did a whole bunch of things instead of just ONCE doodle like I probably should've XD
Here's storytime for you thought 😌
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I forced myself to NOT think too much about what I was doing or worry too much about the end product. God know's it is hard for me to do!
Answer to your first two questions is up there✨
-Is Slade a sailor or a lighthouse keeper? Slade is just a regular old sailor. His house IS close to the sea though. But it's just a shabby, regular house.
-Does joey have any lil siblings? I HAVE toyed with that idea, and while things might change in the future, Rose does exists in this universe but she gives Slade crippling anxiety after "Joey dies." So he tries not to interact with her. The existence of Grant is still on the fence.
-How does he live with Slade if he does? Slade keeps him in the tub 👁 (Here's some visual representation of that and one of the first doodles I did of this AU 😂)
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-Any more info/hcs on this au? Ammmmm. My brain is a fired potato right now, I dunno 🙃
Oh! Wait! I do have two things to say. -Turning into a human when you are a merperson is extremely difficult and when achieved painful. So not only is Adeline a badass, she's smiling through being human like a CHAMP. -And yes, for anyone wondering, Adeline has just the ONCE dress he stole from some poor lady.
Thanks for the ask anon! I greatly enjoyed it and doodling out more things for my little world ✨
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richincolor · 11 months
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If you're looking for a few books to get you into the Halloween spirit this week, we put together three book lists earlier this year:
3 YA Black Horror Books for Spooky Season
Haunting Reads for Your TBR
Celebrating Women of Horror
And in case you've already seen all of those lists, here are six more books that came out recently that might also fill your Halloween needs:
The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
A Lesson in Vengeance meets The Taking of Jake Livingston in this page-turning YA horror/fantasy set in dark academia about a queer Black teen who discovers the sinister history of his boarding school and the corrupt powers behind it all. Regent Academy has a long and storied history in Winslow, Vermont, as does the forest that surrounds it. The school is known for molding teens into leaders, but its history is far more nefarious. Seventeen-year-old Douglas Jones wants nothing to do with Regent's king-making; he’s just trying to survive. But then a student is murdered and, for some reason, by the next day no one remembers him having ever existed, except for Douglas and the groundskeeper's son, Everett Everley. In his determination to uncover the truth, Douglas awakens a horror hidden within the forest, unearthing secrets that have been buried for centuries. A vengeful creature wants blood as payment for a debt more than 300 years in the making—or it will swallow all of Winslow in darkness. And for the first time in his life, Douglas might have a chance to grasp the one thing he’s always felt was power. But if he’s not careful, he will find out that power has a tendency to corrupt absolutely everything. A high-octane mystery of murder and magic for fans of Ace of Spades, House of Hollow, and Get Out!
And Don't Look Back by Rebecca Barrow
Harlow Ford has spent her entire life running, caught in her mother’s wake as they flit from town to town, hiding from a presence that Harlow isn’t even sure is real. In each new place, Harlow takes on a new name and personality, and each time they run, she leaves another piece of herself behind. When Harlow and her mom set off on yet another 3 a.m. escape, they are involved in a car accident that leaves Harlow’s mother fatally wounded. Before she dies, she tells Harlow two things: where to find the key to a safety deposit box and to never stop running. In the box, Harlow finds thirty grand in cash, life insurance documents, and several fake IDs for both herself and her mom—an on-the-run essentials kit. But Harlow also finds a photograph of her mom as a teenager with two other girls, the deed to a house in a town she’s never heard of, and a handful of newspaper clippings discussing the disappearance of a woman named Eve Kennedy, Harlow’s grandmother…relics of a part of Harlow’s life she never knew existed. With these tantalizing clues about her mother’s secrets and the power to choose her own future for the first time, Harlow realizes she has two choices: keep fleeing her mom’s ghosts or face down the nebulous threat that’s been hanging over her for her entire life.
Mermaids Never Drown: Tales to Dive For edited by Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker Feiwel Friends
14 Young Adult short stories from bestselling and award-winning authors make a splash in Mermaids Never Drown - the second collection in the Untold Legends series edited by Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker - exploring mermaids like we've never seen them before! A Vietnamese mermaid caught between two worlds. A siren who falls for Poseidon's son. A boy secretly pining for the merboy who saved him years ago. A storm that brings humans and mermaids together. Generations of family secrets and pain. Find all these stories and more in this gripping new collection that will reel you in from the very first page! Welcome to an ocean of hurt, fear, confusion, rage, hope, humor, discovery, and love in its many forms. Edited by Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker, Mermaids Never Drown features beloved authors like Darcie Little Badger, Kalynn Bayron, Preeti Chhibber, Rebecca Coffindaffer, Julie C. Dao, Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Adriana Herrera, June Hur, Katherine Locke, Kerri Maniscalco, Julie Murphy, Gretchen Schreiber, and Julian Winters.
Brooms written by Jasmine Walls & illustrated by Teo DuVall Levine Querido
It’s 1930s Mississippi. Magic is permitted only in certain circumstances, and by certain people. Unsanctioned broom racing is banned. But for those who need the money, or the thrills...it's there to be found. Meet Billie Mae, captain of the Night Storms racing team, and Loretta, her best friend and second-in-command. They’re determined to make enough money to move out west to a state that allows Black folks to legally use magic and take part in national races. Cheng-Kwan – doing her best to handle the delicate and dangerous double act of being the perfect “son” to her parents, and being true to herself while racing. Mattie and Emma -- Choctaw and Black -- the youngest of the group and trying to dodge government officials who want to send them and their newly-surfaced powers away to boarding school. And Luella, in love with Billie Mae. Her powers were sealed away years ago after she fought back against the government. She’ll do anything to prevent the same fate for her cousins. Brooms is a queer, witchy Fast and the Furious that shines light on history not often told – it’s everything you’d ever want to read in a graphic novel.
The Changing Man by Tomi Oyemakinde Feiwel & Friends
A teenage girl is pulled into investigating the truth behind her new boarding school’s decades-old legend in The Changing Man , this debut Young Adult speculative thriller by Tomi Oyemakinde Face front. Watch your back. BE BRAVE. If it was left to her, Ife Adebola wouldn’t be starting at Nithercott School. Because despite her being in the Urban Achievers scholarship program, her parents can barely afford the tuition. No matter who is trying to be friends with her, like her classmate Bijal, or how much the prestigious boarding school tries to pull her in, Ife is determined not to get caught up in any of it. But when another student, Malika, begins acting strange, Ife can’t help but wonder if there’s more going on at Nithercott than she realizes. Could there be any truth to the school’s decades-old legend of the Changing Man? Is there any connection to the missing older brother of her classmate, Ben? As more questions arise, Ife has no choice but to team up with Ben and Bijal to investigate. But can the trio act quickly enough to uncover who is behind everything, before one―or all―of them is the Changing Man’s next victim?
The Grimmer by Naben Ruthnum ECW Press
The small-town mysteries of John Bellairs are made modern with a dash of Stranger Things in this spine-tingling supernatural horror-thriller. After his father returns from treatment for addiction, highschooler Vish ― lover of metal music and literature ― is uncertain what the future holds. It doesn’t help that everyone seems to know about the family’s troubles, and they stand out doubly as one of the only brown families in town. When Vish is mistaken for a relative of the weird local bookseller and attacked by an unsettling pale man who seems to be decaying, he is pulled into the world of the occult, where witches live in television sets, undead creatures can burn with a touch, and magic is mathematical. Vish must work with the bookstore owner and his mysterious teenage employee, Gisela, to stop an interdimensional invasion that would destroy their peaceful town. Bringing together scares, suspense, and body horror, The Grimmer is award-winning author Naben Ruthnum’s first foray into the young adult genre. This gripping ride through the supernatural is loaded with vivid characters, frightening imagery, and astonishing twists, while tackling complex issues such as grief, racism, and addiction.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Me when Pinnie wants to go through my brain wrinkles:
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I loved what you did with the prompt ohmystars. Making me ascend after I read that 😤. My favorite thing to look at, along looking at being part of the 7% of the "Mind Blown" achievement from Baldurs Gate 3.
[BG3 my belovedethest.]
No no, it was a lovely prompt, and I had been dying for the right moment to get something done with the merboys, so really- Thenk! :7
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